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Software de listas de compras pasillo por pasillo, organizador de cupones de compras

Product Name: Software de listas de compras pasillo por pasillo, organizador de cupones de compras

Click here to get Software de listas de compras pasillo por pasillo, organizador de cupones de compras
at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Software de listas de compras pasillo por pasillo, organizador de cupones de compras
is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


✔ La lista de compras pasillo por pasillo ahorra pasos en la tienda.

✔ Úselo en línea desde cualquier computadora en cualquier lugar. No es necesario descargar nada.

✔ Realice un seguimiento de las ventas para ahorrar dinero.

✔ Organiza cupones para ahorrar aún más dinero.

Únase a mi programa de afiliados de Clickbank para vender este programa en su sitio web.

Si pudiera darte una lista de compras pasillo por pasillo…

► ¿Podrías recorrer la tienda en la mitad del tiempo?

► ¿Podrías controlar los gastos impulsivos?

► ¿Estaría motivado para realizar un seguimiento de las ventas y los cupones?

► ¿Te resultaría más fácil comprar para tu familia o para tus clientes?

Si tuvieras una lista de compras pasillo por pasillo, ¿no gastarías menos dinero en artículos de compra impulsiva?

¿Está iniciando un negocio de compra y entrega de comestibles? Si sus clientes le enviaran por correo electrónico una lista de compras pasillo por pasillo…

► ¿Sería capaz de comprar para más clientes en menos tiempo?

► ¿A sus clientes les gustaría la comodidad de hacer su lista de compras en línea?

► Incluso si no fuera un negocio, ¿sería esta una forma más conveniente de hacer compras para los miembros de la familia que están confinados en casa?

Si su lista de compras pasillo por pasillo tuviera recordatorios de ofertas y cupones impresos directamente en ella…

►¿Te acordarías de utilizar tus cupones?

► ¿Intentarías combinar ofertas y cupones para duplicar el ahorro?

► ¿Tendrías una herramienta para controlar tu presupuesto?

Digamos que tienes una pila de cupones que has recortado del periódico o has descargado con tu ordenador. ¿Dónde están esos cupones? ¿Cómo están organizados? ¿Cómo los relacionarás con los artículos de tu lista? ¿Cómo sabrás cuáles utilizar en la caja?

Este sistema combina los cupones con los artículos. Es un recordatorio automático al momento de pagar, ya que allí mismo, en la lista, te indica qué cupones usar.

Preguntas frecuentes

Si compro en dos tiendas, ¿tengo que hacer dos listas?

No. Una vez que la lista esté lista, simplemente imprímela para una tienda y luego imprímela nuevamente para otra tienda. Ahora tienes una lista pasillo por pasillo para cada tienda, con diferentes diseños, pero los mismos artículos en la lista.

¿Cómo funciona en mi iPhone o Blackberry?

Primero, haz tu lista de compras en cualquier computadora. O tu cónyuge puede hacer la lista. Luego, apunta tu iPhone o Blackberry a un enlace especial que te proporcionaremos y podrás ver la lista en la palma de tu mano. Puedes elegir entre muchas listas, cualquier lista que haya sido creada previamente. Puedes elegir entre muchas tiendas. Simplemente selecciona la tienda en la que te encuentres y la lista se mostrará pasillo por pasillo para esa tienda, de acuerdo con cómo hayas personalizado personalmente los pasillos.

¿Es complicado de utilizar?

No y sí. Empieza por algo sencillo. Utiliza solo las funciones que quieras. Crece contigo.

¿Cómo es que el programa es lo suficientemente inteligente como para hacer una lista pasillo por pasillo?

El programa sigue un proceso de dos pasos. Primero pregunta: “¿En qué categoría se encuentra el artículo (fruta, carne, pan, etc.)?”. Segundo pregunta: “¿En qué pasillo se encuentra la categoría?”. A medida que utiliza el programa, puede asignar categorías y pasillos. De esta manera, tiene control total sobre su lista pasillo por pasillo. El programa utiliza plantillas de inicio para que sea fácil y usted puede refinarlas a medida que avanza.

¿Puede otra persona además de mí organizar los pasillos de la tienda?

Sí. Una vez que estés en línea, puedes invitar a otro comprador a compartir una tienda contigo. Luego, cuando uno de ustedes cambie los pasillos de la tienda en línea, el otro comprador podrá ver esos cambios.

¿Cómo me ayudará esto a utilizar cupones?

Los recordatorios de cupones se imprimen directamente en su lista de compras.

¿Cómo me ayudará esto a comprar recetas?

No solo puedes hacer una lista de la compra, sino que también puedes hacer listas de listas. En otras palabras, puedes tener listas semanales, listas mensuales y una pila de listas de recetas. Y el sistema las recuerda todas. Están al alcance de tu mano.

¿Cómo me ayudará esto a comprar para otros, ya sea como un favor o como un servicio de entrega de comestibles?

Amigos, familiares o clientes pueden usar el sistema para enviarle por correo electrónico su lista de compras pasillo por pasillo.

Si estoy confinado en casa, ¿cómo me ayudará esto?

Puedes hacer tu lista en línea. Agrega tus propios comentarios personalizados a cada artículo como desees. Por ejemplo, indica qué talla o qué marca comprar. Luego envía tu lista por correo electrónico a la persona que hará las compras por ti.

¿Puedo recibir un pago por programar el diseño de los pasillos de la tienda?

Sí. ¿Cuánto? Establezca sus propios objetivos. Una vez que introduzca los pasillos de su tienda en el sistema para poder imprimir su propia lista pasillo por pasillo, podrá compartir esa información con otros compradores por correo electrónico, a través de su sitio web personal o mediante publicidad local. Puede pedir a otros compradores que le paguen directamente por esa información. El sistema le proporciona un enlace especial para compartir con ellos. Así que es tan fácil como compartir un enlace.

¿Puedo recibir un pago por ingresar información de cupones?

Sí. ¿Cuánto? Establezca sus propios objetivos. Una vez que ingrese la información del cupón en el sistema, podrá compartirla con otros compradores por correo electrónico, a través de su sitio web personal o mediante publicidad local. Puede pedirles a otros compradores que le paguen directamente por esa información. El sistema le proporciona un enlace especial para compartir con ellos. Es tan fácil como compartir un enlace.

Las opciones de precio varían desde un período de prueba de bajo costo hasta una compra única. Por lo tanto, el costo no es un obstáculo. La verdadera pregunta es: ¿quieres recorrer la tienda rápidamente o pasear por ella?

Si me inscribo en una prueba de bajo costo, ¿se renueva automáticamente?

No. Cuando finaliza el período de prueba, usted decide si renovarlo por otro período de prueba o realizar una compra única.

¿Existe una garantía de devolución de dinero?

Sí. Tienes una garantía de satisfacción de devolución de dinero de 60 días.

Sí. No compartimos su correo electrónico con nadie. Su dirección de correo electrónico tiene solo dos propósitos: 1) iniciar sesión en el sistema y 2) iniciar sesión en PayPal. Su correo electrónico mantiene sincronizados los dos para que reciba el crédito correspondiente por su pago.

¿Has visto alguna vez una lista de la compra en tu iPhone o Blackberry? Seguro que sí, pero esta es pasillo por pasillo.

►No es necesario descargar ni instalar nada, ya que se trata de una aplicación basada en web.

► ¿Cómo funciona? En tu computadora, realiza todas las tareas complejas (crea varias listas, configura diferentes tiendas, etc.). Luego, mientras compras con tu iPhone o Blackberry, realiza los últimos pasos simples:

1) Elija una lista, 2) Elija una tienda y 3) Vea la lista pasillo por pasillo para esa tienda.

Ahora tiene lo mejor de ambos mundos: un programa informático con todas las funciones y una cómoda visualización de los resultados. Cuando digo “con todas las funciones”, me refiero a que su lista puede mostrar comentarios, información sobre cupones, ofertas y precios. Esto hace posible que su cónyuge haga una lista en otra computadora y escriba un comentario que diga “Compre el tamaño grande de la marca X que está en el estante inferior del otro extremo del pasillo” y luego le resulte muy fácil ver el comentario, junto con el resto de la lista, allí mismo, en la palma de su mano.

