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Migraine and headache agony? Pounding head pain?

Migraine’s missing link was never actually missing – it was staring us in the face!

Finally, somebody has put the pieces together – and my 10-year migraine agony is over – no drugs, treatments or any costly procedures

Case Study: Lisa Patterson

It’s never nice to realise you suffered so much for so long – only to find out that none of that suffering was necessary.

But that’s exactly what happened with my long, painful experience of migraines.

And when I say my migraines were painful… I’m talking about hide myself away, close the drapes, shut out the whole world kind of painful.

Like most migraine sufferers, I tried all the standard treatments. Over time I spent over 5 thousand dollars on meds.

But I still had regular, disabling migraines.

Then I got really clever and followed a program that addressed migraine triggers.

The migraine trigger program had helped – it provided some relief.

But then one day, when I least expected it, my world changed forever.

The creator of the trigger program called me and asked if I would trial something he was working on.

He’d pulled together medically-validated migraine data…

…and created a program that, he predicted, would rid people of their migraines permanently.

3 weeks after I tried his program I had my last ever migraine headache.

I used to have migraines every 10 or 12 days.

I now haven’t had one for 14 months. I’m not expecting one ever again.

Let me tell you how it all happened for me. And let’s see if it can be the same for you too.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to suffer from migraines.

Not headaches. Not bad headaches. Not even severe headaches.

Shocking, excruciating, life-denying, throbbing horrible migraines.

The kind of pain that frequently made my eyes water – if not cry.

The kind of pain that drove me to my bed… my place to hide away, to escape from the world and soak in the torment that was my regular migraine attack.

My migraine history wasn’t much different from many other people’s.

They started off bad. Then, over time, they got worse.

At first they were throbbing pains on one side of my head. Sometimes they were not too awful. Occasionally they were manageable.

As months and then years rolled by they steadily worsened.

They became more frequent.

When they first started they’d be over by the next day.

But they eventually ran into more than two days – and those two-day migraine attacks disrupted so much in my life.

As time wore on my neck began to hurt.

My sensitivity to light and noise became more acute.

Originally I would sleep the migraine out in my own bed. But as they worsened even the slightest sound my partner made caused me pain.

In the end at the onset of a migraine I had to retreat to our second bedroom… to be alone and away from everyone and everything.

Another thing: I’d always felt nausea with my migraines.

But that nausea eventually became actual vomiting.

Nobody likes being sick – but I really, really hated it.

Strangely, of all the horrible symptoms of my migraines it’s the fact that I am no longer sick that makes me most happy!

As my migraines became worse my life also changed as a result.

At first, when they had been less severe, I had simply dealt with them as they arose.

As the migraine wore on I would shut myself away in our spare bedroom, close the door, pull the curtains and almost literally hide under my duvet.

I’d close my eyes and try to will the pain away.

The onset of the migraine slowed me down. The migraine itself more or less rendered me useless. And the day or two afterward left me drained, sluggish and deflated.

Those headaches robbed me of 3 or 4 days of life.

The things I couldn’t do, the plans I had to suddenly cancel….

But I quickly found it wasn’t just the migraine itself that affected my life.

The fear of them – the realization that they could hit me at any time – influenced so many of my plans and my actions.

I couldn’t take a job where I had to be alert and on my toes all day. Or where I would be dealing with customers.

It had to be a job where – putting it bluntly – I could be quite ill from time to time… and then make up for the lost work hours in my own time.

After all, who would hire me if my migraine actively hurt their business?

The sheer unpredictability of my migraines made even the most ordinary things difficult.

I could drive short distances – but longer distances always created a problem. What if I became ill at the other end of my journey? Who would I call to pick up me – and my car?

My productivity – both in my personal and work life – was heavily knocked by my migraines. At times I simply couldn’t do a thing for myself or for anyone else.

One of the worst things about migraines occurs when you’re not even experiencing one.

Because just not knowing when to expect the next attack… wondering if a migraine will suddenly pop up and ruin a busy day at work, a trip to the cinema or a social gathering with friends….

The mental effort of dealing with background worries about when it will strike next was exhausting in itself.

Those years of suffering migraines were difficult years indeed. I don’t miss them!

There are millions of migraine sufferers and, before I finally cured mine, I searched everywhere for some sort of relief.

But although there’s tons of information out there I gradually realized it all pretty much falls into just two categories:

There’s a hierarchy of treatments – each one a step on from the previous one.

There’s lots to try, plenty to fail at and, of course, an array of potential remedies to spend your money on.

I tried plenty. I spent plenty of dollars too.

And no matter what I tried there was always something else I could have a go at just around the corner.

Of course, some medications do work – in some ways.

There are so many variations of migraine sufferer. And, with so many medications on the market, it’s inevitable that sometimes a sufferer and a medication are just right for each other.

A match made in heaven, you might say.

The sufferer doesn’t usually get rid of the migraine. They still attack when they least expect it – but the meds make it more manageable.

For the rest of us though it can be a case of either soldiering on through the pain and nausea – or just sitting it out in darkness and silence until it goes.

And as I found, the meds rarely work in the way we’d like them to.

As in, getting rid of the migraines once and for all.

Sure, plenty of individuals get some relief from their symptoms from time to time.

I knew people whose drugs – if taken at the earliest stages of a migraine – would help make the migraines less severe than they would otherwise have been.

The results though are unreliable. Sometimes those same people will take their meds early and… the migraine rushes in anyway.

As if they’d never taken them at all.

My doctor warned me about taking too many drugs for my migraines. He pointed out the irony that taking too much medication had the side-effect of… medication over-use headache.

A headache caused by my headache medications!

I did laugh when he told me that. But it’s actually not that funny.

In fact, during my battle with migraines I developed a theory: that when a condition has so many medicines – and absolutely none of them work reliably for all or even most sufferers – then the condition itself is not properly understood.

When I suffered migraines I would try the various medications and treatments one at a time. And with each I would just hope – hard – for relief.

I quickly discovered that ‘hope’ is not a good strategy.

I also realized that the drugs companies are actually ‘trying things out’ – and, at best, getting temporary, short-lived successes. Their offerings were hit-and-miss – unreliable and uncertain.

And they’re tackling symptoms, not causes. If they successfully tackled causes then migraines would end.

But people like to pop pills because that’s easy to do – and we’re conditioned to believe there’s a pill for every problem. And pharma likes to sell pills because they make a lot of money.

On the brighter side, I found a lot of conversation around what triggers migraines.

Triggers are emotional, physical, environmental or dietary events that set your migraine in motion.

There are literally dozens of different potential triggers. Most people’s migraines are affected by just a handful of them.

The trick is to work out the few that affect you most – and then do your best to avoid them.

The avoidance of triggers was my favorite approach.

It’s free of cost to do because it mostly requires you to stop doing certain things.

More than that, it held out the hope of a cure for my migraines. If I could just pinpoint the one or two things that caused my migraines I could simply make sure I never did them again. And everything would be fine after that.

Addressing triggers does make some sense. For about half of us there are things that we can identify as prompting the migraine to start.

The thing is: how do we know what they are?

Identifying your personal migraine triggers can be quite difficult. For some of us our triggers are almost impossible to spot.

For sure, if you can spot one or two triggers then it can make a world of difference.

I should know. When I first started out trying to cure my migraines I tried everything imaginable. And triggers seemed to me like a good place to start.

I found a guide to triggers online – with some very helpful advice on how to spot and deal with my own. The guide was created by a gentleman by the name of Christian Goodman.

I worked through his guide and two things happened:

It was genuinely uplifting to suddenly have some control over what was happening to me. Even if I couldn’t actually stop it.

Managing triggers is very difficult.

First, they’re hard to identify – and I suspect that I still had one or two unidentified triggers for my own migraines. Often, you think something is a trigger but it isn’t – it’s actually just a symptom.

Then, some triggers are just very difficult to manage.

If your trigger is in some of the food you eat then if you’re lucky enough to be able to identify that food then you can simply stop eating it.

It’s more difficult if it’s a whole food group – dairy, say, or wheat. But it’s still doable. You can cut these things out.

But what if your trigger is something harder to get a hold of… more difficult to properly address?

Background stress perhaps. Nervousness. Low mood. Energy loss.

This kind of stuff is normal.

It’s part of everyday life for everybody who has a job or a family – or a job and a family.

For some people a level of anxiety or stress is just their normal default state. It’s part of their make-up.

For almost everyone, we find that such triggers are a common part of our lives at some point. Whenever things get tough, when we work harder than usual or when we miss out on some sleep… that’s when the trigger comes into play.

Managing them is extremely difficult.

The medical profession is united in one thing: they admit they don’t properly understand the causes of migraines.

Almost everything that’s ever said about migraines in the medical press has nothing to do with curing the migraine itself.

We talk about triggers – and managing them can help.

We talk about meds – they’re expensive but have some beneficial effects sometimes for some people.

But meds deal with a migraine that’s either about to happen or is in full flow. Meds are usually too late.

And triggers – which are good to identify and are where most people’s hopes lie – are not the actual cause of migraines.

Because too many people think that if they get rid of their migraine triggers then they’ve tackled their migraine’s cause:

Triggers are not the cause of your migraines.

Here’s a way of thinking about this that makes it clear:

Why can some people drink a bucket of coffee and feel nothing while someone else drinks a cup and suffers 72 hours of migraine hell?

How come Bob gets exhausted after a couple of stressful days at work but recovers after a good night’s sleep… but John – who works with Bob and had exactly the same experiences – goes home to wild thumping head pains, ghastly light sensitivity and vomiting?

How come Bob is refreshed the next day while John has to shut himself away for 48 hours to cope with his blisteringly painful headaches?

It can’t be the triggers. Can it?

Both had exactly the same experience at work. Both came home tired and stressed.

So both had the same ‘triggers’.

Yet one is fine the next day while the other has severe migraines.

There must be something else at work here.

If you read Christian Goodman’s trigger guide that I mentioned a moment ago you’d realize that migraine triggers are everywhere. They are food triggers, psychological triggers, dietary triggers, environmental triggers…

Endless triggers for migraines.

Most of life is a migraine trigger!

We all encounter migraine triggers almost every day of our lives.

Yet only some of us actually get the migraines.

I used to get migraines regularly. You still do I’m guessing.

But my sister doesn’t get them. My best friends don’t either. My boss never has a headache, let alone a migraine.

They all experience many of these typical migraine triggers though.

Migraine triggers without the migraine.

What on earth is going on here?

The answer is this: the triggers aren’t your migraines.

They aren’t even the cause of your migraines.

If you think they are then you’ve been duped.

The trigger is triggering something isn’t it? So if we address that something… aren’t we getting to the root of the problem?

Why do I say this with such certainty?

Because I found out something a short while ago. Something that I was able to make use of to put paid completely to my migraines.

It’s not exactly a secret because so many people do it now but… it’s not widely publicized by the medical industry.

Here’s a clue: it doesn’t require meds, potions or surgeries. It doesn’t cost a penny to do it. There’s nothing for sale.

Let me tell you about it.

Notice I say ‘cured’.

Not ‘reduced’ or ‘helped’ or ‘made it a little better’.

Maybe what I learned will only reduce your migraines. I’d have been happy with that. But it ended my migraines. I haven’t had one for 14 months and counting.

For me this revelation has been one of the best things that ever happened to me.

As I mentioned earlier, I had been using a guide written by Christian Goodman to identify my migraine triggers.

And it had certainly helped. I narrowed down several psychological and one possible dietary factor (some types of cheese) that seemed to set off my migraines.

By addressing those factors I managed to reduce the severity of some of my migraines. I still got them but sometimes they were noticeably less intense than normal. I was grateful for that.

Better still, my recovery was quicker. I previously had migraines up to two days at times. What I learned from Christian’s guide made sure I never got a two-day migraine again.

That guide is no longer available. But you can still get it directly from Christian.

I’ll tell you how shortly. It won’t cost you anything either.

One day, Christian contacted me and asked me if I would be part of a small trial group for some exercises he’d developed.

These exercises weren’t your usual keep-fit kind of movements. They were designed to tackle migraines at their root cause.

Christian told me that the intention wasn’t to relieve migraines but to eliminate them.

To get rid of them once and for all.

There were no drugs involved nor did I need to go to a gym, a therapist or buy special equipment. None of that.

He asked me, Would I like to take part in the trial?

Before he sent me my initial instructions he told me what the thinking was behind these new exercises.

I was absolutely astonished by what I heard.

First, Christian explained how migraines worked.

The detail that matters is easy to understand – and it’s this: a migraine is the end result of a very short chain of events.

It’s a sequence basically and at its simplest here’s how the sequence works:

trigger > thing that gives you the migraine > migraine

The trigger affects something in your body. And it’s that something that causes migraine pain.

The trigger is the agent, not the cause.

It’s that something that is the real culprit.

It’s the bit in the middle that holds the key to your migraine pain. And its cure.

Because saying the trigger causes migraines is like your team winning a game and me claiming they won because the referee blew the starting whistle.

Yes, the starting whistle got things going but something else – in this case the team – won the game. The team was the cause of the win.

Migraine triggers are like referee’s starting whistles. They get the thing going – they trigger it. But the migraine itself is caused by the ‘something’ that the trigger sets in motion.

The medical profession either addresses the trigger – to prevent or reduce the migraine – or the migraine itself – usually drugs to reduce its effects.

They ignore the middle bit of the sequence – the ‘something’ because… well, they don’t know properly what it is.

But here’s what Christian told me:

He explained that oxygen therapy had been tried out for people suffering very severe headaches – migraines included – and that the therapy had some notable successes.

The therapy hadn’t cured the migraines but…

… given an oxygen canister and a mask patients in the middle of a painful migraine experienced genuine improvement in their condition. The improvements were quick – although disappointingly short lived.

But what Christian spotted was that migraine might simply be caused by lack of oxygen getting to the brain.

If that’s so then if you tackle that before a migraine even started then… haven’t you just cured migraines?

Not reduced it or improved it. But cured it?

Now, doctors already had oxygen-deprivation on their list of suspects for migraines. There was already a suspicion that a shortage of oxygen to the brain was a cause of migraine.

The experience of people directly inhaling oxygen at the point they were suffering migraines strongly supported this theory.

And migraine forums contain stories from people who say that if they go running – very fast – at the onset of a migraine then they can head off its worst symptoms and perhaps not have such a painful episode.

Running pumps blood hard around your body and into your brain.

And with that blood comes lots of oxygen…

So Christian wasn’t claiming to have invented the migraine cure he now wanted me to try out.

But he explained it to me this way: if oxygen was reaching my brain in sufficient quantities naturally – before there was any sign of a migraine – then doesn’t the problem of oxygen-deprivation disappear?

If your brain was always getting its supply of oxygen naturally then the cause of my migraine – lack of oxygen to the brain – is gone.

Isn’t that why some people get migraines and others don’t – because some people have healthy supplies of oxygen getting to their brains while others don’t?

Christian thought so. As it turned out, I believe he was right.

But do we really need oxygen tanks and masks to oxygenate our brains?

Do we have to run fast around the track in order to head-off a migraine attack?

Sure, oxygen tanks and running are both ways of getting oxygen to the brain.

But if the oxygen is already there then they aren’t needed.

And that’s where Christian’s program comes in.

Christian told me about the ways in which oxygen is prevented from properly reaching the brain in our everyday lives.

He was surprised to discover that the causes of this are varied but well understood.

There’s no mystery to any of this.

All he did was link it all together.

If specialists suggest that migraine agony is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain….

And the causes of lack of oxygen to the brain are pretty well understood…

Then doesn’t solving the oxygen-to-the-brain problem also cure migraines?

Christian answered this with a ‘Yes’ – and his uniquely simple migraine program was born.

And the program is indeed very straightforward: it’s just a set of movements that you perform at home.

I tried them out. All of them.

Was this some kind of magic?

Some sort of secret exercise discovered by ancient wise men deep in some south American jungle?

This is what I learned from Christian:

Our brains need a lot of oxygen to function properly.

Some 40% of our oxygen intake goes straight to the brain – or it does if you’re healthy.

Oxygen arrives at the brain in the same way that it arrives at any of our body’s organs: it’s carried there by our blood.  

Many leading migraine specialists believe that migraine headaches are caused by a restriction of the blood supply to the brain. Restrict blood to the brain and you’ve restricted oxygen to the brain too.

Oxygen-deprivation in the brain is a serious matter – and the body takes it very seriously indeed.

It rushes blood to the brain – and so we experience a sudden and rapid increase in blood pressure inside the head.

And that’s where the pain comes from.

It’s as if your brain is literally swelling up against the inside of your skull, trying to burst out.

Which I remember clearly as being my experience of migraine pain.

Every pulse of my heart felt like a shockwave blasting through my skull, so painful that it made me wince.

What Christian has done is simple but very, very effective.

He’s linked the medical facts and addressed the cause of the low-oxygen.

Again, low blood oxygen has a number of causes – most of which are fairly well understood.

In a nutshell, we don’t breathe in properly. We don’t breathe out properly. And the air we do get into our lungs doesn’t adequately get to our organs and brain.

Again this is all medically verified.

We don’t breathe in properly

I must admit, I initially found it difficult to believe I wasn’t breathing properly.

It’s such a natural thing to do – how can I be doing it wrong?

Turns out that millions of people simply don’t breathe in deeply enough to inhale sufficient oxygen to meet their bodies’ needs.

There are two reasons for this:

First, too many of us sit down way too much – at home, at the office, in cars.

Sitting for extended periods is now widely regarded as almost deadly to our health.

Amongst many other downsides it causes our posture and breathing infrastructure to weaken and sag due to lack of proper use.

Which physically ruins our ability to take in large, healthy lungfuls of air.

Second, modern life brings its own stresses and strains. Long hours, tight schedules, family responsibilities, job demands, not enough sleep, money concerns – all the usual stuff.  

And when we’re worried and tense or worn out and sleepy then we naturally breathe in less deeply. Our bodies are more tense and our breathing is medically proven to be less efficient.

We mostly don’t notice this happening to us – but this is exactly what is happening.

So again we’re reducing the amount of oxygenated air that gets into our lungs – and then into our body and our brain.

We don’t breathe out properly either

I found that pretty hard to believe too.

What could be easier than breathing out?

But I found out it’s true – and it’s a deadly failing.

When you breathe out you’re expelling carbon dioxide – a waste gas that is the natural consequence of breathing. Carbon dioxide is a poison.

But modern life – sitting watching tv, riding in the car and so on – plus general tension in the body means we’re not properly expelling carbon dioxide.

Which in turn means some of that carbon dioxide just sits in our lungs – which is where it absolutely ought not to be.

And while it’s there it’s taking up space where oxygenated air should be.

The oxygen we do get struggles to reach our brains

Turns out not breathing properly isn’t the only problem.

There are more than 70 muscles in the neck, face and head region.

Tightness in these muscles isn’t uncommon. If enough of them are too tense for too often then they actively restrict blood flow to the brain.

