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The Multiple Sclerosis Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: The Multiple Sclerosis Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

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The Multiple Sclerosis Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


The worst day of my life was finding out that I had multiple sclerosis… and that I’d get physically and mentally worse for the rest of my life.

When my symptoms went into reverse, I regained my physical and mental health – and my MS specialist had to admit they’d got it wrong.

My multiple sclerosis story ended very happily. Yours will too.

Watch the video below to learn how…

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I’d heard of it – but I wasn’t sure what it meant. So I just said ‘Okay, what’s that?’

And then my doctor told me. And I was utterly devastated by it.

He explained more about what multiple sclerosis – MS – actually was and it slowly dawned on me: there’s no good news here. None at all.

Instead, a life of deterioration, of relapses, each one worse than the other – and no hope of ever getting better. A process that was, in fact, already under way.

I’d been steadily getting ill for years. My memory had been declining, I was forgetting words. My focus was poor and I often became confused.

And I was always so tired.

I actually thought those other problems were caused by the tiredness.

I just need to stop being so worn out, I told myself. Then everything will be okay.

But once I started losing my balance when walking… I knew things weren’t okay. That day I fell over was a real turning point. It’s why I went to the doctor in the first place.

The specialist confirmed it was MS. He told me it gets steadily worse and there’s no way to stop it.

The end game? Too awful to relive here. The loss of speech, the loss of movement, the loss of memory. In the end, the loss of independence and dignity.

One loss after another, just sitting around waiting for it to get slowly worse and worse.

Of course, I now know he was wrong about all of that. None of this is likely to happen now.

Instead, what was getting steadily worse went into reverse and got steadily better. I went back to work last year and I’m enjoying my life once again. But if I hadn’t acted it could have been so different.

The doctor said I’d probably have some years before I became incapable of self-care – but that was a ‘probably’. If each relapse of my MS was significantly worse than the other… then things could turn nasty very quickly.

I worried about myself. But I worried about my husband, my growing children, my elderly parents… What was this spiteful illness going to put them through?

I even worried about my dog.

But what upset me most was my specialist’s attitude that once you’ve been diagnosed with MS that’s it, it’s all over for you. For them, making you better isn’t an option. Their job is to manage your decline.

But I was panicking. I read about multiple sclerosis success stories where the sufferer had almost miraculous turnarounds.

Mostly diet-led, a few lucky individuals were able to reverse their worst symptoms. One famous case saw a wheelchair bound MS sufferer cast aside her wheelchair and take up jogging, of all things.

Of course, we only hear about the handful of genuine success stories. These people – which include doctors – relied on some knowledge and lots of guesswork.

Their approach was mostly experimental. Hundreds of people try the same thing and get nowhere.

But they proved one thing: MS is not the life sentence we’re told it is. It’s treatable.

Today we know a lot more about MS. To properly tackle its causes requires a very specific three-pronged attack.

Tackle your MS from these three angles and the illness is going to take an entirely different route. Here’s how.

I found this out completely by chance. Some years ago, on an old multiple sclerosis forum a man called Toby was describing how his own MS symptoms were steadily going away.

He’d had MS for 12 years and was once in a terrible condition. Desperation had caused him to try everything. Now he’d found something that actually worked – and he shouted about it from the rooftops.

Some people were sceptical but I heard him out. And I kept tabs on him for a while until the forum shut down. But what he told me turned out to be true. And what I learned subsequently changed my life.

Let me tell you about it now.

Much of what Toby said has since turned out to be medically proven.

These are the three factors that reversed his MS – and which eventually did exactly the same for mine.

First, you’re probably aware that MS is caused by a runaway immune system that just isn’t switching off.

The immune system creates inflammatory agents that course through the body attacking both unwanted foreign particles and toxins – which is good – but also healthy tissue.

For MS sufferers the inflammation is wearing away at the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects the nerves.

And this is a serious problem because that myelin sheath is supposed to keep our nerves efficient and safe.

But as inflammation wears the sheath away, lesions and scarring occurs. That scarring disrupts the movement of nerve signals throughout the body – and within the brain itself. The damage is widespread and ongoing.

It gets harder for our brain and body to communicate. We start to see typical symptoms of MS: memory failure, difficulty focusing, heavy fatigue, loss of balance, difficulty coordinating movement… you know the kind of thing.

For as long as inflammation is constantly attacking our nerves’ protective myelin sheath we will always have MS. Inflammation is our first problem to resolve.

Of course, the body can repair damaged myelin sheath – and it does. But once inflammation’s ability to destroy it exceeds our body’s ability to repair it… we’re fighting a losing battle.

That’s the second problem.

Restoring the myelin sheath requires lots of energy from our body’s cells – way more energy than those cells are used to supplying.

If we’ve got MS the damage to the nerves is never-ending – and our struggling cells cannot generate enough ‘repair energy’ to ever complete the job.

Put bluntly, the repair cells are exhausted. They can never catch up with the damage that MS is causing.

Third, as well as energy, the repair of damaged myelin requires specific raw materials. Repair obviously can’t be done from thin air and it’s the food we eat that supplies the materials for the rebuilding of damaged myelin.

The problem is that the standard western diet just doesn’t provide enough repair nutrients.

But if we eat plenty of the right food the myelin certainly can be repaired. And if the inflammation has also been handled then the myelin sheath stays repaired.

Instead of managing symptoms – which is all my MS specialist ever tried to do – we can directly address what’s causing MS in the first place. We need to:

As Toby was finding out then – and I can confirm now – we already know how to handle all three of these steps.

And it applies no matter how your MS shows up. Toby’s MS was what’s known as ‘primary progressive’. He didn’t have relapses and remissions. He just slowly got worse and worse.

Until, one day, he started getting better and better.

Whereas I had ‘relapsing-remitting’ MS – periods of steady, unchanging symptoms followed by horrible, upsetting flare-ups. When the symptoms finally steadied they were noticeably worse than they had been before.

Either way, it’s MS. If we address all the factors that make us ill then we prove the doctors wrong and everything changes for the better. Which is exactly what we do.

By the way, every specialist I spoke to told me: there’s no MS gene and MS isn’t hereditary.

There might be an array of genes that make MS a little more likely in a person. Maybe.

But my specialist told me two important things:

First, identical twins have extremely similar genes, so if one twin gets MS, you’d expect the other stands a much higher chance of getting it too. But the statistics show the second twin has no more chance of getting MS than anyone else.  So the genes effect is weak or non-existent.

Second, whether there’s a genes effect or not, genes at most only increase the possibility of MS. To actually have MS you have to be exposed to the ‘risk factors’ of MS before those genes come into play.

And here’s where the reality of MS hits us.

MS doesn’t pop into existence out of thin air. Something causes it.

‘Risk factors for MS’ are the set of circumstances that have to exist in your body in order for MS to happen. You get MS because you have the risk factors for MS.

If you don’t have the risk factors you simply cannot have the disease.

What I found shocking was that medical science’s long list of multiple sclerosis risk factors – things that will cause MS – contain almost nothing but lifestyle habits and choices.

I thought MS would be caused by some crazy malfunction in the body somewhere. Some weakness in my brain or spinal cord or a chance breakdown in some vital organ. Not so. In fact, at its root, the causes are very ordinary.

MS comes from things we do and choices we make in our everyday life habits. Lifestyle choices provoke the immune system – the immune system then causes the runaway inflammation that’s decimating our nerves.

Tragically, we’re literally giving ourselves the disease – and we don’t even know we’re doing it.

Scientists and medical researchers agree that what makes the immune system go wrong – and so causes all that inflammation – are mostly environmental and habitual. Such as:

When immune systems go wrong there’s a cause. A combination of the above factors is where all the problems start.

So what we’re doing in our ordinary lives is maintaining those causes. All those errors that we didn’t know we were making… we’re still making them. So MS carries on as before.

If we corrected those errors one at a time… if we were to swap out the damaging activities and behaviours for ones that do not support the existence of MS

….what would happen to the MS that they were causing?

Remember, I didn’t need drugs and meds to get MS. Instead, I had to lead a normal, everyday western life and just get a few small but important things wrong along the way.

If meds didn’t cause MS then they aren’t going to correct it either. We need to reverse what’s causing MS instead.

And it works. Not just for a few high profile doctors but for ordinary people like me who have regained sight, the ability to walk properly, energy and mental health – having originally lost it to the ravages of MS.

Toby learned how to treat his MS from a program written by a lady called Jodi Knapp.

Jodi is well-known for her pioneering health work and has an enviable reputation for reversing chronic diseases – simply by paying strict attention to what’s actually causing them in the first place.

I got a copy of her program – it’s called ‘The Multiple Sclerosis Solution’.

In a series of phases Jodie explains how to handle the inflammation that’s destroying my nerves – and then how to supply the cells with the energy and nutrients needed to repair and restore them.

You move through each phase carefully. When you can feel the improvement at one phase… move on to the next. .

Stay in the current phase until you know you’ve improved and then move gradually to the next. It’s gentle, straightforward – and effective.

This phase is very easy but so important. It’s focused on two elements:

settling the immune system and reducing inflammation

getting the body into a fit healing state

The first part of settling the immune system is to restore our gut health. Our gut turns the nutrients in food into the chemicals the body needs to function properly. Most westerners have fairly poor – or plain awful – gut health.

If the gut isn’t doing that properly then, over the years, the body slowly starts to malfunction.

In particular, a weakened gut lining leads to ‘leaky gut syndrome’ – a highly inflammatory condition in which particles of food escape into the bloodstream, causing the immune system to switch on to attack them.

This common gut condition is a primary cause of a permanently ‘on’ immune system – and therefore the chronic inflammation that creates MS.

It’s not the only source of chronic inflammation that Jodi addresses – but it’s such a major one that we deal with it from day one.

In Phase 1 we also introduce the repair energy and nutrients the body needs to start healing our damaged nerves.

The supplements are much cheaper than meds, have absolutely no side-effects and, later, at the end of the program they can be dropped altogether.

Is similar to phase 1 – I added a couple of extra supplements from my supermarket. I also had to reduce some of the other supplementation now it had done its job.

Phase 2 also goes a little deeper into handling the immune system and its never-ending inflammation.

That mainly involves identifying – and then removing – some of the domestic toxins that find their way into our bodies, firing up the immune system… and setting off that catastrophic tide of inflammation.

I spent some time looking at the long list of items in my house that caused my immune system to switch ‘on’ and create inflammation.

There’s lots! It’s shocking how so many ordinary household items directly provoke our immune systems.

I replaced a few household items that were direct sources of toxins for safer versions – which was easy. You stop buying x and start buying y. Replace an unhelpful habit with a helpful one.

After a couple of weeks you can literally feel in your body the benefits of making these simple changes.

Phase 2 also included some slow exercise movements coupled with deep breathing.

It’s vital we do this because movement – even the gentlest –  delivers nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body – and MS sufferers especially need to get nourishment to damaged nerves wherever they are.

The movement stuff was actually very nice. That was a surprise because I am naturally lazy – and MS left me tired most of the time. But it’s so gentle and the effect is so pleasant that once the habit is started I just kept doing it.

But what’s really important is that a relaxed mind and body is the ideal state for cell repair.

The breathing patterns were incredibly relaxing too. Tension and stress release hormones that work directly against cell repair. That deep relaxation was exactly what my drained, damaged nerve cells needed.

My food choices were expanded in this phase. They’d been a bit tight in phase 1 because we were so focused on getting the gut back into good health. But now the menu was much wider and I had lots of freedom to choose what to eat.

By Phase 3 inflammation is significantly reduced. For the first time in many years the nerves are no longer under such heavy attack – and so we go hell for leather now at rebuilding myelin and protecting those nerves.

As I entered phase 3 I was already feeling different. I’d been feeling steadily better over the previous weeks – more stable when walking, better balance and a whole lot less tired.

Officially, I was still ill. But now things were really starting to happen and my optimism was sky high.

Phase 3 featured another temporary increase in supplementation.

The idea is for the nerves to get back the protective myelin sheaths that MS had worn away.

This gradual return of those protective myelin sheaths will already have started in the earlier phases but now we’re picking up some supermarket vitamins to go heavier on rebuilding those shattered nerves.

After phase 3 I was walking properly and thinking clearly. I reduced supplements – a couple of good meals each day were now enough.

The ultimate victory was going back to work for the first time in 4 years. Every area of my life had improved beyond recognition but that was the point where I could honestly say I’ve finally got my life back.

My MS specialist, by the way, is delighted, impressed, a tiny bit disbelieving at how all this turned out! He’s also very happy for me.

My summary of the whole experience? Just pay attention to the program, follow the rules but also go easy on yourself and the improvements really do come.

Even though MS shows up in different people in different ways, its underlying causes are the same. There’s nothing special about what’s going on in the body. It’s just biology.

And biology is almost totally influenced by what we eat, the way we breathe and move, the nutrients we’re missing out on, the stresses we’re under, the household pollutants that we didn’t realise were doing so much harm…

These are the underlying causes of many western chronic diseases – MS included. Address them and your body cannot help but to change. Start removing the causes of MS and the damage they cause starts to fade away.

The time taken to see improvements varies according to the severity of your MS.

Improvement is always relative. People have corrected their MS to the extent that not only can they stop using a wheelchair but they can walk or trot  a couple of miles. They didn’t do it overnight – but they did it.

I never claim to have got rid of multiple sclerosis. But can I now walk, move and coordinate myself in ways I couldn’t before? Yes, I can.

Is my thinking, focus and memory now noticeably better than it has been for years? Definitely.

Do I go weeks, months and – now – years not really aware that I am an MS sufferer? You bet!

I’m not the first to be able to walk properly again, I won’t be the last. And you could be the next.

You can start the same program as I used today. Click here and they’ll send it to you in about 90 seconds!

My relationship with MS is entirely different today.

Of course, I wish I’d never got the disease in the first place. But that was out of my hands.

What I’m grateful for is that not only is it not getting worse but there are so many ways that it has become better.

Jodi showed me what to do to settle and calm the immune system, to substantially reduce inflammation and to give the body the energy and repair nutrients it needed to start undoing the awful effects of MS.

I followed her program… and it has paid off in ways I – and my doctors! – never dreamed possible.

Now it’s your turn. Become one of the thousands of people who are quietly turning around their illness in wholly natural and healthy ways. Click here, get Jodi’s program and start correcting your MS today.

If we don’t settle the inflammation that’s ravaging our nerves then our symptoms will get progressively worse.

That’s a medical certainty.

If we don’t supply the body with the building material and repair energy it needs to restore damaged nerve sheaths then those nerves are unprotected and vulnerable to attack and damage every second of the day.

The end game of MS is horrific. You already know how this can end for you – so I won’t labour the point.

The causes of my MS started years before I finally got my diagnosis. So did yours.

Which means that ravaging illness was already well underway once we found out we had it. Even though it’s a slowly progressing disease it’s imperative we address the problem now.

You can start the process of restoring your health, getting back your physical and mental capabilities in the next 90 seconds – by getting a copy of Jodi’s program and taking step 1 today.

Click here, they’ll send it to you right now and you can start your recovery today!

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NeuralExcellence: a new frontier in cognitive abilities.

Product Name: NeuralExcellence: a new frontier in cognitive abilities.

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NeuralExcellence: a new frontier in cognitive abilities.

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Now you may not be the hero – your buyer is

April Sunshine Hawkins is a facilitator of the StoryBrand workshop, keynote speaker, and co-host of the Promoting Made Simple podcast (which has 2 million downloads).

She helps companies simplify messaging and loves teaching industry leaders to leverage the StoryBrand framework to simplify what they need to say.

Continue to find his 3 tips on storytelling, selling what you like, and making the consumer the hero.

1. Drive with what you like.

If this sounds reasonably too similar to Liz Gilbert’s sermons in Devour, pray, lovesuffer with me; It relates to promotion and advertising.

Not “do what brings you some crucial money”… Just do something for the fun of it. Easy and simple.

“You wish to have to sell the products that send you one of the crucial emotions. Why do you push something you hate doing? Don’t do it,” Hawkins tells me.

“I know a large number of other people, particularly in the SME sector, who are in trouble because they have sponsored themselves to sell something that they don’t actually like selling,” he says.

This does not indicate that you want to avoid offering only these products, especially within the tournament that keeps the lights on.

On the other hand, while you care about what you’re selling, Hawkins says, your consumers can actually feel it. Lean into the stories or values ​​that most influence you, and you’ll be able to find yourself connecting more deeply with your target market.

Now how do I find a job discovering romantic comedies and eating frozen margins?

2. Your buyer is the hero. Not you anymore.

Hawkins sees that too many marketers position their emblem as heroes, and says it’s easily one of the biggest mistakes marketers can make.

“Everyone wakes up as the hero of their own story. Your consumers, the parents you strive to attract… The story will have to be about them.”

Simply put, you’re not Batman now: you’re Alfred.

Let’s take a modern example: Hawkins just worked with a jewelry brand that creates products in Malawi and pays its employees 3-5 times the minimum wage. Of course they wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Who wouldn’t do it now?

Then again Hawkins stepped in and realized that the brand shouldn’t be the hero. The patron is.

“We rewrote the sales campaign to ask, ‘How can the pieces help other people reach a fun milestone, like a promotion, an anniversary, a birthday?’

Impulsively, the jewels were not simply jewels; it has turned into a badge of the big (and small) moments in a shopper’s life.

Have you ever landed on an Internet web page and read the few main sentences and concepts, Wow, is there this particular person in my head? That’s the end game: making your consumers, in fact, actually feel like you understand them.

“When we can position our products in line with what our consumers feel, it creates that ‘ding, ding, ding’ 2nd: ‘This is me! This is for me!’” Hawkins says. “This is what we are looking for.”

3. Promotion is all about storytelling.

April Sunshine Hawkins is, for this reason, exactly what you would expect: vibrant, warm and exceptionally happy.

He also loves really good stories, which is why he works for a company (StoryBrand) this allows companies to refine their messages through the use of a framework provided.

“It’s just nice to have some structure to talk to, so if you end up saying, ‘Oh no, there’s a blinking cursor again.’ What should I say?’ You have a structure from which to start the artwork,” he tells me.

