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Save My Marriage Today

Product Name: Save My Marriage Today

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Warning: If your spouse has dropped the “divorce” bombshell and does not wish to work on saving your marriage, then this might be the imagemost important letter you’ll EVER read…

I’m not going to lie about your marriage and tell you everything is going to be okay.

The bottom is dropping out of your world right now. Your marriage, everything you love and treasure, everything you have worked your life for, everything that’s familiar to you… it’s all on a knife-edge.

You can’t eat… you can’t sleep… you can’t think straight…

Your health is in freefall due to the enormous stress you are under. Your whole life and future happiness, something that at one time seemed so certain, now hangs precariously in the balance, waiting for you to make the next move.

Your marriage is about to jump off a cliff… is it going to take you with it?

I have THREE things to share with you that will immediately disarm the threat of divorce and work on rebuilding and saving your marriage RIGHT NOW if you do them, but you have to listen carefully and do them without hesitation if you want to save your marriage. It’s that important.

STOP what you are doing right now. The misguided methods and well-meaning ideas you have used up until now have not worked. That’s why you are here and your marriage is teetering even closer towards divorce. What you have done may be pushing your spouse even further away, even into the arms (and the bed) of another person. It’s time to rethink and relearn everything you ever thought about how to save your marriage and get your dream life back.

Break forever the chain of lies, the resentment, the doubt, and the never ending negative spiral of arguments that has catapulted you and your spouse from happily married to the gates of hell and the very real possibility of divorce. No matter how complicated or unique your marriage issues are, I have the key that will stop the arguing and negativity dead in its tracks, focus you and your spouse back on YOU AND YOUR MARRIAGE, and open your eyes to the love that still simmers beneath.

Turn your spouse around and make them LOVE you, CHERISH you, and DESIRE you again, so completely and powerfully that your marriage is the strongest it has ever been and is immune to the threat of breakup and divorce ever again.

It might sound impossible right now to visualize your renewed, loving marriage again… but I promise you, if you read through this page and do what it says, you’ll be shocked at how quickly your marriage turns around for the better, how the communication with your spouse will go from awkward and angry to nurturing and positive, and how you will have the loving spouse and the strong, supportive marriage you have always dreamed about and deserve.

That mind-numbing, consuming pain that has taken over your entire body that is with you every moment of every day will become a distant memory, as you use and apply my life-changing skills and key psychological secrets to your marriage, and make sure that you never face these sickening feelings of loss and loneliness ever again.

I am going to reveal to you my life-changing methods for saving your marriage, but first I have a very important truth to share with you before carrying on…

Chances are they don’t want to tell you what their real reasons are… for fear of hurting you, for fear of making them look bad, or they might not even fully know or understand the real reasons themselves.

If you want to discover the truth and cut through the lies and ultimately save your marriage, there are several things you are going to have to learn and apply before you are able to make that happen.

If you’re like the thousands of couples I’ve helped over the years, you’ll have heard or used a few of the following reasons for ending a marriage:

“I love you but I’m not in love with you anymore…”

“You’re not exciting or fun anymore.”

“I’ve met someone else and I think I love them…”

“I’m sick of your nagging!”

“I don’t want to be married anymore and there’s nothing you can say that will make me change my mind.”

Any of these sound familiar?

I know that when your marriage is teetering on a cliff edge it can feel like you are the only one in the world this is happening to, and feel completely devastated at hearing one of these lies, but let me tell you that you are not the only one who has heard these excuses and none of these have to spell the end of your marriage if you don’t want it to.

It’s about cutting through these lies, digging deep, and exposing the real reasons your marriage is in trouble, tackling the core of your crisis rather than going over the same old ground and having the same old arguments again and again… learning nothing and getting no further ahead!

The difference between a marriage that ends in divorce and one that fights back and survives is using and developing the right techniques and strategies that your marriage needs… at the optimum right time. It’s about understanding and reconnecting with your core self and the crucial role you play in saving your marriage, even if you are the only one that wants to save it, the values you want to bring to your marriage, what to say, how to say it, and when, and developing this into a formula for success!

My Save My Marriage Today system will strip back the lies you have been told and teach you fundamental values, communication, and relationship skills that will not only bring your marriage back from the brink of divorce, but will give you a solid foundation from which to build an even better marriage and future that will GUARANTEE you will never face the searing, body-numbing pain of a marriage crisis or breakup ever again.

I’ve seen the most toxic and damaged marriages that appeared to be absolutely beyond repair turned around and saved, becoming stable, intimate, loving unions, stronger than ever. Heaps of people have bounced back from a huge range of nightmare issues, such as:

lingering and poisonous unresolved conflicts

emotional detachment and a lack of physical intimacy

excessive fighting and negative thinking

ineffective communication or long bouts of stony silence

busy schedules overtaking quality couples time

a suspicious, untrusting, or suffocating partner

children and family issues

and many more complex and difficult situations

I’ve helped over 6000 couples disarm and stop divorces from happening to them, and I’m telling you I can deliver the same great results for YOU and YOUR MARRIAGE… even if you are the only one that wants to save it!

Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to resolve your marriage problems and gain the intimate and supportive relationship you always dreamed of!

But first, let me tell you a little bit about who I am and why I know what I’m talking about.

I’m a professional writer specializing in attraction and dating, but most specifically marriage counseling and relationship guidance. I have extensive experience in helping thousands of people re-establish love with my unique insightful and powerful secrets into attracting love and making relationships work.

It’s my life’s passion. Over the years I have helped thousands of men and women fix their marriages and unhappy relationships and also bring back the love and communication to couples that are suffering.

I am the author and host of:

I have also co-authored and hosted a number of other leading online courses such as:

“Amy Waterman is one of those rare, priceless women in the world of dating and relationship advice who respects women and men equally and therefore sets herself apart as a respected voice to both genders. Her work consistently portrays the warmth and compassion of a woman who is truly doing what she was born to do. And given the thousands of of people worldwide who her work has been so meaningful to–ourselves included–that earns her our highest recommendation. We’re proud to work with Amy any chance we can get, and can’t wait to do so again soon.”Scot and Emily McKay, San Antonio, TX –

“Having the pleasure of knowing Amy personally, we can vouch that she is extremely thorough and passionate about the work that she does. She leaves no stone unturned in making sure that her readers get the results that they expect and more. We’ve never met someone so dedicated to the long term success of others and who takes such great pride in her work. We can all learn a lot from Amy’s advice and attitude to life and love.”Mark and Michelle Ling

You might think that nobody on earth can know what it’s like to be you right now… But trust me, I do.

My best friend Jane thought her entire world had ended when her husband came home one night and asked for a divorce, telling her that it was over and nothing could make him change his mind.

She stared in shock, she cried, she asked for an explanation, but no answer she got really made sense.

Apparently her husband Adam had been unhappy for a while. Doing long hours at work, always coming home tired, he was sick of the monotony of his life and felt constrained by the expectations of his wife and family.

Jane was devastated. She had been married 14 years, had raised two children, and thought things were okay. Sure, things had been difficult in the early years with two small children, limited income, and a mortgage to pay, but they had got through it. Jane had got a part-time job in the last few years which helped with the bills, the children were getting less and less dependent, and Jane was looking forward to the next few years and what it would bring.

There were the occasional arguments over how much time Adam spent at work and how much he helped around the house. Jane was always tired with the kids and cleaning up after them every night, but she thought all couples had moments like this and she never gave it much more thought. They didn’t have much time for each other but that was often the case with being a parent.

But nothing prepared her for the bombshell Adam dropped on her.

That conversation turned her whole world upside down. Everything was a blur after that.

Teary… foggy… and numb.

The next few days were hell. Every waking moment was consumed with sickening fear of what was going to happen next. She had never felt this low, never felt so REJECTED, UNLOVED, and ALONE.

Was she going to lose the house?

How would she have enough money to support herself?

How would she tell her elderly parents? She knew it would just about destroy them.

How would she tell the children?

How would she endure the humiliation, the stares and the gossip from the other parents at school, her friends?

It would be a lie to say Jane didn’t contemplate suicide in those first few weeks. She couldn’t sleep, she couldn’t eat, when she did try to eat she wanted to be sick. Her skin was terrible, her complexion drawn. She was a real mess. Her heart was broken and she felt utterly defeated.

She reached out to me amid a teary phone call, telling me she didn’t have the strength to carry on with this. I took her under my wing and started from the beginning, sharing with her and teaching her everything I knew about how to save a marriage.

Slowly but surely, Jane got better. She got stronger. She got some of her old spark back. She started to think clearly and avoided her first instinct to beg, blame, or be a victim. Using my guidance and advice, she learned all the essential steps on how to save her marriage. She could have turned away and let this defeat her… but she didn’t.

Jane didn’t want to give up and be another divorce statistic, no matter how hopeless it seemed at the beginning. She owed herself and her children better.

She applied the steps and strategies I gave her and started to win back her husband by doing things that at first seemed counter-intuitive. Step by step, day by day, there was a small breakthrough. She learned so much about herself and the tangible things she could do in those first few weeks, even when her husband was unresponsive. It was a total flip in the way she would have approached it, but it worked.

Slowly but surely Jane started using my techniques to let go of the anger and frustration and started communicating in a way she never had before. Bit by bit, the barriers were broken down and they started to talk, really talk, and the floodgates opened. No more fear, no more lies, no more unspoken expectations. Unbeknown to both of them, they were able to find a way forward and reconnect, and their marriage is now better than ever before!

Jane and her husband showed up at a party of mine recently and I couldn’t believe the difference… in just a few months from that devastating conversation, here they were totally loved up, hand in hand, laughing and smiling at each other, staring at each other with renewed energy and love… like a honeymoon couple!

To look at them you would never believe they had been at the gates of hell only a few short months ago… but the results speak for themselves!

Encouraged by their success I started writing down some of what I knew, refining it, researching and testing it, and developing it into a winning formula that would help more couples avoid the agony of divorce. It was this formula that formed the foundation of “Save My Marriage Today.”

Today I’ve helped over 6000 couples save their marriage and achieve astonishing success as they build a better future together, crazy in love like a honeymoon couple and having the skills to make sure they are never in crisis mode ever again.

I know it sounds CRAZY… but I know I can make the same great result happen for you… all that remains is for you to want your dream marriage back as bad as I want to help you achieve it!

It’s time you committed to making sure that your marriage is next!

Discover one of the most destructive things you’re probably doing to your marriage right now that is destroying your chances of saving it. Learn the key tips to make your spouse turn towards you instead of turning away.

How to positively and lovingly get your spouse to challenge their beliefs and attitude about what they think is wrong with your marriage. (I’ve seen this method help dozens of spouses reconsider their decision)

Find out how to get your spouse to go crazy head over heels for you and desire you in a way you have never experienced! You will be amazed at how good it feels to have your spouse’s attention and affection again.

Straying spouse? Apply my powerful 4 step formula to stop cheating dead in its tracks and rebuild a stronger relationship

A powerful psychological tweak that will disarm the negative thoughts and feelings present, and help you view your spouse with trust, love, and happiness when you see them.

The clever internal mind trick that will free you from distraction and supercharge your marriage saving power. This will actually give you a far higher chance of saving your marriage.

Eliminate all possibility of your partner “pulling your strings” and take complete control of your emotional and internal responses to them… no matter what the situation.

Outside-the-square tactics to strip back the lies and smokescreens and really pinpoint what the real issues are in your marriage. Most people discover that the REAL issues run deeper than what they think, and this pinpoint realization may be exactly what you need to get yourself and your marriage-saving mission back on track.

Do you ever feel like the only way to resolve a conflict is by slamming the door and walking away? Or by punishing your partner? It doesn’t have to be this way. Find out incredibly powerful strategies for resolving your marriage conflicts in a more constructive and less emotionally stressful way.

Discover why arguing is great for your marriage! I give you an in-depth look into what is actually going on in an argument… and how to understand what your partner is really doing when they are behaving irrationally and selfishly.

An important step-by-step exercise to identifying exactly what your individual needs are as a person as well as fundamental needs of a relationship. I also show you how to fulfill those needs while still being the best spouse you can possibly be. I show you how… even if your partner is seemingly in the way.

When your partner withdraws, do you feel like a victim, possibly cold and lonely? You need to know the essential steps to self-sustain, and how to keep your mood elevated. I show you how to be your best, most positive self at a time when you need it most.

How to get out of the vicious cycle of reacting to problems, conflicts and situations, and move towards acting proactively. Learn and apply as I guide you through the critical steps that you need to take.

Discover the shocking truth about trial separations and what they do for your marriage. You must read this before you implement this strategy.

Even when you and your spouse do not live together, there are many actions you can undertake that will make a positive difference. Uncover the tangible things you can do while you are away from your spouse that will maximize your chances of getting back together.

The secrets of a loving and fulfilling relationship: what must happen to keep BOTH OF YOU from screwing it up.

You’ll learn how to respond to criticisms and attacks from your partner. I’ll show you how to interpret these criticisms and react positively so that you can diffuse the situation before it spirals out of control.

What to do when yours or your spouse’s career has put a large strain on your marriage. This is an incredibly important issue, so I’ve devoted an entire chapter to resolving it, including practical exercises to help restore your relationship to a positive balance!

Discover the unique set of challenges and stress on your marriage that results from the birth of a first child. You’ll learn how to navigate the challenges of this difficult period and how to get the love back into your relationship and your new family.

Once you learn and apply the lessons you’ve learned from my course, I promise you, you’ll turn this living nightmare around and start to make real gains in your marriage rescue, almost immediately!

Look, I don’t buy into this well-meaning hand-holding stuff where your therapist holds your hand and tells you it’s going to be alright but is still drudging through the painful details some 20 sessions and several months later… I have no interest in stretching out your pain in the interest of bleeding more money out of you.

You need ANSWERS AND ADVICE that is going to deliver FAST RESULTS… RIGHT NOW, and that’s what I can deliver.

You haven’t got time to sit and wait for your spouse to change their mind. You haven’t got time for a miracle to happen. It all relies on YOU and what YOU are going to do RIGHT THIS MOMENT.

I don’t want to see you still working on saving your marriage in a year from now. Frankly, by that time your spouse will be gone forever. I don’t want to see you living in this crushing pain and agony a moment longer. I’m not going to sit and watch you live your life with the threat of divorce hanging over you like a noose for months on end.

I’m going to help save you. And best of all, it’s going to happen FAST.

My marriage-saving system is going to arm you with the best techniques and methods that have saved thousands of marriages before you, and give you the best possible chance of making positive changes fast. Best of all, you’ll be able to strip back the lies and misunderstandings of many marital conflicts and take practical, immediately-beneficial steps to minimize or eliminate your problems entirely.

Your marriage is never going to be vulnerable to the pain and risk of breakup or divorce ever again!

Here’s PROOF this works from someone just like you…

Rhonda K. (Cottageville, SC).

“I needed clarity and hope and Save My Marriage Today gave me that.”

My husband had an affair that lasted several months (and that wasn’t his first). I came to the Save My Marriage website by searching for help on the Internet. I was looking for answers and really needed the anonymity that this web site offered. My marriage was in danger because of my husband’s affair and I couldn’t discuss it with family and friends. I was hurt and ashamed even though I wasn’t the cheater!

Other websites asked for huge fees for individual counseling. That was something I could get in my own community. I needed something that was more readily available, that could answer my questions, and give me a place to start. That’s when I found “Save My Marriage Today.”

The biggest benefit I have gained from “Save My Marriage Today” was perspective. There were so many lessons about how to look at what was happening in my life from a different angle. I needed clarity and hope and “Save My Marriage Today” gave me that. They used practical tips and things that I could really work on to be proactive in salvaging my relationship with my husband.

Even though a lot of the stories and lessons were focused on me, I felt empowered that I had some control back in my life. I learned that there were things I could evaluate, change and improve in terms of my outlook on life and relationships and my understanding of my marriage. The true examples from real people gave me insight that you can really survive an affair!

This web site is different from many others in that the focus of the “advice” and help really reflects the name —- “Save My Marriage Today.” Other web sites may not have that as a goal, but the salvation of my marriage was definitely what I was looking for.

Fred and Maureen B. (Putnam Valley, NY).

“We will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year!”

Save My Marriage was very instrumental in helping my husband and myself understand each other by learning to communicate love words, to respect each others space, and to speak up when annoyed and not harbor anger. We were on the verge of divorce, thinking there was no way to repair the damage. Save My Marriage was a God send and we thank you so very much. After years of misgivings we are happy that we joined Save My Marriage and we worked it out and stayed together. We will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year!

You want to see even more of what’s inside?

Did you know that “working harder” on your relationship isn’t always the answer? Learn how to “work smarter” and change the momentum of your relationship with minimal effort!

Uncover the game plan to re-introduce long lost passion into your marriage. You will re-ignite the intimacy in your relationship – no matter how long you have been married! You’ll also learn specific techniques for re approaching sex and intimacy after an affair.

Discover what details are actually going to help you after an affair. Understand how a widely used therapeutic technique delivers fast results for your marriage… without the pain and heartache associated with an affair!

Does your marriage require a marriage counselor? Apply my checklist to help you get the RIGHT ONE FOR YOU, and how to use them effectively so that they actually help rather than hinder your marriage progress!

Learn exactly what essential ingredients are involved in a successful marriage and how to keep yours that way. This is stuff your priest and your parents never taught you!

Find out what the top 7 mistakes people make when a marriage crisis arises that crushes any chance of saving it, and what YOU SHOULD be doing instead!

How to assess what stage of a crisis you are in (there are 5 stages)… And how to address any of these stages and turn your situation around in minimum time!

Got problems involving sex or money? Discover powerful techniques for dealing with these so that these recurring arguments are only a distant memory.

I show you how to become a team in your relationship… even if you currently feel like you are battling on opposite sides! I’ll have you and your spouse going the same direction in next to no time!

Over 30 exercises to get your marriage back on track! Do them yourself OR with your partner. They’re uncomplicated, quick to do, and … most importantly … help you save your marriage!

Have you heard all the myths about in-law relationships? Don’t believe everything you see on tv. Understand why a good relationship with your in-laws is very important to your marriage.

Need your own space? Discover how this can be a positive and energizing thing for your relationship and the best way to get it without offending your partner.

These secrets have been proven to work for over 6000 couples around the world and I know it can work for you.

So what’s the catch? You have to actually do it! Most people who fail, do so because they never take action because they fear its already too late or worry what their partner and others may think.

They don’t have the patience and passion to save their marriage, or they simply don’t have the patience to relearn new life skills that will make a difference in not only their marriage but their future too! They give up and divorce like many other couples, rather than take on their marriage problems and achieve immediate results with my life-changing system.

Other people fail because they have tried before and it worked for a while… but now they are back in that dark place, on the edge of the abyss with divorce drawing them down…

Taking action is scary, because it requires you to acknowledge that something is wrong and you don’t have the answers to fix this one.

But be honest with yourself… Do you want to smooth it over with a bit of sticking tape, hoping the patch will hold, or do you really want to dig deep and fix it once and for all, truly understanding what it feels like to have been standing at the edge of the cliff and survive?

And by the way – “taking action” and “acknowledging a problem” isn’t as scary as you might think if you already have a system that has worked for over 6000 couples to help you out of this mess!

It’s time to relearn how to live your life and how to have the successful marriage you really want. You are never too old or too tired to give your marriage new life!

Don’t just stand there and do nothing. You have ENORMOUS POWER to make decisive, positive changes to your life and marriage right now – waffling and wasting time only diminishes that power. The longer you leave it, the more likely your spouse is going to move on and find someone else.

Make your spouse find YOU again! There has never been a better time to relearn what it takes to save your marriage!

