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The 4 Cycle Solution

Product Name: The 4 Cycle Solution

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Do you think your carb addiction is making you fatter? Here’s how you can lose 7-11 pounds of PURE fat in the next 7 days by eating MORE carbs…

Why Carb-Cycling Is The Most Sensible Nutrition Solution to Permanent Weight Management…

Feel “Healthy”, NOT Hungry All The Time—with LIMITLESS Food Options.

“Outsmart” Your Metabolism and Become Adapted to Burning Fat in LESS Than 7 Days.

Conquer the DREADED Diet “Plateau”—for continuous weight loss once and for all.

END Your Body’s “Addiction” To Burning Nothing But Sugars and REPROGRAM YOUR BODY—to burn the fat FIRST, not LAST (and keep it off for good).

Learn How To Eat LOTS Of Your Favorite Carbs And NEVER Store Them As Fat.

“Crack the Fat Loss Code” once and for all with the EASIEST Scientific Way to Lose Fat.

WARNING: This article is highly controversial, so most crash dieters and newbies will dismiss this because they have been mindlessly misled to follow the same ole’ baloney misinformation and outright lies packed inside diet books making you think you can’t eat carbs without getting fat.

Did you know that the Japanese are the LEANEST and HEALTHIEST people on the planet?

They are more likely to reach 100 years old than anyone else in the world, a fact that most researchers attribute to their diet.

In fact, many call their home “The Land of Immortals”.

In addition to their high life expectancy, they are known for their unusually low mortality from cardiovascular disease and even certain types of cancers.

THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE: They are 8 times LESS likely to die from coronary heart disease, 7 times LESS likely to die from prostate cancer, 6.5 times LESS likely to die from breast cancer, and 2.5 times LESS likely to die from colon cancer than an average American of the same age.

And get THIS: the Japanese have the LOWEST rates of obesity (only 2.9%) in the world, versus 11% for the French and 32% for Americans, according to the International Obesity TaskForce.

So evidence clearly proves they live LEANER and age SLOWER than the rest of the world.

The traditional Japanese diet consists of 85% carbohydrates, 9% protein, and only 6% fat…

I’m not advocating you eat like this – NO WAY! You still have to be “smart” about it by using the Carb Cycling solution found below.

But it proves once and for all, that despite all the bad press over the years, many high carb foods like potatoes and rice do NOT make you fat.

Make no mistake about it. The Japanese diet staples are high carb foods like white rice and Samurais were even known for eating up to 24 different varieties of potatoes!

Ironically, to this very day they’re STILL the leanest and healthiest people in the whole world.

Eating carbs like this would be considered CRAZY by today’s low carb diet standards.

But the Japanese continue to break all the rules and eat carbs. LOTS of them.

How do the Japanese continue to eat a HIGH carb diet, while keeping the fat off their body to stay leaner and healthier than the rest of the world year after year?

Let me tell you the real truth about the Japanese from the story above that keeps them leaner and healthier than everybody else…

Do you really think lean and healthy people, like the Japanese, obsess over choosing low glycemic foods, counting calories and carb grams?

Absolutely not: It’s been a part of their culture for hundreds of years.

You might think it’s all in their genes, but when Japanese people adopt a western-style diet, they put on weight quickly and gain fat rapidly just like we do.

That’s because the Japanese were raised differently than you so they unknowingly have access to a diet secret that doctors and researchers have been missing out on for years…

But that’s not all. The most important piece of the fat loss puzzle is what’s been known since the days of the caveman.

MOST of these foods are NOT what you think they are.

As you’ll discover below, most of the lower carb diet foods you think help you burn fat could actually be making you fatter with every bite, while eating many of the high carb foods you try to avoid can actually help you burn MORE fat.

Even though BOTH of these ladies have the EXACT same size 2 body, the physique on the right is comprised mostly of dense, shapely, tone muscle, while the image on the left…isn’t.

The unfortunate reality is that 99% of Low Carb Diets result in a significant amount of muscle loss. Although the girl on the left looks “ok”… the girl on the right looks smokin’ HOT.

Everything you’ve been told about eating carbs for fat loss is DEAD WRONG.

In fact, LACK of healthy carb intake is the primary reason 86% of today’s exercisers and dieters look and feel terrible because it robs you of energy, SLOWS down your metabolism, and STOPS your body from burning fat.

Once you understand the REAL truth about carbs and YOUR body…

As you’ll soon discover below, Carb Cycling is something that ANYBODY at ANY age can use to ERASE stubborn fat faster, while still eating LOTS of your favorite carbs.

That’s the Carb Cycling advantage. It PROTECTS your metabolism and KEEPS your body burning fat for the long haul. See for yourself…

[3]Davis, et. al. Concurrent training enhances athletes’ strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487–1502.

Why is Macro-Patterning™ The Most Sensible Solution to FASTER Fat Loss and Permanent Weight Management?

It OVERCOMES the 5 biggest dieting adaptations your body goes through… all of which create weight loss plateaus, stop your fat loss, slow down your metabolism, zapping your body of energy, and suppressing critical hormones.

Discover how to effectively use all your excess fat and the food you eat everyday MUCH more efficiently as IMMEDIATE energy, instead of storing it as fat.

Macro-Patterning™ allows you to manipulate stored energy in your muscles and liver (i.e. glycogen), which means FASTER more efficient fat loss and healthier metabolism.

When you crack the fat loss code with carb cycling, you’ll take a few days of the week to lower glycogen levels just enough for your body to grab and burn fat.

When you learn the simple science behind the fat loss code and break it forever, you approach nutrition and fat loss with a logic of knowledge (coming from a place of POWER)… NOT the “emotional” attachment to the latest diet of the week.

The very FIRST thing your body wants to do when you diet is shed precious muscle. But it can’t do so if it’s PROTECTED. The only way to get YOUR body to burn fat, instead of muscle, is to make it easier to do so.

And when you have more muscle, you can get away with eating LOTS more of your favorite foods because you burn more calories and your energy tank becomes largely EXPANDED.

More muscle means a healthier metabolism that loves to burn MORE fat—all while boosting your metabolism and keeping you YOUNGER looking.

That’s what makes Macro-Patterning™ so effective. It protects and supports your muscle to help you AVOID the “skinny fat” look.

The third adaptive response that you need to overcome is managing insulin and controlling blood sugar levels.

Chronically increased insulin levels and elevated blood sugar promote fat storage, ages you at an accelerated rate, while stable blood sugar and insulin levels make it much EASIER for your body to use stored fat as fuel.

You may think this is accomplished by just using LOW carb foods, but quite the contrary. You can still eat many of your favorite HIGH carb foods, while keeping blood sugar and insulin at bay. It’s all about managing 3 simple things: Portion Sizes, Timing, and Combinations.

Besides, most of us just abandon these low carb types of plans anyway. They’re not realistic for our way of life.

Don’t worry; we leave NOTHING to chance. Once you learn how easy it is to carb cycle, it truly takes all the guesswork out of blood sugar and insulin.

The fourth adaptive dieting response to overcome is the body’s needs for consistent energy. 

To use fat more consistently as fuel, you’ll need to naturally “heat up” the body. This is done by using carb cycling to balance your calorie intake and regulating your thyroid and leptin levels (fat burning hormones).

When you heat up your body by Macro-Patterning™, more energy is used, and your body fat becomes a DIRECT SOURCE OF FUEL.

The fifth and final step to MAXIMIZE your fat burning efficiency and give you optimal health is creating a “fat burning energy deficit”, which sends a powerful “signal” for your body to use excess fat you have stored.

There are two simple ways to create a “fat burning energy deficit”:

2) Exercise and Move More

With Macro-Patterning™, we show you how to use BOTH of these strategies simultaneously so your body knows how to “go get the fat” FIRST.  When we create a healthy “fat burning energy deficit”, the body automatically uses more fat for an energy source.

Did You Know? Whenever you lower carbs in your diet for more than 5 to 7 days at a time, it can lead to a downward spiral of metabolic problems including:

– Suppressed thyroid (inefficient conversion of T4 to T3)
– Decreased testosterone production (women need this to burn fat too!)
– Compromised immune system function
– SLOWER metabolism and adrenal fatigue
– Muscle loss
– Halted fat burning and weight loss plateaus
– Leptin resistance (50% LESS fat burning hormone production)  

Ya, pretty much everything you want to avoid.

So even though lowering carbs can be a lethal weapon in your fight against fat, you have to be careful and use low carb diets in the “smartest” way possible.

This is when Carb Cycling comes in handy.

By increasing your carbs strategically, after day 7, you can have:

– More efficient thyroid output (increased conversion of T4 to T3)
– Increased testosterone production
– Improved immune system function
– Elevated metabolism and healthier adrenal glands
– Gains in lean muscle
– Faster fat burning
– Better leptin sensitivity (increased levels of fat burning hormones)  

This is the “magic” of Macro-Patterning™.

It allows you to indulge in your most intense cravings for carbs and purposefully abandon traditional dieting to offset the adaptations of short term extreme dieting.

My name is Shaun Hadsall and I grew up in a little farm town in Northern Michigan called Birch Run.

After I escaped the backwoods of that small town back in 1996, I went on to become a 3 time on-line best-selling nutrition author and stubborn fat specialist who has been coaching clients from all over the world for 16+ years now.

But it wasn’t always this way… not even close!

Here was my end result after 8 years of busting my butt.

I know I don’t necessarily look bad or overly “fat” in this picture… but keep in mind; this was after EIGHT years of exercising consistently 1-3 hours EVERY day trying to get rid of stomach fat.

And I was STILL stuck at nearly 20% body fat!

Then one day it all changed when I picked up a magazine called Muscle Media and learned about the Body-for-Life™ body transformation contest.

It was a very emotional moment to say the least, because I had some very deep personal reasons for wanting to change my body and life. It was primarily a custody battle of my 6 year old little daughter.

This inspired me to change my philosophy about fat loss and life, and sent me on a relentless pursuit of helping others learn the REAL TRUTH about eating carbs and staying lean.

By the end of the contest, my whole life had transformed.

I had a BRAND NEW body. I had joint custody rights of my daughter. I paid off all my bad debts. I even mended several broken relationships.

But most importantly, this is how I discovered how ANYBODY can use Carb-Cycling to break the chains that make traditional dieting such a MISERABLE experience.

Now you can probably start to see why I feel like it’s my DUTY and OBLIGATION to get you started on the Macro-Patterning™ solution.

It’s personal for me and I take your results VERY seriously.

I’ve also spent the last 19 years meticulously perfecting this system to maximize its results so it can be used by ANYBODY, as you’ll soon discover below.

But that’s not the only reason I’m so passionate about this solution…

Even though my wife Karen and I were even lucky enough to run one of the world’s Top 10 personal training studio franchises in Ann Arbor, Michigan, while helping hundreds of local residents, from EVERY age, gender, and limitation known to man transform their aging bodies to help them look and feel years younger… it was a LONG, TOUGH JOURNEY.

Just when I thought I had this whole carb-cycling and exercise thing mastered, that’s when I met Karen, who just happened to be 11 years older than me.

Shortly after we met, Karen was diagnosed with stage one Colo-Rectal cancer.

Unfortunately, this involved harmful chemo and painful radiation treatments that literally turned her ovaries into raisins—FORCING her straight into menopause.

Needless to say, the age difference quickly taught me some VERY big lessons about the role hormones play in fat loss and nutrition.

Hormones are EVERYTHING when it comes to shedding unwanted pounds and keeping your body looking younger—especially as you get older.

That’s why immediately after Karen’s recovery, she started the very first week of Macro-Patterning™ (Cycle #1 that you’ll learn all about below).

And in the first 7 days she lost 8 pounds! I knew then we were onto something BIG. Eight weeks later, she was 22 pounds lighter.

As you can clearly see from her pictures, Macro-Patterning™ works.

If my wife can lose 22 pounds AFTER battling Colo-Rectal Cancer, while radiation treatments “zapped” her straight into menopause…

Isn’t it blatantly obvious it can work for YOU too?

It doesn’t matter if you’re an old fart, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in your late 20s or 30s… or well into your 40s, 50s or 60s–ANYBODY can use carb cycling for a flatter belly.

That’s because Macro-Patterning™ helps you control your hormones to help you make quick, and continuous, progress with your diet and exercise plan so it works for anybody.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Paleo follower, a fitness buff, an aspiring bodybuilder, or a
60 year old grandma, ANYBODY can strip off stubborn fat faster using carb cycling.

No matter WHAT your age, gender, or current condition you’re in, YOUR body has been designed to run on the glucose found in high carb foods since the days of the caveman.

HOWEVER, our lifestyles have changed dramatically over the years. The quality of food and our need to grab the WRONG carbs can make you FATTER and FATTER with EVERY bite.

But once you know how easy it can be to eat your favorite carbs based on YOUR activity
level and metabolic needs, your diet and your fat loss can automatically be put on Cruise Control.

