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New Alpha

Product Name: New Alpha

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Question: Are You Sick and Tired of Suffering from Embarrassing Sexual
Performance, Failing to Fully Satisfy Your Woman in Bed, and Not Knowing Why?

…Good News: Today YOU Can Use These Exact Same ‘Secret Foods,’ that 99% of Americans Still Don’t Know About, to Boost Your Testosterone, Support Healthy Circulation ‘down there’ and SUPERCHARGE Your Sexual Performance…

…Giving You The Raw Sexual Power Necessary to Give ANY Woman Mind-Blowing Sex, Making You Feel Like You’re 25 Again

If you want to make weak, embarrassing, humiliating Sexual Performance a thing of the past – if you’d like to arm yourself with Unbreakable Sexual Confidence, and be able to fully satisfy ANY woman in bed – I strongly
advise you to turn off all distractions, and give this letter your full attention.

Now, before I reveal the Ancient Chinese Emperor’s Secret to you, I’ve got 2 important questions for you – answer them honestly…

1. Are you sick of struggling to perform in the bedroom, failing to totally satisfy your woman?

2. Would you like to have Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels, God-Like Sexual Power, and Rampant Sexual Performance… so you can make any woman Hot, Wet and Horny – and have her whipping her panties off,
BEGGING you to “screw her brains out?”

If you answered “YES” to one, or both, of these questions, what you’re going to discover in this letter is going to literally TRANSFORM your performance in the bedroom.

If you answered “YES” to one, or both, of these questions, what you’re going to discover in this letter is going to literally TRANSFORM your performance in the bedroom.

Hi, my name is Adam Armstrong. And many people refer to me as: “The Greatest Sex Coach on The Planet.”

Because, over the last several years, I’ve helped over 50,000 men regain the kind of Libido they had in their teenage years, by showing them how to enjoy healthy Testosterone Levels and
supporting excellent Circulation… allowing them to give their women MASSIVE pleasure, and feel like a real Studs in the bedroom.

However, I wasn’t always the guy thousands of men relied on for World-Class Advice on Sexual Performance. In fact, I used to experience a lot of PAIN and FRUSTRATION because I really struggled with my Sexual Performance, until I discovered the Secret Foods used by Ancient Chinese Emperors to become Total Alpha ‘Studs’ in the bedroom.

Keep reading, because, like I did, you’re about to discover a remarkable new way to:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note:
every woman wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally
addictive, and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts, (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

You’re about to discover a remarkable new way to become totally ‘Alpha’ in the bedroom. Strong. Virile. Tireless. Capable of FULLY Satisfying your woman, or… as many women as you like. Just like the Ancient Chinese Emperors.

Answer that question for me right now. And, be honest.

I know it might be tough to admit that your Testosterone Levels, Lidibo, and Sexual Performance aren’t as good as you’d like – but you don’t have to share your answer with anyone…

This is really just about being honest with yourself.

Let’s not screw around here – I know your time is valuable and I don’t wanna waste it…

If you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and genuinely say…

“I feel like an Alpha Male. I’m 100% happy with my Sexual Performance, and I’m not interested in learning a proven, 30-second-a-day secret, that’ll Supercharge my Testosterone Levels and Sexual Power, turning me into a ‘Pussy-Satisfying-Beast’ in the bedroom’”…

…then hey, you might as well leave this page now. Because you’ve obviously got this whole issue figured out, and you likely don’t need my help. And that’s cool – IF that’s the case, we can still be friends.

But, here’s the interesting thing…

A while back I asked the readers of my Popular Email Newsletter the exact same question.

I asked just over 100,000 men:

Are you 100% happy with your Testosterone Levels and Sexual Performance?

Would you like to be able to ‘get it on’ with your woman more often, give her a much better quality of sex, and make her cum way more frequently and intensely… causing her to be totally ADDICTED to you in bed?

The good news is – you’re not alone…

You see, only 3% of men said they felt truly ‘Alpha,’ and were 100% happy with their Sexual Performance…

23% of men said they were ‘fairly happy.’

A giant 74% of men said they needed help with 1 or more of the following things:

Maintaining Healthy Testosterone Levels, and being able to confidently perform in the bedroom, to a level where they knew, for certain, that their woman was totally SATISFIED

Giving their women multiple orgasms during intercourse, every single time

Blowing really BIG loads – the kind of HUGELY impressive LOADS that cause a woman to SCREAM with pleasure (while also experiencing maximum sensitivity, intensity and pleasure when they fire ‘The Money

Look. I’m not gonna lie to you my friend…

The truth about the current ‘Pussification’ of men is UGLY. There are very few Alpha Males left in the world right now.

In this day and age, very few men can even fully satisfy their wife or girlfriend by the time they get to middle age, let alone an entire Harem of women (like the Ancient Chinese Emperors

And, most middle-aged guys have been convinced that their lack of Sexual Prowess is ‘just a part of getting older’ and being ‘40+’

They’ve been convinced it’s ‘normal.’

The Truth is: it’s NOT.

And, if you want the kind of Sexual Power and Performance that’d put a Porn Star to shame – you need to know the TRUTH.

So, read on carefully (and don’t worry – I won’t bore you with a ton of science)…

Let’s keep this really simple…

The ability to perform like a REAL MAN in the bedroom – like an Alpha Male… like a STUD! – and totally SATISFY your woman, night after night… keeping her 100% addicted to you, and only you – requires you to have high reserves of ‘Sexual Energy.’

Now, you might be thinking:

“Sexual energy? Is that even a real thing?”

You can feel it when you’re in the presence of someone with A LOT of Sexual Energy. Sometimes it’s called ‘Animal Magnetism’…

Other times people refer to it as ‘Mojo.’

Guys who have it are the ones who effortlessly ATTRACT women everywhere they go. Even women who are way more physically attractive, and often much younger, than they are.

These guys are always Alpha Males – which doesn’t mean a brute or bully, it just means a HIGH STATUS man: who men want to be like, and women want to be with!

But, if you only have AVERAGE levels of ‘Sexual Energy’ (which most men do), you’ll likely feel more of the following than you’d like:

Lack of Optimal Health and Vitality

And, you certainly don’t feel:

Like BANGING your woman SENSELESS 3 times a night, every night!

Now, you might still think:

“OK, I know what you mean, but still… is this a “Real” type of Energy. A type of energy that I can actually increase?”

Well, here’s the thing:

In the Orient (East Asia), they’ve actually developed a reliable and ‘fool-proof’ way to increase your Sexual Energy – SAFELY, effectively and naturally.

And…It’s got a History of Proven use going back 5,000 Years!

For most of that time, it was only available to the Elite – Emperors and a select few members of the Nobility.

In fact, increasing Sexual Energy was an OBSESSION for these Emperors, and the ‘Taoist Sages’ they paid handsomely to discover new ways of boosting their Sexual Energy.

You could even say that it was their Religion… because it kind of was.

They actually believed that the purpose of life was to Cultivate more and more of this Energy, and that the Longer they Lived, the more they could do so.

And so they were obsessed with Boosting Sexual Energy and increasing their Longevity.

Also, they believed that the more children they could Father, the better, giving them another reason to be determined to stay Virile and Potent for as many years as they could.

Of course, you may not share these values as to the purpose of life… I don’t… but the point is that, along the way, the Taoist Sages that the Emperors employed developed the most incredible method for increasing Sexual Vitality ever discovered… which they referred to as increasing ‘Jing’ (Sexual Energy)

And “YES” – there is a Scientific Basis for ‘Sexual Energy’

What we’re calling “High Sexual Energy” would, in Scientific terms, be called:

‘An Optimal Balance of Youthful Hormones and Neurotransmitters.’*

And, I’m guessing you probably don’t want to hear about all that boring Science stuff, right?

You just wanna know how this Ancient Oriental Secret will give you the following 5 things:

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels

Good Circulation ‘Down There’

Rampant Libido with enhanced Sexual Performance

More Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, with… Bigger ‘Loads’


High Levels of Sexual Confidence – making you magnetically attractive to women

High Levels of Sexual Confidence – making you magnetically attractive to women

So, keep reading to discover EXACTLY how to get those things…

Most men DO NOT have High Reserves of Sexual Energy… explaining why so many guys are struggling with frustrating, embarrassing and downright humiliating ‘Sexual Performance.’

Not having the kind of never-ending Libido a good woman wants her man to have

Failing miserably to fully satisfy his woman during sex

Not giving her Multiple Orgasms during Intercourse (something ALL women secretly want, need and crave – every time they have sex)

Orgasms that just aren’t very intense and satisfying

Average Sized ‘Loads’ that make you feel inadequate

Of course, all throughout history, very few people have had the kind of Sexual Virility and
Longevity that many of the Ancient Chinese Emperors had.

However, even for average guys like you and me, the level of Sexual Energy and Virility has become lower than ever before.

Because our Lifestyle is less healthy than ever before. We’ve become soft. Weak. It’s become too easy to indulge in things like:

Drinking too much alcohol

Taking stimulants (coffee, soda, sports and energy drinks, and so on)

Taking drugs and pills for every little problem (recreational, over-the-counter and prescription)

Not getting enough sleep (or only getting poor quality sleep)

Over-exercising or under-exercising

And, to make matters worse…

Even if you start doing all the right things – such as Eating Well, drinking less Alcohol, De-Stressing and so on…

If you’re over 40, it can take weeks, months and probably YEARS to replenish any of your Sexual Energy Reserves. And, worse still… you usually never fully restore
it to be as high as it was back in your glory days.

What’s a man to do if he wants to be an Alpha Stud in the bedroom, with Healthy Testosterone Levels, and MASSIVE Sexual Power and Performance… including the ability to make his woman Orgasm over and over again,
every night of the week – and blow freakin’ HUGE loads?

What’s a man to do if he wants to feel truly confident in the bedroom?

Well – Eating Well, drinking less Alcohol, De-Stressing and doing all the other fairly obvious stuff will help.

There’s something else you can do to quickly regain and build-up your Reserves of Sexual
Energy… causing you to have a ferocious ‘Sexual-Drive’ and the Raw Sexual Power required to fuck your woman so HARD…

…she just can’t get enough of you!

Several years back, I was about 40lbs overweight – and my Sexual Performance wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be.

I could perform to some extent – but sometimes, I’d lose interest, and ability, mid-way through sex, and the woman would have to ‘help me out’ (if you know what I mean).

I also lacked the ability to go for a long enough to fully satisfy the women I slept with…

And, my loads weren’t very impressive.

Bottom line is: I wasn’t much of a Stud in the bedroom. To put it mildly!

Anyway, I became pretty much obsessed with the idea of building Indestructible Health and
Optimal Testosterone Levels. While also gaining the kind of Sexual Confidence and Performance that’d blow any woman’s mind.

A Ferocious Libido (because I knew this was a sign of Youth and Health, and that women craved a man who could go again and again)

The ability to SATISFY a woman in a way that’d put an ‘Adult Movie Star’ to shame – making her cum over and over again (simply by thrusting in and out of her like a BEAST, and fucking her senseless – without
having to give her 30 minutes of oral first, or rub her clit for ages during intercourse)

The ability to blow seriously BIG cum shots (and experience massive pleasure and sensitivity when I ejaculated)

Anyhow, I switched to eating a Natural, Unprocessed diet that was mostly Organic…

I got more serious about Exercise…

I meditated to reduce my Stress Levels…

I drunk plenty of clean Spring Water every single day.

The results were favourable…

I found it easier to Perform at a Higher Level in the Bedroom – and there was certainly an increase in semen volume when I ejaculated.

But, I still wasn’t where I wanted to be.

I saw those guys in the Porn Movies who looked like they could Fuck Forever (without even trying)…

I saw porn actors like Peter North blow quite frankly insanely big cum shots…

“I want to be able to do that too”

Around the same time I sought the help of my now good friend – Elwin Robinson… a Master Herbalist.

Elwin had me start taking some Ancient Eastern ‘SuperHerbs’ in very, very specific quantities.

He also explained to me their history, how these ‘SuperHerbs’ were actually the Secret Foods that the Ancient Chinese Emperors would use to give them incredible Sexual Vigor – allowing them to satisfy a vast Harem of HUNDREDS of women
(who were usually half their age, or less)

And, when I tried these Superherbs…

I remember Helena – an exotic Dancer – telling me that I was the most ‘Beast-Like’ Lover she’d ever been to bed with. Nothing was off limits.

I rode that girl ALL NIGHT LONG.

You might think accountants would be BORING in bed – but she SCREAMED in delight, and came so HARD her body shook, and toes curled, when she saw the size of my massive load!

Well, she was a real Dirty Girl.

She couldn’t get enough. After fucking her 5 times in one night – in every way you could possibly imagine – I told her:

“Enough. I need a rest girl”

She agreed that I’d earned it – because I’d given her 17 orgasms during intercourse just that night, leaving her shaking and trembling on the bed, BEGGING me for more.

I’ll save more stories for another day…

But, I think you get the idea.

The Superherbs Elwin gave me were like a MIRACLE!

They took my ‘Sexual Appetite, Power and Performance’ to a level most men will never know. They turned me into an Alpha Male in the bedroom.

Preparing these Superherbs takes just 30 seconds a day (or less)

They’re 100% SAFE and NATURAL

The really GREAT News is this…

They’ll work for any man – including YOU, my friend!

In fact, the truth is that these little-known, yet ultra-powerful Superherbs will arm you with the kind of Sexual Confidence and Performance that’ll make any woman hopelessly addicted to you in bed…

And have her BEGGING you for sex day and night.

After taking the Superherbs Elwin gave me – and enjoying mind-blowing sexual performances as a result – I called him up one day and said:

“Man, we gotta let other guys try this”

Months of time, effort and research into creating the very best Sexual Performance enhancing Formula on planet Earth.

The thing that made it challenging is we knew, to be the very best, it had to be:

Easy to Prepare (because the herbs Elwin originally gave me required time-consuming measuring and mixing each day)

Great Tasting (the herbs Elwin originally had me taking certainly gave me outstanding confidence in the bedroom, but they tasted like CRAP!)

100% Free from Toxic Fillers and Harmful Additives – which most sexual health products are full of

A Tea, not a Capsule or Pill, because Capsules and Pills are often not absorbed properly, they just go right through you, or even get stuck in your digestive system

The absolute most Powerful Super Herbs, in the perfect proportions and quantities, to give the very best results possible

An effective dose – as we discovered, all other men’s sexual health products on the market were at such a low dose they were usually completely ineffective (and any results men did experience when taking such
products were almost certainly just a Placebo effect!)

All this meant that we couldn’t do what everyone else in our business was secretly doing:

…buying a ready made formula ‘off the shelf,’ from one of a handful of HUGE companies that produce this kind of product, that’s basically the same as everyone else’s (just with a different label on it!)…

…we had to have something custom made ourselves, from scratch, at great time, effort and expense.

Well, we were determined to create a Formula for men who want to be Alpha Males that actually worked…

Giving you Healthy Testosterone Levels, a powerful Libido and enough ‘Sexual Power’ to FULLY SATISFY even the most hard-to-please women. Not to mention… incredibly intense and powerful orgasms, and really ‘Big Loads.’

For many years, in my emails, and best-selling books and videos, I’d taught guys how to be incredible in bed… how to totally blow the mind of any woman they slept with. Of course, to use what I taught effectively, men needed to be
able to Perform in the bedroom.

However, many of my customers wrote to me, telling me how they’d love to use the Sexual Techniques I taught, with their women, but they couldn’t, because they couldn’t ‘Rise To The Occasion.’

Some of the their letters really touched and moved me. They reminded me of my own earlier struggles with sexual performance, and how PAINFUL and HUMILIATING they were. Hearing about their pain and suffering, in great detail, over and
over, made me realise this was not an unusual occurrence… even though many men felt like it, because they were suffering in silence.

I felt so bad for them, it made me passionate about helping them resolve this issue once and for all – and I knew the Super Herbs Elwin had introduced me to were the way to do it.

We wanted to create a product so EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL men wouldn’t just buy it once and forget about it – instead:

They’d buy it, LOVE the results, and recommend us to all their male friends.

Eventually, we perfected the Formula (including 9 of the most Powerful Eastern Superherbs on the Planet – in very specific quantities). And, since then, it’s been used successfully by over 30,000 men…
so you can get the same tremendous Sexual Benefits I now enjoy on a daily basis!

It’s called Rock-Hard Formula.

And there are 4 simple ways you can take it…

Add 2 teaspoons to your favorite Smoothie or Shake (this is how I take it most of the time)
OR Warm up some water, add 2 teaspoons, stir and drink it down (this is the Traditional Eastern way to take Superherbs. It’s just like making Instant Coffee)

Alternatively, if you like, you can:

Sprinkle it over breakfast cereal. Or, add it to soup

Impossible to get it wrong? Pretty much.

Damn right you should! (Assuming you want to safely and naturally Boost your Testosterone Levels, maintain your Circulation & Blood Flow ‘Down There,’ become an Alpha Male, and enjoy the kind of ‘Sexual Power and
Performance’ most women would KILL to experience).

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels – creating the kind of Incredible Sexual Power, Performance and CONFIDENCE most men will never have (prepare
to give your woman truly GREAT SEX, night after night… making her CUM over and over, and over again… so HARD her body-shakes, toes curl, and she SCREAMS your name!)

Healthy Circulation & Blood Flow to your extremities, especially to your ‘most Prized Asset’ – something sure to put a smile on your woman’s face!

Truly HUGE Loads – the kind of Massive ‘Cum Shots’ that’ll have your woman SCREAMING with delight, every time you give her ‘The Money Shot’ (and, bragging to
her girlfriends about what a STUD you are in bed)

More Sensitive, Pleasurable and Intense Ejaculations (prepare for a feeling better than you’ve ever dreamed possible… every time you ‘Shoot your Wad’)

Effortlessly High Libido – just like that of a Horny Teenager (honestly, all it might take you to get fully aroused, and ‘ready to perform,’ is the sight of a hot woman or a whiff of her perfume… just don’t
blame me if you get so full and engorged it’s UNCOMFORTABLE… and certainly don’t come crying to me if you start getting spontaneous urges to fuck your woman in public… because it’s a ‘problem’ many guys would kill to have!)

And, the really neat thing is…

The benefits you‘re gonna get from Rock-Hard Formula aren’t just SEXUAL.

Increase your Muscle Mass and Decrease your Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE
easily – assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Build overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

Give you more ENERGY and increasing your PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Make your Skin, Hair and Nails look incredible (something women notice and find incredibly attractive in a man. So, if you want more sex – this is a very good thing! 😉

Support and Detox your Liver (particularly important if you eat and drink a ‘less-than-perfect’ diet)

Improve Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increase your physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significantly increase your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy
Testosterone Levels!)

Rock-Hard Formula will turn you into more of an Alpha Male – allowing you to experience a rampant ‘Sexual Appetite,’ unstoppable Sexual Power and Performance, and MASSIVE ‘loads’…

All the non-sexual benefits listed above…

And, it’s gonna take you just 30-seconds-a-day, max, to prepare and enjoy!

Now, if you’ve ever tried a product before that has promised similar benefits to this, you might be wondering:

And that’s a great question. Because I’m fully aware that there are many other products that you may have tried before, that didn’t work, had unpleasant side effects, or stopped working after a while. And, you need to know how
Rock-Hard is different from all of them.

There are at least 5 Proven FACTS that make Rock-Hard Formula different and superior to all the ‘Men’s Sexual Health’ Supplements on the market.

Many supplements that claim to give men higher Testosterone Levels, and great ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ contain TOXIC FILLERS and additives.

These toxic additives are added because they’re CHEAPER than safe, natural alternatives.

These additives aren’t just a waste of your money – they can be downright DANGEROUS.

PAYING for something that’s gonna decrease your Health and Sexual Performance.

For instance, one of the most popular products on the market contains SUCRALOSE.

Here’s a partial list of just some of the Scientifically Proven health problems this ‘toxic additive’ can lead to:

Weight gain (it’s not good when you get a belly so big you can’t see your Manhood!)

Allergic reactions (these can KILL you)

Blurred vision (imagine living without your vision – life wouldn’t be much fun, would it?)

Dizziness (it’s hard to have great sex when you feel like you’re all at sea!)

Seizures (which can damage your BRAIN)

Heart problems (needless to say – if your ‘ticker’ gives up on you, your Sexual Performance is the least of your problems!)

Diarrhoea (I could be wrong… but I don’t think women find a man crapping himself too attractive!)

And that’s the side-effects from just one of the MANY toxic additives present in most of the supplements on the market that claim to Boost Testosterone and give men better Sexual Performance.

Of course, Rock-Hard Formula is free from toxic fillers and additives, and is made up of nothing but 100% pure Superherbs.

It’s totally Safe and Natural.

Many supplements that aim to give men better Sexual Performance, and Higher Testosterone Levels, are thrown together by companies with poor knowledge of how their ingredients work.

So, while some ingredients can give you a greater desire for sex, and they may also help you perform a bit better during sex – they can also lead to SERIOUS health problems if taken in the wrong dosages!

Many of these supplements contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, something naturally found in many foods…in very small quantities.

But, many men’s sexual health supplements contain unnaturally massive amounts of L-Arginine.

And, while there’s no doubt that using this much L-Arginine can help you ‘perform better’ in the bedroom – it can also cause some very unwelcome side-effects.

For example, an outbreak of Genital Herpes (in which case, no woman is going to want to go to bed with you, no matter how strong your sexual performance is!)

Also, any benefits tend not to last long, and as soon as your body gets used to so much L-Arginine they stop working at all – and you only get the nasty side-effects.

Another example of a Toxic Ingredient that’s in many supplements for male Sexual Performance is Yohimbe.

While Yohimbe certainly can improve Sexual Performance, it’s just NOT worth the RISK, because of the COMMON Side-Effects, including:

Dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure….

It has also been reported that as little as 40 mg a day can cause severe side effects, such as dangerous changes in blood pressure, hallucinations, paralysis, liver, kidney,
and heart problems, and can even be fatal.

Rock-Hard Formula doesn’t contain L-Arginine – or any other toxic ingredient at all. Meaning it’s totally safe, even if you drink it every day for the next 5, 10, 15 years or more.

Many formulas that are intended to improve a man’s Sexual Performance, are sold in CAPSULE format.

The problem with capsules is that, if you follow the directions and the recommended dose – which is typically 2 or 4 capsules a day – you don’t get enough of the Active Ingredients to get an effective dose.

So, your choice is to either get:

Poor results (because you simply aren’t consuming enough of the Active Ingredients)

What makes Rock-Hard Formula unique is that it’s a Superherb POWDER.

You just add 2 teaspoons to hot water, stir and drink. Couldn’t be simpler (it’s just like making Instant Coffee)…

And, it’s much more cost-effective than any capsule product on the market.