My heart has healed and I am back to my old self… we are so much happier now, god bless!
–Pauline Thomas, (Charleston, SC)

…You really opened my eyes to what has been happening… my relationship is now back on the right track!
–Sarah Deans, (Goodland,KS)

The secret (and the difference between yourself and others who try and fail) is that you’re going to start by doing ONLY ONE OR TWO THINGS.. AND DOING THEM REALLY WELL.

It’s easy for people to become overwhelmed when they think about how they are going to save their marriage… where do they start, what do they do first, and most people try to do too much all at once.

But that’s not going to happen to you because we approach your marriage differently.

A very wise friend told me once a story about how to eat an elephant. Do you know how you eat an elephant?

One mouthful at a time.

And that’s exactly where we’re going to start as you work through my step-by-step instructions, hands-on exercises that you can do at the end of each chapter (and no, you don’t have to have your partner do them with you, you can do them yourself!), learn and apply my sound psychological tips as you increase your personal awareness and work on your own personal development, channel the many emotions you have as you walk the journey towards marital reconciliation, heal the emotional gulf caused by years of neglect, misunderstanding, bad memories, and failed expectations…

… and reprogram your marriage and your own life so that the two of you will not only reconnect… but forge an entirely NEW relationship that leaves behind the mistakes and frustrations of your past! This new relationship will be intoxicating, and you and your spouse will CRAVE each other’s company and affection and the new found bond you have as you create new dreams and live them together!

But you aren’t going to rush to do it all at once.

That’s a mistake you might have made in your past, rushing to get it all right and smoothing over the cracks. Chances are this isn’t the first time you have been at crisis point, which is why I’m going to teach you NEW skills this time, to make sure it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

You are going to learn each new skill as you ready to learn it… not before. And as you learn and apply each new skill, it’s going to rewrite your life and your marriage. You’re going to be so excited!

You are going to reconnect on a much higher level, both verbally, physically, and emotionally, every day reaffirming to each other that you are their dream spouse and are part of their exciting future, wherever that may be…

Welcome to your dream life and marriage. Let me give you the key.

“Before I came across your book my marriage was in serious danger of heading towards divorce. Now we are in a better place than we ever were before. Thank you so much!”
— Paul Arnold, Seattle

“I was a little bit skeptical in the beginning and the reason is we’ve tried 2 different marriage counselors already and I’ve already read numerous other books on the subject. There wasn’t anything I could seem to do. However after using your book and following the exercises you set out, I have been seeing significant results with our marriage situation. And I’m a whole lot happier in my self. My friends and family are very glad to see that I’m back to my old self again! Fingers crossed it all continues.”
— Ianessa Gorerro, Huntington Beach

“It’s great buying from someone who actually cares. Thank you for the extra help, everything seems to be going great now… You’ve made a 63 year old lady pretty happy!”
–Margaret Peterson, Buffalo, USA

“…I feel very lucky and blessed that we were able to turn our marriage around like this. My husband used to spend as much time as he could away from home. Now we are so in love and its funny now he had to go away for the week we have been talking on the phone every day. We can’t wait to see each other again!”
— Renee Walsh, Portland

Look, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get my course and save your marriage right now, which is why my course is available via instant download!

You can be reading my Save Marriage course from the comfort of your own home and be well on your way to disarming divorce and creating a happy, intimate, and strong marriage in under 5 minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before, it’s so easy to do that you’ll wonder why you didn’t try it sooner.

Plus, because I’m offering it to you via the internet, you reap the benefits of:

No waiting time, forget waiting for weeks for postal delivery. You can get started right now!

The privacy of doing this at home in your own time. No appointments or embarrassment!

No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.

You receive the book at a lower price because it costs us less to produce.

Many of you could learn how to save your marriages through the long and brutal path of trial and error, and eventually may reach success, but a lot more of you will become additional casualties in our growing divorce statistics.

Don’t risk the reality of being divorced, broke, lonely, watching your spouse with another person, and wishing that you had taken your marriage seriously while you had the chance.

If you could do anything to avoid the sickening feelings you have right now, and the emotional, financial, and physical pain of divorce, you would grab it with both hands wouldn’t you?

I’m throwing you a lifeline here, but you are running out of time before your spouse walks out of your life forever so you have to ACT NOW.

Picture this: It’s a year from today (or a lot sooner), and and your marriage is so solid and strong that all your friends are remarking how happy you and your partner seem to be. You’ve recovered from the stress you went through last year due to your marriage issues, and you are in a much happier place. You laugh together, hug and hold each other, tell each other how much you love one another, and you feel so lucky to have been given a second chance to get things right. Even better, you know that it would take wild horses to tear you and your spouse apart now.

Now, stop and look back on today. Considering that you’ve resolved this major crisis in your life and learnt so much about successful marriages, and know that you will never be as stressed again in the future, what price tag would’ve made it a good investment?

However I’m not even going to charge you anywhere close to that price AND if you join TODAY, you will receive a free email-based consultation with your order! (This takes a lot of time for my team and I, so we can’t guarantee this bonus will be available for very long)

Save My Marriage Today PLUS ALL the bonuses, is available to you TODAY for…

I know people think I’m crazy, but I want to make this course as accessible as possible to help more of you avoid the unnecessary pain of divorce. I want you to be as happy as my friend Jane and the 6000 other couples who have achieved success with Save My Marriage Today!

Click Here to Save Your Marriage Right Now!

But if that’s not enough to get you to click that button and commit to a better life and a happy marriage, check out what else I’ve thrown in to help you…

I am providing this bonus for a short time only to ensure that your marital problem gets attended to first hand by my specially-trained staff of relationship experts. Email the Save My Marriage Today! team and get real advice for your specific situation. The frank perspective and objective insight from our consultations have made an enormous difference in our members’ lives: will you be next?

Stress can make everything in our lives more difficult. It can escalate an irritation into a full-blown fight and cause us to do or say things we don’t mean. Worst of all, it can often feel like there’s no escape from stress. We can’t wave a wand and make all the stressful things in our lives disappear.

Is stress destroying you and your marriage? You owe it to your partner and yourself to get your stress under control and regain your emotional wellness and inner peace. A healthy marriage starts with a healthy emotional state.

This eBook will teach you to understand your stress, discover its causes, understand how stress is affecting your health and relationship, and simple changes you can do to reduce the stress in your life. Discover how techniques like time management, goal setting, meditation, progressive relaxation, alternative therapies, breathing, and more can make stress-related problems a thing of the past.

This is a simply amazing book that will teach you how to turn your life around by turning around your perspective. You will be moved and inspired to face your challenges from a healthier, more proactive, self-actualizing frame of mind.

When you’re facing challenges within your marriage, your best resources come from one place: inside yourself. Having faith in the possibility that your marriage can change and regain the love and promise that you once believed in, is crucial. This book will help restore your hope and belief again.

Best of all, as you discover new resources for happiness, creativity, and love within yourself, you’ll find that your marriage becomes a source of delight and endless surprises rather than disappointment and endless conflicts.

We owe it to our partners to be happy. Emotions are contagious: if you are depressed, stressed, or anxious much of the time, your partner will become irritable as well. On the other hand, it’s almost impossible to be gloomy around someone who’s filled with joy.

When you rediscover that happy self that your partner originally fell in love with, you may very well find that your partner rediscovers their old feelings of love that led them to want to join with you in marriage in the first place.

Discover the secrets to happiness in this easy-to-read ebook. You’ll discover where to begin your quest for happiness, what characteristics support happiness and what characteristics make it difficult to be happy, how to create a self-development plan to achieve the level of happiness you desire, how to target the causes of unhappiness and reframe them, and how to be happy in an imperfect world.

Recent studies have revealed a staggering 75% of all relationships will experience infidelity. That’s an extremely alarming statistic, making infidelity one of the biggest contributors to relationship and marriage breakdown.

Although there is no “step-by-step” guide to guarantee this doesn’t happen to you, this ebook includes some highly valuable insights into how infidelity works, how these situations develop, and what you can do to avoid infidelity ruining your marriage.

You’ll learn the most common reasons and differences between why men cheat and why women cheat, and how to proof your marriage from your partner cheating, and how to avoid temptation yourself.

This is an ebook compilation of all the lessons from the Save My Marriage Today introductory mini-course.

With these specific lessons condensed into a handy A-Z guide to marriage happiness and success – you can avoid the long, exhausting, brutal path of “trial and error”. Why learn the hard way when you could circumvent all that pain and suffering and create a happy marriage NOW, with these proven tools for success and long-term happy partnership?

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Overthrowing Anxiety cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: Overthrowing Anxiety cb | Blue Heron Health News

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Case study: Maurine Sandler

So what could possibly change?

Well, I found out things already have changed!

An approach for all the main types of anxiety disorder has made a life-changing difference for hundreds of people.

And now I’m one of them.

Click below to watch the video – and I’ll explain what happened.

My anxiety disorder grew steadily worse over the 16 years I suffered it. It seemed to gather strength over time…  while my ability to cope with it gradually weakened.

There honestly were times where I wondered where it would all eventually end.

Things are different now.

I don’t suffer anxiety attacks like that any more. I haven’t for nearly two years and my mental health is pretty much fully restored.

It took some time for me to finally get better.

Although, to be truthful, time was something I had plenty of.

Because 16 years of anxiety attacks – and everything that entails – wasn’t going to mind an extra few weeks of the same.

But by the time it had came to its end my anxiety had shrunk to a shadow of its former self.

Anxiety kicked me around emotionally, mentally and physically.

Anxiety episodes themselves were often dreadful.

Frantic, panicky, scared… Worrying about all sorts of small details, ruminating to the point of panic…

Mentally I’d go round in circles and just think myself into distress and powerlessness.

Anxiety disturbed my sleep to the point I could sometimes wake up more tired than I was when I had gone to bed. 

And, inevitably, the misery of it all slipped me into occasional depression.

Mild depression is so common for people who suffer from any kind of anxiety disorder. I simply couldn’t recall the last time I felt relaxed or at ease.

I tried so hard to avoid anxiety attacks that I retreated from situations and people that might trigger them.

The problem was that for me there were so many possible triggers that I was in danger at times of becoming a recluse.

My anxiety disorder made it difficult for me to make – and sustain – friendships.

Career aspirations took a back-burner too. I had to choose work where my bosses were completely understanding.

And where me being an emotional mess all of a sudden wasn’t going to get me fired! Which does restrict your options somewhat.

I often feared that the effect anxiety was having on my relationships might leave me lonely and without friends. I didn’t want to be lonely…

I especially worried that my ability to work and support myself would deteriorate as the condition made my mental health slowly worsen.

And the physical cost – in terms of conditions that come from ongoing, chronic stress – didn’t bear thinking about.

Because the ongoing stress of my disorder is known conclusively to lead to chronic inflammation in the body.

And with too much inflammation an anxiety sufferer becomes a prime candidate for inflammatory disease. Which includes diabetes, fatty liver, kidney disease, arthritis, heart disease and some cancers.

So as well as a deteriorating mental health outlook…physical disability was an ever-present fear.

All this made me wonder about me…

What was wrong with me? Why am I like this? What must I look like to other people? What would they be thinking about me?

I really did think sometimes that I was just a ridiculous person.

I did everything I could to deal with my anxiety.

Medications made some difference. They often – although not always – took the edge off the worst anxiety attacks.

I took anxiety drugs for a while during my early years of the disease. Eventually on my doctor’s advice I stopped taking them. I was glad to stop – for two reasons.

First, the side-effects of the meds were similar to my actual anxiety! Agitation, sleep problems, loss of memory, poor concentration – even some confusion at times.

Second was that meds don’t address the actual causes of the anxiety.

They only work on symptoms – so you remain ill even when you’re drugged up.

The underlying causes of anxiety remain firmly in place… forever chipping away at your chances of ever having a truly happy life.

I didn’t like putting all those drugs into my body.

And I certainly didn’t like the fact that those meds can become habit forming – which is one of the reasons doctors try to get you off them as quickly as they can.

So, like many anxiety sufferers, that left me having to use a variety of techniques to handle my condition.

Some approaches worked from time to time. Nothing was truly reliable though.

I truly thought then that reversing the condition was impossible.

I was wrong… but that was my thinking back then when I was ill.

In the meantime I was pretty stuck. I had better days and I had really difficult days. I rarely had two better days together. After years of suffering like this my anxiety disorder was making me grow tired and despondent.

Even though I wasn’t sure that an anxiety disorder could be successfully treated it didn’t stop me from searching for some sort of miracle cure.

The bad news is that such a thing does not exist.

There are, of course, people out there who say otherwise.

They promise they’ll get rid of all types of anxieties using a secret potion made of some secret tree root they discovered in the forests of somewhere like Panama.

Other ‘gurus’ offer remedies based on all sorts of exotic rituals and exercises. A kind of faith healing, if you like.

I tried enough of them to know that none of these approaches offer single shred of improvement to an anxiety disorder.

There’s good reason why these quirky, untested approaches didn’t work. The people offering these ‘remedies’ simply didn’t understand what anxiety actually is.

They just didn’t understand that all anxiety disorders are intricate conditions with multiple layers of complexity.

There’s not a single pill or an exercise a person can do that’s going to make it go away just like that.

To make a change to an anxiety disorder requires a deep understanding of all the strands that have tied themselves together to create that disorder in the first place.

Thinking you can cure everything with a potion or a yoga exercise is just plain wrong.

Still, the promises are made. And people like me, desperate for some relief, fell for a few of them.

But now there’s some good news. Really, really good news.

If you’re patient, gentle with yourself and willing to slowly work through science-based, research-backed activities… then your world can change.

My world definitely did change.

It changed forever. I didn’t expect it to be this good. I sometimes can hardly believe that it is!

Some years ago I attended an anxiety support group where I used to live. We met weekly and although it didn’t do much to help with my anxiety it was comforting to not be alone with the problem.

It was on a visit back to that old neighborhood that I bumped into one of the group’s members.

Well. Ex-member, to be precise.

Martin had suffered from a different disorder to me – he had OCD for years – and I remembered that he had a hellish time getting it under control.

And although I couldn’t completely understand Martin’s world – my anxiety was generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) with occasional panic attacks (just to make life interesting) – I do know he had struggled a lot.

But while I still had very bad anxiety Martin had…. nothing.

No symptoms of OCD. No stress. No depression. No nothing.

We stopped off for a coffee and he explained what had happened.

In a nutshell, Martin had become so despairing of his condition that he’d tried out some natural remedies. If modern medicine couldn’t help him then perhaps alternative medicine could.

Some of the different methods he’d tried had reduced the intensity of his symptoms – which meant that he could function better.

Excited by this small progress he’d gone down the alternative health rabbit hole… and then resurfaced with what he called ‘a miracle’.

Having tried many routes Martin had found a straightforward program that gave sufferers of all types of anxiety a clear but gentle pathway out of their problem – and into repaired and restored mental health.

Martin told me the method he used worked on these types of anxiety disorder:

Martin explained that his condition had melted away bit by bit over time. He’d first noticed a slight lessening of the intensity of his symptoms.

And then a reduction in their frequency.

Over time, intensity and frequency reduced to… just about nothing.

I remember that at the time he was telling me all this, I think my mouth must have hung open. At times he laughed at my expression. ‘It’s true!’ he insisted. And I nearly believed him.

Of course, now I really believe him. Because I’ve had his experience with my own anxiety disorder.

Martin told me he had been introduced to an alternative health practitioner by the name of Christian Goodman.

Christian Goodman is the creator of a very successful anxiety disorder program that is producing outstanding results for many hundreds of people.

It’s this program that had changed Martin’s life so dramatically.

Now I’m a little sceptical about alternative cures. I do mostly trust doctors and the drugs companies. Not everyone does of course.

But Martin’s advice to try out Christian Goodman’s ‘The End of Anxiety’ program came at a time when I was becomng increasingly worried about both my mental and physical deterioration.

I had reached a stage where I really was prepared to try anything – and this seemed like a pretty good bet.

Christian’s ‘The End of Anxiety’ program guided me carefully through a set of activities that I could do at home whenever I felt up to it.

As I worked through these activities over time so my anxiety gently melted away until it no longer existed.

The program was simple, straightforward and consisted of several types of activities:

Daily habits
Some simple daily work that takes a few minutes but which does some of the most wonderful healing I have ever experienced

When-you-feel-like-it activities
Some thinking type exercises that helped me change my relationship with myself and my condition. These were transformative…

One-off actions
Simple but important things I only had to do once but which revealed really useful insights into what I was suffering

Self-care habits
I didn’t know much about how to truly care for myself until I learnt it from Christian. In truth, I didn’t realize how important it was either – until I actually did it. Amongst all the small but memorable victories I enjoyed with this program I think self-care gave me the quickest release from my anxiety misery.

Action activities
There are specific things you can do that over time make you healthier in the mind and body. Very simple but once I started I really didn’t want to stop. So I haven’t. Why stop doing what makes you happy?

I was nervous at first… starting this program itself made me anxious!

It’s almost as if my anxiety was protecting itself from me getting rid of it.

But there were two things I loved about this program.

First, was that there was no timeline for completion, no schedule that forced me to do things in a certain time.

The rate at which I adopted these changes was decided by me and how I felt about them. Sometimes I did more work, sometimes I did less.

It was like a dance… slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. Except that it was me who decided the rhythm and pace.

Second, Christian cautioned me against placing expectations on myself. Things might improve a lot one week but only a little the following week. That’s okay.

You’re only expectation should be that you will follow the program as best you can.

The rest will take care of itself.

Some of the program’s activities worked their magic at a very deep level.

So while they were very easy to do… their benefits don’t reach the surface straight away.

What I was doing was always working – I just had to be a little patient before I experienced the results.

Christian’s plan was eye-opening and inspiring from the first page to the last.

I had suffered my anxiety disorder for 16 years and in that time I’d read books, countless articles and watched hours of videos about anxiety…

Nobody told me the things that Christian taught me.

He opened my eyes to anxiety disorder and made me understand it so much better than I ever had before.

Of course, the problem with so much exciting new information is this: how on earth do I apply all the stuff I’m learning here?

‘The End of Anxiety’ handles that question very neatly.

First of all, Christian clearly explains the route out of anxiety.

He tells you the what, the why and the how of it all.

Simple explanations, clearly made points, easy to follow logic.

But then Christian offers you a simple start-up guide so that you can quickly make the learning work for you.

You know the quick-start sheet you get with a new phone or a complicated watch? It’s like that.

You want to get started now – not next week – so you need some simple steps you can start following immediately.

His ‘How to get started’ section told me what to do now. Then what to do next. Then what to do after that.

And once I built up my own confidence in what I was doing… I did what I wanted when I wanted to do it.

So long as I regularly did something I knew my anxiety was going to lose this battle.

I’m not criticizing the standard medical approaches to the various forms of anxiety.

Drugs, for all their addictive qualities and unpleasant side-effects, do make some difference.

CBT can make a difference too, even if it eventually wears off for many people.

And there are various self-management techniques that help us delay an attack, reduce it – or simply survive it.

But none of these really get to the heart of what’s wrong.

None of these will ever make you better.

One thing I learned from Christian is that anxiety disorders come from a place that can be very deep within us.

It’s not like a cut on your arm or a broken bone – something that can be clearly seen, easily diagnosed and quickly fixed.

Our disorder is hidden. It’s complex, tangled.

The causes of the disorder, the way the disorder affects us, our own thinking about ourselves and our world, and the coping mechanisms we employ to cope with our difficulties…

…all these are layered into the disorder itself, making it a deeper, much less accessible problem.

