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Migraine and headache agony? Pounding head pain?

Migraine’s missing link was never actually missing – it was staring us in the face!

Finally, somebody has put the pieces together – and my 10-year migraine agony is over – no drugs, treatments or any costly procedures

Case Study: Lisa Patterson

It’s never nice to realise you suffered so much for so long – only to find out that none of that suffering was necessary.

But that’s exactly what happened with my long, painful experience of migraines.

And when I say my migraines were painful… I’m talking about hide myself away, close the drapes, shut out the whole world kind of painful.

Like most migraine sufferers, I tried all the standard treatments. Over time I spent over 5 thousand dollars on meds.

But I still had regular, disabling migraines.

Then I got really clever and followed a program that addressed migraine triggers.

The migraine trigger program had helped – it provided some relief.

But then one day, when I least expected it, my world changed forever.

The creator of the trigger program called me and asked if I would trial something he was working on.

He’d pulled together medically-validated migraine data…

…and created a program that, he predicted, would rid people of their migraines permanently.

3 weeks after I tried his program I had my last ever migraine headache.

I used to have migraines every 10 or 12 days.

I now haven’t had one for 14 months. I’m not expecting one ever again.

Let me tell you how it all happened for me. And let’s see if it can be the same for you too.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to suffer from migraines.

Not headaches. Not bad headaches. Not even severe headaches.

Shocking, excruciating, life-denying, throbbing horrible migraines.

The kind of pain that frequently made my eyes water – if not cry.

The kind of pain that drove me to my bed… my place to hide away, to escape from the world and soak in the torment that was my regular migraine attack.

My migraine history wasn’t much different from many other people’s.

They started off bad. Then, over time, they got worse.

At first they were throbbing pains on one side of my head. Sometimes they were not too awful. Occasionally they were manageable.

As months and then years rolled by they steadily worsened.

They became more frequent.

When they first started they’d be over by the next day.

But they eventually ran into more than two days – and those two-day migraine attacks disrupted so much in my life.

As time wore on my neck began to hurt.

My sensitivity to light and noise became more acute.

Originally I would sleep the migraine out in my own bed. But as they worsened even the slightest sound my partner made caused me pain.

In the end at the onset of a migraine I had to retreat to our second bedroom… to be alone and away from everyone and everything.

Another thing: I’d always felt nausea with my migraines.

But that nausea eventually became actual vomiting.

Nobody likes being sick – but I really, really hated it.

Strangely, of all the horrible symptoms of my migraines it’s the fact that I am no longer sick that makes me most happy!

As my migraines became worse my life also changed as a result.

At first, when they had been less severe, I had simply dealt with them as they arose.

As the migraine wore on I would shut myself away in our spare bedroom, close the door, pull the curtains and almost literally hide under my duvet.

I’d close my eyes and try to will the pain away.

The onset of the migraine slowed me down. The migraine itself more or less rendered me useless. And the day or two afterward left me drained, sluggish and deflated.

Those headaches robbed me of 3 or 4 days of life.

The things I couldn’t do, the plans I had to suddenly cancel….

But I quickly found it wasn’t just the migraine itself that affected my life.

The fear of them – the realization that they could hit me at any time – influenced so many of my plans and my actions.

I couldn’t take a job where I had to be alert and on my toes all day. Or where I would be dealing with customers.

It had to be a job where – putting it bluntly – I could be quite ill from time to time… and then make up for the lost work hours in my own time.

After all, who would hire me if my migraine actively hurt their business?

The sheer unpredictability of my migraines made even the most ordinary things difficult.

I could drive short distances – but longer distances always created a problem. What if I became ill at the other end of my journey? Who would I call to pick up me – and my car?

My productivity – both in my personal and work life – was heavily knocked by my migraines. At times I simply couldn’t do a thing for myself or for anyone else.

One of the worst things about migraines occurs when you’re not even experiencing one.

Because just not knowing when to expect the next attack… wondering if a migraine will suddenly pop up and ruin a busy day at work, a trip to the cinema or a social gathering with friends….

The mental effort of dealing with background worries about when it will strike next was exhausting in itself.

Those years of suffering migraines were difficult years indeed. I don’t miss them!

There are millions of migraine sufferers and, before I finally cured mine, I searched everywhere for some sort of relief.

But although there’s tons of information out there I gradually realized it all pretty much falls into just two categories:

There’s a hierarchy of treatments – each one a step on from the previous one.

There’s lots to try, plenty to fail at and, of course, an array of potential remedies to spend your money on.

I tried plenty. I spent plenty of dollars too.

And no matter what I tried there was always something else I could have a go at just around the corner.

Of course, some medications do work – in some ways.

There are so many variations of migraine sufferer. And, with so many medications on the market, it’s inevitable that sometimes a sufferer and a medication are just right for each other.

A match made in heaven, you might say.

The sufferer doesn’t usually get rid of the migraine. They still attack when they least expect it – but the meds make it more manageable.

For the rest of us though it can be a case of either soldiering on through the pain and nausea – or just sitting it out in darkness and silence until it goes.

And as I found, the meds rarely work in the way we’d like them to.

As in, getting rid of the migraines once and for all.

Sure, plenty of individuals get some relief from their symptoms from time to time.

I knew people whose drugs – if taken at the earliest stages of a migraine – would help make the migraines less severe than they would otherwise have been.

The results though are unreliable. Sometimes those same people will take their meds early and… the migraine rushes in anyway.

As if they’d never taken them at all.

My doctor warned me about taking too many drugs for my migraines. He pointed out the irony that taking too much medication had the side-effect of… medication over-use headache.

A headache caused by my headache medications!

I did laugh when he told me that. But it’s actually not that funny.

In fact, during my battle with migraines I developed a theory: that when a condition has so many medicines – and absolutely none of them work reliably for all or even most sufferers – then the condition itself is not properly understood.

When I suffered migraines I would try the various medications and treatments one at a time. And with each I would just hope – hard – for relief.

I quickly discovered that ‘hope’ is not a good strategy.

I also realized that the drugs companies are actually ‘trying things out’ – and, at best, getting temporary, short-lived successes. Their offerings were hit-and-miss – unreliable and uncertain.

And they’re tackling symptoms, not causes. If they successfully tackled causes then migraines would end.

But people like to pop pills because that’s easy to do – and we’re conditioned to believe there’s a pill for every problem. And pharma likes to sell pills because they make a lot of money.

On the brighter side, I found a lot of conversation around what triggers migraines.

Triggers are emotional, physical, environmental or dietary events that set your migraine in motion.

There are literally dozens of different potential triggers. Most people’s migraines are affected by just a handful of them.

The trick is to work out the few that affect you most – and then do your best to avoid them.

The avoidance of triggers was my favorite approach.

It’s free of cost to do because it mostly requires you to stop doing certain things.

More than that, it held out the hope of a cure for my migraines. If I could just pinpoint the one or two things that caused my migraines I could simply make sure I never did them again. And everything would be fine after that.

Addressing triggers does make some sense. For about half of us there are things that we can identify as prompting the migraine to start.

The thing is: how do we know what they are?

Identifying your personal migraine triggers can be quite difficult. For some of us our triggers are almost impossible to spot.

For sure, if you can spot one or two triggers then it can make a world of difference.

I should know. When I first started out trying to cure my migraines I tried everything imaginable. And triggers seemed to me like a good place to start.

I found a guide to triggers online – with some very helpful advice on how to spot and deal with my own. The guide was created by a gentleman by the name of Christian Goodman.

I worked through his guide and two things happened:

It was genuinely uplifting to suddenly have some control over what was happening to me. Even if I couldn’t actually stop it.

Managing triggers is very difficult.

First, they’re hard to identify – and I suspect that I still had one or two unidentified triggers for my own migraines. Often, you think something is a trigger but it isn’t – it’s actually just a symptom.

Then, some triggers are just very difficult to manage.

If your trigger is in some of the food you eat then if you’re lucky enough to be able to identify that food then you can simply stop eating it.

It’s more difficult if it’s a whole food group – dairy, say, or wheat. But it’s still doable. You can cut these things out.

But what if your trigger is something harder to get a hold of… more difficult to properly address?

Background stress perhaps. Nervousness. Low mood. Energy loss.

This kind of stuff is normal.

It’s part of everyday life for everybody who has a job or a family – or a job and a family.

For some people a level of anxiety or stress is just their normal default state. It’s part of their make-up.

For almost everyone, we find that such triggers are a common part of our lives at some point. Whenever things get tough, when we work harder than usual or when we miss out on some sleep… that’s when the trigger comes into play.

