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The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

Product Name: The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman

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Want to do more pull-ups?

To the Man or Woman who can do ZERO Pull-ups and Wants to do Sets of 10, 20, 30, or More: Learn How I Dramatically Improved my Pull-up Performance and Have Helped Hundreds of People do the Same With a Unique Twist on Pull-up Training.

If you’ve been struggling to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups, then I’d really like the opportunity to help you succeed – and I’m confident that I can.

Over the years, I’ve discovered a number of key components that are essential to pull-up training success, that unfortunately, most people either don’t know about, or at the very least, don’t use. And thus, they perpetually struggle with exercises like pull-ups among others. But when all of these key components are integrated into one comprehensive system – when you connect the dots – pull-up training success is guaranteed. And on this page, I’m going to help you understand why.

You see, I’m a fitness coach who has loved pull-up training ever since I was a kid, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked about how to get better at pull-ups and chin-ups over the years. From the many times I’ve been ambushed beneath the pull-up bar at various gyms to the countless questions I’ve received online since I started publishing fitness articles in 2008, it’s been overwhelming. And after answering the same questions over and over again about how to get better at pull-ups, I realized that, “hey, I could do something with my unique twist on pull-up training and maybe even help a lot of people.”

So, I decided to create a comprehensive pull-up training system called The Pull-up Solution that can help practically anyone improve their pull-up numbers using a unique system that works better than anything else currently available.

You see, unlike every other pull-up training book, e-book, DVD, or digital product, The Pull-up Solution is a fully-customizable, do-it-yourself coaching system to help you rapidly improve your pull-up numbers safely and effectively using methods I’ve learned from various fitness professionals, athletes, martial artists, special operations personnel, and yes, even some of my personal training clients. Sometimes, I think they teach me more than I teach them!

And over the years, I’ve learned that most people need more than just a generic, cookie-cutter workout program to help them reach their goals – whether for improving pull-ups or otherwise. Perhaps 1 in 10 people can make that work, but it’s the other 9 who struggle over and over again that I’ve worked with the most. You know – normal people. And there are a lot of obvious reasons why they’ve been struggling!

Because let’s face it. Pull-ups are HARD, and most people struggle with them because of that reason alone. You can’t just take weight plates off to make the exercise more manageable, and so there is a much higher barrier to entry when it comes to pull-ups. Not to mention it takes a little bit of discipline and hard work applied consistently over time to build up your pull-up strength and maintain it. It should go without saying that getting better at pull-ups doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, humility, and a lot of patience. And you have to be very intentional and systematic about it every step of the way.

And in a similar vein, some people think that working hard is all you have to do, and if you only worked harder, then you would succeed. But this isn’t true either. You have to work hard and smart to succeed with pull-ups.

Now, not only are pull-ups hard in-and-of-themselves, but most people perform them improperly – and not just the technique of the exercise itself, but with poor exercise programming, too. They either “wing it” and get no results, poor results, or random results OR they follow a generic, cookie-cutter program that isn’t suited for their unique needs and circumstances hoping that it will magically help them achieve their goals. But that’s like playing the lottery with your results – the odds are against you. And maybe you’ve had this mentality before, as I have. But when you really think about it, that’s not exactly the best approach. Is it?

So, no wonder most people struggle with pull-ups!

And this problem is further compounded by the fact that most people don’t get the right kind of help. They try to do it alone. They don’t hire a coach. They go looking online and think that reading one article or watching one video once in awhile will provide the solution they’ve been searching for and solve their problem instantly.

Maybe that’s you. And you know how that usually goes.

The truth is that there’s more to performing a pull-up than simply getting your chin over the bar – a lot more. But you won’t learn the best techniques and training strategies in an exercise textbook or an online video. And chances are, your personal trainer may know the basics, but won’t have any advanced solutions or, more importantly, the right personal touch, to help you reach a whole new level.

This is why I created The Pull-up Solution for people like you. Because I might not know everything there is to know about exercise, but I do know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training and have a long track record of helping people get really good at them quickly and safely. This is something I’ve been really good at for a long time, and I’ve finally put all of my methods into one affordable package so that this is the last pull-up training resource you ever need.

Click Play to watch me do 30 pull-ups.

Now, I won’t lie to you and claim that I’m some big-dog personal trainer to the celebrities. I don’t have a long list of super-clients ranging from movie stars to rock stars to Navy SEALS. The truth is that I’m just your average fitness professional from the backwoods of small-town New Hampshire who happens to know a heck-of-a-lot about pull-up training. And I’d estimate that 90% of my personal training clients over the years have been ordinary folks just looking to get healthier, stronger, and leaner – not super-athletes or some genetic elite.

And so, with this never-seen-before, one-of-a-kind system that I made for anyone with two good arms, you can become extremely proficient in the pull-up exercise – to perform sets of 10, 20, 30, or more reps – and reap all the benefits that comes with that kind of conditioning: strong and defined arms, shoulders, back, and core musculature. Not to mention better posture and serious pound-for-pound strength that will let you progress to more advanced exercises, too.

Just do more pull-ups. (BIG FAT LIE!)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen an article from a fitness trainer or strength coach who says that you “just need to do more pull-ups” if you want to get better at them.

Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple.

Sure. That advice might seem to work for some people, for a little while. But this usually happens despite their simplified approach, and when it does, the results seldom last. Not to mention that this advice isn’t applicable to people who can’t do any pull-ups yet – or practically anyone else with special considerations, for that matter.

You see, getting really good at pull-up training and succeeding over the long term requires the integration of several key components that are essential to pull-up training success. In other words, if you don’t get all of these right, then you can forget about succeeding. It just won’t happen – at least, not in my experience.

Because in every single case I’ve ever encountered where someone was struggling to get better at pull-ups, there was at least one – and usually more – of these components missing from their approach. The good news is that when we identify what it is and make some simple changes to their approach, the results finally start coming in.

And I’m not talking about some trendy tips or secrets, but the laws of conditioning and principles of training. Things like the proper use of progression, overload, and periodization, among others. And if you’re missing even just one of the components, then at best, you’ll get sub-par or even no results, whatsoever – wasting your time and energy on something that won’t pay off. And at worst, you may experience overtraining, injuries, or other problems. And many people do!

So, in The Pull-up Solution, I’ve made it my goal to seamlessly integrate all of these key components into one holistic system so that your results are practically guaranteed – and you don’t even have to think about it because it’s all been done for you.

All but one of the keys, that is. The last key component of pull-up training success is hard work, and YOU are in charge of that one! I can throw out words like progression and overload, yadda yadda yadda, but if you’re not willing to work hard, you can forget about succeeding. As I’ve said before, you have to work hard and smart with pull-up training, and nobody gets better at them by accident.

So, how did this product come about?

Ever since I started publishing fitness articles and videos online, one of the most common questions I’ve received is on how to get better at pull-ups. So, I found myself creating pull-up training articles and videos, and that would cause even more questions to come in.

I also had other website owners contact me and pay me to write pull-up training articles for their readers, too. Before long, I was starting to be known as an unconventional pull-up training expert in a few corners of the Internet.

And then it happened. I decided to publish my very own pull-up workout program with a twist – combining some of my best pull-up training strategies into one program and also including some special instructions for customizing the workouts to better suit my web visitor’s needs.

And that blogpost went absolutely viral in every sense of the word. It didn’t just start getting hundreds of hits per day, it started getting tens of thousands of visitors each day. It was shared thousands of times through various social media services. And to this day, it’s still my highest-viewed webpage with over 1 million views.

So, a few months after that happened, I thought to myself, “maybe I have something here that can really help people.” I know. I’m a little slow. But that’s when the idea for The Pull-up Solution was born, and the official beta-testing began. I started working with people to see how well my program worked for my online clients, for men, women, old, young, soldiers, and law enforcement officers, among others.

I wanted to find out if my program was more effective than the alternatives they’d tried in the past. And to say it was would be an understatement. The truth is that the positive feedback was overwhelming!

I never thought a single blogpost with a workout program could bring in so many success stories. But over the next two years, I worked with dozens of people to see how the program went in order to improve it and turn it into a comprehensive product.

Some of my beta-testers kept in very close contact with me via email and Skype throughout the process, but most of them followed the program almost entirely on their own – sending me an update on their progress and an occasional question once in awhile.

Note: you can see some of their results further down this page.

To my delight, the program has been a complete success! I’ve received dozens of confirmed success stories from people who were ecstatic from the results. And to this day, I’ve only received one negative report from someone who didn’t succeed with it. Needless to say, I’m pretty satisfied with those results.

And so, I’ve spent the last two years refining that original program with the help of my beta-testers to create a much more comprehensive, no-nonsense system for mastering pull-ups.

The Pull-up Solution gives YOU the keys to create a customized workout program using a tested-and-proven system that addresses your unique needs, goals, and circumstances.

Because the fact of the matter is that not everyone can do pull-ups. And not everyone progresses at the same pace or using the same route. Also, some people have pre-existing conditions and injuries that they have to work around, or past injuries they don’t want to experience again. And some people have a deadline to meet for a fitness test or athletic event.

Needless to say, the need for personalization is huge! And since I can’t necessarily work with you in person (unless you live in the Northeast USA), it would be ridiculous for me to ask you to follow a specific workout program that isn’t catered to your needs.

And seriously, who can afford to spend a fortune on a coach just to help them get better at pull-ups? Not too many people I know.

And that’s why I took one aspect of this product very seriously: personalization.

Sure, a good program will often work well enough for most people, if they can follow it. But a small touch of personalization goes a really long way. And I’ve done everything I can to make this program as customizable as possible to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed.

In fact, one of my ultimate goals in creating this product was to make it so user-friendly and customizable, that it was almost like hiring me as your full-time pull-up training coach. More specifically, I wanted this do-it-yourself training system to come as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one (or having to pay for one!).

And so, The Pull-up Solution gives you the keys to create your own custom pull-up training program based on YOU – your needs, goals, and circumstances. Because no two people should follow the same exact program.

So, what does this personalization actually look like in practical terms?

Well, first, unlike most cookie-cutter pull-up workout programs, The Pull-up Solution meets you where you are today and gives you exercises that will match both your skill level and conditioning level. In other words, you won’t be asked (i.e. forced) to do an exercise you can’t already do.

So, nowhere in the program will I be telling you to do “3 sets of 5 pull-ups” or some other generic recommendation of sets and reps.

Instead, I’ve included some simple workout programming strategies that anyone can apply to help you customize the program to your skill and conditioning level. These are the same strategies I’ve been using with my own personal training clients for years. And believe me, you don’t need a PhD in exercise science to use them – an understanding of third-grade math will be sufficient.

Secondly, I’ve tried to make the program as easy to implement into your daily schedule as possible. You get to decide not only when you do your workouts, but also for how long. You can even shorten or extend specific training phases to meet your schedule, and I’ve provided an easy-to-read chart in an appendix to help you figure out the best training schedule for you in less than a minute. I’ve tried to incorporate as many time-saving benefits as possible because I know you’re busy.

Thirdly, I’ve made it customizable to not only your goals, but also your starting point. So, if you just want to get your first pull-up, then this will give you the tools and a blueprint for how to make that happen. And if you want to score your first 10 or 20 reps, then this product will show you the way. If you want to use pull-ups to get stronger and lay a foundation for more advanced exercises, then that’s in here, too. So, needless to say, if you have a goal at-all related to improving your pull-up performance, then this system was created for you.

Finally, this is not just a workout program that tells you to “do this, not that, etc.” This is an entire system containing progressive, scalable, customizable workouts, video instruction, coaching tips, and a unique personalization guide, among many other elements.

Basically, I’ve taken everything necessary or otherwise very important for pull-up training success, and compiled it into a step-by-step comprehensive system that can work for practically anyone who is able to follow instructions, and more importantly, willing to work hard.

So, believe me when I say that you’ve never seen another pull-up training program like this before. It is truly one-of-a-kind. And I would know since I’ve purchased and reviewed every single pull-up training resource out there – books, DVD’s, digital products, Kindle e-books, etc. In fact, I’ve got a whole stack of pull-up training resources on my bookshelf that I bought and devoured in order to help me make this product as useful and valuable as possible for you.

And the best part is that I’m offering the entire system at a very affordable price. For less than the cost of a single personal training session, you can get the entire system that has taken me years to research, test, refine, and systematize.

So, all that said, please allow me to introduce you to The Pull-up Solution – the last program you’ll ever need to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises.

There are three main components contained inside The Pull-up Solution: the manual, the video database, and the progress tracking journal.

This 45-page e-book will guide you through the process of using this system. It was written and formatted with simplicity in mind so that you can work through it quickly. Plus, with the Quick-Start Guide, you can begin training in minutes if you want to. It will literally take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do each and every day so that there is no guesswork involved – just follow the instructions. Again, my goal was to provide a resource that was so comprehensive that it’s as close to having a coach as possible, without actually having one.

The manual also contains the actual 12-week workout program you’ll be going through with detailed instructions to help you make the most of each and every training session.

There are also various features to help you customize it to your needs:

There are over thirty instructional videos in four distinct categories included in the system. All videos were created to be short and to the point so you’re not wasting your time trying to find the information you need.

The 8 Key Components of Optimal Pull-up Technique – These will help you learn both the main points and the subtle nuances of pull-up technique to make sure you’re performing each exercise not just properly, but optimally.

These videos will help you…

Warmup and Cooldown Instructional Videos for Pull-up Pre-hab and Injury-Prevention – Using state-of-the-art training modalities, these two follow along videos will guide you step-by-step through a precision warmup and cooldown protocol that was custom-made for pull-up trainees.

These videos will help you…

Exercise Technique Instructional Videos – Learn exactly how to perform all of the exercises in the program with these short and to-the-point videos.

These videos will help you…

Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Videos to Improve Pull-up Performance

These videos will help you…

The last element of the program is the Progress Tracking Journal, which will help you keep track of your improvements each time you train. It’s available in both printable and digital format, and has been pre-formatted so that all you need to do is enter your data as you go along – saving you time so that you can get back to your life once you’re done training.

I’ve also included some additional bonuses in the package deal – just because I like you so much and really want you to succeed. These are not necessary to complete the program, but they will absolutely help you in your pull-up training endeavors. You can think of these as my way of saying “thanks” for investing in my program.

Interview with Al Kavadlo About Pull-up Training and Other Bar Calisthenics (≈27 minute audio mp3) – Al is a true Bodyweight Training Expert, the Author of Raising The Bar: The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Bar Calisthenics, and the Founder of the Progressive Calisthenics Certification.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Shawna Kaminski About Pull-up Training For Women (≈47 minute audio mp3) – Shawna is a Fitness Professional, the Author of the Challenge Workouts Pull-up Program, and a true Pull-up Training Extraordinaire.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Ryan Hurst About Pull-up Training For Health, Fitness, and Fun (≈55 minute audio mp3) – Ryan is a Former Competitive Gymnast, a Health-first Strength and Movement Coach, holds black belts in Kendo, Judo, and Shorinji Kempo, and is the Founder of GMB Fitness.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Hugo Rivera about Pull-up Training for Maximum Hypertrophy (≈68 minute audio mp3) – Hugo is a Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder, a Pull-up Training Beast, and a Best-Selling Author of the Body Sculpting Bible book series and also the Body Re-Engineering Program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Steven Proto About Pull-up Training For Maximal Strength (≈2000 words) – Steven is the Guinness World Record Holder for the World’s Heaviest Pull-up and also The Most Pull-ups Completed In One Minute With a 100 Pound Backpack, He is also a former Marine and the Founder of ExtremistPullup.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Navy SEAL, Stew Smith, about Pull-up Training for the Military (≈53 minute audio mp3) – Stew Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL, and author of several best-selling fitness books such as The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, The Special Ops Workout, and S.W.A.T. Fitness. Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, and many other military, law enforcement, and firefighter professions.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Christian Carson and Ryan Provencher about Pull-up Training for Police and Firefighters (≈35 minute audio mp3) – Christian and Ryan are professional firefighters and fire captains at the Bellingham, WA fire department. They are also TACFIT Division Chiefs and are the creators of the TACFIT Firefighter First Alarm fitness program.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

Interview with Jeff Kuhland about Pull-up Training for Advanced Athletes and Natural Movers (≈50 minute audio mp3) – Jeff is a fitness professional, a MovNat trainer, a CrossFit Coach, and the owner of Athletic Human.

