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Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds…

Product Name: Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds…

Click here to get Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


You’re about to discover an ancient “Virility Tonic”…

That our ancient male ancestors drank daily…

To stay strong and powerful during the day…

And charged with passion at night… (1)

And inside this controversial new report I’m going to…

That could be a new male performance breakthrough…

That upgrades life almost overnight.

It quickly boosts natural T-production… *

And sets up a “support system” that reinforces healthy hormone balance… *

Regardless of age or what kind of shape someone might be in.

Indian cultures named it “smell of horse”. Because legend has it…

It’s even a star player in Kama Sutra…

An ancient guide to amazing sex.

Inside… couples were told to share this tonic to help ramp up libido… *

And enjoy maximum vitality and excitement between the sheets. (3)*

So if any guy wants to feel like a young buck…

And enjoy support for better male performance, libido and energy… *

Then lean in and read every word of this special report…

Because minutes from now…

I’ll reveal shocking research from Georgetown University Medical Center suggesting…

Common household products most men use everyday… may make it difficult to maintain optimal hormonal balance… (4)

But the exciting thing is…

Despite what society may say…

Guys can maintain high and healthy T-levels well into their 50s, 60s and 70s… *

And continue shedding body fat like they could years ago… *

And the powerful solution on this page — backed by the latest science — is safe, easy and may help support healthy T-levels so any guy can feel he’s in the good old days — but much better.

What I’m about to share has pissed off a lot guys…

Because for the first time, they realize there are powers at be that want to convert alpha men into girly boys…

But make sure to read all the way through…

Because research groups from Mumbai, India have recently discovered a tonic given to a “seer of the gods” 6000+ years ago… (7)

That supports male hormones… *

But before I reveal it to you…

Let me introduce myself…

Then reveal how nearly any guy can unlock this same kind of vitality, drive and health… *

Using a very simple yet powerful trick that goes to work rapidly.

Hi. My name is Chad Howse…

Author of The Man Diet — a best-selling book that gives men the formula to help boost T-levels naturally.

And over the past 7 years, I’ve helped thousands of men boost their performance, energy and virility… *

Enjoy playful libido on command…

And discover their purpose in life.

See — maintaining healthy T-levels is crucial for male performance…

And the male body is hard-wired to have A LOT of it…

Even as men get older, that doesn’t have to change. And I’ll share why in just a minute.

But first, now that you know who I am…

And how guys can use it to boost energy and support focus… *

Get an extra edge to help reshape a stubborn physique… *

And become the best version of themselves starting just days from now.

See — a few years ago I was waking up every morning dog-tired…

With little motivation and a LOT of stress…

Dragging myself to the gym 6 days a week…

But having nothing to show for it…

Actually — my body got flabbier the more I trained.

I tried new dieting fads that promised to boost my energy levels…

But I struggled to get going in the morning.

And it felt like every day ended on a low note.

I’d fall into bed… wishing my life was different…

After months of my body and life tumbling down a steep decline…

I buried myself in research to get to the bottom of what was happening…

And came across a large study from Baylor University Medical Center that nudged me to look into my hormone levels… (8)

So I went to the doctor to find out what was going on…

Because the blood work showed my male hormones weren’t thriving as much as they could have been…

And my cortisol levels weren’t where they needed to be either… at only 27 years old.

Let me explain what cortisol is really quickly…

Cortisol is a stress hormone that comes in handy during short, pressure situations…

Like sports competitions… or getting caught up in a fight…

And a study from the University of Chicago shows…

Gallup’s Annual Study Of Global Emotions found people today have a harder time managing stress now more than ever before in history… (10)

Which could make it challenging to keep T-levels and cortisol balanced.

Because the strategy I’m about to share has been shown by a study from Lucknow, India to support normal cortisol levels…

But higher-stress isn’t the only factor guys should be aware of…

Studies suggest that there are common household products that may disrupt optimal hormone balance.

According to studies from well respected universities — here’s what to watch out for…

Air fresheners…
Body spray…
bagd water…
Cash register receipts…
Canned foods or drinks…
Cell phone…
Chewing gum…
Chicken soup…
Dairy products…
Laundry detergent…
Non-organic fruit…
Non-organic meat…
Non-organic vegetables…
Plastic bags…
Plastic bags…
Plastic wrap…
Shaving cream or gel…
Sleep aids…
Soy products…
Toilet paper…
Vegetable oil…
Vinyl shower curtains and flooring…
And more… (12) (13) (14) (15)

Avoiding the products above may help support optimal T-levels…

So any guy can enjoy more energy instead of feeling tired in the afternoon…

And stay at the top of their game most days.

But the truth is just one look at this list and anyone can see…

A 6,092 year old herb… recorded by a “mystical seer” in ancient India…

That provides a “support system” for male hormones… *

And helps balance estrogen in a healthy way. *

We actually NEED estrogen in our bodies to function optimally. However…

Nowadays — men are exposed to more estrogen than ever before.

But the strategy on this page helps keep estrogen in check. *

While supporting optimal T-levels… *

So any guy can enjoy teenage-like energy… support sniper-like focus at all hours of the day… and feel like an animal in the gym and the bedroom… *

While their buddies slouch around on the couch like lazy sacks of potatoes.

But before I get there…

Let me share what happened after my doctor said my hormones were slightly “off”…

I tried to address it on my own.

And read one way to boost T and support stable hormonal balance is to get more micronutrients into my diet.

So I tried eating more vegetables… mainly green ones.

The reason is because green vegetables contain a chemical called indole-3…

And a study from North Shore-Long Island Jewish Research Institute found Indole-3…

It’s commonly found inside spinach, kale and bok choy…

An average serving of greens doesn’t have enough indole-3 to make a noticeable effect on the body… *

It would take MORE greens…

But read carefully. Because…

Eating more greens for the indole-3 is not the answer. In fact…

The reason is because vegetables are high in fiber…

And high levels of fiber may disrupt male hormone production.

This news was so shocking to the medical community that Los Angeles Medical Center ran a test to see if it could be replicated

And found the exact same result. (18)

Now don’t get me wrong…

Eating some greens isn’t a problem. But too many can be…

Never in a million years would I have thought to avoid plastic bags, mint toothpaste, and body wash to support an optimal hormone balance…

And if someone told me a while ago that eating too many vegetables might shift my T-levels in the wrong direction…

So I searched for ways to increase my greens intake without eating too many vegetables.

And the most common answer I found was to drink “greens powder” shakes… that are packed with vitamins and nutrients to maintain healthy T-levels — without all the fiber…

So I put down a large chunk of money on a popular greens supplement made for men and women.

But after chugging chalky, tasteless greens powders each morning for a month straight…

Trying to predict my mood was almost as hard as predicting lotto numbers…

Instead of feeling energized when I woke up in the morning…

I felt exhausted — like a battery that can’t hold a charge no matter how long it’s plugged into a power outlet.

So I took a closer look at the ingredients on the back of the greens powder bag…

And found out the main ingredients inside…

Were counter-productive to what I was trying desperately to achieve…

Because these ingredients could potentially increase estrogen…

For months I’d been plugging my nose, forcing down a nasty greens shake…

It was actually making me feel like LESS of the man I wanted to be.

So I scrambled through website after website — trying to find a greens powder that didn’t contain estrogenic ingredients…

But I couldn’t find ANY.

There wasn’t a single greens powder I could take in good conscience…

And certainly nothing that would help boost my T-levels.

For the first time in life…

But in the midst of it all…

To do something no one had ever done before…

And create my own greens solution for men.

That’s when I stumbled across a recipe inside an ancient ayurvedic text.

It was written down more than 6,000 years ago…

And contains herbal remedies for just about anything imaginable…

Even how to achieve optimal male hormones at practically every age. *

It’s called Ashwagandha…

And it contains a powerful alkaloid called withaferin A.

Which has androgenic properties… *

Androgens are hormones that take part in every man’s DNA.

And it’s the main ingredient inside Ashwagandha. (19)

When one consumes Ashwagandha…

It provides a nature-based dose of man-boosting hormone support… *

And it gets more exciting…

Because a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found Ashwagandha…

Because as men get older…it can be challenging to produce male hormones as quickly as in their early 20s…

But with a small “nudge” from Ashwagandha, it’s possible that any guy’s hormones may “fire on all cylinders” at any age. *

Here’s how it works — A study from the National College of Natural Medicine discovered Ashwagandha helps quickly convert “infant male hormones” into “mature male hormones”. (21)

Think of it like a time-lapse video of plants growing in nature…

Even though those videos are shot over the course of several months…

When you watch a time lapse video of a plant growing — it looks like it only takes seconds…

Ashwagandha helps convert infant male hormones into mature male hormones at something like “time lapse” speed… *

Meaning it goes faster…

Another study from Gujarat, India tested the effects of Ashwagandha on patients with higher estrogen levels… (22)

And found Ashwagandha helps support balanced estrogen activity for men…

Remember how I said higher stress hormone activity can impact hormonal balance?

Well Ashwagandha helps with that, too.

Because studies show Ashwagandha is an “adaptogen”…

Which is a fancy way of saying it supports hormonal balance in times of stress. (23) *

Even better — ashwagandha has been shown in MULTIPLE studies to help boost healthy fertility, maintain healthy cortisol, balance estrogen and uphold optimal T-levels in men… (24) (25) (26) *

It’s got true life-changing potential…

To keep guys running at “full speed” into his 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond…

With crystal clear focus and drive… fresh “get up and go” each morning… and “Superman”-like energy to run around the yard with the kids after a day of work. Plus… *

Ashwagandha keeps men “looking on the bright side”…

By supporting hormonal balance virtually that helps keep guys “cool calm and collected”… *

May help them from getting bogged down by long days at the office and things out of their control…

And helps maintain a positive attitude even in the toughest situations.*

It also supports a healthy libido and healthy libido may help keep one’s “manhood” from shrinking like a frightened turtle in the bedroom…

And while their partner’s girlfriends are talking about how their men are a “sad sack” in the bedroom…

Guys who use this ingredient can have added support to help keep the romance kindled as the years pass by. *

Guys can add support to help achieve all of this in one amazingly simple swoop with Ashwagandha. *

But as impressive as it is…

Ashwagandha is only a small piece of the huge masculinity puzzle.

There’s a handful of other nature-based ingredients…

That are almost unheard of, that are…

I’ll list all of them by the end of this letter…

But it was Ashwagandha and 8 other ingredients I’ll reveal soon…

That I ordered off Amazon or picked up at a local supplement shop…

And mixed together to see if they would really make a difference with my T-count, energy and libido…

And give me that “killer instinct” in life again.

After a few weeks of using these 9 herbs together…

I only felt a little better…

My energy levels were slightly higher…

I could go a little longer during my workouts without feeling gassed and unmotivated to be there…

I still woke up feeling tired many mornings…

Even after a full 8-hours of sleep…

I was worn out at work by early afternoon…

And I didn’t notice any real improvements in my sex drive…

So I wrote out everything I was taking on a scratch piece of paper and brought it to my doctor to see what the deal was…

And why an herb like Ashwagandha with all the studies — and the other science-backed ingredients — weren’t working for me.

He said I was going about it all wrong…

I was using cheapo store bought supplements…

And large bags of herbs online…

That weren’t potent enough to get the job done…

Because like most supplements…

There are diluted forms of ingredients… or they’re grown in mass farms with pesticides and often GMOs…

And aren’t the REAL stuff that actually makes a difference in your body.

So my doctor told me to ditch the stuff I was using at home…

And recommended a few trusted manufacturers I could go to… and get these 9 herbs in their highest quality.

At first I was pissed about it…

But I needed this to work…

So I got in touch with my doctor’s recommended manufacturers…

Hoping I could get the most out of each ingredient…

And actually experience the hormonal balance I hoped for.

It wasn’t easy to get ahold of these guys…

And even then I had to do some testing on my own to figure out the right formula for reinforcing healthy T-levels and feeling like “the man” again… *

And the only reason you’re reading this today…

Is because after almost a year of trial and error…

And battle testing these ingredients in the trenches of my own life…

And gave me the T-boost I needed… *

Helped balance my cortisol and estrogen levels… *

Dialed in my drive and supported focus… *

And helped me feel fully charged when I’d wake up in the morning…*

And virtually all day long.

The longer I took this combination of high potency ingredients…

The BETTER I felt as the months went on.

I was more productive at work…

Because my energy levels never quit on me… *

I was so driven… and had sniper-like focus that when I set out to do something… *

I even turned my side business… into a full-fledged career…

And now I get to do what I love for a living. Plus…

With this combination of herbs…

I was getting maximum results from my workouts…

Fat was falling off my body faster than ever as part of my training and exercise regimen… *

And I was building muscle easier, too. *

My sex drive boomed back to life… *

And I occasionally started waking up with “morning wood”… *

Which is a sign of optimal male hormone health. *

Going for long hikes with my dog…

Fishing… hunting… weight training…

Like nothing could stop me from getting what I wanted in life.

And that’s what I want for every guy…

And starting right now, today…

Anyone can use this simple 8-second trick…

Supported by real science…

And used by thousands of other men already…

To support a boost in T-levels… help maintain healthy hormonal balance… enjoy youthful libido… and have enough energy to run circles around most guys.*

Myself and my team have left no stone unturned…

The first and only greens supplement formulated for men…

Featuring research-backed ingredients to support a boost in T-levels, sustain hormone balance, and become the most masculine version of oneself. *

Man Greens features only the highest quality ingredients in their scientifically based dosages to promote an increase in the master male hormone and support the energy and healthy libido every guy wants and needs. *

Every swig is a delicious blend of earth grown superfoods and herbs — with a natural orange zest flavor that excites the taste buds.

Every guy will love how quickly these ingredients go to work.

I already talked about ashwagandha…

And why it’s a “jack of all trades” herb that’ll help guys maintain high and healthy T-levels at any age… *

And reinforces anabolic energy and power that keeps one at their best. However… *

Don’t stop with ashwagandha…

Because there’s another ingredient that…

It’s called Tongkat Ali and studies suggest it helps boost energy and support optimal T-levels in most men…

Which translates to an improved quality of life, sexual health, and more passion inside and outside the bedroom.

A 2012 study from Malaysia tested the effects of Tongkat Ali or placebo on 109 men ages 30-55 years old…

They used a Quality of Life questionnaire and Sexual Well-Being tests to determine the effectiveness…

And at the end of the study…

The Tongkat Ali group had higher scores in the overall Erectile Function…

Sexual performance increased 14%, sperm motility increased 44.4%, and semen volume increased 18.2%…

All of which are markers of optimal T-levels and sexual health.

The results were so impressive that another research team tested Tongkat Ali on men ages 40-65 years old.

They were given questionnaires to evaluate erectile function, satisfaction, sexual performance, hardness, mood, and quality of life…

The results showed those who were given Tongkat Ali saw significant improvements in their desire to initiate sex, improved blood flow and feeling overall happier and healthier.

There are a few other herbs I added into the mix that’ll help increase the effect of Man Greens…

One of them is called Maca.

It was recently re-discovered after disappearing with the collapse of the Incan Empire…

And doubles up on all the benefits I’ve mentioned so far from Ashwagandha and Horny Goat Weed. For example…

One study from Forli, Italy found…

An aphrodisiac is a food or herb that helps increase sexual desire… *

And that’s exactly what Maca does.

Like Ashwagandha… a 2012 study revealed Maca is also an adaptogen…

It helps combat occasional stress… maintains healthy cortisol levels… and sustains optimal T-levels into one’s later years. *

Plus — it’s been suggested to promote an impressive boost in sexual desire and overall mood. (31) *

On top of that — to keep energy levels consistent and reliable and boost muscle growth from workouts… multiple professional bodybuilding champions have gone to Maca for help to chisel world-class physiques… (32) *

Basically — Maca helps keep guys running like a man on fire… with plenty of gas in the gym and romantic spark in the bedroom. But… *

Just to give even more of an edge in the bedroom… *

And to help bulletproof sex drive and performance… *

I also added Beet Root Powder.

Beet Root Powder helps stimulate blood flow in the body by creating nitric oxide — which opens up the blood vessels so blood, oxygen and nutrients travel with ease… *

Much like Horny Goat Weed. (33)

And with Maca… Beet Root Powder… and Horny Goat Weed combined together…

Those 4 ingredients alone are enough to support and help preserve T-levels… energy… healthy libido… and more… while keeping other hormones locked-in to the right balance.*

I want Man Greens to be like a military base for male hormones…

Stuffed full of ingredients that reinforce T-levels…*

That’s why I added MORE ingredients to Man Greens.

The next one is Forskolin.

Forskolin is found in an Indian plant called forskohlii…

And it’s making waves in the men’s health industry…

Because a study from Berlin, Germany found Forskolin supports increased cyclic AMP in cells and tissues… (34) *

Cyclic AMP is a messenger that transports biological signals between male hormones and cells in the body…

Which naturally helps support the sensitivity and amount of anabolic hormones the body produces… and preserves T health.*

A study from Baylor College of Medicine found Forskolin increases androgen receptors in the body… (35) *

Meaning male hormones may have better success attaching to those receptors… *

So one can support an increase in male hormones and boost health and vitality.*

With all the ingredients I mentioned above…

Maintaining healthy hormonal balance… and boosting T-levels… is simple… *

But just to make this formula as bulletproof as possible… I added…

Spirulina — which is the “top dog” of superfoods because it contains vital nutrients… (36)

White Button Mushrooms — Organic White Button Mushrooms are an impressive superfood that help block aromatase (the conversion of testosterone to estrogen), while being filled with nutrients like vitamin D, which increases free T levels (the form of the hormone that actually works), and B12, which is rarely found in foods outside of animals.

And vitamin E and nitrates which supports nitric oxide release… (40) *

And finally, Moringa Oleifera — an ingredient from an Indian tree that has so many nutrients inside…

To support a Boost in T-levels… help maintain optimal hormonal harmony… *

And experience the support for energy and a healthy libido that makes it easy to keep up with the kids or grandkids on the playground… and her energy in the bedroom… Plus… *

With the extra boost in master male hormones — guys can feel like younger men in the gym… *

With power and drive to go longer and harder than guys younger. Plus… *

It helps guys have an easier time losing stubborn upper body fat when combined with the right training regimen and diet… *

While fitting into clothes better… and feeling confident when they strip their shirt off at the beach or in the bedroom.

With Man Greens, any guys can enjoy streamlined energy support that makes it easy to jump out of bed each morning… and doesn’t quit throughout the day…*

And because these ingredients help maintain hormonal balance… *

Any guy can prolong sniper-like focus support… unstoppable drive… and run circles around the younger guys at the office… *

With energy most guys can only dream of.

This combination of ingredients helps guys stay in charge of their life and health. I’m totally convinced…

Because every sip gives support for a natural T-boost, helps regulate hormonal balance, maintains consistent energy and a healthy libido… plus a boatload of bio-nutrients and greens all in one… and it tastes amazing. *

Normally you’d have to spend hundreds of dollars on separate supplements each month to get all that value…

But today you can get it all at once in Man Greens…

Without filling your stomach with too much fiber or other ingredients that potentially disrupt the harmony between T-levels, cortisol, estrogen, and other important hormones… *

Which adds up to HUGE savings…

And I’ll share more about how you can save big today in a moment.

You may be wondering how to get your hands on Man Greens… and how much you should take a day for maximum effect.

Take one scoop of Man Greens once per day…

To help boost T-levels, maintain healthy hormone balance, enjoy youthful libido and sustain consistent energy in seconds. *

And it’s best to get started as soon as possible today…

Because like I mentioned earlier…

With how quickly Man Greens is going viral…

And because it’s the ONLY T-boosting greens powder for men…

I couldn’t be any more excited about that…

Because it means men are taking hormone health back into their hands again…

And are refusing to let chemicals inside toothpaste, bodywash, deodorant (and dozens of other places) throw their hormones out of balance.