And in our modern lives muscle tension is widespread. Fatigue, stress… and looking down at laptops and smartphones creates huge tensions throughout our shoulders, necks, faces and heads.

We don’t always notice it because we’re so used to the stiffness.

It’s been with us for years or even decades.

But those tight, constricted muscles make it very difficult to get oxygenated blood to our brains. The tightness acts as blockages – valves if you like that have been turned to the ‘off’ position.

I know this was true for me. One of the very first things I noticed when I tried Christian’s exercises was just how tense my neck, face and head muscles had become.

And just how lovely it felt when they became relaxed and soft for the first time in years!

I’ll repeat this for good measure: Christian Goodman hasn’t single-handedly discovered the cure for migraines. He’s not claiming to have done that.

What he’s done is taken widely accepted medical facts and drawn them together to create what is, in many respects, an obvious remedy for migraines.

His program – called The Migraine and Headache Program – makes use of these well-understood facts about how our bodies do – and don’t – work.

For me, The Migraine and Headache Program addressed each problem area: first, not breathing in and out properly. And then oxygen not being able to reach my brain properly.

In a short period of time those problems had gone away.

And when the problems were resolved so was my migraine. Because they were causing my migraines.

The exercises in The Migraine and Headache Program are gentle and mostly stationary. There’s no jumping around or any kind of vigorous activity at all.

Better still, as the exercises take effect and your migraines subside you can perform fewer of them. Today I do just enough exercises to keep the problem at bay.

In fact, Christian calls them ‘exercises’ but I call them ‘movements’.

To my mind, exercises are things you work hard at that make you sweat.

Whereas these movements are not hard work and they don’t make you sweat. In truth, most of these movements involve very little movement at all.

It’s mostly lots of easy standing or laying in one position or another. My kind of exercise to be honest!

But there’s power in these movements. Because they’re loosening muscles that have become tight and constricted… so tight that they’re stopping oxygen-rich blood getting to the brain.

Much of the program’s effectiveness comes from the fact that it focuses on small areas of the body that you wouldn’t normally give much thought about.

I was a little surprised initially at the exercises. I’d done yoga for more than a year so was used to difficult, strenuous stretches. If anything would have eased tense muscles I would have thought yoga would have done it.

Turns out that’s not so.

Several of Christian’s exercises were mostly ‘lying around’ exercises. They required almost no effort. More than once I nearly dozed off doing them.

But that’s pretty much all there is to it.

Once muscles have been loosened and relaxed blood flows much, much more easily. And when blood flows more easily it is much better able to carry oxygen to your brain.

And when your brain is getting all its oxygen it doesn’t create migraines.

So you can trigger all you like. If the cause of your migraine is no longer there then there’s nothing there to trigger.

I am forever grateful for the day that Christian Goodman asked me to try out his Migraine and Headache Program.

I did everything he told me to and the results came quickly.

Migraines still occurred for a very short while.

But the very first migraine after I started his program was noticeably less severe.

It started mid-morning. And it wasn’t pleasant to be honest.

But it didn’t reach the throbbing agony I’d become used to – and it was mostly over by late evening.

I’d never had a migraine resolve itself so quickly.

Over the next three weeks I did all the exercises exactly how he told me to.

My next migraine was a shadow of its former self. I actually continued with my day stopping only for an hour or so when it peaked. But it was a far cry from what I was used to.

But it was a special migraine for me. I’ll always remember it.

Because it was the last one I ever had.

14 months later and while the memory of migraines hasn’t faded I have long stopped fearing the next one.

Because there isn’t going to be a next one.

I had already tried everything before being offered the chance to try out Christian’s program.

As I mentioned earlier, handling triggers brought some relief. But his exercises were a revelation for me.

And they have been for the several hundred people who have followed this program since then.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that these simple movements transformed my life.

I’m simply not the same person I was before.

Then, I was a migraine sufferer.

You can have the same program that I got. It’s tried, it’s tested. And it’s easy.

I didn’t need to go out and buy any equipment.

I didn’t need to join a gym – thank goodness.

Not a cent on meds. Not a cent on treatments.

No more doctor surgeries, clinic waiting rooms or consultants’ rooms.

I just stayed at home and did the exercises at odd moments during the day.

One exercise I’d do in the kitchen. Two others I’d do in the bedroom after my shower.

A couple I did while watching television.

Life didn’t stop for these exercises. I just incorporated them into my daily routine.

Now, I do one or two a day at most. I vary them throughout the week.

By maintaining that basic flexibility and balance I know I’m protecting myself for the rest of my life.

I really couldn’t be happier.

Yours is waiting – click below and get it now.

Well, there is – migraine agony.

But you might have concerns that all that pain you’ve experienced can’t be cured by some simple exercises.

I would understand that. I was quite skeptical when Christian first presented me with his program.

Yet, for the price of 4 weeks of pain meds, he was suggesting he’d do what the specialists had failed to do: cure my migraines.

I believed in him because his Triggers Guide worked so well. But even so, it was a bit of a stretch.

Of course, now I know that all along he knew what he was doing.

Because his remedy was neither made-up or invented by him.

It was, in fact, a scientifically-valid approach to addressing migraine pain.

What Christian has done is put his remedy into a clearly-explained and easy-to-follow program. Everything you need is in the guide.

If within 60 days of purchasing the program you’re not rid of your migraine misery then he’ll give you your money back. No questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

I told you earlier that I first heard of Christian Goodman when I bought his Migraine Triggers Guide.

Following his advice I uncovered at least two major triggers for my migraines – and probably a third (cheese, of all things).

Managing those triggers helped me reduce my migraines attacks from 2 days or more to little more than a day. And their intensity reduced with it.

You might want to address your triggers while you wait for the migraine exercises to take effect.

This is a limited offer – best to act now so you don’t miss out.

I don’t know how long you’ve suffered with your migraines.

Maybe it’s reached the point of being truly awful and life destroying.

Possibly, like I once was, you are fearful of the next attack… anxious about how it will disrupt whatever you’re doing at the time… nervous about how you’ll cope.

But hopefully it hasn’t reached that stage yet.

Which means you can tackle it before it does.

Get your copy of Christian Goodman’s ‘Migraine and Headache Program’ now.

It costs the same as a typical month’s migraine meds – but works forever. And unlike your meds, this program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Get your guide – and your free bonus Trigger Guide – here:

Nothing will change until you get Christian’s guide. But when you do… then it can all change.

And it can change quickly and beyond recognition – as I found out for myself.

Remember: these exercises are devised around sound medical principles. There’s nothing mysterious about them.

But the effects are truly out of this world.

Your copy of the guide is here – and you’ll get Christian’s ‘Triggers’ bonus too. It will be with you in minutes so don’t miss out:

You’ve tried the standard remedies and – my guess is – they are having little effect or no effect.

Certainly, they’re not doing the job you want them to do. You wouldn’t be here, searching for migraine remedies if you were truly satisfied.

And that’s the experience that too many of us have.

That’s how it was for me once upon a time. But I had a stroke of luck and found my lifelong cure. Let’s see if it’s your lifelong cure too.

Get the program now. Get the bonus now. And get your money back if they don’t work.

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My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

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I honestly thought I’d suffer hemochromatosis for the rest of my life. I believed there was no way out of it.

I couldn’t have been more wrong!

A simple 2-step process changed everything. I’ve not had a single HTC symptom for 3 years.

In the following video, I’ll explain how I did it:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to suffer from hemochromatosis. It was a nasty condition and, to be honest, my memories of it are all bad.

Until a few years ago, hemochromatosis – or HCT – was something that you have to manage over the rest of your life – with regular, never-ending hospital trips and invasive, unpleasant treatments.

Yet after years of battling HCT I’m past all that now.

I’ve been clear for a little over 3 years. I’ve not been back to the hospital at all in that time except for an annual checkup – and to make sure my iron levels are, indeed, well within safe ranges.

I was recently reminded of my journey out of the HCT nightmare as I watched a documentary about gene therapy.

It’s fascinating stuff. Gene therapy is a huge deal – some gene therapies are already achieving jaw-dropping results for people with previously untreatable illnesses.

The documentary grabbed my attention because when I was suffering HCT I’d used a natural form of gene therapy to get well.

Gene therapy is based on the simple fact that faulty genes can cause us illnesses – but they don’t necessarily have to.

All too often, it is lifestyle factors – the things we do day to day – that determines whether a particular gene switches on to create actual illness.

And if it does… then it can be repaired and the illnesses it causes can be undone.

The scientific study of how to undo genetic illnesses – like HCT – is called epigenetics.

And it’s thanks to epigenetics that I don’t have HCT any more.

Epigenetics is a multi-billion dollar area of research, studied throughout the world and funded by health institutions, universities and by governments.

It shows us that we can directly affect a gene’s damaging behavior so that it no longer hurts us.

Now, you already know more about epigenetics than you think. In fact, if you currently suffer from HCT you’re a perfect example of epigenetics at work!

You possibly know that to have HCT you need an ‘HCT gene’ from your mom and another from your dad.

But, as your doctor will have explained, lots of people have both these genes. Yet lots of them don’t get HCT.

Epigenetics looks for this missing link in diseases like HCT. It asks the question,

‘What is it that makes the ‘HCT gene’ devastate some lives – yet be completely harmless to others?’

The answer to that question has been found.

It’s because certain genes act one way on some people… and another way on other people. Putting this in medical jargon, the gene ‘expresses’ one way with Bob, for example, and a completely different way with Mary.

How a gene expresses – that is, how the gene affects you – goes on to determine whether you get ill or not.

So identical twins can have identical genes – yet different genetic illnesses. And this is because although the genes themselves are the same… the way they express for each twin can be very different.

If you have hemochromatosis it’s not just because of the genes you inherited from your parents.

Something else – some missing link – was making those genes express in a way that creates HCT in your body.

The missing link is now known and it shows us a path out of the HCT nightmare. And that’s the path I took back into full and vibrant health.

Now that scientists know what causes HCT we finally have the power to directly influence those causes. And that’s exactly what I learned to do.

I made barely noticeable but very powerful alterations to some specific things I did… things that my HCT gene was strongly affected by… and then watched my iron readings start to tumble.

The details of epigenetics are very complex.

But for me as a sufferer of HCT the way of using this powerful discipline was very straightforward. And it changed my life forever.

So, a bit of a disclaimer here. I’m not some scientific whizzkid who worked this out by myself!

I stumbled onto this information by accident. I read about a treatment for HCT on an old online health forum some years ago.

Some ex-HCT sufferers were describing how they had followed a program created by a science-based natural health practitioner called Shelly Manning.

They’d made some simple – but specific – changes to their diets – which had made profound changes to how their HCT behaved.

First, excess iron started draining from their blood and tissues. They experienced gradually falling iron levels month after month – without a single medical treatment from their hospital.

Second, they described how the program also tackled the actual cause of their HCT – the source of their illness.

It didn’t just mop up years of excess iron. It got rid of the very reason for all this to be happening in the first place.

So that none of it happened any more.

They said the program they followed stopped the absorption of excess iron. They hadn’t just tinkered with HCT symptoms; they’d hit the condition hard at its genetic cause. They’d beaten HCT.

I’ll be brutally honest here: I didn’t believe a word of it.

I’m not at all into alternative health stuff. Rightly or wrongly – wrongly, as it turned out – I trust doctors in everything.

Which might make you wonder why I was even looking at alternative therapies for my HCT in the first place.

Well, I’ll tell you why.

It was because the standard therapies I had been undergoing were starting to hurt.

I’d been seeing a phlebotomist for several months, initially giving blood twice a week. It had started off okay but dizziness – and the risk of falling – had gradually become a real problem for me.

Even when I switched to giving blood monthly the dizziness remained. But I also started experiencing heart irregularities and bad pains in my stomach.

In the end, phlebotomy had to be replaced by iron chelation.

Which meant taking drugs that bind with excess iron in the blood. The chemicals in the drug make the iron less harmful – and so easier to eliminate from the body.

But this is another unnatural process – and it over time it produced new, unwelcome side-effects including vomiting, diarrhea and nasty skin rashes.

I became very worried about how all this was going to end. My doctor was very supportive but he’d seen this all before. Treatments start out okay but they don’t always stay that way.

In truth, the standard treatments for HCT were not nice even when they work. But for me they were no longer even working – while the side-effects were becoming increasingly nastier.

And I faced a lifetime of this.

I was feeling increasingly stuck. And the more I worried the more willing I was to look elsewhere for help. And that’s exactly how I found myself listening to respected natural health practitioners like Shelly Manning.

Which was probably one of the best decisions I ever made, to be honest.

So despite initial scepticism about the claims of ex-HCT sufferers I decided to do what they did. I got a copy of the same program and I followed it to the letter.

A series of hospital tests confirm that my HCT gene no longer expresses in the way it did. Meaning it’s impossible for HCT to exist any longer in my body.

My iron readings have been in the safe range for just over 3 years now. I’m not expecting they’ll ever be a problem for me ever again.

I can’t tell you how happy, how relieved I was when I got the all-clear. I honestly nearly cried!

Let me tell you how it all worked for me.

The program that did it for me is called Ironbound.

There are hundreds of research papers and experimental results from laboratories and universities across the US, Europe and the rest of the world that show just how to manage conditions like HCT right out of your life.

But the program aims at achieving two simple sets of goals: a game-changing primary goal and a couple of vitally important secondary goals.

The primary goal is to stop the HCT gene from creating the HCT condition. That’s the game-changer. If the gene stops creating the HCT how can you have HCT?

Do that and that’s our main problem solved.

The secondary goal is to clear up the huge excess of iron that’s still in the body – and to start undoing the damage that iron did to tissues and organs throughout the body.

Epigenetics knows exactly what the HCT gene is doing to give a person HCT.

It isn’t producing enough of something called ‘hepcidin’.

Hepcidin is a peptide hormone that directly regulates iron in our body. When we’ve absorbed enough iron from food hepcidin goes to the intestines to shut down any further iron absorption.

Hepcidin is like an on/off switch. It stops iron absorption when we have enough iron. It keeps iron levels healthy. It stops iron overload.

It stops hemochromatosis.

I had HCT because my faulty gene was not producing hepcidin. So I couldn’t shut down iron absorption when I had enough iron in my body.

And this is why you currently have HCT. You’re absorbing dangerous amounts of iron from food because your gene doesn’t have the hepcidin to stop that absorption.

Why doesn’t your HCT gene have the hepcidin it needs to avoid over-absorbing iron?

Tackle this problem and it’s all over. So long, HCT.

It all comes down to a simple mechanism that takes place in, of all places, your gut.

You may already be familiar with the discovery that our gut environment contains trillions of good, beneficial bacteria.

What scientists know – and have proven – is that these various types of bacteria are beyond just ‘beneficial’. They perform functions that are essential to health and to life.

Gut bacteria have been with humans since the beginning of humanity. We can’t be healthy without them.

They extract nutrients from food that our bodies can’t extract. They produce hormones and brain chemicals that our bodies can’t produce. They assist in so many body processes that scientists refer to gut bacteria as an organ in its own right.

A range of common western diseases – including low moods, heart disease, blood sugar imbalances, obesity and chronic inflammation – are shown to be caused by problems with our gut populations.

Specifically, it is when we lack certain, specific bacteria types that we get particular conditions.

Gut bacteria has been proven to be so important to our health that in America and across Europe transplants of healthy gut bacteria into the guts of sick people are proving to be almost overnight successes in treating some illnesses.

And it’s gut bacteria that sits at the root of our HCT problem. The explanation is technical but here’s the super-simple version.

If you have HCT it’s because your HCT gene is unable to stop you from absorbing excess iron. It needs hepcidin and it doesn’t have any.

Why doesn’t it have any hepcidin?

Because it can’t manufacture it.

To manufacture hepcidin we need a substance called butyrate. But there isn’t enough butyrate in your body to make the hepcidin you need. And without the butyrate you can’t have the hepcidin.

Butyrate makes hepcidin. Your genes use hepcidin to stop your body absorbing excess iron.

If you don’t have the butyrate you can’t have that hepcidin.

Make the butyrate and you get the hepcidin. It’s that simple.

Guess who makes butyrate?

Yes, your gut bacteria make butyrate.

Specific bacteria are responsible for producing butyrate. If you don’t have enough of that bacteria then you don’t get any butyrate… so you don’t get any hepcidin.

Want to know how to fix HCT?

Fix those bacteria. Make them healthy again. Let them get on with their job of producing butyrate…

… so you can then make hepcidin

… so your HCT gene can finally stop absorbing all that excess iron. s

So how do we fix our gut bacteria?

Scientists have long known that gut bacteria are ultra-sensitive to the kinds of food we eat. They respond fantastically well to the right nutrients.

If they’re not getting what they specifically need their numbers reduce dramatically. Without their health-giving activity illness eventually follows.

However, give them exactly what they need in the quantities and combinations that they need it… and all that health-giving, life-preserving bacteria will flourish.

And when it flourishes so do you.

And this is what I did. I followed the program, did the right things and literally ate my problems away.

Make no mistake. This is not about ‘healthy eating’ – not in the sense we hear about on television and in magazines. In many respects, it’s far easier.

But we’ve got to be smart with this. Those microscopic, life-saving friends of ours need specific foods in the right quantities. If they thrive then we do too.

Remember, we have HCT in the first place because those bacteria are struggling.

We have to address this so they can get back to doing their vital work for us.

They are the broken link in the chain that leads to HCT. We want to fix that chain – quickly.

And the right foods in the right quantities at the right time does exactly this.

Which is what I and thousands like me have done.

We used food supplements to heal our gut and so switch back on the supply of butyrate. The butyrate allowed our HCT genes to start producing hepcidin… which it then used to stop the over-absorption of excessive iron.

And so ending the overload of iron that creates hemochromatosis.

I’d never used a food supplement before. To be honest, until I’d felt them work on my own body, I just didn’t believe in that kind of thing. I had to see it for myself before I was convinced beyond any doubts.

If you’re unsure of these things I understand.

But as someone who no longer suffers the ravages of HCT let me say: don’t underestimate the colossal power of the right supplements in the right quantities at the right time.

The nutrients we need plenty of come from fruits, plant stems, leaves, roots… They’re highly reliable, powerful and they have a transforming effect on gut health and, therefore, HCT.

But if we’re ill they’re difficult to consume in the quantities we need in order to get well again.

Which is exactly why we take supplements. Supplements are just concentrated forms of the essential nutrients found naturally in these foods.

The right supplements are easy to consume because they are very small volumes – but very high effectiveness.

This is why this supplementation plan works so well. It provides plenty of what your body badly needs to be well – but in a format that’s easy to consume.

The key to me escaping the clutches of HCT wasknowledge.

Certain foods and supplements work very well when taken on their own… but are next to useless if you’ve eaten certain other foods around the same time.

Same with some common nutrients: excellent for HCT when taken on their own… but they work against us if combined with particular other foods.

It’s easy to work around – but you’ve got to have your facts straight.

