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How to Find the Man of Your Dreams

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Stop waiting for love to find you…
“You Can Attract the Man of Your Dreams — and Receive a Marriage
Proposal in 12 Months or Less!”
A Proven
Step-by-Step Plan for Finding the Love of Your Life

By Bob Grant,
P.L.C., “The Relationship Doctor”

are the top 3 attributes or traits of your dream man? 
(Check 3 items
from list below):

Confidence (exudes power)
Sense of Humor
Money (has wealth or
earns a high income)
Good looks
Mystery, excitement,
unpredictability (or “bad boy” qualities)
Sensitivity (caring,
loving, thoughtful, sweet, romantic)
(loves children, wants to have a family)
Other – Specify: 

Okay, are you done choosing the top 3
attributes or traits of your dream man?

Now, let me ask you a question:

How long have you been
waiting for your dream man to show up in your life?  How long
have you been waiting for love to find you? 

If you’re like most women, from the time you were old enough to think,
you’ve dreamed that one day your PrinceCharming would come along — and
he would sweep you off your feet, and you’d live happily ever after,

But it hasn’t happened — and you’re still waiting, aren’t you?

You’re not alone.  There are countless women who are in the same boat as
you.  Consider the following: 


A study by The New York Times and the Census bureau has
shown that more than half of the adult women in America are
single.  This is the first time in history that the
number of single women in America — 50 million — has
exceeded the number of married women. 

Imagine … there
are now over 50 million single women in America — and the number
of single women in other countries is just as staggering.

unfortunately, being in the company of millions of single women doesn’t
make you feel any less lonely or discouraged, does it? 

Chances are, you’ve begun to ask yourself, ‘What’s wrong with me? 
Why can’t I find a wonderful man who wants to marry me?’

In my 17 years of experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor,
therapist and relationship coach, I’ve found that marriage-minded
single women who haven’t found their dream man — or haven’t
received a marriage proposal — tend to have feelings of being
worthless or defective with every passing day.  Even if they
try to appear confident and carefree on the outside, they usually hide a
deep-seated feeling of isolation — of being left behind.

A single woman’s fears, insecurities and loneliness are
magnified whenever a friend or relative gets married — and she
still isn’t married.  Every time she sees a happily married couple, she
is given the awful reminder that no man wants to marry her.  She worries
she’ll never find Mr. Right, that she’ll never be married — or that
she’s doomed to a lonely, unmarried life.  She even begins to wonder
whether she should just settle for any man who comes around.

Does this sound familiar?  Perhaps you’ve felt this same pain yourself?

What if I told you that I can help you easily find and attract not
just any man — but the man of your dreams — and that I
can guarantee he will propose marriage to you in 12 months or less?

In the next 5 minutes, as you read this
article in its entirety, you will discover

the No. 1 reason why most women are not able to find,
attract and keep the man of their dreams — and what you
can do about it so that you can finally find a wonderful man who
wants to marry you
…. how to never fear that you’ll end up with the wrong
man — but instead have the confidence to know that you’ll find
and choose the man who’s exactly right for you

… why what you want and what you think
you want in a man may be incompatible — and how knowing the
difference will enable you to finally find your dream man who is
ideal for you

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a single woman who’s
never been married, or a divorced or widowed woman who wishes to
remarry.  Neither does it matter whether you’re tall or short, shy or
outgoing, thin or heavy, what your skin color is, whether you have
children or not, or what part of the country (or the world) you live
in.  It also makes no difference how many times you’ve tried to find the
right man and failed.  When you follow my proven plan exactly
as prescribed, you cannot fail to get the man of your dreams
— and more importantly, have a long-lasting and blissful relationship
with him.

Who Am I — and Why Do I Get So
Many Wedding Invitations?

name is Bob Grant.  I’m a Professional Life Coach, #1 Amazon best selling author with 17 years of successful work with singles and couples in my private practice.  I’m
also the author of two popular books, The Woman Men Adore … And Never Want to Leave, and How to Get Him Back.

People call me “The Relationship Doctor” because I have the
prescription for
finding love, keeping passion alive, and reigniting relationships that
have lost their spark.  

It always amazes me when women tell me “It’s so hard to find a good
man.”  On the contrary, I think it’s really easy for any woman —
and that includes you — to find not just any good man but
your dream man — if you know how.  I’ll tell you how in a

Year after year, I get the
privilege of seeing many of my female clients not only have a wonderful
man walk right into their life — but also receive a marriage proposal
within a short period of time.  In fact, one of the most gratifying
rewards of my practice is the number of wedding invitations I
receive from clients!


“Will I Ever Get Married?”

     A client of mine
(whom I will call Susan) was 29 years old when she came to seek my
help.  She wanted to get married, but no matter how many different
men she dated, none of them led to marriage — and she was very

     Initially, I had to make her realize that she was
contributing to her problem by dating only men that were
“exciting” to her — and didn’t necessarily have the qualities
that were important to her.  Was it any wonder that those
relationships never ended up in marriage? 

It took Susan a few
months to accept the fact that
her dream man might not
appear to be her dream man upon the first encounter.

     In the past, she
had often dismissed most of her dates after just one encounter
whenever she didn’t feel that “instant chemistry” with them.  I
showed her a proven plan

How to Find the Man of Your Dreams) that enabled her to zero
in on the qualities she really wanted in a husband

(instead of just the
superficial qualities). 

She wanted a man to be strong, independent and caring — which
were qualities that none of the “exciting” men she used to date

     Over the next few months, her choice of men began to improve
as she implemented the plan.  Slowly, she realized exactly what it
meant to listen to her heart — and she finally met her dream
man!  A few months later, I not only received a wedding invitation
from her — but she
asked me to walk her down the aisle!

Over the last 17 years of counseling hundreds of real-life female
clients, I have carefully observed women who have been able to
successfully find, attract and marry their dream man — as well as women
who have not been successful. 

I made a very interesting discovery!

I found out that the women who are not successful at finding
their dream man have one thing in common.  Do you know what it
is? Check one

don’t go out often enough, so they don’t meet enough eligible

They’re very picky about men.

They don’t go to singles clubs, parties or wherever single people

They live in a city where the ratio of single men to single women
           very low (i.e., there aren’t enough single men to go

you placed a check mark next to your answer?  If so, which of the above
did you check
— A, B, C or D?

If you checked any one of them, then I’m afraid that your answer 

… is wrong.

The correct answer is none of them!

While some of the answers listed above do contribute to a woman’s lack
of success in finding her dream man, it’s not the main reason. 
Read below


The No. 1
Reason Why You Have Not Been Able to
Get the Man of Your Dreams is…

…you have an
ineffective pattern regarding your relationships with men. 
Patterns don’t lie. 

pattern is a combination of behaviors, thoughts,
emotions, actions, qualities and tendencies
forming a consistent arrangement that generally brings about a
predictable result.

Just as there is a pattern in some teenagers that causes them to
consume alcohol; a pattern in career people that causes them to
find only bad jobs; a pattern that causes individuals to have
anxiety in public speaking; so too, is there a pattern that causes
women to be unsuccessful at finding their dream man or an ideal

This pattern, which runs on auto-pilot, usually beneath the radar
of your awareness, makes you
unconsciously sabotage
your deepest desire to find love.    

The good news is that once you identify the ineffective pattern
and replace it with an effective one, there is a very high
probability that you will find, attract and have a successful
relationship with the man of your dreams.

Yes — believe it or not, it’s as simple as that!

The problem that most single women have is that they don’t know the
difference between an effective pattern regarding relationships
and an ineffective, self-sabotaging pattern.  In fact, most women
don’t even know that they have a pattern in the first place!

“Why do I always attract the
wrong kind of men?”

     In February,
Melissa J. wanted to quit dating altogether.  She was 37, had been
dating continuously since she was 16 — and she was sick to death
of the dating scene.  In the last 21 years, she’d had two
boyfriends that lasted more than a year, and the rest lasted only
a few weeks to a few months apiece.  She was so depressed because
all her girlfriends had already gotten married and she was the
only one who remained single.  And yet she dreaded dating yet
another guy because she believed that all men were jerks
and all the good ones were already taken.  She began believing the
cruel joke that says, “It’s more likely for a single woman
over 35 to be killed by terrorists than to be married.” 

     While outwardly, Melissa maintained the attitude that there
was something wrong with all men in general — deep inside, she
felt there was something wrong with her.  “Why do I always
attract the wrong kind of men?” she wondered.  It was only after
she became aware of her self-sabotaging pattern (see
How to Find the Man of Your Dreams)
that she was able to replace it with an effective one.  Her new
pattern created just a
slight shift in her mindset — and yet the results were

Within weeks of changing her pattern, she had a string of
wonderful eligible men competing for her attention.  After dating
a few, she quickly discovered that one of them, George M., was the
real deal — the man of her dreams!  She began seeing George
exclusively in May 2004 — and on Valentine’s Day 2005, 10 months
after their first date, he proposed marriage and she happily

you’re in a hurry, click here to discover how to find the man of your dreams now.

What You Want —
versus What You Think You Want — in a Man

Earlier on, I asked you to pick the top 3 attributes or traits
of your dream man.  Hopefully, you did that little fun exercise at the
top of this page.
Now, listen closely.

Just because you picked the top 3 qualities of your dream man does
not mean those are the things you want in a man.

Now, I can almost hear you say, “Huh?”  Let me explain.

