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Solutions for Shingles cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: Solutions for Shingles cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

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Solutions for Shingles cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


If we follow the standard treatments for shingles we risk:

Intense itching and pain that lasts week after week after week

Post-shingles complications that are horribly painful – and frequently last months

A way too high chance of a new attack of shingles

Whereas if we do something more sensible – and if we do it quickly…

….then we can avoid all this. 

Which is exactly what I did. As I explain in the video below:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

When I got shingles I also got very, very lucky.

Much luckier, in fact, than many people who get shingles – and especially my poor brother, who had it for 8 long months.

He suffered terribly but… he also found out how to make sure it never happened again. Which is what helped me out when I got it.

As a result, my shingles came and went quickly with almost no discomfort. I suffered none of its common complications.

And, unlike many other people, I believe I’m unlikely to ever have it again.

But let me quickly get to the point here because time is of the essence. If you have shingles now it’s vital you act quickly if you’re to be sure that this unpleasant illness doesn’t turn into a years-long disaster.

So my brother was 58 when he first got shingles. He was a tough guy, worked in construction, fit, strong, good-humored.

But after 4 days of shingles, he had faded to a shadow of himself. I’d never heard of the illness at that time. But I saw first hand what it can do to a person.

My brother described so vividly the unbearable itching… the skin so sensitive that he couldn’t even let his clothes touch it… that I could almost feel my own skin tingling.

He wasn’t sleeping – there was no comfortable position for him. The intense itching, the hot pain, and chronic tiredness was grinding him down. He was worn out, miserable, and struggling to just get through the day.

He couldn’t work so he couldn’t earn. He applied creams and ice-packs as per his doctor’s instructions but the improvement was slow and frustrating.

But here’s where it got really bad for my brother. After 3 weeks the scabs across his body were finally drying up and starting to heal. We all believed his shingles were finally healing itself.

Yet while the itching had reduced… for some reason, he was still in a lot of pain.

His doctor was concerned but told him he’ll have to wait and see how things played out.

They didn’t play out well at all.

Because for more than 8 months after the final shingles scab had cleared my brother experienced searing pain every single day.

There were little let-up and only limited relief from pain-killers. Those months were, to put it bluntly, absolute hell for him.

He experienced savage pain day-after-day for nearly 250 days in a row.

It was with him on his birthday, his wedding anniversary, Thanksgiving, throughout all of Christmas and well into the new year.

And yet, as we later discovered, his 8 months of suffering is not uncommon. This is why his doctor had been worried. There’s a name for this specific affliction: postherpetic neuralgia, or PHN for short.

Postherpetic neuralgia – PHN – is the single most common complication of shingles. It’s absolute agony. Most sufferers agree that it is easily worse than the shingles that led to it.

PHN is constant, unrelenting, searing nerve pain. You can do almost nothing to get comfort.

My brother is 6 feet tall, 185 pounds of mostly muscle and he’s worked in some of the toughest working conditions known…. and smiled and laughedhis way through it all. Yet all the while he had this PHN I often saw tears in his eyes, it was that awful.

Not in a million years could I ever imagine my brother crying. And yet… there he was.

The initial shingles attack – while deeply unpleasant – was a cakewalk compared to the horrors of PHN.

My brother’s PHN ended after 8 months – possibly only because of something he did about a week before it ended. And this is something you’d really want to know about – and I’ll explain it in a second.

But when the PHN did clear up we thought this whole horrible business was finally over. What else could happen now?

Something else did happen.

11 months later my brother had shingles again.

We looked at him as he told us the news and we were totally lost for words.

That didn’t matter though. Because he had something to say to us. He told us this time it’s going to be different.

This time he was going to save himself from the misery of everything that had happened before.

First, that afternoon, he went to the doctor. My brother respected doctors’ knowledge – even though it hadn’t helped him last time.

But, second – and this was where things would be different this time – he was going to take matters into his own hands too.

His first experience of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) had been awful. Doctors had been unable to help and he just had to wait it out.

As the pain and exhaustion had worn him down he’d looked for other ways of addressing the misery. And he’d got hold of a shingles treatment program from a natural health practitioner called Julissa Clay.

Julissa’s program was called The Shingles Solution.

The Shingles Solution has a very solid reputation and tens of thousands of delighted followers. Julissa Clay herself is a celebrated and highly respected natural health practitioner who specializes in resolving some of the world’s worst illnesses.

My brother isn’t really into natural remedies. But he’d been in that much pain he was willing to step outside the box in search of something to end the misery.

One problem: he’d got hold of the program way too late. He’d had painful PHN for more than 7 months at that point.

Ideally, you start to follow the program’s guidance in the first days of shingles – while you’ve still got the scabs and itching. Not 7 months later when shingles is a distant memory and you’re in daily agony with PHN.

But the pain wasn’t letting up. So he just did everything the program told him to do.

Incredibly, just about a week later the PHN had melted away. It had faded from about the 3rd day and disappeared completely by the 8th.

My brother was disbelieving, relieved, grateful.

His doctor was happy for him but couldn’t explain it. She admitted some natural remedies do work very well where medicine had failed.

But now, 11 months later here he was at the start of the second attack of shingles. And if my brother knew anything… he knew he wasn’t going to go through PHN again.

He told us something though that we didn’t know. He said that this program had been easy to follow – and clearly had worked – but once his PHN cleared he’d not bothered to keep up with its simple instructions.

And that mattered – a lot. Why?

Because one of the program’s strongest benefits was that it not only resolved itching and pain during shingles… it not only avoided PHN after shingles… it also took away the causes of shingles ever occurring again.

He should have stuck with it after the pain had ended. He wouldn’t have shingles again if he had.

This time he did it right from day one. He followed the instructions in Julissa Clay’s program to the letter.

And his experience of shingles was dramatically different.

This time itching was minimal and infrequent. Nerve pain was mild and lasted days instead of weeks.

He suffered none of the fatigue of last time. He didn’t lose any sleep. He was able to continue going to work. He endured fewer scabs – and they cleared quickly, mostly without scarring.

And when all was clear about 15 days later…. he didn’t have even a hint of PHN.

And this time he didn’t make the mistake he made last time. This time he maintained the changes. And 7 years later he’s not had even a whisper of shingles.

In fact, he believes that the virus that causes it has died out completely.

Now all this is good and well. But it wouldn’t be a reason for me to be writing to you today if that was the end of it.

Once again, it wasn’t the end of it. But here’s the twist in the tale.

6 months ago it was me who had shingles.

I went to bed fine, I woke up very much not fine.

But at least I knew what it was. And I knew what to do. My first call was to my doctor. My second was with my brother.

‘Brother, send me that program. Send it now.’

He did. And I did exactly what the program told me. I followed the guide to the letter. I cut no corners, took no chances.

And I saw my shingles out in just 15 days. Which has to be some sort of world record.

But more than that – and I thank my stars for this – I never suffered postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).

The possible weeks, months, or years of intense nerve pain, sleepless nights, and very low moods were what I was most scared of.

I’d seen my brother suffer it all. And I’d read about other people’s experience of PHN and I wanted more than anything to avoid that. And I did avoid it. All of it.

The program did four things for me. These are essential for anybody suffering shingles right now. They were crucial to my quick and full recovery:

I had shingles for less than half the time most other people have it. And I suffered zero after-effects.

If you have to have shingles… this is the way you want to have it!

And do be clear about this: there is nothing unusual about the outcome I enjoyed. I wasn’t some rare, lucky person.

Put plainly, thousands of people with shingles take this natural, evidence-based approach to their illness and get well quickly – with minimal pain and no after-effects.

Others trust drugs and pharmaceuticals only – and take their chances. That – as my brother found out – can end very badly.

Let me tell you how Julissa Clay’s program achieves what it does and you’ll see for yourself.

You’re possibly aware that shingles are caused by the varicella-zoster virus.

Remember chickenpox? The varicella-zoster virus has been with you since you got rid of that illness – which was possible decades ago.

Our immune systems beat and then suppress the virus so that it no longer harms us. However, the virus still lies dormant in our nerve cells. Our immune system keeps it in check so that it does us no further harm.

However, if the immune system falters… the varicella-zoster virus reactivates. And shingles are the result.

Most people had chickenpox when they were young. They, therefore, carry the varicella-zoster virus. Many never go on to get shingles. Their immune system wins out and varicella-zoster remains dormant for life, never getting the chance to resurface.

Many others do get the illness. Millions every year, in fact. I’m one of those people. You are too. Basically, our immune system fought a losing battle and the virus has run rampant throughout the nervous system.

If you’re suffering right now I don’t need to describe the consequences of this.

But, as you now realize, it’s not only the suffering we go through in the first 4 – 6 weeks that causes problems. The mix of a weakened immune system and a system-wide attack on nerves is very dangerous.

Shingles lead to complications – with intensely painful PHN its most common complication.