They’re tired of being a part of a system that praises weak men…

And are taking a stand by boosting T-levels and managing their health and life with Man Greens.

That’s why I suggest acting now before it’s too late. See…

Because we’re a small facility…

And the herbs and superfoods inside Man Greens are research-backed and the highest potency…

It isn’t cheap or easy to get our hands on these ingredients.

So keeping up with the demand is a real issue.

It’s for that reason…

And when that happens…

We could be backed up for 6 weeks or longer.

And I would hate for you to come back to this site later to see we’re out of stock.

Which is why you will want to read carefully…

And have them delivered right to your front door in the next couple of days… at a price I know you’ll appreciate.

See — my personal mission is to help as many men as I can preserve their hormone health and take control of their T-levels… so they never have to worry about their male hormones “falling off the map”…

By creating an energizing nature-based T-boosting formula that really works… and with ingredients that have the research to back it up… *

So any guy can experience streamlined vitality and excitement for life.

I wouldn’t have created Man Greens if I didn’t see a HUGE need for it…

Which is why I’m committed to bringing you the highest quality formula at its most affordable price.

Because I want to give an even bigger discount right now to guys who are serious about getting the most out of Man Greens. See…

Studies suggest that the ingredients in Man Greens work better the longer one uses them… *

And I’ve found that to be true with the hundreds of guys who’ve been using Man Greens for several months already.

Men who take Man Greens for 30 days see amazing results…

They feel energized, in a positive mood… they even occasionally wake up with “morning wood” which is a good sign for T-levels… *

It’s the men who are taking Man Greens every day for 60, 90 or 180 days straight…

That are experiencing the greatest thrill from it…

Like support for high and healthy T-levels…*

Unbreakable drive and mental clarity support…*

And energy that doesn’t quit on them at the office or when they get home and spend time with their families. *

Some guys have told me they finally feel like the man they were always meant to be after taking Man Greens for a couple months.

Myself and my team have made it a priority…

And when guys truly decide to take control of their hormonal health like never before… and take advantage of the compounding benefits of Man Greens… *

By bundling up on the 6 bag option of this cutting-edge formula…

When you order your 6 bag supply of Man Greens today…

I’ll take care of the shipping cost for you.

So the wisest decision makers…

Who want to experience the kind of T-boost that’s truly life-changing… and can help them feel like their younger selves — but better…

Will want to stock up on more.

Especially while supplies last and we’re giving away Man Greens for a BIG discount.

So don’t wait any longer…

Claim the most appealing discounted supply of Man Greens below while supplies last…

I’m serious about getting Man Greens into your hands at the most affordable price possible…

That’s because I’m passionate about helping guys help bulletproof their masculinity with support for more T, and reliable energy and a healthy libido that keeps them at their best virtually all day long… *

And I refuse to let something like money stand in the way.

But that’s not the only reason I’ll do whatever it takes for you to get your bags of Man Greens today. See…

For the last decade, I’ve taken a stand against the feminist agenda that’s making men feel like they can’t be real men anymore…

And I can’t do it on my own.

But if hundreds of thousands of guys like you join me…

And start by maintaining high T-levels and preserving optimal health with Man Greens… *

Then I know we can turn this thing around together. And society will learn to value men again.

So it’s not just about taking Man Greens and experiencing amazing results, man…

It’s also about being part of a brotherhood of men who are willing to stand up against pressure from society. And act like men again.

So here’s what to do next…

Anyone who is serious about maintaining healthy T-levels and promoting “horse power” energy and a healthy libido… *

Should choose the 3 or 6 month discounted supply of Man Greens below…

Or whatever option works best…

Just Click the “Add To Cart” button…

You’ll then be taken to a secure order form that takes just seconds to fill out…

And we will ship your order right away… and your bags of Man Greens will arrive in the next 2-5 business days.

I know making the decision to spend hard-earned money is never an easy one…

Which is why I want to take the edge off…

And back you up with my Ironclad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So anyone can take the plunge with complete peace of mind and without risking a single penny.

Let me say this as simply as I can…

I don’t believe any guy should pay a single cent unless they’re thrilled with the results.

That’s why every purchase of Man Greens is backed with my Ironclad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning you have a full year to try out Man Greens RISK-FREE.

If it doesn’t meet expectations for whatever reason…

We’ll send you the address to ship the bags…

And I will personally refund every penny. No questions asked.

You can even send the bags back if they’re completely empty…

Which means if you order the 6 bag supply today, yet aren’t satisfied after 6 months of using Man Greens…

You have a whole extra 6 months to send the bags back and get a refund.

So there really is no risk and no hassle whatsoever.

I’m confident that any guy who takes Man Greens will have an amazing experience. Just like my pals and growing tribe of thousands of Man Greens users have.

So here’s what to do right now before supplies run out…

And while this special discount and free shipping (on the 6 bag option) is still available…

Choose the supply of Man Greens that’s most appealing below to help boost T-levels and lock in “horse power” libido and energy support… *

Then click “Add To Cart”… complete the secure form on the next page…

And I’ll rush your bags of Man Greens straight to your door.

There’s nothing to lose and high-powered masculinity to gain. *

Still not sure what bundle to choose today?

Let me give one more option that’ll save time and money…

To avoid the out of stock problem I mentioned earlier.

So if you’re someone who wants to guarantee you never run out of Man Greens…

And want to save yourself time, money and have complete peace of mind that a bag of Man Greens will arrive at your door each month like clockwork…

So you never go a day without these ingredients…

When you go to our single bag option above…

And check the “subscribe and save” box…

We’ll automatically ship a bag of Man Greens every month…

And if for whatever reason you want to cancel your monthly “subscribe and save” discount…

Simply send us an email and we will cancel your order immediately… and you will not be charged another month. It’s that simple.

So if you’re still wondering if Man Greens is for you…

Option #1 is to forget all the information on this page…

Ignore the latest research on how combining this ancient tonic with other special earth grown superfoods…

Provides support for a natural T-boost, more energy, voracious libido… *

And an easy way to help “man up” and live with passion…

And choose to do nothing…

When the power to support and maintain healthy hormonal balance is here for the taking. *

Choosing this option means going through the same struggles as many other men… where T-levels become unreliable… *

Because they lack a “support system” for their hormones… that’s supposed to keep everything running as it should.*

With the formula I’m offering today, no guy has to worry about facing the natural decline in T-levels that happens every year after turning 30… *

That makes them feel like less of a man with every passing year…

But without it — I can’t make any promises.

Again the problem doesn’t have to do with working out…

It has to do with a natural hormonal decline that happens with age and by other environmental factors.

As a result fun things like beach vacations and sex will be less exciting…

Some guys even dread them…

Because that stuff’s no fun if their body isn’t as hard as they want it to be.

And I hate to think of this. But…

It’s possible their ladies will find them less attractive when all of these changes happen…

But can anyone blame her? After all — most guys wouldn’t be thrilled if their partner “let herself go” either.

She may be a good woman who tries to be supportive…

But sex becomes less frequent… and she doesn’t have the same excitement she used to…

No man ever thinks it’ll happen to him…

But it’s happening now more than ever.

C’mon, man… no guy wants that.

Because with all that going on…

And of everything one could go through… this could be the worst part…

Because there’s nothing worse for a man than feeling like he’s lost his way… and is a shell of his former self.

And these guys who pass on Man Greens will look back and kick themselves for not taking advantage of the amazing opportunity available right here and now.

I’d hate for guys to get to the end of their rope before purchasing bags of Man Greens…

I’ve seen too many guys take this option. It’s not a path to go down.

Instead… go with the next option.

Option #2 is to help boost T-levels, support increased energy and maintain youthful libido right now, today… *

Using a man-boosting supplement that’s in a league of its own — Man Greens.

Starting with the very first delicious sip of Man Greens, many men love how powerful they feel…

Because the natural androgen supporting ingredients in this herbal superfood formula… *

Accelerate the speed one’s body makes crucial male hormones on its own… *

While balancing other important hormones like cortisol and estrogen to stay at the top of their game.

Just a few sips can help any guy begin to fuel up on energy and strength… *

That makes him confident to take on any challenge. Plus…

Strut into work with a whole new air of confidence…

Because the ingredients in Man Greens support drive, motivation and unshakeable grit… *

To help tackle every task with ease… Whether it’s a huge project that’ll set one up for the next big promotion…

Or making an important decision for the future…

All doubts will be cast aside so any guy can perform at the highest level… simply because they fueled up with Man Greens when they woke up…

Plus, while everyone at the office is suffering from afternoon crash, guys who swig Man Greens in the morning will still be going strong…*

And will crank out work faster than ever before… *

Just a few sips of Man Greens unlocks an “unfair” edge over every guy at the office…

And instead enjoy the kind of clarity support every man needs to succeed.

And that’s not all… because with the natural T-boost from Man Greens, guys will get bigger and better results in the gym. *

And build muscle faster than other guys their age… *

It’s possible that even the younger guys won’t be able to keep up. Plus…

It’ll be so much easier to support losing body fat when combined with the right diet and exercise program…

Because studies show the higher T-levels a guy has… the easier it is to lose weight. (43) *

When guys who take Man Greens get home from work and the gym…

They’ll walk through the door in a great mood…

Proud of all they’ve accomplished…

And will have a clear mind… to give their partner the attention she wants… *

And she’s so impressed by his energy, positive mood and confidence that she won’t be able to help herself…

And will lead him to the bedroom to thank him for all he’s done.

And with the help of the ingredients in Man Greens — he’ll have the energy to make sure she’s satisfied.

When it’s time for lights out, he’ll sleep like a baby…

He’ll enjoy top-notch hormonal balance to stay cool, calm and collected at virtually every hour. *

When he clunks out only moments after his head hits the pillow, he’ll have support to help fall into a deep, restful sleep… *

And while he’s dreaming, his body is churning out male hormones quickly for the next day… *

When he wakes, he’ll feel excited to take on the day… and will have tons of energy to get the job done…

And he’ll chug some Man Greens and get back to it.

Isn’t that so much better than the first option?

All of this and more is available right here and now…

Completely risk-free…

Because when you buy Man Greens today, you’re backed with my 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So don’t wait any longer. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for…

All that’s left to do is…

You’ll be glad you did,

P.S. To help boost T-levels, streamline energy and reinforce a healthy libido click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with the help of higher T-levels and healthy hormonal balance. So don’t wait any longer. Select the most appealing amount of bags above and I’ll get Man Greens delivered right away. *

P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when one purchases Man Greens today. Because every purchase is backed up by my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If Man Greens doesn’t make a significant difference with your T-levels, energy and confidence, I’ll refund every penny. Just send the unopened bags back and I’ll make it right. *

What’s the difference between Man Greens and other greens supplements?

The first thing you should know is the only reason I went through the process of creating Man Greens is because there’s nothing else like it out there. If there was, I would have gladly saved myself the time and money that it took to produce it.

But Man Greens delivers what other greens powders can’t. Because it’s the first greens powder I know of that’s formulated specifically to boost men’s T-levels, and maintain optimal health. *

In all my research on greens powders, I’ve found 99% of greens powders aren’t doing any favors for your T-levels because they aren’t specifically for men—and they may contain estrogenic ingredients, low quality blends and… they taste like crap.

But Man Greens is made for men who want more. And I’m super picky on taste. So if I like the natural zesty orange flavor, I have no doubt everyone else will, too. There’s no other greens powder out there like this.

When will my order arrive?

For all Canadian orders:

1. Shipping will be through Canada Post.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped the next business day.

3. Delivery will be 1-3 business days.

1. Shipping will be through USPS.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped within 24 hours of your order being placed, Monday through Friday.

3. Delivery will be 2-8 days.

What is the refund policy?

Every order of Man Greens is backed by my 60-day 100% money back guarantee.

Meaning if there aren’t noticeable improvements to T- levels, muscle and energy… I’ll refund every penny. Even if the bag is empty.

Just contact my customer service team and ask for a refund. Then send the rest of the unopened bags back to our fulfillment company. Once they’ve received the return, I’ll promptly issue a full refund.

Note: Customers will be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping, unless the product is defective.

I see plenty of greens powders cheaper than Man Greens. Why I should I pay more for Man Greens?

Man Greens isn’t an average greens supplement that uses weak blends and estrogenic ingredients.

Not only does Man Greens skyrocket provide support to help T-levels naturally, but it also helps guys maintain hormonal balance and enjoy streamlined energy. *

Because of this, the price isn’t an issue for Man Greens. But don’t just take my word for it—compare my formula with any other greens powder on the market. I guarantee, at the time of my writing this, Man Greens is the only nature-based T-boosting greens powder available. *

Are there any hidden ingredients in Man Greens?

Lots of supplement companies hide their doses and ingredients under a “proprietary blend” which is basically just a cop-out for giving full disclosure of what’s in their greens powder. But I’m doing things differently. Because I truly believe honesty is the best policy…

Here’s exactly what’s inside every serving of Man Greens:

Ashwagandha (600mg)
Forskolin (250mg)
Maca (1.5g)
Spirulina (5g)
Beet Root Powder (1g)
White Button Mushrooms (1000mg)
Moringa Oleifera (1g)
Natural Orange Zest for flavor

Can I take Man Greens every day?

Yes. Take a dose every morning. There’s no risk. No unknown ingredients. No having to plug the nose to drink it, it tastes so good. Just chug it and enjoy an impressive T-boost in seconds.

How do I order Man Greens?

To order the finest anabolic greens formula… hit “Add To Cart”, complete the secure checkout form on the following page, and Man Greens will arrive in just a few days.

You’ll be glad you did,

P.S. To help boost T-levels, streamline energy and reinforce a healthy libido click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with the help of higher T-levels and healthy hormonal balance. So don’t wait any longer. Select the most appealing amount of bags above and I’ll get Man Greens delivered right away. *

P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when one purchases Man Greens today. Because every purchase is backed up by my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If Man Greens doesn’t make a significant difference with your T-levels, energy and confidence, I’ll refund every penny. Just send the unopened bags back and I’ll make it right. *

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Claims below are assumed to have adequate and appropriate substantiation. The brand shall have scientific documentation on file to demonstrate a reasonable basis for these claims.

All product pages should include the below statement (in boldface type and in a rectangular box) as a footer and should be preceded by either a dagger symbol or asterisk:

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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This system can create advertising and marketing that is impossible to resist.

Welcome to Author’s columnswhere we put the voices of HubSpot Writers experts in blogs that inspire and empower you.

You are about to learn an invaluable copywriting concept, something you will use to capture the attention of your market, not to indicate to differentiate any product. Surely, this will allow you to position regardless of you’re selling in a new and compelling way.

Now, believe this ebook:

Marketing Formula Example: Outsourcing Book

Supply of symbols

Is called Outsourcing: Beginners’ Knowledge for Hiring Virtual Assistants.

I discovered it on Amazon, among dozens of different books on outsourcing. It has 6 ratings, so it’s not very popular, especially when compared to This ebook on the same topic:

Marketing Formula Example: 4-Hour Work Week Book

Supply of symbols

Is called The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week.

It has 12,684 ratings. Tim Ferriss has purchased over 2 million copies, but not because of his famous character. (In fact, when the ebook was published in 2007, Ferriss was still relatively unknown.) The differentiating factor? I’ll tell you exactly: The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week it’s a “broad concept”.

Huge ideas:

While you have been given a great conceptyou’ve most likely revitalized something outdated. You’ve made something tired actually seem exciting, compelling, even it is not possible to resist — expressing it with the use of the manner shown:

Marketing formula

Massive, “unbearable” ideas arise when a promise meets a mechanism.

The Promise.

A promise is a personal matter and the most effective and emotionally charged promises in most cases pose 4 problems:

1) News

2) Protection

3) Ease

4) Meaning

Let’s examine them one by one:


New problems are emotional because they provide us Hope. Hope for the alternative, for choice, for construction. Novelty creates the opportunity for alternative, an opportunity to grow to be different, superior.

To finally finish novelty: you will make your offer distinctive: the most efficient available through the use of a single supplier: your company, your brand.


Coverage is a elementary human need. After breathing, food, water, safe shelter, clothing and sleep, feeling safe and secure is our next priority. It is emotional at first sight.

TO to finish in the end protection: make your offer predictable with credible case studies, reviews and testimonials. You will also have the ability to offer a be sure to lower the perceived probability.


Even though humanity is productive and constantly evolving, people are still lazy. Most people do not like to work, keep in mind and overcome difficult scenarios. We would rather relax, have fun and avoid straining. This is one reason to promise ease. Every other reason is because most people simply do not have confidence in their own abilities.

To finally finish relief: you will provide a device, wayOR process to accomplish something. Give other people a certain number of concrete steps or rules. These elements give us a path, a way to follow that does not require so many ideas or probabilities.


People want big, right problems. Gradual, incremental expansion is not exciting. We really want big, vital effects, and fast.

To finally finish meaning: you will put a final date on your promise, the sooner the better. In short, tell the risk how soon he will see the results, the effect of his movement.

The unique mechanism.

Now, unlike an emotional promise, which must be clear, specific, and easy to fulfill, a new mechanism must be mysterious, or inexplicable, or curious:

  • A mysterious one concept.
  • An inexplicable device.
  • A curious one product.

The mechanism is the method. It is the way in which the promise is kept. The method, then, consists in retaining as many of the mechanism (that is, the concept that that, the device, the product itself) as possible, while adding the benefits of the promise.

This juxtaposition, a clear promise coupled with an opaque mechanism, creates rigidity, hobby, desire. It creates an attraction that is impossible to resist.

Example of promotion and advertising of large-scale ideas: the 4-hour art week

This ebook is actually a great example of Massive Idea promotion. Tim Ferriss uses the strategy to refresh and reposition the concept of “outsourcing”, which gives his ebook huge advantages in receiving promotion.

This blue copy is designed to finally finish meaning:

Marketing Formula Example: Meaning

  • “Escaping the 9 to 5 Job” it’s a problem that many people feel deeply about, an important problem.
  • “Living Anywhere” it’s a big problem.
  • “Turning into a member of the nouveau riche” it’s a big problem.

Where do these 3 test problems come from? They come from your research, information and data you have collected about your target market:

What is essential for these other people?

What is their definition of good luck?

When are they happiest?

The answers to these questions will inform the meaning of your promise.

This orange copy is the mechanism:

Marketing formula example: mechanism

“The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week” It’s a mysterious, inexplicable concept—it seems unimaginable—and it makes The Reader wonder:

Is this really a work of art?

Is it really conceivable?

What if it were true?

Now she’s busy, curious. Now you’ll have her attention.

This green copy is designed to finally finish cover:

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Marketing formula example: security“/>

The security of a credible prize or status symbol, such as being “The number 1 New York Cases Best seller” — is transferred to the mechanism, this mysterious problem called The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week.

Again, the e-book is a continuation of the promotion and, by extension, an opportunity to continue to demonstrate the novelty, coverage, simplicity, and importance of the whole promise.

This yellow copy is designed to finally finish relief:

Marketing formula example: Ease

  • “…this ebook is the project.”

This promises the risk a clear path to follow, a real “blueprint” to achieve the essential promises:

Escape from the 9-5 job…

Living Anywhere…

Transforming into a member of the nouveau riche…

Do you want these things? Then just get informed about the ebook and apply the steps. It is a device — and this gives the Reader confidence not only in the product, but also in himself, in his ability to easily understand, apply and achieve success.

This pink copy is designed to finally finish novelty:

Marketing formula example: What's new

  • The word: “New”
  • The sentence: Throw out old ideas of retirement and long-term savings…”

This promises The Reader another method to earn money and live a different lifestyle. It is promising and compelling at first glance.

