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TMJ misery can feel like a life sentence. But be warned:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

If you’re suffering from it yourself, you’ll already know this.

TMJ can be a long-lasting and thoroughly miserable condition. It often begins mildly, but it rarely stays that way.

I know – I’ve been there.

At its worst, the pain affected every aspect of my sleeping and waking life.

I’m not ashamed to admit that at times it made me cry.

When I read that some sufferers become so distressed by the condition that they fall into depression, I wasn’t even slightly surprised.

When I was first diagnosed, I did not realize how badly TMJ disrupts people’s lives. Over time, I found out.

You may already be aware that finding a remedy for your own TMJ misery is likely to be a difficult – and possibly frustrating – task.

If you’ve suffered TMJ for a while, then you are already on that road… and you truly wonder where – or, even, if – it ever ends.

That’s exactly where I found myself.

And as I searched for answers, I discovered that not only was I not alone but that the outlook was often not a happy one.

But I increasingly came to one terrifying conclusion:

Specialists didn’t really have a handle on what was causing my pain.

In fact, it was worse than this.

The treatments they recommended actually feel like experiments.

Each specialist recommended his own specialism as a likely cure for my TMJ.

But each specialist turned out to be wrong.

GP, dentist, neurologist, orofacial surgeon to name a few…

All well-meaning, but all restricted to their own area of expertise.

I doubt they really understand the root causes of TMJ.

I, of course, knew even less. So I had to try it all.

Nerve and muscle pain relief. Splints, mouthguards, botox. Teeth filing, vagus nerve stimulation, surgery….

As each one failed, I moved on to the next.

And the results of all these efforts?

Either small, short-lived improvements – or no improvements at all.

Hours of my time in specialists’ offices and thousands of my hard-earned dollars later… there was little to show but disappointment and lost hope.

I almost got used to the process of meeting a new specialist, discussing my symptoms, listening to him or her give their professional opinion…

…then me paying substantial sums of money, hoping and praying that this time it would be different. Only to realize in the end that… it wasn’t different.

…It was exactly the same.

Well, the same except I was financially poorer than I had been before.

But the TMJ hadn’t gone away. Or, even, improved.

Before eventually stumbling onto the remedy that cured my TMJ I had come to a major realization about the condition.

And the real horror of TMJ is that it isn’t stationary.

Instead, it deteriorates.

Which leads us to the truly horrible realization that…

Wherever you are with your TMJ right now isn’t where you’ll be in the near future.

It’s almost certainly going to become more painful over time.

It did for me. And it did for almost every case study I read.

My symptoms became dramatically worse.

It wasn’t just the pain that worsened – although it definitely did.

What I found deeply distressing was the way my face became distorted. People remarked that I physically looked different.

The TMJ was pulling on the muscles in my face while also wearing away at the joints on one side of my jaw.

And so my jaw shifted to the left, making my face lopsided.

After a while a new symptom: whenever I open my mouth there was a loud pop.

It started as the occasional one-off.

And by ‘loud’ I mean that a person 5 feet away could hear it.

I quickly learned to not open my mouth all the way.

Because twice it almost dislocated when I yawned. Which really scared the life out of me.

So I had to make sure I didn’t open it more than halfway.

And then I developed the sensation of clicking, popping and scraping whenever I moved my mouth.

It was especially disturbing when I was eating – and provided a constant reminder to me that things were gradually getting worse.

My own research found that none of this was unusual.

This wasn’t ‘special’ TMJ. This was ‘normal’ TMJ.

This is how TMJ gets worse.

Pain disturbed my sleep – often making sleep impossible.

I awoke already exhausted.

Some days I swear I sleepwalked through the day.

Only the pain in my head and face kept me awake.

But, as I say, TMJ doesn’t sit still.

Over time the pain spread so that it covered my entire head, all over my face, across both shoulders and down my neck.

My TMJ started to affect my hearing. Which I personally found terrifying. I love music, I love talking with friends, I enjoy movies… I needed my hearing.

I was scared out of my mind that I was going deaf.

It began with earaches. And then ringing in the ears.

But it progressed to a kind of ‘thickening’ of my ears where sound became distorted and quieter.

All this slow build-up of pain and misery wore away at me, my health, my happiness, and my life.

I’m clear of all TMJ symptoms now. But I remember so clearly how frightening it all was back then.

I visited TMJ forums and what I read scared the life out of me.

Many, many people had suffered from TMJ for decades.

I learned from their comments there was plenty more misery to come.

Worst of all were the people who said their vision was becoming distorted.

I was already scared that my hearing was going. To lose my sight too was beyond thinking.

I could feel my happiness slipping away from me.

I became sullen and quiet.

I was moody with friends and family.

I knew I was like this, but I couldn’t stop it.

And this isn’t uncommon – it’s expected.

The medical profession is already well aware that any type of chronic pain can cause deeply felt mental health problems.

These are normal and accepted consequences of ongoing discomfort and pain.

TMJ is a typical cause of ongoing discomfort and pain – and we sufferers will eventually recognize both the physical and mental anguish listed above.

Some TMJ sufferers take mild antidepressants to deal with the emotional damage caused by unrelenting pain, popping, numbness, ear ringing, and facial distortion.

I felt very low with my TMJ and had many moments of bad mood and even, I suspect, mild depression.

It didn’t help my relationship with my spouse – or with anyone else, to be honest.

When I read the account of a young TMJ sufferer who had decided that if he didn’t cure his suffering within a month… that he’d end his own life… I could understand exactly where he was coming from.

Some nights the pain made me cry. Other times, the helplessness made me feel very low.

I was running out of options. I was quite literally running out of things to try.

And money was becoming a problem.

My insurance didn’t cover this kind of condition. The treatments aren’t cheap – they’re not very pleasant either. And the costs add up alarmingly fast.

And, more and more, I had to face up to the possibility that I might be stuck with this misery for the rest of my life.

And that, I can tell you hand on heart, was an awful prospect.

Here are some of the different specialists that can get involved in trying to uncover the cause – and cure – for your TMJ:

Which specialist is right for you?

If the diagnosis is tricky and the source of the pain is difficult – or impossible – to pin down then… you may as well roll a dice.

What was shocking to me – and it took me quite a while to realize this – was that the experts I was seeing didn’t actually know how to remedy TMJ.

To their credit, most of them didn’t pretend that they did.

But it was so incredibly frustrating…

On the one hand, they were honest enough to admit the causes were varied and not properly understood.

Yet, on the other hand, they’d recommend a fix that they could do…

…but which would cost so many dollars…

while admitting they couldn’t offer any assurance they’d work!

I still remember my initial horror at the realization that, effectively…

Because each specialist was limited as to what he or she could offer me.

They could only recommend something they were capable of doing – not necessarily something that would definitely work.

So that’s what they would offer me.

I was the piggy in the middle being pushed here and there.

I just had to cross my fingers and do as I was told.

Will filing down my teeth work? It’s a standard remedy for jaw and tooth pain caused by TMJ…

But it only occasionally helps. If it doesn’t work for me then what?

Perhaps a vagus nerve stimulator will do the trick.

But maybe I need decompression surgery?

Who knows? The short answer it seems is… almost nobody.

The problem is that some of these treatments change you – your teeth or your bite for example. And you can’t reverse that.

And then he asks if I want to go ahead with it.

How do I know whether I should go ahead with it? If he’s not sure it will work, how do I decide?

On the one hand, I am in pain, my health is falling apart. And with it, my life is slipping away.

On the other hand, I was nearly out of money. My savings had dwindled very quickly.

And I was scared I would finish up with no emergency fund… no spare cash for something expected later on in life. I had to give up here.

Again, this isn’t an unusual situation for sufferers.

Many health insurances simply don’t cover this type of work – mine didn’t – so TMJ sufferers like me gamble a thousand dollars on, for example, a mouth splint that in the end may make no difference at all.

Days after I realized I could no longer continue with the various treatments – the ‘experiments’ as I called them – the depression set in.

Now without hope, I went back to painkillers – the very pain killers that I had avoided before in case I became addicted.

But now they were all I could afford.

Because one day, everything changed

I met Christian Goodman in a long line at a drugstore.

He was buying toothpaste; I was buying more painkillers.

We got talking. And I told him about my TMJ.

He instantly recognized my story. It was nothing new to him.

He started to tell me a truly fascinating story.

This sounds really odd at first – but there’s a fantastic punchline.

Christian had worked for a long time with people who snored a lot. Which was interesting but irrelevant. Or so I thought.

He had developed a set of simple exercises that tackled the root causes of snoring.

The exercises worked well and, as a result, many people experienced significant improvements in their sleep.

Their snoring reduced or ended, they stopped disturbing their own sleep. And they were very happy.

But something unexpected happened.

Something that wasn’t meant to happen.

Christian received a truly odd email from a lady who was using his snoring exercises.

In the email, the lady told Christian that the exercises had not only cured her snoring…

…they’d cured her TMJ too.

At that time Christian was only vaguely aware of TMJ.

But a brief conversation with the lady in question – and a longer chat with a TMJ specialist – helped him quickly work out why this would be possible.

Snoring is partly due to tension and muscle tightness in the throat and neck region.

TMJ is partly – and I emphasize the word ‘partly’ – due to very similar causes.

It’s not hard to see there could be an overlap between the two conditions.

And Christian’s snoring remedy had accidentally started curing TMJ too.

Christian went on to interview a number of TMJ sufferers.

He asked them how the pain began. He asked them where they felt it. How they felt it. When they felt it.

He asked about how it progressed. Which parts of the face hurt most. How it affected their necks and shoulders. When the ringing in the ears began. How it was worsening their eyesight.

He asked and he listened – really carefully – to what they told him.

And he realized that TMJ didn’t just exist in the jaw and neck area – it existed in the upper body.

There were what doctors refer to as ‘multifactor causes of pain.’

In other words, the shoulders, the back, your posture, even the way you breathe… are all causing, contributing to and then worsening the miserable experience of the average TMJ sufferer.

It’s in the jaw and neck area that the problems manifest – that’s where the pains are often actually felt.

We complain of jaw pain, sore teeth, headaches…

And that’s why so many specialists focus on these areas – because that’s what the patient complains about.

But they’re trying to fix the symptoms. Fixing symptoms leaves the causes in place.

Without addressing the causes, you’re left forever with the symptoms.

The cause is more complex, more interconnected, more subtle.

Christian interviewed more and more TMJ sufferers.

He listened to what they told him. And he asked specific, direct questions.

He started to uncover things that a dentist or a neurologist simply would never have thought to ask about.

He collected, customized and developed more exercises to properly address the root causes of TMJ.

He paid attention to the different areas of the body that could contribute to the overall condition of TMJ and created a simple exercise program that tackled each one of them.

He tested the program with dozens of TMJ sufferers.

He used their feedback to improve it until he knew that he had the real deal…

And, yet – like specialists everywhere – Christian admits:

“I don’t know the exact causes of TMJ.”

But the combination of potential causes is better known.

And if you’re tackling them all, then it no longer matters which specific one is doing the damage.

Get them all and you’ve got whichever combination of causes is hurting you.

Was this the breakthrough I was searching for?

It had lots going for it.

Just for starters, Christian Goodman’s remedy involves

Instead, I would practice a simple set of exercises that I could do while watching tv. Or reading a book.

Exercises so simple that other people won’t even know I’m doing them.

And they’d take about 3 minutes a day.

To be brutally frank, I had nothing to lose.

I’d already wasted so much time – and so many dollars – chasing cures that I was prepared to try anything.

This one looked too easy to be true.

But after all I had already been through… I just had to go for it.

It’s hard to describe how I felt.

For one thing, I was so shocked that I just couldn’t believe the pain relief would last.

But I continued to do the exercises – 3 minutes a day – and the pain has never returned.

TMJ exercises aren’t totally new. After speaking to Christian, I searched online and – guess what?

I found several amateurs online who know an exercise or two.

They didn’t have anything remotely like Christian’s fully thought-out program. But they had something.

Here’s where it all goes badly wrong though:

After some searching I found someone who showed me a single movement – but what I already knew from my conversation with Christian is that to get rid of that pain you need at least 4 subtly different movements. 4 – 6 or more is best.

When the ones I tried didn’t work Christian reminded me that the muscle and bone structure in your face and jaw area is intricate.

It needs targeted work in order to affect it.

Too often a person tries the movement in the video, it doesn’t work – because on its own it pretty much can’t – and then they give it up.

Along with all the other remedies they’ve tried.

And this is where the real disasters occur.

Again, this is something that I now understood: TMJ is a body problem. Its source is not entirely at the jaw but around it and below it.

It’s the tackling of TMJ at the level of the upper body – and not just the jaw – that is transforming endless pain into relief.

Which is pretty much why my TMJ reduced and then disappeared so quickly once I started Christian’s program.

This was frustrating too.

Not only could I not determine whose exercises were actually effective…. I had to do endless Google searches in order to try to piece enough information together that I could make sense of any of it.

I pretty much failed in the end.

Because I am not able to judge which information is helpful, which is useless – and which might actually cause me more pain.

Really, I wanted this all worked out for me.

I didn’t want to have to think about it.

I wanted to be told what to do. I’d do it and then see what happened.

What Christian’s program gave me was everything I needed, all in one place, all tried and tested – and all ready to go to end my pain.

No searching, no trial and error and no risks of making my condition worse than it already was.

And that, I can tell you, is all I wanted.

Now you may be asking yourself:

“Isn’t this all too simple and low-tech?”

Surely the medical profession could have worked this out by now? That does make sense except….

The thing I noticed when I went through my own TMJ hell was this: each expert recommended only the fix that he himself specialized in.

No dentist ever told me, ‘Oh, I can’t help you – you need an osteopath.’

And no osteopath ever told me, ‘Ah – not me. You should see a neurologist.’

Nobody had any interest in recommending anything that they themselves couldn’t provide.

I don’t think anyone wanted to consider a set of exercises, that were easy to do, don’t need a specialist, implants or meds – and generates no medical bill at the end of it.

Here’s your first big surprise:

There’s not a great deal to it. It’s pretty simple.

And because there’s no drugs, no splints, no implants – no interference with your body in any way at all – it’s easy, can be done literally anywhere and has no side effects.

Except for the one where the TMJ disappears.

But you can live with that, I’m sure!

Christian’s program is described and explained in ‘The TMJ Solution.’

He explains – in beginner language – the basics of TMJ.

He tells you how the exercises are going to help you.

Then he shows you the exercises.

I actually describe them as ‘movements’ because I’m not a very active person and they don’t feel like exercise to me at all.

Finally, he puts the exercises together to create a simple program.

The simplicity of it is part of its beauty.

Because there is no secret to all this – just common sense

Remember that – as Christian explained to me – while TMJ is not fully understood there are 4 different ways that your body gives you the condition. His exercises address those 4 different ways.

Meaning that one way or another we hit at least one of its causes.

Which also means that I don’t have to be drugged, prodded, examined or opened up by a surgeon anymore.

I looked at a number of testimonials before trying Christian’s program. I wanted to see other people who had suffered like I was.

Like me, they thought they were stuck with chronic TMJ pain forever.

Like me, they were wrong.

There are thousands of people who have found relief from horrible TMJ pain by practicing these simple movements for a few minutes a day.

I recall that first, full pain-free day when my TMJ was finally gone. It makes me smile just thinking about it..!

If you’re at the start of your TMJ suffering, you might want to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.

I know what it’s like when it gets worse – it’s just awful.

Christian’s remedy is drug-free, surgery-free, takes 3 – 5 minutes a day and there’s no medical bill at the end of it.

For a start, although this program is short, it’s comprehensive.

It leaves nothing to chance.

As I mentioned earlier, the program tackles all possible areas that might be causing your TMJ.

I never fully found out how my TMJ came about. But by performing exercises that tackled all possible areas, I clearly got at the one that was causing the problem.

At first, the exercise program looked quite a lot to me.

But you don’t do them all at once. In fact, you do many of the exercises only 3 or 4 times per week.

So altogether on any given day, you exercise for about 3 – 5 minutes.

I’m a little slow at these things and like to take my time. Even so, I rarely exceeded 5 minutes.

In fact, they’re less ‘exercises’ and more like ‘movements’.

I call them exercises – and Christian does too – but I always imagine that exercises involve effort and sweat.

These certainly don’t; they’re very easy – and deliberately relaxing.

The majority of these movements I did either while sitting watching television or standing in the kitchen cooking. The exercises are not intense. You just need to do a little every day.

And they focus on different areas:

The beauty of these exercises isn’t just the simplicity of them. It’s that you can leave out ones that you prefer not to do.

Just do the ones you prefer.

There are four exercises concentrating on the jaw.

TMJ caused my jaw to become stiff and painful; the jaw structure came out of line, so it distorted my face a little.

The jaw exercises tackle the various jaw area pains directly and help correct the distortion.

A number of others focus on loosening and relaxing the throat and tongue.

I had never heard of throat or tongue exercises before. But the throat is closely connected to the jaw and should be exercised regularly. While the tongue is one of the main muscles inside your head.

Between them, the exercises not only loosen and relax throat and tongue they have the side effect of loosening up your shoulders and neck – and even opening your sinuses.

They’re stupidly easy. But also quite pleasant.

Then there are body movements.

These ones mainly target the shoulders and neck area.

Tension here is directly related to the jaw. These movements reduce tightness and stress – prime candidates to be causing your TMJ.

Something I didn’t realize was that breathing movements not only reduce physical tension; they reduce emotional tension too.

Emotional tension causes physical tension – and physical tension leads back to emotional tension.

They’re so closely connected.

And when your TMJ is causing mild depression, then anything that addresses emotional pain is very welcome indeed.

Followed by relaxation exercises…

The easiest of them all – which is saying something given how straightforward they all are – are relaxation exercises.

They were really nice to do. And I could see that the benefits of these would go beyond just relieving me of my TMJ symptoms.

The last two types of exercise were quite surprising to me. Until that is, they went and cured my TMJ…

This was an unexpected – but really eye-opening – surprise.

These exercises are just ways of thinking about your problems, your opinion of yourself and your opinions of others.

I don’t usually go in for this type of thing. But Christian’s ‘1 – 2 rule’ for example was particularly effective – and it had the side-effect of improving a couple of the difficult relationships I had at that time.

Perhaps the most unexpected exercises for me were the communication exercises.

You can do this with a partner or a willing friend – doesn’t matter.

It’s not just jabbering on though. Christian explains the set-up and he gave me some guidelines for this.

It worked really well. So easy – and enjoyable with it.

All the exercises/movements were easy, relaxing and, often, really very pleasant to do.

Given the pain – and the state of mind – I was in at the time I was glad the program was so gentle.

And if there’s a type of exercise you’d prefer not to do – then you don’t have to do it. There are plenty of others to choose from.

I made my own program after a few days – Christian explains a simple method for taking exercises from each category so that you don’t miss anything out.

But you can just follow Christian’s plan if you prefer.

I don’t know which stage you’re at with your TMJ.

Hopefully, you’ve not developed some of the worst symptoms yet.

But we may as well face the fact that as time progresses so does your TMJ.

Worse symptoms are inevitable.

For me, I simply realized one day that I could no longer bear the pain anymore.

The headaches, neck aches, jaw aches… the clicking and scraping of my jaw bones…. my facial distortion, the loss of hearing, the low moods…

I was fast losing my love of life. I was losing my sense of ease. My comfort.

As my TMJ worsened, I lost my peace of mind, my ability to enjoy any of life’s pleasures.

And, in the end, my willingness to socialize.

The pain became an embarrassment… having to explain it to people… fielding questions about how to cure it when I didn’t know the answers. When nobody seemed to know the answers.

And I knew full well my TMJ would get worse – that’s what it had already been doing. Enough really was enough.

I often thank my lucky stars for that chance meeting with Christian Goodman.

I do not know where I’d be right now if that hadn’t happened. I was lucky.

If you’ve spent thousands of dollars on treatments already… or if you’re going to be spending that kind of money soon then Christian’s program is a must-have.

If you’ve already paid for a month of painkillers you’ve probably spent more than the cost of this program.

Leave things as they are and you’re condemned to more hours and hours of waiting around in doctors’ waiting rooms, hours of explaining and then re-explaining your symptoms to various specialists…

…then spending hundreds of dollars – but quite likely many thousands of dollars – at a time on procedures, measurements, fittings, and surgery.

Don’t do this to yourself.

Everyone deserves better – and that includes you.

Bypass all that pain, discomfort, expense and frustration.

Tackle your TMJ now while it’s this bad – rather than waiting for your health to get past the point of repair.

Click now and receive your copy of Christian’s ‘ The TMJ Solution’…

I signed up for Christian’s program because I realized that…

after hundreds of dollars spent on tests, x-rays, fittings, and meds…

and then thousands of dollars spent on implants…

that for me there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

TMJ was a deteriorating condition, getting steadily worse, dragging my life into a place that I just didn’t want to be.

I didn’t want to let my life slip into more misery than I was already suffering.

What I was really scared of was damage that was nearly impossible to cure.

But most of all I wanted to avoid at any cost jaw, ears or eyes damage that was irreversible.

A set of exercises, 3 minutes a day, for the cost of this month’s daily newspaper… What sensible reason did I have for not doing this?