This program tells you what you need to know so you get it right – and then enjoy the effects of getting it right.

Oh, and junk health advice – like ‘don’t drink coffee’ – doesn’t exist in the Ironbound program.

Coffee, for example, needs to be kept separate from certain other substances but apart from that… I don’t know where I’d be without my morning cup of joe!

Again, although the detail is complex, what I had to do to tackle HCT was easy.

The majority of the powerful effects of Shelly Manning’s program came down to 5 specific nutrients.

Together, these 5 superstars – as Shelly calls them – did the following:

Combined, these 5 superstar supplements stopped HCT at its source… and cleaned up all the iron that was soaked into my blood and body tissues.

I bought these superstars in my local supermarket. They’re not exotic substances, they’re not expensive and, because they’re completely natural – they’re food, basically – they’re super easy to consume.

I don’t have to take these supplements any more. Once they’ve done their work they are no longer necessary.

It is necessary to include some specific foods on a weekly basis – foods that keep your gut bacteria happy.

I buy those foods each week at my local supermarket and I make sure I eat them.

It really doesn’t get more complicated than that.

Those micro-friends in my gut keep on producing the butyrate… so my HCT gene can manufacture hepcidin… and ensure I never again absorb excess iron.

No more phlebotomy. No more chelation drugs. No more doctors, hospitals or procedures.

The 5 superstars have side-effects – but these are the kind of side-effects you’d want!

I lost weight without dieting – about 10 pounds of fat in all. Took about 5 months.

I found myself sleeping much, much better – and generally feeling more energised and cheerful throughout the day.

I also found out that the 5 superstars offer strong protection against

Many people have also pointed out another very desireable side-effect of this program – namely that it showed measurable improvement in sexual functioning: sex drive in men and women, erections in men.

I won’t comment on that last point… although I’m smiling as I write this!

Many people have also pointed out another very desireable side-effect of this program – namely that it showed measurable improvement in sexual functioning: sex drive in men and women, erections in men.

I won’t comment on that last point… although I’m smiling as I write this!

Shelly Manning is not claiming to have invented a way out of HCT. She isn’t claiming some level of genius that nobody else has.

Instead, Shelly is a highly respected alternative health practitioner with a number of hugely successful natural health remedies to his name. She researches intensely and experiments widely before releasing her programs.

Everything in the Ironbound program is based on two decades of research results and scientific fact uncovered by universities and research institutions across North America, Europe and the rest of the world.

None of the claims here are new. None of the discoveries in themselves are unique. All of it is widely known and accepted by medical scientists everywhere.

What is new is that Shelly Manning has gathered together a wide range of complex, proven medicine into a single, simple program designed specifically for people like you and me who simply don’t want a lifetime of hemochromatosis.

And as a result the program has several thousand very happy followers – people like me who despaired of ever being free of HCT but who today can barely remember what the disease even felt like.

Shelly’s meticulous analysis has resulted in what, for me, was a near-miracle way out of a disease that I thought I was going to suffer for life. I am so glad I found the Ironbound – and so relieved that someone had created it!

For all the horrors of hemochromatosis the way out of that disease was remarkably straight forward.

Instead of visits to my doctor I went to the local supermarket.

Instead of weekly phlebotomy sessions to remove blood… I ate supplements for about 12 weeks until the HCT gene was working properly.

Instead of chemically clearing out excess iron… I ate normal foods that specialize in removing excess iron cleanly and without harm to any part of the body.

The science behind Iron Bound is unanswerable. The body intends to be well. If you give it what it needs, then it will be well. It can’t actually do otherwise.

I have enjoyed 3 years in a row with normal iron levels and zero HCT symptoms. For me, that’s everything I had wished for.

If you’re concerned enough about your illness that you’re looking for a way out of it… I imagine you do.

Ironbound was my answer. It’ll be your answer too – I guarantee it.

Click here and you can get started on your journey out of HCT today…

Illness doesn’t just happen. It has a cause. And we now know the cause of HCT.

So instead of handling symptoms we can go directly to the source of the illness – and handle that instead.

When we’ve removed the cause of the illness you simply can’t have that illness.

We feed our gut bacteria so they create the butyrate that makes hepcidin… which means your HCT gene can stop your body absorbing excess iron.

Instead of a lifetime of unnatural chemical treatments…. we have a few months of natural supplements that treat HCT at its source.

We don’t have to suffer a lifetime of HCT symptoms – Ironbound is our way out. Get it here…

I went through the standard HCT treatments. They started off okay but the side-effects got progressively worse.

And those treatments are required for your entire life. You can never stop. But one day, I’d be too old to withstand the side-effects of bloodletting. And chemical injections. Then what?

It was infinitely better for me that I fix HCT at its source while I still had time. A temporary course of supermarket supplements and then a varied eating program afterwards did everything I wanted.

If I hadn’t done this I’d still be visiting my hospital, subjecting myself to completely unnatural procedures… and suffering ever-worsening side-effects.

I couldn’t face a future like that. Thankfully, I didn’t have to.

Ironbound shows you how – click here and get your copy today…

Click here to get My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

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TMJ misery can feel like a life sentence. But be warned:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

If you’re suffering from it yourself, you’ll already know this.

TMJ can be a long-lasting and thoroughly miserable condition. It often begins mildly, but it rarely stays that way.

I know – I’ve been there.

At its worst, the pain affected every aspect of my sleeping and waking life.

I’m not ashamed to admit that at times it made me cry.

When I read that some sufferers become so distressed by the condition that they fall into depression, I wasn’t even slightly surprised.

When I was first diagnosed, I did not realize how badly TMJ disrupts people’s lives. Over time, I found out.

You may already be aware that finding a remedy for your own TMJ misery is likely to be a difficult – and possibly frustrating – task.

If you’ve suffered TMJ for a while, then you are already on that road… and you truly wonder where – or, even, if – it ever ends.

That’s exactly where I found myself.

And as I searched for answers, I discovered that not only was I not alone but that the outlook was often not a happy one.

But I increasingly came to one terrifying conclusion:

Specialists didn’t really have a handle on what was causing my pain.

In fact, it was worse than this.

The treatments they recommended actually feel like experiments.

Each specialist recommended his own specialism as a likely cure for my TMJ.

But each specialist turned out to be wrong.

GP, dentist, neurologist, orofacial surgeon to name a few…

All well-meaning, but all restricted to their own area of expertise.

I doubt they really understand the root causes of TMJ.

I, of course, knew even less. So I had to try it all.

Nerve and muscle pain relief. Splints, mouthguards, botox. Teeth filing, vagus nerve stimulation, surgery….

As each one failed, I moved on to the next.

And the results of all these efforts?

Either small, short-lived improvements – or no improvements at all.

Hours of my time in specialists’ offices and thousands of my hard-earned dollars later… there was little to show but disappointment and lost hope.

I almost got used to the process of meeting a new specialist, discussing my symptoms, listening to him or her give their professional opinion…

…then me paying substantial sums of money, hoping and praying that this time it would be different. Only to realize in the end that… it wasn’t different.

…It was exactly the same.

Well, the same except I was financially poorer than I had been before.

But the TMJ hadn’t gone away. Or, even, improved.

Before eventually stumbling onto the remedy that cured my TMJ I had come to a major realization about the condition.

And the real horror of TMJ is that it isn’t stationary.

Instead, it deteriorates.

Which leads us to the truly horrible realization that…

Wherever you are with your TMJ right now isn’t where you’ll be in the near future.

It’s almost certainly going to become more painful over time.

It did for me. And it did for almost every case study I read.

My symptoms became dramatically worse.

It wasn’t just the pain that worsened – although it definitely did.

What I found deeply distressing was the way my face became distorted. People remarked that I physically looked different.

The TMJ was pulling on the muscles in my face while also wearing away at the joints on one side of my jaw.

And so my jaw shifted to the left, making my face lopsided.

After a while a new symptom: whenever I open my mouth there was a loud pop.

It started as the occasional one-off.

And by ‘loud’ I mean that a person 5 feet away could hear it.

I quickly learned to not open my mouth all the way.

Because twice it almost dislocated when I yawned. Which really scared the life out of me.

So I had to make sure I didn’t open it more than halfway.

And then I developed the sensation of clicking, popping and scraping whenever I moved my mouth.

It was especially disturbing when I was eating – and provided a constant reminder to me that things were gradually getting worse.

My own research found that none of this was unusual.

This wasn’t ‘special’ TMJ. This was ‘normal’ TMJ.

This is how TMJ gets worse.

Pain disturbed my sleep – often making sleep impossible.

I awoke already exhausted.

Some days I swear I sleepwalked through the day.

Only the pain in my head and face kept me awake.

But, as I say, TMJ doesn’t sit still.

Over time the pain spread so that it covered my entire head, all over my face, across both shoulders and down my neck.

My TMJ started to affect my hearing. Which I personally found terrifying. I love music, I love talking with friends, I enjoy movies… I needed my hearing.

I was scared out of my mind that I was going deaf.

It began with earaches. And then ringing in the ears.

But it progressed to a kind of ‘thickening’ of my ears where sound became distorted and quieter.

All this slow build-up of pain and misery wore away at me, my health, my happiness, and my life.

I’m clear of all TMJ symptoms now. But I remember so clearly how frightening it all was back then.

I visited TMJ forums and what I read scared the life out of me.

Many, many people had suffered from TMJ for decades.

I learned from their comments there was plenty more misery to come.

Worst of all were the people who said their vision was becoming distorted.

I was already scared that my hearing was going. To lose my sight too was beyond thinking.

I could feel my happiness slipping away from me.

I became sullen and quiet.

I was moody with friends and family.

I knew I was like this, but I couldn’t stop it.

And this isn’t uncommon – it’s expected.

The medical profession is already well aware that any type of chronic pain can cause deeply felt mental health problems.

These are normal and accepted consequences of ongoing discomfort and pain.

TMJ is a typical cause of ongoing discomfort and pain – and we sufferers will eventually recognize both the physical and mental anguish listed above.

Some TMJ sufferers take mild antidepressants to deal with the emotional damage caused by unrelenting pain, popping, numbness, ear ringing, and facial distortion.

I felt very low with my TMJ and had many moments of bad mood and even, I suspect, mild depression.

It didn’t help my relationship with my spouse – or with anyone else, to be honest.

When I read the account of a young TMJ sufferer who had decided that if he didn’t cure his suffering within a month… that he’d end his own life… I could understand exactly where he was coming from.

Some nights the pain made me cry. Other times, the helplessness made me feel very low.

I was running out of options. I was quite literally running out of things to try.

And money was becoming a problem.

My insurance didn’t cover this kind of condition. The treatments aren’t cheap – they’re not very pleasant either. And the costs add up alarmingly fast.

And, more and more, I had to face up to the possibility that I might be stuck with this misery for the rest of my life.

And that, I can tell you hand on heart, was an awful prospect.

Here are some of the different specialists that can get involved in trying to uncover the cause – and cure – for your TMJ:

Which specialist is right for you?

If the diagnosis is tricky and the source of the pain is difficult – or impossible – to pin down then… you may as well roll a dice.

What was shocking to me – and it took me quite a while to realize this – was that the experts I was seeing didn’t actually know how to remedy TMJ.

To their credit, most of them didn’t pretend that they did.

But it was so incredibly frustrating…

On the one hand, they were honest enough to admit the causes were varied and not properly understood.

Yet, on the other hand, they’d recommend a fix that they could do…

…but which would cost so many dollars…

while admitting they couldn’t offer any assurance they’d work!

I still remember my initial horror at the realization that, effectively…

Because each specialist was limited as to what he or she could offer me.

They could only recommend something they were capable of doing – not necessarily something that would definitely work.

So that’s what they would offer me.

I was the piggy in the middle being pushed here and there.

I just had to cross my fingers and do as I was told.

Will filing down my teeth work? It’s a standard remedy for jaw and tooth pain caused by TMJ…

But it only occasionally helps. If it doesn’t work for me then what?

Perhaps a vagus nerve stimulator will do the trick.

But maybe I need decompression surgery?

Who knows? The short answer it seems is… almost nobody.

The problem is that some of these treatments change you – your teeth or your bite for example. And you can’t reverse that.

And then he asks if I want to go ahead with it.

How do I know whether I should go ahead with it? If he’s not sure it will work, how do I decide?

On the one hand, I am in pain, my health is falling apart. And with it, my life is slipping away.

On the other hand, I was nearly out of money. My savings had dwindled very quickly.

And I was scared I would finish up with no emergency fund… no spare cash for something expected later on in life. I had to give up here.

Again, this isn’t an unusual situation for sufferers.

Many health insurances simply don’t cover this type of work – mine didn’t – so TMJ sufferers like me gamble a thousand dollars on, for example, a mouth splint that in the end may make no difference at all.

Days after I realized I could no longer continue with the various treatments – the ‘experiments’ as I called them – the depression set in.

Now without hope, I went back to painkillers – the very pain killers that I had avoided before in case I became addicted.

But now they were all I could afford.

Because one day, everything changed

I met Christian Goodman in a long line at a drugstore.

He was buying toothpaste; I was buying more painkillers.

We got talking. And I told him about my TMJ.

He instantly recognized my story. It was nothing new to him.

He started to tell me a truly fascinating story.

This sounds really odd at first – but there’s a fantastic punchline.

Christian had worked for a long time with people who snored a lot. Which was interesting but irrelevant. Or so I thought.

He had developed a set of simple exercises that tackled the root causes of snoring.

The exercises worked well and, as a result, many people experienced significant improvements in their sleep.

Their snoring reduced or ended, they stopped disturbing their own sleep. And they were very happy.

But something unexpected happened.

Something that wasn’t meant to happen.

Christian received a truly odd email from a lady who was using his snoring exercises.

In the email, the lady told Christian that the exercises had not only cured her snoring…

…they’d cured her TMJ too.

At that time Christian was only vaguely aware of TMJ.

But a brief conversation with the lady in question – and a longer chat with a TMJ specialist – helped him quickly work out why this would be possible.

Snoring is partly due to tension and muscle tightness in the throat and neck region.

TMJ is partly – and I emphasize the word ‘partly’ – due to very similar causes.

It’s not hard to see there could be an overlap between the two conditions.

And Christian’s snoring remedy had accidentally started curing TMJ too.

Christian went on to interview a number of TMJ sufferers.

He asked them how the pain began. He asked them where they felt it. How they felt it. When they felt it.

He asked about how it progressed. Which parts of the face hurt most. How it affected their necks and shoulders. When the ringing in the ears began. How it was worsening their eyesight.

He asked and he listened – really carefully – to what they told him.

And he realized that TMJ didn’t just exist in the jaw and neck area – it existed in the upper body.

There were what doctors refer to as ‘multifactor causes of pain.’

In other words, the shoulders, the back, your posture, even the way you breathe… are all causing, contributing to and then worsening the miserable experience of the average TMJ sufferer.

It’s in the jaw and neck area that the problems manifest – that’s where the pains are often actually felt.

We complain of jaw pain, sore teeth, headaches…

And that’s why so many specialists focus on these areas – because that’s what the patient complains about.

But they’re trying to fix the symptoms. Fixing symptoms leaves the causes in place.

Without addressing the causes, you’re left forever with the symptoms.

The cause is more complex, more interconnected, more subtle.

Christian interviewed more and more TMJ sufferers.

He listened to what they told him. And he asked specific, direct questions.

He started to uncover things that a dentist or a neurologist simply would never have thought to ask about.

He collected, customized and developed more exercises to properly address the root causes of TMJ.

He paid attention to the different areas of the body that could contribute to the overall condition of TMJ and created a simple exercise program that tackled each one of them.

He tested the program with dozens of TMJ sufferers.

He used their feedback to improve it until he knew that he had the real deal…

And, yet – like specialists everywhere – Christian admits:

“I don’t know the exact causes of TMJ.”

But the combination of potential causes is better known.

And if you’re tackling them all, then it no longer matters which specific one is doing the damage.

Get them all and you’ve got whichever combination of causes is hurting you.

Was this the breakthrough I was searching for?

It had lots going for it.

Just for starters, Christian Goodman’s remedy involves

Instead, I would practice a simple set of exercises that I could do while watching tv. Or reading a book.

Exercises so simple that other people won’t even know I’m doing them.

And they’d take about 3 minutes a day.

To be brutally frank, I had nothing to lose.

I’d already wasted so much time – and so many dollars – chasing cures that I was prepared to try anything.

This one looked too easy to be true.

But after all I had already been through… I just had to go for it.

It’s hard to describe how I felt.

For one thing, I was so shocked that I just couldn’t believe the pain relief would last.

But I continued to do the exercises – 3 minutes a day – and the pain has never returned.

TMJ exercises aren’t totally new. After speaking to Christian, I searched online and – guess what?

I found several amateurs online who know an exercise or two.

They didn’t have anything remotely like Christian’s fully thought-out program. But they had something.

Here’s where it all goes badly wrong though:

After some searching I found someone who showed me a single movement – but what I already knew from my conversation with Christian is that to get rid of that pain you need at least 4 subtly different movements. 4 – 6 or more is best.

When the ones I tried didn’t work Christian reminded me that the muscle and bone structure in your face and jaw area is intricate.

It needs targeted work in order to affect it.

Too often a person tries the movement in the video, it doesn’t work – because on its own it pretty much can’t – and then they give it up.

Along with all the other remedies they’ve tried.

And this is where the real disasters occur.

Again, this is something that I now understood: TMJ is a body problem. Its source is not entirely at the jaw but around it and below it.

It’s the tackling of TMJ at the level of the upper body – and not just the jaw – that is transforming endless pain into relief.

Which is pretty much why my TMJ reduced and then disappeared so quickly once I started Christian’s program.

This was frustrating too.

Not only could I not determine whose exercises were actually effective…. I had to do endless Google searches in order to try to piece enough information together that I could make sense of any of it.

I pretty much failed in the end.

Because I am not able to judge which information is helpful, which is useless – and which might actually cause me more pain.

Really, I wanted this all worked out for me.

I didn’t want to have to think about it.

I wanted to be told what to do. I’d do it and then see what happened.

What Christian’s program gave me was everything I needed, all in one place, all tried and tested – and all ready to go to end my pain.

No searching, no trial and error and no risks of making my condition worse than it already was.

And that, I can tell you, is all I wanted.

Now you may be asking yourself:

“Isn’t this all too simple and low-tech?”

Surely the medical profession could have worked this out by now? That does make sense except….

The thing I noticed when I went through my own TMJ hell was this: each expert recommended only the fix that he himself specialized in.

No dentist ever told me, ‘Oh, I can’t help you – you need an osteopath.’

And no osteopath ever told me, ‘Ah – not me. You should see a neurologist.’

Nobody had any interest in recommending anything that they themselves couldn’t provide.

I don’t think anyone wanted to consider a set of exercises, that were easy to do, don’t need a specialist, implants or meds – and generates no medical bill at the end of it.

