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Unlock Your Glutes

Product Name: Unlock Your Glutes

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According to Journal of Applied Biomechanics, New “Awaken Your Glutes” Method Sculpts A Strong, Round Booty 238% Better Than Squats

Now Over 32,000 Women & Men Enjoy A Firm Butt Without Weights, Elite Genetics, or Dirty Looks From Teens

St. Petersburg, FL, Thursday October 03, 2024

I’m not going to pull any punches. You’re going to be angry and shocked by what I’m about to share with you.

When you stick to a program by the letter and do everything your trainer tells you, you expect results, right?

Well, what if you discovered all your hard work was causing you to be MORE prone to injury, was having ZERO effect on the shape of your butt and was leaving you with LESS strength and power?

What if you discovered you were ALWAYS going to fall short of the body you want, because…

You’ve been LIED TO about how to train your body’s BIGGEST muscle…

And it’s cost you in your performance, your health and even how you look.

Your glutes are your body’s most powerful muscle, yet they’re also the most misunderstood.

As the engine for almost every lower body and back movement you make, they deliver raw strength and power… but only when properly activated.

It’s like you’re sitting behind the wheel of a muscle car. You have all that raw power and strength lying dormant ready for you to unleash… but you don’t know how to get past 30.

When you discover the right way to unlock your glutes, everything changes. You can put the pedal to the metal on your gains.

And you know when you’ve trained your glutes the right way, as you’re the proud owner of a strong, round, healthy butt.

I’ll explain in a moment how you’ve been misinformed about the right way to build strong glutes…

The “Squat Myth” has, for too long, left millions of men and women frustrated at their lack of progress, struggling to grow their behind.

And it gets worse. Not knowing how to train properly has left you with a problem – weak glutes.

Ignore those who say a strong, rounded butt is pure vanity. It’s a sign of strength and good health.

Weak glutes are often the “hidden” factor in most injuries, including poor posture, lower back pain, knee pain, hamstring strains, muscle imbalances and lower body injury.

Ever suffered a long-term injury that simply won’t go away no matter how much you treat the area of pain? It could be a cause of weak glutes.

A saggy or non-existent butt can be embarrassing. But when you’re denied a strong, round butt it’s a reminder every time you catch yourself in the mirror that your efforts are producing zero effects, leaving you frustrated and angry.

When your glutes lose strength, it affects your whole body. Other muscles are forced to compensate, causing imbalances and severe health consequences.

Everything flows from this area. Whether you’re walking, running, climbing, jumping, stepping, sitting or even just standing without moving, your glutes are involved. The stronger your glutes, the more efficient your movement.

Strengthen your glutes, and you will run faster, you will jump higher, you will throw harder.

If this is a SHOCK to you, don’t worry – I’ve got your back. I’ve unlocked the secret to sculpting powerful glutes and a strong butt, and in a moment I’ll share it with you.

I’m Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS – aka Coach Brian – a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science.

I’ve dedicated the last 16 years of my career to working at the cutting edge of training and exercise science.

As a Functional Movement Specialist, I know it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction when it comes to training and performance. Step behind the headlines and you get the real story.

I know what works. I’m in the trenches using trial and error and applying proven principles every day working out with athletes, body builders and fitness models.

And this is where I do it…

Welcome to The Compound, our state of the art training facility in Clearwater, Florida.

The Compound is my testing ground working with elite athletes applying the latest science to improve their performance, health, and wellbeing. Every day, I put these principles into action.

You see, everyone BELIEVES they have powerful glutes. But often their weakness is masked by strength in other areas. As soon as you isolate the glutes… then the realization hits.

It’s hard to take when you work so hard.

Body builders who spend their days squatting, doing lunges and deadlifting go to pieces when I put them on glute-specific movements. They’ve built a mansion on foundations of sand.

After a few minutes of glute exercises, they’re floored.

When they discover how weak they really are, they can barely look at me. But it happens all the time.

Compare this to sprinters who train at The Compound. They have a laser focus on glute-specific movements. When faced with the same program, their glutes deliver raw, unbridled power and speed. If you want to understand how to explode your glutes, look at these guys.

The problem isn’t how hard you workout. It may not even be your genetics or your diet. It certainly isn’t your commitment, although it may feel like you’re trying everything and getting nowhere.

You see, it’s not your fault.

When we trust trainers with our bodies, we expect them to know what they’re doing, right?

But it turns out they don’t. They rely on routines based on decades-old research and training principles, instead of combining the latest science with, you know, REAL WORLD experience working with athletes.

The worst are Instagram fitness “celebrities” giving out glute advice based on a flawed understanding of human physiology.

They misunderstand the muscle. They misunderstand how to activate the glutes. They misunderstand fundamental training principles.

They don’t give you the complete picture.

(Sure, they may have a great butt… but they’re 20 years old, have never had kids, have great genetics and may be taking extra-curricular supplements. But, hey, let’s not mention that…)

Instead, you’re left disappointed when you don’t get the same results.

That’s why I had to speak out. To fight back against the misinformation and myths that some trainers keep pushing on you.

To understand why so many programs get it wrong, let’s look at the muscle.

The glutes are made up of three muscles, the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus. Each plays a role in stabilizing, supporting and mobilizing the legs, hips and lower half of the body.

Without getting too technical, there are three planes of motion glute muscles need to experience to grow.

If you want shapely glutes, you have to train all THREE planes of motion to get fullness – vertical, horizontal and rotational.

Most people do squats and deadlifts which are vertical movements. You still need to do lateral movements and twisting movements.

So you see why most programs fail because they don’t target all three planes of motion.

You also need to stress each muscle using different exercise strategies.

Here’s what complicates it. There isn’t one exercise that targets all three. To guarantee you target every part of each muscle you need three different exercise strategies in all three different planes of motion.

And that’s why glute-specific training is the key to unlocking their power…

To fully develop your glutes, your training needs to focus on two elements: 1) glute-specific movements and 2) targeting all three muscles, with all three exercise strategies in all three planes of motion.

By far, the biggest myth holding you back is that squats, lunges and deadlifts are glute exercises. They’re not. They’re leg exercises. They can activate the glutes incidentally, but they’re all about the legs.

If you want stronger glutes, why aren’t you doing glute strengthening exercises?

You can see why it’s easy to fall back on big compound moves, but there are 36 GLUTE-SPECIFIC movements to target each part of your butt. Some people – coaches included – may find that intimidating but there’s a simple way around it.

There’s a “secret” known to many models and fitness competitors who know a thing or two about sculpting a powerful butt. And it may transform how you work out.

Quite simply, they DON’T train glutes and legs together. (Why would they? They’re completely different.)

Instead, they dedicate at least two sessions per week solely to hit their glutes. Their leg days fit around that.

It makes sense when you think about it. Glutes are the biggest muscle in your body. They get to have their OWN day.

So the question is, are you serious enough about growing your butt to follow in the footsteps of fitness competitors and commit to glute-only days?

Let’s smash another myth… that super long gym workouts are required to build your backside.

We’ve already learned that you’re going to be training your glutes on their own day. You can get an extremely effective workout for one muscle group in as little as 15-minutes since you’re targeting a specific area.

Sure if someone is training their entire upper or lower body that can take some time, but a killer glute workout will be counter-productive if exceeding 15-minutes.

Secondly, if you have a gym membership that’s great but not a requirement.

There are lots of exercises you can to add resistance with your bodyweight or other common items that you can use in your workouts when exercising at home or when traveling.

If you have a gym membership that’s great, but if you don’t you can still develop your glutes with bodyweight exercises at home.

Study after study proves you can achieve serious growth through bodyweight exercises instead of heaving weights. You really can grow your glutes without setting foot in a gym (although adding resistance can speed up progress).

One study proved bodyweight exercises – hip thrusts – activated a comparable level of lower limb muscles as machine exercises . Another study suggested it was possible to improve muscle power and growth through bodyweight exercise with blood flow restriction . A further study showed muscle growth occurred without the need for resistance at all.

What these studies show are the benefits of incorporating bodyweight exercises without the injury risks associated with lifting weights.

Too much advice focuses on complicated movements that never really hit your glutes. Or the need to use 25 hard-to-find machines in your gym. I want to show you that seriously building your butt is as simple as a well-considered bodyweight plan.

There’s a catch, though. None of what I’ve talked about above will give you the results you want if you’re training a dormant muscle…

Your glutes are asleep. And the reason?

Endless studies show sitting hurts our physical health. It’s a “silent killer”. Unlike a sports injury, you don’t realize the extent of the damage done until it’s too late.

The only time we notice there could be an issue is when we sit for too long and get a numb butt. “Dead butt syndrome” or gluteal amnesia occurs when your glutes stop firing as they should.

The technical term for this is “inhibition”. When you sit for a prolonged period, your glutes aren’t activated. They get weak, and it has consequences for the rest of your body. Other muscles are forced to compensate for your glute weakness, and this may result in lower back, knee or hip pain.

They prevent your gluteal muscles from activating so you never perform at 100%. You can’t train a dormant muscle.

What’s worse is that you can suffer from this even if you exercise regularly. You can’t ‘out-exercise’ the effect of sitting.

Our muscles are dormant, so we need to wake them up. Time spent training a dormant muscle is wasted. That’s why you never get the gains you expect, despite your hard work.

When you look in the mirror wondering where your butt is and what more you can do, this is it. You need to WAKE UP your glutes.

The key to unlocking your glutes is its opposing muscle, the hip flexor. You see, sitting tightens the hip flexors preventing the glutes from firing.

To fire your glutes, we use a two-step protocol. It involves: a) dealing with tight hip flexors first and b) then re-activating the glutes.

Restorative stretching lengthens the muscle fiber to return the hip flexors to their original length.

To re-activate the glutes, we turn to a tool of physical therapists use to rehabilitate injured athletes: neuromuscular activation. This technique restores the mind-muscle link between your brain and your glutes, lost when you sit for too long and your glutes “switch off”.

Stretching and muscle activation in that order is the ONLY way to kick your glutes into action from being dormant.

The good news. It only takes an additional three to five minutes of stretches and activation exercises to hit 100% of your potential. No matter what your goal is, adding a “Wake Up Protocol” gets you there faster, safer and probably a lot easier.

So now we know what the obstacles are that are stopping you from getting the glutes you want, it’s clear why…

The latest research proves that the exercise I’m about to share with you activates more muscle fibers in the glutes than any other exercise in existence.

The Hip Thrust can be performed at home or at the gym.

In this position (anatomically speaking now), you are in the best position possible to achieve the highest level of muscle contraction since the muscles are shortest [1], and with consistent tension placed on the hips throughout.

A recent 2017 study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research proves this glute movement really is ideal for protecting the spine and knees from unwanted strain commonly associated with squats and lunges, developing strength and power at short muscle lengths [2], and maximizing muscular hypertrophy of the glutes.

If you just added Hip Thrusts to your routine, sure that would help. However, you’re on a mission to get the best butt you can and you need to incorporate these other modalities into your programming to take your glutes to the next level.

Releases opposing muscles that are inhibiting your glutes.

Develops the mind muscle connection and primes your butt for optimal recruitment of muscle fibers.

No unneeded pressure on the lumbar spine or knees so that the exercises are 100% safe for people of all levels.

Exercise selection backed by science proven to stimulate the most muscle contraction and effectiveness.

An under-utilized technique to build strength and power without lifting any weight.

Vary your repetition speed under resistance for the eccentric and concentric portion of the lift to make your workout faster and more efficient.

Don’t let the science-talk terminology overwhelm you….

A “cookie-cutter” approach doesn’t work. I know, I’ve tried it.

Instead, we need the science-backed “GM3” Method to wake up and prime your body’s largest sleeping muscle, release the inhibiting muscle group, and include exercises to build strength, muscle and burn ugly fat.

The “Wake Up” protocol of stretching and activation PRIMES your dormant glutes ready for hitting all three of your glute muscles with the three exercise types on all three planes of motion.

This is a straight-up GLUTE plan. It doesn’t include squats, deadlifts or lunges… just movements that set your rump muscles on fire.

Now you can walk away with glutes a pro-athlete would be proud of… in just 2 days a week without the complex training program.

When I tested this program with the guys at Critical Bench – the Internet’s longest-standing strength site – they were shocked to discover how common these myths and misinformation were.

After only a few days on the program, the guys and girls over here couldn’t believe the increase in power and strength in their glutes… and these are people who workout EVERY DAY.

Critical Bench CEO Mike Westerdal said to me, “Brian, you have to share what you know… you need to help as many people as you can with this…”

So, after months spent putting everything I knew together for the world to see, here’s what I’ve got for you…

It’s no lie to say Unlock Your Glutes contains the best of my expertise and experience in functional movement when it comes to glute development. I figured out how to force your glutes to grow and created a program that entails only two workouts per week over four weeks. That’s it.

It couldn’t be simpler and quickly delivers the results you want – a stronger, rounder, more developed butt in just 15-minutes per workout.

