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Metabolic Stretching

Product Name: Metabolic Stretching

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St. Petersburg, FL, Thursday November 21, 2024

I know how it feels when you look in the mirror and what you see looking back is a body you’re not happy with.

I know how it feels when you pull on your favorite pants and there’s zero chance that zipper is moving.

I know how it feels when your kids or grandkids playfully joke about your widening waist (And, of course, they’re not being mean… just telling you the brutal truth)

You know you need to do something.

What’s more, you WANT to do something.

But wanting to lose weight, drop fat and get back to being lean again is one thing…

… finding the time and energy to do it is a whole different challenge.

Life is hard enough. Between working and living, rushing around trying to squeeze in gym time or a workout in your already busy day seems insane.

Or imagine also starving yourself on the latest extreme diet favored by a Hollywood star.

(Sure, those diets work for skinny 20- somethings but sure don’t do a thing for the rest of us.)

The problem is we’ve been led to believe there’s only one way to get slim. And that’s the HARD WAY.

The harder, the more extreme, the more complicated… the better. Even if it means killing yourself to get to the gym, busting your butt running or following a super-strict eating plan.

Fortunately, I’m here to reveal a discovery to you that may just be the most important news you read this year. It’s a discovery the fitness industry is desperate to keep under wraps as it turns our understanding of what a program should be on its head.

Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? But don’t let that fool you.

We discovered a way of blending flexibility training with a calorie-burning movement pattern you’ve never seen before. The good news is…

It’s NOT some bizarre or complicated system and it’s hardly groundbreaking. In fact, you will probably recognize many of the exercises.

What makes this revolutionary is the way we’ve combined simple exercises into one powerful movement sequence you will actually enjoy doing.

Even if you’ve already tried everything to lose weight, shift stubborn belly fat and tone up and failed… this is different.

I’ll explain exactly what this is all about in a moment.

My name is Brian Klepacki, aka Coach Brian. I’m a fat loss and functional movement coach for Critical Bench, the Internet’s longest-standing strength site.

I’m a certified strength and conditioning specialist with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science.

I’ve been in the trenches applying the latest principles and theories with athletes, body builders and fitness models to test what works and what doesn’t. And whether it’s competing as a triathlete or for my own strength training, I apply all training principles on myself. (I’m my own guinea pig!)

I take a purposeful approach to developing workout programs and a simple philosophy: purpose over preference.

That’s how we developed best-selling programs, like Unlock Your Glutes, that have helped thousands of men and women finally build a stronger body in less time.

In my 17 years working with private clients, I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen the aftermath of the fitness industries peddling of misinformation and myths.

It angers me to see ordinary hard working men and women trying to get fitter and feel better become trapped in a cycle of trying to lose weight.

And all while sacrificing their time doing what really matters to them… just because they have been caught in a trap by the misinformation from the fitness industry.

You’ve been led to believe there are only a few ways to cut body fat and get in the shape you want to.

The billion dollar fitness industry has spent billions promoting this misinformation. It needs you to believe losing weight and getting in shape requires tons of time, tons of effort and… of course… tons of money. Your money.

If you ever want to discover the real agenda, ask the question “who gains from this advice being given?”.

In every situation, it’s the fitness industry. Celebrity trainers gain if you don’t get results. Equipment and supplement companies gain if you don’t get results. If all their advice worked, everyone would be walking around slim, healthy and happy.

Think about it. If their advice worked, why are there more obese Americans than ever? Why are more people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Everyone knows they need to be fitter, more flexible and healthier… yet the statistics keep stacking up.

It all comes back to three BIG lies the fitness industry has been telling for decades that hides one big lie.

Remember, the fitness industry spends billions to push this misinformation so please don’t feel bad about not seeing it this way before (but I’ll sure understand if you’re angry)

The good news is once you see these lies for what they are, they no longer hold any power over you.

So let’s confront these right now…

In fact, extreme dieting has been proven to be HARMFUL to your health. Sure, you drop weight within days and weeks of starving yourself but who wouldn’t, right?

The danger with extreme dieting is your body doesn’t get enough essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. And, most importantly, your body doesn’t get enough protein. Protein contains essential amino acids which are vital for supporting your body and muscle growth.

You may lose some body fat during a starvation diet, but you may also lose muscle which will account for MORE of the weight loss.

If your body drops muscle, your body’s basal metabolic rate drops. This means your body will naturally burn LESS fat. When you start eating normally again you quickly put the weight back on.

Your body also experiences metabolic adaptation. Your body kicks into its natural survival mode and becomes more efficient due to calorie deprivation. It needs less energy to survive. To continue dropping fat, you have to starve yourself even more.

Dieting actually CHANGES your brain’s response to food. When you deprive your body of calories, your levels of the hormone leptin drop (the hormone that makes you feel full) while ghrelin increases (the hormone that makes you feel hungry). Even when you eat, if you’ve been restricting your calories severely, you’ll still be left with feelings of hunger.

Sure, diet is important. I don’t need to tell you jelly donuts and soda all day aren’t going to help you get that six pack. But it is madness to suggest you need some of these insane, starvation diets to shift your spare tire or drop a few pounds.

A simple, regular movement pattern designed to raise your heart rate, boost your metabolism and maintain muscle every day will help move you towards the body you always wanted WITHOUT depriving your body of food.

This is such a crazy myth.

The multi-billion dollar fitness industry with its supplement companies and endorsed pumped up trainers needs you to believe in the myth of the intense program.

If you can only get a grip for 12 weeks on your diet and tough your way through it, you can get the body you want.

But it NEVER works out that way.

Here’s why it’s not realistic. 12-week intense programs are great for exercise enthusiasts that love working out for hours and hours a week. They can stay committed for the long term and stick to a super strenuous high intensity training program.

However most people have other priorities and don’t have the time or interest to devote that much time daily to working out.

For people over 35 years old the high intensity stuff also puts a lot of un-needed wear and tear on their joints which just adds to the aches and pains.

With the right program targeted in the right way you can see results in 14 days or even less.

You don’t need jacked-up high intensity workouts that leave you exhausted and unable to move a muscle for the rest of the day

You don’t need complicated gym programs that you need a PhD to understand, cost a ton in membership and take up hours stuck in a loud, sweaty gym.

You can get good, perfectly achievable results with simple, straightforward moves that are realistic for people with busy lives.

Which brings us to the third biggie…

There’s nothing more soul destroying than looking at a program and seeing hours and hours of your week dedicated to cardio.

What this means is spending a good chunk of your life on…

Burning body fat is a product of an elevated heart rate. If your body needs an elevated heart rate to burn calories, cardio is like a blunt weapon.

Cardio is effective IF you have hours and hours of your week available to do it.

But the only people who can dedicate the time to do it this way are pro athletes and fitness models who do this for a living.

If your goal is to burn body fat and get lean, hours of cardio isn’t the answer for most of us.

Cardio works by raising your heart rate. A raised heart rate fires your metabolism and burns calories. And burning calories burns fat.

If you find a program that simply raises your heart rate on a regular basis for as little as 15 minutes a day, you WILL increase your metabolism and burn more fat.

In summary we know we don’t need hours of cardio, we don’t need to starve ourselves and we don’t need a 12-week high intensity program to see results and body you desire.

So what is the answer to these lies?

We want something that is effective, simple and doesn’t leave us feeling too exhausted.

You know you need to improve and maintain your flexibility and mobility.

I’m not telling you anything new. And we both know the best way to improve your flexibility is through stretching.

But here’s what’s interesting. Stretching is also the key to unlocking unlimited weight loss and fat burning. It’s always been there… we’ve just been looking at stretching the wrong way.

We know stretching exercises are great for flexibility… now, we know they can flip the switch on your body’s fat burning engine.

Working with hundreds of clients over the last 17 years, one of the biggest areas of focus is on improving overall fitness and helping my clients be more mobile.

I don’t need to give you the stats on why we need to stay flexible and loose, especially as we get older. Flexibility is one of the three pillars of fitness along with strength and endurance.

Working with clients on their flexibility brought me a breakthrough that shifted how we approach weight loss.

I stumbled upon this discovery when I fused together a unique flexibility routine for a client who simply didn’t have the time in his day but needed to torch fat fast while adding mobility.

When confronted with a challenge, my first move is to go to proven research and the latest exercise science. In my research around stretching, I made an important connection.

When we think about becoming more flexible, our first thought is stretching. And, in particular, static stretching.

It figures. Static stretching is what we’ve been told to do since high school. It usually means stretching one particular muscle and holding it in the stretch for around 30 seconds. Static stretching aims to lengthen the muscle to make it more elastic.

Flexibility is different. Flexibility is all about range of motion around a joint.

Mobility, on the other hand, is the ability to move freely and easily.

Static stretching alone cannot improve flexibility. The secret to flexibility is MOVEMENT.

Only movement of a joint extends its range of motion and improves flexibility. And, of course, ANY movement burns calories. So movement is central to both burning calories and creating a program that delivers flexibility gains.

It all comes down to metabolism. When your metabolism is fired up, you burn more calories. And that’s when we made this really cool discovery…

When we looked at the research, we found study after study saying the same thing. While static stretching has benefits, dynamic stretching and movement is the key to putting a torch to body fat while improving flexibility.

You can’t argue with the numbers. Static stretching burns 120 calories an hour. Dynamic stretching blasts through 400 calories per hour.

Dynamic stretching isn’t just swinging your legs or hips to warm up. Dynamic stretching like lunges and rotations can be used alongside other low-impact, movement-based activities to burn fat while improving flexibility.

Through movement, we kickstart our metabolism and shift it up a gear so we’re burning more calories than normal. Dynamic stretches emphasize movements across our full range of motion which last longer and increase metabolism.

Compared with static stretching, dynamic stretching also improves muscular performance allowing you to work harder and heavier.

All the evidence backs movement-based flexibility and that’s when we started looking at how to create a program based on these principles, using dynamic stretching and movement.

By taking the best stretching protocols and building a powerful flow so they are performed one after the other with little rest, it was possible to switch on the body’s fat burning machine and send your metabolism soaring.

And that’s exactly what we did. First, we identified the right modalities, drawing from different disciplines to find dynamic, movement based flexibility training that brought flexibility benefits while jacking up your fat burning capabilities.

We’ve unashamedly plundered exercises from the world’s best fitness modalities designed to improve your mobility and flexibility. We hand-picked only the exercises that burned the most calories and torched the most fat.

Bodyweight-focused movements that deliver strength, dynamic flexibility and burn more calories than any other exercise combined. With natural movement patterns and gravity, calisthenics uses simple moves to build a foundation of strength and flexibility for the body. Calisthenics is almost a complete exercise in burning calories, switching up your metabolism, improving endurance and building muscle to, ultimately, burn even more calories.

As we’ve already mentioned, dynamic stretching can burn up to 3x the calories of static stretching. Dynamic moves are slow, controlled movements that stay within your range of motion, working to increase your reach and speed of movement. One review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine across 31 studies found a warm-up using dynamic flexibility exercises also enhanced power and strength performance.

When it comes to creating movement to burn calories while enhancing flexibility, little can beat kickboxing’s explosive power and metabolic burn. One research study showed that five weeks of kickboxing training brought significant improvements in flexibility, speed, agility and upper body muscle power.

Mobility is different from flexibility. Having good mobility means being able to perform a movement without any restriction. Mobility exercises help improve flexibility and function at any age and that’s why this is an important component of a fat-burning, flexibility flow.

Fascia is the tight connective tissue surrounding every one of your muscles that holds them in place. But there’s a negative side to this. If your fascia is too tight it restricts muscle growth. Incorporating fascia stretching into your program releases tension, allows muscle to grow and cranks up your metabolism.

Don’t believe something as everyday as breathing can help you feel looser AND burn calories? Think again. For 1000s of years, ancient martial arts used breathing practices to lengthen muscles in the chest and core. Done properly, these simple but powerful moves flood your body and muscles with oxygen, stretch the chest cavity and fire up your metabolism. And all you have to do is breathe.

The Mayo Clinic defines Pilates as, “a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.” Originally used by athletes to build core strength, Pilates has been revealed as an effective low-impact way to also reduce body fat mass.

While the ancient practice of yoga used to be more associated with chanting and meditation, through its stretching protocols more are catching onto its calorie-burning benefits. There are many styles of yoga from the gentle through to heart-pounding, leg-behind-your-head styles that leave you in a pool of sweat. But there are some which are perfect for a fat-burning, flexibility routine.

As you can see, these aren’t crazy-difficult stretches that no-one but fitness pros can do. These are simple, straightforward stretches you may have already heard of. And they work.

I want to reinforce this point to you: there is nothing complicated or special about the exercises themselves.

However, there is one stretch which is king of all others. And I’m going to reveal it to you now…

This stretch hits EVERY part of the body in one go. It’s exactly the kind of stretch that we “stole” to include in our powerful movement flow.

The reason it’s the world’s greatest? It literally works everything.

Back, legs, shoulders, your spine, arms… EVERYTHING.

Try it for yourself and you quickly see why.

Don’t worry if the above stretch looks too advanced. You can still burn a LOT of fat with the modified version below:

This stretch is just one of the key movements we’ve included in this fat-burning, flexibility program.

For each area, we selected a range of moves and tested a combination in real-life training on clients. This way we finally cracked the code on combining fat-burning movement with flexibility training.

You’ll perform the right movements in the right order to “unlock” tightness and improve flexibility, while burning a ton of calories.

Of course, designing a program that works is one hurdle. Designing a program you actually use is another. And – as all good trainers know — the best program is the one you use.

When you’re progressing with a program that isn’t delivering results quickly, no matter how much your trainer implores you to persevere, it’s going to be hard.

How much more likely would you be to stick to a fat-burning flexibility program where…

You can get the lean, toned physique you always wanted using simple, straightforward stretches anyone can do without having to spend hours doing boring cardio or working out like a fitness competitor.

This program contains everything you need to stretch your way to being leaner, fitter and stronger thanks to its serious metabolic benefits.

From each of the techniques, we selected the ten most effective, efficient movements. We chose these based on practicality, ease of performance and fat-burning flexibility.

We’ve added TWO bonus moves specifically designed to turn up the heat on your metabolism and melt fat while you stretch it out.

The program has two parts — a beginners workout and advanced workout. Both workouts utilize the same modalitiestraining modalities for greatest effect, while the advanced version dials up the intensity for faster fat burn and flexibility gains.

The beginner program can be completed in just 15 minutes incorporating gentle moves that boost your metabolism.

If you’re ready to jump in and get going, the 30-minute advanced workout will challenge even the most hardened fitness enthusiast. (Look, this is hard for me and my clients… but, man, it gets results.)

The movements are simple and easy to execute. You don’t need equipment or weights. The moves take up little room, and you can perform the entire workout in a small space. You can work through the program at the gym, at home or even a hotel room when you’re on the move.