This blue copy is designed to finally finish meaning:

Marketing Formula Example: Meaning

  • “Out of the rat race”
  • “Enjoy first-class international round-trip travel”
  • “Earn a 5-figure monthly income and don’t wear a watch”
  • “You are living the life you want”

This promises big only the right questions, big permutations in his high-end lifestyle. Again, this is so essential because until The Reader thinks your device will make a very powerful material difference, it will not act.

This green copy is designed to finally finish protection:

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Marketing Formula Example: security“/>

  • “It’s about time this ebook was written ASAP. This is a long overdue manifesto for the cellular lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the most effective ambassador.”

This testimony makes the results of the 4-hour art work week predictable, which reduces the perceived likelihood of investing time and money on this machine.

The more you fill it out this way, the easier it is.

The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week It is a smart example because Ferriss creates a mechanism while promising novelty, protection, simplicity and importance.

Of course, this is perfect, but it’s definitely not always possible because, depending on the medium, you probably won’t have enough space to check off every box. You’d have to work with a word limit or a time limit, and you also don’t have the luxury of proving your promise one section at a time. That’s okay:

As long as you have a very powerful promise and a mechanism for that promise, you have the basis for a great concept. And for individuals who marry an emotional promise and a new mechanism in an engaging way, you have actually created a great concept.

Ask a question to:

When you see an advertisement, for any product, in any medium, ask yourself:

  1. What is the promise?
  2. What is the mechanism?
  3. Overall, do these things appeal to the target market?

Do this over and over again and you will really learn to think in big ideas. Another thing you will do is an exercise I call “Replica-Annotation”, which revolves around spherical searching and isolating the 4 parts of a promise in an ad, any ad.

Look at an ad and underline the text that describes the mechanism. Then look at it again and underline the proof problems that make the promise new, safe, easy, and viable.

Marketing Formula Example: Graphic Practice

To finally conclude a promise is novellook for examples of exclusivity and novelty.

To finally conclude a promise is Safelook for evidence and examples of predictability, such as warranties.

To finally conclude a promise is easylook for strategies and systems and projects designed to make it foolproof. Finally a promise is essentiallook for examples of time to influence: the faster it is, the easier; the bigger it is, the easier.

THE mechanismso, it’s the product, the device, the concept that that.

Are you curious?

Or mysterious?

Or inexplicable?

It has to be (to create intrigue).

Look for the mechanism along with the 4 proof problems in every instance where you are annotating the copy. The more you observe, the more fluent you will become in this language. And over the years, it will become easier to put all those parts together so that it is impossible to resist promotion.

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Divi Summer Sale Bundles: The Best Way To Save This Year

The Divi Summer Sale is reside, providing an incredible alternative to avoid wasting with unique Divi Summer time Sale bundles on Divi Professional Services and products and Divi Market merchandise. Whether or not you wish to have to get began with Divi Professional, improve your club with professional products and services, or prolong your Divi toolset, we have now Divi Bundles for your entire wishes.

However those reductions gained’t closing without end, so join the Summer Sale a laugh whilst you’ll be able to.

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Our Unique Divi Market Bundles (50% Off)

For our Summer time Sale, we’ve curated 3 unique Divi Market Bundles that may liberate new probabilities to your Divi tasks. Every package makes a speciality of a forte house to resolve your maximum urgent issues. Whether or not you wish to have to improve your web site with tough modules, upload complicated options, or get entry to hundreds of top rate layouts, your alternative is right here!

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See Divi Booster Bundles at 50% Off

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Get the Module Booster Bundle

What’s Integrated within the Divi Module Booster Package

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Summer Sale Divi Module Booster Bundle 250+ New Divi Modules
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$513 256.50

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divi module booster bundle

One of the vital Module Varieties You’ll Get:

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Get the Module Booster Package Lately for $513 $256.50

Take A Look At What’s Inside

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Feature Booster Bundle

Liberate Divi’s true energy with this choice of feature-enhancing extensions from the Divi Market, to be had at an unbeatable 50% bargain right through the Summer time Sale! This package is very best for internet designers and builders taking a look to increase Divi’s core capability with out depending on third-party plugins. The goods on this package combine with Divi, giving you gear to construct higher internet sites quicker.

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Get the Feature Booster Bundle

What’s Integrated within the Divi Function Booster Package

Product Options Common Value Package Value (60% OFF)
16 Divi Assistant Final Multi-Instrument for Divi $69
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DiviMenus 13 Top rate Divi Extensions with masses of Options $499 $249.50

This tough package comprises 13 merchandise that considerably extend Divi’s features. Every product has been carefully examined to verify it really works completely with Divi, providing you with peace of thoughts and saving you numerous hours of troubleshooting.

Divi Feature Booster Bundle

One of the vital Added Options You’ll Get:

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Take A Look At What’s Inside

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Layout Booster Bundle

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Divi Layout Booster Bundle

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Divi VIP $96 $57.60
Divi Groups $96 $57.60
General (purchased one after the other) $665 $358.80
Divi Professional (Package) $199.00 $199.00
General Financial savings $466.00 $159.80

You save $159.80 when put next to shopping for every product personally at their discounted costs, however you additionally save a huge $466 in comparison to their common costs (this yr on my own). This makes Divi Professional an unbeatable deal, providing the total suite of Divi gear at a small fraction of the associated fee. If that’s now not sufficient, needless to say you additionally get a $50 credit score to make use of in our Divi Marketplace while you acquire Divi Professional these days.

Get Divi Pro Bundle (for Members)

Divi Carrier Bundles for Current Customers (68% Off)

Present Divi customers (with an annual or lifetime club) can nonetheless benefit from our Summer time Sale bargain on Divi Professional Services and products. You’ll be able to get entry to all our Divi Bundle Offers proper inside of your Members Area. Below the Provides tab, you’ll see the All Get admission to Package on the peak, which lets you get all Divi Professional products and services (minus the Divi Club you have already got) with financial savings of as much as 68%.

Divi Pro Discount Bundle for members from the members area dashboard

Make a decision that you simply don’t want one thing however nonetheless wish to save with a package? Go searching, and also you’ll to find more than a few combos of your favourite Divi products and services that you’ll be able to package in combination.

Merchandise Integrated Summer time Sale Package Value (according to yr) Summer time Sale Person Value (according to yr) Common Value (according to yr)
Divi Cloud:
Limitless Cloud Garage
/ $57 (40% off) $96
Divi Groups:
4 Group Seats
/ $57 (40% off) $96
Divi VIP:
Make stronger 24/7 in half-hour or much less
/ $57 (40% off) $96
Divi AI:
Limitless textual content, symbol, code, format, and web site generations
/ $115 (60% off) $288
General Price $183/yr (68% off!) $287/yr (50% off) $576/yr

See All Divi Bundle Offers

Don’t Wait. The Summer time Sale Ends Quickly

We’re days clear of our Summer time Sale finishing. As you know, we’ve were given massive financial savings with all our bundles, whether or not they’re Market bundles or your favourite Divi merchandise. Be sure to benefit from them when you nonetheless can.

Take Me To The Sale

The put up Divi Summer Sale Bundles: The Best Way To Save This Year gave the impression first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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7 Techniques To Grasp Divi AI And Supercharge Your Industry (60% Off Nowadays)

The Divi Summer season Sale is in whole swing, and we’re marking down our whole suite of products. That implies the get right of entry to degree to clutch a couple of of those tools you’ve been eyeing for months is additional out there than ever. A type of gem stones is Divi AI.

Divi AI is now 60% off, which, in my book, is a steal. It’s normally $23/mo then again is now priced to advertise at $12.96/mo (or a rate of $9.58 if billed yearly).

Take Me to Divi AI’s Summer season Deal

If that wasn’t enough, I need to show you a couple of of my favorite ways to use Divi AI to get well results.

Get the Most Out of Divi AI (7 Ways)

In the event you occur to’ve ever used an AI instrument, that getting necessarily essentially the most out of it takes some practice and point of view. Coping with AI tools is an excessively unique skill set. Using Divi AI is in point of fact simple. Then again, it at all times will repay to fine-tune your craft.

I’ve come up with six of my best possible pointers for the usage of Divi AI so that you could clutch this unbelievable generation and be in agreement you in conjunction with your web site builds.

1. Lean Into New Choices like AI Site Development

Divi AI has very best been out for a one year, then again we’ve packed it with leading edge choices that push the prohibit of what you idea was possible with Divi and wordpress. The latest choices help trade homeowners create internet pages in minutes, and it’s very best getting upper.

Divi AI website Builder: Assemble Complete Web websites in Minutes

Divi AI’s complete site builder does a lot more than most of the people expect. It creates multiple pages (area, about, contact, and plenty of others.)—populating them with complete designs and a number one draft of written content material subject matter and pictures. It moreover goes the extra mile and creates global presets with a relentless design philosophy, chooses font/color pairings, and builds Theme Builder templates (even WooCommerce templates if sought after). This selection is easiest for individuals who need a complete, cohesive web site in brief without sacrificing prime quality.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-270471 size-full” src=”” alt=”AI website Generation – Unique Pages with Content Created” width=”1698″ height=”869″/>

Listed here are 3 smart ways to use the Divi AI website Builder to supercharge your workflow:

  • Spice up up Client Problem Timelines: The Divi AI website Builder can significantly scale back the time it takes to send a completely sensible web site. Automating key internet web page creation and loyal design applications implies that you’ll be able to in brief send a refined product, liberating up time for additonal duties.
  • Unencumber New Trade Ventures Quickly: Starting a brand spanking new trade or side undertaking? The website Builder implies that you’ll be able to get your site reside with minimal effort, providing a certified online presence in document time.
  • Effectively Prepare website Rebrands: Streamline the rebranding process by the use of generating contemporary, cohesive designs right through your entire pages without starting from scratch. This instrument simplifies implementing new logo pointers and updating visuals.

The Divi AI website Builder can significantly toughen your productivity and effectiveness, whether or not or now not you’re running on client duties, launching a brand spanking new undertaking, or rebranding an present site.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

Divi AI Structure Generator: Create Totally Tailored Pages

Whether or not or now not you’re construction a brand spanking new site from scratch or together with pages to an present web site, Divi AI’s Structure Generator has you covered. It’s easiest for rising specific pages with a unified look, ensuring that every new addition aligns seamlessly in conjunction with your site’s present design. From landing pages to provider alternatives, Divi AI crafts the ones with serve as and precision. All you wish to have to do is tell it what you want it to create.

Listed here are a few smart ways to use the Divi AI Structure Generator to supercharge your workflow:

  • Quickly Generate High-Converting Landing Pages: Use the Structure Generator to create landing pages which might be optimized for conversions, with strategically located CTAs, testimonials, and product showcases that knowledge visitors in opposition to taking movement.
  • Simply Amplify Your website with New Supplier Pages: Add new provider pages that suit your present design, showcasing your alternatives professionally and cohesively without requiring intensive manual adjustments.
  • Streamline the Creation of Blog Templates: Care for a relentless blog construction right through all posts by the use of the usage of the Structure Generator to create custom blog templates that align in conjunction with your logo’s style. This promises that every publish seems to be like polished and organized.

With AI construction generation like this, you’ll have the ability to save time and toughen the usual and effectiveness of your web pages.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

Divi AI Phase Generator: Seamlessly Change Present Pages

Preserving internet pages up-to-date and loyal is the most important, and Divi Phase AI makes it easier than ever. Whether or not or now not you’re together with new content material subject matter to a internet web page or refreshing outdated sections, this instrument implies that you’ll be able to change your internet web page to test your present design seamlessly. You’ll have the ability to assemble a practice internet web page from scratch (segment by the use of segment) or change your present internet web page with missing content material subject matter. This makes updates speedy and simple while maintaining your logo’s appear and feel.

Listed here are 3 smart ways to use Divi Phase AI to supercharge your workflow:

  • Quickly Add New Choices: Wish to change your site with a brand spanking new call-to-action, testimonial, or product feature? The Phase Generator can seamlessly mix the ones into your present pages while matching your provide design.
  • Refresh Outdated Content material subject matter: Merely breathe new lifestyles into older sections of your site by the use of generating contemporary content material subject matter that aligns with the latest characteristics and design necessities, all without starting from scratch.
  • Streamline Seasonal Updates: Use the Phase Generator to in brief put into effect seasonal promotions or brief supplies, ensuring that your site stays similar and engaging year-round.

Check out this example.

Starter Site Add AI Section - Steps 3-7

We requested Divi AI to create a call-out segment to advertise a discount on our web site’s hand cleansing cleaning soap. It adopted the default sorts to test the rest of the internet web page without manually surroundings sorts.

Starter Site Add AI Section - End Result

There are additional choices on the horizon that can continue to make your lifestyles easier and easier. Getting Divi AI these days all over the Summer time Sale locks you in at the steep 60% discount, while new choices roll into town.

Divi AI Future Feature Releases

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

2. Set Default Fonts and Colors for Designs

If any person dislikes a specific internet web page or segment construction created by the use of AI, it’s endlessly as a result of the choice of fonts and colors. If you have favorite font pairs, a method knowledge, or are rising whole logo pointers, you’re going to get well results by the use of inputting those straight away into Divi AI.

You’ve gotten two methods for doing so. The principle is to set your site defaults and let Divi AI use those defaults to your beneficial (beneath Customize Fonts & Colors).

Set Default Fonts and Colors in the Customizer

You’ll have the ability to moreover set those manually to your Divi AI design Suggested by the use of deciding to your fonts from the drop-down menu. Make a selection your heading and body fonts and their colors, along with the primary and secondary colors to use. In the event you occur to’ve already had Divi AI create a internet web page or segment for you, and also you in point of fact appreciated the fonts that it decided on, you’ll have the ability to save those font specifications. Later, whilst you create with Divi AI, use AI Default for a relentless design.

Divi AI options

Instead of leaving the ones basic design alternatives up to probability, give Divi AI a forged base to art work with. You’ll be this kind of lot closer to a design you like for individuals who do this one step.

3. Change Text with search engine optimization Keywords and Phrases

Together with keywords to your copy once in a while comes naturally, then again once in a while it does no longer. On the other hand at some point, you’ll need to ensure that your on-page optimization is up to snuff. Divi Textual content AI can help you out with this in brief order.

To check out this, open up a Divi module in conjunction with your starting text. Click on at the AI icon and choose Beef up With AI. Make a selection your content material subject matter type, a handy guide a rough instruction for improving (no longer at all times necessary for simple rewriting), slim the context to this single module and enter the important thing word(s) you got from a key phrase analysis software like Semrush. After that, click on on Generate Text to seem how Divi AI supplies the important thing word to your determined on text.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter size-full wp-image-270054″ src=”” alt=”Rewrite Page Content with seo Keywords – Steps 1-5″ width=”1920″ height=”911″/>

We started with this:

Strengthen your online presence with our search engine optimization content material subject matter writing services. We create keyword-rich, sexy content material subject matter that improves your search engine ratings and attracts additional visitors to your site.

And ended with this in seconds, in line with our specifications.

We concentrate on turning in tailored search engine optimization content material subject matter writing services that cater to SaaS corporations. We do this by the use of helping them keep in touch their unique value propositions effectively and connect with their target market by way of compelling narratives that also perform well in engines like google like google.

Consider so that you could upload keywords (and context) to content material subject matter sections with Divi AI. It’s one of the most fastest ways to toughen your present content material subject matter with the necessary keywords. In the event you occur to’re the usage of Divi AI to create new content material subject matter, together with the important thing words in the beginning promises that your entire text is optimized and in a position to beef up your search engine ranking.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

4. Upscale Small or Strengthen Pixelated Images

When asking shoppers for content material subject matter, I’ve endlessly won unusable images. Even inside the twenty-first century, tiny or ultra-low-quality images don’t appear to be ordinary. It’s just a fact of lifestyles, making what will have been the “easiest {photograph}” unusable.

Quite a lot of AI symbol enhancers are on the market, then again none are straight away hooked up to your wordpress media library. To upscale an image the usage of Divi AI, open any Divi module that is helping an image or background image. Then, upload your image, click on at the AI icon, and choose Upscale.

Upscale Image in Divi AI - Steps 1-3

And similar to that, our example image was upscaled to be usable on our web site. Now, I will be able to run for the duration of the logo with a simple Divi AI Strengthen request to get additional clarity from the image.

Enhanced Image Settings with Divi AI

Whether or not or now not you acquire unusable images from shoppers or have earlier footage which might be in a different way easiest for display, Divi AI can help salvage them. It opens up new probabilities and no more hindrances.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

5. Create New Images at Your Sought after Size

Divi AI is filled with surprises. With Divi Symbol AI,  you aren’t restricted to predetermined image sizes. You’ve gotten whole regulate over the facet ratios of your generated images. You have to need a portrait ratio (3:4) for an image to look excellent on mobile. Then again, you could need a landscape (16:9) ratio for your segment background image to cover the entire background correctly.

To generate a custom-sized image, hover over the image box and click on at the Divi AI icon. Then, choose Generate Image. Describe the image you want to create (moreover surroundings any image sorts to use) and choose the facet ratio of your image. Proper right here’s our example:

Create Perfectly Sized AI Images - Steps 1-2

It created 4 images for us to choose from (or we can refine our beneficial to dial it in).

Create Perfectly Sized AI Images - Steps 3

Proper right here’s what our image (with very, very little effort) looks like in our in a different way untweaked AI-generated construction.

Create Perfectly Sized AI Images - Steps 4

Our image isn’t blown up this kind of lot that it’ll tank our internet web page’s loading circumstances, then again is easiest for our needs.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

6. Streamline Custom designed Coding with Divi Code AI

Divi Code AI empowers you so that you could upload custom code to your Divi duties the usage of simple language turns on, allowing for difficult customization without the hassle. Whether or not or now not you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, Divi Code AI takes the complexity out of coding, allowing you to be aware of bettering your web site’s capacity and design.

Listed here are just a few ways Divi Code AI can help you:

  • Simply Generate Custom designed CSS, HTML, and JS: With Divi Code AI, you’ll have the ability to in brief generate custom CSS, JavaScript, or HTML so that you could upload difficult choices to your site. For instance, if you want to introduce a unique animation, regulate a construction phase, or put into effect custom interactions, Divi Code AI can write the necessary code in line with your description, streamlining the coding process and saving you hours of manual art work.
  • In an instant Optimize Present Code: If you have present code that wants refinement, Divi Code AI can help optimize it for upper potency and compatibility. This selection is particularly useful for boosting site speed, fixing bugs, or ensuring that your customizations art work seamlessly right through all devices and browsers. By way of allowing AI to indicate improvements, you’ll have the ability to take care of a top of the range codebase with minimal effort.
  • Make Sophisticated Customizations To be had: Divi Code AI makes it easy for purchasers with limited coding knowledge to put into effect difficult customizations. By way of simply describing what you want to reach—akin to together with a practice slider or modifying a complicated construction—Divi Code AI generates the necessary code, empowering you to push the bounds of your design without having to be a professional coder.

Let’s say you want so that you could upload a unique text style (like a gradient background) to a heading module. Maximum regularly, this may increasingly require manually writing custom CSS and moderately placing it within the Divi Builder’s settings. With Divi Code AI, this process is simplified and streamlined.

Open any module’s difficult CSS settings. Click on on on the Divi Code AI icon and simply describe the have an effect on you want, akin to “Add a gradient text color from scorching purple to royal blue to the heading.” Then click on on “Generate Code.”

divi code ai prompt

Divi AI generates the CSS code with the necessary Divi portions targeted to get the way in which you wish to have. If something isn’t correct, you’ll have the ability to beef up it with AI or refine it as sought after.

Divi AI moreover works inside of free-form Code Modules to create unique solutions in line with only a plain-language beneficial. This merely leverages no longer very best CSS however moreover HTML and Javascript (JS) to create design portions for which you don’t have a Divi module.

