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Consejos de divorcio para mujeres

Product Name: Consejos de divorcio para mujeres

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Consejos de divorcio para mujeres
is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Imagínate poder afrontar el proceso de divorcio con calma y confianza, sabiendo qué esperar en cada paso del camino para poder tomar las mejores decisiones para tu futuro.

Cuando te enfrentas a un divorcio, es fácil sentirse abrumada por todo. Sabes que necesitas información confiable antes de tomar decisiones importantes. Pero ¿dónde la consigues? Para la mayoría de las mujeres, los consejos de las amigas no son suficientes.

Yo misma pasé por un divorcio y he trabajado con mujeres que se están divorciando durante varios años. Sé por experiencia el impacto que puede tener el divorcio en la vida de una mujer.

Cuando pasé por mi divorcio, estaba emocionalmente sensible, agotada por todas las decisiones que debía tomar y frustrada por la falta de buena información.

En consecuencia, cometí muchos errores. Después de haber aprendido la lección a las malas, me prometí a mí misma que ninguna mujer tendría que afrontar este viaje sola.

Como resultado, comencé el sitio web WomansDivorce en 2001 para ayudar a otras mujeres que pasaban por un divorcio en los Estados Unidos, y lo he hecho desde entonces.

El divorcio es complicado. Todos los días veo el triste resultado de lo que sucede cuando las mujeres se divorcian sin estar preparadas: acuerdos injustos sobre la distribución de bienes, honorarios exorbitantes de abogados y meses (o incluso años) de batallas judiciales.

Para ayudarte a obtener el mejor resultado de tu divorcio, he creado una guía completa basada en las preguntas y preocupaciones reales de mujeres reales como tú. Organizado en capítulos fáciles de seguir, este manual te ayudará a entender los aspectos básicos del divorcio y a identificar lo que debes tener en cuenta antes, durante y después del divorcio.

“Gracias por publicar esto…”

Cuando uno tiene que lidiar con emociones encontradas, niños molestos y un cónyuge que no coopera, no tiene tiempo ni energía para pasar horas buscando respuestas a sus preguntas.

Seamos realistas: es fácil distraerse, confundirse y abrumarse con toda la información disponible en Internet. Puede evitar esta frustración innecesaria reuniendo todo lo que necesita en un solo lugar, lo que le dejará más tiempo para estar con sus hijos (y tal vez incluso para recuperar un poco de sueño).

“La información contenida en este libro es muy valiosa”

Aunque probablemente estés luchando con tus emociones en este momento, necesitas comenzar a pensar en el divorcio en sí. Pero no te preocupes, todo está planeado para que puedas hacerlo paso a paso. Para ayudarte a prepararte para un divorcio, descubrirás lo siguiente:

“Información muy clara y útil”

Divorcio 101 contenía información muy clara y útil sobre las muchas cosas que una mujer necesita saber antes de consultar a un abogado, y buenos consejos para mujeres maltratadas. Fue un recurso excelente con información que no había leído en ningún otro lado y que, por lo tanto, no conocía. Lo he guardado en mi computadora portátil para consultarlo a medida que avanza mi divorcio. Gracias por escribir este libro. Patricia C.

Con Divorcio 101, obtendrá hojas de trabajo útiles que le ayudarán a:

Me gustaron las hojas de trabajo que incluiste. Me dieron una idea completa de con qué iba a trabajar en lo que respecta al dinero y, especialmente, a mis gastos de vida como mujer divorciada en comparación con ahora, cuando mi marido paga casi todo. Dee Ann

Como usted fue un socio igualitario en el matrimonio, usted merece su parte justa de los bienes conyugales. Si comprende los problemas y sabe exactamente cuál es su posición, podrá negociar con confianza y pedir lo que se merece. Además, esta “guía para mujeres sobre el divorcio” describe diferentes estrategias de negociación para ayudarla a dividir todo de la forma menos dolorosa posible.

Me gustó mucho la información que te brinda, paso a paso, lo que debes hacer para asegurarte de recibir tu parte justa en términos financieros. Me ayudó a ser fuerte y a defender mis derechos. Connie

Cuando se tienen hijos, hay más cosas que tener en cuenta que simplemente quién se queda con la casa y cómo se repartirá todo. Divorcio 101: Guía para mujeres le ayudará a prepararse para los diversos acuerdos de custodia y cuestiones de visitas, de modo que pueda decidir cómo se manejarán las vidas de sus hijos, no un juez.

Las hojas de trabajo incluidas sirven como herramienta para ayudarte a elaborar un plan de crianza que se ajuste a las necesidades de tus hijos y a tu situación particular. Tener este plan de crianza bien pensado te ayudará a evitar futuros conflictos con tu ex y a facilitarles la vida a tus hijos.

Este libro es imprescindible al principio de un divorcio. Las cosas no siempre salen bien para las mujeres, ya que a menudo no tenemos tanto conocimiento sobre la ley y lo que puede pasar en un divorcio. Había mucha información sobre los niños, lo cual fue excelente.

Es común que el nivel de vida de una mujer baje después de un divorcio, pero usted puede tomar medidas para asegurarse de recibir la cantidad de apoyo que usted y sus hijos merecen. Seamos realistas, criar a los hijos es costoso y ambos padres deben compartir la responsabilidad financiera. Divorcio 101 puede ayudarle a entender qué es importante para determinar tanto la manutención de los hijos como la pensión alimenticia, así como cuáles son sus opciones cuando no se realizan los pagos de manutención.

“Una mujer debe luchar por su futuro”

La verdad es la siguiente: no todos los abogados tienen el tiempo o la disposición para acompañar a sus clientes en cada paso del proceso de divorcio. De hecho, la mayoría de los abogados tienen muchos casos en marcha al mismo tiempo y suelen recurrir a un asistente legal para realizar la mayor parte de su trabajo.

Usted es el responsable último de las decisiones que se tomen en su divorcio. Si obtiene la información que necesita de antemano, podrá entender cuáles son sus opciones, ganar confianza y hacer lo que sea mejor para usted y sus hijos. ¿No lo merece?

“¡Guau! Es como tener tu propio abogado en tu sala de estar”.

Simplemente abre el libro y busca las respuestas. No intentes leerlo todo de una vez, sino consérvalo como tu Biblia para consultarlo más adelante. Muy buen trabajo. Kathie

Si conoce sus derechos, podrá tomar decisiones inteligentes y evitar los posibles obstáculos que puede presentar el divorcio. ¡Esta guía le guiará y responderá a todas sus preguntas!

“Si buscas una guía completa, paso a paso, sobre los aspectos básicos del divorcio, no puedes dejar de leer el libro de Tracy… es una lectura obligada”.

“Divorcio 101 es una guía práctica y refrescante escrita específicamente para mujeres estadounidenses que enfrentan un divorcio. Este libro altamente informativo le permitirá comprender claramente las opciones disponibles en lo que respecta a la separación, la preparación para el divorcio, los aspectos legales del proceso de divorcio en sí, los asuntos financieros y de propiedad, la violencia familiar, los acuerdos de custodia, los planes de crianza, las visitas y mucho más. Tracy se toma el tiempo para señalar consejos prácticos sobre lo que se debe y no se debe hacer en el divorcio. También se tratan los asuntos relacionados con el papeleo posterior al divorcio que a menudo se pasan por alto (en particular, la necesidad de hacer un nuevo testamento).

Barry RocheAutor de “Cómo ganar cuando se enfrenta al divorcio”

¿No está seguro de si “DIVORCIO 101” realmente puede ayudarle a superar su divorcio?

¿No sería fantástico contar con un recurso que se sienta como un amigo, que te tome de la mano durante todo el proceso de divorcio, que te guíe, te informe, te advierta, te prepare, te anime y que esté siempre ahí para consultarte y darte respuestas a casi cualquier pregunta que puedas tener desde el principio hasta el final del proceso? Divorcio 101 es ese recurso súper inteligente y amigable; es la guía más completa, fácil de usar, llena de información y práctica que cualquier mujer que esté pasando por un divorcio debería tener a su lado.

Sheena BergCoach de relaciones y crianza de hijos

Eche un vistazo a lo que hay dentro de “Divorcio 101: Una guía para mujeres”…

Obtendrá más de 250 páginas de instrucciones paso a paso y consejos sobre divorcios. Este libro cubre todos los aspectos prácticos de atravesar un divorcio en los Estados Unidos, para que pueda estar preparado con anticipación. Obtenga todo lo que necesita saber sobre:

Quiero asegurarme de que tengas todo lo que necesitas para superar tu divorcio. Por eso, también incluyo estos valiosos BONUS…

Bono n.° 1: Guía para el divorcio de la mujer inteligente

Ponte al día rápidamente con estas respuestas sencillas a las preguntas que me hacen con frecuencia sobre el divorcio. Esta guía cubre las inquietudes previas al divorcio, cómo obtener ayuda legal, cómo entender cómo funciona el divorcio, cómo decidir cómo se deben manejar los asuntos financieros, cómo tomar decisiones sobre los niños y cómo ocuparse de todo lo demás después del divorcio.