Managing them is extremely difficult.

The medical profession is united in one thing: they admit they don’t properly understand the causes of migraines.

Almost everything that’s ever said about migraines in the medical press has nothing to do with curing the migraine itself.

We talk about triggers – and managing them can help.

We talk about meds – they’re expensive but have some beneficial effects sometimes for some people.

But meds deal with a migraine that’s either about to happen or is in full flow. Meds are usually too late.

And triggers – which are good to identify and are where most people’s hopes lie – are not the actual cause of migraines.

Because too many people think that if they get rid of their migraine triggers then they’ve tackled their migraine’s cause:

Triggers are not the cause of your migraines.

Here’s a way of thinking about this that makes it clear:

Why can some people drink a bucket of coffee and feel nothing while someone else drinks a cup and suffers 72 hours of migraine hell?

How come Bob gets exhausted after a couple of stressful days at work but recovers after a good night’s sleep… but John – who works with Bob and had exactly the same experiences – goes home to wild thumping head pains, ghastly light sensitivity and vomiting?

How come Bob is refreshed the next day while John has to shut himself away for 48 hours to cope with his blisteringly painful headaches?

It can’t be the triggers. Can it?

Both had exactly the same experience at work. Both came home tired and stressed.

So both had the same ‘triggers’.

Yet one is fine the next day while the other has severe migraines.

There must be something else at work here.

If you read Christian Goodman’s trigger guide that I mentioned a moment ago you’d realize that migraine triggers are everywhere. They are food triggers, psychological triggers, dietary triggers, environmental triggers…

Endless triggers for migraines.

Most of life is a migraine trigger!

We all encounter migraine triggers almost every day of our lives.

Yet only some of us actually get the migraines.

I used to get migraines regularly. You still do I’m guessing.

But my sister doesn’t get them. My best friends don’t either. My boss never has a headache, let alone a migraine.

They all experience many of these typical migraine triggers though.

Migraine triggers without the migraine.

What on earth is going on here?

The answer is this: the triggers aren’t your migraines.

They aren’t even the cause of your migraines.

If you think they are then you’ve been duped.

The trigger is triggering something isn’t it? So if we address that something… aren’t we getting to the root of the problem?

Why do I say this with such certainty?

Because I found out something a short while ago. Something that I was able to make use of to put paid completely to my migraines.

It’s not exactly a secret because so many people do it now but… it’s not widely publicized by the medical industry.

Here’s a clue: it doesn’t require meds, potions or surgeries. It doesn’t cost a penny to do it. There’s nothing for sale.

Let me tell you about it.

Notice I say ‘cured’.

Not ‘reduced’ or ‘helped’ or ‘made it a little better’.

Maybe what I learned will only reduce your migraines. I’d have been happy with that. But it ended my migraines. I haven’t had one for 14 months and counting.

For me this revelation has been one of the best things that ever happened to me.

As I mentioned earlier, I had been using a guide written by Christian Goodman to identify my migraine triggers.

And it had certainly helped. I narrowed down several psychological and one possible dietary factor (some types of cheese) that seemed to set off my migraines.

By addressing those factors I managed to reduce the severity of some of my migraines. I still got them but sometimes they were noticeably less intense than normal. I was grateful for that.

Better still, my recovery was quicker. I previously had migraines up to two days at times. What I learned from Christian’s guide made sure I never got a two-day migraine again.

That guide is no longer available. But you can still get it directly from Christian.

I’ll tell you how shortly. It won’t cost you anything either.

One day, Christian contacted me and asked me if I would be part of a small trial group for some exercises he’d developed.

These exercises weren’t your usual keep-fit kind of movements. They were designed to tackle migraines at their root cause.

Christian told me that the intention wasn’t to relieve migraines but to eliminate them.

To get rid of them once and for all.

There were no drugs involved nor did I need to go to a gym, a therapist or buy special equipment. None of that.

He asked me, Would I like to take part in the trial?

Before he sent me my initial instructions he told me what the thinking was behind these new exercises.

I was absolutely astonished by what I heard.

First, Christian explained how migraines worked.

The detail that matters is easy to understand – and it’s this: a migraine is the end result of a very short chain of events.

It’s a sequence basically and at its simplest here’s how the sequence works:

trigger > thing that gives you the migraine > migraine

The trigger affects something in your body. And it’s that something that causes migraine pain.

The trigger is the agent, not the cause.

It’s that something that is the real culprit.

It’s the bit in the middle that holds the key to your migraine pain. And its cure.

Because saying the trigger causes migraines is like your team winning a game and me claiming they won because the referee blew the starting whistle.

Yes, the starting whistle got things going but something else – in this case the team – won the game. The team was the cause of the win.

Migraine triggers are like referee’s starting whistles. They get the thing going – they trigger it. But the migraine itself is caused by the ‘something’ that the trigger sets in motion.

The medical profession either addresses the trigger – to prevent or reduce the migraine – or the migraine itself – usually drugs to reduce its effects.

They ignore the middle bit of the sequence – the ‘something’ because… well, they don’t know properly what it is.

But here’s what Christian told me:

He explained that oxygen therapy had been tried out for people suffering very severe headaches – migraines included – and that the therapy had some notable successes.

The therapy hadn’t cured the migraines but…

… given an oxygen canister and a mask patients in the middle of a painful migraine experienced genuine improvement in their condition. The improvements were quick – although disappointingly short lived.

But what Christian spotted was that migraine might simply be caused by lack of oxygen getting to the brain.

If that’s so then if you tackle that before a migraine even started then… haven’t you just cured migraines?

Not reduced it or improved it. But cured it?

Now, doctors already had oxygen-deprivation on their list of suspects for migraines. There was already a suspicion that a shortage of oxygen to the brain was a cause of migraine.

The experience of people directly inhaling oxygen at the point they were suffering migraines strongly supported this theory.

And migraine forums contain stories from people who say that if they go running – very fast – at the onset of a migraine then they can head off its worst symptoms and perhaps not have such a painful episode.

Running pumps blood hard around your body and into your brain.

And with that blood comes lots of oxygen…

So Christian wasn’t claiming to have invented the migraine cure he now wanted me to try out.

But he explained it to me this way: if oxygen was reaching my brain in sufficient quantities naturally – before there was any sign of a migraine – then doesn’t the problem of oxygen-deprivation disappear?

If your brain was always getting its supply of oxygen naturally then the cause of my migraine – lack of oxygen to the brain – is gone.

Isn’t that why some people get migraines and others don’t – because some people have healthy supplies of oxygen getting to their brains while others don’t?

Christian thought so. As it turned out, I believe he was right.

But do we really need oxygen tanks and masks to oxygenate our brains?

Do we have to run fast around the track in order to head-off a migraine attack?

Sure, oxygen tanks and running are both ways of getting oxygen to the brain.

But if the oxygen is already there then they aren’t needed.

And that’s where Christian’s program comes in.

Christian told me about the ways in which oxygen is prevented from properly reaching the brain in our everyday lives.

He was surprised to discover that the causes of this are varied but well understood.

There’s no mystery to any of this.

All he did was link it all together.

If specialists suggest that migraine agony is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain….

And the causes of lack of oxygen to the brain are pretty well understood…

Then doesn’t solving the oxygen-to-the-brain problem also cure migraines?

Christian answered this with a ‘Yes’ – and his uniquely simple migraine program was born.

And the program is indeed very straightforward: it’s just a set of movements that you perform at home.

I tried them out. All of them.

Was this some kind of magic?

Some sort of secret exercise discovered by ancient wise men deep in some south American jungle?

This is what I learned from Christian:

Our brains need a lot of oxygen to function properly.

Some 40% of our oxygen intake goes straight to the brain – or it does if you’re healthy.

Oxygen arrives at the brain in the same way that it arrives at any of our body’s organs: it’s carried there by our blood.  

Many leading migraine specialists believe that migraine headaches are caused by a restriction of the blood supply to the brain. Restrict blood to the brain and you’ve restricted oxygen to the brain too.

Oxygen-deprivation in the brain is a serious matter – and the body takes it very seriously indeed.

It rushes blood to the brain – and so we experience a sudden and rapid increase in blood pressure inside the head.

And that’s where the pain comes from.

It’s as if your brain is literally swelling up against the inside of your skull, trying to burst out.

Which I remember clearly as being my experience of migraine pain.

Every pulse of my heart felt like a shockwave blasting through my skull, so painful that it made me wince.