They feed into each other, creating a spaghetti-like tangle of fears, negative thoughts and distress.

It’s impossible to see where one aspect of our disorders begin and another one starts.

This is where Christian’s program is so different from anything I’d experienced before.

Standard medical remedies mostly address the symptoms – the surface – of the problem.

They get us through the day – which is a vital help – but we remain ill even when we’re managing to function.

Whereas ‘The End of Anxiety’ works very gently on the underlying causes of an anxiety disorder.

It gets to the foundation of the problem… and starts wearing away that foundation.

Instead of drugging me out of my anxiety Christian works on the inside, the source of that anxiety disorder.

And once it starts doing its work then the anxiety’s causes – whatever they are for your type of anxiety – start to subside.

Not because I’d medicated them out of existence but because they had started losing their grip on my life.

They were simply losing their reason to exist.

Christian understands anxiety disorders.

Certainly he understands them better than I did. I suspect he knows more about the underlying condition than even my doctors.

After all, he did in weeks what my doctors hadn’t managed to do for me in 16 years.

But he states clearly that this isn’t a quick-fix-cure.

So you can expect to still experience your anxiety for some time – even while following this program. Things will improve. Attacks will become less frequent – and less intense when they do occur.

But while you’re still getting them Christian steps you through an excellent coping strategy that will dramatically reduce the intensity and the duration of the experience.

It was a new coping method for me – I’d never heard of this particular way of getting through an attack.

It helped keep me upright when things got tough. Which meant I was generally in much better condition to continue with the gentle work of melting away my disorder.

I wish I had learnt this years ago! But better late than never, I guess…

I don’t know how you’re suffering. You may have a different anxiety disorder to the one I used to have. Or you may simply experience the same disorder in a completely different way.

Either way, I imagine that you’ve reached a point where you just don’t want it any more.

I empathize more than you might imagine. I do know what it’s like.

Anxiety disorder has no upside. It’s a cruel affliction that simply eats away at our happiness and destroys our simple hopes for a peaceful, contented life.

We didn’t earn our anxiety disorder. We don’t deserve what happened to us. It isn’t our fault.

Yet we feel that we’re stuck with it for life, that our anxiety is as much a part of ourselves as an arm or our kidneys.

It turns out though that this simply is not the case.

As nearly a thousand people have now found out… we’re no longer helpless and anxiety doesn’t have to be a life-sentence.

With patience and the right guidance we can gently ease ourselves out of the darkness and into the light.

Christian Goodman’s ‘The End of Anxiety’ is that guidance.

And the moment I decided I wanted to heal and that I was going to take those first tiny steps towards saving myself from a life of anxiety misery… was the single best day of my life.

Because everything that is wonderful in my life now is because of the decision I made then. 

Well, you have your type of anxiety disorder. You experience it in your own unique way. So your own experience of anxiety is uniquely yours. There’s nobody else quite like you.

Which means your journey to healing might differ in some respects to mine.

The key though is that you get on that path. This is what really matters.

Once I’d decided that enough was enough – I had put myself firmly on that path.

I wanted a different kind of life.

One that was significantly calmer, more predictable, and which freed me to lead the kind of normal existence that so many other people take for granted.

And that’s my reality now.

By following Christian’s advice to the letter you present your anxiety with an irresistible healing force.

Over time, it has no option but to surrender.

Hundreds of people have successfully used ‘The End of Anxiety’ to successfully treat their anxiety disorders. They followed the guide and allowed improvements to come in their own time.

Their lives now are nothing like their lives were before.

The change to their anxiety disorder – and therefore to their day-to-day happiness – has been quite literally transformative.

There’s no reason why it wouldn’t be exactly the same for you.

Which is why Christian offers you a complete money-back guarantee on his program.

If within 60 days purchasing ‘The End of Anxiety’ you are not completely happy with the changes to your anxiety situation so far… then you can have all your money back. No questions.

Christian makes this guarantee because he’s witnessed so very many people gain life transforming benefits from following his simple plan. Their health and happiness improves as their anxiety recedes into the background.

They are relaxed, calm and in control of their lives. They experience few – or, in most cases, absolutely no – anxiety symptoms.

I wanted to know what it felt like to live my life without an anxiety disorder. I found out. And you can too – click here and get your own copy of ‘The End of Anxiety’…

All anxiety sufferers realize in the end that if we’re going to heal then we are going to have to play an active role in that healing.

If you’ve endured anxiety for any period of time then you already know that it isn’t going to just disappear on its own.

If you do nothing… it’s yours forever.

My anxiety had a cause. Yours does too.

Your anxiety cannot withstand an approach that directly affects that cause.

It cannot resist something that gently dissolves its grip on your happiness.

Christian’s research-backed methods gradually eased anxiety out of my life.

And Christian guarantees it.

If within 60 days purchasing this program you don’t agree that you’re feeling significantly better than you have done for years then you can have all your money back.

I took Christian up on this same offer a little over 2 years ago. I’m a completely changed person – and I live a much happier, stress-free life.

That can be your story too. Take charge of what’s happening to you… and then watch it change. Get ‘The End of Anxiety’ by clicking here…

There’s no end to where an anxiety disorder can take you.

Over time, a sufferer’s mental health deteriorates. If the condition isn’t addressed head-on, depression becomes significantly more likely.

That’s not all. The condition eventually undermines physical health too.

Ongoing stress – an integral part of anxiety misery – releases stress hormones into the bloodstream.

And ongoing levels of stress hormones in the body lead to inflammation and a host of related physical diseases – with diabetes, kidney and liver disease, heart disease and various immunity malfunctions being the most common.

I wasn’t going to let this happen to me. First my mental health was suffering.

And then my physical health could follow suit.

Enough was enough. I wasn’t going to wait around until my health had deteriorated to the point of no return. I didn’t want that regret hanging over my head.

Once I made my decision to heal… Christian’s program did the rest.

It was easily the best decision I have ever made.

If you’ve read this far then I believe you’ve made your decision too.

You’ve decided you’re not going to suffer like this anymore. You’ve decided you’re going to heal.

Which means you need ‘The End of Anxiety’. Click here and you can have it…

Text transcript of video…

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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Finding out I had chronic kidney disease – CKD – was only the start of it.

Realizing that CKD is really difficult to treat… and that it inevitably gets worse was shocking.

I faced ending up on a dialysis machine. Hoping and praying for a suitable kidney donor.

And losing years off the end of my life because with CKD… there’s no way out.

As my doctor showed me, all this has now changed. CKD is not the life sentence it once was.

And as I found out myself, he was absolutely right. Today chronic kidney disease for me is a distant memory..!

Take a look at this and I’ll explain.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to believe that once you had chronic kidney disease then that was it… you were pretty much stuck for life.

I thought there was not much you could do – except tweak it as best you can and hope to goodness that it didn’t get worse.

Maybe you’ve heard the same.

I really believed it too.

But I don’t any more. 

Because of something my doctor showed me I now know there’s an awful lot you can do to manage CKD – and what you can do turned out to be literally life-changing.

CKD isn’t a life-sentence

I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease – CKD – just over 2 years ago.

My doctor explained that there is a number of reasons why we get CKD. But it was always caused by something else that was already going wrong in the body.

Diabetes, heart disease, various cardiovascular diseases, being very overweight and so on. They can all cause CKD.

High blood pressure was the cause of my CKD.

Your CKD may have a different cause. But the result is the same.

My doctor told me that chronic kidney disease can’t be tackled directly. Instead, doctors address the diseases that cause it in the first place.

Which, for me, meant tackling my blood pressure problem.

It might be a different fight for you depending on what’s causing your own CKD.

But whatever the cause, the strategy is the same: alleviate the problems of the CKD itself while addressing the underlying disease that is causing the CKD in the first place.

Unfortunately, using standard methods CKD can – and often does – get progressively worse. As it gets worse it becomes a significantly more threatening disease.

There was no way I could just accept that. No way.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to accept it. I did something else instead.

Which has meant that these days I can’t remember what CKD even feels like anymore.

But before I jump ahead of myself, let me make this important point.

My doctor taught me something very worrying about CKD.

The disease has 5 stages. Stage 1 is the mildest.

Stage 5 is as serious as it gets.

Stage 5 can shorten a person’s life by many, many years.

You do not want to reach stage 5. 

My CKD was at stage 3 when it was discovered. Most of us only discover our CKD when it’s already well underway.

The danger here is that CKD gets progressively worse. Doctors find it very difficult to halt CKD’s progress into stages 4 and then 5.

At stage 5 you are plugged into a dialysis machine. You hope and pray for a suitable kidney donor so that you can squeeze some more years out of life… before finally succumbing. 

Dialysis machines and kidney transplants were not for me. 

I didn’t care that other people coped with being strapped to a dialysis machine for hours on end four or five times a week.

That’s them. It’s not me.

And I didn’t care that, for people lucky enough to find kidney donors, better transplant techniques meant that they weren’t dying so quickly afterwards. 

As far as I was concerned… once you reach the kidney dialysis machines and transplant stage your days are numbered.

I had – and still have – many years of life ahead of me.

And I wanted those years to be healthy, happy, enjoyable.

Not ill, diseased… watching my clock run down.

I felt very low, to be honest.

My doctor gave me the standard spiel: we can handle the symptoms, we can try to address underlying causes… with the right meds you could lead a fairly normal life. And so on.

I told him this wasn’t good enough. I didn’t want my life cut short with a disease that – at least officially – had no way of being reversed.

I didn’t want to watch myself deteriorate week by week. I didn’t want to be plugged into a dialysis machine. I didn’t want a transplant.

And I didn’t want to die early.

I was very upset. I didn’t know what to do next.

But I didn’t want to just do nothing.

I’ve known my doctor since college. He’s a trusted friend. He told me to come back at the end of the day and we could go for a coffee and a chat.

He had something important to tell me.

Well, what my doctor told me that afternoon was jaw-dropping.

He described how he’d witnessed five of his own patients treat their chronic kidney disease to the point that they now experienced none of its symptoms.

Here’s the thing: they had first treated the underlying cause – the condition that gave rise to their CKD in the first place. That had led to the melting away of both that condition’s symptoms and their CKD symptoms.

Which was staggering. We’re talking about diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity here…

He wouldn’t claim they no longer had the disease – professionally he’s not allowed to say that yet. Tests are still taking place, official verification is required – that takes years to complete.

But when one of his own patients attempted an alternative health approach to his chronic kidney disease…. and by all measures, succeeded… my doctor couldn’t ignore that.

The effects weren’t temporary – they lasted.

My doctor explained that conventional medicine was still testing these new remedies. But ordinary people had jumped straight in and had been applying them for some years.

No drugs, no hospitals… and the results were fantastic.

I was excited and nervous when I heard this. But everything we discussed that day I went on to prove to myself.

But before I jump ahead of myself let me tell you what else my doctor told me.

We’ve always known that CKD is caused by other conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, too much excess weight and so on.

So it makes sense to tackle those conditions if we’re to address CKD.

Doctors tackle those conditions either by significantly reducing their effect on our bodies… or by successfully reversing them completely.

This much has been well understood for a long time.

We also know another vital element of the story: that the conditions I listed above – diabetes, high blood pressure and so on – are often the result of low-level, ongoing inflammation in the body.

Those conditions are either made worse by this ongoing inflammation – or, more often, are directly caused by it. 

Finally, we’re well aware that the inflammation itself is mostly caused by a faulty immune system.

In other words, our immune system is being triggered way too often.

Which leads to ongoing inflammation… which in turn overwhelms our bodies and creates damage throughout.

So… a faulty immune system… leads to widespread inflammation… which leads to one or more of the diseases mentioned. Which leads to CKD.

This is the pathway to disease.

But what causes the faulty, malfunctioning immune system in the first place?

What’s that initial trigger that sets off the whole thing?

That has always been a mystery. Yet if doctors could find out how to stop the immune system from malfunctioning then the inflammation, the disease and the CKD… all goes away.

In the last few years scientists finally found out.

The immune system malfunction that causes your chronic kidney disease comes from problems in the gut.

We now realize that, incredibly, most of the western world’s major killer diseases begin in our guts.

This one insight has changed forever how scientists now tackle disease.

And this isn’t theory, by the way. It’s not guesswork.

It’s heavily researched, scientific knowledge.

When we’re talking about your gut we’re not talking about bloating or stomach ache or anything like that.

We’re talking about the fascinating environment within your intestinal tract.

That environment – also called the microbiome – contains trillions of fantastically useful bacteria.

We’re used to thinking of bacteria as being harmful. But over 90% of the bacteria in a healthy gut perform functions that keep you alive. 

They do things for you that your body itself simply cannot do.

When healthy gut bacteria dominate our guts – and unhealthy gut bacteria are kept to a minimum – we are at our healthiest and happiest.

When this balance is disturbed we get ill. If it’s disturbed for long enough, we get very ill.

Here are just a few functions gut bacteria carry out for us:

Good bacteria literally keeps us alive. So we need it to be in the best shape possible.

If the number of good bacteria are reducing then bad bacteria gain an upper-hand in your gut.

Given enough time the damage they cause to your body can be bad, then severe – then fatal.

Conditions that are directly linked to poor gut health include:

Recognize anything on this list?

If you have even one of these then your gut health either has a major hand in it or – in most cases – your gut health is the actual cause of it.

Remember the pathway to disease we mentioned a moment ago? We understand that pathway now:

Poor gut health leads to immune system malfunction… which leads to low-level inflammation… which leads to one or more of the above diseases. Which then leads to CKD.

By the way, if you’re a Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) sufferer who has been told that your diabetes is for life because its cause is unknown… that story is currently being rewritten.

Consider this from a 2018 white paper:

Recent evidence shows that altered gut bacterial composition is highly associated with T1D and, thus, targeting gut microbiota may serve as a therapeutic potential for T1D patients.

‘Pathogenesis’ simply means ‘the development of the disease’. The scientists here are suggesting that the therapy for Type 1 Diabetes is to target the state of the sufferer’s gut health.

Or this from a 2019 white paper:

Among the included studies, 24 articles confirmed the association between gut microbiota dysbiosis and T1D.

‘Gut microbiota dysbiosis’ refers to imbalances in the environment of the gut. Here, the researchers have confirmed that the state of the gut is associated with Type 1 Diabetes.

Dozens of heavyweight scientific research papers are reaching the same incredible conclusion.

Researchers aren’t allowed yet to claim that repairing gut health successfully eliminates T1D – even though the evidence points convincingly in that direction.

But gut health is heavily implicated in T1D – in the same way that gut health is now known to often be the only cause of all the other conditions I just mentioned.

It’s this insight that is now leading us into startling – yet very simple – remedies for western society’s most deadly diseases.

Get those gut bacteria healthy and everything that was going wrong – including CKD – starts going right again.

But what causes our guts to become unhealthy?

There’s no doubt at all about the causes: it’s our lifestyle choices.

‘Lifestyle’ simply refers to the usual suspects: stress, sleep, fitness and diet.

Which, at first sight, all seems pretty bland and dull. We’ve heard all this before.

But now it’s very different. Because now scientists understand the direct link between what we do… and how we get disease.

Poor lifestyle habits slowly ruin our gut health. They decimate good bacteria – allowing bad bacteria to thrive and expand their deadly effects.

Our gut environment becomes less helpful to us… and steadily more deadly.

Which makes it inevitable that, in time, we will end up either very ill or fatally ill.

The damage that bad habits do to our gut bacteria is almost the entire reason we are tired, ill, overweight, suffer low moods and struggle as we get older.

We say it’s ‘age’ that causes disease. That’s absolute nonsense.

It’s the slow and steady neglect of our gut health that causes disease. We do it to ourselves. We don’t mean to. But it’s what we do.

Poor lifestyle habits are the primary reason (for millions of us, they’re the only reason) we contract western society’s worst diseases – heart, blood, liver, kidney…

Your basic lifestyle habits directly and dramatically determine whether you’ll be ill at all.

And if you will be ill those habits determine which illnesses you’ll get – and how they will play out over the long-term.

Take heart though. This knowledge is, literally, life-saving.

We’ve now discovered at the deepest level why we get ill.

Which means we can get well again.

Simple, specific changes to some daily habits are now ridding people of a whole array of horrible conditions.

There is a right way of doing this, of course. It’s not simply a matter of ‘eating healthily’ (whatever that means) or ‘getting more exercise’ (which not all CKD sufferers are able to do).

When someone is so ill that their kidneys are starting to fail then correcting specific lifestyle habits can change their life.

Done properly, it can save their life.

Beware though that the standard advice we see in magazines or on popular websites isn’t right for CKD sufferers.

We have a specific condition and that requires new and very specific action. It’s easier than most people believe – but it has to be right.

Correcting these lifestyle factors properly can be literally transforming – more powerful than medications and even more life-improving than surgery.

But diet – what we eat and what we drink – is the kingpin of disease.

It’s the supreme dictator of how we’re going to suffer as we grow older – or even if we’re going to suffer at all.

You can eat your way back to healthy gut bacteria – and, therefore, full vibrant health.

There are many, many foods that you can eat unlimited amounts of.

Including – happily – a number of foods that  ‘fad diets’ tell you not to touch.

Everything you need to eat can be bought at a local supermarket. Half of it is possibly already in your kitchen.

Essentially though you must eat enough of the right things in the right quantities. Do that and everything else falls beautifully into place.

I thought sleep and stress and fitness and diet were just things that other people paid attention to. I was sensible enough to not eat like a pig.

And I didn’t think I was suffering stress any more than the average person was. All life has some stress, doesn’t it?

But, really, I didn’t give my food – or anything else about my lifestyle habits –  much attention.

In truth, I didn’t really know how to.

I enjoyed life, worked hard… but behind the scenes things were steadily going wrong with my health.

Today, I thank my lucky stars that I found out how to undo what was going wrong.

My health today is like it was 25 years ago. It’s like I’ve not aged a single minute.

Today, we know accurately what we can do to make all the nasty stuff go away.

If we address our health problems today in ways shown to actually work…. then we can reverse the diseases that plague us.

And as we do this, the symptoms of chronic kidney disease melt away to nothing.

That’s an opportunity we’ve not had before. Because only now have scientists finally worked out the full path – all the steps – from good health to disease.

Remember the path: gut health… malfunctioning immune system… widespread inflammation… disease… CKD

And understanding that, we have a simple way of going backwards – of reversing from CKD back to health.

So my doctor is explaining all this over coffee – well, three coffees to be accurate.

It was a heck of a lot to take in.

It all led to one obvious question though: how do I go about applying all this to myself?

How does an ordinary person like me make use of all this powerful stuff?

My doctor told me he knew of a health practitioner who had turned these new insights into a series of steps for CKD sufferers to follow.

The program showed them a way out of their suffering – all described in plain English.

He had already recommended the program to other CKD patients. And those who followed it enjoyed life-changing results.

That’s exactly what I wanted.

I wanted something I could do – something that I knew others had successfully completed.

Something that had successfully addressed their CKD.

The program that does it is called The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution.

It was created by Shelly Manning, a natural health practitioner who already had stunning results in other areas of health.

The patient who had first told my doctor about this program had himself suffered diabetes. If he could successfully address that and his CKD… then I wanted to be doing what he had done.

I ordered it as soon as I got home and it arrived in my inbox a few minutes later.

I started reading it there and then. And that was the moment my life changed forever.

Today I don’t know if I still have chronic kidney disease or not.

Even though he had seen it before, my doctor was delighted by my transformation.

A transformation I was able to feel and he was able to measure…

Today I eat very well, sleep soundly and am super relaxed.

I’m slim, happy, healthy and on top of the world.

