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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Finding out I had chronic kidney disease – CKD – was only the start of it.

Realizing that CKD is really difficult to treat… and that it inevitably gets worse was shocking.

I faced ending up on a dialysis machine. Hoping and praying for a suitable kidney donor.

And losing years off the end of my life because with CKD… there’s no way out.

As my doctor showed me, all this has now changed. CKD is not the life sentence it once was.

And as I found out myself, he was absolutely right. Today chronic kidney disease for me is a distant memory..!

Take a look at this and I’ll explain.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to believe that once you had chronic kidney disease then that was it… you were pretty much stuck for life.

I thought there was not much you could do – except tweak it as best you can and hope to goodness that it didn’t get worse.

Maybe you’ve heard the same.

I really believed it too.

But I don’t any more. 

Because of something my doctor showed me I now know there’s an awful lot you can do to manage CKD – and what you can do turned out to be literally life-changing.

CKD isn’t a life-sentence

I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease – CKD – just over 2 years ago.

My doctor explained that there is a number of reasons why we get CKD. But it was always caused by something else that was already going wrong in the body.

Diabetes, heart disease, various cardiovascular diseases, being very overweight and so on. They can all cause CKD.

High blood pressure was the cause of my CKD.

Your CKD may have a different cause. But the result is the same.

My doctor told me that chronic kidney disease can’t be tackled directly. Instead, doctors address the diseases that cause it in the first place.

Which, for me, meant tackling my blood pressure problem.

It might be a different fight for you depending on what’s causing your own CKD.

But whatever the cause, the strategy is the same: alleviate the problems of the CKD itself while addressing the underlying disease that is causing the CKD in the first place.

Unfortunately, using standard methods CKD can – and often does – get progressively worse. As it gets worse it becomes a significantly more threatening disease.

There was no way I could just accept that. No way.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to accept it. I did something else instead.

Which has meant that these days I can’t remember what CKD even feels like anymore.

But before I jump ahead of myself, let me make this important point.

My doctor taught me something very worrying about CKD.

The disease has 5 stages. Stage 1 is the mildest.

Stage 5 is as serious as it gets.

Stage 5 can shorten a person’s life by many, many years.

You do not want to reach stage 5. 

My CKD was at stage 3 when it was discovered. Most of us only discover our CKD when it’s already well underway.

The danger here is that CKD gets progressively worse. Doctors find it very difficult to halt CKD’s progress into stages 4 and then 5.

At stage 5 you are plugged into a dialysis machine. You hope and pray for a suitable kidney donor so that you can squeeze some more years out of life… before finally succumbing. 

Dialysis machines and kidney transplants were not for me. 

I didn’t care that other people coped with being strapped to a dialysis machine for hours on end four or five times a week.

That’s them. It’s not me.

And I didn’t care that, for people lucky enough to find kidney donors, better transplant techniques meant that they weren’t dying so quickly afterwards. 

As far as I was concerned… once you reach the kidney dialysis machines and transplant stage your days are numbered.

I had – and still have – many years of life ahead of me.

And I wanted those years to be healthy, happy, enjoyable.

Not ill, diseased… watching my clock run down.

I felt very low, to be honest.

My doctor gave me the standard spiel: we can handle the symptoms, we can try to address underlying causes… with the right meds you could lead a fairly normal life. And so on.

I told him this wasn’t good enough. I didn’t want my life cut short with a disease that – at least officially – had no way of being reversed.

I didn’t want to watch myself deteriorate week by week. I didn’t want to be plugged into a dialysis machine. I didn’t want a transplant.

And I didn’t want to die early.

I was very upset. I didn’t know what to do next.

But I didn’t want to just do nothing.

I’ve known my doctor since college. He’s a trusted friend. He told me to come back at the end of the day and we could go for a coffee and a chat.

He had something important to tell me.

Well, what my doctor told me that afternoon was jaw-dropping.

He described how he’d witnessed five of his own patients treat their chronic kidney disease to the point that they now experienced none of its symptoms.

Here’s the thing: they had first treated the underlying cause – the condition that gave rise to their CKD in the first place. That had led to the melting away of both that condition’s symptoms and their CKD symptoms.

Which was staggering. We’re talking about diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity here…

He wouldn’t claim they no longer had the disease – professionally he’s not allowed to say that yet. Tests are still taking place, official verification is required – that takes years to complete.

But when one of his own patients attempted an alternative health approach to his chronic kidney disease…. and by all measures, succeeded… my doctor couldn’t ignore that.

The effects weren’t temporary – they lasted.

My doctor explained that conventional medicine was still testing these new remedies. But ordinary people had jumped straight in and had been applying them for some years.

No drugs, no hospitals… and the results were fantastic.

I was excited and nervous when I heard this. But everything we discussed that day I went on to prove to myself.

But before I jump ahead of myself let me tell you what else my doctor told me.

We’ve always known that CKD is caused by other conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, too much excess weight and so on.

So it makes sense to tackle those conditions if we’re to address CKD.

Doctors tackle those conditions either by significantly reducing their effect on our bodies… or by successfully reversing them completely.

This much has been well understood for a long time.

We also know another vital element of the story: that the conditions I listed above – diabetes, high blood pressure and so on – are often the result of low-level, ongoing inflammation in the body.

Those conditions are either made worse by this ongoing inflammation – or, more often, are directly caused by it. 

Finally, we’re well aware that the inflammation itself is mostly caused by a faulty immune system.

In other words, our immune system is being triggered way too often.

Which leads to ongoing inflammation… which in turn overwhelms our bodies and creates damage throughout.

So… a faulty immune system… leads to widespread inflammation… which leads to one or more of the diseases mentioned. Which leads to CKD.

This is the pathway to disease.

But what causes the faulty, malfunctioning immune system in the first place?

What’s that initial trigger that sets off the whole thing?

That has always been a mystery. Yet if doctors could find out how to stop the immune system from malfunctioning then the inflammation, the disease and the CKD… all goes away.

In the last few years scientists finally found out.

The immune system malfunction that causes your chronic kidney disease comes from problems in the gut.

We now realize that, incredibly, most of the western world’s major killer diseases begin in our guts.

This one insight has changed forever how scientists now tackle disease.

And this isn’t theory, by the way. It’s not guesswork.

It’s heavily researched, scientific knowledge.

When we’re talking about your gut we’re not talking about bloating or stomach ache or anything like that.

We’re talking about the fascinating environment within your intestinal tract.

That environment – also called the microbiome – contains trillions of fantastically useful bacteria.

We’re used to thinking of bacteria as being harmful. But over 90% of the bacteria in a healthy gut perform functions that keep you alive. 

They do things for you that your body itself simply cannot do.

When healthy gut bacteria dominate our guts – and unhealthy gut bacteria are kept to a minimum – we are at our healthiest and happiest.

When this balance is disturbed we get ill. If it’s disturbed for long enough, we get very ill.

Here are just a few functions gut bacteria carry out for us:

Good bacteria literally keeps us alive. So we need it to be in the best shape possible.

If the number of good bacteria are reducing then bad bacteria gain an upper-hand in your gut.

Given enough time the damage they cause to your body can be bad, then severe – then fatal.

Conditions that are directly linked to poor gut health include:

Recognize anything on this list?

If you have even one of these then your gut health either has a major hand in it or – in most cases – your gut health is the actual cause of it.

Remember the pathway to disease we mentioned a moment ago? We understand that pathway now:

Poor gut health leads to immune system malfunction… which leads to low-level inflammation… which leads to one or more of the above diseases. Which then leads to CKD.

By the way, if you’re a Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) sufferer who has been told that your diabetes is for life because its cause is unknown… that story is currently being rewritten.

Consider this from a 2018 white paper:

Recent evidence shows that altered gut bacterial composition is highly associated with T1D and, thus, targeting gut microbiota may serve as a therapeutic potential for T1D patients.

‘Pathogenesis’ simply means ‘the development of the disease’. The scientists here are suggesting that the therapy for Type 1 Diabetes is to target the state of the sufferer’s gut health.

Or this from a 2019 white paper:

Among the included studies, 24 articles confirmed the association between gut microbiota dysbiosis and T1D.

‘Gut microbiota dysbiosis’ refers to imbalances in the environment of the gut. Here, the researchers have confirmed that the state of the gut is associated with Type 1 Diabetes.

Dozens of heavyweight scientific research papers are reaching the same incredible conclusion.

Researchers aren’t allowed yet to claim that repairing gut health successfully eliminates T1D – even though the evidence points convincingly in that direction.

But gut health is heavily implicated in T1D – in the same way that gut health is now known to often be the only cause of all the other conditions I just mentioned.

It’s this insight that is now leading us into startling – yet very simple – remedies for western society’s most deadly diseases.

Get those gut bacteria healthy and everything that was going wrong – including CKD – starts going right again.

But what causes our guts to become unhealthy?

There’s no doubt at all about the causes: it’s our lifestyle choices.

‘Lifestyle’ simply refers to the usual suspects: stress, sleep, fitness and diet.

Which, at first sight, all seems pretty bland and dull. We’ve heard all this before.

But now it’s very different. Because now scientists understand the direct link between what we do… and how we get disease.

Poor lifestyle habits slowly ruin our gut health. They decimate good bacteria – allowing bad bacteria to thrive and expand their deadly effects.

Our gut environment becomes less helpful to us… and steadily more deadly.

Which makes it inevitable that, in time, we will end up either very ill or fatally ill.

The damage that bad habits do to our gut bacteria is almost the entire reason we are tired, ill, overweight, suffer low moods and struggle as we get older.

We say it’s ‘age’ that causes disease. That’s absolute nonsense.

It’s the slow and steady neglect of our gut health that causes disease. We do it to ourselves. We don’t mean to. But it’s what we do.

Poor lifestyle habits are the primary reason (for millions of us, they’re the only reason) we contract western society’s worst diseases – heart, blood, liver, kidney…

Your basic lifestyle habits directly and dramatically determine whether you’ll be ill at all.

And if you will be ill those habits determine which illnesses you’ll get – and how they will play out over the long-term.

Take heart though. This knowledge is, literally, life-saving.

We’ve now discovered at the deepest level why we get ill.

Which means we can get well again.

Simple, specific changes to some daily habits are now ridding people of a whole array of horrible conditions.

There is a right way of doing this, of course. It’s not simply a matter of ‘eating healthily’ (whatever that means) or ‘getting more exercise’ (which not all CKD sufferers are able to do).

When someone is so ill that their kidneys are starting to fail then correcting specific lifestyle habits can change their life.

Done properly, it can save their life.

Beware though that the standard advice we see in magazines or on popular websites isn’t right for CKD sufferers.

We have a specific condition and that requires new and very specific action. It’s easier than most people believe – but it has to be right.

Correcting these lifestyle factors properly can be literally transforming – more powerful than medications and even more life-improving than surgery.

But diet – what we eat and what we drink – is the kingpin of disease.

It’s the supreme dictator of how we’re going to suffer as we grow older – or even if we’re going to suffer at all.

You can eat your way back to healthy gut bacteria – and, therefore, full vibrant health.

There are many, many foods that you can eat unlimited amounts of.

Including – happily – a number of foods that  ‘fad diets’ tell you not to touch.

Everything you need to eat can be bought at a local supermarket. Half of it is possibly already in your kitchen.

Essentially though you must eat enough of the right things in the right quantities. Do that and everything else falls beautifully into place.

I thought sleep and stress and fitness and diet were just things that other people paid attention to. I was sensible enough to not eat like a pig.

And I didn’t think I was suffering stress any more than the average person was. All life has some stress, doesn’t it?

But, really, I didn’t give my food – or anything else about my lifestyle habits –  much attention.

In truth, I didn’t really know how to.

I enjoyed life, worked hard… but behind the scenes things were steadily going wrong with my health.

Today, I thank my lucky stars that I found out how to undo what was going wrong.

My health today is like it was 25 years ago. It’s like I’ve not aged a single minute.

Today, we know accurately what we can do to make all the nasty stuff go away.

If we address our health problems today in ways shown to actually work…. then we can reverse the diseases that plague us.

And as we do this, the symptoms of chronic kidney disease melt away to nothing.

That’s an opportunity we’ve not had before. Because only now have scientists finally worked out the full path – all the steps – from good health to disease.

Remember the path: gut health… malfunctioning immune system… widespread inflammation… disease… CKD

And understanding that, we have a simple way of going backwards – of reversing from CKD back to health.

So my doctor is explaining all this over coffee – well, three coffees to be accurate.

It was a heck of a lot to take in.

It all led to one obvious question though: how do I go about applying all this to myself?

How does an ordinary person like me make use of all this powerful stuff?

My doctor told me he knew of a health practitioner who had turned these new insights into a series of steps for CKD sufferers to follow.

The program showed them a way out of their suffering – all described in plain English.

He had already recommended the program to other CKD patients. And those who followed it enjoyed life-changing results.

That’s exactly what I wanted.

I wanted something I could do – something that I knew others had successfully completed.

Something that had successfully addressed their CKD.

The program that does it is called The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution.

It was created by Shelly Manning, a natural health practitioner who already had stunning results in other areas of health.

The patient who had first told my doctor about this program had himself suffered diabetes. If he could successfully address that and his CKD… then I wanted to be doing what he had done.

I ordered it as soon as I got home and it arrived in my inbox a few minutes later.

I started reading it there and then. And that was the moment my life changed forever.

Today I don’t know if I still have chronic kidney disease or not.

Even though he had seen it before, my doctor was delighted by my transformation.

A transformation I was able to feel and he was able to measure…

Today I eat very well, sleep soundly and am super relaxed.

I’m slim, happy, healthy and on top of the world.

I no longer experience any CKD symptoms. Not one. My blood pressure has been normal for over a year now.

I still have routine tests to ensure all is okay. It always is.

Whether I’m officially still a CKD sufferer or not, I doubt I’ve been this healthy since my twenties.

Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution is a straightforward plan for the complete relief of CKD symptoms.

All I had to do was follow Shelly’s instructions. My body naturally took care of the rest.

It was easy work. And some of the pay-offs came quickly – I felt different after just 4 days.

Some of her instructions were so ordinary that I couldn’t see how they would have much effect. But they did.

And given that I’ve swapped high blood pressure, diseased kidneys, tiredness, fatigue and low mood for vibrant health and a very big smile…

…I can safely say that doing what she advised was one of my smarter life decisions.

Let me be bluntly honest with you here. Going from healthy to ill didn’t happen in an instant. Years of unhelpful lifestyle habits led gradually to chronic kidney disease.

We address illness in the same way: step by step.

So Shelly’s program works us back to health through three very specific phases:

Phase 1: Protect from kidney damage

First we stop damaging our kidneys any further and give them the space they need to heal.

It takes some simple alterations to our daily habits to achieve this.

We begin addressing gut health too. Those good bacteria respond quickly and as they recover so does our health.

I felt positive effects of this within days: a little less tired, a little more focused, more cheerful.

Phase 1 also directly focuses on balancing blood glucose levels.

Note this isn’t a portion-control or calorie-control diet. Shelly encourages more eating, not less. It’s knowing what to eat that makes such a profound difference.

Phase 2: Restore kidney function

We continue to establish stable blood sugar levels for life.

Gut health has significantly improved – I was feeling noticeably more energetic, focused and upbeat. And despite eating as much food as I liked I was 12 pounds lighter.

Having released the stresses they were under my damaged kidneys were now slowly regaining their original functioning.

I was sleeping better than I had in years – even though I’ve never had a real sleep problem.

Phase 3: Repair and renew kidney tissue

At Stage 3 blood sugars are naturally stabilized – and they stay that way.

My blood pressure was now comfortably back in the healthy range – which was both a delight and a relief.

Using specific foods and natural supplements I generated new stem cells to repair kidney and heart tissue. The supplements were cheap and I got them from my local supermarket. I only had to use them for a short period – but the benefit was enormous: I was literally creating a new, healthy body.

So much about my health was completely turned around. CKD symptoms were completely gone. Life-threatening blood pressure was normalized.

Shelly’s program is natural, simple and easy to follow. No doctor visits, no drugs, no complications. No bills, no expenses.

Which is why thousands of people are now taking the decision to transform their lives like this – and bring to an end their disease once and for all.

Okay, I’m teasing a little bit.

But I eat plenty yet remain slim. Mentally and emotionally I’m on top of the world.

I’ve not just finally addressed my chronic kidney disease – and the associated conditions that caused it.

I’ve also extended my lifespan. I will live longer.

And I’ll enjoy those extra years in good health – without the endless illnesses, medications and hospital visits that we’re conditioned to expect as we age.

The health effects of doing the right things has a profound effect on every aspect of my wellbeing – even at the smallest details.

I don’t even catch colds anymore!

It’s like I swapped a tired out body for a brand new one.

These aren’t miracle outcomes. Shelly isn’t claiming to be some sort of health genius who discovered something that nobody else noticed.

These life-enhancing changes come from researched, verified, documented science from the US, Europe and across the world.

Outstanding health is simply the inevitable result of making the exact choices that the body needs you to make.

We’re so used to getting ill we forget that your body isn’t meant to be diseased. It’s meant to be healthy.

Illness is caused. And it’s our lifestyle behaviors that cause it.

By undoing lifestyle damage you’re simply restoring yourself to the good health that your body always tries to reach anyway. You’re returning yourself to normal.

Shelly’s lifestyle plan shows us exactly how to do that.

Three years ago I decided not to suffer the deeply unpleasant effects of chronic kidney disease a moment longer.

I didn’t want to end up strapped to a kidney dialysis machine. And I didn’t want to have a transplant.

Today I am completely free of all chronic kidney disease symptoms. My blood pressure is now consistently spot-on. My weight is down, my sugars are stable. My energy is high, my mindset is optimistic and relaxed.

I’ve never felt like this before.

It feels like a miracle. But it isn’t. This is nature at work. This is cause and effect.

Like millions of Americans I’d unknowingly made myself unwell. Now I have knowingly made myself super well.

You deserve this too. I’m guessing that, for you, enough is enough. You want your health back.

Well, you can have it back – just like thousands of us already have. Get Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution right now and you can join us in great health…

Her program works – but in case you’re the cautious type she has a full 60-day money-back guarantee. No questions.

Thousands of us are now fully healthy and happy. Join is now…

Remember: your body strives to be healthy. It does its best.

Lifestyle mistakes – the kind that millions of us make – work against it.

Undo those lifestyle mistakes and your body starts working its way back to its preferred state – which is vibrant health.

Do exactly the right things the right way and it’s impossible to avoid being healthy, energetic and happy.

Shelly Manning shows you exactly what those right things are.

Protect, restore, renew… not just your kidneys but your entire body.

Thousands of us did it – you can too. Start today.

Click here to receive the program…

What you address gets better. What you ignore gets worse.

This is especially true with chronic kidney disease.

Imagine being attached to a kidney machine 3 or 4 hours a day… for 4 or 5 days a week.

No more holidays. No independence. And a life expectancy reduced by 10, 20 or even 30 years.

And if you’re lucky enough to get a kidney transplant? Then the doctors can give you an estimate for your date of death. Because they know the transplant is temporary. It’ll keep you alive for only so long.

Your life is basically on a countdown timer.

Who on earth wants all that?

Not me. Not you. Don’t put yourself through all this.

Act now and make everything right again. Get The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution here…

Click here to get My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Absolute best AI Equipment for B2B Advertising in 2024

For the reason that cofounder of a boutique B2B promoting corporate, I’m always searching for the most productive AI apparatus for B2B promoting — partly for me and partly for my shoppers.

The additional time I spend getting acquainted with automation and AI, the additional comfortable I’ve grow to be with the actual benefits AI can lift to promoting and trade.

In this article, I’m sharing, in no explicit order, the most productive AI apparatus for promoting in 2024. I’ve built-in my enjoy with them, why they’re great, their unique choices and pricing, and who I consider can get advantages most from the software.

Table of Contents

Why use AI apparatus for B2B promoting?

In line with HubSpot’s AI Developments for Entrepreneurs survey of 1,062 US promoting and selling pros, a very powerful worry about adopting AI is that it’s going to modify jobs.

Just about 50% of marketers surveyed voiced problems about procedure protection. This fascinates me, specifically on account of 68% said AI has helped expand their careers.

Screenshot from HubSpot’s Marketing and AI trends report showing that 48% of marketers are concerned that ai will replace their jobs.

In my view, I’ve not strongly felt this way on account of I believe that promoting is, and always might be, about human-to-human connection — and AI simply can’t do that.

I left the worries about using AI apparatus in B2B promoting behind me long ago and now come with what AI apparatus offer.

That said, although I don’t proportion the sentiment, I do understand the concern. I’d argue that AI apparatus can do such a large amount of our artwork, alternatively now not some of the authentic good stuff or the problems we adore! As marketers, we nevertheless get as a way to upload the human touch, alternatively we will “outsource” a lot of the less attention-grabbing artwork to AI.

Let’s check out how we will use AI to create a further surroundings pleasant workflow and liberate our time to do what we do highest.