The top 3 things you answered are what you think you want in a
man — and not necessarily what you really want in a man.

In my 17 years of relationship coaching, I’ve found that …
       what most women think they want in a man
              is incompatible with
                    what they really want. 

No wonder they can’t find their dream man!  There’s a big discrepancy
between the two.

sure you’ve known women who’ve gushed about finding their dream man —
saying he has all the things they’ve been looking for.  And yet later
on, they find out that their dream man turns out to be Mr. Wrong. 
Perhaps this has even happened to you?

This all has to do with the ineffective pattern I spoke of earlier.  You
have an unconscious pattern of being attracted to an imaginary picture
of an “ideal” man that, in reality, is completely wrong for you. 

What good is having a tall, dark and handsome man, for instance, if he’s
not good for you?  What’s the use of having a boyfriend with a great
sense of humor if he also has traits that you can’t stand?  Would you
want to be married to a romantic, sweet and affectionate man if he has
issues that are intolerable to you?

While it’s impossible to find a man that is perfect in every way, you
can find a man who has all the qualities that are truly important
to you, and with whom you have the highest likelihood of being

I’ve found that when I’ve given women a simple exercise involving the
traits of a man that truly matter a lot to them, they began to
realize that the things they
thought they couldn’t live without weren’t nearly as important as they

I’m sure you’ve known women who, upon
meeting a man who did not seem to have the ideal qualities she
wanted, ended up falling in love with the man and living happily ever
after.  Many such women admit that if they had not gotten over their
petty ideals of male perfection, they would not have found the love of
their life. 

Doe this mean you have to “settle” for someone who is not as great a man
as you want to have?

No, not at all.  You never have
to compromise what you
absolutely must have in a man in order to get a man who is
good for you.  This is not at all
like wanting a tasty filet mignon but getting a bland dish of steamed
broccoli instead just because it’s good for you.  It’s not at all like
wanting someone as exciting as Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind
— but getting someone like Amos Hart, the quintessentially boring, but
adoring husband of Roxie Hart in Chicago. 

It’s about getting a wonderful man with
optimum qualities
— a man who is your most
preferred choice based on what’s really important to
you.  And isn’t that the best definition of a dream man in the
first place?

you’re in a hurry, click here to discover how to find your dream man now.

You Don’t Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs to
Find Your Prince!

you’re like most women, the process of finding your dream man might seem
like a daunting task that requires lots of trial and error
before you succeed. 

Believe me, I understand your dilemma because I’ve heard the same
complaint countless times from female clients who come to me for

Whenever you start dating someone new, you wonder, “Is he the one?”  You
hope he’s the right guy so you invest a lot of time and effort in
the relationship, only to see it come to an end — usually with a broken
heart or a lot of pain.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  Finding your dream man is easy — if
you know how.  I’ve put together a proven plan that will save you
years of anguish in your search — and put an end to the ineffective
trial-and-error process of finding your dream man.

proven plan I’ve devised, contained in my new eBook,
How to Find the Man of Your Dreams, is
based not only on real-life feedback from dozens of my female clients,
but also from time-tested strategies and techniques
I’ve developed over the years.  When properly implemented, I assure
you that finding and attracting your dream man is only a few weeks or
months away.

When you get your hands on my e-Book, you’ll be able to easily
identify your ineffective pattern that keeps you from finding your
dream man.  I even make suggestions on behavioral changes, internal
dialogue and positive constructive actions that replace your
self-sabotaging pattern with an effective one. 

By simply using my proven plan, you will be amazed how effortlessly
you’ll find an endless pool
of ideal men who are custom-tailored for you — and
who are also most likely to be mutually attracted to you and want to
marry you.

You will also learn the simple exercise I devised for my clients,
which will enable you to discover a more accurate view of the type of
man you want to marry (see
page 55).  This may
not seem like a big deal because you think you know your type —
but this is truly eye-opening.  This alone is worth ten times the
price of the book.  For my clients like Susan (above), it has made the
difference between being unhappily single and happily married!

But that’s not all.  Here’s a small sampling of what you’ll discover
within the pages of
How to Find the Man of Your Dreams:  

Attracting men like a magnet …

A (learnable) ability which is
the most attractive
attribute a woman can possess – more hypnotic
and powerful than a pretty face or a sexy body.  Hint: 
This has nothing to do with sex!
(see page 65)

How to activate a trigger residing in a man that will make
him feel an overwhelming sensation of love towards you
(see page 96)

powerful strategy that made a sought-after eligible man want to
ask a woman to marry him after only 5 months of dating
(see page 83)

you can use to stir up a man’s passion and give you more
power over him than you can imagine
(see page 95-96)

How to make a man feel that even though there are many women in
the world, there is absolutely no woman like you
(see page 106)

The secret mindset that will make men sit up and take notice of
you (see page

How to help the man of your dreams find you
(see page 64)

How to impress a man without really trying — A
little-known way of behaving toward people that men find
infinitely more appealing than being upbeat, positive or
(see page 65)

How to give a man clues to let him know that you’re only
interested in a serious, long-term relationship – and that you’re
marriage material, not just someone to have fun with – while
keeping his interest at its peak
(see page 90)

How to make a man think it
was his idea to want to get married
(see page 94)

How to tell if a man is good for dating or good for
marriage – it’s seldom both!
(see page 26)

The one quality that, if you possess it, will give you an
immense sense of empowerment, which will in turn, draw the
enraptured attention of men to you.  If you don’t have this,
no matter how pretty, smart or successful you are, men will
perceive something as missing in you — even if they can’t
explain it. 
(see page 55 – 56)

How to set the tone for sexual intimacy — the
8 magic words
you should tell him when he hints at having sex with you; this
will magnify your value in his eyes, drive him wild and
seriously consider spending his life with you.  Note:  My
wife uttered these famous words to me when we were still dating,
and I soon thereafter asked her to marry me. 
(see page 89)

How to elevate your value in a man’s eyes – and make him want to
cherish you
(see page 73)

Why it’s very important to make a man feel that you do
not expect him to fill all your emotional needs
(see page 95)

A powerful (but fun) 14-day exercise that is guaranteed to
bring a fresh supply of available men into your life –
takes only 10 to 15 minutes a day.  This will really open you up
to someone new coming into your life – and most women ignore this
golden opportunity
(see page 46 – 47)

The subtle method you can use to appear approachable and
inviting to a man — without looking cheap or easy
(see page 61)

Progressing from dating to marriage proposal
in minimum time …

How to make a man emotionally dependent on you – in as little
as 2 dates
(see page 82)

How long should your first phone conversation last?  Longer than
this and you blow all chances of keeping his interest at
its peak (see
page 73)

The only goal you need to have for a first date – ignore
this and you could be missing out on the love of your life
(see page 68)

How to dress in ways that a man would find most attractive
— instead of dressing to impress other women
 (see page 59)

The one thing you must convey on a first date – and the
things you should never share (most women get this one

The kind of behavior you should have on a first date that will
make you instantly interesting to a man who’s worthy of you
– and will repel men who are not desirable
(see page 70)

How much to disclose on your first and second date – more than
this and you’ll be setting a precedent that will be difficult to
correct later
(see page 78) 
What you should never disclose on your first or second date
(see page 80)

A powerful third-date strategy that’s guaranteed to stir up
passion in a man more than anything
(see page 82)

What a man must see you be willing to do before he’ll want
to make you a permanent part of his life
(see page 81)

How a certain dating activity causes chemicals to be released in
the brain that overrides your rationality when it comes to
choosing a man; keeps you from pacing the relationship long enough
to know if he’s really your dream man or not
(see page 87)

How to end a date with him wanting more of you – and
guarantee that he’ll think of you often after the date has ended
(see page 72)

How to pace a relationship, keep it from overheating too soon and
avoid burning it out before it’s had time to blossom
(see page 81)

How to use a man’s innate response to “voids” in order to make
your relationship progress faster into marriage – while making him
think it was his idea
(see page 102)

The telltale sign that gives a man the idea that you’re not
interested in him – even if you’re very interested!  Make
sure you’re not doing this or else you’ll blow your
chances with him. 
(see page 71)

out where the men are …

3 unique places to meet men where there is a great ratio of single
men to single women – and the men are usually pre-screened

How to use the online dating sites to find exactly the kind
of man you want, weed out the losers, as well as lazy and
unattractive candidates — without making yourself appear
shallow and self-centered
(see page 43)

Why being involved in singles groups may not be the
best way to meet men – and what’s a better alternative
(see page 37)

much more!

you’re in a hurry, click here to discover how to find your dream man now.

“Can I ever find a
who will love me for who I am?”

     Jennifer was 28 years old and
just coming out of a divorce when she came to me for counseling. 
After years of living with someone who constantly berated her, she
began to view herself as the flawed, undesirable person her
ex-husband told her she was.  Three months after the divorce, she
began to develop a tremendous fear that she would never
find a man who would love her for who she was.

     The first thing I did was to teach her how not to
allow her fears to make her feel lonely, worthless or defective (see
page 9 of How to Find the Man of Your Dreams),
pointing out that the way she viewed herself was of utmost
importance in finding a man who would want to marry her. 
Then, I guided her towards discovering what she really
wanted in a man (see page 55) — and
equipped her to be prepared once he showed up in her life (see
Chapters 5 through 7).