JS, HTML, CSS Toggle Generation Example - 4 Steps

Divi Code AI’s deep working out of the Divi codebase promises that the custom code it generates isn’t just environment friendly however moreover adheres to Divi’s best possible practices. This results in cleaner, additional maintainable code that works seamlessly in conjunction with your Divi web site. By way of leveraging Divi Code AI, you’ll have the ability to effectively deal with difficult coding tasks, make your internet pages additional dynamic, and send custom solutions tailored to your shoppers’ needs.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

7. Discover the Best possible Divi AI Choices for Your Skill-Stage

While you’re in Divi’s visual editor, AI is sprinkled throughout and is difficult to move over. Then again, it’ll smartly all bleed together and in point of fact really feel like just one massive AI feature. It is vital that you know the quite a lot of contexts by which you’ll have the ability to use Divi AI. Listed here are the large areas within the editor where the usage of Divi AI is possible:

  • AI web site generation (multiple pages, multiple theme builder templates, global presets, completely written text, and imagery selection)
  • AI webpage generation (one webpage construction with segment affiliation, completely written text, and imagery selection)
  • AI segment generation (single internet web page segment design with module affiliation, completely written text, and imagery selection)
  • AI module content material subject matter (can create or edit inputs for a single module—ranging from text to pictures to code)

Divi AI Use Cases

Instead of treating Divi AI like a monolith, you’re going to get additional mileage by the use of making an allowance for the scope of what Divi AI can accomplish for you.

Certain Shoppers Would possibly Want Certain Choices

Divi AI brings numerous AI firepower to your design workflow. On the other hand in line with what we’ve heard from consumers, positive people have the advantage of different choices. Proper right here’s an indication showing how positive choices can also be additional fascinating to different levels of web design skills:

Divi AI Feature Helpfulness by User Type - Usecase Contexts

Purples = Design Tasks, Blues = Image Tasks, Oranges = Code Tasks, and Greens = Text Tasks

Normal, and this isn’t unexpected, Divi AI’s most helpful choices are its design-focused choices. The ones massive, multi-task choices deal with dozens of alternatives in one transfer. What would possibly take you a few hours, AI can deal with in a couple minutes.

Learners tend to gravitate in opposition to AI for whole web site builds and construction out complete pages. Further difficult consumers use AI design to create pages one segment at a time or as sought after. This is most certainly as a result of the nature {{of professional}} web design, where a design is endlessly finalized (in something like Figma) forward of a web site assemble even starts.

Divi AI’s coding naturally lends itself to additional difficult consumers comfy the usage of custom code on their duties. That isn’t to say that newcomers can’t get in on the movement—they can, and it endlessly makes custom code additional approachable for them.

AI image generation and AI image bettering are largely useful for every type of shoppers. We’ve seen those new to web site construction lean additional into AI image generation, while additional difficult consumers tend to use professional footage + AI {photograph} bettering with Divi AI.

Release Complex Workflows With Divi AI

You’ve seen some ways our staff makes necessarily essentially the most out of the usage of Divi AI. It’s our go-to toolset evidently problems, while it’s a key piece inside the mix for others. You’ll very best experience time and worth monetary financial savings with AI for those who’re making the leap.

Get Divi AI

Divi’s Summer time Sale is your best possible choice to capitalize on AI web design productivity. Listed here are my favorite problems about Divi AI that make it winning:

  1. Divi AI is Multi-Modal: It generates/edits text, creates web site/webpage designs with Divi Modules, creates/edits images, and codes the usage of wordpress/Divi necessities.
  2. Divi AI is Infinite: AI has a learning curve, it doesn’t subject what tools you use. It’s disheartening to clutter round with AI and watch credit score ranking counts plummet merely as you start to get the hang of it. On the other hand that’s no longer so with Divi AI. Infinite AI usage means endless text generation, endless coding, endless internet web page designs, endless image bettering … you get it.
  3. Divi AI is Embedded: There are many killer AI tools available in the market. On the other hand what collection of prime quality AI tools are built into your favorite internet web page builder? In the event you occur to spend more and more time inside the Divi editor, you wish to have AI where you’re running, no longer another tab or app.
  4. Divi AI is Staff In a position: Got staff members loaded up to your Divi Teams account? Positive, they, too, get endless AI usage. It’s roughly like endless multiplied by the use of your staff size, so … ∞ &instances; 4 = … Oh, correct, nevertheless endless.

Get Divi AI

The Best possible Way to Use Divi is with Divi Skilled

Divi Professional is one of the best ways to bundle every Divi product, lengthen your options, and save massive—and I’m talking really massive. Positive, it incorporates Divi AI, then again it’s going manner previous that. Proper right here’s what you get with one Divi Skilled subscription:

Divi Pro Includes all these items

All of this is able to obviously set you once more 600 greenbacks, then again no. I’m happy to say that Divi Skilled is at your toes for very best $199/one year. Getting these kind of products one at a time would price $665, then again you’ll have the ability to clutch them for 70.1% off. Now’s your probability to get Divi AI and a component dozen other products and benefits for a single, easy, low price.

Get Divi Professional

The publish 7 Techniques To Grasp Divi AI And Supercharge Your Industry (60% Off Nowadays) appeared first on Chic Topics Weblog.

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7 Ways To Master Divi AI And Supercharge Your Business (60% Off Today)

The Divi Summer Sale is in complete swing, and we’re marking down our complete suite of goods. That implies the access level to grasp a few of these equipment you’ve been eyeing for months is extra obtainable than ever. A type of gem stones is Divi AI.

Divi AI is now 60% off, which, in my e-book, is a scouse borrow. It’s typically $23/mo however is now priced to promote at $12.96/mo (or a price of $9.58 if billed annually).

Take Me to Divi AI’s Summer Deal

If that wasn’t sufficient, I wish to display you a few of my favourite tactics to make use of Divi AI to get well effects.

Get the Maximum Out of Divi AI (7 Tactics)

If you happen to’ve ever used an AI instrument, that obtaining probably the most out of it takes some follow and viewpoint. Dealing with AI equipment is an excessively distinctive ability set. The usage of Divi AI is so easy. Then again, it at all times can pay off to fine-tune your craft.

I’ve get a hold of six of my perfect pointers for the use of Divi AI as a way to grasp this implausible era and lend a hand you together with your web site builds.

1. Lean Into New Options like AI website Development

Divi AI has simplest been out for a yr, however we’ve packed it with leading edge options that push the prohibit of what you concept was once conceivable with Divi and wordpress. The most recent options lend a hand trade house owners create internet sites in mins, and it’s simplest getting higher.

Divi AI Web site Builder: Construct Whole Internet sites in Mins

Divi AI’s full website builder does much more than the general public be expecting. It creates more than one pages (house, about, touch, and so forth.)—populating them with entire designs and a primary draft of written content material and pictures. It additionally is going the additional mile and creates international presets with a constant design philosophy, chooses font/colour pairings, and builds Theme Builder templates (even WooCommerce templates if wanted). This selection is best possible for many who want a whole, cohesive web site briefly with out sacrificing high quality.

<img decoding=”async” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-270471 size-full” src=”” alt=”AI website Generation – Unique Pages with Content Created” width=”1698″ height=”869″/>

Listed here are 3 sensible tactics to make use of the Divi AI Web site Builder to supercharge your workflow:

  • Boost up Consumer Challenge Timelines: The Divi AI Web site Builder can considerably scale back the time it takes to ship a completely practical web site. Automating key web page introduction and constant design packages means that you can briefly ship a elegant product, releasing up time for extra initiatives.
  • Release New Industry Ventures Briefly: Beginning a brand new trade or facet venture? The Web site Builder means that you can get your website reside with minimum effort, offering a certified on-line presence in report time.
  • Successfully Organize Web site Rebrands: Streamline the rebranding procedure through producing recent, cohesive designs throughout all of your pages with out ranging from scratch. This instrument simplifies enforcing new emblem pointers and updating visuals.

The Divi AI Web site Builder can considerably fortify your productiveness and effectiveness, whether or not you’re running on shopper initiatives, launching a brand new mission, or rebranding an present website.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

Divi AI Format Generator: Create Completely Adapted Pages

Whether or not you’re development a brand new website from scratch or including pages to an present web site, Divi AI’s Format Generator has you coated. It’s best possible for developing explicit pages with a unified glance, making sure that each and every new addition aligns seamlessly together with your website’s present design. From touchdown pages to carrier choices, Divi AI crafts those with objective and precision. All you wish to have to do is inform it what you need it to create.

Listed here are a couple of sensible tactics to make use of the Divi AI Format Generator to supercharge your workflow:

  • Briefly Generate Prime-Changing Touchdown Pages: Use the Format Generator to create touchdown pages which are optimized for conversions, with strategically positioned CTAs, testimonials, and product showcases that information guests towards taking motion.
  • Easily Extend Your Web site with New Provider Pages: Upload new carrier pages that fit your present design, showcasing your choices professionally and cohesively with out requiring in depth handbook changes.
  • Streamline the Advent of Weblog Templates: Care for a constant weblog format throughout all posts through the use of the Format Generator to create tradition weblog templates that align together with your emblem’s taste. This guarantees that each and every publish appears polished and arranged.

With AI format era like this, you’ll save time and fortify the standard and effectiveness of your internet pages.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

Divi AI Phase Generator: Seamlessly Replace Present Pages

Holding internet sites up-to-date and constant is the most important, and Divi Phase AI makes it more uncomplicated than ever. Whether or not you’re including new content material to a web page or refreshing out of date sections, this instrument means that you can replace your web page to check your present design seamlessly. You’ll construct a tradition web page from scratch (phase through phase) or replace your present web page with lacking content material. This makes updates fast and easy whilst keeping up your emblem’s feel and appear.

Listed here are 3 sensible tactics to make use of Divi Phase AI to supercharge your workflow:

  • Briefly Upload New Options: Wish to replace your website with a brand new call-to-action, testimonial, or product function? The Phase Generator can seamlessly combine those into your present pages whilst matching your present design.
  • Refresh Out of date Content material: Simply breathe new lifestyles into older sections of your website through producing recent content material that aligns with the most recent developments and design requirements, all with out ranging from scratch.
  • Streamline Seasonal Updates: Use the Phase Generator to briefly put in force seasonal promotions or brief gives, making sure that your website remains related and tasty year-round.

Take a look at this case.

Starter Site Add AI Section - Steps 3-7

We asked Divi AI to create a call-out phase to put it up for sale a bargain on our web site’s hand cleaning soap. It followed the default types to check the remainder of the web page with out manually atmosphere types.

Starter Site Add AI Section - End Result

There are extra options at the horizon that may proceed to make your lifestyles more uncomplicated and more uncomplicated. Getting Divi AI presently throughout the Summer time Sale locks you in on the steep 60% bargain, whilst new options roll into the town.

Divi AI Future Feature Releases

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

2. Set Default Fonts and Colours for Designs

If somebody dislikes a particular web page or phase format created through AI, it’s continuously because of the collection of fonts and colours. When you’ve got favourite font pairs, a mode information, or are developing complete emblem pointers, you’re going to get well effects through inputting the ones immediately into Divi AI.

You’ve gotten two strategies for doing so. The primary is to set your website defaults and let Divi AI use the ones defaults on your urged (beneath Customise Fonts & Colours).

Set Default Fonts and Colors in the Customizer

You’ll additionally set the ones manually on your Divi AI design Urged through settling on your fonts from the drop-down menu. Pick out your heading and frame fonts and their colours, in addition to the main and secondary colours to make use of. If you happen to’ve already had Divi AI create a web page or phase for you, and you loved the fonts that it selected, you’ll save the ones font specs. Later, whilst you create with Divi AI, use AI Default for a constant design.

Divi AI options

As a substitute of leaving those elementary design choices as much as likelihood, give Divi AI a cast base to paintings with. You’ll be such a lot nearer to a design you favor if you happen to do that one step.

3. Replace Textual content with search engine optimization Key phrases and Words

Including key phrases in your replica on occasion comes naturally, however on occasion it does now not. However at some point, you’ll want to make certain that your on-page optimization is as much as snuff. Divi Text AI mean you can out with this briefly order.

To try this, open up a Divi module together with your beginning textual content. Click on the AI icon and make a choice Toughen With AI. Make a choice your content material sort, a snappy instruction for bettering (now not at all times important for easy rewriting), slim the context to this unmarried module and input the key phrase(s) you were given from a keyword research tool like Semrush. After that, click on Generate Textual content to peer how Divi AI provides the key phrase in your decided on textual content.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter size-full wp-image-270054″ src=”” alt=”Rewrite Page Content with seo Keywords – Steps 1-5″ width=”1920″ height=”911″/>

We began with this:

Improve your on-line presence with our search engine optimization content material writing products and services. We create keyword-rich, attractive content material that improves your seek engine scores and draws extra guests in your website.

And ended with this in seconds, in step with our specs.

We focus on turning in adapted search engine optimization content material writing products and services that cater to SaaS firms. We do that through serving to them keep up a correspondence their distinctive worth propositions successfully and connect to their target market via compelling narratives that still carry out smartly in search engines like google.

Take note so as to add key phrases (and context) to content material sections with Divi AI. It’s one of the crucial quickest tactics to fortify your present content material with the important key phrases. If you happen to’re the use of Divi AI to create new content material, including the key phrases firstly guarantees that all of your textual content is optimized and able to give a boost to your seek engine rating.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

4. Upscale Small or Improve Pixelated Pictures

When asking shoppers for content material, I’ve continuously won unusable pictures. Even within the twenty-first century, tiny or ultra-low-quality pictures aren’t unusual. It’s only a reality of lifestyles, making what will have been the “best possible photograph” unusable.

Quite a few AI image enhancers are in the marketplace, however none are immediately hooked up in your wordpress media library. To upscale a picture the use of Divi AI, open any Divi module that helps a picture or background symbol. Then, add your symbol, click on the AI icon, and make a choice Upscale.

Upscale Image in Divi AI - Steps 1-3

And identical to that, our instance symbol was once upscaled to be usable on our web site. Now, I will run during the symbol with a easy Divi AI Improve request to get extra readability from the picture.

Enhanced Image Settings with Divi AI

Whether or not you obtain unusable pictures from shoppers or have previous pictures which are another way best possible for show, Divi AI can lend a hand salvage them. It opens up new probabilities and less obstacles.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

5. Create New Pictures at Your Wanted Measurement

Divi AI is stuffed with surprises. With Divi Image AI,  you aren’t limited to predetermined symbol sizes. You’ve gotten complete keep an eye on over the side ratios of your generated pictures. You could desire a portrait ratio (3:4) for a picture to seem just right on cellular. Then again, you could desire a panorama (16:9) ratio on your phase background symbol to hide all the background properly.

To generate a custom-sized symbol, hover over the picture field and click on the Divi AI icon. Then, make a choice Generate Symbol. Describe the picture you need to create (additionally atmosphere any symbol types to make use of) and make a choice the side ratio of your symbol. Right here’s our instance:

Create Perfectly Sized AI Images - Steps 1-2

It created 4 pictures for us to make a choice from (or we will be able to refine our urged to dial it in).

Create Perfectly Sized AI Images - Steps 3

Right here’s what our symbol (with very, little or no effort) seems like in our another way untweaked AI-generated format.

Create Perfectly Sized AI Images - Steps 4

Our symbol isn’t blown up such a lot that it’ll tank our web page’s loading occasions, however is best possible for our wishes.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

6. Streamline Customized Coding with Divi Code AI

Divi Code AI empowers you so as to add tradition code in your Divi initiatives the use of easy language activates, bearing in mind complex customization with out the trouble. Whether or not you’re a seasoned developer or simply getting began, Divi Code AI takes the complexity out of coding, permitting you to concentrate on bettering your web site’s capability and design.

Listed here are only a few tactics Divi Code AI mean you can:

  • Easily Generate Customized CSS, HTML, and JS: With Divi Code AI, you’ll briefly generate tradition CSS, JavaScript, or HTML so as to add complex options in your website. As an example, if you wish to introduce a novel animation, alter a format component, or put in force tradition interactions, Divi Code AI can write the important code in accordance with your description, streamlining the coding procedure and saving you hours of handbook paintings.
  • In an instant Optimize Present Code: When you’ve got present code that wishes refinement, Divi Code AI can lend a hand optimize it for higher efficiency and compatibility. This selection is especially helpful for boosting website pace, solving insects, or making sure that your customizations paintings seamlessly throughout all gadgets and browsers. By way of permitting AI to signify enhancements, you’ll handle a top of the range codebase with minimum effort.
  • Make Complicated Customizations Obtainable: Divi Code AI makes it simple for customers with restricted coding wisdom to put in force complex customizations. By way of merely describing what you need to reach—equivalent to including a tradition slider or editing a posh format—Divi Code AI generates the important code, empowering you to push the limits of your design while not having to be a professional coder.

Let’s say you need so as to add a novel textual content taste (like a gradient background) to a heading module. Generally, this will require manually writing tradition CSS and sparsely putting it throughout the Divi Builder’s settings. With Divi Code AI, this procedure is simplified and streamlined.

Open any module’s complex CSS settings. Click on at the Divi Code AI icon and easily describe the impact you need, equivalent to “Upload a gradient textual content colour from scorching crimson to royal blue to the heading.” Then click on “Generate Code.”

divi code ai prompt

Divi AI generates the CSS code with the important Divi parts focused to get the way you wish to have. If one thing isn’t proper, you’ll give a boost to it with AI or refine it as wanted.

Divi AI additionally works inside of free-form Code Modules to create distinctive answers in accordance with just a plain-language urged. This simply leverages now not simplest CSS but in addition HTML and Javascript (JS) to create design parts for which you don’t have a Divi module.

JS, HTML, CSS Toggle Generation Example - 4 Steps

Divi Code AI’s deep figuring out of the Divi codebase guarantees that the tradition code it generates isn’t just efficient but in addition adheres to Divi’s perfect practices. This ends up in cleaner, extra maintainable code that works seamlessly together with your Divi web site. By way of leveraging Divi Code AI, you’ll successfully deal with complicated coding duties, make your internet sites extra dynamic, and ship tradition answers adapted in your shoppers’ wishes.

Get Divi AI at 60% Off

7. Uncover the Best possible Divi AI Options for Your Talent-Stage

Whilst you’re in Divi’s visible editor, AI is sprinkled during and is tricky to leave out. Then again, it might probably all bleed in combination and really feel like only one large AI function. It can be crucial that you already know the quite a lot of contexts through which you’ll use Divi AI. Listed here are the massive spaces throughout the editor the place the use of Divi AI is conceivable:

  • AI web site era (more than one pages, more than one theme builder templates, international presets, totally written textual content, and imagery variety)
  • AI webpage era (one webpage format with phase association, totally written textual content, and imagery variety)
  • AI phase era (unmarried web page phase design with module association, totally written textual content, and imagery variety)
  • AI module content material (can create or edit inputs for a unmarried module—starting from textual content to photographs to code)

Divi AI Use Cases

As a substitute of treating Divi AI like a monolith, you are going to get extra mileage through taking into account the scope of what Divi AI can accomplish for you.

Sure Customers Might Choose Sure Options

Divi AI brings a large number of AI firepower in your design workflow. However in accordance with what we’ve heard from customers, positive other folks have the benefit of other options. Right here’s a demonstration appearing how positive options can also be extra interesting to other ranges of internet design talents:

Divi AI Feature Helpfulness by User Type - Usecase Contexts

Purples = Design Duties, Blues = Symbol Duties, Oranges = Code Duties, and Vegetables = Textual content Duties

Total, and this isn’t sudden, Divi AI’s maximum useful options are its design-focused options. Those large, multi-task options deal with dozens of choices in a single move. What may take you a couple of hours, AI can deal with in a pair mins.

Novices generally tend to gravitate towards AI for complete web site builds and development out entire pages. Extra complex customers use AI design to create pages one phase at a time or as wanted. That is most probably because of the character {of professional} internet design, the place a design is continuously finalized (in one thing like Figma) sooner than a web site construct even begins.