For example, if you’re sedentary and don’t like to exercise, your body does NOT need as
many white starches and ripe fruits as somebody who exercises intensely on a consistent basis.

Macro-Patterning™ Shows You How To SUPERCHARGE Your Fat Loss and Your Metabolism by Eating
the RIGHT Carb Choices Based on YOUR Lifestyle to KEEP Your Body Burning Fat.

 Sedentary People (no exercise or activity):

Limit intake of starches and ripe fruits. Stick with smaller amounts of starchy carbs like squash, quinoa, and slow cook oatmeal unless it’s your cheat day. Moderate amounts of fruits like berries and cherries are great carb choices as well.

We’ll show you how to combine Carb Down days with Carb UP days below so you can still enjoy many of your favorite carbs WIHOUT fat storage even though you don’t like to exercise.

 Active (moderate exercise 3-4x per week):

Consume moderate amounts of starchy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown and black rice, lentils, and slow cook oats.Fruits are great choices too, but try to consume your ripe fruits and starches on exercise days to enhance all the benefits listed above.

 Exerciser or Endurance Athlete (active 5-7 days of the week):

Most people who fall into this category (weight lifters, high intensity exercisers, and endurance athletes) are severely carb depleted and need MORE white starches and ripe fruits in their diets.

Potatoes, white rice, and ripe bananas are 3 of the best choices you can use if you fall into this category. Feel free to eat any of the carbs listed above from groups 1 and 2 as well.

These are some of the BEST carb choices you can make to get all the fat-burning benefits of carbs, WITHOUT fat storage from your carb intake. 

Simply put, if you eat carbs with the wrong foods – at the wrong times, you’ll STORE fat. If you eat carbs with the right foods at the right times, you’ll BURN fat.

Even though all 4 cycles are set up in a specific order to get you’re the FASTEST, most strategic results possible…

Each cycle can also be used individually as a “stand alone” diet you can use ANYTIME!

But as you’ll soon discover below, Cycle 1 is the
PERFECT cycle to use the week before
or after your favorite social event or vacation…

I can’t wait to get you started on the 4 Cycle Solution. It’s so simple to follow because it uses four Macro-Patterning™ cycles that work together, in a strategic sequence, to help you QUICKLY strip off stubborn fat.

You’ll start out by first becoming “adapted” to burning PURE fat with 7 days of your fastest fat loss EVER. Then you’ll progressively move through the other three cycles.

As you’ll see below, the 4 Cycle Solution is specifically designed to “prime” your metabolism and hormones for continuous progress to KEEP you motivated, while getting rapid results as you move through all 4 cycles.

And that’s what makes Macro-Patterning™ different than the rest.

No more suffering through restriction and calorie deprivation. Your diet will no longer cause you to miss out on the fun things in your life.

That’s the real carb cycling advantage – Sanity.

All you have to do is simply follow ONE cycle at a time…

Here’s exactly how they work…

Cycle 1 is the PERFECT 7-day cycle to use when you fall off the diet wagon because it RESETS your body’s fat burning switch by turning OFF your addiction to burning sugars, while reprogramming your body to use fat FIRST every time you eat and move.

How would it feel to drop 5, 6, 7, all the way up to 10 pounds of PURE fat in just one short week WITHOUT rebound weight gain or messing up your metabolism?

That’s exactly what can happen with during Cycle #1.

This is by far the most powerful strategy of the 4 Cycle Solution because it reprograms and fixes your broken metabolism to teach it where fat stores are available for immediate and long term energy needs.

So before you can flood your body with all the fat-burning and metabolic enhancing benefits of your favorite carbs – we have to first, “shut off”, your body’s “addiction” to sugars and TURN ON your fat burning pathways.

This is known as becoming “FAT ADAPTED”. And once you make the switch, they’ll be no turning back.

The 7 Day Depletion Cycle serves several essential metabolic purposes that will reprogram your metabolism for long term fat loss:

First, you’ll reprogram your metabolism to make fat your “go to” energy source.

Second, it’s the quickest and easiest way for you to drain the body of carbohydrate stores and/or muscle glycogen to get instant results and achieve the fastest fat loss possible.

Third, it shuts off your body’s dependence on burning nothing but sugars, which further accelerates the break down of ugly fat.

Fourth, it helps you aggressively control and stabilize blood sugar for even more rapid fat loss.

Additionally – and most importantly – Cycle 1 “sets up” your metabolism for the carb cycling lifestyle and creates the “perfect metabolic storm” for aggressive and sustained fat loss.

Expect to lose anywhere between 5 and 15 pounds during this first 7 days.

Warning: Do not skip this cycle.

This jumpstart is essential for your success because it serves as the springboard that will move you through the next three cycles. You’ll automatically look and feel leaner while you visually SEE your belly get flatter in just the first few days.

Cycle 2 incorporates Carb DOWN and Carb UP days, which allow you to easily plan ahead so you NEVER store your favorite high carb foods as fat this year.

The best part is that if you fall off track because of our super hectic lives, you can just pick up where you left off!

Now that you’ve become “fat adapted” we have to make sure to KEEP you that way.

The first cycle is designed as a catalyst to make sure your metabolism is programmed and ready to go grab fat when we ask it to. And now that your body is already experiencing rapid fat loss, it’s time to accelerate your fat loss even further with Macro-Patterning™.

This is when you start eating all your favorite carbs and NEVER store them as fat. By strategically adding back in your favorite carbs you’ll STOP metabolic slowdown and avoid going into a catabolic state, which will prevent the loss of precious muscle tissue.

So not only will this cycle “spark” your metabolism and keep you in a fat-burning environment – you’ll NEVER feel deprived or have to worry about the extra carbs being stored as fat on your body.

There’s also specific exercise instructions provided that work in synergy with your carb intake to SPEED up metabolic rate even further while creating even faster fat loss.

Cycle 2 is BRILLIANT in its simplicity because it will program your metabolism to LOVE burning fat and carbs as fuel sources on a daily basis, while enhancing your fat burning efficiency through HIGHER carb intake.

You’ll finally crack the fat loss code once and for all. No more plateaus. No more metabolic slow down. No more suffering from diet adaptation.

You’ll follow a simple “turn-key” system to manipulate macronutrients (food) so you can automatically maintain a fat burning environment round the clock.

ANYTIME you start a diet or exercise plan it’s ALWAYS EASY to lose the first few pounds… but your body quickly adapts and FIGHTS against your fat loss efforts.

Although it can be used any time you want… Cycle 3 is the ULTIMATE two week cycle to use after a layoff or a food binge.

But it works BEST whenever your fat loss SLOWS down or you hit a “sticking” point… learn more below!

Now that you’ve made the leap to the other side and you understand how easy it is to Macro-Pattern, it’s time to pick up the pace a little and manipulate your metabolism even further with the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle.

Even though this may be your first time Macro-Patterning™, remember that your body is smart. SUPER smart – so it’s very good at adapting.

The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle is the first nutrition cycle ever that’s specifically designed to overcome ANY and EVERY type of adaptive response the body has to stop you from losing weight.

This tried and true meal plan is only two short weeks, but it will teach you how to easily control energy stores and manipulate your hormones so you can stay on the fat loss fast track.

The “Diet Break” cycle is specifically designed to create a NEW metabolic set point for your body that allows you to eat MORE to burn MORE, while still being able to lose fat.

EVERYBODY wants to take a break from dieting, but NOT if it makes you FATTER. That’s why you LOVE cycle 4!

It gives you a HUGE physical and psychological advantage that ensures you’ll MAXIMIZE results when using the other three cycles. It all starts with Cycle #1 below…

Now it’s time to put your fat loss on cruise control.

By this point you’ll have “overcame” every adaptive response related to burning stubborn body fat and you’ll know how easy it can be to force your body to use fat as your primary energy source.

Once you’ve moved through the first 3 cycles you’ll have a completely different relationship with food and the way you approach eating for health and fat loss will be changed forever.

This is when it starts to get REALLY fun and what makes the 4 Cycle Solution the ultimate rapid fat loss system. During the Cycle 4 Diet Break, you’ll intentionally increase carbs and calories even further to create a new metabolic set point that KEEPS your metabolism healthy and burning fat.

Enjoy happy hour every Friday and uncover how to cheat your way through the weekend while maintaining (and sometimes even accelerating) the fat loss process.

Just think how awesome it would feel to wake up every Monday morning with zero guilt or extra scale weight from your weekend feasts.

Karen and I love taking a break from our nutrition plan, but NOT if it makes us fat. That’s why we LOVE the Diet Break. 

Cycle 4 gives you a huge physical AND psychological advantage and ensures you’ll be able to stick to your plan day after day, year after year.

It’s a simple decision once you really think about it: AVOIDING carbs for the rest of your life is NOT realistic.

That’s the beauty of Macro-Patterning™. You don’t have to be perfect. It’s all about consistency NOT perfection.

Did you fall off track for a day or two? Maybe a few weeks? NO worries.

Just continue where you left off and you’ll have your body burning fat again in just a day or two.

It’s incredibly simple, once you get started below.

Even though 4 Cycle Solution delivers very extreme fat loss results, especially the first week, it’s a lifestyle—NOT a diet.

That’s why there are NO “forbidden” foods.

You’ll feel “healthy”, instead of hungry all the time—with LIMITLESS food options. It’s YOUR life. Eat what you want! Just make sure you’re strategic about it by using the system below.

Follow your biological instincts. You have to eat to survive, so why not ENJOY it! Eat to thrive, not just survive. Rid your life of the super-complicated diets and fitness plans once and for all. Use a plan that matches your lifestyle. 

Our philosophy has always been the “KISS” principle: Keep It Stupid Simple

Here’s a taste of what you’ve learned so far…

It’s easy to see why the 4 Cycle Solution Is The Most Sensible Nutrition Solution to Permanent Weight Management… but it’s not available anywhere else.

Even though I own the global proprietary license for the Macro-Patterning™ approach… and I’ve refined, tweaked, and perfected 4 Cycle Solution over the last few years, I really can’t take all the credit.

There are over 31 published studies backing up the science behind Macro-Patterning™, so it was actually discovered through many years of trial and error.

The original framework was created by a NY Times Best Selling author and former professional bodybuilder. Before we met, she had already used it on hundreds of fitness models, professional athletes, and natural bodybuilders to help them STAY lean 365 days of the year using this type of approach.

I’ve also had the rare opportunity to take these methods and apply them on hundreds of local clients and myself to PROVE and validate their efficacy. But without the help of other fitness professionals paving the way, NONE of this would be possible.

I’m sure you’ve heard that, “knowledge is power.” But it’s only accurate if that knowledge is actually APPLIED.

Well, hundreds of professional athletes, natural bodybuilders, and fitness models… along with thousands of real world people have used and applied this strategy to prove it works. They’re the ones who deserve most of the credit.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to acquire a global license for this proprietary nutrition method over 6 years ago, and that’s why it’s impossible for you to find the 4 Cycle Solution anywhere else.

Of course you COULD use, yet another, “diet of the week” or try to convince yourself that your willpower will be strong enough to resist the temptation of carbs and cheat foods — leaving you frustrated and disappointed.

But why waste your time?

Instead, just follow the proven path of the hundreds of other professionals who have “walked the talk” for years and years. People like Karen and I—she’s 55 and I’m 44, and we both Macro-Patterning™ ALL YEAR long to help us stay lean and healthy! 

Just follow ONE cycle at a time and do exactly what we’ve done—and in less that one week from now you’ll be sporting a flatter belly and feeling amazing.  

There are four “turn key” cycles laid out—step-by-step—in a strategic sequence for you to achieve the most RAPID results possible.

In just a few short days from now your metabolism will be “adapted” to burning fat for the rest of your life, and you’ll be in TOTAL control of your body.  

And if for some reason you decide this approach is not for you, you’ll be MISSING OUT on the free bonuses we’re GIVING away below (this week ONLY), during our new release special promotion–but not if you act fast.

Get ready to experience some serious jaw dropping weight loss results in only seven short days. This is where you’ll teach your body to “go get the fat” and use it first, not last. You will be the teacher, and the body will be your student.

Following this simple nutrition manual is crucial for both your short term and long term success because it’s the momentum that will keep you moving forward – just like being on auto-pilot.

You’ll get precise details on how to prime your body for the carb cycling lifestyle. The exact food choices, precise combinations, proper timing, and even portion control guidelines are laid out step-by-step along with detailed descriptions to keep you on the fast track.

This nutrition manual is where the plan starts to get really fun because we add many of your favorite foods strategically back into your plan. You’ll discover exactly how to eat your favorite carbs to spark your metabolism and elevate your fat-burning hormones to KEEP your body burning fat day in and day out.

You’ll have easy to monitor food codes and simple follow along rules and guidelines for every meal on every day of the plan.

We even provide substitution lists to replace the foods you hate with foods you love. Everything is laid out for you day by day including the infamous cheat day.