What Christian has done is simple but very, very effective.

He’s linked the medical facts and addressed the cause of the low-oxygen.

Again, low blood oxygen has a number of causes – most of which are fairly well understood.

In a nutshell, we don’t breathe in properly. We don’t breathe out properly. And the air we do get into our lungs doesn’t adequately get to our organs and brain.

Again this is all medically verified.

We don’t breathe in properly

I must admit, I initially found it difficult to believe I wasn’t breathing properly.

It’s such a natural thing to do – how can I be doing it wrong?

Turns out that millions of people simply don’t breathe in deeply enough to inhale sufficient oxygen to meet their bodies’ needs.

There are two reasons for this:

First, too many of us sit down way too much – at home, at the office, in cars.

Sitting for extended periods is now widely regarded as almost deadly to our health.

Amongst many other downsides it causes our posture and breathing infrastructure to weaken and sag due to lack of proper use.

Which physically ruins our ability to take in large, healthy lungfuls of air.

Second, modern life brings its own stresses and strains. Long hours, tight schedules, family responsibilities, job demands, not enough sleep, money concerns – all the usual stuff.  

And when we’re worried and tense or worn out and sleepy then we naturally breathe in less deeply. Our bodies are more tense and our breathing is medically proven to be less efficient.

We mostly don’t notice this happening to us – but this is exactly what is happening.

So again we’re reducing the amount of oxygenated air that gets into our lungs – and then into our body and our brain.

We don’t breathe out properly either

I found that pretty hard to believe too.

What could be easier than breathing out?

But I found out it’s true – and it’s a deadly failing.

When you breathe out you’re expelling carbon dioxide – a waste gas that is the natural consequence of breathing. Carbon dioxide is a poison.

But modern life – sitting watching tv, riding in the car and so on – plus general tension in the body means we’re not properly expelling carbon dioxide.

Which in turn means some of that carbon dioxide just sits in our lungs – which is where it absolutely ought not to be.

And while it’s there it’s taking up space where oxygenated air should be.

The oxygen we do get struggles to reach our brains

Turns out not breathing properly isn’t the only problem.

There are more than 70 muscles in the neck, face and head region.

Tightness in these muscles isn’t uncommon. If enough of them are too tense for too often then they actively restrict blood flow to the brain.

And in our modern lives muscle tension is widespread. Fatigue, stress… and looking down at laptops and smartphones creates huge tensions throughout our shoulders, necks, faces and heads.

We don’t always notice it because we’re so used to the stiffness.

It’s been with us for years or even decades.

But those tight, constricted muscles make it very difficult to get oxygenated blood to our brains. The tightness acts as blockages – valves if you like that have been turned to the ‘off’ position.

I know this was true for me. One of the very first things I noticed when I tried Christian’s exercises was just how tense my neck, face and head muscles had become.

And just how lovely it felt when they became relaxed and soft for the first time in years!

I’ll repeat this for good measure: Christian Goodman hasn’t single-handedly discovered the cure for migraines. He’s not claiming to have done that.

What he’s done is taken widely accepted medical facts and drawn them together to create what is, in many respects, an obvious remedy for migraines.

His program – called The Migraine and Headache Program – makes use of these well-understood facts about how our bodies do – and don’t – work.

For me, The Migraine and Headache Program addressed each problem area: first, not breathing in and out properly. And then oxygen not being able to reach my brain properly.

In a short period of time those problems had gone away.

And when the problems were resolved so was my migraine. Because they were causing my migraines.

The exercises in The Migraine and Headache Program are gentle and mostly stationary. There’s no jumping around or any kind of vigorous activity at all.

Better still, as the exercises take effect and your migraines subside you can perform fewer of them. Today I do just enough exercises to keep the problem at bay.

In fact, Christian calls them ‘exercises’ but I call them ‘movements’.

To my mind, exercises are things you work hard at that make you sweat.

Whereas these movements are not hard work and they don’t make you sweat. In truth, most of these movements involve very little movement at all.

It’s mostly lots of easy standing or laying in one position or another. My kind of exercise to be honest!

But there’s power in these movements. Because they’re loosening muscles that have become tight and constricted… so tight that they’re stopping oxygen-rich blood getting to the brain.

Much of the program’s effectiveness comes from the fact that it focuses on small areas of the body that you wouldn’t normally give much thought about.

I was a little surprised initially at the exercises. I’d done yoga for more than a year so was used to difficult, strenuous stretches. If anything would have eased tense muscles I would have thought yoga would have done it.

Turns out that’s not so.

Several of Christian’s exercises were mostly ‘lying around’ exercises. They required almost no effort. More than once I nearly dozed off doing them.

But that’s pretty much all there is to it.

Once muscles have been loosened and relaxed blood flows much, much more easily. And when blood flows more easily it is much better able to carry oxygen to your brain.

And when your brain is getting all its oxygen it doesn’t create migraines.

So you can trigger all you like. If the cause of your migraine is no longer there then there’s nothing there to trigger.

I am forever grateful for the day that Christian Goodman asked me to try out his Migraine and Headache Program.

I did everything he told me to and the results came quickly.

Migraines still occurred for a very short while.

But the very first migraine after I started his program was noticeably less severe.

It started mid-morning. And it wasn’t pleasant to be honest.

But it didn’t reach the throbbing agony I’d become used to – and it was mostly over by late evening.

I’d never had a migraine resolve itself so quickly.

Over the next three weeks I did all the exercises exactly how he told me to.

My next migraine was a shadow of its former self. I actually continued with my day stopping only for an hour or so when it peaked. But it was a far cry from what I was used to.

But it was a special migraine for me. I’ll always remember it.

Because it was the last one I ever had.

14 months later and while the memory of migraines hasn’t faded I have long stopped fearing the next one.

Because there isn’t going to be a next one.

I had already tried everything before being offered the chance to try out Christian’s program.

As I mentioned earlier, handling triggers brought some relief. But his exercises were a revelation for me.

And they have been for the several hundred people who have followed this program since then.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that these simple movements transformed my life.

I’m simply not the same person I was before.

Then, I was a migraine sufferer.

You can have the same program that I got. It’s tried, it’s tested. And it’s easy.

I didn’t need to go out and buy any equipment.

I didn’t need to join a gym – thank goodness.

Not a cent on meds. Not a cent on treatments.

No more doctor surgeries, clinic waiting rooms or consultants’ rooms.

I just stayed at home and did the exercises at odd moments during the day.

One exercise I’d do in the kitchen. Two others I’d do in the bedroom after my shower.

A couple I did while watching television.

Life didn’t stop for these exercises. I just incorporated them into my daily routine.

Now, I do one or two a day at most. I vary them throughout the week.

By maintaining that basic flexibility and balance I know I’m protecting myself for the rest of my life.

I really couldn’t be happier.

Yours is waiting – click below and get it now.

Well, there is – migraine agony.

But you might have concerns that all that pain you’ve experienced can’t be cured by some simple exercises.

I would understand that. I was quite skeptical when Christian first presented me with his program.

Yet, for the price of 4 weeks of pain meds, he was suggesting he’d do what the specialists had failed to do: cure my migraines.

I believed in him because his Triggers Guide worked so well. But even so, it was a bit of a stretch.

Of course, now I know that all along he knew what he was doing.

Because his remedy was neither made-up or invented by him.

It was, in fact, a scientifically-valid approach to addressing migraine pain.

What Christian has done is put his remedy into a clearly-explained and easy-to-follow program. Everything you need is in the guide.

If within 60 days of purchasing the program you’re not rid of your migraine misery then he’ll give you your money back. No questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

I told you earlier that I first heard of Christian Goodman when I bought his Migraine Triggers Guide.

Following his advice I uncovered at least two major triggers for my migraines – and probably a third (cheese, of all things).

Managing those triggers helped me reduce my migraines attacks from 2 days or more to little more than a day. And their intensity reduced with it.

You might want to address your triggers while you wait for the migraine exercises to take effect.

This is a limited offer – best to act now so you don’t miss out.

I don’t know how long you’ve suffered with your migraines.

Maybe it’s reached the point of being truly awful and life destroying.

Possibly, like I once was, you are fearful of the next attack… anxious about how it will disrupt whatever you’re doing at the time… nervous about how you’ll cope.

But hopefully it hasn’t reached that stage yet.

Which means you can tackle it before it does.

Get your copy of Christian Goodman’s ‘Migraine and Headache Program’ now.