Many herbal formulas and supplements contain herbs of very LOW quality.

Yet, in Rock-Hard Formula you get the HIGHEST quality Superherbs possible.

And, you get a 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder per serving.

here’s the key point:

The SuperHerbs in Rock-Hard Formula are 10:1 Extract. Herbal extracts are incredibly potent and way more powerful than normal raw herbs (which is what most supplements contain),
because they are more concentrated in the active ingredients.

A 10:1 Extract means that it’s got 10 times as much active ingredients as the same amount of herbs in the unextracted form.

Meaning 1 teaspoon of Rock-Hard Formula gives you the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of Raw (Unextracted) SuperHerbs.

The typical supplement you find on the market might contain 500mg of the unextracted SuperHerb, per serving.

With Rock-Hard Formula – you get 5,000mg of Extracted SuperHerbs, which is the equivalent of 50,000mg of UNEXTRACTED SuperHerbs.

In other words – one serving of Rock Hard contains 100X the Active Ingredient of a standard Herbal Supplement! Explaining why you get BIG RESULTS when you consume Rock-Hard Formula.

Because Rock-Hard Formula is a powder that you turn into a tea (or simply add to a smoothie or shake) – your body doesn’t have to waste TIME and ENERGY breaking down capsules to absorb
the ingredients.

This makes Rock-Hard Formula both Fast-Acting, and gentle on your Digestive System.

And not only is it faster acting, but many times when you take herbs in pills they just go straight through you and aren’t absorbed at all, wasting your money, as well as your body’s energy.

Some men will notice better Sexual Performance, and greater ‘Sexual Desire,’ after just one serving of Rock Hard Formula.

Most men will notice A TON of improvement within as little as 2-5 days.

Rock-Hard Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, most potent SuperHerbs on the Planet…

According to He Shou Wu is the most amazing anti-aging and longevity herb of all – and can be used to increase sex-drive, fertility, sperm count and build semen volume (even in old men). detail some exciting benefits of Cistanche – including an increase in sexual power and performance in men.

Of the many benefits, listed on, that men can get from Tribulus – the following are probably of most interest… it’s a Natural Testosterone-Booster that improves Sexual Performance, and
Sexual Satisfaction.

On there is detailed explanation into how Horny Goat Weed can: increase ‘Sexual Appetite, boost Testosterone Levels and increase Energy in men. It’s also one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs in the world.

Over on there is an explanation into the huge number of benefits Goji Berry can give you – including improvements in Sexual Function. These improvements occur because Goji encourages blood flow around the body.

According to Nettle Root can be of benefit to the health of your Prostate, Joints, Blood Sugar Levels, and Skin. And, perhaps most interestingly – Nettle Root has been shown to support healthy Testosterone Levels. explain how Eucommia Bark is a powerful strengthener of the Reproductive System, and stimulator of the Sex Glands and Organs. They also detail how this Superherb can increase ‘Sexual
Interest and Desire.’ explain how Morinda Root can be used to strengthen male Sexual Performance and Power. And they show studies that prove it.

Salvia Root supports healthy blood circulation around the body. This is explained on Healthy blood flow is required for a strong Sexual Performance, hence the reason why this herb is important for
any man wanting to fully SATISFY his woman in bed!

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added. Sugar FREE, Trans Fat FREE, Soy FREE, Gluten FREE, GMO FREE.

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added.

1 Packet is 150grams and contains 30 servings. That’ll last you a month.

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique blend of the 9 Superherbs listed above. While each is powerful on it’s own – together, as mixed in the very specific quantities in Rock-Hard Formula…
their power is greatly enhanced.

There are 5 important things you need to know about all the other Testosterone and Sexual Performance enhancing products that you may see, or you may have tried:

They often work in the SHORT-RUN, then stop working (leaving you with the exact same lack of ‘Alpha Male Sexual Performance,’ and non-optimal Testosterone Levels you had before)

They rob you of your sexual CONFIDENCE and masculinity (because a REAL MAN can perform in the bedroom, and satisfy his woman – without having to swallow a fistful of pills or capsules every day! And so
long as you take the pills – you’ll feel like a fraud. You’ll be emasculated!) The difference is, Rock Hard is not really a supplement, although we have to classify it as one. In reality, it’s simply a herbal tea, which
many of our customers drink in the morning in place of their morning coffee or tea.

They often come with toxic fillers and additives that do you more harm than good. For instance, commonly used L-Arginine can promote a herpes outbreak and Yohimbe can make you feel very ill!

As I described in detail earlier, most of the time the dose these products give you is ineffective, and the fact it’s in a capsule or pill means it’s poorly absorbed, basically meaning: taking them is a
waste of time and money!

Many times these products have Documented and Scientifically Proven Side-Effects – some of which are truly horrific (for instance – if you search on the internet for the side-effects, you’ll find many which

There’s nothing else out there like Rock Hard.

Any alternatives you might find, are either toxic, ineffective, or both. Rock Hard is the only product out there that keeps working long-term, and actually works better the longer you use it for.

So, in comparison to every other option available to you, most of which are a giant WASTE of money, and some of which are outright dangerous… Rock Hard is the Best Value option available… BY FAR.

Well, let me ask you this first…

What’s the following worth to you:

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels – creating the kind of Incredible Sexual Power, Performance and CONFIDENCE most men will never have (prepare to give your
woman truly GREAT SEX, night after night… making her CUM over and over, and over again… so HARD her body-shakes, toes curl, and she SCREAMS your name!)

Healthy Circulation to your extremities, especially to your ‘most Prized Asset’ – something sure to put a smile on your woman’s face!

Truly HUGE Loads – the kind of Massive ‘Cum Shots’ that’ll have your woman SCREAMING with delight, every time you give her ‘The Money Shot’ (and, bragging to her girlfriends about
what a STUD you are in bed)

More Sensitive, Pleasurable and Intense Ejaculations (prepare for a feeling better than you’ve ever dreamed possible… every time you ‘Shoot your Wad’)

Effortlessly High Libido – just like that of a Horny Teenager (honestly, all it might take you to get fully aroused, and ‘ready to perform,’ is the sight of a hot woman or a whiff of her perfume… just don’t
blame me if you get so full and engorged it’s UNCOMFORTABLE… and certainly don’t come crying to me if you start getting spontaneous urges to fuck your woman in public… because it’s a ‘problem’ many guys would kill to have!)

Increased Muscle Mass and Decreased Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE easily
– assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Better overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

More ENERGY and increased PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Improved Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increased physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significant increases in your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy Testosterone

Because Rock-Hard Formula is clearly so much more EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL than everything else out there – you might be thinking it’s gonna cost you a small fortune…

Heck, you might very well be reading this letter right now thinking you’d happily pay a small fortune for this Powerful SuperHerb Formula!

After-all, being an Alpha Male in the bedroom, with Healthy Testosterone Levels…

Plus… totally owning the ability to easily get aroused, and ‘ready for Action in the Bedroom,’ anytime you like…

…and then TOTALLY SATISFYING your woman, finishing by blowing a HUGE load for her, is pretty important, right?

Yet, here’s the thing…

It’s not CHEAP – because cheap products contain cheap, worthless, sometimes dangerous ingredients.

Many Supplements can easily set you back HUNDREDS of dollars a month. And, they very often give you NO RESULTS whatsoever. Plus – they sometimes come with a myriad of potential side-effects (some of which are extremely NASTY).

Yet Rock-Hard Formula is SAFE and NATURAL, and will work for you in the short and long-term.

And, it won’t cost you hundreds of dollars a month.

Healthy, Optimal, Alpha Male Testosterone Levels…

The rampant, and never-ending ‘Sexual Desire and Appetite’ of a Horny Teenager…

Sexual Power and Performance that’s off-the-charts (the evidence being that you make your woman cum over and over again, every night of the week – and, she just can’t get enough of you… she’s sexually
addicted to you! She’s addicted to your COCK!!!)

Incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, with ‘Cum Shots’ worthy of landing you a role in a Porno!

…not to mention, A TON of non-sexual benefits too – all the result of having Healthy Testosterone Levels. Including:

More Muscle. More Strength. Less Body-Fat…

Sky-High Confidence Levels…

I must be mad to be offering you all that for under 100 bucks.

However, as I mentioned earlier, I’m really passionate about helping men to STOP suffering with embarrassing, humiliating ‘performance issues’ in the bedroom. So, I want to make Rock Hard Formula affordable to just about anybody.

You can pay 100 bucks for a pair of pants…

A mediocre dinner at a crappy restaurant…

Or simply to fuel up your car…

And, while none of those things will change your life – the ability Fuck your Woman’s Brain Out, whenever you want, for as long as want, WILL …

Because you’ll be able to FULLY SATISFY her any time, any place. Which WILL make you feel like a Real Man… it’ll make you feel Alpha in the bedroom…

Sending your sexual confidence through-the-roof.

I’ll warn you now though…

(And, you should also know that… we could SELL OUT before the timer hits Zero. It’s happened before, and it could happen again. So order now, and Take Advantage of the Special Prices, while you still

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Now, as I said earlier – I understand that you might still be skeptical.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you still may not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though you understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually CAUSES sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do it leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as per the recommendations on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Honestly though, I know you’re gonna love Rock-Hard Formula. Because it’s gonna help you:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can
perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, mind-blowing orgasms. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and
HUGE Loads of your entire life (giving your woman the BIGGEST ‘Money Shots’ she’s ever seen!)

While also causing you to experience:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Rock Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – and a total STUD in the bedroom!

Even so, right now, I know you might be sceptical.

I don’t blame you for being sceptical. After-all – there are A LOT of people out their selling crap, yet promising the Earth, as far as Boosting Testosterone and Improving Sexual Performance go.

Yet, here’s the neat thing…

You don’t just have to take my word for it when I say that Rock-Hard Formula will give you the very best Sexual Performance of your life, because…

Rock-Solid Proof Rock-Hard Formula really works (from a select group of men who tested the formula before it went to sale*)

*Name and locations changed for privacy purposes

“Adam Armstrong’s books and videos have transformed my love-making skills. Now his Rock Hard Formula has transformed my sexual power. Just last night I had sex three times with my wife and lasted at least 20 minutes
every time. Pretty cool considering my sexual performance was distinctly average prior to taking Adam’s formula. I highly recommend it.”

“Rock-Hard Formula is the real deal. I feel like a STUD in the bedroom since I began taking it. Yesterday I slept with 2 different women. Abigale said my manhood was ‘the most impressive she’d ever seen.’ Phoebe said she’d never been fucked so hard and deep in her life. It’s just freaking awesome!”

“Yet again Adam delivers the goods. I tried his Rock-Hard Formula a while ago and was blown away. Heat some water, add a couple teaspoons, stir it and drink it. Simple as that. And the results? Everything Adam promises – true
Alpha Male Sexual Performance. Bigger loads and the ‘Sexual Appetite’ like I had in my teens.”

“2 days ago I hooked up with a f**k-buddy I’ve not seen in a while. We’ve had sex 7 times in the past 48 hours and I’m not done yet. She can’t get enough of my power and performance in the bedroom. Where’s my appetite
and stamina come from? Rock-Hard Formula”

“At 67 years of age I wasn’t feeling very ‘Alpha’ in the bedroom. And, I assumed that was ‘normal’ at my age. Then I emailed Adam and he told me to try Rock-Hard Formula, and now I’m a changed man. I can now keep up with my
42 year old wife in the bedroom – and we’re even considering visiting some ‘swingers parties’ because my wife says it’d be fun to put some of those young guys to shame with my newfound sexual performance. Bring it
on! Happy days.”

– R.N, age 67 – England

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

In this special report you’ll discover 5 unusual sex positions sure to make ANY woman cum over and over and over again.

The really Good News is…

All 5 of these proven positions work like a charm even if you’re small ‘down there’ and don’t have very much sexual experience.

Looking good NAKED will take your sexual confidence to the next level. And massively increase how attractive you are to women.

To look good naked you need:

A low level of body-fat (with some ‘abs’ showing)

In this powerful 30 day workout program I’ll show you exactly how to GET RIPPED QUICK – in 30 days or less (working out as little as just twice-a-week for 20 minutes)– and finally
look and feel like a true Alpha Male, a true Stud, every time you ‘get it on’ with your woman.

Most men think they have to ‘go down on a woman’ for 10, 15, 20 minutes or more, and make her CUM, before they fuck her. And, many guys do this, even though they don’t always want to, because they think it’s the only way to give their woman an orgasm.

However, that’s simply not the case.

You see, it’s totally possible to give your woman multiple orgasms during intercoure, every single time…., without giving her oral first, without rubbing her clit during intercourse (and regardless of your ‘size’).

Doing this – ‘getting your woman off’ with your cock, during intercourse – is way more POWERFUL for her, than simply rubbing her clit.

When you learn the little-known secrets to giving your woman Intercourse Orgasms every time, 3 things always happen:

Her Sex-Drive increases (so you can get sex anytime you like – without having to ASK or BEG for it, without having to buy her fancy gifts, and
without having to ‘do stuff’ in exchange for it)

Her desire to please YOU comes to life (meaning she’ll happily fulfil ALL your sexual desires)

You’ll ‘Cheat-Proof’ your Relationship (because women don’t cheat on guys who give them Intercourse Orgasms every time)

And, the GREAT News is: In this ebook I explain it all…

Exactlyhow to give any woman multiple vaginal intercourse orgasms…

For women, sex is a very MENTAL thing.

Meaning that if you wanna be a GREAT LOVER – you gotta stimulate a woman’s mind in the bedroom…

In this special report I’ll teach you 17 powerful, never-before-revealed, dirty talk phrases guaranteed to get your woman hot, dripping wet, horny and BEGGING you for

Yours for FREE when you order Rock-Hard Formula today.

The 9 SuperHerbs that make up Rock-Hard Formula each have between 2,000 and 5,000 YEARS of research and proof behind them!

They’ve been used, with great success, by over a BILLION men in Eastern Countries!

The Ancient Taoist Masters discovered these SuperHerbs several millennia ago – and have been enjoying the testosterone boosting and libido enhancing results they produce for THOUSANDS of years since.

With the help of my friend – Master Herbalist Elwin Robinson – I’ve simply combined 9 of the best proven SuperHerbs and turned them into The World’s most Powerful Enhancer of Male Sexual Power and Performance.

Taking Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day is a quick and easy. And, it’s 100% SAFE and NATURAL.

Ensure your Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can perform
like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm you with a Huge Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, mind- blowing, multiple orgasms
during intercourse. Every. Single. Time)

Enable you to experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (giving your woman the biggest ‘Money Shots’ she’s ever seen!)

Plus, it’ll also give you…

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat – giving you Ripped ‘6-Pack Abs’ (and making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

– Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

When you take Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day… you’ll enjoy RAMPANT Sexual Performance (where you’re able to fuck your woman SENSELESS, like a SAVAGE BEAST, every night of the week!)

You’ll enjoy a wildly exciting Sex-Life – the kind every Alpha Male deserves (where your woman is EAGER and WILLING to do anything you like in bed… even stuff that’d make a whore blush)…

Your woman will be obsessed with you in bed (because you make her cum more often in one night than most LOSERS make their women cum in a month)…

And, if you notice any of her friends looking at you suggestively, with a glint in their eye, you’ll know why… because she’s been BRAGGING to her girlfriends, about how great you are in bed!

Or, if you have ‘non-Alpha’ Sexual Performance – you could change nothing. You could simply carry on as you are.

But where will that get you?

Do you think that your performance in bed will magically get better all on it’s own?

Life doesn’t work that way!

The reality is, if you do NOTHING to change your situation, you’ll be more and more deeply stuck in the rut that you’re already in…

Not enjoying as much sex as you’d like…

Unable to fuck your woman as often as you’d like…

Not realising that your sexual performance, while probably typical for a man your age, is leaving your woman totally unsatisfied, frustrated, resentful, and likely thinking of CHEATING on you.

A lack of Sensitivity and Intensity when you Ejaculate.

Average-Size ‘Cum Shots’ (that no true Alpha Male would be proud of – and no good woman would be impressed by).

Just like the average Beta Male/‘Nice Guy.’

If you choose to change nothing, it’ll leave you feeling like a total PUSSY – with a low level of Sexual Power. With the embarrassing Sexual Performance of a ‘Beta Male’ (rather than a powerful Alpha Male).

It’ll leave you feeling like a man who can’t satisfy his woman. In fact, let’s be honest…

That’s exactly what you’ll be if you choose to change nothing:

A man who CANNOT satisfy his woman.

Leaving you feeling angry and frustrated in the moment, and ultimately, embarrassed, humiliated and worthless. Like you’re not a real man. Like a miserable worm. An utter failure.

I know, I’ve been there.

Remember, this kind of embarrassing, frustrating and downright humiliating lack of Alpha Male Sexual Power doesn’t improve itself. No. On the contrary – it gets WORSE over time.

If you want Healthy Alpha Male Testosterone Levels, Strong Libido, and Very STRONG and POWERFUL ‘Sexual Performance,’ you have 3 options…

FIRST OPTION: you can do NOTHING about it. But you know that won’t help. That’s why you’re reading this page, right? You’re ready to Step Up and make a change.

SECOND OPTION: you can take other Testosterone and Sexual Performance Boosting Supplements, Pills and Capsules.

But that’s a BAD idea. Here’s why:

They often work in the SHORT-RUN, then stop working (leaving you with the exact same lack of ‘Alpha Male Sexual Performance,’ and non-optimal Testosterone Levels you had before)

They rob you of your sexual CONFIDENCE and masculinity (because a REAL MAN can perform in the bedroom, and satisfy his woman – without having to swallow a fistful of pills or capsules every day! And so long
as you take the pills – you’ll feel like a fraud. You’ll be emasculated!) The difference is, Rock Hard is not really a supplement, although we have to classify it as one. In reality, it’s simply a herbal tea, which many of
our customers drink in the morning in place of their morning coffee or tea.

They often come with toxic fillers and additives that do you more harm than good. For instance, commonly used L-Arginine can promote a herpes outbreak and Yohimbe can make you feel very ill!

As I described in detail earlier, most of the time the dose these products give you is ineffective, and the fact it’s in a capsule or pill means it’s poorly absorbed, basically meaning: taking them is a waste of time
and money!

Many times these products have Documented and Scientifically Proven Side-Effects – some of which are truly horrific (for instance – if you search on the internet for the side-effects, you’ll find many which could END

As you can see, option 2 is even worse than option 1. Option 1, doing nothing, will just mean things slowly get worse over time. With Option 2, you are likely actually doing yourself harm (and wasting money).

THIRD OPTION: you can start taking Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day. That’s the smart choice, because it’ll give you the kind of High Testosterone Levels, Rampant Sexual Performance, Huge Loads, and Unbreakable Sexual Confidence that every man wants to have – but very few will ever experience.

Is Rock-Hard Formula quick and easy to prepare?

YES (it’ll take you about 30 seconds a day). If you’ve ever made an instant coffee, you already know how to make it.

YES. (100%) There are no artificial preservatives, colors, flavoring, fillers or other additives.

Will it help you have an Incredible Libido, and Massive, Pussy-Satisfying Sexual Performance?

Will it help you blow HUGE loads?

YES. As I’ve explained, there’s nothing else out there like Rock Hard. Any alternatives you might find, are either toxic, ineffective, or both. Rock Hard is the only product out
there that keeps working long-term, and actually works better the longer you use it for.

So, in comparison to every other option available to you, most of which are a waste of money, and some of which are outright dangerous…Rock Hard is the Best Value option available…BY FAR.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click one of the ‘Order Now’ buttons below, follow the on-screen instructions and prepare to enjoy your best Sexual Performance ever, and the most mind-blowing sex of your life!

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Master Sex Coach, Co-Creator of Rock-Hard Formula, Author of Better In Bed

Here’s what you most need to be aware of:

FAILING to satisfy your woman in bed, because you haven’t realised that your sexual performance (while quite possibly average for a man your age) isn’t Strong or Powerful, is leaving your woman feeling frustrated, resentful, and quite
possibly even thinking of CHEATING on you…

All of which is leaving you feeling angry and frustrated with your lack of ability to perform, and ultimately – embarrassed, humiliated and worthless. Like you’re not a real man.

I know, I’ve been there.

Having average, ‘non-Alpha’ Sexual Performance, is about as fun as a kick in the nuts – yet way more painful!

When you drink Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day you can expect to experience Healthy Alpha Male Testosterone Levels, Unbreakable Sexual Confidence, a Huge Libido, and the Raw Sexual
Power and Performance that’d put a Porn Star to shame!

You’ll also enjoy Orgasms that are way more Intense and Pleasurable, and the BIGGEST ‘Cum Shots’ your woman has ever seen! Much to her delight 😉

And, as if that’s not enough…

Because Rock-Hard Formula will help to Boost and Optimise your Testosterone Levels, you’re also going to experience many non-sexual benefits, including:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Now, I understand that you might be skeptical about trying Rock-Hard Formula.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock-Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you may still not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even
though you understand
it’s worked for 1000’s of other men just like you.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually causes sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get all the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do is leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock-Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as recommended on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team (open 20 hours a day, 363 days a year)…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Rock-Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – a total STUD in the bedroom!

And, there is NO RISK in purchasing yourself a packet of Rock Hard Formula, right now… because you’re covered by my 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Quite possibly after just one serving…

Almost certainly within 2-5 days of taking Rock-Hard Formula.

For some men it takes longer, usually because they’re on medications that interfere with sexual performance, or have serious health issues. Of course, we can’t comment on medications or health issues, please speak to your qualified
medical practitioner about these concerns.

I understand that you might be skeptical about trying Rock Hard Formula.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you may still not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though
you understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men just like you.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually causes sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get all
the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do is leave you feeling misled or ripped off. So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as recommended on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Rock Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – a total STUD in the bedroom!

And, there is NO RISK in purchasing yourself a pack of Rock Hard Formula, right now.

There are at least 3 Proven FACTS that, all together, make Rock-Hard Formula safer than all other ‘Men’s Sexual Health’ Supplements on the market.

Most supplements and herbal products are not made to high standards. In fact, many are made to a shockingly low standard.

The result is that many supplements are manufactured with little to no regulation – and this often leads to ingredients getting into the supplements that shouldn’t be there, and aren’t identified on the label.
To make matters worse, these unidentified ingredients can be HARMFUL.

Elwin and I know a LOT of people in the ‘Natural Health World,’ and we know from experience that very, very few of them ever consume their own products.

However, unlike the vast majority of people who sell ‘supplements’, we (Adam and Elwin) actually consume our own teas, on a daily basis, because we know they are Safe and Effective.

We feel confident to drink our own teas because we know our products are not only top quality, they are produced to pharmaceutical levels of safety and purity.

