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Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook

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How to Become the Guy Who
Can Get Women Breathlessly
Panting,“I Usually Never Do This…”
Days Guaranteed—
Even if You’re
Already Pretty
Good with Women

 You Remember That Girl Who Caught Your Eye,
&#160but You NEVER Approached? You’re About to
&#160Discover the Exact Steps to Meet & Attract Her
  By Rob Judge, co-Founder of Date Hotter Girls, LLC

Imagine it’s a Friday night. Which of the following best describes how your interactions
with women will probably unfold?

“I’ll go out, see some girls I find attractive, but I won’t approach them”

“I’m holding out for this one girl—she’s not my girlfriend or anything, but if she calls I’ll drop everything for her”

“I really hope the girls I meet on World of Warcraft aren’t actually dudes pretending to be girls”

“I’ll hit the town, approach some girls, but I can’t ever be sure if I’m going to have a great night or if I’m going to end up going home alone”

“I have a girl, so it’ll probably be another night at home with her as I fantasize about other girls”

“I have a date, but I’m not 100 percent confident I’m going to take her on the best date she’s ever had”

“I’m just going to stay in and jerk off…”

 If you even considered checking one of the above,
then the following article will be the most
game-changing one you’ll ever read. 

 Here’s an important secret you need to know: you’re not alone. The vast majority of men (95%+) will never sleep with—let alone date—a woman they find to be stunningly beautiful.

 These men will settle for some bland girlfriend or watch mindless hours of porn. All because they’ve convinced themselves that they can’t do any better. Men have this awful belief about themselves because they simply don’t understand how to effectively meet, attract, and seduce a beautiful woman.

  Did you know…that just by being a man, you possess masculine drive, which is an overwhelming power to stop a woman in her tracks, make her drip with anticipation for you, seduce her into doing things you both only fantasized about, make her want to please you in only the way a woman can—and beg to fulfill your desire?

  Yup. It’s true. And the most awesome part is that you can do it all with simple ease. It will be as if it were a reflex you were born with. You will understand exactly what it means “to be yourself” to attract women. I’m going to show you exactly what I’m talking about in a moment…

  Just give me 5 quick minutes of your time. I’m going to prove there is an answer to your secret, burning question: How can you possibly meet and attract women so desirable they seem “in another league” without changing who you are, how you look, or how much you earn?

Who We Are…
and Why We Can
Get You Dating Hotter Girls

 In fact, I love them so much that I developed an attraction method so a normal guy like me could date as many hot girls as I’d like. This method is for guys who lead busy lives and want women of REAL beauty and quality.

&#160But we’ll get into “the method” in a moment…

&#160First, I can already tell you’re a lot like me. How do I know that? Because you’re still reading. Sure, every guy *loves* hot women…but, like me, you actually want to date them.

 Guys like us already know we should be dating these beautiful women. But…we need a way to make sure we constantly to display our most attractive qualities…

 …like holding strong eye contact, speaking with a booming voice, staying cool under pressure, knowing the perfect lines and responses to whatever she says, confidently touching her and getting sexual…

 If we could do all that OF COURSE we could get the girl.

 How many times have you thought…

“I gotta say this is the best material I have ever read, and I’ve been a dumb keyboard jockey for too long.  

This is the only material that doesn’t make pickup seem completely foreign to most guys. This is a down to earth real human book.

This book has changed my life in just a couple of weeks.  I’ve done more now then in the past couple years reading, watching, debating about whose pickup material is better…who cares?!

This book got me off my ass and now I’m approaching women like crazy; best time of my life and I don’t need anybody else’s material anymore, why would I?  

So goodbye “Pickup Community”, I’ve retired from pickup material, this book is my Bible from now on.”

—Donny M., Minneapolis, MN

“Read the book yesterday… went home with a girl last night. Coincidence? You be the judge.”

—Kevin B., New York, NY

“This was a refreshing read. Refreshing for its simplicity and careful prioritization of the things that really matter when you are learning to get better with women.

From start to finish Rob takes you through the most important things he sees in dating women. They have kept it to a small number, and they are careful to tackle the most important first.

They said it – in a community of men studying to get better with women – no one talks about the biggest reason for men not getting results.

They don’t put it first, they don’t give it the priority it deserves.

Rob and Zack said it. Drive… (another word for stepping up and pushing things forward with women). The 4 Elements of Game dedicates the first quarter of the book to inspiring you to focus on drive before everything else, and telling you how to do it.

I salute them – it had to be said like this. And they do it well.

Very. Simple. Very. Practical.

It’s all in the words… Rob, the writer of the book, reveals that he is a writer at one point in the book – and this doesn’t surprise me.

His use of words, and naming of concepts throughout the book have obviously carefully been chosen…”

—Editors, Dating Skills Review

“…wealth of new information that I wasn’t even expecting…”

“This is the best product out there. It does what no other “guru” has ever managed to do—it actually breaks down the reasons behind my past successes.

After reading your book I have this wealth of new information that I wasn’t even expecting, reaffirming my successes, and getting me even more hyped for attracting beautiful chicks!”

In fact I was haunted by that thought a few years back, right after I graduated college…

I’d just landed a job “in the real world,” working in New York City. So I’d see tons of hot women throughout my day. Awesome, right?

Wrong. It was like torture…

See, I was certainly no Casanova in college but at least I could go to parties or meet girls through friends.

Out in the real world things were so intimidating they seemed impossible…

Whenever I’d spot a cute girl I wanted to talk to her…but I felt like I was suddenly being held underwater: I gasped for breath. My heart raced. I could not concentrate. I always thought of things I should have done or said later…but I never did a damn thing. I just stood there, staring.

I couldn’t approach a single girl. So I remained lonely. Single. And extremely frustrated. It got so bad that I seriously feared that I might never kiss a girl again if I did not figure something out.

I knew the first thing I had to do was get the courage and confidence to approach women…so I started reading up on ways to do it. (I’m a huge nerd if you haven’t already guessed.)

The psychology and self-help books made sense while I’d read them, but once a hot girl walked by…poof! All my confidence and courage flew right out the window again.

Tony was a construction worker I passed every morning on my way into work. Like clockwork, every day at 8:47a.m. he was waiting with a cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut ready to bark at any and every female who passed by.

Tony was just a repulsive loudmouth to most morning commuters, yet secretly I admired him.

I wished I had his complete inhibition in talking to women, no matter how beautiful.

Finally, one morning, I worked up the nerve to ask him:

“Excuse me sir,” I stammered. “Can I ask you something?”

“Name ain’t sir,” he croaked, “It’s Tony. Big Tony to some. But to you just Tony.”

“Okay, Tony… I just really respect how you…you know…greet women.”

“Greet ’em?” Tony sneered. “I hit on ’em!”

“Exactly!” I exclaimed, “How do you get up the nerve to do that?”

Tony snorted, snatched a pen from my front pocket, and scribbled 12 words on a napkin. He crumbled the napkin up, shoved it into my pocket, and said, “There ya go. There’s how I get up my nerve.”

When I uncrumpled the napkin and read the 12 words, it was almost like I’d unleashed a magic spell…

I actually started laughing hysterically in the middle of 31st Street as I realized how obvious, yet powerful Tony’s words were.

 To this day if I ever feel an inkling of anxiety or hesitation before approaching an attractive woman, I just remind myself of those 12 words. Those 12 words move me to approach every time.

 With my newfound courage I decided to try everything when it came to approaching women. I listened to whatever advice I could find. I hit on any woman who wasn’t running away from me. I decided nothing—and I mean NOTHING—was going to stop me from dating gorgeous women.

&#160Eventually, this lead me to my partner-in-crime, Zack.

 I met Zack at a dive bar doing what I did every night back then: I was hitting on babes.

 Suddenly, a shouting match errupted across the bar. I couldn’t hear what the fight was over, but some girl wound up laying a mean slap across the face of some big, shaggy-haired dude.

 The entire bar froze. The music went silent. The world seemed to stop turning, waiting to see how the shaggy-haired guy was going to respond…

The bar patrons shook their heads and went back to their drinks and conversations…but I had to find out what was up with this guy.

 “Two Bud Lights,” I said to the bartender, pulling up a stool next to Zack. “For me and my new friend here.”

 Zack looked at me, his eyebrows arched.

 “That was harsh,” I said. “Was that chick your girlfriend?”

 “Nah,” Zack took a sip of the beer, “Just met her tonight,”

 “Really?” I smiled, “So why were laughing when she slapped you?”

 “Who cares,” Zack shrugged. “I’d get slapped by a thousand girls if it teaches me a thing or two about ’em.”

 That’s when I realized that me and Zack, like you and I, are on the same page. We all have a burning, passionate love for hot women…and we refuse to let anything get in our way of being with them.

 Over the next year and a half, Zack and I went out to bars and nightclubs nearly every night. We hit on every girl. We tried every line. We applied every tip.

Then…finally…one night…

Together we stumbled on a method to ensure we could meet, attract, date, seduce and keep the kinds of women other guys FANTASIZE about. Once we pieced it together we were almost embarrassed that it was this simple all along. Here’s a screenshot from a Facebook album Zack put together during that time:

&#160As you can see, Zack and I are just normal guys and that’s why our method is so incredibly SIMPLE and EASY-TO-LEARN. You can master it WITHOUT the headache of endless hours of practice or acting outside your comfort zone. Zack and I already went through all that so you can save yourself the trouble.

&#160All you need to do is spend an afternoon reading…

 (Please check all that apply to you)

How to avoid 2 classic traps EVERY guy falls for that absolutely repels a woman and sends her running to the nearest asshole guy—pg. 128

A way to perfect your sense of humor so that you keep women laughing and hanging on your every word—pg. 69-77

A deadly understanding of vibing with women that you will learn after reading a story about Zack “motorboating” a girl at a dive bar—pg. 87

One statement that will annihilate ALL your anxiety so you NEVER let another hot girl walk out of your life again—pg. 6

Step-by-step instructions for the absolute PERFECT date that always ends passionately in your bed—pg. 146-149

6 failsafe lines that seamlessly transition from chatting with a woman to taking things physical so you NEVER hear “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I’m going to get back to my friends” AGAIN—pg. 136

4 conversation topics that instantly heat up a woman’s mood (even just 1 of these can completely save your next date from fizzling out)—pg. 109

The key secret that separates “cool” people from “uncool” people that is IMPOSSIBLE to guess but will completely change how you are perceived—pg. 73

2 tips that can FLIP a “conversation-to-nowhere” around and get her hanging on your every word—pg. 67-68

A way to make starting conversations with women so simple and easy that it will seem like cheating—pg. 133

A treasured tactic EVERY pickup and dating instructor knows but NO ONE wants to tell you (hint: it makes a woman’s emotional circuitry go HAYWIRE)—pg. 60

“5 Basic Rules of Texting” that breaks down text messaging into a simple, easy-to-follow formula—pg. 140

A proven way to inject sexual tension at ANY moment to get women feeling passionate so you can move situations toward sex ridiculously fast—pg. 75

The exact secret why some women respond coldly or disinterested toward men and use that “insider” knowledge to totally warm her up until she cannot get enough of you—pg. 60

How to stay out of the dreaded FRIEND ZONE for life by simply learning how to balance emotional connection with sexual tension using a simple step-by-step formula—pg. 117-119

Twelve words that will radically shift your thinking allowing you to always approach gorgeous women with cool, unflinching confidence (This is what Tony wrote on the napkin!)—pg. 25

A mindset trick that will INSTANTLY expand your conversation skills so you ALWAYS know exactly what to say to keep women completely attracted and interested—pg. 579

How to get a beautiful woman attracted within seconds with a step-by-step formula that prepares you for ANY reaction you can possibly expect to encounter—pg. 48-51

How to craft your own flawless “openers” that will begin great interactions at nightclubs or during the day time WITHOUT using sleazy pickup lines—pg. 58-59

How to never hesitate when going for the kiss or get anxiety about making a move by learning the truth about the “escalation stage”—pg. 136-137

The REAL reason why guys get “on-and-off” results with women, then use that understanding to keep yourself consistently “in your prime” and at your best—pg. 20

How to get a woman’s phone number within 30 seconds of meeting her WITHOUT relying on lame gimmicks or trickery once you simplify the process by learning this amazing offbeat technique—pg. 139

An encyclopedic understanding of how you can improve your appearance so you absolutely maximize ALL your natural advantages to attract women you might consider “out of your league”—pg. 152-157

The PROPER way to work phone numbers, allowing you to set up AS MANY dates you like—pg. 139

The “pacer/pursuer” secret, which is one of the BIGGEST hidden truths about attraction that will SKYROCKET your sex appeal (if you only read one thing, you MUST check this out—it’s a complete game changer)—pg. 279

The 8 traits of unshakable, rock-solid confidence that are so powerful that even learning 2 or 3 can make you irresistible to women—pg. 35

The mindset that makes touching girls ORGANIC and as if “it just happened”—pg. 32

How to cut right to the truth by learning the “3 modes of female reaction” (once you know these, a woman’s burning hot attraction for you will practically take of itself)—pg. 125

An effortless two-step process that makes ANY objection a woman throws at you a CINCH to handle—pg. 43

The 1-question test that will ALWAYS let you know if you are coming off as “needy” or “attractive” when taking things physical (this is so EFFECTIVE and DEAD-ON accurate that it will blow your mind)—pg. 37

A shortcut for attracting SUPER hot women that will take all the complications and anxieties OUT OF approaching the women you REALLY want—pg. 39

An understanding of what “the waypoint” means and how it ensures you always keep women attracted to you—whether it be for an entire night or an entire relationship—pg. 14

How to eliminate ALL your negative thought patterns that stop you from meeting and dating stunning women in 3 SUPER SIMPLE STEPS (this is so money that you will probably run out to try it immediately)—pg. 26

The EXACT signs a woman gives off when she wants a man to “make a move” physically (I guarantee you will NEVER miss another opportunity to get physical with women)—pg. 43

An absurdly motivational way to overcome your anxieties and fears that is sure to kick your ass into gear and get you out meeting all the hot, amazing women you have time for—pg. 44

5 proven ways to effortlessly get around ANY objection a woman can throw at you (this one is going to save countless relationships)—pg. 61

A simple technique that draws on your environment for inspiration so you always have a quick line or witty comment at ALL times—pg. 64

The roadmap for taking women home with you the night you meet them with a potent guide that breaks down rigorously field-tested knowledge into a foolproof plan—pg. 145

An EXACT text transcript straight from my personal cell phone that shows you EXACTLY how to keep women from flaking—pg. 142

How to catapult yourself over “all those other guys” by understanding the 5 levels of emotional connection and how to navigate them—pg. 119

How to use something you are already doing NATURALLY but you are not using to attract women—in fact, you are probably hiding it so it is working AGAINST you (and no, you have NEVER heard this before in any other book or seminar)—pg. 92-93

A way to “break the ice” with surefire ways that instantly make women feel comfortable around you so that an interaction can move forward (if I only understood this a few years back, I would have hooked up with at least a dozen more girls in college)—pg. 98

A way to map an interaction using the “5 stages of transition” to turn strangers into lovers without ever thinking “What do I do next?” (this is so CRUCIAL that guys once paid thousands of dollars to learn this from us)—pg. 123

To master all the skills checked above plus so much more, please click on the button below.

Ihad this friend back in college who hooked up with every hot girl on campus…and even some hot chicks who didn’t live on campus…

Whenever I’d stop by his dorm room, I’d see lace thongs hanging from his ceiling fan, hoop earrings scattered across his dusty floor, various articles of female clothing tucked between couch cushions or draped from his bed post…

Yet whenever I walked across campus with him, girl after girl would run over to him, blow kisses at him, shyly wave to him, and whisper about him as he passed.

Back then, I was totally confused. What did this guy have that I didn’t? He wasn’t better looking than me, or taller than me, or in better than shape than I was…

….I just couldn’t put my finger on it…

Now I understand that women were drawn to my friend because he understood a secret…it’s the same secret Zack and I discovered that one night out and our lives haven’t been the same ever since…

…it’s the secret of balance.

“This system is so SIMPLE it will blow your mind. When I read this I was blown away by how simple and effective it is.

I have been in this so called “seduction community” for 6 years and this is the best ebook and best advice I have found since.

The main focus is the girls like it should be. Not some special line or annoying names like “Sarging.”

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to everyone. I mean this is ground breaking stuff! And for the price they are asking its a no brainer.”

“I couldn’t stop reading! This is the first book that made sense from the beginning and it’s so simple.

It genuinely changes your mindset while you read.

It’s the best I ever read about seduction and attraction.

It gives lots of insights that no one ever gave before in one book. I highly recommend it.”

“I’ve read a ton of books. This is one, if not THE, favorite of mine.

I will soon start the 28 days to success program and I’m confident that it will propel me forward higher and faster than any other book out there.

This is down to earth, stuff that actually works in real life. Get it!

“This book has instantly become the main resource I will recommend to newbies. Read this book and then do not read anything else. If it ain’t in this book, it ain’t worth thinking about.”

“What I love about this ebook is that it doesn’t try to change who and what you are. What is does do is help you figure out exactly what parts of your game are lacking, and gives you the direction needed to fix them.”

“I wish I read “The 4 Elements of Game” before all the other bullshit stuff out there that makes connecting and dating with women seem like a war. I don’t need 10 DVDs with 30 hours and a workbook to be better person.

This book showed me lots of mistakes I have been making that no one else touched on…and it turns out the things that I thought were mistakes and stuff that frustrated me were actually good but I didn’t know that’s why I stop thinking I messed up.

No matter where you are I believe this book will open your eyes to new things and help you become a better person not just about game but also in communication and understanding others.It’s not just about women but about yourself and how to think.

I think of it of more like a female psychology book rather than pickup, and it’s so easy to read which is a bonus.”

“The good thing about the Ebook is how easy it is to put into use. Other “methods”start trying to complicate thngs by coming up with scientific terms, and confusing the shit out of people, not this ebook.

Anyone can spit game and this ebook shows you exactly how.

Everything from the words coming out of your mouth to your vibe, Its all covered.”

You and I are no different from my friend in college…he doesn’t have anything you or I don’t have. (In fact, you probably have some advantages over him!)

You just need to learn to apply balance…just like he did…and just like Zack and I learned to do.

Oh, and here’s the good news: learning balance is not some incredibly challenging task. It’s NOT something you only get after countless rejections and embarrassing failures.