I no longer experience any CKD symptoms. Not one. My blood pressure has been normal for over a year now.

I still have routine tests to ensure all is okay. It always is.

Whether I’m officially still a CKD sufferer or not, I doubt I’ve been this healthy since my twenties.

Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution is a straightforward plan for the complete relief of CKD symptoms.

All I had to do was follow Shelly’s instructions. My body naturally took care of the rest.

It was easy work. And some of the pay-offs came quickly – I felt different after just 4 days.

Some of her instructions were so ordinary that I couldn’t see how they would have much effect. But they did.

And given that I’ve swapped high blood pressure, diseased kidneys, tiredness, fatigue and low mood for vibrant health and a very big smile…

…I can safely say that doing what she advised was one of my smarter life decisions.

Let me be bluntly honest with you here. Going from healthy to ill didn’t happen in an instant. Years of unhelpful lifestyle habits led gradually to chronic kidney disease.

We address illness in the same way: step by step.

So Shelly’s program works us back to health through three very specific phases:

Phase 1: Protect from kidney damage

First we stop damaging our kidneys any further and give them the space they need to heal.

It takes some simple alterations to our daily habits to achieve this.

We begin addressing gut health too. Those good bacteria respond quickly and as they recover so does our health.

I felt positive effects of this within days: a little less tired, a little more focused, more cheerful.

Phase 1 also directly focuses on balancing blood glucose levels.

Note this isn’t a portion-control or calorie-control diet. Shelly encourages more eating, not less. It’s knowing what to eat that makes such a profound difference.

Phase 2: Restore kidney function

We continue to establish stable blood sugar levels for life.

Gut health has significantly improved – I was feeling noticeably more energetic, focused and upbeat. And despite eating as much food as I liked I was 12 pounds lighter.

Having released the stresses they were under my damaged kidneys were now slowly regaining their original functioning.

I was sleeping better than I had in years – even though I’ve never had a real sleep problem.

Phase 3: Repair and renew kidney tissue

At Stage 3 blood sugars are naturally stabilized – and they stay that way.

My blood pressure was now comfortably back in the healthy range – which was both a delight and a relief.

Using specific foods and natural supplements I generated new stem cells to repair kidney and heart tissue. The supplements were cheap and I got them from my local supermarket. I only had to use them for a short period – but the benefit was enormous: I was literally creating a new, healthy body.

So much about my health was completely turned around. CKD symptoms were completely gone. Life-threatening blood pressure was normalized.

Shelly’s program is natural, simple and easy to follow. No doctor visits, no drugs, no complications. No bills, no expenses.

Which is why thousands of people are now taking the decision to transform their lives like this – and bring to an end their disease once and for all.

Okay, I’m teasing a little bit.

But I eat plenty yet remain slim. Mentally and emotionally I’m on top of the world.

I’ve not just finally addressed my chronic kidney disease – and the associated conditions that caused it.

I’ve also extended my lifespan. I will live longer.

And I’ll enjoy those extra years in good health – without the endless illnesses, medications and hospital visits that we’re conditioned to expect as we age.

The health effects of doing the right things has a profound effect on every aspect of my wellbeing – even at the smallest details.

I don’t even catch colds anymore!

It’s like I swapped a tired out body for a brand new one.

These aren’t miracle outcomes. Shelly isn’t claiming to be some sort of health genius who discovered something that nobody else noticed.

These life-enhancing changes come from researched, verified, documented science from the US, Europe and across the world.

Outstanding health is simply the inevitable result of making the exact choices that the body needs you to make.

We’re so used to getting ill we forget that your body isn’t meant to be diseased. It’s meant to be healthy.

Illness is caused. And it’s our lifestyle behaviors that cause it.

By undoing lifestyle damage you’re simply restoring yourself to the good health that your body always tries to reach anyway. You’re returning yourself to normal.

Shelly’s lifestyle plan shows us exactly how to do that.

Three years ago I decided not to suffer the deeply unpleasant effects of chronic kidney disease a moment longer.

I didn’t want to end up strapped to a kidney dialysis machine. And I didn’t want to have a transplant.

Today I am completely free of all chronic kidney disease symptoms. My blood pressure is now consistently spot-on. My weight is down, my sugars are stable. My energy is high, my mindset is optimistic and relaxed.

I’ve never felt like this before.

It feels like a miracle. But it isn’t. This is nature at work. This is cause and effect.

Like millions of Americans I’d unknowingly made myself unwell. Now I have knowingly made myself super well.

You deserve this too. I’m guessing that, for you, enough is enough. You want your health back.

Well, you can have it back – just like thousands of us already have. Get Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution right now and you can join us in great health…

Her program works – but in case you’re the cautious type she has a full 60-day money-back guarantee. No questions.

Thousands of us are now fully healthy and happy. Join is now…

Remember: your body strives to be healthy. It does its best.

Lifestyle mistakes – the kind that millions of us make – work against it.

Undo those lifestyle mistakes and your body starts working its way back to its preferred state – which is vibrant health.

Do exactly the right things the right way and it’s impossible to avoid being healthy, energetic and happy.

Shelly Manning shows you exactly what those right things are.

Protect, restore, renew… not just your kidneys but your entire body.

Thousands of us did it – you can too. Start today.

Click here to receive the program…

What you address gets better. What you ignore gets worse.

This is especially true with chronic kidney disease.

Imagine being attached to a kidney machine 3 or 4 hours a day… for 4 or 5 days a week.

No more holidays. No independence. And a life expectancy reduced by 10, 20 or even 30 years.

And if you’re lucky enough to get a kidney transplant? Then the doctors can give you an estimate for your date of death. Because they know the transplant is temporary. It’ll keep you alive for only so long.

Your life is basically on a countdown timer.

Who on earth wants all that?

Not me. Not you. Don’t put yourself through all this.

Act now and make everything right again. Get The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution here…

Click here to get My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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7 Most sensible AI Marketplace Analysis Equipment in 2024

Market research is the backbone of all promoting and advertising, and we will’t skip it.

In any case, how can you put it on the market any services and products and merchandise if you happen to haven’t dug deep into your market, audience, and festival?

However, market research eats up a ton of time. Such a large amount of marketers take it without any consideration and settle for superficial research.

To avoid this, make use of AI market research apparatus. Which?

I tested seven AI market analysis apparatus and broke down which ones are worth attempting.

Let’s leap in.

Table of Contents

What are AI market research apparatus?

AI market research apparatus use artificial intelligence to gather and analyze market data. They pull in data from different property, spot characteristics, predict long term shifts, and break down sophisticated data into smooth insights.

The ones apparatus moreover lend a hand with audience segmentation, tracking festival, and rising detailed tales, making it more straightforward for entrepreneurs to make excellent, data-driven possible choices.

Machine finding out and natural language processing (NLP) allow the ones apparatus to mimic human habits.

My pastime in AI and its impact on markets led me to find notable success stories from broad names who’ve harnessed AI in advertising and marketing. One such example is Spotify.

It implemented AI for research last 12 months by the use of its AI DJ function.

The tool often collects feedback and analyzes your listening patterns, essentially enterprise ongoing “market research” to fine-tune music imaginable possible choices and feed Spotify’s analysts with data on which songs to be able to upload to increase listening time, ship further subscriptions, and lots of others.

ai market research tools: AI DJ by Spotify

Symbol Supply

The AI DJ goes previous elementary ideas and offers commentary on the songs and artists it plays, making the experience further attractive.

Why use AI apparatus for market research?

Many people however think that AI can’t understand human nuances like a real researcher can, then again that’s merely probably the most an important misconceptions, says Ashley S., Ph.D. in Anthropology and Co-Founder of EmpathixAI.

Lie – AI can’t understand human nuance like a real researcher.

Symbol Supply

In truth that AI has made large strides in grasping the ones subtleties and can give insights which can be merely as precious, if not further so, than standard methods.

Can I research {the marketplace} without AI? Sure. How onerous is it on a scale of 1 to 10? 11.

That’s why giving the ones apparatus an opportunity is bigger than a good idea. Listed here are the very best 3 the explanation why you’ll have to believe it:

Predictive Analysis

AI algorithms can practice purchaser habits and predict characteristics, giving marketers an opportunity to fine-tune their strategies.

As an example, a published company used to be as soon as shedding market share to digital media, which used to be as soon as expected to dominate 50% of the marketplace in 5 years.

The CFO wanted to strengthen content material subject material to win once more target market and boost ad source of revenue. Scios Marketplace, an AI market research tool, helped analyze which show attributes, like content material subject material top quality and forged, drove viewership and ad bucks.

Predictive analysis and what-if forecasting known a show concept most certainly to reach the most productive rankings. This manner resulted in a brand spanking new show with 42% higher rankings and allowed the company to double its ad fees.

benefits of ai market research tools: Scios case study results

Symbol Supply

Personalization and Focused on

AI can segment audiences and personalize promoting and advertising strategies in line with detailed purchaser data. This ends up in further proper interested in, upper engagement, and higher ROI.

The best example is a Middle Eastern monetary establishment that spotted a $3.4 million build up in cardholder spending inside of 3 months by the use of using Personalization Breeze from Dynamic Yield and Mastercard.

AI-driven custom designed supplies resulted in a 60% boost in cross from side to side transactions, a 30% increase in best fee card sign-ups, and a 15% upward push in regularly spending.

This case shows how excellent AI personalization can in brief energy important growth and strengthen purchaser engagement.

benefits of ai market research tools: Dynamic Yield case study

Symbol Supply

And, in step with an Acxiom record, 47% of consumers choose custom designed emails or ads as it’s serving to them merely to find linked products and solutions.

Use HubSpot AI Electronic mail Author to in brief generate and customize product sales outreach emails and promoting and advertising campaigns. Now not extra having a look at a blank show — let AI take care of the heavy lifting and watch your electronic mail engagement increase.

Complicated Efficiency

AI market research apparatus, like generative AI models, have considerably impacted productiveness and efficiency in nearly all kinds of tasks.

For instance, last 12 months’s learn about via Shakked Noy and Whitney Zhang from MIT examined the results of ChatGPT on professionals’ document writing efficiency.

The know about involved 444 industry professionals all over different fields who have been tasked with writing two industry forms. One crew used ChatGPT to assist in research writing, while the other wrote without AI fortify.

Key Findings:

1. Upper Productivity. Pros who used the AI finished their forms in about 17 minutes, while those who didn’t use AI took 27 minutes. This means a 59% increase in productivity. Essentially, professionals with ChatGPT would possibly produce 59% further forms in an 8-hour workday compared to those working without it.

Time spent on writing subtasks with and without AI

Symbol Supply

2. Upper Top quality. Irrespective of taking a lot much less time, AI-assisted forms have been rated higher in top quality. Forms created with ChatGPT had an average top quality score of 4.5 out of 7, while those written without AI scored 3.8. This shows that AI not only saved time however as well as stepped ahead the usual of the artwork.

“AI is a tool to help you artwork faster, not a selection for vital thinking about and problem-solving,” says Alex Cattoni from How To Use A.I. For FAST Marketplace Analysis. “AI apparatus like ChatGPT aren’t at all times hooked as much as the internet by the use of default, which means that they can produce erroneous or even harmful results.

This is known as an AI hallucination. Even tech researchers fear that individuals rely too carefully on the ones techniques for crucial advice. Use it as a brainstorming tool instead.”

P.S. Will have to you’re wondering which AI device writes the most efficient advertising and marketing replica, Erica Santiago has tested plenty of different apparatus and shared her detailed opinions. I wholeheartedly recommend finding out this article.

7 Very best AI Market Research Apparatus

After studying a lot of case analysis and opinions and chatting with experts who use AI apparatus for market research, I pulled together a listing of the seven very best apparatus to check out.

I will be able to walk you by the use of their exceptional choices, pricing, and what I to find exciting about them.

1. Gong for identify insights and product sales research. focuses on source of revenue intelligence and conversation analytics. It analyzes product sales calls, meetings (every audio and video structure), and purchaser interactions to offer insights into product sales processes, purchaser behaviors, and market characteristics.


  • Analyzes product sales conversations to identify characteristics, successful ways, and areas for enlargement.
  • Provides visibility into the product sales pipeline by the use of tracking deal construction and working out potential issues.
  • Supplies insights and proposals for product sales coaching in line with authentic conversation data.
  • Helps know how festival are being discussed in product sales conversations and what strategies artwork.

ai market research tool: Gong, homepage

Pricing: Gong prices each license consistent with particular person. Achieve out to them to come to a decision on a customized quote.

Very best for: Gong is in a similar fashion great for researchers and marketers who frequently grasp purchaser calls or audience interviews.

What I like: Gong provides every contextual and referential insights. Contextual insights analyze real-time conversation details like tone and sentiment, while referential insights read about the ones interactions to earlier data, working out patterns and very best practices to strengthen product sales effects.

Take a look at HubSpot’s Unfastened AI Chatbot Builder to book meetings and provide round-the-clock purchaser fortify. Let it take care of no longer bizarre queries, reason electronic mail campaigns, and scale your interactions, freeing up your staff’s time.

Trying out It Out

I used Gong to analyze one among our company’s product sales calls, and the insights have been extraordinarily very good.

For instance, its talk-to-listen ratio in reality showed that the product sales rep spent quite a lot of time talking and not enough listening, which Gong flagged as a imaginable issue in line with successful earlier conversations.

ai market research tool: Talk ratio on Gong

Parts of the verdict have been color-coded, indicating different topics, emotions, or levels of engagement. It used to be as soon as super blank to track key moments and notice when crucial issues have been discussed or when the consumer’s pastime dropped.

ai market analysis tool: Meeting breakdown by Gong

I haven’t run into many issues of Gong, then again the speech-to-text serve as most often is somewhat hit-or-miss now and again. It most often gets the task carried out, then again some parts require refinement. Even so, it’s however probably the most an important top apparatus to be had out there for this serve as.

2. YouScan for social media analysis.

YouScan uses AI to look at social media and photographs, helping you practice logo mentions, understand purchaser feelings, and notice characteristics. It provides real-time insights into how other folks view your logo.

For instance, YouScan shows whether or not or no longer people are normally positive, adverse, or independent about your logo in line with their comments or post reactions.

YouScan AI market analysis tool for social media


  • Tracks mentions of your logo, products, or linked topics all over different SM platforms.
  • Analyzes sentiment and characteristics to gauge public opinion.
  • Identifies and analyzes visual content material subject material attached in your logo or industry.
  • Helps practice emblem usage, logo mentions in footage, and user-generated content material subject material.
  • Uses AI to guage the emotional tone of posts and conversations.
  • Detects emerging characteristics and patterns in consumer habits.
  • Monitors festival’ social media presence and serve as.
  • Generates detailed tales and visualizations.


  • Starter 3 ($299 per 30 days): 3 topics, endless shoppers, and 30,000 per 30 days mentions.
  • Endless Plans: Configured in your must haves.

ai market research tool: YouScan pricing

Very best for: Corporations energetic on social media that wish to practice their logo’s presence and impact all over platforms.

What I like: It doesn’t rely on hashtags and captions only, then again it identifies topics and textual content in pictures as effectively.

Proper right here’s a smooth breakdown of how it works:

1. The AI identifies and tags visual parts in footage, paying homage to logos, devices, and scenes.

ai market analysis tool: Image recognition in YouScan

2. It extracts linked information from the ones footage, like how your logo’s emblem is used or what products are featured.

3. The tool then analyzes this knowledge to offer insights, paying homage to how your logo is perceived or which products are the most popular.

ai market research tool: YouScan groups environments in which your brand was mentioned.

4. You’ll use filters to slim down the results and take a look at detailed tales.

Trying out It Out

I consider each marketer, in particular social media managers, will fall in love with this tool.

The analytics are in-depth and gives a clear symbol of indicate volumes, engagement, and sentiment characteristics.

As an example, if your posts download a lot of glad or positive comments, YouScan will normally mirror a good sentiment. On the flip side, if the posts show adverse reactions or dissatisfaction, the sentiment it will likely be adverse as effectively.

ai market research tool: YouScan analytics

The Insights Copilot, powered by the use of ChatGPT, is my favorite segment. It makes data analysis much more easy by the use of generating speedy summaries and actionable insights.

As an example, you’ll ask what consumers like about your product, and it’s going to get a hold of a at hand information a coarse summary in line with social media mentions.

ai market research tool: Insights Copilot by ChatGPT

Symbol Supply

I moreover cherished the power to make custom designed dashboards in 1,000 other ways.

3. Consensus for speedy and constant clinical insights.

Consensus is an AI market analysis tool that digs into clinical analysis to get a hold of clear, actionable insights.

Then again instead of merely supplying you with a listing of instructional papers like standard search engines like google, Consensus scans the ones papers and summarizes the vital factor findings.

It uses complicated NLP and device finding out to grasp the content material subject material and supply one of the most linked information in a smooth, easy-to-read structure.

ai market research tool: Consensus AI market analysis tool


  • Provides direct answers to express questions by the use of inspecting clinical papers.
  • Highlights the clinical consensus and evidence supporting the findings.
  • Summarizes key problems from plenty of papers, saving shoppers time in reviewing literature.
  • Supplies links to unique papers, allowing shoppers to verify information and uncover further.


  • Loose: Endless AI filters, searches, and research indicators. Limited Copilot, GPT-4 summaries, and Consensus Meter.
  • Most sensible fee ($11.99/month): Whole get right to use to Consensus Meter, bookmarks, GPT-4 summaries, and Copilot.
  • Teams ($12.99 consistent with seat/month): Central billing, discounts for 200+ seats, account keep watch over.
  • Enterprise (custom designed quote): Library integration, trustworthy fortify, large-scale particular person keep watch over.

ai market analysis tool: Consensus pricing

Very best for: Teachers, marketers, and anyone on the lookout for unswerving clinical information. It should in all probability lend a hand marketers divulge what parts impact purchasing possible choices, how different demographics respond to quite a lot of promoting and advertising strategies, and what characteristics are emerging to be had out there.

What I like: The Collaboration Hub serve as is superb for working in real-time along side your staff participants.

Trying out It Out

I typed in something about mindfulness and sleep, and inside of seconds, I had a concise summary of the linked research.

ai market research tool: Asking a question in Consensus

It pulled together key problems from plenty of papers into one clear assessment.

Then there may be the Copilot serve as, which gives even deeper insights using GPT-style summaries, complete with clickable citations for easy get right to use to the property.

ai market research tool: Search results for the question I asked.

The Consensus Meter is a smart serve as, too. I asked a positive/no question, and it broke down the research findings with percentages — giving me a at hand information a coarse snapshot of where the science stands.

ai market research tool: Consensus meter

The ability to save some searches, export citations, and mix with apparatus like Zotero makes it a should have for critical research.

And who may have the advantage of such research?

Concretely, all these findings can boost market research for sleep-related products.

As an example, research shows that mindfulness improves sleep, which can lead to the development of nutritional dietary supplements or apps that lend a hand with recreational. Knowledge on sleep patterns can also lend a hand create upper sleep trackers or further at ease mattresses.

Moreover, marketers can use this knowledge to create targeted ads and content material subject material. Understanding sleep patterns can lend a hand in designing promotional campaigns for sleep-related products.

You understand? The entire thing is attached.

4. Lexalytics for complicated text analytics and sentiment analysis.

Lexalytics is a text analysis tool this is serving to firms understand huge amounts of written data. It should in all probability come to a decision if people are feeling positive or adverse, determine key names and places, and come to a decision what main topics are being discussed.

Let’s think a company is making in a position to liberate a brand spanking new smartwatch.