¿No te gustaría tomar tu porción del pastel?

► Obtener ganancias como afiliado es muy fácil.

► ¿Cómo funciona? Simplemente publicita tu código promocional personalizado. Recibirás un correo electrónico con esta información.

► ¿Cómo puedes anunciarte? 1) En tu sitio web, 2) En Facebook, o 3) A través de tu lista de correo.

► ¿Qué motiva a los compradores a responder? Obtienen un descuento con tu código promocional personalizado. Así que les estás haciendo un favor.

► ¿Cómo registrarse? Hay dos formas de registrarse: 1) Solicitar el programa si desea usarlo usted mismo o 2) Para comenzar de forma gratuita, ingrese SaveSteps en el código promocional en la parte superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico con su código promocional personalizado que le permitirá ganar dinero al mismo tiempo que le permite obtener un descuento a otros compradores.

Programas de afiliados en los que estamos incluidos Marketing de afiliados Gane dinero en línea

► Ver Serigrafías

¡Podría ser algo que me pudiera ahorrar tiempo que podría pasar con mis cuatro hijos!

Paso mucho menos tiempo retrocediendo y simplemente navegando (esperando ver algo) y también compro menos por impulso, ya que generalmente puedo ir directamente al producto.

¡Qué herramienta tan maravillosa es esta para mantener feliz a esta madre de cuatro hijos incluso mientras hace las compras de comestibles… lo que, debo agregar, solía ser una completa molestia y un gasto enorme cuando compraba muchas cosas que realmente no necesitábamos mientras buscaba las cosas que sí necesitábamos! Finalmente encontré una manera de ahorrar tiempo y dinero… ¡Gracias por este excelente programa!

Estoy iniciando una cooperativa de precios compartidos y creo que este software podría ayudar a mis futuros clientes.

Necesito una herramienta que mis padres mayores puedan usar para hacer las compras.

Quería probar su software para poder USAR mis cupones en lugar de enojarme conmigo mismo por olvidarme de usarlos.

Cuanto más uso su programa más me gusta y más organizado me vuelvo.

Comencé a usar cupones y a guardar recetas, y cuando voy al supermercado, es una molestia recorrer el pasillo (en una tienda desconocida, de todos modos) y buscar los productos y luego recordar que tengo un cupón para ellos.

Recientemente fui de compras a Walmart con mi esposa usando una lista de compras escrita a mano y me llevó horas… Ella quiere que vaya otra vez. ¡¡¡Por favor ayuda!!!

Con demasiada frecuencia vuelvo atrás en la tienda con mi lista actual que uso.

La idea es increíblemente novedosa y ayudaría a usar cupones, planificar comidas, evitar compras impulsivas… y como madre soltera muy pobre y muy frustrada… ¡aleluya!

No es necesario tener una lista en papel.

Su cónyuge puede hacer la lista de compras en cualquier computadora en cualquier lugar y puede verla inmediatamente.

Para eso se crearon los iPhone y los Blackberry.

El hecho de que ganes dinero para las vacaciones o simplemente para comprar algo de comida extra depende de a cuántas personas llegues con tu código promocional de afiliado. Así que simplemente usa los canales normales que ya tienes, ya sea un sitio web, Facebook o una lista de correo.

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Click here to get Software de listas de compras pasillo por pasillo, organizador de cupones de compras
at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Software de listas de compras pasillo por pasillo, organizador de cupones de compras
is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Product Name: Bienvenido

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at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Revitalice su estado físico: un entrenamiento con mancuernas en casa para hombres de 40, 50, 60 años y más

¿Esos músculos que antes eran sólidos como una roca están empezando a sentirse un poco más débiles? ¿Sientes que extrañas la energía y vitalidad de tus años de juventud? Si es así, no estás solo.

¿Esos músculos que antes eran sólidos como una roca están empezando a sentirse un poco más débiles? ¿Sientes que extrañas la energía y vitalidad de tus años de juventud? Si es así, no estás solo.

“Diga adiós a las conjeturas y la confusión con nuestros planes de entrenamiento fáciles de seguir”.

La vida tiene una forma curiosa de darnos sorpresas, ¿no es así? Entre el trabajo, la familia y las interminables listas de tareas pendientes, es fácil dejar que nuestra salud pase a un segundo plano. Pero en el fondo, sabes que ya no eres el hombre que solías ser. Y es frustrante.

Quizás hayas intentado recuperar tu forma física antes, pero te has encontrado con una decepción. Las promesas de soluciones rápidas y milagrosas nunca parecen dar resultado. Además, ¿quién tiene tiempo para pasar horas en el gimnasio? Es suficiente para hacer que cualquiera se sienta derrotado.

Pero lo importante es que ponerse en forma no tiene por qué ser complicado. No necesitas equipos sofisticados ni membresías costosas en gimnasios. Y, por supuesto, no necesitas pasar horas sudando en la cinta de correr.

Ahí es donde entro yo. Con más de 30 años de experiencia como entrenador personal certificado, lo he visto todo y sé lo que funciona, especialmente para personas como nosotros que tienen vidas ocupadas y poco tiempo libre.

Así que si estás cansado de sentirte cansado, si estás listo para recuperar tu fuerza y ​​vitalidad, estás en el lugar correcto. Porque estoy a punto de presentarte una solución simple y efectiva que te ayudará a volver a estar en forma sin sacrificar tu valioso tiempo ni tu cordura.

Bienvenidos a la rutina de ejercicios con mancuernas en casa para hombres maduros, donde nos centramos en obtener resultados reales, sin tonterías. Así que desempolven esas mancuernas, caballeros. Es hora de redescubrir al hombre en forma y lleno de energía que saben que pueden ser.

¿Alguna vez te has visto en el espejo y te has preguntado dónde han ido a parar los años? Es muy común esa sensación de ver a un extraño mirándote. Es como si la imagen que te devuelve no coincidiera con la que tienes en la mente.

Esa obstinada grasa abdominal parece tener mente propia y se niega a ceder sin importar cuántos abdominales hagas o cuán estricta sea tu dieta. Es frustrante, desmoralizante y absolutamente obstinada.

¿Recuerdas cuando te levantabas de la cama por la mañana, listo para afrontar el día? Ahora, es una lucha incluso salir de debajo de las sábanas. A pesar de tus mejores esfuerzos, ese bajón del mediodía te golpea con fuerza y ​​te deja sintiéndote agotado y derrotado.

Ah, las alegrías del envejecimiento, en las que incluso pensar en la intimidad resulta agotador. Si tu libido ha caído en picada y te preguntas qué pasó con la chispa apasionada que alguna vez tuviste, no estás solo.

Entre el trabajo, la familia y la interminable lista de responsabilidades, encontrar tiempo para uno mismo parece un lujo que simplemente no se puede permitir. ¿El gimnasio? Olvídelo. ¿Quién tiene energía para eso después de un largo día?

Hay muchos hombres como usted que se enfrentan a las mismas dificultades, pero aquí tiene una buena noticia: reconocer el problema es el primer paso para encontrar una solución. Y eso es exactamente lo que estamos aquí para hacer. Así que abróchense los cinturones, caballeros. Estamos a punto de cambiar las cosas.

Las buenas intenciones no te llevarán a ninguna parte cuando se trata de ser el Adonis en forma y lleno de energía que sueñas ser. ¡Nadie puede hacer tus flexiones por ti! ¡Pero hay buenas noticias! Ponerse en forma es más fácil y requiere menos tiempo de lo que crees. No es necesario pasar horas en el gimnasio o arriesgarse a sufrir lesiones levantando pesas pesadas. No es necesario tener sobrepeso o falta de energía para hacer las cosas que antes te encantaba hacer.

