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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

Product Name: The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

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Want to do more pull-ups?

To the Man or Woman who can do ZERO Pull-ups and Wants to do Sets of 10, 20, 30, or More: Learn How I Dramatically Improved my Pull-up Performance and Have Helped Hundreds of People do the Same With a Unique Twist on Pull-up Training.

If you’ve been struggling to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups, then I’d really like the opportunity to help you succeed – and I’m confident that I can.

Over the years, I’ve discovered a number of key components that are essential to pull-up training success, that unfortunately, most people either don’t know about, or at the very least, don’t use. And thus, they perpetually struggle with exercises like pull-ups among others. But when all of these key components are integrated into one comprehensive system – when you connect the dots – pull-up training success is guaranteed. And on this page, I’m going to help you understand why.

You see, I’m a fitness coach who has loved pull-up training ever since I was a kid, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked about how to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups over the years. From the many times I’ve been ambushed beneath the pull-up bar at various gyms to the countless questions I’ve received online since I started publishing fitness articles in 2008, it’s been overwhelming. And after answering the same questions over and over again about how to get better at pull-ups, I realized that, “hey, I could do something with my unique twist on pull-up training and maybe even help a lot of people.”

So, I decided to create a comprehensive pull-up training system called The Pull-up Solution that can help practically anyone improve their pull-up numbers using a unique system that works better than anything else currently available.

You see, unlike every other pull-up training book, e-book, DVD, or digital product, The Pull-up Solution is a fully-customizable, do-it-yourself coaching system to help you rapidly improve your pull-up numbers safely and effectively using methods I’ve learned from various fitness professionals, athletes, martial artists, special operations personnel, and yes, even some of my personal training clients. Sometimes, I think they teach me more than I teach them!

And over the years, I’ve learned that most people need more than just a generic, cookie-cutter workout program to help them reach their goals – whether for improving pull-ups or otherwise. Perhaps 1 in 10 people can make that work, but it’s the other 9 who struggle over and over again that I’ve worked with the most. You know – normal people. And there are a lot of obvious reasons why they’ve been struggling!

Because let’s face it. Pull-ups are HARD, and most people struggle with them because of that reason alone. You can’t just take weight plates off to make the exercise more manageable, and so there is a much higher barrier to entry when it comes to pull-ups. Not to mention it takes a little bit of discipline and hard work applied consistently over time to build up your pull-up strength and maintain it. It should go without saying that getting better at pull-ups doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, humility, and a lot of patience. And you have to be very intentional and systematic about it every step of the way.

And in a similar vein, some people think that working hard is all you have to do, and if you only worked harder, then you would succeed. But this isn’t true either. You have to work hard and smart to succeed with pull-ups.

Now, not only are pull-ups hard in-and-of-themselves, but most people perform them improperly – and not just the technique of the exercise itself, but with poor exercise programming, too. They either “wing it” and get no results, poor results, or random results OR they follow a generic, cookie-cutter program that isn’t suited for their unique needs and circumstances hoping that it will magically help them achieve their goals. But that’s like playing the lottery with your results – the odds are against you. And maybe you’ve had this mentality before, as I have. But when you really think about it, that’s not exactly the best approach. Is it?

So, no wonder most people struggle with pull-ups!

And this problem is further compounded by the fact that most people don’t get the right kind of help. They try to do it alone. They don’t hire a coach. They go looking online and think that reading one article or watching one video once in awhile will provide the solution they’ve been searching for and solve their problem instantly.

Maybe that’s you. And you know how that usually goes.

The truth is that there’s more to performing a pull-up than simply getting your chin over the bar – a lot more. But you won’t learn the best techniques and training strategies in an exercise textbook or an online video. And chances are, your personal trainer may know the basics, but won’t have any advanced solutions or, more importantly, the right personal touch, to help you reach a whole new level.

This is why I created The Pull-up Solution for people like you. Because I might not know everything there is to know about exercise, but I do know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training and have a long track record of helping people get really good at them quickly and safely. This is something I’ve been really good at for a long time, and I’ve finally put all of my methods into one affordable package so that this is the last pull-up training resource you ever need.

Click Play to watch me do 30 pull-ups.

Now, I won’t lie to you and claim that I’m some big-dog personal trainer to the celebrities. I don’t have a long list of super-clients ranging from movie stars to rock stars to Navy SEALS. The truth is that I’m just your average fitness professional from the backwoods of small-town New Hampshire who happens to know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training. And I’d estimate that 90% of my personal training clients over the years have been ordinary folks just looking to get healthier, stronger, and leaner – not super-athletes or some genetic elite.

And so, with this never-seen-before, one-of-a-kind system that I made for anyone with two good arms, you can become extremely proficient in the pull-up exercise – to perform sets of 10, 20, 30, or more reps – and reap all the benefits that comes with that kind of conditioning: strong and defined arms, shoulders, back, and core musculature. Not to mention better posture and serious pound-for-pound strength that will let you progress to more advanced exercises, too.

Just do more pull-ups. (BIG FAT LIE!)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen an article from a fitness trainer or strength coach who says that you “just need to do more pull-ups” if you want to get better at them.

Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple.

Sure. That advice might seem to work for some people, for a little while. But this usually happens despite their simplified approach, and when it does, the results seldom last. Not to mention that this advice isn’t applicable to people who can’t do any pull-ups yet – or practically anyone else with special considerations, for that matter.

You see, getting really good at pull-up training and succeeding over the long term requires the integration of several key components that are essential to pull-up training success. In other words, if you don’t get all of these right, then you can forget about succeeding. It just won’t happen – at least, not in my experience.

Because in every single case I’ve ever encountered where someone was struggling to get better at pull-ups, there was at least one – and usually more – of these components missing from their approach. The good news is that when we identify what it is and make some simple changes to their approach, the results finally start coming in.

And I’m not talking about some trendy tips or secrets, but the laws of conditioning and principles of training. Things like the proper use of progression, overload, and periodization, among others. And if you’re missing even just one of the components, then at best, you’ll get sub-par or even no results, whatsoever – wasting your time and energy on something that won’t pay off. And at worst, you may experience overtraining, injuries, or other problems. And many people do!

So, in The Pull-up Solution, I’ve made it my goal to seamlessly integrate all of these key components into one holistic system so that your results are practically guaranteed – and you don’t even have to think about it because it’s all been done for you.

All but one of the keys, that is. The last key component of pull-up training success is hard work, and YOU are in charge of that one! I can throw out words like progression and overload, yadda yadda yadda, but if you’re not willing to work hard, you can forget about succeeding. As I’ve said before, you have to work hard and smart with pull-up training, and nobody gets better at them by accident.

So, how did this product come about?

Ever since I started publishing fitness articles and videos online, one of the most common questions I’ve received is on how to get better at pull-ups. So, I found myself creating pull-up training articles and videos, and that would cause even more questions to come in.

I also had other website owners contact me and pay me to write pull-up training articles for their readers, too. Before long, I was starting to be known as an unconventional pull-up training expert in a few corners of the Internet.

And then it happened. I decided to publish my very own pull-up workout program with a twist – combining some of my best pull-up training strategies into one program and also including some special instructions for customizing the workouts to better suit my web visitor’s needs.

And that blogpost went absolutely viral in every sense of the word. It didn’t just start getting hundreds of hits per day, it started getting tens of thousands of visitors each day. It was shared thousands of times through various social media services. And to this day, it’s still my highest-viewed webpage with over 1 million views.

So, a few months after that happened, I thought to myself, “maybe I have something here that can really help people.” I know. I’m a little slow. But that’s when the idea for The Pull-up Solution was born, and the official beta-testing began. I started working with people to see how well my program worked for my online clients, for men, women, old, young, soldiers, and law enforcement officers, among others.

I wanted to find out if my program was more effective than the alternatives they’d tried in the past. And to say it was would be an understatement. The truth is that the positive feedback was overwhelming!

I never thought a single blogpost with a workout program could bring in so many success stories. But over the next two years, I worked with dozens of people to see how the program went in order to improve it and turn it into a comprehensive product.

Some of my beta-testers kept in very close contact with me via email and Skype throughout the process, but most of them followed the program almost entirely on their own – sending me an update on their progress and an occasional question once in awhile.

Note: you can see some of their results further down this page.

To my delight, the program has been a complete success! I’ve received dozens of confirmed success stories from people who were ecstatic from the results. And to this day, I’ve only received one negative report from someone who didn’t succeed with it. Needless to say, I’m pretty satisfied with those results.

And so, I’ve spent the last two years refining that original program with the help of my beta-testers to create a much more comprehensive, no-nonsense system for mastering pull-ups.

The Pull-up Solution gives YOU the keys to create a customized workout program using a tested-and-proven system that addresses your unique needs, goals, and circumstances.

Because the fact of the matter is that not everyone can do pull-ups. And not everyone progresses at the same pace or using the same route. Also, some people have pre-existing conditions and injuries that they have to work around, or past injuries they don’t want to experience again. And some people have a deadline to meet for a fitness test or athletic event.

Needless to say, the need for personalization is huge! And since I can’t necessarily work with you in person (unless you live in the Northeast USA), it would be ridiculous for me to ask you to follow a specific workout program that isn’t catered to your needs.

And seriously, who can afford to spend a fortune on a coach just to help them get better at pull-ups? Not too many people I know.

And that’s why I took one aspect of this product very seriously: personalization.

Sure, a good program will often work well enough for most people, if they can follow it. But a small touch of personalization goes a really long way. And I’ve done everything I can to make this program as customizable as possible to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed.

In fact, one of my ultimate goals in creating this product was to make it so user-friendly and customizable, that it was almost like hiring me as your full-time pull-up training coach. More specifically, I wanted this do-it-yourself training system to come as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one (or having to pay for one!).

And so, The Pull-up Solution gives you the keys to create your own custom pull-up training program based on YOU – your needs, goals, and circumstances. Because no two people should follow the same exact program.

So, what does this personalization actually look like in practical terms?

Well, first, unlike most cookie-cutter pull-up workout programs, The Pull-up Solution meets you where you are today and gives you exercises that will match both your skill level and conditioning level. In other words, you won’t be asked (i.e. forced) to do an exercise you can’t already do.

So, nowhere in the program will I be telling you to do “3 sets of 5 pull-ups” or some other generic recommendation of sets and reps.

Instead, I’ve included some simple workout programming strategies that anyone can apply to help you customize the program to your skill and conditioning level. These are the same strategies I’ve been using with my own personal training clients for years. And believe me, you don’t need a PhD in exercise science to use them – an understanding of third-grade math will be sufficient.

Secondly, I’ve tried to make the program as easy to implement into your daily schedule as possible. You get to decide not only when you do your workouts, but also for how long. You can even shorten or extend specific training phases to meet your schedule, and I’ve provided an easy-to-read chart in an appendix to help you figure out the best training schedule for you in less than a minute. I’ve tried to incorporate as many time-saving benefits as possible because I know you’re busy.

Thirdly, I’ve made it customizable to not only your goals, but also your starting point. So, if you just want to get your first pull-up, then this will give you the tools and a blueprint for how to make that happen. And if you want to score your first 10 or 20 reps, then this product will show you the way. If you want to use pull-ups to get stronger and lay a foundation for more advanced exercises, then that’s in here, too. So, needless to say, if you have a goal at-all related to improving your pull-up performance, then this system was created for you.

Finally, this is not just a workout program that tells you to “do this, not that, etc.” This is an entire system containing progressive, scalable, customizable workouts, video instruction, coaching tips, and a unique personalization guide, among many other elements.

Basically, I’ve taken everything necessary or otherwise very important for pull-up training success, and compiled it into a step-by-step comprehensive system that can work for practically anyone who is able to follow instructions, and more importantly, willing to work hard.

So, believe me when I say that you’ve never seen another pull-up training program like this before. It is truly one-of-a-kind. And I would know since I’ve purchased and reviewed every single pull-up training resource out there – books, DVD’s, digital products, Kindle e-books, etc. In fact, I’ve got a whole stack of pull-up training resources on my bookshelf that I bought and devoured in order to help me make this product as useful and valuable as possible for you.

And the best part is that I’m offering the entire system at a very affordable price. For less than the cost of a single personal training session, you can get the entire system that has taken me years to research, test, refine, and systematize.

So, all that said, please allow me to introduce you to The Pull-up Solution – the last program you’ll ever need to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises.

There are three main components contained inside The Pull-up Solution: the manual, the video database, and the progress tracking journal.

This 45-page e-book will guide you through the process of using this system. It was written and formatted with simplicity in mind so that you can work through it quickly. Plus, with the Quick-Start Guide, you can begin training in minutes if you want to. It will literally take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do each and every day so that there is no guesswork involved – just follow the instructions. Again, my goal was to provide a resource that was so comprehensive that it’s as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one.

The manual also contains the actual 12-week workout program you’ll be going through with detailed instructions to help you make the most of each and every training session.

There are also various features to help you customize it to your needs:

There are over thirty instructional videos in four distinct categories included in the system. All videos were created to be short and to the point so you’re not wasting your time trying to find the information you need.

The 8 Key Components of Optimal Pull-up Technique – These will help you learn both the main points and the subtle nuances of pull-up technique to make sure you’re performing each exercise not just properly, but optimally.

These videos will help you…

Warmup and Cooldown Instructional Videos for Pull-up Pre-hab and Injury-Prevention – Using state-of-the-art training modalities, these two follow along videos will guide you step-by-step through a precision warmup and cooldown protocol that was custom-made for pull-up trainees.

These videos will help you…

Exercise Technique Instructional Videos – Learn exactly how to perform all of the exercises in the program with these short and to-the-point videos.

These videos will help you…

Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Videos to Improve Pull-up Performance

These videos will help you…

The last element of the program is the Progress Tracking Journal, which will help you keep track of your improvements each time you train. It’s available in both printable and digital format, and has been pre-formatted so that all you need to do is enter your data as you go along – saving you time so that you can get back to your life once you’re done training.

I’ve also included some additional bonuses in the package deal – just because I like you so much and really want you to succeed. These are not necessary to complete the program, but they will absolutely help you in your pull-up training endeavors. You can think of these as my way of saying “thanks” for investing in my program.

Interview with Al Kavadlo About Pull-up Training and Other Bar Calisthenics (≈27 minute audio mp3) – Al is a true Bodyweight Training Expert, the Author of Raising The Bar: The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Bar Calisthenics, and the Founder of the Progressive Calisthenics Certification.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Shawna Kaminski About Pull-up Training For Women (≈47 minute audio mp3) – Shawna is a Fitness Professional, the Author of the Challenge Workouts Pull-up Program, and a true Pull-up Training Extraordinaire.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Ryan Hurst About Pull-up Training For Health, Fitness, and Fun (≈55 minute audio mp3) – Ryan is a Former Competitive Gymnast, a Health-first Strength and Movement Coach, holds black belts in Kendo, Judo, and Shorinji Kempo, and is the Founder of GMB Fitness.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Hugo Rivera about Pull-up Training for Maximum Hypertrophy (≈68 minute audio mp3) – Hugo is a Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder, a Pull-up Training Beast, and a Best-Selling Author of the Body Sculpting Bible book series and also the Body Re-Engineering Program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Steven Proto About Pull-up Training For Maximal Strength (≈2000 words) – Steven is the Guinness World Record Holder for the World’s Heaviest Pull-up and also The Most Pull-ups Completed In One Minute With a 100 Pound Backpack, He is also a former Marine and the Founder of ExtremistPullup.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Navy SEAL, Stew Smith, about Pull-up Training for the Military (≈53 minute audio mp3) – Stew Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL, and author of several best-selling fitness books such as The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, The Special Ops Workout, and S.W.A.T. Fitness. Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, and many other military, law enforcement, and firefighter professions.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Christian Carson and Ryan Provencher about Pull-up Training for Police and Firefighters (≈35 minute audio mp3) – Christian and Ryan are professional firefighters and fire captains at the Bellingham, WA fire department. They are also TACFIT Division Chiefs and are the creators of the TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm fitness program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Jeff Kuhland about Pull-up Training for Advanced Athletes and Natural Movers (≈50 minute audio mp3) – Jeff is a fitness professional, a MovNat trainer, a CrossFit Coach, and the owner of Athletic Human.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

This new program includes two studio production quality instructional videos in high definition that will teach you dozens of exercises to help you:

This unique training routine will have you feeling and performing at your best all throughout your pull-up training cycles.

Here’s a short teaser video of the Pull-up Prep & Prehab Program…

Note: There might be an additional bonus or two included with your purchase as well. You’ll find all of the bonuses on the download page with everything else.