     At first, she did not believe the plan would work — but she
stuck with it anyway.  After 5 months, she not only had a clear
idea of what kind of man she was looking for, but this time she
was also convinced that it would happen.  Then one day, she
met a man who seemed perfect for her — except that he
didn’t satisfy one of the criteria she had established as
her “non-negotiable” requirements in a man.  She dared to remain
true to her heart and not make compromises.  Eventually,
she ended that relationship — even though she feared she might
be making a mistake.

A week later, she met a wonderful man at her church with all the
qualities she wanted, including the fact that he was tall (which
was important to her).  They started dating, and within 9 months,
they were engaged to be married.  They sent me a wedding
invitation that I keep in my drawer together with other
invitations of all my clients whose dreams have come true.

Own “How
to Find the Man of Your Dreams”

My Risk-Free 100% “Love It Or I’ll Buy It Back” Guarantee

I am so confident that you’ll be
overjoyed with the terrific results and lifelong benefits you get from
following the plan I reveal in How to Find the Man of Your Dreams
that I’m willing to have you try it at my risk. 

Go ahead and get your hands on How to Find the Man of Your
today without risking a penny.  Implement my proven plan and see with
your own eyes how dramatically your life will change.  If you don’t
absolutely love the
information you’ll find in my e-Book —

or if you’re not 100% satisfied for any
reason — simply send me an e-mail within 7 weeks of your purchase, and
I’ll refund your entire purchase price.  No questions asked!

Own “How
to Find the Man of Your Dreams”

And that’s not all…

If you order now, you can get these programs at a STEEP discount.

The Woman Men Adore advanced Video System.

– How to create the kind of intense attraction that makes a man

With specific real life examples and practical tips and suggestions, you won’t have to guess about what to do.

* Paige used the On button technique and suddenly her husband began asking her how he could help out around the house.

* Cynthia realized that she had been using the #1 relationship killer on all of her boyfriends and by making 1 simple change married the next man she dated.

* Gretchen was using the unconscious trigger and found herself being approached by a gentleman in a hotel lobby. Her words to me were, “Bob, that has never happened to me before!”

-The temptations men face today are constant.

-Hook up website, Apps that make affairs easy and even FACEBOOK. All of these tempt a man and put even the strongest relationship at risk.

-Unless a man has an emotional BOND with you, he won’t love you enough to resist all of those temptations.

The Bonding Code will show you how to create this bond that will keep him devoted to you forever.

Wishing you the relationship of your dreams,

Bob Grant, P.L.C.

P.S.  When you find your dream man — as
I’m certain you will — please
don’t forget to send me your wedding invitation.  I may
not always have the time to attend every one of the many weddings I’m
invited to, but I’m always thrilled to receive one when I’ve helped
someone get engaged or married.  Send the invitation to me at the
following address:  Bob Grant, P.L.C., 1640 Powers Ferry Road, Building
17, Suite 375, Marietta, Georgia 30067.

P.P.S.  I’m often asked the question: 
Can a woman with children
find the man of her dreams?

My answer is “Yes, absolutely!”  Consider the following story of one of
my female clients. ↓

was a tall, slender woman whose marriage ended because her husband
told her that he was in love with another woman.  Needless to say,
she was so devastated and heartbroken that she could hardly
function.  To make matters worse, she had 4 children — all under
the age of 10.  “Who’s going to want to marry a woman with 4
children?” she asked me.  It’s a sentiment echoed by many divorced
or widowed women with children.

     As we began to craft her future, I must say there were more
trying days than happy ones initially.  Yet, in spite of it all,
she remained determined.

     After discovering exactly the type of man
she really wanted, it became easier for her to
take a chance on men in spite of the
heartbreak she had previously suffered — and without
worrying about making
a mistake.  She also found it much easier to start dating
again, although she initially felt apprehensive about
it because she hadn’t dated in ages. 

     In less than a year, she met another
single parent who had a young daughter that was the
same age as her own son.  Shortly afterwards, they began
dating and I lost touch with her until 10 months later when she
made an appointment to see me.  She sat down in my office and
extended her left hand to reveal a beautiful
diamond engagement ring.  She thanked me for showing her that
in spite of all she had been through, she could still find her
dream man.

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Upload Custom Block Types in WordPress

When you take a look at the Gutenberg “Button” block and click on the Sort tab (cookie moon section) you will notice that you will be able to choose between Fill or Outline for its styling. What did you want while you wanted to load additional alternatives? In another way did you want to load style alternatives for other blocks?

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So, block sorts are alternatives that you can simply click on when you enhance a block. When you do that, it will inject a class name into the block. This class name can then be referenced via CSS.

Why join Custom Designed Block Sorts?

Registering custom sortings means that you will produce other designs on your blocks that you can use in many contexts. For example, if your site is white and you also insert a white symbol in a submission, it will not look good. It is very important to register a “Bordered” style for the Image block that provides a gray border around the image that can make it stand out.

Sure, it’s fine to use the easy environment in Block > Complicated > Additional CSS Elegances with the intention of loading custom class names on your blocks. On the other hand, this requires you to remember the elegance names. And if you’re working on a client’s website, they’ll appreciate an easy option to apply custom designs to their blocks.

An added bonus is that when you save custom block sortings you will be able to set the inline CSS for the way, that way the CSS is automatically added inside the editor and frontend whenever the way is selected.

Join a new block style

For the purposes of this data, I would like to focus specifically on server-side recording of custom sorts. In short, using PHP instead of Javascript. For many consumers, this may also be easier and faster. In short, you will download the code directly into a code snippet plugin with the intention of uploading custom block sorts to the website.

So, to register a new block style with PHP, you will use the register_block_style function, as it should be called. This function takes two arguments: $block AND $style_propertiesSo you can tell it what block you need to load your types and then a matrix of how it hosts.

This is an example of a brand new “Simple” style for the Checklist block:

 * Join custom block sorts.
 * @link
function wpexplorer_register_block_styles() {
			'name'  => 'list-plain',
			'label' => 'Plain',
add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_register_block_styles' );

With this code added to your website as you insert a new control block, you will need to see a new selection to select a “Simple” style like this:

wordpress-list-plain-block-style.webp” alt=”” class=”wp-image-64980″ style=”width:350px;height:auto”/>

Notice how in my example I am using ‘core/checklist’ because the block defines what I want to add my custom styling solution to and not just ‘checklist’. All of wordpress‘s default block names are prefixed in this approach. If you are unsure what the right type of define is for a block, take a look at the list of all wordpress core blocks.

Also, in my example I used 2 houses (the required ones) for my custom style: to establish AND labelThe label can be used as text inside the Gutenberg UI and the setting can be used for the class name added to the block inside the is-style-{establish} structure.

I am ready to give you an explanation shortly on how you will be able to apply custom CSS for your block sorts. So keep on discovering.

Join some types of blocks

For each style you need to load you will need to use the register_block_style function. So for example, if you want to add more sorts to the Tick list block, it would be fine to do it like this:

 * Join custom block sorts.
function wpexplorer_register_block_styles() {

	// Inside of Tick list
			'name'  => 'list-inside',
			'label' => 'Inside',

	// Sq. Tick list
			'name'  => 'list-square',
			'label' => 'Square',

	// Checkmark checklist.
			'name'  => 'list-checkmark',
			'label' => 'Checkmark',

add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_register_block_styles' );

By adding this code you might see 3 additional sorts added to the checklist block as follows:

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”672″ height=”772″ src=”” alt=”” class=”wp-image-64981″ style=”width:350px”/>

Writing leaner code (DRY code)

If you are registering a lot of types on your website, I suggest creating an array of the types you will be registering so you can loop through them. This way you don’t have to load register_block_style over and over again. This will probably keep your code lean and DRY sometimes.

This is an example of using an array to record multiple block orderings:

 * Join custom block sorts.
function wpexplorer_register_block_styles() {
	$sorts = [
		// List Styles
		'core/list' => [
				'name'  => 'list-inside',
				'label' => 'Inside',
				'name'  => 'list-checkmark',
				'label' => 'Checkmark',
		// Button Sorts
		'core/button' => [
				'name'  => 'button-three-d',
				'label' => 'Three-D',
	foreach ( $sorts as $block => $style_props ) {
		register_block_style( $block, $style_props );

add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_register_block_styles' );

See how much nicer it is? I would encourage you to always consider writing code in a DRY approach without repeating yourself.

Style block sorting with CSS

I have shown you some tips on how to save custom block sortings that you will simply be able to make a choice within the Gutenberg editor. On the other hand, this will not be if the truth is said explanation of why your block appears different. For that, you will need to add CSS for your website to focus on your custom sortings.

I’ve mentioned in the past that when you select a block style wordpress will insert the class name structure is-style-{establish} in the block elegance feature. So you will be able to use it to focus on the element.

Let’s say you want to upload a checklist style with a checkmark for your website, so you can save your style like this:

function wpexplorer_register_checkmark_list_style() {
			'name'  => 'list-checkmark',
			'label' => 'Checkmark',
add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_register_checkmark_list_style' );

Then you will definitely be able to add the following CSS to your website to use a test design with a checkmark in your checklist:

@counter-style checkmark {
  device: cyclic;
  symbols: "2713";
  suffix: " ";
} {
  list-style: checkmark;

If you added your CSS to your theme’s style.css file, to WP’s custom CSS customizer, or via a plugin, then your checklist should be styled as it should be on the frontend.