Unlock Your Glutes is the first program designed to force your butt to grow by hitting every muscles from every plane in each exercise type.

Inside the pages of the Unlock Your Glutes Manual, I expose all the myths and misconceptions about growing your glutes like crazy. Based upon the latest science and my experience working with elite athletes, this easy-to-use blueprint will show you exactly why the glutes are so important to your health and how to get the best looking and performing rear end around.

I share exactly what works, including detailed, highly specific breakdowns and pictures of each exercise. There’ll be no doubt in your mind what you need to do and when.

Let’s be frank. A comprehensive package like this includes a LOT of movements. For the fastest results, I recorded every single one of the 36 exercises to show you the exact form and movement pattern. The sooner you nail this, the sooner you see results.

Shot in high definition at our state-of-the-art training facility, you benefit from both the Bodyweight Edition designed for use at home or even on the road. The Gym Edition shows you how to use equipment in your local gym or home gym to add resistance and accelerate results.

“Training glutes is one of my favorite body parts to hit. Brian’s workout really targets them from all angles. From heavy weighted thrusts, to simple body weight exercises you can do from home. This workout will definitely keep that rear view tight!”

Stephanie Dushane
Bikini Competitor, Largo FL

“My glutes were sore for days after working with Coach Brian. He’s the best trainer in the world when it comes to building a better booty. I highly recommend you try his workouts. They worked for me and they’ll work for you too! The variety of exercises and angles are really different and fun to perform. You are going to feel awesome afterwards.”

Amanda Lynn
Posing Coach, Tampa FL

“Since I started doing Brian’s glute specific workouts I have felt less hip, knee and leg pain. I’m enjoying road races more and I’ve been injury free for a while now. I like the new shape of my behind and I feel a lot stronger. These workouts are fast and simple, you don’t need to spend over an hour working out to reap the rewards.”

Courtney Westerdal
CEO of the Household, Clearwater, FL

“I used to be the flat butt guy. That’s not a problem for me anymore after training with Coach Brian at the Compound. My background is in endurance sports, so my ass needed a wake up call 🙂 My wife says whatever I’ve been doing, it’s working. I give the credit to Coach Brian. If you want to get rid of your flat butt, definitely try this program.”

Jim Muldoon
Sales Manager, Seminole, FL

So you’re replacing squats and lunges with specific glute exercises. Yet you still want to keep your legs growing… No problem! It’s why I developed the strong legs workout. It is designed to compliment Unlock Your Glutes with two workouts so you have a nice strong pair of legs to go with your newly defined back-end.

What you do between your glute sessions is just as important as what you do in the session. From a nutritional perspective, it goes without saying getting your food right is key to getting the butt you want.

This proven plan is designed to rapidly kickstart fat loss to give you better definition while fueling your glute growth.

I didn’t know that your core and glute muscles could be this important and affect your walking this bad! I couldn’t walk normally or stand straight my hips were uneven i thought something was broken in my body until all the tests came back negative for about almost 10 years now and my doctors and therapists didn’t bother telling what I needed to know. They wanted me to keep going to the hospital and spend all my life saving so I tried looking for answers online and I found this video! Sir your video is saving me ever since I started doing your exercises twice a day my walking is getting better and better. Shoulders and hips are even and I can stand straight now that’s amazing. Ten years of disability I thought the damage was irreversible I almost gave up only God can recompense you for what you do to help people.

Vanessa Redford 8 months ago

Great video!! Thank you for all the info. This answered so many of my questions not only about making my glutes fire hard but explains pains associated with less loved areas that are crying out for some attention. Thanks again for sharing this useful content. ☺

Excellent material. Thanks for all that science and detail, and no, when the information is there to back up the concepts, it means you haven’t confused anyone! So much clarified in this, in just 20 minutes – including things I had never thought about of never understood. I’m not young and increasingly aware that parts of the body work together, so it was interesting to hear that the glutes get a word in- even on digestion.

Thank you…… someone finally explained this in a comprehensive way. I have gotten bits and pieces from various sources but this was brilliant and so logical.

HipFit SoooGood 8 months ago

This video is one of my favorites. Such good information, and presented so well, thank you. I’m a personal trainer and always learning about the human body.

Absolutely fantastic video! I really appreciate this info. Please keep up the excellent work.

Drea Stevenson 6 months ago

Thank you SO much for the informative, clear content!!

EXCELLENT…I am a physiotherapist and you’re great!!! Keep it up! Not too complex at all!

You’ve read this far so you know you’ll benefit from stronger glutes that power your body without injury or weakness.

But I understand you’re skeptical. Sure, I’d be. There are so many bogus programs out there. I get why you’d be reluctant to make the jump.

That’s why I’m going all-out to give you a guarantee you can’t refuse and put all the risk on me.

Here’s how it works. Try Unlock Your Glutes for a full 60 days. That’s enough time to go through the program not once but several times. Incorporate all the exercises and workouts into your own regime and really put it through the grinder.

I’m confident you’ll be blown away with the speed and quality of the results you achieve… but if for any reason you aren’t delighted by the program, just email me and ask for a complete, hassle-free refund. I’ll give you every penny back on the spot.

It doesn’t worry me making such a bold promise because I know this program 100% works for the men and women I train, for every age and level of physical fitness.

It shocks me seeing so many people making mistake after mistake hitting their glutes – through no fault of their own. They’re stuck in a rut of working harder and harder, yet don’t understand why they’re still left with a flat, saggy, ugly butt and nothing to show for it.

It’s all about getting the program right and that’s what Unlock Your Glutes does.

Early consumer tests of the program have already yielded incredible results and to celebrate the launch of the program for the first time, I’m slashing the price of the program for a very limited time.

That’s less than the cost of a book on Amazon about glute activation… if you can find one. But I know no-one else has figured out the key to unlocking your glutes through a program like this, based on science and real-life testing on elite athletes.

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

So now I’ve walked you through how Unlock Your Glutes is your quickest, most effective path to the bigger, stronger butt you’ve always wanted.

I’ve offered you a crazy low launch price including two awesome bonuses to speed up your gains. I’ve explained how you won’t risk a penny by investing today with my 100% money back guarantee.

There’s nothing left for me to say, except… now, it’s over to YOU.

You could read this and decide to do this yourself. Sure, you now know what you need to avoid and how to prepare your muscles. But this program is the result of over 16 years experience and expertise, spending hours pouring over papers and text books and keeping up to date with the latest research.

That surely will take up a huge chunk of your time to get the right program for your need. Is your time really worth it?

You may read this and think “I’ll come back to it later”… but we both know what that means. Within a few days, you’ll forget you even saw this. You’ll go back to sitting at your desk, your glutes weakening by the day and making each subsequent workout less effective than the last.

In a months’ time, you may be right back feeling frustrated over your lack of gains, reminded of this every time you catch sight of your butt in the mirror.

Then a year from now, you suddenly remember this day and wish you had made the decision to say “YES” and blow up your glutes.

Imagine how your year would have turned out if you’d felt stronger, more powerful and with a head-turning posterior.

I hope that’s not the path you take.

Instead, make the choice so many have made before and choose yourself. Decide you’re going to build a better, stronger booty not just for the way you look… but for your long-term health and well-being.

At last! You finally have the answer to building the strong butt and powerful glutes you always dreamed about.

After just ONE workout, you FEEL the difference. It’s never felt this way before. Parts of your butt are ON FIRE…

Within a few weeks of following the program you can feel the giant awakening. You notice odd aches and pains you once had have disappeared. You feel the engine rising through your posterior, pulling your posture into place.

You stand a little taller. Walk a little better. You feel your clothes fall differently and your pants feel a little tighter… in all the right places.

You smile to yourself, proud of the moment you acted decisively to make this happen.

So make the right choice for yourself today. Click the Buy Button below and have your credit card ready to complete the details on the secure web page. Once you’ve submitted your details and payment is made, wait for your confirmation.

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

Once your order is completed, look out for the welcome email in your inbox. Use these to gain instant access to the program and get started today.

Your journey to a stronger, rounder butt begins now. You’re minutes away from making a difference to your strength, health and vitality.

Seize the moment and let’s do it.

Move Well. Look Well. Live Well.

Coach Brian Klepacki

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN
Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor –

P.S. Try Unlock Your Glutes for 60 days and discover how to force your glutes to grow like you’ve never experienced before.

If you’ve ever wanted a stronger, rounder butt, this is your program. If you want more power, more strength and peace of mind knowing every workout is 100% effective, this is your program.

And if you’re not blown away by what you experience, I’ll give you every penny back. No questions asked.

“As a former skinny guy and best selling author I can tell you that Brian’s methods are as unconventional as mine. You’re not going to find these workouts on YouTube. Coach Brian has utilized the latest science and research to come up with a NEW way of training glutes that has turned the industry upside down. Get ready to build your glutes in record time so that you can increase your confidence and perform better.”

Alain Gonzalez
Author of Bulk Up Fast

“As a lifestyle diet coach, personal trainer and bikini competitor, staying in top shape is critical for my career and my confidence. I enjoy surrounding myself with other health professionals who are experts in their field and I was blown away when I met Brian. His level of understanding when it comes to glute training was unlike anything I’ve ever heard before.

I like most people always heard, “DO MORE Squats!” and “DO MORE Lunges!” in order to get that butt into competition shape… but not from Brian. His approach was altogether different and actually a breath of fresh air. It made so much more sense after thinking about it. Why do “leg” exercises when you’re trying to hit another muscle group entirely? Do glute specific exercises to get your backside bigger and rounder and save the leg movements for another day.”

Sarah DeMarco
Lifestyle Diet Coach & NPC Bikini Competitor

“Unlock Your Glutes is AMAZING! After having my first child, my hips, back and butt really took a beating… As soon as I started using Unlock Your Glutes, not only did glutes feel tighter, but I also had less back and hip pain!

It feels good to have my pre-baby back side!! As a mom and a fitness professional I highly recommend Brian’s program!”

Meredith Shrirk
Lifestyle Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Speaker, Author
Badass New Mom, Malibu CA

“My back, knees and hips feel so much better since I started doing Coach Brian’s Unlock Your Glutes program. Ya my jeans fit better, but I’m excited about the increase in strength, performance and function of my entire body. I’ve know Coach Brian for a few years now and I can vouch that he is a good guy that cares a lot about his clients and their success. You can trust Brian and his scientific approach to building a better butt.”

Chris Wilson
Head Strength Coach, Clearwater FL

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

Q: Why should I buy this over other glute programs?

A: Look, it’s this simple. No other program hits all THREE gluteal muscles with all THREE exercise strategies in all THREE planes of motion to FORCE your glutes to grow. Your choice is clear. A program based on real-life in-the-field experience and the latest science. Or a program stuck in the past based on decades-old research that leaves you weaker, less powerful and worse – with a butt you’re embarrassed about.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

A: This program is suitable for anyone, male or female, who wants to develop a stronger, rounder butt. I designed it for every level, from the gym rat to the newbie who has never set foot in a gym before. You see, unless you’re an athlete – a sprinter – chances are your glutes are weak. Everyone will improve their glute strength and stability with this program.

Q: How long does it take to complete the full program? Will I see results in that time?

A: Unlock Your Glutes is a four week program with two days of glute exercises per week. This length of time is optimal for strengthening and changing the shape of your butt. You can keep repeating the program for as long as you want. In fact, when you see the results you will most likely make this your weekly routine.

Q: What if I’m injured? Can I still perform the program?

A: Before you undertake any new workout regime, check with your physician first. If you’re given the all-clear then it depends on your injury. What is great about this program is it is low impact with high results – you can use just the bodyweight component and you’ll see results. There are no complex movements. There are no super-heavy lifts. Every move within every workout has its place.

Q: In which format is the program available?

A: The program is available as a digital download. You can get started as soon as you hit the Buy button and pay.

Q: Do I need any gym equipment or gym membership to follow the program?

A: Two components make up the program: resistance and bodyweight. You can perform the bodyweight component anywhere – at home, in the yard or traveling. The resistance workout requires some basic workout equipment you may already have – dumbbells, etc. If you do have access to a gym that is helpful. But it’s not necessary for the program.

Q: How hard are the exercises to perform?

A: Not hard at all. There are a lot of exercises – 36 in total – but I’ve selected these based how easy they are to follow. You know the only program you’ll stick to is one you can follow. That’s why you have the handbook and all the videos demonstrating perfect form.

Get a digital copy of Unlock Your Glutes and Bonuses available for instant download anywhere in the world.

Download it to your computer, mobile or tablet device for instant enjoyment!

Get your physical copy of Unlock Your Glutes includes the book and DVD shipped directly to your home.

…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free

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My Manic Migraine cb | Blue Heron Health News

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Migraine and headache agony? Pounding head pain?

Migraine’s missing link was never actually missing – it was staring us in the face!

Finally, somebody has put the pieces together – and my 10-year migraine agony is over – no drugs, treatments or any costly procedures

Case Study: Lisa Patterson

It’s never nice to realise you suffered so much for so long – only to find out that none of that suffering was necessary.