Learning balance is just harmonizing 4 elements of attraction and dating (a.k.a., “game”)…and then everything else takes care of itself. No need to worry or feel nervous…it really is THAT simple.

I get emails and Facebook messages from guys every day
that tell me how our method helped them to RELAX, have FUN, and feel MORE like themselves — all while creating passionate relationships with the women they’d only dreamt about before.

If you can just remember 4 easy things, you can attract all the QUALITY, AMAZING women you could EVER want.

If getting girls is so simple and easy, then why doesn’t every guy do it? Well…ask yourself this: how do most guys go about attracting beautiful women?

Like idiots.

A lot of guys have no idea what they’re doing. They never stop to consider their behavior or how it makes a woman feel. They treat women as if they were men with vaginas… and then they wonder why women aren’t magically attracted to them.

Other guys listen to garbage advice — which gets them garbage results. Some guys follow the advice from their moms, Hollywood movies, know-it-all friends, and maybe even other dating instructors or pickup artists.

These guys never consider the SOURCE of this advice. I love my mom to death, but she’s never picked up a girl in her life.

The same is true of most of your friends, things you see in a movie, and even most pickup and dating instructors. (An inside joke in the pickup and dating advice industry is that most of the “big names” of the industry are nothing more than internet marketers…they don’t actually pickup or date hot women.)

And that’s why most of the advice sucks. Sure, sometimes you’ll hear a story about a guy who gets lucky and lands a cute girlfriend by luck or using an “angle.” But these stories are rare, and the guy ACTUALLY KEEPING the girl is even more rare.

The sad truth is: Most guys just DON’T want to learn what works.

They simply ignore the truth.

It’s as if they’re brainwashed to think that they need to go through a long and painful process to learn how to attract women.

Other guys believe they’ll only date hotter girls after they have money, looks, or some other “angle.”

Zack and I are living proof that’s COMPLETE BULLSHIT! (And if you have any doubts, we’re going to demonstrate it for you with the bonus—but more on that in a minute.)

Attracting women has absolutely nothing to do with “adding” behaviors, money, or possessions to yourself. Instead…

Attracting women is ALL about BALANCING who you ALREADY are and WHAT you already have

You don’t need to learn new behaviors or dramatically change your personality.

You already have everything you need to attract the women you’ve always wanted — you just need BALANCE.

If you can do that then “WHO YOU ARE” will attract women in the most normal yet powerful way imaginable…no matter what happens…even if you make ‘mistakes’ women will actually fall for you even more.

(In fact, when you make mistakes with our method it actually HELPS you.)

Women will see your MOST ATTRACTIVE personality whether you are the life of the party or more of the QUIET and CHILL type.

Instead, our method fits to YOUR personality like an expensive, perfectly-tailored suit.

Take it from me, I’ve read and tried MORE dating advice than you can imagine. Every book, course, and seminar I absorbed only brought limited results because I was failing to balance my behavior.

All the other dating and pickup advice forced me to add unnatural behavior to my personality .

Even if I did stumble upon attractive behavior if I failed to apply balance then that same behavior later worked against me.

Perhaps you’ve seen this first-hand if you’ve had:


Women suddenly losing interest in you and have NO IDEA why


Women NOT returning your phone calls or text messages


Women saying that you ’re “nice” but have NO interest
      in a romantic or sexual relationship with you


Women making up excuses to avoid talking to you

Even internal struggles you have like anxiety before approaching women and running out of things to say. These are just a result of NOT understanding and applying simple balance.

I can still remember when I’d get crippling anxiety before making a move on a hot woman.

But since discovering how to balance my DRIVE element, putting the moves on beautiful women is something I do automatically now.

Meeting and hooking up with new, incredible women is as simple as if it were a reflex.

Once you discover the element that completely shifted my mindset, you’ll never again hesitate to make a move on women either.

When I met Zack, he was always “running out of things to say” when talking with hot women.

We laugh about it now, but back then Zack was hopeless when it came to knowing what to say.

But these days, Zack is one the wittiest guys I know because he got in touch with his inspiration. Once we devised a way to access his natural wit, Zack’s been on fire whenever talking and flirting with hot women.

Rather than force you to memorize fake stories and stupid lines, our system breaks down inspiration so that you INSTANTLY tap into YOUR OWN creativity.

You’re always going to have a quick joke, witty remark, or interesting comment at your fingertips.

And the best part is — it is coming from YOU.

And DRIVE and INSPIRATION are just 2 of the 4 ELEMENTS in our revolutionary attraction method.

Once you learn ALL 4 elements and how they work, you’ll know exactly how to balance your behavior.

You’ll have the powerful secret of attraction at your command anytime, anywhere.

Zack and I have ONLY taught our system to a handful of students, but the results have been truly astounding. We’ve had guys completely transform their love and sex lives faster than anything we’ve ever seen…

Plus You’ll Also Receive
At No Additional Cost…

Three amazing bonus materials we could easily sell as stand-alone products that will ensure you take your love and sex life to another level….

1. Hidden Mic Pickup &
Commentary MP3

In the first bonus, the “Hidden Mic Pickup & Commentary mp3″ you get a real 45-minute hidden mic pickup, recorded in a New York City bar.

Plus, there’s a second MP3 with play-by-play commentary on EXACTLY what is going on so that you know precisely how to implement the 4-EG method when you’re out meeting and attracting women.

Most eBooks and dating advice stops short of actually demonstrating how to apply the teaching, but Zack and I wanted to ensure everything in the book is simple and easy-to-follow so there is absolutely no risk of failure.

By actually listening in on me as I pickup a beautiful girl, you get to hear exactly what I say and do when applying the method that we live (and date) by…

2. The 28 Days to Success
Follow-Up Course

In the second bonus, “The 28 Days to Success” Zack and I are going to supplement your learning with an email sent to you EVERY day that tells you EXACTLY how to apply our method to DATE HOTTER GIRLS.

Most eBooks and dating advice simply fill guys’ heads with theory and nonsense, but Zack and I are RESULTS-oriented, which means we want to MAKE SURE you reach your FULL potential for meeting, attracting, dating, and keeping gorgeous women. By following up for 28 days, YOUR success is guaranteed.

3. Private Forum Access

In the third bonus, “Private Forum Access” you get the chance to post your progress and success on a password-protected, private forum where you will get feedback from Zack and myself.

In this amazing bonus, you actually have the chance to interact with the CREATORS of the 4-EG method and let our feedback supercharge your game and take it to THE NEXT LEVEL!

So How Much is Dating
Hotter Girls Worth to You?

“…it’s a great book…”

“I finished reading your book ‘The 4 Elements of Game’ yesterday. Just wanna say Thank you.

It’s a great book and I agree with you and Zack about the fact that game should appear normal. Otherwise it’s just weird.

I’m studying game material a lot and the target sight of the 4 elements puts the advice I read into the proper perspective. I will read it over and over until I have the balance internalized.”

“…genius material…”

“Terrific material… You guys have cracked the zen code of interacting with the opposite sex… there are way too many overcomplicated theories on this topic…

As Woody Guthrie said, “Any fool can make something complicated.It takes a genius to make it simple.”—so thanks to Date Hotter Girls for the genius material…”

If you’re a guy who loves beautiful women, what is the value of being able to:

If there was a way you could become the guy women drop everything to see…the guy they text at 2a.m. or after a lame date…the sort of man who the other girls “heard about” and are silently waiting for their turn with…

What is the value of not having to suffer through the awkward moments, outright ridicule, snickers from bystanders, and the embarrassment of trying to figure this out all for yourself? What if you could read a beautiful woman like a book, see right through her games, and look right into her eyes with cool confidence…

What price can you put on learning to become THE MAN…the guy other dudes envy…the one everyone notices because he always has a cute girl hanging off his arm…the sort of guy who is just “getting it done?”

That’s less than the cost of a morning cup of coffee for a month!

But keep in mind: the reason we wrote our ebook is to make sure that every guy who loves hot women (and truly wants to date them) has the ability to do it—even if they can’t come out to New York City for a weekend of coaching or can’t afford the high cost of private training.

So I urge you take us up on our offer now.

We Guarantee That You
Will Date Hotter Girls

In fact, You Can Check It All Out For FREE,

If You Choose To…

We both know that if we can’t help you to do everything we’ve promised above, it wouldn’t be right for us to keep your money.

So we want to give you a chance to prove that our method works to the only person who matters—YOURSELF.

When you join Zack and I in learning our attraction method today, I promised we’ll never let you feel shy or anxious before approaching a beautiful girl again. We’ll be there for you every single time you’re unsure how to move an interaction forward or grasp for something to say.

And we’ll stop you from making the types of humiliating mistakes that girls tell their friends about and laugh over, as long as you use our method.

If we can do that for you, the investment you make in “The 4 Elements of Game” will prove to be the smartest thing you’ve ever done for your dating success. If we can’t, we won’t keep a cent of your investment. It just wouldn’t be fair, nor would it align with our original reasons for writing the book…

No Risk, All Reward
60 Full Days To Try It

So try “The 4 Elements of Game” for a full 60 days. Give it a test drive and drop me an email with your thoughts and feedback. When you’re amazed that this inner-stud was hidden within yourself all this time, simply keep the book. Don’t stress it—just sit back and enjoy the show that’s now your new love life.

And like I said, if we can’t get you everything I’ve promised, all you have to do is let me know. You can visit me online… You can email me… You can call me and get every penny of your investment back.

Click Here to Start Learning “The 4 Elements of Game” Method Today…

Oh, and here’s the best part: You can apply “The 4 Elements of Game” RIGHT NOW! Sign up today and get instant access to the method in minutes…

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You can place your order confident that your personal information will never be revealed to any outside parties. Everything is completely confidential. A charge from our secure service, “Clickbank,” will appear on your credit statement.

Immediately after you place your secure order, you’ll be granted access to a special page where you can get your hands on all of this material right away, in the privacy of your own home… even if it’s 3:30 in the morning!

You won’t have to pay any ridiculous shipping and handling fees…and…you won’t have to wait weeks for it to arrive in the mail.

You’ll have everything I’ve listed in this package…in just minutes!

Don’t let another weekend go by where you aren’t 100 percent confident that you can go out, see your perfect dream girl, and know exactly how to approach her, flirt with her, attract her, kiss her, seduce her, and date her…

Don’t be the guy who’s clueless, sitting at home, wondering when (if ever) he’ll meet another girl…

…or have another date…

When next Monday morning rolls around which guy are you going to be? The one who’s still buzzing after “getting it done” with that girl you wanted to approach…

…or the guy who’s regretting another weekend of no girls, no fun, no sex…?

You can start right away (I mean as soon as tonight) enjoying the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, quality women automatically sticking to you like velcro

…without ever having to suffer through awkward moments or feeling weird.

There’s no-risk my fellow lover of hot woman. So why not stop delaying and give it a try?

Zack and I can’t wait to hear about your remarkable success.

To your new future with hotter girls,

P.S.  Still not convinced?  Hear what experts, the media, and former students of our method have to say below.

JT, NYC, Success Story After Reading “The 4 Elements of Game”

“A year ago, I was a 24 year old virgin that had never even kissed a girl. I was also a severely shy, insecure, unconfident, and self-conscious person.

In late February 2009, I heard about Rob Judge and Zack Bauer—their teaching promised a no-nonsense, result driven approach to getting it done; Rob and Zack deliver on that promise.

Their lessons resonate with me every day.
Rob and Zack fast-tracked my progress.They put me in a position to succeed—I couldn’t fail. I was taught the mindsets of a naturally attractive man and learned to cultivate those mindsets into behaviors and taking action.

The structure of game taught was straightforward, simple, and easily applicable; like an A to B approach to getting laid.There are nights I’m out where I can feel Rob and Zack’s presence in my mind. Here are some highlights since Zack and Rob’s teaching:

Entropy, World Famous Master Pickup Artist

“My favorite concept in the book is the idea of “Approaching for Truth.”

As a guy who had absolutely horrible Approach Anxiety when he started out, I wish that section had been written 4-5 years ago.

It would have saved me many a frustrated and lonely nights.”

60 Years Of Challenge, Respected Seduction Blogger and Writer

“I’ve met both authors personally and I can attest to not only their knowledge but also their skill in this area.

I meet lots of guys from the “dating community”, and yeah many are good with women, but most aren’t so great at explaining how they do it.

But after grabbing a drink with these guys and watching them work, I can report that they can do both quite well.

Go checkout what they have to say…you won’t be disappointed.”

Geek Tyrant, Review by Johnny Whiteshoes

“So if you sometimes ask yourself how you’re supposed to approach that girl you eyed across the room at the coffee shop or that bombshell at the party that made it feel like your jeans shrunk about two sizes, then you’re in luck because you’ve got Rob Judge and Zack Bauer, the premier pick up artists in New York City to guide you through the pain with their new book The 4 Elements of Game.

Unlike other pickup coaches who have saturated the market with some ridiculous notion that you have to masquerade as a magical clown wearing bright colors and fuzzy hats (Yes, I’m talking about Mystery), Rob has a unique perspective and cool charisma that sets him apart from other coaches in the PUA community, and Zack, in many respects, is the same way, although a little more hyper.

With their powers combined, they are a deadly team when hitting a bar or club, and pretty much make Neil Strauss, author of The Game, look like your weird uncle Bob… No disrespect Uncle Bob.”

Click here to get Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Date Hotter Girls: The 4 Elements of Game eBook is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Ways to Back Up Your iPhone Information Properly

Consider getting rid of all your precious photos, important contacts, and a lot of red tape right away. It’s a nightmare state of affairs that happens longer than you can imagine.

Your iPhone could be dropped, accidentally submerged in water, or become completely unresponsive. Our iPhones contain huge amounts of personal {{and professional}} data, making iPhone data loss a very likely devastating problem.

Fortunately, preventing blackouts is a simple matter: all you have to do is perform common iPhone backupsIn this knowledge, we will show you the best tactics to improve your iPhone knowledge once again, ensuring that your information is always protected and recoverable.

Understand: If your main concern is backing up your iPhone photos and movies, check out our article on one of the easiest ways to back up iPhone movies to your Mac.

Topic material index

Why back up your iPhone?

The main reasons why you should update your iPhone regularly are:

  • Recover knowledge if your software is out of place or damaged.
  • Make sure the transition to completely new software is smooth.
  • Restore knowledge after solving major problems.
  • Protect against data corruption or malware attacks.

Tips on the correct way to backup iPhone data

Backup with iCloud
  1. Make sure your iPhone is connected to a broadcast Wi-Fi network.
  2. Move to the Settings on your iPhone and tap your name at the top of the settings menu.
  3. iPhone Settings MenuiPhone Settings Menu
  4. Make a selection iCloud from the list of services, products and goods.
  5. Select the iCloud optionSelect the iCloud option
  6. Scroll down and select iCloud Backup.
  7. iCloud Backup MenuiCloud Backup Menu
  8. Turn on the iCloud Backup switch or tap “Once again Up Now” to start the backup immediately.
  9. Run Backup Now optionRun Backup Now option
Backup with iTunes/Finder
  1. Use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer.
  2. Open ItunesItalian in case you use a PC or Seeker on macOS Catalina and later.
  3. In iTunes, click the iPhone icon or select your iPhone from the sidebar in Finder.
  4. iPhone icon in iTunesiPhone icon in iTunes
    iPhone in Finder sidebariPhone in Finder sidebar

    iPhone in Finder, under Location

  5. Under the “Backup” section, select “This computer” to store the backup locally.
  6. For added protection, check out “Encrypt iPhone backup” and set a password (no longer required).
  7. Start the backup process by clicking on “Up Now again.
  8. Back up now to iTunesBack up now to iTunes

    Once again on iPhone via iTunes

    Back up now in FinderBack up now in Finder

    Once again on iPhone via Finder

Backup with third-party software

First, select a reliable third-party backup software, such as Dr.Fone or iMazing. These apps are highly rated for their efficiency and ease of use. Check out our previous Dr.Fone overview.

iMazing App InterfaceiMazing App Interface

Then, download, organize and unlock the chosen software on your computer. Make sure you practice organizing the power-ons to complete the installation process properly.

After installing the software, use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer. The software should automatically find your software and suggest the next steps.

Follow the on-screen instructions provided by using the software to further increase your knowledge. The process may vary slightly depending on the software you choose, but in most cases it will guide you through the very important steps to ensure that your iPhone data has been safely backed up.

Final concepts

Whichever method you choose, whether or not it’s using Finder on macOS, iTunes on Windows Home, or backing up directly to iCloud from your phone, the key is to make sure you update your iPhone regularly.

The post Ways to Properly Backup Your iPhone Information appeared first on Hongkiat.

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Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche

Product Name: Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche

Click here to get Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Vous vous entraînez dur, vous mangez bien…cela devrait suffire pour vous garder en bonne santé et fort physiquement et émotionnellement.

Toutefois, il existe un danger tapi dans nos corps qui n’est pas seulement caché à notre vue… mais que même les médecins n’arrivent pas à identifier.

Il affecte quasiment tout le monde, peu importe à quel point vous êtes actif ou sédentaire, et quel que soit votre âge.

Ce problème affecte non seulement notre corps mais aussi tout notre bien-être.

… car c’est la raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche.

Vous voyez, nos fléchisseurs de la hanche sont le moteur grâce auquel notre corps bouge. Ils contrôlent l’équilibre, notre capacité à nous asseoir, à nous lever, à nous tordre, à atteindre, à nous courber, à marcher et à monter des marches.

Tout passe par les hanches.

Et quand nos fléchisseurs de la hanche se raidissent cela cause tout un tas de problèmes chez les gens normalement en pleine santé et actifs, comme nous.

Avant de vous révéler comment la plupart des gens finissent par avoir des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides sans jamais le réaliser, laissez-moi me présenter.

Mon nom est Mike Westerdal et je suis auteur de best-sellers américains concernant la remise en forme, spécialiste de la nutrition sportive, entraîneur personnel, contributeur au magazine Iron Man et fondateur du plus ancien site internet sur la force,

Dans un moment, je vais vous révéler les 10 Mouvements Clé dont vous avez besoin pour détendre vos fléchisseurs de la hanche et débloquer le pouvoir caché de votre corps.

Mais tout d’abord, laissez-moi juste vous expliquer à quel point le problème est ancré profondément.

Voici la vérité : la plupart des gens ne réalisent pas que la cause de leurs problèmes, ce sont les raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche.

