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Manhood Miracle

Product Name: Manhood Miracle

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It was a like pent-up well of erotic energy had
been hiding in her body for years…

Clearly savoring every second of pleasure…

These were the kind of noises I’d always
wanted to hear a woman make…

As I treated her body to a merry-go-round of
spasmic climaxes that made her eyes roll back
in her skull…

…and caused her thighs to shiver like she was

They were for some asshole contractor that was supposed to be putting in a
hot tub in my backyard..

I stood there like a deer in the headlights… my entire field of vision blurred…

You know that feeling you get when something seems unreal?

I couldn’t move, think, or speak for what felt like a stretch of 10 minutes…

Like a teenager fleeing a house party…

The contractor jumped to his feet, grabbed his pants and high-tailed out
through the sliding door…

And my girlfriend Jennifer… the woman I loved and even planned to propose to…

Just sat up and gave me a look I’ll never forget as long as I live…

My hands shook and my voice cracked while a
tidal wave of adrenaline dumped out and
flooded my entire body…

It’s all I could muster, like a simpering animal
pleading with a predator who had it cornered…

Her grey eyes stared into mine with cold,
matter-of-fact precision before she said…

They weren’t words she said to try to hurt me or piss me off…

In fact, she said them as plainly as she would have given me time of day…

But the minute they came out of her mouth… it was like a sledgehammer slammed straight into my gut…

I reeled and felt my legs wobble… trying to catch my breath…

… as she strolled out the kitchen door, got in her car, and zoomed out of my life without
so much as looking back…

I slumped down on the coach, head in hand, as every cell in my body felt bathed
in strong acid.

Jennifer destroyed much more than our relationship…

She destroyed my self-respect and pride in being a man!

It was without a doubt THE MOST humiliating and emasculating thing that ever
happened to me…

But today, I’m actually grateful for it!

Because that horrific moment marked a turning point for me and over 12,200 men
from every liveable continent on the globe…

Allowing any man of any age… to give ANY woman a blizzard of full body
orgasms more potent than she’s ever felt in her whole life!

Go around after hot sweaty round… 2,3, even 4 or more times per night like a
hormone drenched teenager…

Last 30 to 45 minutes and blast big, heavy loads that spray out like the
fountains of Bellagio

The best part… it doesn’t matter if you’re 28 or 88… this solution will work for you!

Because it addresses the true, root cause of male metabolic aging…

A series of microscopic scars shriveling your testicles…[1]

And it’s your testicles more than anything else that make you a man!

The process starts around age 35 for most men…

… and by the time the average guy is 50… this testicle-shrivelling scourge has wreaked havoc on your natural

Drying out your youthful hormones, and holding your male metabolism hostage…

Taking your confidence, your sex drive, and your energy levels down with the whole ship!

You can lift weights, eat clean, even take pills and synthetic hormones…

But unless you address the testicle-shrivelling plague head on… you’re doomed to declining masculinity no matter
what you do!

It turns out that the source of this manhood-destroying scourge is an imbalance
of one, tiny life form.

When you’re young and virile… your body is the perfect host for this friendly little life form.

But as you age… the tables turn and levels of these potent living miracles begin to decline…

Which helps the testicle-shrivelling scourge to gain the upper hand!

Multiplying inside of your body like a microscopic pandemic…

… wreaking havoc on the very cells that power your sex drive, desire, and natural
masculine energy.

If you’ve started to notice stop-and-start erections that shrivel away just when
you need them most…

If you’ve begun to feel like you’ve lost your insatiable sexual drive…

If you feel that “slump” like you’ve lost your purpose and passion in life…

And if you choose to ignore it… to simply let nature take it’s course and “accept your fate”…

You’re doomed to feel your sex drive dull, your energy levels evaporate, and your muscles sag and
wither away…

Even if you think you eat healthy, even if you log 8 hours of sleep, even if you swallow fistfuls of Big
Pharma’s chemical cocktails.

Because this testicular plague can continue to spread like wildfire…

Which means you’ll be fighting an uphill battle the rest of your natural life.

But, by simply eating a delicious ancient superfood, which you can make with everyday ingredients you find
in a local grocery store in just minutes…

You can naturally halt and even reverse the testicle-shrivelling plague from destroying your libido,
energy and drive from the inside out…

Letting you enjoy round after round of body-quivering sex just like in your honeymoon years…

And all without taking a single dangerous drug or needing a painful injection of synthetic hormones from
your doctor.

In fact, this powerful food is so tasty and effective… once you try it you’ll be wondering the same thing I

It turns out… researchers have simply been looking in the wrong direction for nearly 30 years. [2]

See, scientist have known for decades that your testosterone levels decline with age…

Testosterone is your master male molecule and more than anything else…

It’s the “metabolic messenger” your body relies on to fuel your sex drive, keep your muscles strong and

… and give you that dominant surge of manly energy.

The problem is, they didn’t truly understand what caused your body to shut down this supply of testosterone
in the first place.

But today, thanks to breakthrough research out of MIT…

Science has finally discovered the real truth!

And in the next few minutes, I’m not just going to share exactly what they found…

I’m going to tell you how you can protect yourself or a loved one in the claws of the “testicular

And how you can halt and even REVERSE it’s ravaging effects…

So you can restore that glow of youthful masculine power that you’ve been missing all these years.

What you’ll discover today is not an herbal formula…

It’s not a supplement or a drug…

It’s quite unlike anything you’ve ever heard or seen before.

So stick with me for the next few minutes…

I’ll share how I managed to change everything…

Going from a “3 pump chump” whose libido, desire, and energy were in the sewer…

To a man who routinely wears out my much younger girlfriend…

… by simply eating a delicious, all-natural food you can make for pennies in your own kitchen.

My name is Tim Masterson… I’m 54 years old, an engineer, a health researcher,
and most importantly…

I’m a man who knows what it’s like to feel your libido, energy, and drive slip away…

… and feel hopeless to do anything about it.

It started out with me just noticing that my desire was starting to fade.

Despite having gorgeous girlfriend 15 years younger than me…

With a body that could give a pet rock a raging hard-on…

Most nights I was just too tired and didn’t have the energy for sex.

After a long day of work I struggled to keep my eyes open…

Let alone treat a younger woman to a tornado of pleasure that would leave her breathless and sweaty.

Even when we did have sex I often had a hard time getting hard enough…

… or found myself losing my erection just as the action was heating up.

A lot of nights we’d watch steamy porn videos together which did help me get in the mood…

But usually I was only good for a few pumps before I’d climax…

… and unlike my younger years… I rarely had enough firepower for a second or third round.

Jennifer was supportive at first…

I could feel her slipping away… so I started to compensate in other ways…

Like playing her credit card bills and taking her on expensive vacations…

She even talked me into installing a hot tub on my patio in the backyard.

Pressing out her chest and batting her big, pretty eyes at me.

So one Saturday afternoon, I had a couple of contractors come over and give me a bid…

Jennifer was there to explain her vision of what she thought everything should look like…

I personally wanted to go with a guy who had 30 years of experience…

But Jennifer talked me into hiring a well-muscled contractor who looked to be in his early 30s.

“He’s cheaper and you can save money on the installation…” she said…

I should have headed my instinct because…

Since I had work during the day, I put Jennifer in charge of overseeing the project.

I’d come home after work and notice the guy really hadn’t made much progress.

Jennifer always had a good excuse for why there was a delay…

Either there was a mix up at the lumber yard, or one of the subcontractors delivered the wrong kind of

…or the company that made the tub accidentally shipped the wrong heater…

My suspicion should have been at an all-time high but I was busy at work and barely had the energy to
think at the end of my day.

I was so clueless, I even started to feel guilty for working so many late nights and not spending enough
time with her…

So on the way home after a really long night at the office… I picked up a sushi tray, a bottle of her
favorite zinfandel, and a dozen roses…

I was excited to surprise her with a late dinner… but as soon as I got in the door…

I heard the noises coming from the living room…

She was screaming like a wild woman and loving every minute of it!

After she stomped on my self-respect and strolled out of my life…

I was left all alone… feeling like a shadow of the man I used to be.

I was sick and tired of seeing my saggy arms and flabby man boobs in the bathroom mirror every morning…

I was tired of seeing my spare tire spill out over my belt, or having to suck in my gut just to
button slacks that used to fit me like glove.

I had enough with the “blah” that constantly blanketed my mood like an endless string of cloudy days.

Blotting out the passion, drive, and purpose I used to be known for!

And I couldn’t stand feeling like less of a man in the bedroom…

Lacking the drive, desire, or firepower to give a woman the eye-rolling passion she craved.

As painful as it was to have the woman I loved betray me in the worst way imaginable…

As much as it stung for her to point blank tell me what a dud I was between the sheets…

There was one small silver lining to that dark cloud…

And it wasn’t going to suddenly get better on it’s own…

I had to face the fact that unless I did something about it…

I was doomed to be a faded version of the man I was… and the man I wanted to be!

So I did what any man in my situation would do.

I joined a gym, threw all the junk food in my fridge straight in the trash, and vowed to get back in shape
or die trying!

For 8 weeks straight I did 4 brutal gym session a week… spending an hour lifting weights and 30 minutes
on a treadmill to nowhere.

I ate a diet of lean meat, complex carbs, fresh vegetables and nuts…

I even made sure to log at least 8 hours of what I thought was quality sleep every night…

Button line, I did EVERYTHING that all the nutrition and fitness experts told me to do…

But after all that effort… nothing changed!

The scale didn’t budge, my belly still bulged out, and my libido was still in the sewer.

And I was left with nothing but achy joints and exhaustion.

“What the hell am I doing wrong?” I thought to myself…

I even started browsing through clinics that provided Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT in my area…

But after a little research, I quickly started to have second thoughts that synthetic hormones were the
answer for me

First, there was a review in the Harvard Health Review where medical doctors warned that every man should
weigh his options about TRT…

Because the stakes could not be higher when it comes to your health! [3]

A scary study published in the American Journal of Medicine…

Showed that men on TRT are at 21% greater risk of a heart attack. [4]

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association…

Showed that men on TRT had an increased volume of coronary plaque and higher instance of severe

Two of the leading indicators that a deadly heart attack or stroke could be just around the corner! [5]

I wanted to feel that crackling surge of energy coursing through my veins… just like I
did in my younger years…

But I wasn’t willing to trigger a heart attack or stroke just to get it!

I think if you’re really weighing the risks the same way I was…

I have to admit I was feeling pretty low at this point…

“Face it Tim, you’re getting older and it’s all downhill from
here”… I thought to myself…

I didn’t want to believe it… but all the signs pointed in that direction!

Every fiber in my being wanted me to just cry uncle and accept my fate…

Honestly, if it wasn’t for my pig-headed stubborness… I probably would have.

Deep down inside, I just wasn’t ready to give up on getting my mojo back…

Or reclaiming the youthful energy levels and savage sex drive of my younger years.

I’ve always loved science and had a relentless thirst to understand how things worked…

It’s what drove me to pursue electrical engineering as my college major…

And propelled me to spend 25 years designing microchips for some of the most well-known technology
companies in Silicon Valley…

I figured since all the so-called “experts” had failed… and since the only thing the medical community
offered were expensive drugs…

I’d have to rely on my own grit and determination…

I didn’t even know if a natural, safe and highly effective solution to my problem existed…

All I knew was… if there was a way I could restore my youthful masculine prowess…

Without resorting to dangerous synthetic drugs…

So I threw myself into looking for a solution…

I pored over countless published medical studies…

I reviewed all the clinical research on wide-ranging topics like psychology, endocrinology, and even

Most nights, I fell asleep with my head on the keyboard after spending hours reviewing any and every
study I could find…

If it was linked to helping guys like me have a better sex life, look good naked, or surge with all-day
energy… I devoured it!

Finally, after weeks of research, I stumbled on something interesting… a revolutionary scientific study that had gone largely ignored
by the mainstream…

This truly game-changing study was published in the International Review of Cytology [6]…

And it described a kind of runaway scarring attacking your testicles… the very organs that make you a man!

See, as you age, tiny little lesions form on these cells… which attack your testicles and ravage their
ability to function properly.

Now, before you turn age 40 for most men… exercise, diet, and better sleep can still help you keep your
drive and desire roaring.

Because the testicular damage hasn’t gotten bad enough yet.

The problem is… as you age you can start to lose the battle to male decline no matter what you do.

Because the “testicular plague” continues to spread…

… attacking and shriveling more of your healthy, virile cells.

At first, these lesions are microscopic, then they grow and multiply…

By the time you’ve turned 55, the pin-head size lesions can grow to the size of an eraser head…

They can even spread out over the entire surface of your testicles…

Shrivelling the size and potency of the very organs that power your manly drive.

As this scar tissue expands… more and more healthy cells die off.

And your sex drive, energy levels, and erections start to droop like overcooked spaghetti.

Now, while synthetic testosterone might help you in the short run…

In the long run it’s nothing more than a “chemical band-aid”…

Because over time, it can shut down your natural testicle function even further [7]…

Making a bad situation worse!

The science was clear… if I could stop the runaway scarring from shriveling my testicles…

I could restore my drive, energy and vitality totally naturally.

There was just one problem… I had no clue how to do this!

So I dug back into the science to see if I could find a hint…

Which kicked off a few more weeks of combing through stacks of medical studies…

Looking for something, anything that might help me stop this “testicular pandemic” dead in its tracks.

And finally discovered what had been holding back my erections and sex drive this whole time.

Oddly enough, it all breaks down to one tiny little life form.

Did you know that lesions can actually be caused by bacterial infections?

Yeah, I know it sounds weird… but it’s true!

In fact, scientists have known this for decades.

It turns out a bacteria called H. Pylori is responsible for ulcers.

Another bacteria called Staphylococcus Epidermidis is responsible for skin acne.

But what’s even weirder… is that scientists have discovered that many so-called “infections”…

Are not even infections at all.

Instead, they’re simply a disruption of the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in your system.

For instance, just in your gut lining… you have more bacterial cells than human cells!

Now, some of these bacterial cells are beneficial… but others can actually be deadly!

The “deadly bugs” produce toxic compounds that inflame and scar your healthy tissues…

But the “good bugs” attack the deadly ones…

Which helps restore your body to health and vitality!

Scientists call these healthy little life-forms “probiotics”.

Now you might have heard of probiotics before…

But trust me, you haven’t heard the half of it!

Because according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

It’s a tiny little life form called Lactobacillus Reuteri or L. Reuteri for short…

It’s a probiotic found in many different kinds of dairy…

And when MIT researchers fed some of these powerful little gut bugs to a group of aging rats…

They had to rub their eyes when they saw the results!

They separated the elderly male rats into two different groups and fed them a diet that mimics a “fast
food” diet that many western men eat…

Loaded up with lots of unhealthy fats, grains, and low in dietary fiber, minerals and vitamin D…

A diet which multiple studies have linked lower testicular volume and weight. [9]

The only difference between the two groups were that half the rats were fed this very special L. Reuteri

Not only did the rats fed L. Reuteri have normal body weight and increased lean mass…

But their average testicular weight and size was over 47% greater!

What’s even more stunning… the older the mice were… the more pronounced the difference!

The older rats showed an even greater improvement compared to their brothers…

… even though they were fed the exact same number of calories and nutrients. [11]

Pretty soon, the rats that got the potent probiotics were “getting busy” with the female rats nearly twice
as often!

And younger female rats were just as likely to show mating cues to the rats fed the mojo boosting bacteria.

Now, you might be thinking… “sure, but I’m not a rat!”

And I thought this way at first myself…

But then I did a little more research.

It turns out, scientists have discovered that when you adjust for body size…

… the reproductive organs of all mammals are pretty much identical. [12]

So I thought… “if it could work for rats… maybe it could work for me?”

And that’s when I went straight to Amazon to order up an L. Reuteri probiotic supplement.

Bupkis, nada, not even the slightest hint of a benefit…

My testicles were still skinny, shriveled versions of the plump little eggs I had in my prime…

My belly spilled over my waistline…

I still had embarrassing man boobs, and the muscles on my shoulders, chest, and arms continued to look stringy and weak.