Here’s your first big surprise:

There’s not a great deal to it. It’s pretty simple.

And because there’s no drugs, no splints, no implants – no interference with your body in any way at all – it’s easy, can be done literally anywhere and has no side effects.

Except for the one where the TMJ disappears.

But you can live with that, I’m sure!

Christian’s program is described and explained in ‘The TMJ Solution.’

He explains – in beginner language – the basics of TMJ.

He tells you how the exercises are going to help you.

Then he shows you the exercises.

I actually describe them as ‘movements’ because I’m not a very active person and they don’t feel like exercise to me at all.

Finally, he puts the exercises together to create a simple program.

The simplicity of it is part of its beauty.

Because there is no secret to all this – just common sense

Remember that – as Christian explained to me – while TMJ is not fully understood there are 4 different ways that your body gives you the condition. His exercises address those 4 different ways.

Meaning that one way or another we hit at least one of its causes.

Which also means that I don’t have to be drugged, prodded, examined or opened up by a surgeon anymore.

I looked at a number of testimonials before trying Christian’s program. I wanted to see other people who had suffered like I was.

Like me, they thought they were stuck with chronic TMJ pain forever.

Like me, they were wrong.

There are thousands of people who have found relief from horrible TMJ pain by practicing these simple movements for a few minutes a day.

I recall that first, full pain-free day when my TMJ was finally gone. It makes me smile just thinking about it..!

If you’re at the start of your TMJ suffering, you might want to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.

I know what it’s like when it gets worse – it’s just awful.

Christian’s remedy is drug-free, surgery-free, takes 3 – 5 minutes a day and there’s no medical bill at the end of it.

For a start, although this program is short, it’s comprehensive.

It leaves nothing to chance.

As I mentioned earlier, the program tackles all possible areas that might be causing your TMJ.

I never fully found out how my TMJ came about. But by performing exercises that tackled all possible areas, I clearly got at the one that was causing the problem.

At first, the exercise program looked quite a lot to me.

But you don’t do them all at once. In fact, you do many of the exercises only 3 or 4 times per week.

So altogether on any given day, you exercise for about 3 – 5 minutes.

I’m a little slow at these things and like to take my time. Even so, I rarely exceeded 5 minutes.

In fact, they’re less ‘exercises’ and more like ‘movements’.

I call them exercises – and Christian does too – but I always imagine that exercises involve effort and sweat.

These certainly don’t; they’re very easy – and deliberately relaxing.

The majority of these movements I did either while sitting watching television or standing in the kitchen cooking. The exercises are not intense. You just need to do a little every day.

And they focus on different areas:

The beauty of these exercises isn’t just the simplicity of them. It’s that you can leave out ones that you prefer not to do.

Just do the ones you prefer.

There are four exercises concentrating on the jaw.

TMJ caused my jaw to become stiff and painful; the jaw structure came out of line, so it distorted my face a little.

The jaw exercises tackle the various jaw area pains directly and help correct the distortion.

A number of others focus on loosening and relaxing the throat and tongue.

I had never heard of throat or tongue exercises before. But the throat is closely connected to the jaw and should be exercised regularly. While the tongue is one of the main muscles inside your head.

Between them, the exercises not only loosen and relax throat and tongue they have the side effect of loosening up your shoulders and neck – and even opening your sinuses.

They’re stupidly easy. But also quite pleasant.

Then there are body movements.

These ones mainly target the shoulders and neck area.

Tension here is directly related to the jaw. These movements reduce tightness and stress – prime candidates to be causing your TMJ.

Something I didn’t realize was that breathing movements not only reduce physical tension; they reduce emotional tension too.

Emotional tension causes physical tension – and physical tension leads back to emotional tension.

They’re so closely connected.

And when your TMJ is causing mild depression, then anything that addresses emotional pain is very welcome indeed.

Followed by relaxation exercises…

The easiest of them all – which is saying something given how straightforward they all are – are relaxation exercises.

They were really nice to do. And I could see that the benefits of these would go beyond just relieving me of my TMJ symptoms.

The last two types of exercise were quite surprising to me. Until that is, they went and cured my TMJ…

This was an unexpected – but really eye-opening – surprise.

These exercises are just ways of thinking about your problems, your opinion of yourself and your opinions of others.

I don’t usually go in for this type of thing. But Christian’s ‘1 – 2 rule’ for example was particularly effective – and it had the side-effect of improving a couple of the difficult relationships I had at that time.

Perhaps the most unexpected exercises for me were the communication exercises.

You can do this with a partner or a willing friend – doesn’t matter.

It’s not just jabbering on though. Christian explains the set-up and he gave me some guidelines for this.

It worked really well. So easy – and enjoyable with it.

All the exercises/movements were easy, relaxing and, often, really very pleasant to do.

Given the pain – and the state of mind – I was in at the time I was glad the program was so gentle.

And if there’s a type of exercise you’d prefer not to do – then you don’t have to do it. There are plenty of others to choose from.

I made my own program after a few days – Christian explains a simple method for taking exercises from each category so that you don’t miss anything out.

But you can just follow Christian’s plan if you prefer.

I don’t know which stage you’re at with your TMJ.

Hopefully, you’ve not developed some of the worst symptoms yet.

But we may as well face the fact that as time progresses so does your TMJ.

Worse symptoms are inevitable.

For me, I simply realized one day that I could no longer bear the pain anymore.

The headaches, neck aches, jaw aches… the clicking and scraping of my jaw bones…. my facial distortion, the loss of hearing, the low moods…

I was fast losing my love of life. I was losing my sense of ease. My comfort.

As my TMJ worsened, I lost my peace of mind, my ability to enjoy any of life’s pleasures.

And, in the end, my willingness to socialize.

The pain became an embarrassment… having to explain it to people… fielding questions about how to cure it when I didn’t know the answers. When nobody seemed to know the answers.

And I knew full well my TMJ would get worse – that’s what it had already been doing. Enough really was enough.

I often thank my lucky stars for that chance meeting with Christian Goodman.

I do not know where I’d be right now if that hadn’t happened. I was lucky.

If you’ve spent thousands of dollars on treatments already… or if you’re going to be spending that kind of money soon then Christian’s program is a must-have.

If you’ve already paid for a month of painkillers you’ve probably spent more than the cost of this program.

Leave things as they are and you’re condemned to more hours and hours of waiting around in doctors’ waiting rooms, hours of explaining and then re-explaining your symptoms to various specialists…

…then spending hundreds of dollars – but quite likely many thousands of dollars – at a time on procedures, measurements, fittings, and surgery.

Don’t do this to yourself.

Everyone deserves better – and that includes you.

Bypass all that pain, discomfort, expense and frustration.

Tackle your TMJ now while it’s this bad – rather than waiting for your health to get past the point of repair.

Click now and receive your copy of Christian’s ‘ The TMJ Solution’…

I signed up for Christian’s program because I realized that…

after hundreds of dollars spent on tests, x-rays, fittings, and meds…

and then thousands of dollars spent on implants…

that for me there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

TMJ was a deteriorating condition, getting steadily worse, dragging my life into a place that I just didn’t want to be.

I didn’t want to let my life slip into more misery than I was already suffering.

What I was really scared of was damage that was nearly impossible to cure.

But most of all I wanted to avoid at any cost jaw, ears or eyes damage that was irreversible.

A set of exercises, 3 minutes a day, for the cost of this month’s daily newspaper… What sensible reason did I have for not doing this?

He pointed me to his order form (link below) and I signed up.

Christian offered me something my dentist never offered me.

He offered me something my osteopath didn’t offer me.

In fact, Christian offers all his clients something that not a single professional out there will offer you.

He offers you your money back.

His promise to people like you and me is simple:

“If my program doesn’t deliver the results you want then you get your money back. Trying it will have cost you nothing at all. Not a penny. You’ll be no worse off than you were before you tried it.”

But you might – like me – be so fantastically better off that you will forever thank your lucky stars that you took some action to get a copy for yourself.

Because the exercises that make up his program have helped thousands of TMJ sufferers all over the world.

These exercises aren’t an experiment. Or a gimmick. Or a bit of esoteric mystical wisdom allegedly handed down by soothsayers from the dawn of time.

I’m really skeptical about that kind of thing.

They’re solid, easy to perform proven movements that address TMJ pain at its sources – and which so many TMJ sufferers absolutely swear by.

So Christian can afford to offer you a 60 days, 100% cast-iron, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Because he knows that recoveries like mine aren’t the exception. They happen all the time. Thousands of ex TMJ sufferers are witness to that.

Remember how things went for me:

After three days of practising the exercises the ache in my jaw noticeably subsided.

The neck and shoulder aches? That pain just fell away.

And because of that, so did the pain in my face and head…

That clicking in my jaw joints? It disappeared…

Mercifully, my hearing came back too. I had been sick with worry that I might go completely deaf…

But just imagine it… Imagine feeling normal again.

I can tell you, it’s like coming out from underneath a crushing weight… something that just holds you down in pain and unhappiness.

I was back to my old self and I felt absolutely wonderful!

And that’s why Christian receives so many testimonials from grateful, happy people.

Testimonials like these ones received in the last 10 days:

After the first couple of days, I could feel a noticeable change. The clicking, popping, and tension were 90% gone. Each day things continued to improve. I’m now 100% again!

Mary Stuart– New Jersey

I have done all the exercises for the past 2 nights and you know that my jaws have not hurt at all when I wake up in the morning. Thank you so very much and I will e-mail you from time to time to let you know how I am doing.

Alie Vanhoy– Dallas, Texas

Just to let you know that my condition is improving each day since I started using your product. The pain is diminishing each day and hopefully it will be completely gone in the near future.

Thomas Young– Orlando Florida

After reviewing the information about your program and understanding the concepts behind it, I realized just how amazing and effective it really is. It totally cured me! I’d highly recommend your program to anybody who suffers from TMJ.

Ann Smith– San Diego, California

Just like I was you’re probably at a crossroads now. Which way to turn?

I hope you haven’t been through the dreadful experience that many TMJ sufferers go through…

But if you have then there are two simple options:.

Stick with the medical profession and spend your way through the various implants, filings, cuttings and manipulations.

Genuinely, they do sometimes work.

And when they do work, they’re worth every penny of the thousands of dollars that they cost.

Because the relief from pain is almost priceless.

But if you’ve already traveled that road and it’s all failed…or if you’ve made the smart decision that you’re simply not prepared to travel that road in the first place… then your second option is equally simple.

Attack the causes rather than symptoms.

My TMJ was cured – quickly – because instead of hacking away at the symptoms I addressed the causes.

Instead of focusing on the pain itself I remedied what was causing that pain in the first place.

And Christian’s program tackles the causes from every direction.

It makes no sense to carry on suffering.

And, for me, it made even less sense to carry on spending money on unreliable – and, ultimately, disappointing – procedures.

If you can do something about this misery now then now must be the time to act.

Because if not now to properly address your TMJ… when?

The program that ended all my TMJ misery is just a mouse-click away.

Click now and get your copy of the program…

It’s not just that this program costs less than the price of a daily newspaper for a month.

Or that it’s less than a couple of weeks of the cost of your meds.

Or that you’ll spend more this month on your daily coffee than you would on this program.

What really hurts is that if I’d bought Christian’s program instead of paying for all the treatments I’ve had so far, I would have saved more than 99% of my money.

I wasted thousands of dollars following the conventional route, the ‘safe’ route… the sensible route of doctors and specialists.

I plundered our savings. We sacrificed holidays in order to have the cash to spend.

I really wish I hadn’t. It’s just that, at the time, I didn’t know better.

I wish I’d met Christian in that queue at the chemist 12 months earlier.

I’d have gotten better a year sooner – and at a 99% discount!

If you’ve had TMJ a while and are finding out that TMJ is a curse, then I’m genuinely sorry for you.

I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there.

If you’ve only recently been diagnosed, then you’ve possibly already realized that TMJ is just ugly.

You’ve possibly discovered that many, many sufferers have it for years.

Too many never get rid of it.

They run out of money – and they run out of hope.

And then they just put up with increasing discomfort, pain and misery.

That could be you. But it doesn’t have to be.

You’re reading this letter today because you’ve decided to do something about your TMJ.

So you’re probably not one of those passive sufferers.

You’ve either grown tired of being disappointed by treatments that cost money but don’t deliver…

…or you haven’t yet been down that route – but realize that’s the fate that awaits you.

And you’ve decided to take matters into your own hands.

So make today the beginning of the end for your TMJ.

Get the same program I got. Do the same things I did.

Get the same results I got. Or get your money back.

All you have to lose from Christian’s program is… pain.

If that’s what you want then [Get the program in just 90 seconds – click here]

Don’t forget – as your TMJ progresses you will spend time, energy and money on drugs, tests, and procedures.

You’ll have to – TMJ can become unbearable. These expensive remedies may not work in any way at all.

And while they’re failing – at considerable expense to you – your TMJ just gets worse.

If you’ve decided to rid yourself of TMJ pain then if not now, when?

Christian’s program costs less than a month of coffee.

And this offer ensures you win. Because if you don’t think the program was worth that money then get a full, 100% refund.

Do you know how many specialists will offer you a full, no questions asked, 100% guarantee on the work that they charge thousands of dollars for?

None of them. Not a single one of them.

If a loved one was in the pain you’re in – or facing the possibility of it – would you want them to try a quick, pain-free, proven and super-cheap method to making them happy again?

If you’d do it for someone else then for goodness’ sake do it for yourself.

By all means, spend your savings with the medical profession. But first of all, be kind to yourself and try Christian’s program for yourself.

Your program awaits you here…

Remember that TMJ often gets worse. And when it does, it can cause real damage to bones and joints. Some of that damage can never be reversed.

Leaving it to do its ugly work makes no sense.

Thousands of us decided to act rather than suffer… and we’re pain-free as a result!

Not acting now is a decision – but it’s a poor one.

The 100% money-back, no questions guarantee means you’re doing this without any risk at all.

Make the decision, get the program. All you can possibly lose is doctors visits, medical bills, pain, fear and misery.

I’m glad I did it; you’ll be glad you did too.

Your program awaits you here…

Testimonial / Case Study Legal Disclaimer: The story, testimonials, and case studies discussed on this page may be unique. You may or may not enjoy similar results from using the methods discussed. We neither make any claims nor offer any guarantees regarding the health improvements or specific results you may enjoy from following our guidance. Always consult your doctor before taking any actions regarding your health.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Disclaimer: The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Click here to get The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Zapier’s Head of Paid Advertising on Storytelling, AI-Centric Ads, and Why He’s Fully Committed to Influencer Advertising and Marketing

Happy Autumn, MiM-ers! Grab your pumpkin spice latte and settle in with Noah Kahan’s Stick season, and get ready to listen to a paid marketer who is completely dedicated to influencer, storytelling and AI-targeted advertising.

(I’m sorry I can’t deliver a new autumn-inspired album. To be honest, I’m obsessed with mine anyway “Daylight saving time 2019” combination..)

Stay tuned to learn why Zapier’s head of paid advertising believes the golden age of paid advertising is over.

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1. Come completely with the influencer buzz.

James de Feu says the golden age of paid sales is over. And he’s happy about it.

He is also the paid ads manager at Zapier.

(Today I’m imagining Mad Men Don Draper turns over in his television grave.)

De Feu is so confident in influencer promotion that he has negotiated to place it under his group of paid advertising employees. He succeeded because, moving forward, “we see it as the movement of our brand.”

In fact, once I asked him how he would spend a hypothetical $1,000, de Feu told me he would invest a good 40% in influencers.

However, don’t simply delete your Google Ads account. De Feu says he would still allocate 50% of this hypothetical budget to paid advertising. (The other 10% would go to search engine optimization, if you get stuck trying to load it up to 100.)

As he acknowledges, “Paid advertising will always be on and we’ll spend a lot of money there anyway. Then once again paid ads live and die on that month of spending. It’s not giving us the reach it once did.

For this reason de Feu does not put all his eggs in one basket. Paid continues to be a great egg (err-basket?), On the other hand it is keen to seek out influencers who thrive on the same platforms where Zapier customers find themselves.

“I smiled when you mentioned influencers, because that’s the name of the game, even for those other people in the B2B industry,” he tells me. “These are no longer glossy products for teenagers.”

2. Storytelling is the bread and butter of marketing.

“In the planet of paid advertising, we fixate on one isolated entertainment and keep trying to optimize it until it gets easier,” says de Feu. “On the other hand, one thing we have now discovered is that storytelling can be very massive.”

“Storytelling can be very massive” is exactly the same phrase I gave my parents when I was trying to convince them that majoring in creative writing was once a good financial solution – on the other hand de Feu is not improper. If there is one truth that is still consistent in the world of marketing, it is that people have always loved and will always love a good story.

“Elongating something, building a story, increasing use cases, highlighting testimonials – I’ve let go of all that over the last couple of years and I’m just grateful now that we’ve reset now. Storytelling has always been, and will continue to be, our superpower as marketers.”

So if you’re not sure where to start on this planet of paid advertising, do this: correspond with your customers, discover their painful problems and then connect with your solutions through superb old-fashioned storytelling style.

3. Get used to cha-cha changes.

David Bowie preached it: you need to keep up with all the changes happening in the sales industry or risk throwing away precious money. (These are the lyrics, aren’t you kind?)

For de Feu, that means doing a lot of testing to learn how to use artificial intelligence to personalize Zapier ads, not only in augmenting belongings, but also in targeting interested audiences.

“You should really be up to date with most of these contemporary changes, otherwise, despite everything, you will end up losing money,” he says.

An example would be a sports brand that uses AI to focus on advertising yoga apparel to their vinyasa-loving customers, while ensuring their {golf} apparel is shipped to all the kids on Wall Street.

Simply put: the future of advertising will be much more like focused, high-intent content material, and no longer identical to the generic, all-purpose ads we’ve now come to capture and hate.

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My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


When I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism my doctor informed me that I would have to take drugs every day for the rest of my life to control it.

That turns out not to be true.

Because hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent.

Its underlying causes are now well understood. And those underlying causes are easy to deal with.

People like me used to have hypothyroidism but don’t anymore.

Our joints no longer ache, our skin and hair is in good condition.

We’re full of energy – and depression or low mood has given way to relief and happiness.

The following video tells my story.

And my story can quite quickly become your story.

Hypothyroidism is a frustrating disease.

You’ll know what I’m talking about.

There’s the symptoms…

It made my hair thin out. I gained weight – even when I was off my food. I got moody and occasionally depressed. Sometimes I was constipated.

I was able to sleep a solid 10 hours and still wake up exhausted. I found it difficult to focus at work and a struggle to really enjoy family and social life.

My low moods and anxious thoughts created one or two relationship difficulties too. People try to be understanding but… my condition wore them down.

Even more frustrating was that doctors simply didn’t believe there’s anything wrong with me.

After several discussions, my doctor looked at my thinning hair, accepted that my dry skin and aching limbs ‘wasn’t normal’…

…but then put my fatigue and anxiety down to me being preoccupied with my thinning hair and aching limbs!