In this interview, you’ll learn…

This new program includes two studio production quality instructional videos in high definition that will teach you dozens of exercises to help you:

This unique training routine will have you feeling and performing at your best all throughout your pull-up training cycles.

Here’s a short teaser video of the Pull-up Prep & Prehab Program…

Note: There might be an additional bonus or two included with your purchase as well. You’ll find all of the bonuses on the download page with everything else.

Hi John, When I started I could just about do 1 pull-up. Slightly embarrassing but that was my starting point. 😉 At the end of month 1, I can do 5 with proper form. I’m double happy. Thanks for your help, it’s much appreciated. -Dom

I finished month one of the pull ups program 4 days ago. My goal was to do 15 pull ups by the end of the first month–I could do 8 when I started. Today I warmed up with some stretching, and calesthetics. Did a one rep set, and then a 4 rep set of pull ups, then rested. Then I went for a max set–I did 15 good reps, and had my chin within an inch of the bar for a 16th rep. So, I am well satisfied with the progress I made. My goal will be to hit a 20 rep max set by the end of month two. – Norm

There’s something about pullups, pushups, 1 leg squats and other bodyweight exercises that just makes me feel STRONG all the time. It’s great to know I can jump up and grab a ledge, bar or tree and pull myself up anytime. – Steve in Florida

Thank you so much for this workout, my pull-ups increased from 3 to 6 in just 1 week. Now i can get better marks at school. I’m 14 and this program works great so far. –Tom

My Results: I went from 11 chin ups to 17 chin ups in about 10 weeks. Pretty impressive in my book. I skipped the first month. Other than that, I followed the plan pretty closely except I added a week or so to month 2 and month 3. I also did these workouts along with a pushup workout so the intensity was perhaps a little less than for someone who treated this as a workout program in-itself. – Ben

After 4 weeks I definitely made significant progress from where I began doing 2-3 iffy pullups to being able to do 7 complete dead hangs slowly. – Mike

Your pullup program is super awesome!! Just reviewing your detailed program changed my mindset on how to do a proper pullup. Thanks. – Michael S Navalta, Texas

“Current pull-up count is 12…” (one month later) I entered a chin-up contest for fun and did pretty well. I did 19 (really good for me, though they weren’t doing full extension, so I cheated on form as well) and I was running on 4 hours of sleep and was dehydrated, so I’m convinced I could do more! I’m still planning on finishing the 3 month program. – Marcus Fluty

With this program, I increased my one rep max from 8 to 13, that is a 62% increase. I would say I followed it about 90% of the way, I didn’t rest as much for the last day as he advised to and I did gain maybe two pounds while doing it (maybe muscle?). Despite my modest gains, I recommend this program. I really liked the first month, I could see some size gains after day 30 for sure! I am now going to try the Armstrong program. -Matt Garza

I work as an aerialist and found this tutorial through an aerial site. Even with that background I think I was doing just about everything wrong that I could have been. I tried doing it the way you taught and I noticed an immediate difference. Thank you so much for a brilliant tutorial video. -Ben

I did John’s 3-month pullup regimen, and at the time, I could only do 2-3 pullups. After the regimen, my max is now 6 and it definitely helped me lose some weight and give my upper body a nice V-shape (along with cardio & weight training and proper diet). You can see my experience on my blog (see blog archives from april 2012): John is a great resource. -Mitsu

And here’s the video Kristian sent me of Eva’s progress…

I’ve since heard from Kristian that they absolutely love The Pull-up Solution, and now Eva is working on a weighted pull-ups training program to prepare for her next fitness competition…because regular pull-ups are just too easy for her now!

Chase Cullinan followed the beta-version of The Pull-up Solution and achieved exceptional results. He is a good example of some of the best results that can be obtained using the program.

And not only did he drastically increase his pull-up numbers, but he did so with very little help from me. In fact, I didn’t even hear from him – or even know he was using my program – until he was already half-way through the program. Here is what he sent me…

I found this program and decided to use it as I prepare for U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidate Course. My goal is to blast away 20 with ease. This scores 100% for the pull-up portion of the Physical Fitness Test. I have combined this program with running, rucking with weight, and cross-training and am at the half-way point for this program. I began at 4 dead-hang pull-ups as my max and can now do 3x that many. I have done the single step pyramid to 10 a few times and have been able to hit 10 each time. While I have not maxed out since I began, knowing that I can do 10 after having already completed 40 in pyramid increments, I am sure that I could do 12 or more for a max set. This program is great and I am striving to hit the 30 rep mark by the end of the next month and a half. Thanks for sharing the plan. – Chase Cullinan Third Generation Deputy Sheriff. Criminal Justice and Sociology Double Major. #USMC OCS Applicant and Hopeful future MARSOC Officer. Augusta, GA

Shortly after sending that message, Chase sent me this video of his progress. His goal for this set was 16 reps, but as you can see, he flew right past that…

He kept me posted on his progress via Twitter – making notes of his continuing success…

After he finally took the U.S. Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, he sent me this Tweet…

And now he’s moving on to even greater goals on his own…

I wanted to share both Chase and Eva’s stories with you not only because of how well they’ve done but also because they both followed a bare-bones version of my program completely on their own and still did amazing. And I believe you can, too, especially since The Pull-up Solution is a new-and-improved, massively-updated system that has been – dare I say – nearly perfected for the aspiring pull-up trainee.

Now, these results are definitely not typical because most people who buy a fitness program don’t even start it, and many of the ones who do start don’t finish it! But Chase and Eva found a good program, took action, and worked hard over a period of months – and got the results to prove it. If you want results like they got, then you should follow their example and do the same.

You’ll get out of this program what you put into it.

I’ll give it to you straight. I don’t want you to just be satisfied with your purchase. I want to impress you. I want you to feel like you got the better deal and walk away amazed at the value of your investment.

And honestly, I don’t want the price to be a primary factor in your buying decision. So, rather than try to squeeze a few bucks out of you, I’d rather earn your trust and inspire you to succeed. The way I see it, if I can provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed and help you to trust in yourself and your ability to see a program like this through to completion, then I think we’ve both won.

Now, you and I both know that’s just not happening for the vast majority of people these days. And obviously, most people would think you’re crazy to spend that much money just on pull-up training. And that’s why I’m offering the entire package at a significantly discounted rate to get it into the hands of as many people as possible during it’s initial release.

Hey, John–first of all, no need to thank me for the comment – I should thank you for making such a great system. I’ve been working on calisthenics for about a year now and the only exercise I’ve struggled with is pull-ups. After watching one of your youtube videos recently, I literally increased my pullups by 40% just from changing my grip/wrists/tightening my body more. Hence my purchase of your system.

Just did my first run-through after buying the system and I have to say that the warmup and cooldown routines are so good they’re almost worth the price of admission alone. Wow! Also – the system looks great, I can’t wait to work my way up to 30+ reps. 🙂

-Morgan W.

I am so confident that my system will help you achieve your pullup and chinup performance goals, that I’ll let you try it for up to 60 days risk-free.

If for any reason, you are not totally satisfied (e.g. it doesn’t work for you, not what you were expecting, you never actually used it, you don’t like my New England accent or red hair, etc.), just contact me and I will get you a full refund – no questions asked.

I want you to feel comfortable making an online purchase from a stranger and that’s why I offer this 60-day unconditional, money-back guarantee. Take it or leave it. You have nothing to lose.

Listen. I know you’ve never met me before, and there’s absolutely no reason for you to trust me at all. I could be an out-of-shape marketing expert who has never done a pull-up my entire life and is trying to mislead as many people as possible during my short time here on Earth. I may even get sadistic pleasure from fooling you like so many other so-called “fitness gurus” do on a regular basis with their marketing scams. And in this day and age, a website like this could be a complete hoax!

So, if you’re skeptical. I get it. You should be!

But in the event that this sales page has stirred up even the faintest hint of trust in me – and showed you that I sincerely want to help you succeed – then please listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you because it’s important.

I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a few bucks, and I wouldn’t lie to you. The truth is that even though I’ve been a fitness author since 2008, this is the first fitness product I’ve ever created on my own and I want to do it right so that I can make more like it in the future (if you’ll let me!). So, I’m not some con-artist or snake-oil salesman trying to trick you out of a few bucks. I’m a real person and John Sifferman is my real name. Look me up. I’ve been helping people get fit for many years, and it shouldn’t be hard to find me.

You should also know that even though this is my first fitness product, I’m not offering some joke-of-a-product that was thrown together in one night and would make your high-school science project look good. This is the real deal and even before its release, it had a long track record of success with people from all around the world. But even though this is a great program, there’s something you should know about it before we wrap up.

Let me tell you straight.

This is not a quick-fix program. There are no shortcuts to getting better at pull-ups – period. So, don’t get me wrong and think that I’m offering some type of magic bullet or miracle solution because I’m not. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then you won’t find it here. Trust me.

But the fact of the matter is that The Pull-up Solution is a unique system that helps people rapidly increase their pull-up numbers better than anything else currently available because it was designed to take you right to your edge, and no further – each and every time you train – using the power of personalization.

But here’s the thing: just because it is the best, doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. Because let’s face it – nothing is a perfect fit for everybody. And if my program isn’t a good fit for you, then that’s okay – no hard feelings. And believe me, I don’t want to give you something you don’t need or won’t use. Seriously.

And if that’s the case, I’d simply invite you to check out my other pull-up training resources that I’ve made available for free online. I’ve got tons of free stuff out there.

But if you’re tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups and are willing to put in the work needed to change that, using a tested-and-proven program powered by a great self-coaching system, then get a copy of The Pull-up Solution today. You’ll be glad you did.

Stop wasting your time hoping for a miracle and start getting results as soon as this week. You can thank me later.

And hey, the worst case scenario is that you buy the product, hate it, and get your money back. Remember, I want you to feel like you got the better deal. So, get your copy and start to make things happen today!

Health-First Fitness Coach
Pull-up Training Extraordinaire

YES, John, I’m tired of struggling with pull-ups and chin-ups, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to succeed!

YES, I understand that this is a one-time charge and that I will NOT be billed again for anything. There are no other fees or charges for anything and my credit card information is encrypted, billed on a secure server, and is not stored anywhere.

YES, I understand that I am getting FULL ACCESS to The Pull-up Solution training system, which includes the training manual and quick-start guide, the whole workout program, the entire database of instructional videos, the progress tracking journals, and all of the additional bonuses.

YES, I understand that I will get instant access (within minutes) to all of the product files. I also realize that this is a digital product (i.e., downloadable), and that no physical products will be shipped.

YES, I understand that I have a 60-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. So, if I’m not completely satisfied, I can request a full refund, and have my entire investment returned.

What exactly will I receive when I buy The Pull-up Solution?

You will receive instant access to the whole product via a download page, which has download links for all of the digital files that comprise The Pull-up Solution. This includes the following:

-a PDF file with the program manual, quick-start guide, and complete workout program
-dozens of video files in MP4 format
-two progress tracking journals in PDF and Excel formats
-additional MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF bonuses to help you excel at pull-up training

Note: you will not receive a physical package in the mail since this product is in digital format that can be viewed on your computer, smart phone, tablet, etc.

I can do zero pull-ups or chin-ups and have struggled with them my entire life. Is this program for me?

A thousand times yes! The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and even ultra-beginners who may struggle just hanging from the bar – let alone performing pull-ups. It has been designed to take you by the hand and show you exactly what you have to do each day so that you can make measurable progress each time you train.

Yes, but I’m __________ (overweight, weak, old, etc.), and I couldn’t even dream of doing full pull-ups. Is this program really for me?

Yep. As long as you’re healthy enough to exercise (i.e. doctor’s clearance for exercise and/or strength training activities), and you can support some of your weight while hanging from a bar, then yes, this program was created for people just like you.

I can already do several pull-ups in one set, but have struggled to make further gains. Is this program for me?

Another resounding yes! This program is meant to help you take your current pull-up training to the next level, whatever that may mean for you. And if you can already perform a few solid reps, then you’ve got a good head start.

I can already do 15-20+ pull-ups, and am looking for the next step, level or edge in my pull-up training. Is this program for me?

Yes, but with a big but… The Pull-up Solution was created for beginners and advanced trainees alike, but there is something all advanced trainees should know before investing in the product.

Once you’ve made not only your initial gains, but also further progress that has you nearing your peak potential, all future progress will come very slowly. And there is no way around this – no special tip, trick, hack, or programming secret to speed up your results. I’d be lying to you if I didn’t admit that. So, for example, if you can already do 20+ pull-ups, then don’t necessarily expect to double or triple your numbers your first time through this program. It may be possible, but it’s certainly not typical.

The fact of the matter is that going from one repetition to 10 is much easier than going from 20 repetitions to 30. And the further up the ladder you get, the harder the results become. Plus, it just takes more time. That said, if your goal is to keep getting stronger and adding numbers to your total, and lay a strong foundation for more advanced bar exercises (e.g. muscle ups) then this is a great program for that.

Hello John! Respect from Lithuania!
Thank you for posting this program, I became obsessed with it, and after two months my pull up count quintupled. Thanks again, I really appreciate your work. – Consistent one (username)

Does this program work for women?

It sure does. In fact, this is an ideal program for women because it gives you all the tools you need to maximize your results. And since women tend to have less upper body biomass (i.e., muscle) than men, every little bit of extra personalization helps.

Am I too old for this program?

I don’t know. You tell me! But seriously, if you are serious about getting better at pull-ups, and you are a bit past your prime, then you’ll be much better served by this program than any of the other pull-up training resources out there, and here’s why.

You see, The Pull-up Solution is a health-first fitness program that comes with built-in pre-habilitation methods to give you a toolbox of injury prevention and recovery strategies. The package also includes extremely detailed exercise technique instructions to help you perform the exercises safely and efficiently to help prevent both injuries and excessive wear and tear on your body. And while you will be instructed to perform exercises at moderate to high intensity during some of the workouts (see FAQ on High Intensity Training below for more info), this is certainly not a hardcore exercise program like some of the ones all the young whippersnappers are doing these days.

And don’t forget about the customizable nature of the program that suits it to your individual needs, including, but not limited to the Personalization Guide, which coincidentally, has a section for “Middle age persons and senior citizens.” This will give you some specific advice that is more appropriate for seasoned trainees. So, I’ve got you covered. And in all seriousness, it’s never too late to start training for more strength and better health. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

I have an ache, pain, injury, or other pre-existing condition. Can I still use this program?

If your doctor has cleared you for exercise, then you can still use this program. However, if your condition causes significant pain while performing pull-ups or other similar exercises, then it would be advisable to start this program after you have rehabilitated. That said, if you can perform pull-ups (or comparable exercises) with only mild discomfort, then you may be able to use the program safely and effectively. Please refer to the medical disclaimer for more details. And if you have a specific concern, feel free to contact me, and I’d be happy to tell you what I think – even if it means telling you that it would be best not to buy my program.

Yes, but I have a bad ___________ (shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, etc.). Can I really use the program?

As long as your pain does not exceed a three, on a scale of one to ten (10 being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, and 1 being no discomfort whatsoever), then yes, you can use this program.

I’m not an athlete, soldier, police officer, or fireman. Will this program still work for me?

You don’t have to be an Olympic Gold Medalist or Navy SEAL to use The Pull-up Solution. Hardly! This program was designed for anyone who wants to get better at pull-ups – period. And that includes normal people living ordinary lives. Besides, how many Navy SEALs do you know that are struggling to get better at pull-ups anyway?