Je n’avais jamais réalisé l’impact qu’ont les hanches sur tout le corps jusqu’à ce que je voie les effets que les fléchisseurs de la hanche raides avaient sur la santé et le bien-être de ma femme après qu’elle ait accouché.

Ce n’est qu’à ce moment-là que j’ai vraiment compris la portée du problème.

Nous ne parlons pas seulement de quelques courbatures ; la raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche est à la racine de problèmes tels que :

Si n’importe laquelle de ces choses vous est familière, ne vous inquiétez pas car vous n’êtes pas seul.

Les raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche affectent quasiment tout le monde, mais peu de gens réalisent l’impact sur tout leur corps.

Encore une fois, tout passe par les hanches.

Pensez aux hanches comme à un baromètre. La santé et la flexibilité des muscles de vos hanches sont un indicateur de la force et de la santé de tout votre corps.

Vos hanches sont le lien entre le haut et le bas de votre corps. Elles sont au centre des mouvements de votre corps.

Le muscle principal du psoas se situe au niveau de vos hanches et du bas de votre colonne vertébrale, c’est l’un des deux muscles qui composent le muscle psoas-iliaque.

On l’appelle souvent le « puissant » psoas en raison des nombreuses fonctions importantes qu’il joue dans les mouvements de votre corps.

Le psoas est le seul muscle du corps humain qui connecte le haut du corps au bas du corps.

Le muscle est attaché aux vertèbres du bas de la colonne vertébrale, il bouge à travers le pelvis et il est connecté à un tendon au haut du fémur. Il est aussi attaché au diaphragme, donc il est connecté à votre respiration, et tous les organes majeurs se trouvent dessus.

Un muscle psoas fonctionnant correctement crée un alignement pelvien neutre, stabilise les hanches, supporte le bas de la colonne vertébrale et l’abdomen, supporte les organes de la cavité pelvienne et abdominale, et vous offre une plus grande mobilité ainsi qu’une force centrale.

Quand il fonctionne bien, il a le pouvoir de…

Pour résumer, ce muscle est le centre de l’activité dans votre corps. Donc quand il est en déséquilibre ou si le psoas se raidit, il y a de graves conséquences qui circulent à travers le corps.

Et il y a une activité, en particulier, qui est l’ennemi juré de votre muscle psoas…

C’est peut-être l’activité la plus anodine connue chez les hommes, mais c’est aussi l’un des plus grands dangers pour votre santé.

Même si vous êtes le plus actif des athlètes, vous pouvez quand même souffrir de raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche à cause de la quantité de temps que vous passez chaque jour planté sur une chaise.

Le muscle développe une faiblesse, un raccourcissement et une raideur à cause du fait de rester assis durant de longues périodes, à cause d’une mauvaise position durant le sommeil et même à cause du stress et de la tension.

Vous vous demandez pourquoi votre ventre dépasse encore même si vous faites chaque jour les exercices de base ? C’est un vieux mythe que le gros ventre est dû à des muscles abdominaux faibles. La vraie cause est probablement la raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche ce qui fait que le bas du dos se courbe en poussant le ventre vers l’extérieur. Quand vos fléchisseurs de la hanche fonctionnent correctement, ils tirent l’abdomen vers l’arrière en faisant rentrer le ventre, vous donnant un ventre plat et fort.

En tant que muscle de « lutte ou fuite » du corps, votre psoas est profondément connecté à notre instinct de survie naturel. Il se raidit instantanément dans les moments de danger pour soit vous protéger (en position fœtale) soit pour vous aider à courir, alimenté par la libération d’adrénaline. Cependant, si votre psoas est constamment raide à force d’être trop souvent assis, il signale au corps que vous êtes en danger constant, ce qui conduit à surmener la glande surrénale. Quand cela arrive, votre système immunitaire souffre et votre corps passe automatiquement en mode de stockage de graisse en anticipation du danger. Vous ne pouvez pas soulever ce poids ? Blâmez cette raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche également connus sous le nom de « muscle de survie ».

Rester assis toute la journée fait que vos hanches sont coincées dans une position inclinée vers l’avant. Cela conduit à tirer sur le bas du dos et à réduire la circulation sanguine à travers les hanches et là où ça compte le plus.

Diagnostiquer une raideur des fléchisseurs de la hanche est compliqué.

Si vous avez vu un thérapeute ou un médecin, il y a des chances qu’ils n’aient pas été capables de localiser le problème.

Comme ils sont profondément enfouis dans votre abdomen, ce n’est pas étonnant qu’il soit si difficile de les identifier comme la racine de vos symptômes.

C’est pourquoi les fléchisseurs de la hanche raides restent non diagnostiqués et non traités pendant bien trop longtemps, parce que les médecins cherchent une explication plus simple.

Alors comprenez que ce n’est pas votre faute. POURQUOI LES ÉTIREMENTS « STATIQUES » SEULS NE SONT PAS LA RÉPONSE

Cependant, savoir tout ceci vous donne le pouvoir de pouvoir enfin faire quelque chose avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

Savoir que vous avez des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides c’est une chose.

Savoir comment guérir vos fléchisseurs de la hanche est un autre défi.

Si vous faites confiance aux soi-disant experts sur Youtube et en ligne, ils vous feront croire qu’il suffit simplement de faire quelques étirements statiques pendant une certaine durée pour essayer d’allonger le muscle.

Ou de rouler avec une balle de tennis collée à vos hanches (comme si cela allait vraiment faire la moindre différence).

Il faut plus qu’une balle de tennis et un rouleau en mousse pour débloquer vos fléchisseurs de la hanche…et mal vous y prendre pourrait causer encore PLUS de dommages.

La raison pour laquelle peu de gens arrivent à guérir leurs fléchisseurs de la hanche est simple.

C’est une zone vraiment dure à atteindre.

Si vous voyez comment le psoas est attaché à l’intérieur de votre corps, il est enfoui profondément au centre de votre corps rendant son accès très difficile. C’est un muscle dur à trouver, alors ne parlons même pas de l’entraîner…

Les Étirements Statiques Ont Leur Place, Mais Vous Avez Besoin D’Attaquer Vos Hanches Avec Une Diversité De Mouvements Y Compris Ceux-ci-Dessous

Alors il n’est pas étonnant qu’essayer de détendre le muscle exige plus qu’un simple étirement des fléchisseurs de la hanche comme celui ci-dessous que vous avez probablement essayé auparavant.

Vous avez probablement découvert que vous passez (ou perdez) des heures de votre précieux temps à vous étirer de cette manière uniquement pour constater que cela n’a que peu d’effet.

C’est parce que vous avez besoin d’attaquer les muscles depuis plusieurs angles en utilisant diverses techniques et modalités d’exercices afin de « décompacter » les muscles de la manière adéquate.

La vérité c’est que vous pouvez apprendre à vous libérer vous-même de vos fléchisseurs de la hanche raides.

Si vous pensez à votre psoas comme à une combinaison de serrure de coffre-fort, il y a plusieurs chiffres qui le déverrouilleront mais ils ont besoin d’être entrés dans le bon ordre.

Il y a un certain nombre de mouvements spécifiques au-delà des simples étirements statiques que vous pouvez utiliser pour débloquer et détendre vos hanches, vos jambes et votre dos.

FNP est l’acronyme de facilitation neuromusculaire proprioceptive. C’est une technique dans laquelle vous activez un muscle spécifique afin de détendre les muscles autour d’une articulation pour que vous puissiez réduire les raideurs.

Ici vous activez le muscle autour d’une articulation et vous bougez cette articulation à travers toute son amplitude de mouvement d’une manière progressive. Cela conduit à une augmentation de l’amplitude de mouvement autour de l’articulation, à un échauffement du muscle autour de l’articulation et à une amélioration de la circulation autour de l’articulation. Pensez à lever les genoux ou à botter les fesses.


Avec ces exercices, nous ciblons le muscle dans tous les plans de mouvement afin que les muscles profonds et abdominaux bénéficient d’une bonne activation, endurance et force dans tous les plans de mouvement. Ceci conduit à une réduction du stress dommageable et inutile sur les articulations.

Dans ces exercices, nous ciblons l’articulation et nous faisons des mouvements et des exercices qui aident l’articulation à fonctionner de manière optimale. Cela permet à l’articulation de bouger plus librement.

Dans cette technique unique, nous ciblons les tissus qui entourent les muscles et nous travaillons à détendre et à allonger le fascia. Peu de gens comprennent l’effet négatif que ce tissu peut avoir sur leur corps.


À cause de tout le temps passé assis et de notre utilisation quotidienne de la technologie, beaucoup de nos muscles ne fonctionnent pas correctement. Avec cette technique, nous ciblons ces muscles et nous les activons pour aider le corps à bouger plus efficacement.

Maintenant vous connaissez les techniques spécifiques dont vous avez besoin pour débloquer vos fléchisseurs de la hanche. La question suivante est comment associer celles-ci de la manière la plus efficace. S’il vous plaît, ne soyez pas effrayé par le jargon ci-dessus car…

Tout comme pour déplier une feuille de papier ou déballer un paquet, il faut suivre un ordre précis pour ouvrir les muscles de vos hanches.

Essayez de libérer un muscle avant un autre et vous amplifierez vos raideurs. Mal vous y prendre peut vraiment empirer les choses.

C’est pourquoi tellement de gens abandonnent en essayant de régler le problème par eux-mêmes et croient à tort qu’ils doivent vivre avec. Mais espérer que le problème s’en aille en ne faisant pas d’exercice est tout aussi nocif.

Pour expliquer ce flux plus en détail, permettez-moi de vous présenter l’éminent Kinésithérapeute et Spécialiste en Blessures Rick Kaselj, MS.

Rick est « LE » spécialiste de la remise en forme que les professionnels vont voir quand ils veulent en apprendre plus sur les dernières techniques pour aider leurs propres clients. Il a donné plus de 352 présentations en direct à plus de 8152 professionnels de santé aux États-Unis et au Canada.

J’ai rencontré Rick pour la première fois quand il m’a aidé à guérir un problème d’épaule. Il faisait partie des quelques spécialistes en blessures que j’ai rencontré qui aidaient les athlètes en leur faisant justement reprendre l’entraînement, au lieu de leur éviter tout exercice.

Rick m’a montré ce que tant d’autres spécialistes en blessures n’ont pas réussi à faire : comment travailler à l’aide de la bonne séquence de techniques pour débloquer la tension et la raideur dans mes muscles afin de résoudre correctement le problème.

C’est l’homme vers qui je me suis tourné quand ma femme, Courtney, a lutté contre la douleur et l’inconfort des hanches après la naissance de notre fils Lincoln.

Durant les jours et les mois qui ont suivi l’accouchement, elle a souffert de douleur dans les jambes et d’un inconfort pendant qu’elle marchait et qu’elle était assise. Elle avait beaucoup de mal à dormir.

En seulement 15 minutes de travail avec Rick, il a réussi à débloquer ses fléchisseurs de la hanche afin qu’elle ne ressente plus aucune douleur ou inconfort ce jour-là. Elle était capable de marcher sans connaître de douleur tenace dans sa région pelvienne. Elle pouvait mieux dormir et pouvait commencer à profiter de ces jours précieux à la maison avec le petit.

Mais la technique du « flux » de Rick n’aide pas seulement ceux qui ont mal.

Chez Critical Bench, notre Entraîneur de Force en Chef Chris Wilson a senti que ses fléchisseurs de la hanche étaient un peu raides (à cause du fait d’être trop souvent assis à répondre aux questions sur l’entraînement sur Facebook) et il a essayé la même routine que celle que Rick avait utilisée sur ma femme. En quelques jours, Chris a réussi à augmenter son soulevé de terre de 15kg pour enfin atteindre ce tirage de 230kg pour lequel il s’entraînait. Tout cela parce qu’il a expérimenté le flux séquentiel de mouvements que Rick a développé pour libérer ses fléchisseurs de la hanche.

Cela ne concerne pas les exercices.



Réaliser ces mouvements dans le bon ordre dénoue tous les tissus y compris le muscle, le fascia, le tissu conjonctif et la capsule articulaire tout en désintégrant le tissu cicatriciel.

Utiliser la bonne séquence relance l’augmentation du flux sanguin dans la zone pour évacuer les métabolites et l’acide lactique, et réduit l’inflammation tout en nourrissant et régénérant la région des hanches.

J’ai pu constater de mes propres yeux la puissance des techniques de Rick sur ma femme et sur notre Entraîneur de Force en Chef Chris Wilson.

C’est pourquoi j’ai demandé à Rick de partager avec vous ce même programme pour que vous aussi vous puissiez débloquer vos fléchisseurs de la hanche et en tirer tous les bénéfices.

En travaillant avec Rick, nous avons créé un excellent programme assez simple et fait pour vous.

Rick a assemblé un « flux séquentiel » conçu juste pour vous, composé de 10 exercices sélectionnés avec soin, des Étirements FNP, des Étirements Statiques, des Exercices de Stabilité Centrale en 3 Dimensions, des Exercices de Mobilité, des Étirements du Fascia & de l’Activation Musculaire.

Nous avons filmé ces 10 exercices avec les explications de Rick sur la parfaite façon de les faire et sur comment cibler exactement ce muscle psoas difficile à atteindre. Le contenu de la vidéo se divise en deux parties :

La première est une Vidéo Institutionnelle d’Entraînement dans laquelle Rick vous explique en détail chaque exercice pour que vous compreniez entièrement pourquoi vous le faites, la meilleure façon de le faire et comment vous devriez vous sentir. La deuxième vidéo est conçue pour que vous puissiez réaliser le flux d’exercices en même temps que la vidéo sans coupure d’explication.

Vous recevrez un manuel très ciblé approfondissant le sujet du muscle psoas et des effets de son raccourcissement sur votre santé et votre bien-être. Il comprend également des descriptions détaillées des mouvements exacts des exercices avec des images.

Vous constaterez des résultats immédiats dès la toute première fois que vous essayerez le programme.

Ce n’est qu’en apprenant comment le faire correctement que vous pourrez commencer à réparer certains des dommages subis par votre psoas et commencer à aider votre corps à se soigner lui-même naturellement.

Mais tout d’abord un avertissement… ceci n’est pas fait pour tout le monde.

Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, c’est un domaine extrêmement technique. La dernière chose dont nous aurions envie, ce serait de vous submerger sous trop d’informations, alors nous avons fait de notre mieux pour condenser les éléments les plus essentiels du programme afin que vous puissiez constater des résultats rapides.

Je vous garantis que vous ne trouverez pas de programme plus facile à sélectionner et à commencer à utiliser durant vos entraînements ou votre routine quotidienne.

Et si cela ne suffisait pas, j’ai une offre pour vous si vous commandez aujourd’hui…

Tout d’abord, si les muscles ischio-jambiers sont raides, ils sont plus sensibles aux déchirures. Peu importe que vous soyez un athlète d’élite, une mère au foyer ou monsieur tout-le-monde, une déchirure du muscle à l’arrière de la jambe peut mettre des mois à guérir et à se rétablir ce qui peut rendre la vie très difficile.

Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, la plupart des gens gagnent leur vie en position assise en plus d’être assis dans leur voiture et à la maison. Tout ce temps passé assis accroît au fur et à mesure la raideur des ischio-jambiers. Avoir des ischio-jambiers raides provoque une rotation vers l’arrière des hanches et du pelvis, ce qui aplatit le bas du dos provoquant des douleurs dans le bas du dos et une mauvaise posture.

Dans un monde parfait, tout le monde aurait droit à un massage sportif pour aider à améliorer la qualité du tissu musculaire des ischio-jambiers en augmentant la circulation sanguine. Mais malheureusement pour la plupart d’entre nous, ce n’est pas toujours possible.

Toutefois, il y a quelque chose que tout le monde peut faire par soi-même et qui ne prend que quelques minutes par jour pour contribuer à améliorer l’état des muscles et détendre instantanément ces ischio-jambiers raides. En quelques minutes, vous pouvez commencer à inverser les dommages subis par les ischio-jambiers et impacter grandement la manière dont vous vous sentez.

Cette routine super efficace ne réduira pas seulement la probabilité de se blesser mais cela améliorera aussi les performances, corrigera la posture et soulagera les douleurs dans le bas du dos.

Le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est conçu pour vous apporter tous les avantages de fléchisseurs de la hanche plus détendus avec plus de force, de puissance et de flexibilité.

Mais ses bénéfices sont multipliés lorsqu’ils sont combinés à un régime holistique pour soulager naturellement les douleurs, les courbatures et les raideurs en luttant contre l’inflammation causée par les blessures ou les toxines environnementales dans nos aliments et notre eau.

Votre régime alimentaire est l’une des causes principales des réponses inflammatoires conduisant à une détérioration de votre santé.

Vous pouvez améliorer instantanément la réponse de votre corps à l’inflammation en choisissant les bons aliments qui travaillent avec votre corps pour stimuler votre réponse de guérison naturelle.

Le Régime Anti-Inflammatoire De 7 Jours est un programme de nutrition fait pour vous. Il présente des recommandations alimentaires, des plans de repas, des listes de courses et des conseils supplémentaires pour aider votre corps à se soigner lui-même automatiquement.

En seulement 24 heures, votre corps activera son processus de guérison naturel plutôt que de provoquer des douleurs et des inflammations pouvant mener à de nombreuses maladies chroniques et problèmes de santé.

Plus Fort & Plus Rapide Que Jamais

Ayant été toute ma vie un athlète et ayant enduré plusieurs opérations chirurgicales en raison de ruptures du ligament croisé antérieur dans les deux genoux, j’ai par la suite commencé à développer un problème dans ma hanche droite à cause des années d’usure. En fait j’allais si mal qu’il était dur pour moi de pratiquer en tant qu’athlète et d’être un entraîneur productif pour mes clients.

Après avoir passé une IRM de contrôle, j’ai réalisé que j’avais de l’arthrite dégénérative irréversible dans la hanche. La chirurgie n’était pas une option par laquelle je souhaitais passer donc j’ai contacté Rick Kaselj pour voir s’il avait quelque chose pour moi. Quand j’ai commencé à appliquer les stratégies de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche cela m’a aidé à rééquilibrer mon pelvis et mes articulations de la hanche jusqu’au point où je ne puisse même plus dire que j’ai un problème.

Ces derniers jours je suis plus fort et plus rapide que jamais et je participe toujours à des compétitions sportives. Rick m’a offert la capacité de pratiquer à mon plus haut niveau comme entraîneur et de retrouver les capacités athlétiques que j’ai perdues au fil des années à cause de l’usure. J’utilise les stratégies de Rick depuis des années pour m’aider à gérer et guérir mes blessures tout comme celles du nombre incalculable de membres de la communauté de la remise en forme. Je ne pourrai jamais assez recommander ce produit !