But that’s exactly what happened with my long, painful experience of migraines.

And when I say my migraines were painful… I’m talking about hide myself away, close the drapes, shut out the whole world kind of painful.

Like most migraine sufferers, I tried all the standard treatments. Over time I spent over 5 thousand dollars on meds.

But I still had regular, disabling migraines.

Then I got really clever and followed a program that addressed migraine triggers.

The migraine trigger program had helped – it provided some relief.

But then one day, when I least expected it, my world changed forever.

The creator of the trigger program called me and asked if I would trial something he was working on.

He’d pulled together medically-validated migraine data…

…and created a program that, he predicted, would rid people of their migraines permanently.

3 weeks after I tried his program I had my last ever migraine headache.

I used to have migraines every 10 or 12 days.

I now haven’t had one for 14 months. I’m not expecting one ever again.

Let me tell you how it all happened for me. And let’s see if it can be the same for you too.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to suffer from migraines.

Not headaches. Not bad headaches. Not even severe headaches.

Shocking, excruciating, life-denying, throbbing horrible migraines.

The kind of pain that frequently made my eyes water – if not cry.

The kind of pain that drove me to my bed… my place to hide away, to escape from the world and soak in the torment that was my regular migraine attack.

My migraine history wasn’t much different from many other people’s.

They started off bad. Then, over time, they got worse.

At first they were throbbing pains on one side of my head. Sometimes they were not too awful. Occasionally they were manageable.

As months and then years rolled by they steadily worsened.

They became more frequent.

When they first started they’d be over by the next day.

But they eventually ran into more than two days – and those two-day migraine attacks disrupted so much in my life.

As time wore on my neck began to hurt.

My sensitivity to light and noise became more acute.

Originally I would sleep the migraine out in my own bed. But as they worsened even the slightest sound my partner made caused me pain.

In the end at the onset of a migraine I had to retreat to our second bedroom… to be alone and away from everyone and everything.

Another thing: I’d always felt nausea with my migraines.

But that nausea eventually became actual vomiting.

Nobody likes being sick – but I really, really hated it.

Strangely, of all the horrible symptoms of my migraines it’s the fact that I am no longer sick that makes me most happy!

As my migraines became worse my life also changed as a result.

At first, when they had been less severe, I had simply dealt with them as they arose.

As the migraine wore on I would shut myself away in our spare bedroom, close the door, pull the curtains and almost literally hide under my duvet.

I’d close my eyes and try to will the pain away.

The onset of the migraine slowed me down. The migraine itself more or less rendered me useless. And the day or two afterward left me drained, sluggish and deflated.

Those headaches robbed me of 3 or 4 days of life.

The things I couldn’t do, the plans I had to suddenly cancel….

But I quickly found it wasn’t just the migraine itself that affected my life.

The fear of them – the realization that they could hit me at any time – influenced so many of my plans and my actions.

I couldn’t take a job where I had to be alert and on my toes all day. Or where I would be dealing with customers.

It had to be a job where – putting it bluntly – I could be quite ill from time to time… and then make up for the lost work hours in my own time.

After all, who would hire me if my migraine actively hurt their business?

The sheer unpredictability of my migraines made even the most ordinary things difficult.

I could drive short distances – but longer distances always created a problem. What if I became ill at the other end of my journey? Who would I call to pick up me – and my car?

My productivity – both in my personal and work life – was heavily knocked by my migraines. At times I simply couldn’t do a thing for myself or for anyone else.

One of the worst things about migraines occurs when you’re not even experiencing one.

Because just not knowing when to expect the next attack… wondering if a migraine will suddenly pop up and ruin a busy day at work, a trip to the cinema or a social gathering with friends….

The mental effort of dealing with background worries about when it will strike next was exhausting in itself.

Those years of suffering migraines were difficult years indeed. I don’t miss them!

There are millions of migraine sufferers and, before I finally cured mine, I searched everywhere for some sort of relief.

But although there’s tons of information out there I gradually realized it all pretty much falls into just two categories:

There’s a hierarchy of treatments – each one a step on from the previous one.

There’s lots to try, plenty to fail at and, of course, an array of potential remedies to spend your money on.

I tried plenty. I spent plenty of dollars too.

And no matter what I tried there was always something else I could have a go at just around the corner.

Of course, some medications do work – in some ways.

There are so many variations of migraine sufferer. And, with so many medications on the market, it’s inevitable that sometimes a sufferer and a medication are just right for each other.

A match made in heaven, you might say.

The sufferer doesn’t usually get rid of the migraine. They still attack when they least expect it – but the meds make it more manageable.

For the rest of us though it can be a case of either soldiering on through the pain and nausea – or just sitting it out in darkness and silence until it goes.

And as I found, the meds rarely work in the way we’d like them to.

As in, getting rid of the migraines once and for all.

Sure, plenty of individuals get some relief from their symptoms from time to time.

I knew people whose drugs – if taken at the earliest stages of a migraine – would help make the migraines less severe than they would otherwise have been.

The results though are unreliable. Sometimes those same people will take their meds early and… the migraine rushes in anyway.

As if they’d never taken them at all.

My doctor warned me about taking too many drugs for my migraines. He pointed out the irony that taking too much medication had the side-effect of… medication over-use headache.

A headache caused by my headache medications!

I did laugh when he told me that. But it’s actually not that funny.

In fact, during my battle with migraines I developed a theory: that when a condition has so many medicines – and absolutely none of them work reliably for all or even most sufferers – then the condition itself is not properly understood.

When I suffered migraines I would try the various medications and treatments one at a time. And with each I would just hope – hard – for relief.

I quickly discovered that ‘hope’ is not a good strategy.

I also realized that the drugs companies are actually ‘trying things out’ – and, at best, getting temporary, short-lived successes. Their offerings were hit-and-miss – unreliable and uncertain.

And they’re tackling symptoms, not causes. If they successfully tackled causes then migraines would end.

But people like to pop pills because that’s easy to do – and we’re conditioned to believe there’s a pill for every problem. And pharma likes to sell pills because they make a lot of money.

On the brighter side, I found a lot of conversation around what triggers migraines.

Triggers are emotional, physical, environmental or dietary events that set your migraine in motion.

There are literally dozens of different potential triggers. Most people’s migraines are affected by just a handful of them.

The trick is to work out the few that affect you most – and then do your best to avoid them.

The avoidance of triggers was my favorite approach.

It’s free of cost to do because it mostly requires you to stop doing certain things.

More than that, it held out the hope of a cure for my migraines. If I could just pinpoint the one or two things that caused my migraines I could simply make sure I never did them again. And everything would be fine after that.

Addressing triggers does make some sense. For about half of us there are things that we can identify as prompting the migraine to start.

The thing is: how do we know what they are?

Identifying your personal migraine triggers can be quite difficult. For some of us our triggers are almost impossible to spot.

For sure, if you can spot one or two triggers then it can make a world of difference.

I should know. When I first started out trying to cure my migraines I tried everything imaginable. And triggers seemed to me like a good place to start.

I found a guide to triggers online – with some very helpful advice on how to spot and deal with my own. The guide was created by a gentleman by the name of Christian Goodman.

I worked through his guide and two things happened:

It was genuinely uplifting to suddenly have some control over what was happening to me. Even if I couldn’t actually stop it.

Managing triggers is very difficult.

First, they’re hard to identify – and I suspect that I still had one or two unidentified triggers for my own migraines. Often, you think something is a trigger but it isn’t – it’s actually just a symptom.

Then, some triggers are just very difficult to manage.

If your trigger is in some of the food you eat then if you’re lucky enough to be able to identify that food then you can simply stop eating it.

It’s more difficult if it’s a whole food group – dairy, say, or wheat. But it’s still doable. You can cut these things out.

But what if your trigger is something harder to get a hold of… more difficult to properly address?

Background stress perhaps. Nervousness. Low mood. Energy loss.

This kind of stuff is normal.

It’s part of everyday life for everybody who has a job or a family – or a job and a family.

For some people a level of anxiety or stress is just their normal default state. It’s part of their make-up.

For almost everyone, we find that such triggers are a common part of our lives at some point. Whenever things get tough, when we work harder than usual or when we miss out on some sleep… that’s when the trigger comes into play.

Managing them is extremely difficult.

The medical profession is united in one thing: they admit they don’t properly understand the causes of migraines.

Almost everything that’s ever said about migraines in the medical press has nothing to do with curing the migraine itself.

We talk about triggers – and managing them can help.

We talk about meds – they’re expensive but have some beneficial effects sometimes for some people.

But meds deal with a migraine that’s either about to happen or is in full flow. Meds are usually too late.

And triggers – which are good to identify and are where most people’s hopes lie – are not the actual cause of migraines.

Because too many people think that if they get rid of their migraine triggers then they’ve tackled their migraine’s cause:

Triggers are not the cause of your migraines.

Here’s a way of thinking about this that makes it clear:

Why can some people drink a bucket of coffee and feel nothing while someone else drinks a cup and suffers 72 hours of migraine hell?

How come Bob gets exhausted after a couple of stressful days at work but recovers after a good night’s sleep… but John – who works with Bob and had exactly the same experiences – goes home to wild thumping head pains, ghastly light sensitivity and vomiting?

How come Bob is refreshed the next day while John has to shut himself away for 48 hours to cope with his blisteringly painful headaches?

It can’t be the triggers. Can it?

Both had exactly the same experience at work. Both came home tired and stressed.

So both had the same ‘triggers’.

Yet one is fine the next day while the other has severe migraines.

There must be something else at work here.

If you read Christian Goodman’s trigger guide that I mentioned a moment ago you’d realize that migraine triggers are everywhere. They are food triggers, psychological triggers, dietary triggers, environmental triggers…

Endless triggers for migraines.

Most of life is a migraine trigger!

We all encounter migraine triggers almost every day of our lives.

Yet only some of us actually get the migraines.

I used to get migraines regularly. You still do I’m guessing.

But my sister doesn’t get them. My best friends don’t either. My boss never has a headache, let alone a migraine.

They all experience many of these typical migraine triggers though.

Migraine triggers without the migraine.

What on earth is going on here?

The answer is this: the triggers aren’t your migraines.

They aren’t even the cause of your migraines.

If you think they are then you’ve been duped.

The trigger is triggering something isn’t it? So if we address that something… aren’t we getting to the root of the problem?

Why do I say this with such certainty?

Because I found out something a short while ago. Something that I was able to make use of to put paid completely to my migraines.

It’s not exactly a secret because so many people do it now but… it’s not widely publicized by the medical industry.

Here’s a clue: it doesn’t require meds, potions or surgeries. It doesn’t cost a penny to do it. There’s nothing for sale.

Let me tell you about it.

Notice I say ‘cured’.

Not ‘reduced’ or ‘helped’ or ‘made it a little better’.

Maybe what I learned will only reduce your migraines. I’d have been happy with that. But it ended my migraines. I haven’t had one for 14 months and counting.

For me this revelation has been one of the best things that ever happened to me.

As I mentioned earlier, I had been using a guide written by Christian Goodman to identify my migraine triggers.

And it had certainly helped. I narrowed down several psychological and one possible dietary factor (some types of cheese) that seemed to set off my migraines.

By addressing those factors I managed to reduce the severity of some of my migraines. I still got them but sometimes they were noticeably less intense than normal. I was grateful for that.

Better still, my recovery was quicker. I previously had migraines up to two days at times. What I learned from Christian’s guide made sure I never got a two-day migraine again.

That guide is no longer available. But you can still get it directly from Christian.

I’ll tell you how shortly. It won’t cost you anything either.

One day, Christian contacted me and asked me if I would be part of a small trial group for some exercises he’d developed.

These exercises weren’t your usual keep-fit kind of movements. They were designed to tackle migraines at their root cause.

Christian told me that the intention wasn’t to relieve migraines but to eliminate them.

To get rid of them once and for all.

There were no drugs involved nor did I need to go to a gym, a therapist or buy special equipment. None of that.

He asked me, Would I like to take part in the trial?

Before he sent me my initial instructions he told me what the thinking was behind these new exercises.

I was absolutely astonished by what I heard.

First, Christian explained how migraines worked.

The detail that matters is easy to understand – and it’s this: a migraine is the end result of a very short chain of events.

It’s a sequence basically and at its simplest here’s how the sequence works:

trigger > thing that gives you the migraine > migraine

The trigger affects something in your body. And it’s that something that causes migraine pain.

The trigger is the agent, not the cause.

It’s that something that is the real culprit.

It’s the bit in the middle that holds the key to your migraine pain. And its cure.

Because saying the trigger causes migraines is like your team winning a game and me claiming they won because the referee blew the starting whistle.

Yes, the starting whistle got things going but something else – in this case the team – won the game. The team was the cause of the win.

Migraine triggers are like referee’s starting whistles. They get the thing going – they trigger it. But the migraine itself is caused by the ‘something’ that the trigger sets in motion.

The medical profession either addresses the trigger – to prevent or reduce the migraine – or the migraine itself – usually drugs to reduce its effects.