  • Generative AI can help us write content material subject material faster. In my opinion, there’s a time and a place for generative AI. Some content material subject material benefits massively from its input, and a couple of content material subject material merely needs totally the human touch. I’ve used generative AI for emails, my internet web page, paragraphs within articles, and even some articles which might be nearly totally written with AI.
  • AI and automation in problem regulate apparatus indicate that promoting projects will organize parts themselves. In recent years, I’ve organize ClickUp automation, which left me mindblown and questioning why I didn’t come with it earlier! Undertaking regulate apparatus like Motion will organize your week in keeping with task priorities, available time, and desired time table.
  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is the type of AI you’ve almost definitely spotted in your meetings; Fireflies AI will transcribe your meetings. Loom does the an identical with its video transcription. The AI is leveled up when it moreover pulls out key problems and actions, so you know exactly what you wish to have to do after a meeting.
  • Predictive analysis in CRMs turns out at shoppers developments, helping product sales and promoting to make data-driven possible choices about what to do next.

I might simply continue, alternatively we’ll speak about the details of AI choices in B2B promoting apparatus throughout the next phase.

Forward of we get into that, despite the fact that, let me give you a easiest tip for using AI advertising equipment: don’t attempt to do it .

74% of promoting execs say that AI usage will build up by way of provide apparatus. That is good.

Get began thru together with layers of AI in apparatus your crew already uses and is pleased with. The likelihood is that they’ll be used to the software’s interface so that they will be a lot much less intimidated.

Moreover, the AI choices of the apparatus you’re already using should complement provide workflows.

Screenshot from HubSpot’s Marketing and AI trends report showing that 74% of marketing professionals say that Ai usage increases through existing AI tool integrations.

Adequate, let’s get into it. Proper right here’s my round-up of the 11 highest AI apparatus for B2B promoting.

1. HubSpot

HubSpot is if truth be told unbelievable. I know, I would say that — alternatively the issue is, it’s not merely me. Loopy Egg and Zapier voted HubSpot the most productive loose CRM.

HubSpot does such a lot out of the sphere for brand spanking new consumers, and when you get into the paid choices, you’ll be unstoppable.

The loose style makes it a great place to start out out for brand spanking new consumers and more youthful firms, and also you’ll make certain that HubSpot has what it takes to expand with your online business.

best AI tools for b2b marketing

HubSpot Choices

Marketers love HubSpot’s many choices, in conjunction with the most popular live chat, AI content material subject material writer, and internet web page builder.

popular HubSpot platform features

One great feature of HubSpot is the a large number of integrations. You’ll connect quite a lot of apps and streamline your workflows. In a test, I added my Google Contacts to the CRM, which have been merely synced and ready for promoting.

HubSpot AI Choices

HubSpot’s AI options are large, and it’s actually striking AI to the test and together with unbeatable capacity. I received’t get by way of they all in this article, alternatively listed below are some favorites for B2B marketers.

Whilst you create internet web page pages or landing pages, you’ll assemble your web site from scratch or generate them using AI.

HubSpot AI features

The an identical goes for growing content material subject material. HubSpot has an excellent copywriting AI; you’ll generate a complete article or email using AI.

When it comes to AI content material subject material, I generally tend to use it as a place to begin and then edit it after. 86% of entrepreneurs agree that’s what works.

86% of marketers using AI take time to edit the content it produces

I tested the generative AI and situated it truly simple. You enter the topic that you need to write down about. Next, the AI software will assist you to choose a reputation from 5 generated possible choices, and voila! You’re going to have your blog put up outline.

Nevertheless not sure? Smartly, 85% of entrepreneurs and gross sales execs agree that AI is a very environment friendly software for content material subject material creation and top of the range.

HubSpot Boundaries

While HubSpot does such a lot free of charge, you’ll have to strengthen your account if you want to have the most productive from the system. You pay for additonal consumers, alternatively Promoting Hub Professional contains 3 seats.


The Advertising Hub Skilled unlocks a lot of capacity and AI for B2B marketers. Prices get began from $15 a month in step with seat to $800 a month for upper firms in need of further capacity.

Screenshot taken from HubSpot’s marketing hub pricing.

See the whole pricing breakdown.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Hubspot’s Gross sales and Advertising Hub is rated 4.4/5, with over 11,000 critiques. The CMS Hub is rated 4.5/5 problems, with over 1,500+ critiques.

Highest For

Hubspot is a wonderful and whole software for firms of all sizes. It supplies this kind of lot free of charge that it’s easiest for small firms because it’s and is enhanced throughout the small industry AI. HubSpot is certainly whole enough for a very powerful of businesses.

2. WriterZen

WriterZen is an organization favorite of mine. I’ve used it for years. In the event you occur to’re doing a lot of content material subject material promoting, Search engine marketing, and blog writing, you’ll have to believe WriterZen given that capacity and worth of this software make it very affordable.

The crowd is unbelievable. They’re a passionate bunch and devoted to creating the most productive content material subject material software. I met they all a couple of years previously when I visited their puts of labor, and we chatted about AI, content material subject material, and Search engine marketing.

Zoe Ashbridge, HubSpot writer, sat with the WriterZen team.

The software is mainly for content material subject material writing. I really like growing briefs with it, alternatively you’ll moreover write articles with the generative AI and organize all of your content material subject material production during the software.

There’s a very good keyword clustering software that works thru analyzing score pages, moreover ideation apparatus, plagiarism checkers, and so much more.

WriterZen Choices

I’ll run by way of a few choices, then focus on my favorite and most used part of WriterZen, the Content material subject material Creator feature.

WriterZen’s Topic Discovery feature is a brilliant position to start if you wish to have help discovering topics. You get began with a head topic, paying homage to “promoting solutions.” Then, the software does the laborious provide the effects you wish to have, handing over content material subject material topics.

Keyword Explorer and Keyword Planner choices assist the planning phase of content material subject material production. WriterZen will to seek out keywords for you.

Now, onto Content material subject material Creator, my favorite feature. This feature helps you write competitive content material subject material. You’ll do the whole thing from keyword research to SERP analysis to writing, all within the an identical workflow and window.

This feature supplies generative AI for title tags, meta descriptions, whole article outlines, and the article itself.

I’ve an entire video showing how I benefit from this part of WriterZen, in conjunction with the AI choices.

WriterZen AI Choices

As confirmed throughout the video above, the AI choices within WriterZen let you:

  • Generate a competitive Search engine marketing-driven brief in keeping with what’s already score. I love to counsel expanding this to include your direct enjoy. It isn’t enough to do what everyone else is doing and expect to rank.
  • Write title tags, meta descriptions, and even all of the article with AI if you want to have. I’ve started many articles this way, then edited them until happy.

WriterZen Boundaries

You’ll’t get right to use the most productive apparatus using the loose style. Although it’s glorious for briefing and writing, keyword research isn’t as good as a tool like Semrush or Ahrefs as they will have large databases.


The most efficient part of WriterZen’s pricing is that you just pay for it once and get lifetime get right to use. There’s moreover a loose trial and a money-back be sure.

You’ll get right to use the whole thing for $405 and now not pay every other penny. WriterZen boldly compares themselves to other apparatus.

Screenshot shows WriterZen’s pricing against other B2B AI marketing tools.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

WriterZen has 201 evaluations in G2 and has a rating of 4.7/5.

Highest For

This software is superb for content material subject material promoting teams who need give a boost to with the Search engine marketing layer of content material subject material method.

3. ChatGPT

I consider everyone has at least tried ChatGPT at this stage.

Find it irresistible or loathe it, you simply can’t argue that ChatGPT is a handy gizmo that can very a lot strengthen B2B promoting. In the event you occur to’re nevertheless unconvinced, I’ll proportion a couple of of its choices and strategies I’ve used it.

best AI tools for B2B marketing 2024, Chat GPT

ChatGPT Choices

Most of the people almost definitely turn to ChatGPT for its generative AI and writing blog content material subject material, alternatively it would achieve this much more than that.

Since that may be a widely recognized use for the software, I’ll focus on other choices paying homage to image generation, information analysis, and coding.

ChatGPT AI Choices

DALL-E lets you turn your imagination into images. Simply steered the generative AI in conjunction with your required image, and DALL-E will return something you’ll use to your internet web page or other digital channels.

The photographs are good, alternatively you wish to have to check them moderately. I’ve spotted generative AI images on internet pages, and if you know what to seek for (the fingers), you’ll spot a generative AI image fairly merely.

I encourage people to use their own images, alternatively generative AI images serve a objective. I follow the rule that generative AI is ok if an image is solely there for decoration.

I’ve relied on ChatGPT such a lot when I’m generating code. I benefit from it such a lot for schema.

It’s not always easiest, but if I want to add code to a web site I’m running on, ChatGPT will get me to my desired consequence or close enough {{that a}} developer is making tweaks quite than doing all of the task.

In a similar way, you’ll code apparatus and calculators that can act as great lead magnets to your web site.

As a content material subject material marketer and Search engine marketing, I frequently deal with large datasets, like keywords. You’ll upload knowledge to ChatGPT, and it’s going to return tidy information. The usage of ChatGPT in this way saves me hours.

ChatGPT Boundaries

ChatGPT is beautiful infinite when you get began paying for it. Iterating images is poor. It tends not to understand a request to tweak something on an already generated image.


The loose style will provide you with get right to use to GPT-4o mini. On the other hand, if you want to use the entire ChatGPT choices, the strengthen will value you $20 per 30 days. I’ve used every the loose and paid style. Get began with loose and see the best way you move.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

ChatGPT is rated 4.7/5 with over 580 critiques.

Highest For

This can be a very good AI software for any B2B marketer. I battle to imagine any person who wouldn’t have the benefit of ChatGPT.

4. Loom

I really like Loom. It’s an excellent recording software basic. It’s not easiest, and I’ll speak about that throughout the hindrances phase underneath. That said, I pay for Loom Business, and the extra to use the AI choices is definitely neatly well worth the $5.

Screenshot shows Zoe Ashbridge using Loom. The video shows how Loom can be used to screen record, a useful feature for B2B marketers.

Loom Choices

Loom is a video recording instrument. I benefit from it to be in contact with shoppers, expose apparatus, send proposals, and create onboarding and training bureaucracy.

You’ll proportion your video thru merely generating a shareable link. Loom tracks video views, comments, and additional.

There’s a desktop app, a browser style, and a Chrome extension. I extraordinarily recommend the app, which, in my enjoy, has the fewest problems and is least much more likely to glitch.

Loom AI Choices

Loom uses fairly just a bit of AI.

You’ll generate video transcripts with automatic speech recognition (ASR), which comes in handy. I’d move as far as to say that Loom’s ASR is among the highest I’ve used. I on no account edit it on account of it is only proper enough for what I might adore it for.

You’ll moreover edit your video using the trim and stitch editor. Compared to apps like TikTok or CapCut, the enhancing feature isn’t the most productive on Loom, alternatively it’s good enough.

It’s enhanced with the Loom AI bundle, which you do should pay for, alternatively the AI will decrease any pauses and filler words.

Plus, the AI will generate a video summary and chapters. I frequently edit the chapters alternatively quite touch the summary; it’s good enough.

Loom Boundaries

There are a few hindrances with Loom. The loose package deal limits you to 25 motion pictures and 5 five-minute period. To be fair, I do think that’s generous enough, despite the fact that I was on the loose style for ages.

As mentioned, the video editor may well be upper.

Loom isn’t actually a video generator throughout the sense that you simply’re growing creative motion pictures; it’s actually for recording processes and your computer screen. On the other hand, there are AI video turbines and other apparatus to help with that.

My biggest gripe with the instrument is that it does seem to glitch; motion pictures don’t always save. When I load the app, it minimizes my browser the main time I benefit from it, alternatively it’s great the second time.

The ones little bugs aggravate me, alternatively not enough, as I nevertheless use it.

To Loom’s credit score rating, each and every time I’ve had problems, purchaser give a boost to has spoke again briefly and resolved a whole lot of my issues.


Loom costs $12.50 a month if paid every year. You’ll optionally add Loom AI for $5 in step with individual. The extra $5 is worth it for me, alternatively I almost definitely use Loom at least every other day.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Loom is rated 4.7/5 with over 2000 critiques.

Highest For

Loom is superb for day by day promoting teams looking to showcase demos, report training, and create onboarding motion pictures. If you wish to do a lot of enhancing, you’ll nevertheless use Loom, alternatively you might want to want to download the video and edit it elsewhere.

5. Fireflies AI

Lengthy long gone are the days when a VA or junior crew member used to be as soon as brought to take meeting minutes. In 2024, this is handled totally thru AI, and when Fireflies is as good because it’s, why wouldn’t you?

For one of the most phase, I to seek out Fireflies to be beautiful proper, and I appreciate movement problems being delivered directly to me. It prevents people from being distracted while taking notes, so everyone will have interplay completely throughout the meeting.

Screenshot of homepage

Symbol Supply

Fireflies AI Choices

Fireflies integrates with many apps, paying homage to Asana, Airtable, ClickUp, Google Meet, Google Scientific medical doctors, HubSpot,, Belief, Zoom, Skype, Trello, Slack, and a lot of further.

Whilst you mix an app (e.g., Zoom), this software will join the meeting and email you a transcription at the end.

Usefully, there’s a topic tracker where you’ll create topics that imply you’ll be able to search and highlight similar parts of meetings briefly. This feature is best available for the highest magnificence plan. topic tracker

You’ll upload an audio or video report back to generate a transcript. Depending to your file size, it’s going to be processed in 10-15 minutes. This is helping formats like MP3, MP4, WAV, and M4A.

AI Choices Inside of Fireflies AI

One great feature is the magic soundbites. You’ll use the ability of AI to create new media from your video or audio. For instance, the Magic Soundbites app will mechanically generate a focus reel for your meetings.

Although not strictly promoting, it all plays a job: you’ll generate a scorecard to price the potency of product sales reps.

Fireflies Boundaries

The loose style best contains 800 minutes of video storage. That is, on the other hand, beautiful affordable.


The loose plan might be very affordable as a place to begin. If you want to have get right to use to further choices, you’ll get began at $18/month, rising to $29.

G2 Critiques & Ratings has 4.8/ 5 out and 448 critiques.

Highest For

This is highest for other folks and firms, particularly those in and out of meetings regularly and want to save time.

6. Microsoft Clarity

Any good B2B marketer should take into account of ways their internet web page functions for the individual. Microsoft Clarity shows how visitors interact in conjunction with your web site.

The setup might be quite simple. You simply add code to your internet web page. For a savvy internet web page administrator, you received’t even want a developer.

Microsoft Clarity Choices

Screenshot shows my Microsoft Clarity dashboard.

Symbol Supply

Clarity is loose to use. It has analysis and reporting choices, and also you’ll get fairly granular. Under recordings, you’ll see your internet web page visitors’ task, Particular person ID, location, and browser and tool details — MacOS, IOS, PC, and so on.

Heatmaps, as pictured, show where consumers click on on or scroll. That’s the knowledge that B2B marketers want to create the most productive possible pages for conversion.

Once you know where and what your consumers click on on, you’ll build up a internet web page this is serving to funnel guests to conversion.

Microsoft Clarity heatmap

Microsoft Clarity AI Choices

Copilot is Microsoft Clarity’s AI partner. It’s loose, and also you’ll use natural language to help you understand your internet web page’s potency.

Screenshot shows Microsoft Clarity’s AI feature, Copilot, on the right-hand side.

Microsoft Clarity Boundaries

I’m struggling to hunt out hindrances. It’s completely loose and does what you need it to. It’s supposed to be upper than possible choices as it’s not too “heavy” on the web site and, therefore, doesn’t slow it down as so much.


Clarity is loose to use ceaselessly.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

With 36 basic critiques, Readability is rated 4.5/5.

Highest For

Microsoft Clarity is superb for any person with a internet web page. For B2B marketers, you’ll make data-driven possible choices. Even if you’re not ready for this however, I’d recommend getting Clarity on the web site in order that you get began accumulating the ideas.

7. ClickUp

It took me a while to warmth up to ClickUp, an AI challenge control device, alternatively the additional I benefit from it, the additional I like it.

Undertaking regulate apparatus are a should for me.

As a consultant, I see way too many promoting teams hoping actions get completed after meetings or running in Google Sheets. A good problem regulate software with great AI options very much advantages paintings efficiency.

ClickUp is loose first of all and does much more out of the sphere than its pageant.

ClickUp Choices

You’ll import tasks from previous apparatus, in conjunction with Monday, Asana, Trello, and Belief, or an Excel and CSV file when you already use every other problem regulate software.

The screenshot shows a straightforward ClickUp board for B2B marketers.

Symbol Supply

One of the vital an important upper choices of ClickUp is that automations are available on the loose style.

best AI b2b tools, ClickUp

Inside of my own ClickUp board, I benefit from automation for brand spanking new tasks, which are mechanically assigned to me and populated with descriptions and priorities.

One amongst my favorite choices is the form view. As pictured underneath, the form lets you ask for specific details from any person, even those not using your ClickUp setup. Wisdom provided on the form can populate your next ClickUp task. This feature has considerably sped up workflows and bigger accuracy for me.

Screenshot shows the ClickUp form that I use in my own marketing.

ClickUp AI Choices

Like most good problem regulate apparatus in 2024, ClickUp has a generative AI feature. You’ll use this to write down procedure descriptions and tasks, summarize notes, and additional.

You’ll ask the AI questions like what tasks you’ve got, what’s next to do, and additional. It can be faster than navigating to your tasks/boards, specifically when you’ve got such a lot going down during the instrument.

With ClickUp Thoughts, you’ll briefly create drafts of your problem plans and subtasks from your task details or even get real-time problem updates without opening the obligation.

For marketers, you’ll mix with medical doctors outside of ClickUp. For instance, you’ll merely add Google Scientific medical doctors as a view. I benefit from this feature for content material subject material briefings.

ClickUp Boundaries

The loose style best has 100 MB of loose storage, and guests should be granted whole get right to use (no permissions). It best has 5 spaces, and the loose style best shall we in 100 uses when using custom designed fields.

Although limited, this is affordable for the loose style. Solo entrepreneurs and small firms might to seek out this very workable for them.


The Business Plan costs $12 in step with member/month, and the Business Plus is $19 in step with member/month.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

ClickUp’s G2 score is 4.7/5, with over 9,700 critiques.

Highest For

I’d move as far as to say that anyone might simply have the benefit of ClickUp, but it surely’s surely superb for teams looking to artwork further effectively.

8. LinkedIn

At this stage, everyone knows about LinkedIn, alternatively not everyone uses this professional social media platform to its fullest extent.

LinkedIn is chargeable for almost all of my B2B leads. I merely like it.

LinkedIn Choices

We all know LinkedIn for the reason that social media platform, so I’m not going to talk a substantial amount of about that, despite the fact that there are AI choices there for comments and generative AI to write down in mail and messages.

The primary choices for B2B marketers are selling solutions, a product sales navigator, and recruitment apparatus.

LinkedIn AI Choices

For marketers posting on LinkedIn (which you utterly should be), generative AI let you write a truly best put up.

Like many apparatus, it’s easy to use during the interface. I’d criticize the AI on LinkedIn; I don’t like it, alternatively I’m all about being distinctive and participating within the writing.

Product sales Navigator is a wonderful (alternatively paid) feature that will help you attach to precisely the proper people.

This feature lets you determine your target audience in keeping with quite a lot of filters, in conjunction with company, seniority, and additional. Instead of wading by way of profiles, you’ll now use Account IQ, which will summarize the whole thing you wish to have to clutch.

LinkedIn Boundaries

LinkedIn is loose to use for posting, viewing profiles, making connections, and so on.; for a lot of, the ones hindrances received’t be an issue.

On the other hand, the loose style will restrict marketers looking to get actually good with their outreach to using LinkedIn Product sales Navigator, which is paid.


A best magnificence subscription starts at $39.99 per thirty days.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

LinkedIn has quite a lot of choices, and the evaluations for every vary.

Product sales Navigator has a rating of 4.3/5 and over 1,900 critiques.

The Task Search feature has 4.5/5 (over 1000 critiques), and Recruitment Promoting has 4.2/5 (over 800 critiques).

Highest For

I’m a big LinkedIn fan and if truth be told think that every B2B marketer should at least believe it for their specific individual profiles and company pages.

I love to counsel using specific individual profiles alongside company pages on account of, as cliche as it sounds, people do trade with people.

9. Slack

In 2024, everybody appears to be using or has used Slack. We’re all acquainted with it as instrument for verbal alternate. Slack does have some AI choices that you just is probably not conscious about. I’ll get into this underneath.

Image of Slack screenshot with a social media channel showing how marketing teams can use it.

Symbol Supply

Slack Choices

There are a couple of choices that I truly like about Slack.

At first, you’ll team of workers conversations into channels. For my B2B promoting trade, we’ve one channel in step with shopper. Plus, there are some inside channels. Others might use it for quite a lot of departments or promoting channels.

