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End of Gout cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

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The memory of how it used to hurt makes me wince even today.

Was it the most painful thing in the world? I reckon so.

Gout hurt like nothing I’ve ever known.

To the point that it made me cry. Real tears.

And I don’t cry for anything or anyone.

Doctors did their best. They told me to eat less meat, drink less alcohol. Drink more water.

Take these medications to reduce the symptoms.

And so on. You may well be familiar with all this.

But let me tell you: if I had known then what I know now I wouldn’t have bothered with any of that.

Because too many doctors today are still fixated on gout’s symptoms – rather than gout’s actual causes.

Whereas US and European research over the last couple of decades has revealed what actually causes gout.

Meaning that a natural, drug-free remedy for gout is already known. And practitioners were getting close to 100% clear-up rates.

I was a little skeptical at first. I thought I’d have to manage gout for the rest of my life.

But way too many people have been restored to gout-free health for me to ignore the evidence.

And I’m so glad I didn’t ignore it. Because I haven’t had gout for over two years now.

No pain, no flare-ups. Nothing.

I can’t tell you how happy I am about that!

Here’s how it happened:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

The attacks came just about every month and they were simply awful.

Now, I haven’t had an attack for more than 2 years. I don’t think I’ll ever have another one ever again.

At their worst those attacks were disabling. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t go to work….

I was literally unable to get up because even the slightest movement of the affected area was beyond unbearable.

I couldn’t sleep properly with bedclothes … which, in cooler weather, meant turning the heating up in the house.

Not comfortable for my wife, not good for our energy bills.

After my first encounter with gout my doctor gave me the standard explanation of its causes.

He said that gout was caused by excess uric acid in the blood.

Uric acid is a byproduct of the processing of certain foods.

The uric acid comes from the liver as a waste product. It’s sent to the kidneys from where it is supposed to be removed from the body.

I had gout because, in a nutshell, gout is what you get when your body isn’t expelling all its uric acid.

The excess uric acid forms tiny, spike-shaped crystals.

Those crystals get into your bloodstream.

From there, they find their way into your joints.

And from time-to-time the immune system attacks them.

And when the immune system does that… the inflammation that results is experienced as a ‘gout attack’.

Also known as excruciating, awful pain.  

If you suffer from gout then I truly feel for you. I know what you’re going through.

It’s been just over 2 years now since my final gout attack. But I still remember what it felt like.

Anyway, that was the doctor’s explanation of gout. So far, so simple.

Over the first year or so my gout attacks went from one attack every 1 or 2 months, to monthly and then, occasionally, to every few weeks.

I started with the standard meds: anti-inflammatories, steroid jabs, drugs to reduce the uric acid in my blood….

Really, despite his best intentions I think my doctor was simply trying things out.

Treatments are offered as much in hope as in the expectation they’ll do anything.

But even when a drug did do some good I knew I was just managing the condition.

And I realized that for many gout sufferers this was the case.

They could swallow any number of pills, inject as much steroid as their bodies could handle… and avoid every suspect piece of food and drink.

The underlying problem – the actual cause of the gout – was still there, creating all sorts of problems for the body to deal with.

I followed the typical Do’s and Don’ts. It’s typical stuff – exercise more, lose weight, eat a balanced diet (whatever that is), eat less red meat, don’t smoke (I never have), go a couple of days a week without alcohol…

And it made precisely no difference to my gout at all.

Although, to be honest: if I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t have bothered with any of that.

My natural curiosity prompted me to ask questions about this disease.

If uric acid leads to gout then… why did I suddenly have too much uric acid in my blood?

Well, it makes sense that either (a) I was suddenly producing too much of it or (b) that my body simply was no longer removing it effectively.

And it turns out that the answer is… b.

In fact, for 90% of gout sufferers scientists say it isn’t over-production of uric acid that is the problem.

It’s the under-processing of it.

In other words, something’s going wrong with the body’s ability to expel uric acid properly.

Here’s how I thought about it.

There was a time when I hadn’t even heard of gout – much less suffered from it.

Then I had gout for just over 3 years.

And then, two years ago, I experienced my last ever gout attack. And never suffered another one.

So. For a number of decades of my life my body handled the uric acid effectively.

Suddenly it could no longer handle that acid properly… and so I found myself with gout.

Fast-forward after three years of gout and, once again, everything is fine. I’m gout-free.

It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to work this out.

Remember: it’s not that I’m producing too much uric acid that’s the problem.

It’s that I’m no longer removing enough of it from my body.

So at first, something in my body was working, it was getting rid of the uric acid.

Then it stopped working. So I got gout.

Then it started working again.

The pain disappeared, there were no more flare-ups and I was completely healthy once more.

But there it is: I had gout because something had stopped working.

And it’s that ‘something that had stopped working’ that most of our doctors are failing to address.

If we find out what it is that stopped working – and then started working again – then we’ve found the key to ending gout forever.

I haven’t had even a whisper of gout now for over two years.

And this is because, unlike most sufferers, I found a practitioner who tackled my gout from where it started.

As opposed to just handling the symptoms.

Once she’d done that… the problem of my body not processing uric acid properly was over.

I’m going to tell you about her approach now.

But, first, just be sure about this. Because if you suffer gout this probably is your experience too.

Once my doctor decided I had gout he followed a pretty standard pattern of advice, medications and treatments.

Doctors all over America typically focus on three different approaches to the gout problem.

First, since uric acid is the by-product of the food we eat, they look at dietary restrictions on food – mostly on red meat and alcohol.

The thinking is that if less uric acid is being produced in the first place there’s less for the body to deal with.

That sounds a lot more sensible than it actually it is.

Second, gout patients try drugs that tackle the uric acid that’s already made it to the bloodstream. The aim here is to help the body do its job of dissolving this excess.

That meets with unpredictable results. But, worse, it’s dealing with the excess uric acid – not the reason why there’s excess uric acid.

Finally, other drugs are offered to tackle the pain and inflammation of gout as it arises. Again, this deals with what is happening but not why it’s happening.

Still, on the surface, all this is perfectly understandable.

But there’s a serious problem here.

Because for as long as the emphasis is on tackling gout at the point where the disease is already in some way in motion…

…we’re simply not addressing what set it in motion in the first place.

We feel like we’re doing something useful.

But we’re tinkering at the edges of the problem.

Which is why gout can – and often does – go on for years and years.

Yet it doesn’t have to.

Things get a tiny bit worse.

During that first visit my doctor told me two other things. And I didn’t like either of them.

First, he pointed out that each gout attack makes another attack more likely. Once you’ve had a few attacks that’s about it… get ready for gout as a regular thing.

Some people that have had attacks of gout over a longer period can end up developing a more chronic, or persistent, form of gout.

It’s called chronic tophaceous gout and the pain and loss of mobility is life-altering and disabling.

Gout is a risk factor for other conditions – some of them even more serious than the gout itself.

In other words, because I had gout it was more likely that I’d get at least one of those other conditions.

And those other conditions included heart disease – particularly heart failure and strokes.

He added that gout was also a risk factor for obesity, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, stress and a number of unpleasant other conditions.

And there isn’t a limit on which of those afflictions I could find myself suffering from.

It might be that, in time, I contracted just one of them.

But it could be two of them. Or three.

The possibility of my gout being a risk factor for me suffering those all at once did shock me quite a bit.

I felt like I was just waiting for something else to go badly wrong with my health.

Just over 2 years ago I had a gout attack that was so painful I was crying.

I’m not one of life’s cryers.

But I had let it go on for a week and was in so much pain I honestly started questioning whether I wanted to live.

I went back to my doctor – turned out he was on vacation. So I saw one of his colleagues instead.

She was a nice lady. Thoughtful. She listened.

And she could tell I was badly affected by this latest flare-up.

We had a long conversation and she told me about a practitioner who specializes in dealing with gout.

Seems this practitioner had a startling record with permanently ending gout for her clients.

Not reducing it. Removing it.

That practitioner’s approach was verified both in theory, in experiment and in real life.

She based it on three decades of science coming from leading researchers in the US and Europe.

The research’s successes in tackling a range of health conditions are mounting up – and for some years now the medical community has been rethinking some of their most fundamental ideas about how the body works.

From that research she had created her ‘gout strategy’ that is now having such profound results for gout sufferers.

My doctor admitted it wasn’t her area of expertise.

So she gave me the name of that alternative health practitioner she’d mentioned.

And that’s when I first heard of Shelly Manning.

And, if it’s not too dramatic a statement to make, what I learned from Shelly changed my life.

Shelly Manning is an accomplished natural health researcher and writer. She began her work on natural health remedies after suffering years of very painful arthritis.

She discovered that where modern medicine was consistently failing to relieve a person of their suffering it was often because they didn’t really know what was causing the condition in the first place.

They tackled what they could see… but the rest was a mystery.

Shelly’s research took in dozens of peer-reviewed studies from universities across the world – plus personal testimonies from hundreds of arthritis sufferers.

She eventually became completely free of arthritis – which was not only an immense relief to her but it also drove her to share her discoveries with others so that they too would never suffer such horrible ongoing pain.

Both her arthritis and her gout remedies are hugely successful today and many people have Shelly to thank for their pain-free lives.

She laid out some simple gout truths that made perfect sense to me.

First, she pointed out that doctors always tell you to eat healthily because, whether you’re ill or healthy, it’s generally sound advice.

What’s more, if you go from eating and drinking a lot of junk to eating lots of good quality food then your overall health is bound to improve a little.

But this is where I learned a startling insight from Shelly:

You can eat correctly – as your doctors tell you to.

But you can also eat correctly specifically for gout.

Which isn’t the same thing.

Because you can eat food that specifically tackles gout head-on.

Food that removes the source of gout. That ‘something that stopped working’ that we learned about earlier.

And that’s a whole different ball game.

How this insight came about is fascinating.

Scientists have long known food is a medicine.

But what’s been happening since the 1980s is that scientists have steadily worked out why it’s a medicine.

Shelly Manning understands the science of this inside out. What she told me was jaw-dropping.

But let me give you the short version.

And we’ll start with something really weird.

No, your gut’s not weird. Not in itself.

You have, it is estimated, something like 75 trillion bacteria in your gut.

There are more bacteria in the gut than cells in the entire human body. And you’ve had them all your life.

The bacteria in our gut make up what is called our ‘microbiome’.

The microbiome refers to all the bacteria that live with us in our guts.

It’s the community of bacteria – plus other micro-organisms – that are permanently with us.

There’s nothing special or unusual about the human microbiome.

In fact, plenty of mammals – and some insects – also have microbiomes. They’re a fact of life.

We humans have had our gut microbiome since the dawn of humanity. We need it.

But, of course, when we hear the word ‘bacteria’ we imagine something awful.

Disease. Contagion. Illness. Death.

Because mostly we associate ‘bacteria’ with being very ill.

They’re something to fight off the moment we get them.

We buy products from our supermarket that boast how quickly and effectively they kill bacteria.

But bacteria are just single-celled organisms that can be found just about anywhere.

Some are dangerous. Some are highly beneficial.

It depends which bacteria they are. And it depends on where they are.

Those that exist within us – within our gut microbiome – are largely beneficial to us.

In fact, in a healthy human being some 95% of them are responsible for a number of vital body processes that either keep us healthy… or keep us alive.

Yes. They’re that important.

We are, in fact, extraordinarily dependent on the health of our microbiome.

So much about us on the surface – our health, our moods, our body weight – reflects what’s going on in the gut.

Incredibly, scientists are now recognizing that the microbiome – our gut bacteria – is so vital to our general health that some think of it as an organ in its own right.

They regard it as important to our existence as the kidneys or the heart or the lungs.

In fact, scientists are able to transplant the gut bacteria from a healthy person into the gut of a diseased patient in order to cure disease.

Known as faecal microbiota transplants these procedures repopulate people’s unhealthy gut microbiome with healthy, thriving bacteria.

Bacteria transplants… who’d have thought it?

But scientists state that that’s how vital it is to keep your gut in its best shape possible.

We need to maintain a health ratio of 95% friendly, life-enhancing bacteria with 5% being whatever else is there.

When that ratio goes out of balance humans become vulnerable to infection, poisoning, malnourishment, and a whole range of degenerative and lifestyle disorders.

It’s really hard to overstate how important our gut health is to us.

A healthy microbiome – a healthy gut – is our health in many respects.

Obesity is now thought of as a gut disease. Unhealthy bacteria get the upper hand in your gut and cause the kind of food cravings that most of us find so hard to resist.

And gut health also affects mental health. Moods, basically.

Scientists now believe that persistently feeling low for no apparent reason may have a bacterial explanation.

So let’s be absolutely clear about this.

Your gut bacteria aren’t just add-ons to your health – they are your health.

In the same way that a faulty liver will cause you big problems….

Just as a weak heart will require expert attention in order to keep you alive….

Like lungs that don’t function properly or kidneys that are diseased or a lymph system that isn’t working effectively…

Your gut health is vital to your overall health because your gut bacteria do things that your body itself can’t do.

To be healthy we must make sure that we encourage beneficial, healthy bacteria to flourish, whilst at the same time we discourage less beneficial or harmful bacteria from doing the same.

If we don’t do this then there are consequences.

And gout is one of those consequences.

And that’s how I got the condition myself. Poor gut health gave me gout.

It’s done the same to you.

But good gut health undid all that damage, making gout nothing more than a distant memory.

And it can do the same for you.

You really can do something about your condition now.

What I learned from Shelly Manning is that if you practice ‘healthy eating’ then you may affect you gut health for the better – even if that wasn’t your intention.

In other words, by eating better foods you may very well accidentally improve things a little.

Unfortunately, we might also accidentally make things a little worse for our gut bacteria.

Some healthy food actually isn’t so healthy for our guts.

If we want to tackle gout once and for all we have to be clear about what helps us… and what hurts us.

So what Shelly does is remove the ‘accident’ aspect of healthy eating.

She focuses hard on what makes out gut bacteria healthier and happier.

And she ensures we don’t do ourselves any harm by ingesting too much of what harms that bacteria.

I finally won the struggle against gout because, for the first time, I could make conscious choices about eating for gut health.

Here was something I could do that would directly tackle that nasty disease head-on.

Shelly’s deliberate, gout-focused strategy addressed my gout at its actual source. My microbiome flourished. And when it did, I did too.

Which changed my life forever.

Scientists are now clear that gut health determines whether or not you have gout.

By comparing the microbiome profiles – the bacteria profiles – of people who have gout with the microbiome profiles of people who do not have gout.

There is a clear difference.

And the differences in the microbiome between gout patients and healthy people are predictable and consistent.

Which means that we can know whether a person has gout just by looking at their microbiome.

Put plainly and simply: gout is a disease of the gut.

It’s because I have one thing you don’t have:

All the right bacteria thriving in my gut.

And, specifically, that bacteria is doing one thing for me that it’s not doing for you.

It’s helping my kidneys process the excess uric acid that causes gout in the first place.

Because that bacteria is converting up to one third of that excess uric acid into something called allantoin – a substance that dissolves in water.

Which means up to a third of my body’s uric acid can be simply got rid of in urine. So, put crudely, I simply pee it out.

No need for my kidneys to process it all. My gut bacteria has it covered.

This is the incredible power of your gut microbiome.

Human bodies can’t turn uric acid into allantoin. But our friendly gut bacteria can.

And when it does that for me… it’s clearing up the excess uric acid in my bloodstream.

Meaning my kidneys don’t have to.

So those pin-like uric acid crystals don’t form.

Which means they don’t find themselves lodged in my joints.

Meaning there’s nothing for my immune system to attack – so nothing to cause excruciating, disabling pain.

My gut will have trillions of bacteria in it whether I want it to or not. So will yours.

But I can choose whether that bacteria is the life enhancing bacteria that keeps me happy, healthy and alive… or the dangerous, disease-giving stuff.

So I have plentiful good, friendly, life-enhancing gut bacteria, working for me, doing things for me that the human body simply cannot do for itself.

And when I made that choice… my gout didn’t stand a chance.

You recall that my doctor told me gout was a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, heart disease, irritable bowel disease and so on.

If you have gout then it’s very likely that you’ll go on to develop one – or more – of the others.

The medical profession has known about the link between these diseases for decades.

They now know why there’s this link.

They’ve found that the bacteria profile in a person with one of these diseases is recognizable and predictable.

In other words, when doctors examine the person’s gut bacteria they already know what to expect.

Because that gut profile – that ratio of healthy bacteria to unhealthy bacteria – is the origin of that condition.

It’s what’s causing it.

Of course, the bacteria profile for each disease will vary.

But once your gut health is going downhill it can be one-way traffic… and the bad effects spread throughout the microbiome.

So defeating gout isn’t, in fact, just defeating gout.

It’s also minimizing your exposure to all those other unpleasant – and, sometimes, fatal – diseases.

And, at the same time, helping you achieve optimal health at all levels – physical, appearance and moods.

Seen this way, why would anyone not address their gut health?

I acquired Shelly Manning’s gout program just over two years ago.

It’s called ‘The End of Gout’.

And it did for me exactly what it says on the cover.

Because I no longer suffer those excruciating gout attacks.

And I don’t have to cancel plans because a flare-up has left me unable to function properly.

I’m never going to experience any of that ever again.

And that’s because I now know how to ensure the health of my friendly gut bacteria. And how to not feed the unfriendly ones.

I’m so glad I made the decision to tackle gout myself.

Shelly’s program gave me everything I needed to know about how and why her approach works so fantastically well.

She goes into some detail about your gut, its bacteria – and why scientists now realize that healing the gut heals the body.

However… you can skip all that if you want to.

You can simply go straight to the program itself. And start getting healthy again.

However you do it, you’ll be very happy that you did.

Shelly Manning’s ‘The End of Gout’ is not only a fascinating read – it’s also refreshingly practical.

Shelly gives you two simple quick-starts:

This simple adjustment can correct years of gout-causing errors in your eating. And you can start on this straight away – within minutes of receiving the program.

The next step is to follow Shelly’s 7-day plan.

It tightens up the ‘quick start’ advice and turns it into a solid, follow-along program.

The 7-day plan was the real clincher for me.

I am a pretty average cook – I’m competent but not at all skilled or adventurous. Turns out I didn’t need to be.

The plan takes away all the thinking and gives me, for the first week, something I can simply copy.

After the first 7 days I used Shelly’s advice to adapt the plan according to my own tastes.

Which was pretty easy – the plan is full of options so you can try different foods and see what you like best.

It’s all food you can buy in your supermarket. And it includes lots of nice stuff… the chocolate and strawberries desserts were real winners in my house!

This isn’t a weight-loss plan. So there isn’t any calorie counting or portion control. I was never hungry.

As a side note, I actually have now lost weight because of the plan – but that’s more to do with the fact that a healthy gut means fewer or no food cravings.

Remember – it’s bad bacteria that craves the food – not you. When they’re gone they take their cravings with them.

I did have a gout flare-up about 10 days after starting the program.

It was noticeably milder than others. It was painful but lasted about 5 days from beginning to end. Which is significantly shorter than what I’m used to.

However, what I didn’t know at that time was this…

that attack was the last one I would ever have.

My gout didn’t announce that it had thrown in the towel.

I had that last attack and never had another one. I am gout-free for life.

There’s now thousands of us who no longer suffer gout because we tackled it at its cause. Instead of just tinkering with the symptoms.

Remember, I got gout for the same reasons you have it now.

An unhealthy gut microbiome meant that bacteria that should have been removing a third of my body’s uric acid… simply wasn’t.

That bacteria had diminished to the point that my kidneys were trying to deal with the acid on their own.

And they couldn’t cope.

It wasn’t that I was suddenly producing too much uric acid. It’s that my gut was no longer able to help my kidneys remove it from my body.

By following Shelly Manning’s program I ate myself back to health.

And the transformation – from gout to no gout – almost felt like magic.

You can possibly imagine it yourself.. what it would be like to simply never have any gout ever again.

Take my word for it, it’s wonderful!

No flare-ups, no pain, no being laid-up in bed for days waiting for the pain to subside.

No wondering if some future event will be messed up because I’m laid up in agony with another attack.

Just as pleasing is that I’ve also dramatically reduced my risks of suffering diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease and some cancers.

Shelly’s program lays it all out for us. No special knowledge is required. I found it easy.

The End of Gout works. The science behind it is solid and accepted the world over.

Thousands of people like me – happy, ex-sufferers – will confirm that repairing unhealthy bacteria is the way to remedy conditions like gout…

…conditions that doctors typically struggle with – and never really cure.

And since there’s no doubt that you will enjoy the same results as the rest of us Shelly offers you a money-back guarantee.

If, any time within 60 days of you purchasing ‘The End of Gout’, your gout hasn’t completely gone she’ll give you your money back. Simple as that.

So you can afford to be good to yourself. And you can start saying goodbye to your gout right now.

Click on the link and get your own copy of Shelly Manning’s ‘The End of Gout’.

Buying her program was the single best thing I ever did for my health.

You’ll agree. And she guarantees it.

Get your copy of the program here…

Shelly Manning’s program basically hand-held me to health. It walked me from A to Z. Which, to be honest, is pretty much what I needed it to do.

She attacks the problem at it cause.

And the cause is well understood. Your bacteria has depleted and isn’t helping dispose of excess uric acid.

You’ve lost too much good, healthy bacteria.

So repopulate your gut by feeding it properly.

It honestly isn’t more complicated than this.

Sometimes I can’t quite believe my gout is gone.

But it is. And it won’t be back.

Would you like the same for yourself?

Click here and Shelly’s ‘The End of Gout’ will be with you in about 90 seconds…

Don’t doubt that your gut health is poor.

The bacteria environment in a gout sufferer is basically sick.

Friendly, life-enhancing bacteria are in retreat.

And their place in your gut is being taken by that steadily increasing number of bacteria that will only do harm.

Put that way, you perhaps realize that you don’t have gout at all.

You actually have a diseased gut.

Gout is one of a diseased gut’s many possible symptoms.

In time, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, kidney failure and some cancers are much more likely because of that same diseased gut.

Don’t do this to yourself.

Do what thousands of ex-gout sufferers have done.

We took charge of our gout… by taking charge of our health.

And by doing that we not only freed ourselves of that deeply unpleasant condition…

…. we also drastically reduced the chances of catching something even worse.

We know that if we don’t address disease properly things tend to get steadily worse. Which is the last thing we want. Now, then, is the time to act.

Click here and get your copy of The End of Gout…

You’ll be immediately redirected to the member’s area where you can download the “End of Gout” program or read it online.

Testimonial / Case Study Legal Disclaimer: The story, testimonials, and case studies discussed on this page may be unique. You may or may not enjoy similar results from using the methods discussed. We neither make any claims nor offer any guarantees regarding the health improvements or specific results you may enjoy from following our guidance. Always consult your doctor before taking any actions regarding your health.

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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

Click here to get My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Finding out I had chronic kidney disease – CKD – was only the start of it.

Realizing that CKD is really difficult to treat… and that it inevitably gets worse was shocking.

I faced ending up on a dialysis machine. Hoping and praying for a suitable kidney donor.

And losing years off the end of my life because with CKD… there’s no way out.