Frank Daniels, CPT

Spécialiste de Remise en Forme + Performances

White Plains, NY

Vous Avez Besoin De Hanches Flexibles Pour Vivre Longtemps Et En Pleine Santé

« Je connais Rick Kaselj depuis l’université. Ensuite je suis allé au Collège Chiropratique et j’ai été Agrégé du Collège International de Kinésithérapie Appliquée et Agrégé en Nutrition Clinique. Par conséquent je suis arrivé à des conclusions importantes sur la façon dont fonctionne le corps. La flexibilité, la mobilité et la force des hanches est l’une des choses les plus importantes que vous pouvez faire pour garder tout votre corps en bonne santé. La façon dont nous bougions il y a des millénaires est notre état naturel qui requiert des hanches flexibles et mobiles.

J’ai été enthousiaste d’entendre parler du programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche de Rick Kaselj, j’ai lu le manuel et regardé les vidéos. J’ai été très impressionné par le contenu. J’ai mis les concepts et le programme en application dans mon cabinet avec mes clients.

Rick a développé un système complet pour débloquer vos hanches et restaurer le mouvement tel qu’il aurait dû être. Tout le monde peut tirer avantage de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche. Les deux choses les plus importantes pour vivre longtemps et en bonne santé, ce sont des aliments complets de bonne qualité et d’excellents mouvements qui exigent une bonne mobilité des hanches. Je ne peux pas assez recommander ce programme ».


Région de La Haye, Pays-Bas

Cela M’A Aidé À Faire Un Soulevé De Terre de 230kg

« Et si je vous disais que vous pourriez augmenter votre soulevé de terre de 15kg en une semaine ? Vous pourriez penser que je suis fou mais c’est exactement ce qu’il m’est arrivé. Rick Kaselj a travaillé personnellement avec moi pour m’aider à détendre mes fléchisseurs de la hanche et l’explosivité qui a été débloquée m’a finalement aidée à atteindre ce tirage de 230kg pour lequel je m’entraînais.

Si vous pratiquez n’importe quel type de soulevé explosif, Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche peut incontestablement vous aider à ajouter des kilos à votre maximum » !

Chris Wilson, SNC, RKC, CPT

Entraîneur de Force en Chef, Critical Bench

TOUT LE MONDE souffre de raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche. Cela signifie que tout le monde peut en tirer avantage. Il ne s’agit pas de dire si vous allez en tirer avantage ou pas, mais plutôt de dire à que point vous allez en tirer avantage…

C’est pourquoi je voulais que ce soit une évidence pour vous avec cette garantie satisfait ou remboursé 100% sans aucun risque.

Pendant les 60 prochains jours, essayez d’utiliser les techniques simples démontrées par Rick, soit seules, soit en les intégrant dans votre entraînement quotidien.

J’ai confiance dans le fait que vous serez ravi des résultats mais, si ce n’est pas le cas, envoyez-nous simplement un courriel nous demandant de vous rembourser à 100%, rapidement, sans souci et sans question.

En fait, si pour la MOINDRE raison vous n’êtes pas satisfait, j’insiste pour que vous nous demandiez de vous rembourser et nous serons plus que ravis de vous rendre tout votre argent.

Après avoir constaté les effets du programme sur moi et sur mes proches, je suis sûr que vous serez stupéfié de la rapidité avec laquelle vous ressentirez les avantages d’avoir des hanches plus détendues ainsi que plus de force et de vitalité.

Maintenant vous avez vu les avantages si vous entrez en action et les dangers cachés de continuer comme si de rien n’était, et vous pouvez constater la puissance du programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

Cela m’abasourdit toujours de voir tant de gens travaillant dur à la salle de gym et continuant comme si tout était normal. Ils ont du mal à comprendre pourquoi ils ressentent encore des douleurs, pourquoi ils ont peu d’énergie et pourquoi leur corps ne répond plus.

Cela revient TOUJOURS dans leurs hanches.

Des milliers de personnes ont déjà constaté des résultats qui changent la vie après le déblocage de leurs fléchisseurs de la hanche, et pour célébrer ce fait, nous réduisons le prix de ce programme pendant une durée très limitée.

Pour le prix de quelques cafés vous recevrez le manuel, toutes les démonstrations détaillées de Rick et les vidéos d’accompagnement, plus les deux puissants bonus (estimés à 48€ si vendus seuls).

Et c’est moins que ce que vous paieriez pour un livre qui n’a pas les vidéos d’accompagnement ou la démonstration vidéo essentielle nécessaire pour vous assurer que vous effectuez correctement votre flux séquentiel.

N’oubliez pas que si vous vouliez une consultation avec Rick, cela vous coûterait plus de 300€ de l’heure pour qu’il vous enseigne en personne avec le même niveau d’expertise que celui qu’il partage dans Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

Plus de force, des gains plus rapides : avoir des hanches plus détendues accroît la vitesse et la force, qui s’associent pour vous donner de la puissance. Quand vous augmentez la puissance, vous augmentez les performances dans le sport et la compétition. Dans le sport, toute votre puissance vient des hanches.

Dormez comme un bébé : l’un des effets les plus puissants du programme est de vous rendre de bonnes nuits de sommeil. Quand votre corps est mieux aligné, moins d’inconfort conduit à un meilleur sommeil pour que votre corps se régénère afin que vous vous sentiez plus frais, plus fort et plein d’énergie.

Arrêtez de faire des chèques à votre thérapeute : vous ne devrez plus faire ces visites coûteuses chez votre thérapeute pour qu’il traite encore et encore la même vieille blessure ou douleur. En traitant la cause à la racine, vous économiserez une petite fortune en frais de traitement.

Retournez à la salle de gym : ne restez plus allongé avec le vain espoir que votre état va s’améliorer de lui-même. Après seulement quelques jours d’utilisation du flux séquentiel de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche vous vous sentirez bien mieux, plus fort et prêt à retourner à la salle de gym.

Jetez tous ces antidouleurs : vous n’aurez plus besoin d’avaler pilule après pilule pour parer à la douleur dans votre dos, vos jambes et vos hanches. Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche vous montre comment vous occuper de la CAUSE de vos problèmes de force et de flexibilité, pas des EFFETS.

Si vous luttez contre des douleurs tenaces qui vous empêchent de vous entraîner comme un chef, guérir votre problème de fléchisseurs de la hanche redonnera vie à votre corps.

Alors maintenant que je vous ai montré ce que Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche peut faire pour vous, que je vous ai offert le programme complet pour un prix ridiculement bas ainsi que deux incroyables bonus et que j’ai annulé tous les risques de votre décision d’acheter le programme.

C’est à vous de faire le prochain pas.

Vous pourriez lire ceci et simplement vous dire « cela a l’air bien, mais je peux le faire moi-même » ou « j’y reviendrai plus tard ». Mais que se passera-t-il dans quelques jours ? Dans une semaine ? Dans six mois ?

Ressentirez-vous toujours les effets dommageables des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides quand vous allez à la salle de gym, que vous restez assis à votre bureau toute la journée ou que vous essayez de dormir profondément la nuit ?

Dans quelques semaines cette douleur tenace recommencera à vous irriter ou vous vous regarderez dans le miroir et vous vous demanderez pourquoi vous êtes toujours incapable d’éliminer ce reste de graisse de votre ventre.

Dans trois mois, tandis que vous prendrez quelques antidouleurs pour anesthésier votre mal de dos, vous vous souviendrez soudain d’avoir lu cette lettre et vous vous demanderez comment vous vous sentiriez maintenant si vous aviez agi à l’époque ?

J’espère que ce n’est pas le chemin que vous allez prendre.

À la place, je veux que vous suiviez le chemin qu’ont suivi les nombreuses autres personnes satisfaites qui ont investi dans Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

En quelques jours (non, en quelques heures) de pratique des Mouvements Clé faciles à suivre, les gens m’écrivaient déjà en disant à quel point ils ressentaient un changement radical.

Après avoir suivi le programme pendant une semaine, vous l’avez intégré à votre routine quotidienne. Vous remarquez même à peine que vous le pratiquez.

Cependant, vous constatez des gains à la salle de gym à mesure que vous soulevez plus et bougez plus vite. Vous vous regardez dans le miroir et vous passez votre main sur votre ventre plat. Vous vous sentez fort en profondeur et grand dans votre posture.

Et vous dormez mieux que jamais tout en débordant d’énergie.

Après trois mois, vous regarderez en arrière et verrez le jour d’aujourd’hui comme le jour où tout a changé et où vous avez décidé de vivre sans douleur et sans souci mais avec votre plein potentiel.

Faites le même choix pour vous-même. Cliquez sur le bouton Achat Immédiat ci-dessous et préparez-vous à rentrer vos informations de carte de crédit sur la page internet sécurisée suivante. Une fois que vous aurez fourni toutes les informations et que vous aurez effectué le paiement, tapez sur Soumettre.

En quelques minutes, vous recevrez vos informations de connexion et vous pourrez immédiatement vous plonger dans l’aventure, commencer à lire les rapports et regarder les vidéos.

Vous pouvez faire toute la différence pour votre santé et votre bien-être en quelques minutes. Saisissez simplement votre chance et faites-le.

Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC

Président de Critical Bench

P.S. : Essayez Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche pendant 60 jours et découvrez par vous-même la différence que l’incroyable flux séquentiel de Rick va faire pour votre force, votre flexibilité, votre énergie et votre santé générale.

Si vous en avez assez que votre poids stagne, si vous luttez pour perdre de la graisse ou si vous essayez d’atteindre des performances optimales, vous transformerez vos progrès en moins de 15 minutes par jour avec le programme de Rick.

Et si vous n’aimez définitivement pas le programme et que vous n’en tirez pas un énorme bénéfice pour votre santé physique et émotionnelle, je vous rembourserai tout votre argent, sans poser de question.

Approuvé Par Une Kinésithérapeute !

« Avec tellement de gens souffrant de Douleurs aux Hanches, le programme de Rick « Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche » est un excellent outil pour tout professionnel de la remise en forme ou de la santé qui veut réduire la douleur, et améliorer la force, les performances et la santé générale.

En tant que Kinésithérapeute qui travaille sur de nombreuses blessures des hanches, je peux intégrer les exercices de Rick dans mes programmes de rééducation et de bien-être pour mes patients avec d’excellents résultats.

Les exercices sont sensés et faciles à apprendre… et vos clients seront heureux, en pleine santé et ils vous remercieront pour ça » !

Erin Nielsen


Créatrice de

Une Excellente Ressource Pour Les Coaches Et Les Entraîneurs

« Ayant entrainé des centaines de clients au cours des 15 dernières années, je sais à quel point il est important d’avoir de nouvelles connaissances précieuses sur lesquelles je peux me reposer en particulier pour les zones du corps comme les hanches. Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche était exactement ce que j’avais besoin de lire. Comme d’habitude avec Critical Bench, le contenu m’a époustouflé.

Avec ce programme créé par Rick et Mike, je suis capable de me rendre en toute confiance à une session d’entraînement en étant mieux équipé pour offrir à mes clients un entraînement de niveau supérieur. Critical Bench est ma source incontournable pour des informations simples mais toutefois professionnelles. Je ne pourrai jamais assez les recommander ».

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS

Propriétaire d’ Optimax Performance Training

Rééquilibrez En Toute Sécurité Le Groupe De Muscles

« Je pense que le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est très complet en ce qui concerne l’énumération des causes possibles des raideurs des fléchisseurs de la hanche et des autres facteurs pouvant mener à ce problème.

Il est détaillé et descriptif à propos de l’anatomie de la hanche et les causes de telles blessures, et il présente un programme d’exercices et d’étirements très progressif et bien expliqué qui vous aidera à rééquilibrer les hanches et la région pelvienne, et à étirer et renforcer en toute sécurité le groupe de muscles ».

Jill Brighton

Massothérapeute à Alberta, Canada

Vous N’Avez Pas D’Entraîneur Personnel ? Pas De Problème !

« Je ne suis pas professionnel de la remise en forme, juste un gars de 62 ans qui est tombé sur votre site internet en cherchant de l’aide pour les nombreux problèmes physiques dont je souffre.

En tant qu’ancien joueur de basketball à l’université, j’ai trouvé décourageant que personne ne puisse sembler pouvoir m’aider pour mes problèmes de bas du dos, et plus récemment mes fessiers et mes fléchisseurs de la hanche. Ce n’est qu’à partir du moment où j’ai découvert votre site et que j’ai commandé votre programme d’exercices que j’ai radicalement amélioré chacun de mes problèmes !

Le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est facile à commander et à télécharger, pas besoin d’attendre de se faire livrer. La présentation vidéo et les visuels dans le programme d’exercices me rendent confiant dans le fait que je vais effectuer correctement les exercices, ce qui pour moi est important quand on n’a pas d’entraîneur personnel. En tant qu’ancien athlète de 1ère Division à l’université, les programmes fonctionnent vraiment bien pour moi ! C’est du bon travail, continuez comme ça » !

Mark Jellison

Chargé de Compte chez Procter & Gamble

Boston, MA

Cela Me Permet De M’Entraîner Dur Sans Douleur

« Je suis tombée sur Rick Kaselj il y a quelques années quand je cherchais quelque chose pour m’aider avec mon douloureux syndrome du piriforme dont je souffrais depuis plus d’un an. J’ai regardé une de ses vidéos sur YouTube et le conseil qu’il donnait dedans m’a aidée à me débarrasser de mes douleurs au piriforme et aux hanches. Depuis je suis quotidiennement Rick via ses vidéos sur YouTube, ses publications sur son blog et ses articles.

Quand j’ai entendu dire que Rick était en train de travailler sur un nouveau programme pour aider à débloquer vos hanches, je lui ai demandé si je pouvais lui acheter une copie en avance. J’ai parcouru les vidéos et le manuel du programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche au cours des dernières semaines. La séquence courte mais efficace que Rick a assemblé a contribué à détendre mes hanches, à réduire la raideur de mon dos et à me permettre de m’entraîner encore plus dur. Après avoir tiré un tel bénéfice du programme, j’ai aussi commencé à le donner à mes clients et ils ont rapporté des bénéfices similaires.

Merci pour tout ce que vous faites Rick et je sais que si vous avez des hanches raides ou douloureuses, alors Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche va vous aider ».

Kerri Baker, CPT, BS, BA, MS en Science de l’Exercice

Gérante de Studio d’Entraînement Personnel

Kirkland, Washington

Si Vous Êtes Souvent Assis, Vous Avez Besoin De « Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche »

« En tant que propriétaire d’une salle de gym et entraîneur personnel, je suis toujours à la recherche des dernières techniques et exercices pour aider mes membres et mes clients avec leur force et le fonctionnement général de leur corps. Savoir combien de gens restent assis et maltraitent sans le savoir leurs hanches dans leur vie de tous les jours rend vraiment « Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche » très intéressant.

L’autre bonus supplémentaire est la façon dont ces techniques peuvent être simplement et rapidement appliquées au début de n’importe quel entraînement, améliorant tous les mouvements du corps en seulement quelques minutes. La réponse a changé la vie, non seulement celle de mes clients mais la mienne aussi ».

Ivan Gomez, Entraîneur Personnel Certifié

Propriétaire de Club de Remise en Forme à Clearwater, FL

Ayez Une Tête D’Avance En Compétition

« Si vous êtes un athlète qui compte sur l’explosivité dans son sport, alors vous devez avoir conscience de l’obstacle n°1 dans vos performances… des fléchisseurs de la hanche raides.

C’est le tueur caché du succès. Les athlètes qui sont assis toute la journée pour leur travail de jour provoquent un mauvais alignement dans leurs hanches… ce qui fait des dégâts dans d’autres régions de leur corps. Améliorer la mobilité dans vos hanches vous donnera une tête d’avance en compétition et améliorera l’efficacité de vos entraînements.

Le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche de Mike et Rick est l’approche la plus complète et systématique que j’ai jamais vue sur le marché. Le programme élèvera votre athlétisme au niveau supérieur peu importe que vous soyez un professionnel ou un débutant ».

“Bodyweight Todd” Kuslikis

Fondateur de Shot of Adrenaline

Débloquez Vos Hanches Pour Débloquer Vos Squat

« J’ai eu tellement de clients d’entraîneurs personnels qui sont venus me voir au fil des années et qui ne savaient pas faire de squat correctement, cela me rendait dingue ! C’est principalement dû à la mobilité de leurs hanches, ou à son absence ! Si vous restez assis toute la journée, que vous avez des hanches raides, que vous souffrez de mystérieuses douleurs dans les hanches ou que vous luttez pour faire un squat parfait, alors vous avez besoin de consulter Rick Kaselj et son programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche.

Selon mon expérience, les raideurs et les douleurs des hanches ainsi que les squats mal réalisés peuvent conduire à des blessures et des douleurs plus graves si on ne s’en occupe pas à temps, c’est pourquoi je recommande de tout mon cœur le programme Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche de Rick. Récupérez-le » !

Gavin Walsh BSc (Hons)

Entraîneur Personnel, Brighton, East Sussex, Royaume-Uni

Q : En quoi est-il différent des autres programmes pour la flexibilité des hanches ?

R : Ce qui rend le programme de Rick unique, c’est de savoir comment dénouer les couches de tension du muscle psoas afin de le détendre et l’entraîner efficacement.

Le flux séquentiel unique en son genre de Rick est votre chemin le plus sûr vers des hanches plus détendues, plus fortes et en meilleure santé.

Q : Pourquoi le vendez-vous à un prix aussi bas ? Où est le piège ?

R : Il n’y en a pas. Nous sommes tellement satisfaits du nombre de clients qui ont investi dans ce programme et qui ont eu des résultats qui changent la vie.

Notre objectif est de le mettre à disposition d’autant de gens que possible, pour étendre le public de

Q : Combien de temps cela me prendra-t-il pour réaliser le programme ?

R : Le programme est conçu pour être réalisé en 10 à 15 minutes au total.

Nous vous recommandons une pratique quotidienne du programme pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats sur la longue durée. Vous pouvez ajouter ce programme avant ou après vos séances régulières à la salle de gym ou l’utiliser indépendamment.

Q : Après combien de temps vais-je constater des résultats ?

R : Bien que tout le monde soit différent et que les résultats puissent varier, nous savons d’expérience à quel point il est possible de ressentir et de voir rapidement une différence.