They ignore the middle bit of the sequence – the ‘something’ because… well, they don’t know properly what it is.

But here’s what Christian told me:

He explained that oxygen therapy had been tried out for people suffering very severe headaches – migraines included – and that the therapy had some notable successes.

The therapy hadn’t cured the migraines but…

… given an oxygen canister and a mask patients in the middle of a painful migraine experienced genuine improvement in their condition. The improvements were quick – although disappointingly short lived.

But what Christian spotted was that migraine might simply be caused by lack of oxygen getting to the brain.

If that’s so then if you tackle that before a migraine even started then… haven’t you just cured migraines?

Not reduced it or improved it. But cured it?

Now, doctors already had oxygen-deprivation on their list of suspects for migraines. There was already a suspicion that a shortage of oxygen to the brain was a cause of migraine.

The experience of people directly inhaling oxygen at the point they were suffering migraines strongly supported this theory.

And migraine forums contain stories from people who say that if they go running – very fast – at the onset of a migraine then they can head off its worst symptoms and perhaps not have such a painful episode.

Running pumps blood hard around your body and into your brain.

And with that blood comes lots of oxygen…

So Christian wasn’t claiming to have invented the migraine cure he now wanted me to try out.

But he explained it to me this way: if oxygen was reaching my brain in sufficient quantities naturally – before there was any sign of a migraine – then doesn’t the problem of oxygen-deprivation disappear?

If your brain was always getting its supply of oxygen naturally then the cause of my migraine – lack of oxygen to the brain – is gone.

Isn’t that why some people get migraines and others don’t – because some people have healthy supplies of oxygen getting to their brains while others don’t?

Christian thought so. As it turned out, I believe he was right.

But do we really need oxygen tanks and masks to oxygenate our brains?

Do we have to run fast around the track in order to head-off a migraine attack?

Sure, oxygen tanks and running are both ways of getting oxygen to the brain.

But if the oxygen is already there then they aren’t needed.

And that’s where Christian’s program comes in.

Christian told me about the ways in which oxygen is prevented from properly reaching the brain in our everyday lives.

He was surprised to discover that the causes of this are varied but well understood.

There’s no mystery to any of this.

All he did was link it all together.

If specialists suggest that migraine agony is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain….

And the causes of lack of oxygen to the brain are pretty well understood…

Then doesn’t solving the oxygen-to-the-brain problem also cure migraines?

Christian answered this with a ‘Yes’ – and his uniquely simple migraine program was born.

And the program is indeed very straightforward: it’s just a set of movements that you perform at home.

I tried them out. All of them.

Was this some kind of magic?

Some sort of secret exercise discovered by ancient wise men deep in some south American jungle?

This is what I learned from Christian:

Our brains need a lot of oxygen to function properly.

Some 40% of our oxygen intake goes straight to the brain – or it does if you’re healthy.

Oxygen arrives at the brain in the same way that it arrives at any of our body’s organs: it’s carried there by our blood.  

Many leading migraine specialists believe that migraine headaches are caused by a restriction of the blood supply to the brain. Restrict blood to the brain and you’ve restricted oxygen to the brain too.

Oxygen-deprivation in the brain is a serious matter – and the body takes it very seriously indeed.

It rushes blood to the brain – and so we experience a sudden and rapid increase in blood pressure inside the head.

And that’s where the pain comes from.

It’s as if your brain is literally swelling up against the inside of your skull, trying to burst out.

Which I remember clearly as being my experience of migraine pain.

Every pulse of my heart felt like a shockwave blasting through my skull, so painful that it made me wince.

What Christian has done is simple but very, very effective.

He’s linked the medical facts and addressed the cause of the low-oxygen.

Again, low blood oxygen has a number of causes – most of which are fairly well understood.

In a nutshell, we don’t breathe in properly. We don’t breathe out properly. And the air we do get into our lungs doesn’t adequately get to our organs and brain.

Again this is all medically verified.

We don’t breathe in properly

I must admit, I initially found it difficult to believe I wasn’t breathing properly.

It’s such a natural thing to do – how can I be doing it wrong?

Turns out that millions of people simply don’t breathe in deeply enough to inhale sufficient oxygen to meet their bodies’ needs.

There are two reasons for this:

First, too many of us sit down way too much – at home, at the office, in cars.

Sitting for extended periods is now widely regarded as almost deadly to our health.

Amongst many other downsides it causes our posture and breathing infrastructure to weaken and sag due to lack of proper use.

Which physically ruins our ability to take in large, healthy lungfuls of air.

Second, modern life brings its own stresses and strains. Long hours, tight schedules, family responsibilities, job demands, not enough sleep, money concerns – all the usual stuff.  

And when we’re worried and tense or worn out and sleepy then we naturally breathe in less deeply. Our bodies are more tense and our breathing is medically proven to be less efficient.

We mostly don’t notice this happening to us – but this is exactly what is happening.

So again we’re reducing the amount of oxygenated air that gets into our lungs – and then into our body and our brain.

We don’t breathe out properly either

I found that pretty hard to believe too.

What could be easier than breathing out?

But I found out it’s true – and it’s a deadly failing.

When you breathe out you’re expelling carbon dioxide – a waste gas that is the natural consequence of breathing. Carbon dioxide is a poison.

But modern life – sitting watching tv, riding in the car and so on – plus general tension in the body means we’re not properly expelling carbon dioxide.

Which in turn means some of that carbon dioxide just sits in our lungs – which is where it absolutely ought not to be.

And while it’s there it’s taking up space where oxygenated air should be.

The oxygen we do get struggles to reach our brains

Turns out not breathing properly isn’t the only problem.

There are more than 70 muscles in the neck, face and head region.

Tightness in these muscles isn’t uncommon. If enough of them are too tense for too often then they actively restrict blood flow to the brain.

And in our modern lives muscle tension is widespread. Fatigue, stress… and looking down at laptops and smartphones creates huge tensions throughout our shoulders, necks, faces and heads.

We don’t always notice it because we’re so used to the stiffness.

It’s been with us for years or even decades.

But those tight, constricted muscles make it very difficult to get oxygenated blood to our brains. The tightness acts as blockages – valves if you like that have been turned to the ‘off’ position.

I know this was true for me. One of the very first things I noticed when I tried Christian’s exercises was just how tense my neck, face and head muscles had become.

And just how lovely it felt when they became relaxed and soft for the first time in years!

I’ll repeat this for good measure: Christian Goodman hasn’t single-handedly discovered the cure for migraines. He’s not claiming to have done that.

What he’s done is taken widely accepted medical facts and drawn them together to create what is, in many respects, an obvious remedy for migraines.

His program – called The Migraine and Headache Program – makes use of these well-understood facts about how our bodies do – and don’t – work.

For me, The Migraine and Headache Program addressed each problem area: first, not breathing in and out properly. And then oxygen not being able to reach my brain properly.

In a short period of time those problems had gone away.

And when the problems were resolved so was my migraine. Because they were causing my migraines.

The exercises in The Migraine and Headache Program are gentle and mostly stationary. There’s no jumping around or any kind of vigorous activity at all.

Better still, as the exercises take effect and your migraines subside you can perform fewer of them. Today I do just enough exercises to keep the problem at bay.

In fact, Christian calls them ‘exercises’ but I call them ‘movements’.

To my mind, exercises are things you work hard at that make you sweat.

Whereas these movements are not hard work and they don’t make you sweat. In truth, most of these movements involve very little movement at all.

It’s mostly lots of easy standing or laying in one position or another. My kind of exercise to be honest!

But there’s power in these movements. Because they’re loosening muscles that have become tight and constricted… so tight that they’re stopping oxygen-rich blood getting to the brain.

Much of the program’s effectiveness comes from the fact that it focuses on small areas of the body that you wouldn’t normally give much thought about.

I was a little surprised initially at the exercises. I’d done yoga for more than a year so was used to difficult, strenuous stretches. If anything would have eased tense muscles I would have thought yoga would have done it.

Turns out that’s not so.

Several of Christian’s exercises were mostly ‘lying around’ exercises. They required almost no effort. More than once I nearly dozed off doing them.

But that’s pretty much all there is to it.

Once muscles have been loosened and relaxed blood flows much, much more easily. And when blood flows more easily it is much better able to carry oxygen to your brain.

And when your brain is getting all its oxygen it doesn’t create migraines.

So you can trigger all you like. If the cause of your migraine is no longer there then there’s nothing there to trigger.

I am forever grateful for the day that Christian Goodman asked me to try out his Migraine and Headache Program.

I did everything he told me to and the results came quickly.

Migraines still occurred for a very short while.

But the very first migraine after I started his program was noticeably less severe.

It started mid-morning. And it wasn’t pleasant to be honest.

But it didn’t reach the throbbing agony I’d become used to – and it was mostly over by late evening.

I’d never had a migraine resolve itself so quickly.

Over the next three weeks I did all the exercises exactly how he told me to.

My next migraine was a shadow of its former self. I actually continued with my day stopping only for an hour or so when it peaked. But it was a far cry from what I was used to.

But it was a special migraine for me. I’ll always remember it.

Because it was the last one I ever had.

14 months later and while the memory of migraines hasn’t faded I have long stopped fearing the next one.

Because there isn’t going to be a next one.

I had already tried everything before being offered the chance to try out Christian’s program.

As I mentioned earlier, handling triggers brought some relief. But his exercises were a revelation for me.

And they have been for the several hundred people who have followed this program since then.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that these simple movements transformed my life.

I’m simply not the same person I was before.

Then, I was a migraine sufferer.

You can have the same program that I got. It’s tried, it’s tested. And it’s easy.

I didn’t need to go out and buy any equipment.

I didn’t need to join a gym – thank goodness.

Not a cent on meds. Not a cent on treatments.

No more doctor surgeries, clinic waiting rooms or consultants’ rooms.

I just stayed at home and did the exercises at odd moments during the day.

One exercise I’d do in the kitchen. Two others I’d do in the bedroom after my shower.

A couple I did while watching television.

Life didn’t stop for these exercises. I just incorporated them into my daily routine.

Now, I do one or two a day at most. I vary them throughout the week.

By maintaining that basic flexibility and balance I know I’m protecting myself for the rest of my life.

I really couldn’t be happier.

Yours is waiting – click below and get it now.

Well, there is – migraine agony.

But you might have concerns that all that pain you’ve experienced can’t be cured by some simple exercises.

I would understand that. I was quite skeptical when Christian first presented me with his program.

Yet, for the price of 4 weeks of pain meds, he was suggesting he’d do what the specialists had failed to do: cure my migraines.

I believed in him because his Triggers Guide worked so well. But even so, it was a bit of a stretch.

Of course, now I know that all along he knew what he was doing.

Because his remedy was neither made-up or invented by him.

It was, in fact, a scientifically-valid approach to addressing migraine pain.

What Christian has done is put his remedy into a clearly-explained and easy-to-follow program. Everything you need is in the guide.

If within 60 days of purchasing the program you’re not rid of your migraine misery then he’ll give you your money back. No questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

I told you earlier that I first heard of Christian Goodman when I bought his Migraine Triggers Guide.

Following his advice I uncovered at least two major triggers for my migraines – and probably a third (cheese, of all things).

Managing those triggers helped me reduce my migraines attacks from 2 days or more to little more than a day. And their intensity reduced with it.

You might want to address your triggers while you wait for the migraine exercises to take effect.

This is a limited offer – best to act now so you don’t miss out.

I don’t know how long you’ve suffered with your migraines.

Maybe it’s reached the point of being truly awful and life destroying.

Possibly, like I once was, you are fearful of the next attack… anxious about how it will disrupt whatever you’re doing at the time… nervous about how you’ll cope.

But hopefully it hasn’t reached that stage yet.

Which means you can tackle it before it does.

Get your copy of Christian Goodman’s ‘Migraine and Headache Program’ now.

It costs the same as a typical month’s migraine meds – but works forever. And unlike your meds, this program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Get your guide – and your free bonus Trigger Guide – here:

Nothing will change until you get Christian’s guide. But when you do… then it can all change.

And it can change quickly and beyond recognition – as I found out for myself.

Remember: these exercises are devised around sound medical principles. There’s nothing mysterious about them.

But the effects are truly out of this world.

Your copy of the guide is here – and you’ll get Christian’s ‘Triggers’ bonus too. It will be with you in minutes so don’t miss out:

You’ve tried the standard remedies and – my guess is – they are having little effect or no effect.

Certainly, they’re not doing the job you want them to do. You wouldn’t be here, searching for migraine remedies if you were truly satisfied.

And that’s the experience that too many of us have.

That’s how it was for me once upon a time. But I had a stroke of luck and found my lifelong cure. Let’s see if it’s your lifelong cure too.

Get the program now. Get the bonus now. And get your money back if they don’t work.

You deserve this. You need it. Putting it off won’t solve a thing. Be good to yourself.

Click below and start your recovery from migraines.