As my doctor showed me, all this has now changed. CKD is not the life sentence it once was.

And as I found out myself, he was absolutely right. Today chronic kidney disease for me is a distant memory..!

Take a look at this and I’ll explain.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to believe that once you had chronic kidney disease then that was it… you were pretty much stuck for life.

I thought there was not much you could do – except tweak it as best you can and hope to goodness that it didn’t get worse.

Maybe you’ve heard the same.

I really believed it too.

But I don’t any more. 

Because of something my doctor showed me I now know there’s an awful lot you can do to manage CKD – and what you can do turned out to be literally life-changing.

CKD isn’t a life-sentence

I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease – CKD – just over 2 years ago.

My doctor explained that there is a number of reasons why we get CKD. But it was always caused by something else that was already going wrong in the body.

Diabetes, heart disease, various cardiovascular diseases, being very overweight and so on. They can all cause CKD.

High blood pressure was the cause of my CKD.

Your CKD may have a different cause. But the result is the same.

My doctor told me that chronic kidney disease can’t be tackled directly. Instead, doctors address the diseases that cause it in the first place.

Which, for me, meant tackling my blood pressure problem.

It might be a different fight for you depending on what’s causing your own CKD.

But whatever the cause, the strategy is the same: alleviate the problems of the CKD itself while addressing the underlying disease that is causing the CKD in the first place.

Unfortunately, using standard methods CKD can – and often does – get progressively worse. As it gets worse it becomes a significantly more threatening disease.

There was no way I could just accept that. No way.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to accept it. I did something else instead.

Which has meant that these days I can’t remember what CKD even feels like anymore.

But before I jump ahead of myself, let me make this important point.

My doctor taught me something very worrying about CKD.

The disease has 5 stages. Stage 1 is the mildest.

Stage 5 is as serious as it gets.

Stage 5 can shorten a person’s life by many, many years.

You do not want to reach stage 5. 

My CKD was at stage 3 when it was discovered. Most of us only discover our CKD when it’s already well underway.

The danger here is that CKD gets progressively worse. Doctors find it very difficult to halt CKD’s progress into stages 4 and then 5.

At stage 5 you are plugged into a dialysis machine. You hope and pray for a suitable kidney donor so that you can squeeze some more years out of life… before finally succumbing. 

Dialysis machines and kidney transplants were not for me. 

I didn’t care that other people coped with being strapped to a dialysis machine for hours on end four or five times a week.

That’s them. It’s not me.

And I didn’t care that, for people lucky enough to find kidney donors, better transplant techniques meant that they weren’t dying so quickly afterwards. 

As far as I was concerned… once you reach the kidney dialysis machines and transplant stage your days are numbered.

I had – and still have – many years of life ahead of me.

And I wanted those years to be healthy, happy, enjoyable.

Not ill, diseased… watching my clock run down.

I felt very low, to be honest.

My doctor gave me the standard spiel: we can handle the symptoms, we can try to address underlying causes… with the right meds you could lead a fairly normal life. And so on.

I told him this wasn’t good enough. I didn’t want my life cut short with a disease that – at least officially – had no way of being reversed.

I didn’t want to watch myself deteriorate week by week. I didn’t want to be plugged into a dialysis machine. I didn’t want a transplant.

And I didn’t want to die early.

I was very upset. I didn’t know what to do next.

But I didn’t want to just do nothing.

I’ve known my doctor since college. He’s a trusted friend. He told me to come back at the end of the day and we could go for a coffee and a chat.

He had something important to tell me.

Well, what my doctor told me that afternoon was jaw-dropping.

He described how he’d witnessed five of his own patients treat their chronic kidney disease to the point that they now experienced none of its symptoms.

Here’s the thing: they had first treated the underlying cause – the condition that gave rise to their CKD in the first place. That had led to the melting away of both that condition’s symptoms and their CKD symptoms.

Which was staggering. We’re talking about diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity here…

He wouldn’t claim they no longer had the disease – professionally he’s not allowed to say that yet. Tests are still taking place, official verification is required – that takes years to complete.

But when one of his own patients attempted an alternative health approach to his chronic kidney disease…. and by all measures, succeeded… my doctor couldn’t ignore that.

The effects weren’t temporary – they lasted.

My doctor explained that conventional medicine was still testing these new remedies. But ordinary people had jumped straight in and had been applying them for some years.

No drugs, no hospitals… and the results were fantastic.

I was excited and nervous when I heard this. But everything we discussed that day I went on to prove to myself.

But before I jump ahead of myself let me tell you what else my doctor told me.

We’ve always known that CKD is caused by other conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, too much excess weight and so on.

So it makes sense to tackle those conditions if we’re to address CKD.

Doctors tackle those conditions either by significantly reducing their effect on our bodies… or by successfully reversing them completely.

This much has been well understood for a long time.

We also know another vital element of the story: that the conditions I listed above – diabetes, high blood pressure and so on – are often the result of low-level, ongoing inflammation in the body.

Those conditions are either made worse by this ongoing inflammation – or, more often, are directly caused by it. 

Finally, we’re well aware that the inflammation itself is mostly caused by a faulty immune system.

In other words, our immune system is being triggered way too often.

Which leads to ongoing inflammation… which in turn overwhelms our bodies and creates damage throughout.

So… a faulty immune system… leads to widespread inflammation… which leads to one or more of the diseases mentioned. Which leads to CKD.

This is the pathway to disease.

But what causes the faulty, malfunctioning immune system in the first place?

What’s that initial trigger that sets off the whole thing?

That has always been a mystery. Yet if doctors could find out how to stop the immune system from malfunctioning then the inflammation, the disease and the CKD… all goes away.

In the last few years scientists finally found out.

The immune system malfunction that causes your chronic kidney disease comes from problems in the gut.

We now realize that, incredibly, most of the western world’s major killer diseases begin in our guts.

This one insight has changed forever how scientists now tackle disease.

And this isn’t theory, by the way. It’s not guesswork.

It’s heavily researched, scientific knowledge.

When we’re talking about your gut we’re not talking about bloating or stomach ache or anything like that.

We’re talking about the fascinating environment within your intestinal tract.

That environment – also called the microbiome – contains trillions of fantastically useful bacteria.

We’re used to thinking of bacteria as being harmful. But over 90% of the bacteria in a healthy gut perform functions that keep you alive. 

They do things for you that your body itself simply cannot do.

When healthy gut bacteria dominate our guts – and unhealthy gut bacteria are kept to a minimum – we are at our healthiest and happiest.

When this balance is disturbed we get ill. If it’s disturbed for long enough, we get very ill.

Here are just a few functions gut bacteria carry out for us:

Good bacteria literally keeps us alive. So we need it to be in the best shape possible.

If the number of good bacteria are reducing then bad bacteria gain an upper-hand in your gut.

Given enough time the damage they cause to your body can be bad, then severe – then fatal.

Conditions that are directly linked to poor gut health include:

Recognize anything on this list?

If you have even one of these then your gut health either has a major hand in it or – in most cases – your gut health is the actual cause of it.

Remember the pathway to disease we mentioned a moment ago? We understand that pathway now:

Poor gut health leads to immune system malfunction… which leads to low-level inflammation… which leads to one or more of the above diseases. Which then leads to CKD.

By the way, if you’re a Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) sufferer who has been told that your diabetes is for life because its cause is unknown… that story is currently being rewritten.

Consider this from a 2018 white paper:

Recent evidence shows that altered gut bacterial composition is highly associated with T1D and, thus, targeting gut microbiota may serve as a therapeutic potential for T1D patients.

‘Pathogenesis’ simply means ‘the development of the disease’. The scientists here are suggesting that the therapy for Type 1 Diabetes is to target the state of the sufferer’s gut health.

Or this from a 2019 white paper:

Among the included studies, 24 articles confirmed the association between gut microbiota dysbiosis and T1D.

‘Gut microbiota dysbiosis’ refers to imbalances in the environment of the gut. Here, the researchers have confirmed that the state of the gut is associated with Type 1 Diabetes.

Dozens of heavyweight scientific research papers are reaching the same incredible conclusion.

Researchers aren’t allowed yet to claim that repairing gut health successfully eliminates T1D – even though the evidence points convincingly in that direction.

But gut health is heavily implicated in T1D – in the same way that gut health is now known to often be the only cause of all the other conditions I just mentioned.

It’s this insight that is now leading us into startling – yet very simple – remedies for western society’s most deadly diseases.

Get those gut bacteria healthy and everything that was going wrong – including CKD – starts going right again.

But what causes our guts to become unhealthy?

There’s no doubt at all about the causes: it’s our lifestyle choices.

‘Lifestyle’ simply refers to the usual suspects: stress, sleep, fitness and diet.

Which, at first sight, all seems pretty bland and dull. We’ve heard all this before.

But now it’s very different. Because now scientists understand the direct link between what we do… and how we get disease.

Poor lifestyle habits slowly ruin our gut health. They decimate good bacteria – allowing bad bacteria to thrive and expand their deadly effects.

Our gut environment becomes less helpful to us… and steadily more deadly.

Which makes it inevitable that, in time, we will end up either very ill or fatally ill.

The damage that bad habits do to our gut bacteria is almost the entire reason we are tired, ill, overweight, suffer low moods and struggle as we get older.

We say it’s ‘age’ that causes disease. That’s absolute nonsense.

It’s the slow and steady neglect of our gut health that causes disease. We do it to ourselves. We don’t mean to. But it’s what we do.

Poor lifestyle habits are the primary reason (for millions of us, they’re the only reason) we contract western society’s worst diseases – heart, blood, liver, kidney…

Your basic lifestyle habits directly and dramatically determine whether you’ll be ill at all.

And if you will be ill those habits determine which illnesses you’ll get – and how they will play out over the long-term.

Take heart though. This knowledge is, literally, life-saving.

We’ve now discovered at the deepest level why we get ill.

Which means we can get well again.

Simple, specific changes to some daily habits are now ridding people of a whole array of horrible conditions.

There is a right way of doing this, of course. It’s not simply a matter of ‘eating healthily’ (whatever that means) or ‘getting more exercise’ (which not all CKD sufferers are able to do).

When someone is so ill that their kidneys are starting to fail then correcting specific lifestyle habits can change their life.

Done properly, it can save their life.

Beware though that the standard advice we see in magazines or on popular websites isn’t right for CKD sufferers.

We have a specific condition and that requires new and very specific action. It’s easier than most people believe – but it has to be right.

Correcting these lifestyle factors properly can be literally transforming – more powerful than medications and even more life-improving than surgery.

But diet – what we eat and what we drink – is the kingpin of disease.

It’s the supreme dictator of how we’re going to suffer as we grow older – or even if we’re going to suffer at all.

You can eat your way back to healthy gut bacteria – and, therefore, full vibrant health.

There are many, many foods that you can eat unlimited amounts of.

Including – happily – a number of foods that  ‘fad diets’ tell you not to touch.

Everything you need to eat can be bought at a local supermarket. Half of it is possibly already in your kitchen.

Essentially though you must eat enough of the right things in the right quantities. Do that and everything else falls beautifully into place.

I thought sleep and stress and fitness and diet were just things that other people paid attention to. I was sensible enough to not eat like a pig.

And I didn’t think I was suffering stress any more than the average person was. All life has some stress, doesn’t it?

But, really, I didn’t give my food – or anything else about my lifestyle habits –  much attention.

In truth, I didn’t really know how to.

I enjoyed life, worked hard… but behind the scenes things were steadily going wrong with my health.

Today, I thank my lucky stars that I found out how to undo what was going wrong.

My health today is like it was 25 years ago. It’s like I’ve not aged a single minute.

Today, we know accurately what we can do to make all the nasty stuff go away.

If we address our health problems today in ways shown to actually work…. then we can reverse the diseases that plague us.

And as we do this, the symptoms of chronic kidney disease melt away to nothing.

That’s an opportunity we’ve not had before. Because only now have scientists finally worked out the full path – all the steps – from good health to disease.

Remember the path: gut health… malfunctioning immune system… widespread inflammation… disease… CKD

And understanding that, we have a simple way of going backwards – of reversing from CKD back to health.

So my doctor is explaining all this over coffee – well, three coffees to be accurate.

It was a heck of a lot to take in.

It all led to one obvious question though: how do I go about applying all this to myself?

How does an ordinary person like me make use of all this powerful stuff?

My doctor told me he knew of a health practitioner who had turned these new insights into a series of steps for CKD sufferers to follow.

The program showed them a way out of their suffering – all described in plain English.

He had already recommended the program to other CKD patients. And those who followed it enjoyed life-changing results.

That’s exactly what I wanted.

I wanted something I could do – something that I knew others had successfully completed.

Something that had successfully addressed their CKD.

The program that does it is called The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution.

It was created by Shelly Manning, a natural health practitioner who already had stunning results in other areas of health.

The patient who had first told my doctor about this program had himself suffered diabetes. If he could successfully address that and his CKD… then I wanted to be doing what he had done.

I ordered it as soon as I got home and it arrived in my inbox a few minutes later.

I started reading it there and then. And that was the moment my life changed forever.

Today I don’t know if I still have chronic kidney disease or not.

Even though he had seen it before, my doctor was delighted by my transformation.

A transformation I was able to feel and he was able to measure…

Today I eat very well, sleep soundly and am super relaxed.

I’m slim, happy, healthy and on top of the world.

I no longer experience any CKD symptoms. Not one. My blood pressure has been normal for over a year now.

I still have routine tests to ensure all is okay. It always is.

Whether I’m officially still a CKD sufferer or not, I doubt I’ve been this healthy since my twenties.

Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution is a straightforward plan for the complete relief of CKD symptoms.

All I had to do was follow Shelly’s instructions. My body naturally took care of the rest.

It was easy work. And some of the pay-offs came quickly – I felt different after just 4 days.

Some of her instructions were so ordinary that I couldn’t see how they would have much effect. But they did.

And given that I’ve swapped high blood pressure, diseased kidneys, tiredness, fatigue and low mood for vibrant health and a very big smile…

…I can safely say that doing what she advised was one of my smarter life decisions.

Let me be bluntly honest with you here. Going from healthy to ill didn’t happen in an instant. Years of unhelpful lifestyle habits led gradually to chronic kidney disease.

We address illness in the same way: step by step.

So Shelly’s program works us back to health through three very specific phases:

Phase 1: Protect from kidney damage

First we stop damaging our kidneys any further and give them the space they need to heal.

It takes some simple alterations to our daily habits to achieve this.

We begin addressing gut health too. Those good bacteria respond quickly and as they recover so does our health.

I felt positive effects of this within days: a little less tired, a little more focused, more cheerful.

Phase 1 also directly focuses on balancing blood glucose levels.

Note this isn’t a portion-control or calorie-control diet. Shelly encourages more eating, not less. It’s knowing what to eat that makes such a profound difference.

Phase 2: Restore kidney function

We continue to establish stable blood sugar levels for life.

Gut health has significantly improved – I was feeling noticeably more energetic, focused and upbeat. And despite eating as much food as I liked I was 12 pounds lighter.

Having released the stresses they were under my damaged kidneys were now slowly regaining their original functioning.

I was sleeping better than I had in years – even though I’ve never had a real sleep problem.

Phase 3: Repair and renew kidney tissue

At Stage 3 blood sugars are naturally stabilized – and they stay that way.

My blood pressure was now comfortably back in the healthy range – which was both a delight and a relief.

Using specific foods and natural supplements I generated new stem cells to repair kidney and heart tissue. The supplements were cheap and I got them from my local supermarket. I only had to use them for a short period – but the benefit was enormous: I was literally creating a new, healthy body.

So much about my health was completely turned around. CKD symptoms were completely gone. Life-threatening blood pressure was normalized.

Shelly’s program is natural, simple and easy to follow. No doctor visits, no drugs, no complications. No bills, no expenses.

Which is why thousands of people are now taking the decision to transform their lives like this – and bring to an end their disease once and for all.

Okay, I’m teasing a little bit.

But I eat plenty yet remain slim. Mentally and emotionally I’m on top of the world.

I’ve not just finally addressed my chronic kidney disease – and the associated conditions that caused it.

I’ve also extended my lifespan. I will live longer.

And I’ll enjoy those extra years in good health – without the endless illnesses, medications and hospital visits that we’re conditioned to expect as we age.

The health effects of doing the right things has a profound effect on every aspect of my wellbeing – even at the smallest details.

I don’t even catch colds anymore!

It’s like I swapped a tired out body for a brand new one.

These aren’t miracle outcomes. Shelly isn’t claiming to be some sort of health genius who discovered something that nobody else noticed.

These life-enhancing changes come from researched, verified, documented science from the US, Europe and across the world.

Outstanding health is simply the inevitable result of making the exact choices that the body needs you to make.

We’re so used to getting ill we forget that your body isn’t meant to be diseased. It’s meant to be healthy.

Illness is caused. And it’s our lifestyle behaviors that cause it.

By undoing lifestyle damage you’re simply restoring yourself to the good health that your body always tries to reach anyway. You’re returning yourself to normal.

Shelly’s lifestyle plan shows us exactly how to do that.

Three years ago I decided not to suffer the deeply unpleasant effects of chronic kidney disease a moment longer.

I didn’t want to end up strapped to a kidney dialysis machine. And I didn’t want to have a transplant.

Today I am completely free of all chronic kidney disease symptoms. My blood pressure is now consistently spot-on. My weight is down, my sugars are stable. My energy is high, my mindset is optimistic and relaxed.

I’ve never felt like this before.

It feels like a miracle. But it isn’t. This is nature at work. This is cause and effect.

Like millions of Americans I’d unknowingly made myself unwell. Now I have knowingly made myself super well.

You deserve this too. I’m guessing that, for you, enough is enough. You want your health back.

Well, you can have it back – just like thousands of us already have. Get Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution right now and you can join us in great health…

Her program works – but in case you’re the cautious type she has a full 60-day money-back guarantee. No questions.

Thousands of us are now fully healthy and happy. Join is now…

Remember: your body strives to be healthy. It does its best.

Lifestyle mistakes – the kind that millions of us make – work against it.

Undo those lifestyle mistakes and your body starts working its way back to its preferred state – which is vibrant health.

Do exactly the right things the right way and it’s impossible to avoid being healthy, energetic and happy.

Shelly Manning shows you exactly what those right things are.

Protect, restore, renew… not just your kidneys but your entire body.

Thousands of us did it – you can too. Start today.

Click here to receive the program…

What you address gets better. What you ignore gets worse.

This is especially true with chronic kidney disease.

Imagine being attached to a kidney machine 3 or 4 hours a day… for 4 or 5 days a week.

No more holidays. No independence. And a life expectancy reduced by 10, 20 or even 30 years.

And if you’re lucky enough to get a kidney transplant? Then the doctors can give you an estimate for your date of death. Because they know the transplant is temporary. It’ll keep you alive for only so long.

Your life is basically on a countdown timer.

Who on earth wants all that?

Not me. Not you. Don’t put yourself through all this.

Act now and make everything right again. Get The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution here…

Click here to get My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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My Parkinson’s cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Parkinson’s cb | Blue Heron Health News

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I still have Parkinson’s Disease. My specialist told me I always will.

But I don’t suffer from the illness any more. And that’s the difference.

Despite everything medical that was going wrong for me then… my life is now back to normal.

Actually, a little better than normal.

I’m one of thousands who have transformed their health…. But I still feel blessed.

Let me tell you how this turnaround happened.

I’d first gone to my doctor with concerns about – of all things – my balance.

My muscles had been feeling increasingly stiff and I’d been feeling unsteady on my feet for a long time.

When a friend noticed a slight shaking in my left arm I knew I had to see someone about it.

It took a number of mental and physical tests for specialists to confirm the worst. But once it was confirmed I went into a state of absolute shock.

The specialist spelt out the long-term possibilities for me.

But however much of a positive spin he tried to put on the diagnosis – it all ended in the same place: therapies, drugs, specialist care…

And the never-ending falling-apart that comes with a degenerative brain disease.

I was on a downward slope to goodness knows what.

Of course, now that I’m off that downward slope I feel very different about things.

But I admit that I went into a miserable slump. I really didn’t take in much of what they were telling me.

All I could see was a person old before their time, having to rely on others to help me perform even my most personal functions…

I had never thought about my life ending up like that.

For weeks I was just too upset to think or do anything.

Then one morning I woke up and I felt completely different about it.

I was angry instead. I was filled with a sense of injustice. Why me? How did I come to deserve this?

I started to research Parkinson’s Disease like a person possessed.

And quickly discovered there’s a lot of information out there.

Too much in fact. Some of it quite complex. Some of it frustratingly contradictory.

And some of it is just plain wrong.

After three weeks of searching I stumbled – quite by accident – on something that was the turning point in my struggle with the disease. In fact, what I found out turned my health – and my life – completely around.

I’m going to tell you now what made the difference.

And it’s all based on why we get this horrible condition in the first place.

Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative brain illness.

Why does our brain health start to degenerate?

It degenerates due to a loss of nerve cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra.

These nerve cells in the substantia nigra manufacture a neurotransmitter called dopamine. But as the nerve cells die off… less dopamine is created.

The loss of dopamine leads to the loss of body control… and leads to a whole cascade of other physical and mental symptoms that combine to steadily ruin a person’s life.

There’s a simple, well-understood trail from good health to Parkinson’s:

Nerve cells dying off in the substantia nigra > reduced dopamine production  > Parkinson’s Disease

However, almost all modern-day medical treatments start at step 2 – reduced dopamine. We’re trying to increase dopamine.

Which sounds sensible at first. But the problem is that we’re tackling a disease that has already started.

And we’re not addressing it at the point of its underlying cause.

It’s like being in a sinking boat and constantly bailing out the water… instead of fixing the leak.

We can bail for so long. And then we sink. 

The reason why most people eventually get so ill with this condition is because almost no treatments tackle step 1 – the dying of the substantia nigra cells.

Yet doesn’t it make sense to address the initial cause of this dreadful condition?

I’ve learnt a lot about this disease..

And here’s the main thing I learnt – and then proved to myself:

In fact, medical scientists have proved that many people with a genetic disposition to this never get it.

While others with no genetic disposition at all still get full-on Parkinson’s that ravages their mental health quickly and remorselessly.

It’s not genetics. It’s a basic illness with recognized causes.

Remember: the substantia nigra produces dopamine. It’s the loss of substantia nigra nerve cells that leads to the loss of dopamine.

And that loss of dopamine leads to Parkinson’s Disease.

Why on earth is the substantia nigra losing those dopamine-producing cells in the first place?

I was shocked to discover that we already know why we’re losing those priceless, life-giving substantia nigra cells.

Yet still do almost nothing about it…

There are 8 main factors leading to Parkinson’s. Some have a small effect. A couple are huge.

Together they’re essential in beating this horrible condition.

In truth, some of them my health-care center already acted on.

For example, they prescribed dopamine-enhancing drugs. For sure, I needed more dopamine.

I had tests and underwent occupational therapy. Again, good stuff – it helped me manage my problems with balance, movement, stiffness.

But I also realized they were not helping me to avoid the worst symptoms of this disease. At best, they were just delaying it.