But the illness can also spread throughout the nervous system, attacking organs and causing brain and nerve damage.

There are potentially deadly complications – which include a heightened risk of tumors, poorly controlled blood sugars, degenerative brain disease, leaky gut, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and liver disease.

We need to beat this illness while we have it. Right now, in other words.

We need to ensure it doesn’t result in ongoing nerve damage – and the ravages of PHN. And we want to be absolutely sure that this time is the last time we suffer the illness.

Acting too slowly – or not taking advantage of the best guidance for beating shingles – can be a health disaster.

What’s truly frightening about PHN is that it can last as little as a few weeks but as much as years.

So 4 to 6 weeks of painful, exhausting shingles isn’t necessarily the end of the story. In fact, for too many people it’s the start of something truly horrific.

PHN can last months or years. Out of every 100 people who get shingles, two of them will suffer PHN for 5 years.

Having seen my brother nearly crushed by it over 8 months I understand why people who suffer its unrelenting pain for years often end up with serious mental health challenges.

Each time you have shingles you run a real risk of PHN straight afterward. Which is one of the strongest reasons I can think of to absolutely not want the illness a second time?

One thing worse than getting shingles is getting it again.

In the US, Harvard’s own researchers have concluded that your chances of getting shingles a second time is about the same as your chances of getting it the first time.

That’s terrible news if you’re already in the middle of your first attack.

Other facts about shingles aren’t exactly comforting.

If you had a bad first case of shingles, or if you’re a woman or if you’re currently over the age of 50… you have a measurably higher chance of getting shingles a second time.

So if you’re over 50 – or intending to eventually be over the age of 50 – your risks are rising with each passing year.

If you’ve got shingles right now…. well, prepare yourself for another hit in due course. And brace yourself for the real possibility that the second one will be measurably worse than this first one.

We now know a reliable and effective way around all this.

Julissa Clay’s The Shingles Solution has been quietly beating shingles at its own game for years now. Tens of thousands of people who started with shingles have followed Julissa’s guidance. They’ve had a very different experience to the usual horror stories.

Little to almost no pain at all.

Very fast recovery from the initial attack.

And no repeat of the disease.

The weakness of the standard medical approach to shingles is that they focus heavily on reducing the symptoms of the disease – and not nearly enough on obliterating its causes.

This means all too often they suppress the effects of the illness… but leave its underlying cause in place. So, in effect, you remain ill even when it seems on the surface that things are being managed.

The Shingles Solution doesn’t make this mistake.

The cause of shingles is a weakened immune system. Therefore, the program focuses entirely on returning your immune system to its full strength.

So the program did give me very effective remedies to quickly end the terrible itching and pain of shingles. But it also did something vitally important for my long-term health: it completely rejuvenated my immune system. And because of that

The program is a complete response to shingles. It powerfully treats the illness while you’ve got it – and you need some relief while you have the illness. But it also protects you from even worse complications – and the possibility of it coming back again.

A weakened immune system let the virus get the upper hand. That’s why we get shingles.

A strong immune system – capable of handling whatever comes its way – is the only response to this disease.

Shingles are considered a lifestyle disease.

After all, an immune system doesn’t just become weaker for no reason. There’s a cause. And the cause is specific lifestyle habits that compromise the immune system, meaning it’s no longer strong enough to hold off the virus.

Undo what you’re doing that is weakening the immune system… and you once again have a strong immune system.

None of this is magic. Every single piece of information and guidance in Julissa’s program has years of scientific and research evidence behind it – all verified at university and research institutions across the world.

The Shingles Solution is hard science applied to a distressing and painful disease in a practical, straightforward and completely natural way. And it has absolutely fantastic outcomes.

For all its power, Julissa Clay’s The Shingles Solution is a simple plan delivered in 2 straightforward phases over just 4 weeks.

Each phase comes with a daily instruction sheet. I knew what to do and when to do it. No guesswork. Just do it and feel the change.

The first 7 days are a little more strict than the rest of the plan – but that’s because we want to quickly see the end of the fever, itching, pain, and fatigue that accompanies the disease.

We adjust back to a more relaxed protocol as soon as you feel better.

But as a result of these gentle changes I enjoyed powerful benefits:

Our bodies operate powerfully, natural health systems specifically designed to keep you well. ‘Healthy’ is your body’s natural state. It becomes ill because of what we do to it. Make small, beneficial changes and you go back to your body’s preferred healthy state.

Remember: we get shingles from a weakened immune system. And that system didn’t weaken on its own. We did things that caused it. By reversing what we did…. our immune system comes back online, strong, powerful, and able to fight off all kinds of affliction. Including shingles.

Note something important here: it wasn’t pharma’s drugs or meds that caused the illness. So why would those things remedy it? If we behaved our way into shingles then we can behave our way out of it.

This is exactly what The Shingles Solution showed me. And it worked.

There are several strands to Julissa’s The Shingles Solution. One of them is, of course, food.

Food is nutrition. Specific foods prevent illness, repair the body’s varied structures, and ensure that internal processes run properly to keep us fit and alive. Other foods cause illness, damage the body, and prevent those internal processes from keeping us in the best possible shape.

Of course, when you’re in the midst of a shingles attack and

…your nutrition has to be spot on.

Fortunately, eating well to treat shingles isn’t especially restrictive. I found myself eating most of the foods I used to eat. It’s more a case of eating less of the few things that definitely won’t help you manage shingles and more of the things that strongly fight off the illness.

But knowledge is key here. We can’t use just any ‘healthy eating’ plan.

For example, there are foods you love that you fear you’ll have to reduce… You’ll be happily surprised to discover that, actually, it’s okay to consume them.

There are a few foods generally considered ‘healthy’ that you should actually eat less of. Which surprised me when I first learned it.

Very occasionally there are critical changes you simply have to make. There can be no dilly-dallying because certain foods are very bad for you in the first weeks of shingles. And others are extremely helpful to you. We want none of the bad and lots of the good – at least for a few weeks…

And, again, proper knowledge is crucial here.

For example, there is a particular food nutrient that sometimes is your best defense against shingles… but other times it directly feeds the shingles virus, making it as bad as it can be. Knowing how best to use it is straightforward – and it’s a key weapon in the fight against shingles.

On the other hand, there’s a specific food ingredient that is proven time and again to feed unwanted organisms in the body… which leads them to generate inflammation throughout the body, ruining our immune system. To ensure our current attack of shingles ends quickly and without after-effects absolutely requires that we get this ingredient out of our diet immediately.

None of this is difficult – and the program lays it all out for you so you can just follow without worrying about the scientific details behind it. But if you’re going to avoid PHN and future recurrences of shingles you must get this right.

There are simple daily habits you can incorporate into your life that not only support the fight against shingles right now – but which crucially make any future recurrence extremely unlikely.

Your damaged immunity system is what permitted the shingles virus to reactivate. There are reasons why your immune system is damaged. An important reason is related to nutrition, as already described.

But a critical cause of immunity weakness is underlying tiredness and background stress – which can measurably destroy a person’s health. And this can’t be over-emphasized.

Now, on first reading this I thought, “I sleep like a lamb. I’m one of the least stressed people anyone knew. Ask anyone who knew me and they’d have said the same.”

I quickly found out just how wrong I was.

Turns out that sleep on its own isn’t enough. We need deep, rejuvenating sleep that reboots a worn-out immune system and allows it to become strong again. The recuperative powers of deep sleep are said by many doctors to be better than some medicines.

And stress comes in many forms. Perhaps you recognize some of these in your life: physical stresses and aches in the body; mental or emotional stresses and worries; work pressures and concerns; family matters, being too busy to fully wind down, and so on.

All these work in the background suppressing the immune system and so allowing the virus to come back to life.

Stress is especially dangerous because so many people have been suffering it for so long they don’t even notice it’s there anymore. It’s become normalized to the point that we simply don’t feel it.

In the days after following Julissa Clay’s sleep and stress advice, I not only slept more deeply than I ever had in my life. I also felt an almost religious sense of peace come over me. It’s hard to describe – but wonderful to experience.

Fueling the body properly through exactly the right foods… and giving it the deep, restorative rest it needs… literally transform a person’s ability to defeat shingles.

Suddenly having access to what it needs gives your body a burst of healing that you can almost feel happening.

Months after defeating shingles I am still more refreshed and relaxed than I ever have been in my entire life.

There’s a number of small, everyday habits that lead to a suppressed immune system – and therefore to shingles. These are normal habits, things that most humans do.

The good news is that each of these unhelpful habits has a perfectly natural, perfectly sensible remedy – which The Shingles Solution explains.

Added together, the effect of The Shingles Solution is to treat the illness you currently have – and its itching, pain, and fatigue – quickly so that you get the relief you so badly need.

Following the program’s simple guidance keeps us from agonizing PHN – and a repeat of the whole nasty illness later on.

