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First Strike

Product Name: First Strike

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First Strike is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Attention: Any Man Concerned With The Rise Of Violent Encounters In The United States — and Who Wants To Protect Himself and His Family From Those Who Intend Harm — Must Master The 17 Viciously Effective Special Forces Combatives Moves Now Revealed For The First Time On This Page

But after two towering men were unconscious on the ground, nobody was laughing anymore.

In fact, this angry mob turned into a dispersed crowd of panicked individuals running in different directions.

Yet the man who put these two criminals on the ground, had never been in a fight once in his life.

So how did Steve (a normal blue collar guy who hadn’t worked out in years) lay out these two aggressive guys twice his size and disperse a mob of people that were starting to surround him?

Steve quickly read the situation, which we’ll look at more closely in a minute.

He recognized all the patterns that were playing out in front of him.

And because he understood the situation, he had the confidence to trust his own instinctive reaction to subdue his aggressors.

And get this… he learned in less than an hour how to unleash his genetically hardwired ability to dish out devastating force — without any formal martial arts training.

In fact, he used a collection of techniques that the US Military train every soldier in.1

I’ll tell you all about those techniques and exactly how Steve used them in just a minute, but please, you need to understand this…

In 2020, the chance of a “fair fight” occurring is very unlikely.

It’s not like back in the day when you’d go to the parking lot and settle the argument like men.

Violent encounters due to the chaos and civil unrest happening today, have shown us “fair” doesn’t exist anymore.

The mob of people who want to cause nothing but trouble don’t care about honor and respect as men, in fact, they don’t care about much at all aside from causing mayhem.

And with talks of reducing the funding for officers of the law, the idea that all you need to do is wait and the good guys will show up to save the day is completely out the door.

And I know that’s frustrating, I’m right there with you, but what you need to understand is you don’t have a choice.

That responsibility is on you now, no one else, and it’s irresponsible as an American to stick your head in the sand.

You need to know how to defend yourself against the unknown of chaos in order to protect yourself, your family, and your property.

So I’m going to show you in this letter how even someone like Steve, who looked like an easy target, was able to make it home safely that night without anyone laying a finger on him or his wife.

I began my career as a Special Operator in the Canadian Special Service Force.2

And until recently, I served as the leader of one of the most prestigious SWAT Teams in the world.

Together with Personal Protection expert and long-time martial arts teacher Ari Kay, we’re on a mission to help men around the world regain the confidence that comes from KNOWING you can take care of business when a threat emerges.

And I want to show you exactly how to unlock that warrior instinct that’s within every single one of us men…

Now, let me explain to you the biggest misconception that I hear from a lot of men.

You see, most guys think that as long as they stay out of harm’s way, trouble won’t find them, but that’s oftentimes not the case.

Think about this… What is it worth to have confidence knowing you can keep your family safe if chaos erupts?

If you asked me that question, I’d say it’s priceless.

Listen, Steve’s story could have turned out much different.

Here’s what happened…

After a nice dinner for their date night, Steve and his wife are walking back to their car.

In the parking lot, a mob of people in masks are destroying cars and everything they see in sight as a form of protest.

Steve didn’t know that the night he decided to take his wife out would be the night that a major controversial event occured in his city causing people to take to the streets to protest.

And on the way to his car, two tough looking guys shout to the group telling them to walk towards Steve and his wife.

This is where Steve let his instincts kick in. However…

What would most people do in this situation?

Keep their eyes down and just hope they go away? The whole time putting their family’s safety in jeopardy while burying their head in the sand?

Take their wife’s hand and try to get out of there — hoping the thugs don’t follow?

Or stand up to these towering aggressors even though they don’t have a clue how to stop them if push comes to shove?

Those are the only choices unless you’ve spent some time unlocking the instincts deep inside you that are there to keep you alive and keep your loved ones safe…

And PLEASE do not make the same mistake most men make…

They believe that because they live in a nice part of town…

Or since they stay out of harm’s way, nothing bad will ever happen to them or those that are close to them.

The sad reality is, no matter how nice of a neighborhood that you stay in, this can happen to anyone.

The real question anyone needs to ask is, what’s the price of hiding from the truth and sticking your head in the sand?

And if violence comes, not knowing what to do and freezing up isn’t something you want to experience.

I’d pay anything to never have to experience that situation.

And I’m very happy that Steve didn’t experience it.

Let’s take a look at how Steve got out of there alive with his wife unharmed…

First, he recognized the early signs that these guys were trouble and started to listen to his instincts.

As soon as these guys started walking towards Steve, he adopted a dominating stance, looked them in the eyes, and told them to back off…

Now, they weren’t visibly intimidated by any means by this scrawny guy in his fancy clothes.

In fact they laughed at him. But on some level they were thrown off by his unexpected behavior.

However Steve could see they were still intent on doing something to him and his wife. He didn’t know if they intended actual violence or not. And he didn’t care…

He didn’t give the situation a chance to unfold and turn him and his wife into another statistic. The moment the first guy went hands on Steve’s instincts to make the First Strike took over…

Steve threw a devastating blow using what I like to call “The Most Lethal Bone In Your Body”… one down…

The other thug was in complete shock.

I mean c’mon… this little guy actually fighting back?

And before the other guy could even react Steve overwhelmed him striking one of the 3 critical targets and swept him… two down…

At that moment, Steve saw the mob turn around and disperse to get away after seeing their partners in crime barely conscious on the floor.

Following his next instinct — he instantly whirled around, grabbed his wife by the hand and got her out of there before she could even register ANY of this…

Only after making sure his wife was safely away did he pull out his cell phone and call the cops.

After all, he knew the cops can only show up after the dust has already settled…

On that night, Steve was prepared.

And he didn’t get ready by training all of the different styles of combat at a gym or self defense school for countless hours.

Nope, and that’s because Steve understood this one fact…

Yes, that’s right, fighting styles like Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing are relatively useless in a real street fight or chaotic event.

The martial arts that you see professional fighters using can do you more harm than good.

These forms of martial arts are designed for competition, and while they may be somewhat useful…

They are practiced implying that there are rules, like a competition.

Remember, thugs and criminals don’t follow rules.

I’ve seen way too many guys at my Jiu Jitsu gym with black eyes and bruised faces tell horror stories about the techniques that they spent months learning didn’t work out for them.

Every time I tell them that techniques you’re learning are designed for a competition, not a bar on the outskirts of town.

It got to a point where I realized someone had to do something to show men just how simple it is to stop a fight.

I’m going to reveal how anybody can quickly master a handful of moves in under one hour that’ll ensure safety in almost all situations.

That’s right, 60 minutes is all you need to know exactly what to do to defend yourself against a dangerous situation.

I used to think that I had to become a black belt in 3 different types of martial arts to be able to defend myself.

But after witnessing and being a part of over 200+ REAL street fights, I know that it’s just not the case.

The amount of craziness you see as a bouncer in a bar, and then operating in a special forces branch of the government truly is crazy.

So I can tell you first hand, those martial arts I listed earlier are not what you need.

Now please understand, what I’m about to reveal goes against the grain of what every instructor of martial arts is going to say.

And I can’t blame them, they want people to sign up for their classes so they can pay their bills.

But really, it’s true, everything you need to know to defend yourself can be distilled down to 1 hour…

What’s amazing about this system is that it really doesn’t matter who you are, anyone can implement these simple moves in any situation to defend themselves.

This system can work for people who think they’re too old or young, large or thin, tall or short.

In fact, just knowing what I’m about to show you may keep a majority of the bad guys away.

You see, criminals tend to prey on signs of weakness.3

And when you know that you can defend yourself in any situation, it’s likely that a surge of confidence will come rushing into your life.

That confidence alone can help keep you out of a lot of trouble, because confidence is a sign that you’re open to the world and ready to take it on.

Criminals don’t really like messing with confident people.

Now I know that you may be a bit skeptical about this…

Surely you would’ve heard about this system by now, I mean why is it not being talked about everywhere?

Well honestly, I don’t know why everyone isn’t talking about it.

My guess is that because the UFC and Boxing have become so popular recently, everyone is going nuts over the different styles which are being used.

However, what I do know is that the US Military uses this exact system that I’m about to show you4 to get their troops ready for hand to hand combat in just a few weeks.

Now, as I’ve alluded to before, this system won’t take you weeks to soak up this information, or even a single day.

All it takes is 1 hour, because like so many men, you’re probably not preparing to become some new star MMA fighter…

You’re more than likely not preparing for a life of combat and war like our troops in the military are…

I’d be willing to take a guess and say that you’re just preparing for the chance that someone decides to mess with you.

You don’t need to go and master this system, all you need to do is understand it, and know when to use it, and that’s it.

I don’t recommend starting fights, and I don’t recommend getting into fights.

But sometimes it’s the other party that’s taking it too far and you need to put a stop to it immediately.

The best way to end fights is with a devastating blow so the fight doesn’t even happen.

The second you realize that the other person is a threat, your goal should be to get out of there as fast as possible.

Yes, that’s right, your goal should be to run, just like Steve did after he assessed the remaining threats.

Many people believe that they need to stay there and fight, to defend their courage as a man.

This is nothing but the ego talking, and take it from me, someone who’s had his fair share of real combat…

Thinking that way is completely foolish.

Sun Tzu in The Art Of War said it best, “If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we flee from him.”

Chances are, you’ll have no idea about your opponent’s strengths.

What if they have a weapon that you don’t know about?

What if your opponent has 12 friends outside?

And the second they find out their brother is in a fight, they come rushing in to help him out.

Being a “tough guy” doesn’t help you in situations like that.

But being smart certainly will.

All you need is to know what your first strike is going to be, you make the move, and then you leave.

Because a real fight usually only lasts around 30 seconds, and can be as quick as 5 seconds.

What you need to do is attack the attacker, so you can buy yourself time to book it for the door.

You don’t need to carry around any weapons, and I’ll elaborate on that more here in a bit.

But just know that there’s so much legal repercussion that can come from just firing your weapon, let alone hurting someone with it.5

And trust me, you don’t want to deal with that.

Your knees, shins, elbows, forearms, and fists are all very powerful and strong.

All it takes is one strike to knock someone out, and allow you to get to safety.

The only way to do that is to give you the optimal techniques that have been passed down and refined through generations of trial and error.

In fact, discovering these techniques was originally a large problem for the US Military6…

World War Two has erupted.

You’ve got hundreds of thousands of troops that range anywhere between the ages of 18 and 40.

And you need to make sure that within a month, they’re ready to go for combat.

Kind of a difficult task, but the US never fails to shock the world and show us all how it’s done.

US military officers condensed the most practical techniques based on natural human instincts, and field-tested the result in over 2000 documented encounters.7

This real-world fighting style that still to this day is being taught has become known as Army Combatives and has continued to evolve since WW2.

After only weeks of training, this new combatives method produced the highest number of documented kills out of any system ever seen.8

Yet these Special Operators did not train for years to develop these skills.

In fact, few had trained in any form of formal martial arts.

Like I said before, most of these guys were very young, and a majority were either pencil thin or skinny-fat average joe’s who were drafted into the military.

But after just a few weeks of constantly drilling these techniques, these men became lethal weapons armed with nothing but their bare hands.

This is because rather than going against the way your instincts are ingrained in your reactions and try to rewire your brain like so many martial arts do…

Combatives focuses on using those instinctive reactions to your benefit.

Which is exactly why we want to make sure you know these techniques taught in Army Combatives.

Because besides the fact that these combatives are one of the simplest and most effective forms of combat that anyone can soak up in 60 minutes…

After teaching this system for many years, I’ve noticed one thing that stays consistent across all men.

After learning this system, men carry themselves more confidently.

And it’s really no surprise, when you know that no matter what situation arises you can hold your weight and defend yourself and your loved ones…

It brings a surge of confidence and masculine energy, something that I think no man can have too much of…

Regardless of what today’s world thinks, we need more masculine men.

And my hope is that not only will this system give you the skills necessary to put someone twice your size on the floor if they try to attack you…

But it will also bring a rush of pure alpha confidence into your life.

Building on the tradition of these combatives methods, Ari and I have boiled our combatives approach down to 17 moves that are all you’ll ever need to know in order to keep yourself safe.

We’ve combined my Special Forces background with Ari’s decades of applying his martial arts experience to the real world demands of personal protection and security work.

The result is an easy-to-learn system of powerful and devastating fight techniques.

There really isn’t anything out there like this program, mainly because the experience that Ari and I have had in real world scenarios is quite unique.

In this program you’ll get access to 17 videos showing the 17 different techniques.

Each of these combatives moves is clearly delivered in 3 minutes or less.

They’re easy-to-understand videos that you can watch anywhere, even on your phone.

And as I’ve already revealed earlier, these moves include…

Remember, you’ll absorb these moves in just one hour of watching.

Now obviously, the more you watch them, the better you’ll understand when and how to use them.

This is so much more convenient than training for years with martial arts.

Now look, I understand there’s certainly a lot of solutions for self defense.

For starters, you could just conceal carry a firearm, but do you really want to have to deal with the legalities that come with having to use it?

Regardless of if you were right in your use of force, you never know, the court could not side with you and you end up in trouble.

Plus, you’re not able to bring a firearm everywhere you go.

Even if you end up using it to defend yourself in a restricted location such as a bar (regardless of if you were right or not) you’re probably getting arrested that night.

The other alternative is to carry an edged or blunt weapon with you.

But the severity of legal troubles that can happen if you were to REALLY hurt someone are again not worth it.

So it’s best to avoid that route as well.

Now sure, you could use something like a taser or mace, but what happens if there’s multiple people coming at you?

What about if it’s a crazy person hyped up on who knows what?

Trying to subdue someone on a substance is damn near impossible.

Believe me, I’ve had to do that, and it was not fun.

We see it all the time on the news, a cop will try to taze or mace a criminal and it does nothing but add fuel to the fire.

So something like mace or a taser could be your saving grace, but I’ve got a dozen situations where it can actually do you more harm than good.

The other solution is to learn a martial art, such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kick Boxing, Aikido, Karate, or Tae-Kwon-Do.

While I think these are all great arts to go into for personal development and to get tougher, I think they all fall outside of what’s necessary for self defense.

Like I’ve said, these martial arts are designed to have rules, and there are no rules in the real world.

I’ve seen guys who are black belts get their butt kicked from a guy who knew nothing about martial arts or fighting, all because he just used pure brute force to dominate.

And that’s the real nature of violence.

It’s not going to be like a boxing match where you just stand there and exchange blows like the movie Rocky.

A much more accurate depiction is exchanging a blow or two and the fight ends up on the ground.

Afterwards someone’s friends gang up on the opposing party and have at it.

A street fight is very violent and it happens very quickly.

You won’t have time to get into your ready stance that your sensei taught you in class the other week.

Again, this is why we created a program that works with your instincts, so the second that trouble comes your way you’re able to react and know exactly what to do.

When I say that this program really does have some of the best information out there, I genuinely mean it.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s what men just like you are saying about what they learned…

I was travelling home from Vancouver with my daughter and her friend on BC Ferries. There were 2 young men in a verbal exchange of a heated manner. The aggressor was using VERY salty language in an area that was a designated children’s area. So I got up and asked them to move on. The aggressor looks at me, “tough guy, eh”!? I escorted him out of the area and he “promised” me that I was next. I ignored him as for the next hour as he circled the boat staring down his original victim. I had to go to the bathroom before I disembarked. As I was exiting the bathroom, there stood the 2 combatants from earlier. The aggressor turns to me and says “hey tough guy”!!! I told him that I just wanted to take my kids and go home. He said sure, then pushed my face… I grabbed his hood, pulled it across his face and smacked his head into the wall. He threw 2 wild punches which were easily dodged. I then grabbed his arm across my chest, trapped, turned and threw. I landed on him with punches coming up to me. I pushed his arm to the side, slid off to apply a head and arm choke. When I felt him almost go out, I stopped, grabbed the arm, rolled him to his belly and placed him in a pin. Security on the boat grabbed some tie straps and we made a pair of cuffs. He was turned over to the staff, police were called, and my job done. Thanks Ari!

George Lopez, Vancouver BC

One day on the job I found myself in a close quarters wrestling match over a pistol with a robber at a pharmacy I interrupted. The principles of First Strike, how to control a body and isolate limbs allowed me to end this conflict quickly without having to take this guy’s life, losing mine or endangering the store full of bystanders in the backdrop if I would have used my firearm.

I was coming out of a local grocery store and heading back to my car. It was about 8pm, dark and cold out. All I wanted was to get home. I walked down the stairwell to the first floor and came upon two guys going through a bag at the bottom of the stairs. All I saw was cosmetics and papers on the ground which I assumed to be a women’s purse. I also noticed a long metal rod near one of the thieves.

I rounded the corner and stopped maybe 6 steps above them. One of the guys looked up and said “fuck you… get lost.” His buddy picked up the rod and moved forward, maybe 2 steps up from the landing. He spat and said “get out of here or….” I just reacted and kicked him in the face from 4 steps up. I wasn’t going to wait for him to close the gap or finish his sentence. I had no idea what he was going to do with the rod and I wasn’t going to take the chance. I kicked the guy hard enough that he flew back, crashing his head against the door at the bottom. The second guy just ran. And the first guy was, well, knocked out. I ran up the stairs to the first floor and called the cops.