We all want comfort and security and the body is no different. To keep your body on its toes, we have to shock it and manipulate it even further. That’s what the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle is all about.

You’ll discover exactly how to overcome any and every type of diet adaptation your body will use to try and stop you from losing more fat.

This nutrition manual will show you exactly how to protect and support muscle tissue, control insulin and blood sugar, manipulate energy stores, produce heat, and create a massive energy deficit to keep you burning fat.

These are the “keys” to unlocking your true fat burning potential and that’s what the Accelerated Fat Loss cycle brings to the table.

Welcome to the rest of your life.

Cycle 4 will give you an arsenal of important metabolic factors to keep your body responding. First, it creates a brand new set point for your body to maintain the new lighter you. Second, you’ll teach your body how to reset itself back to a higher nutrient profile in favor of more carbs and fats.

Third, you’ll discover how to use this cycle to take a “diet break” so you maintain a healthy metabolism that wants to burn fat for the long haul.

The ENTIRE 4 Cycle Solution course on video, which includes all 4 proven Macro-Patterning™ Cycles, to ensure you get a lightning fast start.

I know this an old cliché, but if you fail to plan — then you plan to fail.

You’ll never follow through and achieve your goals unless you have a step-by-step checklist to prepare everything ahead of time before the big start day. The Macro-PatterningTM Nutrition Manual will guarantee that everything is perfectly in place for you to stay on track right out of the gate, while giving you the long term carb cycling principles you need to sustain your results.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. It would be easy just to hand you over all 4 cycles and say “good luck”! But that wouldn’t serve your fat loss for a lifetime goals, and we want to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need today to use carb cycling for a lifetime.

Once you read through this guide, you’ll fully comprehend the carb cycling lifestyle for short-term aggressive fat loss AND long-term leanness… and you’ll have everything planned and prepared to ensure you stay on track.

The first thing Karen and I wanted to do as the creators of this program was to make sure that everybody could use and afford this system.

And since our typical client is required to stay with us for at LEAST 12 weeks, this can add up REALLY quick. Of course, it’s guaranteed to work, so this investment is typically a no-brainer. But not everybody can afford it… and we have a waiting list.

Instead of paying all that money to us, or somebody else, why not get instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot – at one super low price – so you can get started right now… for a FRACTION of the cost of personal coaching??

You don’t need to pop another diet pill. And it’s not necessary for you to hire a personal trainer or dietician, because EVERY step of our system has you covered.

But for a VERY LIMITED time we’ve discounted the price substantially to make sure we eliminate any risk or skepticism you may have about using the 4 Cycle Solution.

So for the first time EVER we’re offering our lowest price.
And to sweeten the pot, we’ll make sure ALL the risk is on us…

Here’s the deal: I’ve been studying and applying carb cycling strategies on my body—and thousands of others since 1998—so I KNOW the 4 Cycle Solution delivers rapid results.

Karen and I believe in 4 Cycle Solution SO much if you’re not BLOWN AWAY by the quality (and your results) that we’ll take ALL the risk by make you a deal you can’t resist with our 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

Bottom Line: If you don’t’ get GREAT results, you get all your money back—period.

Although men and women in their 20s and 30s see great results from carb cycling, the BEST results come from people in their 40s, 50s, 60s… and even 70s! We promise you’ll see fast results no matter what your age, gender, or current condition is.

Without exception, Macro-Patterning™ works for everybody.

You’ll experience FAST results—like losing between 7 and 11 pounds your FIRST week. But the best part is how you’ll feel after your body is adapted to burning PURE fat in less than 7 days. Your energy will soar. Your brain and body will be working together. And you’ll be in total control of your hormones.

But the best part is how the health of your metabolism, your blood sugar, and your heart will skyrocket. 

HANDS DOWN we have the BEST customer service in the industry, and that’s our promise!  Our team will answer ANY and EVERY question you have within 24 to 48 hours.

In fact, we care so much that my wife Karen even takes time out of her busy day to personally reply to your emails and questions. When you join the 4 Cycle Solution “family”, you’ll NEVER be alone. We’ll always be here for you or you get your money back.

If for ANY reason the 4 Cycle Fat Loss Plan doesn’t live up to these three promises, it’s as simple as sending an email to support[at] within 60 days of your purchase and we’ll give you a full, no-questions asked refund.

This means you can actually use and apply ALL 4 cycles… so you can wait until AFTER you start transforming your body and still get your money back. If you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and get results, you get a prompt, courteous, and FAST refund.  

To celebrate the release of the newest 4 Cycle Fat Loss Macro-Patterning™ System we’re going to POP THE CORK for the first 5 days by giving you a LIMITED time discount below.

I’m going to offer an INSANELY low price for the first few days, but as much as we pride ourselves on taking care of EVERY customer, I know my team will be overwhelmed in less than a week… that’s why I will have no choice but to RAISE THE PRICE.

So make sure you order now and lock in the Special Discount now before we raise the price!

Karen and I have been in the fat loss game a LONG time… since the early 90s, so we’ve learned a thing or two. That’s why we are so proud of the fact that we’re handing you the safest, fastest, most effective, and sustainable nutrition system ever developed.

But we always make sure to over-deliver by going above and beyond. That’s why when you claim your copy today, we’ll also GIVE you these FREE gifts below to help you get the FASTEST start possible.

Here’s to eating LOTS of your favorite carbs WITHOUT getting fat!

Your friends and Carb Cycling Coaches,

Best Selling Exercise & Nutrition Authors
Stubborn Fat Specialists
Creators: The 4 Cycle Solution

It’s really NOT your fault if you feel this way. The very nature of traditional crash diets destroys your motivation because they don’t deliver both quick, and lasting, results. Not to mention your energy and motivation TANK because your hormones get altered.

But since you start 4 Cycle Solution by losing up to 11 pounds in the first 7 days with Cycle #1, your motivation with be at an ALL TIME high. Not to mention you’ll be 100% “fat adapted” so you can eat more carbs than normal dieters without getting fat—all while taking full advantage of the increase in energy levels from healthy carb intake.

The 4 Cycle Solution is backed by over 31 published scientific studies validating its efficacy, which is why it works for everybody… so it’s completely safe for those in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s. Believe it or not, the majority of our success stories come from men and women between the ages of 50 and 70.

The 4 Cycle Solution is user friendly for anybody who has gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. You’ll have several gluten free, allergy friendly (and Paleo approved) grocery and food lists to choose from for each cycle so there will be ZERO guesswork when it comes to avoiding gluten and inflammatory carbs.

We even show you how you can eat lots of gluten free pastas and breads!

If you’re a Type 1 diabetic we would never recommend you start any diet or nutrition plan without talking with your doctor first. However, 4 Cycle Solution is VERY blood sugar and insulin friendly for those who are concerned about fighting against diabetes.

We’ve had many Type 2 diabetics see remarkable improvements in their blood sugar levels after starting the program. You just have to use our easy-to-follow guidelines.

Although it’s not mandatory to exercise when using 4 Cycle Solution, it’s highly recommend considering it can potentially double your results.

But time will NEVER be an obstacle when you.  You’ll get instant access to a few special gifts I created for you that include a 2 minute fat burning shortcut and a 12 minute protocol that’s specifically designed to help you:

1) Create an “all-natural” SURGE of fat burning hormones
2) Program your body to burn 142% MORE overall calories
3) Increase Growth Hormone levels to help you look and feel years younger
4) Access fat as a fuel source up to 300% faster than normal exercise
5) Get fitter, FASTER

It’s all part of the special package that I put together for you that includes several free exercise gifts.

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The 4 Cycle Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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How one can Use Fb: A Amateur’s Information

Since I first signed up for an account in 2008, Facebook has changed quite just a little bit. Once more then, a large majority of folks were nevertheless asking, “What’s Facebook?” and my bio in truth said, “Check out my MySpace; it’s method upper than this.”

Over the years, the social media huge has evolved at breakneck tempo and possibly will continue to evolve all of a sudden for as long as it exists.

If you need a refresher on simple how to use Facebook for promoting your online business or you want to enroll in a non-public account, take a look at this in-depth rationalization of straightforward how to use the most well liked social media community on the planet.

Proper right here, we’ll focal point on the basics.

Table of Contents:

Along side sharing their own ideas, shoppers could have interplay with the content material subject material others share on Facebook with likes, comments, shares, and reactions comparable to a laugh, disapproval, or perhaps a hug.

Screenshot showing the reactions options on Facebook

Facebook works similarly for promoting, excluding firms have Fb Pages, not profiles like specific particular person shoppers do. Corporations can use their Fb Pages to interact with provide shoppers, purpose new shoppers, and administer purchaser improve.

Why use Facebook?

All folks possibly know the stature of Facebook, on the other hand does it live up to the hype? For marketers, it indubitably does. Let’s ruin down a couple of of its biggest benefits.

It’s worth setting pleasant.

Someone with internet and an e-mail take care of can sign up for Facebook and profit from Pages, Groups, Events, Marketplace, and the whole thing else it provides.

It’s free and quite easy, on the other hand optimizing it for industry does take just a little bit additional time and a focal point.

Screenshot showing the sign up form on Facebook

Be told further about setting up a Facebook Internet web page in The Final Information to Fb Advertising.

You’ll have get admission to to a big, quite a lot of audience.

As of April, Facebook has over 3.06 billion per thirty days energetic customers international, making it the preferred social media platform by the use of in truth tens of hundreds of thousands. That’s more or less 40% of the world population, so, as a industry, there’s a very good probability your target market it is going to be on Facebook.

Chart from Statista showing the countries with the highest number of Facebook users


Our analysis discovered that older generations, like kid boomers and Gen X, believe it one amongst their very best two favorite platforms normal. Within the interim, younger consumers, like millennials and Gen Z, in style it for events and Fb Market.

It is helping quite a lot of content material subject material mediums.

Along side helpful connection tools like Groups and Marketplace, Facebook moreover allows shoppers and corporations to put up quite a lot of various kinds of content material subject material.

Different folks like to devour content material subject material in different techniques, so diversifying your content material subject material mix may also be integral to getting your promoting messages heard.

Facebook is helping sharing:

  • Text
  • Image/Pictures
  • Video
  • Live Video
  • Gifs

As they share the equivalent father or mom company, it’s moreover easy to share Instagram posts without delay to a Facebook Internet web page and incorporate conversations by the use of Messenger proper right into a marketing strategy.

Clearly, HubSpot isn’t shy about exploring all the alternatives:

Screenshot showing HubSpot’s Facebook Page

There are tough ad options.

Regardless of robust competition from TikTok and even its sister group Instagram, Facebook remains the social media platform with the second-highest ad ROI for marketers, in line with our fresh file.

Marketers moreover said Facebook Ads offer the second-best audience thinking about tools out of all social media platforms, losing out to YouTube by the use of just one%. This isn’t a marvel, making an allowance for it means that you can goal folks in line with behaviors on and off the platform.

With herbal affect on social media changing into increasingly difficult, firms need reasonably priced and environment friendly ad alternatives, and Facebook provides one of the vital best.

Be told further about Facebook Ads and simple how to do them successfully in the ones property:

Alternatively is Facebook nevertheless trendy?

If its huge collection of per month full of life shoppers hasn’t already responded this question — certain, Facebook continues to be very popular.

While its usage would most likely wane among younger generations who opt for visual-focused platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, Facebook nevertheless welcomes about two billion customers day by day.

A lot of the ones shoppers are participants of older generations with further financial stability and disposable income than their younger counterparts, which is very good data for firms. Facebook could also be the 1/3 most visited internet web page on the planet, following most straightforward Google and YouTube.

Alternatively why exactly?

Why People Like Facebook

Facebook is fascinating to most people for a lot of the equivalent reasons it’s fascinating to marketers and corporations.

It’s free and lovely easy to use, and it lets them share and interact with a wide variety of content material subject material from every their members of the family and folks in every single place the sector.

Along side the ones, one amongst my favorite choices of Facebook is the ability to get granular in regards to the audience of every single issue you put up. You’ll be capable to make posts:

  • Personal: Visible to simply you
  • Public: Visible to any individual who visits the internet web page, on or off Facebook.
  • Visible to pals
  • Visible to pals minus particular other people
  • Visible to specific pals
  • Visible to specific lists you create

In my experience, it provides the most customizable put up privacy settings of any social media group.

Screenshot Facebook’s audience options for posts

Finally, Meta itself will all the time have the ability to get admission to your wisdom — which has gotten it into scorching water through the years — on the other hand it indubitably signifies that you’ll be able to control what other shoppers can see.

Facebook Words to Know

To totally understand Facebook and how it works, you’ll wish to transform conscious about now not abnormal words used on the platform. Right here’s a list of key Facebook words and what they indicate.


Even though you most straightforward wish to use Facebook to market your online business, you want to organize a non-public profile.

Screenshot showing an example of a personal profile on Facebook

A profile is where an individual’s non-public wisdom lives. It accommodates their identify, image, place of origin, place of business, coaching history, and so on depending on their privacy settings.