Lexalytics scans social media and opinions to appear if people are fascinated by smartwatches. Then, the tool tracks real-time discussions to identify what people are talking about most.

Is it battery existence or design? The answer helps the company highlight the ones characteristics in their product liberate.

ai market research tool: Lexalytics homepage

Thru working out key names (e.g., industry influencers, festival) and places (e.g., tech hubs, number one cities) mentioned throughout the data, the company can tailor their promoting and advertising campaigns to concentrate on particular audiences or spaces.

As an example, if some stylish tech influencer is buzzing spherical in conversations, the company would possibly achieve out to them and offer an distinctive evaluation or endorsement, turning that buzz into logo hype.


  • Identifies and categorizes emotions in text, paying homage to positive, adverse, or independent.
  • Detects crucial names, places, organizations, and products mentioned throughout the text.
  • Shall we in shoppers to tailor text analysis models and solutions to fit particular industries or needs.
  • Provides immediate insights by the use of inspecting text data because it’s received.
  • Sorts and categorizes text into predefined categories for easier analysis.
  • Handles text in plenty of languages, making it suitable for world techniques.
  • Supplies detailed visualizations and tales.

Pricing: Request a demo to get further details about pricing.

Very best for: Promoting and advertising teams, product managers, purchaser fortify, data analysts, and researchers who want to analyze and understand sentiment characteristics in feedback and data.

What I like: The tool effectively handles nuances like negations and intensifiers, which makes results further proper.

Trying out It Out

I decided to be aware of sentiment analysis to appear how the tool handles this facet.

First, I created a chart widget throughout the dashboard and made up our minds at the sentiment polarity risk.

ai market research tool: Sentiment polarity

For my check out, I zeroed in on the top 10 topics, which gave me a very good range of data to analyze. I started by the use of viewing the total number of forms to know how sentiment used to be as soon as allocated — positive, adverse, and independent — all over the ones topics.

ai market analysis tool: Test dash from Lexalytics

Next, I adjusted the widget to show the possibilities of forms quite than raw counts.

This change provided a clearer symbol of what fraction of the forms have been positive, adverse, or independent for each topic. It used to be as soon as eye-catching to check the ones percentages and notice how sentiment quite a lot of by the use of topic.

ai market research tool: Sentiment  polarity of “topics”

5. Crayon for tracking and inspecting competitor job.

Crayon means that you can practice what your festival are cooking. It provides competitive intelligence and market research insights by the use of AI-driven analytics.

Crayon ceaselessly tracks competitor movements all over quite a lot of channels — internet websites, social media, and data property.

With this inside scoop, you’ll see all their moves and make savvy, well-informed possible choices.

ai market research tool: Crayon AI market analysis tool


  • Tracks festival’ movements in authentic time to stick you recommended about their latest moves and strategies.
  • Analyzes festival’ promoting and advertising ways and industry possible choices.
  • Benchmarks your potency against festival to highlight areas for enlargement.
  • Detects emerging market characteristics and informs you about them.
  • Provides detailed industry tales to get a hold of a clear symbol of market necessities and choices.
  • Processes huge volumes of data effectively.
  • Forecasts long term market characteristics in line with provide and historical data.
  • Sends custom designed indicators to stick you up-to-the-minute on crucial events.
  • Visualizes sophisticated data with clear charts and graphs.

Pricing: Pricing depends upon your needs and staff dimension. Achieve out for a demo to get your quote.

Very best for: Other people and teams who wish to practice plenty of festival, arrange detailed battle enjoying playing cards, and get ready insights all over quite a lot of topics.

What I like: Compete Hub, which acts as a newsfeed for my latest announcements and helps me stay on top of industrial inclinations.

Trying out It Out

In the past, I struggled with the tedious means of sifting by the use of Google Indicators, which took time transparent of additional crucial tasks.

Crayon AI changed that by the use of providing in reality very good insights with just a click on on. The platform’s device finding out algorithm prioritizes vital updates, paying homage to important changes to festival’ homepages over minor social media posts.

ai market analysis tool: Crayon insights dashboard

I particularly love the daily electronic mail summaries, which send a curated list of an important insights correct to my inbox, saving me from endless alert checking.

ai market research tool: Email summary by Crayon

Take a look at HubSpot AI Summarization to easily generate industry tales, summarize purchaser interactions, and boost productivity with AI-driven insights.

6. Ballot The Other people for crowdsourced decision-making powered by the use of AI.

Poll The Folks helps it’s good to have a global conversation along side your target market. The platform supplies further than just polls — it moreover incorporates public opinions and deeper surveys.

With Poll The Folks, firms can to find the collective concepts of a large crew and make recommended possible choices in line with in genre feedback — curated and analyzed with Open AI to stop biases and human-prone errors.

Poll The People – AI market analysis tool

Symbol Supply


  • Creates speedy and blank polls to gather feedback speedy.
  • Generates real-time results to help you make swift possible choices.
  • Targets particular demographics to get linked feedback.
  • Supplies every public and private poll possible choices for quite a lot of needs.
  • Provides a lot of question formats, along with multiple-choice and text input.
  • Customizes polls with branding and particular questions.
  • Delivers fast analysis for fast insights.
  • Exports poll results in quite a lot of formats for detailed analysis.
  • Promises anonymous responses for honest feedback.


  • Lite (Loose): 20+ templates, 250 responses in accordance to be told about, 3 exams per 30 days, and additional.
  • Plus ($50/month): The entire thing in Lite, 500 responses in accordance to be told about, 7-day unfastened trial, and 10 exams per 30 days.
  • Most sensible fee ($100/month): The entire thing in Plus, fortify, 2,000 responses in accordance to be told about, and endless exams.
  • Enterprise (from $10,000/month): The entire thing in Most sensible fee, plus an expert consultation, endless responses, and extra fortify.

ai market research tool: Poll The People pricing

Very best for: Marketers, product developers, UX/UI designers, industry homeowners, and researchers who need speedy, targeted feedback to make recommended possible choices.

What I like: It’s not just a text-based tool. Upload footage and get feedback on particular designs or logos.

Trying out It Out

I used it to get feedback on potential titles for my book. I prepare a at hand information a coarse poll inquiring for opinions on which identify resonated very best with readers.

Inside of a short lived period, I received 100 responses that provided precious insights into what my audience likes.

ai market analysis tool:Preparing the poll

The process used to be as soon as very simple.

I created the poll with two-choice possible choices and targeted the responses to make sure they were given right here from my supposed audience.

Bear in mind: I don’t recommend the unfastened style because you pay consistent with response; as an example, one response costs $1, so 100 responses would price $100. It’s more economical to move for a per 30 days plan if you need a larger number of responses.

ai market research tool: Audience targeting in Poll the People

7. ChatSpot for smarter research and data analysis.

ChatSpot by the use of HubSpot is an AI-powered assistant that simplifies market research. It combines the options of ChatGPT to get a hold of powerful insights and custom designed responses.

You’ll in brief spot characteristics, practice purchaser needs, and get precious data using pre-made templates and real-time information. It integrates along side your HubSpot CRM, letting you connect along side your data.

Scouting product sales leads or digging into company details like funding rounds and tech stacks? ChatSpot makes research blank and can get one of the most out of it.


  • Leverages data to track and interpret market characteristics.
  • Uses steered templates and unique data property for smarter insights.
  • Drafts blog posts, writes X posts, and creates AI-generated footage.
  • Identifies key choices in brief with prospecting templates.
  • Integrates with HubSpot CRM to interact along side your data in authentic time.
  • Provides deep insights into company details like funding rounds and technologies.
  • Supplies intuitive answers designed to help you take movement.
  • Allows you to arrange contacts, tasks, and notes using natural language directions.

Pricing: ChatSpot is unfastened to use and routinely connects in your HubSpot account.

Very best for: Marketers, product sales teams, buyer improve reps, industry analysts, content material subject material creators, small trade house owners, and challenge managers who want actionable insights and stepped ahead efficiency.

What I like: The accuracy of the information it provides. I moreover love ChatSpot’s Image Generator, which creates various unexpected visuals.

Skilled tip: Interview AI as regardless that it have been your perfectly suited client. Provide it with demographic details and ask it to respond with motivations and struggles using the language of your target market.

With just a few clicks, you’ll generate blogs, social posts, and emails. HubSpot Content material Author is best possible for saving time, overcoming author’s block, and scaling your content material subject material without further costs.

Trying out It Out

First, I tested ChatSpot’s primary chat serve as by the use of asking it a question about provide ecommerce characteristics:

ai market research tool: Asking ChatSpot a simple question

As you’ll see, it provided a brief then again clear response, with bolded words that focus key ecommerce characteristics.

Then, I asked about what influences consumers when choosing between Google Drive and Dropbox for cloud storage:

ai market research tool: ChatSpot

ChatSpot delivered a crisp answer in a brief paragraph, highlighting the vital factor problems with bold text over again.

Then again ChatSpot supplies more than just a question-answer serve as, and that’s what I love most about it — in brief prospecting for product sales with to hand templates, drafting blog posts and social media updates, and generating AI footage. It moreover allows you to dig into company data like funding and tech used.

Plus, you’ll arrange your HubSpot CRM tasks — like together with contacts and rising notes — using natural language directions, making the whole lot further intuitive and setting pleasant.

From Spending Days on Analysis to Getting Results in Seconds

If someone had recommended us a few years previously that the whole lot we used to spend hours on — rising detailed analyses, charts, and struggling with Excel — could be carried out in just a few clicks, with results taken care of in seconds, we wouldn’t have believed it.

Then again, that‘s our fact these days, and it’s only getting upper.

That’s why I hate when other folks say, “AI takes jobs.” No, it makes them easier.

We’re however the ones setting tasks and making final possible choices. Then again AI market research apparatus lend a hand us practice characteristics, analyze festival, and read about data further in brief and effectively.

Merely as we not use carriages to move from side to side from stage A to signify B, there’s no want to manually do tasks when a faster, smarter solution is proper at our fingertips.

An important issue is to hunt out high quality solutions that meet our needs and worth vary. That’s it. Don’t be scared of AI. Let’s keep up with the times.

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Marketplace through Era: Knowledge-Subsidized Content material Intake Conduct To Form Your Technique

Let’s play a recreation: Tell me how out of date you could be without telling me how out of date you could be.

No longer sure one of the best ways to respond? Neatly, chances are high that your content material subject matter consumption habits come up with away.

For instance, I in reality like Instagram and Netflix alternatively have left my Snapchat level behind and don’t understand Roblox.

(While you’re scratching your head, don’t fear. By means of the end of this newsletter, you’ll be able to pinpoint my age, identical to the label on a wine bottle.)

In a global driven via content material advertising and marketing, working out how your target market prefers to devour wisdom is important to getting your messages spotted and heard. However, the specifics can range dramatically consistent with age and generation.

Let’s damage down a couple of of each generation’s most exceptional content material subject matter consumption habits consistent with data and one of the best ways to type your method with them in ideas.

Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior By means of Technology

To be authentic, I don’t like to put someone in a box. Everyone’s different. Using me as an example another time, I in reality love taking a look at television and neighborhood data, alternatively this is ordinary with others in my generation.

All customers are unique, alternatively that level of personalization as a marketer isn’t if truth be told real looking. Elementary benchmarks and statistical data, like those underneath, can inform a technique you later check out and refine.

Keep this in ideas as we talk about:

Remember: A lot of the ones characteristics are pulled from HubSpot’s 2024 Client Characteristics Record, consistent with our survey of over 700 US customers.

You’ll be able to obtain the whole record right here.

Gen Alpha Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior ​​

Contributors of Gen Alpha (born between 2012 and 2024) will not be customers at the moment, alternatively they’re huge customers.

They usually’re needless to say influential throughout the purchases of their elders. Proper right here’s what you need to learn about their content material subject matter consumption habits.

Video Want

Gen Alpha could also be very more youthful. Its contributors have limited independence and mobility, and over 50% personal an iPad, so it’s no surprise video is a popular medium.

Consistent with research corporate Beano Mind, they believe YouTube is “the most efficient brand.”

Client research platform GWI additionally discovered YouTube to be the absolute best video streaming platform for Gen Alpha in 11 out of 14 markets, second best to Netflix in the rest 3.

There’s something for every Gen Alpha on YouTube, ranging from coaching to recreational. The youngest contributors are nevertheless in diapers, taking a look at Ms. Rachel and Cocomelon, while older children are leaning against Like Nastya or even MrBeast.

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Screenshot of Ms. Rachel’s website homepage.”/>

Symbol Supply

What can you do as a marketer? While you’re in quest of to get in front of Gen Alpha, invest in YouTube Promoting or imagine partnering with YouTube influencers. We’ve got an entire YouTube Advertising Information and a loose direction to get you started. You’ll be capable to moreover imagine YouTube Commercials.

Gaming As a Passion

While on their iPads, there’s moreover a good chance Gen Alpha is playing a recreation like Roblox or Minecraft.

GWI came upon over 70% play digital video video games every day, making it their freshest passion ahead of taking a look at TV/movement footage, social media, or speaking to friends on other platforms.

The ones video video games let avid avid gamers assemble virtual worlds they may be able to uncover with real-life friends who’re moreover playing. They’re moreover working to enhance their worlds via purchasing new avatars, mini-games, abilities, animations, or apparel.

What can you do as a marketer? A whole lot of the pieces and tales available to buy in the ones video video games mimic those into authentic life; they’re continuously even branded. If you probably have the means, uncover the way you’ll be capable to create a logo enjoy in a sport like Roblox, get featured of their advertising and marketing channels, or run commercials.

For instance, athletic brand Nike created Nikeland throughout the recreation.

A still of Nikeland, Nike’s branded space on Roblox.

Symbol Supply

As Obsessar explains, Nikeland is “a permanent virtual house for fans to attach, create and compete, empowering shoppers to be their own creator and design mini-games from interactive sports activities actions materials.

Consumers can also compete in relatively a large number of mini-games very similar to tag, the bottom is lava and dodgeball with their friends.”

“Nikeland leverages accelerometers on a shopper’s cell software to translate offline movement to online. Consumers can also get signature Nike sneakers for their avatars from the virtual retailer.”

Gen Z Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

With its oldest contributors entering their late 20s, Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2009) is rising in spending power every day — and that’s with it already sitting with over $450 million in america by myself.

What content material subject matter consumption habits do you need to know to get a piece of the pie?

Be told a lot more about Gen Z purchasing behavior and the best way to align as a marketer.

Social Media Dominance

Consistent with the World Monetary Dialogue board, Gen Z spends an average of just about 3 hours in keeping with day on social media. That’s more than some other generation, and there’s very little they don’t do there.

Graphic showing statistic about Gen Z shopping habits on social media.

HubSpot research shows social media is Gen Z’s #1 channel for product discovery, and 43% have bought something by way of a social media app up to now 3 months. Moreover they turn to it for recreational, coaching, and socializing.

Our survey moreover came upon Gen Z’s top 3 social media platforms are TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, alternatively in step with Morning Seek the advice of, Snapchat isn’t a long way behind.

What can you do as a marketer? Uncover different ways to establish a presence on social media. Neatly-liked alternatives include rising video content material subject matter (a favourite of Gen Z), operating paid ads, user-generated content material campaigns, and operating with influencers.

Content material Hub choices like Social Inbox and Content material Remix can have the same opinion execute social strategies to succeed in Gen Z in HubSpot as well.

Trusting Influencers

With regards to achieve alternatives, our research came upon that Gen Z finds ideas from influencers a lot more important than those from friends and family. And their affect doesn’t save you there.

Gen Z finds influencers and content material subject matter creators relatable and devoted. As The Drum outlined, they follow them because of they “will also be providing connection, companionship, and aspiration.”

On account of this, they no longer best impact a follower’s achieve alternatives however moreover their private views.

What can you do as a marketer? Uncover which influencers and creators your Gen Z customers follow and in case you’ll be capable to probably partner with them. In all probability it’s important to send them a free product to post about or art work on a larger content material subject matter collaboration.

Be told additional about your alternatives for influencer advertising and marketing in our ultimate data.

Millennials Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) are unique among other generations in that that they had been born in an analog international alternatively were given right here of age in a digital one. This dual identity can be spotted in their content material subject matter consumption habits.

Mingling with Social Media

Social media started to upward push all through the early 2000s, making it contemporaries with millennials. Millennials have spotted socials’ many evolutions and been a large player in shaping the cultures of older platforms like Facebook and X (prior to now Twitter).

Graphic illustrating social media as the #1 channel for millennial product discovery

Like Gen Z, social media is the number one channel for product discovery for millennials, alternatively their favorite is YouTube, with Facebook and Instagram following.

45% of millennials moreover get their daily data from social media and over 60% their monetary training.

What can you do as a marketer? Objective to teach millennial audiences on social media. This is likely one of the easiest ways to show off your revel in and assemble the trusting relationships needed to in the future make a purchase order order.

Be told additional about probably the greatest forms of social media content material.


Podcasts moreover were given right here of age alongside millennials. eMarketer came upon that 64.2% of the era be aware of podcasts, while Edison Analysis discovered millennials and older contributors of Gen Z turn to them more than some other age team of workers.

What can you do as a marketer? Consider beginning a podcast for your target market or possibly sponsoring or promoting on a podcast you realize your target market already listens to. Both a type of alternatives will will can help you get your promoting and advertising message into millennials’ ears — if truth be told and figuratively.

HubSpot has created quite a few podcasts over the years, along with Advertising Towards the Grain.

On the other hand nowadays, we also have a big podcast community that brings together many methods our target market will also be informed from.

Screenshot of the HubSpot Podcast Network webpage.

Symbol Supply

Many podcast streaming platforms, like Spotify, moreover be offering commercials.

Speaking of streaming…

Subscription Services and products and merchandise

A modern Kagan US Shopper Insights shows millennials spend 9 hours consistent with day on digital recreational.

It’ll surprise you, alternatively, that additional of this time is spent being attentive to track (2.8 hours) and playing video video video games (2.4 hours) than taking a look at TV/video content material subject matter (4.0 hours consistent with day).

This is without reference to having, on cheap, 6.1 online video subscription services and products.

Sounds to me like one generation would perhaps desire a subscription detox.

Out of the ones video subscription services and products, the most popular is Netflix (77%), followed via Amazon Best Video (64%), with Hulu and Disney+ neck-and-neck for third place.

What can you do as a marketer? Now, in truth, you’ll be capable to’t get unique content material subject matter on your favorite streaming platform — that could be cool even if, correct? On the other hand increasingly streaming products and services are providing ad-supported tiers, so that you’ll be capable to nevertheless put it up for sale your product or service to target market.

In step with a find out about through eMarketer, folks of all ages watch video with ad-supported subscriptions at least one time a month, with 80% of Amazon Best Video subscribers opting for ad-supported.

Depending on your millennial target market’s preferences, the ones typically is a pleasing risk for getting their attention.

If the ones ads are out of your price range, you’ll be capable to moreover uncover creative ways to incorporate widespread streaming shows into your content material subject matter. Consider how HubSpot incorporated the HBO assortment “And Merely Like That” into its Instagram content material subject matter:

Gen X Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Against this to the generations that were given right here after them, contributors of Gen X (born between 1965 and 1980) don’t appear to be digital natives. They grew up with additional standard media previous to being exposed to the internet once they were already of working age.


Graphic noting how many hours a day Gen X watches television.

Even if normal television viewership is trending downward in need of streaming, the Bureau of Hard work Statistics discovered contributors of Gen X watch an average of 2.5-3 hours a day.

That’s about 87%, according to Impress Insights, making them the second greatest viewer team of workers behind best kid boomers.

Television could also be Gen X’s 2d favourite supply of day by day information, behind social media.