This is the idea of ​​information: as marketers, we won’t always have to reinvent the wheel. If the promotion and advertising are actually simply storytelling, then it’s very important to consider your message with the equivalent method by which you might write a unique: with a hero, a surmountable disadvantage, and a triumphant completion.

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14-Day Rapid Soup Diet —

Product Name: 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet —

Click here to get 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet — at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet — is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Women and men over 50 are buzzing about a new wave of weight-loss soups so powerful they take off up to 14 pounds every 14 days…

And a jean size in a single week.

Why do they work so well?

It’s a combination of the right ingredients that kill hunger…

Along with using the latest science to pack this convenient comfort food with nutrients that make belly fat melt faster.

Nutrients that most women and men over 50 aren’t getting nearly enough of.

Penn State University researchers found that the combination of solid foods in liquid tricks the body into feeling full about 400 calories sooner than normal.

If you do the math, that means you would lose about 41 pounds of extra weight this year without strict dieting or exercise.

Think of it like Mother Nature’s appetite suppressant.

Just imagine how your body would look, move and feel being 50 pounds lighter without you doing any real “work”.

However, I must warn you…

Not all soup, or soup diets, are created equal.

In fact, most don’t work because they focus on restricting calories or use the wrong ingredients, which triggers cravings and can lead to weight gain.

And most soups aren’t spiked with key nutrients that optimize fat-burning in the body after 50…

…when your hormones are drastically different than they were just a few years ago.

And she thought eating these new soups would be easiest because of her busy lifestyle.

When she craved comfort food, she had a bowl of soup.

Within days, pounds starting pouring off, motivating Jessica even more.

In the end, she went down from a size 18 to a size 10 without making any other changes to her diet.

Just remember, you can’t eat any old soup to get these kind of jaw-dropping results.

If nothing has ever worked for you before…

Maybe you’ve tried keto and low-carb diets…

Or maybe you’ve tried skipping meals and cutting way back on calories…

Or eating nothing but protein and veggies…

If none of those ever work for you, then you’re in luck…

Because if you can take a spoonful of soup, lift it up to your mouth, swallow it, and then repeat until you’re full…

Then this will work for you.

There’s no way you can fail unless you hate soup.

And no, I’m not talking about canned soup you buy at the grocery store that’s filled with added chemicals, processed foods, and nasty ingredients.

Or certain homemade soups that use ingredients that trigger fat storage in adults over 50…

Even better, the weight loss is so easy to maintain because you can still have dessert (like a big piece of chocolate cake after your soup)…

And the weight will still come off.

These slimming soups have a built-in appetite suppressant…

Thanks to a handful of little-known “super-nutrients” that help kill cravings, eliminate mindless snacking, and all-but end emotional eating.

That’s the real reason why this works so well…

Because if you’re hungry all the time, no matter how healthy you’re eating, it’s just not going to work.

You know yourself better than anyone, and when’s the last time being constantly hungry led to any substantial weight loss?

I have an unusual true story to share about how I saved my own life…

…and lost over 100 pounds eating soup.

So if you’re wondering whether you can burn belly fat every week by simply eating more soup…

But it’s not what you think.

These aren’t soups from a can or a restaurant.

Yet you can make them right at home with just a handful of ingredients.

When I started sharing my recipes online, people from all over the world started slimming down…

They contain a handful of herbs, spices, and minerals that trigger fat-burning, especially around your stomach area.

Don’t worry, I’ll give you the entire list in just a minute and explain WHY each one works in detail.

That way you can use them at home as soon as tonight.

But the real reason they work is because they unclog an overworked detox system in the body that affects 80% of women over 40.

This detox system is a complex network of capillaries and vessels that help the body flush out fat..

And when it’s backed up, it leads to fat piling up on the body.

So it’s not about eating fewer calories…

None of those matter if your internal detox system is slow, sluggish, sludgy.

So today, we’re going to fix it.

What I’m going to share with you today has been overlooked by the top doctors, experts, and dietitians for years.

That’s because they’re all so busy, they don’t have the time to research how the body changes as you get older.

However, researchers from Stanford University discovered that this “slowdown” causes fat storage to double in women…

And it triggers the creation of more fat cells that expand your waistline and make your belly bigger…

Which makes losing weight on ANY diet virtually impossible.

So if you’ve been dieting for years and the pounds never come off…

Or maybe you’ve tried everything and since nothing ever works, you give up because what’s the point?

Or maybe your mom was overweight and you think you’re doomed to the same fate…

Well, today we’re going to change that.

What I’m going to share today flies in the face of traditional medicine and human anatomy…

It’s not about eating more vegetables…

Or going on a crash diet…

Unfortunately, we’ve gotten in wrong for years.

And both you and I have been the ones to suffer…

With growing waistlines, dangerous belly fat, and cellulite in all the wrong places.

That’s why I’m writing to you today.

Because through my own frustrating journey, where I ballooned up to over 300 pounds, I stumbled upon a real-life working miracle that took over 100 pounds off my body…

And literally saved my life.

It left my doctor scratching his head…

And my wife ecstatic that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.

There are plenty of people who want me to keep my mouth shut…

Because if I tell you how easy this is, then millions of dollars could be lost by big companies who prey on the sick…

However, if you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately…

Then what I have for you here today can be life-changing.

First, let me tell you exactly who I am…

And how I stumbled across this weight loss breakthrough.

And I’m not a personal trainer.

I’m just a normal guy from Georgia who married his high-school sweetheart when she was the only friend I ever had.

And after our wedding, where I banned all the photographers because I didn’t want any pictures taken of me…

However, first I want to share something with you that I haven’t told ANYONE…

Not my friends, not my parents, and not even my wife of over 15 years…

So here’s the god’s honest truth…

Up until a few years ago, I spent almost my entire life overweight.

And as hard as it is for me to talk about, I know my story might help you when NO ONE else understands what you’re going through…

So here’s the quick story…

Since I was a kid, I’ve struggled with my weight.

All the way back to elementary school, kids would make fun of me, call me names, and bully me constantly.

As I walked down the bus aisle looking for a seat, I could already hear the other kids laughing at me.

“Look at the pig!”…

“Hope you eat the teachers so we get out of class earlier”…

And of course, no one would let me sit by them.

The verbal abuse was just so hard.

Yet deep down I knew that’d only make things worse.

And even though this was by far the WORST time in my life, where I was so miserable I didn’t even want to go out in public or even stand in front of mirror in the morning…

It was also the start of my journey.

Time passed and things didn’t get any easier…

Never wanted to get out of bed in the morning…

I still remember one day at lunch during high school…

I was looking for a table when one of the “popular” kids walked by, bumped into me on purpose, then shoved me to the ground.

Food went flying everywhere, all over my clothes…

And all I could do was pick up my tray and keep walking to my table.

I was so embarrassed, yet as sad as it is to say…

That was just the beginning.

A few years later, I ended up marrying my high-school sweetheart.

We went to Nashville for our honeymoon…

And one day we went to a bird park.

As we were exploring all these rare and exotic birds, our tour guide asked if I wanted a picture taken.

I said sure and didn’t think much of it. However…

When we finished the tour and got our pictures, I was SHOCKED…

It hit me like a ton of bricks because I wasn’t just a little overweight…

I was easily over 300 pounds!

We went back to the cabin, and I asked my wife if I had really put on that much weight…

And she said, “Well, yeah…but I love you regardless so it doesn’t really matter to me.”

That photo turned my world upside down…

All of a sudden, the same feelings and emotions from high school came rushing back…

Those feelings of being alone…

It only took one picture to bring all of those horrible feelings back.

And it took me days to accept the fact that I was still that same person who got picked on every day back in school.

I just didn’t feel like myself anymore.

I was tired all the time…

I could barely get going in the morning…

And then I couldn’t fall asleep at night.

I felt so rundown that I didn’t even have the energy to go on a walk with my wife after dinner…

Or take our dog to the dog park.

My weight was higher than it had ever been before.

And it led to a host of other conditions like…

If you spent the last few months eating healthier without losing a single pound…

Or maybe your rings fit tight, your knees feel a little creaky, and your body feels more tired than usual…

These signs all point to a congested lymphatic system.

Your lymphatic system is a network of capillaries and vessels that help the body get rid of toxins, excess fluids and fat.

However, the lymph can easily be overloaded with chemicals, pesticides from fruits and veggies, and a variety of other pollutants lurking in the air we breathe.

Plus, everyday stress is also shuts down the lymph.

When this system gets slowed down and congested…

It can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

“When the lymph flow is slow and congested, it leads to an accumulation of body fat”, says Bruno Chikly, M.D., director of the Lymph Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Think of your lymphatic system as a highway…

When there’s cars lined up in rush hour traffic, other cars can’t squeeze in.

The same thing happens with your fat molecules.

“A slow lymphatic system can no longer properly transport fat where it needs to go”, Dr. Chikly explains.

This extra fat piles up around your belly, hips, and thighs.

And according to researchers at Stanford University, lymphatic slowdown causes fat storage to double!

This was a big breakthrough for me in understanding why my body was always storing fat even if I was on a diet.

According to lymph expert Jenna Macciochi, Ph.D., “Carrying around extra pounds triggers inflammation – a problem for both your immune system and your waistline.”

“As part of its role as a superhighway, the lymphatic system carries immune cells through your body to infection-fighting lymph nodes.

However, inflammation thwarts this process by reducing lymph flow.”

And researchers at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital report that this inflammation triggers the creation of more fat cells to store these toxins in…

Which makes losing weight even more difficult.

It’s like those old pair of jeans that you never wear…

And yet you can’t bring yourself to get rid of them because MAYBE you’ll wear them again.

So they sit in your closet, taking up space.

It’s the same with fat when your lymph flow is congested.

Your body just won’t get rid of it like it should.

And that’s how the fat starts piling up in all the wrong places.

Are you starting to notice how your body is stacked up against the 8 ball without you even knowing?

If your lymph isn’t flowing, your tissues aren’t draining excess fluid.

This creates a backlog that results in bloating.

Even worse, this backed-up fluid sticks to fat cells making them bigger.

As your fat cells get bigger, they start to burst through your fascia…

Which is a protective layer of tissue underneath your skin.

When your fat cells start popping through the fascia, it creates a “dimple effect”…

Which leads to cellulite. 

Combine that with the hormonal changes every woman and man goes through as you get older…

Along with being less active, less mobile, and losing precious lean muscle tissue…

It’s easy to see how cellulite can start popping up all over your butt and thighs.

Yet it’s not from eating too many calories…

It all starts with your lymph system slowing down, killing your ability to burn fat.

Do you eat reasonably healthy without ever losing a single pound?

Are your rings sometimes tight on your fingers?

Are your joints more sore now compared to when you were younger?

Are you often tired even when getting plenty of rest?

These signs all point to a congested lymphatic system.

When your lymph fluid isn’t flowing properly, it causes your tissue to swell.

These bloated, inflamed tissues can add up to 15 pounds to your weight and cause you to swell two extra dress sizes.

And it causes your fat-storage to double.

Which is why your stomach may be getting bigger despite eating healthier foods.

Luckily, this NEW “quick fix” is easier than ever.

Especially if you love eating warm meals.

It’s one of the safest things you can do to look 10 years younger while getting the extra weight off quickly…

And it’s the “missing link” most adults overlook when trying to drop pounds.

When you eat more of these specific soups that support your body, it reduces toxin buildup and allows more fluid to be pumped through the body…

Often in as little as 7 days.

Once lymphatic fluid is moving freely, fat can be burned for fuel and excess toxins can be flushed from the body.

Even better, according to Dr. Chikly…

“Greater lymph flow may reduce your risk of plaque buildup in the arteries, high cholesterole, and inflammatory bowel disease.”

Just remember, when your lymphatic system isn’t working properly, because your lymph fluid is too thick from the wear and tear of aging, fat molecules can’t be transported to be burned for fuel.

Instead, they stay stuck to your belly, hips, and waistline…

…causing a buildup of excess pounds.

Now that you know a clogged lymph keeps stubborn pounds on your body…

And the key is thinning out your lymph fluid…

…because when it flows freely, your body can burn fat and flush toxins…

Let’s talk about exactly what you should do to get this fixed.

After my doctor dumped all this new information on me…

I started studying cases where people successfully reversed their clogged lymphs and were losing anywhere from 20 to 55 pounds in a matter of months.

And what kept coming up in study after study were these 3 minerals that most adults are lacking.

So my first recommendation would be to start adding foods rich in these minerals right away.

The most important thing you can do to flush out the extra pounds is…

Reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for energy instead of sugars and carbs.

Don’t worry, it’s a lot easier than you think.

And I’ll explain how in just a minute.

However, in order to do that, you need a lot of potassium.

If you ever go up a flight of stairs and your legs feel really heavy or you don’t have the endurance…

That’s a potassium deficiency.

Now, why it’s really important for fat-burning is…

Potassium helps regulate fluid in the body.

Consuming more potassium helps thin lymph fluid so it can easily flow through the lymphatic tubes, which speeds up slimming.

It also helps reduce high blood pressure, protect against strokes, helps prevent osteoporosis, and may help prevent kidney stones.

Now, most people think of bananas when it comes to potassium, but…

Since they’re high in sugar, you’ll want to avoid them if you want a smaller waistline.

Instead, some great options are mushrooms and zucchini.

Magnesium is a “co-factor”.

That means it’s a helper element that’s involved in the activation of certain enzymes.

One of magnesium’s most important job deals with the mitochondria.

Think of mitochondria as little “energy bubbles” in your cells.

Mitochondria produces energy and the spark plug that activates the enzyme to produce more energy is…

If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, you may suffer from:

**Cramps and muscle spasms

Now, here’s the kicker…

The more extra weight you have on your body, the harder it is for you to absorb magnesium.

Which is why studies show that so many overweight adults are lacking in this powerful mineral.

It also helps speed up the removal of toxins to reverse a sluggish lymph and banish stubborn pounds.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body.

It’s what makes up our bones, muscles, tendons, connective tissues, and even our skin!

Without it, your metabolism slows down…

And your muscles and joints become weaker.

Unfortunately, our body’s collagen production naturally begins to slow down as we get older.

This leads to visible signs of aging…

And joint pains due to weaker cartilage.

Diets high in sugar also deplete collagen levels.

However, when you start adding more collagen to your diet…

It helps increase your fat-burning metabolism…

So you burn more calories and fat throughout the day…

It reduces cellulite and wrinkles…

It makes your skin look younger and more youthful…

And it “tightens up” loose and saggy skin…

Have you ever seen someone lose a lot of weight…

And their stomach has this “pooch” of leftover skin?

Collagen helps tighten that up…

If you haven’t already…

It’s extremely important to get more high-quality collagen into your diet.

I like to sprinkle some on top of my soups.

After my doctor dumped all this new information on me…

I was on the verge of Type 2 diabetes…

At EXTREME risk for a heart attack before I reached 40…

And my lymph system was so backed up, my body was hanging on to over 30 pounds of dead weight.

Just as I was about to leave…

My doctor reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a thin booklet.

“This is what I give to my most stubborn patients, where the weight just wont’ come off.

It has all the minerals and nutrients we talked about.

And it’s a way to get your body burning fat again without worrying about calories…

Because the liquid in the soup naturally fills up your stomach…

So there’s less room for food.

And it’ll get your lymph fluid flowing again…

So your body will start burning fat.”

That night, I went over the soup detox my doctor gave me.

It seemed simple enough, I had all the ingredients already, and so…

Every night for dinner I had a big bowl of soup and usually had enough leftover for lunch the next day.

However, there was just one problem…

The soups tasted absolutely AWFUL!

And I had to plug my nose just to choke it down.

Desperate to make something happen…

Suddenly, the soups tasted amazing, and since I could eat as much as I wanted…

I felt like I was in heaven.

I had been dieting for over 10 years, I was always cutting calories and worried about eating too much…

Yet now, I was eating as much as I wanted and I felt great.

The next morning, I woke up and my stomach felt a little lighter.

I jumped on the scale and I was already down a pound after just one night.

Within 5 days, things really started to change.

I was down 9 pounds and my size 44 jeans were feeling loose around the waist.

I swear my stomach was shrinking.

Just a week later, I lost another 7 pounds and my energy levels were through the roof.

After just 21 days, I had lost 21 pounds, 6 inches off my stomach, 3 inches off my waist, and 2 inches off my thighs.

And within a month, I looked like a completely different person.

But that wasn’t the best part.

My clothes start fitting better from Day 1…

I finally had the energy to go for walks with my wife and really connect with her…

And I was no longer exhausted and worn out after another 50 hour work week…

By the end of the third month, I finally wore swim trunks in public for the first time…

Without a shirt covering my belly.

I was down about 50 pounds and my confidence was growing fast.

I looked and felt better than I did when I was 20

I was no longer pre-diabetic and my high blood sugar has been gone for months.

Within the first year and a half, I lost a whopping 110 pounds.

Getting a clean bill of health from my doctor just a few months later was one of the most amazing moments in my life…

My wife cried tears of joy knowing that I’d be around to grow old together.

And we got more serious about trying to have kids.

Since the weight was coming off so quickly…

People at work kept asking what I was doing.

And so, I started sharing this simple soup detox with anyone who asked.

Once I saw how quickly this soup detox was working for my friends, family, and co-workers who tried it…

I realized that we were on to something BIG.

Look, if this worked for me…

Someone who’s been overweight my entire life…

Traumatized by bullying, getting beat up because I was the “fat kid”, while failing on every diet I tried…

Then I know it can work for you too.

The only way I was finally able to lose weight was by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what everyone else is doing…

I didn’t eat a single salad…

I only ate broccoli when it was in my thick and creamy broccoli and cheddar soup…

I ate as much as I wanted…

And I never counted calories or tracked my food.

Once I saw how effective this soup diet was…

I realized I had to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.

So you can fight back against age-related weight gain.

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is an all natural nutrition program that contains a done-for-you meal plan, delicious fat-burning soup recipes, and personal accountability to strip away unwanted fat in just 2 weeks.

In fact, most people see and feel a difference in their waistline in the first 48 hours.