I recently got a real life lesson in road rage when a guy slid into my car at a stop sign. I got out of the car to see the damage and figured that it was the slick roads that made the other driver hit me. But since the bump was significant, I still needed to see if there was any damage. I had no idea the other driver would lose his shit. I get out of the car and the other guy starts yelling at me saying that I stopped too quickly. I pointed out the large stop sign and that he was following too close. I also noticed he reeked of booze. I was taken aback by his aggressive behaviour and as we investigated the ‘damage’, he swore and just grabbed me in this head lock. I couldn’t believe I was in a fight over a fender bender. I didn’t expect it (who does) and remember thinking “this can’t be real’. I reached up, placed pressure on his face with one hand and lifted his leg with the other. I had him off the ground and then crashed him the to concrete. He immediately let go and stopped fighting as the impact had rattled him. Before I know it, the police were there as they were at the opposite intersection and someone waved them down. I explained my situation and had witnesses to back me up.

And it really does bring me a lot of fulfillment knowing that what I’ve put together with Ari has seriously helped these men.

My mission in life is to help bring that warrior instinct back to the men who’ve been robbed of it due to society feminizing everything.

In fact today, because I want you to join the other confident and fearless Americans who have now taken control of their instinctive role as a confident protector — I’ve got a very special offer for you…

This small price is next to nothing to ensure that you’ve got the confidence necessary to defend yourself in all situations.

You could go to a martial arts studio, and pay hundreds of dollars a month to learn the information that I’ve explained could do you more harm than good.

Or… you could just completely ignore the dangers of life, tuck your tail between your legs, and hope nothing best happens.

(Probably your worst bet if I’m being honest…)

But both of these solutions aren’t going to do much for you when *you know what* hits the fan.

But today not only do I want to save you time by steering you away from the long and hard path of learning martial arts, but I want to save you money too.

That’s less than a meal for two at a restaurant, but the difference is that the information inside can change your life.

Just use the button below to guarantee your access.

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

After you click that button, you’ll be taken to our secure order form.

Once you fill it out and everything clears, you’re good to go, your access to the videos will be sent to your email inbox within minutes.

But I really wanted to make sure that we’re bringing a tremendous amount of value to the table.

And that’s exactly why we’ve included these exclusive bonuses…

Have you ever noticed that certain men — no matter how small or big — have a certain energy that comes with them wherever they go?

It’s like the second they walk into the room, everyone recognizes that person has arrived.

And have you ever wondered what it feels like to be that guy? The one who commands respect without even saying a word?

Do you know what’s different about guys like that? It’s simple…

I’ve seen 5’5” guys cause 6 foot thugs to turn around and walk away with nothing but a look.

I know it sounds woo-woo or mystical…

But there’s a certain energy that projects from guys that have self confidence.

Believe me when I tell you that the root of true, deep, and profound confidence for every man is the understanding that they can defend themselves in any situation.

Look: real men aren’t looking for violence… but when it comes knocking they are willing and able to make the First Strike.

The sickly predators of the world sense that and back away.

Just knowing you can take care of business can inflate you with a supernatural feeling of confidence and power.

However there are certain tricks you can use instantly to magnify your aura of Alpha Dog confidence even more!

Once you master these simple tricks — everyone around you will sense it.

Which is why I created a simple manual called Command Presence so you can quickly master the art of silent domination. And…

But let me make this deal even better for you…

Yes, I want to GIVE you another free bonus…

Too many guys walk through life like blind sheep — completely trusting that decency and the rules of society will protect them…

Listen, that’s just naive. And it’s DANGEROUS to you and your loved ones…

You don’t have to be paranoid or become a conspiracy theorist.

In fact as a Special Forces operator and then SWAT Leader, if I let that happen I probably would have gone crazy…

Your survival depends on creating a balance between vigilance and still experiencing and enjoying your life and activities…

Which is why Ari and I used our collective experience to create the Advanced Situational Awareness manual.

These simple observation, scanning, and monitoring techniques in the Advanced Situational Awareness guide are exactly what will help make sure you know a threat is coming before they even make their first move.

Every skill in this easy-to-understand book will quickly become second nature so you can stay out of harm’s way without even thinking about it!…

Now when I showed Ari everything I had put together for this exclusive offer, he told me we need to give more.

Which is exactly what we did.

So ontop of both of those free training manuals…

We’ve got one more special bonus for you.

When I was in the military, and then SWAT, there’s one thing above all others that pushed me to be the best I could be.

It was the team of guys at my back.

It’s a proven fact that support, follow up and accountability are the #1 secret to success in anything.

Which is why I was inspired to create a one-of-a-kind community of motivated men called Alpha Nation.

And I want to get you into this group of Alpha’s for free so you can see the power for yourself.

That’s right, I’m giving you FREE access for the next 30 days to help you get a head start on mastering the First Strike skills.

That’s not all though… you’ll also find hundreds of other videos and articles covering every aspect of being a well rounded, respected and highly regarded man and leader.

You’ll discover everything from how to survive an urban disaster to how to trim your beard and everything in between — including priceless information on how every man can easily get and stay in top physical shape.

Remember, this is only free for a very limited time because I’m only able to take on a limited number of men in this exclusive coaching community.

Listen, Ari and I have been at this for a while. We’ve seen all kinds of guys quickly master the system. They come in every shape and size. And they all come to us with all kinds of excuses in their heads as to why it won’t work for them. And…

It’s the best feeling in the world to see how quickly their excuses disappear once they see how simple and natural the First Strike system is, and how easy it is to master…

So rest assured, this is guaranteed to work for you even if…

Now, I’m positive you’re really going to enjoy this material and you’ll find so much value in everything we show you in these videos.

But I really want to make sure you’re confident with your purchase, which is exactly why we’re taking on all of the risk.

I’m going to give you an entire 60 days to evaluate the First Strike system for yourself.

If at ANY time in the next 60 days you decide the system is not for you, just let me know and I’ll make sure you get a full refund the very same day!

So go ahead and see for yourself without any risk.

Just make sure you act today so you secure the current low price and get all the extra manuals and free membership that we’re giving to you absolutely free for a very limited time…

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Robert Frost said it in one of his most famous poems…

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

I want to tell you today that there are two roads in front of you right now.

Either you ignore the problem at hand, and leave it up to chance that you never have to face a dangerous situation.

Or you face the problem head on, and make sure you’re prepared for whatever this crazy world throws your way.

The path of making sure you’re prepared, is the road less traveled.

It’s so easy to be soft and comfortable in today’s society…

It takes a real man to do what he needs to do, and go the path that many other can’t because they’re too naive.

Now look, there’s a pretty high chance that this path of investing in our program and materials so you can know how to defend yourself could be closing up very soon.

I’m not sure how long I can maintain this limited time offer and all your free bonuses.

You see, First Strike is becoming so popular that we’re being forced to expand the business so we can accommodate the demand.

Which means we won’t be able to continue offering the system at such a low price and giving away so many of our manuals for free.

So If I were you, I’d take action today and unlock that primal warrior instinct that’s within us all.

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Stand Apart,

Todd Lamb

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Product Name: The 4 Cycle Solution

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Do you think your carb addiction is making you fatter? Here’s how you can lose 7-11 pounds of PURE fat in the next 7 days by eating MORE carbs…

Why Carb-Cycling Is The Most Sensible Nutrition Solution to Permanent Weight Management…

Feel “Healthy”, NOT Hungry All The Time—with LIMITLESS Food Options.

“Outsmart” Your Metabolism and Become Adapted to Burning Fat in LESS Than 7 Days.

Conquer the DREADED Diet “Plateau”—for continuous weight loss once and for all.

END Your Body’s “Addiction” To Burning Nothing But Sugars and REPROGRAM YOUR BODY—to burn the fat FIRST, not LAST (and keep it off for good).

Learn How To Eat LOTS Of Your Favorite Carbs And NEVER Store Them As Fat.

“Crack the Fat Loss Code” once and for all with the EASIEST Scientific Way to Lose Fat.

WARNING: This article is highly controversial, so most crash dieters and newbies will dismiss this because they have been mindlessly misled to follow the same ole’ baloney misinformation and outright lies packed inside diet books making you think you can’t eat carbs without getting fat.

Did you know that the Japanese are the LEANEST and HEALTHIEST people on the planet?

They are more likely to reach 100 years old than anyone else in the world, a fact that most researchers attribute to their diet.

In fact, many call their home “The Land of Immortals”.

In addition to their high life expectancy, they are known for their unusually low mortality from cardiovascular disease and even certain types of cancers.

THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE: They are 8 times LESS likely to die from coronary heart disease, 7 times LESS likely to die from prostate cancer, 6.5 times LESS likely to die from breast cancer, and 2.5 times LESS likely to die from colon cancer than an average American of the same age.

And get THIS: the Japanese have the LOWEST rates of obesity (only 2.9%) in the world, versus 11% for the French and 32% for Americans, according to the International Obesity TaskForce.

So evidence clearly proves they live LEANER and age SLOWER than the rest of the world.

The traditional Japanese diet consists of 85% carbohydrates, 9% protein, and only 6% fat…

I’m not advocating you eat like this – NO WAY! You still have to be “smart” about it by using the Carb Cycling solution found below.

But it proves once and for all, that despite all the bad press over the years, many high carb foods like potatoes and rice do NOT make you fat.

Make no mistake about it. The Japanese diet staples are high carb foods like white rice and Samurais were even known for eating up to 24 different varieties of potatoes!

Ironically, to this very day they’re STILL the leanest and healthiest people in the whole world.

Eating carbs like this would be considered CRAZY by today’s low carb diet standards.

But the Japanese continue to break all the rules and eat carbs. LOTS of them.

How do the Japanese continue to eat a HIGH carb diet, while keeping the fat off their body to stay leaner and healthier than the rest of the world year after year?

Let me tell you the real truth about the Japanese from the story above that keeps them leaner and healthier than everybody else…

Do you really think lean and healthy people, like the Japanese, obsess over choosing low glycemic foods, counting calories and carb grams?

Absolutely not: It’s been a part of their culture for hundreds of years.

You might think it’s all in their genes, but when Japanese people adopt a western-style diet, they put on weight quickly and gain fat rapidly just like we do.

That’s because the Japanese were raised differently than you so they unknowingly have access to a diet secret that doctors and researchers have been missing out on for years…

But that’s not all. The most important piece of the fat loss puzzle is what’s been known since the days of the caveman.

MOST of these foods are NOT what you think they are.

As you’ll discover below, most of the lower carb diet foods you think help you burn fat could actually be making you fatter with every bite, while eating many of the high carb foods you try to avoid can actually help you burn MORE fat.

Even though BOTH of these ladies have the EXACT same size 2 body, the physique on the right is comprised mostly of dense, shapely, tone muscle, while the image on the left…isn’t.

The unfortunate reality is that 99% of Low Carb Diets result in a significant amount of muscle loss. Although the girl on the left looks “ok”… the girl on the right looks smokin’ HOT.

Everything you’ve been told about eating carbs for fat loss is DEAD WRONG.

In fact, LACK of healthy carb intake is the primary reason 86% of today’s exercisers and dieters look and feel terrible because it robs you of energy, SLOWS down your metabolism, and STOPS your body from burning fat.

Once you understand the REAL truth about carbs and YOUR body…

As you’ll soon discover below, Carb Cycling is something that ANYBODY at ANY age can use to ERASE stubborn fat faster, while still eating LOTS of your favorite carbs.

That’s the Carb Cycling advantage. It PROTECTS your metabolism and KEEPS your body burning fat for the long haul. See for yourself…

[3]Davis, et. al. Concurrent training enhances athletes’ strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487–1502.

Why is Macro-Patterning™ The Most Sensible Solution to FASTER Fat Loss and Permanent Weight Management?

It OVERCOMES the 5 biggest dieting adaptations your body goes through… all of which create weight loss plateaus, stop your fat loss, slow down your metabolism, zapping your body of energy, and suppressing critical hormones.

Discover how to effectively use all your excess fat and the food you eat everyday MUCH more efficiently as IMMEDIATE energy, instead of storing it as fat.

Macro-Patterning™ allows you to manipulate stored energy in your muscles and liver (i.e. glycogen), which means FASTER more efficient fat loss and healthier metabolism.

When you crack the fat loss code with carb cycling, you’ll take a few days of the week to lower glycogen levels just enough for your body to grab and burn fat.

When you learn the simple science behind the fat loss code and break it forever, you approach nutrition and fat loss with a logic of knowledge (coming from a place of POWER)… NOT the “emotional” attachment to the latest diet of the week.

The very FIRST thing your body wants to do when you diet is shed precious muscle. But it can’t do so if it’s PROTECTED. The only way to get YOUR body to burn fat, instead of muscle, is to make it easier to do so.

And when you have more muscle, you can get away with eating LOTS more of your favorite foods because you burn more calories and your energy tank becomes largely EXPANDED.

More muscle means a healthier metabolism that loves to burn MORE fat—all while boosting your metabolism and keeping you YOUNGER looking.

That’s what makes Macro-Patterning™ so effective. It protects and supports your muscle to help you AVOID the “skinny fat” look.

The third adaptive response that you need to overcome is managing insulin and controlling blood sugar levels.

Chronically increased insulin levels and elevated blood sugar promote fat storage, ages you at an accelerated rate, while stable blood sugar and insulin levels make it much EASIER for your body to use stored fat as fuel.

You may think this is accomplished by just using LOW carb foods, but quite the contrary. You can still eat many of your favorite HIGH carb foods, while keeping blood sugar and insulin at bay. It’s all about managing 3 simple things: Portion Sizes, Timing, and Combinations.

Besides, most of us just abandon these low carb types of plans anyway. They’re not realistic for our way of life.

Don’t worry; we leave NOTHING to chance. Once you learn how easy it is to carb cycle, it truly takes all the guesswork out of blood sugar and insulin.

The fourth adaptive dieting response to overcome is the body’s needs for consistent energy. 

To use fat more consistently as fuel, you’ll need to naturally “heat up” the body. This is done by using carb cycling to balance your calorie intake and regulating your thyroid and leptin levels (fat burning hormones).

When you heat up your body by Macro-Patterning™, more energy is used, and your body fat becomes a DIRECT SOURCE OF FUEL.

The fifth and final step to MAXIMIZE your fat burning efficiency and give you optimal health is creating a “fat burning energy deficit”, which sends a powerful “signal” for your body to use excess fat you have stored.

There are two simple ways to create a “fat burning energy deficit”:

2) Exercise and Move More

With Macro-Patterning™, we show you how to use BOTH of these strategies simultaneously so your body knows how to “go get the fat” FIRST.  When we create a healthy “fat burning energy deficit”, the body automatically uses more fat for an energy source.

Did You Know? Whenever you lower carbs in your diet for more than 5 to 7 days at a time, it can lead to a downward spiral of metabolic problems including:

– Suppressed thyroid (inefficient conversion of T4 to T3)
– Decreased testosterone production (women need this to burn fat too!)
– Compromised immune system function
– SLOWER metabolism and adrenal fatigue
– Muscle loss
– Halted fat burning and weight loss plateaus
– Leptin resistance (50% LESS fat burning hormone production)  

Ya, pretty much everything you want to avoid.

So even though lowering carbs can be a lethal weapon in your fight against fat, you have to be careful and use low carb diets in the “smartest” way possible.

This is when Carb Cycling comes in handy.

By increasing your carbs strategically, after day 7, you can have:

– More efficient thyroid output (increased conversion of T4 to T3)
– Increased testosterone production
– Improved immune system function
– Elevated metabolism and healthier adrenal glands
– Gains in lean muscle
– Faster fat burning
– Better leptin sensitivity (increased levels of fat burning hormones)  

This is the “magic” of Macro-Patterning™.

It allows you to indulge in your most intense cravings for carbs and purposefully abandon traditional dieting to offset the adaptations of short term extreme dieting.

My name is Shaun Hadsall and I grew up in a little farm town in Northern Michigan called Birch Run.

After I escaped the backwoods of that small town back in 1996, I went on to become a 3 time on-line best-selling nutrition author and stubborn fat specialist who has been coaching clients from all over the world for 16+ years now.

But it wasn’t always this way… not even close!

Here was my end result after 8 years of busting my butt.

I know I don’t necessarily look bad or overly “fat” in this picture… but keep in mind; this was after EIGHT years of exercising consistently 1-3 hours EVERY day trying to get rid of stomach fat.

And I was STILL stuck at nearly 20% body fat!

Then one day it all changed when I picked up a magazine called Muscle Media and learned about the Body-for-Life™ body transformation contest.

It was a very emotional moment to say the least, because I had some very deep personal reasons for wanting to change my body and life. It was primarily a custody battle of my 6 year old little daughter.

This inspired me to change my philosophy about fat loss and life, and sent me on a relentless pursuit of helping others learn the REAL TRUTH about eating carbs and staying lean.

By the end of the contest, my whole life had transformed.

I had a BRAND NEW body. I had joint custody rights of my daughter. I paid off all my bad debts. I even mended several broken relationships.

But most importantly, this is how I discovered how ANYBODY can use Carb-Cycling to break the chains that make traditional dieting such a MISERABLE experience.

Now you can probably start to see why I feel like it’s my DUTY and OBLIGATION to get you started on the Macro-Patterning™ solution.

It’s personal for me and I take your results VERY seriously.

I’ve also spent the last 19 years meticulously perfecting this system to maximize its results so it can be used by ANYBODY, as you’ll soon discover below.