He pointed me to his order form (link below) and I signed up.

Christian offered me something my dentist never offered me.

He offered me something my osteopath didn’t offer me.

In fact, Christian offers all his clients something that not a single professional out there will offer you.

He offers you your money back.

His promise to people like you and me is simple:

“If my program doesn’t deliver the results you want then you get your money back. Trying it will have cost you nothing at all. Not a penny. You’ll be no worse off than you were before you tried it.”

But you might – like me – be so fantastically better off that you will forever thank your lucky stars that you took some action to get a copy for yourself.

Because the exercises that make up his program have helped thousands of TMJ sufferers all over the world.

These exercises aren’t an experiment. Or a gimmick. Or a bit of esoteric mystical wisdom allegedly handed down by soothsayers from the dawn of time.

I’m really skeptical about that kind of thing.

They’re solid, easy to perform proven movements that address TMJ pain at its sources – and which so many TMJ sufferers absolutely swear by.

So Christian can afford to offer you a 60 days, 100% cast-iron, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Because he knows that recoveries like mine aren’t the exception. They happen all the time. Thousands of ex TMJ sufferers are witness to that.

Remember how things went for me:

After three days of practising the exercises the ache in my jaw noticeably subsided.

The neck and shoulder aches? That pain just fell away.

And because of that, so did the pain in my face and head…

That clicking in my jaw joints? It disappeared…

Mercifully, my hearing came back too. I had been sick with worry that I might go completely deaf…

But just imagine it… Imagine feeling normal again.

I can tell you, it’s like coming out from underneath a crushing weight… something that just holds you down in pain and unhappiness.

I was back to my old self and I felt absolutely wonderful!

And that’s why Christian receives so many testimonials from grateful, happy people.

Testimonials like these ones received in the last 10 days:

After the first couple of days, I could feel a noticeable change. The clicking, popping, and tension were 90% gone. Each day things continued to improve. I’m now 100% again!

Mary Stuart– New Jersey

I have done all the exercises for the past 2 nights and you know that my jaws have not hurt at all when I wake up in the morning. Thank you so very much and I will e-mail you from time to time to let you know how I am doing.

Alie Vanhoy– Dallas, Texas

Just to let you know that my condition is improving each day since I started using your product. The pain is diminishing each day and hopefully it will be completely gone in the near future.

Thomas Young– Orlando Florida

After reviewing the information about your program and understanding the concepts behind it, I realized just how amazing and effective it really is. It totally cured me! I’d highly recommend your program to anybody who suffers from TMJ.

Ann Smith– San Diego, California

Just like I was you’re probably at a crossroads now. Which way to turn?

I hope you haven’t been through the dreadful experience that many TMJ sufferers go through…

But if you have then there are two simple options:.

Stick with the medical profession and spend your way through the various implants, filings, cuttings and manipulations.

Genuinely, they do sometimes work.

And when they do work, they’re worth every penny of the thousands of dollars that they cost.

Because the relief from pain is almost priceless.

But if you’ve already traveled that road and it’s all failed…or if you’ve made the smart decision that you’re simply not prepared to travel that road in the first place… then your second option is equally simple.

Attack the causes rather than symptoms.

My TMJ was cured – quickly – because instead of hacking away at the symptoms I addressed the causes.

Instead of focusing on the pain itself I remedied what was causing that pain in the first place.

And Christian’s program tackles the causes from every direction.

It makes no sense to carry on suffering.

And, for me, it made even less sense to carry on spending money on unreliable – and, ultimately, disappointing – procedures.

If you can do something about this misery now then now must be the time to act.

Because if not now to properly address your TMJ… when?

The program that ended all my TMJ misery is just a mouse-click away.

Click now and get your copy of the program…

It’s not just that this program costs less than the price of a daily newspaper for a month.

Or that it’s less than a couple of weeks of the cost of your meds.

Or that you’ll spend more this month on your daily coffee than you would on this program.

What really hurts is that if I’d bought Christian’s program instead of paying for all the treatments I’ve had so far, I would have saved more than 99% of my money.

I wasted thousands of dollars following the conventional route, the ‘safe’ route… the sensible route of doctors and specialists.

I plundered our savings. We sacrificed holidays in order to have the cash to spend.

I really wish I hadn’t. It’s just that, at the time, I didn’t know better.

I wish I’d met Christian in that queue at the chemist 12 months earlier.

I’d have gotten better a year sooner – and at a 99% discount!

If you’ve had TMJ a while and are finding out that TMJ is a curse, then I’m genuinely sorry for you.

I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there.

If you’ve only recently been diagnosed, then you’ve possibly already realized that TMJ is just ugly.

You’ve possibly discovered that many, many sufferers have it for years.

Too many never get rid of it.

They run out of money – and they run out of hope.

And then they just put up with increasing discomfort, pain and misery.

That could be you. But it doesn’t have to be.

You’re reading this letter today because you’ve decided to do something about your TMJ.

So you’re probably not one of those passive sufferers.

You’ve either grown tired of being disappointed by treatments that cost money but don’t deliver…

…or you haven’t yet been down that route – but realize that’s the fate that awaits you.

And you’ve decided to take matters into your own hands.

So make today the beginning of the end for your TMJ.

Get the same program I got. Do the same things I did.

Get the same results I got. Or get your money back.

All you have to lose from Christian’s program is… pain.

If that’s what you want then [Get the program in just 90 seconds – click here]

Don’t forget – as your TMJ progresses you will spend time, energy and money on drugs, tests, and procedures.

You’ll have to – TMJ can become unbearable. These expensive remedies may not work in any way at all.

And while they’re failing – at considerable expense to you – your TMJ just gets worse.

If you’ve decided to rid yourself of TMJ pain then if not now, when?

Christian’s program costs less than a month of coffee.

And this offer ensures you win. Because if you don’t think the program was worth that money then get a full, 100% refund.

Do you know how many specialists will offer you a full, no questions asked, 100% guarantee on the work that they charge thousands of dollars for?

None of them. Not a single one of them.

If a loved one was in the pain you’re in – or facing the possibility of it – would you want them to try a quick, pain-free, proven and super-cheap method to making them happy again?

If you’d do it for someone else then for goodness’ sake do it for yourself.

By all means, spend your savings with the medical profession. But first of all, be kind to yourself and try Christian’s program for yourself.

Your program awaits you here…

Remember that TMJ often gets worse. And when it does, it can cause real damage to bones and joints. Some of that damage can never be reversed.

Leaving it to do its ugly work makes no sense.

Thousands of us decided to act rather than suffer… and we’re pain-free as a result!

Not acting now is a decision – but it’s a poor one.

The 100% money-back, no questions guarantee means you’re doing this without any risk at all.

Make the decision, get the program. All you can possibly lose is doctors visits, medical bills, pain, fear and misery.

I’m glad I did it; you’ll be glad you did too.

Your program awaits you here…

Testimonial / Case Study Legal Disclaimer: The story, testimonials, and case studies discussed on this page may be unique. You may or may not enjoy similar results from using the methods discussed. We neither make any claims nor offer any guarantees regarding the health improvements or specific results you may enjoy from following our guidance. Always consult your doctor before taking any actions regarding your health.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Disclaimer: The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Click here to get The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Prostate Protocol vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: The Prostate Protocol vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Click here to get The Prostate Protocol vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Prostate Protocol vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


I suffered enlarged prostate for years. My prostate grew steadily – and showed no signs of stopping. Meds weren’t working.

And if it has gone on much longer surgery was a certainty.

Today, my prostate gland is in perfect health, BPH is a distant memory – and I never get up at night to pee!

Here’s what happened…

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

It’s been almost two years now since I last had any prostate problems.

It was touch-and-go at one point, though.

After I began mimicking a few things aging men with a healthy prostates do right and stopped doing a handful of mistakes men with enlarged prostates make, my prostate began to shrink!

My PSA blood tests (the most accurate test for enlarged prostate) went from a terrifying five to a healthy level of under one.

My doctor thought this had to be a mistake and forced me to take another test to confirm.

Before putting these small changes into action, I wasted the better part of most nights in the bathroom. Only to squeeze out a few drops here and there.

Now, I almost always sleep through and wake up refreshed and happy.

The blood in the pee is gone.

And my bladder empties completely.

This darn thing was ruining my life.

My daughter stopped me from babysitting after I left my grandchildren alone for 20 minutes at the movies to jump “quickly” to the toilet.

It broke my heart, but she was right.

I take them to the park, the movies, wherever we feel like.

I empty my bladder before leaving, and I don’t have to worry for hours.

I don’t count the sips of beer during the game just to make it to halftime anymore.

Or map out pitstops before taking a road trip (or even driving across town).

And I can visit friends and family without the embarrassment of getting stuck in the bathroom when my bladder just won’t let go.

But my wife and I had been looking forward to our golden years together. And I was wasting most of that time in the bathroom. Or worrying about having to go.

My wife was concerned about me.

But she was also irritated when I woke her up going to the toilet. So, I ended up sleeping in the guest room.

And when we had our alone time together, my little friend was severely impacted by my prostate issues.

We’re not 20 anymore, but our marriage is now intimate, fun, and playful.

 It’s all we ever wanted!

A great man named Scott Davis gave me the road map to healing my prostate.

Scott is somewhat of a legend in the alternative health world.

He’s the guy honorable doctors send their patients to when they run out of options.

So, when I refused to take any more meds (they were ineffective, and the side effects were killing me), my doctor’s response was:

I’m grateful my doctor was humble enough to admit he couldn’t help me. And wise enough to know that someone else could.

He would actually like to send all his prostate patients to Scott.

Because, like he says, “Scott gets the job done.

Something the medical system simply doesn’t have the tools to do.”

The problem is that many of his patients don’t want to put in the little effort it takes to heal their prostates.

Instead, they want him to prescribe a magic pill and be done with it.

Healing my prostate was easy enough, but it still required some action.

At first, I was highly skeptical that Scott could help.

I only agreed because I was desperate.

Traditional medicine had completely failed me.

And spending a lot of money on expensive prostate supplements had taught me the bitter lesson that they’re nothing but useless shams.

I believed diet and lifestyle changes could help. But I had no idea where to start.

So, I decided to take the leap of faith.

Because Scott has since stopped seeing people in person.

He says it takes too much time from his research and writing, and his time is better served there.

He’s the kind of person who is all about effectiveness.

He doesn’t like to be in the spotlight, promote himself, or do interviews.

That’s why you’re discovering his prostate approach by word of mouth from me, his eternally thankful client.

I want to pay this forward!

Because nobody else has uncovered the real underlying cause of enlarged prostate that Scott identified.

Therefore, nobody else can give you the roadmap to prostate health that he gave me and that I now want to give you.

The study researched a tribe in the Bolivian Amazon named Tsimane Amerindians. 

And what this study revealed changed everything.

You see, almost nobody in this tribe had an enlarged prostate. Even the oldest men.

But what this Oxford study failed to do was to identify WHY this tribe does not develop enlarged prostates.

And the quest for this WHY set Scott out on a mission.

So, Scott did what Scott does. He investigated things for himself.

He jumped on a plane down to the Bolivian jungles.

And began to study this and other tribes that don’t suffer enlarged prostates.

And that’s where he discovered… 

I’ll get back to this fundamental difference in a second.

Because Scott didn’t stop there…

After spending several months in the Amazon, he returned to the US. 

Here, he examined hundreds of elderly American men who do not suffer enlarged prostates.

You have probably been told the myth that all men will develop enlarged prostates with age.

That’s simply not true.

Because one in five men never develops an enlarged prostate, no matter how old they become.

Again, the traditional medical system has no explanation of WHY these men’s prostates don’t grow bigger. Or WHAT these men do (usually unknowingly) to keep their prostates in great shape.

Because those prostate-healthy American men confirmed…

You see, the prostate does not just start growing out of nowhere when men turn 50, 60, or 70.

This progress starts slowly in the early 30s — around the time men reach their peak in development.

The prostate overgrowth, however, begins so slowly that we don’t experience any symptoms until things have gone seriously wrong.

No body part has as much and as many types of hormones as the prostate does. 

And there is a very delicate dance between the different types of hormones.

Testosterone is the primary fuel of the prostate. Without it, the prostate would wither down and die.

But, just like sugar is a powerful fuel source, if we overeat sugar, we get fat.

In the same way, if the prostate takes in too much testosterone, it grows too big.

It becomes an enlarged prostate.

Fortunately, a healthy hormonal system has a way to handle spikes in testosterone.

Just like we pack away excess candy and hide it from the kids (so they don’t gulp it all up), the prostate does the same with testosterone.

Specific receptors inside the prostate wrap the testosterone neatly, use it as needed, and exhaust the excess.

Let’s call them “prostate receptors.”

If these prostate receptors are working well, it doesn’t matter how high your testosterone level is. These receptors will only let in what the prostate needs.

Just like we only give the kids a bit of candy no matter how full the pantry is.

And just to be clear, everyone has enough testosterone to balloon their prostate, even men with low testosterone levels.

The Tsimane Amerindians had exceptionally effective prostate receptors. 

And the same was true for American men in their 60s,70s, and 80s who did not develop enlarged prostates.

Some had high testosterone levels; others lower.

Some had low estrogen; others higher.

It didn’t make any difference. 

What mattered was how well their prostate receptors functioned.

For the men who had enlarged prostates, something began to damage their prostate receptors starting in their 30s, 40s, or 50s.

Let me explain what that something is.

The prostate receptors are like bouncers in an unruly bar. They need to be in excellent shape to handle the onset of testosterone.

In his 20s the bouncer can handle cheating a little bit on his diet. But if he keeps this up into his 30s and 40s, his belly will grow bigger, and he’ll get slower and weaker. 

And one day, when faced with a stampede, he’ll be run over.

Similarly, our prostate receptors could manage the things that damage them for decades.

But throughout our lives, they became weaker and less effective.

Until one day, our prostate receptors can’t balance the testosterone onset.

At that point, your prostate gets overrun by testosterone.

Like a kid on a sugar rush, the prostate gulps up all the testosterone it can get and balloons in size. 

In weeks or months, the prostate becomes two, four, even ten times the size it was before.

You have now developed an enlarged prostate!

Scott is no rookie when it comes to putting together natural solutions for serious health issues.

For more than five decades, he has helped people tackle pretty much every health issue under the sun naturally.

And his approach is straightforward:

Scott realized that for optimal prostate health, we need to provide our prostate receptors with nutrition that strengthens them.

And that nutrition comes from the food we eat.

So, Scott began to log the diets of elderly men who never developed enlarged prostates.

Then compared them to the diets of men suffering from enlarged prostates.

He analyzed over 500 different food types and ingredients.

Then he identified which food types and which ingredients are good and bad for prostate receptors.

But here comes the tricky part…

Although some of the food that is good for our prostate receptors also promotes general health, this is not always the case.

The prostate receptors need specific nutrition that is important to their health specifically rather than to general health.

And just like some food is bad for our general health, a few types of food are absolute killers when it comes to the wellbeing of the prostate receptors.

These are the types of food you must stop eating today.

Once the prostate is back to a healthy size, you can reintroduce these foods in smaller quantities.

But for now, you must eliminate these prostate destroyers from your diet.

Almost all “health gurus” praise this food as super healthy. But carrying out Scott’s strategy, I discovered that this food wrecks the prostate receptors.

And almost everyone eats this prostate destroyer daily.

It may be the number one reason you have an enlarged prostate.

After I cut out this one type of food, I felt a huge difference in my urine flow within days.

Scott doesn’t discover precise health gems like these sitting on his sofa making theories and speculations.

Unlike most self-claimed “health gurus,” he’s all about cold, hard practicality and effectiveness in the real world you and I live in.

He gave the prostate protocol to hundreds of men all over the world. 

Then he interviewed them repeatedly on their progress.

He studied what worked and what didn’t work for them.

And he adjusted the strategy accordingly.

Until one day, he was confident that his strategy could help everyone.

Fortunately for me, Scott had his strategy fully molded when I met him.

After our initial face-to-face meeting (which, in hindsight, wasn’t even needed), he handed me an approximately 150-page printout of the prostate protocol. 

The action plan pinpointed, day by day, what to eat that day and what to avoid.

It identified exactly the nutrition needed in each stage of the healing process and what could harm the prostate on that specific day.

Because some things, for example, can be harmful to the prostate in day one, even if they’re okay on day 10.

What’s more, this all felt easy peasy.

He presents everything in plain English that is easy to follow. No complicated lingo.

He makes sure that there is no confusion and that all possible questions are answered, every step of the way. (I even think he sometimes goes overboard on this.)

And I didn’t have to shop in expensive health food stores or search for specialized items on the Internet.

I got everything I needed for every step of the plan at my local supermarket.

I half-assed the prostate protocol.

The day-by-day action steps are very flexible.

They are meant as guidance for the absolute most effective approach to address an enlarged prostate.

At the same time, they give a lot of room for cheating without losing much on the results.

They were easy enough to follow. But still, I would say I only did around 50% of the things Scott suggested.

I cherrypicked what I felt suited me and left the things I didn’t feel like doing.

Even then, I experienced an almost immediate difference in urine flow and number of bathroom visits.

And, despite my laziness, an ultrasound confirmed that my prostate had shrunk down to a healthy size within weeks.

Even my PSA blood test, the most accurate test for identifying enlarged prostates, went from a terrifying five (which can even indicate cancer) to a super-healthy result of one.

I’m sure if I had given the plan 100%, my prostate would have healed even faster.

But lazy me, before beginning to work the program, I asked Scott:

“Yes,” he replied. “There are hundreds of overhyped prostate supplements out there.

All of them promise you a prince on a white horse and happily ever after.

And guess what… they’re worth less than the cheap plastic bottles they come in.

Yes, there are some good vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that help. You can get them at your local supermarket.

But no one blend of supplements is going to shrink a prostate to a healthy size. 

Don’t let these unethical supplement manufacturers scam you. 

You know the ingredients list when you eat steamed beets, a bowl of rice, or a T-bone steak. 

Food is the medicine given to us by God.

Mother Earth writes the label. 

That’s one supplement nobody can forge.”

Scott was right, of course!

And once I understood how making minor changes to our diets can transform our health, I got frustrated.

Why would anyone take drugs or other pills when the same results are so easily achievable with food?

Without any further effort on my part, my prostate receptors became healthier and stronger.

The receptors began regulating how much testosterone my prostate received.

Once my prostate stopped overconsuming testosterone, it shrunk and stopped pressing on my bladder and urine tract.

My urine flow returned to normal, my bladder emptied normally, and I stopped having to go to the toilet every ten minutes.

And once my bladder wasn’t under constant pressure anymore, the infection cleared up, and I stopped pissing blood.

After experiencing how effective these action steps are, I got upset about how few people know about them.

I wanted Scott to go on TV and radio, write books, and do everything required for the masses to know about his incredible approach.

But Scott is highly concerned that his methods not be influenced by any institutions. 

That’s why he refuses to join any medical facilities or drug or supplement manufacturers. 

The honorable doctors who refer their patients to him (as mine did) do so of their own will. 

So, instead of running after mainstream media, Scott joined up with like-minded health experts. 

Together, they founded an independent publishing company named Blue Heron Health News.

These are the folks he trusts. 

And this is the only place you can get your hands on Scott David’s Prostate Protocol…

I have led you to this place so you can make your own decision.

Are you going to suffer another day of an enlarged prostate, or are you going to do something about it?

Admittingly, most people decide on inaction. 

Like infants, they don’t want to take responsibility for their own health.  

Instead, they default to being fed harmful medication by big pharma, even if it helps little or nothing.

And even if the side effects often create worse health issues than the initial disease.

FDA warns about side effects ranging from erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems to serous skin rash, men’s breasts, and dizziness to even more serious side effects such as cancer and kidney failure.

Or they run from one supplement to another, hoping that a magical solution will effortlessly cure them.

I don’t think you’d have listened to me for so long if you were the kind of person who wants to default to irresponsible infancy.

Not since you know all the facts now.

Like me, I believe you are willing to make a small effort to improve your prostate health.

I believe you want to enjoy… 

…and whatever other joy your enlarged prostate is robbing you of.

Scott’s action steps truly do not require much effort or sacrifice.

Especially compared to the horrendous hell of having an enlarged prostate.

So, why don’t you click here now to get your hands on Scott’s Prostate Protocol…

Because right now, you’re faced with…

I sometimes think in terror about what would have happened if I hadn’t taken the chance to execute Scott’s strategy.

Two years later, I’d still, like you, be waking up night after night, hour after hour, struggling to drain a few drops.

But by now, things would probably have become much worse.

Let’s face it: These are some of the roads that most men who do not address their enlarged prostates in time travel.

I sometimes compare this to people who pass on the opportunity to buy cheap stocks right before their prices spike.

Except in our case, it is our health, life, and wellbeing we would pass on.

It’s terrifying to think about passing on having a healthy prostate for a no-good reason.

You can’t put a price on that.

I thought it was a bit steep back then. But it’s the best investment I’ve ever made.

At least, not if you click here to get full access to the Prostate Protocol now…

But hurry before it’s too late.