Hi John, When I started I could just about do 1 pull-up. Slightly embarrassing but that was my starting point. 😉 At the end of month 1, I can do 5 with proper form. I’m double happy. Thanks for your help, it’s much appreciated. -Dom

I finished month one of the pull ups program 4 days ago. My goal was to do 15 pull ups by the end of the first month–I could do 8 when I started. Today I warmed up with some stretching, and calesthetics. Did a one rep set, and then a 4 rep set of pull ups, then rested. Then I went for a max set–I did 15 good reps, and had my chin within an inch of the bar for a 16th rep. So, I am well satisfied with the progress I made. My goal will be to hit a 20 rep max set by the end of month two. – Norm

There’s something about pullups, pushups, 1 leg squats and other bodyweight exercises that just makes me feel STRONG all the time. It’s great to know I can jump up and grab a ledge, bar or tree and pull myself up anytime. – Steve in Florida

Thank you so much for this workout, my pull-ups increased from 3 to 6 in just 1 week. Now i can get better marks at school. I’m 14 and this program works great so far. –Tom

My Results: I went from 11 chin ups to 17 chin ups in about 10 weeks. Pretty impressive in my book. I skipped the first month. Other than that, I followed the plan pretty closely except I added a week or so to month 2 and month 3. I also did these workouts along with a pushup workout so the intensity was perhaps a little less than for someone who treated this as a workout program in-itself. – Ben

After 4 weeks I definitely made significant progress from where I began doing 2-3 iffy pullups to being able to do 7 complete dead hangs slowly. – Mike

Your pullup program is super awesome!! Just reviewing your detailed program changed my mindset on how to do a proper pullup. Thanks. – Michael S Navalta, Texas

“Current pull-up count is 12…” (one month later) I entered a chin-up contest for fun and did pretty well. I did 19 (really good for me, though they weren’t doing full extension, so I cheated on form as well) and I was running on 4 hours of sleep and was dehydrated, so I’m convinced I could do more! I’m still planning on finishing the 3 month program. – Marcus Fluty

With this program, I increased my one rep max from 8 to 13, that is a 62% increase. I would say I followed it about 90% of the way, I didn’t rest as much for the last day as he advised to and I did gain maybe two pounds while doing it (maybe muscle?). Despite my modest gains, I recommend this program. I really liked the first month, I could see some size gains after day 30 for sure! I am now going to try the Armstrong program. -Matt Garza

I work as an aerialist and found this tutorial through an aerial site. Even with that background I think I was doing just about everything wrong that I could have been. I tried doing it the way you taught and I noticed an immediate difference. Thank you so much for a brilliant tutorial video. -Ben

I did John’s 3-month pullup regimen, and at the time, I could only do 2-3 pullups. After the regimen, my max is now 6 and it definitely helped me lose some weight and give my upper body a nice V-shape (along with cardio & weight training and proper diet). You can see my experience on my blog (see blog archives from april 2012): John is a great resource. -Mitsu

And here’s the video Kristian sent me of Eva’s progress…

I’ve since heard from Kristian that they absolutely love The Pull-up Solution, and now Eva is working on a weighted pull-ups training program to prepare for her next fitness competition…because regular pull-ups are just too easy for her now!

Chase Cullinan followed the beta-version of The Pull-up Solution and achieved exceptional results. He is a good example of some of the best results that can be obtained using the program.

And not only did he drastically increase his pull-up numbers, but he did so with very little help from me. In fact, I didn’t even hear from him – or even know he was using my program – until he was already half-way through the program. Here is what he sent me…

I found this program and decided to use it as I prepare for U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidate Course. My goal is to blast away 20 with ease. This scores 100% for the pull-up portion of the Physical Fitness Test. I have combined this program with running, rucking with weight, and cross-training and am at the half-way point for this program. I began at 4 dead-hang pull-ups as my max and can now do 3x that many. I have done the single step pyramid to 10 a few times and have been able to hit 10 each time. While I have not maxed out since I began, knowing that I can do 10 after having already completed 40 in pyramid increments, I am sure that I could do 12 or more for a max set. This program is great and I am striving to hit the 30 rep mark by the end of the next month and a half. Thanks for sharing the plan. – Chase Cullinan Third Generation Deputy Sheriff. Criminal Justice and Sociology Double Major. #USMC OCS Applicant and Hopeful future MARSOC Officer. Augusta, GA

Shortly after sending that message, Chase sent me this video of his progress. His goal for this set was 16 reps, but as you can see, he flew right past that…

He kept me posted on his progress via Twitter – making notes of his continuing success…

After he finally took the U.S. Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, he sent me this Tweet…

And now he’s moving on to even greater goals on his own…

I wanted to share both Chase and Eva’s stories with you not only because of how well they’ve done but also because they both followed a bare-bones version of my program completely on their own and still did amazing. And I believe you can, too, especially since The Pull-up Solution is a new-and-improved, massively-updated system that has been – dare I say – nearly perfected for the aspiring pull-up trainee.

Now, these results are definitely not typical because most people who buy a fitness program don’t even start it, and many of the ones who do start don’t finish it! But Chase and Eva found a good program, took action, and worked hard over a period of months – and got the results to prove it. If you want results like they got, then you should follow their example and do the same.

You’ll get out of this program what you put into it.

I’ll give it to you straight. I don’t want you to just be satisfied with your purchase. I want to impress you. I want you to feel like you got the better deal and walk away amazed at the value of your investment.

And honestly, I don’t want the price to be a primary factor in your buying decision. So, rather than try to squeeze a few bucks out of you, I’d rather earn your trust and inspire you to succeed. The way I see it, if I can provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed and help you to trust in yourself and your ability to see a program like this through to completion, then I think we’ve both won.

Now, you and I both know that’s just not happening for the vast majority of people these days. And obviously, most people would think you’re crazy to spend that much money just on pull-up training. And that’s why I’m offering the entire package at a significantly discounted rate to get it into the hands of as many people as possible during it’s initial release.

Hey, John–first of all, no need to thank me for the comment – I should thank you for making such a great system. I’ve been working on calisthenics for about a year now and the only exercise I’ve struggled with is pull-ups. After watching one of your youtube videos recently, I literally increased my pullups by 40% just from changing my grip/wrists/tightening my body more. Hence my purchase of your system.

Just did my first run-through after buying the system and I have to say that the warmup and cooldown routines are so good they’re almost worth the price of admission alone. Wow! Also – the system looks great, I can’t wait to work my way up to 30+ reps. 🙂

-Morgan W.

I am so confident that my system will help you achieve your pullup and chinup performance goals, that I’ll let you try it for up to 60 days risk-free.

If for any reason, you are not totally satisfied (e.g. it doesn’t work for you, not what you were expecting, you never actually used it, you don’t like my New England accent or red hair, etc.), just contact me and I will get you a full refund – no questions asked.

I want you to feel comfortable making an online purchase from a stranger and that’s why I offer this 60-day unconditional, money-back guarantee. Take it or leave it. You have nothing to lose.

Listen. I know you’ve never met me before, and there’s absolutely no reason for you to trust me at all. I could be an out-of-shape marketing expert who has never done a pull-up my entire life and is trying to mislead as many people as possible during my short time here on Earth. I may even get sadistic pleasure from fooling you like so many other so-called “fitness gurus” do on a regular basis with their marketing scams. And in this day and age, a website like this could be a complete hoax!

So, if you’re skeptical. I get it. You should be!

But in the event that this sales page has stirred up even the faintest hint of trust in me – and showed you that I sincerely want to help you succeed – then please listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you because it’s important.

I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a few bucks, and I wouldn’t lie to you. The truth is that even though I’ve been a fitness author since 2008, this is the first fitness product I’ve ever created on my own and I want to do it right so that I can make more like it in the future (if you’ll let me!). So, I’m not some con-artist or snake-oil salesman trying to trick you out of a few bucks. I’m a real person and John Sifferman is my real name. Look me up. I’ve been helping people get fit for many years, and it shouldn’t be hard to find me.

You should also know that even though this is my first fitness product, I’m not offering some joke-of-a-product that was thrown together in one night and would make your high-school science project look good. This is the real deal and even before its release, it had a long track record of success with people from all around the world. But even though this is a great program, there’s something you should know about it before we wrap up.

Let me tell you straight.

This is not a quick-fix program. There are no shortcuts to getting better at pull-ups – period. So, don’t get me wrong and think that I’m offering some type of magic bullet or miracle solution because I’m not. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then you won’t find it here. Trust me.

But the fact of the matter is that The Pull-up Solution is a unique system that helps people rapidly increase their pull-up numbers better than anything else currently available because it was designed to take you right to your edge, and no further – each and every time you train – using the power of personalization.

But here’s the thing: just because it is the best, doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. Because let’s face it – nothing is a perfect fit for everybody. And if my program isn’t a good fit for you, then that’s okay – no hard feelings. And believe me, I don’t want to give you something you don’t need or won’t use. Seriously.

And if that’s the case, I’d simply invite you to check out my other pull-up training resources that I’ve made available for free online. I’ve got tons of free stuff out there.

But if you’re tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups and are willing to put in the work needed to change that, using a tested-and-proven program powered by a great self-coaching system, then get a copy of The Pull-up Solution today. You’ll be glad you did.

Stop wasting your time hoping for a miracle and start getting results as soon as this week. You can thank me later.

And hey, the worst case scenario is that you buy the product, hate it, and get your money back. Remember, I want you to feel like you got the better deal. So, get your copy and start to make things happen today!

Health-First Fitness Coach
Pull-up Training Extraordinaire

YES, John, I’m tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to succeed!

YES, I understand that this is a one-time charge and that I will NOT be billed again for anything. There are no other fees or charges for anything and my credit card information is encrypted, billed on a secure server, and is not stored anywhere.

YES, I understand that I am getting FULL ACCESS to The Pull-up Solution training system, which includes the training manual and quick-start guide, the whole workout program, the entire database of instructional videos, the progress tracking journals, and all of the additional bonuses.

YES, I understand that I will get instant access (within minutes) to all of the product files. I also realize that this is a digital product (i.e., downloadable), and that no physical products will be shipped.

YES, I understand that I have a 60-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. So, if I’m not completely satisfied, I can request a full refund, and have my entire investment returned.

What exactly will I receive when I buy The Pull-up Solution?

You will receive instant access to the whole product via a download page, which has download links for all of the digital files that comprise The Pull-up Solution. This includes the following:

-a PDF file with the program manual, quick-start guide, and complete workout program
-dozens of video files in MP4 format
-two progress tracking journals in PDF and Excel formats
-additional MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF bonuses to help you excel at pull-up training

Note: you will not receive a physical package in the mail since this product is in digital format that can be viewed on your computer, smart phone, tablet, etc.

I can do zero pull-ups or chin-ups and have struggled with them my entire life. Is this program for me?

A thousand times yes! The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and even ultra-beginners who may struggle just hanging from the bar – let alone performing pull-ups. It has been designed to take you by the hand and show you exactly what you have to do each day so that you can make measurable progress each time you train.

Yes, but I’m __________ (overweight, weak, old, etc.), and I couldn’t even dream of doing full pull-ups. Is this program really for me?

Yep. As long as you’re healthy enough to exercise (i.e. doctor’s clearance for exercise and/or strength training activities), and you can support some of your weight while hanging from a bar, then yes, this program was created for people just like you.

I can already do several pull-ups in one set, but have struggled to make further gains. Is this program for me?

Another resounding yes! This program is meant to help you take your current pull-up training to the next level, whatever that may mean for you. And if you can already perform a few solid reps, then you’ve got a good head start.

I can already do 15-20+ pull-ups, and am looking for the next step, level or edge in my pull-up training. Is this program for me?

Yes, but with a big but… The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and advanced trainees alike, but there is something all advanced trainees should know before investing in the product.

Once you’ve made not only your initial gains, but also further progress that has you nearing your peak potential, all future progress will come very slowly. And there is no way around this – no special tip, trick, hack, or programming secret to speed up your results. I’d be lying to you if I didn’t admit that. So, for example, if you can already do 20+ pull-ups, then don’t necessarily expect to double or triple your numbers your first time through this program. It may be possible, but it’s certainly not typical.

The fact of the matter is that going from one repetition to 10 is much easier than going from 20 repetitions to 30. And the further up the ladder you get, the harder the results become. Plus, it just takes more time. That said, if your goal is to keep getting stronger and adding numbers to your total, and lay a strong foundation for more advanced bar exercises (e.g. muscle ups) then this is a great program for that.

Hello John! Respect from Lithuania!
Thank you for posting this program, I became obsessed with it, and after two months my pull up count quintupled. Thanks again, I really appreciate your work. – Consistent one (username)

Does this program work for women?

It sure does. In fact, this is an ideal program for women because it gives you all the tools you need to maximize your results. And since women tend to have less upper body biomass (i.e., muscle) than men, every little bit of extra personalization helps.

Am I too old for this program?

I don’t know. You tell me! But seriously, if you are serious about getting better at pull-ups, and you are a bit past your prime, then you’ll be much better served by this program than any of the other pull-up training resources out there, and here’s why.

You see, The Pull-up Solution is a health-first fitness program that comes with built-in pre-habilitation methods to give you a toolbox of injury prevention and recovery strategies. The package also includes extremely detailed exercise technique instructions to help you perform the exercises safely and efficiently to help prevent both injuries and excessive wear and tear on your body. And while you will be instructed to perform exercises at moderate to high intensity during some of the workouts (see FAQ on High Intensity Training below for more info), this is certainly not a hardcore exercise program like some of the ones all the young whippersnappers are doing these days.

And don’t forget about the customizable nature of the program that suits it to your individual needs, including, but not limited to the Personalization Guide, which coincidentally, has a section for “Middle age persons and senior citizens.” This will give you some specific advice that is more appropriate for seasoned trainees. So, I’ve got you covered. And in all seriousness, it’s never too late to start training for more strength and better health. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

I have an ache, pain, injury, or other pre-existing condition. Can I still use this program?

If your doctor has cleared you for exercise, then you can still use this program. However, if your condition causes significant pain while performing pull-ups or other similar exercises, then it would be advisable to start this program after you have rehabilitated. That said, if you can perform pull-ups (or comparable exercises) with only mild discomfort, then you may be able to use the program safely and effectively. Please refer to the medical disclaimer for more details. And if you have a specific concern, feel free to contact me, and I’d be happy to tell you what I think – even if it means telling you that it would be best not to buy my program.

Yes, but I have a bad ___________ (shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, etc.). Can I really use the program?

As long as your pain does not exceed a three, on a scale of one to ten (10 being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, and 1 being no discomfort whatsoever), then yes, you can use this program.

I’m not an athlete, soldier, police officer, or fireman. Will this program still work for me?

You don’t have to be an Olympic Gold Medalist or Navy SEAL to use The Pull-up Solution. Hardly! This program was designed for anyone who wants to get better at pull-ups – period. And that includes normal people living ordinary lives. Besides, how many Navy SEALs do you know that are struggling to get better at pull-ups anyway?

I set myself a goal was to complete a proper pullup and I’ve just done that – my first ever unassisted, from hanging pullup. Wicked! Your proper explanation and understanding of body mechanics, posture etc is crucial for health and fitness and I thank you for putting such good onto the web. Keep up the good work. – Marcus

How quickly can I improve my pull-up numbers on your program?

It depends on a ton of factors like your starting point, conditioning level, skill level with the exercises, body weight, body composition, age, recovery ability, and time available for training – not to mention your mental toughness and work ethic, among many other things. So, there is no definitive number or percentage I could give you.

I can say that beginners tend to experience more rapid results than advanced trainees, and it’s not uncommon for them to double, triple, or even quadruple their results in the first month alone. And to date, I’ve had not one, but two, beginner-level beta-testers quintuple their results, going from 1-5 pull-ups and 2-10 pull-ups, respectively, in just the first month on the program. So, it just depends.

The bottom line is that you’ll get out of this program whatever you put into it. Keep in mind that working hard on a good program will yield far better results than a mild effort on a perfect program. Luckily, you can be the one who works hard on a great program that is customized to your needs for optimal results.

How long is the program and what do I do after I’ve finished it?

There are three primary phases in the program, and each one is four weeks long. So, the official program is 12 weeks long, or about three months when accounting for rest and recovery time. However, if you don’t have a full three months to commit to pull-up training, there is also a chart to help you modify the program based on how much time you do have available. So, if you only have one or two months available to focus on pull-ups – instead of the full three months – there are different program schedules for you to follow instead.

There is also a fourth phase of the program for maintaining your results (i.e. the maintenance phase), which can be done indefinitely, but like all training programs, it probably won’t be effective forever.
There are further instructions for what to do after you’ve completed the program inside of the program manual.

How often will I have to train and how long do the workouts take?

It depends. The short answer is that most people will need to spend between 10-20 minutes of training per workout for most of the program.

During the first phase of the program, you’ll be instructed to perform pull-ups on your own schedule, whenever you can make time for them, for several days per week. Now, whether your sets are spread across the course of an entire day (e.g. one set every hour or two), or just an evening/morning, or a workout at the gym, or even just over the course of an hour at home (e.g. every 5 minutes), it’s entirely up to you. And if you think I’m just giving you free reign to do whatever you want, I am, but with a certain set of parameters to ensure you succeed. And again, the instructions are quite clear on how to customize it to your schedule to help you match the program to your needs and make the most of your training.

In phases two and three, you’ll perform two or three workouts per week, and most of the workouts will take between 10-20 minutes. There are a couple of pyramid-style workouts that may take longer for advanced trainees who can perform a lot of repetitions. But ultimately, you’re in charge of how long your workouts are. That’s the nature of a customizable program.

Is this a high-intensity training program?

Yes and no, since it depends on which phase of the program you’re in. All of the workouts in the first phase are low to moderate intensity sessions, and you will be instructed not to train anywhere near high intensity. During the second phase of the program, the workouts are mostly moderate intensity sessions, with a few sets being near-max efforts during some of the workouts. And finally, some workouts will absolutely require max or near-max intensity levels, particularly in the third and final phase of the program.

Do I need any special equipment or a gym membership to follow the program?

All you really need is a place to do pull-ups. A pull-up bar is ideal, and preferably one that you’ll have access to regularly. There is some other equipment that is recommended for certain situations, such as a resistance band for performing assisted pull-ups, but all other equipment is optional and not necessary to complete the program.