But that’s not the only reason I’m so passionate about this solution…

Even though my wife Karen and I were even lucky enough to run one of the world’s Top 10 personal training studio franchises in Ann Arbor, Michigan, while helping hundreds of local residents, from EVERY age, gender, and limitation known to man transform their aging bodies to help them look and feel years younger… it was a LONG, TOUGH JOURNEY.

Just when I thought I had this whole carb-cycling and exercise thing mastered, that’s when I met Karen, who just happened to be 11 years older than me.

Shortly after we met, Karen was diagnosed with stage one Colo-Rectal cancer.

Unfortunately, this involved harmful chemo and painful radiation treatments that literally turned her ovaries into raisins—FORCING her straight into menopause.

Needless to say, the age difference quickly taught me some VERY big lessons about the role hormones play in fat loss and nutrition.

Hormones are EVERYTHING when it comes to shedding unwanted pounds and keeping your body looking younger—especially as you get older.

That’s why immediately after Karen’s recovery, she started the very first week of Macro-Patterning™ (Cycle #1 that you’ll learn all about below).

And in the first 7 days she lost 8 pounds! I knew then we were onto something BIG. Eight weeks later, she was 22 pounds lighter.

As you can clearly see from her pictures, Macro-Patterning™ works.

If my wife can lose 22 pounds AFTER battling Colo-Rectal Cancer, while radiation treatments “zapped” her straight into menopause…

Isn’t it blatantly obvious it can work for YOU too?

It doesn’t matter if you’re an old fart, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in your late 20s or 30s… or well into your 40s, 50s or 60s–ANYBODY can use carb cycling for a flatter belly.

That’s because Macro-Patterning™ helps you control your hormones to help you make quick, and continuous, progress with your diet and exercise plan so it works for anybody.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Paleo follower, a fitness buff, an aspiring bodybuilder, or a
60 year old grandma, ANYBODY can strip off stubborn fat faster using carb cycling.

No matter WHAT your age, gender, or current condition you’re in, YOUR body has been designed to run on the glucose found in high carb foods since the days of the caveman.

HOWEVER, our lifestyles have changed dramatically over the years. The quality of food and our need to grab the WRONG carbs can make you FATTER and FATTER with EVERY bite.

But once you know how easy it can be to eat your favorite carbs based on YOUR activity
level and metabolic needs, your diet and your fat loss can automatically be put on Cruise Control.

For example, if you’re sedentary and don’t like to exercise, your body does NOT need as
many white starches and ripe fruits as somebody who exercises intensely on a consistent basis.

Macro-Patterning™ Shows You How To SUPERCHARGE Your Fat Loss and Your Metabolism by Eating
the RIGHT Carb Choices Based on YOUR Lifestyle to KEEP Your Body Burning Fat.

 Sedentary People (no exercise or activity):

Limit intake of starches and ripe fruits. Stick with smaller amounts of starchy carbs like squash, quinoa, and slow cook oatmeal unless it’s your cheat day. Moderate amounts of fruits like berries and cherries are great carb choices as well.

We’ll show you how to combine Carb Down days with Carb UP days below so you can still enjoy many of your favorite carbs WIHOUT fat storage even though you don’t like to exercise.

 Active (moderate exercise 3-4x per week):

Consume moderate amounts of starchy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown and black rice, lentils, and slow cook oats.Fruits are great choices too, but try to consume your ripe fruits and starches on exercise days to enhance all the benefits listed above.

 Exerciser or Endurance Athlete (active 5-7 days of the week):

Most people who fall into this category (weight lifters, high intensity exercisers, and endurance athletes) are severely carb depleted and need MORE white starches and ripe fruits in their diets.

Potatoes, white rice, and ripe bananas are 3 of the best choices you can use if you fall into this category. Feel free to eat any of the carbs listed above from groups 1 and 2 as well.

These are some of the BEST carb choices you can make to get all the fat-burning benefits of carbs, WITHOUT fat storage from your carb intake. 

Simply put, if you eat carbs with the wrong foods – at the wrong times, you’ll STORE fat. If you eat carbs with the right foods at the right times, you’ll BURN fat.

Even though all 4 cycles are set up in a specific order to get you’re the FASTEST, most strategic results possible…

Each cycle can also be used individually as a “stand alone” diet you can use ANYTIME!

But as you’ll soon discover below, Cycle 1 is the
PERFECT cycle to use the week before
or after your favorite social event or vacation…

I can’t wait to get you started on the 4 Cycle Solution. It’s so simple to follow because it uses four Macro-Patterning™ cycles that work together, in a strategic sequence, to help you QUICKLY strip off stubborn fat.

You’ll start out by first becoming “adapted” to burning PURE fat with 7 days of your fastest fat loss EVER. Then you’ll progressively move through the other three cycles.

As you’ll see below, the 4 Cycle Solution is specifically designed to “prime” your metabolism and hormones for continuous progress to KEEP you motivated, while getting rapid results as you move through all 4 cycles.

And that’s what makes Macro-Patterning™ different than the rest.

No more suffering through restriction and calorie deprivation. Your diet will no longer cause you to miss out on the fun things in your life.

That’s the real carb cycling advantage – Sanity.

All you have to do is simply follow ONE cycle at a time…

Here’s exactly how they work…

Cycle 1 is the PERFECT 7-day cycle to use when you fall off the diet wagon because it RESETS your body’s fat burning switch by turning OFF your addiction to burning sugars, while reprogramming your body to use fat FIRST every time you eat and move.

How would it feel to drop 5, 6, 7, all the way up to 10 pounds of PURE fat in just one short week WITHOUT rebound weight gain or messing up your metabolism?

That’s exactly what can happen with during Cycle #1.

This is by far the most powerful strategy of the 4 Cycle Solution because it reprograms and fixes your broken metabolism to teach it where fat stores are available for immediate and long term energy needs.

So before you can flood your body with all the fat-burning and metabolic enhancing benefits of your favorite carbs – we have to first, “shut off”, your body’s “addiction” to sugars and TURN ON your fat burning pathways.

This is known as becoming “FAT ADAPTED”. And once you make the switch, they’ll be no turning back.

The 7 Day Depletion Cycle serves several essential metabolic purposes that will reprogram your metabolism for long term fat loss:

First, you’ll reprogram your metabolism to make fat your “go to” energy source.

Second, it’s the quickest and easiest way for you to drain the body of carbohydrate stores and/or muscle glycogen to get instant results and achieve the fastest fat loss possible.

Third, it shuts off your body’s dependence on burning nothing but sugars, which further accelerates the break down of ugly fat.

Fourth, it helps you aggressively control and stabilize blood sugar for even more rapid fat loss.

Additionally – and most importantly – Cycle 1 “sets up” your metabolism for the carb cycling lifestyle and creates the “perfect metabolic storm” for aggressive and sustained fat loss.

Expect to lose anywhere between 5 and 15 pounds during this first 7 days.

Warning: Do not skip this cycle.

This jumpstart is essential for your success because it serves as the springboard that will move you through the next three cycles. You’ll automatically look and feel leaner while you visually SEE your belly get flatter in just the first few days.

Cycle 2 incorporates Carb DOWN and Carb UP days, which allow you to easily plan ahead so you NEVER store your favorite high carb foods as fat this year.

The best part is that if you fall off track because of our super hectic lives, you can just pick up where you left off!

Now that you’ve become “fat adapted” we have to make sure to KEEP you that way.

The first cycle is designed as a catalyst to make sure your metabolism is programmed and ready to go grab fat when we ask it to. And now that your body is already experiencing rapid fat loss, it’s time to accelerate your fat loss even further with Macro-Patterning™.

This is when you start eating all your favorite carbs and NEVER store them as fat. By strategically adding back in your favorite carbs you’ll STOP metabolic slowdown and avoid going into a catabolic state, which will prevent the loss of precious muscle tissue.

So not only will this cycle “spark” your metabolism and keep you in a fat-burning environment – you’ll NEVER feel deprived or have to worry about the extra carbs being stored as fat on your body.

There’s also specific exercise instructions provided that work in synergy with your carb intake to SPEED up metabolic rate even further while creating even faster fat loss.

Cycle 2 is BRILLIANT in its simplicity because it will program your metabolism to LOVE burning fat and carbs as fuel sources on a daily basis, while enhancing your fat burning efficiency through HIGHER carb intake.

You’ll finally crack the fat loss code once and for all. No more plateaus. No more metabolic slow down. No more suffering from diet adaptation.

You’ll follow a simple “turn-key” system to manipulate macronutrients (food) so you can automatically maintain a fat burning environment round the clock.

ANYTIME you start a diet or exercise plan it’s ALWAYS EASY to lose the first few pounds… but your body quickly adapts and FIGHTS against your fat loss efforts.

Although it can be used any time you want… Cycle 3 is the ULTIMATE two week cycle to use after a layoff or a food binge.

But it works BEST whenever your fat loss SLOWS down or you hit a “sticking” point… learn more below!

Now that you’ve made the leap to the other side and you understand how easy it is to Macro-Pattern, it’s time to pick up the pace a little and manipulate your metabolism even further with the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle.

Even though this may be your first time Macro-Patterning™, remember that your body is smart. SUPER smart – so it’s very good at adapting.

The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle is the first nutrition cycle ever that’s specifically designed to overcome ANY and EVERY type of adaptive response the body has to stop you from losing weight.

This tried and true meal plan is only two short weeks, but it will teach you how to easily control energy stores and manipulate your hormones so you can stay on the fat loss fast track.

The “Diet Break” cycle is specifically designed to create a NEW metabolic set point for your body that allows you to eat MORE to burn MORE, while still being able to lose fat.

EVERYBODY wants to take a break from dieting, but NOT if it makes you FATTER. That’s why you LOVE cycle 4!

It gives you a HUGE physical and psychological advantage that ensures you’ll MAXIMIZE results when using the other three cycles. It all starts with Cycle #1 below…

Now it’s time to put your fat loss on cruise control.

By this point you’ll have “overcame” every adaptive response related to burning stubborn body fat and you’ll know how easy it can be to force your body to use fat as your primary energy source.

Once you’ve moved through the first 3 cycles you’ll have a completely different relationship with food and the way you approach eating for health and fat loss will be changed forever.

This is when it starts to get REALLY fun and what makes the 4 Cycle Solution the ultimate rapid fat loss system. During the Cycle 4 Diet Break, you’ll intentionally increase carbs and calories even further to create a new metabolic set point that KEEPS your metabolism healthy and burning fat.

Enjoy happy hour every Friday and uncover how to cheat your way through the weekend while maintaining (and sometimes even accelerating) the fat loss process.

Just think how awesome it would feel to wake up every Monday morning with zero guilt or extra scale weight from your weekend feasts.

Karen and I love taking a break from our nutrition plan, but NOT if it makes us fat. That’s why we LOVE the Diet Break. 

Cycle 4 gives you a huge physical AND psychological advantage and ensures you’ll be able to stick to your plan day after day, year after year.

It’s a simple decision once you really think about it: AVOIDING carbs for the rest of your life is NOT realistic.

That’s the beauty of Macro-Patterning™. You don’t have to be perfect. It’s all about consistency NOT perfection.

Did you fall off track for a day or two? Maybe a few weeks? NO worries.

Just continue where you left off and you’ll have your body burning fat again in just a day or two.

It’s incredibly simple, once you get started below.

Even though 4 Cycle Solution delivers very extreme fat loss results, especially the first week, it’s a lifestyle—NOT a diet.

That’s why there are NO “forbidden” foods.

You’ll feel “healthy”, instead of hungry all the time—with LIMITLESS food options. It’s YOUR life. Eat what you want! Just make sure you’re strategic about it by using the system below.

Follow your biological instincts. You have to eat to survive, so why not ENJOY it! Eat to thrive, not just survive. Rid your life of the super-complicated diets and fitness plans once and for all. Use a plan that matches your lifestyle. 

Our philosophy has always been the “KISS” principle: Keep It Stupid Simple

Here’s a taste of what you’ve learned so far…

It’s easy to see why the 4 Cycle Solution Is The Most Sensible Nutrition Solution to Permanent Weight Management… but it’s not available anywhere else.

Even though I own the global proprietary license for the Macro-Patterning™ approach… and I’ve refined, tweaked, and perfected 4 Cycle Solution over the last few years, I really can’t take all the credit.

There are over 31 published studies backing up the science behind Macro-Patterning™, so it was actually discovered through many years of trial and error.

The original framework was created by a NY Times Best Selling author and former professional bodybuilder. Before we met, she had already used it on hundreds of fitness models, professional athletes, and natural bodybuilders to help them STAY lean 365 days of the year using this type of approach.

I’ve also had the rare opportunity to take these methods and apply them on hundreds of local clients and myself to PROVE and validate their efficacy. But without the help of other fitness professionals paving the way, NONE of this would be possible.

I’m sure you’ve heard that, “knowledge is power.” But it’s only accurate if that knowledge is actually APPLIED.

Well, hundreds of professional athletes, natural bodybuilders, and fitness models… along with thousands of real world people have used and applied this strategy to prove it works. They’re the ones who deserve most of the credit.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to acquire a global license for this proprietary nutrition method over 6 years ago, and that’s why it’s impossible for you to find the 4 Cycle Solution anywhere else.

Of course you COULD use, yet another, “diet of the week” or try to convince yourself that your willpower will be strong enough to resist the temptation of carbs and cheat foods — leaving you frustrated and disappointed.

But why waste your time?

Instead, just follow the proven path of the hundreds of other professionals who have “walked the talk” for years and years. People like Karen and I—she’s 55 and I’m 44, and we both Macro-Patterning™ ALL YEAR long to help us stay lean and healthy! 

Just follow ONE cycle at a time and do exactly what we’ve done—and in less that one week from now you’ll be sporting a flatter belly and feeling amazing.  

There are four “turn key” cycles laid out—step-by-step—in a strategic sequence for you to achieve the most RAPID results possible.

In just a few short days from now your metabolism will be “adapted” to burning fat for the rest of your life, and you’ll be in TOTAL control of your body.  

And if for some reason you decide this approach is not for you, you’ll be MISSING OUT on the free bonuses we’re GIVING away below (this week ONLY), during our new release special promotion–but not if you act fast.

Get ready to experience some serious jaw dropping weight loss results in only seven short days. This is where you’ll teach your body to “go get the fat” and use it first, not last. You will be the teacher, and the body will be your student.

Following this simple nutrition manual is crucial for both your short term and long term success because it’s the momentum that will keep you moving forward – just like being on auto-pilot.

You’ll get precise details on how to prime your body for the carb cycling lifestyle. The exact food choices, precise combinations, proper timing, and even portion control guidelines are laid out step-by-step along with detailed descriptions to keep you on the fast track.

This nutrition manual is where the plan starts to get really fun because we add many of your favorite foods strategically back into your plan. You’ll discover exactly how to eat your favorite carbs to spark your metabolism and elevate your fat-burning hormones to KEEP your body burning fat day in and day out.

You’ll have easy to monitor food codes and simple follow along rules and guidelines for every meal on every day of the plan.

We even provide substitution lists to replace the foods you hate with foods you love. Everything is laid out for you day by day including the infamous cheat day.

We all want comfort and security and the body is no different. To keep your body on its toes, we have to shock it and manipulate it even further. That’s what the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle is all about.

You’ll discover exactly how to overcome any and every type of diet adaptation your body will use to try and stop you from losing more fat.

This nutrition manual will show you exactly how to protect and support muscle tissue, control insulin and blood sugar, manipulate energy stores, produce heat, and create a massive energy deficit to keep you burning fat.

These are the “keys” to unlocking your true fat burning potential and that’s what the Accelerated Fat Loss cycle brings to the table.

Welcome to the rest of your life.

Cycle 4 will give you an arsenal of important metabolic factors to keep your body responding. First, it creates a brand new set point for your body to maintain the new lighter you. Second, you’ll teach your body how to reset itself back to a higher nutrient profile in favor of more carbs and fats.

Third, you’ll discover how to use this cycle to take a “diet break” so you maintain a healthy metabolism that wants to burn fat for the long haul.

The ENTIRE 4 Cycle Solution course on video, which includes all 4 proven Macro-Patterning™ Cycles, to ensure you get a lightning fast start.

I know this an old cliché, but if you fail to plan — then you plan to fail.

You’ll never follow through and achieve your goals unless you have a step-by-step checklist to prepare everything ahead of time before the big start day. The Macro-PatterningTM Nutrition Manual will guarantee that everything is perfectly in place for you to stay on track right out of the gate, while giving you the long term carb cycling principles you need to sustain your results.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. It would be easy just to hand you over all 4 cycles and say “good luck”! But that wouldn’t serve your fat loss for a lifetime goals, and we want to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need today to use carb cycling for a lifetime.

Once you read through this guide, you’ll fully comprehend the carb cycling lifestyle for short-term aggressive fat loss AND long-term leanness… and you’ll have everything planned and prepared to ensure you stay on track.

The first thing Karen and I wanted to do as the creators of this program was to make sure that everybody could use and afford this system.

And since our typical client is required to stay with us for at LEAST 12 weeks, this can add up REALLY quick. Of course, it’s guaranteed to work, so this investment is typically a no-brainer. But not everybody can afford it… and we have a waiting list.

Instead of paying all that money to us, or somebody else, why not get instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot – at one super low price – so you can get started right now… for a FRACTION of the cost of personal coaching??

You don’t need to pop another diet pill. And it’s not necessary for you to hire a personal trainer or dietician, because EVERY step of our system has you covered.

But for a VERY LIMITED time we’ve discounted the price substantially to make sure we eliminate any risk or skepticism you may have about using the 4 Cycle Solution.