“What the heck am I doing wrong?” I thought to myself…

I was disappointed, but still not ready to give up.

I went back to the scientific literature and carefully combed through the papers.

I looked at the other research on the benefits of probiotic food to try and find a connection.

I remembered that the literature talked about a purified strain of L. Reuteri derived from milk…

It turns out that milk contains something called “prebiotic fibers” that the tiny little gut bugs need to
survive and flourish.

It’s their fuel source… and taking probiotics without also including these prebiotic fibers…

Looking for a way to get active cultures and prebiotic fibers into my body at the same time!

And that’s when I found something truly groundbreaking…

Since ancient times, civilizations around the world have known the power of using fermented foods to enjoy
superior health.

Not only does fermentation help preserve food and keep it from spoiling…

But scientists now know that the secret to the power of fermented foods are the probiotic gut bugs they

And there is one fermented dairy product that ancient cultures from the Mediterranean to the Yellow Sea
have relied on the centuries…

Yeah, it might sound weird but check this out…

It turns out, Genghis Khan and his army used to carry a form of fermented horse milk called kumis…

To help make his warriors fierce, fearless, and indestructible! [12]

Alexander The Great and his army of Macedonian Hoplites also relied on fermented goat milk as a food

The ancient Aryuvedic texts of India talked about using “curdled milk” to heal intestinal disease and
restore vitality..

“Maybe they were all onto something…” I thought…

The EXACT strain used in the MIT study had been extracted by a special patented process…

And the patent to this technology was owned by a single laboratory.

Big food companies would NEVER use this strain because it costs too much.

Also, I discovered that giant food companies use low-quality, mass-produced dairy…

And that they pack their products with sugar, preservatives, and 17 different known toxic
chemicals. [13]

I knew that those products would just make my shriveled libido and energy levels worse.

It was no simple task to track down the exact strain of L. Reuteri…

And then I actually had to perfect the art of making yogurt.

I was nobody’s idea of a “master chef” so this wasn’t exactly easy.

It took me weeks of trying out different techniques and ingredients…

Carefully documenting how each recipe affected me.

Finally, after about 3 months of trial and error… I stumbled on the perfect recipe…

Within 2 weeks I started to notice big, hard erections greeting me every morning…

My mood lifted and I felt more optimistic and energetic throughout the day…

At the end of just 3 weeks, without making a single change to my diet…

I started to see the outline of my stomach muscles in the bathroom mirror in the morning…

And my pants felt a little looser around my waistline.

At the time, I was travelling back and forth from Asia for my job…

So I couldn’t even get into the gym to lift weights regularly…

I just did a quick 10 minute morning workout routine in my hotel room most days…

And still, each morning I was waking up leaner, more energized, and full of clarity and focus.

In just 12 weeks I dropped 28 pounds of ugly, health destroying belly fat…

… and packed on 7 pounds of dense, savage muscle.

I was running circles around my younger colleagues in the office…

They literally coudln’t keep up with me.

And my boss took notice as well.. giving me a promotion and hefty salary increase.

But that was just the start… soon my youthful body and manly swagger started to earn me a different
kind of attention.

She was a new hire at a bar not far from my place I hit up from time to time…

I was thinking into my phone… tracking scores of the NCAA Basketball Tournament to see how I was faring
in the office pool…

When I heard… “what are you drinking?”

I look up to see this gorgeous woman in tigh-fitting jeans and black tank top…

She couldn’t have been a day over 35 and she’s giving me a lock, I could swear she was being flirtatious.

I brushed it off as wishful thinking at first… “she’s angling for a big tip” I told

But she kept coming back around… big smile on her face… asking if I “needed anything.”

Soon enough, we’re talking a bit and she’s flipping her hair and arching her back to draw my eyes to her
firm butt and big, beautiful breasts…

I half expected it to be an awkward moment… but instead, I see a knowing glare in her eyes…

A look I’d seen before… like she was flattered…

“I get off in 20 minutes… there’s a cool jazz bar nearby that has great music… wanna come
with me and get a drink?”

I just let a smile tug at the corner of my mouth…

“Let’s do it,” I said coyly…

Soon she’s in her bra and panties… on her knees… her lidded eyes staring into mine as she slides my
boxer briefs down past my knee caps…

The minute I sense her wet tongue on me… there’s a pulse of intense sensation I haven’t felt in years.

My manhood is literally ON FIRE with pleasure…

And my erection is so big, film and full.. I can see my heartbeat in it…

I feel her cool fingers cupping me “down there”…

“Wow, you’ve got big balls?” she squealed spontaneously…

It was the first time I’d noticed too… my boys had plumped up a good 50% bigger!

They were fuller and lower hanging than I even remember in my prime years.

That night, we enjoyed a night of passion that can only be described as epic…

Round after hot sweaty round as I pumped her in every position possible…

And when I climaxed… spraying out at least 7 thick, pearl-white ropes and coating her toe stomach…

“Oh wow, that’s a LOT of CUM!”

Even though I just had one of the most intense orgasms of the past 20 years…

Within minutes I’m ready to go again…

I treated her body to a series of
orgasms so powerful… I gave her cramps!

And when she finally had to push me away… after her body literally couldn’t handle anymore intense

She collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

Just before I fell asleep.

I felt a surge of something I hadn’t felt since before I caught my ex getting banged like a drum by that
asshole contractor.

And Amanda wasn’t the only one to notice..

Soon everywhere I went I could just feel people treating me differently…

Guys deferred to me like I was the popular kid in high school…

Women’s eye would follow me as I walked past…

I had a kind of cocky stride as I moved that everyone around me could just feel…

Both inside and outside… I’d never looked or felt better!

I was only doing about 40 minutes of exercise a week and other than eating I cup of creamy. delicious
yogurt each day…

I really hadn’t made any changes to my diet!

Now, I wasn’t stuffing my face with Big Macs… but I was eating big portions and going to bed full and
satisfied every night…

Well, it was around this time one of my old college buddies Ben came to town for a work conference…

Ben was the guy in college all the other guys wanted to be…

He was captain of the Rugby team, tall, lean and athletic…

… and used to date all the most gorgeous girls on campus.

But the minute we met up I could tell that time hadn’t been kind to him…

Not only had he gained weight and lost the “pep in his step” that used to define him…

… he just seemed slouched over by that “over 45 slump” so many guys seem to fall into.

I used to look up to him… so seeing him like that was a big let down.

But we still had a great time catching up and talking about the good old days.

A little later in the night Amanda came to join us for a drink and drive me home since I’d had a little too
much fun.

He told me a story I’ve since heard dozen of times…

How he and his wife weren’t logging much time in the horizontal position…

“Seeing the way your girlfriend looks at you… buddy… you’re definitely doing something

I have to admit I felt a surge of pride when he said that…

After all, 20 years before he was the one that got all the pretty girls…

Since he was an old pal I let him on the “gonad boosting yogurt” I’d discovered…

I told him how I’d dropped nearly 30 pounds, packed on muscle, and found a new surge of sexual energy…

… just by eating 1 delicious cup of creamy yogurt each day…

“Jesus, that’s it? he said in disbelief.

“You’re not on some high tech stem cell therapy or taking any hormones?”

“I mean I do about 45-60 minutes of at-home exercise… but yeah it’s pretty much all the yogurt”
I answered.

So I sent it to him… plus the 10-minute testotsterone boosting exercises I developed…

Honestly, I kind of forgot I even gave it to him because he didn’t get back for 6 weeks…

But one Saturday afternoon I heard my phone buzz and saw his message…

“Buddy, this stuff is incredible! I dropped 11 pounds and my wife can’t keep up with

We’re like newlyweds again!”

But that was just the start… one night I was at a cocktail party with Amanda…

When one of her friends Whitney approached me…

“Alright, spit it out… what gives a man your age so much energy?” she

It seems her and her husband’s life in the bedroom had kind of hit the skids…

And Amanda must have been talking up how good our sex life was…

After a little prodding I finally just wrote down my recipe on a cocktail napkin…

A few weeks later Amanda came into my living room with a weird look on her face…

I don’t know what you did but they have changed!

I honestly thought they were headed for divorce a few weeks ago.”

Whitney told Elizabeth… Elizabeth told Stacey… Stacey told Deborah…

Pretty soon women all over the city were practically stuffing cash into my pants pockets…

… eager to learn the Manhood Boosting Superfood so they could rekindle the passion in their marriages

After a while I started to compile my recipe into a little manual based on all the questions people

See, while the yogurt is easy to make… it does require a very specific process you have to follow to a

You can mess it up pretty easy if you don’t know exactly where you’re doing…

And it got pretty time-consuming having to explain it to people over and over again…

So, instead I just zipped off a little word document with all the instructions and pitfalls to avoid.

I also put together the exercise routines I’d developed and sent those along too…

That way all the guys could get even better result faster… without needing a gym membership.

Guys I didn’t know started friending me on Facebook and raving about the results they were getting!

And as news of this powerful manhood-boosting treat spread…

Eventually, it got a name…

* This image represents a digital
download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

Because that’s what it is for any guy over 40 who’s started to notice his sex drive and erections droop…

It’s the first and only system designed to target the testicle-shrivelling plague destroying your drive, energy, and performance…

With a simple, mouth-watering and incredibly potent Gonad Boosting Yogurt recipe.

By simply eating 1 cup of this tasty, creamy treat loaded up with powerful manhood-boosting microbes…

You’ll get BIGGER, fuller, healthier testicles that pump out a deluge of testotsterone…

So you can once again enjoy round after round of hot sweaty sex…

Effortlessly torch excess pounds of ugly, health-destroying belly fat WITHOUT torturing yourself with

… having to count a single calories… or giving up your favorite foods.

And you can enjoy deeply satisfying 2-minutes long orgasms that make you shudder with pleasure…

… as you blast out big, thick ropes that could put a seasoned male porn star to shame!

So look, I want to level with you here because I think it’s important that you know what’s at stake…

How much better would your life be if you had more sexual firepower than most men half your

Imagine, walking around with that surge of vitality flowing through your veins…

How much anxiety could you avoid if your worries about “stop and start” sexual performances were
nothing more than a faded memory?

How much more confident would you feel to see that glassy-eyed look sexual satisfaction in your lover’s
eyes once again?

To have your friends and colleagues look up to you and respect you.

And at that price… this system is worth every penny.

Because it WILL stop and reverse the testicle-shrivelling plague dead in its tracks…

Give you fuller, healthier, plumper testicles that pump out youthful levels of your master manly

And let you shoot big, thick loads of enjoying shuddering orgasms that last up to 2 full minutes!

You could spend that and more on a single month of risky testotsterone replacement therapy…

And turn yourself into a “testosterone junkie” dependent on Big Pharma’s chemical cocktails just to
function normally.

But the good news is… I’m not going to ask you to invest that much today.

In fact, I’m not even going to ask you to invest half that!

I’m just a regular working class guy who went through the hell of masculine decline

I’ve personally felt what it’s like to look in the bathroom mirror and no longer recognize your body…

To feel weaker with each passing year and feel helpless to do anything about it.

To not remember that last time you felt like tearing your lady’s clothes off and treating her to a night
of passion she’ll never forget…

I shudder to think what my life would be like if I hadn’t discovered this powerful manhood-boosting

And since you’ve taken time out of your life hear me out…

I feel like you and I are brothers locked in the same battle.

That you know at least some of the pain I’ve gone through to make this solution available to you today…

So right now, from this page only….

I’m going to offer you a chance to experience the power of this one-of-a kind system to unleash a swell
of savage swagger…

Which is an incredible deal!

I’m going to do my best impersonation of Don Corleone and “make you an offer you can’t refuse”…

Hit the big button below that says “Start My Order” right here today…

And you’ll get instant digital access to the entire Manhood Miracle™ System…

That’s like getting 62% off just for saying “YES”.

And it’s such a tiny price to pay to enjoy ageless vitality, energy, and drive…

Not to mention brain-melting sexual pleasure like you had in your prime…

It’s almost a no brainer!

* This image represents a digital
download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

Given the incredible feedback I got on this system when it was just spreading by word of mouth…

I knew that I wanted more men to have a chance to experience the results.

But that meant that I had to spend money on advertising this solution.

Which can get very expensive!

There’s just no way a “little guy” like me can compete with that.

Especially at the price I’m offering for this course!

But if I stop all advertising then good, honest, hard-working guys like you will never hear about it!

So if you’ll do me a solid and agree to tell a few other guys about it…

I would hate for you to come back later and find out the price is over twice what I’m offering it for
right now…

But, look… it’s not my choice here!

This is just the reality of being relevant in the digital age!

But I also want to give you some peace of mind…

I Know there’s a lot of “big talkers” out there who don’t deliver on their promises.

Heck I’ve shelled out some of my own hard-earned money and ended up disappointed

I know how it feels… you feel like you got taken and there’s nothing you can do!

Now, I know thatThe Manhood Miracle™ system is everything I say it is and more…

I’ve lived it!

And you’ve also heard from other guys like you… young and old who’ve experienced the powerful benefits.

But I don’t want you to feel like you’ll be left high and dry if it’s not…

So I’m going to give you a full 60 days to give it a spin.

Fill in your details on my ultra-secure encrypted order page…

Which uses the same technology that big companies like use…

Use The Manhood Miracle™ for a full 60 days.

If you’re not blasting off with big, thick, throbbing erections…

If you’re not enjoying the most pleasurable orgasms of your life…

Heck, even if you don’t like the way the Manhood Miracle™ tastes…

Zip me an email and I’ll give you a refund! You get your erections and sexual stamina back or you pay

I’m pretty sure those pharma executives won’t give you your money back if you have a bad reaction to
their pills.

So what do you have to lose except for that bulging belly, fatigue, and loss of sexual desire?

Click The Button Below
Right Now…

And just to sweeten the pot and make it even more of a no-brainer…

* This
image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

First, you’ll be getting…

This is your A-Z guide for manly meals that will make you a savage in the sack…

Best part… you don’t need to be a chef!

If you can turn on the stove (or get the missus to do it for you)…

Grilled Lamb Sliders with Tangy Yogurt Sauce

A tasty take on a bite-sized mid-day meal to kill your
cravings and spark up your sex drive. Rich, flavorful, and incredibly easy to make.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Yogurt Bowl

Bursting with rich chocolate and creamy peanut butter this
breakfast treat will keep you full for the whole day…

Marinated Chicken Quesadilla with Seasoned Yogurt

A mouth-watering meal or snack flowing with ooey-gooey cheese
and topped with a tangy yogurt cream sauce with a kick.

* This image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

I’ve decided to go ahead and include…

This is a series of simple at-home workouts that take as little as 10 minutes a day…

Yet have been shown by research published in the Harvard Health Review [15] to help any
guy burn fat, build muscle and jack his T levels into the stratosphere.

These are challenging but super quick workouts you can do in just a few square feet or space…

To get a physique that your lady will lust for… and other men will respect!

Even if you’re well past your prime… love to eat… and don’t have time to hit the gym.

* This
image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

Finally, you’re going to be getting…

Stopping and reversing the “testicular plague” is your #1 priority…

Because without that… NOTHING else you do will work.

However, once you’ve got the testicle shriveling under control…

And you’ve made your boys big, full and productive once again…

I’ve discovered a few little-known but powerful herbs that will help you fuel the furnace of manly mojo…

… and get you firing on all cylinders faster than you ever thought possible.

And no… I’m not just talking about tongkat ali or pine pollen…

I’ll really dig deep and show you how to identify and design your own all-natural stacks…

Of potent, all-natural compounds that will help you surge with ageless swagger for the rest of your days.

It’s a proven system to help you choose the right herbal stacks to get your swagger back…

* This
image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form protected by 256-bit encryption…the same technology used by companies like Amazon and Apple.

There you can fill in your details using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

Our state-of-the-art technology will make sure you remain is same and COMPLETELY confidential

To further protect your privacy, nothing about “Manhood Miracle™” will appear on your credit card or bank statement.

Instead, the only thing that will show up is a charge from “CLICKBANK,” which is the secure payment processor we use.

