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Step into the Digital Realm: Crafting Websites for Success Welcome…

Step into the Digital Realm: Crafting Websites for Success

Welcome to the world of web design, where creativity meets technology to create digital masterpieces that connect businesses with their online audience. At “Super Effective Websites,” we’re recognized as the leading San Jose web design company, renowned for our expertise and dedication to helping businesses thrive in the digital sphere.

The Art of Crafting a Website

Creating a website is a journey that begins with planning, where we determine your business goals and target audience. Next comes design, where our skilled designers transform your vision into visually stunning interfaces with intuitive navigation. Development brings your website to life, ensuring it is responsive, fast-loading, and optimized for search engines. Finally, we launch your website with precision, making it accessible to the world.

Essential Pillars of Design: UX and UI

At the heart of web design lie user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). UX focuses on creating websites that are easy to use, satisfying, and engaging. UI, on the other hand, ensures that your website has a clean, appealing, and interactive design. Together, UX and UI create seamless online experiences that keep visitors engaged.

Embracing the Future: Web Design Trends

The web design landscape is constantly evolving, and we embrace the latest trends to stay ahead of the curve. Responsive design ensures your website adapts to any device, mobile-first development prioritizes smartphone users, AI integration enhances user interactions, and voice search optimization makes websites accessible through voice assistants. These trends shape the future of web design and your online presence.

Maximizing ROI with Online Marketing

Once your website is live, it’s time to drive traffic and convert visitors into customers. Online marketing strategies play a crucial role in this. Content marketing informs and engages your audience, social media marketing builds communities and fosters relationships, email marketing nurtures leads, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising targets specific keywords to attract relevant visitors. Effective online marketing maximizes your return on investment (ROI).

Local SEO: Standing Out in Your Community

For local businesses, local search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for attracting customers in your area. Optimizing your website for local search involves optimizing content, building local citations, maintaining a Google My Business listing, and encouraging customer reviews. By implementing these strategies, you improve your visibility in local search results, driving more traffic to your website and increasing your chances of converting local customers.

Choosing the Right Web Hosting Solution

Your website’s hosting provider is the backbone of its online presence. Different types of hosting solutions exist, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Shared hosting is cost-effective but offers limited resources, VPS hosting provides dedicated resources within a virtual environment, dedicated hosting offers maximum control and performance, and cloud hosting offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions. Choosing the right hosting solution depends on your specific needs and budget.

Protecting Your Website: Cybersecurity

In today’s digital world, website security is paramount. SSL certificates encrypt data, firewalls protect against malicious attacks, regular updates patch vulnerabilities, and backups ensure data recovery in case of emergencies. By implementing these measures, you safeguard your website from cyber threats, protecting sensitive information and maintaining your online reputation.

WordPress: A Powerful Content Management System

WordPress is a popular choice for website development due to its user-friendliness, flexibility, and vast ecosystem of themes and plugins. With WordPress, you can easily manage your website’s content, customize its design, and extend its functionality through plugins. By following best practices for WordPress use, you ensure your website is secure, performant, and effectively meets your business objectives.

Best Practices for Highly Effective Websites

To create websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well, adherence to best practices is crucial. These practices include optimizing your website for search engines (SEO), ensuring fast loading speeds, and making your website accessible to all users. By implementing these best practices, you enhance your website’s visibility, improve user experience, and increase the likelihood of achieving your desired business outcomes.

Super Effective Websites: Your Trusted Partner for Digital Success

Super Effective Websites has established itself as the premier source for all things web development, hosting, security, and maintenance. Our team of experts possesses a deep understanding of the digital landscape and is dedicated to helping businesses succeed online. Whether you’re looking to create a new website or optimize an existing one, we have the expertise and experience to make your vision a reality.

Get a highly effective website for your business.

Super Effective Websites in San Jose, California

Super Effective Websites

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Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche

Product Name: Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche

Click here to get Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Vous vous entraînez dur, vous mangez bien…cela devrait suffire pour vous garder en bonne santé et fort physiquement et émotionnellement.

Toutefois, il existe un danger tapi dans nos corps qui n’est pas seulement caché à notre vue… mais que même les médecins n’arrivent pas à identifier.

Il affecte quasiment tout le monde, peu importe à quel point vous êtes actif ou sédentaire, et quel que soit votre âge.

Ce problème affecte non seulement notre corps mais aussi tout notre bien-être.

… car c’est la raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche.

Vous voyez, nos fléchisseurs de la hanche sont le moteur grâce auquel notre corps bouge. Ils contrôlent l’équilibre, notre capacité à nous asseoir, à nous lever, à nous tordre, à atteindre, à nous courber, à marcher et à monter des marches.

Tout passe par les hanches.

Et quand nos fléchisseurs de la hanche se raidissent cela cause tout un tas de problèmes chez les gens normalement en pleine santé et actifs, comme nous.

Avant de vous révéler comment la plupart des gens finissent par avoir des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides sans jamais le réaliser, laissez-moi me présenter.

Mon nom est Mike Westerdal et je suis auteur de best-sellers américains concernant la remise en forme, spécialiste de la nutrition sportive, entraîneur personnel, contributeur au magazine Iron Man et fondateur du plus ancien site internet sur la force,

Dans un moment, je vais vous révéler les 10 Mouvements Clé dont vous avez besoin pour détendre vos fléchisseurs de la hanche et débloquer le pouvoir caché de votre corps.

Mais tout d’abord, laissez-moi juste vous expliquer à quel point le problème est ancré profondément.

Voici la vérité : la plupart des gens ne réalisent pas que la cause de leurs problèmes, ce sont les raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche.

Je n’avais jamais réalisé l’impact qu’ont les hanches sur tout le corps jusqu’à ce que je voie les effets que les fléchisseurs de la hanche raides avaient sur la santé et le bien-être de ma femme après qu’elle ait accouché.

Ce n’est qu’à ce moment-là que j’ai vraiment compris la portée du problème.

Nous ne parlons pas seulement de quelques courbatures ; la raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche est à la racine de problèmes tels que :

Si n’importe laquelle de ces choses vous est familière, ne vous inquiétez pas car vous n’êtes pas seul.

Les raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche affectent quasiment tout le monde, mais peu de gens réalisent l’impact sur tout leur corps.

Encore une fois, tout passe par les hanches.

Pensez aux hanches comme à un baromètre. La santé et la flexibilité des muscles de vos hanches sont un indicateur de la force et de la santé de tout votre corps.

Vos hanches sont le lien entre le haut et le bas de votre corps. Elles sont au centre des mouvements de votre corps.

Le muscle principal du psoas se situe au niveau de vos hanches et du bas de votre colonne vertébrale, c’est l’un des deux muscles qui composent le muscle psoas-iliaque.

On l’appelle souvent le « puissant » psoas en raison des nombreuses fonctions importantes qu’il joue dans les mouvements de votre corps.

Le psoas est le seul muscle du corps humain qui connecte le haut du corps au bas du corps.

Le muscle est attaché aux vertèbres du bas de la colonne vertébrale, il bouge à travers le pelvis et il est connecté à un tendon au haut du fémur. Il est aussi attaché au diaphragme, donc il est connecté à votre respiration, et tous les organes majeurs se trouvent dessus.

Un muscle psoas fonctionnant correctement crée un alignement pelvien neutre, stabilise les hanches, supporte le bas de la colonne vertébrale et l’abdomen, supporte les organes de la cavité pelvienne et abdominale, et vous offre une plus grande mobilité ainsi qu’une force centrale.

Quand il fonctionne bien, il a le pouvoir de…

Pour résumer, ce muscle est le centre de l’activité dans votre corps. Donc quand il est en déséquilibre ou si le psoas se raidit, il y a de graves conséquences qui circulent à travers le corps.

Et il y a une activité, en particulier, qui est l’ennemi juré de votre muscle psoas…

C’est peut-être l’activité la plus anodine connue chez les hommes, mais c’est aussi l’un des plus grands dangers pour votre santé.

Même si vous êtes le plus actif des athlètes, vous pouvez quand même souffrir de raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche à cause de la quantité de temps que vous passez chaque jour planté sur une chaise.

Le muscle développe une faiblesse, un raccourcissement et une raideur à cause du fait de rester assis durant de longues périodes, à cause d’une mauvaise position durant le sommeil et même à cause du stress et de la tension.

Vous vous demandez pourquoi votre ventre dépasse encore même si vous faites chaque jour les exercices de base ? C’est un vieux mythe que le gros ventre est dû à des muscles abdominaux faibles. La vraie cause est probablement la raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche ce qui fait que le bas du dos se courbe en poussant le ventre vers l’extérieur. Quand vos fléchisseurs de la hanche fonctionnent correctement, ils tirent l’abdomen vers l’arrière en faisant rentrer le ventre, vous donnant un ventre plat et fort.

En tant que muscle de « lutte ou fuite » du corps, votre psoas est profondément connecté à notre instinct de survie naturel. Il se raidit instantanément dans les moments de danger pour soit vous protéger (en position fœtale) soit pour vous aider à courir, alimenté par la libération d’adrénaline. Cependant, si votre psoas est constamment raide à force d’être trop souvent assis, il signale au corps que vous êtes en danger constant, ce qui conduit à surmener la glande surrénale. Quand cela arrive, votre système immunitaire souffre et votre corps passe automatiquement en mode de stockage de graisse en anticipation du danger. Vous ne pouvez pas soulever ce poids ? Blâmez cette raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche également connus sous le nom de « muscle de survie ».

Rester assis toute la journée fait que vos hanches sont coincées dans une position inclinée vers l’avant. Cela conduit à tirer sur le bas du dos et à réduire la circulation sanguine à travers les hanches et là où ça compte le plus.

Diagnostiquer une raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche est compliqué.

Si vous avez vu un thérapeute ou un médecin, il y a des chances qu’ils n’aient pas été capables de localiser le problème.

Comme ils sont profondément enfouis dans votre abdomen, ce n’est pas étonnant qu’il soit si difficile de les identifier comme la racine de vos symptômes.

C’est pourquoi les fléchisseurs de la hanche raides restent non diagnostiqués et non traités pendant bien trop longtemps, parce que les médecins cherchent une explication plus simple.

Alors comprenez que ce n’est pas votre faute. POURQUOI LES ÉTIREMENTS « STATIQUES » SEULS NE SONT PAS LA RÉPONSE

Cependant, savoir tout ceci vous donne le pouvoir de pouvoir enfin faire quelque chose avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

Savoir que vous avez des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides c’est une chose.

Savoir comment guérir vos fléchisseurs de la hanche est un autre défi.

Si vous faites confiance aux soi-disant experts sur Youtube et en ligne, ils vous feront croire qu’il suffit simplement de faire quelques étirements statiques pendant une certaine durée pour essayer d’allonger le muscle.

Ou de rouler avec une balle de tennis collée à vos hanches (comme si cela allait vraiment faire la moindre différence).

Il faut plus qu’une balle de tennis et un rouleau en mousse pour débloquer vos fléchisseurs de la hanche…et mal vous y prendre pourrait causer encore PLUS de dommages.

La raison pour laquelle peu de gens arrivent à guérir leurs fléchisseurs de la hanche est simple.

C’est une zone vraiment dure à atteindre.

Si vous voyez comment le psoas est attaché à l’intérieur de votre corps, il est enfoui profondément au centre de votre corps rendant son accès très difficile. C’est un muscle dur à trouver, alors ne parlons même pas de l’entraîner…

Les Étirements Statiques Ont Leur Place, Mais Vous Avez Besoin D’Attaquer Vos Hanches Avec Une Diversité De Mouvements Y Compris Ceux-ci-Dessous

Alors il n’est pas étonnant qu’essayer de détendre le muscle exige plus qu’un simple étirement des fléchisseurs de la hanche comme celui ci-dessous que vous avez probablement essayé auparavant.

Vous avez probablement découvert que vous passez (ou perdez) des heures de votre précieux temps à vous étirer de cette manière uniquement pour constater que cela n’a que peu d’effet.

C’est parce que vous avez besoin d’attaquer les muscles depuis plusieurs angles en utilisant diverses techniques et modalités d’exercices afin de « décompacter » les muscles de la manière adéquate.

La vérité c’est que vous pouvez apprendre à vous libérer vous-même de vos fléchisseurs de la hanche raides.

Si vous pensez à votre psoas comme à une combinaison de serrure de coffre-fort, il y a plusieurs chiffres qui le déverrouilleront mais ils ont besoin d’être entrés dans le bon ordre.

Il y a un certain nombre de mouvements spécifiques au-delà des simples étirements statiques que vous pouvez utiliser pour débloquer et détendre vos hanches, vos jambes et votre dos.

FNP est l’acronyme de facilitation neuromusculaire proprioceptive. C’est une technique dans laquelle vous activez un muscle spécifique afin de détendre les muscles autour d’une articulation pour que vous puissiez réduire les raideurs.

Ici vous activez le muscle autour d’une articulation et vous bougez cette articulation à travers toute son amplitude de mouvement d’une manière progressive. Cela conduit à une augmentation de l’amplitude de mouvement autour de l’articulation, à un échauffement du muscle autour de l’articulation et à une amélioration de la circulation autour de l’articulation. Pensez à lever les genoux ou à botter les fesses.


Avec ces exercices, nous ciblons le muscle dans tous les plans de mouvement afin que les muscles profonds et abdominaux bénéficient d’une bonne activation, endurance et force dans tous les plans de mouvement. Ceci conduit à une réduction du stress dommageable et inutile sur les articulations.

Dans ces exercices, nous ciblons l’articulation et nous faisons des mouvements et des exercices qui aident l’articulation à fonctionner de manière optimale. Cela permet à l’articulation de bouger plus librement.

Dans cette technique unique, nous ciblons les tissus qui entourent les muscles et nous travaillons à détendre et à allonger le fascia. Peu de gens comprennent l’effet négatif que ce tissu peut avoir sur leur corps.


À cause de tout le temps passé assis et de notre utilisation quotidienne de la technologie, beaucoup de nos muscles ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Avec cette technique, nous ciblons ces muscles et nous les activons pour aider le corps à bouger plus efficacement.

Maintenant vous connaissez les techniques spécifiques dont vous avez besoin pour débloquer vos fléchisseurs de la hanche. La question suivante est comment associer celles-ci de la manière la plus efficace. S’il vous plaît, ne soyez pas effrayé par le jargon ci-dessus car…

Tout comme pour déplier une feuille de papier ou déballer un paquet, il faut suivre un ordre précis pour ouvrir les muscles de vos hanches.

Essayez de libérer un muscle avant un autre et vous amplifierez vos raideurs. Mal vous y prendre peut vraiment empirer les choses.

C’est pourquoi tellement de gens abandonnent en essayant de régler le problème par eux-mêmes et croient à tort qu’ils doivent vivre avec. Mais espérer que le problème s’en aille en ne faisant pas d’exercice est tout aussi nocif.

Pour expliquer ce flux plus en détail, permettez-moi de vous présenter l’éminent Kinésithérapeute et Spécialiste en Blessures Rick Kaselj, MS.

Rick est « LE » spécialiste de la remise en forme que les professionnels vont voir quand ils veulent en apprendre plus sur les dernières techniques pour aider leurs propres clients. Il a donné plus de 352 présentations en direct à plus de 8152 professionnels de santé aux États-Unis et au Canada.

J’ai rencontré Rick pour la première fois quand il m’a aidé à guérir un problème d’épaule. Il faisait partie des quelques spécialistes en blessures que j’ai rencontré qui aidaient les athlètes en leur faisant justement reprendre l’entraînement, au lieu de leur éviter tout exercice.

Rick m’a montré ce que tant d’autres spécialistes en blessures n’ont pas réussi à faire : comment travailler à l’aide de la bonne séquence de techniques pour débloquer la tension et la raideur dans mes muscles afin de résoudre correctement le problème.

C’est l’homme vers qui je me suis tourné quand ma femme, Courtney, a lutté contre la douleur et l’inconfort des hanches après la naissance de notre fils Lincoln.

Durant les jours et les mois qui ont suivi l’accouchement, elle a souffert de douleur dans les jambes et d’un inconfort pendant qu’elle marchait et qu’elle était assise. Elle avait beaucoup de mal à dormir.

En seulement 15 minutes de travail avec Rick, il a réussi à débloquer ses fléchisseurs de la hanche afin qu’elle ne ressente plus aucune douleur ou inconfort ce jour-là. Elle était capable de marcher sans connaître de douleur tenace dans sa région pelvienne. Elle pouvait mieux dormir et pouvait commencer à profiter de ces jours précieux à la maison avec le petit.

Mais la technique du « flux » de Rick n’aide pas seulement ceux qui ont mal.

Chez Critical Bench, notre Entraîneur de Force en Chef Chris Wilson a senti que ses fléchisseurs de la hanche étaient un peu raides (à cause du fait d’être trop souvent assis à répondre aux questions sur l’entraînement sur Facebook) et il a essayé la même routine que celle que Rick avait utilisée sur ma femme. En quelques jours, Chris a réussi à augmenter son soulevé de terre de 15kg pour enfin atteindre ce tirage de 230kg pour lequel il s’entraînait. Tout cela parce qu’il a expérimenté le flux séquentiel de mouvements que Rick a développé pour libérer ses fléchisseurs de la hanche.

Cela ne concerne pas les exercices.



Réaliser ces mouvements dans le bon ordre dénoue tous les tissus y compris le muscle, le fascia, le tissu conjonctif et la capsule articulaire tout en désintégrant le tissu cicatriciel.

Utiliser la bonne séquence relance l’augmentation du flux sanguin dans la zone pour évacuer les métabolites et l’acide lactique, et réduit l’inflammation tout en nourrissant et régénérant la région des hanches.

J’ai pu constater de mes propres yeux la puissance des techniques de Rick sur ma femme et sur notre Entraîneur de Force en Chef Chris Wilson.

C’est pourquoi j’ai demandé à Rick de partager avec vous ce même programme pour que vous aussi vous puissiez débloquer vos fléchisseurs de la hanche et en tirer tous les bénéfices.

En travaillant avec Rick, nous avons créé un excellent programme assez simple et fait pour vous.

Rick a assemblé un « flux séquentiel » conçu juste pour vous, composé de 10 exercices sélectionnés avec soin, des Étirements FNP, des Étirements Statiques, des Exercices de Stabilité Centrale en 3 Dimensions, des Exercices de Mobilité, des Étirements du Fascia & de l’Activation Musculaire.

Nous avons filmé ces 10 exercices avec les explications de Rick sur la parfaite façon de les faire et sur comment cibler exactement ce muscle psoas difficile à atteindre. Le contenu de la vidéo se divise en deux parties :

La première est une Vidéo Institutionnelle d’Entraînement dans laquelle Rick vous explique en détail chaque exercice pour que vous compreniez entièrement pourquoi vous le faites, la meilleure façon de le faire et comment vous devriez vous sentir. La deuxième vidéo est conçue pour que vous puissiez réaliser le flux d’exercices en même temps que la vidéo sans coupure d’explication.

Vous recevrez un manuel très ciblé approfondissant le sujet du muscle psoas et des effets de son raccourcissement sur votre santé et votre bien-être. Il comprend également des descriptions détaillées des mouvements exacts des exercices avec des images.

Vous constaterez des résultats immédiats dès la toute première fois que vous essayerez le programme.

Ce n’est qu’en apprenant comment le faire correctement que vous pourrez commencer à réparer certains des dommages subis par votre psoas et commencer à aider votre corps à se soigner lui-même naturellement.

Mais tout d’abord un avertissement… ceci n’est pas fait pour tout le monde.

Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, c’est un domaine extrêmement technique. La dernière chose dont nous aurions envie, ce serait de vous submerger sous trop d’informations, alors nous avons fait de notre mieux pour condenser les éléments les plus essentiels du programme afin que vous puissiez constater des résultats rapides.

Je vous garantis que vous ne trouverez pas de programme plus facile à sélectionner et à commencer à utiliser durant vos entraînements ou votre routine quotidienne.

Et si cela ne suffisait pas, j’ai une offre pour vous si vous commandez aujourd’hui…

Tout d’abord, si les muscles ischio-jambiers sont raides, ils sont plus sensibles aux déchirures. Peu importe que vous soyez un athlète d’élite, une mère au foyer ou monsieur tout-le-monde, une déchirure du muscle à l’arrière de la jambe peut mettre des mois à guérir et à se rétablir ce qui peut rendre la vie très difficile.

Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, la plupart des gens gagnent leur vie en position assise en plus d’être assis dans leur voiture et à la maison. Tout ce temps passé assis accroît au fur et à mesure la raideur des ischio-jambiers. Avoir des ischio-jambiers raides provoque une rotation vers l’arrière des hanches et du pelvis, ce qui aplatit le bas du dos provoquant des douleurs dans le bas du dos et une mauvaise posture.

Dans un monde parfait, tout le monde aurait droit à un massage sportif pour aider à améliorer la qualité du tissu musculaire des ischio-jambiers en augmentant la circulation sanguine. Mais malheureusement pour la plupart d’entre nous, ce n’est pas toujours possible.

Toutefois, il y a quelque chose que tout le monde peut faire par soi-même et qui ne prend que quelques minutes par jour pour contribuer à améliorer l’état des muscles et détendre instantanément ces ischio-jambiers raides. En quelques minutes, vous pouvez commencer à inverser les dommages subis par les ischio-jambiers et impacter grandement la manière dont vous vous sentez.

Cette routine super efficace ne réduira pas seulement la probabilité de se blesser mais cela améliorera aussi les performances, corrigera la posture et soulagera les douleurs dans le bas du dos.

Le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est conçu pour vous apporter tous les avantages de fléchisseurs de la hanche plus détendus avec plus de force, de puissance et de flexibilité.