It costs the same as a typical month’s migraine meds – but works forever. And unlike your meds, this program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Get your guide – and your free bonus Trigger Guide – here:

Nothing will change until you get Christian’s guide. But when you do… then it can all change.

And it can change quickly and beyond recognition – as I found out for myself.

Remember: these exercises are devised around sound medical principles. There’s nothing mysterious about them.

But the effects are truly out of this world.

Your copy of the guide is here – and you’ll get Christian’s ‘Triggers’ bonus too. It will be with you in minutes so don’t miss out:

You’ve tried the standard remedies and – my guess is – they are having little effect or no effect.

Certainly, they’re not doing the job you want them to do. You wouldn’t be here, searching for migraine remedies if you were truly satisfied.

And that’s the experience that too many of us have.

That’s how it was for me once upon a time. But I had a stroke of luck and found my lifelong cure. Let’s see if it’s your lifelong cure too.

Get the program now. Get the bonus now. And get your money back if they don’t work.

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Learn how to create a multilingual content strategy that attracts and converts more shoppers

Welcome to Columns of the creatorwhere we send voices from professional HubSpot writers to blogs that inspire and empower you to grow.

Once I lived in Argentina, I never failed to notice any of the movies I wanted to see in theaters. All the shows I wanted to see were made in collaboration with a packed audience in Buenos Aires in English with Spanish subtitles.

Right here in the United States, my Spanish-speaking husband and I recently went to the movies to see a new movie.

We were now able to make the transportation since this theater had scheduled screenings of the film with the original English audio, along with Spanish subtitles.

As an inclusive advertising and marketing strategist and marketing consultant and founder of Thompson Media Workforce, I constantly remind my buyers that some other people may have different aspects of their identity. On the other hand, their goals, desires, fears, and frustrations do not seem to be different from those of the parents they have learned to serve.

Other people with disabilities like pizza. Other people with larger bodies like to wear nice clothes. And those who speak other languages ​​need tools and instruments to expand their businesses.

The entertainment industry has long banked on the fact that people who speak other languages ​​still want to watch the latest Surprise movie, season of Bridgerton, or House of the Dragon episode that involves people from everywhere at the same time.

As such, they take into account the needs of the global target audience, taking into account the price range and time frame of realization, so that they can display the content topic in their local language.

More and more smart manufacturers are embracing the concept that engaging their ideal customers, who speak other languages, is an effective way to attract and convert more customers.

If you want simple advice on how to build a global marketing strategy, check out this International Advertising and Marketing Playbook from HubSpot.

Learn to interact with consumers who don’t speak your brand’s primary language

A common misconception about interacting with consumers who speak different languages ​​is that all you have to do is translate the topic of the content you are offering.

However, the journeys consumers take to choose which brand to buy from are increasingly more complicated than those of an atypical average consumer. There are other elements to consider.

Federico Gagliardone is the co-founder of Mecenas, a media company that works to connect producers with Spanish audio devices within the United States. He told me that a common misconception among producers about using Spanish audio devices is that all they have to do is translate the content topic.

Listen to the full conversation with Federico about simple tips on how to succeed with Spanish audio gadgets in the US, in conjunction with the positioning of Spanglish in this episode of the Inclusion & Promoting and Marketing podcast.

Below are key elements to include in an effective multilingual content management methodology, including translation and localization, that will attract and convert more customers to your brand.

1. Buyer Intimacy

In promotion, advertising and marketing, one-size-fits-all approaches are not, in truth, environmentally friendly. I always remind my buyers that business is about ownership. Consumers will truly feel like they belong to you whenever you demonstrate that you see them, understand them and have created products, content and stories with them in mind.

Taking content designed for one market and then pitching it to another market rarely produces the exceptional results you want.

Selim Dahmani is a Senior Enlargement Manager at HubSpot specializing in the French-speaking market. He told me, “In my experience, native blog posts created with regional search engine optimization mean sending 4x more website visitors on affordable prices than localized blog posts.”

This short video clip provides a concrete example of why a simple localization method did not produce outstanding results:

Do this: Start with the customer you want to serve. Let information about them influence your methodology. Spend time learning about their goals, desires, fears, and frustrations. Don’t uncover more strange questions they have than you’ll be familiar with when entering other markets.

Avoid focusing your efforts on understanding what you want to do to “make it a work of art” with what you already have for speakers of other languages, whether within the same market or in different markets.

So create inclusive and unique content that speaks in some way to the target market you want to reach and in a format that suits their preferences.

I will focus my entire discussion with Selim on this episode of the Inclusion & Promoting and advertising and marketing podcast, which also contains many other interesting and concrete insights on how to develop and execute a multilingual content methodology.

2. Buyer Journeys

Don’t assume that the journey shoppers embark on with your multilingual content approach will be the same just because it’s in your brand’s primary language.

What you discover about consumers across the entire buyer intimacy segment would most likely lead you to create a different journey.

For example, while others in one market are willing to sign up for a lead magnet that will help them take the next step with you, consumers in another market may have a formidable choice to sign up for a decision with you.

Create your funnel based on the needs and preferences of the parents you want to target, rather than simply replicating what has worked for others in different markets in the past.

Another consideration is that you may find that you want different properties, and perhaps in a different order, in your overall sales funnel.

Do this: Focus your energy on creating a minimum viable funnel with the content topic you want to attract and convert consumers first. During the customer intimacy phase, you will almost certainly resolve keywords similar to those your ideal consumer is searching for in their most popular language.

A smart option to start with that initial funnel is to create a content topic that aligns with those keywords, with the verdict of movement to take the next step forward. This can increasingly imply from time to time that you will be able to be in touch with the good or bad ones that are more aligned in conjunction with the preferences of your consumers in that market.

With a basic funnel in place, you’ll begin to branch out to create additional content, topics, and resources that align with converting your desired target audience.

3. Frictionless buyer search

When it comes to increasing your multilingual content development methodology, it is crucial to consider the customer experience you intend to offer to the parents you want to target.

Attrition hurts conversions. And too often, manufacturers send friction-filled stories to those whose identities may be different from the ones they traditionally serve.

For example, when one of my buyers was trying to reach a Spanish audio device in the United States, I recommended that he create separate social media accounts for an English audio device and a Spanish audio device to give everyone a better experience.

This way, consumers wouldn’t click on a Spanish ad and end up on an English-language social media account. Few languages ​​on an account are difficult and create unnecessary friction for shoppers.

Samsung maintains separate social media accounts for the countries it operates in. There is a main Samsung web page, along with pages for various local markets in partnership with Samsung Espana, Ecuador, and Egypt.

Samsung Instagram Examples from Multiple Countries

Any other consideration step in your multilingual content topic methodology is becoming a useful entry point to the difficulties of searching for your content topic.

For example, in this video, a Spanish-speaking consumer typed a branding setup into Google and clicked on the branding web page (an Internet landing page) from there. He landed on the English-language version of the branding web page, and there were no links to translate the content topic. Friction.

When he immediately went to the homepage of the equivalent brand, the web page routinely changed the subject of the Spanish-style content of the web page, which provided much less friction. However, this means that it does not include its difficult scenarios each.

For example, let’s say a Spanish-speaking consumer is using a shared laptop that isn’t set to Spanish. Automatic language switching wouldn’t happen, so it’s critical to provide alternatives within the navigation so shoppers can easily select their preferred language.

Do this: Conduct consumer testing for the customer stories you are designing with others in the markets that speak the language you want to operate in. This will highlight any friction in the buyer experience you are designing.

You will use that feedback to ensure that you expand and prepare your content topic. This can be a very powerful step in ensuring that your content topic meets the needs of the parents you want to serve, in a way that offers them the least friction possible.

It’s time to activate a multilingual content method for your emblem

You will attract and convert more of your perfect clients. You just need to start engaging them with a thoughtful content methodology in their most popular language.

Don’t make the common mistake of trying to convert customers who speak other languages ​​with the least amount of effort possible. Instead, focus your resources on increasing a deeper level of intimacy with the group you want to reach.

Then, leverage this belief to expand your thoughtful purchase journey and seamless shopping experience to capture their attention and earn their loyalty.

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Reunite With Your Twin Flame Without The STRESS And Pain – Twin Flame Guides

Product Name: Reunite With Your Twin Flame Without The STRESS And Pain – Twin Flame Guides

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Reunite With Your Twin Flame Without The STRESS And Pain – Twin Flame Guides is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


This Ancient Forgotten Secret Can Help ANYONE Find Their ‘Twin Flame’ and Experience TRUE Harmony, Love And Happiness

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1: If you go through the program and don’t truly love yourself, and get closer to finding your twin flame, you can get all of your money back up to 60 days from today, AND you can keep the course and all the bonuses.