Yet that’s what I wanted most – to not end up with my own personal Parkinson’s horror story.

Which is why I went headlong into my own research about my illness – and, eventually, found my way out.

Now I should point out here that I am not the kind of person who second-guesses his doctor!

I trust professionals and experts. They studied for years. They do the research. They know plenty.

But their most effective meds came with unpleasant side-effects.

And those meds would become less effective as time wore on.

They would work for a while and then they’d start failing.

And as they failed my health would fail even more.

What kind of future is that?

Although I was getting worse very slowly… I was still noticing it.

That shaking of the hands was very real.

Slowness in my movements had gradually become more noticeable. 

And I was developing other classic symptoms.

My sense of smell started to weaken.

Failure to recall how I’d spent yesterday… complete loss of recall about my own wedding… recognizing faces but not remembering names…

We joke about these things and put them down to age.

But when there’s a diagnosed condition that is actively robbing you of physical and mental abilities… that’s no joke at all.

I knew this condition led to physical disability.

I also knew it led to mental disability.

I was scared, to be honest.

Scared to be a burden. Scared to lose my ability to control my own body.

Scared to watch my life deteriorating before my eyes.

Which is what I want to tell you about now. So let me start by reassuring you of this:

I feel fine. Absolutely fine.

In some ways, I’m happier and more positive than I was before I got that initial shocking diagnosis.

My hands no longer shake. I sleep like a lamb. And I recall all the important details about my life – or what I did this morning! – with ease.

Second, there’s a reason I feel this way. And it’s to do with how I’ve actively worked on my condition.

Actually, there are three fantastic reasons:

First and foremost: I have tackled the loss of dopamine by working on the underlying cause of that loss.

We know that cell loss in the substantia nigra is the direct cause of dopamine loss. I address that cell loss in gentle but powerful ways and so protect dopamine levels.

Second, I increase dopamine production in my brain using non-drug methods. Increasing dopamine fights this condition head-on – leading to wonderfully quick improvements.

Third, I have taken each of the symptoms of my illness – stiffness, shaking, anxiety and so on – and addressed them directly. I’ve enacted specific daily habits that make those symptoms reduce to almost nothing.

Because this is an illness that can be tackled on so many fronts… doing what I did meant my overall health actually got better over time.

The three steps I described provide health benefits that overwhelm the downside of the disease.

You deteriorate 1 part because of the illness… but improve 3 parts because of these new, powerful daily habits.

More than anything, what I learned is that Parkinson’s is not the terrifying, life-destroying diagnosis that so many of us believe it to be.

I was able to choose what this illness did to me. And I chose for it to do nothing to me.

By addressing cell degeneration directly…

…tackling low dopamine production naturally…

…and resolving the actual day-to-day effects of the condition…

…this three-point approach turns out to be absolutely transformative.

Now, I realize how puzzling it might seem to hear this for the first time.

The nagging question for me was always, Why don’t health professionals do what I did to resolve my illness?

It was easy to do, quickly effective and didn’t cost me a penny in medical bills.

I found out the surprising truth… by actually asking a doctor.

There are 5 stages of Parkinson’s Disease. Typically we progress from stage 1 to stage 5.

Medicines and therapies slow this progression but we face the long-term prospect of experiencing them all.

Stage 1 is the mildest – and is where most of us discover that we’re ill.

Stages 4 and 5 are too horrible to go into here.

I have learnt to slow my progression through the stages to such an extent that I simply cannot ever reach the later stages.

In fact, I expect never to leave stage 1.

My progression through the 5 stages is so very slow… that I expect to live out my natural life – into my 80s or 90s – and that won’t be enough time for me to reach even stage 2.

Because I’m attacking causes and symptoms, I would need to live to be over 100 to give the disease enough time to work through to even stage 2.

And this is the key fact: an approach that

– slows the effects of the disease at its source

– and unwinds the symptoms that do occur so that they have little or no effect on us…

means that for years and years to come I might still have a diagnosed illness – yet not notice a single thing about it.

The progression of this disease can be delayed by decades

We can avoid deteriorating – and suffering – like we might have done.

And instead lead healthy happy lives.

There are 8 main factors that contribute to this disease. To restore my health I worked on every one of them. You can too.

I installed small new habits over a series of weeks until I was hitting every known cause of my illness. Nothing escaped my attention. And everything got better.

The changes came in days, improved over weeks and have lasted for years.

I won’t go into all 8 ways of beating the heck out of this illness here. But let me tell you briefly about three of the main ones.

Inflammation is a worldwide killer. It’s the prime cause in a long list of unpleasant and deadly ailments.

There are many diseases created from low-level, ongoing inflammation.

Over 130 million Americans have conditions directly related to inflammation and nearly a million die each year. The number is rising worldwide.

What matters to us is that scientists know that inflammation is heavily implicated in the death of substantia nigra nerve cells.

To arrest the progress of this dreadful illness we must address that inflammation.

Fortunately, it’s not at all difficult to do. Simple changes undo inflammation incredibly quickly. Which in turn halts the death of substantia nigra nerve cells.

I knew nothing about environmental toxins until I started looking into them. Turns out they’re horrifying.

For a start, toxins – poisons – that get into the body double the risk of degenerative brain disease.

And we’re talking about poisons from everyday life that directly and provably create extraordinary stress for the whole body.

Toxins are literally everywhere: Household furnishings, paints, children’s toys, cleaning agents, plastics, water, the air… and in a whole range of places you’d never think of.

Our bodies deal very well with a certain level of toxicity.

But modern products and materials mean the amount of toxins coming into our bodies exceeds what our bodies can remove via its natural processes.

So there’s a toxic build-up. And eventually tissues and organs in the body start to break down.

That breakdown leads to classic toxicity illnesses.

And one of the worst of those classic illnesses is Parkinson’s.

The toxicity connection is researched and confirmed all over the world.

But there’s good news: we can remove toxins from around us – and it’s not even slightly difficult to do. We don’t have to live on a mountain or give up normal life.

Instead, there are choices most of us didn’t know existed… and those choices will transform brain health.

This is one that many people think wouldn’t apply to them – I thought that, too.

Unfortunately, this disease is known to lead to genuinely depressive episodes.

Parkinson’s is characterized by lowered dopamine… and lowered dopamine is an established cause of all sorts of mental health issues. So it’s not at all surprising that people with this condition can end up very stressed and feeling very bad indeed.

The really cruel part of feeling so low is that then people find it close to impossible to motivate themselves to take care of their health.

And although natural methods for controlling and calming Parkinson’s are straightforward…if a person feels so incredibly miserable they can’t even get out of bed then they simply can’t take care of their health.

Which means they will not do the very things they need to do in order to be well again.

It’s the most vicious of vicious circles.

Health providers already know this.

That’s what I found hardest to come to terms with.

In fact, inflammation and environmental toxins are considered to be the world’s two most deadly health threats.

They are the direct cause of dozens of illnesses – and kill several million people worldwide every year.

Their effects are in front of our eyes.

For example, cases of Parkinson’s have doubled over the last 25 years.

The human body hasn’t changed in 25 years… so what has caused such a drastic upsurge of brain degeneration?

It’s ever-rising cases of inflammation, environmental toxins and struggles with low mood and negative feelings.

And these aren’t disputed findings, by the way.

In the very best research laboratories and universities across the world the effects of inflammation, everyday toxins and reduced mental health on the body and brain are researched, measured and understood.

Their effects on many of us are bad.

For some of us they’re devastating.

Why don’t we tackle the inflammation and toxins causes of those nerve cells continually dying in the substantia nigra?

My doctor told me: it’s cultural.

Most patients – especially in western countries – want a drug or a procedure for a problem.

Something that’s a one-off fix – like an operation.

Or an easy, regular thing – like a course of tablets.

What they don’t want to have to make an effort to heal themselves. So pills it is.

But most inflammatory diseases can be tackled more effectively by lifestyle changes than by drugs.

Whole classes of deadly modern illnesses can be changed by a small number of simple, targeted lifestyle tweaks.

But our medics push meds because they know that, mostly, their patients won’t make lifestyle changes.

So they give their patients drugs – knowing that they’ll at least take them.

Frustratingly, the best solution – addressing lifestyle factors – isn’t at all difficult. It’s just that popping a pill is easier.

Simple lifestyle improvements transformed my entire life. It’s done exactly the same for thousands of other very ordinary people who thought they’d suffer their illness for life.

It requires a small initial effort. Not much. But a little more than unscrewing the lid on a jar of chemicals.

For the millions who see drugs as their only hope… there are thousands like me who know for an absolute fact that they’re not.

Which is why we don’t suffer those nasty symptoms anymore – while they still do.

Everything I did to restore my own brain health I learned from a natural health practitioner called Jodi Knapp.

I discovered Jodi on a local health forum some years ago. She works with people using natural approaches to reverse illnesses which were caused by… natural causes.

Which is, in fact, almost every illness known to man.

Her philosophy is simple: disease always has a cause.

If I have pain, a deterioration or some painful or deadly affliction… there are reasons why I have it.

It doesn’t just happen.

Understand those reasons and we have ways of reversing what’s gone wrong.

Jodi’s incredible success rate at treating allegedly untreatable illness comes from her starting at the illnesses first causes.

Those causes are always natural causes. She tackles them… and changes lives.

Remember: standard drug remedies tackle the disease further along the chain – at the point where there’s a dopamine shortage.

Doctors simply don’t address the reason that dopamine is in short supply in the first place.

She addresses the specific reasons why cells in the substantia nigra are dying off.

Then she addresses low dopamine itself.

Then she undoes the symptoms of the illness – the part of the disease that you and I experience.

Jodi Knapp can’t teach her methods face-to-face to everyone who needs them. So she created a written version of her approach. It’s called The Parkinson’s Protocol.

And it’s The Parkinson’s Protocol that changed not only my present life; it changed my future life too.

Thankfully, Jodi’s program isn’t a long list of don’ts. There’s no calorie counting, strange potions or weird rituals.

Instead it’s a fairly short list of powerful, practical, easy-to-implement do’s.

Jodi Knapp has broken her program into 12 small habits that you can introduce into your life in order to undo the causes and symptoms of brain degeneration. 

There’s no revolution here. I made one simple change, and when I was sure I’d got it… I went on to the next one.

Stuff so stupidly easy I did wonder with a couple of them how they could possibly have any effect at all.

But this is the thing: it was tiny bad habits that got me so ill in the first place.

So it only requires tiny good ones to undo it all.

I didn’t throw my current lifestyle out of the window. I just tweaked what I was already doing.

So that when everything new was in place… my life looked just like it always had done.

I do some things slightly differently now – but nobody can see what I’ve changed unless I explain it. It’s that subtle.

All I had to do was introduce the habits one at a time at a rate I felt comfortable with.

I introduced one new habit every few days. Which gave me time to ensure I had made it a part of my life.

Each one directly acted on some aspect of my illness – either causes or symptoms.

I swapped old habits that cause a progressively worsening brain state…. for new habits that support a progressively improving one.

And so I stopped getting worse and started getting better.

So many of the body functions that had started to deteriorate were made better than they’d been before I was ill.

So when I started this program I wasn’t just clearing up symptoms associated with my diagnosed illness…

…I was also undoing the natural effects of being over 50 at the same time!

Which meant I wasn’t just tackling Parkinson’s symptoms. I was tackling life’s symptoms. I ended up fitter and healthier than I was before I started getting ill!

Even a completely healthy person can follow this program and improve their health dramatically.

Doing this is trebly more vital once a person has received a Parkinson’s diagnosis.

Of course, the kind of turnaround I experienced here does feel like magic.

Who wouldn’t feel like they’ve experienced something miraculous when an illness like this does an about-turn?

But everything I learnt from Jodi comes with sparkling scientific credentials.

It’s researched knowledge from scientific establishments all over the United States, Europe and the world.

None of this program is controversial. There aren’t any scientists waiting to debunk any of this.

Because collectively this is their work. Jodi simply turned it into a set of 12 habits that thousands of us have used to treat a nightmare illness.

The only reason it’s not mainstream… the only reason it’s only thousands of people who benefit from this rather than millions… is because it involves some initial effort to take on these habits.

Yet once done… it’s just so easy. And the reward?

I know how scared I was when I got my diagnosis. Nobody can take such a blow calmly.

The end-game of this illness is physical disability and mental disability.

It’s helplessness that means you’re forever reliant on someone else for every little detail of your day-to-day life.

Yet, as I discovered, none of this is actually inevitable.

What Jodi’s ‘The Parkinson’s Protocol’ powerfully showed me is that sufferers can have more than just ‘hope’.

We can outrun this disease. We can hold it off for decades and live full, healthy lives in the meantime.

Now is the time to start doing that. Get The Parkinson’s Protocol today and feel the difference.

It was simple unhelpful habits that created the conditions for degeneration of our brain cells.

It’s simple adjustments to those habits that unravels the whole mess. Repair damage, restore health.

You have lots of life ahead of you. You can choose the quality of the rest of that life right now.

I swapped the certainty of a mind and body that would deteriorate before my eyes….

….for the certainty of a body and mind that would get stronger before my eyes.

In 12 straightforward steps I turned my illness on its head.

Years after succeeding with Jodi Knapp’s program I still go for my check-ups because, as my physician tells me, I can’t claim to have gotten rid of the disease.

But we both know what the results are going to show. We go through the motions because we have to. But I’m fine. He knows it. And I certainly know it.

Get the same for yourself. And get it now. Start reclaiming your physical and mental health now

There’s a simple truth when it comes to serious illnesses like Parkinson’s: what is addressed can improve. But what’s ignored always gets worse.

And that’s especially true with this condition because it’s degenerative. Almost by definition, it absolutely will get worse over time – if we fail to tackle it.

Every day we don’t act to improve our condition… we get a tiny bit more ill.

The sooner you address this thing the easier it is to have a noticeable – and long-lasting – effect on it.

Do not wait around on this. You can have The Parkinson’s Protocol in your Inbox in under 3 minutes.

Remember, this program works in three ways:

We must do point 1 – arresting the degeneration of brain cells – quickly. Typically, at the point that symptoms are noticed some 80% of the substantia nigra’s cells have already been lost.

80% is a very big number.

The quicker we get to work to save the other 20% the better. As yet that degeneration cannot be reversed.

So get to work on it today. Preserve existing healthy brain cells and make your recovery that much more certain.

Do not let things get any worse. You still have time to make good – so do it now. The Parkinson’s Protocol is guaranteed and your copy is waiting for you.

Click here to get My Parkinson’s cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Question: Are You Sick and Tired of Suffering from Embarrassing Sexual
Performance, Failing to Fully Satisfy Your Woman in Bed, and Not Knowing Why?

…Good News: Today YOU Can Use These Exact Same ‘Secret Foods,’ that 99% of Americans Still Don’t Know About, to Boost Your Testosterone, Support Healthy Circulation ‘down there’ and SUPERCHARGE Your Sexual Performance…

…Giving You The Raw Sexual Power Necessary to Give ANY Woman Mind-Blowing Sex, Making You Feel Like You’re 25 Again

If you want to make weak, embarrassing, humiliating Sexual Performance a thing of the past – if you’d like to arm yourself with Unbreakable Sexual Confidence, and be able to fully satisfy ANY woman in bed – I strongly
advise you to turn off all distractions, and give this letter your full attention.

Now, before I reveal the Ancient Chinese Emperor’s Secret to you, I’ve got 2 important questions for you – answer them honestly…

1. Are you sick of struggling to perform in the bedroom, failing to totally satisfy your woman?

2. Would you like to have Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels, God-Like Sexual Power, and Rampant Sexual Performance… so you can make any woman Hot, Wet and Horny – and have her whipping her panties off,
BEGGING you to “screw her brains out?”

If you answered “YES” to one, or both, of these questions, what you’re going to discover in this letter is going to literally TRANSFORM your performance in the bedroom.

If you answered “YES” to one, or both, of these questions, what you’re going to discover in this letter is going to literally TRANSFORM your performance in the bedroom.

Hi, my name is Adam Armstrong. And many people refer to me as: “The Greatest Sex Coach on The Planet.”

Because, over the last several years, I’ve helped over 50,000 men regain the kind of Libido they had in their teenage years, by showing them how to enjoy healthy Testosterone Levels and
supporting excellent Circulation… allowing them to give their women MASSIVE pleasure, and feel like a real Studs in the bedroom.

However, I wasn’t always the guy thousands of men relied on for World-Class Advice on Sexual Performance. In fact, I used to experience a lot of PAIN and FRUSTRATION because I really struggled with my Sexual Performance, until I discovered the Secret Foods used by Ancient Chinese Emperors to become Total Alpha ‘Studs’ in the bedroom.

Keep reading, because, like I did, you’re about to discover a remarkable new way to:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note:
every woman wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally
addictive, and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts, (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

You’re about to discover a remarkable new way to become totally ‘Alpha’ in the bedroom. Strong. Virile. Tireless. Capable of FULLY Satisfying your woman, or… as many women as you like. Just like the Ancient Chinese Emperors.

Answer that question for me right now. And, be honest.

I know it might be tough to admit that your Testosterone Levels, Lidibo, and Sexual Performance aren’t as good as you’d like – but you don’t have to share your answer with anyone…

This is really just about being honest with yourself.

Let’s not screw around here – I know your time is valuable and I don’t wanna waste it…

If you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and genuinely say…

“I feel like an Alpha Male. I’m 100% happy with my Sexual Performance, and I’m not interested in learning a proven, 30-second-a-day secret, that’ll Supercharge my Testosterone Levels and Sexual Power, turning me into a ‘Pussy-Satisfying-Beast’ in the bedroom’”…

…then hey, you might as well leave this page now. Because you’ve obviously got this whole issue figured out, and you likely don’t need my help. And that’s cool – IF that’s the case, we can still be friends.

But, here’s the interesting thing…

A while back I asked the readers of my Popular Email Newsletter the exact same question.

I asked just over 100,000 men:

Are you 100% happy with your Testosterone Levels and Sexual Performance?

Would you like to be able to ‘get it on’ with your woman more often, give her a much better quality of sex, and make her cum way more frequently and intensely… causing her to be totally ADDICTED to you in bed?

The good news is – you’re not alone…

You see, only 3% of men said they felt truly ‘Alpha,’ and were 100% happy with their Sexual Performance…

23% of men said they were ‘fairly happy.’

A giant 74% of men said they needed help with 1 or more of the following things:

Maintaining Healthy Testosterone Levels, and being able to confidently perform in the bedroom, to a level where they knew, for certain, that their woman was totally SATISFIED

Giving their women multiple orgasms during intercourse, every single time

Blowing really BIG loads – the kind of HUGELY impressive LOADS that cause a woman to SCREAM with pleasure (while also experiencing maximum sensitivity, intensity and pleasure when they fire ‘The Money

Look. I’m not gonna lie to you my friend…

The truth about the current ‘Pussification’ of men is UGLY. There are very few Alpha Males left in the world right now.

In this day and age, very few men can even fully satisfy their wife or girlfriend by the time they get to middle age, let alone an entire Harem of women (like the Ancient Chinese Emperors

And, most middle-aged guys have been convinced that their lack of Sexual Prowess is ‘just a part of getting older’ and being ‘40+’

They’ve been convinced it’s ‘normal.’

The Truth is: it’s NOT.

And, if you want the kind of Sexual Power and Performance that’d put a Porn Star to shame – you need to know the TRUTH.

So, read on carefully (and don’t worry – I won’t bore you with a ton of science)…

Let’s keep this really simple…

The ability to perform like a REAL MAN in the bedroom – like an Alpha Male… like a STUD! – and totally SATISFY your woman, night after night… keeping her 100% addicted to you, and only you – requires you to have high reserves of ‘Sexual Energy.’

Now, you might be thinking:

“Sexual energy? Is that even a real thing?”

You can feel it when you’re in the presence of someone with A LOT of Sexual Energy. Sometimes it’s called ‘Animal Magnetism’…

Other times people refer to it as ‘Mojo.’

Guys who have it are the ones who effortlessly ATTRACT women everywhere they go. Even women who are way more physically attractive, and often much younger, than they are.

These guys are always Alpha Males – which doesn’t mean a brute or bully, it just means a HIGH STATUS man: who men want to be like, and women want to be with!

But, if you only have AVERAGE levels of ‘Sexual Energy’ (which most men do), you’ll likely feel more of the following than you’d like:

Lack of Optimal Health and Vitality

And, you certainly don’t feel:

Like BANGING your woman SENSELESS 3 times a night, every night!

Now, you might still think:

“OK, I know what you mean, but still… is this a “Real” type of Energy. A type of energy that I can actually increase?”

Well, here’s the thing:

In the Orient (East Asia), they’ve actually developed a reliable and ‘fool-proof’ way to increase your Sexual Energy – SAFELY, effectively and naturally.

And…It’s got a History of Proven use going back 5,000 Years!

For most of that time, it was only available to the Elite – Emperors and a select few members of the Nobility.

In fact, increasing Sexual Energy was an OBSESSION for these Emperors, and the ‘Taoist Sages’ they paid handsomely to discover new ways of boosting their Sexual Energy.

You could even say that it was their Religion… because it kind of was.

They actually believed that the purpose of life was to Cultivate more and more of this Energy, and that the Longer they Lived, the more they could do so.

And so they were obsessed with Boosting Sexual Energy and increasing their Longevity.

Also, they believed that the more children they could Father, the better, giving them another reason to be determined to stay Virile and Potent for as many years as they could.

Of course, you may not share these values as to the purpose of life… I don’t… but the point is that, along the way, the Taoist Sages that the Emperors employed developed the most incredible method for increasing Sexual Vitality ever discovered… which they referred to as increasing ‘Jing’ (Sexual Energy)

And “YES” – there is a Scientific Basis for ‘Sexual Energy’

What we’re calling “High Sexual Energy” would, in Scientific terms, be called:

‘An Optimal Balance of Youthful Hormones and Neurotransmitters.’*

And, I’m guessing you probably don’t want to hear about all that boring Science stuff, right?

You just wanna know how this Ancient Oriental Secret will give you the following 5 things:

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels

Good Circulation ‘Down There’

Rampant Libido with enhanced Sexual Performance

More Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, with… Bigger ‘Loads’


High Levels of Sexual Confidence – making you magnetically attractive to women

High Levels of Sexual Confidence – making you magnetically attractive to women

So, keep reading to discover EXACTLY how to get those things…

Most men DO NOT have High Reserves of Sexual Energy… explaining why so many guys are struggling with frustrating, embarrassing and downright humiliating ‘Sexual Performance.’

Not having the kind of never-ending Libido a good woman wants her man to have

Failing miserably to fully satisfy his woman during sex

Not giving her Multiple Orgasms during Intercourse (something ALL women secretly want, need and crave – every time they have sex)

Orgasms that just aren’t very intense and satisfying

Average Sized ‘Loads’ that make you feel inadequate

Of course, all throughout history, very few people have had the kind of Sexual Virility and
Longevity that many of the Ancient Chinese Emperors had.

However, even for average guys like you and me, the level of Sexual Energy and Virility has become lower than ever before.