Your Advice was just outstanding. I have never felt this way before about any exercise. I have been suffering from a nagging pain in my inner elbows for quite a while.. my pull-up routine seemed to have caused it, so i figured i’ll give it a rest for a week or two. but after trying the pronated grip and correct width of the arms and everything I didn’t feel any pain at all while doing the exercise… It’s like a miracle! Better take it easy on my elbows for a week or two anyway and then start training properly! Thank you so much, Ziv from Israel.

I already follow a workout program or other athletic/recreational routine. Can I incorporate this into my existing routine?

Absolutely! And that’s exactly how it was designed and meant to be used. You can either incorporate your pull-up training right into your existing workouts or do it at a separate time – your choice.

Wouldn’t I be better off hiring a personal trainer?

If you can find a local fitness professional who specializes in pull-up training and has already coached many people to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises, AND you can also afford to hire them for several training sessions over the coming weeks and months – investing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars – then absolutely! In-person training from a qualified and competent professional will always trump doing it alone. That said, The Pull-up Solution was designed so that anyone – regardless of their skill, conditioning level, or knowledge – can excel in their pull-up performance on their own. It’s a do-it-yourself program. And honestly, when it comes down to it, most people can master the pull-up exercise without professional instruction. I’ve personally witnessed that happen from all the success stories that have come in from my beta-testers over the years. However, if possible, my advice is to employ the best of both worlds by purchasing a copy of The Pull-up Solution so you get the cutting-edge, tested-and-proven system and after working through some of the program on your own, consult a personal trainer or fitness coach to review your exercise technique, just to make sure you are indeed performing the exercises safely.

Why should I pay for this? Can’t I find this information on the internet for free?

Sure. There are lot’s of free pull-up training resources available online. And if you look around long enough, you may discover that I’ve posted a lot of free pull-up training resources on the internet over the years, too. In fact, I’ve got many pull-up training articles, videos, tips, workouts, and programs on my website And it’s all free!

So, if you just can’t afford my product or just don’t want to cough up the cash, then by all means, check out the free resources I have made available.

But if you’ve struggled in the past to “make it happen” and get the results you want, and you want a step-by-step system that is guaranteed to rapidly improve your pull-up performance in three months or less – and get you far-better results than any single tip, trick, or cookie-cutter program ever can – then by all means, invest in The Pull-up Solution today. Don’t waste any more time, and start seeing results immediately.

How can I be sure it’s safe to order online from your website?

The checkout page that accepts your payment information is on a secure server, just like the ones you would use for a purchase on a large online retail website such as So, your personal information will remain safe throughout the payment and checkout process. Plus, I’m a real person, and John Sifferman is my real name. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and of course, on my own websites such as and So, I am not a con-artist trying to scam you out of your money, and I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a buck. We’ve been online with a reputation of uncompromising integrity since 2008, and we plan to keep it that way.

How do I order the program?

The fastest way to get the program is on the order page here or just click on the “Click Here To Buy Now” button below.

And just in case you need even more evidence that I can help you with your pull-up training goals, here is a screenshot of some comments from one of my pull-up training videos on Youtube. If I’m getting this much positive feedback from a free video, just think of how good The Pull-up Solution will be.

If you’re still having trouble making up your mind, then here a bit of advice (i.e., tough love) I’ve told some of my clients over the years.

You may have heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again – even when it’s not working. But here’s the thing: most people do exactly that when it comes to pull-up training. They struggle with pull-ups for months or years simply because they don’t follow a program that is tailored to their needs or they simply don’t get the kind of help they need. And if that’s been you, then you can put a stop to that endless cycle right now.

I created The Pull-up Solution to help people just like you, and I’m offering it at such a low price because I really, truly want to help as many people as possible succeed with their pull-up goals. So, if you’re willing to give it a chance, then pick up your copy today. And don’t forget, if it’s not right for you, there’s the 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee – just in case.

Or, you can keep “winging it” on your own, playing the lottery with your results, and see where that gets you. Your choice.

Contact Us – Medical & Results Disclaimers – Privacy Policy – Terms of Use – Affiliates

PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Pull-up Solution is a digital product (i.e., downloadable). No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-books, video files, and audio files onto your computer. The e-book format is Adobe Acrobat PDF, video files are in MP4 format, and audio files are in MP3 format, all of which can be viewed on any PC or Mac computer (desktop or laptop). You can also view and use the files on Ipads and most mobile devices (i.e. smart phones), but you may need an app to use some of the files (e.g. to read Adobe Acrobat PDF e-books). This product is NOT available in stores.

RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Due to recent FTC laws, it is required that all companies identify what a “typical” result is. Since there is no known established standard for what is considered typical results in a pull-up improvement program, results shown in our many success stories and testimonials may not be typical. Also, results cannot be guaranteed, nor can the permanence of your results. Faster results upon first starting the program are common, especially for beginners to exercise and strength training. But the truth is that most people never do anything with the fitness products they buy. So, most of the time, they don’t get any results at all. The people you see featured on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical because they actually followed the program and recommendations in The Pull-up Solution. If you want results, you should do this, too.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Ask your doctor if getting stronger is right for you.

Copyright © The Pull-up Solution, John Sifferman. 2014-2020. All Rights Reserved.

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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Easiest AI Recruiting Gear in 2024

Recruiters and HR execs have such a lot on their plate. From time-consuming purchaser screening to scheduling interviews and predicting good fortune, they’ve so much to stick follow of — in particular when hiring at scale.

On the other hand in 2024, execs all through industries are starting to take advantage of AI as a to hand assistant.

As a writer and entrepreneur, I lean on AI equipment every day to help lighten my workload. Recruiters can (and must) be taking advantage of AI recruiting instrument to help streamline their processes, too.

AI recruiting equipment can’t replace an ideal recruiter or HR specific particular person, then again they may be able to unquestionably make recruiting more uncomplicated.

I’ll be diving into the benefits and limits of AI equipment for recruitment and understanding some variables to guage previous than you select a tool. Then I’ll take a look at 12 industry-favorite AI recruiting equipment.

Table of Contents

Why use AI recruiting equipment?

For recruiters and HR pros, AI recruiting instrument can relieve a prolonged record of the tasks that make up their to-do record. On the other hand AI can’t do the whole thing. Proper right here’s a take a look at the benefits — and limits — of AI recruiting instrument.


  • Complex candidate matching. Recruiting equipment can be informed numerous systems and to find those who very good meet your procedure description, sorting by means of talents and experience. Some experts have came upon that AI can decrease down on the time spent screening candidates by means of as much as 75%.
  • Bettering price in step with rent (CPH). AI equipment scale back the will for excessive procedure selling. As well as they cut back the manpower crucial to hire by means of automating large parts of the process, the usage of down CPH.
  • Attaining a much wider ability pool. AI recruiting instrument can provide ability from a few platforms and siphon by means of further systems than a team of workers member might simply on their own, allowing HR execs and recruiters to imagine a broader choice of ability.
  • Filling positions sooner. AI recruiting equipment boost up the hiring process at a few problems. The screening and interview section moves quicker with AI augmentation, and numerous AI equipment automate reasonably a large number of administrative tasks. If truth be told, AI equipment would perhaps decrease general hiring time by means of just about 90%.
  • Bettering candidate experience. AI recruiting equipment personalize dialog with candidates and provide information about the company and procedure. On the other hand most importantly, since AI equipment lead to sooner hiring circumstances, candidates don’t want to wait with reference to as long to hear whether or not they got the location.


  • Lack of personal touch. AI equipment are limited in their ability to replicate other people. While they may be able to personalize communications, messages most often received’t actually really feel as human as they may if a person wrote them. Not to indicate, the ones equipment can’t use intuition to analyze resumes.
  • Privacy problems. Recruiting equipment would perhaps acquire, retailer, and analyze non-public data, infringing on procedure applicants’ privacy rights.
  • Bias. Recruiting instrument may be professional on biased records, which if truth be told furthers bias, fairly than bettering it. If truth be told, Bloomberg reported AI may be worse than other people in terms of race and gender bias.
  • Waste of time for a lot much less common consumers. There’s a learning curve that contains a lot of the ones equipment, so if an organization is a one-time client taking a look to analyze a small set of systems, it is probably not as a large number of a time-saver and so no longer value the fee.
  • Accuracy. Because of AI generation lacks human judgment, there are times when the tool received’t make proper conclusions about best-fit candidates for a job placement. AI sort error, along with human error in development the kind, contribute to questionable accuracy once in a while.

I spoke to Dan Kevin Roque, a senior recruiter from HRUCKUS, to hear his concepts on the strengths and weaknesses of the usage of AI at artwork.

“The rest that requires human interaction and empathy like interviews, addressing candidate problems, settling on who to hire, and plenty of others. — are problems I will no longer entrust to AI,” discussed Roque. “On the other hand nearly all of the stuff recruiters do, along side sourcing and writing procedure descriptions, will also be stepped forward with AI.”

Each and every recruiter will have different reservations and comfort levels with reasonably a large number of AI use cases, so it’s crucial to investigate your tool well so it’s serving to — and does no longer hurt — your most well liked hiring process.

Make a choice the Right kind AI Recruiting Software

Augmented vs. Computerized

Forward of you’ll have the ability to decide the appropriate correct instrument for you, you wish to have to imagine the two intensive types of AI generation: augmented or automated.

Augmented AI technologies be in agreement other people in completing their tasks. If you’re the usage of AI recruiting instrument, augmented generation would be in agreement you in recruitment analysis and build up your productivity — then again it wouldn’t replace you.

I to find that augmented generation is most often a bit of further comfy to use — in particular for people who aren’t used to relying on AI. I will audit my results fairly than sending them off without taking a look, which helps assemble consider for the equipment.

Computerized technologies entire tasks completely without any human intervention. In the case of recruiting generation, an automated tool might simply send emails, provide profiles, and visual display unit resumes without any human interaction.

Computerized equipment are sooner than augmented equipment, then again result in lower fees of accuracy — then again depending on the activity, that may be good enough. If your inbox is piling up with interviews to time table or resumes to peek at, it’ll smartly be value taking into consideration finding a fully automated tool to lighten your workload.

Roque shared his want between augmented and automated generation, mentioning that he likes “a mixture of every.”

“I don’t imagine AI would actually be capable to completely replace human input any time briefly,” Roque persisted, “then again AI automation helps with minor tasks that can take somewhat of a recruiter’s time, and AI augmentation helps make stronger human decision-making and actions.”

Other Considerations

Every other variables I imagine once I’m assessing an AI tool are:

  • Integration. Does the tool mix well at the side of your provide hiring process, or will it require a process overhaul?
  • Accuracy. How well does the tool identify and evaluation candidates — and the way in which well do you wish to have it to?

(If you’re the usage of it as an augmentation, you received’t need as over the top a point of accuracy as chances are you’ll if it’s completely automated.)

  • Client interface. How easy is the tool to use and what’s the technological proficiency of the recruiting team of workers the usage of it?
  • Customization. Can the solution be tailored to fit your crew’s exact needs?
  • Give a boost to. Does the tool offer excellent purchaser make stronger and resources for set-up, implementation, and troubleshooting?

The answers to these questions vary considerably consistent with the type of problem you’re tackling and the crowd you’re working inside. I most often prioritize client interface and accuracy once I’m assessing a tool.

Best possible AI Recruiting Tools

Now that you recognize the benefits and limits of AI equipment, along with the type of tool you’re on the lookout for, it’s time to go looking out the proper tool for your crew.

There are numerous great recruiting equipment to be had in the marketplace, so proper right here’s a high-level record understanding the basics of the tool, what stood out to me in regards to the instrument, and the pricing records.

1. iCIMS

ai recruiting tool, iCIMS screen with candidate list, interview scheduling, and offers graph.

iCIMS provides a intensive range of purposes and systems, from a profession suite to procedure postings regulate to a CRM.

The instrument is very entire, providing end-to-end assist for recruiters and hiring teams.

There’s an analytics dashboard, applicant tracking, email correspondence and messaging purposes, and a video suite that allows you to personalize and humanize your hiring process.

What I like: iCIMS is a long-standing supplier with a rich history of providing great equipment to consumers. It’s easy to use and straight-forward, so it tests the sphere for teams who’re a bit of a lot much less tech savvy. I like its intensive purposes — it’s great for firms on the lookout for a whole tool.

Pricing: Custom designed

2. SeekOut

Screenshot of ai recruiting tool SeekOut’s Insight dashboard reading, “Am I meeting my diversity goals” with a percentage featured.

The SeekOut tool starts when you upload a job description. As ability applies, you’ll have the ability to filter out and kind results by means of things like talents, licenses, coaching, and diversity variables.

If you happen to’ve came upon the proper candidates, you’ll have the ability to take advantage of AI-powered engagement equipment to create customized outreach. The platform is also rich in analytics, with dashboards dedicated to helping you follow your hiring goals.

What I like: SeekOut has exceptional filtering, so the tool relieves numerous the artwork required to go looking out the proper candidates. I moreover like how the instrument emphasizes selection in hiring, which presentations up in a few techniques all over their platform.

Pricing: Multi-tiered annual systems — discover price ticket after demoing the instrument.


ai recruiting tool,’s messaging app provides a few different conversational equipment, then again their recruiting CRM lightens the chief load for recruiters.

The AI tool can time table interviews and respond to questions from candidates robotically. With an 82% decrease in time-to-hire and a 99% candidate delight rating, is clearly doing something correct.

What I like: The whole thing about is unassuming and candidate-centric. As much as I want a tool that’s easy for me to use, I moreover wish to ensure it provides an ideal client experience to the highest consumer or candidate. The tool is if truth be told exceptional in terms of rising an ideal candidate experience.

Pricing: Custom designed

4. Fetcher

ai recruiting tool, Fetcher hiring sequence screen

Fetcher combines AI equipment with recruiting experts to offer great candidates for your crew. Use Fetcher to keep an eye on and create a pipeline with AI automation, then gain insights about candidate procedure and demographics.

You’ll have the ability to moreover mix equipment like your ATS, email correspondence, calendar, CRM, and Slack to further support your team of workers’s productivity.

What I like: I love how Fetcher uses in-house experts to visual display unit your candidates in conjunction with the AI tool. That means you get the entire benefits of AI automation with added accuracy from human supervision.

The other issue I like about this tool is that you just’ll have the ability to add specific selection duties to the quest, struggling with the biases that AI equipment on occasion have.

Pricing: Custom designed

5. Textio

ai recruiting tool Textio, form that reads “Let’s draft a job post.” Includes dropdowns for job title, role type, location, and company, as well as a text box for “Anything else that you want to include?”

Textio helps you support the usual of your procedure listings by means of giving you insights into tone and word variety.

For recruiters, this means it will most definitely moreover allow you to select language that appeals to express age groups and demographics. It moreover learns as you utilize it, so the additional incessantly you rely on it, the better the output becomes.

What I like: Most AI recruiting equipment are about screening automation, then again Textio helps you optimize the actual content material subject matter of your procedure descriptions. It’s a unique tool that would possibly fit well with other AI instrument.

Pricing: Tiered systems starting at $15k annually for teams of 1-199.

6. HireVue

ai recruiting tool, an Overview dashboard featuring various KPI charts showing satisfaction and achievement in categories from HiveVue.

HireVue is a tool for interviewing and assessing candidates.

It has a video interview function, along with a rich library of AI assessments that permit recruiters to pass judgement on candidates comprehensively — on the lookout for doable at the side of experience.

It moreover automates recruitment dialog, significantly speeding up the hiring process. After all, the tool provides analytics, research, and great purchaser make stronger.

What I like: HireVue does an exquisite means of decreasing bias as a result of the type of algorithm they use. The tool doesn’t “learn” by means of upper use, as a result of this that every candidate is assessed in a similar fashion as time passes. As I am getting began leaning more and more on AI equipment, it’s crucial to me that they’re ethical, and HireVue does an ideal procedure of constructing certain that.

Pricing: Packages get began at $35K.

7. Manatal

best ai recruiting tools, Manatal’s candidate list screen

Manatal has a simple interface for sharing procedure posts and gathering a pipeline of qualified candidates.

The AI tool recommends candidates consistent with procedure prerequisites and helps you purchased entire records on the candidates from social media accounts.

What I like: Manatal pulls records from social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook to paint a whole symbol of the candidates applying in your procedure description. This makes for a if truth be told thorough understanding of candidates that recruiters would otherwise have had to create themselves.

Pricing: Plans get began at $15 in step with client/month. For undertaking firms, the fee reaches $55 in step with client/month — which is affordable compared to other possible choices. There is also custom designed pricing.

8. Humanly

ai recruiting software, Humanly helping compose an email

Humanly is an automation platform for recruiters that value human interaction. It automates tasks that don’t want a human touch so recruiters can give further attention where it if truth be told counts.

The tool presentations candidates and answers questions and then provides feedback for hiring teams. It’s great for firms which can also be hiring at scale who nevertheless want their candidates to have a customized, positive experience.

What I like: Humanly is aptly named — it’s completely thinking about a human-centric tool of AI generation. The homepage of the website online states that the tool is, “Appreciated by means of candidates and recruiting teams.”

I like AI equipment that emphasize every the patron and the consumer and, for every occasions to love the tool, they’re if truth be told doing something correct.

Pricing: Custom designed

9. Arya

ai recruiting software, Arya, graphs displaying talent intelligence, education, industries, and skills.

Arya is an AI-driven candidate sourcing tool that reveals great candidates briefly and robotically. The tool presentations, scores, and ranks candidates consistent with numerous attributes and seven multidimensional data problems to be expecting the candidate’s probability of good fortune throughout the place.