I set myself a goal was to complete a proper pullup and I’ve just done that – my first ever unassisted, from hanging pullup. Wicked! Your proper explanation and understanding of body mechanics, posture etc is crucial for health and fitness and I thank you for putting such good onto the web. Keep up the good work. – Marcus

How quickly can I improve my pull-up numbers on your program?

It depends on a ton of factors like your starting point, conditioning level, skill level with the exercises, body weight, body composition, age, recovery ability, and time available for training – not to mention your mental toughness and work ethic, among many other things. So, there is no definitive number or percentage I could give you.

I can say that beginners tend to experience more rapid results than advanced trainees, and it’s not uncommon for them to double, triple, or even quadruple their results in the first month alone. And to date, I’ve had not one, but two, beginner-level beta-testers quintuple their results, going from 1-5 pull-ups and 2-10 pull-ups, respectively, in just the first month on the program. So, it just depends.

The bottom line is that you’ll get out of this program whatever you put into it. Keep in mind that working hard on a good program will yield far better results than a mild effort on a perfect program. Luckily, you can be the one who works hard on a great program that is customized to your needs for optimal results.

How long is the program and what do I do after I’ve finished it?

There are three primary phases in the program, and each one is four weeks long. So, the official program is 12 weeks long, or about three months when accounting for rest and recovery time. However, if you don’t have a full three months to commit to pull-up training, there is also a chart to help you modify the program based on how much time you do have available. So, if you only have one or two months available to focus on pull-ups – instead of the full three months – there are different program schedules for you to follow instead.

There is also a fourth phase of the program for maintaining your results (i.e. the maintenance phase), which can be done indefinitely, but like all training programs, it probably won’t be effective forever.
There are further instructions for what to do after you’ve completed the program inside of the program manual.

How often will I have to train and how long do the workouts take?

It depends. The short answer is that most people will need to spend between 10-20 minutes of training per workout for most of the program.

During the first phase of the program, you’ll be instructed to perform pull-ups on your own schedule, whenever you can make time for them, for several days per week. Now, whether your sets are spread across the course of an entire day (e.g. one set every hour or two), or just an evening/morning, or a workout at the gym, or even just over the course of an hour at home (e.g. every 5 minutes), it’s entirely up to you. And if you think I’m just giving you free reign to do whatever you want, I am, but with a certain set of parameters to ensure you succeed. And again, the instructions are quite clear on how to customize it to your schedule to help you match the program to your needs and make the most of your training.

In phases two and three, you’ll perform two or three workouts per week, and most of the workouts will take between 10-20 minutes. There are a couple of pyramid-style workouts that may take longer for advanced trainees who can perform a lot of repetitions. But ultimately, you’re in charge of how long your workouts are. That’s the nature of a customizable program.

Is this a high-intensity training program?

Yes and no, since it depends on which phase of the program you’re in. All of the workouts in the first phase are low to moderate intensity sessions, and you will be instructed not to train anywhere near high intensity. During the second phase of the program, the workouts are mostly moderate intensity sessions, with a few sets being near-max efforts during some of the workouts. And finally, some workouts will absolutely require max or near-max intensity levels, particularly in the third and final phase of the program.

Do I need any special equipment or a gym membership to follow the program?

All you really need is a place to do pull-ups. A pull-up bar is ideal, and preferably one that you’ll have access to regularly. There is some other equipment that is recommended for certain situations, such as a resistance band for performing assisted pull-ups, but all other equipment is optional and not necessary to complete the program.

Your Advice was just outstanding. I have never felt this way before about any exercise. I have been suffering from a nagging pain in my inner elbows for quite a while.. my pull-up routine seemed to have caused it, so i figured i’ll give it a rest for a week or two. but after trying the pronated grip and correct width of the arms and everything I didn’t feel any pain at all while doing the exercise… It’s like a miracle! Better take it easy on my elbows for a week or two anyway and then start training properly! Thank you so much, Ziv from Israel.

I already follow a workout program or other athletic/recreational routine. Can I incorporate this into my existing routine?

Absolutely! And that’s exactly how it was designed and meant to be used. You can either incorporate your pull-up training right into your existing workouts or do it at a separate time – your choice.

Wouldn’t I be better off hiring a personal trainer?

If you can find a local fitness professional who specializes in pull-up training and has already coached many people to master the pull-up and chin-up exercises, AND you can also afford to hire them for several training sessions over the coming weeks and months – investing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars – then absolutely! In-person training from a qualified and competent professional will always trump doing it alone. That said, The Pull-up Solution was designed so that anyone – regardless of their skill, conditioning level, or knowledge – can excel in their pull-up performance on their own. It’s a do-it-yourself program. And honestly, when it comes down to it, most people can master the pull-up exercise without professional instruction. I’ve personally witnessed that happen from all the success stories that have come in from my beta-testers over the years. However, if possible, my advice is to employ the best of both worlds by purchasing a copy of The Pull-up Solution so you get the cutting-edge, tested-and-proven system and after working through some of the program on your own, consult a personal trainer or fitness coach to review your exercise technique, just to make sure you are indeed performing the exercises safely.

Why should I pay for this? Can’t I find this information on the internet for free?

Sure. There are lot’s of free pull-up training resources available online. And if you look around long enough, you may discover that I’ve posted a lot of free pull-up training resources on the internet over the years, too. In fact, I’ve got many pull-up training articles, videos, tips, workouts, and programs on my website And it’s all free!

So, if you just can’t afford my product or just don’t want to cough up the cash, then by all means, check out the free resources I have made available.

But if you’ve struggled in the past to “make it happen” and get the results you want, and you want a step-by-step system that is guaranteed to rapidly improve your pull-up performance in three months or less – and get you far-better results than any single tip, trick, or cookie-cutter program ever can – then by all means, invest in The Pull-up Solution today. Don’t waste any more time, and start seeing results immediately.

How can I be sure it’s safe to order online from your website?

The checkout page that accepts your payment information is on a secure server, just like the ones you would use for a purchase on a large online retail website such as So, your personal information will remain safe throughout the payment and checkout process. Plus, I’m a real person, and John Sifferman is my real name. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and of course, on my own websites such as and So, I am not a con-artist trying to scam you out of your money, and I wouldn’t risk my reputation to make a buck. We’ve been online with a reputation of uncompromising integrity since 2008, and we plan to keep it that way.

How do I order the program?

The fastest way to get the program is on the order page here or just click on the “Click Here To Buy Now” button below.

And just in case you need even more evidence that I can help you with your pull-up training goals, here is a screenshot of some comments from one of my pull-up training videos on Youtube. If I’m getting this much positive feedback from a free video, just think of how good The Pull-up Solution will be.

If you’re still having trouble making up your mind, then here a bit of advice (i.e., tough love) I’ve told some of my clients over the years.

You may have heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again – even when it’s not working. But here’s the thing: most people do exactly that when it comes to pull-up training. They struggle with pull-ups for months or years simply because they don’t follow a program that is tailored to their needs or they simply don’t get the kind of help they need. And if that’s been you, then you can put a stop to that endless cycle right now.

I created The Pull-up Solution to help people just like you, and I’m offering it at such a low price because I really, truly want to help as many people as possible succeed with their pull-up goals. So, if you’re willing to give it a chance, then pick up your copy today. And don’t forget, if it’s not right for you, there’s the 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee – just in case.

Or, you can keep “winging it” on your own, playing the lottery with your results, and see where that gets you. Your choice.

Contact Us – Medical & Results Disclaimers – Privacy Policy – Terms of Use – Affiliates

PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Pull-up Solution is a digital product (i.e., downloadable). No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-books, video files, and audio files onto your computer. The e-book format is Adobe Acrobat PDF, video files are in MP4 format, and audio files are in MP3 format, all of which can be viewed on any PC or Mac computer (desktop or laptop). You can also view and use the files on Ipads and most mobile devices (i.e. smart phones), but you may need an app to use some of the files (e.g. to read Adobe Acrobat PDF e-books). This product is NOT available in stores.

RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Due to recent FTC laws, it is required that all companies identify what a “typical” result is. Since there is no known established standard for what is considered typical results in a pull-up improvement program, results shown in our many success stories and testimonials may not be typical. Also, results cannot be guaranteed, nor can the permanence of your results. Faster results upon first starting the program are common, especially for beginners to exercise and strength training. But the truth is that most people never do anything with the fitness products they buy. So, most of the time, they don’t get any results at all. The people you see featured on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical because they actually followed the program and recommendations in The Pull-up Solution. If you want results, you should do this, too.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Ask your doctor if getting stronger is right for you.

Copyright © The Pull-up Solution, John Sifferman. 2014-2020. All Rights Reserved.

Click here to get The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Pull-up Solution by John Sifferman is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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WordPress Information Aug 2024: AI Options, New Default Theme & Extra

In August, we witnessed exciting dispositions throughout the wordpress world. From tricky new AI equipment to the preview of the Twenty Twenty-5 theme, there’s such a lot to find.

In this issue, we can cover the newest choices from in taste wordpress plugins, plus a sneak peek at the new default wordpress theme. We moreover take a look at business changes, along with Instagram’s API change and additional.

Now, let’s take a look at the vital factor highlights from this month’s wordpress knowledge.

WPBeginner Highlight is our monthly assortment where we percentage the newest behind-the-scenes updates from the wordpress crew.

When you’ve got any primary wordpress knowledge you’d like us to serve as in next month’s model—whether or not or now not it’s an emblem acquisition, merger, or the discharge of the most important new serve as—please succeed in out to us by way of our touch shape.

wordpress-news-august-2024-in-post.png” alt=”WPBeginner Spotlight 03 – Covering AI features, plugin updates, and other news” class=”wp-image-297047″/>

MonsterInsights Launches Conversations AI: A Game-Changer in Internet web page Analytics and Insights

MonsterInsights has presented Conversations AI, a brand spanking new serve as designed to make internet web site analytics additional interactive and user-friendly.

This instrument goals to simplify the process of understanding web site site visitors knowledge. As a substitute of navigating by way of sophisticated analytics research, shoppers can merely ask explicit questions, and the AI chatbot will answer.

For instance, it’s possible you’ll wish to ask, “Which pages had some of the web site guests final week?” or “How did my latest blog put up perform?” The AI responds with clear, actionable wisdom, making it more straightforward for patrons to reach insights without having sophisticated analytics talents.

MonsterInsights conversational AI preview

This selection could be in particular useful for web page homeowners who need easy answers about their internet web site’s web site guests without digging into detailed research.

In a put up on X, Syed Balkhi, CEO of MonsterInsights and WPBeginner, additionally discussed that it could be helpful for patrons who’re dreading the migration to the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

This selection is available for all MonsterInsights Skilled shoppers. Consumers of the loose MonsterInsights lite plugin will want to enhance to a paid plan to unlock it.

First Check out Twenty Twenty-5: The Upcoming New Default Theme

It’s a long-standing customized throughout the wordpress crew to unlock a brand spanking new default theme every three hundred and sixty five days, maximum regularly named after the three hundred and sixty five days. Following this pattern, wordpress is able to introduce Twenty Twenty-5 because the default theme for the approaching wordpress 6.7 unlock.

The theme’s design philosophy is in line with the concept that “Simple problems should be easy and intuitive, and complex problems conceivable.”

It features a simple, minimalistic design foundation, which is in a position to additional sophisticated layouts and design conceivable alternatives as sought after.

Twenty Twenty-Five patterns

It’s going to return with various style diversifications, gorgeous patterns, and ready-to-use templates, allowing shoppers to customize it for more than a few internet web site needs.

One distinctive serve as of Twenty Twenty-5 is its focal point on the weblog format since the default view, surroundings it except for fresh default subjects.

Twenty Twenty-Five personal blog view

This design variety highlights the theme’s emphasis on content material subject matter, making it preferably suited to bloggers while nevertheless offering the flexibility sought after for various internet web site varieties.

Twenty Twenty-5 is designed with potency and accessibility in ideas. It performs neatly right through fairly a large number of devices and is simple for all shoppers to navigate. Customization may be a key focal point, allowing shoppers to keep an eye on colors, fonts, and layouts without having coding knowledge.

As we way the release of wordpress 6.7, Twenty Twenty-5 may change fairly from its earlier preview. Alternatively, the primary design scheme will keep the equivalent.

WPForms Introduces Conditional Commonplace sense for Layout Fields

WPForms has presented conditional good judgment for format fields. It permits shoppers to make use of good conditional just right judgment right through complete sections of a sort fairly than just particular person fields.

Adding conditional logic to a layout field in WPForms

This makes form creation faster and additional intuitive, specifically for classy paperwork that require dynamic content material in line with client input.

The layout field was already recognized for its flexibility in arranging form parts in predefined columns. Now, it moreover is helping conditional just right judgment for complete blocks of fields within those layouts.

This means you’ll be capable to merely create paperwork that adapt in real-time, showing or hiding sections in line with client selections—all with only some clicks.

Conditional logic demo

At the side of this, WPForms has added a single-column layout chance. This provides shoppers additional control over their form designs while maintaining the ease of use that WPForms is known for.

With this change, WPForms has moreover reinforced its anti-spam measures, ensuring that paperwork keep secure and unfastened from unwanted submissions.

Instagram Shutting Down Basic Display API: What It Way for Your Internet web page

Instagram has decided to near down its Basic Display API in want of the newer Instagram Graph API. The API was used by various wordpress social media plugins to fetch and display Instagram feeds.

Instagram Feed Demo

Which means that if your internet web site was hooked as much as Instagram the use of the Basic Display API, it’s going to forestall displaying Instagram feeds throughout the next quarter (spherical October-November 2024).

The oldsters at Destroy Balloon, makers of the most popular Instagram feed plugin, presented their plans for the approaching changes in a contemporary weblog publish.

Craig Schlegel, Damage Balloon’s elementary manager, assured shoppers that their feeds will continue working until the shutdown takes have an effect on. He steered shoppers to switch by way of reconnecting the plugin to the new API faster than the October-November point in time.

After the point in time, if shoppers don’t make the switch, the plugin will continue showing without equal cached style of their feed. Alternatively, it won’t be able to turn new content material subject matter.

If your internet web site will depend on Instagram content material subject matter, taking movement faster than the shutdown is an important to ensure your Instagram feed is working.

Bold Forms Introduces AI Form Builder

Bold Forms has introduced a brand new AI Shape Builder that makes it easy to create paperwork by way of the use of artificial intelligence. This instrument goals to help shoppers generate sophisticated paperwork in short and effectively, even without extensive technical knowledge.

Consumers can kind details about the form they want to make in plain language, and the AI will generate the desired form fields.

Creating a form using AI

The AI add-on streamlines the process by way of suggesting form fields and layouts in line with client goals.

Bold Forms is known for its sophisticated wordpress shape builder. Consumers making sophisticated paperwork, very similar to calculators or directories, may find the AI form builder helpful.

The AI Form Builder add-on requires a Ambitious Paperwork Professional ‘Business’ plan. Other folks the use of the unfastened style or Basic / Plus plans will want to enhance to get entry to the add-on.

New WPCode Unlock: Additional Conditional Commonplace sense and Auto-Insert Puts

WPCode has launched an important replace that introduces extended conditional just right judgment and additional auto-insert location alternatives for wordpress shoppers.

The ones new choices goal to offer shoppers additional control over their code snippets by way of providing them with additional dynamic techniques to insert them.

There are two new conditional just right judgment laws in conjunction with those who the plugin already had:

  • Show/Disguise code snippet by way of author
  • Show/Disguise code snippet by way of internet web page template
Conditional logic rules

This is in particular useful for patrons who want to tailor their web page’s behavior in line with explicit necessities or client actions.

At the side of the improved conditional just right judgment, WPCode has expanded the auto-insert location alternatives.

Auto insert options in WPCode

Consumers can now insert code snippets in more explicit areas of their web page, very similar to in the middle of the content material subject matter, after a certain collection of words, or after a decided on % of the content material subject matter.