Se ha demostrado científicamente que un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza estructurado puede reducir el riesgo de mortalidad por cualquier causa hasta en un 50 % y que es posible conservar la juventud y la vitalidad hasta bien entrada la tercera edad. ¡El ejercicio es verdaderamente la fuente de la juventud y la actividad más importante que puede realizar para conservar la juventud y la vitalidad!

“Un enfoque sencillo y eficaz”

Este es un programa fácil de usar y de seguir para el hogar que puede incorporar a su apretada agenda y aun así obtener resultados. Sin conjeturas ni trabajo pesado. Solo métodos científicos, simples y comprobados para aumentar su energía y quemar grasa.

Este es un programa fácil de usar y de seguir para el hogar que puede incorporar a su apretada agenda y aun así obtener resultados. Sin conjeturas ni trabajo pesado. Solo métodos científicos, simples y comprobados para aumentar su energía y quemar grasa.

¿Quién tiene tiempo para pasar horas en el gimnasio? Tú no, y definitivamente nosotros tampoco. Por eso, nuestros entrenamientos están diseñados para ser eficientes y maximizar tus resultados en un tiempo mínimo. Dile adiós a las horas perdidas y dale la bienvenida a un progreso real y tangible.

Entendemos que no hay una solución única para todos. Por eso, nuestro programa se adapta a tus necesidades y a tu nivel de condición física. Tanto si eres un asiduo al gimnasio como si eres un principiante absoluto, nos adaptaremos a tus necesidades y te ayudaremos a progresar a tu propio ritmo.

Olvídate de las dietas extremas y los planes de entrenamiento extremos. Nuestro enfoque se centra en la sostenibilidad. No nos interesan las soluciones rápidas, sino el largo plazo. Al centrarnos en objetivos realistas y hábitos sostenibles, te ayudaremos a construir una base para un éxito duradero.

No estamos aquí para vender promesas vacías ni engaños. Nuestro programa se basa en principios científicos que han demostrado dar resultados una y otra vez. Desde aumentar la masa muscular hasta quemar la grasa rebelde, nuestros métodos están probados y, lo más importante, son efectivos.

Hay cinco objetivos principales para el entrenamiento con pesas: 1. Pérdida de peso 2. Fortalecer y tonificar los músculos 3. Desarrollar un físico musculoso 4. Aumentar la fuerza 5. Desarrollar la potencia atlética Estas son las cinco áreas en las que el entrenamiento con pesas destaca y corresponden a los cinco niveles de entrenamiento de fuerza generalmente reconocidos por la mayoría de las organizaciones de entrenamiento físico. Si sigue los parámetros de cada uno de estos niveles, puede lograr sus objetivos en todas estas áreas y puede hacerlo con un par de mancuernas. No necesita un montón de equipo de ejercicio que ocupe espacio. Un par de mancuernas ajustables pueden caber fácilmente en una esquina, un armario o debajo de su cama.

¿Está listo para dar el primer paso hacia una versión más fuerte y en forma de usted? Hagámoslo.

“¿Qué incluye nuestro curso de entrenamiento con mancuernas en casa?”

Planes de entrenamiento integrales:

Dile adiós a las conjeturas y la confusión con nuestros planes de entrenamiento fáciles de seguir. Ya seas principiante o un asiduo al gimnasio, lo tenemos cubierto. Con instrucciones paso a paso y demostraciones detalladas, sabrás exactamente qué hacer en cada paso del camino.

Una guía de programas que explica cada nivel y los ejercicios recomendados.Una guía de ejercicios repleta de ejercicios para que puedas escoger los que sean adecuados para ti.

No hay necesidad de preocuparse por la forma o la técnica adecuadas: nuestros videos instructivos lo tienen cubierto. Desde cómo realizar cada ejercicio de manera segura y efectiva hasta consejos para maximizar sus resultados, nuestra biblioteca de videos será su recurso de referencia para todo lo relacionado con el fitness. 6 videos para una rutina de ejercicios completa y equilibrada que le durará años. Estos videos le explicarán: El nivel uno fortalecerá y estabilizará su núcleo mientras aumenta su metabolismo, quemando grasa y mejorando su estado físico general, además de acondicionar el cuerpo y prepararlo para pasar a niveles más vigorosos El nivel dos desarrollará la resistencia muscular, lo que lo ayudará a continuar quemando grasa, aumentar el metabolismo y fortalecer sus músculos El nivel tres es para la hipertrofia, para esculpir un cuerpo delgado y musculoso que mejorará su apariencia, así como su fuerza y ​​resistencia El nivel cuatro desarrollará fuerza y ​​lo ayudará a mantener altos niveles de testosterona y energía El nivel cinco le brindará potencia explosiva para un mejor rendimiento atlético y mejorará sus actividades diarias, como llevar las compras, hacer las tareas de la casa o jugar con los niños o nietos

El viaje de John hacia el fitness:

“Después de años de sentirme aletargada y fuera de forma, decidí que ya era suficiente. Me topé con este programa y decidí probarlo. Déjame decirte que ha sido un cambio radical. No solo he perdido peso y ganado músculo, sino que me siento con más energía y confianza que nunca. ¡Gracias a este programa, estoy viviendo mi mejor vida a los 50!”

La historia de transformación de Mark:

“Nunca me han gustado los entrenamientos tradicionales en el gimnasio, así que cuando encontré este programa me intrigó. La simplicidad y la comodidad de los entrenamientos con mancuernas en casa me atrajeron y decidí probarlo. Unos meses después, no podría estar más feliz con los resultados. Perdí centímetros de cintura, gané fuerza y ​​tengo más energía que en años. Este programa realmente cambió mi vida”.

“Como profesional ocupado con una agenda apretada, encontrar tiempo para ir al gimnasio siempre fue un desafío. Por eso me atrajo este programa, la flexibilidad de entrenar en casa en mi tiempo libre era exactamente lo que necesitaba. Y déjame decirte: ha sido un cambio radical. No solo he visto mejoras significativas en mi nivel de condición física, sino que también he podido mantener una rutina constante sin sentirme abrumado. Si estás buscando una forma simple y efectiva de ponerte en forma, este programa es lo que buscas”.

“Invierta en su salud hoy”

Compra única, beneficios de por vida:

Garantía de devolución de dinero de 60 días:

Confiamos tanto en la eficacia de nuestro programa que ofrecemos una garantía de devolución de dinero de 60 días. Así es, si no está completamente satisfecho con los resultados en los primeros 60 días, simplemente avísenos y le reembolsaremos el precio total de su compra, sin hacer preguntas. Respaldamos nuestro programa al 100 % y estamos comprometidos con su éxito.

Piense en este programa como una inversión en usted mismo: en su salud, su felicidad y su futuro. Con nuestro enfoque simple y eficaz, no solo se verá mejor, sino que también se sentirá mejor. Imagínese despertarse cada mañana sintiéndose lleno de energía y confianza, listo para enfrentar cualquier desafío que la vida le presente. Ese es el poder de invertir en su salud, y todo comienza con un simple clic.

Únase a los miles de clientes satisfechos:

Miles de hombres como tú ya han experimentado los beneficios que les cambiaron la vida gracias a nuestro programa. Desde deshacerse de la grasa abdominal rebelde hasta ganar fuerza y ​​confianza, nuestro programa ha ayudado a innumerables hombres a recuperar su vitalidad y transformar sus vidas. No dejes que pase un día más sintiéndote cansado y fuera de forma. Da hoy el primer paso hacia una vida más saludable y feliz.

¿Estás listo para transformar tu estado físico?

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Revealed: Lowering
THIS Hormone Can Make You
A Multi-Orgasmic Man”

Giving You Sky High Sex-Drive…

And The Ability to BANG Any Woman Until
She’s Totally Satisfied… Making Her Completely Obsessed with You (and 100% Loyal)…

The Little-Known Secret to Approaching ANY Hot Woman &
Making Her ATTRACTED to You – without Feeling Nervous
and without Fear of Rejection

Award Winning Adult Film Star and Sex Coach to countless thousands of men.