What I like: Arya’s point of interest is data and analytics. On account of this, you get extremely strategic effects from the tool. If you’re recruiting at scale, this sort of specificity and accuracy is incredibly crucial. I believe Arya is a brilliant variety for teams hiring reasonably a large number of candidates on a common basis.

Pricing: Custom designed

10. Skillate

ai recruiting software, screenshot of the Skillate’s Customer Success Manager widget, displaying various candidates in the talent pool and their percentage of fitness for the role.

Skillate provides candidate prescreening, computerized scheduling, procedure description feedback, and predictive analytics to gauge a candidate’s probability of taking the offer. It’s a if truth be told entire tool for recruiters taking a look to take a data-driven approach to the entire hiring process.

What I like: Skillate provides in-depth analysis of your company’s hiring traits. You’ll have the ability to see insights consistent with location, experience, coaching, earlier firms, and abilities. Finding traits like the ones can significantly boost up the hiring process so it’s great for firms hiring incessantly or at scale.

Pricing: Custom designed

11. TurboHire

ai recruiting software, screenshot of TurboHire’s Candidate Calibration screen. The user is on the “Skills” form, which asks the user to define the capabilities and skills of their ideal candidate.

TurboHire is an end-to-end tool that optimizes the entire recruitment process from candidate sourcing to final selection.

The AI recruitment instrument property ability from all through channels, presentations candidates, and offers workflow regulate. Interviews are robotically scheduled and the tool integrates with any ATS.

What I like: TurboHire claims to scale back time to hire by means of 78% and worth to hire by means of 65% while bettering the usual of the rent by means of 5x. It’s hard not to acknowledge a tool that can be providing such staggering results!

Pricing: Custom designed

12. Workable

ai recruiting software, Workable’s automation capabilities

Workable helps you provide, interview, and be in contact with candidates all over the hiring process.

You’ll have the ability to use the AI equipment throughout the recruiting instrument to generate procedure descriptions and interview questions, along with automate time-consuming tasks like interview scheduling.

Plus, Workable helps you prepare signed-on staff at no further price.

What I like: With one-click, your procedure posting can land on 200+ web sites. If you’re on the lookout for a very specialized candidate, or if you want to have your systems to go back in from a quite a lot of number of swimming swimming pools, Workable is a brilliant selection.

Pricing: Workable provides a 15-day loose trial plan followed by means of a tiered pricing plan that starts at $189/month.

Finding the Right kind Tool

There’s clearly no shortage of AI recruiting instrument to be had in the marketplace — as a result of this teams will also be confident there’s a tool to be had out there that’s an ideal fit for their crew.

I believe recruiters and HR hiring teams must get began by means of understanding what they’d like streamlined previous than they dive into finding the appropriate correct tool.

A couple of of those equipment function dialog, others function procedure description prep, and others are further thinking about administrative automation. If you happen to’ll have the ability to clearly define what you’d like accomplished, you’re going to have an more uncomplicated time finding the proper tool.

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Quickest and Easiest Way to Build a Website in 2024

Construction a online page doesn’t must be time-consuming or sophisticated. On this information, we’ll stroll you during the fastest and very best option to create a certified online page the usage of Divi. We’ll duvet each and every very important step, from putting in place your area and web hosting to constructing and customizing your web site.

Whether or not you’re a amateur or an skilled clothier, Divi makes all of the procedure easy and environment friendly. Practice those steps to get your online page up and working very quickly!

The Fast and Simple Technique to Construct a Skilled Site (Step via Step)

I’m no longer going to vow you a one-click resolution or rapid good fortune. Construction a online page takes effort, however there are methods to do it extra successfully to get the similar skilled effects with out losing time or cash. Following the stairs underneath, you’ll be able to briefly create a wordpress online page this is simply customizable for your wishes the usage of Divi.

1. Get Area and wordpress website hosting

Each and every online page wishes a couple of staple items arrange sooner than you’ll be able to get started constructing your online page:

  • Area: In case you haven’t already, you’ll want to check in your individual area. SiteGround and Namecheap are standard domain registrars, as each suppliers be offering aggressive pricing and superb customer support.
  • website hosting: Each and every online page wishes a web hosting supplier to supply a location the place your web site is saved and obtainable. SiteGround is a extremely beneficial host for a quick and dependable wordpress web hosting carrier. It gives superb efficiency, safety, and buyer enhance, making it best for web hosting your wordpress web site.
  • wordpress (CMS/Site Builder): The most well liked open-source content material control device (CMS) and online page builder. The device will also be downloaded at no cost without delay from their online page or put in to your web site mechanically the usage of SiteGround.

For newbies, this would possibly take hours or days in the event you aren’t accustomed to the method. Fortunately, the usage of SiteGround simplifies all of the setup procedure, from web hosting to putting in wordpress.

Use SiteGround for Area, website hosting, and wordpress (Fastest Approach)

website–hosting-provider.jpg” alt=”siteground website hosting provider” width=”1800″ height=”620″/>

SiteGround can care for all of the setup procedure for you, together with web hosting, area registration, and wordpress set up, getting your online page up and working briefly.

Watch the video underneath for a step by step information on easy methods to check in your area, arrange web hosting, and set up wordpress the usage of SiteGround.

Via securing dependable web hosting, registering a website title, and successfully putting in wordpress with SiteGround, you lay a robust basis to your online page that you’ll be able to set up in a single position.

Get Started with Siteground

Why wordpress?

<img decoding=”async” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-270528 size-full” src=”” alt=”wordpress elegant themes website builder” width=”1800″ height=”1000″/>

wordpress is likely one of the hottest online page platforms as it’s flexible and simple to make use of. Site developers like Wix might be able to get your web site up briefly, however you’re going to have a lot much less keep an eye on over your web site than wordpress. With wordpress, you might have complete keep an eye on to create and set up each and every facet of your web site while not having a large number of technical talents.

wordpress has 1000’s of subject matters and plugins to be had to enhance unprecedented customization. As an example, if you wish to construct a web-based retailer, you’ll be able to simply get the best eCommerce theme. In a similar fashion, if you wish to combine an seo plugin, you’ll be able to get a lot of them, similar to RankMath and Yoast search engine optimization. As a result of its wide selection of subject matters, wordpress is appropriate for every type of internet sites, from easy blogs to complicated eCommerce websites.

Get Started with wordpress

2. Make a choice The Proper Theme to Construct Your website online Briefly

divi nonprofit theme

Selecting the best theme could have a large have an effect on on how simply or briefly you’ll be able to construct your online page. With Divi, you’ll be able to save effort and time due to its tough options designed to hurry up the website-building procedure:

  • Divi Fast Websites: Get your web site up and working in beneath two mins the usage of pre-made starter websites. Make a choice a starter web site, upload your small business main points, and let Divi care for the remaining.
  • Divi AI: Use Divi’s AI Site Builder to construct a whole web site mechanically in mins with design and content material adapted for your logo. Merely give you the main points of your required online page, and Divi AI will generate an absolutely purposeful web site in simply mins. You’ll additionally get entry to Divi AI to create and edit online page content material at the fly.
  • 250+ Pre-made layouts and templates: Make a choice from professionally-designed layouts adapted to other industries and functions. This lets you briefly customise a template and feature a online page in a position to head very quickly.
  • Drag-and-drop builder: Divi’s intuitive visible builder permits you to create complicated layouts with none coding. Simply drag, drop, and customise your content material without delay at the web page.
  • Theme Builder: Divi’s Theme Builder means that you can design our web site from best to backside, together with world headers, footers, and your whole web page templates.
  • International Colours, Fonts, and Presets: Customise all of your online page briefly via making use of world types for colours, fonts, and presets. Any updates made to those settings might be mirrored site-wide, saving you time from making particular person adjustments.

With Divi, you’ll have the whole lot you wish to have to construct a wonderful, skilled online page briefly and simply.

Visit Divi

Acquire, Obtain, and Set up Divi

Divi Pricing Plans - Divi and Divi Pro

You’ll purchase Divi from Elegant Themes with a annually license for $89 or an entire life license for $249. If you need get entry to to our professional products and services (Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi Groups, Divi VIP) you’ll be able to get Divi Professional for $277 in keeping with yr. With Divi AI, it is possible for you to to make use of AI to generate a whole online page and extra.

Purchase Divi

After buying, you’ll be able to obtain and set up the theme to your wordpress online page.

Listed below are the stairs add and lively Divi in wordpress:

  1. Navigate to Look > Topics.
  2. Make a selection Upload New, then click on Add Theme.
  3. Find the Divi .zip record you downloaded, and click on Set up Now.
  4. After set up, click on Turn on to set Divi as your lively theme.

How to Install Divi - Steps 6

Watch the video underneath for a step by step information on buying, downloading, and putting in Divi.

Get Started With Divi

3. Construct A Skilled Site in Mins with Divi

After activating the Divi Theme in wordpress, you’ll be guided via Divi’s onboarding wizard, which is able to stroll you during the setup procedure. Merely click on the button to log in and turn on your Divi license.

login to activate your divi license

After logging in, you’ll be directed to the principle Divi Dashboard. Right here, you’ll be able to set up your web site, get entry to documentation, get enhance, and construct a brand new web site the usage of Divi Fast Websites. Merely choose ‘Generate A New website online’ from the Divi Dashboard.

divi quick sites dashboard

Release Your website online Sooner Than Ever Ahead of with Divi Starter Websites

With Divi Quick Sites, you’ll be able to construct your new online page via settling on a pre-made starter web site or the usage of Divi’s AI online page builder. Since quite a few Starter website online templates are to be had, click on ‘Make a selection a Site Template’ to start out.

choose a starter site

Divi Fast Websites will ask for main points like your web site’s title, slogan, and brand, in addition to the pages you need to incorporate. Right here’s what to do:

  1. Input your website online Identify, Slogan, and Emblem.
  2. When you have a symbol, add it to mechanically upload it for your web site.
  3. Make a selection the pages you need from the Starter website online. You’ll additionally upload customized pages if had to accelerate the setup.
  4. As soon as in a position, click on the ‘Generate & Put up My Site’ button.”

divi law firm starter site

NOTE: If you choose the Store web page, WooCommerce might be put in, together with prebuilt pages for a web-based retailer (similar to a store, product templates, checkout, and so on.). Alternatively, all of it depends upon the type of online page you need to create or the type of starter web site you might have decided on.

Divi Fast Websites will create your new online page in 1-2 mins. It makes use of the Starter website online template you decided on and the ideas you gave. Your whole pages, templates, types, presets, and navigation menus might be arrange for you.

divi starter sites building

When the web site is in a position, you’re going to see a affirmation web page pronouncing, “Your website online is Able!” This web page has a “View My website online” button to look the reside model. You’ll additionally discover a record of the entire Site Pages and Theme Templates created, together with hyperlinks to Tutorials and Documentation.

view your wedding site

That’s it! Now you web site is reside and in a position. Preview your web site to look the way it seems.
divi law firm starter site
The navigation menu will paintings mechanically so you’ll be able to see the entire pages and templates to your web site.

Divi Law Firm Starter Site Core Pages

Legislation Company Starter website online Core Pages

4. Customise Your Site to Have compatibility Your Logo

Your online page is technically constructed at this level. Now, all you wish to have to do is customise it for your wishes.

Entrance-Finish Site Enhancing

Divi Page Builder helps front-end enhancing, which lets you customise your online page content material visually at the entrance finish with no need to clutter with code at the again finish. You’ll even replace textual content without delay the usage of the inline-text editor.

divi front-end editing

Divi makes use of dozens of content material modules so as to add quite a lot of forms of content material for your web site. Every of those modules will also be custom designed for your liking. As an example, if you wish to alternate your online page photographs, merely open the settings of the picture module. You’ll make a selection a brand new image out of your wordpress Media Library or use Divi AI to create a brand new symbol.

divi image settings law starter site

However this is only the start; each and every module has loads of choices for including customized design and capability to create the very best content material to your web site.

Customise International Fonts and Colours

The Divi Theme Customizer can briefly replace your Starter website online’s world fonts and colours. After you have made the adjustments, they’re going to be implemented throughout your online page. You’ll get entry to the theme customizer from the dashboard or the dropdown menu of your starter web site’s entrance finish.

divi theme customizer dropdown

If you’re within the theme customizer, focal point on those 4 key spaces: typography, structure settings, colour schemes, and buttons. Navigate to Common Settings > Typography. You’ll to find more than one facets similar for your online page textual content, similar to header font, frame font, frame textual content length, and so on. Make your required adjustments sooner than saving them.

divi theme customizer

The structure settings will show you how to make changes for your web site width and finalize your web site’s number one and secondary colours. Merely navigate to Common > Structure settings and make the desired adjustments.

divi theme customizer layout settings

Divi additionally means that you can prolong your customization choices past fonts and colours. As an example, you’ll be able to make adjustments for your online page buttons inside a couple of clicks.

Get started constructing your online page with Divi these days, and customise it for your logo in mins.

divi theme customizer button

Edit International Presets

International presets are pre-configured types you’ll be able to follow to more than one parts for constant design and simple updates throughout your web site. With Divi’s International Presets, you’ll be able to briefly customise fonts, colours, and types throughout all of your online page with only a few clicks. This selection guarantees a constant design and saves you time when making site-wide adjustments.

To modify a Button Module preset, open the settings for a Button module to your web page the usage of the Divi Builder. On the best, you’ll see a preset taste stored. Click on the dropdown button subsequent to the preset to open extra choices. A listing of all presets imported from the Starter website online will seem. The fairway take a look at mark presentations the present preset in use. Make a choice any preset from the record to replace the module with the preset’s design settings.

divi global preset settings

To change a preset, take a look at and click on the pencil icon. A gray settings field signifies that you’re enhancing the preset settings. Make the adjustments you need, then click on the golf green take a look at button. This may occasionally replace the preset utilized in each and every part site-wide.

divi edit global preset

Edit International Header and Footer

Divi means that you can replace your world header and footer successfully. To edit the worldwide header of the Default Header Template, click on the pencil icon subsequent to it. This may occasionally open the Divi Web page Builder, which you’ll be able to customise via dragging and shedding parts.

divi theme builder pencil icon

As an example, take a look at your online page brand and click on on settings to modify the brand border types. Then, pass to Design, scroll to Button, and alter the border types. While you’re accomplished, click on the golf green take a look at button and save.

divi logo border styles

Those adjustments will briefly replace the worldwide header on all internet pages. Go back to the Theme Builder web page and click on “Save Adjustments” to stay your edits.

5. Upload The Plugins You Want

A online page’s capability and function is solely as necessary as its design. In wordpress, you’ll be able to get the whole lot you wish to have thru plugins. Those give you the capability, efficiency, and safety you wish to have to your web site. Divi already contains integrated capability, and it simply integrates with best wordpress plugins for caching, seo, social media sharing, and email marketing.

The plugins you wish to have is determined by the kind of web site you’re developing, however listed here are a couple of plugins to get began:

Caching Plugin

wp rocket overview

WP Rocket is likely one of the best possible caching plugins to be had. It is helping scale back your internet web page’s load time via developing static copies and serving them to guests. This contains options like web page caching, cache preloading, and GZIP compression.

Get WP Rocket

search engine optimization Plugin

Rankmath is an impressive search engine optimization plugin that is helping you optimize your content material, set up key phrases, and toughen your web site’s visibility on serps like Google. It gives XML sitemaps, meta tag control, key phrase monitoring, and detailed search engine optimization research. Rankmath additionally integrates with Google Seek Console, offering your web site’s efficiency insights.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269546 size-full” src=”” alt=”rank math seo” width=”1800″ height=”900″/>

Get Rank Math

E mail Choose-in Plugin

Bloom, an e mail optin plugin via Sublime Topics, means that you can create stunning and efficient e mail signup paperwork. With quite a lot of design choices, together with pop-ups, fly-ins, and inline paperwork, Bloom allows you to strategically position optin paperwork to seize guests’ e mail addresses. It integrates with main e mail advertising products and services similar to MailChimp, AWeber, and ConvertKit.

divi bloom plugin

Get Bloom

Social Media Sharing Plugin

Monarch, every other Sublime Topics plugin, supplies a complete resolution for including social media sharing buttons for your online page. To inspire guests to proportion your content material on social media, you’ll be able to choose between quite a lot of show choices, together with a floating sidebar, inline content material, and media sharing. Monarch helps over 20 social networks and lets you customise the illusion of your social sharing buttons to compare your web site’s design.

divi monarch plugin

Get Monarch

For a whole record, take a look at those Must-Have plugins for wordpress.

Advantages of Construction a Site Briefly

Making a online page briefly gives a lot of benefits, from setting up a direct on-line presence to gaining a aggressive edge out there. Listed below are probably the most advantages:

  • Speedy On-line Presence: Launching a online page briefly permits you to identify a web-based presence promptly. This particularly advantages companies or people taking a look to capitalize on present tendencies, seasonal alternatives, or advertising campaigns.
  • Aggressive Merit: A quicker time to marketplace can provide you with a aggressive edge. Being a few of the first to supply your merchandise, products and services, or content material on-line, you’ll be able to draw in early adopters and seize marketplace proportion sooner than your competition.
  • Value Potency: Rapid online page construction steadily interprets to decrease construction prices. Via lowering the time spent on design and construction, you save on hard work prices and will allocate assets to different crucial spaces like advertising or product construction.
  • Logo Visibility and Advertising: A swift online page release helps advertising efforts via offering a central hub for all on-line actions. It means that you can combine your online page with social media, e mail campaigns, and different advertising channels, bettering logo visibility and engagement.