If you’re new to flexibility or stretching programs, we recommend starting with the beginner’s workout. After a few sessions, it will be clear how quickly you can progress. If you need to scale up, we’ve made it really clear how, so you’re always challenged to make progress.

I don’t need to tell you that form is essential to get the best from every movement. In the Metabolic Stretching Workout Videos, I walk you through every single move. I explain in detail how each move is performed, what to do at the beginning and end, how each stretch should feel and how to avoid common mistakes.

Fast results are dependent on getting form right first time. Filmed at our state of the art fitness facility, The Compound in Clearwater, Florida, each video is shot in super-clear HD from multiple angles. There will be no doubt around how to perform each move as we’ve covered every angle.

When you’re ready to get going, simply use the Metabolic Stretching Follow Along Videos where you can follow along to the complete routines at the same time our fitness model performs them in real time.

This allows you to get the whole sequence down without any confusion about what you’re supposed to do and how. Simply hit play and do the exercises at the same time as our fitness model. Results guaranteed.

“I found the Metabolic Stretching routine to be a perfect fit for my needs. It focuses on both joint mobility and muscle flexibility. I actually do the beginner routine as my warm up and the advanced routine on its own day as a stand alone workout. I urge anyone to spend time doing a stretching program like this to feel and move better.”

Joyce Lynnette Berry Fitness Enthusiast

“As a busy working Mom not only is keeping fit and healthy a number one priority for me, but keeping my body limber and toned is as well.

This program doesn’t just deliver on its promise to melt fat and tone muscles in just 15 minutes … it OVER DELIVERS! This is hands down the best 15-minute workout and stretching routine I have found that does everything that I want in a at home workout.

If you are serious about hitting your fat burning goals and maintaining them, the Metabolic Stretching program is exactly what you’ve been looking for.”

Tonya Fines, BSc, PE Holistic Health Practitioner

“As a Yoga teacher, I intimately understand the need for flexibility, mobility and balance. The Metabolic Stretching program does a phenomenal job at mixing in traditional calisthenics with dynamic stretching and yoga-like movement patterns to fully develop and tone the muscles.

I would recommend these routines to anyone looking to live a more active lifestyle.”

“The #1 thing anyone can do every day of their life to improve overall health and function is to move. Nothing outrageous, just some total body movements that help connect and strengthen the body.

Metabolic Stretching is an outstanding collection of stretches and exercises designed to restore balance, increase strength and hopefully get people interested in living a more active lifestyle.”

Dr. Ron Eccles Business Coach & Chiropractor

Sometimes you don’t have time to watch videos, and when time is short, you need to get it done as quickly as possible. The Metabolic Stretching package also contains the Metabolic Stretching Exercise Definition Guide featuring every single exercise broken down and explained in detail.

This guide contains full-color photographic images as I show you through each stage of each movement, including the start and end position. Accompanying the visuals are a written instructional breakdown of how to perform each movement.

The manual also contains detailed information on the workout parameters behind the program, so you know exactly why we’ve chosen the specific moves featured in Metabolic Stretching.

Over 31 million Americans suffer from back pain. As you’ve probably heard sitting so much is terrible for our posture and causes our muscles to tighten up around the lower back.

That’s why my clients always warm up with my 3-minute back pain stretching flow.

It can be performed in a seated position or on the floor and has been proven to eliminate back pain issues in most of my clients. It’s also a great micro-stretching session you can do while at work if you start feeling stiff.

If I were to pick the three best stretches for back pain this would be them!

“I’ve always loved working out in the gym but finding time to exercise gets trickier as life gets busier. Even sneaking in a 10-15 minute workout can be enough to give me the boost I need each day. I came across the Metabolic Stretching routine and was instantly excited.

The 10-minute routines made for a great quick round of movements to do when time is limited. It’s the perfect blend of total body exercises that get my abs, legs and arms LEAN using only my body weight. I look forward to doing these almost daily because I feel more energized and ready to take on the day. Thank you so much!”

Stephany Strul Figure Competitor

“I’m a yoga teacher and long time fitness junkie. I just love to be active, move well and be strong. Funny thing is most guys I talk to aren’t too sure about doing Yoga but they understand they need to be flexible.

So I immediately saw the value in the Metabolic Stretching routines because it offers flexibility training combined with balance and some body weight strength exercises. It’s like mixing yoga with calisthenics. Honestly, I’d recommend this program to anyone looking to be more physically active who realizes that moving better equals living a better life!”

“Exercise is not something I’m great at sticking to. I know I need it but I’m not good at making time for it and I’m sick of making excuses.

A friend of mine had me read about this 10 minute “stretching” routine I could do from home that’s kind of exercise and stretching mixed together. It looked interesting so I went for it.

I must say I was impressed that I could do everything the first time. No heavy weights or equipment, just my own body. I felt better afterwards and now it’s part of my morning almost every day. I’m feeling more energy and my knees and hips feel less stiff.”

Jeff Souvenir Videographer

Awesome! Thank you. I have issues with my shoulders ALMOST 24/7. I do believe this 1 minute routine is a Godsend!

It’s been a while since the last time I comment on your videos. This one deserves a 👍 excellent warming routing Coach Brian!

Perfect timing! I worked my legs y’day. I need this!

Thank you. I love the stretch exercises you teach. Have a great Saturday!

Sooo glad I found this page. You definitely give practical and useful advice which I use daily in my own workout routine. Please keep em coming!

This warm up is amazing, simple but effective, been doing this with my clients and they love it!

Love this! I already do several of these everyday part of my warmup

Wow excelente entrenamiento, gracias Coach Brian!!👏👏👏👏

Thanks did this and really worked great

Fantásticos ejercicios para mantener una excelente forma física y trabajar todo el cuerpo, muchas gracias por estos buenos consejos, salu2 desde España!!!

I’m confident Metabolic Stretching will transform how you approach exercise. That’s why I want to make this decision as risk-free as possible for you.

If you’re anything like me, you’re skeptical. How is this program going to be any different from what you’ve already seen, right? I don’t blame you for thinking that.

I want to give you the opportunity to test Metabolic Stretching for a full 60 days risk-free. Experience for yourself why this is above and beyond anything you’ve seen before. Take the time to figure out the best way to use Metabolic Stretching in your weekly training. You WILL experience serious improvements in flexibility while burning a ton of fat.

If it doesn’t work for you or if you don’t enjoy any part of the program, no worries. Call our friendly customer support team within 60 days and let us know you want a refund. We’ll give you back every penny, no questions asked.

I can’t continue letting misinformation sabotage the results of men and women committed to being the best they can be. That’s why we’re launching Metabolic Stretching at a crazy-low price to make this a no-brainer and get this into your hands.

I know the work we’ve done to develop our sequence is worth thousands of dollars more than we’ll ever charge for the program.

That doesn’t worry us. Right now, our mission is to spread the Metabolic Stretching message to as many people, like you, as we can.

That’s less than the cost of a book on Amazon about stretching or fat burning… if you could even find one. But I know no-one else has figured out the key to burning fat with stretching through a program like this, based on science and real-life testing on my athletes.

Get a digital copy of Metabolic Stretching and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Metabolic Stretching includes the DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

I’ve shown you this program will help you whether you’re a complete beginner who’s never set foot in a gym or if you’re someone who works out seven days a week and is looking for an edge.

Blasting fat through this unique stretching protocol delivers results. We’ve proven that. And with this program even if you don’t think you can get results, with consistent, focused application you’ll see results in no time.

Metabolic Stretching turns on its head what we’ve come to expect of a fat-burning program. That’s why I explained exactly why we’re offering you the chance to buy the program at an exclusive low price. And I’ve explained how we’ve reversed the risk so you can test this on your schedule to see the difference it makes.

Let’s face it. You have wanted to lose weight and get lean for a long time, but for some reason, it hasn’t happened.

You feel it every day. Especially when you’re standing in front of the mirror. Or when you’re slipping into your pants that are getting tighter and tighter. Or when you strip down at the pool or at the beach.

All the workouts, programs and get-lean-quick gimmicks you’ve ever done have come to nothing.

It’s understandable that faced with all that, you would choose to
DO NOTHING. And, instead, hope that one day you will find the time in your schedule to finally get a grip on this.

You could try and go and
do this on your own. There’s a ton of information online, if you have hours to sift through it to separate what works from what’s trash. What you may never figure out is our “special sauce” — the exact sequence we have developed and tested that unlocks the fat-burning power of stretching.

I don’t want you to finish reading this and look back in a year’s time and wish you’d started NOW.

So here’s the other choice and the one I hope you make today.

Get a digital copy of Metabolic Stretching and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Metabolic Stretching includes the DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

Once your order is completed, look out for the welcome email in your inbox. Use these to gain instant access to the Metabolic Stretching program in minutes.

Jump on this right now and imagine how you’ll feel in 30 days time. In only a few workouts I guarantee you will not only feel the difference but see the difference, too. But it starts today. It starts right now.

Move Well. Look Well. Live Well.

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN
Fat Loss & Functional Movement Specialist

P.S. Test Metabolic Stretching for 60 days and discover the simple, easy way to burn calories, melt fat and finally get the lean physique you really want without working out 20 hours a day.

If you know you need to shift pounds and have tried time and again with programs that drag on or force you to starve yourself or just plain suck, here is the program you’ve been searching for.

Use this program for up to 60 days and if you don’t feel it’s worth every penny, claim back every penny with our 100% money back guarantee.

“I love health & fitness and I personally use the Metabolic Stretching workouts at home when I”m too busy to get the gym.

Sometimes I even use them as my finisher at the end of my regular workouts.

My favorite part about the workout is that I get my heart rate up and increase my metabolism while also increasing my flexibility at the same time.”

Vania Bradway WBFF Fitness Pro, Online Physique Coach

“I’ve learned that exercise and workout programs are only beneficial if you actually stick with them! So much of what’s out there is either too aggressive or requires special equipment… those aren’t for me.

What attracted me to the Metabolic Stretching routine is that it’s based on body weight only exercises that I can do at home. As a Mom of 2 boys and a girl, I have barely any time but I need something to keep me moving and burning fat.

I needed a routine I can do anywhere 2-3 days per week to get me more active, feeling better and dropping some pounds. I found these stretches to be super fun and easy to do in my own living room.”

Lauren Wilson Busy Mother of 3

Get a digital copy of Metabolic Stretching and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Metabolic Stretching includes the DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

Q: Why should I buy this over other fat burning programs?

Traditional fat burning programs rely on one of two approaches. They either insist on a ton of cardio, which can take hours of your time, or high-intensity interval training, which leaves you sapped of energy. Metabolic Stretching is totally different from any program you’ve seen before. The program delivers everything you need to torch stubborn body fat and get leaner, fitter and stronger by following a simple stretching routine.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

This program is suitable for anyone who wants to strip away body fat and get a lean, toned physique without having to resort to hours of cardio, starving themselves or working out like a beast. Metabolic Stretching is suitable for every level of fitness. Even if you’ve never been to a gym or followed a program before, the exercises are simple and easy to follow. If you know your way around the gym and have experience with workouts, you can use the Advanced workouts to deliver higher intensity. Everyone can burn calories and become fitter, stronger and more flexible with this program.

Q: Can I do this program even if I’m injured?

We would always advise consulting your doctor before undertaking any physical activity. However, because this is a low impact stretching program, not only does it allow you to put a fire under your metabolism even if you can’t do cardio or HIIT, it will also reduce the chances of injury in the first place. If you are suffering from injury, we would suggest starting on the Beginner workout and building up, depending on how you feel.

Q: Do I need any specialist equipment?

No. You don’t need any specialist equipment or weights. Metabolic Stretching has been designed so you can follow the program wherever you are, whether you’re traveling, at the office or at home. Its series of movements are simple and easy to execute. They can be performed in a small space and don’t require much room to complete each workout.

Q: Can I use this as a standalone program?

Yes! The Metabolic Stretching program can be used at the end of your regular workout routine or you can use it as a standalone fat-burning workout. You can scale the intensity of your workout up and down depending on whether you are completing other workout activities or just the Metabolic Stretching program. You have complete control.

Q: Is this suitable for a complete beginner?

Absolutely. The program is split into two workouts – Beginner and Advanced. All the exercises within both workouts are the same. The Advanced version is simply a more intense version of the Beginner workout. Both deliver the same powerful, metabolism-boosting benefits. If you’re new to exercise, this is perfect. The workout is simple and easy to follow and can be completed in just 15 minutes.

Q: I’m not flexible at all. Will this still work for me?

Of course. The great thing about the Metabolic Stretching program is that it improves your flexibility while burning stubborn body fat. You don’t need to be flexible to start… but you’ll certainly become more flexible when you follow the program. Good flexibility is a sign of good health. The more you work on becoming more flexible, the better you feel.

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Unlock Your Glutes

Product Name: Unlock Your Glutes

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Unlock Your Glutes is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


According to Journal of Applied Biomechanics, New “Awaken Your Glutes” Method Sculpts A Strong, Round Booty 238% Better Than Squats

Now Over 32,000 Women & Men Enjoy A Firm Butt Without Weights, Elite Genetics, or Dirty Looks From Teens

St. Petersburg, FL, Thursday October 03, 2024

I’m not going to pull any punches. You’re going to be angry and shocked by what I’m about to share with you.

When you stick to a program by the letter and do everything your trainer tells you, you expect results, right?

Well, what if you discovered all your hard work was causing you to be MORE prone to injury, was having ZERO effect on the shape of your butt and was leaving you with LESS strength and power?

What if you discovered you were ALWAYS going to fall short of the body you want, because…

You’ve been LIED TO about how to train your body’s BIGGEST muscle…

And it’s cost you in your performance, your health and even how you look.

Your glutes are your body’s most powerful muscle, yet they’re also the most misunderstood.

As the engine for almost every lower body and back movement you make, they deliver raw strength and power… but only when properly activated.

It’s like you’re sitting behind the wheel of a muscle car. You have all that raw power and strength lying dormant ready for you to unleash… but you don’t know how to get past 30.

When you discover the right way to unlock your glutes, everything changes. You can put the pedal to the metal on your gains.

And you know when you’ve trained your glutes the right way, as you’re the proud owner of a strong, round, healthy butt.

I’ll explain in a moment how you’ve been misinformed about the right way to build strong glutes…

The “Squat Myth” has, for too long, left millions of men and women frustrated at their lack of progress, struggling to grow their behind.

And it gets worse. Not knowing how to train properly has left you with a problem – weak glutes.

Ignore those who say a strong, rounded butt is pure vanity. It’s a sign of strength and good health.

Weak glutes are often the “hidden” factor in most injuries, including poor posture, lower back pain, knee pain, hamstring strains, muscle imbalances and lower body injury.

Ever suffered a long-term injury that simply won’t go away no matter how much you treat the area of pain? It could be a cause of weak glutes.

