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Sleep Revive

Product Name: Sleep Revive

Click here to get Sleep Revive at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Sleep Revive is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Did you know people from the Netherlands get the best sleep in the world?1

Even though they drink far more coffee than we do2…

They look at screens before bed just as much as we do3…

And yet they effortlessly fall asleep and wake up fully refreshed each morning.

So, why do the Dutch have such perfect sleep?

Well, in 2015 the Netherlands banned two specific toxins from being used in household products4…

These toxins were called “a global threat to human sleep” by a panel of 16 scientists from 10 nations.

Sleep time and quality in the Netherlands has skyrocketed to turn the Dutch into the #1 sleepers in the world.

These two toxins are still completely legal to use in tens of thousands of products in the United States5…

And they’re probably in your kitchen pantry, bathroom, and even cosmetics drawer right now…

Which means they’re robbing you of the deep, blissful uninterrupted sleep you crave each night.

But that can all change for you today…

Because in this video I’ll show you what these products are so you can rid your home of these evil sleep toxins in 60 seconds flat…

Plus, I’ll also share a bizarre 15 second sleep trick that removes these toxins from your body, and blocks them from getting back in…

Helping you to peacefully drift off to sleep in minutes, and get deep, blissful uninterrupted sleep night after night…

Like Patty from Portland, Oregon

“As a mom of two young children, getting a good night’s sleep seemed like a distant dream. I was constantly on edge, tired and struggling to keep up with life. Now, thanks to this sleep trick I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.”

Here’s what Liz from Chicago, Illinois has to say:

“I was tired of feeling forgetful and irritated from tossing and turning every night. Since using this every night I enjoy restful nights of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, calmer and able to tackle the day ahead.”

Breann from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

“After years of struggling with sleep issues, I’d lost hope that anything could make a difference. A girlfriend wouldn’t stop talking about this so I gave it a try. During the first three nights I slept better than I have in years. Now, I don’t go a night without it.”

These are just a few of the stories from people that have used this sleep trick to go from run down to rejuvenated.

Because it’s not a sleep tea, fancy mattress, blue light glasses, melatonin, blackout curtains or some pre bed routine.

Instead, it’s a scientifically validated sleep trick used by the world’s best sleepers.

And when you experience it for yourself…

You’ll wake up with a natural smile spread across your face as you stretch out under the covers…

You’ll spring out of bed with the same energy of your 20s.

You’ll sleep like a rock until the sun comes up each morning even if it’s been one of those long stressful days.

When this happens you’ll fall into a reliable cycle of dozing off within minutes of your head hitting the pillow.

You’ll notice that minor irritations roll right off your back…

Because you’re in a positive mood and focusing on what you need to get done that day.

And before you know it you’re one of those “deep sleepers” that others envy.

You know, the type who can sleep soundly through raging thunderstorms, neighbor’s barking dogs, and loud city traffic…

While still waking up feeling refreshed each day.

But first, let me introduce myself.

Zach ZeniosNeurosomatic TherapyNASMYoga Alliance (RYT-200)Strong First

My Critical Bench Youtube channel has amassed over 1.1 million subscribers…

And men and women tune in every week to get in better shape, improve their mobility and sleep better.

What people commonly miss is that I’m also a sleep expert with a best-selling program named Breathing For Sleep.

This program has helped thousands of people sleep like babies every night, even if they were considered insomniacs before.

On top of that, I also have a Masters in Exercise Science and Nutrition from the University of Tampa.

With that being said, I wasn’t always an expert on sleep.

For most people, being sleep deprived makes them irritable, forgetful and dulls the joy in their life…

However, my sleep issues became dangerous after a long day at work turned into a terrifying event.

As I got in my car to drive home I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.

It felt like my eyelids had weights on them.

But, it was only a 20 minute drive, and I’d done it hundreds of times.

So, I cranked the air conditioning all the way up, and put on my favorite Metallica album hoping the noise would keep me awake.

The drive was going fine until I merged onto the highway…

5 minutes later it felt like I’d just taken 3 doses of Nyquil PM and I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

The next thing I remember is the bumps on the side of the highway jolting me wide awake!

My eyes shot open in a panic as I realized I’d fallen asleep behind the wheel.

In a complete state of shock I quickly pulled off to the shoulder of the highway…

And sat there gripping the steering wheel with my entire body tensed for the next 10 minutes.

The adrenaline had me shaking like I’d just pounded a quad shot of espresso.

Thank God nothing terrible happened, but it easily could have.

After making it home safely that night, solving my sleep issues became my #1 priority.

Each night I locked myself in my office and scrolled through endless articles, research papers, and forums.

I studied for weeks on end, yet all I could find was the same advice that didn’t work…

I was stumped.

Because according to everything I learned in my masters program I should be sleeping like a baby.

It all felt like a dead end.

Until one day I found the holy grail of sleep research that no one in America seemed to take seriously.

The crazy part is the Dutch do the complete opposite of what’s recommended for getting quality sleep…

They drink espressos around 7pm…

They use fewer sleep aids than most countries…

They spend 34% of their time before bed on screens…

And they even work long stressful days too…

None of it made any sense.

At least not until I stumbled across one of the most shocking sleep revelations of the 21st century…

There’s an alarming link between two common toxins that were banned in the Netherlands and sleep troubles.

And these same toxins are still 100% legal and widely used in tens of thousands of products in America today.

These chemicals are so common in American men and women, the center for disease control warns that 97% of U.S. adults have unsafe levels in the urine.6

And once you see how these toxins ruin your sleep, you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid them entirely.

Unfortunately, these toxins are so widely used we unknowingly eat, drink and slather them on our skin daily.

All our food has been exposed to them via soil, air, water and packaging so we eat them at meals.

Plastics like tupperware, ziplock bags, water bottles and cups leech them into our food and drinks.

Not to mention, we rub them on our skin from soaps, shampoos, lotions and cosmetics.

So, what are these two sleep disruptors?

I’ll get to those in just a second.

But first, it’s important to understand how these sleep disruptors trick your body into staying awake at night.

We all have an internal clock that controls when we go to sleep and wake up.7

This internal clock is called our circadian clock.

It’s a network of 20,000 nerve cells inside the hypothalamus of your brain.8

Imagine the circadian clock as a traffic light system that controls the flow of our sleep wake cycles.

The green light means it’s time to be awake and active…

While the red light indicates it’s time for rest and sleep…

And the yellow light indicates the time between being awake and asleep.

And just like a traffic light system, your circadian clock relies on sending and receiving signals to direct your sleep wake cycles.

When this is all working properly your body and brain know exactly when to be asleep and when to be awake.

Unfortunately, these two sleep disruptors damage the cells and block the signals needed to set your clock correctly.8

When this happens your circadian clock “breaks” and can’t determine whether it’s day or night.

This tricks your brain into thinking you should be awake at night, and asleep during the day.

It’s like your body and brain are stuck on a permanent yellow light wanting to fall asleep, but never able to.

You’ve probably heard of BPA and Phthalates before, and know how dangerous they are.

But here’s why they’re both used in so many household products…

Bisphenol A and Phthalates are chemical compounds used to make everyday plastics more durable, transparent and flexible.

And as you might have heard there’s more and more news showing that BPA and phthalates leak out of plastics and get directly into your bloodstream.9

Leaving you wide awake at night, and on the verge of falling asleep during the day.

The fact that these two sleep disruptors break your circadian clock is well established in scientific studies too.

In 2016 the Sleep Research Society studied the relationship between BPA exposure and sleep quality in US adults10…

And they found something they weren’t expecting…

87% of the high BPA group was getting LESS than 6 hours of sleep per night due to a disrupted circadian clock.

But remember, BPA is only one half of the sleep disruptor puzzle…
And unfortunately, the evidence on phthalates and sleep isn’t any better.

A study on phthalates and sleep out of the University of Illinois concluded:11

“People with higher phthalate exposure have reduced sleep quality, more frequent sleep disruptions, and more restless sleep compared to people with lower exposure.”

Both of these sleep disruptors break the circadian clock so your sleep wake cycles get flipped to the wrong time.

This is why solutions like sleep aids, bedtime routines or giving up screen time and caffeine don’t work…

Because these sleep disruptors are still wreaking havoc on your body’s internal clock.

This allows your circadian clock to reset…

So it can send and receive the signals needed to get you back on the road to perfect, uninterrupted nights of sleep.

When this happens you get in and out of sleep cycles at the right times like nature intended.

You see, the timing of when you get in and out of sleep cycles is what leaves you feeling recharged and ready for the day.