On the other hand, we are working with Gutenberg, so you will need to add your CSS when you register your block to make sure the styling is applied in the backend as well.

To register your CSS along with your style, you can do it in two ways:

  • Custom style sheet: You will pass the “style_handle” elements to your register_block_style function with a registered stylesheet setting. wordpress will routinely load the CSS file when the block is added to the submission content.
  • Inline CSS: You will transfer the “inline_style” elements with the CSS you need to make your custom block style.

This is an example showing all the methods:

function wpexplorer_register_block_styles_with_css() {
	// Style that fairly so much stylesheet.
			'name'         => 'list-example-one',
			'label'        => 'Example One',
			'style_handle' => 'list-example-one-style-handle'
	// Style that gives inline CSS.
			'name'         => 'list-example-two',
			'label'        => 'Example Two',
			'inline_style' => ' { list-style: square; }',

add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_register_block_styles_with_css' );

In many cases, I would suggest using the inline_style properties. This might occasionally keep your website running faster, since it won’t want to load a third-party dependency. Usually, though, you’ll only need a few lines of CSS.

With this knowledge we will be able to go back to the checklist example and add the inline CSS as follows:

function wpexplorer_register_checkmark_list_style() {
			'name'         => 'list-checkmark',
			'label'        => 'Checkmark',
			'inline_style' => '@counter-style checkmark {system: cyclic;symbols: "2713";suffix: " ";} {list-style: checkmark;}'
add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_register_checkmark_list_style' );

Now you probably tried this checklist style, it must render beautifully in every Gutenberg editor and on the live website. Here is a screenshot taken in the backend.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”2560″ height=”653″ src=”” alt=”” class=”wp-image-64982″/>

Set a custom style as it is the default style

This is not something I would necessarily suggest as an alternative while you wanted it to be right to also set one of your custom types as the default. To make your style the default, simply transfer the is_default assets for your array such as:

		'name'       => 'list-new-default',
		'label'      => 'New Default',
		'is_default' => true, // ADD THIS.

Now whenever you insert the targeted block (in this case Checklist) you can use your custom style as the default style.

Crucial: When a practice style is ready as default, it means that no class name can be added to the block when it is determined.

Bonus: Remove a registered block style

Excellent enough, you are now qualified with custom block sorting. But then what happened when you wanted to remove an existing style from a block? Luckily, wordpress has a helper feature that we can use for this as well.

To remove an existing block style, use the unregister_block_style function. Here’s an example showing how to remove the ‘list-checkmark’ style from the ‘core/checklist’ block:

function wpexplorer_unregister_checkmark_list_style() {
	unregister_block_style( 'core/checklist', 'list-checkmark' );
add_action( 'init', 'wpexplorer_unregister_checkmark_list_style' );

unregister_block_style is most useful for removing sortings from a block theme that registers custom ones server-side.

Crucial: Using the unregister_block_style function will remove ONLY blocks that have been registered server-side using the register_block_style function. To remove sortings added client-side, you will need to use the Javascript Block API – read on to find out how!

Since you won’t be able to remove core wordpress blocks via PHP, I wanted to show you tactics you’ll be able to use via JS. The following example will remove the “outline” style from the Button block:

 * Remove the outline block style.
function wpexplorer_remove_outline_block_style() {
	// Join a "dummy" script so we will be able to add our JS inline.
		[ 'wp-blocks', 'wp-dom-ready', 'wp-edit-post' ],

	// JS that removes the outline style from the button element.
	$script = "wp.domReady( () => {
		wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle( 'core/button', [ 'outline' ] );
	} );";

	// Load our JS.
	wp_enqueue_script( 'wpexplorer-unregister-block-styles' );
	wp_add_inline_script( 'wpexplorer-unregister-block-styles', $script );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpexplorer_remove_outline_block_style' );


Along with custom Gutenberg blocks it is super easy and also very useful. Right here on WPExplorer I register quite a few type blocks arranged in identical portions to lists, images and buttons. This allows me to transform the elements in another way in line with the context.

Let me know if you have any issues with my data or if you have any feedback or questions. Just leave me a statement below.

Further learning

And now that I have caught your attention, you will find yourself in the following similar articles:

Submitting Custom Block Types in wordpress appeared first on WPExplorer.

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Stay Away From This Costly Entrepreneurial Mistake

You have decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. After discovering a lot of inspirational stories about billionaire marketers who have faced failures, you feel confident in your resilience. You are considering, “Even if I fail, I will continue to move forward, creating new companies. Good fortune will surely come one day, thanks to the regulation of averages!” And besides, you are right, at least in theory.

You have decided to start a fast-growing business, most likely in the mobile phone industry, and have assembled a team of skilled workers.

Now you are ready to get started!

On the other hand, before you get started, let me share a core belief with you. It is the whole puzzle piece, the billion dollar paradox that no one seems to talk about. Without understanding this paradox, your chances of becoming a billionaire are slim. Seize it, use it, and you are one step closer to very great wealth!

First, let’s establish the scope. We want to dive into the intricacies of the world of commerce, understand its hidden dynamics, and how its avid players best interact. We’ll start by exploring some of the small paradoxes that emerge in the larger one. Ready? Let’s dive in.

group of entrepreneurs discussing ideas

Paradox #1: Entrepreneurs Don’t Like Standard Jobs

It’s true, most entrepreneurs aren’t natural businessmen or managers. Consider a typical 2d businessperson. They thrive on a structured 9-5 process, enjoy a corporate environment, and like being divided into departments with neat labels like HR or R&D. Businesspeople also love working with accountants, it’s just the way they are.

Now, don’t get me wrong: entrepreneurs are the most important. On the other hand, you most likely don’t aspire to be one of them. You want to be an entrepreneur, right?

employee looking bored in a cubicleemployee looking bored in a cubicle
The entrepreneurial mindset

Entrepreneurs generally couldn’t care less about the structured corporate world. They despise the semblance of protection that a 9-to-5 process brings.

Entrepreneurs are often outspoken leaders. They are dynamic, chaotic, and very. For this reason, they most often hate accounting and other routine tasks. Entrepreneurs are much more committed to starting new ventures and taking risks than businessmen.

For them, the real impact of their companies is more important than quarterly earnings or shareholder returns. For this reason, investors have an advanced relationship with entrepreneurs, often preferring to imagine their money to corporate businessmen.

Paradox #2: Entrepreneurs struggle with long-term growth

Being an entrepreneur is exciting, but it also comes with a paradox. Entrepreneurs often find it difficult to keep an eye on long-term business expansion because of their inherently volatile nature. If you are an entrepreneur, you are always itching to start something new, expand a modern business, or invest money in a revolutionary idea that might just break through the arena. This system is exciting, on the other hand it will definitely backfire, and it often does.

The “fuck it, let’s do it” mentality popularized by billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson sounds great for startups. On the other hand, it’s much less efficient when running a medium or large-scale business, which requires point of interest and a cautious means.

entrepreneur leading a business meetingentrepreneur leading a business meeting

Running a large company involves overseeing dozens or even many groups of workers and managing millions in troubled capital. You won’t have the money to take a chance on that. And yet, another paradox emerges: Without reference to those difficult scenarios, entrepreneurs are much more likely to become extraordinarily wealthy than most people would suppose.

Paradox #3: Most Billionaires Are Entrepreneurs

Undoubtedly, most of the world’s billionaires are entrepreneurs, not just businessmen. They have discovered how to transform their activities from hands-on jobs to automated techniques. They do this by hiring a skilled entrepreneur as CEO and letting him run the company while they quickly move on to the next problem. This cycle is what keeps the momentum going.

Don’t get me wrong, billionaires hate the idea of ​​a “process” as much as anyone else. So why not hire a businessman anymore? that thrives in that environment?

A successful entrepreneur, billionaires have mastered the art of work run with businessmenThey know how to recruit them, put them at the helm of their emerging startups, and leverage their expertise to automate commerce. Here’s how they transform their “startup process” into a self-sustaining enterprise.

And that’s exactly how they become billionaires!

stack of economics books on a deskstack of economics books on a desk
Finding the right type Explicit individual

The total inconvenience you will face if you choose this path to billions is supervising the businessman you hire. Make sure he is actually doing the best possible job. It’s a win-win situation: you get more free time to pursue new ventures and the businessman gets what he needs: a secure 9-to-5 process.

Keep innovating!

As you supervise your most popular CEO, restart the cycle. Grow as many companies as you can. Experiment and see what works. If a problem grows to the point where your “to hell with it” regulatory style is no longer valid, start looking for CEO-like entrepreneurs to bring on board.

Unfortunately, these CEOs will never become billionaires. On the other hand, yes. I actually hope you do. In short, you will have some automated companies, generating substantial wealth. On the other hand, consider that it is not all about the money anymore, right? Or… is it?

The article “Avoid This Costly Mistake in Entrepreneurship” first appeared on Hongkiat.

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Is a small, stucco-coated two-story Spanish style mansion…Situated on an oversized lot, it doesn’t look like much on the outside… But this particular mansion holds a secret that you would never suspect just by looking at it.Because once a month dozens of the most beautiful, sultry, and desirable women from all over Southern California flock to its front doors…For a private, invitation-only gathering that none of the participants would ever admit to attending outside of its walls…And these women are NOT coming in search of fortune or fame either… they’re coming for a dose of mind-warping pleasure so intense…It leaves them shaking, breathless and convulsing… barely able to walk or move… addicted to a rare kind of orgasmic release they never even knew was possible.Because the men who host these hush-hush soirees are not just rich and powerful… they have a secret.A secret that gives them the power to enjoy controlled, lasting pleasure and the ability to climax on command…

So they can last as long as they want, whenever they want… even though most of them are well into their 50s.