Pour certains, cela peut être dès leur première session, pour d’autres cela peut prendre quelques sessions pour vraiment commencer à voir les bénéfices. Encore une fois, cela dépend du corps en question.

Q : À qui convient ce programme ?

R : Ce programme vous convient si vous souffrez actuellement de douleurs inexplicables au dos, aux hanches ou aux articulations.

Les exercices en eux-mêmes ne sont pas fatigants et sont conçus pour être réalisés par n’importe qui, peu importe ses capacités.

Q : Puis-je pratiquer le Flux Séquentiel si j’ai une prothèse de la hanche ?

R : La réponse à cette question varie en fonction de chaque individu. Cela dépend du type de chirurgie de prothèse de la hanche que vous avez subie et de la façon dont vous avez récupéré après la chirurgie. Il vaut mieux demander à votre chirurgien ou à votre médecin pour voir quels exercices du flux séquentiel vous devriez effectuer ou éviter.

Q : Je veux commencer tout de suite. Dois-je attendre de me faire livrer le livre et les vidéos ?

R : Vous n’êtes pas obligé d’attendre, vous pouvez y accéder en seulement quelques instants. Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche est un produit numérique, donc pas besoin de vous inquiéter à propos des frais de port ou des résultats retardés.

Q : Les exercices sont-ils difficiles à réaliser ?

R : Pas du tout. Une fois que vous aurez regardé les vidéos d’entraînement vous les trouverez faciles à faire. Il y a aussi des progressions pour rendre les mouvements plus difficiles au besoin.

Q : Et si la routine ne marche pas sur moi ?

R : Ça va marcher. Mais pour que vous vous sentiez mieux, si pour la moindre raison vous n’êtes pas satisfait, vous serez entièrement remboursé, sans poser de question. Nous soutenons ce produit à 110% et nous ne voyons aucun problème à offrir une garantie de remboursement.

Q : Est-ce que j’ai besoin d’un abonnement à une salle de gym ou d’un équipement spécifique ?

R : Non. Vous pouvez pratiquer cette routine n’importe où même dans un très petit espace. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c’est d’un mur qui servira de support pour quelques exercices.

Références de Débloquez Vos Fléchisseurs De La Hanche :

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The Ultimate Divi Toolset for Selling Products Online (Huge Discounts)

Should you’re taking a look to construct on-line retail outlets with Divi, then be sure to’re well-equipped! The Divi ecosystem has many third-party merchandise that can help you accelerate your internet advent procedure. On this publish, we’ll information you thru 15 superb Divi offers that you wish to have to get your fingers on all through our Divi Summer Sale!

Right here’s a complete rundown of the entire improbable offers to be had in our epic Summer time Sale:

New to Divi? Our Summer time Sale is the most productive time to enroll in…

  • 70% OFF Divi Pro (Exceptional Deal at the final Divi enjoy): Contains Divi Club + All Divi Professional Products and services + Divi Market Credit score
  • 20% OFF Divi: (Our base club): Contains Divi Theme & Plugins plus logo new options, Divi Quick Sites and Divi Dash

Already a Divi person? Now could be the most productive time to improve and save on Divi services and products and bundles…

Individuals Save Large within the Divi Market

Take Me To The Summer Sale

15 Superb Divi Offers for Promoting Merchandise On-line

1. Divi Professional

70% Off All the way through The Sale

Sort: Theme + Additional Equipment

Divi Pro will change into your eCommerce online page design with very important gear to supercharge your inventive procedure. With Divi’s Visible Builder, you’ll be able to without problems create shocking internet sites the use of a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface with over 2000 predesigned layouts —no coding or ranging from scratch required.

Going miles forward of the contest, Divi Builder, that includes Divi AI and Divi Quick Sites, means that you can customise premade websites or design totally new internet sites through describing them. We aren’t speaking about simple layouts—we imply whole online page pages with matching content material, colours, pictures, headers, footers, templates, and extra in only some mins.

Divi Quick Sites additionally integrates a very powerful eCommerce options thru WooCommerce and provides customizable Theme Builder Templates for product and seek consequence pages. And sure, you continue to retain whole regulate over your online page’s glance and capability. Don’t like one thing? Trade it in a couple of clicks.

Divi Teams simplifies collaboration for the ones managing a couple of internet sites through enabling consumer billing control, toughen price tag group, and position project. Likewise, Divi Dash consolidates your entire internet sites into one streamlined dashboard.

Divi Dash interface

Additionally, Divi Cloud lets in simple syncing of layouts with out the trouble of guide uploads — bring to mind it as a limiteless and advanced Dropbox in your Divi belongings.

With Divi VIP toughen integrated in Divi Professional, you’ll be able to experience speedy responses in below half-hour on a daily basis on every occasion you’re feeling caught. You’ll additionally obtain an extra 10% bargain and a $50 credit score on Divi Market.

Snatch Divi Professional these days and dive right into a 70% bargain. Designing your on-line retailer might be bliss, like a refreshing splash on a scorching afternoon. Don’t let this wave of financial savings ebb away!

Get Divi Pro

2. Divi WooCommerce Prolonged

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for Divi WooCommerce Extended

Sort: Plugin

Divi WooCommerce Extended is a sturdy software for reinforcing your Divi-powered on-line retailer. This plugin supplies more than a few modules that simplify eCommerce operations.

Options come with a mini-cart for fast product critiques, visually interesting masonry and grid layouts, interactive product carousels, and a wishlist supervisor, all contributing to an interesting buying groceries enjoy. Actual-time AJAX seek and arranged classes make discovering merchandise simple, whilst accordion and tab modules provide detailed product knowledge successfully.

A screenshot of Divi WooCommerce Extended's mini cart feature

You may have regulate over product shows, permitting you to create a novel buying groceries setting. With responsive design, your retailer stays visually interesting throughout all units. Complicated filtering choices lend a hand shoppers refine their possible choices according to standards like worth or colour. You’ll be able to additionally counsel complementary merchandise or upgrades to spice up gross sales and social sharing choices to inspire shoppers to advertise their favourite pieces.

The plugin additionally prioritizes efficiency optimization, making sure your retailer lots briefly for person pleasure and higher seek engine visibility.

Divi WooCommerce Prolonged generally is a precious spouse in constructing and managing a a hit on-line trade, equipping you to conform to the converting calls for of eCommerce. Get it these days at a flat 20% bargain.

Get Divi WooCommerce Extended

3. Cover & Display PRO

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for Hide & Show PRO

Sort: Plugin

Hide & Show PRO gives granular regulate over online page content material visibility, empowering you to craft adapted reports in your target market. You’ll be able to optimize advertising and marketing efforts and spice up engagement through strategically managing when and the way content material seems.

At its core, the plugin supplies a flexible toolkit of 34 Conditional-Show Elements. Those elements can help you determine exact laws for content material visibility according to more than a few components, together with person roles, publish sorts, geographic location, and buy historical past. For example, the geolocation function allows you to exhibit content material selectively to guests from particular areas.

A screenshot of Hide & Show PRO's geolocation features

Past conditional show, Cover & Display PRO gives tough scheduling features. Whether or not you wish to have to run time-bound promotions or seasonal campaigns, you’ll be able to arrange day by day, weekly, per 30 days, or customized schedules to automate content material look. This option guarantees your online page remains dynamic and related.

Moreover, seamless integration with WooCommerce supplies elements attuned to stock ranges, buyer purchases, and club standing. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to build intricate show laws with out requiring intensive technical experience.

Via strategically showing merchandise, promotions, and content material according to buyer conduct, location, or acquire historical past, retail outlets can build up gross sales, personalize gives, and optimize advertising and marketing efforts. Purchase it these days at a 20% bargain.

Get Hide & Show PRO

4. Molti eCommerce

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for Molti eCommerce

Sort: Kid Theme

Are you in the hunt for a versatile and dynamic wordpress kid theme to raise your on-line retailer? Glance no additional than Molti eCommerce. This flexible answer adapts without problems on your distinctive trade wishes, mixing recent aesthetics with sensible capability.

Boasting an intensive array of over 25 predesigned pages and ten distinct header and footer choices, Molti eCommerce empowers you to craft a online page that actually embodies your logo identification—the theme’s seamless integration with WooCommerce streamlines putting in place and managing your virtual storefront.

A screenshot of some of Molti eCommerce's layouts

Enhanced options comparable to an AJAX-powered cart and an intuitive “My Account” web page give a contribution to a frictionless buyer adventure. Additionally, the theme’s responsive design guarantees your website online appears impeccable throughout all units.

The integrated demo content material importer makes populating your online page a breeze, so that you don’t must paintings with guesswork. On the similar time, crowd pleasing animations upload a marginally of class—particularly, Molti eCommerce leverages unfastened wordpress plugins, sparing you on the expense of top rate choices.

For the ones in the hunt for a multifaceted theme that marries taste with practicality, Molti eCommerce stands waiting to satisfy your on-line aspirations. Grasp the chance to procure this theme at a 20% bargain these days.

Get Molti eCommerce

5. Model

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Fashion, Divi Ecommerce Theme

Sort: Kid Theme

Fashion is a well-designed virtual storefront theme for on-line type shops. Its fashionable glance creates a welcoming setting that complements the buying groceries enjoy. It integrates easily with WooCommerce, making it simple to arrange a store showcasing bodily and virtual merchandise.

Benefit from the flexibility of six homepage types, 3 store layouts, and 4 product web page layouts to construct your dream online page with out obstacles.

A screenshot of Fashion;s homepage layouts

At its core, Model makes a speciality of person enjoy. Complicated filtering and looking options powered through AJAX let shoppers simply browse their stock with out looking ahead to issues to be loaded. Cellular customers will benefit from the fast store function, making sure a easy checkout on smaller monitors. The theme contains crowd pleasing visible components like full-screen product galleries and a masonry structure to have interaction your target market.

Along with its interesting design, Model gives sensible options. Dynamic scroll results upload passion, whilst Instagram integration connects your social media presence with the buying groceries enjoy. Crucial pages like product main points, about us, touch knowledge, a weblog, and buyer accounts are integrated for an entire on-line buying groceries adventure.

Model combines fashionable design with forged capability, making it a very good selection for type companies taking a look to create a potent on-line presence. Get it these days for a 20% bargain.

Get Fashion

6. WooCommerce Layouts for Divi

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for WooCommerce Layouts or Divi

Sort: Structure Pack

The Divi WooCommerce Layouts Pack gives a treasure trove of design choices in your on-line retailer. You’re geared up to craft a novel virtual storefront with 60 merchandise, 40 retail outlets, 20 carts, and 20 checkout templates. Each and every structure boasts a modern taste, making sure your small business items a sophisticated symbol.

A screenshot of WooCommerce Layouts for Divi's layouts

This pack excels in adaptability. Store layouts without problems scale to deal with any retailer measurement, offering a continuing buying groceries adventure for all guests. Additionally, the responsive designs ensure a flawless enjoy throughout more than a few units. The pack contains 90 prebuilt sections and 3 house web page layouts to raise your retailer additional.

Growing your dream on-line retailer is simplified. No coding talents are important as those templates seamlessly combine with the Divi Builder. Handy options comparable to big name scores, breadcrumbs, and a user-friendly amount selector make stronger aesthetics and capability. Act now and experience a 20% bargain.

Get WooCommerce Layouts for Divi

7. Divi Hand-crafted

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Handmade

Sort: Kid Theme

The Divi Handmade Kid Theme exudes female allure, making it a great canvas for crafters, dealers, and bloggers in the hunt for a classy on-line presence. Its comfortable colour palettes and mild typography create a visually interesting setting.

A screenshot of Handmade's hero section

This theme is a dream come true for many who want to exhibit their creations stylishly and sophisticatedly. Its portfolio segment, a cornucopia of inspiration, boasts 16 shocking mission demos.

Enriched with chic identify areas, detailed descriptions, and meticulously curated symbol galleries, those pages make certain your paintings takes heart degree.

However the magic doesn’t prevent there. For the ones taking a look to show their interest right into a successful mission, the seamless integration with WooCommerce is a game-changer. The theme’s blank and visually interesting product pages are designed to captivate consideration and force gross sales. Each hand-crafted merchandise is showcased with a shocking structure.

The Divi Hand-crafted Kid Theme is a moderately crafted software that empowers you to create a web based house as distinctive and captivating as your creations. It’s a fusion of capability and aesthetics designed to make your logo tale shine. Snatch it these days for an outstanding 20% off.

Get Divi Handmade

8. DiviFlash

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for DiviFlash

Sort: Plugin

DiviFlash is a complete plugin designed to raise your Divi website-building enjoy. At its core, it gives a limiteless library of over 50 modules, together with – Mega Menu Builder, Popup Builder, Caraousel, and Desk Maker, each and every with customization choices. This empowers you to craft visually placing and functionally tough internet sites with out coding experience.

To streamline your design procedure additional, DiviFlash supplies an collection of 25+ premade structure packs. Those professionally designed templates quilt many niches, permitting you to abruptly determine a forged on-line presence. You’ll be able to import, customise, and release your online page with only some clicks.

A screenshot of some of DiviPixel's layouts

Past modules and layouts, DiviFlash features a suite of extensions that enlarge Divi’s features. Those improvements and over 500 ready-to-use segment layouts make certain your online page maintains a sophisticated and cohesive aesthetic.

DiviFlash generally is a game-changer in your eCommerce online page. It transforms Divi right into a extra flexible and environment friendly platform, enabling you to create remarkable internet sites irrespective of your design skillability. Get it these days at 20% off.

Get DiviFlash

9. Divi Mini Cart

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Mini Cart

Sort: Plugin

Divi Mini Cart is a flexible software designed to make stronger your WooCommerce retailer’s buying groceries enjoy throughout the Divi theme. Its flexibility is obvious in strategically positioning the cart icon in the primary menu, customized headers, and even customized places the use of shortcodes. This pliability extends to managing a couple of carts on a unmarried web page, making sure seamless capability.

When shoppers engage with the cart icon, a drop-down or fly-in mini cart gracefully finds their decided on pieces. You’ll be able to regulate the cart icon’s look, from colour changes to customized symbol uploads. Moreover, the mini cart’s visible components are totally customizable, permitting you to align it seamlessly together with your retailer’s aesthetic.

Powered through AJAX era, the cart updates dynamically with out requiring web page refreshes. Its mobile-friendly design gives choices for putting the cart icon inside of cellular menus. Fresh enhancements have presented amount controls, expanded design possible choices, and streamlined the choices web page.

Divi Mini Cart simplifies navigation, improves accessibility, and in the long run drives conversions and buyer pleasure. It’s to be had these days at simply 20%. Give it a take a look at prior to the be offering runs away.

Get Divi Mini Cart

10. Divi My Account Web page

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Divi My Account Page

Sort: Plugin

Various plugins reinforce the appearance of your WooCommerce online page’s merchandise and store pages, however what if you wish to spruce up that dull account web page? With the Divi My Account Page plugin, you’ll be able to ditch that unpleasant account web page and create a extra user-friendly and lovely enjoy in your shoppers.

Divi My Account Page style example

The plugin means that you can taste the whole lot from the shape fields to the desk knowledge to customized navigation, successfully making it more straightforward for patrons to search out what they want. You’ll be able to additionally simply upload new content material, comparable to promotional gives, useful guides, FAQs, or hyperlinks to downloadable merchandise.

The Divi My Account Web page plugin is to be had for $47.20 according to yr all through the Divi Summer time Sale. This worth contains twelve months of updates and limitless website online utilization.

Get Divi My Account Page

11. Divi Cart Professional

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Cart Pro

Sort: Kid Theme

Divi Cart Pro is any other kid theme adapted for Divi customers operating WooCommerce retail outlets. It gives a complete answer that features a suite of integrated modules—Mini Cart, Customized Store Module, Merchandise Carousel, and Classes—getting rid of the desire for exterior plugins.

The Mini Cart module complements the buying groceries enjoy through offering a handy assessment of purchases within the header. With the Customized Store Module, you’ve got whole regulate over your store’s structure, adjusting column spacing and product shows on your desire.

The Merchandise Carousel module transforms product showcases into dynamic visible reports, whilst the Classes module gives a classy technique to prepare and provide product collections.

Divi Cart Professional contains ten predesigned homepage layouts to jumpstart your retailer’s design. Moreover, you’ll to find subtle cart and checkout pages, ten distinctive product web page layouts, and twenty flexible segment layouts to captivate your target market.

To finish your retailer’s aesthetic, choose between 5 customizable header and footer layouts and leverage 5 weblog web page and publish templates to complement your content material.

Putting in place your retailer is a breeze with the handy one-click content material import function. Constructed with efficiency and responsiveness in thoughts, Divi Cart Professional guarantees your on-line retailer appears and purposes flawlessly throughout other units.

Subsidized through common updates, devoted toughen, and a present 20% bargain, this kid theme is a useful asset for newbies and seasoned eCommerce marketers in the hunt for to create a compelling on-line presence.

Get Divi Cart Pro

12. Final WooCommerce UI Equipment

20% Off All the way through The Sale

Ultimate WooCommerce Ui Kit

Sort: Structure Packs

The Ultimate WooCommerce UI Kit is the easiest answer for designers who’re suffering to search out the perfect search for their on-line retailer. This pack gives a number of professionally designed layouts for various portions of your retailer, together with product, store, checkout, and cart pages. Each structure within the pack boasts a contemporary, minimalistic glance, making it simple in your shoppers to search out what they would like.

WooCommerce shop page layouts

The Final WooCommerce UI Equipment is absolute best for showcasing other appears in your merchandise, because of 40 completely designed product pages. With the sheer choice of layouts to be had, you’ll be able to assign merchandise in particular classes to at least one structure whilst giving different merchandise a special glance. As an added bonus, you’ll additionally get 4 distinctive house web page layouts to seize your target market’s consideration from the minute they land in your online page. Should you’re searching for an reasonably priced way to developing the net retailer of your desires, the Final WooCummerce UI Equipment is a smart position to start out.

All the way through the Divi Summer time Sale, you’ll be able to make this pack yours for a one-time $7.20 rate.

Get Ultimate WooCommerce UI Kit

13. Woo Crucial

50% Off All the way through The Sale

Woo Essential

Sort: Module Pack

Woo Essential supplies 10 new Divi Modules, over 80 layouts, and 15 templates designed to paintings with Divi and WooCommerce. Amongst its options is a Wishlist module, which permits shoppers to save lots of their favourite merchandise for simple acquire. A Fast View module additionally provides a modal popup on your merchandise, enabling shoppers to view and upload merchandise to their carts with out leaving the store web page. The Mini Cart module lets in shoppers to buy pieces sooner with out being redirected to the primary cart web page.