Divi AI’s coding naturally lends itself to extra complex customers relaxed the use of tradition code on their initiatives. That isn’t to mention that rookies can’t get in at the motion—they may be able to, and it continuously makes tradition code extra approachable for them.

AI symbol era and AI symbol enhancing are in large part helpful for all sorts of customers. We’ve noticed the ones new to web site development lean extra into AI symbol era, whilst extra complex customers generally tend to make use of skilled pictures + AI photograph enhancing with Divi AI.

Liberate Progressed Workflows With Divi AI

You’ve noticed many ways our group makes probably the most out of the use of Divi AI. It’s our go-to toolset for positive issues, whilst it’s a key piece within the combine for others. You’ll simplest enjoy time and price financial savings with AI if you are making the leap.

Get Divi AI

Divi’s Summer time Sale is your perfect alternative to capitalize on AI internet design productiveness. Listed here are my favourite issues about Divi AI that make it profitable:

  1. Divi AI is Multi-Modal: It generates/edits textual content, creates web site/webpage designs with Divi Modules, creates/edits pictures, and codes the use of wordpress/Divi requirements.
  2. Divi AI is Limitless: AI has a studying curve, it doesn’t matter what equipment you utilize. It’s disheartening to mess around with AI and watch credit score counts plummet simply as you begin to get the cling of it. However that’s now not so with Divi AI. Limitless AI utilization manner limitless textual content era, limitless coding, limitless web page designs, limitless symbol enhancing … you get it.
  3. Divi AI is Embedded: There are lots of killer AI equipment in the market. However what number of high quality AI equipment are constructed into your favourite web page builder? If you happen to spend an increasing number of time within the Divi editor, you wish to have AI the place you might be running, now not any other tab or app.
  4. Divi AI is Crew Able: Were given group participants loaded as much as your Divi Groups account? Sure, they, too, get limitless AI utilization. It’s more or less like limitless multiplied through your group measurement, so … ∞ &occasions; 4 = … Oh, proper, nonetheless limitless.

Get Divi AI

The Best possible Solution to Use Divi is with Divi Professional

Divi Pro is the easiest way to package each and every Divi product, lengthen your features, and save large—and I’m speaking actually large. Sure, it contains Divi AI, but it surely is going method past that. Right here’s what you get with one Divi Professional subscription:

Divi Pro Includes all these items

All of this could clearly set you again 600 bucks, however no. I’m satisfied to mention that Divi Professional is at your toes for simplest $199/yr. Getting these kinds of merchandise one by one would price $665, however you’ll grasp them for 70.1% off. Now’s your likelihood to get Divi AI and a part dozen different merchandise and advantages for a unmarried, simple, low worth.

Get Divi Pro

The publish 7 Ways To Master Divi AI And Supercharge Your Business (60% Off Today) seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command

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Is a small, stucco-coated two-story Spanish style mansion…Situated on an oversized lot, it doesn’t look like much on the outside… But this particular mansion holds a secret that you would never suspect just by looking at it.Because once a month dozens of the most beautiful, sultry, and desirable women from all over Southern California flock to its front doors…For a private, invitation-only gathering that none of the participants would ever admit to attending outside of its walls…And these women are NOT coming in search of fortune or fame either… they’re coming for a dose of mind-warping pleasure so intense…It leaves them shaking, breathless and convulsing… barely able to walk or move… addicted to a rare kind of orgasmic release they never even knew was possible.Because the men who host these hush-hush soirees are not just rich and powerful… they have a secret.A secret that gives them the power to enjoy controlled, lasting pleasure and the ability to climax on command…

So they can last as long as they want, whenever they want… even though most of them are well into their 50s.

…Even the coldest, most conservative, or stubborn woman can be converted into a rabid nymphomaniac on the spot.And today, right here on this page you’re going to discover their secret for yourself.By the time you’re finished reading this, you’re going to have the power to control exactly how long you last every single time you have sex…You’ll have such precision control over both your pleasure and hers that whether you want to last 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or even well over an hour…You’ll have the power to do it…Every time…On commandAnd the best part is… you’ll be able to accomplish all of this…Without ever needing pills, pumps, delay creams or special numbing condoms…Or relying on so-called “porn star tricks” that only work for genetically gifted guys in their sexual prime.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

“I’m a natural skeptic so when I first heard about this ‘Hollywood Sex Secret’ I thought it would be another scam with no substance. But my curiosity was burning so I decided to try it. Trying just one part of your method I was able to satisfy my woman all night. Thanks for this.”

Blair C. wrote and told me:

“Normally I’m skeptical about endorsement letters that praise a product or service too highly, but I can honestly say to you that your advice has saved my marriage, and has led to the best sex we’ve ever had (including the four extra times during the remainder of that evening!)”

Finally Wayne wrote in and said:

“I’m seeing a massive improvement already. I can’t believe how quickly things have started to change. I always thought this was a problem I’m going to be stuck with. I feel a lot more confident now. Thanks again for the quick cure!”

Now these are just a few of the 1,000s of guys that send me testimonials just like this every single day…They didn’t want their faces or full names to be shared for obvious reasons but I personally verify every testimonial and keep a copy in my office according to FTC guideline CFR 255.Just so you know I’m not blowing smoke up your “you know what…”Now you might be wondering how I went from being so bad in the sack that my wife was in talks with a divorce attorney…To gaining almost supernatural sexual staying power and lighting up my woman’s world with legendary orgasms that make her see stars on a nightly basis.

And it all started on the night of my 7th wedding anniversary when…

Like most couples past the Honeymoon phase of the relationship… The passion between my wife and I had started to fade.Slowly at first… then faster and faster until we were barely getting it on at all…I thought at the time it was the normal stuff – work, stress, and hectic schedules… the kind of excuses that everyone uses to justify their less-than-satisfying sex life.But little did I know it was actually my own performance that was to blame.It’s a bit embarrassing for me to admit this now but I was never exactly a “marathon man” in the bedroom.It was easy for me to get overly aroused and let any kind of friction from straight sex to oral set me off in less than a minute.For a while I was able to recover and come back for a second round but after a while that started to become a problem for me too.Now, the worst part of giving a woman a less-than-standing-ovation performance in the sack…Is that she will almost NEVER tell you.Women are instinctively programmed to avoid confrontation about this sort of thing.The last thing a woman wants to do is awkwardly tell you how lame you are in bed and then deal with your wounded ego afterwards…So the pattern continued and pretty soon… It went from my wife “feeling tired” or “having a headache” most nights of the week…To the point where we were only doing the deed on special occasions…Which brings me to the night of our 7th wedding anniversary.After a romantic dinner for two at an upscale seafood restaurant downtown and a few glasses of bubbly we were both in the mood.Back in our bedroom my wife and I started making out as the passion began to heat up…Just then she stopped me to sneak into the bathroom and “slip into something more comfortable.”As she fiddled around in the bathroom I downed another glass of champagne and geared up for a night of hot loving.Just as I was finishing the last gulp of champagne I saw her…Arched underneath the doorway of our bedroom in a red teddy that left very little to the imagination.Her hip jutted out just slightly, drawing attention to her sumptuous curves and seductive sinews…

She crawled into bed and we started to kiss each other passionately as I tore off her lingerie.

But after less than a minute of action… it was all over.I got so excited that despite my best efforts to slow down and keep things going… I just couldn’t “keep the wolves at bay” so to speak.I felt myself reaching that point of no return as my body wanted to release the pressure that had been building up…So I started to think about my favorite football team and even made a move to change positions to something I read that would make me feel less sensation.But I think we both know, those things never work.And after about 2 minutes…I just couldn’t help myself…I sputtered out a quick orgasm and rolled over.And that’s when it happened.I actually heard my wife laugh.

It wasn’t a howling kind of laughter, but it was audible… the sort of thing that seemed to come out of her accidentally.“What’s so funny?” I said.“Nothing…” she said back.She rolled over and poured herself a glass of bubbly that was still on ice on the nightstand and started chugging away so she could avoid having to say more about it…And I felt a red current of embarrassment rush up my body and into my face…I just left the conversation alone because I was too embarrassed and proud to confront her about it.But I knew that her snickering had something to do with my “two-pump chump” effort. And after that night…

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

But the worst part was what my wife had said last:

“I even talked to a divorce attorney last week… just to review how things would go if I did decide to separate…Basically it seems straightforward… since we don’t have kids yet it wouldn’t be too messy, and he even thinks I would get the house.I don’t want to go this route, I still care about Lloyd but a girl has needs and I still have lots of good years left in me…”

I put the phone down in shock…My stomach turned and I felt the blood draining from my face as I slumped onto the living room sofa.I had already started to suspect that my performance in the bedroom wasn’t leaving my wife satisfied… but I had no idea just how bad it had gotten.That night I tossed and turned… barely sleeping a wink.A million scenarios whirled in my mind and I couldn’t help but return over and over to one single thought…

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur to be honest…I was so depressed at the thought that my marriage was falling apart that I started to wander into random bars after work instead of going home.Because of the hurt, anger and shame I felt… I didn’t think I’d be able to face my wife without unloading on her about the text conversation I saw…Then one Friday afternoon…I ended up wandering into an upscale cocktail lounge in a luxury boutique hotel…At the time… it just seemed like a classy place to drown my sorrows.I sat down in a comfy leather armchair and gave my drink order to a very sexy cocktail waitress…After my 3rd drink in a row I was pretty buzzed and some of the pain was blunted enough for me to survey the room…It was pretty typical of what you’d see on a Friday night at a high-end lounge.The place was packed with attractive women, all wearing different colors of slinky cocktail dresses and carrying around designer purses…Some looked like sexy, well-kept divorcees sculpted by plastic surgery and bronzed with artificial tans…And some were beautiful, young women who looked to be trolling for rich husbands and boyfriends…Most of the men were impeccably dressed in designer suits that cost more than my car…

But out of the corner of my eye… I caught something that seemed out of place.A guy in his late 40s wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt, tattered jeans, and box-store sandals standing just outside the patio door of the lounge…He looked more like the kind of guy that slept at a homeless shelter than belonged in a high-end cocktail lounge like this.But he was talking with two gorgeous-looking women who giggled at everything he said.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

So after the free gin and tonic had caught up to him and he headed to the men’s room…

I seized the opportunity and followed.

I crept up to the stall next to him… trying to figure out how to start a conversation.

Finally I just blurted out “hey, ahhh Ted?”“Yeah,” he answered… “How do you know my name?”“Ummmm… well I was… ahhh…”

He interrupted “Look, if you’re from Playboy magazine I’m going to tell you what I told the last guy…”“I’m not interested in giving any interviews… even anonymous ones.”“No, I’m not a reporter and I’m not here from any magazine…” I responded.He looked me in the eyes intensely like he wanted to punch me in the face but let up because I think he saw the desperation in my eyes.It gave me a window of opportunity to explain myself… I gave him the elevator speech version of my story… how my sex life with my wife had gone frigid and how she had one foot out the door in our marriage.I admit it was a little weird laying all of this on a guy I had just met 5 minutes before but to my surprise… Ted actually listened to me.

Because Ted was about to share something with me that completely changed my sex life forever…

And it will do the same thing for you too.

“Look Lloyd, I’m gonna be honest… tonight isn’t a good night for me. I’ve got plans but if you’re willing to meet tomorrow around 4 PM…I’ll make sure that you can make your wife orgasm so hard she forgets her first name.”

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

It turns out that Mr. Mogul and an inner circle of a dozen Hollywood elite hosted hush-hush soirees once per month at a reclusive mansion in Santa Monica…Ted recalled the first time he went to one of their events…A private car picked him up and brought him to the gates of a Spanish-style mansion that looked a little run-down from the outside.But once inside… the character of the site changed quickly.High ceilings and grey marble floors stretched out to a set of oversized French doors where a patio gave way to a heated pool and a breathtaking view of the mountains…And every direction you looked… some of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen were circling about and mingling with the Hollywood elites.The next thing Ted saw, however, really blew his mind…Mr. Mogul ascending the staircase with 3 beautiful women on his arm all eagerly pawing at him and giggling with anticipation…He then noticed another older gentleman in a tuxedo do the same with two other partygoers.The pattern continued… as each of the men paired off with no fewer than two of the women.Finally a lovely blonde and a pretty red-head approached Ted and introduced themselves… Just then Ted heard a deep voice behind him say…“Sorry ladies, this one’s new and isn’t ready yet.”Ted turned around to see a tall man who appeared to be in his mid 50s who introduced himself simply as “The Professor.”And that’s when he discovered…

You see The Professor Ted met was just that…A professor and researcher in the field of neuroscience at a local southern California university…As Ted explained, all the guys in the “secret society” first had to get training from The Professor before they could “reap the benefits” of membership.It turns out The Professor specialized in something that scientists call “Neurochemical feedback.”Basically, it’s a way to train your body and your nervous system to respond to stimulation in novel ways.See, all the sexy women that came to these orgiastic parties weren’t just coming to hob nob with Hollywood power brokers…They came because once these men were trained in The Professor’s cutting-edge science of Neurochemical Feedback methods…

They had the ability to tap directly into their brain’s own pleasure networks, lasting as long as they wanted and delaying orgasm by up to 60 minutes…Plus their training gave them certain simple techniques they could use on their partners and lower what’s known as the “pleasure threshold.”Look, men and women aren’t wired the same when it comes to sex…Men are wired to become aroused more easily so it’s naturally harder for us guys to hold back when we’re really turned on.Women, on the other hand, have a much higher threshold for arousal, which means it takes them longer to reach an orgasm…So if you’re struggling right now to last long enough to “deliver the goods” to your lady…

It’s 100% Not Your Fault…

But as Ted was about to find out…

Once a guy was trained in The Professor’s techniques, he gains the power to not only lower the pleasure barrier for any lady he chooses…But to raise it in himself all totally on command…

To not just naturally last longer and even recover faster after orgasm…But cause women to orgasm faster and for a much longer time than normal.

Ted was able to see the power of these methods with his own eyes… Watching these guys in their 50s and 60s satisfy multiple women decades younger than themselves at the same time… In fact the women experienced such incredible sexual pleasure that they actually became chemically addicted to it…And while most of them originally came to these parties for the promise of advancing their careers…

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

As great as it felt to please my wife so completely, that was just the beginning of what I learned from Ted.We continued to meet over the next few weeks and he would share some more of the techniques just as The Professor taught him…One technique he called The Pleasure Multiplier, which was a simple way that I could use the neurochemical feedback training to tap into my wife’s arousal mechanism…It gave me the power to ratchet up her arousal so high… She would orgasm before I could even enter her…Another technique he called The Boomerang let me recover within 30 seconds of orgasm so I could immediately go another round…It even let me do this as many times in a row as my body can handle.At first I was like a kid in the candy store, going again and again up to a half-dozen times in a single night.And I was giving my wife such intense orgasms that she couldn’t contain herself.One night, I heard the doorbell ring and saw a police officer standing at the door…Apparently, one of the neighbors heard my wife’s orgasmic screams and thought someone was in trouble.I still remember the look on his face when my wife came to the door in her bathrobe, her hair wildly strewn about, and her face red as a ripe apple…Telling him she was fine and to give a woman and her husband some privacy in their own home…Then dragging me back to the bedroom so I could finish what I started.

Over the course of the next few weeks my sex life continued to get better and better.Not only did I completely eliminate my premature ejaculation, and give myself the ability to go round after round…My wife totally loved the way I was able to rev her into overdrive on command using the simple neurochemical feedback  tricks that I discovered.And everything was going great until one of my coworkers, Jim confided something to me over lunch.See, Jim had gone through a divorce a few years back and had finally met a girl that he really liked…The only problem was she was 10 years younger than him and he was nervous he wouldn’t have the stamina to keep up.Now, a big part of me wanted to point him to Ted so he could teach him the neurochemical feedback techniques he taught me…But I remembered about the second of his “non-negotiable demands” when he agreed to share the secrets with me…“You must promise not to share my identity with anyone.”And since Ted basically saved my sex life and marriage, the last thing I wanted to do was betray him.So I shot him a text and asked him if we could meet for a drink because I needed to ask him something important.He agreed and when we met up I asked him…“Hey, so there’s a guy that I work with that’s having a tough time with a younger lady he met…”“This guy has really been through the ringer and I was hoping you’d give the okay for me to give him your number so you can help him like you helped me.”He looked at me straight in the eyes and said:“Lloyd, I’ve been teaching guys like you for nearly a decade… And in all that time I’ve only shared these secrets in private… with guys like you 1-on-1 who’ve paid me 4 figures to reveal them.I’ve been asked by editors of mainstream magazines like Maxim and Playboy to do interviews and share my story…But I’ve always felt a responsibility to only share them with guys who are truly deserving…”“But…” he continued, “I’ve decided to retire.”“I’m ready to spend the rest of my days living the beach life in Colombia…”“So Lloyd, you’re my last client.”“But if you think this friend of yours needs the neurochemical feedback tricks… you have my blessing to share them.”Ted left the next day and I never saw him again.But three days later I went and taught Jim what he had shared with me…And Jim of course got the same results that I did and ended up spilling the beans to a neighbor in his condo complex when his new girlfriend kept him up all night with her primal screams of orgasmic release.So this other guy came to me asking for the tricks too…Well, after this… word started to spread fast and one thing led to another and pretty soon…

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

Then there was this one that came in from Donny…He says:

“After only 2 sessions the results are astonishing. First session I went over 15 minutes. Second session I lasted 30 minutes. Even after I ejaculated I was still rock hard! Thanks for this.”

And I can’t wait to tell you about Regan who said this:

“After just one week my stamina has gone through the roof. Absolutely no problem lasting as long as my girlfriend. Also, sex has always been associated with anxiety for me and with your techniques, I find it’s gone down a ton. It’s so much easier to stay in the moment and I can now enjoy my beautiful girlfriend. Thanks Lloyd!”

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

If you want to be a sexual god among mere mortals…Today is your day to make it happen.Ejaculation By Command is the only sexual stamina method available that leverages the power of “neurochemical feedback”…So you are in total control of your body’s pleasure response… and can go for as long as you want, every single time.Most guys who do this report being able to last a MINIMUM of 20 minutes longer the first time they try it out.It won’t just give you epic staying power and light-speed recovery time…It will automatically allow you to naturally tap into the very pleasure network both in your brain…And hers…Letting both of you enjoy sheet-tearing, transcendent sexual pleasure for as long as you want, whenever you want, for as many times as you want.And just before you start to think this is just another typical “downloadable e-book…”Think again…It’s a full-fledged, multimedia powerhouse designed to be so simple, natural and powerful…It’s nearly “done-for-you.”Ejaculation By Command is so unique… that I couldn’t deliver it in a single componentI had to create 6 different components of the system to ensure that everything you need to know is delivered in the right way…At just the right time…

Now, in the first component, which I call…

You’ll get a step-by-step way to tap into your body’s natural “neurochemical feedback” mechanism…Installing a “virtual throttle” that will give you COMPLETE control over your pleasure response…So you can naturally last as long as you want, whenever you want without ever sacrificing one morsel of pleasure for you or your partner.Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover:

And much, much more…But we’re just getting started because you’ll also be getting…

You’ll be able to listen to every, white-hot morsel of the core protocol without reading a single word.Whether you’re commuting to the office…Working out at the gym…Or if you just learn better by listening…This downloadable companion of 14 jam-packed audios in MP3 format will let you install the power of Ejaculation By Command right into your brain.

Is your ticket to instant firepower you can use TONIGHT!Use it to give your woman a sexual experience she hasn’t had since your Honeymoon phase.This is where I pull back the curtains and reveal 15 tried-and-tested tactics to give a lights-out performance in the sack and send her into a wild sexual frenzy the first night you take it for a spin.Here’s just a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

Now we’re really rolling but I really felt the need to give my clients a surefire way to hit the ground running…Which is why I’ve included…

This is a handy guide that accumulates all of the breakthrough neurochemical feedback techniques in the core system plus the key emergency tactics in one place…So all you need to do is print it out, follow along, and you can rock her world as soon as tonight.