…Even the coldest, most conservative, or stubborn woman can be converted into a rabid nymphomaniac on the spot.And today, right here on this page you’re going to discover their secret for yourself.By the time you’re finished reading this, you’re going to have the power to control exactly how long you last every single time you have sex…You’ll have such precision control over both your pleasure and hers that whether you want to last 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or even well over an hour…You’ll have the power to do it…Every time…On commandAnd the best part is… you’ll be able to accomplish all of this…Without ever needing pills, pumps, delay creams or special numbing condoms…Or relying on so-called “porn star tricks” that only work for genetically gifted guys in their sexual prime.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

“I’m a natural skeptic so when I first heard about this ‘Hollywood Sex Secret’ I thought it would be another scam with no substance. But my curiosity was burning so I decided to try it. Trying just one part of your method I was able to satisfy my woman all night. Thanks for this.”

Blair C. wrote and told me:

“Normally I’m skeptical about endorsement letters that praise a product or service too highly, but I can honestly say to you that your advice has saved my marriage, and has led to the best sex we’ve ever had (including the four extra times during the remainder of that evening!)”

Finally Wayne wrote in and said:

“I’m seeing a massive improvement already. I can’t believe how quickly things have started to change. I always thought this was a problem I’m going to be stuck with. I feel a lot more confident now. Thanks again for the quick cure!”

Now these are just a few of the 1,000s of guys that send me testimonials just like this every single day…They didn’t want their faces or full names to be shared for obvious reasons but I personally verify every testimonial and keep a copy in my office according to FTC guideline CFR 255.Just so you know I’m not blowing smoke up your “you know what…”Now you might be wondering how I went from being so bad in the sack that my wife was in talks with a divorce attorney…To gaining almost supernatural sexual staying power and lighting up my woman’s world with legendary orgasms that make her see stars on a nightly basis.

And it all started on the night of my 7th wedding anniversary when…

Like most couples past the Honeymoon phase of the relationship… The passion between my wife and I had started to fade.Slowly at first… then faster and faster until we were barely getting it on at all…I thought at the time it was the normal stuff – work, stress, and hectic schedules… the kind of excuses that everyone uses to justify their less-than-satisfying sex life.But little did I know it was actually my own performance that was to blame.It’s a bit embarrassing for me to admit this now but I was never exactly a “marathon man” in the bedroom.It was easy for me to get overly aroused and let any kind of friction from straight sex to oral set me off in less than a minute.For a while I was able to recover and come back for a second round but after a while that started to become a problem for me too.Now, the worst part of giving a woman a less-than-standing-ovation performance in the sack…Is that she will almost NEVER tell you.Women are instinctively programmed to avoid confrontation about this sort of thing.The last thing a woman wants to do is awkwardly tell you how lame you are in bed and then deal with your wounded ego afterwards…So the pattern continued and pretty soon… It went from my wife “feeling tired” or “having a headache” most nights of the week…To the point where we were only doing the deed on special occasions…Which brings me to the night of our 7th wedding anniversary.After a romantic dinner for two at an upscale seafood restaurant downtown and a few glasses of bubbly we were both in the mood.Back in our bedroom my wife and I started making out as the passion began to heat up…Just then she stopped me to sneak into the bathroom and “slip into something more comfortable.”As she fiddled around in the bathroom I downed another glass of champagne and geared up for a night of hot loving.Just as I was finishing the last gulp of champagne I saw her…Arched underneath the doorway of our bedroom in a red teddy that left very little to the imagination.Her hip jutted out just slightly, drawing attention to her sumptuous curves and seductive sinews…

She crawled into bed and we started to kiss each other passionately as I tore off her lingerie.

But after less than a minute of action… it was all over.I got so excited that despite my best efforts to slow down and keep things going… I just couldn’t “keep the wolves at bay” so to speak.I felt myself reaching that point of no return as my body wanted to release the pressure that had been building up…So I started to think about my favorite football team and even made a move to change positions to something I read that would make me feel less sensation.But I think we both know, those things never work.And after about 2 minutes…I just couldn’t help myself…I sputtered out a quick orgasm and rolled over.And that’s when it happened.I actually heard my wife laugh.

It wasn’t a howling kind of laughter, but it was audible… the sort of thing that seemed to come out of her accidentally.“What’s so funny?” I said.“Nothing…” she said back.She rolled over and poured herself a glass of bubbly that was still on ice on the nightstand and started chugging away so she could avoid having to say more about it…And I felt a red current of embarrassment rush up my body and into my face…I just left the conversation alone because I was too embarrassed and proud to confront her about it.But I knew that her snickering had something to do with my “two-pump chump” effort. And after that night…

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

But the worst part was what my wife had said last:

“I even talked to a divorce attorney last week… just to review how things would go if I did decide to separate…Basically it seems straightforward… since we don’t have kids yet it wouldn’t be too messy, and he even thinks I would get the house.I don’t want to go this route, I still care about Lloyd but a girl has needs and I still have lots of good years left in me…”

I put the phone down in shock…My stomach turned and I felt the blood draining from my face as I slumped onto the living room sofa.I had already started to suspect that my performance in the bedroom wasn’t leaving my wife satisfied… but I had no idea just how bad it had gotten.That night I tossed and turned… barely sleeping a wink.A million scenarios whirled in my mind and I couldn’t help but return over and over to one single thought…

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur to be honest…I was so depressed at the thought that my marriage was falling apart that I started to wander into random bars after work instead of going home.Because of the hurt, anger and shame I felt… I didn’t think I’d be able to face my wife without unloading on her about the text conversation I saw…Then one Friday afternoon…I ended up wandering into an upscale cocktail lounge in a luxury boutique hotel…At the time… it just seemed like a classy place to drown my sorrows.I sat down in a comfy leather armchair and gave my drink order to a very sexy cocktail waitress…After my 3rd drink in a row I was pretty buzzed and some of the pain was blunted enough for me to survey the room…It was pretty typical of what you’d see on a Friday night at a high-end lounge.The place was packed with attractive women, all wearing different colors of slinky cocktail dresses and carrying around designer purses…Some looked like sexy, well-kept divorcees sculpted by plastic surgery and bronzed with artificial tans…And some were beautiful, young women who looked to be trolling for rich husbands and boyfriends…Most of the men were impeccably dressed in designer suits that cost more than my car…

But out of the corner of my eye… I caught something that seemed out of place.A guy in his late 40s wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt, tattered jeans, and box-store sandals standing just outside the patio door of the lounge…He looked more like the kind of guy that slept at a homeless shelter than belonged in a high-end cocktail lounge like this.But he was talking with two gorgeous-looking women who giggled at everything he said.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

So after the free gin and tonic had caught up to him and he headed to the men’s room…

I seized the opportunity and followed.

I crept up to the stall next to him… trying to figure out how to start a conversation.

Finally I just blurted out “hey, ahhh Ted?”“Yeah,” he answered… “How do you know my name?”“Ummmm… well I was… ahhh…”

He interrupted “Look, if you’re from Playboy magazine I’m going to tell you what I told the last guy…”“I’m not interested in giving any interviews… even anonymous ones.”“No, I’m not a reporter and I’m not here from any magazine…” I responded.He looked me in the eyes intensely like he wanted to punch me in the face but let up because I think he saw the desperation in my eyes.It gave me a window of opportunity to explain myself… I gave him the elevator speech version of my story… how my sex life with my wife had gone frigid and how she had one foot out the door in our marriage.I admit it was a little weird laying all of this on a guy I had just met 5 minutes before but to my surprise… Ted actually listened to me.

Because Ted was about to share something with me that completely changed my sex life forever…

And it will do the same thing for you too.

“Look Lloyd, I’m gonna be honest… tonight isn’t a good night for me. I’ve got plans but if you’re willing to meet tomorrow around 4 PM…I’ll make sure that you can make your wife orgasm so hard she forgets her first name.”