I’m so excited to share these slimming soup secrets with more people just like you.

You see, after losing over 100 pounds myself, I made it my mission to help at least 100,000 struggling men and women lose at least 10 pounds…

And the only way to do that was to package up all my secrets into an easy to use follow along system.

This NEW and proven protocol is designed specifically for women and men who love to eat, hate dieting, and want a flatter stomach without killing yourself at the gym or going on another crash diet.

If this sounds like you, then the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the answer you’ve been looking for.

When you start eating these super-healing soups, you can start burning fat in as little as 24 hours.

You’ll start to have more energy so you can get more things done around the house…

Your jeans will start feeling a little loose around the waist…

And your skin will reclaim that youthful glow that only happens when you heal your body from the inside out.

Now, here’s the real magic behind why these soups work so well for weight loss…

When you give your body the right mix of minerals, proteins, and healthy fats…

Your body takes it as a sign that it’s ok to start burning fat for energy.

And so, little by little, your body will start burning up the fat around your stomach, your hips, your love handles, and your thighs..

…using it for energy to get you through your day.

Then, since your fat-burning hormones will be at an all time high, they’ll start working overtime while you sleep.

You see, deep sleep is the most effective time for your body to burn fat…

And so, within the first couple of days, you’re going to wake up feeling lighter and leaner than ever before.

The more soups you eat, the lighter you’ll feel…

Until all the unwanted flab is off your body, revealing the new, sexy you.

I’m sorry if I’m making this sound too easy.

I just know how hard I struggled for years trying to get the weight off and all the complicated diet solutions and exhausting exercise programs never worked.

I tried working out 5 times a week and my knees got so sore I could barely into my car to drive to work in the morning.

I went on a vegetarian diet because plants are supposed to be so healthy, yet after 4 days I was pulling my hair out because I was so hungry…

…and eating salads with radishes and pumpkin seeds didn’t sound fun to me.

I tried Paleo and quickly realized that eating all that meat only left me feeling bloated, heavy, and sluggish.

I tried the “all-fruit” diet and was eating around the clock yet I was always hungry and felt my body getting weaker after the first week.

I tried nothing but shakes and smoothies for a few weeks, but what are you supposed to do, bring your blender to work?

Plus, my wife wanted to eat real food instead of another kale apple smoothie.

I even tried a plant-based diet only to spend all day in the bathroom…

…let’s just say my body didn’t agree with all the raw plants.

Look, I know you’ve probably tried dozens of diets…

And you’re extremely skeptical about anything when it comes to losing weight.

All I can say is this is the first thing that worked for me in over 10 years.

And because burning fat is all about hormones, the weight quickly starts to come off.

Over 15,000 women and men have tried it since 2017 and the results speak for themselves. Like…

As a busy husband who used to work at least 50 hours a week, I know that there simply aren’t enough hours in the day.

That’s why I designed this entire system to quickly melt the fat off without long, exhausting works, hours of meal prep, or dozens of complicated recipes.

As someone who hates to cook, I just wanted something fast that I could squeeze in during my hectic day.

This won’t take any extra time out of your day…

The program is extremely simple to follow with only a few guidelines, so you’ll never be confused.

And even better, most of the soup recipes can last for days, which only saves you time.

After seeing so many women and men in their 60’s and 70’s thrive on this new way of eating…

I’m confident in saying that age is just a number.

You see, as you get older, certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone drop…

Along with testosterone in men.

Which means your body goes into more of a “storage mode”.

When this happens, most try eating less, or they end up eating the wrong foods, which is the absolute worst thing you can do.

Eating less just slows down your metabolism even more because your body thinks it’s starving.

Instead, when you eat the right combinations of minerals, healthy fats, and proteins at the right times throughout the day…

The weight starts coming off and your body burns fat for energy.

Meal timing is especially important as you get older, which why this program works so well.

One of the biggest myths is that you need to exercise to lose weight.

You don’t. The truth is…

You lose by eating foods that keep your insulin levels low.

Insulin is a storage  hormone that gets released every time you eat.

However, the magic in these soups is that they keep your insulin levels lower than normal.

When that happens, your body naturally turns to your stored fat for energy.

Which means you start burning the extra fat around your belly, hips, and thighs for fuel throughout the day.

I’ve personally helped people lose over 30 pounds without exercising at all.

Don’t get me wrong, exercise is great for heart health, building strong bones, and building up your lungs.

But for fat loss, it doesn’t make much of a difference.

The Rapid Soup Diet is an easy-to-follow 14-day protocol designed to melt away the most amount of fat possible without exercise.

Within this protocol, you’ll know exactly what to do for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It’s filled with fat-burning recipes, delicious soups, and mouth-watering meals that take the weight off without leaving you feeling hungry or deprived.

In fact, there are no limits. You can eat as much as you want.

Within the first few days, your body will shift into burning fat for energy and that’s when you’ll really notice a difference in the mirror.

This protocol is extremely easy to follow, it delivers results FAST (usually 3-11 pounds down in the first week), and it can only be found here on this website.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

The ketogenic diet is the most popular diet of 2020 and it’s easy to see why.

All over the world, thousands of women and men in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond are losing weight like crazy.

That’s because when you start burning your stored body fat for energy, the weight comes off extremely fast.

Now, when it comes to soups, most of them are filled with beans, rice and starchy veggies, which STOP fat-burning in the body.

That’s why we put together 30 amazing keto soup recipes that you can use day after day to flatten your midsection while feeling full at the same time.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

I’m a big fan of taking “baby steps” when it comes to burning fat, after all…

Completely overhauling your diet for weeks at a time is a recipe for disaster.

That’s why I like to start with something short because I know the shorter it is, the more likely it is that you stick with it…

And when you stick with something even for just a few days, you’ll see results, and…

You’ll be much more likely to continue your healthy eating habits!

That’s why I put together a brand NEW Weekend Soup Detox, that way…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

All you have to do is commit to a few measly days of eating delicious foods and soups.

My personal clients have lost anywhere from 2-7 pounds on this delicious weekend plan, and…

It’s the PERFECT way to get started, or…

You can bring it out on any weekend where you want to eat yummy soups and drop a few pounds while you’re at it.

This is by FAR one of my most popular programs, and…

I’m including it for FREE when you pick up your copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet here today.

With everything going on these days, one of the most important things is your immunity.

Because the last thing you want to do is get sick.

Now, Step #1 when it comes to your immunity is eating healthier foods that still taste good to you.

After all, if you don’t like what you’re eating, you’re not going to stick with it.

So I went ahead and put together an entire cookbook of immunity soups that will also help you lose weight.

Simply make one for lunch or dinner as often as you can and watch the pounds come off, while you feel better than ever.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

There’s nothing worse than buying a new program only to have NO IDEA how to get started.

You’re confused, you don’t know where to start, and all your excitement quickly vanishes before you ever get started.

Unfortunately, that’s all too common these days…

Which is why I created a specific and detailed Quick Start Guide…

So you know exactly what to do first…

What to buy at the grocery store…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

And when the best time is to eat your meals (aka meal timing).

All of this is laid out for you in step-by-step detail.

And if you are confused or have questions, you can just shoot me an email and I’ll answer them right away.

I’m here to help, I love hearing from those who trust in me enough to invest in one of my programs…

And I won’t stop until you get the results you want.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t always have an hour or two to prep for a full meal…

And then clean up afterwards.

It can be A LOT of work that’s extremely exhausting.

That’s why I included an entire recipe book of Keto Immunity Smoothies.

These “emergency smoothies” an be used as a meal replacement, or…

As a tasty guilt-free snack or dessert.

Each keto smoothie takes less than 5 minutes to make…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

And it doesn’t include all the sugar and carbs that most smoothies do, which always end up adding inches to your waistline.

Instead, you can continue to slim down while enjoying thick, creamy keto smoothies as often as you’d like.

I’ll admit that I was a bit unsure of putting all these free bonuses into the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet system, after all…

You can get amazing results with just the main program.

However, as a religious couple from the South, my wife reminded me…

“Do unto others as you would have them do to you”.

Which is why I’m happy to give away all these bonuses absolutely free as my way of saying thank you for investing in your health today.

What makes this system truly unique is that I’m a normal person just like you.

I wasn’t skinny my whole life (far from it), I don’t have a bunch of fancy medical degrees, and I actually know what it feels like to be overweight and the toll that takes emotionally.

That’s why this program is so different than everything else.

Because I know what works for real people like you and me.

This program was designed by someone that GETS YOU – we’re both busy, we both have a lot going on, and we both have struggled with traditional forms of “dieting.”

I get that, heck I lived that for over 10 years.

That’s why I promise I designed this program to get the extra weight off in a way that you’ve never tried before.

I have to be honest with you…

Even though I’m regularly called a Pollyanna…

I know that I can’t help everyone with this program.

That’s because even this Rapid Soup Diet can work for anyone, it’s definitely NOT for everyone.

For example, if you’re looking for some magical drink you can have before bed to flush away 20 pounds of fat, then…

By now you have to know those “pipe dreams” don’t really work, right?

And while this is a “quick fix” in that most drop a few pounds and start burning fat in the first 48 hours…

You do have to follow the plan.

So if you want someone else to do everything for you, while you keep eating pizza and ice cream, then this program isn’t for you.

This 14-day program is realistic and it’s extremely easy to follow.

And it works 99% of the time when you follow the blueprint.

But if you can’t follow a few simple guidelines, then it’s best we both part ways now, so we don’t waste each other’s time.

This is ONLY for women and men who are ready to STOP wishing and hoping for a new body, and are ready to make it happen NOW.

I’ve made this as easy as it gets…

So if you’re serious about getting the extra weight off while having the flat and firm belly you desire, then…

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the ONLY solution for you.

It took me over 10 years to get my own health back on track…

And when you think of the dozens of diet programs, pre-packaged meals, doctor bills, prescription medications, and visits with a therapist after getting bullied as a kid…

Well, it ended up costing a pretty penny.

That’s not to mention all the gyms I joined (and never went to)…

The emotional stress that took a toll on my childhood and eventually my marriage…

And so, I want you to learn from my mistakes without having to pay a huge price tag.

And since that’s less than two sessions with a personal trainer, I figured it was a fair price.

Especially since this will take the weight off MUCH faster without any of the exhaustive exercise.

Then my wife reminded me why I wanted to do this in the first place.

And that’s to help people who struggled like I did.

And another 60% off of that.

When you pick up your copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet today…

Along with all 5 bonuses…

You’ll get it for a fraction of the normal price.

Being over 300 pounds myself, I understand that it my be difficult for you to see yourself with the flat and firm belly you desire – just like it was for the thousands of women and men who were in the exact same stop you are…

And yet we made believers out of them.

You see, I know how fast and simple this system is, which is why almost anyone who gives it an honest try sees amazing, life-changing results.

That’s why I’m willing to put all the risk on my now-slender shoulders because I know it will work for you.

Which is why you DON’T have to decide right now.

Take advantage of my unconditional “Triple Guarantee” and get results first, then decide.

Experience the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet system for a full 60 days on me, and if you don’t get the results you desire, you pay nothing!

Just let us know if you’re not 100% satisfied and you’ll get a full refund with no questions asked.

I made sure anyone at any age and at any weight get can the extra pounds off with this easy-to-use system.

You don’t have to “be in shape”…

You don’t have to be “self-disciplined” with food…

And you don’t need strong “willpower”.

All those are automatically taken care of when you start eating these delicious soups.

Your need for willpower goes right out the window because you’ll be LOVING the foods you’re eating while the weight is finally coming off.

When that happens, you don’t need willpower anymore.

While the belly-slimming results you’ll see on this detox program will happen FAST…

…usually within the first 48 hours…

It’s not just another “quick fix”.

That means you’ll finally be able to keep the weight off this time.

Keeping the weight off is really just finding slimming foods you love, because when you enjoy your meals, the temptation to go back to your old way of eating disappears.

If you had dozens of recipes that you loved making, that taste absolutely delicious, and that melted the fat off like crazy…

Would you want to go back to the frozen pizza’s, cheap potato chips, or sugar-filled sodas?

You just haven’t found the right foods for you.

That’s why when you start enjoying this delicious way of eating, you’ll be so much LESS likely to fall back into old habits.

Plus, along the way, I’ll be giving you all my secret tricks to keep the weight off, after all…

When I lost over 100 pounds, I’ve successfully kept it off for almost 5 years now.

When you join this Flat Belly family, you’ll never be alone.

My team of coaches and I will always be by your side, ready to help you at a moment’s notice.

If you have specific questions about the program, we’ll be here to guide you…

If you’re not getting the results you want, just let us know and we’ll drop everything to help you…

If you’re confused or frustrated, don’t be a stranger. Reach out to us immediately because we’ve got your back.

You’re part of the team now and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you succeed.

As I mentioned before, my dream is to have the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet as a physical book sitting on bookshelves all across America…

Which is why my team and I are working night and day to make that dream a reality.

However, with that comes high shipping costs, expensive labor, and paying high premiums to the top book manufacturers in the world.

Which is a high price to pay.

That’s why I’m having a fire sale on the digital version so you can get it at a fraction of the cost without having to wait another year while I work through all this red tape.

I want to help the action takers, the women and men who are ready to make a change NOW…

And want to try an out-of-the-box solution that works wonders as soon as you try it.

It’s first come and first serve…

I truly have no idea how long I can keep this discounted fire sale going, so please take advantage of it now, so you can still get the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet at this ridiculously deep discount.

Wouldn’t you rather be out enjoying your slender new body instead of scarfing down more “food” that’s robbing you of the energy and lifestyle you desire?

To activate your discount and get started today, simply click the button below.

Enter in your information into our 256-bit 100% secure order form..

And you’ll receive instant access to the entire Flat Belly system, along with all 5 FREE bonuses.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

I’m not a fan of the word “diet” because it implies eating low-calorie, suffering while you eat foods you don’t enjoy, all in hopes of losing a few pounds…

…which you’ll likely just put back on.

Instead, this is a way of eating that gives your more energy, reprograms your body to burn fat for energy, and greatly decreases your fat-storing hormones like insulin and cortisol…

Because of one unfair advantage…fat-burning soups.

Eating low-calorie or going on another fad diet does NOT give you more energy, in fact it robs you of your energy…

Eating low-calorie does NOT reprogram your body to burn more fat, instead you’re just trying to “starve the fat off” by eating less, which never lasts…

And eating low-calorie does NOT lower your fat-storing hormones.

In fact, it only makes them worse while increasing your hunger.

Plus, my team and I do something that barely anyone does.

We help coach you along the way.

Which means, whenever you have a question, or maybe you plateau and the weight just isn’t coming off…

Just send us an email and myself or one of my coaches will jump in to help you right away.

Do you think the guy who created p90x is answering emails from everyone who bought is program?

Or what about the head of Weight Watchers, are they answering every single question that comes across their desk?

Do you think Jillian Michaels is responding to people who aren’t getting results from her DVD’s?

And so you’re left on your own to either figure it out yourself, or struggle until it gets to be too much and you end up quitting.

It’s NOT your fault, it’s just 100 times easier when you have someone guiding you along the way.

Everyone is different, that’s why my team and I are here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We do get a lot of questions and feedback, so please just give us 24 hours to respond.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Look, I know we covered a lot of information today…

However, right now, you’re at a crossroads…

And you only have 3 options.

Option #1 is you can close out of this free presentation and forget everything you learned here today…

You can keep feeling frustrated and upset with your body…

You can keep HOPING things will change.

And you can keep doing the same things over and over again that have lead you to where you’re at right now with a body you’re obviously unhappy with…

However, if you’ve made it this far, then I know you want more.

Option #2 is you can take everything you learned here today and try to apply it yourself…

You can spend weeks researching the ins and outs of insulin resistance and how it may be affecting you…

And you can create your own “instant energy” recipe to kill your craviungs, and burn more belly fat every single day…

And you can figure out how to detox your body from all the toxins and bad belly bugs that EVERYONE has and yet very few know how to get rid of….

You can spend the next few months or even years figuring all of that out on your own…

However, if that’s your plan, wouldn’t you have done it already?

Wouldn’t you have figured this all out a long time ago?

The truth is, soon life will get in the way like it always does and you’ll end up in the same spot a year from now, struggling with your weight and body image issues when it all could have been resolved if you simply took action today.

Or you can take the easy way out, simply apply all the hard work I’ve already done for you…

And in just minutes a day you can start looking and feeling better than you ever imagined possible…

After all, I’ve already done all the heavy lifting to figure this out on my own after years of bullying, being picked on, and ruthless ridicule from so many people in my life…

All you have to do is a few simple tricks throughout the day that I’ve already PROVEN work…

And you can start visibly SEEING a flatter belly that’s more firm to the touch just days from now without much extra effort on your end.

So if you want to take the noble and easy way out, while possibly adding decades onto your life, so your kids and grandkids have even more time to spend with you making memories that’ll last a lifetime…

Then simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and I’ll be there waiting on the inside, ready to personally help you.

How many times have you said, “My diet starts Monday”…

And how many times have you actually followed through with that?

Don’t wait until Monday…

Don’t wait until next week…

Don’t wait until the “time is right” because there is NEVER going to be the perfect time.

Our lives are always chaotic and if you’re waiting for the perfect time when things start slowing down for you then you’re never going to make the healthy changes you need to live a long life.

And while I’m happy to give you such a steep discount…

…because I know how powerful these slimming soups are…

I can’t keep the discount up forever because just like you, I have a family to feed and I want to keep a roof over my head.

So, if you have any desire to lose the extra weight, to shock your friends the next time they see you, to make your family members’ jaws DROP when they barely recognize you..

And grab your copy of this NEW soup detox that’s different than anything else you’ve tried before.

Just click the button below to get it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

To your new healthy and vibrant life,

It has worked wonders for women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to people in their late 70’s and early 80’s.

That’s because the belly slimming movements are low impact and completely optional, so you don’t even have to do them in the beginning to get great results.

And the simple 2-step detox will have you eating MORE of your favorite foods, while flushing away your fat with a miracle “instant energy recipe…

That works for ANYONE at ANY age in ANY type of physical condition to burn more fat while improving your health.

