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Save My Marriage Today

Product Name: Save My Marriage Today

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Warning: If your spouse has dropped the “divorce” bombshell and does not wish to work on saving your marriage, then this might be the imagemost important letter you’ll EVER read…

I’m not going to lie about your marriage and tell you everything is going to be okay.

The bottom is dropping out of your world right now. Your marriage, everything you love and treasure, everything you have worked your life for, everything that’s familiar to you… it’s all on a knife-edge.

You can’t eat… you can’t sleep… you can’t think straight…

Your health is in freefall due to the enormous stress you are under. Your whole life and future happiness, something that at one time seemed so certain, now hangs precariously in the balance, waiting for you to make the next move.

Your marriage is about to jump off a cliff… is it going to take you with it?

I have THREE things to share with you that will immediately disarm the threat of divorce and work on rebuilding and saving your marriage RIGHT NOW if you do them, but you have to listen carefully and do them without hesitation if you want to save your marriage. It’s that important.

STOP what you are doing right now. The misguided methods and well-meaning ideas you have used up until now have not worked. That’s why you are here and your marriage is teetering even closer towards divorce. What you have done may be pushing your spouse even further away, even into the arms (and the bed) of another person. It’s time to rethink and relearn everything you ever thought about how to save your marriage and get your dream life back.

Break forever the chain of lies, the resentment, the doubt, and the never ending negative spiral of arguments that has catapulted you and your spouse from happily married to the gates of hell and the very real possibility of divorce. No matter how complicated or unique your marriage issues are, I have the key that will stop the arguing and negativity dead in its tracks, focus you and your spouse back on YOU AND YOUR MARRIAGE, and open your eyes to the love that still simmers beneath.

Turn your spouse around and make them LOVE you, CHERISH you, and DESIRE you again, so completely and powerfully that your marriage is the strongest it has ever been and is immune to the threat of breakup and divorce ever again.

It might sound impossible right now to visualize your renewed, loving marriage again… but I promise you, if you read through this page and do what it says, you’ll be shocked at how quickly your marriage turns around for the better, how the communication with your spouse will go from awkward and angry to nurturing and positive, and how you will have the loving spouse and the strong, supportive marriage you have always dreamed about and deserve.

That mind-numbing, consuming pain that has taken over your entire body that is with you every moment of every day will become a distant memory, as you use and apply my life-changing skills and key psychological secrets to your marriage, and make sure that you never face these sickening feelings of loss and loneliness ever again.

I am going to reveal to you my life-changing methods for saving your marriage, but first I have a very important truth to share with you before carrying on…

Chances are they don’t want to tell you what their real reasons are… for fear of hurting you, for fear of making them look bad, or they might not even fully know or understand the real reasons themselves.

If you want to discover the truth and cut through the lies and ultimately save your marriage, there are several things you are going to have to learn and apply before you are able to make that happen.

If you’re like the thousands of couples I’ve helped over the years, you’ll have heard or used a few of the following reasons for ending a marriage:

“I love you but I’m not in love with you anymore…”

“You’re not exciting or fun anymore.”

“I’ve met someone else and I think I love them…”

“I’m sick of your nagging!”

“I don’t want to be married anymore and there’s nothing you can say that will make me change my mind.”

Any of these sound familiar?

I know that when your marriage is teetering on a cliff edge it can feel like you are the only one in the world this is happening to, and feel completely devastated at hearing one of these lies, but let me tell you that you are not the only one who has heard these excuses and none of these have to spell the end of your marriage if you don’t want it to.

It’s about cutting through these lies, digging deep, and exposing the real reasons your marriage is in trouble, tackling the core of your crisis rather than going over the same old ground and having the same old arguments again and again… learning nothing and getting no further ahead!

The difference between a marriage that ends in divorce and one that fights back and survives is using and developing the right techniques and strategies that your marriage needs… at the optimum right time. It’s about understanding and reconnecting with your core self and the crucial role you play in saving your marriage, even if you are the only one that wants to save it, the values you want to bring to your marriage, what to say, how to say it, and when, and developing this into a formula for success!

My Save My Marriage Today system will strip back the lies you have been told and teach you fundamental values, communication, and relationship skills that will not only bring your marriage back from the brink of divorce, but will give you a solid foundation from which to build an even better marriage and future that will GUARANTEE you will never face the searing, body-numbing pain of a marriage crisis or breakup ever again.

I’ve seen the most toxic and damaged marriages that appeared to be absolutely beyond repair turned around and saved, becoming stable, intimate, loving unions, stronger than ever. Heaps of people have bounced back from a huge range of nightmare issues, such as:

lingering and poisonous unresolved conflicts

emotional detachment and a lack of physical intimacy

excessive fighting and negative thinking

ineffective communication or long bouts of stony silence

busy schedules overtaking quality couples time

a suspicious, untrusting, or suffocating partner

children and family issues

and many more complex and difficult situations

I’ve helped over 6000 couples disarm and stop divorces from happening to them, and I’m telling you I can deliver the same great results for YOU and YOUR MARRIAGE… even if you are the only one that wants to save it!

Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to resolve your marriage problems and gain the intimate and supportive relationship you always dreamed of!

But first, let me tell you a little bit about who I am and why I know what I’m talking about.

I’m a professional writer specializing in attraction and dating, but most specifically marriage counseling and relationship guidance. I have extensive experience in helping thousands of people re-establish love with my unique insightful and powerful secrets into attracting love and making relationships work.

It’s my life’s passion. Over the years I have helped thousands of men and women fix their marriages and unhappy relationships and also bring back the love and communication to couples that are suffering.

I am the author and host of:

I have also co-authored and hosted a number of other leading online courses such as:

“Amy Waterman is one of those rare, priceless women in the world of dating and relationship advice who respects women and men equally and therefore sets herself apart as a respected voice to both genders. Her work consistently portrays the warmth and compassion of a woman who is truly doing what she was born to do. And given the thousands of of people worldwide who her work has been so meaningful to–ourselves included–that earns her our highest recommendation. We’re proud to work with Amy any chance we can get, and can’t wait to do so again soon.”Scot and Emily McKay, San Antonio, TX –

“Having the pleasure of knowing Amy personally, we can vouch that she is extremely thorough and passionate about the work that she does. She leaves no stone unturned in making sure that her readers get the results that they expect and more. We’ve never met someone so dedicated to the long term success of others and who takes such great pride in her work. We can all learn a lot from Amy’s advice and attitude to life and love.”Mark and Michelle Ling

You might think that nobody on earth can know what it’s like to be you right now… But trust me, I do.

My best friend Jane thought her entire world had ended when her husband came home one night and asked for a divorce, telling her that it was over and nothing could make him change his mind.

She stared in shock, she cried, she asked for an explanation, but no answer she got really made sense.

Apparently her husband Adam had been unhappy for a while. Doing long hours at work, always coming home tired, he was sick of the monotony of his life and felt constrained by the expectations of his wife and family.

Jane was devastated. She had been married 14 years, had raised two children, and thought things were okay. Sure, things had been difficult in the early years with two small children, limited income, and a mortgage to pay, but they had got through it. Jane had got a part-time job in the last few years which helped with the bills, the children were getting less and less dependent, and Jane was looking forward to the next few years and what it would bring.

There were the occasional arguments over how much time Adam spent at work and how much he helped around the house. Jane was always tired with the kids and cleaning up after them every night, but she thought all couples had moments like this and she never gave it much more thought. They didn’t have much time for each other but that was often the case with being a parent.

But nothing prepared her for the bombshell Adam dropped on her.

That conversation turned her whole world upside down. Everything was a blur after that.

Teary… foggy… and numb.

The next few days were hell. Every waking moment was consumed with sickening fear of what was going to happen next. She had never felt this low, never felt so REJECTED, UNLOVED, and ALONE.

Was she going to lose the house?

How would she have enough money to support herself?

How would she tell her elderly parents? She knew it would just about destroy them.

How would she tell the children?

How would she endure the humiliation, the stares and the gossip from the other parents at school, her friends?

It would be a lie to say Jane didn’t contemplate suicide in those first few weeks. She couldn’t sleep, she couldn’t eat, when she did try to eat she wanted to be sick. Her skin was terrible, her complexion drawn. She was a real mess. Her heart was broken and she felt utterly defeated.

She reached out to me amid a teary phone call, telling me she didn’t have the strength to carry on with this. I took her under my wing and started from the beginning, sharing with her and teaching her everything I knew about how to save a marriage.

Slowly but surely, Jane got better. She got stronger. She got some of her old spark back. She started to think clearly and avoided her first instinct to beg, blame, or be a victim. Using my guidance and advice, she learned all the essential steps on how to save her marriage. She could have turned away and let this defeat her… but she didn’t.

Jane didn’t want to give up and be another divorce statistic, no matter how hopeless it seemed at the beginning. She owed herself and her children better.

She applied the steps and strategies I gave her and started to win back her husband by doing things that at first seemed counter-intuitive. Step by step, day by day, there was a small breakthrough. She learned so much about herself and the tangible things she could do in those first few weeks, even when her husband was unresponsive. It was a total flip in the way she would have approached it, but it worked.

Slowly but surely Jane started using my techniques to let go of the anger and frustration and started communicating in a way she never had before. Bit by bit, the barriers were broken down and they started to talk, really talk, and the floodgates opened. No more fear, no more lies, no more unspoken expectations. Unbeknown to both of them, they were able to find a way forward and reconnect, and their marriage is now better than ever before!

Jane and her husband showed up at a party of mine recently and I couldn’t believe the difference… in just a few months from that devastating conversation, here they were totally loved up, hand in hand, laughing and smiling at each other, staring at each other with renewed energy and love… like a honeymoon couple!

To look at them you would never believe they had been at the gates of hell only a few short months ago… but the results speak for themselves!

Encouraged by their success I started writing down some of what I knew, refining it, researching and testing it, and developing it into a winning formula that would help more couples avoid the agony of divorce. It was this formula that formed the foundation of “Save My Marriage Today.”

Today I’ve helped over 6000 couples save their marriage and achieve astonishing success as they build a better future together, crazy in love like a honeymoon couple and having the skills to make sure they are never in crisis mode ever again.

I know it sounds CRAZY… but I know I can make the same great result happen for you… all that remains is for you to want your dream marriage back as bad as I want to help you achieve it!

It’s time you committed to making sure that your marriage is next!

Discover one of the most destructive things you’re probably doing to your marriage right now that is destroying your chances of saving it. Learn the key tips to make your spouse turn towards you instead of turning away.

How to positively and lovingly get your spouse to challenge their beliefs and attitude about what they think is wrong with your marriage. (I’ve seen this method help dozens of spouses reconsider their decision)

Find out how to get your spouse to go crazy head over heels for you and desire you in a way you have never experienced! You will be amazed at how good it feels to have your spouse’s attention and affection again.

Straying spouse? Apply my powerful 4 step formula to stop cheating dead in its tracks and rebuild a stronger relationship

A powerful psychological tweak that will disarm the negative thoughts and feelings present, and help you view your spouse with trust, love, and happiness when you see them.

The clever internal mind trick that will free you from distraction and supercharge your marriage saving power. This will actually give you a far higher chance of saving your marriage.

Eliminate all possibility of your partner “pulling your strings” and take complete control of your emotional and internal responses to them… no matter what the situation.

Outside-the-square tactics to strip back the lies and smokescreens and really pinpoint what the real issues are in your marriage. Most people discover that the REAL issues run deeper than what they think, and this pinpoint realization may be exactly what you need to get yourself and your marriage-saving mission back on track.

Do you ever feel like the only way to resolve a conflict is by slamming the door and walking away? Or by punishing your partner? It doesn’t have to be this way. Find out incredibly powerful strategies for resolving your marriage conflicts in a more constructive and less emotionally stressful way.

Discover why arguing is great for your marriage! I give you an in-depth look into what is actually going on in an argument… and how to understand what your partner is really doing when they are behaving irrationally and selfishly.

An important step-by-step exercise to identifying exactly what your individual needs are as a person as well as fundamental needs of a relationship. I also show you how to fulfill those needs while still being the best spouse you can possibly be. I show you how… even if your partner is seemingly in the way.

When your partner withdraws, do you feel like a victim, possibly cold and lonely? You need to know the essential steps to self-sustain, and how to keep your mood elevated. I show you how to be your best, most positive self at a time when you need it most.

How to get out of the vicious cycle of reacting to problems, conflicts and situations, and move towards acting proactively. Learn and apply as I guide you through the critical steps that you need to take.

Discover the shocking truth about trial separations and what they do for your marriage. You must read this before you implement this strategy.

Even when you and your spouse do not live together, there are many actions you can undertake that will make a positive difference. Uncover the tangible things you can do while you are away from your spouse that will maximize your chances of getting back together.

The secrets of a loving and fulfilling relationship: what must happen to keep BOTH OF YOU from screwing it up.

You’ll learn how to respond to criticisms and attacks from your partner. I’ll show you how to interpret these criticisms and react positively so that you can diffuse the situation before it spirals out of control.

What to do when yours or your spouse’s career has put a large strain on your marriage. This is an incredibly important issue, so I’ve devoted an entire chapter to resolving it, including practical exercises to help restore your relationship to a positive balance!

Discover the unique set of challenges and stress on your marriage that results from the birth of a first child. You’ll learn how to navigate the challenges of this difficult period and how to get the love back into your relationship and your new family.

Once you learn and apply the lessons you’ve learned from my course, I promise you, you’ll turn this living nightmare around and start to make real gains in your marriage rescue, almost immediately!

Look, I don’t buy into this well-meaning hand-holding stuff where your therapist holds your hand and tells you it’s going to be alright but is still drudging through the painful details some 20 sessions and several months later… I have no interest in stretching out your pain in the interest of bleeding more money out of you.

You need ANSWERS AND ADVICE that is going to deliver FAST RESULTS… RIGHT NOW, and that’s what I can deliver.

You haven’t got time to sit and wait for your spouse to change their mind. You haven’t got time for a miracle to happen. It all relies on YOU and what YOU are going to do RIGHT THIS MOMENT.

I don’t want to see you still working on saving your marriage in a year from now. Frankly, by that time your spouse will be gone forever. I don’t want to see you living in this crushing pain and agony a moment longer. I’m not going to sit and watch you live your life with the threat of divorce hanging over you like a noose for months on end.

I’m going to help save you. And best of all, it’s going to happen FAST.

My marriage-saving system is going to arm you with the best techniques and methods that have saved thousands of marriages before you, and give you the best possible chance of making positive changes fast. Best of all, you’ll be able to strip back the lies and misunderstandings of many marital conflicts and take practical, immediately-beneficial steps to minimize or eliminate your problems entirely.

Your marriage is never going to be vulnerable to the pain and risk of breakup or divorce ever again!

Here’s PROOF this works from someone just like you…

Rhonda K. (Cottageville, SC).

“I needed clarity and hope and Save My Marriage Today gave me that.”

My husband had an affair that lasted several months (and that wasn’t his first). I came to the Save My Marriage website by searching for help on the Internet. I was looking for answers and really needed the anonymity that this web site offered. My marriage was in danger because of my husband’s affair and I couldn’t discuss it with family and friends. I was hurt and ashamed even though I wasn’t the cheater!

Other websites asked for huge fees for individual counseling. That was something I could get in my own community. I needed something that was more readily available, that could answer my questions, and give me a place to start. That’s when I found “Save My Marriage Today.”

The biggest benefit I have gained from “Save My Marriage Today” was perspective. There were so many lessons about how to look at what was happening in my life from a different angle. I needed clarity and hope and “Save My Marriage Today” gave me that. They used practical tips and things that I could really work on to be proactive in salvaging my relationship with my husband.

Even though a lot of the stories and lessons were focused on me, I felt empowered that I had some control back in my life. I learned that there were things I could evaluate, change and improve in terms of my outlook on life and relationships and my understanding of my marriage. The true examples from real people gave me insight that you can really survive an affair!

This web site is different from many others in that the focus of the “advice” and help really reflects the name —- “Save My Marriage Today.” Other web sites may not have that as a goal, but the salvation of my marriage was definitely what I was looking for.

Fred and Maureen B. (Putnam Valley, NY).

“We will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year!”

Save My Marriage was very instrumental in helping my husband and myself understand each other by learning to communicate love words, to respect each others space, and to speak up when annoyed and not harbor anger. We were on the verge of divorce, thinking there was no way to repair the damage. Save My Marriage was a God send and we thank you so very much. After years of misgivings we are happy that we joined Save My Marriage and we worked it out and stayed together. We will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year!

You want to see even more of what’s inside?

Did you know that “working harder” on your relationship isn’t always the answer? Learn how to “work smarter” and change the momentum of your relationship with minimal effort!

Uncover the game plan to re-introduce long lost passion into your marriage. You will re-ignite the intimacy in your relationship – no matter how long you have been married! You’ll also learn specific techniques for re approaching sex and intimacy after an affair.

Discover what details are actually going to help you after an affair. Understand how a widely used therapeutic technique delivers fast results for your marriage… without the pain and heartache associated with an affair!

Does your marriage require a marriage counselor? Apply my checklist to help you get the RIGHT ONE FOR YOU, and how to use them effectively so that they actually help rather than hinder your marriage progress!

Learn exactly what essential ingredients are involved in a successful marriage and how to keep yours that way. This is stuff your priest and your parents never taught you!

Find out what the top 7 mistakes people make when a marriage crisis arises that crushes any chance of saving it, and what YOU SHOULD be doing instead!

How to assess what stage of a crisis you are in (there are 5 stages)… And how to address any of these stages and turn your situation around in minimum time!

Got problems involving sex or money? Discover powerful techniques for dealing with these so that these recurring arguments are only a distant memory.

I show you how to become a team in your relationship… even if you currently feel like you are battling on opposite sides! I’ll have you and your spouse going the same direction in next to no time!

Over 30 exercises to get your marriage back on track! Do them yourself OR with your partner. They’re uncomplicated, quick to do, and … most importantly … help you save your marriage!

Have you heard all the myths about in-law relationships? Don’t believe everything you see on tv. Understand why a good relationship with your in-laws is very important to your marriage.

Need your own space? Discover how this can be a positive and energizing thing for your relationship and the best way to get it without offending your partner.

These secrets have been proven to work for over 6000 couples around the world and I know it can work for you.

So what’s the catch? You have to actually do it! Most people who fail, do so because they never take action because they fear its already too late or worry what their partner and others may think.

They don’t have the patience and passion to save their marriage, or they simply don’t have the patience to relearn new life skills that will make a difference in not only their marriage but their future too! They give up and divorce like many other couples, rather than take on their marriage problems and achieve immediate results with my life-changing system.