Mais ses bénéfices sont multipliés lorsqu’ils sont combinés à un régime holistique pour soulager naturellement les douleurs, les courbatures et les raideurs en luttant contre l’inflammation causée par les blessures ou les toxines environnementales dans nos aliments et notre eau.

Votre régime alimentaire est l’une des causes principales des réponses inflammatoires conduisant à une détérioration de votre santé.

Vous pouvez améliorer instantanément la réponse de votre corps à l’inflammation en choisissant les bons aliments qui travaillent avec votre corps pour stimuler votre réponse de guérison naturelle.

Le Régime Anti-Inflammatoire De 7 Jours est un programme de nutrition fait pour vous. Il présente des recommandations alimentaires, des plans de repas, des listes de courses et des conseils supplémentaires pour aider votre corps à se soigner lui-même automatiquement.

En seulement 24 heures, votre corps activera son processus de guérison naturel plutôt que de provoquer des douleurs et des inflammations pouvant mener à de nombreuses maladies chroniques et problèmes de santé.

Plus Fort & Plus Rapide Que Jamais

Ayant été toute ma vie un athlète et ayant enduré plusieurs opérations chirurgicales en raison de ruptures du ligament croisé antérieur dans les deux genoux, j’ai par la suite commencé à développer un problème dans ma hanche droite à cause des années d’usure. En fait j’allais si mal qu’il était dur pour moi de pratiquer en tant qu’athlète et d’être un entraîneur productif pour mes clients.

Après avoir passé une IRM de contrôle, j’ai réalisé que j’avais de l’arthrite dégénérative irréversible dans la hanche. La chirurgie n’était pas une option par laquelle je souhaitais passer donc j’ai contacté Rick Kaselj pour voir s’il avait quelque chose pour moi. Quand j’ai commencé à appliquer les stratégies de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche cela m’a aidé à rééquilibrer mon pelvis et mes articulations de la hanche jusqu’au point où je ne puisse même plus dire que j’ai un problème.

Ces derniers jours je suis plus fort et plus rapide que jamais et je participe toujours à des compétitions sportives. Rick m’a offert la capacité de pratiquer à mon plus haut niveau comme entraîneur et de retrouver les capacités athlétiques que j’ai perdues au fil des années à cause de l’usure. J’utilise les stratégies de Rick depuis des années pour m’aider à gérer et guérir mes blessures tout comme celles du nombre incalculable de membres de la communauté de la remise en forme. Je ne pourrai jamais assez recommander ce produit !

Frank Daniels, CPT

Spécialiste de Remise en Forme + Performances

White Plains, NY

Vous Avez Besoin De Hanches Flexibles Pour Vivre Longtemps Et En Pleine Santé

« Je connais Rick Kaselj depuis l’université. Ensuite je suis allé au Collège Chiropratique et j’ai été Agrégé du Collège International de Kinésithérapie Appliquée et Agrégé en Nutrition Clinique. Par conséquent je suis arrivé à des conclusions importantes sur la façon dont fonctionne le corps. La flexibilité, la mobilité et la force des hanches est l’une des choses les plus importantes que vous pouvez faire pour garder tout votre corps en bonne santé. La façon dont nous bougions il y a des millénaires est notre état naturel qui requiert des hanches flexibles et mobiles.

J’ai été enthousiaste d’entendre parler du programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche de Rick Kaselj, j’ai lu le manuel et regardé les vidéos. J’ai été très impressionné par le contenu. J’ai mis les concepts et le programme en application dans mon cabinet avec mes clients.

Rick a développé un système complet pour débloquer vos hanches et restaurer le mouvement tel qu’il aurait dû être. Tout le monde peut tirer avantage de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche. Les deux choses les plus importantes pour vivre longtemps et en bonne santé, ce sont des aliments complets de bonne qualité et d’excellents mouvements qui exigent une bonne mobilité des hanches. Je ne peux pas assez recommander ce programme ».


Région de La Haye, Pays-Bas

Cela M’A Aidé À Faire Un Soulevé De Terre de 230kg

« Et si je vous disais que vous pourriez augmenter votre soulevé de terre de 15kg en une semaine ? Vous pourriez penser que je suis fou mais c’est exactement ce qu’il m’est arrivé. Rick Kaselj a travaillé personnellement avec moi pour m’aider à détendre mes fléchisseurs de la hanche et l’explosivité qui a été débloquée m’a finalement aidée à atteindre ce tirage de 230kg pour lequel je m’entraînais.

Si vous pratiquez n’importe quel type de soulevé explosif, Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche peut incontestablement vous aider à ajouter des kilos à votre maximum » !

Chris Wilson, SNC, RKC, CPT

Entraîneur de Force en Chef, Critical Bench

TOUT LE MONDE souffre de raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche. Cela signifie que tout le monde peut en tirer avantage. Il ne s’agit pas de dire si vous allez en tirer avantage ou pas, mais plutôt de dire à que point vous allez en tirer avantage…

C’est pourquoi je voulais que ce soit une évidence pour vous avec cette garantie satisfait ou remboursé 100% sans aucun risque.

Pendant les 60 prochains jours, essayez d’utiliser les techniques simples démontrées par Rick, soit seules, soit en les intégrant dans votre entraînement quotidien.

J’ai confiance dans le fait que vous serez ravi des résultats mais, si ce n’est pas le cas, envoyez-nous simplement un courriel nous demandant de vous rembourser à 100%, rapidement, sans souci et sans question.

En fait, si pour la MOINDRE raison vous n’êtes pas satisfait, j’insiste pour que vous nous demandiez de vous rembourser et nous serons plus que ravis de vous rendre tout votre argent.

Après avoir constaté les effets du programme sur moi et sur mes proches, je suis sûr que vous serez stupéfié de la rapidité avec laquelle vous ressentirez les avantages d’avoir des hanches plus détendues ainsi que plus de force et de vitalité.

Maintenant vous avez vu les avantages si vous entrez en action et les dangers cachés de continuer comme si de rien n’était, et vous pouvez constater la puissance du programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

Cela m’abasourdit toujours de voir tant de gens travaillant dur à la salle de gym et continuant comme si tout était normal. Ils ont du mal à comprendre pourquoi ils ressentent encore des douleurs, pourquoi ils ont peu d’énergie et pourquoi leur corps ne répond plus.

Cela revient TOUJOURS dans leurs hanches.

Des milliers de personnes ont déjà constaté des résultats qui changent la vie après le déblocage de leurs fléchisseurs de la hanche, et pour célébrer ce fait, nous réduisons le prix de ce programme pendant une durée très limitée.

Pour le prix de quelques cafés vous recevrez le manuel, toutes les démonstrations détaillées de Rick et les vidéos d’accompagnement, plus les deux puissants bonus (estimés à 48€ si vendus seuls).

Et c’est moins que ce que vous paieriez pour un livre qui n’a pas les vidéos d’accompagnement ou la démonstration vidéo essentielle nécessaire pour vous assurer que vous effectuez correctement votre flux séquentiel.

N’oubliez pas que si vous vouliez une consultation avec Rick, cela vous coûterait plus de 300€ de l’heure pour qu’il vous enseigne en personne avec le même niveau d’expertise que celui qu’il partage dans Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

Plus de force, des gains plus rapides : avoir des hanches plus détendues accroît la vitesse et la force, qui s’associent pour vous donner de la puissance. Quand vous augmentez la puissance, vous augmentez les performances dans le sport et la compétition. Dans le sport, toute votre puissance vient des hanches.

Dormez comme un bébé : l’un des effets les plus puissants du programme est de vous rendre de bonnes nuits de sommeil. Quand votre corps est mieux aligné, moins d’inconfort conduit à un meilleur sommeil pour que votre corps se régénère afin que vous vous sentiez plus frais, plus fort et plein d’énergie.

Arrêtez de faire des chèques à votre thérapeute : vous ne devrez plus faire ces visites coûteuses chez votre thérapeute pour qu’il traite encore et encore la même vieille blessure ou douleur. En traitant la cause à la racine, vous économiserez une petite fortune en frais de traitement.

Retournez à la salle de gym : ne restez plus allongé avec le vain espoir que votre état va s’améliorer de lui-même. Après seulement quelques jours d’utilisation du flux séquentiel de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche vous vous sentirez bien mieux, plus fort et prêt à retourner à la salle de gym.

Jetez tous ces antidouleurs : vous n’aurez plus besoin d’avaler pilule après pilule pour parer à la douleur dans votre dos, vos jambes et vos hanches. Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche vous montre comment vous occuper de la CAUSE de vos problèmes de force et de flexibilité, pas des EFFETS.

Si vous luttez contre des douleurs tenaces qui vous empêchent de vous entraîner comme un chef, guérir votre problème de fléchisseurs de la hanche redonnera vie à votre corps.

Alors maintenant que je vous ai montré ce que Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche peut faire pour vous, que je vous ai offert le programme complet pour un prix ridiculement bas ainsi que deux incroyables bonus et que j’ai annulé tous les risques de votre décision d’acheter le programme.

C’est à vous de faire le prochain pas.

Vous pourriez lire ceci et simplement vous dire « cela a l’air bien, mais je peux le faire moi-même » ou « j’y reviendrai plus tard ». Mais que se passera-t-il dans quelques jours ? Dans une semaine ? Dans six mois ?

Ressentirez-vous toujours les effets dommageables des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides quand vous allez à la salle de gym, que vous restez assis à votre bureau toute la journée ou que vous essayez de dormir profondément la nuit ?

Dans quelques semaines cette douleur tenace recommencera à vous irriter ou vous vous regarderez dans le miroir et vous vous demanderez pourquoi vous êtes toujours incapable d’éliminer ce reste de graisse de votre ventre.

Dans trois mois, tandis que vous prendrez quelques antidouleurs pour anesthésier votre mal de dos, vous vous souviendrez soudain d’avoir lu cette lettre et vous vous demanderez comment vous vous sentiriez maintenant si vous aviez agi à l’époque ?

J’espère que ce n’est pas le chemin que vous allez prendre.

À la place, je veux que vous suiviez le chemin qu’ont suivi les nombreuses autres personnes satisfaites qui ont investi dans Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

En quelques jours (non, en quelques heures) de pratique des Mouvements Clé faciles à suivre, les gens m’écrivaient déjà en disant à quel point ils ressentaient un changement radical.

Après avoir suivi le programme pendant une semaine, vous l’avez intégré à votre routine quotidienne. Vous remarquez même à peine que vous le pratiquez.

Cependant, vous constatez des gains à la salle de gym à mesure que vous soulevez plus et bougez plus vite. Vous vous regardez dans le miroir et vous passez votre main sur votre ventre plat. Vous vous sentez fort en profondeur et grand dans votre posture.

Et vous dormez mieux que jamais tout en débordant d’énergie.

Après trois mois, vous regarderez en arrière et verrez le jour d’aujourd’hui comme le jour où tout a changé et où vous avez décidé de vivre sans douleur et sans souci mais avec votre plein potentiel.

Faites le même choix pour vous-même. Cliquez sur le bouton Achat Immédiat ci-dessous et préparez-vous à rentrer vos informations de carte de crédit sur la page internet sécurisée suivante. Une fois que vous aurez fourni toutes les informations et que vous aurez effectué le paiement, tapez sur Soumettre.

En quelques minutes, vous recevrez vos informations de connexion et vous pourrez immédiatement vous plonger dans l’aventure, commencer à lire les rapports et regarder les vidéos.

Vous pouvez faire toute la différence pour votre santé et votre bien-être en quelques minutes. Saisissez simplement votre chance et faites-le.

Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC

Président de Critical Bench

P.S. : Essayez Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche pendant 60 jours et découvrez par vous-même la différence que l’incroyable flux séquentiel de Rick va faire pour votre force, votre flexibilité, votre énergie et votre santé générale.

Si vous en avez assez que votre poids stagne, si vous luttez pour perdre de la graisse ou si vous essayez d’atteindre des performances optimales, vous transformerez vos progrès en moins de 15 minutes par jour avec le programme de Rick.

Et si vous n’aimez définitivement pas le programme et que vous n’en tirez pas un énorme bénéfice pour votre santé physique et émotionnelle, je vous rembourserai tout votre argent, sans poser de question.

Approuvé Par Une Kinésithérapeute !

« Avec tellement de gens souffrant de Douleurs aux Hanches, le programme de Rick « Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche » est un excellent outil pour tout professionnel de la remise en forme ou de la santé qui veut réduire la douleur, et améliorer la force, les performances et la santé générale.

En tant que Kinésithérapeute qui travaille sur de nombreuses blessures des hanches, je peux intégrer les exercices de Rick dans mes programmes de rééducation et de bien-être pour mes patients avec d’excellents résultats.

Les exercices sont sensés et faciles à apprendre… et vos clients seront heureux, en pleine santé et ils vous remercieront pour ça » !

Erin Nielsen


Créatrice de

Une Excellente Ressource Pour Les Coaches Et Les Entraîneurs

« Ayant entrainé des centaines de clients au cours des 15 dernières années, je sais à quel point il est important d’avoir de nouvelles connaissances précieuses sur lesquelles je peux me reposer en particulier pour les zones du corps comme les hanches. Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche était exactement ce que j’avais besoin de lire. Comme d’habitude avec Critical Bench, le contenu m’a époustouflé.

Avec ce programme créé par Rick et Mike, je suis capable de me rendre en toute confiance à une session d’entraînement en étant mieux équipé pour offrir à mes clients un entraînement de niveau supérieur. Critical Bench est ma source incontournable pour des informations simples mais toutefois professionnelles. Je ne pourrai jamais assez les recommander ».

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS

Propriétaire d’ Optimax Performance Training

Rééquilibrez En Toute Sécurité Le Groupe De Muscles

« Je pense que le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est très complet en ce qui concerne l’énumération des causes possibles des raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche et des autres facteurs pouvant mener à ce problème.

Il est détaillé et descriptif à propos de l’anatomie de la hanche et les causes de telles blessures, et il présente un programme d’exercices et d’étirements très progressif et bien expliqué qui vous aidera à rééquilibrer les hanches et la région pelvienne, et à étirer et renforcer en toute sécurité le groupe de muscles ».

Jill Brighton

Massothérapeute à Alberta, Canada

Vous N’Avez Pas D’Entraîneur Personnel ? Pas De Problème !

« Je ne suis pas professionnel de la remise en forme, juste un gars de 62 ans qui est tombé sur votre site internet en cherchant de l’aide pour les nombreux problèmes physiques dont je souffre.

En tant qu’ancien joueur de basketball à l’université, j’ai trouvé décourageant que personne ne puisse sembler pouvoir m’aider pour mes problèmes de bas du dos, et plus récemment mes fessiers et mes fléchisseurs de la hanche. Ce n’est qu’à partir du moment où j’ai découvert votre site et que j’ai commandé votre programme d’exercices que j’ai radicalement amélioré chacun de mes problèmes !

Le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est facile à commander et à télécharger, pas besoin d’attendre de se faire livrer. La présentation vidéo et les visuels dans le programme d’exercices me rendent confiant dans le fait que je vais effectuer correctement les exercices, ce qui pour moi est important quand on n’a pas d’entraîneur personnel. En tant qu’ancien athlète de 1ère Division à l’université, les programmes fonctionnent vraiment bien pour moi ! C’est du bon travail, continuez comme ça » !

Mark Jellison

Chargé de Compte chez Procter & Gamble

Boston, MA

Cela Me Permet De M’Entraîner Dur Sans Douleur

« Je suis tombée sur Rick Kaselj il y a quelques années quand je cherchais quelque chose pour m’aider avec mon douloureux syndrome du piriforme dont je souffrais depuis plus d’un an. J’ai regardé une de ses vidéos sur YouTube et le conseil qu’il donnait dedans m’a aidée à me débarrasser de mes douleurs au piriforme et aux hanches. Depuis je suis quotidiennement Rick via ses vidéos sur YouTube, ses publications sur son blog et ses articles.

Quand j’ai entendu dire que Rick était en train de travailler sur un nouveau programme pour aider à débloquer vos hanches, je lui ai demandé si je pouvais lui acheter une copie en avance. J’ai parcouru les vidéos et le manuel du programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche au cours des dernières semaines. La séquence courte mais efficace que Rick a assemblé a contribué à détendre mes hanches, à réduire la raideur de mon dos et à me permettre de m’entraîner encore plus dur. Après avoir tiré un tel bénéfice du programme, j’ai aussi commencé à le donner à mes clients et ils ont rapporté des bénéfices similaires.

Merci pour tout ce que vous faites Rick et je sais que si vous avez des hanches raides ou douloureuses, alors Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche va vous aider ».

Kerri Baker, CPT, BS, BA, MS en Science de l’Exercice

Gérante de Studio d’Entraînement Personnel

Kirkland, Washington

Si Vous Êtes Souvent Assis, Vous Avez Besoin De « Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche »

« En tant que propriétaire d’une salle de gym et entraîneur personnel, je suis toujours à la recherche des dernières techniques et exercices pour aider mes membres et mes clients avec leur force et le fonctionnement général de leur corps. Savoir combien de gens restent assis et maltraitent sans le savoir leurs hanches dans leur vie de tous les jours rend vraiment « Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche » très intéressant.

L’autre bonus supplémentaire est la façon dont ces techniques peuvent être simplement et rapidement appliquées au début de n’importe quel entraînement, améliorant tous les mouvements du corps en seulement quelques minutes. La réponse a changé la vie, non seulement celle de mes clients mais la mienne aussi ».

Ivan Gomez, Entraîneur Personnel Certifié

Propriétaire de Club de Remise en Forme à Clearwater, FL

Ayez Une Tête D’Avance En Compétition

« Si vous êtes un athlète qui compte sur l’explosivité dans son sport, alors vous devez avoir conscience de l’obstacle n°1 dans vos performances… des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides.

C’est le tueur caché du succès. Les athlètes qui sont assis toute la journée pour leur travail de jour provoquent un mauvais alignement dans leurs hanches… ce qui fait des dégâts dans d’autres régions de leur corps. Améliorer la mobilité dans vos hanches vous donnera une tête d’avance en compétition et améliorera l’efficacité de vos entraînements.

Le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche de Mike et Rick est l’approche la plus complète et systématique que j’ai jamais vue sur le marché. Le programme élèvera votre athlétisme au niveau supérieur peu importe que vous soyez un professionnel ou un débutant ».

“Bodyweight Todd” Kuslikis

Fondateur de Shot of Adrenaline

Débloquez Vos Hanches Pour Débloquer Vos Squat

« J’ai eu tellement de clients d’entraîneurs personnels qui sont venus me voir au fil des années et qui ne savaient pas faire de squat correctement, cela me rendait dingue ! C’est principalement dû à la mobilité de leurs hanches, ou à son absence ! Si vous restez assis toute la journée, que vous avez des hanches raides, que vous souffrez de mystérieuses douleurs dans les hanches ou que vous luttez pour faire un squat parfait, alors vous avez besoin de consulter Rick Kaselj et son programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

Selon mon expérience, les raideurs et les douleurs des hanches ainsi que les squats mal réalisés peuvent conduire à des blessures et des douleurs plus graves si on ne s’en occupe pas à temps, c’est pourquoi je recommande de tout mon cœur le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche de Rick. Récupérez-le » !

Gavin Walsh BSc (Hons)

Entraîneur Personnel, Brighton, East Sussex, Royaume-Uni

Q : En quoi est-il différent des autres programmes pour la flexibilité des hanches ?

R : Ce qui rend le programme de Rick unique, c’est de savoir comment dénouer les couches de tension du muscle psoas afin de le détendre et l’entraîner efficacement.

Le flux séquentiel unique en son genre de Rick est votre chemin le plus sûr vers des hanches plus détendues, plus fortes et en meilleure santé.

Q : Pourquoi le vendez-vous à un prix aussi bas ? Où est le piège ?

R : Il n’y en a pas. Nous sommes tellement satisfaits du nombre de clients qui ont investi dans ce programme et qui ont eu des résultats qui changent la vie.

Notre objectif est de le mettre à disposition d’autant de gens que possible, pour étendre le public de

Q : Combien de temps cela me prendra-t-il pour réaliser le programme ?

R : Le programme est conçu pour être réalisé en 10 à 15 minutes au total.

Nous vous recommandons une pratique quotidienne du programme pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats sur la longue durée. Vous pouvez ajouter ce programme avant ou après vos séances régulières à la salle de gym ou l’utiliser indépendamment.

Q : Après combien de temps vais-je constater des résultats ?

R : Bien que tout le monde soit différent et que les résultats puissent varier, nous savons d’expérience à quel point il est possible de ressentir et de voir rapidement une différence.

Pour certains, cela peut être dès leur première session, pour d’autres cela peut prendre quelques sessions pour vraiment commencer à voir les bénéfices. Encore une fois, cela dépend du corps en question.

Q : À qui convient ce programme ?

R : Ce programme vous convient si vous souffrez actuellement de douleurs inexplicables au dos, aux hanches ou aux articulations.

Les exercices en eux-mêmes ne sont pas fatigants et sont conçus pour être réalisés par n’importe qui, peu importe ses capacités.

Q : Puis-je pratiquer le Flux Séquentiel si j’ai une prothèse de la hanche ?

R : La réponse à cette question varie en fonction de chaque individu. Cela dépend du type de chirurgie de prothèse de la hanche que vous avez subie et de la façon dont vous avez récupéré après la chirurgie. Il vaut mieux demander à votre chirurgien ou à votre médecin pour voir quels exercices du flux séquentiel vous devriez effectuer ou éviter.

Q : Je veux commencer tout de suite. Dois-je attendre de me faire livrer le livre et les vidéos ?

R : Vous n’êtes pas obligé d’attendre, vous pouvez y accéder en seulement quelques instants. Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est un produit numérique, donc pas besoin de vous inquiéter à propos des frais de port ou des résultats retardés.