Because our Lifestyle is less healthy than ever before. We’ve become soft. Weak. It’s become too easy to indulge in things like:

Drinking too much alcohol

Taking stimulants (coffee, soda, sports and energy drinks, and so on)

Taking drugs and pills for every little problem (recreational, over-the-counter and prescription)

Not getting enough sleep (or only getting poor quality sleep)

Over-exercising or under-exercising

And, to make matters worse…

Even if you start doing all the right things – such as Eating Well, drinking less Alcohol, De-Stressing and so on…

If you’re over 40, it can take weeks, months and probably YEARS to replenish any of your Sexual Energy Reserves. And, worse still… you usually never fully restore
it to be as high as it was back in your glory days.

What’s a man to do if he wants to be an Alpha Stud in the bedroom, with Healthy Testosterone Levels, and MASSIVE Sexual Power and Performance… including the ability to make his woman Orgasm over and over again,
every night of the week – and blow freakin’ HUGE loads?

What’s a man to do if he wants to feel truly confident in the bedroom?

Well – Eating Well, drinking less Alcohol, De-Stressing and doing all the other fairly obvious stuff will help.

There’s something else you can do to quickly regain and build-up your Reserves of Sexual
Energy… causing you to have a ferocious ‘Sexual-Drive’ and the Raw Sexual Power required to fuck your woman so HARD…

…she just can’t get enough of you!

Several years back, I was about 40lbs overweight – and my Sexual Performance wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be.

I could perform to some extent – but sometimes, I’d lose interest, and ability, mid-way through sex, and the woman would have to ‘help me out’ (if you know what I mean).

I also lacked the ability to go for a long enough to fully satisfy the women I slept with…

And, my loads weren’t very impressive.

Bottom line is: I wasn’t much of a Stud in the bedroom. To put it mildly!

Anyway, I became pretty much obsessed with the idea of building Indestructible Health and
Optimal Testosterone Levels. While also gaining the kind of Sexual Confidence and Performance that’d blow any woman’s mind.

A Ferocious Libido (because I knew this was a sign of Youth and Health, and that women craved a man who could go again and again)

The ability to SATISFY a woman in a way that’d put an ‘Adult Movie Star’ to shame – making her cum over and over again (simply by thrusting in and out of her like a BEAST, and fucking her senseless – without
having to give her 30 minutes of oral first, or rub her clit for ages during intercourse)

The ability to blow seriously BIG cum shots (and experience massive pleasure and sensitivity when I ejaculated)

Anyhow, I switched to eating a Natural, Unprocessed diet that was mostly Organic…

I got more serious about Exercise…

I meditated to reduce my Stress Levels…

I drunk plenty of clean Spring Water every single day.

The results were favourable…

I found it easier to Perform at a Higher Level in the Bedroom – and there was certainly an increase in semen volume when I ejaculated.

But, I still wasn’t where I wanted to be.

I saw those guys in the Porn Movies who looked like they could Fuck Forever (without even trying)…

I saw porn actors like Peter North blow quite frankly insanely big cum shots…

“I want to be able to do that too”

Around the same time I sought the help of my now good friend – Elwin Robinson… a Master Herbalist.

Elwin had me start taking some Ancient Eastern ‘SuperHerbs’ in very, very specific quantities.

He also explained to me their history, how these ‘SuperHerbs’ were actually the Secret Foods that the Ancient Chinese Emperors would use to give them incredible Sexual Vigor – allowing them to satisfy a vast Harem of HUNDREDS of women
(who were usually half their age, or less)

And, when I tried these Superherbs…

I remember Helena – an exotic Dancer – telling me that I was the most ‘Beast-Like’ Lover she’d ever been to bed with. Nothing was off limits.

I rode that girl ALL NIGHT LONG.

You might think accountants would be BORING in bed – but she SCREAMED in delight, and came so HARD her body shook, and toes curled, when she saw the size of my massive load!

Well, she was a real Dirty Girl.

She couldn’t get enough. After fucking her 5 times in one night – in every way you could possibly imagine – I told her:

“Enough. I need a rest girl”

She agreed that I’d earned it – because I’d given her 17 orgasms during intercourse just that night, leaving her shaking and trembling on the bed, BEGGING me for more.

I’ll save more stories for another day…

But, I think you get the idea.

The Superherbs Elwin gave me were like a MIRACLE!

They took my ‘Sexual Appetite, Power and Performance’ to a level most men will never know. They turned me into an Alpha Male in the bedroom.

Preparing these Superherbs takes just 30 seconds a day (or less)

They’re 100% SAFE and NATURAL

The really GREAT News is this…

They’ll work for any man – including YOU, my friend!

In fact, the truth is that these little-known, yet ultra-powerful Superherbs will arm you with the kind of Sexual Confidence and Performance that’ll make any woman hopelessly addicted to you in bed…

And have her BEGGING you for sex day and night.

After taking the Superherbs Elwin gave me – and enjoying mind-blowing sexual performances as a result – I called him up one day and said:

“Man, we gotta let other guys try this”

Months of time, effort and research into creating the very best Sexual Performance enhancing Formula on planet Earth.

The thing that made it challenging is we knew, to be the very best, it had to be:

Easy to Prepare (because the herbs Elwin originally gave me required time-consuming measuring and mixing each day)

Great Tasting (the herbs Elwin originally had me taking certainly gave me outstanding confidence in the bedroom, but they tasted like CRAP!)

100% Free from Toxic Fillers and Harmful Additives – which most sexual health products are full of

A Tea, not a Capsule or Pill, because Capsules and Pills are often not absorbed properly, they just go right through you, or even get stuck in your digestive system

The absolute most Powerful Super Herbs, in the perfect proportions and quantities, to give the very best results possible

An effective dose – as we discovered, all other men’s sexual health products on the market were at such a low dose they were usually completely ineffective (and any results men did experience when taking such
products were almost certainly just a Placebo effect!)

All this meant that we couldn’t do what everyone else in our business was secretly doing:

…buying a ready made formula ‘off the shelf,’ from one of a handful of HUGE companies that produce this kind of product, that’s basically the same as everyone else’s (just with a different label on it!)…

…we had to have something custom made ourselves, from scratch, at great time, effort and expense.

Well, we were determined to create a Formula for men who want to be Alpha Males that actually worked…

Giving you Healthy Testosterone Levels, a powerful Libido and enough ‘Sexual Power’ to FULLY SATISFY even the most hard-to-please women. Not to mention… incredibly intense and powerful orgasms, and really ‘Big Loads.’

For many years, in my emails, and best-selling books and videos, I’d taught guys how to be incredible in bed… how to totally blow the mind of any woman they slept with. Of course, to use what I taught effectively, men needed to be
able to Perform in the bedroom.

However, many of my customers wrote to me, telling me how they’d love to use the Sexual Techniques I taught, with their women, but they couldn’t, because they couldn’t ‘Rise To The Occasion.’

Some of the their letters really touched and moved me. They reminded me of my own earlier struggles with sexual performance, and how PAINFUL and HUMILIATING they were. Hearing about their pain and suffering, in great detail, over and
over, made me realise this was not an unusual occurrence… even though many men felt like it, because they were suffering in silence.

I felt so bad for them, it made me passionate about helping them resolve this issue once and for all – and I knew the Super Herbs Elwin had introduced me to were the way to do it.

We wanted to create a product so EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL men wouldn’t just buy it once and forget about it – instead:

They’d buy it, LOVE the results, and recommend us to all their male friends.

Eventually, we perfected the Formula (including 9 of the most Powerful Eastern Superherbs on the Planet – in very specific quantities). And, since then, it’s been used successfully by over 30,000 men…
so you can get the same tremendous Sexual Benefits I now enjoy on a daily basis!

It’s called Rock-Hard Formula.

And there are 4 simple ways you can take it…

Add 2 teaspoons to your favorite Smoothie or Shake (this is how I take it most of the time)
OR Warm up some water, add 2 teaspoons, stir and drink it down (this is the Traditional Eastern way to take Superherbs. It’s just like making Instant Coffee)

Alternatively, if you like, you can:

Sprinkle it over breakfast cereal. Or, add it to soup

Impossible to get it wrong? Pretty much.

Damn right you should! (Assuming you want to safely and naturally Boost your Testosterone Levels, maintain your Circulation & Blood Flow ‘Down There,’ become an Alpha Male, and enjoy the kind of ‘Sexual Power and
Performance’ most women would KILL to experience).

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels – creating the kind of Incredible Sexual Power, Performance and CONFIDENCE most men will never have (prepare
to give your woman truly GREAT SEX, night after night… making her CUM over and over, and over again… so HARD her body-shakes, toes curl, and she SCREAMS your name!)

Healthy Circulation & Blood Flow to your extremities, especially to your ‘most Prized Asset’ – something sure to put a smile on your woman’s face!

Truly HUGE Loads – the kind of Massive ‘Cum Shots’ that’ll have your woman SCREAMING with delight, every time you give her ‘The Money Shot’ (and, bragging to
her girlfriends about what a STUD you are in bed)

More Sensitive, Pleasurable and Intense Ejaculations (prepare for a feeling better than you’ve ever dreamed possible… every time you ‘Shoot your Wad’)

Effortlessly High Libido – just like that of a Horny Teenager (honestly, all it might take you to get fully aroused, and ‘ready to perform,’ is the sight of a hot woman or a whiff of her perfume… just don’t
blame me if you get so full and engorged it’s UNCOMFORTABLE… and certainly don’t come crying to me if you start getting spontaneous urges to fuck your woman in public… because it’s a ‘problem’ many guys would kill to have!)

And, the really neat thing is…

The benefits you‘re gonna get from Rock-Hard Formula aren’t just SEXUAL.

Increase your Muscle Mass and Decrease your Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE
easily – assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Build overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

Give you more ENERGY and increasing your PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Make your Skin, Hair and Nails look incredible (something women notice and find incredibly attractive in a man. So, if you want more sex – this is a very good thing! 😉

Support and Detox your Liver (particularly important if you eat and drink a ‘less-than-perfect’ diet)

Improve Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increase your physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significantly increase your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy
Testosterone Levels!)

Rock-Hard Formula will turn you into more of an Alpha Male – allowing you to experience a rampant ‘Sexual Appetite,’ unstoppable Sexual Power and Performance, and MASSIVE ‘loads’…

All the non-sexual benefits listed above…

And, it’s gonna take you just 30-seconds-a-day, max, to prepare and enjoy!

Now, if you’ve ever tried a product before that has promised similar benefits to this, you might be wondering:

And that’s a great question. Because I’m fully aware that there are many other products that you may have tried before, that didn’t work, had unpleasant side effects, or stopped working after a while. And, you need to know how
Rock-Hard is different from all of them.

There are at least 5 Proven FACTS that make Rock-Hard Formula different and superior to all the ‘Men’s Sexual Health’ Supplements on the market.

Many supplements that claim to give men higher Testosterone Levels, and great ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ contain TOXIC FILLERS and additives.

These toxic additives are added because they’re CHEAPER than safe, natural alternatives.

These additives aren’t just a waste of your money – they can be downright DANGEROUS.

PAYING for something that’s gonna decrease your Health and Sexual Performance.

For instance, one of the most popular products on the market contains SUCRALOSE.

Here’s a partial list of just some of the Scientifically Proven health problems this ‘toxic additive’ can lead to:

Weight gain (it’s not good when you get a belly so big you can’t see your Manhood!)

Allergic reactions (these can KILL you)

Blurred vision (imagine living without your vision – life wouldn’t be much fun, would it?)

Dizziness (it’s hard to have great sex when you feel like you’re all at sea!)

Seizures (which can damage your BRAIN)

Heart problems (needless to say – if your ‘ticker’ gives up on you, your Sexual Performance is the least of your problems!)

Diarrhoea (I could be wrong… but I don’t think women find a man crapping himself too attractive!)

And that’s the side-effects from just one of the MANY toxic additives present in most of the supplements on the market that claim to Boost Testosterone and give men better Sexual Performance.

Of course, Rock-Hard Formula is free from toxic fillers and additives, and is made up of nothing but 100% pure Superherbs.

It’s totally Safe and Natural.

Many supplements that aim to give men better Sexual Performance, and Higher Testosterone Levels, are thrown together by companies with poor knowledge of how their ingredients work.

So, while some ingredients can give you a greater desire for sex, and they may also help you perform a bit better during sex – they can also lead to SERIOUS health problems if taken in the wrong dosages!

Many of these supplements contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, something naturally found in many foods…in very small quantities.

But, many men’s sexual health supplements contain unnaturally massive amounts of L-Arginine.

And, while there’s no doubt that using this much L-Arginine can help you ‘perform better’ in the bedroom – it can also cause some very unwelcome side-effects.

For example, an outbreak of Genital Herpes (in which case, no woman is going to want to go to bed with you, no matter how strong your sexual performance is!)

Also, any benefits tend not to last long, and as soon as your body gets used to so much L-Arginine they stop working at all – and you only get the nasty side-effects.

Another example of a Toxic Ingredient that’s in many supplements for male Sexual Performance is Yohimbe.

While Yohimbe certainly can improve Sexual Performance, it’s just NOT worth the RISK, because of the COMMON Side-Effects, including:

Dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure….

It has also been reported that as little as 40 mg a day can cause severe side effects, such as dangerous changes in blood pressure, hallucinations, paralysis, liver, kidney,
and heart problems, and can even be fatal.

Rock-Hard Formula doesn’t contain L-Arginine – or any other toxic ingredient at all. Meaning it’s totally safe, even if you drink it every day for the next 5, 10, 15 years or more.

Many formulas that are intended to improve a man’s Sexual Performance, are sold in CAPSULE format.

The problem with capsules is that, if you follow the directions and the recommended dose – which is typically 2 or 4 capsules a day – you don’t get enough of the Active Ingredients to get an effective dose.

So, your choice is to either get:

Poor results (because you simply aren’t consuming enough of the Active Ingredients)

What makes Rock-Hard Formula unique is that it’s a Superherb POWDER.

You just add 2 teaspoons to hot water, stir and drink. Couldn’t be simpler (it’s just like making Instant Coffee)…

And, it’s much more cost-effective than any capsule product on the market.

Many herbal formulas and supplements contain herbs of very LOW quality.

Yet, in Rock-Hard Formula you get the HIGHEST quality Superherbs possible.

And, you get a 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder per serving.

here’s the key point:

The SuperHerbs in Rock-Hard Formula are 10:1 Extract. Herbal extracts are incredibly potent and way more powerful than normal raw herbs (which is what most supplements contain),
because they are more concentrated in the active ingredients.

A 10:1 Extract means that it’s got 10 times as much active ingredients as the same amount of herbs in the unextracted form.

Meaning 1 teaspoon of Rock-Hard Formula gives you the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of Raw (Unextracted) SuperHerbs.

The typical supplement you find on the market might contain 500mg of the unextracted SuperHerb, per serving.

With Rock-Hard Formula – you get 5,000mg of Extracted SuperHerbs, which is the equivalent of 50,000mg of UNEXTRACTED SuperHerbs.

In other words – one serving of Rock Hard contains 100X the Active Ingredient of a standard Herbal Supplement! Explaining why you get BIG RESULTS when you consume Rock-Hard Formula.

Because Rock-Hard Formula is a powder that you turn into a tea (or simply add to a smoothie or shake) – your body doesn’t have to waste TIME and ENERGY breaking down capsules to absorb
the ingredients.

This makes Rock-Hard Formula both Fast-Acting, and gentle on your Digestive System.

And not only is it faster acting, but many times when you take herbs in pills they just go straight through you and aren’t absorbed at all, wasting your money, as well as your body’s energy.

Some men will notice better Sexual Performance, and greater ‘Sexual Desire,’ after just one serving of Rock Hard Formula.

Most men will notice A TON of improvement within as little as 2-5 days.

Rock-Hard Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, most potent SuperHerbs on the Planet…

According to He Shou Wu is the most amazing anti-aging and longevity herb of all – and can be used to increase sex-drive, fertility, sperm count and build semen volume (even in old men). detail some exciting benefits of Cistanche – including an increase in sexual power and performance in men.

Of the many benefits, listed on, that men can get from Tribulus – the following are probably of most interest… it’s a Natural Testosterone-Booster that improves Sexual Performance, and
Sexual Satisfaction.

On there is detailed explanation into how Horny Goat Weed can: increase ‘Sexual Appetite, boost Testosterone Levels and increase Energy in men. It’s also one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs in the world.

Over on there is an explanation into the huge number of benefits Goji Berry can give you – including improvements in Sexual Function. These improvements occur because Goji encourages blood flow around the body.

According to Nettle Root can be of benefit to the health of your Prostate, Joints, Blood Sugar Levels, and Skin. And, perhaps most interestingly – Nettle Root has been shown to support healthy Testosterone Levels. explain how Eucommia Bark is a powerful strengthener of the Reproductive System, and stimulator of the Sex Glands and Organs. They also detail how this Superherb can increase ‘Sexual
Interest and Desire.’ explain how Morinda Root can be used to strengthen male Sexual Performance and Power. And they show studies that prove it.

Salvia Root supports healthy blood circulation around the body. This is explained on Healthy blood flow is required for a strong Sexual Performance, hence the reason why this herb is important for
any man wanting to fully SATISFY his woman in bed!

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added. Sugar FREE, Trans Fat FREE, Soy FREE, Gluten FREE, GMO FREE.

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added.

1 Packet is 150grams and contains 30 servings. That’ll last you a month.

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique blend of the 9 Superherbs listed above. While each is powerful on it’s own – together, as mixed in the very specific quantities in Rock-Hard Formula…
their power is greatly enhanced.

There are 5 important things you need to know about all the other Testosterone and Sexual Performance enhancing products that you may see, or you may have tried:

They often work in the SHORT-RUN, then stop working (leaving you with the exact same lack of ‘Alpha Male Sexual Performance,’ and non-optimal Testosterone Levels you had before)

They rob you of your sexual CONFIDENCE and masculinity (because a REAL MAN can perform in the bedroom, and satisfy his woman – without having to swallow a fistful of pills or capsules every day! And so
long as you take the pills – you’ll feel like a fraud. You’ll be emasculated!) The difference is, Rock Hard is not really a supplement, although we have to classify it as one. In reality, it’s simply a herbal tea, which
many of our customers drink in the morning in place of their morning coffee or tea.

They often come with toxic fillers and additives that do you more harm than good. For instance, commonly used L-Arginine can promote a herpes outbreak and Yohimbe can make you feel very ill!

As I described in detail earlier, most of the time the dose these products give you is ineffective, and the fact it’s in a capsule or pill means it’s poorly absorbed, basically meaning: taking them is a
waste of time and money!

Many times these products have Documented and Scientifically Proven Side-Effects – some of which are truly horrific (for instance – if you search on the internet for the side-effects, you’ll find many which

There’s nothing else out there like Rock Hard.

Any alternatives you might find, are either toxic, ineffective, or both. Rock Hard is the only product out there that keeps working long-term, and actually works better the longer you use it for.

So, in comparison to every other option available to you, most of which are a giant WASTE of money, and some of which are outright dangerous… Rock Hard is the Best Value option available… BY FAR.

Well, let me ask you this first…

What’s the following worth to you:

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels – creating the kind of Incredible Sexual Power, Performance and CONFIDENCE most men will never have (prepare to give your
woman truly GREAT SEX, night after night… making her CUM over and over, and over again… so HARD her body-shakes, toes curl, and she SCREAMS your name!)

Healthy Circulation to your extremities, especially to your ‘most Prized Asset’ – something sure to put a smile on your woman’s face!

Truly HUGE Loads – the kind of Massive ‘Cum Shots’ that’ll have your woman SCREAMING with delight, every time you give her ‘The Money Shot’ (and, bragging to her girlfriends about
what a STUD you are in bed)

More Sensitive, Pleasurable and Intense Ejaculations (prepare for a feeling better than you’ve ever dreamed possible… every time you ‘Shoot your Wad’)

Effortlessly High Libido – just like that of a Horny Teenager (honestly, all it might take you to get fully aroused, and ‘ready to perform,’ is the sight of a hot woman or a whiff of her perfume… just don’t
blame me if you get so full and engorged it’s UNCOMFORTABLE… and certainly don’t come crying to me if you start getting spontaneous urges to fuck your woman in public… because it’s a ‘problem’ many guys would kill to have!)

Increased Muscle Mass and Decreased Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE easily
– assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Better overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

More ENERGY and increased PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Improved Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increased physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significant increases in your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy Testosterone

Because Rock-Hard Formula is clearly so much more EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL than everything else out there – you might be thinking it’s gonna cost you a small fortune…

Heck, you might very well be reading this letter right now thinking you’d happily pay a small fortune for this Powerful SuperHerb Formula!

After-all, being an Alpha Male in the bedroom, with Healthy Testosterone Levels…

Plus… totally owning the ability to easily get aroused, and ‘ready for Action in the Bedroom,’ anytime you like…

…and then TOTALLY SATISFYING your woman, finishing by blowing a HUGE load for her, is pretty important, right?

Yet, here’s the thing…

It’s not CHEAP – because cheap products contain cheap, worthless, sometimes dangerous ingredients.

Many Supplements can easily set you back HUNDREDS of dollars a month. And, they very often give you NO RESULTS whatsoever. Plus – they sometimes come with a myriad of potential side-effects (some of which are extremely NASTY).

Yet Rock-Hard Formula is SAFE and NATURAL, and will work for you in the short and long-term.

And, it won’t cost you hundreds of dollars a month.

Healthy, Optimal, Alpha Male Testosterone Levels…

The rampant, and never-ending ‘Sexual Desire and Appetite’ of a Horny Teenager…

Sexual Power and Performance that’s off-the-charts (the evidence being that you make your woman cum over and over again, every night of the week – and, she just can’t get enough of you… she’s sexually
addicted to you! She’s addicted to your COCK!!!)

Incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, with ‘Cum Shots’ worthy of landing you a role in a Porno!

…not to mention, A TON of non-sexual benefits too – all the result of having Healthy Testosterone Levels. Including:

More Muscle. More Strength. Less Body-Fat…

Sky-High Confidence Levels…

I must be mad to be offering you all that for under 100 bucks.

However, as I mentioned earlier, I’m really passionate about helping men to STOP suffering with embarrassing, humiliating ‘performance issues’ in the bedroom. So, I want to make Rock Hard Formula affordable to just about anybody.

You can pay 100 bucks for a pair of pants…

A mediocre dinner at a crappy restaurant…

Or simply to fuel up your car…

And, while none of those things will change your life – the ability Fuck your Woman’s Brain Out, whenever you want, for as long as want, WILL …

Because you’ll be able to FULLY SATISFY her any time, any place. Which WILL make you feel like a Real Man… it’ll make you feel Alpha in the bedroom…

Sending your sexual confidence through-the-roof.