Because the only trouble I have now with sleep is sometimes waking up trembling, thinking about what would have happened if I had given up on the opportunity to apply Scott’s strategy. 

I’m sure that you, like me back then, are being tempted to give in to these thoughts.

Imagine the beautiful life you could be losing out on.

The terrifying health conditions you will face.

So please, PLEASE click here to get your hands on Scott David’s Prostate Protocol now…

Click here to get The Prostate Protocol vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Prostate Protocol vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Absolute best AI Equipment for B2B Advertising in 2024

For the reason that cofounder of a boutique B2B promoting corporate, I’m always searching for the most productive AI apparatus for B2B promoting — partly for me and partly for my shoppers.

The additional time I spend getting acquainted with automation and AI, the additional comfortable I’ve grow to be with the actual benefits AI can lift to promoting and trade.

In this article, I’m sharing, in no explicit order, the most productive AI apparatus for promoting in 2024. I’ve built-in my enjoy with them, why they’re great, their unique choices and pricing, and who I consider can get advantages most from the software.

Table of Contents

Why use AI apparatus for B2B promoting?

In line with HubSpot’s AI Developments for Entrepreneurs survey of 1,062 US promoting and selling pros, a very powerful worry about adopting AI is that it’s going to modify jobs.

Just about 50% of marketers surveyed voiced problems about procedure protection. This fascinates me, specifically on account of 68% said AI has helped expand their careers.

Screenshot from HubSpot’s Marketing and AI trends report showing that 48% of marketers are concerned that ai will replace their jobs.

In my view, I’ve not strongly felt this way on account of I believe that promoting is, and always might be, about human-to-human connection — and AI simply can’t do that.

I left the worries about using AI apparatus in B2B promoting behind me long ago and now come with what AI apparatus offer.

That said, although I don’t proportion the sentiment, I do understand the concern. I’d argue that AI apparatus can do such a large amount of our artwork, alternatively now not some of the authentic good stuff or the problems we adore! As marketers, we nevertheless get as a way to upload the human touch, alternatively we will “outsource” a lot of the less attention-grabbing artwork to AI.

Let’s check out how we will use AI to create a further surroundings pleasant workflow and liberate our time to do what we do highest.

  • Generative AI can help us write content material subject material faster. In my opinion, there’s a time and a place for generative AI. Some content material subject material benefits massively from its input, and a couple of content material subject material merely needs totally the human touch. I’ve used generative AI for emails, my internet web page, paragraphs within articles, and even some articles which might be nearly totally written with AI.
  • AI and automation in problem regulate apparatus indicate that promoting projects will organize parts themselves. In recent years, I’ve organize ClickUp automation, which left me mindblown and questioning why I didn’t come with it earlier! Undertaking regulate apparatus like Motion will organize your week in keeping with task priorities, available time, and desired time table.
  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is the type of AI you’ve almost definitely spotted in your meetings; Fireflies AI will transcribe your meetings. Loom does the an identical with its video transcription. The AI is leveled up when it moreover pulls out key problems and actions, so you know exactly what you wish to have to do after a meeting.
  • Predictive analysis in CRMs turns out at shoppers developments, helping product sales and promoting to make data-driven possible choices about what to do next.

I might simply continue, alternatively we’ll speak about the details of AI choices in B2B promoting apparatus throughout the next phase.

Forward of we get into that, despite the fact that, let me give you a easiest tip for using AI advertising equipment: don’t attempt to do it .

74% of promoting execs say that AI usage will build up by way of provide apparatus. That is good.

Get began thru together with layers of AI in apparatus your crew already uses and is pleased with. The likelihood is that they’ll be used to the software’s interface so that they will be a lot much less intimidated.

Moreover, the AI choices of the apparatus you’re already using should complement provide workflows.

Screenshot from HubSpot’s Marketing and AI trends report showing that 74% of marketing professionals say that Ai usage increases through existing AI tool integrations.

Adequate, let’s get into it. Proper right here’s my round-up of the 11 highest AI apparatus for B2B promoting.

1. HubSpot

HubSpot is if truth be told unbelievable. I know, I would say that — alternatively the issue is, it’s not merely me. Loopy Egg and Zapier voted HubSpot the most productive loose CRM.

HubSpot does such a lot out of the sphere for brand spanking new consumers, and when you get into the paid choices, you’ll be unstoppable.

The loose style makes it a great place to start out out for brand spanking new consumers and more youthful firms, and also you’ll make certain that HubSpot has what it takes to expand with your online business.

best AI tools for b2b marketing

HubSpot Choices

Marketers love HubSpot’s many choices, in conjunction with the most popular live chat, AI content material subject material writer, and internet web page builder.

popular HubSpot platform features

One great feature of HubSpot is the a large number of integrations. You’ll connect quite a lot of apps and streamline your workflows. In a test, I added my Google Contacts to the CRM, which have been merely synced and ready for promoting.

HubSpot AI Choices

HubSpot’s AI options are large, and it’s actually striking AI to the test and together with unbeatable capacity. I received’t get by way of they all in this article, alternatively listed below are some favorites for B2B marketers.

Whilst you create internet web page pages or landing pages, you’ll assemble your web site from scratch or generate them using AI.

HubSpot AI features

The an identical goes for growing content material subject material. HubSpot has an excellent copywriting AI; you’ll generate a complete article or email using AI.

When it comes to AI content material subject material, I generally tend to use it as a place to begin and then edit it after. 86% of entrepreneurs agree that’s what works.

86% of marketers using AI take time to edit the content it produces

I tested the generative AI and situated it truly simple. You enter the topic that you need to write down about. Next, the AI software will assist you to choose a reputation from 5 generated possible choices, and voila! You’re going to have your blog put up outline.

Nevertheless not sure? Smartly, 85% of entrepreneurs and gross sales execs agree that AI is a very environment friendly software for content material subject material creation and top of the range.

HubSpot Boundaries

While HubSpot does such a lot free of charge, you’ll have to strengthen your account if you want to have the most productive from the system. You pay for additonal consumers, alternatively Promoting Hub Professional contains 3 seats.


The Advertising Hub Skilled unlocks a lot of capacity and AI for B2B marketers. Prices get began from $15 a month in step with seat to $800 a month for upper firms in need of further capacity.

Screenshot taken from HubSpot’s marketing hub pricing.

See the whole pricing breakdown.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Hubspot’s Gross sales and Advertising Hub is rated 4.4/5, with over 11,000 critiques. The CMS Hub is rated 4.5/5 problems, with over 1,500+ critiques.

Highest For

Hubspot is a wonderful and whole software for firms of all sizes. It supplies this kind of lot free of charge that it’s easiest for small firms because it’s and is enhanced throughout the small industry AI. HubSpot is certainly whole enough for a very powerful of businesses.

2. WriterZen

WriterZen is an organization favorite of mine. I’ve used it for years. In the event you occur to’re doing a lot of content material subject material promoting, Search engine marketing, and blog writing, you’ll have to believe WriterZen given that capacity and worth of this software make it very affordable.

The crowd is unbelievable. They’re a passionate bunch and devoted to creating the most productive content material subject material software. I met they all a couple of years previously when I visited their puts of labor, and we chatted about AI, content material subject material, and Search engine marketing.

Zoe Ashbridge, HubSpot writer, sat with the WriterZen team.

The software is mainly for content material subject material writing. I really like growing briefs with it, alternatively you’ll moreover write articles with the generative AI and organize all of your content material subject material production during the software.

There’s a very good keyword clustering software that works thru analyzing score pages, moreover ideation apparatus, plagiarism checkers, and so much more.

WriterZen Choices

I’ll run by way of a few choices, then focus on my favorite and most used part of WriterZen, the Content material subject material Creator feature.

WriterZen’s Topic Discovery feature is a brilliant position to start if you wish to have help discovering topics. You get began with a head topic, paying homage to “promoting solutions.” Then, the software does the laborious provide the effects you wish to have, handing over content material subject material topics.

Keyword Explorer and Keyword Planner choices assist the planning phase of content material subject material production. WriterZen will to seek out keywords for you.

Now, onto Content material subject material Creator, my favorite feature. This feature helps you write competitive content material subject material. You’ll do the whole thing from keyword research to SERP analysis to writing, all within the an identical workflow and window.

This feature supplies generative AI for title tags, meta descriptions, whole article outlines, and the article itself.

I’ve an entire video showing how I benefit from this part of WriterZen, in conjunction with the AI choices.

WriterZen AI Choices

As confirmed throughout the video above, the AI choices within WriterZen let you:

  • Generate a competitive Search engine marketing-driven brief in keeping with what’s already score. I love to counsel expanding this to include your direct enjoy. It isn’t enough to do what everyone else is doing and expect to rank.
  • Write title tags, meta descriptions, and even all of the article with AI if you want to have. I’ve started many articles this way, then edited them until happy.

WriterZen Boundaries

You’ll’t get right to use the most productive apparatus using the loose style. Although it’s glorious for briefing and writing, keyword research isn’t as good as a tool like Semrush or Ahrefs as they will have large databases.


The most efficient part of WriterZen’s pricing is that you just pay for it once and get lifetime get right to use. There’s moreover a loose trial and a money-back be sure.

You’ll get right to use the whole thing for $405 and now not pay every other penny. WriterZen boldly compares themselves to other apparatus.

Screenshot shows WriterZen’s pricing against other B2B AI marketing tools.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

WriterZen has 201 evaluations in G2 and has a rating of 4.7/5.

Highest For

This software is superb for content material subject material promoting teams who need give a boost to with the Search engine marketing layer of content material subject material method.

3. ChatGPT

I consider everyone has at least tried ChatGPT at this stage.

Find it irresistible or loathe it, you simply can’t argue that ChatGPT is a handy gizmo that can very a lot strengthen B2B promoting. In the event you occur to’re nevertheless unconvinced, I’ll proportion a couple of of its choices and strategies I’ve used it.

best AI tools for B2B marketing 2024, Chat GPT

ChatGPT Choices

Most of the people almost definitely turn to ChatGPT for its generative AI and writing blog content material subject material, alternatively it would achieve this much more than that.

Since that may be a widely recognized use for the software, I’ll focus on other choices paying homage to image generation, information analysis, and coding.

ChatGPT AI Choices

DALL-E lets you turn your imagination into images. Simply steered the generative AI in conjunction with your required image, and DALL-E will return something you’ll use to your internet web page or other digital channels.

The photographs are good, alternatively you wish to have to check them moderately. I’ve spotted generative AI images on internet pages, and if you know what to seek for (the fingers), you’ll spot a generative AI image fairly merely.

I encourage people to use their own images, alternatively generative AI images serve a objective. I follow the rule that generative AI is ok if an image is solely there for decoration.

I’ve relied on ChatGPT such a lot when I’m generating code. I benefit from it such a lot for schema.

It’s not always easiest, but if I want to add code to a web site I’m running on, ChatGPT will get me to my desired consequence or close enough {{that a}} developer is making tweaks quite than doing all of the task.

In a similar way, you’ll code apparatus and calculators that can act as great lead magnets to your web site.

As a content material subject material marketer and Search engine marketing, I frequently deal with large datasets, like keywords. You’ll upload knowledge to ChatGPT, and it’s going to return tidy information. The usage of ChatGPT in this way saves me hours.

ChatGPT Boundaries

ChatGPT is beautiful infinite when you get began paying for it. Iterating images is poor. It tends not to understand a request to tweak something on an already generated image.


The loose style will provide you with get right to use to GPT-4o mini. On the other hand, if you want to use the entire ChatGPT choices, the strengthen will value you $20 per 30 days. I’ve used every the loose and paid style. Get began with loose and see the best way you move.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

ChatGPT is rated 4.7/5 with over 580 critiques.

Highest For

This can be a very good AI software for any B2B marketer. I battle to imagine any person who wouldn’t have the benefit of ChatGPT.

4. Loom

I really like Loom. It’s an excellent recording software basic. It’s not easiest, and I’ll speak about that throughout the hindrances phase underneath. That said, I pay for Loom Business, and the extra to use the AI choices is definitely neatly well worth the $5.

Screenshot shows Zoe Ashbridge using Loom. The video shows how Loom can be used to screen record, a useful feature for B2B marketers.

Loom Choices

Loom is a video recording instrument. I benefit from it to be in contact with shoppers, expose apparatus, send proposals, and create onboarding and training bureaucracy.

You’ll proportion your video thru merely generating a shareable link. Loom tracks video views, comments, and additional.

There’s a desktop app, a browser style, and a Chrome extension. I extraordinarily recommend the app, which, in my enjoy, has the fewest problems and is least much more likely to glitch.

Loom AI Choices

Loom uses fairly just a bit of AI.

You’ll generate video transcripts with automatic speech recognition (ASR), which comes in handy. I’d move as far as to say that Loom’s ASR is among the highest I’ve used. I on no account edit it on account of it is only proper enough for what I might adore it for.

You’ll moreover edit your video using the trim and stitch editor. Compared to apps like TikTok or CapCut, the enhancing feature isn’t the most productive on Loom, alternatively it’s good enough.

It’s enhanced with the Loom AI bundle, which you do should pay for, alternatively the AI will decrease any pauses and filler words.

Plus, the AI will generate a video summary and chapters. I frequently edit the chapters alternatively quite touch the summary; it’s good enough.

Loom Boundaries

There are a few hindrances with Loom. The loose package deal limits you to 25 motion pictures and 5 five-minute period. To be fair, I do think that’s generous enough, despite the fact that I was on the loose style for ages.

As mentioned, the video editor may well be upper.

Loom isn’t actually a video generator throughout the sense that you simply’re growing creative motion pictures; it’s actually for recording processes and your computer screen. On the other hand, there are AI video turbines and other apparatus to help with that.

My biggest gripe with the instrument is that it does seem to glitch; motion pictures don’t always save. When I load the app, it minimizes my browser the main time I benefit from it, alternatively it’s great the second time.

The ones little bugs aggravate me, alternatively not enough, as I nevertheless use it.

To Loom’s credit score rating, each and every time I’ve had problems, purchaser give a boost to has spoke again briefly and resolved a whole lot of my issues.


Loom costs $12.50 a month if paid every year. You’ll optionally add Loom AI for $5 in step with individual. The extra $5 is worth it for me, alternatively I almost definitely use Loom at least every other day.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Loom is rated 4.7/5 with over 2000 critiques.

Highest For

Loom is superb for day by day promoting teams looking to showcase demos, report training, and create onboarding motion pictures. If you wish to do a lot of enhancing, you’ll nevertheless use Loom, alternatively you might want to want to download the video and edit it elsewhere.

5. Fireflies AI

Lengthy long gone are the days when a VA or junior crew member used to be as soon as brought to take meeting minutes. In 2024, this is handled totally thru AI, and when Fireflies is as good because it’s, why wouldn’t you?

For one of the most phase, I to seek out Fireflies to be beautiful proper, and I appreciate movement problems being delivered directly to me. It prevents people from being distracted while taking notes, so everyone will have interplay completely throughout the meeting.

Screenshot of homepage

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Fireflies AI Choices

Fireflies integrates with many apps, paying homage to Asana, Airtable, ClickUp, Google Meet, Google Scientific medical doctors, HubSpot,, Belief, Zoom, Skype, Trello, Slack, and a lot of further.

Whilst you mix an app (e.g., Zoom), this software will join the meeting and email you a transcription at the end.

Usefully, there’s a topic tracker where you’ll create topics that imply you’ll be able to search and highlight similar parts of meetings briefly. This feature is best available for the highest magnificence plan. topic tracker

You’ll upload an audio or video report back to generate a transcript. Depending to your file size, it’s going to be processed in 10-15 minutes. This is helping formats like MP3, MP4, WAV, and M4A.

AI Choices Inside of Fireflies AI

One great feature is the magic soundbites. You’ll use the ability of AI to create new media from your video or audio. For instance, the Magic Soundbites app will mechanically generate a focus reel for your meetings.

Although not strictly promoting, it all plays a job: you’ll generate a scorecard to price the potency of product sales reps.

Fireflies Boundaries

The loose style best contains 800 minutes of video storage. That is, on the other hand, beautiful affordable.


The loose plan might be very affordable as a place to begin. If you want to have get right to use to further choices, you’ll get began at $18/month, rising to $29.

G2 Critiques & Ratings has 4.8/ 5 out and 448 critiques.

Highest For

This is highest for other folks and firms, particularly those in and out of meetings regularly and want to save time.

6. Microsoft Clarity

Any good B2B marketer should take into account of ways their internet web page functions for the individual. Microsoft Clarity shows how visitors interact in conjunction with your web site.

The setup might be quite simple. You simply add code to your internet web page. For a savvy internet web page administrator, you received’t even want a developer.

Microsoft Clarity Choices

Screenshot shows my Microsoft Clarity dashboard.

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Clarity is loose to use. It has analysis and reporting choices, and also you’ll get fairly granular. Under recordings, you’ll see your internet web page visitors’ task, Particular person ID, location, and browser and tool details — MacOS, IOS, PC, and so on.

Heatmaps, as pictured, show where consumers click on on or scroll. That’s the knowledge that B2B marketers want to create the most productive possible pages for conversion.

Once you know where and what your consumers click on on, you’ll build up a internet web page this is serving to funnel guests to conversion.

Microsoft Clarity heatmap

Microsoft Clarity AI Choices

Copilot is Microsoft Clarity’s AI partner. It’s loose, and also you’ll use natural language to help you understand your internet web page’s potency.

Screenshot shows Microsoft Clarity’s AI feature, Copilot, on the right-hand side.

Microsoft Clarity Boundaries

I’m struggling to hunt out hindrances. It’s completely loose and does what you need it to. It’s supposed to be upper than possible choices as it’s not too “heavy” on the web site and, therefore, doesn’t slow it down as so much.


Clarity is loose to use ceaselessly.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

With 36 basic critiques, Readability is rated 4.5/5.

Highest For

Microsoft Clarity is superb for any person with a internet web page. For B2B marketers, you’ll make data-driven possible choices. Even if you’re not ready for this however, I’d recommend getting Clarity on the web site in order that you get began accumulating the ideas.

7. ClickUp

It took me a while to warmth up to ClickUp, an AI challenge control device, alternatively the additional I benefit from it, the additional I like it.

Undertaking regulate apparatus are a should for me.

As a consultant, I see way too many promoting teams hoping actions get completed after meetings or running in Google Sheets. A good problem regulate software with great AI options very much advantages paintings efficiency.

ClickUp is loose first of all and does much more out of the sphere than its pageant.

ClickUp Choices

You’ll import tasks from previous apparatus, in conjunction with Monday, Asana, Trello, and Belief, or an Excel and CSV file when you already use every other problem regulate software.

The screenshot shows a straightforward ClickUp board for B2B marketers.

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One of the vital an important upper choices of ClickUp is that automations are available on the loose style.

best AI b2b tools, ClickUp

Inside of my own ClickUp board, I benefit from automation for brand spanking new tasks, which are mechanically assigned to me and populated with descriptions and priorities.

One amongst my favorite choices is the form view. As pictured underneath, the form lets you ask for specific details from any person, even those not using your ClickUp setup. Wisdom provided on the form can populate your next ClickUp task. This feature has considerably sped up workflows and bigger accuracy for me.

Screenshot shows the ClickUp form that I use in my own marketing.

ClickUp AI Choices

Like most good problem regulate apparatus in 2024, ClickUp has a generative AI feature. You’ll use this to write down procedure descriptions and tasks, summarize notes, and additional.

You’ll ask the AI questions like what tasks you’ve got, what’s next to do, and additional. It can be faster than navigating to your tasks/boards, specifically when you’ve got such a lot going down during the instrument.

With ClickUp Thoughts, you’ll briefly create drafts of your problem plans and subtasks from your task details or even get real-time problem updates without opening the obligation.

For marketers, you’ll mix with medical doctors outside of ClickUp. For instance, you’ll merely add Google Scientific medical doctors as a view. I benefit from this feature for content material subject material briefings.

ClickUp Boundaries

The loose style best has 100 MB of loose storage, and guests should be granted whole get right to use (no permissions). It best has 5 spaces, and the loose style best shall we in 100 uses when using custom designed fields.

Although limited, this is affordable for the loose style. Solo entrepreneurs and small firms might to seek out this very workable for them.


The Business Plan costs $12 in step with member/month, and the Business Plus is $19 in step with member/month.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

ClickUp’s G2 score is 4.7/5, with over 9,700 critiques.

Highest For

I’d move as far as to say that anyone might simply have the benefit of ClickUp, but it surely’s surely superb for teams looking to artwork further effectively.

8. LinkedIn

At this stage, everyone knows about LinkedIn, alternatively not everyone uses this professional social media platform to its fullest extent.

LinkedIn is chargeable for almost all of my B2B leads. I merely like it.

LinkedIn Choices

We all know LinkedIn for the reason that social media platform, so I’m not going to talk a substantial amount of about that, despite the fact that there are AI choices there for comments and generative AI to write down in mail and messages.

The primary choices for B2B marketers are selling solutions, a product sales navigator, and recruitment apparatus.

LinkedIn AI Choices

For marketers posting on LinkedIn (which you utterly should be), generative AI let you write a truly best put up.