But it also makes your immune system bullet-proof, ensuring that anything that an immune system could possibly fight off….is something that your immune system can fight off.

So this is not just a recipe for freedom from shingles. It offers us freedom from dozens of diseases that a malfunctioning immune system – and the chronic inflammation that comes with it – typically give rise to.

And given that immunity and inflammation conditions include heart disease, liver disease, blood sugar imbalances, tumors, and metabolic disease… I certainly feel I’ve done myself a huge favor by taking care of this aspect of my health.

So where are you in your shingles journey?

If it’s full-blown or in its early days then timing is everything. Quickly removing from your life factors that damage your immune system pays huge dividends – fast.

Adding to your lifestyle simple habits that enhance your immune system and cause it to ramp up a level boosts that life-giving effect. In short, the body is quick to reward us when we take care of it.

Time is of the essence. Catching the disease as quickly as possible pays off in ways you have to feel to believe. Tackle your condition now. Don’t let intense itching or burning pain ruin the next month of your life.

But, especially, don’t leave yourself open to the agony of months – but possibly years – of postherpetic neuralgia. PHN is one of the cruelest and most painful afflictions known. I saw my brother suffering… there’s nothing he wouldn’t have risked to put an end to it.

Get The Shingles Solution now. The program is fully guaranteed. Do it for yourself.

Few diseases get better on their own. Shingles are no exception.

But with standard treatments over-focusing on symptoms rather than homing in on the underlying, ongoing causes of the illness… we run unacceptable risks with postherpetic neuralgia – and then a repeat attack of shingles later.

I prevented my shingles from turning into trauma by addressing those natural underlying causes. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I did. The shingles attack itself ended up quite mild, faded quickly… and I didn’t suffer any complications afterward.

Protect yourself. Address shingles where it’s actually caused – and literally feel the difference.

The Shingles Solution isn’t just for you!

My brother got this program then passed it on to me. You would do the same for a loved one. Everyone you know who has had chickenpox (which amounts to 99% of everyone you know!) is at risk of shingles.

One-third of Americans get it in the end. When you’ve made yourself well you will be glad you can pass on the knowledge.

Look after yourself and look after the people you love – get your copy of The Shingles Solution now.

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Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News

Click here to get Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and has never returned.

That was after being a chronic snorer for decades (you know, the kind that would almost wake up the neighbors). 

I was even diagnosed with sleep apnea (which scared the life out of me).

Anybody can do these throat exercises, no matter age or physical shape. And you need no extra gadgets.

Best of all, you can do them almost anywhere (while stuck on a red light or watching TV).

I made the following short video to explain the exercises in more detail. 

They have helped thousands of people, so I hope you’ll give them a try.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

Once in a lifetime, a complete miracle happens.

Something strikes you out of the blue that changes everything.

Discovering this simple treatment for stubborn snoring and horrendous sleep apnea was one of those miracles.

Because not only did it change everything for my wife and me, it has since helped thousands of people all over the world.

And it happened on a day I least expected (as I’ll explain in a second).

Unlike doing deadlifts in the gym, it is more like chewing on a great meal. So, everyone can do these snoring exercises, no matter age or physical shape.

In fact, you can mindlessly do the exercises anywhere, anytime: while stuck in traffic surfing the net, watching TV, or wherever suits you.

What feeling would you associate the most with snoring?

. . . others or all of those combined?

Ever since I was a kid, I was plagued and embarrassed by my snoring. I remember going on a ski trip and keeping my friends awake at night.

After the first night, I had to room alone because nobody could stand sleeping around me.

And how much fun they made of me!(Nowadays, it would be called bullying.)

I couldn’t do sleepovers. And throughout the years, I was even afraid to spend the night with girlfriends because I knew they would never put up with my snoring.

After I got married, I became really desperate about my problem. (It was actually “our problem” now.)

Even worse, my wife was terrified when she witnessed how I stopped breathing in my sleep, only to gasp for air like I was drowning half a minute later.

This happened several times a night.

Years passed before I learned this was a potentially deadly condition called Sleep Apnea!

I read every book, article, and forum post there was about snoring. Plus, watching so many online videos, my eyes turned red.

I subscribed to hundreds of paid medical journals to be able to read the official studies on snoring and sleep apnea.

I consulted numerous doctors, therapists, and other snoring medical professionals.

One important thing I learned was that there are many types of snoring, and only a small percentage could be solved by each “solution.”

That’s why there are so many snoring “solutions” to choose from – because each person’s snoring is different.

I even wore those ridiculous devices sold online to put in your mouth and on your head.

I even considered surgery. But I later learned – despite the huge cost – snoring surgery rarely works in the long haul.

Even worse, operations like these can cause serious damage . . . even brain damage.

Putting it simply, I tested every Eastern and Western snoring medicine that I could find.

. . . in fact, it was getting worse.

So, I kept on waking up my wife several times a night with my snoring, keeping her up for hours.

Needless to say, this was becoming a real wedge between us and was hurting our relationship severely.

We fought about everything and held a grudge toward each other, especially in the morning.

Frankly, our marriage was on the edge!

If we didn’t have a young daughter, we probably would have separated.

Eventually, we found ourselves leaving the bedroom and taking turns sleeping on the couch.

I felt ashamed and frustrated.She was sad and disappointed.

Trying to lift our spirits, we took a family trip to Australia.

We had a beautiful two-bedroom apartment with a sea view over Perth’s magical white beaches.

The mother and daughter shared one bedroom and I had the other one. It was better that way.

One morning, I was explaining to my wife what I had been studying.

How snoring is always caused by some kind of block in the breathing passages, and that any treatment was aimed at removing that particular block.

All of a sudden, she looked at me and said: “This is what I work on with my students all the time.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

You see, at this point, I have to explain to you that my wife used to be a classical singer but turned to teaching a few years ago.

She explained to me that, if you are going to sing well, everything in and around the breathing passage has to be open and strong.

And that’s exactly what she trained her students to do every day!

Note: Just so you know, you can do the snoring exercises in complete silence. You don’t have to do any singing.

Completely by accident, the woman I had been married to for five years held the key to solving the problem that had been holding our marriage hostage for so long.

That day, my wife taught me the exercises she had been using with her students for years.

Within a week, I slept a whole night without snoring for the first time in decades.

And after just three weeks of training . . .

Meaning, I have never snored again!

And those dreadful episodes of sleep apnea were also gone.

But then the disappointment hit.

Since I know how embarrassing snoring is and how great a toll it takes on relationships, I started preaching the exercises to literally everyone.

Like a crazy person, I asked strangers if they had problems with snoring. And if they did, I insisted on teaching them the exercises I had been using.

It’s not, however, so farfetched to ask strangers about their snoring problem.

Because snoring is one of the most common reasons for couples fighting.

30% of women and 50% of men snore.

Nearly 1/3 of those who snore also suffer sleep apnea, a potentially deadly condition – and often without knowing it.

Snoring and sleep apnea limit your breathing and, therefore, the amount of oxygen you take in during the night.

This often leads to fatal conditions such as:

. . . plus, sleep apnea is also the leading cause of obesity.

And unbelievably, snoring can even lead to hearing loss of both the snorer and their partner due to the loud noise throughout the night.

About 50% of people have a partner who snores. This means that snoring affects almost everyone in one way or another.

And having someone keep you up every night with their loud snoring is even more serious than snoring yourself.

Lack of good quality sleep causes many of the same symptoms as snoring does, but much more drastically.

It leads to even deadlier conditions such as:

. . . plus, it causes you to underperform like a zombie throughout the day.

Over 100,000 car and home accidents every year are blamed on sleep deprivation.

Thousands of people die every year because their partner kept them up with their snoring.

But most seriously, it robs you of the joy of life, because you’re just not yourself.

But you see, snoring is not any laughing matter. It’s not some annoyance that can be brushed under the carpet.

If you snore, or your partner snores, you’re putting each other in a life-threating situation.

You may possibly be causing each other an early death.

That’s why I was so fanatical about sharing the snoring solution I found with everyone.

But unfortunately, the simple voice exercises didn’t help everyone.

Just like nasal sprays and jaw straps only work for specific types of snoring, so seemed to be the case with simple voice exercises.

I was in an ideal position to work this out, since I had been studying snoring for years.

I changed the exercises to focus on particular “problem areas.”

I found out exactly what worked and what didn’t work when it comes to opening up the throat and removing other blocks that cause people to snore.

And I also discovered ways to do the “voice exercises” without having to make a single tone.

So, don’t worry if you don’t like to sing – the exercises are completely silent.

Since I had spoken about this with so many people, I had literally hundreds of people who were willing to test my new exercises for me.

They gave me feedback on what worked for their particular type of snoring.

I then used that to improve those exercises and identify different problem areas.