Now, contrary to what a lot of people think…

Waking up energized and in a good mood isn’t just about falling asleep for long periods of time…

It’s about our sleep cycles taking place at the right time of night.12

Because the phases of sleep that make us feel alert and refreshed in the morning are most effective between 10pm-6am.

So even if you sleep for a long time outside this window…

Your body and brain aren’t getting fully charged up…

I realized the only way to reset our circadian clock and sleep cycles is to flush these sleep disruptors out of the body.

However, just knowing the root cause of this problem wasn’t enough…

As I dug into the research to find the right nutrient I kept hitting dead ends.

That is until I stumbled on a study about an obscure plant compound.

It’s called Rutaecarpine, and it has a unique ability to detox sleep disruptors so the circadian clock can reset.

When I first read about it I was skeptical…

Because if these sleep disruptors have been building up in my body for years…

How could I detox enough of them to make a difference?

Well, as it turns out Rutaecarpine isn’t just any plant compound.

It’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an herbal remedy since the early 20th century.

But that isn’t what interested me…

It was all the studies proving it could trap and remove large amounts of BPA and phthalates from the body.

A study in the journal Life Sciences showed three days of using rutaecarpine increased removal of these sleep disruptors by 500%.13

It was able to do this by triggering a specific class of liver enzymes that are known to flush BPA and phthalates out of the body.

I knew I was on to something.

So, I dug even deeper into the research…

And that’s when things got really interesting.

Because Rutaecarpine doesn’t just detox these sleep disruptors…

It also prevents them from getting back in.

When rutaecarpine kicks these sleep disruptors out of the body, it also changes the locks so they can’t get back in.

Rutaecarpine does this by activating an enzyme in the body named Quinone Reductase (QR).14

QR blocks BPA and phthalate absorption like a shield, and protects your circadian clock cells from being damaged by them too.

So, the bottom line is that rutaecarpine protects you against these sleep disruptors so your circadian clock can reset.

But that’s not all it does…

I’ve always wondered how Europeans drink espressos after dinner, and still sleep like babies.

If I did that I wouldn’t be able to sleep for days….

But this is another reason rutaecarpine is so special.

It acts as a natural decaffeinator for the human body. A 2021 study found that rutaecarpine eliminates caffeine from your blood 2-4 TIMES faster.15

And it slashes how much caffeine your body uses by 50-80%.

However, there was one big problem…

Getting high quality forms of rutaecarpine like they used in the studies was nearly impossible.

All I saw online was generic low quality forms that were being sold for an arm and a leg.

So, I decided to use my connections at Critical Nutrition Labs to speak with a manufacturer, and order a batch from him. As soon as the Rutaecarpine arrived, I started taking it immediately with high hopes.

The first two nights there was no difference in my sleep.

However, on the third night everything changed.

I climbed under the covers mentally preparing for hours of tossing and turning as I closed my eyes…

The next thing I remember was my alarm going off.

At first I was a little confused, but then realized I’d slept through the entire night.

I thought maybe it was a fluke, or the exhaustion finally caught up to me.

In reality, rutaecarpine was hard at work those past few days getting rid of sleep disruptors so my circadian clock could reset.

I started falling asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

Tossing and turning was replaced by waking up in the same position I fell asleep in.

And in the morning it felt like I could bounce out of bed with energy.

At work I was firing on all cylinders with crystal clear focus and beating deadlines.

When I’d spend time with my girlfriend and loved ones I was present and remembered important details.

My co-workers, family and girlfriend all commented on how much happier I seemed too.

It felt like I’d finally cracked the code on sleep.

Rutaecarpine worked great for me, but I’m just a guy who’s obsessed with health, fitness and sleep…

I wanted to know if it would work the same for others.

So I gave it to some people in our Critical Nutrition Labs community…

We gave it to Jill from Denver, Colorado.

“I used to toss and turn for hours, and my mind would race while laying in bed. I was shocked that this worked so quickly. I now sleep through the night until my alarm goes off in the morning, and before using this I can’t remember the last time that happened!”

And Jeff from Austin, Texas:

“Sleep issues were making me exhausted, sluggish and short tempered with my wife and kids over small things. Now I sleep like a rock and wake up with the energy and patience to be the husband and father my family deserves. I take it every night.”

Here’s what Michelle from Cleveland, Ohio has to say:

“I’ve battled with insomnia for years, and it took a toll on my mental and physical well-being. After trying countless solutions with little success, I decided to give this a shot, even though I was skeptical. Within a few days, I noticed a significant improvement in my sleep quality. My energy and mood have improved, and I feel more focused and alert during the day.”

And we gave rutaecarpine to a few dozen others who all reported the same thing…

They’re finally getting perfect, uninterrupted nights of sleep that leaves them refreshed in the morning.

Excited about this discovery, knew I had to share it with the world.

So I spoke to the team at Critical Nutrition Labs.

And with their help, I created a one of a kind sleep formula built around rutaecarpine.

Now we could have released this sleep formula using rutaecarpine as the only ingredient and it would be a good product…

But at Critical Nutrition Labs we’re not satisfied with simply “good products.”

We’re here to change lives with one of a kind world class products.

When we saw the results of rutaecarpine alone we realized there was another opportunity…

What if we added a few other powerful sleep enhancers to make this the absolute best sleep formula on the market?

The first star ingredient is of course Rutaecarpine.

This helps to block and remove sleep disruptors, but I wanted to add ingredients to directly support the circadian clock too.

That’s why I added Lemon Balm Extract to Sleep Revive.

The second ingredient is Lemon Balm.

This plant is a member of the mint family that’s been used since the middle ages for stress, anxiety and sleep.16 17

Lemon balm contains a powerful compound named Rosmarinic Acid that supports your circadian clock in two ways.

First, it protects the brain against cell damage which we know short circuits your circadian clock, and disrupts sleep cycles.18

Second, it strengthens the signaling pathways in the brain that set your circadian clock to the right time.19

In a review paper published in the journal, Nutrients, they studied the effects of lemon balm extract on sleep.20

They found that it regulates sleep wake cycles by decreasing the time it takes to fall asleep and increasing total sleep time.

A study from the Mediterranean Journal Of Nutrition and Metabolism showed lemon balm eliminated insomnia in 85% of participants.21

Lemon balm’s ability to support the circadian clock while reducing stress and anxiety made it a “no brainer” to add to Sleep Revive.

Our next ingredient was used by the Greek physician Hippocrates 2,400 years ago as a sleep remedy.

The third ingredient is Valerian Root.

While valerian is regularly used as a natural sleep aid due to its mild sedative properties…

There’s a completely different reason I added it to Sleep Revive.

A meta analysis of 60 studies named “Valerian Root in Treating Sleep Problems and Associated Disorders”…

Found valerian root increases a chemical messenger named 5-HT5a that sets your circadian clock, and natural sleep cycles.22

Remember, when you get into and out of sleep cycles at the right time that’s what allows you to feel energized, focused and present.

This is why valerian root increases sleep time, quality and feelings of being refreshed in the morning.

When the American Journal of Medicine looked at the impact of valerian root on sleep they concluded:23

“The use of valerian root doubles the chance of sleeping better compared to placebo.”

Doubling your chances of sleeping better isn’t bad for a 2,400 year old sleep remedy.

The next ingredient is one of my personal favorites because of how versatile it is.

The fourth ingredient is L-Theanine.

L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea leaves.

And when taken in the right dose, it detoxes the two sleep disruptors while protecting your circadian clock from them.

This is because L-theanine increases your “master antioxidant” named Glutathione that circulates in the hypothalamus.24

Remember, your circadian clock is in the hypothalamus of your brain.

So by boosting glutathione with L-theanine protects your circadian clock cells against these sleep disruptors.

This is why L-theanine is backed by so many peer reviewed studies showing improvements in sleep.

Such as this one published in Pharmaceutical Biology that showed L-theanine helped participants fall asleep 20.7% faster…25

And stay asleep 83.7% longer.

Not to mention, L-theanine like rutaecarpine counteracts sleep disturbances from too much caffeine.26

Our very last ingredient is a mineral that over 75% of the American population is deficient in.27

The fifth ingredient is a very unique form of Magnesium.

You see, inadequate levels of magnesium are directly linked to insomnia and trouble sleeping.28

But not for the reason you might think.

Remember the enzymes that rutaecarpine boosts to detox BPA and phthalates?

Well, those powerful enzymes require magnesium as a cofactor to work.29

When we’re deficient in magnesium our body can’t detox BPA and phthalates efficiently leading to a broken circadian clock.