A saggy or non-existent butt can be embarrassing. But when you’re denied a strong, round butt it’s a reminder every time you catch yourself in the mirror that your efforts are producing zero effects, leaving you frustrated and angry.

When your glutes lose strength, it affects your whole body. Other muscles are forced to compensate, causing imbalances and severe health consequences.

Everything flows from this area. Whether you’re walking, running, climbing, jumping, stepping, sitting or even just standing without moving, your glutes are involved. The stronger your glutes, the more efficient your movement.

Strengthen your glutes, and you will run faster, you will jump higher, you will throw harder.

If this is a SHOCK to you, don’t worry – I’ve got your back. I’ve unlocked the secret to sculpting powerful glutes and a strong butt, and in a moment I’ll share it with you.

I’m Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS – aka Coach Brian – a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science.

I’ve dedicated the last 16 years of my career to working at the cutting edge of training and exercise science.

As a Functional Movement Specialist, I know it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction when it comes to training and performance. Step behind the headlines and you get the real story.

I know what works. I’m in the trenches using trial and error and applying proven principles every day working out with athletes, body builders and fitness models.

And this is where I do it…

Welcome to The Compound, our state of the art training facility in Clearwater, Florida.

The Compound is my testing ground working with elite athletes applying the latest science to improve their performance, health, and wellbeing. Every day, I put these principles into action.

You see, everyone BELIEVES they have powerful glutes. But often their weakness is masked by strength in other areas. As soon as you isolate the glutes… then the realization hits.

It’s hard to take when you work so hard.

Body builders who spend their days squatting, doing lunges and deadlifting go to pieces when I put them on glute-specific movements. They’ve built a mansion on foundations of sand.

After a few minutes of glute exercises, they’re floored.

When they discover how weak they really are, they can barely look at me. But it happens all the time.

Compare this to sprinters who train at The Compound. They have a laser focus on glute-specific movements. When faced with the same program, their glutes deliver raw, unbridled power and speed. If you want to understand how to explode your glutes, look at these guys.

The problem isn’t how hard you workout. It may not even be your genetics or your diet. It certainly isn’t your commitment, although it may feel like you’re trying everything and getting nowhere.

You see, it’s not your fault.

When we trust trainers with our bodies, we expect them to know what they’re doing, right?

But it turns out they don’t. They rely on routines based on decades-old research and training principles, instead of combining the latest science with, you know, REAL WORLD experience working with athletes.

The worst are Instagram fitness “celebrities” giving out glute advice based on a flawed understanding of human physiology.

They misunderstand the muscle. They misunderstand how to activate the glutes. They misunderstand fundamental training principles.

They don’t give you the complete picture.

(Sure, they may have a great butt… but they’re 20 years old, have never had kids, have great genetics and may be taking extra-curricular supplements. But, hey, let’s not mention that…)

Instead, you’re left disappointed when you don’t get the same results.

That’s why I had to speak out. To fight back against the misinformation and myths that some trainers keep pushing on you.

To understand why so many programs get it wrong, let’s look at the muscle.

The glutes are made up of three muscles, the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus. Each plays a role in stabilizing, supporting and mobilizing the legs, hips and lower half of the body.

Without getting too technical, there are three planes of motion glute muscles need to experience to grow.

If you want shapely glutes, you have to train all THREE planes of motion to get fullness – vertical, horizontal and rotational.

Most people do squats and deadlifts which are vertical movements. You still need to do lateral movements and twisting movements.

So you see why most programs fail because they don’t target all three planes of motion.

You also need to stress each muscle using different exercise strategies.

Here’s what complicates it. There isn’t one exercise that targets all three. To guarantee you target every part of each muscle you need three different exercise strategies in all three different planes of motion.

And that’s why glute-specific training is the key to unlocking their power…

To fully develop your glutes, your training needs to focus on two elements: 1) glute-specific movements and 2) targeting all three muscles, with all three exercise strategies in all three planes of motion.

By far, the biggest myth holding you back is that squats, lunges and deadlifts are glute exercises. They’re not. They’re leg exercises. They can activate the glutes incidentally, but they’re all about the legs.

If you want stronger glutes, why aren’t you doing glute strengthening exercises?

You can see why it’s easy to fall back on big compound moves, but there are 36 GLUTE-SPECIFIC movements to target each part of your butt. Some people – coaches included – may find that intimidating but there’s a simple way around it.

There’s a “secret” known to many models and fitness competitors who know a thing or two about sculpting a powerful butt. And it may transform how you work out.

Quite simply, they DON’T train glutes and legs together. (Why would they? They’re completely different.)

Instead, they dedicate at least two sessions per week solely to hit their glutes. Their leg days fit around that.

It makes sense when you think about it. Glutes are the biggest muscle in your body. They get to have their OWN day.

So the question is, are you serious enough about growing your butt to follow in the footsteps of fitness competitors and commit to glute-only days?

Let’s smash another myth… that super long gym workouts are required to build your backside.

We’ve already learned that you’re going to be training your glutes on their own day. You can get an extremely effective workout for one muscle group in as little as 15-minutes since you’re targeting a specific area.

Sure if someone is training their entire upper or lower body that can take some time, but a killer glute workout will be counter-productive if exceeding 15-minutes.

Secondly, if you have a gym membership that’s great but not a requirement.

There are lots of exercises you can to add resistance with your bodyweight or other common items that you can use in your workouts when exercising at home or when traveling.

If you have a gym membership that’s great, but if you don’t you can still develop your glutes with bodyweight exercises at home.

Study after study proves you can achieve serious growth through bodyweight exercises instead of heaving weights. You really can grow your glutes without setting foot in a gym (although adding resistance can speed up progress).

One study proved bodyweight exercises – hip thrusts – activated a comparable level of lower limb muscles as machine exercises . Another study suggested it was possible to improve muscle power and growth through bodyweight exercise with blood flow restriction . A further study showed muscle growth occurred without the need for resistance at all.

What these studies show are the benefits of incorporating bodyweight exercises without the injury risks associated with lifting weights.

Too much advice focuses on complicated movements that never really hit your glutes. Or the need to use 25 hard-to-find machines in your gym. I want to show you that seriously building your butt is as simple as a well-considered bodyweight plan.

There’s a catch, though. None of what I’ve talked about above will give you the results you want if you’re training a dormant muscle…

Your glutes are asleep. And the reason?

Endless studies show sitting hurts our physical health. It’s a “silent killer”. Unlike a sports injury, you don’t realize the extent of the damage done until it’s too late.

The only time we notice there could be an issue is when we sit for too long and get a numb butt. “Dead butt syndrome” or gluteal amnesia occurs when your glutes stop firing as they should.

The technical term for this is “inhibition”. When you sit for a prolonged period, your glutes aren’t activated. They get weak, and it has consequences for the rest of your body. Other muscles are forced to compensate for your glute weakness, and this may result in lower back, knee or hip pain.

They prevent your gluteal muscles from activating so you never perform at 100%. You can’t train a dormant muscle.

What’s worse is that you can suffer from this even if you exercise regularly. You can’t ‘out-exercise’ the effect of sitting.

Our muscles are dormant, so we need to wake them up. Time spent training a dormant muscle is wasted. That’s why you never get the gains you expect, despite your hard work.

When you look in the mirror wondering where your butt is and what more you can do, this is it. You need to WAKE UP your glutes.

The key to unlocking your glutes is its opposing muscle, the hip flexor. You see, sitting tightens the hip flexors preventing the glutes from firing.

To fire your glutes, we use a two-step protocol. It involves: a) dealing with tight hip flexors first and b) then re-activating the glutes.

Restorative stretching lengthens the muscle fiber to return the hip flexors to their original length.

To re-activate the glutes, we turn to a tool of physical therapists use to rehabilitate injured athletes: neuromuscular activation. This technique restores the mind-muscle link between your brain and your glutes, lost when you sit for too long and your glutes “switch off”.

Stretching and muscle activation in that order is the ONLY way to kick your glutes into action from being dormant.

The good news. It only takes an additional three to five minutes of stretches and activation exercises to hit 100% of your potential. No matter what your goal is, adding a “Wake Up Protocol” gets you there faster, safer and probably a lot easier.

So now we know what the obstacles are that are stopping you from getting the glutes you want, it’s clear why…

The latest research proves that the exercise I’m about to share with you activates more muscle fibers in the glutes than any other exercise in existence.

The Hip Thrust can be performed at home or at the gym.

In this position (anatomically speaking now), you are in the best position possible to achieve the highest level of muscle contraction since the muscles are shortest [1], and with consistent tension placed on the hips throughout.

A recent 2017 study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research proves this glute movement really is ideal for protecting the spine and knees from unwanted strain commonly associated with squats and lunges, developing strength and power at short muscle lengths [2], and maximizing muscular hypertrophy of the glutes.

If you just added Hip Thrusts to your routine, sure that would help. However, you’re on a mission to get the best butt you can and you need to incorporate these other modalities into your programming to take your glutes to the next level.

Releases opposing muscles that are inhibiting your glutes.

Develops the mind muscle connection and primes your butt for optimal recruitment of muscle fibers.

No unneeded pressure on the lumbar spine or knees so that the exercises are 100% safe for people of all levels.

Exercise selection backed by science proven to stimulate the most muscle contraction and effectiveness.

An under-utilized technique to build strength and power without lifting any weight.

Vary your repetition speed under resistance for the eccentric and concentric portion of the lift to make your workout faster and more efficient.

Don’t let the science-talk terminology overwhelm you….

A “cookie-cutter” approach doesn’t work. I know, I’ve tried it.

Instead, we need the science-backed “GM3” Method to wake up and prime your body’s largest sleeping muscle, release the inhibiting muscle group, and include exercises to build strength, muscle and burn ugly fat.

The “Wake Up” protocol of stretching and activation PRIMES your dormant glutes ready for hitting all three of your glute muscles with the three exercise types on all three planes of motion.

This is a straight-up GLUTE plan. It doesn’t include squats, deadlifts or lunges… just movements that set your rump muscles on fire.

Now you can walk away with glutes a pro-athlete would be proud of… in just 2 days a week without the complex training program.

When I tested this program with the guys at Critical Bench – the Internet’s longest-standing strength site – they were shocked to discover how common these myths and misinformation were.

After only a few days on the program, the guys and girls over here couldn’t believe the increase in power and strength in their glutes… and these are people who workout EVERY DAY.

Critical Bench CEO Mike Westerdal said to me, “Brian, you have to share what you know… you need to help as many people as you can with this…”

So, after months spent putting everything I knew together for the world to see, here’s what I’ve got for you…

It’s no lie to say Unlock Your Glutes contains the best of my expertise and experience in functional movement when it comes to glute development. I figured out how to force your glutes to grow and created a program that entails only two workouts per week over four weeks. That’s it.

It couldn’t be simpler and quickly delivers the results you want – a stronger, rounder, more developed butt in just 15-minutes per workout.

Unlock Your Glutes is the first program designed to force your butt to grow by hitting every muscles from every plane in each exercise type.

Inside the pages of the Unlock Your Glutes Manual, I expose all the myths and misconceptions about growing your glutes like crazy. Based upon the latest science and my experience working with elite athletes, this easy-to-use blueprint will show you exactly why the glutes are so important to your health and how to get the best looking and performing rear end around.

I share exactly what works, including detailed, highly specific breakdowns and pictures of each exercise. There’ll be no doubt in your mind what you need to do and when.

Let’s be frank. A comprehensive package like this includes a LOT of movements. For the fastest results, I recorded every single one of the 36 exercises to show you the exact form and movement pattern. The sooner you nail this, the sooner you see results.

Shot in high definition at our state-of-the-art training facility, you benefit from both the Bodyweight Edition designed for use at home or even on the road. The Gym Edition shows you how to use equipment in your local gym or home gym to add resistance and accelerate results.

“Training glutes is one of my favorite body parts to hit. Brian’s workout really targets them from all angles. From heavy weighted thrusts, to simple body weight exercises you can do from home. This workout will definitely keep that rear view tight!”

Stephanie Dushane
Bikini Competitor, Largo FL

“My glutes were sore for days after working with Coach Brian. He’s the best trainer in the world when it comes to building a better booty. I highly recommend you try his workouts. They worked for me and they’ll work for you too! The variety of exercises and angles are really different and fun to perform. You are going to feel awesome afterwards.”

Amanda Lynn
Posing Coach, Tampa FL

“Since I started doing Brian’s glute specific workouts I have felt less hip, knee and leg pain. I’m enjoying road races more and I’ve been injury free for a while now. I like the new shape of my behind and I feel a lot stronger. These workouts are fast and simple, you don’t need to spend over an hour working out to reap the rewards.”

Courtney Westerdal
CEO of the Household, Clearwater, FL

“I used to be the flat butt guy. That’s not a problem for me anymore after training with Coach Brian at the Compound. My background is in endurance sports, so my ass needed a wake up call 🙂 My wife says whatever I’ve been doing, it’s working. I give the credit to Coach Brian. If you want to get rid of your flat butt, definitely try this program.”

Jim Muldoon
Sales Manager, Seminole, FL

So you’re replacing squats and lunges with specific glute exercises. Yet you still want to keep your legs growing… No problem! It’s why I developed the strong legs workout. It is designed to compliment Unlock Your Glutes with two workouts so you have a nice strong pair of legs to go with your newly defined back-end.

What you do between your glute sessions is just as important as what you do in the session. From a nutritional perspective, it goes without saying getting your food right is key to getting the butt you want.

This proven plan is designed to rapidly kickstart fat loss to give you better definition while fueling your glute growth.

I didn’t know that your core and glute muscles could be this important and affect your walking this bad! I couldn’t walk normally or stand straight my hips were uneven i thought something was broken in my body until all the tests came back negative for about almost 10 years now and my doctors and therapists didn’t bother telling what I needed to know. They wanted me to keep going to the hospital and spend all my life saving so I tried looking for answers online and I found this video! Sir your video is saving me ever since I started doing your exercises twice a day my walking is getting better and better. Shoulders and hips are even and I can stand straight now that’s amazing. Ten years of disability I thought the damage was irreversible I almost gave up only God can recompense you for what you do to help people.

Vanessa Redford 8 months ago

Great video!! Thank you for all the info. This answered so many of my questions not only about making my glutes fire hard but explains pains associated with less loved areas that are crying out for some attention. Thanks again for sharing this useful content. ☺

Excellent material. Thanks for all that science and detail, and no, when the information is there to back up the concepts, it means you haven’t confused anyone! So much clarified in this, in just 20 minutes – including things I had never thought about of never understood. I’m not young and increasingly aware that parts of the body work together, so it was interesting to hear that the glutes get a word in- even on digestion.

Thank you…… someone finally explained this in a comprehensive way. I have gotten bits and pieces from various sources but this was brilliant and so logical.