You see, snoring is always caused by something partly blocking and narrowing your breathing passages (throat, nasal passages, mouth).

Then, the soft tissues in your breathing passages flap in the airflow – like trash blowing down tight allays – making the loud noise.

But what blocks the breathing passages differs from person to person.

(You may have more than one of these types)

Nasal strips will do no good if your snoring is caused by weak tongue muscles.

And soft palate surgery won’t help if your throat is to blame.

All these magical cures for snoring you see advertised online and TV take on ONE of these issues at best.

That’s why they don’t work for most people.

Plus, if they do work for a while, you’ll have to keep on using them for the rest of your life.

They’re not cures, only temporary bandages.

And who wants to have to sleep with a nose tape or jaw strap every night for the rest of their life?

Not to mention if you need a CPAP machine for sleep apnea.

I, however, have developed 24 stop snoring exercises that each focus on a specific issue of snoring.

And the snoring exercises work fast.

Whereas it took me three weeks to completely treat my snoring, most people using my new, improved snoring exercises achieve the same thing within a week, and often, the very first night.

It’s very easy to find out.

I’ll give you a few simple questions to diagnose exactly what type of snoring you have.

For example: “Do you snore even when you sleep with your mouth closed?” (Your partner may need to answer this.)

If the answer is Yes, then more likely than not, your nasal passages are to blame. (We’ll do a few follow-up questions to diagnose this for sure.)

And I’ll give you specific exercises focused on opening up the nasal passages.

I’ll recommend 3–4 exercises based on your type of snoring (throat, tongue, nasal passages, jaw, or soft palate).

Each exercise takes about a minute or two to do. So you’ll have to put aside 3–5 minutes per day to completely treat your snoring.

Today, you should put aside an extra five minutes to learn the exercises for the first time. I explain them in simple language, and the directions are well-illustrated, so they’re very easy to learn.

Plus, you can also follow along on the audio directions I give you – just to make things even easier.

Best of all, you can perform the exercises anywhere, anytime – even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. After a few days, they’ll become completely automatic.

So, doing the exercises really doesn’t take time from anything else.

And yes, I recommend you keep on doing the exercises for a few days, even if you don’t snore. Just to make sure it doesn’t reappear.

You see, treating your snoring is all about opening up the breathing passages so they’re not blocked by anything.

Because some people take a few days to treat their snoring, I used my understanding of the subject to develop sleeping positions that work the very first night – even before you begin using the exercises.

These positions also guarantee you never have to snore again, even in the extremely rare instances the exercises don’t help or take a long time to work. (Again, this is very rare, but I’m a perfectionist and want to make sure you’re 100% happy.)

In one sleeping position, you can lie on your back; the other, you sleep on your side. It all depends on what you like.

Okay, let’s pause a little and allow me to take a wild guess . . .

You’re tempted to try the exercises.

It makes sense to you that strengthening and loosening up the breathing passages is more effective than invasive surgery or uncomfortable devices.

But still, there is this little nagging voice in the back of your head telling you this may not work.

Maybe even that this is all just a sham to get your money.

Well, first of all, notice that Blue Heron Health News publishes “The Stop Snoring Exercises Program.”

They’re the leading publishing company in alternative health information, and they’ve a great reputation to maintain.

They will never publish anything that’s not thoroughly proven by hundreds, even thousands, of users.

So, this is obviously not a sham.

Even if it helps everyone else, maybe your snoring problem is somewhat different.

That’s the nagging question, isn’t it?

Maybe you’ve already spent a fortune on nasal and throat sprays, mouthpieces, and headbands.

Maybe you’ve even unsuccessfully undergone a snoring surgery.

I understand . . . not just from my own experience, but also from thousands of emails I’ve received throughout the years.

People who have tried everything under the Sun to manage their snoring, and nothing has helped till they gave the easy stop snoring exercises a go.

That’s why we’re today . . .

Order the program today and try the exercises for yourself.

Test every step in the program.

You’ll most likely experience an immediate difference tonight.

But it may also take a few days, maybe even a week.

But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the results, just shoot us a quick email and our in-house customer service team will refund you on the spot – no questions asked.

Because for a few people, treating their snoring takes a little longer, we’re extending our 100%, no questions asked, money-back guarantee to 60 days.

That means you can thoroughly test the program for a whole two months before you decide if you’re happy with it.

It’s like buying a new car, driving it for two months, and then returning it back to the dealer because you don’t like the color.

As if that wasn’t enough . . .

You don’t even need to return the program.

Since it’s downloaded online, delivering it costs us nothing.

So, even if you get a refund, keep the program for later, just in case you ever want to give it a second go.

And then the burning question, if you’re happy with the program . . .

The keyword here is, of course, “happy,” because if you’re not happy, you pay nothing.

But to completely treat your snoring, what is that worth?

After all, that’s just a fraction of what other “solutions” cost you. And they’re not guaranteed to work like our exercises.

But that’s not the price you pay today.

I think you’ve realized by now that money is not my driving force. Helping you overcome your snoring is.

In fact, what I’d like most is to give everything away for free. But with the high costs of creating, publishing, and promoting a program like this, that’s not possible.

And I’m sure that the cost is not really your main concern.

The only thing that really matters is that . . .

In just a few moments, after you decide to take the leap of faith and order “The Stop Snoring Exercises Program,” you’re going to be taken immediately to the membership page.

There, I’ll take you by your hand and lead you through the simple steps of:

The total time from now until you’re done with the first set of the snoring exercises is under 12 minutes.

If you’ve any questions, concerns, or problems, hit the “Contact Us” link at the top and bottom of every page of this site, and the highly trained, in-house customer service team at Blue Heron Health News will immediately resolve it.

Their great support team is one of the main reasons I decided to go with Blue Heron.

. . . because you’re going to be so excited about going to sleep tonight and seeing what happens.

If you don’t snore the very first night, celebrate. But keep at it for at least a week or two to make sure you have tackled your snoring at the roots.

If you still snore a little tonight, repeat the same exercises tomorrow. They only take 3–5 minutes, so no big deal.

And then comes the moment your spouse says . . .

Can you imagine how you’re going to feel?

How liberating it will be?

Just think of all the tension this will relieve. All the shame and frustration you’ll be free of.

Something that has probably been bugging you for years.

Are you ready to grab your new life? Then click the order button below:

Yes, you can wait, and you’ll lose yet another night of restful sleep. Can you really bear that when you know you could be snore-free tonight?

Can you bear to put your partner through the agony of another sleepless night?

Can your partner put up with another sleepless night? It’s not just annoying – it’s life threatening.

Can you do this to yourself and your partner when you know you have the solution sitting at your fingertips?

Take action now and invest a few minutes to completely treat your snoring today.

Even if you’re busy, you can use the exercises anytime. So, order them now and do them whenever you want.

You’re taking absolutely no risk since the results are 100% guaranteed. All you have to decide is how much it’s worth to you to treat your snoring – tonight!

And the great customer service team at Blue Heron Health News is just itching to help you if you’ve any issues.

It all starts with a single click on the order button below.

Click Here to Order Now…

Oh, and how’s my wife doing?

She has been so happy ever since I stopped snoring. And amazingly, almost all the irritations and fights between us are gone.

Fifteen years have passed, and we’ve had two sons since the trip to Australia. In fact, our younger son was born nine months later (Wholahay!)

And now we’re looking forward to becoming grandparents together one day.

We sometimes joke about the times we were ready to divorce over the smallest issues – just because we were so tired.

When you’re sleep-deprived and wasted, the tiniest things get blown out of proportion.

Just like a good night’s sleep makes every day brighter.

How will your life change once snoring has stopped trashing it?

How will it be different?

What will you do differently?

Are you ready to wake up refreshed and happy every morning and share a smile with your lovely partner?

To go through the day full of energy and joy?

And to go to sleep every night relaxed, without dreading that snoring will ruin yet another good night’s sleep.

Is it worth it to spend three minutes of simple exercises today to gain that life?And say goodbye to snoring forever?

If the answer is “yes,” then please don’t wait another minute. Click the order button below now . . .

Click Here to Order Now…

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Stop Snoring Exercise Program cb vsl | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

Product Name: The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

Click here to get The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“Starting this diet was so easy and the results were so fast. After just one week of following the Shake Diet, I weighed myself and realized I had lost 8 pounds. I feel better and more confident than I have in a long time. I no longer have to suck in my stomach to button my pants and I still have to stop and look twice every time I look in the mirror.”

“I have never seen weight loss happen this way before. I truly LOVE this ‘diet’! It’s more like a life changer! I have more energy than I have had in years and my skin is truly glowing! This is the perfect ‘mommy makeover’ I have been looking for. I have not been hungry at all over the past few weeks and it is the perfect complement to my busy lifestyle. I know I am losing weight in a healthy way! My husband has started asking me more frequently if I can make him a smoothie which is wonderful! Thank you so much!”