Answer: Congratulations! The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is in sync with your natural fat-burning cycles and you should be proud of  yourself.

On average, we see up to 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week, although we have seen as much as 9 pounds of fat lost.

However, it’s so much more than that. It’s how your clothes fit as the weight starts coming off, how you see yourself in the mirror as the fat starts melting away and your true body begins to show.

Everyone is different, yet at least up to 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week is about average.

Answer: Absolutely not. You do not need a single piece of equipment or any special diet food to get started. All you need is a positive attitude that’s focused on getting the results you desire without letting anything stand in your way.

Answer: Once you click the “Add to Cart” button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page.

Once you enter in your information, you’ll receive instant and immediate access to the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet program, along with the follow along videos and bonus reports.

You can download all the manuals and videos straight to your computer, tablet, or phone so you can use them as often as you like.

This is a one-time only investment in yourself  and you will never be billed again.

Answer: These flat belly secrets have saved people’s lives, rescued marriages, and even freed people from their expensive medications and hospital visits.

Which is why I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try it out. So I took all the risk so you can test it out on me.

If you go through the program and realize that it’s just not for you, send me an email and I’ll be happy to provide you with a full refund with no questions asked.

Answer: I’m so excited and I can’t wait to help you breakthrough and transform your body starting today.

The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access to the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet program.

Plus a Quick Start Guide that will tell you exactly how to get started toward your new slim and sexy body starting right now without any confusion…

And with our 60-day 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.

5. “Stress hormone in the body causes you to put on more weight, makes you insulin resistant and can even destroy your metabolic health.

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Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users’ experience because everyone is unique.  Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it.  The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Also, as with all things you should take the time to do your own research and 

The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis.

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Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss

Product Name: Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss

Click here to get Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Using Robin Jean Brown’s Dependable ROAR Method.

If you loved your pet, this special guide is necessary…to get the help you need right now. Instantly. Even if it’s 3 in the morning.

“Robin, when I lost my dog after 11 wonderful years, I was devastated. I felt all alone without my beloved companion. When I tried talking to people, they would laugh and tell me it’s just a dog.

After reading your guide and doing the exercises, I’m feeling tremendously better than before. I’m still grieving, but I’m thankful that now I have a helpful resource to comfort me.”

Jennifer T.
South Carolina

From the Desk of: John Bash, President of Spring Water Publishing
Written: today=new Date();todayInMillisecs=today.getTime();milsecsInADay=1000*60*60*24;mydate=new Date(0*milsecsInADay+todayInMillisecs);var year=mydate.getYear();if (year < 1000)year+=1900;var day=mydate.getDay();var month=mydate.getMonth();var daym=mydate.getDate();if (daym<10)daym=’0’+daym;var dayarray=new Array(‘Sunday’,’Monday’,’Tuesday’,’Wednesday’,’Thursday’,’Friday’,’Saturday’); var montharray=new Array(‘January’,’February’,’March’,’April’,’May’,’June’,’July’,’August’,’September’,’October’ ,’November’,’December’);document.write(‘ ‘+montharray[month]+’ ‘+daym+’, ‘+year+”);

All pet lovers have to face the death of their pets, sooner or later.

Other people don’t understand what it’s like. They may think that “it’s just a dog,” “only a cat,” or “just a rabbit.” But you and I know that the pain of loss that we feel is very deep and very real.

You see, it’s not only the loss through the death of your animal…but also the losses of companionship, comfort, security and love…that cause your pain.

Robin Jean Brown faced that journey when her beloved companion animal died after a long, painful ordeal with brain cancer.

An Easy To Follow Guide
That Will Show You
Exactly What To Do To Cope

Robin’s ebook will take you by the hand and lead you through all five stages of grief. How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery is not something that’s passive, where you just read about other people.

Instead you’ll find exercises and self-help activities that will help you work through your pain. Every chapter has Journaling Questions that will validate the sorrow that you’re feeling, as Robin leads you to create your own unique story of you and your beloved pet.

Robin is a kind, understanding person, because she’s been through the sadness herself of losing a pet who she considered to be her closest friend in the world.

Many people don’t understand this truth: “Grief is like a raging river. In order to get to the other side, you must swim through it. And if you avoid swimming through, you’ll never get to other side.”

Many People Harm Themselves
By Suppressing Their Grief.
Due To These 14 Myths…

If you’re still holding onto any of the 14 myths of grief…Robin Jean Brown’s comforting guide is absolutely for you.

You’ll Have Instant Help
To Get You Through The
Turmoil, Sadness, and Tears

That’s because this special guide is available in ebook format that you download instantly. That means that you get this effective material when you need it the most — right now.

There’s no waiting in line at the bookstore, and no waiting for a shipment to arrive in the mail.

You can instantly get this comforting material right now — I mean within the next minute you can be reading it!

Robin Jean Brown understands firsthand the deep bond that can develop between person and animal. She’s not some cold psychologist, but rather a pet owner herself who dealt with her own painful journey through the grieving process.

She found that there wasn’t a lot of help for her. Other books are either too cold and clinical…or they’re too sad, and just make you cry harder. And none of them had workbook-style questions to guide her through her journey.

So Robin wrote the guide herself – to deal with your grief, effectively and step by step. She is personal, empathetic, and comforting – yet at the same time she’ll help you move through your grief.

Her special ebook will introduce you to a revolutionary way of coping with pet loss. Robin developed and delicately refined a 4 Step Technique for coping with pet loss that she coined “ROAR.”

Here’s a brief introduction to this technique by Robin Jean Brown herself…

“It’s easy to remain passive during the grief process and to see yourself as nothing more than a helpless victim. For this reason, it’s important to use your acceptance of the situation as a jumping off point for a renewed commitment to your life. Going beyond the five stages of grief helps you to ROAR into a new existence.”

Here’s what Robin Jean Brown promises you – soon after learning the “ROAR” method to grieve the death of your pet…

“Embracing life again
is such an exciting possibility and you are
at the point to do just that. You have
acknowledged and dealt with the pain of
death. You have explored the grief process
and know how to move on. You respect the
lives of those no longer with us and
appreciate that you need to live joyfully
too. Guilt, denial and anger are banished
from your outlook, and you are
emotionally healthy once again.”

So, If You Have Lost Your Pet –
Do You Want To Embrace Your Life,
And Be Emotionally Healthy Again?

Keep reading…Don’t forget to find out the sad experience of the
author. Maybe it’s similar to what happened to you.

“Beyond the
unconditional love and affection our pets
provide, there are medical benefits
associated with pet ownership…”

“Pets teach us about responsibility and
love, and help us to interact with others.”

“Children especially benefit from pets because they learn how to
care for another being.”

“As children, many of us were responsible for the feeding and care of a pet, and this experience helped us become responsible and caring adults. ”

“One of the best lessons that can be taught by a pet is that of

“The presence of animals can reduce stress
levels and help people to love and show interest in another life no
matter what their circumstances are.”

Some people may have intimate bond when they… “live with a companion service animal or see their pet as a life partner or a child.”

If you treat your lost pet as family member… “You may hold a
more formal service, choose a burial over a cremation and elect to do
something in memory of your pet whether you buy a memorial item or
participate in a fundraising activity that relates to animals.”

This is a “traditional
care” human-animal relationship… “For example, if you typically
get up in the morning and walk the dog, you might want to consider
another activity such as exercise, yoga, or reading the newspaper.”

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of the groudbreaking
book, On Death and Dying, defined a five-stage grief process – “Denial…
Anger… Bargaining… Sadness… Acceptance…”

Robin Jean Brown will work with you to help you get through these stages step-by-step, using the most effective methods possible. Her coveted guide also reveals:

Plus…Robin goes the extra mile
with warmth and understanding to show you
how to help your loved ones to grieve.

As you work through the pain of pet loss, you may have read many other books. Have they worked? No, maybe not.

Why? Because you have to do something to work through your grief. You must take action and break through what’s holding you back.

You can’t just read…and wish…your way out of the rut you’re stuck in. There’s nothing wrong with you – that other stuff just doesn’t show you how it works for you.

That’s why Robin gives you full-detailed journaling questions throughout her guide, to lead you through the grieving process.

Even if the death of your pet, though inevitable, hasn’t happened to you yet – this is a worthy investment in peace of mind. Wouldn’t it be better to get prepared and learn how to enjoy each moment you get? I know you’re wise to do so.

“Grief can lead to depression… You don’t shave, you don’t
shower… You don’t care.”

“It’s difficult for the public to realize how powerful the mind is, and
how much pain the mind can give you. When you’re depressed, it’s as though
this committee has taken over your mind, leaving you one depressing thought
after the other. You don’t shave, you don’t shower, you don’t brush your
teeth. You don’t care.”

– Rod Steiger,
On the Edge of Darkness

“Contact a mental health professional immediately”… or at
least get
Robin Jean Brown’s guide.

“Grief is a normal response to a normal occurrence, yet each person goes
through it differently. If you feel as though you cannot recover, or it you
have thoughts of self-harm, contact a mental health professional

– Dr. Matt Zimmerman,
Licensed psychologist practicing in Pembroke Pines, FL.

“Depression (due to grief) could surely be described as

“Depression could surely be described as quicksand. It is a natural
reaction, and justified by the nature of your loss. But if you feel the
symptoms of depression taking hold of you to the extent that they interfere
with your day-to-day life, you need to make every possible effort to break
out of it before it becomes a trap.”

– Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed.Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet

Humans are most often at a loss as to how to…

“The bond between pet and human is often a very deep and loving one. When
a pet dies or is lost for what ever reason, humans are most often at a loss
as to how to deal with the emotions and pain that accompany this situation.”

Kay Cox
The Pet Counselor

Plus, in the pages Robin Jean Brown’s guide, you’ll discover how to…

About the Author: A Real Life Story…

“Like a lot of people, I’ve had pets my whole life. In elementary school, I had gerbils, a cat and a bulldog. In middle school, I had a pet frog, a guinea pig and two dogs that I got from the animal shelter.

And also like a lot of people, I’ve had to deal with the tragedy of pets dying my whole life. Until recently, probably the hardest loss I’ve experienced was when I was little and our bulldog ran away.

When our family dog Clyde ran away, I was very sad and I felt an emptiness in my 9-year old life. My parents later told me that Clyde had actually been run over by a car. I survived, and as the years went on, we got more pets and everything was fine.

Flash forward to today. My beautiful, noble, intelligent Border collie mix, Andy, was my life. It was hard moving to new places because of my job, and leaving my friends and family behind. But even though it was hard I always had Andy by my side. For a while he was my best friend and the only “person” I could talk to every day. He was always with me and totally loyal no matter what.

Then one fall, Andy started feeling really sick and run down. The top of his head looked and felt strangely sunken in. I took him to the vet and the following January Andy was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. The news was shocking, but I was determined to give Andy the greatest life any dog could ever have during all of his remaining days.

His decline was steady. His vision was decreasing with each passing day, and by February he was blind. Then he started going to the bathroom in the house, which was so unlike him because he was always the best-behaved boy, and he would never think to do something like that.

When Andy died after months of illness, it was different than the other times I had experienced the loss of a pet. People told me that my loss would get better with time, but it didn’t.

Day after day the feelings continued. I was deeply, overwhelmingly distraught – so much so that I would just sit on my couch and not move all day. My whole body ached, like I had the flu. I wouldn’t eat. I didn’t want to live anymore without my baby boy. (And that was SCARY because I’ve never lost the will to live before.)

I had reached bottom emotionally, and I felt so completely worn out.

I didn’t know what to do. No one understood what I was feeling. I tried to ask for advice, and none of it worked. People would tell me to “get over it.” But that was easier said than done.

I looked around for books on the subject of pet loss and grieving and found they weren’t readily available. So I kept investigating. Once I had done some research, I realized that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to write a book (which I’d always wanted to do). It used to be that I wanted to write the great American novel, but now, since I couldn’t stop grieving over the death of my baby boy, what better subject to write about than the grieving process? And what better tribute to my beloved pet? I was motivated and inspired.

The writing process helped me more than I ever imagined it could. It is because of my own experience that I believe this book to be an important resource. You see, this is not just a book that you read passively. It offers a step-by-step approach for you to work – not to “get over it” (since we can never “get over it”) but to at least understand your grief, move towards the acceptance stage, and eventually become happy again (which is what our deceased pets would want).

I truly believed that researching and writing this book would be good therapy for me, and it was! I immersed myself in this project. I exhausted all research possibilities, devoured every book I could find on the subject of dealing with grief, and talked to everyone I knew who’d faced the grief of pet loss. When I was finished writing, I was able to think happy thoughts again. I could remember Andy and smile rather than cry.

I hope that my book and the questions I ask you to think about will help you as much as they have helped me.”

Robin Jean Brown

“…helped me work through the death of my dog”

“At first I was
skeptical that a book could have helped me work through the death of my dog.
But once I started reading it seriously, and using the workbook pages, I
learned a lot about myself.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has lost a pet and doesn’t
know what to do next.”

Alexandra S.

“…this book would benefit
anyone dealing with the loss of an animal, regardless of species.”

“Having experienced the loss of a pet very important to me, I
found many helpful ideas in Robin Jean Brown’s Pet Loss Guide. As grief
over the loss of a pet is not necessarily validated by the society in
which we live, it is refreshing to read a book that deals respectfully
with such grief. The text is easy to understand, and the workbook
exercises provide ample opportunity for the self-expression necessary to
the healing process. I think this book would benefit anyone dealing with
the loss of an animal, regardless of species.”

If You’re Still Not Sure…
Here Are 40 Warning Signs That Show You May
Be Deeply Influenced By Grief…

Why You Never Want
To Overlook Your Grief…

(Source: Newswise)

How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery is unique in that it both empathizes with what you’re going through and helps you to work through the pain.

You need not struggle for up to a year or more, depressed and desperately searching for comfort to cope with your heartbreak. Robin’s compassionate hand will pull you through.

Praise for How to Roar: Pet Loss Grief Recovery

“…it will help so many people
during this time.”

wanted to say you did a great job on this book…. You have done a
wonderful job and I think it will help so many people during this time.”

(greyson/gizmo’s mom)

“Truly a

“I had the opportunity to read
this book a week before we had to help
our Bear pass on. It brought me so much comfort and hope that words
will never adequately express my gratitude. Truly a treasure and one
I will recommend to friends and family who are also experiencing the
grief of losing a beloved furbaby.

Thank you so much, Robin.”

“I’m thankful that Robin wrote this. Please read How to ROAR if you’re hurting from your pet’s death. It will help you through the pain.

“I never knew how to truly
overcome the grief, until I’ve read your book.”

“I’ve owned many pets from the age of 5. They’ve left me one
by one. And I never know how to truly overcome the grief, until I’ve
read your book. Next time, I’ll be prepared for such loss!”

Epi A.
Darwin, Australia

Journaling Questions Helped a Reader

“Robin, I have to tell you that I am amazed at how once I started writing,
I couldn’t stop, the words just kept flowing and I really think just
releasing those words made me feel better.”

Donna L.
(From email received)

“After I lost my darling cat, I was desperately searching for a book to ease my pain. My son got me Robin’s ebook and printed it out for me.
I cried when I was reading and filling out the questions, but it comforted me and healed me. I was comforted to know that Robin Jean Brown went through the same pain that I went through. We were both so close to our pets. They were soulmates.”

This valuable information to help you move through your grief and honor your pet’s memory…

…to bring some calm in your storm of grief…a breath of air when you feel like you’re drowning in turmoil…

…which you can get instantly and be reading within one minute…

Get This Information Today!

Respect my loss and
Own my reality
Affirm myself
my life

I understand that when I sign up, I’ll be taken right away to a special download page where I’ll get instant access to Robin’s guide.

I understand that if I’m not absolutely pleased with what I receive,
I can contact the author within 60 days for a full, no-questions-asked
refund. I understand that if I wish, I’ll be able to get my full refund for any reason whatsoever. That way I know that I’m getting this guide risk free.

Click here to start your petloss grief recovery (immediate download)

Get Robin’s precious guide now. You’ll be able to handle the
changes that come to you. You’ll know what you want out of life. You’ll
learn to survive the loss. And you deserve to be happy.

Perhaps some people you love have just lost their pet and are helpless now?…
Give them How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery! It’s a great way to show
them your love and care.

In years to
come, this treasured work will be a lasting, comforting guide – to you, your children, friends,
relatives, and perhaps to generations yet unborn – of successful pet loss
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The problem that the griever faces is that they simply don’t know how

to handle pet bereavement. “How to ROAR” takes the reader through the

stages of grief (and beyond, toward the ROAR process that Robin

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The best part of Robin’s book is the Journaling Questions that she has

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Pam Van Zwoll
School Counselor
Holland, Michigan

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My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

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I honestly thought I’d suffer hemochromatosis for the rest of my life. I believed there was no way out of it.

I couldn’t have been more wrong!

A simple 2-step process changed everything. I’ve not had a single HTC symptom for 3 years.

In the following video, I’ll explain how I did it:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to suffer from hemochromatosis. It was a nasty condition and, to be honest, my memories of it are all bad.

Until a few years ago, hemochromatosis – or HCT – was something that you have to manage over the rest of your life – with regular, never-ending hospital trips and invasive, unpleasant treatments.

Yet after years of battling HCT I’m past all that now.

I’ve been clear for a little over 3 years. I’ve not been back to the hospital at all in that time except for an annual checkup – and to make sure my iron levels are, indeed, well within safe ranges.

I was recently reminded of my journey out of the HCT nightmare as I watched a documentary about gene therapy.

It’s fascinating stuff. Gene therapy is a huge deal – some gene therapies are already achieving jaw-dropping results for people with previously untreatable illnesses.

The documentary grabbed my attention because when I was suffering HCT I’d used a natural form of gene therapy to get well.

Gene therapy is based on the simple fact that faulty genes can cause us illnesses – but they don’t necessarily have to.

All too often, it is lifestyle factors – the things we do day to day – that determines whether a particular gene switches on to create actual illness.

And if it does… then it can be repaired and the illnesses it causes can be undone.

The scientific study of how to undo genetic illnesses – like HCT – is called epigenetics.