I’ll warn you now though…

(And, you should also know that… we could SELL OUT before the timer hits Zero. It’s happened before, and it could happen again. So order now, and Take Advantage of the Special Prices, while you still

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Now, as I said earlier – I understand that you might still be skeptical.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you still may not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though you understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually CAUSES sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do it leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as per the recommendations on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Honestly though, I know you’re gonna love Rock-Hard Formula. Because it’s gonna help you:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can
perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, mind-blowing orgasms. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and
HUGE Loads of your entire life (giving your woman the BIGGEST ‘Money Shots’ she’s ever seen!)

While also causing you to experience:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Rock Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – and a total STUD in the bedroom!

Even so, right now, I know you might be sceptical.

I don’t blame you for being sceptical. After-all – there are A LOT of people out their selling crap, yet promising the Earth, as far as Boosting Testosterone and Improving Sexual Performance go.

Yet, here’s the neat thing…

You don’t just have to take my word for it when I say that Rock-Hard Formula will give you the very best Sexual Performance of your life, because…

Rock-Solid Proof Rock-Hard Formula really works (from a select group of men who tested the formula before it went to sale*)

*Name and locations changed for privacy purposes

“Adam Armstrong’s books and videos have transformed my love-making skills. Now his Rock Hard Formula has transformed my sexual power. Just last night I had sex three times with my wife and lasted at least 20 minutes
every time. Pretty cool considering my sexual performance was distinctly average prior to taking Adam’s formula. I highly recommend it.”

“Rock-Hard Formula is the real deal. I feel like a STUD in the bedroom since I began taking it. Yesterday I slept with 2 different women. Abigale said my manhood was ‘the most impressive she’d ever seen.’ Phoebe said she’d never been fucked so hard and deep in her life. It’s just freaking awesome!”

“Yet again Adam delivers the goods. I tried his Rock-Hard Formula a while ago and was blown away. Heat some water, add a couple teaspoons, stir it and drink it. Simple as that. And the results? Everything Adam promises – true
Alpha Male Sexual Performance. Bigger loads and the ‘Sexual Appetite’ like I had in my teens.”

“2 days ago I hooked up with a f**k-buddy I’ve not seen in a while. We’ve had sex 7 times in the past 48 hours and I’m not done yet. She can’t get enough of my power and performance in the bedroom. Where’s my appetite
and stamina come from? Rock-Hard Formula”

“At 67 years of age I wasn’t feeling very ‘Alpha’ in the bedroom. And, I assumed that was ‘normal’ at my age. Then I emailed Adam and he told me to try Rock-Hard Formula, and now I’m a changed man. I can now keep up with my
42 year old wife in the bedroom – and we’re even considering visiting some ‘swingers parties’ because my wife says it’d be fun to put some of those young guys to shame with my newfound sexual performance. Bring it
on! Happy days.”

– R.N, age 67 – England

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

In this special report you’ll discover 5 unusual sex positions sure to make ANY woman cum over and over and over again.

The really Good News is…

All 5 of these proven positions work like a charm even if you’re small ‘down there’ and don’t have very much sexual experience.

Looking good NAKED will take your sexual confidence to the next level. And massively increase how attractive you are to women.

To look good naked you need:

A low level of body-fat (with some ‘abs’ showing)

In this powerful 30 day workout program I’ll show you exactly how to GET RIPPED QUICK – in 30 days or less (working out as little as just twice-a-week for 20 minutes)– and finally
look and feel like a true Alpha Male, a true Stud, every time you ‘get it on’ with your woman.

Most men think they have to ‘go down on a woman’ for 10, 15, 20 minutes or more, and make her CUM, before they fuck her. And, many guys do this, even though they don’t always want to, because they think it’s the only way to give their woman an orgasm.

However, that’s simply not the case.

You see, it’s totally possible to give your woman multiple orgasms during intercoure, every single time…., without giving her oral first, without rubbing her clit during intercourse (and regardless of your ‘size’).

Doing this – ‘getting your woman off’ with your cock, during intercourse – is way more POWERFUL for her, than simply rubbing her clit.

When you learn the little-known secrets to giving your woman Intercourse Orgasms every time, 3 things always happen:

Her Sex-Drive increases (so you can get sex anytime you like – without having to ASK or BEG for it, without having to buy her fancy gifts, and
without having to ‘do stuff’ in exchange for it)

Her desire to please YOU comes to life (meaning she’ll happily fulfil ALL your sexual desires)

You’ll ‘Cheat-Proof’ your Relationship (because women don’t cheat on guys who give them Intercourse Orgasms every time)

And, the GREAT News is: In this ebook I explain it all…

Exactlyhow to give any woman multiple vaginal intercourse orgasms…

For women, sex is a very MENTAL thing.

Meaning that if you wanna be a GREAT LOVER – you gotta stimulate a woman’s mind in the bedroom…

In this special report I’ll teach you 17 powerful, never-before-revealed, dirty talk phrases guaranteed to get your woman hot, dripping wet, horny and BEGGING you for

Yours for FREE when you order Rock-Hard Formula today.

The 9 SuperHerbs that make up Rock-Hard Formula each have between 2,000 and 5,000 YEARS of research and proof behind them!

They’ve been used, with great success, by over a BILLION men in Eastern Countries!

The Ancient Taoist Masters discovered these SuperHerbs several millennia ago – and have been enjoying the testosterone boosting and libido enhancing results they produce for THOUSANDS of years since.

With the help of my friend – Master Herbalist Elwin Robinson – I’ve simply combined 9 of the best proven SuperHerbs and turned them into The World’s most Powerful Enhancer of Male Sexual Power and Performance.

Taking Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day is a quick and easy. And, it’s 100% SAFE and NATURAL.

Ensure your Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can perform
like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm you with a Huge Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, mind- blowing, multiple orgasms
during intercourse. Every. Single. Time)

Enable you to experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (giving your woman the biggest ‘Money Shots’ she’s ever seen!)

Plus, it’ll also give you…

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat – giving you Ripped ‘6-Pack Abs’ (and making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

– Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

When you take Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day… you’ll enjoy RAMPANT Sexual Performance (where you’re able to fuck your woman SENSELESS, like a SAVAGE BEAST, every night of the week!)

You’ll enjoy a wildly exciting Sex-Life – the kind every Alpha Male deserves (where your woman is EAGER and WILLING to do anything you like in bed… even stuff that’d make a whore blush)…

Your woman will be obsessed with you in bed (because you make her cum more often in one night than most LOSERS make their women cum in a month)…

And, if you notice any of her friends looking at you suggestively, with a glint in their eye, you’ll know why… because she’s been BRAGGING to her girlfriends, about how great you are in bed!

Or, if you have ‘non-Alpha’ Sexual Performance – you could change nothing. You could simply carry on as you are.

But where will that get you?

Do you think that your performance in bed will magically get better all on it’s own?

Life doesn’t work that way!

The reality is, if you do NOTHING to change your situation, you’ll be more and more deeply stuck in the rut that you’re already in…

Not enjoying as much sex as you’d like…

Unable to fuck your woman as often as you’d like…

Not realising that your sexual performance, while probably typical for a man your age, is leaving your woman totally unsatisfied, frustrated, resentful, and likely thinking of CHEATING on you.

A lack of Sensitivity and Intensity when you Ejaculate.

Average-Size ‘Cum Shots’ (that no true Alpha Male would be proud of – and no good woman would be impressed by).

Just like the average Beta Male/‘Nice Guy.’

If you choose to change nothing, it’ll leave you feeling like a total PUSSY – with a low level of Sexual Power. With the embarrassing Sexual Performance of a ‘Beta Male’ (rather than a powerful Alpha Male).

It’ll leave you feeling like a man who can’t satisfy his woman. In fact, let’s be honest…

That’s exactly what you’ll be if you choose to change nothing:

A man who CANNOT satisfy his woman.

Leaving you feeling angry and frustrated in the moment, and ultimately, embarrassed, humiliated and worthless. Like you’re not a real man. Like a miserable worm. An utter failure.

I know, I’ve been there.

Remember, this kind of embarrassing, frustrating and downright humiliating lack of Alpha Male Sexual Power doesn’t improve itself. No. On the contrary – it gets WORSE over time.

If you want Healthy Alpha Male Testosterone Levels, Strong Libido, and Very STRONG and POWERFUL ‘Sexual Performance,’ you have 3 options…

FIRST OPTION: you can do NOTHING about it. But you know that won’t help. That’s why you’re reading this page, right? You’re ready to Step Up and make a change.

SECOND OPTION: you can take other Testosterone and Sexual Performance Boosting Supplements, Pills and Capsules.

But that’s a BAD idea. Here’s why:

They often work in the SHORT-RUN, then stop working (leaving you with the exact same lack of ‘Alpha Male Sexual Performance,’ and non-optimal Testosterone Levels you had before)

They rob you of your sexual CONFIDENCE and masculinity (because a REAL MAN can perform in the bedroom, and satisfy his woman – without having to swallow a fistful of pills or capsules every day! And so long
as you take the pills – you’ll feel like a fraud. You’ll be emasculated!) The difference is, Rock Hard is not really a supplement, although we have to classify it as one. In reality, it’s simply a herbal tea, which many of
our customers drink in the morning in place of their morning coffee or tea.

They often come with toxic fillers and additives that do you more harm than good. For instance, commonly used L-Arginine can promote a herpes outbreak and Yohimbe can make you feel very ill!

As I described in detail earlier, most of the time the dose these products give you is ineffective, and the fact it’s in a capsule or pill means it’s poorly absorbed, basically meaning: taking them is a waste of time
and money!

Many times these products have Documented and Scientifically Proven Side-Effects – some of which are truly horrific (for instance – if you search on the internet for the side-effects, you’ll find many which could END

As you can see, option 2 is even worse than option 1. Option 1, doing nothing, will just mean things slowly get worse over time. With Option 2, you are likely actually doing yourself harm (and wasting money).

THIRD OPTION: you can start taking Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day. That’s the smart choice, because it’ll give you the kind of High Testosterone Levels, Rampant Sexual Performance, Huge Loads, and Unbreakable Sexual Confidence that every man wants to have – but very few will ever experience.

Is Rock-Hard Formula quick and easy to prepare?

YES (it’ll take you about 30 seconds a day). If you’ve ever made an instant coffee, you already know how to make it.

YES. (100%) There are no artificial preservatives, colors, flavoring, fillers or other additives.

Will it help you have an Incredible Libido, and Massive, Pussy-Satisfying Sexual Performance?

Will it help you blow HUGE loads?

YES. As I’ve explained, there’s nothing else out there like Rock Hard. Any alternatives you might find, are either toxic, ineffective, or both. Rock Hard is the only product out
there that keeps working long-term, and actually works better the longer you use it for.

So, in comparison to every other option available to you, most of which are a waste of money, and some of which are outright dangerous…Rock Hard is the Best Value option available…BY FAR.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click one of the ‘Order Now’ buttons below, follow the on-screen instructions and prepare to enjoy your best Sexual Performance ever, and the most mind-blowing sex of your life!

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Master Sex Coach, Co-Creator of Rock-Hard Formula, Author of Better In Bed

Here’s what you most need to be aware of:

FAILING to satisfy your woman in bed, because you haven’t realised that your sexual performance (while quite possibly average for a man your age) isn’t Strong or Powerful, is leaving your woman feeling frustrated, resentful, and quite
possibly even thinking of CHEATING on you…

All of which is leaving you feeling angry and frustrated with your lack of ability to perform, and ultimately – embarrassed, humiliated and worthless. Like you’re not a real man.

I know, I’ve been there.

Having average, ‘non-Alpha’ Sexual Performance, is about as fun as a kick in the nuts – yet way more painful!

When you drink Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day you can expect to experience Healthy Alpha Male Testosterone Levels, Unbreakable Sexual Confidence, a Huge Libido, and the Raw Sexual
Power and Performance that’d put a Porn Star to shame!

You’ll also enjoy Orgasms that are way more Intense and Pleasurable, and the BIGGEST ‘Cum Shots’ your woman has ever seen! Much to her delight 😉

And, as if that’s not enough…

Because Rock-Hard Formula will help to Boost and Optimise your Testosterone Levels, you’re also going to experience many non-sexual benefits, including:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Now, I understand that you might be skeptical about trying Rock-Hard Formula.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock-Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you may still not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even
though you understand
it’s worked for 1000’s of other men just like you.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually causes sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get all the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do is leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock-Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as recommended on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team (open 20 hours a day, 363 days a year)…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Rock-Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – a total STUD in the bedroom!

And, there is NO RISK in purchasing yourself a packet of Rock Hard Formula, right now… because you’re covered by my 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Quite possibly after just one serving…

Almost certainly within 2-5 days of taking Rock-Hard Formula.

For some men it takes longer, usually because they’re on medications that interfere with sexual performance, or have serious health issues. Of course, we can’t comment on medications or health issues, please speak to your qualified
medical practitioner about these concerns.

I understand that you might be skeptical about trying Rock Hard Formula.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you may still not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though
you understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men just like you.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually causes sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get all
the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do is leave you feeling misled or ripped off. So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as recommended on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Rock Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – a total STUD in the bedroom!

And, there is NO RISK in purchasing yourself a pack of Rock Hard Formula, right now.

There are at least 3 Proven FACTS that, all together, make Rock-Hard Formula safer than all other ‘Men’s Sexual Health’ Supplements on the market.

Most supplements and herbal products are not made to high standards. In fact, many are made to a shockingly low standard.

The result is that many supplements are manufactured with little to no regulation – and this often leads to ingredients getting into the supplements that shouldn’t be there, and aren’t identified on the label.
To make matters worse, these unidentified ingredients can be HARMFUL.

Elwin and I know a LOT of people in the ‘Natural Health World,’ and we know from experience that very, very few of them ever consume their own products.

However, unlike the vast majority of people who sell ‘supplements’, we (Adam and Elwin) actually consume our own teas, on a daily basis, because we know they are Safe and Effective.

We feel confident to drink our own teas because we know our products are not only top quality, they are produced to pharmaceutical levels of safety and purity.

Our products are made in a NSF cGMP facility that is FDA registered and inspected.

Many supplements that claim to give men higher Testosterone Levels, and great ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ contain TOXIC FILLERS and additives.

These toxic additives are added because they’re CHEAPER than safe, natural alternatives.

These additives aren’t just a waste of your money – they can be downright DANGEROUS.

PAYING for something that’s gonna decrease your Health and Sexual Performance.

For instance, one of the most popular products on the market contains SUCRALOSE.

Here’s a partial list of just some of the Scientifically Proven health problems this ‘toxic additive’ can lead to:

Weight gain (it’s not good when you get a belly so big you can’t see your Manhood!)

Allergic reactions (these can KILL you)

Blurred vision (imagine living without your vision – life wouldn’t be much fun, would it?)

Dizziness (it’s hard to have great sex when you feel like you’re all at sea!)

Seizures (which can damage your BRAIN)

Heart problems (needless to say – if your ‘ticker’ gives up on you, your Sexual Performance is the least of your problems!)

Diarrhoea (I could be wrong… but I don’t think women find a man crapping himself too attractive!)

And that’s the side-effects from just one of the MANY toxic additives present in most of the supplements on the market that claim to Boost Testosterone and give men better Sexual Performance.

Of course, Rock-Hard Formula is free from toxic fillers and additives, and is made up of nothing but 100% pure Superherbs.

It’s totally Safe and Natural.

Many supplements that aim to give men better Sexual Performance, and Higher Testosterone Levels, are thrown together by companies with poor knowledge of how their ingredients work.

So, while some ingredients can give you a greater desire for sex, and they may also help you perform a bit better during sex – they can also lead to SERIOUS health problems if taken in the wrong dosages!

Many of these supplements contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, something naturally found in many foods…in very small quantities.

But, many men’s sexual health supplements contain unnaturally massive amounts of L-Arginine.

And, while there’s no doubt that using this much L-Arginine can help you ‘perform better’ in the bedroom – it can also cause some very unwelcome side-effects.

For example, an outbreak of Genital Herpes (in which case, no woman is going to want to go to bed with you, no matter how strong your sexual performance is!)

Also, any benefits tend not to last long, and as soon as your body gets used to so much L-Arginine they stop working at all – and you only get the nasty side-effects.

Another example of a Toxic Ingredient that’s in many supplements for male Sexual Performance is Yohimbe.

While Yohimbe certainly can improve Sexual Performance, it’s just NOT worth the RISK, becasue of the COMMON Side-Effects, including:

Dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure….

It has also been reported that as little as 40 mg a day can cause severe side effects, such as dangerous changes in blood pressure, hallucinations, paralysis,
liver, kidney, and heart problems, and can even be fatal.

Rock-Hard Formula doesn’t contain L-Arginine – or any other toxic ingredient at all. Meaning it’s totally safe, even if you drink it every day for the next 5, 10,
15 years or more.

Just follow the recommendations on the label and you cannot go wrong.

The 9 Superherbs that make up this powerful formula have thousands of years of proof behind them – from the Ancient Chinese Taoist Masters (who were some of the greatest lovers to ever live).

I’ve simply taken these proven ingredients, worked with my friend Elwin Robinson – a Master Herbalist – and created a formula that is mind-blowingly effective for any man who wants to boost his Testosterone
Levels, and experience:

Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal- giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman
wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

A Huge ‘Sexual Appetite’ (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally
addictive, mind-blowing, multiple orgasms during intercourse. Every. Single. Time)

Incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (completely PLASTERING your woman when you give her ‘The Money Shot’)

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat – giving you Ripped ‘6-Pack Abs’ (and making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

The Truth is, you’re never too old to benefit from this formula.

For instance, here’s what one of our customers, Mark, said in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“Your products work wonders for this 68 year old body. I am a widower and I keep myself in good physical condition. I wake up with huge ‘morning wood.’ It’s like I’m 25 again”

And this customer, John, shared the following in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“My libido plus morning ‘arousal’ have all improved. Note I am 69 years old and in excellent fitness and health, I don’t take any other health related medicine, am not overweight, perfect cholesterol and BP so no medical reason
for ED.”

So that’s two guys, who are almost 70, who had a great experience, and we hear this all the time. Notice though how they both said they’re in good shape: that becomes more and more of a key factor the older you get.

And of course, it’s not just about sexual performance, Rock Hard will actually help you to feel young again, too, as James pointed out to us in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“I am 64 years old. After Rock Hard usage my energy and confidence works like 25 years old”

Honestly, you could be 99 years old and I’d still encourage you to take it – because it’ll not only help you ‘in the bedroom’ – but also because it’ll give you a ton of other health benefits, including:

Increased Muscle Mass and Decreased Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE
easily – assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Better overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

More ENERGY and increased PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Making your Skin, Hair and Nails look incredible (something women notice and find incredibly attractive in a man. So, if you want more sex – this is a very good thing!

Supporting and Detoxing your Liver (particularly important if you eat and drink a ‘less-than-perfect’ diet)

Improved Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increased physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significant increases in your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy
Testosterone Levels!)

Shipping is FREE Worldwide!

There are no hidden fees or extra payments for this product.

All our products are shipped in discreet, plain brown packaging.

No one looking at the packaging from the outside will have any idea what kind of product you’re receiving.

Orders to North America (USA and Canada) should arrive within 3-5 working days.

Orders to the UK and Mainland Europe should arrive within 7-14 working days.

And, International Orders should arrive within 7-21 working days.

If you have any problems – simply contact us at [email protected] and one of our friendly support staff will be happy to assist you.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Rock-Hard Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, most potent SuperHerbs on the Planet…

According to He Shou Wu is the most amazing anti-aging and longevity herb of all – and can be used to increase sex-drive, fertility, sperm count and build semen volume (even in old men). detail some exciting benefits of Cistanche – including an increase in sexual power and performance in men.

Of the many benefits, listed on, that men can get from Tribulus – the following are probably of most interest… it’s a Natural Testosterone-Booster that improves Sexual Performance, and Sexual

On there is detailed explanation into how Horny Goat Weed can: increase ‘Sexual Appetite, boost Testosterone Levels and increase Energy in men. It’s also one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs in the world.

Over on there is an explanation into the huge number of benefits Goji Berry can give you – including improvements in Sexual Function. These improvements occur because Goji encourages blood flow around the body.

According to Nettle Root can be of benefit to the health of your Prostate, Joints, Blood Sugar Levels, and Skin. And, perhaps most interestingly – Nettle Root has been shown to support healthy Testosterone
Levels. explain how Eucommia Bark is a powerful strengthener of the Reproductive System, and stimulator of the Sex Glands and Organs. They also detail how this Superherb can increase ‘Sexual Interest
and Desire.’ explain how Morinda Root can be used to strengthen male Sexual Performance and Power. And they show studies that prove it.

Salvia Root supports healthy blood circulation around the body. This is explained on Healthy blood flow is required for a strong Sexual Performance, hence the reason why this herb is important for any man
wanting to fully SATISFY his woman in bed!

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added. Sugar FREE, Trans Fat FREE, Soy FREE, Gluten FREE, GMO FREE.

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added.

1 Packet is 150grams and contains 30 servings. That’ll last you a month.

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique blend of the 9 Superherbs listed above. While each is powerful on it’s own – together, as mixed in the very specific quantities in Rock-Hard Formula…
their power is greatly enhanced.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Here’s more proof this formula is for real and will work for you no matter how old you are. And regardless of how averagely BAD your sexual performance might be right now…

“The main benefits I’ve noticed from Rock Hard Formula so far, are: 1. increased libido. 2. Greater ability to perform for sustained periods of time, and repeated performances within short periods. Overall, I feel like I’m in my twenties again,
and I feel like A MAN again.”

“After just 3 days of drinking Rock-Hard Formula I was experiencing much greater sexual performance. My wife also enjoys my new and improved loads – which she describes as ‘three times as big as before.’
I’ll be enjoying this formula for a long time to come”

“For a guy pushing 70, I’ve noticed positive results. I like the fact that it has large amounts of several traditional herbs and such. I always thought that supplements in capsule form contained too little to be effective.
Rock Hard is different and seems to do the trick”

“Enjoying surprise ‘wood’ in the morning. My wife has started reaching over “just to check”. She smiles and feels good about herself. I’m also experiencing the Energy to push myself harder everyday – and,
as a result – I’ve lost more weight with my diet program.”

“Adam’s new formula is the real deal. It gave me everything he promised – Alpha Male Sexual Power, massive loads, and very happy women in my bed! Can’t fault it. Highly recommended.”

– D.M, age 41 – England

“I knew I wasn’t satisfying my girlfriend in bed. I knew I wasn’t the Alpha she truly desired. Anyway, once I started drinking Adam’s formula some cool things happened. The coolest of all being the fact that she started
to REALLY ENJOY having sex with me – because now, instead of struggling to ‘get her off’ once, I make her cum over and over again. And, as Adam says – it’s those MULTIPLE ORGASMS that drive women crazy!”

“I have 4 long-term girlfriends. All want sex every time I see them. There’s no way I could keep up with them in the bedroom if I wasn’t enjoying Rock-Hard Formula on a daily basis.”

“Since taking Rock Hard, I’ve noticed greater libido and full arousal during sex. I feel now like I was when I was about 50. I have female friends in their mid 40s and early 50’s, and they
all compliment me on my performance, saying they did not expect that level from a 70 year old man.”