As soon as you fill in your details, you’ll be taken to a member’s only page where you’ll get instant digital access to the whole Manhood Miracle™ system…

And you’ll be well on your way to being the man you deserve to be.

How your woman looks at you with that love sick, puppy-dog devotion she had for you when you first met…

How she squeals with delight when you surge with thick, powerful erections that give both you and her hours
of delight…

How your confidence and natural masculine pride returns and people start to just sense that “something is
different about you…”

Okay… it’s time to take ACTION…

Click The Button Below
Right Now…

Is like cutting your way through thick jungle canopy…

It’s exhausting, difficult, and uncomfortable..

It’s the same road you’ve been on for a while… maybe even years…

And it leads back to the lackluster bedroom if you have right now.

The surge of heat burning your cheeks with shame…

The knots of anxiety in your gut when you fear you’ll get dumped, divorced or cheated on…

Or simply, just not being the man you used to be!

I know what it’s like to stare up at the ceiling late into the night in a cold, empty bed…

With the weight of loneliness crushing your chest…

It’s a risky road to travel when the stakes are so high…

You’re literally risking the extinction of your sex life!

Which is why you should make things easier on yourself and take…

The easy, smooth, well-paved road I’ve laid out in front of you.

The road where all of the hard work has already been done…

The road where I’ve already suffered the pain and uncertainly for you!

Choose this road and you’ll make any woman you want howl with ecstasy…

Watch her eye roll back in her head as she demands that you give her all the dirty, raunchy, brain-melting
pleasure she can handle.

Feel the tension in your relationship fade away and watch it become new again…

Like it did in your honeymoon years!

You know you deserve the magic back in your life.

With my Ironclad 60 Day Guarantee there’s no risk to you.

You don’t want to end up an old man filled with regret and bitterness only because you couldn’t bring
yourself to take a small action…

Remember… I’m not even asking you to say “yes” right NOW… I’m just asking you to say “maybe”.

You’ll have 60 full days to prove to yourself that I can deliver the goods.

I’ve staked my reputation on it.

So give me just 1 ounce of your trust and I’ll make sure to take you the rest of the way.

My name is Tim Masterson…

And I look forward to seeing your success story soon.

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

C Wang, A Leung, et al. Reproductive aging in the male brown-Norway rat: a model for the human.
Endocrinology.1993 Dec;133(6):2773-81.doi: 10.1210/endo.133.6.8243304.

Men’s Health Is testosterone therapy safe? Take a breath before you take the plunge

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can increase men’s risk of
stroke and heart attack

Matthew J. MD, Susan S. Ellenberg, PhD; et al. Testosterone Treatment and Coronary Artery Plaque
Volume in Older Men With Low Testosterone. JAMA. 2017;317(7):708-716. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.21043

Syed G. Haider, Cell Biology Of Leydig Cells In The Testis. Institute Of Anatomy II, Heinrich
Heine University, D-40225, Düsseldorf, Germany

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

Mah PM, Wittert GA (2010) Obesity and testicular function. Mol Cell Endocrinol 316: 180–186

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

C Wang, A Leung, et al. Reproductive aging in the male brown-Norway rat: a model for the human.
Endocrinology.1993 Dec;133(6):2773-81.doi: 10.1210/endo.133.6.8243304.

Patrick J. Sullivan, James JJ Clark, et al. Toxic Legacy. Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc.

Chyn Boon Wong, Yodai Kobayashi, and Jin-zhong Xiao, Probiotics For Preventing Cognitive Impairment
in Alzheimer’s Disease. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79088

Mikiko Shimizu, Masayuki Hashiguchi, et al. Meta-Analysis: Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on
Lipid Profiles in Normal to Mildly Hypercholesterolemic Individuals. PLoS

Interval training for a stronger heart

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Results May Vary: the results and testimonials on this site are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual results, including amount and time, will vary. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Tim Masterson is a pen name used for marketing purposes and to protect the author’s identity. Any likeness to a real Tim Masterson living or dead is entirely coincidental.

© The Manhood Miracle™ All Rights Reserved.

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Keto Breads: Your Guide to Baking Grain-Free Keto Bread

Product Name: Keto Breads: Your Guide to Baking Grain-Free Keto Bread

Click here to get Keto Breads: Your Guide to Baking Grain-Free Keto Bread at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Keto Breads: Your Guide to Baking Grain-Free Keto Bread is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


There are few foods more comforting and enjoyable than bread…

Whether it is a warm piece of focaccia dipped in olive oil… a sandwich on a chewy baguette… a flaky croissant… or even the simplest slice of toast with butter…

Just thinking about these foods makes your mouth water!

And the blissful “intoxication” you experience when you eat bread is real.

In fact, you might say bread is the original food addiction.

Traditional bread produces compounds called gluteomorphins. And as their name implies, these compounds engage opioid receptors in your brain – the same receptors triggered by drugs like morphine and heroin.

Very similar compounds, called casomorphins, are found in cheese.

That would certainly explain the euphoric rush of pleasure you feel, when biting into a crusty slice of pizza with bubbly, melted cheese!

And just to make sure you keep coming back for more – the blood-sugar spike you get from high-carb bread elevates dopamine – the “craving neurochemical” from which the word “dope” originates.

So it is no stretch of logic to say that…

Our love affair with comforting (and addictive) bread is as old as recorded history…

The Bible practically commands followers to eat it: “Give us this day our daily bread…”

It was so revered in ancient Greece, the rest of the meal was called ópson – meaning “condiment” or bread’s accompaniment.

However, that fuzzy glow you feel when you bite into a slice of warm bread is short lived.

Well-known cardiologist, Dr. William Davis, calls wheat “the perfect chronic poison.”

And for a poison, we sure eat lots of it. The average American consumes 55 pounds of wheat flour every year – making refined flour the number-one source of calories in the American Diet!

Functional nutrition expert, Chris Kresser, describes this as “a public health catastrophe.”

And it’s one you have likely experienced firsthand…

Eating traditional bread can elicit a range of symptoms. It might make you feel sluggish and foggy headed. Or cause you to gain unsightly fat on your belly, butt and thighs… while packing deadly visceral fat around your internal organs.

And part of the reason is because of the…

You know how important it is to keep your blood sugar stable…

Rapid blood-sugar and insulin spikes promote a cascade of inflammation and oxidation.

Triggering these forces over and over again dramatically increases your risk for cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, fatty liver, diabetes, macular degeneration, physical aging (wrinkles) and more!

And did you know that wheat – including so-called “healthy” whole wheat – spikes your blood sugar more than almost any other food… even when the same number of carbs is consumed?

That’s because 75% of the carbohydrates in wheat are in the form amylopectin A.

This compound is unique because of how rapidly it is transformed to glucose.

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating just two slices of whole wheat bread spikes your blood sugar more than drinking a can of soda, eating a candy bar or helping yourself to six teaspoons of table sugar!

And if the threat of diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome is not enough… the damage traditional bread can do to your gut should make you think long and hard before you butter your next biscuit!

Unfortunately, however, there is a BIG misconception about bread and your gut.

And it has cost millions of people their health and enjoyment in life…

You’re probably familiar with Celiac Disease. It is the most serious – and often life-threatening – sensitivity to grains that contain gluten.

Many who suffer this condition cannot consume even the slightest speck of wheat without severe digestive pain… and other embarrassing symptoms.

Other illnesses, like Crohn’s and inflammatory bowel disease also result in debilitating cramping, bloating and other digestive distress when wheat is consumed.

This leads many people to believe that as long as you can eat bread without belly problems – then you must be in the clear… no harm done!

Do not be fooled by this dangerous myth!

Truth is nearly 50% of newly-diagnosed celiac patients have no digestive symptoms!

In other words, half of the people who are EXTREMELY sensitive to wheat can still consume it without the typical “stomach problems”.

Even if you feel “just fine” after eating bread, every bite is causing silent damage to your gut – and quietly setting you up for serious disease!

Dr. Alessio Fasano is a professor of medicine and distinguished researcher, with more than 240 peer-reviewed papers to his credit.

His research – in addition to dozens of other scientists around the world – shows that wheat causes chronic gut inflammation. Compounds within it can also do direct damage to every tissue in your body.

And you don’t need certain genetics for the damage to occur…

It happens to EVERYONE who consumes it!

Of course, the inflammatory protein we call “gluten” is partly to blame.

In fact, the New England Journal of Medicine lists 55 conditions, which can be caused by gluten – ranging from those as “benign” as canker sores to diseases as serious as cancer!

But gluten is only a FRACTION of the story, because…

A study published in Plant Physiology, shows that modern wheat is capable of producing at least 23,788 unique proteins – and any ONE of these can trigger an inflammatory response.

This is why some people react severely to wheat – but have NO reaction to gluten (even in high doses).

The most dangerous proteins in wheat are known as lectins – the primary compounds plants use to protect themselves from insects, bacteria… and YOU!

Lectins are actually designed to poison you. In fact, the poison known as ricin – deadly in amounts as small as half a grain of sand – is a lectin.

Of course, most lectins won’t kill you overnight… but they can make you VERY sick over time!

Among the most dangerous is wheat germ agglutinin (WGA).

Toxic to the heart and blood vessels

Toxic to the immune system

Induces programmed cell death

Toxic to nerves and brain tissue

It can exert these effects in minute concentrations – and just one kernel of wheat contains 16.7 trillion molecules of this toxic compound!

Just imagine the dose you get, when you eat bread at nearly every meal. And don’t forget… the highest concentrations are found in supposedly “healthy” whole and sprouted grains!

And if that’s not enough, WGA is also the reason…

You’ve probably heard of insulin as “the fat storage hormone.”

When insulin and glucose levels are high fat storage increases and fat burning stops!

That’s why high-glycemic traditional bread is so effective at making you FAT!

But it gets even WORSE, because…

Studies show that wheat germ agglutinin is a “dead ringer” for insulin.

In fact, a report in The American Journal of Physiology proves that WGA bonds directly to insulin receptors – which increases fat storage and blocks your ability to burn stored fat!

And that’s not the only way this killer compound in bread disrupts your hormonal function…

WGA also blocks the hormone leptin.

Leptin is extremely important when it comes to your appetite and weight. It is the molecule that tells your brain when it’s time to eat… and when you’ve had enough.

Well, you don’t have to imagine, because…

So, not only is WGA toxic to nearly every cell in your body, it can also make you FAT and prevent you from shedding those extra pounds!

Kind of makes you think twice about traditional bread, doesn’t it?

Well don’t worry, because you’re about to discover

How you can actually have your bread… AND be well too!

But first, it’s important you understand what lectins do to your GUT…

Because this is what has caused nearly 50 million Americans – and millions more around the world – to become cripplingly sick!

Lectins are often described as “sticky” molecules. They use this property to bind to cell membranes… especially the cells that line your intestines.

This can interfere with digestion. But it also causes chronic inflammation and…

The lining of your gut is extremely sensitive…

So sensitive that it’s slightly damaged every time you eat (even when you choose the healthiest foods). Normally, the damage is repaired quickly and the lining of your gut is regenerated with new cells.

But lectins slow vital regeneration to a crawl…

By attaching to the wall of your intestines, they prevent the cells from regenerating fast enough to keep the lining of your gut intact.

But they don’t just slow repair, because…

Lectins are designed to attack your gut!

Sticky lectins wedge into your gut wall and pry apart the “tight junctions” between cells.

This fans the flames of inflammation (even if you don’t notice any discomfort). So not only do lectins start a fire in your belly… they also prevent repair and regeneration.

They are like an arsonist who sets fire to a building… and then blocks the road so the fire department can’t arrive to put out the blaze!

When your gut is healthy, beneficial nutrients easily pass through…

While bacteria, viruses, yeast, allergenic proteins and bits of undigested food are blocked from entering your bloodstream.

But when your critical gut barrier is inflamed – and the “tight junctions” are pried apart – harmful substances seep from your digestive system into your blood.

And once these compounds are in your blood, they can wreak havoc on every aspect of your health!

The most confusing part about leaky gut is that many symptoms of this serious digestive condition have NOTHING to do with abdominal discomfort or “problems in your belly”…

Could be the result of leaky gut.

Could be the result of leaky gut.

Could be the result of leaky gut.

Could be the result of leaky gut.

Considering all of these (seemingly) unrelated symptoms – and there can be MANY more – it’s easy to see why so many who suffer go undiagnosed.

Unwanted substances leaking from your digestive tract into your blood promotes constant inflammation – the cornerstone of disease.

But what it does to your immune system might be worse!

As pathogens, proteins and undigested food particles seep into your blood, your immune system mounts an attack against these “foreign” invaders.

This dramatically increases the number and severity of food allergies, intolerances and seasonal allergies you may experience. And it’s the root cause of the modern allergy epidemic.

Your immune system isn’t designed to engage in a never-ending war. Constant hyper-vigilance takes a toll. As your over-taxed system grows weaker, you become more susceptible to illness and infection.

But a weaker immune system might be the least of your problems …

Your immune system has incredible power to destroy tissue and cells. This is how it protects you. But you want this defensive weapon pointed at the enemy…

You do NOT want the gun pointed back at YOU!

And that’s exactly what happens when your immune system is “triggered” by every bite of food you take. Constantly over-stimulated, it loses ability to recognize “self” from “non-self”.

Instead of destroying foreign invaders, it wages war on healthy tissues and organs. Your own body begins to attack your colon… your thyroid… your joints… your nervous system… and even your brain!

There are more than 100 different autoimmune conditions and the number of people affected RIGHT NOW is staggering!

According to the American Autoimmune Association, 50 million Americans suffer at least one these conditions. That’s nearly one out of five people in the US (plus 100s of millions more worldwide)!

Autoimmune disease is among the top 10 causes of death in women under 65. And it can be incredibly debilitating before it kills you.

Telltale symptoms include:

This is truly an epidemic!

But it’s not all bad news today… I have GREAT news too!

In many cases, leaky gut, autoimmune illness and a host of diet-related conditions can be reversed. And they can always be prevented, because…

The cause (and the cure) begins with the food on your plate!

However, if you think that means replacing traditional bread with commercial gluten-free varieties (or many of the recipes you see online) please reconsider, because…

Most gluten-free bread (as well as cereals, crackers, cookies and other snacks) use ingredients that are not much better – or even worse – than those made with wheat!

Like other processed foods, they usually contain chemical preservatives, soy protein, dough conditioners, inflammatory seed oils, corn and rice syrup… and often, GMOs.

And in most cases, they also contain LECTINS!

If your gluten free bread contains flour made from rice, corn, beans, buckwheat, barley, rye, teff or quinoa – then it is LOADED with gut-punching lectins you need to avoid!

Some are even more dangerous than the lectins in wheat. That means your favorite gluten-free bread could cause the same health problems as traditional bread.

And that’s not all, because…

In place of wheat, most gluten-free products and recipes use flours and starches with glycemic values that are off the charts!

Many of these ingredients increase your blood sugar faster and higher than wheat itself!

Here’s what Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, has to say about it …

These powdered starches are among the few foods that increase blood sugar higher than whole wheat. These foods trigger weight gain in the abdomen, increased blood sugars, insulin resistance, diabetes, cataracts, and arthritis. They are NOT healthy replacements for wheat.

It’s no surprise why most people actually GAIN weight on a “gluten-free” diet!

In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology showed that 81% of people who adopted a gluten-free diet weighed more at the end of two years!

But that’s not the only reason to avoid these foods.

You should also know that…

Chronic arsenic exposure can lead to headaches, fatigue, brain fog and digestive issues… not to mention, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

And it can happen at VERY LOW levels!

Arsenic is a dangerous poison. And that’s why you should “Just Say No” to rice flour and rice syrup – which are COMMON ingredients on the gluten-free aisle!

Rice plants use silica to strengthen their stalks. But arsenic “looks” like silica to the plant, so it is readily pulled from the soil. And it can be a major problem – even in organic varieties!

Consumer Reports conducted a study of the issue, testing over 200 samples from 65 different products that contain rice. They found arsenic in EVERY product tested.

In fact, some popular gluten-free products contained up to 90 TIMES more arsenic than is allowed in drinking water!