And it’s thanks to epigenetics that I don’t have HCT any more.

Epigenetics is a multi-billion dollar area of research, studied throughout the world and funded by health institutions, universities and by governments.

It shows us that we can directly affect a gene’s damaging behavior so that it no longer hurts us.

Now, you already know more about epigenetics than you think. In fact, if you currently suffer from HCT you’re a perfect example of epigenetics at work!

You possibly know that to have HCT you need an ‘HCT gene’ from your mom and another from your dad.

But, as your doctor will have explained, lots of people have both these genes. Yet lots of them don’t get HCT.

Epigenetics looks for this missing link in diseases like HCT. It asks the question,

‘What is it that makes the ‘HCT gene’ devastate some lives – yet be completely harmless to others?’

The answer to that question has been found.

It’s because certain genes act one way on some people… and another way on other people. Putting this in medical jargon, the gene ‘expresses’ one way with Bob, for example, and a completely different way with Mary.

How a gene expresses – that is, how the gene affects you – goes on to determine whether you get ill or not.

So identical twins can have identical genes – yet different genetic illnesses. And this is because although the genes themselves are the same… the way they express for each twin can be very different.

If you have hemochromatosis it’s not just because of the genes you inherited from your parents.

Something else – some missing link – was making those genes express in a way that creates HCT in your body.

The missing link is now known and it shows us a path out of the HCT nightmare. And that’s the path I took back into full and vibrant health.

Now that scientists know what causes HCT we finally have the power to directly influence those causes. And that’s exactly what I learned to do.

I made barely noticeable but very powerful alterations to some specific things I did… things that my HCT gene was strongly affected by… and then watched my iron readings start to tumble.

The details of epigenetics are very complex.

But for me as a sufferer of HCT the way of using this powerful discipline was very straightforward. And it changed my life forever.

So, a bit of a disclaimer here. I’m not some scientific whizzkid who worked this out by myself!

I stumbled onto this information by accident. I read about a treatment for HCT on an old online health forum some years ago.

Some ex-HCT sufferers were describing how they had followed a program created by a science-based natural health practitioner called Shelly Manning.

They’d made some simple – but specific – changes to their diets – which had made profound changes to how their HCT behaved.

First, excess iron started draining from their blood and tissues. They experienced gradually falling iron levels month after month – without a single medical treatment from their hospital.

Second, they described how the program also tackled the actual cause of their HCT – the source of their illness.

It didn’t just mop up years of excess iron. It got rid of the very reason for all this to be happening in the first place.

So that none of it happened any more.

They said the program they followed stopped the absorption of excess iron. They hadn’t just tinkered with HCT symptoms; they’d hit the condition hard at its genetic cause. They’d beaten HCT.

I’ll be brutally honest here: I didn’t believe a word of it.

I’m not at all into alternative health stuff. Rightly or wrongly – wrongly, as it turned out – I trust doctors in everything.

Which might make you wonder why I was even looking at alternative therapies for my HCT in the first place.

Well, I’ll tell you why.

It was because the standard therapies I had been undergoing were starting to hurt.

I’d been seeing a phlebotomist for several months, initially giving blood twice a week. It had started off okay but dizziness – and the risk of falling – had gradually become a real problem for me.

Even when I switched to giving blood monthly the dizziness remained. But I also started experiencing heart irregularities and bad pains in my stomach.

In the end, phlebotomy had to be replaced by iron chelation.

Which meant taking drugs that bind with excess iron in the blood. The chemicals in the drug make the iron less harmful – and so easier to eliminate from the body.

But this is another unnatural process – and it over time it produced new, unwelcome side-effects including vomiting, diarrhea and nasty skin rashes.

I became very worried about how all this was going to end. My doctor was very supportive but he’d seen this all before. Treatments start out okay but they don’t always stay that way.

In truth, the standard treatments for HCT were not nice even when they work. But for me they were no longer even working – while the side-effects were becoming increasingly nastier.

And I faced a lifetime of this.

I was feeling increasingly stuck. And the more I worried the more willing I was to look elsewhere for help. And that’s exactly how I found myself listening to respected natural health practitioners like Shelly Manning.

Which was probably one of the best decisions I ever made, to be honest.

So despite initial scepticism about the claims of ex-HCT sufferers I decided to do what they did. I got a copy of the same program and I followed it to the letter.

A series of hospital tests confirm that my HCT gene no longer expresses in the way it did. Meaning it’s impossible for HCT to exist any longer in my body.

My iron readings have been in the safe range for just over 3 years now. I’m not expecting they’ll ever be a problem for me ever again.

I can’t tell you how happy, how relieved I was when I got the all-clear. I honestly nearly cried!

Let me tell you how it all worked for me.

The program that did it for me is called Ironbound.

There are hundreds of research papers and experimental results from laboratories and universities across the US, Europe and the rest of the world that show just how to manage conditions like HCT right out of your life.

But the program aims at achieving two simple sets of goals: a game-changing primary goal and a couple of vitally important secondary goals.

The primary goal is to stop the HCT gene from creating the HCT condition. That’s the game-changer. If the gene stops creating the HCT how can you have HCT?

Do that and that’s our main problem solved.

The secondary goal is to clear up the huge excess of iron that’s still in the body – and to start undoing the damage that iron did to tissues and organs throughout the body.

Epigenetics knows exactly what the HCT gene is doing to give a person HCT.

It isn’t producing enough of something called ‘hepcidin’.

Hepcidin is a peptide hormone that directly regulates iron in our body. When we’ve absorbed enough iron from food hepcidin goes to the intestines to shut down any further iron absorption.

Hepcidin is like an on/off switch. It stops iron absorption when we have enough iron. It keeps iron levels healthy. It stops iron overload.

It stops hemochromatosis.

I had HCT because my faulty gene was not producing hepcidin. So I couldn’t shut down iron absorption when I had enough iron in my body.

And this is why you currently have HCT. You’re absorbing dangerous amounts of iron from food because your gene doesn’t have the hepcidin to stop that absorption.

Why doesn’t your HCT gene have the hepcidin it needs to avoid over-absorbing iron?

Tackle this problem and it’s all over. So long, HCT.

It all comes down to a simple mechanism that takes place in, of all places, your gut.

You may already be familiar with the discovery that our gut environment contains trillions of good, beneficial bacteria.

What scientists know – and have proven – is that these various types of bacteria are beyond just ‘beneficial’. They perform functions that are essential to health and to life.

Gut bacteria have been with humans since the beginning of humanity. We can’t be healthy without them.

They extract nutrients from food that our bodies can’t extract. They produce hormones and brain chemicals that our bodies can’t produce. They assist in so many body processes that scientists refer to gut bacteria as an organ in its own right.

A range of common western diseases – including low moods, heart disease, blood sugar imbalances, obesity and chronic inflammation – are shown to be caused by problems with our gut populations.

Specifically, it is when we lack certain, specific bacteria types that we get particular conditions.

Gut bacteria has been proven to be so important to our health that in America and across Europe transplants of healthy gut bacteria into the guts of sick people are proving to be almost overnight successes in treating some illnesses.

And it’s gut bacteria that sits at the root of our HCT problem. The explanation is technical but here’s the super-simple version.

If you have HCT it’s because your HCT gene is unable to stop you from absorbing excess iron. It needs hepcidin and it doesn’t have any.

Why doesn’t it have any hepcidin?

Because it can’t manufacture it.

To manufacture hepcidin we need a substance called butyrate. But there isn’t enough butyrate in your body to make the hepcidin you need. And without the butyrate you can’t have the hepcidin.

Butyrate makes hepcidin. Your genes use hepcidin to stop your body absorbing excess iron.

If you don’t have the butyrate you can’t have that hepcidin.

Make the butyrate and you get the hepcidin. It’s that simple.

Guess who makes butyrate?

Yes, your gut bacteria make butyrate.

Specific bacteria are responsible for producing butyrate. If you don’t have enough of that bacteria then you don’t get any butyrate… so you don’t get any hepcidin.

Want to know how to fix HCT?

Fix those bacteria. Make them healthy again. Let them get on with their job of producing butyrate…

… so you can then make hepcidin

… so your HCT gene can finally stop absorbing all that excess iron. s

So how do we fix our gut bacteria?

Scientists have long known that gut bacteria are ultra-sensitive to the kinds of food we eat. They respond fantastically well to the right nutrients.

If they’re not getting what they specifically need their numbers reduce dramatically. Without their health-giving activity illness eventually follows.

However, give them exactly what they need in the quantities and combinations that they need it… and all that health-giving, life-preserving bacteria will flourish.

And when it flourishes so do you.

And this is what I did. I followed the program, did the right things and literally ate my problems away.

Make no mistake. This is not about ‘healthy eating’ – not in the sense we hear about on television and in magazines. In many respects, it’s far easier.

But we’ve got to be smart with this. Those microscopic, life-saving friends of ours need specific foods in the right quantities. If they thrive then we do too.

Remember, we have HCT in the first place because those bacteria are struggling.

We have to address this so they can get back to doing their vital work for us.

They are the broken link in the chain that leads to HCT. We want to fix that chain – quickly.

And the right foods in the right quantities at the right time does exactly this.

Which is what I and thousands like me have done.

We used food supplements to heal our gut and so switch back on the supply of butyrate. The butyrate allowed our HCT genes to start producing hepcidin… which it then used to stop the over-absorption of excessive iron.

And so ending the overload of iron that creates hemochromatosis.

I’d never used a food supplement before. To be honest, until I’d felt them work on my own body, I just didn’t believe in that kind of thing. I had to see it for myself before I was convinced beyond any doubts.

If you’re unsure of these things I understand.

But as someone who no longer suffers the ravages of HCT let me say: don’t underestimate the colossal power of the right supplements in the right quantities at the right time.

The nutrients we need plenty of come from fruits, plant stems, leaves, roots… They’re highly reliable, powerful and they have a transforming effect on gut health and, therefore, HCT.

But if we’re ill they’re difficult to consume in the quantities we need in order to get well again.

Which is exactly why we take supplements. Supplements are just concentrated forms of the essential nutrients found naturally in these foods.

The right supplements are easy to consume because they are very small volumes – but very high effectiveness.

This is why this supplementation plan works so well. It provides plenty of what your body badly needs to be well – but in a format that’s easy to consume.

The key to me escaping the clutches of HCT wasknowledge.

Certain foods and supplements work very well when taken on their own… but are next to useless if you’ve eaten certain other foods around the same time.

Same with some common nutrients: excellent for HCT when taken on their own… but they work against us if combined with particular other foods.

It’s easy to work around – but you’ve got to have your facts straight.

This program tells you what you need to know so you get it right – and then enjoy the effects of getting it right.

Oh, and junk health advice – like ‘don’t drink coffee’ – doesn’t exist in the Ironbound program.

Coffee, for example, needs to be kept separate from certain other substances but apart from that… I don’t know where I’d be without my morning cup of joe!

Again, although the detail is complex, what I had to do to tackle HCT was easy.

The majority of the powerful effects of Shelly Manning’s program came down to 5 specific nutrients.

Together, these 5 superstars – as Shelly calls them – did the following:

Combined, these 5 superstar supplements stopped HCT at its source… and cleaned up all the iron that was soaked into my blood and body tissues.

I bought these superstars in my local supermarket. They’re not exotic substances, they’re not expensive and, because they’re completely natural – they’re food, basically – they’re super easy to consume.

I don’t have to take these supplements any more. Once they’ve done their work they are no longer necessary.

It is necessary to include some specific foods on a weekly basis – foods that keep your gut bacteria happy.

I buy those foods each week at my local supermarket and I make sure I eat them.

It really doesn’t get more complicated than that.

Those micro-friends in my gut keep on producing the butyrate… so my HCT gene can manufacture hepcidin… and ensure I never again absorb excess iron.

No more phlebotomy. No more chelation drugs. No more doctors, hospitals or procedures.

The 5 superstars have side-effects – but these are the kind of side-effects you’d want!

I lost weight without dieting – about 10 pounds of fat in all. Took about 5 months.

I found myself sleeping much, much better – and generally feeling more energised and cheerful throughout the day.

I also found out that the 5 superstars offer strong protection against

Many people have also pointed out another very desireable side-effect of this program – namely that it showed measurable improvement in sexual functioning: sex drive in men and women, erections in men.

I won’t comment on that last point… although I’m smiling as I write this!

Many people have also pointed out another very desireable side-effect of this program – namely that it showed measurable improvement in sexual functioning: sex drive in men and women, erections in men.

I won’t comment on that last point… although I’m smiling as I write this!

Shelly Manning is not claiming to have invented a way out of HCT. She isn’t claiming some level of genius that nobody else has.

Instead, Shelly is a highly respected alternative health practitioner with a number of hugely successful natural health remedies to his name. She researches intensely and experiments widely before releasing her programs.

Everything in the Ironbound program is based on two decades of research results and scientific fact uncovered by universities and research institutions across North America, Europe and the rest of the world.

None of the claims here are new. None of the discoveries in themselves are unique. All of it is widely known and accepted by medical scientists everywhere.

What is new is that Shelly Manning has gathered together a wide range of complex, proven medicine into a single, simple program designed specifically for people like you and me who simply don’t want a lifetime of hemochromatosis.

And as a result the program has several thousand very happy followers – people like me who despaired of ever being free of HCT but who today can barely remember what the disease even felt like.

Shelly’s meticulous analysis has resulted in what, for me, was a near-miracle way out of a disease that I thought I was going to suffer for life. I am so glad I found the Ironbound – and so relieved that someone had created it!

For all the horrors of hemochromatosis the way out of that disease was remarkably straight forward.

Instead of visits to my doctor I went to the local supermarket.

Instead of weekly phlebotomy sessions to remove blood… I ate supplements for about 12 weeks until the HCT gene was working properly.

Instead of chemically clearing out excess iron… I ate normal foods that specialize in removing excess iron cleanly and without harm to any part of the body.

The science behind Iron Bound is unanswerable. The body intends to be well. If you give it what it needs, then it will be well. It can’t actually do otherwise.

I have enjoyed 3 years in a row with normal iron levels and zero HCT symptoms. For me, that’s everything I had wished for.

If you’re concerned enough about your illness that you’re looking for a way out of it… I imagine you do.

Ironbound was my answer. It’ll be your answer too – I guarantee it.

Click here and you can get started on your journey out of HCT today…

Illness doesn’t just happen. It has a cause. And we now know the cause of HCT.

So instead of handling symptoms we can go directly to the source of the illness – and handle that instead.

When we’ve removed the cause of the illness you simply can’t have that illness.

We feed our gut bacteria so they create the butyrate that makes hepcidin… which means your HCT gene can stop your body absorbing excess iron.

Instead of a lifetime of unnatural chemical treatments…. we have a few months of natural supplements that treat HCT at its source.

We don’t have to suffer a lifetime of HCT symptoms – Ironbound is our way out. Get it here…

I went through the standard HCT treatments. They started off okay but the side-effects got progressively worse.

And those treatments are required for your entire life. You can never stop. But one day, I’d be too old to withstand the side-effects of bloodletting. And chemical injections. Then what?

It was infinitely better for me that I fix HCT at its source while I still had time. A temporary course of supermarket supplements and then a varied eating program afterwards did everything I wanted.

If I hadn’t done this I’d still be visiting my hospital, subjecting myself to completely unnatural procedures… and suffering ever-worsening side-effects.

I couldn’t face a future like that. Thankfully, I didn’t have to.

Ironbound shows you how – click here and get your copy today…

Click here to get My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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My Hemochromatosis cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

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Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and has never returned.

That was after being a chronic snorer for decades (you know, the kind that would almost wake up the neighbors). 

I was even diagnosed with sleep apnea (which scared the life out of me).

Anybody can do these throat exercises, no matter age or physical shape. And you need no extra gadgets.

Best of all, you can do them almost anywhere (while stuck on a red light or watching TV).

I made the following short video to explain the exercises in more detail. 

They have helped thousands of people, so I hope you’ll give them a try.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

Once in a lifetime, a complete miracle happens.

Something strikes you out of the blue that changes everything.

Discovering this simple treatment for stubborn snoring and horrendous sleep apnea was one of those miracles.

Because not only did it change everything for my wife and me, it has since helped thousands of people all over the world.

And it happened on a day I least expected (as I’ll explain in a second).

Unlike doing deadlifts in the gym, it is more like chewing on a great meal. So, everyone can do these snoring exercises, no matter age or physical shape.

In fact, you can mindlessly do the exercises anywhere, anytime: while stuck in traffic surfing the net, watching TV, or wherever suits you.

What feeling would you associate the most with snoring?

. . . others or all of those combined?

Ever since I was a kid, I was plagued and embarrassed by my snoring. I remember going on a ski trip and keeping my friends awake at night.

After the first night, I had to room alone because nobody could stand sleeping around me.

And how much fun they made of me!(Nowadays, it would be called bullying.)

I couldn’t do sleepovers. And throughout the years, I was even afraid to spend the night with girlfriends because I knew they would never put up with my snoring.

After I got married, I became really desperate about my problem. (It was actually “our problem” now.)

Even worse, my wife was terrified when she witnessed how I stopped breathing in my sleep, only to gasp for air like I was drowning half a minute later.

This happened several times a night.

Years passed before I learned this was a potentially deadly condition called Sleep Apnea!

I read every book, article, and forum post there was about snoring. Plus, watching so many online videos, my eyes turned red.

I subscribed to hundreds of paid medical journals to be able to read the official studies on snoring and sleep apnea.

I consulted numerous doctors, therapists, and other snoring medical professionals.

One important thing I learned was that there are many types of snoring, and only a small percentage could be solved by each “solution.”

That’s why there are so many snoring “solutions” to choose from – because each person’s snoring is different.

I even wore those ridiculous devices sold online to put in your mouth and on your head.

I even considered surgery. But I later learned – despite the huge cost – snoring surgery rarely works in the long haul.

Even worse, operations like these can cause serious damage . . . even brain damage.

Putting it simply, I tested every Eastern and Western snoring medicine that I could find.

. . . in fact, it was getting worse.

So, I kept on waking up my wife several times a night with my snoring, keeping her up for hours.