I wrote this letter to tell you something that most “Sex Experts” won’t tell you…

Most “Sex Experts” won’t tell you that LOWERING this hormone (not Estrogen) is THE KEY to Elite Sexual Performance…

Because they don’t even know about it.

Yet lowering this hormone is The Key to:

Allowing you to BANG like me…

…and totally SATISFY any woman in the bedroom…

Regardless of your age, looks or “size”…

Even if you’re sexually inexperienced.

The really great news is:

Lowering this hormone is…

Costs just pennies a day.

And it’ll help you become the Dominant Stud every desirable woman is desperate to go to bed with.

If you’re ready for women to truly WANT YOU in the bedroom…

And you want to be in the Top 10% of men who have virtually ALL the choice when it comes to women…

How I Got Enough Sexual Performance
to BANG 3 Women a Day?

When I first got into porn I had a bit of a problem.

It was my “dirty little secret” at the time.

I just couldn’t handle the pace.

You see, to be a successful Male Porn Star…

You have to be able to “get it up” easily…

Then stay hard, often for an HOUR or more…

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day!

And here’s the thing…

If you can’t do it, there are countless other guys who’d love to take your place…

Porn Directors don’t give a f**k about it being your job or income…

They just need guys who can GET HARD and BANG.

So if you can’t meet the demands of the job they’ll drop you like a hot potato.

All of this became very clear to me when I first got into porn…

Filming low budget shoots back home in Australia…

I turned up one day to film…

Had a great shoot with a stunning blonde…

At which point I figured I’d get a quick shower… grab a bite to eat… then spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing…

Instead, minutes after I’d finished with the blonde…

The director informed me that there’d been a change
in the filming schedule and said:

“Better Rest Up and Recover
Stirling Mate – You’re Filming Again
This Afternoon”

That first shoot lasted well over an hour, it was hot as hell…

And I was TIRED afterwards.

But the afternoon came round…

And the woman I had to film with wasn’t as HOT as
the woman in the morning. Nowhere near as hot in fact.

Really wanting to just go home, eat, put my feet up and watch a bit of TV…

I was expected to “get it up” and BANG this really average
looking woman who I had no connection with whatsoever.

As much as I can look back on it and laugh now…

At the time it wasn’t funny at all…

See, that second shoot didn’t go well…

It took me longer than usual to “get it up”…

I kept losing it during the shoot…

Partly because I just wasn’t that into the woman I was filming with…

Partly because I was drained and needed to rest.

By the end of it I was worried I’d blown my chances of ever making it big in porn.

Fortunately, the director liked me… told me I’d performed exactly how
he needed me to in the morning shoot… and didn’t fire me.

It made me realize that making it BIG in Porn wasn’t just about GETTING HARD…

It was about being able to “get hard” anytime, anyplace…

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day…

Even if you didn’t find the women you were working with very attractive.

Unusual Scientific Discoveries,
Multi-Orgasmic STUDS, and The Secrets to Being a True “Sex God”…

All of this got me thinking…

Some men could ejaculate, stay hard and then ejaculate several more times
before finally being “done”?

I could only have sex and ejaculate once, then I’d ideally need a full day before going again…
or even 2 days if I wanted to be as hard, strong and long lasting as possible?

Read a ton of articles on the internet…

Followed a bunch of “sex experts” on YouTube…

And listened to dozens of podcasts…

Yet none of them could really explain the differences in male sex-drive and
recovery times.

Fortunately, my background as a Research Chemist
meant that I knew how to do the research…

And if I wanted legit answers, it looked like I was
going to have to find them myself.

So when I wasn’t filming porn scenes, I rolled up my
sleeves and went into “Research Mode.”

At first it was frustrating…

Hour after mind numbing hour…

Sat in front of my computer until it felt like my eyes had gone square…

Articles, videos, podcasts…

Reviewing Scientific Journals and Medical Reports…

Most just blurted out the same boring, generic crap…

“Differences in male sex-drive can be due to diet, exercise, genetics,
stress and other environmental and lifestyle factors”

No doubt that’s all true.

But it’s also not very helpful. Too vague. Not specific enough.

As the months went by, my Porn Career started to really take off.

I was no longer just shooting in Australia.

I was getting work in the UK and Europe – with
bigger, more popular companies…

But the competition was FIERCE.

And I knew there’s no way I’d cut it unless I figured
out how to INCREASE my Sex-Drive…

And REDUCE my Recovery Times as soon as possible.

My ultimate goal was to make it to LA – where all the biggest porn companies are based…

But there’s no way you’d be a regular star for companies like Brazzers or
Bang Bros unless your performance was the best of the best.

Eventually, after almost being ready to admit DEFEAT and GIVE UP…

One hot Friday evening in the middle of July I was up researching…

…just about ready to pack it in for the night…

Until I came across a Scientific Paper which explained that:

If You Lower a Very Specific Hormone You’ll Increase Your Sex-Drive and
Reduce Your Recovery Times…

Turning You Into a Bull in the Bedroom…

Giving you the DESIRE to have sex any time…

And the ability to ‘get it up’ virtually ON COMMAND
– even if you’ve blown your load just minutes before.

This was exactly what I’d been searching for.

You might be aware that sex-drive and recovery
times vary massively from man to man…

As I said before, some men can actually ejaculate several times…

Before eventually losing their boner.

And even once they’ve lost their boner, it doesn’t take them long to get hard and go again.

For many men, it takes at least 15-60 minutes to ‘get hard’ again, AFTER they’ve ejaculated.

For others, it can take A LOT longer. Some guys actually need DAYS before they’re
fully recovered and able to get hard again.

Why such big differences in sex-drive and recovery times from man to man?

It’s easy to think it’s just a genetic, luck of the draw type thing…

Some men are STUDS and they can have lots of sex…

Others have low virility and just need to accept they
can only have sex once or twice a week.

Honestly, until I discovered what I’m about to share with you…

I’d have believed the “genetic” argument myself.

High Prolactin is The Enemy!

Pay close attention to this bit…

There’s a HORMONE called PROLACTIN…

Science shows that HIGH Prolactin causes a man to have LONG Recovery Times.

The LOWER your Prolactin Levels, the easier
you’ll find it to “get it up” again, AFTER you’ve ejaculated.

How about those rare men who can ejaculate again and again and again,
without losing their boner?

Well, the Science shows those men have very LOW levels of Prolactin.

In contrast, men who have very LONG Recovery Times…

Men who need days to recover after ejaculation…

Well, they have very HIGH Prolactin.

So that’s the first thing I need to share with you…

If you want to have a lot of sex, you need short Recovery Times…

LOW Prolactin = Short Recovery Times.

The second thing I need to share with you is this:

AFTER you ejaculate, your Prolactin Levels go UP!

And some men’s Prolactin Levels go up a lot more than others,
leading to much longer recovery periods and less ability to ‘get it up’ and have sex.

The third thing I need to share with you is this:

Science shows that men who are more stressed in their day to day lives
tend to have HIGHER Prolactin Levels…

And as a result, they have less sex.

All of this makes sense when you think about it…

Imagine a guy who’s stressed with work…
eats a bad diet… rarely exercises and so on…

He has HIGHER Prolactin Levels…

Engages in less sexual activity…

And when he does engage in sexual activity, it takes
him a long time to recover before he can go again.

FACT: Men with VERY HIGH Prolactin Levels can even experience lactation
(milk coming out of their nipples). As well as feeling lazy and low on motivation.

The popular Stanford University Professor and YouTuber Andrew Huberman
talks about how high Prolactin actually feminizes men – particularly in terms of making them overly stressed, emotional and moody.

Now picture the opposite…

A successful guy who has made it…

His finances are in order.

His Prolactin Levels are LOWER, he enjoys more sex…

After he ejaculates it doesn’t take him that long to “get it up” again… and BANG
his woman all night long.