Keep this in mind, the next time you’re walking down the gluten-free aisle.

But just because traditional bread and most “gluten-free” varieties are off the menu…

That does NOT mean you can never enjoy bread again, because…

If all this bread bashing has caused you to swear off buns, biscuits and baguettes forever, I understand.

After all, nothing is more important than your health!

But it’d be a shame if you had to miss out on these simple (and delicious) pleasures forever.

The GREAT NEWS is you don’t have to!

You don’t have to give up your enjoyment of fresh-baked bread.

You don’t have to forego the pleasure of a hot stack of French toast… a cheeseburger on a REAL bun… or a crusty piece of garlic bread to go with Bolognese and meatballs.

And say goodbye to the temptation to “cheat” on your healthy diet, because…

Enjoying these foods can actually HELP you stick to your healthy way of eating!

The Ketogenic and Paleo Diets are wildly popular for good reason…

Millions of people have experienced radically improved health and faster fat loss by eating in a way that’s grain-free, low in carbohydrates… and aligned with our ancestral genetic blueprint!

Personally, I feel and look my best when I follow a Paleo-Ketogenic way of eating.

I avoid foods our ancient ancestors didn’t routinely consume – like grains. And I aim for a macronutrient ratio rich in healthy fats, moderate in protein and very low in carbohydrates.

This way of eating can reprogram your metabolism – from a sugar burner to a FAT BURNER!

This is what makes keto so powerful for weight loss!

It can also provide MAJOR health benefits – including protection against cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It improves hormonal balance and nearly every aspect of brain health.

And apparently our readers agree…

Over the years, I’ve published dozens of articles and hundreds of recipes for the ketogenic diet. And every time, we receive unsolicited comments and emails from people who RAVE about the benefits!

Here are just a few examples…

I’ve been on the Ketogenic diet for about five months. I’ve lost about 35 pounds. I have a LOT more energy and almost all my sugar cravings are gone!

I love keto! I have tried so many things and never lost weight. This is the first time!I feel so good and the weight is falling off. My diabetes is more controlled, with less insulin. I look and feel better and would recommend this way of eating to anyone!

I’ve been keto for three months and love it! I have lost weight, feel great and have NO food cravings! In fact, I went from my usual state of nearly constant hunger to having to remind myself to eat so I don’t get too skinny!

But let’s get back to the subject of bread…

Because you’re probably wondering – Where does bread fit in a very low-carb, grain free diet?

The great news is that…

What if you could enjoy REAL bread again – without worrying about your health or your weight?

What if you could sink your teeth into a sandwich thick enough to make Dagwood proud… a chewy bagel…. or a crusty piece of fresh-baked focaccia…

And what if these delicious real-food breads are grain free, rich in healthy fats and VERY low in carbs?

With bread like that you won’t feel the need to “cheat” on your healthy diet…

In fact, being able to enjoy HEALTHY BREAD will help you stick to your best intentions!

And I am NOT talking about second-rate imitations that don’t measure up to the real thing.

I mean divinely delicious bread – so good it could be served in a restaurant.

I’m talking about some of…

You are about to discover just how delicious and truly healthy bread can be…

So, say goodbye to bland and boring imitations!

And just imagine buttering up a few of these beauties…

In a moment, I’ll show you how easy (and inexpensive) it is to put these breads on your table.

But first, it’s important you understand…

My name is Kelley Herring.

My educational background is nutritional biochemistry. Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time in the library – and the laboratory. But my true passion is for the culinary arts…

And it is the kitchen laboratory where my heart’s truly at home… cooking, baking and creating recipes.

Nearly 20 years ago, I founded a company, called Healing Gourmet®

Since then, we’ve become the world’s leading provider of healing recipes and meal plans – combined with science-based education on the power of foods to promote health and protect against disease.

I’ve also written more than a dozen books, cookbooks and programs, touting the life-saving benefits of a natural, low-sugar, grain-free, anti-inflammatory diet.

At the age of 18 – in the midst of an intense pre-medical curriculum – my health took a sudden turn for the worse. My youthful energy gave way to extreme fatigue. I suffered never-ending sinus infections… constant digestive distress… and a trail of sores in my throat that did not heal for months.

After nearly two years of suffering – and no help from dozen doctors – I began to lose hope.

I wasn’t sure if my illness would ever end… or if it would be the end of me.

With few options left, I decided to follow a VERY strict “elimination” diet.

I should point out this was NOT the recommendation of a doctor. In fact, after seeing more than a dozen doctors – they didn’t ask a single question about my diet!

It was a friend who recommended the changes I made to my diet. And while I didn’t really expect it to work, I didn’t know what else to do…

To my surprise, my throat began to heal within days. My digestion normalized. I soon regained my energy. And before long, I charted a course back to health.

Later, I learned I had developed leaky gut – probably the result of inflammatory grains. This led to multiple food allergies and intolerances. And it progressed to an autoimmune condition, hence the unrelenting sores in my throat and bone-crushing fatigue.

I was thrilled to regain my health and for the misery to finally be over.

I NEVER wanted to compromise my body again.

But I also began to miss the simple pleasures of the comfort foods I used to enjoy.

I wanted to enjoy those delicious foods again – especially bread – without worrying about my health or my waistline!

I had very personal reasons to solve this dietary dilemma!

But I knew I was not alone – and that millions of people would also like to enjoy HEALTHY, grain-free versions of their favorite buns, biscuits, crusts, rolls, flatbreads and more…

I set out to discover how to use “intelligent ingredients” to achieve all the attributes you love about bread… without the gluten, grains and carbs.

My goal was to create REAL bread with good-for-you ingredients… that was easy to make and tasted so delicious it could be served in a fine restaurant.

But I had no idea how hard it would be…

What I thought might take a few months – took years!

When I began, most people had not even heard the term “gluten free.”

There were very few grain-free bread recipes online (and produced awful results, to be honest). There were no products in the store to model and no guidebooks to follow.

In a moment, I’ll show you exactly how I succeeded. But first, here’s what others are saying about the new (healthy) breads I created…

I never made bread in my life until I got your book. I’ve made your Classic Sandwich Bread three times with no problems. I can’t wait to try some of the others. You have provided great information!

Searching for no-grain breads to help manage my blood sugar, I found your recipes. As a recently-widowed senior and non-baker, I was pleasantly surprised to produce six loaves with no trouble. I look forward to baking and enjoying my next batch.

I made your Better Bagels this morning. These babies are to die for! I sprinkled a little garlic powder on top with the poppy seeds and onion flakes. These are my new favorite thing!

I have been allergic to milk, corn and wheat for years. There was no bread I could eat without swelling my abdomen! And yet everyone I know was eating bread, bread, bread!

I actually asked my Heavenly Father to give me some bread, so I too could enjoy a sandwich! Not long after, I discovered your website and the breads you’ve created! Could this be true?

After I baked my first, I sat and cried. NOW I HAD BREAD FOR A SANDWICH THAT WOULD NOT MAKE ME SICK! The second blessing was that this BREAD DID NOT RAISE MY BLOOD SUGAR! It just doesn’t get much better!

Thank you for caring enough to perfect these recipes for folks like me who have REAL NEEDS!! I am one happy camper!!

I just baked your Focaccia last night. I’m in awe how good it is! Fluffy, flavorful, healthful grain-free bread – just amazing! All your recipes have been as good as promised. I am forever grateful. You’ve made eating grain free easy!

Your Keto Dinner Rolls are a MUST TRY in my book! I adore ALL of your recipes actually!I am so thrilled.

You see, baking is the science of chemistry.

And baking with grain-free, low-glycemic ingredients is an EXACT science.

Sometimes just one extra teaspoon of ONE ingredient can turn something delicious… into a disaster.

You cannot simply replace wheat flour with almond or coconut flour and expect a recipe to “magically” achieve the characteristics of bread.

And don’t forget – many of the properties we love most about bread are because of gluten!

Gluten helps create that crusty-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside texture. It provides stability and structure and helps bread to rise. It is what makes pizza dough crusty, chewy and stretchy.

It wasn’t easy to achieve all the attributes of grain-based based breads… without the grain.

I had to discover how to use new ingredients – testing hundreds of combinations over and over again – while documenting every experiment.

But after all those years of trial and error…

In 2014, Healing Gourmet published our recipes in a book called, Better Breads.

We knew a “few” people wanted to enjoy healthy bread, but we had no idea the response it would generate. It was an instant success, as more than 100,000 people discovered you really can have your bread… AND be well too.™

People from around the world wrote to tell me how happy they were enjoying bread again – without worrying about the gluten, grains, carbs, inflammatory oils and other unhealthy ingredients.

Some of these people had not eaten bread – or anything like it – for years. The ingredients in traditional bread were simply too damaging to their health.

We heard stories of people crying tears of joy, being able to bite into a real sandwich again. Others were simply grateful they could enjoy bread – without cheating on their healthy diet!

We were thankful for the praise, but we knew the recipes could be even better…

So, we selected the best of the best and I went back into the test kitchen.

I continued tweaking and testing…

Making preparation methods simpler… improving the mix of ingredients… adding new recipes to the collection – and making sure each one was aligned with the “Magic Macros” of the keto diet.

Every recipe was carefully tested, until we achieved the perfect texture, crumb and ease of preparation.

And I refused to settle for anything less than extraordinary taste…

We continued improving until every recipe was perfect – and perfectly keto friendly!

Today, I’m proud to introduce the results of those efforts and announce Healing Gourmet’s latest and greatest grain-free recipes book…

The recipes in this book represent more than a decade of dedicated efforts in our test kitchen.

Each one uses functional ingredients that actually protect – not wreck – your health.

These breads are truly metabolic power foods that can help you sculpt a lean physique, instead of puffing up your muffin top!

And yet they are so authentically delicious, you’ll never miss the grain and carb-filled bread you used to eat. I’m talking about REAL BREAD… as good as any you’ve ever tasted!

I’ve been baking and creating grain-free, low-carb breads for a long time – and I assure you, there is NOTHING else like this. These truly healthy creations taste JUST LIKE the real thing!

Download Your Copy To Any Device – Anywhere in the World – and Start Baking TODAY!

PLUS FREE BONUS:Get Instant Access to the Digital Version, So You Can Start Baking TODAY!

Price Listed is in US Dollars.

International Shipping is a Few Dollars More…

Your Better Banana Bread is the best!! Granted, I have only tried two recipes. But I’ve made that banana bread 20 times. My partner and I can eat a whole loaf in a day and feel fabulous – no sugar overload or heavy guts!! Even better, the scales have not changed even when two loaves are consumed in a weekend between the two of us!

GOD, have I missed bread! So far, I’ve made loaves, biscuits, hoagies and croutons. It feels unreal to eat these things and not feel terrible afterward. I feel great and fully satisfied. This is always going to be part of my routine. I don’t stray because all of my cravings are totally fulfilled.

I was having a really hard time with various “keto” bread recipes (too eggy and spongy). That is until I stumbled on yours. OMG!!! You saved me from falling off the keto train. This is by far the best bread recipe I’ve ever tried. It takes the crown! I’ve made it twice. Both times it came out perfect. Thank you from the bottom of my belly!

I love your breads! I’ve been following your recipes since I went straight paleo in 2016. I can’t say enough about it. I’ve made hot dog buns to go with sugar-free garlic beef franks and buns of all shapes and sizes more than 20 times. These things are so delicious, I crave them!

I so appreciate you Kelley! I can’t even begin to tell you how much! About three years ago, my whole system started to really mess up. There are very few foods I can eat without problems.

The first time I baked and then bit into your grain-free pita bread recipe, I cried!! It tasted so good and it had been so long since I’d had any type of bread! I make them every week now. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

And here’s even more to love…

Few things in the kitchen are worse than spending your time and money to make a recipe that flops.

I don’t want that to happen to you!

That’s why you can count on…

When you can bake real bread just as good as the original – and when it only takes 15 minutes active time to make – you will sashay past your favorite bakery without a second thought!

The recipes in this book are the BEST I’ve ever created, but…

I wanted to provide you with more than just recipes, so I also wrote a complete introduction.

Inside, you will find every grain-free baking secret I’ve learned over the years, including fail-proof tips to ensure your breads rise to their fullest potential.

That way you not only understand how to achieve the best results every time, but you also understand WHY these recipes work so well… and how to customize to your own tastes and preferences.

Do you prefer a “hard roll” crust… or would you like a chewy crust with a shiny sheen? Either way, we’ll show you how to make these breads your own.

Check out a few more of the luxurious loaves that take just minutes to prepare…

We also cover the ingredients and tools you need to stock your pantry and kitchen (and don’t worry, you probably have most of them in your kitchen already).

I also provide simple tips for storing and freezing your bread… so you can bake once and enjoy for weeks to come!

It wasn’t easy to develop these recipes.

But all those years of time and effort have made it VERY easy for you!

We worked hard to simplify each recipe. There are no complicated techniques or drawn out preparation methods. Most of these recipes can be made in just 15-20 minutes of hands-on time!

If you can mix a few ingredients in a bowl… shape the dough into a ball or drop it in a pan… and then slide it into the oven – you can make Keto Breads!

Download Your Copy To Any Device – Anywhere in the World – and Start Baking TODAY!

PLUS FREE BONUS:Get Instant Access to the Digital Version, So You Can Start Baking TODAY!

Price Listed is in US Dollars.

International Shipping is a Few Dollars More…

But don’t take it from me…

Over the years, we have received hundreds of emails, calls and website comments praising the recipes I have created for just how easy they are to make… how they make people feel… and just how great they taste!

So, please take a moment and check out…

I baked your Real Deal Keto Bread today and the flavor is way beyond what I expected! I baked six buns. Thank you for your research to come up with these great recipes. Aloha!

I have been baking gluten-free for several years and your recipes are THE BEST gluten-free or grain-free breads I have EVER tried (and I have tried quite a few). I think you are amazing!

I have Celiac disease and fibromyalgia and am finding that the only way to manage my symptoms—and maybe someday heal them—is a grain-free diet. I appreciate your recipes!

Before I found your site I was making Gluten-free bread. To my dismay, my blood sugar skyrocketed, my bowels were in agony and my blood pressure was off the charts. The biggest shock was learning that many gluten-free recipes are worse than regular bread!!

I perused over 50 cookbooks at the library on gluten-free and they are parroting one another, no scientific basis for their health giving properties. Of course, the upside of all this was finding you!

Keto works for me! I LOVE carbs and sugar, but they make me feel rough in all kinds of ways! When I eat keto I miss certain breads, muffins and cookies. Today, I made your Keto Dinner Rolls. I was skeptical, having tried “Bulletproof bread” which is quite horrible!

These rolls are absolutely perfect! I love them! I am taking some to a friend and will make more tomorrow. Thanks so much for your recipes!

I am 73 and have suffered arthritis for 28 years. I’ve had increased swelling and inflammation recently and decided something must be done. After reading your books, my son and I emptied the cupboards of everything containing wheat and grains.

After several weeks the pains became bearable and the inflammation receded. Then my son gave me one bread roll (to use them up) and I was right back where I started! Proof that it is in the bread!

I am now adamant that I would rather go without than touch that stuff again! We love baking your healthy breads, which taste so much better.

The great news is that by choosing Keto Breads you can now enjoy all the delicious bread you want – without the harmful effects of grain.

The most common reason why people fail to achieve success on the ketogenic diet – or any healthy diet for that matter – is that they are tempted by their favorite comfort foods.

They stick with it for a while…

And then they see a juicy cheeseburger on a soft warm bun… or the waiter brings a basket of buttery rolls to the table… and they cannot control the temptation to have just one bite.

And then another… and another… and another…

It’s HARD to say no to bread… your brain is wired to enjoy it!

But now you can enjoy ALL your favorite breads… 100% guilt free!

These breads can actually help you stay in ketosis – the metabolic state where your body burns fat around the clock!

Thanks to the latest functional ingredients – and a LOT of hard-earned bread-making knowledge – you can eat REAL bread that tastes amazing and is ketogenic too!