And in typical Critical Nutrition Labs fashion we tracked down the best form of magnesium for sleep called magnesium glycinate.

This form of magnesium is better absorbed on a cellular level, which means it not only boosts the detox enzymes…

But it helps your body and mind to relax and unwind at night too.30

This is why magnesium has been studied rigorously as a natural solution for insomnia.31

For example, The Journal Of Medical Sciences published a study on adults with insomnia to test how magnesium helped.32

Participants with insomnia either got magnesium or a placebo pill.

The magnesium group had significant improvements in how long they slept, sleep quality and spent less time in bed awake.

That’s every potent ingredient inside each serving of Sleep Revive.

While the formula may sound fancy, the science-backed ingredients are natural, 100% safe, and don’t have any side effects.

And that brings us to an important question you’re probably asking at this point.

Even then, you could still end up paying for low-quality ingredients that don’t have the necessary amounts of each nutrient.

Also, a lot of sketchy supplement companies sell products that are riddled with heavy metals, toxins and nasty fillers.

So even if you got these individual nutrients, there’s no guarantee they’d help you reset your circadian clock.

Because I know first hand how sleep deprivation impacts every area of your life.

It makes your mind, body and emotions feel dulled.

It sucks the joy and laughter out of life.

And robs you of being present and soaking up experiences with loved ones.

Not to mention, the embarrassment of dozing off at the wrong times…v

Or even the danger of falling asleep behind the wheel like I did.

I don’t want another human to have to suffer because they toss and turn all night.

But I’m not stopping there.

You see, studies show that the longer you take the ingredients in Sleep Revive, the better results you get.

Makes sense, right?

After all, these sleep disruptors are bombarding your body from sun up to sun down.

That’s why it’s a smart idea to stock up on multiple bottles so you can flush these sleep disruptors, and reset your circadian clock.

So when you commit to getting the best results possible and order in bulk today…

You get a major discount that isn’t available anywhere else.

+ FREE Shipping and Handling.

My colleagues are calling me crazy for practically giving away this life-changing formula.

But I’m sticking to my guns because I’ve experienced the vicious cycle of sleep deprivation, and know how miserable it is.

My goal with Sleep Revive is to help others like you get the rejuvenating sleep they deserve.

Between the cost to manufacture, store and ship Sleep Revive…

As well as the online costs and all the other expenses of creating the best sleep solution in the world…

I am practically losing money by charging such a low price.

So please believe me when I say we can only offer this deal to the next 100 people.

Otherwise, we’ll go out of business.

So here’s what to do next.

The moment you click the button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure 256-bit encrypted order form.

It’s the same technology big banks and trusted companies like Amazon use.

Just fill in your info and after submitting it, our team will immediately start processing your order to ship to your doorstep.

I really can’t blame you if you still have your doubts though.

There are shysters who’d love to run off with your money while you’re left high and dry with a low quality product.

Truth is you’ve likely been burned by sleep solutions promising the world, and then under delivering.

That’s why we’re taking all the risk off your shoulders with our 60 Day Blissful Sleep Guarantee.

If you don’t fall asleep quicker and stay asleep through the night…

And don’t wake up feeling ready to take on the day with more energy, mental clarity and vigor…

Just send a quick email to our support team within 60 days of your purchase, we’ll promptly refund every single cent.

No questions asked or strings attached.

That’s why thousands of our customers are sleeping better than ever without harmful sleep aids or giving up screen time.

You truly have nothing to lose.

With all the evidence backed ingredients and our 60 day Blissful Sleep Guarantee…

There’s no reason to miss out on this life-changing sleep formula.

Option 1: You ignore everything you’ve learned today.

You keep using sleep aids or melatonin, reducing screen time and caffeine or try another complicated bedtime routine.

As time passes, your sleep struggles get worse and so does the heavy exhaustion, brain fog and overwhelming anxiety.

You’ll feel on edge all the time and have to apologize for snapping at people more often.

You’ll start to forget things like your keys, items at the store or important appointments more regularly.

It will feel like you’re always half asleep and can’t fully enjoy experiences with loved ones.

Why would you go down this route?

Especially when this one of a kind sleep solution is just a click away.

Fortunately, you can take another path.

Option 2: You try Sleep Revive completely risk-free today.

Within a few short days you’re sleeping like a rock and waking up energized every morning.

You have the mental clarity to actually get ahead at work.

You have the energy to be fully present with loved ones instead of feeling completely checked out.

You remember the important things like appointments, birthdays, and items at the store.

Walking through the day you feel lighter and in a better mood like when you were younger.

This doesn’t need to be a dream for you anymore.

This is the reality for thousands of adults who’ve already tried Sleep Revive.

And between you and me, this is the lowest price we’ll offer on Sleep Revive.

Remember, we can only afford to give this deal to the next 100 buyers of Sleep Revive.

You truly have nothing to lose because you get to try it risk-free for the next 60 days with our Blissful Sleep Guarantee.

I’m excited to hear about the head to toe rejuvenating effects you experience with Sleep Revive.

Zach ZeniosNeurosomatic TherapyNASMYoga Alliance (RYT-200)Strong First

Still here?

Then I’m sure you still have some questions.

So let me go ahead and answer the most common ones for you.

Sleep Revive is for anyone who wants to escape the vicious cycle of tossing and turning all night…

And instead wants to fall asleep on demand so they can wake up feeling recharged and ready for the day ahead.

This is the only product that helps reset your circadian clock so you can get back to normal sleep wake cycles.

This allows you to doze off quickly and wake up with the energy of a kid on Christmas morning.

You can order Sleep Revive for yourself or a loved one if you’d like.

Thousands of other Sleep Revive customers buy it for their family and friends once they experience the life changing benefits.

How fast will I see results?

Most people sleep significantly better within 3-5 days.

If you have an especially high load of sleep disruptors in your body, it could take a few extra days to detox them.

Once your body is consistently flushing these sleep disruptors you’ll feel the difference as you climb under the covers each night…

You’ll feel calmer and more relaxed before bed…

As your head hits the pillow you’ll effortlessly drift off to sleep…

And the next time you check the alarm clock will be when you wake up in the morning.

You’ll enjoy natural sleep wake cycles that leave you feeling energized and recharged all day.

These are the benefits of detoxing these sleep disruptors so your circadian clock can reset.

Sleep Revive is the only product that can do this for you.

What if I don’t see results with Sleep Revive?

If you don’t see results or aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason within 60 days…

Just send us an email and we’ll promptly refund every penny.

With our 60-day Blissful Sleep money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

We believe that if for any reason Sleep Revive doesn’t work then you shouldn’t pay a single cent.

That’s why we’re making it simple and easy to shoot us an email and get a full refund if it doesn’t do what we promise.

What if I don’t have the time to sleep 8 hours a night?

The beauty of resetting your circadian clock is your overall sleep quality dramatically improves regardless of how long you sleep.

So, even if you only get 5-6 hours of sleep it will be just as refreshing as 8 hours of deep sleep…

Because when you enter and exit from sleep cycles at the right times your body and brain can fully recover and rebuild for the next day ahead.

I don’t sleep poorly every night; my sleep problems come and go. Will Sleep Revive still help me?

The frequency and severity of sleep issues can come and go based on your exposure to sleep disruptors on any given week.

Make no mistake about it though…

Your body is being bombarded by these chemicals that break your circadian clock.

Until these chemicals are flushed from the body you won’t be able to get uninterrupted deep sleep.

This formula works just as effectively whether you suffer with sleep issues daily, weekly or monthly…

Because the root cause of your sleep troubles is a broken circadian clock due to BPA and phthalates.

Luckily, the hand selected ingredients in Sleep Revive were chosen to detox these chemicals, and reset your circadian clock…

So you can wake up feeling refreshed and energized each day.

Regardless of the frequency or intensity of your sleep problems, Sleep Revive will give you the best sleep of your life.

Sleep Revive consists of five all natural potent ingredients that provide deep rejuvenating sleep.

Each bottle has 60 veggie capsules that are vegetarian friendly, non-gmo, prop 65 compliant, and is manufactured in a pristine GMP certified facility right here in the USA.

So rest assured you are safe from toxic heavy metals or nasty fillers.

Plus, all the ingredients are non habit forming and non addictive.

This means you won’t develop a dependency on it like you would with prescription sleep aids or melatonin supplements.

How do I take Sleep Revive?

Simply take 2 capsules 30-45 minutes before bed each night with a few sips of water.

It really is that simple and easy.

Remember, the only way Sleep Revive can remove these sleep disruptors and reset your circadian clock is if you use it consistently.