“I’ve always been trying to lose the last 5-7 kilos and tone my body, and that’s exactly what’s happened, so I’m really happy. I feel really good about myself, I don’t have a tummy anymore and I feel confident about myself, and people have noticed it too… and my love handles are gone! I couldn’t be happier with this whole program and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to lose a little or a lot of weight.”

THE SMOOTHIE DIET is a revolutionary new life-transforming system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight and feel better than you have in years, but it also promises to shed more body fat, faster than anything you’ve ever tried before.

This is NOT just a big smoothie recipe book. You’ll get the same proven 3-week weight loss and health improvement program that I share with my private clients. The secret that makes the Smoothie Diet so effective is the 3-Week Customized Weight Loss Program. All of the shakes are given in a very specific sequence and frequency to maximize your results. For example, the nutrient and ingredient ratios vary week to week to ensure the weight keeps coming off and staying off.

I have used my knowledge as a Health Coach and what I have learned from all of my clients to ensure that this program delivers fast results. I have meticulously researched specific ingredients and nutritional properties to maximize the effectiveness of this program. All you have to do is replace certain meals with the shake recipes I provide and then watch as the pounds effortlessly melt away from your body and your energy levels soar.

In just a few minutes you will have access to all the tools you need to lose weight and get healthy as quickly as possible. I have left nothing to chance, everything is explained step by step so you can start today and lose weight tomorrow.

If you are looking for a complete transformation of your life in the next 3 weeks, you are in the right place! Whether you need to lose the last 5-10 kilos or want to get rid of 40 kilos or more, this will work for you. This diet is extremely flexible, so even though this program lasts 21 days, you can continue using it for as long as you want to lose as much weight as you want and I explain exactly how.

Dramatic weight loss is just one of the many benefits you’ll reap from this diet. Would you like to have more energy, clearer skin, better sleep, sharper thinking, stable blood sugar levels, and much more? You’re only 21 days away…

This detox program is easily worth the price of the full program. It is something you can do before you begin the 21-day program to help clear out the “cobwebs” and prepare your body for optimal results. It can also be used anytime you want to lose a few pounds quickly or “reset” your health after you’ve gotten off track (like during vacation). The best part is that you will see almost instant weight loss results. One of my clients lost 3 pounds in 3 days on this detox program*. The program includes 3 days of 3 specially designed meal replacement detox shake recipes, a complete shopping list with everything you need, as well as the option of 2 recipe options.

If you’re like me, you’ll want to get straight to the good stuff. I designed this guide to be an easy reference that you can print out and start using right away without needing to read the longer main guide. It’s a condensed version of the main guide that contains the 3-week timeline, shopping lists, prep guide, and smoothie recipes. This is a quick “to do” list that will help you start enjoying the benefits of the program from the very first moment you download it.

You are covered for a full 60 days. If for any reason you decide this program is not for you, just email me and let me know and I will refund every penny, no questions asked, no hassle. This is a completely risk-free offer.

“I just completed the Smoothie Diet… which in one word is GREAT! The diet is so easy to follow, after just a few days I felt great, full of energy. The smoothies are so tasty, filling and never boring. I will continue to drink smoothies every day because they have now become a way of life for me! If you are looking to lose weight and make a healthy lifestyle change, give this a try. I couldn’t have asked for more! Thank you for everything!”

*Amanda has used everything she has learned to continue losing weight for several months. Results may vary.

The best part about the Smoothie Diet is that you can use it for as long as you need to lose as much weight as you want. I make it super simple to continue using everything you learn in the first 3 weeks to extend the program over the next few weeks or even months. And each additional week will be just as enjoyable as the first three! My goal is to give you all the tools you need to continue losing weight and getting healthy for as long as you need.

Unlike other diets, this is not a “quick fix.” 21 days is just the beginning of a lifetime of better health and a leaner body. The number one comment I get about the Shake Diet is that after a few weeks, cravings for sweets and junk food are virtually gone. This makes it very easy to keep the weight off. I also show you exactly how to get back to your regular eating patterns after the 21 days while still incorporating shakes into your diet to keep the weight off. In fact, most people love the shakes so much that they don’t want to give them up after the 21 days. As some of my clients have said, this is a complete life transformation program.

Fresh, whole fruits, as well as blended green smoothies, not only offer diabetics a healthy way to get more fruits and vegetables into their diet, but they can also help reverse some of the diet and lifestyle issues that exacerbate diabetes or contribute to its progression. The beauty of the Smoothie Diet is that it sets off a chain reaction of lifestyle changes that reduce or eliminate factors that exacerbate the disease and reverse the condition in some people. Please note that while I am a nutrition expert, I am not a doctor. If you have diabetes or ANY other health condition, you should always check with your doctor first before making any dietary changes.

If you don’t have a lot of time during the day, this program is PERFECT for you. My ideal client is a busy mom who works, goes to school, has errands to run, kids to drop off or pick up, etc. I designed this program to be super simple and take you just a few minutes a day. I even provide tips on how to save a few valuable minutes on your smoothie prep. The recipes are quick to make and you can enjoy them right after you make them or take them with you. You’ll always have a delicious, filling meal with you. And if you can push a button on your blender, then you can follow this program 🙂

This is a completely digital product. You will not receive anything in the mail. The great thing about this is that you will have access to it within minutes. You don’t have to wait for anything to arrive at your door. I want to take advantage of the excitement you are feeling right now and get you started right away. You can even do your Week 1 shopping today and start tomorrow…or start today! The files are in PDF format. After you make payment, you will automatically be directed to a page where you can download and view everything on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. For those of you who prefer a printed book, the Quick Start Bonus is designed for this. It is a 20-page abbreviated version of the main guide that can be printed out and followed along like a printed book.

If for any reason this program doesn’t work for you, even though you followed it exactly as I’ve explained it to you, I have no problem giving you a full refund. I’ll even cover you for a full 60 days, so if you’re not satisfied for any reason during the next 2 months, you’ll get your money back. If you’re not happy with the program, I don’t want you to have to pay for it. I believe in building relationships with my clients and your satisfaction is my number one priority.

Yes, Drew, I’m tired of being overweight, having no energy, and worrying about my health. I’m ready to make a change! I understand that my order is fully guaranteed for 60 days and I will have instant access to the program after ordering so I can start burning fat today!

*Disclaimer: Due to recent FTC laws, all companies are required to identify what a “typical” result is. The truth is, most people never do anything with the products they buy, so more often than not, they get no results at all. In other words, if you want results, you need to take action. All testimonials are real, and all of the people pictured transformed their bodies by using The Smoothie Diet. However, these results are meant as a sample of what the best, most motivated customers have done, and should not be taken as average or typical results. They followed the diet to the letter. In other words, they took action. If you want results, you should do this too. Drew is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutrition program. Please see our full FTC Legal Disclaimer for full details. Do you have questions about The Smoothie Diet? Wondering if the program will work for you? Send us an email! You can contact us at [email protected].

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Sugar Defender

Product Name: Sugar Defender

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Sugar Defender

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should conduct your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice through this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe the sale of this product by ClickBank as an endorsement by ClickBank of the opinions expressed herein, or as a guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

For product support, please contact the vendor here. For order support, please contact ClickBank here.

© Sugar Defender Research 2024 All rights reserved.

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Sugar Defender

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method

Product Name: 14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method

Click here to get 14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

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14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


49 y/o Erin Nielsen – Health Coach, Physical Therapist,
and Author of The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox.

  …With Results in Just One day As It Melts Away 1 Pound Of Belly Fat In The First 24 Hours

Do you think wrinkled skin and belly fat are a normal part of aging?

If so, you’ve been lied to.

…And you’re not alone, because 87 % of people believe that myth.

I’m in my 40’s and I used to believe that too.

Did you know that EVERYONE carries “good genes” and “bad genes” in their DNA?

And if you’ve ever struggled to lose even just a few pounds or bought countless creams to try to look younger…

But NOTHING ever works…

You’re probably suffering from a hidden chemical build-up inside your body that that turns ON your BAD Genes and makes it virtually impossible to lose belly fat and have a youthful lean body…

And it gets worse once you reach 35.

Your body packs on belly fat and rapidly accelerates aging and wrinkles.

The first thing you need to know is that your failed weight-loss attempts in the past are NOT YOUR FAULT. Almost everything you’ve been told by the media and big food companies in order to look younger and lose belly fat is a misleading lie.

Have you noticed: the more you diet – the worse you feel, the older you look, and the more you pile on belly fat?

The reasons you have failed before are because will power and counting calories don’t help – you can’t sustain those stringent rules for the long term…

It’s too difficult and produces more hidden inflammation inside your body that turns ON your Bad Genes.