That’s Prolactin: you need LESS of it if you want short Recovery Times and
“Stud Status” in the bedroom.

High Prolactin = Low Dopamine!

Here’s where things get even more interesting…

As well as ruining your sex-life…

High Prolactin also DESTROYS your “FIRE”…

It robs you of desire, drive, motivation and ambition…

Making you weak and lazy.

Dopamine – a Neurotransmitter and Hormone
created in your brain – does the opposite…

High Dopamine makes you feel:

Dopamine also makes you feel:

High Dopamine can help you become successful with women…

…successful in your job, career or business…

…successful with regards to your health and fitness goals…

Because it gives you the Energy and Motivation to succeed at whatever you want
to achieve.

You will NEVER have BOTH High Dopamine AND High Prolactin.

By now it should be clear that you want the first option:

Sexually, this will result in:

That’s what the Science said anyway!

Did Raising My Dopamine and Lowering My Prolactin Levels Actually Work?

Within just a couple weeks of taking certain nutrients, to raise my Dopamine and
lower my Prolactin levels…

My Sex-Drive went through the roof…

My Recovery Time after ejaculation decreased to just a few minutes…

And I had no problem filming as many Porn Scenes a day as I wanted.

Not long after I made this Dopamine/Prolactin discovery…

I finally started getting booked in LA…

Shooting scene after scene after scene for most of the major porn companies…

To date I’ve filmed 435 scenes…

And had the pleasure of BANGING actresses like:

In fact, these nutrients worked so well, that even when I had to bang a woman
I wasn’t that attracted to (which does occasionally happen in porn)…

I was so horny I had no problem “getting it up” and getting the job done.

So yep, I’m happy to tell you that…

The Science proved correct in THE REAL WORLD too!

High Dopamine and Low Prolactin is a brilliant combination…

Giving you an insatiable Sex-Drive…

Allowing you to have sex multiple times a day…

…“getting it up” with no problem even after
you’ve ejaculated…

Leading to a non-stop stream of happy women in your bed.

Happy women who openly BRAG to their girlfriends about what a STUD you are between-the-sheets…

The Secret to
Making Beautiful Women WANT YOU, Building a “Greek God Physique” & Skyrocketing Your Bank Balance?

When I RAISED my Dopamine Levels…

And LOWERED my Prolactin Levels…

The benefits I experienced weren’t just SEXUAL…

I didn’t just gain a higher Sex-Drive and lower my Recovery Times.

I also found that the increased Sex-Drive actually meant I was much more DRIVEN
and DETERMINED to succeed in all areas of my life…

When I saw a beautiful woman in a bar or coffee shop…

Instead of just looking at her and thinking “she’s nice”…

I found myself walking up to her…

Striking up a conversation…

…and within just a couple of minutes she’d be laughing, joking, touching my arm, biting her bottom lip…

ATTRACTION off-the-charts.

Then she’d give me her number and it was “Game On.”

The really cool thing is…

I didn’t have to force myself to do this…

I didn’t have to push past any nerves or approach
anxiety like I had to do in the past.

Instead, it just started to happen naturally. After I began taking dopamine boosting,
prolactin lowering nutrients each day.

I also started training much more intensely at the gym…

And while I never quite got a “Greek God Physique” – I did

And packed on a good amount of muscle.

I also found myself working harder and being more productive. So my business exploded
and I became more successful.

These benefits aren’t unique to me…

If you take the same nutrients I took…

You’ll boost your dopamine levels, lower your prolactin levels, and you’ll likely experience similar results,
inside and outside of the bedroom.

How Exactly Can You
INCREASE Your Dopamine Levels and
LOWER Your Prolactin?

This was the tricky part…

Once I discovered that High Dopamine and Low Prolactin were the keys to…

And Short Recovery Times…

I had to figure out exactly HOW to:

As well as endless testing, finally led me to the realization that there are:

And if you take these 6 Nutrients in the right ratios and correct
potencies on a consistent daily basis…

You’ll INCREASE Dopamine, LOWER Prolactin…

Sky-Rocket your Sex-Drive…

And significantly REDUCE your Recovery Times.

In fact, some men will even become Multi-
Orgasmic. Allowing them to ejaculate several
times before losing their boner…

…women find Multi-Orgasmic men a HUGE “Turn On”
because it shows her that you’re:

And also subconsciously communicates to her that:

The Most Important Nutrient is L-Tyrosine…

L-Tyrosine is an Amino Acid.

It’s also a “Building Block” of Dopamine.

When you get enough L-Tyrosine into your body on a daily basis…

Your body will convert some of it into Dopamine. Boosting your Sex-Drive.

L-Tyrosine is found in high quality protein rich foods. Including

Unless you eat a very clean and healthy diet:

It’s unlikely you’ll eat enough of these foods to get sufficient L-Tyrosine into your system.
If you don’t get enough L-Tyrosine into your system, you won’t significantly BOOST your Dopamine levels.

Even if you do eat plenty of foods rich in L-Tyrosine…

Your body may not properly absorb the L-Tyrosine
unless you have a perfect diet and optimal digestion…

And since many guys these days are NOT eating
the perfect diet… most men do not have optimal digestion.

Therefore, It’s hardly surprising that most guys
are NOT getting enough L-Tyrosine…

They’re suffering from Suboptimal Dopamine and poor Sex-Drive.
As well as High Prolactin and long Recovery Times.

Where’s The Proof L-Tyrosine Increases Dopamine Levels?

Many Scientific Studies[1] show that L-Tyrosine increases Dopamine Levels.

A 2007 Study on Pubmed, by John and Madelyn Fernstrom, showed that:

“Usually the nutrients you take have very little effect on the level of neurotransmitters
in the brain, but as this study shows, that is not the case with dopamine. They showed that
Dopamine levels in the brain do go up measurably for around 8 hours after taking L-Tyrosine.”

On they explain that:

“The main benefits of L-tyrosine are related to its ability to replenish
Dopamine levels in the brain, which can become depleted under stressful conditions.”

“For those of you looking to increase your Dopamine levels…
L-Tyrosine is the most direct route to that”

Maca Root Powder:
Libido Boosting Peruvian Superherb “Powers Up” Your Sex-Drive…

What is Maca Root Powder?

Maca Root Powder is a potent Superfood…

It comes from a Peruvian Root Vegetable called Maca.

Maca grows in the harshest of conditions and is a powerful Adaptogen… meaning: it helps your body
adapt and thrive under any conditions. Even stressful conditions (and “YES” – banging a hot woman can be
stressful… that’s why many guys get “Performance Anxiety”).

What does Maca Root Powder Do?

Maca Root Powder increases Dopamine Levels. Boosting your Libido…

It reduces Stress and Anxiety. Leading to greater “Staying Power” in the bedroom…

It improves your Energy Levels – inside and outside of the bedroom…

And it’s Anti-Estrogenic (making you less feminine and more masculine).

Studies Show that Maca Increases Dopamine Levels and Sex-Drive…

A study[2] conducted in May 2014 by Zhong Ali et al, said that:

“Maca has been consumed as a medical food in Peru for thousands of years”

And showed that Maca can:

“Support uplifted mood”

Raising Dopamine (which boosts Sex-Drive) and other important Neurotransmitters.

In a December 2006 study[3] done by H O Meissner et al, published
in The International Journal of Biomedical Science, they found that:

“Maca balances hormones”

Including Dopamine and Prolactin (resulting in higher Libido and reduced Recovery Times).

The study also said that Maca has:

“Strong Adaptogenic Effects”

Positively benefitting a huge number of health markers, including:
testosterone levels, thyroid hormone levels, body mass index and more.

In Addition to L-Tyrosine and Maca Extract…

Any Man Who Wants to INCREASE
his Sex-Drive and REDUCE his
“Recovery Times” Should Also Take The Following 4 Nutrients:

The #1 Adaptogenic Herb for LOWERING Prolactin Levels. Reducing “Recovery Times”…
helping you enjoy A LOT more Sex.