“Once I hit my late 30’s I had reason to believe my testosterone levels were no longer very high. I tried many supplements, spent a fortune, and none seemed to make a difference. Then I came across Rock-Hard Formula and
started taking it. Within a week I felt pretty damn good in the bedroom. It was like rolling the clock back 5 years. My Sexual Appetite is off-the-charts – and my girlfriend says her pussy is sore (in
a very good way 😉

– E.N, age 42 – Australia

“Adam Armstrong is THE MAN. I trust everything he says as far as women and sex are concerned. And I can confirm that his Rock-Hard Formula is awesome. It works. It’s as simple as that. Get on it and you’ll love the Sexual
Power it gives you. And your woman will love the MONSTER loads it lets you cover her with!”

– P.J, age 53 – Ireland

“I’m young and have no interest in settling down. Right now I’m dating 2 hot girls and regularly go out and pick up girls in bars and clubs. Needless to say – I’m getting a lot of sex. To sustain this lifestyle I need all
the help I can get. Rock-Hard Formula is all the help I need. I drink it after breakfast every day. The result? I feel like I should be in the adult movies because I can perform at a very high level
in the bedroom, multiple times a day.”

“I wake up to morning wood again, with no more wondering whether or not I am going to satisfy my partner.”

“All my adult life, I’ve been what you could describe as a ‘Beta Male.’ I don’t think I’d ever fully satisfied my wife in 30 years. It’s probably why she asked for a divorce (having cheated on me with her boss). Yet that’s
all changed now, thanks to drinking Rock-Hard Formula. I’m currently dating a new girl – and even though it’s early days – she seems to be really into me. Just last night we had sex 3 times and I gave her at least 10 orgasms.
Not bad for a guy knocking on for 60.”

“It’s great, it really works. I’m very pleased with the results so far. I feel like it’s breathed new life into me. I also recommended it to an older friend. He ordered some a couple weeks ago and he’s reported solid results so far too.”

“Rock Hard Formula gives me the confidence to make love to women from 25 – 55 years old, my ‘arousal’ can last from 45 – 60+ minutes, and the ladies love it as I am a very sensuous lover. The 20 somethings
are amazed that I can go for so long without cuming.”

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, that if you want Healthy Testosterone Levels, Powerful Sexual Performance and Rock-Solid Sexual Confidence, then you’re in the right place.

We know, from personal experience, how painful it is to suffer with sexual performance issues, and that’s why we’re committed to helping you enjoy a level of arousal, and a quality of sex with your woman, that’s ‘off-the-charts.’

Rock Hard Formula can help you:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive,
and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

However, while most ‘sex experts’ and people offering ‘solutions to poor sexual performance’ will happily lie-to-your-face and tell you that their solution to your problem works INSTANTLY, and requires NO EFFORT…

We want be ‘straight up’ with you. And tell you the truth… because we really care about you getting real and long lasting RESULTS.

See, we’re not just here to sell you a product, take your money and run…

Instead, we’re committed to you getting the results you want, long term, because:

1. It helps us sleep soundly at night, with a clear conscience, knowing that we’ve genuinely helped people like YOU.

2. We know that, realistically, when you have a great experience with Rock Hard Formula, you’ll then recommend us to others, and maybe try other things we have to offer.

In short, we want you to be a friend and customer for LIFE, not just for one order.

And so, because of that, we want to tell you the TRUTH:

Rock-Hard Formula can help you achieve VERY IMPRESSIVE Sexual Performance! The kind of Sexual Performance any Alpha Male would be proud of!

You can absolutely improve your performance and confidence in the bedroom… and perform like a Total Stud…

Satisfying your woman, over and over again, every night of the week!

It might take a little time and effort.

You see, simply buying some Rock-Hard Formula isn’t enough. You need to actually drink a cup of it every day (or add it to a smoothie, or soup, or sprinkle it over your breakfast cereal).

Many people buy Supplements, or Superfoods, or SuperHerbs, take ‘em once – then just leave them, forgotten and lonely, in their kitchen cupboards!

If you drink ONE cup of Rock-Hard Formula – then forget to drink it… or only drink it once or twice a month – you might as well not bother!

Because it’ll only work well, and you’ll only get the best benefits from it, if you drink ONE CUP A DAY, at least 3+ days a week.

Please commit to that! (It’s quick and easy… it’ll literally take you just a few seconds a day).

You gotta consume Rock-Hard Formula every day, if you wanna MAXIMIZE your results – and really stand a fighting chance of enjoying massive Sexual Performance (and completely satisfying your woman in bed).

Well, the next thing we wanna make you aware of is this:

Some people will tell you that it’s possible to have a low libido and poor level of physical arousal, while having excellent physical health.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

The Truth is, good physical health is essential for Optimum Sexual Performance.

And that’s why, IF you do everything WRONG for your health.

If you live a really shitty lifestyle…

If you eat fast food most of the time, smoke 60-a-day, drink a six-pack (or 2) of beer every night – and take more Drugs than a Crack Whore…

If you do that kinda thing… the results of taking Rock-Hard Formula likely won’t be very noticeable…(although it will still be good for you!)

If you do that kinda thing… the results of taking Rock Hard Formula likely won’t be very noticeable…(although it will still be good for you!)

Because you’re poisoning yourself in MULTIPLE ways, slowly but surely draining yourself of health and vitality, and therefore depleting your Sexual Energy and destroying your Libido…

And NOTHING will help you experience better Sexual Performance, on a long term basis, until you STOP engaging in those self-destructive behaviours, or, at least, cut down on them.

If you really want Rock-Hard Formula to give you Optimal Testosterone Levels, and Rampant Sexual Performance – you should also:

Eat a healthy diet (including lots of fruits and veggies)

Drink plenty of clean water

Get at least 7 hours sleep a night

Avoid abusing cigarettes, drugs and alcohol

Exercise regularly (at least 20 minutes a couple times a week)

Do those things, and then consume Rock-Hard Formula each day… and that’s when you start performing in bed in ways that’ll make a Porn Star jealous!

One thing we need to be really clear on:

Rock-Hard Formula works to help you build incredible health – including Optimal Testosterone Levels, and really Powerful Sexual Performance.

It gives your body the nutrients it needs to be stronger, healthier, more immune to stress and with more balanced hormones (including Testosterone).

In the East, which is where the 9 ingredients in Rock-Hard Formula originally came from, they use it to build Sexual Energy (Jing), to ensure long life and the ability to
have lots of children, even when you get older (Sexual Potency).

It’s been used successfully for this purpose by literally over a billion of people, over the course of thousands of years.

However, what it’s not is a medicine.

Because medicines, whether herbal, or drugs, tend to have nasty side effects, and you have to be very careful taking them.

What this means is that we’re not here to fix any medical issue.

It’s possible that nourishing your body with Rock-Hard Formula could help your body heal itself…but it’s certainly not guaranteed.

Also, if you’re taking any medication, there is a chance that any lack of satisfaction you’re experiencing in your sex-life may be caused by that. We can’t comment on whether that’s the case for you… only a medical professional
can advice you on your specific situation concerning that.

However, the thing to bear in mind is that, if you have a problem that’s related to any medication you’re taking – or to any health issue you have – then it’s likely that Rock-Hard Formula won’t be able to help with that… although
may well still be beneficial for you.

As we state in our disclaimer, you should seek advice from a qualified health professional before taking Rock-Hard, and that’s especially important if you have a medical issue, or are taking
any medication.

So again, to be clear: this is NOT a ‘miracle cure’ for a medical issue.

What it IS, is a herbal tea formula, used successfully for thousands of years, by many millions of men, to:

– Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman
wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

– Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, and
mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

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And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

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– Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Rock-Hard Formula is NOT a medicine – it works by nourishing the body with the exact NUTRIENTS that it needs to be sexually stronger, more balanced and potent.

Knowledge is POWER – but only when you TAKE ACTION.

We’re giving you BIG knowledge here…

The knowledge that if you consume Rock-Hard Formula each day – while also eating healthy, exercising and not abusing cigs, drugs and alcohol – you’ll almost certainly enjoy massive sexual performance (and a very SATISFIED woman
in your life!)

But, that knowledge will only be POWERFUL for you when you put it into ACTION.

Simply buying some Rock-Hard isn’t enough.

Our challenge to you is to:

Order some Rock-Hard Formula right now, by clicking one of the order boxes below.

Drink 1 cup a day (or add it to a smoothie, soup or breakfast cereal)

Eat as well as you can, exercise, get plenty of sleep

Avoid the abuse of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol

Do those simple things, and BOOM – you better be ready…

Because you’re gonna be so sexually powerful you’re woman is gonna be BEGGING you for it – like your own personal greedy little whore – ‘day and night’ 😉

Wishing you the kind of Sexual Performance, and the quality of Sex-Life, you truly desire and deserve…

Adam Armstrong and Elwin Robinson The Creators of Rock-Hard Formula

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All emails will come from me: Adam Armstrong.

The Email Address will be: [email protected]

Note: please allow 3-5 working days for delivery of Rock Hard Formula to the USA and Canada, 7-14 days to the UK and Mainland Europe, and upto 21 days for International

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to always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is especially important if you have any medical condition or are taking medication – please check with a qualified healthcare professional
that it is safe for you to try this herbs.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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Branding for small businesses: Haines Borough Businesss: your brand, your …

Why branding for small companies in the Haines district?

Haines Borough Companies: build your luck online with an enormous efficient web page

Haines Borough and – Your website is your virtual shop, an important tool to connect with consumers and sell what you are promoting. However, a website is greater than a number of pages; It is a mirror image of your logo and a platform for expansion.

This is the way in which Haines’ district companies can create a large efficient website:

  • Exhibit the great thing of Haines: Accompany the guests with high quality images and films that highlight the beautiful thing about the world’s herbs, from majestic mountains to light waters.
  • Create a robust logo id: Deline your distinctive taste and message, making sure that your website obviously communicate your values ​​and choices.
  • From priorities to the person who has fun: It designs a website this is intuitive and simple to navigate, ensuring that guests can find what they want temporarily and easily.
  • Transparent messages of the ship: Create material of concise and compelling content that successfully transmits the history and the price proposal of your logo.
  • Optimize for search engines: Use the marketing methods of search engines to make sure that your website is at the top of the search effects, using extra visitors on your virtual showcase.
  • Build relationships: Interact with the guests and adoptive connections by incorporating interactive and alternative parts for the press release.

“According to the time to dedicate time to create a caring and attractive online behavior, you are no longer simply building a website; You are building a bridge fortunately in your sector of the Haines district, “he says [insert relevant expert name/quote if available].

Mating: Construction a powerful website is an ongoing procedure. Incessantly analyze the efficiency of your website and make changes to make sure you reach your audience and achieve what you are promoting goals.

Haines Borough Companies: your logo, your web page, your luck!

Consider this: you are walking along the road in the Haines district and notice a shop with a fabulous emblem, bright colors and a reputation that in an instant makes you curious. This is the energy of branding! It is larger than a single emblem: it is a matter of developing an influence, telling a story and connecting with consumers.

However what branding must do with your website? Totality! In the virtual influence of these days, your website is constantly the main influence you are making on feasible consumers. It is your online showcase, your digital brochure and your probability of showing what makes what you are promoting particular.

This text will discover how Branding for small companies in the Haines district It can be used to create an efficient website that attracts consumers, builds believing and guides the expansion. We will immerse ourselves in the needs of branding, the design of the website and the virtual advertising and marketing methods that help you distinguish you within the global online crowd.

Branding energy: extra that only a brand

Branding is ready to develop a new ID for what you are promoting that it resonates with your audience. Remember it to hear it as what you are promoting the character! It is what makes you more, memorable and fascinating.

Key parts of the brand

  • Your story of the logo: What is the center of what you are promoting? What makes you enthusiastic about what you do?
  • Your Objective Destination audience: Who are you trying to be successful? What are their desires and needs?
  • Your logo values: What are your fundamental ideals? What does it represent?
  • Your visible ID: This contains your emblem, the color palette, the characters and the aesthetic of total design.

Branding for small companies in the Haines district It is particularly vital as it is helping you to distinguish you between the competition. Haines Borough is a new group with a strong sense of position. By way of incorporating parts that reflect the native panorama, the historical past and the values, you will be able to create a logo that seems unique and connected to the group.

Building an efficient terrible web page: your virtual showcase

Your website is your home online, the place where consumers can know what you are promoting, discover your goods or services and products and connected with you. A perfect efficient website must be greater than a number of pages; It will have to be a fascinating, information and intuitive peak.

Need for design of the web page

  • Transparent and concise messaging: Use language this is simple to know and highlights the important advantages of what you are promoting.
  • Visually interesting design: Make sure your website is visually interesting, the use of high quality photographs and an empty and fashionable format.
  • Simple navigation: Make you easy for guests looking for what they are looking for.
  • Cell Reactivity: Your website will have to take a look at all units, together with smartphones and drugs.
  • Name-to-Motion: Guest information in opposition to take your next step, regardless of by making a purchase order, register for a publication or contact you.

1. Start with a robust logo id: Before even starting to design your website, make sure you have a transparent job from your logo ID. This contains your story of the logo, the public, the values ​​and the visible ID.

2. Make a selection a web page platform: There are many website platforms to have, such as Wix, Squareal and wordpress. Make a selection that corresponds to your desires and funds.

3. Focal point on the person have fun in: Make your website simple to navigate and visually interesting. Your transparent and concise content remains and make sure that your calls to action are exceptional.

4. Optimize for search engines: Search engines marketing (search engines marketing) is important for the purchase of your website discovered online. Use key phrases related to content material and optimize your website for engines such as Google.

5. Build a robust presence in line: Do not simply build your website and hope for the most productive. Advertise your website through social media, advertising and e-mail marketing and several online channels.

Branding for small companies in the Haines district: examples of native luck

1. The market of farmers in the district of Haines: This Christmas market has a website that includes surprising images of clean products, native distributors and the splendid surrounding area of ​​Haines Borough. Their brand is the heat, inviting and shows the spirit of the area group.

2. L’Aquila hot chilkat keep: This distinctive vacation point uses a website with material of attractive content regarding the eagles, their habitat and the meaning of conservation. The design of their website is empty, skilled and shows off the wonderful breathtaking thing about maintenance.

3. The Haines Borough Chamber of Trade: Their website is a precious resource useful for both guests and locals. Contains details on native companies, occasions and points of interest. The website design is fashionable, intuitive and promotes the full vitality of the group of districts of Haines.

Guidelines for the design of the web page for the district companies of Haines

  • Spollight the grandiose thing about the herbs of the house: Use high quality images and films that exhibit the delicious surroundings of the Haines district, from the water to the water.
  • Incorporate the historical past and the native tradition: This characteristics regarding the rich historical past of the world, other people from Chilkat and the traditions that make the district of Haines particular.
  • Use a color palette that displays the native setting: Believe the use of colors that could be present in nature, similar to vegetables, blue and brown.

Construction agrees and involvement through your web page

A perfect efficient website is simply overcoming what you are promoting; These are construction reports together with your consumers. You will be able to do it through:

  • Advertising of the content material: Create material of precious and information content, such as weblog posts, articles and films, which faces your audience’s desires and activities.
  • Social media advertising: Interact together with your destination audience on social media platforms such as FB, Instagram and Twitter.
  • E -mail advertising: Build an e-mail record and send common newsletters, promotions and updates to get your destination audience involved.

Key methods for your online advertising

  • Marketing of native search engines: Optimize your website for native research phrases so that consumers feasible in the Haines district can find you online.
  • Promotion for a fee: Do you believe that the use of paid promotion platforms such as Google’s advertisements to be successful in a much wider target audience.
  • Promotion of social media: Make the best use of social media to focus on your best consumers.

TL; Dr – Too long; Has not learned

Your website is your virtual showcase and a key part of your logo. The brand for small companies in the Haines district is vital for status and attracting consumers.

To create an efficient efficient website, at the center of attention on:

  • A powerful logo id
  • Design for the person
  • Transparent messaging
  • Search engines marketing (search engines marketing)
  • Construction relationships with consumers

Based on incorporating the following episodes and techniques, you will be able to create a website that is helping you to be successful in what you are promoting goals.

Your web page, your logo, your luck

Construction of a logo and a large efficient website are an ongoing procedure. It requires time, effort and dedication to study and adaptation repeatedly. Take mating, your website is greater than a number of pages; It is a robust tool that helps you to connect with consumers, build believing and developing what you are promoting.

Take into consideration your personal sector and the original story you want to inform. How are you able to incorporate the time we have now mentioned in your online presence? What native resources or occasions are you able to exploit to strengthen your logo and connect to the group? By adopting time to process caring and attractive online behavior, you are no longer simply building a website; You are building a bridge fortunately in your sector of the Haines district.

Extras on Branding for small companies

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Wpmudev | WordPress security: wpmudev in Virginia and past believes …

Why Virginia for WPMudev?

Why don’t further people offer wpmudev?

wordpress Internet Protection: a data for Virginia Corporations

At the time of Time’s digital panorama, in which wordpress feeds a large number of websites, in particular in Virginia, the protection of the website is fundamental. Protect your online presence and strengthen the buyer imagine with our professional steering to secure your wordpress web page.

Two -factors authentication provides an additional level of protection through requesting to insert a code sent on your cellular device together with the password. WPMUDEV, a reliable supplier in Virginia, offers exceptional properties and tools to agree in imposing the necessary safety features, safeguarding your website and ensuring its stability.

Houses know about: wpmudev in Virginia

As a small entrepreneur in Virginia, he knows the importance of maintaining a protected website based on wordpress. Our case find out, demonstrate how WPMUDEV can allow you to effectively give protection to your online resource:

  • Entire protection solutions: WPMUDEV provides a variety of drugs that deal with both sides of wordpress protection, from the scan of malware to vulnerability exams.
  • An expert gives a push to: Their faithful group of professionals workers is available to influence you by implementing and provide an ongoing strengthening, ensuring that your website remains protected.
  • Showed results: Numerous Virginia companies have collaborated with WPMUDEV to strengthen the protection of their website, experimenting with important improvements in the protection and peace of ideas.

Do not let the website protection be rethinking. Take proactive measures to protect your online presence and make sure the success of your online business. Choose WPMudev in Virginia and enjoy the reassurance of a protected and chosen wordpress website.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”wordpress-protection-wpmudev-in-virginia-and-previous”/>wordpress protection: WPMudev in Virginia and previous

Imagine your website, like a beautiful fortress you built, invaded through subtle intruders. They will steal your precious wisdom, the sector of your web sector or even close it completely! This is what happens when the hackers exploit the vulnerabilities in wordpress, the most loved websites construction platform.

WpmudevA useful useful resource company of primary wordpress offers equipment and tips to help you protect your web page. Then again you will have to understand the risks to have out there. We can immerse ourselves in the sphere of wordpress protection, specialized in maintenance of your safe website, in particular if you have completely based on VirginiaWhere many companies and people rely on wordpress for their online presence.

The panorama of constantly evolving threats

The digital global is changing, as well as threats on your wordpress website. New vulnerabilities are always discovered and hackers always find new techniques to take advantage of it. It is more or less like playing hide and seek, then again in this game, the hiding place is bad knowledge!

WPMUDEV in Virginia: a case is aware of

We should hug you to manage a small business VirginiaAnd your website is built on wordpress. It is essential to think: “I’m just a small madman, why would hackers take care of my website?” Then again it is not always true. Hacker incessantly companies of all sizes, looking for easy goals. They could try to organize malware that steals the wisdom of the buyer or inject advertising on your website to earn a living.

The importance of being in front of the curve

The bottom line must be proactive and keep up with hackers. This means understanding the types of vulnerabilities that exist and adopt measures to protect your website. Just as you wouldn’t have canceled your unlocked house, you don’t have to delete your vulnerable website anymore!

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”now-not-strange-wordpress-exploits”/>Now not strange exploit wordpress

Hackers use a large number of guidelines to reach the right to use wordpress websites. Some common methods are listed below:

1. Brute-Potenza attacks

Imagine someone who takes a look to guess your password over and over again, hoping to be lucky. Here is a brute force attack. Hacker use automated equipment to check different combinations of user names and passwords until they are looking for the correct one. For this reason, the use of robust passwords and two -factor authentication is essential.

2. SQL injection

Call the injection of SQL as a ninja of subtle code that sneaks into the database of your website. Hackers can use this technique to manipulate wisdom, steal wisdom or even take control of your website.

3. Pass-Web Site Scripting (XSS)

Imagine you can be online and a friend sends you a link. When clicking on it, a message hidden in your visual display unit is displayed. This is similar to how XSS works. The hackers inject a harmful code to your website, which therefore triggers a mortal movement when a buyer visits the web page.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”safeguard-your-wordpress-internet-web-page”/> Safeguard your wordpress Internet Web page

Now that you know some common threats, let’s talk about how to protect you.

1. Exchange, exchange, exchange!

The main defensive line is to attack the wordpress device, the plug-in and the problems of topic. Updates incessantly include protection patches that restore known vulnerability. Recall to be like obtaining a flu vaccine: it protects you from going!

2. Powerful passwords and two -factor authentication

Make your passwords long and complex, how to mix a secret recipe. Use a mixture of letters, numbers and capital and tiny logos. Two -factors authentication provides another level of protection through requesting to enter a code sent to the phone together with the password.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”3-protected-web-site-websitehosting“/>3. hosting of the website of the protected website

Call hosting of websites like the space of your website. It may be very powerful to make a choice of a reliable websites hosting provider that offers robust security features, such as firewall and backup.

4. Not unusual protective scans

This is a right recommendation to scan your website for vulnerabilities incessantly. WPMUDEV offers protective scanners that can help you decide and connect reachable problems.

5. Internet backup backup

Imagine your website quickly disappears! Having backup is like having internet safety. Not unusual backups will imply that you will restore your website to a previous time limit if it is compromised.

WPMudev in Virginia: a long -term protected long -term

Wpmudev in Virginia He plays the crucial service as in helping companies and people to keep their wordpress websites safe. Provide a variety of ownership and tools, on the side of:

  • Protective scanner: Determines vulnerabilities before becoming problems.
  • Firewall plugin: Create a powerful barrier in opposition to hackers.
  • Backup plugins: Protect the wisdom of your website from the disaster.
  • Training for protection: Learn the highest practices to protect your website.

With the use of the use of the property, you will have the opportunity to keep up with the curve and assemble a further term protected on the wordpress website.

TL; Dr – Too long; It was not said

wordpress protection is necessary! Hackers can take advantage of vulnerabilities on your website to steal wisdom, inject commercials or even take control. Stay safe through the update of your website frequently, using robust passwords, ensuring the hosting of your website, the scan for the vulnerabilities and backup of your website. Wpmudev in Virginia It offers superbe properties to help you give protection to your wordpress website.


This article has explored the global in constant evolution of wordpress protection, underlining the importance of defending your website from hackers, in particular if you are totally based Virginia. We have examined many types of exploit, such as attacks of brute force, SQL and XSS injection and we discovered how they are able to compromise your website. We therefore discussed higher practices of key protection, on the side of the device update, using robust passwords, protect the website hosting, show common protection scans and growing backups. Wpmudev in Virginia It provides profit properties and tools to help you implement your strategies, guaranteeing the safety and stability of the wordpress website. Simply while blocking the doors in space, you will have to protect your website with complicated security features, in order to have the possibility of interest to build a successful online presence. Digital Global is a dynamic environment, therefore remaining vigilant and safeguarding your website proactively is essential to guarantee its long -term success and resilience.