In step with the WPCode crew, the ones new puts will allow shoppers in an effort to upload code for fairly a large number of use circumstances, very similar to Google AdSense code, explicit offer banners, similar posts, and additional.

Hostinger Celebrated the 3 Million Customers Milestone

Hostinger has reached the most important milestone, celebrating 3 million shoppers international. This luck marks an important 2nd throughout the company’s expansion.

Reflecting on this luck, Daugirdas Jankus, CEO of Hostinger, discussed, “A global development where additional people are excited about starting their own firms and looking for upper flexibility and independence is popping into additional visible.”

Hostinger celebrated 3 million customers milestone

Since its beginnings, Hostinger has taken with offering top of the range hosting solutions that cater to a more than a few range of consumers. The ones include everyone from novices growing their first wordpress internet web site to established firms looking to scale their online presence.

The company credit score its good fortune to ongoing innovation, great purchaser support, and a user-friendly platform for construction and managing internet pages.

As part of this milestone birthday party, Hostinger has shared stories of its journey and the fairly a large number of improvements it has made through the years. The ones include the expansion of its international wisdom amenities and the enhancement of its buyer make stronger alternatives.

An identical: Hostinger evaluation (Professionals and cons with efficiency assessments)

In Other Data:

  • Charitable, WPForms, and Pressable have all presented redesigned internet pages, focusing on stepped ahead client enjoy and trendy aesthetics.
  • A minor change to wordpress 6.6, model 6.6.1, has been launched to maintain various bugs and give a boost to general balance. Consumers are impressed to interchange their internet sites to have the benefit of the ones fixes.
  • Sugar Calendar supplies support for Elementor widgets, making it easy to use the cruel fit calendar plugin with Elementor internet web page builder. Check out the loose model at the present time.
  • has partnered with Perplexity AI, which permits internet sites to seem throughout the Perplexity answer engine’s ‘discover additional’ serve as. Consumers can also make a choice out within the tournament that they don’t want to percentage their content material subject matter.
  • wordpress 6.7 will ship with computerized HEIC to JPEG conversion.
  • MemberPress, the primary wordpress membership and LMS plugin, has added Project and Gradebook options for MemberPress Lessons. This is going to be a game-changer for the LMS market.
  • WordCamp US is all set and ready to transport! Mark your calendars for September 17-20, 2024. If you haven’t secured your spot however, tickets are nevertheless available. Take hold of yours faster than they’re lengthy long gone!
  • Uncanny Automator, the most popular no-code automation instrument for wordpress, added more than one new integrations for FluentBooking, Keap, and Ontraport, at the side of together with a brand spanking new serve as referred to as Token Loop. This is likely one of the MUST-HAVE plugins that will help you save time and costs. It’s basically Zapier for wordpress without the highest costs. Give the loose model a take a look at.
  • presented Write Transient, an AI-powered writing assistant.
  • added enhance for Offline Mode and PWA for wordpress Playground.

New Plugins Presented:

  • Tremendous Rollback is a brand spanking new wordpress plugin for rolling once more plugins and core updates.
  • AI Textual content to Speech allows you to create an AI-generated audio style of your posts the use of OpenAI’s Text to Speech API.
  • Birthday for WooCommerce is a unfastened plugin that gives a birthday field to the checkout form in WooCommerce. This allows store homeowners to pray consumers happy birthday and send them explicit supplies.
  • ProjectPages allows you to merely blow their own horns a endeavor portfolio in your internet web site.

That brings us to the top of this model of WPBeginner Spotlight.

We’re willing to concentrate for your feedback on how we can give a boost to this column. When you’ve got any newsworthy items you’d like us to serve as next month, please proportion them with us.

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We’ll return next month with additional wordpress knowledge and updates. Thank you for being part of our crew!

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Question: Are You Sick and Tired of Suffering from Embarrassing Sexual
Performance, Failing to Fully Satisfy Your Woman in Bed, and Not Knowing Why?

…Good News: Today YOU Can Use These Exact Same ‘Secret Foods,’ that 99% of Americans Still Don’t Know About, to Boost Your Testosterone, Support Healthy Circulation ‘down there’ and SUPERCHARGE Your Sexual Performance…

…Giving You The Raw Sexual Power Necessary to Give ANY Woman Mind-Blowing Sex, Making You Feel Like You’re 25 Again

If you want to make weak, embarrassing, humiliating Sexual Performance a thing of the past – if you’d like to arm yourself with Unbreakable Sexual Confidence, and be able to fully satisfy ANY woman in bed – I strongly
advise you to turn off all distractions, and give this letter your full attention.

Now, before I reveal the Ancient Chinese Emperor’s Secret to you, I’ve got 2 important questions for you – answer them honestly…

1. Are you sick of struggling to perform in the bedroom, failing to totally satisfy your woman?

2. Would you like to have Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels, God-Like Sexual Power, and Rampant Sexual Performance… so you can make any woman Hot, Wet and Horny – and have her whipping her panties off,
BEGGING you to “screw her brains out?”

If you answered “YES” to one, or both, of these questions, what you’re going to discover in this letter is going to literally TRANSFORM your performance in the bedroom.

If you answered “YES” to one, or both, of these questions, what you’re going to discover in this letter is going to literally TRANSFORM your performance in the bedroom.

Hi, my name is Adam Armstrong. And many people refer to me as: “The Greatest Sex Coach on The Planet.”

Because, over the last several years, I’ve helped over 50,000 men regain the kind of Libido they had in their teenage years, by showing them how to enjoy healthy Testosterone Levels and
supporting excellent Circulation… allowing them to give their women MASSIVE pleasure, and feel like a real Studs in the bedroom.

However, I wasn’t always the guy thousands of men relied on for World-Class Advice on Sexual Performance. In fact, I used to experience a lot of PAIN and FRUSTRATION because I really struggled with my Sexual Performance, until I discovered the Secret Foods used by Ancient Chinese Emperors to become Total Alpha ‘Studs’ in the bedroom.

Keep reading, because, like I did, you’re about to discover a remarkable new way to:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note:
every woman wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally
addictive, and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts, (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

You’re about to discover a remarkable new way to become totally ‘Alpha’ in the bedroom. Strong. Virile. Tireless. Capable of FULLY Satisfying your woman, or… as many women as you like. Just like the Ancient Chinese Emperors.

Answer that question for me right now. And, be honest.

I know it might be tough to admit that your Testosterone Levels, Lidibo, and Sexual Performance aren’t as good as you’d like – but you don’t have to share your answer with anyone…

This is really just about being honest with yourself.

Let’s not screw around here – I know your time is valuable and I don’t wanna waste it…

If you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and genuinely say…

“I feel like an Alpha Male. I’m 100% happy with my Sexual Performance, and I’m not interested in learning a proven, 30-second-a-day secret, that’ll Supercharge my Testosterone Levels and Sexual Power, turning me into a ‘Pussy-Satisfying-Beast’ in the bedroom’”…

…then hey, you might as well leave this page now. Because you’ve obviously got this whole issue figured out, and you likely don’t need my help. And that’s cool – IF that’s the case, we can still be friends.

But, here’s the interesting thing…

A while back I asked the readers of my Popular Email Newsletter the exact same question.

I asked just over 100,000 men:

Are you 100% happy with your Testosterone Levels and Sexual Performance?

Would you like to be able to ‘get it on’ with your woman more often, give her a much better quality of sex, and make her cum way more frequently and intensely… causing her to be totally ADDICTED to you in bed?

The good news is – you’re not alone…

You see, only 3% of men said they felt truly ‘Alpha,’ and were 100% happy with their Sexual Performance…

23% of men said they were ‘fairly happy.’

A giant 74% of men said they needed help with 1 or more of the following things:

Maintaining Healthy Testosterone Levels, and being able to confidently perform in the bedroom, to a level where they knew, for certain, that their woman was totally SATISFIED

Giving their women multiple orgasms during intercourse, every single time

Blowing really BIG loads – the kind of HUGELY impressive LOADS that cause a woman to SCREAM with pleasure (while also experiencing maximum sensitivity, intensity and pleasure when they fire ‘The Money

Look. I’m not gonna lie to you my friend…

The truth about the current ‘Pussification’ of men is UGLY. There are very few Alpha Males left in the world right now.

In this day and age, very few men can even fully satisfy their wife or girlfriend by the time they get to middle age, let alone an entire Harem of women (like the Ancient Chinese Emperors

And, most middle-aged guys have been convinced that their lack of Sexual Prowess is ‘just a part of getting older’ and being ‘40+’

They’ve been convinced it’s ‘normal.’

The Truth is: it’s NOT.

And, if you want the kind of Sexual Power and Performance that’d put a Porn Star to shame – you need to know the TRUTH.

So, read on carefully (and don’t worry – I won’t bore you with a ton of science)…

Let’s keep this really simple…

The ability to perform like a REAL MAN in the bedroom – like an Alpha Male… like a STUD! – and totally SATISFY your woman, night after night… keeping her 100% addicted to you, and only you – requires you to have high reserves of ‘Sexual Energy.’

Now, you might be thinking:

“Sexual energy? Is that even a real thing?”

You can feel it when you’re in the presence of someone with A LOT of Sexual Energy. Sometimes it’s called ‘Animal Magnetism’…

Other times people refer to it as ‘Mojo.’

Guys who have it are the ones who effortlessly ATTRACT women everywhere they go. Even women who are way more physically attractive, and often much younger, than they are.

These guys are always Alpha Males – which doesn’t mean a brute or bully, it just means a HIGH STATUS man: who men want to be like, and women want to be with!

But, if you only have AVERAGE levels of ‘Sexual Energy’ (which most men do), you’ll likely feel more of the following than you’d like:

Lack of Optimal Health and Vitality

And, you certainly don’t feel:

Like BANGING your woman SENSELESS 3 times a night, every night!

Now, you might still think:

“OK, I know what you mean, but still… is this a “Real” type of Energy. A type of energy that I can actually increase?”

Well, here’s the thing:

In the Orient (East Asia), they’ve actually developed a reliable and ‘fool-proof’ way to increase your Sexual Energy – SAFELY, effectively and naturally.

And…It’s got a History of Proven use going back 5,000 Years!

For most of that time, it was only available to the Elite – Emperors and a select few members of the Nobility.

In fact, increasing Sexual Energy was an OBSESSION for these Emperors, and the ‘Taoist Sages’ they paid handsomely to discover new ways of boosting their Sexual Energy.

You could even say that it was their Religion… because it kind of was.

They actually believed that the purpose of life was to Cultivate more and more of this Energy, and that the Longer they Lived, the more they could do so.

And so they were obsessed with Boosting Sexual Energy and increasing their Longevity.

Also, they believed that the more children they could Father, the better, giving them another reason to be determined to stay Virile and Potent for as many years as they could.

Of course, you may not share these values as to the purpose of life… I don’t… but the point is that, along the way, the Taoist Sages that the Emperors employed developed the most incredible method for increasing Sexual Vitality ever discovered… which they referred to as increasing ‘Jing’ (Sexual Energy)

And “YES” – there is a Scientific Basis for ‘Sexual Energy’

What we’re calling “High Sexual Energy” would, in Scientific terms, be called:

‘An Optimal Balance of Youthful Hormones and Neurotransmitters.’*

And, I’m guessing you probably don’t want to hear about all that boring Science stuff, right?

You just wanna know how this Ancient Oriental Secret will give you the following 5 things:

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels

Good Circulation ‘Down There’

Rampant Libido with enhanced Sexual Performance

More Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, with… Bigger ‘Loads’


High Levels of Sexual Confidence – making you magnetically attractive to women

High Levels of Sexual Confidence – making you magnetically attractive to women

So, keep reading to discover EXACTLY how to get those things…

Most men DO NOT have High Reserves of Sexual Energy… explaining why so many guys are struggling with frustrating, embarrassing and downright humiliating ‘Sexual Performance.’

Not having the kind of never-ending Libido a good woman wants her man to have

Failing miserably to fully satisfy his woman during sex

Not giving her Multiple Orgasms during Intercourse (something ALL women secretly want, need and crave – every time they have sex)

Orgasms that just aren’t very intense and satisfying

Average Sized ‘Loads’ that make you feel inadequate

Of course, all throughout history, very few people have had the kind of Sexual Virility and
Longevity that many of the Ancient Chinese Emperors had.

However, even for average guys like you and me, the level of Sexual Energy and Virility has become lower than ever before.

Because our Lifestyle is less healthy than ever before. We’ve become soft. Weak. It’s become too easy to indulge in things like:

Drinking too much alcohol

Taking stimulants (coffee, soda, sports and energy drinks, and so on)

Taking drugs and pills for every little problem (recreational, over-the-counter and prescription)

Not getting enough sleep (or only getting poor quality sleep)

Over-exercising or under-exercising

And, to make matters worse…

Even if you start doing all the right things – such as Eating Well, drinking less Alcohol, De-Stressing and so on…

If you’re over 40, it can take weeks, months and probably YEARS to replenish any of your Sexual Energy Reserves. And, worse still… you usually never fully restore
it to be as high as it was back in your glory days.

What’s a man to do if he wants to be an Alpha Stud in the bedroom, with Healthy Testosterone Levels, and MASSIVE Sexual Power and Performance… including the ability to make his woman Orgasm over and over again,
every night of the week – and blow freakin’ HUGE loads?

What’s a man to do if he wants to feel truly confident in the bedroom?

Well – Eating Well, drinking less Alcohol, De-Stressing and doing all the other fairly obvious stuff will help.

There’s something else you can do to quickly regain and build-up your Reserves of Sexual
Energy… causing you to have a ferocious ‘Sexual-Drive’ and the Raw Sexual Power required to fuck your woman so HARD…

…she just can’t get enough of you!

Several years back, I was about 40lbs overweight – and my Sexual Performance wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be.

I could perform to some extent – but sometimes, I’d lose interest, and ability, mid-way through sex, and the woman would have to ‘help me out’ (if you know what I mean).

I also lacked the ability to go for a long enough to fully satisfy the women I slept with…

And, my loads weren’t very impressive.

Bottom line is: I wasn’t much of a Stud in the bedroom. To put it mildly!

Anyway, I became pretty much obsessed with the idea of building Indestructible Health and
Optimal Testosterone Levels. While also gaining the kind of Sexual Confidence and Performance that’d blow any woman’s mind.

A Ferocious Libido (because I knew this was a sign of Youth and Health, and that women craved a man who could go again and again)

The ability to SATISFY a woman in a way that’d put an ‘Adult Movie Star’ to shame – making her cum over and over again (simply by thrusting in and out of her like a BEAST, and fucking her senseless – without
having to give her 30 minutes of oral first, or rub her clit for ages during intercourse)

The ability to blow seriously BIG cum shots (and experience massive pleasure and sensitivity when I ejaculated)

Anyhow, I switched to eating a Natural, Unprocessed diet that was mostly Organic…

I got more serious about Exercise…

I meditated to reduce my Stress Levels…

I drunk plenty of clean Spring Water every single day.

The results were favourable…

I found it easier to Perform at a Higher Level in the Bedroom – and there was certainly an increase in semen volume when I ejaculated.

But, I still wasn’t where I wanted to be.

I saw those guys in the Porn Movies who looked like they could Fuck Forever (without even trying)…

I saw porn actors like Peter North blow quite frankly insanely big cum shots…

“I want to be able to do that too”

Around the same time I sought the help of my now good friend – Elwin Robinson… a Master Herbalist.

Elwin had me start taking some Ancient Eastern ‘SuperHerbs’ in very, very specific quantities.

He also explained to me their history, how these ‘SuperHerbs’ were actually the Secret Foods that the Ancient Chinese Emperors would use to give them incredible Sexual Vigor – allowing them to satisfy a vast Harem of HUNDREDS of women
(who were usually half their age, or less)

And, when I tried these Superherbs…

I remember Helena – an exotic Dancer – telling me that I was the most ‘Beast-Like’ Lover she’d ever been to bed with. Nothing was off limits.