Woo Essential starter templates

Along with modules, Woo Crucial supplies a number of Woo starter templates that aid you preset your merchandise superbly. From product grids to fast perspectives to buying groceries carts, your shoppers can have a continuing buying groceries enjoy that encourages them to behave.

All the way through the Divi Summer time Sale, you’ll save an improbable 50% off the common worth. Woo Crucial, with limitless online page utilization and twelve months of updates and toughen, is to be had for $39.50 according to yr.

Get Woo Essential

14. DiviWooPro

50% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for DiviWooPro

Sort: Structure Packs

DiviWooPro Structure Pack is a complete toolkit that gives a wealth of predesigned templates, together with numerous choices for house, store, product, cart, and checkout pages. Moreover, the pack supplies a number of headers and footers, permitting you to craft a cohesive on-line storefront.

A screenshot of some of product layouts

Each and every part throughout the pack is thoughtfully designed to reinforce conversion. Product pages, as an example, strategically exhibit pictures, descriptions, and buyer comments to spice up conversions. In the meantime, the versatile cart and checkout templates empower you to tailor the buying adventure on your shoppers’ personal tastes.

Moreover, DiviWooPro streamlines the buying groceries procedure with options like prominently striking the “Upload to Cart” button on store pages and subtle amount box styling. Compatibility with standard plugins opens doorways to further functionalities comparable to AJAX filtering and complicated navigation menus.

The DiviWooPro Store Structure Pack is an impressive asset for on-line shops aiming to create visually interesting, user-friendly retail outlets. Its design versatility and sensible options supply a robust basis for constructing a a hit eCommerce platform. Snag it these days at a whopping 50% bargain!

Get DiviWooPro

15. DiviCommerce

50% Off All the way through The Sale

Promotional image for DiviCommerce

Sort: Kid Theme

DiviCommerce is a kid theme catering to fashionable manufacturers in the hunt for a continuing on-line storefront. Its core energy lies in adaptability; you’ll be able to completely mould it to mirror your logo’s distinctive identification. Designed with WooCommerce in thoughts, DiviCommerce simplifies launching and managing your on-line store, making it an available choice for the ones new to the eCommerce global.

A screenshot of some of homepage designs of DiviCommerce

Past its foundational construction, DiviCommerce gives granular regulate over your website online’s look thru customized CSS styling. A number of prebuilt and theme builder templates is integrated to expedite the design procedure, permitting you to without problems create charming product showcases. Complete documentation is instantly to be had to make sure a easy adventure.

This theme is a flexible software for small companies and marketers taking a look to make a swift and impactful front into the eCommerce panorama. DiviCommerce is a compelling selection for somebody constructing a Divi-powered on-line store as it marries tough options with intuitive design. Snatch it these days for a 50% bargain.

Get DiviCommerce

Act Now Sooner than The Offers Are Long past!

Improve your on-line retailer now and watch gross sales bounce. Our offers pack a punch – new designs and funky options, all with out breaking the financial institution. Give your website online the brink it wishes in these days’s marketplace. Those gives received’t stick round, so snatch them whilst you’ll be able to and take your eCommerce sport to new heights:

There are extra choices to discover. Consult with our market now to snatch further limited-time offers prior to they’re long gone!

Go to Divi Marketplace

The publish The Ultimate Divi Toolset for Selling Products Online (Huge Discounts) seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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The Final Divi Toolset for Promoting Merchandise On-line (Large Reductions)

For individuals who’re taking a look to build online shops with Divi, then make sure you’re well-equipped! The Divi ecosystem has many third-party products that will let you boost up your web creation process. In this publish, we’ll knowledge you via 15 superb Divi gives that you want to get your palms on all over the place our Divi Summer season Sale!

Proper right here’s an entire rundown of the entire fantastic gives available in our epic Summer time Sale:

New to Divi? Our Summer time Sale is the most efficient time to enroll in…

  • 70% OFF Divi Professional (Remarkable Deal on the ultimate Divi revel in): Accommodates Divi Membership + All Divi Skilled Services + Divi Marketplace Credit score ranking
  • 20% OFF Divi: (Our base membership): Accommodates Divi Theme & Plugins plus brand new choices, Divi Fast Websites and Divi Sprint

Already a Divi client? Now’s the most efficient time to make stronger and save on Divi services and bundles…

Members Save Huge throughout the Divi Marketplace

Take Me To The Summer season Sale

15 Glorious Divi Gives for Selling Products Online

1. Divi Skilled

70% Off Throughout The Sale

Sort: Theme + Further Equipment

Divi Professional will transform your eCommerce on-line web page design with the most important apparatus to supercharge your creative process. With Divi’s Visual Builder, you’ll with out problem create surprising internet websites using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface with over 2000 predesigned layouts —no coding or starting from scratch required.

Going miles ahead of the competition, Divi Builder, that comes with Divi AI and Divi Fast Websites, means that you can customize premade web sites or design only new internet websites by the use of describing them. We aren’t talking about easy layouts—we indicate entire on-line web page pages with matching content material subject matter, colors, photos, headers, footers, templates, and additional in just a few minutes.

Divi Fast Websites moreover integrates a very powerful eCommerce choices via WooCommerce and gives customizable Theme Builder Templates for product and search finish consequence pages. And certain, you still retain entire keep an eye on over your on-line web page’s look and capacity. Don’t like something? Alternate it in a few clicks.

Divi Groups simplifies collaboration for those managing a few internet websites by the use of enabling consumer billing keep an eye on, fortify price ticket team, and serve as mission. Likewise, Divi Sprint consolidates all of your internet websites into one streamlined dashboard.

Divi Dash interface

Moreover, Divi Cloud lets in easy syncing of layouts without the hassle of information uploads — bring to mind it as a limiteless and complicated Dropbox to your Divi belongings.

With Divi VIP fortify included in Divi Skilled, you’ll enjoy rapid responses in under 30 minutes each day every time you’re feeling stuck. You’ll moreover download an additional 10% discount and a $50 credit score ranking on Divi Marketplace.

Clutch Divi Skilled this present day and dive proper right into a 70% discount. Designing your online store could be bliss, like a refreshing splash on a sizzling afternoon. Don’t let this wave of monetary financial savings ebb away!

Get Divi Professional

2. Divi WooCommerce Extended

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for Divi WooCommerce Extended

Sort: Plugin

Divi WooCommerce Prolonged is a robust tool for enhancing your Divi-powered online store. This plugin provides somewhat numerous modules that simplify eCommerce operations.

Choices include a mini-cart for quick product evaluations, visually fascinating masonry and grid layouts, interactive product carousels, and a wishlist manager, all contributing to an exquisite purchasing groceries revel in. Exact-time AJAX search and organized categories make finding products easy, while accordion and tab modules supply detailed product wisdom effectively.

A screenshot of Divi WooCommerce Extended's mini cart feature

You’ve got keep an eye on over product shows, allowing you to create a unique purchasing groceries setting. With responsive design, your store remains visually fascinating right through all devices. Sophisticated filtering alternatives lend a hand consumers refine their choices according to requirements like price or color. You’ll be capable of moreover counsel complementary products or upgrades to boost product sales and social sharing alternatives to encourage consumers to put it up for sale their favorite items.

The plugin moreover prioritizes potency optimization, ensuring your store so much in short for client excitement and better search engine visibility.

Divi WooCommerce Extended is most often a valuable partner in establishing and managing a successful online trade, equipping you to conform to the changing requires of eCommerce. Get it this present day at a flat 20% discount.

Get Divi WooCommerce Prolonged

3. Duvet & Show PRO

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for Hide & Show PRO

Sort: Plugin

Cover & Display PRO offers granular keep an eye on over on-line web page content material subject matter visibility, empowering you to craft tailored evaluations to your target market. You’ll be capable of optimize promoting efforts and boost engagement by the use of strategically managing when and the best way content material subject matter turns out.

At its core, the plugin provides a versatile toolkit of 34 Conditional-Display Portions. The ones parts assist you to resolve precise regulations for content material subject matter visibility according to somewhat numerous elements, along with client roles, publish varieties, geographic location, and purchase history. For instance, the geolocation feature means that you can blow their own horns content material subject matter selectively to visitors from specific spaces.

A screenshot of Hide & Show PRO's geolocation features

Previous conditional display, Duvet & Show PRO offers difficult scheduling purposes. Whether or not or now not you want to run time-bound promotions or seasonal campaigns, you’ll prepare day-to-day, weekly, monthly, or custom designed schedules to automate content material subject matter glance. This selection promises your on-line web page stays dynamic and similar.

Additionally, seamless integration with WooCommerce provides parts attuned to inventory levels, purchaser purchases, and membership status. The user-friendly interface makes it simple to construct intricate display regulations without requiring intensive technical enjoy.

By way of strategically displaying products, promotions, and content material subject matter according to purchaser habits, location, or gain history, shops can increase product sales, personalize offers, and optimize promoting efforts. Acquire it this present day at a 20% discount.

Get Cover & Display PRO

4. Molti eCommerce

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for Molti eCommerce

Sort: Child Theme

Are you looking for a flexible and dynamic wordpress child theme to boost your online store? Look no further than Molti eCommerce. This versatile resolution adapts with out problem to your unique trade needs, blending contemporary aesthetics with good capacity.

Boasting an in depth array of over 25 predesigned pages and ten distinct header and footer alternatives, Molti eCommerce empowers you to craft a on-line web page that in reality embodies your brand identity—the theme’s seamless integration with WooCommerce streamlines setting up and managing your digital storefront.

A screenshot of some of Molti eCommerce's layouts

Enhanced choices an identical to an AJAX-powered cart and an intuitive “My Account” internet web page contribute to a frictionless purchaser journey. Moreover, the theme’s responsive design promises your website seems impeccable right through all devices.

The built-in demo content material subject matter importer makes populating your on-line web page a breeze, in order that you don’t wish to artwork with guesswork. At the an identical time, crowd pleasing animations add a somewhat of sophistication—specifically, Molti eCommerce leverages free wordpress plugins, sparing you at the expense of most sensible elegance alternatives.

For those looking for a multifaceted theme that marries style with practicality, Molti eCommerce stands ready to meet your online aspirations. Seize the risk to obtain this theme at a 20% discount this present day.

Get Molti eCommerce

5. Taste

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Fashion, Divi Ecommerce Theme

Sort: Child Theme

Style is a well-designed digital storefront theme for online taste retail outlets. Its fashionable look creates a welcoming surroundings that enhances the purchasing groceries revel in. It integrates simply with WooCommerce, making it easy to organize a shop showcasing physically and digital products.

Have the benefit of the versatility of six homepage varieties, 3 retailer layouts, and four product internet web page layouts to build your dream on-line web page without obstacles.

A screenshot of Fashion;s homepage layouts

At its core, Taste focuses on client revel in. Sophisticated filtering and having a look choices powered by the use of AJAX let consumers merely browse their inventory without having a look forward to problems to be loaded. Cell consumers will take pleasure in the quick retailer feature, ensuring a blank checkout on smaller screens. The theme incorporates crowd pleasing visual elements like full-screen product galleries and a masonry layout to interact your target market.

Together with its fascinating design, Taste offers good choices. Dynamic scroll effects add interest, while Instagram integration connects your social media presence with the purchasing groceries revel in. Crucial pages like product details, about us, contact wisdom, a blog, and purchaser accounts are included for a whole online purchasing groceries journey.

Taste combines fashionable design with forged capacity, making it an excellent variety for taste corporations taking a look to create a potent online presence. Get it this present day for a 20% discount.

Get Style

6. WooCommerce Layouts for Divi

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for WooCommerce Layouts or Divi

Sort: Construction Pack

The Divi WooCommerce Layouts Pack offers a treasure trove of design alternatives to your online store. You’re geared as much as craft a unique digital storefront with 60 products, 40 shops, 20 carts, and 20 checkout templates. Every layout boasts a contemporary style, ensuring what you are promoting pieces a elegant image.

A screenshot of WooCommerce Layouts for Divi's layouts

This pack excels in adaptability. Retailer layouts with out problem scale to deal with any store size, providing a seamless purchasing groceries journey for all visitors. Moreover, the responsive designs make sure that a flawless revel in right through somewhat numerous devices. The pack incorporates 90 prebuilt sections and three area internet web page layouts to boost your store further.

Rising your dream online store is simplified. No coding skills are essential as the ones templates seamlessly mix with the Divi Builder. At hand choices an identical to celebrity ratings, breadcrumbs, and a user-friendly quantity selector toughen aesthetics and capacity. Act now and enjoy a 20% discount.

Get WooCommerce Layouts for Divi

7. Divi Handmade

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Handmade

Sort: Child Theme

The Divi Hand-crafted Child Theme exudes feminine attract, making it a perfect canvas for crafters, sellers, and bloggers looking for a stylish online presence. Its at ease color palettes and delicate typography create a visually fascinating surroundings.

A screenshot of Handmade's hero section

This theme is a dream come true for those who wish to blow their own horns their creations stylishly and sophisticatedly. Its portfolio segment, a cornucopia of inspiration, boasts 16 surprising enterprise demos.

Enriched with chic determine spaces, detailed descriptions, and meticulously curated image galleries, the ones pages ensure that your artwork takes heart degree.

Then again the magic doesn’t stop there. For those taking a look to turn their hobby proper right into a a success enterprise, the seamless integration with WooCommerce is a game-changer. The theme’s clean and visually fascinating product pages are designed to captivate attention and gear product sales. Each and every handmade products is showcased with a stunning layout.

The Divi Handmade Child Theme is a slightly crafted tool that empowers you to create an web space as unique and captivating as your creations. It’s a fusion of capacity and aesthetics designed to make your brand story shine. Clutch it this present day for an excellent 20% off.

Get Divi Hand-crafted

8. DiviFlash

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for DiviFlash

Sort: Plugin

DiviFlash is an entire plugin designed to boost your Divi website-building revel in. At its core, it offers an unlimited library of over 50 modules, along with – Mega Menu Builder, Popup Builder, Caraousel, and Table Maker, each with customization alternatives. This empowers you to craft visually striking and functionally difficult internet websites without coding enjoy.

To streamline your design process further, DiviFlash provides an choice of 25+ premade layout packs. The ones professionally designed templates duvet many niches, allowing you to swiftly resolve a forged online presence. You’ll be capable of import, customize, and unencumber your on-line web page with just a few clicks.

A screenshot of some of DiviPixel's layouts

Previous modules and layouts, DiviFlash includes a suite of extensions that magnify Divi’s purposes. The ones enhancements and over 500 ready-to-use segment layouts ensure that your on-line web page maintains a elegant and cohesive aesthetic.

DiviFlash is most often a game-changer to your eCommerce on-line web page. It transforms Divi proper right into a additional versatile and surroundings pleasant platform, enabling you to create outstanding internet websites without reference to your design ability. Get it this present day at 20% off.

Get DiviFlash

9. Divi Mini Cart

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Mini Cart

Sort: Plugin

Divi Mini Cart is a versatile tool designed to toughen your WooCommerce store’s purchasing groceries revel in right through the Divi theme. Its flexibility is plain in strategically positioning the cart icon in the main menu, custom designed headers, or even custom designed puts using shortcodes. This pliability extends to managing a few carts on a single internet web page, ensuring seamless capacity.

When consumers engage with the cart icon, a drop-down or fly-in mini cart gracefully reveals their made up our minds on items. You’ll be capable of keep an eye on the cart icon’s glance, from color adjustments to personalised image uploads. Additionally, the mini cart’s visual elements are only customizable, allowing you to align it seamlessly in conjunction with your store’s aesthetic.

Powered by the use of AJAX technology, the cart updates dynamically without requiring internet web page refreshes. Its mobile-friendly design offers alternatives for placing the cart icon within cell menus. Contemporary improvements have presented quantity controls, expanded design choices, and streamlined the selections internet web page.

Divi Mini Cart simplifies navigation, improves accessibility, and finally drives conversions and purchaser excitement. It’s available this present day at merely 20%. Give it a take a look at faster than the offer runs away.

Get Divi Mini Cart

10. Divi My Account Internet web page

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Divi My Account Page

Sort: Plugin

Reasonably a couple of plugins toughen the semblance of your WooCommerce on-line web page’s products and retailer pages, alternatively what if you want to spruce up that dull account internet web page? With the Divi My Account Web page plugin, you’ll ditch that ugly account internet web page and create a additional user-friendly and wonderful revel in to your consumers.

Divi My Account Page style example

The plugin means that you can style the whole lot from the form fields to the table wisdom to personalised navigation, effectively making it easier for patrons to go looking out what they would like. You’ll be capable of moreover merely add new content material subject matter, an identical to promotional offers, helpful guides, FAQs, or links to downloadable products.

The Divi My Account Internet web page plugin is available for $47.20 consistent with 365 days all over the place the Divi Summer time Sale. This price incorporates 365 days of updates and endless website usage.

Get Divi My Account Web page

11. Divi Cart Skilled

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for Divi Cart Pro

Sort: Child Theme

Divi Cart Professional is any other child theme tailored for Divi consumers running WooCommerce shops. It offers an entire resolution that includes a suite of built-in modules—Mini Cart, Custom designed Retailer Module, Products Carousel, and Categories—eliminating the will for external plugins.

The Mini Cart module enhances the purchasing groceries revel in by the use of providing a at hand overview of purchases throughout the header. With the Custom designed Retailer Module, you’ve got entire keep an eye on over your retailer’s layout, adjusting column spacing and product shows to your selection.

The Products Carousel module transforms product showcases into dynamic visual evaluations, while the Categories module offers a stylish option to prepare and supply product collections.

Divi Cart Skilled incorporates ten predesigned homepage layouts to jumpstart your store’s design. Additionally, you’ll to search out subtle cart and checkout pages, ten unique product internet web page layouts, and twenty versatile segment layouts to captivate your target market.

To complete your store’s aesthetic, choose from 5 customizable header and footer layouts and leverage 5 blog internet web page and publish templates to counterpoint your content material subject matter.

Putting in your store is a breeze with the at hand one-click content material subject matter import feature. Built with potency and responsiveness in ideas, Divi Cart Skilled promises your online store seems and functions flawlessly right through different devices.