And that is good. Gen X grew up all through the initial arrival of space television.

What can you do as a marketer? Television ads will not be one of the crucial “inbound” method, alternatively they may be able to nevertheless be environment friendly for reaching nostalgic Gen X audiences. Be told additional in regards to the potential in our Final Information to TV Commercials.

Affinity for Mature Social Media

While of an older age when introduced to social media, Gen X have moreover develop into huge fans of the medium.

In fact, it’s their 2d most-used channel for weekly media consumption (behind television).

Like its younger successors, millennials and Gen Z, our research came upon social media is the number one channel for product discovery for Gen X. However, they prefer Facebook, followed via YouTube (the equivalent as kid boomers).

What can you do as a marketer? Don’t sleep on Facebook promoting and advertising. While waning in reputation with folks beneath 45, the platform is best emerging with Gen X and Kid Boomers. Listed below are some property to get you started:

Kid Boomer Content material subject matter Consumption Behavior

Kid boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) were the most important generation in the usa until millennials arrived.

As Investopedia explains, they generally keep “economically and politically influential because of their large numbers and the relative prosperity of the U.S. monetary machine all through their working careers.”

So, their content material subject matter consumption habits are value noting.


Kid boomers dramatically need TV to other content material subject matter mediums.

93% flip to it for the majority of their weekly media consumption, and while they have subscription services and products, the volume best hovers round 2.5 consistent with circle of relatives, 4 not up to Gen Z or millennials.

On the other hand what are they taking a look at? Except for for embracing displays like Yellowstone and Dancing with the Stars for recreational, as well as they turn to neighborhood and cable data as their most well-liked channels for daily data.

46% record taking a look at reside, major other generations via 14%.

What can you do as a marketer? Like with Gen X, tv commercials is also how one can move to get in front of kid boomers, alternatively you’ll be capable to moreover imagine taking a look into a couple of in their favorite shows and incorporating them into your content material subject matter.

Social Media Savviness

While they didn’t broaden up with it, child boomers love social media merely as much as their generational successors.

Like Gen X, our report shows their top platforms to be Facebook (70% have visited the web page throughout the last 3 months) and YouTube, with those two moreover major for their free video consumption, in step with Kagan.

Graphic showing how often baby boomers use Facebook.

Against this to other generations, alternatively, our analysis discovered social media is their least most popular channel for product discovery.

What can you do as a marketer? Lean into long-form video content material subject matter on Facebook and YouTube. With their love of television and a couple of social media, experimenting with long-form video could be the secret to leaving a mark on kid boomers.

You’ll be capable to moreover take a look at going live to tell the tale Facebook or YouTube. Check out:

What content material subject matter consumption habits do all generations have in not unusual?

Despite their permutations, all generations seem to agree on 3 problems in relation to consuming content material subject matter:

  • They love social media.
  • They would love video.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be influential.

Bar chart illustrating consumers’ favorite social media platform by generation.

Our survey came upon that 87% of U.S. adults report using social media, with 40% using it to learn new problems or get ideas. In all probability they’re using it in a different way and frequenting other channels, alternatively they’re all using it.

So, without reference to who your target market is, you’ll be capable to’t omit about social on your method.

Be told “Tips on how to Create a Nice Social Media Technique in 2024 (+ New Knowledge)

The equivalent can be mentioned for video. All over every generation, the selection for visual and auditory content material subject matter is apparent, while written (i.e., newsletters and knowledge web sites) are becoming increasingly more a lot much less not unusual.

Plus, video is known to be additional memorable and tasty than static text alone.

All that mentioned, invest in video promoting and advertising — whether or not or now not it’s a television ad, Instagram Reel, YouTube Channel, or quite a few selection alternatives. To seek out the platform your target market is striking out on and meet them there with video.

Be told The Final Information to Video Advertising.

In spite of everything, 72% of all respondents of our survey reported planning on using gen AI-powered search for purchasing groceries one day. 79% of those who have already used it admit it introduced a better experience than standard engines like google.

So, stay apprised of the ones habits and the best way you’ll be capable to adapt your promoting and advertising to them.

Be told AI in Virtual Advertising — The Entire Information.

Are customers content material subject matter along with your content material subject matter?

Content material subject matter promoting and advertising is true right here to stay, alternatively how customers have interaction with it’s evolving. As discussed earlier, no two customers are alike — even within the equivalent generation.

On the other hand using data-backed characteristics and content material subject matter consumption habits, like those shared proper right here, imply you’ll be able to create a smart method that you simply’ll be in a position to check out and refine over the years.

Now, I merely have one question for you: Did you resolve how out of date I’m?

If no longer, I apologize. We millennials is in most cases a little bit mysterious occasionally.

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Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook

Product Name: Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook

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How to Become the Guy Who
Can Get Women Breathlessly
Panting,“I Usually Never Do This…”
Days Guaranteed—
Even if You’re
Already Pretty
Good with Women

 You Remember That Girl Who Caught Your Eye,
&#160but You NEVER Approached? You’re About to
&#160Discover the Exact Steps to Meet & Attract Her
  By Rob Judge, co-Founder of Date Hotter Girls, LLC

Imagine it’s a Friday night. Which of the following best describes how your interactions
with women will probably unfold?

“I’ll go out, see some girls I find attractive, but I won’t approach them”

“I’m holding out for this one girl—she’s not my girlfriend or anything, but if she calls I’ll drop everything for her”

“I really hope the girls I meet on World of Warcraft aren’t actually dudes pretending to be girls”

“I’ll hit the town, approach some girls, but I can’t ever be sure if I’m going to have a great night or if I’m going to end up going home alone”

“I have a girl, so it’ll probably be another night at home with her as I fantasize about other girls”

“I have a date, but I’m not 100 percent confident I’m going to take her on the best date she’s ever had”

“I’m just going to stay in and jerk off…”

 If you even considered checking one of the above,
then the following article will be the most
game-changing one you’ll ever read. 

 Here’s an important secret you need to know: you’re not alone. The vast majority of men (95%+) will never sleep with—let alone date—a woman they find to be stunningly beautiful.

 These men will settle for some bland girlfriend or watch mindless hours of porn. All because they’ve convinced themselves that they can’t do any better. Men have this awful belief about themselves because they simply don’t understand how to effectively meet, attract, and seduce a beautiful woman.

  Did you know…that just by being a man, you possess masculine drive, which is an overwhelming power to stop a woman in her tracks, make her drip with anticipation for you, seduce her into doing things you both only fantasized about, make her want to please you in only the way a woman can—and beg to fulfill your desire?

  Yup. It’s true. And the most awesome part is that you can do it all with simple ease. It will be as if it were a reflex you were born with. You will understand exactly what it means “to be yourself” to attract women. I’m going to show you exactly what I’m talking about in a moment…

  Just give me 5 quick minutes of your time. I’m going to prove there is an answer to your secret, burning question: How can you possibly meet and attract women so desirable they seem “in another league” without changing who you are, how you look, or how much you earn?

Who We Are…
and Why We Can
Get You Dating Hotter Girls

 In fact, I love them so much that I developed an attraction method so a normal guy like me could date as many hot girls as I’d like. This method is for guys who lead busy lives and want women of REAL beauty and quality.

&#160But we’ll get into “the method” in a moment…

&#160First, I can already tell you’re a lot like me. How do I know that? Because you’re still reading. Sure, every guy *loves* hot women…but, like me, you actually want to date them.

 Guys like us already know we should be dating these beautiful women. But…we need a way to make sure we constantly to display our most attractive qualities…

 …like holding strong eye contact, speaking with a booming voice, staying cool under pressure, knowing the perfect lines and responses to whatever she says, confidently touching her and getting sexual…

 If we could do all that OF COURSE we could get the girl.

 How many times have you thought…

“I gotta say this is the best material I have ever read, and I’ve been a dumb keyboard jockey for too long.  

This is the only material that doesn’t make pickup seem completely foreign to most guys. This is a down to earth real human book.

This book has changed my life in just a couple of weeks.  I’ve done more now then in the past couple years reading, watching, debating about whose pickup material is better…who cares?!

This book got me off my ass and now I’m approaching women like crazy; best time of my life and I don’t need anybody else’s material anymore, why would I?  

So goodbye “Pickup Community”, I’ve retired from pickup material, this book is my Bible from now on.”

—Donny M., Minneapolis, MN

“Read the book yesterday… went home with a girl last night. Coincidence? You be the judge.”

—Kevin B., New York, NY

“This was a refreshing read. Refreshing for its simplicity and careful prioritization of the things that really matter when you are learning to get better with women.

From start to finish Rob takes you through the most important things he sees in dating women. They have kept it to a small number, and they are careful to tackle the most important first.

They said it – in a community of men studying to get better with women – no one talks about the biggest reason for men not getting results.

They don’t put it first, they don’t give it the priority it deserves.

Rob and Zack said it. Drive… (another word for stepping up and pushing things forward with women). The 4 Elements of Game dedicates the first quarter of the book to inspiring you to focus on drive before everything else, and telling you how to do it.

I salute them – it had to be said like this. And they do it well.

Very. Simple. Very. Practical.

It’s all in the words… Rob, the writer of the book, reveals that he is a writer at one point in the book – and this doesn’t surprise me.

His use of words, and naming of concepts throughout the book have obviously carefully been chosen…”

—Editors, Dating Skills Review

“…wealth of new information that I wasn’t even expecting…”

“This is the best product out there. It does what no other “guru” has ever managed to do—it actually breaks down the reasons behind my past successes.

After reading your book I have this wealth of new information that I wasn’t even expecting, reaffirming my successes, and getting me even more hyped for attracting beautiful chicks!”

In fact I was haunted by that thought a few years back, right after I graduated college…

I’d just landed a job “in the real world,” working in New York City. So I’d see tons of hot women throughout my day. Awesome, right?

Wrong. It was like torture…

See, I was certainly no Casanova in college but at least I could go to parties or meet girls through friends.

Out in the real world things were so intimidating they seemed impossible…

Whenever I’d spot a cute girl I wanted to talk to her…but I felt like I was suddenly being held underwater: I gasped for breath. My heart raced. I could not concentrate. I always thought of things I should have done or said later…but I never did a damn thing. I just stood there, staring.

I couldn’t approach a single girl. So I remained lonely. Single. And extremely frustrated. It got so bad that I seriously feared that I might never kiss a girl again if I did not figure something out.

I knew the first thing I had to do was get the courage and confidence to approach women…so I started reading up on ways to do it. (I’m a huge nerd if you haven’t already guessed.)

The psychology and self-help books made sense while I’d read them, but once a hot girl walked by…poof! All my confidence and courage flew right out the window again.

Tony was a construction worker I passed every morning on my way into work. Like clockwork, every day at 8:47a.m. he was waiting with a cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut ready to bark at any and every female who passed by.

Tony was just a repulsive loudmouth to most morning commuters, yet secretly I admired him.

I wished I had his complete inhibition in talking to women, no matter how beautiful.

Finally, one morning, I worked up the nerve to ask him:

“Excuse me sir,” I stammered. “Can I ask you something?”

“Name ain’t sir,” he croaked, “It’s Tony. Big Tony to some. But to you just Tony.”

“Okay, Tony… I just really respect how you…you know…greet women.”

“Greet ’em?” Tony sneered. “I hit on ’em!”

“Exactly!” I exclaimed, “How do you get up the nerve to do that?”

Tony snorted, snatched a pen from my front pocket, and scribbled 12 words on a napkin. He crumbled the napkin up, shoved it into my pocket, and said, “There ya go. There’s how I get up my nerve.”

When I uncrumpled the napkin and read the 12 words, it was almost like I’d unleashed a magic spell…

I actually started laughing hysterically in the middle of 31st Street as I realized how obvious, yet powerful Tony’s words were.

 To this day if I ever feel an inkling of anxiety or hesitation before approaching an attractive woman, I just remind myself of those 12 words. Those 12 words move me to approach every time.

 With my newfound courage I decided to try everything when it came to approaching women. I listened to whatever advice I could find. I hit on any woman who wasn’t running away from me. I decided nothing—and I mean NOTHING—was going to stop me from dating gorgeous women.

&#160Eventually, this lead me to my partner-in-crime, Zack.

 I met Zack at a dive bar doing what I did every night back then: I was hitting on babes.

 Suddenly, a shouting match errupted across the bar. I couldn’t hear what the fight was over, but some girl wound up laying a mean slap across the face of some big, shaggy-haired dude.

 The entire bar froze. The music went silent. The world seemed to stop turning, waiting to see how the shaggy-haired guy was going to respond…

The bar patrons shook their heads and went back to their drinks and conversations…but I had to find out what was up with this guy.

 “Two Bud Lights,” I said to the bartender, pulling up a stool next to Zack. “For me and my new friend here.”

 Zack looked at me, his eyebrows arched.

 “That was harsh,” I said. “Was that chick your girlfriend?”

 “Nah,” Zack took a sip of the beer, “Just met her tonight,”

 “Really?” I smiled, “So why were laughing when she slapped you?”

 “Who cares,” Zack shrugged. “I’d get slapped by a thousand girls if it teaches me a thing or two about ’em.”

 That’s when I realized that me and Zack, like you and I, are on the same page. We all have a burning, passionate love for hot women…and we refuse to let anything get in our way of being with them.

 Over the next year and a half, Zack and I went out to bars and nightclubs nearly every night. We hit on every girl. We tried every line. We applied every tip.

Then…finally…one night…

Together we stumbled on a method to ensure we could meet, attract, date, seduce and keep the kinds of women other guys FANTASIZE about. Once we pieced it together we were almost embarrassed that it was this simple all along. Here’s a screenshot from a Facebook album Zack put together during that time:

&#160As you can see, Zack and I are just normal guys and that’s why our method is so incredibly SIMPLE and EASY-TO-LEARN. You can master it WITHOUT the headache of endless hours of practice or acting outside your comfort zone. Zack and I already went through all that so you can save yourself the trouble.

&#160All you need to do is spend an afternoon reading…

 (Please check all that apply to you)

How to avoid 2 classic traps EVERY guy falls for that absolutely repels a woman and sends her running to the nearest asshole guy—pg. 128

A way to perfect your sense of humor so that you keep women laughing and hanging on your every word—pg. 69-77

A deadly understanding of vibing with women that you will learn after reading a story about Zack “motorboating” a girl at a dive bar—pg. 87

One statement that will annihilate ALL your anxiety so you NEVER let another hot girl walk out of your life again—pg. 6

Step-by-step instructions for the absolute PERFECT date that always ends passionately in your bed—pg. 146-149

6 failsafe lines that seamlessly transition from chatting with a woman to taking things physical so you NEVER hear “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I’m going to get back to my friends” AGAIN—pg. 136

4 conversation topics that instantly heat up a woman’s mood (even just 1 of these can completely save your next date from fizzling out)—pg. 109

The key secret that separates “cool” people from “uncool” people that is IMPOSSIBLE to guess but will completely change how you are perceived—pg. 73

2 tips that can FLIP a “conversation-to-nowhere” around and get her hanging on your every word—pg. 67-68

A way to make starting conversations with women so simple and easy that it will seem like cheating—pg. 133

A treasured tactic EVERY pickup and dating instructor knows but NO ONE wants to tell you (hint: it makes a woman’s emotional circuitry go HAYWIRE)—pg. 60

“5 Basic Rules of Texting” that breaks down text messaging into a simple, easy-to-follow formula—pg. 140

A proven way to inject sexual tension at ANY moment to get women feeling passionate so you can move situations toward sex ridiculously fast—pg. 75

The exact secret why some women respond coldly or disinterested toward men and use that “insider” knowledge to totally warm her up until she cannot get enough of you—pg. 60

How to stay out of the dreaded FRIEND ZONE for life by simply learning how to balance emotional connection with sexual tension using a simple step-by-step formula—pg. 117-119

Twelve words that will radically shift your thinking allowing you to always approach gorgeous women with cool, unflinching confidence (This is what Tony wrote on the napkin!)—pg. 25

A mindset trick that will INSTANTLY expand your conversation skills so you ALWAYS know exactly what to say to keep women completely attracted and interested—pg. 579

How to get a beautiful woman attracted within seconds with a step-by-step formula that prepares you for ANY reaction you can possibly expect to encounter—pg. 48-51

How to craft your own flawless “openers” that will begin great interactions at nightclubs or during the day time WITHOUT using sleazy pickup lines—pg. 58-59

How to never hesitate when going for the kiss or get anxiety about making a move by learning the truth about the “escalation stage”—pg. 136-137

The REAL reason why guys get “on-and-off” results with women, then use that understanding to keep yourself consistently “in your prime” and at your best—pg. 20

How to get a woman’s phone number within 30 seconds of meeting her WITHOUT relying on lame gimmicks or trickery once you simplify the process by learning this amazing offbeat technique—pg. 139

An encyclopedic understanding of how you can improve your appearance so you absolutely maximize ALL your natural advantages to attract women you might consider “out of your league”—pg. 152-157

The PROPER way to work phone numbers, allowing you to set up AS MANY dates you like—pg. 139

The “pacer/pursuer” secret, which is one of the BIGGEST hidden truths about attraction that will SKYROCKET your sex appeal (if you only read one thing, you MUST check this out—it’s a complete game changer)—pg. 279

The 8 traits of unshakable, rock-solid confidence that are so powerful that even learning 2 or 3 can make you irresistible to women—pg. 35

The mindset that makes touching girls ORGANIC and as if “it just happened”—pg. 32

How to cut right to the truth by learning the “3 modes of female reaction” (once you know these, a woman’s burning hot attraction for you will practically take of itself)—pg. 125

An effortless two-step process that makes ANY objection a woman throws at you a CINCH to handle—pg. 43

The 1-question test that will ALWAYS let you know if you are coming off as “needy” or “attractive” when taking things physical (this is so EFFECTIVE and DEAD-ON accurate that it will blow your mind)—pg. 37

A shortcut for attracting SUPER hot women that will take all the complications and anxieties OUT OF approaching the women you REALLY want—pg. 39

An understanding of what “the waypoint” means and how it ensures you always keep women attracted to you—whether it be for an entire night or an entire relationship—pg. 14

How to eliminate ALL your negative thought patterns that stop you from meeting and dating stunning women in 3 SUPER SIMPLE STEPS (this is so money that you will probably run out to try it immediately)—pg. 26

The EXACT signs a woman gives off when she wants a man to “make a move” physically (I guarantee you will NEVER miss another opportunity to get physical with women)—pg. 43

An absurdly motivational way to overcome your anxieties and fears that is sure to kick your ass into gear and get you out meeting all the hot, amazing women you have time for—pg. 44

5 proven ways to effortlessly get around ANY objection a woman can throw at you (this one is going to save countless relationships)—pg. 61

A simple technique that draws on your environment for inspiration so you always have a quick line or witty comment at ALL times—pg. 64

The roadmap for taking women home with you the night you meet them with a potent guide that breaks down rigorously field-tested knowledge into a foolproof plan—pg. 145

An EXACT text transcript straight from my personal cell phone that shows you EXACTLY how to keep women from flaking—pg. 142

How to catapult yourself over “all those other guys” by understanding the 5 levels of emotional connection and how to navigate them—pg. 119

How to use something you are already doing NATURALLY but you are not using to attract women—in fact, you are probably hiding it so it is working AGAINST you (and no, you have NEVER heard this before in any other book or seminar)—pg. 92-93

A way to “break the ice” with surefire ways that instantly make women feel comfortable around you so that an interaction can move forward (if I only understood this a few years back, I would have hooked up with at least a dozen more girls in college)—pg. 98

A way to map an interaction using the “5 stages of transition” to turn strangers into lovers without ever thinking “What do I do next?” (this is so CRUCIAL that guys once paid thousands of dollars to learn this from us)—pg. 123

To master all the skills checked above plus so much more, please click on the button below.