Ashwagandha is also famous for:

In Sept 2009 The Journal of Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine published a study by Abbas Ali Mahdi et al.

“Ashwagandha is used in the Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine Systems for it’s relaxation promoting properties”

Even occasional Stress and anxiety can lead to LOWER Dopamine and HIGHER Prolactin…

Meaning: lower Libido and longer Recovery Times.

The study went on to say that:

“Ashwagandha improves relaxation, increases levels of antioxidants,
and improves overall semen quality.”

Scientifically Proven to REDUCE Prolactin Levels. Also needed to make Dopamine.

Having optimal Vitamin B6 Levels will increase your Sex-Drive and reduce your Recovery Times…

Vitamin B6 also supports:

In an October 2018 study, by Suha Witwit at the University of Babylon, they looked at:

“The Role of Vitamin B6 for Reducing Prolactin Levels”

The study[5] showed that:

“It (Vitamin B6) exerts a hypothalamic dopaminergic effect which causes
a significant reduction in prolactin levels”

Leading to increased Libido and reduced Recovery Times.

Another study[6], from The New England Journal of Medicine showed that:

“Vitamin B6 Suppresses the Rise in Prolactin”

The increase in Growth Hormone is “the icing on the cake” – supporting increased strength
and muscle mass. As well as faster recovery times from aches, pains and injuries.

Finally, check out this study[7] on Pyridoxine (another name for Vitamin B6):

The study clearly shows that Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):

Many men would benefit from more Zinc because
it’s tricky to get optimal amounts from the typical American Diet.

The reason why not having optimal zinc levels is bad
is because zinc is vital for strong performance in the
bedroom because it lowers Prolactin (giving you shorter
Recovery Times) and also:

In February 1988, M.C.S Koppelman produced a study[8] showing clearly that:

“The Role of Zinc has been shown to suppress the output of prolactin”

Leading to faster Recovery Times after ejaculation.

Another Nutrient commonly lacking in the
modern western diet.

Studies have proven that Vitamin E has a
powerful effect on Prolactin Levels… causing
them to go DOWN, your Recovery Times to
shorten, and your ability to have sex to increase.

Other benefits of Optimal Vitamin E Levels include:

In a 1992 Study[9] by M Yeksan et al, they looked at the effect of Vitamin E on male Sexual Performance.

12 men were given oral Vitamin E daily for 12 weeks.

12 men were given a placebo.

“After the vitamin E treatment serum prolactin levels were significantly
decreased (50.8 vs 15.4 ng/ml, p < 0.01)”

That’s a MASSIVE 69.7% reduction in Prolactin Levels. Just from taking Vitamin E.

The results clearly show that if you want LOWER Prolactin Levels and faster Recovery Times…

So you can BANG your woman a lot more often…

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient to take.

Take a second to imagine what’ll happen when you take ALL 6 of the Nutrients I just showed you!

Hint: you’ll BANG like a Porn Star… and have hot women blowing up your phone…

…BEGGING you for sex…

Scientifically Formulated to Increase Dopamine and Reduce Prolactin…

Giving You Higher Sex-Drive & Shorter “Recovery Times” After Ejaculation…

Allowing You to Satisfy ANY Woman
Over and Over and Over Again…

All a woman has to do to have sex is get WET…

It’s not that difficult…

I’ve seen A LOT of dudes lose their jobs in porn
because they couldn’t ‘get it up’ in front of a camera crew…

But I’ve never seen a woman lose her job in porn
because she couldn’t get wet!

Because it’s easy for a woman to get WET…

Many women secretly want BANGING every single day.

Many would like to have sex 2 or 3 times a night. Not every night. But more often than you think.

If You Want to be a STUD in The Bedroom…

Be so memorable and addictive in bed that women BRAG to their girlfriends about
what a STUD you are “in the sack”…

Then you have to have a STRONG Sex-Drive…

…so you have the actual DESIRE to have lots of sex…

And you have to have short “Recovery Times”…

…so you can ‘get it up’ again, quickly and easily, AFTER you’ve ejaculated.

Increase your Dopamine Levels

– giving you much HIGHER Sex-Drive

Reduce your Prolactin Levels

– giving you quick “Recovery Periods” – allowing you
to blow a lot more “loads” and have A LOT more sex

If you lower your Prolactin Levels enough you may actually become a
“multi-orgasmic man.” You may be able to ejaculate multiple times without losing your boner –
something women go CRAZY for!

There’s NO DOWNSIDE to lowering your Prolactin Levels…

Doing so makes you more manly and less feminine…

Men with high Prolactin Levels tend to be overly

and can even end up producing MILK from their nipples!

I’ve designed The Fire Formula to naturally:

When you take The Fire Formula it may be your
WOMAN who can’t keep up with YOU in the bedroom!

You BANG her so well she ends up DRUNK on ORGASMS…

Addicted to your Manhood…

Begging for more night after night.

To get these amazing results from Fire,
all you have to do is take a few high quality capsules a day.

Fire contains the 6 nutrients proven to support
high sex-drive
and short recovery times…

In the exact strengths and dosages proven to work by science.

Sorry Mate, Here’s The Bad Part…

I hate to tell you this…

But the nutrients in The Fire Formula are tricky to get hold
of in the right strengths and dosages. And they’re pricey.

While the nutrients in Fire have the potential to
turn you into a Multi-Orgasmic Sex God… they also taste really bad.

However, the Good News is:

I’ve managed to make the Fire Formula TASTELESS…

Because it comes in high quality, easy-to-swallow capsules. No giant “horse pills.”

And you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve made it AFFORDABLE.

The Fire Formula is made from NATURAL ingredients…

And contains all 6 of the Dopamine Boosting, Prolactin Reducing Nutrients
I showed you earlier on this page…

In the precise amounts that me and other top Porn Stars use. To optimize our sex-drive and performance.

You’ll also be happy to hear that Fire is FREE FROM:

Artificial Preservatives, Sweeteners & Flavorings

Made in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified,
US Based Manufacturing Facility – meaning:
you get exactly what it says on the label in
each and every capsule.

And while it costs A LOT to manufacture Fire to this standard, I’m doing it this way for 2 key reasons:

I’m committed to helping you get the very best results possible:

And I feel good every time I get an Email, Telegram or Whatsapp message from a man telling me
how my teachings and/or products have changed his life.

It makes good business sense:

Fire is the best formula on the market for INCREASING Sex-Drive and REDUCING Recovery Times…
meaning: you’ll love it and are likely buy it over and over again, write me a review for it,
tell your friends about it and so on.

What’s a Bottle of
The Clubhouse Fire Formula
Going to Cost You?

Despite the fact that’s what it cost me in testing… because I had to buy all the nutrients individually,
from supplement companies in several different countries…

Which is not only expensive…

It’s also annoying – having to place 6 different
orders, wait for them to arrive on different days and so on.

Given the fact that Fire is going to let you BANG like
a Porn Star in the bedroom…

Causing any woman you sleep with to call you a STUD…

But here’s the thing…

I’m not here to sell supplements to the Rich and Famous, or the Elites.

I’m here to help normal guys – guys like YOU and ME –
to improve their sex-lives…

…and have relationships with the type of women they want to have relationships with.

To do that successfully I have to price The Fire Formula
in a way that lets as many men as possible grab a bottle…

Without making a loss – because like you I have bills to pay. This is how I earn a living.
So I do have to make a small profit on every Fire order.

Let me get to the point…

However, because you already read my newsletters and watch my online videos,
you’re getting access to this special online letter…

Investing in 6 bottles of Fire is a great idea because:

It ensures you’ll have a 6 month supply of Fire. Allowing you to get these
powerful Dopamine Boosting, Prolactin Reducing Nutrients into your system for months to come, without running out.

Supply is limited, I may run out of Fire at any time (and when
I do, I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because the ingredients are hard to get hold of,
and take time to ship to my US Based Manufacturing Facility)

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Order with Confidence:
You’re Protected by My
180 Day Money Back Guarantee…

If you’re skeptical right now, I understand.