Other people fail because they have tried before and it worked for a while… but now they are back in that dark place, on the edge of the abyss with divorce drawing them down…

Taking action is scary, because it requires you to acknowledge that something is wrong and you don’t have the answers to fix this one.

But be honest with yourself… Do you want to smooth it over with a bit of sticking tape, hoping the patch will hold, or do you really want to dig deep and fix it once and for all, truly understanding what it feels like to have been standing at the edge of the cliff and survive?

And by the way – “taking action” and “acknowledging a problem” isn’t as scary as you might think if you already have a system that has worked for over 6000 couples to help you out of this mess!

It’s time to relearn how to live your life and how to have the successful marriage you really want. You are never too old or too tired to give your marriage new life!

Don’t just stand there and do nothing. You have ENORMOUS POWER to make decisive, positive changes to your life and marriage right now – waffling and wasting time only diminishes that power. The longer you leave it, the more likely your spouse is going to move on and find someone else.

Make your spouse find YOU again! There has never been a better time to relearn what it takes to save your marriage!

My heart has healed and I am back to my old self… we are so much happier now, god bless!
–Pauline Thomas, (Charleston, SC)

…You really opened my eyes to what has been happening… my relationship is now back on the right track!
–Sarah Deans, (Goodland,KS)

The secret (and the difference between yourself and others who try and fail) is that you’re going to start by doing ONLY ONE OR TWO THINGS.. AND DOING THEM REALLY WELL.

It’s easy for people to become overwhelmed when they think about how they are going to save their marriage… where do they start, what do they do first, and most people try to do too much all at once.

But that’s not going to happen to you because we approach your marriage differently.

A very wise friend told me once a story about how to eat an elephant. Do you know how you eat an elephant?

One mouthful at a time.

And that’s exactly where we’re going to start as you work through my step-by-step instructions, hands-on exercises that you can do at the end of each chapter (and no, you don’t have to have your partner do them with you, you can do them yourself!), learn and apply my sound psychological tips as you increase your personal awareness and work on your own personal development, channel the many emotions you have as you walk the journey towards marital reconciliation, heal the emotional gulf caused by years of neglect, misunderstanding, bad memories, and failed expectations…

… and reprogram your marriage and your own life so that the two of you will not only reconnect… but forge an entirely NEW relationship that leaves behind the mistakes and frustrations of your past! This new relationship will be intoxicating, and you and your spouse will CRAVE each other’s company and affection and the new found bond you have as you create new dreams and live them together!

But you aren’t going to rush to do it all at once.

That’s a mistake you might have made in your past, rushing to get it all right and smoothing over the cracks. Chances are this isn’t the first time you have been at crisis point, which is why I’m going to teach you NEW skills this time, to make sure it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

You are going to learn each new skill as you ready to learn it… not before. And as you learn and apply each new skill, it’s going to rewrite your life and your marriage. You’re going to be so excited!

You are going to reconnect on a much higher level, both verbally, physically, and emotionally, every day reaffirming to each other that you are their dream spouse and are part of their exciting future, wherever that may be…

Welcome to your dream life and marriage. Let me give you the key.

“Before I came across your book my marriage was in serious danger of heading towards divorce. Now we are in a better place than we ever were before. Thank you so much!”
— Paul Arnold, Seattle

“I was a little bit skeptical in the beginning and the reason is we’ve tried 2 different marriage counselors already and I’ve already read numerous other books on the subject. There wasn’t anything I could seem to do. However after using your book and following the exercises you set out, I have been seeing significant results with our marriage situation. And I’m a whole lot happier in my self. My friends and family are very glad to see that I’m back to my old self again! Fingers crossed it all continues.”
— Ianessa Gorerro, Huntington Beach

“It’s great buying from someone who actually cares. Thank you for the extra help, everything seems to be going great now… You’ve made a 63 year old lady pretty happy!”
–Margaret Peterson, Buffalo, USA

“…I feel very lucky and blessed that we were able to turn our marriage around like this. My husband used to spend as much time as he could away from home. Now we are so in love and its funny now he had to go away for the week we have been talking on the phone every day. We can’t wait to see each other again!”
— Renee Walsh, Portland

Look, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get my course and save your marriage right now, which is why my course is available via instant download!

You can be reading my Save Marriage course from the comfort of your own home and be well on your way to disarming divorce and creating a happy, intimate, and strong marriage in under 5 minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before, it’s so easy to do that you’ll wonder why you didn’t try it sooner.

Plus, because I’m offering it to you via the internet, you reap the benefits of:

No waiting time, forget waiting for weeks for postal delivery. You can get started right now!

The privacy of doing this at home in your own time. No appointments or embarrassment!

No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.

You receive the book at a lower price because it costs us less to produce.

Many of you could learn how to save your marriages through the long and brutal path of trial and error, and eventually may reach success, but a lot more of you will become additional casualties in our growing divorce statistics.

Don’t risk the reality of being divorced, broke, lonely, watching your spouse with another person, and wishing that you had taken your marriage seriously while you had the chance.

If you could do anything to avoid the sickening feelings you have right now, and the emotional, financial, and physical pain of divorce, you would grab it with both hands wouldn’t you?

I’m throwing you a lifeline here, but you are running out of time before your spouse walks out of your life forever so you have to ACT NOW.

Picture this: It’s a year from today (or a lot sooner), and and your marriage is so solid and strong that all your friends are remarking how happy you and your partner seem to be. You’ve recovered from the stress you went through last year due to your marriage issues, and you are in a much happier place. You laugh together, hug and hold each other, tell each other how much you love one another, and you feel so lucky to have been given a second chance to get things right. Even better, you know that it would take wild horses to tear you and your spouse apart now.

Now, stop and look back on today. Considering that you’ve resolved this major crisis in your life and learnt so much about successful marriages, and know that you will never be as stressed again in the future, what price tag would’ve made it a good investment?

However I’m not even going to charge you anywhere close to that price AND if you join TODAY, you will receive a free email-based consultation with your order! (This takes a lot of time for my team and I, so we can’t guarantee this bonus will be available for very long)

Save My Marriage Today PLUS ALL the bonuses, is available to you TODAY for…

I know people think I’m crazy, but I want to make this course as accessible as possible to help more of you avoid the unnecessary pain of divorce. I want you to be as happy as my friend Jane and the 6000 other couples who have achieved success with Save My Marriage Today!

Click Here to Save Your Marriage Right Now!

But if that’s not enough to get you to click that button and commit to a better life and a happy marriage, check out what else I’ve thrown in to help you…

I am providing this bonus for a short time only to ensure that your marital problem gets attended to first hand by my specially-trained staff of relationship experts. Email the Save My Marriage Today! team and get real advice for your specific situation. The frank perspective and objective insight from our consultations have made an enormous difference in our members’ lives: will you be next?

Stress can make everything in our lives more difficult. It can escalate an irritation into a full-blown fight and cause us to do or say things we don’t mean. Worst of all, it can often feel like there’s no escape from stress. We can’t wave a wand and make all the stressful things in our lives disappear.

Is stress destroying you and your marriage? You owe it to your partner and yourself to get your stress under control and regain your emotional wellness and inner peace. A healthy marriage starts with a healthy emotional state.

This eBook will teach you to understand your stress, discover its causes, understand how stress is affecting your health and relationship, and simple changes you can do to reduce the stress in your life. Discover how techniques like time management, goal setting, meditation, progressive relaxation, alternative therapies, breathing, and more can make stress-related problems a thing of the past.

This is a simply amazing book that will teach you how to turn your life around by turning around your perspective. You will be moved and inspired to face your challenges from a healthier, more proactive, self-actualizing frame of mind.

When you’re facing challenges within your marriage, your best resources come from one place: inside yourself. Having faith in the possibility that your marriage can change and regain the love and promise that you once believed in, is crucial. This book will help restore your hope and belief again.

Best of all, as you discover new resources for happiness, creativity, and love within yourself, you’ll find that your marriage becomes a source of delight and endless surprises rather than disappointment and endless conflicts.

We owe it to our partners to be happy. Emotions are contagious: if you are depressed, stressed, or anxious much of the time, your partner will become irritable as well. On the other hand, it’s almost impossible to be gloomy around someone who’s filled with joy.

When you rediscover that happy self that your partner originally fell in love with, you may very well find that your partner rediscovers their old feelings of love that led them to want to join with you in marriage in the first place.

Discover the secrets to happiness in this easy-to-read ebook. You’ll discover where to begin your quest for happiness, what characteristics support happiness and what characteristics make it difficult to be happy, how to create a self-development plan to achieve the level of happiness you desire, how to target the causes of unhappiness and reframe them, and how to be happy in an imperfect world.

Recent studies have revealed a staggering 75% of all relationships will experience infidelity. That’s an extremely alarming statistic, making infidelity one of the biggest contributors to relationship and marriage breakdown.

Although there is no “step-by-step” guide to guarantee this doesn’t happen to you, this ebook includes some highly valuable insights into how infidelity works, how these situations develop, and what you can do to avoid infidelity ruining your marriage.

You’ll learn the most common reasons and differences between why men cheat and why women cheat, and how to proof your marriage from your partner cheating, and how to avoid temptation yourself.

This is an ebook compilation of all the lessons from the Save My Marriage Today introductory mini-course.

With these specific lessons condensed into a handy A-Z guide to marriage happiness and success – you can avoid the long, exhausting, brutal path of “trial and error”. Why learn the hard way when you could circumvent all that pain and suffering and create a happy marriage NOW, with these proven tools for success and long-term happy partnership?

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I have to be completely honest with you: If you don’t make the decision to take action and get this area of your life sorted out right now, your spouse is going to walk out of your life into the arms (and the bed) of SOMEONE ELSE… do you really want to let that happen? You owe it to yourself to make informed decisions and to give your marriage the best possible chance of long term success.

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“The biggest benefit I have gained from “Save My Marriage Today” was perspective. There were so many lessons about how to look at what was happening in my life from a different angle. I needed clarity and hope and “Save My Marriage Today” gave me that. They used practical tips and things that I could really work on to be proactive in salvaging my relationship with my husband. The true examples from real people gave me insight that you can really survive an affair! This web site is different from many others in that the focus of the “advice” and help really reflects the name —- “Save My Marriage Today.” Other web sites may not have that as a goal, but the salvation of my marriage was definitely what I was looking for.”

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The Stockpile Savior

Product Name: The Stockpile Savior

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There is a hidden storm brewing.

The 3 dark signs that prove it are already here.

And in 2024, it is about to destroy everything you hold dear.

I’m talking about a devastating event that hit the US almost 200-years ago, and it’s about to hit
us again.

Back then, it killed 3% of the population, erased approximately 60% of the nation’s wealth, and
left entire states devastated.

Desperate families were left wandering the country fighting for bare survival. Communities turned
inside out. And the infrastructure that held our nation together crumbled.

The scars it left cut deep and affect us even today, generations later.

But come this November, what follows once again, will make that past tragedy seem like child’s
play in comparison.

This is something that will pit brother against brother, town folk against city folk, man against
woman… And there’s little we can do to stop it…

There’s an almost “electric” charge in the atmosphere these days. Like a thunderstorm before the
big lighting strikes.

Something is terribly wrong with our nation. Like it’s reaching some boiling point, a point of no
return… and it seems like it’s about to give.

There’s talk about World War 3 buzzing in the media… But at this point in time, a war against an
external threat would probably unite us.

No.The serious threat to the American way of life and your safety is internal.

And it can obliterate all the basic necessities of modern life.

Unfortunately, this is not fear mongering. I wish it was…

And I’ll prove it without a shadow of a doubt by sharing with you the 3 sure-fire signs that this
could happen as early as this year.

… a world where cities are having a meltdown, and millions of refugees are placed into the

The economy overwhelmed by the sudden internal conflicts shuts down, shifting into a kind of war
economy mode – prioritizing only a select few.

Jobs vanish overnight. Millions of homeless people are hitting the streets. Some running from the
killings, others unknowingly heading for more danger.

People would be left at the mercy of whatever stockpiles they managed to build, if any.

How much food and water you’ve got. What tools and equipment you need to survive and maintain
your home.

Whatever arsenal you’ve got that allows you to protect your home from invaders. From rowing
gangs. And from the chaos that is heading our way…

They either don’t have a stockpile, or worse, they have a completely inadequate one and think
they’re safe, when they’re not.

(In a minute I’ll show you exactly what needs to be in your stockpile, to make sure you last
not just days and weeks, but months or even years, if you have to – with no government, with
no food in the grocery stores, and no one to count on but yourself).

Hi, my name is Mark Anderson, and I am known as the “Stockpile Scientist”.

And in the past few months, I’ve started seeing the writing on the wall.

I believe there are 3 major signs that it’s about to hit the fan… that we will have a civil
war in the US. And it could happen as early as this year.

All civil wars share at least three signs in common, and without disclosing the United States by
name, most experts on civil war would agree and say that the country in question is on the very
brink of civil war.

So how do you spot a civil war months before it explodes into chaos?

The first sign is that most civil wars follow some prior conflict. Where one side feels
crushed, humiliated, taken for a fool, and angry, while the victors gloat and continue to put
the losing side down.

This isn’t just about hurt feelings anymore – it’s about deep-seated resentment that can simmer
and eventually boil over, causing violent conflicts that could tear our society apart.

With the election battle this year so strong, there is bound to be a loser and a winner.

But this time regardless of who wins, the other side is unlikely to take it anymore. And this
could be the spark that ignites the powder keg.

The second big warning sign that trouble is brewing?

Our country is deeply divided. Look around – everywhere you see lines in the sand are drawn like
never before.

It’s rich against poor, working class vs the middle class, town folk vs city folk, blue states vs
red states… It goes even deeper, with gaps between religion, race, genders… and the list goes

It seems only 20 years ago we all still had things in common. But politics and social media have
created a rupture between groups, a gaping hole that many think is impossible to bridge.

And when people start looking at others as “less than human” this is when atrocities start

The third glaring sign. Which is a rise of sect-like behavior.

Across the nation groups are forming into what essentially could be called modern-day

These groups demand that you join them or at the very least, become an ally. Anyone who does not
comply, or questions them is instantly branded as being wrong, evil, or even dangerous..

Take, for instance, the rise of the “woke cult”, or as some call it “Church of the Woke”. This
group is infamous for its relentless push to cancel and silence anyone who dares to speak up
against what they believe.

But it’s not just them.

The fear of backlash is so intense that millions are choosing to keep their opinions to
themselves, because they are afraid of invoking the wrath of these powerful mobs, masked as
various civil rights activists.

With cities like Baltimore being under siege, where tensions were boiling over. That was just a
terrifying preview of what’s to come.

This isn’t just about differing opinions anymore, it’s about fearing for one’s safety over their
beliefs and first amendment rights.

I believe that all of these 3 signs will come together by the end of this year, with a desperate
half of the country losing the elections.

With the division between us getting stronger than ever. And with various “cult leaders” asking
for retribution – not just on social media but in the real world too.

When this happens, it will be game over for America.

You see, if anything we are very prepared for an attack from the outside. All our defenses are
pointed outward.

But what happens if a house is divided upon itself? When brother goes against brother? Countrymen
against countrymen?

Regardless of how long it takes – there will still be a little time to prepare.

But one thing is sure… time is running out.

And food, water, supplies, generators, guns, ammo — you’ll need all this if you want to survive
and thrive when it hits.

Because a civil war would be devastating.

The first 100 days would be especially hard to understand while you’d adjust to the “new

Imagine the widespread collapse that would follow.

Cities in lockdown, communities barricaded, and frequent blackouts as infrastructure fails.

Power station being forced to shut down, or getting critically damaged beyond repair.

Nuclear cores getting close to melt down, or worse. Millions of homes left without power and
heating in the dead or winter, or unable to live in the sweltering heat of summer.

Where on top of having no fridge, no AC, no internet whatsoever… People have to learn to live
without water, because most municipal pumps aren’t working.

Where local and interstate transportation has ground to a halt – making it impossible for all
grocery stores – or pharmacies, or any store for that matter – to resupply.

I’m talking about a complete mayhem on the streets where there is no clear distinction of
the enemy, leaving the unprepared as sitting ducks.

Neighborhoods turn into fortresses, families hunkerdown unsure of when the chaos will end.

Every day… a battle against uncertainty and the basic comforts of home become luxuries.

As I said my name is Mark Anderson, and I am known as the “Stockpile Scientist”. I’ll tell you
why people call me that in a minute because…

I believe that most Americans, including preppers, are seriously underprepared for the
devastating consequences of a full fledged civil war.

Regardless of whether they already have a stockpile, or they’re just starting to build one.

1) A civil war in the US will be unexpected, because people are wilfully blind, claiming that:
“It can never happen here”.

I believe the coming threat is so unlike everything we’ve been preparing for, that the
conventional stockpiling advice simply won’t cut it anymore.

Preppers with serious stashes might have a chance… although most stockpiles are missing key items
that could make them useless (I’ll show you what I mean in a second).

But there are millions of Americans with no stockpile whatsoever. And if you don’t have one, the
time to start it is now – because that might be your only way to survive for a long time.

But not any stockpile will do.

Preppers need to build multifunctional stockpiles with a high “bang for buck” ratio. And
most of all, they need “Stockpile saviors” – some of the most useful (and neglected) items a
prepper could hoard. I’ll show you 7 essential items like this, here on this page. (Missing
item #1 almost cost me my daughter’s life).

2) There will be no way to resupply for months or more

Unlike the other localized crises we had in the past years, this will likely be a continent-wide
catastrophe with no clear leadership.

This means there will be no opportunities to restock for a long time.

Most people, including preppers, will be shocked by how fast their stockpiles are draining. And
the truth is, most people are clueless about how to start a stockpile for 100 days or more –
without making really expensive (and life threatening) mistakes, and without even requiring a
lot of storage space.

That’s why on this page I’ll explain how to build a 100-day stockpile in just 10 days – even when
you’re on a budget, or if you live in a small rented apartment with little space for a survival

But even when people do manage to put together a long-term stockpile, most will fail. Because, in
my experience…

3) Even those with big, expensive stockpiles are probably not going to make it.

I should know. Because before being the “Stockpile Scientist”, I was one of those confident
preppers who thought he knew it all.

Look – I wasn’t born an expert in stockpiling. I became one by making more mistakes than anyone I
know. And since I believe smart people learn from other people’s mistakes, this is your chance
to learn from mine.

It was early 2010, and I was living in Haiti with my family as an expat.

It was a poor country that was constantly battered by hurricanes and earthquakes. So prepping was
something you simply had to do.
I wasn’t too worried. I had 5 figures worth of food, water, medicine, fuel – and all the tools I
thought I’d need to survive in case the big one hit.