Ihad this friend back in college who hooked up with every hot girl on campus…and even some hot chicks who didn’t live on campus…

Whenever I’d stop by his dorm room, I’d see lace thongs hanging from his ceiling fan, hoop earrings scattered across his dusty floor, various articles of female clothing tucked between couch cushions or draped from his bed post…

Yet whenever I walked across campus with him, girl after girl would run over to him, blow kisses at him, shyly wave to him, and whisper about him as he passed.

Back then, I was totally confused. What did this guy have that I didn’t? He wasn’t better looking than me, or taller than me, or in better than shape than I was…

….I just couldn’t put my finger on it…

Now I understand that women were drawn to my friend because he understood a secret…it’s the same secret Zack and I discovered that one night out and our lives haven’t been the same ever since…

…it’s the secret of balance.

“This system is so SIMPLE it will blow your mind. When I read this I was blown away by how simple and effective it is.

I have been in this so called “seduction community” for 6 years and this is the best ebook and best advice I have found since.

The main focus is the girls like it should be. Not some special line or annoying names like “Sarging.”

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to everyone. I mean this is ground breaking stuff! And for the price they are asking its a no brainer.”

“I couldn’t stop reading! This is the first book that made sense from the beginning and it’s so simple.

It genuinely changes your mindset while you read.

It’s the best I ever read about seduction and attraction.

It gives lots of insights that no one ever gave before in one book. I highly recommend it.”

“I’ve read a ton of books. This is one, if not THE, favorite of mine.

I will soon start the 28 days to success program and I’m confident that it will propel me forward higher and faster than any other book out there.

This is down to earth, stuff that actually works in real life. Get it!

“This book has instantly become the main resource I will recommend to newbies. Read this book and then do not read anything else. If it ain’t in this book, it ain’t worth thinking about.”

“What I love about this ebook is that it doesn’t try to change who and what you are. What is does do is help you figure out exactly what parts of your game are lacking, and gives you the direction needed to fix them.”

“I wish I read “The 4 Elements of Game” before all the other bullshit stuff out there that makes connecting and dating with women seem like a war. I don’t need 10 DVDs with 30 hours and a workbook to be better person.

This book showed me lots of mistakes I have been making that no one else touched on…and it turns out the things that I thought were mistakes and stuff that frustrated me were actually good but I didn’t know that’s why I stop thinking I messed up.

No matter where you are I believe this book will open your eyes to new things and help you become a better person not just about game but also in communication and understanding others.It’s not just about women but about yourself and how to think.

I think of it of more like a female psychology book rather than pickup, and it’s so easy to read which is a bonus.”

“The good thing about the Ebook is how easy it is to put into use. Other “methods”start trying to complicate thngs by coming up with scientific terms, and confusing the shit out of people, not this ebook.

Anyone can spit game and this ebook shows you exactly how.

Everything from the words coming out of your mouth to your vibe, Its all covered.”

You and I are no different from my friend in college…he doesn’t have anything you or I don’t have. (In fact, you probably have some advantages over him!)

You just need to learn to apply balance…just like he did…and just like Zack and I learned to do.

Oh, and here’s the good news: learning balance is not some incredibly challenging task. It’s NOT something you only get after countless rejections and embarrassing failures.

Learning balance is just harmonizing 4 elements of attraction and dating (a.k.a., “game”)…and then everything else takes care of itself. No need to worry or feel nervous…it really is THAT simple.

I get emails and Facebook messages from guys every day
that tell me how our method helped them to RELAX, have FUN, and feel MORE like themselves — all while creating passionate relationships with the women they’d only dreamt about before.

If you can just remember 4 easy things, you can attract all the QUALITY, AMAZING women you could EVER want.

If getting girls is so simple and easy, then why doesn’t every guy do it? Well…ask yourself this: how do most guys go about attracting beautiful women?

Like idiots.

A lot of guys have no idea what they’re doing. They never stop to consider their behavior or how it makes a woman feel. They treat women as if they were men with vaginas… and then they wonder why women aren’t magically attracted to them.

Other guys listen to garbage advice — which gets them garbage results. Some guys follow the advice from their moms, Hollywood movies, know-it-all friends, and maybe even other dating instructors or pickup artists.

These guys never consider the SOURCE of this advice. I love my mom to death, but she’s never picked up a girl in her life.

The same is true of most of your friends, things you see in a movie, and even most pickup and dating instructors. (An inside joke in the pickup and dating advice industry is that most of the “big names” of the industry are nothing more than internet marketers…they don’t actually pickup or date hot women.)

And that’s why most of the advice sucks. Sure, sometimes you’ll hear a story about a guy who gets lucky and lands a cute girlfriend by luck or using an “angle.” But these stories are rare, and the guy ACTUALLY KEEPING the girl is even more rare.

The sad truth is: Most guys just DON’T want to learn what works.

They simply ignore the truth.

It’s as if they’re brainwashed to think that they need to go through a long and painful process to learn how to attract women.

Other guys believe they’ll only date hotter girls after they have money, looks, or some other “angle.”

Zack and I are living proof that’s COMPLETE BULLSHIT! (And if you have any doubts, we’re going to demonstrate it for you with the bonus—but more on that in a minute.)

Attracting women has absolutely nothing to do with “adding” behaviors, money, or possessions to yourself. Instead…

Attracting women is ALL about BALANCING who you ALREADY are and WHAT you already have

You don’t need to learn new behaviors or dramatically change your personality.

You already have everything you need to attract the women you’ve always wanted — you just need BALANCE.

If you can do that then “WHO YOU ARE” will attract women in the most normal yet powerful way imaginable…no matter what happens…even if you make ‘mistakes’ women will actually fall for you even more.

(In fact, when you make mistakes with our method it actually HELPS you.)

Women will see your MOST ATTRACTIVE personality whether you are the life of the party or more of the QUIET and CHILL type.

Instead, our method fits to YOUR personality like an expensive, perfectly-tailored suit.

Take it from me, I’ve read and tried MORE dating advice than you can imagine. Every book, course, and seminar I absorbed only brought limited results because I was failing to balance my behavior.

All the other dating and pickup advice forced me to add unnatural behavior to my personality .

Even if I did stumble upon attractive behavior if I failed to apply balance then that same behavior later worked against me.

Perhaps you’ve seen this first-hand if you’ve had:


Women suddenly losing interest in you and have NO IDEA why


Women NOT returning your phone calls or text messages


Women saying that you ’re “nice” but have NO interest
      in a romantic or sexual relationship with you


Women making up excuses to avoid talking to you

Even internal struggles you have like anxiety before approaching women and running out of things to say. These are just a result of NOT understanding and applying simple balance.

I can still remember when I’d get crippling anxiety before making a move on a hot woman.

But since discovering how to balance my DRIVE element, putting the moves on beautiful women is something I do automatically now.

Meeting and hooking up with new, incredible women is as simple as if it were a reflex.

Once you discover the element that completely shifted my mindset, you’ll never again hesitate to make a move on women either.

When I met Zack, he was always “running out of things to say” when talking with hot women.

We laugh about it now, but back then Zack was hopeless when it came to knowing what to say.

But these days, Zack is one the wittiest guys I know because he got in touch with his inspiration. Once we devised a way to access his natural wit, Zack’s been on fire whenever talking and flirting with hot women.

Rather than force you to memorize fake stories and stupid lines, our system breaks down inspiration so that you INSTANTLY tap into YOUR OWN creativity.

You’re always going to have a quick joke, witty remark, or interesting comment at your fingertips.

And the best part is — it is coming from YOU.

And DRIVE and INSPIRATION are just 2 of the 4 ELEMENTS in our revolutionary attraction method.

Once you learn ALL 4 elements and how they work, you’ll know exactly how to balance your behavior.

You’ll have the powerful secret of attraction at your command anytime, anywhere.

Zack and I have ONLY taught our system to a handful of students, but the results have been truly astounding. We’ve had guys completely transform their love and sex lives faster than anything we’ve ever seen…

Plus You’ll Also Receive
At No Additional Cost…

Three amazing bonus materials we could easily sell as stand-alone products that will ensure you take your love and sex life to another level….

1. Hidden Mic Pickup &
Commentary MP3

In the first bonus, the “Hidden Mic Pickup & Commentary mp3″ you get a real 45-minute hidden mic pickup, recorded in a New York City bar.

Plus, there’s a second MP3 with play-by-play commentary on EXACTLY what is going on so that you know precisely how to implement the 4-EG method when you’re out meeting and attracting women.

Most eBooks and dating advice stops short of actually demonstrating how to apply the teaching, but Zack and I wanted to ensure everything in the book is simple and easy-to-follow so there is absolutely no risk of failure.

By actually listening in on me as I pickup a beautiful girl, you get to hear exactly what I say and do when applying the method that we live (and date) by…

2. The 28 Days to Success
Follow-Up Course

In the second bonus, “The 28 Days to Success” Zack and I are going to supplement your learning with an email sent to you EVERY day that tells you EXACTLY how to apply our method to DATE HOTTER GIRLS.

Most eBooks and dating advice simply fill guys’ heads with theory and nonsense, but Zack and I are RESULTS-oriented, which means we want to MAKE SURE you reach your FULL potential for meeting, attracting, dating, and keeping gorgeous women. By following up for 28 days, YOUR success is guaranteed.

3. Private Forum Access

In the third bonus, “Private Forum Access” you get the chance to post your progress and success on a password-protected, private forum where you will get feedback from Zack and myself.

In this amazing bonus, you actually have the chance to interact with the CREATORS of the 4-EG method and let our feedback supercharge your game and take it to THE NEXT LEVEL!

So How Much is Dating
Hotter Girls Worth to You?

“…it’s a great book…”

“I finished reading your book ‘The 4 Elements of Game’ yesterday. Just wanna say Thank you.

It’s a great book and I agree with you and Zack about the fact that game should appear normal. Otherwise it’s just weird.

I’m studying game material a lot and the target sight of the 4 elements puts the advice I read into the proper perspective. I will read it over and over until I have the balance internalized.”

“…genius material…”

“Terrific material… You guys have cracked the zen code of interacting with the opposite sex… there are way too many overcomplicated theories on this topic…

As Woody Guthrie said, “Any fool can make something complicated.It takes a genius to make it simple.”—so thanks to Date Hotter Girls for the genius material…”

If you’re a guy who loves beautiful women, what is the value of being able to:

If there was a way you could become the guy women drop everything to see…the guy they text at 2a.m. or after a lame date…the sort of man who the other girls “heard about” and are silently waiting for their turn with…

What is the value of not having to suffer through the awkward moments, outright ridicule, snickers from bystanders, and the embarrassment of trying to figure this out all for yourself? What if you could read a beautiful woman like a book, see right through her games, and look right into her eyes with cool confidence…

What price can you put on learning to become THE MAN…the guy other dudes envy…the one everyone notices because he always has a cute girl hanging off his arm…the sort of guy who is just “getting it done?”

That’s less than the cost of a morning cup of coffee for a month!

But keep in mind: the reason we wrote our ebook is to make sure that every guy who loves hot women (and truly wants to date them) has the ability to do it—even if they can’t come out to New York City for a weekend of coaching or can’t afford the high cost of private training.

So I urge you take us up on our offer now.

We Guarantee That You
Will Date Hotter Girls

In fact, You Can Check It All Out For FREE,

If You Choose To…

We both know that if we can’t help you to do everything we’ve promised above, it wouldn’t be right for us to keep your money.

So we want to give you a chance to prove that our method works to the only person who matters—YOURSELF.

When you join Zack and I in learning our attraction method today, I promised we’ll never let you feel shy or anxious before approaching a beautiful girl again. We’ll be there for you every single time you’re unsure how to move an interaction forward or grasp for something to say.

And we’ll stop you from making the types of humiliating mistakes that girls tell their friends about and laugh over, as long as you use our method.

If we can do that for you, the investment you make in “The 4 Elements of Game” will prove to be the smartest thing you’ve ever done for your dating success. If we can’t, we won’t keep a cent of your investment. It just wouldn’t be fair, nor would it align with our original reasons for writing the book…

No Risk, All Reward
60 Full Days To Try It

So try “The 4 Elements of Game” for a full 60 days. Give it a test drive and drop me an email with your thoughts and feedback. When you’re amazed that this inner-stud was hidden within yourself all this time, simply keep the book. Don’t stress it—just sit back and enjoy the show that’s now your new love life.

And like I said, if we can’t get you everything I’ve promised, all you have to do is let me know. You can visit me online… You can email me… You can call me and get every penny of your investment back.

Click Here to Start Learning “The 4 Elements of Game” Method Today…

Oh, and here’s the best part: You can apply “The 4 Elements of Game” RIGHT NOW! Sign up today and get instant access to the method in minutes…

Ordering Is Discreet and Confidential

You can place your order confident that your personal information will never be revealed to any outside parties. Everything is completely confidential. A charge from our secure service, “Clickbank,” will appear on your credit statement.

Immediately after you place your secure order, you’ll be granted access to a special page where you can get your hands on all of this material right away, in the privacy of your own home… even if it’s 3:30 in the morning!

You won’t have to pay any ridiculous shipping and handling fees…and…you won’t have to wait weeks for it to arrive in the mail.

You’ll have everything I’ve listed in this package…in just minutes!

Don’t let another weekend go by where you aren’t 100 percent confident that you can go out, see your perfect dream girl, and know exactly how to approach her, flirt with her, attract her, kiss her, seduce her, and date her…

Don’t be the guy who’s clueless, sitting at home, wondering when (if ever) he’ll meet another girl…

…or have another date…

When next Monday morning rolls around which guy are you going to be? The one who’s still buzzing after “getting it done” with that girl you wanted to approach…

…or the guy who’s regretting another weekend of no girls, no fun, no sex…?

You can start right away (I mean as soon as tonight) enjoying the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, quality women automatically sticking to you like velcro

…without ever having to suffer through awkward moments or feeling weird.

There’s no-risk my fellow lover of hot woman. So why not stop delaying and give it a try?

Zack and I can’t wait to hear about your remarkable success.

To your new future with hotter girls,

P.S.  Still not convinced?  Hear what experts, the media, and former students of our method have to say below.

JT, NYC, Success Story After Reading “The 4 Elements of Game”

“A year ago, I was a 24 year old virgin that had never even kissed a girl. I was also a severely shy, insecure, unconfident, and self-conscious person.

In late February 2009, I heard about Rob Judge and Zack Bauer—their teaching promised a no-nonsense, result driven approach to getting it done; Rob and Zack deliver on that promise.

Their lessons resonate with me every day.
Rob and Zack fast-tracked my progress.They put me in a position to succeed—I couldn’t fail. I was taught the mindsets of a naturally attractive man and learned to cultivate those mindsets into behaviors and taking action.

The structure of game taught was straightforward, simple, and easily applicable; like an A to B approach to getting laid.There are nights I’m out where I can feel Rob and Zack’s presence in my mind. Here are some highlights since Zack and Rob’s teaching:

Entropy, World Famous Master Pickup Artist

“My favorite concept in the book is the idea of “Approaching for Truth.”

As a guy who had absolutely horrible Approach Anxiety when he started out, I wish that section had been written 4-5 years ago.

It would have saved me many a frustrated and lonely nights.”

60 Years Of Challenge, Respected Seduction Blogger and Writer

“I’ve met both authors personally and I can attest to not only their knowledge but also their skill in this area.

I meet lots of guys from the “dating community”, and yeah many are good with women, but most aren’t so great at explaining how they do it.

But after grabbing a drink with these guys and watching them work, I can report that they can do both quite well.

Go checkout what they have to say…you won’t be disappointed.”

Geek Tyrant, Review by Johnny Whiteshoes

“So if you sometimes ask yourself how you’re supposed to approach that girl you eyed across the room at the coffee shop or that bombshell at the party that made it feel like your jeans shrunk about two sizes, then you’re in luck because you’ve got Rob Judge and Zack Bauer, the premier pick up artists in New York City to guide you through the pain with their new book The 4 Elements of Game.

Unlike other pickup coaches who have saturated the market with some ridiculous notion that you have to masquerade as a magical clown wearing bright colors and fuzzy hats (Yes, I’m talking about Mystery), Rob has a unique perspective and cool charisma that sets him apart from other coaches in the PUA community, and Zack, in many respects, is the same way, although a little more hyper.

With their powers combined, they are a deadly team when hitting a bar or club, and pretty much make Neil Strauss, author of The Game, look like your weird uncle Bob… No disrespect Uncle Bob.”

Click here to get Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Wing Girl Secrets – How to Bring Out Her the Wild Side |

Product Name: Wing Girl Secrets – How to Bring Out Her the Wild Side |

Click here to get Wing Girl Secrets – How to Bring Out Her the Wild Side | at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Wing Girl Secrets – How to Bring Out Her the Wild Side | is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


You’ll Uncover Subtle Yet POWERFUL Little ‘Secrets’  On How To Instantly  Charm ANY Girl & Get Her *Smitten* Crazy… Spellbound To Give Herself ENTIRELY To YOUR Every Whim & Desire… From Us Women!

My name is Marni, you might know me from the dozens of appearances I’ve made on FOX, ABC News, David DeAngelo’s Mastery Series, Elle Magazine, Men’s Edge Magazine, AOL Personals, LA Times, Kevin & Bean, NPR, Huffington Post or heard me on numerous interviews with many of the world’s top dating & relationship experts. Many consider me to be *the* leading “female voice” in the Dating and Seduction Communities.