Like many apparatus, it’s easy to use during the interface. I’d criticize the AI on LinkedIn; I don’t like it, alternatively I’m all about being distinctive and participating within the writing.

Product sales Navigator is a wonderful (alternatively paid) feature that will help you attach to precisely the proper people.

This feature lets you determine your target audience in keeping with quite a lot of filters, in conjunction with company, seniority, and additional. Instead of wading by way of profiles, you’ll now use Account IQ, which will summarize the whole thing you wish to have to clutch.

LinkedIn Boundaries

LinkedIn is loose to use for posting, viewing profiles, making connections, and so on.; for a lot of, the ones hindrances received’t be an issue.

On the other hand, the loose style will restrict marketers looking to get actually good with their outreach to using LinkedIn Product sales Navigator, which is paid.


A best magnificence subscription starts at $39.99 per thirty days.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

LinkedIn has quite a lot of choices, and the evaluations for every vary.

Product sales Navigator has a rating of 4.3/5 and over 1,900 critiques.

The Task Search feature has 4.5/5 (over 1000 critiques), and Recruitment Promoting has 4.2/5 (over 800 critiques).

Highest For

I’m a big LinkedIn fan and if truth be told think that every B2B marketer should at least believe it for their specific individual profiles and company pages.

I love to counsel using specific individual profiles alongside company pages on account of, as cliche as it sounds, people do trade with people.

9. Slack

In 2024, everybody appears to be using or has used Slack. We’re all acquainted with it as instrument for verbal alternate. Slack does have some AI choices that you just is probably not conscious about. I’ll get into this underneath.

Image of Slack screenshot with a social media channel showing how marketing teams can use it.

Symbol Supply

Slack Choices

There are a couple of choices that I truly like about Slack.

At first, you’ll team of workers conversations into channels. For my B2B promoting trade, we’ve one channel in step with shopper. Plus, there are some inside channels. Others might use it for quite a lot of departments or promoting channels.

Secondly, Slack is truly simple to use whilst you’ve were given get right to use to a couple of accounts. Over time, you might want to be invited into a couple of Slack channels from shoppers or suppliers. You’ll organize all of this very merely within the an identical interface.

After all, the huddle feature is at hand. Now and again, you merely want to keep up a correspondence, Huddle shall we in for quick and impromptu meetings.

Slack AI Choices

Slackbot is a helper and messenger. This feature reminds you of belongings you haven’t completed however to stick the workflow shifting.

AI features in Slack

You’ll search for snippets of conversation within Slack to hunt out out of place messages. The AI part means you’ll seek in herbal language, asking questions like ” What’s the Q1 product sales method?”

The choices for navigating Slack are beautiful good. You’ll swipe by way of conversations to briefly overview overpassed messages, and with AI, you’ll moreover summarize conversations.

Slack Boundaries

Whilst you use the loose style, integration with other apparatus is particular to 10 apparatus best. The messaging feature’s 90-day history could also be limited to the #commonplace channel, and channel posting permission is particular to the #commonplace channel best.


The Skilled style costs $7.25 in step with person/month, billed annually. The Business+ Plan is $12.50 in step with person/month.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Slack has a very good 32k evaluations in G2 and fees 4.5/5.

Highest For

Slack is highest for firms with teams from quite a lot of puts, alternatively I’ve found out it actually helpful although running within a physically place of business.

10. Motion

I consider Movement is superb! I’ve used it for kind of a 365 days. It’s easiest for managing solo entrepreneurs and most likely smaller teams.

Screenshot shows Motion’s project management that uses AI.

Symbol Supply

Motion Choices

This app will imply you’ll be able to with problem and task regulate. Its calendar feature lets you mechanically plan your day in keeping with tasks and priorities.

Motion moreover serves as a clutch calendar, a feature that I found out extraordinarily helpful as I artwork with a couple of calendars. I sync my calendar from Google and Outlook, and I expect you need to sync Apple Calendar, too.

Motion AI Choices

The principle AI feature within Motion is its scheduling AI. You give Motion a listing of tasks you complete and when they want to be completed.

You’ll set extraordinary tasks, so when you set it up, it manages itself each and every month. The initial setup can also be time-consuming, specifically as you input a time estimate for each and every task.

Once that’s completed, despite the fact that, Motion will organize all of your artwork day, taking into consideration task period, available time, and task priority. It takes the mental load out of what to do next and promises you don’t have pockets of wasted time.

Motion Boundaries

This software is particular to problem regulate and task crew. While the AI facet of it is very good for crew, it’s not one of the most multi-use software.

The calendar view irritates me, too. You’ll view your calendar thru day or week, on no account month, which feels usual. I did put in a ticket and requested a monthly view.


For one individual, Motion is $19 per 30 days, alternatively there’s a value in step with individual saving if in case you have a larger crew, you’ll pay $12 in step with person.

G2 Critiques & Ratings

Movement has a score of 4.1/5 and best 90 basic critiques.

Highest For

This is highest for individuals who would have the benefit of AI taking the mental load on what to do next.

Don’t Sleep on AI Apparatus for B2B Promoting

I understand how it’s. AI hasn’t always had the most productive reputation among marketers (be mindful, nearly 50% think it’ll exchange them). On the other hand, when used neatly, AI is correct right here to help promoting teams do further, advertise further, and connect with their target market.

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Your favorite publication’s favorite publication

Find out how to get to the top to see a penguin boy who, for some reason, has the same skills as a 58-year-old mafia boss.

In today’s model:

  • Hey everyone in Portland posting selfies with other real-life people they’ve worked with/gossiped with on Slack for years.
  • Etch, please! Kevin Geary attempts to stoke the flames of FOMO with his massive, bold release.
  • The Eddie Money Parody No One Asked For.

Out of Print: What’s New?

WP Fit organizers can now have some promotional and advertising finance, as maintenance

WordCamp US is underway! If you happen to be there, grab a West Coast IPA for us at Upright Brewing Tasting Room. Need some tips on how to spherical? Cami Kaos wrote a really great article.

Speaking of wordpress Events, Rocio Valdivia, Global Community Teams Strategy Manager, recently posted an offer that allocated a portion of the wordpress Events/WordCamp budget to promotion and sales.

The goal? To attract more newbies to their events, aiming for at least 50% first-time attendees.

To achieve this goal, WordCamp organizers will receive a whopping $50 to $400 in match funding for every contribution.

This is the first time in wordpress’ 21-year history that organizers have been assigned a sales price range. After WordCamp Netherlands was rescheduled due to low ticket sales, it looks like good old word of mouth isn’t working anymore.

Suggested channels for funding include game listings, online calendars, newsletter listings, influencer partnerships, and even strategically placed posters, flyers, and banners. (I’m surprised they didn’t mention homemade magazines, viral email chains, or just everyone putting the improvement information in their AOL program name.)

What about targeted campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn along with TV, radio and newspaper placements, you might ask? Those should only be considered when the previous options have been explored, because they can “go cheap very quickly.”

However, the most important segment will be to get the right enthusiasm. Any amount of money spent on selling is always a waste if it does not reach the right type of people.

Maybe Etch is a bit of a… caricature? Only time will tell.

Computerized.css and Frames creator Kevin Geary only recently announced the launch (of sorts) of Etch, billed as the biggest WP announcement in twenty years.

From what we can gather, it promises to be a unified builder that takes care of web page development, CPT, search engine optimization and all other developer moves, all from one place without jumping between different plugins and interfaces.

The idea for the challenge appears to have arisen from Kevin’s frustration with the “context switching” required for graphics in wordpress.

I guess it doesn’t do what the rest of us do: open 4,967 tabs in an instant.

But then again… the catch? Etch doesn’t exist… anyway. It’s just a vision, expected to end in about 3 years.

Kevin bypassed traditional funding channels to take a more grassroots approach, asking the group itself to pay a minimum upfront fee of $499 to fund his hypothetical product.

Kev apparently mentioned in his live glide (which, according to Mañana No Mas! founder Kurt von Ahnen, evoked memories of Jim Carrey’s Fire Marshall Bill) that those who don’t blindly adhere to his vision are “bad bitches” and “haters.”

Well… identify me Nancy if that’s what you like, then isn’t it more unreasonable to have to see past a bunch of white dudes to conclude that your product will actually be something? I don’t know… probably a visual or a demo or a figma report or an MVP or probably even a Q&A? Kevin, can you show us something?!

It sounds like Kevin is following the “how to get your target market to pay you to create the article” plan that he laid out on this podcast several years ago.

As Lawrence Ladomery has problems in his reaction, it is a great way to externalize the financial probability of failure. Kev has attracted a lot of attention for his vitality. Then again at the end of the day, he will have to get it back on its feet with, you know, a real product.

Can Kev and the workers corps make Etch happen? Promising to build something that can replace everything else is a big statement. I guess we’ll just have to wait a few years and then decide.

Congratulations on your funding round, Patchstack!

Meanwhile, Patchstack, a real product, has secured $5 million in a Series A funding round led by Karma Ventures, with additional investment from G+D Ventures and Emilia Capital, the investment firm of Yoast founders Joost de Valk and Marieke van de Rakt.

Patchstack, based primarily in Estonia, is a cybersecurity startup that saves developers from sleepless nights by helping them quickly decide, prioritize, and mitigate new vulnerabilities. Its “virtual patches” instantly deploy protection to your website, a bit like having a Kevin McCallister by your side 24/7, setting booby traps for any pesky cyber bandits.

Patchstack has simply introduced its free, EU-funded tool in recent years, which is helping open source tool vendors comply with the upcoming Cyber ​​Resilience Act. Today, over 5 million websites are scanned with Patchstack and their customers include big names like GoDaddy, Plesk/cPanel and Digital Ocean.

Their incredibly impressive access to vulnerability knowledge is based on a gamified virus bounty program that attracts an army of ethical hackers to hunt down vulnerabilities. (If you consider yourself a virus hunter, the top spot each month wins $2,000!)

🎵 We have two tickets to heaven, wouldn’t you like to stay in touch on The Hub tonight… 🎵

We have a marvel, especially for you
Something developers and companies want to do
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…

We will eliminate those long chains of email correspondence
And a simple pricing system, boy, that’s all it is anyway.
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…
You’ve waited so long, you’ve waited so long…

Blogging Ideas Key Points and Stats

  • Perfect security practices suggest automatic plugin updates, so again in line with the annual wordpress security survey revealed via Melapress, only 30% of those who are thinking about plugin or theme related security issues have automatic updates enabled. Get on with it! (Source)
  • The Gender Equality in wordpress Trade document is out and the effects don’t look promising, other people. Of the 200 companies that have committed to strengthening 5 for the future, only 4% are led by women. 😯 (Supply)
  • Some eye-catching statistics about wordpress Contribution Smartly Being Dashboard. For example, WP 6.6 has 38% new developers. (Supply)
  • WP 6.6.2 is out and it contains 15 bug fixes in Core and 11 inside the Block Editor. Hurray! (Supply)

Deep Dive: Simple Context Switching as a wordpress Developer

Context switching is actually a pain and will sap your productivity as a developer. Gloria Mark found in her study of “The Value of Interrupted Paintings” that it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the process after a mental channel switch.

Every time you want to have to switch between tasks, languages, equipment, or even relatively numerous types of activities similar to coding, debugging, or verbally changing the consumer, you will have to “reload” your thoughts with all the information about the new process. And in line with a Collaboration Learn more via Livecycle, almost 50% of developers are struggling with this inconvenience in their delivery workflows.

So how do you avoid that loss of momentum and keep yourself in a state of deep painting? Here are some tips:

  • Set aside days without meetings, or at least huge blocks of time when you’re not available. As Paul Graham wrote in his 2009 essay on the Maker’s Agenda, “A single meeting can blow an entire afternoon into two parts, each too small to laboriously do the rest.”
  • Break a large challenge into smaller, clearly defined tasks, then complete equivalent tasks together in a batch.
  • Use build and task tools like Webpack, Gulp, and Grunt to automate repetitive tasks, so you can focus on the more complex parts of your challenge.
  • Consider using Docker or local development environments to isolate wordpress tasks, ensuring each has its own non-public configuration and environment, thus avoiding the need to switch between different server configurations.
  • Slack Do Not Disturb is your perfect friend when you want to get some art done without interruptions. Your team of workers don’t need you to correct them right now. They can handle the asynchronous verbal change.
  • When you WANT to avoid rushing, take lots of notes on yourself or check out your interstitial journal, so you can easily resume your train of thought when you return. (Jerry Ng says this is the best thing he’s ever done in his career.)

Blogs and Assets You Shouldn’t Overlook

Josepha Haden Chomphosy gets nostalgic on the wordpress Briefing podcast, as she seems to be back on her very first wordpress website and everything that has changed since then. (Please note that some of you may feel very behind on GeoCities.)

The conversation about translations continues with Matthias Pupillo’s look at the WPTavern Podcast. What do you think? Would you consider AI to translate your website?

Check out this incredible story told by Marc Benzakein on the WP Builds podcast about a hacker who asked for $40,000.

Starting next month, two-factor authentication will likely be mandatory for all plugin and theme authors, so it will be imperative to have everything set up before then.

The “%-Guy Rule” is a fantastic tip not only for WordCamp events, but also for making new friends in any social setting.

Harmful Coffee Distractions

The typing pace of the average person is 40 wpm. See how you rate.

Wikipedia’s six levels guide you through the wikihole between two topics you select.

This online website tracks what happens every 2d on the web. It’s really cool, mind-blowing.

If you’re quoting a client for a business and they keep insisting it’s great, fast, and affordable… send it here.

This sarcastic and pretentious AI judges your tracking style and criticizes your enthusiastic and responsible listening.

And last but certainly not least, this absolute UNIT of a penguin baby. Enjoy.

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with women will probably unfold?

“I’ll go out, see some girls I find attractive, but I won’t approach them”

“I’m holding out for this one girl—she’s not my girlfriend or anything, but if she calls I’ll drop everything for her”

“I really hope the girls I meet on World of Warcraft aren’t actually dudes pretending to be girls”

“I’ll hit the town, approach some girls, but I can’t ever be sure if I’m going to have a great night or if I’m going to end up going home alone”

“I have a girl, so it’ll probably be another night at home with her as I fantasize about other girls”

“I have a date, but I’m not 100 percent confident I’m going to take her on the best date she’s ever had”

“I’m just going to stay in and jerk off…”

 If you even considered checking one of the above,
then the following article will be the most
game-changing one you’ll ever read. 

 Here’s an important secret you need to know: you’re not alone. The vast majority of men (95%+) will never sleep with—let alone date—a woman they find to be stunningly beautiful.

 These men will settle for some bland girlfriend or watch mindless hours of porn. All because they’ve convinced themselves that they can’t do any better. Men have this awful belief about themselves because they simply don’t understand how to effectively meet, attract, and seduce a beautiful woman.

  Did you know…that just by being a man, you possess masculine drive, which is an overwhelming power to stop a woman in her tracks, make her drip with anticipation for you, seduce her into doing things you both only fantasized about, make her want to please you in only the way a woman can—and beg to fulfill your desire?

  Yup. It’s true. And the most awesome part is that you can do it all with simple ease. It will be as if it were a reflex you were born with. You will understand exactly what it means “to be yourself” to attract women. I’m going to show you exactly what I’m talking about in a moment…

  Just give me 5 quick minutes of your time. I’m going to prove there is an answer to your secret, burning question: How can you possibly meet and attract women so desirable they seem “in another league” without changing who you are, how you look, or how much you earn?

Who We Are…
and Why We Can
Get You Dating Hotter Girls

 In fact, I love them so much that I developed an attraction method so a normal guy like me could date as many hot girls as I’d like. This method is for guys who lead busy lives and want women of REAL beauty and quality.

&#160But we’ll get into “the method” in a moment…

&#160First, I can already tell you’re a lot like me. How do I know that? Because you’re still reading. Sure, every guy *loves* hot women…but, like me, you actually want to date them.

 Guys like us already know we should be dating these beautiful women. But…we need a way to make sure we constantly to display our most attractive qualities…

 …like holding strong eye contact, speaking with a booming voice, staying cool under pressure, knowing the perfect lines and responses to whatever she says, confidently touching her and getting sexual…

 If we could do all that OF COURSE we could get the girl.

 How many times have you thought…

“I gotta say this is the best material I have ever read, and I’ve been a dumb keyboard jockey for too long.  

This is the only material that doesn’t make pickup seem completely foreign to most guys. This is a down to earth real human book.

This book has changed my life in just a couple of weeks.  I’ve done more now then in the past couple years reading, watching, debating about whose pickup material is better…who cares?!

This book got me off my ass and now I’m approaching women like crazy; best time of my life and I don’t need anybody else’s material anymore, why would I?  

So goodbye “Pickup Community”, I’ve retired from pickup material, this book is my Bible from now on.”

—Donny M., Minneapolis, MN

“Read the book yesterday… went home with a girl last night. Coincidence? You be the judge.”

—Kevin B., New York, NY

“This was a refreshing read. Refreshing for its simplicity and careful prioritization of the things that really matter when you are learning to get better with women.

From start to finish Rob takes you through the most important things he sees in dating women. They have kept it to a small number, and they are careful to tackle the most important first.

They said it – in a community of men studying to get better with women – no one talks about the biggest reason for men not getting results.

They don’t put it first, they don’t give it the priority it deserves.

Rob and Zack said it. Drive… (another word for stepping up and pushing things forward with women). The 4 Elements of Game dedicates the first quarter of the book to inspiring you to focus on drive before everything else, and telling you how to do it.

I salute them – it had to be said like this. And they do it well.

Very. Simple. Very. Practical.

It’s all in the words… Rob, the writer of the book, reveals that he is a writer at one point in the book – and this doesn’t surprise me.

His use of words, and naming of concepts throughout the book have obviously carefully been chosen…”

—Editors, Dating Skills Review

“…wealth of new information that I wasn’t even expecting…”

“This is the best product out there. It does what no other “guru” has ever managed to do—it actually breaks down the reasons behind my past successes.

After reading your book I have this wealth of new information that I wasn’t even expecting, reaffirming my successes, and getting me even more hyped for attracting beautiful chicks!”

In fact I was haunted by that thought a few years back, right after I graduated college…

I’d just landed a job “in the real world,” working in New York City. So I’d see tons of hot women throughout my day. Awesome, right?

Wrong. It was like torture…

See, I was certainly no Casanova in college but at least I could go to parties or meet girls through friends.

Out in the real world things were so intimidating they seemed impossible…

Whenever I’d spot a cute girl I wanted to talk to her…but I felt like I was suddenly being held underwater: I gasped for breath. My heart raced. I could not concentrate. I always thought of things I should have done or said later…but I never did a damn thing. I just stood there, staring.

I couldn’t approach a single girl. So I remained lonely. Single. And extremely frustrated. It got so bad that I seriously feared that I might never kiss a girl again if I did not figure something out.

I knew the first thing I had to do was get the courage and confidence to approach women…so I started reading up on ways to do it. (I’m a huge nerd if you haven’t already guessed.)

The psychology and self-help books made sense while I’d read them, but once a hot girl walked by…poof! All my confidence and courage flew right out the window again.

Tony was a construction worker I passed every morning on my way into work. Like clockwork, every day at 8:47a.m. he was waiting with a cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut ready to bark at any and every female who passed by.

Tony was just a repulsive loudmouth to most morning commuters, yet secretly I admired him.

I wished I had his complete inhibition in talking to women, no matter how beautiful.

Finally, one morning, I worked up the nerve to ask him:

“Excuse me sir,” I stammered. “Can I ask you something?”

“Name ain’t sir,” he croaked, “It’s Tony. Big Tony to some. But to you just Tony.”

“Okay, Tony… I just really respect how you…you know…greet women.”

“Greet ’em?” Tony sneered. “I hit on ’em!”

“Exactly!” I exclaimed, “How do you get up the nerve to do that?”

Tony snorted, snatched a pen from my front pocket, and scribbled 12 words on a napkin. He crumbled the napkin up, shoved it into my pocket, and said, “There ya go. There’s how I get up my nerve.”

When I uncrumpled the napkin and read the 12 words, it was almost like I’d unleashed a magic spell…

I actually started laughing hysterically in the middle of 31st Street as I realized how obvious, yet powerful Tony’s words were.

 To this day if I ever feel an inkling of anxiety or hesitation before approaching an attractive woman, I just remind myself of those 12 words. Those 12 words move me to approach every time.

 With my newfound courage I decided to try everything when it came to approaching women. I listened to whatever advice I could find. I hit on any woman who wasn’t running away from me. I decided nothing—and I mean NOTHING—was going to stop me from dating gorgeous women.

&#160Eventually, this lead me to my partner-in-crime, Zack.

 I met Zack at a dive bar doing what I did every night back then: I was hitting on babes.

 Suddenly, a shouting match errupted across the bar. I couldn’t hear what the fight was over, but some girl wound up laying a mean slap across the face of some big, shaggy-haired dude.

 The entire bar froze. The music went silent. The world seemed to stop turning, waiting to see how the shaggy-haired guy was going to respond…

The bar patrons shook their heads and went back to their drinks and conversations…but I had to find out what was up with this guy.