It didn’t take long for me to see my stockpile put to the test: on January 12, Haiti was hit by
one of the largest earthquakes in the history of the country. Millions of homes collapsed. The
country was left with no electricity and no water. There were no stores. People had to cram into
tent cities to survive.

But in the middle of all that chaos, we were fine. My trusty generator was chugging along, we had
a fridge going, AC was working, food was plenty. And then it happened.

I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I was in our living room, listening to the radio about the widespread looting. My wife was pacing
the room worried. I wasn’t. I was just telling her that we’re safe, that we’re nothing like
those poor souls outside who failed to prepare.

That’s when the lights went out. But there was no reason to panic: the generator had run out of
gas. I had plenty of gasoline in my stockpile. I picked up a canister from the back of the shed
and filled up. I started the generator.

I thought maybe it was a blown fuse or something. I checked everything. There was nothing wrong
with the generator. But I could feel a sense of dread starting to grow in the pit of my

I could feel my heart sinking, and my confidence was replaced with a deep sense of

And it turns out, I was right to feel that way.

With no fuel, my generator became useless. We lost not just power: but the refrigerator and the
water pump. Soon, our hygiene took a dive. And that’s when Harper, my 6-year-old daughter, got

The previous week, we had felt calm and protected in the warmth of the living room, looking at
the turmoil and feeling confident. Now I was rushing to the nearest UN tent camp, desperate for
the electrolytes that would save my daughter.

I was forced to leave my family at home, unprotected, vulnerable to looters and all sorts of scum
that typically surface after any disaster… to sit in a line of 1000 desperate people who all
needed the same doctor.

And right until the last moment, I didn’t know whether she was going to make it.
Knowing that my stupid mistake could have led to her death was my wake up call.

Because after Harper got better, and we eventually escaped that hell, I didn’t let my mistake

My stockpile had failed me. I thought I was prepared, and that false confidence was my undoing.
What else had I failed to prepare for?

Once back to the US, I started having some deep conversations with people I respected. Not just
preppers. I spoke to veterans with real combat experience. I interviewed supply managers for
large cruise ships, who must spend months at sea and make sure nothing’s missing. And I picked
the brains of people with real survival stories in besieged cities.

As it turns out, my experience was anything but singular. In fact…

Mistake number 1 is overspending on non-essentials

Imagine having a million dollar car that won’t start because you blew a 50 cent ignition fuse.
This is how most stockpiles look like. Preppers are spending thousands of dollars or more on
obvious things like freeze dried food, or water filters, or a generator. But very often they
ignore key items that are often cheap. And because of that, they can’t really make use of their
expensive stockpiles.

Mistake number 2 is packing too much space with useless items

Too many people think you need a huge stockpile that will take a lot of space. But in fact, there
are lots of ways to pack high impact items that don’t require a root cellar or even a

One way to achieve that is to pick foods with high caloric density and long shelf life.
Another great way is to build a multifunctional stockpile – basically with items that serve
multiple purposes. I’ll show you 7 of my favorites below.

In fact, I discovered that there are some items most preppers ignore, that can make or break your
stockpile. I call those items “stockpile saviors” because they literally save your stockpile.
Start incorporating stockpile saviors into your preparedness – and you’ll save thousands of
dollars on your preps, and will need a lot LESS space.

I mentioned the first one in my survival story: Fuel stabilizer. This might not sound
important if you’re planning to survive for a week or so. Or if you have access to fresh fuel.

But for something catastrophic as a civil war event, having a fuel stabilizer will help
keep the power on when the entire country ground to a halt.

You see, fuel isn’t wine—it doesn’t get better with age.

Left alone, it’ll break down over time because of oxygen and moisture. So at most, you can expect
5 months out of gasoline, and up to 12 from diesel and kerosene. Fuel stabilizer can double that
lifespan, which might be invaluable in a longer SHTF situation.

Pro-tip: a Tri Fuel adapter is a good investment – as it will allow your generator to run
on propane. And propane does NOT expire.

Petroleum Jelly. Petroleum Jelly is a must-have for any emergency kit, be it a bug-out-bag
or a bunker stash. It’s one of my favorite multifunctional prepping items.

It’s cheap, versatile, and easy to store, making it perfect for uncertain times.

But it does more than you might think.

Need to start a fire? Coat some cotton balls in Vaseline for an easy-to-light fire starter.

Facing cold weather? It’s a go-to for skin protection and even frostbite prevention.

In first aid, it can help chapped skin and speed up wound healing—just steer clear of using it on

It can also be a lifesaver for shaving without water, rejuvenating old leather, and making candle
wax removal a breeze.

In short, Petroleum Jelly isn’t just goop in a jar; it’s your all-around utility player that
you’ll be glad to have when you need it most.

Our third item might sound boring but it can literally save your stockpile in an emergency: Silica

You might remember those little packets you get in the box whenever you buy a new pair of

You see, moisture is one of the biggest enemies of a long term stockpile.

Silica gel is a powerful desiccant that can absorb up to 37% of its own weight in moisture.

Silica gel safeguards electronics from water damage and prevents condensation on camera equipment
and headphones.

It effectively absorbs water, making it superior to rice for saving wet electronics.

Moreover, silica gel prolongs the freshness of foods, protects metals from rusting, aids in
gardening, and even combats fog and condensation.

In short, it’s a pivotal asset within your preparedness arsenal.

The fourth item is Bay Leaves…

Now these leaves are more than just a crisis-time resource; they should be a regular part of your
daily life.

In tough situations, they offer not only various health benefits but also effective pest

They help manage health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, digestive problems, and

When dried, they hold flammable oils that transform them into exceptional emergency fire

This unique attribute is invaluable during survival situations…

Allowing you to quickly ignite a fire that’s crucial for you and your family’s warmth, cooking,
or signaling for help.

So make bay leaves a staple of your stockpile, not just an emergency option.

That brings me to our fifth Stockpile Savior…

Many preppers imagine that they need the newest and most expensive items. But to me, baking soda
is the definition of “good bang for your buck”. It’s cheap and has tons of uses in a crisis,
more than I can mention:

Mouthwash and teeth whitener; deodorant; kitchen cleaner; weed killer. You can use it to clean a
scorched pot. It helps with heartburn and itchy skin.

And it can help decontaminate radioactivity!

The sixth item you should have in your stockpile is a good tarp.

It’s funny how many preppers don’t have a good basic tarp. It’s one of the most versatile items
you could hope for in a crisis. No water? Unroll your tarp and collect rain or dew water. Broken
window? You can mend it with a tarp. Or you can build a simple shelter until you find something
more solid.

It can act as wet weather clothing so you or your kids don’t get sick. And in an emergency, you
can use it as a stretcher.

The last thing on my list is Oxygen absorbers.

Oxygen shortens the shelf life of some foods.

It makes food go bad faster by causing oxidation of fats…

Letting germs grow, activating enzymes, and causing good food to spoil too fast.

Yet in the absence of oxygen, food can last for more than a decade in storage!

And guess what: it will allow you to prolong the expiration date of medication. This is
invaluable in a crisis, especially with hard to find medicine.

After our narrow escape from Haiti, I conducted over 100 interviews with preppers of all sorts.
It made me realize that, while some people were better prepared than others… everyone was still
sort of “winging it”.

No one had a roadmap for how to properly build a stockpile. And even those who had one were
making dangerous mistakes that could cost them the life of someone they loved.

So I set out to create the ultimate resource for building a 100+ days stockpile from scratch, in
under 10 days.

I called it “The Stockpile Savior”.

This is the ultimate guide to building a bulletproof stockpile…

That takes you from being uncertain about your preps…

To being 100% confident that your family will comfortably survive the first 100 days & beyond
of any disaster.

And you won’t have to waste hours researching what you need…

Visiting stores to compare

Or spending sleepless nights worrying about whether you’ve done your part to protect your

What really sets this apart from anything else in the market is that I’ve done all the heavy
lifting FOR YOU.

See, this isn’t just a simple guide.

It’s actually a step by step blueprint that practically does all the work FOR you.

Think of it like a 10 Day Roadmap to build a bulletproof stockpile.

Every morning, for 10 days, you’ll get a list of items you need to stockpile for that day.

You’ll even get links for where to find the product so you can simply open your guide for each
day and follow the steps to build your stockpile.

It really is as simple as waking up, pressing a few buttons, and waiting for your stockpile to
practically build itself.

Without doing any real work yourself.

You’ll also get options for each budget.

Whether your budget is high enough to afford the high, end Dom Perignon Champagne version of this

Or just enough to afford a bottle of Andre Champagne from a gas station…

Because whatever option you choose will build you a bulletproof stockpile that protects you in
the face of any crisis.

I even asked friends in the US to test it out and within days they sent me these pictures… Check
it out!

Here’s exactly what you get inside The Stockpile Savior…

Part 1: How To Build The Ultimate Food Stockpile

First, you’ll create a food stockpile that will make sure your family never goes hungry in a
disaster. You’ll discover…

Part 2: The Safe & Reliable Way To Ensure Your Family Has Access To Unlimited Water

Next, we’ll ensure that your family has access to safe drinking water & hygiene conditions even
if your area is going through its worst drought. You’ll discover…

Part 3: You’ll Never Experience Another Blackout If You Have These Items

You already saw how having no power can render most of your preps useless. That’s why the next
thing we’ll do is create a stockpile that ensures you have running electricity even if the rest
of your city is living in rolling blackouts.

Part 4: Guns & Ammunition: When Your Family’s Safety Lies In Your Hands… You Can’t Afford To
Be Caught Without These Items

Nothing is more important than your safety. That’s why you’ll discover exactly which security
items you need in your stockpile… and where to find them. Think about it:

Part 5: How To Safeguard Your Health When Hospitals & Pharmacies Shut Down

When the modern healthcare system collapses… Your family only has you to rely on to take care of
their health. That’s why you’ll need to know…

The best part is, this 10 Day Roadmap also comes with a comprehensive guide that takes you
in-depth and explains the purpose behind each of these items.

So you aren’t just blindly collecting items…

But you’re also understanding the importance of each of them and how to put them to use.

It wasn’t easy getting the information that’s inside this program…

It took months of blood, sweat and literal tears to figure out how to create a truly reliable

One that leaves nothing to chance and gives you the confidence to protect your family no matter
what the future holds.

I’m confident enough to say that…

This is the ONLY program on the market that can truly help you survive the first 100 days &
beyond of any SHTF situation…

Without leaving you to do any of the research yourself or wasting thousands of dollars on
unnecessary products.

But I wanted to go one step further to make sure you’re really covered.

This is why, when you get The Stockpile Savior today…

The first report you’ll get is…

Special Report #1: The Invisible Stockpile

When the Out of Stock signs hit, the mob goes crazy.

They’re willing to do anything it takes to get access to the essentials.

Including stealing from those like you who were smart enough to stockpile what they need.

That’s why, The Invisible Stockpile shows you how to conceal your stockpile from the public

So no one can find your items, even if they manage to break into your home.

The second report you’ll get is…

Special Report #2: How To Stay Safe When Your Rights Are Taken Away

When the very people hired to protect you turn into your enemies, you need a new plan of

That’s why, in this report you’ll discover how to protect your rights, including…

And finally, the third report you’ll get is…

Special Report #3: Riot Survival Tactics From A Hardened Policeman

The mobs don’t just resort to theft when stores go out of stock.

Riots break out on the streets.

Making it unsafe to even step out without risking your life.

That’s why it’s essential to know these riot survival tactics – straight from a hardened

As soon as you have these reports, make sure you open them right away…

…to be sure you don’t miss out.

With these 3 reports you could be one of the few who live in total peace even if there’s a
complete disaster outside your windows.

You won’t have to worry about your family going hungry, thirsty or living for weeks in the

Because when you’ve truly covered all your bases…

You won’t get the dreadful feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop like every other

That’s what these 3 special reports will do for you.

By now you’re probably wondering…

Look, with The Stockpile Savior on your side, you’ll build a reliable stockpile that will help
you survive the first 100 Days of any disaster with absolute ease…

In a matter of just 10 days.

That means you’ll be giving your family the gift of total peace, comfort and safety in a
situation where thousands of people are fighting just to get by.

You’ll be doing your duty to them every time you serve a fresh plate of food cooked
with items from your stockpile…

Every time you hand them a clean glass of water…

And every time you protect them from danger using items in your security stockpile.

Plus, being the person with access to all these items when the rest of the city desperately needs
them puts you at a HUGE strategic advantage.

That’s not all. This stockpiling system also SAVES you from wasting thousands of dollars on
unnecessary items – just like I did.

On the other hand, without The Stockpile Savior…

You’ll always be the one desperately looking for what you need.

In fact, you’ll likely be one item away from endless chaos – like I was.

It almost cost me my daughter’s life – and I wouldn’t want anyone else to face the fear that I

That’s why when you consider everything that The Stockpile Savior can really do for you…

Which I think is extremely fair too…

In fact, just by preventing you from buying some of the unnecessary items…

This program would more than pay for itself.

I had no plans to release anything to the public at all!

This started off as a project to save myself and my family from any more pain.

And my goal has not changed.

My goal here is only to help other families live comfortably no matter what the world throws
their way.

Even if that means only covering the expenses of creating this book with its price tag. And
making no profits.

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…..

And say “YES” to this life-saving program…

And why instead, by taking action today…

You can order The Stockpile Savior…

And the 3 additional reports:

The only way to get it is to click the “Add To Cart” button now.

And you’ll have a proven roadmap to build your stockpile in just 10 days.

So you can thrive not just survive in the face of ANY disaster.

You can only get The Stockpile Savior here if you click the “Add To Cart” button now.

But really, the price doesn’t even matter… because it comes with…

We are absolutely certain that this will help you and your family thrive, not just survive in the
face of any disaster.

But we don’t want you to just take our word for it.

We want you to see what this program can do for you yourself.

That’s why we want to offer you the opportunity to try The Stockpile Savior for yourself for the
next 60 days…

With absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.

Simply click on the big golden button that says “ADD to CART”…

And order your own digital copy of The Stockpile Savior right now.

Then, you’ll have immediate access to the lifesaving information in The Stockpile Savior…

I want you to check out the valuable information inside this system and put it into action.

We are confident that once you do this, you’ll have what you need to know to safeguard your
family from the first 100 days and beyond of ANY disaster…

We’ve made this as newbie-friendly as we could.

But If you’re not blown away by the knowledge revealed in it…

And if you’re not absolutely thrilled with how easy this makes it for you to build your
ultimate survival stockpile…

Then simply send us an email within 60 days, and I’ll send you your money back no questions

The reason I’m offering this guarantee is because I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be
shocked to see how easy it really is to prepare your family with The Stockpile Savior…

Also because we like to do business the “right” way…

And if we’re not providing you with TREMENDOUS value then we don’t deserve your money.

This way you can see for yourself how great this program is without risking a thing.

So go ahead and click the big button below and you’ll enter directly into a secure order

The way I see it, you have 3 options now.

The first option is to do nothing.

And leave your family’s survival up to chance.

Look, I hope that none of these ‘Survival Black Swans’ scenarios become a reality.

I hope that you don’t end up needing any of this in the future.

But you have to remember that hope is not a strategy.

Buying The Stockpile Savior today is like buying insurance for the future.

You don’t do it because you think something bad is going to happen.

You do it because you’ll sleep easier at night knowing that if something does happen, your
family is covered.

That brings me to my second option.

Which is to try to do this yourself.

I did, for years, and you saw where it got me.

Terrified to find out whether my mistake was going to cost me my daughter’s life.

I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone.

Or your third option is to take a chance with The Stockpile Savior today.

Simply follow the instructions you get every morning.

And 10 days from now, you’ll have a bulletproof stockpile ready to help you survive ANY

Without spending hours on research, wasting thousands of dollars or losing any sleep worrying
about what you need to ensure your family’s survival.

I want you to take a moment and think about the disasters that have already been set in motion in
the US.

When they inevitably hit, it’ll be too late to prepare.

Most of the important stuff will be flying off the shelves…

And by the time you realize you need something essential, it will be gone.

That’s why it’s absolutely crucial that you don’t waste any more time.

And that you take action now to ensure your family’s survival.

Press the button below now and I’ll meet you on the other side.


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Silence Pain In 12 Seconds With THIS Minty Oil

Product Name: Silence Pain In 12 Seconds With THIS Minty Oil

Click here to get Silence Pain In 12 Seconds With THIS Minty Oil at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Silence Pain In 12 Seconds With THIS Minty Oil is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


(27,391+ Swear By This)

Updated Fri November 8, 2024 at 4:58 am EDT

A groundbreaking new study from the University of Cambridge has just revealed the REAL cause of sore, tender muscles…

And your throbbing shoulders.

It has nothing to do with aging or simply inflammation like you’ve been told…

Instead, it all comes down to a rogue “heat wave” molecule…

Which is surging through your bloodstream right now…

Engulfing your nerves in a blazing ‘inferno’…

Flooding your joints with ‘acidic waste’…

And sending torrents of pain from your head to your toes.

Your body creates this heat wave molecule as a survival response.

And it would be totally harmless…

But greedy mega-corporations have a dirty little secret.

They’ve been using loopholes to create dangerous products…

Which spread this molecule through your body like a violent wildfire…

…Making you feel pain from things that should NOT cause you pain.

That’s why simple tasks could leave you pulsating with pain at night…

Like walking the dog or lifting heavy boxes.

Some folks even tell me they can’t twist open pickle jars or tie their shoes without wincing in pain.

Yet if you’re like any one of my thousands of clients…

Because none of them target this ONE powerful heat wave molecule.

While this all may sound hard to believe…

Research from Harvard Medical School, the European Journal of Pain, and The Journal of Neuroscience support this shocking discovery.

Fortunately, you can now experience lasting relief from the comfort of your home.

Medics in the American Civil War used this remedy to ease soldiers’ crippling pain…

Whether that’s from bullet wounds…

Or gashes from bayonet attacks.

But recent research published in the Journal of Dermatology proves this same remedy wipes away the heat wave molecule…

Cooling the raging fire within your muscles and joints…

And silencing decades of pain almost instantly.

It doesn’t matter what condition your doctor diagnosed you with…

Or if you feel pain in your neck, back, shoulders, knees, hips, hands, wrists, or anywhere else.

Because this remedy taps into the underlying process that causes ALL pain.

Once you try this 12-second remedy you’ll gently soothe your aches…

Without painkillers or physical therapy.

The stabbing pain in your hands after typing will vanish.

You’ll block the sharp, shooting pain when you pick up your child or grandchild.

Maybe you even embarrass your friends in a round of golf on a sunny afternoon…

Because this 12-second solution is the key to unlocking the freedom and independence that pain stole from you.