Gives you premium lifetime updates to the program at no extra charge. I’m always improving and making both myself and my trainings the best they can possibly be.Which means that I regularly update my trainings with new research, new discoveries and new techniques as they become available…And you’ll get to benefit from that constant improvement with lifetime updates to your Ejaculation By Command training completely on the house.

Now, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone to make this program as simple and as easy-to-follow as I possibly can…But there are always people who have additional questions about how to apply the techniques or even questions about other topics related to their sex lives…Believe me, I know how difficult it can be to get good advice, so in order to go the extra mile and give you the 1-to-1 attention you need when you join the Ejaculation By Command movement today…You’ll automatically be upgraded to priority status which gives you access to a private e-mail address where you can get any and all questions answered, completely free of charge.No BS support tickets or waiting around for days in a queue… you’ll get direct, same day access to yours truly…So you’ll never be in the dark about how to apply the powerful techniques you’ll discover inside this truly unique system.

Now, if I were to stop right now… You would already possess the most powerful system on the planet to ensure that you never felt the anxiety of not lasting long enough to please your woman EVER AGAIN…In fact, Ejaculation By Command isn’t just about boosting your sexual endurance or ending your premature ejaculation…

But because you’ve given me a little bit of your valuable time, I want to reward you.So I’m going to flat out give you access to…

Your 1st gift is a nifty little training that I call:

Raunchy Sex Secrets: Transforming Your Sex Life In Wickedly Sensuous Ways

Go from dud to stud at the speed of light by supercharging your love life with these done-for-you erotic escalation techniques…Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

Female Orgasm Secrets: How To Give Women Insanely Powerful Orgasms

Discover powerful, insider secrets to give your woman the kind of orgasms that make her touch the heavens…In this meaty guide packed with high-level intel you’ll unlock:

And so much more that I don’t have time to tell you about.Because I haven’t gotten to…

Your 3rd gift, which is called:

G-Spot Orgasm Secrets: How to Stimulate Her G-Spot And Give Any Woman Intense, Full-Body Squirting Orgasms

This is a special training from my good friend, Jason Julius who’s a highly respected figure in the field of female sexuality…Inside you’ll discover:

And that’s not even scratching the surface on the value this program will deliver into your life.There’s so much more that I didn’t have time to tell you about.But since you’ve read this far…I think it’s fair to say that you’re more than just a little interested in becoming a man who can last as long as he wants.So I have to ask you…

(You’ll probably have to buy a new wardrobe because of all the clothes she’s going to tear off your body on a nightly basis.)

Buy I’ve run the numbers and with all the demand and with the huge surge of traffic we’re guaranteed to get once the word gets out on this…There’s no way I can hold the price this low past the first 500 guys.

Fill in your details using a credit or debit card on the next page.Our payment server uses the same technology as Amazon so your information is totally secure.Reserve your spot right now and get immediate access to this life-changing system at a truly special price…Give yourself 60 days to convince yourself that this unique technology will help you have the best sex of your life.Take it for a spin with that special woman in your life… If you don’t last as long as you want while still enjoying the most passionate sex you can remember…If she’s not breathless and sweaty with satisfaction…Then just e-mail me at any time within 60 days of purchase…And I will promptly and courteously refund your purchase.I’ll even let you keep the program and the life-changing bonuses just for taking them for a spin.

Either you last as long as you need and give her insane pleasure that makes her sexually addicted to you…Or you won’t pay one thin dime for this program.It’s truly a situation where you RISK NOTHING.So go ahead and take advantage right now…

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along …

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along…

Is the path of least resistance…The path that leads you to click away from this page and ignore what you’ve just discovered.Now, if you take this path you won’t have to burden yourself with the yoke of change…But you’ll also rob both you and your lady of some of the most gratifying pleasure either of you have ever felt.And I doubt I have to tell you that continuing to disappoint your girl in bed puts your relationship at serious risk…I think we both know that you really deserve better than that.

Which I’m sure you’ll agree is the only path that makes sense…So, go ahead and reserve your spot right now in Ejaculation By Command…

Discover the power of Neurochemical Feedback to last as long as you want without sacrificing pleasure…Make your lady howl with sexual delight.Make her see the man you CAN be… the man you truly ARE deep down.The powerful, confident, masterful man that women pine for… that they secretly fantasize about when they’re alone.In just two minutes time you could be in the private member’s area giving yourself this power.So go ahead, click the order button below and get started RIGHT NOW…Lock in your bonuses before someone else snatches them up before your very eyes…Feel secure in knowing that you’re automatically covered by my iron-clad guarantee…I know you’ll make the right decision…Go ahead click the order button below and get started today!

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WARNING: This site contains sexually oriented adult material intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years old you are not permitted to use this site for any reason. You must be of legal age required by the state or province you are in to purchase our products. It is your responsibility to know whether you are legally able to purchase our products.ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

Product Name: No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

Click here to get No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


This no-till gardening course is intended for both beginner and advanced home gardeners looking to achieve food security, either in their garden or through container growing.

Learn the basics of no-till organic vegetable gardening, with a focus on composting, succession planting, and winter gardening.

The Natural WayWe believe that nature-tested systems are the best way to grow plants. Our gardening principles teach our students to work with nature to maximize success in the garden. We teach them how to nourish soil organisms so that they can in turn nourish the plants in the garden. We know that by fostering a biodiverse community of plants, fungi, bacteria, and animals in the garden, we are, in a small way, mitigating the industrial and chemical damage done to our suffering ecosystems.

This course is designed with home gardeners in mind, but also includes content relevant to horticulturists and people who want to learn more about regenerative agriculture.

Visual LearnersOur lessons are video recorded and delivered to you. They are unscripted to give our course participants as realistic an experience as possible. Most footage is filmed outdoors in real gardens so that the principles can be shown as they are discussed. This is the closest thing to in-person learning.

A Community of LearnersWe believe that learning in a community environment fosters a deeper and lasting understanding of course content. That’s why we’ve created a forum where our family of learners can come together to reflect on the different aspects of growing healthy food. The forum allows course participants to share photos of their gardens, ask for advice and encouragement, and be a source of inspiration for other gardeners. Gardeners love to share, and our discussion forum is a great way to do that.

Important Note: Following Dan’s April 2023 blog post, our instructors will be taking a hiatus for the 2023-24 growing seasons and will no longer be answering questions on the forum, so it is currently only available for member interaction. If we launch a new course in early 2025, we will resume our regular Zoom Q&A meetings (March-October 2025) at that time. These webinars provide an in-person experience and a chance to get your questions answered.

Time permitting, we hope to resume filming in the summer of 2024 for a planned 2025 course launch. All new members joining us in 2023-24 will receive full access to future course material and a year of Q&A support webinars at no additional cost. For now, you’ll get immediate access to our 2022 course content, which is spread across four modules. An unlinked copy of our 2022 members’ area video table of contents is attached below. Click or tap on each module header to view the expanded video listing:

1. Mulching with Organic Matter (18:56) 1.1 Vignette: Hands-on demonstration on mulching with organic matter (4:53) 1.2 Vignette: Planting after mulching with decaying plant material (9:55) 2. Mulching with Living Plants (13:42) 3. Introduction to Composting (22:43) 3.1 Thermophilic Composting (26:26) 3.1.1 Vignette: Compost Seedbed (7:44) 3.2 Vermicomposting (32:41) 3.2.1 Vignette: How to create living soil for seeds using vermicomposting (4:36) 3.2.2 Vignette: Building a worm bin (10:11) 3.3 Anaerobic Composting (Bokashi) (12:54) 3.3.1 Vignette: Adding 3.3.2 Vignette: How to Make Bokashi Inoculum, Part 1/2 (8:39) 3.3.3 Vignette: How to Make Bokashi Inoculum, Part 2/2 (6:12) 3.3.4 Vignette: Refreshing a Living Soil Container with Bokashi (12:05) 3.3.5 Vignette: Making Fertilizer from Weeds (JLF) (6:08)

Three experts have developed the curriculum for the 2022 LHG course:

Your primary instructor is Dan Oostenbrink, a horticulturist at Local Harvest.

Dan will help you gain confidence in the garden. He is passionate about organic growing and offers a practical, no-nonsense approach to gardening that maximizes the productivity of your garden.

Andrew Couzens, a local composting expert from Terra Flora Soilworks, will provide expert advice on soil health. He will discuss in detail the best composting practices such as Bokashi (anaerobic), thermophilic and vermicomposting so that you can achieve phenomenal soil fertility – the foundation of great gardening.

Jack, an edible landscape designer and owner of Fruits and Shoots, a boutique nursery in Chilliwack, BC, will guide us along the way as we turn our growing space into a beautiful and productive garden.

Our 2022 curriculum covers the principles of organic gardening in a practical, easy-to-understand way that will help you get higher yields of nutrient-rich food with fewer weeds and less effort. You’ll learn how to grow more food in less space so you can eat from your garden every day of the year. Through the members area, you’ll also have access to recordings of the 2022 Q&A webinars (March-October).

Our goal is to equip gardeners to make good decisions in their own context and gain confidence to stand on their own two feet in future growing seasons. The principles we share are applicable to all growing regions; they will work with nature and its native biology.

By registering, you will have immediate access to the member area, which includes all 12 videos from the 2022 course modules (approximately 5 hours of content), plus 22 video vignettes on a variety of topics (approximately 4 hours of content). Recordings of the 2022 webinars are also still available.

We will not be publishing any additional course content before 2025. Dan’s garden at Local Harvest has expanded by 2 hectares and his family now intensively farms almost 12 hectares. This demands all of his time and attention. Similarly, Jack is actively building his plant farm at Fruits and Shoots and is devoting his energy to adding a wider variety of edible plants and perennials to attract benefits for local gardeners.

Time permitting, we hope to launch a revised, easy-to-follow, detailed course in early 2025. All new members joining us in 2023-24 will receive full lifetime access to the next set of course content at no additional cost. If we launch a course in 2025, your purchase will also entitle you to one year of Q&A support during the growing season via our webinars (March-October).

We are located in the Pacific Northwest, however the principles we outline are applicable to all growing areas, only the timing of the steps will differ.

I look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Community Gardening Facilitator

100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee for 60 Days

We believe that the value and personal support we offer here far exceeds any comparable course on the market. That being said, if you are not satisfied or feel that the content does not fit your needs, simply contact ClickBank within 60 days of your purchase and they will gladly refund your membership fee with no questions asked. This guarantee provides peace of mind for both us and you and eliminates any risk.

For course-related questions, please contact us here. For order-related questions, please contact ClickBank here.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Affiliate Program | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Copyright NoticeCopyright © 2023 The Local Harvest Market Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.

Andrew Couzens is a software engineer turned soil scientist.

He suffered from inflammatory bowel disease all his life and was motivated to enter the agricultural field in an effort to “be the change” he believed was necessary to heal his own body.

Healthy plants come from healthy soil, and healthy soil comes from working with nature, not against it.

Leveraging his knowledge and experience in software engineering, he founded Terra Flora Organics with the goal of helping conventional farmers transition from unsustainable practices that destroy soil and negatively impact the health of people and the planet, to regenerative practices that enable intensive agriculture while strengthening soil and healing our minds and bodies.

Click here to get No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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16 Best possible Divi Merchandise You’ve By no means Heard Of (On Sale!)

Must you haven’t heard, the Divi Summer time Sale is are living! There are lots of monetary financial savings on Divi, Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi Groups, Divi VIP, and Divi Market Bundles! Together with those, the Divi Market is offering huge provides which could be too good to pass up.

Take Me to the Sale

Each flooring of the Divi Ecosystem has a sale going down right now. I’ll merely take 10 seconds proper right here quicker than moving to the best Sleep Gives—check out the ones steep discounts

Peel the Curtain Again at the Summer season Sale

Divi Products that You’ve Certainly not Heard Of (On the other hand Are On Sale)

You recognize about all the very good choices built into the Divi Theme, and you most likely are also conscious about a few standard marketplace items—things like Divi Pixel, Divi Desk Maker, and Divi Occasions Calendar. On the other hand we had to flooring probably the most important splendid hidden gems for you.

With discounts of up to 50% off (for everyone) and $50 in Marketplace credit score ranking for Divi Professional consumers, now’s the time to make larger your Divi toolkit with probably the most important best-kept secrets and techniques and strategies throughout the Divi ecosystem. Take note, all marketplace items can be used on countless web websites for the license duration, making this one of the vital splendid wordpress provides ever.

Ready to appear the deep cuts that made our report? Continue on.

1. Divi Schema Plugin

Was $99, now $79.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Schema Plugin

The Divi Schema Plugin by the use of WP Apparatus is a should have for anyone enthusiastic about search engine optimization. This plugin supplies structured knowledge in your on-line web page, helping search engines like google like google and yahoo upper understand your content material subject matter and improving your internet website’s visibility in search results. It’s particularly precious for those with a few web websites because you’ll be capable of use it on an infinite choice of them—saving you from getting this feature on a dear per-site license by way of other schema/search engine marketing plugins.

  • Automatically add schema markup to pages and posts
  • Is helping various schema types, at the side of FAQs, Opinions, Google Maps, and Local Business
  • Quite a few Divi Modules for together with content material subject matter in your internet web page, plus each and every type of schema is added to pages by means of JSON+LD

At merely $79.20 (maximum continuously $99), it’s a in point of fact difficult and useful tool worth your attention with a in point of fact absolute best 5-star ranking.

Get Divi Schema Plugin

2. Titan Child Theme for WooCommerce

Was $25, now $20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Titan Child Theme

Looking to lift a brand spanking new WooCommerce store while moreover saving time establishing it? The Titan Kid Theme by the use of Mark Hendriksen is a sleek, trendy theme designed to reinforce the individual revel in in your eCommerce internet website. It comes with some surprising internet web page layouts, mega menus, and online store money-makers.

  • Easy WooCommerce design with 30+ internet web page layouts and adjustable colors/sorts
  • Optimized for conversions with Product Rapid Views, Fly Cart, and complicated Product Filters
  • Totally customizable with Divi’s visual builder

At first priced at $25 and now at $20, this child theme is a scouse borrow. Pair that with a flawless 5-star ranking from 249 product sales and you got yourself a looker.

Get Titan Kid Theme

3. Divi My Account Internet web page

Was $59, now $47.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi My Account Page Marketplace Extension

The Divi My Account Web page transforms standard WooCommerce account pages into fantastically designed ones that extend your emblem and capacity. This Divi Extension in truth makes a difference at the ones traditionally dull account pages.

  • Customizes WooCommerce account pages for a branded revel in all over your retailer
  • Merely show earlier purchases, downloads, price methods, and other WooCommerce endpoints
  • Easy integration with Divi Builder for whole customization to style account internet web page tables, paperwork, and notifications

Wearing a sparkly 5-star ranking from its few alternatively extremely joyful shoppers, this plugin is available at a discounted worth of $47.20 (maximum continuously $59). Dare I say, grasp this deal now.

Get Divi My Account Web page

4. DiviSwift Booking Skilled

Was $49, now $39.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Booking Pro Extension

For corporations that rely on bookings, the DiviSwift Reserving Professional plugin supplies an entire answer for managing appointments and reservations directly inside Divi. It’s super for getting folks on your door and managing the entire thing from your wordpress arrange with no need an external supplier.

  • Merely organize your agenda by the use of together with timeslots and booking types
  • Completely customizable (and great-looking) paperwork, calendars, and reminder emails
  • Approval device for appointments and other booking keep an eye on equipment

At $39.20 (down from the original $49), this investment is sure to pay off (not to indicate its perfect 5-star ranking).

Get DiviSwift Reserving Professional

5. Divi Blog Extraordinarily

Was $29, now $23.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Blog Ultra Extension

Boost your blog’s design with Divi Weblog Extremely by the use of Divi Extensive. This plugin supplies a variety of layout alternatives and customization choices to make your blog stand out.

  • 4 blog post layouts, 3 post report layouts, and blog internet web page demos for predesigned alternatives
  • Works for posts, taxonomies, search results, custom designed post types, and related posts (did anyone say Swiss Army Knife?)
  • Paginate your lists one of the simplest ways you wish to have with Next/Prev or Numbered pagination

Even if it’s new to {{the marketplace}} with only one sale, it’s priced at $23.20 (maximum continuously $29) and is worth snatching all the way through the sale.

Get Divi Weblog Extremely

6. Divi Assistant

Was $69, now $55.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Assistant Pee-Aye Extension

Give a boost to your workflow with Divi Assistant by the use of Pee-Aye Inventive, a plugin designed to speed up your Divi design process with custom designed shortcuts and tool. It supplies an easy solution to allow dozens of choices/hacks that wordpress shoppers generally wish to find a information solution to accomplish.

  • Prepare global settings and types with ease
  • Accommodates equipment for advanced Divi customizations
  • Enhances workflow with shortcuts and admin equipment

While Pee-Aye Inventive is once in a while an unknown extension author, with 51 product sales, Divi Assistant is under-purchased and something you should jump on. With a 5-star ranking and priced at $55.20 (generally $69), it is a must-have for any important Divi individual.

Get Divi Assistant

On the other hand dangle on a second. Divi Assistant is built-in throughout the Summer time Sale Characteristic Booster Package. Get this extension and a ton of others for 50% off.

Get the Entire Characteristic Booster Package

7. DiviJet Booking & Reservation

Was $29, now $23.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Booking & Reservation DiviJet Extension

Another super risk for corporations that require booking capacity is DiviJet Reserving & Reservation. This plugin supplies flexible booking paperwork and integration with Divi, making it easy to keep an eye on reservations.

  • Flexible booking and reservation device for a few industries
  • Customizable time slots and availability settings so that you’ll be capable of have appointments happen in your agenda
  • Easy integration with Divi for totally designed reservation flows

It’s now available for $23.20 (maximum continuously $29) and is a heck of a sleeper with best 40 product sales alternatively a forged 5-star ranking.

Get DiviJet Reserving & Reservation

8. Body of workers Member Popup Modal Layout Pack

Was $7.99, now $6.39, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Team Member Popup Modal Layout for Divi

The Workforce Member Popup Modal Format Pack by the use of Layout Divi supplies interactive staff member profiles in your internet website, perfect for corporations and firms surfing to showcase their workforce. I’ve regularly noticed that businesses have a hard time designing these kinds of layouts. So to get a few layouts with interactivity built-in is worthy of a chef’s kiss .

  • Predesigned, interactive popups for staff member bios and profiles
  • Completely customizable with Divi Builder for changing colors, animations, and further
  • A few pop-up box sorts to turn your staff your method

At first priced at $7.99 and now at $6.39, this layout pack is indubitably worth your attention. It has 24 product sales and fits the bill of a not-so-known Divi product you’ll have in your radar.

Get Workforce Member Popup Modal Format Pack

9. Accessibility Package deal

Was $72, now $57.60, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Accessibility Bundle

The Accessibility Package by the use of Divi-Modules is your all-in-one toolkit for enhancing the accessibility of your Divi web websites at an unbeatable worth. Most often, accessibility products may also be moderately expensive, alternatively this bundle deal promises that making your internet website accessible is each and every achievable and quite priced. Additionally, improving your internet website’s accessibility can indubitably affect your search engine optimization, as search engines like google like google and yahoo want web websites which could be user-friendly and accessible to all.