He told me he couldn’t find anything wrong with me. He advised I eat better, exercise more and take up a hobby. 

When he did finally have my blood tested – hypothyroidism was diagnosed.

I was put on a lifetime course of drugs.

They had some positive effect but they mostly reduced symptoms a little – they never got rid of them.

So I was still tired an awful lot – but I could mostly keep my eyes open.

My hair and skin sill thinned and dried – but a little less.

The meds became a problem.

I developed some dosage problems – which is common with hypothyroidism meds.

They’re sensitive drugs. A bit too much or too little can have dramatic effects on a person’s health.

Even taking pills from a new batch can lead to adverse reactions.

My doctor informed me that for many people thyroid problems fluctuate over the course of the year. Which, as I found out, means the dosage had to fluctuate too.

I’ve never been keen to take drugs for illnesses. They’re toxic, unnatural and, over time, can cause as many problems as they solve.

Yet here I was… stuck, basically.

I wasn’t getting better. The drugs’ downsides could hit me between the eyes at any time – but I didn’t know what else to do instead.

Anyway. That’s all done with now.

I no longer have the disease.

So I can look back on those days and smile. It’s all over for me. I’m fully well.

I do still recall it all though. And I feel for others who are ill now the way I was then.

 My recovery is complete. It happened pretty quickly – about 4 weeks, give or take a few days.

And that disease ain’t coming back either.

About 18 months ago a lady called Jodi Knapp was in front of me in a long line at the supermarket. While we waited to be served we started talking.

Long story short, Jodi knew all about hypothyroidism. She was a natural health practitioner and some years previously had helped a close friend – who had it really bad – get over the disease.

Today, Jodi routinely treats hypothyroidism in hundreds of people. She gave me a link to some information about how she approaches the disease and we chatted some more while we waited.

What I eventually learned from Jodi about hypothyroidism was jaw-dropping.

Because I’m the kind of person who trusts doctors unquestioningly. If a doctor can’t beat whatever you’re suffering from then it can’t be beaten. Plain and simple. I realize that can sound dumb but that’s how I am.

When I was finally free of hypothyroidism I changed that view. I had to.

Because the essence of the problem is this: doctors tend to treat only the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

They fully understand that an under-active thyroid isn’t producing the hormones the body needs.

They of course know that these hormones – known as T3 and T4 – regulate our metabolism.

Which means they directly affect how fast your heart beats, how deeply you breathe, your body temperature, cholesterol levels – and whether you’ll gain weight or lose it.

And doctors understand the effects of an under-active thyroid: weight-gain, depression, poor skin and hair quality, disrupted menstrual cycles in women, aching joints, ongoing tiredness and so on.

And so they tackle the hormones problem – insufficient T3 and T4 – with artificial hormones and then, perhaps, tinker with the other effects – tiredness, low moods and so on.

But they leave underlying causes completely untouched.

They say, for example, that hypothyroidism is caused by ‘lack of iodine’. But they don’t explain why there’s a lack of iodine.

Some doctors recognize – correctly – that our immune system is running riot and causing our thyroid problem.

But then fail to ask why is the immune system running out of control? What’s the cause?

Doctors administer drugs for the symptoms – the part of the disease that we can all see – and leave the underlying causes untouched.

What Jodi told me was very, very powerful. She said the primary cause of hypothyroidism was inflammation in the body. Scientists are already closely studying inflammation because it is implicated in many, many diseases.

So if we tackle the inflammation we’ve put paid to the hypothyroidism.

If we trace the story backwards we find that our thyroid is being attacked by our immune system.

It’s what doctors call ‘an autoimmune disease’.

Why is our immune system attacking our thyroid?

This is well understood. It works like this:

One of our immune system’s vital jobs is to attack excess toxins in your body.

Toxins – ‘poisons’, basically –  in the body are natural and normal. A healthy body can handle them.

Toxins come from both the food we eat and from the wider environment – chemicals from household cleaners, for example. Or soaps and deodorants.

But we must get rid of them from our bodies – they are dangerous if left unchecked. Various body systems do this – and our immune systems are one of those systems.

Our immune system releases inflammatory cells to do the job of neutralizing and removing toxins. These inflammatory cells give rise to inflammation.

Inflammation is simply blood, killer cells, liquids and so on that rush to an area of the body to handle a wound or tackle bad bacteria.

You’ll experience inflammation in the redness and swelling of an insect bite, or a bad scratch or a stubbed toe.

Heat, redness, swelling – that’s your immune system working to fix a wound and fight any possible infections.

And when the job is done the system relaxes, recuperates and is ready for the next fight

It’s known that our modern lives bring into our bodies amounts of toxic material that we often just can’t deal with.

24 hours a day modern man and woman is exposed to environmental and food toxins that many of us don’t even realize are there.

Which means the immune system’s work is never-ending. There’s little let-up in the excess toxins it’s forced to deal with. 

And on constant high-alert and always being called into action… it becomes stressed and exhausted.

Which leads to it making some serious mistakes

Most notably it sends inflammatory cells everywhere – and they start to attack healthy body tissue. 

And whatever tissue they attack leads to a specific disease.

This is called an immune system disorder.

In fact, scientists have verified over a hundred immune system disorders. They take different forms, attacking different parts of the body.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system is attacking your joints and connective tissues.

In diabetes, it is attacking your pancreas.

In celiac disease it’s attacking your gut lining.

In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the victims are your thyroid cells.

But what’s frustrating is that we know what causes that ongoing inflammation.

These days there are too many toxins in the average person’s blood and our immune systems are struggling to cope.

Our immune system malfunctions, attacks our thyroid and stops it producing vital hormones.

And so we experience all the typical symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

By the way, the revelation that your body is carrying excess toxins shouldn’t be taken personally.

It’s not your fault at all.

Ongoing, chronic inflammation – caused by excess toxins in the body – is widespread. You’re not alone – it affects millions of Americans.

We do little about it because we don’t really know how to.

We’re exposed to so many toxins – we hardly know about a single one of them. And those that get into our bodies are working our immune systems into exhaustion.

Many of those toxins are unknown to us ordinary folk. But they’re avoidable. Easily avoidable. But only when you know what they are and where they are.

Fortunately, that’s where Jodi Knapp comes to the rescue.

If modern research is revealing that hypothyroidism is caused by inflammation… we should be solving the inflammation problem. Right?

And that’s the key to Jodi’s approach. Hypothyroidism is the symptom. The actual disease is inflammation.

The cause of that inflammation is excessive toxins in our bodies…

…that forces the immune system to work until it’s over-stressed and exhausted.

Whereupon it malfunctions… and attacks healthy body tissue.

In our case, it attacks the thyroid.

It turns out that none of this is revolutionary information.

Jodi certainly takes absolutely no credit for ‘discovering’ any of it.

Medical science and academic research discovered the link between toxins, inflammation and a whole host of apparently incurable diseases years ago.

The trail from toxins to disease is well understood.

But there’s always a substantial time gap between what science finds out – and what the health industry does about it.

So when practitioners like Jodi focus on inflammation in order to remedy disease they are simply following the science.

And when she achieves the outstanding results that she achieves it isn’t because of some weird potions she cooked up, or because of strange rituals or weird incantations…

It’s researched, tested, validated science.

Jodi has taken all the complexity… all the deep learning and the testing and confirming that would have taken years for someone like me to learn…

…and turned it into something that the average Joe can use pretty much without thinking. 

Instead of picking off individual symptoms – hair loss, fatigue, depression – with pills and potions she goes to the heart of the matter… the cause that underlies the whole darned mess.

And since that mess is created by the excesses of normal life…

…it’s normal life that Jodi enlists to rid us of the disease.

Which means that most of it is stupidly easy to do.

And when it’s done the thyroid is no longer under attack from our own immune system.

It switches back on – and once again produces those hormones that are essential to our physical and mental wellbeing.

Like millions of people you have excess toxins in your body

Your immune system uses inflammatory cells to attack the toxins

It never finishes the job because there’s always an excess of toxins

So the immune system never gets to recover. It eventually becomes over-stressed and starts to malfunction.

That malfunctioning immune system begins to attack healthy tissues – which causes hypothyroidism.

Doctors have finally realized the immune system part of the equation. Which is good news in itself.

But they increasingly prescribe immunosuppressors to shut the immune system down.

This might stop the attack on the thyroid.

But, now, without any immune system at all you are wide open to catching other infections and diseases!

That’s hardly a satisfactory outcome, is it?

And that is why Jodi ignores the disease we think we have – hypothyroidism – and goes full-on to tackle the disease we actually have: chronic inflammation.

Get rid of that and the hypothyroidism simply can’t exist.

And that is exactly what I did. Jodi showed me how to hit the inflammation head-on. And after some weeks of doing exactly what she told me it – and my hypothyroidism – were history.

It’s been a year and a half since I last had even a whisper of any symptoms. One thing I know for sure: it’s gone and it’s not coming back.

Jodi doesn’t worry about pills, drugs or any other kind of medication.

Over a couple of years after she helped her friend overcome hypothyroidism Jodi developed, tested and proved a natural, drugs-free approach to reducing dramatically our exposure to food and environmental toxins.

The subject is complex and requires a deep understanding of where toxins really come from. None of it is as obvious as we might think.

But with reference to all the latest research from scientific and university researchers across the world – and the willing participation of a number of human testers! – she has created a fantastically effective Hypothyroidism Solution.

She goes for a powerful, natural attack on the disease’s real, deep-rooted causes. Once her process is underway it’s impossible for the body not to respond.

Jodi’s solution freed my thyroid to do its job again. I have healthy levels of thyroid hormones in my body and zero symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Let me describe exactly what Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution does.

You need to know how to reduce the toxins going into your body. They’re provoking your immune system and leading it to attack your thyroid.

So what we need to understand is

– where most of the toxins we’re carrying actually come from

– how to reduce our exposure to them without disrupting our normal lives

Then, over time, gently transition yourself to the new habits that are going to restore you to wonderful health.

You’re not doing a revolution here, by the way.

There’s no strange foods, weird potions or bizarre rituals.

There’s no expensive supplements, calorie counting or gym workouts. (Thank goodness..!)

In fact, I was just a tiny bit surprised when I saw Jodi’s solution for the first time.

‘Is that it?’ I wondered.

Sure, her explanation of why this solution worked was entirely convincing.

But the actual remedy seemed so… ordinary. I thought maybe I’d missed something.

Some weeks later and with not a single sign of hypothyroidism any more I realized I simply need not have worried.

Have you ever seen one of those dominoes displays on television?

Where they push over one domino and it knocks down the next domino… which knocks down the next… and so on until thousands of them are toppling over?

This is what Jodi’s solution is doing.

The first domino is getting rid of toxins.

Which knocks over the next domino – relaxing the immune system.

Which knocks over the next domino – ending that chronic inflammation.

Which knocks over the final domino – an unharassed thyroid that’s now free to switch back on and release those vital hormones back into the body.

The simplicity of all this was that once I’d toppled the first domino the rest just took care of themselves. Some days later my thyroid was gradually able to resume its good work… and my symptoms started to reduce.

But, first, I had to realize that the toxins in my body that led to inflammation were put there by me. I did it to myself.

Now I was a little offended by this – I don’t do anything that anybody doesn’t do!

But, then, maybe that’s the problem?

Scientists now confirm that a whole range of illnesses – diabetes, Alzheimer’s, fatty liver, kidney disease, heart disease and certain cancers – are simply the result of inflammation.

And all these diseases are on the rise because inflammation itself is on the rise.

Inflammation is increasing because the accumulated toxins in modern life have gone way beyond the safe point. We’re all getting sicker – not just me and you. And it’s not our fault at all.

The logic is inescapable. Toxins don’t just appear. We’re always acquiring toxins. And we get them through two main sources: our food and our environment.

In our modern world the amount of chemicals used in food production and cleaning products is astonishing.

Avoiding them is really difficult if you don’t have some essential knowledge. And most of us don’t.

In fact, a couple of the foods we think of as healthy simply aren’t.

Many others are fantastically good for us.

When we know what’s what… we can make some excellent choices – and experience astounding changes.

Same with household and personal products. Many ingredients are actually deadly in high enough doses. Yet we cover our homes and bodies with them.

And this is how we deliver too many toxins to our stressed immune systems. This is why we get ill.

We pretty much can’t help it because we mostly don’t know we’re doing it.

But once we do know about it we can stop hurting ourselves.

If lifestyle got us into this situation then it’ll be lifestyle – not pharmaceutical drugs – that will reverse us out of it again.

Well, don’t stop eating! And don’t go on some crazy, restrictive diet that saps the joy out of life.

And don’t stop using cleaning agents to clean your home or body.

In truth, there’s actually not that much to avoid. A fairly small number of things cause most of our problems.

And just a small reduction in toxins coming into our bodies can have a huge effect on our immune system’s ability to function properly.

If you know exactly what you’re doing then you can achieve a significant change to your symptoms with only minor tweaks to your shopping list.

So we swap a few items here for some replacement items there… and carry on as before – but this time, without hypothyroidism.

Jodi’s Solution lists everything that is involved in our work to rid ourselves of hypothyroidism.

She shows the short list of items we should use sparingly – or not at all.

This does include a couple of items that are generally considered ‘healthy’ – but which, in fact, are best kept to a minimum.

She shows us the stupidly long list of stuff that’s okay – that we can eat or use as much of as we want.

And that ‘okay to eat’ includes some food items that ‘diets’ and ‘detoxes’ tell us to avoid. Which produces some lovely surprises.

For example, coffee drinkers can breathe a sigh of relief. Coffee is fine.

My favorite drink actually is hot chocolate (I’m still a kid at heart).

Not only is it on the long, long list of foods you can enjoy Jodi even shares a recipe for one of the most delicious hot chocolates I’ve ever tasted…

Like meat? Then eat it. Jodi advises on best practice so you’re eating for optimum health. And you can fry your food, saute or bake it.

Again, she’s not saying ‘no’ – she’s showing how to do it so that we’re stepping closer day by day to eliminating every one of those hypothyroidism symptoms.

And this is the thing: if we ignore online ‘gurus’ and YouTube videos and actually go where the science takes us  then there’s no cause for restrictive, miserable diets that we’re just not going to keep to.

Food should be enjoyed. So enjoy it!

Everything on her list is available at my local supermarket.

A lot of it I already had in my kitchen. I simply needed to be using more of the good stuff and a little less of the bad stuff. But it’s all common items that can be found in any food store.

And why would it be any other way?

After all: ordinary stuff caused this disease. And ordinary stuff will get rid of it.

No need for anything exotic or complicated.

Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution lists everything I needed to know. She lists what needs to be reduced or replaced – and she showed me what to replace it with.

And then she showed me how to put this information into action.

Jodi’ provided a 4-week plan for me to follow that eased me into the new way of doing things.

That new way isn’t dramatically different from the old way. But I found it incredibly useful to be able to take on new habits one at a time.

I also appreciated the hand-holding. I’m not lazy or stupid but I’m not sure I would have put all this together myself and just got on with it. Jodi’s step-by-step plan made it super easy to start.

Continuing after that was a piece of cake.

And Jodi is a very practical person. She knows that we humans don’t much like restrictive lifestyles or strict rules on what we can and can’t do.

Her plan is gentle, gradual and easy to implement.

I developed her lifestyle habits quickly – they’re deceptively ordinary.

But she recognizes that we’ll meet up with friends or go to parties and we’ll almost certainly indulge in unhealthy stuff. And that’s fine.

Do it right for 80% of the time and the body will take care of the other 20%.

And she was right. I was delighted with how things worked out – and I feel absolutely wonderful now.

5 or 6 days into the 4-week plan I started to feel the effects. I felt a lot lighter and I seemed to move in a more relaxed way. It’s hard to describe. It was very nice though.

I slept a heck of a lot better. And I didn’t really have a sleep problem in the first place so that was quite a revelation.

At about the 10 day mark my mood lifted noticeably. I mean, I woke up and felt very different – in a good way.

It might have been at the point that things just ran away with themselves. I suddenly had more energy, more enthusiasm for life….

I weighed myself at the 3-week point and found myself 4 pounds lighter.

I wasn’t actually dieting.

In fact, I followed Jodi’s advice to eat until I was full. No need to tell me twice to do that! That weight loss continued slowly but steadily until I was about 10 pounds lighter.

At the end of the 4 weeks I just carried on doing what was clearly already working. And I’ve never stopped.

The science behind Jodi’s solution is extensive. Some of the research is decades old and is now mainstream.

Other findings are from the last few years and are being proven over and over.

The science, the research, the experiments… it’s all fascinating but I was here to get rid of hypothyroidism. For me, no longer having that disease was all the proof I needed!

At the time of writing this I’ve been healthy and happy for the best part of 18 months.

I haven’t experienced a single hypothyroidism symptom for a year and a half.

Now, my mood is always upbeat. My hair is as healthy as the rest of me. I am never tired (unless I’ve been out all night – but that’s a different story!)

Nothing aches and – for the record – my bowel movements are perfect.

Other symptoms I’d forgotten about – like tingling in the fingers – have disappeared. The dark spots under my eyes cleared up in about 6 weeks.

And the weight I lost using this program has never come back.

Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution is proven over hundreds of cases. I was one of its original success stories.

You can be a success story too.

There is no need to suffer any more. The way in which you acquired your hypothyroidism was pretty straightforward. You’ll get rid of it the same way. And Jodi’s program will make sure you do.

If you’ve suffered enough then it’s time to be kind to yourself.

Jodi showed hundreds of us how to attack our disease at its core. It’s not an exaggeration to say her solution is life-changing.

Her Hypothyroidism Solution can be in your inbox about 2 minutes from now.

And so it’s no big deal for her to guarantee her results.

Put simply, if within 60 days purchasing this solution you are not completely happy with the changes to your health, your mood and your sense of wellbeing then you can have all your money back. No questions.

Click here and get the solution right now

Remember that it’s the science-backed foundations of Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution are what makes it work.

Some aspects of her approach have been adopted by mainstream doctors. One day, they’ll offer what Jodi offers. Big Pharma won’t like it because it doesn’t cost anything to do.

But I loved it. As my symptoms fell away I just got happier and happier.

Her Solution is doing something intelligent here. It’s not picking off individual symptoms with drugs. It’s addressing the underlying problem at its cause – where it all began.

We’re reversing how we got hypothyroidism in the first place. We didn’t get it with pharmaceutical drugs. We won’t lose it with pharmaceutical drugs either.

This approach has had fabulous results for hundreds of people who have completely reversed every single one of their symptoms. There’s no reason why it will be any different for you.

Click here and get started this afternoon…

And remember: what we address changes.

But what we ignore doesn’t remain the same. It deteriorates.

The long-term effects of fatigue, low moods and anxiety are not pleasant.

Family-life suffers. Friendships start to fall away. Life just becomes so much less enjoyable.