With Keto Breads, there will be no temptation to “fall off the keto wagon”.

I know you will be blown away by the taste – and nutritional benefits – of the delicious creations in Keto Breads…

And I can’t wait for you to delight your family and fool your bread-loving friends with these fresh-baked sensations. I want you to “ooh” and “ahh” with every chewy, golden bite!

And to make your decision as easy as possible, I offer you my unconditional guarantee…

So, go ahead and make some of the recipes (you definitely want to try the Real Deal Keto Bread).

If you don’t get the amazingly delicious results I’ve promised (or if you are unsatisfied for ANY reason) just let me know within 60 days and I will happily refund your purchase price – no questions asked!

I am so confident you will LOVE these recipes – and the valuable health information you recive – that you have my unconditional guarantee.

By getting started today, you and your family will enjoy delicious, grain free and keto-friendly breads that help to protect your health. I know you’re going to be thrilled!

But if you are not 100% satisfied – for any reason – just let me now within 60 days and I will cheerfully refund your purchase price.

I’m so confident you are going to LOVE this book, I’m happy to make you this guarantee.

If you want to enjoy ALL your favorite breads (while staying in the keto zone) it’s time to…

You don’t have to trade your love of bread to enjoy superior health.

And you don’t have to spend a fortune either…

Download Your Copy To Any Device – Anywhere in the World – and Start Baking TODAY!

PLUS FREE BONUS:Get Instant Access to the Digital Version, So You Can Start Baking TODAY!

Price Listed is in US Dollars.

International Shipping is a Few Dollars More…

That’s less than the cost of two loaves of gluten free bread at the store!

Not to mention the fresh breads in Keto Breads take just 15-30 minutes to prepare… and taste WAY better than a freezer-burned loaf from the store!

I am so delighted to help you put your favorite hamburger buns… buttery biscuits… crusty baguettes… sandwiches… rolls… pizza… and more back on the table TODAY!

Imagine being able to enjoy everything you love about bread – without the guilt and harmful ingredients.

If you’re tired of unhealthy alternatives and weak imitations it’s time to put real bread back on the table – guilt free!

I sincerely hope you enjoy these classic breads as much as we have enjoyed creating them for you.

We hope that baking these creations will bring you joy – and get you closer to the body and health you deserve!

Have Your Bread… AND Be Well Too!

Author & FounderHealing Gourmet

P.S. Please let me help you achieve better results on the Keto Diet. Get your exclusive copy of Keto Breads™ today by clicking the button above.

P.P.S. Keep in mind, you’re protected by our 60-day guarantee. So try it out today, and enjoy peace of mind. Choose your selection below to get started.

The list below includes ALL the ingredients you would need to make Keto Breads. Of course, these ingredients are not used in every recipe. The average recipe uses just six or eight ingredients. And most of the ingredients you need are probably in your kitchen already.

If you are allergic to any of these ingredients please see the NOTES below.

FLOURS & GLUTEN REPLACERS: Almond flour*, coconut flour, golden flax meal, organic psyllium husk powder, creamed coconut (NOTE: For those allergic to almonds, sunflower seed flour or hazelnut flour can be substituted on a one-to-one basis).

WET INGREDIENTS: Water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, coffee, brewed chicory

BINDERS & LEAVENERS: Eggs* and egg whites, gelatin (optional), aluminum free baking powder, baking soda, cream of tartar, sea salt (NOTE: For those who avoid eggs, formulas and ingredients are provided for replacing eggs).

HEALTHY FATS: Butter*, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, almond butter, coconut cream, coconut milk, ghee, tahini paste (NOTE: For those who avoid butter, coconut oil or palm shortening can be used instead).

HERBS, SPICES & SEASONINGS: Basil, cumin, dried onion flakes, caraway, Italian herbs, chili powder, chives, parsley, rosemary, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, vanilla extract, lemon zest, cocoa, brown mustard.

DAIRY: Cream cheese, cheddar cheese, mozzarella, sour cream, yogurt (NOTE: Only five recipes in the book require dairy. All remaining recipes can be made dairy free by substituting coconut oil for butter).

NUTS & SEEDS: Cashews, macadamia nuts, walnuts, chia seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.

YEAST BREADS ONLY: Active dry yeast plus one of the following: honey, maple syrup, molasses, arrowroot powder. (NOTE: Before you say, “Wait, that’s not keto!” please read the next question and response).

Yes! Every bread in Keto Breads has been nutritionally analyzed. They are ALL very low in carbohydrates and meet the “Magic Macros” of the ketogenic diet. That means they have a specific macronutrient ratio that supports nutritional ketosis. And the nutrition facts and exact macronutrient ratios are provided for every recipe.

Some people ask about the five “Yeast Breads” in the book. These breads require a small amount of sugar or starch. You might want to know if these breads are ketogenic too. The answer is YES!

Before we explain, please note that the yeast preparations are OPTIONAL. If you wish to avoid yeast and / or the ingredients used to make these breads (which may include honey, maple syrup, molasses or arrowroot powder) then simply omit the ingredients and steps used to create the yeast mixture.

These breads will taste and rise just fine without these ingredients. However, for those who do love the old-world flavor of yeast breads and want to get that extra rise (while still following a ketogenic diet) please keep the following points in mind:

1. Yeast feeds on carbohydrates. Because these recipes are so low in carbs, a small amount of sugar or starch must be added for the yeast to consume. This is what allows the yeast to “bloom” and produce carbon dioxide gas. These gas bubbles increase the height of the bread and create the soft, spongy texture we all know and love.

2. Only a small amount of sugar or starch is used. These ingredients are added to warm water with active dry yeast. As the yeast transforms the energy in the carbohydrates, the mixture begins to foam. This is evidence that the sugars are being consumed by the yeast – so they won’t be consumed by your body.

3. After this reaction has occurred, the yeast mixture is added to the other ingredients. The dough is allowed to rise for about an hour (as the yeast continues to consume carbohydrates and produce gas). After the dough “proofs” it is baked in the oven.

The bottom line is that very little sugar or starch are used in these recipes (usually one or two teaspoons in the entire recipe). And these starches are almost entirely consumed by the yeast before they are added to the dough. The end result is a bread that is VERY low in carbohydrates and fully compliant with the ketogenic macronutrient ratio.

For example, if you follow the (optional) “Yeast Preparation” for our Keto French Bread, you will add two teaspoons of maple syrup or honey to the yeast mixture. The final nutritional analysis of this bread reveals just 5g carbohydrate (and 2g net carbohydrate, after fiber is deducted).

By measure of calories, this bread has 79% healthy fat | 15% protein | 6% carbohydrate.

These nutritional attributes are well within the range of what is considered “ketogenic.”

All the ingredients you need to make Keto Breads can be found in any well-stocked grocery store in the U.S. If you are in a smaller market, you may have to visit a health food store for a few key ingredients. And, of course, everything is easily available on Amazon.

Our Canadian customers have told us that Bulk Barn is an excellent online resource. And international customers sometimes rely on the online store, iHerb (which offers very competitive international shipping rates).

All of the recipes in Keto Breads are 100% gluten-free.

Yes! Most of the recipes in Keto Breads are dairy free or can be made dairy free by substituting coconut oil (or any fat that is solid at room temperature) in place of butter.

However, there are five recipes in the book that call for cheddar, mozzarella, cream cheese or sour cream. These ingredients serve an important purpose in the recipe and cannot be left out, while achieving the same results. However, we do include recipes for dairy-free Paleo Cream “Cheese” and Sour Cream if you’d like to substitute these ingredients with non-dairy options.

Eggs provide binding and structure to baked goods and the recipes in Keto Breads do contain eggs. However, the introduction to the book provides a section on replacing eggs, with formulas, ingredients and instructions to create egg substitutes. The results are not exactly the same as the breads when made with eggs. However, the end results are quite similar and still very tasty!

We understand that SOME grain-free bread recipes can be “eggy”. We tasted a few breads like this when we were formulating and testing the recipes – some even went in the trash. That’s why we spent YEARS perfecting Keto Breads. We published only the very BEST recipes to save you time and trouble… and to ensure that your breads look, smell, bake (and taste!) just like the real thing!

Half of the recipes in Keto Breads are coconut free (18 out of 37 recipes). These also happen to be among our favorite recipes in the book. So, if you avoid coconut, there are some great options to choose from. And keep in mind that any time coconut oil is called for in a recipe, it can be substituted with butter (or any fat that is solid at room temperature).

Most of the recipes in Keto Breads call for almond flour. However, for those who are allergic to almonds, sunflower seed flour or hazelnut flour can be used to replace this ingredient on a one-to-one basis.

All of the recipes in Keto Breads can be made as “Quick Breads” and do not require yeast.

However, for those who enjoy an extra bit of rise and the old-world flavor of yeast, there are five breads that include preparation with yeast. The yeast preparation is suggested and produces the best results and flavor – but it is optional for those who wish to avoid this ingredient.

No. These recipes do not call for guar, xanthan or other gums. These ingredients can cause digestive distress in some people and they are not needed to make Keto Breads.

We do not provide individual dietary advice about health conditions. After all, each individual responds differently to different foods. So, you would need to make your own determination about these breads and your health.

What we can say is that these breads were specifically formulated to be VERY low in carbohydrates. We use low-glycemic ingredients. And we provide the nutritional analysis for every recipe, so you always know exactly what you’re consuming. Every recipe contains no more than 5g Net Carbohydrates and most are in the range of 1g to 3g Net Carbs per serving (Net carbs are calculated as carbohydrates minus fiber).

As such, the recipes in Keto Breads are among the ONLY breads in the world suitable for people who want to achieve and maintain healthy blood sugar. Finally, many experts believe the ketogenic diet is one of the best ways to restore hormonal balance.

The recipes in Keto Breads do call for eggs and dairy. However, we are well aware of some peoples’ desire or need to avoid these foods. There is a section at the beginning of the book with formulas and instructions for creating egg substitutes. Also, the majority of recipes in the book can be made dairy free by simply substituting coconut oil in place of butter. Finally, there are two recipes that use gelatin as a binder – although this ingredient is 100% optional for those who wish to avoid it.

Among the most important dietary guidelines you can follow to treat or prevent an autoimmune condition is to avoid grains and high-carbohydrate foods. These foods can promote gut dysbiosis and lead to leaky gut – one of the primary factors in autoimmune illness.

The breads in Keto Breads are all 100% grain free and very low in carbohydrates. In that sense, they can be very helpful for those who wish to prevent autoimmune illness or improve their symptoms. However, these breads also contain ingredients (including eggs, nuts and dairy) that should sometimes be avoided by those experiencing autoimmune symptoms.

Please Note: We do provide instructions for substituting these ingredients, so our breads can easily be made nut, egg and dairy free. However, each individual would need to consider the ingredients used to make Keto Breads and make a personal decision about including them in your diet.

Unlike most bread, the hands-on time for Keto Breads is around 10-15 minutes. The majority of recipes are “Quick Breads” that do not call for yeast (so they don’t need time to rise before you place them in the oven). And because they have no gluten, there is NO kneading required.

You simply (1) mix your ingredients, (2) shape the dough on a sheet pan or drop it in a loaf pan, and (3) bake until done. The baking time varies from 30 minutes to about an hour.

We do not recommend a bread machine. It does not produce the best results, nor does it save time or effort. Most of these recipes are as simple as mix the ingredients, shape the dough (or drop it in a loaf pan) and bake. Also, part of the job of a bread machine is to do the kneading for you. These breads have no gluten, so no kneading is required.

These breads have no preservatives or conditioners, as most commercial breads do. As a result, they may not last as long as store bought. However, if your bread is refrigerated in an airtight container it will last up to 10 days. See the question below for information on freezing and storing.

Yes. Once your breads have cooled completely, they can be frozen for long-term storage. Wrap whole loaves, rolls or slices in plastic freezer wrap. Wrap individually, so slices and loaves don’t freeze together. And wrap tightly to remove the air. Place the wraps in a zip-top freezer bag and freeze. Take these steps to avoid frost and freezer burn and your bread will keep almost indefinitely.

Our Keto Breads were tested and formulated in the Wasatch mountains of Utah and at sea level in Florida. There is no discernable difference in the results and no need to alter the recipes based on your altitude.

Yes! Every recipe in the book has been nutritionally analyzed. We provide 19 different measures of calories, carbs, fat, protein, minerals and micronutrients. We also include the ratios of macronutrients for those who wish to carefully track their ketogenic diet.

These breads were specifically formulated to be VERY low in carbohydrates. We use low-glycemic ingredients. And we provide the nutritional analysis for every recipe, so you always know exactly what you’re consuming. These recipes contain no more than 5g net carbohydrates. And most are in the range of 1g to 3g net carbs per serving (Net carbs are calculated as carbohydrates minus fiber).

To put this into perspective, a whole apple has about 21g net carbs. So, enjoying one serving of these breads equates to eating about 1/10th of an apple!

The average recipe has 154mg of sodium per serving. Many recipes have well under 100mg of sodium. If you wish to reduce the sodium even further you can use unsalted butter (or coconut oil) and simply reducing the small amount of salt that is used.

The average recipe has just 115 calories per serving. And there are many recipes well under 100 calories. Compare this to about 190 calories in a slice of traditional French bread.

And while you can find all the ingredients at any well-stocked grocery store, you can save even more by purchasing online or buying your ingredients in bulk. And remember, Keto Breads are an investment in your health!

Making these breads is easy! You don’t need a bread machine or even a food processor. You will need a whisk (or better yet, a hand mixer), mixing bowls and spoons, baking sheets, loaf pans, measuring cups and spoons, a pizza stone or cast iron pan and a kitchen scale.

Of course, you don’t need all of these tools for every recipe. But this is the general list of items you’ll need. And of course, when you get started we provide you with a resources page, with a complete list and our recommended brands and links.

Yes! Glass is an insulator. That means it takes longer to heat up. But once it does, it helps to maintain a stable temperature (even in an oven turns on and off intermittently). To compensate for the additional time it takes to heat up, you might need to extend cooking times for 5 or 10 minutes, when baking in glass.

Glass baking pans are best for cakes, which bake for a relatively long time at lower temperatures. Also keep in mind that glass can shatter if the temperature changes too quickly (like when you transfer from the oven to the counter). So be careful!

Metal pans heat up and cool down quickly. That means they are great for items baked at a high temperature for a short time. We recommend metal pans for most of these breads (although you can use glass or ceramic if you prefer).

We are happy to hear from our customers at any time for any reason. You can reach us at [email protected]. We strive to respond within a few hours in most cases (even on the weekends).

Yes, this is a real, physical book shipped to your door… anywhere in the world.

If your order is received before 10AM Eastern Time, we ship the same day. Otherwise, it will go out the next business day. We don’t ship on the weekends, so if your order is received late Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it will ship first thing on Monday.

The most common reason people don’t receive their book is that they accidentally selected the “Digital Version Only” and our fulfillment center did not receive an order to ship. If that case, we’re happy to ship a copy once the small shipping charge is paid. Contact customer service about this: [email protected]

Of course, there are also rare occasions when a package is lost in transit, the courier delivers to the wrong address or the item is stolen from the mailbox or front porch. In that case, we are happy to look up the delivery tracking and cheerfully ship a new book or refund your purchase.

We’ve published hundreds of healing articles and thousands of free recipes on our website over the years. However, out of respect for those who choose to purchase our book, these recipes are reserved for our customers.

Of course, we provide as much information as possible for you to make a decision whether Keto Breads is right for you. And you can read dozens of first-hand testimonials from our customers on the information page and within the comments on our Facebook posts.

Finally, we offer a 100% unconditional, 60-day, money-back guarantee. If you are not happy for any reason, we will cheerfully refund your purchase, no-questions-asked!

Yes, we really get this question!

We strongly believe in freedom of choice – and expression. That means we are free to express ourselves as we see fit on our website. And you are free to click away or read the information we have provided. In either case, we are grateful for your time!

Our mission at Healing Gourmet is not to simply sell books. We want to help people make better decisions about their health, to understand the power of foods to harm and to heal, and to make wiser choices about the foods they consume.