HipFit SoooGood 8 months ago

This video is one of my favorites. Such good information, and presented so well, thank you. I’m a personal trainer and always learning about the human body.

Absolutely fantastic video! I really appreciate this info. Please keep up the excellent work.

Drea Stevenson 6 months ago

Thank you SO much for the informative, clear content!!

EXCELLENT…I am a physiotherapist and you’re great!!! Keep it up! Not too complex at all!

You’ve read this far so you know you’ll benefit from stronger glutes that power your body without injury or weakness.

But I understand you’re skeptical. Sure, I’d be. There are so many bogus programs out there. I get why you’d be reluctant to make the jump.

That’s why I’m going all-out to give you a guarantee you can’t refuse and put all the risk on me.

Here’s how it works. Try Unlock Your Glutes for a full 60 days. That’s enough time to go through the program not once but several times. Incorporate all the exercises and workouts into your own regime and really put it through the grinder.

I’m confident you’ll be blown away with the speed and quality of the results you achieve… but if for any reason you aren’t delighted by the program, just email me and ask for a complete, hassle-free refund. I’ll give you every penny back on the spot.

It doesn’t worry me making such a bold promise because I know this program 100% works for the men and women I train, for every age and level of physical fitness.

It shocks me seeing so many people making mistake after mistake hitting their glutes – through no fault of their own. They’re stuck in a rut of working harder and harder, yet don’t understand why they’re still left with a flat, saggy, ugly butt and nothing to show for it.

It’s all about getting the program right and that’s what Unlock Your Glutes does.

Early consumer tests of the program have already yielded incredible results and to celebrate the launch of the program for the first time, I’m slashing the price of the program for a very limited time.

That’s less than the cost of a book on Amazon about glute activation… if you can find one. But I know no-one else has figured out the key to unlocking your glutes through a program like this, based on science and real-life testing on elite athletes.

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

So now I’ve walked you through how Unlock Your Glutes is your quickest, most effective path to the bigger, stronger butt you’ve always wanted.

I’ve offered you a crazy low launch price including two awesome bonuses to speed up your gains. I’ve explained how you won’t risk a penny by investing today with my 100% money back guarantee.

There’s nothing left for me to say, except… now, it’s over to YOU.

You could read this and decide to do this yourself. Sure, you now know what you need to avoid and how to prepare your muscles. But this program is the result of over 16 years experience and expertise, spending hours pouring over papers and text books and keeping up to date with the latest research.

That surely will take up a huge chunk of your time to get the right program for your need. Is your time really worth it?

You may read this and think “I’ll come back to it later”… but we both know what that means. Within a few days, you’ll forget you even saw this. You’ll go back to sitting at your desk, your glutes weakening by the day and making each subsequent workout less effective than the last.

In a months’ time, you may be right back feeling frustrated over your lack of gains, reminded of this every time you catch sight of your butt in the mirror.

Then a year from now, you suddenly remember this day and wish you had made the decision to say “YES” and blow up your glutes.

Imagine how your year would have turned out if you’d felt stronger, more powerful and with a head-turning posterior.

I hope that’s not the path you take.

Instead, make the choice so many have made before and choose yourself. Decide you’re going to build a better, stronger booty not just for the way you look… but for your long-term health and well-being.

At last! You finally have the answer to building the strong butt and powerful glutes you always dreamed about.

After just ONE workout, you FEEL the difference. It’s never felt this way before. Parts of your butt are ON FIRE…

Within a few weeks of following the program you can feel the giant awakening. You notice odd aches and pains you once had have disappeared. You feel the engine rising through your posterior, pulling your posture into place.

You stand a little taller. Walk a little better. You feel your clothes fall differently and your pants feel a little tighter… in all the right places.

You smile to yourself, proud of the moment you acted decisively to make this happen.

So make the right choice for yourself today. Click the Buy Button below and have your credit card ready to complete the details on the secure web page. Once you’ve submitted your details and payment is made, wait for your confirmation.

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

Once your order is completed, look out for the welcome email in your inbox. Use these to gain instant access to the program and get started today.

Your journey to a stronger, rounder butt begins now. You’re minutes away from making a difference to your strength, health and vitality.

Seize the moment and let’s do it.

Move Well. Look Well. Live Well.

Coach Brian Klepacki

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN
Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor –

P.S. Try Unlock Your Glutes for 60 days and discover how to force your glutes to grow like you’ve never experienced before.

If you’ve ever wanted a stronger, rounder butt, this is your program. If you want more power, more strength and peace of mind knowing every workout is 100% effective, this is your program.

And if you’re not blown away by what you experience, I’ll give you every penny back. No questions asked.

“As a former skinny guy and best selling author I can tell you that Brian’s methods are as unconventional as mine. You’re not going to find these workouts on YouTube. Coach Brian has utilized the latest science and research to come up with a NEW way of training glutes that has turned the industry upside down. Get ready to build your glutes in record time so that you can increase your confidence and perform better.”

Alain Gonzalez
Author of Bulk Up Fast

“As a lifestyle diet coach, personal trainer and bikini competitor, staying in top shape is critical for my career and my confidence. I enjoy surrounding myself with other health professionals who are experts in their field and I was blown away when I met Brian. His level of understanding when it comes to glute training was unlike anything I’ve ever heard before.

I like most people always heard, “DO MORE Squats!” and “DO MORE Lunges!” in order to get that butt into competition shape… but not from Brian. His approach was altogether different and actually a breath of fresh air. It made so much more sense after thinking about it. Why do “leg” exercises when you’re trying to hit another muscle group entirely? Do glute specific exercises to get your backside bigger and rounder and save the leg movements for another day.”

Sarah DeMarco
Lifestyle Diet Coach & NPC Bikini Competitor

“Unlock Your Glutes is AMAZING! After having my first child, my hips, back and butt really took a beating… As soon as I started using Unlock Your Glutes, not only did glutes feel tighter, but I also had less back and hip pain!

It feels good to have my pre-baby back side!! As a mom and a fitness professional I highly recommend Brian’s program!”

Meredith Shrirk
Lifestyle Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Speaker, Author
Badass New Mom, Malibu CA

“My back, knees and hips feel so much better since I started doing Coach Brian’s Unlock Your Glutes program. Ya my jeans fit better, but I’m excited about the increase in strength, performance and function of my entire body. I’ve know Coach Brian for a few years now and I can vouch that he is a good guy that cares a lot about his clients and their success. You can trust Brian and his scientific approach to building a better butt.”

Chris Wilson
Head Strength Coach, Clearwater FL

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

Q: Why should I buy this over other glute programs?

A: Look, it’s this simple. No other program hits all THREE gluteal muscles with all THREE exercise strategies in all THREE planes of motion to FORCE your glutes to grow. Your choice is clear. A program based on real-life in-the-field experience and the latest science. Or a program stuck in the past based on decades-old research that leaves you weaker, less powerful and worse – with a butt you’re embarrassed about.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

A: This program is suitable for anyone, male or female, who wants to develop a stronger, rounder butt. I designed it for every level, from the gym rat to the newbie who has never set foot in a gym before. You see, unless you’re an athlete – a sprinter – chances are your glutes are weak. Everyone will improve their glute strength and stability with this program.

Q: How long does it take to complete the full program? Will I see results in that time?

A: Unlock Your Glutes is a four week program with two days of glute exercises per week. This length of time is optimal for strengthening and changing the shape of your butt. You can keep repeating the program for as long as you want. In fact, when you see the results you will most likely make this your weekly routine.

Q: What if I’m injured? Can I still perform the program?

A: Before you undertake any new workout regime, check with your physician first. If you’re given the all-clear then it depends on your injury. What is great about this program is it is low impact with high results – you can use just the bodyweight component and you’ll see results. There are no complex movements. There are no super-heavy lifts. Every move within every workout has its place.

Q: In which format is the program available?

A: The program is available as a digital download. You can get started as soon as you hit the Buy button and pay.

Q: Do I need any gym equipment or gym membership to follow the program?

A: Two components make up the program: resistance and bodyweight. You can perform the bodyweight component anywhere – at home, in the yard or traveling. The resistance workout requires some basic workout equipment you may already have – dumbbells, etc. If you do have access to a gym that is helpful. But it’s not necessary for the program.

Q: How hard are the exercises to perform?

A: Not hard at all. There are a lot of exercises – 36 in total – but I’ve selected these based how easy they are to follow. You know the only program you’ll stick to is one you can follow. That’s why you have the handbook and all the videos demonstrating perfect form.

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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

Product Name: The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Want to do more pull-ups?

To the Man or Woman who can do ZERO Pull-ups and Wants to do Sets of 10, 20, 30, or More: Learn How I Dramatically Improved my Pull-up Performance and Have Helped Hundreds of People do the Same With a Unique Twist on Pull-up Training.

If you’ve been struggling to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups, then I’d really like the opportunity to help you succeed – and I’m confident that I can.

Over the years, I’ve discovered a number of key components that are essential to pull-up training success, that unfortunately, most people either don’t know about, or at the very least, don’t use. And thus, they perpetually struggle with exercises like pull-ups among others. But when all of these key components are integrated into one comprehensive system – when you connect the dots – pull-up training success is guaranteed. And on this page, I’m going to help you understand why.

You see, I’m a fitness coach who has loved pull-up training ever since I was a kid, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked about how to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups over the years. From the many times I’ve been ambushed beneath the pull-up bar at various gyms to the countless questions I’ve received online since I started publishing fitness articles in 2008, it’s been overwhelming. And after answering the same questions over and over again about how to get better at pull-ups, I realized that, “hey, I could do something with my unique twist on pull-up training and maybe even help a lot of people.”

So, I decided to create a comprehensive pull-up training system called The Pull-up Solution that can help practically anyone improve their pull-up numbers using a unique system that works better than anything else currently available.

You see, unlike every other pull-up training book, e-book, DVD, or digital product, The Pull-up Solution is a fully-customizable, do-it-yourself coaching system to help you rapidly improve your pull-up numbers safely and effectively using methods I’ve learned from various fitness professionals, athletes, martial artists, special operations personnel, and yes, even some of my personal training clients. Sometimes, I think they teach me more than I teach them!

And over the years, I’ve learned that most people need more than just a generic, cookie-cutter workout program to help them reach their goals – whether for improving pull-ups or otherwise. Perhaps 1 in 10 people can make that work, but it’s the other 9 who struggle over and over again that I’ve worked with the most. You know – normal people. And there are a lot of obvious reasons why they’ve been struggling!

Because let’s face it. Pull-ups are HARD, and most people struggle with them because of that reason alone. You can’t just take weight plates off to make the exercise more manageable, and so there is a much higher barrier to entry when it comes to pull-ups. Not to mention it takes a little bit of discipline and hard work applied consistently over time to build up your pull-up strength and maintain it. It should go without saying that getting better at pull-ups doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, humility, and a lot of patience. And you have to be very intentional and systematic about it every step of the way.

And in a similar vein, some people think that working hard is all you have to do, and if you only worked harder, then you would succeed. But this isn’t true either. You have to work hard and smart to succeed with pull-ups.

Now, not only are pull-ups hard in-and-of-themselves, but most people perform them improperly – and not just the technique of the exercise itself, but with poor exercise programming, too. They either “wing it” and get no results, poor results, or random results OR they follow a generic, cookie-cutter program that isn’t suited for their unique needs and circumstances hoping that it will magically help them achieve their goals. But that’s like playing the lottery with your results – the odds are against you. And maybe you’ve had this mentality before, as I have. But when you really think about it, that’s not exactly the best approach. Is it?

So, no wonder most people struggle with pull-ups!

And this problem is further compounded by the fact that most people don’t get the right kind of help. They try to do it alone. They don’t hire a coach. They go looking online and think that reading one article or watching one video once in awhile will provide the solution they’ve been searching for and solve their problem instantly.

Maybe that’s you. And you know how that usually goes.

The truth is that there’s more to performing a pull-up than simply getting your chin over the bar – a lot more. But you won’t learn the best techniques and training strategies in an exercise textbook or an online video. And chances are, your personal trainer may know the basics, but won’t have any advanced solutions or, more importantly, the right personal touch, to help you reach a whole new level.

This is why I created The Pull-up Solution for people like you. Because I might not know everything there is to know about exercise, but I do know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training and have a long track record of helping people get really good at them quickly and safely. This is something I’ve been really good at for a long time, and I’ve finally put all of my methods into one affordable package so that this is the last pull-up training resource you ever need.

Click Play to watch me do 30 pull-ups.

Now, I won’t lie to you and claim that I’m some big-dog personal trainer to the celebrities. I don’t have a long list of super-clients ranging from movie stars to rock stars to Navy SEALS. The truth is that I’m just your average fitness professional from the backwoods of small-town New Hampshire who happens to know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training. And I’d estimate that 90% of my personal training clients over the years have been ordinary folks just looking to get healthier, stronger, and leaner – not super-athletes or some genetic elite.

And so, with this never-seen-before, one-of-a-kind system that I made for anyone with two good arms, you can become extremely proficient in the pull-up exercise – to perform sets of 10, 20, 30, or more reps – and reap all the benefits that comes with that kind of conditioning: strong and defined arms, shoulders, back, and core musculature. Not to mention better posture and serious pound-for-pound strength that will let you progress to more advanced exercises, too.

Just do more pull-ups. (BIG FAT LIE!)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen an article from a fitness trainer or strength coach who says that you “just need to do more pull-ups” if you want to get better at them.

Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple.

Sure. That advice might seem to work for some people, for a little while. But this usually happens despite their simplified approach, and when it does, the results seldom last. Not to mention that this advice isn’t applicable to people who can’t do any pull-ups yet – or practically anyone else with special considerations, for that matter.

You see, getting really good at pull-up training and succeeding over the long term requires the integration of several key components that are essential to pull-up training success. In other words, if you don’t get all of these right, then you can forget about succeeding. It just won’t happen – at least, not in my experience.

Because in every single case I’ve ever encountered where someone was struggling to get better at pull-ups, there was at least one – and usually more – of these components missing from their approach. The good news is that when we identify what it is and make some simple changes to their approach, the results finally start coming in.

And I’m not talking about some trendy tips or secrets, but the laws of conditioning and principles of training. Things like the proper use of progression, overload, and periodization, among others. And if you’re missing even just one of the components, then at best, you’ll get sub-par or even no results, whatsoever – wasting your time and energy on something that won’t pay off. And at worst, you may experience overtraining, injuries, or other problems. And many people do!

So, in The Pull-up Solution, I’ve made it my goal to seamlessly integrate all of these key components into one holistic system so that your results are practically guaranteed – and you don’t even have to think about it because it’s all been done for you.

All but one of the keys, that is. The last key component of pull-up training success is hard work, and YOU are in charge of that one! I can throw out words like progression and overload, yadda yadda yadda, but if you’re not willing to work hard, you can forget about succeeding. As I’ve said before, you have to work hard and smart with pull-up training, and nobody gets better at them by accident.