Our products are made in a NSF cGMP facility that is FDA registered and inspected.

Many supplements that claim to give men higher Testosterone Levels, and great ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ contain TOXIC FILLERS and additives.

These toxic additives are added because they’re CHEAPER than safe, natural alternatives.

These additives aren’t just a waste of your money – they can be downright DANGEROUS.

PAYING for something that’s gonna decrease your Health and Sexual Performance.

For instance, one of the most popular products on the market contains SUCRALOSE.

Here’s a partial list of just some of the Scientifically Proven health problems this ‘toxic additive’ can lead to:

Weight gain (it’s not good when you get a belly so big you can’t see your Manhood!)

Allergic reactions (these can KILL you)

Blurred vision (imagine living without your vision – life wouldn’t be much fun, would it?)

Dizziness (it’s hard to have great sex when you feel like you’re all at sea!)

Seizures (which can damage your BRAIN)

Heart problems (needless to say – if your ‘ticker’ gives up on you, your Sexual Performance is the least of your problems!)

Diarrhoea (I could be wrong… but I don’t think women find a man crapping himself too attractive!)

And that’s the side-effects from just one of the MANY toxic additives present in most of the supplements on the market that claim to Boost Testosterone and give men better Sexual Performance.

Of course, Rock-Hard Formula is free from toxic fillers and additives, and is made up of nothing but 100% pure Superherbs.

It’s totally Safe and Natural.

Many supplements that aim to give men better Sexual Performance, and Higher Testosterone Levels, are thrown together by companies with poor knowledge of how their ingredients work.

So, while some ingredients can give you a greater desire for sex, and they may also help you perform a bit better during sex – they can also lead to SERIOUS health problems if taken in the wrong dosages!

Many of these supplements contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, something naturally found in many foods…in very small quantities.

But, many men’s sexual health supplements contain unnaturally massive amounts of L-Arginine.

And, while there’s no doubt that using this much L-Arginine can help you ‘perform better’ in the bedroom – it can also cause some very unwelcome side-effects.

For example, an outbreak of Genital Herpes (in which case, no woman is going to want to go to bed with you, no matter how strong your sexual performance is!)

Also, any benefits tend not to last long, and as soon as your body gets used to so much L-Arginine they stop working at all – and you only get the nasty side-effects.

Another example of a Toxic Ingredient that’s in many supplements for male Sexual Performance is Yohimbe.

While Yohimbe certainly can improve Sexual Performance, it’s just NOT worth the RISK, becasue of the COMMON Side-Effects, including:

Dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure….

It has also been reported that as little as 40 mg a day can cause severe side effects, such as dangerous changes in blood pressure, hallucinations, paralysis,
liver, kidney, and heart problems, and can even be fatal.

Rock-Hard Formula doesn’t contain L-Arginine – or any other toxic ingredient at all. Meaning it’s totally safe, even if you drink it every day for the next 5, 10,
15 years or more.

Just follow the recommendations on the label and you cannot go wrong.

The 9 Superherbs that make up this powerful formula have thousands of years of proof behind them – from the Ancient Chinese Taoist Masters (who were some of the greatest lovers to ever live).

I’ve simply taken these proven ingredients, worked with my friend Elwin Robinson – a Master Herbalist – and created a formula that is mind-blowingly effective for any man who wants to boost his Testosterone
Levels, and experience:

Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal- giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman
wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

A Huge ‘Sexual Appetite’ (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally
addictive, mind-blowing, multiple orgasms during intercourse. Every. Single. Time)

Incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (completely PLASTERING your woman when you give her ‘The Money Shot’)

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat – giving you Ripped ‘6-Pack Abs’ (and making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

The Truth is, you’re never too old to benefit from this formula.

For instance, here’s what one of our customers, Mark, said in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“Your products work wonders for this 68 year old body. I am a widower and I keep myself in good physical condition. I wake up with huge ‘morning wood.’ It’s like I’m 25 again”

And this customer, John, shared the following in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“My libido plus morning ‘arousal’ have all improved. Note I am 69 years old and in excellent fitness and health, I don’t take any other health related medicine, am not overweight, perfect cholesterol and BP so no medical reason
for ED.”

So that’s two guys, who are almost 70, who had a great experience, and we hear this all the time. Notice though how they both said they’re in good shape: that becomes more and more of a key factor the older you get.

And of course, it’s not just about sexual performance, Rock Hard will actually help you to feel young again, too, as James pointed out to us in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“I am 64 years old. After Rock Hard usage my energy and confidence works like 25 years old”

Honestly, you could be 99 years old and I’d still encourage you to take it – because it’ll not only help you ‘in the bedroom’ – but also because it’ll give you a ton of other health benefits, including:

Increased Muscle Mass and Decreased Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE
easily – assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Better overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

More ENERGY and increased PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Making your Skin, Hair and Nails look incredible (something women notice and find incredibly attractive in a man. So, if you want more sex – this is a very good thing!

Supporting and Detoxing your Liver (particularly important if you eat and drink a ‘less-than-perfect’ diet)

Improved Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increased physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significant increases in your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy
Testosterone Levels!)

Shipping is FREE Worldwide!

There are no hidden fees or extra payments for this product.

All our products are shipped in discreet, plain brown packaging.

No one looking at the packaging from the outside will have any idea what kind of product you’re receiving.

Orders to North America (USA and Canada) should arrive within 3-5 working days.

Orders to the UK and Mainland Europe should arrive within 7-14 working days.

And, International Orders should arrive within 7-21 working days.

If you have any problems – simply contact us at [email protected] and one of our friendly support staff will be happy to assist you.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Rock-Hard Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, most potent SuperHerbs on the Planet…

According to He Shou Wu is the most amazing anti-aging and longevity herb of all – and can be used to increase sex-drive, fertility, sperm count and build semen volume (even in old men). detail some exciting benefits of Cistanche – including an increase in sexual power and performance in men.

Of the many benefits, listed on, that men can get from Tribulus – the following are probably of most interest… it’s a Natural Testosterone-Booster that improves Sexual Performance, and Sexual

On there is detailed explanation into how Horny Goat Weed can: increase ‘Sexual Appetite, boost Testosterone Levels and increase Energy in men. It’s also one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs in the world.

Over on there is an explanation into the huge number of benefits Goji Berry can give you – including improvements in Sexual Function. These improvements occur because Goji encourages blood flow around the body.

According to Nettle Root can be of benefit to the health of your Prostate, Joints, Blood Sugar Levels, and Skin. And, perhaps most interestingly – Nettle Root has been shown to support healthy Testosterone
Levels. explain how Eucommia Bark is a powerful strengthener of the Reproductive System, and stimulator of the Sex Glands and Organs. They also detail how this Superherb can increase ‘Sexual Interest
and Desire.’ explain how Morinda Root can be used to strengthen male Sexual Performance and Power. And they show studies that prove it.

Salvia Root supports healthy blood circulation around the body. This is explained on Healthy blood flow is required for a strong Sexual Performance, hence the reason why this herb is important for any man
wanting to fully SATISFY his woman in bed!

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added. Sugar FREE, Trans Fat FREE, Soy FREE, Gluten FREE, GMO FREE.

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added.

1 Packet is 150grams and contains 30 servings. That’ll last you a month.

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique blend of the 9 Superherbs listed above. While each is powerful on it’s own – together, as mixed in the very specific quantities in Rock-Hard Formula…
their power is greatly enhanced.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Here’s more proof this formula is for real and will work for you no matter how old you are. And regardless of how averagely BAD your sexual performance might be right now…

“The main benefits I’ve noticed from Rock Hard Formula so far, are: 1. increased libido. 2. Greater ability to perform for sustained periods of time, and repeated performances within short periods. Overall, I feel like I’m in my twenties again,
and I feel like A MAN again.”

“After just 3 days of drinking Rock-Hard Formula I was experiencing much greater sexual performance. My wife also enjoys my new and improved loads – which she describes as ‘three times as big as before.’
I’ll be enjoying this formula for a long time to come”

“For a guy pushing 70, I’ve noticed positive results. I like the fact that it has large amounts of several traditional herbs and such. I always thought that supplements in capsule form contained too little to be effective.
Rock Hard is different and seems to do the trick”

“Enjoying surprise ‘wood’ in the morning. My wife has started reaching over “just to check”. She smiles and feels good about herself. I’m also experiencing the Energy to push myself harder everyday – and,
as a result – I’ve lost more weight with my diet program.”

“Adam’s new formula is the real deal. It gave me everything he promised – Alpha Male Sexual Power, massive loads, and very happy women in my bed! Can’t fault it. Highly recommended.”

– D.M, age 41 – England

“I knew I wasn’t satisfying my girlfriend in bed. I knew I wasn’t the Alpha she truly desired. Anyway, once I started drinking Adam’s formula some cool things happened. The coolest of all being the fact that she started
to REALLY ENJOY having sex with me – because now, instead of struggling to ‘get her off’ once, I make her cum over and over again. And, as Adam says – it’s those MULTIPLE ORGASMS that drive women crazy!”

“I have 4 long-term girlfriends. All want sex every time I see them. There’s no way I could keep up with them in the bedroom if I wasn’t enjoying Rock-Hard Formula on a daily basis.”

“Since taking Rock Hard, I’ve noticed greater libido and full arousal during sex. I feel now like I was when I was about 50. I have female friends in their mid 40s and early 50’s, and they
all compliment me on my performance, saying they did not expect that level from a 70 year old man.”

“Once I hit my late 30’s I had reason to believe my testosterone levels were no longer very high. I tried many supplements, spent a fortune, and none seemed to make a difference. Then I came across Rock-Hard Formula and
started taking it. Within a week I felt pretty damn good in the bedroom. It was like rolling the clock back 5 years. My Sexual Appetite is off-the-charts – and my girlfriend says her pussy is sore (in
a very good way 😉

– E.N, age 42 – Australia

“Adam Armstrong is THE MAN. I trust everything he says as far as women and sex are concerned. And I can confirm that his Rock-Hard Formula is awesome. It works. It’s as simple as that. Get on it and you’ll love the Sexual
Power it gives you. And your woman will love the MONSTER loads it lets you cover her with!”

– P.J, age 53 – Ireland

“I’m young and have no interest in settling down. Right now I’m dating 2 hot girls and regularly go out and pick up girls in bars and clubs. Needless to say – I’m getting a lot of sex. To sustain this lifestyle I need all
the help I can get. Rock-Hard Formula is all the help I need. I drink it after breakfast every day. The result? I feel like I should be in the adult movies because I can perform at a very high level
in the bedroom, multiple times a day.”

“I wake up to morning wood again, with no more wondering whether or not I am going to satisfy my partner.”

“All my adult life, I’ve been what you could describe as a ‘Beta Male.’ I don’t think I’d ever fully satisfied my wife in 30 years. It’s probably why she asked for a divorce (having cheated on me with her boss). Yet that’s
all changed now, thanks to drinking Rock-Hard Formula. I’m currently dating a new girl – and even though it’s early days – she seems to be really into me. Just last night we had sex 3 times and I gave her at least 10 orgasms.
Not bad for a guy knocking on for 60.”

“It’s great, it really works. I’m very pleased with the results so far. I feel like it’s breathed new life into me. I also recommended it to an older friend. He ordered some a couple weeks ago and he’s reported solid results so far too.”

“Rock Hard Formula gives me the confidence to make love to women from 25 – 55 years old, my ‘arousal’ can last from 45 – 60+ minutes, and the ladies love it as I am a very sensuous lover. The 20 somethings
are amazed that I can go for so long without cuming.”

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, that if you want Healthy Testosterone Levels, Powerful Sexual Performance and Rock-Solid Sexual Confidence, then you’re in the right place.

We know, from personal experience, how painful it is to suffer with sexual performance issues, and that’s why we’re committed to helping you enjoy a level of arousal, and a quality of sex with your woman, that’s ‘off-the-charts.’

Rock Hard Formula can help you:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive,
and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

However, while most ‘sex experts’ and people offering ‘solutions to poor sexual performance’ will happily lie-to-your-face and tell you that their solution to your problem works INSTANTLY, and requires NO EFFORT…

We want be ‘straight up’ with you. And tell you the truth… because we really care about you getting real and long lasting RESULTS.

See, we’re not just here to sell you a product, take your money and run…

Instead, we’re committed to you getting the results you want, long term, because:

1. It helps us sleep soundly at night, with a clear conscience, knowing that we’ve genuinely helped people like YOU.

2. We know that, realistically, when you have a great experience with Rock Hard Formula, you’ll then recommend us to others, and maybe try other things we have to offer.

In short, we want you to be a friend and customer for LIFE, not just for one order.

And so, because of that, we want to tell you the TRUTH:

Rock-Hard Formula can help you achieve VERY IMPRESSIVE Sexual Performance! The kind of Sexual Performance any Alpha Male would be proud of!

You can absolutely improve your performance and confidence in the bedroom… and perform like a Total Stud…

Satisfying your woman, over and over again, every night of the week!

It might take a little time and effort.

You see, simply buying some Rock-Hard Formula isn’t enough. You need to actually drink a cup of it every day (or add it to a smoothie, or soup, or sprinkle it over your breakfast cereal).

Many people buy Supplements, or Superfoods, or SuperHerbs, take ‘em once – then just leave them, forgotten and lonely, in their kitchen cupboards!

If you drink ONE cup of Rock-Hard Formula – then forget to drink it… or only drink it once or twice a month – you might as well not bother!

Because it’ll only work well, and you’ll only get the best benefits from it, if you drink ONE CUP A DAY, at least 3+ days a week.

Please commit to that! (It’s quick and easy… it’ll literally take you just a few seconds a day).

You gotta consume Rock-Hard Formula every day, if you wanna MAXIMIZE your results – and really stand a fighting chance of enjoying massive Sexual Performance (and completely satisfying your woman in bed).

Well, the next thing we wanna make you aware of is this:

Some people will tell you that it’s possible to have a low libido and poor level of physical arousal, while having excellent physical health.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

The Truth is, good physical health is essential for Optimum Sexual Performance.

And that’s why, IF you do everything WRONG for your health.

If you live a really shitty lifestyle…

If you eat fast food most of the time, smoke 60-a-day, drink a six-pack (or 2) of beer every night – and take more Drugs than a Crack Whore…

If you do that kinda thing… the results of taking Rock-Hard Formula likely won’t be very noticeable…(although it will still be good for you!)

If you do that kinda thing… the results of taking Rock Hard Formula likely won’t be very noticeable…(although it will still be good for you!)

Because you’re poisoning yourself in MULTIPLE ways, slowly but surely draining yourself of health and vitality, and therefore depleting your Sexual Energy and destroying your Libido…

And NOTHING will help you experience better Sexual Performance, on a long term basis, until you STOP engaging in those self-destructive behaviours, or, at least, cut down on them.

If you really want Rock-Hard Formula to give you Optimal Testosterone Levels, and Rampant Sexual Performance – you should also:

Eat a healthy diet (including lots of fruits and veggies)

Drink plenty of clean water

Get at least 7 hours sleep a night

Avoid abusing cigarettes, drugs and alcohol

Exercise regularly (at least 20 minutes a couple times a week)

Do those things, and then consume Rock-Hard Formula each day… and that’s when you start performing in bed in ways that’ll make a Porn Star jealous!

One thing we need to be really clear on:

Rock-Hard Formula works to help you build incredible health – including Optimal Testosterone Levels, and really Powerful Sexual Performance.

It gives your body the nutrients it needs to be stronger, healthier, more immune to stress and with more balanced hormones (including Testosterone).

In the East, which is where the 9 ingredients in Rock-Hard Formula originally came from, they use it to build Sexual Energy (Jing), to ensure long life and the ability to
have lots of children, even when you get older (Sexual Potency).

It’s been used successfully for this purpose by literally over a billion of people, over the course of thousands of years.

However, what it’s not is a medicine.

Because medicines, whether herbal, or drugs, tend to have nasty side effects, and you have to be very careful taking them.

What this means is that we’re not here to fix any medical issue.

It’s possible that nourishing your body with Rock-Hard Formula could help your body heal itself…but it’s certainly not guaranteed.

Also, if you’re taking any medication, there is a chance that any lack of satisfaction you’re experiencing in your sex-life may be caused by that. We can’t comment on whether that’s the case for you… only a medical professional
can advice you on your specific situation concerning that.

However, the thing to bear in mind is that, if you have a problem that’s related to any medication you’re taking – or to any health issue you have – then it’s likely that Rock-Hard Formula won’t be able to help with that… although
may well still be beneficial for you.

As we state in our disclaimer, you should seek advice from a qualified health professional before taking Rock-Hard, and that’s especially important if you have a medical issue, or are taking
any medication.

So again, to be clear: this is NOT a ‘miracle cure’ for a medical issue.

What it IS, is a herbal tea formula, used successfully for thousands of years, by many millions of men, to:

– Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman
wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

– Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, and
mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

– Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

– More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

– Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

– Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Rock-Hard Formula is NOT a medicine – it works by nourishing the body with the exact NUTRIENTS that it needs to be sexually stronger, more balanced and potent.

Knowledge is POWER – but only when you TAKE ACTION.

We’re giving you BIG knowledge here…

The knowledge that if you consume Rock-Hard Formula each day – while also eating healthy, exercising and not abusing cigs, drugs and alcohol – you’ll almost certainly enjoy massive sexual performance (and a very SATISFIED woman
in your life!)

But, that knowledge will only be POWERFUL for you when you put it into ACTION.

Simply buying some Rock-Hard isn’t enough.

Our challenge to you is to:

Order some Rock-Hard Formula right now, by clicking one of the order boxes below.

Drink 1 cup a day (or add it to a smoothie, soup or breakfast cereal)

Eat as well as you can, exercise, get plenty of sleep

Avoid the abuse of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol

Do those simple things, and BOOM – you better be ready…

Because you’re gonna be so sexually powerful you’re woman is gonna be BEGGING you for it – like your own personal greedy little whore – ‘day and night’ 😉

Wishing you the kind of Sexual Performance, and the quality of Sex-Life, you truly desire and deserve…

Adam Armstrong and Elwin Robinson The Creators of Rock-Hard Formula

Scroll down this letter to the Order Boxes, and choose one of the Order Options – 1 packet of Rock Hard, 3 packets of Rock Hard, or ‘Platinum Customer Club’ Membership (which is the absolute BEST VALUE, and gets you 3 fresh packets
of Rock Hard Formula every 3 months).

Once you’ve made your selection, click the Button for that option, and you’ll be taken to a Secure, 1-Step Checkout Page, which looks like this:

Your order with then be taken by the retailer Clickbank, to give you total peace of mind.

Clickbank have been around since 1998, and are a highly respected global online retailer of digital and physical products (including eBooks, Audio and Video Courses, Supplements and so on), and they are accredited
and approved by all the major credit card companies, including Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express and PayPal.

Once you are on the Clickbank Checkout Page, just fill out your billing and payment details, and click ‘Pay Now’

Important: When you order, make sure to use an email address that you have easy access to. Because, once you’ve ordered, you’ll be sent an email to this email address,
confirming your order. A second email will give you access to your Bonuses.

All emails will come from me: Adam Armstrong.

The Email Address will be: [email protected]

Note: please allow 3-5 working days for delivery of Rock Hard Formula to the USA and Canada, 7-14 days to the UK and Mainland Europe, and upto 21 days for International

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

WARNING: the Superherbs in Rock Hard Formula are very powerful and effective. Plus, they are as safe as most natural foods. However, as with any foods, there is a small chance your body will have an adverse reaction to them. Please remember
to always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is especially important if you have any medical condition or are taking medication – please check with a qualified healthcare professional
that it is safe for you to try this herbs.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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Return Policy, Affiliates

Copyright © The New Alpha and Lion Heart Intelligent Solutions 2020

All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Call Us On: +1 (917) 675-3052

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

New Alpha is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

Product Name: Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

Click here to get Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Designed to help maintain healthy body function, it promotes proper functioning of the pineal gland and supports energy levels.

A recent Harvard University study linked fluoride in drinking water to lower IQs in children1, and so did 19 other studies, but this is just the beginning… Fluoride and other toxic chemicals in our drinking water, our food, and even the air are linked to all sorts of other problems with our bodies and can cause damage to our internal organs.

It turns out that these toxins are strongly attracted to the pineal gland, also known as the third eye, and many people believe that if this organ is damaged, its ability to manifest will not be possible.

Awaken XT is unlike anything you’ve ever tried before… it’s based on a closely guarded formula that is said to be able to boost your pineal gland, potentially helping you open up to the possibility of connecting with the Universe and potentially creating unlimited wealth and abundance. With its unique combination of extremely hard-to-find ingredients, Awaken XT helps maintain the healthy functioning of your pineal gland, as well as the other organs in your body. Once you try Awaken XT, your life will never be the same as you experience all the blessings the Universe has to offer you.

A unique and rare blend of ingredients mentioned by the ancients to stimulate the pineal gland and open you to manifestation.

A powerful extract that has been used by ancient healers for millennia due to its extraordinary benefits…

Chlorella comes from one of the most spiritually active water sources on the planet!

A sacred fruit that is like a booster of your manifestation abilities… and promotes melanin production…

Designed to harmonize the energy waves around your body.

Old World turmeric is the wonder spice that has a healing lineage dating back to 900 BC.

Burdock has been notably used for centuries in traditional medicine for its ability to help the body naturally dissipate toxins…

It helps regulate sleep and also conducts, absorbs and dissipates EMF radiation from the body.

This audio is designed to stimulate the pineal gland and help you awaken the psychic gifts that reside within you. Enhanced intuition, lucid dreaming, and much more are within your reach.

You will be mesmerized by the tranquil soundscape as you listen to positive affirmations designed to program your subconscious to eliminate your self-limiting negative beliefs.

Your order today is covered by our 365-day 100% money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results, write to us at any time during the next 365 days and we will refund every last cent.

Awaken XT contains nine powerful natural ingredients that have been perfectly combined to support a healthy pineal gland, well into old age, resisting any external threat or attack that may compromise its normal functioning.

If you had asked me this question 10 years ago, I would have said for people who are already interested in manifestation and spirituality. But now, with more and more people seeking greater meaning, purpose, and abundance in their lives, I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their manifestation powers, regardless of their spiritual background.

All ingredients within Awaken XT have been constantly tested to ensure purity and ensure they are free of toxins and contaminants.

With over 160,000 customers, we have not observed any noticeable side effects. Therefore, we can safely say that Awaken XT is one of the purest pineal gland support formulas you will find on the market.

As always, if you currently have a medical condition or are taking other prescription medication, we recommend showing a bottle of Awaken XT to your doctor before taking it, just for peace of mind.