You’ll be capable to make your profile as public or private as you want using the equivalent audience alternatives we mentioned earlier.


Screenshot showing what it looks like when creating a new Facebook Page for a business

Pages aren’t specific particular person Facebook shoppers on the other hand relatively profiles designed particularly for firms or organizations. They arrive with basics like your:

  • Industry/Elegance
  • Trade Overview/History
  • Contact Wisdom (i.e., internet web page, phone amount)
  • Trade Hours (if appropriate)
  • Logo and Branding

Depending on the class you select when setting up your internet web page, Facebook will counsel sections (the tabs on the most productive of your internet web page), on the other hand you’ll normally add or remove additional ones as you desire to.

That said, whether or not or now not it’s a restaurant, an internet pet blog, or a tool company, any and all firms, producers, and public figures can organize a Facebook Internet web page.

Like non-public profiles, firms can use Facebook Pages to put up text updates, pictures, films, links, and events. They may be able to moreover connect with Fb for Industry and run advert campaigns.

Phrase: Already a HubSpot purchaser? Click on right here to combine your HubSpot account with Meta Advertisements.

With it, you’ll:

  • Create targeted audiences that sync at the side of your Facebook Ads
  • Generate Facebook Lead advertisements within HubSpot and routinely sync ends up in the CRM
  • Monitor ad success and impact in your bottom line using quite a lot of attribution views
  • Managing ad campaigns alongside your other promoting efforts promises a relentless narrative for your audience.


That’s the position all the posts from your mates or firms you “like” or observe” will appear. What presentations up right here’s in most cases made up our minds by means of Fb’s set of rules, which considers earlier engagement, put up popularity, and advertisements. (Additional on that shortly.)

Your posts will even appear inside the newsfeeds where your mates and lovers can see them.


Incessantly at a loss for words with a newsfeed, the timeline is a document of all the posts made or interacted with particularly by the use of a person or industry. It sort of feels that on Pages and profiles as “posts.”

If any person else tags you, it’ll appear in your timeline as well. However, if any person tags your online business, it’s going to appear on the “Mentions” tab in your Internet web page.

Your friends can see your timeline by the use of default within the tournament that they search your identify till you’ve set your privacy settings to do the other.


The algorithm is an elusive concept. Essentially, the algorithm is a series of computations that Facebook’s servers do every second to get to the bottom of what content material subject material you want to appear, interact with, and click on on on next.

The algorithm uses dwell time (how long you view a put up), engagement, internet web page likes, posts, and additional to get to the bottom of the type of content material subject material you want to appear.

Over time, the algorithm supposedly gets upper at working out what content material subject material to show you, on the other hand with all the noise on the platform, most firms to search out it’s best to run advertisements for content material subject material they in truth want seen.


“Post” is the period of time Facebook uses to provide an explanation for something you share on the newsfeed. Text, pictures, films, and location are just a few types of posts you’ll share on the newsfeed for your pals to appear.

Screenshot showing the Facebook “create post” window

Posts evolved from “Statuses,” which in the beginning most straightforward allowed shoppers to share text updates about what they’d been doing or what was once as soon as on their ideas in that moment.


The ones are folks you’ve each sent a request to they generally’ve accepted or people who have sent you a request and likewise you’ve accepted.

By contrast to other social networking internet sites that allow any person to observe you without you following them once more, Facebook Profiles require every you and the other specific particular person to be pals with every other with the intention to interact.

Screenshot showing how friends are displayed on Facebook profiles

A personal account for an individual can’t have more than 5,000 pals (and it’s not a good idea to make a moment Fb profile to get spherical this rule).


Lovers are people who have opted to procure updates from a specific internet web page or profile.

Whilst you add new pals, you routinely observe them (they generally observe you, too). This is Facebook’s method of together with this new buddy for your newsfeed and making sure you realize their posts (a minimum of for a little while till you save you attractive with them).

Screenshot showing how you can unfollow or unfriend someone on Facebook

Facebook moreover allows you to “unfollow” other people without unfriending them.

This movement simply removes that individual’s posts from your newsfeed. When you occur to try this, you’ll wish to search your mates for my part and surge their timelines to catch up on their latest posts.

For those who exceed 5,000 pals on their non-public Facebook profiles, folks can come to a decision to observe them as an alternative choice to stick up to date on their posts.

For industry pages, any individual who connects at the side of your internet web page is a Follower. In the past, the ones can also be people who “liked” your internet web page on Facebook.


Facebook shoppers with an similar interests would most likely to search out it helpful to create or join a group on the platform.

A Facebook Group is an area of consumers who interact with every other in line with quite a lot of topics set by the use of the crowd’s admins and other shoppers.

Simplest specific particular person shoppers or non-public profiles can join, not industry pages, on the other hand companies can surely create teams.

Individuals can share text updates, pictures, films, and additional merely as they may be able to to their non-public timeline, excluding posts will most straightforward be visible to other body of workers participants.

Screenshot showing the Facebook Groups page


With one of these lot group taking place on Facebook, specific particular person shoppers and corporations have the ability to put up and put it up for sale events.

Events share the date, time, and location of the improvement, along with description and ticket wisdom if appropriate.

They may be able to moreover accept RSVPs, show a customer list, and allow shoppers to invite their pals. Events may also be virtual or particularly particular person with a physically location.

Screenshot showing an example of Facebook Event page


Messenger is Facebook’s native direct messaging platform. It allows shoppers to hold private one-on-one or body of workers conversations. Messenger may also be accessed by means of Instagram or a separate app that can be added to third-party internet pages.

When using on a desktop laptop, it’s accessible by means of a popup during the platform.

Screenshot showing where the Messenger app appears on Facebook

Corporations can use Messenger to keep in touch privately with other people to field questions, offer buyer toughen, or even run advertisements.


Like Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories appear on the most productive of the platform on every mobile and desktop and are visible for merely 24 hours. After 24 hours, the content material subject material disappears.

Screenshot showing how Facebook Stories appear

Stories may also be made without delay from the Facebook app or shared from provide stories on Instagram.


Represented by the use of the bell icon inside the 1/3 circle below, a notification informs you when a chum engages at the side of your posts, pictures, films, or timeline; you’ll download a notification that explains what they engaged with and when.

You’ll moreover download notifications of Group and Match procedure along with buddy requests proper right here.

Screenshot showing how notifications appear on Facebook

Now that you know what Facebook is and how it works, proper right here’s a to hand data to using it.

Phrase: When you occur to make use of HubSpot, you’ll moreover link your Facebook account to the platform and observe engagement in social inbox.

You’ll be capable to moreover create keyword monitoring streams for your social workforce and motive e-mail signs to product sales when folks indicate a specific keyword.

Briefly, you’ll moreover have the ability to use AI insights to grasp market sentiment and stay up to the moment in your brand reputation without delay from your inbox.

How does Facebook artwork?

Facebook is powered by the use of an algorithm that learns every particular person’s preferences and interests. The algorithm then displays content material subject material like pictures, status updates, and flicks posted by the use of pals and corporations that the individual might be serious about.

The aim for Facebook is to get shoppers to interact with, devour, and share content material subject material.

In addition to, Facebook runs advertisements for firms, which can also be sprinkled between herbal content material subject material shared by the use of your mates on the newsfeed.

The advertisements are tailored for your interests, so that you realize what the algorithm thinks it is advisable be serious about in line with content material subject material you’ve interacted with previously. This is known as behavioral focused on.

How the Facebook Algorithm Works

In the past, Facebook used a chronological timeline. Which means that the posts in your newsfeed were listed inside the order throughout which your mates most now not too way back shared them on the platform.

If your mom posted 3 hours up to now and your best buddy posted 5 minutes up to now, you’d see your best buddy’s put up first, then your mom’s.

However, that each one changed in September 2011 when Fb formally introduced that it was once as soon as getting rid of the chronological newsfeed and converting it with a further custom designed experience.

Rather than seeing your mates’ posts inside the order they’d been shared, you at this time see the content material subject material Facebook’s algorithm thinks you’ll experience some of the. This newsfeed continues to be spherical at the present time.

1. Sign up for a Facebook account.

To sign up for a Facebook account, observe the ones 3 easy steps.

  • Talk over with Fb’s web page.
  • On the homepage, enter your first identify, final identify, mobile amount or e-mail, new password, birthday, and gender.
  • Click on on “Sign Up.”

2. Organize your privacy settings.

After you’ve signed up for a Facebook account, you’ll control your privacy settings to control who can see your profile and information. Follow the ones 4 simple steps to change your privacy settings.

  • Click on on on the downward pointing arrow at the most productive correct corner of any Facebook internet web page.
  • Click on on “Settings.”
  • Throughout the left sidebar, select “Privacy.”
  • Set who is authorized to appear your earlier and long run posts. You’ll be capable to moreover control how folks can to search out and phone you.

Screenshot showing where to find your “settings & privacy” options on Facebook

Odds are, there’s possibly any person on Facebook who has the equivalent identify as you.

To inform aside yourself from the ones folks and lend a hand your friends and family to search out you on Facebook, personalize your profile by the use of together with a profile symbol, cover image, and a couple of non-public wisdom.

3. Personalize your profile.

Deciding on a Profile Symbol

  • Move for your profile and click on on in your profile symbol.
  • To select your profile symbol, select {a photograph} that you simply’re already tagged in on Facebook, one that you simply’ve uploaded, or {a photograph} from your laptop. You’ll be capable to moreover add a decorative frame for your profile symbol.

Screenshot showing profile picture options on Facebook

Choosing a Cover Image

  • Click on at the virtual digicam button in your cover image in your profile.
  • To make a choice your cover image, you’ll select {a photograph} from your Facebook profile, select Facebook’s private cover artwork, create a collage, or upload {a photograph} from your laptop. You’ll be capable to moreover reposition or delete your provide cover image.

Screenshot showing the cover photo options on Facebook

Updating Your Profile

Click on at the “About” section in your profile internet web page.

In this section, you’ll fill in information about your artwork and coaching, the places you’ve lived, contact and fundamental information, family and relationships, and life events.

Screenshot showing the menu options on a personal profile on Facebook4. Like and follow public pages.On Facebook, you can follow and get updates from your favorite brands, celebrities, sports teams, publications, and of course, businesses, just to name a few.

Probably the most very best techniques to check out that is by the use of searching for them on Facebook and “liking” or “following” their public internet web page, which will have a blue verified read about mark next to their identify.

After you “like” or “observe” their internet web page, you’ll get began seeing their updates in your newsfeed.

Screenshot showing page details for HubSpot

5. Overview your timeline.

Your timeline is a digital log of your Facebook procedure in reverse chronological order. Your status updates, uploaded pictures and flicks, and the pictures you’re tagged in will appear in your timeline.

Screenshot showing an example of a Facebook profile timeline

6. Add pals on Facebook.

There are three ways you’ll add pals on Facebook.

You’ll be capable to each search for them, to search out them inside the “To seek out Pals” tab, or import a list of contacts from your e-mail, iCloud, or phone.

To hunt out pals on Facebook, cross for your profile, select the “Pals” tab, and tap the “To seek out Pals” button. You’ll see a list of buddy requests from folks and a list of folks it is advisable know that you simply’ll add as a chum on Facebook.

When you occur so as to add a list of contacts onto Facebook, you’ll add your mates as you kind by means of every of your contacts.

Screenshot showing where friends appear on a Facebook profile

7. Post on Facebook.

The primary serve as of Facebook is to lend a hand friends and family connect with every other. And one of the best ways to hook up with your friends and family is by the use of updating them about your life with status updates.

To share a Facebook status, cross to the text box on the most productive of your newsfeed or profile.

With status updates, you’ll share text with 15 different colored backgrounds, pictures, films, GIFs, stickers, and links.

You’ll be capable to moreover share other types of posts, like:

  • Feeling/Process: Share the way in which you’re this present day feeling or what you’re this present day doing.
  • Check out-In: Whilst you consult with a the city, location, or place, check-in and let your mates know where you’re at.
  • Tag Pals: When you occur to’re putting out with your mates, tag them in your status and share what you’re doing.
  • Tag Match: When you occur to’re at an fit, you’ll tag it in your status and share what fit you’re attending.
  • Ask for Tips: When you occur to easily moved somewhere differently you’re about to consult with a location, you need to invite your Facebook pals for pointers concerning the position to transport.
  • Poll: Ask your Facebook pals what their opinion is on a certain topic.
  • Fortify Nonprofit: Make a selection a nonprofit workforce of your variety and share it by means of your status. Your Facebook Pals can then select the donate button to improve the chosen workforce.
  • Answer a Question: Make a selection a predetermined question to answer or create your personal question to answer and share it at the side of your Facebook pals.
  • Lists: Make a selection a predetermined topic to make a list for or create your personal topic and share it at the side of your Facebook pals.
  • Facebook Stories: The entire content material subject material that you simply’ll share by means of a status substitute is shareable by means of your Facebook story. You’ll be capable to moreover upload content material subject material for your stories by the use of clicking the “Add to Your Story” button at the right kind sidebar.