General, there are a lot of advantages to constructing a online page briefly. It’s all about staying dedicated for your duties and being transparent about your goals.

Get Began with Divi These days

Construction a online page briefly doesn’t must be sophisticated. Someone can briefly create a certified and purposeful web site with the precise equipment and steering. Via opting for Divi, you achieve get entry to to essentially the most tough and time-saving equipment to be had for constructing a online page. Divi’s flexibility, pre-designed layouts, and world customization options make it the most productive resolution for developing a surprising web site briefly and successfully. With those assets, you’ll be able to convey your imaginative and prescient to existence and create a online page that stands proud for future years.

Don’t waste any further time. Construct your dream online page in mins with Divi.

Start Building Your Site Today

Able to Get Began? Test our information on how to build a website with Divi these days.

Need to know extra concerning the merchandise discussed on this put up? Take a look at the desk underneath:

Merchandise Discussed Beginning Value Description
1 Divi $89 in keeping with yr Theme and Web page Builder Visit
2 Siteground $2.99 per 30 days website hosting Supplier and Area Registrar Visit
3 Namecheap $17.99 in keeping with yr Area Registrar Visit
4 WP Rocket $59 in keeping with yr Caching Plugin Visit
5 Rank Math $78.96 in keeping with yr search engine optimization Plugin Visit
6 Bloom $89 in keeping with yr (To be had with an Sublime Topics club) E mail Optin Plugin Visit
7 Monarch $89 in keeping with yr Social Media Plugin Visit

Continuously Requested Questions (FAQs)

#faqsu-faq-list {
background: #F0F4F8;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 15px;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single {
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box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question {
border-bottom: 1px cast #F0F4F8;
padding-bottom: 0.825rem;
margin-bottom: 0.825rem;
place: relative;
padding-right: 40px;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after {
content material: “?”;
place: absolute;
correct: 0;
best: 0;
width: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
text-align: heart;
colour: #c6d0db;
background: #F0F4F8;
border-radius: 40px;
font-size: 20px;

How do you create a internet web page briefly?

Use a drag-and-drop online page builder like Divi. It simplifies the method via providing an intuitive interface and pre-designed templates. This lets you focal point on content material and design with out in depth technical talents, enabling you to create a internet web page briefly and successfully.

Are you able to construct a online page in someday?

Sure, you’ll be able to construct a purposeful online page in an afternoon with the precise equipment like Siteground (to your area, web hosting, and wordpress set up) and Divi (the tough wordpress Theme and web site builder). As soon as you’re arrange on SiteGround, Divi can generate a web site for you in mins. Plus, it has a user-friendly interface, pre-made templates, and environment friendly design choices to streamline the method, making it possible to create a whole online page briefly.

How do I make my online page quicker?

One of the simplest ways is to make use of a efficiency optimization plugin like WP Rocket. You’ll use the plugin to optimize photographs, restrict the choice of HTTP requests, use browser HTTP caching, take away needless render-blocking JavaScript, restrict using exterior scripts, scale back redirect utilization, minify CSS and JavaScript recordsdata, and extra. You will have to additionally make the most of efficient third-party products and services for very important online page purposes to make stronger your online page’s velocity and function.

How briskly can I construct a online page?

Construction a online page normally takes one to 6 months, relying to your objectives and assets. Alternatively, the usage of online page developers and wordpress Topics like Divi, you’ll be able to get your web site up in mins so that you could have a reside web site up in one day. All of it depends upon the complexity of your web site.

The put up Quickest and Easiest Way to Build a website in 2024 seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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14 Gear for Growing and Promoting Virtual Merchandise (Knowledgeable Pick out)

Rising and selling digital products is an effective way to earn passive income and share your enjoy with a world audience. Then again you’ll need the best apparatus to make it happen. Differently, you could waste time and money on tricky systems that don’t send results.

At WPBeginner, we’ve been creating digital products for over a decade, and we’ve had a large number of excellent fortune the usage of Easy Digital Downloads to advertise our plugins and software. That being discussed, everyone knows that other firms can have different needs for their own online stores.

Since a large number of you will have asked about what the most efficient apparatus are, we’ve come up with this data that can assist you make a selection.

We’ll share our top choices for making and selling the whole thing from eBooks to online courses. The ones are apparatus we’ve tested ourselves, and we even use a couple of of them in our private business.

3 Should-Have Equipment for Rising and Selling Digital Products

No time to be informed? Listed here are our top 3 choices of the most efficient platforms to make and advertise digital products online:

1st Place

Beacon logo


Easiest imaginable for: Rising lead magnets

Pricing: Free to $99/mo

Key choices: Drag-and-drop editor, templates, blog content material subject matter import

Learn extra

2nd Place

Easy Digital Downloads

Simple Virtual Downloads

Easiest imaginable for: Selling digital downloads

Pricing: Free to $349.65/yr

Key choices: Endless downloads, licensing, discounts

Learn extra

 3rd Place

MemberPress logo


Easiest imaginable for: Membership web pages and courses

Pricing: $179.50 to $399.50/yr

Key choices: Content material subject matter protection, drip content material subject matter, courses

Learn extra

How We Tested the Easiest imaginable Equipment to Advertise Digital Products

We take our tips severely, and our trying out process presentations that.

Initially, one of the vital the most important apparatus we’ve in reality useful are ones we use every day in our private business.

For example, we’ve been the usage of Easy Digital Downloads for years to advertise our wordpress plugins. This hands-on revel in provides us self belief in recommending this software, as everyone knows its strengths and limitations firsthand.

You moreover might remember the fact that we’ve featured a couple of of those apparatus in our other product overview articles. That’s because of we’ve came upon them consistently unswerving and environment friendly.

For various apparatus, our revel in comes from the usage of them for specific tutorials or tasks. Through this process, we’ve discovered their strengths for particular purposes.

We’ve moreover tested in taste possible choices to seem within the match that they’re dwelling up to their claims. Our process involved checking the software’s choices, trying out it to seem if it in truth works as promised, and evaluating its price for money. We’ve moreover assessed how blank the software is to use, specifically for newcomers.

In any case, we’ve paid close attention to purchaser evaluations, like the ones from WPBeginner Answer Middle. Everyone knows that sometimes we might overlook positive contexts or use circumstances, so the ones evaluations be in agreement complement our viewpoint. They’ve given us insights into how the apparatus perform in exact lifestyles.

With that all through ideas, let’s check out our list of apparatus to create and advertise digital products. We’ve divided this newsletter into two sections, and also you’ll be capable to skip for your preferred segment the usage of the short links underneath:

Why Imagine WPBeginner?

We’ve been serving to oldsters with wordpress and online firms for over 16 years. Our body of workers doesn’t merely read about the ones apparatus – we use them every day. Our objective is that can assist you to seek out the most efficient resolution to your needs, now not merely market it products. That’s why we take a look at each product primarily on our private internet pages to clutch what if truth be told works.

Want to know additional? Check out our detailed editorial procedure.

Easiest imaginable Equipment to Create Digital Products

Whether or not or now not you’re buying groceries to generate passive source of revenue or uncover new digital products to advertise online, the ones apparatus will let you create moderately a large number of types of digital products effectively and professionally.

We’ve made up our minds on a range of digital content material subject matter creation apparatus, at the side of some unfastened possible choices, that can assist you increase your digital product business.

1. Beacon (Lead Magnets)


Beacon is a freemium lead magnet device that we use ourselves to create moderately a large number of types of content material subject matter for email correspondence promoting campaigns. With its blank drag-and-drop interface, you’ll be capable to create digital products like eBooks, workbooks, checklists, and even video lookbooks.

What we like about Beacon is its simplicity. After signing up for a unfastened account, you’ll go through a very simple onboarding wizard. By means of answering a few questions to your goals, you’ll be capable to in brief make a selection a template and get began customizing it inside the drag-and-drop editor.

Select the ebook option in Beacon dashboard

Beacon is designed to be as blank to use as possible, making it to be had even though you’re new to creating lead magnets. Whether or not or now not you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, you’ll to seek out the process intuitive and smooth.

On the other hand, it’s worth noting that some consumers might to seek out the templates just a bit basic and now not as trendy as they’d like.

Beacon's interface

Additionally, all over our trying out, we from time to time encountered issues when browsing to delete positive pre-existing elements in templates. Keep this in ideas when customizing your lead magnets.

Execs of Beacon:

  • Easy setup and use for speedy lead magnet creation
  • Ability to import blog content material subject matter directly into lead magnets
  • Dozens of templates from moderately a large number of business categories and seasons
  • A few embedding possible choices like inline paperwork, horizontal bars, and content material upgrades

Cons of Beacon:

  • Templates would in all probability appear basic or a lot much less trendy in comparison to some possible choices
  • Some drawback in deleting pre-existing elements in templates

Pricing: Beacon supplies a unfastened plan that accommodates 1 lead magnet per month, 100 leads, 1 client account, 1,000 per 30 days pageviews, and 500MB file storage. Paid plans range from $19 to $99 per month, with higher tiers allowing for additional lead magnets and extra choices.

Why we decided on Beacon: We picked Beacon because it’s actually blank to use for making lead magnets, which has helped us with our private electronic mail advertising. It’s smooth, flexible, and has a unfastened risk, making it great for all kinds of businesses, even though you’ll be capable to’t customize designs a great deal of.

2. Canva (Beginner-Delightful Graphic Design)


Canva is a popular freemium software for graphic design that works well as a digital products maker. We’ve came upon Canva in particular useful for creating eye-catching social media posts and professional-looking eBooks. Many people have also used Canva to create customized templates and advertise them to fellow consumers.

Compared to Beacon, Canva’s designs are typically additional trendy and varied. It supplies moderately a large number of design possible choices, at the side of social media posts, presentations, bureaucracy, resumes, print products, internet pages, and flicks.

Web design ideas made with Canva AI image generator

Besides a drag-and-drop editor, the platform provides pre-made colour palettes, font devices, design elements, and further. You’ll be capable to moreover draw on your own designs.

That being discussed, Canva can sometimes be slow to use, specifically when running with additional difficult designs. And should you use Canva on mobile or tablet, you’ll have to be a lot more affected particular person with its potency.

Execs of Canva:

  • Easy to use while however producing professional designs
  • Huge design library with over 1 million templates, 1000 design varieties, and 3 million stock photos
  • Tough most sensible magnificence choices like AI equipment and body of workers collaboration choices
  • Video enhancing feature is also available for creating video products like online courses

Cons of Canva:

  • Can be slow to use every now and then, specifically with additional difficult designs
  • We noticed the mobile app is typically slightly laggy compared to the desktop style

Pricing: Canva supplies a unfastened plan with 5GB of cloud storage. Paid plans range from $15 to $30 per month, offering additional storage, most sensible magnificence stock photos/motion pictures, AI apparatus, and body of workers keep watch over choices. A 30-day unfastened trial is available for paid plans.

Why we decided on Canva: Canva’s ease of use and professional-quality designs make it highest for creating a wide variety of digital products to advertise. For numerous firms, it’s develop into an irreplaceable software for speedy, top of the range graphic design.

3. Google Workspace (Digital Belongings)

Google Workspace landing page

Google Workspace may not be necessarily probably the most design-friendly software compared to specialized platforms. That discussed, its in taste use makes it extraordinarily to be had. We use it all over our firms to give a boost to efficiency and dialog, alternatively the Workspace suite can be utilized to create digital products.

Many people already use the ones products in their day-to-day lives or artwork, alternatively they gained’t know how to maximize their possible. That’s the position you’ll be capable to step in and offer ready-to-use templates that improve their Google Workspace revel in.

Plus, with the brand new integration of Gemini, Google’s AI assistant, the usage of the platform for digital product creation has develop into much more simple. We’re a big fan of it ourselves proper right here at WPBeginner to speed up our workflow and dialog.

We’ve spotted a large number of excellent fortune stories with this manner. As an example, Luke Scarpino on TikTok shared a Google Sheets template for surroundings pleasant shuttle packing. His video went viral, and he now sells a certified packing template, showcasing the potential of monetizing the ones digital property.

Luke Scarpino's travel packing spreadsheet on TikTok

Execs of Google Workspace:

  • Free to get started
  • Gemini integration helps with AI content material advent
  • Out there and familiar to a big audience who already use the ones products
  • Easy collaboration choices for body of workers tasks

Cons of Google Workspace:

  • Will not be necessarily probably the most flexible for classy designs
  • Limited customization possible choices compared to specialized design apparatus

Pricing: Google Workspace is unfastened for basic use. For additonal choices like custom designed domains, difficult protection, and further storage, prices range from $3.60 to $ 18 consistent with client per month.

Why we decided on Google Workspace: Its huge client base provides a ready market to your digital products. With the Gemini AI integration, it’s an ideal platform for creators to advertise templates and property irrespective of some design limitations.

4. Adobe Illustrator (Emblems/Digital Illustrations)

When you occur to’re buying groceries to create and advertise approved digital paintings, Adobe Illustrator is an excellent software to believe.

Now we have now used it prior to now to create featured images and other graphics for our blog posts. It’s a popular vector graphics software used by pros to create digital illustrations.

While Adobe products are known for their higher worth stage, they’re frequently spotted as a successful investment, and we in reality really feel the identical method. There’s a learning curve, alternatively once mastered, Illustrator supplies great perks.

For one, designs made with Illustrator are extraordinarily scalable. This is great for creating logos, customized fonts, and other digital illustrations with income possible. Additionally, the designs you create in Illustrator are suitable for professional printing, which opens up additional monetization choices.

Execs of Adobe Illustrator:

  • Creates scalable designs, highest for logos and illustrations
  • Trade-standard, lending professional credibility for your artwork
  • Versatile for moderately a large number of tasks: web graphics, mobile apps, infographics, prints, logos
  • Integrates well with other Adobe products for professional artwork

Cons of Adobe Illustrator:

  • Can be overwhelming for newcomers
  • Dear subscription sort
  • Requires an excellent laptop for maximum potency

Pricing: Adobe Illustrator costs $22.99 per month. Then again, you’ll be capable to get the Adobe Inventive Cloud suite, which accommodates 20+ Adobe apps, for $59.99 per month. A 7-day unfastened trial is available.

Why we decided on Adobe Illustrator: Adobe Illustrator’s versatility makes it an excellent variety for artists buying groceries to create and promote top quality virtual artwork, irrespective of its steeper learning curve and worth.

<h4 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”aioseo-x-mpl-publisher-wordpress-ebook-audiobook-creator”>5. MPL-Writer (wordpress eBook/Audiobook Creator)

MPL-Publisher landing page

MPL-Writer is a wordpress plugin this is serving to you turn a couple of blog posts into an eBook or audiobook you’ll be capable to advertise. It makes creating and selling digital content material subject matter from your wordpress internet website more straightforward.

We downloaded and thoroughly tested this plugin to try all its choices. And our favorite issue in regards to the plugin is how well MPL-Creator works with wordpress.

Once installed, you’ll be capable to merely add your information details, make a cover, keep an eye on the design, and make a selection which posts to include.

Filtering Posts in MPL-Publisher

The process is gorgeous easy, which is why we discussed it in our knowledge on making eBooks in wordpress. We moreover favored with the ability to edit the content material subject matter to make it fit upper in an eBook construction and save the information as a MOBI, PDF, or audiobook file.

On the other hand, MPL-Creator’s templates aren’t as fancy as those in Beacon or Canva. If you want to make huge changes to how your eBook seems to be like, you could need to know some customized CSS.

Execs of MPL-Creator:

  • Works well with wordpress and easily imports posts
  • Supplies a couple of eBook obtain formats like ePub, audiobook, and PDF
  • Means that you can edit publish content material subject matter inside the plugin for upper eBooks

Cons of MPL-Creator:

  • Supplies fewer template possible choices than any other apparatus and would in all probability require CSS knowledge for classy customization
  • Book quilt editor highest available inside the paid style

Pricing: MPL-Creator has a unfastened style with 50 chapters consistent with information and a couple of information designs. The highest magnificence style costs $49 consistent with website and comprises no ads, endless books, and a information quilt maker.

Why we decided on MPL-Creator: This plugin is very good for turning wordpress blog posts into sellable eBooks or audiobooks. It’s user-friendly and gives moderately a large number of export possible choices, making it a good choice for wordpress consumers who wish to advertise digital content material subject matter.

6. Audacity (Track and Audio Products)

Do you will have a knack for sound and enjoy running with audio? If so, you’ll be capable to use Audacity as a digital products maker, turning your ability into money by the use of creating moderately a large number of audio pieces.

Audacity is a unfastened audio enhancing and recording app that works on House home windows, Mac, and Linux pc methods. While song manufacturing is an obtrusive variety, you don’t need to be musically talented to have the good thing about this software.

You’ll be capable to moreover make audiobooks, report guided meditations, snatch nature sounds for stress-free tracks, create podcast intros, or even design sound effects for video video games or motion pictures.

That discussed, we wish to admit that the usage of Audacity wasn’t always blank because of its structure seems to be like just a bit outdated. On the other hand, given that software is open-source, we discovered numerous helpful YouTube tutorials and a big group of consumers ready to be in agreement.

Execs of Audacity:

  • Free and open-source
  • Has an invaluable group of consumers
  • Comes with built-in effects and works with property
  • Works on more than a few types of pc methods

Cons of Audacity:

  • The interface seems to be like outdated
  • No longer the most efficient for multitrack music recording and enhancing

Pricing: Audacity is completely unfastened to use, and now not the use of a need to acquire a license.

Why we decided on Audacity: Even supposing apparently to be like just a bit earlier, Audacity is an excellent, unfastened software for making many types of audio products. Its open-source nature, supportive group, and flexibility make it a very good variety for newcomers in digital audio creation.