2: If you find the exercises annoying, too difficult, or you don’t know EXACTLY what to do to ACTUALLY get closer to divine union with your twin, you can get all of your money back, AND you can keep the course and all the bonuses..

3: If you’re having a bad day, you don’t like the sound of our voices, you can get your money back, AND you can keep the course and all the bonuses.. We want this to be an absolute no-brainer for you.

So it’s a complete no brainer.

You can get the program, try it and if you don’t love it, you’ll get your money back up to two months from now.

You WILL find your twin flame and come into alignment if you follow this program.

If you don’t, it’s free.

Also this is backed by real people.

You can see if you scroll around this page, real reviews and testimonials from people that have gone through this program.

A program structured in a high quality video course, walking you through the EXACT system to follow to align your vibration, find your twin flame, attract them to you and create your perfect relationship.

An actionable plan to raise your vibration to the point where your twin flame will find and chase you. No more stress, chasing potential partners or wasting time dating around.

The program shows you what to do to raise your vibration, find your twin flame, and then create and maintain your PERFECT relationship with them and BEYOND.

A strange way you can manifest anything you desire and it will actually come to you, fast

You’ll get lifetime access to an exclusive Facebook group we’ve created for twin flames on this beautiful journey. This is not a public group, and is invite only. By becoming a member of this program today, you’ll get lifetime access to this group so you can connect with other twin flames on the same journey!

Share ideas, experiences, advice and connect with other divine twin flames like you. It’s so important to feel like you belong, and like you’re in the right place.The group is designed to make everyone feel welcome, wanted and important, as you work on attracting harmonious union with yourself and your twin flame!

Mark – “I am so happy and over-the-moon with this course. It’s literally PACKED with information! Personally, this course is to me very useful, it got information for people who are in and who are out of relationships. Even if something doesn’t apply to you directly in this course, it’s very useful to know and I’m definitely glad I got it.

It brings a warm feeling and will raise your vibration just from even reading it 🙂 I loved reading about Stef and Julia’s reunion in particular. It was a nice story and put a huge smile on my face. This course is definitely for you if you’d like to manifest your twin flame. Amazing course and I am looking forward to taking other courses from these amazing people :)”

Reveal the hidden purpose behind your twin flame connection. There’s a mesmerizing reason your soul chose this journey – and it’s nothing you’ve heard before!

Now we explore what to do now that you’ve created your perfect relationship with your twin flame.

What you must do to build your twin flame connection and create your dream life together – get this wrong and you could break up!

How to know your TRUE life purpose, and why you have been given it! Get this wrong and you could waste many years trying to figure it out

This course is based not only on our personal experience (we’re a twin flame couple in a full, happy reunion), but also MONTHS of detailed research. We truly believe this is everything you need to know to reunite with your twin or attract them into your life as FAST as possible.

If for some reason you’re NOT 100% happy, we can offer a full refund on everything. You can even keep the bonuses, course access and products. We really feel this is our mission and have put a lot of time and effort into making sure this works for you!

Yes, there are many similar courses out there, but what makes this course so unique and powerful is that it was written by us, a twin flame couple not only in full union, but also with a short running stage. This course will challenge the common belief that the running stage NEEDS to last for years.

Our running stage only lasted for a few months, and we’re hearing of several other twin flames who are in the same situation. It doesn’t HAVE to be really hard. If you follow the right system and advice, you’ll have great results.

If you want to reunite with your twin flame, then yes. Don’t leave it to chance and risk ending up chasing your twin for YEARS, as you watch them be with other people! Avoid all of that, and speed it up today. As twin flames, we have important missions. We’re here to heal and help mother Gaia ascend, and time is running out. Our mission (Stef and Julia) is to help twin flame couples come together in happy reunion, and to change the negative narrative that’s being taught!

There is so much misinformation out there. Some things said by so-called “Twin Flame gurus” are fear-based untruths that are harmful to believe, and can actually slow down reunion. This is because most of these influencers have not met their twin or are in separation with their twin flame, so they just share what they believe based on their experiences so far on their twin flame journey.

Taking this course will also save tons of time. There is an overwhelming amount of information online, and everyone is saying different things. By taking this course you avoid the noise and are guided step by step towards a transformation of your love life and soul.

We’ve all heard online that soulmate relationships are less drama and more peaceful than a twin flame relationship. Yes, twin flame relationships can be very intense in the beginning, as ego issues, traumas etc come up to the surface etc. But the truth is, these are things that needed to come up anyways as part of the ascension process. So you might as well do the purge now.

The twin flame relationship will become calmer and more peaceful with time. Just like many other twin flame couples who have been together for some time, we very rarely fight. Having a partner that is the only one in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE who is on your exact frequency is incredible. Reuniting as twin flames is the best thing that will ever happen to you, trust us.

If you run from the connection the Universe will keep giving you (not so much fun) life lessons, until you reunite with your twin flame. So surrender to the twin flame journey. This is what you signed up for in this lifetime and the whole Universe is watching and waiting for the twin flames to come together and help humanity in the transition to 5D Earth.

This course has helped lots of twin flames, and we believe it’s the perfect solution for you if you want to attract your twin flame, or REUNITE with them (if you’ve already met them).

It will help you end separation, and end the running stage FOREVER. You’ll also learn how to raise your vibrations and create your dream life, so we believe it’s a really powerful course.There’s also a 60 day moneyback guarantee so it’s completely risk free!

Well, you can go through the course entirely at your own pace. Take your time, and take it one video at a time. The course is structured to give you really clear, easy to understand and actionable insights that you can implement straight away.

But if you’re worried about how long it will take, remember that there’s no ‘deadline’. You can go through this at your own pace. What we will say, is that when you put into action a few of the things we’ll teach you, you’ll WANT to go through it faster, because you’ll see instant results.

Specifically with the ‘Raise Your Vibrations’ sections, you’ll see results pretty quickly, and that will make you want to go through it more, and devote more time to it.

But you don’t HAVE to spend a certain amount of time per day on this course. Just go through it in your own time, and put the exercises into practice when you can. You have lifetime access to the course, the members area and all of the bonuses.

The course is structured in a beautifully designed members area. You’ll be able to create a simple account with just an email and password, and that will let you login from any device, anywhere in the world. So you can login on your phone (the whole members area is mobile responsive), laptop or desktop computer.

You can also print out and of the PDF notes, the PDF ebooks or the bonus resources. But you don’t have to print them out. It’s created in this way to give you the freedom to DECIDE how to go through it. You might decide you learn best by reading the PDF notes, and listening to the audio versions of the videos while working out.

Or, you might prefer going through the course on your laptop while sipping your morning tea. It’s entirely up to you, but you’ll get instant access to the members area and all of that as soon as you’ve entered payment information. There’s no waiting around for us to manually create your membership, it’s done automatically with some clever code, so you can get started in the next few seconds.

Clickbank, Digistore24, YouTube, Amazon, Keen, or any third party mentioned on this page/site is entirely independent of, and the above information is for educational purposes only. Twin Flame Guides do not claim any rights on the Logo, Name or Trademarks of any third-party tech/website/partner., Twin Flame Guides, and our YouTube channel, ‘Twin Flame Guides’ offer all information, opinions and views for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing shared, said or expressed on this site and channel are intended to be medical advice, professional advice, or qualified professional advice in any way.

Results from our programs, methods, content, and advice are not typical and your results may vary. Results are not guaranteed, and any claims made are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Results will vary based on individuals, how much effort is put forward, how long a person uses our methods for, and various other factors. Our customers’ results (shared on our sales pages, blog posts, emails etc), are based on the average of a sample set of course takers. The results may vary from person to person. Please read our Disclaimer page for more information.

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FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

STOP For A Second. You’re SEARCHING For Answers. Relax, Take A Breath. Watch Our Free Video Training

You’re here at the right time, don’t worry. 

Let us show you how to END TWIN FLAME SEPARATION in simple steps. 

No catch, just watch our free training. 

FREE VIDEO TRAINING: True Definition Of Twin Flames, And How You Can Speed Up Reunion WITHOUT The Pain And Stress

Learn How You Can Easily Manifest Harmonious Union, Without The Stress! You’ll Also Get Sent Free Email Tips, Lessons and Resources!