Additionally, you’ll watch your entire pals’ Facebook Stories by the use of clicking on their pictures inside the “Stories” section, that may be positioned at the right kind sidebar by yourself house internet web page.

8. Add pictures and flicks.

Along side text statuses, you’ll add pictures, films, albums, and live video announces for your profile.

Uploading Photos or Films

So as to add pictures or films for your profile, observe the ones 4 simple steps:

      • Move for your profile.
      • Select the “Photos” tab.
      • Select “Add Photos/Video.”
      • Upload pictures or films from your laptop.

Screenshot showing where photos appear on a Facebook profile

Creating Image or Video Albums

To create {a photograph} or video album, observe the ones 4 simple steps:

        • Move for your Profile.
        • Tap the “Photos” tab.
        • Tap “Create Album.”
        • Upload pictures or films from your laptop.

Screenshot showing where albums appear on a Facebook profile

Facebook Live

To do a dwell broadcast to your Fb account, observe the ones 3 simple steps.

          • Throughout the box that says “What’s in your ideas?”, select “Live Video.”
          • Once you select “Live Video,” you’ll write an overview about your broadcast, tag folks in it, add a way or procedure, read about in to an fit, improve a non-profit, or add a poll. You’ll be capable to moreover title your live broadcast or tag a on-line sport if you’re live-streaming gameplay.
          • Select “Move Live.”

Screenshot showing the fields you need to complete before going live on facebook

9. Engage with pals.

To your newsfeed, you’ll see updates from your mates, family, or public pages you observe. You’ll be capable to interact by the use of liking and reacting to their posts, sharing content material subject material on their timelines, and talking with them by means of text or video chat.

When you occur to love any person’s put up, give them a thumbs up, comment on their put up, or share it.

Screenshot showing the post engagement options on Facebook

Other Reactions

If your Facebook buddy’s put up evokes a stronger reaction in you than a like, you’ll moreover specific that you simply love, laughed, are amazed, unsatisfied, or angry at their put up by the use of keeping up down the Like button.

Screenshot showing the reaction options on Facebook

Sharing Content material subject material on Your Pals’ Timelines

The remainder you’ll put up in your status, you’ll moreover put up in your buddy’s timeline.

Facebook Messenger

To speak with your mates or public pages on Facebook, use Facebook Messenger. You’ll be capable to get admission to it by the use of tapping the “Messages” button on the most productive correct corner of any Facebook internet web page or deciding at the “Messages” button on the left sidebar of the home internet web page.

Screenshot showing what the Messenger popup looks like on desktop for Facebook

Next, select “New Message” and kind inside the identify of the buddy or brand that you want to hook up with. Facebook Messenger moreover signifies that you’ll be able to create body of workers chats by the use of clicking on “New Group.” After that, all you want to do is identify your body of workers and add the chums you want to include inside the body of workers.

Screenshot showing what it looks like to message someone Facebook

Whilst you message your mates or body of workers on Facebook Messenger, you’ll upload pictures, films, and files from your laptop, stickers, GIFs, and emojis, and take pictures and flicks from your laptop’s or phone’s virtual digicam.

You’ll be capable to moreover view Messenger on its own internet web page, where you’ll search for earlier conversations and arrange your settings. To view Messenger on its own internet web page, tap the “Messages” button inside the most productive correct corner of any Facebook internet web page and then tap the “See All in Messenger” button.

Screenshot showing the option to download a desktop version of Messenger

To rapid message your mates who’re logged onto Facebook concurrently you, tap the “Chat” button on the bottom of any Facebook internet web page and strike up a conversation with your mates who’re online

Phone and Video Calling

When Messenger is open on its own internet web page, you’ll search for any of your mates or groups, click on on on their names, and tap the phone or video chat button to call them.

10. Overview your newsfeed.

Your newsfeed is a curated feed of posts from your mates, family, and public pages you observe that Fb’s set of rules thinks you’ll be serious about. You’ll moreover see advertisements from producers who think you’ll experience consuming their content material subject material or products.

To customize your newsfeed, tap the downward pointing arrow inside the upper correct corner of any Facebook internet web page and tap “Knowledge Feed Need.”

From there, you’ll prioritize whose posts you’ll see first, unfollow folks and groups to hide their posts, reconnect with folks and groups you unfollowed, discover public pages that suit your interests, and hide apps from your newsfeed.

You’ll be capable to moreover “mute” or “unfollow” other people, groups, or pages without delay from specific particular person posts.

11. Discover additional Facebook choices.

Facebook isn’t just a platform for viral content material subject material and connection. It’s moreover a hub for group communications, video streaming, marketplaces, and video video games.


The Events internet web page on Facebook will show you any upcoming events which can also be trendy at the side of your Facebook pals or have been organize by the use of the groups you belong to. You’ll be capable to moreover to search out events in line with their date, location, and sophistication.

To hunt out the Events internet web page, select the Space button. Then, on the left sidebar, you’ll see the “Uncover” section, where you’ll select “Events.”

Screenshot showing an example of a Facebook event


The “Groups” internet web page on Facebook will show you which of them groups you put up and belong to. You’ll be capable to moreover discover groups to join in line with Facebook’s concepts and a variety of other categories.

To get admission to the “Groups” internet web page, tap the “Space” button. Then, on the left sidebar, you’ll see the “Uncover” section, where you’ll click on on “Groups.”

Screenshot showing where  Groups appear in your sidebar menu

Facebook Watch

On the Facebook Watch platform, you’ll watch films from the presentations you’re following and search for other presentations and flicks.

To get admission to Facebook Watch, select the “Space” button. Then, on the left sidebar, you’ll see the Watch button beneath the “Marketplace” button.

Screenshot showing the Facebook Watch page


No longer most straightforward does Facebook compete with Netflix inside the streaming trade, on the other hand it moreover competes with eBay in the marketplace trade.

With Facebook Marketplace, you’ll browse for all kinds of products, join groups to buy and advertise products with folks in your area or who share an similar interests, retailer for products introduced from different stores, retailer by the use of elegance, and advertise your personal products.

To get admission to Facebook Marketplace, select the Space button. Then on the left sidebar, you’ll see the Marketplace button correct beneath the Watch button.

Screenshot showing what Marketplace can look like

Video video games

Facebook Video video games is one amongst Facebook’s best choices. They host a huge choice of massively trendy video video games, and also you’ll browse the preferred video video games on the platform by the use of very best charts and categories. You’ll be capable to even play quite a lot of the video video games with your mates, too.

Screenshot showing what the games section on Facebook looks like

Make pals with Facebook.

Even though you’re not using Facebook for my part, Facebook promoting may also be immensely difficult for firms of all kinds.

Use our data to get proud of the platform and get began exploring the way you’ll use its quite a lot of choices and wide succeed in to make contact at the side of your target market.

Editor’s remember: This put up was once as soon as in the beginning revealed in October 2018 and has been up to the moment for comprehensiveness.

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Marketplace through Era: Knowledge-Subsidized Content material Intake Conduct To Form Your Technique

Let’s play a recreation: Tell me how out of date you could be without telling me how out of date you could be.

No longer sure one of the best ways to respond? Neatly, chances are high that your content material subject matter consumption habits come up with away.

For instance, I in reality like Instagram and Netflix alternatively have left my Snapchat level behind and don’t understand Roblox.

(While you’re scratching your head, don’t fear. By means of the end of this newsletter, you’ll be able to pinpoint my age, identical to the label on a wine bottle.)

In a global driven via content material advertising and marketing, working out how your target market prefers to devour wisdom is important to getting your messages spotted and heard. However, the specifics can range dramatically consistent with age and generation.

Let’s damage down a couple of of each generation’s most exceptional content material subject matter consumption habits consistent with data and one of the best ways to type your method with them in ideas.

Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior By means of Technology

To be authentic, I don’t like to put someone in a box. Everyone’s different. Using me as an example another time, I in reality love taking a look at television and neighborhood data, alternatively this is ordinary with others in my generation.

All customers are unique, alternatively that level of personalization as a marketer isn’t if truth be told real looking. Elementary benchmarks and statistical data, like those underneath, can inform a technique you later check out and refine.

Keep this in ideas as we talk about:

Remember: A lot of the ones characteristics are pulled from HubSpot’s 2024 Client Characteristics Record, consistent with our survey of over 700 US customers.

You’ll be able to obtain the whole record right here.

Gen Alpha Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior ​​

Contributors of Gen Alpha (born between 2012 and 2024) will not be customers at the moment, alternatively they’re huge customers.

They usually’re needless to say influential throughout the purchases of their elders. Proper right here’s what you need to learn about their content material subject matter consumption habits.

Video Want

Gen Alpha could also be very more youthful. Its contributors have limited independence and mobility, and over 50% personal an iPad, so it’s no surprise video is a popular medium.

Consistent with research corporate Beano Mind, they believe YouTube is “the most efficient brand.”

Client research platform GWI additionally discovered YouTube to be the absolute best video streaming platform for Gen Alpha in 11 out of 14 markets, second best to Netflix in the rest 3.

There’s something for every Gen Alpha on YouTube, ranging from coaching to recreational. The youngest contributors are nevertheless in diapers, taking a look at Ms. Rachel and Cocomelon, while older children are leaning against Like Nastya or even MrBeast.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Screenshot of Ms. Rachel’s website homepage.”/>

Symbol Supply

What can you do as a marketer? While you’re in quest of to get in front of Gen Alpha, invest in YouTube Promoting or imagine partnering with YouTube influencers. We’ve got an entire YouTube Advertising Information and a loose direction to get you started. You’ll be capable to moreover imagine YouTube Commercials.

Gaming As a Passion

While on their iPads, there’s moreover a good chance Gen Alpha is playing a recreation like Roblox or Minecraft.

GWI came upon over 70% play digital video video games every day, making it their freshest passion ahead of taking a look at TV/movement footage, social media, or speaking to friends on other platforms.

The ones video video games let avid avid gamers assemble virtual worlds they may be able to uncover with real-life friends who’re moreover playing. They’re moreover working to enhance their worlds via purchasing new avatars, mini-games, abilities, animations, or apparel.

What can you do as a marketer? A whole lot of the pieces and tales available to buy in the ones video video games mimic those into authentic life; they’re continuously even branded. If you probably have the means, uncover the way you’ll be capable to create a logo enjoy in a sport like Roblox, get featured of their advertising and marketing channels, or run commercials.

For instance, athletic brand Nike created Nikeland throughout the recreation.

A still of Nikeland, Nike’s branded space on Roblox.

Symbol Supply

As Obsessar explains, Nikeland is “a permanent virtual house for fans to attach, create and compete, empowering shoppers to be their own creator and design mini-games from interactive sports activities actions materials.

Consumers can also compete in relatively a large number of mini-games very similar to tag, the bottom is lava and dodgeball with their friends.”

“Nikeland leverages accelerometers on a shopper’s cell software to translate offline movement to online. Consumers can also get signature Nike sneakers for their avatars from the virtual retailer.”

Gen Z Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

With its oldest contributors entering their late 20s, Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2009) is rising in spending power every day — and that’s with it already sitting with over $450 million in america by myself.

What content material subject matter consumption habits do you need to know to get a piece of the pie?

Be told a lot more about Gen Z purchasing behavior and the best way to align as a marketer.

Social Media Dominance

Consistent with the World Monetary Dialogue board, Gen Z spends an average of just about 3 hours in keeping with day on social media. That’s more than some other generation, and there’s very little they don’t do there.

Graphic showing statistic about Gen Z shopping habits on social media.

HubSpot research shows social media is Gen Z’s #1 channel for product discovery, and 43% have bought something by way of a social media app up to now 3 months. Moreover they turn to it for recreational, coaching, and socializing.

Our survey moreover came upon Gen Z’s top 3 social media platforms are TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, alternatively in step with Morning Seek the advice of, Snapchat isn’t a long way behind.

What can you do as a marketer? Uncover different ways to establish a presence on social media. Neatly-liked alternatives include rising video content material subject matter (a favourite of Gen Z), operating paid ads, user-generated content material campaigns, and operating with influencers.

Content material Hub choices like Social Inbox and Content material Remix can have the same opinion execute social strategies to succeed in Gen Z in HubSpot as well.

Trusting Influencers

With regards to achieve alternatives, our research came upon that Gen Z finds ideas from influencers a lot more important than those from friends and family. And their affect doesn’t save you there.

Gen Z finds influencers and content material subject matter creators relatable and devoted. As The Drum outlined, they follow them because of they “will also be providing connection, companionship, and aspiration.”

On account of this, they no longer best impact a follower’s achieve alternatives however moreover their private views.

What can you do as a marketer? Uncover which influencers and creators your Gen Z customers follow and in case you’ll be capable to probably partner with them. In all probability it’s important to send them a free product to post about or art work on a larger content material subject matter collaboration.