And that’s not just my opinion either.

Sarah V. from Toledo, Ohio, who said…

“Chris, I watched your video and my neck aches are gone!”

Dianne D. from Madison, Wisconsin, said…

“My back has been killing me for about 8 months. Stretches didn’t help. But when I tried your remedy, I felt better almost instantly.”

Michael A. from Beaverton, Oregon, said…

“I deliver packages for a living. I had to take time off work because my knees hurt too much. Now, I can work pain-free. Thank you!”

As incredible as their stories are, all of them came to me at their lowest points.

After their nagging pain took control of their lives…

Forcing them to give up things they love like gardening or biking.

Sometimes, it would even feel impossible to walk upstairs by themselves.

When the pain was simply too much…

They learned to say “NO” to every invitation and social event…

Making them feel trapped in an agonizing solitary confinement.

But I want you to know I’m so grateful you clicked on this video.

You’re in the right place.

And in the next few minutes, I’ll tell you all about the heat wave molecule causing flare ups of pain all around your body.

I’ll share the 12-second Civil War remedy to wipe away this molecule and silence pain instantly.

I’ll even reveal the toxic particle leaking into your food, water, and air that multiplies this heat wave molecule in your body.

Plus, the 5 WORST fruits & veggies that are infested with this toxin.

In fact, according to research from the University of Newcastle, you inhale as much of this toxin as the size of a credit card every week.

Pills, Icy Hot, patches, turmeric, glucosamine, and a million other solutions you’ve tried don’t target the true culprit of pain.

You’ve never had the real answer to solving your pain.

Which is why it’s so important you read this page until the end.

Because you won’t find this little known info anywhere else.

Most mainstream media only promotes common solutions you’ve tried…

Or just focus on gossip and Hollywood scandals.

So if you click away, you may never find this info again…

Which would be a shame when the solution to erasing your pain is just a few moments away.

Now, please give me your full attention.

Chris OhocinskiState-Licensed and NationallyCertified Athletic Trainer

I’m a licensed athletic trainer.

After graduating from East Stroudsburg University with a degree in Athletic Training and Sports Medicine…

I’ve helped everyone from seniors to high school athletes rehab injuries and eliminate pain.

These days I serve as Supervisor of Sports Medicine for the White Hall-Coplay school district.

I’m also frequently featured on Critical Bench, a popular YouTube channel where I help over 1 million subscribers reduce pain and prevent injuries.

Over the past decade, I’ve been fortunate to help thousands of folks naturally relieve their pain.

I’ll never forget the day she hobbled into my office.

She gave me a polite smile at first…

Until she gushed every tear-jerking detail about her crippling low back pain.

You see, Maria was a 71-year-old middle school teacher.

She had poured her blood, sweat, and tears into teaching social studies for decades…

As well as taking care of her 2 beautiful grandchildren.

Unfortunately, when Maria dropped a book in her classroom…

She bent over and a sharp pain shot down her leg.

Maria tried to “tough it out”…

But this was only the beginning.

Her lower back became sore and stiff after driving to work.

A jolt of pain radiated through her spine every time she bent over to tie her shoes.

Soon, her aching back stole all the things she loved…

Like tending to her garden…

Or going for walks with her husband.

As a matter of fact…her soreness would keep her lying awake all night long…

Draining her joy and energy the next morning.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

One of Maria’s students even asked her…

“Why do you always look so tired?”

Maria could ignore a child’s innocent comment…

But she refused to be a zombie when her students needed her.

So Maria begged her doctor for help.

Yet the only help he gave was a prescription for painkillers.

Now, Maria HATED the idea of gobbling up pills like a glorified addict…

But she already tried common methods like NSAIDs, heating pads, stretching, massages, and turmeric.

So what else could she do?

Maria hoped that maybe the pills would do the trick…

And sure, she slept a little better at night if she took them before bed.

But she read research from McGill University proving that people who took pain pills ended up with WORSE pain a couple years later.

…Not to forget the reported 140,000 heart attacks after taking just 1 brand of painkillers…

Or liver and kidney damage from popping these doctor-prescribed pills.

Maria tossed her pills in the trash.

And as you can expect, the back pain returned with a vengeance.

Eventually, Maria had no choice but to lie in bed…

Rather than going to work every day.

And that’s when Maria’s world came crashing down.

Her husband walked in on her doing more stretches…

“Maria, your back STILL hurts? Don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit?”

Her heart dropped like an anchor in her chest.

While she had been with her husband, Nick, for over 40 years…

She never realized how there was a massive rift between them.

The man she dedicated her life to…now seemed like a distant stranger.

Maria started questioning herself.

Or am I just acting like a victim?

Or maybe I’m just lazy?

More than the physical pain…

Maria’s back pain was tormenting her mentally and emotionally too.

She desperately wanted a way to get the “old” her back.

Finally, she asked me: “Chris, WHY do I suffer from back pain even after trying everything?”

Maybe you’ve asked yourself the same question?

When simply sitting in a chair gives you tingling pins and needles.

When reaching into a cabinet sends a shockwave of agony through your shoulder…

Or simply carrying groceries from your car turns into an impossible feat.

But here’s the thing your doctor will never tell you…

All of your pain comes down to 1 thing.

This is the TRUE cause of pain, so please pay very close attention.

You see, there are countless chemicals in our environment that cause this “heat wave” molecule to surge through our blood streams.

But the most shocking culprit?

Toxic particles found in our food and water.

Ever since plastic was invented in 1907, nearly all the plastic created is still somewhere on Earth…

Or sitting in a landfill.

Over time, they break down into tiny particles called microplastics.

And these leach into everything like your water supply, food, fish, soil, air, and so on.

Marco Lambertini of the World Wildlife Fund stated:

“Not only are plastics polluting our oceans and waterways and killing marine life – it’s in all of us and we can’t escape consuming plastics.”

Scientists from the Netherlands found 75% of blood donors had plastic in their bloodstreams.

Well, these microplastics are infesting foods your doctor would recommend.

A single GRAM of fruits like apples or carrots have over 100,000 microplastic particles in them.

You might think you’re healthy for eating fish, fruits, and veggies…

But you could be munching on plastic shopping bags and water bottles.

A recent study even found that 80% of canned fish contains microplastics.

The average person consumes about 5g of these toxic particles every week – according to the University of Newcastle.

That’s the size of this credit card. 

And do you know what happens from consuming microplastics?

You skyrocket levels of the “heat wave” molecule causing your pain.

According to the University of Cambridge, this heat wave molecule enhances blood flow to naturally heal your injuries…

But there’s a dark side when levels of this heat wave molecule are too high.

As the name suggests, the heat wave molecule also heats up your muscles, joints, and skin.

While it’s there, it floods your body with an acidic waste.

Think of it like an apocalypse happening inside your muscles and joints.

The heat wave engulfs your muscles and nerves in flames…

While the acidic flood corrodes your joints to bony stumps.

This disaster happening in your body is exactly why you experience:

It’s the heat wave molecule wreaking havoc from inside your body.

The University of Texas McGovern Medical School revealed a hidden “pain switch” within your nerves.

This pain switch is normally OFF.

But when your body senses a deadly threat…

This hidden pain switch is like a flashing red emergency signal screaming “DANGER.”

And that’s where things spiral out of control.

Because Harvard scientists report when your heat wave molecule surges through your body…

It flips this hidden pain switch to ON.

In fact, a shocking study published in the European Journal of Pain revealed this heat wave molecule seeks out your hidden pain switch like a silent assassin.

And the higher levels of the heat wave molecule, the more pain you feel!

Things that wouldn’t typically cause any discomfort now become unbearable sources of agony.

Standing up from your chair sparks a fiery explosion in your low back.

Walking upstairs crunches your knees like they’re shattered glass.

And your wrist aches after simple tasks like typing on a computer.

I have to admit, when I first discovered this research, I was shocked…

No matter how many painkillers you pop…

How many heating pads you use…

Or how many massages you get…

None of them are designed to target the “heat wave” molecule causing pain in your body.

And this is why, if you want to break free from the chains of constant pain…

You need something to “cool” the heat wave molecule.

And flip off your hidden pain switch that’s causing you so much discomfort.

Well, I have great news for you.

After months of research, I’ve found 3 natural ingredients that can flush the heat wave molecule out of your blood.

Please understand all 3 ingredients work TOGETHER to eliminate your pain.

Soldiers in the US Civil War used peppermint oil, which contains menthol, to treat pain.

But this isn’t some outdated folk remedy.

Scientists out of the University of Edinburgh discovered menthol activates your TRPM8 receptor.

This gently cools the heat wave causing your pain.

In fact, the Journal of Dermatology found menthol literally blocks your heat wave molecule from forming.

Still, a few straggling heat wave molecules might slip through.

They might shoot pain signals over to your brain, right?

Yet that’s where the next benefit of menthol comes in.

Doctors at Drexel University College of Medicine discovered menthol blocks pain signals from even reaching your brain.

…Which means you can easily walk all around downtown…

Without your knees “paying” for it later.

But you may be wondering HOW effective menthol is. 

A study published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy found menthol erased pain and improved strength 116.9% more than ice did.

In another study menthol slashed carpal tunnel pain by 31% after only 2 uses.

Menthol flips your hidden pain switch OFF…

Reversing the agonizing effects of the “heat wave” molecule – according to the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics.

Well, you relieve pain even faster when you also include the next ingredient…

An international team of scientists discovered arnica fights pain and swelling…

Slashing pain levels by a whopping 35% after surgery.

And if that wasn’t impressive enough…

Swiss scientists found arnica was even MORE powerful than common NSAID pills at relieving pain…

But without the risky side effects like eating away your stomach lining.

While menthol and arnica already eased nagging pain and joint stiffness by themselves…

The third ingredient is like the glue that holds everything together.

Scientists from the University of Texas found Aloe Vera targeted your heat wave molecule like a heat seeking missile…

Blocking its production…

While moisturizing your skin and fighting inflammation.

But you want to know the most unique benefit?

Aloe vera also enhances the absorption effect of OTHER ingredients.

In other words, when you combine aloe vera with menthol and arnica…

It’s like the ingredients get “sucked” into your skin…

Extinguishing the flames of your heat wave molecule…

Turning OFF that hidden pain switch… 

And bringing lasting relief deep into your body.

Soothing your inflamed nerves so you peacefully sleep.

Regaining so much mobility in your joints, you go for a relaxing bike ride on a trail near your house.

And finally getting your ‘old’ life back…

Along with the energy and enthusiasm you thought you lost years ago.

But I’m an athletic trainer, not a formulator.

And after weeks of searching, I partnered with Critical Nutrition Labs.

They were the obvious choice, manufacturing products in a pristine facility…

With a world-class quality control process…

And all the certifications to back up their detail-oriented reputation.

Together, we designed a simple, yet powerful pain cream.

Just one final test remained…

We had to try it out in the real world.

The first thing we did was send Maria a jar of our pain cream.

Although she was skeptical, she rubbed it on her low back as soon as she got it, and here’s what she said:

“Chris, I just tried your pain cream.

You won’t believe this, but the stabbing pain in my back was gone in seconds.

My husband took me out to dinner in the city, and I didn’t feel a single twinge of pain.

I’m so excited to get back to my life. God bless you.”

After hearing Maria’s raving review, I want YOU to experience this relief too…

So without further ado…

Insta Soothe is the only pain cream designed to target the “heat wave” molecule causing your pain, PGE2.

And using it couldn’t be easier.

Simply rub this non-greasy cream onto your aching joints or muscles…

You’ll silence the throbbing pain.

Your joints will feel looser, and you’ll move with greater ease…

As if you’ve turned back the clock on your body…

Because there’ll be no more struggling with everyday tasks like getting dressed, climbing stairs, gripping objects, or getting into your car.

Instead, you’ll be able to enjoy activities like golf, hiking, tennis, and playing with your kids or grandkids…

Without any pain holding you back.

So it’s no wonder Insta Soothe is in such high demand.

Up to this point, 27,391+ adults have experienced its life-changing benefits.

Jerry C. from South Pasadena, California, said…

“I’ve been passed around by 3 different doctors who only prescribed painkillers for my back. My orthopedic surgeon stuck needles in my spine for cortisone injections. I’ve tried 2 physical therapists and a chiropractor who tried decompressing my spine and just made things worse. Insta Soothe is the ONLY thing that makes my back feel better.”

Brian D. from Charleston, West Virginia, said…

“Hi Chris. I wanted to update you on your pain cream. I rubbed Insta Soothe on my feet to relieve my neuropathic pain yesterday. The burning turned to a nice cool feeling in seconds. Not joking…for the first time in decades, I slept without waking up once!”

Alice W. from Minneapolis, Minnesota, said…

“Arthritis stole my life from me. I couldn’t even start my car or turn my doorknob without extreme pain. I now rub Insta Soothe on my hands a couple times a day. And almost forgot I even have arthritis.”

Now, I’m guessing that you’re ready to try this natural solution for yourself.

Because Insta Soothe relieves tightness and soreness in seconds.

 It’s virtually free from side effects.

 Every jar is portable, so you can put it in your bag or car.

 You can rub it anywhere on your elbows, knees, or any place you want to soothe.

 And you don’t have to worry about a sticky residue or stinky odor.

Imagine getting out of bed…fully rested without any stiffness or aching.

Getting dressed and buttoning your shirt is a breeze.

You easily walk downstairs…

And pour yourself a steaming cup of coffee.

After you take your first sip… 

You realize THIS is what you’ve been missing for so long.

No soreness. No aching. No tingling.

Finally, you have your normal life back.

Even more than the relief, you feel a youthful excitement.

Like a kid on Christmas morning, you plan all the things you’re going to do.

Water the marigolds in your garden…

Run around the park with your grandkids.

There’s no limit to the possibilities. 

It’s like you’ve reclaimed a missing part of you.

For the first time in years, you can literally do anything you want…

Without relying on anyone else.

Sounds like a dream, right?

The good news is this could be your life.

First, you should know every jar is made in an FDA-registered, cGMP-compliant facility in Ohio.

We only use premium natural ingredients with the strictest quality control standards… 

Which ensures InstaSoothe is free of harsh chemicals that could harm your body.

But as you know, quality doesn’t come cheap.

Plus, there’s no other solution designed to neutralize the heat wave molecules running rampant in your body.

And we’re not even counting the emotional nightmare of pain.

Like how people with chronic pain are 4 times more likely to be depressed.

Still, something didn’t sit right with me.

I’ve watched how pain tormented Maria on a constant basis.

I know you may have canceled plans with friends when you’re in too much pain.

How you feel you CAN’T do normal things anymore…

Or even wipe yourself in the bathroom.

Like life is playing some cruel trick on you.

And believe me when I say, you don’t deserve any of this.

That’s more than 50% off retail price.

Because you’ve made it this far into the presentation, it’s obvious you’re serious about ending your pain.

I want to give you a special exclusive price for watching this video.

Now, we’re not stopping there.

Remember, the environmental toxins including microplastics won’t simply disappear.

When you run out of your supply of Insta Soothe…

You’ll be helpless against the onslaught of toxins…

Which will re-activate your body’s natural heat wave molecule.

There’s no reason to get teased with sweet relief…

Only to get blindsided by pain once again.

It’s no surprise the Insta Soothe users who experience LASTING relief…

Order a 3 or 6-month supply of Insta Soothe.

Plus, we found that actually saves us a ton of money on warehouse costs…

Allowing us to give you a major discount when you order in bulk.

Sounds like a win-win if you ask me.

Between the cost to manufacture, store, and ship Insta Soothe…

As well as the website hosting costs…

And all the other expenses of creating the best pain cream in the world…

I’m almost losing money by charging such a low price.

So please believe me when I say…

We can only offer this deal to the next 100 people.

Otherwise, we’ll go out of business.

So here’s what to do next.

If the order page doesn’t appear, then you’d have to join the list of people waiting for the next batch of Insta Soothe.

If it’s still available at all.

And that’s why ordering multiple jars is so important.

If the order page DOES appear, you’re in luck. 

We still have Insta Soothe in stock. 

Rest assured, the page uses a 100% secure, 256-bit encrypted order form.

It’s the same technology big banks and trusted companies like Amazon use.

Just fill in your info and submit your order.

Then our team will immediately start processing your order to ship to your doorstep.

I really can’t blame you if you still have your doubts though.

There are shysters who’d love to run off with your money…

While you’re left high and dry with a bogus product.

You’ve likely been burned before.

That’s why we’re taking ALL the risk off your shoulders with our…

If Insta Soothe won’t soothe your aches…

Ease your joint stiffness…

And give you a taste of the freedom you might’ve lost…

Just send a quick email to our support team within 60 days of your purchase.

We’ll promptly refund every single cent.

No questions asked or strings attached.

But I doubt that’s going to happen.

Insta Soothe is the only formula designed to target your “heat wave” molecule to silence pain.

That’s why thousands of folks have already tried Insta Soothe AND ordered MORE jars later.

So there’s zero risk…

Except for the possibility that we’ll be out of stock next time you try to order.

Option 1: You could continue down the path you’re on…

Even though you know NSAIDs, painkillers, heating pads, and physical therapy don’t target the heat wave molecule causing your discomfort.

Some people hope the pain will just…go away.

But if you choose that route, the pain will inevitably get worse…

Making working at your job or doing basic tasks feel like an uphill battle…

As you drift further away from your loved ones…

Who don’t understand what you’re going through or know how to help you.

It would break my heart to see you restart the cycle of jumping from doctor to doctor…

Or worse…giving up all together.

Wouldn’t you agree that changing nothing will lead to the same results?

Option 2: The one where you take a chance on Insta Soothe

Where you silence your pain in literally seconds.

Where you move, bend, and twist like a flexible gymnast.

You can lift heavy objects…walk long distances…open water bottles…and do daily chores with ease.

Instead of painting a fake smile for others when you’re hurting on the inside…

You are finally present and at peace.

Pain will no longer control your body.

After trying Insta Soothe, YOU will be the one in control…independent…and ready to make the most of every day.

This is no exception either.

This is the reality for thousands of adults who’ve already tried Insta Soothe.

And between you and me…

This is the lowest price we’ve EVER offered Insta Soothe.

Remember, we can only afford to offer this sweet deal to the next 100 buyers.

But you have NOTHING to lose…

Because you get to try it risk-free for the next 60 days.

I’m so excited to hear about your pain-free life.

Chris Ohocinski
State Licensed and Nationally Certified Athletic Trainer

Then I’m sure you still have some questions. 

So let me go ahead and answer the most common ones for you.

Q: Who should take Insta Soothe?