Hair and skin starts to suffer. Even if you’re not especially vain… dry skin, marks and thinning hair makes anyone self-conscious.

I halted my own deterioration by stopping it in its tracks. I rid my body of the toxins that had started the whole thing off.

When I did that all those dominos fell… and I was healthy once more.

Take charge of hypothyroidism before its grip on your life becomes total. Jodi’s plan has worked for hundreds of people in your situation. 

If within 60 days of buying Jodi’s Solution it hasn’t delivered the results you want, you can have your money back.

All you really have to lose is everything that’s miserable about your hypothyroidism. I’d say that’s well worth losing.

Let’s start now – click here and you can have the Hypothyroidism Solution in your inbox in about 2 minutes…

Text transcript of video…

Click here to get My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Stumped via AI in Public Members of the family? Right here Are 6 Tactics It Can Spice up Your Technique

I know. “AI public members of the family” (PR) kind of turns out like an oxymoron.

Public family members is able shaping and sharing your human stories with other other people. It’s about capturing and growing original human excitement and resonance. How can we ever go away that to the robots?

Well, we can’t — at least no longer completely. Like making use of AI to virtual advertising or every other field, you’ll have to be selective and thoughtful about incorporating AI into your public members of the family methodology. That’s where we’re to be had.

We’ll unpack the pros and cons of using AI in public members of the family and proportion one of the most important smartest use circumstances {and professional} pointers to help you get some of the out of it.

Table of contents

Why Use AI in Public Family members (PR)

The usage of AI in public members of the family has many benefits, then again they all come once more to a minimum of one all professionals check out for — advanced productivity.

graphic showing the pros and cons of using AI in public relations

Let’s spoil down the specifics.

Pros of AI Public Family members

Higher Efficiency

HubSpot analysis came upon 90% of marketers say AI and automation help them spend a lot much less time on information tasks, additional time on the tasks they enjoy most (80%), and additional time on the creative sides of their serve as (79%). Public members of the family isn’t any exception.

In reality, 76.6% of PR professionals already use AI gear to automate their most tedious and repetitive tasks, in line with Prowly.

For PR professionals, AI can suggest quicker market and advertising and marketing marketing campaign analysis, along with quicker press liberate and pitch drafting. AI and automation can also help get rid of information tasks like electronic message follow-ups for your press partners.

Lower Costs

By the use of aiding with time-consuming and mundane tasks, AI can also help scale back useless expenses for your public members of the family worth vary.

For instance, while you pay a freelancer by the use of the hour to draft press releases, using an AI instrument like Jasper or even HubSpot’s Loose AI Content material Author can help decrease the desire for those hours.

Don’t consider me? Prowly came upon that 43.5% of PR professionals using equipment say it has diminished their firms’ normal costs and helpful useful resource needs. That’s on best possible of 48.2% reporting they struggled with operating with a small worth vary up to now twelve months.

The ones small efficiencies add up.

Better ROI

With lower costs comes the potential for greater go back on funding (ROI). Arduous to argue with that.

Cons of AI Public Family members

As great as AI sounds for public members of the family, it nevertheless has drawbacks.

Knowledge Top of the range & Accuracy

Knowledge prime quality and accuracy are one of the most important biggest concerns of using AI in public members of the family or any use case, in truth.

Most public artificial intelligence runs off wisdom fed from its consumers and the internet — and I consider we all know we can’t trust the entire thing we be told online.

On account of this, you can’t at all times know if the consequences you get from AI are right kind or consistent with loyal property. This can be dangerous when using AI in public members of the family, in particular when doing research.

Be wary of validity and even bias. The last thing you wish to have to do is make strategic choices consistent with false or misguided wisdom.


There’s evidently that AI can help expedite your public members of the family workflow, then again that frequently means sharing details about your brand or company to supply results you’ll in fact use.

AI is these days unregulated, so any wisdom you proportion is liable to being stored or passed onto others using the instrument, in conjunction with most likely our festival.

Lack of Human Touch

Public members of the family is able human connection. It’s about how your brand or consumer is perceived by the use of other people and most of the people at large.

While impressive, AI or automation’s ability can best possible transfer a long way in this space.

AI can’t create private relationships and bonds. It might be able to’t take pictures with enthusiasts, shake arms with doable investors, or attend a charity fit. It might be able to’t “be told the room” or understand the subtle nuances of provide events or custom.

And its insights and information are best possible as provide as its ultimate change. So. tread frivolously when using AI or automation for one-on-one conversation.

Without wary enhancing or strategic use of the equipment, its artificial nature can be easy to spot.

This personalization mistake from UK consuming position burgerific is a not unusual one.

Screenshot of a burgerific email showing a personalization token

Symbol Supply

How is AI used in public members of the family?

The probabilities of artificial intelligence are beautiful boundless, then again with the cons and limits we discussed in ideas, listed here are one of the most important perfect use circumstances in public members of the family.

1. Drafting press releases and pitches

In surely one in every of my first promoting and PR jobs, I wrote and dispensed about 2-5 press releases a day. I beloved it, then again I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t time-consuming, let alone draining.

I may also have complicated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from all the typing, then again we’re no longer proper right here to discuss the importance of workspace ergonomics.

With generative AI, you’ll dramatically cut back your press liberate and pitch writing time (and even perhaps Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).

All you need is a instructed answering the ones questions:

  • What’s the aim of your press liberate?
  • What crucial wisdom do it’s a will have to to return with?
  • Who’s it intended for?
  • What tone do you wish to have to use?

For example, I gave ChatGPT this instructed:

“Can you write me a press liberate about Apple’s September 2024 Product Event? It is going to have to return with the date and time — Monday, September 9th at 10:00 AM PT and get the general public fascinated about it.”

Proper right here’s what I got once more:

Screenshot showing a sample press release written by ChatGPT

Alternatively take into account, this must best possible be a starting point. Neerja Patel, a PR professional of over 15 years and founder and CEO of her non-public PR corporate, advises, “Use AI to enhance your creativity and lend a hand with research and content material subject material advent.”

“It shouldn’t trade your thought process or be used as a substitution to your art work. Necessarily essentially the most impactful campaigns that have maximum effects are those who combine the human ideas with AI.”

Skilled tip: “To make sure to are telling the most productive narrative in AI-assisted press releases, include no longer best possible crucial and similar wisdom however moreover provide world inclinations,” continues Patel.

“This may occasionally every now and then help support your messaging, finally increasing your chances of garnering attention from newshounds and securing stories in publications.”

Moreover, are you no longer the savviest with ChatGPT or prompting merely however? Our free data, “Easy methods to Use ChatGPT at Paintings,” will introduce you to the instrument and proportion perfect practices and 100 instructed ideas to get you started.

The ones skills are merely adaptable to other chatbot-style equipment like HubSpot’s Loose AI Content material Author. You’ll check out them in a tool specifically designed for public members of the family, like Meltwater.

2. Automating social media engagement

Being able to schedule social media posts for e-newsletter frees up numerous time for marketers and PR professionals, then again the use circumstances for AI and automation don’t end there.

You’ll moreover use AI to answer comments or direct messages mechanically.

There are a few possible choices available in the market for this, then again personally, I’m a big fan of the conversational promoting instrument ManyChat.

Screenshot showing what automation can look like on the backend of ManyChat

ManyChat can be used to mechanically respond to comments on Instagram posts or send a non-public message when other folks use a decided on word or phrase. It is going to even be used with Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.

3. Monitoring brand sentiment and recognition

AI and automation can also help keep you keep a pulse on how most of the people feels about you or your brand. In numerous words, it will let you follow brand sentiment and recognition changes.

It all comes once more to social listening.

For instance, Digimind’s social listening device “combines Digimind’s AI Sense with OpenAI’s ChatGPT to look at social media, blogs, reviews, podcasts and additional, to find key events about any brand or topic,” outlined MarTech managing editor Constantine von Hoffman.

“It then determines crucial metrics, very similar to achieve, brand impact, and key mentions sent to ChatGPT to be analyzed and summarized in easy English in real-time.”

Need a further simple or budget-friendly selection?

Screenshot of the Google Alerts page

Organize Google Indicators for any phrase or keywords you like, very similar to your brand or product determine. For there, Google shows the web for new content material subject material matching your words and sends an automated electronic message when a brand spanking new consequence turns out.

It’s free and simple so as to care for.

Skilled tip: Will have to you’re a HubSpot particular person, use social inbox streams.

Screenshot showing HubSpot social monitoring tools

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The ones streams will let you follow social media for mentions of your brand, product, or other keywords from within your portal.

4. Maintaining your press document(s)

Prowly’s State of PR Generation experiences that almost a part of public members of the family professionals battle to hunt out similar media contacts.

Databases like those from Prowly, Cision, and Brandwatch can help, then again even if you to find your contacts, maintaining the document can be merely as arduous.

Thankfully, this is one area where AI shines brightest.

For one, AI and automation will let you phase your press contacts into different lists consistent with their unique specialties or demographics.

You’ll create one document for television, each and every different for digital media, and others segmented by the use of location, like New York or London.

Screenshot of HubSpot smart list tool


AI can also help clean your wisdom by the use of mechanically understanding and getting rid of inactive or bounced electronic message addresses, correcting typos in electronic message addresses, and filtering out duplicates.

All that is serving to cut back document decay and support deliverability fees.

Skilled tip: Will have to you employ HubSpot, use good lists and workflows to stick your press lists provide.

Excellent lists will mechanically change, together with and getting rid of contacts consistent with the factors you place, while workflows can be used to scrub wisdom throughout the CRM.

5. Reaching out to media.

AI doesn’t merely permit you to assemble and care for your press document; it will let you contact it.

As an example, using automated electronic message equipment like HubSpot’s, you’ll organize follow-up messages for new contacts who download your press/media package or those who electronic message about press inquiries.

You’ll even organize a series to stick with up with contacts who received’t have opened your outreach or have lengthy long gone dark.

Screenshot showing what it’s like building a workflow in HubSpot


Relatively than having to send out dozens, if no longer a lot, of information emails, automation can scale your outreach efforts and increase your chances of getting

6. Researching

This possibly goes without saying, then again AI is typically a game-changer in public members of the family research.

The usage of AI moderately than an ordinary search engine may make it more uncomplicated to answer explicit queries. Why exactly? Well, there’s no wish to click on on by the use of a few pages and hope you to find what you need; AI does that for you.

It crawls the web for equivalent property and then distills and summarizes the content material subject material for you. While it’ll take a few tries to get the right wisdom you need, an AI chatbot like ChatGPT or Meta AI can save you large amounts of time scrolling.

(Ai)ding your public members of the family success

As quick-witted as many people are, AI can normally process requests, analyze wisdom, and answer quicker than other people ever would possibly simply.

I suggest, think about it this way: I will be able to do long division, then again that doesn’t suggest a calculator won’t help me get the answer quicker.

Take our pointers and advice above and get began using AI in public members of the family with the equivalent mindset.

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Marketplace through Era: Knowledge-Subsidized Content material Intake Conduct To Form Your Technique

Let’s play a recreation: Tell me how out of date you could be without telling me how out of date you could be.

No longer sure one of the best ways to respond? Neatly, chances are high that your content material subject matter consumption habits come up with away.

For instance, I in reality like Instagram and Netflix alternatively have left my Snapchat level behind and don’t understand Roblox.

(While you’re scratching your head, don’t fear. By means of the end of this newsletter, you’ll be able to pinpoint my age, identical to the label on a wine bottle.)

In a global driven via content material advertising and marketing, working out how your target market prefers to devour wisdom is important to getting your messages spotted and heard. However, the specifics can range dramatically consistent with age and generation.

Let’s damage down a couple of of each generation’s most exceptional content material subject matter consumption habits consistent with data and one of the best ways to type your method with them in ideas.

Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior By means of Technology

To be authentic, I don’t like to put someone in a box. Everyone’s different. Using me as an example another time, I in reality love taking a look at television and neighborhood data, alternatively this is ordinary with others in my generation.

All customers are unique, alternatively that level of personalization as a marketer isn’t if truth be told real looking. Elementary benchmarks and statistical data, like those underneath, can inform a technique you later check out and refine.

Keep this in ideas as we talk about:

Remember: A lot of the ones characteristics are pulled from HubSpot’s 2024 Client Characteristics Record, consistent with our survey of over 700 US customers.

You’ll be able to obtain the whole record right here.

Gen Alpha Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior ​​

Contributors of Gen Alpha (born between 2012 and 2024) will not be customers at the moment, alternatively they’re huge customers.

They usually’re needless to say influential throughout the purchases of their elders. Proper right here’s what you need to learn about their content material subject matter consumption habits.

Video Want

Gen Alpha could also be very more youthful. Its contributors have limited independence and mobility, and over 50% personal an iPad, so it’s no surprise video is a popular medium.

Consistent with research corporate Beano Mind, they believe YouTube is “the most efficient brand.”

Client research platform GWI additionally discovered YouTube to be the absolute best video streaming platform for Gen Alpha in 11 out of 14 markets, second best to Netflix in the rest 3.

There’s something for every Gen Alpha on YouTube, ranging from coaching to recreational. The youngest contributors are nevertheless in diapers, taking a look at Ms. Rachel and Cocomelon, while older children are leaning against Like Nastya or even MrBeast.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Screenshot of Ms. Rachel’s website homepage.”/>

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What can you do as a marketer? While you’re in quest of to get in front of Gen Alpha, invest in YouTube Promoting or imagine partnering with YouTube influencers. We’ve got an entire YouTube Advertising Information and a loose direction to get you started. You’ll be capable to moreover imagine YouTube Commercials.

Gaming As a Passion

While on their iPads, there’s moreover a good chance Gen Alpha is playing a recreation like Roblox or Minecraft.

GWI came upon over 70% play digital video video games every day, making it their freshest passion ahead of taking a look at TV/movement footage, social media, or speaking to friends on other platforms.

The ones video video games let avid avid gamers assemble virtual worlds they may be able to uncover with real-life friends who’re moreover playing. They’re moreover working to enhance their worlds via purchasing new avatars, mini-games, abilities, animations, or apparel.

What can you do as a marketer? A whole lot of the pieces and tales available to buy in the ones video video games mimic those into authentic life; they’re continuously even branded. If you probably have the means, uncover the way you’ll be capable to create a logo enjoy in a sport like Roblox, get featured of their advertising and marketing channels, or run commercials.

For instance, athletic brand Nike created Nikeland throughout the recreation.

A still of Nikeland, Nike’s branded space on Roblox.

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As Obsessar explains, Nikeland is “a permanent virtual house for fans to attach, create and compete, empowering shoppers to be their own creator and design mini-games from interactive sports activities actions materials.

Consumers can also compete in relatively a large number of mini-games very similar to tag, the bottom is lava and dodgeball with their friends.”

“Nikeland leverages accelerometers on a shopper’s cell software to translate offline movement to online. Consumers can also get signature Nike sneakers for their avatars from the virtual retailer.”

Gen Z Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

With its oldest contributors entering their late 20s, Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2009) is rising in spending power every day — and that’s with it already sitting with over $450 million in america by myself.

What content material subject matter consumption habits do you need to know to get a piece of the pie?

Be told a lot more about Gen Z purchasing behavior and the best way to align as a marketer.

Social Media Dominance

Consistent with the World Monetary Dialogue board, Gen Z spends an average of just about 3 hours in keeping with day on social media. That’s more than some other generation, and there’s very little they don’t do there.

Graphic showing statistic about Gen Z shopping habits on social media.

HubSpot research shows social media is Gen Z’s #1 channel for product discovery, and 43% have bought something by way of a social media app up to now 3 months. Moreover they turn to it for recreational, coaching, and socializing.

Our survey moreover came upon Gen Z’s top 3 social media platforms are TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, alternatively in step with Morning Seek the advice of, Snapchat isn’t a long way behind.

What can you do as a marketer? Uncover different ways to establish a presence on social media. Neatly-liked alternatives include rising video content material subject matter (a favourite of Gen Z), operating paid ads, user-generated content material campaigns, and operating with influencers.

Content material Hub choices like Social Inbox and Content material Remix can have the same opinion execute social strategies to succeed in Gen Z in HubSpot as well.

Trusting Influencers

With regards to achieve alternatives, our research came upon that Gen Z finds ideas from influencers a lot more important than those from friends and family. And their affect doesn’t save you there.

Gen Z finds influencers and content material subject matter creators relatable and devoted. As The Drum outlined, they follow them because of they “will also be providing connection, companionship, and aspiration.”

On account of this, they no longer best impact a follower’s achieve alternatives however moreover their private views.

What can you do as a marketer? Uncover which influencers and creators your Gen Z customers follow and in case you’ll be capable to probably partner with them. In all probability it’s important to send them a free product to post about or art work on a larger content material subject matter collaboration.

Be told additional about your alternatives for influencer advertising and marketing in our ultimate data.

Millennials Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) are unique among other generations in that that they had been born in an analog international alternatively were given right here of age in a digital one. This dual identity can be spotted in their content material subject matter consumption habits.

Mingling with Social Media

Social media started to upward push all through the early 2000s, making it contemporaries with millennials. Millennials have spotted socials’ many evolutions and been a large player in shaping the cultures of older platforms like Facebook and X (prior to now Twitter).

Graphic illustrating social media as the #1 channel for millennial product discovery

Like Gen Z, social media is the number one channel for product discovery for millennials, alternatively their favorite is YouTube, with Facebook and Instagram following.

45% of millennials moreover get their daily data from social media and over 60% their monetary training.

What can you do as a marketer? Objective to teach millennial audiences on social media. This is likely one of the easiest ways to show off your revel in and assemble the trusting relationships needed to in the future make a purchase order order.

Be told additional about probably the greatest forms of social media content material.


Podcasts moreover were given right here of age alongside millennials. eMarketer came upon that 64.2% of the era be aware of podcasts, while Edison Analysis discovered millennials and older contributors of Gen Z turn to them more than some other age team of workers.

What can you do as a marketer? Consider beginning a podcast for your target market or possibly sponsoring or promoting on a podcast you realize your target market already listens to. Both a type of alternatives will will can help you get your promoting and advertising message into millennials’ ears — if truth be told and figuratively.

HubSpot has created quite a few podcasts over the years, along with Advertising Towards the Grain.

On the other hand nowadays, we also have a big podcast community that brings together many methods our target market will also be informed from.

Screenshot of the HubSpot Podcast Network webpage.

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Many podcast streaming platforms, like Spotify, moreover be offering commercials.

Speaking of streaming…

Subscription Services and products and merchandise

A modern Kagan US Shopper Insights shows millennials spend 9 hours consistent with day on digital recreational.

It’ll surprise you, alternatively, that additional of this time is spent being attentive to track (2.8 hours) and playing video video video games (2.4 hours) than taking a look at TV/video content material subject matter (4.0 hours consistent with day).

This is without reference to having, on cheap, 6.1 online video subscription services and products.

Sounds to me like one generation would perhaps desire a subscription detox.