Learn How You Can Easily Manifest Harmonious Union, Without The Stress! You’ll Also Get Sent Free Email Tips, Lessons and Resources!

FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Twin Flame Reunion

Strange Ancient Love Secrets REVEALED: How You Can Speed Up Twin Flame Reunion With NO STRESS!

Strange Ancient LOVE Secrets Revealed: How To END The Twin Flame Separation Stage FAST, With No Pain

The powerful lessons in this free video will TRANSFORM your life and help you find your twin flame. Just 2-3 more minutes, and the secrets will be shown to you!

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FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

FREE Training Reveals How You Can Speed Up Reunion, And CHANGE Your ‘Divine Timing’ to Reunite With Your TWIN FLAME Faster!

Click here to get Reunite With Your Twin Flame Without The STRESS And Pain – Twin Flame Guides at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Reunite With Your Twin Flame Without The STRESS And Pain – Twin Flame Guides is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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12-Week Body Transformation Program to Lose Fat and Get Fit

Product Name: 12-Week Body Transformation Program to Lose Fat and Get Fit

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12-Week Body Transformation Program to Lose Fat and Get Fit

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The 12 Week Body Transformation Program – Lose Fat and Get Muscular is a digital (i.e. downloadable) product. No physical products will be shipped. After ordering, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the eBooks and video files to your computer. The eBook format is Adobe Acrobat PDF and the video files are in MP4 format, all of which can be viewed on any PC or Mac computer (desktop or laptop). You can also view and use the files on iPads, iPods, and most mobile devices (i.e. smartphones), but you may need an app to use some of the files (for example, to read Adobe Acrobat PDF format eBooks).

DISCLAIMER ABOUT RESULTS: Due to recent FTC laws, all companies are required to identify what a “typical” result is. As with any fitness program, your results may vary and will be based on many factors including your individual ability, prior experience, ability to act, and level of desire. There are no guarantees about the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her experience, dedication, desire, and motivation.

There is no guarantee that past results in muscle building and fat burning can be repeated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. We also cannot guarantee that you will maintain the results you experience if you do not continue to follow the program. We are not responsible for your actions. It is common to see faster results when starting the program, especially for beginners to exercise and strength training. But the truth is that most people never do anything with the fitness products they buy. Therefore, more often than not, they get no results at all. The people featured on this website are examples of our best results and are not typical because they actually followed the program and recommendations in the 12 Week Body Transformation Program for Fat Loss and Strength. If you want results, you should do that too.

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The Woodworker's Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict

Product Name: The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict

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The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Works if You are Just Starting, a Weekend Warrior or An Experienced Woodworker

Wednesday 07 August, 2024

You may be wondering what this damaged VHS tape from 2003 has to do with Woodworking!

But in reality, it was the catalyst that drove me develop a one-of-a-kind woodworking system, that made Woodworking one of the most rewarding pastimes of my life. How?

I will fill you in on the details shortly, but if you keep reading, you will share with you how by using this same system, within just days, you too can…

I am also going to reveal a Subtle Lie that most woodworkers fall for, that prevents them from achieving amazing results! You need to be sure that you avoid this like the plague!

And this will surprise you…

First, let me explain how I accidentally stumbled upon the formula that lead to this System

Hello, my name is Crispin Thomas, Creator and Owner of, but I was not always this pumped up about woodworking.

As a matter of fact, even though I loved the dream of woodworking, I almost ditched this rewarding pastime out of sheer frustration, because my results were so demoralizing, and my years of determination yielded not much more than just, sawdust!

Even though I worked for many years as an Engineer in a small TV station, I was always captivated by the idea of transforming rough lumber into beautiful furniture or other functional items. However, probably like you, time was always in short supply and my workspace was never big enough!

My Worst Woodworking Nightmare

Allow me to share with you a quick story about one of my early attempts at woodworking that almost ended up ruining my marriage!

This was around 2003, my wife and I were married for about 10 years and we needed to replace the vanity in the bedroom. Of course, my wife wanted to just go out and purchase one, but I volunteered to build one!

After all, how difficult could that be!

Now while I had tried to build small items in wood before, this was going to be an item that would be used every day and should have been a kind of show piece, something we could both be proud about!

It goes without saying, she was very skeptical about my woodworking talents, and did not like the idea one bit. But I insisted.

So, I looked up some plans online, and came up with a design that I liked. I got the materials together and set aside a weekend for my grand project and got started.

The results were… well it was just terrible!

I remember saying to myself “What was I thinking?”

I had made some really poor choices in materials, and I realize now looking back, that my joinery techniques were still at “infancy” stage.

As you can imagine, this led to some, let’s call them “disputes” with my wife, and for a long time afterwards, she did not let me forget how much time and money we wasted on that experiment…

…and of course, my confidence in my own woodworking abilities was at rock bottom!

So you see, I was allot like you, or actually I was worse off than you, but it was this very experience, this journey through all the embarrassment and pain, that led me to discover the number one problem that we all face as woodworkers…

… and it may surprise you!

It was this frustrating journey that led me to discover and perfect a system that allowed me to conquer my low woodworking self-esteem and approach all my woodworking projects with confidence.

I am sure you too will have the same results, but without going through the pain and embarrassment I had to endure.

And it all started the day I realized that the main problem that we face as woodworkers isn’t what we think it is…

The fact is that we have been led to believe a lie! But How?

Norm was an extraordinary teacher.

When building a project, he would give the most comprehensive treatment to each project, including the history, the thinking behind its use… the art and the science of the piece.

He would explain in detail why he chose the materials he did, the type of joinery he used, material preparation, assembly, and final finishing.

In order to fit Norm into my schedule, I would set my VHS VCR to record the 30-minute episodes when I was not at home, and watch them over and over during my spare time during the week.

In order to fit Norm into my schedule, I would set my VHS VCR to record the 30-minute episodes when I was not at home, and watch them over and over during my spare time during the week.

The impact on my woodworking was nothing short of revolutionary! Without even realizing it, Norm became my virtual trainer and mentor!

Almost overnight, I finally started having results I could be proud of. Even my wife would jokingly accuse me of secretly buying expensive furniture and pretending to build it myself! 😊

What had changed, is that I was now following a methodical step by step system, instead of my lame haphazard approach from before. It sounds so simple but it’s the honest truth.

For example, if I started working on something but did not plan properly, it was extremely frustrating to have to stop to leave and go to the hardware store, because I forgot to pick up a simple but important item, like the proper length of screws or a drill-bit or something like that.

And when you are a weekend warrior and short on time, it’s the worse feeling to have squandered an extra hour or more that you could have spent on your woodworking project, on something that was totally unnecessary.

So the lie, was not a deliberate “conspiracy”, but the truth is that you do not need to have the latest and greatest tools and the most tricked out workshop to get amazing results. And simply having woodworking plans or watching YouTube videos alone is just not enough.

Free plans cannot give you all the details and they just assume that you already have all the skills you need.

In the case of YouTube videos, there simply isn’t enough time to show you everything you need to know in a short video that compresses days of work into just a few minutes!

As a result, your projects will never give you the joy and satisfaction you worked so hard to achieve.

What we all need is a consistent and reliable coach and mentor rooting for and guiding us, even if it’s not someone standing next to us!

The good news is that once you recognize the truth, you open yourself to the real solution. That way you can regain your confidence and the respect of those around you who really matter.

Everything was going well for me until this happened!

So, with my VCR now broken, it was clear that I would need a much more bullet proof system, that was more reliable and comprehensive than just my growing collection of VHS tapes, to sustain the momentum I now had…

Something that I could even share with other woodworkers like us, and that would put the latest online technology to work for us.

For example, let me share with you just 3 simple but powerful tips that that I discovered along the way.

Don’t be a Hero, Get a Helping Hand.

What do I mean by that? Well, even though you and I thoroughly enjoy working alone on most aspects of our woodworking projects, there are times when fatigue and other factors can rob you of your joy.

If you do find yourself in a frustrated situation where you are single handedly performing all sorts of woodworking tasks ranging from lifting heavy lumber to cutting and sanding, getting a partner or a workshop jig to help with some tasks is the sensible and safe thing to do.

Finally, and this is the most important step because if you do not do this, then the other tips we have covered so far will not work well.

This is your absolute need for accountability and for a proven system that you can rely on.

One that has taken all the hard work off your plate, taken all the doubt and questions and lack of confidence all out of the way, giving you a step-by-step blueprint to take you from where you are to exactly where you want to go, and then further.

So literally after years of development and marrying my woodworking and professional skills, this is what I want to share with you now.