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

It turns out that Mr. Mogul and an inner circle of a dozen Hollywood elite hosted hush-hush soirees once per month at a reclusive mansion in Santa Monica…Ted recalled the first time he went to one of their events…A private car picked him up and brought him to the gates of a Spanish-style mansion that looked a little run-down from the outside.But once inside… the character of the site changed quickly.High ceilings and grey marble floors stretched out to a set of oversized French doors where a patio gave way to a heated pool and a breathtaking view of the mountains…And every direction you looked… some of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen were circling about and mingling with the Hollywood elites.The next thing Ted saw, however, really blew his mind…Mr. Mogul ascending the staircase with 3 beautiful women on his arm all eagerly pawing at him and giggling with anticipation…He then noticed another older gentleman in a tuxedo do the same with two other partygoers.The pattern continued… as each of the men paired off with no fewer than two of the women.Finally a lovely blonde and a pretty red-head approached Ted and introduced themselves… Just then Ted heard a deep voice behind him say…“Sorry ladies, this one’s new and isn’t ready yet.”Ted turned around to see a tall man who appeared to be in his mid 50s who introduced himself simply as “The Professor.”And that’s when he discovered…

You see The Professor Ted met was just that…A professor and researcher in the field of neuroscience at a local southern California university…As Ted explained, all the guys in the “secret society” first had to get training from The Professor before they could “reap the benefits” of membership.It turns out The Professor specialized in something that scientists call “Neurochemical feedback.”Basically, it’s a way to train your body and your nervous system to respond to stimulation in novel ways.See, all the sexy women that came to these orgiastic parties weren’t just coming to hob nob with Hollywood power brokers…They came because once these men were trained in The Professor’s cutting-edge science of Neurochemical Feedback methods…

They had the ability to tap directly into their brain’s own pleasure networks, lasting as long as they wanted and delaying orgasm by up to 60 minutes…Plus their training gave them certain simple techniques they could use on their partners and lower what’s known as the “pleasure threshold.”Look, men and women aren’t wired the same when it comes to sex…Men are wired to become aroused more easily so it’s naturally harder for us guys to hold back when we’re really turned on.Women, on the other hand, have a much higher threshold for arousal, which means it takes them longer to reach an orgasm…So if you’re struggling right now to last long enough to “deliver the goods” to your lady…

It’s 100% Not Your Fault…

But as Ted was about to find out…

Once a guy was trained in The Professor’s techniques, he gains the power to not only lower the pleasure barrier for any lady he chooses…But to raise it in himself all totally on command…

To not just naturally last longer and even recover faster after orgasm…But cause women to orgasm faster and for a much longer time than normal.

Ted was able to see the power of these methods with his own eyes… Watching these guys in their 50s and 60s satisfy multiple women decades younger than themselves at the same time… In fact the women experienced such incredible sexual pleasure that they actually became chemically addicted to it…And while most of them originally came to these parties for the promise of advancing their careers…

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

As great as it felt to please my wife so completely, that was just the beginning of what I learned from Ted.We continued to meet over the next few weeks and he would share some more of the techniques just as The Professor taught him…One technique he called The Pleasure Multiplier, which was a simple way that I could use the neurochemical feedback training to tap into my wife’s arousal mechanism…It gave me the power to ratchet up her arousal so high… She would orgasm before I could even enter her…Another technique he called The Boomerang let me recover within 30 seconds of orgasm so I could immediately go another round…It even let me do this as many times in a row as my body can handle.At first I was like a kid in the candy store, going again and again up to a half-dozen times in a single night.And I was giving my wife such intense orgasms that she couldn’t contain herself.One night, I heard the doorbell ring and saw a police officer standing at the door…Apparently, one of the neighbors heard my wife’s orgasmic screams and thought someone was in trouble.I still remember the look on his face when my wife came to the door in her bathrobe, her hair wildly strewn about, and her face red as a ripe apple…Telling him she was fine and to give a woman and her husband some privacy in their own home…Then dragging me back to the bedroom so I could finish what I started.

Over the course of the next few weeks my sex life continued to get better and better.Not only did I completely eliminate my premature ejaculation, and give myself the ability to go round after round…My wife totally loved the way I was able to rev her into overdrive on command using the simple neurochemical feedback  tricks that I discovered.And everything was going great until one of my coworkers, Jim confided something to me over lunch.See, Jim had gone through a divorce a few years back and had finally met a girl that he really liked…The only problem was she was 10 years younger than him and he was nervous he wouldn’t have the stamina to keep up.Now, a big part of me wanted to point him to Ted so he could teach him the neurochemical feedback techniques he taught me…But I remembered about the second of his “non-negotiable demands” when he agreed to share the secrets with me…“You must promise not to share my identity with anyone.”And since Ted basically saved my sex life and marriage, the last thing I wanted to do was betray him.So I shot him a text and asked him if we could meet for a drink because I needed to ask him something important.He agreed and when we met up I asked him…“Hey, so there’s a guy that I work with that’s having a tough time with a younger lady he met…”“This guy has really been through the ringer and I was hoping you’d give the okay for me to give him your number so you can help him like you helped me.”He looked at me straight in the eyes and said:“Lloyd, I’ve been teaching guys like you for nearly a decade… And in all that time I’ve only shared these secrets in private… with guys like you 1-on-1 who’ve paid me 4 figures to reveal them.I’ve been asked by editors of mainstream magazines like Maxim and Playboy to do interviews and share my story…But I’ve always felt a responsibility to only share them with guys who are truly deserving…”“But…” he continued, “I’ve decided to retire.”“I’m ready to spend the rest of my days living the beach life in Colombia…”“So Lloyd, you’re my last client.”“But if you think this friend of yours needs the neurochemical feedback tricks… you have my blessing to share them.”Ted left the next day and I never saw him again.But three days later I went and taught Jim what he had shared with me…And Jim of course got the same results that I did and ended up spilling the beans to a neighbor in his condo complex when his new girlfriend kept him up all night with her primal screams of orgasmic release.So this other guy came to me asking for the tricks too…Well, after this… word started to spread fast and one thing led to another and pretty soon…

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

Then there was this one that came in from Donny…He says:

“After only 2 sessions the results are astonishing. First session I went over 15 minutes. Second session I lasted 30 minutes. Even after I ejaculated I was still rock hard! Thanks for this.”

And I can’t wait to tell you about Regan who said this:

“After just one week my stamina has gone through the roof. Absolutely no problem lasting as long as my girlfriend. Also, sex has always been associated with anxiety for me and with your techniques, I find it’s gone down a ton. It’s so much easier to stay in the moment and I can now enjoy my beautiful girlfriend. Thanks Lloyd!”

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

If you want to be a sexual god among mere mortals…Today is your day to make it happen.Ejaculation By Command is the only sexual stamina method available that leverages the power of “neurochemical feedback”…So you are in total control of your body’s pleasure response… and can go for as long as you want, every single time.Most guys who do this report being able to last a MINIMUM of 20 minutes longer the first time they try it out.It won’t just give you epic staying power and light-speed recovery time…It will automatically allow you to naturally tap into the very pleasure network both in your brain…And hers…Letting both of you enjoy sheet-tearing, transcendent sexual pleasure for as long as you want, whenever you want, for as many times as you want.And just before you start to think this is just another typical “downloadable e-book…”Think again…It’s a full-fledged, multimedia powerhouse designed to be so simple, natural and powerful…It’s nearly “done-for-you.”Ejaculation By Command is so unique… that I couldn’t deliver it in a single componentI had to create 6 different components of the system to ensure that everything you need to know is delivered in the right way…At just the right time…

Now, in the first component, which I call…

You’ll get a step-by-step way to tap into your body’s natural “neurochemical feedback” mechanism…Installing a “virtual throttle” that will give you COMPLETE control over your pleasure response…So you can naturally last as long as you want, whenever you want without ever sacrificing one morsel of pleasure for you or your partner.Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover:

And much, much more…But we’re just getting started because you’ll also be getting…

You’ll be able to listen to every, white-hot morsel of the core protocol without reading a single word.Whether you’re commuting to the office…Working out at the gym…Or if you just learn better by listening…This downloadable companion of 14 jam-packed audios in MP3 format will let you install the power of Ejaculation By Command right into your brain.

Is your ticket to instant firepower you can use TONIGHT!Use it to give your woman a sexual experience she hasn’t had since your Honeymoon phase.This is where I pull back the curtains and reveal 15 tried-and-tested tactics to give a lights-out performance in the sack and send her into a wild sexual frenzy the first night you take it for a spin.Here’s just a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

Now we’re really rolling but I really felt the need to give my clients a surefire way to hit the ground running…Which is why I’ve included…

This is a handy guide that accumulates all of the breakthrough neurochemical feedback techniques in the core system plus the key emergency tactics in one place…So all you need to do is print it out, follow along, and you can rock her world as soon as tonight.

Gives you premium lifetime updates to the program at no extra charge. I’m always improving and making both myself and my trainings the best they can possibly be.Which means that I regularly update my trainings with new research, new discoveries and new techniques as they become available…And you’ll get to benefit from that constant improvement with lifetime updates to your Ejaculation By Command training completely on the house.

Now, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone to make this program as simple and as easy-to-follow as I possibly can…But there are always people who have additional questions about how to apply the techniques or even questions about other topics related to their sex lives…Believe me, I know how difficult it can be to get good advice, so in order to go the extra mile and give you the 1-to-1 attention you need when you join the Ejaculation By Command movement today…You’ll automatically be upgraded to priority status which gives you access to a private e-mail address where you can get any and all questions answered, completely free of charge.No BS support tickets or waiting around for days in a queue… you’ll get direct, same day access to yours truly…So you’ll never be in the dark about how to apply the powerful techniques you’ll discover inside this truly unique system.