We recommend taking two capsules a day, preferably in the morning. You can take each capsule straight or with tea, coffee, juice, or any other beverage you like. Just make sure to shake the bottle well first, so the ingredients combine into an extra-potent blend.

The more results we see, the more convinced we are that Awaken XT has the power to fully support pineal gland health and help open you up to manifestation. However, it is true that nothing works for 100% of people who try it, as every body works in its own way.

That’s why every bottle of Awaken XT comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with the results, you can return any unused product and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

It’s easy! Simply click the button below and you’ll be taken to our secure payment page. Enter your information and we’ll begin shipping Awaken XT straight to your doorstep.

For technical support on the product, please contact the supplier here

For order assistance, please contact ClickBank here

Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician about any lifestyle changes you make and discuss them with him or her. If you have questions or concerns about any medical condition you may have, please contact your physician.

The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician before using our products.

The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should conduct your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information on health topics and always review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or the product sold here.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 South Entertainment Ave, Suite 410, Boise, Idaho, 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*For international shipments (outside the United States), shipping charges will apply. Read more here.

Click here to get Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Final Divi Toolset for Divi Energy Customers (20-70% OFF)

Summer time’s heating up, and so are the gives on the Divi Market! Our annual Summer season Sale is live, and agree with me, you won’t wish to overlook this one. We’re talking about necessary monetary financial savings on top-notch web design apparatus. Believe scoring Divi Marketplace goodies at up to 70% off.

So, we’ve handpicked the best Divi apparatus to take your internet pages from superb to mind-blowing you’ll have the ability to snag at the moment. Soar in and save massive: make this summer time unforgettable with improbable gives and even cooler internet pages!

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Summer time Steals: 16 Must-Snatch Supplies

1. Divi Skilled

70% Off Far and wide The Sale

Type: Theme + Further Equipment

Divi Professional takes web design to new heights, offering apparatus that’ll make you marvel the way in which you ever managed without them. For starters, you get Divi visual builder that lets you craft unexpected internet pages with a simple drag-and-drop interface. No coding is wanted – merely herbal creativity unleashed.

Alternatively that’s just the start. Divi AI is like having a design genius at your fingertips. Desire a structure? Just a bit of content material subject matter? Are your internet pages lacking correct content material subject matter and images? Merely describe what you wish to have, and watch the magic happen with Divi AI and Fast Websites. You’ll have the ability to use it as much as you prefer all over all your duties.

What if you want to reuse multiple layouts all over multiple internet pages you design? Believe the time consumed between manually downloading and uploading the tips… yikes! Ditch that and seamlessly sync your layouts and designs all over internet pages with Divi Cloud. It’s like Dropbox to your Divi assets, most simple upper and endless!

Divi Groups is a game-changer for the workforce players to be had available in the market. It means that you can collaborate seamlessly, arrange consumer billing, and keep beef up tickets organized. Plus, you’ll have the ability to assign roles and permissions to stick everyone in their lane. Juggling multiple internet pages? Divi Sprint puts they all at your fingertips in one swish dashboard. It’s like mission keep watch over to your web empire.

Divi Dash interface

The Divi workforce already gadgets the bar peak with its beef up, on the other hand with Divi VIP (built-in in Divi Skilled), you’ll get lightning-fast responses—underneath 30 minutes, any day of the week, plus an additional 10% off and a $50 credit score ranking on Divi Marketplace. We’re virtually paying you to strengthen.

Snatch Divi Skilled in recent years and save 70%. Raise your web design game to a brand spanking new, refreshing ease and fiscal financial savings this summer time.

Get Divi Professional

2. Divi Essential

25% Off Far and wide The Sale

A screenshot of Divi Essential's Homepage

Type: Plugin

Divi Very important is the ultimate toolkit for crafting unexpected Divi internet pages. Stuffed with over 64 modules and 600+ prebuilt section blocks, it’s your shortcut to modern, dynamic designs. Desire a immediate get began? Choose between 7+ industry-specific prebuilt web pages, protective the entire thing from gardening to automotive.

Previous the prebuilt magic, Divi Essential supplies 40+ starter layouts to ignite your creativity, from corporate sublime to architectural elegance. 3 tough extensions complete the package deal deal: a Popup device to captivate visitors, a Widget Library for simple content material subject matter display, and a Library Shortcode for design efficiency.

With 60+ customizable modules, at the side of sophisticated tabs, timelines, and interactive sliders, you’ll create internet pages that stand out. Add in Lottie animations and image finds, and your website will look great and perform flawlessly.

Divi Essential Modules

Divi Essential is your ticket to building first rate internet pages quicker than ever. Get it in recent years at a 25% cut price.

Get Divi Very important

3. DonDivi Builder

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

DonDivi's promotional image

Type: Plugin

DonDivi Builder is a remarkable selection of modules meticulously crafted for the Divi theme, elevating website design and capacity to new heights. At the center of DonDivi Builder lies a more than a few set of choices, each designed to make stronger explicit sides of web building. The Content material subject matter Toggle module empowers designers to craft dynamic content material subject matter switchers, together with an interactive element to web pages.

For those on the lookout for to blow their own horns imagery with flair, the Gallery module supplies an greater enjoy, bearing in mind unexpected visual displays.

A screenshot of DonDivi's Content gallery demo

The Grid module achieves flexibility in content material subject matter affiliation, seamlessly integrating with the Visual Builder to offer versatile structure alternatives. The Hotspots module introduces an additional layer of interactivity, bearing in mind the creation of clickable areas within pictures to have interaction visitors.

The Tabs module supplies a clean and surroundings pleasant resolution to supply knowledge. Rounding out the suite is the Timeline serve as, which facilitates the creation of engaging, responsive chronological shows, best for showcasing company histories or mission progressions.

A screenshot of DonDivi's advanced tabs demo

The Nav Menu module significantly upgrades navigation, ensuring blank client opinions all over quite a lot of devices and show sizes. The Popup module lets in real-time design and customization of popup portions for those buying groceries to implement eye-catching notifications or promotional content material subject matter. Snatch DonDivi in recent years at a 20% cut price and lift your web design to the next degree.

Get DonDivi Builder

4. Divi Perfectly suited Skilled

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

A screenshot of Divi Supreme Pro's promotional header

Type: Plugin

Divi Ideally suited Professional revolutionizes website creation for Divi shoppers, offering a treasure trove of over 60 peak price modules and eight game-changing extensions. This powerhouse plugin empowers even newbie designers to craft unexpected, interactive web pages without delving into complicated code.

Divi Supreme Pro

Believe bringing your website to life with eye-catching choices identical to the Typing Have an effect on, which simulates real-time text input, or the Flipbox module, delivering interesting hover animations. For those on the lookout for a slightly of edgy design, the Glitch Text Have an effect on supplies a modern, dynamic flair to your content material subject matter.

Alternatively Divi Perfectly suited Skilled doesn’t stop at visual appeal. Its extensions pack an important punch, with apparatus like Popups for engaging overlays and the Scheduled Element serve as, allowing actual keep watch over over when content material subject matter turns out. Plus, with a library of 40+ professionally crafted layouts spanning quite a lot of industries – from e-books to consuming puts and consultancy companies – you’ll hit the ground working on any mission.

A screenshot of Divi Supreme Pro's layouts

Worried about emblem consistency? Fear not. Divi Perfectly suited Skilled puts you inside of the motive force’s seat with many customization alternatives. Tweak colors, fonts, and animations to your center’s content material subject matter, ensuring your website totally shows your unique identity.

For Divi enthusiasts buying groceries to push the boundaries of design and capacity, Divi Perfectly suited Skilled is bigger than just a plugin – it’s your secret weapon for growing undoubtedly remarkable internet pages. Get it in recent years at a whopping 20% cut price.

Get Divi Ideally suited Professional

5. Divi Pixel

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

A screenshot of Divi Pixel's home page

Type: Plugin

Divi Pixel is a robust plugin that supercharges your Divi design conceivable. It boasts over 50 modules, at the side of dynamic choices like flip boxes, before-and-after sliders, and flexible submit grids, to craft visually striking internet pages.

Divi Pixel Product Highlight

The ones modules are extraordinarily customizable, allowing you to tailor colors, animations, and layouts to fully suit your emblem.

design tab settings

Previous its core modules, Divi Pixel supplies 5 tough extensions for added capacity. Particle backgrounds, custom designed login pages, and maintenance mode settings are examples of the way in which this plugin enhances your enjoy. With over 200 design tweaks at your fingertips, from 404 pages to cell menus, navigation feels blank and intuitive.

To kickstart your mission, Divi Pixel provides 40 pre-designed layouts suitable for quite a lot of industries. Whether or not or no longer you’re a design reputable or a newbie, the ones templates offer a forged foundation. Divi Pixel undeniably expands your ingenious horizons, empowering you to build exceptional internet pages. It’s available at a 20% cut price in recent years.

Get Divi Pixel

6. Accessibility Sidebar

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Accessiblity Slider

Type: Plugin

The digital revolution has made over how we get right of entry to knowledge, on the other hand not everyone can merely navigate the online world. Many internet pages pose necessary tough eventualities for those with disabilities or explicit needs, growing barriers to finish participation in our more and more attached society.

Enter the Accessibility Sidebar – a game-changer that makes the web additional inclusive. This forefront device supplies quite a few customizable profiles designed to care for quite a lot of needs, from visual and motor impairments to cognitive disabilities and previous. Its choices are as a lot of for the reason that shoppers it serves.

For those with visual tough eventualities, the sidebar includes a show reader that brings text to life through speech. Navigation turns right into a breeze with enlarged cursors and focus rings, while finding out aids like tooltips and guides make stronger comprehension. Text customization alternatives abound, allowing shoppers to tweak fonts, sizes, and layouts to their liking.

The sidebar doesn’t stop at text. It moreover empowers shoppers to change visual portions, keep watch over color contrasts, or conceal distracting imagery. For those refined to motion, it’ll smartly even pause animations. An accessibility commentary provides immediate get right of entry to to crucial information about a website’s accommodation.

Perhaps most importantly, the Accessibility Sidebar puts keep watch over inside the client’s hands. Settings can also be fine-tuned page-by-page, ensuring a tailored enjoy across the web. It’s an outstanding toolkit that strives to make the internet additional welcoming for everyone, irrespective of talent.

This summer time, don’t go away any person stranded on the digital shore. Equip your website with an inclusive lifebuoy – get the Accessibility Slider at 20% off.

Get Accessibility Sidebar

7. Molti eCommerce

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Molti eCommerce

Type: Child Theme

Molti Ecommerce is your versatile child theme for building a stunning online presence. It nimbly theme adapts to your needs. Its fashionable design and good choices are an ideal are compatible for what you are promoting.

With over 25 pre-designed pages and the freedom to choose from ten header and ten footer sorts, you’ll have the ability to create a website that shows your emblem. Molti Ecommerce makes it a breeze to organize and arrange your online store on account of its seamless WooCommerce integration.

A screenshot of some of Molti eCommerce's layouts

Choices like an AJAX cart and a user-friendly “My Account” internet web page be certain that a blank purchaser enjoy. Molti Ecommerce’s responsive design promises that your website will look great on any device.

Briefly populate your website with the built-in demo content material subject matter importer and add an enchanting touch with shocking animations. Plus, you won’t need to spend money on peak price plugins—Molti Ecommerce uses unfastened wordpress alternatives to simplify the process.

Must you’re looking for a modern, multipurpose theme that combines style and capacity, Molti Ecommerce is the perfect way to put across your online vision to life. It’s available at a 20% cut price in recent years.

Get Molti eCommerce

8. DiviMade

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for DiviMade

Type: Structure Pack

The DiviMade Structure Pack supplies an entire selection of 1000’s of pre-styled modules, sections, and landing pages, allowing you to create visually attention-grabbing internet pages tailored to quite a lot of industries. Among the ones are 110 unexpected hero sections that can effectively clutch visitors’ attention, making them suitable for lead era, product showcasing, and galvanizing forged calls to movement.

The pack incorporates a very good selection of 1050+ pre-designed sections, protective essential website portions similar to pricing tables, testimonials, headers, footers, and additional. This wide range promises you’ll have the ability to to seek out the proper structure for any purpose while maintaining a cohesive design all over your web pages.

A screenshot of what's included in DiviMade

Some of the a very powerful standout choices is all templates’ 100% responsive design, which promises optimal viewing opinions on cell devices. This is crucial given that a significant portion of website guests comes from smartphones. This mobile-first way enhances client engagement and accessibility.

Moreover, DiviMade plays smartly with the Divi Cloud serve as, which simplifies the process of managing layouts by way of allowing you to store and get right of entry to all templates in one central location, streamlining your design workflow. You’ll have the ability to moreover expect commonplace additions of recent designs to stick your internet pages contemporary and up-to-date.

DiviMade Structure Pack equips you with the apparatus to create professional-looking internet pages effectively and effectively. Snatch it in recent years at a 20% cut price.

Get DiviMade

9. WooCommerce Layouts for Divi

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for WooCommerce Layouts or Divi

Type: Structure Pack

The Divi WooCommerce Layouts Pack is an entire toolkit designed to boost your Divi-powered online store. This collection boasts 60 products, 40 shops, 20 carts, and 20 checkout templates, providing an abundance of alternatives to tailor your WooCommerce website totally. Each structure is crafted with fashionable aesthetics, ensuring your store pieces a contemporary and engaging image.

A screenshot of WooCommerce Layouts for Divi's layouts

Flexibility is a cornerstone of this pack. Retailer layouts can also be adjusted to deal with any store dimension, making sure a continuing purchasing groceries enjoy for all customers. The responsive designs adapt flawlessly to quite a lot of devices, from smartphones to desktops. The pack incorporates trustworthy sections for 90 prebuilt sections for promotions and 3 area internet web page layouts to make stronger purchaser engagement.

No coding enjoy is had to harness the power of the ones templates. They mix with out issue with the Divi Builder, bearing in mind easy customization. Smart choices similar to superstar ratings, breadcrumbs, and a user-friendly quantity selector make stronger capacity and value. Save 20% by way of grabbing it in recent years.

Get WooCommerce Layouts for Divi

10. Divi Headers Pack

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Headers Pack

Type: Structure Pack

The Divi Headers Pack is a curated selection of pre-designed header layouts meticulously crafted for Divi. Disregard the difficulty of starting from scratch; this pack supplies a more than a few range of new, stylish headers ready to boost your website.

With over 136 unique designs, you’ll to seek out the perfect are compatible to your vision. Each header is crafted meticulously and optimized for flawless potency all over all devices, from swish minimalism to feature-rich layouts. Uncover forefront off-canvas and slide-in menu alternatives to create a actually interesting client journey.

The ones headers are also designed with the Divi Theme Builder—a few clicks are all it takes to turn out to be your website’s look.

Invest to your website’s excellent fortune. The Divi Headers Pack saves you treasured time and effort while delivering professional-quality results. Unlock your ingenious conceivable in recent years and enjoy a 20% cut price.

Get Divi Headers Pack

11. Divi Den Skilled – Structure Library

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Den

Type: Structure Pack

Divi Den Professional is a selection of structure packs boasting an unlimited library of 2,821 pre-designed portions. This arsenal incorporates 692 complete layouts, 2,130 sections and modules, and 19 full-fledged website collections. Each collection supplies unique sorts and essential pages, providing a forged foundation for quick website building.

Previous basic templates, Divi Den Skilled caters to a lot of website needs with specialized modules and sections for testimonials, buttons, bureaucracy, portfolios, and additional. Essential portions like navigation menus, 404 error pages, and coming temporarily pages are also coated.

A screenshot of some of Divi Den's layouts

The ones are stored inside the cloud and can also be effectively came upon through keyword or category-based searches. This streamlined process accelerates website building, allowing you to save lots of loads of and customize most well liked layouts within the Divi Builder.

Beef up client enjoy with customizable choices similar to mega menus and sticky bars. Very similar to collaborating within the warmth of summer time, this device makes building your online presence a breeze. It’s an indispensable device for optimizing your Divi enjoy. Snatch it in recent years at a whopping 20% cut price and make your website shine this season!

Get Divi Den Professional

12. Divi Carousel

30% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for DiviCarousel

Type: Plugin

The Divi Carousel Module supplies an outstanding toolset for growing engaging, interactive sliders within the Divi framework. This versatile plugin means that you can blow their own horns workforce members, pictures, logos, or consumer testimonials seamlessly, presenting content material subject matter that captivates and leaves a long lasting affect in your website visitors.

You’ll have the ability to select from quite a lot of sorts, from standard sliders to dynamic 3D overflows, to align at the side of your explicit ingenious vision. The module’s lazy loading serve as enhances your website’s potency, ensuring fluid scrolling and rapid load events. Its responsive design adapts seamlessly to quite a lot of show sizes, delivering a continuing enjoy all over all devices.

You’ll have the ability to moreover make stronger your image carousels with customizable overlays, filters, and actual positioning alternatives. Testimonials come alive through interactive ratings and compelling narratives, while partnerships gain a polished, first rate aesthetic with the graceful emblem carousel serve as.

With over 30 pre-designed layouts, the Divi Carousel Module unlocks exceptional ingenious conceivable and design flexibility. This plugin transcends its basic capacity, serving as an essential device for crafting visually striking and impactful web content material subject matter. Get it in recent years for 30% off.

Get Divi Carousel

13. Divi Blog Extras

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Blog Extras

Type: Plugin

Divi Weblog Extras is a potent plugin designed to boost your Divi blog’s glance and capacity. This plugin empowers you to craft interesting blog archive pages without coding enjoy. Ten foundational blog layouts, at the side of Box Extended, Grid Extended, Masonry, and Slider, are available, each offering a spectrum of variations to suit your unique design vision.

A screenshot of Divi Blog Extras' Box Extended example

The Slider structure pieces your posts in an enchanting, dynamic carousel. You’ll have the ability to keep watch over the collection of posts in keeping with slide and tailor pagination sorts to make stronger client enjoy. A category clear out bar is built-in to streamline navigation, allowing visitors to find content material subject matter according to explicit interests with out issue.

Customization is a cornerstone of Divi Blog Extras. You’ll have the ability to manually refine submit excerpts, style pagination to match your aesthetic, and selectively display or conceal posts according to quite a lot of requirements. Additionally, the plugin’s versatility is helping quite a few content material subject matter, encompassing standard posts, custom designed submit types, and taxonomies. If truth be told, over 50 pprebuiltblog internet web page layouts are available for quick import to expedite the design process.

Moreover, Divi Blog Extras turns out to be useful for those who goal to create a visually striking and user-friendly blog with Divi. It has earned the agree with of developers and website householders alike, proving to be a most well liked variety for those on the lookout for to make stronger their blog’s affect. Save an extra 20% in recent years on this helpful toolkit.

Get Divi Weblog Extras

14. Mint

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Mint

Type: Child Theme

Mint is a refreshing Divi child theme that is best for modern firms. It’s best possible for firms, experts, designers, and marketers who wish to assemble a forged online presence without the fuss.

With a streamlined selection of over 13 pre-designed pages and 20 sections, Mint makes website creation a breeze. From essential homepages and about sections to first rate service showcases, portfolios, and get in touch with pages, you’ll have the entire thing you wish to have to build a visually attention-grabbing and environment friendly website.

A screenshot of Mint's page designs

Additionally, Mint is designed to look great and function seamlessly on any device, from desktops to smartphones. Its collapsing cell menu promises easy navigation to your visitors on cell.

Give your website a cool, contemporary look this summer time with Mint. Its clean, fashionable design is the perfect approach to make a long lasting affect. Don’t let this offer wilt away – grasp Mint now at a cut price of 20%.

Get Mint

15. Divi Form Builder

50% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Form Builder

Type: Plugin

Divi Shape Builder is a versatile device that is seamlessly integrated with the Divi Builder. It empowers you to craft a more than a few range of bureaucracy without the need for coding enjoy. The plugin supplies exceptional flexibility, from simple contact bureaucracy to intricate constructions like frontend submit creation and Complicated Custom designed Fields (ACF) integration.

Its standout serve as, Form AI, leverages OpenAI’s GPT API to introduce an interactive measurement to your bureaucracy, a pioneering way inside the Divi form plugin landscape. This forefront element transforms static bureaucracy into dynamic engagements.

Previous this, essential apparatus like multistep bureaucracy and radio pictures make stronger client enjoy and visual appeal. Multistep bureaucracy streamline complicated processes into manageable ranges, while radio pictures introduce a visual element to possible choices.

A screenshot of Divi Form Builder's features

The plugin’s purposes moreover extend to content material subject matter keep watch over. Specifically, it means that you can create posts, products for WooCommerce, and custom designed submit types right away from your website, thus bypassing the wordpress dashboard totally. Additionally, you’ll have the ability to design unique registration and login opinions by way of customizing layouts and seamlessly integrating ACF fields.

Given its in depth customization alternatives and intuitive interface, Divi Form Builder is undoubtedly a valuable asset for any person on the lookout for to boost their website’s form capacity. As a result of this, it’s a chance you won’t wish to overlook. Why not snag it in recent years at a 50% cut price?

Get Divi Shape Builder

16. Divi Cart Skilled

20% Off Far and wide The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Cart Pro

Type: Child Theme

Divi Cart Professional is a child theme designed specifically for WooCommerce shoppers of Divi on the lookout for to boost their online shops. It comes supplied with a suite of native modules – Mini Cart, Custom designed Retailer Module, Products Carousel, and Categories – eliminating the need for external plugins.

The Mini Cart module supplies a streamlined purchasing groceries journey. It allows your customers to view and arrange their purchases with out issue from the header.

With the Custom designed Retailer Module, you’ll have the ability to precisely architect your retailer’s structure, experimenting with quite a lot of configurations like column spacing and immediate product overviews. The Products Carousel module transforms product showcases into dynamic and tasty opinions through interactive sliders boasting multiple design alternatives. The Categories module provides an elegant framework for organizing and presenting product collections.

Divi Cart Skilled moreover delivers a selection of ten pre-designed homepage layouts, empowering you to establish a visually striking online store hastily. The child theme boasts delicate cart and checkout internet web page templates, ten distinctive product internet web page layouts, and twenty versatile section layouts designed to captivate your target audience.

You’ll to seek out 5 customizable header and footer layouts, along side 5 blog internet web page and submit templates to make stronger your content material subject matter methodology. The to hand one-click content material subject matter import serve as makes putting in place your store a breeze. Divi Cart Skilled is engineered with potency and responsiveness in mind, ensuring your online store prospers all over a lot of devices.

Backed by way of consistent updates, trustworthy beef up, and a 20% cut price in recent years, this child theme is a devoted best possible good friend for amateur and professional shoppers aiming to create a compelling eCommerce presence.

Get Divi Cart Professional

Snatch The Provides While You However Can!