After all, I’m suggesting that you:

In order to improve your Sex-Drive and reduce your
Recovery Times. And you’ve probably never heard anything like this before.

But here’s the thing…

As I’ve shown you on this page – using real Science – the 6 nutrients in Fire are essential for…

If you want to be a STUD in the bedroom and BANG women like a Porn Star…

You need to increase your Dopamine Levels and reduce your Prolactin Levels. Period.
It’s proven by science.

Fire even has the potential to make you a “Multi-Orgasmic Man” –
able to shoot several big loads without losing your erection.

Is it a no-brainer for you to try Fire?

Of course it is! (Unless you’re already a multi-orgasmic go all night Stud, with ladies queuing up, begging to ride you…
in which case you might not need it. Though the nutrients in it would still be beneficial for you).

However, I want to make this decision irresistible for you. And I’ll do it by
offering you protection in the form of a fantastic guarantee.

Order 1, 3 or 6 Bottles of Fire Today & You’ll Be Covered
by My 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee…

Meaning that you can ask for your money-back for any reason, within 180 days of purchase.
And you’ll get it promptly and courteously, even if you…

That said, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ask for a refund, because:

So what are you waiting for?

Choose the number of bottles you want below. Click “Order Now.” Have your credit/debit card ready.
And then follow my simple, safe and 100% secure checkout process…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

BANG Like a Porn Star…
Make Any Woman Addicted to Your Dick

You meet the woman of your dreams…

You’re incredibly attracted to her…

Love her personality and you get on like a house on fire…

You go on a few dates with her…

A walk round the park…

On the 3rd date she ends up back at your place…

You lead her up to your bedroom…

Gently push her against the wall…

Pin her arms above her head with your left hand…

Put your right hand on her ass…

The attraction is so strong your head spins with desire.

You pull back a little…

She tries to lean in for more…

Well, because you’ve been taking FIRE…

You can’t wait to satisfy this beautiful woman over and over again.

And that’s exactly what happens…

Missionary, her on top, doggy style.

She claws her fingernails into your back…

The more you give her, the more she wants.

She can’t get enough of you.

Yep, that’s pretty much how it goes when you’re taking
Fire. Ask me how I know.

If you want to “play the field” and bang A TON of hot women…

If you want to impress a new girlfriend and make sure she sticks around…

If you’re in a long term relationship – a relationship that may
have gone a bit stale in the bedroom – Fire can help you bring
back the passion and rekindle the magic..

If you’re a man who wants to enjoy MORE SEX… and much BETTER SEX…

The Clubhouse Fire Formula:

If you want to screw like a Porn Star and become a true STUD… able to SATISFY any woman over and over and over again…

Give Fire a try today. You’re going to love it!

…and please remember to send me your success story when you’ve used Fire to INCREASE your Sex-Drive,
LOWER your “Recovery Times”… & become a total Stud in the bedroom…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Your Surrogate Big Brother,

Stirling Cooper
Award Winning Porn Star, Founder of Clubhouse, Creator of Fire

P.S. Do you want to increase your Sex-Drive? Lower your Recovery Times?
Become a total STUD in the bedroom?

The Clubhouse Fire Formula is uniquely formulated to safely and naturally…

Meaning: you’ll be able to have A LOT more sex.

Plus, if you get your Prolactin levels low enough, you may even become Multi-Orgasmic…

Allowing you to ejaculate multiple times without losing your boner… driving any woman you sleep with totally CRAZY..

You need to hurry though, because stock is NOT
unlimited. Fire WILL sell out (and when it does,
I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because
the ingredients are not always easy to get hold of).

Of course, you can try Fire today with NO RISK
whatsoever. Because you’re covered by my Rock
Solid 180 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fire is a 100% natural formula. Designed to increase your Dopamine Levels and
lower your Refractory Periods, giving you:

If you want to enjoy A LOT more sex, and totally SATISFY any woman you bed,
Fire is the Formula for you.

All the ingredients are 100% Natural. Mixed in the precise quantities supported by science.
You should consult with your doctor before making any dietary or supplemental changes.

5 easy-to-swallow high quality capsules a day. Simple.

This will differ from man to man.

To give yourself the best chance to experience the very best results possible,
as soon as possible, be CONSISTENT and take 5 capsules of Fire a day, every day.

Yes, and it’s common sense stuff that most people don’t do!

Yes, you can try The Clubhouse Fire Formula with NO RISK today. Your order is covered
by our 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

In the unlikely event that you decide you want a refund, simply:

FREE in the US, for orders of 3 or 6 bottles.

We have excellent shipping. Over 99% of our orders get to our US based customers
within 3-5 working days. International orders usually take longer, but are still very reliable.

In the unlikely event that your order does not arrive when you expect, then we are here to help…

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year.
Because we are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

For product support, you can contact support in 2 ways:

Email: [email protected]

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE or 1-800-390-6035

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day.
363 days a year. We are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

For product support, you can contact support in 2 ways:

Email: [email protected]

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE or 1-800-390-6035

In plain brown packaging. Just like this:

Clubhouse Supplements is dedicated to producing the cleanest, purest and highest quality supplements to help men optimize their sexual performance.

For this reason, all batches of Fire are regularly checked for:

      • Bacteria
      • Yeasts
      • Molds
      • Toxic Metals including Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Cobalt, Nickel and Tin

These tests are done for every batch during the manufacturing process. We also regularly send Fire off for third party testing by an independent lab.

As well as retesting all the above, we also do third party testing to verify the presence of various Nutritional Minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and Selenium.

Plus, if relevant, we also test to make sure there are no traces of pharmaceutical performance enhancing substances added.

If a particular batch of Fire doesn’t meet our purity standards – we throw it out and start again.

HERE you’ll find our latest 3rd Party Testing Results for Fire

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

What People Are Saying…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

WARNING: the ingredients in Fire are very powerful and effective. Plus, they are as safe as most natural foods.
However, as with any foods, there is a small chance your body will have an adverse reaction to them. Please remember
to always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is especially
important if you have any medical condition or are taking medication – please check with a qualified healthcare
professional that it is safe for you to try this formula.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication,
or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc.,
a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission.
ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim,
statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of
“clubhousex” products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve
the same or similar results.

Contact our Customer Support team for more information and detailed return instructions at [email protected].
Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

Copyright © var year = new Date();document.write(year.getFullYear());.
Clubhouse Supplements LTD. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Click here to get Clubhouse Fire at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Clubhouse Fire is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Fitness Distilled | Your last stop for reliable training and nutrition information.

Product Name: Fitness Distilled | Your last stop for reliable training and nutrition information.

Click here to get Fitness Distilled | Your last stop for reliable training and nutrition information.

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Fitness Distilled | Your last stop for reliable training and nutrition information.

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“Sean strips away the complications and superficial details of the fitness industry and focuses on what really works: simple yet comprehensive training programs and effective yet flexible diet programs.” -Nate Miyaki Nutrition Coach and Author

“Sean has learned from all the masters. He has trained with or under the best trainers in the world.” -Jason Ferruggia Fitness Expert, Life Coach, and Author

FINALLY, a workout plan for the genetically average man or woman who wants to build muscle, burn fat, and get stronger, and still have a life! Sign up for a FREE 4-week program.

FINALLY, a workout plan for the genetically average man or woman who wants to build muscle, burn fat, and get stronger, and still have a life! Sign up for a FREE 4-week program.

“Sean strips away the complications and superficial details of the fitness industry and focuses on what really works: simple yet comprehensive training programs and effective yet flexible diet programs.” -Nate Miyaki, nutrition coach and author

“Sean has learned from all the masters. He has trained with or under the best trainers in the world.” -Jason Ferruggia Fitness Expert, Life Coach, and Author

“I gained two inches in my chest, two inches in my shoulders, and almost an inch in my arms, while my waist remained the same. I gained 40 pounds on the deadlift and 20 pounds on the bench press in 12 weeks.” -Keith F. Arlington, Virginia Orthopedic Surgery Sales Representative

Sign up for a FREE 4-week training program, sent straight to your inbox.