 “Two Bud Lights,” I said to the bartender, pulling up a stool next to Zack. “For me and my new friend here.”

 Zack looked at me, his eyebrows arched.

 “That was harsh,” I said. “Was that chick your girlfriend?”

 “Nah,” Zack took a sip of the beer, “Just met her tonight,”

 “Really?” I smiled, “So why were laughing when she slapped you?”

 “Who cares,” Zack shrugged. “I’d get slapped by a thousand girls if it teaches me a thing or two about ’em.”

 That’s when I realized that me and Zack, like you and I, are on the same page. We all have a burning, passionate love for hot women…and we refuse to let anything get in our way of being with them.

 Over the next year and a half, Zack and I went out to bars and nightclubs nearly every night. We hit on every girl. We tried every line. We applied every tip.

Then…finally…one night…

Together we stumbled on a method to ensure we could meet, attract, date, seduce and keep the kinds of women other guys FANTASIZE about. Once we pieced it together we were almost embarrassed that it was this simple all along. Here’s a screenshot from a Facebook album Zack put together during that time:

&#160As you can see, Zack and I are just normal guys and that’s why our method is so incredibly SIMPLE and EASY-TO-LEARN. You can master it WITHOUT the headache of endless hours of practice or acting outside your comfort zone. Zack and I already went through all that so you can save yourself the trouble.

&#160All you need to do is spend an afternoon reading…

 (Please check all that apply to you)

How to avoid 2 classic traps EVERY guy falls for that absolutely repels a woman and sends her running to the nearest asshole guy—pg. 128

A way to perfect your sense of humor so that you keep women laughing and hanging on your every word—pg. 69-77

A deadly understanding of vibing with women that you will learn after reading a story about Zack “motorboating” a girl at a dive bar—pg. 87

One statement that will annihilate ALL your anxiety so you NEVER let another hot girl walk out of your life again—pg. 6

Step-by-step instructions for the absolute PERFECT date that always ends passionately in your bed—pg. 146-149

6 failsafe lines that seamlessly transition from chatting with a woman to taking things physical so you NEVER hear “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I’m going to get back to my friends” AGAIN—pg. 136

4 conversation topics that instantly heat up a woman’s mood (even just 1 of these can completely save your next date from fizzling out)—pg. 109

The key secret that separates “cool” people from “uncool” people that is IMPOSSIBLE to guess but will completely change how you are perceived—pg. 73

2 tips that can FLIP a “conversation-to-nowhere” around and get her hanging on your every word—pg. 67-68

A way to make starting conversations with women so simple and easy that it will seem like cheating—pg. 133

A treasured tactic EVERY pickup and dating instructor knows but NO ONE wants to tell you (hint: it makes a woman’s emotional circuitry go HAYWIRE)—pg. 60

“5 Basic Rules of Texting” that breaks down text messaging into a simple, easy-to-follow formula—pg. 140

A proven way to inject sexual tension at ANY moment to get women feeling passionate so you can move situations toward sex ridiculously fast—pg. 75

The exact secret why some women respond coldly or disinterested toward men and use that “insider” knowledge to totally warm her up until she cannot get enough of you—pg. 60

How to stay out of the dreaded FRIEND ZONE for life by simply learning how to balance emotional connection with sexual tension using a simple step-by-step formula—pg. 117-119

Twelve words that will radically shift your thinking allowing you to always approach gorgeous women with cool, unflinching confidence (This is what Tony wrote on the napkin!)—pg. 25

A mindset trick that will INSTANTLY expand your conversation skills so you ALWAYS know exactly what to say to keep women completely attracted and interested—pg. 579

How to get a beautiful woman attracted within seconds with a step-by-step formula that prepares you for ANY reaction you can possibly expect to encounter—pg. 48-51

How to craft your own flawless “openers” that will begin great interactions at nightclubs or during the day time WITHOUT using sleazy pickup lines—pg. 58-59

How to never hesitate when going for the kiss or get anxiety about making a move by learning the truth about the “escalation stage”—pg. 136-137

The REAL reason why guys get “on-and-off” results with women, then use that understanding to keep yourself consistently “in your prime” and at your best—pg. 20

How to get a woman’s phone number within 30 seconds of meeting her WITHOUT relying on lame gimmicks or trickery once you simplify the process by learning this amazing offbeat technique—pg. 139

An encyclopedic understanding of how you can improve your appearance so you absolutely maximize ALL your natural advantages to attract women you might consider “out of your league”—pg. 152-157

The PROPER way to work phone numbers, allowing you to set up AS MANY dates you like—pg. 139

The “pacer/pursuer” secret, which is one of the BIGGEST hidden truths about attraction that will SKYROCKET your sex appeal (if you only read one thing, you MUST check this out—it’s a complete game changer)—pg. 279

The 8 traits of unshakable, rock-solid confidence that are so powerful that even learning 2 or 3 can make you irresistible to women—pg. 35

The mindset that makes touching girls ORGANIC and as if “it just happened”—pg. 32

How to cut right to the truth by learning the “3 modes of female reaction” (once you know these, a woman’s burning hot attraction for you will practically take of itself)—pg. 125

An effortless two-step process that makes ANY objection a woman throws at you a CINCH to handle—pg. 43

The 1-question test that will ALWAYS let you know if you are coming off as “needy” or “attractive” when taking things physical (this is so EFFECTIVE and DEAD-ON accurate that it will blow your mind)—pg. 37

A shortcut for attracting SUPER hot women that will take all the complications and anxieties OUT OF approaching the women you REALLY want—pg. 39

An understanding of what “the waypoint” means and how it ensures you always keep women attracted to you—whether it be for an entire night or an entire relationship—pg. 14

How to eliminate ALL your negative thought patterns that stop you from meeting and dating stunning women in 3 SUPER SIMPLE STEPS (this is so money that you will probably run out to try it immediately)—pg. 26

The EXACT signs a woman gives off when she wants a man to “make a move” physically (I guarantee you will NEVER miss another opportunity to get physical with women)—pg. 43

An absurdly motivational way to overcome your anxieties and fears that is sure to kick your ass into gear and get you out meeting all the hot, amazing women you have time for—pg. 44

5 proven ways to effortlessly get around ANY objection a woman can throw at you (this one is going to save countless relationships)—pg. 61

A simple technique that draws on your environment for inspiration so you always have a quick line or witty comment at ALL times—pg. 64

The roadmap for taking women home with you the night you meet them with a potent guide that breaks down rigorously field-tested knowledge into a foolproof plan—pg. 145

An EXACT text transcript straight from my personal cell phone that shows you EXACTLY how to keep women from flaking—pg. 142

How to catapult yourself over “all those other guys” by understanding the 5 levels of emotional connection and how to navigate them—pg. 119

How to use something you are already doing NATURALLY but you are not using to attract women—in fact, you are probably hiding it so it is working AGAINST you (and no, you have NEVER heard this before in any other book or seminar)—pg. 92-93

A way to “break the ice” with surefire ways that instantly make women feel comfortable around you so that an interaction can move forward (if I only understood this a few years back, I would have hooked up with at least a dozen more girls in college)—pg. 98

A way to map an interaction using the “5 stages of transition” to turn strangers into lovers without ever thinking “What do I do next?” (this is so CRUCIAL that guys once paid thousands of dollars to learn this from us)—pg. 123

To master all the skills checked above plus so much more, please click on the button below.

Ihad this friend back in college who hooked up with every hot girl on campus…and even some hot chicks who didn’t live on campus…

Whenever I’d stop by his dorm room, I’d see lace thongs hanging from his ceiling fan, hoop earrings scattered across his dusty floor, various articles of female clothing tucked between couch cushions or draped from his bed post…

Yet whenever I walked across campus with him, girl after girl would run over to him, blow kisses at him, shyly wave to him, and whisper about him as he passed.

Back then, I was totally confused. What did this guy have that I didn’t? He wasn’t better looking than me, or taller than me, or in better than shape than I was…

….I just couldn’t put my finger on it…

Now I understand that women were drawn to my friend because he understood a secret…it’s the same secret Zack and I discovered that one night out and our lives haven’t been the same ever since…

…it’s the secret of balance.

“This system is so SIMPLE it will blow your mind. When I read this I was blown away by how simple and effective it is.

I have been in this so called “seduction community” for 6 years and this is the best ebook and best advice I have found since.

The main focus is the girls like it should be. Not some special line or annoying names like “Sarging.”

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to everyone. I mean this is ground breaking stuff! And for the price they are asking its a no brainer.”

“I couldn’t stop reading! This is the first book that made sense from the beginning and it’s so simple.

It genuinely changes your mindset while you read.

It’s the best I ever read about seduction and attraction.

It gives lots of insights that no one ever gave before in one book. I highly recommend it.”

“I’ve read a ton of books. This is one, if not THE, favorite of mine.

I will soon start the 28 days to success program and I’m confident that it will propel me forward higher and faster than any other book out there.

This is down to earth, stuff that actually works in real life. Get it!

“This book has instantly become the main resource I will recommend to newbies. Read this book and then do not read anything else. If it ain’t in this book, it ain’t worth thinking about.”

“What I love about this ebook is that it doesn’t try to change who and what you are. What is does do is help you figure out exactly what parts of your game are lacking, and gives you the direction needed to fix them.”

“I wish I read “The 4 Elements of Game” before all the other bullshit stuff out there that makes connecting and dating with women seem like a war. I don’t need 10 DVDs with 30 hours and a workbook to be better person.

This book showed me lots of mistakes I have been making that no one else touched on…and it turns out the things that I thought were mistakes and stuff that frustrated me were actually good but I didn’t know that’s why I stop thinking I messed up.

No matter where you are I believe this book will open your eyes to new things and help you become a better person not just about game but also in communication and understanding others.It’s not just about women but about yourself and how to think.

I think of it of more like a female psychology book rather than pickup, and it’s so easy to read which is a bonus.”

“The good thing about the Ebook is how easy it is to put into use. Other “methods”start trying to complicate thngs by coming up with scientific terms, and confusing the shit out of people, not this ebook.

Anyone can spit game and this ebook shows you exactly how.

Everything from the words coming out of your mouth to your vibe, Its all covered.”

You and I are no different from my friend in college…he doesn’t have anything you or I don’t have. (In fact, you probably have some advantages over him!)

You just need to learn to apply balance…just like he did…and just like Zack and I learned to do.

Oh, and here’s the good news: learning balance is not some incredibly challenging task. It’s NOT something you only get after countless rejections and embarrassing failures.

Learning balance is just harmonizing 4 elements of attraction and dating (a.k.a., “game”)…and then everything else takes care of itself. No need to worry or feel nervous…it really is THAT simple.

I get emails and Facebook messages from guys every day
that tell me how our method helped them to RELAX, have FUN, and feel MORE like themselves — all while creating passionate relationships with the women they’d only dreamt about before.

If you can just remember 4 easy things, you can attract all the QUALITY, AMAZING women you could EVER want.

If getting girls is so simple and easy, then why doesn’t every guy do it? Well…ask yourself this: how do most guys go about attracting beautiful women?

Like idiots.

A lot of guys have no idea what they’re doing. They never stop to consider their behavior or how it makes a woman feel. They treat women as if they were men with vaginas… and then they wonder why women aren’t magically attracted to them.

Other guys listen to garbage advice — which gets them garbage results. Some guys follow the advice from their moms, Hollywood movies, know-it-all friends, and maybe even other dating instructors or pickup artists.

These guys never consider the SOURCE of this advice. I love my mom to death, but she’s never picked up a girl in her life.

The same is true of most of your friends, things you see in a movie, and even most pickup and dating instructors. (An inside joke in the pickup and dating advice industry is that most of the “big names” of the industry are nothing more than internet marketers…they don’t actually pickup or date hot women.)

And that’s why most of the advice sucks. Sure, sometimes you’ll hear a story about a guy who gets lucky and lands a cute girlfriend by luck or using an “angle.” But these stories are rare, and the guy ACTUALLY KEEPING the girl is even more rare.

The sad truth is: Most guys just DON’T want to learn what works.

They simply ignore the truth.

It’s as if they’re brainwashed to think that they need to go through a long and painful process to learn how to attract women.

Other guys believe they’ll only date hotter girls after they have money, looks, or some other “angle.”

Zack and I are living proof that’s COMPLETE BULLSHIT! (And if you have any doubts, we’re going to demonstrate it for you with the bonus—but more on that in a minute.)

Attracting women has absolutely nothing to do with “adding” behaviors, money, or possessions to yourself. Instead…

Attracting women is ALL about BALANCING who you ALREADY are and WHAT you already have

You don’t need to learn new behaviors or dramatically change your personality.

You already have everything you need to attract the women you’ve always wanted — you just need BALANCE.

If you can do that then “WHO YOU ARE” will attract women in the most normal yet powerful way imaginable…no matter what happens…even if you make ‘mistakes’ women will actually fall for you even more.

(In fact, when you make mistakes with our method it actually HELPS you.)

Women will see your MOST ATTRACTIVE personality whether you are the life of the party or more of the QUIET and CHILL type.

Instead, our method fits to YOUR personality like an expensive, perfectly-tailored suit.

Take it from me, I’ve read and tried MORE dating advice than you can imagine. Every book, course, and seminar I absorbed only brought limited results because I was failing to balance my behavior.

All the other dating and pickup advice forced me to add unnatural behavior to my personality .

Even if I did stumble upon attractive behavior if I failed to apply balance then that same behavior later worked against me.

Perhaps you’ve seen this first-hand if you’ve had:


Women suddenly losing interest in you and have NO IDEA why


Women NOT returning your phone calls or text messages


Women saying that you ’re “nice” but have NO interest
      in a romantic or sexual relationship with you


Women making up excuses to avoid talking to you

Even internal struggles you have like anxiety before approaching women and running out of things to say. These are just a result of NOT understanding and applying simple balance.

I can still remember when I’d get crippling anxiety before making a move on a hot woman.

But since discovering how to balance my DRIVE element, putting the moves on beautiful women is something I do automatically now.

Meeting and hooking up with new, incredible women is as simple as if it were a reflex.

Once you discover the element that completely shifted my mindset, you’ll never again hesitate to make a move on women either.

When I met Zack, he was always “running out of things to say” when talking with hot women.

We laugh about it now, but back then Zack was hopeless when it came to knowing what to say.

But these days, Zack is one the wittiest guys I know because he got in touch with his inspiration. Once we devised a way to access his natural wit, Zack’s been on fire whenever talking and flirting with hot women.

Rather than force you to memorize fake stories and stupid lines, our system breaks down inspiration so that you INSTANTLY tap into YOUR OWN creativity.

You’re always going to have a quick joke, witty remark, or interesting comment at your fingertips.

And the best part is — it is coming from YOU.

And DRIVE and INSPIRATION are just 2 of the 4 ELEMENTS in our revolutionary attraction method.

Once you learn ALL 4 elements and how they work, you’ll know exactly how to balance your behavior.

You’ll have the powerful secret of attraction at your command anytime, anywhere.

Zack and I have ONLY taught our system to a handful of students, but the results have been truly astounding. We’ve had guys completely transform their love and sex lives faster than anything we’ve ever seen…

Plus You’ll Also Receive
At No Additional Cost…

Three amazing bonus materials we could easily sell as stand-alone products that will ensure you take your love and sex life to another level….

1. Hidden Mic Pickup &
Commentary MP3

In the first bonus, the “Hidden Mic Pickup & Commentary mp3″ you get a real 45-minute hidden mic pickup, recorded in a New York City bar.

Plus, there’s a second MP3 with play-by-play commentary on EXACTLY what is going on so that you know precisely how to implement the 4-EG method when you’re out meeting and attracting women.

Most eBooks and dating advice stops short of actually demonstrating how to apply the teaching, but Zack and I wanted to ensure everything in the book is simple and easy-to-follow so there is absolutely no risk of failure.

By actually listening in on me as I pickup a beautiful girl, you get to hear exactly what I say and do when applying the method that we live (and date) by…

2. The 28 Days to Success
Follow-Up Course

In the second bonus, “The 28 Days to Success” Zack and I are going to supplement your learning with an email sent to you EVERY day that tells you EXACTLY how to apply our method to DATE HOTTER GIRLS.

Most eBooks and dating advice simply fill guys’ heads with theory and nonsense, but Zack and I are RESULTS-oriented, which means we want to MAKE SURE you reach your FULL potential for meeting, attracting, dating, and keeping gorgeous women. By following up for 28 days, YOUR success is guaranteed.

3. Private Forum Access

In the third bonus, “Private Forum Access” you get the chance to post your progress and success on a password-protected, private forum where you will get feedback from Zack and myself.

In this amazing bonus, you actually have the chance to interact with the CREATORS of the 4-EG method and let our feedback supercharge your game and take it to THE NEXT LEVEL!

So How Much is Dating
Hotter Girls Worth to You?

“…it’s a great book…”

“I finished reading your book ‘The 4 Elements of Game’ yesterday. Just wanna say Thank you.

It’s a great book and I agree with you and Zack about the fact that game should appear normal. Otherwise it’s just weird.

I’m studying game material a lot and the target sight of the 4 elements puts the advice I read into the proper perspective. I will read it over and over until I have the balance internalized.”

“…genius material…”

“Terrific material… You guys have cracked the zen code of interacting with the opposite sex… there are way too many overcomplicated theories on this topic…

As Woody Guthrie said, “Any fool can make something complicated.It takes a genius to make it simple.”—so thanks to Date Hotter Girls for the genius material…”

If you’re a guy who loves beautiful women, what is the value of being able to:

If there was a way you could become the guy women drop everything to see…the guy they text at 2a.m. or after a lame date…the sort of man who the other girls “heard about” and are silently waiting for their turn with…

What is the value of not having to suffer through the awkward moments, outright ridicule, snickers from bystanders, and the embarrassment of trying to figure this out all for yourself? What if you could read a beautiful woman like a book, see right through her games, and look right into her eyes with cool confidence…

What price can you put on learning to become THE MAN…the guy other dudes envy…the one everyone notices because he always has a cute girl hanging off his arm…the sort of guy who is just “getting it done?”

That’s less than the cost of a morning cup of coffee for a month!

But keep in mind: the reason we wrote our ebook is to make sure that every guy who loves hot women (and truly wants to date them) has the ability to do it—even if they can’t come out to New York City for a weekend of coaching or can’t afford the high cost of private training.

So I urge you take us up on our offer now.

We Guarantee That You
Will Date Hotter Girls

In fact, You Can Check It All Out For FREE,

If You Choose To…

We both know that if we can’t help you to do everything we’ve promised above, it wouldn’t be right for us to keep your money.

So we want to give you a chance to prove that our method works to the only person who matters—YOURSELF.

When you join Zack and I in learning our attraction method today, I promised we’ll never let you feel shy or anxious before approaching a beautiful girl again. We’ll be there for you every single time you’re unsure how to move an interaction forward or grasp for something to say.

And we’ll stop you from making the types of humiliating mistakes that girls tell their friends about and laugh over, as long as you use our method.

If we can do that for you, the investment you make in “The 4 Elements of Game” will prove to be the smartest thing you’ve ever done for your dating success. If we can’t, we won’t keep a cent of your investment. It just wouldn’t be fair, nor would it align with our original reasons for writing the book…

No Risk, All Reward
60 Full Days To Try It

So try “The 4 Elements of Game” for a full 60 days. Give it a test drive and drop me an email with your thoughts and feedback. When you’re amazed that this inner-stud was hidden within yourself all this time, simply keep the book. Don’t stress it—just sit back and enjoy the show that’s now your new love life.

And like I said, if we can’t get you everything I’ve promised, all you have to do is let me know. You can visit me online… You can email me… You can call me and get every penny of your investment back.

Click Here to Start Learning “The 4 Elements of Game” Method Today…

Oh, and here’s the best part: You can apply “The 4 Elements of Game” RIGHT NOW! Sign up today and get instant access to the method in minutes…

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You can place your order confident that your personal information will never be revealed to any outside parties. Everything is completely confidential. A charge from our secure service, “Clickbank,” will appear on your credit statement.

Immediately after you place your secure order, you’ll be granted access to a special page where you can get your hands on all of this material right away, in the privacy of your own home… even if it’s 3:30 in the morning!

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Don’t let another weekend go by where you aren’t 100 percent confident that you can go out, see your perfect dream girl, and know exactly how to approach her, flirt with her, attract her, kiss her, seduce her, and date her…

Don’t be the guy who’s clueless, sitting at home, wondering when (if ever) he’ll meet another girl…

…or have another date…

When next Monday morning rolls around which guy are you going to be? The one who’s still buzzing after “getting it done” with that girl you wanted to approach…

…or the guy who’s regretting another weekend of no girls, no fun, no sex…?

You can start right away (I mean as soon as tonight) enjoying the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, quality women automatically sticking to you like velcro

…without ever having to suffer through awkward moments or feeling weird.

There’s no-risk my fellow lover of hot woman. So why not stop delaying and give it a try?

Zack and I can’t wait to hear about your remarkable success.

To your new future with hotter girls,

P.S.  Still not convinced?  Hear what experts, the media, and former students of our method have to say below.