Bono n.° 2: El kit definitivo de autoayuda para el divorcio

Muchas mujeres ni siquiera saben por dónde empezar a buscar información específica que se aplique a su propia situación. Por eso, he hecho todo el trabajo por usted. Esta guía de recursos integral le brindará lo que necesita saber sobre el divorcio en su estado y la ayudará a encontrar los servicios que pueda necesitar. Con esta práctica guía de referencia, podrá:

Bono n.° 3: Cómo sobrevivir a la pesadilla del divorcio

El divorcio es uno de los acontecimientos más dolorosos y perturbadores que una mujer puede vivir. Tanto si usted inició el divorcio como si se siente víctima de él, es probable que experimente una amplia gama de emociones cuando su matrimonio termine. Este libro le ayudará a superar esas emociones para que pueda mirar hacia el futuro con esperanza en lugar de mirar atrás con resentimiento.

Bono n.° 4: Adaptación a la vida después del divorcio

Esta es una entrevista detallada que realicé con la coach de vida Gloria Swardenski, en la que hablamos sobre las distintas emociones que surgen después de un divorcio y cómo seguir adelante con la vida. Escuche mientras hablamos sobre consejos y estrategias que puede usar de inmediato para mejorar su estado de ánimo y superar los obstáculos que pueden estar frenándolo.

¡Haz tu pedido ahora y calificarás para todos estos bonos GRATIS!

Sé que probablemente no tengas mucho dinero disponible en este momento, pero necesitas información sólida ANTES de tomar decisiones en tu divorcio. Por eso te ofrezco este recurso para que esté disponible y sea asequible para todas las mujeres que lo necesiten.

Pasé el día leyendo tu libro y me ha resultado muy instructivo. Mi objetivo es hacer que este descanso sea lo más eficiente, educado y equitativo posible. Gracias por escribir el libro y ponerlo a disposición a un precio tan asequible. Jacquie

PD: los enlaces en línea del libro y su sitio han resultado invaluables.

Obtenga la información que necesita… ¡sin riesgos!

Sé que este puede ser un momento difícil para ti y que no estás seguro de a quién recurrir o en quién confiar. Como quiero que te sientas muy cómodo al pedir esta guía, te ofrezco mi…

Garantía de satisfacción y devolución de dinero

Mi garantía es sencilla: si en cualquier momento durante las próximas 8 semanas no estás 100 % satisfecho por cualquier motivo, simplemente envíame un correo electrónico y te reembolsaré tu dinero de inmediato. ¡Sin preguntas! Y como se trata de un libro electrónico, ni siquiera tendrás que pasar por la molestia de tener que devolverlo.

Garantizado. Así de simple.

Realizar pedidos es muy sencillo porque aceptamos todas las principales tarjetas de crédito, además de cheques en línea. Para garantizar que sus datos se mantengan absolutamente seguros y confidenciales, Clickbank, el comerciante en línea más confiable especializado en productos entregados digitalmente, le facturará de manera discreta.

Haga su pedido ahora… y estará en camino de tomar las mejores decisiones posibles a lo largo de su divorcio.

Cuando pida “Divorcio 101: Guía para mujeres”, podrá descargar instantáneamente el libro y todos los materiales adicionales en su computadora. Una vez que lo haya descargado, podrá incluso imprimir esta guía práctica para tenerla a mano como referencia durante su divorcio. Comience a aprender paso a paso qué esperar durante su divorcio y cuáles son sus opciones. El libro y los materiales adicionales son solo para divorcios en los EE. UU.

Descargar Acceso proporcionado por seguro procesado por Clickbank

¿Qué pasa si no realizas un pedido?

Claro, puedes obtener consejos sobre el divorcio en Internet, pero ¿realmente tienes tiempo para clasificar toda la basura mientras buscas información confiable? Seamos realistas, con tantas opciones, es muy fácil desviarse del tema y perder el rumbo. Antes de que te des cuenta, estás lidiando con una sobrecarga de información, además de trastornos emocionales, hijos molestos y un cónyuge poco cooperativo.

Date un respiro y deja de buscar las respuestas por todas partes. Cuando recibas este libro, podrás estar tranquilo sabiendo que has hecho todo lo que estaba a tu alcance para obtener el mejor resultado.

Sigue adelante y haz tu pedido ahora mismo, sé que estarás feliz de haberlo hecho. Te deseo lo mejor.

PD: El divorcio puede ser devastador… especialmente si no estás preparado.

PPPS Si desea comprender cómo funciona el sistema y tomar decisiones informadas sobre su futuro, no puede perderse esta información completa. Además, su satisfacción está 100 % garantizada.

¡Haga clic aquí para obtener el asesoramiento sobre divorcio en Estados Unidos que necesita hoy!

Aviso legal: La información legal no constituye asesoramiento legal.

Click here to get Consejos de divorcio para mujeres
at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Consejos de divorcio para mujeres
is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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How Long Do WordPress Repairs Take? (Beginner’s Guide)

Maintaining a wordpress website is essential to ensure its protection, power, and basic order, but on the other hand, it can be very time-consuming. That’s why some of the most common questions beginners ask are: How long does wordpress maintenance take?

We have been helping buyers take care of their wordpress web pages for a couple of years now and our experience is that the time frame depends on the size of the web page and the maintenance process you are doing.

For example, showing updates or backups that are not unusual should not take a very large number of minutes. But if a custom build is needed to optimize your website, then it could take a whole day, a week, or even a month.

In this data, we will analyze the different wordpress maintenance events and what the whole process entails.

wordpress-maintenance-take.png” alt=”How long does wordpress maintenance take?” class=”wp-image-292819″/>

We’ll talk about the different elements that impact wordpress maintenance times, but here’s a quick breakdown of how long lengthy tasks might take to complete.

You will also be able to see how often you will need to perform each individual maintenance task.

wordpress Maintenance Process Estimated time Recommended frequency
Comment moderation 5-10 minutes Daily
Minor content updates or changes 10-20 minutes Daily
Uptime monitoring 5-10 minutes Daily
Plugin and theme updates 15-30 minutes Weekly
Online website Backup 10-15 minutes Weekly
Power tests 10-20 minutes Weekly
Protection scans 20-30 minutes Monthly
Connection tests interrupted 10-15 minutes Monthly
Database Optimization 10-20 minutes Monthly
Complete Online website Audit 1-2 hours Quarterly
Evaluate and modify your search engine marketing settings 30-60 minutes Quarterly
Theme Number One Updates 30-60 minutes Quarterly

What is wordpress maintenance?

wordpress maintenance involves a series of activities that keep your Internet web page running smoothly and safely. Think of your Internet web page as a car, and maintenance activities are like having it constantly serviced so that everything runs smoothly.

These tasks include updating wordpress core, topic and plugin issues, increasing backups, running security checks, power optimization, content management, and more.

Neglecting these tasks can expose your website to security breaches, slow down its performance, and even cause downtime. You want your website to run smoothly so that your customers can have a great experience, which is why maintenance is so essential.

That said, the time it takes to perform maintenance depends on many factors, including the size and complexity of your website, the frequency of updates, and your technical expertise. Let’s take a closer look.

Parts that affect wordpress maintenance time

The duration of wordpress maintenance depends on many factors, such as:

  • Web page size and complexity: Larger websites and e-commerce stores with multiple pages, posts, media files, and complicated choices typically require more time to manage. High-traffic web pages may also require more resources and less attention.
  • Frequency of content updates: Dynamic websites that continuously publish new content may require more maintenance time than static business websites.
  • Plugin Selection and Issues: Websites with a large number of plugins and specific topics require more time for testing and updates to avoid conflicts.
  • High quality web page web hosting: Managed wordpress hosting can reduce the amount of maintenance required compared to shared or VPS hosting, on the other hand a website using shared hosting may require more personalized support.

Now let’s see how long it will take to perform wordpress maintenance.

Time for all wordpress maintenance activities

There are many wordpress maintenance tasks that are desired to manage your internet web page. We have divided them properly down to the bottom to get an estimate of the time that it will take to complete each and every process.

Simple daily activities

  • Comment moderation: (5-10 minutes) Review feedback often and approve or delete it to maintain engagement and keep direct mail at bay.
  • Minor content updates or changes: (10-20 minutes) You will be able to make small updates to your website content daily or as needed.
  • Uptime Monitoring: (5-10 minutes) Checking server uptime ensures that your Internet web page is available to buyers on the Internet. You will be able to use several tools to check wordpress server uptime.

Weekly or bi-weekly activities

  • Plugin and Theme Updates: (15-30 minutes) Make sure your plugins and topics are up to date to take advantage of the latest security patches and options.
  • Online website Backup: (10-15 minutes) Regular wordpress backups are very powerful. Manual backups can take longer. However, an environment with an automated backup schedule makes the process easier and faster.
  • Power tests: (10-20 minutes) Test your website‘s pace and make any necessary changes to take care of optimal power. That said, optimizing your website for faster loading times may take longer, because you may want to hire a developer.

Monthly Activities

  • Protection scans: (20-30 minutes) Perform in-depth security scans to find and connect vulnerabilities.
  • Exams with broken links: (10-15 minutes) Checking for damaged hyperlinks is another process that you will need to do incessantly. Tools like AIOSEO Damaged Hyperlink Checker can help you quickly find and connect the useless links.
  • Database Optimization: (10-20 minutes) Clean your database to strengthen the power of the website. You will be able to use different plugins to optimize the wordpress database.

Quarterly or half-yearly activities

  • Complete Online website Audit: (1-2 hours) Perform a complete overview of your website‘s capabilities, design, and service. This is a time-consuming process, and you will likewise want to utilize several tools to check the UX and security vulnerabilities of the web page.
  • Evaluate and change your search engine marketing settings: (30-60 minutes) Make sure your search engine marketing settings are up to date to take care of your search engine rankings. You will also be able to perform a search engine optimization audit to get a clear symbol of how well your website performs on search engines.
  • Updates to theme number one: (30-60 minutes) Perform essential theme updates or revisions as needed. This may require updating some topics for more power and new choices.