I rode that girl ALL NIGHT LONG.

You might think accountants would be BORING in bed – but she SCREAMED in delight, and came so HARD her body shook, and toes curled, when she saw the size of my massive load!

Well, she was a real Dirty Girl.

She couldn’t get enough. After fucking her 5 times in one night – in every way you could possibly imagine – I told her:

“Enough. I need a rest girl”

She agreed that I’d earned it – because I’d given her 17 orgasms during intercourse just that night, leaving her shaking and trembling on the bed, BEGGING me for more.

I’ll save more stories for another day…

But, I think you get the idea.

The Superherbs Elwin gave me were like a MIRACLE!

They took my ‘Sexual Appetite, Power and Performance’ to a level most men will never know. They turned me into an Alpha Male in the bedroom.

Preparing these Superherbs takes just 30 seconds a day (or less)

They’re 100% SAFE and NATURAL

The really GREAT News is this…

They’ll work for any man – including YOU, my friend!

In fact, the truth is that these little-known, yet ultra-powerful Superherbs will arm you with the kind of Sexual Confidence and Performance that’ll make any woman hopelessly addicted to you in bed…

And have her BEGGING you for sex day and night.

After taking the Superherbs Elwin gave me – and enjoying mind-blowing sexual performances as a result – I called him up one day and said:

“Man, we gotta let other guys try this”

Months of time, effort and research into creating the very best Sexual Performance enhancing Formula on planet Earth.

The thing that made it challenging is we knew, to be the very best, it had to be:

Easy to Prepare (because the herbs Elwin originally gave me required time-consuming measuring and mixing each day)

Great Tasting (the herbs Elwin originally had me taking certainly gave me outstanding confidence in the bedroom, but they tasted like CRAP!)

100% Free from Toxic Fillers and Harmful Additives – which most sexual health products are full of

A Tea, not a Capsule or Pill, because Capsules and Pills are often not absorbed properly, they just go right through you, or even get stuck in your digestive system

The absolute most Powerful Super Herbs, in the perfect proportions and quantities, to give the very best results possible

An effective dose – as we discovered, all other men’s sexual health products on the market were at such a low dose they were usually completely ineffective (and any results men did experience when taking such
products were almost certainly just a Placebo effect!)

All this meant that we couldn’t do what everyone else in our business was secretly doing:

…buying a ready made formula ‘off the shelf,’ from one of a handful of HUGE companies that produce this kind of product, that’s basically the same as everyone else’s (just with a different label on it!)…

…we had to have something custom made ourselves, from scratch, at great time, effort and expense.

Well, we were determined to create a Formula for men who want to be Alpha Males that actually worked…

Giving you Healthy Testosterone Levels, a powerful Libido and enough ‘Sexual Power’ to FULLY SATISFY even the most hard-to-please women. Not to mention… incredibly intense and powerful orgasms, and really ‘Big Loads.’

For many years, in my emails, and best-selling books and videos, I’d taught guys how to be incredible in bed… how to totally blow the mind of any woman they slept with. Of course, to use what I taught effectively, men needed to be
able to Perform in the bedroom.

However, many of my customers wrote to me, telling me how they’d love to use the Sexual Techniques I taught, with their women, but they couldn’t, because they couldn’t ‘Rise To The Occasion.’

Some of the their letters really touched and moved me. They reminded me of my own earlier struggles with sexual performance, and how PAINFUL and HUMILIATING they were. Hearing about their pain and suffering, in great detail, over and
over, made me realise this was not an unusual occurrence… even though many men felt like it, because they were suffering in silence.

I felt so bad for them, it made me passionate about helping them resolve this issue once and for all – and I knew the Super Herbs Elwin had introduced me to were the way to do it.

We wanted to create a product so EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL men wouldn’t just buy it once and forget about it – instead:

They’d buy it, LOVE the results, and recommend us to all their male friends.

Eventually, we perfected the Formula (including 9 of the most Powerful Eastern Superherbs on the Planet – in very specific quantities). And, since then, it’s been used successfully by over 30,000 men…
so you can get the same tremendous Sexual Benefits I now enjoy on a daily basis!

It’s called Rock-Hard Formula.

And there are 4 simple ways you can take it…

Add 2 teaspoons to your favorite Smoothie or Shake (this is how I take it most of the time)
OR Warm up some water, add 2 teaspoons, stir and drink it down (this is the Traditional Eastern way to take Superherbs. It’s just like making Instant Coffee)

Alternatively, if you like, you can:

Sprinkle it over breakfast cereal. Or, add it to soup

Impossible to get it wrong? Pretty much.

Damn right you should! (Assuming you want to safely and naturally Boost your Testosterone Levels, maintain your Circulation & Blood Flow ‘Down There,’ become an Alpha Male, and enjoy the kind of ‘Sexual Power and
Performance’ most women would KILL to experience).

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels – creating the kind of Incredible Sexual Power, Performance and CONFIDENCE most men will never have (prepare
to give your woman truly GREAT SEX, night after night… making her CUM over and over, and over again… so HARD her body-shakes, toes curl, and she SCREAMS your name!)

Healthy Circulation & Blood Flow to your extremities, especially to your ‘most Prized Asset’ – something sure to put a smile on your woman’s face!

Truly HUGE Loads – the kind of Massive ‘Cum Shots’ that’ll have your woman SCREAMING with delight, every time you give her ‘The Money Shot’ (and, bragging to
her girlfriends about what a STUD you are in bed)

More Sensitive, Pleasurable and Intense Ejaculations (prepare for a feeling better than you’ve ever dreamed possible… every time you ‘Shoot your Wad’)

Effortlessly High Libido – just like that of a Horny Teenager (honestly, all it might take you to get fully aroused, and ‘ready to perform,’ is the sight of a hot woman or a whiff of her perfume… just don’t
blame me if you get so full and engorged it’s UNCOMFORTABLE… and certainly don’t come crying to me if you start getting spontaneous urges to fuck your woman in public… because it’s a ‘problem’ many guys would kill to have!)

And, the really neat thing is…

The benefits you‘re gonna get from Rock-Hard Formula aren’t just SEXUAL.

Increase your Muscle Mass and Decrease your Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE
easily – assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Build overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

Give you more ENERGY and increasing your PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Make your Skin, Hair and Nails look incredible (something women notice and find incredibly attractive in a man. So, if you want more sex – this is a very good thing! 😉

Support and Detox your Liver (particularly important if you eat and drink a ‘less-than-perfect’ diet)

Improve Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increase your physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significantly increase your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy
Testosterone Levels!)

Rock-Hard Formula will turn you into more of an Alpha Male – allowing you to experience a rampant ‘Sexual Appetite,’ unstoppable Sexual Power and Performance, and MASSIVE ‘loads’…

All the non-sexual benefits listed above…

And, it’s gonna take you just 30-seconds-a-day, max, to prepare and enjoy!

Now, if you’ve ever tried a product before that has promised similar benefits to this, you might be wondering:

And that’s a great question. Because I’m fully aware that there are many other products that you may have tried before, that didn’t work, had unpleasant side effects, or stopped working after a while. And, you need to know how
Rock-Hard is different from all of them.

There are at least 5 Proven FACTS that make Rock-Hard Formula different and superior to all the ‘Men’s Sexual Health’ Supplements on the market.

Many supplements that claim to give men higher Testosterone Levels, and great ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ contain TOXIC FILLERS and additives.

These toxic additives are added because they’re CHEAPER than safe, natural alternatives.

These additives aren’t just a waste of your money – they can be downright DANGEROUS.

PAYING for something that’s gonna decrease your Health and Sexual Performance.

For instance, one of the most popular products on the market contains SUCRALOSE.

Here’s a partial list of just some of the Scientifically Proven health problems this ‘toxic additive’ can lead to:

Weight gain (it’s not good when you get a belly so big you can’t see your Manhood!)

Allergic reactions (these can KILL you)

Blurred vision (imagine living without your vision – life wouldn’t be much fun, would it?)

Dizziness (it’s hard to have great sex when you feel like you’re all at sea!)

Seizures (which can damage your BRAIN)

Heart problems (needless to say – if your ‘ticker’ gives up on you, your Sexual Performance is the least of your problems!)

Diarrhoea (I could be wrong… but I don’t think women find a man crapping himself too attractive!)

And that’s the side-effects from just one of the MANY toxic additives present in most of the supplements on the market that claim to Boost Testosterone and give men better Sexual Performance.

Of course, Rock-Hard Formula is free from toxic fillers and additives, and is made up of nothing but 100% pure Superherbs.

It’s totally Safe and Natural.

Many supplements that aim to give men better Sexual Performance, and Higher Testosterone Levels, are thrown together by companies with poor knowledge of how their ingredients work.

So, while some ingredients can give you a greater desire for sex, and they may also help you perform a bit better during sex – they can also lead to SERIOUS health problems if taken in the wrong dosages!

Many of these supplements contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, something naturally found in many foods…in very small quantities.

But, many men’s sexual health supplements contain unnaturally massive amounts of L-Arginine.

And, while there’s no doubt that using this much L-Arginine can help you ‘perform better’ in the bedroom – it can also cause some very unwelcome side-effects.

For example, an outbreak of Genital Herpes (in which case, no woman is going to want to go to bed with you, no matter how strong your sexual performance is!)

Also, any benefits tend not to last long, and as soon as your body gets used to so much L-Arginine they stop working at all – and you only get the nasty side-effects.

Another example of a Toxic Ingredient that’s in many supplements for male Sexual Performance is Yohimbe.

While Yohimbe certainly can improve Sexual Performance, it’s just NOT worth the RISK, because of the COMMON Side-Effects, including:

Dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure….

It has also been reported that as little as 40 mg a day can cause severe side effects, such as dangerous changes in blood pressure, hallucinations, paralysis, liver, kidney,
and heart problems, and can even be fatal.

Rock-Hard Formula doesn’t contain L-Arginine – or any other toxic ingredient at all. Meaning it’s totally safe, even if you drink it every day for the next 5, 10, 15 years or more.

Many formulas that are intended to improve a man’s Sexual Performance, are sold in CAPSULE format.

The problem with capsules is that, if you follow the directions and the recommended dose – which is typically 2 or 4 capsules a day – you don’t get enough of the Active Ingredients to get an effective dose.

So, your choice is to either get:

Poor results (because you simply aren’t consuming enough of the Active Ingredients)

What makes Rock-Hard Formula unique is that it’s a Superherb POWDER.

You just add 2 teaspoons to hot water, stir and drink. Couldn’t be simpler (it’s just like making Instant Coffee)…

And, it’s much more cost-effective than any capsule product on the market.

Many herbal formulas and supplements contain herbs of very LOW quality.

Yet, in Rock-Hard Formula you get the HIGHEST quality Superherbs possible.

And, you get a 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder per serving.

here’s the key point:

The SuperHerbs in Rock-Hard Formula are 10:1 Extract. Herbal extracts are incredibly potent and way more powerful than normal raw herbs (which is what most supplements contain),
because they are more concentrated in the active ingredients.

A 10:1 Extract means that it’s got 10 times as much active ingredients as the same amount of herbs in the unextracted form.

Meaning 1 teaspoon of Rock-Hard Formula gives you the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of Raw (Unextracted) SuperHerbs.

The typical supplement you find on the market might contain 500mg of the unextracted SuperHerb, per serving.

With Rock-Hard Formula – you get 5,000mg of Extracted SuperHerbs, which is the equivalent of 50,000mg of UNEXTRACTED SuperHerbs.

In other words – one serving of Rock Hard contains 100X the Active Ingredient of a standard Herbal Supplement! Explaining why you get BIG RESULTS when you consume Rock-Hard Formula.

Because Rock-Hard Formula is a powder that you turn into a tea (or simply add to a smoothie or shake) – your body doesn’t have to waste TIME and ENERGY breaking down capsules to absorb
the ingredients.

This makes Rock-Hard Formula both Fast-Acting, and gentle on your Digestive System.

And not only is it faster acting, but many times when you take herbs in pills they just go straight through you and aren’t absorbed at all, wasting your money, as well as your body’s energy.

Some men will notice better Sexual Performance, and greater ‘Sexual Desire,’ after just one serving of Rock Hard Formula.

Most men will notice A TON of improvement within as little as 2-5 days.

Rock-Hard Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, most potent SuperHerbs on the Planet…

According to He Shou Wu is the most amazing anti-aging and longevity herb of all – and can be used to increase sex-drive, fertility, sperm count and build semen volume (even in old men). detail some exciting benefits of Cistanche – including an increase in sexual power and performance in men.

Of the many benefits, listed on, that men can get from Tribulus – the following are probably of most interest… it’s a Natural Testosterone-Booster that improves Sexual Performance, and
Sexual Satisfaction.

On there is detailed explanation into how Horny Goat Weed can: increase ‘Sexual Appetite, boost Testosterone Levels and increase Energy in men. It’s also one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs in the world.

Over on there is an explanation into the huge number of benefits Goji Berry can give you – including improvements in Sexual Function. These improvements occur because Goji encourages blood flow around the body.

According to Nettle Root can be of benefit to the health of your Prostate, Joints, Blood Sugar Levels, and Skin. And, perhaps most interestingly – Nettle Root has been shown to support healthy Testosterone Levels. explain how Eucommia Bark is a powerful strengthener of the Reproductive System, and stimulator of the Sex Glands and Organs. They also detail how this Superherb can increase ‘Sexual
Interest and Desire.’ explain how Morinda Root can be used to strengthen male Sexual Performance and Power. And they show studies that prove it.

Salvia Root supports healthy blood circulation around the body. This is explained on Healthy blood flow is required for a strong Sexual Performance, hence the reason why this herb is important for
any man wanting to fully SATISFY his woman in bed!

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added. Sugar FREE, Trans Fat FREE, Soy FREE, Gluten FREE, GMO FREE.

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added.

1 Packet is 150grams and contains 30 servings. That’ll last you a month.

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique blend of the 9 Superherbs listed above. While each is powerful on it’s own – together, as mixed in the very specific quantities in Rock-Hard Formula…
their power is greatly enhanced.

There are 5 important things you need to know about all the other Testosterone and Sexual Performance enhancing products that you may see, or you may have tried:

They often work in the SHORT-RUN, then stop working (leaving you with the exact same lack of ‘Alpha Male Sexual Performance,’ and non-optimal Testosterone Levels you had before)

They rob you of your sexual CONFIDENCE and masculinity (because a REAL MAN can perform in the bedroom, and satisfy his woman – without having to swallow a fistful of pills or capsules every day! And so
long as you take the pills – you’ll feel like a fraud. You’ll be emasculated!) The difference is, Rock Hard is not really a supplement, although we have to classify it as one. In reality, it’s simply a herbal tea, which
many of our customers drink in the morning in place of their morning coffee or tea.

They often come with toxic fillers and additives that do you more harm than good. For instance, commonly used L-Arginine can promote a herpes outbreak and Yohimbe can make you feel very ill!

As I described in detail earlier, most of the time the dose these products give you is ineffective, and the fact it’s in a capsule or pill means it’s poorly absorbed, basically meaning: taking them is a
waste of time and money!

Many times these products have Documented and Scientifically Proven Side-Effects – some of which are truly horrific (for instance – if you search on the internet for the side-effects, you’ll find many which

There’s nothing else out there like Rock Hard.

Any alternatives you might find, are either toxic, ineffective, or both. Rock Hard is the only product out there that keeps working long-term, and actually works better the longer you use it for.

So, in comparison to every other option available to you, most of which are a giant WASTE of money, and some of which are outright dangerous… Rock Hard is the Best Value option available… BY FAR.

Well, let me ask you this first…

What’s the following worth to you:

Healthy, Optimal Testosterone Levels – creating the kind of Incredible Sexual Power, Performance and CONFIDENCE most men will never have (prepare to give your
woman truly GREAT SEX, night after night… making her CUM over and over, and over again… so HARD her body-shakes, toes curl, and she SCREAMS your name!)