7. Adobe Photoshop (Image Improving)

Adobe Photoshop landing page

Now not like Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop focuses additional on enhancing photos and making graphics that don’t need to be as merely resized. Now we have now used it extensively all over our business to create and edit sexy and professional-looking images.

With Photoshop, you’ll be capable to edit photos to advertise as stock images, create mockups for moderately a large number of products, design custom designed brushes or image presets, and even make digital planners or bullet journals. The software’s flexibility makes it great for creating many more than a few digital products.

Everyone knows that Photoshop can also be hard to be told, specifically compared to simpler apparatus like Canva. Then again while you get used to it, you’ll be capable to do so much more. It’s dear, alternatively it can be worth it should you’re serious about making professional-quality digital products.

Execs of Adobe Photoshop:

  • Good for creating many types of visual digital products
  • Works with many file varieties like JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and PDF
  • Quite a few tutorials and courses are available that can assist you be told Adobe Photoshop
  • Many brushes and filters online you’ll be capable to download to boost creativity

Cons of Adobe Photoshop:

  • It’s dear, and a couple of further apparatus like brushes/filters worth additional
  • Takes time to learn how to use it well
  • Needs an excellent laptop to run simply

Pricing: Adobe Photoshop costs $22.99 per month. Or, you’ll be capable to get the Adobe Inventive Cloud package, which accommodates over 20 Adobe apps, for $59.99 per month.

Why we decided on Adobe Photoshop: Even supposing it’s now not blank to be told, Photoshop is terribly versatile and strong for top of the range digital product creation. Its huge number of choices and the best way well it in reality works with other Adobe products make it a very good variety for serious virtual creators.

<h4 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”aioseo-x-create-block-theme-wordpress-block-themes”>8. Create Block Theme (wordpress Block Subjects)

Create Block Theme plugin banner

wordpress block problems are becoming more popular, alternatively there aren’t as a large number of them as antique problems or problems made with web page developers. This means you will have an opportunity to create and advertise your personal block problems.

The good news is you’ll be capable to use the unfastened Create Block Theme plugin to make your problems. We’ve used it to change our block problems and make custom designed designs. It’s moreover great for making child block problems.

From our revel in, it’s an more straightforward way to create block issues, even though you’ve on no account finished it previous to. You’ll be capable to design your theme right kind in wordpress, which makes it a lot much less frightening should you’re new to personalized theme development.

Saving a child block theme's changes using the Create Block Theme plugin

On the other hand, understand that this plugin highest works for block problems. Nowadays, now not as many people use block problems, so your market could be small. Then again as additional other people get began the usage of the complete website online editor in wordpress, block problems will possibly develop into additional in taste.

Execs of Create Block Theme:

  • Works well with the full website editor
  • Easy to use and helps you design problems visually
  • Means that you can make new problems in step with problems you’re already the usage of

Cons of Create Block Theme:

  • You’ll be capable to highest use it to make block problems, now not different types

Pricing: Create Block Theme is unfastened to use.

Why we decided on Create Block Theme: This plugin makes it possible for added other people to create problems, even though they don’t know how to code. As block problems develop into additional now not bizarre, Create Block Theme is an effective way for wordpress consumers to start selling their own problems.

<h4 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”aioseo-x-divi-wordpress-themes-made-with-divi”>9. Divi (wordpress Subjects Made With Divi)

Divi landing page

When you occur to’ve been the usage of wordpress for a while, you most likely find out about Divi. It’s a popular software for development pages and problems, and we rank it Third in our theme builder overview.

Then again are you aware you’ll be capable to moreover make and advertise Divi child problems and layouts on their inventive marketplace?

Divi is extensively used, which means that that there are a large number of individuals who might wish to acquire your problems or layouts. We’ve moreover came upon the platform to be actually blank for newcomers to use, because of its drag-and-drop design, customizable parts, and dynamic content material subject matter choices.

Take a look at DiviFlash as an example. It’s a Divi plugin that’s been featured on HubSpot.

DiviFlash landing page

It’s very important to create something like this, too!

One thing to keep in mind is that the whole thing you set as much as the Divi marketplace is checked by the use of the Elegant Subjects body of workers. That is serving to make sure that top quality alternatively can also slow down how in brief your products or updates are that can be purchased.

Execs of Divi:

  • Easy to be told, so that you’ll be capable to make layouts or child problems in brief
  • You get 70% of each sale you’re making on the Divi Marketplace
  • Quite a few possible consumers because of Divi is so in taste

Cons of Divi:

  • The review process can slow down your product releases and updates
  • You need to stick updating your products to artwork with the newest style of Divi

Pricing: Yearly plans worth from $89 to $277 consistent with year, with a 30-day money-back make sure that. You’ll be capable to moreover pay once for lifetime get right of entry to, which costs $249 to $297.

Why we decided on Divi: Divi will give you a very good chance to advertise to numerous wordpress consumers who want custom designed problems and layouts. It’s blank to use and has a big marketplace, making it a great place for creators to design and advertise digital products that would possibly develop into very popular.

10. Camtasia (Video Digital Products)

Camtasia landing page

When you occur to’re comfortable being on virtual digicam, you could be excellent at creating video digital products like online courses. Camtasia is a great tool for this kind of artwork. It ranks second in our list of video modifying instrument.

We recommend Camtasia over other apparatus because it has a built-in computer screen recording feature. This means you’ll be capable to merely snatch what’s happening to your display screen when you’re teaching. It even information audio and mouse movements, which is actually helpful for step-by-step tutorials.

Camtasia isn’t just for recording. You’ll be capable to moreover edit your motion pictures the usage of its many choices like filters, transitions, on-screen text, animations, sound effects, and even royalty-free video clips. So, even though you don’t wish to be on virtual digicam, you’ll be capable to however use Camtasia to create motion pictures created from other clips.

Basic, Camtasia has worked well for us prior to now. On the other hand, some consumers have reported that it doesn’t always run simply on Mac pc methods.

Execs of Camtasia:

  • All-in-one resolution: computer screen recording, audio recording, and mouse recording
  • Quite a few enhancing property: 30 filters, 150 transitions, endless royalty-free music
  • AI detection for filler words like ‘um’ and ‘uh’
  • Easier to use compared to other platforms like Adobe Premiere Professional

Cons of Camtasia:

  • Some consumers report potency issues on Mac

Pricing: Camtasia costs between $134.91 and $375.25 consistent with year. You’ll be in a position to try it without charge for 7 days.

Why we decided on Camtasia: Its mixture of easy-to-use computer screen recording and whole enhancing apparatus makes it splendid for producing and promoting top quality movies, even for those new to video creation.

Easiest imaginable Platforms to Advertise Digital Products

Now that you just’ve created your digital products, the next step is finding the best position to promote and marketplace your virtual merchandise. The platforms we’re about to discuss will let you increase your online business and optimize your product sales process.

That you must perceive we don’t include digital product marketplaces on our list. That’s because of some long-term problems with the usage of them, which is outlined in reality neatly in this reputable quote:

Third-party marketplaces do make sign-up blank and have a low initial worth. On the other hand, you’ll in any case finally end up paying high transaction fees of up to 30% for each product you advertise. You moreover don’t private your personal wisdom; you merely rent it.

Your product listings, purchaser information, and purchase wisdom are all stored on someone else’s server. Migrating to any other platform later can also be extremely tough, if now not now not imaginable.

Chris KlosowskiChris Klosowski, Easy Digital Downloads founder

1. Simple Virtual Downloads (Digital Products Best)

The Easy Digital Downloads eCommerce and digital marketplace plugin

Simple Virtual Downloads (EDD) is the software we use to advertise our most sensible magnificence wordpress plugins and digital downloads. Over the years, it’s showed to be a reliable resolution that has helped increase our business and masses of others.

For additonal details, see our entire Simple Virtual Downloads overview.

As an example, EscapeRoomGeeks uses EDD to advertise printable Escape Room Kits, while SetSailStudios sells downloadable fonts via this platform.

Set Sail Studios Make Money Selling Unique Fonts

We love EDD because it makes it really easy to prepare an on-line retailer for digital products. The onboarding wizard guides you all through the setup process step by step, so it’s hard to get out of place.

Any other great feature is its automation purposes. The ones streamline our workflows by the use of collecting habitual subscription bills, offering content material subject matter upgrades, and managing renewals. This saves us a large number of time and effort in managing our digital products.

Setting up recurring payments using a digital eCommerce plugin

The only problem we can call to mind is that EDD doesn’t allow physically products. On the other hand, this focus on digital products method its choices are optimized for selling downloads.

Execs of Easy Digital Downloads:

  • Easy setup with guided onboarding
  • Routinely creates eCommerce pages like checkout and receipt
  • Endless file downloads and now not the use of a bandwidth charges
  • Tough software licensing give a boost to
  • Flexible cut price possible choices
  • You’ll be capable to upload a loose trial for your products

Cons of Easy Digital Downloads:

  • Limited to digital products highest, which isn’t splendid should you plan to make larger into physically products

Pricing: There’s a unfastened style available with basic choices like Stripe, PayPal, Apple/Google Pay integration, purchasing groceries cart, and basic eCommerce reporting.

Paid plans range from $89.55 to $349.65 consistent with year for added difficult choices, charge possible choices, and endless products. To get the most efficient deal out of your gain, you’ll be capable to use our Simple Virtual Downloads coupon code and claim a 50% cut price.

Why we decided on Easy Digital Downloads: As longtime consumers, we can vouch for EDD’s reliability and effectiveness in selling digital products. Its user-friendly setup and strong choices make it an excellent variety for anyone looking to start their digital download business.

We moreover counsel the usage of SiteGround’s EDD website hosting to verify your internet website is online all the time.

2. MemberPress (Memberships/Online Classes)

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”354″ src=”” alt=”MemberPress” class=”wp-image-289723″/>

MemberPress sticks out as a top choice for creating subscription-based content material subject matter or online courses. We’ve for my part used this plugin for our WPBeginner video membership website, which has significantly helped us develop our electronic mail listing.

For more information, see our MemberPress overview.

MemberPress makes setting up a membership website easy. It mechanically creates crucial pages for pricing, login, account, and a thank you message to your consumers. This saves you time and promises a professional setup from the start.

What we love about MemberPress necessarily probably the most is its membership-specific choices. It supplies drip content material, a shopper portal, workforce memberships, and add-ons for specific types of services and products like on-line training. This way, you don’t need to arrange some other plugin to build your membership business.

Restricting content based on membership level

With MemberPress, you’ll be capable to merely prohibit get entry to to express content material in step with membership tiers, particular person individuals, or a mix of every. This means you’ll be capable to create tailored research for more than a few membership levels, ensuring your most sensible magnificence content material subject matter stays distinctive.

One critique we’ve were given for MemberPress is it doesn’t have any unfastened style. That being discussed, it’s a worthy investment, specifically making an allowance for the whole thing you’re transferring into just one platform.

Execs of MemberPress:

  • Flexible content material coverage laws for moderately a large number of eventualities
  • Optimized for memberships with choices like drip content material subject matter (freeing categories over time) and subscription billing
  • Easy setup process with automated internet web page creation for a membership internet website
  • Is helping endless membership levels
  • Suitable with number one charge gateways, at the side of PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.web

Cons of MemberPress:

  • No unfastened style available

Pricing: MemberPress supplies annual plans starting from $179.50 and going up to $399.50 consistent with year. The basic plan we could in usage on one internet website and comprises endless individuals, endless courses, and no transaction fees. A 14-day money-back make sure that is available.

Moreover, be at liberty to use our MemberPress coupon code to save some up to 50% off of your plan.

Why we decided on MemberPress: It’s an excellent all-in-one resolution for anyone serious about creating a membership or online path platform. Our revel in with the plugin has confirmed us that it’s going to in all probability take care of even difficult membership constructions very simply.

Variety: No longer serious about MemberPress for online courses? Check out Thrive Apprentice, some other powerful platform.

3. WooCommerce (Physically + Digital Products)


WooCommerce is the preferred wordpress eCommerce plugin and is used by tens of hundreds of thousands of online stores. We’ve used it ourselves and can see why it’s so extensively loved.

First off, WooCommerce is unfastened. You’ll be capable to get began selling instantly for free, the usage of charge possible choices like monetary establishment transfer, cash on provide, and PayPal.

We moreover like how it creates important store pages for you, comparable to checkout and product pages, which saves you hours of work.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”373″ src=”” alt=”eCommerce reports, in the wordpress dashboard” class=”wp-image-246657″/>

Any other great thing about WooCommerce is how flexible it’s. There are many WooCommerce extensions you’ll be capable to add to make your store do additional. This means you highest pay for extra choices you in truth need.

Our personal favorite is FunnelKit, which is a plugin this is serving to boost product sales by the use of optimizing your checkout, together with order bumps, and further.

One problem is that there are such a lot of WooCommerce extensions that it’s going to in all probability in reality really feel just a bit overwhelming at first. Plus, there’s no direct give a boost to. That being discussed, the WooCommerce group is also very huge, so it’s blank to go looking out property to be in agreement in conjunction with your issues.

Execs of WooCommerce:

  • Free and blank to prepare
  • Works for every digital and physically products (great should you advertise ebooks and printed books, for instance)
  • Quite a few unfastened and paid extensions to give a boost to your store and product sales
  • Built-in analytics to track how your store is doing

Cons of WooCommerce:

  • The large number of extensions can also be difficult
  • No original give a boost to body of workers (alternatively the group is also very helpful)

Pricing: WooCommerce itself is unfastened, alternatively plugins can worth anyplace from $1 to $299 consistent with year.

Why we decided on WooCommerce: We love how WooCommerce can take care of every digital and physically products and that you simply’ll be capable to customize it with plugins to fit exactly what you need. It’s unfastened first of all, and there’s a big group that can assist you out.

When you occur to’re serious about the usage of WoCoomerce, we recommend the usage of the Bluehost WooCommerce webhosting to get your online store up and dealing.

You’ll be capable to to determine additional in regards to the platform in our WooCommerce overview.

4. WP Easy Pay (Single-Product Online Store)

WP Simple Pay

WP Easy Pay is a superb variety for those buying groceries to promote a unmarried product or supplier without the complexity of a whole eCommerce platform. We’ve came upon it to be one of the vital easy Stripe charge plugins, making it highest for small firms merely starting out.

For additonal details, see our WP Easy Pay overview.

In our revel in, Stripe’s ease of use for every investors and consumers is unprecedented. The setup for firms isn’t so long as other platforms, so long as your entity is dependable. Plus, your consumers may make expenses directly to your website without having their own Stripe account.

We’ve tested a large number of Stripe plugins, and this one sticks out for its simplicity. You highest need to connect your internet website to Stripe and create a charge form, and that’s it. The 70+ form templates protective moderately a large number of business varieties save you time and ensure your charge form seems to be like professional.

Adding custom fields to a payment form

The drag-and-drop form builder moreover allows you to customize the associated fee form the usage of its built-in field possible choices. This way, the form can also be tailored to fully suit your charge form needs.

Unfortunately, Stripe isn’t available in all countries. So, if you need an alternative, it’s your decision to take a look at some other charge form like WPForms.

Execs of WP Simple Pay:

  • Free style available
  • No transaction fees, which helps to keep more money to your pocket
  • Easy setup and customization with form templates and drag-and-drop builder
  • Accepts 14+ charge methods, at the side of Apple Pay and Google Pay
  • Automatic tax calculation setup for right kind pricing

Cons of WP Simple Pay:

  • Some countries gained’t be capable of use Stripe

Pricing: WP Simple Pay supplies a unfastened style for basic needs. Paid plans get began from $49.50 and transfer up to $299.50 consistent with year. One of the most moderately priced plan we could in usage on one website, with endless charge paperwork/transactions and no transaction or per 30 days fees.

You’ll be capable to moreover use our WP Easy Pay coupon code to get 50% off of your first gain.

Why we decided on WP Simple Pay: We picked WP Simple Pay because it makes it extraordinarily blank to prepare Stripe expenses on wordpress. It’s smooth to use, extraordinarily customizable, and has excellent choices like automated tax calculation.

What Are the Easiest imaginable Platforms for Rising and Selling Digital Products?

In this list, we’ve reviewed a large number of different platforms for digital product creation, alternatively the most efficient one is determined by your needs.

If you want to make unfastened guides or eBooks to get additional email correspondence subscribers, Beacon is our top make a selection. We use it ourselves and actually like how blank it’s.

You’ll be capable to in brief make eBooks, workbooks, and checklists without any design talents. It’s great for newcomers and pros alike, with a unfastened plan and affordable paid possible choices if you need additional choices.

Next, we recommend Simple Virtual Downloads for anyone starting to advertise digital products. We’ve used it for years to advertise our wordpress plugins, and it in reality works actually well.

EDD makes it smooth to prepare your store, automate product sales, and offer discounts. Merely consider, it’s only for digital items, now not physically ones.

If you want to create a membership internet website or advertise online courses, transfer with MemberPress. We used it for our WPBeginner video categories, and it helped us get additional email correspondence subscribers. It has the whole thing you need, like drip content material subject matter and ways to keep an eye on different membership levels.

Rising and Selling Digital Products FAQs

Now that we’ve long gone via our list of the most efficient apparatus for creating and selling digital products online, let’s solution some steadily asked questions:

Which is the easiest digital product to create and advertise?

eBooks, printables, and templates are in taste types of digital products that newcomers can create and advertise in brief. The ones digital product ideas require minimal technical talents and can also be made the usage of apparatus like Beacon, Canva, or Google Clinical docs.