Testimonial / Case Study Legal Disclaimer: The story, testimonials, and case studies discussed on this page may be unique. You may or may not enjoy similar results from using the methods discussed. We neither make any claims nor offer any guarantees regarding the health improvements or specific results you may enjoy from following our guidance. Always consult your doctor before taking any actions regarding your health.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Disclaimer: The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

Product Name: Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

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Dr. Scott’s Best Constipation Remedies! | Constipation Cure

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When you do a simple online search for natural remedies for constipation, you are shown websites that simply regurgitate the same basic advice about constipation that you have heard A MILLION TIMES:

I’m sure you’re tired of searching through the same old constipation advice you’ve read a hundred times, hoping that among the fluff and filler the author can offer you something UNIQUE, something you haven’t heard of; something that will give you relief now.

I know how frustrating, uncomfortable and often painful constipation can be. I can understand the list of symptoms you are probably experiencing, such as…

Excruciating pain and discomfort can result from the strong and often violent nature of the compounds contained in many over-the-counter laxatives and their physiological effects. These effects can last for more than a day.

Unpredictable and messy bathroom visits. Accidents may occur frequently, especially while sleeping.

You can cause permanent damage to the nerves and muscles in your intestinal walls that help you push waste through your digestive system to create bowel movements. While you’re trying for a quick fix, you can actually cause permanent damage to your body, sometimes resulting in chronic constipation.

Laxatives can cause a dangerous imbalance of electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca++, etc.). Electrolytes are responsible for nerve conduction and muscle function, including the heart and brain. In some cases, these electrolyte imbalances can lead to hospitalization and even be life-threatening.

Most pharmacy laxatives and even some natural remedies can cause rebound constipation (constipation that comes back, usually worse than before) and can make long-term constipation problems worse.

Natural does not mean safe. It is important to be informed about potential risks and dangers by a trusted health professional. Many relief agents are considered natural and safe, but they can be harmful and devastating to your digestive health in the long run. Some are hidden in certain products. We tell you about the four great natural remedies for constipation that you need to know about and protect yourself from.

It can be a scary situation and sometimes one that makes you feel quite hopeless.

Let me briefly share with you my experience in the healthcare field. My name is Scott McLeod and I am a licensed pharmacist with a Bachelor of Science in General Biology and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. I have worked as a registered pharmacist in a large retail pharmacy.

As a pharmacist, you learn very quickly how common and problematic constipation is among people, no matter what walk of life you come from. It seems to be public enemy number one.

I have counseled hundreds of patients, offering them advice to help relieve their constipation. But it seemed like starting that conversation was almost always next to impossible. Many could barely look me in the eye as they fumbled for the words to communicate what they were experiencing. I often helped them complete their prayer and request for help. It is difficult to approach someone to ask for help with something so personal. You could feel and see the…

I immediately tried to reassure them. This very common symptom is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a problem that affects millions of people and it is not our fault. Most of us are NOT AWARE of how easy it is to get rid of constipation now and FOREVER.

My patients and I would discuss the specific circumstances of their constipation and then discuss the best solutions for them. There was no greater reward than having a patient come back and offer sincere thanks for the relief they received by following my advice.

Through my experience, I have learned that every individual is different. What works great for most does not work at all for others. Some come back with no relief and we determine a better solution for them. We all have a unique body with different chemistry, physiology and medical history.

It’s amazing how much you learn on the job solving such diverse and unique patient medical problems, and even more amazing, how much you learn just by talking to patients. Sometimes when you were offering advice, a patient would chime in and say, “Oh, that reminds me, you know what else works really well?” and then tell you about some weird folk remedy or quirky solution that had worked for them in the past.

Now, before you recommend these remedies as a pharmacist, you must use your extensive training, available resources, and professional judgment to ensure that they are not harmful. Once you have done this, if they seem reasonable to you, you typically try them yourself or perhaps suggest them to a friend or family member who has run out of traditional options. Through this process and by talking to other pharmacists, you begin to build up your library of natural remedies. It is largely through this process and my unique knowledge that I have been able to create this fail-safe, step-by-step plan that guarantees you fast, safe relief from constipation.

This plan uses a strategically organized and ordered combination of the safest and most effective natural remedies for constipation. Each strategy is carefully researched to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Each remedy builds on the previous one and helps the next.

The plan takes into account human physiology, anatomy, nutrition, metabolic needs and deficiencies and utilizes specific dietary remedies and the often neglected but extremely powerful “mechanical remedies.”

All of these have been carefully planned and refined to bring you the most powerful and synergistic constipation relief plan that will relieve you from even the most persistent constipation episodes in as little as 15 minutes and less than 24 hours.

This isn’t just a long, detailed list of natural remedies that you’ll have to read for hours and debate over which one you think will work best for you. This is a specific, well-outlined plan.

Depending on the condition your digestive system is currently in, you may achieve relief almost immediately or by the end of the next day. THE GOOD NEWS is that you will feel relieved and much better within 24 hours. Many people achieve relief after the initial stage or “Phase 1,” but we know that each person is different. This plan has been carefully created with that important principle in mind; it is prepared to face even the worst possible scenario.

Everything used in this plan comes from nature. No harmful laxatives are used. People who have used them swear that they work BETTER than over the counter laxatives.

This is a ready-made plan to tackle even the most severe constipation. I guarantee you a 100% money back guarantee and that you will experience relief in 24 hours or less.

All the guesswork has been taken out of the plan section of the book. This is an easy to use STEP BY STEP PLAN…not just a complicated medical encyclopedia on constipation that you have to choose from. I appreciate that your time is important.

The small upfront cost of my plan will pay for itself over and over again, saving you hundreds of dollars that you would have spent later on doctor visits and prescription treatments.

My plan saves you the time and trouble of having to search the Internet or other books. I have already spent months researching and combining my knowledge. Now you have a guaranteed action plan.

By addressing this problem now and then preventing future episodes, you can stop the avalanche of medical complications that commonly arise from chronic constipation and poor digestive health.

To start, you can simply go to the supermarket and buy simple items that you don’t have on hand. You’re going to spend money on these foods anyway.

The plan is so safe and natural that even pregnant women can use it.

This comprehensive plan was carefully created and guaranteed for safety and effectiveness by me, former retail pharmacist and creator of, Dr. Scott McLeod, PharmD.

This is not a cheap eBook that a novice created in a day like those you see on other sites on the Internet. I invested my hard-earned money in having the book professionally designed and laid out to bring you a better product.

I am so confident that this plan will eliminate your constipation forever! I guarantee that if you follow this plan to the letter, you will get relief from constipation FAST. And even if for some strange reason you don’t succeed (you will), I will promptly and courteously refund all of your hard-earned money. No hassles, no hassles. I don’t want to be stuck with money I haven’t earned.

I know that once you relieve your constipation and feel like a MILLION DOLLAR, you’ll want to feel that way forever. This report explains everything you need to know about the digestive system, constipation, and how to maintain bowel regularity in one simple, condensed, easy-to-read guide. It also contains 43 additional natural remedies, foods, drinks, exercises, techniques, and supplements that will eliminate constipation forever and keep you bowel regular FOR LIFE!

The great thing about this plan is that all the items you’ll need to put in your shopping basket will simply be made up of healthy foods and discreet items. You won’t have to feel embarrassed about what you bring to the checkout.

As I said before, I am so glad you found this website. I am confident that my plan and the additional resources are the answer to your problem. I worked hard to create this resource for you. I was determined to create a plan that would relieve constipation for anyone who used it. And I believe I have succeeded.

Personally, I invested a lot of my time, money, energy and life into joining the healthcare sector because I wanted to make a difference in people’s health and lives. And I believe this product will prove that this passion is still alive and kicking!

I wouldn’t create or endorse anything that I wasn’t proud of and that would certainly be worth more than its price. I can proudly say that the value of this resource I’ve created for you is worth far more than the price of admission.

My greatest satisfaction comes from helping people like you feel better and live happier, healthier lives.

Email: [email protected]


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Watch how you unlock your hip flexors

Product Name: Watch how you unlock your hip flexors

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Physical Therapist Approved!

“With so many people suffering from hip pain, Ricks’ Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is a great tool for any fitness or health professional looking to reduce pain and improve strength, performance and overall health.

As a physical therapist who works with numerous hip injuries, I am able to incorporate many of Rick’s exercises into my rehabilitation and wellness programs for my patients with excellent results.

“The exercises are practical and easy to learn. Your clients will be happy, healthy and thank you for it!”

Erin Nielsen, physical therapist and creator of

A great resource for coaches and trainers

“Having trained hundreds of clients over the past 15 years, I know how important it is to have new and valuable knowledge that you can rely on, especially in areas of the body like the hips. Unlock Your Hip Flexors was exactly what I needed to read. In typical Critical Bench fashion, the content blew me away.

“With this program that Rick and Mike created, I can go into a training session with confidence and better prepared to take my client to the next level of training. Critical Bench is my go-to source for simple yet professional information. I can’t recommend them enough.”

Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS Owner of Optimax Performance Training

Safely rebalance the muscle group

“I think the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is very comprehensive in listing the possible causes of tight hip flexors and other factors that can lead to the problem.

“It is detailed, descriptive, from the anatomy of the hip, causes of these injuries, and a very progressive and well-explained exercise and stretching program that will help rebalance the hip and pelvic region, stretch safely and strengthen the muscle group.”

Jill B. Massage Therapist from Alberta, Canada

Don’t have a personal trainer? No problem!

“I am not a fitness professional, just a 62 year old man who found your website looking for help with various physical issues I have been experiencing.

As a former college basketball player, I was discouraged that no one could help me with my lower back issues and more recently my glutes and hip flexors. That was until I found your site and ordered your exercise program which has dramatically improved each of my conditions.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is easy to order and download, no need to wait for it to be shipped to me. The video presentation and pictures of the exercise program give me confidence that I am doing the exercises correctly, which for me is key without a personal trainer. As a former Division 1 college athlete, the programs work very well for me. Keep up the good work!”

Mark Jellison, Account Executive, Procter & Gamble, Boston, MA

It allows me to train hard without pain

“I first met Rick Kaselj a few years ago when I was looking for something to help me with the piriformis syndrome pain that I had been suffering from for over a year. I watched one of his YouTube videos and the tips he gave in the video helped me get rid of my piriformis and hip pain. Since then I have followed Rick on a daily basis with YouTube videos, blog posts, and articles.

When I heard that Rick was working on a new program to help unlock my hips, I asked if I could pre-purchase a copy. I have been watching the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program videos and manual for the past few weeks. The short but efficient sequence that Rick put together helped me loosen up my hips, reduce my back stiffness, and allowed me to train even harder. After getting so many benefits from the program, I started giving it to my clients as well and they have reported similar benefits.

Thanks for all you do, Rick, and I know that if you have a stiff, tight, or painful hip, Unlock Your Hip Flexors will help you.”

Kerri Baker, CPT, BS, BA, MS Exercise Science Personal Training Studio Manager Kirkland, Washington

If you spend a lot of time sitting, you need to unlock your hip flexors.

“As a gym owner and personal trainer, I am always looking for the latest techniques and exercises to help my members and clients with strength and overall body function. Knowing how much time people spend sitting and unwittingly abusing their hips in daily life makes Unlock Your Hip Flexors worthwhile.

The other added benefit is the ease and speed with which these techniques can be applied at the beginning of any workout, allowing all body movements to be improved in just a few minutes. The response has been life-changing, not only for my clients, but for myself as well.”

Ivan Gomez, Certified Personal Trainer, Health Club Owner – Clearwater, FL

Get an edge over the competition

“If you’re an athlete who relies on explosiveness in your sport, you need to be aware of the biggest obstacle to your performance… tight hip flexors.

It’s the hidden killer of success. Athletes who spend all day sitting at their day job have terrible alignment in their hips… which wreaks havoc on other areas of their body. Improving the mobility of your hips will give you an added advantage over the competition and improve the effectiveness of your workouts.

Mike and Rick’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is the most comprehensive and systematic method I have seen on the market. The program will help you take your athletic ability to the next level, no matter if you are a top professional or just starting out.

“Bodyweight Todd” Kuslikis, founder of Shot of Adrenaline

Unlock your hips to unlock your squat

“Over the years I’ve had so many personal training clients who can’t squat properly it drives me crazy. This is mostly due to hip mobility or lack thereof. If you sit all day, have stiff hips, suffer from mysterious hip pain, or struggle to do a perfect squat then you need to try Rick Kaselj and his Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.

In my experience, tight hips, sore hips, and poor squatting posture, if left untreated, can lead to more serious injuries and pain down the road, which is why I wholeheartedly recommend Rick’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. Get it!

Gavin Walsh, BSc (Hons), Personal Trainer, Brighton, East Sussex, UK

Q: How is this different from other hip flexibility programs?

A: What makes Rick’s program unique is knowing how to unravel the complicated layers of tension in the difficult psoas muscle so that it can be loosened and trained effectively.

Rick’s unique sequential flow is the surest path to looser, stronger, healthier hips.