So the ONLY reason you don’t have the lean youthful body you desire, is because everything you tried before actually turns ON your bad genes – and you were never told about this working AGAINST your body and forcing it to store fat and age you faster…

Starvation diets and cover ups like the one revealed in this article in the New York Times – “How the sugar industry shifted blame to fat,” are the the very things that Turn ON Your Bad Genes to pile on belly fat and age you faster.

The article revealed that SUGAR promoters paid researchers in the 1960s to downplay the dangers of sugar.

As a result, it  played a key role in vilifying fat and glamorizing sugar – adding to the epidemic of hidden inflammation that turns ON your bad genes making it impossible to have the tight toned belly and youthful lean body you desire…

So after decades of being taught starvation dieting and being led astray by the media, we have more inflammation, more fat around our belly, and feel and look older than we’ve ever been.

You’re about to discover a brand new “Genetic Reset Secret” to STOP the INFLAMMATION that’s turning ON your bad genes – helping women like you Visibly SEE the youthful lean body and tight flat belly you want in a way that is all natural and FASTER than you thought possible.

With This Genetic Reset Secret You Can FINALLY Turn OFF Your Bad Genes and Turn ON your Your Good Genes to restore a more youthful lean body and tight flat belly …

And the only way to use this Genetic Reset Secret is to Reactivate a simple yet unique Youth Method Switch  that I’m going to share with you today…

When it comes to the genes you’re born with, you CAN CHANGE which ones control your health if you understand how to work with them.

And believe me – This Youth Method Switch helps ANYONE see a tight belly and turn back the clock 10 years at ANY age – EVEN IF:

Foods like Package and Processed foods that are filled with unhealthy carbs and hidden sugars in the form of energy bars, whole wheat bread and many so called  “diet foods”.

The first thing you need to understand is that it is not your fault you’re eating these foods.  You have been misled for years about what foods are healthy and….

Your brain is programmed to crave sugar.

And Sugar addiction is very real…

According to brain scans,
Sugar is as addictive as cocaine.

So why is sugar so bad for you?

It’s about what sugar does internally to the cells of your body, it turns ON you bad genes on and good genes off – causing disease and accelerated aging of your skin, joints and organs.

Here the biggest reason that hidden sugar is aging you faster…

Excess blood sugar in your body causes Glycation inside your cells, it literally damages each cell causing widespread inflammation that turns off your good genes. And when you turn ON your bad genes you:

If you still believe you have to eat less to lose fat you have been lied to.

Will power and counting calories, carbs or fat doesn’t help – you can’t sustain those stringent rules for the long term…It’s not realistic…

Eating too little causes your body stress and stress increases inflammation in your body that turns ON your BAD genes.

That’s why over 90% of diets fail…

Your body needs to be fueled with food or it thinks it’s starving and will hold onto belly fat no matter how little you eat.

Any pounds shed during a liquid cleanse are mostly water weight, and will likely be gained back once you start eating normal again.

Most juice fasts don’t have any protein at all and you need a daily supply of protein to fuel your body and muscles…

Even worse, most people will have side effects like headaches, fatigue, moodiness, and stomach pain.

This causes extreme stress to your body that increases inflammation and turns ON your bad genes.

They turn ON your BAD genes that results in belly fat, wrinkles, and energy slumps – they age you faster…

And that’s exactly why it’s not your fault those other programs NEVER gave you results:

Instead, you need a NEW approach…

One that combines the latest research on Anti-Aging and Fat Loss down to the very level of your DNA by Activating Your “Youth Method Switch” to reset your body to “Turn ON your Good Genes” so you effortlessly burn belly fat, erase wrinkles, and reclaim your energy.

You NEED a New Method that Turns Your GOOD GENES ON and Your BAD GENES OFF so it:

So, What Is This New “Youth Method Switch” That’s Helping Women Over 35 “Turn ON Their Good Genes” To Visibly SEE Younger Skin And A Tight Flat Belly? I’d Like To Introduce You To…

Why is Genetic Reset Eating the easiest and fastest way to a tight firm belly and youthful lean body?

The REAL “Magic” Happens AFTER Your 1st Day!

This Proven Method Helps ANYONE Visibly SEE a Youthful Lean Body and Tight Flat Belly – At ANY Age.

The reason my Trademarked Method is so beautifully effective at banishing your belly fat and wrinkles is that it uses very specific and unique “Youth Method Foods” that genetically reset your body to burn belly fat and smooth wrinkles.

When you follow my plan, something extraordinary happens:

Your “Youth Method Switch” Is Activated to finally turn OFF your Bad Genes which will FORCE Your Body To INSTANTLY Start Melting Belly Fat and your Wrinkles In Less Than 24 Hours.

You TURN ON your Good Genes and this is where you’ll really SEE Your Body, Belly, and Skin Tighten More Week After Week.

You’ll Completely RESET your Metabolism to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Every Last Ounce Belly Fat and turn the clock back 10 years for your most youthful lean body that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

The problem with today’s most popular nutrition programs is they only focus on calories in and calories out.

Yet, what I discovered after working with 1,000’s of women just like you is that NONE of them focus on the most important thing – How to genetically reset your body for fat loss and this allows for the added bonus of a youthful lean body too!

Does This Sound Familiar?

Believe me, I understand what you’re going through.

As a young girl and teenager- I was pretty healthy! However, as I got older – especially in my late 30’s, something started to change in my body…

I felt tired all the time, had skin issues and gained weight unexpectedly and I knew that something just wasn’t right. The scariest part was no one seemed to have an answer for me.

I went to my primary doctor, dermatologist, and a few other specialists but no one could figure out what was going on. The more I searched for an answer, the more I was left disappointed.

As a few months turned into 6, then into 8 and my body felt worse than ever – I was so frustrated and sad. I was newly diagnosed with rosacea,  had persistent fatigue, new joint pain, and I was unable to lose the weight I had gained!

If you’ve ever been in this place in your life, where you avoided looking in the mirror and feel old, ugly, and out of shape – then you should know you aren’t the only one…

I felt like time was slipping by, like my pretty skin days were already behind me. When I actually did look in the mirror there was always a new red bump on my face, a new wrinkle, and an overall really unhealthy look.

My skin had lost it’s glow, it’s light. People would constantly ask me if I was tired or sick and I began to feel very hopeless that I would ever lose the weight or feel like myself again.

Deep down – I knew there had to be a better way. And since I wasn’t getting the answers I needed from my Dr’s – I decided I would have to figure this out on my own.

As a Physical Therapist – I love research so I researched and read hundreds of books and realized everything I had been taught about health, nutrition, and fitness was completely wrong.

I found amazing new scientific evidence to help heal my body and turn back the clock naturally – all by learning how to Activate My Very Own Youth Method Switch to “Turn ON My Good Genes” for amazing FLAT BELLY and ANTI-AGING results.

Once I discovered these secrets – I came up with a new lifestyle plan.

And once I started putting my findings into practice…

The first thing I noticed was that I was sleeping better and woke up with energy.

Then I noticed the glow in my skin starting to return. The red blotchy bumps became less and less frequent. Instead of people asking if I was tired or sick, people started asking me what my secret was for such beautiful skin. Some even wondered if I had some sort of procedure like Botox or injections.

Last but not least – I started to lose weight and it was happening rapidly. I wasn’t counting calories, carbs or fat.

It was so wonderful not to obsess about all of that and I was never hungry.

My stomach was getting flatter, my legs leaner, and new people I met thought I was 10 to 15 years younger than my actual age!

For the first time in a long time I felt a sense of much needed hope. 🙂

I want to share with you the same life changing discovery…

I’m so excited and happy to share this 14 Day Blueprint to Look 15 Pounds Leaner, Lose 3 to 4 inches From Your Belly, and Erase Your Wrinkles in Just 14 Short Days

The Youth Method is a 14 day rapid results system that uses Secret Youth Method Ingredients and antioxidants to smooth wrinkles, fight aging, and flatten your belly no matter your age or if you’ve failed before.

I’ve designed it uniquely so that ANYONE at ANY Age especially those over the age of 35 – can use it.

Thanks to my special 3 Step Genetic Reset Formula the Real MAGIC happens after The First Day…

And After 3 Days – You’ll Completely RESET your Genes and Metabolism to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Belly Fat and Your Wrinkles that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

As a woman in her 40’s, I know the struggles of aging while trying to juggle family, work, and everything thing else life throws at you.

Over the past few years I made some surprising discoveries about what really works for women over for 35 to be leaner, look younger, and have more energy.

It all comes down to a simple genetic reset secret to Turn on Your Youth Method Switch so your good genes can thrive to see the youthful lean body and tight flat belly you desire.

87 % of people believe that feeling old and trapped belly fat are a normal part of aging and it couldn’t be farther from the truth – so I knew I had change that and share my Youth Method Secrets with you.

No matter if you’re in your 40’s, 50, 60’s and even 70’s you CAN have younger skin, leaner body and a flat tight belly with my Youth Method Secrets.