Tips to Reduce wordpress Maintenance Time

Now that you understand how long it takes to perform different wordpress repair tasks, here are some time-saving guidelines.

1. Set up a common maintenance schedule

While you are personally taking care of the maintenance of your website, the best thing you can do is to choose a specific time of the day/week/month/quarter to dedicate yourself to some maintenance activities.

This will occasionally allow you to focus more and more on managing your website more effectively, saving time and doing other artistic tasks to expand your online business.

2. Use maintenance checklists

It can be a challenge to do all the tasks to make sure you don’t lose sight of anything else.

This is where it can be helpful to create a wordpress repair checklist. By checking off each process as it completes, you won’t waste time jumping back and forth between different maintenance tasks.

3. Automate where possible

Another way to save time on wordpress maintenance is to automate certain tasks.

For example, you will automate backups by using their schedule. With Duplicator, you will simply organize computerized backup schedules and save time.

For more details, see our tips on how to get your wordpress site back online.

Create a backup schedule

Likewise, you can also enable automatic plugin updates to save time.

This way, your essential plugins will always be up to date and you won’t have to manually replace them one after another.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”310″ src=”” alt=”Enable automatic updates for wordpress plugins” class=”wp-image-190421″/>

4. Delegate tasks or hire professionals

If you are fast on time or enjoy having fun, then you should definitely consider outsourcing your maintenance tasks to a wordpress hardening company. This way, the professionals can take care of everything just like on your website behind the scenes.

For example, our WPBeginner wordpress repair services and products are among the best and most affordable maintenance services and products and goods imaginable available on the market. Our team of experts can handle all the different parts of wordpress maintenance, giving you peace of mind and extra time to focus on growing your online business.

With WPBeginner’s qualified services and products and merchandise, you will be at peace while our experts efficiently handle all the maintenance tasks. You will receive uncommon updates, be entitled to use 24/7 push, uptime monitoring, cloud backup, malware scanning and monitoring, and more.

WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services

Additionally, you will also receive WPBeginner Emergency wordpress Strengthen if your internet web page is damaged in another way or if you are experiencing any unexpected issues. Our team will agree to restore the problem and get your website up and running again in no time.

We hope this article has helped you understand how long wordpress maintenance takes. You may also want to check out our guides with tips on how to fix wordpress stuck in repair mode or tips on how to touch wordpress toughen.

If you liked this article, then subscribe to our YouTube channel for wordpress video tutorials. You will also be able to find us on Chirping and Fb.

The post How Long Does It Take to Repair wordpress? (Beginner’s Guide) appeared first on WPBeginner.

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Product Name: Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Because Your Woman’s Happiness Lies In YOUR Authority, Leadership And Dominance

And No Matter If You Want To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You Or To Fix A Failing Relationship Or Marriage – Shogun Method Will Show You How

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This could well be the fastest Method for a man to wield the ultimate control and dominance in his love life, bar none…

… and yet very few even know of its existence.

Even the leading gurus and “Pickup Artists” have no idea.

I knew this only because I had stumbled upon this Method by accident.

Close to ten years ago, being completely wrecked emotionally from a horrible breakup (and sick of getting rejected repeatedly after trying to “get back into the dating scene”)… I went on a “do-or-die” mission to seek out the quickest, most effective way to control and dominate my relationships with women ever known to humankind.

My year-long quest led me to an ultra-secretive group known as the MKDELTA. This was where forbidden knowledge on Mind Control was being shared freely behind iron walls closed to the outside world.

Members of MKDELTA dissected insidious Mind Control techniques that put their victims into a cult-like trance and turning them into emotional serfs, in body and in mind. I was, however, interested only in one very specific thing…

The ability to make any woman fall in love with me.

During the three years I was in the group I completely immersed myself in Mind Control techniques, and I ended up formulating a step-by-step Method on how to use stealthy Mind Control techniques on women to generate raw, almost animalistic attraction to me.

This Method is built around this one very fundamental (and yet little-known) truth about women –

The Mind Has A Natural Flaw That Can Be Easily Exploited

Humans have a flaw embedded deep inside their minds which make them vulnerable to those who know how to exploit that flaw.

The existence of this flaw in the mind had been scientifically established by famous psychologists like Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud. However, given how controversial it is, you can understand why this important finding has been covered up over the years by the politically correct mass media…

… and yet once you know what this flaw is, it will change how you view love and attraction forever, and it is this:

A woman has absolutely NO CONTROL over who to fall in love with.

Think about it for a minute. What could this mean?

Pretty simple, actually. It means that women don’t get attracted to men just because they consciously DECIDE to feel it. In other words, it naturally happens.

Try asking your female friends what made them attracted to the last guys they were with, and they will tell you the same thing…

… that it just ‘happened’.

Of course, you already know that nothing ‘just happens’ without reason!

Now since a woman can’t control who to feel attracted to, we can subtly compel her to feel attraction… as long as we have the ability to push every single ‘Attraction Button’ that is hard-wired into her mind.

Interestingly, guys are also hard-wired with these Attraction Buttons.

For example, our attraction to a blonde, luscious Playboy model is automatic and instantaneous. Why? Simple really… it’s because she pushes every Attraction Button which is hard-wired into our male brains.

Let’s try a fun thought experiment, okay? First, look at this picture:-

Imagine this woman stepping into your room, smiling, sitting your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck.

Picture this in your mind for a couple of seconds. I’ll wait. How do you feel?

Next, imagine this woman shown in the picture below coming into your room and sitting on your lap…

Of course, if you are a healthy, red-blooded male, then you’ll be turned on more by that sexy lingerie model than that old woman.

Here’s the explanation…

For us guys, our Attraction Buttons are pushed when we see specific physical qualities in a woman like body and facial symmetry, breast size and shape, and waist to hip ratio for example.

For a woman, however, it’s completely different because she is driven only by her emotions.

This means that if you have the ability to evoke a certain ‘hot’ emotion inside a woman, then she will feel immediate attraction for you. And this happens without the need for her to consciously think about it.

Therefore, with the right approach, you can exploit this flaw inside a woman’s mind to your advantage…

In particular, with Mind Control tactics, you will have the power to hack into her mind, push her Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you. (And if she was someone who had fallen out of love with you, she will fall in love again.)

My name is Derek Rake, and I am the creator of Shogun Method.

Unlike other relationship, “get your ex back” or “Pickup Artist” programs, Shogun Method is the world’s first and only relationship strategy system built on military-grade Mind Control technology.

If you want the ability to make any woman emotionally addicted to you, then this is the only place where you will get it, period.

With Shogun Method, you will be using cutting-edge Mind Control techniques to directly access her mind, push those red-hot Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you as quickly as possible.

At the same time, you will covertly bypass her emotional defense mechanism, making it exceedingly difficult for her to reject you. You’ll always be on her mind no matter how hard she tries to forget you.

And here’s the best thing about Shogun Method – it works no matter if you want to meet new women or to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back.

Sounds good? And it gets better, I promise you.

Now before I tell you more about Shogun Method, I’d like to explain to you what it’s not.

Shogun Method is ideal for…

Now before we go any further, I need to come clean with you…

If you’re looking for yet another “Pickup Artist” fad or magical “Dating Guru” tricks then I’m telling you right now that you won’t find any of that junk here.

You know what I mean, and c’mon, let’s be honest.

“Dating Guru” and “Pickup Artist” stuff are not real solutions, and deep down in your gut you already know that they don’t work.

Unlike “Pickup Artist” ebooks, Shogun Method is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense. It’s the real deal, and it’s only for guys who are serious about wanting unlimited power and dominance over women.

What I have done is to make it as easy as humanly possible for any guy to have the love life that he wants. And so, while love and relationships are certainly no walk in the park as you have already known, Shogun Method makes it more of a snap.

I use Shogun Method to create long-lasting relationships. Shogun Method also strengthens your masculinity, and this goes beyond dating and love. I could only wish I have this knowledge years ago! I’m an advanced hypnotist and NLP practitioner, and so I can tell you this–Shogun Method is legit. Emotional enslavement may sound negative, but it’s all about loving, not harming, a woman.

Here’s a Shogun fact. When I sit at the bar alone and a woman approaches me (happens every time), within the first 10 minutes of good conversation I tell her, “** *** *** ****** sex *******”. I love to see the surprise, shock and confusion in their faces. I have done that 12 times and 10 times I had a happy ending. Just saying.

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“Seduction” is a fool’s game. If you want a woman to stick with you forever, you must make her emotionally addicted to you. Want a happy, long-lasting relationship or marriage? Then EMOTIONAL ADDICTION is key.

Pickup Artist (“PUA”) tricks and mainstream “Dating Guru” advice are too generic or just plain useless. It’s time to get serious and learn what truly works – Mind Control tactics leading to emotional addiction.

Shogun Method builds healthy, long-term relationships that last a lifetime. Those looking for flimsy one-night stand “tricks” and short-term flings should go elsewhere.

Shogun Method is effective because unlike mainstream dating advice, it is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as robust, decades-old hypnosis principles.

Shogun Method is not limited by boundaries, cultures and languages. As long as she can understand you then Shogun Method will work on her. Women are wired the same way psychologically – no matter where she’s from or what language she speaks.