Out of the ones video subscription services and products, the most popular is Netflix (77%), followed via Amazon Best Video (64%), with Hulu and Disney+ neck-and-neck for third place.

What can you do as a marketer? Now, in truth, you’ll be capable to’t get unique content material subject matter on your favorite streaming platform — that could be cool even if, correct? On the other hand increasingly streaming products and services are providing ad-supported tiers, so that you’ll be capable to nevertheless put it up for sale your product or service to target market.

In step with a find out about through eMarketer, folks of all ages watch video with ad-supported subscriptions at least one time a month, with 80% of Amazon Best Video subscribers opting for ad-supported.

Depending on your millennial target market’s preferences, the ones typically is a pleasing risk for getting their attention.

If the ones ads are out of your price range, you’ll be capable to moreover uncover creative ways to incorporate widespread streaming shows into your content material subject matter. Consider how HubSpot incorporated the HBO assortment “And Merely Like That” into its Instagram content material subject matter:

Gen X Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Against this to the generations that were given right here after them, contributors of Gen X (born between 1965 and 1980) don’t appear to be digital natives. They grew up with additional standard media previous to being exposed to the internet once they were already of working age.


Graphic noting how many hours a day Gen X watches television.

Even if normal television viewership is trending downward in need of streaming, the Bureau of Hard work Statistics discovered contributors of Gen X watch an average of 2.5-3 hours a day.

That’s about 87%, according to Impress Insights, making them the second greatest viewer team of workers behind best kid boomers.

Television could also be Gen X’s 2d favourite supply of day by day information, behind social media.

And that is good. Gen X grew up all through the initial arrival of space television.

What can you do as a marketer? Television ads will not be one of the crucial “inbound” method, alternatively they may be able to nevertheless be environment friendly for reaching nostalgic Gen X audiences. Be told additional in regards to the potential in our Final Information to TV Commercials.

Affinity for Mature Social Media

While of an older age when introduced to social media, Gen X have moreover develop into huge fans of the medium.

In fact, it’s their 2d most-used channel for weekly media consumption (behind television).

Like its younger successors, millennials and Gen Z, our research came upon social media is the number one channel for product discovery for Gen X. However, they prefer Facebook, followed via YouTube (the equivalent as kid boomers).

What can you do as a marketer? Don’t sleep on Facebook promoting and advertising. While waning in reputation with folks beneath 45, the platform is best emerging with Gen X and Kid Boomers. Listed below are some property to get you started:

Kid Boomer Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Kid boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) were the most important generation in the usa until millennials arrived.

As Investopedia explains, they generally keep “economically and politically influential because of their large numbers and the relative prosperity of the U.S. monetary machine all through their working careers.”

So, their content material subject matter consumption habits are value noting.


Kid boomers dramatically need TV to other content material subject matter mediums.

93% flip to it for the majority of their weekly media consumption, and while they have subscription services and products, the volume best hovers round 2.5 consistent with circle of relatives, 4 not up to Gen Z or millennials.

On the other hand what are they taking a look at? Except for for embracing displays like Yellowstone and Dancing with the Stars for recreational, as well as they turn to neighborhood and cable data as their most well-liked channels for daily data.

46% record taking a look at reside, major other generations via 14%.

What can you do as a marketer? Like with Gen X, tv commercials is also how one can move to get in front of kid boomers, alternatively you’ll be capable to moreover imagine taking a look into a couple of in their favorite shows and incorporating them into your content material subject matter.

Social Media Savviness

While they didn’t broaden up with it, child boomers love social media merely as much as their generational successors.

Like Gen X, our report shows their top platforms to be Facebook (70% have visited the web page throughout the last 3 months) and YouTube, with those two moreover major for their free video consumption, in step with Kagan.

Graphic showing how often baby boomers use Facebook.

Against this to other generations, alternatively, our analysis discovered social media is their least most popular channel for product discovery.

What can you do as a marketer? Lean into long-form video content material subject matter on Facebook and YouTube. With their love of television and a couple of social media, experimenting with long-form video could be the secret to leaving a mark on kid boomers.

You’ll be capable to moreover take a look at going live to tell the tale Facebook or YouTube. Check out:

What content material subject matter consumption habits do all generations have in not unusual?

Despite their permutations, all generations seem to agree on 3 problems in relation to consuming content material subject matter:

  • They love social media.
  • They would love video.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be influential.

Bar chart illustrating consumers’ favorite social media platform by generation.

Our survey came upon that 87% of U.S. adults report using social media, with 40% using it to learn new problems or get ideas. In all probability they’re using it in a different way and frequenting other channels, alternatively they’re all using it.

So, without reference to who your target market is, you’ll be capable to’t omit about social on your method.

Be told “Tips on how to Create a Nice Social Media Technique in 2024 (+ New Knowledge)

The equivalent can be mentioned for video. All over every generation, the selection for visual and auditory content material subject matter is apparent, while written (i.e., newsletters and knowledge web sites) are becoming increasingly more a lot much less not unusual.

Plus, video is known to be additional memorable and tasty than static text alone.

All that mentioned, invest in video promoting and advertising — whether or not or now not it’s a television ad, Instagram Reel, YouTube Channel, or quite a few selection alternatives. To seek out the platform your target market is striking out on and meet them there with video.

Be told The Final Information to Video Advertising.

In spite of everything, 72% of all respondents of our survey reported planning on using gen AI-powered search for purchasing groceries one day. 79% of those who have already used it admit it introduced a better experience than standard engines like google.

So, stay apprised of the ones habits and the best way you’ll be capable to adapt your promoting and advertising to them.

Be told AI in Virtual Advertising — The Entire Information.

Are customers content material subject matter along with your content material subject matter?

Content material subject matter promoting and advertising is true right here to stay, alternatively how customers have interaction with it’s evolving. As discussed earlier, no two customers are alike — even within the equivalent generation.

On the other hand using data-backed characteristics and content material subject matter consumption habits, like those shared proper right here, imply you’ll be able to create a smart method that you simply’ll be in a position to check out and refine over the years.

Now, I merely have one question for you: Did you resolve how out of date I’m?

If no longer, I apologize. We millennials is in most cases a little bit mysterious occasionally.

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How My Logo Went Viral: 16 Small Manufacturers That Made It Large (And What You Can Be told)

You don’t must be in promoting and advertising to grasp what it approach to “cross viral,” on the other hand the dream of saying, “My brand went viral”? — That’s undoubtedly unique to our career.

Promoting and advertising managers are even credited with coining the word again within the Nineteen Eighties, but it surely certainly’s safe to say such a lot has changed since then.

“Going viral” is slowly giving method to “becoming a meme” these days, on the other hand each manner, we indicate getting numerous attention on the Internet, specifically on social media.

Think the 10,000 retweets Oreo got on its well known “You’ll be able to nonetheless dunk in the dead of night” Super Bowl tweet in 2013 or the 154 million views Solo Stoves’ covert collaboration with Snoop Dogg generated in 2023.

On the other hand let’s be honest; the ones huge producers have it easy.

International producers have companies and well-staffed promoting and advertising teams standing via to pounce on provide events and traits. Plus, they’ve large, established audiences paying attention and able to spread properly timed content material subject material.

What are the little guys meant to do? How can we clutch some of the viral glory? Let’s keep in touch by the use of how 16 small (or formally small) producers made it happen and what you’ll have the ability to learn from their stories.

16 Small Producers That Went Viral On Social Media

1. Janet Heller Glorious Jewelry

Everyone’s nevertheless talking regarding the Paris Summer season Olympics — and not just about the athletes.

After a success gold throughout the all-around gymnastics final, gymnast Simone Biles showed off a diamond-studded gold goat pendant (representing being the GOAT or “Greatest Of All Time”) to cameras.

And then, finally, fans all over the place wanted their own.

The pendant was once as soon as custom designed for Biles via Janet Heller Wonderful Jewellery, a jeweler of 15 years based in Southern California.

After Biles’ win, Heller gained 1000’s of requests for the pendant on the other hand will not be replicating it. She explains, “The goat can’t be replicated. Simone is one amongst a kind.”

While Heller won’t be selling additional goats, the attention she won from the piece has been overwhelming.

She prompt ABC Data affiliate KABC, “I’ve made many surprising pieces for a lot of lovely people, on the other hand I’ve to say that this is maximum indisputably the highest of my career up to now.”

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Showcase your talent in unique ways.

Certain, we will be able to’t all get legendary athletes to show our product on globally watched television events. Sucks, I know.

On the other hand let’s dial this once more to what trade owner Janet Heller did do: She made something different. Heller provides numerous beautiful jewelry on her internet website online, on the other hand Biles’ price was once as soon as unique and memorable.

It’s easy to appear earlier products which could be very similar to the whole lot else to be had available in the market, however if you find yourself making something people have in no way spotted forward of, you’re one step closer to grabbing attention, getting shared, and going viral.

2. Mike Hege & Pridemore Houses

In July 2024, Mike Hege, a real belongings agent at Pridemore Houses, asked his 27-year-old promoting and advertising manager to edit a video of him to place on his social media.

What they made was once as soon as a compilation of outtakes of Mike breathing, taking into consideration, and essentially “Millennial pausing.”

The Gen Z promoting and advertising manager proceeded to put up the video to the company’s Instagram internet web page with the caption, “Asked my Gen Z employee to edit a video for me, and that’s what I got!” and the Internet loved it.

As I write this, the video has over 5.3 million likes on Instagram and virtually 150K perspectives on TikTok.

It has even sparked a development 1000’s of producers have participated in, at the side of one amongst my favorite local consuming puts in Connecticut, Haven Sizzling Chicken:

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Humanize your brand.

Taking a look at Pridemore’s Instagram account, it’s clear the personnel isn’t any stranger to creating light-hearted content material subject material — and that’s via design.

Hege defined to that the personnel needs to amplify its social media presence previous content material subject material all in favour of North Carolina precise belongings and incessantly shows their humanity in their content material subject material.

He shared, “We want to have the same opinion people during the method of finance and precise belongings. [Our editor] tries to place throughout that we will be able to have a good time, are precise people, and have fun and be on the lighter aspect.” Clearly, it worked.

Be informed additional about humanizing your brand in our article, “Find out how to Humanize a Logo: 15 Absolute best Guidelines for Humanizing Your Voice.”

3. Dominique Ansel Bakery

Studio shot showing five of Dominque Ansel’s cronut pastries on a table.

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Pastry chef Dominique Ansel was once as soon as not very familiar with doughnuts when somebody recognized that his New York bakery didn’t have one on the menu.

In the beginning from France, he grew up eating croissants. So, taking the inquiry considerably, Ansel returned to his roots and invented a brand spanking new twist on the doughnut — the Cronut.

In 2013, Ansel’s Cronut won steam after a foods blogger from Grub Side road documented their experience. Guests to the bakery internet website online rose via greater than 300%, and much coated up day by day to get their arms on the trendy pastry.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Capitalize on exclusivity.

Initially, each batch of Cronuts took Ansel’s personnel 3 days to arrange, which meant the numbers were limited.

Now, a decade later, you’ll have the ability to sign up for a pre-order record or place an order, on the other hand you can nonetheless discover a line outside of Ansel’s bakery (in truth), hoping to get a hold of one of the 350 made recent day by day.

Because of quantities are limited, getting a cronut is a delicious bragging correct and an distinctive experience, which makes people want it a lot more.

If you happen to’re wondering how your brand can cross viral, take a look at limiting production of or get entry to for your offering to build hype. The shortage impact usually is a tricky promoting and advertising tool.

Be informed additional about it in our article, “The Shortage Theory: How 7 Manufacturers Created Prime Call for.”

4. Lala Hijabs

No longer the rest says “2020s” like the story of Lala Hijabs.

Sana and Will Saleh are a young married couple with two children who grew rather an audience on TikTok sharing motion pictures about their regularly lives as Muslims in The U.S. and an interracial couple.

In every single place the COVID-19 pandemic, each and every Salehs out of place their jobs.

But when they came upon the handmade tie-dye hijabs (head coverings or scarves worn via some Muslim ladies in public) that Sana now and again wore in their motion pictures were getting numerous attention, they determined to use their existence monetary financial savings to start a trade.

They defined, “When people began asking where we got [the hijabs] from, we determined to hype up the trade forward of we even began forming it — people loved it and anticipated the large unencumber!”

Since its unencumber, the family-owned trade has won over 145K enthusiasts and 4.4 million likes on TikTok, with 60% of its product sales coming during the app. It moreover has over 27 million enthusiasts on Instagram.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Assemble a bunch first.

We’ve heard it time and time another time. Communities foster brand loyalty and deeper purchaser relationships for firms, and that has showed very true with Lala Hijabs.

The Saleh Circle of relatives had already been on TikTok for about a 12 months forward of they’d the idea for the trade. On the other hand once they did, they already had a hoard of consumers coated up for their product and rooting for their just right fortune.

How do you assemble a bunch exactly? Listed below are a few belongings to help you get started:

5. Taking part in playing cards Towards Humanity

Playing cards In opposition to Humanity — the self-proclaimed “birthday celebration recreation for terrible people” didn’t come from some hip Silicon Valley incubator.

As a substitute, it was once as soon as the brainchild of 8 highschool pals from Chicago, with the aim of “being funny and having people like us,” co-creator Max Temkin outlined.

Screenshot of Cards Against Humanity’s homepage showing examples of the game cards.

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The product has been available without charge download on their internet website online since day one. One day, they started a Kickstarter marketing campaign to print the enjoying playing cards in the marketplace as effectively.

The personnel raised 400% of its unique $4,000 function and became the number-one recreation on Amazon within a month of its 2011 unencumber.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Establish your brand and stay true to it.

Playing cards In opposition to Humanity has always touted itself as the game for misfits, and that unorthodox brand is carried throughout its promoting and advertising.

In 2013, they ran a satirical anti-Black Friday sale where they if truth be told upper the price of the game, pronouncing “At the present time best! Taking part in playing cards Towards Humanity products are $5 additional. Consume!” Their product sales inexplicably upper.

In 2016, their Black Friday advertising marketing campaign featured a live video of the company “digging a vacation hollow“ and asking people to donate to its ”reason.” They raised as regards to $30,000 with the stunt.

And in 2017, they presented their first-ever Super Bowl ad that comes with no longer the rest on the other hand a potato and a suave article about why the ad “failed.”

Taking part in playing cards Towards Humanity is one of the clearest cases of understanding and staying true for your brand. Their reproduction, creative, and campaigns are unapologetically their own, very similar to the game.

It’s a brand that speaks to its audience and, as of 2023, Taking part in playing cards Towards Humanity is a $500 million corporate.

Be informed additional about establishing your voice in “Developing Your Logo Voice: A Entire Information.”

6. Metro Trains Melbourne

Even 11 years later, there’s an excellent chance you’re already humming this catchy little viral song in your head. It’s just right sufficient, so am I.

Melbourne’s metro gadget wasn’t a small brand in line with se, but it surely certainly indubitably wasn’t global when it presented the “Dumb Techniques to Die” (DWTD) coverage advertising marketing campaign.

Previous to the promoting marketing campaign, the gang had wisdom at stations, on the other hand no longer the rest in truth elicited positive changes in conduct, so tried something different.

They presented on the corporate McCann Melbourne to have the same opinion, and DWTD was once as soon as born.

By the use of April 2014, the promoting marketing campaign were considered 77 million occasions on YouTube (At the present time, it’s 312 million). The accompanying recreation became the number one free app in 101 international locations. In six weeks, DWTD had garnered an estimated $60 million in earned media.

Crucial business that were given right here out of the promoting marketing campaign? A 21% aid in railway accidents and as regards to misses.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Get began outside your audience.

Reflecting on the advertising marketing campaign‘s inception, Metro Trains’ Chloe Alsop outlined, “We stored returning to the an identical issue: it’s in truth arduous to get hit via a train. Unsuitable or careless conduct is wanted.”

So, fairly than crafting something essential or heartbreaking, as such a large amount of coverage motion pictures would, they went with a memorable and shareable advertising marketing campaign that earned global attention.

This global affect manner was once as soon as if truth be told via design.

McCann created the original advertising marketing campaign using North American voices and characters on account of they believed “the video had to cross viral first, later it will be a focus for the real audience.”

At the present time, the promoting marketing campaign has transform a franchise used by metro transit around the world. The takeaway for us? As McCann spokesperson John Mescall says, “It was once ‘Think global, act local.’ That isn’t true; we need to think and act globally.”

7. Saucemoto

Saucemoto is every other Kickstarter just right fortune story via none fairly then a company that produces a plastic sauce holder that plugs proper right into a automobile’s air vent. They earned attention at the crowdfunding platform in 2017 with an innuendo-filled video.

The promoting marketing campaign sought $10,000 and netted $63,308 while gaining over 50 million perspectives during social media. Two years later, it scored a $45,000 care for Kevin O’Leary on ABC’s “Shark Tank.” As of 2022, the company was once as soon as valued at $200,000.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Use humor.

Every Saucemoto’s Kickstarter video and their Shark Tank pitch were stuffed with jokes poking fun at how “absurd” the product was once as soon as. On the other hand that humor grabbed people’s attention and made them pay attention.

In reality that Saucemoto solves a real and relatable, albeit silly, downside, and within the match that they hadn’t used humor to clutch people’s hobby, they received’t have spotted the an identical stage of expansion and popularity.

8. Datz Deli

Datz Deli was once as soon as just a small, family-run corner store selling snacks and moderately a large number of Caribbean and Guyanese dishes in Jamaica, Queens, New York, when owner Joshua Dat opened its doors in December 2022.

On the other hand then Johnny Eats posted his now well known TikTok video regarding the location’s signature “Mac Patty” — a Jamaican purple meat patty sliced, situated between coco bread stuffed with mac and cheese and topped with meat and sauce of your variety — and there was once as soon as no turning once more.

The video generated 1.3 million views, and the sandwich became the subject of lots additional.

By the use of August, Dat reported selling more than 10,000 sandwiches a month, more or less 400-600 an afternoon and was once as soon as projected to bring in over one million dollars in his first 12 months in trade. “We don’t sleep anymore,” Dat prompt Eater.

The social media hype caught the attention of Trade Insider, CNBC, and The Kelly Clarkson Show, among others.

At the present time, Dat has opened a second location in Ny and plans to amplify to other primary cities. He moreover continues to advertise out incessantly — Imagine me, I went remaining month, they in most cases were already out of the jerk chicken selection. I was heartbroken.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Collaborate with influencers

In every single place his interview with Kelly Clarkson, Dat recounted how he collaborated with foods blogger Johnny Eats to create the video that can in the end set the “Mac Patty” trajectory in motion.

Eats got new, unique content material subject material for his platform, and Dat was once as soon as exposed to Eats’ audience of over 220,000 enthusiasts during social media.

Having best been open for a few months, this was once as soon as a sensible and treasured partnership for Dat.

Want to learn additional about collaboration and co-marketing? Check out the ones belongings:

Bonus: Get personal.