Insta Soothe is for anyone who experiences aches and pain…

Whether that’s in your neck, shoulders, back, hands, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, feet, or anywhere else on your body.

Since Insta Soothe addresses the REAL cause of pain…

It also eases pain for people with various conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, and so on.

Q: How is Insta Soothe different from other topical pain creams?

The unique Insta Soothe formula targets the true cause of pain – the heat wave molecule called PGE2.

And the combination of menthol, arnica montana flower extract, and aloe vera juice enhance the absorption…

So the ingredients penetrate deeper for instant yet lasting relief.

Q: Does Insta Soothe leave a greasy residue on your skin?

We worked closely with our manufacturer to make Insta Soothe a “grease-free” pain cream.

Thanks to the absorption benefits of aloe vera juice…

And the proven texture and mixing agents enhance the cream’s texture…

You’ll likely forget you even rubbed any cream on your skin.

Q: What if I don’t see results with Insta Soothe?

If you don’t see results or aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason whatsoever within 60 days, just send us an email and we’ll promptly refund every penny.

With our 60-Day No More Pain Guarantee, you have nothing to lose!

Q: How fast will I receive my order?

As soon as you place your order, our team in the warehouse will start packaging up your shipment.

It usually takes 5-7 business days, but the exact time depends on your location.

Just scroll down and select your preferred package now.

We recommend the 6-month supply.

This allows you to stock up and keep flushing away the heat wave molecule…

Before another flare up of pain.

This massive discount expires when 100 people take advantage of this deal.

So scroll down and select the 6-month option, or whatever package you prefer.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Contact | Return policy | Privacy policy | Terms of Service

Click here to get Silence Pain In 12 Seconds With THIS Minty Oil at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Silence Pain In 12 Seconds With THIS Minty Oil is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Divi 5 Public Alpha Development Replace (200+ Adjustments)

Final month, we introduced the Divi 5 Public Alpha, and we’ve been 100% enthusiastic about fixing the bugs you’ve been reporting. We introduced two new diversifications (Public Alpha Model 1 and Public Alpha Model Two), in conjunction with over 200 bug fixes and improvements.

Obtain The Divi 5 Alpha

Next Save you, Steadiness

We now have now our eyes set on two primary milestones. First, we would like Divi 5 to be robust enough for us to signify you utilize it to build new internet websites. second, we would like the Divi 5 migration and backward compatibility tool to be robust enough for us to signify you use it on provide web pages.

When we hit those two milestones, we’ll resume finishing Divi 5’s last choices, which might be maximum usually UI-related.

All through this alpha and beta section, Divi 4 and Divi 5 will have separate change paths, and each and every diversifications it will likely be maintained. You’ll be capable of adopt Divi 5 each time it becomes your most well liked building experience. We’ll keep bettering it, with commonplace updates every two weeks, and it’ll win you over as it improves.

When we’re confident that everyone will love the new experience, we’ll move out the beta section, merge the fortify paths, and everyone will get upgraded to Divi 5.

What We Completed This Final Month

I’d like to focus on some important problems we fixed right through the ultimate month. First, we fixed some primary bugs inside the migration tool; if you happen to tried migrating and it failed miserably, check out over again because it’s operating significantly better now.

We moreover fixed some potency issues and made Divi 5 even faster. The Visual Builder now lazy-loads the Divi 4 shortcode framework on name for, and we decrease the Visual Builder software size by means of 40% after converting some large dependencies. We moreover reduced front-end internet web page sizes by means of fixing bugs that generated unneeded classes and CSS, and we accelerated style processing time.

Whole Changelog

With over 200 bug fixes, I will’t cover they all in detail. We made important expansion, and we’ll keep that momentum going into November as we get closer to our balance objectives.

Keep the bug opinions coming, and we’ll keep fixing them. It’s great to appear Divi 5 out inside the wild and for our art work to be told early adopters!

Right here’s a document of the entire thing we fixed.

  • Fixed Divi Cloud log-in and body of workers sidebar sorts and up-to-the-minute colors to support dark mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the fullwidth portfolio module does not rerender to copy the prevailing structure set, it always remains in carousel mode.
  • Added point of interest on Search input field when filters icon is clicked in Layers View.
  • Added alternatives to set Fonts and Colors while rising speedy web pages using Pre-made packs.
  • Fixed state of affairs selection strings that weren’t able for translation.
  • Fixed issue with context menu selection, making highlights and alternatives invisible for the module.
  • Removed copy sorts from the Cloud App CSS file.
  • Added World Fonts Editor into Visual Builder.
  • Fixed an issue where the Woo Cross Sells and Woo Cart Totals modules weren’t rendering content material subject matter in VB
  • Advanced Divi 5 style output to combine declaration/selectors to reduce general style output sizes.
  • Fixed issue with converting World Presets that use CSS variables.
  • Made history panel items full-width, further consistent with choose menu sorts.
  • Remove Visual Builder dependency from @wordpress/block-editor package deal deal.
  • Fixed issue where Box shadow styling values didn’t support any values previous 80px and damaging 80px.
  • Fixed an issue where world colors would possibly simply not be performed to the background mask and development.
  • Fixed an issue where the gradient have an effect on used to be as soon as not displayed on background footage.
  • Fixed an issue where box shadow sorts defined in presets weren’t rendering appropriately.
  • We fixed issues where the background video, background development, and background mask for the sticky state didn’t art work when the module used to be as soon as inside another sticky module.
  • Fixed an issue where the essential factor mixture Cmd + C + V (where you click on at the C and V while however pressing the Cmd key) does not copy/copy-paste a module.
  • Up to the moment preset IDs to use shorter unique IDs to reduce the dimensions of preset names in HTML output.
  • Fixed Text Shadow sticky style issue when a module inside another sticky module is using it.
  • Fixed some styling inconsistencies inside the Theme Builder visual builder popup.
  • Auto-scroll behavior used to be as soon as removed when opening and closing selection groups inside the settings panel.
  • We added the ‘Posts For Provide Internet web page’ field to the Blog Module for the Theme Builder.
  • Fixed publish content material subject matter module not being rendered on the front end.
  • Fixed publish identify, fullwidth publish identify, and dynamic content material subject matter publish identify that problems to theme builder structure’s identify instead of the current publish identify
  • Fixed undefined index warning on the Theme Builder internet web page.
  • Fixed an issue with Theme Builder templates not being rendered on the front end.
  • The countdown timer module’s font style is fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where the background color for the Social Media Group module used to be as soon as not rendering inside the settings or the Visual Builder/Front-End when defined in a preset.
  • We fixed an issue where the sections in a internet web page imported by means of Add Construction -> Your Present Internet web page couldn’t be removed.
  • Fixed the issue where the History Modal didn’t close routinely.
  • Added confirmation modal if world color changes weren’t confirmed.
  • Fixed in Blog module border used to be as soon as not operating in fullwidth structure.
  • Modified the fallacious text capitalization icon inside the text alternatives group.
  • Fixed an issue where the PHP conversion for the Distinctiveness section didn’t appropriately convert various attributes.
  • Fixed Row Module’s Max Width field to take care of the identical range and unit when the value changes and added a maximum value of 2560.
  • Added support for a few CSS units for box-shadow values.
  • Fixed change tab icon with app color when it has value and isn’t opened in background sections.
  • Fixed Combine mode filters not operating appropriately on the front end for the D5 Column module.
  • Fixed a bug in Dynamic Assets which used to be as soon as causing style output for overdue detection to be fallacious.
  • Fixed an issue where the upload environment field didn’t art work inside the Theme Builder.
  • Adjusted the CSS to ensure the loading icon is vertically centered.
  • Introducing Visual Builder load time expansion allows Visual Builder settings information not sought after all through load time to be delivered asynchronously after the app quite a bit.
  • Optimize the shortcode framework initialization all through the Divi 5 content material subject matter migration process.
  • Fixed theme builder content material subject matter isn’t saved inside the database.
  • Fixed the conversion process by means of ensuring the module conversion outlines weren’t improperly stripped inside the .zip process.
  • Fixed an issue where the input for the Color Pickers Default Palette selection used to be as soon as hidden all through bettering.
  • Fixed the issue when compatibility assessments under no circumstances finished if the child theme or plugin overrides information using the et_builder_get_default_post_types filter.
  • The useless default preset class is removed.
  • Fixed the Add Column button issue.
  • Reinforce for quite a lot of units in vertical and horizontal offsets used to be as soon as added inside the Position Group.
  • Fixed a bug causing a perilous PHP error when activating the SiteGround Tempo Optimizer Plugin.
  • Fixed a bug inside the Builder’s color picker that avoided saturation and opacity changes from taking have an effect on for background gradient stops.
  • Fixed the fallacious colors used inside the preset save confirmation modal in dark mode.
  • Fixed the blurb module image width.
  • Fixed an issue where the “ET_Global_Settings” class used to be as soon as not found out.
  • Fixed an issue where importing older layouts would possibly simply get stuck at 99%.
  • Fixed a bug where amount value increments would sometimes not are compatible the value’s stage of precision.
  • Advanced tabbing right through the settings panel and performed further holistic hover and point of interest sorts on buttons and icons.
  • Fixed use of a D4 library products from Divi Cloud to D5.
  • Fixed an issue where world colors didn’t mirror when added to section dividers.
  • We modified the native wp_die once more button inside the incompatible plugin message with an actual URL so the link will art work in all browsers.
  • Fixed Admin bar visibility when bettering a Theme builder structure.
  • Fixed a PHP warning that happened on the wordpress Importer internet web page.
  • Fixed export fatal error on Divi library items from the backend.
  • Added dark mode support to the wordpress media library inside the Visual Builder.
  • Fixed an issue where inside of column settings weren’t appearing in uniqueness sections.
  • Fixed Layers View Search field point of interest color for readability.
  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Builder would crash when environment quite a lot of alternatives inside the Blog module.
  • Fixed a perilous error inside the Pricing Tables module when importing the Divi AI Landing internet web page structure on PHP 8.3.
  • Fixed a PHP fatal error ended in by means of an fallacious path for the convertInlineFont function inside the Slide Module all through D5 Migration.
  • Fixed broken motion effects when performed to the social observe module.
  • Fixed an issue where Free-form CSS used to be as soon as not retained all through importing structure to Divi 5.
  • Migrated PHP Composer scripts from package deal deal.json to composer.json for direct execution by means of Composer.
  • Fixed an issue with crashing the Divi Shortcode Module settings when bettering a 3rd Party Module.
  • Fixed broken code inside the code module ended in by means of stripped newline characters striking JavaScript comments on the an identical line as respectable code.
  • Fixed the inline editor color picker opening outside the bottom of the viewport.
  • Position style is fixed if the offset beginning position and become are set.
  • Fixed copy Delete products inside the layers panel right-click menu.
  • Right kind-click actions were removed from uniqueness columns inside the layers panel.
  • Fixes drag and drop module that doesn’t art work when a definite selection of movement is done in the past
  • Reworked Visual Builder’s Move out Button Proper right into a Link.
  • Fixed layer view scrollbar not operating while using the Cross To Layer selection.
  • Remove the solution to permit and disable the “latest Divi Builder experience” since this option is not connected in Divi 5.
  • Fixed right-click movement labels for the shortcode module to get the real name.
  • Prevent useless rerendering on module settings’ panel and group when modifying module attributes.
  • Refactored module settings’ group, sub-group, and field visibility mechanism. Use function callback for its prop visible instead of passing boolean.
  • Fixed broken transition sorts on account of selector conflicts on built-in element sorts.
  • Fixed useless rendered transition style selectors.
  • Fixed broken transition sorts for advanced sorts when built-in element sorts module attributes are modified.
  • Fixed empty row changes the height of the section hovering over the layers.
  • Fixed the issue where the responsive view width value tooltip used to be as soon as displayed on all sides when dragging.
  • Fixed issue where default divider sorts were being printed, overriding custom designed divider sorts on mobile.
  • Fixed tooltips for World Color swatches when thought to be inside the Fresh palette.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the “New preset from provide sorts” and the “Add new preset” buttons, along with clicking the clone and/or “Preset Settings” (cog wheel to edit a preset) buttons, does not open/amplify the preset alternatives group.
  • Removed the Preset confirmation modal when together with a brand spanking new preset and a preset from provide sorts.
  • Fixed the display of Button Module alignment alternatives in each and every the Visual Builder and frontend.
  • Fixed an issue where the Featured Image’s Box Shadow inside the Blog module differed after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.
  • Advanced choose field’s UX. Fixed broken navigation on the choose selection by means of keyboard shortcut (arrow up, down, enter)
  • Fixed an issue where module conversion for lower up check out attributes incorrectly hid modules by means of normalizing ab_subject_id values all through conversion.
  • Fixed the problem where shoppers would possibly simply not edit and save a Divi Cloud products.
  • Fixed the Construction bar not showing the real expansion when bettering & saving a Divi cloud products.
  • Fixed overlapping text and buttons in smaller inside of columns when in wireframe mode.
  • Fixed missing default border width value for grid structure inside the Blog Module.
  • Fixed blurb module text sorts, paying homage to text-shadow, affecting the blurb icon.
  • Fixed the button custom designed style fields visibility issue inside the module settings modal after final the preset settings modal.
  • Fixed an issue where custom designed CSS used to be as soon as not performed to modules in a structure.
  • Reinforce used to be as soon as added for the VB Save shortcut from Inline Editor.
  • Fixed unexpected autoclosing of the Add To Library modal when interacting with the Help modal.
  • Fixed the divider overlay color issue.
  • Fixed context menu on tinyMCE, code, and text fields.
  • Fixed saving of Wireframe mode and Layers view as app preferences.
  • Introduced Initial E2E Potency Exams.
  • Fixed HTML tags escaping consider World Modules after edit.
  • Fixed a bug causing PHP errors when using the Consuming position starter pack to create a handy guide a rough website in D5.
  • Fixed empty button(no text) not displayed/editable from VB.
  • Upgraded jQuery Mobile from v1.4.5 to v1.5.0 alpha and removed unused code.
  • The conditional Commonplace sense conversion issue is fixed.
  • Fixed the issue with the featured image not being displayed inside the Submit Title module if used in a Theme Builder template.
  • Fixed 0 division error in Divider in FE.
  • Fixed broken gallery module when using slider mode.
  • Fixed empty blurb image wrapper rendering inside the Visual Builder when no image used to be as soon as defined inside the module settings.
  • Fixed a perilous error inside the Turn out to be::value() means if some layouts don’t include the become value for the desktop breakpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where settling on a box shadow preset showed fallacious alternatives inside the module settings.
  • Fixed an issue where sections set to absolute positioning weren’t visible inside the Visual Builder.
  • Fixed Blurb icon sorts copy/paste.
  • Fixed a bug that used to be as soon as causing free-form-css output inside the front end not to art work as it should be.
  • Fixed interaction alternatives don’t appear to be saved inside the database.
  • Added documentation internet web page for Preset Function.
  • Fixed the shortage to copy the way of the module and now not the usage of a function correct right into a module with an function.
  • Together with missing fixed and absolute positioning classes for sections resulted in fixed sections that weren’t full-width by means of default.
  • Fixed Pictures imported tool for gallery module.
  • Fixed a bug that used to be as soon as not loading some Google font on the front end after the second internet web page load when the customizer used a Google font for the header font.
  • Fixed being now not ready to edit and save a Divi Cloud products.
  • Fixed the Construction bar not showing the real expansion when bettering & saving a Divi cloud products.
  • Fixed inappropriate position alternatives inside the shortcode module’s position selection group, every appearing only when a connected position is printed.
  • Fixed fallacious Essential CSS top calculation when world modules were used in a structure.
  • Fixed a perilous Essential CSS top calculator error when striking world modules inside of a uniqueness section’s inside of column.
  • Fixed unwanted et_pb_module class on module sub-elements which were causing gutter width issues on modules such since the contact type module.
  • Fixed an issue causing errors when migrating content material subject matter with specific characters in Contact Form and E-mail Optin modules.
  • Fixed copy Delete products inside the layers panel right-click menu.
  • Right kind-click actions were removed from uniqueness columns inside the layers panel.
  • Fixed unwanted right-click alternatives appearing for uniqueness section inside of columns.
  • Fixed a perilous error inside the TextShadow::value() means if some layouts don’t include the text-shadow value for the desktop breakpoint.
  • Fixed the issue when Shift used to be as soon as not performed to numeric fields in case of mouse input.
  • Fixed cmd/ctrl + s shortcut fail from the inline editor.
  • Automated the technology of the _all_modules_metadata.php file to reduce information updates and ensure consistency.
  • Changed the x-ray line color to a medium gray that it will likely be visible on quite a lot of background colors.
  • Fixed Cloud items refresh after saving new items to the Cloud.
  • Fixed an issue with specific SVG footage that weren’t visible when added using the Image Module.
  • Fixed an issue where the serve as function used to be as soon as not rendering from HTMLUtility::render(
  • Fixed an issue where the checkbox didn’t return the right kind value when its default used to be as soon as set inside the module.json file.
  • Added missing –with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections containing a menu module and complicated the common-sense with the intention to upload the ones classes when the menu module accommodates a dropdown.
  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appear hidden beneath the content material subject matter of the following section.
  • Increase the z-index on columns that include dropdown menus to ensure they sit down above adjacent sections with section dividers.
  • Fixed extend issue when clearing search time frame in Layers View.
  • Fixed an issue where a module animations previous the father or mother row bounds (in VB and FE) when sticky and transition are combined with width and/or max-width.
  • Fixed warning about unique “key” props while getting access to Shortcode Module Background settings.
  • Fixed Divi menu overlapping internet web page content material subject matter on the front end and inside the builder.
  • Up to the moment validation to use default zoom value instead of NaN% inside the app bar zoom stage when input is invalid.
  • Fixed an unwanted hollow inside of the most productive left corner of module hover highlights that may be spotted when module hover buttons were disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the zoom stage value used to be as soon as not rounded to the nearest complete amount for display purposes.
  • Fixed e-mail supplier account function conversion and corrected field rendering commonplace sense.
  • Fixed image stretching issue by means of environment width to auto when maxHeight is performed.
  • Fixed Accordion icon wasn’t vertically centered when the icon size used to be as soon as better.
  • Added missing –with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections containing a menu module and complicated the common-sense with the intention to upload the ones classes when the menu module accommodates a dropdown.
  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appear hidden beneath the content material subject matter of the following section.
  • Increase the z-index on columns that include dropdown menus to ensure they sit down above adjacent sections with section dividers.
  • Fixed broken View Are living Preview button for saved library items inside the Theme Builder.
  • Fixed the unsuitable keyboard shortcut identify for the ? key.
  • Fixed an issue where customizer font-weight values weren’t being considered, affecting some modules’ final text/heading font-weight.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling parallax in a preset showed fallacious alternatives inside the module settings.
  • Fixed the misleading Preview button on Theme Builder layouts by means of getting rid of the button.
  • I fixed the issue of not opening the settings panel for the Row module.
  • Fixed broken portability modal sorts inside the Divi Library and adjusted the legacy loader animation.
  • Fixed the issue with Modules, Rows, and Sections imported from Divi Cloud.
  • Removed open and close icons from selection groups when the “Group Settings Into Closed Toggles” selection is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where intentionally getting rid of the background color for a decided on breakpoint or state ended in the father or mother breakpoint or state’s background color to be rendered (instead of creating use of no background color in anyway).
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic content material subject matter used to be as soon as not processed appropriately after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5 on account of different escaping mechanisms.
  • Fixed WooCommerce Fatal Error on Admin’s Space Product Internet web page.
  • Fixed broken fullscreen header top calculation that resulted in fullscreen headers exceeding the browser viewport’s top.
  • Fixed “Free Form CSS” not operating with specific modules inside the builder.
  • Advanced Move out button in VB redirects the individual to the previous internet web page.
  • Fixed the Copy Delete Submit plugin’s interface from interfering with the Visual Builder very best bar.
  • Advanced Divi 5 Style Rendering Potency.
  • Fixed menu module not showing all menu items on VB
  • Fixed an issue where the default theme header used to be as soon as not visible inside the Visual Builder.
  • Added missing –with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections containing a menu module and complicated the common-sense with the intention to upload the ones classes when the menu module accommodates a dropdown.
  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appear hidden beneath the content material subject matter of the following section.
  • Increase the z-index on columns that include dropdown menus to ensure they sit down above adjacent sections with section dividers.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling “Background Overlay” and environment a color in Slider or Fullwidth Slider modules ended in a broken module.
  • Fixed broken overflow-x and overflow-y CSS rules performed to internet web page wrappers on account of an fallacious default value saved in post_meta.
  • Fixed exporting a internet web page with Gallery module only accommodates the ID, not the photographs encoded values.
  • Fixed a bug that used to be as soon as causing the module preset not to art work as it should be.
  • Fixed a bug causing module animation to not art work in some circumstances.
  • Fixed the Preview button in Safari.
  • Fixed a console error inside the Visual Builder that stemmed from a missing constant when using Woo modules.
  • Fixed a perilous error on the front end after converting specific Divi 4 E-mail Chance modules using custom designed button icons.
  • Fixed the issue with unintended triggers of VB shortcuts in some fields.
  • Fixed a bug causing some modules/choices requiring script-data to not art work on the front end.