Be told additional about your alternatives for influencer advertising and marketing in our ultimate data.

Millennials Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) are unique among other generations in that that they had been born in an analog international alternatively were given right here of age in a digital one. This dual identity can be spotted in their content material subject matter consumption habits.

Mingling with Social Media

Social media started to upward push all through the early 2000s, making it contemporaries with millennials. Millennials have spotted socials’ many evolutions and been a large player in shaping the cultures of older platforms like Facebook and X (prior to now Twitter).

Graphic illustrating social media as the #1 channel for millennial product discovery

Like Gen Z, social media is the number one channel for product discovery for millennials, alternatively their favorite is YouTube, with Facebook and Instagram following.

45% of millennials moreover get their daily data from social media and over 60% their monetary training.

What can you do as a marketer? Objective to teach millennial audiences on social media. This is likely one of the easiest ways to show off your revel in and assemble the trusting relationships needed to in the future make a purchase order order.

Be told additional about probably the greatest forms of social media content material.


Podcasts moreover were given right here of age alongside millennials. eMarketer came upon that 64.2% of the era be aware of podcasts, while Edison Analysis discovered millennials and older contributors of Gen Z turn to them more than some other age team of workers.

What can you do as a marketer? Consider beginning a podcast for your target market or possibly sponsoring or promoting on a podcast you realize your target market already listens to. Both a type of alternatives will will can help you get your promoting and advertising message into millennials’ ears — if truth be told and figuratively.

HubSpot has created quite a few podcasts over the years, along with Advertising Towards the Grain.

On the other hand nowadays, we also have a big podcast community that brings together many methods our target market will also be informed from.

Screenshot of the HubSpot Podcast Network webpage.

Symbol Supply

Many podcast streaming platforms, like Spotify, moreover be offering commercials.

Speaking of streaming…

Subscription Services and products and merchandise

A modern Kagan US Shopper Insights shows millennials spend 9 hours consistent with day on digital recreational.

It’ll surprise you, alternatively, that additional of this time is spent being attentive to track (2.8 hours) and playing video video video games (2.4 hours) than taking a look at TV/video content material subject matter (4.0 hours consistent with day).

This is without reference to having, on cheap, 6.1 online video subscription services and products.

Sounds to me like one generation would perhaps desire a subscription detox.

Out of the ones video subscription services and products, the most popular is Netflix (77%), followed via Amazon Best Video (64%), with Hulu and Disney+ neck-and-neck for third place.

What can you do as a marketer? Now, in truth, you’ll be capable to’t get unique content material subject matter on your favorite streaming platform — that could be cool even if, correct? On the other hand increasingly streaming products and services are providing ad-supported tiers, so that you’ll be capable to nevertheless put it up for sale your product or service to target market.

In step with a find out about through eMarketer, folks of all ages watch video with ad-supported subscriptions at least one time a month, with 80% of Amazon Best Video subscribers opting for ad-supported.

Depending on your millennial target market’s preferences, the ones typically is a pleasing risk for getting their attention.

If the ones ads are out of your price range, you’ll be capable to moreover uncover creative ways to incorporate widespread streaming shows into your content material subject matter. Consider how HubSpot incorporated the HBO assortment “And Merely Like That” into its Instagram content material subject matter:

Gen X Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Against this to the generations that were given right here after them, contributors of Gen X (born between 1965 and 1980) don’t appear to be digital natives. They grew up with additional standard media previous to being exposed to the internet once they were already of working age.


Graphic noting how many hours a day Gen X watches television.

Even if normal television viewership is trending downward in need of streaming, the Bureau of Hard work Statistics discovered contributors of Gen X watch an average of 2.5-3 hours a day.

That’s about 87%, according to Impress Insights, making them the second greatest viewer team of workers behind best kid boomers.

Television could also be Gen X’s 2d favourite supply of day by day information, behind social media.

And that is good. Gen X grew up all through the initial arrival of space television.

What can you do as a marketer? Television ads will not be one of the crucial “inbound” method, alternatively they may be able to nevertheless be environment friendly for reaching nostalgic Gen X audiences. Be told additional in regards to the potential in our Final Information to TV Commercials.

Affinity for Mature Social Media

While of an older age when introduced to social media, Gen X have moreover develop into huge fans of the medium.

In fact, it’s their 2d most-used channel for weekly media consumption (behind television).

Like its younger successors, millennials and Gen Z, our research came upon social media is the number one channel for product discovery for Gen X. However, they prefer Facebook, followed via YouTube (the equivalent as kid boomers).

What can you do as a marketer? Don’t sleep on Facebook promoting and advertising. While waning in reputation with folks beneath 45, the platform is best emerging with Gen X and Kid Boomers. Listed below are some property to get you started:

Kid Boomer Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Kid boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) were the most important generation in the usa until millennials arrived.

As Investopedia explains, they generally keep “economically and politically influential because of their large numbers and the relative prosperity of the U.S. monetary machine all through their working careers.”

So, their content material subject matter consumption habits are value noting.


Kid boomers dramatically need TV to other content material subject matter mediums.

93% flip to it for the majority of their weekly media consumption, and while they have subscription services and products, the volume best hovers round 2.5 consistent with circle of relatives, 4 not up to Gen Z or millennials.

On the other hand what are they taking a look at? Except for for embracing displays like Yellowstone and Dancing with the Stars for recreational, as well as they turn to neighborhood and cable data as their most well-liked channels for daily data.

46% record taking a look at reside, major other generations via 14%.

What can you do as a marketer? Like with Gen X, tv commercials is also how one can move to get in front of kid boomers, alternatively you’ll be capable to moreover imagine taking a look into a couple of in their favorite shows and incorporating them into your content material subject matter.

Social Media Savviness

While they didn’t broaden up with it, child boomers love social media merely as much as their generational successors.

Like Gen X, our report shows their top platforms to be Facebook (70% have visited the web page throughout the last 3 months) and YouTube, with those two moreover major for their free video consumption, in step with Kagan.

Graphic showing how often baby boomers use Facebook.

Against this to other generations, alternatively, our analysis discovered social media is their least most popular channel for product discovery.

What can you do as a marketer? Lean into long-form video content material subject matter on Facebook and YouTube. With their love of television and a couple of social media, experimenting with long-form video could be the secret to leaving a mark on kid boomers.

You’ll be capable to moreover take a look at going live to tell the tale Facebook or YouTube. Check out:

What content material subject matter consumption habits do all generations have in not unusual?

Despite their permutations, all generations seem to agree on 3 problems in relation to consuming content material subject matter:

  • They love social media.
  • They would love video.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be influential.

Bar chart illustrating consumers’ favorite social media platform by generation.

Our survey came upon that 87% of U.S. adults report using social media, with 40% using it to learn new problems or get ideas. In all probability they’re using it in a different way and frequenting other channels, alternatively they’re all using it.

So, without reference to who your target market is, you’ll be capable to’t omit about social on your method.

Be told “Tips on how to Create a Nice Social Media Technique in 2024 (+ New Knowledge)

The equivalent can be mentioned for video. All over every generation, the selection for visual and auditory content material subject matter is apparent, while written (i.e., newsletters and knowledge web sites) are becoming increasingly more a lot much less not unusual.

Plus, video is known to be additional memorable and tasty than static text alone.

All that mentioned, invest in video promoting and advertising — whether or not or now not it’s a television ad, Instagram Reel, YouTube Channel, or quite a few selection alternatives. To seek out the platform your target market is striking out on and meet them there with video.

Be told The Final Information to Video Advertising.

In spite of everything, 72% of all respondents of our survey reported planning on using gen AI-powered search for purchasing groceries one day. 79% of those who have already used it admit it introduced a better experience than standard engines like google.

So, stay apprised of the ones habits and the best way you’ll be capable to adapt your promoting and advertising to them.

Be told AI in Virtual Advertising — The Entire Information.

Are customers content material subject matter along with your content material subject matter?

Content material subject matter promoting and advertising is true right here to stay, alternatively how customers have interaction with it’s evolving. As discussed earlier, no two customers are alike — even within the equivalent generation.

On the other hand using data-backed characteristics and content material subject matter consumption habits, like those shared proper right here, imply you’ll be able to create a smart method that you simply’ll be in a position to check out and refine over the years.

Now, I merely have one question for you: Did you resolve how out of date I’m?

If no longer, I apologize. We millennials is in most cases a little bit mysterious occasionally.

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule

Product Name: Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From The Desk of: Dr. Marius Bakken 2 Time Olympic Runner and M.D.

You’re taking on the ultimate challenge, the marathon, and that takes a strong level of ambition and desire to compete against others… and yourself.

You train for weeks and weeks — many times by yourself — just to get ready for race day.

After spending so much time and effort, it’s only natural to want to do your best.

Your goal may be as simple as wanting to run faster than a friend. Or perhaps it’s to set a new personal best for the marathon.

That’s why you worry about picking the “right program”. The problem is, there’s so many programs that seem incomplete. Or they aren’t a good fit for your skills or abilities.

Imagine being able to open up the brains of a top marathon training coach… or a 2 time Olympic runner…

Imagine you could pull out every single proven tip, tactic, and technique for slashing your training and race times to the bone. We’re talking about turning ordinary runners into very good marathoners in a relatively short time.

You are about to grab a major competitive edge.

The type of edge that can slash minutes off your best race times. The type of edge that can transform an ordinary runner into a very good marathoner. Best of all, it’s the type of edge that 99.9% of all runners will never discover or even have access to.

Hi, my name is Marius Bakken. I am a two-time Olympic runner who has competed in races throughout the world. Recently, I decided to take a break from competing on an international level and pursue my life-long dream of becoming a physician so I enrolled in medical school which I completed in 2010. (I’ll explain why my decision to become a physician is important to you in just a moment.)

I’m just as proud to say that for two consecutive years I was the second fastest non-African 5k runner in the world with a 13.06.39 personal best.

Now you may not realize it, but getting to the level of international competition wasn’t easy for me. I don’t consider myself to be a naturally gifted runner. I didn’t wake up one day ready to compete on an international — or even national — level either.

In fact, I started out as an ordinary guy who loved to run.

And because I loved to run, it was only a matter of time before I wanted to compete against other runners. In order to become a faster runner, I’ve spent many years training hard to become a faster runner.

That was before I discovered that training hard isn’t enough.

Training hard is okay but it’s even more important to train smart instead.

It was only a matter of time until I made an amazing discovery…

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The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires a more recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.

Fast forward to the summer of 2005. A friend of mine named Martin Samdal asked me for some advice. He had already reserved his spot to compete in the upcoming New York City Marathon.

In fact, it was going to be the first ever marathon that Martin had ever run.

The problem is, he had done little or no training over the summer. Now he was about 12 weeks from having to run in the actual event and was starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

Like many new marathoners, he wasn’t sure how to go about training properly. He was confused about what he needed to do so that he was in peak condition on race day.

In other words, he needed a field-tested and proven plan!

I took some of the best Kenyan and Italian training techniques I knew and quickly wrote up a training schedule for Martin. As I handed the schedule to Martin I thought to myself, “This is better than nothing. At least it gives him a good plan he can follow without hurting himself.”

Honestly, I had some serious doubts about how well Martin would do. After all, he was closer to being a coach potato than a world class Kenyan runner.

You can imagine my surprise as Martin dropped almost 20 pounds during those 12 weeks of training.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Competing in his first ever New York City Marathon, Martin ran a 2:58:52!

In fact, during the last 6 miles of the race — when most marathoners are running out of gas — he passed 252 other runners and grabbed a top 600 finish.

Here’s the official NYC marathon results for Martin

After 12 weeks of
the training program!

All of this as a first-time marathoner.

I use to think this modern marathon training method only worked for the very best runners.

It turns out my Kenyan-Italian hybrid training system works for any type of runner… even an out-of-shape guy who needs help to have his best running experience ever. It works for even brand-new marathoners who want to finish their first ever race in style instead of shame.

In fact here are a few of the early “test subjects” on this program (Some of the names have been partially withheld at the runners request for privacy):

I quickly realized there was a limit to how many runners it was possible to personally train.

First, being in medical school has left me with very little extra time to help others.

Second, not everyone can travel to Norway to train… especially if they live somewhere else in the world.

That’s why after years of testing, refining, and proving it works, I’ve therefore decided to make my ”coaching clients only’ training program available to the general public.

First, let me clear up one common misunderstanding about the program.

I decided to call it the “100 Day Marathon Plan” because the average length of time many experienced marathoners use to train for their next marathon is 100 days. That’s because they want to arrive on race day in peak condition without spending too many weeks doing high-intensity workouts.

That doesn’t mean 100 days is the only option.

In fact there is added a whole section in the program which explains how you can adjust the program to as little as 60 days or up to 150 days from race day and still use the powerful training.