The bundle deal comprises 3 essential accessibility equipment:

  • Accessibility Sidebar: Shall we in visitors to customize your Divi on-line web page glance in accordance with their individual accessibility needs. Choices include text-to-speech, navigation equipment, and customizable glance alternatives.
  • Accessibility Attributes: Supplies essential ARIA attributes to Divi portions for stepped ahead accessibility for purchasers relying on assistive technologies. It’s easy to use by the use of together with a simple surroundings drop-down throughout the Difficult tab of a Divi Part throughout the Visual Builder.
  • Accessibility Tweaks: Makes automated adjustments to reinforce navigation and accessibility all the way through your internet website, at the side of keyboard navigation and customizable focus rings.

This bundle deal is a should have for anyone enthusiastic about growing an accessible web revel in. At $57.60 (down from $72), it’s a bargain worth you’ll be capable of’t fail to remember about.

Get Accessibility Package

10. Divi Layouts Extended

Was $79, now $63.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Layouts Extended 2400+

Maximize your design possible with Divi Layouts Prolonged by the use of Divi Extended, a plugin stuffed with plenty of pre-designed layouts. It’s one of the most standard items on this report, alternatively with 912 product sales and a 5-star ranking, it’s however moderately underused and worthy of a couple of well-earned attention.

  • Accommodates over 24,000 premade layouts for terribly fast site-building (comprises headers/footers/pages/sections/Woo/and further)
  • Use these kinds of layouts on countless on-line web page usage with one license
  • Layouts are easy to use with their own Layout hub, as a result of this you don’t need to manually import 1000’s of layouts

Normally $79, it’s an unbelievable worth all the way through the sale for best $63.20 by itself.

Get Divi Layouts Prolonged

I’ve even upper knowledge, even if. Divi Layouts Extended is built-in throughout the Summer time Sale Format Booster Package. Get this collection for 50% off and revel on your self this efficient set of layouts (plus method, way more).

Get the Entire Format Booster Package

11. Divi GDPR & Google Fonts

Was $79, now $63.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi GDPR & Google Fonts Extension

For those hooked in to privacy compliance, the Divi GDPR & Google Fonts plugin by the use of Bajorat Media promises your internet website meets GDPR necessities while offering Google Fonts integration. It handles many different GDPR tasks unexpectedly.

  • Promises GDPR compliance by the use of blocking Google Fonts until consent is given
  • Automatic font choice with local fonts to protect individual privacy
  • Simplifies compliance with one-click configuration and easy integration

Irrespective of a moderately lower ranking of 3.5 stars, it’s a great tool that helps you stay compliant at $63.20 (maximum continuously $79). Take note, you’ve got a 30-day money-back make sure that on all marketplace purchases. You also have direct contact with the extension author so they may be able to let you with the product and perhaps even fortify it at the side of your valued feedback.

Get Divi GDPR & Google Fonts

12. Divi Engine Ajax Filter

Was $97, now $77.60, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Ajax Filter by Divi Engine

The Divi Engine Ajax Filter out is absolute best for establishing fast, light-loading filtering ways for WooCommerce and ACF custom designed post types. It shall we shoppers clear out products and posts dynamically without internet web page reloads, making finding what they’re searching for.

  • Is helping a few filters, at the side of products, categories, tags, prices, and other attributes
  • Precise-time filtering with AJAX for seamless browsing
  • With WooCOmmerce and ACF to create customized and sophisticated filters

This plugin is a scouse borrow at $77.60 (maximum continuously $97). Must you run a sprawling WooCommerce internet website, this may increasingly merely be the Divi Extension to make your internet website additional navigatable.

Get Divi Engine Ajax Filter out

13. Identity Child Theme

Was $79, now $55.30, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Identity Child Theme for Divi

The Identification Kid Theme by the use of Divi Lover is perfect for high-functioning one-page web websites. Its fashionable design and customization choices have earned it 8 product sales and a 4.5-star ranking, making it an actual sleeper deal.

  • A minimalist design very best for portfolios, simple corporations, and personal branding
  • Accommodates a few prebuilt internet web page layouts for plug-and-play usability
  • Merely business colors with global color device and lightweight/dark color combos

Now at $55.30 (maximum continuously $79), it’s an ideal investment for creating a standout internet website. I extraordinarily recommend that you simply grasp this moderately unknown child theme these days.

Get Identification Kid Theme

14. Divi Instagram Feed

Was $29, now $23.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Instagram Feed Extension

You’re hired exhausting to stick that feed trending up. Now, mix your Instagram content material subject matter seamlessly at the side of your on-line web page the use of Divi Instagram Feed by the use of Iqonic Design. This extension helps internet website householders flaunt their favorite social channel and hook their fans with constant drips of latest content material subject matter.

  • If truth be told simple integration of Instagram feeds into Divi layouts
  • Completely customizable display settings, at the side of grid, slider, and carousel alternatives
  • Is helping a few accounts and hashtag feeds for broader content material subject matter succeed in

With 1108 product sales and a 4-star ranking, this plugin is a forged variety for showcasing social media content material subject matter directly on a internet website, marked proper right down to $23.20 (generally $29).

Get Divi Instagram Feed

15. Graphina Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs

Was $19, now $15.20, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Graphina-Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs Extension

For info visualization, Graphina Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs by the use of DiviEpic Plugins supplies something you’ll be capable of’t pass up on. Forget manually growing charts with charts.js (or Excel, for that subject) and join a brand spanking new era of information visualization.

  • Create dynamic and interactive charts and graphs inside Divi
  • Is helping various chart types, at the side of radial, polar, house, bar, pie, and line charts
  • Completely customizable with advanced knowledge visualization alternatives and 70+ styling alternatives
  • Easy, easy, easy knowledge labels on all chart types

With 831 product sales and a 4-star ranking, this plugin merely creates interactive charts and graphs inside Divi. It’s available for $15.20 all the way through the sale (you’d maximum continuously fork over $19 for this beaut).

Get Graphina Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs

16. Divi Query Builder

Was $19, now $9.50, all the way through the Divi Summer time Sale

Divi Query Builder Extension

In spite of everything, the Divi Question Builder by the use of Divi Coding is an outstanding instrument for growing custom designed post queries and layouts. Must you art work with custom designed post types, this extension should be at the top of your report. Merely create loops and display them in a few sorts.

  • Create custom designed queries for posts, pages, custom designed post types, and taxonomies
  • Is helping advanced filtering and sorting alternatives for dynamic content material subject matter
  • It moreover is helping custom designed post meta fields for a in point of fact difficult display of, correctly, the entire thing

With 48 product sales and a 5-star ranking, it’s a versatile extension/plugin priced to advertise at $9.20 (50% off the normal worth of $19).

Get Divi Question Builder

On the other hand you should know something. Divi Query Builder is built-in throughout the Summer time Sale Characteristic Booster Package. Get this extension and all the others in this staff for 50% off!

Get the Entire Characteristic Booster Package

Package deal and Save Large (50% Off)

Must you’re after the steepest provides, it’s a should to take perceive of our Marketplace Bundles. There are plenty of exceptional third-party Divi extensions, layouts, and child subjects, all of that experience long gone thru strict prime quality assurance trying out. This promises you bought the best from our staff, with the entire thing working seamlessly together—and with Divi.

We’ve curated various our top third-party modules, layouts, and lines into 3 large product bundles and marked them down by the use of 50%.

Module Booster Package – Get 50% Off

Add 250+ new Divi modules in your toolkit for a fraction of the cost you’d pay at each different time of the 365 days. We’ve packaged 7 of the Divi Marketplace’s best-selling module collections into our Summer time Sale Module Package deal. This bundle deal is a novel offer, available best all the way through our Summer time Sale. As quickly because the sale ends, this bundle deal won’t be available over again. Don’t miss your probability to reinforce your wordpress arsenal, save plenty of bucks, and boost your Divi website-building skills and speed by the use of purchasing the Divi Summer time Sale Module Package deal!

Get The Package

Format Booster Package – Get 50% Off

The largest Divi layouts bundle deal is true right here… alternatively only for a limited time. While you’re stuck for inspiration, this bundle deal will get you unstuck ASAP. We’ve packed together over 18,500 pre-made designs just for you. You’ll be capable of stay up for receiving internet web page layouts, product layouts, blog templates, header templates, footer templates, and much more— all at 50% off! Seize this implausible bundle deal quicker than the timer runs out. The Summer time Sale is the ONLY time you’ll be capable of get 16 of the Divi Marketplace’s best-selling, most up to date layout packs. Save time in your next 365 days’s worth of duties by the use of seizing this deal!

Get The Package

Characteristic Booster Package – Get 50% Off

This is the ultimate bundle deal for those surfing to push Divi’s in depth capacity further. Each product in this bundle deal extends Divi’s standard choices and enhances your website-building purposes. You’ll get products to create contact paperwork, mega menus, tabs, and further! Don’t fail to notice this bundle deal. Head over to the sale now to have the benefit of a 50% bargain on 13 of the most popular products throughout the Divi Marketplace. This is a once-a-year choice best available all the way through the Summer time Sale.

Get The Package

Divi’s Summer time Sale is Blazing Sizzling

The Divi Summer season Sale is our maximum up to the moment product sales fit of the season, offering implausible discounts on probably the most important most difficult equipment throughout the Divi ecosystem. Whether or not or now not you’re a long-time Divi individual or just getting started, there’s no upper time to make larger your toolkit and lift your web design recreation. The ones hidden gems and other standard alternatives are too good to pass up.

On the other hand imagine, the ones provides won’t final perpetually—act now to have the benefit of the ones low prices and reinforce your Divi revel in. Don’t fail to notice the risk to save some massive and take your on-line web page(s) to the next degree!

In finding Unique Gives within the Summer season Sale!

The post 16 Best possible Divi Merchandise You’ve By no means Heard Of (On Sale!) gave the impression first on Sublime Issues Weblog.

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16 Best Divi Products You’ve Never Heard Of (On Sale!)

Should you haven’t heard, the Divi Summer season Sale is are living! There are many financial savings on Divi, Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi Teams, Divi VIP, and Divi Marketplace Bundles! Along with the ones, the Divi Marketplace is providing large offers which are too excellent to go up.

Take Me to the Sale

Each floor of the Divi Ecosystem has a sale occurring at this time. I’ll simply take 10 seconds right here ahead of shifting to the most efficient Sleep Offers—take a look at those steep reductions

Peel the Curtain Back on the Summer Sale

Divi Merchandise that You’ve By no means Heard Of (However Are On Sale)

You realize about all of the wonderful options constructed into the Divi Theme, and you most likely also are conscious about a couple of standard market pieces—such things as Divi Pixel, Divi Table Maker, and Divi Events Calendar. However we would have liked to floor one of the supreme hidden gem stones for you.

With reductions of as much as 50% off (for everybody) and $50 in Market credit score for Divi Pro consumers, now could be the time to enlarge your Divi toolkit with one of the best-kept secrets and techniques within the Divi ecosystem. Bear in mind, all market pieces can be utilized on limitless web pages for the license length, making this probably the most supreme wordpress offers ever.

In a position to look the deep cuts that made our checklist? Proceed on.

1. Divi Schema Plugin

Used to be $99, now $79.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Schema Plugin

The Divi Schema Plugin via WP Equipment is a must have for somebody interested by search engine marketing. This plugin provides structured information on your web page, serving to serps higher perceive your content material and making improvements to your website’s visibility in seek effects. It’s in particular treasured for the ones with a couple of web pages since you’ll apply it to a vast choice of them—saving you from getting this selection on a pricey per-site license via different schema/seo plugins.

  • Routinely upload schema markup to pages and posts
  • Helps more than a few schema sorts, together with FAQs, Opinions, Google Maps, and Native Industry
  • A number of Divi Modules for including content material on your web page, plus each and every form of schema is added to pages by means of JSON+LD

At simply $79.20 (most often $99), it’s a really robust and useful gizmo value your consideration with a great 5-star score.

Get Divi Schema Plugin

2. Titan Kid Theme for WooCommerce

Used to be $25, now $20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Titan Child Theme

Having a look to lift a brand new WooCommerce retailer whilst additionally saving time constructing it? The Titan Child Theme via Mark Hendriksen is a swish, fashionable theme designed to reinforce the consumer enjoy for your eCommerce website. It comes with some beautiful web page layouts, mega menus, and on-line retailer money-makers.

  • Simple WooCommerce design with 30+ web page layouts and adjustable colours/types
  • Optimized for conversions with Product Fast Perspectives, Fly Cart, and complicated Product Filters
  • Totally customizable with Divi’s visible builder

Initially priced at $25 and now at $20, this kid theme is a scouse borrow. Pair that with a flawless 5-star score from 249 gross sales and you were given your self a looker.

Get Titan Child Theme

3. Divi My Account Web page

Used to be $59, now $47.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi My Account Page Marketplace Extension

The Divi My Account Page transforms same old WooCommerce account pages into fantastically designed ones that reach your emblem and capability. This Divi Extension actually makes a distinction on the ones historically uninteresting account pages.

  • Customizes WooCommerce account pages for a branded enjoy during your store
  • Simply display previous purchases, downloads, cost strategies, and different WooCommerce endpoints
  • Simple integration with Divi Builder for complete customization to taste account web page tables, paperwork, and notifications

Wearing a glittery 5-star score from its few however overjoyed customers, this plugin is to be had at a discounted worth of $47.20 (most often $59). Dare I say, seize this deal now.

Get Divi My Account Page

4. DiviSwift Reserving Professional

Used to be $49, now $39.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Booking Pro Extension

For companies that depend on bookings, the DiviSwift Booking Pro plugin provides a complete resolution for managing appointments and reservations without delay inside of Divi. It’s tremendous for buying folks to your door and managing the whole lot out of your wordpress set up while not having an exterior provider.

  • Simply arrange your agenda via including timeslots and reserving sorts
  • Absolutely customizable (and great-looking) paperwork, calendars, and reminder emails
  • Approval gadget for appointments and different reserving control equipment

At $39.20 (down from the unique $49), this funding is certain to repay (to not point out its very best 5-star score).

Get DiviSwift Booking Pro

5. Divi Weblog Extremely

Used to be $29, now $23.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Blog Ultra Extension

Spice up your weblog’s design with Divi Blog Ultra via Divi In depth. This plugin provides a variety of structure choices and customization options to make your weblog stand out.

  • 4 weblog publish layouts, 3 publish checklist layouts, and weblog web page demos for predesigned choices
  • Works for posts, taxonomies, seek effects, customized publish sorts, and comparable posts (did somebody say Swiss Military Knife?)
  • Paginate your lists the best way you wish to have with Subsequent/Prev or Numbered pagination

Even supposing it’s new to {the marketplace} with just one sale, it’s priced at $23.20 (most often $29) and is value snatching all through the sale.

Get Divi Blog Ultra

6. Divi Assistant

Used to be $69, now $55.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Assistant Pee-Aye Extension

Strengthen your workflow with Divi Assistant via Pee-Aye Inventive, a plugin designed to hurry up your Divi design procedure with customized shortcuts and equipment. It provides a very easy approach to permit dozens of options/hacks that wordpress customers generally need to discover a handbook approach to accomplish.

  • Organize international settings and types conveniently
  • Comprises equipment for complicated Divi customizations
  • Complements workflow with shortcuts and admin equipment

Whilst Pee-Aye Inventive is rarely an unknown extension writer, with 51 gross sales, Divi Assistant is under-purchased and one thing you will have to soar on. With a 5-star score and priced at $55.20 (most often $69), this is a must-have for any critical Divi consumer.

Get Divi Assistant

However grasp on a 2nd. Divi Assistant is incorporated within the Summer season Sale Feature Booster Bundle. Get this extension and a ton of others for fifty% off.

Get the Whole Feature Booster Bundle

7. DiviJet Reserving & Reservation

Used to be $29, now $23.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Booking & Reservation DiviJet Extension

Some other tremendous possibility for companies that require reserving capability is DiviJet Booking & Reservation. This plugin provides versatile reserving paperwork and integration with Divi, making it simple to regulate reservations.

  • Versatile reserving and reservation gadget for a couple of industries
  • Customizable time slots and availability settings so you’ll have appointments occur for your agenda
  • Simple integration with Divi for completely designed reservation flows

It’s now to be had for $23.20 (most often $29) and is a heck of a sleeper with handiest 40 gross sales however a cast 5-star score.

Get DiviJet Booking & Reservation

8. Workforce Member Popup Modal Structure Pack

Used to be $7.99, now $6.39, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Team Member Popup Modal Layout for Divi

The Team Member Popup Modal Layout Pack via Structure Divi provides interactive workforce member profiles on your website, very best for businesses and companies searching to show off their personnel. I’ve continuously spotted that companies have a troublesome time designing all these layouts. As a way to get a couple of layouts with interactivity integrated is worthy of a chef’s kiss .

  • Predesigned, interactive popups for workforce member bios and profiles
  • Absolutely customizable with Divi Builder for converting colours, animations, and extra
  • A couple of pop-up field types to show your workforce your method

Initially priced at $7.99 and now at $6.39, this structure pack is definitely value your consideration. It has 24 gross sales and suits the invoice of a not-so-known Divi product you will have for your radar.

Get Team Member Popup Modal Layout Pack

9. Accessibility Package deal

Used to be $72, now $57.60, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Accessibility Bundle

The Accessibility Bundle via Divi-Modules is your all-in-one toolkit for reinforcing the accessibility of your Divi web pages at an unbeatable worth. Normally, accessibility merchandise can also be somewhat dear, however this package guarantees that making your website obtainable is each achievable and reasonably priced. Moreover, making improvements to your website’s accessibility can definitely affect your search engine marketing, as serps prefer web pages which are user-friendly and obtainable to all.

The package comprises 3 crucial accessibility equipment:

  • Accessibility Sidebar: Lets in guests to customise your Divi web page look in response to their person accessibility wishes. Options come with text-to-speech, navigation equipment, and customizable look choices.
  • Accessibility Attributes: Provides crucial ARIA attributes to Divi parts for progressed accessibility for customers depending on assistive applied sciences. It’s simple to make use of via including a easy environment drop-down within the Complex tab of a Divi Component within the Visible Builder.
  • Accessibility Tweaks: Makes automated changes to reinforce navigation and accessibility throughout your website, together with keyboard navigation and customizable center of attention rings.

This package is a must have for somebody interested by developing an obtainable internet enjoy. At $57.60 (down from $72), it’s a discount worth you’ll’t forget about.

Get Accessibility Bundle

10. Divi Layouts Prolonged

Used to be $79, now $63.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Layouts Extended 2400+

Maximize your design possible with Divi Layouts Extended via Divi Prolonged, a plugin filled with loads of pre-designed layouts. It’s one of the vital standard pieces in this checklist, however with 912 gross sales and a 5-star score, it’s nonetheless moderately underused and worthy of a few well-earned consideration.

  • Comprises over 24,000 premade layouts for terribly speedy site-building (comprises headers/footers/pages/sections/Woo/and extra)
  • Use a lot of these layouts on limitless web page utilization with one license
  • Layouts are simple to make use of with their very own Structure hub, because of this you don’t want to manually import 1000’s of layouts

Usually $79, it’s an improbable price all through the sale for handiest $63.20 on its own.

Get Divi Layouts Extended

I’ve even higher information, despite the fact that. Divi Layouts Prolonged is incorporated within the Summer season Sale Layout Booster Bundle. Get this assortment for fifty% off and revel in your self this high-quality set of layouts (plus method, far more).

Get the Whole Layout Booster Bundle

11. Divi GDPR & Google Fonts

Used to be $79, now $63.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi GDPR & Google Fonts Extension

For the ones all in favour of privateness compliance, the Divi GDPR & Google Fonts plugin via Bajorat Media guarantees your website meets GDPR requirements whilst providing Google Fonts integration. It handles many various GDPR duties unexpectedly.