JT, NYC, Success Story After Reading “The 4 Elements of Game”

“A year ago, I was a 24 year old virgin that had never even kissed a girl. I was also a severely shy, insecure, unconfident, and self-conscious person.

In late February 2009, I heard about Rob Judge and Zack Bauer—their teaching promised a no-nonsense, result driven approach to getting it done; Rob and Zack deliver on that promise.

Their lessons resonate with me every day.
Rob and Zack fast-tracked my progress.They put me in a position to succeed—I couldn’t fail. I was taught the mindsets of a naturally attractive man and learned to cultivate those mindsets into behaviors and taking action.

The structure of game taught was straightforward, simple, and easily applicable; like an A to B approach to getting laid.There are nights I’m out where I can feel Rob and Zack’s presence in my mind. Here are some highlights since Zack and Rob’s teaching:

Entropy, World Famous Master Pickup Artist

“My favorite concept in the book is the idea of “Approaching for Truth.”

As a guy who had absolutely horrible Approach Anxiety when he started out, I wish that section had been written 4-5 years ago.

It would have saved me many a frustrated and lonely nights.”

60 Years Of Challenge, Respected Seduction Blogger and Writer

“I’ve met both authors personally and I can attest to not only their knowledge but also their skill in this area.

I meet lots of guys from the “dating community”, and yeah many are good with women, but most aren’t so great at explaining how they do it.

But after grabbing a drink with these guys and watching them work, I can report that they can do both quite well.

Go checkout what they have to say…you won’t be disappointed.”

Geek Tyrant, Review by Johnny Whiteshoes

“So if you sometimes ask yourself how you’re supposed to approach that girl you eyed across the room at the coffee shop or that bombshell at the party that made it feel like your jeans shrunk about two sizes, then you’re in luck because you’ve got Rob Judge and Zack Bauer, the premier pick up artists in New York City to guide you through the pain with their new book The 4 Elements of Game.

Unlike other pickup coaches who have saturated the market with some ridiculous notion that you have to masquerade as a magical clown wearing bright colors and fuzzy hats (Yes, I’m talking about Mystery), Rob has a unique perspective and cool charisma that sets him apart from other coaches in the PUA community, and Zack, in many respects, is the same way, although a little more hyper.

With their powers combined, they are a deadly team when hitting a bar or club, and pretty much make Neil Strauss, author of The Game, look like your weird uncle Bob… No disrespect Uncle Bob.”

Click here to get Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The Easiest AI Equipment for Ecommerce & How They will Spice up Your Trade

As a one-woman solopreneur running her private trade, I’m ceaselessly looking for new AI apparatus to lend a hand save time, increase productivity, and convey about a better ROI. The ecommerce sector isn’t another.

That’s why I’ve spent some time reviewing the most productive AI apparatus for ecommerce so that you’ll get a leg up on your competition.

If I know the rest about trying out new apparatus, it will most probably briefly become dear. So, as an alternative of spending precious dollars from your worth vary, bookmark our list of AI apparatus to use on each instance you want so to upload something new to the stack.

Forward of we discuss which apparatus are the most productive, let’s review why AI apparatus are helpful for ecommerce.

Table of Contents

Why use AI apparatus for ecommerce?

I like to believe AI apparatus as “instrument on steroids.”

Ecommerce instrument helps streamline your business, then again you’ll do so much more in a lot much less time when AI is added to the combination.

These kinds of apparatus are high-performing, which means that you’ll achieve results, acquire new insights, or finish a task much more effectively than when you’ve got been to do it by the use of hand.

There are lots of reasons to consider together with AI apparatus for ecommerce on your product sales platforms. Let’s check out a few further benefits of together with AI on your tech stack.

1. Customize and Personalize

Personally, customization and personalization are move if you want to make a sale or keep a customer.

As generation advances and AI becomes further no longer extraordinary, your customers expect a better, further custom designed experience. In truth, 73% of shoppers already expect it.

AI apparatus let you create further custom designed purchasing groceries studies.

By means of examining your customer’s wisdom, comparable to interactions and behavior, AI let you tailor product tips and content material subject material and create further focused promoting and advertising and marketing campaigns.

The additional custom designed the tips or promoting and advertising and marketing campaigns are, the a lot more most likely you’ll gain a conversion or a sale.

2. Upper Purchaser Supplier Interactions

It’s no secret that chatbots are a staple for any ecommerce trade. Chatbots can lend a hand answer questions or suggest products and services on your customers.

While chatbots are great, not unusual, run-of-the-mill chatbots come with hindrances — specifically, canned responses.

AI-powered chatbots, although, are intuitive.

Because of they’re skilled on your customers’ wisdom and ceaselessly monitor new wisdom as a result of it’s to be had in, they can look ahead to customer needs and questions and often beef up responses with each interaction.

Each and every different receive advantages I’ve found out is that they can moreover lend a hand acquire and sort crucial wisdom, like contact wisdom and interests, in order that you and your staff can merely create customized mailing lists.

(Bear in mind the importance of personalization? This may occasionally lend a hand!)

3. Create a Cast Promoting and advertising and marketing Method

Your marketing strategy is simplest as excellent as its ROI. And should you’re no longer the use of your customer wisdom and insights to create a cast marketing strategy, what are you doing?

Of promoting leaders who’ve already implemented AI into their promoting and advertising and marketing campaigns, 63% say their ROI has upper since investing in AI-enabled instrument.

So, what makes AI apparatus upper than your provide non-AI promoting and advertising and marketing tech and better for your ROI?

Analysis and predictions.

AI apparatus let you uncover insights chances are you’ll miss to your customer wisdom.

The usage of those precious insights, AI let you expect and forecast customer habits and promoting and advertising and marketing characteristics, helping you and your staff create a better business plan with the following likelihood of success.

4. Stay up for and Get waiting for Inventory and Supply Chain Needs

Depending on your ecommerce trade, you’ll most definitely pinpoint when positive services or products are going to be a luck among your customers. As an example, holiday-focused products will most definitely become further not unusual right through the “Ber” months (you recognize, September, October, November, and December) than compared to the Spring and Summer time when the pastime shouldn’t be there.

Then again what if something happens, like a data fit or an influencer push, that causes your product or service to become not unusual in one day, and in addition you’re caught with limited inventory? It may well be nice so as to expect name for, correct?

AI apparatus let you make upper predictions and forecasts the use of ancient and real-time wisdom. The insights your AI instrument provides let you make upper alternatives on increasing or reducing your stock and inventory, depending on customer habits. AI can also mean you can look ahead to supply chain operations so that you’ll make a plan to beef up logistics and demand.

5. Save Time and Increase Productivity

One amongst AI apparatus’ largest benefits is the time they can save your staff.

Of entrepreneurs who use AI apparatus, 86% say they save over one hour a day by the use of streamlining their creative tasks.

Buyer give a boost to teams who use AI chatbots say they lend a hand them save a median of two hours and twenty mins a day.

I moreover suggest checking out how generative AI can lend a hand your content material introduction efforts.

The time saved the use of AI instrument may also be upper used in different places, like interacting with customers and rising a personal relationship together with your logo.

While AI apparatus can save your staff time and mean you can create upper, further custom designed interactions together with your customers, I consider I must mean you can know there are a few hindrances you should bear in mind of, like:

  • The continual need for up-to-the-minute, fresh wisdom.
  • The initial investment (which may also be dear initially then again proves its worth over the years).
  • Privacy, wisdom, and protection concerns, comparable to compliance with wisdom protection rules.

Even supposing the ones hindrances is usually a con, the pros of AI apparatus for ecommerce a long way outweigh them, individually. Let’s take a look at one of the crucial best possible AI equipment for ecommerce to be had available on the market at the moment.

1. Content material Hub

ai tools for ecommerce, content hub

Content material subject material promoting and advertising and marketing is a key part of your ecommerce method. A often up-to-the-minute blog can lend a hand power product sales, educate your target market about your products and services, and mean you can rank inside the SERPs.

Content material introduction can take necessary time and effort, so I advise together with Content material subject material Hub on your ecommerce stack.

Content material subject material Hub is your all-in-one AI content material subject material promoting and advertising and marketing instrument. With Content material subject material Hub, you’ll briefly and effectively generate content material subject material ideas, free up A/B trying out, merely include lead take hold of apparatus to your content material subject material, and procure insights into client habits.


  • Generate content material subject material.
  • Lead take hold of apparatus.
  • Scalable CMS.
  • Video and podcast internet webhosting.
  • Search engine optimization tips.
  • Sophisticated analytics and reporting.


  • Merely integrates into your CRM.
  • Offers automated social media choices.
  • Professional make stronger is available.


  • Limited plugins available.

What I like: When you occur to’re already the use of the HubSpot CRM, the use of Content material subject material Hub for marketing- and content-related purposes makes sense. I like that all aspects of your ecommerce trade, from product sales to content material subject material advent to customer outreach, are housed in one customer-focused CRM. Say goodbye to a few platforms!

Pricing: You’ll check out Content material subject material Hub for free of charge. When you occur to love Content material subject material Hub and wish to get right to use further choices, Starter plans get began at $20 a month in step with seat.

2. Octane AI

ai tools for ecommerce, Octane AI

What if there was an AI device that would possibly mean you can identify holes to your customer journey, upper understand your customers’ mindsets, and suggest new products and services to them?

The good news is that there’s the sort of product, Octane AI.

Octane AI is an ecommerce device this is serving to you get to clutch and better understand your customers. From collecting their contact details to getting a actually really feel of their preferences, needs, and concerns, Octane AI let you plan a better, further custom designed customer experience.

Plus, I found out that should you serve as a Shopify store, you’ll incorporate this device into your website online to quiz customers on their preferences, and the results will give them product tips in line with what they like.


  • Sophisticated quiz builder.
  • Automatically send abandoned cart messages.
  • Custom designed CSS.
  • Engagement analytics.


  • Easy to use.
  • Helps to increase the time customers spend on your web page.
  • Doesn’t require lots of technical knowledge.


  • Limited customization imaginable alternatives.
  • Limited capacity of the quiz builder.

What I like: Octane AI can lend a hand beef up your personalization efforts for promoting and advertising and marketing campaigns. I like that each quiz can lend a hand phase customers into quite a lot of groups, so I know which groups care about which products. The usage of that wisdom, I can merely send focused messages to quite a lot of segments.

Pricing: Octane AI starts at $50 a month for 200 engagements. Octane Plus, which gives further choices and engagements, starts at $250 a month.

3. SearchIQ

ai tools for ecommerce, SearchIQ

SearchIQ is AI instrument this is serving to send upper customer search results.

With this device, you’ll raise the consumer experience and increase client engagement while gaining precious belief into the varieties of products and services your shoppers are on the lookout for on your web page.

I believe this device is best possible used by ecommerce firms with many product alternatives and web page pages.

When you occur to offer plenty of masses or even tens of millions of products, you’ll nevertheless use this device — impressive, I know. It’ll perhaps merely care for and sort through all your products and services.


  • Customizable client interface.
  • wordpress integration.
  • Autocomplete search on your web page.
  • Partner make stronger.
  • Results optimization to suggest linked products or content material subject material.


  • Easy integration on your web page.
  • Great customer make stronger.


  • May also be slow from time to time.

What I like: Every so often, I’m necessarily probably the most impatient explicit particular person on the planet. When on the lookout for a product, I don’t wish to spend an unreasonable time period on the lookout for it. I like that SearchIQ supplies lightning-fast concepts, which helps those impatient customers like me stay on my web page longer.

Pricing: You’ll check out SearchIQ for free of charge. Plans with get right to use to further search choices and stories get began at $19 a month.

4. RetentionX

ai tools for ecommerce, RetentionX

Purchaser retention is a an important take into accounts any ecommerce trade’s success.

RetentionX is an AI device for ecommerce firms that can prevent churn, increase retention fees, optimize customer acquisition channels, and automate positive workflows.

RetentionX helps you merely acquire and analyze precious customer wisdom. This information can be used to create an movement plan that best possible is helping your customers and in any case transforms them into loyal and faithful fans of your logo.


  • Purchaser segmentation.
  • Churn regulate.
  • Knowledge analysis.


  • Provides proper customer wisdom.


What I like: RetentionX is a great tool for segmenting customers in line with client activity. I acknowledge this device’s detailed overview, which helps me upper understand which percentage of my customers engage with my logo and which needs further care. This information may also be helpful for planning my marketing strategy.

Pricing: If when you’ve got less than 250 energetic customers, you’ll check out RetentionX for free of charge. After that, you’ll pay $0.01 in step with customer.

5. Advertising and marketing Hub

ai tools for ecommerce, marketing hub

Numerous parts of a marketing strategy may also be automated, and ceaselessly, those parts offer the most productive insights and knowledge.

Promoting and advertising and marketing Hub, a HubSpot ecommerce instrument, is AI-powered promoting and advertising and marketing instrument that permits you to automate your method and generate top quality leads effectively.

Integrating Promoting and advertising and marketing Hub into your CRM method all your wisdom and kit are in one place. Use this device to lend a hand power income, save yourself time, and measure and optimize your customer journey and promoting and advertising and marketing campaigns.


  • Smarter promoting and advertising and marketing analytics.
  • Advertising marketing campaign regulate within the HubSpot CRM.
  • Automate nurture campaigns, personalize emails, and cross-functional operations.


  • Helps increase product sales conversions.
  • Merely apply emails and create lead take hold of bureaucracy.
  • Very good customer make stronger.


  • Price may be a sticking degree.

What I like: I like the ease and luxury of having my product sales and promoting and advertising and marketing apparatus all in one place. Promoting and advertising and marketing Hub merely combines with the product sales platform to lend a hand me upper understand my customers and save me time with the automation choices. This can be a large skilled for any sized trade, whether or not or no longer large or small.

Pricing: You’ll check out Promoting and advertising and marketing Hub for free of charge. Take a look at the Best fee Starter type for $20 a month in step with seat for additonal choices.

6. ClickUp

ai tools for ecommerce, clickup

Running an ecommerce trade involves many moving parts, and it requires teamwork and collaboration from every member of your staff to verify its success. ClickUp is a one-stop retailer for all problems collaboration, from endeavor regulate to product building to promoting and advertising and marketing and product sales.

I acknowledge that its AI integration lets in shoppers to summarize meeting notes and threads merely, so your staff can stay on best of the nitty-gritty details of duties and product launches.


  • Purchaser export.
  • Sophisticated automation.
  • Workload regulate.
  • Time tracking.


  • Customizable workflows.
  • Entire and detailed reporting.


  • Steep learning curve.
  • Limited integrations.

What I like: As they’re pronouncing, “Teamwork makes the dream art work.” I acknowledge that ClickUp’s focus is on providing a collaborative workspace for staff people to collaborate to provide the best possible customer experience. The AI summarization may be nice, as it’s serving to to create an merely skimmable summary of threads and meeting notes — which is in a position to lend a hand save time and effort!

Pricing: You’ll check out ClickUp for free of charge. For small teams, it’s $7 a month, and for higher teams, it’s $12 a month.

7. Surfer AI

ai tools for ecommerce, surfer ai

Very good copywriting is a must for any ecommerce trade.

You’ll need product descriptions, landing pages, and blog content material subject material if content material subject material promoting and advertising and marketing is part of your marketing strategy. It’ll perhaps take some time to write down down all of the ones pages. Surfer AI is true right here to change that.

Surfer AI helps trade homeowners create optimized and researched content material subject material in minutes. It’ll even be used for competitor analysis, keyword research, and content material subject material auditing.


  • Plagiarism device.
  • AI content material subject material detection and humanization.
  • Content material subject material optimization.
  • SERP analysis.


  • Easy to use and intuitive.
  • Quickly produces well-rounded research.
  • Very good visitor give a boost to.


  • Limited collection of queries.
  • May also be dear.

What I like: AI-written content material subject material is modest to find. As great as ChatGPT and other content material subject material writing services are, the overuse of words like “delve,” “boost,” and “turn out to be” is like a needless giveaway that the content material subject material was created the use of an AI device. I acknowledge that Surfer AI accommodates an AI detection and humanization serve as. This may occasionally lend a hand your content material subject material actually really feel a lot much less robotic and further personal.

Pricing: Surfer AI is $89 a month for small trade homeowners and freelancers. A subscription is $219 a month for those taking a look to scale their content material subject material with AI.

8. Prisync

ai tools for ecommerce, prisync

Pricing is another crucial facet of your ecommerce trade.

You don’t wish to overcharge your customers, nor do you want to underprice your products and services. What if there was a approach to monitor pageant’ prices so that you’ll expectantly keep your prices competitive?

Enter Prisync.

Prisync is a competitor price tracking and monitoring instrument. Long gone are the days of spending hours tracking down competitor pricing by the use of hand.

Instead, with Prisync you’ll see all your pageant’ pricing and their stock availability all in one interface.


  • Undetectable bots so your pageant gained’t know you’re comparing wisdom.
  • Distributed generation that adapts to changing market must haves.
  • Batch wisdom importing.
  • Bulk wisdom regulate.


  • Easy to use.
  • Great visitor give a boost to and make stronger.
  • Right kind daily dynamic pricing stories.


  • Limited choices.
  • Initial setup is time-intensive.
  • Troubleshooting with customer make stronger may also be slow.

What I like: Comparing competitor pricing may also be tedious. And depending on your market and product offering, prices can business straight away. I acknowledge that Prisync keeps a tab on changing prices in authentic time. This fashion, it’s easy as a way to lower or raise prices depending at this time supply and demand.

Pricing: You’ll monitor up to 100 products for $99 a month. If you wish to monitor more than 100 products, sign up for the Best fee plan, which starts at $199 a month.

9. HubSpot’s AI Chatbot Builder

ai tools for ecommerce, chatbot builder

An AI chatbot can act as a virtual assistant to lend a hand your customers and web page visitors.

With HubSpot’s AI Chatbot Builder, you’ll briefly and easily assemble an intuitive chatbot to observe and review leads, e book meetings with attainable customers, and provide helpful customer make stronger.

Plus, if your chatbot isn’t in a position to answer a customer’s question, it will most probably merely connect your customer with a live staff member to further provide assist.


  • Automate customer make stronger and conversations with AI.
  • Quickly generate qualified leads.
  • Customize the conversation to match your logo voice.


  • Easy to use.
  • Infinite custom designed fields.
  • Built-in live chat alternatives.
  • Connect on your web page or social media.


  • Some would perhaps to find the choices too basic.

What I like: I’m a big fan of AI, then again on occasion its purposes may also be limited. I acknowledge that HubSpot’s AI Chatbot Builder lets in for the selection to provide live chat make stronger. This may occasionally lend a hand create upper, further personal connections together with your customers while nevertheless protective your agents free from other tasks that can be automated.

Pricing: You’ll check out the chatbot builder for free of charge!

Increase Your Industry With the Absolute best AI Apparatus for Ecommerce

I know from my own small trade that emerging your ecommerce trade is an exciting selection, but it surely ceaselessly comes with a lot of art work to make it a success.

AI apparatus for ecommerce can lend a hand automate positive tasks to free your staff from further crucial items on their to-do list, like individually interacting with customers and solving their complex issues.

Ecommerce AI apparatus aren’t just for customer make stronger, although. You’ll use them to optimize your landing pages, create Search engine optimization-ready content material subject material, or monitor competitor pricing. When you occur to’re ready to broaden your business, check out HubSpot AI-enabled ecommerce apparatus at the moment.

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DEV – I like my espresso #000000

Find out how to get to the top to see a cat bunk bed. (Yes, of course!)

In today’s model:

  • We have an exciting affiliate offer that we will not refuse from WP Bureaucracy.
  • Twenty Twenty-five and the like, the grand, transitory thing about the passage of time, man.
  • How to ensure your wordpress webpage (and XML sitemap) are not translated incorrectly.

Out of Print: What’s New?

We love you too, WP Bureaucracy!

We were extraordinarily pleased not to have seen WP Bureaucracy become a member of the conditional common sense birthday party too far back. And not even a decade too temporarily! (what’s that long ago right here)

Innovative! Fresh! I imagine this really makes the Gravity Bureaucracy tremble. Tremble, I say!

Or it might be more likely because Forminator (which has been making this stuff freely available for eons) continues to take over the plugin repository.👀

Not that they are too scared. I suggest that buying (and redirecting it to WP Bureaucracy) is not really a sign of a person who is scared. Absolutely not. Also, it is trendy.😎

On the other hand, and it’s probably worth mentioning, not long ago we received this fantastic offer from Awesome’s WP Documentation division:

I would like to invite you to join our affiliate programs, which start at 20% (and can increase based on your power). We can discuss additional benefits for you, such as free licenses and custom code.

Oh man, that’s so nice of you trying to remember us! We’ll think about it and get back to you again😀

wordpress Playground has made the world your uhh… playground

You can use wordpress on a plane, you can use wordpress on the train, you can use wordpress here and there, you can use wordpress everywhere!


Sorry, that was pretty Seuss-spicy at one point, but we were just thinking about all the places you’ll go.

Okay, now we’re going to save you a lot.

If you’ve ever wanted to continue collaborating on wordpress Playground, even if you’re on a train, a plane, or somewhere in the middle of nowhere with a fox in socks but no internet access, you’re in luck.

wordpress Playground is now available in offline mode and can be installed as a cutting-edge web app (PWA), so you can expand your ideas on the go.