Our customers who get the best results with Sleep Revive are also the most consistent in taking it too.

So make sure to put the bottle somewhere you’ll remember to take it like on your night stand or next to your toothbrush.

I’ve tried other sleep supplements before — how do I know Sleep Revive is any different?

Most sleep supplements on the market use low quality generic formulas that don’t target the root cause of sleep issues.

However, Sleep Revive contains effective dosages of ingredients proven by science to restore deep undisturbed sleep.

Most importantly, every serving contains clinical doses of our 5 hand selected ingredients that are proven to…

Detox BPA and phthalates so you can get in and out of sleep cycles at the right time to wake up refreshed.

Sleep Revive is the only product available that targets these sleep disruptors to reset your circadian clock.

How fast will I receive my order?

As soon as you place your order, our team in the warehouse will start packaging up your shipment.

It usually takes five to seven business days, but the exact time depends on your location.

Will Sleep Revive make me feel groggy the next morning like sleep aids and melatonin?

Nope, because Sleep Revive’s all natural ingredients are designed to reset your circadian clock so your body wants to naturally fall asleep and wake up at the right times.

Unlike sleep aids that use heavy duty chemicals and leave you with fatigue, brain fog and even headaches the next day…

Sleep Revive works with your body naturally to remove the sleep disruptors that are blocking your deep sleep.

Once those are removed your circadian clock can reset, and you can sleep like a rock from sun down to sun up.

Is Sleep Revive available anywhere else for a lower price?

You will get the lowest price on Sleep Revive directly on this page.

There’s two very important reasons why we don’t offer Sleep Revive in retail stores.

The first is quality control.

Most people don’t realize this, but supplement companies in retail stores are forced to outsource their manufacturing to keep up with the demand.

When they outsource manufacturing they no longer have full control of how their products are made.

Unfortunately, there’s been recent reports of manufacturers having heavy metals, bacteria and nasty additives in products.

So we decided for this premium product, it must be manufactured and tested at one of the state of the art cGMP-Certified facilities in the United States.

This ensures the highest quality ingredients are used, and every batch meets our better than industry standards.

We also do additional quality inspections to make sure there are no heavy metals, no allergens, contaminants, and that all ingredients meet our strict standards.

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Sleep Revive is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Sound Sleep in Boise: A Symphony of Restful Nights in…

Sound Sleep in Boise: A Symphony of Restful Nights in the City of Trees

Summary: Delve into the evolving landscape of sound sleep in Boise, where innovative trends, pioneering players, and mindful practices converge to foster a haven of tranquility amidst the city’s vibrant pulse.

The Current State of Sound Sleep in Boise

Boise, the City of Trees, is embracing the importance of sound sleep as a cornerstone of well-being. A growing awareness of its profound impact on physical, cognitive, and emotional health is driving a wave of initiatives to enhance sleep quality for residents.

Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Sound Sleep

Technological advancements are revolutionizing the way we approach sleep. Sleep tracking devices, such as smartwatches and sleep trackers, monitor sleep patterns and provide personalized insights to optimize sleep habits. The rise of sleep apps offers guided meditations, soothing soundscapes, and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to promote relaxation and reduce sleep disturbances.

Key Players and Influencers in Boise’s Sound Sleep Market

Boise’s sleep industry is thriving, with local businesses and organizations playing pivotal roles in fostering sound sleep. Sleep clinics provide diagnostic services, while sleep stores offer tailored solutions such as customized bedding, mattresses, and sleep aids. Wellness centers and yoga studios incorporate sleep-enhancing practices into their offerings.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Sound Sleep

Achieving sound sleep involves adopting a holistic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Establish Regular Sleep-Wake Cycles: Stick to a consistent sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends or vacations, to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake rhythms.
  2. Create a Conducive Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Use blackout curtains, earplugs, or noise-canceling headphones to minimize distractions.
  3. Develop Relaxing Pre-Sleep Routines: Wind down before bed with activities that promote relaxation, such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing deep breathing exercises.
  4. Avoid Stimulants Near Bedtime: Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption several hours before sleep, as they can interfere with sleep patterns.
  5. Optimize Your Sleep Setup: Invest in a comfortable mattress that provides adequate support, and use pillows that align your head and neck properly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Sound Sleep Aids

While sound sleep aids can be helpful, it’s essential to use them judiciously:

  • Overreliance on sleep apps can replace healthy sleep habits.
  • Sleep trackers may not always provide accurate data, leading to unnecessary anxiety.
  • Over-the-counter sleep aids can have side effects and should be used only under medical guidance.

Case Studies: Successful Sound Sleep Implementations in Boise

  • The Boise VA Medical Center has implemented a sleep clinic that provides comprehensive sleep evaluations and personalized treatment plans.
  • The Idaho Yoga Collective offers sleep-focused yoga classes that incorporate relaxation techniques and gentle stretches.
  • Sleep Number, a global leader in sleep solutions, has a retail store in Boise that offers personalized sleep assessments and tailored bedding solutions.

Future Predictions and Opportunities for Sound Sleep

As Boise continues to prioritize sound sleep, we can expect further advancements in technology, research, and community-based initiatives. Sleep clinics may integrate artificial intelligence for more accurate sleep diagnostics, while the development of intelligent bedding and sleep environments will enhance personalized sleep experiences. Increased awareness and education will empower residents to adopt sound sleep practices, fostering a city where restful nights are the norm.

Narrative Summary

The pursuit of sound sleep in Boise is a testament to the city’s commitment to well-being. Through the adoption of innovative trends, the support of key players, and the implementation of proven strategies, Boise is emerging as a haven for restful slumber. By embracing a holistic approach that addresses the physical, mental, and environmental aspects of sleep, residents can unlock the transformative power of a good night’s rest. As the city continues to evolve, so too will the science and practice of sound sleep, ensuring that Boise remains a place where the symphony of sleep reigns supreme.

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Product Name: CarboFix

Click here to get CarboFix at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

CarboFix is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Supports healthy blood sugar

Do you know why you should sip a cup of licorice root tea at 1 pm?

Or why some of the world’s most famous celebrities sniff rosemary before bed?

Or why you should have two cups of hot black tea after a long walk?

I didn’t know any of these secrets either.

Until I spent the summer in Ecuador…

Visiting my wife’s 99-year-old grandma…

Who doesn’t look a day over 50.

In a small village called Giron.

I didn’t know what their secret was…

And looked so much younger than their age.

That in just a matter of hours…

I’d stumble upon a breakthrough that could help end the obesity epidemic in America…

Thanks to a new discovery from a team of scientists at the Salk Institute in San Diego…

That can “turn up” your metabolism on command.

Just like turning up the heat in your home…

Or the volume on your TV.

Now you can do the same thing with your metabolism.

Thanks to a little-known enzyme buried deep in your cells…

That stops the production of “new fat”…

And forces your body to burn up the fat you already have.

Anyone can do this in less than 3 seconds a day…

Whether you’re 50 years old…

Whether you’re physically active…

Or sit on the couch all day.

Just like turning on a switch.

So no matter what you eat…

…you can never lose weight.

And if you’ve tried everything…

You name it, if nothing has worked…

Then there’s something going on behind the scenes…

That’s forcing your body to desperately hang onto fat.

So please, stick with me for the next 2 minutes.

Because I’m going to share with you the shocking truth…

Of what’s really going on inside your body after you turn 50.

Along with the sneaky way your body refuses to give up your stored fat…

And what you can do in less than 3 seconds to start burning it off.

Plus, I’m going to show you all the research…

All the scientific studies…

And the words straight from a doctor’s mouth…

So you’ll have everything you need…

By the way, my name is Matt Stirling.

I studied health and fitness at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario…

I owned my own performance fitness and training studio for over 8 years…

And for the past 16 years…

I’ve trained and consulted with tens of thousands of women and men all over the world…

Using my unique yet highly effective fat-burning secrets.

Now I live with my beautiful wife Nubbia and our three lovely children…

Trying to be the best dad I can be…

My clients call me the “metabolism guy” because that’s what I’m obsessed with.

Figuring out why some people have sky high metabolisms that burn fat around the clock…

While others can gain a pound just looking at a slice of pizza.

After stumbling upon this new breakthrough scientific research…

Along with a trip to a tiny village in Ecuador…

…to visit my vibrant and energetic 99 year old grandma-in-law

Is the key to turning on your metabolism whenever you want…

In a matter of seconds…

And it works no matter what your diet is…

How little you exercise…

It’s all based on human biology…

I refer to it as your “metabolism switch”…

But the scientific name for it is AMP-activated protein kinase…

It’s the genetic master switch that controls our metabolism.