This is a Digital Product. Images Shown Are For Visualization Only

More than just plans, Woodworkers Treasure Chest (WTC) is a Unique Woodworking System that Quickly Guides You Through All Aspects of Your Woodworking Projects, thus helping you to avoid missing important steps in your projects or costly and time-consuming mistakes.

When you join, you will have access to all the resources and features needed to get you the Woodworking results you work so hard to achieve.

Woodworkers Treasure Chest is extremely user-friendly and makes it super easy to research, plan and execute your projects, giving you all the resources you need from start to finish.

(Blindly Fast Search Fetches Your Results in just milliseconds!)

For starters here’s what you’ll get inside:

Woodworkers Treasure Chest features high-quality indoor & outdoor plans, interactive 3D models, workshop plans, craft plans, exotic designs and so much more!

And because you have lifetime access to all the “done-for-you” plans you can always access them anytime, anywhere and save yourself from the blunders those “other” woodworkers make.

There’re absolutely NO hidden charges, no monthly fees.

In fact, our members are using these plans to:

While it’s just impractical to list all of the plans and projects in our database, here is a list of some available categories that you will have lifetime access to.

Now this is where it gets interesting…

See, other veteran Woodworkers offer you basic plans and wish you good luck.

While this may work for some for some people, most woodworkers feel like being thrown into the troubled waters without a lifejacket.

So I went a step further to ensure that you enjoy completing your projects quickly and smoothly….

(Works on all your devices!)

This is your personal “secret weapon” to finish one project after another quickly, without any frustration.

To my knowledge this is the first program in the world – which combines ‘Project management’ techniques with woodworking.

It gives you the momentum you need… my estimation is you’ll save half the time to allow you more free time for your family, so you can still have a life outside the workshop.

What’s the point of slaving away at something if you can’t enjoy it?

So here’s how it basically works.

Project Wizard holds your hand like a personal mentor and guides you every step of the way until you finish projects – no matter your skills, your budget or the tools you have.

This simply ensures you complete each project successfully, and at the same time quickly gain the experience to build bigger, better, and GRANDER projects.

Moreover, thanks to Project Wizard you don’t need to wade through millions of pages before finding what you need.

In a nutshell, Project Wizard is the nerve center of Woodworker’s Treasure Chest that links to all the other features and ties them altogether..

Project Wizard Screen Shots

Deciding on Types of Joinery

Deciding on Type of Finish

Finishing Tools and Materials

Then at the end of each Project Plan, you are able to save all your decisions for later use on your own workspace, in a PDF file or even print out a hardcopy summary if you need to have a paper document to refer to.

See Sample Project Report below.

In fact, look at some unique project that our members have built for themselves:

Metric to Imperial Linear Converter and Calculator

Mitered Door Calculator – Generate Cut-lists

The quickest, easiest way to improve your woodworking is to watch a master at work, and then apply what you’ve learned in your own projects.

Now with step-by-step video demonstrations by grizzled veterans with decades of woodworking experience, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more enjoyable learning experience that will transform you into a master woodworker in no time!

Here, we cover everything you need to know to get started–

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

You can finally stop searching online for information because everything you need to know is right here in Woodworkers Treasure Chest.

When you combine these video tutorials in conjunction with the Project Wizard.

And to top it off, we’re constantly updating the member’s area with the latest tips, tricks and techniques so you’re always on the cutting-edge of what’s working right now.

Before I get to your investment today, think about the cost of inaction, the cost of wasted time and wasted materials. And most of all the cost of frustration and dissatisfaction if you fail to act today!

First, you will also gain access, completely free of charge to the following 5 Premium Bonuses to further Boost Your Woodworking Knowledge and Skills.

And there is more to come…

Over 80 Full Color Illustrated Pages on subjects such as:

Over 80 Full Color Illustrated Pages on subjects such as:

Designing and Building Cabinets contains 148 pages of fully illustrated articles that present the basics of design and construction in easy-to-understand, accessible terms. Subjects include: Making big cabinets manageable, Working with modern materials, Fitting flush mounted doors and drawers, Glazing cabinet doors, and much more…This is the ultimate visual reference for any woodworker.

Making furniture is one of the most satisfying ways to pass time:

The schiiick of a plane iron on wood; the dizzying aroma of freshly sawn sugar pine or East Indian rosewood; the endless array of color, texture, and feel of woods from around the world; the tense but joyful final assembly, when all work and toil come together in a conclusive burst of completion.

What excitement! This is the fine and fun art of woodworking. The reward is beautiful furniture.

In this Finishing and Refinishing download, you’ll find valuable finishing tips and techniques from the pros.

You’ll learn how to assemble your finishing toolkit, strip a piece of furniture back to the bare wood, and then apply a professional-quality finish.

You’ll find tips on how to sand new or unfinished furniture, and then get help picking the right finish that will bring out the beauty in the wood and give your project lasting protection

I’m naturally curious and a tinkerer by nature, I also have dabbled and played with wood for a few years, but never felt that I had the skills necessary to handle pieces that could be displayed. I don’t have a lot of woodworking tools just a mixture of some basic power and hand tools. I have worked at learning how to use them for basic operations, but I am always looking to improve my skill set.

I found the Woodworkers treasure chest site to be easy to navigate and the information available very useful to someone such as myself. For example, I found the calculator converting metric to English units easy to use and it makes laying out a project that has metric units very easy to do. In addition, the most valuable tool to me are the tutorials and the search function it has. You can very quickly find useful information on tool usage, joints, glues, jigs to make repetitive cuts or cutting wood joints easier and even on finishing techniques. The plans that are available to use can be downloaded or printed, are easy to follow, have good instructions and well dimensioned, and, if nothing else the plans can give you ideas on how they can be modified to meet your own ideas.

If you, like me, are willing to work at improving your skill using the tools given, then I think the Woodworkers Treasure Chest can only help as I’m still learning every day as My wife is constantly coming up with projects for me.

This is an outstanding service for the small cost involved. I would recommend it to any woodworker or woodworker want to be…

I retired from education in June of 2017. I needed an outlet for myself to remain active and productive. I have always enjoyed woodworking and have tried my hand at various projects. Most have been workable but not very good.

I have expanded my projects to some much better finished projects. Wood projects just tend to of a better quality that what are purchased at the store.

Since I live in a subdivision governed by a homeowners association. They have some very strict regulations in regard to the design and construction. This is making the shed a challenging project to meet the guidelines while keeping the cost at a level I can afford.

This Treasure Chest is providing me wind the tools to plan and put a workable plan together. Thanks for including me in this elite group.

Hi, from Down Under. Thank-you Crispin for inviting me to join. I live in Port Huon, Tasmania, Australia. I retired here from Alice Springs.

I’m a supervisor at the local Men’s Shed(call the Dog House) in Geeveston. I enjoy making thinks with my hands.

Since being down here, I’ve gotten into wood, in a big way. I like small thinks: jogs, a folding table, jigsaw, hat rack, coast rack(for home), hand doors for friends; I’ll put together some pics to post on a couple of days.

The Woodworkers Treasure Chest is bound to be a valuable asset for me. One of my quirks is, I do my project in sketchup before I touch any timber! It gives me time to look at it, modify before starting.

From what I’ve looked at so far this is quite impressive. I intent to continue using the Woodworkers Treasure Chest well into the future.

Now, I am going to do something, and you will probably call me crazy!

I am going to include Not One but Two other Woodworking Modules that normally sell on their own, and include them with Woodworkers Treasure Chest.

The best part is that you get all of this for same ridiculously low price. No kidding!

Now, I am going to do something, and you will probably think I am insane! But I really want this amazing tool to be in the hands of more woodworkers like you.

And if you think about it, this is a miniscule price to pay to save yourself so much more in terms of your wasted time and effort, disappointing results and ruined materials!

Just Click on the Large Add to Cart Button below to take action.

When you click on this button, you will be taken to a secure order page, where you can safely enter your payment details.

As soon as you enter the Members Area, you will be invited to Join our Exclusive Facebook Group, where you will have the privilege of exchanging ideas, projects and pictures with fellow passionate woodworkers like you, so you never have to feel that you are in this alone whenever you need a helping hand.

You will also be automatically enrolled in our Free Monthly Tool Giveaway

Woodworkers Treasure Chest can be instantly accessed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

There is NO software to download.

Everything works directly from your browser! Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Android.

WTC is fully online, so whether you’re on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, or whether it’s 2 A.M. or 2 P.M., or whether you’re in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia or anywhere else, you can instantly start understanding and creating your projects from the privacy of your home or workshop.