The beauty of Shogun Method is that you are entirely in control. Want fast results? Use Fractionation on her (which you can learn in minutes). At the same time, make her yours forever by applying the IRAE Model on her.

Shogun Method has worked for more than 17,000 men around the world, and it WILL work for you. We will arm you with real-life skills that will give you the power to navigate through the maze of love and relationships with ease and confidence.

You’ll be joining the brotherhood of Shogun Method practitioners sworn to protect the sanctity of this precious knowledge. Get all the help and support you need from your fellow Shoguns as you embark on this exciting journey!

…Make A Woman Fall In Love With You

“I want to be good with women and have my pick on who to date”

“I want to get a woman fall in love with me”

“I want to make a woman my girlfriend”

Shogun Method’s proprietary IRAE Model gives you the complete roadmap to take a woman you just met from intrigue to emotional addiction. You’ll learn advanced Mind Control techniques like Fractionation, Implanted Commands and ENTICE/REPEL cycles to generate intense sexual attraction that lasts as long as you want.

With Shogun Method in your back pocket, making a woman fall in love with you is like taking candy from a toddler. You’ll never struggle with women again, ever.

…Fix A Failing Relationship

“I want to get my ex-girlfriend or wife back and not leave me again, ever”

“I want to stop a breakup or divorce”

“I want to fix a broken relationship or marriage”

Shogun Method works tremendously well with girlfriends and wives because it relies on shared experiences that you have with a woman. Using Shogun Sequences, you’ll be hypnotizing her into remembering the good times that she has had with you, making her fearful of living a life without you.

With Shogun Method, rekindling a lost love is easy because it works on a woman’s innate need for nostalgia and romance. Make her willingly come back to you by making her realizing that you’re the better deal.

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You’ll get lifetime access to videos, audios and study guides (all in digital, downloadable format) as well as free program upgrades (through the Derek Rake Insider’s Labs) for the next THREE (3) years

This is the only complete guide on Fractionation you’ll find anywhere in the world, period

The grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion methods, Fractionation is what the pro’s use to make a woman fall in love in the shortest time possible. Shogun Method contains the most comprehensive guide to Fractionation ever developed – with chock full of examples of scripts that you can use immediately on the woman you want to attract today. Using Fractionation in love is said to be like bringing a nuclear bomb to a gunfight, and for good reason!

The Fractionation module comes with a downloadable Companion Guide on the ‘Rollercoaster’ storytelling technique. Combining Fractionation with the Rollercoaster technique is like injecting a good dose of steroids into your game – there’s nothing else quite like it!

Module 2 contains the three Preconditions which you must agree to for the Shogun Method to work its magic

Shogun Method only work for you if you obey the Three Preconditions described in this module. Find out what the Preconditions are, and why they are absolutely crucial to your success. If you have not been getting the results that you wanted with women, the chances are that you’ve been (unknowingly) violating one (or all!) of these Preconditions.

Caution: The content inside this module may be offensive to some because it exposes the truth about human flaws that some may not want to accept. Keeping an open mind is absolutely necessary as you digest this material.

In Module 3, you will learn the flaws of the mind which makes one vulnerable to Mind Control

Shogun Method™ can be seen as “manipulative” because it exploits the psychological flaws which are naturally found inside the human mind. The truth is that everyone’s a “manipulator” to some degree, and using these techniques is not wrong – as long as your intentions are good.

In this module, you’ll learn what the flaws in the female mind are, and how to “manipulate” them to your benefit.

The IRAE Model is the blueprint to the female mind: know it and you’ll understand how and what she thinks

Welcome to the heart of the Shogun Method action! The IRAE Model is the “gut” of the Shogun Method – it is the definitive, 4-stage roadmap you can use to seduce any woman from start to finish: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional addiction (“IRAE”).

The IRAE Model greatly simplifies the process because with it, you’ll only need to do just one thing at one time. It will give you a clear head on what to exactly do and say without feeling overwhelmed.

By mastering the art of generating Intrigue, you will be able to control any woman’s attention span, and captivate her

Generating Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE Model. If you’re choosing to obtain just one attraction superpower inside Shogun Method – then it should be the ability to capture a woman’s attention with Intrigue. This module will show you how to do exactly that.

Trying to build attraction without first establishing rapport is a classic newbie mistake. This module gives you all the essentials in creating rock-hard rapport with a woman you’ve just met, or have known for ages

Trying to attract a woman without first building rapport is a classic newbie mistake. In the “Rapport” stage of the IRAE Model, you’ll get industrial strength Mind Control rapport building tactics that will make a woman eat out of your hands absolutely in no time at all.

Inside the Shogun Method, you’ll only need two (yes, two) to get a woman attracted to you. Inside this Module, you’ll get armed to the teeth with these two techniques

Once you’ve laid the foundations of Intrigue and Rapport, it’s time to kick into high gear and start to Attract her. Inside Shogun Method, you’ll need two (yes, only two) techniques to make a woman attracted to you. Learn what these two techniques are, and how you can use them in a simple, step-by-step roadmap inside the Attraction Development Model (ADM).

T he first three stages of the IRAE Model (Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction) are about making a woman fall in love. The fourth stage, Emotional Addiction, is about making a woman stay in love. If you want to dominate and control your relationship with her, then these one-of-a-kind covert techniques are what you need. As these tactics may sometimes make the target behave irrationally, we must ask you ONLY TO USE IF NECESSARY. We shall not be held responsible if anything goes wrong (i.e. if she turns into a stalker). Thank you for understanding.

The Black Rose Sequence is the single most powerful hypnotic pattern ever developed, and is the heart of the Shogun Method’s Emotional Addiction module. This is the only place in the world where the real Black Rose Sequence can be found. If you’ve seen an alleged copy of it elsewhere, you’ve seen a fake. Don’t get duped!

CAUTION: If you are the kind who is easily offended by straight talk about human manipulation then you may not want to learn the tactics inside this module.

The Emotional Addiction techniques I teach here come from the real world, and they powerful and effective. If you don’t think you can handle the straight talk about the darker side of psychology, then don’t look.

Here’s a short, 5-minute tour (produced by Frederick, a veteran Shogun) of what’s inside the platform. Here’s where you’ll get to access your products, get VIP coaching, receive program updates, and more!

In addition to everything I’ve described so far, you will also get a lifetime membership to our very own MKDELTA mastermind group.

In this private community, we share and discuss possibly the four most explosive Mind Control techniques ever discovered, namely:-

With your purchase of Shogun Method today, you’ll also get access to our private lab, the Derek Rake Insider. This is where we regularly release new techniques, tools and strategies to our clients.

And because this area is protected from the public and away from prying eyes, we can feel safe enough to share the most controversial mind control tricks that work like gangbusters.

I don’t usually want to talk about these strategies in public because as you know, I don’t like to court controversy, and yet everything is freely disclosed in the Derek Rake Insider Labs, no holds barred.

Here are some hints of what’s inside this private area:

This means that you will get fresh-off-the-oven techniques piped into your private client’s area regularly, forever.

Obey these five Rake Rules and make her surrender to your authority immediately.

The Rake Rules premium product comes free with every purchase of Shogun Method (until further notice). Buy Shogun Method today to secure your copy of this valuable program!

Get one key insight from the Shogun Method knowledge base emailed to you every morning for the next 100 days. Here’s what’s inside the Daily Shogun program:

Here’s the #1 reason why Shogun Method works so well compared to conventional dating guru or “Pickup Artist” techniques:

Shogun Method is backed by science.

This report presents to you the scientific proof behind Shogun Method – and how it’s backed by years of theoretical and empirical research in the science of human psychology, advanced persuasion and social exchange theory.

Not sold anywhere else, the Scientific Proof premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus.

Married? Then this premium report is exactly what you need to iron-clad your marriage and enjoy mutual respect and devotion between you and your wife.

Married Game 101 is not for sale at any price, but is free when you buy Shogun Method today. Not to be missed!

The single biggest reason why most relationships fail: the lack of emotional investment.

In “Emotional Investment 101”, you’ll learn:

Not sold anywhere else, the “Emotional Investment 101” premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus. You’ll also be entitled to receive full, unlimited updates for one year.

Here’s a little-known fact about Shogun Method: it can be used beyond improving your skills with women. With some tweaks, you can use Shogun Method on yourself – and use Mind Control to “hack” your inner game.

In “Self Mind Control 101”, you’ll discover:

You’ll already know how to “hack” into a woman’s mind with Shogun Method. Learn how to “hack” into your own mind with “Self Mind Control 101”. This program is not for sale, but it comes free as a bonus when you buy the Shogun Method package today.

Warning. This report contains mature themes and profanity that may be upsetting to some people. Those who are easily disturbed by the use of profane language and/or the description of human nature should stay away.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

We are limiting the public access to this program because of its controversial (and inflammatory!) nature. The only way to download this report is by purchasing the Shogun Method package today while it’s still online.

Different from “Pickup Artist” products, Shogun Method is not only for meeting new women. In fact, it can be devastatingly effective in rekindling fading love and recovering relationships from breakups. This premium report shows you how to use Mind Control to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back in your arms.

“How To Use Mind Control On Your Ex” is not for sale. It is, however, available for free when you buy Shogun Method today.

The truth is that your girlfriend or wife will almost never say anything that you should take at face value. In fact, she won’t mean what she says most of the time!

It takes a specialized set of skills to listen and interpret what your woman says to you. Learning how to understand what a woman REALLY means is extremely TRICKY to most men.