And when it’s activated…

It can speed up even the slowest metabolisms…

And help to support cardiovascular health…

According to Dr. Barry Sears, activating AMPk is the secret to a longer and better life[23].

Like air conditioning in the middle of winter…

Most of us have it turned off.

So if you have 15 or more pounds to lose…

If you have more fat around your stomach than you want…

Then it’s a clear sign your AMPk pathway isn’t working right.

All you have to do is figure out how to flick this little switch…

And everything else will fall into place.

You’ll be at the exact weight you want to be at…

You’ll fit into the perfect size jeans…

All your clothes will fit just the way you want them to…

You’ll have more than enough energy…

…to do everything you’ve always wanted to do.

Your libido will be back…

And you’ll no longer think that everyone is staring at you the moment you walk into a room.

You never have to go on a restrictive calorie-counting diet ever again…

You never have to do another second of cardio…

And you don’t have to force yourself to eat more vegetables.

Because none of those things activate AMPk.

Hopefully you can feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders…

Because you don’t have to stress about those things anymore.

Turning on the “metabolism switch” inside your body.

You can let yourself off the hook.

Because I’m going to show you exactly how to do this…

In as little as three seconds.

You can do it in the morning…

You can do it after a big carby breakfast of pancakes and waffles…

Or after your bedtime bowl of ice cream.

The more often you do it…

The better your results will be.

Because it flies in the face of everything you’ve ever known about losing fat.

AMPk is an enzyme found in our cells.

Just waiting to be turned on.

And it plays a critical role in our energy metabolism…

Which is simply the rate at which your body burns fat and calories.

Specifically, AMPk helps convert sugar and fat into energy, while decreasing hunger.

So not only are you burning more fat…

But your hunger goes down as well.

You probably felt hungry all the time.

Which is why crash diets are never sustainable.

You want to burn fat AND decrease your hunger at the same time.

That way you aren’ replying on “willpower” to say no to your favorite foods.

You simply won’t be hungry all the time…

And that’s the power of AMPk.

However, there’s one thing nearly everyone does…

That we’ve been told is “healthy” for years…

And yet, it KILLS AMPk on the spot.

When you stop doing this…

AMPk will soar like an airplane taking off from the runway.

Flooding your body and burning up the fat in its way.

Fructans are polymers of fructose (aka sugar)…

Now, this isn’t just any type of regular sugar…

Fructans are found in many “healthy” fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Fructans are a type of carbohydrate…

Made by a chain of fructose molecules strung together.

Here’s why they can be a problem…

The body is not perfect at breaking down all parts of food.

And not all humans have enough of the essential enzyme necessary to break apart the fructose polymers.

So when you eat foods high in fructans…

Your body struggles to break them down.

You get a big blood sugar spike.

Even if those fructans are found in “healthy” foods like veggies or beans.

As your blood sugar rises…

Your body has to put this sugar somewhere.

And since it’s hard for most people to break down fructans…

The fructose just gets shuttled into your fat cells.

These hidden sugars not only cause your blood sugar to spike…

It also forces your body to release insulin…

Which is your #1 fat-storing hormone.

It’s almost impossible to burn fat in the presence of insulin…

Because insulin BLOCKS AMPk.

So if you’re eating 5-6 small meals a day…

You’re blocking AMPk from being released…

Even if you’re snacking on carrot sticks…

Having a giant salad full of veggies for lunch..

Or a plant-based black bean burger for dinner…

They all BLOCK AMPk from being released, so you’re not burning any fat.

Fructans are made up of fructose polymers.

Fructose is a special type of sugar that has to be processed and stored in the liver.

Which means it can kick you out of fat-burning in seconds.

While you can store hundreds of grams of sugar in your muscles…

You can only store 30-50 grams in your liver.

If you eat more than that…

And just to be clear, the average American eats over 300 grams per day…

Because there’s no more room in your liver…

The rest just “spills over” and ends up in your fat cells.

If you fill your car up with gas…

And you just let it run…

The gas will eventually overflow and spill all over the ground.

It’s the same thing with extra fructose in your body…

Except it spills into your fat cells.

And once the extra fructose is in your fat cells…

It’s extremely difficult to get it out.

Which is why it’s so hard to lose fat as you get older.

And when you consume too much fructose…

You put your liver in an overwhelmed state…

You spike your cholesterol…

And your triglycerides…

Which means you’re going to make a tremendous amount of visceral fat.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat…

Because you can’t see it.

It’s the fat that builds up around your heart and clogs your arteries.

Have you ever gone on a diet…

Maybe you started eating a salad for lunch every day…

You cut out the fast food…

And yet, you still didn’t lose that much weight?

Or maybe you didn’t lose any at all?

Well, it turns out that a handful of “healthy” vegetables are extremely high in fructans.

Now, before I tell you what they are…

I want to be perfectly clear.

I’m not telling you to avoid all vegetables.

If you’re eating these veggies and getting great results…

It’s clearly working for you.

However, if weight loss is always an uphill battle for you…

It might be from these high sugar veggies…

That are stopping your body from burning fat.

When it comes to fructans…

The top sources are onions, cabbage, broccoli and asparagus.

And another plant-based food that tops this list are legumes and beans.

Again, if you’re eating fast food around the clock…

Then switching to these veggies would be a great first step.

But once you’re eating a relatively balanced diet…

And the fat still isn’t coming off…

Fructans and these high-sugar veggies may be to blame.

Because in the presence of fructans…

Which leaves your metabolism slow like a snail all day long.

What’s healthy for one person isn’t always healthy for someone else.

So while you’re loading up on the beets, broccoli, bananas and peas…

It could be what’s stopping you from losing inches as quickly as you’d like.

Which is why your metabolism slows down with every year that passes…

Leading to more fat build-up…

And loss of lean muscle tissue.

Have you realized how most people gain weight and get weaker into their 50’s and beyond?

If you’re consistently gaining weight…

Even if it’s just a pound or two every month…

Your body probably isn’t producing any AMPk.

It’s like trying to drive a car without any gas in the tank.

Now, let’s take this one step further so you really understand this…

Then we can talk about how to fix it.

Your body releases a substance called resistin.

Which is the perfect name…

Because it basically “resists” your body from losing weight.

Resistin blocks AMPk activity [1].

So you eat foods that are high in fructans…

Your body releases insulin and resistin…

Both insulin and resistin block AMPk from being released…

And your metabolism stays slow…

The fructose gets shuttled to your liver

And when there’s too much where the liver can’t store all of it…

It “spills over” into your fat cells.

Leading to a bigger stomach…

And when your fat cells become too large…

Weight gain increases.

But what scientists and doctors are finally starting to realize…

Is if you want to get the fat out of your cells…

It’s really as simple as flipping your AMPk switch…

And keeping it on as often as possible…

Because AMPk determines your body fat composition.

Now, you’re probably wondering…

Well, if you look at the traditional research, you’re going to be disappointed.

Because it’s the same boring advice you’ve heard over and over again.

For example, one way you can do it is through intense exercise.

In studies, rigorous exercise has been shown to activate AMPk.

But here’s the problem…

First, it only stays activated for a short amount of time.

So unless you’re doing intense exercise around the clock…

…which I wouldn’t recommend…

Then it might not make a big difference.

Plus, what I’ve found working with hundreds of women and men 50 and above…

Is that intense exercise usually does more harm than good.

It’s easier to get injured…

And it’s hard to stick with long term.

Honestly, it’s just not worth the risk.

In theory, when you eat less…

Your body is supposed to produce more AMPk.

But here’s the problem…

You can’t restrict calories for the rest of your life.

I mean, you’ve probably tried that dozens of times already…

And how has that worked out for you?

So while it’s technically supposed to help…

We all know that your body can’t survive on only a couple hundred calories a day.

Because when you’re starving every day…

And try to rely on your willpower to avoid the foods you love…

It’s only a matter of time before you crack…

And cave into the foods your body really wants.

After getting married, my wife and I went to visit her grandmother…

…who lived in the tiny village of Giron in Ecuador.

In Giron, there are no paved roads…

There isn’t even a grocery store.

They live off the land…

And make everything by hand.

When we got there, I noticed something strange.

Everyone was not only thin…

They all looked incredibly young.

In a village full of people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s…

Most of them didn’t look a day over 40.

And one morning, I followed Nubbia’s grandma on her morning routine.

And with her straw basket in hand…

She’d pick these tiny plants one by one.

I had no idea what they were.