Merely you’ll need to create the ones products in step with your present knowledge or talents. For additonal inspiration, check out our list of the most well liked virtual merchandise you’ll be able to promote on-line.

How and where do I create digital products as a amateur?

As a amateur, you’ll be capable to get began creating digital products the usage of unfastened or affordable apparatus like Beacon, Canva, or Google Clinical docs. Make a selection a product sort that aligns in conjunction with your talents, and use platforms like Simple Virtual Downloads to start selling digital products online.

Can you actually transform successful selling digital products?

Certain, you’ll be capable to undoubtedly transform successful selling digital products. In truth, our founder, Syed Balkhi, is a smart example of this, as he’s been successfully selling digital products like freemium wordpress plugins for years. 

The name of the game is to create top of the range products that treatment exact problems to your audience. For additonal insights, check out this newsletter on key classes discovered by way of Chris Klosowski (Simple Virtual Downloads founder) after promoting virtual downloads for over a decade.

Additional A professional Tips to Get began a Digital Product Business

When you occur to’re in search of additional tips about starting a digital product business, you may additionally be serious about the ones articles:

We hope this newsletter has helped you to find the most efficient apparatus for creating and selling digital products. You might also want to try our reputable choices of the perfect wordpress jQuery plugins and our list of superb wordpress web site examples you will have to take a look at.

When you occur to favored this newsletter, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for wordpress video tutorials. You’ll be capable to moreover to seek out us on Twitter and Fb.

The publish 14 Gear for Growing and Promoting Virtual Merchandise (Knowledgeable Pick out) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Count Lines: The easy-to-use line counter and invoice scheduler software

Product Name: Count Lines: The easy-to-use line counter and invoice scheduler software

Click here to get Count Lines: The easy-to-use line counter and invoice scheduler software

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Count Lines: The easy-to-use line counter and invoice scheduler software

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Have you noticed that in many word processing programs you can’t count lines without also counting all the blank lines? This greatly increases the actual number of lines you type. I know, I had to figure that out the hard way and spent years manually counting the lines I typed. What a waste of time! I must have spent hundreds of hours counting lines and almost always lost count and had to go back and start over. What a nightmare!

You need to be able to count only the lines you typed so you can charge your client or doctor the correct amount. Many of us need a program that counts a line as a “certain number of characters” since many people charge a line as 65 characters.

Now there is a solution to your problems!

Line Counter and Billing Software 2.0 (New Improved Version) does the work for you. It will count lines any way you want, by raw line, characters per line, or it will count words, pages, or paragraphs. Once it has counted for you, it will generate an invoice for your client immediately or whenever you are ready to generate an invoice. Basically, it does the work for you!

This is what it does!

Line Count and Invoice 2.0 automatically creates an invoice with your company details and your customer’s name and address.

Automatically calculates invoice totals.

Allows you to apply payment to an invoice, void an invoice, or delete an invoice.

Allows you to choose the initial number of the invoice.

Allows you to add various content to the invoice.

Displays the total number of units/lines entered

Allows you to apply different rates for different customers.

Allows you to edit customer details.

You have currency options such as US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar and British Pound.

It allows you to keep an up-to-date record of each client’s counts that you can delete at any time.

Line Counter and Billing Program 2.0 account:


Characters with spaces

Characters without spaces

Lines (per given number of characters)

Thick lines (any line containing written text)


Include/Exclude Headers and Footers

And it produces an automatic invoice!

It will keep track of all the posted files so that when you are ready to invoice your client, all the information is at your fingertips!

It is important to have a “user friendly” program that is fast and easy to use!

The HELP files show you step-by-step screenshots on how to use the program so you can get started in five minutes.

Here’s what one experienced transcriber had to say…

I love this program! Thank you for creating it. I know it’s something you’ve been trying to do for a while. I really like how easy it is to use and especially the way it creates the invoice. I don’t have to enter any information myself anymore! It does it all for me! Pamela Harmon, Jensen Beach, Florida

You too can use the Line and Invoice Counter 2.0 program and make your life easier and save a lot of time. You can stop counting all those lines and making invoices manually! Let this program do it for you. Don’t forget that it’s also a business deduction!

You can start using the program immediately.

All orders are processed through ClickBank, our secure credit card processor. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

You can use this program on multiple computers. This is not a single-license program. Limited time offer!

Compatible with Microsoft Word 97-present.

Windows 98, 2000, ME, Windows 7, XP Home, Professional and Vista.

This program does not work with WordPerfect.

Contact Us Recommended Home Based Businesses Start a Medical Transcription Business from Home Affiliate Program

Click here to get Count Lines: The easy-to-use line counter and invoice scheduler software

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Count Lines: The easy-to-use line counter and invoice scheduler software

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Building a Website: The Ultimate Guide to Create and Elevate…

Building a Website: The Ultimate Guide to Create and Elevate Your Online Presence

In the digital age, a website is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a small business, an established enterprise, or an individual looking to share your voice, crafting a successful website is paramount. Enter Super Effective Websites, the industry-leading choice for San Francisco web design and beyond. Our team of experts has the know-how to transform your vision into a digital masterpiece.

Unveiling the Secrets of Website Creation

Building a website is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating an experience that resonates with your audience. The process involves several crucial steps:

  • Planning: Define your target audience, identify your business goals, and outline the key elements you want on your website.
  • Design: Craft a user-friendly layout, choose visually appealing colors and typography, and create a cohesive brand identity.
  • Development: Code the website using the appropriate tools and technologies, ensuring it’s responsive and optimized for different devices.
  • Launch: Publish your website to the world and make it accessible to users.

Trending Topics: The Cutting Edge of Web Design

The world of web design is constantly evolving. Here are some current and future trends to keep an eye out for:

  • Responsive Design: Websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Mobile-First Development: Designing websites with a mobile-centric approach, prioritizing user experience on smaller devices.
  • AI Integration: Using artificial intelligence to enhance user engagement and personalize content.
  • Voice Search Optimization: Optimizing websites for voice search queries, allowing users to search for information using voice commands.

Online Marketing Tactics: Reaching Your Audience Effectively

Once your website is up and running, the next step is to promote it online. Here are some effective marketing strategies:

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content that provides information and builds relationships with your target audience.
  • Social Media Marketing: Engage with your audience on social media platforms, promote your website, and drive traffic to it.
  • Email Marketing: Use email to build relationships with potential customers, nurture leads, and drive conversions.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Run targeted online ads to reach your desired audience and drive traffic to specific pages on your website.

Local SEO: A Boost for Your Local Business

If you have a physical business in San Francisco or the surrounding area, local SEO is crucial. Here’s how to optimize your website for local search:

  • Google My Business: Create a free Google My Business listing to make your business more visible on Google search and maps.
  • Local Citations: Get your business listed on local directories and websites to increase its visibility and credibility.
  • Customer Reviews: Encourage your customers to leave positive reviews on Google My Business and other online platforms.

Website Hosting: Choosing the Right Home for Your Website

Selecting the right website hosting solution is essential for performance and security. Here are different types of hosting to consider:

  • Shared Hosting: Sharing server resources with other websites, offering a cost-effective option for small businesses.
  • VPS Hosting: A dedicated virtual server that provides more control and resources than shared hosting.
  • Dedicated Hosting: A physical server dedicated exclusively to your website, offering the highest level of performance and security.
  • Cloud Hosting: Hosting your website on a network of virtual servers, providing scalability and flexibility.

Website Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Asset

Securing your website is paramount to protect sensitive data and reputation. Here are some best practices:

  • SSL Certificates: Encrypt data transmitted between your website and visitors, providing a secure connection.
  • Firewalls: Detecting and blocking unauthorized access to your website.
  • Regular Updates: Keeping your website software and plugins up-to-date to patch security vulnerabilities.
  • Backups: Regularly backing up your website to restore it in case of data loss or security breaches.

WordPress: A Versatile Website Builder

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) for website creation. Its user-friendly interface, vast theme and plugin library, and powerful features make it a great choice for both beginners and advanced users.

  • Features: Customizable themes, easy content management, built-in search engine optimization tools.
  • Best Practices: Using high-quality themes and plugins, optimizing content for SEO, and ensuring website security.

Creating Highly Effective Websites: Best Practices

To create a website that engages users, achieves business goals, and ranks well in search results, following proven best practices is essential:

  • SEO Optimization: Optimizing your website for search engines to increase its visibility in search results.
  • Speed Optimization: Ensuring your website loads quickly to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Accessibility: Making your website accessible to users with disabilities, ensuring everyone can access your content.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Online Presence with Super Effective Websites

Creating a successful website requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses planning, design, development, marketing, security, and SEO optimization. Super Effective Websites stands as the premier choice for all your website needs, from conception to launch and beyond. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses succeed online by crafting visually stunning, highly functional, and effective websites. Contact us today to elevate your online presence and achieve your business goals.

Get a highly effective website for your business.

Super Effective Websites in San Jose, California

Super Effective Websites

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Why so darned many WordPress Plugins?

WordPress is famous for its extensive plugin ecosystem, offering solutions for nearly any functionality or user experience you might need for your website. Here are some compelling reasons why:

  1. Extensive Plugin Library: The WordPress plugin directory contains tens of thousands of plugins, both free and premium, covering a wide range of functionalities. Whether you need SEO tools, social media integration, e-commerce capabilities, or advanced analytics, there’s likely a plugin available.
  2. Customization and Flexibility: Plugins allow you to customize your website without needing to code. For example, you can use plugins like Elementor or Divi Builder to create visually stunning pages with drag-and-drop ease.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: There are numerous plugins designed specifically to improve user experience. These include plugins for faster loading times, better navigation, interactive forms, and more.
  4. Security and Maintenance: Plugins like Wordfence and UpdraftPlus help secure your site and manage backups, ensuring your website remains safe and recoverable.
  5. E-commerce Solutions: If you’re looking to sell products or services online, plugins like WooCommerce provide comprehensive e-commerce solutions, from product listings to payment gateways.
  6. SEO and Marketing: Plugins such as Yoast SEO and Rank Math help optimize your content for search engines, while tools like OptinMonster can boost your marketing efforts by improving lead generation and conversion rates.
  7. Community and Support: The WordPress community is vast and active, meaning you can find support, tutorials, and reviews for almost any plugin, helping you make informed decisions.

With such a diverse and robust plugin ecosystem, WordPress empowers you to build a website that meets all your needs, whether you’re focusing on design, functionality, security, or user experience.

Are there specific functionalities or features you’re looking to add to your website? We can help you find the right plugins!

Using WordPress with the right collection of plugins is an excellent way to create a website for several reasons:

  1. Ease of Use: WordPress is user-friendly, even for those without technical expertise. Its intuitive interface allows you to manage content, customize designs, and add functionalities with ease
  2. Extensive Plugin Library: With over 54,000 plugins available, WordPress offers solutions for virtually any need. Whether it’s SEO optimization, social media integration, e-commerce, or advanced analytics, there’s a plugin for it
  3. Customization and Flexibility: Plugins enable you to tailor your website to your specific requirements without needing to code. Tools like Elementor and Divi Builder allow you to create stunning pages with drag-and-drop simplicity
  4. Enhanced User Experience: Plugins designed to improve user experience can significantly enhance your website. These include tools for faster loading times, better navigation, interactive forms, and more
  5. Security and Maintenance: Plugins like Wordfence and UpdraftPlus help secure your site and manage backups, ensuring your website remains safe and recoverable
  6. E-commerce Capabilities: If you’re looking to sell products or services online, plugins like WooCommerce provide comprehensive e-commerce solutions, from product listings to payment gateways
  7. SEO and Marketing: Plugins such as Yoast SEO and Rank Math help optimize your content for search engines, while tools like OptinMonster can boost your marketing efforts by improving lead generation and conversion rates
  8. Community and Support: The WordPress community is vast and active, offering support, tutorials, and reviews for almost any plugin, helping you make informed decisions

By leveraging WordPress and its extensive plugin ecosystem, you can build a website that meets all your needs, whether you’re focusing on design, functionality, security, or user experience. This makes it an ideal choice for small businesses looking for a cost-effective and powerful web solution.

Are there specific functionalities or features you’re looking to add to your website? Tell us.


Get a highly effective website for your business.

Super Effective Websites in San Jose, California

Super Effective Websites

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Easy Backlinks : Get Backlinks

Product Name: Easy Backlinks : Get Backlinks

Click here to get Easy Backlinks : Get Backlinks at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Easy Backlinks : Get Backlinks is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online:
“You have to be everywhere!” but….

From the Desk of Alex Krulik

Dear Online Entrepreneurs,

Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…

But not for the reason you think.

More on that in a minute…

Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.

You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.

…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”

As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.

When you go to Facebook, what do you see?

Cute kitty memes?
A coworker eating a donut?
Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?

Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.

When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.

You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.

Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?

When you need information, where do you turn to?

There really is only one answer:

The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.

That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.

If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.

If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…

However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…

There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:

1) On Page Optimization
2) Off Page Optimization

On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:

1) Heading Tags
2) Keywords and Keyword Density
3) Relevant content
4) Images
5) Embedded videos
6) Meta Tags
7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…)
8) And a few more factors…

A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.

You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.

Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.

Good quality content is key.

Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.

Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.

What are “Authority” Sites?

While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:

Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.

These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.

So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.

The process is very simple:

1) Research and make a list of social sites.
2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites
3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link
4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough
5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks
6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts
7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place

Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…

It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.

And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.

Then you start posting on each account…

Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.

Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!

The easy way to Share on Social Media

Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more

Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!

If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.

You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…

Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.

Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.

Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.

Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts

Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.

But beware, the doors could close at any time.

Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.

Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.

But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.

Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…

Just like these Beta Testers…

Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .

Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection

Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools

Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker

Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links

Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites

Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks

Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry

Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!

Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop

100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected

A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.

If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.

Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.

Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.

If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.

Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.

This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.

The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.

But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.

We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.

Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.

*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.

You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.

Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free

So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..

I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.

There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.

Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …

It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.

You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.

Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.

It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.

Committed to your online success!

*Automated account creation is available for premium users only

YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!

Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)

A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.

It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 

Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!

Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.

© 2016 Easybacklinks | Contact Us| Affiliates

Click here to get Easy Backlinks : Get Backlinks at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Easy Backlinks : Get Backlinks is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Divi vs Beaver Builder: Which Web page Builder Must You Use?

wordpress internet web page builders make designing internet websites easy, alternatively with such a large amount of alternatives available, opting for the correct one can be overwhelming. In this put up, we provide a whole comparison of two stylish internet web page builders, Divi and Beaver Builder, to lend a hand you decide which one suits your needs easiest imaginable.

We will evaluation Divi and Beaver Builder all through a variety of key components, along with ease of use, customization choices, templates and modules, pricing, and general value. By means of the highest of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of which internet web page builder is the most productive have compatibility for your internet content material problem.

Analysis of Divi and Beaver Builder

Divi and Beaver Builder are each and every very talked-about wordpress internet web page builders, each offering a variety of choices designed to help you assemble professional internet websites with no need to code. While they percentage many similarities, akin to drag-and-drop capacity and in depth design alternatives, there are also vital diversifications that set them apart. Below, we provide an overview of each builder’s key choices and the best way they evaluation.

What’s Divi

wordpress-theme.jpeg” alt=”divi wordpress theme” width=”1800″ height=”885″/>

Divi is our private wordpress theme and Internet web page Builder plugin that lets you create stylish and sensible internet websites without coding. Its drag-and-drop builder makes it easy to change each part of your web page. Whether or not or no longer you’re the use of Divi or another wordpress theme, Divi Builder lets you edit your web page visually.

With over 2000 design layouts, 200+ internet content material packs, and 200+ content material subject matter parts, you’ll be capable of briefly create stunning web pages without starting from scratch. Divi moreover accommodates helpful apparatus like Divi Leads, Theme Builder, and plugins like Bloom and Monarch so that you could upload additional choices for your web page with no need to position in third-party plugins.

Divi Fast Websites and Divi AI are explicit choices that make Divi stand out. Divi AI can briefly create whole internet websites the use of templates from Divi Rapid Web sites. It will moreover generate and edit text, footage, code, and full-page layouts, helping you design your internet content material in a lot much less time like a qualified.

Key Choices of Divi Builder

  • Professional Design Layouts & Internet web page Packs: Incorporates 2000+ responsive design layouts to build conversion-optimized webpages. You’ll be capable of moreover choose and control a whole internet content material from over 200 internet content material packs.
  • Pre-Made Content material subject matter Portions: Divi accommodates 200+ content material subject matter parts with plenty of design settings to build any type of internet content material. Need additional? Get free and paid content material subject matter parts from the Divi Market.
  • Global & Custom designed Theme Builder: Divi has a Theme Builder that lets you assemble global layouts akin to headers, footers, blog put up layouts, and product listings. Theme Builder saves you time and helps you create a continuing brand.
  • Built-in A/B Get a divorce Testing Tools: Divi Leads, Divi’s built-in A/B checking out apparatus mean you can run checks and optimize pages for upper conversion fees.
  • Divi Library to Save & Reuse Portions: Use Divi Library to save some and reuse layouts, rows, columns, sections, and parts all through different pages. Use Divi Cloud (add-on) to save some and reuse parts all through different internet websites.
  • Divi Place Editor to Arrange Staff Permissions: Use the Divi Position Editor to effectively arrange your team of workers by way of granting team of workers contributors different get right of entry to levels with restricted permissions.
  • Divi Layers View for Speed: Use Divi’s Layers to view the hierarchical development of your content material subject matter.
  • Divi Presets for Global Design: Optimize your internet content material for brand consistency by way of improving global settings the use of Divi Presets. You don’t want to manually customize font, colors, and other settings on particular person pages.
  • Divi WooCommerce Integration: Divi integrates with WooCommerce to create a very sensible online store. You design each internet web page with Visual Builder and broaden leads with Divi’s promoting and advertising and marketing apparatus.