Needless to say, this was becoming a real wedge between us and was hurting our relationship severely.

We fought about everything and held a grudge toward each other, especially in the morning.

Frankly, our marriage was on the edge!

If we didn’t have a young daughter, we probably would have separated.

Eventually, we found ourselves leaving the bedroom and taking turns sleeping on the couch.

I felt ashamed and frustrated.She was sad and disappointed.

Trying to lift our spirits, we took a family trip to Australia.

We had a beautiful two-bedroom apartment with a sea view over Perth’s magical white beaches.

The mother and daughter shared one bedroom and I had the other one. It was better that way.

One morning, I was explaining to my wife what I had been studying.

How snoring is always caused by some kind of block in the breathing passages, and that any treatment was aimed at removing that particular block.

All of a sudden, she looked at me and said: “This is what I work on with my students all the time.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

You see, at this point, I have to explain to you that my wife used to be a classical singer but turned to teaching a few years ago.

She explained to me that, if you are going to sing well, everything in and around the breathing passage has to be open and strong.

And that’s exactly what she trained her students to do every day!

Note: Just so you know, you can do the snoring exercises in complete silence. You don’t have to do any singing.

Completely by accident, the woman I had been married to for five years held the key to solving the problem that had been holding our marriage hostage for so long.

That day, my wife taught me the exercises she had been using with her students for years.

Within a week, I slept a whole night without snoring for the first time in decades.

And after just three weeks of training . . .

Meaning, I have never snored again!

And those dreadful episodes of sleep apnea were also gone.

But then the disappointment hit.

Since I know how embarrassing snoring is and how great a toll it takes on relationships, I started preaching the exercises to literally everyone.

Like a crazy person, I asked strangers if they had problems with snoring. And if they did, I insisted on teaching them the exercises I had been using.

It’s not, however, so farfetched to ask strangers about their snoring problem.

Because snoring is one of the most common reasons for couples fighting.

30% of women and 50% of men snore.

Nearly 1/3 of those who snore also suffer sleep apnea, a potentially deadly condition – and often without knowing it.

Snoring and sleep apnea limit your breathing and, therefore, the amount of oxygen you take in during the night.

This often leads to fatal conditions such as:

. . . plus, sleep apnea is also the leading cause of obesity.

And unbelievably, snoring can even lead to hearing loss of both the snorer and their partner due to the loud noise throughout the night.

About 50% of people have a partner who snores. This means that snoring affects almost everyone in one way or another.

And having someone keep you up every night with their loud snoring is even more serious than snoring yourself.

Lack of good quality sleep causes many of the same symptoms as snoring does, but much more drastically.

It leads to even deadlier conditions such as:

. . . plus, it causes you to underperform like a zombie throughout the day.

Over 100,000 car and home accidents every year are blamed on sleep deprivation.

Thousands of people die every year because their partner kept them up with their snoring.

But most seriously, it robs you of the joy of life, because you’re just not yourself.

But you see, snoring is not any laughing matter. It’s not some annoyance that can be brushed under the carpet.

If you snore, or your partner snores, you’re putting each other in a life-threating situation.

You may possibly be causing each other an early death.

That’s why I was so fanatical about sharing the snoring solution I found with everyone.

But unfortunately, the simple voice exercises didn’t help everyone.

Just like nasal sprays and jaw straps only work for specific types of snoring, so seemed to be the case with simple voice exercises.

I was in an ideal position to work this out, since I had been studying snoring for years.

I changed the exercises to focus on particular “problem areas.”

I found out exactly what worked and what didn’t work when it comes to opening up the throat and removing other blocks that cause people to snore.

And I also discovered ways to do the “voice exercises” without having to make a single tone.

So, don’t worry if you don’t like to sing – the exercises are completely silent.

Since I had spoken about this with so many people, I had literally hundreds of people who were willing to test my new exercises for me.

They gave me feedback on what worked for their particular type of snoring.

I then used that to improve those exercises and identify different problem areas.

You see, snoring is always caused by something partly blocking and narrowing your breathing passages (throat, nasal passages, mouth).

Then, the soft tissues in your breathing passages flap in the airflow – like trash blowing down tight allays – making the loud noise.

But what blocks the breathing passages differs from person to person.

(You may have more than one of these types)

Nasal strips will do no good if your snoring is caused by weak tongue muscles.

And soft palate surgery won’t help if your throat is to blame.

All these magical cures for snoring you see advertised online and TV take on ONE of these issues at best.

That’s why they don’t work for most people.

Plus, if they do work for a while, you’ll have to keep on using them for the rest of your life.

They’re not cures, only temporary bandages.

And who wants to have to sleep with a nose tape or jaw strap every night for the rest of their life?

Not to mention if you need a CPAP machine for sleep apnea.

I, however, have developed 24 stop snoring exercises that each focus on a specific issue of snoring.

And the snoring exercises work fast.

Whereas it took me three weeks to completely treat my snoring, most people using my new, improved snoring exercises achieve the same thing within a week, and often, the very first night.

It’s very easy to find out.

I’ll give you a few simple questions to diagnose exactly what type of snoring you have.

For example: “Do you snore even when you sleep with your mouth closed?” (Your partner may need to answer this.)

If the answer is Yes, then more likely than not, your nasal passages are to blame. (We’ll do a few follow-up questions to diagnose this for sure.)

And I’ll give you specific exercises focused on opening up the nasal passages.

I’ll recommend 3–4 exercises based on your type of snoring (throat, tongue, nasal passages, jaw, or soft palate).

Each exercise takes about a minute or two to do. So you’ll have to put aside 3–5 minutes per day to completely treat your snoring.

Today, you should put aside an extra five minutes to learn the exercises for the first time. I explain them in simple language, and the directions are well-illustrated, so they’re very easy to learn.

Plus, you can also follow along on the audio directions I give you – just to make things even easier.

Best of all, you can perform the exercises anywhere, anytime – even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. After a few days, they’ll become completely automatic.

So, doing the exercises really doesn’t take time from anything else.

And yes, I recommend you keep on doing the exercises for a few days, even if you don’t snore. Just to make sure it doesn’t reappear.

You see, treating your snoring is all about opening up the breathing passages so they’re not blocked by anything.

Because some people take a few days to treat their snoring, I used my understanding of the subject to develop sleeping positions that work the very first night – even before you begin using the exercises.

These positions also guarantee you never have to snore again, even in the extremely rare instances the exercises don’t help or take a long time to work. (Again, this is very rare, but I’m a perfectionist and want to make sure you’re 100% happy.)

In one sleeping position, you can lie on your back; the other, you sleep on your side. It all depends on what you like.

Okay, let’s pause a little and allow me to take a wild guess . . .

You’re tempted to try the exercises.

It makes sense to you that strengthening and loosening up the breathing passages is more effective than invasive surgery or uncomfortable devices.

But still, there is this little nagging voice in the back of your head telling you this may not work.

Maybe even that this is all just a sham to get your money.

Well, first of all, notice that Blue Heron Health News publishes “The Stop Snoring Exercises Program.”

They’re the leading publishing company in alternative health information, and they’ve a great reputation to maintain.

They will never publish anything that’s not thoroughly proven by hundreds, even thousands, of users.

So, this is obviously not a sham.

Even if it helps everyone else, maybe your snoring problem is somewhat different.

That’s the nagging question, isn’t it?

Maybe you’ve already spent a fortune on nasal and throat sprays, mouthpieces, and headbands.

Maybe you’ve even unsuccessfully undergone a snoring surgery.

I understand . . . not just from my own experience, but also from thousands of emails I’ve received throughout the years.

People who have tried everything under the Sun to manage their snoring, and nothing has helped till they gave the easy stop snoring exercises a go.

That’s why we’re today . . .

Order the program today and try the exercises for yourself.

Test every step in the program.

You’ll most likely experience an immediate difference tonight.

But it may also take a few days, maybe even a week.

But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the results, just shoot us a quick email and our in-house customer service team will refund you on the spot – no questions asked.

Because for a few people, treating their snoring takes a little longer, we’re extending our 100%, no questions asked, money-back guarantee to 60 days.

That means you can thoroughly test the program for a whole two months before you decide if you’re happy with it.

It’s like buying a new car, driving it for two months, and then returning it back to the dealer because you don’t like the color.

As if that wasn’t enough . . .

You don’t even need to return the program.

Since it’s downloaded online, delivering it costs us nothing.

So, even if you get a refund, keep the program for later, just in case you ever want to give it a second go.

And then the burning question, if you’re happy with the program . . .

The keyword here is, of course, “happy,” because if you’re not happy, you pay nothing.

But to completely treat your snoring, what is that worth?

After all, that’s just a fraction of what other “solutions” cost you. And they’re not guaranteed to work like our exercises.

But that’s not the price you pay today.

I think you’ve realized by now that money is not my driving force. Helping you overcome your snoring is.

In fact, what I’d like most is to give everything away for free. But with the high costs of creating, publishing, and promoting a program like this, that’s not possible.

And I’m sure that the cost is not really your main concern.

The only thing that really matters is that . . .

In just a few moments, after you decide to take the leap of faith and order “The Stop Snoring Exercises Program,” you’re going to be taken immediately to the membership page.

There, I’ll take you by your hand and lead you through the simple steps of:

The total time from now until you’re done with the first set of the snoring exercises is under 12 minutes.

If you’ve any questions, concerns, or problems, hit the “Contact Us” link at the top and bottom of every page of this site, and the highly trained, in-house customer service team at Blue Heron Health News will immediately resolve it.

Their great support team is one of the main reasons I decided to go with Blue Heron.

. . . because you’re going to be so excited about going to sleep tonight and seeing what happens.

If you don’t snore the very first night, celebrate. But keep at it for at least a week or two to make sure you have tackled your snoring at the roots.

If you still snore a little tonight, repeat the same exercises tomorrow. They only take 3–5 minutes, so no big deal.

And then comes the moment your spouse says . . .

Can you imagine how you’re going to feel?

How liberating it will be?

Just think of all the tension this will relieve. All the shame and frustration you’ll be free of.

Something that has probably been bugging you for years.

Are you ready to grab your new life? Then click the order button below:

Yes, you can wait, and you’ll lose yet another night of restful sleep. Can you really bear that when you know you could be snore-free tonight?

Can you bear to put your partner through the agony of another sleepless night?

Can your partner put up with another sleepless night? It’s not just annoying – it’s life threatening.

Can you do this to yourself and your partner when you know you have the solution sitting at your fingertips?

Take action now and invest a few minutes to completely treat your snoring today.

Even if you’re busy, you can use the exercises anytime. So, order them now and do them whenever you want.

You’re taking absolutely no risk since the results are 100% guaranteed. All you have to decide is how much it’s worth to you to treat your snoring – tonight!

And the great customer service team at Blue Heron Health News is just itching to help you if you’ve any issues.

It all starts with a single click on the order button below.

Click Here to Order Now…

Oh, and how’s my wife doing?

She has been so happy ever since I stopped snoring. And amazingly, almost all the irritations and fights between us are gone.

Fifteen years have passed, and we’ve had two sons since the trip to Australia. In fact, our younger son was born nine months later (Wholahay!)

And now we’re looking forward to becoming grandparents together one day.

We sometimes joke about the times we were ready to divorce over the smallest issues – just because we were so tired.

When you’re sleep-deprived and wasted, the tiniest things get blown out of proportion.

Just like a good night’s sleep makes every day brighter.

How will your life change once snoring has stopped trashing it?

How will it be different?

What will you do differently?

Are you ready to wake up refreshed and happy every morning and share a smile with your lovely partner?

To go through the day full of energy and joy?

And to go to sleep every night relaxed, without dreading that snoring will ruin yet another good night’s sleep.

Is it worth it to spend three minutes of simple exercises today to gain that life?And say goodbye to snoring forever?

If the answer is “yes,” then please don’t wait another minute. Click the order button below now . . .

Click Here to Order Now…

Click here to get Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Zapier’s Head of Paid Advertising on Storytelling, AI-Centric Ads, and Why He’s Fully Committed to Influencer Advertising and Marketing

Happy Autumn, MiM-ers! Grab your pumpkin spice latte and settle in with Noah Kahan’s Stick season, and get ready to listen to a paid marketer who is completely dedicated to influencer, storytelling and AI-targeted advertising.

(I’m sorry I can’t deliver a new autumn-inspired album. To be honest, I’m obsessed with mine anyway “Daylight saving time 2019” combination..)

Stay tuned to learn why Zapier’s head of paid advertising believes the golden age of paid advertising is over.

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1. Come completely with the influencer buzz.

James de Feu says the golden age of paid sales is over. And he’s happy about it.

He is also the paid ads manager at Zapier.

(Today I’m imagining Mad Men Don Draper turns over in his television grave.)

De Feu is so confident in influencer promotion that he has negotiated to place it under his group of paid advertising employees. He succeeded because, moving forward, “we see it as the movement of our brand.”

In fact, once I asked him how he would spend a hypothetical $1,000, de Feu told me he would invest a good 40% in influencers.

However, don’t simply delete your Google Ads account. De Feu says he would still allocate 50% of this hypothetical budget to paid advertising. (The other 10% would go to search engine optimization, if you get stuck trying to load it up to 100.)

As he acknowledges, “Paid advertising will always be on and we’ll spend a lot of money there anyway. Then once again paid ads live and die on that month of spending. It’s not giving us the reach it once did.

For this reason de Feu does not put all his eggs in one basket. Paid continues to be a great egg (err-basket?), On the other hand it is keen to seek out influencers who thrive on the same platforms where Zapier customers find themselves.

“I smiled when you mentioned influencers, because that’s the name of the game, even for those other people in the B2B industry,” he tells me. “These are no longer glossy products for teenagers.”

2. Storytelling is the bread and butter of marketing.

“In the planet of paid advertising, we fixate on one isolated entertainment and keep trying to optimize it until it gets easier,” says de Feu. “On the other hand, one thing we have now discovered is that storytelling can be very massive.”

“Storytelling can be very massive” is exactly the same phrase I gave my parents when I was trying to convince them that majoring in creative writing was once a good financial solution – on the other hand de Feu is not improper. If there is one truth that is still consistent in the world of marketing, it is that people have always loved and will always love a good story.

“Elongating something, building a story, increasing use cases, highlighting testimonials – I’ve let go of all that over the last couple of years and I’m just grateful now that we’ve reset now. Storytelling has always been, and will continue to be, our superpower as marketers.”

So if you’re not sure where to start on this planet of paid advertising, do this: correspond with your customers, discover their painful problems and then connect with your solutions through superb old-fashioned storytelling style.

3. Get used to cha-cha changes.

David Bowie preached it: you need to keep up with all the changes happening in the sales industry or risk throwing away precious money. (These are the lyrics, aren’t you kind?)

For de Feu, that means doing a lot of testing to learn how to use artificial intelligence to personalize Zapier ads, not only in augmenting belongings, but also in targeting interested audiences.

“You should really be up to date with most of these contemporary changes, otherwise, despite everything, you will end up losing money,” he says.

An example would be a sports brand that uses AI to focus on advertising yoga apparel to their vinyasa-loving customers, while ensuring their {golf} apparel is shipped to all the kids on Wall Street.

Simply put: the future of advertising will be much more like focused, high-intent content material, and no longer identical to the generic, all-purpose ads we’ve now come to capture and hate.

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Lead Scoring 101: The way to Use Information to Calculate a Fundamental Lead Rating

When most people get began implementing inbound promoting, they’re mainly nervous about getting enough new leads within the funnel.

Alternatively after you have a large number of leads, you want to resolve who‘s in reality to your product and who’s merely starting to look around.

That’s the position lead scoring is to be had in. In this article, I’ll share lead scoring models in an effort to imagine, essential data to try, and very best practices for environment friendly lead scoring.

Table of Contents

What’s lead scoring?

Lead scoring is the process of assigning values, continuously inside the kind of numerical “problems,” to each lead you generate to evaluate the risk of them becoming a customer.

You’ll rating your leads according to a few attributes, along side the professional information they‘ve submitted to you and the way in which they’ve engaged along side your internet web page and brand across the internet.

This process helps product sales and promoting teams prioritize leads, respond to them appropriately, and building up the velocity at which those leads grow to be customers.

Learn further about the concept that of lead scoring throughout the video beneath:

Each and every company has a singular sort for assigning problems to score their leads, alternatively I’ve found out one of the now not bizarre tactics is to use data from earlier results in create a worth software.

How? First, you‘ll take a look at your contacts who became customers to look what they’ve in now not bizarre. Next, you’ll check out the attributes of your contacts who didn‘t grow to be customers.

If you happen to’ve appeared at the historic data from all sides, you’ll be capable to decide which attributes should be weighted intently according to how most definitely they’re to signify someone’s a superb are compatible on your product.

Lead scoring sounds easy, correct? Depending on your small business sort and the leads to your database, it’s going to in brief grow to be tricky.

To make this process rather more straightforward on you, I’m going to walk you all over the basics of constructing a lead rating, along side what data you’re going to have to try, how you can to find an important attributes, and the process for in truth calculating a basic rating.

Why is lead scoring essential?

You’ll be wondering if lead scoring is old-fashioned or if it’s nevertheless a comparable product sales method. The short answer is lead scoring is as essential nowadays because it’s been for years.

The methods will have advanced, alternatively the serve as of lead scoring continues to be crucial for product sales and promoting teams.

For starters, lead scoring means that you can prioritize and focal point your efforts on leads which can be the perhaps to change into to customers.

And when 53% of salespeople say selling got harder in 2023, I imagine it’s a good idea to turn your energy towards product sales that have a greater probability of ultimate.

Mark Osborne, B2B product sales a professional and founder of Trendy Earnings Methods, supplies that for a lot of businesses, markets are tightening as a result of uncertainty and higher interest rates, which has led to a lot much less capital — making each and every lead a lot more precious.

“Keep in mind the 80/20 rule: that 80% of your revenues come from merely 20% of your shoppers,” suggests Osborne. “This is a lot more pronounced when expanded to the share of leads that grow to be your very best shoppers.”