Q : Les exercices sont-ils difficiles à réaliser ?

R : Pas du tout. Une fois que vous aurez regardé les vidéos d’entraînement vous les trouverez faciles à faire. Il y a aussi des progressions pour rendre les mouvements plus difficiles au besoin.

Q : Et si la routine ne marche pas sur moi ?

R : Ça va marcher. Mais pour que vous vous sentiez mieux, si pour la moindre raison vous n’êtes pas satisfait, vous serez entièrement remboursé, sans poser de question. Nous soutenons ce produit à 110% et nous ne voyons aucun problème à offrir une garantie de remboursement.

Q : Est-ce que j’ai besoin d’un abonnement à une salle de gym ou d’un équipement spécifique ?

R : Non. Vous pouvez pratiquer cette routine n’importe où même dans un très petit espace. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c’est d’un mur qui servira de support pour quelques exercices.

Références de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche :

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Horizon Bien-être Edition Spéciale: Le Secret de l’Huile de Coco Révélé

Product Name: Horizon Bien-être Edition Spéciale: Le Secret de l’Huile de Coco Révélé

Click here to get Horizon Bien-être Edition Spéciale: Le Secret de l’Huile de Coco Révélé at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Horizon Bien-être Edition Spéciale: Le Secret de l’Huile de Coco Révélé is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.



Cher(ère) Fidèle Ami(e) d’Horizon Bien-être,

Voici une nouvelle qui, j’en suis sûr, ne vous étonnera guère… rien de ce qui est concocté dans un laboratoire ne pourra jamais remplacer la valeur de ce qu’on trouve dans la nature!

Mère Nature est incroyablement généreuse dans tout ce qu’elle nous fournit. Elle nous offre une abondance de fruits et légumes riches en vitamines, minéraux et nutriments pour nourrir notre corps afin que nous puissions jouir d’une longue vie en pleine santé.

Un fruit en particulier (la noix de coco) dispose d’une telle profusion de propriétés médicinales qu’on appelle son arbre “l’arbre de vie”. Avant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, les gens vivant dans les pays insulaires, comme les Philippines, avaient un régime alimentaire principalement constitué de riz, de tubercules, de légumes et d’un super aliment ultra-thérapeutique en abondance: la noix de coco.

La noix de coco est un “aliment fonctionnel” riche en vitamines, en minéraux et en fibres, les éléments nutritionnels essentiels pour être en parfaite santé.

Durant des générations, les insulaires la considéraient comme “La Cure pour Toutes les Maladies” et ils consommaient de la chair, du lait et de l’huile de coco quotidiennement. Bien que ce régime fût riche en graisses saturées, les maladies occidentales comme le diabète, le cancer et les maladies cardiaques étaient pratiquement inconnues.

Les Philippins et les insulaires jouissaient au contraire d’un teint magnifiquement jeune, d’une peau douce et sans aucune ride, de l’absence quasi-totale de cancer de la peau (même avec une exposition excessive au soleil tout au long de l’année) et d’une bonne santé durable.

Il a été démontré que l’huile de coco en particulier vous protège des virus, des bactéries, des infections, du cancer, des problèmes thyroïdiens, cérébraux et cardiaques… et qu’en plus elle embellit votre peau, et brûle même la graisse!

Il est stupéfiant de voir à quel point l’huile de coco (une graisse saturée) regorge de propriétés bonnes pour la santé, et qu’en aucune manière elle n’est responsable d’un taux élevé de cholestérol, de l’obésité, des maladies cardiaques et des effets négatifs sur la santé, comme on vous l’a fait croire.

Enfin, la médecine moderne et la science commencent à réaliser cette vérité fondamentale… il y a longtemps que cela devait arriver. Mais malheureusement pas avant que les maladies cardiaques, le cancer, le diabète, l’obésité et tout un tas d’autres maladies catastrophiques n’aient atteint des proportions épidémiques !

Avant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, cet aliment miracle pour la guérison qu’est la noix de coco était utilisé pour soulager:

Mais tout cela a changé à la fin de la guerre lorsque les États-Unis ont proclamé les huiles hydrogénées comme étant “les huiles les plus saines”. Dans les années 60, une théorie scientifique peu solide prétendait que les graisses saturées (comme celles que l’on trouve dans le beurre, les œufs, le lait, la viande rouge et les noix de coco) augmentaient le taux de “mauvais” cholestérol LDL et que leur consommation était dangereuse.

Rien n’était plus éloigné de la vérité! Mais cette “angoisse sanitaire” a suffit à ce que le public délaisse les graisse saturées pour les huiles végétales raffinées . Ce fut parfait pour l’industrie agro-alimentaire car elles étaient bien moins coûteuses à produire.

Il ne fallut pas attendre longtemps avant que le régime alimentaire occidental n’atteigne les îles et que les anciennes habitudes ne soient oubliées.

Moins chers, les aliments hydrogénés produits en masse ont remplacé la nourriture traditionnelle, comme l’huile de coco polyvalente et thérapeutique qui a gardé les insulaires en pleine santé durant des générations.

Et pour la toute première fois, les maladies prépondérantes chez les Américains (les maladies cardiaques, le diabète, le cancer et l’obésité) ont commencé à devenir un fléau parmi les nations insulaires.

Il y a des décennies de cela, lorsqu’a débuté la transformation alimentaire, altérer ce que la nature nous offrait est devenu une pratique courante. C’est ainsi qu’a commencé l’ère des aliments modifiés par des apprentis sorciers, les “frankenfoods”.

Les aliments naturels, entiers et nutritifs, qui pour la plupart transitaient directement de la ferme à votre table, furent remplacés par des aliments de commodité produits en masse, sur-transformés, raffinés et chargés en produits chimiques.

Et ce n’était pas différent pour les graisses. En quatre décennies les sources saines de graisses furent remplacées par des huiles végétales que l’on pensait “meilleures pour vous”. On sait maintenant qu’elles ont fait plus de mal que de bien.

Les quatre qui suivent sont les pires et vous devriez les éviter à tout prix:

Canola – Les animaux et les insectes l’évitent dans la nature, et voici pourquoi vous le devriez également…

Il n’y a rien de tel dans la nature. L’huile de canola est en fait une version modifiée de l’huile de colza. Les cultures asiatiques et indiennes ont utilisé l’huile de colza durant des siècles, mais celle-ci n’était jamais consommée dans des proportions énormes comme le font les Américains.

Le colza (de la famille de la moutarde) contient des composés de cyanure et les animaux sauvages ainsi que les insectes l’évitent dans la nature.

Le processus de raffinage composé d’une désodorisation et d’un blanchissage pour la transformer en huile de canola implique l’exposition de l’huile de colza à une température élevée, ce qui réduit grandement le taux d’oméga 3 qu’elle contient (ce qui est peut-être sa seule qualité à l’origine).

La consommation de cette “Huile OGM” a été liée à des troubles musculaires et à une dégénérescence graisseuse du cœur, des reins, et des glandes surrénales et thyroïdiennes. Pour l’éviter, lisez attentivement les étiquettes (même si les produits sont soi-disant bons pour la santé) car elle est présente pratiquement partout.

Huile de coton – Une plante industrielle saturée en pesticides…

Des milliers d’aliments produits commercialement contiennent de l’huile de coton; tout y passe depuis les aliments en conserve jusqu’aux chips et autres articles en sachet. Il y en a même dans les boissons comme la Gatorade. Toutefois, le coton n’est pas une plante cultivée dans un but alimentaire, et par conséquent elle n’est pas traitée comme une culture alimentaire mais comme une culture industrielle.

En théorie tout peut être pulvérisé sur les plants de coton pour éloigner les insectes et déclencher la croissance. Les champs de coton utilisent des poisons dangereux comme la trifluraline, le cyanure, le dicofol, la propargite et le naled. Ceux-ci imprègnent profondément les plantes, les transformant littéralement en organismes toxiques.

Alors qu’elle ne poserait pas de problème pour fabriquer des pantalons et des chemises, l’huile de coton est vraiment impropre à la consommation. La majorité des plants de coton sont génétiquement modifiés, altérés au niveau moléculaire. Même si nous ne mangeons pas directement le plant de coton, l’huile qui en est extraite contient les mêmes propriétés que la plante.

En plus d’une quantité élevée d’acides gras Oméga-6, l’huile de coton présente une structure protéinique similaire à celle des arachides, donc les gens allergiques aux cacahuètes peuvent également faire une sérieuse réaction allergique à cette huile. Cependant, la FDA n’exige pas de label d’allergie pour cette huile, même si l’huile d’arachide peut être fatale.

Carthame – Les études montrent qu’une augmentation en Oméga-6 augmente aussi le taux de décès par maladie cardiaque, une raison suffisante pour éviter cette huile…

Si vous croyez encore que les graisses saturées et le cholestérol sont une cause directe des maladies cardiaques, alors l’huile de carthame semble probablement être une alternative saine.

Des études préalables ont découvert qu’en substituant les graisses animales par des huiles végétales telles que le carthame, les taux de cholestérol pourraient en fait chuter.

Toutefois, ce que les études préalables n’avaient pas évalué, c’était le ratio élevé d’acides gras Oméga-6 face aux Oméga-3 dans ces huiles et que la quantité d’acides gras Oméga-6 dans le régime alimentaire américain s’accroissait de manière astronomique.

Les chercheurs ont désormais la preuve que ce n’est peut-être pas le cholestérol qui tue, mais les Oméga-6. Lorsqu’un groupe d’individus a remplacé les graisses animales par l’huile de carthame riche en Oméga-6, leur taux de cholestérol a baissé. Toutefois le taux de décès par maladies cardiovasculaires et coronariennes s’est considérablement accru comparé à ceux qui consommaient les graisses animales.

Ces résultats ont incité les chercheurs à réévaluer leurs théories sur les graisses saturées, le cholestérol et les maladies cardiaques, et à pointer du doigt les acides gras Oméga-6 anciennement considérés comme “bons pour le cœur”.

Soja – L’aliment “santé” OGM et perturbateur endocrinien qu’on continue à faire passer pour sain…

Oh, la controverse du soja. Bien que les commerçants vous fassent croire que le soja est bénéfique parce que nos compatriotes asiatiques en pleine santé en consomment régulièrement, c’est en fait un mythe nutritionnel des plus contestables. Les Asiatiques apprécient le soja, mais sous sa forme fermentée et en quantités considérablement moindres que nous ne le faisons nous.

Quatre-vingt-treize pourcent du soja américain est OGM et la plupart du soja que nous consommons n’est pas fermenté. Le soja hautement transformé a été lié à de nombreuses maladies y compris les problèmes de glande thyroïdienne et de perturbation endocrinienne en raison de sa grande quantité de composés proches des œstrogènes appelés phyto-œstrogènes. Quant à l’huile de soja, elle représente jusqu’à 80 pourcent de l’huile que nous consommons aujourd’hui.

Elle est hautement transformée et lourdement hydrogénée, et on en trouve dans une grande majorité de produits dans les rayons des supermarchés. Et ne pensez surtout pas que choisir du soja bio soit plus sûr… car il a été démontré que certaines prétendues fermes de soja “bio” utilisaient frauduleusement cette appellation… faisant passer du soja OGM pour ce qu’il n’était pas. Il vaut mieux éviter complètement l’huile de soja.

On peut quasiment vous garantir qu’en ce moment-même vous avez l’une de ces huiles, ou de la nourriture contenant ces huiles, dans votre garde-manger. Peut-être avez-vous vous-même utilisé l’une de ces huiles lorsque vous avez préparé votre dîner hier soir. Et aujourd’hui vous réalisez tristement que L’INDUSTRIE AGRO-ALIMENTAIRE VOUS A MENTI.

Les aliments réellement sains ont été diabolisés et vos “soi-disant” choix alimentaires sains ont été manipulés par des fabricants s’enrichissant chaque jour un peu plus. Et pendant ce temps les qualités nutritionnelles de votre régime alimentaire s’appauvrissaient chaque jour un peu plus !

Nous oui, lorsque nous avons réalisé que tout ce qu’on nous a dit sur les huiles saturées était faux… et à quel point l’huile de coco était bien meilleure pour nous tous.

Mais c’est seulement le sommet de l’iceberg! C’est pourquoi nous avons décidé d’écrire et de publier le ebook exclusif, ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, pour que vous aussi vous puissiez faire le tri entre la vérité et les mensonges, et faire vous-même l’expérience de tout ce que l’huile de coco offre en matière de santé!

Dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, nous déconstruisons complètement le Mythe de la Graisse Saturée (en termes simples) pour que vous puissiez être rassuré que choisir l’huile de coco est la meilleure décision à prendre!

Mais les révélations sur la guérison ne s’arrêtent pas là…

Ce n’est pas un secret que nourrir son enfant au sein soit la meilleure chose qu’une mère puisse faire pour booster son système immunitaire. Ce qui rend le lait maternel si sain est le fait qu’il contient une grande quantité d’acide laurique.

Hormis le lait maternel, il n’y a que trois sources alimentaires d’acide laurique… et l’huile de coco est la plus concentrée des trois!

Dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, vous découvrirez:

Vous n’arrivez pas à perdre du poids? C’est maintenant fini, car…

Les chercheurs ont découvert que dans les cultures où l’huile de coco non raffinée fait partie intégrante du régime alimentaire quotidien, il y a moins de cas d’obésité et de maladies liées au mode de vie.

Malheureusement, on consomme très peu d’huile de coco aux États-Unis et le syndrome métabolique (avec ses symptômes d’obésité, de diabète et de maladies cardiaques) atteint des proportions épidémiques!

DansʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ,, vous découvrirez:

Vous vous sentez tout le temps fatigué ? Voici de bonnes nouvelles…

Plus de 13 millions d’Américains souffrent d’un hypofonctionnement de la thyroïde sans en comprendre la cause. Ce n’est pas étonnant car les aliments les plus transformés contiennent des composants qui bloquent l’assimilation de l’iode… et l’iode est essentiel pour un fonctionnement optimal de la thyroïde! Si vous faites la cuisine avec de l’huile végétale, il est temps d’arrêter pour le bien de votre thyroïde!

De plus, sans une thyroïde saine, il est presque impossible de perdre du poids… en particulier pour les femmes.

Découvrez si vous souffrez d’un dysfonctionnement de la thyroïde et comment l’huile de coco peut la relancer dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Nature.ʺ. Découvrez:

Maintenant, vous voulez vous sentir aussi bien à l’extérieur qu’à l’intérieur? Vous le pourrez, car…

Les gens vivant sous les tropiques ont une peau magnifique et exempte de rides car l’huile de coco fait non seulement partie de leur régime alimentaire… mais aussi de leur régime de beauté!

L’huile de coco est un démaquillant hydratant naturel et une crème solaire efficace, bloquant 20 pourcent des rayonnements nuisibles… grâce aux acides gras à chaîne moyenne qui protègent et guérissent la peau en même temps.

Dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, nous partagerons…

Cliquez ici pour obtenir dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ et réclamer deux rapports santé supplémentaires GRATUITS!

Vous pouvez également prendre soin de votre esprit, car…

Les cas de maladie d’Alzheimer sont en hausse… mais vous pouvez agir dès maintenant pour protéger votre cerveau contre les effets dévastateurs de ce mal cruel!

Comment? En aidant votre corps à produire des cétones, une source d’énergie alternative pour votre cerveau! Les cétones sont créées lorsque le corps métabolise les TCM (triglycérides à chaîne moyenne).

Mais où peut-on trouver des TCM ? Dans l’huile de coco, bien sûr! DansʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, vous découvrirez:

Le mot “cancer” vous terrifie ? Ne vous laissez pas faire, car…

Les cellules cancéreuses se nourrissent et croissent dans votre corps jusqu’à ce que la maladie prenne finalement le dessus et détériore votre santé. Lorsqu’elles ne finissent pas tout simplement par vous tuer.

Ne soyez plus terrifié par le cancer! Les chercheurs ont découvert qu’il est en fait possible d’ “affamer” les cellules cancéreuses, et cette défense proactive rend le corps plus apte à combattre la maladie qu’une chimiothérapie agressive!

Dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, vous découvrirez:

Vous avez entendu parler des avantages de la détoxification ? Et bien tendez l’oreille, car…

La détoxification est assez populaire ces derniers temps, mais attention! De nombreuses cures détox qu’on peut trouver sur internet ne reposent sur aucun fait scientifique et sont plutôt des régimes “effet de mode” destinés à remplir les poches des autres!

L’huile de coco a d’étonnantes capacités détoxifiantes et elle renforce votre énergie pendant une cure détox! DansʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Nature“, vous découvrirez:

Cliquez ici pour obtenir dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ et réclamer deux rapports santé supplémentaires GRATUITS!

Ne laissez pas votre médecin vous rendre encore plus malade avec les traitements cardiaques conventionnels!Essayez plutôt ça, car…

Les maladies cardiaques sont des maladies effrayantes souvent traitées avec des médicaments encore plus effrayants… comme les statines! Les statines (médicaments pour réduire le cholestérol) appauvrissent le corps des nutriments vitaux nourrissant le cœur et peuvent faire plus de mal que de bien!

L’huile de coco a des vertus médicinales pour le cœur et peut permettre de prévenir le besoin d’avoir recours à de tels médicaments… et peut même vous empêcher de tomber malade tout court!

Dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, vous découvrirez:

Cliquez ici pour obtenir dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ et réclamer deux rapports santé supplémentaires GRATUITS!

La levure vous inquiète? Tout comme des millions d’autres gens! Mais devinez quoi…

Tout le monde a une petite quantité de levure vivant dans sa bouche et ses intestins. Elle joue un rôle important dans la digestion et l’absorption des nutriments, mais lorsqu’il y a surpopulation… attention!

Elle traverse la paroi des intestins et s’infiltre dans le flux sanguin, où elle libère des toxines. Cette fuite peut causer un certain nombre de problèmes de santé!

En fait, il y a plus de gens ayant des maladies liées à la levure, ou Candida, que ce qu’on pense… peut-être en faites-vous vous-même partie. Dans ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, vous découvrirez:

Cliquez ici pour obtenir dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ et réclamer deux rapports santé supplémentaires GRATUITS!

Cela peut sembler trop beau pour être vrai, mais on vous le promet (et des montagnes de recherches le prouvent) l’huile de coco peut faire des merveilles pour votre santé! Et comme vous l’avez vu ici, cette huile toute simple que vous pouvez acheter directement dans les rayons de votre épicerie locale peut:

Mais il reste encore certaines choses très importantes que vous DEVEZ savoir pour profiter au maximum de l’huile de coco…

Tout d’abord, toutes les huiles de coco ne sont pas produites de la même manière… certaines sont meilleures que d’autres. Comme ce fut le cas lorsque l’huile de coco était largement utilisée dans l’industrie de la transformation alimentaire il y a des années de cela, il reste encore beaucoup d’huile de coco raffinée en circulation. Évidemment, plus l’huile est transformée, moins elle possède de vertus pour la santé.

ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ vous aidera à trouver la meilleure huile de coco pour une santé optimale:

Obtenez dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: Pourquoi ce Trésor Tropical est le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ avec 75% de Réduction et réclamez deux rapports santé bonus Gratuits!

Obtenez dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco:
Pourquoi ce Trésor Tropical est le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ
avec 75% de Réduction et réclamez deux rapports santé bonus Gratuits!

Obtenez dès aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco:
Pourquoi ce Trésor Tropical est le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ
avec 75% de Réduction et réclamez deux rapports santé bonus Gratuits!

ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ révèle les mythes qui vous ont empêché de profiter de tous les incroyables bienfaits pour la santé que vous venez juste de découvrir!

En plus, il vous permet d’introduire facilement l’huile de coco dans votre vie de tous les jours pour jouir de la santé optimale que vous méritez!

C’est pourquoi il est urgent de mettre la main dès aujourd’hui sur une copie de cet étonnant guide de santé afin de pouvoir commencer à guérir votre corps, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur!

Et lorsque vous commanderez aujourd’hui ʺLe Secret de l’Huile de Coco: le Super Aliment n°1 de la Natureʺ, vous recevrez également deux Rapports Spécial Santé exclusifs et GRATUITS, habituellement vendus séparément:

Les insulaires ont des dizaines et des dizaines de façons d’utiliser l’huile de coco! Ce rapport bonus spécial vous fournit des utilisations dont vous n’avez jamais entendu parler et qui ont été pratiquées pendant des décennies… pour faciliter votre découverte d’un mode de vie sain! Découvrez:

La noix de coco n’est pas seulement bonne pour la santé, elle a aussi un goût divin! Ce rapport santé bonus vous fournit de délicieuses recettes qui vous rendront accros dès que vous les aurez essayées! La santé n’a jamais eu aussi bon goût:

Nulle part ailleurs vous ne trouverez une autre source avec un tel concentré de secrets sur les vertus anti-âge, anti-cancer et pro-perte de poids de l’huile de coco!

Et c’est pourquoi nous voulons l’offrir à nos estimés lecteurs d’Horizon Bien-être avec €29 de réduction sur le prix normal.

Essayez dès aujourd’hui Le Secret de l’Huile de Coco sans aucun risque. Notre garantie de remboursement de 60 jours est votre sécurité. Vous êtes couvert par la garantie de satisfaction en béton d’Horizon Bien-être. Si pour n’importe quelle raison que ce soit vous n’êtes pas satisfait de votre ebook et de vos deux rapports spécial santé, faites-le nous savoir.

Vous aurez 60 jours pour lire, critiquer et même commencer à utiliser l’huile de coco afin de transformer votre santé. Si vous considérez que vous n’avez pas mis la main sur les informations les plus utiles et instructives dans ce domaine, nous nous dépêcherons de vous rembourser intégralement, sans poser de question!