So for the first time EVER we’re offering our lowest price.
And to sweeten the pot, we’ll make sure ALL the risk is on us…

Here’s the deal: I’ve been studying and applying carb cycling strategies on my body—and thousands of others since 1998—so I KNOW the 4 Cycle Solution delivers rapid results.

Karen and I believe in 4 Cycle Solution SO much if you’re not BLOWN AWAY by the quality (and your results) that we’ll take ALL the risk by make you a deal you can’t resist with our 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

Bottom Line: If you don’t’ get GREAT results, you get all your money back—period.

Although men and women in their 20s and 30s see great results from carb cycling, the BEST results come from people in their 40s, 50s, 60s… and even 70s! We promise you’ll see fast results no matter what your age, gender, or current condition is.

Without exception, Macro-Patterning™ works for everybody.

You’ll experience FAST results—like losing between 7 and 11 pounds your FIRST week. But the best part is how you’ll feel after your body is adapted to burning PURE fat in less than 7 days. Your energy will soar. Your brain and body will be working together. And you’ll be in total control of your hormones.

But the best part is how the health of your metabolism, your blood sugar, and your heart will skyrocket. 

HANDS DOWN we have the BEST customer service in the industry, and that’s our promise!  Our team will answer ANY and EVERY question you have within 24 to 48 hours.

In fact, we care so much that my wife Karen even takes time out of her busy day to personally reply to your emails and questions. When you join the 4 Cycle Solution “family”, you’ll NEVER be alone. We’ll always be here for you or you get your money back.

If for ANY reason the 4 Cycle Fat Loss Plan doesn’t live up to these three promises, it’s as simple as sending an email to support[at] within 60 days of your purchase and we’ll give you a full, no-questions asked refund.

This means you can actually use and apply ALL 4 cycles… so you can wait until AFTER you start transforming your body and still get your money back. If you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and get results, you get a prompt, courteous, and FAST refund.  

To celebrate the release of the newest 4 Cycle Fat Loss Macro-Patterning™ System we’re going to POP THE CORK for the first 5 days by giving you a LIMITED time discount below.

I’m going to offer an INSANELY low price for the first few days, but as much as we pride ourselves on taking care of EVERY customer, I know my team will be overwhelmed in less than a week… that’s why I will have no choice but to RAISE THE PRICE.

So make sure you order now and lock in the Special Discount now before we raise the price!

Karen and I have been in the fat loss game a LONG time… since the early 90s, so we’ve learned a thing or two. That’s why we are so proud of the fact that we’re handing you the safest, fastest, most effective, and sustainable nutrition system ever developed.

But we always make sure to over-deliver by going above and beyond. That’s why when you claim your copy today, we’ll also GIVE you these FREE gifts below to help you get the FASTEST start possible.

Here’s to eating LOTS of your favorite carbs WITHOUT getting fat!

Your friends and Carb Cycling Coaches,

Best Selling Exercise & Nutrition Authors
Stubborn Fat Specialists
Creators: The 4 Cycle Solution

It’s really NOT your fault if you feel this way. The very nature of traditional crash diets destroys your motivation because they don’t deliver both quick, and lasting, results. Not to mention your energy and motivation TANK because your hormones get altered.

But since you start 4 Cycle Solution by losing up to 11 pounds in the first 7 days with Cycle #1, your motivation with be at an ALL TIME high. Not to mention you’ll be 100% “fat adapted” so you can eat more carbs than normal dieters without getting fat—all while taking full advantage of the increase in energy levels from healthy carb intake.

The 4 Cycle Solution is backed by over 31 published scientific studies validating its efficacy, which is why it works for everybody… so it’s completely safe for those in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s. Believe it or not, the majority of our success stories come from men and women between the ages of 50 and 70.

The 4 Cycle Solution is user friendly for anybody who has gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. You’ll have several gluten free, allergy friendly (and Paleo approved) grocery and food lists to choose from for each cycle so there will be ZERO guesswork when it comes to avoiding gluten and inflammatory carbs.

We even show you how you can eat lots of gluten free pastas and breads!

If you’re a Type 1 diabetic we would never recommend you start any diet or nutrition plan without talking with your doctor first. However, 4 Cycle Solution is VERY blood sugar and insulin friendly for those who are concerned about fighting against diabetes.

We’ve had many Type 2 diabetics see remarkable improvements in their blood sugar levels after starting the program. You just have to use our easy-to-follow guidelines.

Although it’s not mandatory to exercise when using 4 Cycle Solution, it’s highly recommend considering it can potentially double your results.

But time will NEVER be an obstacle when you.  You’ll get instant access to a few special gifts I created for you that include a 2 minute fat burning shortcut and a 12 minute protocol that’s specifically designed to help you:

1) Create an “all-natural” SURGE of fat burning hormones
2) Program your body to burn 142% MORE overall calories
3) Increase Growth Hormone levels to help you look and feel years younger
4) Access fat as a fuel source up to 300% faster than normal exercise
5) Get fitter, FASTER

It’s all part of the special package that I put together for you that includes several free exercise gifts.

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Velthuis-te Weirik, E., et al. 1995. “Impact of a Moderately Energy Restricted Diet on Energy Metabolism and Body Composition in Non-Obese Men.”
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Chant, W. I. 2003. “The Body’s Adaptive Ability Explained.” Altamonte Springs, FL:  ForeverFit Nutrition Boot*

Harris, R. B. 1990. “Role of Set-Point Theory in Regulation of Body Weight.”
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Click here to get The 4 Cycle Solution at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The 4 Cycle Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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What’s New in WordPress 6.7 (Options and Screenshots)

wordpress 6.7 was once merely introduced this present day. Like a variety of you, we get passionate about new wordpress releases, and 6.7 isn’t any exception. It’s filled with exciting new choices that we will’t wait to share with you.

This unlock builds on shopper feedback, bringing updates to boost your internet web page’s potency, usability, and accessibility. The internet web page editor has received many enhancements, and there’s even a brand-new default theme.

Join us as we dive into wordpress 6.7 and uncover its standout choices and improvements designed to strengthen your wordpress experience.

wordpress-67-og-1.png” alt=”Exploring wordpress 6.7 new features and improvements” class=”wp-image-312639″/>

Now, let’s take a look at what you’ll to seek out in wordpress 6.7 after the substitute. Right here’s a quick tick list of the major choices we will uncover:

Introducing the Twenty Twenty-5 Theme

wordpress 6.7 brings a brand-new default theme: Twenty Twenty-5. wordpress releases a modern theme each year, specializing in simplicity and ease of use.

The theme follows a easy way: “Simple problems should be easy, and sophisticated problems conceivable.”

Twenty Twenty-5 comes with a few pre-designed block patterns and elegance alternatives, making it easy to customize a internet web page without starting from scratch.

Styles in Twenty Twenty-Five

Designed with Bloggers in Ideas

Against this to recent default problems occupied with business and multipurpose use, Twenty Twenty-5’s default layout is ready-made for bloggers.

We favored the simplicity of a easy weblog theme since the default experience. This indicators the emerging trend of setting up on-line communities and blogs as hubs for independent publishing and human-generated content material subject matter.

Twenty Twenty-Five personal blog view

Responsive and Customizable

The theme is lightweight and works simply on any tool, specializing in accessibility.

Customizing Twenty Twenty-5 is easy—you’ll alter colors, fonts, and layouts with just a few clicks. It’s designed that will help you create a personal, polished look without hassle.

Patterns in Twenty TwentyFive

We felt that it’s going in point of fact smartly with wordpress’s internet web page bettering equipment. Its plain layout acts as a canvas for purchasers to fill with their designs.

Internet web page Editor Improvements

wordpress 6.7 brings a ton of improvements and new choices to the complete web page editor, making it much more straight forward to use.

The ones enhancements provide consistency between internet web page bettering and content material subject matter bettering areas. Moreover they support shopper navigation to help new consumers in short to seek out their way spherical.

New Zoom Out View for More uncomplicated Improving

As we’ve worked with long pages with many sections and patterns, we’ve ceaselessly found out that the entire scrolling makes bettering tricky. wordpress 6.7 addresses this with a useful new “Zoom Out” feature.

Now, with a simple click on on on the Zoom Out button inside the top-right toolbar, you’ll see a rooster’s-eye view of your content material subject matter.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”367″ src=”” alt=”Zoom out view in wordpress site editor” class=”wp-image-306522″/>

This view signifies that you’ll arrange the entire layout and patterns on a broader scale as an alternative of specializing in each individual block.

We moreover noticed that when you open the Patterns tab inside the block inserter, the editor robotically switches to Zoom Out mode.

This alteration streamlines the process of together with or adjusting pre-designed patterns, making it faster and easier to shape your content material subject matter layout.

Enhanced Knowledge Views for Upper Content material subject matter Keep watch over

With wordpress 6.7, the Knowledge Views feature has develop into a lot more difficult.

To start with offered to help consumers arrange content material subject matter all the way through the editor, Knowledge Views now offer a lot more regulate and flexibility.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”345″ src=”” alt=”Data views in wordpress 6.7 ” class=”wp-image-312655″/>

One of the vital a very powerful biggest improvements we’ve noticed is the power to reorder fields right away inside the Knowledge View settings.

This makes it this kind of lot easier to customize the display of content material subject matter, letting you arrange wisdom one way or the other that matches your needs.

We moreover found out the updates to bulk actions to be an excellent addition. The bulk actions menu is now inside the footer, blended with the sticky toolbar for a cleaner interface.

Bulk edit options in data views

This small alternate if truth be told enhances usability, in particular when you’re managing a lot of content material subject matter right away.

Overall, the ones enhancements in Knowledge Views simplify the process of organizing, filtering, and functioning on content material subject matter, giving consumers further power and productivity all the way through the editor.

Complicated Font Library and Typography Controls

wordpress 6.7 brings exciting updates to the ‘Sorts’ interface, in particular for customizing fonts. As we worked with the new equipment, we found out that font regulate is now further intuitive and flexible than ever.

One standout expansion is the addition of font measurement presets. The ones presets imply you’ll merely create and follow customized font sizes all the way through your internet web page.

Font size presets

It’s a real-time-saver, in particular for purchasers who want consistent typography without putting in place sizes manually each time.

We’re moreover passionate about the introduction of fluid typography.

This option robotically adjusts text sizes consistent with the visual display unit, retaining your content material subject matter readable and responsive on any tool.

Fluid typography

The keep an eye on of fonts has moreover stepped ahead with the new Font Library. Now, you’ll get ready fonts by the use of provide and easily activate or deactivate a few fonts right away.

For someone managing a lot of custom designed fonts, this option makes the process much more sensible and further surroundings pleasant.

Deactivate fonts

New Additions and Improvements in Block Library and Patterns

wordpress 6.7 introduces a number of newest choices and enhancements to the block library and patterns, making it easier to create and customize layouts.

The ones changes, from up-to-the-minute block alternatives to stepped ahead pattern designs, give consumers further flexibility and regulate over their content material subject matter.

1. Background Image Toughen for Quote and Workforce Blocks

You’ll be capable of now add background pictures to the Quote and Workforce blocks. This option makes it easy so that you can upload visual pastime in your blog posts.

Background image support for Quote block

2. Complicated Social Icons

The “Add New Icon” button is now easier to use, and also you’ll add borders around the Social Icons block for a customized look.

Easily add social icons

3. Customizable Buttons Block

You’ll be capable of set a background color for the Buttons block, supplying you with further regulate over its glance.

Background color to buttons block

4. Enhanced Image Block

Now, when you drag and drop a few pictures onto an Image block, it will robotically convert correct right into a Gallery block.

Multiple images uploaded to convert image block into Gallery

5. Simplified Query Loop Block

Putting in a Query Loop block in the past required a lot of information artwork. In wordpress 6.7, the Query Loop block inherits queries from the template by the use of default.

This makes it much more straight forward to turn your posts robotically inside the editor and on the front end.

Query loop block

6. New “Human-Diff” Date Format

Up to now, consumers had to use a plugin to show relative dates in wordpress. This unlock supplies it to the ‘Date’ block alternatives as a construction.

Human difference date format

7. Toggle for “Make a selection A Construction” Popup

When rising new pages, a pattern selector popup maximum regularly turns out if the internet web page content material subject matter is empty. In wordpress 6.7, you’ll turn this popup on or off.

To try this, simply edit any internet web page in wordpress. Now click on on on the three-dot menu at the top suitable corner of the visual display unit and make a choice ‘Preferences’.

Throughout the block editor preferences, you’ll to seek out the selection underneath the Commonplace tab’s interface section. Simply toggle on/off the ‘Show starter patterns’ chance.

Turn off starter patterns

Expanded Design Tools for Additional Blocks

wordpress 6.7 continues the difficulty to put across consistency to the design equipment available all the way through different blocks. This substitute introduces further techniques to customize blocks, bearing in mind upper regulate over your internet web page’s feel and look.

Some of the number one updates include:

Border Controls: Many blocks, along with Button, Columns, and Quilt blocks, now let you customize border color, width, and elegance.

Border for more blocks

Background Image Toughen: The Quote and Workforce blocks now give a boost to background pictures, together with further visual pastime to these blocks.

Writing Mode: The Internet web page Establish, Internet web page Tagline, Verse, and Button blocks now offer a writing mode chance, which lets you alternate text orientation for a unique layout.

Vertical typography

The ones additions provide further flexibility when designing all the way through the block editor, helping you create a continuing and visually fascinating layout.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”managing-block-bindings-in-wordpress-67″/>Managing Block Bindings in wordpress 6.7

The Block Binding API, first offered in wordpress 6.5, gets a large substitute in wordpress 6.7. This substitute improves developers’ talent to organize customized fields and attributes inside of blocks.

One of the vital a very powerful biggest changes is the new shopper interface (UI) that shall we consumers create and arrange bindings right away all the way through the block editor.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”295″ src=”” alt=”Block binding API has a UI in wordpress 6.7″ class=”wp-image-306646″/>

You no longer want to use the Code Editor to link block attributes to personalised fields. Instead, you’ll simply make a choice metadata from the new UI inside the block settings.

Preview Alternatives API

wordpress 6.7 brings the new Preview Alternatives API, which targets to help developers create upper writing stories for quite a lot of forms of content material subject matter inside the block editor.

The API will allow developers so that you can upload custom designed preview settings to the block editor. As an example, they can show consumers contextual alternatives for the type of content material subject matter they’re bettering.

Extended preview options in block editor

In our testing, we found out that this API shall we in for smoother workflows. It’ll be eye-catching to appear how developers use the new API in their plugins and problems.

Interactivity API Enhancements

wordpress 6.7 incorporates updates to the Interactivity API, first offered in wordpress 6.5. The ones enhancements make it easier for developers to keep an eye on asynchronous tasks.

This unlock makes the API further robust and surroundings pleasant, supporting choices like lazy loading and code splitting for faster potency.

Consumers can check it out by the use of together with a Gallery block with a few pictures hooked up to ‘Magnify on click on on’.

Open gallery image in lightbox

Then, preview your gallery in a browser tab and click on on on an image.

Footage set to make larger will show an ‘magnify’ icon, and clicking on them opens them in a lightbox popup.

Lightbox popup using interactivity API

The updates support the Interactivity API’s potency, and we expect further plugins and problems to use it for dynamic choices in the future.

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”media-record-improvements-in-wordpress-67″/>Media Record Improvements in wordpress 6.7

Whilst you’ve ever tried uploading pictures right away from your iPhone, iPad, or other Apple gadgets, then you understand HEIC information can also be tricky to keep an eye on.

One of the vital a very powerful large updates in wordpress 6.7 is give a boost to for HEIC image uploads. Now, your wordpress internet web page will robotically convert HEIC photographs to JPEG for upper compatibility all the way through gadgets and browsers.

This option does require your server to have Imagick installed with HEIC give a boost to, alternatively most wordpress internet internet hosting providers already include this.

Site Health Info

You’ll be ready to check out if your internet web page is helping HEIC conversion by the use of going to the Tools » Internet web page Smartly being internet web page and switching to the ‘Information’ tab.

Scroll the entire method all the way down to the Media Coping with » ImageMagick supported report formats section and seek for HEIC.

Imagick HEIC format support

Our testing found out that the image top quality didn’t degrade all the way through conversion, which is very good for purchasers who wish to share top quality pictures.

wordpress will display the JPEG type of your image, alternatively should you occur to link to the attachment report, consumers can download the original HEIC image.

Each and every different expansion we most popular is the enhanced regulate over background photographs. You’ll be capable of now alter background pictures globally and at the individual block level.

Expanded background image options

In the end, wordpress 6.7 further refines lazy loading, serving to boost potency by the use of loading pictures most simple when sought after.

The ones media updates support compatibility and serve as, making it easier to keep an eye on your content material subject matter without technical hurdles.

<h4 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”aioseo-under-the-hood-changes-in-wordpress-6-7″><span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”underneath-the-hood-changes-in-wordpress-67″/>Underneath the Hood Changes in wordpress 6.7

wordpress 6.7 brings a number of behind-the-scenes improvements occupied with potency, stability, and new API choices for developers.