Will Divi 5 Value Further?

We often get asked if Divi 5 will worth extra money, and the answer isn’t any. We’ve been asked if Divi 5 is built-in totally free for lifetime people, and the answer is bound. The Divi Lifetime membership is the best deal in all of wordpress!

The best time to fortify is Black Friday, starting early this one year on November twenty 6th. You’ll get a big cut price and a free product from the Divi Marketplace in conjunction with your gain.

You’ll be capable of moreover re-bundle your other Divi services and products into a brand spanking new Black Friday package deal, reducing subscription costs by means of up to 73%. It only takes a few clicks, then again you’ll have to show up on Black Friday.

We’ve got a lot of surprises in store, and the joys starts this present day on account of we’re gifting away a unfastened iMac and 50 Divi AI subscriptions while we wait.

Stay Tuned For Further Updates

That’s willing in this Divi 5 change. Whilst you haven’t already, check out most people alpha and let us know your concepts. I’ll be once more over again next month that can assist you understand how problems are going, so don’t put out of your mind to practice and subscribe in order that you under no circumstances miss an change.

The publish Divi 5 Public Alpha Development Replace (200+ Adjustments) appeared first on Sublime Topics Weblog.

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The healing wave

Product Name: The healing wave

Click here to get The healing wave

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The healing wave

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Discover 4 science-backed ways to activate your healing wave starting today.

Here are the 4 ways we know for sure will activate your Theta Wave:

1. Use a biofeedback machine.

Biofeedback machinery has been shown to help activate your healing wave.

I read that this is when Jennifer Aniston wakes up.25

But it’s also exhausting and can cause other problems. I don’t even do this myself.

3. Traditional Meditation.

Research shows that meditation helps activate more Theta.

So if you can meditate for 1 hour a day, you will start to activate your Theta Wave.

This is not a great option for many people because it is very difficult and time-consuming.

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When my colleagues and I started researching how to activate the Healing Wave, we wanted something that was simple, easy, and that you could do at home.

And we knew that the solution would be unique, because this did not exist until now.

Fortunately, Virginia researchers had already laid the groundwork.

Remember, they found that older Americans who consumed the most Theta had a 41% reduction in pain when listening once a day…26

And we discovered that the best way to activate your Theta is with a special sound wave, because certain sound waves activate brain waves.

The secret is that we are using the same sound wave technology that everyone from NASA to MIT is using today, called Neural Entrainment…27, 28

Finally, the proven brain wave to say goodbye to pain…

And it works by guiding the brain towards Theta from the first listen.

We called this once-daily sound wave Healing Wave and turned it into a digital audio track that anyone could listen to right now.

Healing Wave is the first sound wave developed by neuroscientists that uses Neural Entrainment to activate Theta and the brain’s “Healing Mode” for relief and healing.

It’s simple, easy and you can do it at home:

Simply put on a pair of headphones and relax for 20 minutes listening to the relaxing sound wave.

Below your awareness, advanced brain entrainment will begin to activate Theta.

It starts working the first time you hear it.

You can do it from the privacy of your own home.

There are no stretches or painful exercises.

There are no pills, creams or chemicals.

You are not meditating or repeating a mantra.

You simply listen to the sound wave for 20 minutes every day as it synchronizes with your brain waves and activates your Theta.

This is the only place to receive the healing wave.

And remember, this deal is not available on Amazon or anywhere else. The only way to get Healing Wave for this incredible price is directly from this page.

And you should know that I’m not going to limit the amount of time you can keep the Healing Wave either. It will be yours forever.

Claim your discount and click the button below right now.

Activate Your Healing Wave (90-Day Money Back Guarantee)

And that’s not all you’ll get when you order today.

Your first FREE gift: Get the Healing Mode eBook edition FREE!

First up is the ebook version of The Healing Mode!

In Healing Mode, you’ll learn the latest scientific advances, including those from Harvard and NASA, behind activating your body’s “Healing Mode,”38,39 which we know helps relieve discomfort and promotes healing. 40.41

I’ll also show you the 5 best superfoods you can get at Walmart, Costco, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods or any other supermarket that have been shown to help lubricate your joints while you sleep so you wake up every morning feeling more relaxed.

Your 2nd FREE Gift: Get The Healing Prayer, based on Neurotheology, FOR FREE!

Second is the healing prayer. Neurotheology is the study of what prayer does to the brain. And now we know that proper prayer helps… a lot! The Healing Prayer is all about that.

Your Ultimate FREE Gift: Get the “Top 5 Habits for Accelerated Healing” infographic for FREE!

Your third free bonus for checking out today is a beautifully designed infographic that reminds you of the 5 most important habits to accelerate healing as you age. Just print it out and hang it up.

If you have two ears and 20 minutes, your healing may improve.

I urge you to take a stand today and say that you are no longer willing to accept a life in which you can only do what your aches and pains allow you to do. You deserve to feel good and free to do the things you want. Click the button below to claim your copy of Healing Wave.

There is only one favor I ask for and it is this. When you see the results this gives you, let us know. Send us an email. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Now it’s up to you. You can risk continuing as usual or you can try Healing Wave risk-free for 90 days. You have absolutely nothing to lose and an incredible way of life to gain.

I guarantee you will be satisfied. If not, you don’t pay a cent.

Simply click the button below and we’ll email Healing Wave to you right away.

Activate Your Healing Wave (90-Day Money Back Guarantee)

This material is not intended for children under 18 years of age. If that’s you, go. You will receive your order within 15 minutes of purchasing. It will be emailed to the email you provide on the checkout page. It will be in .m4a format and PDF format. Your order will not say Healing Wave. It will say CLK*BANK or Clickbank, thank you. The testimonials, case studies and examples found on this page are results submitted to us by users of “The Healing Wave” products and related products and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used with permission. ClickBank’s role as a retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claims, statements or opinions used in promoting these products. The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information about health problems and always review information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product. which is sold here. . Neither ClickBank nor the author is engaged in providing similar medical or professional services or advice through this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not interpret the sale of this product by ClickBank as an endorsement by ClickBank of the opinions expressed herein, or as any guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action or application of advice made by the author of the product. .

For product support, contact the seller HERE. For help with orders, contact ClickBank HERE.

Copyright © 2023 refGroupName. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Dr. Paul Harmon is a pseudonym used with the consent of our noted neuroscientist, who wishes to maintain personal privacy for himself and his family. The qualifications and credentials attributed to this name are genuine and verified. This measure is taken to protect the privacy of the individual without misleading our customers. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you for respecting this privacy.

Click here to get The healing wave

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The healing wave

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Testosterone Code Preview

Product Name: Testosterone Code Preview

Click here to get Testosterone Code Preview

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Testosterone Code Preview

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


This product is backed by a 100% money back guarantee for a full 60 days from your original purchase.

If you are not completely and completely satisfied with this product, its results, or your experience within the first 60 days of your purchase, simply let us know by emailing us at
[email protected]
and we will give you a refund within 48 hours of returning the product.

That’s right, simply return the product, even empty bottles, anytime within 60 days of your purchase and you’ll receive a refund, no questions asked!

After having my third child, I really had trouble losing weight. Then, last year hit our family hard: I was laid off and couldn’t juggle taking care of 3 kids and looking for a job. My stress levels skyrocketed and caused me to hold on to more weight. It wasn’t until I found Testosterone Code that I really saw a change.

Those stubborn pounds disappeared and my stress levels decreased. I feel like a new person. Thanks Roberto!

-Rebeca S.

Within days, my anxiety levels almost disappeared and my pants started to feel loose.

I always hated weighing myself, but I had to see how much weight I had lost. So after 3 weeks I bought a scale, weighed myself and was shocked to see they had lost 20 pounds.

I can honestly say that I have never been more confident with my new body.

Benjamin J.

I’ve tried everything…literally everything. Diet programs, exercise, diet pills… nothing worked.

Then a friend told me about Biogenic. I was skeptical, but after taking it I started crying when I weighed myself weekly and saw myself lose 10 pounds of weight in just 2 weeks! This was a life saver!

I’m so grateful my friend told me this!

-Georgia B.

Weight and anxiety have always been an issue for my family. Many of my family members simply took countless medications to help with their problems, but I did not want to be a prisoner of the medications. A friend of mine mentioned the Testosterone Code to me and I thought, why not give it a try?

After a month, my whole family really noticed a difference and wanted to know what I was doing. She had dropped 2 pants sizes and was very calm about everything. I shared Testosterone Code with them and in just 48 days, we all together lost 100 pounds! Thank you Biogenic!

-Tony Z

That’s the modern male pestilence that has been plaguing men for decades. It’s a sinister biological reversal that LOWERS testosterone production… and increases estrogen levels. Once it starts, it is almost impossible to reverse unless you know what triggers this pestilence. Which is exactly what The Testosterone Code does for you. It helps you reverse the estrogen vortex so your body can begin to increase its own supply of testosterone… So you can regain your masculine energy, sex drive, motivation, focus and strength. Basically, everything that makes you a MAN is driven by your testosterone, unless you’re caught in the estrogen vortex.

Well, to be honest, there is some work involved. It is not a magic solution. But at the same time, it is much simpler and easier than you think. If you can read, you can start making these changes right away. Aaron designed this for busy executives running multi-million dollar companies so they could enjoy more of what makes them men without a ton of nonsense and without wasting a minute of time.

It is a difficult question to answer, simply because everyone starts from a different place. Some kids notice almost immediate changes in their energy levels and concentration. Other changes, like losing weight, will take some time… But the Testosterone Code is like a force multiplier that will magnify the results of ALL your health goals. You will lose weight… FASTER… You will gain muscle and strength… FASTER… The more consistent you are, the faster the results will appear.

Again, pretty simple. You either love it or you get your money back… And you have two full months to decide… Which is more than fair. It either works for you or it doesn’t, and since the results are guaranteed, there really is no risk to you. Simply contact our support team at
[email protected]
and you will receive your refund as soon as possible, without any hassle.

That is another difficult question. As I mentioned, the multi-billion dollar testosterone replacement industry LOVES its repeat customers… AND HATES losing them… Which is exactly what can happen when men turn to the Testosterone Code. And we’ve all seen the strange antics of sites disappearing from the Internet because “someone” wields considerable political influence. The truth is that it is now available. And if you’ve read this far, you know you need it. The smart thing to do is to get your hands on it now, while you can. Then, take the next 60 days to confirm it’s right for you. As guaranteed, you are good to go.

You will be redirected to a secure order page where you can confirm everything you will receive here today. That’s where you’ll enter your information so we know where to ship the product. We have partnered with Clickbank for our order processing and deliveries. They provide industry-leading military-grade encryption and security. So that your information remains secure.

That’s the fun part. Go ahead and click the order button below right now. We will send you the Testosterone Code right away so you can start implementing it right away. Remember, your purchase is guaranteed for a full 60 days. That gives you all the time you need to start getting the results you want, need, and deserve. Go ahead and click the order now button and we’ll see you on the other side.

This product is backed by a 100% money back guarantee for a full 60 days from your original purchase.

If you are not completely and completely satisfied with this product, its results, or your experience within the first 60 days of your purchase, simply let us know by emailing us at
[email protected]
and we will give you a refund within 48 hours of returning the product.

That’s right, simply return the product, even empty bottles, anytime within 60 days of your purchase and you’ll receive a refund, no questions asked!

…responsible for hundreds of thousands of everyday women and men just like you who have reduced their stress levels, burned off stubborn belly fat, and so much more!

This natural mineral from the mountain tops of Nepal tells your brain to completely and immediately stop producing unsightly fat around your butt, hips, legs, arms, neck and face!

The statements found on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using our products. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used with permission. ClickBank’s role as a retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claims, statements or opinions used in promoting these products.

Click here to get Testosterone Code Preview

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Testosterone Code Preview

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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abundance treasure code [Get 3 Sales For Every 100 Clicks!]

Product Name: abundance treasure code [Get 3 Sales For Every 100 Clicks!]

Click here to get abundance treasure code [Get 3 Sales For Every 100 Clicks!]

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

abundance treasure code [Get 3 Sales For Every 100 Clicks!]

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Everything you want in life could very well be on its way to you.

Waking up each morning with an unshakeable sense of peace and gratitude… Financial security that allows you to bless your children and grandchildren… look after your future without stress or worry. Donate generously to charities, supporting causes close to your heart.

“I was at the end of my rope.

After losing my job and having no savings, I couldn’t afford my daughter’s medications. Every night, I held his hand, praying for a miracle… I felt abandoned, unsure how we would survive another day. But then… something changed.

With the help of the Treasure Code of Abundance, I found a promise that God would keep and I held on to it. Within weeks, unexpected checks arrived and job opportunities appeared.

I was able to give him the care he needed and finally felt the weight lift. I feel grateful and blessed with their system now.”

“God has always blessed me, but I didn’t realize he had this in store.

Opportunities appeared out of nowhere, my business flourished, and my finances transformed.

I can only say that it is His divine hand guiding each step.

“God and abundance really do go hand in hand and I feel closer to Him than ever.”

Click to claim your abundance

Click here to get abundance treasure code [Get 3 Sales For Every 100 Clicks!]

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

abundance treasure code [Get 3 Sales For Every 100 Clicks!]

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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How to Create a Coffee Shop Website (Quick & Easy)

With cafes on each and every nook, making yours the go-to vacation spot is very important. A well-designed web page can draw in consumers, show off your distinctive choices, and make ordering a breeze. However how are you able to create a surprising espresso store web page with out advanced tech talents?

With Divi and Divi Quick Sites, you’ll be able to construct a certified, enticing web page in mins—no coding required. Able to provide your espresso store the web presence it merits? Let’s dive in and get began.

Start Building with Divi

Very important Equipment You Want to Construct a Espresso Site

You simplest want a couple of crucial gear to construct a completely functioning espresso web page. Listed here are the specified ones:

  • SiteGround Gives optimized functionality and safety for web hosting your espresso web site on-line. It additionally features a loose area title for twelve months, saving on area prices.
  • wordpress: wordpress is the most well liked content material control machine (CMS) for managing your web site content material successfully.
  • Divi: A multipurpose wordpress theme appropriate for espresso websites, particularly with Divi Quick Sites, which generates a web site the use of the Espresso Starter Web page in a couple of mins.

You’ll at all times prolong your web site’s capability the use of add-ons (we’ll speak about them beneath), however keep in mind that it’s not obligatory. The one gear you wish to have to control a espresso web site are SiteGround, wordpress, and Divi.

The way to Construct a Espresso Store Site in 5 Steps

Now that the gear you wish to have, let’s stroll you thru each and every step of creating your setup and growing the web page.

1. Get a Area Identify and wordpress website hosting

Get started by way of securing a site title—the original internet deal with to your espresso store—and a competent wordpress-optimized web hosting supplier to stay your web site working easily.

Area Identify

NameCheap is a smart position to protected inexpensive domains. However when you like conserving issues easy, getting a site title together with your internet web hosting corporate makes it extra manageable. As an example, SiteGround gives a loose area title for twelve months with centralized control.

Content material Control Gadget (CMS)

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-263990 size-full” src=”” alt=”” width=”1800″ height=”936″>

Subsequent, you wish to have a content material control machine to retailer your web site information, comparable to content material and photographs. wordpress is a well-liked, faithful, and versatile content material control machine. Now not simplest is it loose, however it’s also utilized by over 40% of all web pages, so that you received’t be apologetic about opting for wordpress.

wordpress-Optimized website hosting

To optimize wordpress functionality, select a web hosting corporate that provides wordpress-optimized web hosting plans, comparable to SiteGround.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-272173 size-full” src=”” alt=”siteground wordpress managed hosting” width=”1800″ height=”660″>

SiteGround is a competent internet web hosting that provides centralized control, together with a loose area title for a yr and auto-installed wordpress. It supplies 99.9% uptime and top class plugins like Velocity Optimizer and Safety Optimizer to provide you with a protected and performance-optimized surroundings to develop your web site.