But when she had a full basket…

We walked back to the village..

Where she’d spend hours separating the plants.

Then she’d grind them down by hand…

Take a small pinch and put it in a cup…

And pour hot water over them.

Like an honest to goodness homemade tea.

“Why are you drinking that?”, I asked.

And who could argue with her.

She’s been drinking it every morning for over 50 years.

And at 99, she’s as sharp as a tack…

She lives 100% independently on her own…

No one is caring for her…

And she looks like someone half her age.

My curiosity was running wild…

So when I got back home…

I started researching the ingredients in my grandma-in-law’s secret tea…

And I quickly realized why everyone in the village…

The first plant extract my grandma-in-law used is called Berberine.

Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several different plants [7].

It’s been tested in hundreds of different studies…

And it has a long history of being used in traditional Chinese medicine…

But the benefits go much deeper than that.

One of the main actions of berberine is to activate AMPk [8].

In a study published in the journal Diabetes, it states…

That means not only did it help with weight loss by triggering AMPk…

It can also help support blood sugar levels already in normal range.

…without the test subjects changing their diet.

You’re much more likely to stick with it.

Berberine also helps [9, 10]:

In a study of 37 women and men…

The participants took 300 mg. of berberine 3 times a day…

As a result, they dropped their body mass index (BMI) levels from 31.5 to 27.4.

They also lost belly fat…

Their waists got smaller…

They also saw an improvement in fat-regulating hormones.

Without completely overhauling your diet. 

When I came across this one…

I just assumed it was regular cinnamon.

Cinnamon bark is actually known as “true cinnamon”…

Because it’s less common…

And it’s considered to be of superior quality than regular cinnamon.

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry…

The result was a decrease in weight gain to those fed a high-fat diet.

And in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics…

Scientists report that this type of cinnamon helps support healthy insulin levels…

And reduces the accumulation of white fat [13].

This is the type of fat that “pads” your body.

The first one is Alpha lipoic acid, which increases insulin sensitivity by activating AMPk in skeletal muscle [14].

It’s also been shown to reduce body weight and increased fatty acid oxidation (aka fat-burning) [14].

An essential mineral that can increase the amount of AMPk in skeletal muscles…

Which positively impacts glucose metabolism in skeletal and heart muscles [15].

It also helps support blood sugar levels that are already in the normal range[16].

But what I found most interesting is this:

Most people who have tried to lose weight and keep it off…

…fail because of hunger and strong food cravings.

Well, in an 8-week study…

Taking 1,000 mg of chromium daily…

Reduced food intake, hunger and cravings in healthy overweight women [17].

Which is extremely powerful, just think about it…

Or the cravings just got too intense for you to ignore?

And imagine what you could do if that were no longer a problem for you?

Next on the list was Bentotiamine.

Bentotiamine is a B vitamin that can help support a healthy inflammatory response [18]…

While helping activate AMPk in the body.

And last on the list was naringin.

Naringin is really important because it’s a flavonoid that helps activate AMPk [20].

The body burns more fat at rest.

In other words, your fat-burning metabolism increases…

Even if you aren’t dieting or exercising.

Whether you’re 50 years old…

And it remains sky high…

As long as you keep the AMPk pathway open.

By snacking all the time…

Eating oatmeal for breakfast…

Munching on high-sugar veggies…

Or eating bananas, apples, or oranges…

Your body stops burning fat…

And starts shuttling sugar into your fat cells.

After researching all these different plant extracts…

I thought I finally had the recipe to end obesity as we know it. However…

Based on all the research…

If you could activate AMPk…

It would essentially “turn on” your metabolism whenever you want.

Which means your body will burn more calories and fat at rest.

And while most “experts” try to do this through intense exercise or strict diets…

Those aren’t long term solutions because they’re impossible to stick with.

But after my trip to Ecuador…

Seeing the thin youthfulness in my 99 year old grandmother-in-law…

I truly believed we could turn on your metabolism with a flick of a switch…

By using the same formula she had been using for decades.

I wanted to make it so easy and so convenient…

So after spending weeks…

Talking with suppliers and manufacturers…

I was able to source all the plant extract ingredients in bulk…

Because I was SUPER picky.

After all, the ingredients had to be:

It took months to get the formula just right…

And by the end of the year…

I had just enough in my life savings…

To get our first test batch…

That way you could just pop it in your mouth…

Like your morning vitamin…

And move on with your day.

A little over a month later…

A package arrived at my door…

I ripped open the box as fast as I could.

Took one with a big glass of water. And..

I wanted to put these plant extracts to the test…

So while I was taking them on a daily basis…

I was also eating a lot of high-carb meals.

Along with activating AMPk…

That’s the 1-2 punch that makes it so powerful.

Because if you can activate your fat-burning metabolism…

Without having to give up your favorite carbs…

While still losing weight…

So for the next few days…

I went HARD on the carbs.

Spaghetti, lasagna, breads, brownies, ice cream, you name it…

Anything I could think of.

And I didn’t gain a single ounce.

In fact, after the first 24 hours I lost a pound and a half.

And over the next 10 days…

My stomach started flattening out…

My face looked thinner…

In the first month alone…

I was down 12 pounds and two jean sizes.

I felt incredible. However…

Honestly, my results were just icing on the cake.

The true test was with my wife Nubbia…

Who after having three kids…

And twins just a few months ago…

She was determined to get her body back…

But with the twins at home…

She didn’t have time to go to the gym for an hour or two every day…

And after an 8-month pregnancy…

She didn’t want to go on some unhealthy crash diet.

But she didn’t think anything of it.

Until later than night when something amazing happened.

She was emotionally drained after a long day of taking care of the twins.

And after putting them to bed…

She went straight for the emergency ice cream in the freezer.

Every last chocolatey spoonful.

Something crazy happened.

Her stomach was already a bit flatter than it was the night before.

Remember, when AMPk is activated in your body…

It increases your fat-burning metabolism.

And the “true cinnamon” in my grandma-in-laws secret recipe…

Helps block carbs from being stored as fat.

We both looked at each other stunned.

Over the next few days…

Her cravings disappeared…

She wasn’t hungry all the time anymore…

She was consistently losing weight like clockwork…

I thought something happened to the twins…

But it wasn’t a scream of terror…

It was an excited scream of joy.

All of her pregnancy fat had disappeared.

She got all the way back down to her high school weight…

Which seemed impossible just a few months earlier.

When you activate AMPk in your body…

Your cravings and hunger go way down.

And your metabolism shoots up.

Have you ever been around someone who always said no to treats?

Maybe it was a co-worker…

Or one of your annoying “skinny friends”.

You just assume they have a lot of willpower…

Or maybe you think they don’t love food as much as you do.

They simply don’t have the same cravings, urges, and intense hunger as you…

Because when AMPk is turned on…

Those cravings just don’t exist.

You feel satisfied instead of hungry…

You feel content instead of cravings…

And since AMPk is sitting in your cells right now…

And let it do the hard work for you.

That’s what Nubbia and I did…

And we started dropping fat like crazy.

So we started giving it to all our friends and family…

None of them were very health conscious…

But they wouldn’t mind dropping a few pounds IF it was easy.

I made it clear this wasn’t some miracle formula…

Just something that helps your metabolism run like it’s supposed to…

While allowing you to eat more carbs…

…without storing them as fat.

All in their 60’s and beyond…

With more youthful energy…

Without making drastic changes to their diet.

This really could work for anyone.

To get this in the hands of as many people as possible.

I nicknamed it CarboFix…

Because it “fixes” the way your body processes carbs.

Instead of automatically storing them as fat.

Let me be honest with you…

If you want to start losing pounds fast…

If you want your jeans to slide off your hips…

If you want to get rid of the nagging fat on the back of your arms…

And the stubborn fat stuck to your thighs…

It’s the only all-natural 6-ingredient blend in the world that help activate AMPk…

…to target unexplained weight gain, excess belly fat and uncontrollable hunger.

Now you can finally indulge in your favorite carbs guilt-free…

Knowing they won’t be stored as fat.

It’s the only formula in the world that combines:

And to be 100% transparent…

Here’s the exact label on every bottle of CarboFix…

…so you can see that there are no fillers…

There are no hidden sugars…

And there are no dangerous chemicals.

It’s just 100% pure plant extracts that I’ve described in detail here today…

All backed by the latest cutting edge research to get you on track for the healthy body you deserve.

Remember, AMPk is found inside every cell…

And serves as your body’s “master regulating switch.”

It determines your body fat composition…

And how long you’ll live.