So, how did this product come about?

Ever since I started publishing fitness articles and videos online, one of the most common questions I’ve received is on how to get better at pull-ups. So, I found myself creating pull-up training articles and videos, and that would cause even more questions to come in.

I also had other website owners contact me and pay me to write pull-up training articles for their readers, too. Before long, I was starting to be known as an unconventional pull-up training expert in a few corners of the Internet.

And then it happened. I decided to publish my very own pull-up workout program with a twist – combining some of my best pull-up training strategies into one program and also including some special instructions for customizing the workouts to better suit my web visitor’s needs.

And that blogpost went absolutely viral in every sense of the word. It didn’t just start getting hundreds of hits per day, it started getting tens of thousands of visitors each day. It was shared thousands of times through various social media services. And to this day, it’s still my highest-viewed webpage with over 1 million views.

So, a few months after that happened, I thought to myself, “maybe I have something here that can really help people.” I know. I’m a little slow. But that’s when the idea for The Pull-up Solution was born, and the official beta-testing began. I started working with people to see how well my program worked for my online clients, for men, women, old, young, soldiers, and law enforcement officers, among others.

I wanted to find out if my program was more effective than the alternatives they’d tried in the past. And to say it was would be an understatement. The truth is that the positive feedback was overwhelming!

I never thought a single blogpost with a workout program could bring in so many success stories. But over the next two years, I worked with dozens of people to see how the program went in order to improve it and turn it into a comprehensive product.

Some of my beta-testers kept in very close contact with me via email and Skype throughout the process, but most of them followed the program almost entirely on their own – sending me an update on their progress and an occasional question once in awhile.

Note: you can see some of their results further down this page.

To my delight, the program has been a complete success! I’ve received dozens of confirmed success stories from people who were ecstatic from the results. And to this day, I’ve only received one negative report from someone who didn’t succeed with it. Needless to say, I’m pretty satisfied with those results.

And so, I’ve spent the last two years refining that original program with the help of my beta-testers to create a much more comprehensive, no-nonsense system for mastering pull-ups.

The Pull-up Solution gives YOU the keys to create a customized workout program using a tested-and-proven system that addresses your unique needs, goals, and circumstances.

Because the fact of the matter is that not everyone can do pull-ups. And not everyone progresses at the same pace or using the same route. Also, some people have pre-existing conditions and injuries that they have to work around, or past injuries they don’t want to experience again. And some people have a deadline to meet for a fitness test or athletic event.

Needless to say, the need for personalization is huge! And since I can’t necessarily work with you in person (unless you live in the Northeast USA), it would be ridiculous for me to ask you to follow a specific workout program that isn’t catered to your needs.

And seriously, who can afford to spend a fortune on a coach just to help them get better at pull-ups? Not too many people I know.

And that’s why I took one aspect of this product very seriously: personalization.

Sure, a good program will often work well enough for most people, if they can follow it. But a small touch of personalization goes a really long way. And I’ve done everything I can to make this program as customizable as possible to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed.

In fact, one of my ultimate goals in creating this product was to make it so user-friendly and customizable, that it was almost like hiring me as your full-time pull-up training coach. More specifically, I wanted this do-it-yourself training system to come as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one (or having to pay for one!).

And so, The Pull-up Solution gives you the keys to create your own custom pull-up training program based on YOU – your needs, goals, and circumstances. Because no two people should follow the same exact program.

So, what does this personalization actually look like in practical terms?

Well, first, unlike most cookie-cutter pull-up workout programs, The Pull-up Solution meets you where you are today and gives you exercises that will match both your skill level and conditioning level. In other words, you won’t be asked (i.e. forced) to do an exercise you can’t already do.

So, nowhere in the program will I be telling you to do “3 sets of 5 pull-ups” or some other generic recommendation of sets and reps.

Instead, I’ve included some simple workout programming strategies that anyone can apply to help you customize the program to your skill and conditioning level. These are the same strategies I’ve been using with my own personal training clients for years. And believe me, you don’t need a PhD in exercise science to use them – an understanding of third-grade math will be sufficient.

Secondly, I’ve tried to make the program as easy to implement into your daily schedule as possible. You get to decide not only when you do your workouts, but also for how long. You can even shorten or extend specific training phases to meet your schedule, and I’ve provided an easy-to-read chart in an appendix to help you figure out the best training schedule for you in less than a minute. I’ve tried to incorporate as many time-saving benefits as possible because I know you’re busy.

Thirdly, I’ve made it customizable to not only your goals, but also your starting point. So, if you just want to get your first pull-up, then this will give you the tools and a blueprint for how to make that happen. And if you want to score your first 10 or 20 reps, then this product will show you the way. If you want to use pull-ups to get stronger and lay a foundation for more advanced exercises, then that’s in here, too. So, needless to say, if you have a goal at-all related to improving your pull-up performance, then this system was created for you.

Finally, this is not just a workout program that tells you to “do this, not that, etc.” This is an entire system containing progressive, scalable, customizable workouts, video instruction, coaching tips, and a unique personalization guide, among many other elements.

Basically, I’ve taken everything necessary or otherwise very important for pull-up training success, and compiled it into a step-by-step comprehensive system that can work for practically anyone who is able to follow instructions, and more importantly, willing to work hard.

So, believe me when I say that you’ve never seen another pull-up training program like this before. It is truly one-of-a-kind. And I would know since I’ve purchased and reviewed every single pull-up training resource out there – books, DVD’s, digital products, Kindle e-books, etc. In fact, I’ve got a whole stack of pull-up training resources on my bookshelf that I bought and devoured in order to help me make this product as useful and valuable as possible for you.

And the best part is that I’m offering the entire system at a very affordable price. For less than the cost of a single personal training session, you can get the entire system that has taken me years to research, test, refine, and systematize.

So, all that said, please allow me to introduce you to The Pull-up Solution – the last program you’ll ever need to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises.

There are three main components contained inside The Pull-up Solution: the manual, the video database, and the progress tracking journal.

This 45-page e-book will guide you through the process of using this system. It was written and formatted with simplicity in mind so that you can work through it quickly. Plus, with the Quick-Start Guide, you can begin training in minutes if you want to. It will literally take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do each and every day so that there is no guesswork involved – just follow the instructions. Again, my goal was to provide a resource that was so comprehensive that it’s as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one.

The manual also contains the actual 12-week workout program you’ll be going through with detailed instructions to help you make the most of each and every training session.

There are also various features to help you customize it to your needs:

There are over thirty instructional videos in four distinct categories included in the system. All videos were created to be short and to the point so you’re not wasting your time trying to find the information you need.

The 8 Key Components of Optimal Pull-up Technique – These will help you learn both the main points and the subtle nuances of pull-up technique to make sure you’re performing each exercise not just properly, but optimally.

These videos will help you…

Warmup and Cooldown Instructional Videos for Pull-up Pre-hab and Injury-Prevention – Using state-of-the-art training modalities, these two follow along videos will guide you step-by-step through a precision warmup and cooldown protocol that was custom-made for pull-up trainees.

These videos will help you…

Exercise Technique Instructional Videos – Learn exactly how to perform all of the exercises in the program with these short and to-the-point videos.

These videos will help you…

Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Videos to Improve Pull-up Performance

These videos will help you…

The last element of the program is the Progress Tracking Journal, which will help you keep track of your improvements each time you train. It’s available in both printable and digital format, and has been pre-formatted so that all you need to do is enter your data as you go along – saving you time so that you can get back to your life once you’re done training.

I’ve also included some additional bonuses in the package deal – just because I like you so much and really want you to succeed. These are not necessary to complete the program, but they will absolutely help you in your pull-up training endeavors. You can think of these as my way of saying “thanks” for investing in my program.

Interview with Al Kavadlo About Pull-up Training and Other Bar Calisthenics (≈27 minute audio mp3) – Al is a true Bodyweight Training Expert, the Author of Raising The Bar: The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Bar Calisthenics, and the Founder of the Progressive Calisthenics Certification.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Shawna Kaminski About Pull-up Training For Women (≈47 minute audio mp3) – Shawna is a Fitness Professional, the Author of the Challenge Workouts Pull-up Program, and a true Pull-up Training Extraordinaire.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Ryan Hurst About Pull-up Training For Health, Fitness, and Fun (≈55 minute audio mp3) – Ryan is a Former Competitive Gymnast, a Health-first Strength and Movement Coach, holds black belts in Kendo, Judo, and Shorinji Kempo, and is the Founder of GMB Fitness.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Hugo Rivera about Pull-up Training for Maximum Hypertrophy (≈68 minute audio mp3) – Hugo is a Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder, a Pull-up Training Beast, and a Best-Selling Author of the Body Sculpting Bible book series and also the Body Re-Engineering Program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Steven Proto About Pull-up Training For Maximal Strength (≈2000 words) – Steven is the Guinness World Record Holder for the World’s Heaviest Pull-up and also The Most Pull-ups Completed In One Minute With a 100 Pound Backpack, He is also a former Marine and the Founder of ExtremistPullup.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Navy SEAL, Stew Smith, about Pull-up Training for the Military (≈53 minute audio mp3) – Stew Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL, and author of several best-selling fitness books such as The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, The Special Ops Workout, and S.W.A.T. Fitness. Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, and many other military, law enforcement, and firefighter professions.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Christian Carson and Ryan Provencher about Pull-up Training for Police and Firefighters (≈35 minute audio mp3) – Christian and Ryan are professional firefighters and fire captains at the Bellingham, WA fire department. They are also TACFIT Division Chiefs and are the creators of the TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm fitness program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Jeff Kuhland about Pull-up Training for Advanced Athletes and Natural Movers (≈50 minute audio mp3) – Jeff is a fitness professional, a MovNat trainer, a CrossFit Coach, and the owner of Athletic Human.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

This new program includes two studio production quality instructional videos in high definition that will teach you dozens of exercises to help you:

This unique training routine will have you feeling and performing at your best all throughout your pull-up training cycles.

Here’s a short teaser video of the Pull-up Prep & Prehab Program…

Note: There might be an additional bonus or two included with your purchase as well. You’ll find all of the bonuses on the download page with everything else.

Hi John, When I started I could just about do 1 pull-up. Slightly embarrassing but that was my starting point. 😉 At the end of month 1, I can do 5 with proper form. I’m double happy. Thanks for your help, it’s much appreciated. -Dom

I finished month one of the pull ups program 4 days ago. My goal was to do 15 pull ups by the end of the first month–I could do 8 when I started. Today I warmed up with some stretching, and calesthetics. Did a one rep set, and then a 4 rep set of pull ups, then rested. Then I went for a max set–I did 15 good reps, and had my chin within an inch of the bar for a 16th rep. So, I am well satisfied with the progress I made. My goal will be to hit a 20 rep max set by the end of month two. – Norm

There’s something about pullups, pushups, 1 leg squats and other bodyweight exercises that just makes me feel STRONG all the time. It’s great to know I can jump up and grab a ledge, bar or tree and pull myself up anytime. – Steve in Florida

Thank you so much for this workout, my pull-ups increased from 3 to 6 in just 1 week. Now i can get better marks at school. I’m 14 and this program works great so far. –Tom

My Results: I went from 11 chin ups to 17 chin ups in about 10 weeks. Pretty impressive in my book. I skipped the first month. Other than that, I followed the plan pretty closely except I added a week or so to month 2 and month 3. I also did these workouts along with a pushup workout so the intensity was perhaps a little less than for someone who treated this as a workout program in-itself. – Ben

After 4 weeks I definitely made significant progress from where I began doing 2-3 iffy pullups to being able to do 7 complete dead hangs slowly. – Mike

Your pullup program is super awesome!! Just reviewing your detailed program changed my mindset on how to do a proper pullup. Thanks. – Michael S Navalta, Texas

“Current pull-up count is 12…” (one month later) I entered a chin-up contest for fun and did pretty well. I did 19 (really good for me, though they weren’t doing full extension, so I cheated on form as well) and I was running on 4 hours of sleep and was dehydrated, so I’m convinced I could do more! I’m still planning on finishing the 3 month program. – Marcus Fluty

With this program, I increased my one rep max from 8 to 13, that is a 62% increase. I would say I followed it about 90% of the way, I didn’t rest as much for the last day as he advised to and I did gain maybe two pounds while doing it (maybe muscle?). Despite my modest gains, I recommend this program. I really liked the first month, I could see some size gains after day 30 for sure! I am now going to try the Armstrong program. -Matt Garza

I work as an aerialist and found this tutorial through an aerial site. Even with that background I think I was doing just about everything wrong that I could have been. I tried doing it the way you taught and I noticed an immediate difference. Thank you so much for a brilliant tutorial video. -Ben

I did John’s 3-month pullup regimen, and at the time, I could only do 2-3 pullups. After the regimen, my max is now 6 and it definitely helped me lose some weight and give my upper body a nice V-shape (along with cardio & weight training and proper diet). You can see my experience on my blog (see blog archives from april 2012): John is a great resource. -Mitsu

And here’s the video Kristian sent me of Eva’s progress…

I’ve since heard from Kristian that they absolutely love The Pull-up Solution, and now Eva is working on a weighted pull-ups training program to prepare for her next fitness competition…because regular pull-ups are just too easy for her now!

Chase Cullinan followed the beta-version of The Pull-up Solution and achieved exceptional results. He is a good example of some of the best results that can be obtained using the program.

And not only did he drastically increase his pull-up numbers, but he did so with very little help from me. In fact, I didn’t even hear from him – or even know he was using my program – until he was already half-way through the program. Here is what he sent me…

I found this program and decided to use it as I prepare for U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidate Course. My goal is to blast away 20 with ease. This scores 100% for the pull-up portion of the Physical Fitness Test. I have combined this program with running, rucking with weight, and cross-training and am at the half-way point for this program. I began at 4 dead-hang pull-ups as my max and can now do 3x that many. I have done the single step pyramid to 10 a few times and have been able to hit 10 each time. While I have not maxed out since I began, knowing that I can do 10 after having already completed 40 in pyramid increments, I am sure that I could do 12 or more for a max set. This program is great and I am striving to hit the 30 rep mark by the end of the next month and a half. Thanks for sharing the plan. – Chase Cullinan Third Generation Deputy Sheriff. Criminal Justice and Sociology Double Major. #USMC OCS Applicant and Hopeful future MARSOC Officer. Augusta, GA

Shortly after sending that message, Chase sent me this video of his progress. His goal for this set was 16 reps, but as you can see, he flew right past that…

He kept me posted on his progress via Twitter – making notes of his continuing success…

After he finally took the U.S. Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, he sent me this Tweet…

And now he’s moving on to even greater goals on his own…

I wanted to share both Chase and Eva’s stories with you not only because of how well they’ve done but also because they both followed a bare-bones version of my program completely on their own and still did amazing. And I believe you can, too, especially since The Pull-up Solution is a new-and-improved, massively-updated system that has been – dare I say – nearly perfected for the aspiring pull-up trainee.