CovertTalk will give you the skills to “decode” what a woman REALLY means when she says something.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

CovertTalk is not available for sale to the public. However, access is free for all Shogun Method clients for a lifetime.

The key to understanding a woman is to know what she really wants: so that you can tap into her desires and make her believe that only YOU can give her what she wants.

The Female Psychology 101 program digs deep into the psyche of a woman and unearths surprising truths about what she really wants in a man. Combine these incredible insights together with your Shogun Method tactics and you’ll have in your hands the tremendous ability to make any woman want to be with you.

In this premium program, you’ll discover:

Female Psychology 101 is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

The “Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” program details a new Shogun Method technique called the “Shogun Roast” – which is an “intense” version of (usually light-hearted) Intrigue Pings.

With Shogun Roasts, you will challenge her, make her laugh and make her qualify herself to you. Think of the technique as a “combo attack” which intrigues her, builds rapport with her and makes her attracted in a single routine.

“Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

Not getting the results you want with women? Chances are that you’re committing these Three Deadly Sins. Know what they are so that you can avoid them – and see your success with women skyrocket to greater heights!

According to billionaire Charlie Munger, “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.” Most guys fail with women simply because they shoot themselves in the foot without knowing it.

The Three Deadly Sins program will let you bulletproof your seduction game – by avoiding the three biggest pitfalls that destroy attraction.

Inside Three Deadly Sins, you’ll discover…

The Thought Implanter is a Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence. Use it to take a woman’s boyfriend out of the picture… so that she can be where she belongs – with you.

The Thought Implanter Sequence makes a woman leave her boyfriend for you by planting the thought inside her subconscious mind. It’s remarkably simple, too – all you need to do is to ask these five Leading Questions… and you’re done.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

IMPORTANT. Never use the Thought Implanter on a woman who is happy with her man. Like any other tool, you can use it for good, or for evil. Never ruin healthy relationships for your own gratification – that’s not the Shogun’s way.

However, if she’s stuck in a bad relationship she couldn’t quit, or if she’ll be better off with you, then you must help her. Use the Thought Implanter and the job’s done!

With Shogun Method, you’ll get almost any woman you want. Imagine finally having the power to choose who gets to be with you. Why waste it on the unworthy, the mediocre, or the crazy?

Arm yourself with this checklist of 27 Red Flags–so you can pre-qualify any woman before you get serious with her.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

Use this program to screen a woman before you use Shogun Method on her.

The Thought Leaker is a simple, four-step conversational game that leaks a woman’s thoughts, letting you roam freely inside her mind.

Get her to play this (seemingly!) harmless game and her thoughts will become transparent to you. All you need is to follow these four steps and you’ll know what lurks inside her mind. What does she really think of you? Is she ready for you to escalate? Is she hiding anything from you? Get all these questions answered… and more.

In addition to the Thought Leaker game, you’ll also learn…

Get the definitive answers to all your burning questions from Shogun Method Master Coach Derek Rake

Your Very Own Client Happiness Manager, Available On Call, 7 Days A Week

Hello! My name is Kathy, and I am the Head of Client Support for Derek Rake.

When you are enrolled as a Derek Rake client, you will be assigned your personal Client Happiness Manager who will be on standby in case you need help with your Shogun Method purchase.

It’s my goal to ensure that you get the best experience out of Shogun Method! My team and I are always reachable via email or through the client portal (which you will have access to once you buy Shogun Method).

Unlimited Access To Derek Rake’s Premium VIP Coaching Platform, the DerekRakeHQ

Shogun Method modules are accessed through our proprietary online training system, DerekRakeHQ. At the end of each module, you will get the opportunity to post questions that will be answered by Derek Rake himself as well as other designated coaches and students.

With more than 17,000+ clients already successfully completed Shogun Method, you will have an entire army of peers and advisers rooting for your success, helping you every step of the way.

Already more than 17,000 men like you have enjoyed better success with women using the techniques and strategies inside Shogun Method

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Q: How Much Is Shogun Method?

Q: Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

Our money back guarantee is valid for 60 days from the time of purchase. If you are unhappy with Shogun Method, simply contact us within 60 days and we will refund you in full.

Q: I’m A Single Guy Looking For Love. Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Shogun Method is chock-full of techniques on how to create powerful, long-lasting impression with women. You’ll learn how to do this with our patented Intrigue Ping methodology.

Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation and you’ll find just how easy it is to make a woman attracted to you – even if she has rejected (or friend-zoned) you before.

The problem with “Pickup Artist” tricks is that the attraction will wane after the initial thrill of the pickup. Shogun Method will sustain her interest in you beyond the pickup – by making her emotionally addicted to you.

Q: I’m Already In A Relationship (Or Marriage). Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Yes. In fact, a large number of Shogun Method clients use the system to work on their existing relationships and marriages.

Shogun Method is tremendously effective in rekindling lost love and reigniting the feelings of passion in long-term relationships and marriages. Many of our clients have successfully used our system to fix and “bulletproof” broken relationships.

The key to long-lasting relationships is EMOTIONAL ADDICTION. Remember: Shogun Method is the only system which shows you how to make a woman emotionally attached to you – so that she sticks with you through thick and thin.

Q: Does Shogun Method Work On Every Woman?

Yes, because every woman is by nature wired the same way psychologically. (And of course, this is true also for men!)

Despite this, however, it’s important to set your expectations right. Shogun Method is NOT a magic bullet system. It won’t give you “seduction superpowers” overnight if that’s what you’re looking for.

The truth is that most guys are lazy, unmotivated and expect to be successful without having to lift a finger. Shogun Method is not for these people.

n the other hand, if you’re willing to diligently go through all eight modules and importantly, PRACTICE what you have learned, then Shogun Method will solve all your relationship and marriage problems once and for all. That’s my promise to you.

Q: Is Derek Rake Really Going To Answer All My Questions Personally?

Yes. Personal coaching (valid for one full year from the date of purchase) is included as part of the Shogun Method package.

Our clients have repeatedly told us that the personal coaching feature is the most helpful component of our program. Shogun Method is not your off-the-mill “Pickup Artist” ebook – it’s important to us that you succeed.

Because of time constraints and a hectic traveling schedule, Derek is unable to entertain questions via phone calls and emails. Questions must be posted at to get an answer. You may use a pseudonym if you wish.

Q: Does The Shogun Method Work On A Woman I Already Know? Or Does It Only Work On New Women?

You can use the Shogun Method on to approach women, or to attract a woman you already know. It works effectively well in both situations.

A large portion of our customer base use the Shogun Method on women who are already in their lives (i.e. women they are already seeing, or girlfriends or wives who are threatening to leave them). To them, the Rapport, Attract and Emotional Attachment modules are most useful.

Alternatively, if meeting new women is your goal, then you should focus more on the Intrigue modules as well as the Fractionation technique. Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation for jaw-dropping results – I’ll show you how in detail inside the program.

Q: Do I Need To Know Mind Control Or Hypnosis For This To Work?

You don’t have to have any prior knowledge of Mind Control or hypnosis to understand how the Shogun Method works.

In fact, not having a background in Mind Control, hypnosis and “seduction” may even work to your advantage since there will be no bad habits and techniques to unlearn.

Q: Will Shogun Method Work On My Device?

Shogun Method works on virtually all modern devices:-

If you have a device which is not listed above, contact us.

Q: What Happens After I Make The Payment?

After clicking on the “Add To Cart” button, you will be transferred to our secure checkout page. Here, enter your personal and credit card (or Paypal) details, and when your payment is successfully processed, you will receive your login instructions over email immediately.

The entire course is delivered online through our proprietary DerekRakeHQ platform, and nothing is ever sent to you via mail.

If you have not received your login details upon successful checkout, contact us. We reply within a few hours the most (often immediately).

Q: What Appears On My Credit Card Bill?

There is no mention of Shogun Method or Derek Rake or anything related to the company or product.

Clickbank currently handles all our credit card and Paypal payments. In your credit card bill, you will see a charge from CLKBANK*.

Q: What If I Have More Questions To Ask You?

Then get in touch with us! We’d love to hear from you. 🙂

For questions on the product, contact us by clicking here. For order support, please contact ClickBank here.

Payment is one-time, and access is forever. Your investment is protected by our 60-day money back guarantee.

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Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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How Online Reviews Can Save You Money on Your Grocery Shopping

Do you sell online retail? While doing so, online reviews are perhaps the most important reference source that helps you make your possible choices. In a web review, the writer shares his stories with the product and/or supplier, noting the advantages, disadvantages, and other invisible qualities that have not been introduced by using the manufacturer.

Technically, it is the web style of “word of mouth”, and the fact that there are so many reviews out there speaks volumes about its effectiveness. Occasionally, shoppers will give advice in their reviews on how to find the most efficient grocery shopping deals for mobiles among the goods or supplier, what works well with the product, or when is the best time to take advantage of a deal presented.

Other events, reviews serve as vents and complaints from disgruntled buyers, giving you (the specific third person) a chance to reconsider before spending your money. Because several reviews are a topic and are not afraid to share it, on the other hand what really matters is what you do with that opinion.

Variety of reviews

Reviews are numerous on the Internet, but they can also be grouped into a few varieties:

1. The complete essay

Reviews can be put in a paragraph with easily located “motivational words”. They can also be written by the manufacturer or anyone who has been engaged by the seller to note the product. They are mainly certain of the product or service purchased and can help you choose the best choice, especially if you have a number of similar manufacturers within the global market to choose from.