And by the looks of things… the vast majority of people NEED this information!

More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. And according to the CDC, more than 100 million people in the US are living with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Not to mention millions more who suffer from heart disease, digestive distress, autoimmune conditions and other chronic illness.

That’s why we provide significant information about how to follow a low-glycemic, anti-inflammatory diet. That’s why there are dozens of scientific references. And it is also why we strive to show the motivations behind our work… and demonstrate why these recipes are the best of their kind anywhere in the world!

Download Your Copy To Any Device – Anywhere in the World – and Start Baking TODAY!

PLUS FREE BONUS:Get Instant Access to the Digital Version, So You Can Start Baking TODAY!

Price Listed is in US Dollars.

International Shipping is a Few Dollars More…

Check out a few more notes of appreciation from our Happy Customers…

I’ve been looking for a recipe like this, and I had all the ingredients on hand so I decided to give these a try. They turned out perfect! So fluffy and moist, yet crispy on the outside, I forgot they were keto for a moment. Best recipe I´ve found so far. I will definitely make these again. Thank you!

I recently purchased your breads recipe book. This was a mistake on my part. I’m from Australia trying to live a healthy life, but your bloody breads are so damn delicious I seriously can’t make them anymore because I just eat the lot! That banana bread should be banned!

Despite my overindulgence, I’ve lost 1.3 kg and I’m fairly lean for a 50 year old. Congratulations lady, no one could possibly be disappointed in your recipes. A refreshing change to the crap that’s out there. Well done!

You should get a “Nobel Prize” for your work in creating your Bun Dough Recipe! We have tried every second rate recipe for bread out there… and they are pathetic (not to mention the unhealthy ones, with all the junk replacement ingredients).

We are impressed beyond description. You are Masterful! We look forward to your continued endeavors and feel you are instrumental in helping to change our lives in a positive way! We can hardly wait for your next great discovery.

I love your breads! I am on a restricted diet: no gluten, no grains (including rice) and no dairy. The only gluten free breads I’ve been able to find are made with rice flour, potato starch and have lots of carbs. I could never find bread that I could eat and enjoy. Your recipes are a life saver! And so good! Thank you!

Download Your Copy To Any Device – Anywhere in the World – and Start Baking TODAY!

PLUS FREE BONUS:Get Instant Access to the Digital Version, So You Can Start Baking TODAY!

Price Listed is in US Dollars.

International Shipping is a Few Dollars More…

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Click here to get Keto Breads: Your Guide to Baking Grain-Free Keto Bread at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule

Product Name: Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule

Click here to get Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From The Desk of: Dr. Marius Bakken 2 Time Olympic Runner and M.D.

You’re taking on the ultimate challenge, the marathon, and that takes a strong level of ambition and desire to compete against others… and yourself.

You train for weeks and weeks — many times by yourself — just to get ready for race day.

After spending so much time and effort, it’s only natural to want to do your best.

Your goal may be as simple as wanting to run faster than a friend. Or perhaps it’s to set a new personal best for the marathon.

That’s why you worry about picking the “right program”. The problem is, there’s so many programs that seem incomplete. Or they aren’t a good fit for your skills or abilities.

Imagine being able to open up the brains of a top marathon training coach… or a 2 time Olympic runner…

Imagine you could pull out every single proven tip, tactic, and technique for slashing your training and race times to the bone. We’re talking about turning ordinary runners into very good marathoners in a relatively short time.

You are about to grab a major competitive edge.

The type of edge that can slash minutes off your best race times. The type of edge that can transform an ordinary runner into a very good marathoner. Best of all, it’s the type of edge that 99.9% of all runners will never discover or even have access to.

Hi, my name is Marius Bakken. I am a two-time Olympic runner who has competed in races throughout the world. Recently, I decided to take a break from competing on an international level and pursue my life-long dream of becoming a physician so I enrolled in medical school which I completed in 2010. (I’ll explain why my decision to become a physician is important to you in just a moment.)

I’m just as proud to say that for two consecutive years I was the second fastest non-African 5k runner in the world with a 13.06.39 personal best.

Now you may not realize it, but getting to the level of international competition wasn’t easy for me. I don’t consider myself to be a naturally gifted runner. I didn’t wake up one day ready to compete on an international — or even national — level either.

In fact, I started out as an ordinary guy who loved to run.

And because I loved to run, it was only a matter of time before I wanted to compete against other runners. In order to become a faster runner, I’ve spent many years training hard to become a faster runner.

That was before I discovered that training hard isn’t enough.

Training hard is okay but it’s even more important to train smart instead.

It was only a matter of time until I made an amazing discovery…

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Fast forward to the summer of 2005. A friend of mine named Martin Samdal asked me for some advice. He had already reserved his spot to compete in the upcoming New York City Marathon.

In fact, it was going to be the first ever marathon that Martin had ever run.

The problem is, he had done little or no training over the summer. Now he was about 12 weeks from having to run in the actual event and was starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

Like many new marathoners, he wasn’t sure how to go about training properly. He was confused about what he needed to do so that he was in peak condition on race day.

In other words, he needed a field-tested and proven plan!

I took some of the best Kenyan and Italian training techniques I knew and quickly wrote up a training schedule for Martin. As I handed the schedule to Martin I thought to myself, “This is better than nothing. At least it gives him a good plan he can follow without hurting himself.”

Honestly, I had some serious doubts about how well Martin would do. After all, he was closer to being a coach potato than a world class Kenyan runner.

You can imagine my surprise as Martin dropped almost 20 pounds during those 12 weeks of training.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Competing in his first ever New York City Marathon, Martin ran a 2:58:52!

In fact, during the last 6 miles of the race — when most marathoners are running out of gas — he passed 252 other runners and grabbed a top 600 finish.

Here’s the official NYC marathon results for Martin

After 12 weeks of
the training program!

All of this as a first-time marathoner.

I use to think this modern marathon training method only worked for the very best runners.

It turns out my Kenyan-Italian hybrid training system works for any type of runner… even an out-of-shape guy who needs help to have his best running experience ever. It works for even brand-new marathoners who want to finish their first ever race in style instead of shame.

In fact here are a few of the early “test subjects” on this program (Some of the names have been partially withheld at the runners request for privacy):

I quickly realized there was a limit to how many runners it was possible to personally train.

First, being in medical school has left me with very little extra time to help others.

Second, not everyone can travel to Norway to train… especially if they live somewhere else in the world.

That’s why after years of testing, refining, and proving it works, I’ve therefore decided to make my ”coaching clients only’ training program available to the general public.

First, let me clear up one common misunderstanding about the program.

I decided to call it the “100 Day Marathon Plan” because the average length of time many experienced marathoners use to train for their next marathon is 100 days. That’s because they want to arrive on race day in peak condition without spending too many weeks doing high-intensity workouts.

That doesn’t mean 100 days is the only option.

In fact there is added a whole section in the program which explains how you can adjust the program to as little as 60 days or up to 150 days from race day and still use the powerful training.

If you want to succeed at the marathon you need two critical pieces. It takes both a well planned training schedule and taking care of your health to run your best race time ever.

I want to share one little fact that could make a huge difference in how you view marathon training…

If you truly want to become more successful in your personal marathon challenge, then you need to start using a complete training system.

system that can make sure you are training correctly… slash your risk
of injury down to the bone… boost your motivation and puts you on the starting line on race
day — ready to roll.

“Marius, I liked how you had alot of rest days built in and that the rest days were truly unloading days in that they were easy and short. I was just listening to a podcast with running coach Bobby McGee (not sure if you have heard of him, but he works alot with running form and coaches some triathletes and track guys on the world class level). He talked about how for most novice runners, that a recovery run is an oxymoron.

They do not have the capacity to recover while still running on that day (too much stress). So I like how the recovery and off days are amply peppered through the program. This will help alot of people who are looking to try their first marathon. I think with your program which is based to a large extent on alot of intensity, you are not shy about plenty of recovery. Your clients will be able to stress->rest>grow!

I liked the workouts. Coming from a slowtwitch type background, it was nice to leg it out a bit. My favorite runs are the progression runs. They provided me with the confidance to move through all of my effort/heart rate gears.

This program will work well for a variety of runners. However, I think two groups will profit the most. The first group is runners who are pressed for time and want to maximize the time that is available with more workouts around marathon effort (as opposed to a high volume Lydiard type program). The second group that will do well with this program is the casual runner who has lots of easy base work and can recover well but cannot figure out how to put together the pieces when it comes to intensity.

The program was well organized, easy to read and use. Again I think you make good use of rest and intensity. It is a time efficient program and I like that. I played around with the Lydiard type approach a few years ago and your workouts were much easier to understand.”

Dr. William (Bill) Walz
Physican and 3:30 marathoner
Los Angeles

That’s why I believe I can offer you a 1-2 powerful punch that is head and shoulders over any other training program on the market.

First, I have an extensive background in world-class training methods — used for years and proven to work with dozens of other runners besides myself. So what I teach isn’t some ‘extreme’ program that only Olympic marathoners could survive.

Instead, I’ve structured everything so it’s easy to customize for any runner — regardless of their age, gender, speed, or skill.

Add to that my medical background to advise you on things like proper diet, preventing and healing injuries and you’ve got a powerful 1-2 punch working on your behalf.

Even in the best of weather, it’s still a big challenge for most.

There’s a lot more things that could go wrong during a marathon than any other type of race. That’s because there are a lot of miles and a lot of time needed to complete a marathon.

Use the right plan and your next marathon could be a wonderful experience.

Miss something important or you use an incomplete plan and you may not even be able to finish the race!

That’s why properly preparing for the marathon is crucial.

Every week, I get emails from concerned runners and members of Marathon Training Schedule. Many of these emails share the same two worries…

Worry #1: They’re not sure exactly what they should do in terms of day to day training, diet, and injuries…

You can find many programs and tips out there that offer some advice. But not one of them offers a complete detailed plan for both the actual running sessions and the rest of the preparation leading up to and including race day.

Because they are working with incomplete or “half-baked” plans, many runners find themselves feeling anxious and not fully prepared on race day.

They worry about “hitting the wall” around the 20 mile mark…

They get anxious that their training won’t work as advertised …

They’re not sure their diet — before and the day of the race — is the “right one”…

Worry #2: They’re not sure how to find the best training program so they wind up with the fastest possible race time…

Let’s face it: If you want to run the marathon then you are a positively unique person!

It leaves you with a serious problem. A problem that I believe I can solve.

The truth is, I offer this type of training materials because I love this sport. This is a great way for me to give back to the sport that has given me so much over the years even if I can’t personally train each and every person in the world who wants to run their best marathon time ever.

… I want to help you run faster and better than you have ever done before!

I’ve deliberately designed the “100 Day Marathon Plan” with that goal in mind.

There’s eight different training schedules ranging from the pure beginners training plan up to the 2:45 marathoner.

Specifically you have a 2:45 schedule, a 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and a pure beginners plan to pick from !

So you see, it doesn’t matter what level of runner you are. It doesn’t matter how fast you currently run. My “100 Day Marathon Plan” can quickly and easily be customized to your needs and abilities.

It’s easy to customize because I’ve taken the entire program and broken it into easy-to-find sections that clearly explain things.

“Marius Bakken has used his unique experience as a world-class runner to put together one of the most comprehensive marathon products I have seen.  The 100-day Marathon Training program is covering all topics to improve as a runner. 

Marius experience and knowledge of modern training techniques will benefit  runners, from the beginner to the experienced marathoner.” 

Jack Waitz, husband/coach of 9 time NYC marathon winner Grete Waitz

“Most marathon schedules are rigid. The 100 Day Marathon Plan deals with flexibility and gives runners options. I especially enjoyed the marathon race-day tips and how you combine the Italian and Kenyan schools of thought into one program. I like the use of Lydiard-like periodization with a build from the 5K to the marathon itself.

All types of runners would benefit from this type of marathon work. That’s the best thing about this program: It’s for everyone! It builds you up for the marathon, step-by-step instead of getting you to think about the marathon from day one. I’ve never seen anything like this before”

Duncan Larkin, Running Times Magazine writer and 2.32 marathon runner

“To illustrate what Marius’ program did to my shape: During the 12 weeks of training towards New York Marathon I “tested” myself weekly on the SRM race (3.3k). The 10th of August 2005 by the start of the schedule: 12:39, the 7th of September: 12:13, the 12th of September 11:25 and the 12th of October 11:16. That means an improvement of 11%!

On a marathon this is equal to almost 30 minutes improvement on only 12 weeks of training

On the starting line in New York my weight was reduced to 71 kg, 10 kg (20 pounds) lower than it was 12 weeks earlier. The feeling was amazing. Especially the feeling of being extremely strong the last 10 k. For a relatively untrained person just some months before to pass 250 runners (and only getting passed by 3) on the last 10 k and a finishing position of 517 out of 37 000 was an experience of a lifetime.”

Martin Samdal, 2:58:52 NYC Marathon 2005

This is exactly what I’m looking for ! Show me where to claim my copy.

8 different marathon training schedules based on your finishing time goal: From marathon rookie all way to a sub 2:45 race time… I got you covered. Just pick the one that best meets your needs & abilities and you’re ready to roll!

Workouts based on your heart rate and specific running times so you are always training in the optimal zone without risking your health…

15 instructional videos where I walk you step-by-step through the schedules. I even explain the different core principles that most marathon training courses miss!

10 additional videos covering important things like how to pick the right training shoes… improving your running form… how to use strength training to compliment your training… and more!

120 content-packed pages that “walk you through” the whole marathon preparation process…

“Hello Marius this is a letter of thanks to you. On Sunday in the London Marathon I set a new life time best running 2.47.34.

I should point out to anyone reading this that I have been running for 17 years and Marathons for 11 years! I am now 49 years old and going by what many runners say should be slowing down, yet on your program I ran 3 mins 39 sec faster than last year and 1 min 18 sec faster than my old P.B. set way back in 2003 when I was only 42 years old! AMAZING!!!

I felt stronger than ever before in the last 6 miles and overtook runner after runner in my charge for the line, infact I think only one runner went passed me in those last 6 miles!
I have found your 100 day plan enjoyable and challenging, but at the same time because you never train harder than 10k pace I was able to recover quickly and not overtrain and dig myself into a whole I could not get out of! Also because your training plan changes from week to week I found my body kept getting stronger throughout the entire program!

I had no injuries or illness, a very good sign that shows how sensible and clever your program is!
I now intend to follow your training programme up to next years London marathon, where I believe I can continue to improve and run 2.45 or better at the age of 50! I’m happy to recommend your 100 day marathon plan to anybody who is serious about running faster, if I can do it then anyone can!

Thanks again Marius, you have reversed the aging process for me:)”

Rick Bowker, Southport UK. PR at the Liverpool half marathon of 1.18 ‘ 2010 at the age of 49 (1 month later went on to run 2:47 in London) Blogs at

“What I enjoyed most of the plan was the ease of picking a schedule and fixing the workouts to my work schedule. I am a District Chief with the Laredo Fire Dept. and work 24 hours and 48 hours off. Most of my runs were early morning. The plan took out a lot of guess work on how to prepare for my first marathon. When I researched a marathon plan there was a lot of skepticism about how it is almost impossible to run a marathon if you havent had a good base for over a year. Another thing that the plan did was inspire me to RACE my events not merely survive them. Upon completion of your program there was no doubt in my mind that I would not finish my first marathon. The question turned from, will I finish into how fast will I finish ? I could have run it at a lot slower pace and sprint at the end…but I still have that competiveness that makes me compete.. even if it is only competing against my own set times.

My trainings/results improved me by about a minute in a 5k to 3 minutes on 10K. My favorite sessions were the long runs where I would use them to listen to good music and relax.

I would recommend this plan to anyone willing to put in the time it takes to train for a marathon. From novice to advanced runner. I am proof that what seemed as an unattainable goal at times can be attainable taking one day at a time using your plan. Like I’ve mentioned before, this inspired me to try to go faster and qualify for Boston.

Ruben Vegas, District Chief, Laredo Fire. Dept. Ultimate Goal : Boston Marathon Qualification

Simply review the program at your convenience and then start using my training techniques with your next workout. Everything is organized so it’s easy to follow and even easier to put into action.