Now, these results are definitely not typical because most people who buy a fitness program don’t even start it, and many of the ones who do start don’t finish it! But Chase and Eva found a good program, took action, and worked hard over a period of months – and got the results to prove it. If you want results like they got, then you should follow their example and do the same.

You’ll get out of this program what you put into it.

I’ll give it to you straight. I don’t want you to just be satisfied with your purchase. I want to impress you. I want you to feel like you got the better deal and walk away amazed at the value of your investment.

And honestly, I don’t want the price to be a primary factor in your buying decision. So, rather than try to squeeze a few bucks out of you, I’d rather earn your trust and inspire you to succeed. The way I see it, if I can provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed and help you to trust in yourself and your ability to see a program like this through to completion, then I think we’ve both won.

Now, you and I both know that’s just not happening for the vast majority of people these days. And obviously, most people would think you’re crazy to spend that much money just on pull-up training. And that’s why I’m offering the entire package at a significantly discounted rate to get it into the hands of as many people as possible during it’s initial release.

Hey, John–first of all, no need to thank me for the comment – I should thank you for making such a great system. I’ve been working on calisthenics for about a year now and the only exercise I’ve struggled with is pull-ups. After watching one of your youtube videos recently, I literally increased my pullups by 40% just from changing my grip/wrists/tightening my body more. Hence my purchase of your system.

Just did my first run-through after buying the system and I have to say that the warmup and cooldown routines are so good they’re almost worth the price of admission alone. Wow! Also – the system looks great, I can’t wait to work my way up to 30+ reps. 🙂

-Morgan W.

I am so confident that my system will help you achieve your pullup and chinup performance goals, that I’ll let you try it for up to 60 days risk-free.

If for any reason, you are not totally satisfied (e.g. it doesn’t work for you, not what you were expecting, you never actually used it, you don’t like my New England accent or red hair, etc.), just contact me and I will get you a full refund – no questions asked.

I want you to feel comfortable making an online purchase from a stranger and that’s why I offer this 60-day unconditional, money-back guarantee. Take it or leave it. You have nothing to lose.

Listen. I know you’ve never met me before, and there’s absolutely no reason for you to trust me at all. I could be an out-of-shape marketing expert who has never done a pull-up my entire life and is trying to mislead as many people as possible during my short time here on Earth. I may even get sadistic pleasure from fooling you like so many other so-called “fitness gurus” do on a regular basis with their marketing scams. And in this day and age, a website like this could be a complete hoax!

So, if you’re skeptical. I get it. You should be!

But in the event that this sales page has stirred up even the faintest hint of trust in me – and showed you that I sincerely want to help you succeed – then please listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you because it’s important.

I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a few bucks, and I wouldn’t lie to you. The truth is that even though I’ve been a fitness author since 2008, this is the first fitness product I’ve ever created on my own and I want to do it right so that I can make more like it in the future (if you’ll let me!). So, I’m not some con-artist or snake-oil salesman trying to trick you out of a few bucks. I’m a real person and John Sifferman is my real name. Look me up. I’ve been helping people get fit for many years, and it shouldn’t be hard to find me.

You should also know that even though this is my first fitness product, I’m not offering some joke-of-a-product that was thrown together in one night and would make your high-school science project look good. This is the real deal and even before its release, it had a long track record of success with people from all around the world. But even though this is a great program, there’s something you should know about it before we wrap up.

Let me tell you straight.

This is not a quick-fix program. There are no shortcuts to getting better at pull-ups – period. So, don’t get me wrong and think that I’m offering some type of magic bullet or miracle solution because I’m not. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then you won’t find it here. Trust me.

But the fact of the matter is that The Pull-up Solution is a unique system that helps people rapidly increase their pull-up numbers better than anything else currently available because it was designed to take you right to your edge, and no further – each and every time you train – using the power of personalization.

But here’s the thing: just because it is the best, doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. Because let’s face it – nothing is a perfect fit for everybody. And if my program isn’t a good fit for you, then that’s okay – no hard feelings. And believe me, I don’t want to give you something you don’t need or won’t use. Seriously.

And if that’s the case, I’d simply invite you to check out my other pull-up training resources that I’ve made available for free online. I’ve got tons of free stuff out there.

But if you’re tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups and are willing to put in the work needed to change that, using a tested-and-proven program powered by a great self-coaching system, then get a copy of The Pull-up Solution today. You’ll be glad you did.

Stop wasting your time hoping for a miracle and start getting results as soon as this week. You can thank me later.

And hey, the worst case scenario is that you buy the product, hate it, and get your money back. Remember, I want you to feel like you got the better deal. So, get your copy and start to make things happen today!

Health-First Fitness Coach
Pull-up Training Extraordinaire

YES, John, I’m tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to succeed!

YES, I understand that this is a one-time charge and that I will NOT be billed again for anything. There are no other fees or charges for anything and my credit card information is encrypted, billed on a secure server, and is not stored anywhere.

YES, I understand that I am getting FULL ACCESS to The Pull-up Solution training system, which includes the training manual and quick-start guide, the whole workout program, the entire database of instructional videos, the progress tracking journals, and all of the additional bonuses.

YES, I understand that I will get instant access (within minutes) to all of the product files. I also realize that this is a digital product (i.e., downloadable), and that no physical products will be shipped.

YES, I understand that I have a 60-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. So, if I’m not completely satisfied, I can request a full refund, and have my entire investment returned.

What exactly will I receive when I buy The Pull-up Solution?

You will receive instant access to the whole product via a download page, which has download links for all of the digital files that comprise The Pull-up Solution. This includes the following:

-a PDF file with the program manual, quick-start guide, and complete workout program
-dozens of video files in MP4 format
-two progress tracking journals in PDF and Excel formats
-additional MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF bonuses to help you excel at pull-up training

Note: you will not receive a physical package in the mail since this product is in digital format that can be viewed on your computer, smart phone, tablet, etc.

I can do zero pull-ups or chin-ups and have struggled with them my entire life. Is this program for me?

A thousand times yes! The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and even ultra-beginners who may struggle just hanging from the bar – let alone performing pull-ups. It has been designed to take you by the hand and show you exactly what you have to do each day so that you can make measurable progress each time you train.

Yes, but I’m __________ (overweight, weak, old, etc.), and I couldn’t even dream of doing full pull-ups. Is this program really for me?

Yep. As long as you’re healthy enough to exercise (i.e. doctor’s clearance for exercise and/or strength training activities), and you can support some of your weight while hanging from a bar, then yes, this program was created for people just like you.

I can already do several pull-ups in one set, but have struggled to make further gains. Is this program for me?

Another resounding yes! This program is meant to help you take your current pull-up training to the next level, whatever that may mean for you. And if you can already perform a few solid reps, then you’ve got a good head start.

I can already do 15-20+ pull-ups, and am looking for the next step, level or edge in my pull-up training. Is this program for me?

Yes, but with a big but… The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and advanced trainees alike, but there is something all advanced trainees should know before investing in the product.

Once you’ve made not only your initial gains, but also further progress that has you nearing your peak potential, all future progress will come very slowly. And there is no way around this – no special tip, trick, hack, or programming secret to speed up your results. I’d be lying to you if I didn’t admit that. So, for example, if you can already do 20+ pull-ups, then don’t necessarily expect to double or triple your numbers your first time through this program. It may be possible, but it’s certainly not typical.

The fact of the matter is that going from one repetition to 10 is much easier than going from 20 repetitions to 30. And the further up the ladder you get, the harder the results become. Plus, it just takes more time. That said, if your goal is to keep getting stronger and adding numbers to your total, and lay a strong foundation for more advanced bar exercises (e.g. muscle ups) then this is a great program for that.

Hello John! Respect from Lithuania!
Thank you for posting this program, I became obsessed with it, and after two months my pull up count quintupled. Thanks again, I really appreciate your work. – Consistent one (username)

Does this program work for women?

It sure does. In fact, this is an ideal program for women because it gives you all the tools you need to maximize your results. And since women tend to have less upper body biomass (i.e., muscle) than men, every little bit of extra personalization helps.

Am I too old for this program?

I don’t know. You tell me! But seriously, if you are serious about getting better at pull-ups, and you are a bit past your prime, then you’ll be much better served by this program than any of the other pull-up training resources out there, and here’s why.

You see, The Pull-up Solution is a health-first fitness program that comes with built-in pre-habilitation methods to give you a toolbox of injury prevention and recovery strategies. The package also includes extremely detailed exercise technique instructions to help you perform the exercises safely and efficiently to help prevent both injuries and excessive wear and tear on your body. And while you will be instructed to perform exercises at moderate to high intensity during some of the workouts (see FAQ on High Intensity Training below for more info), this is certainly not a hardcore exercise program like some of the ones all the young whippersnappers are doing these days.

And don’t forget about the customizable nature of the program that suits it to your individual needs, including, but not limited to the Personalization Guide, which coincidentally, has a section for “Middle age persons and senior citizens.” This will give you some specific advice that is more appropriate for seasoned trainees. So, I’ve got you covered. And in all seriousness, it’s never too late to start training for more strength and better health. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

I have an ache, pain, injury, or other pre-existing condition. Can I still use this program?

If your doctor has cleared you for exercise, then you can still use this program. However, if your condition causes significant pain while performing pull-ups or other similar exercises, then it would be advisable to start this program after you have rehabilitated. That said, if you can perform pull-ups (or comparable exercises) with only mild discomfort, then you may be able to use the program safely and effectively. Please refer to the medical disclaimer for more details. And if you have a specific concern, feel free to contact me, and I’d be happy to tell you what I think – even if it means telling you that it would be best not to buy my program.

Yes, but I have a bad ___________ (shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, etc.). Can I really use the program?

As long as your pain does not exceed a three, on a scale of one to ten (10 being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, and 1 being no discomfort whatsoever), then yes, you can use this program.

I’m not an athlete, soldier, police officer, or fireman. Will this program still work for me?

You don’t have to be an Olympic Gold Medalist or Navy SEAL to use The Pull-up Solution. Hardly! This program was designed for anyone who wants to get better at pull-ups – period. And that includes normal people living ordinary lives. Besides, how many Navy SEALs do you know that are struggling to get better at pull-ups anyway?

I set myself a goal was to complete a proper pullup and I’ve just done that – my first ever unassisted, from hanging pullup. Wicked! Your proper explanation and understanding of body mechanics, posture etc is crucial for health and fitness and I thank you for putting such good onto the web. Keep up the good work. – Marcus

How quickly can I improve my pull-up numbers on your program?

It depends on a ton of factors like your starting point, conditioning level, skill level with the exercises, body weight, body composition, age, recovery ability, and time available for training – not to mention your mental toughness and work ethic, among many other things. So, there is no definitive number or percentage I could give you.

I can say that beginners tend to experience more rapid results than advanced trainees, and it’s not uncommon for them to double, triple, or even quadruple their results in the first month alone. And to date, I’ve had not one, but two, beginner-level beta-testers quintuple their results, going from 1-5 pull-ups and 2-10 pull-ups, respectively, in just the first month on the program. So, it just depends.

The bottom line is that you’ll get out of this program whatever you put into it. Keep in mind that working hard on a good program will yield far better results than a mild effort on a perfect program. Luckily, you can be the one who works hard on a great program that is customized to your needs for optimal results.

How long is the program and what do I do after I’ve finished it?

There are three primary phases in the program, and each one is four weeks long. So, the official program is 12 weeks long, or about three months when accounting for rest and recovery time. However, if you don’t have a full three months to commit to pull-up training, there is also a chart to help you modify the program based on how much time you do have available. So, if you only have one or two months available to focus on pull-ups – instead of the full three months – there are different program schedules for you to follow instead.

There is also a fourth phase of the program for maintaining your results (i.e. the maintenance phase), which can be done indefinitely, but like all training programs, it probably won’t be effective forever.
There are further instructions for what to do after you’ve completed the program inside of the program manual.

How often will I have to train and how long do the workouts take?

It depends. The short answer is that most people will need to spend between 10-20 minutes of training per workout for most of the program.

During the first phase of the program, you’ll be instructed to perform pull-ups on your own schedule, whenever you can make time for them, for several days per week. Now, whether your sets are spread across the course of an entire day (e.g. one set every hour or two), or just an evening/morning, or a workout at the gym, or even just over the course of an hour at home (e.g. every 5 minutes), it’s entirely up to you. And if you think I’m just giving you free reign to do whatever you want, I am, but with a certain set of parameters to ensure you succeed. And again, the instructions are quite clear on how to customize it to your schedule to help you match the program to your needs and make the most of your training.

In phases two and three, you’ll perform two or three workouts per week, and most of the workouts will take between 10-20 minutes. There are a couple of pyramid-style workouts that may take longer for advanced trainees who can perform a lot of repetitions. But ultimately, you’re in charge of how long your workouts are. That’s the nature of a customizable program.

Is this a high-intensity training program?

Yes and no, since it depends on which phase of the program you’re in. All of the workouts in the first phase are low to moderate intensity sessions, and you will be instructed not to train anywhere near high intensity. During the second phase of the program, the workouts are mostly moderate intensity sessions, with a few sets being near-max efforts during some of the workouts. And finally, some workouts will absolutely require max or near-max intensity levels, particularly in the third and final phase of the program.

Do I need any special equipment or a gym membership to follow the program?

All you really need is a place to do pull-ups. A pull-up bar is ideal, and preferably one that you’ll have access to regularly. There is some other equipment that is recommended for certain situations, such as a resistance band for performing assisted pull-ups, but all other equipment is optional and not necessary to complete the program.

Your Advice was just outstanding. I have never felt this way before about any exercise. I have been suffering from a nagging pain in my inner elbows for quite a while.. my pull-up routine seemed to have caused it, so i figured i’ll give it a rest for a week or two. but after trying the pronated grip and correct width of the arms and everything I didn’t feel any pain at all while doing the exercise… It’s like a miracle! Better take it easy on my elbows for a week or two anyway and then start training properly! Thank you so much, Ziv from Israel.

I already follow a workout program or other athletic/recreational routine. Can I incorporate this into my existing routine?

Absolutely! And that’s exactly how it was designed and meant to be used. You can either incorporate your pull-up training right into your existing workouts or do it at a separate time – your choice.

Wouldn’t I be better off hiring a personal trainer?