I only report on what works. Read on!

Find out what it takes to see great results.

Do you have any questions or need my help? Let’s talk.

I am the training director for Men’s Fitness and Muscle&Fitness magazines. I write and edit about workouts, diets, fitness trends, and celebrity and athlete regimens. I am the author of The Men’s Fitness Exercise Bible (aka 101 Best Workouts Of All Time), an best-seller, and the e-book The Truth About Strength Training.

After years of working with fitness experts and sifting through the vast number of training programs, diets, and supplements that have come across my desk (and having been a guinea pig for more than a few of them), I’ve come to some conclusions. Here, I’ll share with you what really works.

It’s been my job for a long time, but it’s always been my passion. This is fitness in physical condition.

All content © 2010-2015 Sean Hyson

Disclosures | Men’s Fitness Magazine | Cover Photo: Ian Spanier | Website: Endlyss

Click here to get Fitness Distilled | Your last stop for reliable training and nutrition information.

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Fitness Distilled | Your last stop for reliable training and nutrition information.

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Simple Promise™

Product Name: Simple Promise™

Click here to get Simple Promise™

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Simple Promise™

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


VenoPlus 8 is a powder supplement designed to support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels already in the normal range.

The ingredients were selected to help you feel full of energy and strength while promoting healthy blood flow.

100% secure encrypted transactions.

Made in the USA with the finest domestic and foreign ingredients.

365-day money back guarantee

VenoPlus 8TM supports heart health in a unique way by providing key nutrients that are often lacking in our modern diets.

Adding VenoPlus 8TM to your daily routine provides essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants to nourish your cardiovascular system and full-body health.

100% secure encrypted transactions.

Researchers observed positive differences in heart health markers, such as plaque buildup and artery flexibility, in a group taking MenaQ7® compared to a placebo. This helped us understand how ingredients like MenaQ7® can support cardiovascular wellness.

RedNite® is extracted within 24 hours of beet harvest to preserve antioxidant potency. Research shows that RedNite® increases nitric oxide levels more than whole beets, which may support blood flow and cardiovascular function.

Pomella® uses a proprietary extraction process to provide urolithins that may support a healthy inflammatory response. Research shows that Pomella® may improve blood vessel flexibility and circulation, which are important for cardiovascular health.

Studies show that many people do not get optimal levels of magnesium from diet alone. Research indicates that magnesium supports cardiovascular health, as it can help maintain blood pressure and blood sugar levels within normal limits, which are important for heart health.

Hesperidin is a compound found in citrus fruits. Studies show that it supports a healthy inflammatory response, which may help maintain cardiovascular health.

L-citrulline increases L-arginine levels in the body. This helps in the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels and can promote better circulation and cardiovascular function.

L-arginine supports the production of nitric oxide in the body. Increased nitric oxide can promote heart health by relaxing blood vessels and improving circulation and blood pressure.

L-taurine is an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant in the body. Research shows that antioxidants such as L-taurine may support healthy arteries.

Vitamin C may help support endothelial function, which involves regulating blood flow and pressure. Healthy endothelial function is important for cardiovascular health and keeping arteries clear.

Grape seed extract may positively influence blood pressure and cholesterol levels for a healthy heart.

100% secure encrypted transactions.

100% secure encrypted transactions.

Learn how to easily measure your nitric oxide levels with items you already have at home. Also get tips for increasing your nitric oxide intake to improve blood flow and boost energy.

Learn specific heat therapy techniques to improve circulation and keep your heart healthy.

Discover step-by-step breathing exercise videos personalized for heart health, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being.

100% Money Back Guarantee for 365 days

Massive savings when you buy more

Manufactured in a cGMP compliant facility

Your order today is protected by our 365-day money back guarantee.

If you are not satisfied with VenoPlus8 for any reason, let us know at any time within 365 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny you have paid us. No questions asked.

VenoPlus 8™ is a revolutionary formula made with science-backed ingredients to support heart health. With regular use along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will have more energy and stamina throughout the day.

Take one scoop of VenoPlus8™ per day mixed with water or a shake. For best results, take with a meal or as recommended by your physician.

To ensure freshness and potency, VenoPlus8™ is only available online directly from the manufacturer. We ship direct to your door.

We recommend consulting your doctor before taking any new supplements to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your medical history.

After clicking the button below and placing your order, you can return an empty bottle within one year of your purchase and still get 100% of the purchase price back. If at any time you are not satisfied with VenoPlus8™, simply send back your empty bottles and we will refund your money immediately. No questions asked.

100% secure encrypted transactions.

For product technical support, please contact us here or call 1-800-259-9522

For order assistance, please contact ClickBank here or at 1-800-390-6035

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

† The testimonials included in our ad are real reactions from actual Simple Promise™ customers; however, their names have been changed for privacy reasons. Individual results may vary.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


Click here to get Simple Promise™

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Simple Promise™

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

Product Name: From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

Click here to get From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.



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ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Click here to get From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

From the kitchen to the screen: MasterChef, the sensation on social media

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Brodo is a well-known bone broth company based in New York City. They offer high-quality, organic bone broths made from chicken, beef, and hearty vegetables.

Here are a few reviews and testimonials from customers:

1. “I’ve been drinking Brodo bone broth for a few months now, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my digestion and overall health.

The broth is delicious and perfect for a quick, nutritious snack or meal.” – Jessica S.

2. “As someone who follows a paleo diet, I appreciate that Brodo offers a convenient way to incorporate bone broth into my routine.

The quality is excellent, and the flavors are great.

I especially love the chicken bone broth!” – Mark T.

3. “I ordered the Brodo cleanse and was really impressed with the results.

The broths were tasty and satisfying, and I felt great afterwards.

The customer service was also top-notch. I’ll definitely be ordering again.” – Emily R.

4. “I love that Brodo uses organic, high-quality ingredients in their bone broths. You can really taste the difference.

I’ve tried other brands, but Brodo is by far my favorite.

I always keep a few pouches in my freezer for a quick, healthy meal.” – Sarah L.

5. “I’ve been a fan of Brodo since they first opened their shop in NYC.

The bone broths are delicious and have become a staple in my diet.

I’ve noticed improvements in my skin, hair, and nails since I started drinking them regularly.” – Rachel M.

These reviews suggest that Brodo customers appreciate the quality, taste, and health benefits of the company’s bone broths.

Many people find the broths to be a convenient and nutritious addition to their diets. A wonderful resource for the family!

Eat THIS Ugly Plant = flat belly by tomorrow

Feel like your diet is just you losing and gaining the same 5 lbs over and over?

Feel like you eat healthy and exercise all day, but never make any progress?

Then check this…

A groundbreaking study published in Nature Medicine has revealed a bizarre fat dissolving loophole that has nothing to do with dieting or exercise.

They discovered by simply eating this one “ugly” plant, hidden for centuries in Vietnam, you will trigger a unique fat-melting chain reaction that liquifies fat cells as you sleep.

Studies show this plant is 335% more powerful than exercise…

and 408% more powerful at burning butt, arm and neck fat than any diet…

See it now:

>>>  One Ugly Plant Liquifies Fat Cells Into Nothing

Right now, THOUSANDS of people all over America swear by this ugly looking fat dissolving plant. In fact, It’s already helped over 200,000 men and women.

Francine was able to break past her plateau to drop 34 lbs and her waist is smaller than ever…

Debra dropped 47 lbs…

And once I saw the fat dissolve away for me too, I had to share it with you…

Just watch this surprising video and discover this simple ugly plant method yourself to start burning calories even when you’re sleeping.

To your health,

PS. In the video, you’ll also discover 2 of the biggest weight loss mistakes – done by millions each day – that are supposed to make you thinner, but instead slow metabolism, increase cravings and clog arteries every time you do them. To find out, check out this controversial video now, before it gets banned.