If you want to succeed at the marathon you need two critical pieces. It takes both a well planned training schedule and taking care of your health to run your best race time ever.

I want to share one little fact that could make a huge difference in how you view marathon training…

If you truly want to become more successful in your personal marathon challenge, then you need to start using a complete training system.

system that can make sure you are training correctly… slash your risk
of injury down to the bone… boost your motivation and puts you on the starting line on race
day — ready to roll.

“Marius, I liked how you had alot of rest days built in and that the rest days were truly unloading days in that they were easy and short. I was just listening to a podcast with running coach Bobby McGee (not sure if you have heard of him, but he works alot with running form and coaches some triathletes and track guys on the world class level). He talked about how for most novice runners, that a recovery run is an oxymoron.

They do not have the capacity to recover while still running on that day (too much stress). So I like how the recovery and off days are amply peppered through the program. This will help alot of people who are looking to try their first marathon. I think with your program which is based to a large extent on alot of intensity, you are not shy about plenty of recovery. Your clients will be able to stress->rest>grow!

I liked the workouts. Coming from a slowtwitch type background, it was nice to leg it out a bit. My favorite runs are the progression runs. They provided me with the confidance to move through all of my effort/heart rate gears.

This program will work well for a variety of runners. However, I think two groups will profit the most. The first group is runners who are pressed for time and want to maximize the time that is available with more workouts around marathon effort (as opposed to a high volume Lydiard type program). The second group that will do well with this program is the casual runner who has lots of easy base work and can recover well but cannot figure out how to put together the pieces when it comes to intensity.

The program was well organized, easy to read and use. Again I think you make good use of rest and intensity. It is a time efficient program and I like that. I played around with the Lydiard type approach a few years ago and your workouts were much easier to understand.”

Dr. William (Bill) Walz
Physican and 3:30 marathoner
Los Angeles

That’s why I believe I can offer you a 1-2 powerful punch that is head and shoulders over any other training program on the market.

First, I have an extensive background in world-class training methods — used for years and proven to work with dozens of other runners besides myself. So what I teach isn’t some ‘extreme’ program that only Olympic marathoners could survive.

Instead, I’ve structured everything so it’s easy to customize for any runner — regardless of their age, gender, speed, or skill.

Add to that my medical background to advise you on things like proper diet, preventing and healing injuries and you’ve got a powerful 1-2 punch working on your behalf.

Even in the best of weather, it’s still a big challenge for most.

There’s a lot more things that could go wrong during a marathon than any other type of race. That’s because there are a lot of miles and a lot of time needed to complete a marathon.

Use the right plan and your next marathon could be a wonderful experience.

Miss something important or you use an incomplete plan and you may not even be able to finish the race!

That’s why properly preparing for the marathon is crucial.

Every week, I get emails from concerned runners and members of Marathon Training Schedule. Many of these emails share the same two worries…

Worry #1: They’re not sure exactly what they should do in terms of day to day training, diet, and injuries…

You can find many programs and tips out there that offer some advice. But not one of them offers a complete detailed plan for both the actual running sessions and the rest of the preparation leading up to and including race day.

Because they are working with incomplete or “half-baked” plans, many runners find themselves feeling anxious and not fully prepared on race day.

They worry about “hitting the wall” around the 20 mile mark…

They get anxious that their training won’t work as advertised …

They’re not sure their diet — before and the day of the race — is the “right one”…

Worry #2: They’re not sure how to find the best training program so they wind up with the fastest possible race time…

Let’s face it: If you want to run the marathon then you are a positively unique person!

It leaves you with a serious problem. A problem that I believe I can solve.

The truth is, I offer this type of training materials because I love this sport. This is a great way for me to give back to the sport that has given me so much over the years even if I can’t personally train each and every person in the world who wants to run their best marathon time ever.

… I want to help you run faster and better than you have ever done before!

I’ve deliberately designed the “100 Day Marathon Plan” with that goal in mind.

There’s eight different training schedules ranging from the pure beginners training plan up to the 2:45 marathoner.

Specifically you have a 2:45 schedule, a 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and a pure beginners plan to pick from !

So you see, it doesn’t matter what level of runner you are. It doesn’t matter how fast you currently run. My “100 Day Marathon Plan” can quickly and easily be customized to your needs and abilities.

It’s easy to customize because I’ve taken the entire program and broken it into easy-to-find sections that clearly explain things.

“Marius Bakken has used his unique experience as a world-class runner to put together one of the most comprehensive marathon products I have seen.  The 100-day Marathon Training program is covering all topics to improve as a runner. 

Marius experience and knowledge of modern training techniques will benefit  runners, from the beginner to the experienced marathoner.” 

Jack Waitz, husband/coach of 9 time NYC marathon winner Grete Waitz

“Most marathon schedules are rigid. The 100 Day Marathon Plan deals with flexibility and gives runners options. I especially enjoyed the marathon race-day tips and how you combine the Italian and Kenyan schools of thought into one program. I like the use of Lydiard-like periodization with a build from the 5K to the marathon itself.

All types of runners would benefit from this type of marathon work. That’s the best thing about this program: It’s for everyone! It builds you up for the marathon, step-by-step instead of getting you to think about the marathon from day one. I’ve never seen anything like this before”

Duncan Larkin, Running Times Magazine writer and 2.32 marathon runner

“To illustrate what Marius’ program did to my shape: During the 12 weeks of training towards New York Marathon I “tested” myself weekly on the SRM race (3.3k). The 10th of August 2005 by the start of the schedule: 12:39, the 7th of September: 12:13, the 12th of September 11:25 and the 12th of October 11:16. That means an improvement of 11%!

On a marathon this is equal to almost 30 minutes improvement on only 12 weeks of training

On the starting line in New York my weight was reduced to 71 kg, 10 kg (20 pounds) lower than it was 12 weeks earlier. The feeling was amazing. Especially the feeling of being extremely strong the last 10 k. For a relatively untrained person just some months before to pass 250 runners (and only getting passed by 3) on the last 10 k and a finishing position of 517 out of 37 000 was an experience of a lifetime.”

Martin Samdal, 2:58:52 NYC Marathon 2005

This is exactly what I’m looking for ! Show me where to claim my copy.

8 different marathon training schedules based on your finishing time goal: From marathon rookie all way to a sub 2:45 race time… I got you covered. Just pick the one that best meets your needs & abilities and you’re ready to roll!

Workouts based on your heart rate and specific running times so you are always training in the optimal zone without risking your health…

15 instructional videos where I walk you step-by-step through the schedules. I even explain the different core principles that most marathon training courses miss!

10 additional videos covering important things like how to pick the right training shoes… improving your running form… how to use strength training to compliment your training… and more!

120 content-packed pages that “walk you through” the whole marathon preparation process…

“Hello Marius this is a letter of thanks to you. On Sunday in the London Marathon I set a new life time best running 2.47.34.

I should point out to anyone reading this that I have been running for 17 years and Marathons for 11 years! I am now 49 years old and going by what many runners say should be slowing down, yet on your program I ran 3 mins 39 sec faster than last year and 1 min 18 sec faster than my old P.B. set way back in 2003 when I was only 42 years old! AMAZING!!!

I felt stronger than ever before in the last 6 miles and overtook runner after runner in my charge for the line, infact I think only one runner went passed me in those last 6 miles!
I have found your 100 day plan enjoyable and challenging, but at the same time because you never train harder than 10k pace I was able to recover quickly and not overtrain and dig myself into a whole I could not get out of! Also because your training plan changes from week to week I found my body kept getting stronger throughout the entire program!

I had no injuries or illness, a very good sign that shows how sensible and clever your program is!
I now intend to follow your training programme up to next years London marathon, where I believe I can continue to improve and run 2.45 or better at the age of 50! I’m happy to recommend your 100 day marathon plan to anybody who is serious about running faster, if I can do it then anyone can!

Thanks again Marius, you have reversed the aging process for me:)”

Rick Bowker, Southport UK. PR at the Liverpool half marathon of 1.18 ‘ 2010 at the age of 49 (1 month later went on to run 2:47 in London) Blogs at

“What I enjoyed most of the plan was the ease of picking a schedule and fixing the workouts to my work schedule. I am a District Chief with the Laredo Fire Dept. and work 24 hours and 48 hours off. Most of my runs were early morning. The plan took out a lot of guess work on how to prepare for my first marathon. When I researched a marathon plan there was a lot of skepticism about how it is almost impossible to run a marathon if you havent had a good base for over a year. Another thing that the plan did was inspire me to RACE my events not merely survive them. Upon completion of your program there was no doubt in my mind that I would not finish my first marathon. The question turned from, will I finish into how fast will I finish ? I could have run it at a lot slower pace and sprint at the end…but I still have that competiveness that makes me compete.. even if it is only competing against my own set times.

My trainings/results improved me by about a minute in a 5k to 3 minutes on 10K. My favorite sessions were the long runs where I would use them to listen to good music and relax.

I would recommend this plan to anyone willing to put in the time it takes to train for a marathon. From novice to advanced runner. I am proof that what seemed as an unattainable goal at times can be attainable taking one day at a time using your plan. Like I’ve mentioned before, this inspired me to try to go faster and qualify for Boston.

Ruben Vegas, District Chief, Laredo Fire. Dept. Ultimate Goal : Boston Marathon Qualification

Simply review the program at your convenience and then start using my training techniques with your next workout. Everything is organized so it’s easy to follow and even easier to put into action.

“It is extremely well organized and informative. I almost feel compelled to run a marathon just to follow your program. Your knowledge on the subject is extremely evident in your writing. I love how you explain the combination of Italian and Kenyan Marathon Training Plans.

I loved it. Very Professional.”

David Tiefenthaler, coach and owner of

But that’s not all of the resources you’ll find inside the “100 Day Marathon Plan” .

I’ve also had 4 automatic calculators created that you must see to believe. You’ll enjoy using them to do things like

… Calculate exactly how much to eat and drink during the marathon based on your goal time, the weather and your body type

… Get your exact “pace” to run in the marathon so you hit your target finish time

… How to quickly pick what training schedule is best for you simply from your 5k/10k/half marathon time

… Discovering what your body mass index (BMI) is and what injuries, if any, you maybe risking because of your BMI.

That’s the types of tools and resources you’ll gain immediate access to when you grab your own copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan”.

Now don’t just take my word on it…

Why old-fashioned marathon training is now obsolete… (Chapter 2)

How to find your maximum heart rate… (Chapter 4)

The one part of every training program where 67% of all injuries occur… Just make a small change in your training and your chances of staying injury-free skyrocket! (Chapter 7)

2 easy ways to choose the right workout schedule for you (Chapter 4)

Need to lose some weight? No problem. I share 3 easy ways to lose weight while marathon training besides doing more running! (Chapter 9)

Why after-marathon training is critical to your success… (Chapter 6)

The best way to control your training intensity and find your optimal training zone without using lactate acid testing… (Chapter 3)

The #1 mistake that runners can make on their easy training days (Chapter 9)

A special tip, based on research from the former (German) DDR Republic, that can help improve your running form dramatically while helping you stay injury-free! (Chapter 5)

3 ways to treat minor injuries… before they turn into major ones! (Chapter 9)

The one training technique used by the Kenyans that helps them build incredible strength… and it’s not weight lifting! (Chapter 2)

What to eat (and not eat) leading up to your race day… (Chapter 10)

I’ve read enough…I’m ready for a complete marathon plan.

We could have stopped there with the amount of content and most marathoners would have been happy. But I couldn’t just “settle” for offering a good product… not when I could turn the “100 Day Marathon Plan” into the marathoner’s must-have training program.

Not a chance. I didn’t become a two-time Olympic runner… or the second fastest non-African 5k runner in the world for two consecutive years by settling for “good enough”.

And that’s why I also included these golden nuggets in the “100 Day Marathon Plan”…

The #1 reason for injuries — besides wearing the wrong shoes. Just turn to chapter 2 for the full scoop…

My secret strategy for running your best time ever… (Chapter 11)

The 7 best courses in the world to run a new P.R.! (Chapter 13)

5 different phases for every marathoner — no matter what skill level or experience they might be! (Chapter 3)

How to avoid sweat rolling into your eyes during your marathon just use this common item found at your local drugstore or supermarket and the problem is solved fast! (Chapter 12)

A stone-cold easy way to change your workout schedule on the fly… just follow the guidelines in Chapter 4 to change the workout intensity instantly!

Why 1/3 of all injuries are due to wearing the wrong footwear! (But don’t worry I’ve dedicated an entire chapter to help you get the exact footwear you need to stay injury-free!) (Chapter 8)

The two things you must do with every hard workout… Skip them and you massively increase the risk of injuring yourself! (Chapter 5)

Like running in beautiful or exotic locations? Me too. That’s why I’m sharing my favorite beautiful marathon locations worldwide! (Chapter 13)

7 easy ways you can customize any of my programs… perfect if you want to “fine-tune” your workouts to exactly meet your needs! (Chapter 7)

How to avoid feeling chilly when doing a cold weather race especially when adding layers of clothes is not an option! (Chapter 12)

A research breakthrough that confirms what runners have always suspected… If you use this tactic… you WILL run faster in your marathon…(Chapter 2)

There’s still even more…

I want to make sure every marathoner who uses my “100 Day Marathon Plan” sees a significant improvement in their training and race times. I want you to succeed just like Martin Samdal and the other “success stories” have done so we’re going to sweeten the pot even more.