So along with my learning and discoveries from working with thousands of women as a Physical Therapist, Certified Health Coach, and my own nutrition trial and error –

My true passion is to share what I have learned and experienced with anyone that wants to love their life with my Youthful Body and Flat Belly Method.

You can turn on your very own Youth Method Switch to reset your body to Visibly SEE a younger leaner you FASTER than you thought possible.

Imagine erasing wrinkles and waking up and loving the person looking back at you in the mirror.

Imagine finally losing your stubborn belly fat.

Imagine looking at men and women with a confidence about the way you look like you’ve never experienced before.

Imagine looking younger… and shattering your own limiting beliefs about aging – as your skin becomes softer and more radiant.

Imagine what it would feel like to have a flat belly and look up to 10 or even 15 years younger.

Imagine enjoying youthful energy and feeling rested when you wake in the morning.

Imagine reduced risk of disease – some even no longer need medications they were on.

A Flat Belly AND Youthful Body Blueprint to Drop up to 15 Pounds and 3 to 4 inches from Your Belly – In Just 14 Days.

You’re going to get my best meal plans, recipes and tips for preparing Youth Method meals that are tasty, fast, and easy to make… without the cravings.

These done for you meal plans and recipes replace high inflammatory foods with healing anti-inflammatory foods to fight aging and banish belly fat.

You’ll know exactly what foods to enjoy WITHOUT ever counting a single calorie whether you want to lose 5, 10 or even 15 pounds in your first 14 days …

All while reducing harmful inflammation, reprogramming your metabolism to a faster rate, banishing belly fat, and erasing wrinkles no matter your age in just two weeks.

And there is no liquid cleanse here – you will enjoy real wholesome delicious food each and everyday. NO counting calories, carbs, and fat grams. NO crazy diet foods or starvation.

Just results you can feel and see as you switch your good genes on and turn back your clock NATURALLY.

My Secret 24 hour Rapid Results Skin, Body, and Belly Tightening Blueprint – will give you rapid results for a tighter body, belly and  younger looking skin in just 24 hours.

This builds the momentum you need to push your body into optimization mode to quickly flush out fat and toxins to tighten up your body even FASTER by aligning your natural fat burning and skin tightening systems together.

The key here is not just losing weight but tightening the skin around your weight loss areas so you don’t have saggy loose skin.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. This 24 hour blueprint can be done by ANYONE at ANY age to peel years off your skin and melt away 1 pound of belly fat in just 24 hours.

This is the key to your success. It includes:

With my Transformation Guide, you will learn  without a doubt…

With My Transformation Guide – your transformation will last a lifetime!

No other program is designed to genetically reset your metabolism and turn ON your good genes to rev up your youth hormones and metabolism for younger looking skin, a lean body, and tight flat belly.

You’ll learn how to make and combine delicious, nutritious, and mouth-watering meals that Turn ON your “Good Genes” to not only satisfy your appetite (which STOPS dangerous cravings), but also Burn stomach fat and FIGHT aging. Its more than just the a detox – its delicious recipes, meals plans, and anti-aging ingredients.

And it was created by me, someone in her 40’s that has struggled like you and worked with 1000’s of women like you.

The truth is this no easier or more effective way to look younger and lose belly fat – and this has nothing to do with tasteless diets and the calorie in calorie out rollercoaster.

Those diets don’t use my Youth Method Secrets to “turn ON your good genes” for a youthful lean body and and tight flat belly.

I know that the Youth Method can help you but in all honesty, The Youth Method is not for everyone.

If you want a “quick fix” like a quick liquid detox or starving yourself for a few days, then the Youth Method is not for you.

But if you want to reset your body down to the very level of your DNA for rapid and forever results you are in the right place.

You may believe that this never before seen before Method for youthful lean body and flat belly would cost a fortune…

But for the first time ever, you can receive my proven skin, body and belly tightening system at a fraction of the cost of meeting with me one on one.

Even better, there is NO risk on you because:

You see, I can relate that it may be hard to believe that you can have a more youthful lean body and tight flat belly after so many programs have failed you in the past.

But I know from personal experience just how powerful this system is because it is the only one to genetically reset your body and turn ON your good genes.

That’s why I am ready to take all the risk on me.

You don’t have to decide now.

Enjoy our RISK-FREE Test-Drive For a Full 60 Days and if for any reason you’re not absolutely loving the quality of the Youth Method system – simply email me and I’ll refund your entire investment… no hassles or hard feelings.

I am 100% committed to your health and happiness!

You have a full 60 days to see the effects for yourself, and I’m confident you will LOVE the proof you see in mirror!

I know what it feels like to buy a nutrition program and to later feel unhappy with what I purchased. If you feel anything like that, I encourage you to ask for your money back. No Hassles at all.

Try It Now – Risk-Free!

There really is nothing like this available right now and none of the programs available address these hidden DNA issues you may not even know you had…

Instead, The Youth Method is a one-time purchase you will keep reaping benefits from year after year.

So in order to finally get the permanent Flat Belly and Youthful Body solution that’s extremely easy to use to get you the tight skin, body, and  belly you deserve at over 95 % off – all you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below.

My goal with The Youth Method is to have as many skin and health transformation stories as possible.

I also have a genuine passion to help change the way the world looks at food, exercise, and mindset – especially for our children.

I’ve been talking a lot about how we can turn ON our good genes and turn off our bad genes for ourselves – but did you know we can pass personality traits down to our children?

Even our eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle choices can be passed down to our children. Yet… I’d love if we could rewrite history for your family’s sake. Because I have good news for your children too!

While you cannot undo your child’s genetics, you can influence their daily decisions…

And as I explained above – that has a significant impact on how genes express themselves for good or bad.

So even if you or your children were given some bad genes – you can suppress or turn those off and instead turn on good genes for their optimal health.

I want that for my kids, nieces, nephews, and family and for your children and family too!

I have noticed that once our customers turn on “Their Youth Method Switch” to turn off their bad genes and rev up their good genes, their children often take on healthier habits and notice amazing health improvements too.

Customers report that their kids feel more confident… pay attention more in school… excel at sports and hobbies..and are overall just more happy.

It’s quite remarkable. So give The Youth Method a try on me for the next 60 days without any chance of losing a single cent…

For your health, and the health of our kids.

Let’s create a better future now by creating a healthier you!

You’ll go back to living your same life that’s left you searching for answers and feeling frustrated with your skin, belly fat, and energy. You’ll still be trying to hide under your baggy clothes and unable to look in the mirror.

And the truth is, if you do nothing…nothing will ever change.

And you can spend hundreds of hours online researching the exact secrets I talked about today…

However, if you plan on doing this all on your own, then the question is…

Why hasn’t that worked before?

Stress, life, and worries will get in the way like they always do…

Nothing will have changed…

Here’s one of my favorite quotes when I am having a hard time making a decision. “Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.”

Remember there is no risk to you here and if you don’t try – you will miss out on the opportunity to change your life.

Jump ahead 2 weeks from now.

You’ve re-programmed your DNA to turn OFF your bad genes and turn ON your good genes for a forever flat belly, youthful lean body, and vibrant health.

You sleep like a baby at night, knowing that you’ve just given yourself a new path to a longer, healthier life… not just for yourself, but for your your kids and our future.

…and most important, you’re in awe of yourself.

In the past 14 days, you’ve done far more than lose weight and tighten your skin:

You’ve recreated a life you can love…

Down to your very DNA, you are a new you: a new metabolism, a flatter belly, amazing energy, younger skin, and a lean body.

And it all started with the decision you’ll make today. All you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below for your exclusive VIP discount.

In Love, Health, and Happiness,

Erin Nielsen, PT, CHC, CPI

P.S. – The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox is a whole foods program designed to rid your body of it’s addiction to sugar, carbs, processed and packaged foods and replace it with wholesome, nourishing anti-aging ingredients to turn on your barely known Youth Method Switch. You will look younger, feel younger and prevent accelerated aging to your skin, joints and organs – You will fight aging, win, and finally feel better in your body!

P.P.S. – The anti-aging foods you will be eating will turn ON your good genes to reset your fat burning and anti-aging systems for your most youthful lean body and flat belly results.

P.P.P.S – You don’t have to decide right now. TAKE A FULL 60 DAYS TO PUT US TO THE TEST WITH OUR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you don’t see results – you pay nothing.

Q. Does this work for someone older?

A. Yes! The Youth Method works so well because it turns OFF your bad genes that start taking over your body more and more in your late 30’s and especially once you reach 35. It also “Turns ON Your Good Genes” to align your natural fat-burning and anti-aging systems together, which is why it works so well for women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s!