Online Laptop Review

A similar offering could be an online critique written in personal blogs. It is fair to assume that these are not impartial critiques, but on the other hand you can be sure that if there is a setting hooked to analysis, it carries with it a certain degree of honesty.

2. Evaluation websites

There are also online analysis websites full of criticism. Just to name a few, we have been provided with:

<img decoding=”async” src=”” alt=”DP Review website“/><img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” src=”;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==” alt=”DP Review website” width=”1500″ height=”1000″ data-lazy-src=””/> and allow you to rate vendors or individuals who use these portals to search for their businesses.

3. Dialogue and discussion board

However, you will be able to find reviews online by using keywords running through a search engine, for example, “white bread vs. whole wheat meal”. Depending on the success of your search, you may simply want to find a lot of discussions in online forums.

The latter do not appear to be as structured as the other varieties, but on the other hand they might reveal some information about what you are looking for without referring to the back and forth dialogue.

Distinguishing Unique Reviews From Fake Ones

Just like everything else on the internet, given enough time, anyone will turn it into something controversial. Regardless of the intentions of the top reviewers, trade organizations are quick to resolve that criticism from not unusual buyers can also be used as a great promotional and advertising tool to strengthen their emblem image or defame their conflicting parties.

It is not ethical at all, on the other hand the Internet makes it almost impossible to catch those dishonest reviewers. What is stopping them? All they want is a fake username to impersonate a buyer and write a review on the product or service’s web page, giving it a five-star rating or a furious, yet false, scolding.

Example of fake reviewExample of fake review

In fact, 5% of all online reviews are fake. Reviews can also be purchased for as little as $5.

The authors are precise people, on the other hand they have never been there or have never used the product. In September 2011, used to be investigated for spreading commercial falsehoods. They were investigated because they didn’t do enough to ensure that their reviewers’ posts were unique.

Alternatively, how do you know if an analysis is accurate or not?

Science Section, Gut Feeling Section

You realize that knowledge is effective when scholars also give it due attention. Myle Ott at Cornell School has developed a set of rules to eliminate false criticism based on the words used. His research was once so convincing that Google requested his resume.

In the meantime, Dr. Kawamura of the Edinburgh School believes that “certain” or “not” criticism is the best measure of faithful criticism. He has found that when allowed to give subjective opinions, reviewers tend to amplify their claims for attention more often than not, making those criticisms much less credible.

For the rest of us, neatly…

When learning a review, take the time to consider the reviewer’s intent. Is the person too soft or too critical of the vendor? Was the review fair or was the reviewer simply harsh? Does the review feel like a promotion rather than a restrictive opinion? Paying attention to these nuances can help you discern truth or lies in a review. Learn more.

E-commerce Product ReviewE-commerce Product Review

Every other criterion is the credibility of the reviewer. A standard reviewer who is consistent in his/her location (and username) has more credibility than the first time buyer or the “housewife” whose area happens to have every single appliance from the same manufacturer.

Reviewers may or may not agree with each other. Occasionally, online discussions may reveal some useful underlying wisdom, such as whether the reviewer actually works for the company they are vouching for. Again, dig deeper.

The perfect protection

Regardless of the effectiveness of online criticism, you should take each analysis with a grain of salt. Criticism varies, and all people have different levels of tolerance and expectations. This does not mean you should avoid online criticism altogether.

In fact, a couple of you are probably active reviewers on the Internet. You may be free to vent, pass judgment, influence, grumble, justify, criticize or condemn any product, supplier or workforce you have come into contact with.

We encourage you to do so, as this can occasionally serve as a stimulus for providers to strengthen themselves and remain competitive. However, think about the effect of your analysis and select your words as they should be. And in case you happen to be looking forward to receiving spontaneous, fair and thoughtful criticism from others, do the same while writing your own criticism.

The post How Online Reviews Can Save You Money on Groceries appeared first on Hongkiat.

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Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you make in your life. Learn how to do it at!

Building a chicken coop doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

Making the decision and finding out how to build backyard chicken coops will be one of the best decisions of your life.

Say hello to free fresh organic eggs every day!

Now welcome that high-quality fertilizer to your garden!

Show off your master craftsman side with easy-to-follow chicken coop plans so you can build the perfect chicken coop in your backyard.

It’s a matter of simple logic. You’ll spend a lot of money each year on eggs and fertilizer, but what if you can save yourself the extra money? Not to mention the headaches and hassles of setting up prefabricated chicken coops.

You don’t need a Harvard degree in “Chicken Coop Construction” to realize that you already have to put together pre-made chicken coops, fitting this piece to that, so why not start from scratch?

Save time, money, and the stress of reading instructions on how to build a chicken coop when starting from scratch by using affordable and easy backyard chicken coop plans.

Plus, pre-made chicken coops that force you to assemble them anyway are very expensive, forcing you to pay incredibly inflated prices for low-quality materials. Find the right plan here and start building your own chicken coop today!

I understand that building a chicken coop can seem like a difficult project. Figuring out dimensions, materials, insulation, ventilation, lighting, placement, nesting boxes, perches, waste collection, and protection from the elements and other predators can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

Luckily for you, I use my extensive experience in the poultry industry to develop, create and build absolutely amazing and extremely affordable chicken coops, based on easy to follow chicken coop plans and guides.

I’ve created an easy-to-follow guide to building your own backyard chicken coop. It’s designed for beginners, so you don’t need any carpentry skills. Gather your materials, plan, and tools to start building a chicken coop now!

“It doesn’t matter if you want a big or small chicken coop, or if you have a big or small budget.”

Plan #1: Bill’s Chicken Coop

Bob Franklin built this red beauty using my “Bill’s Coop” plan (okay… I’m biased).

Plan #2: Chicken Coop

Lucas Tremblay made a perfect placement and used my “Chicken Barn” plan.

Plan #3: Two-story chicken ark

Les Garcia did an amazing job using my “Two Story Chicken Ark” plans.

Plan #4: Big house

Debbie Jenkins put her own spin on my “Big House” plans…I love it!!

Plan #5: Medium size

Noah Perry loved this in his mountain home and used my “medium size” plans.

Plan #6: Portable Ark

Amy Richardson loves the mobility of the chicken coop and used my “Portable Ark” plans.

Plan #7: Premium Large

Mark Nguyen applied a beautiful natural stain to my “Premium Large” plans.

Design #1: Bill’s Chicken Coop. For obvious reasons, this is one of my favorites. This chicken coop has a suspended upper house with a full stove underneath and a ramp for easy access to the upper level. This design has my personal touches and some customers put wheels on it after it was built to make it easier to transport.

Design #2: All-Terrain Chicken Coop. Sizes: Medium to Large Chicken Coop Plans. Easy to clean nest box saves time, two encloseable areas with built-in perches. Versatile with many options for all your poultry needs.

Design #3: Two Story Chicken Ark – If Noah had this on his boat…he could have had a lot more than just two chickens! This is a fantastic plan that stacks a roof that opens and closes for easy access. The construction is sturdy and is great for areas where space is at a premium. Perfect for small areas.

Design #4: Big House – The name says it all! This design gives your chickens true indoor coop life. A large open space leaves plenty of room for your creative touch. With a few adjustments, the Big House can be aesthetically modified to look like a real house, which is quite common. Add a picket fence to round it out and create a large outdoor run. An extraordinary design that is hard to beat!

Design #5: The Mid-Size Sedan – While this design can house more chickens, it won’t take up as much space as the larger version. A simple design with a variety of options is a step up from the smaller ones as they usually fit two feeders, increasing the functionality of the chickens’ environment. Almost everyone can be satisfied with this design.

Design #6: On the Go Ark Portable Chicken Coop – Portability meets cost effectiveness with a sophisticated design. This small yet extremely effective chicken coop offers less maintenance and a surprising amount of space for superior comfort and maximum portability. Transport has never been easier than with this chicken coop design.

Design #7: Premium Large Chicken Coop – Do you have a large number of birds and need an efficient farrowing area for them? Maybe you are selling eggs to distributors. If that is the case, the Premium Large Chicken Coop is the perfect choice. A beautiful design takes ventilation into account and has easy access points. This coop is optimal for those with ten or more chickens. Wonderful for farms and large open areas.

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Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

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Start Your Will Today

Product Name: Start Your Will Today

Click here to get Start Your Will Today at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Start Your Will Today is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


We all enter adulthood with dreams of building a career, a stable future and an
abundant life for our families. We aim to provide our loved ones with the stress-free lives they

We spend decades of our lives working towards this goal in the hopes that our
families will be taken care of long after we’re gone. But what if all of your efforts
to better their lives are lost?

Imagine the life you thought you were leaving behind for your family actually hurt
them, and even broke them apart? What if your children become estranged
arguing over assets?

This is exactly what happens in many homes when the provider leaves behind
unattended wealth and assets!

At this time many American families are faced with court dates, attorney fees and
disputes over assets. This causes unnecessary pain and despair to grieving
families every day. This added stress can become a burden for them and even
cause conflicts at a time when they should be grieving in peace.

Should your loved ones be left to face the insecurity of their own future?

#1 You tried before but found the process too complicated and frustrating.

#2 You’ve always found a reason to put it off for another day.

And if you’ve tried setting up your Will before, you know how stressful it can
be to
navigate all the legal jargon. That’s why most people procrastinate, putting the
future of their legacy at risk.

That is why we’ve created a simple, straightforward solution that makes creating
your Will as pain-free as possible!

Introducing our Start Your Will Kit, a user-friendly manual that
contains all the essential information your family needs to know about managing
your wealth and assets.