“It is extremely well organized and informative. I almost feel compelled to run a marathon just to follow your program. Your knowledge on the subject is extremely evident in your writing. I love how you explain the combination of Italian and Kenyan Marathon Training Plans.

I loved it. Very Professional.”

David Tiefenthaler, coach and owner of

But that’s not all of the resources you’ll find inside the “100 Day Marathon Plan” .

I’ve also had 4 automatic calculators created that you must see to believe. You’ll enjoy using them to do things like

… Calculate exactly how much to eat and drink during the marathon based on your goal time, the weather and your body type

… Get your exact “pace” to run in the marathon so you hit your target finish time

… How to quickly pick what training schedule is best for you simply from your 5k/10k/half marathon time

… Discovering what your body mass index (BMI) is and what injuries, if any, you maybe risking because of your BMI.

That’s the types of tools and resources you’ll gain immediate access to when you grab your own copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan”.

Now don’t just take my word on it…

Why old-fashioned marathon training is now obsolete… (Chapter 2)

How to find your maximum heart rate… (Chapter 4)

The one part of every training program where 67% of all injuries occur… Just make a small change in your training and your chances of staying injury-free skyrocket! (Chapter 7)

2 easy ways to choose the right workout schedule for you (Chapter 4)

Need to lose some weight? No problem. I share 3 easy ways to lose weight while marathon training besides doing more running! (Chapter 9)

Why after-marathon training is critical to your success… (Chapter 6)

The best way to control your training intensity and find your optimal training zone without using lactate acid testing… (Chapter 3)

The #1 mistake that runners can make on their easy training days (Chapter 9)

A special tip, based on research from the former (German) DDR Republic, that can help improve your running form dramatically while helping you stay injury-free! (Chapter 5)

3 ways to treat minor injuries… before they turn into major ones! (Chapter 9)

The one training technique used by the Kenyans that helps them build incredible strength… and it’s not weight lifting! (Chapter 2)

What to eat (and not eat) leading up to your race day… (Chapter 10)

I’ve read enough…I’m ready for a complete marathon plan.

We could have stopped there with the amount of content and most marathoners would have been happy. But I couldn’t just “settle” for offering a good product… not when I could turn the “100 Day Marathon Plan” into the marathoner’s must-have training program.

Not a chance. I didn’t become a two-time Olympic runner… or the second fastest non-African 5k runner in the world for two consecutive years by settling for “good enough”.

And that’s why I also included these golden nuggets in the “100 Day Marathon Plan”…

The #1 reason for injuries — besides wearing the wrong shoes. Just turn to chapter 2 for the full scoop…

My secret strategy for running your best time ever… (Chapter 11)

The 7 best courses in the world to run a new P.R.! (Chapter 13)

5 different phases for every marathoner — no matter what skill level or experience they might be! (Chapter 3)

How to avoid sweat rolling into your eyes during your marathon just use this common item found at your local drugstore or supermarket and the problem is solved fast! (Chapter 12)

A stone-cold easy way to change your workout schedule on the fly… just follow the guidelines in Chapter 4 to change the workout intensity instantly!

Why 1/3 of all injuries are due to wearing the wrong footwear! (But don’t worry I’ve dedicated an entire chapter to help you get the exact footwear you need to stay injury-free!) (Chapter 8)

The two things you must do with every hard workout… Skip them and you massively increase the risk of injuring yourself! (Chapter 5)

Like running in beautiful or exotic locations? Me too. That’s why I’m sharing my favorite beautiful marathon locations worldwide! (Chapter 13)

7 easy ways you can customize any of my programs… perfect if you want to “fine-tune” your workouts to exactly meet your needs! (Chapter 7)

How to avoid feeling chilly when doing a cold weather race especially when adding layers of clothes is not an option! (Chapter 12)

A research breakthrough that confirms what runners have always suspected… If you use this tactic… you WILL run faster in your marathon…(Chapter 2)

There’s still even more…

I want to make sure every marathoner who uses my “100 Day Marathon Plan” sees a significant improvement in their training and race times. I want you to succeed just like Martin Samdal and the other “success stories” have done so we’re going to sweeten the pot even more.

I’ll also include 3 introductory and 3 post-marathon training weeks (perfect for off-peak training periods!)

As I discover new training breakthroughs and techniques, I may update this program. Rest assured, you’ll get any product updates free of charge… forever!

Just image this… Not only will you get to access to the very best world-class marathon training but you will discover first hand how (and why) these powerful training methods really work!

But, you won’t have to pay anywhere near that to get the same information. Best of all, you’ll get to learn it from the comfort of your own home.

No travel, no expenses, no uncomfortable hotel beds, or the usual traveling hassles.

Best of all, you don’t risk a single penny either because I’m prepared to offer you

I am completely confident that you will be pleased with my “100 Day Marathon Plan” because I know there isn’t anything else available on the market like it.

In fact, that’s why I am not afraid to offer you a 60 day, 100% unconditional, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.

Take up to two full months to review the entire “100 Day Marathon Plan” and make an honest, fair effort at improving your own race times.

If the 100 Day Marathon Plan” doesn’t help you slash your race times and help you become fitter and trimmer then email me and I’ll promptly refund your money. I want you to be completely satisfied with my Program or I don’t want you to keep it.

No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings. I take this very seriously.

8 different training schedules based on your finishing time goal: It doesn’t matter if you’re a marathon rookie or a sub 2:45 racer… it’s covered.

Just pick the one that best meets your needs and you’re ready to roll!

Workouts based on your heart rate and specific running times so you are always training in the optimal zone without risking your health…

15 instructional videos where I walk you step-by-step through the schedules. I even explain the different core principles that most marathon training courses miss!

10 additional videos covering important things like how to pick the right training shoes… improving your running form… how to use strength training to compliment your training… and more!

120 content-packed pages that “walk you through” the whole marathon preparation process…

6 Bonus Weeks of Training Workouts

FREE Lifetime Product Updates!

Right now you are standing at a crossroads.

You can ignore this letter and pretend you are happy with your current training methods. Six months from now, things will probably still be the same.

You will keep dealing with the constant aches and pains that always seem to follow your training. Worse, you’ll feel even more frustrated by the lack of improvement in your conditioning or race times — even after training countless hours for days and days.

Or you can make the choice today to start training smarter and training better. You’ll choose to tap into field-tested and proven to work modern marathon methods to transform any runner — even the casual jogger — into a significantly better runner. You’ll feel more confident as any unwanted pounds melt away and you see your training times get faster and faster.

In other words, your life will be different based on the choice you make today.

Here’s my suggestion: Try the “100 Day Marathon Plan” system for 60 days. Follow it step-by-step and make a real effort to create a positive change. Focus on reaching your goal of becoming a faster marathoner.

When your friends see the drastic changes, they’re going to ask you how much you paid for the personal trainer… because most people think working with a personal trainer is the only way to produce results that quickly. You’ll just smile because you’ll know that you paid less than 5% of what a personal trainer or coach would charge every month — and still achieved amazing results!

Because as a registered member of the “100 Day Marathon Plan”, if you’re not 100% satisfied during the first 60 days of your membership, simply send us an email. We’ll cancel your access to the full “100 Day Marathon Plan” system and return your money, no questions asked. It’s really that hassle-free.

Don’t wait Take charge and make a change. Now is the time to take your running to the next level. Order now!

I Want To Use Your “100 Day Marathon Plan” To Slash My Race Times and Leave My Competition Far Behind! Please give me INSTANT Access!

If I decide the “100 Day Marathon Plan” contains more world-class training secrets than I can handle, then I can cancel and owe nothing.

Click Here or Above to Download

Don’t Wait… Grab Your Copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” Right Now!

P.S. You can spend countless amounts of time, trying to find the latest tips for running faster or better… maybe you’ll find them in online runners forums… or runners magazine… or talking to other marathoners that you meet. Maybe you’ll find a golden nugget of training advice that you can put into action that will truly make a difference.

Or you can grab your own copy of my field-tested and proven to work system. You’ll save yourself countless hours of “research”. Even better, instead of trying to patch together your own training system… you can just follow any of my eight training schedules — easily customizable to your needs and abilities — and get back to doing what you truly love… running!

P.P.S. Have you ever thought of hiring a top-notch personal running coach in your area? I have and it’s not as easy as it might sound. For starters, you will need to fit into their schedule and pay them hundreds or even thousands of dollars for their professional guidance.

Or you can grab your own copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” and start using it whenever you want. It’s easier than you think to get started, so why wait any longer… grab your copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” right now.

Are still unsure if this is the right marathon program for you…

“I’m a 2:20 marathoner that had become very curious about the Italian Periodisation (negative taper) since Stephano Baldini won the 2004 Olympic Marathon. I immediately went searching for his approach.

Quickly, I was mind-boggled by how much of a consistent performer he was. The Italians must have discovered a format for marathon success.

For years I’ve studied but not until buying the 100 Day Marathon Plan approach did I truly understand the simplicity of it.

Marius has broken it down and made it easy to understand and to take anywhere. The addition of the heart rate monitor parameters (at Kenyan Intensity) make it doable by anyone, anywhere. I honestly have enjoyed all of it. I know Marius was able to get the best out of himself and his running and medical knowledge should be followed.

Wonderful program. I personally loved the heart rate effort zones. I live in a place that has rare ideal weather and to be able to run without becoming a slave to the watch has given me a bounce in my step! Every runner would benefit from this program!”

Marty Dalton
2.20 marathoner

“Hi Marius,

How I went from 3:34:45 (Chicago 08) to 3:15 (Grand Rapids 09) with the 100 day plan :

The fact is, I already speak of your program to athletes, even in other sports, because I’ve been so satisfied with learning new things and improving significantly again. I ran in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on 18 October 2009 with a 20 minute personal best following your plan.

I trained hard for Chicago in ’08, targeting the 3:20 Boston time, running up to 60 miles a week, even doing hard intervals in the rain on the track in the dark by myself. But despite orthotics and ice baths after hard/long runs, I kept getting knee problems thanks to poor choices of workout distances and pacing: in 2008, I ran a great abundance of 7-11 mile runs, all in zone 2. (I didn’t know it was zone 2; I was just following what I downloaded for free from Runner’s World. And I got what I paid for!) So I was hurt, and burned out. I peaked way too early. I couldn’t imagine running as slow as a 9-minute mile. I thought hard effort was what I needed. I listened to some of the guys from the local running group who believed: “the only way to run faster is to run faster.”

With your program, I feel like I finally found exactly what I need: a scientific approach that combines zone 1 slow runs with high intensity tailored interval work. Of critical importance to me–since I need exercise to manage my fibromyalgia pain–I’ve avoided injury completely. (If injured, I struggle to exercise with the intensity required to manage my pain syndrome.)

I started eating vegetables for breakfast sometimes, to be like the Kenyans, and attained my targeted weight loss (from 168 down to 155) over four months’ time. I never bought the lipoic acid, but I considered it, based on your recommendation. I took magnesium once a night, at least after long runs, to replace this electrolyte, and never had any muscle cramps. All these were ideas from your 100 day plan.

My biggest progress in this training has to be the change in my half-marathon times. Last year, and even early this year, I was running 1:38-1:41, depending on the course condition (hills, heat, etc.). A month before the marathon and well into the 100 day plan, on rolling hills, but perfect weather, I ran 1:28:13. This was the first time I’d gotten a running percentile score over 70 since college.

Presently, I’d like to get a percentile score of 70 at all the distances. The 5K (upper 18’s) and 10K (about 39:00) seem quite attainable, either this fall or next spring. But a marathon of 3:03 presents a different sort of challenge. Since marathon training is quite demanding, and failing to make a goal is so disappointing, I want to be really thoughtful about setting a marathon target for 2010. The 3-hour mark is particularly monumental, (thanks, Lance Armstrong!) but a fair stretch from where I’m at.

Running the 1:28 half this year I felt that a 3-hour marathon was possible for me. I’m prepared to pay for your next e-product, if it comes out, on moving the next 15 minutes on the marathon!”

I am a 69 year old marathon runner who has run 186 marathons including 3:14:45 as a 55 year old. In the fall of 2009 I purchased the 100 day marathon plan and this is my experience :

I noticed already in the three introductory weeks of the program how my legs got lighter and the times pr km started to go down. For example the Zone 1 easy runs to my job was at that time 6.15-6.25 pr km. Now, ten weeks later, that same effort is down to 5.20 pr km. Because I write a daily training diary and have done so since 1978 I can clearly see how my training times are radically faster then they have been in many, many years since starting the 100 day marathon plan.

What has struck me as considerably different with the 100 day marathon plan then any other program I have used is the great variation in the training, for example in week nr 7 the type sessions where you run for 60 minutes with variation between Effort 2 and 4. In addition to that I’ve had great benefits from your “Special Strides”.

Today, only 6 days after a marathon where I did a 30 minute year best following the plan, I feel fully recovered. I would recommend the program to anyone, when the results for me are so dramatic – who is not a top athlete, I suspect it will have even greater effect on better runners. In addition to that, I believe most joggers will benefit from this kind of structured program.

Per Oscar Holm-Olsen, 186 time marathoner and 4.06 marathon (30 minute year best) as a 69 year old following the 100 day plan.

“I started running 3 years ago for fun. Since then I have finished 3 marathons and also run shorter road races. My personal records are 10k 36:50 Half 1:22:10 Marathon 3:01:07

The 100 Day Marathon Plan is clearly explained and makes following the plan very simple. It takes the guesswork out which makes it harder to overthink the training and just go out and run.

I especially liked the self massage part, I had not seen it in any program/book and I think it could certainly help to recover faster.

Who would benefit from this type of plan ? The program seems written for people that have little background in running terminology and how the body responds to different stimuli in training.”

Francisco Rosa
3:01 marathon runner

“It is extremely well organized and informative. I almost feel compelled to run a marathon just to follow your program. Your knowledge on the subject is extremely evident in your writing. I love how you explain the combination of Italian and Kenyan Marathon Training Plans.

I loved it. Very Professional.”

David Tiefenthaler, coach and owner of

“I just run Marine Corpse Marathon in 3:03 – 11 min off my previous PR following the 100 day marathon plan! I want to run Palm Beach Marathon Dec 6 and would like to break 3hr.”

….five weeks weeks later :

“Hi Marius, soo excited as I said on 25th of October I did a 3:03 in Marine Corp. I just did Sunday Dec.6 a 2:57 PR in the Palm Beach Marathon, Thanks!!!! Took off 7 min in  weeks and broke that sub 3hrs and feel great! Thanks!”

Carrie Pustilnik
3:03 Marine Corpse Marathon October 09, 2:57 Palm Beach December 09.

I find the 100 day plan very useful. Especially the combination of a running schedule and tutorials of the basic training ideas and other elements which provides insights on how and why the schedule build up the way it is. I also like the emphasis on the flexibility of the schedule and on the positive tone throughout the plan.

It really helps the newcomer to be confident that it is possible run a marathon without running mile after mile day after day. I of course like the 100 day plan because it most importantly provides results. Follow the plan and be sure to have the best possibilities to have a great run.Compared to other plans I have followed (Stockholm 21K program by Anders Szalkai) the 100 day plan aren’t that complex with a lot of different element in each training session.

I have completed 6 half marathons and has a PB of 1:39. My long time goal is to qualify and run Boston marathon before 2013, which will require a marathon under 3:20 some time in 2012.

One of the best part of the 100-day plan was the FAQ part. This gave the opportunity to interact with a coach and other runners on different elements of the plan. This made some of the runs easier to understand and also provided with additional information from runners in the same training level and situation as yourself.

Geir Engen, NATO officer and 1:39 Half Marathon Runner

With over 120 content-packed pages, 25 instructional & training videos, 4 online training calculators, a members-only area, and more… it’s no big surprise that the “100 Day Marathon Plan” is quickly becoming the top training program for new or struggling marathoners on the market today.

Click Here or Above to Download

The button above will take you to your download page and gives you instant access… grab your copy today and you too can break away from the rest of the pack!