Firms without techniques for scoring and prioritizing the most efficient choices are most definitely spreading themselves too thin all over all choices and would possibly not win the most efficient shoppers.

Plus, says Osborne, without a lead scoring sort in place, that you just should be losing business to the competition.

“Savvy pageant have found out to swarm on the most efficient choices when they resolve them,” he says, “giving those probabilities the most productive stage of personalized attention and service to win those an important gives.”

Lead Scoring Models

Lead scoring models be certain that the values you assign to each lead reflect their actual compatibility along side your product.

Many lead scores are in reaction to a point range of 0 to 100, alternatively each and every sort you create will give a boost to a decided on feature of your core customer.

Listed below are six different lead scoring models according to the type of data you’ll be capable to collect from the people who engage with your small business:

1. Demographic Knowledge

Are you best selling to parents of a definite demographic, like parents of babies or CIOs? Ask demographic questions in the paperwork in your touchdown pages, and also you’ll be capable to use your leads’ answers to look how neatly they have got compatibility in along side your target market.

One thing I like to recommend is to remove outliers from your product sales team’s queue by means of subtracting problems for many who fall into a category you don’t advertise to.

As an example, for many who best advertise to a definite geographic location, likelihood is that you’ll give a negative rating to any lead who falls outside the proper the town, state, zip code, country, and so on.

If a couple of of your form fields don’t seem to be mandatory (like a phone amount, for instance), you may additionally award further problems to leads who provide that now not mandatory information anyway.

2. Company Knowledge

In the event you‘re a B2B team, are you further all for selling to organizations of a definite size, kind, or industry? Are you further all for B2B organizations or B2C organizations?

You’ll ask questions like the ones on your landing internet web page forms, too, so that you’ll be capable to give problems to leads who are compatible in along side your target market and take problems transparent of leads who aren’t the least bit what you could be looking for.

Osborne moreover suggests tracking external company data on company information an identical to new control, M&A job, new investments, or a PR crisis as this information “will also be precious in figuring out the imaginable company’s provide context and are compatible along side your value proposition to find the potential of long-term, profitable engagements,” he says.

3. Behavioral Knowledge

For Ben Grant, CEO of LearnSales, behavioral data is essential for lead scoring in 2024.

“I’m diving deep into behavioral data an identical to what content material subject material [prospects] are engaging with, how continuously they seek advice from our internet web page, and even the time they spend on explicit pages,” he says. “This gives us a clearer symbol of their intent.”

In my enjoy, how a lead interacts along side your internet web page can tell you numerous about how they’re in buying from you.

Take a look at your leads who in the end grow to be customers: Which gives did they download? How many supplies did they download? Which pages — and what percentage of pages — did they seek advice from on your internet web page previous to becoming a customer?

Each and every the volume and varieties of forms and pages are essential. That you must give higher lead scores to leads who visited high-value pages (like pricing pages) or stuffed out high-value forms (like a demo request).

In a similar fashion, likelihood is that you’ll give higher scores to leads who had 30 internet web page views on your internet web page, as opposed to 3.

What about leads who’ve changed their behavior through the years? If a lead has stopped visiting your internet web page or downloading your supplies, they may not be anymore.

That you must take problems transparent of leads who’ve stopped engaging along side your internet web page after a definite time frame. How long — 10 days, 30 days, 90 days — is dependent upon your typical product sales cycle.

Remember that your product sales cycle would perhaps look different at the moment compared to years prior. In 2023, 53% of businesses professional longer product sales cycles.

4. Electronic mail Engagement

If someone opts in to acquire emails from your company by means of filling out an email popup, you received’t know the way that consumer is in buying from you.

Open and click-through fees, alternatively, gives you a a lot better concept of their interest stage.

Your product sales team will need to know who opened each and every email to your lead nurturing assortment or who always clicked by means of your offer promotion emails. That means, they are able to focal point on the ones who seem most engaged.

You might also give a greater lead rating to leads who click on on by means of on high-value emails, like demo supplies.

5. Social Engagement

How engaged a lead is along side your brand on social networks can also come up with an idea of how they’re.

How over and over again did they click on on by means of on your company’s tweets and LinkedIn posts? How over and over again did they observation or share those posts?

In my enjoy, social media is tied to referrals for generating the highest-quality leads, so it’s not a channel to forget.

Symbol Supply

In the event you’re not already participating along side your promoting team to get this information, get began now, recommends Grant.

“Our product sales and promoting team are in constant verbal alternate, ensuring that the standards we use for scoring are aligned with real-world results,” he says. “This synergy helps refine our lead scoring models and make stronger accuracy.”

6. Direct mail Detection

Last alternatively not least, you’ll have to give negative scores to leads who stuffed out landing internet web page forms in tactics by which might indicate they’re junk mail. As an example, were first identify, ultimate identify, and/or company identify not capitalized?

Did the lead complete any form fields by means of typing 4 or further letters throughout the typical “QWERTY” keyboard side-by-side?

You might also need to consider which varieties of email addresses leads are using compared with the email addresses of your customer base. If you’re selling to corporations, as an example, likelihood is that you’ll take problems transparent of leads who use a Gmail or Yahoo! email take care of.

How one can Come to a decision What Knowledge to Look At

There’s a large number of data to weed by means of — how have you learnt which data problems most? Should you to find out from your product sales team? Should you interview your customers? Should you dive into your analytics and run a few studies?

I love to counsel a mixture of all 3. Your product sales team, your customers, and your analytics studies will all mean you can piece together what content material subject material is most beneficial for converting leads into customers, which is in a position to mean you can attach numerous problems to sure supplies, emails, and so on.

Keep up a correspondence to your product sales team.

Product sales reps are the ones on the ground, talking directly with each and every leads who turned into customers and those who didn’t. They tend to have a wonderful superb considered which pieces of selling topic subject material help encourage conversion.

Which blog posts and gives do your product sales reps like to send leads? That you must to find a couple of of them telling you, “Each and every time I send people this sure piece of collateral, it’s more straightforward to close them.” This is precious information. I love to counsel you to find out what those pieces of collateral are and assign problems accordingly.

Keep up a correspondence to your customers.

While your product sales team would perhaps claim sure content material subject material converts customers, likelihood is that you’ll to find that the people who in truth went all over the product sales process produce other opinions. This is adequate: You need to hear it from all sides.

If truth be told, in line with our 2024 State of Gross sales Record, building and maintaining an impressive rapport with customers is a key focal point house for product sales pros.

Behavior a few customer interviews to learn what they think was chargeable for their resolution to buy from you. I like to recommend you interview customers who’ve had each and every fast and long product sales cycles in order that you get quite a lot of perspectives.

Turn to the analytics.

I love to counsel you moreover complement all this in-person research with laborious data from your advertising analytics.

Run an attribution record to resolve which promoting efforts lead to conversions in all places the funnel. Don‘t best check out the content material subject material that converts results in customers — what regarding the content material subject material people view previous to they grow to be a lead?

That you must award a definite number of problems to people who download content material subject material that’s historically remodeled people into leads and a greater number of problems to people who download content material subject material this is historically remodeled leads into customers.

In a different way to help you piece together precious pieces of content material subject material on your internet web page is to run a contacts document. A contacts document will show you what collection of contacts — and how much source of revenue — were generated as a result of sure, explicit promoting movements.

Promoting movements would perhaps include sure offer downloads, email advertising marketing campaign click-throughs, and so on. Have in mind of which movements tend to be first-touch conversions, last-touch conversions, and so on, and assign problems accordingly.

 Lead scoring model using a contacts report in HubSpot.

Symbol Supply

Is one lead rating enough?

When you have one core customer right now, a single rating suffices. Alternatively as your company scales, you’ll be capable to advertise to new audiences. That you must amplify into new product traces, new spaces, or new personas.

That you must even focal point further on up-selling and cross-selling to offer customers slightly than pursuing new ones. In my enjoy, if your contacts aren‘t “one size fits all,” your scoring software shouldn’t be each.

With some promoting platforms, you’ll be capable to create a few lead-scoring techniques, giving you the flexibility to qualify different gadgets of contacts in numerous tactics. Now not sure how you can prepare a couple of rating? I’ve amassed a few examples to inspire you:

Fit vs. Passion

Let’s say, for instance, your product sales team needs to evaluate customers on each and every are compatible (e.g., is a slightly in the proper space? The most efficient industry? The most efficient serve as?) and interest stage (e.g., how engaged have they been along side your online content material subject material?).

If both a type of attributes are a priority, you’ll be capable to create each and every an engagement rating and a are compatible rating so as to prioritize outreach to contacts whose values are over the top in each and every categories.

A few Personas

Say you’re a software company that sells two quite a lot of sorts of software by means of different product sales teams to quite a lot of sorts of customers.

You’ll wish to create two different lead scores — one for a buyer’s are compatible and the other for their interest in each software. Then, you’d use the ones respective scores to path results in the proper product sales teams.

New Trade vs. Up-sell

As you expand, likelihood is that you’ll get began to pay attention to upselling or cross-selling as much as new business. Then again, remember that the symptoms that time out the usual of new probabilities and provide customers continuously look completely different.

For probabilities, likelihood is that you’ll check out demographics and internet web page engagement, whilst for provide customers, likelihood is that you’ll check out what collection of customer give a boost to tickets they’ve submitted, their engagement with an onboarding guide, and the way in which vigorous they at the present time are along side your products.

If the ones buying signs look different for quite a lot of sorts of product sales, imagine rising a few lead scores.

How one can Calculate a Basic Lead Score

There are many different ways to calculate a lead rating, alternatively I imagine the simplest option to do it’s this:

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Information Lead Scoring

1. Calculate the lead-to-customer conversion value of your entire leads.

Your lead-to-customer conversion value is equal to the number of new customers you were given, divided by means of the number of leads you generate. Use this conversion value as your benchmark.

2. Pick and select different attributes of customers who you believe were higher top of the range leads.

Customers who requested a free trial one day, customers throughout the finance industry, or customers with 10-20 staff could be attributes.

There‘s a definite roughly paintings to choosing which attributes to include to your sort. You’ll select attributes according to those conversations you had along side your product sales team, your analytics, and so on — alternatively common, this is a judgment title.

You’ll wish to have 5 folks do the equivalent exercise, they usually might come up with 5 different models. Alternatively this is adequate as long as your scoring is according to the guidelines we mentioned previously.

3. Calculate the individual close fees of each of those attributes.

Calculating the close fees of each type of movement a person takes on your internet web page — or the type of consumer taking that movement — is essential because it dictates the actions you’ll be capable to take in response.

So, determine how many people grow to be qualified leads (and ultimately customers) according to their actions or who they’re in relation to your core customer. You’ll use the ones close fees to in truth “rating” them throughout the step beneath.

4. Read about the close fees of each feature along side your common close value and assign stage values accordingly.

Seek for the attributes with close fees which can be significantly higher than your common close value. Then, select which attributes you’ll assign problems to, and if so, what collection of problems.

Base the aim values of each feature on the magnitude of their consumer close fees.

The true stage values will be rather arbitrary, alternatively you want to be as consistent as possible.

As an example, if your common close value is 1% and your “requested demo” close value is 20%, then the close value of the “requested demo” feature is 20X your common close value — in order that you should, as an example, award 20 problems to leads with those attributes.

Logistic Regression Lead Scoring

The easy method above for calculating a lead rating is a great get began. Then again, one of the mathematically sound methods employ a data mining method, an identical to logistic regression.

Knowledge mining ways are further complex and continuously further intuitive than your actual close fees. Logistic regression involves building one way in Excel that’ll spit out the risk {{that a}} lead will close proper right into a customer.

This is further right kind than the method I outlined above as it’s a holistic way that takes into account how all of the customer attributes — like industry, company size, and whether or not or now not or not someone requested a trial — engage with one each and every different.

In case you wish to have a miles much less complex lead-scoring method, I imagine the guide way above is a great place to start out.

Predictive Lead Scoring

Creating a lead rating can do just right issues for your small business: make stronger the lead-handoff process, building up lead conversion value, make stronger rep productivity, and additional.

Alternatively, as you’ll be capable to see from the two methods above, coming up with a scoring software most often is a time-consuming process when accomplished manually.

Plus, coming up with scoring requirements isn‘t “set it and forget it.” As you get feedback from your team and stress-test your scores, I’ve found out you’ll wish to tweak your lead-scoring software often to ensure it remains right kind.

Wouldn’t it now not be more straightforward if era might eliminate the guide setup and secure tweaking, leaving your team overtime to build relationships along side your customers?

That’s the position predictive scoring is to be had in. Predictive lead scoring uses machine learning to parse by means of masses of knowledge problems so that you can resolve your very best leads, in order that you wouldn’t need to.

Predictive scoring seems to be like at what information your customers have in now not bizarre, along with what information the leads that didn’t close have in now not bizarre, and is derived up with one way that types your contacts by means of importance according to their imaginable to grow to be customers.

This allows you and your product sales team to prioritize leads so that you could be not harassing those who don’t appear to be (however) and engaging those who are.

The best section about predictive scoring? As with any device of machine learning, your predictive rating gets smarter through the years, so your lead follow-up method will optimize itself.

Featured Helpful useful resource: Predictive Lead Scoring Tool

lead scoring model, hubspot’s predictive lead scoring software

Obtain for Unfastened

Lead Scoring Perfect Practices

We’ve coated such a lot thus far, so I need to wrap it up with a few very best practices I found out from the product sales leaders I spoke to.

Listed below are some lead scoring very best practices to stick to if you want to make stronger your product sales in 2024.

Leverage AI and machine learning.

Throughout the age of AI, product sales pros might be smart to use probably the most the most important numerous AI apparatus to their selling advantage, in particular all over the lead scoring process.

Now not best can AI apparatus make stronger efficiency, alternatively 66% of gross sales execs say that AI helps them provide a personalized enjoy and better understand their customers.

 Lead scoring model: AI can help sales pros boost performance throughout the lead generation process.

Symbol Supply

Grant could also be taking advantage of AI’s power to personalize data.

“We’re leveraging AI to investigate patterns and expect which leads are perhaps to change into,” he says. “Device learning models can adapt and get further right kind through the years, which is a big step up from typical lead scoring methods.”

Lead with data.

I imagine probably the most the most important very best parts about lead scoring is that it’s an function method. When the guidelines indicates how a prospect is, that’s something you’ll need to lean into.

Knowledge is one of the most essential resources product sales teams and marketers have at their disposal, and lead scoring has grow to be a lot more data-driven with the apparatus available nowadays.

If you want to save time spent on unqualified leads and prioritize sales-ready ones with data-driven alternatives, then your product sales team should use a lead scoring sort that makes it easy to prepare and understand your data.

Make real-time adjustments.

In the event you think lead scoring models are old-fashioned, it could be because the typical methods didn’t remember real-time industry or business changes.

“Lead scoring isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it deal,” says Grant. “We’re making real-time adjustments according to the most recent data. This agility helps us stay ahead of the curve and respond to changing market prerequisites.”

There are so many lead era equipment available to help your product sales team make real-time alternatives and appropriately qualify inbound leads.

Support Your Product sales With Lead Scoring

Scoring your leads can go far in understanding which leads are superb fits and to your offering and which might perhaps need further nurturing previous to being sales-ready.

Check out our lead scoring templates to get started defining your requirements and assigning problems!

Editor’s phrase: This post was in the beginning published in January 2019 and has been up-to-the-minute for comprehensiveness.

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16 B2B Social Media Advertising and marketing Methods for Any and Each Trade [Social Media Trends Report Data]

B2B social media promoting and advertising regularly gets an uncongenial rap.

It’s treated like the strict school primary of business. It’s spotted as dull and “unfun.” It won’t imply you’ll be able to tell jokes, be in contact to your pals on social media, or harm with customized. (And it indubitably wouldn’t imply you’ll be able to chew gum in school if it’ll.)

However, if my last decade of helping marketers put it up for sale their corporations has taught me the remaining, it’s that the ones are all merely nasty rumors.

B2B (business-to-business) advertising and marketing, in particular social media promoting and advertising, can also be merely as creative, relatable, and exciting as B2C (business-to-consumer), and frankly, it has to be to reach luck.

Thankfully, there are a number of B2B social media advertising and marketing strategies and tips that make it conceivable, regardless of your industry. Let’s be in contact via one of the best possible and take a look at examples from producers like Google, Slack, Shopify, and additional.

Table of Contents

What’s B2B social media promoting and advertising?

To grab B2B social media promoting and advertising, you really merely wish to understand the difference between B2B and B2C.

Simply put, B2B manner a undertaking’ offering is supposed to be bought and used by every other undertaking. It has a professional function.

B2C, however, refers to pieces and services intended to be bought by the use of specific particular person customers for personal use.

Stunning simple, right kind?

Working out that, B2B social media promoting and advertising is when your business uses social media platforms to put it up for sale its product, provider, or logo to other corporations that may acquire them.

Think Shopify considering eCommerce corporations or Slack, corporations that need real-time digital dialog.

Alternatively let’s be authentic — it’s no longer like Slack or Shopify themselves are scrolling via your Instagram feed or slapping subscribe on YouTube. It’s nevertheless an individual.

So, I usually counsel my fellow marketers to imagine B2B social media promoting and advertising as when a undertaking uses social media to reach individuals who make purchases on behalf of businesses or can have an effect on those purchases.

So, how is B2B social media promoting and advertising different from B2C?

Although B2C and B2B social media promoting and advertising each and every technically communicate to parents, there are nevertheless some key diversifications.

They in most cases all necessarily come once more to what messages and content material subject material you share.

In B2B social media promoting and advertising, you communicate further about professional and organizational pain problems and targets (i.e., profitability, productivity, and group morale) and truly infrequently about personal targets (i.e. upper space lifestyles, stepped ahead effectively being, or beauty).

B2B is also a lot much less about growing personal, one-on-one relationships on social media like B2C and additional about talking worth and bottom-line results to a greater staff.

However, none of this is to say that B2B social media promoting and advertising is cold, heartless, or impersonal.

Should you’re running B2B social for the principle time, it simply manner you want to point of interest on the collective interests, no longer personal ones.