And as someone who has spent the last 7+ years of her life researching women and figuring exactly what they want in a man, I can tell you 3 things I know about women that are totally true:

But allow me to first say that it KILLS us to know that

Whether your goal is to have a life filled to the brim with endless streams of beautiful women, to have one- night-stands, many one-night-stands (or just to get that one, awesome girl) you’ve always wanted, the steps to seduction always remain the same… and that’s to understand a woman… deep into her very CORE. You’ll have to understand exactly what’s going on in her mind and how to really get deep into her skin, spark those tingly “can’t sleep, can’t eat” feelings so hard to the point that she only feels it for you… and no one else.If you’ve ever suffered from the crippling pain of loneliness, have felt that irritating frustration of being ignored and flaked on by women, and are sick and tired of being confused about how women act, then you’ve come to the right place, because after going through this page, you’ll know more about women than 99% of men on planet Earth.Why?Because this is the ONLY source guys can turn to to get real insight into how a woman’s mind works. Here, you’ll learn to decipher a woman’s language to know what she really wants, how to read her body language so you know when she’s attracted to you, and what  to do and say around women to get them eager and willing to do whatever *naughty* little things you want.See, I want you to realize something… and that is that most advice you see out in the market these days which are created for men, by men, fail to realize one thing…

Bottom line is this: I know how females work, what they want and why they do the things they do. I understand the difference between what women say they want from men and what they truly RESPOND to EVERY SINGLE TIME.And mind you, I’m not a woman who just spits out the usual female advice. Nope. I tell that truth. Truth that most women themselves don’t even know and if they did know, they would never say out loud for fear of the unwanted, negative, (bi#chy) labels she may receive.You see… women are a proud lot. As we grow up, we are constantly being told to be sweet, kind and cautious of others feelings. We are also told to not say things that hurt others feelings… especially a guy’s feelings. Which is why you are constantly confused by women because we say one thing and then do another, yes? :)I know the same has held true for me many times in my life… I’d meet a guy, he’d totally be the sweetest, funniest, nicest guy;  saying and doing all the right things that would “naturally” make any girl melt and putty in his hands…its like deep down, I’d really want to like him, but then somehow, I just cannot feel it.Sure, it’s fun in the beginning while things are still new… but after a while, if he doesn’t know what he’s doing, how to trigger my sweet spots, etc, etc… things just get boring… and I’ll quickly lose interest. I mean, any woman will lose interest. Duh.On the other hand… if a guy… no wait… if YOU… if you can just hit it right where women feel it the most; if you can make a woman feel like the sexiest, sweetest thing on earth, if you can know how to stir up a woman’s emotions, bring them back and forth and understand her better than she understands herself… Oh dear Lord…

You see, we girls are all about FEELING and TIMING. A lot of guys don’t realize that this combination has to be right in order for us to FEEL that it’s right… it makes up a HUGE part of us!As a woman, I’d be the first to admit how messed up it can be… what goes in our minds. Our actions are driven by soooo many different forces… female competition, insecurity, quest to be the IDEAL, etc, etc. There’s so much going on up in our minds, sometimes it’s near impossible to even “keep track” of things… And that’s exactly where I come in! I help break down all the craziness in a way that every man can understand. Once you understand, you can use your new found knowledge to get any woman you want :)Put another way… women know exactly how a woman’s mind works… how our hearts work… we understand feelings, we understand romancing and we certainly understand exactly how to be romanced in a way that drives us CRAZY!But when it comes to men… I’ll be totally honest and upfront with you – while many guys “talk” a big game…

Ask any girl and she will tell you the same thing!This can be really frustrating for us girls. Can you imagine how it makes us feel to meet a guy who we thought off as having “potential” to be our man, only to find out 5 minutes into the conversation that he has absolutely no idea what we want, how to turn us on and how to “sparkle” our eyes and hearts??!!**Faints**….and the worst part about this is that it’s happening all the time!Oh and yes, we actually DO want to be seduced! 🙂

It outlines the 7 things that every guy must know about seducing “top quality” women. Simply enter your First name and Email address below, click on the red “Send It To Me Now!” button below, and it will arrive in your inbox when you’re done reading this letter:

You can kiss them all goodbye!

Consider me your new “secret weapon” for getting ANY girl you want! 🙂

For starters, let me be clear that I am not a Pick Up Artist, or a therapist, a specialist, a scientist or any other type of ist ;p. I am, however, a WOMAN. A living, breathing, attractive, quality female whose blood boils when I see really good men like you get blindsided in the dating world.Oh and apart from the many guest appearances I’ve made on the national TV, magazines, mass media, etc:

…And if you let me… I am going to help you learn how to get everything you want with women YOU want. You will understand a woman’s needs and wants; how women really think, how to create crazy-love attraction, get more phone numbers from hot women than you could have ever imagined, and get the girl youve always dreamed of… the way we women want you too!

You’ll see what makes women melt. You will hear what makes our hearts skip a beat. I will tell you every single mistake you make and how you can avoid making them. I will tell you what to do and what not to do! Here is a small sample of the breakthrough techniques you’ll learn in this program:

… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

You’ll never worry about “what could have been”… ever again. If you’re open-minded and willing to do a little work on your part, then I’d like to show YOU how to do it.

Here are just a few of the other things you’ll learn:

… and a whole lot more!

If you’re excited about the amazing brand-new information that you’ll receive in our program, then I think you’re going to be astonished by what I’m about to do next…Because I want to be sure that you have every technique you could possibly need to guarantee your success with ANY woman, for the next 3 days only.

I’ll also be generously giving away FOUR ADDITIONAL SUPER BONUSES — absolutely free!:

A wing man is supposed to back-up the lead pilot and never leave their side until the mission is complete.As with any new job, hobby, or relationshipit takes time to integrate new skills into your daily life.My Wing Girls and me have helped thousands of men overcome their fears of women and learn how to be The Man Women Want  but we know from experience it doesnt happen overnight!There will be some slip-ups, some set-backs, and some unexpected obstacles along the way  and that’s exactly why you need your own Wing Girl at your side to keep you on target and help you when you need it.

You will have two full weeks of virtually unlimited email support from your very own Virtual Wing Girl whose soul mission is to see you succeed in attracting the women you want.She will provide you with advice and answers to your questions directly from the female perspective. You will be supplied with a direct VIP email address to your Wing Girl to ensure your questions receive top priority and prompt replies!

If your goal is to get a “top-quality” girl as your girlfriend, I’m talking about the perfect 8s, 9s and 10s… it’s DEFINITELY very do-able, but it’s imperative for you to first understand that these women… they are a VERY different creature from an average woman.And to get them in the first place and keep her for the long-term you must know a critical set of skills, techniques and methods.It’s absolutely crucial for you to learn and develop a NEW set of understandings and skills. If you dont know these new skills, you might be able to get a date or two with a “perfect 10”, but your chances with her long-term are essentially ZERO.

Amongst others, you’ll be privy to covert insights like:

… and a whole lot more!

If you’ve ever gotten so nervous and uptight that you fumbled over your words & acted silly as you’re with an attractive woman…If you’ve ever doubted yourself and became emotionally insecure as you’re with women you REALLY like… to the point that she got turned off and ran away…The ‘problem’ is ultimately… YOU.Underneath, it frustrates the hell out of you knowing it was YOU who was screwing things up with women & your dating life… Women don’t decide to feel attraction for men.They don’t consider all of his positive qualities, then add up all the dinners and flowers a man has purchased and finally consider how nice he has been then mentally say Ok, Im going to feel attracted to him.It just happens…. and this is why u must watch this video and start taking notes… TONS of it!

Inside, you’ll be learning about how to trigger a womans deepest emotions towards you in a step-by-step “do this, say this, do that” manner, so you don’t have to buy ANYTHING but instead, have women pursuing YOU 🙂 I’ll show you:

This program is going to take everything you’ve learned about dating and attraction, and RE-SHAPE it all to be used as a powerful foundation for your ultimate relationship.

Click here to take full advantage of the first-mover offer and download everything for FREE now…

Once you understand the factual keys of attraction in a woman, you can literally create your own reality – for the first time in your life, you’ll have that sheer power to CHOOSE, not the one who gets chosen; to get that perfect 10 to be YOUR girlfriend… or even to sleep with as many “perfect 10s” as you want to and NOT *settling* for the average looking, boring girls that just happens to “turn up” in your life, like how it’s always been.Imagine the world of possibilities…We’ve already done all of the work for you, and I want to offer you the chance to pick our brains, taking all of our combined knowledge and experiences over the past 10+ years and make them YOUR own.Never before has a woman thrown out the rulebook and exposed every last intimate secret about what it takes to get and sleep with a great woman… fast. These secrets are vital to your success and – it’s important that you understand them to get you into the lives, hearts and beds of beautiful women you want!The life and girl you’ve always wanted is just a click away, so DO IT.

Now you can test drive our product for two months with NO RISK!

If you think that our product is useless for you, simply contact our support, and will return 100% of your money. No Question Asked!

We’ll talk to you again on the inside,

P.S. This entire program was created to show you the secrets we women WISHED guys knew about how to turn us on emotionally and fall head-over-heels for a man! I assure you, you will NEVER find these secrets anywhere else at any price, and we personally guarantee you will get the girl you want the very first time you use them! If you’re unsatisfied with it for any reason… We’ll refund every cent of your money, no questions asked, no hard feelings :)P.P.S. If you’ve already tried out the secrets in our program and have landed yourself the girl of your dreams,  we’d LOVE to hear about it! We get letters from guys who are using our techniques all the time… We read each and every one of them and respond to as many as we can! It really makes our day… *muaks*! :)So click here to download everything now… This decision is really a non-decision, don’t you think? What do you have to lose?

Where else can you get that? When was the last time you heard even a single woman tell you what she really wanted? And more importantly… exactly how YOU can give “it” to her?

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The Shift Frequency – The Shift Frequency

Product Name: The Shift Frequency – The Shift Frequency

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Shift Frequency – The Shift Frequency is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“Backed by science, Boosted by Technology.”

Have you ever wondered why you are not manifesting wealth even though you are putting in all the energy to make it work?

Neuroscientists of University of Ohio discovered that anyone can switch on the wealth gate in your mind.

Did you know that your subconscious mind is hard coded for survival?

Genetically, deep down to DNA level… most people are hard coded for survival, not to thrive.

This is how nature works. That’s the same reason why zebras have stripes, to protect them from being hunt down.

You’ll learn that everything you have been taught about wealth and making money is wrong.

Recent research in a neuroscience lab at University of Ohio shows that we can rewire the mind to our favour.

It means to say that you can reprogram your minds to thrive in any field of your lives.

This is the “secret tool” that the elite 1% of the population use.

The same technology that the elites willingly pay hundreds of millions to keep this away from the public.

In this presentation, I am going to share how I encountered this secret by a neurolab scientist.

Our mind is being hard-coded for survival. This has been the way since 50,000 years ago, when our ancestors were out there hunting for food. 

This has been the way since Dinosour’s Era.

We are being coded to protect ourselves from dangerous animals. We are genetically programmed not to take risks. 

And this is actually re-programmable of which not many people know how to do it.

Which means all the money problems are not some external solution you have to go searching for…

• Becoming rich has nothing to do with your education.

• It also has nothing to do with intelligence.

What is stopping you is your mind.

To be precise, your subconscious mind.

From an early age, you were being trained not to be rich!

How many times have you heard these phrases?

“Money is the root of all evil!”

“Money only causes problems.” 

“Money is not important!”

“Money can’t buy happiness!”

“I’m too old to start saving for retirement.”

Subconsciously, you are being “programmed” not to be rich.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Edward Berry.

I am a dad of two lovely kids, a husband to my wife and a son to my 70-year-old parents. Just like most of the guys out there, I had a family to support and bills to pay.

I’ve never thought I’d find myself in this position to write this letter to you.

While I am blessed with great abundance today..  

I have been broke for just about my entire life.

I was just a regular guy with a 9 to 5 job who was struggling to make ends meet… every… single…month.

I was, at one point in my life, thinking of ending my life. I was sooo blessed that I did not take this path.

Have you ever felt like you are on a hamster wheel and you can’t get off it?

I was so burned out at work that I couldn’t take it any longer.

Worse thing, I didn’t have the energy to quit either.…

And if you can relate, you’ve tried everything to get off that stupid hamster wheel.

I tried Positive Affirmations… talking to myself in the mirror..

I tried the Law of Attraction…

Attending numerous self-help bootcamps.

Nothing seem to work for me. That is why I was very skeptical to try new things.

I had to be an Uber driver just to make a few extra bucks for the family.

Something bad always caught up with me and kept me broke.

Home maintenance & repairs…

Every week, some sneaky, unexpected fees appear as if it were Halloween!

But no matter how tired I am, I am happy to keep grinding as long as I can take care of my family.

Life was not bad, but it was not great either.

I had to ask my wife to pay the remaining 45 cents.

I was so embarrassed when I asked the cashier to split the transaction.

especially in front of my kids. 

I felt like a loser who was not able to provide for the family.

And that’s when I turned to drinking. 

I’d had beer at first… then whisky… 

then absolutely anything I could get my hands on.

just when I thought I had hit rock bottom. 

I was fired after 20 years of service for “unsatisfactory work”! 

I struggled to breathe at that moment.

It has been hard for me to resist the thought of just ending my life.

My entire life has been torn apart. 

and I started drinking more and more.

I was so drunk at the time that I ended up sleeping in the park.

I woke up to see my best friend Jeremy sitting by the bench where I was sleeping.

He whispered in my ear and told me to listen to it daily for 10 minutes. And keep a daily video log on the progress. 

I was skeptical, but I decided to try it since I had nothing to lose.

I began listening to the audio that Jeremy gave me. 

Nothing changed… I was still poor as a church mouse.

On the 7th day, Jeremy came knocking on my door… 

“How are you doing, John?” “Do you feel any changes?” asked Jeremy.

“Nothing changed, I am still the same loser… barely have anything under my name.“, I replied.

He asked me to show him the video log he requested.

He spend a few moments reading my daily log while watching the video log that he told me to do.

The moment he saw the video log, he stopped.

“Try listening to the audio again for a few days. This time with the headphone on.” he said.

He took out a headphone from his bag.

“There, use my headphone!”

“I’ll call you back in a day or two,” said Jeremy.

The moment I listened to the audio using headphones, I started to feel changes in myself.

I felt a different energy passing through me.

Some kind of energy that I’ve never experienced before. 

I became more “sensitive” towards money. 

On the 7th day, Jeremy called up again… 

“How’s life, buddy.. I can see that you are doing good! You’d be amazed with the final result by the end of this assessment!”

I got a call back from the company that fired me. 

asked me if I could return to work.

They didn’t want to give my old job back… instead…

They’d promote me to senior executive with a 60% pay raise!

I could go on and on with all the miracles that started occurring around me. 

I was making more money than I ever thought possible. Things were finally looking up for me.

Plus, I am able to spend more quality time with my family. 

My life is a testimony to the power of Shift Frequency. If I can change my life, anyone can.

After a month, I called up Jeremy… 

and invited him over to have dinner with us.

I am so grateful to him. I bought him a Rolex as an expression of appreciation for what he had done to me.

After dinner, we had a casual chat, and I asked about the scientific assessment he gave me.

He told me to keep that a secret. He is not supposed to give this to anyone.

The rich billionaires have invested hundreds of millions in this project. 

Via the CIA, the elite rich are hunting him down to prevent this from reaching the public.

Jeremy was the head scientist in the Neurology Lab at the University of Ohio.

He and his team had made a breakthrough in the study of the subconscious mind. 

They had discovered that a healthy brain can process 400 billion bits of information per second. 

However, our conscious mind only processes about 1% of the information. That’s only 2000 bits out of 400 billion bits of information.

Our conscious mind is not powerful enough to process all the 400 billion bits of information.  

If it does, you’ll see or experience things in a very chaotic manner.

This is why your subconscious mind translates most of the information. 

It can filter out unnecessary things, allowing you to experience life in a way that makes sense to you.

In simple terms, your subconscious mind processes most of the information you learn about the real world.

Plus, your subconscious mind about wealth has been “locked” since the day you were born, so do 95% of the world’s population.

Jeremy and his team manage to program the subconscious mind to attract wealth by activating the wealth switch in our subconscious mind.

Jeremy was expelled from the research team he worked for because the elite rich investors didn’t want this information to get out.

Before he was escorted out of the building, Jeremy had secretly made a copy of his research. 

Although it was not complete, he managed to keep 70% of the research information. 

He needed a few test subjects for his recent breakthrough to “finalize” his research.

And I was one of his “best candidates”… 

Accessing the subconscious mind is not easy. We need a range of frequencies that are tuned to our minds to open the gate between the conscious and subconscious minds.

Similar technology has been used since 1940, when we developed frequency modulation radio waves that we’ve used in our cars to listen to radio channels.

In order to make this work, the program and the subconscious mind need to be in tune.

Our subconscious mind is tuned to 853 Hz and 432 Hz, respectively. 

To reach the deepest level of the subconscious mind, we need to switch between these frequencies every 10 milliseconds.

This is the reason why it didn’t work for me at first. Until Jeremy gave me headphones. 

These frequencies are played below 1000 Hz and are the result of two different impulses in each ear. 

Tuning into your subconscious mind will allow you to absorb positive energy 100 times faster than using the law of attraction. 

Jeremy was able to work with one of NASA’s audio scientists to embed positive messages in the audio so that you can see the results much faster. 

With the gate to the subconscious mind opened, we are then able to flip on the wealth switch of our subconscious mind with the embedded message in the audio.

The subconscious mind is an ever-powerful tool if used in the correct way.

How many times have you thought of getting healthier, losing weight, or having the guts to talk to someone you love?

And how many times have you failed?

Everyone knows that in order to be healthier, you’ll have to eat healthy food. 

You’ll need to exercise..

Why do you still eat fast food? 

All these are due to your limiting beliefs.

The subconscious mind is telling you to do it tomorrow, you are not worthy, you are meant to be unhealthy. 

All these negative thoughts can be removed from the subconscious mind by replacing them with good ones.

These are easy to achieve when you reprogram the subconscious mind with Shift Frequency..

Shift Frequency is a neuroscience-based technology that trains your brain to develop new habits and eliminate self-limiting beliefs.

With this game-changing tool, you’ll be able to tap into your subconscious mind to bring wealth and happiness into your life. 

Without having to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend self-help seminars

Plus, all you need to do is listen to the audio for just 11 minutes a day and feel the difference for yourself.

The key to attracting wealth and abundance in all areas of life is to change your energy level. 

With a paradigm session, you can change your mind’s fixed paradigms into ones that bring you happiness and abundance.

Imagine not having to worry about financial problems, health problems and relationship problems. 

Shift Frequency is the easy, everyday solution to your financial worries. It’s proven to work on anyone, and it takes just a few minutes of your time each day.

Unlock your full potential and re-program your subconscious mind with ideas that have been shown to bring in money. 

With years in practice, our program will help you uncover the power of your own thoughts to help you make more money, be more creative, and live happier lives.

Attract wealth with your mind! Our subliminal messages are designed to reach the deepest parts of your mind and make you feel more confident and successful.

The method is based on the concept of rewiring your brain to make you successful in any financial situation. Mindwhisper focuses solely on the financial aspects of success in your conscious and subconscious minds.

“I was skeptical when I first heard about Shift Frequency”

“Shift Frequency has completely transformed my life.”

“Greatly Enhanced My Ability To Work”

“Abundance Just Keep Flowing Into My Life!”

We have been told from these individuals that this audio is responsible for helping them manifest thousands of dollars.

I told Jeremy that we should bring this out to help more people. We won’t be charging anywhere near that rate.

My mission here is to reach as many people as possible.

I’ll just put the price tag that most of us can afford. 

A 90% discount for the first 100 copies.

Which is just enough to cover the cost of development of this product.

You’ll need to place an order soon since we won’t know how long this page will be up.

HURRY!  Only 100 13 Discounted Spots Available For Shift Frequency

We’re confident that our product will exceed your expectations and provide you with the value and benefits you’re looking for. 

However, if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 60-day money-back guarantee to give you peace of mind and the opportunity to try our product risk-free.

To request a refund, simply contact our customer support team at [email protected] and we’ll provide you with instructions on how to receive a full refund of your purchase.

We believe in the value of our product and want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.

As soon as you complete your order, you’ll receive…

Bonus 1 : The Millionaire Perspective

“The Millionaire Perspective” is a powerful and insightful book that offers a unique perspective on the mindset, strategies, and habits of successful millionaires. 

Written by a seasoned entrepreneur and financial expert, the book delves into the thought processes and decision-making that drives the wealthy to achieve great success.

It provides readers with practical tips and actionable steps to help them develop the millionaire mindset and achieve financial freedom.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business professional or just looking to improve your finances, “The Millionaire Perspective” offers valuable insights and guidance for anyone looking to take control of their financial future.

Bonus 2 : Millionaire Mindset Workbook

“The Millionaire Mindset Workbook” is a comprehensive guide that helps readers develop the mindset and strategies necessary to achieve financial success. 

Written by a renowned financial expert, the book includes practical exercises, real-life case studies, and actionable steps to help readers increase their income, manage their money, and achieve financial freedom.

Whether you’re just starting out on your financial journey or looking to take your wealth to the next level, “The Millionaire Mindset Workbook” is an essential tool for anyone looking to build a better financial future.

Note: This program is 100% digital; you will not be receiving any physical materials.

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The Shift Frequency – The Shift Frequency is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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