With a sleek and organized design, our Start Your Will Kit is simple,
sophisticated and easy to understand!

I can still remember the sheer terror that gripped me that fateful day—the day I discovered the agonizing truth about what happens when you don’t have a will.

It was a gut-wrenching experience, one that shook me to my core…

This forced me to confront the harsh reality that I was ill-prepared to protect my loved ones after my time…

I was in the midst of a heated conversation with my dear friend, Sarah. We were discussing life, family, and the future, and the topic of wills came up…

Little did I know that this innocent conversation would be the catalyst for the most critical decision of my life.

As Sarah shared her own painful story, my heart sank.

She had lost her father unexpectedly, leaving her family in turmoil…

Without a will, chaos ensued, and her loved ones were left to navigate a maze of legal complexities and bitter disputes.

The fallout was unimaginable—family members torn apart, assets frozen, and worst of all, Sarah’s father’s final wishes went unheard.

At that moment, I realized the gravity of the situation.

I was not immune to the uncertainties of life, and I couldn’t bear the thought of my own family enduring such an ordeal…

I knew that I had to protect them, to shield them from the mega-painful consequences of not having a will.

That’s when I took action, and it was the best decision I ever made. I discovered Start Your Will—the definitive solution that empowers you to take control of your legacy and safeguard your loved ones’ future.

Before your loved ones find themselves saying “if only”, know that you still have
time to secure your family’s future and ensure they will be taken care of when the
time comes.

However, we’re never guaranteed tomorrow. So the best time to start your Will is
right now. And I’m here to help you simplify and guarantee your Will creation

Throughout my 10 years of experience in estate planning, I’ve seen it all. I’ve
dealt with families from all walks of life, heard countless stories and solved many

That’s why I’ve dedicated my time to learning as much as possible to help people
like you understand each step that goes into the Will creation process, all
without the need for hefty attorney fees!

We’ve created our Start Your Will Kit to contain every tool, resource
and template you need to create your Will with ease.

Our mission is to provide you with a simple, cost-effective approach to preserving
your legacy. It’s our stress-free solution to help you get started today!

You may think that you have plenty of time to prepare, but life is unpredictable. The reality is, none of us know what tomorrow holds. That’s why I urge you to confront this reality head-on and take action now.

Introducing the Start Your Will Guide Kit: Your Path to True Peace of Mind

I am not just another voice in the crowd—I am an expert, someone who has been in your shoes and has found the solution. The Start Your Will Guide Kit is the key to securing your family’s future with true peace of mind.

1. Comprehensive and Foolproof

Our kit leaves no stone unturned. With our simple and easy-to-understand guide, you’ll navigate through every essential aspect of creating a legally valid will. No legal jargon, no confusion—just clear instructions to ensure your wishes are safeguarded.

2. Emotionally Intelligent

We understand that facing these realities can be tough. Our empathetic approach gently guides you through the process, making it easier to confront these sensitive decisions and protect those you hold dear.

3. The Power of Preparation

A will isn’t just about distributing assets—it’s about leaving a legacy. Our Start Your Will Guide Kit empowers you to articulate your final wishes, ensuring your loved ones understand your intentions and are united in their understanding of your legacy.

4. Tailored to Your Needs

Each family is unique, and our kit recognizes that. We provide pre-designed templates that you can easily customize to suit your specific circumstances and desires. Your Will, your way.

5. Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips

We’ve combined the knowledge and experience of legal experts to guide you every step of the way. Say goodbye to expensive lawyer fees; our Start Your Will Guide Kit is an affordable and accessible solution.

Having taken a glimpse into the program…

I’m sure you recognize the worth of this offer.

It’s evident that this is today’s top solution for the Will creation process.

But don’t just go by what I’m saying.

Hear it from our actual Start Your Will Today customers, sharing their experiences
post-program use.

‘Estate planning used to overwhelm me, but I educated myself and took action to protect
my loved ones.’

‘I created a comprehensive Will, appointed an executor, and understood the importance of
power of attorney. I also explored end-of-life options like cremation, burial, funerals,
scattering, and grief.’

‘Now, I have peace of mind knowing I’ve secured my family’s future. Don’t wait, educate
yourself and take action for your loved ones today.’”

I used to worry about the uncertainty of the future and the fate of my loved ones. But
then I discovered the power of comprehensive estate planning.

‘With the guidance provided by these invaluable resources, I gained the knowledge and
confidence to protect my legacy.’

‘These essential tools became my trusted companions on this journey.’

‘They provided me with step-by-step guidance to ensure that my wishes are respected, my
loved ones are taken care of, and my decisions are honored.’

‘Now, I have peace of mind knowing that my assets will be distributed according to my
intentions and that my family will be secure.’

‘I wholeheartedly recommend this comprehensive catalog of resources to anyone who wants
to secure their future and provide for their family. Dont wait until its too late. Start
your journey towards peace of mind today.’

‘I used to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about estate planning, but that all changed when I
discovered these invaluable resources.’

‘They became my trusted companions on this journey.’

‘These guides provided me with the necessary knowledge to confidently navigate the
complexities of estate planning.’

‘By embracing this empowering process, I now have control over my future and the security of
my loved ones.’

‘Don’t underestimate the power of proper estate planning. Take charge of your legacy and
ensure a brighter future for your family.’

– The duties of an executor

– What exactly an executor is

– The entire executor process

– Advice on how to handle conflicts/disputes

Plus our Executor’s Guidebook is presented in a simple and straightforward way,
making it an essential resource for the estate planning process!

– Description of the different types of POA’s

– Tips on how to select the right person to make decisions for you when you

– How to cancel a POA if you ever need to

This guidebook is an exceptionally useful
tool when it comes to choosing someone to make decisions on your behalf.

Don’t miss out on this unbelievable offer!

Secure Your Future Today!

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money
right away.

Today You Will Recieve Instant Access To:

Many people I’ve worked with have been astounded at how effortless my Start Your Will Kit helped their Will-creation process.

Imagine the relief your loved ones will have knowing you’ve secured Their
future and your legacy, allowing them to grieve peacefully when the time comes.

I know that’s what truly matters to you most, and to remove any doubts you may
have I’m offering you a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you can try my
WILL GUIDE KIT risk-free!

Take advantage of this one-of-a-kind offer with confidence knowing you’ll receive
a full refund if you aren’t 100% satisfied!

Don’t let this opportunity slip away!

Every day people make the mistake of assuming they have more time. They put
off creating their Will until it’s too late, leaving all the wealth and assets they
worked so hard for at risk. And since you’re still here, you have an advantage
that millions of people didn’t!

With our exclusive Bundle Offer, you’ll be able to ensure your assets are
managed properly and that a trustworthy executor will be in charge. All without
hiring a costly attorney!

There’s no better time to start than right here, right now! Click the link below to
get your Start Your Will Kit today!

Secure Your Future Today!

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back
right away.

Today You Will Recieve Instant Access To:

Q: What is the Start Your Will Kit, and what does it include?

A: The Start Your Will Kit is a comprehensive and user-friendly digital solution
designed to help you create a legally valid will. It includes a step-by-step guide, pre-designed
templates, and expert guidance to ensure you cover all essential aspects of your will.

Q: How do I purchase the Start Your Will Kit?

A: Purchasing the Start Your Will Kit is easy! Simply click on the “Secure Your Future Today”
button, and you’ll be directed to our secure payment gateway. Once your payment is processed, you’ll receive
instant access to the kit.

Q: What happens after I purchase the Start Your Will Kit?

A: After your purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to download the Start Your Will Kit. This digital package
includes all the resources you need to get started, including the step-by-step guide, templates, and expert tips. You can begin crafting
your will right away from the comfort of your home.

Q: How long will I have access to the Start Your Will Kit after purchase?

A: You will have lifetime access to the Start Your Will Kit. You can download the resources to your device and revisit
them at any time. We encourage you to make updates to your will as life circumstances change, and our kit will be there to support you
throughout your journey.

Q: How long will I have access to the Start Your Will Kit after purchase?

A: You will have lifetime access to the Start Your Will Kit. You can download the resources to your device and revisit
them at any time. We encourage you to make updates to your will as life circumstances change, and our kit will be there to support you
throughout your journey.

Q: Can I make changes to my will after creating it with the Start Your Will Kit?

A: Of course! Life is full of changes, and your will should reflect your current circumstances and desires. With lifetime access to the Start Your Will Kit, you can update your will whenever necessary. We recommend reviewing your will periodically or after significant life events, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child.

Q: Is the Start Your Will Kit suitable for complex estate planning needs?

A: The Start Your Will Kit is designed to cover a wide range of estate planning needs. However, if your estate planning requirements are highly complex, we recommend consulting with an estate planning attorney to ensure all your needs are properly addressed.

Q: Can I share the Start Your Will Kit with other family members?

A: The Start Your Will Kit is for individual use only. Each person’s will is unique and should reflect their personal wishes and circumstances. We encourage each family member to create their own will using the kit to ensure clarity and specificity.

Q: How soon will I receive the Start Your Will Kit after purchase?

A: Once you purchase your Start Your Will Kit you will receive a
digital copy instantly. This instant access allows you to begin your journey into
estate planning right away.

Q: Is the Start Your Will Kit applicable to all States?

A: These guidebooks provide a broad overview of general principles,
offering a
wealth of information applicable to all states. However, they will alert you when
it’s necessary to seek state-specific legal advice.

Q: Is the Start Your Will Kit digital only?