The ones changes strengthen the entire experience for every developers and internet web page administrators:

  • Block Hooks Updates: wordpress 6.7 enhances Block Hooks, providing further regulate over block placement and ensuring single-instance blocks stay unique inside of templates. (Main points)
  • Complicated iFraming for Block Editor: This unlock incorporates iframe give a boost to inside the post editor, giving consumers a further proper preview of their content material subject matter on a live internet web page, even though meta bins are supply. (Main points)
  • Editor Portions Updates: Slightly a large number of updates to editor portions to strengthen dropdown menus, spacing controls, time pickers, and overall layout consistency, creating a smoother bettering experience. (Main points)
  • PHP 8.x Compatibility: This unlock incorporates additional refinements for PHP 8.x give a boost to, disposing of outdated code specific to older PHP permutations and ensuring compatibility with stylish PHP environments. (Core Trac: #59654)
  • Template Registration API: A brand spanking new API simplifies template and template phase registration, disposing of the need for filters and making it easier for plugins to take care of custom designed templates. Be informed extra in regards to the API.
  • Script Loader Enhancements: Old-fashioned polyfills, along with wp-polyfill and regenerator-runtime, have been removed, decreasing unnecessary script dependencies for modern browsers. (Core Trac: #60962)

Force-Unfastened wordpress Maintenance with Our Professional Supplier!

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  • Automatic Updates : Stay on top of the latest wordpress choices and protection enhancements without lifting a finger.
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Be informed extra about our Web site Upkeep Provider!

We hope this text gave you an invaluable take a look on the model new choices in wordpress 6.7. As you find the new equipment, you may additionally want to take a look at our final wordpress toolkit for execs or see our entire wordpress safety information to stick your wordpress internet web page secure.

Whilst you favored this text, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for wordpress video tutorials. You’ll be capable of moreover to seek out us on Twitter and Fb.

The post What’s New in wordpress 6.7 (Options and Screenshots) first seemed on WPBeginner.

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As California Pizza Kitchen embraces the alternative, it’s going viral on TikTok and giving customers FOMO

This week’s snag has worked for Lou Malnati’s (pizza), Krispy Kreme (doughnuts), and now he manages the marketing staff at California Pizza Kitchen (once again on pizza), making his occupation seem like my dream of providing order after a difficult Monday.

Continue to discover and hear from First light Keller, CMO at California Pizza Kitchen, on why she likes to give consumers emotional FOMO and learn how to drive price on logo evolution.

Click here to enroll in the Master in Marketing

Lesson 1: Emotional Pressure FOMO.

“Desirable items that might be unique and force consumers to be irrational are the best hedge against spectacle, customer apathy, or inertia,” Keller says.

For Keller, this concerns each individual menu and its promotion, advertising and marketing. Its service is to “energize emotional FOMO” for its consumers.

Look, I can give it to you: discussing “desirable products” with the marketing leader for a Pizza the company’s top no doubt now doesn’t seem too recognizable to B2B marketers.

But when I tell Keller that a cheap, sticky crust is more seductive than the source of revenue attribution reporting, she insists once again: “In fact I see it all the time in B2B promotion, advertising and marketing. Even emotional FOMO is totally createable in that world: you simply have to show what is imaginable and other people’s best luck stories.”

She adds: “They’re all the same other people, you know? They are simply creating different alternatives… For example, what to eat and what device to use for their businesses.”

While you probably don’t sell garlic knots, there are plenty of B2Bs attributes which might be insanely “desirable”, such as ease of use, financial savings in terms of time and money, and productivity gains. Usage those plot problems to convince all your future hungry consumers of your alternatives as if they crave a pleasant macaroni and cheese.

Lesson 2: Turn bad times into an opportunity to show up.

Not long ago, a shopper ordered macaroni and cheese from CPK and easily got the cheese.

After posting the video on TikTok, CPK responded with a video in which Chef Paul jokingly walks all the stairs like a mac and cheese should (emphasis on: add the mac) and then announces a 50% discount on macaroni and cheese for all CPK customers. (Because the buyer only received 50% of his meal, get it?)


PSA on learn how to properly make CPK Mac ‘N’ Cheese. Use promo code cheeseANDmac for 50% off your order of Mac ‘N’ Cheese available for takeout and delivery. Offer valid from 19 July 2024 to 31 July 2024, for takeaway or CPK supply only. No third party supplies. 50% off your Mac and Cheese order. Use promotional code: cheeseANDmac. The simplest to engage seats throughout the United States (excluding seats in airports, stadiums, universities, Guam, mobile kitchen, and franchised seats). Excludes taxes, catering orders and tips. No substitutions, changes or additions. Not combinable with other supplies or fundraisers. One consistent with the buyer consistent with the day. One consistent with the check. No cash or providing card value. Staff is not eligible and does not apply to the Dine Out Card. Void where prohibited. Perhaps further exclusions or restrictions would apply, and words perhaps would be exchanged without perception. Offer may be voided due to pricing or other errors. Questions (along with side checklist of non-participating puts)? Identify (800) 919-3227.

♬ Humorous track for introductory video – dg cria

CPK’s TikTok response garnered 13.5 million views. Keller was once surprised… and very happy.

It used to be mind-blowing for everyone [how well it did]alternatively we consider what the adaptation actually once was As we introduced ourselves – in a perfect, unique, humble and self-deprecating medium. It wasn’t corporate or stuffy.”

CPK may simply have decided to forget about the consumer’s complaint altogether, or may have commented on the video with a generic “I’m sorry!” the buyer reinforces the response. Instead, they decided to take the risk to reframe the narrative into something fun and lighthearted.

And as Keller points out, “We still need to improve what we care about, which is that we are provided high-quality food and we are taking care of our guests. Authenticity and fun are what will get the attention of others… Not simply using social media as a sales channel.

We have felt it at every level for 365 days Greg Fass, Jenna Kutcherand a slightly large number of other Masters in Promotion, Advertising and Marketing, and the goal remains true: to be unique and show the human Nowadays, standing behind your logo is a much better method than polished advertising.

Lesson 3: Evolve as your consumers do.

It hasn’t always been donuts and pizza for Keller, who has also held promotion, advertising and marketing roles at CVS Neatly Being and Staples.

Throughout these roles, he believes one of the primary responsibilities has always been to be a “sales agent.”

On the other hand, other people don’t always like the trade, especially from manufacturers that have been around for over 40 years. So I wanted to snatch something: When Keller joined CPK, how did she balance recent ideas without actually making the staff feel like they were once exploiting old means to solve problems?

“I give a large number of credit score rankings to Jeff Warne [the CEO of CPK] and my colleagues, who actually incubated this idea Any logo that has been spherical for 40 years must continue to evolve and address new and recent problems,” Keller tells me.

Fortunately, he also has some words of information for advertising and marketing leaders who have been tasked with scaling a company that not now come with trade simply.

“You want to have to support other people along the journey and invite ideas from everywhere. Occasionally, leaders think that great ideas can only come from new people. Alternatively, veterans with deep context can also be the originators of the best new consideration.

Everyone has a role to play, and the more a transformation agent can encourage and incentivize new ideas by breaking down walls of shock or discomfort, the more likely they will be able to create an increasingly similar logo.

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The Stockpile Savior

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There is a hidden storm brewing.

The 3 dark signs that prove it are already here.

And in 2024, it is about to destroy everything you hold dear.

I’m talking about a devastating event that hit the US almost 200-years ago, and it’s about to hit
us again.

Back then, it killed 3% of the population, erased approximately 60% of the nation’s wealth, and
left entire states devastated.

Desperate families were left wandering the country fighting for bare survival. Communities turned
inside out. And the infrastructure that held our nation together crumbled.

The scars it left cut deep and affect us even today, generations later.

But come this November, what follows once again, will make that past tragedy seem like child’s
play in comparison.

This is something that will pit brother against brother, town folk against city folk, man against
woman… And there’s little we can do to stop it…

There’s an almost “electric” charge in the atmosphere these days. Like a thunderstorm before the
big lighting strikes.

Something is terribly wrong with our nation. Like it’s reaching some boiling point, a point of no
return… and it seems like it’s about to give.

There’s talk about World War 3 buzzing in the media… But at this point in time, a war against an
external threat would probably unite us.

No.The serious threat to the American way of life and your safety is internal.

And it can obliterate all the basic necessities of modern life.

Unfortunately, this is not fear mongering. I wish it was…

And I’ll prove it without a shadow of a doubt by sharing with you the 3 sure-fire signs that this
could happen as early as this year.

… a world where cities are having a meltdown, and millions of refugees are placed into the

The economy overwhelmed by the sudden internal conflicts shuts down, shifting into a kind of war
economy mode – prioritizing only a select few.

Jobs vanish overnight. Millions of homeless people are hitting the streets. Some running from the
killings, others unknowingly heading for more danger.

People would be left at the mercy of whatever stockpiles they managed to build, if any.

How much food and water you’ve got. What tools and equipment you need to survive and maintain
your home.

Whatever arsenal you’ve got that allows you to protect your home from invaders. From rowing
gangs. And from the chaos that is heading our way…

They either don’t have a stockpile, or worse, they have a completely inadequate one and think
they’re safe, when they’re not.

(In a minute I’ll show you exactly what needs to be in your stockpile, to make sure you last
not just days and weeks, but months or even years, if you have to – with no government, with
no food in the grocery stores, and no one to count on but yourself).

Hi, my name is Mark Anderson, and I am known as the “Stockpile Scientist”.

And in the past few months, I’ve started seeing the writing on the wall.

I believe there are 3 major signs that it’s about to hit the fan… that we will have a civil
war in the US. And it could happen as early as this year.

All civil wars share at least three signs in common, and without disclosing the United States by
name, most experts on civil war would agree and say that the country in question is on the very
brink of civil war.

So how do you spot a civil war months before it explodes into chaos?

The first sign is that most civil wars follow some prior conflict. Where one side feels
crushed, humiliated, taken for a fool, and angry, while the victors gloat and continue to put
the losing side down.

This isn’t just about hurt feelings anymore – it’s about deep-seated resentment that can simmer
and eventually boil over, causing violent conflicts that could tear our society apart.

With the election battle this year so strong, there is bound to be a loser and a winner.

But this time regardless of who wins, the other side is unlikely to take it anymore. And this
could be the spark that ignites the powder keg.

The second big warning sign that trouble is brewing?

Our country is deeply divided. Look around – everywhere you see lines in the sand are drawn like
never before.

It’s rich against poor, working class vs the middle class, town folk vs city folk, blue states vs
red states… It goes even deeper, with gaps between religion, race, genders… and the list goes

It seems only 20 years ago we all still had things in common. But politics and social media have
created a rupture between groups, a gaping hole that many think is impossible to bridge.

And when people start looking at others as “less than human” this is when atrocities start

The third glaring sign. Which is a rise of sect-like behavior.

Across the nation groups are forming into what essentially could be called modern-day

These groups demand that you join them or at the very least, become an ally. Anyone who does not
comply, or questions them is instantly branded as being wrong, evil, or even dangerous..

Take, for instance, the rise of the “woke cult”, or as some call it “Church of the Woke”. This
group is infamous for its relentless push to cancel and silence anyone who dares to speak up
against what they believe.

But it’s not just them.

The fear of backlash is so intense that millions are choosing to keep their opinions to
themselves, because they are afraid of invoking the wrath of these powerful mobs, masked as
various civil rights activists.

With cities like Baltimore being under siege, where tensions were boiling over. That was just a
terrifying preview of what’s to come.

This isn’t just about differing opinions anymore, it’s about fearing for one’s safety over their
beliefs and first amendment rights.

I believe that all of these 3 signs will come together by the end of this year, with a desperate
half of the country losing the elections.

With the division between us getting stronger than ever. And with various “cult leaders” asking
for retribution – not just on social media but in the real world too.

When this happens, it will be game over for America.

You see, if anything we are very prepared for an attack from the outside. All our defenses are
pointed outward.

But what happens if a house is divided upon itself? When brother goes against brother? Countrymen
against countrymen?

Regardless of how long it takes – there will still be a little time to prepare.

But one thing is sure… time is running out.

And food, water, supplies, generators, guns, ammo — you’ll need all this if you want to survive
and thrive when it hits.

Because a civil war would be devastating.

The first 100 days would be especially hard to understand while you’d adjust to the “new

Imagine the widespread collapse that would follow.

Cities in lockdown, communities barricaded, and frequent blackouts as infrastructure fails.

Power station being forced to shut down, or getting critically damaged beyond repair.

Nuclear cores getting close to melt down, or worse. Millions of homes left without power and
heating in the dead or winter, or unable to live in the sweltering heat of summer.

Where on top of having no fridge, no AC, no internet whatsoever… People have to learn to live
without water, because most municipal pumps aren’t working.

Where local and interstate transportation has ground to a halt – making it impossible for all
grocery stores – or pharmacies, or any store for that matter – to resupply.

I’m talking about a complete mayhem on the streets where there is no clear distinction of
the enemy, leaving the unprepared as sitting ducks.

Neighborhoods turn into fortresses, families hunkerdown unsure of when the chaos will end.

Every day… a battle against uncertainty and the basic comforts of home become luxuries.

As I said my name is Mark Anderson, and I am known as the “Stockpile Scientist”. I’ll tell you
why people call me that in a minute because…

I believe that most Americans, including preppers, are seriously underprepared for the
devastating consequences of a full fledged civil war.

Regardless of whether they already have a stockpile, or they’re just starting to build one.

1) A civil war in the US will be unexpected, because people are wilfully blind, claiming that:
“It can never happen here”.

I believe the coming threat is so unlike everything we’ve been preparing for, that the
conventional stockpiling advice simply won’t cut it anymore.

Preppers with serious stashes might have a chance… although most stockpiles are missing key items
that could make them useless (I’ll show you what I mean in a second).

But there are millions of Americans with no stockpile whatsoever. And if you don’t have one, the
time to start it is now – because that might be your only way to survive for a long time.

But not any stockpile will do.

Preppers need to build multifunctional stockpiles with a high “bang for buck” ratio. And
most of all, they need “Stockpile saviors” – some of the most useful (and neglected) items a
prepper could hoard. I’ll show you 7 essential items like this, here on this page. (Missing
item #1 almost cost me my daughter’s life).

2) There will be no way to resupply for months or more

Unlike the other localized crises we had in the past years, this will likely be a continent-wide
catastrophe with no clear leadership.

This means there will be no opportunities to restock for a long time.

Most people, including preppers, will be shocked by how fast their stockpiles are draining. And
the truth is, most people are clueless about how to start a stockpile for 100 days or more –
without making really expensive (and life threatening) mistakes, and without even requiring a
lot of storage space.

That’s why on this page I’ll explain how to build a 100-day stockpile in just 10 days – even when
you’re on a budget, or if you live in a small rented apartment with little space for a survival

But even when people do manage to put together a long-term stockpile, most will fail. Because, in
my experience…

3) Even those with big, expensive stockpiles are probably not going to make it.

I should know. Because before being the “Stockpile Scientist”, I was one of those confident
preppers who thought he knew it all.

Look – I wasn’t born an expert in stockpiling. I became one by making more mistakes than anyone I
know. And since I believe smart people learn from other people’s mistakes, this is your chance
to learn from mine.

It was early 2010, and I was living in Haiti with my family as an expat.

It was a poor country that was constantly battered by hurricanes and earthquakes. So prepping was
something you simply had to do.
I wasn’t too worried. I had 5 figures worth of food, water, medicine, fuel – and all the tools I
thought I’d need to survive in case the big one hit.

It didn’t take long for me to see my stockpile put to the test: on January 12, Haiti was hit by
one of the largest earthquakes in the history of the country. Millions of homes collapsed. The
country was left with no electricity and no water. There were no stores. People had to cram into
tent cities to survive.

But in the middle of all that chaos, we were fine. My trusty generator was chugging along, we had
a fridge going, AC was working, food was plenty. And then it happened.

I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I was in our living room, listening to the radio about the widespread looting. My wife was pacing
the room worried. I wasn’t. I was just telling her that we’re safe, that we’re nothing like
those poor souls outside who failed to prepare.

That’s when the lights went out. But there was no reason to panic: the generator had run out of
gas. I had plenty of gasoline in my stockpile. I picked up a canister from the back of the shed
and filled up. I started the generator.

I thought maybe it was a blown fuse or something. I checked everything. There was nothing wrong
with the generator. But I could feel a sense of dread starting to grow in the pit of my

I could feel my heart sinking, and my confidence was replaced with a deep sense of

And it turns out, I was right to feel that way.

With no fuel, my generator became useless. We lost not just power: but the refrigerator and the
water pump. Soon, our hygiene took a dive. And that’s when Harper, my 6-year-old daughter, got

The previous week, we had felt calm and protected in the warmth of the living room, looking at
the turmoil and feeling confident. Now I was rushing to the nearest UN tent camp, desperate for
the electrolytes that would save my daughter.

I was forced to leave my family at home, unprotected, vulnerable to looters and all sorts of scum
that typically surface after any disaster… to sit in a line of 1000 desperate people who all
needed the same doctor.

And right until the last moment, I didn’t know whether she was going to make it.
Knowing that my stupid mistake could have led to her death was my wake up call.

Because after Harper got better, and we eventually escaped that hell, I didn’t let my mistake

My stockpile had failed me. I thought I was prepared, and that false confidence was my undoing.
What else had I failed to prepare for?

Once back to the US, I started having some deep conversations with people I respected. Not just
preppers. I spoke to veterans with real combat experience. I interviewed supply managers for
large cruise ships, who must spend months at sea and make sure nothing’s missing. And I picked
the brains of people with real survival stories in besieged cities.