Et pour vous remercier d’avoir fait confiance à Horizon Bien-être, vous pourrez garder en cadeau votre bonne santé, votre ebook et vos rapports spécial santé.

On vous a menti pendant des années, on vous a mis un cache sur les yeux et on a même mis votre santé en danger sans que vous ne le sachiez… tout cela pour que l’industrie agro-alimentaire puisse faire du profit avec des produits alimentaires bas de gamme!

Plus jamais ça ! Vous serez étonné de voir à quel point cette huile tropicale si diabolisée peut en fait être votre ticket gagnant pour une perte de poids saine… plus d’énergie… un esprit plus aiguisé… une amélioration des fonctions cardiovasculaires… une magnifique peau… et une meilleure santé en général..

P.S. :… Souvenez-vous, tout ce que vous trouvez sur internet n’est pas forcément basé sur la science. Les vertus thérapeutiques de la noix de coco reposent sur des montagnes de recherches… et Mère Nature s’en porte garante! Faire la transition peut changer votre vie! Obtenez Dès Maintenant le “Secret” et les Rapports Bonus Gratuits!

P.P.S.: N’oubliez pas que vous êtes couvert par notre garantie de satisfaction de 60 jours. Si ce ne sont pas les informations les plus utiles mises à votre disposition sur les vertus de l’huile de coco nous nous dépêcherons de vous rembourser intégralement… et notre manière de vous remercier pour nous avoir fait confiance à propos de votre santé c’est que vous pourrez tout garder.
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Is a small, stucco-coated two-story Spanish style mansion…Situated on an oversized lot, it doesn’t look like much on the outside… But this particular mansion holds a secret that you would never suspect just by looking at it.Because once a month dozens of the most beautiful, sultry, and desirable women from all over Southern California flock to its front doors…For a private, invitation-only gathering that none of the participants would ever admit to attending outside of its walls…And these women are NOT coming in search of fortune or fame either… they’re coming for a dose of mind-warping pleasure so intense…It leaves them shaking, breathless and convulsing… barely able to walk or move… addicted to a rare kind of orgasmic release they never even knew was possible.Because the men who host these hush-hush soirees are not just rich and powerful… they have a secret.A secret that gives them the power to enjoy controlled, lasting pleasure and the ability to climax on command…

So they can last as long as they want, whenever they want… even though most of them are well into their 50s.

…Even the coldest, most conservative, or stubborn woman can be converted into a rabid nymphomaniac on the spot.And today, right here on this page you’re going to discover their secret for yourself.By the time you’re finished reading this, you’re going to have the power to control exactly how long you last every single time you have sex…You’ll have such precision control over both your pleasure and hers that whether you want to last 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or even well over an hour…You’ll have the power to do it…Every time…On commandAnd the best part is… you’ll be able to accomplish all of this…Without ever needing pills, pumps, delay creams or special numbing condoms…Or relying on so-called “porn star tricks” that only work for genetically gifted guys in their sexual prime.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

“I’m a natural skeptic so when I first heard about this ‘Hollywood Sex Secret’ I thought it would be another scam with no substance. But my curiosity was burning so I decided to try it. Trying just one part of your method I was able to satisfy my woman all night. Thanks for this.”

Blair C. wrote and told me:

“Normally I’m skeptical about endorsement letters that praise a product or service too highly, but I can honestly say to you that your advice has saved my marriage, and has led to the best sex we’ve ever had (including the four extra times during the remainder of that evening!)”

Finally Wayne wrote in and said:

“I’m seeing a massive improvement already. I can’t believe how quickly things have started to change. I always thought this was a problem I’m going to be stuck with. I feel a lot more confident now. Thanks again for the quick cure!”

Now these are just a few of the 1,000s of guys that send me testimonials just like this every single day…They didn’t want their faces or full names to be shared for obvious reasons but I personally verify every testimonial and keep a copy in my office according to FTC guideline CFR 255.Just so you know I’m not blowing smoke up your “you know what…”Now you might be wondering how I went from being so bad in the sack that my wife was in talks with a divorce attorney…To gaining almost supernatural sexual staying power and lighting up my woman’s world with legendary orgasms that make her see stars on a nightly basis.

And it all started on the night of my 7th wedding anniversary when…

Like most couples past the Honeymoon phase of the relationship… The passion between my wife and I had started to fade.Slowly at first… then faster and faster until we were barely getting it on at all…I thought at the time it was the normal stuff – work, stress, and hectic schedules… the kind of excuses that everyone uses to justify their less-than-satisfying sex life.But little did I know it was actually my own performance that was to blame.It’s a bit embarrassing for me to admit this now but I was never exactly a “marathon man” in the bedroom.It was easy for me to get overly aroused and let any kind of friction from straight sex to oral set me off in less than a minute.For a while I was able to recover and come back for a second round but after a while that started to become a problem for me too.Now, the worst part of giving a woman a less-than-standing-ovation performance in the sack…Is that she will almost NEVER tell you.Women are instinctively programmed to avoid confrontation about this sort of thing.The last thing a woman wants to do is awkwardly tell you how lame you are in bed and then deal with your wounded ego afterwards…So the pattern continued and pretty soon… It went from my wife “feeling tired” or “having a headache” most nights of the week…To the point where we were only doing the deed on special occasions…Which brings me to the night of our 7th wedding anniversary.After a romantic dinner for two at an upscale seafood restaurant downtown and a few glasses of bubbly we were both in the mood.Back in our bedroom my wife and I started making out as the passion began to heat up…Just then she stopped me to sneak into the bathroom and “slip into something more comfortable.”As she fiddled around in the bathroom I downed another glass of champagne and geared up for a night of hot loving.Just as I was finishing the last gulp of champagne I saw her…Arched underneath the doorway of our bedroom in a red teddy that left very little to the imagination.Her hip jutted out just slightly, drawing attention to her sumptuous curves and seductive sinews…

She crawled into bed and we started to kiss each other passionately as I tore off her lingerie.

But after less than a minute of action… it was all over.I got so excited that despite my best efforts to slow down and keep things going… I just couldn’t “keep the wolves at bay” so to speak.I felt myself reaching that point of no return as my body wanted to release the pressure that had been building up…So I started to think about my favorite football team and even made a move to change positions to something I read that would make me feel less sensation.But I think we both know, those things never work.And after about 2 minutes…I just couldn’t help myself…I sputtered out a quick orgasm and rolled over.And that’s when it happened.I actually heard my wife laugh.

It wasn’t a howling kind of laughter, but it was audible… the sort of thing that seemed to come out of her accidentally.“What’s so funny?” I said.“Nothing…” she said back.She rolled over and poured herself a glass of bubbly that was still on ice on the nightstand and started chugging away so she could avoid having to say more about it…And I felt a red current of embarrassment rush up my body and into my face…I just left the conversation alone because I was too embarrassed and proud to confront her about it.But I knew that her snickering had something to do with my “two-pump chump” effort. And after that night…

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

But the worst part was what my wife had said last:

“I even talked to a divorce attorney last week… just to review how things would go if I did decide to separate…Basically it seems straightforward… since we don’t have kids yet it wouldn’t be too messy, and he even thinks I would get the house.I don’t want to go this route, I still care about Lloyd but a girl has needs and I still have lots of good years left in me…”

I put the phone down in shock…My stomach turned and I felt the blood draining from my face as I slumped onto the living room sofa.I had already started to suspect that my performance in the bedroom wasn’t leaving my wife satisfied… but I had no idea just how bad it had gotten.That night I tossed and turned… barely sleeping a wink.A million scenarios whirled in my mind and I couldn’t help but return over and over to one single thought…

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur to be honest…I was so depressed at the thought that my marriage was falling apart that I started to wander into random bars after work instead of going home.Because of the hurt, anger and shame I felt… I didn’t think I’d be able to face my wife without unloading on her about the text conversation I saw…Then one Friday afternoon…I ended up wandering into an upscale cocktail lounge in a luxury boutique hotel…At the time… it just seemed like a classy place to drown my sorrows.I sat down in a comfy leather armchair and gave my drink order to a very sexy cocktail waitress…After my 3rd drink in a row I was pretty buzzed and some of the pain was blunted enough for me to survey the room…It was pretty typical of what you’d see on a Friday night at a high-end lounge.The place was packed with attractive women, all wearing different colors of slinky cocktail dresses and carrying around designer purses…Some looked like sexy, well-kept divorcees sculpted by plastic surgery and bronzed with artificial tans…And some were beautiful, young women who looked to be trolling for rich husbands and boyfriends…Most of the men were impeccably dressed in designer suits that cost more than my car…

But out of the corner of my eye… I caught something that seemed out of place.A guy in his late 40s wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt, tattered jeans, and box-store sandals standing just outside the patio door of the lounge…He looked more like the kind of guy that slept at a homeless shelter than belonged in a high-end cocktail lounge like this.But he was talking with two gorgeous-looking women who giggled at everything he said.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

So after the free gin and tonic had caught up to him and he headed to the men’s room…

I seized the opportunity and followed.

I crept up to the stall next to him… trying to figure out how to start a conversation.

Finally I just blurted out “hey, ahhh Ted?”“Yeah,” he answered… “How do you know my name?”“Ummmm… well I was… ahhh…”

He interrupted “Look, if you’re from Playboy magazine I’m going to tell you what I told the last guy…”“I’m not interested in giving any interviews… even anonymous ones.”“No, I’m not a reporter and I’m not here from any magazine…” I responded.He looked me in the eyes intensely like he wanted to punch me in the face but let up because I think he saw the desperation in my eyes.It gave me a window of opportunity to explain myself… I gave him the elevator speech version of my story… how my sex life with my wife had gone frigid and how she had one foot out the door in our marriage.I admit it was a little weird laying all of this on a guy I had just met 5 minutes before but to my surprise… Ted actually listened to me.

Because Ted was about to share something with me that completely changed my sex life forever…

And it will do the same thing for you too.

“Look Lloyd, I’m gonna be honest… tonight isn’t a good night for me. I’ve got plans but if you’re willing to meet tomorrow around 4 PM…I’ll make sure that you can make your wife orgasm so hard she forgets her first name.”

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

It turns out that Mr. Mogul and an inner circle of a dozen Hollywood elite hosted hush-hush soirees once per month at a reclusive mansion in Santa Monica…Ted recalled the first time he went to one of their events…A private car picked him up and brought him to the gates of a Spanish-style mansion that looked a little run-down from the outside.But once inside… the character of the site changed quickly.High ceilings and grey marble floors stretched out to a set of oversized French doors where a patio gave way to a heated pool and a breathtaking view of the mountains…And every direction you looked… some of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen were circling about and mingling with the Hollywood elites.The next thing Ted saw, however, really blew his mind…Mr. Mogul ascending the staircase with 3 beautiful women on his arm all eagerly pawing at him and giggling with anticipation…He then noticed another older gentleman in a tuxedo do the same with two other partygoers.The pattern continued… as each of the men paired off with no fewer than two of the women.Finally a lovely blonde and a pretty red-head approached Ted and introduced themselves… Just then Ted heard a deep voice behind him say…“Sorry ladies, this one’s new and isn’t ready yet.”Ted turned around to see a tall man who appeared to be in his mid 50s who introduced himself simply as “The Professor.”And that’s when he discovered…

You see The Professor Ted met was just that…A professor and researcher in the field of neuroscience at a local southern California university…As Ted explained, all the guys in the “secret society” first had to get training from The Professor before they could “reap the benefits” of membership.It turns out The Professor specialized in something that scientists call “Neurochemical feedback.”Basically, it’s a way to train your body and your nervous system to respond to stimulation in novel ways.See, all the sexy women that came to these orgiastic parties weren’t just coming to hob nob with Hollywood power brokers…They came because once these men were trained in The Professor’s cutting-edge science of Neurochemical Feedback methods…

They had the ability to tap directly into their brain’s own pleasure networks, lasting as long as they wanted and delaying orgasm by up to 60 minutes…Plus their training gave them certain simple techniques they could use on their partners and lower what’s known as the “pleasure threshold.”Look, men and women aren’t wired the same when it comes to sex…Men are wired to become aroused more easily so it’s naturally harder for us guys to hold back when we’re really turned on.Women, on the other hand, have a much higher threshold for arousal, which means it takes them longer to reach an orgasm…So if you’re struggling right now to last long enough to “deliver the goods” to your lady…

It’s 100% Not Your Fault…

But as Ted was about to find out…

Once a guy was trained in The Professor’s techniques, he gains the power to not only lower the pleasure barrier for any lady he chooses…But to raise it in himself all totally on command…

To not just naturally last longer and even recover faster after orgasm…But cause women to orgasm faster and for a much longer time than normal.

Ted was able to see the power of these methods with his own eyes… Watching these guys in their 50s and 60s satisfy multiple women decades younger than themselves at the same time… In fact the women experienced such incredible sexual pleasure that they actually became chemically addicted to it…And while most of them originally came to these parties for the promise of advancing their careers…

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

As great as it felt to please my wife so completely, that was just the beginning of what I learned from Ted.We continued to meet over the next few weeks and he would share some more of the techniques just as The Professor taught him…One technique he called The Pleasure Multiplier, which was a simple way that I could use the neurochemical feedback training to tap into my wife’s arousal mechanism…It gave me the power to ratchet up her arousal so high… She would orgasm before I could even enter her…Another technique he called The Boomerang let me recover within 30 seconds of orgasm so I could immediately go another round…It even let me do this as many times in a row as my body can handle.At first I was like a kid in the candy store, going again and again up to a half-dozen times in a single night.And I was giving my wife such intense orgasms that she couldn’t contain herself.One night, I heard the doorbell ring and saw a police officer standing at the door…Apparently, one of the neighbors heard my wife’s orgasmic screams and thought someone was in trouble.I still remember the look on his face when my wife came to the door in her bathrobe, her hair wildly strewn about, and her face red as a ripe apple…Telling him she was fine and to give a woman and her husband some privacy in their own home…Then dragging me back to the bedroom so I could finish what I started.

Over the course of the next few weeks my sex life continued to get better and better.Not only did I completely eliminate my premature ejaculation, and give myself the ability to go round after round…My wife totally loved the way I was able to rev her into overdrive on command using the simple neurochemical feedback  tricks that I discovered.And everything was going great until one of my coworkers, Jim confided something to me over lunch.See, Jim had gone through a divorce a few years back and had finally met a girl that he really liked…The only problem was she was 10 years younger than him and he was nervous he wouldn’t have the stamina to keep up.Now, a big part of me wanted to point him to Ted so he could teach him the neurochemical feedback techniques he taught me…But I remembered about the second of his “non-negotiable demands” when he agreed to share the secrets with me…“You must promise not to share my identity with anyone.”And since Ted basically saved my sex life and marriage, the last thing I wanted to do was betray him.So I shot him a text and asked him if we could meet for a drink because I needed to ask him something important.He agreed and when we met up I asked him…“Hey, so there’s a guy that I work with that’s having a tough time with a younger lady he met…”“This guy has really been through the ringer and I was hoping you’d give the okay for me to give him your number so you can help him like you helped me.”He looked at me straight in the eyes and said:“Lloyd, I’ve been teaching guys like you for nearly a decade… And in all that time I’ve only shared these secrets in private… with guys like you 1-on-1 who’ve paid me 4 figures to reveal them.I’ve been asked by editors of mainstream magazines like Maxim and Playboy to do interviews and share my story…But I’ve always felt a responsibility to only share them with guys who are truly deserving…”“But…” he continued, “I’ve decided to retire.”“I’m ready to spend the rest of my days living the beach life in Colombia…”“So Lloyd, you’re my last client.”“But if you think this friend of yours needs the neurochemical feedback tricks… you have my blessing to share them.”Ted left the next day and I never saw him again.But three days later I went and taught Jim what he had shared with me…And Jim of course got the same results that I did and ended up spilling the beans to a neighbor in his condo complex when his new girlfriend kept him up all night with her primal screams of orgasmic release.So this other guy came to me asking for the tricks too…Well, after this… word started to spread fast and one thing led to another and pretty soon…

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

Then there was this one that came in from Donny…He says:

“After only 2 sessions the results are astonishing. First session I went over 15 minutes. Second session I lasted 30 minutes. Even after I ejaculated I was still rock hard! Thanks for this.”

And I can’t wait to tell you about Regan who said this:

“After just one week my stamina has gone through the roof. Absolutely no problem lasting as long as my girlfriend. Also, sex has always been associated with anxiety for me and with your techniques, I find it’s gone down a ton. It’s so much easier to stay in the moment and I can now enjoy my beautiful girlfriend. Thanks Lloyd!”

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

If you want to be a sexual god among mere mortals…Today is your day to make it happen.Ejaculation By Command is the only sexual stamina method available that leverages the power of “neurochemical feedback”…So you are in total control of your body’s pleasure response… and can go for as long as you want, every single time.Most guys who do this report being able to last a MINIMUM of 20 minutes longer the first time they try it out.It won’t just give you epic staying power and light-speed recovery time…It will automatically allow you to naturally tap into the very pleasure network both in your brain…And hers…Letting both of you enjoy sheet-tearing, transcendent sexual pleasure for as long as you want, whenever you want, for as many times as you want.And just before you start to think this is just another typical “downloadable e-book…”Think again…It’s a full-fledged, multimedia powerhouse designed to be so simple, natural and powerful…It’s nearly “done-for-you.”Ejaculation By Command is so unique… that I couldn’t deliver it in a single componentI had to create 6 different components of the system to ensure that everything you need to know is delivered in the right way…At just the right time…

Now, in the first component, which I call…

You’ll get a step-by-step way to tap into your body’s natural “neurochemical feedback” mechanism…Installing a “virtual throttle” that will give you COMPLETE control over your pleasure response…So you can naturally last as long as you want, whenever you want without ever sacrificing one morsel of pleasure for you or your partner.Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover:

And much, much more…But we’re just getting started because you’ll also be getting…

You’ll be able to listen to every, white-hot morsel of the core protocol without reading a single word.Whether you’re commuting to the office…Working out at the gym…Or if you just learn better by listening…This downloadable companion of 14 jam-packed audios in MP3 format will let you install the power of Ejaculation By Command right into your brain.

Is your ticket to instant firepower you can use TONIGHT!Use it to give your woman a sexual experience she hasn’t had since your Honeymoon phase.This is where I pull back the curtains and reveal 15 tried-and-tested tactics to give a lights-out performance in the sack and send her into a wild sexual frenzy the first night you take it for a spin.Here’s just a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

Now we’re really rolling but I really felt the need to give my clients a surefire way to hit the ground running…Which is why I’ve included…

This is a handy guide that accumulates all of the breakthrough neurochemical feedback techniques in the core system plus the key emergency tactics in one place…So all you need to do is print it out, follow along, and you can rock her world as soon as tonight.

Gives you premium lifetime updates to the program at no extra charge. I’m always improving and making both myself and my trainings the best they can possibly be.Which means that I regularly update my trainings with new research, new discoveries and new techniques as they become available…And you’ll get to benefit from that constant improvement with lifetime updates to your Ejaculation By Command training completely on the house.

Now, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone to make this program as simple and as easy-to-follow as I possibly can…But there are always people who have additional questions about how to apply the techniques or even questions about other topics related to their sex lives…Believe me, I know how difficult it can be to get good advice, so in order to go the extra mile and give you the 1-to-1 attention you need when you join the Ejaculation By Command movement today…You’ll automatically be upgraded to priority status which gives you access to a private e-mail address where you can get any and all questions answered, completely free of charge.No BS support tickets or waiting around for days in a queue… you’ll get direct, same day access to yours truly…So you’ll never be in the dark about how to apply the powerful techniques you’ll discover inside this truly unique system.

Now, if I were to stop right now… You would already possess the most powerful system on the planet to ensure that you never felt the anxiety of not lasting long enough to please your woman EVER AGAIN…In fact, Ejaculation By Command isn’t just about boosting your sexual endurance or ending your premature ejaculation…

But because you’ve given me a little bit of your valuable time, I want to reward you.So I’m going to flat out give you access to…

Your 1st gift is a nifty little training that I call:

Raunchy Sex Secrets: Transforming Your Sex Life In Wickedly Sensuous Ways

Go from dud to stud at the speed of light by supercharging your love life with these done-for-you erotic escalation techniques…Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

Female Orgasm Secrets: How To Give Women Insanely Powerful Orgasms

Discover powerful, insider secrets to give your woman the kind of orgasms that make her touch the heavens…In this meaty guide packed with high-level intel you’ll unlock:

And so much more that I don’t have time to tell you about.Because I haven’t gotten to…

Your 3rd gift, which is called:

G-Spot Orgasm Secrets: How to Stimulate Her G-Spot And Give Any Woman Intense, Full-Body Squirting Orgasms

This is a special training from my good friend, Jason Julius who’s a highly respected figure in the field of female sexuality…Inside you’ll discover:

And that’s not even scratching the surface on the value this program will deliver into your life.There’s so much more that I didn’t have time to tell you about.But since you’ve read this far…I think it’s fair to say that you’re more than just a little interested in becoming a man who can last as long as he wants.So I have to ask you…

(You’ll probably have to buy a new wardrobe because of all the clothes she’s going to tear off your body on a nightly basis.)

Buy I’ve run the numbers and with all the demand and with the huge surge of traffic we’re guaranteed to get once the word gets out on this…There’s no way I can hold the price this low past the first 500 guys.

Fill in your details using a credit or debit card on the next page.Our payment server uses the same technology as Amazon so your information is totally secure.Reserve your spot right now and get immediate access to this life-changing system at a truly special price…Give yourself 60 days to convince yourself that this unique technology will help you have the best sex of your life.Take it for a spin with that special woman in your life… If you don’t last as long as you want while still enjoying the most passionate sex you can remember…If she’s not breathless and sweaty with satisfaction…Then just e-mail me at any time within 60 days of purchase…And I will promptly and courteously refund your purchase.I’ll even let you keep the program and the life-changing bonuses just for taking them for a spin.