If you can find a local fitness professional who specializes in pull-up training and has already coached many people to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises, AND you can also afford to hire them for several training sessions over the coming weeks and months – investing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars – then absolutely! In-person training from a qualified and competent professional will always trump doing it alone. That said, The Pull-up Solution was designed so that anyone – regardless of their skill, conditioning level, or knowledge – can excel in their pull-up performance on their own. It’s a do-it-yourself program. And honestly, when it comes down to it, most people can master the pull-up exercise without professional instruction. I’ve personally witnessed that happen from all the success stories that have come in from my beta-testers over the years. However, if possible, my advice is to employ the best of both worlds by purchasing a copy of The Pull-up Solution so you get the cutting-edge, tested-and-proven system and after working through some of the program on your own, consult a personal trainer or fitness coach to review your exercise technique, just to make sure you are indeed performing the exercises safely.

Why should I pay for this? Can’t I find this information on the internet for free?

Sure. There are lot’s of free pull-up training resources available online. And if you look around long enough, you may discover that I’ve posted a lot of free pull-up training resources on the internet over the years, too. In fact, I’ve got many pull-up training articles, videos, tips, workouts, and programs on my website And it’s all free!

So, if you just can’t afford my product or just don’t want to cough up the cash, then by all means, check out the free resources I have made available.

But if you’ve struggled in the past to “make it happen” and get the results you want, and you want a step-by-step system that is guaranteed to rapidly improve your pull-up performance in three months or less – and get you far-better results than any single tip, trick, or cookie-cutter program ever can – then by all means, invest in The Pull-up Solution today. Don’t waste any more time, and start seeing results immediately.

How can I be sure it’s safe to order online from your website?

The checkout page that accepts your payment information is on a secure server, just like the ones you would use for a purchase on a large online retail website such as So, your personal information will remain safe throughout the payment and checkout process. Plus, I’m a real person, and John Sifferman is my real name. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and of course, on my own websites such as and So, I am not a con-artist trying to scam you out of your money, and I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a buck. We’ve been online with a reputation of uncompromising integrity since 2008, and we plan to keep it that way.

How do I order the program?

The fastest way to get the program is on the order page here or just click on the “Click Here To Buy Now” button below.

And just in case you need even more evidence that I can help you with your pull-up training goals, here is a screenshot of some comments from one of my pull-up training videos on Youtube. If I’m getting this much positive feedback from a free video, just think of how good The Pull-up Solution will be.

If you’re still having trouble making up your mind, then here a bit of advice (i.e., tough love) I’ve told some of my clients over the years.

You may have heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again – even when it’s not working. But here’s the thing: most people do exactly that when it comes to pull-up training. They struggle with pull-ups for months or years simply because they don’t follow a program that is tailored to their needs or they simply don’t get the kind of help they need. And if that’s been you, then you can put a stop to that endless cycle right now.

I created The Pull-up Solution to help people just like you, and I’m offering it at such a low price because I really, truly want to help as many people as possible succeed with their pull-up goals. So, if you’re willing to give it a chance, then pick up your copy today. And don’t forget, if it’s not right for you, there’s the 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee – just in case.

Or, you can keep “winging it” on your own, playing the lottery with your results, and see where that gets you. Your choice.

Contact Us – Medical & Results Disclaimers – Privacy Policy – Terms of Use – Affiliates

PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Pull-up Solution is a digital product (i.e., downloadable). No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-books, video files, and audio files onto your computer. The e-book format is Adobe Acrobat PDF, video files are in MP4 format, and audio files are in MP3 format, all of which can be viewed on any PC or Mac computer (desktop or laptop). You can also view and use the files on Ipads and most mobile devices (i.e. smart phones), but you may need an app to use some of the files (e.g. to read Adobe Acrobat PDF e-books). This product is NOT available in stores.

RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Due to recent FTC laws, it is required that all companies identify what a “typical” result is. Since there is no known established standard for what is considered typical results in a pull-up improvement program, results shown in our many success stories and testimonials may not be typical. Also, results cannot be guaranteed, nor can the permanence of your results. Faster results upon first starting the program are common, especially for beginners to exercise and strength training. But the truth is that most people never do anything with the fitness products they buy. So, most of the time, they don’t get any results at all. The people you see featured on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical because they actually followed the program and recommendations in The Pull-up Solution. If you want results, you should do this, too.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Ask your doctor if getting stronger is right for you.

Copyright © The Pull-up Solution, John Sifferman. 2014-2020. All Rights Reserved.

Click here to get The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Easiest AI Recruiting Gear in 2024

Recruiters and HR execs have such a lot on their plate. From time-consuming purchaser screening to scheduling interviews and predicting good fortune, they’ve so much to stick follow of — in particular when hiring at scale.

On the other hand in 2024, execs all through industries are starting to take advantage of AI as a to hand assistant.

As a writer and entrepreneur, I lean on AI equipment every day to help lighten my workload. Recruiters can (and must) be taking advantage of AI recruiting instrument to help streamline their processes, too.

AI recruiting equipment can’t replace an ideal recruiter or HR specific particular person, then again they may be able to unquestionably make recruiting more uncomplicated.

I’ll be diving into the benefits and limits of AI equipment for recruitment and understanding some variables to guage previous than you select a tool. Then I’ll take a look at 12 industry-favorite AI recruiting equipment.

Table of Contents

Why use AI recruiting equipment?

For recruiters and HR pros, AI recruiting instrument can relieve a prolonged record of the tasks that make up their to-do record. On the other hand AI can’t do the whole thing. Proper right here’s a take a look at the benefits — and limits — of AI recruiting instrument.


  • Complex candidate matching. Recruiting equipment can be informed numerous systems and to find those who very good meet your procedure description, sorting by means of talents and experience. Some experts have came upon that AI can decrease down on the time spent screening candidates by means of as much as 75%.
  • Bettering price in step with rent (CPH). AI equipment scale back the will for excessive procedure selling. As well as they cut back the manpower crucial to hire by means of automating large parts of the process, the usage of down CPH.
  • Attaining a much wider ability pool. AI recruiting instrument can provide ability from a few platforms and siphon by means of further systems than a team of workers member might simply on their own, allowing HR execs and recruiters to imagine a broader choice of ability.
  • Filling positions sooner. AI recruiting equipment boost up the hiring process at a few problems. The screening and interview section moves quicker with AI augmentation, and numerous AI equipment automate reasonably a large number of administrative tasks. If truth be told, AI equipment would perhaps decrease general hiring time by means of just about 90%.
  • Bettering candidate experience. AI recruiting equipment personalize dialog with candidates and provide information about the company and procedure. On the other hand most importantly, since AI equipment lead to sooner hiring circumstances, candidates don’t want to wait with reference to as long to hear whether or not they got the location.


  • Lack of personal touch. AI equipment are limited in their ability to replicate other people. While they may be able to personalize communications, messages most often received’t actually really feel as human as they may if a person wrote them. Not to indicate, the ones equipment can’t use intuition to analyze resumes.
  • Privacy problems. Recruiting equipment would perhaps acquire, retailer, and analyze non-public data, infringing on procedure applicants’ privacy rights.
  • Bias. Recruiting instrument may be professional on biased records, which if truth be told furthers bias, fairly than bettering it. If truth be told, Bloomberg reported AI may be worse than other people in terms of race and gender bias.
  • Waste of time for a lot much less common consumers. There’s a learning curve that contains a lot of the ones equipment, so if an organization is a one-time client taking a look to analyze a small set of systems, it is probably not as a large number of a time-saver and so no longer value the fee.
  • Accuracy. Because of AI generation lacks human judgment, there are times when the tool received’t make proper conclusions about best-fit candidates for a job placement. AI sort error, along with human error in development the kind, contribute to questionable accuracy once in a while.

I spoke to Dan Kevin Roque, a senior recruiter from HRUCKUS, to hear his concepts on the strengths and weaknesses of the usage of AI at artwork.

“The rest that requires human interaction and empathy like interviews, addressing candidate problems, settling on who to hire, and plenty of others. — are problems I will no longer entrust to AI,” discussed Roque. “On the other hand nearly all of the stuff recruiters do, along side sourcing and writing procedure descriptions, will also be stepped forward with AI.”

Each and every recruiter will have different reservations and comfort levels with reasonably a large number of AI use cases, so it’s crucial to investigate your tool well so it’s serving to — and does no longer hurt — your most well liked hiring process.

Make a choice the Right kind AI Recruiting Software

Augmented vs. Computerized

Forward of you’ll have the ability to decide the appropriate correct instrument for you, you wish to have to imagine the two intensive types of AI generation: augmented or automated.

Augmented AI technologies be in agreement other people in completing their tasks. If you’re the usage of AI recruiting instrument, augmented generation would be in agreement you in recruitment analysis and build up your productivity — then again it wouldn’t replace you.

I to find that augmented generation is most often a bit of further comfy to use — in particular for people who aren’t used to relying on AI. I will audit my results fairly than sending them off without taking a look, which helps assemble consider for the equipment.

Computerized technologies entire tasks completely without any human intervention. In the case of recruiting generation, an automated tool might simply send emails, provide profiles, and visual display unit resumes without any human interaction.

Computerized equipment are sooner than augmented equipment, then again result in lower fees of accuracy — then again depending on the activity, that may be good enough. If your inbox is piling up with interviews to time table or resumes to peek at, it’ll smartly be value taking into consideration finding a fully automated tool to lighten your workload.

Roque shared his want between augmented and automated generation, mentioning that he likes “a mixture of every.”

“I don’t imagine AI would actually be capable to completely replace human input any time briefly,” Roque persisted, “then again AI automation helps with minor tasks that can take somewhat of a recruiter’s time, and AI augmentation helps make stronger human decision-making and actions.”

Other Considerations

Every other variables I imagine once I’m assessing an AI tool are:

  • Integration. Does the tool mix well at the side of your provide hiring process, or will it require a process overhaul?
  • Accuracy. How well does the tool identify and evaluation candidates — and the way in which well do you wish to have it to?

(If you’re the usage of it as an augmentation, you received’t need as over the top a point of accuracy as chances are you’ll if it’s completely automated.)

  • Client interface. How easy is the tool to use and what’s the technological proficiency of the recruiting team of workers the usage of it?
  • Customization. Can the solution be tailored to fit your crew’s exact needs?
  • Give a boost to. Does the tool offer excellent purchaser make stronger and resources for set-up, implementation, and troubleshooting?

The answers to these questions vary considerably consistent with the type of problem you’re tackling and the crowd you’re working inside. I most often prioritize client interface and accuracy once I’m assessing a tool.

Best possible AI Recruiting Tools

Now that you recognize the benefits and limits of AI equipment, along with the type of tool you’re on the lookout for, it’s time to go looking out the proper tool for your crew.

There are numerous great recruiting equipment to be had in the marketplace, so proper right here’s a high-level record understanding the basics of the tool, what stood out to me in regards to the instrument, and the pricing records.

1. iCIMS

ai recruiting tool, iCIMS screen with candidate list, interview scheduling, and offers graph.

iCIMS provides a intensive range of purposes and systems, from a profession suite to procedure postings regulate to a CRM.

The instrument is very entire, providing end-to-end assist for recruiters and hiring teams.

There’s an analytics dashboard, applicant tracking, email correspondence and messaging purposes, and a video suite that allows you to personalize and humanize your hiring process.

What I like: iCIMS is a long-standing supplier with a rich history of providing great equipment to consumers. It’s easy to use and straight-forward, so it tests the sphere for teams who’re a bit of a lot much less tech savvy. I like its intensive purposes — it’s great for firms on the lookout for a whole tool.

Pricing: Custom designed

2. SeekOut

Screenshot of ai recruiting tool SeekOut’s Insight dashboard reading, “Am I meeting my diversity goals” with a percentage featured.

The SeekOut tool starts when you upload a job description. As ability applies, you’ll have the ability to filter out and kind results by means of things like talents, licenses, coaching, and diversity variables.

If you happen to’ve came upon the proper candidates, you’ll have the ability to take advantage of AI-powered engagement equipment to create customized outreach. The platform is also rich in analytics, with dashboards dedicated to helping you follow your hiring goals.

What I like: SeekOut has exceptional filtering, so the tool relieves numerous the artwork required to go looking out the proper candidates. I moreover like how the instrument emphasizes selection in hiring, which presentations up in a few techniques all over their platform.

Pricing: Multi-tiered annual systems — discover price ticket after demoing the instrument.


ai recruiting tool,’s messaging app provides a few different conversational equipment, then again their recruiting CRM lightens the chief load for recruiters.

The AI tool can time table interviews and respond to questions from candidates robotically. With an 82% decrease in time-to-hire and a 99% candidate delight rating, is clearly doing something correct.

What I like: The whole thing about is unassuming and candidate-centric. As much as I want a tool that’s easy for me to use, I moreover wish to ensure it provides an ideal client experience to the highest consumer or candidate. The tool is if truth be told exceptional in terms of rising an ideal candidate experience.

Pricing: Custom designed

4. Fetcher

ai recruiting tool, Fetcher hiring sequence screen

Fetcher combines AI equipment with recruiting experts to offer great candidates for your crew. Use Fetcher to keep an eye on and create a pipeline with AI automation, then gain insights about candidate procedure and demographics.

You’ll have the ability to moreover mix equipment like your ATS, email correspondence, calendar, CRM, and Slack to further support your team of workers’s productivity.

What I like: I love how Fetcher uses in-house experts to visual display unit your candidates in conjunction with the AI tool. That means you get the entire benefits of AI automation with added accuracy from human supervision.

The other issue I like about this tool is that you just’ll have the ability to add specific selection duties to the quest, struggling with the biases that AI equipment on occasion have.

Pricing: Custom designed

5. Textio

ai recruiting tool Textio, form that reads “Let’s draft a job post.” Includes dropdowns for job title, role type, location, and company, as well as a text box for “Anything else that you want to include?”

Textio helps you support the usual of your procedure listings by means of giving you insights into tone and word variety.

For recruiters, this means it will most definitely moreover allow you to select language that appeals to express age groups and demographics. It moreover learns as you utilize it, so the additional incessantly you rely on it, the better the output becomes.

What I like: Most AI recruiting equipment are about screening automation, then again Textio helps you optimize the actual content material subject matter of your procedure descriptions. It’s a unique tool that would possibly fit well with other AI instrument.

Pricing: Tiered systems starting at $15k annually for teams of 1-199.

6. HireVue

ai recruiting tool, an Overview dashboard featuring various KPI charts showing satisfaction and achievement in categories from HiveVue.

HireVue is a tool for interviewing and assessing candidates.

It has a video interview function, along with a rich library of AI assessments that permit recruiters to pass judgement on candidates comprehensively — on the lookout for doable at the side of experience.

It moreover automates recruitment dialog, significantly speeding up the hiring process. After all, the tool provides analytics, research, and great purchaser make stronger.

What I like: HireVue does an exquisite means of decreasing bias as a result of the type of algorithm they use. The tool doesn’t “learn” by means of upper use, as a result of this that every candidate is assessed in a similar fashion as time passes. As I am getting began leaning more and more on AI equipment, it’s crucial to me that they’re ethical, and HireVue does an ideal procedure of constructing certain that.