Fun circumstances for those jet-setting digital nomads and productivity hackers who want to keep working every second possible!

Or, for anyone who wants to grab their laptop and a walking stick and venture into the woods and never look back. Good luck out there!

Psst… If your wordpress Meetup group is inactive, it will be removed

Now is a great time to check out that wordpress Meetup group you almost forgot about because you created it earlier.

If it hasn’t been vigorous for a while, it will be given the boot by September 16, 2024, as community staff will do a good cleanup.

Here is the list of teams that have been marked for removal, so if yours is there you will need to email [email protected] before the deadline.

Hey… now that you no longer need a stable internet connection to use Playground to showcase wordpress to new Meetup members, you can most likely host your next Meetup somewhere far away and exciting… like out on the moon or in amazing, sunny Hell, Michigan*.

    *We almost felt guilty recommending you go to Hell, but after looking at that tourism data webpage, it really does look like a fun place to be.

Twenty Twenty-5 is coming.

Last week, wordpress introduced the unlock team for 6.7 and also announced that the default theme for the next release will be Twenty Twenty-5 (no surprise there…)

When wordpress issues arise, you often hear a number of high-sounding descriptions that sound like they were whispered by an art student wearing a beret and smoking a small cigarette.

This is no exception:

Glimpses of natural excellence and ancestry woven into the theme evoke ideas of impermanence, the passage of time, and assured evolution.

I suggest, come on. It’s a website theme, not a Georgia O’Keefe painting.

HOWEVER, we have to admit that it looks quite nice and elegant, and it fits perfectly for personal blogs, video portfolios, data web pages and online shops.

The new theme will be fully compatible with the Internet website editor and will use new design tools, such as the grid block and construction/section types.

Do you have any opinions on this?

Suppose I need a more or less natural, excellent and transitory look?

Love it or hate it, you can jump into the Figma report and leave your comments. Or, tune into our weekly Slack meetings in #core-themes to chime in (hat optional).

New Annual Web hosting Plans: We’re Ready to Lock Them Down (If You Want Us To)

So far we’ve just been taking it month by month… without really thinking about the long term.

On the other hand, we are in any case able to make a long-term decision.

What do you think?

Will we have to spend all the years together?

Idea Blogging Statistics

  • On average, wordpress usage has increased 12% annually since 2011. Smartly on the right path to conquer the industry, have a nice day? (Supply)
  • It seems like no more than one percent (0.2%) of people who use wordpress plugins actually make the effort to review them. (Source)
  • After English (52.1%), the most used languages ​​on the web are Spanish (5.5%), German (4.8%), Russian (4.5%) and Japanese (4.3%). (Source)
  • At least 13 thousand wordpress web pages are hacked every day. Ummm damn! Check out those dodgy plugins! (Supply)
  • wordpress web pages are 6,208 times more likely to receive direct mail than actual comments. *sigh* Apparently bots work harder than us! (Source)

Insight: wordpress Translation: How Can I Make It Work?

56% of wordpress web pages are created in languages ​​other than English, and the choice of non-English language web pages is increasing.

There are obvious reasons to translate your wordpress website, such as making your web page accessible to a global audience, growing your customer base, and of course, making sure that scary little green owl doesn’t kill you in your sleep.

There are many plugins that promise to do the trick for you, when used in conjunction with TranslatePress, Loco Translate, WPML, and Polylang.

On the other hand, what should you take into consideration when it comes to translating your web page?

Continue to discover the know-how quite within reach (je suis vraiment désolé) and the pitfalls to watch out for.

First, decide if you really want a multilingual website.

Translating your wordpress website will take a lot of work, so consider getting international visitors to your website first. There is a great guide here on tips on how to use Google Analytics to figure out what languages ​​your visitors have set in their browsers.

Also, consider the importance of the highest quality and accuracy for the subject of the website content. Is it a website that sells services and products where there is no room for confusion, such as law, medicine, or finance?

Beware of AI-powered translations

Not long ago, WPML introduced their AI translation engine, using the OpenAI API to analyze all the context of your content to create translations that could be “perfect or near-perfect.” They claim that their upcoming AI assistant feature Maiya will perform “better than human” German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese translation for your wordpress web page.

On the other hand, we are skeptical. While AI translation can be impressive, it will delve into nuance and cultural context and is completely ready to misunderstand the subject matter of your web page content. It is always worth using a human translator to proofread your AI translated web page to avoid mortifying mistakes.

Make sure translation works properly with Yoast

As Xevi Baena Ortigosa states in this forum post, machine translation with DeepL has probably caused serious problems with the Yoast plugin.

Might be able to explain why the XML sitemap doesn’t update as it should for translated URLs, resulting in 404 errors everywhere and a messed up web page. “Hallo Welt” for sure!

Keep this in mind and test accordingly to make sure the translation doesn’t ruin everything. Google suggests using URL building that makes it easy to geotarget your website, with a specific space for each country for each language.

Imagine using hreflang tags

Hreflang tags are a way to mark translated pages of your website that may be similar, meaning, on the other hand, they are aimed at different languages.

They are great for search engine optimization because they make it easier for users who speak different languages ​​to find the correct format for the web page, and they usually solve the problem of content reproduction as well.

Here is Yoast’s helpful information on how to apply hreflang to your website.

Good luck and good odds!

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On WPTavern Jukebox, Katie Keith and Matt Crowell reveal the secrets and techniques of a successful wordpress product. Spoiler alert: it’s keeping your customers interested and making it easy to use. Who would have thought?

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Coffee destroys distractions

Test yourself: can you tell which images are the result of AI and which are real?

Combine problems and figure out what happens, without risking blowing yourself up in the process.

Want a sniff? There’s a pay phone in Washington, DC that dispenses jokes to anyone who answers it.

The (shameless) correlation between per capita margarine consumption and the divorce rate in Maine.

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Product Name: Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Because Your Woman’s Happiness Lies In YOUR Authority, Leadership And Dominance

And No Matter If You Want To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You Or To Fix A Failing Relationship Or Marriage – Shogun Method Will Show You How

More than 17,000+ Shogun Method clients since 2015!

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This could well be the fastest Method for a man to wield the ultimate control and dominance in his love life, bar none…

… and yet very few even know of its existence.

Even the leading gurus and “Pickup Artists” have no idea.

I knew this only because I had stumbled upon this Method by accident.

Close to ten years ago, being completely wrecked emotionally from a horrible breakup (and sick of getting rejected repeatedly after trying to “get back into the dating scene”)… I went on a “do-or-die” mission to seek out the quickest, most effective way to control and dominate my relationships with women ever known to humankind.

My year-long quest led me to an ultra-secretive group known as the MKDELTA. This was where forbidden knowledge on Mind Control was being shared freely behind iron walls closed to the outside world.

Members of MKDELTA dissected insidious Mind Control techniques that put their victims into a cult-like trance and turning them into emotional serfs, in body and in mind. I was, however, interested only in one very specific thing…

The ability to make any woman fall in love with me.

During the three years I was in the group I completely immersed myself in Mind Control techniques, and I ended up formulating a step-by-step Method on how to use stealthy Mind Control techniques on women to generate raw, almost animalistic attraction to me.

This Method is built around this one very fundamental (and yet little-known) truth about women –

The Mind Has A Natural Flaw That Can Be Easily Exploited

Humans have a flaw embedded deep inside their minds which make them vulnerable to those who know how to exploit that flaw.

The existence of this flaw in the mind had been scientifically established by famous psychologists like Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud. However, given how controversial it is, you can understand why this important finding has been covered up over the years by the politically correct mass media…

… and yet once you know what this flaw is, it will change how you view love and attraction forever, and it is this:

A woman has absolutely NO CONTROL over who to fall in love with.

Think about it for a minute. What could this mean?

Pretty simple, actually. It means that women don’t get attracted to men just because they consciously DECIDE to feel it. In other words, it naturally happens.

Try asking your female friends what made them attracted to the last guys they were with, and they will tell you the same thing…

… that it just ‘happened’.

Of course, you already know that nothing ‘just happens’ without reason!

Now since a woman can’t control who to feel attracted to, we can subtly compel her to feel attraction… as long as we have the ability to push every single ‘Attraction Button’ that is hard-wired into her mind.

Interestingly, guys are also hard-wired with these Attraction Buttons.

For example, our attraction to a blonde, luscious Playboy model is automatic and instantaneous. Why? Simple really… it’s because she pushes every Attraction Button which is hard-wired into our male brains.

Let’s try a fun thought experiment, okay? First, look at this picture:-

Imagine this woman stepping into your room, smiling, sitting your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck.

Picture this in your mind for a couple of seconds. I’ll wait. How do you feel?

Next, imagine this woman shown in the picture below coming into your room and sitting on your lap…

Of course, if you are a healthy, red-blooded male, then you’ll be turned on more by that sexy lingerie model than that old woman.

Here’s the explanation…

For us guys, our Attraction Buttons are pushed when we see specific physical qualities in a woman like body and facial symmetry, breast size and shape, and waist to hip ratio for example.

For a woman, however, it’s completely different because she is driven only by her emotions.

This means that if you have the ability to evoke a certain ‘hot’ emotion inside a woman, then she will feel immediate attraction for you. And this happens without the need for her to consciously think about it.

Therefore, with the right approach, you can exploit this flaw inside a woman’s mind to your advantage…

In particular, with Mind Control tactics, you will have the power to hack into her mind, push her Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you. (And if she was someone who had fallen out of love with you, she will fall in love again.)

My name is Derek Rake, and I am the creator of Shogun Method.

Unlike other relationship, “get your ex back” or “Pickup Artist” programs, Shogun Method is the world’s first and only relationship strategy system built on military-grade Mind Control technology.

If you want the ability to make any woman emotionally addicted to you, then this is the only place where you will get it, period.

With Shogun Method, you will be using cutting-edge Mind Control techniques to directly access her mind, push those red-hot Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you as quickly as possible.

At the same time, you will covertly bypass her emotional defense mechanism, making it exceedingly difficult for her to reject you. You’ll always be on her mind no matter how hard she tries to forget you.

And here’s the best thing about Shogun Method – it works no matter if you want to meet new women or to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back.

Sounds good? And it gets better, I promise you.

Now before I tell you more about Shogun Method, I’d like to explain to you what it’s not.

Shogun Method is ideal for…

Now before we go any further, I need to come clean with you…

If you’re looking for yet another “Pickup Artist” fad or magical “Dating Guru” tricks then I’m telling you right now that you won’t find any of that junk here.

You know what I mean, and c’mon, let’s be honest.

“Dating Guru” and “Pickup Artist” stuff are not real solutions, and deep down in your gut you already know that they don’t work.

Unlike “Pickup Artist” ebooks, Shogun Method is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense. It’s the real deal, and it’s only for guys who are serious about wanting unlimited power and dominance over women.

What I have done is to make it as easy as humanly possible for any guy to have the love life that he wants. And so, while love and relationships are certainly no walk in the park as you have already known, Shogun Method makes it more of a snap.

I use Shogun Method to create long-lasting relationships. Shogun Method also strengthens your masculinity, and this goes beyond dating and love. I could only wish I have this knowledge years ago! I’m an advanced hypnotist and NLP practitioner, and so I can tell you this–Shogun Method is legit. Emotional enslavement may sound negative, but it’s all about loving, not harming, a woman.

Here’s a Shogun fact. When I sit at the bar alone and a woman approaches me (happens every time), within the first 10 minutes of good conversation I tell her, “** *** *** ****** sex *******”. I love to see the surprise, shock and confusion in their faces. I have done that 12 times and 10 times I had a happy ending. Just saying.

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“Seduction” is a fool’s game. If you want a woman to stick with you forever, you must make her emotionally addicted to you. Want a happy, long-lasting relationship or marriage? Then EMOTIONAL ADDICTION is key.

Pickup Artist (“PUA”) tricks and mainstream “Dating Guru” advice are too generic or just plain useless. It’s time to get serious and learn what truly works – Mind Control tactics leading to emotional addiction.

Shogun Method builds healthy, long-term relationships that last a lifetime. Those looking for flimsy one-night stand “tricks” and short-term flings should go elsewhere.

Shogun Method is effective because unlike mainstream dating advice, it is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as robust, decades-old hypnosis principles.

Shogun Method is not limited by boundaries, cultures and languages. As long as she can understand you then Shogun Method will work on her. Women are wired the same way psychologically – no matter where she’s from or what language she speaks.

The beauty of Shogun Method is that you are entirely in control. Want fast results? Use Fractionation on her (which you can learn in minutes). At the same time, make her yours forever by applying the IRAE Model on her.

Shogun Method has worked for more than 17,000 men around the world, and it WILL work for you. We will arm you with real-life skills that will give you the power to navigate through the maze of love and relationships with ease and confidence.

You’ll be joining the brotherhood of Shogun Method practitioners sworn to protect the sanctity of this precious knowledge. Get all the help and support you need from your fellow Shoguns as you embark on this exciting journey!

…Make A Woman Fall In Love With You

“I want to be good with women and have my pick on who to date”

“I want to get a woman fall in love with me”

“I want to make a woman my girlfriend”

Shogun Method’s proprietary IRAE Model gives you the complete roadmap to take a woman you just met from intrigue to emotional addiction. You’ll learn advanced Mind Control techniques like Fractionation, Implanted Commands and ENTICE/REPEL cycles to generate intense sexual attraction that lasts as long as you want.

With Shogun Method in your back pocket, making a woman fall in love with you is like taking candy from a toddler. You’ll never struggle with women again, ever.

…Fix A Failing Relationship

“I want to get my ex-girlfriend or wife back and not leave me again, ever”

“I want to stop a breakup or divorce”

“I want to fix a broken relationship or marriage”

Shogun Method works tremendously well with girlfriends and wives because it relies on shared experiences that you have with a woman. Using Shogun Sequences, you’ll be hypnotizing her into remembering the good times that she has had with you, making her fearful of living a life without you.

With Shogun Method, rekindling a lost love is easy because it works on a woman’s innate need for nostalgia and romance. Make her willingly come back to you by making her realizing that you’re the better deal.

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You’ll get lifetime access to videos, audios and study guides (all in digital, downloadable format) as well as free program upgrades (through the Derek Rake Insider’s Labs) for the next THREE (3) years

This is the only complete guide on Fractionation you’ll find anywhere in the world, period

The grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion methods, Fractionation is what the pro’s use to make a woman fall in love in the shortest time possible. Shogun Method contains the most comprehensive guide to Fractionation ever developed – with chock full of examples of scripts that you can use immediately on the woman you want to attract today. Using Fractionation in love is said to be like bringing a nuclear bomb to a gunfight, and for good reason!

The Fractionation module comes with a downloadable Companion Guide on the ‘Rollercoaster’ storytelling technique. Combining Fractionation with the Rollercoaster technique is like injecting a good dose of steroids into your game – there’s nothing else quite like it!

Module 2 contains the three Preconditions which you must agree to for the Shogun Method to work its magic

Shogun Method only work for you if you obey the Three Preconditions described in this module. Find out what the Preconditions are, and why they are absolutely crucial to your success. If you have not been getting the results that you wanted with women, the chances are that you’ve been (unknowingly) violating one (or all!) of these Preconditions.

Caution: The content inside this module may be offensive to some because it exposes the truth about human flaws that some may not want to accept. Keeping an open mind is absolutely necessary as you digest this material.

In Module 3, you will learn the flaws of the mind which makes one vulnerable to Mind Control

Shogun Method™ can be seen as “manipulative” because it exploits the psychological flaws which are naturally found inside the human mind. The truth is that everyone’s a “manipulator” to some degree, and using these techniques is not wrong – as long as your intentions are good.

In this module, you’ll learn what the flaws in the female mind are, and how to “manipulate” them to your benefit.

The IRAE Model is the blueprint to the female mind: know it and you’ll understand how and what she thinks

Welcome to the heart of the Shogun Method action! The IRAE Model is the “gut” of the Shogun Method – it is the definitive, 4-stage roadmap you can use to seduce any woman from start to finish: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional addiction (“IRAE”).

The IRAE Model greatly simplifies the process because with it, you’ll only need to do just one thing at one time. It will give you a clear head on what to exactly do and say without feeling overwhelmed.

By mastering the art of generating Intrigue, you will be able to control any woman’s attention span, and captivate her

Generating Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE Model. If you’re choosing to obtain just one attraction superpower inside Shogun Method – then it should be the ability to capture a woman’s attention with Intrigue. This module will show you how to do exactly that.

Trying to build attraction without first establishing rapport is a classic newbie mistake. This module gives you all the essentials in creating rock-hard rapport with a woman you’ve just met, or have known for ages

Trying to attract a woman without first building rapport is a classic newbie mistake. In the “Rapport” stage of the IRAE Model, you’ll get industrial strength Mind Control rapport building tactics that will make a woman eat out of your hands absolutely in no time at all.

Inside the Shogun Method, you’ll only need two (yes, two) to get a woman attracted to you. Inside this Module, you’ll get armed to the teeth with these two techniques

Once you’ve laid the foundations of Intrigue and Rapport, it’s time to kick into high gear and start to Attract her. Inside Shogun Method, you’ll need two (yes, only two) techniques to make a woman attracted to you. Learn what these two techniques are, and how you can use them in a simple, step-by-step roadmap inside the Attraction Development Model (ADM).

T he first three stages of the IRAE Model (Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction) are about making a woman fall in love. The fourth stage, Emotional Addiction, is about making a woman stay in love. If you want to dominate and control your relationship with her, then these one-of-a-kind covert techniques are what you need. As these tactics may sometimes make the target behave irrationally, we must ask you ONLY TO USE IF NECESSARY. We shall not be held responsible if anything goes wrong (i.e. if she turns into a stalker). Thank you for understanding.

The Black Rose Sequence is the single most powerful hypnotic pattern ever developed, and is the heart of the Shogun Method’s Emotional Addiction module. This is the only place in the world where the real Black Rose Sequence can be found. If you’ve seen an alleged copy of it elsewhere, you’ve seen a fake. Don’t get duped!

CAUTION: If you are the kind who is easily offended by straight talk about human manipulation then you may not want to learn the tactics inside this module.

The Emotional Addiction techniques I teach here come from the real world, and they powerful and effective. If you don’t think you can handle the straight talk about the darker side of psychology, then don’t look.

Here’s a short, 5-minute tour (produced by Frederick, a veteran Shogun) of what’s inside the platform. Here’s where you’ll get to access your products, get VIP coaching, receive program updates, and more!

In addition to everything I’ve described so far, you will also get a lifetime membership to our very own MKDELTA mastermind group.

In this private community, we share and discuss possibly the four most explosive Mind Control techniques ever discovered, namely:-

With your purchase of Shogun Method today, you’ll also get access to our private lab, the Derek Rake Insider. This is where we regularly release new techniques, tools and strategies to our clients.

And because this area is protected from the public and away from prying eyes, we can feel safe enough to share the most controversial mind control tricks that work like gangbusters.

I don’t usually want to talk about these strategies in public because as you know, I don’t like to court controversy, and yet everything is freely disclosed in the Derek Rake Insider Labs, no holds barred.

Here are some hints of what’s inside this private area:

This means that you will get fresh-off-the-oven techniques piped into your private client’s area regularly, forever.

Obey these five Rake Rules and make her surrender to your authority immediately.

The Rake Rules premium product comes free with every purchase of Shogun Method (until further notice). Buy Shogun Method today to secure your copy of this valuable program!

Get one key insight from the Shogun Method knowledge base emailed to you every morning for the next 100 days. Here’s what’s inside the Daily Shogun program:

Here’s the #1 reason why Shogun Method works so well compared to conventional dating guru or “Pickup Artist” techniques:

Shogun Method is backed by science.

This report presents to you the scientific proof behind Shogun Method – and how it’s backed by years of theoretical and empirical research in the science of human psychology, advanced persuasion and social exchange theory.

Not sold anywhere else, the Scientific Proof premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus.

Married? Then this premium report is exactly what you need to iron-clad your marriage and enjoy mutual respect and devotion between you and your wife.

Married Game 101 is not for sale at any price, but is free when you buy Shogun Method today. Not to be missed!

The single biggest reason why most relationships fail: the lack of emotional investment.

In “Emotional Investment 101”, you’ll learn:

Not sold anywhere else, the “Emotional Investment 101” premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus. You’ll also be entitled to receive full, unlimited updates for one year.

Here’s a little-known fact about Shogun Method: it can be used beyond improving your skills with women. With some tweaks, you can use Shogun Method on yourself – and use Mind Control to “hack” your inner game.

In “Self Mind Control 101”, you’ll discover:

You’ll already know how to “hack” into a woman’s mind with Shogun Method. Learn how to “hack” into your own mind with “Self Mind Control 101”. This program is not for sale, but it comes free as a bonus when you buy the Shogun Method package today.

Warning. This report contains mature themes and profanity that may be upsetting to some people. Those who are easily disturbed by the use of profane language and/or the description of human nature should stay away.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

We are limiting the public access to this program because of its controversial (and inflammatory!) nature. The only way to download this report is by purchasing the Shogun Method package today while it’s still online.