Secondly, Slack is truly simple to use whilst you’ve were given get right to use to a couple of accounts. Over time, you might want to be invited into a couple of Slack channels from shoppers or suppliers. You’ll organize all of this very merely within the an identical interface.

After all, the huddle feature is at hand. Now and again, you merely want to keep up a correspondence, Huddle shall we in for quick and impromptu meetings.

Slack AI Choices

Slackbot is a helper and messenger. This feature reminds you of belongings you haven’t completed however to stick the workflow shifting.

AI features in Slack

You’ll search for snippets of conversation within Slack to hunt out out of place messages. The AI part means you’ll seek in herbal language, asking questions like ” What’s the Q1 product sales method?”

The choices for navigating Slack are beautiful good. You’ll swipe by way of conversations to briefly overview overpassed messages, and with AI, you’ll moreover summarize conversations.

Slack Boundaries

Whilst you use the loose style, integration with other apparatus is particular to 10 apparatus best. The messaging feature’s 90-day history could also be limited to the #commonplace channel, and channel posting permission is particular to the #commonplace channel best.


The Skilled style costs $7.25 in step with person/month, billed annually. The Business+ Plan is $12.50 in step with person/month.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Slack has a very good 32k evaluations in G2 and fees 4.5/5.

Highest For

Slack is highest for firms with teams from quite a lot of puts, alternatively I’ve found out it actually helpful although running within a physically place of business.

10. Motion

I consider Movement is superb! I’ve used it for kind of a 365 days. It’s easiest for managing solo entrepreneurs and most likely smaller teams.

Screenshot shows Motion’s project management that uses AI.

Symbol Supply

Motion Choices

This app will imply you’ll be able to with problem and task regulate. Its calendar feature lets you mechanically plan your day in keeping with tasks and priorities.

Motion moreover serves as a clutch calendar, a feature that I found out extraordinarily helpful as I artwork with a couple of calendars. I sync my calendar from Google and Outlook, and I expect you need to sync Apple Calendar, too.

Motion AI Choices

The principle AI feature within Motion is its scheduling AI. You give Motion a listing of tasks you complete and when they want to be completed.

You’ll set extraordinary tasks, so when you set it up, it manages itself each and every month. The initial setup can also be time-consuming, specifically as you input a time estimate for each and every task.

Once that’s completed, despite the fact that, Motion will organize all of your artwork day, taking into consideration task period, available time, and task priority. It takes the mental load out of what to do next and promises you don’t have pockets of wasted time.

Motion Boundaries

This software is particular to problem regulate and task crew. While the AI facet of it is very good for crew, it’s not one of the most multi-use software.

The calendar view irritates me, too. You’ll view your calendar thru day or week, on no account month, which feels usual. I did put in a ticket and requested a monthly view.


For one individual, Motion is $19 per 30 days, alternatively there’s a value in step with individual saving if in case you have a larger crew, you’ll pay $12 in step with person.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Movement has a score of 4.1/5 and best 90 basic critiques.

Highest For

This is highest for individuals who would have the benefit of AI taking the mental load on what to do next.

Don’t Sleep on AI Apparatus for B2B Promoting

I understand how it’s. AI hasn’t always had the most productive reputation among marketers (be mindful, nearly 50% think it’ll exchange them). On the other hand, when used neatly, AI is correct right here to help promoting teams do further, advertise further, and connect with their target market.

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My Parkinson’s cb | Blue Heron Health News

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Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I still have Parkinson’s Disease. My specialist told me I always will.

But I don’t suffer from the illness any more. And that’s the difference.

Despite everything medical that was going wrong for me then… my life is now back to normal.

Actually, a little better than normal.

I’m one of thousands who have transformed their health…. But I still feel blessed.

Let me tell you how this turnaround happened.

I’d first gone to my doctor with concerns about – of all things – my balance.

My muscles had been feeling increasingly stiff and I’d been feeling unsteady on my feet for a long time.

When a friend noticed a slight shaking in my left arm I knew I had to see someone about it.

It took a number of mental and physical tests for specialists to confirm the worst. But once it was confirmed I went into a state of absolute shock.

The specialist spelt out the long-term possibilities for me.

But however much of a positive spin he tried to put on the diagnosis – it all ended in the same place: therapies, drugs, specialist care…

And the never-ending falling-apart that comes with a degenerative brain disease.

I was on a downward slope to goodness knows what.

Of course, now that I’m off that downward slope I feel very different about things.

But I admit that I went into a miserable slump. I really didn’t take in much of what they were telling me.

All I could see was a person old before their time, having to rely on others to help me perform even my most personal functions…

I had never thought about my life ending up like that.

For weeks I was just too upset to think or do anything.

Then one morning I woke up and I felt completely different about it.

I was angry instead. I was filled with a sense of injustice. Why me? How did I come to deserve this?

I started to research Parkinson’s Disease like a person possessed.

And quickly discovered there’s a lot of information out there.

Too much in fact. Some of it quite complex. Some of it frustratingly contradictory.

And some of it is just plain wrong.

After three weeks of searching I stumbled – quite by accident – on something that was the turning point in my struggle with the disease. In fact, what I found out turned my health – and my life – completely around.

I’m going to tell you now what made the difference.

And it’s all based on why we get this horrible condition in the first place.

Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative brain illness.

Why does our brain health start to degenerate?

It degenerates due to a loss of nerve cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra.

These nerve cells in the substantia nigra manufacture a neurotransmitter called dopamine. But as the nerve cells die off… less dopamine is created.

The loss of dopamine leads to the loss of body control… and leads to a whole cascade of other physical and mental symptoms that combine to steadily ruin a person’s life.

There’s a simple, well-understood trail from good health to Parkinson’s:

Nerve cells dying off in the substantia nigra > reduced dopamine production  > Parkinson’s Disease

However, almost all modern-day medical treatments start at step 2 – reduced dopamine. We’re trying to increase dopamine.

Which sounds sensible at first. But the problem is that we’re tackling a disease that has already started.

And we’re not addressing it at the point of its underlying cause.

It’s like being in a sinking boat and constantly bailing out the water… instead of fixing the leak.

We can bail for so long. And then we sink. 

The reason why most people eventually get so ill with this condition is because almost no treatments tackle step 1 – the dying of the substantia nigra cells.

Yet doesn’t it make sense to address the initial cause of this dreadful condition?

I’ve learnt a lot about this disease..

And here’s the main thing I learnt – and then proved to myself:

In fact, medical scientists have proved that many people with a genetic disposition to this never get it.

While others with no genetic disposition at all still get full-on Parkinson’s that ravages their mental health quickly and remorselessly.

It’s not genetics. It’s a basic illness with recognized causes.

Remember: the substantia nigra produces dopamine. It’s the loss of substantia nigra nerve cells that leads to the loss of dopamine.

And that loss of dopamine leads to Parkinson’s Disease.

Why on earth is the substantia nigra losing those dopamine-producing cells in the first place?

I was shocked to discover that we already know why we’re losing those priceless, life-giving substantia nigra cells.

Yet still do almost nothing about it…

There are 8 main factors leading to Parkinson’s. Some have a small effect. A couple are huge.

Together they’re essential in beating this horrible condition.

In truth, some of them my health-care center already acted on.

For example, they prescribed dopamine-enhancing drugs. For sure, I needed more dopamine.

I had tests and underwent occupational therapy. Again, good stuff – it helped me manage my problems with balance, movement, stiffness.

But I also realized they were not helping me to avoid the worst symptoms of this disease. At best, they were just delaying it.

Yet that’s what I wanted most – to not end up with my own personal Parkinson’s horror story.

Which is why I went headlong into my own research about my illness – and, eventually, found my way out.

Now I should point out here that I am not the kind of person who second-guesses his doctor!

I trust professionals and experts. They studied for years. They do the research. They know plenty.

But their most effective meds came with unpleasant side-effects.

And those meds would become less effective as time wore on.

They would work for a while and then they’d start failing.

And as they failed my health would fail even more.

What kind of future is that?

Although I was getting worse very slowly… I was still noticing it.

That shaking of the hands was very real.

Slowness in my movements had gradually become more noticeable. 

And I was developing other classic symptoms.

My sense of smell started to weaken.

Failure to recall how I’d spent yesterday… complete loss of recall about my own wedding… recognizing faces but not remembering names…

We joke about these things and put them down to age.

But when there’s a diagnosed condition that is actively robbing you of physical and mental abilities… that’s no joke at all.

I knew this condition led to physical disability.

I also knew it led to mental disability.

I was scared, to be honest.

Scared to be a burden. Scared to lose my ability to control my own body.

Scared to watch my life deteriorating before my eyes.

Which is what I want to tell you about now. So let me start by reassuring you of this:

I feel fine. Absolutely fine.

In some ways, I’m happier and more positive than I was before I got that initial shocking diagnosis.

My hands no longer shake. I sleep like a lamb. And I recall all the important details about my life – or what I did this morning! – with ease.

Second, there’s a reason I feel this way. And it’s to do with how I’ve actively worked on my condition.

Actually, there are three fantastic reasons:

First and foremost: I have tackled the loss of dopamine by working on the underlying cause of that loss.

We know that cell loss in the substantia nigra is the direct cause of dopamine loss. I address that cell loss in gentle but powerful ways and so protect dopamine levels.

Second, I increase dopamine production in my brain using non-drug methods. Increasing dopamine fights this condition head-on – leading to wonderfully quick improvements.

Third, I have taken each of the symptoms of my illness – stiffness, shaking, anxiety and so on – and addressed them directly. I’ve enacted specific daily habits that make those symptoms reduce to almost nothing.

Because this is an illness that can be tackled on so many fronts… doing what I did meant my overall health actually got better over time.

The three steps I described provide health benefits that overwhelm the downside of the disease.

You deteriorate 1 part because of the illness… but improve 3 parts because of these new, powerful daily habits.

More than anything, what I learned is that Parkinson’s is not the terrifying, life-destroying diagnosis that so many of us believe it to be.

I was able to choose what this illness did to me. And I chose for it to do nothing to me.

By addressing cell degeneration directly…

…tackling low dopamine production naturally…

…and resolving the actual day-to-day effects of the condition…

…this three-point approach turns out to be absolutely transformative.

Now, I realize how puzzling it might seem to hear this for the first time.

The nagging question for me was always, Why don’t health professionals do what I did to resolve my illness?

It was easy to do, quickly effective and didn’t cost me a penny in medical bills.

I found out the surprising truth… by actually asking a doctor.

There are 5 stages of Parkinson’s Disease. Typically we progress from stage 1 to stage 5.

Medicines and therapies slow this progression but we face the long-term prospect of experiencing them all.

Stage 1 is the mildest – and is where most of us discover that we’re ill.

Stages 4 and 5 are too horrible to go into here.

I have learnt to slow my progression through the stages to such an extent that I simply cannot ever reach the later stages.

In fact, I expect never to leave stage 1.

My progression through the 5 stages is so very slow… that I expect to live out my natural life – into my 80s or 90s – and that won’t be enough time for me to reach even stage 2.

Because I’m attacking causes and symptoms, I would need to live to be over 100 to give the disease enough time to work through to even stage 2.

And this is the key fact: an approach that

– slows the effects of the disease at its source

– and unwinds the symptoms that do occur so that they have little or no effect on us…

means that for years and years to come I might still have a diagnosed illness – yet not notice a single thing about it.

The progression of this disease can be delayed by decades

We can avoid deteriorating – and suffering – like we might have done.

And instead lead healthy happy lives.

There are 8 main factors that contribute to this disease. To restore my health I worked on every one of them. You can too.

I installed small new habits over a series of weeks until I was hitting every known cause of my illness. Nothing escaped my attention. And everything got better.

The changes came in days, improved over weeks and have lasted for years.

I won’t go into all 8 ways of beating the heck out of this illness here. But let me tell you briefly about three of the main ones.

Inflammation is a worldwide killer. It’s the prime cause in a long list of unpleasant and deadly ailments.

There are many diseases created from low-level, ongoing inflammation.

Over 130 million Americans have conditions directly related to inflammation and nearly a million die each year. The number is rising worldwide.

What matters to us is that scientists know that inflammation is heavily implicated in the death of substantia nigra nerve cells.

To arrest the progress of this dreadful illness we must address that inflammation.

Fortunately, it’s not at all difficult to do. Simple changes undo inflammation incredibly quickly. Which in turn halts the death of substantia nigra nerve cells.

I knew nothing about environmental toxins until I started looking into them. Turns out they’re horrifying.

For a start, toxins – poisons – that get into the body double the risk of degenerative brain disease.

And we’re talking about poisons from everyday life that directly and provably create extraordinary stress for the whole body.

Toxins are literally everywhere: Household furnishings, paints, children’s toys, cleaning agents, plastics, water, the air… and in a whole range of places you’d never think of.

Our bodies deal very well with a certain level of toxicity.

But modern products and materials mean the amount of toxins coming into our bodies exceeds what our bodies can remove via its natural processes.

So there’s a toxic build-up. And eventually tissues and organs in the body start to break down.

That breakdown leads to classic toxicity illnesses.

And one of the worst of those classic illnesses is Parkinson’s.

The toxicity connection is researched and confirmed all over the world.

But there’s good news: we can remove toxins from around us – and it’s not even slightly difficult to do. We don’t have to live on a mountain or give up normal life.

Instead, there are choices most of us didn’t know existed… and those choices will transform brain health.

This is one that many people think wouldn’t apply to them – I thought that, too.

Unfortunately, this disease is known to lead to genuinely depressive episodes.

Parkinson’s is characterized by lowered dopamine… and lowered dopamine is an established cause of all sorts of mental health issues. So it’s not at all surprising that people with this condition can end up very stressed and feeling very bad indeed.

The really cruel part of feeling so low is that then people find it close to impossible to motivate themselves to take care of their health.

And although natural methods for controlling and calming Parkinson’s are straightforward…if a person feels so incredibly miserable they can’t even get out of bed then they simply can’t take care of their health.

Which means they will not do the very things they need to do in order to be well again.

It’s the most vicious of vicious circles.

Health providers already know this.

That’s what I found hardest to come to terms with.

In fact, inflammation and environmental toxins are considered to be the world’s two most deadly health threats.

They are the direct cause of dozens of illnesses – and kill several million people worldwide every year.

Their effects are in front of our eyes.

For example, cases of Parkinson’s have doubled over the last 25 years.

The human body hasn’t changed in 25 years… so what has caused such a drastic upsurge of brain degeneration?

It’s ever-rising cases of inflammation, environmental toxins and struggles with low mood and negative feelings.

And these aren’t disputed findings, by the way.

In the very best research laboratories and universities across the world the effects of inflammation, everyday toxins and reduced mental health on the body and brain are researched, measured and understood.

Their effects on many of us are bad.

For some of us they’re devastating.

Why don’t we tackle the inflammation and toxins causes of those nerve cells continually dying in the substantia nigra?

My doctor told me: it’s cultural.

Most patients – especially in western countries – want a drug or a procedure for a problem.

Something that’s a one-off fix – like an operation.

Or an easy, regular thing – like a course of tablets.

What they don’t want to have to make an effort to heal themselves. So pills it is.

But most inflammatory diseases can be tackled more effectively by lifestyle changes than by drugs.

Whole classes of deadly modern illnesses can be changed by a small number of simple, targeted lifestyle tweaks.

But our medics push meds because they know that, mostly, their patients won’t make lifestyle changes.

So they give their patients drugs – knowing that they’ll at least take them.

Frustratingly, the best solution – addressing lifestyle factors – isn’t at all difficult. It’s just that popping a pill is easier.

Simple lifestyle improvements transformed my entire life. It’s done exactly the same for thousands of other very ordinary people who thought they’d suffer their illness for life.

It requires a small initial effort. Not much. But a little more than unscrewing the lid on a jar of chemicals.

For the millions who see drugs as their only hope… there are thousands like me who know for an absolute fact that they’re not.

Which is why we don’t suffer those nasty symptoms anymore – while they still do.

Everything I did to restore my own brain health I learned from a natural health practitioner called Jodi Knapp.

I discovered Jodi on a local health forum some years ago. She works with people using natural approaches to reverse illnesses which were caused by… natural causes.

Which is, in fact, almost every illness known to man.

Her philosophy is simple: disease always has a cause.

If I have pain, a deterioration or some painful or deadly affliction… there are reasons why I have it.

It doesn’t just happen.

Understand those reasons and we have ways of reversing what’s gone wrong.

Jodi’s incredible success rate at treating allegedly untreatable illness comes from her starting at the illnesses first causes.

Those causes are always natural causes. She tackles them… and changes lives.

Remember: standard drug remedies tackle the disease further along the chain – at the point where there’s a dopamine shortage.

Doctors simply don’t address the reason that dopamine is in short supply in the first place.

She addresses the specific reasons why cells in the substantia nigra are dying off.

Then she addresses low dopamine itself.

Then she undoes the symptoms of the illness – the part of the disease that you and I experience.

Jodi Knapp can’t teach her methods face-to-face to everyone who needs them. So she created a written version of her approach. It’s called The Parkinson’s Protocol.

And it’s The Parkinson’s Protocol that changed not only my present life; it changed my future life too.

Thankfully, Jodi’s program isn’t a long list of don’ts. There’s no calorie counting, strange potions or weird rituals.

Instead it’s a fairly short list of powerful, practical, easy-to-implement do’s.

Jodi Knapp has broken her program into 12 small habits that you can introduce into your life in order to undo the causes and symptoms of brain degeneration. 

There’s no revolution here. I made one simple change, and when I was sure I’d got it… I went on to the next one.

Stuff so stupidly easy I did wonder with a couple of them how they could possibly have any effect at all.

But this is the thing: it was tiny bad habits that got me so ill in the first place.

So it only requires tiny good ones to undo it all.

I didn’t throw my current lifestyle out of the window. I just tweaked what I was already doing.

So that when everything new was in place… my life looked just like it always had done.

I do some things slightly differently now – but nobody can see what I’ve changed unless I explain it. It’s that subtle.

All I had to do was introduce the habits one at a time at a rate I felt comfortable with.

I introduced one new habit every few days. Which gave me time to ensure I had made it a part of my life.

Each one directly acted on some aspect of my illness – either causes or symptoms.

I swapped old habits that cause a progressively worsening brain state…. for new habits that support a progressively improving one.

And so I stopped getting worse and started getting better.

So many of the body functions that had started to deteriorate were made better than they’d been before I was ill.

So when I started this program I wasn’t just clearing up symptoms associated with my diagnosed illness…

…I was also undoing the natural effects of being over 50 at the same time!

Which meant I wasn’t just tackling Parkinson’s symptoms. I was tackling life’s symptoms. I ended up fitter and healthier than I was before I started getting ill!

Even a completely healthy person can follow this program and improve their health dramatically.

Doing this is trebly more vital once a person has received a Parkinson’s diagnosis.

Of course, the kind of turnaround I experienced here does feel like magic.

Who wouldn’t feel like they’ve experienced something miraculous when an illness like this does an about-turn?

But everything I learnt from Jodi comes with sparkling scientific credentials.

It’s researched knowledge from scientific establishments all over the United States, Europe and the world.

None of this program is controversial. There aren’t any scientists waiting to debunk any of this.

Because collectively this is their work. Jodi simply turned it into a set of 12 habits that thousands of us have used to treat a nightmare illness.

The only reason it’s not mainstream… the only reason it’s only thousands of people who benefit from this rather than millions… is because it involves some initial effort to take on these habits.

Yet once done… it’s just so easy. And the reward?

I know how scared I was when I got my diagnosis. Nobody can take such a blow calmly.

The end-game of this illness is physical disability and mental disability.

It’s helplessness that means you’re forever reliant on someone else for every little detail of your day-to-day life.

Yet, as I discovered, none of this is actually inevitable.

What Jodi’s ‘The Parkinson’s Protocol’ powerfully showed me is that sufferers can have more than just ‘hope’.

We can outrun this disease. We can hold it off for decades and live full, healthy lives in the meantime.

Now is the time to start doing that. Get The Parkinson’s Protocol today and feel the difference.

It was simple unhelpful habits that created the conditions for degeneration of our brain cells.

It’s simple adjustments to those habits that unravels the whole mess. Repair damage, restore health.

You have lots of life ahead of you. You can choose the quality of the rest of that life right now.

I swapped the certainty of a mind and body that would deteriorate before my eyes….

….for the certainty of a body and mind that would get stronger before my eyes.

In 12 straightforward steps I turned my illness on its head.

Years after succeeding with Jodi Knapp’s program I still go for my check-ups because, as my physician tells me, I can’t claim to have gotten rid of the disease.

But we both know what the results are going to show. We go through the motions because we have to. But I’m fine. He knows it. And I certainly know it.

Get the same for yourself. And get it now. Start reclaiming your physical and mental health now

There’s a simple truth when it comes to serious illnesses like Parkinson’s: what is addressed can improve. But what’s ignored always gets worse.

And that’s especially true with this condition because it’s degenerative. Almost by definition, it absolutely will get worse over time – if we fail to tackle it.