Backed by the use of not unusual updates, trustworthy fortify, and a provide 20% discount, this child theme is an invaluable asset for inexperienced persons and seasoned eCommerce entrepreneurs looking for to create a compelling online presence.

Get Divi Cart Professional

12. Ultimate WooCommerce UI Package deal

20% Off Throughout The Sale

Ultimate WooCommerce Ui Kit

Sort: Construction Packs

The Final WooCommerce UI Package is the easiest resolution for designers who’re struggling to go looking out the very best seek for their online store. This pack offers a selection of professionally designed layouts for quite a lot of parts of your store, along with product, retailer, checkout, and cart pages. Each and every layout throughout the pack boasts a modern, minimalistic look, making it easy to your consumers to go looking out what they would love.

WooCommerce shop page layouts

The Ultimate WooCommerce UI Package deal is highest for showcasing different seems to your products, as a result of 40 totally designed product pages. With the sheer choice of layouts available, you’ll assign products specifically categories to at least one layout while giving other products a definite look. As an added bonus, you’ll moreover get 4 unique area internet web page layouts to clutch your target market’s attention from the minute they land on your on-line web page. For individuals who’re looking for an fairly priced solution to growing the internet store of your needs, the Ultimate WooCummerce UI Package deal is a brilliant place to begin out.

Throughout the Divi Summer time Sale, you’ll make this pack yours for a one-time $7.20 value.

Get Final WooCommerce UI Package

13. Woo Crucial

50% Off Throughout The Sale

Woo Essential

Sort: Module Pack

Woo Very important provides 10 new Divi Modules, over 80 layouts, and 15 templates designed to artwork with Divi and WooCommerce. Among its choices is a Wishlist module, which allows consumers to save lots of a whole lot of their favorite products for easy gain. A Speedy View module moreover supplies a modal popup to your products, enabling consumers to view and add products to their carts without leaving the shop internet web page. The Mini Cart module lets in consumers to shop for items faster without being redirected to the main cart internet web page.

Woo Essential starter templates

Together with modules, Woo Crucial provides a selection of Woo starter templates that show you how to preset your products superbly. From product grids to rapid views to shopping for groceries carts, your consumers can have a seamless purchasing groceries revel in that encourages them to act.

Throughout the Divi Summer time Sale, you’ll save an improbable 50% off the typical price. Woo Crucial, with endless on-line web page usage and 365 days of updates and fortify, is available for $39.50 consistent with 365 days.

Get Woo Very important

14. DiviWooPro

50% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for DiviWooPro

Sort: Construction Packs

DiviWooPro Construction Pack is an entire toolkit that provides a wealth of predesigned templates, along with quite a lot of alternatives for area, retailer, product, cart, and checkout pages. Additionally, the pack provides plenty of headers and footers, allowing you to craft a cohesive online storefront.

A screenshot of some of product layouts

Every element right through the pack is thoughtfully designed to toughen conversion. Product pages, for instance, strategically blow their own horns photos, descriptions, and purchaser feedback to boost conversions. Within the interim, the flexible cart and checkout templates empower you to tailor the purchasing journey to your consumers’ preferences.

Additionally, DiviWooPro streamlines the purchasing groceries process with choices like prominently placing the “Add to Cart” button on retailer pages and gentle quantity field styling. Compatibility with not unusual plugins opens doors to additional functionalities an identical to AJAX filtering and sophisticated navigation menus.

The DiviWooPro Retailer Construction Pack is an outstanding asset for online retail outlets aiming to create visually fascinating, user-friendly shops. Its design versatility and good choices provide a formidable foundation for establishing a successful eCommerce platform. Snag it this present day at a whopping 50% discount!

Get DiviWooPro

15. DiviCommerce

50% Off Throughout The Sale

Promotional image for DiviCommerce

Sort: Child Theme

DiviCommerce is a child theme catering to trendy producers looking for a seamless online storefront. Its core energy lies in adaptability; you’ll totally mildew it to reflect your brand’s unique identity. Designed with WooCommerce in ideas, DiviCommerce simplifies launching and managing your online retailer, making it an available selection for those new to the eCommerce world.

A screenshot of some of homepage designs of DiviCommerce

Previous its foundational development, DiviCommerce offers granular keep an eye on over your website’s glance via custom designed CSS styling. A selection of prebuilt and theme builder templates is included to expedite the design process, allowing you to with out problem create captivating product showcases. Entire documentation is straight away available to make sure a blank journey.

This theme is a versatile tool for small corporations and entrepreneurs taking a look to make a swift and impactful entrance into the eCommerce landscape. DiviCommerce is a compelling variety for somebody establishing a Divi-powered online retailer because it marries difficult choices with intuitive design. Clutch it this present day for a 50% discount.

Get DiviCommerce

Act Now Faster than The Gives Are Gone!

Strengthen your online store now and watch product sales jump. Our gives pack a punch – new designs and cool choices, all without breaking the monetary establishment. Give your website the edge it needs in this present day’s market. The ones offers won’t stick spherical, so grab them when you’ll and take your eCommerce recreation to new heights:

There are additional alternatives to find. Talk over with our marketplace now to grab additional limited-time gives faster than they’re gone!

Pass to Divi Market

The publish The Final Divi Toolset for Promoting Merchandise On-line (Large Reductions) appeared first on Chic Topics Weblog.

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This system can create advertising and marketing that is impossible to resist.

Welcome to Author’s columnswhere we put the voices of HubSpot Writers experts in blogs that inspire and empower you.

You are about to learn an invaluable copywriting concept, something you will use to capture the attention of your market, not to indicate to differentiate any product. Surely, this will allow you to position regardless of you’re selling in a new and compelling way.

Now, believe this ebook:

Marketing Formula Example: Outsourcing Book

Supply of symbols

Is called Outsourcing: Beginners’ Knowledge for Hiring Virtual Assistants.

I discovered it on Amazon, among dozens of different books on outsourcing. It has 6 ratings, so it’s not very popular, especially when compared to This ebook on the same topic:

Marketing Formula Example: 4-Hour Work Week Book

Supply of symbols

Is called The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week.

It has 12,684 ratings. Tim Ferriss has purchased over 2 million copies, but not because of his famous character. (In fact, when the ebook was published in 2007, Ferriss was still relatively unknown.) The differentiating factor? I’ll tell you exactly: The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week it’s a “broad concept”.

Huge ideas:

While you have been given a great conceptyou’ve most likely revitalized something outdated. You’ve made something tired actually seem exciting, compelling, even it is not possible to resist — expressing it with the use of the manner shown:

Marketing formula

Massive, “unbearable” ideas arise when a promise meets a mechanism.

The Promise.

A promise is a personal matter and the most effective and emotionally charged promises in most cases pose 4 problems:

1) News

2) Protection

3) Ease

4) Meaning

Let’s examine them one by one:


New problems are emotional because they provide us Hope. Hope for the alternative, for choice, for construction. Novelty creates the opportunity for alternative, an opportunity to grow to be different, superior.

To finally finish novelty: you will make your offer distinctive: the most efficient available through the use of a single supplier: your company, your brand.


Coverage is a elementary human need. After breathing, food, water, safe shelter, clothing and sleep, feeling safe and secure is our next priority. It is emotional at first sight.

TO to finish in the end protection: make your offer predictable with credible case studies, reviews and testimonials. You will also have the ability to offer a be sure to lower the perceived probability.


Even though humanity is productive and constantly evolving, people are still lazy. Most people do not like to work, keep in mind and overcome difficult scenarios. We would rather relax, have fun and avoid straining. This is one reason to promise ease. Every other reason is because most people simply do not have confidence in their own abilities.

To finally finish relief: you will provide a device, wayOR process to accomplish something. Give other people a certain number of concrete steps or rules. These elements give us a path, a way to follow that does not require so many ideas or probabilities.


People want big, right problems. Gradual, incremental expansion is not exciting. We really want big, vital effects, and fast.

To finally finish meaning: you will put a final date on your promise, the sooner the better. In short, tell the risk how soon he will see the results, the effect of his movement.

The unique mechanism.

Now, unlike an emotional promise, which must be clear, specific, and easy to fulfill, a new mechanism must be mysterious, or inexplicable, or curious:

  • A mysterious one concept.
  • An inexplicable device.
  • A curious one product.

The mechanism is the method. It is the way in which the promise is kept. The method, then, consists in retaining as many of the mechanism (that is, the concept that that, the device, the product itself) as possible, while adding the benefits of the promise.

This juxtaposition, a clear promise coupled with an opaque mechanism, creates rigidity, hobby, desire. It creates an attraction that is impossible to resist.

Example of promotion and advertising of large-scale ideas: the 4-hour art week

This ebook is actually a great example of Massive Idea promotion. Tim Ferriss uses the strategy to refresh and reposition the concept of “outsourcing”, which gives his ebook huge advantages in receiving promotion.

This blue copy is designed to finally finish meaning:

Marketing Formula Example: Meaning

  • “Escaping the 9 to 5 Job” it’s a problem that many people feel deeply about, an important problem.
  • “Living Anywhere” it’s a big problem.
  • “Turning into a member of the nouveau riche” it’s a big problem.

Where do these 3 test problems come from? They come from your research, information and data you have collected about your target market:

What is essential for these other people?

What is their definition of good luck?

When are they happiest?

The answers to these questions will inform the meaning of your promise.

This orange copy is the mechanism:

Marketing formula example: mechanism

“The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week” It’s a mysterious, inexplicable concept—it seems unimaginable—and it makes The Reader wonder:

Is this really a work of art?

Is it really conceivable?

What if it were true?

Now she’s busy, curious. Now you’ll have her attention.

This green copy is designed to finally finish cover:

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Marketing formula example: security“/>

The security of a credible prize or status symbol, such as being “The number 1 New York Cases Best seller” — is transferred to the mechanism, this mysterious problem called The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week.

Again, the e-book is a continuation of the promotion and, by extension, an opportunity to continue to demonstrate the novelty, coverage, simplicity, and importance of the whole promise.

This yellow copy is designed to finally finish relief:

Marketing formula example: Ease

  • “…this ebook is the project.”

This promises the risk a clear path to follow, a real “blueprint” to achieve the essential promises:

Escape from the 9-5 job…

Living Anywhere…

Transforming into a member of the nouveau riche…

Do you want these things? Then just get informed about the ebook and apply the steps. It is a device — and this gives the Reader confidence not only in the product, but also in himself, in his ability to easily understand, apply and achieve success.

This pink copy is designed to finally finish novelty:

Marketing formula example: What's new

  • The word: “New”
  • The sentence: Throw out old ideas of retirement and long-term savings…”

This promises The Reader another method to earn money and live a different lifestyle. It is promising and compelling at first glance.

This blue copy is designed to finally finish meaning:

Marketing Formula Example: Meaning

  • “Out of the rat race”
  • “Enjoy first-class international round-trip travel”
  • “Earn a 5-figure monthly income and don’t wear a watch”
  • “You are living the life you want”

This promises big only the right questions, big permutations in his high-end lifestyle. Again, this is so essential because until The Reader thinks your device will make a very powerful material difference, it will not act.

This green copy is designed to finally finish protection:

<img decoding=”async” src=”” style=”margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 650px;height: auto;max-width: 100%” title=”” alt=”Marketing Formula Example: security“/>

  • “It’s about time this ebook was written ASAP. This is a long overdue manifesto for the cellular lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the most effective ambassador.”

This testimony makes the results of the 4-hour art work week predictable, which reduces the perceived likelihood of investing time and money on this machine.

The more you fill it out this way, the easier it is.

The 4-Hour Artistic Work Week It is a smart example because Ferriss creates a mechanism while promising novelty, protection, simplicity and importance.

Of course, this is perfect, but it’s definitely not always possible because, depending on the medium, you probably won’t have enough space to check off every box. You’d have to work with a word limit or a time limit, and you also don’t have the luxury of proving your promise one section at a time. That’s okay:

As long as you have a very powerful promise and a mechanism for that promise, you have the basis for a great concept. And for individuals who marry an emotional promise and a new mechanism in an engaging way, you have actually created a great concept.

Ask a question to:

When you see an advertisement, for any product, in any medium, ask yourself:

  1. What is the promise?
  2. What is the mechanism?
  3. Overall, do these things appeal to the target market?

Do this over and over again and you will really learn to think in big ideas. Another thing you will do is an exercise I call “Replica-Annotation”, which revolves around spherical searching and isolating the 4 parts of a promise in an ad, any ad.

Look at an ad and underline the text that describes the mechanism. Then look at it again and underline the proof problems that make the promise new, safe, easy, and viable.

Marketing Formula Example: Graphic Practice

To finally conclude a promise is novellook for examples of exclusivity and novelty.

To finally conclude a promise is Safelook for evidence and examples of predictability, such as warranties.

To finally conclude a promise is easylook for strategies and systems and projects designed to make it foolproof. Finally a promise is essentiallook for examples of time to influence: the faster it is, the easier; the bigger it is, the easier.

THE mechanismso, it’s the product, the device, the concept that that.

Are you curious?

Or mysterious?

Or inexplicable?

It has to be (to create intrigue).

Look for the mechanism along with the 4 proof problems in every instance where you are annotating the copy. The more you observe, the more fluent you will become in this language. And over the years, it will become easier to put all those parts together so that it is impossible to resist promotion.

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How Wistia Got An Absurd Zoom With Two-Pizza Bundles

Chris Wild once raised $17.3 million in debt to do a leveraged buyout of his private company.

At the moment, that company is a $67,000 video promotion platform. I met with Wistia’s CEO to hear how he increased Wistia’s product updates six-fold, or 6X.

Lesson 1: Every now and then, just move with your instincts.

“Two-pizza crew” is a Jeff Bezos term for a ramshackle business methodology. Ideally, teams should be small enough to make two pizzas. That’s about 5-8 people. (Unless, after all, one of you is a college student. Then it’s about one or two people, haha.)

After years of overly elaborate approaches, Savage put Bezos’ philosophy into practice.

Before switching to two-pizza teams, Wistia introduced 12 product updates each year. This included a brand new webinar tool and new interactive video components such as in-video quizzes.

After restructuring its product teams and simplifying its strategies in 2023, Wistia introduced 72 updates, which is 6 times more than in the previous 12 months.

How? By means of the turn distant from impeccable avenue maps and memorable internal communications, and against innovate based on customer feedback every two weeks.

“This change has fostered a more dynamic approach to product development and feedback, and has encouraged constant evolution and learning across all teams,” Savage tells me.

Its two-pizza teams are made up of product managers, designers, technical managers, and engineers. They basically work like a small business within a business.

The vital factor for innovation is the creation of small teams that work in the best way a startup can: in rapid sprints.“, he says.

Screencap of Wistia updates.

Supply of symbols

This is the AsAlternatively, what I look for most appealing is the Why: Previously, Savage says his employees consistently proposed bulletproof, data-driven tasks, but gut-driven projects, often based on limited customer feedback, were shut out.

“The information may have had very limited exposure, so it wasn’t at the top of the checklist at all,” he says. “Instead, it seems like some of those ideas were some of the most impactful. It completely changed Wistia as a company.”

If your employees are constantly updating in-house clinicians and crafting sophisticated presentations to present to management, you might ask yourself: Is this helping to improve the effectiveness of your work?

Lesson 2: If more than one person likes something, share it.

Savage has a burning opinion: If you can get 10 people to love your product, you can get a thousand people to love it, too.

He is so convinced of this concept that he claims that “there is no need to do extra checks” every time you have demonstrated that some people think it is a good idea: “We tend to underestimate how common an experience can be and rely too much on quantitative data.

Sometimes gut-driven ideas don’t get expressed because you don’t really feel like you’ve been given the information to re-examine them. Alternatively, if you rely too heavily on quantitative knowledge, you’re likely ignoring real-time feedback that could lead to your next big idea. (Uber is famous for starting with little or no information to bolster its thinking.)

“Focus on your first satisfied customers, decide what they like, and keep doing it.”

Lesson 3: Focus on what works to scale faster.

Savage is candid about his early mistakes: “To begin with, I honestly didn’t know how far we could go with Wistia. This can be a pretty easy mistake: when leaders get something that works, instead of doubling down on that type of activity, they diversify to reduce the odds.

Savage understands the temptation to add new choices or products to your repertoire, but he firmly believes that just a few options are enough to drive shopper behavior.

“If you just want to double down on those problems, you might be able to expand sooner.”

Keep it simple, focus on one product or service, as it will most likely consume 90% of your adoption, and you will take off.

Curious to find out how artificial intelligence is changing the world of endless video? Check out my interview with Chris LavigneProduction Manager at Wistia

Lingering Questions

Each person we interview provides us with a question for our next phase of outreach.

Last week, Anna Sokratov, brand manager for a particularly disgusting-tasting liqueur called Jeppson’s Malört, asked us this question for Savage:

What unconventional promotion method would you like to adopt and the best way you would go about doing it? something aren’t you finished yet?

Attack: My instinct is to look for inappropriate product placement in a summer blockbuster: the dream could be like the next one Unimaginable problemEthan Hunt must use Wistia to decipher something.

And it’s a scandal: it should be a really exaggerated product placement.

Savage’s question for our next promotional acquisition: Is there something you do that works so well that you’re afraid to tell others about it?

Come back next Monday for the answer!

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No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

Product Name: No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

Click here to get No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


This no-till gardening course is intended for both beginner and advanced home gardeners looking to achieve food security, either in their garden or through container growing.

Learn the basics of no-till organic vegetable gardening, with a focus on composting, succession planting, and winter gardening.

The Natural WayWe believe that nature-tested systems are the best way to grow plants. Our gardening principles teach our students to work with nature to maximize success in the garden. We teach them how to nourish soil organisms so that they can in turn nourish the plants in the garden. We know that by fostering a biodiverse community of plants, fungi, bacteria, and animals in the garden, we are, in a small way, mitigating the industrial and chemical damage done to our suffering ecosystems.

This course is designed with home gardeners in mind, but also includes content relevant to horticulturists and people who want to learn more about regenerative agriculture.

Visual LearnersOur lessons are video recorded and delivered to you. They are unscripted to give our course participants as realistic an experience as possible. Most footage is filmed outdoors in real gardens so that the principles can be shown as they are discussed. This is the closest thing to in-person learning.

A Community of LearnersWe believe that learning in a community environment fosters a deeper and lasting understanding of course content. That’s why we’ve created a forum where our family of learners can come together to reflect on the different aspects of growing healthy food. The forum allows course participants to share photos of their gardens, ask for advice and encouragement, and be a source of inspiration for other gardeners. Gardeners love to share, and our discussion forum is a great way to do that.