Either you last as long as you need and give her insane pleasure that makes her sexually addicted to you…Or you won’t pay one thin dime for this program.It’s truly a situation where you RISK NOTHING.So go ahead and take advantage right now…

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along …

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along…

Is the path of least resistance…The path that leads you to click away from this page and ignore what you’ve just discovered.Now, if you take this path you won’t have to burden yourself with the yoke of change…But you’ll also rob both you and your lady of some of the most gratifying pleasure either of you have ever felt.And I doubt I have to tell you that continuing to disappoint your girl in bed puts your relationship at serious risk…I think we both know that you really deserve better than that.

Which I’m sure you’ll agree is the only path that makes sense…So, go ahead and reserve your spot right now in Ejaculation By Command…

Discover the power of Neurochemical Feedback to last as long as you want without sacrificing pleasure…Make your lady howl with sexual delight.Make her see the man you CAN be… the man you truly ARE deep down.The powerful, confident, masterful man that women pine for… that they secretly fantasize about when they’re alone.In just two minutes time you could be in the private member’s area giving yourself this power.So go ahead, click the order button below and get started RIGHT NOW…Lock in your bonuses before someone else snatches them up before your very eyes…Feel secure in knowing that you’re automatically covered by my iron-clad guarantee…I know you’ll make the right decision…Go ahead click the order button below and get started today!

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Click here to get Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Product Name: Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Because Your Woman’s Happiness Lies In YOUR Authority, Leadership And Dominance

And No Matter If You Want To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You Or To Fix A Failing Relationship Or Marriage – Shogun Method Will Show You How

More than 17,000+ Shogun Method clients since 2015!

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This could well be the fastest Method for a man to wield the ultimate control and dominance in his love life, bar none…

… and yet very few even know of its existence.

Even the leading gurus and “Pickup Artists” have no idea.

I knew this only because I had stumbled upon this Method by accident.

Close to ten years ago, being completely wrecked emotionally from a horrible breakup (and sick of getting rejected repeatedly after trying to “get back into the dating scene”)… I went on a “do-or-die” mission to seek out the quickest, most effective way to control and dominate my relationships with women ever known to humankind.

My year-long quest led me to an ultra-secretive group known as the MKDELTA. This was where forbidden knowledge on Mind Control was being shared freely behind iron walls closed to the outside world.

Members of MKDELTA dissected insidious Mind Control techniques that put their victims into a cult-like trance and turning them into emotional serfs, in body and in mind. I was, however, interested only in one very specific thing…

The ability to make any woman fall in love with me.

During the three years I was in the group I completely immersed myself in Mind Control techniques, and I ended up formulating a step-by-step Method on how to use stealthy Mind Control techniques on women to generate raw, almost animalistic attraction to me.

This Method is built around this one very fundamental (and yet little-known) truth about women –

The Mind Has A Natural Flaw That Can Be Easily Exploited

Humans have a flaw embedded deep inside their minds which make them vulnerable to those who know how to exploit that flaw.

The existence of this flaw in the mind had been scientifically established by famous psychologists like Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud. However, given how controversial it is, you can understand why this important finding has been covered up over the years by the politically correct mass media…

… and yet once you know what this flaw is, it will change how you view love and attraction forever, and it is this:

A woman has absolutely NO CONTROL over who to fall in love with.

Think about it for a minute. What could this mean?

Pretty simple, actually. It means that women don’t get attracted to men just because they consciously DECIDE to feel it. In other words, it naturally happens.

Try asking your female friends what made them attracted to the last guys they were with, and they will tell you the same thing…

… that it just ‘happened’.

Of course, you already know that nothing ‘just happens’ without reason!

Now since a woman can’t control who to feel attracted to, we can subtly compel her to feel attraction… as long as we have the ability to push every single ‘Attraction Button’ that is hard-wired into her mind.

Interestingly, guys are also hard-wired with these Attraction Buttons.

For example, our attraction to a blonde, luscious Playboy model is automatic and instantaneous. Why? Simple really… it’s because she pushes every Attraction Button which is hard-wired into our male brains.

Let’s try a fun thought experiment, okay? First, look at this picture:-

Imagine this woman stepping into your room, smiling, sitting your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck.

Picture this in your mind for a couple of seconds. I’ll wait. How do you feel?

Next, imagine this woman shown in the picture below coming into your room and sitting on your lap…

Of course, if you are a healthy, red-blooded male, then you’ll be turned on more by that sexy lingerie model than that old woman.

Here’s the explanation…

For us guys, our Attraction Buttons are pushed when we see specific physical qualities in a woman like body and facial symmetry, breast size and shape, and waist to hip ratio for example.

For a woman, however, it’s completely different because she is driven only by her emotions.

This means that if you have the ability to evoke a certain ‘hot’ emotion inside a woman, then she will feel immediate attraction for you. And this happens without the need for her to consciously think about it.

Therefore, with the right approach, you can exploit this flaw inside a woman’s mind to your advantage…

In particular, with Mind Control tactics, you will have the power to hack into her mind, push her Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you. (And if she was someone who had fallen out of love with you, she will fall in love again.)

My name is Derek Rake, and I am the creator of Shogun Method.

Unlike other relationship, “get your ex back” or “Pickup Artist” programs, Shogun Method is the world’s first and only relationship strategy system built on military-grade Mind Control technology.

If you want the ability to make any woman emotionally addicted to you, then this is the only place where you will get it, period.

With Shogun Method, you will be using cutting-edge Mind Control techniques to directly access her mind, push those red-hot Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you as quickly as possible.

At the same time, you will covertly bypass her emotional defense mechanism, making it exceedingly difficult for her to reject you. You’ll always be on her mind no matter how hard she tries to forget you.

And here’s the best thing about Shogun Method – it works no matter if you want to meet new women or to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back.

Sounds good? And it gets better, I promise you.

Now before I tell you more about Shogun Method, I’d like to explain to you what it’s not.

Shogun Method is ideal for…

Now before we go any further, I need to come clean with you…

If you’re looking for yet another “Pickup Artist” fad or magical “Dating Guru” tricks then I’m telling you right now that you won’t find any of that junk here.

You know what I mean, and c’mon, let’s be honest.

“Dating Guru” and “Pickup Artist” stuff are not real solutions, and deep down in your gut you already know that they don’t work.

Unlike “Pickup Artist” ebooks, Shogun Method is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense. It’s the real deal, and it’s only for guys who are serious about wanting unlimited power and dominance over women.

What I have done is to make it as easy as humanly possible for any guy to have the love life that he wants. And so, while love and relationships are certainly no walk in the park as you have already known, Shogun Method makes it more of a snap.

I use Shogun Method to create long-lasting relationships. Shogun Method also strengthens your masculinity, and this goes beyond dating and love. I could only wish I have this knowledge years ago! I’m an advanced hypnotist and NLP practitioner, and so I can tell you this–Shogun Method is legit. Emotional enslavement may sound negative, but it’s all about loving, not harming, a woman.

Here’s a Shogun fact. When I sit at the bar alone and a woman approaches me (happens every time), within the first 10 minutes of good conversation I tell her, “** *** *** ****** sex *******”. I love to see the surprise, shock and confusion in their faces. I have done that 12 times and 10 times I had a happy ending. Just saying.

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“Seduction” is a fool’s game. If you want a woman to stick with you forever, you must make her emotionally addicted to you. Want a happy, long-lasting relationship or marriage? Then EMOTIONAL ADDICTION is key.

Pickup Artist (“PUA”) tricks and mainstream “Dating Guru” advice are too generic or just plain useless. It’s time to get serious and learn what truly works – Mind Control tactics leading to emotional addiction.

Shogun Method builds healthy, long-term relationships that last a lifetime. Those looking for flimsy one-night stand “tricks” and short-term flings should go elsewhere.

Shogun Method is effective because unlike mainstream dating advice, it is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as robust, decades-old hypnosis principles.

Shogun Method is not limited by boundaries, cultures and languages. As long as she can understand you then Shogun Method will work on her. Women are wired the same way psychologically – no matter where she’s from or what language she speaks.

The beauty of Shogun Method is that you are entirely in control. Want fast results? Use Fractionation on her (which you can learn in minutes). At the same time, make her yours forever by applying the IRAE Model on her.

Shogun Method has worked for more than 17,000 men around the world, and it WILL work for you. We will arm you with real-life skills that will give you the power to navigate through the maze of love and relationships with ease and confidence.

You’ll be joining the brotherhood of Shogun Method practitioners sworn to protect the sanctity of this precious knowledge. Get all the help and support you need from your fellow Shoguns as you embark on this exciting journey!

…Make A Woman Fall In Love With You

“I want to be good with women and have my pick on who to date”

“I want to get a woman fall in love with me”

“I want to make a woman my girlfriend”

Shogun Method’s proprietary IRAE Model gives you the complete roadmap to take a woman you just met from intrigue to emotional addiction. You’ll learn advanced Mind Control techniques like Fractionation, Implanted Commands and ENTICE/REPEL cycles to generate intense sexual attraction that lasts as long as you want.

With Shogun Method in your back pocket, making a woman fall in love with you is like taking candy from a toddler. You’ll never struggle with women again, ever.

…Fix A Failing Relationship

“I want to get my ex-girlfriend or wife back and not leave me again, ever”

“I want to stop a breakup or divorce”

“I want to fix a broken relationship or marriage”

Shogun Method works tremendously well with girlfriends and wives because it relies on shared experiences that you have with a woman. Using Shogun Sequences, you’ll be hypnotizing her into remembering the good times that she has had with you, making her fearful of living a life without you.

With Shogun Method, rekindling a lost love is easy because it works on a woman’s innate need for nostalgia and romance. Make her willingly come back to you by making her realizing that you’re the better deal.

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You’ll get lifetime access to videos, audios and study guides (all in digital, downloadable format) as well as free program upgrades (through the Derek Rake Insider’s Labs) for the next THREE (3) years

This is the only complete guide on Fractionation you’ll find anywhere in the world, period

The grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion methods, Fractionation is what the pro’s use to make a woman fall in love in the shortest time possible. Shogun Method contains the most comprehensive guide to Fractionation ever developed – with chock full of examples of scripts that you can use immediately on the woman you want to attract today. Using Fractionation in love is said to be like bringing a nuclear bomb to a gunfight, and for good reason!

The Fractionation module comes with a downloadable Companion Guide on the ‘Rollercoaster’ storytelling technique. Combining Fractionation with the Rollercoaster technique is like injecting a good dose of steroids into your game – there’s nothing else quite like it!

Module 2 contains the three Preconditions which you must agree to for the Shogun Method to work its magic

Shogun Method only work for you if you obey the Three Preconditions described in this module. Find out what the Preconditions are, and why they are absolutely crucial to your success. If you have not been getting the results that you wanted with women, the chances are that you’ve been (unknowingly) violating one (or all!) of these Preconditions.

Caution: The content inside this module may be offensive to some because it exposes the truth about human flaws that some may not want to accept. Keeping an open mind is absolutely necessary as you digest this material.

In Module 3, you will learn the flaws of the mind which makes one vulnerable to Mind Control

Shogun Method™ can be seen as “manipulative” because it exploits the psychological flaws which are naturally found inside the human mind. The truth is that everyone’s a “manipulator” to some degree, and using these techniques is not wrong – as long as your intentions are good.

In this module, you’ll learn what the flaws in the female mind are, and how to “manipulate” them to your benefit.

The IRAE Model is the blueprint to the female mind: know it and you’ll understand how and what she thinks

Welcome to the heart of the Shogun Method action! The IRAE Model is the “gut” of the Shogun Method – it is the definitive, 4-stage roadmap you can use to seduce any woman from start to finish: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional addiction (“IRAE”).

The IRAE Model greatly simplifies the process because with it, you’ll only need to do just one thing at one time. It will give you a clear head on what to exactly do and say without feeling overwhelmed.

By mastering the art of generating Intrigue, you will be able to control any woman’s attention span, and captivate her

Generating Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE Model. If you’re choosing to obtain just one attraction superpower inside Shogun Method – then it should be the ability to capture a woman’s attention with Intrigue. This module will show you how to do exactly that.

Trying to build attraction without first establishing rapport is a classic newbie mistake. This module gives you all the essentials in creating rock-hard rapport with a woman you’ve just met, or have known for ages

Trying to attract a woman without first building rapport is a classic newbie mistake. In the “Rapport” stage of the IRAE Model, you’ll get industrial strength Mind Control rapport building tactics that will make a woman eat out of your hands absolutely in no time at all.

Inside the Shogun Method, you’ll only need two (yes, two) to get a woman attracted to you. Inside this Module, you’ll get armed to the teeth with these two techniques

Once you’ve laid the foundations of Intrigue and Rapport, it’s time to kick into high gear and start to Attract her. Inside Shogun Method, you’ll need two (yes, only two) techniques to make a woman attracted to you. Learn what these two techniques are, and how you can use them in a simple, step-by-step roadmap inside the Attraction Development Model (ADM).

T he first three stages of the IRAE Model (Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction) are about making a woman fall in love. The fourth stage, Emotional Addiction, is about making a woman stay in love. If you want to dominate and control your relationship with her, then these one-of-a-kind covert techniques are what you need. As these tactics may sometimes make the target behave irrationally, we must ask you ONLY TO USE IF NECESSARY. We shall not be held responsible if anything goes wrong (i.e. if she turns into a stalker). Thank you for understanding.

The Black Rose Sequence is the single most powerful hypnotic pattern ever developed, and is the heart of the Shogun Method’s Emotional Addiction module. This is the only place in the world where the real Black Rose Sequence can be found. If you’ve seen an alleged copy of it elsewhere, you’ve seen a fake. Don’t get duped!

CAUTION: If you are the kind who is easily offended by straight talk about human manipulation then you may not want to learn the tactics inside this module.

The Emotional Addiction techniques I teach here come from the real world, and they powerful and effective. If you don’t think you can handle the straight talk about the darker side of psychology, then don’t look.

Here’s a short, 5-minute tour (produced by Frederick, a veteran Shogun) of what’s inside the platform. Here’s where you’ll get to access your products, get VIP coaching, receive program updates, and more!

In addition to everything I’ve described so far, you will also get a lifetime membership to our very own MKDELTA mastermind group.

In this private community, we share and discuss possibly the four most explosive Mind Control techniques ever discovered, namely:-

With your purchase of Shogun Method today, you’ll also get access to our private lab, the Derek Rake Insider. This is where we regularly release new techniques, tools and strategies to our clients.

And because this area is protected from the public and away from prying eyes, we can feel safe enough to share the most controversial mind control tricks that work like gangbusters.

I don’t usually want to talk about these strategies in public because as you know, I don’t like to court controversy, and yet everything is freely disclosed in the Derek Rake Insider Labs, no holds barred.

Here are some hints of what’s inside this private area:

This means that you will get fresh-off-the-oven techniques piped into your private client’s area regularly, forever.

Obey these five Rake Rules and make her surrender to your authority immediately.

The Rake Rules premium product comes free with every purchase of Shogun Method (until further notice). Buy Shogun Method today to secure your copy of this valuable program!

Get one key insight from the Shogun Method knowledge base emailed to you every morning for the next 100 days. Here’s what’s inside the Daily Shogun program:

Here’s the #1 reason why Shogun Method works so well compared to conventional dating guru or “Pickup Artist” techniques:

Shogun Method is backed by science.

This report presents to you the scientific proof behind Shogun Method – and how it’s backed by years of theoretical and empirical research in the science of human psychology, advanced persuasion and social exchange theory.

Not sold anywhere else, the Scientific Proof premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus.

Married? Then this premium report is exactly what you need to iron-clad your marriage and enjoy mutual respect and devotion between you and your wife.

Married Game 101 is not for sale at any price, but is free when you buy Shogun Method today. Not to be missed!

The single biggest reason why most relationships fail: the lack of emotional investment.

In “Emotional Investment 101”, you’ll learn:

Not sold anywhere else, the “Emotional Investment 101” premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus. You’ll also be entitled to receive full, unlimited updates for one year.

Here’s a little-known fact about Shogun Method: it can be used beyond improving your skills with women. With some tweaks, you can use Shogun Method on yourself – and use Mind Control to “hack” your inner game.

In “Self Mind Control 101”, you’ll discover:

You’ll already know how to “hack” into a woman’s mind with Shogun Method. Learn how to “hack” into your own mind with “Self Mind Control 101”. This program is not for sale, but it comes free as a bonus when you buy the Shogun Method package today.

Warning. This report contains mature themes and profanity that may be upsetting to some people. Those who are easily disturbed by the use of profane language and/or the description of human nature should stay away.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

We are limiting the public access to this program because of its controversial (and inflammatory!) nature. The only way to download this report is by purchasing the Shogun Method package today while it’s still online.

Different from “Pickup Artist” products, Shogun Method is not only for meeting new women. In fact, it can be devastatingly effective in rekindling fading love and recovering relationships from breakups. This premium report shows you how to use Mind Control to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back in your arms.

“How To Use Mind Control On Your Ex” is not for sale. It is, however, available for free when you buy Shogun Method today.

The truth is that your girlfriend or wife will almost never say anything that you should take at face value. In fact, she won’t mean what she says most of the time!

It takes a specialized set of skills to listen and interpret what your woman says to you. Learning how to understand what a woman REALLY means is extremely TRICKY to most men.

CovertTalk will give you the skills to “decode” what a woman REALLY means when she says something.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

CovertTalk is not available for sale to the public. However, access is free for all Shogun Method clients for a lifetime.

The key to understanding a woman is to know what she really wants: so that you can tap into her desires and make her believe that only YOU can give her what she wants.

The Female Psychology 101 program digs deep into the psyche of a woman and unearths surprising truths about what she really wants in a man. Combine these incredible insights together with your Shogun Method tactics and you’ll have in your hands the tremendous ability to make any woman want to be with you.

In this premium program, you’ll discover:

Female Psychology 101 is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

The “Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” program details a new Shogun Method technique called the “Shogun Roast” – which is an “intense” version of (usually light-hearted) Intrigue Pings.

With Shogun Roasts, you will challenge her, make her laugh and make her qualify herself to you. Think of the technique as a “combo attack” which intrigues her, builds rapport with her and makes her attracted in a single routine.

“Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

Not getting the results you want with women? Chances are that you’re committing these Three Deadly Sins. Know what they are so that you can avoid them – and see your success with women skyrocket to greater heights!

According to billionaire Charlie Munger, “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.” Most guys fail with women simply because they shoot themselves in the foot without knowing it.

The Three Deadly Sins program will let you bulletproof your seduction game – by avoiding the three biggest pitfalls that destroy attraction.

Inside Three Deadly Sins, you’ll discover…

The Thought Implanter is a Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence. Use it to take a woman’s boyfriend out of the picture… so that she can be where she belongs – with you.

The Thought Implanter Sequence makes a woman leave her boyfriend for you by planting the thought inside her subconscious mind. It’s remarkably simple, too – all you need to do is to ask these five Leading Questions… and you’re done.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

IMPORTANT. Never use the Thought Implanter on a woman who is happy with her man. Like any other tool, you can use it for good, or for evil. Never ruin healthy relationships for your own gratification – that’s not the Shogun’s way.

However, if she’s stuck in a bad relationship she couldn’t quit, or if she’ll be better off with you, then you must help her. Use the Thought Implanter and the job’s done!

With Shogun Method, you’ll get almost any woman you want. Imagine finally having the power to choose who gets to be with you. Why waste it on the unworthy, the mediocre, or the crazy?

Arm yourself with this checklist of 27 Red Flags–so you can pre-qualify any woman before you get serious with her.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

Use this program to screen a woman before you use Shogun Method on her.

The Thought Leaker is a simple, four-step conversational game that leaks a woman’s thoughts, letting you roam freely inside her mind.

Get her to play this (seemingly!) harmless game and her thoughts will become transparent to you. All you need is to follow these four steps and you’ll know what lurks inside her mind. What does she really think of you? Is she ready for you to escalate? Is she hiding anything from you? Get all these questions answered… and more.

In addition to the Thought Leaker game, you’ll also learn…

Get the definitive answers to all your burning questions from Shogun Method Master Coach Derek Rake

Your Very Own Client Happiness Manager, Available On Call, 7 Days A Week

Hello! My name is Kathy, and I am the Head of Client Support for Derek Rake.

When you are enrolled as a Derek Rake client, you will be assigned your personal Client Happiness Manager who will be on standby in case you need help with your Shogun Method purchase.

It’s my goal to ensure that you get the best experience out of Shogun Method! My team and I are always reachable via email or through the client portal (which you will have access to once you buy Shogun Method).

Unlimited Access To Derek Rake’s Premium VIP Coaching Platform, the DerekRakeHQ

Shogun Method modules are accessed through our proprietary online training system, DerekRakeHQ. At the end of each module, you will get the opportunity to post questions that will be answered by Derek Rake himself as well as other designated coaches and students.

With more than 17,000+ clients already successfully completed Shogun Method, you will have an entire army of peers and advisers rooting for your success, helping you every step of the way.

Already more than 17,000 men like you have enjoyed better success with women using the techniques and strategies inside Shogun Method

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Q: How Much Is Shogun Method?

Q: Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

Our money back guarantee is valid for 60 days from the time of purchase. If you are unhappy with Shogun Method, simply contact us within 60 days and we will refund you in full.

Q: I’m A Single Guy Looking For Love. Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Shogun Method is chock-full of techniques on how to create powerful, long-lasting impression with women. You’ll learn how to do this with our patented Intrigue Ping methodology.

Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation and you’ll find just how easy it is to make a woman attracted to you – even if she has rejected (or friend-zoned) you before.