What’s Beaver Builder

beaver builder plugin

Beaver Builder is also stylish as a no-code, drag-and-drop web page builder plugin for wordpress that can be installed to customize any theme. It moreover has the Beaver Builder Theme, which works seamlessly with Beaver Builder as an adaptable framework for wordpress duties. Over one million consumers have built their internet websites the use of Beaver Builder, rated it an easy-to-use and speedy platform.

Beaver Builder is programmed to art work with out issue with most wordpress subjects and plugins, so that you’ll be capable of add additional capacity for your web page without changing the plugin setup each time. It’s moreover optimized for Search engine marketing and speedy potency on different show sizes.

You’ll be capable of use Beaver Builder’s advanced styling alternatives, akin to together with custom designed backgrounds and shapes, switching between dark and lightweight modes, saving and duplicating modules or layouts, and inline enhancing to briefly assemble a fantastic custom designed internet content material.

Key Choices of Beaver Builder

  • Pre-Design Internet web page Templates and Portions: Beaver Builder accommodates 50+ pre-designed web content templates and 30 content material subject matter modules to build internet websites.
  • Beaver Builder Shopper Place Improving: Beaver Builder allows you to specify particular person roles. As an example, when operating with a team of workers, you’ll be capable of classify permission levels consistent with roles for additonal granular keep watch over.
  • Save & Reuse Rows & Layouts: Beaver Builder allows you to import and export rows and layouts that can be reused in numerous internet web page designs or internet websites.
  • Beaver Themer for Global Designs: Beaver Builder’s add-on Beaver Themer makes developing custom designed headers, footers, and 404 pages and embellishing global design settings extremely easy. Its drag-and-drop capacity extends design options previous pages.
  • Client Editor Mode for Companies: If you want to percentage required environment alternatives along with your shoppers to fill in an important wisdom safely, use Client Editor Mode to ensure they don’t regulate other settings. How very good is that!
  • Assistant Skilled: Get admission to to template marketplace and cloud storage to save some and deploy them immediately from the builder.

Divi vs Beaver Builder: Customization Choices

Divi and Beaver Builder each and every offer powerful customization choices designed to offer consumers maximum flexibility when developing their internet websites. Proper right here’s a comparison of what each internet web page builder supplies in relation to customization.


Divi is known for its in depth customization alternatives that mean you can personalize each part of your internet content material. With its intuitive drag-and-drop builder, you’ll be capable of merely control any section by way of hovering over it and gaining access to the settings toolbar. Divi provides various customization apparatus, akin to hover-over effects, responsive design modes, shape dividers, motion effects, and complicated scroll choices.

edit toolbar popup divi builder
Divi Plugin Highlight Divi SuperTabs Advanced

Divi Theme Builder lets you create custom designed layouts to turn globally or on explicit pages. As an example, you’ll be capable of create and save custom designed headers, footers, internet web page layouts for blog posts, product pages, and so on., the use of the drag-and-drop builder that provides you with the ability to customize your web page previous pages.

divi theme builder

At the side of a lot of design alternatives available for customizing each side of your internet content material, advanced choices like Divi AI can be added for additonal streamlined customization. It will auto-generate whole internet websites and use AI to create or edit content material subject matter on the fly (layouts, text, footage, and even custom designed code).

Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder moreover provides tricky customization options with its drag-and-drop interface, making an allowance for easy adjustments of parts on your web page. It features a clean enhancing enjoy with apparatus for inline enhancing, responsive design, custom designed backgrounds, and further.

beaver builder customization tools

The benefit of Beaver Builder is that it displays a little construction when you hover over an element. You’ll be capable of merely select and customize rows without being concerned about settling at the flawed section.

rows and columns layout in beaver builder

Beaver Themer is the same in capacity to the Divi Theme Builder. It lets you create and save custom designed headers, footers, internet web page layouts, WooCommerce retailer, and so on., as templates in drag-and-drop style to be able to merely customize one and replicate changes site-wide. Beaver Themer saves web developers and corporations a lot of time from making changes manually on all pages. They can moreover use the saved templates on other internet websites.

beaver themer header editing

Against this to Divi, Beaver Builder does no longer have built-in promoting and advertising and marketing or AI apparatus, alternatively you’ll be capable of merely mix third-party plugins for this function.

Every Divi and Beaver Builder offer unique customization apparatus to suit different particular person preferences. Divi excels with its whole built-in apparatus and in depth function set, while Beaver Builder shines with its simplicity and flexible integration options.

Pre-Made Layouts, Templates & Content material subject matter Modules

Every Divi and Beaver Builder offer somewhat a couple of pre-made layouts, templates, and content material subject matter modules to simplify the website-building process. The ones apparatus are specifically useful for many who need to keep away from designing internet websites from scratch and prefer starting with pre-designed parts.

Divi: Templates and Modules

Divi has 2000+ pre-designed web page layouts categorized by way of niches and construction types. While you create a brand spanking new internet web page with Divi, you’ll be capable of moreover choose from 300+ construction packs (design layouts for all essential pages with brand consistency).

divi layouts

You moreover get 200+ pre-made content material components, akin to header templates, contact forms, CTAs, galleries, login forms, and further, as built-in apparatus, so no longer many plugins are required.

content elements in divi

In any case, browse through Divi Market to look out a lot more design layouts and content material subject matter modules from third-party Divi creators.

divi marketplace

Divi Library can be helpful in case you occur to design many internet websites with identical parts. It allows you to save templates and modules to reuse later. This way, you don’t have to redesign parts akin to testimonials from scratch, you’ll be capable of merely save and import them on as many pages as you need.

save to divi library or divi cloud options

Web designers or corporations can also opt for Divi Cloud ($6/month) to save some and reuse parts in cloud space all through different internet websites.

Divi supplies many pre-made templates and content material subject matter modules to help you conquer the blank white internet web page. Tools like Divi Library, Divi AI, and Divi Marketplace will mean you can optimize your process a lot more.

Beaver Builder: Templates & Modules

Beaver Builder moreover provides you with 170+ gorgeous web content templates immediately inside the builder. Each internet content material template is optimized for conversion, and even though the selections are limited, you’ll be capable of merely combine’n’fit different templates to build your custom designed design.

beaver builder templates

You moreover get 35 content material modules, akin to HTML, tick list, heading, separator, and other native parts. Beaver Builder supplies Assistant Professional as an add-on, starting at $15 per thirty days, which is moderately like Divi Library.

Assistant Skilled lets you store templates and content material subject matter parts in cloud storage. It connects Beaver Builder’s Template marketplace, where you’ll be capable of import additional free and paid templates from other creators. It’s moreover like Divi Marketplace, where you’ll be capable of advertise templates.

assistant pro template marketplace

One standout function of Beaver Builder is its row templates, which are pre-designed to be able to get your internet content material’s development and customize it accordingly. This is nice in case you occur to don’t need to import a whole internet web page design alternatively need a fundamental development to offer your web page trail.

beaver builder row templates

Like Divi, Beaver Builder moreover allows you to save, export, and import layouts and templates for later use.

Divi vs Beaver Builder: Ease of Use

Every Divi and Beaver Builder offer advanced customization and developer-friendly apparatus, alternatively how beginner-friendly are they? What apparatus do they provide consumers to simplify art work? Let’s to determine.

Divi: Simple Onboarding & Fast Internet web page Construction Tools

Divi supplies many tiny apparatus to simplify your art work. Let’s get began with how you can get Divi started. In case you flip at the Divi theme on your wordpress dashboard, you must turn on the Divi license to acquire theme updates and most sensible price toughen.

Then again you don’t want to generate and paste the API key manually. We’ve simplified the onboarding process—all you wish to have to do is log in along with your Elegant Matter issues membership particular person details, and the API key could be activated robotically.

See the Divi risk inside the wordpress sidebar? Move to Divi > Dashboard. Now, click on on “Login to Activate Your License.”

login to activate your divi license

That’s it. Your License is lively now. You’ll be capable of moreover get right of entry to Divi Fast Websites—a time-saving tool that generates a whole, full-functioning internet content material in less than two minutes. Divi Rapid Web sites can create a internet content material the use of a Starter website online or with Divi AI.

divi license active and assess divi quick sites

Getting access to the drag-and-drop internet web page builder is in a similar way easy. From your wordpress dashboard, create a brand spanking new internet web page, and choose Use Divi Builder.

use divi builder

You’re in reality the use of the drag-and-drop Divi Builder to build pages. You’ll be capable of import a pre-made construction, add or remove parts, make changes, and do additional visually.

divi builder options

While you hover over an element, a pop-up turns out with all of the essential settings. Divi moreover supplies apparatus like inline enhancing, multi-select, copy/paste sections, and so on., to simplify operating on designs.

Let’s no longer overlook Divi AI, which, if you are going to buy, designs the entire thing for you. Whether or not or no longer you need to create internet web page layouts, parts, footage, text, or even generate code, Divi AI does it.

Common, Divi provides many apparatus to make it beginner-friendly. It lets in bulk selection and enhancing and offers advanced apparatus like inline enhancing, keyboard shortcuts, search capacity, and further.

Beaver Builder: Drag-and-Drop Builder & Global Tools

Beaver Builder is also beginner-friendly. Like Divi, every time you flip at the plugin and create a internet web page, you’re asked to make a choice Beaver Builder. From there, you get all of the apparatus inside the drag-and-drop internet web page builder to import internet web page layouts, add or remove parts, customize sections, and assemble your pages.

beaver builder tools

Beaver Builder’s live front-end enhancing displays changes as you’re making them, making it extremely easy to use. It moreover has responsive design controls to control your web page’s glance on desktops, capsules, and cellular devices. That’s great because you don’t want to preview and edit in different tabs—the entire thing can be done on one show, inside the internet web page builder window.

Beaver Builder moreover lets in dark mode, uses keyboard shortcuts, opinions history and revisions, and even gadgets global types in one place. You won’t have to switch between a few settings. That’s nice, suitable? You’ll be capable of search for parts, evaluation the information base, and connect to toughen, all inside of of 1 dashboard.

Compared, each and every Divi and Beaver Builder offer enough apparatus to be beginner-friendly for new consumers. Beaver Builder is also regarded as more straightforward to use than Divi because it supplies fewer alternatives, alternatively that makes Divi additional feature-rich.

Pricing Plans of Divi and Beaver Builder

Every Divi and Beaver Builder offer various pricing plans to care for different particular person needs and budgets. Proper right here’s a breakdown of the pricing alternatives for each internet web page builder:

Divi Pricing

divi yearly pricing plans

Divi provides two main pricing choices, each and every along with annually and lifetime plans. The yearly plans include:

  • Divi – $89/year: Incorporates get right of entry to to the Divi theme, Divi Internet web page Builder plugin, 2000+ internet content material packs, all content material subject matter parts, 24/7 most sensible price toughen, and additional subjects and plugins like Additional, Monarch, and Bloom.
  • Divi Skilled – $277/year: Divi Skilled accommodates the entire thing inside the $89/year plan plus most sensible price services and products akin to Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi VIP, and Divi Groups.

For those interested by a one-time rate, Divi moreover supplies lifetime pricing alternatives:

  • Divi Lifetime ($249 one-time rate): Grants lifetime get right of entry to to Divi, Further, Bloom, and Monarch, at the side of free updates and most sensible price toughen.
  • Divi Lifetime + Skilled Services and products and merchandise ($297 one-time + $212 annually): Incorporates lifetime get right of entry to to Divi, plus 300 and sixty 5 days of Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi Teams, and Divi VIP, with renewal for the ones services and products at $212 yearly after the main year.

Divi doesn’t have a free type alternatively does offer a 30-day money-back make sure that (no questions asked) if you want to give it a check out pressure.

See Divi Pricing

Beaver Builder Pricing

beaver builder pricing plans

Beaver Builder provides a variety of pricing plans to suit various needs:

  • Usual Plan – $99 yearly: Incorporates the internet web page builder plugin, internet content material templates, endless internet web page designs, and most sensible price toughen.
  • Skilled Plan – $199 yearly: Supplies the Beaver Builder theme and multi-site options on easiest of the Usual Plan choices.
  • Corporate Plan – $399 yearly: Incorporates all Skilled Plan choices, plus the ability to create and advertise white-labeled products.
  • Ultimate Plan – $546 yearly: Supplies the entire thing inside the Corporate Plan, at the side of the Beaver Themer add-on ($147 yearly) and six months of Assistant Skilled (starting at $15/month) for free of charge.

Every Divi and Beaver Builder offer pricing plans that cater to different consumers, whether or not or no longer you’re a freelancer, an corporate, or anyone looking for a whole internet content material developing resolution. Divi’s plans provide additional flexibility with annually and lifetime alternatives, while Beaver Builder supplies tiered plans to care for more than a few levels of function needs.

Against this to Divi, Beaver Builder does have a loose lite model you’ll be capable of use with limited choices.

See Beaver Builder Pricing

Which One Supplies a Upper Worth for Money?

If we evaluation what you get with Divi’s same old plan with Beaver Builder’s same old plan, you do get additional choices at a moderately lower get entry to value:

  • With its $89/year plan, you get the Divi theme, Divi Builder plugin, Further theme, and most sensible price plugins like Bloom (for email correspondence optins) and Monarch (for social sharing.) With Beaver Builder’s $99/year plan, you won’t have get right of entry to to the Beaver Theme, merely the internet web page builder plugin and likewise you must toughen or achieve most sensible price plugins for equivalent choices.
  • Divi supplies additional internet content material templates and content material subject matter parts than Beaver Builder.
  • Divi’s Theme Builder is integrated in the standard plan. With Beaver Builder, you’ll need to achieve the Beaver Themer Addon Plugin or toughen to their Ultimate plan if you want to have whole web page enhancing options (developing custom designed headers and footers, enhancing templates, and so on.)

That discussed, alternatively, it in reality is a matter of selection because of some consumers may need a lighter internet web page builder that works on many more than a few subjects relatively than an impressive builder that works easiest imaginable with its native theme. You moreover want to imagine what type of choices it’s your determination. For example, if you want to include AI in your workflow, Divi is more healthy suited for that. If you want to pay for whitelabeling or multisite options, Beaver Builder might be value it.

Which Internet web page Builder Will have to You Use?

Every Divi and Beaver Builder are powerful wordpress internet web page builders, each offering unique strengths to cater to different particular person needs.

If you’re looking for a whole all-in-one resolution with in depth customization alternatives, built-in apparatus, and complicated choices like A/B checking out, Divi is an excellent variety. It provides somewhat numerous templates, parts, and gear that permit you to assemble a very customized {{and professional}} internet content material without relying on third-party plugins.

Then again, if ease of use, speed, and compatibility are your primary concerns, Beaver Builder is also the better risk. Its streamlined interface and serve as optimization make it a very good variety for rookies or those who need a more practical toolset that integrates seamlessly with other wordpress subjects.

In spite of everything, the choice between Divi and Beaver Builder will depend on your explicit needs, finances, and degree of enjoy. Every offer tricky solutions for developing stunning and sensible internet websites, so imagine what choices are most vital to you forward of you decide.

Get Divi Lately

For additonal alternatives, check out our tick list of the best possible web content developers for wordpress.

Ceaselessly Asked Questions About Divi & Beaver Builder

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Which builder is more straightforward for rookies?

Every Divi and Beaver Builder are beginner-friendly. You’ll be capable of use each and every to tug and drop parts and design stunning internet websites.

Which builder supplies additional design flexibility?

Divi supplies additional design flexibility with its huge number of customization alternatives. Shoppers can personalize each part of their internet content material, from the construction to particular person parts, making an allowance for unique and creative designs. Divi’s advanced choices, akin to hover effects and custom designed shapes, provide the apparatus to create refined and dynamic internet websites.

Can I take advantage of each and every builders on the similar web page?

While you’ll be capable of technically use Beaver Builder and Divi on the similar web page, it’s not really helpful. The usage of a few internet web page builders may end up in conflicts and serve as issues, like slower load circumstances and compatibility problems. It’s typically upper to make a choice one builder to ensure your internet content material works simply and effectively.

Are there free diversifications available?

Beaver Builder supplies a free lite type with fundamental choices, which is very good for rookies as long as you don’t need to be custom designed web pages. Divi has no free type, and you wish to have to buy it to get right of entry to its choices. Beaver Builder’s free type lets in consumers to take a look at it out forward of paying for additonal advanced alternatives, while Divi is available easiest with a purchase order order.

Which builder is more healthy for Search engine marketing?

Every Beaver Builder and Divi are Search engine marketing-friendly. Search engine marketing effectiveness will depend on the use of easiest imaginable practices, like right kind headings, alt texts for footage, and speedy loading circumstances. Every builders provide apparatus to fortify Search engine marketing, alternatively good fortune will depend on how well the ones apparatus are used.

How regularly are updates introduced for the ones builders?

Every Beaver Builder and Divi download commonplace updates to fortify potency, add new choices, and beef up protection. The ones updates moreover restore bugs or issues, providing consumers with a cast and loyal platform for developing and maintaining their internet websites.

The put up Divi vs Beaver Builder: Which Web page Builder Must You Use? gave the impression first on Sublime Subject matters Weblog.

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