Getting began with SiteGround is unassuming. Create your account and declare your loose area. Right here’s a step by step video appearing how to try this:

Get SiteGround

2. Set up a wordpress Theme

After you’ve arrange your Web page and wordpress dashboards, you wish to have to put in a theme to design your espresso web site without problems. wordpress contains many free and premium themes, however we advise Divi.

Divi is a flexible wordpress theme with ready-made templates for cafes, espresso stores, and food-related companies. The usage of Divi Quick Sites, loose with Divi, you’ll be able to create a certified espresso store web page in simply mins with none coding enjoy.

Divi contains an intuitive drag-and-drop web page builder that lets you customise your web site visually. It additionally options over 200 content material parts, like a Gallery to show off your espresso creations in stunning pictures, Touch Paperwork for simple on-line orders, and Map Integration to focus on your cafe’s location.

You additionally get top class plugins Bloom (for e mail opt-in bureaucracy) and Monarch (for social media sharing) with Divi to streamline your emblem advertising and marketing. And Divi AI, which generates content material in your behalf, whether or not weblog posts, social media content material, or e mail newsletters.

Get Divi

Why is Divi Very good for Espresso Websites?

  • Pre-made Espresso Starter Web page: Features a ready-to-use Espresso Starter Web page with crucial pages to save lots of time on design whilst keeping up a certified, coffee-themed aesthetic.
  • Espresso Product Show with Divi Modules: Use the Gallery Module to create surprising product galleries, sliders, and grids to show off espresso blends, products, and pricing choices.
  • On-line Espresso Ordering: Seamlessly combine WooCommerce to promote espresso beans, subscriptions, and products. Customise product pages and checkout stories for a clean, branded on-line buying groceries procedure.
  • Map Integration: Upload Google Maps to show your cafe’s location. Customise it with pins for a couple of places, industry hours, and instructions to strengthen buyer comfort together with your web site capability.

Divi Pricing (Every year and Lifetime)

You’ll turn on your Divi theme club by way of opting for the once a year club, which prices $89/yr. Or, when you’d relatively pay as soon as, take a look at Divi’s lifetime pricing, which prices $250.


If you acquire Divi, putting in it’s simple. Right here’s a walkthrough of buying, putting in, and activating the Divi theme in your wordpress dashboard.

Get Divi

3. Construct your Espresso Store Web page

The most productive factor about the use of Divi is producing an entire espresso web site in lower than 5 mins. You’ll do it the use of Divi Quick Sites.

Divi Fast Websites generates websites that come with pre-designed pages like House, About, Products and services, Menu, Touch, and Gallery. It additionally contains Theme Builder templates, world kinds, and branding presets to provide your web site a certified end.

To generate a espresso web site the use of Divi Fast Websites, click on Generate a New Web page out of your Divi dashboard.

generate a new site with divi quick sites

This may occasionally ask you to choose from:

  • The usage of a Pre-Made Starter Web page: Choose from a pre-designed Starter Web page that incorporates branding, pages, and format. Your web page will probably be waiting to release in an instant.
  • Producing with Divi AI: After you give Divi AI directions, it’ll create a customized web page with the specified pages and capability.

Opting for a Pre-Made Starter Web page

In case you use a pre-made Starter Web page, your web page will mirror the chosen web site, together with all of the pages and branding. You’ll customise it in your liking. Since Divi Fast Websites has a Espresso Starter Web page, you received’t need to spend a lot time customizing it.

Click on Choose a Site Template.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-266742 size-full” src=”” alt=”select a website template” width=”1800″ height=”973″>

Scroll down to make a choice Espresso.

preview coffee starter site

You’ll hover over it and click on Preview Espresso to view the huge House, About, Store, Weblog, and Touch pages.

previewing coffee site pages in large

To start out development your espresso web site, click on Get started with Espresso.

start with coffee starter site

Subsequent, fill in a couple of main points to personalize your espresso web site:

  • Input your Web page Identify and Web page Slogan.
  • Add your Web page Brand so as to add it to the header throughout all pages.
  • Choose the Pages you wish to have to incorporate. In case you take a look at the Store possibility, Divi Fast Websites will set up WooCommerce and configure it for taking espresso orders on-line.
  • Use the Upload A Customized Web page button so as to add any further pages.

enter coffee site details and hit publish

As soon as accomplished, click on Generate & Post My Site. Give it 2-3 mins, and your web site will probably be waiting.

your site is ready page for coffee site

Click on View My Web page to view how your web site appears to be like.

coffee site generated using starter site

Making a Espresso Web page The usage of Divi AI

Make a choice the Generate Your Web page with AI possibility if you would like create a customized web page from scratch.

Fill within the web site main points and wait 2-3 mins for Divi AI to create a great web page. As soon as it’s waiting, click on Generate & Post My Site.

Get Started With Divi

4. Customise your Espresso Web page

Your espresso web site lacks personalization, comparable to your merchandise and cafe location, which you will have to manually upload. Let’s get started with customizing your web site pages.

Customizing Espresso Web page Pages

Use Your Web page is Able display screen for navigation. To edit your House web page, click on the pencil icon subsequent to the House web page.

editing home page

This may occasionally open the web page with Divi Builder, which helps you to customise it visually the use of its drag-and-drop interface. To customise the heading textual content, hover over it and click on the equipment icon to open settings.

customizing using divi builder

The Content material tab allows you to edit content material. The Design tab customizes a component’s taste, and the Complex tab lets you upload customized code or stipulations. You’ll to find the similar choices for every component, whether or not a picture, button or textual content module.

Get started adjusting your web page reproduction (you’ll be able to use Divi AI to generate textual content,) buttons, hyperlinks, and photographs. Right here’s an in-depth educational on the use of Divi Builder to customise other modules:

Customizing Emblem Fonts for Your Espresso Web page

Your present web site has International Fonts picked from the Espresso Starter Web page. You’ll use them or upload your emblem fonts. Editing International Fonts the use of Divi Builder is simple. Click on any textual content component and move to settings. Transfer to the Design tab, scroll to Textual content, and click on Font.

editing global fonts

Customizing Emblem Colours of Your Espresso Web page

In a similar way, the present web site has International Colours from the Espresso Starter Web page. To change International Colours, scroll right down to Textual content Colour within the Design tab.

editing global colors

Transfer to International from Stored. To edit a world colour, click on the tube icon to open the colour picker window. Now, select your required colour, or you’ll be able to additionally upload the hex code.

choosing hex color codes

In a similar way, you’ll be able to edit different International Colours and upload extra.

Customizing Web page Structure Templates

Your espresso web site, generated with Divi Fast Websites, has predefined Theme Builder Templates. Those site-wide templates outline a constant format for your entire web site pages. Usually, you don’t want to alter they all, however you wish to have to regulate some particular sections, such because the header and footer.

Let’s customise the footer of your espresso web site so as to add your cafe deal with. From Your Web page is Able click on Set up Theme Templates. To customise the default footer, alter the Default Site Template. Hover over it and click on the pencil icon subsequent to the Footer button.

edit global footer

This may occasionally take you to Divi Builder, the place you’ll be able to use its drag-and-drop interface to make adjustments.

editing global footer

In a similar way, you’ll be able to alter different Divi Theme Builder templates for blogs, product pages, creator pages, and classes. Take a look at extra tough features of Divi Theme Builder.

Customizing Stored Component Settings

Similar to web page layouts, your present web site choices world settings from person parts to take care of constant branding throughout other pages. Those are referred to as International Presets, and they’re additionally site-wide appropriate.

So, when you alter one button, the adjustments will probably be mirrored on all of the buttons anyplace they’re in your web site. Right here’s how you’ll be able to modify a Divi Global Preset of a component:

Apply these in-depth steps to customise each and every web page of your espresso web site. As soon as you are feeling it appropriately displays your emblem, do a last take a look at and proportion it with everybody.

5. Upload Your Espresso Menu

You will have to upload your menu in your web page so consumers can order espresso on-line. One of the simplest ways is to create a PDF record and add it in your web site.

However you don’t need to because the Espresso Starter Web page features a predesigned Menu web page. All you wish to have to do is transfer the pieces together with your listings.

From the Your Web page is Able web page, click on the pencil icon subsequent to the Menu web page to open Divi Builder. You’ll now exchange espresso names, upload descriptions, and customise pricing.

editing menu page of coffee site

You’ll additionally upload a downloadable menu at the identical web page. Upload a Button module.

add button module

Identify your button one thing like “Obtain Our Menu,” and upload the record hyperlink within the Hyperlink tab.

add menu link

That’s it! You’ll additionally create stunning menus the use of the Divi Restro Menu extension to permit consumers to make use of filters.

6. Lengthen the Capability of Your Espresso Web page (Non-compulsory)

That is an not obligatory step, however integrating tough plugins is an effective way to spice up buyer engagement, streamline operations, and optimize your web site’s functionality. Listed here are a couple of software suggestions to awe your web page guests with a extremely practical web page.

  • Acquire Fans the use of Bloom: Seize buyer emails with Bloom opt-in bureaucracy. Nurture your e mail subscribers to reserve out of your web site incessantly to spice up engagement. Bloom comes loose with Divi, however you’ll be able to additionally take a look at MailOptin and OptinMonster.
  • Reinforce Social Achieve with Monarch: Upload stunning social sharing buttons in your web site. It’s a very simple method to inspire web site guests to proportion your content material and enlarge your achieve. Monarch could also be loose with Divi, or you’ll be able to check out Revive Social, which automates sharing posts once they’re revealed.
  • Take Desk Bookings On-line: With Amelia, consumers can pre-book tables or occasions on-line. The web site comes with an analytics segment and a responsive calendar format that works nicely on cellular gadgets.
  • Permit On-line Ordering and Supply: Divi Fast Websites robotically configures WooCommerce to just accept orders for espresso or products. It additionally creates web page layouts for person product listings, checkout, cart, and different pages, so that you simplest have so as to add your merchandise.
  • Protected Cost Gateways: Securely procedure bills with 2Checkout. It integrates easily together with your web site and gives a protected surroundings for purchasers to finish purchases.
  • Draw in Natural Guests: To power natural visitors, post weblog posts and set up search engine optimization plugins like Rank Math seo or Yoast to optimize your web page for serps, boosting your visibility.
  • Tighten Your Web page Safety: Your consumers input their knowledge whilst making a purchase order, so that you will have to give protection to your web site with Wordfence to make sure its protection from on-line threats. Different safety plugins come with Solid security and Sucuri.
  • Backup Your Web page Ceaselessly: UpdraftPlus permits computerized web site backups, so in case your web site breaks, it may be restored safely.

10X Your Efforts with Divi AI

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FAQs on Making a Espresso Store Web page

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Daily Turmeric – Dietary Supplement | Supports healthy inflammatory response

Product Name: Daily Turmeric – Dietary Supplement | Supports healthy inflammatory response

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Daily Turmeric – Dietary Supplement | Supports healthy inflammatory response

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Both the product and the capsules are vegetarian. Daily Turmeric™ is free of gluten, sugar, salt, dairy, wheat, soy, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors. It is a natural herbal formulation.

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Analgesic efficacy and safety of curcuminoids in clinical practice.

† Products and claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. It is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers or children under 18 years of age. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements. This product contains herbal ingredients that may cause allergic reactions in sensitive users. Discontinue use immediately if you experience any adverse symptoms. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider, or any information contained on the label or packaging of any product. You should consult with a health professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you may have any health problems.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used with permission. The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information about health problems and always review information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product. which is sold here. . Neither ClickBank nor the author is engaged in providing similar medical or professional services or advice through this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not interpret the sale of this product by ClickBank as an endorsement by ClickBank of the opinions expressed herein, or as any guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action or application of advice made by the author of the product. .

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Daily Turmeric – Dietary Supplement | Supports healthy inflammatory response

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Sales page – 9D Breathwork

Product Name: Sales page – 9D Breathwork

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Sales page – 9D Breathwork is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Get Access To The Breathwork Breakthrough Leveraging The Latest In Sound Technology That’s Helped Thousands Repattern Limiting Beliefs, Root Out Deep Traumas, And Release Pent Up Emotions Within A Single Session

Have you ever heard a story so powerful you felt noticeably different when it was finished?

One that’s both so painful and so heartwarming at the same time?

A story that fundamentally changed the way you saw everything?

The story I’m about to tell you did exactly that for me. It transformed how I viewed breathwork and pushed me to complete a very important project that I’ll share with you later on.

We’d just finished up an online breathwork session when Cheri sent me a message to have a private conversation about joining the breathwork facilitator training my company offers.

“It all started when I was seventeen years old, I was kidnapped at knifepoint. I was held hostage. I was brought into a room with a door that had many locks, and I was made to do terrible things.” 

Not at all how I was expecting this conversation to go. Instantly I froze, my body locked up, it felt like the air was being sucked out of my chest.

“Fifty years I carried that trauma with me. Every night I’d barricade my bedroom door out of fear my kidnapper would come take me. I tried everything but it got to the point where I thought maybe this is just how life is for me. That I need to learn to accept it.”

Watching her admit this to me broke my heart.

“But then I did your breathwork journey. And at some point, in that experience, my kidnapper came in as if he was right there in the room with me.” 

Dear God, we’ve traumatized this poor woman, this is a nightmare. My body was in a cold sweat, unsure of how to regulate itself. But I couldn’t look away. 

“During the forgiveness part of the journey, I could see my kidnapper in this bright white blinding light. And in that moment I felt myself forgiving him. Not only that, I felt love for him. And that was the moment I knew I was healed.”

Finally, the air came back into my lungs and I could breathe again. 

But she didn’t stop there.

Inspired, Cheri told me she decided to ditch the job she hated to embrace a new calling – becoming a breathwork coach to empower others.

How’s that for taking charge of your life?

Now, not everyone has a story like Cheri but we’ve all felt the pain of walking around and pretending we’re fine when we’re really not, right? 

We’ve all experienced hardships, heartbreak, and hopelessness.

We all know what it means to feel loss. It affects all of us differently, but for the most part, we tend to bury those pains deep down without even realizing it. 

And it’s not because we’re in a mental health crisis like most doctors and psychologists would say, it’s because we’re living through an emotional constipation crisis (more on that later).

Today, we’re going to address those pains, right here, right now. But not through talking about them. 

We’re not going to use our brains, we’re going to use our bodies. 

Today, I’m going to unveil a breakthrough breathwork practice that will change your life.

Feel more alive, positive, upbeat, and excited about life

Attain new direction and clarity

Achieve altered states of consciousness (what some would call “flow state”)

Liberate yourself from old traumas, broken relationships, and deep feelings of fear and sadness

Nowadays, breathwork is the new hot topic that seems to be on everyone’s lips. Chances are you’ve heard all about it or have gone to a session yourself this is something beyond what you’ve experienced.

But before I can even show you the practice that’s been able to help thousands shed deep-rooted traumasincluding people who’ve already done a lot of breathwork before we have to talk about the most fascinating and complex organ in the body is your brain.

This is probably untrue the entirety of the human brain is at work throughout the day; we just don’t really know what it’s doing.

We know a small percentage is focused on cognition, or thinking. Those thoughts that go through your head every moment of every day.

We also know a percentage is dedicated to running the machinery of your body that happens without you thinking about it: breathing, digesting, blinking.

But beyond that, we’re kind of in the dark. Especially our own brains. Recently, scientists have realized just how much we don’t know.

In 2022, leading researchers at The University of Sussex and The Canadian Institute of Advance Research published research indicating we are aware of only about 5% of our cognitive activity.

A paper from experts Anil K. Seth and Tim Bayne in Nature Reviews Neuroscience suggests that the lion’s share of brain activity, up to a staggering 95%,

lives in the shadowy realms of our subconscious and unconscious minds.

These hidden depths hold the key to many of the struggles we face daily.

Our unconscious mind is a vault of information we’ve taken in over the years while the subconscious mind processes experiences beneath the level of our awareness.

And behind that locked door lies heaps of programming that stuck with us since we were little kids.

Basically, our thoughts sitting in the background determine who we are and how we act.

A study conducted by Queen’s University in Canada found that the average person has about 6,200 thoughts per day.

Of the 6,200 you think a day, you have little awareness and near zero control over the 4,700 negative thoughts that are playing over and over in the back of your head.

Imagine somewhere in your house, there was a radio playing a constant loop over and over again.

You’ll never amount to anything.

Severe stress and burnout

Chronic anxiety and panic attacks

Unprocessed grief, loss, and trauma

Identity and self-esteem issues

Unaddressed, all of that can be crushing.

The joy and motivation once found in daily activities seem to vanish, replaced by an overwhelming sense of being swamped by life’s demands.

You feel drained, both physically and emotionally, making it harder to show up for yourself and your loved ones.

Once you became aware of that radio, once you became aware of those thoughts running on a loop, what would you do?

You’d probably go out of your way to find that room, break through that door, and if you couldn’t change the song, at the very least you’d smash the stereo into pieces.

But you don’t, because how could you intentionally correct 4.700 thoughts you didn’t even know were happening in the first place?

Listen, my friend, there is good news on the other side of this.

We’re becoming more aware of the impact our thoughts have on our human experience.

As a society, we’re starting to take care of our emotional well-being. More people are actively seeking help and we’re beginning to see mental health issues for what they really are a serious condition that needs treating.

But even if we’re prioritizing our mental health, we don’t always see healing in the same way we do with physical wounds.

And that’s because our methods for addressing mental health are only interacting with the conscious mind.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

All great in their own right, but they often only scratch the surface, addressing symptoms rather than the source itself—the subconscious mind.

To quote the 90s rock band Harvey Danger:

“Fools and charlatans, they may get wise, but only cream and bastards rise”

The cream and bastards in this case are the unconscious programs, bad habits, and deep-rooted traumas we’ve collected over the years that determine how we act, think, and feel right now.

When we go deep into the recesses of our subconscious, we’re able to bring all of that noise to the top and address it head-on.

In reality, it’s a little more complicated than “simply entering theta brainwave state”.

If you were hooked up to an EEG that monitors your brainwaves, you’d see yourself coming down from beta (your conscious and aware brain activity) and oscillating between alpha, theta, and gamma brainwaves.

For explanation purposes, let’s just talk about theta. When entering theta, we’re in our most suggestive state where our imagination and creativity are heightened.

From the ages of 2 to 8 years old, you were living your entire life in a theta brainwave state (this is before your prefrontal lobe and prefrontal cortex had been fully developed).

You were a sponge soaking up all the feelings and stimuli in your environment. So as that little sponge, if the world around you was full of stress, anger, and negative emotions, that imprinted on you.

Chances are, all of the programming that happened at this stage in life is still installed in your brain.

Which means if you want to repattern your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, one of the most effective ways to do that is get back into theta and reinstall more positive, self-serving ones.