The problem with “Pickup Artist” tricks is that the attraction will wane after the initial thrill of the pickup. Shogun Method will sustain her interest in you beyond the pickup – by making her emotionally addicted to you.

Q: I’m Already In A Relationship (Or Marriage). Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Yes. In fact, a large number of Shogun Method clients use the system to work on their existing relationships and marriages.

Shogun Method is tremendously effective in rekindling lost love and reigniting the feelings of passion in long-term relationships and marriages. Many of our clients have successfully used our system to fix and “bulletproof” broken relationships.

The key to long-lasting relationships is EMOTIONAL ADDICTION. Remember: Shogun Method is the only system which shows you how to make a woman emotionally attached to you – so that she sticks with you through thick and thin.

Q: Does Shogun Method Work On Every Woman?

Yes, because every woman is by nature wired the same way psychologically. (And of course, this is true also for men!)

Despite this, however, it’s important to set your expectations right. Shogun Method is NOT a magic bullet system. It won’t give you “seduction superpowers” overnight if that’s what you’re looking for.

The truth is that most guys are lazy, unmotivated and expect to be successful without having to lift a finger. Shogun Method is not for these people.

n the other hand, if you’re willing to diligently go through all eight modules and importantly, PRACTICE what you have learned, then Shogun Method will solve all your relationship and marriage problems once and for all. That’s my promise to you.

Q: Is Derek Rake Really Going To Answer All My Questions Personally?

Yes. Personal coaching (valid for one full year from the date of purchase) is included as part of the Shogun Method package.

Our clients have repeatedly told us that the personal coaching feature is the most helpful component of our program. Shogun Method is not your off-the-mill “Pickup Artist” ebook – it’s important to us that you succeed.

Because of time constraints and a hectic traveling schedule, Derek is unable to entertain questions via phone calls and emails. Questions must be posted at to get an answer. You may use a pseudonym if you wish.

Q: Does The Shogun Method Work On A Woman I Already Know? Or Does It Only Work On New Women?

You can use the Shogun Method on to approach women, or to attract a woman you already know. It works effectively well in both situations.

A large portion of our customer base use the Shogun Method on women who are already in their lives (i.e. women they are already seeing, or girlfriends or wives who are threatening to leave them). To them, the Rapport, Attract and Emotional Attachment modules are most useful.

Alternatively, if meeting new women is your goal, then you should focus more on the Intrigue modules as well as the Fractionation technique. Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation for jaw-dropping results – I’ll show you how in detail inside the program.

Q: Do I Need To Know Mind Control Or Hypnosis For This To Work?

You don’t have to have any prior knowledge of Mind Control or hypnosis to understand how the Shogun Method works.

In fact, not having a background in Mind Control, hypnosis and “seduction” may even work to your advantage since there will be no bad habits and techniques to unlearn.

Q: Will Shogun Method Work On My Device?

Shogun Method works on virtually all modern devices:-

If you have a device which is not listed above, contact us.

Q: What Happens After I Make The Payment?

After clicking on the “Add To Cart” button, you will be transferred to our secure checkout page. Here, enter your personal and credit card (or Paypal) details, and when your payment is successfully processed, you will receive your login instructions over email immediately.

The entire course is delivered online through our proprietary DerekRakeHQ platform, and nothing is ever sent to you via mail.

If you have not received your login details upon successful checkout, contact us. We reply within a few hours the most (often immediately).

Q: What Appears On My Credit Card Bill?

There is no mention of Shogun Method or Derek Rake or anything related to the company or product.

Clickbank currently handles all our credit card and Paypal payments. In your credit card bill, you will see a charge from CLKBANK*.

Q: What If I Have More Questions To Ask You?

Then get in touch with us! We’d love to hear from you. 🙂

For questions on the product, contact us by clicking here. For order support, please contact ClickBank here.

Payment is one-time, and access is forever. Your investment is protected by our 60-day money back guarantee.

Checkout problems? Click here for Priority Support

Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Woodworker's Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict

Product Name: The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict

Click here to get The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Works if You are Just Starting, a Weekend Warrior or An Experienced Woodworker

Wednesday 07 August, 2024

You may be wondering what this damaged VHS tape from 2003 has to do with Woodworking!

But in reality, it was the catalyst that drove me develop a one-of-a-kind woodworking system, that made Woodworking one of the most rewarding pastimes of my life. How?

I will fill you in on the details shortly, but if you keep reading, you will share with you how by using this same system, within just days, you too can…

I am also going to reveal a Subtle Lie that most woodworkers fall for, that prevents them from achieving amazing results! You need to be sure that you avoid this like the plague!

And this will surprise you…

First, let me explain how I accidentally stumbled upon the formula that lead to this System

Hello, my name is Crispin Thomas, Creator and Owner of, but I was not always this pumped up about woodworking.

As a matter of fact, even though I loved the dream of woodworking, I almost ditched this rewarding pastime out of sheer frustration, because my results were so demoralizing, and my years of determination yielded not much more than just, sawdust!

Even though I worked for many years as an Engineer in a small TV station, I was always captivated by the idea of transforming rough lumber into beautiful furniture or other functional items. However, probably like you, time was always in short supply and my workspace was never big enough!

My Worst Woodworking Nightmare

Allow me to share with you a quick story about one of my early attempts at woodworking that almost ended up ruining my marriage!

This was around 2003, my wife and I were married for about 10 years and we needed to replace the vanity in the bedroom. Of course, my wife wanted to just go out and purchase one, but I volunteered to build one!

After all, how difficult could that be!

Now while I had tried to build small items in wood before, this was going to be an item that would be used every day and should have been a kind of show piece, something we could both be proud about!

It goes without saying, she was very skeptical about my woodworking talents, and did not like the idea one bit. But I insisted.

So, I looked up some plans online, and came up with a design that I liked. I got the materials together and set aside a weekend for my grand project and got started.

The results were… well it was just terrible!

I remember saying to myself “What was I thinking?”

I had made some really poor choices in materials, and I realize now looking back, that my joinery techniques were still at “infancy” stage.

As you can imagine, this led to some, let’s call them “disputes” with my wife, and for a long time afterwards, she did not let me forget how much time and money we wasted on that experiment…

…and of course, my confidence in my own woodworking abilities was at rock bottom!

So you see, I was allot like you, or actually I was worse off than you, but it was this very experience, this journey through all the embarrassment and pain, that led me to discover the number one problem that we all face as woodworkers…

… and it may surprise you!

It was this frustrating journey that led me to discover and perfect a system that allowed me to conquer my low woodworking self-esteem and approach all my woodworking projects with confidence.

I am sure you too will have the same results, but without going through the pain and embarrassment I had to endure.

And it all started the day I realized that the main problem that we face as woodworkers isn’t what we think it is…

The fact is that we have been led to believe a lie! But How?

Norm was an extraordinary teacher.

When building a project, he would give the most comprehensive treatment to each project, including the history, the thinking behind its use… the art and the science of the piece.

He would explain in detail why he chose the materials he did, the type of joinery he used, material preparation, assembly, and final finishing.

In order to fit Norm into my schedule, I would set my VHS VCR to record the 30-minute episodes when I was not at home, and watch them over and over during my spare time during the week.

In order to fit Norm into my schedule, I would set my VHS VCR to record the 30-minute episodes when I was not at home, and watch them over and over during my spare time during the week.

The impact on my woodworking was nothing short of revolutionary! Without even realizing it, Norm became my virtual trainer and mentor!

Almost overnight, I finally started having results I could be proud of. Even my wife would jokingly accuse me of secretly buying expensive furniture and pretending to build it myself! 😊

What had changed, is that I was now following a methodical step by step system, instead of my lame haphazard approach from before. It sounds so simple but it’s the honest truth.

For example, if I started working on something but did not plan properly, it was extremely frustrating to have to stop to leave and go to the hardware store, because I forgot to pick up a simple but important item, like the proper length of screws or a drill-bit or something like that.

And when you are a weekend warrior and short on time, it’s the worse feeling to have squandered an extra hour or more that you could have spent on your woodworking project, on something that was totally unnecessary.

So the lie, was not a deliberate “conspiracy”, but the truth is that you do not need to have the latest and greatest tools and the most tricked out workshop to get amazing results. And simply having woodworking plans or watching YouTube videos alone is just not enough.

Free plans cannot give you all the details and they just assume that you already have all the skills you need.

In the case of YouTube videos, there simply isn’t enough time to show you everything you need to know in a short video that compresses days of work into just a few minutes!

As a result, your projects will never give you the joy and satisfaction you worked so hard to achieve.

What we all need is a consistent and reliable coach and mentor rooting for and guiding us, even if it’s not someone standing next to us!

The good news is that once you recognize the truth, you open yourself to the real solution. That way you can regain your confidence and the respect of those around you who really matter.

Everything was going well for me until this happened!

So, with my VCR now broken, it was clear that I would need a much more bullet proof system, that was more reliable and comprehensive than just my growing collection of VHS tapes, to sustain the momentum I now had…

Something that I could even share with other woodworkers like us, and that would put the latest online technology to work for us.

For example, let me share with you just 3 simple but powerful tips that that I discovered along the way.

Don’t be a Hero, Get a Helping Hand.

What do I mean by that? Well, even though you and I thoroughly enjoy working alone on most aspects of our woodworking projects, there are times when fatigue and other factors can rob you of your joy.

If you do find yourself in a frustrated situation where you are single handedly performing all sorts of woodworking tasks ranging from lifting heavy lumber to cutting and sanding, getting a partner or a workshop jig to help with some tasks is the sensible and safe thing to do.

Finally, and this is the most important step because if you do not do this, then the other tips we have covered so far will not work well.

This is your absolute need for accountability and for a proven system that you can rely on.

One that has taken all the hard work off your plate, taken all the doubt and questions and lack of confidence all out of the way, giving you a step-by-step blueprint to take you from where you are to exactly where you want to go, and then further.

So literally after years of development and marrying my woodworking and professional skills, this is what I want to share with you now.

This is a Digital Product. Images Shown Are For Visualization Only

More than just plans, Woodworkers Treasure Chest (WTC) is a Unique Woodworking System that Quickly Guides You Through All Aspects of Your Woodworking Projects, thus helping you to avoid missing important steps in your projects or costly and time-consuming mistakes.

When you join, you will have access to all the resources and features needed to get you the Woodworking results you work so hard to achieve.

Woodworkers Treasure Chest is extremely user-friendly and makes it super easy to research, plan and execute your projects, giving you all the resources you need from start to finish.

(Blindly Fast Search Fetches Your Results in just milliseconds!)

For starters here’s what you’ll get inside:

Woodworkers Treasure Chest features high-quality indoor & outdoor plans, interactive 3D models, workshop plans, craft plans, exotic designs and so much more!

And because you have lifetime access to all the “done-for-you” plans you can always access them anytime, anywhere and save yourself from the blunders those “other” woodworkers make.

There’re absolutely NO hidden charges, no monthly fees.

In fact, our members are using these plans to:

While it’s just impractical to list all of the plans and projects in our database, here is a list of some available categories that you will have lifetime access to.

Now this is where it gets interesting…

See, other veteran Woodworkers offer you basic plans and wish you good luck.

While this may work for some for some people, most woodworkers feel like being thrown into the troubled waters without a lifejacket.

So I went a step further to ensure that you enjoy completing your projects quickly and smoothly….

(Works on all your devices!)

This is your personal “secret weapon” to finish one project after another quickly, without any frustration.

To my knowledge this is the first program in the world – which combines ‘Project management’ techniques with woodworking.

It gives you the momentum you need… my estimation is you’ll save half the time to allow you more free time for your family, so you can still have a life outside the workshop.

What’s the point of slaving away at something if you can’t enjoy it?

So here’s how it basically works.

Project Wizard holds your hand like a personal mentor and guides you every step of the way until you finish projects – no matter your skills, your budget or the tools you have.

This simply ensures you complete each project successfully, and at the same time quickly gain the experience to build bigger, better, and GRANDER projects.

Moreover, thanks to Project Wizard you don’t need to wade through millions of pages before finding what you need.

In a nutshell, Project Wizard is the nerve center of Woodworker’s Treasure Chest that links to all the other features and ties them altogether..

Project Wizard Screen Shots

Deciding on Types of Joinery

Deciding on Type of Finish

Finishing Tools and Materials

Then at the end of each Project Plan, you are able to save all your decisions for later use on your own workspace, in a PDF file or even print out a hardcopy summary if you need to have a paper document to refer to.

See Sample Project Report below.

In fact, look at some unique project that our members have built for themselves:

Metric to Imperial Linear Converter and Calculator

Mitered Door Calculator – Generate Cut-lists

The quickest, easiest way to improve your woodworking is to watch a master at work, and then apply what you’ve learned in your own projects.

Now with step-by-step video demonstrations by grizzled veterans with decades of woodworking experience, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more enjoyable learning experience that will transform you into a master woodworker in no time!

Here, we cover everything you need to know to get started–

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

You can finally stop searching online for information because everything you need to know is right here in Woodworkers Treasure Chest.

When you combine these video tutorials in conjunction with the Project Wizard.

And to top it off, we’re constantly updating the member’s area with the latest tips, tricks and techniques so you’re always on the cutting-edge of what’s working right now.

Before I get to your investment today, think about the cost of inaction, the cost of wasted time and wasted materials. And most of all the cost of frustration and dissatisfaction if you fail to act today!

First, you will also gain access, completely free of charge to the following 5 Premium Bonuses to further Boost Your Woodworking Knowledge and Skills.

And there is more to come…

Over 80 Full Color Illustrated Pages on subjects such as:

Over 80 Full Color Illustrated Pages on subjects such as:

Designing and Building Cabinets contains 148 pages of fully illustrated articles that present the basics of design and construction in easy-to-understand, accessible terms. Subjects include: Making big cabinets manageable, Working with modern materials, Fitting flush mounted doors and drawers, Glazing cabinet doors, and much more…This is the ultimate visual reference for any woodworker.

Making furniture is one of the most satisfying ways to pass time:

The schiiick of a plane iron on wood; the dizzying aroma of freshly sawn sugar pine or East Indian rosewood; the endless array of color, texture, and feel of woods from around the world; the tense but joyful final assembly, when all work and toil come together in a conclusive burst of completion.

What excitement! This is the fine and fun art of woodworking. The reward is beautiful furniture.

In this Finishing and Refinishing download, you’ll find valuable finishing tips and techniques from the pros.

You’ll learn how to assemble your finishing toolkit, strip a piece of furniture back to the bare wood, and then apply a professional-quality finish.

You’ll find tips on how to sand new or unfinished furniture, and then get help picking the right finish that will bring out the beauty in the wood and give your project lasting protection

I’m naturally curious and a tinkerer by nature, I also have dabbled and played with wood for a few years, but never felt that I had the skills necessary to handle pieces that could be displayed. I don’t have a lot of woodworking tools just a mixture of some basic power and hand tools. I have worked at learning how to use them for basic operations, but I am always looking to improve my skill set.

I found the Woodworkers treasure chest site to be easy to navigate and the information available very useful to someone such as myself. For example, I found the calculator converting metric to English units easy to use and it makes laying out a project that has metric units very easy to do. In addition, the most valuable tool to me are the tutorials and the search function it has. You can very quickly find useful information on tool usage, joints, glues, jigs to make repetitive cuts or cutting wood joints easier and even on finishing techniques. The plans that are available to use can be downloaded or printed, are easy to follow, have good instructions and well dimensioned, and, if nothing else the plans can give you ideas on how they can be modified to meet your own ideas.

If you, like me, are willing to work at improving your skill using the tools given, then I think the Woodworkers Treasure Chest can only help as I’m still learning every day as My wife is constantly coming up with projects for me.

This is an outstanding service for the small cost involved. I would recommend it to any woodworker or woodworker want to be…

I retired from education in June of 2017. I needed an outlet for myself to remain active and productive. I have always enjoyed woodworking and have tried my hand at various projects. Most have been workable but not very good.

I have expanded my projects to some much better finished projects. Wood projects just tend to of a better quality that what are purchased at the store.

Since I live in a subdivision governed by a homeowners association. They have some very strict regulations in regard to the design and construction. This is making the shed a challenging project to meet the guidelines while keeping the cost at a level I can afford.

This Treasure Chest is providing me wind the tools to plan and put a workable plan together. Thanks for including me in this elite group.

Hi, from Down Under. Thank-you Crispin for inviting me to join. I live in Port Huon, Tasmania, Australia. I retired here from Alice Springs.

I’m a supervisor at the local Men’s Shed(call the Dog House) in Geeveston. I enjoy making thinks with my hands.

Since being down here, I’ve gotten into wood, in a big way. I like small thinks: jogs, a folding table, jigsaw, hat rack, coast rack(for home), hand doors for friends; I’ll put together some pics to post on a couple of days.

The Woodworkers Treasure Chest is bound to be a valuable asset for me. One of my quirks is, I do my project in sketchup before I touch any timber! It gives me time to look at it, modify before starting.

From what I’ve looked at so far this is quite impressive. I intent to continue using the Woodworkers Treasure Chest well into the future.

Now, I am going to do something, and you will probably call me crazy!

I am going to include Not One but Two other Woodworking Modules that normally sell on their own, and include them with Woodworkers Treasure Chest.

The best part is that you get all of this for same ridiculously low price. No kidding!

Now, I am going to do something, and you will probably think I am insane! But I really want this amazing tool to be in the hands of more woodworkers like you.

And if you think about it, this is a miniscule price to pay to save yourself so much more in terms of your wasted time and effort, disappointing results and ruined materials!

Just Click on the Large Add to Cart Button below to take action.

When you click on this button, you will be taken to a secure order page, where you can safely enter your payment details.

As soon as you enter the Members Area, you will be invited to Join our Exclusive Facebook Group, where you will have the privilege of exchanging ideas, projects and pictures with fellow passionate woodworkers like you, so you never have to feel that you are in this alone whenever you need a helping hand.

You will also be automatically enrolled in our Free Monthly Tool Giveaway

Woodworkers Treasure Chest can be instantly accessed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

There is NO software to download.

Everything works directly from your browser! Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Android.

WTC is fully online, so whether you’re on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, or whether it’s 2 A.M. or 2 P.M., or whether you’re in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia or anywhere else, you can instantly start understanding and creating your projects from the privacy of your home or workshop.

This is extremely important, so take advantage of this special offer now.

Don’t overthink this zero-risk opportunity… because I’m not sure how long I can keep the price this low!

So, act now and Click the ‘LARGE ORANGE’ button… do it before it’s too late.

So why not start that journey now, because you really have no reason for not taking action today?

Going forward you can just continue working the way you have done before and keep getting the same results or your can take the EASY path and join the WTC Community today!

So why not Go ahead and try WTC for yourself completely RISK FREE.

I look forward to you joining and trading success stories with your fellow woodworkers in the FaceBook Group.

Click the Add to Cart Button Now

Woodworkers Treasure Chest is built to work on any Internet Browser, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Android devices. Consequently, it will work on any Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile device. To get the best experience though, we recommend the use of devices with larger screens like tablets and higher.

Yes absolutely! Just login to the members area with your username and password.

All PDF plans are readable directly online without needing to download. If you do need to download just look for the download icon in the PDF menu and download to your preferred location on your computer. You can also print the plans or specific pages directly from within WTC.

If you forget your password just click on “Lost your password” in the login screen along with your username, and your password will be sent to the email address we have on file. If you really get stuck, just send an email to [email protected] and we will sort you out.

We are currently offering only lifetime membership. Even if we change to another system in the future, you continued membership is guaranteed without any further payment. (This is why it’s a good idea to get in now!)

In the unlikely event that you need to be refunded with 60 days of your purchase, just send an email to [email protected] and ask for your payment to be refunded within one business day. No questions asked!

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


SPECIAL OFFER! If you are willing to act now, I am including two additional woodworking modules, which would normally be sold separately. So here is what you will now get…

However this 70% discount special is only available on this page, and expires when the countdown timer above reaches 00:00:00:00.

Listen! You Don’t even have to make a final decision now! Just grab this offer now while it lasts, and you can always ask for a full refund within 60days if you are dissatisfied for any reason.

Click here to get The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Clubhouse Fire

Product Name: Clubhouse Fire

Click here to get Clubhouse Fire at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Clubhouse Fire is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Revealed: Lowering
THIS Hormone Can Make You
A Multi-Orgasmic Man”

Giving You Sky High Sex-Drive…

And The Ability to BANG Any Woman Until
She’s Totally Satisfied… Making Her Completely Obsessed with You (and 100% Loyal)…

The Little-Known Secret to Approaching ANY Hot Woman &
Making Her ATTRACTED to You – without Feeling Nervous
and without Fear of Rejection

Award Winning Adult Film Star and Sex Coach to countless thousands of men.

I wrote this letter to tell you something that most “Sex Experts” won’t tell you…

Most “Sex Experts” won’t tell you that LOWERING this hormone (not Estrogen) is THE KEY to Elite Sexual Performance…

Because they don’t even know about it.

Yet lowering this hormone is The Key to:

Allowing you to BANG like me…

…and totally SATISFY any woman in the bedroom…

Regardless of your age, looks or “size”…

Even if you’re sexually inexperienced.

The really great news is:

Lowering this hormone is…

Costs just pennies a day.

And it’ll help you become the Dominant Stud every desirable woman is desperate to go to bed with.

If you’re ready for women to truly WANT YOU in the bedroom…

And you want to be in the Top 10% of men who have virtually ALL the choice when it comes to women…

How I Got Enough Sexual Performance
to BANG 3 Women a Day?

When I first got into porn I had a bit of a problem.

It was my “dirty little secret” at the time.

I just couldn’t handle the pace.

You see, to be a successful Male Porn Star…

You have to be able to “get it up” easily…

Then stay hard, often for an HOUR or more…

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day!