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WordPress Development / Increase your Yukon-Koyukuk business with WordPress development …

Of DS | February 13, 2025 | seo |

Why does the Yukon-Koyukuk census space for the construction of wordpress?

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”wordpress-building-in-yukon-koyukuk-census-space”/>wordpress Building in the Yukon-Koyukuk space space space

Release your luck Yukon-Koyukuk with wordpress and optimization of search engines: information for flourishing online

Welcome to the wordpress Arena and optimization of search engines, the place where we allow you to create a web page that fascinates your buyers, pushes your Yukon-Koyukuk trade with new heights and establishes you as an unstoppable pressure to internal of the distinctive virtual ecosystem of the area.

Create a wordpress web page tailor-made for Yukon-Koyukuk

We understand the adventure to establish a web page that perfectly aligns with the wishes of your Yukon-Koyukuk company. By crossing the structure of native key phrases such as “Yukon-Koyukuk” and “Northwest Alaska”, you will be able to attract buyers who are actively looking for your products and services.

Immerse yourself deeper in the mastery of wordpress

As your business prosperous, it is time to discover complex tactics of wordpress construction that cannot cancel new probability. From the ability of e-commerce to seamless integrations with third-party device, wordpress allows you to create a web page that meets your desire.

The lively long wordpress race in Yukon-Koyukuk

The virtual panorama would evolve, however wordpress remains a milestone for Yukon-Koyukuk companies. This is the right way to embody his possible:

Filness the energy of the analysis of the key sentences

Release the secrets and techniques of optimization of search engines through an analysis of the in -depth key sentences. Solve what the research phrases are related to your goods or products and services, making sure that your web page seem prominent in online searches performed by means of citizens Yukon-Koyukuk.

Know your goal of target target

Take up like a Yukon-Koyukuk buyer. What are their research conduct? What language and tone resonate with them? Based on the destination public, you will adapt your web page to their distinctive views, promoting a solid connection that guides conversions.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”spice-up-your-yukon-koyukuk-trade-with-wordpress-building-and-search-engine-optimization”/>It revives your Yukon-Koyukuk trade with the construction of wordpress and the optimization of search engines

You believe you are managing a small trade in the Yukon-Koyukuk census space. You have a wonderful goods or products and services, however she discovers that buyers seem to be looking for gold inside the frozen tundra. You want an option to get your business, and it is the reason where the place where the construction of wordpress and the optimization of search engines are available.

This article is for information during the wordpress International and the optimization of search engines, which seem to you the right way to build a web page that pulls buyers, grows your company and is helping you prosper in the distinctive panorama of the Yukon-Koyukukuk space census.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”whats-wordpress-and-why-will-have-to-you-care”/>What’s of wordpress and why will you take care of you?

wordpress is a formidable platform for construction websites. It is like a virtual toolbox with all the equipment you want to create a shocking online presence on your Yukon-Koyukuk trade. Recalls this in this way:

  • Versatile and simple to use: wordpress is not taking enough for beginners to be informed, but sufficient to build complicated websites. You will load extraordinary photographs, movies or even interactive parts to make your company shine.
  • The material of the content is the king: wordpress simplifies the creation and organization of content material, regardless of whether they are posts on weblogs, product descriptions or simply details on your company.
  • Optimization of pleasant search engines: wordpress is built with the optimization of search engines in thoughts. This implies that it is designed to make your web page simply discovered via Serp like Google.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”why-select-wordpress-for-your-yukon-koyukuk-trade”/>Why select wordpress for your Yukon-Koyukuk trade?

Listed here there are some key explanations because wordpress is an incredible selection for companies within the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census:

  • Native is successful in: wordpress is helping you to possible buyers for your birthplace. You will use your web page to build a robust native presence and you will connect to people who find themselves looking for companies like yours inside the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census.
  • Cell phone-flexible: More and more people are browsing the web on their phones, so a web page for mobile devices is very powerful. wordpress simplifies the creation of websites that look good on all units.
  • Price efficiency: wordpress is dissolved to exploit and you will find economic web hosting plans suitable for your funds.
  • Neighboring and strengthening: wordpress has a huge group of customers and manufacturers who allow you to find any problems.

Unlock the energy of the optimization of search engines: be discovered online

The optimization of search engines or seek engine optimization, is a kind of map that helps Google and different Serp to find your web page. When someone is looking for “Building wordpress in the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census”, you want your web page to be better than the consequences. Here’s how they happen:

Key sentences analysis: the basis of the search engines optimization technique

  • Understand your destination audience: Consider what people in the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census could look for when looking for your products and services. For example, in the event that you are information on the area, they could search for “climbing excursions on Yukon-Koyukuk” or “excursions of the Yukon-Koyukuk natural world”.
  • Key phrase equipment: There are a lot of melted and payment equipment that can help you find the most productive key phrases. Google key phrases planner is an intelligent position to start.
  • Long -tailed key phrases: Attention center on longer and extra particular key phrases associated with your business. Those key phrases are regularly less aggressive and attract visitors to the extra site.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”optimizing-your-wordpress-web-page-for-search-engine-optimization”/>Optimization of the wordpress web page for optimizing search engines

  • Optimization of the pages on the web: This strategically includes the use of the key sentences for the content material of the web page, the titles of the web pages and the destination.
  • Optimization of the Off-Web page: This comes to the construction of one -way connections from several websites on your web page. This presents Serp that your web page is credible and devoted.
  • Technical optimization of search engines: This guarantees that your web page is correctly structured and available for SERPs.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”wordpress-building-within-the-yukon-koyukuk-census-space-development-a-web-page-that-works”/>wordpress Building within the Yukon-Koyukuk space census space: development a web page that works

Now that you already know the foundations of wordpress‘s optimization and search engines, we discuss a web page in particular on your Yukon-Koyukuk trade.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”select-the-proper-wordpress-theme”/>Select the correct wordpress theme

Your theme is the visible design of your web page. Select a theme that displays your logo and is simple to navigate. Right here there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Cell Reactivity: Make sure your theme seems to be cute on phones and drugs.
  • Optimization of pleasant search engines: Look for problems that can be built with the optimization of search engines in thoughts. They must have options such as Markup of the integrated scheme and Sitemap.
  • Customization choices: Select a theme that allows you to customize the colors, characters and the structure to control your logo.

Create compelling content material for your destination audience Yukon-Koyukuk

The content material is the courage of your web page. Center of attention on the cultivation of high quality content material related to your audience. Consider:

  • Blog post: Percentage your wisdom on your business, native occasions or guests indications in the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census.
  • Pages of the product or supplier: Provide detailed details on your goods or products and services, together with photographs, films and criticisms for buyers.
  • Tap Data: Make sure it is simple for people looking for the amount of phone, e -mail faces and cope with the body.

Optimization of native search engines for Yukon-Koyukuk companies

On the theme of the optimization of search engines, native optimization is essential. Here many ways are listed to support the visibility of your web page in the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census:

  • Google My Trade: He declares and optimizes your Google My Trade control list. This guarantees that your company presentations in native research.
  • Native quotes: List your business on related online directories such as Yelp, TripAdvisor and native commercial associations.
  • Native key phrases: Use key phrases in particular for the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census, corresponding to “Yukon-Koyukuk” or “Northwest Alaska”.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”past-the-fundamentals-complicated-wordpress-building-tactics”/>Beyond the foundations: complicated wordpress construction tactics

As your company grows, you may want to load extra complex options on your web page. Listed here there are some chances:

  • E-commerce capacity: For those who promote online goods, you will load the e-commerce capacity to use plugins such as Woocommerce.
  • Club Websites: Create a club house on your buyers or buyers.
  • Personalized plugins: If you want to have a distinctive capacity, rent a wordpress developer to create personalized plugins on your web page.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”the-long-run-of-wordpress-building-within-the-yukon-koyukuk-census-space”/>wordpress Building’s long race inside the Yukon-Koyukuk space space

The virtual panorama continually converts, however wordpress will proceed to be a formidable device for companies within the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census. As the generation evolves, the new options and the tools will transform to make your web page much more efficient.

TL; Dr – Too long; Has not learned

  • wordpress is a formidable device for the construction of a web page on your Yukon-Koyukuk trade.
  • The optimization of search engines is helping you to be discovered online.
  • The analysis of the key sentences, the on-page optimization and off-Page optimization are the key to an optimization of successful search engines.
  • Use a wordpress theme suitable for mobile devices and creates a compelling compliant content material.
  • The optimization of native search engines is important to reach buyers in the space of the Yukon-Koyukuk census.

Now that you have realized the construction of wordpress and the optimization of search engines, you may have the data to build a robust online presence for your company in the Yukon-Koyukuk space of the census. Able to start?

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Learn how to Create a Lead Magnet That In truth Converts (Step by way of Step)

Smart trade house owners know that lead magnets like ebooks and PDFs are a great way to take hold of leads, expand your mailing tick list, and practice up with visitors long once they go away your website.

That seems great, then again what about actually designing professional-looking lead magnets that people will WANT to procure? That merely sounds intimidating.

Possibly that’s why such a large amount of website house owners hire a manner dressmaker to create lead magnets for them. While this can give great results, it’s no longer good whilst you’ve were given a smaller price range or want to maximize your ROI (return on investment).

Wouldn’t or now not it’s more uncomplicated if it’s crucial to easily create the lead magnets yourself?

In this article, we’ll proportion our step-by-step news to creating lead magnets that convert, in step with the lessons we’ve discovered from making our private lead magnets.

We’ll quilt the whole thing from rising ebooks to helpful useful resource guides, lookbooks, and other downloadable resources with no need any design or coding skills.

Fending off The Lead Magnet Money and Time Pit: Discover ways to Get Precise Return on Investment

Lead magnets like ebooks, e mail templates, and other downloadable news open a channel of conversation between you and imaginable shoppers. You’ll be capable to continue the use of this channel long once they’ve left your website.

On the other hand what must you’re no longer a manner dressmaker? We’ve spoken with a lot of wordpress shoppers who in reality really feel like they’re going to want to pay any individual to create professional designs.

Unfortunately, this can also be stunning pricey for small trade house owners. In truth, this implies means you lose money previous to you’ve even created your first lead magnet.

Even though you do have the selling price range, getting a manner dressmaker on top of things takes time. You wish to have to hunt out the correct specific particular person, explain what you wish to have, analysis their art work, provide feedback, and try their edits – that’s all time that it’s crucial to spend rising your online business.

That’s why we want to show you create lead magnets yourself.

With a lead magnet device similar to Beacon, you’ll do exactly that. Simply make a choice a ready-made template, add your content material subject material inside the user-friendly editor, and submit your lead magnet – it’s so simple as that.

The Beacon drag and drop lead magnet builder

Even upper, whilst you create a lead magnet yourself, you’ll edit it at any stage.

Wish to exchange an earlier statistic? Want to add some bonus content material subject material? Planning to position a modern, holiday spin on an older lead magnet? Merely open it in your lead magnet builder and make those changes yourself.

Ready to start out shooting emails and leads at this time? In this step-by-step news, we’ll show you create all kinds of lead magnets, along with ebooks, checklists, video lookbooks, helpful useful resource guides, and much more.

Listed below are all of the steps we’ll go through in this news:

Step 1: Choose the Correct Lead Magnet Software

The first step is selecting the correct lead magnet builder.

At WPBeginner, we’ve been rising our e-mail checklist with lead magnets for years and have tried all kinds of drugs inside the process. As you’ve maximum surely already guessed, we believe that Beacon is the most efficient lead magnet builder we’ve ever worked with (if you want to learn further, then we quilt this in detail in our Beacon evaluation).

We love how Beacon means that you can create all kinds of lead magnets similar to ebooks, helpful useful resource guides, checklists, e mail templates, and video lookbooks.

This is a massive win, as in our revel in, each and every lead is looking for something different. By means of offering various lead magnets, you stand the most efficient possible chance of taking pictures that lead.

Beacon may be easy to use, comes with a ton of ready-made templates, and can convert your provide weblog posts into beautiful lead magnets with just a few clicks.

When it comes to saving money, Beacon has a ‘unfastened forever’ plan that permits you to create 1 new lead magnet each and every single month, with countless possible choices.

Simply head over to the Beacon website online and create a unfastened account to get started.

How to create a new account in

With that performed, merely log in to the Beacon dashboard, and likewise you’re ready to create your first lead magnet.

Step 2: Choose Your Lead Magnet Format

To get started, you need to click on at the ‘Create New…’ button inside the top-right corner. Then, select ‘Lead Magnet.’

How to create a new lead magnet using a free tool

Beacon will now show all of the various kinds of lead magnets you’ll create.

It doesn’t subject what risk you choose, Beacon has various ready-made templates within that magnificence. A majority of these templates are completely customizable, so that you’ll fine-tune them merely in Beacon’s drag-and-drop editor.

Throughout this knowledge, we’ll be growing an e book. Alternatively, the steps it is going to be largely the equivalent it doesn’t subject what type of lead magnet you create.

How to create a wide range of high-converting lead magnets

That can assist you make a choice the correct format in your target market, let’s quickly run via all of the different lead magnets you’ll assemble the use of Beacon:


Want to be in agreement your visitors art work via a selected process? Workbooks maximum ceaselessly contain a series of tasks or questions, with space for the reader in an effort to upload their answers.

An example of a workbook lead magnet, created using

Workbooks are further interactive than other lead magnets, in order that they’re an outstanding strategy to engage with imaginable leads. For instance, must you’re a lifestyles trainer, then it’s good to create a workbook where leads can plan their meals or record their day by day exercise.

Video Lookbook

Video lookbooks let you supply quite a few films to visitors, in a delightful layout.

An example of a video lookbook

You’ll be capable to moreover add text, photos, quotes, galleries, and other content material subject material to offer additional context or information.

Video lookbooks art work particularly well if you want to inspire or inspire leads by means of sharing your brand aesthetics. In this manner, you’ll use lookbooks as a catalog, showreel or most likely a mini taste show, tailored in your specific possible choices.


eBooks are a great way to proportion detailed information on a decided on matter, in a nicely-organized format.

For instance, must you run a monetary website online, then it’s good to create an e book where each chapter deep dives into a unique money-saving methodology.

An example of an ebook, created using the Beacon lead magnet builder

Helpful useful resource Data

An invaluable useful resource news is a number of in reality helpful items, similar to books, virtual downloads, apps, or even physically products.

An informative resource guide created using

Continuing the financial theme, it’s good to create a news that lists the perfect 10 must-read finance books to be in agreement the reader assemble wealth.


Wish to proportion actionable tasks? Then a To Do checklist or checklist could also be the answer.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”370″ src=”” alt=”A high-converting checklist, created using Beacon” class=”wp-image-326936″/>

The ones are similar to our search engine optimization audit tick list or our eCommerce release tick list then again formatted as a file that the reader can download and keep forever.

Email correspondence templates

Want to teach your target market keep up a correspondence upper? Beacon means that you can proportion trend e-mail templates so leads can use them in their own campaigns.

A collection of email templates


Want to create something totally different?

Beacon has a ‘Blank’ magnificence that permits you to get began with a clean slate. It is a superb risk whilst you’ve were given very specific design prerequisites.

Know what kind of lead magnet you wish to have to create? Then transfer ahead and select that risk inside the Beacon dashboard.

Step 3: Choose a Template

After choosing a format, Beacon may ask whether or not or now not you wish to have to import content material subject material from your wordpress weblog or website. This is a great function, in particular if you want to create a library of lead magnets, speedy.

As it’s such a useful function, we’ll be masking it in detail at the end of this submit. Alternatively, to stick problems simple merely click on on ‘Skip’ must you spot this message.

With that performed, Beacon will show all of the templates within your most well-liked magnificence. While it’s easy to customize the ones designs, choosing a template that in moderation fits your vision will save you a ton of time.

To preview a template, transfer ahead and click on at the small magnifying glass icon beneath that template.

A collection of lead magnet templates

This opens the design as an overlay.

If you don’t want to use the template, then click on on ‘Close.’

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”384″ src=”” alt=”How to preview a lead magnet template before adding it to your wordpress website” class=”wp-image-326939″/>

Simply repeat the ones steps until you to find the design you wish to have to use. With that performed, click on on on ‘Use this template.’

Step 4: Give Your Lead Magnet a Identify

With that performed, you’ll type in a name in your lead magnet. This title will represent the lead magnet in your Beacon dashboard, so it’s a good idea to use something descriptive.

Generating leads using

After typing inside the title, click on on on ‘Create Lead Magnet.’ Beacon will then generate a lead magnet the use of your template and open it inside the user-friendly editor, ready in an effort to customize.

Step 5: Customize the Default Template

Beacon’s simple drag-and-drop builder shows a reside preview of your lead magnet to the correct. On the left is a menu showing all of the different pages that make up your lead magnet.

A drag-and-drop lead magnet editor

Depending on the template, your magnet may already have a few different pages.

To preview a internet web page, simply click on on on its title inside the left-hand menu.

How to navigate a drag and drop builder

To begin out, we suggest clicking at some stage in the opposite pages to see exactly what’s built-in in your design. After that, you’re ready to start out customizing those pages.

All of Beacon’s templates come with built-in taking part in playing cards, similar to Headline, Gallery, or Text. So that you can upload your individual content material subject material or styling, simply click on on to select the card in Beacon’s reside preview.

The left-hand menu will then exchange to show all of the settings for that specific card. For instance, if you select a Text block you then surely’ll see possible choices to trade the font dimension, textual content colour, and spacing.

Adding text to a downloadable ebook

If you select a text-based block, you then’ll moreover delete the placeholder text instantly inside the reside preview. You’ll be capable to then trade it with your individual messaging.

Images are a great way to catch the reader’s attention and can make them want to continue learning your lead magnet. That discussed, most templates come with placeholder photos.

To replace the ones, simply click on on on the Image or Gallery card. Once all over again, Beacon will show all of the settings you’ll use to customize that card.

Adding a gallery block to a downloadable file

To replace a selected image, merely click on on on its thumbnail inside the left-hand menu.

You’ll be capable to then click on on on the ‘Upload’ button, followed by means of ‘Upload Image.’

Adding images to an ebook, resource guide, video lookbook, or a similar downloadable resource

With that performed, make a choice the image you wish to have to use as an alternative.

If you’re improving a Gallery card, you then’ll repeat the ones steps to interchange a few placeholder photos. You’ll be capable to moreover click on on on ‘Add Image’ in an effort to upload further content material subject material to the gallery.

Adding a gallery to a PDF or similar downloadable resource

Simply repeat the ones steps to customize all of the taking part in playing cards that come with your template.

Step 6: Delete Unwanted Content material subject material

Incessantly, a template will have content material subject material you don’t want to include in your lead magnet. This might be an unnecessary card or even a whole internet web page.

Thankfully, it’s easy to delete content material subject material in Beacon.

To remove a card, simply click on on to select it inside the reside preview. Then, click on on on the ‘Delete This Card’ button at the bottom left.

How to delete content from a lead magnet

Do you wish to have to make a bigger business and delete a whole internet web page as an alternative?

Inside the left-hand menu, simply click on on on the ‘Pages’ tab.

A drag-and-drop, code-free lead magnet builder

Then, to find the internet web page you wish to have to remove.

You’ll be capable to now transfer ahead and click on on on its rubbish can icon.

How to create resource guides, checklists, and other downloadable resources

Beacon will ask whether or not or now not you wish to have to totally delete this internet web page.

If you’re satisfied to move ahead, then click on on on the ‘Delete’ button.

How to remove pages from a ready-made template

Step 7: Add Additional Pages

Want to add further pages in your lead magnet? Merely click on on on the ‘Pages’ tab and then select the ‘Add New Internet web page’ button.

How to design custom pages without writing a single line of code

To save some time, Beacon has various ready-made internet web page templates that you just’ll use.

When you’ll customize the ones templates, choosing person who in moderation fits your desired end result will save you a ton of time.

A library of professionally-designed page templates

Alternatively, you’ll get began from scratch by means of deciding at the ‘Blank’ template.

It doesn’t subject what design you choose, Beacon will add that internet web page in your lead magnet.

How to create a multi-page lead magnet

Want to business where the internet web page turns out within your file? Then you definitely’ll simply drag and drop that internet web page into a brand spanking new position inside the left-hand menu.

After that, you’ll maximum ceaselessly want to give the internet web page a reputation. To take a look at this, click on on on its ‘Rename internet web page’ icon, which turns out like a small pencil.

Renaming pages in the user interface (UI)

On the next show, type inside the title you wish to have to use.

You’ll be capable to then click on on on the ‘Rename’ button.

How to rename pages within a user-friendly lead magnet

In the end, likelihood is that you’ll want to business the internet web page’s background color, upload a background symbol, quilt the header, or make equivalent changes.

To take a look at this, click on at the ‘Internet web page Settings’ tab inside the left-hand menu.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”384″ src=”” alt=”How to change your page settings, ready for your wordpress blog or website” class=”wp-image-326957″/>

Proper right here, you’ll business the file’s background style and gradient, add a background image, business the margins, and toggle the headers and footers.

Step 8. Add Additional Taking part in playing cards

As we already mentioned, Beacon’s templates come with some built-in taking part in playing cards. Alternatively, you’ll maximum ceaselessly want to add further taking part in playing cards in your design.

To begin out, select the internet web page where you wish to have in an effort to upload those taking part in playing cards. Then, click on on on the ‘Content material subject material Taking part in playing cards’ tab inside the left-hand menu.

How to do lead generation like a pro

Beacon will now display all of the taking part in playing cards you’ll add to the internet web page, similar to Text, Headline, Button, Quote, and Social Sharing. There are also taking part in playing cards that allow you to create a delightful layout, like Dividers and Spacers.

Whilst you find a card you wish to have to use, simply drag and drop it onto the reside preview. You’ll be capable to then business the card’s settings inside the left-hand menu or type in some text must you’re together with a Headline or equivalent card.

How to generate leads for your online business

The ‘Content material subject material Taking part in playing cards’ tab moreover accommodates containers, similar to Columns and Strips. The ones be in agreement to organize your taking part in playing cards, similar to arranging them into a few columns.

To use a container, once all over again merely drag and drop it onto the reside preview. Then, click on on to select the container and configure it the use of the settings inside the left-hand menu.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”335″ src=”” alt=”How to create a multi-column layout for your wordpress website, blog, or online store” class=”wp-image-326962″/>

Whilst you’re happy with how the container is ready up, you’ll add taking part in playing cards to it the use of drag and drop. You’ll be capable to create some attention-grabbing layouts the use of Beacon’s containers, so it’s well value experimenting with them.