This is extremely important, so take advantage of this special offer now.

Don’t overthink this zero-risk opportunity… because I’m not sure how long I can keep the price this low!

So, act now and Click the ‘LARGE ORANGE’ button… do it before it’s too late.

So why not start that journey now, because you really have no reason for not taking action today?

Going forward you can just continue working the way you have done before and keep getting the same results or your can take the EASY path and join the WTC Community today!

So why not Go ahead and try WTC for yourself completely RISK FREE.

I look forward to you joining and trading success stories with your fellow woodworkers in the FaceBook Group.

Click the Add to Cart Button Now

Woodworkers Treasure Chest is built to work on any Internet Browser, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Android devices. Consequently, it will work on any Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile device. To get the best experience though, we recommend the use of devices with larger screens like tablets and higher.

Yes absolutely! Just login to the members area with your username and password.

All PDF plans are readable directly online without needing to download. If you do need to download just look for the download icon in the PDF menu and download to your preferred location on your computer. You can also print the plans or specific pages directly from within WTC.

If you forget your password just click on “Lost your password” in the login screen along with your username, and your password will be sent to the email address we have on file. If you really get stuck, just send an email to [email protected] and we will sort you out.

We are currently offering only lifetime membership. Even if we change to another system in the future, you continued membership is guaranteed without any further payment. (This is why it’s a good idea to get in now!)

In the unlikely event that you need to be refunded with 60 days of your purchase, just send an email to [email protected] and ask for your payment to be refunded within one business day. No questions asked!

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


SPECIAL OFFER! If you are willing to act now, I am including two additional woodworking modules, which would normally be sold separately. So here is what you will now get…

However this 70% discount special is only available on this page, and expires when the countdown timer above reaches 00:00:00:00.

Listen! You Don’t even have to make a final decision now! Just grab this offer now while it lasts, and you can always ask for a full refund within 60days if you are dissatisfied for any reason.

Click here to get The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

Product Name: Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

Click here to get Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


First impressions matter.

Don’t let awkward poses and lack of knowledge stop you.

Join our exclusive 2-day live online workshop and master the art of posing.

Posing is a skill that anyone can learn. Transform your image today!

After spending 20 years as a model at Elite Model Management, I moved on to work behind the lens as a published and award-winning photographer with 7 years of experience capturing stunning photographs.

On my journey from in front of the camera to behind it, I’ve realized how incredibly intimidating posing can be for many people.

I have seen firsthand how uncertainty and insecurity can take over us when posing.

This inspired me to create The Posing Academy.

I am passionate about transforming that fear into confidence.

At The Posing Academy, I teach the fundamentals of posing that not only build your confidence but also turn your fear into knowledge.

With my unique perspective and extensive experience, I have developed posing techniques that ensure you feel confident and look powerful in every shot.

My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to shine and unleash your full potential.

Join me at The Posing Academy and let’s master the art of posing together.

Below are some pictures from my 20 year modeling career.

Next workshop: August 17-18, 2024

Live online workshop: participate from the comfort of your home.

Interactive Sessions: Join live interactive sessions via a video conferencing platform.

Computer: A laptop or desktop computer and a stable, fast internet connection.

Willingness to Learn: Bring your enthusiasm and willingness to participate!

Upcoming workshop dates:

Explore types of poses: fashion, commercial, lifestyle and more.

Express yourself with confidence: Master the art of captivating facial expressions.

Unlock your angles: Discover how lighting and camera angles work to your advantage.

Practice makes perfect: interactive exercises to build your confidence in front of the camera.

Full Body Poses: Discover how to move and pose with grace and power.

Hand Placement: Master the art of hand placement to achieve natural and striking poses.

Posing Props: Discover how to use props to enhance your photos.

Mastering different poses: Commercial, Fashion, Lifestyle.

Talking about the conversation: communication, interaction with the client, model behavior (essential for all photo shoots).

How to Add Movement to Your Poses: Learn how to incorporate dynamic movement into your poses for a more natural and engaging look.

How to adapt your posing: Learn how to adjust your posing style to the different requirements of each session.

Gain confidence and comfort in front of the camera.

Master posing techniques for different types of shots (including movement).

Develop a solid understanding of the expectations of the modeling industry.

“This class opened my eyes to the power of posing, from understanding body language to mastering dynamic angles.”

It’s not just a photo shoot, it’s a moment full of love and dedication. If you think you’re not photogenic, you need a photo shoot with Marjorie. She gives you back your self-esteem and supports you in everything.

“Marjorie is amazing. She is very professional and has a lot of experience. She is passionate about what she does and it shows in her work. I highly recommend her!”

6 hours of live interactive learning: Dive deeper into posing techniques and gain confidence in front of the camera with practice and expert guidance, ask your questions with a live mentor.

Receive a download of our Complete Photoshoot Planner: a detailed guide with everything you need to know to plan and execute a stunning photoshoot.

Transform your confidence: learn to pose like a pro and feel amazing in front of the camera in 2 days.

Expert Instruction: Benefit from the combined experience of our instructor.

Limited spots available – don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Reserve your spot now and take the first step towards your modeling dreams.

Sign up today and take advantage of this special introductory offer!

The Posing Academy is perfect for you! We start with the basics, so no experience is necessary. Get ready to rock the camera like a queen!

Of course! The Academy offers individual sessions to tailor posing techniques specifically to you. Just book a session and we’ll help you shine even brighter! ✨

Ah, that’s a great question! How long it takes to learn how to pose really depends on your goals and how much effort you put into practicing. Here’s how we approach it at The Posing Academy:

Fundamentals in 2 Days: Our 2-day intensive workshop provides you with the basic posing techniques that form the foundation for posing with confidence. In this workshop, you will learn key body language strategies, flattering angles for different body types, and how to transition between poses seamlessly.

Mastering technique takes time and practice: Just like any skill, mastering technique takes dedication and practice. The good news is that with a solid foundation gained in our workshop, you can accelerate your learning by actively practicing the techniques. This can involve practicing in front of a mirror, participating in photo shoots, or even working with a posing coach to receive personalized feedback.

Remember that everyone learns at their own pace. Some people grasp concepts quickly, while others may need more time to hone their skills. The key is to be patient, consistent, and most importantly, have fun with the process!

Absolutely! At The Posing Academy, we understand that different situations call for different posing styles. Our curriculum goes beyond the basics and delves into various posing techniques that will make you shine in any situation.

Here’s what you can expect:

Basic Poses: We will begin by developing a solid foundation in posing principles, body awareness, and flattering angles. This basic knowledge applies to all posing styles.

Fashion Posing: Master the art of commanding the camera with confidence and fierce energy. Learn how to achieve iconic poses that translate beautifully into high fashion photography.

Commercial Poses: Discover the secrets to captivating product placement and storytelling through poses. You will learn how to display products in a natural and attractive way, perfect for commercials and advertising campaigns.

Lifestyle Poses: Capture the essence of everyday life with authentic and dynamic poses. We’ll teach you techniques to convey confidence and personality, making your lifestyle photos stand out.

By mastering these various posing styles, you will become a posing chameleon, effortlessly adapting to different photography requirements and leaving a lasting impression on photographers and audiences alike.

At The Posing Academy, you’ll receive live, interactive instruction from Marjorie, an experienced model and photographer. Unlike pre-recorded tutorials, our live sessions allow you to ask questions in real-time, receive personalized feedback, and participate in hands-on exercises that enhance your learning experience.

Absolutely. Investing in professional posing training can significantly improve your confidence and skills in front of the camera. The skills you gain will not only improve your photos, but will also open up new opportunities for you in modeling and photography. With Marjorie’s extensive experience and personalized instruction, you will gain knowledge and techniques that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, the decision is yours. But if you are serious about improving your presence in front of the camera and discovering the power of posing, The Posing Academy offers a valuable investment in your confidence and image. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation to discuss your goals and find the program that best suits your needs.

The cost of doing nothing is missing out on the opportunity to master the art of posing and transform your confidence in front of the camera.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Take the leap today and invest in yourself to become the confident and balanced person you’ve always wanted to be.

Register now and secure your spot in our exclusive workshop!

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Are you an influencer or content creator looking to increase your income? Join our affiliate program and earn up to 30% commission on every sale! Click below to learn more and partner with us today.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval, or review of these products or any claim, statement, or opinion used in promotion of these products. For product support, please contact the retailer HERE. For order support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

Click here to get Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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