And here’s the thing…

If you can’t do it, there are countless other guys who’d love to take your place…

Porn Directors don’t give a f**k about it being your job or income…

They just need guys who can GET HARD and BANG.

So if you can’t meet the demands of the job they’ll drop you like a hot potato.

All of this became very clear to me when I first got into porn…

Filming low budget shoots back home in Australia…

I turned up one day to film…

Had a great shoot with a stunning blonde…

At which point I figured I’d get a quick shower… grab a bite to eat… then spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing…

Instead, minutes after I’d finished with the blonde…

The director informed me that there’d been a change
in the filming schedule and said:

“Better Rest Up and Recover
Stirling Mate – You’re Filming Again
This Afternoon”

That first shoot lasted well over an hour, it was hot as hell…

And I was TIRED afterwards.

But the afternoon came round…

And the woman I had to film with wasn’t as HOT as
the woman in the morning. Nowhere near as hot in fact.

Really wanting to just go home, eat, put my feet up and watch a bit of TV…

I was expected to “get it up” and BANG this really average
looking woman who I had no connection with whatsoever.

As much as I can look back on it and laugh now…

At the time it wasn’t funny at all…

See, that second shoot didn’t go well…

It took me longer than usual to “get it up”…

I kept losing it during the shoot…

Partly because I just wasn’t that into the woman I was filming with…

Partly because I was drained and needed to rest.

By the end of it I was worried I’d blown my chances of ever making it big in porn.

Fortunately, the director liked me… told me I’d performed exactly how
he needed me to in the morning shoot… and didn’t fire me.

It made me realize that making it BIG in Porn wasn’t just about GETTING HARD…

It was about being able to “get hard” anytime, anyplace…

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day…

Even if you didn’t find the women you were working with very attractive.

Unusual Scientific Discoveries,
Multi-Orgasmic STUDS, and The Secrets to Being a True “Sex God”…

All of this got me thinking…

Some men could ejaculate, stay hard and then ejaculate several more times
before finally being “done”?

I could only have sex and ejaculate once, then I’d ideally need a full day before going again…
or even 2 days if I wanted to be as hard, strong and long lasting as possible?

Read a ton of articles on the internet…

Followed a bunch of “sex experts” on YouTube…

And listened to dozens of podcasts…

Yet none of them could really explain the differences in male sex-drive and
recovery times.

Fortunately, my background as a Research Chemist
meant that I knew how to do the research…

And if I wanted legit answers, it looked like I was
going to have to find them myself.

So when I wasn’t filming porn scenes, I rolled up my
sleeves and went into “Research Mode.”

At first it was frustrating…

Hour after mind numbing hour…

Sat in front of my computer until it felt like my eyes had gone square…

Articles, videos, podcasts…

Reviewing Scientific Journals and Medical Reports…

Most just blurted out the same boring, generic crap…

“Differences in male sex-drive can be due to diet, exercise, genetics,
stress and other environmental and lifestyle factors”

No doubt that’s all true.

But it’s also not very helpful. Too vague. Not specific enough.

As the months went by, my Porn Career started to really take off.

I was no longer just shooting in Australia.

I was getting work in the UK and Europe – with
bigger, more popular companies…

But the competition was FIERCE.

And I knew there’s no way I’d cut it unless I figured
out how to INCREASE my Sex-Drive…

And REDUCE my Recovery Times as soon as possible.

My ultimate goal was to make it to LA – where all the biggest porn companies are based…

But there’s no way you’d be a regular star for companies like Brazzers or
Bang Bros unless your performance was the best of the best.

Eventually, after almost being ready to admit DEFEAT and GIVE UP…

One hot Friday evening in the middle of July I was up researching…

…just about ready to pack it in for the night…

Until I came across a Scientific Paper which explained that:

If You Lower a Very Specific Hormone You’ll Increase Your Sex-Drive and
Reduce Your Recovery Times…

Turning You Into a Bull in the Bedroom…

Giving you the DESIRE to have sex any time…

And the ability to ‘get it up’ virtually ON COMMAND
– even if you’ve blown your load just minutes before.

This was exactly what I’d been searching for.

You might be aware that sex-drive and recovery
times vary massively from man to man…

As I said before, some men can actually ejaculate several times…

Before eventually losing their boner.

And even once they’ve lost their boner, it doesn’t take them long to get hard and go again.

For many men, it takes at least 15-60 minutes to ‘get hard’ again, AFTER they’ve ejaculated.

For others, it can take A LOT longer. Some guys actually need DAYS before they’re
fully recovered and able to get hard again.

Why such big differences in sex-drive and recovery times from man to man?

It’s easy to think it’s just a genetic, luck of the draw type thing…

Some men are STUDS and they can have lots of sex…

Others have low virility and just need to accept they
can only have sex once or twice a week.

Honestly, until I discovered what I’m about to share with you…

I’d have believed the “genetic” argument myself.

High Prolactin is The Enemy!

Pay close attention to this bit…

There’s a HORMONE called PROLACTIN…

Science shows that HIGH Prolactin causes a man to have LONG Recovery Times.

The LOWER your Prolactin Levels, the easier
you’ll find it to “get it up” again, AFTER you’ve ejaculated.

How about those rare men who can ejaculate again and again and again,
without losing their boner?

Well, the Science shows those men have very LOW levels of Prolactin.

In contrast, men who have very LONG Recovery Times…

Men who need days to recover after ejaculation…

Well, they have very HIGH Prolactin.

So that’s the first thing I need to share with you…

If you want to have a lot of sex, you need short Recovery Times…

LOW Prolactin = Short Recovery Times.

The second thing I need to share with you is this:

AFTER you ejaculate, your Prolactin Levels go UP!

And some men’s Prolactin Levels go up a lot more than others,
leading to much longer recovery periods and less ability to ‘get it up’ and have sex.

The third thing I need to share with you is this:

Science shows that men who are more stressed in their day to day lives
tend to have HIGHER Prolactin Levels…

And as a result, they have less sex.

All of this makes sense when you think about it…

Imagine a guy who’s stressed with work…
eats a bad diet… rarely exercises and so on…

He has HIGHER Prolactin Levels…

Engages in less sexual activity…

And when he does engage in sexual activity, it takes
him a long time to recover before he can go again.

FACT: Men with VERY HIGH Prolactin Levels can even experience lactation
(milk coming out of their nipples). As well as feeling lazy and low on motivation.

The popular Stanford University Professor and YouTuber Andrew Huberman
talks about how high Prolactin actually feminizes men – particularly in terms of making them overly stressed, emotional and moody.

Now picture the opposite…

A successful guy who has made it…

His finances are in order.

His Prolactin Levels are LOWER, he enjoys more sex…

After he ejaculates it doesn’t take him that long to “get it up” again… and BANG
his woman all night long.

That’s Prolactin: you need LESS of it if you want short Recovery Times and
“Stud Status” in the bedroom.

High Prolactin = Low Dopamine!

Here’s where things get even more interesting…

As well as ruining your sex-life…

High Prolactin also DESTROYS your “FIRE”…

It robs you of desire, drive, motivation and ambition…

Making you weak and lazy.

Dopamine – a Neurotransmitter and Hormone
created in your brain – does the opposite…

High Dopamine makes you feel:

Dopamine also makes you feel:

High Dopamine can help you become successful with women…

…successful in your job, career or business…

…successful with regards to your health and fitness goals…

Because it gives you the Energy and Motivation to succeed at whatever you want
to achieve.

You will NEVER have BOTH High Dopamine AND High Prolactin.

By now it should be clear that you want the first option:

Sexually, this will result in:

That’s what the Science said anyway!

Did Raising My Dopamine and Lowering My Prolactin Levels Actually Work?

Within just a couple weeks of taking certain nutrients, to raise my Dopamine and
lower my Prolactin levels…

My Sex-Drive went through the roof…

My Recovery Time after ejaculation decreased to just a few minutes…

And I had no problem filming as many Porn Scenes a day as I wanted.

Not long after I made this Dopamine/Prolactin discovery…

I finally started getting booked in LA…

Shooting scene after scene after scene for most of the major porn companies…

To date I’ve filmed 435 scenes…

And had the pleasure of BANGING actresses like:

In fact, these nutrients worked so well, that even when I had to bang a woman
I wasn’t that attracted to (which does occasionally happen in porn)…

I was so horny I had no problem “getting it up” and getting the job done.

So yep, I’m happy to tell you that…

The Science proved correct in THE REAL WORLD too!

High Dopamine and Low Prolactin is a brilliant combination…

Giving you an insatiable Sex-Drive…

Allowing you to have sex multiple times a day…

…“getting it up” with no problem even after
you’ve ejaculated…

Leading to a non-stop stream of happy women in your bed.

Happy women who openly BRAG to their girlfriends about what a STUD you are between-the-sheets…

The Secret to
Making Beautiful Women WANT YOU, Building a “Greek God Physique” & Skyrocketing Your Bank Balance?

When I RAISED my Dopamine Levels…

And LOWERED my Prolactin Levels…

The benefits I experienced weren’t just SEXUAL…

I didn’t just gain a higher Sex-Drive and lower my Recovery Times.

I also found that the increased Sex-Drive actually meant I was much more DRIVEN
and DETERMINED to succeed in all areas of my life…

When I saw a beautiful woman in a bar or coffee shop…

Instead of just looking at her and thinking “she’s nice”…

I found myself walking up to her…

Striking up a conversation…

…and within just a couple of minutes she’d be laughing, joking, touching my arm, biting her bottom lip…

ATTRACTION off-the-charts.

Then she’d give me her number and it was “Game On.”

The really cool thing is…

I didn’t have to force myself to do this…

I didn’t have to push past any nerves or approach
anxiety like I had to do in the past.

Instead, it just started to happen naturally. After I began taking dopamine boosting,
prolactin lowering nutrients each day.

I also started training much more intensely at the gym…

And while I never quite got a “Greek God Physique” – I did

And packed on a good amount of muscle.

I also found myself working harder and being more productive. So my business exploded
and I became more successful.

These benefits aren’t unique to me…

If you take the same nutrients I took…

You’ll boost your dopamine levels, lower your prolactin levels, and you’ll likely experience similar results,
inside and outside of the bedroom.

How Exactly Can You
INCREASE Your Dopamine Levels and
LOWER Your Prolactin?

This was the tricky part…

Once I discovered that High Dopamine and Low Prolactin were the keys to…

And Short Recovery Times…

I had to figure out exactly HOW to:

As well as endless testing, finally led me to the realization that there are:

And if you take these 6 Nutrients in the right ratios and correct
potencies on a consistent daily basis…

You’ll INCREASE Dopamine, LOWER Prolactin…

Sky-Rocket your Sex-Drive…

And significantly REDUCE your Recovery Times.

In fact, some men will even become Multi-
Orgasmic. Allowing them to ejaculate several
times before losing their boner…

…women find Multi-Orgasmic men a HUGE “Turn On”
because it shows her that you’re:

And also subconsciously communicates to her that:

The Most Important Nutrient is L-Tyrosine…

L-Tyrosine is an Amino Acid.

It’s also a “Building Block” of Dopamine.

When you get enough L-Tyrosine into your body on a daily basis…

Your body will convert some of it into Dopamine. Boosting your Sex-Drive.

L-Tyrosine is found in high quality protein rich foods. Including

Unless you eat a very clean and healthy diet:

It’s unlikely you’ll eat enough of these foods to get sufficient L-Tyrosine into your system.
If you don’t get enough L-Tyrosine into your system, you won’t significantly BOOST your Dopamine levels.

Even if you do eat plenty of foods rich in L-Tyrosine…

Your body may not properly absorb the L-Tyrosine
unless you have a perfect diet and optimal digestion…

And since many guys these days are NOT eating
the perfect diet… most men do not have optimal digestion.

Therefore, It’s hardly surprising that most guys
are NOT getting enough L-Tyrosine…

They’re suffering from Suboptimal Dopamine and poor Sex-Drive.
As well as High Prolactin and long Recovery Times.

Where’s The Proof L-Tyrosine Increases Dopamine Levels?

Many Scientific Studies[1] show that L-Tyrosine increases Dopamine Levels.

A 2007 Study on Pubmed, by John and Madelyn Fernstrom, showed that:

“Usually the nutrients you take have very little effect on the level of neurotransmitters
in the brain, but as this study shows, that is not the case with dopamine. They showed that
Dopamine levels in the brain do go up measurably for around 8 hours after taking L-Tyrosine.”

On they explain that:

“The main benefits of L-tyrosine are related to its ability to replenish
Dopamine levels in the brain, which can become depleted under stressful conditions.”

“For those of you looking to increase your Dopamine levels…
L-Tyrosine is the most direct route to that”

Maca Root Powder:
Libido Boosting Peruvian Superherb “Powers Up” Your Sex-Drive…

What is Maca Root Powder?

Maca Root Powder is a potent Superfood…

It comes from a Peruvian Root Vegetable called Maca.

Maca grows in the harshest of conditions and is a powerful Adaptogen… meaning: it helps your body
adapt and thrive under any conditions. Even stressful conditions (and “YES” – banging a hot woman can be
stressful… that’s why many guys get “Performance Anxiety”).

What does Maca Root Powder Do?

Maca Root Powder increases Dopamine Levels. Boosting your Libido…

It reduces Stress and Anxiety. Leading to greater “Staying Power” in the bedroom…

It improves your Energy Levels – inside and outside of the bedroom…

And it’s Anti-Estrogenic (making you less feminine and more masculine).

Studies Show that Maca Increases Dopamine Levels and Sex-Drive…

A study[2] conducted in May 2014 by Zhong Ali et al, said that:

“Maca has been consumed as a medical food in Peru for thousands of years”

And showed that Maca can:

“Support uplifted mood”

Raising Dopamine (which boosts Sex-Drive) and other important Neurotransmitters.

In a December 2006 study[3] done by H O Meissner et al, published
in The International Journal of Biomedical Science, they found that:

“Maca balances hormones”

Including Dopamine and Prolactin (resulting in higher Libido and reduced Recovery Times).

The study also said that Maca has:

“Strong Adaptogenic Effects”

Positively benefitting a huge number of health markers, including:
testosterone levels, thyroid hormone levels, body mass index and more.

In Addition to L-Tyrosine and Maca Extract…

Any Man Who Wants to INCREASE
his Sex-Drive and REDUCE his
“Recovery Times” Should Also Take The Following 4 Nutrients:

The #1 Adaptogenic Herb for LOWERING Prolactin Levels. Reducing “Recovery Times”…
helping you enjoy A LOT more Sex.

Ashwagandha is also famous for:

In Sept 2009 The Journal of Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine published a study by Abbas Ali Mahdi et al.

“Ashwagandha is used in the Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine Systems for it’s relaxation promoting properties”

Even occasional Stress and anxiety can lead to LOWER Dopamine and HIGHER Prolactin…

Meaning: lower Libido and longer Recovery Times.

The study went on to say that:

“Ashwagandha improves relaxation, increases levels of antioxidants,
and improves overall semen quality.”

Scientifically Proven to REDUCE Prolactin Levels. Also needed to make Dopamine.

Having optimal Vitamin B6 Levels will increase your Sex-Drive and reduce your Recovery Times…

Vitamin B6 also supports:

In an October 2018 study, by Suha Witwit at the University of Babylon, they looked at:

“The Role of Vitamin B6 for Reducing Prolactin Levels”

The study[5] showed that:

“It (Vitamin B6) exerts a hypothalamic dopaminergic effect which causes
a significant reduction in prolactin levels”

Leading to increased Libido and reduced Recovery Times.

Another study[6], from The New England Journal of Medicine showed that:

“Vitamin B6 Suppresses the Rise in Prolactin”

The increase in Growth Hormone is “the icing on the cake” – supporting increased strength
and muscle mass. As well as faster recovery times from aches, pains and injuries.

Finally, check out this study[7] on Pyridoxine (another name for Vitamin B6):

The study clearly shows that Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):

Many men would benefit from more Zinc because
it’s tricky to get optimal amounts from the typical American Diet.

The reason why not having optimal zinc levels is bad
is because zinc is vital for strong performance in the
bedroom because it lowers Prolactin (giving you shorter
Recovery Times) and also:

In February 1988, M.C.S Koppelman produced a study[8] showing clearly that:

“The Role of Zinc has been shown to suppress the output of prolactin”

Leading to faster Recovery Times after ejaculation.

Another Nutrient commonly lacking in the
modern western diet.

Studies have proven that Vitamin E has a
powerful effect on Prolactin Levels… causing
them to go DOWN, your Recovery Times to
shorten, and your ability to have sex to increase.

Other benefits of Optimal Vitamin E Levels include:

In a 1992 Study[9] by M Yeksan et al, they looked at the effect of Vitamin E on male Sexual Performance.

12 men were given oral Vitamin E daily for 12 weeks.

12 men were given a placebo.

“After the vitamin E treatment serum prolactin levels were significantly
decreased (50.8 vs 15.4 ng/ml, p < 0.01)”

That’s a MASSIVE 69.7% reduction in Prolactin Levels. Just from taking Vitamin E.

The results clearly show that if you want LOWER Prolactin Levels and faster Recovery Times…

So you can BANG your woman a lot more often…

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient to take.

Take a second to imagine what’ll happen when you take ALL 6 of the Nutrients I just showed you!

Hint: you’ll BANG like a Porn Star… and have hot women blowing up your phone…

…BEGGING you for sex…

Scientifically Formulated to Increase Dopamine and Reduce Prolactin…

Giving You Higher Sex-Drive & Shorter “Recovery Times” After Ejaculation…

Allowing You to Satisfy ANY Woman
Over and Over and Over Again…

All a woman has to do to have sex is get WET…

It’s not that difficult…

I’ve seen A LOT of dudes lose their jobs in porn
because they couldn’t ‘get it up’ in front of a camera crew…

But I’ve never seen a woman lose her job in porn
because she couldn’t get wet!

Because it’s easy for a woman to get WET…

Many women secretly want BANGING every single day.

Many would like to have sex 2 or 3 times a night. Not every night. But more often than you think.

If You Want to be a STUD in The Bedroom…

Be so memorable and addictive in bed that women BRAG to their girlfriends about
what a STUD you are “in the sack”…

Then you have to have a STRONG Sex-Drive…

…so you have the actual DESIRE to have lots of sex…

And you have to have short “Recovery Times”…

…so you can ‘get it up’ again, quickly and easily, AFTER you’ve ejaculated.

Increase your Dopamine Levels

– giving you much HIGHER Sex-Drive

Reduce your Prolactin Levels

– giving you quick “Recovery Periods” – allowing you
to blow a lot more “loads” and have A LOT more sex

If you lower your Prolactin Levels enough you may actually become a
“multi-orgasmic man.” You may be able to ejaculate multiple times without losing your boner –
something women go CRAZY for!

There’s NO DOWNSIDE to lowering your Prolactin Levels…

Doing so makes you more manly and less feminine…

Men with high Prolactin Levels tend to be overly

and can even end up producing MILK from their nipples!

I’ve designed The Fire Formula to naturally:

When you take The Fire Formula it may be your
WOMAN who can’t keep up with YOU in the bedroom!

You BANG her so well she ends up DRUNK on ORGASMS…

Addicted to your Manhood…

Begging for more night after night.

To get these amazing results from Fire,
all you have to do is take a few high quality capsules a day.

Fire contains the 6 nutrients proven to support
high sex-drive
and short recovery times…

In the exact strengths and dosages proven to work by science.

Sorry Mate, Here’s The Bad Part…

I hate to tell you this…

But the nutrients in The Fire Formula are tricky to get hold
of in the right strengths and dosages. And they’re pricey.

While the nutrients in Fire have the potential to
turn you into a Multi-Orgasmic Sex God… they also taste really bad.

However, the Good News is:

I’ve managed to make the Fire Formula TASTELESS…

Because it comes in high quality, easy-to-swallow capsules. No giant “horse pills.”

And you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve made it AFFORDABLE.

The Fire Formula is made from NATURAL ingredients…

And contains all 6 of the Dopamine Boosting, Prolactin Reducing Nutrients
I showed you earlier on this page…

In the precise amounts that me and other top Porn Stars use. To optimize our sex-drive and performance.

You’ll also be happy to hear that Fire is FREE FROM:

Artificial Preservatives, Sweeteners & Flavorings

Made in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified,
US Based Manufacturing Facility – meaning:
you get exactly what it says on the label in
each and every capsule.

And while it costs A LOT to manufacture Fire to this standard, I’m doing it this way for 2 key reasons:

I’m committed to helping you get the very best results possible:

And I feel good every time I get an Email, Telegram or Whatsapp message from a man telling me
how my teachings and/or products have changed his life.

It makes good business sense:

Fire is the best formula on the market for INCREASING Sex-Drive and REDUCING Recovery Times…
meaning: you’ll love it and are likely buy it over and over again, write me a review for it,
tell your friends about it and so on.

What’s a Bottle of
The Clubhouse Fire Formula
Going to Cost You?

Despite the fact that’s what it cost me in testing… because I had to buy all the nutrients individually,
from supplement companies in several different countries…

Which is not only expensive…

It’s also annoying – having to place 6 different
orders, wait for them to arrive on different days and so on.

Given the fact that Fire is going to let you BANG like
a Porn Star in the bedroom…

Causing any woman you sleep with to call you a STUD…

But here’s the thing…

I’m not here to sell supplements to the Rich and Famous, or the Elites.

I’m here to help normal guys – guys like YOU and ME –
to improve their sex-lives…

…and have relationships with the type of women they want to have relationships with.

To do that successfully I have to price The Fire Formula
in a way that lets as many men as possible grab a bottle…

Without making a loss – because like you I have bills to pay. This is how I earn a living.
So I do have to make a small profit on every Fire order.