Different from “Pickup Artist” products, Shogun Method is not only for meeting new women. In fact, it can be devastatingly effective in rekindling fading love and recovering relationships from breakups. This premium report shows you how to use Mind Control to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back in your arms.

“How To Use Mind Control On Your Ex” is not for sale. It is, however, available for free when you buy Shogun Method today.

The truth is that your girlfriend or wife will almost never say anything that you should take at face value. In fact, she won’t mean what she says most of the time!

It takes a specialized set of skills to listen and interpret what your woman says to you. Learning how to understand what a woman REALLY means is extremely TRICKY to most men.

CovertTalk will give you the skills to “decode” what a woman REALLY means when she says something.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

CovertTalk is not available for sale to the public. However, access is free for all Shogun Method clients for a lifetime.

The key to understanding a woman is to know what she really wants: so that you can tap into her desires and make her believe that only YOU can give her what she wants.

The Female Psychology 101 program digs deep into the psyche of a woman and unearths surprising truths about what she really wants in a man. Combine these incredible insights together with your Shogun Method tactics and you’ll have in your hands the tremendous ability to make any woman want to be with you.

In this premium program, you’ll discover:

Female Psychology 101 is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

The “Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” program details a new Shogun Method technique called the “Shogun Roast” – which is an “intense” version of (usually light-hearted) Intrigue Pings.

With Shogun Roasts, you will challenge her, make her laugh and make her qualify herself to you. Think of the technique as a “combo attack” which intrigues her, builds rapport with her and makes her attracted in a single routine.

“Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

Not getting the results you want with women? Chances are that you’re committing these Three Deadly Sins. Know what they are so that you can avoid them – and see your success with women skyrocket to greater heights!

According to billionaire Charlie Munger, “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.” Most guys fail with women simply because they shoot themselves in the foot without knowing it.

The Three Deadly Sins program will let you bulletproof your seduction game – by avoiding the three biggest pitfalls that destroy attraction.

Inside Three Deadly Sins, you’ll discover…

The Thought Implanter is a Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence. Use it to take a woman’s boyfriend out of the picture… so that she can be where she belongs – with you.

The Thought Implanter Sequence makes a woman leave her boyfriend for you by planting the thought inside her subconscious mind. It’s remarkably simple, too – all you need to do is to ask these five Leading Questions… and you’re done.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

IMPORTANT. Never use the Thought Implanter on a woman who is happy with her man. Like any other tool, you can use it for good, or for evil. Never ruin healthy relationships for your own gratification – that’s not the Shogun’s way.

However, if she’s stuck in a bad relationship she couldn’t quit, or if she’ll be better off with you, then you must help her. Use the Thought Implanter and the job’s done!

With Shogun Method, you’ll get almost any woman you want. Imagine finally having the power to choose who gets to be with you. Why waste it on the unworthy, the mediocre, or the crazy?

Arm yourself with this checklist of 27 Red Flags–so you can pre-qualify any woman before you get serious with her.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

Use this program to screen a woman before you use Shogun Method on her.

The Thought Leaker is a simple, four-step conversational game that leaks a woman’s thoughts, letting you roam freely inside her mind.

Get her to play this (seemingly!) harmless game and her thoughts will become transparent to you. All you need is to follow these four steps and you’ll know what lurks inside her mind. What does she really think of you? Is she ready for you to escalate? Is she hiding anything from you? Get all these questions answered… and more.

In addition to the Thought Leaker game, you’ll also learn…

Get the definitive answers to all your burning questions from Shogun Method Master Coach Derek Rake

Your Very Own Client Happiness Manager, Available On Call, 7 Days A Week

Hello! My name is Kathy, and I am the Head of Client Support for Derek Rake.

When you are enrolled as a Derek Rake client, you will be assigned your personal Client Happiness Manager who will be on standby in case you need help with your Shogun Method purchase.

It’s my goal to ensure that you get the best experience out of Shogun Method! My team and I are always reachable via email or through the client portal (which you will have access to once you buy Shogun Method).

Unlimited Access To Derek Rake’s Premium VIP Coaching Platform, the DerekRakeHQ

Shogun Method modules are accessed through our proprietary online training system, DerekRakeHQ. At the end of each module, you will get the opportunity to post questions that will be answered by Derek Rake himself as well as other designated coaches and students.

With more than 17,000+ clients already successfully completed Shogun Method, you will have an entire army of peers and advisers rooting for your success, helping you every step of the way.

Already more than 17,000 men like you have enjoyed better success with women using the techniques and strategies inside Shogun Method

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Q: How Much Is Shogun Method?

Q: Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

Our money back guarantee is valid for 60 days from the time of purchase. If you are unhappy with Shogun Method, simply contact us within 60 days and we will refund you in full.

Q: I’m A Single Guy Looking For Love. Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Shogun Method is chock-full of techniques on how to create powerful, long-lasting impression with women. You’ll learn how to do this with our patented Intrigue Ping methodology.

Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation and you’ll find just how easy it is to make a woman attracted to you – even if she has rejected (or friend-zoned) you before.

The problem with “Pickup Artist” tricks is that the attraction will wane after the initial thrill of the pickup. Shogun Method will sustain her interest in you beyond the pickup – by making her emotionally addicted to you.

Q: I’m Already In A Relationship (Or Marriage). Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Yes. In fact, a large number of Shogun Method clients use the system to work on their existing relationships and marriages.

Shogun Method is tremendously effective in rekindling lost love and reigniting the feelings of passion in long-term relationships and marriages. Many of our clients have successfully used our system to fix and “bulletproof” broken relationships.

The key to long-lasting relationships is EMOTIONAL ADDICTION. Remember: Shogun Method is the only system which shows you how to make a woman emotionally attached to you – so that she sticks with you through thick and thin.

Q: Does Shogun Method Work On Every Woman?

Yes, because every woman is by nature wired the same way psychologically. (And of course, this is true also for men!)

Despite this, however, it’s important to set your expectations right. Shogun Method is NOT a magic bullet system. It won’t give you “seduction superpowers” overnight if that’s what you’re looking for.

The truth is that most guys are lazy, unmotivated and expect to be successful without having to lift a finger. Shogun Method is not for these people.

n the other hand, if you’re willing to diligently go through all eight modules and importantly, PRACTICE what you have learned, then Shogun Method will solve all your relationship and marriage problems once and for all. That’s my promise to you.

Q: Is Derek Rake Really Going To Answer All My Questions Personally?

Yes. Personal coaching (valid for one full year from the date of purchase) is included as part of the Shogun Method package.

Our clients have repeatedly told us that the personal coaching feature is the most helpful component of our program. Shogun Method is not your off-the-mill “Pickup Artist” ebook – it’s important to us that you succeed.

Because of time constraints and a hectic traveling schedule, Derek is unable to entertain questions via phone calls and emails. Questions must be posted at to get an answer. You may use a pseudonym if you wish.

Q: Does The Shogun Method Work On A Woman I Already Know? Or Does It Only Work On New Women?

You can use the Shogun Method on to approach women, or to attract a woman you already know. It works effectively well in both situations.

A large portion of our customer base use the Shogun Method on women who are already in their lives (i.e. women they are already seeing, or girlfriends or wives who are threatening to leave them). To them, the Rapport, Attract and Emotional Attachment modules are most useful.

Alternatively, if meeting new women is your goal, then you should focus more on the Intrigue modules as well as the Fractionation technique. Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation for jaw-dropping results – I’ll show you how in detail inside the program.

Q: Do I Need To Know Mind Control Or Hypnosis For This To Work?

You don’t have to have any prior knowledge of Mind Control or hypnosis to understand how the Shogun Method works.

In fact, not having a background in Mind Control, hypnosis and “seduction” may even work to your advantage since there will be no bad habits and techniques to unlearn.

Q: Will Shogun Method Work On My Device?

Shogun Method works on virtually all modern devices:-

If you have a device which is not listed above, contact us.

Q: What Happens After I Make The Payment?

After clicking on the “Add To Cart” button, you will be transferred to our secure checkout page. Here, enter your personal and credit card (or Paypal) details, and when your payment is successfully processed, you will receive your login instructions over email immediately.

The entire course is delivered online through our proprietary DerekRakeHQ platform, and nothing is ever sent to you via mail.

If you have not received your login details upon successful checkout, contact us. We reply within a few hours the most (often immediately).

Q: What Appears On My Credit Card Bill?

There is no mention of Shogun Method or Derek Rake or anything related to the company or product.

Clickbank currently handles all our credit card and Paypal payments. In your credit card bill, you will see a charge from CLKBANK*.

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Networking for Startups: Forging Treasured Connections and Partnerships

Ultimate Up-to-the-minute on August 9, 2024 thru Adriaan

Believe nature. 

For a healthy and resilient ecosystem, you need a quite a lot of neighborhood of flora and fauna. The ones portions artwork together to cross-pollinate, proportion resources, and provide make stronger.

Your startup is the same.

While you’re doing the entire thing alone, don’t be stunned when an issue you don’t have the approach to knocks you down.

A formidable business neighborhood is your coverage internet. 

It provides a pool of revel in, resources, and skill previous your own working out and succeed in. 

Alternatively how do you assemble a big business neighborhood?

Let’s uncover why you need powerful connections and the way in which you in finding them.

Why Is Networking So Essential for Startups?

Networking is an excellent tool for startups.

It offers a number of benefits to increase your online business previous your individual succeed in. It’s a chance to get entry to resources, meet possible customers, and procure precious insights from {{industry}} pros. 

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By the use of setting up vital connections all through your {{industry}}, you have to have a broader succeed in. Expanding your succeed in gives you additional make stronger to boost brand awareness and increase as an entrepreneur.

Listed below are some of the largest benefits of networking.

1. Attract Investors

In case your startup wishes investment, networking can come up with get entry to to funding sources and angel consumers. 

By the use of attending {{industry}} meetups, you’re a lot more prone to satisfy {{industry}} leaders with get entry to to capital. 

No longer most efficient does networking make larger your succeed in, on the other hand you’re in direct contact with consumers. The personal connection helps you develop consider, so that they’re a lot more prone to speculate.

2. Assemble Strategic Partnerships

Networking is one of the best routes to finding possible collaboration choices. 

When you form alliances with a success entrepreneurs, you don’t merely have the good thing about their extended networks and advice. The ones possible partners offer choices for collaboration between your two corporations.

Collaborations can come up with get entry to to resources, professional networks, distinctive vendors, and additional. 

It’s conceivable you’ll even form joint ventures that make larger your market proportion.

As Joe Sword, Strategic Director at Nordens, puts it: 

“Networking can result in collaborations and resource-sharing choices, decreasing costs and extending your succeed in.”

3. Generate Leads and Product sales

Development precious connections within your {{industry}} can help make bigger your buyer base.

New connections assist you to meet people who can refer to your product or services and products. It moreover helps you meet doable customers firsthand.

Networking creates personal connections that can energy business choices. 

In spite of everything, persons are much more likely to shop for from those they consider. By the use of networking, you create a warmth market to your services and products via relationship-building. 

As Virginia Navarrogar, Regulate Director at Lancoor Industry Solutions, explains:

“Imagine is the overseas cash of networking. When you assemble powerful relationships with others, they’re a lot more prone to refer you to their contacts, which can lead to new business prospects.”

4. To find Mentors

In line with Elle Kaplan, founder of LexION Capital:

“Networking goes previous simply making connections; it’s typically a gateway to profitable mentorship and finding out choices. Seasoned execs who’ve walked the path we aspire to observe may also be providing advisable guidance, steering us transparent of pitfalls and propelling us against excellent fortune.”

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Networking gives you get entry to to mentors with substantial {{industry}} experience. The ones professional entrepreneurs may also be providing guidance and make stronger previous your individual knowledge.

Very similar to hiring a business instructor, you get get entry to to knowledge this is serving to you avoid not unusual mistakes. 

5. Attract and Retain Easiest Talent

Entrepreneurial networking supplies startups get entry to to talent that may most likely fit the crowd smartly.

Analysis displays that even the weakest connections can building up process mobility. Essentially, networking encourages highest talent to seek new choices. It moreover helps you in finding talented folks looking for new choices. 

6. Boost Brand Awareness

Networking can building up the visibility and recognition of your startup within your {{industry}}.

You’re spreading the phrase about your products and services. Doing this encourages fellow entrepreneurs to recommend your brand among their own networks. It moreover establishes your startup as a recognized brand. 

The end result? You attract additional customers, partners, and consumers, which reinforces your market presence. 

As Stefanie Marrone, promoting information at The Social Media Butterfly, advises:

“Actively participate in forums, panels, and webinars connected to your {{industry}}. Doing so now not most efficient broadens your neighborhood however as well as positions your individual brand at the forefront of {{industry}} dialogues.”

7. To find New Suppliers and Vendors

Don’t merely point of interest on setting up networks to attract investor and purchaser attention. Moreover, imagine how networking can help you assemble a stronger supply chain.

Networking events may also be providing choices to connect with suppliers and service providers. 

When nurtured, the ones relationships can result in loyal business partners. The ones property can help deal with operational efficiency and high quality on your emblem.

While you’re having a look to increase, you’ll need simple operations in every single place your whole team.

12 Creative Ways to Assemble a Group as a Startup

Development a formidable business team is very important to your startup’s expansion and excellent fortune. 

Listed below are some innovative ways to use networking to create treasured connections on your {{industry}}.

1. Attend Industry-Equivalent Meetups

Industry-related startup meetups are designed to put across together {{industry}} execs. At the ones casual gatherings, like-minded entrepreneurs discuss {{industry}} traits and choices.

You’ll be capable to meet consumers, partners, customers, and mentors in a comfortable environment. Conversation flows additional merely without the formality of a workplace environment.

Chris Masanto, the CEO and co-founder of PetLab Co., says: 

“Attending industry-related brunches and meetups has been instrumental in PetLab Co.‘s journey. After now we have been starting, the ones informal gatherings allowed us to connect with other ecommerce entrepreneurs, proportion tales, and procure profitable insights into the {{industry}}. 

One such meetup resulted in a partnership that significantly boosted our logistics efficiency, streamlining our supply chain. The ones events provide a comfortable surroundings where unique relationships can form, offering make stronger and choices a very powerful for any startup’s expansion. 

I firmly imagine that our connections at the ones meetups have carried out a pivotal serve as in our excellent fortune.”

Use business forums and social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn to seek for local or online meetups hooked up to your {{industry}}.

2. Speak about at Exceptional Industry Events

Industry events, like conferences, trade shows, and workshops, ceaselessly need customer audio machine. Customer speaking is a chance to provide your brand to buddies. 

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Possible choices like this boost brand awareness and position you as a thought leader on your {{industry}}. Being a customer speaker at popular {{industry}} events is also sexy to consumers and customers as it demonstrates your authority and revel in. 

And as a bonus, it’s going to finally end up in long run business gives, collaborations, and possible investments and mentorships.

3. Create an Online Industry-Equivalent Collecting

When you’ll be capable to’t to search out events which might be appropriate the bill, take a look at website hosting your own virtual networking event. 

As Susan McPherson, writer of “The Out of place Art work of Connecting,” advises:

Create your own gathering — and that gathering can also be virtual. I merely hosted a information be in contact remaining evening time and had 25 other people join. And I did that myself, merely inviting other people. But it surely without a doubt doesn’t should be 25 other people. You’ll be capable to do it with 4 other people. Get together and have a conversation about anything underneath the sun.” 

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Online discussion groups connect you with execs in a lot of spaces and industries. It’s conceivable you’ll talk about something hooked up to your sector. Alternatively, you’ll be capable to introduce an idea that brings together other people from somewhat a large number of industries. 

Advertise your event on connected social media platforms and host it on Zoom, Google Meet, or Teams.

4. Join Professional Associations

Professional associations provide get entry to to distinctive events, resources, and networking choices.

As a member of industry-specific organizations, you stay a professional on the latest {{industry}} traits. You’re moreover intrinsically hooked as much as like-minded other people.

To get some of the from your membership, actively take a part of their events and forums. 

Other folks ceaselessly have precious resources and insights that can make stronger your online business methodology.

5. Use Your Alumni Networks

Attending college or higher coaching offers benefits previous the {{qualifications}}. You moreover get a ready-made neighborhood.

Alumni from your educational institutions offer a pool of possible business connections. The ones are great for finding possible investments, mentorships, and skill.

Most educational establishments host alumni events where you’ll be capable to hook up with other people particularly individual. Alternatively, take a look at alumni groups on social media platforms. In the ones online groups, alumni succeed in out to each other for advice and connections. 

6. Host a Themed Coworking Day

A themed coworking day is an opportunity for like-minded entrepreneurs to go back together. You’ll be capable to brainstorm, collaborate, and neighborhood while working on your own projects.

Simply rent a coworking house and invite startups and entrepreneurs which might be appropriate the theme. Your theme is there to help unite other people over a shared function, pastime, or house of revel in.

7. Run “Startup Speed Dating”

Startup tempo courting is a fast-paced, interactive process that goals to test entrepreneurs with the make stronger they would like. 

The ones events include transient, one-to-one meetings. Folks can in short connect to appear whether or not or now not they are able to offer each other help or advice.

Bear in mind to invite all types of business pals, an identical to mentors and consumers, now not merely startup founders. Encourage other people to embellish like they’re on a date in adapted fits and evening time apparel to stick it amusing with a licensed edge.

8. Host a Unfastened Online Workshop or Webinar

Percentage your revel in and establish your brand as knowledgeable via a free online workshop or webinar. Invite possible customers, partners, and consumers. Use the educating 2nd as a possibility to garner their make stronger.

Choose a connected matter that appeals to the collaborators you’re hoping to internet. Make certain that it’s something this is serving to you sing their own praises your skills and information. 

(Screenshot provided in the course of the writer)

Include a question-and-answer segment on your workshop. Moreover, take into account to create choices for individuals to proportion ideas.

This fashion establishes you as a thought leader while helping you assemble {{industry}} connections.

9. Unlock a Podcast and Invite Industry Execs

Podcasts establish your revel in among your target audience and assist you to hook up with {{industry}} execs.

Use the platform as a possibility to invite {{industry}} leaders as customer interviewees. 

Taking part like that is serving to you create precious content material subject material, establish yourself as a loyal and ethical provide, and meet connected {{industry}} connections.

10. Assemble a Mentorship Marketplace

Mentorship marketplaces are online platforms where founders and professional mentors can connect. 

Entrepreneurs seek for mentors with explicit revel in, skills, and {{industry}} knowledge.

The ones platforms connect you with professional entrepreneurs in all different areas of business. 

For example, it’s possible you’ll be in contact to a financial professional about rising funding alternatives at some point. Next time, you can make a call to connect with an operations specialist about streamlining your internal strategies.

11. Run Social Media Difficult scenarios

Generate a buzz spherical your company thru running social media not easy scenarios that engage the types of other people you’re attempting to connect with.

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For example, whilst you’re looking for business mentors, run a 30-day downside. Ask {{industry}} leaders to proportion their highest tips on a distinct theme day by day. Don’t be afraid to tag other people directly to encourage engagement.

12. Get began a Startup Founders’ Slack Workforce

Get began a faithful Slack body of workers and invite startup founders. Create different threads that encourage other people to proportion resources, alternate advice, and neighborhood in a centered means.  

To stick the group not off course, prepare explicit networking movements. You want to try a per 30 days virtual meetup, icebreaker movements, or “query me anything” categories.

Speedy Pointers for Networking Effectively as a Startup Founder

Are you ready to make vital connections? You wish to have to neighborhood consciously to put across you closer to your online business objectives.

Listed below are some networking very best practices:

  • Define your objectives. You wish to have to seize what you hope to get from networking for the experience to be environment friendly.
  • Purpose the proper other people. Seek for connections that assist you to artwork against your objectives.
  • Craft an elevator pitch. Know the way to provide an explanation for your startup to others in underneath 30 seconds.
  • Be proactive with making connections. Attend events, succeed in out to pros, seek for online communities — don’t stay up for other people to go back to you.
  • Give openly. Don’t head into networking tales without the aim of helping others, too. It should be a two-way relationship.
  • Take notes whilst you’ll be capable to. It’s a very powerful to remember details about your connections. Try to write them down straight away. You’ll be capable to moreover use a assembly mins app to document and transcribe essential details.
  • Ship other people together. One way to make sure other people take into account you is to connect them with others who can make stronger them.
  • Practice up promptly. Don’t ghost your connections — send them an electronic message or message temporarily after meeting them. Then, observe up yet again a twinkling of an eye later.

Amplify your Group to Widen Your Possible choices

As a startup founder or entrepreneur, it can be tempting to think you’ll be capable to do the entire thing yourself. It’s easy to imagine you have to have the entire answers. Alternatively when you run into bother, there’s now not anything else additional comforting than a neighborhood of professional execs to make stronger you.

Development your neighborhood is a should, on the other hand you should be proactive. Seek choices to go looking out the types of people who can help you meet your online business objectives.

Bear in mind, a formidable neighborhood is an excellent tool to spice up up your expansion. 

For additonal startup apparatus that assist you to make larger and make stronger, be told additional at Startup Assets.

Proper right here’s to your excellent fortune!

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