Supplementing with Berberine…

Combined with the other plant extracts we discussed today…

It also increases fat oxidation – aka fat-burning…

And decreases fat storage.

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose…

Your #1 priority is activating AMPk…

And the fact that it isn’t activated yet in your own body…

Is one of the main reasons people gain fat as they get older.

Think about how much easier it would be to lose weight…

If you didn’t have any cravings or intense hunger.

You know, the kind where you literally can’t stop yourself from giving in?

You’re standing in front of the pantry…

With a handful of cookies…

And you don’t even remember how you got there…

Or how the cookies got into your hands.

That’s how powerful cravings can be.

Yet when you naturally don’t have those cravings…

And don’t have to try and rely on willpower any longer…

Your energy goes way up…

And the fat starts coming off.

Because now you have AMPk activated…

So your body is naturally burning more fat for energy…

And you’re no longer snacking or falling victim to sweets.

Now can you see why this works so fast?

You’re finally getting out of your own way…

So your body can burn fat naturally like it’s supposed to.

This is where most traditional diets fail.

I mean, how many different low carb diets are you going to try…

…before you realize that giving up carbs simply doesn’t work for you?

But now you can have your carbs as often as you want…

And you can thank chromium for that.

Chromium helps your body metabolize carbs like it did when you were younger.

Think of it like an air traffic controller…

It improves blood sugar levels by directing nutrients where they need to go in your body.

It’s so powerful that in a 4 month trial…

A group of patients lowered insulin levels without changing their diets [21].

And it even helps reduce cholesterol, increase brain health, improve skin, and protect bone health [22].

Most people over 50 years old…

Don’t have AMPk activated in their body.

They also have intense cravings and hunger…

Which leads them to eat lots of carbs…

…that end up getting stored as fat.

This cycle goes on and on for years…

And it’s why obesity has become such a huge problem here in America.

Was because no one took the time to do the research.

On the exact right plant extracts…

And the exact right doses.

And piece this all together.

A trip to a tiny village in Ecuador…

My entire life savings…

Hundreds of sleepless nights…

And more stress, self-doubt, and anxiety than I could have ever imagined.

Yet when I see what it did for my grandma-in-law…

All the people in her village…

And thousands of others across the world…

At this point you’ve heard about my story to Ecuador…

How my grandma-in-law is young, thin, and 100% self-reliant…

And how Nubbia dropped every last bit of pregnancy fat in record time…

Plus how thousands of women and men are raving…

…about a solution that takes less than 3 seconds a day…

And works when nothing else does.

So let me ask you a question…

What will you see in the mirror two weeks from now?

Be honest with yourself…

Because if you don’t take the first step…

Then I fear that nothing will ever change.

With every week that goes by…

You’re losing precious time.

Time that you’ll never get back.

Whatever life has been like for you…

It doesn’t need to stay that way.

If you’re tired of struggling…

Then I want to do something to personally help you.

You see, we went through our initial 5,000 bottle test batch in less than 24 hours.

Once the word spread online…

And once people realized how fast the bottles were going…

They started ordering six or more bottles at a time.

That way they can start burning fat right away…

And keep it going for the rest of the year.

It sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense.

Especially since there’s so much research proving the benefits of AMPk…

And how it can slim down your body and cut back on cravings.

When the first few pounds start coming off…

You’ll feel more motivated than ever…

And you’ll want it to keep going.

However, since so many people are ordering three to six bottles at a time…

I mean, I’m just a former trainer from Canada…

I’m not some rich business tycoon with deep pockets…

So keeping inventory on hand and ready to go…

Has been one of my biggest challenges.

You’ll have to wait up to 3 months on average…

Because we’re not going to cut corners.

Each bottle of CarboFix is:

This process is critical for producing the best plant extract on the market today…

And that takes time and resources.

Because we’re not willing to cut corners…

Or compromise on quality…

We can only produce a certain number of bottles at a time.

The more pounds you can see melt away…

The more your hunger naturally decreases…

The more your cravings fade away…

…especially at bedtime…

And the more fat your metabolism will burn…

It’s easy to see why so many frustrated dieters are ordering several bottles at a time.

So they can remain stocked up…

And even give some to their family and friends…

…after they ask you what in the world you’ve been doing to get so thin.

Start with one capsule about 30 minutes before your first meal…

And another one 30 minutes before dinner.

That way if you’re going to have a higher-carb breakfast like pancakes or waffles…

Or maybe some pizza or spaghetti for dinner…

You’ll give the plant extracts plenty of time to work their magic.

Here’s what I’ve found works really well…

…especially for women who’ve been stalled for a two weeks or more.

Take one 30 minutes before lunch….

Let’s say you want to buy a lottery ticket.

Are your chances to win better buying just one ticket…

Of course your chances of winning go up the more tickets you buy.

It’s the same thing here…

The more you take, the faster it works.

Now, don’t go overboard…

You don’t need to take 20 a day.

But start taking them 30 minutes before each meal and snack…

No matter how many bottles you choose…

Your shipment will be on it’s way as soon as you place your order.

Depending on where you live, it usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive.

When the package gets dropped off at your door…

I’m sure you’ll want to rip it open and try some right away.

So go ahead and take one with a glass of water.

Then do the same thing at night before dinner…

Most people notice a difference within the first 24 hours.

Your hunger before bed will start to fade away…

You’ll be satisfied after dinner without having to go back for seconds…

You won’t be starving from the minute you wake up…

And while you can definitely still enjoy your sweets and treats…

You won’t feel like they’re controlling you.

People will ask if there’s “something different” about you…

They’ll probably ask what diet you’re on…

Or if you’ve been exercising more…

Because you just look so good.

After 3 months, it’ll be hard to even recognize you…

Especially for your friends and family who haven’t seen you in a while.

They won’t think you’re the same person…

They’ll do a “double take” when you walk in the room…

And after 6 months, you’ll look like a completely different person.

With a glow that follows you everywhere you go.

Just like taking a multivitamin…

It’s not going to do much if you take one a month…

But if you take one every morning…

It can really help bulletproof your body.

Think of this as your new daily defense…

Your shield against uncontrollable cravings, intense hunger, and sudden weight gain.

That’s why I always recommend choosing at least 3 bottles to get started…

And 6 bottles if you’re really serious about getting the weight off in record time.

A single bottle will get you started in activating AMPk in your body…

…probably for the first time since you were a kid.

That’s your metabolism “burning up” your body fat.

And continuing to use it for three months gives you the momentum you need…

To help reverse years of damage to your metabolism.

And when you commit for a full 6 months…

Something special happens.

You have control over your appetite…

Your body is firing on all cylinders…

Your cravings fade away and don’t control you anymore…

Your stomach flattens out…

You feel better than you have in months…

Because your body and your metabolism are finally running like they’re supposed to.

And because our multiple bottle packages are our best sellers…

We set it up so that the more you buy, the more you save.

Because as a new small business owner…

I want you to save as much money as possible…

In hopes that you’ll tell your friends if, and ONLY if, CarboFix works wonders for you.

That’s why, if you choose the 6 bottle discounted package…

Plus, we worked out a deal with our supplier…

So you’ll get a big “new customer” discount on a three-month supply as well.

The savings aren’t as big as the six-bottle discount…

But they’re still significant.

Whatever package you choose…

You will not be billed again unless you make another order.

I hate companies that keep sending you bottles when you didn’t order them.

But you have to act fast…

Because our supply is running low.

And I can guarantee these discounts will not be available forever.

Once you complete your order…

It will arrive at your doorstep within just a few short days.

You’ll also receive an email confirmation from us…

Along with information on how to get in contact with our support team…

…just in case you have any questions or want to track your order.

We’re not one of those companies that runs and hides after you make a purchase.

We’re here to help you every step of the way.

I don’t know about you, but I hate paying for something that doesn’t work.

And it’s even worse when you have to spend hours on the phone…

Just to get your money back.

That’s why, when you try CarboFix today…

And you start using it in the morning before breakfast…

And again before dinner…

And any time you’d like in between…

If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results…

If for whatever reason CarboFix doesn’t work for you…

Then all you have to do is contact our support team…

And we’ll refund your entire order with no questions asked.

And, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve used.

Our team will take care of you and simply thank you for giving us a try.

Making CarboFix a part of your daily routine is the first step to getting your body back.

However, I want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need to get the extra weight off…

That’s why I’m including the following 3 bonuses absolutely free…

…when you pick up your supply of CarboFix today.

However, these bonuses won’t be available for long.

I can’t even guarantee they’ll be here tomorrow…

So make sure you grab them up now or risk missing out forever.