Q: Why do they sell it so cheap? What’s the catch?

A: There are none. We are very pleased with the number of clients who have invested in this program and have enjoyed life-changing results.

Our goal is to make this available to as many people as possible, firstly to welcome more people to our audience and secondly because we are celebrating reaching a quarter of a million followers on Facebook.

Q: How long will it take me to complete the program?

A: The program is designed to be completed in total in 10-15 minutes.

We recommend adding the program as a daily practice to get the best results over a longer period of time. You may want to add this program before or after your regular gym session or use it as a standalone.

Q: How long until I see results?

A: Although each person is different and results may vary, we know from experience how quickly it is possible to feel and see a difference.

For some people, it may be necessary to do the first session; for others, it may take several sessions to start seeing the benefits. Again, it depends on the body in question.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

A: This program is right for you if you are currently suffering from unexplained pain in your back, hip or joints.

The exercises themselves are not strenuous and are designed to be performed by anyone, regardless of ability.

Q: Can I perform the sequential flow if I have had a hip replacement?

A: The answer to this question is very personal. It depends on the type of hip replacement surgery you had and how you recovered from it. It is best to consult with your surgeon or doctor to find out which exercises in the sequential flow you should do or avoid.

Q: I want to get started right away. Do I have to wait for the book and videos to arrive in the mail?

A: You don’t have to wait, you can access it in just a few minutes. Unlock Your Hip Flexors is a digital product, so don’t worry about shipping costs or delays in results.

Q: Are the exercises difficult to do?

A: No. Once you watch the training videos, they will become easy. There are also progressions to make the movements more challenging if needed.

Q: What if the routine doesn’t work for me?

A: It will work. But to make you feel better, if for any reason you are not satisfied, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked. We stand behind this product 110% and have no problem offering a money back guarantee.

Q: Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?

A: No. You can do this routine anywhere and in a very small space. All you need is a wall to lean against to perform some movements.

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© 2024 Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

Discover the “hidden survival muscle” in your body that modern doctors overlook and that keeps millions of men and women defeated by pain, frustrated by belly fat, and struggling to feel energized every day…

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Clubhouse Fire

Product Name: Clubhouse Fire

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Revealed: Lowering
THIS Hormone Can Make You
A Multi-Orgasmic Man”

Giving You Sky High Sex-Drive…

And The Ability to BANG Any Woman Until
She’s Totally Satisfied… Making Her Completely Obsessed with You (and 100% Loyal)…

The Little-Known Secret to Approaching ANY Hot Woman &
Making Her ATTRACTED to You – without Feeling Nervous
and without Fear of Rejection

Award Winning Adult Film Star and Sex Coach to countless thousands of men.

I wrote this letter to tell you something that most “Sex Experts” won’t tell you…

Most “Sex Experts” won’t tell you that LOWERING this hormone (not Estrogen) is THE KEY to Elite Sexual Performance…

Because they don’t even know about it.

Yet lowering this hormone is The Key to:

Allowing you to BANG like me…

…and totally SATISFY any woman in the bedroom…

Regardless of your age, looks or “size”…

Even if you’re sexually inexperienced.

The really great news is:

Lowering this hormone is…

Costs just pennies a day.

And it’ll help you become the Dominant Stud every desirable woman is desperate to go to bed with.

If you’re ready for women to truly WANT YOU in the bedroom…

And you want to be in the Top 10% of men who have virtually ALL the choice when it comes to women…

How I Got Enough Sexual Performance
to BANG 3 Women a Day?

When I first got into porn I had a bit of a problem.

It was my “dirty little secret” at the time.

I just couldn’t handle the pace.

You see, to be a successful Male Porn Star…

You have to be able to “get it up” easily…

Then stay hard, often for an HOUR or more…

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day!

And here’s the thing…

If you can’t do it, there are countless other guys who’d love to take your place…

Porn Directors don’t give a f**k about it being your job or income…

They just need guys who can GET HARD and BANG.

So if you can’t meet the demands of the job they’ll drop you like a hot potato.

All of this became very clear to me when I first got into porn…

Filming low budget shoots back home in Australia…

I turned up one day to film…

Had a great shoot with a stunning blonde…

At which point I figured I’d get a quick shower… grab a bite to eat… then spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing…

Instead, minutes after I’d finished with the blonde…

The director informed me that there’d been a change
in the filming schedule and said:

“Better Rest Up and Recover
Stirling Mate – You’re Filming Again
This Afternoon”

That first shoot lasted well over an hour, it was hot as hell…

And I was TIRED afterwards.

But the afternoon came round…

And the woman I had to film with wasn’t as HOT as
the woman in the morning. Nowhere near as hot in fact.

Really wanting to just go home, eat, put my feet up and watch a bit of TV…

I was expected to “get it up” and BANG this really average
looking woman who I had no connection with whatsoever.

As much as I can look back on it and laugh now…

At the time it wasn’t funny at all…

See, that second shoot didn’t go well…

It took me longer than usual to “get it up”…

I kept losing it during the shoot…

Partly because I just wasn’t that into the woman I was filming with…

Partly because I was drained and needed to rest.

By the end of it I was worried I’d blown my chances of ever making it big in porn.

Fortunately, the director liked me… told me I’d performed exactly how
he needed me to in the morning shoot… and didn’t fire me.

It made me realize that making it BIG in Porn wasn’t just about GETTING HARD…

It was about being able to “get hard” anytime, anyplace…

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day…

Even if you didn’t find the women you were working with very attractive.

Unusual Scientific Discoveries,
Multi-Orgasmic STUDS, and The Secrets to Being a True “Sex God”…

All of this got me thinking…

Some men could ejaculate, stay hard and then ejaculate several more times
before finally being “done”?

I could only have sex and ejaculate once, then I’d ideally need a full day before going again…
or even 2 days if I wanted to be as hard, strong and long lasting as possible?

Read a ton of articles on the internet…

Followed a bunch of “sex experts” on YouTube…

And listened to dozens of podcasts…

Yet none of them could really explain the differences in male sex-drive and
recovery times.

Fortunately, my background as a Research Chemist
meant that I knew how to do the research…

And if I wanted legit answers, it looked like I was
going to have to find them myself.

So when I wasn’t filming porn scenes, I rolled up my
sleeves and went into “Research Mode.”

At first it was frustrating…

Hour after mind numbing hour…

Sat in front of my computer until it felt like my eyes had gone square…

Articles, videos, podcasts…

Reviewing Scientific Journals and Medical Reports…

Most just blurted out the same boring, generic crap…

“Differences in male sex-drive can be due to diet, exercise, genetics,
stress and other environmental and lifestyle factors”

No doubt that’s all true.

But it’s also not very helpful. Too vague. Not specific enough.

As the months went by, my Porn Career started to really take off.

I was no longer just shooting in Australia.

I was getting work in the UK and Europe – with
bigger, more popular companies…

But the competition was FIERCE.

And I knew there’s no way I’d cut it unless I figured
out how to INCREASE my Sex-Drive…

And REDUCE my Recovery Times as soon as possible.

My ultimate goal was to make it to LA – where all the biggest porn companies are based…

But there’s no way you’d be a regular star for companies like Brazzers or
Bang Bros unless your performance was the best of the best.

Eventually, after almost being ready to admit DEFEAT and GIVE UP…

One hot Friday evening in the middle of July I was up researching…

…just about ready to pack it in for the night…

Until I came across a Scientific Paper which explained that:

If You Lower a Very Specific Hormone You’ll Increase Your Sex-Drive and
Reduce Your Recovery Times…

Turning You Into a Bull in the Bedroom…

Giving you the DESIRE to have sex any time…

And the ability to ‘get it up’ virtually ON COMMAND
– even if you’ve blown your load just minutes before.

This was exactly what I’d been searching for.

You might be aware that sex-drive and recovery
times vary massively from man to man…

As I said before, some men can actually ejaculate several times…

Before eventually losing their boner.

And even once they’ve lost their boner, it doesn’t take them long to get hard and go again.

For many men, it takes at least 15-60 minutes to ‘get hard’ again, AFTER they’ve ejaculated.

For others, it can take A LOT longer. Some guys actually need DAYS before they’re
fully recovered and able to get hard again.

Why such big differences in sex-drive and recovery times from man to man?

It’s easy to think it’s just a genetic, luck of the draw type thing…

Some men are STUDS and they can have lots of sex…

Others have low virility and just need to accept they
can only have sex once or twice a week.

Honestly, until I discovered what I’m about to share with you…

I’d have believed the “genetic” argument myself.

High Prolactin is The Enemy!

Pay close attention to this bit…

There’s a HORMONE called PROLACTIN…

Science shows that HIGH Prolactin causes a man to have LONG Recovery Times.

The LOWER your Prolactin Levels, the easier
you’ll find it to “get it up” again, AFTER you’ve ejaculated.

How about those rare men who can ejaculate again and again and again,
without losing their boner?

Well, the Science shows those men have very LOW levels of Prolactin.

In contrast, men who have very LONG Recovery Times…

Men who need days to recover after ejaculation…

Well, they have very HIGH Prolactin.

So that’s the first thing I need to share with you…

If you want to have a lot of sex, you need short Recovery Times…

LOW Prolactin = Short Recovery Times.

The second thing I need to share with you is this:

AFTER you ejaculate, your Prolactin Levels go UP!

And some men’s Prolactin Levels go up a lot more than others,
leading to much longer recovery periods and less ability to ‘get it up’ and have sex.

The third thing I need to share with you is this:

Science shows that men who are more stressed in their day to day lives
tend to have HIGHER Prolactin Levels…

And as a result, they have less sex.

All of this makes sense when you think about it…

Imagine a guy who’s stressed with work…
eats a bad diet… rarely exercises and so on…

He has HIGHER Prolactin Levels…

Engages in less sexual activity…

And when he does engage in sexual activity, it takes
him a long time to recover before he can go again.

FACT: Men with VERY HIGH Prolactin Levels can even experience lactation
(milk coming out of their nipples). As well as feeling lazy and low on motivation.

The popular Stanford University Professor and YouTuber Andrew Huberman
talks about how high Prolactin actually feminizes men – particularly in terms of making them overly stressed, emotional and moody.

Now picture the opposite…

A successful guy who has made it…

His finances are in order.

His Prolactin Levels are LOWER, he enjoys more sex…

After he ejaculates it doesn’t take him that long to “get it up” again… and BANG
his woman all night long.

That’s Prolactin: you need LESS of it if you want short Recovery Times and
“Stud Status” in the bedroom.

High Prolactin = Low Dopamine!

Here’s where things get even more interesting…

As well as ruining your sex-life…

High Prolactin also DESTROYS your “FIRE”…

It robs you of desire, drive, motivation and ambition…

Making you weak and lazy.

Dopamine – a Neurotransmitter and Hormone
created in your brain – does the opposite…

High Dopamine makes you feel:

Dopamine also makes you feel:

High Dopamine can help you become successful with women…

…successful in your job, career or business…

…successful with regards to your health and fitness goals…

Because it gives you the Energy and Motivation to succeed at whatever you want
to achieve.

You will NEVER have BOTH High Dopamine AND High Prolactin.

By now it should be clear that you want the first option:

Sexually, this will result in:

That’s what the Science said anyway!

Did Raising My Dopamine and Lowering My Prolactin Levels Actually Work?

Within just a couple weeks of taking certain nutrients, to raise my Dopamine and
lower my Prolactin levels…

My Sex-Drive went through the roof…

My Recovery Time after ejaculation decreased to just a few minutes…

And I had no problem filming as many Porn Scenes a day as I wanted.

Not long after I made this Dopamine/Prolactin discovery…

I finally started getting booked in LA…

Shooting scene after scene after scene for most of the major porn companies…

To date I’ve filmed 435 scenes…

And had the pleasure of BANGING actresses like:

In fact, these nutrients worked so well, that even when I had to bang a woman
I wasn’t that attracted to (which does occasionally happen in porn)…

I was so horny I had no problem “getting it up” and getting the job done.

So yep, I’m happy to tell you that…

The Science proved correct in THE REAL WORLD too!

High Dopamine and Low Prolactin is a brilliant combination…

Giving you an insatiable Sex-Drive…

Allowing you to have sex multiple times a day…

…“getting it up” with no problem even after
you’ve ejaculated…

Leading to a non-stop stream of happy women in your bed.

Happy women who openly BRAG to their girlfriends about what a STUD you are between-the-sheets…

The Secret to
Making Beautiful Women WANT YOU, Building a “Greek God Physique” & Skyrocketing Your Bank Balance?

When I RAISED my Dopamine Levels…

And LOWERED my Prolactin Levels…

The benefits I experienced weren’t just SEXUAL…

I didn’t just gain a higher Sex-Drive and lower my Recovery Times.

I also found that the increased Sex-Drive actually meant I was much more DRIVEN
and DETERMINED to succeed in all areas of my life…

When I saw a beautiful woman in a bar or coffee shop…

Instead of just looking at her and thinking “she’s nice”…

I found myself walking up to her…

Striking up a conversation…

…and within just a couple of minutes she’d be laughing, joking, touching my arm, biting her bottom lip…

ATTRACTION off-the-charts.