Pricing: Packages get began at $35K.

7. Manatal

best ai recruiting tools, Manatal’s candidate list screen

Manatal has a simple interface for sharing procedure posts and gathering a pipeline of qualified candidates.

The AI tool recommends candidates consistent with procedure prerequisites and helps you purchased entire records on the candidates from social media accounts.

What I like: Manatal pulls records from social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook to paint a whole symbol of the candidates applying in your procedure description. This makes for a if truth be told thorough understanding of candidates that recruiters would otherwise have had to create themselves.

Pricing: Plans get began at $15 in step with client/month. For undertaking firms, the fee reaches $55 in step with client/month — which is affordable compared to other possible choices. There is also custom designed pricing.

8. Humanly

ai recruiting software, Humanly helping compose an email

Humanly is an automation platform for recruiters that value human interaction. It automates tasks that don’t want a human touch so recruiters can give further attention where it if truth be told counts.

The tool presentations candidates and answers questions and then provides feedback for hiring teams. It’s great for firms which can also be hiring at scale who nevertheless want their candidates to have a customized, positive experience.

What I like: Humanly is aptly named — it’s completely thinking about a human-centric tool of AI generation. The homepage of the website online states that the tool is, “Appreciated by means of candidates and recruiting teams.”

I like AI equipment that emphasize every the patron and the consumer and, for every occasions to love the tool, they’re if truth be told doing something correct.

Pricing: Custom designed

9. Arya

ai recruiting software, Arya, graphs displaying talent intelligence, education, industries, and skills.

Arya is an AI-driven candidate sourcing tool that reveals great candidates briefly and robotically. The tool presentations, scores, and ranks candidates consistent with numerous attributes and seven multidimensional data problems to be expecting the candidate’s probability of good fortune throughout the place.

What I like: Arya’s point of interest is data and analytics. On account of this, you get extremely strategic effects from the tool. If you’re recruiting at scale, this sort of specificity and accuracy is incredibly crucial. I believe Arya is a brilliant variety for teams hiring reasonably a large number of candidates on a common basis.

Pricing: Custom designed

10. Skillate

ai recruiting software, screenshot of the Skillate’s Customer Success Manager widget, displaying various candidates in the talent pool and their percentage of fitness for the role.

Skillate provides candidate prescreening, computerized scheduling, procedure description feedback, and predictive analytics to gauge a candidate’s probability of taking the offer. It’s a if truth be told entire tool for recruiters taking a look to take a data-driven approach to the entire hiring process.

What I like: Skillate provides in-depth analysis of your company’s hiring traits. You’ll have the ability to see insights consistent with location, experience, coaching, earlier firms, and abilities. Finding traits like the ones can significantly boost up the hiring process so it’s great for firms hiring incessantly or at scale.

Pricing: Custom designed

11. TurboHire

ai recruiting software, screenshot of TurboHire’s Candidate Calibration screen. The user is on the “Skills” form, which asks the user to define the capabilities and skills of their ideal candidate.

TurboHire is an end-to-end tool that optimizes the entire recruitment process from candidate sourcing to final selection.

The AI recruitment instrument property ability from all through channels, presentations candidates, and offers workflow regulate. Interviews are robotically scheduled and the tool integrates with any ATS.

What I like: TurboHire claims to scale back time to hire by means of 78% and worth to hire by means of 65% while bettering the usual of the rent by means of 5x. It’s hard not to acknowledge a tool that can be providing such staggering results!

Pricing: Custom designed

12. Workable

ai recruiting software, Workable’s automation capabilities

Workable helps you provide, interview, and be in contact with candidates all over the hiring process.

You’ll have the ability to use the AI equipment throughout the recruiting instrument to generate procedure descriptions and interview questions, along with automate time-consuming tasks like interview scheduling.

Plus, Workable helps you prepare signed-on staff at no further price.

What I like: With one-click, your procedure posting can land on 200+ web sites. If you’re on the lookout for a very specialized candidate, or if you want to have your systems to go back in from a quite a lot of number of swimming swimming pools, Workable is a brilliant selection.

Pricing: Workable provides a 15-day loose trial plan followed by means of a tiered pricing plan that starts at $189/month.

Finding the Right kind Tool

There’s clearly no shortage of AI recruiting instrument to be had in the marketplace — as a result of this teams will also be confident there’s a tool to be had out there that’s an ideal fit for their crew.

I believe recruiters and HR hiring teams must get began by means of understanding what they’d like streamlined previous than they dive into finding the appropriate correct tool.

A couple of of those equipment function dialog, others function procedure description prep, and others are further thinking about administrative automation. If you happen to’ll have the ability to clearly define what you’d like accomplished, you’re going to have an more uncomplicated time finding the proper tool.

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Watch how you unlock your hip flexors

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Physical Therapist Approved!

“With so many people suffering from hip pain, Ricks’ Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is a great tool for any fitness or health professional looking to reduce pain and improve strength, performance and overall health.

As a physical therapist who works with numerous hip injuries, I am able to incorporate many of Rick’s exercises into my rehabilitation and wellness programs for my patients with excellent results.

“The exercises are practical and easy to learn. Your clients will be happy, healthy and thank you for it!”

Erin Nielsen, physical therapist and creator of

A great resource for coaches and trainers

“Having trained hundreds of clients over the past 15 years, I know how important it is to have new and valuable knowledge that you can rely on, especially in areas of the body like the hips. Unlock Your Hip Flexors was exactly what I needed to read. In typical Critical Bench fashion, the content blew me away.

“With this program that Rick and Mike created, I can go into a training session with confidence and better prepared to take my client to the next level of training. Critical Bench is my go-to source for simple yet professional information. I can’t recommend them enough.”

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS Owner of Optimax Performance Training

Safely rebalance the muscle group

“I think the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is very comprehensive in listing the possible causes of tight hip flexors and other factors that can lead to the problem.

“It is detailed, descriptive, from the anatomy of the hip, causes of these injuries, and a very progressive and well-explained exercise and stretching program that will help rebalance the hip and pelvic region, stretch safely and strengthen the muscle group.”

Jill B. Massage Therapist from Alberta, Canada

Don’t have a personal trainer? No problem!

“I am not a fitness professional, just a 62 year old man who found your website looking for help with various physical issues I have been experiencing.

As a former college basketball player, I was discouraged that no one could help me with my lower back issues and more recently my glutes and hip flexors. That was until I found your site and ordered your exercise program which has dramatically improved each of my conditions.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is easy to order and download, no need to wait for it to be shipped to me. The video presentation and pictures of the exercise program give me confidence that I am doing the exercises correctly, which for me is key without a personal trainer. As a former Division 1 college athlete, the programs work very well for me. Keep up the good work!”

Mark Jellison, Account Executive, Procter & Gamble, Boston, MA

It allows me to train hard without pain

“I first met Rick Kaselj a few years ago when I was looking for something to help me with the piriformis syndrome pain that I had been suffering from for over a year. I watched one of his YouTube videos and the tips he gave in the video helped me get rid of my piriformis and hip pain. Since then I have followed Rick on a daily basis with YouTube videos, blog posts, and articles.

When I heard that Rick was working on a new program to help unlock my hips, I asked if I could pre-purchase a copy. I have been watching the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program videos and manual for the past few weeks. The short but efficient sequence that Rick put together helped me loosen up my hips, reduce my back stiffness, and allowed me to train even harder. After getting so many benefits from the program, I started giving it to my clients as well and they have reported similar benefits.

Thanks for all you do, Rick, and I know that if you have a stiff, tight, or painful hip, Unlock Your Hip Flexors will help you.”

Kerri Baker, CPT, BS, BA, MS Exercise Science Personal Training Studio Manager Kirkland, Washington

If you spend a lot of time sitting, you need to unlock your hip flexors.

“As a gym owner and personal trainer, I am always looking for the latest techniques and exercises to help my members and clients with strength and overall body function. Knowing how much time people spend sitting and unwittingly abusing their hips in daily life makes Unlock Your Hip Flexors worthwhile.

The other added benefit is the ease and speed with which these techniques can be applied at the beginning of any workout, allowing all body movements to be improved in just a few minutes. The response has been life-changing, not only for my clients, but for myself as well.”

Ivan Gomez, Certified Personal Trainer, Health Club Owner – Clearwater, FL

Get an edge over the competition

“If you’re an athlete who relies on explosiveness in your sport, you need to be aware of the biggest obstacle to your performance… tight hip flexors.

It’s the hidden killer of success. Athletes who spend all day sitting at their day job have terrible alignment in their hips… which wreaks havoc on other areas of their body. Improving the mobility of your hips will give you an added advantage over the competition and improve the effectiveness of your workouts.

Mike and Rick’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is the most comprehensive and systematic method I have seen on the market. The program will help you take your athletic ability to the next level, no matter if you are a top professional or just starting out.

“Bodyweight Todd” Kuslikis, founder of Shot of Adrenaline

Unlock your hips to unlock your squat

“Over the years I’ve had so many personal training clients who can’t squat properly it drives me crazy. This is mostly due to hip mobility or lack thereof. If you sit all day, have stiff hips, suffer from mysterious hip pain, or struggle to do a perfect squat then you need to try Rick Kaselj and his Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.

In my experience, tight hips, sore hips, and poor squatting posture, if left untreated, can lead to more serious injuries and pain down the road, which is why I wholeheartedly recommend Rick’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. Get it!

Gavin Walsh, BSc (Hons), Personal Trainer, Brighton, East Sussex, UK

Q: How is this different from other hip flexibility programs?

A: What makes Rick’s program unique is knowing how to unravel the complicated layers of tension in the difficult psoas muscle so that it can be loosened and trained effectively.

Rick’s unique sequential flow is the surest path to looser, stronger, healthier hips.

Q: Why do they sell it so cheap? What’s the catch?

A: There are none. We are very pleased with the number of clients who have invested in this program and have enjoyed life-changing results.

Our goal is to make this available to as many people as possible, firstly to welcome more people to our audience and secondly because we are celebrating reaching a quarter of a million followers on Facebook.

Q: How long will it take me to complete the program?

A: The program is designed to be completed in total in 10-15 minutes.

We recommend adding the program as a daily practice to get the best results over a longer period of time. You may want to add this program before or after your regular gym session or use it as a standalone.

Q: How long until I see results?

A: Although each person is different and results may vary, we know from experience how quickly it is possible to feel and see a difference.

For some people, it may be necessary to do the first session; for others, it may take several sessions to start seeing the benefits. Again, it depends on the body in question.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

A: This program is right for you if you are currently suffering from unexplained pain in your back, hip or joints.

The exercises themselves are not strenuous and are designed to be performed by anyone, regardless of ability.

Q: Can I perform the sequential flow if I have had a hip replacement?

A: The answer to this question is very personal. It depends on the type of hip replacement surgery you had and how you recovered from it. It is best to consult with your surgeon or doctor to find out which exercises in the sequential flow you should do or avoid.

Q: I want to get started right away. Do I have to wait for the book and videos to arrive in the mail?

A: You don’t have to wait, you can access it in just a few minutes. Unlock Your Hip Flexors is a digital product, so don’t worry about shipping costs or delays in results.

Q: Are the exercises difficult to do?

A: No. Once you watch the training videos, they will become easy. There are also progressions to make the movements more challenging if needed.

Q: What if the routine doesn’t work for me?

A: It will work. But to make you feel better, if for any reason you are not satisfied, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked. We stand behind this product 110% and have no problem offering a money back guarantee.

Q: Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?

A: No. You can do this routine anywhere and in a very small space. All you need is a wall to lean against to perform some movements.

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Discover the “hidden survival muscle” in your body that modern doctors overlook and that keeps millions of men and women defeated by pain, frustrated by belly fat, and struggling to feel energized every day…

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101 Cycling Workouts by Coach David Ertl As the title suggests, this eBook contains 101 workouts to help you become a better cyclist. The workouts cover the gamut of endurance, aerobic and anaerobic fitness, leg speed, strength, power, and sprinting. It also covers gym workouts and other forms of cross-training that are compatible. READ MORE & ORDER

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Training for Busy Cyclists by Coach David Ertl If you have enough time to ride and are as fit as you want to be, this book is not for you. It is for the majority of us who don’t have enough time to get as fit as we want. If you want to get fit with your limited time or if you want to find out how to create more time to ride, this eBook is for you. READ MORE AND ORDER

NEW! Indoor Training for Cyclists by Coach David Ertl We can’t always ride our bikes outside and as much as we hate using our indoor trainer, it’s necessary to do so when we can’t get out and ride. This eBook outlines the reasons why you should consider training indoors, the types of indoor training and trainers available and provides a guide to developing indoor workouts. This eBook contains 50 indoor workouts covering leg speed, threshold, endurance, anaerobic intervals and even strength and power. READ MORE & ORDER

101 Cycling Workouts Autographed Paperback Book by Coach David Ertl This is the same as the above eBook, but in paperback format. This book was published by Morgan James in 2009. If you order from this site, you will receive an autographed copy of this book. (Copies can only be shipped to US and Canadian locations) READ MORE AND PLACE AN ORDER

Annual Training Plan for Competitive Cyclists 365 days of training plans for competitive cyclists. This plan covers all aspects of physical preparation, including basic conditioning, strength training, aerobic and anaerobic workouts, leg speed, power, and recovery workouts. Includes a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan,” to help you modify this plan to suit your situation. READ MORE AND ORDER

Annual Training Plan for Time Trial Cyclists/Triathletes 365-day training plans for cyclists who primarily ride time trials and for triathletes who want to improve their cycling times. This plan emphasizes aerobic (threshold) endurance, but also includes leg strength training and anaerobic, leg speed, power, and recovery workouts. Includes a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan” to help you modify this plan for your situation. READ MORE & ORDER

365-day training plans for recreational and touring cyclists. This plan emphasizes endurance, strength, and aerobic conditioning exercises, with some anaerobic, leg speed, and recovery exercises. Includes a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan,” to help you modify this plan to suit your situation. READ MORE AND ORDER

15-Week Training Plan for a Multi-Day Ride The perfect training plan to prepare for a multi-day, week-long bike ride. This plan provides 15 weeks of training to prepare for the event. It includes primarily endurance and hill training with some aerobic intervals thrown in to increase speed. It comes with a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan” to help you modify this plan for your situation. READ MORE & ORDER

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If you purchase this WKO+ software or if you own a power meter, you should also read Training and Racing with a Power Meter, written by Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan, who also designed the WKO+ software. This book provides a very comprehensive understanding of power training and explains the background of WKO+ analysis. Click HERE to order this book at a discount through my bookstore.

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BodyBot™ – An automated website where you can design and run your own timed workout, ideal for those on the go as these exercises primarily use body weight. Click HERE to learn more and place an order.

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