A:This Bundle Is Digital ONLY. Join the eco-friendly future with our
Digital-Only Bundle. Buy and get immediate access to your ebook. Save time, support the
environment, and start reading right away.

Q: Do I still need to hire an attorney after purchasing the Start Your Will Kit?

A: These guidebooks are designed to provide the groundwork for
understanding estate
planning, but we recommend consulting with a legal professional to finalize your

Q: Is the Start Your Will Kit easy to understand for someone without any legal

A: These guidebooks were created with you in mind. We simplified complex
concepts into clear, understandable language so that anyone can use these
guidebooks with ease.

Q: Will I need to buy a new Start Your Will Kit if my personal circumstances change?

A: These guidebooks are designed as evolving tools that grow with you.
major life events may warrant some legal advice, the guidebooks offer a
foundation that remains relevant.

Q: Can I purchase the guides individually or do I have to buy the

A: Our goal is to provide you with a complete estate planning solution,
which is why we have carefully curated these items into one comprehensive bundle. We’ve heavily
discounted the bundle to make it as affordable as possible, and due to this significant
discount, we’re unable to offer these items individually.

Q. Are my credit card and personal information safe?

A: Absolutely. When you click the button below this video, you’ll be taken
ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal
information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top
100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted by over
200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

Q. Do you offer customer support if I have questions?

A: Our Start Your Will Kit is designed to serve as a helpful tool for
understanding the fundamentals of estate planning. However, due to the complexity and individual
nature of estate planning, it’s strongly recommended to consult with a local law firm or legal
professional. This will ensure that your estate planning meets all your specific needs and
complies with the relevant laws and regulations in your area.

Q. Will I be billed more than once?

A: Our Start Your Will Kit is a one-time secure payment. You will not
be charged again afterwards.

Secure Your Future Today!

To your family’s security and enduring legacy,

P.S. Imagine the relief and joy your loved ones will feel, knowing that you’ve taken care of them, even beyond your time.

Don’t let them face the devastating consequences of not having a will. Act now and get the Start Your Will Kit. It’s the greatest gift you can give to those you cherish most.

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Please note that this guide is intended for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as legal advice. The information provided in this guide is designed to offer a general
understanding of the principles and practices of estate planning and power of attorney. However,
laws and regulations governing these matters can vary significantly from state to state, and the
information contained in this guide may not apply to your specific situation.

While we have made every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is essential
to consult with a qualified attorney or other legal professional in your jurisdiction to ensure
that your power of attorney and estate planning documents are legally valid and tailored to your
unique circumstances. A legal professional can provide you with personalized advice based on
your individual needs and the laws of your state.

By using this guide, you acknowledge that it is not a substitute for professional legal advice,
and you agree to seek the counsel of an attorney or other qualified professional before making
any decisions regarding your power of attorney and estate plan. The authors and publishers of
this guide disclaim any liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the
information contained herein.

By using the Product, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this legal disclaimer.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click
Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID
83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an
endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in
promotion of these products.

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Start Your Will Today is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Twin Flames Drawing – With Tarot Reading

Product Name: Twin Flames Drawing – With Tarot Reading

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Twin Flames Drawing – With Tarot Reading

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Simple Promise™

Product Name: Simple Promise™

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Simple Promise™

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

† The testimonials included in our ad are real reactions from actual Simple Promise™ customers; however, their names have been changed for privacy reasons. Individual results may vary.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


Click here to get Simple Promise™

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Simple Promise™

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

Product Name: Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

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Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

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After spending 20 years as a model at Elite Model Management, I moved on to work behind the lens as a published and award-winning photographer with 7 years of experience capturing stunning photographs.

On my journey from in front of the camera to behind it, I’ve realized how incredibly intimidating posing can be for many people.

I have seen firsthand how uncertainty and insecurity can take over us when posing.

This inspired me to create The Posing Academy.

I am passionate about transforming that fear into confidence.

At The Posing Academy, I teach the fundamentals of posing that not only build your confidence but also turn your fear into knowledge.

With my unique perspective and extensive experience, I have developed posing techniques that ensure you feel confident and look powerful in every shot.

My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to shine and unleash your full potential.

Join me at The Posing Academy and let’s master the art of posing together.

Below are some pictures from my 20 year modeling career.

Next workshop: August 17-18, 2024

Live online workshop: participate from the comfort of your home.

Interactive Sessions: Join live interactive sessions via a video conferencing platform.

Computer: A laptop or desktop computer and a stable, fast internet connection.

Willingness to Learn: Bring your enthusiasm and willingness to participate!

Upcoming workshop dates:

Explore types of poses: fashion, commercial, lifestyle and more.

Express yourself with confidence: Master the art of captivating facial expressions.

Unlock your angles: Discover how lighting and camera angles work to your advantage.

Practice makes perfect: interactive exercises to build your confidence in front of the camera.

Full Body Poses: Discover how to move and pose with grace and power.

Hand Placement: Master the art of hand placement to achieve natural and striking poses.

Posing Props: Discover how to use props to enhance your photos.

Mastering different poses: Commercial, Fashion, Lifestyle.

Talking about the conversation: communication, interaction with the client, model behavior (essential for all photo shoots).

How to Add Movement to Your Poses: Learn how to incorporate dynamic movement into your poses for a more natural and engaging look.

How to adapt your posing: Learn how to adjust your posing style to the different requirements of each session.

Gain confidence and comfort in front of the camera.

Master posing techniques for different types of shots (including movement).

Develop a solid understanding of the expectations of the modeling industry.

“This class opened my eyes to the power of posing, from understanding body language to mastering dynamic angles.”

It’s not just a photo shoot, it’s a moment full of love and dedication. If you think you’re not photogenic, you need a photo shoot with Marjorie. She gives you back your self-esteem and supports you in everything.

“Marjorie is amazing. She is very professional and has a lot of experience. She is passionate about what she does and it shows in her work. I highly recommend her!”

6 hours of live interactive learning: Dive deeper into posing techniques and gain confidence in front of the camera with practice and expert guidance, ask your questions with a live mentor.

Receive a download of our Complete Photoshoot Planner: a detailed guide with everything you need to know to plan and execute a stunning photoshoot.

Transform your confidence: learn to pose like a pro and feel amazing in front of the camera in 2 days.

Expert Instruction: Benefit from the combined experience of our instructor.

Limited spots available – don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Reserve your spot now and take the first step towards your modeling dreams.

Sign up today and take advantage of this special introductory offer!

The Posing Academy is perfect for you! We start with the basics, so no experience is necessary. Get ready to rock the camera like a queen!

Of course! The Academy offers individual sessions to tailor posing techniques specifically to you. Just book a session and we’ll help you shine even brighter! ✨

Ah, that’s a great question! How long it takes to learn how to pose really depends on your goals and how much effort you put into practicing. Here’s how we approach it at The Posing Academy:

Fundamentals in 2 Days: Our 2-day intensive workshop provides you with the basic posing techniques that form the foundation for posing with confidence. In this workshop, you will learn key body language strategies, flattering angles for different body types, and how to transition between poses seamlessly.

Mastering technique takes time and practice: Just like any skill, mastering technique takes dedication and practice. The good news is that with a solid foundation gained in our workshop, you can accelerate your learning by actively practicing the techniques. This can involve practicing in front of a mirror, participating in photo shoots, or even working with a posing coach to receive personalized feedback.

Remember that everyone learns at their own pace. Some people grasp concepts quickly, while others may need more time to hone their skills. The key is to be patient, consistent, and most importantly, have fun with the process!

Absolutely! At The Posing Academy, we understand that different situations call for different posing styles. Our curriculum goes beyond the basics and delves into various posing techniques that will make you shine in any situation.

Here’s what you can expect:

Basic Poses: We will begin by developing a solid foundation in posing principles, body awareness, and flattering angles. This basic knowledge applies to all posing styles.

Fashion Posing: Master the art of commanding the camera with confidence and fierce energy. Learn how to achieve iconic poses that translate beautifully into high fashion photography.

Commercial Poses: Discover the secrets to captivating product placement and storytelling through poses. You will learn how to display products in a natural and attractive way, perfect for commercials and advertising campaigns.

Lifestyle Poses: Capture the essence of everyday life with authentic and dynamic poses. We’ll teach you techniques to convey confidence and personality, making your lifestyle photos stand out.

By mastering these various posing styles, you will become a posing chameleon, effortlessly adapting to different photography requirements and leaving a lasting impression on photographers and audiences alike.

At The Posing Academy, you’ll receive live, interactive instruction from Marjorie, an experienced model and photographer. Unlike pre-recorded tutorials, our live sessions allow you to ask questions in real-time, receive personalized feedback, and participate in hands-on exercises that enhance your learning experience.

Absolutely. Investing in professional posing training can significantly improve your confidence and skills in front of the camera. The skills you gain will not only improve your photos, but will also open up new opportunities for you in modeling and photography. With Marjorie’s extensive experience and personalized instruction, you will gain knowledge and techniques that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, the decision is yours. But if you are serious about improving your presence in front of the camera and discovering the power of posing, The Posing Academy offers a valuable investment in your confidence and image. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation to discuss your goals and find the program that best suits your needs.

The cost of doing nothing is missing out on the opportunity to master the art of posing and transform your confidence in front of the camera.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Take the leap today and invest in yourself to become the confident and balanced person you’ve always wanted to be.

Register now and secure your spot in our exclusive workshop!

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From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

Product Name: From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

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From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

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From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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