As it turns out, my experience was anything but singular. In fact…

Mistake number 1 is overspending on non-essentials

Imagine having a million dollar car that won’t start because you blew a 50 cent ignition fuse.
This is how most stockpiles look like. Preppers are spending thousands of dollars or more on
obvious things like freeze dried food, or water filters, or a generator. But very often they
ignore key items that are often cheap. And because of that, they can’t really make use of their
expensive stockpiles.

Mistake number 2 is packing too much space with useless items

Too many people think you need a huge stockpile that will take a lot of space. But in fact, there
are lots of ways to pack high impact items that don’t require a root cellar or even a

One way to achieve that is to pick foods with high caloric density and long shelf life.
Another great way is to build a multifunctional stockpile – basically with items that serve
multiple purposes. I’ll show you 7 of my favorites below.

In fact, I discovered that there are some items most preppers ignore, that can make or break your
stockpile. I call those items “stockpile saviors” because they literally save your stockpile.
Start incorporating stockpile saviors into your preparedness – and you’ll save thousands of
dollars on your preps, and will need a lot LESS space.

I mentioned the first one in my survival story: Fuel stabilizer. This might not sound
important if you’re planning to survive for a week or so. Or if you have access to fresh fuel.

But for something catastrophic as a civil war event, having a fuel stabilizer will help
keep the power on when the entire country ground to a halt.

You see, fuel isn’t wine—it doesn’t get better with age.

Left alone, it’ll break down over time because of oxygen and moisture. So at most, you can expect
5 months out of gasoline, and up to 12 from diesel and kerosene. Fuel stabilizer can double that
lifespan, which might be invaluable in a longer SHTF situation.

Pro-tip: a Tri Fuel adapter is a good investment – as it will allow your generator to run
on propane. And propane does NOT expire.

Petroleum Jelly. Petroleum Jelly is a must-have for any emergency kit, be it a bug-out-bag
or a bunker stash. It’s one of my favorite multifunctional prepping items.

It’s cheap, versatile, and easy to store, making it perfect for uncertain times.

But it does more than you might think.

Need to start a fire? Coat some cotton balls in Vaseline for an easy-to-light fire starter.

Facing cold weather? It’s a go-to for skin protection and even frostbite prevention.

In first aid, it can help chapped skin and speed up wound healing—just steer clear of using it on

It can also be a lifesaver for shaving without water, rejuvenating old leather, and making candle
wax removal a breeze.

In short, Petroleum Jelly isn’t just goop in a jar; it’s your all-around utility player that
you’ll be glad to have when you need it most.

Our third item might sound boring but it can literally save your stockpile in an emergency: Silica

You might remember those little packets you get in the box whenever you buy a new pair of

You see, moisture is one of the biggest enemies of a long term stockpile.

Silica gel is a powerful desiccant that can absorb up to 37% of its own weight in moisture.

Silica gel safeguards electronics from water damage and prevents condensation on camera equipment
and headphones.

It effectively absorbs water, making it superior to rice for saving wet electronics.

Moreover, silica gel prolongs the freshness of foods, protects metals from rusting, aids in
gardening, and even combats fog and condensation.

In short, it’s a pivotal asset within your preparedness arsenal.

The fourth item is Bay Leaves…

Now these leaves are more than just a crisis-time resource; they should be a regular part of your
daily life.

In tough situations, they offer not only various health benefits but also effective pest

They help manage health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, digestive problems, and

When dried, they hold flammable oils that transform them into exceptional emergency fire

This unique attribute is invaluable during survival situations…

Allowing you to quickly ignite a fire that’s crucial for you and your family’s warmth, cooking,
or signaling for help.

So make bay leaves a staple of your stockpile, not just an emergency option.

That brings me to our fifth Stockpile Savior…

Many preppers imagine that they need the newest and most expensive items. But to me, baking soda
is the definition of “good bang for your buck”. It’s cheap and has tons of uses in a crisis,
more than I can mention:

Mouthwash and teeth whitener; deodorant; kitchen cleaner; weed killer. You can use it to clean a
scorched pot. It helps with heartburn and itchy skin.

And it can help decontaminate radioactivity!

The sixth item you should have in your stockpile is a good tarp.

It’s funny how many preppers don’t have a good basic tarp. It’s one of the most versatile items
you could hope for in a crisis. No water? Unroll your tarp and collect rain or dew water. Broken
window? You can mend it with a tarp. Or you can build a simple shelter until you find something
more solid.

It can act as wet weather clothing so you or your kids don’t get sick. And in an emergency, you
can use it as a stretcher.

The last thing on my list is Oxygen absorbers.

Oxygen shortens the shelf life of some foods.

It makes food go bad faster by causing oxidation of fats…

Letting germs grow, activating enzymes, and causing good food to spoil too fast.

Yet in the absence of oxygen, food can last for more than a decade in storage!

And guess what: it will allow you to prolong the expiration date of medication. This is
invaluable in a crisis, especially with hard to find medicine.

After our narrow escape from Haiti, I conducted over 100 interviews with preppers of all sorts.
It made me realize that, while some people were better prepared than others… everyone was still
sort of “winging it”.

No one had a roadmap for how to properly build a stockpile. And even those who had one were
making dangerous mistakes that could cost them the life of someone they loved.

So I set out to create the ultimate resource for building a 100+ days stockpile from scratch, in
under 10 days.

I called it “The Stockpile Savior”.

This is the ultimate guide to building a bulletproof stockpile…

That takes you from being uncertain about your preps…

To being 100% confident that your family will comfortably survive the first 100 days & beyond
of any disaster.

And you won’t have to waste hours researching what you need…

Visiting stores to compare

Or spending sleepless nights worrying about whether you’ve done your part to protect your

What really sets this apart from anything else in the market is that I’ve done all the heavy
lifting FOR YOU.

See, this isn’t just a simple guide.

It’s actually a step by step blueprint that practically does all the work FOR you.

Think of it like a 10 Day Roadmap to build a bulletproof stockpile.

Every morning, for 10 days, you’ll get a list of items you need to stockpile for that day.

You’ll even get links for where to find the product so you can simply open your guide for each
day and follow the steps to build your stockpile.

It really is as simple as waking up, pressing a few buttons, and waiting for your stockpile to
practically build itself.

Without doing any real work yourself.

You’ll also get options for each budget.

Whether your budget is high enough to afford the high, end Dom Perignon Champagne version of this

Or just enough to afford a bottle of Andre Champagne from a gas station…

Because whatever option you choose will build you a bulletproof stockpile that protects you in
the face of any crisis.

I even asked friends in the US to test it out and within days they sent me these pictures… Check
it out!

Here’s exactly what you get inside The Stockpile Savior…

Part 1: How To Build The Ultimate Food Stockpile

First, you’ll create a food stockpile that will make sure your family never goes hungry in a
disaster. You’ll discover…

Part 2: The Safe & Reliable Way To Ensure Your Family Has Access To Unlimited Water

Next, we’ll ensure that your family has access to safe drinking water & hygiene conditions even
if your area is going through its worst drought. You’ll discover…

Part 3: You’ll Never Experience Another Blackout If You Have These Items

You already saw how having no power can render most of your preps useless. That’s why the next
thing we’ll do is create a stockpile that ensures you have running electricity even if the rest
of your city is living in rolling blackouts.

Part 4: Guns & Ammunition: When Your Family’s Safety Lies In Your Hands… You Can’t Afford To
Be Caught Without These Items

Nothing is more important than your safety. That’s why you’ll discover exactly which security
items you need in your stockpile… and where to find them. Think about it:

Part 5: How To Safeguard Your Health When Hospitals & Pharmacies Shut Down

When the modern healthcare system collapses… Your family only has you to rely on to take care of
their health. That’s why you’ll need to know…

The best part is, this 10 Day Roadmap also comes with a comprehensive guide that takes you
in-depth and explains the purpose behind each of these items.

So you aren’t just blindly collecting items…

But you’re also understanding the importance of each of them and how to put them to use.

It wasn’t easy getting the information that’s inside this program…

It took months of blood, sweat and literal tears to figure out how to create a truly reliable

One that leaves nothing to chance and gives you the confidence to protect your family no matter
what the future holds.

I’m confident enough to say that…

This is the ONLY program on the market that can truly help you survive the first 100 days &
beyond of any SHTF situation…

Without leaving you to do any of the research yourself or wasting thousands of dollars on
unnecessary products.

But I wanted to go one step further to make sure you’re really covered.

This is why, when you get The Stockpile Savior today…

The first report you’ll get is…

Special Report #1: The Invisible Stockpile

When the Out of Stock signs hit, the mob goes crazy.

They’re willing to do anything it takes to get access to the essentials.

Including stealing from those like you who were smart enough to stockpile what they need.

That’s why, The Invisible Stockpile shows you how to conceal your stockpile from the public

So no one can find your items, even if they manage to break into your home.

The second report you’ll get is…

Special Report #2: How To Stay Safe When Your Rights Are Taken Away

When the very people hired to protect you turn into your enemies, you need a new plan of

That’s why, in this report you’ll discover how to protect your rights, including…

And finally, the third report you’ll get is…

Special Report #3: Riot Survival Tactics From A Hardened Policeman

The mobs don’t just resort to theft when stores go out of stock.

Riots break out on the streets.

Making it unsafe to even step out without risking your life.

That’s why it’s essential to know these riot survival tactics – straight from a hardened

As soon as you have these reports, make sure you open them right away…

…to be sure you don’t miss out.

With these 3 reports you could be one of the few who live in total peace even if there’s a
complete disaster outside your windows.

You won’t have to worry about your family going hungry, thirsty or living for weeks in the

Because when you’ve truly covered all your bases…

You won’t get the dreadful feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop like every other

That’s what these 3 special reports will do for you.

By now you’re probably wondering…

Look, with The Stockpile Savior on your side, you’ll build a reliable stockpile that will help
you survive the first 100 Days of any disaster with absolute ease…

In a matter of just 10 days.

That means you’ll be giving your family the gift of total peace, comfort and safety in a
situation where thousands of people are fighting just to get by.

You’ll be doing your duty to them every time you serve a fresh plate of food cooked
with items from your stockpile…

Every time you hand them a clean glass of water…

And every time you protect them from danger using items in your security stockpile.

Plus, being the person with access to all these items when the rest of the city desperately needs
them puts you at a HUGE strategic advantage.

That’s not all. This stockpiling system also SAVES you from wasting thousands of dollars on
unnecessary items – just like I did.

On the other hand, without The Stockpile Savior…

You’ll always be the one desperately looking for what you need.

In fact, you’ll likely be one item away from endless chaos – like I was.

It almost cost me my daughter’s life – and I wouldn’t want anyone else to face the fear that I

That’s why when you consider everything that The Stockpile Savior can really do for you…

Which I think is extremely fair too…

In fact, just by preventing you from buying some of the unnecessary items…

This program would more than pay for itself.

I had no plans to release anything to the public at all!

This started off as a project to save myself and my family from any more pain.

And my goal has not changed.

My goal here is only to help other families live comfortably no matter what the world throws
their way.

Even if that means only covering the expenses of creating this book with its price tag. And
making no profits.

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…..

And say “YES” to this life-saving program…

And why instead, by taking action today…

You can order The Stockpile Savior…

And the 3 additional reports:

The only way to get it is to click the “Add To Cart” button now.

And you’ll have a proven roadmap to build your stockpile in just 10 days.

So you can thrive not just survive in the face of ANY disaster.

You can only get The Stockpile Savior here if you click the “Add To Cart” button now.

But really, the price doesn’t even matter… because it comes with…

We are absolutely certain that this will help you and your family thrive, not just survive in the
face of any disaster.

But we don’t want you to just take our word for it.

We want you to see what this program can do for you yourself.

That’s why we want to offer you the opportunity to try The Stockpile Savior for yourself for the
next 60 days…

With absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.

Simply click on the big golden button that says “ADD to CART”…

And order your own digital copy of The Stockpile Savior right now.

Then, you’ll have immediate access to the lifesaving information in The Stockpile Savior…

I want you to check out the valuable information inside this system and put it into action.

We are confident that once you do this, you’ll have what you need to know to safeguard your
family from the first 100 days and beyond of ANY disaster…

We’ve made this as newbie-friendly as we could.

But If you’re not blown away by the knowledge revealed in it…

And if you’re not absolutely thrilled with how easy this makes it for you to build your
ultimate survival stockpile…

Then simply send us an email within 60 days, and I’ll send you your money back no questions

The reason I’m offering this guarantee is because I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be
shocked to see how easy it really is to prepare your family with The Stockpile Savior…

Also because we like to do business the “right” way…

And if we’re not providing you with TREMENDOUS value then we don’t deserve your money.

This way you can see for yourself how great this program is without risking a thing.

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Stockpile Savior is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Fortune Mind Code – Crazy EPCs

Product Name: Fortune Mind Code – Crazy EPCs

Click here to get Fortune Mind Code – Crazy EPCs

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Fortune Mind Code – Crazy EPCs

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Fortune Mind Code – Crazy EPCs

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Divi 5 Public Alpha Development Replace (200+ Adjustments)

Final month, we introduced the Divi 5 Public Alpha, and we’ve been 100% enthusiastic about fixing the bugs you’ve been reporting. We introduced two new diversifications (Public Alpha Model 1 and Public Alpha Model Two), in conjunction with over 200 bug fixes and improvements.

Obtain The Divi 5 Alpha

Next Save you, Steadiness

We now have now our eyes set on two primary milestones. First, we would like Divi 5 to be robust enough for us to signify you utilize it to build new internet websites. second, we would like the Divi 5 migration and backward compatibility tool to be robust enough for us to signify you use it on provide web pages.

When we hit those two milestones, we’ll resume finishing Divi 5’s last choices, which might be maximum usually UI-related.

All through this alpha and beta section, Divi 4 and Divi 5 will have separate change paths, and each and every diversifications it will likely be maintained. You’ll be capable of adopt Divi 5 each time it becomes your most well liked building experience. We’ll keep bettering it, with commonplace updates every two weeks, and it’ll win you over as it improves.

When we’re confident that everyone will love the new experience, we’ll move out the beta section, merge the fortify paths, and everyone will get upgraded to Divi 5.

What We Completed This Final Month

I’d like to focus on some important problems we fixed right through the ultimate month. First, we fixed some primary bugs inside the migration tool; if you happen to tried migrating and it failed miserably, check out over again because it’s operating significantly better now.

We moreover fixed some potency issues and made Divi 5 even faster. The Visual Builder now lazy-loads the Divi 4 shortcode framework on name for, and we decrease the Visual Builder software size by means of 40% after converting some large dependencies. We moreover reduced front-end internet web page sizes by means of fixing bugs that generated unneeded classes and CSS, and we accelerated style processing time.

Whole Changelog

With over 200 bug fixes, I will’t cover they all in detail. We made important expansion, and we’ll keep that momentum going into November as we get closer to our balance objectives.

Keep the bug opinions coming, and we’ll keep fixing them. It’s great to appear Divi 5 out inside the wild and for our art work to be told early adopters!

Right here’s a document of the entire thing we fixed.