Important Note: Following Dan’s April 2023 blog post, our instructors will be taking a hiatus for the 2023-24 growing seasons and will no longer be answering questions on the forum, so it is currently only available for member interaction. If we launch a new course in early 2025, we will resume our regular Zoom Q&A meetings (March-October 2025) at that time. These webinars provide an in-person experience and a chance to get your questions answered.

Time permitting, we hope to resume filming in the summer of 2024 for a planned 2025 course launch. All new members joining us in 2023-24 will receive full access to future course material and a year of Q&A support webinars at no additional cost. For now, you’ll get immediate access to our 2022 course content, which is spread across four modules. An unlinked copy of our 2022 members’ area video table of contents is attached below. Click or tap on each module header to view the expanded video listing:

1. Mulching with Organic Matter (18:56) 1.1 Vignette: Hands-on demonstration on mulching with organic matter (4:53) 1.2 Vignette: Planting after mulching with decaying plant material (9:55) 2. Mulching with Living Plants (13:42) 3. Introduction to Composting (22:43) 3.1 Thermophilic Composting (26:26) 3.1.1 Vignette: Compost Seedbed (7:44) 3.2 Vermicomposting (32:41) 3.2.1 Vignette: How to create living soil for seeds using vermicomposting (4:36) 3.2.2 Vignette: Building a worm bin (10:11) 3.3 Anaerobic Composting (Bokashi) (12:54) 3.3.1 Vignette: Adding 3.3.2 Vignette: How to Make Bokashi Inoculum, Part 1/2 (8:39) 3.3.3 Vignette: How to Make Bokashi Inoculum, Part 2/2 (6:12) 3.3.4 Vignette: Refreshing a Living Soil Container with Bokashi (12:05) 3.3.5 Vignette: Making Fertilizer from Weeds (JLF) (6:08)

Three experts have developed the curriculum for the 2022 LHG course:

Your primary instructor is Dan Oostenbrink, a horticulturist at Local Harvest.

Dan will help you gain confidence in the garden. He is passionate about organic growing and offers a practical, no-nonsense approach to gardening that maximizes the productivity of your garden.

Andrew Couzens, a local composting expert from Terra Flora Soilworks, will provide expert advice on soil health. He will discuss in detail the best composting practices such as Bokashi (anaerobic), thermophilic and vermicomposting so that you can achieve phenomenal soil fertility – the foundation of great gardening.

Jack, an edible landscape designer and owner of Fruits and Shoots, a boutique nursery in Chilliwack, BC, will guide us along the way as we turn our growing space into a beautiful and productive garden.

Our 2022 curriculum covers the principles of organic gardening in a practical, easy-to-understand way that will help you get higher yields of nutrient-rich food with fewer weeds and less effort. You’ll learn how to grow more food in less space so you can eat from your garden every day of the year. Through the members area, you’ll also have access to recordings of the 2022 Q&A webinars (March-October).

Our goal is to equip gardeners to make good decisions in their own context and gain confidence to stand on their own two feet in future growing seasons. The principles we share are applicable to all growing regions; they will work with nature and its native biology.

By registering, you will have immediate access to the member area, which includes all 12 videos from the 2022 course modules (approximately 5 hours of content), plus 22 video vignettes on a variety of topics (approximately 4 hours of content). Recordings of the 2022 webinars are also still available.

We will not be publishing any additional course content before 2025. Dan’s garden at Local Harvest has expanded by 2 hectares and his family now intensively farms almost 12 hectares. This demands all of his time and attention. Similarly, Jack is actively building his plant farm at Fruits and Shoots and is devoting his energy to adding a wider variety of edible plants and perennials to attract benefits for local gardeners.

Time permitting, we hope to launch a revised, easy-to-follow, detailed course in early 2025. All new members joining us in 2023-24 will receive full lifetime access to the next set of course content at no additional cost. If we launch a course in 2025, your purchase will also entitle you to one year of Q&A support during the growing season via our webinars (March-October).

We are located in the Pacific Northwest, however the principles we outline are applicable to all growing areas, only the timing of the steps will differ.

I look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Community Gardening Facilitator

100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee for 60 Days

We believe that the value and personal support we offer here far exceeds any comparable course on the market. That being said, if you are not satisfied or feel that the content does not fit your needs, simply contact ClickBank within 60 days of your purchase and they will gladly refund your membership fee with no questions asked. This guarantee provides peace of mind for both us and you and eliminates any risk.

For course-related questions, please contact us here. For order-related questions, please contact ClickBank here.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Affiliate Program | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Copyright NoticeCopyright © 2023 The Local Harvest Market Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.

Andrew Couzens is a software engineer turned soil scientist.

He suffered from inflammatory bowel disease all his life and was motivated to enter the agricultural field in an effort to “be the change” he believed was necessary to heal his own body.

Healthy plants come from healthy soil, and healthy soil comes from working with nature, not against it.

Leveraging his knowledge and experience in software engineering, he founded Terra Flora Organics with the goal of helping conventional farmers transition from unsustainable practices that destroy soil and negatively impact the health of people and the planet, to regenerative practices that enable intensive agriculture while strengthening soil and healing our minds and bodies.

Click here to get No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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No-Till Organic Gardening Course 2022: Homegrown Gardening

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MyBoatPlans® 518 Boat Plans – High Quality Boat Building Plans – Learn How To How To Build A Boat Now

Product Name: MyBoatPlans® 518 Boat Plans – High Quality Boat Building Plans – Learn How To How To Build A Boat Now

Click here to get MyBoatPlans® 518 Boat Plans – High Quality Boat Building Plans – Learn How To How To Build A Boat Now at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

MyBoatPlans® 518 Boat Plans – High Quality Boat Building Plans – Learn How To How To Build A Boat Now is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Now YOU Can Build Your Dream Boat With Over 500 Boat Plans!

From: The Desk Of Martin ReidMaster Boat Builder & Educator

If you’re looking for high quality boat plans and tutorials with easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through the entire boat building process…

without emptying your wallet, then you’ve come to the right place…

Hi, my name is Martin Reid and my fascination with boats began as a very young child.

My father would take me out to harbor, and I’d watch the boats bringing in the “catch of the day”. It all seemed so magically to me as I think back to my childhood.

As my love of all things marine grew, my father started to take notice.

On my 12th birthday, my father took me to the tiny woodshop behind our house. 

On the table was laying some type of a blueprint or plans for a project.

My father was quite the handyman and was always working on something around the house, but these wooden boat plans looked MUCH different than any I had seen in the past!

He continued to tell me that this was my birthday present.

I have to say for a moment I was incredibly disappointed.

My father then proceeded to explain that these plans would help us to build my first model boat… I know, not what you were thinking.

Because of our financial circumstances, my father and I were never able to construct anything larger than a simple model, but my passion for boats only grew.

On a trip back home after the death of my father, I was going through some of his old things and found that first boat we’d built together.

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bring back some of the best memories of my life.

I loved building those tiny boats and always dreamt about building the “real thing”.

When I got back home, I found a local shop that had plans for a small dinghy.

It was a very basic boat, but I ran home with the boat building plans and got to work. I’d done this several times before, just on a smaller scale.

However, after slaving away for countless hours and using any spare time that I had on my project, I realized that it was not coming together as easily as I had thought.

The plans I had purchased were incredibly difficult to understand and left a lot to be desired.

It could well have been written in Greek! 

I ended up guessing and basically had a half-finished boat that could not be salvaged.

I’m sure most of you have been there at some point… you’ve put your blood, sweat, and tears into a new project and get stumped somewhere along the way.

The worst part is when your significant other or one of your friends asks that inevitable question, “How’s that boat coming along?”

Nothing is more disappointing than starting something and not being able to finish it. I’ve been there, and IT FEELS LOUSY.

Just when I was about to give it all up, through sheer luck, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to a local, master boat builder.

He held my hand over the next year and would help me “fill in the gaps” on the boat plans I had purchased.

This gentleman truly took an interest in me and my passion for boats.

I think he was just trying to give something back… 

Eventually, my skills improved, and I could proudly say that I had completed my first wooden boat.

Without that man’s knowledge, I never would have succeeded on my own by solely using the low quality, expensive boat plans that are commonly available.

And what I discovered was this:

Building boats is not hard if you have a step-by-step approach to follow.

31 years later, I’m still building boats.

Over the years, I’ve amassed over 500 of my own boat plans!

In order to help out some of my friends that also participate in this great past-time…

I decided to go above and beyond and include simple, easy-to-follow, step by step instructions with all of my boat plans. 

The illustrated plans and boat building guides that I’ve created are of such high quality…

that those that I’ve shared them with have said it’s just not right to keep these stashed away in a private archive only to be seen by a select few…

So I decided to compile them into a MEGA collection… 

and offer them to all boat builders so you can benefit from my 31 years of experience

It will feel like you have a master boat builder guiding you through each and every boat project. one step at a time!

Everybody has the dream: Build a boat in the backyard and sail off to join the happy campers off Pogo Pogo, right? 

But how? Assuming you aren’t independently wealthy, if you want a boat that’s really you, you gotta build it yourself.

The plans for boat building offered here on this website are based upon my many years of boat building experience

– you’ll find NO BETTER SOURCE of information and proven boat plans anywhere on the internet!

No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. 

I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult carpentry construction methods….

and distill it down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.

The best part is, you don’t need any boat-building experience to build the boats

Because my plans will show you how to do it step by step.

There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.

You’ll receive simple, easy-to-follow plans that will allow anyone from any walk of life to build their very own boat, and for a fraction of the cost of buying one.

With minimal supplies, and a very SMALL cost, you CAN get your boat on the water in no time!

We have several groups of high school and college students working on MyBoatPlans right now.

And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!

46 Rowboats, Canoes and Kayaks Including:

36 Runabout Outboard Boats Including:

20 Paddle Wheel and Runabout Inboard Boats Including:

9 Novelty Boats Including:

12 Cabin Cruiser Boats Including:

19 Hydroplanes and Race Boats Including:

Look. The amount of plans and easy-to-follow information I have thrown into this package is just ridiculous.

– especially once you find out how little I’m charging.

As I’ve mentioned, building boats is my life, and I have a deep passion for it.

I know you’re going to be thrilled when you get your high-quality, illustrated boat plans and get to start building your dream boat!

In fact, several other boat builders just like you have already had the privilege of trying out my plans. Don’t just take my word for it…

I don’t know about you, but in this day and age, with the Internet at our disposal, I rarely make a purchase without seeing what end-users have to say about the product.

These are 100% unsolicited and features only a few of the thousands of satisfied customers we have.

I ‘d like for you to read what people are saying about MyBoatPlans…

” Thank You For All The Help With My Dream Boat!”

” I’m So Glad I Came Across Your Plans…”

” Highly Recommended! ” 

It’s a joy to learn from a master boat builder like Martin Reid…He goes over everything from wood selection, to dimensions to remember when building your boat. With great illustrations and easy to read photos, this collection is filled with information from cover to cover.  Money and time are the limited disposable resources, and Martin convinces me that I can do it if I try. Highly recommended!

” Excellent Details With  Step-By-Step Instructions “

What a great collection! I had a hard time putting this down and find myself going back often to compare boat designs. There are enough different designs to satisfy most boat builders. The plans are excellent in detail and this has saved me so much time. I’ve spent weeks looking for stuff like this. Well worth the few bucks.

“This Is The Real Deal…”

I bought these plans and building started last June 12th and it was ready to launch August 8th . I’ve been building boats since I was 11 years old…a long time ago!…and wish these plans were around, then.

Martin Reid is the real deal. His materials are very informative and inspiring…an excellent investment for anyone who is interested in building boats.

Hope you enjoy the pictures attached. I am 65 years old but still chasing the dream as you see from my smile in the boat.

” Don’t Build A Boat  Without Reading This First! “

I can’t recommend Martin enough. I’ve read and re-read all his guides and it’s fueled more than one fantasy boat.

The attention to details and the step-by-step photographic instructions makes this simple and easy to follow for anyone. All I can say is: do not build a boat without reading this first!

This collection of complete boat plans, instructions, and boat-building tips is simply wonderful. Martin’s designs include all of the traditional construction techniques plus glued plywood and taped seam plywood; there are fishing boat plans, sailboat plans, bass boats, rowboats, sailboats, and powerboats. For my money, this is the best money you can spend.  Thanks Martin!

If you’ve read this far, then you’re maybe starting to imagine or are getting excited about MyBoatPlans! 

The best part is you can do this too, it’s easy , and you don’t need ANY experience.

Countless professional and amateur boat builders are now using MyBoatPlans and the benefits are just too many.

In fact, if you are looking for best Boat Plans & Designs to make any project easy and hassle free, this will be the best investment you’ll ever make… 

You see, I’m basically setting you up for life with this offer. The price for my entire package is actually less than you’d spend on one boat plan!

After you get your hands on my bundle of over 518 illustrated boat plans and boat building guides, you’ll never have to purchase another boat plan ever again…Simply stated, this package contains boats plans that is covered from head to toe.

From step-by-step instructions and easy to follow tutorials with material lists…these easy-to-understand plans will make boat building a breeze! 

With MyBoatPlans “Complete Builder’s Resource” package, you’ll learn the fastest and easiest way to build your dream boat in no time at all.

Listen, I want to make sure you have everything you need to immediately guarantee the success of your efforts to build the boat you’ve always wanted.So if you act today, I’ve decided to give anyone who claims a copy of MyBoatPlans™ FULL ACCESS to the following 5 FREE Bonuses:

There are 40+ step-by-step videos, totaling over 10 hours in this collection.

These are REAL boat building videos from master boat builders who has constructed hundreds of boats!

Here’s a partial list of the videos included:

This is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in boat building and this is included as a FREE bonus. 

Now you can create the boat of your dreams using this CAD Software.

You can modify or create from scratch a custom boat plan/design easily.

3D Boat Design software offers you a professional, fully detailed high performance boat design CAD package.

You get increased freedom in modeling knuckle lines, allows surfaces that can contain holes and lets you build even the most complex shapes that can be created with just one surface.

This is a fantastic offer because this boat CAD Software is included FREE for anyone who purchase MyBoatPlans today. 

The complete Boat Builders Guidebook is over 600 pages with full illustrations and drawings.

It is an essential course in construction for wooden boat and ship building

It contains all the most valuable tips and tricks that have ever been written about boat building!

Over 16 Books & Thousands of Pages Covering Techniques! 

This is a hard-to-find classic book that discusses the fundamentals and practical details for building boats. 

It’s a must have for anyone looking to build boats! 

This is a MUST-READ if you plan to build your own boat. The posted information is for builders of recreational boats who must comply with the applicable regulations. It covers regulations for different boat types, engine, length and usage.
 Part 1 — Regulations and Other Information  Part 2 — Boating Safety Circulars  Part 3 — Consumer Fact Sheets

These bonuses are time limited,
so if you want to get your hands on this, you need to place your order today.

That’s a statement I do not take lightly. I’ve been building boats for almost 31 years…

and I haven’t found anything like this for less than 10’s of thousands of dollars.

The complete MyBoatPlans® package has proven itself again and again. With thousands of happy users it’s time for you to get in on the action…

How much would you pay to take any and all headaches out of building quality boat projects – FOREVER? 

You should know, the reason I offer my personal set of plans is help aspiring boat builders in their craft. 

There is no need to wait for shipping. 

You can immediately get my expert guidance delivered straight to your computer, at the click of a button.

And best of all, I’ll take all the risk off your shoulders with my:

My 100% “No Risk To You” Guarantee

Look. I’m completely confident that you’ll be able to build the boat you’ve always wanted with MyBoatPlans. You’ll discover how simple and easy it is to build boats.In fact, I’m so confident it’ll work for you, I’m prepared to let you try it RISK-FREE for an entire 60 days!

That way, you get a piece of mind, and I do too.If you’re not satisfied for any reason, then contact me within 60 days of your order for a FULL refund… guaranteed.No hassles and no questions asked. Even better, you get to keep all the bonuses!

Simple. I know these plans will have you building amazing boats right away.

Look, I’ve put my heart and soul into this, and frankly, I won’t feel this is a success unless you become successful in your craft too. And I mean that sincerely. 

So you’re free to download the whole thing, and try it out. Study the plans, see the blueprints, read the guides and start building your boat…

And if you don’t like what you see, no problems at all! You’ll get every last cent refunded to you.

If that sounds like a fair and reasonable deal to you…

Click the “Add To Cart” button below, and you’ll be taken to our 256-bit, secure online ordering form.

We’ve also taken extra precautions to protect your information by making this page as secure as ordering from any major online retailer such as Amazon.

This means you can place your order and feel secure that your information is fully protected and never shared with any third parties.

Make a choice.. you can continue to purchase overpriced boats or keep trying to the way you’ve been doing it, brace yourself and hope for the best.

you can join 7500+ (and counting) other hobbyists , beginners, craftsmen and professionals by letting MyBoatPlansT give you the blueprints, plans and step-by-step directions to create stunning, professional boats, effortlessly and on time…

Click the ADD TO CART button below and get instant access today!

Here’s exactly what you’ll get:

Join MyBoatPlans™ Now & Get Instant Access

One time payment. There are no renewals, no recurring fees

Martin Reid,Master Boat Builder & Educator

P.P.S: I plan to increase the price very shortly. If you are serious about this, you need to order today to take advantage of this discount… 

Get started right now: Click here to get started now >>

“Hands Down The Best Boat Building Package”

Over the years, I’ve bought many books and boat plans. This is, hands down the best and the most feature-rich boat building package of all of them. MyBoatPlans contains highly detailed books with great photographs which makes boat building a breeze.  Here is a picture of my sons helping me build a wooden boat from one of your plans…

Here’s the bottom line… MyBoatPlans is MUST if you plan to build a boat. Since it has been published, it has become the definitive resource for boat building.

…and with over 518 plans, you’ll find the boat you’ve always wanted to build.

I’ll walk you step by step to teach all you need to know to start building the boat of your dreams!

So take action & order now :

Join MyBoatPlans™ Now & Get Instant Access

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ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.


Click here to get MyBoatPlans® 518 Boat Plans – High Quality Boat Building Plans – Learn How To How To Build A Boat Now at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

MyBoatPlans® 518 Boat Plans – High Quality Boat Building Plans – Learn How To How To Build A Boat Now is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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