I’ll also include 3 introductory and 3 post-marathon training weeks (perfect for off-peak training periods!)

As I discover new training breakthroughs and techniques, I may update this program. Rest assured, you’ll get any product updates free of charge… forever!

Just image this… Not only will you get to access to the very best world-class marathon training but you will discover first hand how (and why) these powerful training methods really work!

But, you won’t have to pay anywhere near that to get the same information. Best of all, you’ll get to learn it from the comfort of your own home.

No travel, no expenses, no uncomfortable hotel beds, or the usual traveling hassles.

Best of all, you don’t risk a single penny either because I’m prepared to offer you

I am completely confident that you will be pleased with my “100 Day Marathon Plan” because I know there isn’t anything else available on the market like it.

In fact, that’s why I am not afraid to offer you a 60 day, 100% unconditional, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.

Take up to two full months to review the entire “100 Day Marathon Plan” and make an honest, fair effort at improving your own race times.

If the 100 Day Marathon Plan” doesn’t help you slash your race times and help you become fitter and trimmer then email me and I’ll promptly refund your money. I want you to be completely satisfied with my Program or I don’t want you to keep it.

No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings. I take this very seriously.

8 different training schedules based on your finishing time goal: It doesn’t matter if you’re a marathon rookie or a sub 2:45 racer… it’s covered.

Just pick the one that best meets your needs and you’re ready to roll!

Workouts based on your heart rate and specific running times so you are always training in the optimal zone without risking your health…

15 instructional videos where I walk you step-by-step through the schedules. I even explain the different core principles that most marathon training courses miss!

10 additional videos covering important things like how to pick the right training shoes… improving your running form… how to use strength training to compliment your training… and more!

120 content-packed pages that “walk you through” the whole marathon preparation process…

6 Bonus Weeks of Training Workouts

FREE Lifetime Product Updates!

Right now you are standing at a crossroads.

You can ignore this letter and pretend you are happy with your current training methods. Six months from now, things will probably still be the same.

You will keep dealing with the constant aches and pains that always seem to follow your training. Worse, you’ll feel even more frustrated by the lack of improvement in your conditioning or race times — even after training countless hours for days and days.

Or you can make the choice today to start training smarter and training better. You’ll choose to tap into field-tested and proven to work modern marathon methods to transform any runner — even the casual jogger — into a significantly better runner. You’ll feel more confident as any unwanted pounds melt away and you see your training times get faster and faster.

In other words, your life will be different based on the choice you make today.

Here’s my suggestion: Try the “100 Day Marathon Plan” system for 60 days. Follow it step-by-step and make a real effort to create a positive change. Focus on reaching your goal of becoming a faster marathoner.

When your friends see the drastic changes, they’re going to ask you how much you paid for the personal trainer… because most people think working with a personal trainer is the only way to produce results that quickly. You’ll just smile because you’ll know that you paid less than 5% of what a personal trainer or coach would charge every month — and still achieved amazing results!

Because as a registered member of the “100 Day Marathon Plan”, if you’re not 100% satisfied during the first 60 days of your membership, simply send us an email. We’ll cancel your access to the full “100 Day Marathon Plan” system and return your money, no questions asked. It’s really that hassle-free.

Don’t wait Take charge and make a change. Now is the time to take your running to the next level. Order now!

I Want To Use Your “100 Day Marathon Plan” To Slash My Race Times and Leave My Competition Far Behind! Please give me INSTANT Access!

If I decide the “100 Day Marathon Plan” contains more world-class training secrets than I can handle, then I can cancel and owe nothing.

Click Here or Above to Download

Don’t Wait… Grab Your Copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” Right Now!

P.S. You can spend countless amounts of time, trying to find the latest tips for running faster or better… maybe you’ll find them in online runners forums… or runners magazine… or talking to other marathoners that you meet. Maybe you’ll find a golden nugget of training advice that you can put into action that will truly make a difference.

Or you can grab your own copy of my field-tested and proven to work system. You’ll save yourself countless hours of “research”. Even better, instead of trying to patch together your own training system… you can just follow any of my eight training schedules — easily customizable to your needs and abilities — and get back to doing what you truly love… running!

P.P.S. Have you ever thought of hiring a top-notch personal running coach in your area? I have and it’s not as easy as it might sound. For starters, you will need to fit into their schedule and pay them hundreds or even thousands of dollars for their professional guidance.

Or you can grab your own copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” and start using it whenever you want. It’s easier than you think to get started, so why wait any longer… grab your copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” right now.

Are still unsure if this is the right marathon program for you…

“I’m a 2:20 marathoner that had become very curious about the Italian Periodisation (negative taper) since Stephano Baldini won the 2004 Olympic Marathon. I immediately went searching for his approach.

Quickly, I was mind-boggled by how much of a consistent performer he was. The Italians must have discovered a format for marathon success.

For years I’ve studied but not until buying the 100 Day Marathon Plan approach did I truly understand the simplicity of it.

Marius has broken it down and made it easy to understand and to take anywhere. The addition of the heart rate monitor parameters (at Kenyan Intensity) make it doable by anyone, anywhere. I honestly have enjoyed all of it. I know Marius was able to get the best out of himself and his running and medical knowledge should be followed.

Wonderful program. I personally loved the heart rate effort zones. I live in a place that has rare ideal weather and to be able to run without becoming a slave to the watch has given me a bounce in my step! Every runner would benefit from this program!”

Marty Dalton
2.20 marathoner

“Hi Marius,

How I went from 3:34:45 (Chicago 08) to 3:15 (Grand Rapids 09) with the 100 day plan :

The fact is, I already speak of your program to athletes, even in other sports, because I’ve been so satisfied with learning new things and improving significantly again. I ran in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on 18 October 2009 with a 20 minute personal best following your plan.

I trained hard for Chicago in ’08, targeting the 3:20 Boston time, running up to 60 miles a week, even doing hard intervals in the rain on the track in the dark by myself. But despite orthotics and ice baths after hard/long runs, I kept getting knee problems thanks to poor choices of workout distances and pacing: in 2008, I ran a great abundance of 7-11 mile runs, all in zone 2. (I didn’t know it was zone 2; I was just following what I downloaded for free from Runner’s World. And I got what I paid for!) So I was hurt, and burned out. I peaked way too early. I couldn’t imagine running as slow as a 9-minute mile. I thought hard effort was what I needed. I listened to some of the guys from the local running group who believed: “the only way to run faster is to run faster.”

With your program, I feel like I finally found exactly what I need: a scientific approach that combines zone 1 slow runs with high intensity tailored interval work. Of critical importance to me–since I need exercise to manage my fibromyalgia pain–I’ve avoided injury completely. (If injured, I struggle to exercise with the intensity required to manage my pain syndrome.)

I started eating vegetables for breakfast sometimes, to be like the Kenyans, and attained my targeted weight loss (from 168 down to 155) over four months’ time. I never bought the lipoic acid, but I considered it, based on your recommendation. I took magnesium once a night, at least after long runs, to replace this electrolyte, and never had any muscle cramps. All these were ideas from your 100 day plan.

My biggest progress in this training has to be the change in my half-marathon times. Last year, and even early this year, I was running 1:38-1:41, depending on the course condition (hills, heat, etc.). A month before the marathon and well into the 100 day plan, on rolling hills, but perfect weather, I ran 1:28:13. This was the first time I’d gotten a running percentile score over 70 since college.

Presently, I’d like to get a percentile score of 70 at all the distances. The 5K (upper 18’s) and 10K (about 39:00) seem quite attainable, either this fall or next spring. But a marathon of 3:03 presents a different sort of challenge. Since marathon training is quite demanding, and failing to make a goal is so disappointing, I want to be really thoughtful about setting a marathon target for 2010. The 3-hour mark is particularly monumental, (thanks, Lance Armstrong!) but a fair stretch from where I’m at.

Running the 1:28 half this year I felt that a 3-hour marathon was possible for me. I’m prepared to pay for your next e-product, if it comes out, on moving the next 15 minutes on the marathon!”

I am a 69 year old marathon runner who has run 186 marathons including 3:14:45 as a 55 year old. In the fall of 2009 I purchased the 100 day marathon plan and this is my experience :

I noticed already in the three introductory weeks of the program how my legs got lighter and the times pr km started to go down. For example the Zone 1 easy runs to my job was at that time 6.15-6.25 pr km. Now, ten weeks later, that same effort is down to 5.20 pr km. Because I write a daily training diary and have done so since 1978 I can clearly see how my training times are radically faster then they have been in many, many years since starting the 100 day marathon plan.

What has struck me as considerably different with the 100 day marathon plan then any other program I have used is the great variation in the training, for example in week nr 7 the type sessions where you run for 60 minutes with variation between Effort 2 and 4. In addition to that I’ve had great benefits from your “Special Strides”.

Today, only 6 days after a marathon where I did a 30 minute year best following the plan, I feel fully recovered. I would recommend the program to anyone, when the results for me are so dramatic – who is not a top athlete, I suspect it will have even greater effect on better runners. In addition to that, I believe most joggers will benefit from this kind of structured program.

Per Oscar Holm-Olsen, 186 time marathoner and 4.06 marathon (30 minute year best) as a 69 year old following the 100 day plan.

“I started running 3 years ago for fun. Since then I have finished 3 marathons and also run shorter road races. My personal records are 10k 36:50 Half 1:22:10 Marathon 3:01:07

The 100 Day Marathon Plan is clearly explained and makes following the plan very simple. It takes the guesswork out which makes it harder to overthink the training and just go out and run.

I especially liked the self massage part, I had not seen it in any program/book and I think it could certainly help to recover faster.

Who would benefit from this type of plan ? The program seems written for people that have little background in running terminology and how the body responds to different stimuli in training.”

Francisco Rosa
3:01 marathon runner

“It is extremely well organized and informative. I almost feel compelled to run a marathon just to follow your program. Your knowledge on the subject is extremely evident in your writing. I love how you explain the combination of Italian and Kenyan Marathon Training Plans.

I loved it. Very Professional.”

David Tiefenthaler, coach and owner of

“I just run Marine Corpse Marathon in 3:03 – 11 min off my previous PR following the 100 day marathon plan! I want to run Palm Beach Marathon Dec 6 and would like to break 3hr.”

….five weeks weeks later :

“Hi Marius, soo excited as I said on 25th of October I did a 3:03 in Marine Corp. I just did Sunday Dec.6 a 2:57 PR in the Palm Beach Marathon, Thanks!!!! Took off 7 min in  weeks and broke that sub 3hrs and feel great! Thanks!”

Carrie Pustilnik
3:03 Marine Corpse Marathon October 09, 2:57 Palm Beach December 09.

I find the 100 day plan very useful. Especially the combination of a running schedule and tutorials of the basic training ideas and other elements which provides insights on how and why the schedule build up the way it is. I also like the emphasis on the flexibility of the schedule and on the positive tone throughout the plan.

It really helps the newcomer to be confident that it is possible run a marathon without running mile after mile day after day. I of course like the 100 day plan because it most importantly provides results. Follow the plan and be sure to have the best possibilities to have a great run.Compared to other plans I have followed (Stockholm 21K program by Anders Szalkai) the 100 day plan aren’t that complex with a lot of different element in each training session.

I have completed 6 half marathons and has a PB of 1:39. My long time goal is to qualify and run Boston marathon before 2013, which will require a marathon under 3:20 some time in 2012.

One of the best part of the 100-day plan was the FAQ part. This gave the opportunity to interact with a coach and other runners on different elements of the plan. This made some of the runs easier to understand and also provided with additional information from runners in the same training level and situation as yourself.

Geir Engen, NATO officer and 1:39 Half Marathon Runner

With over 120 content-packed pages, 25 instructional & training videos, 4 online training calculators, a members-only area, and more… it’s no big surprise that the “100 Day Marathon Plan” is quickly becoming the top training program for new or struggling marathoners on the market today.

Click Here or Above to Download

The button above will take you to your download page and gives you instant access… grab your copy today and you too can break away from the rest of the pack!


Please note: This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank, the most trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to a thank you form where you enter information to receive a receipt, and to download the entire program. If you have a high speed internet connection, the downloads usually take less than a minute. Are you still reading the fine print? According to FDA one has to claim that “results are not typical” – however, the testimonials on this page are 100 % accurate. Having said that, if you do not put down the work and do the actual marathon training planned you cannot expect fast marathon times. Enjoy and I look forward to working with you. Kind regards, Marius

Click here to get Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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