Healthy Circulation to your extremities, especially to your ‘most Prized Asset’ – something sure to put a smile on your woman’s face!

Truly HUGE Loads – the kind of Massive ‘Cum Shots’ that’ll have your woman SCREAMING with delight, every time you give her ‘The Money Shot’ (and, bragging to her girlfriends about
what a STUD you are in bed)

More Sensitive, Pleasurable and Intense Ejaculations (prepare for a feeling better than you’ve ever dreamed possible… every time you ‘Shoot your Wad’)

Effortlessly High Libido – just like that of a Horny Teenager (honestly, all it might take you to get fully aroused, and ‘ready to perform,’ is the sight of a hot woman or a whiff of her perfume… just don’t
blame me if you get so full and engorged it’s UNCOMFORTABLE… and certainly don’t come crying to me if you start getting spontaneous urges to fuck your woman in public… because it’s a ‘problem’ many guys would kill to have!)

Increased Muscle Mass and Decreased Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE easily
– assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Better overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

More ENERGY and increased PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Improved Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increased physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significant increases in your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy Testosterone

Because Rock-Hard Formula is clearly so much more EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL than everything else out there – you might be thinking it’s gonna cost you a small fortune…

Heck, you might very well be reading this letter right now thinking you’d happily pay a small fortune for this Powerful SuperHerb Formula!

After-all, being an Alpha Male in the bedroom, with Healthy Testosterone Levels…

Plus… totally owning the ability to easily get aroused, and ‘ready for Action in the Bedroom,’ anytime you like…

…and then TOTALLY SATISFYING your woman, finishing by blowing a HUGE load for her, is pretty important, right?

Yet, here’s the thing…

It’s not CHEAP – because cheap products contain cheap, worthless, sometimes dangerous ingredients.

Many Supplements can easily set you back HUNDREDS of dollars a month. And, they very often give you NO RESULTS whatsoever. Plus – they sometimes come with a myriad of potential side-effects (some of which are extremely NASTY).

Yet Rock-Hard Formula is SAFE and NATURAL, and will work for you in the short and long-term.

And, it won’t cost you hundreds of dollars a month.

Healthy, Optimal, Alpha Male Testosterone Levels…

The rampant, and never-ending ‘Sexual Desire and Appetite’ of a Horny Teenager…

Sexual Power and Performance that’s off-the-charts (the evidence being that you make your woman cum over and over again, every night of the week – and, she just can’t get enough of you… she’s sexually
addicted to you! She’s addicted to your COCK!!!)

Incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, with ‘Cum Shots’ worthy of landing you a role in a Porno!

…not to mention, A TON of non-sexual benefits too – all the result of having Healthy Testosterone Levels. Including:

More Muscle. More Strength. Less Body-Fat…

Sky-High Confidence Levels…

I must be mad to be offering you all that for under 100 bucks.

However, as I mentioned earlier, I’m really passionate about helping men to STOP suffering with embarrassing, humiliating ‘performance issues’ in the bedroom. So, I want to make Rock Hard Formula affordable to just about anybody.

You can pay 100 bucks for a pair of pants…

A mediocre dinner at a crappy restaurant…

Or simply to fuel up your car…

And, while none of those things will change your life – the ability Fuck your Woman’s Brain Out, whenever you want, for as long as want, WILL …

Because you’ll be able to FULLY SATISFY her any time, any place. Which WILL make you feel like a Real Man… it’ll make you feel Alpha in the bedroom…

Sending your sexual confidence through-the-roof.

I’ll warn you now though…

(And, you should also know that… we could SELL OUT before the timer hits Zero. It’s happened before, and it could happen again. So order now, and Take Advantage of the Special Prices, while you still

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Now, as I said earlier – I understand that you might still be skeptical.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you still may not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though you understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually CAUSES sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do it leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as per the recommendations on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Honestly though, I know you’re gonna love Rock-Hard Formula. Because it’s gonna help you:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can
perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, mind-blowing orgasms. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and
HUGE Loads of your entire life (giving your woman the BIGGEST ‘Money Shots’ she’s ever seen!)

While also causing you to experience:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Rock Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – and a total STUD in the bedroom!

Even so, right now, I know you might be sceptical.

I don’t blame you for being sceptical. After-all – there are A LOT of people out their selling crap, yet promising the Earth, as far as Boosting Testosterone and Improving Sexual Performance go.

Yet, here’s the neat thing…

You don’t just have to take my word for it when I say that Rock-Hard Formula will give you the very best Sexual Performance of your life, because…

Rock-Solid Proof Rock-Hard Formula really works (from a select group of men who tested the formula before it went to sale*)

*Name and locations changed for privacy purposes

“Adam Armstrong’s books and videos have transformed my love-making skills. Now his Rock Hard Formula has transformed my sexual power. Just last night I had sex three times with my wife and lasted at least 20 minutes
every time. Pretty cool considering my sexual performance was distinctly average prior to taking Adam’s formula. I highly recommend it.”

“Rock-Hard Formula is the real deal. I feel like a STUD in the bedroom since I began taking it. Yesterday I slept with 2 different women. Abigale said my manhood was ‘the most impressive she’d ever seen.’ Phoebe said she’d never been fucked so hard and deep in her life. It’s just freaking awesome!”

“Yet again Adam delivers the goods. I tried his Rock-Hard Formula a while ago and was blown away. Heat some water, add a couple teaspoons, stir it and drink it. Simple as that. And the results? Everything Adam promises – true
Alpha Male Sexual Performance. Bigger loads and the ‘Sexual Appetite’ like I had in my teens.”

“2 days ago I hooked up with a f**k-buddy I’ve not seen in a while. We’ve had sex 7 times in the past 48 hours and I’m not done yet. She can’t get enough of my power and performance in the bedroom. Where’s my appetite
and stamina come from? Rock-Hard Formula”

“At 67 years of age I wasn’t feeling very ‘Alpha’ in the bedroom. And, I assumed that was ‘normal’ at my age. Then I emailed Adam and he told me to try Rock-Hard Formula, and now I’m a changed man. I can now keep up with my
42 year old wife in the bedroom – and we’re even considering visiting some ‘swingers parties’ because my wife says it’d be fun to put some of those young guys to shame with my newfound sexual performance. Bring it
on! Happy days.”

– R.N, age 67 – England

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

In this special report you’ll discover 5 unusual sex positions sure to make ANY woman cum over and over and over again.

The really Good News is…

All 5 of these proven positions work like a charm even if you’re small ‘down there’ and don’t have very much sexual experience.

Looking good NAKED will take your sexual confidence to the next level. And massively increase how attractive you are to women.

To look good naked you need:

A low level of body-fat (with some ‘abs’ showing)

In this powerful 30 day workout program I’ll show you exactly how to GET RIPPED QUICK – in 30 days or less (working out as little as just twice-a-week for 20 minutes)– and finally
look and feel like a true Alpha Male, a true Stud, every time you ‘get it on’ with your woman.

Most men think they have to ‘go down on a woman’ for 10, 15, 20 minutes or more, and make her CUM, before they fuck her. And, many guys do this, even though they don’t always want to, because they think it’s the only way to give their woman an orgasm.

However, that’s simply not the case.

You see, it’s totally possible to give your woman multiple orgasms during intercoure, every single time…., without giving her oral first, without rubbing her clit during intercourse (and regardless of your ‘size’).

Doing this – ‘getting your woman off’ with your cock, during intercourse – is way more POWERFUL for her, than simply rubbing her clit.

When you learn the little-known secrets to giving your woman Intercourse Orgasms every time, 3 things always happen:

Her Sex-Drive increases (so you can get sex anytime you like – without having to ASK or BEG for it, without having to buy her fancy gifts, and
without having to ‘do stuff’ in exchange for it)

Her desire to please YOU comes to life (meaning she’ll happily fulfil ALL your sexual desires)

You’ll ‘Cheat-Proof’ your Relationship (because women don’t cheat on guys who give them Intercourse Orgasms every time)

And, the GREAT News is: In this ebook I explain it all…

Exactlyhow to give any woman multiple vaginal intercourse orgasms…

For women, sex is a very MENTAL thing.

Meaning that if you wanna be a GREAT LOVER – you gotta stimulate a woman’s mind in the bedroom…

In this special report I’ll teach you 17 powerful, never-before-revealed, dirty talk phrases guaranteed to get your woman hot, dripping wet, horny and BEGGING you for

Yours for FREE when you order Rock-Hard Formula today.

The 9 SuperHerbs that make up Rock-Hard Formula each have between 2,000 and 5,000 YEARS of research and proof behind them!

They’ve been used, with great success, by over a BILLION men in Eastern Countries!

The Ancient Taoist Masters discovered these SuperHerbs several millennia ago – and have been enjoying the testosterone boosting and libido enhancing results they produce for THOUSANDS of years since.

With the help of my friend – Master Herbalist Elwin Robinson – I’ve simply combined 9 of the best proven SuperHerbs and turned them into The World’s most Powerful Enhancer of Male Sexual Power and Performance.

Taking Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day is a quick and easy. And, it’s 100% SAFE and NATURAL.

Ensure your Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can perform
like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm you with a Huge Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, mind- blowing, multiple orgasms
during intercourse. Every. Single. Time)

Enable you to experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (giving your woman the biggest ‘Money Shots’ she’s ever seen!)

Plus, it’ll also give you…

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat – giving you Ripped ‘6-Pack Abs’ (and making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

– Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

When you take Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day… you’ll enjoy RAMPANT Sexual Performance (where you’re able to fuck your woman SENSELESS, like a SAVAGE BEAST, every night of the week!)

You’ll enjoy a wildly exciting Sex-Life – the kind every Alpha Male deserves (where your woman is EAGER and WILLING to do anything you like in bed… even stuff that’d make a whore blush)…

Your woman will be obsessed with you in bed (because you make her cum more often in one night than most LOSERS make their women cum in a month)…

And, if you notice any of her friends looking at you suggestively, with a glint in their eye, you’ll know why… because she’s been BRAGGING to her girlfriends, about how great you are in bed!

Or, if you have ‘non-Alpha’ Sexual Performance – you could change nothing. You could simply carry on as you are.

But where will that get you?

Do you think that your performance in bed will magically get better all on it’s own?

Life doesn’t work that way!

The reality is, if you do NOTHING to change your situation, you’ll be more and more deeply stuck in the rut that you’re already in…

Not enjoying as much sex as you’d like…

Unable to fuck your woman as often as you’d like…

Not realising that your sexual performance, while probably typical for a man your age, is leaving your woman totally unsatisfied, frustrated, resentful, and likely thinking of CHEATING on you.

A lack of Sensitivity and Intensity when you Ejaculate.

Average-Size ‘Cum Shots’ (that no true Alpha Male would be proud of – and no good woman would be impressed by).

Just like the average Beta Male/‘Nice Guy.’

If you choose to change nothing, it’ll leave you feeling like a total PUSSY – with a low level of Sexual Power. With the embarrassing Sexual Performance of a ‘Beta Male’ (rather than a powerful Alpha Male).

It’ll leave you feeling like a man who can’t satisfy his woman. In fact, let’s be honest…

That’s exactly what you’ll be if you choose to change nothing:

A man who CANNOT satisfy his woman.

Leaving you feeling angry and frustrated in the moment, and ultimately, embarrassed, humiliated and worthless. Like you’re not a real man. Like a miserable worm. An utter failure.

I know, I’ve been there.

Remember, this kind of embarrassing, frustrating and downright humiliating lack of Alpha Male Sexual Power doesn’t improve itself. No. On the contrary – it gets WORSE over time.

If you want Healthy Alpha Male Testosterone Levels, Strong Libido, and Very STRONG and POWERFUL ‘Sexual Performance,’ you have 3 options…

FIRST OPTION: you can do NOTHING about it. But you know that won’t help. That’s why you’re reading this page, right? You’re ready to Step Up and make a change.

SECOND OPTION: you can take other Testosterone and Sexual Performance Boosting Supplements, Pills and Capsules.

But that’s a BAD idea. Here’s why:

They often work in the SHORT-RUN, then stop working (leaving you with the exact same lack of ‘Alpha Male Sexual Performance,’ and non-optimal Testosterone Levels you had before)

They rob you of your sexual CONFIDENCE and masculinity (because a REAL MAN can perform in the bedroom, and satisfy his woman – without having to swallow a fistful of pills or capsules every day! And so long
as you take the pills – you’ll feel like a fraud. You’ll be emasculated!) The difference is, Rock Hard is not really a supplement, although we have to classify it as one. In reality, it’s simply a herbal tea, which many of
our customers drink in the morning in place of their morning coffee or tea.

They often come with toxic fillers and additives that do you more harm than good. For instance, commonly used L-Arginine can promote a herpes outbreak and Yohimbe can make you feel very ill!

As I described in detail earlier, most of the time the dose these products give you is ineffective, and the fact it’s in a capsule or pill means it’s poorly absorbed, basically meaning: taking them is a waste of time
and money!

Many times these products have Documented and Scientifically Proven Side-Effects – some of which are truly horrific (for instance – if you search on the internet for the side-effects, you’ll find many which could END

As you can see, option 2 is even worse than option 1. Option 1, doing nothing, will just mean things slowly get worse over time. With Option 2, you are likely actually doing yourself harm (and wasting money).

THIRD OPTION: you can start taking Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day. That’s the smart choice, because it’ll give you the kind of High Testosterone Levels, Rampant Sexual Performance, Huge Loads, and Unbreakable Sexual Confidence that every man wants to have – but very few will ever experience.

Is Rock-Hard Formula quick and easy to prepare?

YES (it’ll take you about 30 seconds a day). If you’ve ever made an instant coffee, you already know how to make it.

YES. (100%) There are no artificial preservatives, colors, flavoring, fillers or other additives.

Will it help you have an Incredible Libido, and Massive, Pussy-Satisfying Sexual Performance?

Will it help you blow HUGE loads?

YES. As I’ve explained, there’s nothing else out there like Rock Hard. Any alternatives you might find, are either toxic, ineffective, or both. Rock Hard is the only product out
there that keeps working long-term, and actually works better the longer you use it for.

So, in comparison to every other option available to you, most of which are a waste of money, and some of which are outright dangerous…Rock Hard is the Best Value option available…BY FAR.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click one of the ‘Order Now’ buttons below, follow the on-screen instructions and prepare to enjoy your best Sexual Performance ever, and the most mind-blowing sex of your life!

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Master Sex Coach, Co-Creator of Rock-Hard Formula, Author of Better In Bed

Here’s what you most need to be aware of:

FAILING to satisfy your woman in bed, because you haven’t realised that your sexual performance (while quite possibly average for a man your age) isn’t Strong or Powerful, is leaving your woman feeling frustrated, resentful, and quite
possibly even thinking of CHEATING on you…

All of which is leaving you feeling angry and frustrated with your lack of ability to perform, and ultimately – embarrassed, humiliated and worthless. Like you’re not a real man.

I know, I’ve been there.

Having average, ‘non-Alpha’ Sexual Performance, is about as fun as a kick in the nuts – yet way more painful!

When you drink Rock-Hard Formula once-a-day you can expect to experience Healthy Alpha Male Testosterone Levels, Unbreakable Sexual Confidence, a Huge Libido, and the Raw Sexual
Power and Performance that’d put a Porn Star to shame!

You’ll also enjoy Orgasms that are way more Intense and Pleasurable, and the BIGGEST ‘Cum Shots’ your woman has ever seen! Much to her delight 😉

And, as if that’s not enough…

Because Rock-Hard Formula will help to Boost and Optimise your Testosterone Levels, you’re also going to experience many non-sexual benefits, including:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Now, I understand that you might be skeptical about trying Rock-Hard Formula.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock-Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you may still not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even
though you understand
it’s worked for 1000’s of other men just like you.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually causes sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get all the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do is leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock-Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as recommended on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team (open 20 hours a day, 363 days a year)…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Rock-Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – a total STUD in the bedroom!