Q. How Does The Youth Method 14-Day Diet Detox Work?

A. Step #1 – Turns OFF Your Bad Genes

Step #2 – Turns On Your Good Genes

Step #3 – You’ll Completely RESET your Genes and Metabolism to perfectly align your anti-aging and fat burning cycles for your most youthful lean body and tight flat belly.

No other system out there reprograms your genes to finally align your fat burning and anti-aging systems together.  Which is why you haven’t been able to burn belly fat and lose weight consistently. You simply didn’t have this breakthrough information until now.

Q. What kinds of foods will I be eating on The 14-Day Diet Detox?

A. You will be eating wholesome real foods, and will not need to buy supplements. Once you start using The Youth Method Program you’ll begin turning off your bad genes which has BLOCKED your anti-aging and fat-burning systems in your body for years. And you’ll also be turning ON your good genes to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Belly Fat and Aging that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

Q. When Will I See Results?

A. You will see results as early as 24 hours.  Some have lost 1 pound of belly fat in 24 hours and 15 lbs in 14 days, the average is 7-13 pounds of fat lost in the first 10-14 days.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox appropriate if I follow a strictly gluten-free diet?

A. Yes! This program is 100% gluten-free. It’s also soy-free, corn-free, peanut-free and overall very allergen-free friendly.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox appropriate if I follow a Paleo or Primal diet?

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox family-friendly/safe for children and teens?

A. Yes! Families can absolutely complete the program together with wholesome real food – it’s absolutely family-friendly.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox safe for diabetics?

A. Yes! The The 14-Day Diet Detox is a whole-foods based program, and is safe for anyone. That said, if you are under the care of a medical professional, are insulin dependent, or are taking blood sugar regulating medications, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before beginning any new nutritional program. You may find that your medications need to be adjusted with your new way of eating, and enlisting the support of your doctor will be important.

Q. I want to get started right away!

A. I’ve got you covered! Not only are you going to save money on shipping fees, you’re also going to get my entire system instantly downloaded right after your purchase.

Q. What if it doesn’t work for me?

A. This is an easy one. If for some reason it doesn’t work for you…then it’s free because you have a full 60 day guarantee. No questions asked.

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This 14-page e-article offers 12 strategies for losing those last few pounds of stubborn body fat. Cyclists spend thousands of dollars to shed a few pounds off their bikes, but they may be carrying around several pounds of unnecessary body fat. Losing weight as a cyclist is tricky because we need energy to ride and train effectively. If you cut calories incorrectly, it will hurt your training. This e-article offers healthy and safe approaches to gradually losing weight while still having energy to ride and train. This article also includes 6 guidelines for healthy eating and suggestions on mental preparation for weight loss. READ MORE AND ORDER

Training for Busy Cyclists by Coach David Ertl If you have enough time to ride and are as fit as you want to be, this book is not for you. It is for the majority of us who don’t have enough time to get as fit as we want. If you want to get fit with your limited time or if you want to find out how to create more time to ride, this eBook is for you. READ MORE AND ORDER

NEW! Indoor Training for Cyclists by Coach David Ertl We can’t always ride our bikes outside and as much as we hate using our indoor trainer, it’s necessary to do so when we can’t get out and ride. This eBook outlines the reasons why you should consider training indoors, the types of indoor training and trainers available and provides a guide to developing indoor workouts. This eBook contains 50 indoor workouts covering leg speed, threshold, endurance, anaerobic intervals and even strength and power. READ MORE & ORDER

101 Cycling Workouts Autographed Paperback Book by Coach David Ertl This is the same as the above eBook, but in paperback format. This book was published by Morgan James in 2009. If you order from this site, you will receive an autographed copy of this book. (Copies can only be shipped to US and Canadian locations) READ MORE AND PLACE AN ORDER

Annual Training Plan for Competitive Cyclists 365 days of training plans for competitive cyclists. This plan covers all aspects of physical preparation, including basic conditioning, strength training, aerobic and anaerobic workouts, leg speed, power, and recovery workouts. Includes a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan,” to help you modify this plan to suit your situation. READ MORE AND ORDER

Annual Training Plan for Time Trial Cyclists/Triathletes 365-day training plans for cyclists who primarily ride time trials and for triathletes who want to improve their cycling times. This plan emphasizes aerobic (threshold) endurance, but also includes leg strength training and anaerobic, leg speed, power, and recovery workouts. Includes a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan” to help you modify this plan for your situation. READ MORE & ORDER

365-day training plans for recreational and touring cyclists. This plan emphasizes endurance, strength, and aerobic conditioning exercises, with some anaerobic, leg speed, and recovery exercises. Includes a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan,” to help you modify this plan to suit your situation. READ MORE AND ORDER

15-Week Training Plan for a Multi-Day Ride The perfect training plan to prepare for a multi-day, week-long bike ride. This plan provides 15 weeks of training to prepare for the event. It includes primarily endurance and hill training with some aerobic intervals thrown in to increase speed. It comes with a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan” to help you modify this plan for your situation. READ MORE & ORDER

15-Week Hundred Mile Training Plan The perfect training plan to get you ready for your hundred mile (100 mile) ride. This plan provides 15 weeks of training to get you ready for the event. It includes mostly endurance and hill training with some aerobic intervals thrown in to increase your speed. This is also a great plan for other long rides, such as metric hundreds. It comes with a manual, “How to Use a Training Plan” to help you modify this plan for your situation. Read more and place your order

Hammer Nutrition: Nutritional products for endurance athletes. Scientifically formulated to provide the highest amount of nutrients to the exercising athlete. Save 15% on your first order by clicking HERE.

WKO+ Power Training Software – This software is a must-have if you train with a power meter. It provides detailed analysis of all your individual workouts as well as ongoing analysis of your fitness and fatigue. It is compatible with a wide variety of power meters and Training Peaks software. To learn more about the WKO+ software and to request a copy of this software, click HERE.

If you purchase this WKO+ software or if you own a power meter, you should also read Training and Racing with a Power Meter, written by Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan, who also designed the WKO+ software. This book provides a very comprehensive understanding of power training and explains the background of WKO+ analysis. Click HERE to order this book at a discount through my bookstore.

Mode Workouts: Portable strength workouts that require no weight equipment. These workouts use only body weight and exercise bands that can be performed while traveling or at home. Click HERE to learn more and place an order.

Turbulence Training – An effective, high-intensity full-body training program that builds muscle and burns body fat. The workouts complement your cycling training program by strengthening body parts not touched by cycling. Click HERE for more information and to order.

Workout Pass: A collection of 100,000 exercises and workout routines for all sports and activities. It’s like having your own personal trainer. Click HERE to learn more and place an order.

BodyBot™ – An automated website where you can design and run your own timed workout, ideal for those on the go as these exercises primarily use body weight. Click HERE to learn more and place an order.

The Truth About Abs: No gimmicks, no fads, finally a fact-packed book that reveals the real truth about fat loss and building strong, defined abdominal muscles and a lean body. Click HERE to learn more and order.

If you have any questions, please email me at:

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The ketogenic diet (Keto Diet) has become an obsession in Silicon Valley and the diet du jour, with celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Halle Berry claiming that it keeps them fit and healthy. By cutting out most carbs (even fruit!) and embracing fat, you can lose weight without feeling hungry! This is because a decrease in carbs causes your body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis. Your body becomes very effective at burning fat for energy when this happens. It also causes fat to be converted into ketones in the liver, which can be used to provide energy for the brain. The ketogenic diet has also been found to significantly reduce blood sugar and insulin levels. This, combined with the increase in ketones, offers a number of health benefits.

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is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Eat THIS Ugly Plant = flat belly by tomorrow

Feel like your diet is just you losing and gaining the same 5 lbs over and over?

Feel like you eat healthy and exercise all day, but never make any progress?

Then check this…

A groundbreaking study published in Nature Medicine has revealed a bizarre fat dissolving loophole that has nothing to do with dieting or exercise.

They discovered by simply eating this one “ugly” plant, hidden for centuries in Vietnam, you will trigger a unique fat-melting chain reaction that liquifies fat cells as you sleep.

Studies show this plant is 335% more powerful than exercise…

and 408% more powerful at burning butt, arm and neck fat than any diet…

See it now:

>>>  One Ugly Plant Liquifies Fat Cells Into Nothing

Right now, THOUSANDS of people all over America swear by this ugly looking fat dissolving plant. In fact, It’s already helped over 200,000 men and women.

Francine was able to break past her plateau to drop 34 lbs and her waist is smaller than ever…

Debra dropped 47 lbs…

And once I saw the fat dissolve away for me too, I had to share it with you…

Just watch this surprising video and discover this simple ugly plant method yourself to start burning calories even when you’re sleeping.

To your health,

PS. In the video, you’ll also discover 2 of the biggest weight loss mistakes – done by millions each day – that are supposed to make you thinner, but instead slow metabolism, increase cravings and clog arteries every time you do them. To find out, check out this controversial video now, before it gets banned.