Every day we don’t act to improve our condition… we get a tiny bit more ill.

The sooner you address this thing the easier it is to have a noticeable – and long-lasting – effect on it.

Do not wait around on this. You can have The Parkinson’s Protocol in your Inbox in under 3 minutes.

Remember, this program works in three ways:

We must do point 1 – arresting the degeneration of brain cells – quickly. Typically, at the point that symptoms are noticed some 80% of the substantia nigra’s cells have already been lost.

80% is a very big number.

The quicker we get to work to save the other 20% the better. As yet that degeneration cannot be reversed.

So get to work on it today. Preserve existing healthy brain cells and make your recovery that much more certain.

Do not let things get any worse. You still have time to make good – so do it now. The Parkinson’s Protocol is guaranteed and your copy is waiting for you.

Click here to get My Parkinson’s cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

My Parkinson’s cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Quiet Plus – Text Presentation

Product Name: Quiet Plus – Text Presentation

Click here to get Quiet Plus – Text Presentation

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Quiet Plus – Text Presentation

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Enjoy a moment of tranquility using this powerful blend of plants and vitamins, backed by science.

– New scientific discovery

If you have been struggling for months or years to maintain the health of your ears and a peaceful mind, trying various other methods with little or no results…

You should know that all those “remedies” are not actually addressing the real cause of your problems. According to the latest research, the cause goes far beyond your ears: it is inside your brain. Everything is connected to a “wire” that carries electrical signals and sounds from the cells in your ears to the networks in your brain.

Hearing problems occur when this cord is damaged and disrupts the transmission of sounds. The solution is to nourish, regenerate and rebuild it so that it is in perfect harmony with the brain and transmits sounds perfectly.

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The ingredients in Quietum Plus are backed by several dozen studies and combine powerful plants with modern medicine and technology. They have already had a positive impact on numerous people around the world. We have seen firsthand how much they can help maintain healthy hearing. While we cannot guarantee specific results, we believe that these products can address the health of your ear as well as the health of your brain.

Quietum Plus has been designed for all ages and medical conditions to naturally support your brain and auditory system.

Quietum Plus contains high-quality, natural ingredients manufactured in FDA-approved facilities under strict and precise sterilization standards. Each ingredient that makes up Quietum Plus is tested for purity and to ensure that it is free of toxins and contaminants.

As always, if you currently have a medical condition or are taking other prescription medications, we recommend showing a bottle of this supplement to your doctor before taking it, just for peace of mind.

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Well, I’m not really sure, but history has shown us that the tinnitus industry is not afraid to spend millions of dollars in legal fees to remove something that threatens its very existence.

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Based on 11,388 reviews!

For technical support on the product, please contact the supplier here

For order assistance, please contact ClickBank here

Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician about any lifestyle changes you make and discuss them with him or her. If you have questions or concerns about any medical condition you may have, please contact your physician.

The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician before using our products.

The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should conduct your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information on health topics and always review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or the product sold here.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 South Entertainment Ave, Suite 410, Boise, Idaho, 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*For international shipments (outside the United States), shipping charges will apply. Read more here.

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Quiet Plus – Text Presentation

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Your favorite publication’s favorite publication

Find out how to get to the top to see a penguin boy who, for some reason, has the same skills as a 58-year-old mafia boss.

In today’s model:

  • Hey everyone in Portland posting selfies with other real-life people they’ve worked with/gossiped with on Slack for years.
  • Etch, please! Kevin Geary attempts to stoke the flames of FOMO with his massive, bold release.
  • The Eddie Money Parody No One Asked For.

Out of Print: What’s New?

WP Fit organizers can now have some promotional and advertising finance, as maintenance

WordCamp US is underway! If you happen to be there, grab a West Coast IPA for us at Upright Brewing Tasting Room. Need some tips on how to spherical? Cami Kaos wrote a really great article.

Speaking of wordpress Events, Rocio Valdivia, Global Community Teams Strategy Manager, recently posted an offer that allocated a portion of the wordpress Events/WordCamp budget to promotion and sales.

The goal? To attract more newbies to their events, aiming for at least 50% first-time attendees.

To achieve this goal, WordCamp organizers will receive a whopping $50 to $400 in match funding for every contribution.

This is the first time in wordpress’ 21-year history that organizers have been assigned a sales price range. After WordCamp Netherlands was rescheduled due to low ticket sales, it looks like good old word of mouth isn’t working anymore.

Suggested channels for funding include game listings, online calendars, newsletter listings, influencer partnerships, and even strategically placed posters, flyers, and banners. (I’m surprised they didn’t mention homemade magazines, viral email chains, or just everyone putting the improvement information in their AOL program name.)

What about targeted campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn along with TV, radio and newspaper placements, you might ask? Those should only be considered when the previous options have been explored, because they can “go cheap very quickly.”

However, the most important segment will be to get the right enthusiasm. Any amount of money spent on selling is always a waste if it does not reach the right type of people.

Maybe Etch is a bit of a… caricature? Only time will tell.

Computerized.css and Frames creator Kevin Geary only recently announced the launch (of sorts) of Etch, billed as the biggest WP announcement in twenty years.

From what we can gather, it promises to be a unified builder that takes care of web page development, CPT, search engine optimization and all other developer moves, all from one place without jumping between different plugins and interfaces.

The idea for the challenge appears to have arisen from Kevin’s frustration with the “context switching” required for graphics in wordpress.

I guess it doesn’t do what the rest of us do: open 4,967 tabs in an instant.

But then again… the catch? Etch doesn’t exist… anyway. It’s just a vision, expected to end in about 3 years.

Kevin bypassed traditional funding channels to take a more grassroots approach, asking the group itself to pay a minimum upfront fee of $499 to fund his hypothetical product.

Kev apparently mentioned in his live glide (which, according to Mañana No Mas! founder Kurt von Ahnen, evoked memories of Jim Carrey’s Fire Marshall Bill) that those who don’t blindly adhere to his vision are “bad bitches” and “haters.”

Well… identify me Nancy if that’s what you like, then isn’t it more unreasonable to have to see past a bunch of white dudes to conclude that your product will actually be something? I don’t know… probably a visual or a demo or a figma report or an MVP or probably even a Q&A? Kevin, can you show us something?!

It sounds like Kevin is following the “how to get your target market to pay you to create the article” plan that he laid out on this podcast several years ago.

As Lawrence Ladomery has problems in his reaction, it is a great way to externalize the financial probability of failure. Kev has attracted a lot of attention for his vitality. Then again at the end of the day, he will have to get it back on its feet with, you know, a real product.

Can Kev and the workers corps make Etch happen? Promising to build something that can replace everything else is a big statement. I guess we’ll just have to wait a few years and then decide.

Congratulations on your funding round, Patchstack!

Meanwhile, Patchstack, a real product, has secured $5 million in a Series A funding round led by Karma Ventures, with additional investment from G+D Ventures and Emilia Capital, the investment firm of Yoast founders Joost de Valk and Marieke van de Rakt.

Patchstack, based primarily in Estonia, is a cybersecurity startup that saves developers from sleepless nights by helping them quickly decide, prioritize, and mitigate new vulnerabilities. Its “virtual patches” instantly deploy protection to your website, a bit like having a Kevin McCallister by your side 24/7, setting booby traps for any pesky cyber bandits.

Patchstack has simply introduced its free, EU-funded tool in recent years, which is helping open source tool vendors comply with the upcoming Cyber ​​Resilience Act. Today, over 5 million websites are scanned with Patchstack and their customers include big names like GoDaddy, Plesk/cPanel and Digital Ocean.

Their incredibly impressive access to vulnerability knowledge is based on a gamified virus bounty program that attracts an army of ethical hackers to hunt down vulnerabilities. (If you consider yourself a virus hunter, the top spot each month wins $2,000!)

🎵 We have two tickets to heaven, wouldn’t you like to stay in touch on The Hub tonight… 🎵

We have a marvel, especially for you
Something developers and companies want to do
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…

We will eliminate those long chains of email correspondence
And a simple pricing system, boy, that’s all it is anyway.
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…

Blogging Ideas Key Points and Stats

  • Perfect security practices suggest automatic plugin updates, so again in line with the annual wordpress security survey revealed via Melapress, only 30% of those who are thinking about plugin or theme related security issues have automatic updates enabled. Get on with it! (Source)
  • The Gender Equality in wordpress Trade document is out and the effects don’t look promising, other people. Of the 200 companies that have committed to strengthening 5 for the future, only 4% are led by women. 😯 (Supply)
  • Some eye-catching statistics about wordpress Contribution Smartly Being Dashboard. For example, WP 6.6 has 38% new developers. (Supply)
  • WP 6.6.2 is out and it contains 15 bug fixes in Core and 11 inside the Block Editor. Hurray! (Supply)

Deep Dive: Simple Context Switching as a wordpress Developer

Context switching is actually a pain and will sap your productivity as a developer. Gloria Mark found in her study of “The Value of Interrupted Paintings” that it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the process after a mental channel switch.

Every time you want to have to switch between tasks, languages, equipment, or even relatively numerous types of activities similar to coding, debugging, or verbally changing the consumer, you will have to “reload” your thoughts with all the information about the new process. And in line with a Collaboration Learn more via Livecycle, almost 50% of developers are struggling with this inconvenience in their delivery workflows.

So how do you avoid that loss of momentum and keep yourself in a state of deep painting? Here are some tips:

  • Set aside days without meetings, or at least huge blocks of time when you’re not available. As Paul Graham wrote in his 2009 essay on the Maker’s Agenda, “A single meeting can blow an entire afternoon into two parts, each too small to laboriously do the rest.”
  • Break a large challenge into smaller, clearly defined tasks, then complete equivalent tasks together in a batch.
  • Use build and task tools like Webpack, Gulp, and Grunt to automate repetitive tasks, so you can focus on the more complex parts of your challenge.
  • Consider using Docker or local development environments to isolate wordpress tasks, ensuring each has its own non-public configuration and environment, thus avoiding the need to switch between different server configurations.
  • Slack Do Not Disturb is your perfect friend when you want to get some art done without interruptions. Your team of workers don’t need you to correct them right now. They can handle the asynchronous verbal change.
  • When you WANT to avoid rushing, take lots of notes on yourself or check out your interstitial journal, so you can easily resume your train of thought when you return. (Jerry Ng says this is the best thing he’s ever done in his career.)

Blogs and Assets You Shouldn’t Overlook

Josepha Haden Chomphosy gets nostalgic on the wordpress Briefing podcast, as she seems to be back on her very first wordpress website and everything that has changed since then. (Please note that some of you may feel very behind on GeoCities.)

The conversation about translations continues with Matthias Pupillo’s look at the WPTavern Podcast. What do you think? Would you consider AI to translate your website?

Check out this incredible story told by Marc Benzakein on the WP Builds podcast about a hacker who asked for $40,000.

Starting next month, two-factor authentication will likely be mandatory for all plugin and theme authors, so it will be imperative to have everything set up before then.

The “%-Guy Rule” is a fantastic tip not only for WordCamp events, but also for making new friends in any social setting.

Harmful Coffee Distractions

The typing pace of the average person is 40 wpm. See how you rate.

Wikipedia’s six levels guide you through the wikihole between two topics you select.

This online website tracks what happens every 2d on the web. It’s really cool, mind-blowing.

If you’re quoting a client for a business and they keep insisting it’s great, fast, and affordable… send it here.

This sarcastic and pretentious AI judges your tracking style and criticizes your enthusiastic and responsible listening.

And last but certainly not least, this absolute UNIT of a penguin baby. Enjoy.

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7 Most sensible AI Marketplace Analysis Equipment in 2024

Market research is the backbone of all promoting and advertising, and we will’t skip it.

In any case, how can you put it on the market any services and products and merchandise if you happen to haven’t dug deep into your market, audience, and festival?

However, market research eats up a ton of time. Such a large amount of marketers take it without any consideration and settle for superficial research.

To avoid this, make use of AI market research apparatus. Which?

I tested seven AI market analysis apparatus and broke down which ones are worth attempting.

Let’s leap in.

Table of Contents

What are AI market research apparatus?

AI market research apparatus use artificial intelligence to gather and analyze market data. They pull in data from different property, spot characteristics, predict long term shifts, and break down sophisticated data into smooth insights.

The ones apparatus moreover lend a hand with audience segmentation, tracking festival, and rising detailed tales, making it more straightforward for entrepreneurs to make excellent, data-driven possible choices.

Machine finding out and natural language processing (NLP) allow the ones apparatus to mimic human habits.

My pastime in AI and its impact on markets led me to find notable success stories from broad names who’ve harnessed AI in advertising and marketing. One such example is Spotify.

It implemented AI for research last 12 months by the use of its AI DJ function.

The tool often collects feedback and analyzes your listening patterns, essentially enterprise ongoing “market research” to fine-tune music imaginable possible choices and feed Spotify’s analysts with data on which songs to be able to upload to increase listening time, ship further subscriptions, and lots of others.

ai market research tools: AI DJ by Spotify

Symbol Supply

The AI DJ goes previous elementary ideas and offers commentary on the songs and artists it plays, making the experience further attractive.

Why use AI apparatus for market research?

Many people however think that AI can’t understand human nuances like a real researcher can, then again that’s merely probably the most an important misconceptions, says Ashley S., Ph.D. in Anthropology and Co-Founder of EmpathixAI.

Lie – AI can’t understand human nuance like a real researcher.

Symbol Supply

In truth that AI has made large strides in grasping the ones subtleties and can give insights which can be merely as precious, if not further so, than standard methods.

Can I research {the marketplace} without AI? Sure. How onerous is it on a scale of 1 to 10? 11.

That’s why giving the ones apparatus an opportunity is bigger than a good idea. Listed here are the very best 3 the explanation why you’ll have to believe it:

Predictive Analysis

AI algorithms can practice purchaser habits and predict characteristics, giving marketers an opportunity to fine-tune their strategies.

As an example, a published company used to be as soon as shedding market share to digital media, which used to be as soon as expected to dominate 50% of the marketplace in 5 years.

The CFO wanted to strengthen content material subject material to win once more target market and boost ad source of revenue. Scios Marketplace, an AI market research tool, helped analyze which show attributes, like content material subject material top quality and forged, drove viewership and ad bucks.

Predictive analysis and what-if forecasting known a show concept most certainly to reach the most productive rankings. This manner resulted in a brand spanking new show with 42% higher rankings and allowed the company to double its ad fees.

benefits of ai market research tools: Scios case study results

Symbol Supply

Personalization and Focused on

AI can segment audiences and personalize promoting and advertising strategies in line with detailed purchaser data. This ends up in further proper interested in, upper engagement, and higher ROI.

The best example is a Middle Eastern monetary establishment that spotted a $3.4 million build up in cardholder spending inside of 3 months by the use of using Personalization Breeze from Dynamic Yield and Mastercard.

AI-driven custom designed supplies resulted in a 60% boost in cross from side to side transactions, a 30% increase in best fee card sign-ups, and a 15% upward push in regularly spending.

This case shows how excellent AI personalization can in brief energy important growth and strengthen purchaser engagement.

benefits of ai market research tools: Dynamic Yield case study

Symbol Supply

And, in step with an Acxiom record, 47% of consumers choose custom designed emails or ads as it’s serving to them merely to find linked products and solutions.

Use HubSpot AI Electronic mail Author to in brief generate and customize product sales outreach emails and promoting and advertising campaigns. Now not extra having a look at a blank show — let AI take care of the heavy lifting and watch your electronic mail engagement increase.

Complicated Efficiency

AI market research apparatus, like generative AI models, have considerably impacted productiveness and efficiency in nearly all kinds of tasks.

For instance, last 12 months’s learn about via Shakked Noy and Whitney Zhang from MIT examined the results of ChatGPT on professionals’ document writing efficiency.

The know about involved 444 industry professionals all over different fields who have been tasked with writing two industry forms. One crew used ChatGPT to assist in research writing, while the other wrote without AI fortify.

Key Findings:

1. Upper Productivity. Pros who used the AI finished their forms in about 17 minutes, while those who didn’t use AI took 27 minutes. This means a 59% increase in productivity. Essentially, professionals with ChatGPT would possibly produce 59% further forms in an 8-hour workday compared to those working without it.

Time spent on writing subtasks with and without AI

Symbol Supply

2. Upper Top quality. Irrespective of taking a lot much less time, AI-assisted forms have been rated higher in top quality. Forms created with ChatGPT had an average top quality score of 4.5 out of 7, while those written without AI scored 3.8. This shows that AI not only saved time however as well as stepped ahead the usual of the artwork.

“AI is a tool to help you artwork faster, not a selection for vital thinking about and problem-solving,” says Alex Cattoni from How To Use A.I. For FAST Marketplace Analysis. “AI apparatus like ChatGPT aren’t at all times hooked as much as the internet by the use of default, which means that they can produce erroneous or even harmful results.

This is known as an AI hallucination. Even tech researchers fear that individuals rely too carefully on the ones techniques for crucial advice. Use it as a brainstorming tool instead.”

P.S. Will have to you’re wondering which AI device writes the most efficient advertising and marketing replica, Erica Santiago has tested plenty of different apparatus and shared her detailed opinions. I wholeheartedly recommend finding out this article.

7 Very best AI Market Research Apparatus

After studying a lot of case analysis and opinions and chatting with experts who use AI apparatus for market research, I pulled together a listing of the seven very best apparatus to check out.

I will be able to walk you by the use of their exceptional choices, pricing, and what I to find exciting about them.

1. Gong for identify insights and product sales research. focuses on source of revenue intelligence and conversation analytics. It analyzes product sales calls, meetings (every audio and video structure), and purchaser interactions to offer insights into product sales processes, purchaser behaviors, and market characteristics.


  • Analyzes product sales conversations to identify characteristics, successful ways, and areas for enlargement.
  • Provides visibility into the product sales pipeline by the use of tracking deal construction and working out potential issues.
  • Supplies insights and proposals for product sales coaching in line with authentic conversation data.
  • Helps know how festival are being discussed in product sales conversations and what strategies artwork.

ai market research tool: Gong, homepage

Pricing: Gong prices each license consistent with particular person. Achieve out to them to come to a decision on a customized quote.

Very best for: Gong is in a similar fashion great for researchers and marketers who frequently grasp purchaser calls or audience interviews.

What I like: Gong provides every contextual and referential insights. Contextual insights analyze real-time conversation details like tone and sentiment, while referential insights read about the ones interactions to earlier data, working out patterns and very best practices to strengthen product sales effects.

Take a look at HubSpot’s Unfastened AI Chatbot Builder to book meetings and provide round-the-clock purchaser fortify. Let it take care of no longer bizarre queries, reason electronic mail campaigns, and scale your interactions, freeing up your staff’s time.

Trying out It Out

I used Gong to analyze one among our company’s product sales calls, and the insights have been extraordinarily very good.

For instance, its talk-to-listen ratio in reality showed that the product sales rep spent quite a lot of time talking and not enough listening, which Gong flagged as a imaginable issue in line with successful earlier conversations.

ai market research tool: Talk ratio on Gong

Parts of the verdict have been color-coded, indicating different topics, emotions, or levels of engagement. It used to be as soon as super blank to track key moments and notice when crucial issues have been discussed or when the consumer’s pastime dropped.

ai market analysis tool: Meeting breakdown by Gong

I haven’t run into many issues of Gong, then again the speech-to-text serve as most often is somewhat hit-or-miss now and again. It most often gets the task carried out, then again some parts require refinement. Even so, it’s however probably the most an important top apparatus to be had out there for this serve as.

2. YouScan for social media analysis.

YouScan uses AI to look at social media and photographs, helping you practice logo mentions, understand purchaser feelings, and notice characteristics. It provides real-time insights into how other folks view your logo.

For instance, YouScan shows whether or not or no longer people are normally positive, adverse, or independent about your logo in line with their comments or post reactions.

YouScan AI market analysis tool for social media


  • Tracks mentions of your logo, products, or linked topics all over different SM platforms.
  • Analyzes sentiment and characteristics to gauge public opinion.
  • Identifies and analyzes visual content material subject material attached in your logo or industry.
  • Helps practice emblem usage, logo mentions in footage, and user-generated content material subject material.
  • Uses AI to guage the emotional tone of posts and conversations.
  • Detects emerging characteristics and patterns in consumer habits.
  • Monitors festival’ social media presence and serve as.
  • Generates detailed tales and visualizations.


  • Starter 3 ($299 per 30 days): 3 topics, endless shoppers, and 30,000 per 30 days mentions.
  • Endless Plans: Configured in your must haves.

ai market research tool: YouScan pricing

Very best for: Corporations energetic on social media that wish to practice their logo’s presence and impact all over platforms.

What I like: It doesn’t rely on hashtags and captions only, then again it identifies topics and textual content in pictures as effectively.