Let me get to the point…

However, because you already read my newsletters and watch my online videos,
you’re getting access to this special online letter…

Investing in 6 bottles of Fire is a great idea because:

It ensures you’ll have a 6 month supply of Fire. Allowing you to get these
powerful Dopamine Boosting, Prolactin Reducing Nutrients into your system for months to come, without running out.

Supply is limited, I may run out of Fire at any time (and when
I do, I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because the ingredients are hard to get hold of,
and take time to ship to my US Based Manufacturing Facility)

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Order with Confidence:
You’re Protected by My
180 Day Money Back Guarantee…

If you’re skeptical right now, I understand.

After all, I’m suggesting that you:

In order to improve your Sex-Drive and reduce your
Recovery Times. And you’ve probably never heard anything like this before.

But here’s the thing…

As I’ve shown you on this page – using real Science – the 6 nutrients in Fire are essential for…

If you want to be a STUD in the bedroom and BANG women like a Porn Star…

You need to increase your Dopamine Levels and reduce your Prolactin Levels. Period.
It’s proven by science.

Fire even has the potential to make you a “Multi-Orgasmic Man” –
able to shoot several big loads without losing your erection.

Is it a no-brainer for you to try Fire?

Of course it is! (Unless you’re already a multi-orgasmic go all night Stud, with ladies queuing up, begging to ride you…
in which case you might not need it. Though the nutrients in it would still be beneficial for you).

However, I want to make this decision irresistible for you. And I’ll do it by
offering you protection in the form of a fantastic guarantee.

Order 1, 3 or 6 Bottles of Fire Today & You’ll Be Covered
by My 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee…

Meaning that you can ask for your money-back for any reason, within 180 days of purchase.
And you’ll get it promptly and courteously, even if you…

That said, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ask for a refund, because:

So what are you waiting for?

Choose the number of bottles you want below. Click “Order Now.” Have your credit/debit card ready.
And then follow my simple, safe and 100% secure checkout process…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

BANG Like a Porn Star…
Make Any Woman Addicted to Your Dick

You meet the woman of your dreams…

You’re incredibly attracted to her…

Love her personality and you get on like a house on fire…

You go on a few dates with her…

A walk round the park…

On the 3rd date she ends up back at your place…

You lead her up to your bedroom…

Gently push her against the wall…

Pin her arms above her head with your left hand…

Put your right hand on her ass…

The attraction is so strong your head spins with desire.

You pull back a little…

She tries to lean in for more…

Well, because you’ve been taking FIRE…

You can’t wait to satisfy this beautiful woman over and over again.

And that’s exactly what happens…

Missionary, her on top, doggy style.

She claws her fingernails into your back…

The more you give her, the more she wants.

She can’t get enough of you.

Yep, that’s pretty much how it goes when you’re taking
Fire. Ask me how I know.

If you want to “play the field” and bang A TON of hot women…

If you want to impress a new girlfriend and make sure she sticks around…

If you’re in a long term relationship – a relationship that may
have gone a bit stale in the bedroom – Fire can help you bring
back the passion and rekindle the magic..

If you’re a man who wants to enjoy MORE SEX… and much BETTER SEX…

The Clubhouse Fire Formula:

If you want to screw like a Porn Star and become a true STUD… able to SATISFY any woman over and over and over again…

Give Fire a try today. You’re going to love it!

…and please remember to send me your success story when you’ve used Fire to INCREASE your Sex-Drive,
LOWER your “Recovery Times”… & become a total Stud in the bedroom…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Your Surrogate Big Brother,

Stirling Cooper
Award Winning Porn Star, Founder of Clubhouse, Creator of Fire

P.S. Do you want to increase your Sex-Drive? Lower your Recovery Times?
Become a total STUD in the bedroom?

The Clubhouse Fire Formula is uniquely formulated to safely and naturally…

Meaning: you’ll be able to have A LOT more sex.

Plus, if you get your Prolactin levels low enough, you may even become Multi-Orgasmic…

Allowing you to ejaculate multiple times without losing your boner… driving any woman you sleep with totally CRAZY..

You need to hurry though, because stock is NOT
unlimited. Fire WILL sell out (and when it does,
I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because
the ingredients are not always easy to get hold of).

Of course, you can try Fire today with NO RISK
whatsoever. Because you’re covered by my Rock
Solid 180 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fire is a 100% natural formula. Designed to increase your Dopamine Levels and
lower your Refractory Periods, giving you:

If you want to enjoy A LOT more sex, and totally SATISFY any woman you bed,
Fire is the Formula for you.

All the ingredients are 100% Natural. Mixed in the precise quantities supported by science.
You should consult with your doctor before making any dietary or supplemental changes.

5 easy-to-swallow high quality capsules a day. Simple.

This will differ from man to man.

To give yourself the best chance to experience the very best results possible,
as soon as possible, be CONSISTENT and take 5 capsules of Fire a day, every day.

Yes, and it’s common sense stuff that most people don’t do!

Yes, you can try The Clubhouse Fire Formula with NO RISK today. Your order is covered
by our 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

In the unlikely event that you decide you want a refund, simply:

FREE in the US, for orders of 3 or 6 bottles.

We have excellent shipping. Over 99% of our orders get to our US based customers
within 3-5 working days. International orders usually take longer, but are still very reliable.

In the unlikely event that your order does not arrive when you expect, then we are here to help…

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year.
Because we are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

For product support, you can contact support in 2 ways:

Email: [email protected]

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE or 1-800-390-6035

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day.
363 days a year. We are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

For product support, you can contact support in 2 ways:

Email: [email protected]

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE or 1-800-390-6035

In plain brown packaging. Just like this:

Clubhouse Supplements is dedicated to producing the cleanest, purest and highest quality supplements to help men optimize their sexual performance.

For this reason, all batches of Fire are regularly checked for:

      • Bacteria
      • Yeasts
      • Molds
      • Toxic Metals including Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Cobalt, Nickel and Tin

These tests are done for every batch during the manufacturing process. We also regularly send Fire off for third party testing by an independent lab.

As well as retesting all the above, we also do third party testing to verify the presence of various Nutritional Minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and Selenium.

Plus, if relevant, we also test to make sure there are no traces of pharmaceutical performance enhancing substances added.

If a particular batch of Fire doesn’t meet our purity standards – we throw it out and start again.

HERE you’ll find our latest 3rd Party Testing Results for Fire

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
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Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster

Product Name: Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Hi, I’m Dr. Edward Barnes, a Cosmetic Dermatologist by profession and a happily married man with an equally wonderful daughter. It has been 5 years since that fateful honeymoon in the Caribbean, my quest to discover a reliable, safe, and natural treatment for cold sores began the night I noticed tear droplets roll down my wife’s face, right after our honeymoon!

I asked myself, “What could possibly be wrong?” When I finally gathered the courage to approach my wife, she fell into my arms in tears!

She asked me, “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

Before I could reply, she carried on, “I don’t think I’ll be able to kiss my own child because of my cold sore on lip.”

She continued that when she stayed at her mother’s house she used to have separate glasses, plates, forks and spoon, just because her family was too afraid that they too would get infected with cold sores. I managed to stutter back in reply, that we all have our problems.

I felt helpless, with our first baby being expected in just eight months, I knew that I had to do something.

….My emotions were engulfed by the vows that I had taken, “To always be my wife’s side in times of hardship and grief”. It was at that moment, as I watched the Caribbean sunset, I took a new vow, “I would dedicate my entire time to discover a faster and long-lasting natural solution for treating cold sores.“

Before I discovered the cold sores natural therapy for my wife, she was battling cold sores just like you – using conventional prescription medicine and (over the counter) OTC cold sore medication – with only a hope that they would somehow disappear one fine day. Sadly life doesn’t function this way…

It took me three years of dedicated research before I could finally fulfill the vow that I had taken that fateful night and my then 24-year-old wife was successfully able to get off cold sores just by following my cold sore treatment program that I had designed for her. Fast forward it to today, you’re probably asking yourself the same question that had left my wife speechless and awestruck, quickly and effectively!

After all, we’ve been told by “so-called experts” that it is only possible to control cold sores and was impossible to heal it. How then could I possibly get off cold sores effectively?

The answer to that lies in man’s own genius. If we were to go back a few decades, we would reach a time when there was no known cure for “smallpox”, yet it’s been completely eradicated from existence today. The answer is simple, science has progressed at an astounding rate in the past few years and I’ve rigorously tested various procedures that claim to get off cold sores until I finally settled for the most effective solution.

Medical News Today reported that 13 drug prescriptions were written for every man, woman and child in America. Do we even eat 13 vegetables and fruits per day? No, but we manage to swallow our 13 prescription pills per day!

I’ve tested countless treatments for cold sores and I’ve come to the conclusion that:

The Cold Sore Treatment is far more than intensive treatment of cold sores.

For those already suffering an outbreak of cold sores at the time of purchase (or before implementing my integrative medicine) have reported that their cold sores phased out faster thereafter implementing my exclusive natural cold sore treatment.

Simply put, they are able to reclaim their lives that were once lost to cold sores.

Get complete freedom from pain and anguish caused by cold sores. No longer be the loser in battle against cold sores. Instead wake up without worrying about cold sores appearing again.

Never have to worry about passing your cold sores herpes simplex virus – 1 to your loved ones. Finally, the freedom from over-the-counter products, prescription, and visits to the mainstream physicians.

My all-natural cold sore treatment is a surefire, clinically researched system backed by countless hours of alternative medicine expertise. I 100% guarantee it and I’ve got the results to prove it! Just take a look at the countless success stories from real people who sky-rocketed their self-esteem and confidence with The Cold Sore Treatment …

Just want to send an email, so that you know how grateful I’m to you. I’ve been suffering from cold sores from my childhood and spent weeks looking for stuff like this. 😟 Initially, I was doubtful about purchasing your natural cold sore treatment program since I had never heard of an effective cold sores medication. But, since you offered an unconditional money back guarantee I thought that I should give it a try.

Absolutely thrilled that you put the entire procedure in a step by step manner and have even listed out alternatives! It took only a handful of days for my cold sores to vanish. I really cannot thank you enough. 😊

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

I’ve been searching for an effective cold sore medication for years! I’ve tried everything…. When I came across your website, I decided to put your claims to the test. I must say that only after a few days of diligently following your instructions my cold sore on lips and other fever blisters are gone!

I highly recommend your program to anyone with cold sores, as this is the only effective program that actually gives the results it says. 😎

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

Had a huge throbbing blister on my lip. 😶 I was initially very skeptical if it would work, but I’m glad I decided to go ahead and try it out after hearing from a friend how well this worked for her. It has been over 6 months since I first tried your integrative natural medication and treatment for cold sores. And I’ve not had a single cold sore outbreak since then!

“Happiness has finally seeped back into my life without the worry of cold sores!” 😂 I wish I would have found this years ago! Thanks!

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

Hello Edward, I’m so happy that I tried your soothing intensive treatment for cold sores. You really have the ability to break it down into simple steps that even someone like me can understand.

My cold sores nearly always appeared on my upper lip and would really make me feel very conscious in public. 😳 Now, I really feel I should write to tell you I’m more than happy with my results from your integrative medicine. I can’t believe your claims are actually true. 😊 Thank you for your writings.

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

THE COLD SORE TREATMENT is a Simple, All Natural, Unconventional Medical Breakthrough making you get rid of cold sores in record time, and has been shown to enhance your immunity to prevent any possibility of future outbreaks.

The COLD SORE TREATMENT attacks HSV-1, weakening and killing it. Thereby, it prevents the Herpes Simplex Virus from overriding your immune system.

The healing process normally takes around 2 weeks, but I’ve discovered an easy-to-follow, safe and fast-acting ingenious solution that greatly shortens the healing time of a cold sore, and decrease pain.

I personally guarantee that if you make an honest effort to follow the instructions and effectively use The Cold Sore Treatment Program, you can “Get Rid of Cold Sore Or It’s FREE”.

That’s right, If you are not 100% satisfied with it for whatever reason, let me know within the next 60 days and I’ll issue you an immediate, hassle-free 100% refund.

Listen, I know this incredible information I have today is available to you for a tiny price, and you owe it to yourself to give my Cold Sore Treatment a try. You have the guarantee, you have the facts; Why put it off for another day, and delay your happiness?

Since this is an “eBook”, digitally delivered over the web, you’ll get instant access to the Cold Sore Treatment so you can start applying them today! Just click the Add to Cart button!

Get started on The Cold Sore Treatment now and get these INCREDIBLE BONUSES for free. They’re hand-picked to accelerate your results even further!

Just make sure you take advantage of this while it’s still free.

Bonus #1: The Truth About Natural Skin Care by: Leah Day

Using natural products sounds great on paper, but how do you actually know what is natural and what isn’t? How can you really be sure you’re not putting harmful chemicals on your skin each and every day?

Who can you trust to protect you and your family from the carcinogenic chemicals that are commonly formulated into skin care products every day?

Find the answers you’ve been looking for and give you the power to choose safe skin care products that will help – not harm – your skin!

Bonus #2: Staying Young by: Dr. Mehmet

The complete guide to finally understanding how to stay young! You will discover strategies and ideas you can use to help keep your mind in a youthful mindset and stop the getting old process. Most of these things you can do in your own home.

Think about it. You don’t even have to leave your house! With this report, you will find natural solutions to look, think and feel better and healthier.

Bonus #3: Understanding Food by: Michael Danielson

Americans have been told for decades that gaining weight is a simple equation:

Calories in minus calories out equal weight gain. Time has proven this theory wrong over and over again, yet still, we think that if we can only starve ourselves that much more, we can get thin and healthy. It’s time to learn otherwise.

Bonus #4: Lessons From The Miracle Doctor by: Jon Barron

Jon Barron is probably the greatest mind in alternative health today. The Miracle Doctor provides enough information to manage your health and nutrition without having an education on this subject.

The most concise, understandable, information filled, book written on nutrition I have ever read. This is not a lick and a promise, it is a roadmap. It is by far the most thorough and easily understandable yet concise work on the subject of natural health I’ve ever seen.

Well, I’m not the one trying to stoke false terror in vulnerable people. Neither make any grand claim that you will get rid of cold sores in N number of days or give back the lost life without any effort…

If you can choose to first commit yourself to The Cold Sore Treatment, you’ll be surprised that you can get rid of cold sores – safe, fast and naturally. And you get that gorgeous smile you might have only been dreaming about until recently.

All of your needs will be met only when when you grab the moment and do it.

Look, I’m completely confident that The Cold Sore Treatment has the best therapy you’ve ever seen. I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how quickly you feel the benefits of this simple to follow program. It is the safest, fastest and effective way to get rid of cold sores.

That way, you get piece of mind, and I do too. Order right now with confidence!

I know, you’re at crossroads…nothing is going to change in your life until you make your move.

All that is left for you to do now is take action. And you only have 2 options:

Option #1: Leave this page and go back to the same old routine of taking prescription drugs and continue living restricted life full of frustration and embarrassment.

… And let’s face it, that’s not really an option. Is it? …

Option #2: Take the smart option. And invest in The Cold Sore Treatment to get rid of cold sores. Enjoy flawless glowing skin and start living life. This feeling of confidence is something you cannot put a price on.

The choice is up to you…

It’s time to go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button below. Download the Cold Sore Treatment program to get rid of dangerous impact of herpes simplex virus and prevent future outbreaks of cold sores occurring.

Remember – you’re protected with my 100% money back guarantee so there is no excuse.

It’s time. Today is your chance to start the path to cold sore free life! Not tomorrow. Not next week. But NOW!

You will be so very glad that you did.

Act Fast! This Could Expire At Any Moment!

Available Worldwide. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Instant Access – Even at 2 am!

If you are considering the therapy, you still may have questions and concerns. I’ll answer some of the most common questions I get asked about The Cold Sore Treatment right now.

Do you miss any specific question? Please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll keep adding FAQ’s here as they arise…

Being a Cosmetic Dermatologist and Naturopath, I can honestly say that the cold sore treatment program is carefully formulated from multiple perspectives. Blending holistic health and modern scientific research, the program not only shortens the healing time but also knocks out your cold sore from the root.

All the foods recommended in The Cold Sore Treatment program are not expensive. You can easily find them in your local supermarket or health food store. They won’t cost you much at all.

Absolutely! It is vegan and vegetarian safe. No matter your dietary preferences, the Cold Sore Treatment will help you get rid of a cold sore fast and keep it off.

The Cold Sore Treatment is one of the most advanced science-based system ever created to battle recurrent herpes simplex labialis. It is proven to work for people of all ages, all ethnicities, and all body types around the globe.

The program has already worked for thousands of men and women in 195 sovereign countries worldwide.

Please remember, even though this information has been scientifically proven in countless studies on thousands of patients, by law I’ve to tell you to consult your doctor before using any of these methods.

Moreover, medical decision-making in the pediatric population is complicated by the wide variation in physical and psychological development that occurs as children progress from infancy to adolescence. In such cases, minimizing harm and maximizing the patient’s best interests should always be the primary focus of medical decision-making.

Similarly, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it is always important to ask your doctor for advice.

The pharmaceutical companies encouraging prescription cold sore medication ask the sufferer to take pills and creams after the first symptoms (e.g. tingling or itching) or signs (e.g. redness or swelling) appear.

In reality, stop waiting for the perfect time. There’s isn’t one! Herpes simplex virus may start making copies of itself in the body even in the absence of symptoms. It’s better to act on it quickly and prevent recurrent cold sores every month.

Although results in the testimonials may not be typical and your results may vary, experience makes it possible to feel and see the difference. Not all people will start seeing the same benefits. Again, it depends on the body in question.

The program is meant to protect healthy cells and speed healing from the cold sore infection. Though one could knock out cold sore in a day or two, this unique program is effective in treating acute recurrence of cold sores.

Once you’ve clicked the “Add to Cart” button, you’ll be taken to the secure checkout page. Just enter your information to get instant access to The Cold Sore Treatment program.

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It employs 256-Bit secure encryption technologies using SSL from trusted vendors like Verisign and Thawte to store and maintain sensitive personal or financial information. This level of security is the same used by all leading banks.

The Cold Sore Treatment program comes with a full, money-back promise. If you’re unsatisfied – IN ANY WAY – within 60 days of purchase, just send an email or look up your order.

And I’ll personally refund your investment immediately with no questions asked. (I just ask that you give the program an honest try.) Of course, you can keep your free gifts. It’s that simple!

Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, not just because it’s my job, but because I care.

No physical products will be shipped saving you a lot of time and money. All materials are digital and sent to you as an instant downloadable e-book in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Any computer can use it. You can read it on your iPad, iPhone, Android tablets, smartphones, PCs and Macs. So, you can access it whenever you like, wherever you are.

You will be able to download the entire program including free gifts in less than 2 minutes after payment.

1Langenberg A.G.M. et al. “A PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF NEW INFECTIONS WITH HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2” New England Journal of Medicine. 1999;341:1432-8

2Swart, P.J., Kuipers, M.E., Smit, C., van der Strate, B.W.A.,Harmsen, M.C., Meijer, D.K.F., 1998. Lactoferrin: antivi-ral activity of lactoferrin. In: Spik, G., Legrand, D.,Mazurier, J., Pierce, A., Perraudin, J.P. (Eds.), Advancesin Lactoferrin Research. Plenum Press, New York, pp.205–213

3Kleine MW, Stauder GM, Beese EW. The intestinal absorption of orally administered hydrolytic enzymes and their effects in the treatment of acute herpes zoster as compared with those of oral acyclovir therapy. Phytomedicine. 1995 Jul;2(1):7-15.

4Mostad SB, Kreiss JK, et al. Cervical shedding of herpes simplex virus in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women: effects of hormonal contraception, pregnancy, and vitamin A deficiency. J Infect Dis. 2000 Jan;181(1):58-63.

5Terezhalmy, G. T., Bottomley, W. K. et al. The use of water-soluble bioflavonoid – ascorbic acid complex in the treatment of recurrent herpes labialis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1978 Jan;45(1):56-62.

6Spotswood Spruance, MD et al. “High-dose, short-duration, early valacyclovir therapy for episodic treatment of cold sores: Results of two randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter studies”. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2003: 1072-80.

7Habif, Thomas. “Warts, Herpes Simplex, and Other Viral Infections” Clinical Dermatology, 4th Edition. Ed. Thomas Habif, MD. New York: Mosby, 2004. 381-388.

8Griffith RS, Norins AL, Kagan C. (1978). “A multicentered study of lysine therapy in Herpes simplex infection”. Dermatologica. 156 (5): 257–267.

9 Tookey P, Peckham CS. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection in the British Isles. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1996; 10:432–42.

10Atmaca G. Antioxidant effects of sulfur-containing amino acids. Yonsei Med J. 2004 Oct 31;45(5):776-88.

11Mann JA, Fowkes SW, “Wipe Out Herpes with BHT”, Manhattan Beach, Calif: MegaHealth Society; 1983.

12Baroody, Theodore A, Jr. Alkalize or Die. 8th ed. Waynesville, NC: Holographic Health Press, 1991.

13Yeung-Yue, Kimberly. “Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2.” Dermatologic Clinics 20(2002): 1-21.

14Shambaugh GE Jr. Zinc: the neglected nutrient. Am J Otol. 1989 Mar;10(2):156-60.

15D.E. Larson, ed. Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (2nd ed.), William Morrow, 1996.

16Schlossberg, D. Current Therapy of Infectious Disease. St. Louis: Mosby, 1996.

17Olshevsky, V., Becher, V. Virology, 1970, 40, 948.

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✝ Results May Vary: Personal identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. No individual result should be seen as typical. There is no such thing as a miracle pill or silver bullet. You’re the one that will make this happen. Step up and lets make this happen!

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Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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