Then she’d give me her number and it was “Game On.”

The really cool thing is…

I didn’t have to force myself to do this…

I didn’t have to push past any nerves or approach
anxiety like I had to do in the past.

Instead, it just started to happen naturally. After I began taking dopamine boosting,
prolactin lowering nutrients each day.

I also started training much more intensely at the gym…

And while I never quite got a “Greek God Physique” – I did

And packed on a good amount of muscle.

I also found myself working harder and being more productive. So my business exploded
and I became more successful.

These benefits aren’t unique to me…

If you take the same nutrients I took…

You’ll boost your dopamine levels, lower your prolactin levels, and you’ll likely experience similar results,
inside and outside of the bedroom.

How Exactly Can You
INCREASE Your Dopamine Levels and
LOWER Your Prolactin?

This was the tricky part…

Once I discovered that High Dopamine and Low Prolactin were the keys to…

And Short Recovery Times…

I had to figure out exactly HOW to:

As well as endless testing, finally led me to the realization that there are:

And if you take these 6 Nutrients in the right ratios and correct
potencies on a consistent daily basis…

You’ll INCREASE Dopamine, LOWER Prolactin…

Sky-Rocket your Sex-Drive…

And significantly REDUCE your Recovery Times.

In fact, some men will even become Multi-
Orgasmic. Allowing them to ejaculate several
times before losing their boner…

…women find Multi-Orgasmic men a HUGE “Turn On”
because it shows her that you’re:

And also subconsciously communicates to her that:

The Most Important Nutrient is L-Tyrosine…

L-Tyrosine is an Amino Acid.

It’s also a “Building Block” of Dopamine.

When you get enough L-Tyrosine into your body on a daily basis…

Your body will convert some of it into Dopamine. Boosting your Sex-Drive.

L-Tyrosine is found in high quality protein rich foods. Including

Unless you eat a very clean and healthy diet:

It’s unlikely you’ll eat enough of these foods to get sufficient L-Tyrosine into your system.
If you don’t get enough L-Tyrosine into your system, you won’t significantly BOOST your Dopamine levels.

Even if you do eat plenty of foods rich in L-Tyrosine…

Your body may not properly absorb the L-Tyrosine
unless you have a perfect diet and optimal digestion…

And since many guys these days are NOT eating
the perfect diet… most men do not have optimal digestion.

Therefore, It’s hardly surprising that most guys
are NOT getting enough L-Tyrosine…

They’re suffering from Suboptimal Dopamine and poor Sex-Drive.
As well as High Prolactin and long Recovery Times.

Where’s The Proof L-Tyrosine Increases Dopamine Levels?

Many Scientific Studies[1] show that L-Tyrosine increases Dopamine Levels.

A 2007 Study on Pubmed, by John and Madelyn Fernstrom, showed that:

“Usually the nutrients you take have very little effect on the level of neurotransmitters
in the brain, but as this study shows, that is not the case with dopamine. They showed that
Dopamine levels in the brain do go up measurably for around 8 hours after taking L-Tyrosine.”

On they explain that:

“The main benefits of L-tyrosine are related to its ability to replenish
Dopamine levels in the brain, which can become depleted under stressful conditions.”

“For those of you looking to increase your Dopamine levels…
L-Tyrosine is the most direct route to that”

Maca Root Powder:
Libido Boosting Peruvian Superherb “Powers Up” Your Sex-Drive…

What is Maca Root Powder?

Maca Root Powder is a potent Superfood…

It comes from a Peruvian Root Vegetable called Maca.

Maca grows in the harshest of conditions and is a powerful Adaptogen… meaning: it helps your body
adapt and thrive under any conditions. Even stressful conditions (and “YES” – banging a hot woman can be
stressful… that’s why many guys get “Performance Anxiety”).

What does Maca Root Powder Do?

Maca Root Powder increases Dopamine Levels. Boosting your Libido…

It reduces Stress and Anxiety. Leading to greater “Staying Power” in the bedroom…

It improves your Energy Levels – inside and outside of the bedroom…

And it’s Anti-Estrogenic (making you less feminine and more masculine).

Studies Show that Maca Increases Dopamine Levels and Sex-Drive…

A study[2] conducted in May 2014 by Zhong Ali et al, said that:

“Maca has been consumed as a medical food in Peru for thousands of years”

And showed that Maca can:

“Support uplifted mood”

Raising Dopamine (which boosts Sex-Drive) and other important Neurotransmitters.

In a December 2006 study[3] done by H O Meissner et al, published
in The International Journal of Biomedical Science, they found that:

“Maca balances hormones”

Including Dopamine and Prolactin (resulting in higher Libido and reduced Recovery Times).

The study also said that Maca has:

“Strong Adaptogenic Effects”

Positively benefitting a huge number of health markers, including:
testosterone levels, thyroid hormone levels, body mass index and more.

In Addition to L-Tyrosine and Maca Extract…

Any Man Who Wants to INCREASE
his Sex-Drive and REDUCE his
“Recovery Times” Should Also Take The Following 4 Nutrients:

The #1 Adaptogenic Herb for LOWERING Prolactin Levels. Reducing “Recovery Times”…
helping you enjoy A LOT more Sex.

Ashwagandha is also famous for:

In Sept 2009 The Journal of Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine published a study by Abbas Ali Mahdi et al.

“Ashwagandha is used in the Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine Systems for it’s relaxation promoting properties”

Even occasional Stress and anxiety can lead to LOWER Dopamine and HIGHER Prolactin…

Meaning: lower Libido and longer Recovery Times.

The study went on to say that:

“Ashwagandha improves relaxation, increases levels of antioxidants,
and improves overall semen quality.”

Scientifically Proven to REDUCE Prolactin Levels. Also needed to make Dopamine.

Having optimal Vitamin B6 Levels will increase your Sex-Drive and reduce your Recovery Times…

Vitamin B6 also supports:

In an October 2018 study, by Suha Witwit at the University of Babylon, they looked at:

“The Role of Vitamin B6 for Reducing Prolactin Levels”

The study[5] showed that:

“It (Vitamin B6) exerts a hypothalamic dopaminergic effect which causes
a significant reduction in prolactin levels”

Leading to increased Libido and reduced Recovery Times.

Another study[6], from The New England Journal of Medicine showed that:

“Vitamin B6 Suppresses the Rise in Prolactin”

The increase in Growth Hormone is “the icing on the cake” – supporting increased strength
and muscle mass. As well as faster recovery times from aches, pains and injuries.

Finally, check out this study[7] on Pyridoxine (another name for Vitamin B6):

The study clearly shows that Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):

Many men would benefit from more Zinc because
it’s tricky to get optimal amounts from the typical American Diet.

The reason why not having optimal zinc levels is bad
is because zinc is vital for strong performance in the
bedroom because it lowers Prolactin (giving you shorter
Recovery Times) and also:

In February 1988, M.C.S Koppelman produced a study[8] showing clearly that:

“The Role of Zinc has been shown to suppress the output of prolactin”

Leading to faster Recovery Times after ejaculation.

Another Nutrient commonly lacking in the
modern western diet.

Studies have proven that Vitamin E has a
powerful effect on Prolactin Levels… causing
them to go DOWN, your Recovery Times to
shorten, and your ability to have sex to increase.

Other benefits of Optimal Vitamin E Levels include:

In a 1992 Study[9] by M Yeksan et al, they looked at the effect of Vitamin E on male Sexual Performance.

12 men were given oral Vitamin E daily for 12 weeks.

12 men were given a placebo.

“After the vitamin E treatment serum prolactin levels were significantly
decreased (50.8 vs 15.4 ng/ml, p < 0.01)”

That’s a MASSIVE 69.7% reduction in Prolactin Levels. Just from taking Vitamin E.

The results clearly show that if you want LOWER Prolactin Levels and faster Recovery Times…

So you can BANG your woman a lot more often…

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient to take.

Take a second to imagine what’ll happen when you take ALL 6 of the Nutrients I just showed you!

Hint: you’ll BANG like a Porn Star… and have hot women blowing up your phone…

…BEGGING you for sex…

Scientifically Formulated to Increase Dopamine and Reduce Prolactin…

Giving You Higher Sex-Drive & Shorter “Recovery Times” After Ejaculation…

Allowing You to Satisfy ANY Woman
Over and Over and Over Again…

All a woman has to do to have sex is get WET…

It’s not that difficult…

I’ve seen A LOT of dudes lose their jobs in porn
because they couldn’t ‘get it up’ in front of a camera crew…

But I’ve never seen a woman lose her job in porn
because she couldn’t get wet!

Because it’s easy for a woman to get WET…

Many women secretly want BANGING every single day.

Many would like to have sex 2 or 3 times a night. Not every night. But more often than you think.

If You Want to be a STUD in The Bedroom…

Be so memorable and addictive in bed that women BRAG to their girlfriends about
what a STUD you are “in the sack”…

Then you have to have a STRONG Sex-Drive…

…so you have the actual DESIRE to have lots of sex…

And you have to have short “Recovery Times”…

…so you can ‘get it up’ again, quickly and easily, AFTER you’ve ejaculated.

Increase your Dopamine Levels

– giving you much HIGHER Sex-Drive

Reduce your Prolactin Levels

– giving you quick “Recovery Periods” – allowing you
to blow a lot more “loads” and have A LOT more sex

If you lower your Prolactin Levels enough you may actually become a
“multi-orgasmic man.” You may be able to ejaculate multiple times without losing your boner –
something women go CRAZY for!

There’s NO DOWNSIDE to lowering your Prolactin Levels…

Doing so makes you more manly and less feminine…

Men with high Prolactin Levels tend to be overly

and can even end up producing MILK from their nipples!

I’ve designed The Fire Formula to naturally:

When you take The Fire Formula it may be your
WOMAN who can’t keep up with YOU in the bedroom!

You BANG her so well she ends up DRUNK on ORGASMS…

Addicted to your Manhood…

Begging for more night after night.

To get these amazing results from Fire,
all you have to do is take a few high quality capsules a day.

Fire contains the 6 nutrients proven to support
high sex-drive
and short recovery times…

In the exact strengths and dosages proven to work by science.

Sorry Mate, Here’s The Bad Part…

I hate to tell you this…

But the nutrients in The Fire Formula are tricky to get hold
of in the right strengths and dosages. And they’re pricey.

While the nutrients in Fire have the potential to
turn you into a Multi-Orgasmic Sex God… they also taste really bad.

However, the Good News is:

I’ve managed to make the Fire Formula TASTELESS…

Because it comes in high quality, easy-to-swallow capsules. No giant “horse pills.”

And you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve made it AFFORDABLE.

The Fire Formula is made from NATURAL ingredients…

And contains all 6 of the Dopamine Boosting, Prolactin Reducing Nutrients
I showed you earlier on this page…

In the precise amounts that me and other top Porn Stars use. To optimize our sex-drive and performance.

You’ll also be happy to hear that Fire is FREE FROM:

Artificial Preservatives, Sweeteners & Flavorings

Made in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified,
US Based Manufacturing Facility – meaning:
you get exactly what it says on the label in
each and every capsule.

And while it costs A LOT to manufacture Fire to this standard, I’m doing it this way for 2 key reasons:

I’m committed to helping you get the very best results possible:

And I feel good every time I get an Email, Telegram or Whatsapp message from a man telling me
how my teachings and/or products have changed his life.

It makes good business sense:

Fire is the best formula on the market for INCREASING Sex-Drive and REDUCING Recovery Times…
meaning: you’ll love it and are likely buy it over and over again, write me a review for it,
tell your friends about it and so on.

What’s a Bottle of
The Clubhouse Fire Formula
Going to Cost You?

Despite the fact that’s what it cost me in testing… because I had to buy all the nutrients individually,
from supplement companies in several different countries…

Which is not only expensive…

It’s also annoying – having to place 6 different
orders, wait for them to arrive on different days and so on.

Given the fact that Fire is going to let you BANG like
a Porn Star in the bedroom…

Causing any woman you sleep with to call you a STUD…

But here’s the thing…

I’m not here to sell supplements to the Rich and Famous, or the Elites.

I’m here to help normal guys – guys like YOU and ME –
to improve their sex-lives…

…and have relationships with the type of women they want to have relationships with.

To do that successfully I have to price The Fire Formula
in a way that lets as many men as possible grab a bottle…

Without making a loss – because like you I have bills to pay. This is how I earn a living.
So I do have to make a small profit on every Fire order.

Let me get to the point…

However, because you already read my newsletters and watch my online videos,
you’re getting access to this special online letter…

Investing in 6 bottles of Fire is a great idea because:

It ensures you’ll have a 6 month supply of Fire. Allowing you to get these
powerful Dopamine Boosting, Prolactin Reducing Nutrients into your system for months to come, without running out.