Proper right here’s a smooth breakdown of how it works:

1. The AI identifies and tags visual parts in footage, paying homage to logos, devices, and scenes.

ai market analysis tool: Image recognition in YouScan

2. It extracts linked information from the ones footage, like how your logo’s emblem is used or what products are featured.

3. The tool then analyzes this knowledge to offer insights, paying homage to how your logo is perceived or which products are the most popular.

ai market research tool: YouScan groups environments in which your brand was mentioned.

4. You’ll use filters to slim down the results and take a look at detailed tales.

Trying out It Out

I consider each marketer, in particular social media managers, will fall in love with this tool.

The analytics are in-depth and gives a clear symbol of indicate volumes, engagement, and sentiment characteristics.

As an example, if your posts download a lot of glad or positive comments, YouScan will normally mirror a good sentiment. On the flip side, if the posts show adverse reactions or dissatisfaction, the sentiment it will likely be adverse as effectively.

ai market research tool: YouScan analytics

The Insights Copilot, powered by the use of ChatGPT, is my favorite segment. It makes data analysis much more easy by the use of generating speedy summaries and actionable insights.

As an example, you’ll ask what consumers like about your product, and it’s going to get a hold of a at hand information a coarse summary in line with social media mentions.

ai market research tool: Insights Copilot by ChatGPT

Symbol Supply

I moreover cherished the power to make custom designed dashboards in 1,000 other ways.

3. Consensus for speedy and constant clinical insights.

Consensus is an AI market analysis tool that digs into clinical analysis to get a hold of clear, actionable insights.

Then again instead of merely supplying you with a listing of instructional papers like standard search engines like google, Consensus scans the ones papers and summarizes the vital factor findings.

It uses complicated NLP and device finding out to grasp the content material subject material and supply one of the most linked information in a smooth, easy-to-read structure.

ai market research tool: Consensus AI market analysis tool


  • Provides direct answers to express questions by the use of inspecting clinical papers.
  • Highlights the clinical consensus and evidence supporting the findings.
  • Summarizes key problems from plenty of papers, saving shoppers time in reviewing literature.
  • Supplies links to unique papers, allowing shoppers to verify information and uncover further.


  • Loose: Endless AI filters, searches, and research indicators. Limited Copilot, GPT-4 summaries, and Consensus Meter.
  • Most sensible fee ($11.99/month): Whole get right to use to Consensus Meter, bookmarks, GPT-4 summaries, and Copilot.
  • Teams ($12.99 consistent with seat/month): Central billing, discounts for 200+ seats, account keep watch over.
  • Enterprise (custom designed quote): Library integration, trustworthy fortify, large-scale particular person keep watch over.

ai market analysis tool: Consensus pricing

Very best for: Teachers, marketers, and anyone on the lookout for unswerving clinical information. It should in all probability lend a hand marketers divulge what parts impact purchasing possible choices, how different demographics respond to quite a lot of promoting and advertising strategies, and what characteristics are emerging to be had out there.

What I like: The Collaboration Hub serve as is superb for working in real-time along side your staff participants.

Trying out It Out

I typed in something about mindfulness and sleep, and inside of seconds, I had a concise summary of the linked research.

ai market research tool: Asking a question in Consensus

It pulled together key problems from plenty of papers into one clear assessment.

Then there may be the Copilot serve as, which gives even deeper insights using GPT-style summaries, complete with clickable citations for easy get right to use to the property.

ai market research tool: Search results for the question I asked.

The Consensus Meter is a smart serve as, too. I asked a positive/no question, and it broke down the research findings with percentages — giving me a at hand information a coarse snapshot of where the science stands.

ai market research tool: Consensus meter

The ability to save some searches, export citations, and mix with apparatus like Zotero makes it a should have for critical research.

And who may have the advantage of such research?

Concretely, all these findings can boost market research for sleep-related products.

As an example, research shows that mindfulness improves sleep, which can lead to the development of nutritional dietary supplements or apps that lend a hand with recreational. Knowledge on sleep patterns can also lend a hand create upper sleep trackers or further at ease mattresses.

Moreover, marketers can use this knowledge to create targeted ads and content material subject material. Understanding sleep patterns can lend a hand in designing promotional campaigns for sleep-related products.

You understand? The entire thing is attached.

4. Lexalytics for complicated text analytics and sentiment analysis.

Lexalytics is a text analysis tool this is serving to firms understand huge amounts of written data. It should in all probability come to a decision if people are feeling positive or adverse, determine key names and places, and come to a decision what main topics are being discussed.

Let’s think a company is making in a position to liberate a brand spanking new smartwatch.

Lexalytics scans social media and opinions to appear if people are fascinated by smartwatches. Then, the tool tracks real-time discussions to identify what people are talking about most.

Is it battery existence or design? The answer helps the company highlight the ones characteristics in their product liberate.

ai market research tool: Lexalytics homepage

Thru working out key names (e.g., industry influencers, festival) and places (e.g., tech hubs, number one cities) mentioned throughout the data, the company can tailor their promoting and advertising campaigns to concentrate on particular audiences or spaces.

As an example, if some stylish tech influencer is buzzing spherical in conversations, the company would possibly achieve out to them and offer an distinctive evaluation or endorsement, turning that buzz into logo hype.


  • Identifies and categorizes emotions in text, paying homage to positive, adverse, or independent.
  • Detects crucial names, places, organizations, and products mentioned throughout the text.
  • Shall we in shoppers to tailor text analysis models and solutions to fit particular industries or needs.
  • Provides immediate insights by the use of inspecting text data because it’s received.
  • Sorts and categorizes text into predefined categories for easier analysis.
  • Handles text in plenty of languages, making it suitable for world techniques.
  • Supplies detailed visualizations and tales.

Pricing: Request a demo to get further details about pricing.

Very best for: Promoting and advertising teams, product managers, purchaser fortify, data analysts, and researchers who want to analyze and understand sentiment characteristics in feedback and data.

What I like: The tool effectively handles nuances like negations and intensifiers, which makes results further proper.

Trying out It Out

I decided to be aware of sentiment analysis to appear how the tool handles this facet.

First, I created a chart widget throughout the dashboard and made up our minds at the sentiment polarity risk.

ai market research tool: Sentiment polarity

For my check out, I zeroed in on the top 10 topics, which gave me a very good range of data to analyze. I started by the use of viewing the total number of forms to know how sentiment used to be as soon as allocated — positive, adverse, and independent — all over the ones topics.

ai market analysis tool: Test dash from Lexalytics

Next, I adjusted the widget to show the possibilities of forms quite than raw counts.

This change provided a clearer symbol of what fraction of the forms have been positive, adverse, or independent for each topic. It used to be as soon as eye-catching to check the ones percentages and notice how sentiment quite a lot of by the use of topic.

ai market research tool: Sentiment  polarity of “topics”

5. Crayon for tracking and inspecting competitor job.

Crayon means that you can practice what your festival are cooking. It provides competitive intelligence and market research insights by the use of AI-driven analytics.

Crayon ceaselessly tracks competitor movements all over quite a lot of channels — internet websites, social media, and data property.

With this inside scoop, you’ll see all their moves and make savvy, well-informed possible choices.

ai market research tool: Crayon AI market analysis tool


  • Tracks festival’ movements in authentic time to stick you recommended about their latest moves and strategies.
  • Analyzes festival’ promoting and advertising ways and industry possible choices.
  • Benchmarks your potency against festival to highlight areas for enlargement.
  • Detects emerging market characteristics and informs you about them.
  • Provides detailed industry tales to get a hold of a clear symbol of market necessities and choices.
  • Processes huge volumes of data effectively.
  • Forecasts long term market characteristics in line with provide and historical data.
  • Sends custom designed indicators to stick you up-to-the-minute on crucial events.
  • Visualizes sophisticated data with clear charts and graphs.

Pricing: Pricing depends upon your needs and staff dimension. Achieve out for a demo to get your quote.

Very best for: Other people and teams who wish to practice plenty of festival, arrange detailed battle enjoying playing cards, and get ready insights all over quite a lot of topics.

What I like: Compete Hub, which acts as a newsfeed for my latest announcements and helps me stay on top of industrial inclinations.

Trying out It Out

In the past, I struggled with the tedious means of sifting by the use of Google Indicators, which took time transparent of additional crucial tasks.

Crayon AI changed that by the use of providing in reality very good insights with just a click on on. The platform’s device finding out algorithm prioritizes vital updates, paying homage to important changes to festival’ homepages over minor social media posts.

ai market analysis tool: Crayon insights dashboard

I particularly love the daily electronic mail summaries, which send a curated list of an important insights correct to my inbox, saving me from endless alert checking.

ai market research tool: Email summary by Crayon

Take a look at HubSpot AI Summarization to easily generate industry tales, summarize purchaser interactions, and boost productivity with AI-driven insights.

6. Ballot The Other people for crowdsourced decision-making powered by the use of AI.

Poll The Folks helps it’s good to have a global conversation along side your target market. The platform supplies further than just polls — it moreover incorporates public opinions and deeper surveys.

With Poll The Folks, firms can to find the collective concepts of a large crew and make recommended possible choices in line with in genre feedback — curated and analyzed with Open AI to stop biases and human-prone errors.

Poll The People – AI market analysis tool

Symbol Supply


  • Creates speedy and blank polls to gather feedback speedy.
  • Generates real-time results to help you make swift possible choices.
  • Targets particular demographics to get linked feedback.
  • Supplies every public and private poll possible choices for quite a lot of needs.
  • Provides a lot of question formats, along with multiple-choice and text input.
  • Customizes polls with branding and particular questions.
  • Delivers fast analysis for fast insights.
  • Exports poll results in quite a lot of formats for detailed analysis.
  • Promises anonymous responses for honest feedback.


  • Lite (Loose): 20+ templates, 250 responses in accordance to be told about, 3 exams per 30 days, and additional.
  • Plus ($50/month): The entire thing in Lite, 500 responses in accordance to be told about, 7-day unfastened trial, and 10 exams per 30 days.
  • Most sensible fee ($100/month): The entire thing in Plus, fortify, 2,000 responses in accordance to be told about, and endless exams.
  • Enterprise (from $10,000/month): The entire thing in Most sensible fee, plus an expert consultation, endless responses, and extra fortify.

ai market research tool: Poll The People pricing

Very best for: Marketers, product developers, UX/UI designers, industry homeowners, and researchers who need speedy, targeted feedback to make recommended possible choices.

What I like: It’s not just a text-based tool. Upload footage and get feedback on particular designs or logos.

Trying out It Out

I used it to get feedback on potential titles for my book. I prepare a at hand information a coarse poll inquiring for opinions on which identify resonated very best with readers.

Inside of a short lived period, I received 100 responses that provided precious insights into what my audience likes.

ai market analysis tool:Preparing the poll

The process used to be as soon as very simple.

I created the poll with two-choice possible choices and targeted the responses to make sure they were given right here from my supposed audience.

Bear in mind: I don’t recommend the unfastened style because you pay consistent with response; as an example, one response costs $1, so 100 responses would price $100. It’s more economical to move for a per 30 days plan if you need a larger number of responses.

ai market research tool: Audience targeting in Poll the People

7. ChatSpot for smarter research and data analysis.

ChatSpot by the use of HubSpot is an AI-powered assistant that simplifies market research. It combines the options of ChatGPT to get a hold of powerful insights and custom designed responses.

You’ll in brief spot characteristics, practice purchaser needs, and get precious data using pre-made templates and real-time information. It integrates along side your HubSpot CRM, letting you connect along side your data.

Scouting product sales leads or digging into company details like funding rounds and tech stacks? ChatSpot makes research blank and can get one of the most out of it.


  • Leverages data to track and interpret market characteristics.
  • Uses steered templates and unique data property for smarter insights.
  • Drafts blog posts, writes X posts, and creates AI-generated footage.
  • Identifies key choices in brief with prospecting templates.
  • Integrates with HubSpot CRM to interact along side your data in authentic time.
  • Provides deep insights into company details like funding rounds and technologies.
  • Supplies intuitive answers designed to help you take movement.
  • Allows you to arrange contacts, tasks, and notes using natural language directions.

Pricing: ChatSpot is unfastened to use and routinely connects in your HubSpot account.

Very best for: Marketers, product sales teams, buyer improve reps, industry analysts, content material subject material creators, small trade house owners, and challenge managers who want actionable insights and stepped ahead efficiency.

What I like: The accuracy of the information it provides. I moreover love ChatSpot’s Image Generator, which creates various unexpected visuals.

Skilled tip: Interview AI as regardless that it have been your perfectly suited client. Provide it with demographic details and ask it to respond with motivations and struggles using the language of your target market.

With just a few clicks, you’ll generate blogs, social posts, and emails. HubSpot Content material Author is best possible for saving time, overcoming author’s block, and scaling your content material subject material without further costs.

Trying out It Out

First, I tested ChatSpot’s primary chat serve as by the use of asking it a question about provide ecommerce characteristics:

ai market research tool: Asking ChatSpot a simple question

As you’ll see, it provided a brief then again clear response, with bolded words that focus key ecommerce characteristics.

Then, I asked about what influences consumers when choosing between Google Drive and Dropbox for cloud storage:

ai market research tool: ChatSpot

ChatSpot delivered a crisp answer in a brief paragraph, highlighting the vital factor problems with bold text over again.

Then again ChatSpot supplies more than just a question-answer serve as, and that’s what I love most about it — in brief prospecting for product sales with to hand templates, drafting blog posts and social media updates, and generating AI footage. It moreover allows you to dig into company data like funding and tech used.

Plus, you’ll arrange your HubSpot CRM tasks — like together with contacts and rising notes — using natural language directions, making the whole lot further intuitive and setting pleasant.

From Spending Days on Analysis to Getting Results in Seconds

If someone had recommended us a few years previously that the whole lot we used to spend hours on — rising detailed analyses, charts, and struggling with Excel — could be carried out in just a few clicks, with results taken care of in seconds, we wouldn’t have believed it.

Then again, that‘s our fact these days, and it’s only getting upper.

That’s why I hate when other folks say, “AI takes jobs.” No, it makes them easier.

We’re however the ones setting tasks and making final possible choices. Then again AI market research apparatus lend a hand us practice characteristics, analyze festival, and read about data further in brief and effectively.

Merely as we not use carriages to move from side to side from stage A to signify B, there’s no want to manually do tasks when a faster, smarter solution is proper at our fingertips.

An important issue is to hunt out high quality solutions that meet our needs and worth vary. That’s it. Don’t be scared of AI. Let’s keep up with the times.

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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

Product Name: The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Want to do more pull-ups?

To the Man or Woman who can do ZERO Pull-ups and Wants to do Sets of 10, 20, 30, or More: Learn How I Dramatically Improved my Pull-up Performance and Have Helped Hundreds of People do the Same With a Unique Twist on Pull-up Training.

If you’ve been struggling to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups, then I’d really like the opportunity to help you succeed – and I’m confident that I can.

Over the years, I’ve discovered a number of key components that are essential to pull-up training success, that unfortunately, most people either don’t know about, or at the very least, don’t use. And thus, they perpetually struggle with exercises like pull-ups among others. But when all of these key components are integrated into one comprehensive system – when you connect the dots – pull-up training success is guaranteed. And on this page, I’m going to help you understand why.

You see, I’m a fitness coach who has loved pull-up training ever since I was a kid, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked about how to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups over the years. From the many times I’ve been ambushed beneath the pull-up bar at various gyms to the countless questions I’ve received online since I started publishing fitness articles in 2008, it’s been overwhelming. And after answering the same questions over and over again about how to get better at pull-ups, I realized that, “hey, I could do something with my unique twist on pull-up training and maybe even help a lot of people.”

So, I decided to create a comprehensive pull-up training system called The Pull-up Solution that can help practically anyone improve their pull-up numbers using a unique system that works better than anything else currently available.

You see, unlike every other pull-up training book, e-book, DVD, or digital product, The Pull-up Solution is a fully-customizable, do-it-yourself coaching system to help you rapidly improve your pull-up numbers safely and effectively using methods I’ve learned from various fitness professionals, athletes, martial artists, special operations personnel, and yes, even some of my personal training clients. Sometimes, I think they teach me more than I teach them!

And over the years, I’ve learned that most people need more than just a generic, cookie-cutter workout program to help them reach their goals – whether for improving pull-ups or otherwise. Perhaps 1 in 10 people can make that work, but it’s the other 9 who struggle over and over again that I’ve worked with the most. You know – normal people. And there are a lot of obvious reasons why they’ve been struggling!

Because let’s face it. Pull-ups are HARD, and most people struggle with them because of that reason alone. You can’t just take weight plates off to make the exercise more manageable, and so there is a much higher barrier to entry when it comes to pull-ups. Not to mention it takes a little bit of discipline and hard work applied consistently over time to build up your pull-up strength and maintain it. It should go without saying that getting better at pull-ups doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, humility, and a lot of patience. And you have to be very intentional and systematic about it every step of the way.

And in a similar vein, some people think that working hard is all you have to do, and if you only worked harder, then you would succeed. But this isn’t true either. You have to work hard and smart to succeed with pull-ups.

Now, not only are pull-ups hard in-and-of-themselves, but most people perform them improperly – and not just the technique of the exercise itself, but with poor exercise programming, too. They either “wing it” and get no results, poor results, or random results OR they follow a generic, cookie-cutter program that isn’t suited for their unique needs and circumstances hoping that it will magically help them achieve their goals. But that’s like playing the lottery with your results – the odds are against you. And maybe you’ve had this mentality before, as I have. But when you really think about it, that’s not exactly the best approach. Is it?

So, no wonder most people struggle with pull-ups!

And this problem is further compounded by the fact that most people don’t get the right kind of help. They try to do it alone. They don’t hire a coach. They go looking online and think that reading one article or watching one video once in awhile will provide the solution they’ve been searching for and solve their problem instantly.

Maybe that’s you. And you know how that usually goes.

The truth is that there’s more to performing a pull-up than simply getting your chin over the bar – a lot more. But you won’t learn the best techniques and training strategies in an exercise textbook or an online video. And chances are, your personal trainer may know the basics, but won’t have any advanced solutions or, more importantly, the right personal touch, to help you reach a whole new level.

This is why I created The Pull-up Solution for people like you. Because I might not know everything there is to know about exercise, but I do know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training and have a long track record of helping people get really good at them quickly and safely. This is something I’ve been really good at for a long time, and I’ve finally put all of my methods into one affordable package so that this is the last pull-up training resource you ever need.

Click Play to watch me do 30 pull-ups.

Now, I won’t lie to you and claim that I’m some big-dog personal trainer to the celebrities. I don’t have a long list of super-clients ranging from movie stars to rock stars to Navy SEALS. The truth is that I’m just your average fitness professional from the backwoods of small-town New Hampshire who happens to know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training. And I’d estimate that 90% of my personal training clients over the years have been ordinary folks just looking to get healthier, stronger, and leaner – not super-athletes or some genetic elite.

And so, with this never-seen-before, one-of-a-kind system that I made for anyone with two good arms, you can become extremely proficient in the pull-up exercise – to perform sets of 10, 20, 30, or more reps – and reap all the benefits that comes with that kind of conditioning: strong and defined arms, shoulders, back, and core musculature. Not to mention better posture and serious pound-for-pound strength that will let you progress to more advanced exercises, too.

Just do more pull-ups. (BIG FAT LIE!)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen an article from a fitness trainer or strength coach who says that you “just need to do more pull-ups” if you want to get better at them.

Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple.

Sure. That advice might seem to work for some people, for a little while. But this usually happens despite their simplified approach, and when it does, the results seldom last. Not to mention that this advice isn’t applicable to people who can’t do any pull-ups yet – or practically anyone else with special considerations, for that matter.

You see, getting really good at pull-up training and succeeding over the long term requires the integration of several key components that are essential to pull-up training success. In other words, if you don’t get all of these right, then you can forget about succeeding. It just won’t happen – at least, not in my experience.

Because in every single case I’ve ever encountered where someone was struggling to get better at pull-ups, there was at least one – and usually more – of these components missing from their approach. The good news is that when we identify what it is and make some simple changes to their approach, the results finally start coming in.

And I’m not talking about some trendy tips or secrets, but the laws of conditioning and principles of training. Things like the proper use of progression, overload, and periodization, among others. And if you’re missing even just one of the components, then at best, you’ll get sub-par or even no results, whatsoever – wasting your time and energy on something that won’t pay off. And at worst, you may experience overtraining, injuries, or other problems. And many people do!

So, in The Pull-up Solution, I’ve made it my goal to seamlessly integrate all of these key components into one holistic system so that your results are practically guaranteed – and you don’t even have to think about it because it’s all been done for you.

All but one of the keys, that is. The last key component of pull-up training success is hard work, and YOU are in charge of that one! I can throw out words like progression and overload, yadda yadda yadda, but if you’re not willing to work hard, you can forget about succeeding. As I’ve said before, you have to work hard and smart with pull-up training, and nobody gets better at them by accident.

So, how did this product come about?

Ever since I started publishing fitness articles and videos online, one of the most common questions I’ve received is on how to get better at pull-ups. So, I found myself creating pull-up training articles and videos, and that would cause even more questions to come in.