And, there is NO RISK in purchasing yourself a packet of Rock Hard Formula, right now… because you’re covered by my 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Quite possibly after just one serving…

Almost certainly within 2-5 days of taking Rock-Hard Formula.

For some men it takes longer, usually because they’re on medications that interfere with sexual performance, or have serious health issues. Of course, we can’t comment on medications or health issues, please speak to your qualified
medical practitioner about these concerns.

I understand that you might be skeptical about trying Rock Hard Formula.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that Rock Hard Formula would be 100% worth it, IF you get the results you want… you may still not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though
you understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men just like you.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance, if you’re on some kind of Medication that actually causes sexual performance problems, you might not be able to get all
the benefits.

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolute LAST thing I’d ever want to do is leave you feeling misled or ripped off. So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself some Rock Hard Formula today, and commit to taking it as recommended on the label. Meaning: take 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder a day, until you finish the packet.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team…

…ask for a refund, within 90 days of purchase…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Rock Hard Formula is going to help you become a true Alpha Male – a total STUD in the bedroom!

And, there is NO RISK in purchasing yourself a pack of Rock Hard Formula, right now.

There are at least 3 Proven FACTS that, all together, make Rock-Hard Formula safer than all other ‘Men’s Sexual Health’ Supplements on the market.

Most supplements and herbal products are not made to high standards. In fact, many are made to a shockingly low standard.

The result is that many supplements are manufactured with little to no regulation – and this often leads to ingredients getting into the supplements that shouldn’t be there, and aren’t identified on the label.
To make matters worse, these unidentified ingredients can be HARMFUL.

Elwin and I know a LOT of people in the ‘Natural Health World,’ and we know from experience that very, very few of them ever consume their own products.

However, unlike the vast majority of people who sell ‘supplements’, we (Adam and Elwin) actually consume our own teas, on a daily basis, because we know they are Safe and Effective.

We feel confident to drink our own teas because we know our products are not only top quality, they are produced to pharmaceutical levels of safety and purity.

Our products are made in a NSF cGMP facility that is FDA registered and inspected.

Many supplements that claim to give men higher Testosterone Levels, and great ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ contain TOXIC FILLERS and additives.

These toxic additives are added because they’re CHEAPER than safe, natural alternatives.

These additives aren’t just a waste of your money – they can be downright DANGEROUS.

PAYING for something that’s gonna decrease your Health and Sexual Performance.

For instance, one of the most popular products on the market contains SUCRALOSE.

Here’s a partial list of just some of the Scientifically Proven health problems this ‘toxic additive’ can lead to:

Weight gain (it’s not good when you get a belly so big you can’t see your Manhood!)

Allergic reactions (these can KILL you)

Blurred vision (imagine living without your vision – life wouldn’t be much fun, would it?)

Dizziness (it’s hard to have great sex when you feel like you’re all at sea!)

Seizures (which can damage your BRAIN)

Heart problems (needless to say – if your ‘ticker’ gives up on you, your Sexual Performance is the least of your problems!)

Diarrhoea (I could be wrong… but I don’t think women find a man crapping himself too attractive!)

And that’s the side-effects from just one of the MANY toxic additives present in most of the supplements on the market that claim to Boost Testosterone and give men better Sexual Performance.

Of course, Rock-Hard Formula is free from toxic fillers and additives, and is made up of nothing but 100% pure Superherbs.

It’s totally Safe and Natural.

Many supplements that aim to give men better Sexual Performance, and Higher Testosterone Levels, are thrown together by companies with poor knowledge of how their ingredients work.

So, while some ingredients can give you a greater desire for sex, and they may also help you perform a bit better during sex – they can also lead to SERIOUS health problems if taken in the wrong dosages!

Many of these supplements contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, something naturally found in many foods…in very small quantities.

But, many men’s sexual health supplements contain unnaturally massive amounts of L-Arginine.

And, while there’s no doubt that using this much L-Arginine can help you ‘perform better’ in the bedroom – it can also cause some very unwelcome side-effects.

For example, an outbreak of Genital Herpes (in which case, no woman is going to want to go to bed with you, no matter how strong your sexual performance is!)

Also, any benefits tend not to last long, and as soon as your body gets used to so much L-Arginine they stop working at all – and you only get the nasty side-effects.

Another example of a Toxic Ingredient that’s in many supplements for male Sexual Performance is Yohimbe.

While Yohimbe certainly can improve Sexual Performance, it’s just NOT worth the RISK, becasue of the COMMON Side-Effects, including:

Dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure….

It has also been reported that as little as 40 mg a day can cause severe side effects, such as dangerous changes in blood pressure, hallucinations, paralysis,
liver, kidney, and heart problems, and can even be fatal.

Rock-Hard Formula doesn’t contain L-Arginine – or any other toxic ingredient at all. Meaning it’s totally safe, even if you drink it every day for the next 5, 10,
15 years or more.

Just follow the recommendations on the label and you cannot go wrong.

The 9 Superherbs that make up this powerful formula have thousands of years of proof behind them – from the Ancient Chinese Taoist Masters (who were some of the greatest lovers to ever live).

I’ve simply taken these proven ingredients, worked with my friend Elwin Robinson – a Master Herbalist – and created a formula that is mind-blowingly effective for any man who wants to boost his Testosterone
Levels, and experience:

Testosterone Levels are Healthy and Optimal- giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman
wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

A Huge ‘Sexual Appetite’ (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally
addictive, mind-blowing, multiple orgasms during intercourse. Every. Single. Time)

Incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (completely PLASTERING your woman when you give her ‘The Money Shot’)

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat – giving you Ripped ‘6-Pack Abs’ (and making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to stop feeling ‘tired and exhausted’ all the time (while also allowing you to become more Productive and get more done)

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

The Truth is, you’re never too old to benefit from this formula.

For instance, here’s what one of our customers, Mark, said in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“Your products work wonders for this 68 year old body. I am a widower and I keep myself in good physical condition. I wake up with huge ‘morning wood.’ It’s like I’m 25 again”

And this customer, John, shared the following in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“My libido plus morning ‘arousal’ have all improved. Note I am 69 years old and in excellent fitness and health, I don’t take any other health related medicine, am not overweight, perfect cholesterol and BP so no medical reason
for ED.”

So that’s two guys, who are almost 70, who had a great experience, and we hear this all the time. Notice though how they both said they’re in good shape: that becomes more and more of a key factor the older you get.

And of course, it’s not just about sexual performance, Rock Hard will actually help you to feel young again, too, as James pointed out to us in his ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’:

“I am 64 years old. After Rock Hard usage my energy and confidence works like 25 years old”

Honestly, you could be 99 years old and I’d still encourage you to take it – because it’ll not only help you ‘in the bedroom’ – but also because it’ll give you a ton of other health benefits, including:

Increased Muscle Mass and Decreased Body-Fat Levels – giving you a more Manly, Lean and Alpha Physique (Note: when you Boost your Testosterone Levels – things like your Muscle Mass and Strength INCREASE
easily – assuming you’re also eating well and exercising)

Better overall Health and Wellness (dramatically improving the quality of your daily life)

More ENERGY and increased PRODUCTIVITY – which increases your chances of being successful (and we all know women find successful men highly attractive!)

Making your Skin, Hair and Nails look incredible (something women notice and find incredibly attractive in a man. So, if you want more sex – this is a very good thing!

Supporting and Detoxing your Liver (particularly important if you eat and drink a ‘less-than-perfect’ diet)

Improved Dental and Oral Health (let’s face it… women love a guy with a healthy smile. And aches and pains in your mouth are about as fun as a kick in the nuts)

Increased physical STRENGTH – so long as you also do some resistance based exercise (helping you to become a more Dominant, Alpha Lover – and making day-to-day tasks much easier and less stressful on your body)

Significant increases in your levels of Confidence, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Assertiveness (Hint: Higher Testosterone Levels give you these traits, and Rock Hard Formula helps you have Healthy
Testosterone Levels!)

Shipping is FREE Worldwide!

There are no hidden fees or extra payments for this product.

All our products are shipped in discreet, plain brown packaging.

No one looking at the packaging from the outside will have any idea what kind of product you’re receiving.

Orders to North America (USA and Canada) should arrive within 3-5 working days.

Orders to the UK and Mainland Europe should arrive within 7-14 working days.

And, International Orders should arrive within 7-21 working days.

If you have any problems – simply contact us at [email protected] and one of our friendly support staff will be happy to assist you.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Rock-Hard Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, most potent SuperHerbs on the Planet…

According to He Shou Wu is the most amazing anti-aging and longevity herb of all – and can be used to increase sex-drive, fertility, sperm count and build semen volume (even in old men). detail some exciting benefits of Cistanche – including an increase in sexual power and performance in men.

Of the many benefits, listed on, that men can get from Tribulus – the following are probably of most interest… it’s a Natural Testosterone-Booster that improves Sexual Performance, and Sexual

On there is detailed explanation into how Horny Goat Weed can: increase ‘Sexual Appetite, boost Testosterone Levels and increase Energy in men. It’s also one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs in the world.

Over on there is an explanation into the huge number of benefits Goji Berry can give you – including improvements in Sexual Function. These improvements occur because Goji encourages blood flow around the body.

According to Nettle Root can be of benefit to the health of your Prostate, Joints, Blood Sugar Levels, and Skin. And, perhaps most interestingly – Nettle Root has been shown to support healthy Testosterone
Levels. explain how Eucommia Bark is a powerful strengthener of the Reproductive System, and stimulator of the Sex Glands and Organs. They also detail how this Superherb can increase ‘Sexual Interest
and Desire.’ explain how Morinda Root can be used to strengthen male Sexual Performance and Power. And they show studies that prove it.

Salvia Root supports healthy blood circulation around the body. This is explained on Healthy blood flow is required for a strong Sexual Performance, hence the reason why this herb is important for any man
wanting to fully SATISFY his woman in bed!

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added. Sugar FREE, Trans Fat FREE, Soy FREE, Gluten FREE, GMO FREE.

No artificial sweeteners, preservatives or flavourings added.

1 Packet is 150grams and contains 30 servings. That’ll last you a month.

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique blend of the 9 Superherbs listed above. While each is powerful on it’s own – together, as mixed in the very specific quantities in Rock-Hard Formula…
their power is greatly enhanced.

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

Here’s more proof this formula is for real and will work for you no matter how old you are. And regardless of how averagely BAD your sexual performance might be right now…

“The main benefits I’ve noticed from Rock Hard Formula so far, are: 1. increased libido. 2. Greater ability to perform for sustained periods of time, and repeated performances within short periods. Overall, I feel like I’m in my twenties again,
and I feel like A MAN again.”

“After just 3 days of drinking Rock-Hard Formula I was experiencing much greater sexual performance. My wife also enjoys my new and improved loads – which she describes as ‘three times as big as before.’
I’ll be enjoying this formula for a long time to come”

“For a guy pushing 70, I’ve noticed positive results. I like the fact that it has large amounts of several traditional herbs and such. I always thought that supplements in capsule form contained too little to be effective.
Rock Hard is different and seems to do the trick”

“Enjoying surprise ‘wood’ in the morning. My wife has started reaching over “just to check”. She smiles and feels good about herself. I’m also experiencing the Energy to push myself harder everyday – and,
as a result – I’ve lost more weight with my diet program.”

“Adam’s new formula is the real deal. It gave me everything he promised – Alpha Male Sexual Power, massive loads, and very happy women in my bed! Can’t fault it. Highly recommended.”

– D.M, age 41 – England

“I knew I wasn’t satisfying my girlfriend in bed. I knew I wasn’t the Alpha she truly desired. Anyway, once I started drinking Adam’s formula some cool things happened. The coolest of all being the fact that she started
to REALLY ENJOY having sex with me – because now, instead of struggling to ‘get her off’ once, I make her cum over and over again. And, as Adam says – it’s those MULTIPLE ORGASMS that drive women crazy!”

“I have 4 long-term girlfriends. All want sex every time I see them. There’s no way I could keep up with them in the bedroom if I wasn’t enjoying Rock-Hard Formula on a daily basis.”

“Since taking Rock Hard, I’ve noticed greater libido and full arousal during sex. I feel now like I was when I was about 50. I have female friends in their mid 40s and early 50’s, and they
all compliment me on my performance, saying they did not expect that level from a 70 year old man.”

“Once I hit my late 30’s I had reason to believe my testosterone levels were no longer very high. I tried many supplements, spent a fortune, and none seemed to make a difference. Then I came across Rock-Hard Formula and
started taking it. Within a week I felt pretty damn good in the bedroom. It was like rolling the clock back 5 years. My Sexual Appetite is off-the-charts – and my girlfriend says her pussy is sore (in
a very good way 😉

– E.N, age 42 – Australia

“Adam Armstrong is THE MAN. I trust everything he says as far as women and sex are concerned. And I can confirm that his Rock-Hard Formula is awesome. It works. It’s as simple as that. Get on it and you’ll love the Sexual
Power it gives you. And your woman will love the MONSTER loads it lets you cover her with!”

– P.J, age 53 – Ireland

“I’m young and have no interest in settling down. Right now I’m dating 2 hot girls and regularly go out and pick up girls in bars and clubs. Needless to say – I’m getting a lot of sex. To sustain this lifestyle I need all
the help I can get. Rock-Hard Formula is all the help I need. I drink it after breakfast every day. The result? I feel like I should be in the adult movies because I can perform at a very high level
in the bedroom, multiple times a day.”

“I wake up to morning wood again, with no more wondering whether or not I am going to satisfy my partner.”

“All my adult life, I’ve been what you could describe as a ‘Beta Male.’ I don’t think I’d ever fully satisfied my wife in 30 years. It’s probably why she asked for a divorce (having cheated on me with her boss). Yet that’s
all changed now, thanks to drinking Rock-Hard Formula. I’m currently dating a new girl – and even though it’s early days – she seems to be really into me. Just last night we had sex 3 times and I gave her at least 10 orgasms.
Not bad for a guy knocking on for 60.”

“It’s great, it really works. I’m very pleased with the results so far. I feel like it’s breathed new life into me. I also recommended it to an older friend. He ordered some a couple weeks ago and he’s reported solid results so far too.”

“Rock Hard Formula gives me the confidence to make love to women from 25 – 55 years old, my ‘arousal’ can last from 45 – 60+ minutes, and the ladies love it as I am a very sensuous lover. The 20 somethings
are amazed that I can go for so long without cuming.”

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, that if you want Healthy Testosterone Levels, Powerful Sexual Performance and Rock-Solid Sexual Confidence, then you’re in the right place.

We know, from personal experience, how painful it is to suffer with sexual performance issues, and that’s why we’re committed to helping you enjoy a level of arousal, and a quality of sex with your woman, that’s ‘off-the-charts.’

Rock Hard Formula can help you:

Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive,
and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

However, while most ‘sex experts’ and people offering ‘solutions to poor sexual performance’ will happily lie-to-your-face and tell you that their solution to your problem works INSTANTLY, and requires NO EFFORT…

We want be ‘straight up’ with you. And tell you the truth… because we really care about you getting real and long lasting RESULTS.

See, we’re not just here to sell you a product, take your money and run…

Instead, we’re committed to you getting the results you want, long term, because:

1. It helps us sleep soundly at night, with a clear conscience, knowing that we’ve genuinely helped people like YOU.

2. We know that, realistically, when you have a great experience with Rock Hard Formula, you’ll then recommend us to others, and maybe try other things we have to offer.

In short, we want you to be a friend and customer for LIFE, not just for one order.

And so, because of that, we want to tell you the TRUTH:

Rock-Hard Formula can help you achieve VERY IMPRESSIVE Sexual Performance! The kind of Sexual Performance any Alpha Male would be proud of!

You can absolutely improve your performance and confidence in the bedroom… and perform like a Total Stud…

Satisfying your woman, over and over again, every night of the week!

It might take a little time and effort.