And the best way we know how to do that is with breathwork.

I’m one of the founders of Breath Masters, YogiLab, and now 9D Breathwork.

Since dedicating my life to this work as a breathwork practitioner and teacher, I’ve helped over 10,000 students heal all sorts of debilitating issues; stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, snoring, and sleep apnea, you name it… all through the power of the breath.

But not too long ago that wasn’t the case. I used to be an overworked, stressed-out entrepreneur who had no balance in his life. I was juggling multiple businesses, masking, medicating, crushing a ton of coffee, and trying my best to hold it all together. Truth be told, I was burnt out and lying to myself that I was doing great in life when I was struggling on the inside.

That was until I got invited to my first breathwork journey and it cracked me wide open. It was the biggest flood of all this emotion, pent-up years of stress and baggage that I had been carrying around like an 800-pound gorilla on my back. Finally, I had an outlet and it all came out in just one-hour session.

From then on, it was my mission to spread awareness of breathwork across the globe. To get it into the hands of anyone who wanted it. Just imagine, if it was that effective and impactful for me as a fully formed adult, what kind of power could breathwork provide to kids?

Recently, breathwork has been one of the highest trending modalities out there. In the last year alone, search volume for breathwork has increased 10x on Google.

But breathwork isn’t “new” by any means. It’s been around for thousands of years and can be traced back to Eastern spiritual and meditative practices found in yoga and Buddhism.

Pranayama, a form of breath control, is a significant aspect of yoga and has been practiced in India for over 2,000 years. It involves various techniques of breathing that are believed to influence the flow of prana, (vital life energy) in the body, which promotes physical and mental well-being.

With such a high resurgence of this old practice, studies have been conducted to prove how impactful this practice actually is on the body and mind.

Rapid Reconfiguration In The Mind & Body:

Breathwork helps not only release trauma and trapped emotions but also helps us to let go of old habits and shift belief patterns and structures. It’s the fast track that cuts to the roots of what’s causing lifelong issues of anxiety, stress, bad sleep, lack of energy, self-confidence, self-worth, and really any mental complex that we’re struggling with—whether it’s conscious or unconscious.

Cathartic Emotional Release:

Conscious connected breathing allows for the somatic release of all the repressed and suppressed emotions bottled up and trapped inside the body. In one of our in-person retreats, a woman had a mind-blowing release. She said it was the most powerful thing that she had ever experienced in her life and was able to let go of years worth of struggle bottled up inside of her body.

Creates A Shift In Awareness:

That moment when we realize the problem was never actually the problem. The problem is our relationship to the problem. Our perception around it, the stories that we’ve cast around it, the beliefs that we have about it, using breathwork allows us to let go of the control patterns in our minds that dictate our life experiences. We start to see through a new lens. We start to experience more harmony and inner peace within ourselves. We begin to start taking more radical responsibility in our lives. We feel more energy. We feel more ready to make big changes and self-awareness gives us the power to take action.

Deactivation of The Default Mode Network (DMN):

the default mode network, is a group of brain structures or cells found in the same area of the prefrontal cortex. It connects parts of the brain’s thinking, decision-making, and interpretive functions, which include the ability for self-reflection, mental projection, and past and future thoughts get us into trouble) and the ability to interpret ourselves with more objectivity.

Transient Hypofrontality:

Decreased blood flow and electrical activity in the DMN. When activity slows the ego temporarily vanishes and the usual boundaries we experience between ourselves and the world around us melt away. (Otherwise known as ”Flow State”) Think of it like this: if your brain is a bank, this is like getting access to the key to the locked vault.

We’re spiritual beings having a human experience. But that isn’t necessarily connected to religion, we’re talking about your essence, your “breath” (the Sanskrit word for “spirit”). When doing breathwork, many people report feeling connected to something greater, beyond space and time. It triggers positive emotions like love, joy, bliss, feelings of kindness and oneness, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose.

When you connect with your own spiritual experience, you can have profound intuitions, become more creative, you can start to understand yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. You can develop more trust in yourself, in your life, and others. You can cope with painful loss or accept big changes happening in your life and learn to integrate those experiences faster.

Talk therapy can be great, but sometimes we don’t have the words to express how we feel. We don’t always know how we feel. 

Like I said earlier, sometimes, we can’t even verbalize what’s showing up for us.

Sure, we can talk about it all we want but keep in mind it’s going through filters of limiting beliefs and preconceived notions, ideas, and worldviews.

The beauty of breathwork is we’re getting out of the mind and into the body. And the body doesn’t need to know anything. It doesn’t need to think or talk about it. It doesn’t need to intellectualize anything. 

It simply brings the problems to the surface so we can process them and move forward.

Think of it like this: You could spend five years in therapy digging into your past experiences, analyzing your actions, thoughts, and emotions. And you can discover that you have daddy issues. 

Fantastic, you’re now someone who understands they have daddy issues. But what’s next?

What do you do about that? All of the symptoms of those daddy issues are still there the problems and patterns persist. 

With the absence of a somatic (body) element or release, you’re just someone that understands “why”, but you’re still at the mercy of the pattern.

A pattern that’s been sitting in your body for years.

So it took you 5 years to understand why, imagine how long it would take using that 5% of your cognitive activity and awareness to break those patterns. 

The somatic experience you have while on a breathwork journey allows you to dive deep into the subconscious and rewrite patterns on the spot. 

All of a sudden you’re thinking differently, feeling differently, and that leads to you acting differently breaking those habits that no longer serve you. 

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to skip all the years of analyzing and overthinking about what you do or why you do it?

You can learn the breathing practice and enter that near-magical trancelike state in which you’re most suggestible. 

Moving out of the conscious activity of beta and oscillating between the subconscious alpha, theta, and gamma brainwaves but what happens once you’re in that zone? 

If you don’t know what’s going on in the recesses of your mind, how do you know what to reprogram (or even HOW to reprogram)?

How do you know you’re touching on the right things that will unlock your potential and help root out those traumas and patterns that have been holding you back?

We’ve led thousands of people through workshops and retreats, allowing them to come out on the other side with so much joy, love, and acceptance for themselves (and those around them.) 

The thing is, not everyone has the resources or time to fly out to Bali and spend a weekend focused purely on breathwork. 

And because we always knew we needed to get this practice into the hands of as many people as possible, an online product was always in the works. 

Unfortunately, proper guidance and environment were holding us at a standstill. 

Being in the room with everyone was so visceral and powerful. 

You could feel the energy increase as we went deeper. Body temperatures would rise

It was undeniable that something was happening in the body.

Physical sensation was such an important piece of the experience and we needed to make sure that you’re able to have that even if you weren’t in the room with us.

So we did some deep research into sound technology. We employed some of the best audio engineers we could find and relentlessly tested all different kinds of frequencies and soundscapes alongside our most powerful guided session. 

Eventually, we came across a combination that not only gave a similar environment to our in-person sessions, but the added sound technology fast-tracked the emotional release. 

At first, I was in disbelief. This couldn’t be BETTER than what we were already doing. But then we integrated it into one of the sessions at our in-person retreat. 

Let me tell you, the results were outstanding.

In fact, the experience was so impactful for the group, we now use this technology at every single retreat because the transformation is that noticeable.

And now, you can have the very same, life-altering experience from the comfort of your own home.

9D Breathwork provides an immersive experience designed to tackle unresolved trauma and a dysregulated nervous system.

This system aims to heal the soma (the body) which is a physical manifestation of the subconscious mind. 

By engaging the body through specific breathing techniques, the practice releases trapped traumas, psychosomatic tension, and initiates a profound healing process.

At the core of the 9D Breathwork experience is its direct engagement with the subconscious mind. Through a combination of breath, sound, and guided visualization, the method eases you into a hypnotic state. 

It slows brainwave frequencies to allow for an inward journey where the subconscious becomes more receptive to change. 

This is achieved with the help of cutting-edge audio technologies such as binaural beats, isochronic tones, and solfeggio frequencies, which guide the brain into alpha, gamma, and theta states.

Binaural beats are an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, with less than a 40 Hz difference between them, are presented to a listener dichotically (one through each ear). For example, if a 530 Hz pure tone is presented to a listener’s right ear, while a 520 Hz tone is presented to the left ear, the listener will perceive the auditory illusion of a third tone, in this case, a 10 Hz binaural beat. This phenomenon is thought to induce various states of relaxation or alertness, depending on the frequency of the binaural beat. The brain synchronizes with this “beat,” potentially influencing brainwave patterns and thereby affecting mood, focus, and stress levels.

Isochronic tones are a form of auditory stimulation where a single tone is turned on and off rapidly, creating sharp, distinctive pulses of sound. Unlike binaural beats, the pulsation is heard as a single tone and doesn’t require two separate tones played into each ear. The tone is typically a pure sine wave, and the speed of its pulsation is modulated to different frequencies. These frequencies are designed to produce specific effects, such as relaxation, improved focus, or deeper states of meditation. The concept is based on the principle of entrainment, where the brainwave patterns align to the frequency of the isochronic tone, leading to various psychological states.

Solfeggio frequencies are specific tones of sound that have been used in various forms of music and chant, particularly in ancient Gregorian chants. These frequencies are believed to have specific spiritual and healing properties. There are six main Solfeggio frequencies, each associated with specific characteristics and said to impart certain spiritual and emotional benefits. For example, 396 Hz is associated with liberating guilt and fear, while 528 Hz is linked to transformation and miracles. The origins of Solfeggio frequencies are tied to ancient music theory, but their modern usage often relates to meditation, healing, and personal growth practices.

The effectiveness of 9D Breathwork is further enhanced by its multidimensional sound experience (the 9D sound technology itself).

This creates a vast and immersive auditory landscape that enriches the somatic journey, fostering deeper mental imagery and emotional engagement.

This auditory landscape is layered with guided vocal coaching, which guides you through the inner workings of the mind, confronting fears and blocks that may otherwise remain hidden.

Additionally, we include neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy techniques into the audio which adds a completely new layer to the process.

By using specific language patterns and suggestions, these techniques work to subtly rewrite limiting beliefs and negative scripts that have been internalized over a lifetime.

The result is not just a temporary relief but a potential long-term transformation of one’s outlook and psychological framework.

Feeling more alive: rejuvenated and new zeal for life (potentially getting you out of any ruts that you’ve been in)

Attaining new direction and clarity: allowing you to move forward rather than staying stagnant.

Achieving altered states of consciousness: sometimes even psychedelic (creating new perspective and new experiences for you to take in)

Feeling more positive, upbeat, and excited about life (simply making life more fun!)

Liberation from old traumas, broken relationships, and deep feelings of fear and sadness (giving you peace of mind, forgiving your past, and allowing you to finally, truly love on your whole self deeply)

Imagine how your life would change from finally unburdening yourself from old traumas sitting in the body how would that look like for you? 

Would your perspective change when things got difficult? Would you be able to soak in life more fully?

Now imagine if you experienced more than just one of these benefits. If your default setting was feeling more joyous and alive, and you felt clarity about your path and purpose, how would you walk through life?

Once upon a time, Henry David Thoreau said “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation”.

Think about that for a second: as far back as 1854, people have generally accepted that life kind of sucks. That you go through it with a constant state of dissatisfaction what if you could lift that veil? 

I’d imagine things would be pretty damn great. 

Of course, life is full of experiences both good and bad, but when you have the gift of breath and can use it to heal what’s on the inside, it feels like you’re walking around with rose-colored glasses. 

The positive experiences are juicer, more fulfilling, and brighter. 

The negative experiences might still hurt, but you’re able to see them for the life lessons they are. You’re able to manage those emotions and process them instead of burying them deep inside of you.

That’s what 9D Breathwork has to offer.

And as of right now, we have an ever-growing library of sound experiences that you can go through on your own time at home. 

But that begs the question, where do you start?

Remember when I mentioned The Emotional Constipation Crisis we’re going through? 

Well, that’s mainly how society has stifled us.   

For so long we’ve been told to keep our emotions at bay. To “tough it out,” “suck it up,” and “not cause a scene” when we feel deeply.

We’re told that having that visceral full body release, or going spastic, isn’t socially acceptable and only children are allowed to do that.

But the truth is we’re designed to go spastic. We’re supposed to have moments of catharsis because that’s what helps our body regulate. 

The Theory Of Human Catharsis (Heron, 1977, revised 1998) states that our pent-up, blocked needs MUST be purged.

Love (‘The need to love or be loved’)

Understanding (‘the need to understand and be understood’)

Self-Direction (‘the need to be self-directing and to be freely engaged with the directions of a greater whole’ or “autonomy”)

When those needs aren’t met, we experience acute psychosomatic tension (more commonly known as “high stress”). And the only way to move that tension out of the body is through catharsis.

Doing this allows us to move the emotions through the body and self-regulate.

So while it may not be socially acceptable to do out in public, “going spastic” is good for you.

The beauty of these 9D Breathwork practices is that you don’t have to attend an in-person breathwork class if you’re not comfortable releasing these emotions in front of others.

You can get your emotional purging done from the safety and comfort of your own home.

Not only do you have much-needed privacy, but you’re not left completely alone to figure it out on your own.

You’ll have the chance to experience the journey as if I were in the room with you

9D’s “Journey To Letting Go” is our key practice for cracking you wide open.

It’s specifically designed to support people who grapple with the challenge of letting go.

Whether it be difficult events from the past, feelings of resentment, or judgments towards themselves and others.

It provides a nurturing space for those seeking to activate deeper meaning and purpose in their lives offering an opportunity to rediscover and reconnect with their authentic selves.

So many of us like to think letting go is simple, yet we constantly struggle to do it.

We hold on to anger, shame, embarrassment, all of these painful emotions that keep us living in a past version of ourselves. And even though we want to say we’ve worked through it all, in most cases, we bury those emotions and try to forget about them.

But what happens is they get pushed even deeper into our subconscious mind.

They wait to be brought up again.

To grow bigger and badder so the next time it comes up, the pain is still there, festering, eating away at us.

“Understanding” what it means to let go is one thing, that’s all in the head. But conceptually or intellectually getting it isn’t enough to do anything about it.

Because until you embody letting go, until you know what it feels like to release tension that’s been sitting in your body untouched for so many years, you’ll never be free from it.

This at-home breathwork is designed to support you in “The Art of Letting Go.” Really feeling it as that tension leaves your body.

It’s been meticulously engineered to give you a space where you don’t have to understand anything. All you need to do is feel, allow yourself to be held and led through the healing journey.

This immersive experience liberates you from the grip of the past, shedding physical and psychological burdens that caused you discomfort.

To reap the benefits of that type of therapy, you’d need to see that therapist at least once a week for months at a time (maybe even years depending on your situation). 

This elevated version of breathwork will help break through past barriers you might not have even known you had.

It’ll allow you to come face to face with traumas and blockages that have been sitting there for years.

Now it’s important to note that this breathwork isn’t a one-to-one replacement for therapy, but it’ll surely help you create the space to deal with your demons (something therapy is meant to do).

It’ll give you the safety needed to release all of those pent-up emotions without you needing to think about why those emotions exist.

Liberation from the past: Experience profound freedom as you release the grip of the past, letting go of burdens that have held you back.

Release of physical and psychological discomfort: Shed the weight of physical and psychological burdens, leading to a sense of lightness and relief.

Cultivation of forgiveness, self-love, and acceptance: Foster a compassionate and nurturing relationship with yourself and others, embracing forgiveness and acceptance as transformative forces.

Resilience and emotional stability: Develope inner strength and resilience, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and emotional stability.

Tranquility and restored balance: Experience a deep sense of tranquility and inner equilibrium, restoring harmony in your life and relationships.

Empowered self-transformation: Embrace personal growth and empowerment as you let go and evolve, opening yourself up to new possibilities and a more fulfilling life journey.

This transformative journey is a stepping stone to ongoing growth and healing, empowering the evolution of your true self.

Listen, breathwork isn’t hard to find right now. You can walk into any yoga studio and chances are the last 10 minutes of a class incorporates some sort of breathing technique.

I’m sure there are also plenty of breathwork classes available in your area so if you want to go do that, by all means.

While those may be helpful to create some mindfulness or simply get you into the practice, this isn’t just another class you go to on Tuesdays and Thursdays and this isn’t just about the breath.

9D Breathwork journeys are not just about clearing your mind after a good stretch or feeling into a euphoric experience: it’s about moving the mountains of trauma that are clogging your system.

It’s about creating a safe space for you to release pent-up energy that NEEDS to leave your body.

It’s about leveraging the soundscape technology to put you in your most suggestive state, helping you repattern thought loops that no longer serve you (and replacing them with ones that empower you.)

It’s about facing difficult traumas and emotions so you can unburden yourself and live a happier, emotionally healthier, and more purpose-driven life.

If that all sounds good to you, then right now you have a decision to make:

Continue living life carrying around the pain of all your past traumas, relationships, and patterns that haven’t served you well at all. Keep ruminating on the negative thoughts and feelings that you’ve been pushing down for years. Go on as if everything’s alright even when you know on the inside it’s not.

…do something different.

Download the “Journey To Letting Go” onto your phone, take a seat on the sofa, pop in your headphones, and get ready to breathe like you never have before. 

Even if you’re not totally bought in, try it out just once. 

“Journey To Letting Go” is 75 minutes. Keep in mind, this is a long one and it will take work. These breathwork practices are not for the faint of heart. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. I know you can do it. Everyone can tap into the power of breath. So while it won’t be easy, it will be impactful. You will notice that you’re feeling very differently at the end of the practice.

You should feel noticeably different. Some might describe that as feeling “lighter”. Some might feel relief, peace, serenity, etc.

Others feel the absence of dread or frantic energy. Regardless, when you feel something, (particularly something positive) you know it’s working.

As many times as you need to. You will notice a measurable difference in how you feel after but that doesn’t mean the work is done. If you really want to remove the blocks sitting in your body, you should aim to make this a regular part of your life.

It all depends on the results you’re looking to get.

Does that mean you do this journey once a day? No. Does it mean you should be aiming to use breathwork more than once a week? Absolutely.

No, 9D Breathwork is not a replacement for therapy. If you are already in therapy, this can help you gain more out of your sessions but this is in no way something to do INSTEAD of therapy.

We strongly recommend that you don’t do breathwork while you are pregnant.

Theoretically, yes, you can. However, we strongly recommend that you take it easy and really keep in mind what you’re capable of. If you’re starting to feel lightheaded or your heartrate seriously elevates, please stop, drink some water, and proceed to take care of yourself.

If you’re not satisfied, we’re not satisfied. That’s why we’ll happily give you a 60-day money back guarantee on any electronic purchase from 9D Breathwork. You will lose lifetime access to the journey and any bonuses that come with it.

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