Whether or not or no longer you wish to have to spruce up your website or add exciting new choices, now’s the perfect choice. The ones unbelievable gives are too superb to overlook. Proper right here’s a to hand information a coarse review to lend a hand making a decision discover ways to strengthen your Divi website cost effectively:

The ones aren’t the only alternatives available. Head to our marketplace now to snag additional limited-time supplies previous than they disappear!

Pass to Divi Market

The submit The Final Divi Toolset for Divi Energy Customers (20-70% OFF) appeared first on Chic Topics Weblog.

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Cardiovascular shield

Product Name: Cardiovascular shield

Click here to get Cardiovascular shield

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Cardiovascular shield

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


6 Simple Tricks Anyone Can Use to Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

I am a husband, father, and proud grandfather of an amazing 12-year-old granddaughter.

Although I am not a doctor, nor a scientist, nor even a nutritionist.

I’m just a regular guy, who even after exercising regularly and eating right, was still passionate about learning how to maintain healthy blood pressure.

Honestly, NONE of the so-called experts could help me, so I took matters into my own hands.

I read every study I could get my hands on, talked to all the top experts I could find, studied how the heart and circulatory system work, and found some simple yet incredibly effective tips that I want to share with you today.

Here are 6 research-backed ways to promote healthy blood flow and healthy blood pressure levels, in record time.

Exercise daily: Exercise is one of the best things you can do to maintain healthy blood pressure. Regular exercise helps strengthen your heart and pump blood more efficiently, which helps maintain healthy blood pressure in your arteries.1

Eat more potassium-rich foods: Potassium is an important mineral that helps the body eliminate sodium and relieves pressure on blood vessels.2 The problem is that most of the foods we eat are low in potassium but high in sodium.3 To achieve a better balance of potassium and sodium in your diet, focus on eating whole foods and avoid processed foods.

Learn to manage stress: Stress can negatively affect healthy blood pressure levels. And people who are chronically stressed often have trouble maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Working too much and regularly experiencing stressful situations are linked to difficulty maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.4

Cut back on added sugar and refined carbohydrates: Research shows that eating too many carbohydrates or too much sugar is linked to difficulty maintaining healthy blood pressure.5 Another study found that drinking one less sugary drink per day was linked to more easily maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.6

Eat berries: Berries are packed with something called polyphenols, which are natural plant compounds that are good for your heart and blood vessels and help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. 7

Supplement your diet with proven ingredients that support healthy blood flow.

After much trial and error, I discovered a powerful formula consisting of premium natural ingredients such as hawthorn leaves, olive leaf extract, green tea extract, garlic and many others.

So, I partnered with Apollo Research, a supplement company based here in the US.

And together we have produced this formula so that ANYONE can use it.

It’s called: Cardio Shield

Each ingredient in this formula works synergistically to give you amazing results, fast.

But since these ingredients are rare and not easy to obtain…

But for me it’s not a question of money.

As a grandfather who wants to spend many more years of healthy life with his granddaughter, I wanted to help other people who feel the same way.

Because you’re reading this right now, I know you’re committed to supporting healthy blood pressure.

So if you act today you can get a bottle of this life-changing formula…

But this is just the beginning…

The longer you take Cardio Shield, the better your results will be.

In fact, it typically takes between 60 and 90 days to see optimal results, to ensure you optimize your blood pressure and keep it there.

That’s why I personally recommend taking it for at least 180 days.

What is the 6 bottle option…?

So you can stock up and rest easy knowing you won’t run out when you start seeing amazing, life-changing results.

I am absolutely confident that Cardio Shield will change your life, helping you maintain healthy blood pressure and good blood flow.

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I’m not going to promise these results just…

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A 180-day, no-questions-asked money back guarantee

That’s right. You can try Cardio Shield for 180 days.

And if for any reason you are not absolutely impressed with the results…

Then I’ll give you every penny back, no questions asked.

So when you’re ready to start monitoring your blood pressure…

Go ahead and choose your money saving package below.

You will be taken to a secure payment page…

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Your Cardio Shield order will be shipped and arrive at your home within 5 business days.

So please don’t hesitate…

Simply click the button below to get your selected package… and begin the most exciting journey of your life!

Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been sent to us by users of Apollo Research Ltd products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, under the age of 18, or have or suspect you may have a medical condition. Consult your physician before using these or any other dietary supplements. Keep out of reach of children or pets.

*See full disclaimer

+For maximum results, combine CardioShield with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

We are confident that you will love CardioShield, but if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, please keep the opened bottles. Then, for a refund, you must return any unopened bottles (including any “extra” or “free” bottles that are part of your order) to our distribution center within 180 days from the date you originally ordered the product. Any missing or used bottles that were not returned, for which you may request a refund, must match the time the product was used. Each bottle is a 1 month supply, please keep this in mind.

If you do not clearly indicate your order details so our fulfillment staff can clearly read and assign your return, we will not be able to refund your money. Return shipping is the customer’s responsibility. Once our fulfillment center has received the package and passed on the correct information to us, a refund will be issued to you. The refund will be credited back to your bank account and may take 3-7 business days to appear on your statement, depending on the speed of the bank’s processing.

Please contact our Customer Care team for more information and detailed return instructions at [email protected]. Special offers are not valid on prior purchases and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

© 2022 GetCardioShield.Com

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is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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SLIMCRYSTAL – The world’s only slimming glass water bottles!

Product Name: SLIMCRYSTAL – The world’s only slimming glass water bottles!

Click here to get SLIMCRYSTAL – The world’s only slimming glass water bottles!

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

SLIMCRYSTAL – The world’s only slimming glass water bottles!

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Drinking 2-3 liters of water from our SLIMCRYSTAL bottles every day is a great way to support healthy weight loss, maintain healthy digestion and high energy levels, and can support your long-term health and youthfulness, among many other benefits.

The unique combination of crystals is so powerful that it has been used for decades by crystal healing experts to help thousands of men and women change their lives for the better, and now it’s your turn to try it.

Order your SLIMCRYSTAL bottle TODAY!

Each of our SLIMCRYSTAL bottles contains 9 types of natural crystals inside. Experts claim that they can provide incredible health benefits to the human body.

And when you start drinking water that has been revitalized with SLIMCRYSTAL’s powerful combination of natural crystals, your body reaps these benefits.

All of our customers say that drinking water from our bottles helped them lose weight naturally and become happier, and that’s why they love them so much!

“After my second pregnancy, due to a very stressful job, I gained 24 pounds…

I had so little energy that it took me more than 30 minutes to get out of bed every morning…

I also felt tired all day, with no energy for my children.

So I decided to start working with the healing energy of crystals to keep stress under control and increase my energy level, and that’s how I found SlimCrystal bottles.

After just a few months of drinking water from my SlimCrystal bottle, I feel like my life has completely changed.

I am able to handle stress much better and have regained my energy as I am bursting with energy all day long!

It took me just 3 and a half months to shed all the excess weight I gained over the past 2 years, and I’m back to a size 8!

I recently turned 43, but I feel young again!

Thank you SlimCrystal for giving me back my youthful energy and my old body!

Jenna Michaels, Miami, Florida

“In December last year, although my last check-up came back fine, I started to worry about my blood sugar level as both my mom and dad have diabetes.

So, since I’m close to entering menopause and needed to lose about 30 pounds, I decided to make some lifestyle changes.

I was very lucky that my cousin, who is a cardiologist, bought me a bottle of SlimCrystal as a Christmas gift.

So I started drinking only water from there…

And soon I felt how I started to have the same energy that I had when I was in high school.

Because I had so much energy, I started taking long walks in the park and paying more attention to what I ate.

My nighttime cravings disappeared and I started sleeping better and losing weight naturally!

I’ve already lost 15 kilos, my blood sugar level is back to normal and I just got a raise! I’m so happy!

Thank you SlimCrystal for helping me make the change I needed for a long time!

“When my husband passed away 2 years ago, after 52 years of marriage… at first, I didn’t even care to continue…

But my youngest daughter asked me to move in with her… So I decided to sell our old house and move in with her and her 5 wonderful children.

As soon as I moved in, I realized I needed to get my health and energy back as I was exhausted just trying to keep up with them…

That’s when I heard about SlimCrystal bottles and bought one…

Immediately after I started drinking water from this beautiful bottle, I noticed a huge increase in my energy level!

That was 20 months ago and my life has completely changed since then, because now, not only am I 100% healthy, I also have the energy and stamina I had when I was young!

I help my daughter with her needs, including cooking for her family, housework, and taking care of my grandchildren.

I’ll be turning 80 in December and my grandchildren call me “super grandma.”

I strongly feel that I will live to be 100 and will be able to see all my grandchildren settle into their own homes.

Thank you SlimCrystal for helping me experience such an energetic lifestyle!

Janice W., Louisville, Kentucky

“After a knee injury I suffered in high school, I gained about 60 pounds.

And no matter what diet I followed or what workouts I did, I couldn’t get rid of them…

I didn’t feel completely comfortable with my body and felt miserable every time I looked in the mirror.

But what worried me most was the fact that because of my weight…

I couldn’t get pregnant…

And I was afraid my boyfriend would leave me because he desperately wanted to have children.

But my life changed when my new manicurist told me about SLIMCRYSTAL bottles.

And by just wearing one every day, I lost 54 pounds and got down to a size 8.

I soon found out I was pregnant and my boyfriend proposed to me and we got married.

To this day, I still use my bottle of Slimcrystal every day and thanks to it, I don’t have to worry about gaining weight! “

Samantha McGinn, Saratoga, California

I’m so confident that you’ll love our bottles that I’m prepared to back up your investment with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the next 60 days.

Start using our bottles when you receive them at home, in just a few days. Drinking water from SLIMCRYSTAL bottles will make your weight loss journey much easier and more enjoyable. Your order is completely safe, encrypted and protected. It is also covered by a solid 60-day guarantee.

If at any time during the next 2 months after your order, you are not satisfied with your results, please contact us using the links at the bottom of this page and we will refund your order.

This is an advertisement and not a news article, blog or consumer protection update. Copyright 2021

For product support, please contact the supplier HERE.

For assistance with your orders, please contact ClickBank HERE.

If you would like to contact us, please feel free to do so via email HERE and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

*It is important to know that results are not typical and your results may vary greatly and are not guaranteed. Individual results may vary and testimonials are not intended to represent typical results. All testimonials are from real women and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each person has unique experiences, exercise habits, eating habits, and applies information in a different way. Therefore, the experiences we share from other people may not reflect the typical user’s experience. However, these results are intended as a sample of what the best and most motivated customers have achieved. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician before using our products. Every customer can receive a full refund within 30 days if they return our product to our warehouse within 30 days from the date of purchase. For more details, please read our Refund Policy HERE.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis only. You should do your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information regarding health issues and always review information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols or products presented on this website and/or the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice through this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or as a guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product. All content on this website is based on information that has been found on the Internet and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the FTC. Clickbank is in no way responsible for any statements on our website. All names used in testimonials and content on our website are pseudonyms. Crystal healing should be used with the understanding that it is part of a holistic treatment plan. It is not intended to replace standard medical or psychological treatment, but rather to accompany and work alongside it. The information contained herein is metaphysical in nature and is not intended to cure or heal. While these tests have been conducted under certified conditions, the results have varied. Sometimes even the pH value has remained unchanged. This is due to the fact that no two gems are the same. Applying scientific measures to natural products almost necessarily leads to variable results.

DISCLAIMER: By reading the content on this website, you assume all risks associated with the use of the advice provided, with the full understanding that you, alone, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into practice in any manner, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company or Clickbank cannot be held liable in any way for your use of the information or products recommended on our website. It is your responsibility to perform your own due diligence regarding your health and well-being if you intend to apply any of our information or use the products recommended here. In short, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding your health or well-being as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action you take on your part as a result of any information provided. Furthermore, for all purposes, you agree that our content should be considered “for entertainment purposes only.” Always seek the advice of a professional when making any type of decisions….

Refund Policy Shipping Policy

Click here to get SLIMCRYSTAL – The world’s only slimming glass water bottles!

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

SLIMCRYSTAL – The world’s only slimming glass water bottles!

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Divi Summer Sale Starts Now!

The Divi Summer Sale is live! Act now to get huge financial savings on Divi, Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi Groups, Divi VIP, Divi Market Bundles and more.

In addition, Divi Market provides a huge number of additional gifts. Power your Divi workflow with all the very good products available and assemble amazing Divi websites faster and easier than ever before.

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There’s no better time to join the Divi team and ecosystem than now.

For all those who are in favor of Divi, we thought it would be a good idea to explain the incredible value of Divi.

Most of that wordpress is free, right? That’s true, but then the price can skyrocket when you add in the cost of the themes and plugins needed to create what you want. Sure, you’ll come across other better themes and beauty plugins, but then it will smartly set you back more than $1,000. And in many cases, that’s the annual value. Not to mention that even the compatibility between your essential tools can be a major headache.

With Divi, you get a complete web content editing theme along with pre-built starter web pages, AI website builder capabilities, over 200 web design elements, over 2,600 professionally designed internet web page layouts, A/B divorce testing, email opt-in, bureaucracy, dynamic content material, locale, dynamic color control device, and a variety of additional choices changing dozens of disconnected plugins. Excited about the low value of $70 in line with three hundred and sixty five days or $199 for a complete lifestyle subscription, you will need to act now. That is a really deep financial savings of 20% on our already super low standard value. Now, that is an incredible deal! And it is supreme the highest part of the iceberg regarding this sale.

Here is a complete list of all the amazing deals we have on offer during these 365 days of summer sales:

  • 20% OFF on every Divi earning
  • 20% OFF Every Divi Strengthen
  • 40% OFF Every Divi VIP Earnings
  • 60% OFF Every Divi AI earnings
  • 40% OFF Every Divi Cloud earnings
  • 40% OFF Every Divi Team Earnings
  • 50% OFF on all Divi Marketplace packages
  • Up to 80% OFF Divi Marketplace products specific to each person

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Get Divi with 20% off

Divi is more than just a wordpress theme. It is a website building framework loaded with difficult capabilities and impressive design options. It allows someone to create stunning and beautiful websites without writing a single line of code. Divi replaces the default wordpress editor with a much more difficult and intuitive visual builder, along with quite a few other plugins and probably expensive services and products that could quickly end up costing a lot, if not a lot, of dollars per year!

During our summer sale, we are offering an incredible discount on every Divi subscription. This offer extends to our offer members, who can save a lot on a lifetime upgrade or subscription renewal.

Get Divi

Get Divi AI with 60% off

Divi AI is your personal AI assistant for setting up wordpress websites. Integrated right into the Divi builder, Divi AI can generate entire websites in less than 2 minutes, generate web page and section layouts, write high-quality content, customize your web page using custom code, and generate stunning videos on the fly as you assemble your web content. It’s like having a professional writer, a professional web developer, and a digital artist at your fingertips.

With Divi AI, generating entire websites is just a click away. Divi AI understands and learns from your web page to deliver amazingly comparable and on-brand results. Whether you are struggling with writer’s block, want a new image, or want to assemble a popup using custom CSS, HTML, and JS, Divi AI has you covered. It would do all of this and more from the Divi Builder. It would refine and support the delivery of text, footage, and code snippets.

Discover the benefits of countless requests for web pages, structures, texts, images and codes, which allow you to further focus your attention on other important aspects of your business.

We’re offering an exclusive discount on Divi AI and more during our Summer Sale.

Get Divi AI

Get Divi Cloud for 40% off

Divi Cloud is like Dropbox, iCloud, or One Energy on your Divi website. This positively integrated cloud storage device is useful for Divi freelancers, businesses, or someone setting up a few Divi web pages. By saving items to your Divi Cloud from the Divi Library approach, you will be entitled to use all the products saved from any Divi organization you are logged into. It is a quick time saver that can pay for itself when you use it!

We are offering the biggest discount on Divi Cloud ever during our Summer Sale.

Get Divi Cloud

Get Divi Teams for 40% off

Divi Groups allows buyers to collaborate effectively with their colleagues and clients. Now you can add new workforce members to deliver Elegant Problems, which is a mere fraction of the cost of a separate subscription. Each workforce member will inherit all the benefits of the parent account, with the owner ready to assign roles and permissions. Now, the entire workforce can get the right to use the same cloud storage. Your designers can simply get the right to use Divi, developers can build new websites and generate API keys, your accountant can get the right to use invoicing, and anyone who needs to contact them can make it stronger. You are even ready to create buyer roles with custom permissions.

During our Summer Sale we offer the biggest discounts on Divi teams and all Divi products.

Get Divi Groups

Get Divi VIP with 40% discount

A Divi subscription already includes an incredible boostthat’s why we have over 20,000 5-star reviews on Trustpilot. Because boosting is the most important thing for our customers’ right fortune, we decided to go above and beyond. With Divi VIP, you get lightning-fast boosting. All boost queries are repeated within 30 minutes, usually even fasterIt’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Get Divi VIP

Save 50% on Divi Marketplace Exclusive Packages

With Divi Market, we ensure that products meet the unified building and testing needs, so they work as intended. This gives our customers the best of both worlds: creative, hobbyist product space from large open source communities, and the usual that comes with careful oversight.

Additionally, we bundle together the most productive and popular Divi themes, extensions and layouts for optimal cost savings.

Switch to Divi Market

Get 50% off Divi Marketplace Premium Packages

The Divi Marketplace is where the Divi team showcases their design and building talents. There are many great third-party Divi extensions, layouts, and child themes, all of which have been put through rigorous, long-term testing to ensure the highest quality. This promises that you get the most from our team, with everything working seamlessly together and with Divi.

We are constantly looking for ways to support our possible choices. This time, we have curated quite a few of our supreme third-party modules, layouts, and outlines into 3 large product bundles and marked them down at 50% off.

Get 50% off Divi Summer Sale Module Booster Package

Add over 250 new Divi modules to your toolkit for a fraction of the price you would pay any other time in the three hundred and sixty five days. We have packaged 7 of the best-selling module collections from the Divi Marketplace into our Summer time Sale Module Bundle. This bundle is a one-time offer, available in all locations where our Summer time Sale is running. As soon as the sale ends, this bundle will no longer be available. Don’t miss out on your chance to support your wordpress arsenal, save a ton of money, and increase your Divi website building talents and pace by purchasing the Divi Summer time Sale Module Bundle!

Get the package

Get 50% off Divi Summer Sale Structure Booster Package

The Divi Crucial Layout Bundle is right here… but only for a limited time. While you’re running out of inspiration, this bundle will get you out of the way ASAP. We’ve bundled together over 18,500 pre-made designs just for you. You can look forward to getting web page layouts, product layouts, blog templates, header templates, footer templates, and so much more, all at 50% off! Grab this incredible bundle before the timer runs out. The Summer Sale is the ONLY time you can get 16 of the best-selling and most requested builder packs from the Divi Marketplace. Save time for your next three hundred and sixty-five business days by grabbing this deal!

Get the package

Get 50% off Divi Summer Sale Function Booster Package

This is the ultimate bundle for those who want to push Divi’s depth capabilities even further. Each product in this bundle extends Divi’s standard choices and enhances your website creation options. You’ll get products to create contact bureaucracies, mega menus, tabs, and more! Don’t miss out on this bundle. Head to the sale now to get 50% off 13 of the most popular products in the Divi Marketplace. It’s a supreme annual selection available at all Summer Sale locations.

Get the package

Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this fantastic offer!

We have never had a sale like this. If there is one sale in these three hundred and sixty five days that you want to keep in mind to grab, it is this one! The more products you buy, the better your deal becomes, so visit our sale using the button below!

Take me to the sale

The post Divi Summer Sale Starts Now! appeared first on Chic Issues Weblog.

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Dory Plans | Build your Dory boat with our wooden boat building plans

Product Name: Dory Plans | Build your Dory boat with our wooden boat building plans

Click here to get Dory Plans | Build your Dory boat with our wooden boat building plans

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Dory Plans | Build your Dory boat with our wooden boat building plans

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


(Make sure the sound is on while the video is loading)

Imagine yourself sitting in your boat… the one YOU built from scratch…

With the sun shining on you… The water silently splashing against the hull of YOUR boat!

We live in a very fast-paced world these days, don’t we?

Stay with me for a few minutes, I will show you how to regain that feeling of satisfaction and peace that only comes from creating something with your own hands…

Wilbert wants to teach you how to build a wooden boat

And he’s one of the most qualified people anywhere in the world to do it!

You see, Wilbert is a master carpenter who knows his way around wooden boats. In fact, he has an incredible 72 years of experience in building wooden boats.

Here’s How This Instantly Benefits You

I want to teach people how to build wooden Dory boats and make it so easy that ANYONE can build a Dory boat using my plans.

Well, you have a BA in English and a Masters in Business and I’ve built more wooden boats than anyone else I know… and I can teach anyone how to do it if you write it down.

I am absolutely confident that I can teach anyone how to build a boat, even if they can’t tell a hammer from a hole in the ground!

…And you’ll take digital photographs of everything, from start to finish, so that anyone can build a boat from photographs alone.”

“I want the images to be so detailed that even if we didn’t say a word, anyone could build a boat just by following them.”

That’s Wilbert for you… No half measures.

Wilbert built a 16-foot Dory boat from start to finish (he built 54 of them himself over an 8-year period), but this time he wrote down everything he did…and I mean everything.

So there would be no guesswork

You benefit from his 72 years of effort.

When we finished, he handed me all his notes (237 pages of material) and said, “Here, go correct my bad grammar and make plans from there.”

And that’s exactly what I did…

I could hear Wilbert’s voice saying

“These dory plans have to be so easy to follow that an absolute beginner could build a professional quality dory in 2 or 3 weeks.”

“Fraser, the boat plans also have to be challenging enough that an experienced builder would be really drawn to following them. It has to be a fun project for everyone.”

So after 2 months of editing and compiling, I finally presented the “finished” dory plan book to Wilbert, who sat down in a quiet place and looked it over (he later told me he did this 8 times before finishing).

These dory plans are good, but not as good as they should be. I have highlighted what needs to be corrected

In total, we did 36 rewrites of Dory’s “finished” plans.

Each rewrite contained between 12 and 24 revisions.

One hot, humid August day (where I’m from, hot, humid days only happen in August!) I finally got their approval.

And when Wilbert says, “These boat plans are perfect,” you better believe him.

Image is for display purposes only. Our Dory plans now come as an instant digital download. No need to wait for a product to ship.

Image is for display purposes only. Our Dory plans now come as an instant digital download. No need to wait for a product to ship.

Building your own Dory boat will bring you happiness and inner satisfaction that you can’t get anywhere else.

Humans are creative animals. We weren’t put on this earth to sit at a desk. We weren’t put here to type on a computer all day or to sit stuck in traffic.