Supply is limited, I may run out of Fire at any time (and when
I do, I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because the ingredients are hard to get hold of,
and take time to ship to my US Based Manufacturing Facility)

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Order with Confidence:
You’re Protected by My
180 Day Money Back Guarantee…

If you’re skeptical right now, I understand.

After all, I’m suggesting that you:

In order to improve your Sex-Drive and reduce your
Recovery Times. And you’ve probably never heard anything like this before.

But here’s the thing…

As I’ve shown you on this page – using real Science – the 6 nutrients in Fire are essential for…

If you want to be a STUD in the bedroom and BANG women like a Porn Star…

You need to increase your Dopamine Levels and reduce your Prolactin Levels. Period.
It’s proven by science.

Fire even has the potential to make you a “Multi-Orgasmic Man” –
able to shoot several big loads without losing your erection.

Is it a no-brainer for you to try Fire?

Of course it is! (Unless you’re already a multi-orgasmic go all night Stud, with ladies queuing up, begging to ride you…
in which case you might not need it. Though the nutrients in it would still be beneficial for you).

However, I want to make this decision irresistible for you. And I’ll do it by
offering you protection in the form of a fantastic guarantee.

Order 1, 3 or 6 Bottles of Fire Today & You’ll Be Covered
by My 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee…

Meaning that you can ask for your money-back for any reason, within 180 days of purchase.
And you’ll get it promptly and courteously, even if you…

That said, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ask for a refund, because:

So what are you waiting for?

Choose the number of bottles you want below. Click “Order Now.” Have your credit/debit card ready.
And then follow my simple, safe and 100% secure checkout process…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

BANG Like a Porn Star…
Make Any Woman Addicted to Your Dick

You meet the woman of your dreams…

You’re incredibly attracted to her…

Love her personality and you get on like a house on fire…

You go on a few dates with her…

A walk round the park…

On the 3rd date she ends up back at your place…

You lead her up to your bedroom…

Gently push her against the wall…

Pin her arms above her head with your left hand…

Put your right hand on her ass…

The attraction is so strong your head spins with desire.

You pull back a little…

She tries to lean in for more…

Well, because you’ve been taking FIRE…

You can’t wait to satisfy this beautiful woman over and over again.

And that’s exactly what happens…

Missionary, her on top, doggy style.

She claws her fingernails into your back…

The more you give her, the more she wants.

She can’t get enough of you.

Yep, that’s pretty much how it goes when you’re taking
Fire. Ask me how I know.

If you want to “play the field” and bang A TON of hot women…

If you want to impress a new girlfriend and make sure she sticks around…

If you’re in a long term relationship – a relationship that may
have gone a bit stale in the bedroom – Fire can help you bring
back the passion and rekindle the magic..

If you’re a man who wants to enjoy MORE SEX… and much BETTER SEX…

The Clubhouse Fire Formula:

If you want to screw like a Porn Star and become a true STUD… able to SATISFY any woman over and over and over again…

Give Fire a try today. You’re going to love it!

…and please remember to send me your success story when you’ve used Fire to INCREASE your Sex-Drive,
LOWER your “Recovery Times”… & become a total Stud in the bedroom…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Your Surrogate Big Brother,

Stirling Cooper
Award Winning Porn Star, Founder of Clubhouse, Creator of Fire

P.S. Do you want to increase your Sex-Drive? Lower your Recovery Times?
Become a total STUD in the bedroom?

The Clubhouse Fire Formula is uniquely formulated to safely and naturally…

Meaning: you’ll be able to have A LOT more sex.

Plus, if you get your Prolactin levels low enough, you may even become Multi-Orgasmic…

Allowing you to ejaculate multiple times without losing your boner… driving any woman you sleep with totally CRAZY..

You need to hurry though, because stock is NOT
unlimited. Fire WILL sell out (and when it does,
I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because
the ingredients are not always easy to get hold of).

Of course, you can try Fire today with NO RISK
whatsoever. Because you’re covered by my Rock
Solid 180 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fire is a 100% natural formula. Designed to increase your Dopamine Levels and
lower your Refractory Periods, giving you:

If you want to enjoy A LOT more sex, and totally SATISFY any woman you bed,
Fire is the Formula for you.

All the ingredients are 100% Natural. Mixed in the precise quantities supported by science.
You should consult with your doctor before making any dietary or supplemental changes.

5 easy-to-swallow high quality capsules a day. Simple.

This will differ from man to man.

To give yourself the best chance to experience the very best results possible,
as soon as possible, be CONSISTENT and take 5 capsules of Fire a day, every day.

Yes, and it’s common sense stuff that most people don’t do!

Yes, you can try The Clubhouse Fire Formula with NO RISK today. Your order is covered
by our 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

In the unlikely event that you decide you want a refund, simply:

FREE in the US, for orders of 3 or 6 bottles.

We have excellent shipping. Over 99% of our orders get to our US based customers
within 3-5 working days. International orders usually take longer, but are still very reliable.

In the unlikely event that your order does not arrive when you expect, then we are here to help…

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year.
Because we are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

For product support, you can contact support in 2 ways:

Email: [email protected]

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE or 1-800-390-6035

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day.
363 days a year. We are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

For product support, you can contact support in 2 ways:

Email: [email protected]

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE or 1-800-390-6035

In plain brown packaging. Just like this:

Clubhouse Supplements is dedicated to producing the cleanest, purest and highest quality supplements to help men optimize their sexual performance.

For this reason, all batches of Fire are regularly checked for:

      • Bacteria
      • Yeasts
      • Molds
      • Toxic Metals including Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Cobalt, Nickel and Tin

These tests are done for every batch during the manufacturing process. We also regularly send Fire off for third party testing by an independent lab.

As well as retesting all the above, we also do third party testing to verify the presence of various Nutritional Minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and Selenium.

Plus, if relevant, we also test to make sure there are no traces of pharmaceutical performance enhancing substances added.

If a particular batch of Fire doesn’t meet our purity standards – we throw it out and start again.

HERE you’ll find our latest 3rd Party Testing Results for Fire

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

What People Are Saying…

Warning: Prices Will Go Up In

Enrollment to The
Platinum Customer Club
is FREE:

Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The FIRE Formula
(because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments,
& you can cancel anytime.

WARNING: the ingredients in Fire are very powerful and effective. Plus, they are as safe as most natural foods.
However, as with any foods, there is a small chance your body will have an adverse reaction to them. Please remember
to always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is especially
important if you have any medical condition or are taking medication – please check with a qualified healthcare
professional that it is safe for you to try this formula.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication,
or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc.,
a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission.
ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim,
statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of
“clubhousex” products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve
the same or similar results.

Contact our Customer Support team for more information and detailed return instructions at [email protected].
Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

Copyright © var year = new Date();document.write(year.getFullYear());.
Clubhouse Supplements LTD. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Click here to get Clubhouse Fire at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Clubhouse Fire is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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First impressions matter.

Don’t let awkward poses and lack of knowledge stop you.

Join our exclusive 2-day live online workshop and master the art of posing.

Posing is a skill that anyone can learn. Transform your image today!

After spending 20 years as a model at Elite Model Management, I moved on to work behind the lens as a published and award-winning photographer with 7 years of experience capturing stunning photographs.

On my journey from in front of the camera to behind it, I’ve realized how incredibly intimidating posing can be for many people.

I have seen firsthand how uncertainty and insecurity can take over us when posing.

This inspired me to create The Posing Academy.

I am passionate about transforming that fear into confidence.

At The Posing Academy, I teach the fundamentals of posing that not only build your confidence but also turn your fear into knowledge.

With my unique perspective and extensive experience, I have developed posing techniques that ensure you feel confident and look powerful in every shot.

My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to shine and unleash your full potential.

Join me at The Posing Academy and let’s master the art of posing together.

Below are some pictures from my 20 year modeling career.

Next workshop: August 17-18, 2024

Live online workshop: participate from the comfort of your home.

Interactive Sessions: Join live interactive sessions via a video conferencing platform.

Computer: A laptop or desktop computer and a stable, fast internet connection.

Willingness to Learn: Bring your enthusiasm and willingness to participate!

Upcoming workshop dates:

Explore types of poses: fashion, commercial, lifestyle and more.

Express yourself with confidence: Master the art of captivating facial expressions.

Unlock your angles: Discover how lighting and camera angles work to your advantage.

Practice makes perfect: interactive exercises to build your confidence in front of the camera.

Full Body Poses: Discover how to move and pose with grace and power.

Hand Placement: Master the art of hand placement to achieve natural and striking poses.

Posing Props: Discover how to use props to enhance your photos.

Mastering different poses: Commercial, Fashion, Lifestyle.

Talking about the conversation: communication, interaction with the client, model behavior (essential for all photo shoots).

How to Add Movement to Your Poses: Learn how to incorporate dynamic movement into your poses for a more natural and engaging look.

How to adapt your posing: Learn how to adjust your posing style to the different requirements of each session.

Gain confidence and comfort in front of the camera.

Master posing techniques for different types of shots (including movement).

Develop a solid understanding of the expectations of the modeling industry.

“This class opened my eyes to the power of posing, from understanding body language to mastering dynamic angles.”

It’s not just a photo shoot, it’s a moment full of love and dedication. If you think you’re not photogenic, you need a photo shoot with Marjorie. She gives you back your self-esteem and supports you in everything.

“Marjorie is amazing. She is very professional and has a lot of experience. She is passionate about what she does and it shows in her work. I highly recommend her!”

6 hours of live interactive learning: Dive deeper into posing techniques and gain confidence in front of the camera with practice and expert guidance, ask your questions with a live mentor.

Receive a download of our Complete Photoshoot Planner: a detailed guide with everything you need to know to plan and execute a stunning photoshoot.

Transform your confidence: learn to pose like a pro and feel amazing in front of the camera in 2 days.

Expert Instruction: Benefit from the combined experience of our instructor.

Limited spots available – don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Reserve your spot now and take the first step towards your modeling dreams.

Sign up today and take advantage of this special introductory offer!

The Posing Academy is perfect for you! We start with the basics, so no experience is necessary. Get ready to rock the camera like a queen!

Of course! The Academy offers individual sessions to tailor posing techniques specifically to you. Just book a session and we’ll help you shine even brighter! ✨

Ah, that’s a great question! How long it takes to learn how to pose really depends on your goals and how much effort you put into practicing. Here’s how we approach it at The Posing Academy:

Fundamentals in 2 Days: Our 2-day intensive workshop provides you with the basic posing techniques that form the foundation for posing with confidence. In this workshop, you will learn key body language strategies, flattering angles for different body types, and how to transition between poses seamlessly.

Mastering technique takes time and practice: Just like any skill, mastering technique takes dedication and practice. The good news is that with a solid foundation gained in our workshop, you can accelerate your learning by actively practicing the techniques. This can involve practicing in front of a mirror, participating in photo shoots, or even working with a posing coach to receive personalized feedback.

Remember that everyone learns at their own pace. Some people grasp concepts quickly, while others may need more time to hone their skills. The key is to be patient, consistent, and most importantly, have fun with the process!

Absolutely! At The Posing Academy, we understand that different situations call for different posing styles. Our curriculum goes beyond the basics and delves into various posing techniques that will make you shine in any situation.

Here’s what you can expect:

Basic Poses: We will begin by developing a solid foundation in posing principles, body awareness, and flattering angles. This basic knowledge applies to all posing styles.

Fashion Posing: Master the art of commanding the camera with confidence and fierce energy. Learn how to achieve iconic poses that translate beautifully into high fashion photography.

Commercial Poses: Discover the secrets to captivating product placement and storytelling through poses. You will learn how to display products in a natural and attractive way, perfect for commercials and advertising campaigns.

Lifestyle Poses: Capture the essence of everyday life with authentic and dynamic poses. We’ll teach you techniques to convey confidence and personality, making your lifestyle photos stand out.

By mastering these various posing styles, you will become a posing chameleon, effortlessly adapting to different photography requirements and leaving a lasting impression on photographers and audiences alike.

At The Posing Academy, you’ll receive live, interactive instruction from Marjorie, an experienced model and photographer. Unlike pre-recorded tutorials, our live sessions allow you to ask questions in real-time, receive personalized feedback, and participate in hands-on exercises that enhance your learning experience.

Absolutely. Investing in professional posing training can significantly improve your confidence and skills in front of the camera. The skills you gain will not only improve your photos, but will also open up new opportunities for you in modeling and photography. With Marjorie’s extensive experience and personalized instruction, you will gain knowledge and techniques that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, the decision is yours. But if you are serious about improving your presence in front of the camera and discovering the power of posing, The Posing Academy offers a valuable investment in your confidence and image. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation to discuss your goals and find the program that best suits your needs.

The cost of doing nothing is missing out on the opportunity to master the art of posing and transform your confidence in front of the camera.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Take the leap today and invest in yourself to become the confident and balanced person you’ve always wanted to be.

Register now and secure your spot in our exclusive workshop!

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Home (Copy) — The Posing Academy

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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