Step 9: Publish Your Lead Magnet

Whilst you’re happy with how the lead magnet seems to be like, it’s time to make it reside so that you’ll get began producing leads. To do that, click on at the ‘Publish’ button inside the Beacon toolbar.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”370″ src=”” alt=”How to publish a lead magnet to your wordpress blog, website, or WooCommerce store” class=”wp-image-326965″/>

Beacon will now display all of the alternative ways you’ll submit this convenient useful resource.

Let’s run via them quickly, so exactly what your possible choices are.

How to make a lead magnet live using Beacon

Download PDF

Now and again, likelihood is that you’ll want to proportion a lead magnet by means of other channels besides your wordpress website online or blog. For instance, it’s good to attach a lead magnet in your next e-mail publication.

If that’s the case, you’ll download the lead magnet as a PDF. Simply click on on on ‘Download PDF’ and then select ‘Generate PDF.’

How to download a lead magnet as a PDF

After a few moments, you’ll see a ‘Download’ button.

Simply give this button a click on on, and Beacon will download the lead magnet in your local computer, ready in an effort to proportion by means of any channel that is helping PDFs.

How to download files from your lead magnet builder

Smart PDF

Beacon has a novel excellent PDF risk that lets visitors get right of entry to the lead magnet instantly in their web browser by means of a link. This works particularly well for cellular shoppers since excellent PDFs routinely resize to suit the buyer’s show.

Serps like google and yahoo can also index excellent PDFs, in order that they’re a great way to boost your wordpress search engine optimization. In truth, Beacon has a whole area where you’ll add a meta title, key phrases, and an summary in your excellent PDF.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”379″ src=”” alt=”How to optimize your files for seo” class=”wp-image-326973″/>

In the end, sharing your lead magnets as a smart PDF means that Beacon can practice how people are interacting with it. This accommodates time spent learning the file and the provision of any inbound links and web page guests.

To place up your lead magnet, simply select the ‘Smart PDF’ risk and then practice the clear onscreen instructions.

How to create a smart PDF

Horizontal Bar

Want to market it the lead magnet right through a few pages or even all of your wordpress website? Beacon means that you can pin an attention-grabbing bar to the perfect or bottom of the browser window.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”276″ src=”” alt=”Adding an alert bar to your wordpress website, blog, or online marketplace ” class=”wp-image-326976″/>

By means of default, this alert bar turns out right through each and every internet web page of your internet web page, then again you’ll exclude specific URLs must you prefer.

To get started, simply select the ‘Horizontal Bar’ risk and then make a choice the template you wish to have to use.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”384″ src=”” alt=”A collection of promotional bar templates for your wordpress website” class=”wp-image-326977″/>

As always, the ones templates are completely customizable.

After choosing a design, you’ll business the layout and content material subject material the use of Beacon’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”377″ src=”” alt=”Adding a horizontal bar to your website, blog, or eCommerce store” class=”wp-image-326979″/>

Inline Form

Want to create a lead take hold of form that integrates seamlessly along with your content material subject material?

Beacon has various ready-made form templates that you just’ll customize the use of its drag-and-drop editor.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”384″ src=”” alt=”How to add an inline form to your wordpress website” class=”wp-image-326981″/>

Whilst you’re happy with how the lead take hold of form seems to be like, you’ll add it in your internet web page the use of customized code that Beacon creates routinely (we suggest the use of WPCode appropriate right here).

With that discussed, inline paperwork are a superb risk if you want to keep watch over exactly the position the form turns out on your internet web page. For instance, it’s good to place it on a touchdown web page or midway via a selected blog submit.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”358″ src=”” alt=”How to add custom code to your wordpress website” class=”wp-image-326983″/>

As it integrates seamlessly along with your internet web page, this may be a superb risk must you don’t want to distract from the rest of your content material subject material.

Want to create an inline form? Then select the ‘Inline Form’ risk and practice Beacon’s clear onscreen instructions.

Content material subject material Beef up

A content material subject material strengthen is mainly a name to motion button that you just embed into your internet web page’s content material subject material.

Content upgrade Beacon

As you’ll see, content material subject material upgrades are in most cases stunning minimalistic, in order that they’re great must you don’t want to distract from the rest of the internet web page.

When the buyer clicks a button, they’ll see a popup asking for their contact information.

Beacon optin

Since visitors want to click on on two separate buttons, content material subject material upgrades are a great way to encourage upper engagement.

Popup Lengthen

Want to in truth grab the buyer’s attention? Beacon can market it your lead magnet by means of a wordpress popup.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”384″ src=”” alt=”How to add a popup to your wordpress blog or website” class=”wp-image-326986″/>

The ones popups are at the back of agenda, which means that they simply appear after the buyer scrolls down or spends a certain time frame on the internet web page. This provides them a possibility to find the rest of the content material subject material, previous to getting interrupted by means of a popup.

The program works particularly well if the internet web page’s content material subject material relates to the lead magnet someway. If the buyer is already engaged with the existing content material subject material, then they’re a lot more prone to check in for the lead magnet so they may be able to learn further.

To create a at the back of agenda popup, select this option inside the Beacon dashboard and then practice the onscreen instructions.

An example of a timed popup

Link Lock

If you desire not to use paperwork or popups, then Beacon can generate an immediate download link in your lead magnet.

You’ll be capable to then add this link to any button, anchor textual content, image, or equivalent content material subject material. Alternatively, you’ll proportion the link on any platform that is helping URLs, along with social media web sites. In truth, Beacon’s ‘link lock’ manner works totally, even supposing you don’t have a blog or website.

When any individual clicks this link, Beacon will ask for their e mail deal with with the intention to liberate the lead magnet. When they enter this data, they may be able to view and procure your magnet.

Link lock Beacon

Step 10. Assemble a Lead Magnet Library, Speedy

You now know how to create environment friendly lead magnets, then again that’s just the start. Beacon can also convert provide blog posts into lead magnets. You’ll be capable to each import a single submit into Beacon or import a few posts and then combine them into the ultimate helpful useful resource.

To make this much more easy, Beacon has a loyal wordpress plugin that can import your posts and pages with just a few clicks.

The first thing you need to do is about up and switch at the Beacon plugin. For added details, check out our news on set up a wordpress plugin.

With that performed, transfer to Beacon » Create inside the wordpress dashboard.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”384″ src=”” alt=”The Beacon wordpress plugin” class=”wp-image-326991″/>

Now, Beacon will scan your internet web page and display all of the pages and posts it discovers.

You’ll be capable to filter this content material subject material by means of checking or unchecking the ‘Pages’ and ‘Posts’ packing containers, otherwise you’ll select specific classes and tags.

How to filter based on categories and tags

That performed, simply to find the blog submit you wish to have to use and then check out its box.

Want to combine a few posts into a longer lead magnet, similar to an e e-book? Then, simply select a few checkboxes.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”356″ src=”” alt=”How to import wordpress blog posts and pages into your lead magnets” class=”wp-image-326994″/>

Whilst you’re satisfied along with your selection, click on on on the ‘Create’ button.

Beacon will now open in a brand spanking new tab, along with your content material subject material already imported. You’ll be capable to then practice the onscreen instructions to design and submit your lead magnet.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”375″ src=”” alt=”How to import blogs into using a free wordpress plugin” class=”wp-image-326995″/>

Bonus Tip: Discover ways to Generate Even Additional Leads

Once you have a library of superbly designed, information-packed lead magnets, you’ll need a strategy to market it them.

If you’ve used Beacon to create inline paperwork, popups, horizontal bars, and equivalent lead take hold of content material subject material, you then surely’re off to a in reality very best get began. Alternatively, there are rather a lot further tools and plugins that you just’ll use:

  • OptinMonster. This is one of the best possible popup plugins and lead technology tools for rising attention-grabbing popups, floating bars, scroll packing containers, and additional. OptinMonster integrates with all of the number one e-mail carrier suppliers and comes with powerful choices like exit-intent technology. This fashion, you’ll encourage shoppers to procure your lead magnet relatively than leaving your website.
  • SeedProd. Want to create professionally designed landing pages so that you’ll market it your latest lead magnets in style? SeedProd is a should have plugin must you propose to use Beacon’s inline paperwork or content material subject material upgrades, as you’ll create customized pages that totally complement this content material subject material.
  • MonsterInsights. If you’re going to take hold of as many leads as possible, you then surely’ll want to know what’s running and what isn’t. MonsterInsights makes it easy to set up Google Analytics in wordpress to see exactly the position visitors are coming from and the actions they take on your internet web page. You’ll be capable to then use this belief to increase your web page guests and boost your conversion fees.
  • AIOSEO. Additional visitors means further imaginable leads. With that discussed, you’ll need a superb search engine optimization plugin to toughen your search engine rankings and tool further other folks in your internet web page. As it’s the most efficient seo plugin available on the market, we’re confident that AIOSEO is essential for getting further leads and conversions.

We hope this newsletter helped you learn to create a lead magnet that converts. You’ll be capable to moreover go through our news on building up leads by way of 50% with interactive lead era or check out our top pointers for the usage of AI to skyrocket your lead era campaigns.

If you favored this newsletter, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for wordpress video tutorials. You’ll be capable to moreover to find us on Twitter and Fb.

The submit Learn how to Create a Lead Magnet That In truth Converts (Step by way of Step) first seemed on WPBeginner.

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SEO for and -commerce platforms – conquers online shopping with SEO …

Optimization of search engines for and -commerce platforms near the county of Dekalb

I discovered it! Huge efficient websites in Dekalb County

It exceeds the purchase of purchase of food dominance: methods of optimizing search engines for the E-commerce platforms of the county of Dekalb

The flourishing kingdom of -commerce is full of alternatives, however the triumph requires a strategic way. Looking for the optimization of engines (search engines optimization) emerges as the important thing to unlock gross sales of good luck in the county of Dekalb.

Presentation of the secrets and techniques of optimization of search engines and -commerce

This complete information deciphens the complexities of the optimization of search engines for E -Commerce platforms. Undertake an adventure to optimize your online website for the maximum visibility and conversion of gross sales within the highly aggressive market of the Dekalb County.

Maximizes visibility, it revives gross sales

Taking advantage of the structure of the optimization of search engines will push the E -Commerce platform to the head of the pages of the effects of the engine (SERP). Based on the focused key phrases, the optimization of the content material and the authoritative connections of authoritative Oneway, a virtual presence is identified that attracts the eyes of possible buyers.

Dominate the panorama of ecommerce

The scene of E -Commerce of the county of Dekalb is mature with possible. By adopting the rules of optimization of search engines defined on this information, you will be able to bring your online retailer to the cutting -edge of the search effects. Manage your aggressive advantage to keep up with the developments of optimizing the most recent search engines and the highest practices.

Conclusion: unleash feasible, reach the triumph

Embrace the optimization of search engines for e-commerce platforms in the county of Dekalb unleashes the possible possible of the online mission. Your virtual showcase will prove to be unstoppable pressure, attracting buyers, increasing gross sales and creating an unwavering presence within the flourishing eCommerce panorama.

It exceeds the online purchase of food with the optimization of search engines for e-commerce platforms in Dekalb county

Unlock the structure of e-commerce platforms to revive gross online sales on a very powerful component: seek engine optimization (search engines optimization). This complete information will reveal the secrets and techniques of the optimization of search engines for E -Commerce platforms, allowing you to optimize your online website for optimal visibility and gross sales in Dekalb county.

Optimization of search engines for ecommerce: a gateway to good fortune

Within the virtual market always crowded, optimize your e-commerce platform for search engines such as Google is fundamental. The optimization of search engines guarantees that your website is classified in an excess line in the search effects, attracting possible buyers without delay to the door. By following the basis defined on this information, you will be able to transport the presence of E -Commerce and an important expansion of gross sales.

Phase I: mastery of the key phrase

The root of the optimization of search engines lies in understanding and focuses on correlated key phrases. These are the hunting phrases that other people use to look for goods or services and products like yours. He lives analysis of the in -depth key phrases to decide the key phrases with a high volume and low competition that resonate together with your reference market.

Phase II: structure and navigation of the website

A well -structured online website with intuitive navigation is very important for the optimization of search engines. Make sure your online website is simple to navigate, with classes of transparent products, detailed pages of products and an intuitive checkout procedure. This seamless consumer enjoys the customer’s adventure and improves your conversion possibilities.

Phase III: Material of compelling content

Create high quality information and high quality material that is aimed at the intent of your target market. Use the key phrases of course through the descriptions of the products, the weblog posts and the online content material of different websites. Provide precious insights, common solutions questions and identify your logo as a skilled commercial.

Phase IV: Optimization of symbols

The images perform a vital function in the optimization of search engines and -commerce. Optimize the images of your product with key phrases related to the names of reports, alt tags and contours. This is helping search engines like Google Index your photos and strengthen your visibility in the search effects of symbols.

Phase V: cell reactivity

With the expansion of cellular units expanding, make sure that your online website is a mobile response is very powerful. Optimize your online website to navigate seamlessly on smartphones and drugs. This completes the fun of consumers, improves the optimization assessments of search engines and is aimed at increasing the development of shopping for cellular purchases.

Phase VI: Technical optimization of search engines

In the back of the scenes of your online website, the optimization parts of technical search engines are in the same way essential. Optimize the online rhythm of your website, repair the damaged hypertext links, create an XML sitemap and make sure that your online website complies with Google search engine optimization suggestions. Those components give a contribution to a good evaluation of optimization of search engines and strengthens the visibility of your engine.

Phase VII: optimization of native search engines for Dekalb county

RESTERS YOUR OPTIMATION OF SEARCH MOTORS OPTIMATION FOR MAGNITIVES OF OBJECTIVES In particular in the County of Dekalb. Use specific key phrases of the position on the content material, optimize your Google My Industry control list and interact with native buyers through social media and the involvement of the neighborhood.

TL; Dr: Takeway keyway

  • HABITies an analysis of the in -depth key sentences to identify linked research phrases.
  • Build your online website with transparent navigation and well -organized products pages.
  • Create material of precious content that solutions questions from the buyer and establishes your logo.
  • Optimize images with key phrases related to the progressive symbol if you are looking for visibility.
  • Make sure your online website is responsible for seamless navigation on all units.
  • Put the technical optimization of the higher search engines for the website and the online efficiency of the website and the optimization of search engines and the search engines.
  • Look at your optimization technique of search engines for buyers of objectives in the county of Dekalb for localized visibility.

Conclusion: Unblock of Ecommerce Doable

By embracing the basics of the optimization of search engines for e-commerce platforms in the county of Dekalb defined on this information, you will be able to rattle the possible possible of your online retailer. Optimize your online website to classify extremely in fact, draw visitors to the certified site and convert guests into reliable buyers. Keep in mind that the optimization of search engines is an ongoing procedure that requires constant monitoring and regulation. Keep updated with the latest sections of optimization of search engines and the highest practices to manage your aggressive advantage and dominate the panorama of -commerce in the county of Dekalb.

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The Smoothie Diet – smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

Product Name: The Smoothie Diet – smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

Click here to get The Smoothie Diet – smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Smoothie Diet – smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Hollywood’s exotic secret to losing weight healthily at home.

A study published in Nature Medicine involving 47,000 women and men, the largest of its kind in humans, found that it is just one common factor in every overweight man and woman. Low level of brown adipose tissue!

“June 2024, new scientific discovery

An esteemed team of scientific researchers discovered only one common factor in all overweight women and men: compromised liver function. And the only thing common in thin people? Optimal liver function!

As you probably already know, one of the main functions of your liver is to cleanse your body of all the chemicals and toxins you are exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol, and the environment in general.

However, your liver is also your entire body’s fat-burning oven.

Everything you eat or drink eventually reaches the liver to be processed.

Unfortunately, there are over 95,000 toxic substances consumed regularly through the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe that wreak havoc on our liver.

This causes a slow metabolism, low energy and excess abdominal fat.

However, the good news is that studies show that with optimal liver function, liver cells can be up to 14 times more efficient at burning fat and calories on autopilot. That’s why we created the

Juice Diet / 7 Day Challenge


EMMA was shocked when she realized she had lost 8 pounds in 1 week! –Houston, Texas

“Starting this diet was very easy and the results were very fast. After just 1 week on the Smoothie Diet, I weighed myself and realized I had lost 8 pounds! I feel better and more confident than I have in a long time, I no longer have to tuck in my stomach to button my pants and I still have to stop to look twice every time I walk in front of a mirror. “

“I have never seen weight loss like that. I really LOVE this ‘diet’! It’s more like a life review! I have more energy than I’ve had in years and my skin really glows! This is the perfect “mom makeover” you have been looking for. I haven’t been hungry at all in recent weeks and it’s the perfect complement to my busy lifestyle. I know I’m losing weight in a healthy way! My husband has started asking me more often if I would make him a smoothie, which is wonderful! Thank you multiplied by 10 million!

Joana was able to lose stubborn belly fat and get rid of her love handles – Buffalo, NY

“I’ve always tried to lose the last 10 to 15 pounds. and tone and that’s exactly what happened, so I’m very happy. I feel very good about myself, I no longer feel repressed in my belly and I feel confident in myself and people have noticed that in me too… and my love handles are gone! I couldn’t be happier with this entire program and definitely recommend it to anyone looking to lose a little or a lot.”

THE JUICE DIET is a revolutionary new life transformation system that is not only guaranteed to help you lose weight and feel better than you have in years, but it also promises to shed more body fat, faster than anything you’ve tried before.

I have used my knowledge as a health coach and what I have learned from all my clients to ensure that this program provides fast results. I have meticulously researched specific ingredients and nutrient properties to maximize the effectiveness of this program. All you have to do is replace certain meals with the smoothie recipes I provide and then watch the pounds effortlessly melt off your body and your energy levels soar.

In just a few minutes you will have access to all the tools you need to lose weight and be healthy as quickly as possible. I haven’t left anything to chance, everything is explained step by step so you can start today and lose weight tomorrow!

If you are looking for a complete transformation of your life over the next 3 weeks, you are in the right place! Whether you need to lose the last 5 to 10 pounds or want to get rid of 40 pounds or more, this will work for you. This diet is extremely flexible, so although this program lasts 21 days, you can continue using it for as long as you want to lose as much weight as you want and I explain exactly how.

Dramatic weight loss is just one of the many benefits you will get from this diet. Would you like to have more energy, clearer skin, sleep better, think better, stabilize blood sugar and more? You are only 21 days away…

You will get the COMPLETE 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS AND HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM that I regularly use with my private coaching clients.


SHOPPING LISTS FOR EACH WEEK to make it super easy to get everything you need

SMOOTHIE MAKING TIPS & PREPARATION GUIDE To ensure there is ZERO trial and error and you spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your new levels of confidence and energy!

If you’re like me, you want to get straight to the good stuff! I designed this guide to be a simple reference that you can print out and start using right away without needing to read the longer main guide. It is a condensed version of the main guide containing the 3-week schedule, shopping lists, prep guide, and smoothie recipes. This is a quick “to do” list that will help you start enjoying the benefits of the program the moment you download it.

This Detox program is easily worth the price of the entire program. This is something you can do before starting the 21-day program to help clear out the “cobwebs” and prepare your body for optimal results. It can also be used any time you want to lose a few pounds quickly or “reset” your health after you’ve lost your way (like while on vacation). The best thing is that you will see almost instant weight loss results. The program includes 3 days of 3 specially designed meal replacement detox smoothie recipes, a complete shopping list for everything you need, as well as your choice of 2 recipe options.

You are covered for a full 60 days. If for any reason you decide this program is not for you, just email me and let me know and I will refund you…every penny, no questions asked, no hassle. This is a completely risk-free offer.

Drew Health CoachCertified Health Coach

“I just completed the juice diet. Which in a word is FABULOUS! The diet is very easy to follow, after just a few days I felt great, full of energy! The smoothies are very tasty, filling and never boring! I will continue to drink smoothies every day because it has now become a way of life for me! If you are looking to lose weight and make a healthy change in your life, try this – I couldn’t have asked for more than this! Thanks for everything!”

*Japanese scientists discovered a shocking new cause of belly fat and a strange thing you can do to lose fat and keep the weight off for several months. Your results may vary.

The best part about the juice diet is that you can use it for as long as you need to lose as much weight as you want. I make it very easy to continue using everything you learn in the first 3 weeks to extend the program over the next few weeks or even months. And each additional week will be just as fun as the first three! My goal is to give you all the tools you need to continue losing weight and staying healthy for as long as you need.

Unlike other diets, this is not a “quick fix.” 21 days is just the beginning of a lifetime of better health and a slimmer body. The number one comment I get about the Jugo juice smoothie diet is that after a few weeks, cravings for sweets and junk food have essentially disappeared. This makes it very easy to maintain weight. I also show you exactly how to return to your regular eating patterns after 21 days while incorporating shakes into your diet to maintain weight. In fact, most people love smoothies so much that they don’t want to give them up after 21 days. As some of my clients have said, this is a complete life transformation program.

Whole fresh fruits, as well as blended green smoothies, not only provide a healthy way for diabetics to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet, but may also help reverse some of the dietary and lifestyle problems they exacerbate. diabetes or contribute to its development. progression. The best thing about this diet is that it starts a chain reaction of lifestyle changes that reduce or eliminate factors that exacerbate the disease and reverse the condition in some individuals. Please note that while I am a nutrition expert, I am not a doctor. If you have diabetes or ANY other health condition, you should always consult with your doctor first before making any dietary changes.

If you don’t have much time during the day, this program is PERFECT for you. My ideal client is a busy mother who works, goes to school, has errands to run, kids to drop off or pick up, etc. I designed this program to be super simple and take a few minutes a day. I even give tips on how to take shortcuts to save a few precious extra minutes when making smoothies. The recipes are quick to prepare and you can enjoy them immediately after preparing them or take them with you. You will always have delicious and abundant food with you. And if you can press a button on your blender, then you can follow this program 🙂

This is a fully digital product. You will not receive anything in the mail. The good thing about this is that you will have access to it in minutes. You don’t have to wait for anything to arrive at your door. I want to tap into the excitement you’re feeling right now and help you get started right away. You can even do your week 1 shopping today and start tomorrow… or start today! The files are in PDF format. After making payment, you will automatically be directed to a page where you can download and view everything on your computer, tablet or smartphone. For those who prefer a printed book, the Quickstart Bonus is designed for that. It is a 20-page abbreviated version of the main guide that can be printed and followed as a printed book.

If for any reason this program does not work for you even though you have followed it exactly as I have set it out, I have no problem giving you a full refund. I’ll even cover you for a full 60 days, so if you’re not happy for any reason over the next 2 months, we’ll give you your money back. If you’re not happy with the program, I don’t want you to have to pay for it. I believe in building relationships with my clients and their satisfaction is my number one priority.

Yes, I am sick and tired of being overweight, having no energy, and worrying about my health. I’m ready to make a change! I understand that my order is fully guaranteed for 60 days and I will have instant access to the program after placing the order so I can start burning fat as soon as today.

*The testimonials, case studies and examples found on this page are results sent to us by users of “The Jugo Juice Diet Program”. Products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. .

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used with permission. ClickBank’s role as a retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claims, statements or opinions used in promoting these products.

smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

Click here to get The Smoothie Diet – smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Smoothie Diet – smoothies for weight loss and incredible health

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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