We were put here to create, to build, to do something with our hands.

Look around you. The happiest people are those who use their hands to build something. To create something out of nothing. Wilbert is the happiest person and the most satisfied man I have ever met. His peace comes from craftsmanship. He builds something tangible out of nothing, just a pile of wood.

You can get the same inner satisfaction. Feel the same satisfaction when you wake up every morning, knowing that you are building a boat with your own hands.

Your dream of building and owning your own wooden Dory boat is now a reality.

Imagine the satisfaction you’ll get from building your own dory boats. Anyone can do it by following our easy-to-follow Banker Dory plans. After all, it’s based on 72 years of experience building wooden dory boats and has withstood the trials and tribulations of 3 months and 36 rewrites, including nearly 800 edits.

Proof? I thought you’d never ask me!

What kind of Dory boat will I build?

Your finished dory will look something like this:

This is the Dory boat you will be building with your new Dory plans. I know this because it is the one I built using these plans.

These Dory plans are so good, so complete and so easy to follow that I can’t stop telling everyone about them…

Anyone with the ability to use a hand and power tool, and who can follow simple instructions, can build their own Banker Dory boat.

If you can’t keep your word, you’re worthless.

Here’s what some of our past clients have to say:

Fraser, although I haven’t started my Dory yet (it will be an early spring project)

I have printed out the plans and looked at them carefully. I was very impressed with the plans combined with the digital photos. They show every step of the process and I know they will help me avoid pitfalls during the project. I have already purchased an 8 HP Mariner and will be building the dory version to power it. Thanks again and I will send photos when it is finished.


Well, I downloaded the plans and they look great. Today I took the plans to a friend who is good at woodworking and we went over them. I love the plans.

There is absolutely no comparison between us and the competition.

Our Dory boat plans give you

You can clearly see the difference we offer you.

You will line your boat with wood the old fashioned way.

And you will do it with our help step by step.

See a sample taken directly from the plans:

See a sample taken directly from the plans:

What building materials will I use?

We used white pine for the base and planks and oak for the log and beams. We have access to both materials, so we used them. However, you can substitute them with other building materials that you have access to. Let me explain…

Our general rule is to use hardwood for the beams and stem; some good ones are oak, birch, maple, and juniper.

You can use a softer wood for the decking and base, such as pine, cedar, red fir, or spruce (with the exception of Douglas fir). You can even use marine plywood if you prefer. We prefer pine decking, so that’s what we use.

Make this a family project

The world we live in today can be tough, right?

Especially for our children. They have many options to spend their time and not all of them are good. There can be a lot of negative distractions for them.

Why not challenge them to build a boat with you? Nothing brings people together more than the teamwork required to create something with your own hands. And nothing will give them more pride and satisfaction than building this wooden boat.

This project will have such a positive impact on everyone involved that it may literally change your entire outlook.

Unlimited customer service

Nowadays, you can buy almost anything online, but what you don’t get is good customer service.

You will get unlimited customer support before, during and after your purchase. I don’t care what your question is or if you just want to chat about boats… You can email me anytime before you buy our plans, during your purchase or for the rest of your life.

In fact, if I can’t answer your questions about building your wooden boat, I’ll give you Wilbert’s home phone number. He’s a master builder with over 72 years of building experience, and a very nice guy to boot. If he can’t answer your question, no one can… And he’ll be available to you 24 hours a day for as long as you need him.

Try getting that level of customer service anywhere else!

So Fraser, what about the price?

Wilbert no longer builds or teaches, and Little Bay Islands went through a resettlement program a few years ago, so training is no longer an option.

But don’t worry: we ask for less than 1% of that price for exactly the same knowledge.

Let’s look at it another way…

Please note that these dory plans are based on Wilbert’s 72 years of experience building dory boats.

Remember also that they came about because of your desire to teach people like you how to build a professional quality wooden boat.

You can get your copy of our guaranteed wooden boat plans for as little as…

You must act now to get these plans, but take your time to decide whether or not you want to keep our plans once you get them…

Try them first and then decide!

In fact, use them for a full 60 days before you decide to keep them.

60-Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee!

Download my plans, take a close look at what I offer and BEFORE you spend a single cent on building materials, decide if our plans are right for you.

If you’re not completely satisfied with the value of these step-by-step plans, simply ask for a refund… and get it.

We want you to feel completely comfortable with our product before spending a dime on materials.

We know that our plans are the best on the market today and that you will be more than satisfied. We guarantee it with our 60-day money back guarantee!

An order here is simply an opportunity for our Dory plans to be sold to you. There is no sale, no obligation to keep them until you have used them in your shop for a full 60 days and are satisfied.

Let them show you how thorough and foolproof they are!

Don’t miss your chance to try out your Dory plans in our workshop for a full 60 days with no obligation!

You can get your copy of our guaranteed wooden boat plans for as little as…

Imagine yourself sitting in your boat… the one YOU built from scratch…

With the sun shining on you… The water silently splashing against the hull of YOUR boat!




Copyright 2024 all rights reserved.

Click here to get Dory Plans | Build your Dory boat with our wooden boat building plans

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Dory Plans | Build your Dory boat with our wooden boat building plans

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method

Product Name: 14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method

Click here to get 14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


49 y/o Erin Nielsen – Health Coach, Physical Therapist,
and Author of The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox.

  …With Results in Just One day As It Melts Away 1 Pound Of Belly Fat In The First 24 Hours

Do you think wrinkled skin and belly fat are a normal part of aging?

If so, you’ve been lied to.

…And you’re not alone, because 87 % of people believe that myth.

I’m in my 40’s and I used to believe that too.

Did you know that EVERYONE carries “good genes” and “bad genes” in their DNA?

And if you’ve ever struggled to lose even just a few pounds or bought countless creams to try to look younger…

But NOTHING ever works…

You’re probably suffering from a hidden chemical build-up inside your body that that turns ON your BAD Genes and makes it virtually impossible to lose belly fat and have a youthful lean body…

And it gets worse once you reach 35.

Your body packs on belly fat and rapidly accelerates aging and wrinkles.

The first thing you need to know is that your failed weight-loss attempts in the past are NOT YOUR FAULT. Almost everything you’ve been told by the media and big food companies in order to look younger and lose belly fat is a misleading lie.

Have you noticed: the more you diet – the worse you feel, the older you look, and the more you pile on belly fat?

The reasons you have failed before are because will power and counting calories don’t help – you can’t sustain those stringent rules for the long term…

It’s too difficult and produces more hidden inflammation inside your body that turns ON your Bad Genes.

So the ONLY reason you don’t have the lean youthful body you desire, is because everything you tried before actually turns ON your bad genes – and you were never told about this working AGAINST your body and forcing it to store fat and age you faster…

Starvation diets and cover ups like the one revealed in this article in the New York Times – “How the sugar industry shifted blame to fat,” are the the very things that Turn ON Your Bad Genes to pile on belly fat and age you faster.

The article revealed that SUGAR promoters paid researchers in the 1960s to downplay the dangers of sugar.

As a result, it  played a key role in vilifying fat and glamorizing sugar – adding to the epidemic of hidden inflammation that turns ON your bad genes making it impossible to have the tight toned belly and youthful lean body you desire…

So after decades of being taught starvation dieting and being led astray by the media, we have more inflammation, more fat around our belly, and feel and look older than we’ve ever been.

You’re about to discover a brand new “Genetic Reset Secret” to STOP the INFLAMMATION that’s turning ON your bad genes – helping women like you Visibly SEE the youthful lean body and tight flat belly you want in a way that is all natural and FASTER than you thought possible.

With This Genetic Reset Secret You Can FINALLY Turn OFF Your Bad Genes and Turn ON your Your Good Genes to restore a more youthful lean body and tight flat belly …

And the only way to use this Genetic Reset Secret is to Reactivate a simple yet unique Youth Method Switch  that I’m going to share with you today…

When it comes to the genes you’re born with, you CAN CHANGE which ones control your health if you understand how to work with them.

And believe me – This Youth Method Switch helps ANYONE see a tight belly and turn back the clock 10 years at ANY age – EVEN IF:

Foods like Package and Processed foods that are filled with unhealthy carbs and hidden sugars in the form of energy bars, whole wheat bread and many so called  “diet foods”.

The first thing you need to understand is that it is not your fault you’re eating these foods.  You have been misled for years about what foods are healthy and….

Your brain is programmed to crave sugar.

And Sugar addiction is very real…

According to brain scans,
Sugar is as addictive as cocaine.

So why is sugar so bad for you?

It’s about what sugar does internally to the cells of your body, it turns ON you bad genes on and good genes off – causing disease and accelerated aging of your skin, joints and organs.

Here the biggest reason that hidden sugar is aging you faster…

Excess blood sugar in your body causes Glycation inside your cells, it literally damages each cell causing widespread inflammation that turns off your good genes. And when you turn ON your bad genes you:

If you still believe you have to eat less to lose fat you have been lied to.

Will power and counting calories, carbs or fat doesn’t help – you can’t sustain those stringent rules for the long term…It’s not realistic…

Eating too little causes your body stress and stress increases inflammation in your body that turns ON your BAD genes.

That’s why over 90% of diets fail…

Your body needs to be fueled with food or it thinks it’s starving and will hold onto belly fat no matter how little you eat.

Any pounds shed during a liquid cleanse are mostly water weight, and will likely be gained back once you start eating normal again.

Most juice fasts don’t have any protein at all and you need a daily supply of protein to fuel your body and muscles…

Even worse, most people will have side effects like headaches, fatigue, moodiness, and stomach pain.

This causes extreme stress to your body that increases inflammation and turns ON your bad genes.

They turn ON your BAD genes that results in belly fat, wrinkles, and energy slumps – they age you faster…

And that’s exactly why it’s not your fault those other programs NEVER gave you results:

Instead, you need a NEW approach…

One that combines the latest research on Anti-Aging and Fat Loss down to the very level of your DNA by Activating Your “Youth Method Switch” to reset your body to “Turn ON your Good Genes” so you effortlessly burn belly fat, erase wrinkles, and reclaim your energy.

You NEED a New Method that Turns Your GOOD GENES ON and Your BAD GENES OFF so it:

So, What Is This New “Youth Method Switch” That’s Helping Women Over 35 “Turn ON Their Good Genes” To Visibly SEE Younger Skin And A Tight Flat Belly? I’d Like To Introduce You To…

Why is Genetic Reset Eating the easiest and fastest way to a tight firm belly and youthful lean body?

The REAL “Magic” Happens AFTER Your 1st Day!

This Proven Method Helps ANYONE Visibly SEE a Youthful Lean Body and Tight Flat Belly – At ANY Age.

The reason my Trademarked Method is so beautifully effective at banishing your belly fat and wrinkles is that it uses very specific and unique “Youth Method Foods” that genetically reset your body to burn belly fat and smooth wrinkles.

When you follow my plan, something extraordinary happens:

Your “Youth Method Switch” Is Activated to finally turn OFF your Bad Genes which will FORCE Your Body To INSTANTLY Start Melting Belly Fat and your Wrinkles In Less Than 24 Hours.

You TURN ON your Good Genes and this is where you’ll really SEE Your Body, Belly, and Skin Tighten More Week After Week.

You’ll Completely RESET your Metabolism to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Every Last Ounce Belly Fat and turn the clock back 10 years for your most youthful lean body that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

The problem with today’s most popular nutrition programs is they only focus on calories in and calories out.

Yet, what I discovered after working with 1,000’s of women just like you is that NONE of them focus on the most important thing – How to genetically reset your body for fat loss and this allows for the added bonus of a youthful lean body too!

Does This Sound Familiar?

Believe me, I understand what you’re going through.

As a young girl and teenager- I was pretty healthy! However, as I got older – especially in my late 30’s, something started to change in my body…

I felt tired all the time, had skin issues and gained weight unexpectedly and I knew that something just wasn’t right. The scariest part was no one seemed to have an answer for me.

I went to my primary doctor, dermatologist, and a few other specialists but no one could figure out what was going on. The more I searched for an answer, the more I was left disappointed.

As a few months turned into 6, then into 8 and my body felt worse than ever – I was so frustrated and sad. I was newly diagnosed with rosacea,  had persistent fatigue, new joint pain, and I was unable to lose the weight I had gained!

If you’ve ever been in this place in your life, where you avoided looking in the mirror and feel old, ugly, and out of shape – then you should know you aren’t the only one…

I felt like time was slipping by, like my pretty skin days were already behind me. When I actually did look in the mirror there was always a new red bump on my face, a new wrinkle, and an overall really unhealthy look.

My skin had lost it’s glow, it’s light. People would constantly ask me if I was tired or sick and I began to feel very hopeless that I would ever lose the weight or feel like myself again.

Deep down – I knew there had to be a better way. And since I wasn’t getting the answers I needed from my Dr’s – I decided I would have to figure this out on my own.

As a Physical Therapist – I love research so I researched and read hundreds of books and realized everything I had been taught about health, nutrition, and fitness was completely wrong.

I found amazing new scientific evidence to help heal my body and turn back the clock naturally – all by learning how to Activate My Very Own Youth Method Switch to “Turn ON My Good Genes” for amazing FLAT BELLY and ANTI-AGING results.

Once I discovered these secrets – I came up with a new lifestyle plan.

And once I started putting my findings into practice…

The first thing I noticed was that I was sleeping better and woke up with energy.

Then I noticed the glow in my skin starting to return. The red blotchy bumps became less and less frequent. Instead of people asking if I was tired or sick, people started asking me what my secret was for such beautiful skin. Some even wondered if I had some sort of procedure like Botox or injections.

Last but not least – I started to lose weight and it was happening rapidly. I wasn’t counting calories, carbs or fat.

It was so wonderful not to obsess about all of that and I was never hungry.

My stomach was getting flatter, my legs leaner, and new people I met thought I was 10 to 15 years younger than my actual age!

For the first time in a long time I felt a sense of much needed hope. 🙂

I want to share with you the same life changing discovery…

I’m so excited and happy to share this 14 Day Blueprint to Look 15 Pounds Leaner, Lose 3 to 4 inches From Your Belly, and Erase Your Wrinkles in Just 14 Short Days

The Youth Method is a 14 day rapid results system that uses Secret Youth Method Ingredients and antioxidants to smooth wrinkles, fight aging, and flatten your belly no matter your age or if you’ve failed before.

I’ve designed it uniquely so that ANYONE at ANY Age especially those over the age of 35 – can use it.

Thanks to my special 3 Step Genetic Reset Formula the Real MAGIC happens after The First Day…

And After 3 Days – You’ll Completely RESET your Genes and Metabolism to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Belly Fat and Your Wrinkles that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

As a woman in her 40’s, I know the struggles of aging while trying to juggle family, work, and everything thing else life throws at you.

Over the past few years I made some surprising discoveries about what really works for women over for 35 to be leaner, look younger, and have more energy.

It all comes down to a simple genetic reset secret to Turn on Your Youth Method Switch so your good genes can thrive to see the youthful lean body and tight flat belly you desire.

87 % of people believe that feeling old and trapped belly fat are a normal part of aging and it couldn’t be farther from the truth – so I knew I had change that and share my Youth Method Secrets with you.

No matter if you’re in your 40’s, 50, 60’s and even 70’s you CAN have younger skin, leaner body and a flat tight belly with my Youth Method Secrets.

So along with my learning and discoveries from working with thousands of women as a Physical Therapist, Certified Health Coach, and my own nutrition trial and error –

My true passion is to share what I have learned and experienced with anyone that wants to love their life with my Youthful Body and Flat Belly Method.

You can turn on your very own Youth Method Switch to reset your body to Visibly SEE a younger leaner you FASTER than you thought possible.

Imagine erasing wrinkles and waking up and loving the person looking back at you in the mirror.

Imagine finally losing your stubborn belly fat.

Imagine looking at men and women with a confidence about the way you look like you’ve never experienced before.

Imagine looking younger… and shattering your own limiting beliefs about aging – as your skin becomes softer and more radiant.

Imagine what it would feel like to have a flat belly and look up to 10 or even 15 years younger.

Imagine enjoying youthful energy and feeling rested when you wake in the morning.

Imagine reduced risk of disease – some even no longer need medications they were on.

A Flat Belly AND Youthful Body Blueprint to Drop up to 15 Pounds and 3 to 4 inches from Your Belly – In Just 14 Days.

You’re going to get my best meal plans, recipes and tips for preparing Youth Method meals that are tasty, fast, and easy to make… without the cravings.

These done for you meal plans and recipes replace high inflammatory foods with healing anti-inflammatory foods to fight aging and banish belly fat.

You’ll know exactly what foods to enjoy WITHOUT ever counting a single calorie whether you want to lose 5, 10 or even 15 pounds in your first 14 days …

All while reducing harmful inflammation, reprogramming your metabolism to a faster rate, banishing belly fat, and erasing wrinkles no matter your age in just two weeks.

And there is no liquid cleanse here – you will enjoy real wholesome delicious food each and everyday. NO counting calories, carbs, and fat grams. NO crazy diet foods or starvation.

Just results you can feel and see as you switch your good genes on and turn back your clock NATURALLY.

My Secret 24 hour Rapid Results Skin, Body, and Belly Tightening Blueprint – will give you rapid results for a tighter body, belly and  younger looking skin in just 24 hours.

This builds the momentum you need to push your body into optimization mode to quickly flush out fat and toxins to tighten up your body even FASTER by aligning your natural fat burning and skin tightening systems together.

The key here is not just losing weight but tightening the skin around your weight loss areas so you don’t have saggy loose skin.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. This 24 hour blueprint can be done by ANYONE at ANY age to peel years off your skin and melt away 1 pound of belly fat in just 24 hours.

This is the key to your success. It includes:

With my Transformation Guide, you will learn  without a doubt…

With My Transformation Guide – your transformation will last a lifetime!

No other program is designed to genetically reset your metabolism and turn ON your good genes to rev up your youth hormones and metabolism for younger looking skin, a lean body, and tight flat belly.

You’ll learn how to make and combine delicious, nutritious, and mouth-watering meals that Turn ON your “Good Genes” to not only satisfy your appetite (which STOPS dangerous cravings), but also Burn stomach fat and FIGHT aging. Its more than just the a detox – its delicious recipes, meals plans, and anti-aging ingredients.

And it was created by me, someone in her 40’s that has struggled like you and worked with 1000’s of women like you.

The truth is this no easier or more effective way to look younger and lose belly fat – and this has nothing to do with tasteless diets and the calorie in calorie out rollercoaster.

Those diets don’t use my Youth Method Secrets to “turn ON your good genes” for a youthful lean body and and tight flat belly.

I know that the Youth Method can help you but in all honesty, The Youth Method is not for everyone.

If you want a “quick fix” like a quick liquid detox or starving yourself for a few days, then the Youth Method is not for you.

But if you want to reset your body down to the very level of your DNA for rapid and forever results you are in the right place.

You may believe that this never before seen before Method for youthful lean body and flat belly would cost a fortune…

But for the first time ever, you can receive my proven skin, body and belly tightening system at a fraction of the cost of meeting with me one on one.

Even better, there is NO risk on you because:

You see, I can relate that it may be hard to believe that you can have a more youthful lean body and tight flat belly after so many programs have failed you in the past.

But I know from personal experience just how powerful this system is because it is the only one to genetically reset your body and turn ON your good genes.

That’s why I am ready to take all the risk on me.

You don’t have to decide now.

Enjoy our RISK-FREE Test-Drive For a Full 60 Days and if for any reason you’re not absolutely loving the quality of the Youth Method system – simply email me and I’ll refund your entire investment… no hassles or hard feelings.

I am 100% committed to your health and happiness!

You have a full 60 days to see the effects for yourself, and I’m confident you will LOVE the proof you see in mirror!

I know what it feels like to buy a nutrition program and to later feel unhappy with what I purchased. If you feel anything like that, I encourage you to ask for your money back. No Hassles at all.

Try It Now – Risk-Free!

There really is nothing like this available right now and none of the programs available address these hidden DNA issues you may not even know you had…

Instead, The Youth Method is a one-time purchase you will keep reaping benefits from year after year.

So in order to finally get the permanent Flat Belly and Youthful Body solution that’s extremely easy to use to get you the tight skin, body, and  belly you deserve at over 95 % off – all you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below.

My goal with The Youth Method is to have as many skin and health transformation stories as possible.

I also have a genuine passion to help change the way the world looks at food, exercise, and mindset – especially for our children.

I’ve been talking a lot about how we can turn ON our good genes and turn off our bad genes for ourselves – but did you know we can pass personality traits down to our children?

Even our eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle choices can be passed down to our children. Yet… I’d love if we could rewrite history for your family’s sake. Because I have good news for your children too!

While you cannot undo your child’s genetics, you can influence their daily decisions…

And as I explained above – that has a significant impact on how genes express themselves for good or bad.

So even if you or your children were given some bad genes – you can suppress or turn those off and instead turn on good genes for their optimal health.

I want that for my kids, nieces, nephews, and family and for your children and family too!

I have noticed that once our customers turn on “Their Youth Method Switch” to turn off their bad genes and rev up their good genes, their children often take on healthier habits and notice amazing health improvements too.

Customers report that their kids feel more confident… pay attention more in school… excel at sports and hobbies..and are overall just more happy.

It’s quite remarkable. So give The Youth Method a try on me for the next 60 days without any chance of losing a single cent…

For your health, and the health of our kids.

Let’s create a better future now by creating a healthier you!

You’ll go back to living your same life that’s left you searching for answers and feeling frustrated with your skin, belly fat, and energy. You’ll still be trying to hide under your baggy clothes and unable to look in the mirror.

And the truth is, if you do nothing…nothing will ever change.

And you can spend hundreds of hours online researching the exact secrets I talked about today…

However, if you plan on doing this all on your own, then the question is…

Why hasn’t that worked before?

Stress, life, and worries will get in the way like they always do…

Nothing will have changed…

Here’s one of my favorite quotes when I am having a hard time making a decision. “Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.”

Remember there is no risk to you here and if you don’t try – you will miss out on the opportunity to change your life.

Jump ahead 2 weeks from now.

You’ve re-programmed your DNA to turn OFF your bad genes and turn ON your good genes for a forever flat belly, youthful lean body, and vibrant health.

You sleep like a baby at night, knowing that you’ve just given yourself a new path to a longer, healthier life… not just for yourself, but for your your kids and our future.

…and most important, you’re in awe of yourself.

In the past 14 days, you’ve done far more than lose weight and tighten your skin:

You’ve recreated a life you can love…

Down to your very DNA, you are a new you: a new metabolism, a flatter belly, amazing energy, younger skin, and a lean body.

And it all started with the decision you’ll make today. All you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below for your exclusive VIP discount.