Please note: This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank, the most trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to a thank you form where you enter information to receive a receipt, and to download the entire program. If you have a high speed internet connection, the downloads usually take less than a minute. Are you still reading the fine print? According to FDA one has to claim that “results are not typical” – however, the testimonials on this page are 100 % accurate. Having said that, if you do not put down the work and do the actual marathon training planned you cannot expect fast marathon times. Enjoy and I look forward to working with you. Kind regards, Marius

Click here to get Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster

Product Name: Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster

Click here to get Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Cold Sore Treatment – How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Faster is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Hi, I’m Dr. Edward Barnes, a Cosmetic Dermatologist by profession and a happily married man with an equally wonderful daughter. It has been 5 years since that fateful honeymoon in the Caribbean, my quest to discover a reliable, safe, and natural treatment for cold sores began the night I noticed tear droplets roll down my wife’s face, right after our honeymoon!

I asked myself, “What could possibly be wrong?” When I finally gathered the courage to approach my wife, she fell into my arms in tears!

She asked me, “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

Before I could reply, she carried on, “I don’t think I’ll be able to kiss my own child because of my cold sore on lip.”

She continued that when she stayed at her mother’s house she used to have separate glasses, plates, forks and spoon, just because her family was too afraid that they too would get infected with cold sores. I managed to stutter back in reply, that we all have our problems.

I felt helpless, with our first baby being expected in just eight months, I knew that I had to do something.

….My emotions were engulfed by the vows that I had taken, “To always be my wife’s side in times of hardship and grief”. It was at that moment, as I watched the Caribbean sunset, I took a new vow, “I would dedicate my entire time to discover a faster and long-lasting natural solution for treating cold sores.“

Before I discovered the cold sores natural therapy for my wife, she was battling cold sores just like you – using conventional prescription medicine and (over the counter) OTC cold sore medication – with only a hope that they would somehow disappear one fine day. Sadly life doesn’t function this way…

It took me three years of dedicated research before I could finally fulfill the vow that I had taken that fateful night and my then 24-year-old wife was successfully able to get off cold sores just by following my cold sore treatment program that I had designed for her. Fast forward it to today, you’re probably asking yourself the same question that had left my wife speechless and awestruck, quickly and effectively!

After all, we’ve been told by “so-called experts” that it is only possible to control cold sores and was impossible to heal it. How then could I possibly get off cold sores effectively?

The answer to that lies in man’s own genius. If we were to go back a few decades, we would reach a time when there was no known cure for “smallpox”, yet it’s been completely eradicated from existence today. The answer is simple, science has progressed at an astounding rate in the past few years and I’ve rigorously tested various procedures that claim to get off cold sores until I finally settled for the most effective solution.

Medical News Today reported that 13 drug prescriptions were written for every man, woman and child in America. Do we even eat 13 vegetables and fruits per day? No, but we manage to swallow our 13 prescription pills per day!

I’ve tested countless treatments for cold sores and I’ve come to the conclusion that:

The Cold Sore Treatment is far more than intensive treatment of cold sores.

For those already suffering an outbreak of cold sores at the time of purchase (or before implementing my integrative medicine) have reported that their cold sores phased out faster thereafter implementing my exclusive natural cold sore treatment.

Simply put, they are able to reclaim their lives that were once lost to cold sores.

Get complete freedom from pain and anguish caused by cold sores. No longer be the loser in battle against cold sores. Instead wake up without worrying about cold sores appearing again.

Never have to worry about passing your cold sores herpes simplex virus – 1 to your loved ones. Finally, the freedom from over-the-counter products, prescription, and visits to the mainstream physicians.

My all-natural cold sore treatment is a surefire, clinically researched system backed by countless hours of alternative medicine expertise. I 100% guarantee it and I’ve got the results to prove it! Just take a look at the countless success stories from real people who sky-rocketed their self-esteem and confidence with The Cold Sore Treatment …

Just want to send an email, so that you know how grateful I’m to you. I’ve been suffering from cold sores from my childhood and spent weeks looking for stuff like this. 😟 Initially, I was doubtful about purchasing your natural cold sore treatment program since I had never heard of an effective cold sores medication. But, since you offered an unconditional money back guarantee I thought that I should give it a try.

Absolutely thrilled that you put the entire procedure in a step by step manner and have even listed out alternatives! It took only a handful of days for my cold sores to vanish. I really cannot thank you enough. 😊

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

I’ve been searching for an effective cold sore medication for years! I’ve tried everything…. When I came across your website, I decided to put your claims to the test. I must say that only after a few days of diligently following your instructions my cold sore on lips and other fever blisters are gone!

I highly recommend your program to anyone with cold sores, as this is the only effective program that actually gives the results it says. 😎

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

Had a huge throbbing blister on my lip. 😶 I was initially very skeptical if it would work, but I’m glad I decided to go ahead and try it out after hearing from a friend how well this worked for her. It has been over 6 months since I first tried your integrative natural medication and treatment for cold sores. And I’ve not had a single cold sore outbreak since then!

“Happiness has finally seeped back into my life without the worry of cold sores!” 😂 I wish I would have found this years ago! Thanks!

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

Hello Edward, I’m so happy that I tried your soothing intensive treatment for cold sores. You really have the ability to break it down into simple steps that even someone like me can understand.

My cold sores nearly always appeared on my upper lip and would really make me feel very conscious in public. 😳 Now, I really feel I should write to tell you I’m more than happy with my results from your integrative medicine. I can’t believe your claims are actually true. 😊 Thank you for your writings.

*✝ Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.

THE COLD SORE TREATMENT is a Simple, All Natural, Unconventional Medical Breakthrough making you get rid of cold sores in record time, and has been shown to enhance your immunity to prevent any possibility of future outbreaks.

The COLD SORE TREATMENT attacks HSV-1, weakening and killing it. Thereby, it prevents the Herpes Simplex Virus from overriding your immune system.

The healing process normally takes around 2 weeks, but I’ve discovered an easy-to-follow, safe and fast-acting ingenious solution that greatly shortens the healing time of a cold sore, and decrease pain.

I personally guarantee that if you make an honest effort to follow the instructions and effectively use The Cold Sore Treatment Program, you can “Get Rid of Cold Sore Or It’s FREE”.

That’s right, If you are not 100% satisfied with it for whatever reason, let me know within the next 60 days and I’ll issue you an immediate, hassle-free 100% refund.

Listen, I know this incredible information I have today is available to you for a tiny price, and you owe it to yourself to give my Cold Sore Treatment a try. You have the guarantee, you have the facts; Why put it off for another day, and delay your happiness?

Since this is an “eBook”, digitally delivered over the web, you’ll get instant access to the Cold Sore Treatment so you can start applying them today! Just click the Add to Cart button!

Get started on The Cold Sore Treatment now and get these INCREDIBLE BONUSES for free. They’re hand-picked to accelerate your results even further!

Just make sure you take advantage of this while it’s still free.

Bonus #1: The Truth About Natural Skin Care by: Leah Day

Using natural products sounds great on paper, but how do you actually know what is natural and what isn’t? How can you really be sure you’re not putting harmful chemicals on your skin each and every day?

Who can you trust to protect you and your family from the carcinogenic chemicals that are commonly formulated into skin care products every day?

Find the answers you’ve been looking for and give you the power to choose safe skin care products that will help – not harm – your skin!

Bonus #2: Staying Young by: Dr. Mehmet

The complete guide to finally understanding how to stay young! You will discover strategies and ideas you can use to help keep your mind in a youthful mindset and stop the getting old process. Most of these things you can do in your own home.

Think about it. You don’t even have to leave your house! With this report, you will find natural solutions to look, think and feel better and healthier.

Bonus #3: Understanding Food by: Michael Danielson

Americans have been told for decades that gaining weight is a simple equation:

Calories in minus calories out equal weight gain. Time has proven this theory wrong over and over again, yet still, we think that if we can only starve ourselves that much more, we can get thin and healthy. It’s time to learn otherwise.

Bonus #4: Lessons From The Miracle Doctor by: Jon Barron

Jon Barron is probably the greatest mind in alternative health today. The Miracle Doctor provides enough information to manage your health and nutrition without having an education on this subject.

The most concise, understandable, information filled, book written on nutrition I have ever read. This is not a lick and a promise, it is a roadmap. It is by far the most thorough and easily understandable yet concise work on the subject of natural health I’ve ever seen.

Well, I’m not the one trying to stoke false terror in vulnerable people. Neither make any grand claim that you will get rid of cold sores in N number of days or give back the lost life without any effort…

If you can choose to first commit yourself to The Cold Sore Treatment, you’ll be surprised that you can get rid of cold sores – safe, fast and naturally. And you get that gorgeous smile you might have only been dreaming about until recently.

All of your needs will be met only when when you grab the moment and do it.

Look, I’m completely confident that The Cold Sore Treatment has the best therapy you’ve ever seen. I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how quickly you feel the benefits of this simple to follow program. It is the safest, fastest and effective way to get rid of cold sores.

That way, you get piece of mind, and I do too. Order right now with confidence!

I know, you’re at crossroads…nothing is going to change in your life until you make your move.

All that is left for you to do now is take action. And you only have 2 options:

Option #1: Leave this page and go back to the same old routine of taking prescription drugs and continue living restricted life full of frustration and embarrassment.

… And let’s face it, that’s not really an option. Is it? …

Option #2: Take the smart option. And invest in The Cold Sore Treatment to get rid of cold sores. Enjoy flawless glowing skin and start living life. This feeling of confidence is something you cannot put a price on.

The choice is up to you…

It’s time to go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button below. Download the Cold Sore Treatment program to get rid of dangerous impact of herpes simplex virus and prevent future outbreaks of cold sores occurring.

Remember – you’re protected with my 100% money back guarantee so there is no excuse.

It’s time. Today is your chance to start the path to cold sore free life! Not tomorrow. Not next week. But NOW!

You will be so very glad that you did.

Act Fast! This Could Expire At Any Moment!

Available Worldwide. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Instant Access – Even at 2 am!

If you are considering the therapy, you still may have questions and concerns. I’ll answer some of the most common questions I get asked about The Cold Sore Treatment right now.

Do you miss any specific question? Please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll keep adding FAQ’s here as they arise…

Being a Cosmetic Dermatologist and Naturopath, I can honestly say that the cold sore treatment program is carefully formulated from multiple perspectives. Blending holistic health and modern scientific research, the program not only shortens the healing time but also knocks out your cold sore from the root.

All the foods recommended in The Cold Sore Treatment program are not expensive. You can easily find them in your local supermarket or health food store. They won’t cost you much at all.

Absolutely! It is vegan and vegetarian safe. No matter your dietary preferences, the Cold Sore Treatment will help you get rid of a cold sore fast and keep it off.

The Cold Sore Treatment is one of the most advanced science-based system ever created to battle recurrent herpes simplex labialis. It is proven to work for people of all ages, all ethnicities, and all body types around the globe.

The program has already worked for thousands of men and women in 195 sovereign countries worldwide.

Please remember, even though this information has been scientifically proven in countless studies on thousands of patients, by law I’ve to tell you to consult your doctor before using any of these methods.

Moreover, medical decision-making in the pediatric population is complicated by the wide variation in physical and psychological development that occurs as children progress from infancy to adolescence. In such cases, minimizing harm and maximizing the patient’s best interests should always be the primary focus of medical decision-making.

Similarly, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it is always important to ask your doctor for advice.

The pharmaceutical companies encouraging prescription cold sore medication ask the sufferer to take pills and creams after the first symptoms (e.g. tingling or itching) or signs (e.g. redness or swelling) appear.

In reality, stop waiting for the perfect time. There’s isn’t one! Herpes simplex virus may start making copies of itself in the body even in the absence of symptoms. It’s better to act on it quickly and prevent recurrent cold sores every month.

Although results in the testimonials may not be typical and your results may vary, experience makes it possible to feel and see the difference. Not all people will start seeing the same benefits. Again, it depends on the body in question.

The program is meant to protect healthy cells and speed healing from the cold sore infection. Though one could knock out cold sore in a day or two, this unique program is effective in treating acute recurrence of cold sores.

Once you’ve clicked the “Add to Cart” button, you’ll be taken to the secure checkout page. Just enter your information to get instant access to The Cold Sore Treatment program.

The top global internet retailer ClickBank is the retailer of this product. The ClickBank continues to uphold the payment card industry’s highest security standards with PCI DSS Level 1 Compliance Certification.

It employs 256-Bit secure encryption technologies using SSL from trusted vendors like Verisign and Thawte to store and maintain sensitive personal or financial information. This level of security is the same used by all leading banks.

The Cold Sore Treatment program comes with a full, money-back promise. If you’re unsatisfied – IN ANY WAY – within 60 days of purchase, just send an email or look up your order.

And I’ll personally refund your investment immediately with no questions asked. (I just ask that you give the program an honest try.) Of course, you can keep your free gifts. It’s that simple!

Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, not just because it’s my job, but because I care.

No physical products will be shipped saving you a lot of time and money. All materials are digital and sent to you as an instant downloadable e-book in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Any computer can use it. You can read it on your iPad, iPhone, Android tablets, smartphones, PCs and Macs. So, you can access it whenever you like, wherever you are.

You will be able to download the entire program including free gifts in less than 2 minutes after payment.

1Langenberg A.G.M. et al. “A PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF NEW INFECTIONS WITH HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2” New England Journal of Medicine. 1999;341:1432-8

2Swart, P.J., Kuipers, M.E., Smit, C., van der Strate, B.W.A.,Harmsen, M.C., Meijer, D.K.F., 1998. Lactoferrin: antivi-ral activity of lactoferrin. In: Spik, G., Legrand, D.,Mazurier, J., Pierce, A., Perraudin, J.P. (Eds.), Advancesin Lactoferrin Research. Plenum Press, New York, pp.205–213

3Kleine MW, Stauder GM, Beese EW. The intestinal absorption of orally administered hydrolytic enzymes and their effects in the treatment of acute herpes zoster as compared with those of oral acyclovir therapy. Phytomedicine. 1995 Jul;2(1):7-15.

4Mostad SB, Kreiss JK, et al. Cervical shedding of herpes simplex virus in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women: effects of hormonal contraception, pregnancy, and vitamin A deficiency. J Infect Dis. 2000 Jan;181(1):58-63.

5Terezhalmy, G. T., Bottomley, W. K. et al. The use of water-soluble bioflavonoid – ascorbic acid complex in the treatment of recurrent herpes labialis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1978 Jan;45(1):56-62.

6Spotswood Spruance, MD et al. “High-dose, short-duration, early valacyclovir therapy for episodic treatment of cold sores: Results of two randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter studies”. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2003: 1072-80.

7Habif, Thomas. “Warts, Herpes Simplex, and Other Viral Infections” Clinical Dermatology, 4th Edition. Ed. Thomas Habif, MD. New York: Mosby, 2004. 381-388.

8Griffith RS, Norins AL, Kagan C. (1978). “A multicentered study of lysine therapy in Herpes simplex infection”. Dermatologica. 156 (5): 257–267.

9 Tookey P, Peckham CS. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection in the British Isles. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1996; 10:432–42.

10Atmaca G. Antioxidant effects of sulfur-containing amino acids. Yonsei Med J. 2004 Oct 31;45(5):776-88.

11Mann JA, Fowkes SW, “Wipe Out Herpes with BHT”, Manhattan Beach, Calif: MegaHealth Society; 1983.

12Baroody, Theodore A, Jr. Alkalize or Die. 8th ed. Waynesville, NC: Holographic Health Press, 1991.

13Yeung-Yue, Kimberly. “Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2.” Dermatologic Clinics 20(2002): 1-21.

14Shambaugh GE Jr. Zinc: the neglected nutrient. Am J Otol. 1989 Mar;10(2):156-60.

15D.E. Larson, ed. Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (2nd ed.), William Morrow, 1996.

16Schlossberg, D. Current Therapy of Infectious Disease. St. Louis: Mosby, 1996.

17Olshevsky, V., Becher, V. Virology, 1970, 40, 948.

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