  • Fixed Divi Cloud log-in and body of workers sidebar sorts and up-to-the-minute colors to support dark mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the fullwidth portfolio module does not rerender to copy the prevailing structure set, it always remains in carousel mode.
  • Added point of interest on Search input field when filters icon is clicked in Layers View.
  • Added alternatives to set Fonts and Colors while rising speedy web pages using Pre-made packs.
  • Fixed state of affairs selection strings that weren’t able for translation.
  • Fixed issue with context menu selection, making highlights and alternatives invisible for the module.
  • Removed copy sorts from the Cloud App CSS file.
  • Added World Fonts Editor into Visual Builder.
  • Fixed an issue where the Woo Cross Sells and Woo Cart Totals modules weren’t rendering content material subject matter in VB
  • Advanced Divi 5 style output to combine declaration/selectors to reduce general style output sizes.
  • Fixed issue with converting World Presets that use CSS variables.
  • Made history panel items full-width, further consistent with choose menu sorts.
  • Remove Visual Builder dependency from @wordpress/block-editor package deal deal.
  • Fixed issue where Box shadow styling values didn’t support any values previous 80px and damaging 80px.
  • Fixed an issue where world colors would possibly simply not be performed to the background mask and development.
  • Fixed an issue where the gradient have an effect on used to be as soon as not displayed on background footage.
  • Fixed an issue where box shadow sorts defined in presets weren’t rendering appropriately.
  • We fixed issues where the background video, background development, and background mask for the sticky state didn’t art work when the module used to be as soon as inside another sticky module.
  • Fixed an issue where the essential factor mixture Cmd + C + V (where you click on at the C and V while however pressing the Cmd key) does not copy/copy-paste a module.
  • Up to the moment preset IDs to use shorter unique IDs to reduce the dimensions of preset names in HTML output.
  • Fixed Text Shadow sticky style issue when a module inside another sticky module is using it.
  • Fixed some styling inconsistencies inside the Theme Builder visual builder popup.
  • Auto-scroll behavior used to be as soon as removed when opening and closing selection groups inside the settings panel.
  • We added the ‘Posts For Provide Internet web page’ field to the Blog Module for the Theme Builder.
  • Fixed publish content material subject matter module not being rendered on the front end.
  • Fixed publish identify, fullwidth publish identify, and dynamic content material subject matter publish identify that problems to theme builder structure’s identify instead of the current publish identify
  • Fixed undefined index warning on the Theme Builder internet web page.
  • Fixed an issue with Theme Builder templates not being rendered on the front end.
  • The countdown timer module’s font style is fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where the background color for the Social Media Group module used to be as soon as not rendering inside the settings or the Visual Builder/Front-End when defined in a preset.
  • We fixed an issue where the sections in a internet web page imported by means of Add Construction -> Your Present Internet web page couldn’t be removed.
  • Fixed the issue where the History Modal didn’t close routinely.
  • Added confirmation modal if world color changes weren’t confirmed.
  • Fixed in Blog module border used to be as soon as not operating in fullwidth structure.
  • Modified the fallacious text capitalization icon inside the text alternatives group.
  • Fixed an issue where the PHP conversion for the Distinctiveness section didn’t appropriately convert various attributes.
  • Fixed Row Module’s Max Width field to take care of the identical range and unit when the value changes and added a maximum value of 2560.
  • Added support for a few CSS units for box-shadow values.
  • Fixed change tab icon with app color when it has value and isn’t opened in background sections.
  • Fixed Combine mode filters not operating appropriately on the front end for the D5 Column module.
  • Fixed a bug in Dynamic Assets which used to be as soon as causing style output for overdue detection to be fallacious.
  • Fixed an issue where the upload environment field didn’t art work inside the Theme Builder.
  • Adjusted the CSS to ensure the loading icon is vertically centered.
  • Introducing Visual Builder load time expansion allows Visual Builder settings information not sought after all through load time to be delivered asynchronously after the app quite a bit.
  • Optimize the shortcode framework initialization all through the Divi 5 content material subject matter migration process.
  • Fixed theme builder content material subject matter isn’t saved inside the database.
  • Fixed the conversion process by means of ensuring the module conversion outlines weren’t improperly stripped inside the .zip process.
  • Fixed an issue where the input for the Color Pickers Default Palette selection used to be as soon as hidden all through bettering.
  • Fixed the issue when compatibility assessments under no circumstances finished if the child theme or plugin overrides information using the et_builder_get_default_post_types filter.
  • The useless default preset class is removed.
  • Fixed the Add Column button issue.
  • Reinforce for quite a lot of units in vertical and horizontal offsets used to be as soon as added inside the Position Group.
  • Fixed a bug causing a perilous PHP error when activating the SiteGround Tempo Optimizer Plugin.
  • Fixed a bug inside the Builder’s color picker that avoided saturation and opacity changes from taking have an effect on for background gradient stops.
  • Fixed the fallacious colors used inside the preset save confirmation modal in dark mode.
  • Fixed the blurb module image width.
  • Fixed an issue where the “ET_Global_Settings” class used to be as soon as not found out.
  • Fixed an issue where importing older layouts would possibly simply get stuck at 99%.
  • Fixed a bug where amount value increments would sometimes not are compatible the value’s stage of precision.
  • Advanced tabbing right through the settings panel and performed further holistic hover and point of interest sorts on buttons and icons.
  • Fixed use of a D4 library products from Divi Cloud to D5.
  • Fixed an issue where world colors didn’t mirror when added to section dividers.
  • We modified the native wp_die once more button inside the incompatible plugin message with an actual URL so the link will art work in all browsers.
  • Fixed Admin bar visibility when bettering a Theme builder structure.
  • Fixed a PHP warning that happened on the wordpress Importer internet web page.
  • Fixed export fatal error on Divi library items from the backend.
  • Added dark mode support to the wordpress media library inside the Visual Builder.
  • Fixed an issue where inside of column settings weren’t appearing in uniqueness sections.
  • Fixed Layers View Search field point of interest color for readability.
  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Builder would crash when environment quite a lot of alternatives inside the Blog module.
  • Fixed a perilous error inside the Pricing Tables module when importing the Divi AI Landing internet web page structure on PHP 8.3.
  • Fixed a PHP fatal error ended in by means of an fallacious path for the convertInlineFont function inside the Slide Module all through D5 Migration.
  • Fixed broken motion effects when performed to the social observe module.
  • Fixed an issue where Free-form CSS used to be as soon as not retained all through importing structure to Divi 5.
  • Migrated PHP Composer scripts from package deal deal.json to composer.json for direct execution by means of Composer.
  • Fixed an issue with crashing the Divi Shortcode Module settings when bettering a 3rd Party Module.
  • Fixed broken code inside the code module ended in by means of stripped newline characters striking JavaScript comments on the an identical line as respectable code.
  • Fixed the inline editor color picker opening outside the bottom of the viewport.
  • Position style is fixed if the offset beginning position and become are set.
  • Fixed copy Delete products inside the layers panel right-click menu.
  • Right kind-click actions were removed from uniqueness columns inside the layers panel.
  • Fixes drag and drop module that doesn’t art work when a definite selection of movement is done in the past
  • Reworked Visual Builder’s Move out Button Proper right into a Link.
  • Fixed layer view scrollbar not operating while using the Cross To Layer selection.
  • Remove the solution to permit and disable the “latest Divi Builder experience” since this option is not connected in Divi 5.
  • Fixed right-click movement labels for the shortcode module to get the real name.
  • Prevent useless rerendering on module settings’ panel and group when modifying module attributes.
  • Refactored module settings’ group, sub-group, and field visibility mechanism. Use function callback for its prop visible instead of passing boolean.
  • Fixed broken transition sorts on account of selector conflicts on built-in element sorts.
  • Fixed useless rendered transition style selectors.
  • Fixed broken transition sorts for advanced sorts when built-in element sorts module attributes are modified.
  • Fixed empty row changes the height of the section hovering over the layers.
  • Fixed the issue where the responsive view width value tooltip used to be as soon as displayed on all sides when dragging.
  • Fixed issue where default divider sorts were being printed, overriding custom designed divider sorts on mobile.
  • Fixed tooltips for World Color swatches when thought to be inside the Fresh palette.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the “New preset from provide sorts” and the “Add new preset” buttons, along with clicking the clone and/or “Preset Settings” (cog wheel to edit a preset) buttons, does not open/amplify the preset alternatives group.
  • Removed the Preset confirmation modal when together with a brand spanking new preset and a preset from provide sorts.
  • Fixed the display of Button Module alignment alternatives in each and every the Visual Builder and frontend.
  • Fixed an issue where the Featured Image’s Box Shadow inside the Blog module differed after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.
  • Advanced choose field’s UX. Fixed broken navigation on the choose selection by means of keyboard shortcut (arrow up, down, enter)
  • Fixed an issue where module conversion for lower up check out attributes incorrectly hid modules by means of normalizing ab_subject_id values all through conversion.
  • Fixed the problem where shoppers would possibly simply not edit and save a Divi Cloud products.
  • Fixed the Construction bar not showing the real expansion when bettering & saving a Divi cloud products.
  • Fixed overlapping text and buttons in smaller inside of columns when in wireframe mode.
  • Fixed missing default border width value for grid structure inside the Blog Module.
  • Fixed blurb module text sorts, paying homage to text-shadow, affecting the blurb icon.
  • Fixed the button custom designed style fields visibility issue inside the module settings modal after final the preset settings modal.
  • Fixed an issue where custom designed CSS used to be as soon as not performed to modules in a structure.
  • Reinforce used to be as soon as added for the VB Save shortcut from Inline Editor.
  • Fixed unexpected autoclosing of the Add To Library modal when interacting with the Help modal.
  • Fixed the divider overlay color issue.
  • Fixed context menu on tinyMCE, code, and text fields.
  • Fixed saving of Wireframe mode and Layers view as app preferences.
  • Introduced Initial E2E Potency Exams.
  • Fixed HTML tags escaping consider World Modules after edit.
  • Fixed a bug causing PHP errors when using the Consuming position starter pack to create a handy guide a rough website in D5.
  • Fixed empty button(no text) not displayed/editable from VB.
  • Upgraded jQuery Mobile from v1.4.5 to v1.5.0 alpha and removed unused code.
  • The conditional Commonplace sense conversion issue is fixed.
  • Fixed the issue with the featured image not being displayed inside the Submit Title module if used in a Theme Builder template.
  • Fixed 0 division error in Divider in FE.
  • Fixed broken gallery module when using slider mode.
  • Fixed empty blurb image wrapper rendering inside the Visual Builder when no image used to be as soon as defined inside the module settings.
  • Fixed a perilous error inside the Turn out to be::value() means if some layouts don’t include the become value for the desktop breakpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where settling on a box shadow preset showed fallacious alternatives inside the module settings.
  • Fixed an issue where sections set to absolute positioning weren’t visible inside the Visual Builder.
  • Fixed Blurb icon sorts copy/paste.
  • Fixed a bug that used to be as soon as causing free-form-css output inside the front end not to art work as it should be.
  • Fixed interaction alternatives don’t appear to be saved inside the database.
  • Added documentation internet web page for Preset Function.
  • Fixed the shortage to copy the way of the module and now not the usage of a function correct right into a module with an function.
  • Together with missing fixed and absolute positioning classes for sections resulted in fixed sections that weren’t full-width by means of default.
  • Fixed Pictures imported tool for gallery module.
  • Fixed a bug that used to be as soon as not loading some Google font on the front end after the second internet web page load when the customizer used a Google font for the header font.
  • Fixed being now not ready to edit and save a Divi Cloud products.
  • Fixed the Construction bar not showing the real expansion when bettering & saving a Divi cloud products.
  • Fixed inappropriate position alternatives inside the shortcode module’s position selection group, every appearing only when a connected position is printed.
  • Fixed fallacious Essential CSS top calculation when world modules were used in a structure.
  • Fixed a perilous Essential CSS top calculator error when striking world modules inside of a uniqueness section’s inside of column.
  • Fixed unwanted et_pb_module class on module sub-elements which were causing gutter width issues on modules such since the contact type module.
  • Fixed an issue causing errors when migrating content material subject matter with specific characters in Contact Form and E-mail Optin modules.
  • Fixed copy Delete products inside the layers panel right-click menu.
  • Right kind-click actions were removed from uniqueness columns inside the layers panel.
  • Fixed unwanted right-click alternatives appearing for uniqueness section inside of columns.
  • Fixed a perilous error inside the TextShadow::value() means if some layouts don’t include the text-shadow value for the desktop breakpoint.
  • Fixed the issue when Shift used to be as soon as not performed to numeric fields in case of mouse input.
  • Fixed cmd/ctrl + s shortcut fail from the inline editor.
  • Automated the technology of the _all_modules_metadata.php file to reduce information updates and ensure consistency.
  • Changed the x-ray line color to a medium gray that it will likely be visible on quite a lot of background colors.
  • Fixed Cloud items refresh after saving new items to the Cloud.
  • Fixed an issue with specific SVG footage that weren’t visible when added using the Image Module.
  • Fixed an issue where the serve as function used to be as soon as not rendering from HTMLUtility::render(
  • Fixed an issue where the checkbox didn’t return the right kind value when its default used to be as soon as set inside the module.json file.
  • Added missing –with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections containing a menu module and complicated the common-sense with the intention to upload the ones classes when the menu module accommodates a dropdown.
  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appear hidden beneath the content material subject matter of the following section.
  • Increase the z-index on columns that include dropdown menus to ensure they sit down above adjacent sections with section dividers.
  • Fixed extend issue when clearing search time frame in Layers View.
  • Fixed an issue where a module animations previous the father or mother row bounds (in VB and FE) when sticky and transition are combined with width and/or max-width.
  • Fixed warning about unique “key” props while getting access to Shortcode Module Background settings.
  • Fixed Divi menu overlapping internet web page content material subject matter on the front end and inside the builder.
  • Up to the moment validation to use default zoom value instead of NaN% inside the app bar zoom stage when input is invalid.
  • Fixed an unwanted hollow inside of the most productive left corner of module hover highlights that may be spotted when module hover buttons were disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the zoom stage value used to be as soon as not rounded to the nearest complete amount for display purposes.
  • Fixed e-mail supplier account function conversion and corrected field rendering commonplace sense.
  • Fixed image stretching issue by means of environment width to auto when maxHeight is performed.
  • Fixed Accordion icon wasn’t vertically centered when the icon size used to be as soon as better.
  • Added missing –with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections containing a menu module and complicated the common-sense with the intention to upload the ones classes when the menu module accommodates a dropdown.
  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appear hidden beneath the content material subject matter of the following section.
  • Increase the z-index on columns that include dropdown menus to ensure they sit down above adjacent sections with section dividers.
  • Fixed broken View Are living Preview button for saved library items inside the Theme Builder.
  • Fixed the unsuitable keyboard shortcut identify for the ? key.
  • Fixed an issue where customizer font-weight values weren’t being considered, affecting some modules’ final text/heading font-weight.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling parallax in a preset showed fallacious alternatives inside the module settings.
  • Fixed the misleading Preview button on Theme Builder layouts by means of getting rid of the button.
  • I fixed the issue of not opening the settings panel for the Row module.
  • Fixed broken portability modal sorts inside the Divi Library and adjusted the legacy loader animation.
  • Fixed the issue with Modules, Rows, and Sections imported from Divi Cloud.
  • Removed open and close icons from selection groups when the “Group Settings Into Closed Toggles” selection is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where intentionally getting rid of the background color for a decided on breakpoint or state ended in the father or mother breakpoint or state’s background color to be rendered (instead of creating use of no background color in anyway).
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic content material subject matter used to be as soon as not processed appropriately after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5 on account of different escaping mechanisms.
  • Fixed WooCommerce Fatal Error on Admin’s Space Product Internet web page.
  • Fixed broken fullscreen header top calculation that resulted in fullscreen headers exceeding the browser viewport’s top.
  • Fixed “Free Form CSS” not operating with specific modules inside the builder.
  • Advanced Move out button in VB redirects the individual to the previous internet web page.
  • Fixed the Copy Delete Submit plugin’s interface from interfering with the Visual Builder very best bar.
  • Advanced Divi 5 Style Rendering Potency.
  • Fixed menu module not showing all menu items on VB
  • Fixed an issue where the default theme header used to be as soon as not visible inside the Visual Builder.
  • Added missing –with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections containing a menu module and complicated the common-sense with the intention to upload the ones classes when the menu module accommodates a dropdown.
  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appear hidden beneath the content material subject matter of the following section.
  • Increase the z-index on columns that include dropdown menus to ensure they sit down above adjacent sections with section dividers.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling “Background Overlay” and environment a color in Slider or Fullwidth Slider modules ended in a broken module.
  • Fixed broken overflow-x and overflow-y CSS rules performed to internet web page wrappers on account of an fallacious default value saved in post_meta.
  • Fixed exporting a internet web page with Gallery module only accommodates the ID, not the photographs encoded values.
  • Fixed a bug that used to be as soon as causing the module preset not to art work as it should be.
  • Fixed a bug causing module animation to not art work in some circumstances.
  • Fixed the Preview button in Safari.
  • Fixed a console error inside the Visual Builder that stemmed from a missing constant when using Woo modules.
  • Fixed a perilous error on the front end after converting specific Divi 4 E-mail Chance modules using custom designed button icons.
  • Fixed the issue with unintended triggers of VB shortcuts in some fields.
  • Fixed a bug causing some modules/choices requiring script-data to not art work on the front end.

Will Divi 5 Value Further?

We often get asked if Divi 5 will worth extra money, and the answer isn’t any. We’ve been asked if Divi 5 is built-in totally free for lifetime people, and the answer is bound. The Divi Lifetime membership is the best deal in all of wordpress!

The best time to fortify is Black Friday, starting early this one year on November twenty 6th. You’ll get a big cut price and a free product from the Divi Marketplace in conjunction with your gain.

You’ll be capable of moreover re-bundle your other Divi services and products into a brand spanking new Black Friday package deal, reducing subscription costs by means of up to 73%. It only takes a few clicks, then again you’ll have to show up on Black Friday.

We’ve got a lot of surprises in store, and the joys starts this present day on account of we’re gifting away a unfastened iMac and 50 Divi AI subscriptions while we wait.

Stay Tuned For Further Updates

That’s willing in this Divi 5 change. Whilst you haven’t already, check out most people alpha and let us know your concepts. I’ll be once more over again next month that can assist you understand how problems are going, so don’t put out of your mind to practice and subscribe in order that you under no circumstances miss an change.

The publish Divi 5 Public Alpha Development Replace (200+ Adjustments) appeared first on Sublime Topics Weblog.

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Learn How to Load or Swap WordPress Admin Icons (2 Simple Strategies)

Customizing your wordpress dashboard can support individual enjoyment. An easy way to try this is to use together or change the admin icons.

Custom-designed icons can support your workflow and make it easier for new buyers to navigate the admin area of ​​your website. Additionally, a custom-designed dashboard is further enjoyable to use.

In this article, we will show you how to add or change wordpress admin icons. We will provide you with data throughout the process step by step. Plus, your wordpress dashboard will look fresh and unique.

wordpress-admin-icons-in-post.png” alt=”Changing menu icons in the wordpress admin area” class=”wp-image-294831″/>

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”what-are-admin-icons-in-wordpress“/>What are admin icons in wordpress?

Admin icons are the little images you see in the navigation panel of your wordpress admin area. They appear next to each product on the menu.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”370″ src=”” alt=”Menu icons in the wordpress admin area” class=”wp-image-288334″/>

Those images use Dashicons, an icon font created for wordpress. It was first offered in 2013 and hasn’t changed since.

We recommend giving your wordpress admin area a little makeover by changing the icons. You will be able to transfer the icons with something you like on top or even replace them with your own custom icons.

If you’re building an online website for users who don’t seem to focus on wordpress, using custom icons can help them further navigate the admin dashboard.