I also had other website owners contact me and pay me to write pull-up training articles for their readers, too. Before long, I was starting to be known as an unconventional pull-up training expert in a few corners of the Internet.

And then it happened. I decided to publish my very own pull-up workout program with a twist – combining some of my best pull-up training strategies into one program and also including some special instructions for customizing the workouts to better suit my web visitor’s needs.

And that blogpost went absolutely viral in every sense of the word. It didn’t just start getting hundreds of hits per day, it started getting tens of thousands of visitors each day. It was shared thousands of times through various social media services. And to this day, it’s still my highest-viewed webpage with over 1 million views.

So, a few months after that happened, I thought to myself, “maybe I have something here that can really help people.” I know. I’m a little slow. But that’s when the idea for The Pull-up Solution was born, and the official beta-testing began. I started working with people to see how well my program worked for my online clients, for men, women, old, young, soldiers, and law enforcement officers, among others.

I wanted to find out if my program was more effective than the alternatives they’d tried in the past. And to say it was would be an understatement. The truth is that the positive feedback was overwhelming!

I never thought a single blogpost with a workout program could bring in so many success stories. But over the next two years, I worked with dozens of people to see how the program went in order to improve it and turn it into a comprehensive product.

Some of my beta-testers kept in very close contact with me via email and Skype throughout the process, but most of them followed the program almost entirely on their own – sending me an update on their progress and an occasional question once in awhile.

Note: you can see some of their results further down this page.

To my delight, the program has been a complete success! I’ve received dozens of confirmed success stories from people who were ecstatic from the results. And to this day, I’ve only received one negative report from someone who didn’t succeed with it. Needless to say, I’m pretty satisfied with those results.

And so, I’ve spent the last two years refining that original program with the help of my beta-testers to create a much more comprehensive, no-nonsense system for mastering pull-ups.

The Pull-up Solution gives YOU the keys to create a customized workout program using a tested-and-proven system that addresses your unique needs, goals, and circumstances.

Because the fact of the matter is that not everyone can do pull-ups. And not everyone progresses at the same pace or using the same route. Also, some people have pre-existing conditions and injuries that they have to work around, or past injuries they don’t want to experience again. And some people have a deadline to meet for a fitness test or athletic event.

Needless to say, the need for personalization is huge! And since I can’t necessarily work with you in person (unless you live in the Northeast USA), it would be ridiculous for me to ask you to follow a specific workout program that isn’t catered to your needs.

And seriously, who can afford to spend a fortune on a coach just to help them get better at pull-ups? Not too many people I know.

And that’s why I took one aspect of this product very seriously: personalization.

Sure, a good program will often work well enough for most people, if they can follow it. But a small touch of personalization goes a really long way. And I’ve done everything I can to make this program as customizable as possible to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed.

In fact, one of my ultimate goals in creating this product was to make it so user-friendly and customizable, that it was almost like hiring me as your full-time pull-up training coach. More specifically, I wanted this do-it-yourself training system to come as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one (or having to pay for one!).

And so, The Pull-up Solution gives you the keys to create your own custom pull-up training program based on YOU – your needs, goals, and circumstances. Because no two people should follow the same exact program.

So, what does this personalization actually look like in practical terms?

Well, first, unlike most cookie-cutter pull-up workout programs, The Pull-up Solution meets you where you are today and gives you exercises that will match both your skill level and conditioning level. In other words, you won’t be asked (i.e. forced) to do an exercise you can’t already do.

So, nowhere in the program will I be telling you to do “3 sets of 5 pull-ups” or some other generic recommendation of sets and reps.

Instead, I’ve included some simple workout programming strategies that anyone can apply to help you customize the program to your skill and conditioning level. These are the same strategies I’ve been using with my own personal training clients for years. And believe me, you don’t need a PhD in exercise science to use them – an understanding of third-grade math will be sufficient.

Secondly, I’ve tried to make the program as easy to implement into your daily schedule as possible. You get to decide not only when you do your workouts, but also for how long. You can even shorten or extend specific training phases to meet your schedule, and I’ve provided an easy-to-read chart in an appendix to help you figure out the best training schedule for you in less than a minute. I’ve tried to incorporate as many time-saving benefits as possible because I know you’re busy.

Thirdly, I’ve made it customizable to not only your goals, but also your starting point. So, if you just want to get your first pull-up, then this will give you the tools and a blueprint for how to make that happen. And if you want to score your first 10 or 20 reps, then this product will show you the way. If you want to use pull-ups to get stronger and lay a foundation for more advanced exercises, then that’s in here, too. So, needless to say, if you have a goal at-all related to improving your pull-up performance, then this system was created for you.

Finally, this is not just a workout program that tells you to “do this, not that, etc.” This is an entire system containing progressive, scalable, customizable workouts, video instruction, coaching tips, and a unique personalization guide, among many other elements.

Basically, I’ve taken everything necessary or otherwise very important for pull-up training success, and compiled it into a step-by-step comprehensive system that can work for practically anyone who is able to follow instructions, and more importantly, willing to work hard.

So, believe me when I say that you’ve never seen another pull-up training program like this before. It is truly one-of-a-kind. And I would know since I’ve purchased and reviewed every single pull-up training resource out there – books, DVD’s, digital products, Kindle e-books, etc. In fact, I’ve got a whole stack of pull-up training resources on my bookshelf that I bought and devoured in order to help me make this product as useful and valuable as possible for you.

And the best part is that I’m offering the entire system at a very affordable price. For less than the cost of a single personal training session, you can get the entire system that has taken me years to research, test, refine, and systematize.

So, all that said, please allow me to introduce you to The Pull-up Solution – the last program you’ll ever need to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises.

There are three main components contained inside The Pull-up Solution: the manual, the video database, and the progress tracking journal.

This 45-page e-book will guide you through the process of using this system. It was written and formatted with simplicity in mind so that you can work through it quickly. Plus, with the Quick-Start Guide, you can begin training in minutes if you want to. It will literally take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do each and every day so that there is no guesswork involved – just follow the instructions. Again, my goal was to provide a resource that was so comprehensive that it’s as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one.

The manual also contains the actual 12-week workout program you’ll be going through with detailed instructions to help you make the most of each and every training session.

There are also various features to help you customize it to your needs:

There are over thirty instructional videos in four distinct categories included in the system. All videos were created to be short and to the point so you’re not wasting your time trying to find the information you need.

The 8 Key Components of Optimal Pull-up Technique – These will help you learn both the main points and the subtle nuances of pull-up technique to make sure you’re performing each exercise not just properly, but optimally.

These videos will help you…

Warmup and Cooldown Instructional Videos for Pull-up Pre-hab and Injury-Prevention – Using state-of-the-art training modalities, these two follow along videos will guide you step-by-step through a precision warmup and cooldown protocol that was custom-made for pull-up trainees.

These videos will help you…

Exercise Technique Instructional Videos – Learn exactly how to perform all of the exercises in the program with these short and to-the-point videos.

These videos will help you…

Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Videos to Improve Pull-up Performance

These videos will help you…

The last element of the program is the Progress Tracking Journal, which will help you keep track of your improvements each time you train. It’s available in both printable and digital format, and has been pre-formatted so that all you need to do is enter your data as you go along – saving you time so that you can get back to your life once you’re done training.

I’ve also included some additional bonuses in the package deal – just because I like you so much and really want you to succeed. These are not necessary to complete the program, but they will absolutely help you in your pull-up training endeavors. You can think of these as my way of saying “thanks” for investing in my program.

Interview with Al Kavadlo About Pull-up Training and Other Bar Calisthenics (≈27 minute audio mp3) – Al is a true Bodyweight Training Expert, the Author of Raising The Bar: The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Bar Calisthenics, and the Founder of the Progressive Calisthenics Certification.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Shawna Kaminski About Pull-up Training For Women (≈47 minute audio mp3) – Shawna is a Fitness Professional, the Author of the Challenge Workouts Pull-up Program, and a true Pull-up Training Extraordinaire.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Ryan Hurst About Pull-up Training For Health, Fitness, and Fun (≈55 minute audio mp3) – Ryan is a Former Competitive Gymnast, a Health-first Strength and Movement Coach, holds black belts in Kendo, Judo, and Shorinji Kempo, and is the Founder of GMB Fitness.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Hugo Rivera about Pull-up Training for Maximum Hypertrophy (≈68 minute audio mp3) – Hugo is a Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder, a Pull-up Training Beast, and a Best-Selling Author of the Body Sculpting Bible book series and also the Body Re-Engineering Program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Steven Proto About Pull-up Training For Maximal Strength (≈2000 words) – Steven is the Guinness World Record Holder for the World’s Heaviest Pull-up and also The Most Pull-ups Completed In One Minute With a 100 Pound Backpack, He is also a former Marine and the Founder of ExtremistPullup.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Navy SEAL, Stew Smith, about Pull-up Training for the Military (≈53 minute audio mp3) – Stew Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL, and author of several best-selling fitness books such as The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, The Special Ops Workout, and S.W.A.T. Fitness. Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, and many other military, law enforcement, and firefighter professions.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Christian Carson and Ryan Provencher about Pull-up Training for Police and Firefighters (≈35 minute audio mp3) – Christian and Ryan are professional firefighters and fire captains at the Bellingham, WA fire department. They are also TACFIT Division Chiefs and are the creators of the TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm fitness program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Jeff Kuhland about Pull-up Training for Advanced Athletes and Natural Movers (≈50 minute audio mp3) – Jeff is a fitness professional, a MovNat trainer, a CrossFit Coach, and the owner of Athletic Human.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

This new program includes two studio production quality instructional videos in high definition that will teach you dozens of exercises to help you:

This unique training routine will have you feeling and performing at your best all throughout your pull-up training cycles.

Here’s a short teaser video of the Pull-up Prep & Prehab Program…

Note: There might be an additional bonus or two included with your purchase as well. You’ll find all of the bonuses on the download page with everything else.

Hi John, When I started I could just about do 1 pull-up. Slightly embarrassing but that was my starting point. 😉 At the end of month 1, I can do 5 with proper form. I’m double happy. Thanks for your help, it’s much appreciated. -Dom

I finished month one of the pull ups program 4 days ago. My goal was to do 15 pull ups by the end of the first month–I could do 8 when I started. Today I warmed up with some stretching, and calesthetics. Did a one rep set, and then a 4 rep set of pull ups, then rested. Then I went for a max set–I did 15 good reps, and had my chin within an inch of the bar for a 16th rep. So, I am well satisfied with the progress I made. My goal will be to hit a 20 rep max set by the end of month two. – Norm

There’s something about pullups, pushups, 1 leg squats and other bodyweight exercises that just makes me feel STRONG all the time. It’s great to know I can jump up and grab a ledge, bar or tree and pull myself up anytime. – Steve in Florida

Thank you so much for this workout, my pull-ups increased from 3 to 6 in just 1 week. Now i can get better marks at school. I’m 14 and this program works great so far. –Tom

My Results: I went from 11 chin ups to 17 chin ups in about 10 weeks. Pretty impressive in my book. I skipped the first month. Other than that, I followed the plan pretty closely except I added a week or so to month 2 and month 3. I also did these workouts along with a pushup workout so the intensity was perhaps a little less than for someone who treated this as a workout program in-itself. – Ben

After 4 weeks I definitely made significant progress from where I began doing 2-3 iffy pullups to being able to do 7 complete dead hangs slowly. – Mike

Your pullup program is super awesome!! Just reviewing your detailed program changed my mindset on how to do a proper pullup. Thanks. – Michael S Navalta, Texas

“Current pull-up count is 12…” (one month later) I entered a chin-up contest for fun and did pretty well. I did 19 (really good for me, though they weren’t doing full extension, so I cheated on form as well) and I was running on 4 hours of sleep and was dehydrated, so I’m convinced I could do more! I’m still planning on finishing the 3 month program. – Marcus Fluty

With this program, I increased my one rep max from 8 to 13, that is a 62% increase. I would say I followed it about 90% of the way, I didn’t rest as much for the last day as he advised to and I did gain maybe two pounds while doing it (maybe muscle?). Despite my modest gains, I recommend this program. I really liked the first month, I could see some size gains after day 30 for sure! I am now going to try the Armstrong program. -Matt Garza

I work as an aerialist and found this tutorial through an aerial site. Even with that background I think I was doing just about everything wrong that I could have been. I tried doing it the way you taught and I noticed an immediate difference. Thank you so much for a brilliant tutorial video. -Ben

I did John’s 3-month pullup regimen, and at the time, I could only do 2-3 pullups. After the regimen, my max is now 6 and it definitely helped me lose some weight and give my upper body a nice V-shape (along with cardio & weight training and proper diet). You can see my experience on my blog (see blog archives from april 2012): John is a great resource. -Mitsu

And here’s the video Kristian sent me of Eva’s progress…

I’ve since heard from Kristian that they absolutely love The Pull-up Solution, and now Eva is working on a weighted pull-ups training program to prepare for her next fitness competition…because regular pull-ups are just too easy for her now!

Chase Cullinan followed the beta-version of The Pull-up Solution and achieved exceptional results. He is a good example of some of the best results that can be obtained using the program.

And not only did he drastically increase his pull-up numbers, but he did so with very little help from me. In fact, I didn’t even hear from him – or even know he was using my program – until he was already half-way through the program. Here is what he sent me…

I found this program and decided to use it as I prepare for U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidate Course. My goal is to blast away 20 with ease. This scores 100% for the pull-up portion of the Physical Fitness Test. I have combined this program with running, rucking with weight, and cross-training and am at the half-way point for this program. I began at 4 dead-hang pull-ups as my max and can now do 3x that many. I have done the single step pyramid to 10 a few times and have been able to hit 10 each time. While I have not maxed out since I began, knowing that I can do 10 after having already completed 40 in pyramid increments, I am sure that I could do 12 or more for a max set. This program is great and I am striving to hit the 30 rep mark by the end of the next month and a half. Thanks for sharing the plan. – Chase Cullinan Third Generation Deputy Sheriff. Criminal Justice and Sociology Double Major. #USMC OCS Applicant and Hopeful future MARSOC Officer. Augusta, GA

Shortly after sending that message, Chase sent me this video of his progress. His goal for this set was 16 reps, but as you can see, he flew right past that…

He kept me posted on his progress via Twitter – making notes of his continuing success…

After he finally took the U.S. Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, he sent me this Tweet…

And now he’s moving on to even greater goals on his own…

I wanted to share both Chase and Eva’s stories with you not only because of how well they’ve done but also because they both followed a bare-bones version of my program completely on their own and still did amazing. And I believe you can, too, especially since The Pull-up Solution is a new-and-improved, massively-updated system that has been – dare I say – nearly perfected for the aspiring pull-up trainee.

Now, these results are definitely not typical because most people who buy a fitness program don’t even start it, and many of the ones who do start don’t finish it! But Chase and Eva found a good program, took action, and worked hard over a period of months – and got the results to prove it. If you want results like they got, then you should follow their example and do the same.

You’ll get out of this program what you put into it.

I’ll give it to you straight. I don’t want you to just be satisfied with your purchase. I want to impress you. I want you to feel like you got the better deal and walk away amazed at the value of your investment.

And honestly, I don’t want the price to be a primary factor in your buying decision. So, rather than try to squeeze a few bucks out of you, I’d rather earn your trust and inspire you to succeed. The way I see it, if I can provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed and help you to trust in yourself and your ability to see a program like this through to completion, then I think we’ve both won.

Now, you and I both know that’s just not happening for the vast majority of people these days. And obviously, most people would think you’re crazy to spend that much money just on pull-up training. And that’s why I’m offering the entire package at a significantly discounted rate to get it into the hands of as many people as possible during it’s initial release.

Hey, John–first of all, no need to thank me for the comment – I should thank you for making such a great system. I’ve been working on calisthenics for about a year now and the only exercise I’ve struggled with is pull-ups. After watching one of your youtube videos recently, I literally increased my pullups by 40% just from changing my grip/wrists/tightening my body more. Hence my purchase of your system.

Just did my first run-through after buying the system and I have to say that the warmup and cooldown routines are so good they’re almost worth the price of admission alone. Wow! Also – the system looks great, I can’t wait to work my way up to 30+ reps. 🙂

-Morgan W.

I am so confident that my system will help you achieve your pullup and chinup performance goals, that I’ll let you try it for up to 60 days risk-free.

If for any reason, you are not totally satisfied (e.g. it doesn’t work for you, not what you were expecting, you never actually used it, you don’t like my New England accent or red hair, etc.), just contact me and I will get you a full refund – no questions asked.

I want you to feel comfortable making an online purchase from a stranger and that’s why I offer this 60-day unconditional, money-back guarantee. Take it or leave it. You have nothing to lose.

Listen. I know you’ve never met me before, and there’s absolutely no reason for you to trust me at all. I could be an out-of-shape marketing expert who has never done a pull-up my entire life and is trying to mislead as many people as possible during my short time here on Earth. I may even get sadistic pleasure from fooling you like so many other so-called “fitness gurus” do on a regular basis with their marketing scams. And in this day and age, a website like this could be a complete hoax!

So, if you’re skeptical. I get it. You should be!

But in the event that this sales page has stirred up even the faintest hint of trust in me – and showed you that I sincerely want to help you succeed – then please listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you because it’s important.

I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a few bucks, and I wouldn’t lie to you. The truth is that even though I’ve been a fitness author since 2008, this is the first fitness product I’ve ever created on my own and I want to do it right so that I can make more like it in the future (if you’ll let me!). So, I’m not some con-artist or snake-oil salesman trying to trick you out of a few bucks. I’m a real person and John Sifferman is my real name. Look me up. I’ve been helping people get fit for many years, and it shouldn’t be hard to find me.

You should also know that even though this is my first fitness product, I’m not offering some joke-of-a-product that was thrown together in one night and would make your high-school science project look good. This is the real deal and even before its release, it had a long track record of success with people from all around the world. But even though this is a great program, there’s something you should know about it before we wrap up.

Let me tell you straight.

This is not a quick-fix program. There are no shortcuts to getting better at pull-ups – period. So, don’t get me wrong and think that I’m offering some type of magic bullet or miracle solution because I’m not. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then you won’t find it here. Trust me.

But the fact of the matter is that The Pull-up Solution is a unique system that helps people rapidly increase their pull-up numbers better than anything else currently available because it was designed to take you right to your edge, and no further – each and every time you train – using the power of personalization.

But here’s the thing: just because it is the best, doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. Because let’s face it – nothing is a perfect fit for everybody. And if my program isn’t a good fit for you, then that’s okay – no hard feelings. And believe me, I don’t want to give you something you don’t need or won’t use. Seriously.

And if that’s the case, I’d simply invite you to check out my other pull-up training resources that I’ve made available for free online. I’ve got tons of free stuff out there.

But if you’re tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups and are willing to put in the work needed to change that, using a tested-and-proven program powered by a great self-coaching system, then get a copy of The Pull-up Solution today. You’ll be glad you did.

Stop wasting your time hoping for a miracle and start getting results as soon as this week. You can thank me later.

And hey, the worst case scenario is that you buy the product, hate it, and get your money back. Remember, I want you to feel like you got the better deal. So, get your copy and start to make things happen today!

Health-First Fitness Coach
Pull-up Training Extraordinaire

YES, John, I’m tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to succeed!

YES, I understand that this is a one-time charge and that I will NOT be billed again for anything. There are no other fees or charges for anything and my credit card information is encrypted, billed on a secure server, and is not stored anywhere.

YES, I understand that I am getting FULL ACCESS to The Pull-up Solution training system, which includes the training manual and quick-start guide, the whole workout program, the entire database of instructional videos, the progress tracking journals, and all of the additional bonuses.

YES, I understand that I will get instant access (within minutes) to all of the product files. I also realize that this is a digital product (i.e., downloadable), and that no physical products will be shipped.

YES, I understand that I have a 60-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. So, if I’m not completely satisfied, I can request a full refund, and have my entire investment returned.

What exactly will I receive when I buy The Pull-up Solution?

You will receive instant access to the whole product via a download page, which has download links for all of the digital files that comprise The Pull-up Solution. This includes the following:

-a PDF file with the program manual, quick-start guide, and complete workout program
-dozens of video files in MP4 format
-two progress tracking journals in PDF and Excel formats
-additional MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF bonuses to help you excel at pull-up training

Note: you will not receive a physical package in the mail since this product is in digital format that can be viewed on your computer, smart phone, tablet, etc.

I can do zero pull-ups or chin-ups and have struggled with them my entire life. Is this program for me?

A thousand times yes! The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and even ultra-beginners who may struggle just hanging from the bar – let alone performing pull-ups. It has been designed to take you by the hand and show you exactly what you have to do each day so that you can make measurable progress each time you train.

Yes, but I’m __________ (overweight, weak, old, etc.), and I couldn’t even dream of doing full pull-ups. Is this program really for me?