While you don’t have to change your diet in order for CarboFix to work…

As a personal nutrition coach, I always recommend it.

That’s because I don’t just want you to lose a bunch of weight.

I want you to have a strong, healthy heart…

I want you to have healthy cholesterol levels…

And healthy blood pressure…

I want you to have lots of energy…

So you can be around well into your 70’s, 80’s even your 90’s…

To watch your kids and your grandkids blossom.

And nutrition can play a big role in that.

I don’t want you to starve yourself…

I don’t want you skipping meals…

And I don’t want you to count calories.

You don’t have to go keto…

Over the years, I’ve come up with the most powerful flat-blly protocol…

…to get rid of the nagging fat in the shortest amount of time possible.

This isn’t some low-carb or low-calorie diet plan.

But it is something doable that you can stick with long term…

So you don’t just lose a bunch of weight, only to regain it a few weeks later.

This puts an end to rebound weight gain.

And in our test groups, the average weight loss has been 8.5 pounds.

With the record being 16 pounds.

I don’t know about you…

But I’m obsessed with getting FAST results.

Because after struggling for 5, 10 even 15 or more years…

They were willing to pay a pretty penny to get the fat off NOW.

Especially if they’re older…

And their life is literally on the line.

So whenever I personally coach someone new…

We ALWAYS start with this 24-hour protocol.

Because once you prove to yourself that you can do this…

And that this WILL work for you…

Then there’s nothing that can slow you down.

Getting started is always the hardest part…

Which is why if you commit to just 24 hours…

You won’t feel overwhelmed…

And when the results start coming in…

You’ll have the momentum and motivation to stick with it.

One of the secrets my wife Nubbia used to get rid of the extra baby fat was…

Combining her morning CarboFix capsule with a delicious smoothie.

You see, with two baby twins at home…

She didn’t have time to make a gourmet breakfast in the morning.

Heck, she didn’t even have time to sit down and have some eggs.

So one morning, after changing dirty diapers…

And feeding the babies…

She was already exhausted…

So she started throwing whatever we had in the fridge into the blender.

At first, it tasted pretty nasty.

I mean, she was severely sleep deprived after all.

However, over the next few weeks…

That helps the body burn more fat…

…while giving her the energy she needed to make it through the day.

And we found a few common household ingredients…

That made the smoothies taste absolutely delicious.

Because if you’re just drinking blended up veggies…

It can taste pretty gross.

So we took the absolute BEST 50 belly blasting smoothie recipes…

That you can make in less than 3 minutes…

With clean ingredients you probably have in your fridge right now…

And put it into a full-color smoothie recipe book…

That you can get free of charge when you try CarboFix today.

Unfortunately our time here together is almost over…

And going forward, you really only have two options.

Option #1 is you can take everything you learned here today…

And try to apply it yourself.

You can spend weeks trying to find the exact plant extracts…

In the exact right quantities…

You can go to all your local grocery stores…

You can spend hours searching for them online…

And if you do find them, you can figure out how to mix them together in a way that actually works.

That’s going to take A LOT of time…

Plus, life will get in the way like it always does…

And in a month, you’ll probably be in the same exact place you are now.

That’s not what I want for you.

Option #2 is you can take the easy way out…

Take advantage of all the hard work I’ve already done…

And see how powerful these plant extracts are…

Once you get them in your hands.

All you need is a few seconds in the morning to start seeing the amazing benefits…

And with all the free bonuses…

Your pants sliding off your waist…

You’ll probably start making more trips to Goodwill…

…donating all the clothes that are way too big and way too loose on your body.

Look, if you can clean up your diet on your own…

And start exercising every single day…

While sticking with it long enough to actually see results…

Then you clearly don’t need my help.

However, if you want a helping hand…

If you want me to help guide you along the way…

So you don’t have to do this alone…

While finally getting the missing link…

…the unique plant extracts that can make all the difference in the world…

Then the choice seems pretty clear.

Plus, if for some reason it doesn’t work out…

You can just let us know…

And we’ll refund your entire investment.

So you have nothing to lose…

And an exciting, youthful life to gain.

Matt Stirling
Personal Nutrition Coach
Gold Vida

P.S. After our initial test batch of 5,000 bottles sold out so fast…

We started getting questions from all over the world…

Which I’ve answered below.

CarboFix is the breakthrough carb control supplement featuring true cinnamon and other powerful ingredients to prevent weight gain, increase fat loss, and help activate AMPk in the body.

AMPk helps increase metabolism and reduce abdominal fat.

CarboFix is comprised of five unique plant extracts that help activate AMPk, which includes Berberine, True Cinnamon, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Naringin, Benfotiamine, and Chromium.

Everyone’s body is different, so it’s hard to say exactly when you’ll see results. On average, most women and men see positive results within the first 72 hours.

Whether that’s losing those first few pounds, noticing your jeans fitting looser around your waist, having more energy, or just feeling lighter overall.

As with anything, the longer you do it, the better results you’ll receive. When you stick with it for 30 days, you’ll start looking and feeling like a whole new person.

Within 3 months, your friends may not even recognize you.

And within 6 months, people talk about being a whole new person, who looks, feels and moves like someone half their age.

That’s a great question because CarboFix is definitely not for everyone.

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose and your body seems resistant to diet and exercise…

And if your metabolism seems really slow because you can never lose weight even though you eat pretty healthy…

Then CarboFix is for you.

The odds are, AMPk is not activated inside your body.

That’s because it can be blocked by certain carbs, fruits, and even high-sugar vegetables that most people wouldn’t suspect.

Luckily, you can turn that around in just a few seconds a day.

Simply choose the package you’d like below. Once you’ve done that, click the Add to Order button.

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form. Once you’ve filled that out, your shipment will be on it’s way.

It usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive, depending on your location.

And you’ll receive instant access to all the free bonuses, including the 10-Day Fat Flush, the Fat Blasting Smoothie Recipes, and the 24-Hour Fix protocol.

You’ll also receive an email with our customer service contact information. That way you can track your order. And you can reach out to us if you have any questions at all.

Remember, I’m here to help you. So please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Yes. Gluten free. Soy free. Dairy Free. GMO free. No MSG either.

One serving of CarboFix is two capsules.

If for whatever reason you’re unsatisfied with CarboFix and all the free bonuses…

Simply contact our customer service team and we’ll give you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked, once you’ve returned the bottles. Our Customer service team will direct you on how to do so to make it easy for you.

It’s our way of saying thank you for giving CarboFix an honest try.

Yes, CarboFix has worked for women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s…

And it works especially well for women in their 70’s and 80’s.

That’s because your cells are craving these plant extracts that can’t be found in our current food supply.

You can’t get Berberine from any fruit or vegetable…

Which is the main activator of AMPk.

In fact, the older you are, the faster it seems to work.

Honestly, the discounts aren’t guaranteed past today.

As we roll out our first large batch of CarboFix, we want to give you the absolute best deal possible.

But we won’t be able to do this forever.

Especially with our suppliers and inventory specialists breathing down my neck.

So please take advantage of the discounted rates while you still can.

Because I can’t promise they’ll be available if you close out of this page and try to come back later.

Simply choose the option that best fits you…

And I’ll be waiting on the inside to help you the best I can…

…while your first shipment of CarboFix is on the way.

Terms of Use | Disclaimers | Privacy Policy

Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Gold Vida, LLC products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription or over-the-counter medication, are under the age of 18 or have, or suspect you may have a medical condition. Consult your physician before using these, or any other, dietary supplements. Keep out of the reach of children or pets.

+For maximum results, combine CarboFix with a healthy calorie reduced diet and regular exercise to help manage weight and avoid storing body fat.

We’re confident that you’ll love CarboFix but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened bottle(s). Then, in order to obtain a refund, you must return unopened bottles (including any “bonus” or “free” bottles as part of your order) back to our fulfillment facility within sixty (60) days of the date you originally ordered the product along with your original packing slip. Missing or used bottles that were not sent back, that you may be requesting a refund for, must match the time the product was used. Each bottle is a 1 month supply, please keep this in mind. This for a full refund minus shipping and handling. 

Failure to clearly state your order details so that our fulfillment staff can clearly read and allocate your return will result in our inability to refund you. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Once our fulfillment facility has received the package and relayed the correct information to us, you will be issued a refund. Your refund will be credited back to your bank account and may take up to 3-5 business days to show in your statement, depending on the speed of the processing bank.

Contact our Customer Support team for more information and detailed return instructions at [email protected]. Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Click here to get CarboFix at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

CarboFix is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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