Now let’s see how you will be able to simply change the admin icons. We will show you two tactics to check this and you will also be ready to choose the one that works best for you:

<h4 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”aioseo-method-1-change-admin-icons-in-wordpress-admin-using-a-plugin”><span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”manner-1-industry-admin-icons-in-wordpress-admin-using-a-plugin”/>Method 1: Sector admin icons in wordpress admin using a plugin

For the program we will use the Admin Menu Editor plugin. For the reason suggested by the identification, it means that you will simply customize the wordpress admin menus.

First, you want to insert and change the Admin Menu Editor plugin. For more details, see our training on methods to set up a wordpress plugin.

After activating the plugin, go to the file Settings » Menu Editor internet web page. Right here, you will see the wordpress admin menu inside a neat user interface (UI) where you will be able to customize it.

The user interface has a more productive toolbar, which helps you add or delete menu items, add separators, copy and paste items, and more.

Publisher's menu

Below, you will be able to click on a product in the menu to extend it and read its settings. Right here, the products in the Post menu have been expanded.

As you create menu items, you will see additional possible choices. If it’s a dad or mom menu, you’ll also see all the child menu items in the correct column.

Intending to load, replace, or delete a menu icon, click the “Show Complicated Possible Choices” link below.

Choose the menu icon

Now click the button next to the “Icon URL” field.

Occasionally, an increasing number of people may see a popup where you will be able to see all available Dashicons. On the other hand, you will be able to click the “Media Library” button to add your image icon.

Select the font icon

If you want to upload your own image icon, we recommend using a 32&instances;32 image, preferably in transparent PNG format.

After choosing your icon, click the “Save Changes” button to store your settings.

You will now see your custom menu icon used in the admin menu.

Custom icon using plugin method

The next method requires the intention to load some custom code to change the icons.

In case you happen to not have finished it before, we recommend you take a quick look at our tutorial on embedding traditional code in wordpress.

The perfect and maximum protected means with the intention of uploading custom code into wordpress is the use of WPCode. It is the most productive wordpress code snippet plugin. It means you will safely add custom code, CSS, and HTML to your wordpress website without accidentally breaking the rest.

Remember: The plugin also has an unlocked version known as WPCode Lite, which is capable of completing the process. On the other hand, the professional type will provide you with additional choices that may be useful.

Example 1. Converting an icon using default Dashicons

For this situation, we will use the default Dashicons to change an icon from the existing icon set.

It’s important to note that wordpress already has so many Dashicons, which are amazingly optimized for power. Therefore, their use will have no effect on the loading speed of the web page.

That said, before running the code, you want to note the following:

  1. The URL of the menu products you want to change
  2. The icon identifies which you wish to use

First, you want to search for the Internet web page URL for the menu products you want to customize. For example, let’s say you want to change the icon for the “Posts” menu.

Hover over the Posts menu and you will also see the URL it links to in your browser’s status bar at the bottom of the Internet web page. You simply need an equal part of the URL, which in this case can also be edit.php.

Find the URL of the page

Next, go to the Dashicons website online and click on the icon you want to use.

Clicking on any icon will show its identity and slug on the most productive one. At this point, you want to copy the slug because you will need it in the next step.

Select the dashicons icon

Whenever you finish it, go to the Code Snippet » + Add snippet Internet web page and place your mouse over the “Add your custom code (new snippet)” box.

Then, simply click the “+Add custom snippet” button that appears.

Add a new custom code snippet

In the next show, provide a reputation for your snippet and select PHP Snippet under the Risk Code Type.

Next, you will be able to copy and paste the following code into the code editor box:

function change_post_menu_icon() {
    international $menu;
    // Loop all through the menu items
    foreach ($menu as $key => $menu_item) {
        // To search out the "Posts" menu products (default URL is 'edit.php')
        if (isset($menu_item[2]) && $menu_item[2] == 'edit.php') {
            // Industry the icon to any other Dashicon class
            $menu[$key][6] = 'dashicons-format-aside'; // Industry this for your hottest Dashicon slug
add_action('admin_menu', 'change_post_menu_icon');

Don’t forget to change the dashicons-format-aside to the slug you copied previously.

Your code will look like this throughout the editor:

Add the menu icon code

Next, you will need to tell wordpress where to run this code.

Admin menu icons appear throughout the wordpress admin area. On the similar web page, scroll down to the onboarding step and select “Admin Only” under Location Risk.

Load the code location

In any case, change your snippet to Full of Life and click the “Save Snippet” button to save many of your changes.

wordpress will now begin using the icon you chose for your Post Internet web page.

Custom icon code method

Example 2. Use the Font Awesome icon for a Products menu in your wordpress admin area

The default Dashicon library has a limited set of icons. The good news is that you will be able to use a font and icon library like Font Awesome, which has a much higher icon set.

On the other hand, this means that you will have to load Font Awesome, which may slow down the wordpress admin area quite a bit (just a few milliseconds).

Faster than you add any code, you first need to search for the icon you want to use. Go to the Font Awesome website and navigate to the Loose Library.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”308″ src=”” alt=”Fantastic website for fonts” class=”wp-image-288333″/>

You will see all available icons without spending a penny.

Click on the icon you want to use and it will open in a popup. From here, you want to copy the Unicode value of the icon.

Find unicode for the icon you want to use

Next, cross the Code Snippet » + Add snippet Internet web page in your wordpress dashboard.

Go ahead and click the “+Add custom snippet” button until you reach the “Add your custom code (new snippet)” box.

Add a new custom code snippet

In the next show, provide a reputation for your snippet and choose a PHP snippet because the code type is at risk.

Next, you will be able to copy and paste the following code into the code editor box:

// Enqueue Font Awesome throughout the admin area
function enqueue_font_awesome() {
    wp_enqueue_style('font-awesome', '');
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_font_awesome');

// Add custom class to the Posts menu products
function add_custom_post_menu_class() {
    international $menu;

    foreach ($menu as $key => $menu_item) {
        if (isset($menu_item[2]) && $menu_item[2] == 'edit.php') {
            $menu[$key][4] .= ' custom-post-menu-class';
add_action('admin_menu', 'add_custom_post_menu_class');

// Add custom CSS to switch the icon to a Font Awesome icon
function custom_admin_menu_icon() {
    echo '
        .custom-post-menu-class .wp-menu-image:forward of {
            font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Loose" !important;
            content material subject matter: "f015"; /* Unicode for the Font Awesome icon */
            font-weight: 900; /* Sought after for cast icons */
add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_menu_icon');

Don’t fail to change f015 with the previously copied Unicode value.

Your code will look like this throughout the editor:

Added awesome font code for a menu item

Next, you will need to tell wordpress where to run this code.

Admin menu icons appear in the wordpress admin area, so you can scroll down to the onboarding step and select “Admin Only” for location risk.

Load the code location

In any case, change your snippet to Full of Life and click the “Save Snippet” button to save many of your changes.

wordpress will now begin using the icon you chose for your Post Internet web page.

Custom menu icon using Font Awesome

<span class=”ez-toc-section” id=”bonus-add-icons-for-custom-designed-put-up-sorts-in-wordpress“/>Bonus: Add Icons for Custom Installation Types in wordpress

Custom-designed post sorts help you create unique varieties of content topics for your wordpress website. Those don’t appear to be pre-defined posts or pages, but something totally distinctive for your website.

If you use a traditional type of installation in your wordpress website, you may want to change its icon to simply identify it.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”334″ src=”” alt=”Changing the Menu Icon for a Custom Post Type in wordpress” class=”wp-image-294828″/>

If so, check out our detailed tutorial on the topic, which features some tactics for toggling or loading icons into your traditional installation varieties.

We hope this article has helped you convert or add admin icons in wordpress. You may also want to check out methods to white label your wordpress admin dashboard or view those recommended by professionals on customizing your wordpress admin space for superior workflows.

If you prefer this article, subscribe to our YouTube channel for wordpress video tutorials. You can also search for us Twitter and Facebook.

The post Learn How to Load or Swap wordpress Admin Icons (2 Simple Strategies) appeared first on WPBeginner.

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LEAP – Integrated Ascension Method

Product Name: LEAP – Integrated Ascension Method

Click here to get LEAP – Integrated Ascension Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

LEAP – Integrated Ascension Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“Elevating Performance with the Intensity of the Integrated Ascension Method”

“Diving into the Integrated Ascension Method was a revelation for me, an undefeated professional boxer. This method condensed and intensified my breathwork, providing an instant boost in energy, clarity, and consciousness. It’s not just for athletes; it’s the key to unlocking potential in every area of life”- Cody Crowley, Undefeated Pro Boxer

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Where science meets the sacred

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Become the magnetic, influential leader you were born to be.

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“I’ve done dozens of trainings, personally and professionally, believing I had more power within me than I was able to access. Meeting Nate and going through Level l training of the White Dove (Integrated Ascension) Method makes me feel like I have finally been given the keys to unlock my super human potential!”

Supercharge the bioelectricity (Chi) in every cell so you can live powered-up all day, every day…and do so faster than any other method known.

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Unique meditations that move you into a deep state of heart/brain coherence quickly. Improve your: Sleep, mental clarity, energy levels, stress management, and tranquility!

University of Colorado Health

Reduced stress and increased feelings of love and joy. Enjoy better sleep, better digestion, boosted immune system function, and reduced tension.

Opening the energy centers and lines of the body for health. Focusing on both the Chakra AND Meridian systems, the White Dove Method covers all bases to make us as energetically powerful, aligned, and aware as possible.

“This is an incredible training opportunity for improving your health and well being. In addition to their tremendous martial arts program, the health and wellness development can help cultivate your physical as well as mental well being.”

“It’s like having a body that didn’t come with a user manual… and with this class you finally get the user manual! It’s amazing, and we’re so much more than what you have any clue of, so I would encourage anyone to come experience this amazing teaching.”

“I just took Nate’s White Dove Method Intro Class. I’m a Reiki Master and I’ve never experienced anything like this. I have done a lot of energy work over the years and I have never experienced that much energy flowing. I’m going start using this technique before any Reiki session that I give to anyone else.”

Proprietary breathwork, meditation, and movement sequences unlike anything you’ve ever experienced that skyrocket your physical, mental, and spiritual energy in just minutes a day.

Unlock a fountain of vitality and health to unlock your highest potential! You can do this anywhere! Anytime you have five minutes to yourself. No equipment needed… Just your body and your breath!

Access to our private mastermind community. Be inspired, inspire others, and continue your practice with other committed students. Receive direct access to Nate Zeleznick personally.

Learn how to protect and shield yourself from negative and harmful energies. EMPATHS! This is for you! (Adv. & Expert course enrollees only)

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“If you think wellness is expensive, you should try illness” – Unknown

Module 1 – Learn the incredible history of the White Dove Method (called Merpati Putih in Indonesia), how it came to America, what you can expect from this course and what you can expect AFTER as you practice and improve

Module 2 – An introduction to the LEAP, its purpose, and what you’ll need to be successful right away

Module 3 – This is where it gets really good! The four (4) lessons in Module 3 are the movements that can totally revamp your physical and energetic system.

All 14 LEAP Modules + 4 Exclusive Videos

LEAP Fast-track – Module 1, 2 & 3

Module 4 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The one-of-a-kind hard-style breathwork of the White Dove Method that takes everything from Module 3 and takes it VERTICAL! There is NO OTHER breathwork modality we’ve encoutered that uses this method, and the results are out of this world!

Module 5 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Learn the proprietary energy Shielding method of the White Dove Method straight out of Java, Indonesia. Empaths, you’re going to LOVE this!!!

Module 6 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Learn to combine the movements of Module three with the Breathwork of Module 4 to 10x your feeling and results from the very first time you do it!

Module 7 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Learn how to take the 10x increase in energy from Module 6 and 5x THAT within SECONDS!Module 8 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Expand your Aura! This technique almost immediately increases the size of your energy field (and your sensitivity to the things around you from a farther distance).Module 9 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The White Dove Method’s Mind / Body / Spirit union meditation. When you want to drop into a deep peaceful meditative state quickly, this is the meditation to help you do it. Let your BODY lead you to Inner Peace.Module 10 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The White Dove Method MindSync meditation. Ever wish that you could quickly drop into a fully-synchronized whole-brain state and think faster, have more creativity, perceive deeper, remain calmer, and be more stress-free??? Welcome to Module 10.Module 11 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – MAGNETIZE YOUR HANDS! We all have the ability to feel energy, and the hands are one of the best areas to do this with. This Module will teach you how to begin sensing more and more with your hands…WITHOUT touching things. Energy workers, this will be a game-changer for you!Module 12 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The White Dove Method warmups! Part of a healthy energy system is a healthy physical one. Learn step-by-step how to safely warm your body and energy lines up from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet.Module 13 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Once you have the movements, breathwork, and meditations down it’s time to link everything together into a life-transforming daily practice. This Module will be your go-to every day as you are guided through your energy practice from start to finish. It’s plug-n-play. You plug into the Module and PLAY!Module 14 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The next step in the adventure of your Leveled-Up life!

All 14 LEAP Modules + 4 Exclusive Videos + the FULL IAM MASTERCLASS!

LEAP Fast-track – Module 1, 2 & 3

Module 4 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The one-of-a-kind hard-style breathwork of the White Dove Method that takes everything from Module 3 and takes it VERTICAL! There is NO OTHER breathwork modality we’ve encoutered that uses this method, and the results are out of this world!

Module 5 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Learn the proprietary energy Shielding method of the White Dove Method straight out of Java, Indonesia. Empaths, you’re going to LOVE this!!!

Module 6 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Learn to combine the movements of Module three with the Breathwork of Module 4 to 10x your feeling and results from the very first time you do it!

Module 7 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Learn how to take the 10x increase in energy from Module 6 and 5x THAT within SECONDS!Module 8 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Expand your Aura! This technique almost immediately increases the size of your energy field (and your sensitivity to the things around you from a farther distance).Module 9 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The White Dove Method’s Mind / Body / Spirit union meditation. When you want to drop into a deep peaceful meditative state quickly, this is the meditation to help you do it. Let your BODY lead you to Inner Peace.Module 10 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The White Dove Method MindSync meditation. Ever wish that you could quickly drop into a fully-synchronized whole-brain state and think faster, have more creativity, perceive deeper, remain calmer, and be more stress-free??? Welcome to Module 10.Module 11 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – MAGNETIZE YOUR HANDS! We all have the ability to feel energy, and the hands are one of the best areas to do this with. This Module will teach you how to begin sensing more and more with your hands…WITHOUT touching things. Energy workers, this will be a game-changer for you!Module 12 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The White Dove Method warmups! Part of a healthy energy system is a healthy physical one. Learn step-by-step how to safely warm your body and energy lines up from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet.Module 13 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – Once you have the movements, breathwork, and meditations down it’s time to link everything together into a life-transforming daily practice. This Module will be your go-to every day as you are guided through your energy practice from start to finish. It’s plug-n-play. You plug into the Module and PLAY!Module 14 – (Advanced or Expert Packages only) – The next step in the adventure of your Leveled-Up life!

Module 1 – What ‘real’ inner power is, where is it inside of you, and how to shield yourself with it

Module 2 – How to harness the breath of life to relieve stress and anxiety almost instantly

Module 3 – Beyond ‘just stretching,’ this is about achieving a full range of motion without pain!

Module 4 – Unlock the power of your mind and breath to combat pain effectively.Module 5 – Supercharge your energy quickly whenever you need it. The ULTIMATE game-changer!Module 6 – An invaluable webinar about the importance of having a daily practiceModule 7 – The “REFRESHING” exercise of the Kings of Java. INSTANT LONG-LASTING ENERGY!

“I definitely recommend doing this, the results you will gain are powerful and healing! I have seen a lot of people go through the programs and their energy shifts to a more positive state, myself included! I love their methods for healing the body, mind, and spirit!!! They are effective and elevating!”

“Do some White Dove and change you life. These guys are amazing and run an incredible program. So grateful for this place…. so grateful for the people in it. Excellent instruction of practical Indonesian martial arts and framework for habit forming techniques that have transformed my life more than anything.”

“The White Dove Method is incredible in how it raises your spirit and helps you develop a greater use of your INNER POWER! This is designed to help you achieve exceptional performance in both business and personal health! AND I can’t recommend it highly enough.”

Meet Nate Zeleznick: Visionary Leader, Elite Performance Expert

Nate Zeleznick is a true pioneer, distinguished as one of only two American master trainers of an ancient royal Indonesian energy and martial arts system. He masterfully integrates this unique next-level practice with modern scientific methodologies and technologies through his creation of the Integrated Ascension Method (I AM) and the White Dove Method.

His groundbreaking work, rooted in over 20 years of teaching full-time globally, is renowned for enabling unparalleled personal development and superhuman breakthroughs, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual growth via revolutionary breathwork, meditation, energy management, and holistic therapies. His businesses have been featured in documentaries on Netflix, GAIA, and Amazon Prime, and the results of his method have been validated by experts in the fields of Medicine, Naturopathy, Optometry, Physics, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and Consciousness Research

With the Integrated Ascension Method, Nate offers a beacon of hope and a roadmap to a future where every individual can thrive, harness their abilities, and contribute positively to the global community. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the superhuman within you, guided by one of the most visionary leaders in the realm of human potential and wellness today.

Nate has dedicated his life to mastering peak performance. After training with hidden masters and experimenting on the boundaries of human potential, he’s now on a mission to empower visionary leaders with his hard-won secrets.

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LEAP – Integrated Ascension Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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