Now, if I were to stop right now… You would already possess the most powerful system on the planet to ensure that you never felt the anxiety of not lasting long enough to please your woman EVER AGAIN…In fact, Ejaculation By Command isn’t just about boosting your sexual endurance or ending your premature ejaculation…

But because you’ve given me a little bit of your valuable time, I want to reward you.So I’m going to flat out give you access to…

Your 1st gift is a nifty little training that I call:

Raunchy Sex Secrets: Transforming Your Sex Life In Wickedly Sensuous Ways

Go from dud to stud at the speed of light by supercharging your love life with these done-for-you erotic escalation techniques…Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

Female Orgasm Secrets: How To Give Women Insanely Powerful Orgasms

Discover powerful, insider secrets to give your woman the kind of orgasms that make her touch the heavens…In this meaty guide packed with high-level intel you’ll unlock:

And so much more that I don’t have time to tell you about.Because I haven’t gotten to…

Your 3rd gift, which is called:

G-Spot Orgasm Secrets: How to Stimulate Her G-Spot And Give Any Woman Intense, Full-Body Squirting Orgasms

This is a special training from my good friend, Jason Julius who’s a highly respected figure in the field of female sexuality…Inside you’ll discover:

And that’s not even scratching the surface on the value this program will deliver into your life.There’s so much more that I didn’t have time to tell you about.But since you’ve read this far…I think it’s fair to say that you’re more than just a little interested in becoming a man who can last as long as he wants.So I have to ask you…

(You’ll probably have to buy a new wardrobe because of all the clothes she’s going to tear off your body on a nightly basis.)

Buy I’ve run the numbers and with all the demand and with the huge surge of traffic we’re guaranteed to get once the word gets out on this…There’s no way I can hold the price this low past the first 500 guys.

Fill in your details using a credit or debit card on the next page.Our payment server uses the same technology as Amazon so your information is totally secure.Reserve your spot right now and get immediate access to this life-changing system at a truly special price…Give yourself 60 days to convince yourself that this unique technology will help you have the best sex of your life.Take it for a spin with that special woman in your life… If you don’t last as long as you want while still enjoying the most passionate sex you can remember…If she’s not breathless and sweaty with satisfaction…Then just e-mail me at any time within 60 days of purchase…And I will promptly and courteously refund your purchase.I’ll even let you keep the program and the life-changing bonuses just for taking them for a spin.

Either you last as long as you need and give her insane pleasure that makes her sexually addicted to you…Or you won’t pay one thin dime for this program.It’s truly a situation where you RISK NOTHING.So go ahead and take advantage right now…

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along …

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along…

Is the path of least resistance…The path that leads you to click away from this page and ignore what you’ve just discovered.Now, if you take this path you won’t have to burden yourself with the yoke of change…But you’ll also rob both you and your lady of some of the most gratifying pleasure either of you have ever felt.And I doubt I have to tell you that continuing to disappoint your girl in bed puts your relationship at serious risk…I think we both know that you really deserve better than that.

Which I’m sure you’ll agree is the only path that makes sense…So, go ahead and reserve your spot right now in Ejaculation By Command…

Discover the power of Neurochemical Feedback to last as long as you want without sacrificing pleasure…Make your lady howl with sexual delight.Make her see the man you CAN be… the man you truly ARE deep down.The powerful, confident, masterful man that women pine for… that they secretly fantasize about when they’re alone.In just two minutes time you could be in the private member’s area giving yourself this power.So go ahead, click the order button below and get started RIGHT NOW…Lock in your bonuses before someone else snatches them up before your very eyes…Feel secure in knowing that you’re automatically covered by my iron-clad guarantee…I know you’ll make the right decision…Go ahead click the order button below and get started today!

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  • Divi: Our core Divi membership; Contains Divi Theme & Builder, core choices, 300+ on-line web page packs, and style new choices, Divi Fast Websites, Starter Internet sites, and Divi Sprint
  • Divi AI: Generate entire web sites the Divi AI Internet website online Builder; Countless get right to use to Divi AI tools inside the Divi Builder for generating pages, sections, text, pictures, and code
  • Divi Cloud: Get countless cloud storage for managing and sharing Divi belongings – layouts, templates, designs, and further
  • Divi Groups: Give get right to use for your Divi services and products and collaborate in conjunction with your team of workers; prolong team of workers regulate with Divi Dash
  • Divi VIP: Get VIP support that responds in under 30 minutes, and enjoy an extra 10% on Divi Marketplace.

Comparing Divi Skilled Bundle vs. Specific individual Product Costs: Maximize Your Monetary financial savings All over the Summer season Sale

Each and every of the ones Divi services and products is discounted in every single place our Summer season Sale if you want to acquire them in my view. If you did it could worth $358.80 in step with year. On the other hand when you achieve Divi Skilled, you get they interested by merely $199 in step with year, which means that you get get right to use to all of the ones powerful tools for just about phase the price.

Not best do you save $159.80 when compared to buying each and every product in my view at their discounted prices, on the other hand you moreover save a big $466 compared to the typical prices. This makes Divi Skilled an unbeatable deal, offering the full suite of Divi tools at a fraction of the cost.

Proper right here’s a breakdown as an example the monetary financial savings:

Product Common Price (In keeping with three hundred and sixty five days) Summer season Sale Price (In keeping with three hundred and sixty five days)
Divi $89 $70
Divi AI $288 $115
Divi Cloud $96 $57.60
Divi VIP $96 $57.60
Divi Teams $96 $57.60
General (bought one by one) $665 $358.80
Divi Skilled (Bundle) $199.00 $199.00
General Monetary financial savings $466.00 $159.80

If that’s no longer enough, as a signup bonus, you get a $50 credit score rating to use in our Divi Market when you achieve Divi Skilled at the present time.

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2. Fast AI-Powered Internet website online Creation

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269895 size-full” src=”” alt=”generate website with Divi AI” width=”1800″ height=”846″/>

Divi Rapid Internet sites is a brand spanking new function that allows Divi consumers to generate entire web websites in merely 2 minutes using two methods: using Divi Starter Internet sites or using Divi AI. Generating web websites using Starter Internet sites is very good if you want to get a jump on setting up a web content with an authorized design in place, on the other hand you’ll nevertheless have some artwork to do to check the web content in conjunction with your style and write all of the reproduction.

With Divi Skilled, you’re going to have get right to use to the Divi AI Internet website online Builder, which is in a position to generate your on-line web page with on-brand design and useable content material subject material . Simply give it a urged and click on at the generate button.

This instrument leverages AI to understand your style and create an authorized, cohesive on-line web page that’s ready to go reside, saving you hours of manual artwork. You don’t have to worry about converting colors, fonts, and photographs, or rewriting “lorem ipsum” text. Your web content it will be tailored for your (or your shopper’s) style with unique layouts, matching colors, fonts, comparable pictures, and top of the range written reproduction.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-270091 size-full” src=”” alt=”Divi AI Builder website Illustration” width=”1800″ height=”992″/>

In just a few minutes, you’ll have the whole lot performed for you. This comprises all necessary pages, all of your theme templates, your header and footer, and a completely sensible navigation menu. Need an eCommerce on-line web page? Divi AI will arrange WooCommerce robotically and generate all of the pages and templates you want for a web based store.

Divi Starter Site Overview Page

We understand Divi AI isn’t easiest (no AI is) and gained’t always send each design phase or content material subject material exactly the way in which during which you want. On the other hand that doesn’t suggest it isn’t valuable. Making small tweaks to an provide design is way more clear-cut than starting from scratch, in particular if you happen to’re no longer an authorized designer or copywriter.

Plus, Divi Plus provides you with countless get right to use to Divi AI. So, if you happen to don’t like the end result, generate another! Or take advantage of Divi AI on a additional granular level. Use Divi AI directly from the Divi Builder on each and every instance and anyplace you want. Generate new pages, sections, pictures, text, and further on the fly.

This brings us to the next explanation why it’s imaginable you’ll need to spend money on Divi Plus and the facility of Divi AI as an assistant to web design.

3. AI Assistant for Streamlined Web Design

In conjunction with generating a whole web content from scratch, Divi AI continues to act as your personal assistant all the way through the Divi Builder, helping you generate AI-driven text, pictures, code, sections, and modules on the fly.

This dramatically speeds up the design process and allows you to focus on creativity.

What makes Divi AI unique is that it actually learns and understands your on-line web page to generate top of the range results instantly. That means you’ll be capable to use Divi AI to generate and refine the remaining your on-line web page needs with consistent results that make sense.

For instance, you’ll be capable to briefly add entire Divi sections to an provide internet web page with Divi AI.

Listed below are one of the vital Divi AI tools you’ll be capable to use to streamline the web design process:

  • AI Web site Builder – use Divi AI with Divi Fast Websites to generate a whole on-line web page customized for your style with usable content material subject material.
  • Divi Layouts AI  – generate a brand spanking new internet web page or theme template that matches the branding of your web content
  • Divi Phase AI – generate new sections for your pages that are compatible the branding of the internet web page
  • Divi Symbol AI – generate AI pictures that are compatible the context of the surrounding content material subject material and refine it to perfection.
  • Divi Textual content AI – generate top of the range text that is on style and fits the internet web page’s context and edit it like an authorized copywriter.
  • Divi Code AI – add custom designed CSS for your designs via writing a simple urged. Or generate custom designed HTML/JS code for additonal custom designed capacity. Divi Code AI understands Divi’s code base to ensure the code is written with Divi in ideas.

Divi AI brings the facility of AI to Divi web design come what may no third-party AI instrument can. Whether or not or no longer you’re writing content material subject material, growing pictures, customizing layouts, or tweaking code, Divi AI helps be sure each web content phase is polished {{and professional}}, all all the way through the Divi Builder.

Divi Skilled unlocks countless get right to use to Divi AI on countless web sites for you and your Divi Workforce members (we’ll get to that next).