Yep. As long as you’re healthy enough to exercise (i.e. doctor’s clearance for exercise and/or strength training activities), and you can support some of your weight while hanging from a bar, then yes, this program was created for people just like you.

I can already do several pull-ups in one set, but have struggled to make further gains. Is this program for me?

Another resounding yes! This program is meant to help you take your current pull-up training to the next level, whatever that may mean for you. And if you can already perform a few solid reps, then you’ve got a good head start.

I can already do 15-20+ pull-ups, and am looking for the next step, level or edge in my pull-up training. Is this program for me?

Yes, but with a big but… The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and advanced trainees alike, but there is something all advanced trainees should know before investing in the product.

Once you’ve made not only your initial gains, but also further progress that has you nearing your peak potential, all future progress will come very slowly. And there is no way around this – no special tip, trick, hack, or programming secret to speed up your results. I’d be lying to you if I didn’t admit that. So, for example, if you can already do 20+ pull-ups, then don’t necessarily expect to double or triple your numbers your first time through this program. It may be possible, but it’s certainly not typical.

The fact of the matter is that going from one repetition to 10 is much easier than going from 20 repetitions to 30. And the further up the ladder you get, the harder the results become. Plus, it just takes more time. That said, if your goal is to keep getting stronger and adding numbers to your total, and lay a strong foundation for more advanced bar exercises (e.g. muscle ups) then this is a great program for that.

Hello John! Respect from Lithuania!
Thank you for posting this program, I became obsessed with it, and after two months my pull up count quintupled. Thanks again, I really appreciate your work. – Consistent one (username)

Does this program work for women?

It sure does. In fact, this is an ideal program for women because it gives you all the tools you need to maximize your results. And since women tend to have less upper body biomass (i.e., muscle) than men, every little bit of extra personalization helps.

Am I too old for this program?

I don’t know. You tell me! But seriously, if you are serious about getting better at pull-ups, and you are a bit past your prime, then you’ll be much better served by this program than any of the other pull-up training resources out there, and here’s why.

You see, The Pull-up Solution is a health-first fitness program that comes with built-in pre-habilitation methods to give you a toolbox of injury prevention and recovery strategies. The package also includes extremely detailed exercise technique instructions to help you perform the exercises safely and efficiently to help prevent both injuries and excessive wear and tear on your body. And while you will be instructed to perform exercises at moderate to high intensity during some of the workouts (see FAQ on High Intensity Training below for more info), this is certainly not a hardcore exercise program like some of the ones all the young whippersnappers are doing these days.

And don’t forget about the customizable nature of the program that suits it to your individual needs, including, but not limited to the Personalization Guide, which coincidentally, has a section for “Middle age persons and senior citizens.” This will give you some specific advice that is more appropriate for seasoned trainees. So, I’ve got you covered. And in all seriousness, it’s never too late to start training for more strength and better health. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

I have an ache, pain, injury, or other pre-existing condition. Can I still use this program?

If your doctor has cleared you for exercise, then you can still use this program. However, if your condition causes significant pain while performing pull-ups or other similar exercises, then it would be advisable to start this program after you have rehabilitated. That said, if you can perform pull-ups (or comparable exercises) with only mild discomfort, then you may be able to use the program safely and effectively. Please refer to the medical disclaimer for more details. And if you have a specific concern, feel free to contact me, and I’d be happy to tell you what I think – even if it means telling you that it would be best not to buy my program.

Yes, but I have a bad ___________ (shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, etc.). Can I really use the program?

As long as your pain does not exceed a three, on a scale of one to ten (10 being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, and 1 being no discomfort whatsoever), then yes, you can use this program.

I’m not an athlete, soldier, police officer, or fireman. Will this program still work for me?

You don’t have to be an Olympic Gold Medalist or Navy SEAL to use The Pull-up Solution. Hardly! This program was designed for anyone who wants to get better at pull-ups – period. And that includes normal people living ordinary lives. Besides, how many Navy SEALs do you know that are struggling to get better at pull-ups anyway?

I set myself a goal was to complete a proper pullup and I’ve just done that – my first ever unassisted, from hanging pullup. Wicked! Your proper explanation and understanding of body mechanics, posture etc is crucial for health and fitness and I thank you for putting such good onto the web. Keep up the good work. – Marcus

How quickly can I improve my pull-up numbers on your program?

It depends on a ton of factors like your starting point, conditioning level, skill level with the exercises, body weight, body composition, age, recovery ability, and time available for training – not to mention your mental toughness and work ethic, among many other things. So, there is no definitive number or percentage I could give you.

I can say that beginners tend to experience more rapid results than advanced trainees, and it’s not uncommon for them to double, triple, or even quadruple their results in the first month alone. And to date, I’ve had not one, but two, beginner-level beta-testers quintuple their results, going from 1-5 pull-ups and 2-10 pull-ups, respectively, in just the first month on the program. So, it just depends.

The bottom line is that you’ll get out of this program whatever you put into it. Keep in mind that working hard on a good program will yield far better results than a mild effort on a perfect program. Luckily, you can be the one who works hard on a great program that is customized to your needs for optimal results.

How long is the program and what do I do after I’ve finished it?

There are three primary phases in the program, and each one is four weeks long. So, the official program is 12 weeks long, or about three months when accounting for rest and recovery time. However, if you don’t have a full three months to commit to pull-up training, there is also a chart to help you modify the program based on how much time you do have available. So, if you only have one or two months available to focus on pull-ups – instead of the full three months – there are different program schedules for you to follow instead.

There is also a fourth phase of the program for maintaining your results (i.e. the maintenance phase), which can be done indefinitely, but like all training programs, it probably won’t be effective forever.
There are further instructions for what to do after you’ve completed the program inside of the program manual.

How often will I have to train and how long do the workouts take?

It depends. The short answer is that most people will need to spend between 10-20 minutes of training per workout for most of the program.

During the first phase of the program, you’ll be instructed to perform pull-ups on your own schedule, whenever you can make time for them, for several days per week. Now, whether your sets are spread across the course of an entire day (e.g. one set every hour or two), or just an evening/morning, or a workout at the gym, or even just over the course of an hour at home (e.g. every 5 minutes), it’s entirely up to you. And if you think I’m just giving you free reign to do whatever you want, I am, but with a certain set of parameters to ensure you succeed. And again, the instructions are quite clear on how to customize it to your schedule to help you match the program to your needs and make the most of your training.

In phases two and three, you’ll perform two or three workouts per week, and most of the workouts will take between 10-20 minutes. There are a couple of pyramid-style workouts that may take longer for advanced trainees who can perform a lot of repetitions. But ultimately, you’re in charge of how long your workouts are. That’s the nature of a customizable program.

Is this a high-intensity training program?

Yes and no, since it depends on which phase of the program you’re in. All of the workouts in the first phase are low to moderate intensity sessions, and you will be instructed not to train anywhere near high intensity. During the second phase of the program, the workouts are mostly moderate intensity sessions, with a few sets being near-max efforts during some of the workouts. And finally, some workouts will absolutely require max or near-max intensity levels, particularly in the third and final phase of the program.

Do I need any special equipment or a gym membership to follow the program?

All you really need is a place to do pull-ups. A pull-up bar is ideal, and preferably one that you’ll have access to regularly. There is some other equipment that is recommended for certain situations, such as a resistance band for performing assisted pull-ups, but all other equipment is optional and not necessary to complete the program.

Your Advice was just outstanding. I have never felt this way before about any exercise. I have been suffering from a nagging pain in my inner elbows for quite a while.. my pull-up routine seemed to have caused it, so i figured i’ll give it a rest for a week or two. but after trying the pronated grip and correct width of the arms and everything I didn’t feel any pain at all while doing the exercise… It’s like a miracle! Better take it easy on my elbows for a week or two anyway and then start training properly! Thank you so much, Ziv from Israel.

I already follow a workout program or other athletic/recreational routine. Can I incorporate this into my existing routine?

Absolutely! And that’s exactly how it was designed and meant to be used. You can either incorporate your pull-up training right into your existing workouts or do it at a separate time – your choice.

Wouldn’t I be better off hiring a personal trainer?

If you can find a local fitness professional who specializes in pull-up training and has already coached many people to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises, AND you can also afford to hire them for several training sessions over the coming weeks and months – investing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars – then absolutely! In-person training from a qualified and competent professional will always trump doing it alone. That said, The Pull-up Solution was designed so that anyone – regardless of their skill, conditioning level, or knowledge – can excel in their pull-up performance on their own. It’s a do-it-yourself program. And honestly, when it comes down to it, most people can master the pull-up exercise without professional instruction. I’ve personally witnessed that happen from all the success stories that have come in from my beta-testers over the years. However, if possible, my advice is to employ the best of both worlds by purchasing a copy of The Pull-up Solution so you get the cutting-edge, tested-and-proven system and after working through some of the program on your own, consult a personal trainer or fitness coach to review your exercise technique, just to make sure you are indeed performing the exercises safely.

Why should I pay for this? Can’t I find this information on the internet for free?

Sure. There are lot’s of free pull-up training resources available online. And if you look around long enough, you may discover that I’ve posted a lot of free pull-up training resources on the internet over the years, too. In fact, I’ve got many pull-up training articles, videos, tips, workouts, and programs on my website And it’s all free!

So, if you just can’t afford my product or just don’t want to cough up the cash, then by all means, check out the free resources I have made available.

But if you’ve struggled in the past to “make it happen” and get the results you want, and you want a step-by-step system that is guaranteed to rapidly improve your pull-up performance in three months or less – and get you far-better results than any single tip, trick, or cookie-cutter program ever can – then by all means, invest in The Pull-up Solution today. Don’t waste any more time, and start seeing results immediately.

How can I be sure it’s safe to order online from your website?

The checkout page that accepts your payment information is on a secure server, just like the ones you would use for a purchase on a large online retail website such as So, your personal information will remain safe throughout the payment and checkout process. Plus, I’m a real person, and John Sifferman is my real name. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and of course, on my own websites such as and So, I am not a con-artist trying to scam you out of your money, and I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a buck. We’ve been online with a reputation of uncompromising integrity since 2008, and we plan to keep it that way.

How do I order the program?

The fastest way to get the program is on the order page here or just click on the “Click Here To Buy Now” button below.

And just in case you need even more evidence that I can help you with your pull-up training goals, here is a screenshot of some comments from one of my pull-up training videos on Youtube. If I’m getting this much positive feedback from a free video, just think of how good The Pull-up Solution will be.

If you’re still having trouble making up your mind, then here a bit of advice (i.e., tough love) I’ve told some of my clients over the years.

You may have heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again – even when it’s not working. But here’s the thing: most people do exactly that when it comes to pull-up training. They struggle with pull-ups for months or years simply because they don’t follow a program that is tailored to their needs or they simply don’t get the kind of help they need. And if that’s been you, then you can put a stop to that endless cycle right now.

I created The Pull-up Solution to help people just like you, and I’m offering it at such a low price because I really, truly want to help as many people as possible succeed with their pull-up goals. So, if you’re willing to give it a chance, then pick up your copy today. And don’t forget, if it’s not right for you, there’s the 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee – just in case.

Or, you can keep “winging it” on your own, playing the lottery with your results, and see where that gets you. Your choice.

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PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Pull-up Solution is a digital product (i.e., downloadable). No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-books, video files, and audio files onto your computer. The e-book format is Adobe Acrobat PDF, video files are in MP4 format, and audio files are in MP3 format, all of which can be viewed on any PC or Mac computer (desktop or laptop). You can also view and use the files on Ipads and most mobile devices (i.e. smart phones), but you may need an app to use some of the files (e.g. to read Adobe Acrobat PDF e-books). This product is NOT available in stores.

RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Due to recent FTC laws, it is required that all companies identify what a “typical” result is. Since there is no known established standard for what is considered typical results in a pull-up improvement program, results shown in our many success stories and testimonials may not be typical. Also, results cannot be guaranteed, nor can the permanence of your results. Faster results upon first starting the program are common, especially for beginners to exercise and strength training. But the truth is that most people never do anything with the fitness products they buy. So, most of the time, they don’t get any results at all. The people you see featured on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical because they actually followed the program and recommendations in The Pull-up Solution. If you want results, you should do this, too.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Ask your doctor if getting stronger is right for you.

Copyright © The Pull-up Solution, John Sifferman. 2014-2020. All Rights Reserved.

Click here to get The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

Product Name: Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

Click here to get Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


When you do a simple online search for natural remedies for constipation, you are shown websites that simply regurgitate the same basic advice about constipation that you have heard A MILLION TIMES:

I’m sure you’re tired of searching through the same old constipation advice you’ve read a hundred times, hoping that among the fluff and filler the author can offer you something UNIQUE, something you haven’t heard of; something that will give you relief now.

I know how frustrating, uncomfortable and often painful constipation can be. I can understand the list of symptoms you are probably experiencing, such as…

Excruciating pain and discomfort can result from the strong and often violent nature of the compounds contained in many over-the-counter laxatives and their physiological effects. These effects can last for more than a day.

Unpredictable and messy bathroom visits. Accidents may occur frequently, especially while sleeping.

You can cause permanent damage to the nerves and muscles in your intestinal walls that help you push waste through your digestive system to create bowel movements. While you’re trying for a quick fix, you can actually cause permanent damage to your body, sometimes resulting in chronic constipation.

Laxatives can cause a dangerous imbalance of electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca++, etc.). Electrolytes are responsible for nerve conduction and muscle function, including the heart and brain. In some cases, these electrolyte imbalances can lead to hospitalization and even be life-threatening.

Most pharmacy laxatives and even some natural remedies can cause rebound constipation (constipation that comes back, usually worse than before) and can make long-term constipation problems worse.

Natural does not mean safe. It is important to be informed about potential risks and dangers by a trusted health professional. Many relief agents are considered natural and safe, but they can be harmful and devastating to your digestive health in the long run. Some are hidden in certain products. We tell you about the four great natural remedies for constipation that you need to know about and protect yourself from.

It can be a scary situation and sometimes one that makes you feel quite hopeless.

Let me briefly share with you my experience in the healthcare field. My name is Scott McLeod and I am a licensed pharmacist with a Bachelor of Science in General Biology and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. I have worked as a registered pharmacist in a large retail pharmacy.

As a pharmacist, you learn very quickly how common and problematic constipation is among people, no matter what walk of life you come from. It seems to be public enemy number one.

I have counseled hundreds of patients, offering them advice to help relieve their constipation. But it seemed like starting that conversation was almost always next to impossible. Many could barely look me in the eye as they fumbled for the words to communicate what they were experiencing. I often helped them complete their prayer and request for help. It is difficult to approach someone to ask for help with something so personal. You could feel and see the…

I immediately tried to reassure them. This very common symptom is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a problem that affects millions of people and it is not our fault. Most of us are NOT AWARE of how easy it is to get rid of constipation now and FOREVER.

My patients and I would discuss the specific circumstances of their constipation and then discuss the best solutions for them. There was no greater reward than having a patient come back and offer sincere thanks for the relief they received by following my advice.

Through my experience, I have learned that every individual is different. What works great for most does not work at all for others. Some come back with no relief and we determine a better solution for them. We all have a unique body with different chemistry, physiology and medical history.

It’s amazing how much you learn on the job solving such diverse and unique patient medical problems, and even more amazing, how much you learn just by talking to patients. Sometimes when you were offering advice, a patient would chime in and say, “Oh, that reminds me, you know what else works really well?” and then tell you about some weird folk remedy or quirky solution that had worked for them in the past.

Now, before you recommend these remedies as a pharmacist, you must use your extensive training, available resources, and professional judgment to ensure that they are not harmful. Once you have done this, if they seem reasonable to you, you typically try them yourself or perhaps suggest them to a friend or family member who has run out of traditional options. Through this process and by talking to other pharmacists, you begin to build up your library of natural remedies. It is largely through this process and my unique knowledge that I have been able to create this fail-safe, step-by-step plan that guarantees you fast, safe relief from constipation.

This plan uses a strategically organized and ordered combination of the safest and most effective natural remedies for constipation. Each strategy is carefully researched to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Each remedy builds on the previous one and helps the next.

The plan takes into account human physiology, anatomy, nutrition, metabolic needs and deficiencies and utilizes specific dietary remedies and the often neglected but extremely powerful “mechanical remedies.”

All of these have been carefully planned and refined to bring you the most powerful and synergistic constipation relief plan that will relieve you from even the most persistent constipation episodes in as little as 15 minutes and less than 24 hours.

This isn’t just a long, detailed list of natural remedies that you’ll have to read for hours and debate over which one you think will work best for you. This is a specific, well-outlined plan.

Depending on the condition your digestive system is currently in, you may achieve relief almost immediately or by the end of the next day. THE GOOD NEWS is that you will feel relieved and much better within 24 hours. Many people achieve relief after the initial stage or “Phase 1,” but we know that each person is different. This plan has been carefully created with that important principle in mind; it is prepared to face even the worst possible scenario.

Everything used in this plan comes from nature. No harmful laxatives are used. People who have used them swear that they work BETTER than over the counter laxatives.

This is a ready-made plan to tackle even the most severe constipation. I guarantee you a 100% money back guarantee and that you will experience relief in 24 hours or less.

All the guesswork has been taken out of the plan section of the book. This is an easy to use STEP BY STEP PLAN…not just a complicated medical encyclopedia on constipation that you have to choose from. I appreciate that your time is important.

The small upfront cost of my plan will pay for itself over and over again, saving you hundreds of dollars that you would have spent later on doctor visits and prescription treatments.

My plan saves you the time and trouble of having to search the Internet or other books. I have already spent months researching and combining my knowledge. Now you have a guaranteed action plan.

By addressing this problem now and then preventing future episodes, you can stop the avalanche of medical complications that commonly arise from chronic constipation and poor digestive health.

To start, you can simply go to the supermarket and buy simple items that you don’t have on hand. You’re going to spend money on these foods anyway.

The plan is so safe and natural that even pregnant women can use it.

This comprehensive plan was carefully created and guaranteed for safety and effectiveness by me, former retail pharmacist and creator of, Dr. Scott McLeod, PharmD.

This is not a cheap eBook that a novice created in a day like those you see on other sites on the Internet. I invested my hard-earned money in having the book professionally designed and laid out to bring you a better product.

I am so confident that this plan will eliminate your constipation forever! I guarantee that if you follow this plan to the letter, you will get relief from constipation FAST. And even if for some strange reason you don’t succeed (you will), I will promptly and courteously refund all of your hard-earned money. No hassles, no hassles. I don’t want to be stuck with money I haven’t earned.

I know that once you relieve your constipation and feel like a MILLION DOLLAR, you’ll want to feel that way forever. This report explains everything you need to know about the digestive system, constipation, and how to maintain bowel regularity in one simple, condensed, easy-to-read guide. It also contains 43 additional natural remedies, foods, drinks, exercises, techniques, and supplements that will eliminate constipation forever and keep you bowel regular FOR LIFE!

The great thing about this plan is that all the items you’ll need to put in your shopping basket will simply be made up of healthy foods and discreet items. You won’t have to feel embarrassed about what you bring to the checkout.

As I said before, I am so glad you found this website. I am confident that my plan and the additional resources are the answer to your problem. I worked hard to create this resource for you. I was determined to create a plan that would relieve constipation for anyone who used it. And I believe I have succeeded.

Personally, I invested a lot of my time, money, energy and life into joining the healthcare sector because I wanted to make a difference in people’s health and lives. And I believe this product will prove that this passion is still alive and kicking!

I wouldn’t create or endorse anything that I wasn’t proud of and that would certainly be worth more than its price. I can proudly say that the value of this resource I’ve created for you is worth far more than the price of admission.

My greatest satisfaction comes from helping people like you feel better and live happier, healthier lives.

Email: [email protected]


ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Methods to Plan Your Fb Commercials Funds (And Make The Greatest Have an effect on)

If budgeting stresses you out, we’ve got such a lot in common, my friend.

Whether or not or now not it’s a per thirty days recreational budget or a Facebook Ads budget, ensuring you allocate most simple what you’ll have the ability to manage to pay for and get necessarily essentially the most to your money is a large number of pressure.

Spending recklessly will have long-term consequences on a business’ profitability.

Alternatively thankfully, Fb Promoting has a ravishing excellent popularity for return when treated appropriately.

In line with analysis via WordStream, the standard conversion worth in Facebook Ads for lead gen campaigns during primary industries is 8.25%.

With doable get right to use to over 3 billion per 30 days energetic customers, those numbers don’t seem to be anything else to scoff at.

Alternatively what will have to your Facebook Ads budget in reality seem to be? Let’s run the numbers and discuss tips on how to set the most productive budget to your targets.

Table of Contents

What is a smart budget for Facebook Ads?

A excellent Facebook Ads budget is a never-ending one. Enlargement. Next question.

I’m kidding, actually. Alternatively a marketer can dream, correct?

To be totally candid, Fb Promoting is complicated. Doing it successfully involves finding out the ever-evolving alternatives, interface, and setup process.