While Johnny Eats’ video was once as soon as the catalyst for the deli’s media attention, the family members’s personal touch is what they continue to highlight in motion pictures, interviews, and articles.

Customers incessantly praise the personnel’s kindness and hospitality, even all over long wait events and crowds.

Additionally, Dat started the trade to supply his father something to call his non-public and to create stability and building for his entire family members, a function he’s very open about.

His personal, human story is one that people from all walks of existence hook up with and want to reinforce.

9. Chubbies

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Screenshot showing the Chubbies shorts selection on its website.”/>

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Love ‘em or loathe ‘em, Chubbies have left their mark on the apparel business.

The founders are 4 Stanford friends who bonded over their mutual love of temporary shorts and the belief that “should you had a in truth cool pair of shorts, people would discuss it.”

After testing their thought for Chubbies at a Fourth of July seashore birthday celebration, their internet website online presented in September 2011 and no longer the use of a big-budget advertising marketing campaign. They simply started via emailing college fraternity presidents, they in most cases introduced out in days.

At the present time, they generate over $13 million in income.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Ditch the formality.

Witty emails, unapologetic reproduction, and “bro-friendly” photographs set them apart, and their guerilla-style electronic mail tactics spread the Chubbies identify and product by the use of college towns all over the place.

Their voice, and style were casual and informal — very similar to their product. This caught people’s attention and stored it while they grew, expanded their alternatives, and feature been purchased.

When in the hunt for to cross viral, specifically on social media, this laidback manner grabs far more attention than sounding corporate {{and professional}}.

10. Love Your Melon

Love Your Melon is a brand I was introduced to via an old-fashioned teammate a couple of years up to now, and I’ve been keen on it ever since.

The hat and apparel brand started in 2012 as a part of a class challenge for Zachary Quinn and Brian Keller, two students at the School of St. Thomas in Minnesota.

Quinn and Keller prepare a stand outside of Quinn’s family members consuming position with 400 hats. He promised that for each and every 200 hats they introduced, one may well be donated to a local child with maximum cancers. They introduced out in two days.

As Forbes detailed, “Inside each and every week, word of Quinn and Keller’s enterprise went viral. Their Facebook internet web page blew up. Orders were given right here in separately, doubling each and every time.”

“Inside a few months, Quinn had dropped out of college, and Love Your Melon had morphed from a class challenge proper right into a full-fledged start-up with the straightforward function of putting a hat on each and every child struggling with maximum cancers in The U.S..”

At the present time, Love Your Melon’s internet website online claims they’ve donated almost about $10 million to children’s maximum cancers and put over 270,000 beanies on children struggling with it. The emblem continues to donate $1 for each and every product they advertise.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Screenshot of Love Your Melon’s website sharing details on its mission and charitable donations.”/>

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The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Highlight your reason or enterprise.

Anyone who owns a Love Your Melon product will rave about their prime quality and comfort, on the other hand there aren’t any shortage of imitations on Etsy and Amazon.

What devices the company apart is their enterprise. When you acquire a Love Your Melon product, your greenback isn’t merely going to a cold retailer; it’s going towards helping children and families in need with the aim of eliminating Maximum cancers.

You’ll have to not merely embrace a reason or enterprise to move viral — people can sense that inauthenticity from a mile away.

However, whilst you’ve were given something that in truth fits your offering or brand price, using your platform and belongings supplies your audience something upper to get in the back of.

11. Chatbooks

A four-minute viral video? That’s pretty exceptional in at the present time’s 30-second Reel world, but it surely certainly paid off for Chatbooks.

The video that put Chatbooks on the map showed target market tips on how to use the then-new app that turns their social media footage into albums by means of a funny, matter-of-fact mom operating errands and spending time at the side of her youngsters.

Chatbooks introduced 1 million subscriptions in its first 18 months, racked up over 1 million views on YouTube, and has over 400,000 “likes” on Facebook. As well as they continue to put up honest, pain-point-driven motion pictures that comes with the an identical now-recognizable mom.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Showcase relatable pain problems.

Why was once as soon as Chatbooks video the sort of good fortune? They nail their buyer character and the problems they face.

The video features a busy, affordable mom. She speaks to the objective marketplace with the entire advice, sarcasm, and “I get it, I’ve been there,“ relatability you’ll seek for from a fellow cool mom. It closes with a catchy tagline: ”Performed is more healthy than absolute best.”

It’s easy to phone in your consumer personas, excited by commonplace groups, on the other hand Chatbooks went the extra mile.

They clearly regarded as how their character thinks, what she worries about, how she’s spending her time, and the best way footage resolve into her disturbing schedule.

The result? A video their audience may no longer have the same opinion on the other hand share.

12. National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum:

The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum is a museum in Oklahoma The city that celebrates the history of the American West and Native American art work.

Like most people, it was once as soon as forced to close its doors all over the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand a small personnel, at the side of head of protection Tim Tiller, nevertheless watched over the grounds.

Tiller was once as soon as recruited to run the museum’s social media while it was once as soon as closed, and the internet fell in love.

A social media amateur at the time, Tiller’s humor and behind-the-scenes footage during Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook drew 1000’s of likes and comments.

And at the present time, the museum has over 400,000 enthusiasts during its Twitter, Instagram, and Fb profiles.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Hone in on a “creator.”

Other people follow producers on Instagram on the other hand are a lot more prone to follow and engage with people, specifically people they care about and like.

A great way for your online business to capitalize on this is to recruit specific creators, like Tiller, to appear incessantly in your content material subject material.

The ones individuals are like your “spokespeople,” giving your audience somebody human to recognize and root for fairly than just a cold, faceless brand.

In this state of affairs, the brand went viral on account of people were no longer merely following a museum with pointless artifacts; they have got been following a pleasing face with a personality in Tiller.

Phrase: My teammate Meg Prater, who grew up in Oklahoma, can verify Tiller remains a local hero and is the subject of so much merchandise.

13. Mohawk Chevrolet

Mohawk Chevrolet, a automobile dealership in Malta, New Jersey, went viral after starting a spoof of the most popular series “The Workplace” on its social media.

Episodes of “The Dealership” drop on the company’s TikTok each and every Tuesday, they in most cases’ve generated over one million likes and 150k enthusiasts on the platform.

They’re no longer at the entire number one to parody the series, on the other hand they’re arguably some of the the most important a good fortune, grabbing the attention of USA At the present time and Complicated, among other media retail outlets.

It even inspired other producers to start their own spoofs, together with Pridemore Homes, which we discussed earlier.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Use popular culture to connect to your audience.

Mohawk Chevrolet could have made it huge with “The Dealership,” on the other hand they’re no strangers to poking fun at popular culture in their content material subject material. Scroll down their feed, and in addition you’ll to seek out motion pictures influenced via HBO’s “Sport of Thrones” and the “Well-known individual Wars” franchise.

Using pop culture or provide event references is a fun and memorable method to clutch people’s attention and show persona.

Screenshot of a comment from a Mohawk Chervolet TikTok video showing a followers love of their content and services.

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This is a fun and easy method to resonate at the side of your audience and lead them to want to artwork with you. So, get creative.

14. Eva Kor and Candles

In 2017, BuzzFeed did a profile on Auschwitz survivor Eva Kor and her Holocaust memorial museum, Candles, in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Previous to the video, the museum was once as soon as rather small and had suffered its share of hardship. However, the profile gave Kor a global platform to share a story of heartbreak, bravery, and remembrance that connected with loads of 1000’s.

After its e-newsletter, a seek advice from to the favored local museum became a should, and a variety of shared their stories on social media. Many people in Terre Haute will enthusiastically help you learn about their first time at Candles.

Now, loads of 1000’s of people know regarding the museum and get to spread that message.

In 2019, two Indiana natives teamed up with PBS to unlock a documentary highlighting Kor’s legacy.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Percentage a human story.

Everyone has a story to tell. Candles’ story is one amongst energy, pastime, and perseverance — feelings everyone can relate to.

By the use of telling your story and what motivates your online business, you may also clutch the hearts and attention of the masses.

15. Liquid Death

Liquid Dying is some distance from a small brand now, but when it was once as soon as started in 2017, it was once as soon as just a little little bit of an anomaly.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Screenshot of the Liquid Death website showing their product selection.”/>

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It was once as soon as water — very similar to Poland Spring or Aquafina — but it surely certainly was once as soon as allocated in a can fairly than a plastic, see-through bottle, and it was once as soon as marketed like alcohol. It wasn’t the remainder new, on the other hand at the equivalent time, it was once as soon as.

Gen Z and millennials loved it.

The emblem has over 3 million enthusiasts and 5.2 million on TikTok, and, in line with NBC Information, it’s valued at about $1.4 Billion.

It’s in most cases reported that Liquid Death “hit $263 million in global product sales and can be found in 113,000 retail outlets across the U.S. and U.Adequate.”

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Downside the norm.

It’s safe to say Liquid Death isn’t like other purified water producers.

Overlook pictures of lakes and rivers. Liquid Death uses skulls and rock stars like Ozzie Osbourne. It even has a digital “Murder Head Death Club” stuffed with NFTs and merchandise giveaways for fans to experience.

It’s additional of a lifestyle than just water, and that’s what makes it stand out.

Brad Avery, senior reporter for business knowledge personnel BevNET outlined to NBC:

“When you check out branding throughout the bottled water magnificence, such a large amount of it has revolved spherical subjects identical to the purity of the water, superior levels of hydration, and so forth. Liquid Death took off in part because it was once as soon as a subversion of the entire tropes of bottled water promoting and advertising that we’re familiar with.”

As sober and alcohol-free life transform an increasing number of in style in the us, specifically among younger generations, Liquid Death’s promoting and advertising needs consumers to keep in mind that healthy alternatives can nevertheless be fast-paced and exciting.

16. Greenback Shave Club

We will’t discuss small producers that went viral and not indicate Greenback Shave Club (DSC).

At this stage, the razor company’s inaugural video from 2012 is a legendary case know about in video promoting and advertising.

Co-founder Michael Dubin wrote and starred throughout the video and had a friend shoot it in at some point for not up to $4,500.

It spoke flawlessly not to peculiar shaving pain problems, poked fun at the company, and presented to the field that it was once as soon as able to shake up a up to now forgettable business.

90 minutes after the video went live, the company’s servers crashed on account of the entire website online guests the video generated. Over the next two days, DSC won 12,000 orders.

DSC was once as soon as purchased for $1 billion in 2022, and at the present time, its “Our Blades Are F***ing Great” video has 28 million views.

The lesson on tips on how to make your brand cross viral? Make a monotonous business exciting.

Shaving has always been a part of existence; it’s not in truth something value talking about with your folks, on the other hand DSC made it one with its promoting and advertising.

Its video, candid voice, and innovative solution (prime quality razors shipped straight away for your door for merely $1) breathed new existence into the shaving business. The ones were all novelties value sharing and talking about.

Not to be the bearer of bad knowledge, on the other hand there’s no be sure that your brand will ever cross viral.

Maximum incessantly, it’s good fortune by chance or even an algorithm. The best issue you’ll have the ability to do is to use the tips and categories discovered from the ones 16 producers to incessantly create prime quality, unique content material subject material and send great products and services.

Sound like numerous artwork? Honestly, it’s what you’ll have to be doing anyway.

With this manner, if and when your small brand goes viral, people won’t merely share or perceive you and disappear. Relatively, they’ll stick spherical on account of they know you will have something valuable to provide.

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Inclusion as a Buyer Acquisition Technique (+ Examples)

Welcome to Writer’s Columnswhere we send expert HubSpot writer voices to blogs that inspire and empower you to grow.

I am the founder of an inclusive business plan consulting firm. Having worked with clients of all sizes across all industries over the years, I have noticed that many marketers and business leaders, however, do not fully understand the business benefits of inclusive promotion and advertising.

Great manufacturers engage in inclusive advertising and marketing because they understand that it helps them have a greater impact on a wider audience while increasing product sales.

While most marketers wouldn’t intentionally exclude consumers, no longer excluding is not the same as actively alongside. True inclusion and the power to consistently reach new shoppers from underrepresented and underserved communities requires intention.

Why Great Producers Invite Multi-Identity Buyers to Become Their Customers

For example, imagine that you want to make friends with a newly formed group of workers or other people, and you need to decide to throw a birthday party. A good host would do more than just put up a sign that says, “Hey, everyone, come to my birthday party.” A savvy host would actively spread the word so that the new group of workers clearly knows they are invited.

Good hosts who need to host a specific group of workers or other people should make sure they get an invitation to the birthday party right away.

And then, eco-friendly organizers make sure that all the details and experience of the birthday party are intelligently planned, to ensure that when the group you want to attend arrives at your birthday party, they will have so much fun that they won’t want to leave and will be interested in attending the next party.

This free HubSpot Methods to Construct an Emblem bundle will give you the resources you need to create a brand that makes the majority of people you serve feel truly at home and want to attend more of your “brand events.”

There are many ways manufacturers can move to acquire new buyers. Alternatively, for consumers in underrepresented and underserved communities, I want to continually remind my clients that it is not enough to simply reach out and say “you are welcome here.”

Producers should intentionally invite others from their communities to become their buyers, as they have long been excluded and underserved by producers.

Shoppers from marginalized communities are consistently skeptical of manufacturers’ intentions, especially those who quickly start engaging with them after having previously ignored them.

What consumers don’t know is whether a brand’s efforts are one-off, opportunistic, or short-lived, so they continue to keep their distance until they know a brand is dedicated to serving and supporting its workforce.

So as manufacturers work to acquire consumers from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities, it will be important to invite them in a way that makes them feel truly recognized, supported, and part of the group.

Below are some examples of how manufacturers have adopted inclusive promotion and advertising as a method of acquiring buyers for the specific identities they aim to serve.

Examples of manufacturers that rely on inclusive promotion as a method of acquiring buyers

1. Walmart Helps Neurodivergent Shoppers

In 2023, after listening to feedback from all shoppers and individual employees, Walmart decided to mandate open-to-the-public hours every day, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., at all of its stores in the United States and Puerto Rico.

During this time, the lights are dimmed everywhere in stores, the music is turned down, and static images are shown during television programs, creating a much less stimulating atmosphere.

Evidence shows that Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) affects 5-16% of school-age children in the United States and approximately 20% of the general population. SPD is consistently found in others with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Because Walmart took the time to “see” consumers who needed a less stimulating environment to shop for groceries, the logo removed the barriers that prevented consumers and caregivers of others with SPD from shopping for groceries in its stores and invited them in.

Inclusive Customer Acquisition Strategy Example: Walmart

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In this episode of the Inclusion & Promoting podcast, I sat down with 3 professionals who are all neurodivergent. They shared their experiences and sound advice for manufacturers who need to make sure that neurodivergent consumers and caregivers truly feel like they belong in your brand.

2. Lululemon expands to serve shoppers who purchased larger sizes

Once again, in September 2020, sportswear retailer Lululemon decided to invite people who wore larger sizes to become shoppers. The store did so by expanding the range of sizes presented to carry the previous size 14, up to size 20.

Over the two years following the decision to adopt further inclusive dimensions, the emblem experienced the largest enlargement ever recorded in 8 years, by 42% and 30% respectively.

The typical length of clothes for a girl in the United States and Europe is 16. Therefore, by offering additional sizes, Lulemon was ready to acquire a new group of consumer workers, who until now were not ready to fit into their clothes.

Example of an inclusive customer acquisition strategy: Lululemon

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3. Fenty Good Looks Extends Makeup Brush to Women of All Skin Tones

One of my favorite examples of a brand that has won over countless consumers with its inclusivity is Fenty Beauty.

Rihanna’s brand launched in 2017 with 40 shades of sunscreen foundation to be inclusive of others of all skin tones who need makeup. The breakthrough release shattered many product sales figures in its early days, with many shades for all darker and lighter skin tones selling out.

After seeing the response from consumers wearing “much less common” foundation shades and being invited to become Fenty Beauty shoppers, other cosmetics companies changed their approach and began offering 40 foundation shades as well.

Being inclusive has become the standard for any brand that wants to acquire new customers on an ongoing basis.

Inclusive Customer Acquisition Strategy Example: Fenty Beauty

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4. VidIQ reaches Spanish-speaking shoppers

Device manufacturer VidIQ has decided to invite Spanish-speaking YouTubers to become their customers by making video tutorials in Spanish for their group.

The United States has the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the world (after Mexico), and Spanish is the second most widely spoken indigenous language in the world (after Mandarin).

Creators who prefer to be informed and use equipment in Spanish can do so, as VidIQ is intentionally committed to making its current equipment available in Spanish.

This image shows a Spanish-language video on the brand’s Spanish-language channel, highlighting how consumers can access the VidIQ Academy with Spanish subtitles and learn how to control graphics software settings in Spanish.

Example of an inclusive customer acquisition strategy: VidIQ

5. KitKit shows Muslim customers that they see them

KitKat Canada’s workforce has invited the Muslim workforce to be their shoppers. The brand has introduced the KitKat Iftar bar: thirty KitKats that others can use to break their daily rush while observing Ramadan.

By using the bar design specifically for Ramadan, the emblem has made it clear that it sees the Muslim workforce in one way or another, which many different manufacturers do not. As such, the emblem can reach new buyers throughout Ramadan who can then convert into steadfast consumers throughout the 12 months.

6. Mattel adapts video games to make them available to colorblind people

Toy manufacturer Mattel has decided to invite colorblind and visually impaired people to become its buyers.

The toymaker said that by the end of 2024, 80 percent of the games in its vast catalog, including Uno, Tumblin’ Monkeys, and Blokus, will be colorblind-friendly. The brand said that percentage will increase to 90 percent by the end of 2025.

Mattel recognizes that being blind or colorblind does not diminish a person’s desire to enjoy playing video games with family and friends. For this reason, the brand has partnered with color blind professionals and co-created with people who are colorblind to create solutions that work for a broader group of workers or shoppers.

Example of an inclusive customer acquisition strategy: Mattel

This episode of the Inclusion & Promoting podcast summarizes the categories that emerged from an interview with Google’s Chief Brand Accessibility Officer about the brand’s approach to accessibility.

7. MasterCard solves a specific problem for transgender cardholders

MasterCard has invited other transgender people to be their shoppers by solving a real need they had when they were given the time to purchase something. If a transgender or non-binary consumer appears to be different from what the identity on their card says, it continually puts them in an awkward position when making a purchase order.

Solving specific problems for other people from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities makes it easier for them to make a choice about you.

In this episode of the Inclusion & Promoting podcast, I sat down with an LGBTQ+ expert who shared some great insights on how to build an LGBTQ+ inclusive brand.

It’s time to invite more people to become your buyers

Acquiring buyers from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities requires intentionality in products, promotion and advertising, insurance policies, and communications.

Make it clear to the people you want to help that you see them, you understand them, and you have created an environment that makes them feel truly at home.

As you do this, you will not only buy more people from those communities, but you will also earn their loyalty.

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