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4. Maximize Workforce Efficiency and Decrease Costs with Divi Teams

Divi Teams is the easiest solution for collaborating in conjunction with your team of workers when designing and managing Divi web websites. Whether or not or no longer you’re a freelancer collaborating with customers or a web design corporate managing a few duties, Divi Teams implies that you’ll be able to proportion belongings, assign roles, and streamline workflows simply.

Divi Teams

Listed below are some examples of the way in which you’ll be capable to have the advantage of Divi Teams.

Percentage Your Divi Account with 4 Workforce Individuals for Unfastened (with Divi Skilled)

Divi Teams is without doubt one of the easiest choices of Divi Skilled because it implies that you’ll be able to proportion all of the benefits of Divi’s suite of products in conjunction with your team of workers without a wish to pay for additonal memberships.

Each and every team of workers member inherits the full benefits of your Sublime Topic issues account, in conjunction with get right to use to:

  • Divi – Workforce members can get right to use the Divi Theme and the full suite of Divi products.
  • Divi AI – Workforce members will also have countless get right to use to Divi AI.
  • Product downloads from the Marketplace – Percentage any purchased Divi Marketplace items like child matter issues, extensions, and construction packs.
  • API keys – Allow team of workers members to create and arrange their own API keys
  • VIP support – Percentage some great benefits of VIP support, ensuring all team of workers members can get rapid and prioritize have the same opinion when sought after.
  • Countless Cloud Storage and Private Cloud Libraries – Each and every team of workers member will have their own Divi Cloud account for personal and shared belongings.

You’ll be capable to give your team of workers members entire get right to use to all necessary resources, which may otherwise require them to shop for additional memberships and products to artwork on duties together.

With Divi Skilled, you’ll be capable to invite up to 4 team of workers members at no additional charge. If you want to have with the intention to upload additional, it could best worth a small per month value in step with team of workers member seat, a fraction of the cost of an additional membership. This provides scalability with the intention to upload or remove team of workers members consistent with problem requires without overpaying.

Get Divi Professional

Enjoy Seamless Collaboration and Keep watch over

Since each and every team of workers member has their own Divi Cloud account, you’ll be capable to collaborate on the equivalent selection of Divi belongings like layouts, templates, or code snippets in real-time. This allows your team of workers to artwork independently while staying hooked as much as the team of workers’s resources. It’s an effective way to stick duties organized and make certain that everyone has get right to use to the valuables they would like.

You also have complete keep an eye on over what team of workers members can get right to use and arrange. Divi Teams comprises predefined roles like administrator, designer, accountant, and shopper, on the other hand it moreover implies that you’ll be able to create custom designed roles. This provides you with fine-tuned keep an eye on over what each and every team of workers member can do all the way through the account, so that everyone has the suitable level of get right to use without compromising protection. This moreover helps streamline your workflow via controlling who has get right to use to precise tools and lines.

You’ll be capable to moreover add value for your provider offering via giving your customers limited get right to use for your account, allowing them to arrange their web sites without having a whole membership.

As an added bonus, with Divi Teams, you don’t have to worry about managing a few accounts and subscriptions. All billing is consolidated into one account, making it easier to regulate your team of workers’s expenses and streamline administrative tasks.

Arrange Consumer Internet websites as a Workforce with Divi Dash

To make managing your shopper’s web websites easy, you’ll be capable to use Divi Dash with Divi Teams for additonal surroundings pleasant shopper regulate. Since everyone in your Divi Workforce moreover has entire get right to use to Divi Dash without spending a dime, simply grant each and every team of workers member unique permissions to get right to use Divi Dash so that they are able to have the same opinion arrange your group of internet websites. Your team of workers will be capable of arrange web websites, keep an eye on permissions, and take care of problem consistency—all inside a single platform.

Divi Teams is built on a foundation that Sublime Topic issues plans to make larger with additional choices and services and products someday. Investing in Divi Skilled now way you’re setting your business up for success with tools that can best get additional powerful and versatile through the years.

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5. Peace of Ideas with Divi VIP Reinforce

When you’re in the course of a necessary problem, able hours for support isn’t an selection. Divi Skilled comprises Divi VIP, which guarantees you get right to use to expedited 24/7 support with response cases of 30 minutes or a lot much less. Whether or not or no longer you’re troubleshooting a subject or need steering on using a function, the VIP support team of workers promises you stay on the right track and meet your deadlines.

Extend VIP Reinforce to Your Clients and Workforce

With Divi Skilled, you also have Divi VIP support, which you’ll be capable to prolong to your entire customers at no additional worth. Providing your customers with top-shelf support will take the weight off your shoulders, as you’ll be capable to delegate all support issues to Divi pros.

Check out our Trustpilot reviews to see how trustworthy we’re to helping our customers.

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6. Divi Cloud: Get right of entry to Your Designs Anyplace with Countless Cloud Storage

Divi Cloud

Managing on-line web page belongings all the way through a few duties is in most cases a nightmare. Divi Cloud, integrated in Divi Skilled, provides countless cloud storage for your Divi belongings, corresponding to layouts, theme builder templates, and code snippets. This promises that the whole lot you want is surely out there from any problem on any instrument. With Divi Cloud, you’ll be capable to instantly store and retrieve your most-used belongings, reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks and improving overall efficiency.

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7. Save Additional with Divi Marketplace Discounts

The Marketplace provides reasonably numerous third-party modules, layouts, and child matter issues that can prolong the aptitude of your Divi web websites. Divi Skilled members moreover have the advantage of distinctive benefits inside the Divi Marketplace, in conjunction with:

  • $50 Divi Marketplace Credit score rating: Your first achieve inside the Divi Marketplace is on us! Use this credit score rating to liberate additional modules, layouts, and tool that make stronger your website-building purposes.
  • 10% Off Each and every Achieve: As a Divi VIP member, you acquire an ongoing 10% bargain on each achieve inside the Divi Marketplace, ensuring you get the most productive gives on top-quality resources.

The $50 credit score rating won’t seem like such a lot, on the other hand you’d be shocked how much more power and capacity you’ll be capable to get with a Divi Product at this worth. Whether or not or no longer you may well be in search of a unique design phase or a specialized instrument, you’ll save money while expanding your on-line web page’s purposes.

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8. Long-Period of time Value Monetary financial savings

The cost benefits of Divi Skilled prolong far previous the Summer season Sale. When you consider the blended value of all of the bundled choices, investing in Divi Skilled now will save you so much, if no longer 1000’s, of dollars over the next plenty of years. This is especially true for freelancers, small corporations, and corporations that require ongoing get right to use to height charge tools and services and products.

When you achieve Divi Skilled in every single place the Summer season Sale:

First three hundred and sixty five days: Instead of paying the typical worth of $655 for Divi Skilled, you pay merely $199. That’s a monetary financial savings of $456 right kind off the bat.

Over 5 Years: If you had been to pay the typical worth of $655 each and every year, your common worth may well be $3,275. With the Summer season Sale, your common worth for 5 years is best $995. That means you save a staggering $2,280 over 5 years via investing now. It’s crucial to get a brand spanking new computer with those monetary financial savings.

When you achieve Divi Skilled Lifetime in every single place the Summer season Sale:

First three hundred and sixty five days: The average worth for the Divi Skilled Lifetime + Skilled Products and services and merchandise plan is $825, on the other hand in every single place the Summer season Sale, it’s available for merely $220. This initial achieve saves you $605.

Over 5 Years: If you factor inside the ongoing worth of Skilled services and products at the commonplace worth, you’d spend $1,673 over 5 years. With the Summer season Sale, the whole worth is best $820, saving you $853 over the long run.

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9. Risk-Unfastened Money Once more Make certain (Don’t Sweat it!)

If you are concerned that Divi Skilled gained’t reside up to your expectations, don’t worry. We offer a 30-day money-back be sure on all purchases. If you aren’t happy in conjunction with your Divi Skilled membership, we can refund your achieve, no questions asked.

Plus, you’ll be capable to give a boost to, customize, or switch plans anytime. If you choose the Divi Skilled package deal deal at the present time to get 70% monetary financial savings on the other hand don’t in spite of everything finally end up using a bundled provider, you’ll be capable to cancel it while retaining the remaining. If you’re going to purchase the Divi annual subscription at the present time, you’ll be capable to always give a boost to to lifetime at a later date for the price difference.

With all of the reasons mentioned above, it’s clear that Divi Skilled is a steal in every single place our Summer season Sale. On the other hand within the match you in finding that Divi Skilled isn’t right for you, we’ve now Divi Carrier Bundles that let you pick the easiest mix of Divi Products and services and merchandise for your needs and price range (up to 68% OFF in every single place the sale).

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Already a Divi Shopper? Get Our Whole Get right of entry to Bundle (68% OFF)

Provide Divi consumers can give a boost to to Divi Skilled with our Whole Get right of entry to Bundle which comprises all Divi Skilled Products and services and merchandise (Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi VIP, Divi Teams) for 68% off the standard worth!

Get Complete Get admission to Package

Don’t Overlook Out on Our Greatest Discount Ever on Divi Skilled!

By means of choosing Divi Skilled, you liberate get right to use to Divi Cloud, Divi AI, Divi VIP, Divi Teams, and the full suite of Divi’s core tools like Divi Dash and Divi Rapid Internet sites. Purchasing the ones choices one by one would worth significantly additional, on the other hand with Divi Skilled, you get they all at an unbelievable bargain of up to 70% off in every single place the Summer season Sale. So, get it now forward of the sale ends.

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