In Love, Health, and Happiness,

Erin Nielsen, PT, CHC, CPI

P.S. – The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox is a whole foods program designed to rid your body of it’s addiction to sugar, carbs, processed and packaged foods and replace it with wholesome, nourishing anti-aging ingredients to turn on your barely known Youth Method Switch. You will look younger, feel younger and prevent accelerated aging to your skin, joints and organs – You will fight aging, win, and finally feel better in your body!

P.P.S. – The anti-aging foods you will be eating will turn ON your good genes to reset your fat burning and anti-aging systems for your most youthful lean body and flat belly results.

P.P.P.S – You don’t have to decide right now. TAKE A FULL 60 DAYS TO PUT US TO THE TEST WITH OUR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you don’t see results – you pay nothing.

Q. Does this work for someone older?

A. Yes! The Youth Method works so well because it turns OFF your bad genes that start taking over your body more and more in your late 30’s and especially once you reach 35. It also “Turns ON Your Good Genes” to align your natural fat-burning and anti-aging systems together, which is why it works so well for women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s!

Q. How Does The Youth Method 14-Day Diet Detox Work?

A. Step #1 – Turns OFF Your Bad Genes

Step #2 – Turns On Your Good Genes

Step #3 – You’ll Completely RESET your Genes and Metabolism to perfectly align your anti-aging and fat burning cycles for your most youthful lean body and tight flat belly.

No other system out there reprograms your genes to finally align your fat burning and anti-aging systems together.  Which is why you haven’t been able to burn belly fat and lose weight consistently. You simply didn’t have this breakthrough information until now.

Q. What kinds of foods will I be eating on The 14-Day Diet Detox?

A. You will be eating wholesome real foods, and will not need to buy supplements. Once you start using The Youth Method Program you’ll begin turning off your bad genes which has BLOCKED your anti-aging and fat-burning systems in your body for years. And you’ll also be turning ON your good genes to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Belly Fat and Aging that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

Q. When Will I See Results?

A. You will see results as early as 24 hours.  Some have lost 1 pound of belly fat in 24 hours and 15 lbs in 14 days, the average is 7-13 pounds of fat lost in the first 10-14 days.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox appropriate if I follow a strictly gluten-free diet?

A. Yes! This program is 100% gluten-free. It’s also soy-free, corn-free, peanut-free and overall very allergen-free friendly.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox appropriate if I follow a Paleo or Primal diet?

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox family-friendly/safe for children and teens?

A. Yes! Families can absolutely complete the program together with wholesome real food – it’s absolutely family-friendly.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox safe for diabetics?

A. Yes! The The 14-Day Diet Detox is a whole-foods based program, and is safe for anyone. That said, if you are under the care of a medical professional, are insulin dependent, or are taking blood sugar regulating medications, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before beginning any new nutritional program. You may find that your medications need to be adjusted with your new way of eating, and enlisting the support of your doctor will be important.

Q. I want to get started right away!

A. I’ve got you covered! Not only are you going to save money on shipping fees, you’re also going to get my entire system instantly downloaded right after your purchase.

Q. What if it doesn’t work for me?

A. This is an easy one. If for some reason it doesn’t work for you…then it’s free because you have a full 60 day guarantee. No questions asked.

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All content property of Erin Nielsen © 2017

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Now that you just’re on top of things on what a wordpress control instrument is and what it might probably do in your workflow, let’s check out a couple of that do the activity smartly. We’ve hand-picked a few of our best possible choices. Every supplies the whole thing you wish to have to simply arrange a couple of wordpress internet sites. Let’s check out the highest 3:

1. Divi Sprint

Divi Dash is a sport changer for someone who manages a couple of wordpress internet sites. It permits you to view your websites and decide which of them want updating. With a unmarried click on, you’ll replace your whole internet sites concurrently, doubtlessly saving hours of your time. You’ll additionally replace websites in my opinion, arrange your whole shoppers, and log in to person internet sites immediately from an intuitive dashboard. By way of having a centralized location to regulate your whole wordpress internet sites, you’ll simply care for necessary wordpress core, plugin, and theme updates.

Divi Sprint is Loose with a Divi Club

Divi Sprint is to be had totally free with a paid Divi Membership. With it, you’ll arrange limitless internet sites, whether or not they’re the usage of Divi or no longer. You’ll simply set a time table to accomplish updates, so you’ll set it and put out of your mind it. With the time you’ll save with Divi Sprint, you’ll be aware of rising what you are promoting and no longer fear about time-sucking upkeep duties. Moreover, via including Divi Teams on your club, you’ll assign new customers to express internet sites and arrange their roles. As an added bonus, it’s additionally extremely simple to make use of.

<img decoding=”async” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269474 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites with Divi Dash” width=”1800″ height=”1331″/>

Key Options of Divi Sprint

  • Centralized Web site Control: Divi Sprint permits you to view and arrange your whole wordpress internet sites in one dashboard
  • Group and Automation: You’ll arrange internet sites via consumer and automate duties like plugin and theme updates
  • Bulk Replace Choices: Divi Sprint provides bulk replace choices so you’ll arrange and determine updates wanted throughout your internet sites
  • Workforce Collaboration: Via Divi’s add-on product, Divi Groups, you’ll invite crew contributors and assign particular permissions for every web site
  • Shopper Control: Divi Sprint permits you to arrange consumer data and web site get admission to inside of one handy platform


  • It Handles Divi and Non-Divi Web sites: Your internet sites don’t should be the usage of Divi to incorporate them in Divi Sprint
  • Simple One-Click on Updates: Divi Sprint permits you to replace issues and plugins multi function position with no need to log into person wordpress dashboards
  • You’ll Set up Limitless Web sites For Loose: Divi Sprint is to be had totally free to all Divi Participants and has no prohibit at the choice of internet sites you’ll upload
  • It’s A Massive Time-Saver: There’s no wish to log into person wordpress internet sites or replace issues or plugins in my opinion. You’ll take care of all of it from one handy dashboard


  • No Safety Options (but): The primary model of Divi Sprint leaves out a couple of necessary options, similar to uptime tracking, detailed analytics, and vulnerability reporting. Alternatively, the ones options are coming quickly! Keep tuned.

Who’s Divi Sprint Absolute best for?

Divi Sprint is the very best answer for Sublime Theme contributors who need a handy approach to take care of plugin and theme updates throughout their internet sites. Freelancers and information superhighway design businesses can use Divi Sprint to regulate shoppers, assign crew permissions, and stay monitor in their internet sites in a single location.


Divi Sprint is to be had totally free with a paid Divi Club. If no longer already a Divi member, new customers can join $89 according to 12 months or $249 for a life-time license.

Get Divi Dash

2. MainWP


MainWP is a complete wordpress control instrument designed to make managing a couple of wordpress internet sites more uncomplicated. It provides quite a lot of options, together with WP core, plugin, and theme updates, one-click WP login, a customizable dashboard, consumer control, and website backups, equipped your internet hosting supplier helps it. One of the most advantages of the usage of MainWP is its skill to combine with standard internet hosting suppliers like Cloudways and top class plugins like WP Activity Log, Sucuri, WooCommerce, and WP Rocket.

MainWP Provides A Self-Hosted Resolution for Managing Updates

MainWP’s absolute best function is its skill to regulate updates throughout your wordpress internet sites thru a self-hosted answer. In contrast to web-based wordpress control gear, MainWP calls for its customers to put in MainWP on a blank wordpress set up, necessarily making it a hub to regulate your whole websites.  Except for that, MainWP works in a similar fashion to different gear. You’ll time table automated updates for core wordpress, plugins, and issues and arrange shoppers in a single position.

MainWP interface

Key Options of MainWP

  • Set up More than one wordpress Web sites In One Location: Oversee limitless wordpress internet sites in a single handy location
  • Computerized wordpress Updates: Simply arrange core wordpress, theme, and plugin updates for your whole wordpress websites
  • Computerized Backups: Time table and arrange website backups for your whole internet sites concurrently
  • Observe Safety: Stay tabs in your web site’s well being, stumble on safety problems, and carry out efficiency updates (some options to be had in professional plans simplest)


  • MainWP is Self-Hosted: MainWP supplies entire regulate over your knowledge inside the platform
  • The Loose Plan is Just right: The fundamental capability of MainWP, together with passwordless login, plugin and theme updates, and consumer control are unfastened
  • It’s Customizable: You’ll customise MainWP’s dashboard to fit your distinctive personal tastes
  • It Supplies Just right Safety: MainWP’s security measures come with get admission to to Sucuri, Safety Ninja, and Jetpack Give protection to totally free


  • Some Options Require Plugin Set up: Maximum of MainWP’s unfastened security measures require you to put in further plugins on your wordpress internet sites, that may be off-putting to a few customers

Who’s MainWP Absolute best for?

MainWP is a brilliant selection for other folks with a couple of wordpress websites or information superhighway designers and businesses who care for a couple of consumer internet sites. It’s additionally a excellent choice for the ones searching for to slash upkeep time, improve safety, and arrange their internet sites with a customizable dashboard.


MainWP is to be had totally free. Paid plans get started at $29 per 30 days or $199 according to 12 months.

Get MainWP

3. ManageWP


Ultimate on our listing is ManageWP. It’s some other nice wordpress control instrument that serves as a non-public assistant in your WP internet sites. It supplies a centralized dashboard that allows you to oversee and arrange a couple of websites from one position. Like the opposite gear on our listing, it negates the desire for various logins or feeling beaten via unending updates.

Computerized Updates Are a Virtual Lifesaver

Considered one of ManageWP’s absolute best options is its skill to replace wordpress, its plugins, and issues robotically. With only a few clicks, you’ll time table automated updates for key spaces of your website, saving you the difficulty of remembering to log in and do them your self. Whilst ManageWP’s interface is a little more bulky than the opposite two on our listing, it nonetheless serves as an ideal choice for other folks taking a look to take repetitive duties off their plates.

ManageWP interface

Key Options of ManageWP

  • Set up Updates In One Position: Set up your WP internet sites in a centralized location
  • Computerized Updates: Time table updates for wordpress core, plugins, and issues
  • Again and Repair (professional add-on): Create and repair backups very easily the usage of ManageWP’s backup answer
  • Observe Your Web page’s Efficiency: Observe web site pace and uptime manually or time table efficiency assessments with a professional add-on
  • Cloning and Migration (professional add-on): Clone your website to staging, migrate websites to a brand new host, or clone an current web site


  • It Saves Time: Save numerous hours updating your internet sites in my opinion
  • The Safety Options Are Commendable: ManageWP provides tough security measures like efficiency assessments, backups, staging and cloning, and uptime tracking for an extra per 30 days charge
  • The Loose Plan Is Extra Than Sufficient: Along with WP core, plugin, and theme updates, ManageWP provides unfastened efficiency assessments, Google Analytics integration, consumer stories, Sucuri safety assessments, one-click WP logins, and remark control


  • Maximum Complex Options Aren’t Loose: Whilst ManageWP does be offering a pleasant unfastened plan, lots of the extra complicated options, like hyperlink tracking, search engine optimization score, white-labeling, uptime tracking, and save updates require buying add-ons. Pricing for the ones begins at $2 according to website or $25 per 30 days for 100 websites, which may also be dear

Who’s ManageWP Absolute best for?

ManageWP’s unfastened plan is very best for web site homeowners and freelancers who juggle a couple of wordpress websites. It’s additionally a useful gizmo for businesses with larger budgets who will have to successfully arrange consumer internet sites, supply reporting, or white-label ManageWP’s dashboard for personalisation.


ManageWP is unfastened with paid add-ons beginning at $25 per 30 days for 100 internet sites.

Get ManageWP

Managing Other Web sites in One Position The use of Divi Sprint

Considered one of Divi Sprint’s greatest benefits is the facility to regulate your whole internet sites in a single position. We’ve already discussed that you’ll upload as many internet sites as you prefer, irrespective of whether or not they’re the usage of the Divi theme or no longer. However some other promoting level is that it’s built-in immediately into your Sublime Subject matters account. Over the following couple of steps, we’ll stroll you in the course of the easy strategy of including websites, including customers, tracking your website’s standing, and optimizing its database.

Step 1: Acquire Divi Sprint

Divi by Elegant Themes

To make the most of Divi Sprint, you will have to transform a Divi Member. There are many the explanation why you’d need to. You don’t should be a qualified clothier to make use of Divi. It’s constructed to be user-friendly, due to its drag-and-drop Visual Builder that permits you to craft surprising internet sites very easily. It additionally boasts a big library of premade layouts and customizable Divi Modules so you’ll carry your imaginative and prescient to lifestyles with out ranging from scratch.

Divi Quick Site options

If you wish to have extra causes to buy Divi, take a look at Divi Quick Sites. It provides some other superb approach to construct internet sites, both with a premade starter website or via producing one with Divi AI. Each Fast Web page comes with all core information superhighway pages, dynamic Theme Builder templates, world types, and Theme Customizer settings configured for you, all in underneath two mins flat.

With Divi, you aren’t simply purchasing a wordpress theme; you’re getting access to an impressive ecosystem that grows with what you are promoting. In case you’re able to unencumber your web site’s complete attainable, Divi is the important thing.

How A lot Does Divi Value?

divi theme pricing

Divi provides versatile pricing to fit your wishes. The core Divi theme is to be had for $89 according to 12 months, or you’ll go for a life-time license for $249. Your Divi Club grants you get admission to to the Divi theme and its plugins, limitless web site utilization, and top class toughen. Alternatively, to supercharge your web site, improve to Divi Professional for $277 according to 12 months and unencumber a wealth of extra options.

With Divi Professional, you’ll acquire get admission to to Divi Cloud, which gives cloud space for storing for your whole favourite Divi layouts. Along with Divi Cloud, Divi Professional customers get Divi Teams for crew collaboration, Divi VIP for white-glove toughen services and products, Divi Dash, and Divi AI for producing limitless textual content, photographs, code snippets, information superhighway pages, and internet sites.

Get Divi Today!

Step 2: Hyperlink Your Web sites

Together with your Divi Club bought, we will get right down to industry. Let’s get started via demonstrating the way to get admission to Divi Sprint and hyperlink a web site. Navigate to the account tab at the primary Sublime Subject matters web site. Input your username and password and click on the Member Login button.

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Subsequent, find the Sprint tab within the Participants Space and click on the Attach Your First Web page button.

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When the conversation field seems, input your web site’s title in URL layout. As an example, Then, input the wordpress login credentials for the website (username and password), make a selection which merchandise to put in, and click on the Upload Web site button.

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The good information is that Divi Sprint helps wordpress multisite. It is going to robotically stumble on multisite in your WP set up and will let you come with all of its subsites. Click on the Upload Community Subsites button so as to add them to Divi Sprint.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269488 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”981″/>

Choose one or your whole subsites and click on the Upload Subsites button.

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As soon as your websites are added to Divi Sprint, they’re going to seem underneath the web site tab at the left facet of the dashboard.

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Step 3: Replace Your Web sites with Divi Sprint

You’ll get started the replace procedure via including your internet sites to Divi Sprint. Navigate to the updates tab at the left-hand facet of the dashboard. This may divulge the internet sites desiring WP core, plugin, or theme updates.

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Divi Sprint provides a number of tactics to clear out your websites, which is particularly helpful for individuals who arrange lots of them. You’ll clear out via theme or plugin standing, tags, or shoppers. You’ll additionally simply view what number of websites require updating and what updates they want.

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Select a person website to replace or click on the Replace The whole lot button to make updates on all plugins, issues, and WP core directly. On this case, make a selection all is robotically decided on since our wordpress multisite must be up to date.

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That’s it! Divi Sprint will replace your internet sites safely with a unmarried button click on.

Step 4: Upload New wordpress Customers to Divi Sprint

Every other fantastic function of Divi Sprint is the facility so as to add new customers to a person wordpress website with out logging in to the web site itself. At the primary display within the Divi Sprint dashboard, click on on a person web site to get began.

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This may carry you to the web site dashboard, the place you’ll get an outline of your web site, its issues and plugins, required updates, and extra.

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So as to add a brand new consumer, scroll to the web page’s Web page Customers segment and click on the Upload Consumer button.

add new user to Divi Dash

When the conversation field seems, give you the consumer’s username, e-mail deal with, complete title, and password. You’ll additionally make a selection a consumer position from a number of choices, upload the consumer’s web site, and paste a bio. Come to a decision whether or not to e-mail the brand new consumer via ticking the e-mail test field and, after all, click on the Upload New Consumer button.

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Step 5: Upload a Shopper to Divi Sprint

As in the past discussed, Divi Sprint is a superb instrument for preserving your shoppers neat and tidy. It provides a handy approach to stay your consumer’s data arranged and out there in a single position. It robotically tracks every web site assigned to a shopper, so that you at all times know which websites belong to whom. Plus, it highlights websites that require consideration, serving to you care for a excellent rapport with each consumer.

So as to add a brand new consumer to Divi Sprint, navigate to the Purchasers tab within the dashboard and click on the Upload Shopper button.

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When the conversation field seems, upload your consumer’s main points, together with title, corporate, e-mail deal with, and contact quantity. Beneath consumer internet sites, click on the Upload a Web page button to carry up an inventory of to be had internet sites. While you’ve added the buyer’s websites, click on the Upload New Shopper button.

add a client to Divi Dash

As soon as added, you’ll view related websites via clicking at the consumer title. You’ll additionally clear out websites in response to replace standing.

Divi Dash client view

To view data about a person consumer, you’ll click on at the consumer title. This forwards you to a dashboard for that consumer that comes with consumer touch data, their affiliate internet sites, and a textual content house so as to add consumer notes.

Divi Dash client dashboard

Step 6. To find Your Web site’s Machine Standing & Optimization Choices

In a different way Divi Sprint can stay you knowledgeable about your web site is via offering crucial details about its gadget standing. This house of Divi Sprint provides necessary details about the put in variations of wordpress, PHP, and MySQL. It may additionally stumble on show mistakes and decide in case your website’s primary listing folders, wp-content, wp-includes, and wp-admin, are writable. Divi Sprint additionally supplies data on more than a few PHP parameters, like max enter time, PHP reminiscence prohibit, and max add document length, so that you’ll know if you wish to have to make any changes.

To simply to find this data, click on on a web site title from the principle dashboard and find the Machine Standing Document segment of the web site’s dashboard.

Divi Dash system status report

In case you uncover any mistakes, you’ll click on the Divi Improve Middle button to log in on your web site immediately, the place you’ll accumulate additional info, view error logs, put your website into secure mode, or record a subject to the Divi toughen crew.

contact Divi support center

Blank Your Web page’s Database with Divi Sprint

Every other fantastic function of Divi Sprint is the facility to scrub undesirable bloat out of your web site’s database. With the clicking of a button, you’ll take away junk mail feedback, submit revisions, web page revisions, and posts and pages within the trash.

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Get Began with Divi Sprint Nowadays!

Divi Dash

Managing a couple of wordpress internet sites generally is a actual bother, particularly in case you’re juggling dozens and even loads of them. Fortunately, wordpress control gear are to be had to make the method a breeze. Divi Dash, a brand new providing from Sublime Subject matters, is particularly designed for Divi customers, however it might probably additionally arrange non-Divi internet sites. It permits you to view your internet sites in a single position, replace wordpress, issues, and plugins with a unmarried click on, and simply arrange a couple of shoppers. In case you’re on the lookout for a approach to simplify your lifestyles and rid your self of repetitive upkeep duties, then Divi Sprint is the answer.

Get Divi Dash

Regularly Requested Questions

On the lookout for solutions about wordpress control gear to help you arrange a couple of wordpress internet sites successfully? We’ve put in combination a choice of Q&A’s to respond to your burning questions.

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What’s a wordpress control instrument and why will have to I exploit one?

A wordpress control instrument is a device software that is helping you arrange a couple of wordpress internet sites from a central location. The use of one can save time, scale back mistakes, and give a boost to general potency.

What are the important thing options to search for in a wordpress control instrument?

Some crucial options you will have to search for come with:

  • Centralized dashboard for managing a couple of internet sites
  • Computerized updates for wordpress core, plugins, and issues
  • security measures like backup and repair choices
  • Efficiency tracking and optimization gear
  • Shopper control features

How do wordpress control gear assist with web site safety?

wordpress control gear regularly come with security measures like automatic backups, malware scanning, and safety updates both thru direct integration with plugins like Jetpack or Sucuri, or even though an online platform like MainWP.

What’s Divi Sprint and who’s it for?

Divi Dash is a wordpress control instrument particularly designed for Divi customers. It may take care of wordpress core, plugin, and theme updates robotically and assist with consumer control. It is splendid for freelancers and businesses managing a couple of wordpress internet sites.

Is Divi Sprint unfastened to make use of?

What are the principle advantages of the usage of Divi Sprint?

Divi Dash provides centralized web site control, bulk replace choices, consumer control, and simple consumer control.

Can I exploit Divi Sprint to regulate non-Divi internet sites?

Sure, Divi Sprint can arrange each Divi and non-Divi internet sites!

How does Divi Sprint examine to different wordpress control gear like MainWP and ManageWP?

Whilst an identical in some facets, Divi Sprint is particularly adapted for Divi customers and provides seamless integration with the Divi ecosystem. Different gear, like MainWP and ManageWP, have a couple of further options like safety scanning. Alternatively, Divi Sprint can be liberating new options quickly!

Does Divi Sprint be offering security measures?

The preliminary liberate of Divi Sprint focuses totally on control and updates. Alternatively, Elegant Themes has indicated that security measures are deliberate for long run updates.

How can I am getting began with Divi Sprint?

To make use of Divi Dash, you wish to have a Divi Membership. After getting that, you’ll get admission to Divi Sprint out of your Sublime Subject matters account and get started including your internet sites.

The submit How to Manage Multiple wordpress Websites from One Place seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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Set up A couple of WordPress Web pages from One Position

Let’s face it, managing a couple of wordpress cyber web websites is usually a nightmare, specifically when you’re tasked with coping with dozens of cyber web websites. Time and again switching logins, collaborating in catch-up on updates, and setting reminders on your self can get earlier speedy. It’s like taking a look to herd quite a lot of cats.

Thankfully, a wordpress regulate tool can be in agreement. There are many to make a choice from, alternatively none are specifically geared towards Divi consumers. No less than until now. Introducing Divi Sprint – a wordpress regulate dashboard designed to care for all your web site’s plugins, topic issues, and consumers in one at hand location – all totally free at the side of your Divi Membership. In this publish, we’ll introduce you to Divi Dash and show you merely arrange a couple of wordpress cyber web websites.

Let’s get started.