Share purchaser just right fortune stories or content material subject material that speaks not to odd organizational pain problems or experiences. Post knowledge or actionable advice corporations can use in their duties or tasks.

Slack does an ideal process of this all through its social media.

Now that what B2B social media promoting and advertising is, how can you do it successfully?

B2B Social Media Promoting and advertising Method Best Practices

First, you want a forged B2B social media marketing strategy to guide you. Let’s discuss a few best possible practices for creating yours.

1. Shape your method spherical SMART targets.

Like all marketing strategy, a B2B social media technique must be shaped spherical targets to achieve success. Objectives knowledge you and remember to’re running against the right kind problems.

Whether or not or no longer your targets are concerned with logo awareness or acquisition, some of the very best techniques to outline them in your group is using the SMART method — specific, measurable, imaginable, comparable, and time-bound.

That is serving to your group know exactly what it’s having a look to do and by the use of when, how it will observe its expansion against achieving it, and why it’s something they can actually do.

Let’s illustrate with an example. Say your function is “To build logo awareness on social media.”

Bearing in mind this via with the SMART means, this becomes:

  • Specific: I wish to boost our company’s logo awareness by the use of posting regularly and without end on X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. I will increase our posts on X from once to 4 circumstances a day, put up day-to-day on Instagram, and increase weekly publishing frequency on LinkedIn and Facebook from 4 to seven circumstances each week.
  • Measurable: Our function is a 4% increase in engagement worth across the board.
  • Attainable: Our engagement worth higher by the use of an average of 2% last month after we higher our weekly publishing frequency and spent additional time on thoughtful, engaging copy.
  • Similar: By way of increasing the engagement worth, we will be able to boost logo awareness and generate further leads, giving product sales further choices to close.
  • Time-Sure: End of this month.

Hanging that every one together makes our SMART function:

“By way of the end of this month, we will increase our average engagement worth all through our social media channels by the use of 4% by the use of increasing our put up frequency and specializing in thoughtful, engaging copy.”

See the difference?

Skilled tip: If you want to have have the same opinion taking into consideration all through the SMART means, we’ve got a template to lend a hand.

Available as an Excel and Google Sheet, this template provides step-by-step instructions for setting a SMART function, calculates achievable numerical targets, and helps you assessment the roadblocks to achieving your promoting and advertising targets.

2. Take inspiration from your festival.

Social media can give you a glimpse into your competitor’s marketing strategy. Monitoring them will have to for sure be part of your routine.

You want to grab what campaigns they run, how audiences answer, what new products or choices they’re going to unlock, and what questions or problems audiences can have.

All of this belief helps you upper understand what you’re up against and how it’s imaginable you’ll wish to keep an eye on your method.

You moreover wish to “Find a white space,” as HubSpot Senior Social Media Manager Emily Kearns advises.

“The B2B landscape is moderately simple, an an identical, and uninteresting. Deep dive into your festival, see how they’re executing on social, and try to come to a decision a singular house where you’ll add worth and stand out.”

If your competitor isn’t responding to trending knowledge, then most likely your logo can lead the way. Within the match that they to find just right fortune sharing motion pictures with actionable advice, how can you incorporate a an an identical style and make stronger upon it?

Seek for choices to emulate problems which could be doing well and differentiate yourself.

3. Decide a singular logo and voice.

You moreover wish to extend a constant voice on social media. Now not very best does this make your feed glance extra arranged, cohesive, {and professional}, but it moreover shall we in visitors to recognize your content material subject material even out of context.

As an example, you’ll spot a Canva put up from a mile away with its consistent fonts and colours.

Screenshot showing brand consistency on Canva’s Instagram profile.

Ask yourself:

  • What makes your business different?
  • How will its content material subject material appear and feel?
  • What would make any person be able to recognize it even if it wasn’t in your platform?
  • What emotions and words do other people cross together with you?

The answers to these questions will type the root of your voice. If you want to have further tips for building your logo voice from the ground up, right here’s an invaluable slideshow to get you started.

Skilled tip: LinkedIn discovered that 64% of executives need “a further human, a lot much less formal tone of voice” over “an even-toned, intellectual voice.” So, keep it natural and conversational.

“Recall to mind your logo as a person, a pal to your audience,” details HubSpot Senior Logo Social Body of workers Lead Chi Thukral.

“What would they sound like, what would they be taking into consideration talking about, how would they be at art work, what would their FYP seem to be? This all will humanize your content material subject material. B2B doesn’t wish to be serious and dry.”

While you want your social media voice to be in step with your upper logo and company custom, you’re nevertheless talking to fellow human beings. Post accordingly.

4. Post on a relentless time table.

Together with your voice and visual logo, purpose to be in step with your posting time table.

Having a suite time to put up content material subject material gives you a final date to watch and offers your audience a decided on time to stay up for paying attention to from you.

Create a content material calendar for as far into the long term as you’ll. I love to counsel mapping out at least two weeks and having your content material subject material ready each week previous to publishing, in order that you aren’t left scrambling at the last minute.

HubSpot has a social media calendar template that will help you get started.

Skilled tip: In a different way to deal with consistency is to time table posts ahead of time using a social media software.

Screenshot of HubSpot’s social media publishing tool.

HubSpot’s social media keep watch over tool allows you to run all of your social media from one central location, at the side of scheduling to Facebook, Instagram, X (in the past Twitter), and LinkedIn.

5. Focal point on original, thought control content material subject material.

Looking at the just right fortune of the entire meme accounts on social media, it’s possible you’ll believe curating content material subject material from other sources is a to hand information a coarse ticket to just right fortune — then again this way is short-sighted.

You’ll be able to get a like or share in recent times, then again why will have to any person apply you over the original provide long-term? Sharing third-party content material subject material showcases the facility, unique worth, or enjoy of its original author, no longer you.

So, slightly than just curating content material subject material from others, purpose to share prime quality, original content material subject material continuously. Your audience will probably be further at risk of share original content material subject material, in turn exposing your establish and information to new audiences.

Alternatively what kind of original content material subject material will have to you put up?

Believe your audience’s interests, questions, and targets, and create content material subject material that addresses them with your distinctive point of view. Provide answers and problems with view very best your corporate can; insights from your group’s experience.

The likelihood is that endless, then again for many who’re having trouble bobbing up with ideas, you’re no longer on my own. Rising engaging content material subject material is the number one problem entrepreneurs be expecting with social media throughout the next one year, but it doesn’t wish to be.

We’ll get into specifics throughout the next section, then again you’ll moreover head to The Final Information to Content material Introduction for some inspiration.

6. Diversify your content material subject material mediums.

There’s a explanation why we social media marketers get excited when platforms unlock new choices. They’re new mediums to play, get creative with, and most likely strike a chord with our audiences.

Instagram Stories, Facebook polls, TikTok Slideshows, and LinkedIn paperwork are all examples of multimedia formats that added new ways to have interaction with audiences on their platforms and diverse content material subject material mixes.

Screenshot showing LinkedIn’s “add document” feature

Alternatively why does this matter? Recall to mind it this manner — Should you scrolled via Instagram and very best spotted photos, you’ll maximum indubitably turn into bored stunning in short. Or for many who very best created the equivalent format everyone else was once as soon as, you’d possibly get out of place throughout the crowd.

Part of the reason Instagram helps to keep other people hooked is on account of its variety. In a 10-second scroll, likelihood is that you’ll come all through a meme, a Reel, a Story, an image with a poll, a carousel, or a live video. There’s a potpourri of alternatives to stick other people and interacting.

This is something you will have to emulate in your logo’s specific internet web page.

Different other people enjoy consuming wisdom in a lot of ways, so for many who very best create one type, you’ll be neglected by the use of many to your target audience.

Plus, no longer each and every subject lends itself to each and every format. As an example, a tool instructional is possibly best possible suited to a video slightly than a sequence of images. So, let your matter subject material knowledge you as well.

Workplace space provider Regus uses a healthy mix of more than a few mediums all through its social media profiles. On Instagram, you’ll to find short-form movies, Tales, single photos, carousels, and even graphics to diversify its feed and highlight supplies in a lot of ways:

Screenshot showing Regus’ Instagram account and B2b social media marketing strategy

And their LinkedIn follows go well with with motion pictures, slideshows, and graphics:

Screenshot showing Regus’ LinkedIn Company Page and B2b social media marketing strategy

Skilled tip: Repurpose your current content material for more than a few mediums with artificial intelligence (AI). Repurposing is one in every of smartest ways to get necessarily probably the most out of the art work you’ve already completed and it doesn’t wish to be time consuming, as a result of AI.

Share a blog article with ChatGPT and it is going to effectively in short spin up drafts for social media posts or captions. It is going to most likely even create video scripts or even pictures and graphics.

There are also an increasing number of AI apparatus being explicitly built with content material subject material repurposing in ideas like HubSpot’s Content material Remix.

Screenshot showing HubSpot’s content remix tool

With Content material subject material Remix, Professional and Undertaking-level consumers of Content material subject material Hub can repurpose present content material subject material into new formats.

This can also be materials you’ll have hosted on HubSpot (i.e. photos, social posts, text messages, ads, and blog posts) or new content material subject material you upload to the tool.

7. Use AI — then again sparingly.

Speaking of AI, it is going to effectively dramatically let you save time in B2B social media promoting and advertising in numerous ways. It assist you to:

As tempting as it can be, then again, use AI strategically to your B2B social media task as it does have its shortcomings.

For instance, relating to writing, the ease and pace moreover comes with problems with plagiarism, privacy, and even bias. In truth, our research came upon that 96% of the time, the content material subject material AI creates isn’t ready to use as-is. So, by the use of all manner, use it to get you started, then again be in a position to edit.

Take what the tool gives you and shape it into your final product together with your logo’s specific voice, personality, and original thought.

As for social media engagement, stylish audiences can usually spot automation, like this message from Lyft, from a mile away.

Screenshot showing an automated response from Lyft on X

Messages like this may increasingly come off as cold and inauthentic, in particular on social media platforms where the target is connection. So, keep your task as herbal and human-to-human as conceivable, each and every time conceivable.

Learn further about how AI to for your B2B advertising and marketing.

8. Lean into the right kind platforms.

There are dozens of social media platforms, then again that doesn’t indicate it’s a will have to to be on all of them.

Kearns outlined, “You don’t wish to do the whole thing on all social channels. Get began small and centered and put belongings in the back of one platform to understand how your audience engages with that content material subject material.”

In step with our analysis, the perfect 5 channels for B2B marketers are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and X.

Bar chart showing the most popular social media platforms for B2B marketing

She persevered, “Get to grasp your target audience: It’s an important to research to grasp where they’re spending their time online, what their interests are, and what they’re searching for in social. This will have to be the root of your content material subject material method and channel method.”

B2B Social Media Promoting and advertising Tactics That Artwork for Any Business

At the side of your method set, let’s dive into specific tactics.

9. Share knowledge and main points.

Wisdom isn’t just interesting, it’s onerous to argue with. It supplies an air of credibility to any message and can grasp attention. That’s a device for very good B2B social media content material subject material for many who query me.

With this in ideas, look into your analytics or, if you have the best way, habits original research. Pull necessarily probably the most compelling knowledge or number-based main points related to what you do and share it together with your audience in an eye-catching video or graphic.

What kind of knowledge will have to you share?

Seek for surprising dispositions and insights — ones that transfer against commonplace accept as true with. This type of wisdom stops any person as they’re scrolling, makes them wish to hit share, and even sparks a conversation.

Take this case that comes with HubSpot’s State of Product sales:

You’ll have the ability to moreover share knowledge to have the same opinion your audience make stronger their art work or make upper alternatives. Reddit for Business, for instance, regularly shares person selection knowledge to have the same opinion corporations and advertisers send simpler content material subject material on its platform:

It moreover cleverly makes use of knowledge to have the same opinion “advertise” its offering.

10. Give inspiration.

I’m no longer talking in regards to the cliche, anonymous inspirational quotes all folks see on Facebook each so continuously, then again professional inspiration.

Think quotes or keynotes from well-respected thought leaders for your own home or individuals who have triumph over relatable not easy scenarios.

Content material subject material like this resonates together with your audience on a deeper level and offers them something to not very best aspire to, then again wish to apply for added.

I’m a huge fan of the best way Shopify combines this method with social proof; sharing inspirational stories from its a luck customers.

Speaking of which …

11. Showcase your customers.

People hook up with other people, so even if you’re a B2B logo, it’s just right to incorporate human stories and relatable personalities into your social media content material subject material.

Have some really happy customers or lovers of your products? Post about them on social media like Slack does on its LinkedIn company internet web page:

The ones choices act as social evidence of your claims and have the same opinion audiences upper envision themselves as doable customers.

Plus, consistent with Gartner, 86% of businesses consider verified reviews an important in their achieve alternatives, so having a real-life purchaser communicate to your worth can do wonders for product sales.

Skilled tip: Don’t be afraid to lean into user-generated content material. When your lovers or customers love your logo, they’ll regularly be happy to share their experiences and concepts on social media.

Create a branded hashtag and encourage them to use it. You then’ll then reshare this content material subject material to your private social media

12. Highlight your employees.

You’ll have the ability to moreover introduce your social media enthusiasts to your employees. Spotlighting your group lets audiences to put faces to the company and humanize the logo.

This is important for small and big corporations alike, on account of whether or not or no longer you could be selling laptop techniques or offer business cleaning services, customers love to grab who their money is going to and in addition who will probably be there within the match that they run into issues.

Google and Pinterest each and every do a wonderful process of this:

b2b social media marketing example from Google's LinkedIn

b2b social media marketing example pinterest

Additionally, highlighting your employees shall we in for employer branding—or the popularity your company has as a place to art work. This may occasionally have the same opinion attract talent and make you further likable to customers normal.

Showcasing your workforce might also increase your succeed in and engagement. For instance, as a substitute of merely posting {a photograph} of your new product, you might also put up {a photograph} of the 20 people who designed it.

This will possibly get shared by the use of those 20 other people and spotted by the use of their networks if tagged.

At HubSpot, we’re no strangers to highlighting our employees on social media. In this example, we highlighted HubSpot employees who can also be showing as “correspondents” for INBOUND this one year.

By way of doing this, we get to acknowledge and show appreciation for a couple of of our group members while moreover giving our audience real-life other people to connect to at the fit.

13. Partner with comparable producers and influencers.

In keeping with Topic Dialog, 69% of shoppers imagine messages from influencers, pals, and family over producers themselves. In numerous words, you want others to vouch for you.

Uncover which influencers, creators, or other corporations your consumers engage with. Participating with them can boost your succeed in and the imagine others have in you.

Figma regularly collaborates with influencers and real-life consumers of its tool for engaging social media content material subject material:

Learn further about your alternatives for influencer advertising and marketing.

14. Use comparable humor.

In keeping with a contemporary find out about by way of HubSpot analysis, 97% of marketers plan to continue or increase their investment in funny content material subject material on social media throughout the next one year. And why no longer?

Moreover they reported that humorous content material subject material delivers further ROI than every other type.

Humor grabs attention, is memorable, encourages sharing, and makes you likable normal. So, seek for ways to incorporate it naturally into your social media content material subject material like Sprout Social.

Shopify moreover does an ideal process on its Instagram profile:

Skilled tip: Keep the humor you incorporate on logo and fit in your audience. As you’ll see throughout the Shopify example, they use some profanity, albeit censored. For their logo and audience, that is smart, but it doesn’t art work for everyone.

Humor is subjective. There’s always a chance your shaggy canine tale won’t land everyone, then again the last thing you want to do is offend a imaginable shopper. So, know your audience.

15. Get began and engage in conversation.

Social media was once as soon as created to have the same opinion other people make connections with other people. Although producers have entered and occupied the space for a while now, that sentiment hasn’t changed.

Your logo won‘t be able to connect together with your audience if all you’re doing is pushing your product at them. You need to fit in naturally and offer authentic worth.

The essential factor to staying comparable on social is to begin out and engage throughout the conversations your target audience is thinking about having.

One of the crucial very best ways to check out that is by the use of asking questions. For instance, on LinkedIn, Shopify started with a poll.

b2b social media marketing example linkedin poll

This was once as soon as a smart approach for quite a few reasons:

  • It took benefit of a fun, interactive medium to stand out in feeds
  • It encourages conversation throughout the comments
  • It moreover gathered original knowledge throughout the process

You’ll have the ability to moreover instructed questions or discussions to your image or video captions or in texted-based posts like this tweet from HubSpot.

Screenshot of a tweet from HubSpot

Symbol Supply

While this particular subject isn’t necessarily related to HubSpot’s product or industry, it’s related to undertaking and digital promoting and advertising and is a discussion its doable customers are taking into consideration.

This shows we understand our audience and what’s on their minds and likewise are up-to-the-minute on what’s going down on the earth.

16. Experiment and refine.

Clearly, there is no shortage of best possible practices for social media, then again in reality that each and every audience is different, so it would be best to run experiments to decide what works best possible in your logo.

HubSpot’s Kearns shared, “Social is the one channel where you’ll have an opportunity to experiment and get audience feedback on a daily basis. Take a look at new problems, iterate, and optimize! Take learnings from your audience and apply them to long run content material subject material.”

There are endless experiments you’ll habits in your channels. Listed below are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Use questions and statistics to your copy to see which pulls your audience in more.
  • Test different link positions to come to a decision if it makes consumers a lot more more likely to click on on.
  • Add emojis to see if it’ll building up interactions.
  • Run ads to a video and a nevertheless image on the equivalent subject to see which performs upper.
  • Phase a novel part of your audience to test how they react to an ad.
  • Test different hashtags to see if it affects impressions.
  • Spend additional time replying to posts to come to a decision if it’ll building up your follower rely.

Experimenting together with your content material subject material is the way you decide your personal best possible practices, which is in a position to always be further personalized than industry necessities.

Put the spark once more in B2B social media.

With the information and techniques we outlined, B2B social media promoting and advertising doesn’t wish to be dull, stoic, or forgettable. The name of the game is simply to grab your audience and their targets and let their preferences knowledge you.

The additional you pay attention to their feedback and take lead from their behaviors, the simpler supplied you’re going to be to craft a social media method that drives authentic bottomline results.

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