  • Guarantees GDPR compliance via blockading Google Fonts till consent is given
  • Computerized font alternative with native fonts to offer protection to consumer privateness
  • Simplifies compliance with one-click configuration and simple integration

In spite of a reasonably decrease score of three.5 stars, it’s a useful gizmo that is helping you keep compliant at $63.20 (most often $79). Bear in mind, you might have a 30-day money-back ensure on all market purchases. You even have direct touch with the extension writer so they are able to let you with the product and perhaps even give a boost to it together with your valued comments.

Get Divi GDPR & Google Fonts

12. Divi Engine Ajax Clear out

Used to be $97, now $77.60, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Ajax Filter by Divi Engine

The Divi Engine Ajax Filter is perfect for constructing speedy, light-loading filtering methods for WooCommerce and ACF customized publish sorts. It shall we customers filter out merchandise and posts dynamically with out web page reloads, making discovering what they’re searching for.

  • Helps a couple of filters, together with merchandise, classes, tags, costs, and different attributes
  • Actual-time filtering with AJAX for seamless surfing
  • With WooCOmmerce and ACF to create custom designed and sophisticated filters

This plugin is a scouse borrow at $77.60 (most often $97). Should you run a sprawling WooCommerce website, this may simply be the Divi Extension to make your website extra navigatable.

Get Divi Engine Ajax Filter

13. Id Kid Theme

Used to be $79, now $55.30, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Identity Child Theme for Divi

The Identity Child Theme via Divi Lover is very best for high-functioning one-page web pages. Its fashionable design and customization options have earned it 8 gross sales and a 4.5-star score, making it a real sleeper deal.

  • A minimalist design very best for portfolios, easy companies, and private branding
  • Comprises a couple of prebuilt web page layouts for plug-and-play usability
  • Simply exchange colours with international colour gadget and light-weight/darkish colour combos

Now at $55.30 (most often $79), it’s a perfect funding for making a standout website. I extremely suggest that you just seize this moderately unknown kid theme as of late.

Get Identity Child Theme

14. Divi Instagram Feed

Used to be $29, now $23.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Instagram Feed Extension

You’re employed onerous to stay that feed trending up. Now, combine your Instagram content material seamlessly together with your web page the usage of Divi Instagram Feed via Iqonic Design. This extension is helping website house owners flaunt their favourite social channel and hook their lovers with consistent drips of latest content material.

  • In point of fact easy integration of Instagram feeds into Divi layouts
  • Absolutely customizable show settings, together with grid, slider, and carousel choices
  • Helps a couple of accounts and hashtag feeds for broader content material succeed in

With 1108 gross sales and a 4-star score, this plugin is a cast selection for showcasing social media content material without delay on a website, marked all the way down to $23.20 (most often $29).

Get Divi Instagram Feed

15. Graphina Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs

Used to be $19, now $15.20, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Graphina-Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs Extension

For information visualization, Graphina Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs via DiviEpic Plugins provides one thing you’ll’t go up on. Disregard manually developing charts with charts.js (or Excel, for that subject) and sign up for a brand new generation of knowledge visualization.

  • Create dynamic and interactive charts and graphs inside of Divi
  • Helps more than a few chart sorts, together with radial, polar, house, bar, pie, and line charts
  • Absolutely customizable with complicated information visualization choices and 70+ styling choices
  • Simple, simple, simple information labels on all chart sorts

With 831 gross sales and a 4-star score, this plugin simply creates interactive charts and graphs inside of Divi. It’s to be had for $15.20 all through the sale (you’d most often fork over $19 for this beaut).

Get Graphina Divi Dynamic Charts & Graphs

16. Divi Question Builder

Used to be $19, now $9.50, all through the Divi Summer season Sale

Divi Query Builder Extension

After all, the Divi Query Builder via Divi Coding is an impressive instrument for developing customized publish queries and layouts. Should you paintings with customized publish sorts, this extension will have to be on the best of your checklist. Simply create loops and show them in a couple of types.

  • Create customized queries for posts, pages, customized publish sorts, and taxonomies
  • Helps complicated filtering and sorting choices for dynamic content material
  • It additionally helps customized publish meta fields for a really robust show of, properly, the whole lot

With 48 gross sales and a 5-star score, it’s a flexible extension/plugin priced to promote at $9.20 (50% off the traditional worth of $19).

Get Divi Query Builder

However you will have to know one thing. Divi Question Builder is incorporated within the Summer season Sale Feature Booster Bundle. Get this extension and all of the others on this crew for fifty% off!

Get the Whole Feature Booster Bundle

Package deal and Save Giant (50% Off)

Should you’re after the steepest offers, it’s a must to take realize of our Market Bundles. There are loads of remarkable third-party Divi extensions, layouts, and kid topics, all of that have gone through strict high quality assurance checking out. This guarantees you obtain the most efficient from our group, with the whole lot operating seamlessly in combination—and with Divi.

We’ve curated a collection of our best third-party modules, layouts, and lines into 3 massive product bundles and marked them down via 50%.

Module Booster Bundle – Get 50% Off

Upload 250+ new Divi modules on your toolkit for a fragment of the associated fee you’d pay at every other time of the 12 months. We’ve packaged 7 of the Divi Market’s best-selling module collections into our Summer season Sale Module Package deal. This package is a singular be offering, to be had handiest all through our Summer season Sale. As soon as the sale ends, this package gained’t be to be had once more. Don’t pass over your likelihood to reinforce your wordpress arsenal, save loads of bucks, and spice up your Divi website-building abilities and pace via buying the Divi Summer season Sale Module Package deal!

Get The Bundle

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The biggest Divi layouts package is right here… however just for a restricted time. When you find yourself caught for inspiration, this package gets you unstuck ASAP. We’ve packed in combination over 18,500 pre-made designs only for you. You’ll stay up for receiving web page layouts, product layouts, weblog templates, header templates, footer templates, and a lot more— all at 50% off! Grasp this fantastic package ahead of the timer runs out. The Summer season Sale is the ONLY time you’ll have the ability to get 16 of the Divi Market’s best-selling, hottest structure packs. Save time for your subsequent 12 months’s value of initiatives via seizing this deal!

Get The Bundle

Feature Booster Bundle – Get 50% Off

That is without equal package for the ones searching to push Divi’s intensive capability additional. Each product on this package extends Divi’s same old options and complements your website-building functions. You’ll get merchandise to create touch paperwork, mega menus, tabs, and extra! Don’t fail to see this package. Head over to the sale now to make the most of a 50% bargain on 13 of the most well liked merchandise within the Divi Market. This can be a once-a-year alternative handiest to be had all through the Summer season Sale.

Get The Bundle

Divi’s Summer season Sale is Blazing Sizzling

The Divi Summer Sale is our most up to date gross sales match of the season, providing fantastic reductions on one of the maximum robust equipment within the Divi ecosystem. Whether or not you’re a long-time Divi consumer or simply getting began, there’s no higher time to enlarge your toolkit and lift your internet design sport. Those hidden gem stones and different standard alternatives are too excellent to go up.

However be mindful, those offers gained’t remaining ceaselessly—act now to make the most of those low costs and reinforce your Divi enjoy. Don’t fail to see the chance to save lots of giant and take your web page(s) to the following degree!

Find Exclusive Offers in the Summer Sale!

The publish 16 Best Divi Products You’ve Never Heard Of (On Sale!) seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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The Evolution of Seek: 5 search engine optimization Tendencies in 2024 and 2025 [+ New Data]

“I’m excited then again exhausted by the use of such a large amount of changes,” Victor Pan wrote in a HubSpot Slack channel merely previous than dropping section a dozen links to the latest AI data. He’s a product seo proper right here, and he looks like he needs a hug. 

And no surprise. Even in tech, an business that flourishes on rapid business, AI is accelerating the whole thing it touches by the use of orders of magnitude. AI-powered search engines like google like Perplexity are gaining mainstream momentum, SearchGPT is securing provides with publishers to sidestep copyright issues, and your delightful workforce seo is pinching the bridge of their nose.

For the inside track on search inclinations you’ll have to find out about as a marketer, AI-powered and differently, I talked to SEOs proper right here at HubSpot and around the world.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”hs-cta-img ” style=”height: auto !important;width: auto !important;max-width: 100% !important;border-width: 0px” alt=”→ Download Now: seo Starter Pack [Free Kit]” height=”58″ width=”413″ src=””/>

Then again previous than we look ahead, let’s go back to the 1990s and take a quick check out how search has changed throughout the ultimate 3 a few years.

How the Search Landscape Has Changed

A whole generation has grown up certainly not knowing a time previous than Google.

Symbol Supply

A screenshot from from 2024.

Symbol Supply

To get a broader viewpoint on the evolution of search, I grew to develop into to Mikkel deMib, a Denmark-based seo who has been doing search engine optimization since previous than it was once known as seo.

“The main few years, we known as it ‘search engine positioning,’” he tells me. I was alive and using the internet then, and I nevertheless truly really feel like a kid paying attention to a bedtime story in regards to the land previous than time.

I ask deMib about one of the vital the most important number one turning problems throughout the ultimate 25 years that can provide some context for figuring out the future of search. The switch to cell, he recalls, was once first prophesied spherical Y2K, shortly after the arrival of wireless software protocol (WAP) that allowed cell devices to connect to the internet.

“And of course it completely failed,” deMib says, because of “from a usability standpoint, it was once terrible.”

It was once each different decade previous than Google adopted a mobile-first philosophy and content material subject matter publishers adopted mobile-friendly UX. Now, deMib sees upwards of 90% cell website online guests in certain verticals, like ladies’s genre — a bunch that’s almost certainly to not marvel HubSpot readers.

The Evolution of Search in 2024

Rory Hope, Head of EN Growth at HubSpot, echoes Pan’s exhausted excitement.

“There could also be a lot of chatter throughout the business,” he says, “about Google essentially thrashing between different priorities.” And that’s “causing quite a lot of force for the seo community.”

Pan takes a longer view of all this AI-activated business, cautioning marketers to focus further on the grounding concepts of good content material subject matter slightly than taking a look to optimize for every single substitute.

Once I asked him how SEOs were figuring out methods to optimize for Google’s AI Overviews, he rang a bell in my memory that “there was once a time” — October 2015 — “that Google really pushed forward a brand spanking new format known as AMP.” Sped up cell pages were designed for sooner cell loading, and — see if this sounds familiar — it let shoppers be informed content material subject matter without clicking through to the internet website online.

“And now AMP is a dull venture,” Pan says. In several words: We will be able to’t see the long term, so let’s not panic merely however a few zero-click world.

Transfer deeper: We’ve got a lot more professional pointers and actionable recommendation on adapting to the brand new seek generation.


I make the most of the word “inclinations” advisedly proper right here. Every seo I talked to emphasized the interconnectedness of the changes they’re observing, exercising caution about using the word “trend” (See above for Victor Pan calling time of death on Google AMPs).

And loads of the search engine optimization tendencies we noticed in 2023 are nevertheless taking part in out.

That discussed, proper right here’s 5 problems SEOs are keeping track of in 2024 and 2025.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”seo Trends in 2024 and 2025. Artificial Intelligence. Zero-Click Search. Follow-up Search Intent. Ranch-Style seo. Video seo.”/>

1. AI

DeMib, who has seen more than his fair share of false starts and dead-ends throughout the seo world, calls AI a “elementary shift in technology that is in all probability as huge — in all probability even higher — than the internet.”

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”“AI is a fundamental shift in technology that is maybe as big — maybe even bigger — than the internet.” Mikkel deMib, seo Consultant.”/>

Synthetic intelligence isn’t this kind of lot an seo trend as what it’s powering: chatbots, search engines like google like google, Google’s AI Overviews, and further. AI Overviews (AIO) has in particular piqued fear, with everybody racing to snatch what’s going to happen if AIO assists in keeping shoppers on Google’s search engine results internet web page (SERP) as an alternative of clicking through to internet websites.

The majority of SEOs are making sure that AI is central to their basic strategies.

In a HubSpot survey of over 100 U.S.-based seo execs, 73% each strongly or quite agreed with the remark, “AI apparatus, choices, or solutions are turning into the most important part of my company’s seo method.”

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”“AI tools, features, or solutions are becoming an important part of my company’s seo strategy. 33% strongly agree. 40% somewhat agree. 3% neither agree nor disagree. 15% somewhat disagree. 9% strongly disagree.””/>

Numerous those SEOs use AI for tasks like optimizing internet websites for technical seo and making improvements to SERP ratings. AI could also be a approach to efficiency; near to three-quarters of respondents discussed they use AI simply to save lots of loads of time.

Not certain where to begin out? Proper right here’s a certified tip: HubSpot has a loose AI seek grader app that in brief analyzes your brand based on what your possibilities and shoppers are seeing all through AI search engines like google like google — then will give you actionable tips on methods to support.

2. 0-Click on on Search

With the fitful unlock of Google’s AI Overviews in Would perhaps 2024, “zero-click search” shifted from theoretical fear to waking nightmare, depending on who you ask.

We’ll possibly see the time frame used exponentially further in 2024 and previous, then again whether or not or no longer we’ll actually see a zero-click world remains to be seen.

In a HubSpot survey of U.S.-based seo execs, most straightforward 6% particularly named Google’s AI Overviews as a risk to seem website online guests. And the biggest fear, generative AI chatbots, was once made up our minds on by the use of most straightforward 13% of respondents.

A tiny share, merely 2%, consider that Google set of rules updates will result in search website online guests losses.

What will decrease search traffic in the next 6 months? 13% generative AI chatbots. 6% generative AI search engines. 6% AI Overviews. 6% Social media search engines. 2% Google E-E-A-T and algorithm updates.

Readers of a undeniable age would perhaps keep in mind when AOL was once effectively synonymous with “internet.” DeMib says that pre-2000, “[the internet] was once a lot of huge web pages like Yahoo! and AOL that defined themselves further like a portal. That they had been taking a look to present shoppers the whole thing they wanted to stick other people on their internet website online.”

It failed for Yahoo! and AOL and it’s going to fail for Google, deMib believes.

No one can give shoppers the whole thing, for my part. It’s not going to artwork. Persons are nevertheless going to wish to acquire products which can be most straightforward found out on a undeniable web retailer. People want different perspectives. They’re not going to be told all the data in one data outlet.”

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”“Nobody can give users everything. People are still going to want to buy products that are only found on a certain web shop. People want different perspectives. They’re not going to read all the news in one news outlet.” Mikkel deMib, seo Consultant”/>

DeMib moreover problems me to a find out about that SparkToro CEO Rand Fishkin did on zero-click. One of the findings, Fishkin found out that even supposing there’s been an increase in zero-click searches, there’s been a parallel increase throughout the choice of searches.

“It’s night time day trip,” deMib says. “The volume of people who click on on transparent of Google is actually concerning the an identical, even though the percentage has dropped.” (You’ll be informed Fishkin’s entire find out about on the SparkToro web site.)

And not everybody thinks zero-click is the start of the seo apocalypse. Amanda Natividad, SparkToro’s VP of Promoting and advertising and marketing, requested on LinkedIn, “Do you need other people to seem your [content] or not?”

She explains: “Once I‘m telling you to create zero-click content material subject matter it’s because of you need to optimize for impressions. To optimize your social media content material subject matter so that other people see it.”

3. Follow-up Search Intent

Even with the upward push in zero-click queries, Amanda Dealers says “that doesn’t indicate that’s the only search shoppers will make.”

Sellers is HubSpot’s Manager of EN Blog Method, and he or she tells me how essential it’s to imagine follow-up searches.

“Let’s believe an individual searches for something extremely basic and the AI Evaluate provides an answer. Some people are going to be proud of that resolution — and a couple of don’t appear to be. So for the people who are not glad, what follow-up searches will they do to further refine their journey?

Sellers says that anticipating follow-up search intent is very important to content material subject matter method in 2024 and 2025. Ultimately, we will be able to should be writing content material subject matter for our audience — not Google. (Paradoxically, this can be what Google says.)

4. Ranch-style seo

Clearscope CEO Bernard Huang made ripples throughout the seo world with an April 2024 blog post known as “Why Ranch-Taste search engine optimization is Your Long run-Evidence Content material Technique.” It begins with an exhortation to “unlearn what you already know about seo.”

That sounds scarier than it’s. Huang says that slightly than focusing on long, in-depth articles, publishers must “[disaggregate] content material subject matter into exact, digestible pieces that strategically align with the individual’s search journey.” That is, switch from skyscraper seo strategy to ranch-style.

Huang lists 3 causes why ranch-style is the future of search:

  • It’s aware of the shift from keyword-centric to topic-centric seo.
  • It mitigates the opposed impacts of generative AI on the web.
  • It “partners” with firsthand revel in as a rating factor.

That is going hand-in-hand with Sellers’ advice about follow-up search intent: Excellent content material subject matter method is ready anticipating your readers’ questions at each level of their journey.

5. Video seo

Video seo is already a specialization, then again expect further expansion in this area. Pan says “consumers wish to watch motion pictures on their favorite platforms” — not necessarily your internet website online — and that requires an figuring out of every YouTube optimizations and the best way social media platforms give visibility to native versus externally hosted motion pictures.

Sellers supplies, “Whilst you’re creating content material subject matter in this tricky search landscape, it’s further essential than ever to remember how your audience searches for and consumes wisdom.”

“When you’re creating content in this challenging search landscape, it’s more important than ever to keep in mind how your audience searches for and consumes information.” Amanda Sellers, Manager of EN Blog Strategy, HubSpot.

Customers have the apparatus and ability to analyze reasonably if truth be told anything, and an increasing number of attainable shoppers are turning to YouTube. Rory Hope, HubSpot’s Head of EN Growth, says it’s because of they’re “seeking human perspectives relating to their pain problems.”

Plus, Hope problems out, increasingly video carousels are popping up in Google search results “as part of its serve as to serve further human-led perspectives for patrons.”

All of this gives up to the most important focus area for SEOs, Hope says.

“SEOs must be monitoring the hunt results pages for objective keywords and topics to seem which ones have video carousels, and then coordinate with media teams to create similar video content material subject matter.”

“SEOs should be monitoring SERPs for target keywords and topics to see which ones have video carousels, and then coordinate with media teams to create relevant video content.” Rory Hope, Head of EN Growth, HubSpot

The Longer term of Search: How Marketers Are Shifting Gears

Search is dead; long reside search!

What will improve search traffic in the next 6 months? 50% Social media search engines. 48% Google AI Overviews. 44% Google algorithm shifts. 44% Generative AI search engines.

HubSpot unique research displays that SEOs are generally certain about Google’s AI Overviews and other generative AI search engines like google like google, with 48% of respondents saying that AIO would support search website online guests over the next six months.

If there’s one braided through line in the ones inclinations, it’s that AI is the use of a lot of business throughout the seek panorama, seo might be very so much alive and well, and the human section continues to be crucial to seem.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”“By 2025, most seo professionals will use AI in their role. 37% strongly agree. 40% somewhat agree. 10% neither agree nor disagree. 9% somewhat disagree. 4% strongly disagree.””/>

More than three-quarters of SEOs agree that they will use AI in 2025.

Google’s addition of a 2d “E” to E-A-T in past due 2022 was once a clear signal that publishers must be writing for their readers — not Google. “Content material subject matter advent isn’t about keywords. It’s about topics and editorial angles,” says Sellers.

“Revel in,” the original “E,” would possibly simply theoretically be faked by the use of AI. Then again “revel in” — not this kind of lot.

To recap, proper right here’s how our experts counsel that marketers and SEOs shift gears to deal with new inclinations throughout the search landscape:

  • Write on your audience.
  • “Use AI for the problems AI is excellent for, and use human-led content material subject matter for the problems that human-led content material subject matter is excellent for.”—Amanda Sellers
  • “Everybody must embrace and spend some time with all the new AI-based apparatus which can be turning into available now.”—Mikkel deMib
  • “Monitor SERPs for objective keywords and topics to seem which ones have video carousels, and create similar video content material subject matter.”—Rory Hope
  • Deepen your topical coverage and sharpen your editorial angles.

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