The Hard scenarios of Managing wordpress Internet pages One after the other

Whether or not or no longer you’re a freelancer or working for a cyber cyber web design corporate, managing a couple of wordpress cyber web websites is tricky, to say the least. This is especially true for those who occur to care for updates for dozens, if not plenty, of cyber web websites. Between remembering a couple of logins, keeping track of updates, and the time and effort it takes, it can be utterly laborious.

It’s easy to in reality really feel like you’re collaborating in catch-up, frequently switching between different wordpress cyber web websites and taking a look to stick observe of logins. This is counter-productive and can lead to ignored updates, better drive levels, and protection vulnerabilities. With such a large amount of moving parts, letting one in all your web sites slip during the cracks is easy. One ignored change normally is a disaster in a position to happen.

Most importantly, neglecting to switch wordpress plugins and topic issues can significantly affect your cyber web websites. Outdated plugins and topic issues endlessly contain protection loopholes that hackers can exploit, leading to knowledge breaches or even ransomware attacks. Outdated plugins too may end up in compatibility issues, loss of potency, and further.

Thankfully, there’s a better strategy to arrange a couple of wordpress cyber web websites.

The Resolution: wordpress Keep an eye on Tools

One of the best possible problems you’ll do on your productivity and your sanity is to use a wordpress regulate tool. The ones apparatus help you arrange a couple of wordpress cyber web websites from a central location. They may be able to keep observe of plugin and theme updates, care for protection issues, and, in a number of circumstances, be filtered by the use of explicit particular person consumers. wordpress regulate apparatus are a great way to keep watch over your time further effectively, allowing you to pay attention to other tasks, like seo optimization or design and content material subject matter changes.

Why You Must Use a wordpress Keep an eye on Device

If you happen to’re weary of juggling a lot of logins and endless updates, a wordpress regulate tool can also be your ultimate lifesaver. Listed here are a few the reason why it’s conceivable you’ll want to incorporate one into your workflow:

  • They Can Save Time and Boost Efficiency: Save you dropping time on repetitive tasks. Improve your day-to-day routine by the use of automating updates, managing a couple of wordpress cyber web websites in one location, and liberating up time to pay attention to what in reality problems—emerging what you are promoting.
  • Cut back Errors and Improve Accuracy: By means of overseeing all of your wordpress web sites from a single dashboard, you’ll cut back the opportunity of human error. Consistent regulate promises that your cyber web websites are up-to-date, secure, and appearing optimally.
  • Improve Workforce and Productivity: A wordpress regulate tool help you keep your cyber web websites organized and accessible. You’ll moreover merely arrange consumers, teams, plugins, and topic issues, streamlining your workflow and boosting your productivity.

The Benefits of a Single Dashboard

A single dashboard is like having a chook’s-eye view of all of your wordpress international. It signifies that you’ll be able to see all your cyber web websites in one place, making them merely accessible and organized. You’ll in brief check out their status, change plugins and topic issues, and arrange consumers without breaking a sweat. Plus, it’s a game-changer for teamwork, as everyone can get entry to the ideas they would like with little effort. With a centralized dashboard, you’ll spend a lot much less time juggling logins and focusing further on what problems, corresponding to building surprising wordpress cyber web websites and emerging your online presence.

The Very best wordpress Keep an eye on Tools on the Market These days

Now that you simply’re on top of things on what a wordpress regulate tool is and what it will almost certainly do on your workflow, let’s take a look at a few that do the method smartly. We’ve hand-picked a couple of of our highest conceivable alternatives. Each provides the entire thing you need to easily arrange a couple of wordpress cyber web websites. Let’s take a look at the absolute best 3:

1. Divi Dash

Divi Sprint is a recreation changer for somebody who manages a couple of wordpress cyber web websites. It means that you can view your web sites and unravel which ones need updating. With a single click on on, you’ll change all of your cyber web websites similtaneously, almost certainly saving hours of your time. You’ll moreover change web sites in my opinion, arrange all your consumers, and log in to explicit particular person cyber web websites directly from an intuitive dashboard. By means of having a centralized location to keep watch over all of your wordpress cyber web websites, you’ll merely maintain very important wordpress core, plugin, and theme updates.

Divi Dash is Free with a Divi Membership

Divi Dash is available totally free with a paid Divi Club. With it, you’ll arrange countless cyber web websites, whether they’re using Divi or not. You’ll merely set a schedule to perform updates, so that you’ll set it and disregard it. With the time you’ll save with Divi Dash, you’ll take note of emerging what you are promoting and not concern about time-sucking maintenance tasks. Additionally, by the use of together with Divi Groups on your membership, you’ll assign new consumers to specific cyber web websites and arrange their roles. As an added bonus, it’s moreover very simple to use.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269474 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites with Divi Dash” width=”1800″ height=”1331″/>

Key Choices of Divi Dash

  • Centralized Web page Keep an eye on: Divi Dash means that you can view and arrange all of your wordpress cyber web websites in a single dashboard
  • Workforce and Automation: You’ll get ready cyber web websites by the use of client and automate tasks like plugin and theme updates
  • Bulk Change Alternatives: Divi Dash supplies bulk change alternatives so that you’ll arrange and determine updates sought after all the way through your cyber web websites
  • Staff Collaboration: Via Divi’s add-on product, Divi Teams, you’ll invite team people and assign explicit permissions for each cyber web web page
  • Client Keep an eye on: Divi Dash means that you can arrange client information and cyber web web page get entry to within of 1 at hand platform


  • It Handles Divi and Non-Divi Internet pages: Your cyber web websites don’t want to be using Divi to include them in Divi Dash
  • Easy One-Click on on Updates: Divi Dash means that you can change topic issues and plugins multi functional place with out a want to log into explicit particular person wordpress dashboards
  • You’ll Arrange Infinite Internet pages For Free: Divi Dash is available totally free to all Divi Individuals and has no limit on the choice of cyber web websites you’ll add
  • It’s A Huge Time-Saver: There’s no want to log into explicit particular person wordpress cyber web websites or change topic issues or plugins in my opinion. You’ll care for it all from one at hand dashboard


  • No Protection Choices (however): The principle type of Divi Dash leaves out a few very important choices, corresponding to uptime monitoring, detailed analytics, and vulnerability reporting. Then again, those choices are coming temporarily! Stay tuned.

Who’s Divi Dash Very best for?

Divi Dash is the very best solution for Elegant Theme people who want a at hand strategy to care for plugin and theme updates all the way through their cyber web websites. Freelancers and cyber cyber web design firms can use Divi Dash to keep watch over consumers, assign team permissions, and keep observe of their cyber web websites in one location.


Divi Dash is available totally free with a paid Divi Membership. If not already a Divi member, new consumers can sign up for $89 in line with 12 months or $249 for a complete lifestyles license.

Get Divi Sprint

2. MainWP


MainWP is a whole wordpress regulate tool designed to make managing a couple of wordpress cyber web websites more straightforward. It supplies a lot of choices, at the side of WP core, plugin, and theme updates, one-click WP login, a customizable dashboard, client regulate, and web site backups, provided your cyber web web hosting provider is helping it. One of the benefits of using MainWP is its ability to mix with stylish cyber web web hosting providers like Cloudways and best price plugins like WP Process Log, Sucuri, WooCommerce, and WP Rocket.

MainWP Supplies A Self-Hosted Resolution for Managing Updates

MainWP’s best possible function is its ability to keep watch over updates all the way through your wordpress cyber web websites through a self-hosted solution. By contrast to web-based wordpress regulate apparatus, MainWP requires its consumers to place in MainWP on a clean wordpress arrange, essentially making it a hub to keep watch over all your web sites.  Except for that, MainWP works in a similar way to other apparatus. You’ll schedule automatic updates for core wordpress, plugins, and topic issues and arrange consumers in one place.

MainWP interface

Key Choices of MainWP

  • Arrange A few wordpress Internet pages In One Location: Oversee countless wordpress cyber web websites in one at hand location
  • Automated wordpress Updates: Merely arrange core wordpress, theme, and plugin updates for all of your wordpress web sites
  • Automated Backups: Time table and arrange web site backups for all of your cyber web websites similtaneously
  • Practice Protection: Keep tabs on your cyber web web page’s smartly being, uncover protection issues, and perform potency updates (some choices available in skilled plans most straightforward)


  • MainWP is Self-Hosted: MainWP provides whole regulate over your knowledge all the way through the platform
  • The Free Plan is Superb: The basic capacity of MainWP, at the side of passwordless login, plugin and theme updates, and client regulate are unfastened
  • It’s Customizable: You’ll customize MainWP’s dashboard to suit your unique preferences
  • It Provides Superb Protection: MainWP’s security features include get entry to to Sucuri, Protection Ninja, and Jetpack Protect totally free


  • Some Choices Require Plugin Arrange: Most of MainWP’s unfastened security features require you to place in additional plugins on your wordpress cyber web websites, which may be off-putting to a couple of consumers

Who’s MainWP Very best for?

MainWP is a great variety for other people with a couple of wordpress web sites or cyber cyber web designers and corporations who deal with a couple of client cyber web websites. It’s moreover a very good risk for those in search of to slash maintenance time, toughen protection, and arrange their cyber web websites with a customizable dashboard.


MainWP is available totally free. Paid plans get began at $29 per thirty days or $199 in line with 12 months.

Get MainWP

3. ManageWP


Final on our tick list is ManageWP. It’s each different great wordpress regulate tool that serves as a non-public assistant on your WP cyber web websites. It provides a centralized dashboard that allows you to oversee and arrange a couple of web sites from one place. Like the other apparatus on our tick list, it negates the will for quite a lot of logins or feeling overwhelmed by the use of endless updates.

Automatic Updates Are a Digital Lifesaver

Surely one among ManageWP’s best possible choices is its ability to switch wordpress, its plugins, and topic issues mechanically. With just a few clicks, you’ll schedule automatic updates for key areas of your web site, saving you the trouble of remembering to log in and do them yourself. While ManageWP’s interface is a bit more cumbersome than the other two on our tick list, it however serves as a really perfect risk for other people having a look to take repetitive tasks off their plates.

ManageWP interface

Key Choices of ManageWP

  • Arrange Updates In One Place: Arrange your WP cyber web websites in a centralized location
  • Automatic Updates: Time table updates for wordpress core, plugins, and topic issues
  • Once more and Restore (skilled add-on): Create and service backups very easily using ManageWP’s backup solution
  • Practice Your Web site’s Potency: Practice cyber web web page pace and uptime manually or schedule potency exams with a certified add-on
  • Cloning and Migration (skilled add-on): Clone your web site to staging, migrate web sites to a brand spanking new host, or clone an present cyber web web page


  • It Saves Time: Save a lot of hours updating your cyber web websites in my opinion
  • The Protection Choices Are Commendable: ManageWP supplies tricky security features like potency exams, backups, staging and cloning, and uptime monitoring for an additional monthly fee
  • The Free Plan Is Additional Than Enough: At the side of WP core, plugin, and theme updates, ManageWP supplies unfastened potency exams, Google Analytics integration, client critiques, Sucuri protection exams, one-click WP logins, and observation regulate


  • Most Difficult Choices Aren’t Free: While ManageWP does offer a pleasing unfastened plan, a number of the additional sophisticated choices, like link monitoring, seo ranking, white-labeling, uptime monitoring, and save updates require purchasing add-ons. Pricing for those starts at $2 in line with web site or $25 per thirty days for 100 web sites, which can also be pricey

Who’s ManageWP Very best for?

ManageWP’s unfastened plan may be very highest for cyber web web page homeowners and freelancers who juggle a couple of wordpress web sites. It’s moreover a great tool for firms with better budgets who should effectively arrange client cyber web websites, provide reporting, or white-label ManageWP’s dashboard for personalization.


ManageWP is unfastened with paid add-ons starting at $25 per thirty days for 100 cyber web websites.

Get ManageWP

Managing Different Internet pages in One Place The usage of Divi Dash

Surely one among Divi Dash’s greatest advantages is the ability to keep watch over all of your cyber web websites in one place. We’ve already mentioned that you just’ll add as many cyber web websites as you like, regardless of whether they’re using the Divi theme or not. On the other hand each different selling degree is that it’s integrated directly into your Elegant Subjects account. Over the following few steps, we’ll walk you during the straightforward methodology of together with web sites, together with consumers, monitoring your web site’s status, and optimizing its database.

Step 1: Gain Divi Dash

Divi by Elegant Themes

To have the benefit of Divi Dash, you’ll have to become a Divi Member. There are lots of the reason why you’d want to. You don’t want to be a professional style clothier to use Divi. It’s built to be user-friendly, on account of its drag-and-drop Visible Builder that allows you to craft sudden cyber web websites very easily. It moreover boasts a large library of premade layouts and customizable Divi Modules so that you’ll ship your vision to life without starting from scratch.

Divi Quick Site options

If you need further reasons to shop for Divi, check out Divi Fast Websites. It supplies each different glorious strategy to assemble cyber web websites, each with a premade starter web site or by the use of generating one with Divi AI. Every Rapid Web site comes with all core cyber cyber web pages, dynamic Theme Builder templates, world varieties, and Theme Customizer settings configured for you, all in beneath two minutes flat.

With Divi, you aren’t merely buying a wordpress theme; you’re gaining access to an excellent ecosystem that grows with what you are promoting. If you happen to’re ready to disencumber your cyber web web page’s whole potential, Divi is the essential factor.

How So much Does Divi Price?

divi theme pricing

Divi supplies flexible pricing to suit your needs. The core Divi theme is available for $89 in line with 12 months, otherwise you’ll move for a complete lifestyles license for $249. Your Divi Membership grants you get entry to to the Divi theme and its plugins, countless cyber web web page usage, and best price give a boost to. Then again, to supercharge your cyber web web page, reinforce to Divi Skilled for $277 in line with 12 months and liberate a wealth of additional choices.

With Divi Skilled, you’ll succeed in get entry to to Divi Cloud, which gives cloud space for storing for all of your favorite Divi layouts. At the side of Divi Cloud, Divi Skilled consumers get Divi Groups for team collaboration, Divi VIP for white-glove give a boost to products and services and merchandise, Divi Sprint, and Divi AI for generating countless text, footage, code snippets, cyber cyber web pages, and websites.

Get Divi Nowadays!

Step 2: Link Your Internet pages

At the side of your Divi Membership purchased, we will get appropriate right down to trade. Let’s get began by the use of demonstrating get entry to Divi Dash and link a cyber web web page. Navigate to the account tab on the primary Elegant Subjects cyber web web page. Enter your username and password and click on at the Member Login button.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269483 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”788″/>

Next, in finding the Dash tab throughout the Individuals Area and click on at the Connect Your First Web site button.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269484 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”981″/>

When the dialog box turns out, enter your cyber web web page’s establish in URL construction. For example, Then, enter the wordpress login credentials for the web site (username and password), choose which products to place in, and click on at the Add Web page button.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269485 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”980″/>

The great knowledge is that Divi Dash is helping wordpress multisite. It’s going to mechanically uncover multisite on your WP arrange and help you include all of its subsites. Click on at the Add Group Subsites button as a way to upload them to Divi Dash.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269488 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”981″/>

Select one or all of your subsites and click on at the Add Subsites button.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269489 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”979″/>

Once your web sites are added to Divi Dash, they’ll appear beneath the cyber web web page tab on the left side of the dashboard.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269490 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”885″/>

Step 3: Change Your Internet pages with Divi Dash

You’ll get began the change process by the use of together with your cyber web websites to Divi Dash. Navigate to the updates tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard. This will likely divulge the websites needing WP core, plugin, or theme updates.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269492 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”890″/>

Divi Dash supplies quite a lot of ways to clear out your web sites, which is especially useful for those who arrange numerous them. You’ll clear out by the use of theme or plugin status, tags, or consumers. You’ll moreover merely view what collection of web sites require updating and what updates they would like.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269493 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”890″/>

Select an individual web site to switch or click on at the Change The whole thing button to make updates on all plugins, topic issues, and WP core in an instant. In this case, choose all is mechanically determined on since our wordpress multisite will have to be up-to-the-minute.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269495 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”908″/>

That’s it! Divi Dash will change your cyber web websites safely with a single button click on on.

Step 4: Add New wordpress Consumers to Divi Dash

Each different unbelievable function of Divi Dash is the ability as a way to upload new consumers to an individual wordpress web site without logging in to the cyber web web page itself. On the primary computer screen throughout the Divi Dash dashboard, click on on on an individual cyber web web page to get started.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269504 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”1019″/>

This will likely ship you to the cyber web web page dashboard, where you’ll get an summary of your cyber web web page, its topic issues and plugins, required updates, and further.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269506 size-full” src=”” alt=”Divi Dash website dashboard” width=”1800″ height=”1292″/>

So to upload a brand spanking new client, scroll to the cyber web web page’s Web site Consumers section and click on on the Add Shopper button.

add new user to Divi Dash

When the dialog box turns out, provide the client’s username, email correspondence care for, whole establish, and password. You’ll moreover choose a shopper serve as from quite a lot of alternatives, add the shopper’s cyber web web page, and paste a bio. Make a decision whether or not or to not email correspondence the new client by the use of ticking the email check out box and, after all, click on at the Add New Shopper button.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269509 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”846″/>

Step 5: Add a Client to Divi Dash

As up to now mentioned, Divi Dash is a wonderful tool for containing your consumers neat and tidy. It supplies a at hand strategy to keep your client’s information organized and accessible in one place. It mechanically tracks each cyber web web page assigned to a client, in order that you at all times know which web sites belong to whom. Plus, it highlights web sites that require attention, helping you deal with a very good rapport with each and every client.

So to upload a brand spanking new client to Divi Dash, navigate to the Consumers tab throughout the dashboard and click on at the Add Client button.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269497 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”1068″/>

When the dialog box turns out, add your client’s details, at the side of establish, company, email correspondence care for, and contact amount. Underneath client cyber web websites, click on at the Add a Web site button to ship up a listing of available cyber web websites. Whilst you’ve added the client’s web sites, click on at the Add New Client button.

add a client to Divi Dash

Once added, you’ll view comparable web sites by the use of clicking on the client establish. You’ll moreover clear out web sites in line with change status.

Divi Dash client view

To view information about an individual client, you’ll click on on on the client establish. This forwards you to a dashboard for that client that comprises client contact information, their associate cyber web websites, and a text house as a way to upload client notes.

Divi Dash client dashboard

Step 6. To find Your Web page’s System Status & Optimization Alternatives

Another way Divi Dash can keep you an expert about your cyber web web page is by the use of providing an important information about its system status. This house of Divi Dash supplies very important information about the installed diversifications of wordpress, PHP, and MySQL. It would moreover uncover display errors and unravel if your web site’s primary checklist folders, wp-content, wp-includes, and wp-admin, are writable. Divi Dash moreover provides information on various PHP parameters, like max input time, PHP memory limit, and max upload report duration, in order that you’ll know if you wish to make any adjustments.

To easily find this information, click on on on a cyber web web page establish from the primary dashboard and in finding the System Status Report section of the cyber web web page’s dashboard.

Divi Dash system status report

If you happen to discover any errors, you’ll click on at the Divi Improve Middle button to log in on your cyber web web page directly, where you’ll gather more information, view error logs, put your web site into protected mode, or report an issue to the Divi give a boost to team.

contact Divi support center

Clean Your Web site’s Database with Divi Dash

Each different unbelievable function of Divi Dash is the ability to clean unwanted bloat from your cyber web web page’s database. With the click of a button, you’ll remove junk mail comments, publish revisions, cyber web web page revisions, and posts and pages throughout the trash.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border alignnone wp-image-269516 size-full” src=”” alt=”manage multiple wordpress websites” width=”1800″ height=”995″/>

Get Started with Divi Dash These days!

Divi Dash

Managing a couple of wordpress cyber web websites is usually a precise bother, specifically for those who occur to’re juggling dozens or even plenty of them. Thankfully, wordpress regulate apparatus are available to make the process a breeze. Divi Sprint, a brand spanking new offering from Elegant Subjects, is especially designed for Divi consumers, alternatively it will almost certainly moreover arrange non-Divi cyber web websites. It means that you can view your cyber web websites in one place, change wordpress, topic issues, and plugins with a single click on on, and easily arrange a couple of consumers. If you happen to’re searching for a strategy to simplify your life and rid yourself of repetitive maintenance tasks, then Divi Dash is the solution.

Get Divi Sprint

Incessantly Asked Questions

Searching for answers about wordpress regulate apparatus to help you arrange a couple of wordpress cyber web websites effectively? We’ve put together a choice of Q&A’s to answer your burning questions.

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What’s a wordpress regulate tool and why will have to I use one?

A wordpress regulate tool is a software tool this is serving to you put up a couple of wordpress cyber web websites from a central location. The usage of one can save time, reduce errors, and make stronger overall efficiency.

What are the essential factor choices to seek for in a wordpress regulate tool?

Some an important choices you will have to seek for include:

  • Centralized dashboard for managing a couple of cyber web websites
  • Automated updates for wordpress core, plugins, and topic issues
  • security features like backup and service alternatives
  • Potency monitoring and optimization apparatus
  • Client regulate purposes

How do wordpress regulate apparatus be in agreement with cyber web web page protection?

wordpress regulate apparatus endlessly include security features like automatic backups, malware scanning, and protection updates each through direct integration with plugins like Jetpack or Sucuri, or even supposing an web platform like MainWP.

What’s Divi Dash and who’s it for?

Divi Sprint is a wordpress regulate tool specifically designed for Divi consumers. It would care for wordpress core, plugin, and theme updates mechanically and be in agreement with client regulate. It’s splendid for freelancers and corporations managing a couple of wordpress cyber web websites.

Is Divi Dash unfastened to use?

Divi Dash is integrated totally free with a Divi Club.

What are the primary benefits of using Divi Dash?

Divi Sprint supplies centralized cyber web web page regulate, bulk change alternatives, client regulate, and easy client regulate.

Can I use Divi Dash to keep watch over non-Divi cyber web websites?

Certain, Divi Dash can arrange each and every Divi and non-Divi cyber web websites!

How does Divi Dash read about to other wordpress regulate apparatus like MainWP and ManageWP?

While an equivalent in some aspects, Divi Dash is especially tailored for Divi consumers and gives seamless integration with the Divi ecosystem. Other apparatus, like MainWP and ManageWP, have a few additional choices like protection scanning. Then again, Divi Dash can also be releasing new choices temporarily!

Does Divi Dash offer security features?

The initial liberate of Divi Dash focuses primarily on regulate and updates. Then again, Chic Topics has indicated that security features are planned for longer term updates.

How can I get started with Divi Dash?

To use Divi Sprint, you need a Divi Club. After getting that, you’ll get entry to Divi Dash from your Elegant Subjects account and get began together with your cyber web websites.

The publish Set up A couple of wordpress Web pages from One Position seemed first on Chic Topics Weblog.

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