On best of that, the prices of ads are dynamic. So what they rate as you be told this might be only different tomorrow.

I’m no Facebook Ads skilled, on the other hand Founder and VP of Promoting of B2B Rizz Tim Davidson is. I worked with them to provide you with necessarily essentially the most proper information and a couple of insider tips.

Davidson confirmed that what qualifies as an affordable Facebook Ads budget will depend on your targets, audience, bidding methodology, and even the time of year. “In case you have a large audience, for instance, that you must probably spend infinite,” he outlined.

The ones are all parts that can drive the cost of Facebook Ads up or down. That’s why it’s essential to have a well-thought-out Fb Promoting technique faster than deciding what choice of bucks to place in the back of them.

In case you have that, you’ll have the ability to in reality get started with Facebook Selling for as little as $1 a day. Arduous to believe that can make a difference for your corporation, correct? Alternatively it will if truth be told.

Let me explain:

Facebook bills advertisers in line with an auction instrument where ads “compete” for impressions in line with bid and serve as. (To be truthful, there’s such a lot to it, so that you’ll have the ability to dive deeper on their web site.)

Alternatively in simple words, you’re most simple charged for the choice of clicks or impressions your ad in reality received. In numerous words, rate consistent with click on on (CPC) and worth consistent with mile (CPM), or the fee consistent with 1,000 impressions.

For campaigns billed by the use of CPM, the minimal funds for a Facebook ad is $1 consistent with day. The minimum beneficial budget for CPC is $5 consistent with day.

Let’s assume you’re interested in building awareness with impressions at the side of your day-to-day $1 as an example. In line with RevealBot, the standard CPM on Facebook is not too long ago $8.45 for 2024. So, what choice of impressions can your budget get you?

graphic depicting daily impressions formula for Facebook Ads

Your estimated choice of impressions consistent with day will also be calculated using the formula:

(Day by day budget x 1000) / CPM

If the standard CPM is $8.45 and also you’ve were given a $1 day-to-day budget, that suggests:

($1 x 1000) / $8.45 Impressions consistent with day = ~118.34 Impressions consistent with day

To sum it all up, with a day-to-day budget of $1 and a median CPM of $8.45, you’ll have the ability to expect a median of 118 impressions consistent with day or 43,070 impressions consistent with year.

That’s not too shabby for the ground conceivable ad spend. So clearly, what’s thought to be a “excellent” budget is further of a range than a single amount.

Listed below are another rate benchmarks to bear in mind as you’re planning:

  • The moderate CPC in Facebook Ads for lead gen campaigns during all industries is $1.92. This translated to a median rate consistent with lead (CPL) in a leads advertising and marketing marketing campaign during all industries of $23.10.
  • Revealbot came upon the standard CPC in lead campaigns in 2024 prior to now to be about $1.50, while CPL during all campaigns is $8.45.

Facebook Ads Worth Calculator

Skilled tip: Need help calculating your Facebook Ads budget? Use our ads calculator.

The free HubSpot Promoting ROI Calculator will let you understand how so much you’ll have the ability to expect to make from Facebook Ads in step with your provide or estimated spending.

In turn, you’ll have the ability to evaluation whether or not or now not you need to spend more or less to achieve your monetary targets.

Screenshot of results from HubSpot’s Ad Budget Calculator

Simply enter your Facebook ad budget, reach, and other comparable information, and the calculator will do the remaining.

Parts That Affect Your Facebook Ads Budget

As we’ve noticed prior to now, Facebook Ads budgets don’t will have to be massive to be environment friendly — on the other hand they will have to be thought out.

Previous than we get into exactly tips on how to set your budget, let’s loop once more spherical to the problems we mentioned earlier that can have an effect on your rate: targets, audience, bidding methodology, and time of year.

After getting an working out of the ones, you’ll be upper supplied to artwork with the numbers.


Screenshot showing some of the goal options in Facebook Ads

Symbol Supply

What you hope to achieve at the side of your Facebook Ads can intently affect how so much the platform charges you. Objectives can also get to the bottom of whether or not or now not you’re charged by the use of clicks or impressions.

Probably the most important targets Facebook supplies include:

  • Get further messages
  • Get further engagement
  • Get further leads
  • Get further calls
  • Get further internet web site visitors

Identical helpful useful resource: The Fb Advert Sorts: Methods to Select the Easiest Advert Sort for Your Targets

Impressions are usually associated with targets related to increasing brand awareness or coming into front of recent other people.

Within the intervening time, clicks are easiest imaginable when you’re searching for to get somebody to take action, like setting up your app, filling out a type, or visiting your internet web site.

Further sales-focused targets (i.e. generating a lead) generally tend to value more than impressions or clicks. And that is good taking into consideration they’re of higher worth to your corporation.

Advertising marketing campaign vs. Ad Set

Don’t let words like “advertising and marketing marketing campaign” or “ad set” confusion you on the platform.

An ad set is simply a group of various ads that you’re running. A number of ads that proportion settings for some way, when, and where to run. Moreover they proportion a specific budget, audience, placements, and bidding. 

A advertising and marketing marketing campaign is a choice of a couple of ad devices operating in opposition to the equivalent goal or objection. Be informed extra about how they paintings in combination from Fb. 


Who you are trying to reach can also have an effect on how so much you’ll spend on Facebook Ads. For instance, enthusiastic about a really populated the town, specific age, or hobby can drive costs up or down.

This all will depend on how in name for they’re with other advertisers.

Facebook has two main approaches to opting for an target market to your ads: massive and specific.

  • Huge audiences are massive nets Facebook develops in line with what it’s conscious about about you and your offering, and Facebook refines them through the years. This is a excellent approach in case you are not sure who you need to reach.
  • Specific audiences are audiences built spherical the details you provide. They can include customized audiences and lookalike audiences.

When you’re going for impressions, an enormous audience will also be a good idea. Alternatively if you’re looking for leads or product sales, you’ll want to get specific.

Like enthusiastic about a purchaser character versus a typical market, a specific audience on Facebook Ads is a lot more more likely to get you qualified engagement and leads.

This usually means the following rate consistent with click on on, on the other hand the prime quality will also be worth it. (We’ll dig deeper into this a little bit further later.)

Bidding Methodology

Keep in mind that auction instrument Facebook charges in line with? Within it, the company supplies 5 types of bidding strategies that fall into 3 categories.

I know — This such a lot, on the other hand this chart illustrates it successfully:

Chat from WordStream explaining the different types of Facebook Ad Bidding Strategies.

Symbol Supply

Spend-based bidding makes a speciality of spending your entire budget and getting necessarily essentially the most out of it.

It does this by the use of each turning in your ad to a large audience (perfect quantity bidding) or a smaller on the other hand further qualified audience (perfect price bidding).

With the ones alternatives, Facebook automatically makes bid adjustments for you.

Facebook moreover automatically adjusts goal-based bidding, on the other hand with this feature, you focal point on achieving a specific target conversion worth or impressions amount you put.

You’ll be in a position to choose from a cost-per-result target or ROAS target (return on ad spend) within this elegance.

In any case, information bidding allows you to utterly control how so much you bid during your ad auctions through a bid cap.

In step with Facebook, a bid cap is where you, the advertiser, “set the maximum bid during auctions, reasonably than allow Facebook to bid dynamically in line with your rate or worth targets.”

“[It] is meant for advertisers who’ve an impressive working out of predicted conversion fees and can calculate the most productive bid.”

In step with my research, no one bidding methodology is further affordable than the next, on the other hand your selection can raise or lower prices along with your ads’ other specifics.

Time of 12 months

You don’t will have to be a marketer to remember the fact that other people retailer further at different circumstances of the year.

The cost of Facebook Ads is based intently on pageant. So if further people are searching for to advertise when you are, you’ll have the ability to expect to spend further.

All through the highest of the year holidays, for instance, you’ll have the ability to expect to spend more than you could if you ran them all over the place the summer time. Facebook Ads traditionally skyrocket in price all over the place that time.

Now that you recognize one of the most higher parts that can affect your Facebook Ads costs, how so much will have to you spend on Facebook ads?

How so much will have to I spend on Facebook Ads?

Graphic listing 4 steps to follow to set you facebook ads budget

I can’t reiterate enough: Facebook Ads are tough. You’ll have the ability to definitely set the inexpensive, on the other hand until you’re in reality throughout the instrument, it can be difficult to know the way your bucks will be allocated.

Davidson recommends basing your budget in your targets and using an estimate for elements like your rate consistent with purchaser, selection, and sale. Then, you’ll have the ability to artwork backward from there.

Learn how to Set Your Facebook Ads Budget

With that all over ideas, proper right here’s a very simplified process for environment an approximate your Facebook Ads budget.

1. Identify your goal.

2. Ask yourself if this may most likely be CPC or CPM?

3. Use the present averages of CPC or CPM to estimate your doable results.

4. Regulate until your results suit your targets.

This will have to be your budget. From proper right here, go into the Facebook platform. Make adjustments in step with bidding methodology and audience.

To learn to in reality prepare your budget during the Facebook Ads interface, check out our article, “Methods to Run Fb Commercials: Step-by-Step Information to Promoting on Fb.”

Skilled tip: Get began with enough to permit experimentation.

Davidson details, “You will have to get began with the inexpensive that can give you enough data to be told from and optimize. $1,000 for low price ticket items and $5,000 for higher price ticket items is a smart place to start out out for a check out budget.”

Pointers for Getting the Most Out of Your Facebook Ads Budget

Firms need to spend money to make money, as they’re announcing. Alternatively that doesn’t indicate you’ll have the ability to’t prioritize getting necessarily essentially the most bang to your dollar at the equivalent time. (And admittedly, this deal-seeking couponer received’t allow you to.)

Huge or small, listed below are six tips that can assist you get necessarily essentially the most out of your Facebook Ads budget.

1. Boost posts which may well be already performing successfully.

“Boosted” Posts on Facebook were first of all made in your internet web page or timeline as herbal content material subject matter on the other hand then promoted to a larger audience using Facebook Ads.

They’re an easy option to get important present content material subject matter in front of additional other people — and really merely get further out of the artwork you’ve already completed.

Is a put up in your Facebook internet web page getting a large number of engagement or clicks? Recall to mind that as a a good fortune experiment proving your audience enjoys that content material subject matter. It most likely has great doable to perform successfully as an ad.

2. Narrow your audience.

Getting further specific and house of pastime at the side of your audience is inbound advertising 101. Narrowing your audience focuses a lot much less on merely getting other people to look your ad, and further on getting the most productive other people to look it.

For instance, let’s say you run a internet web site that sells dog grooming services and products in New York The city. This means you will have to target other people aged 18+ throughout the New York The city metropolitan space who show hobby in “Petco” and “Barkbox” over simply people who are living in New York The city, age 18+.

You’ll have the ability to see a real-life example in this ad I were given right here during from retailer Shein.

Screenshot of a Facebook Ad from Shein.

Clicking “Why am I seeing this ad?”, I can see Shein opted to concentrate on shoppers who’ve their gender set to female, are between ages 35 and 44, and have their location set to the us.

Example of the “why I’m seeing this ad” pop up on Facebook, explaining how Shein targeted a Facebook Ad

Alternatively they don’t prevent there. They refine even further in line with my procedure — previous interactions with pages and posts about apparel, foods & drinks, and events.

Example of the “why I’m seeing this ad” pop up on Facebook, explaining how Shein targeted a Facebook Ad

This way is smart as a result of it’s serving to make sure that those most serious about their ad will see it.

For additonal house of pastime audiences, your CPC or CPM will most likely building up. Alternatively those who do click on on or see the ad are much more qualified to your offering and, in turn, a lot more most likely to buy from you.

Learn further about Facebook Ad enthusiastic about in our article, “Methods to Make the Easiest of Fb Advert Concentrated on, In line with HubSpot’s Paid Advert Specialist.

Skilled tip: Use “Lookalike” Audiences.

Lookalike audiences are groups which may well be similar to people who have reworked in your content material subject matter or bought from you in the past.

They can include people who are similar to your email correspondence file, similar to internet web site visitors, shoppers, video target audience, Facebook lovers, and further.

The ones help do away with the guesswork fascinated by working out what traits to concentrate on at the side of your ads, using data to show which ones give you the most productive choices.

3. Observe and reduce your ad frequency.

I feel like no one talks about it anymore, on the other hand “banner blindness” is still alive and successfully. This is the idea that internet web site visitors generally tend to expand one of those selective attention, where they omit about any information supply as a banner or ad on a internet web site.

They do this unconsciously or consciously, in particular within the match that they’re exposed to the equivalent ad time and again. Facebook recognizes this, so it calculates and tracks your ad “frequency.”

Frequency is calculated as impressions divided by the use of reach.

The tech massive notes that monitoring your frequency is important to ensure your ads aren’t being noticed too continuously in a single advertising and marketing marketing campaign and your audience isn’t experiencing advert fatigue.

If your frequency is most sensible and impressions or clicks are low, that’s a ravishing excellent sign that your provide ads aren’t operating and likewise you’re not getting necessarily essentially the most out of your budget.

The tech massive advises, “If potency begins to drop as your frequency numbers rise, your audience is also experiencing ad fatigue, and it may be sensible to switch your ad inventive or enthusiastic about.”

Check out the ones assets for additonal steerage on tips on how to toughen your ad inventive:

Speaking of inventive …

4. Optimize your inventive with A/B checking out.

Checking out is excellent advice for any promoting endeavor, on the other hand it can be in particular valuable with Facebook Ads.

“Creative has turn into the variable for just right fortune with Facebook Ads,” shared Davidson when asked for his easiest imaginable advice for ads just right fortune.

“[Facebook’s] algorithm is really tough, so the enthusiastic about isn’t as make-or-break as it was once. It’s now inventive, inventive, inventive. Check out as many various kinds of inventive and messaging. And whilst you get began seeing data, pause what’s not operating, spend on what’s, and continue to test to hunt out further of what’s operating.”

Screenshot of the A/B testing feature in Facebook Ads.

Symbol Supply

Facebook has A/B checking out built directly into the platform. We part tips on how to use it on this article.

Skilled tip: Fb permits you to A/B take a look at inventive, however as well as ad placement. Experimenting with every will mean you can find necessarily essentially the most successful and worth environment friendly combinations longer term.

5. Don’t sleep on retargeting.

Like lookalike audiences, retargeting allows you to get in front of necessarily essentially the most qualified doable buyers at the side of your Facebook Ads.

Identical helpful useful resource: What Is Retargeting? How To Set Up an Advert Retargeting Marketing campaign

Retargeting uses the “Meta pixel” to track buyer habits between your internet web site and the social media platform.

That means you’ll have the ability to target those shoppers on Facebook with ads related to pages they’ve visited in your internet web site or actions they’ve taken. That is serving to make the ads truly really feel further custom designed and comparable.

The additional comparable your ads are, the a lot more most likely people are to have interaction.

For instance, take this retargeting ad I got from the meal-delivery company Factor_.

Example of a retargeting Facebook Ad from Factor_

Working out I’ve tried their supplier on the other hand am not too long ago deactivated, they targeted me with an ad to return and take advantage of a deal.

What behaviors will have to you retarget? Some ideas include:

  • Abandoned carts
  • Landing internet web page submissions
  • Demo or pricing internet web page visits

6. Create a continuing experience.

If your goal is to generate guests or leads, you need to verify your Facebook ad is in line with the whole thing the individual will experience after they click on on through.

We’re talking headline, call-to-action, offer, imagery, and even design.

Graphic showing how to create consistency in a Facebook Ad experience.

Symbol Supply

Why is consistency so important? Well, you don’t want your ad to seem to be a bait and switch.

In numerous words, you don’t want other people to click on on through expecting to get one thing, then be met with something else and soar off your web site without taking movement.

This is a frustrating experience for the individual and a waste of a click on on in your ads budget.

If somebody clicks on an ad about buying a specific computer, they will have to be taken to a internet web page that allows them to be informed further and in reality achieve that computer.

Within the match that they click on on on an ad for a free data on flying cars, they will have to be taken to a landing internet web page to procure that data.

Probably the most the most important best possible tactics to create this consistent experience is to create devoted touchdown pages for every of your Fb Commercials.

Put your budget where your buyer is.

With with reference to 40% of the sphere’s population full of life on Facebook, there’s an excellent chance your target audience is among them. Alternatively that doesn’t indicate you will have to get began spending on ads haphazardly.

Take the steps, tips, and assets shared in this article to start out out planning your Facebook Ads budget as it should be and get the very most out of it.

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Product Name: Unlock my spine

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is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Q: When will I receive my Unlock Your Spine program?

A: You will receive the physical components of your order, such as the DVD and spinal aligner, within 5-7 business days. However, the exact time depends on where you live.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wait 5 to 7 days to end your agony.

Because you will receive instant access to the digital version of Unlock Your Spine along with bonuses as soon as you place your order.

Q: How long will it take until I start seeing results with Unlock Your Spine?

A: Most people who try Rick’s routine at Unlock Your Spine say they feel instant relief. I’ve seen people on the verge of tears during the first stretch.

That being said, the more you practice these moves, the longer the benefits will last. That’s why I recommend you stick with the program for at least 30 days.

Q: I am over 60. What if I can’t do the Unlock Your Spine movements?

A: I completely understand your concern, but I have great news for you…

Rick designed the routine so you can eliminate your back pain, no matter your age, how severe your pain is, or how active you are.

So don’t worry. This program is safe and beginner-friendly!

Just in case, we also included adjustments for those who are unable to perform certain movements.

Q: I have a special condition. Will Unlock Your Spine work for me?

A: Remember that the main cause of back pain is a misaligned spine, which leads to other problems such as herniated discs, nerve compression, etc.

Since Unlock Your Spine was carefully designed to put your spine into perfect alignment, it will help eliminate your back pain at its source.

Of course, this is not intended to replace professional medical advice. You should always consult with your doctor if you have an injury, diagnosis, or are following a specific treatment plan.

Q: Do I need any equipment to start using Unlock Your Spine?

With your purchase of Unlock Your Spine you will receive your very own Spine Aligner tool completely free.

You won’t need any additional equipment.

Q: What if I have a busy schedule? Can I still do Unlock Your Spine?

A: As a busy mom with a hectic work schedule, I know it can be impossible to find time during the day.

That’s why Rick stripped away all the extraneous stuff to create a 10-minute routine you can do from your living room.

Between you and me, you could even do it in 5 minutes if you’re in a hurry.

Q: How is Unlock Your Spine different from other solutions?

A: Most solutions only provide temporary relief as they do not address the root cause of back pain: a misaligned spine.

Rick designed Unlock Your Spine to align your spine and END back pain in less than 10 minutes a day.

In addition, its special sequence unlocks every part of the spine until the pain is gone forever.

Q: What if Unlock Your Spine doesn’t work for me?

A: We are so confident that Unlock Your Spine will eliminate your back pain that we give you a full 60 days to try the program.

If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason, simply email our support team to request a refund. We will refund every penny immediately, no questions asked.

Q: How do I get started with Unlock Your Spine?

A: It couldn’t be easier.

Simply click the “Add to Cart” button below the video to claim the Unlock Your Spine DVD, digital downloads, spine aligner, and your 2 free bonuses.

“I truly feel like back pain stole my life. I’m only 54, but I felt like I was 74. I was in incredible pain every time I moved, sat down, or even walked. So of course I had to stop running, which made me gain a few pounds.

Then I found out about Unlock Your Spine. I was very skeptical until I tried their technique and felt INSTANT relief. I mean the pain was gone. Now, I have my normal life back. I run, play golf on the weekends, and smile more. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want you to know that you are changing lives.”

“Hey, I just want to record this video and say thank you, Rick and Tonya. I couldn’t even bend over to do laundry without screaming in pain. In bed, I was staring at the ceiling because my back pain was keeping me up all night. Which meant I was exhausted and started yelling at my wife, which wasn’t fun for anyone.

“After trying Unlock Your Spine, I was amazed at how quickly it relieved my back. I have no pain now. I sleep like a baby. And if I ever feel a twinge in my back, I simply do Unlock Your Spine for a few minutes and my back feels better instantly.”

“Unlock Your Spine is a life saver. I hurt my back after moving heavy boxes in the warehouse for over 8 years. I was literally laying on the floor because I couldn’t move. I thought I was going to be fired for calling in so many times. I tried every stretch on YouTube and nothing worked.

But I swear after the first Unlock Your Spine stretch, I felt a knot unravel and a warm feeling radiate from my lower back and hips. Thanks to you, I’m back at work. And my coworkers ask me how I feel so energized.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should conduct your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice through this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe the sale of this product by ClickBank as an endorsement by ClickBank of the opinions expressed herein, or as a guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

The testimonials, case studies and examples found on this page are results that have been sent to us by users of Unlock Your Spine and related products and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

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© 2024 Unlock your spine.

Discover a simple NASA “Spinal Alignment” technique to eliminate back pain in just 10 minutes… without painkillers, creams or doctor visits.

Click here to get Unlock my spine

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Unlock my spine

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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