You see, simply buying some Rock-Hard Formula isn’t enough. You need to actually drink a cup of it every day (or add it to a smoothie, or soup, or sprinkle it over your breakfast cereal).

Many people buy Supplements, or Superfoods, or SuperHerbs, take ‘em once – then just leave them, forgotten and lonely, in their kitchen cupboards!

If you drink ONE cup of Rock-Hard Formula – then forget to drink it… or only drink it once or twice a month – you might as well not bother!

Because it’ll only work well, and you’ll only get the best benefits from it, if you drink ONE CUP A DAY, at least 3+ days a week.

Please commit to that! (It’s quick and easy… it’ll literally take you just a few seconds a day).

You gotta consume Rock-Hard Formula every day, if you wanna MAXIMIZE your results – and really stand a fighting chance of enjoying massive Sexual Performance (and completely satisfying your woman in bed).

Well, the next thing we wanna make you aware of is this:

Some people will tell you that it’s possible to have a low libido and poor level of physical arousal, while having excellent physical health.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

The Truth is, good physical health is essential for Optimum Sexual Performance.

And that’s why, IF you do everything WRONG for your health.

If you live a really shitty lifestyle…

If you eat fast food most of the time, smoke 60-a-day, drink a six-pack (or 2) of beer every night – and take more Drugs than a Crack Whore…

If you do that kinda thing… the results of taking Rock-Hard Formula likely won’t be very noticeable…(although it will still be good for you!)

If you do that kinda thing… the results of taking Rock Hard Formula likely won’t be very noticeable…(although it will still be good for you!)

Because you’re poisoning yourself in MULTIPLE ways, slowly but surely draining yourself of health and vitality, and therefore depleting your Sexual Energy and destroying your Libido…

And NOTHING will help you experience better Sexual Performance, on a long term basis, until you STOP engaging in those self-destructive behaviours, or, at least, cut down on them.

If you really want Rock-Hard Formula to give you Optimal Testosterone Levels, and Rampant Sexual Performance – you should also:

Eat a healthy diet (including lots of fruits and veggies)

Drink plenty of clean water

Get at least 7 hours sleep a night

Avoid abusing cigarettes, drugs and alcohol

Exercise regularly (at least 20 minutes a couple times a week)

Do those things, and then consume Rock-Hard Formula each day… and that’s when you start performing in bed in ways that’ll make a Porn Star jealous!

One thing we need to be really clear on:

Rock-Hard Formula works to help you build incredible health – including Optimal Testosterone Levels, and really Powerful Sexual Performance.

It gives your body the nutrients it needs to be stronger, healthier, more immune to stress and with more balanced hormones (including Testosterone).

In the East, which is where the 9 ingredients in Rock-Hard Formula originally came from, they use it to build Sexual Energy (Jing), to ensure long life and the ability to
have lots of children, even when you get older (Sexual Potency).

It’s been used successfully for this purpose by literally over a billion of people, over the course of thousands of years.

However, what it’s not is a medicine.

Because medicines, whether herbal, or drugs, tend to have nasty side effects, and you have to be very careful taking them.

What this means is that we’re not here to fix any medical issue.

It’s possible that nourishing your body with Rock-Hard Formula could help your body heal itself…but it’s certainly not guaranteed.

Also, if you’re taking any medication, there is a chance that any lack of satisfaction you’re experiencing in your sex-life may be caused by that. We can’t comment on whether that’s the case for you… only a medical professional
can advice you on your specific situation concerning that.

However, the thing to bear in mind is that, if you have a problem that’s related to any medication you’re taking – or to any health issue you have – then it’s likely that Rock-Hard Formula won’t be able to help with that… although
may well still be beneficial for you.

As we state in our disclaimer, you should seek advice from a qualified health professional before taking Rock-Hard, and that’s especially important if you have a medical issue, or are taking
any medication.

So again, to be clear: this is NOT a ‘miracle cure’ for a medical issue.

What it IS, is a herbal tea formula, used successfully for thousands of years, by many millions of men, to:

– Ensure your Testosterone Levels, and Circulation, are Healthy and Optimal – giving you the kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance’ that causes your woman to SCREAM your name night after night (Note: every woman
wants a man who can perform like this – yet very few guys can)

– Arm yourself with a Strong and Powerful Libido (just like that of a Horny Teenager) – meaning you’ll always be ‘in the mood,’ willing and able to completely SATISFY your woman (giving her totally addictive, and
mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time)

– Experience incredibly Intense and Pleasurable Orgasms, and blow the most MASSIVE and HUGE Loads of your entire life (the biggest your woman’s ever seen)

And, when you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, you should also know that you’ll have:

– More Muscle and Strength, and Less Body-Fat (making you look and feel much better when you’re NAKED!)

– Greater Energy Levels – helping you to feel less ‘tired and exhausted’, allowing you to become more Productive and get more done

– Confidence that’s off-the-charts (because, and very few people know this – Healthy Testosterone Levels are the #1 thing that gives a MAN his CONFIDENCE!)

Rock-Hard Formula is NOT a medicine – it works by nourishing the body with the exact NUTRIENTS that it needs to be sexually stronger, more balanced and potent.

Knowledge is POWER – but only when you TAKE ACTION.

We’re giving you BIG knowledge here…

The knowledge that if you consume Rock-Hard Formula each day – while also eating healthy, exercising and not abusing cigs, drugs and alcohol – you’ll almost certainly enjoy massive sexual performance (and a very SATISFIED woman
in your life!)

But, that knowledge will only be POWERFUL for you when you put it into ACTION.

Simply buying some Rock-Hard isn’t enough.

Our challenge to you is to:

Order some Rock-Hard Formula right now, by clicking one of the order boxes below.

Drink 1 cup a day (or add it to a smoothie, soup or breakfast cereal)

Eat as well as you can, exercise, get plenty of sleep

Avoid the abuse of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol

Do those simple things, and BOOM – you better be ready…

Because you’re gonna be so sexually powerful you’re woman is gonna be BEGGING you for it – like your own personal greedy little whore – ‘day and night’ 😉

Wishing you the kind of Sexual Performance, and the quality of Sex-Life, you truly desire and deserve…

Adam Armstrong and Elwin Robinson The Creators of Rock-Hard Formula

Scroll down this letter to the Order Boxes, and choose one of the Order Options – 1 packet of Rock Hard, 3 packets of Rock Hard, or ‘Platinum Customer Club’ Membership (which is the absolute BEST VALUE, and gets you 3 fresh packets
of Rock Hard Formula every 3 months).

Once you’ve made your selection, click the Button for that option, and you’ll be taken to a Secure, 1-Step Checkout Page, which looks like this:

Your order with then be taken by the retailer Clickbank, to give you total peace of mind.

Clickbank have been around since 1998, and are a highly respected global online retailer of digital and physical products (including eBooks, Audio and Video Courses, Supplements and so on), and they are accredited
and approved by all the major credit card companies, including Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express and PayPal.

Once you are on the Clickbank Checkout Page, just fill out your billing and payment details, and click ‘Pay Now’

Important: When you order, make sure to use an email address that you have easy access to. Because, once you’ve ordered, you’ll be sent an email to this email address,
confirming your order. A second email will give you access to your Bonuses.

All emails will come from me: Adam Armstrong.

The Email Address will be: [email protected]

Note: please allow 3-5 working days for delivery of Rock Hard Formula to the USA and Canada, 7-14 days to the UK and Mainland Europe, and upto 21 days for International

*Note: Your order includes the following BONUSES for free:

WARNING: the Superherbs in Rock Hard Formula are very powerful and effective. Plus, they are as safe as most natural foods. However, as with any foods, there is a small chance your body will have an adverse reaction to them. Please remember
to always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is especially important if you have any medical condition or are taking medication – please check with a qualified healthcare professional
that it is safe for you to try this herbs.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Call Us On: +1 (917) 675-3052

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

New Alpha is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Very best AI Gear for Content material Advent in 2024 (Skilled Selections)

Certain, AI apparatus can simplify content material subject matter advent, then again they should no longer be used to generate shareable content material subject matter without human evaluation.

Relying on AI for publish-ready content material subject matter harms your type and is equal to shedding its possible. As a substitute, AI is perfect used as an assistant to strengthen human output by means of automating tasks, eliminating writer’s block, and brainstorming environment friendly ideas.

This publish lists the best AI apparatus for growing quite a lot of forms of content material subject matter that contribute on your workflow. Excited? Let’s get started.

AI Tools for Content material subject matter Creation: Rapid Evaluation

AI content material subject matter advent apparatus are AI-powered instrument programs that streamline the process of creating reasonably a large number of sorts of content material subject matter (text, image, video, and audio) the usage of artificial intelligence algorithms and generative AI.

AI apparatus can help content material subject matter creators and marketers produce prime quality content material subject matter so much quicker and in higher quantities. Content material subject matter creators can use the ones apparatus to write down blog posts, produce motion pictures and track, generate podcasts, or construct a whole web page.

Varieties of AI Content material subject matter Creation Tools (And What They Can Do)

AI apparatus can be used to do many stuff. To get a hold of a better figuring out of how versatile the ones AI apparatus may also be for content material subject matter advent, listed below are the most typical varieties:

  • AI Text Generation Tools – AI writing equipment use natural language processing (NLP) to generate text similar to blog posts, social media replica, emails, and fiction. ChatGPT is a popular device, then again other apparatus include Jasper, Claude, and Frase.
  • AI Image and Video Creation Tools – AI apparatus moreover help generate visual content material subject matter, similar to virtual artwork (or images) and movies. Consistent with your urged, they devise and edit images and films is seconds with sudden results. As an example, use DALL-E and Canva for images and Synthesia for motion pictures.
  • AI Tools for Content material subject matter Optimization –  You’ll be capable of moreover use AI apparatus to optimize or reinforce present content material subject matter. As an example, there are AI apparatus for rewriting and proofreading text, similar to Grammarly or Quillbot. Tools like SurferSEO help optimize your internet web page text for seo.
  • AI Voice and Audio Tools – The ones apparatus generate or edit audio content material subject matter, similar to podcasts, audiobooks, and voiceovers. And strong AI tune turbines are game-changers for content material subject matter creators. Examples include Descript for audio and video improving, Murf.AI for voice technology, and Mubert for AI track.
  • AI Social Media and Promoting Tools – AI apparatus moreover help in several areas of business and promoting and advertising, along side social media, web page era, and gross sales.

It’s time to get to our checklist of top AI apparatus for content material subject matter advent. We’ve categorized our checklist into quite a lot of forms of AI apparatus which might be suitable into different areas of your marketing strategy.

Best AI Text Generation Tools

1. Jasper

Jasper is an impressive AI platform that enhances content material subject matter advent for corporations. It provides many apparatus to generate prime quality content material subject matter in reasonably a large number of formats, similar to blog posts, social media replica, and promoting and advertising content material subject matter. It would almost certainly moreover create images the usage of AI.

Jasper made it to the perfect of this checklist on account of it might in fact create on-brand content material subject matter. To allow on-brand content material subject matter, you would need to feed Jasper enough knowledge about your type style, along side blog posts, internal forms, or type guidelines.

jasper knowledgebase

Jasper’s Campaigns device helps teams create promoting and advertising campaigns from scratch the usage of a single transient. Consider generating on-brand content material subject matter belongings like blog posts, landing internet web page replica, and press releases quickly and effectively—Jasper signifies that you’ll be able to do just that!

You’ll be capable of moreover invite workforce people to collaborate on duties. It’s available in 80+ languages and as Chrome and Edge extensions, so that you’ll be capable of use it anytime, any place. Wish to learn to use it to get the best results? Be informed our in-depth Jasper evaluate.

What We Like About Jasper

  • 50+ AI Templates: Jasper has over 50 templates and a urged library that can assist you create different content material subject matter varieties, like blog posts and social media updates.
  • Jasper Art work: Jasper moreover generates prime quality images, in order that you don’t should put money into other apparatus.
  • Jasper Chat: Jasper includes a delightful chatbot assistant this is serving to you brainstorm and refine content material subject matter in authentic time.
  • Surfer seo Integration: Jasper works with Surfer seo that can assist you create optimized content material subject matter for search engines like google like google.
  • Versatile Optimization: Jasper may also be customized for industries and explicit needs, which makes it useful for promoting and advertising, product sales, purchaser reinforce, and further.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Misguided Output: Jasper each and every so frequently generates flawed results. So, always have a human to test AI content material subject matter.

Why We Picked It

Jasper provides a whole resolution for promoting and advertising teams. It’s serving to you plan and generate the whole thing from scratch for a complete promoting and advertising advertising marketing campaign, along side blog posts, white papers, social media replica, announcements, and so forth. This is great as a result of it’s serving to you strategize and create environment friendly content material subject matter.

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Jasper is perfect for corporations that put money into promoting and advertising. With Jasper, they get a strategic partner and a content material subject matter creator.

Community Ratings


Jasper provides a loose trial with prices starting at $39 per month.

Get Jasper


copy ai is a go-to-market (GTM) AI designed to help promoting and advertising teams create environment friendly content material subject matter effectively. is unique because it combines all sides of a GTM methodology, similar to social media promoting and advertising, product sales enablement, outreach, prospecting, electronic message, seo, and so forth., in one dashboard. It makes tracking and automating tasks clean.

On the other hand how does simplify content material subject matter advent? And what about promoting and advertising or product sales methodology? has pre-defined workflows and even signifies that you’ll be able to create your own. As an example, its Repurpose Blog Content material subject matter workflow performs various tasks for those who paste a blog publish URL, so you end up with many content material subject matter belongings for repurposing.

repurposing blog content with copy ai

Like Jasper, you’ll be capable of upload your type knowledge base to allow to supply on-brand content material subject matter. And its Infobase is where you’ll be capable of save products, target audience, and other company details to reuse later. Be informed additional about and methods to use it.

What We Like About

  • Flexible Integration: works with many AI models, similar to GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, and further, so it might in fact adapt and mix into different tech setups.
  • Concept Control Content material subject matter: helps generate prime quality content material subject matter for blogs, social media, and so forth., that can assist you position your type executives as thought leaders.
  • Product sales Automation: The AI Product sales OS provides apparatus for custom designed prospecting, tracking task changes, and competitor analysis to make product sales processes additional setting pleasant.
  • Chat: You’ll be capable of moreover use as a chatbot assistant to get rapid answers and create content material subject matter quicker.
  • Workflow Templates: provides a workflow library and AI urged templates to automate tasks and streamline content material subject matter advent.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Content material subject matter Top of the range: Generated replica would most likely require additional improving, specifically must you’re the usage of it for product sales outreach, in order that you would need to be careful regarding the information’s credibility.

Why We Picked It provides customized solutions for product sales and promoting and advertising teams one by one. You’ll be capable of use one dashboard for product sales keep an eye on and promoting and advertising strategies while preserving the whole thing well-organized in workflows.

Who Is Best For is perfect for small teams or startups with tight budgets. They can use for product sales along with promoting and advertising.

Community Ratings

Pricing provides a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting at $36 per month.


Best AI Tools for seo

3. Surfer seo

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-267733 size-full” src=”” alt=”surfer ai seo” width=”1800″ height=”885″/>

Surfer search engine optimization is an AI-powered search engine optimization device this is serving to you produce rankworthy content material subject matter to pressure herbal guests. Its difficult AI creates conversion-optimized pillar content material subject matter methodology, generates optimized content material subject matter, and even humanizes AI-generated content material subject matter.

Surfer seo no longer most efficient generates keyword concepts, but it surely might also write and optimize your content material subject matter all by itself with Surfer AI. It moreover avoids growing fluff content material subject matter by means of combing NLP and Surfer knowledge to identify content material subject matter gaps and fill throughout the required information to counterpoint your content material subject matter.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-267734 size-full” src=”” alt=”surfer ai seo content optimization” width=”1800″ height=”834″/>

On the other hand what about optimizing human-written content material subject matter? Should you paste your content material subject matter into Surfer, use the Insert Words serve as so that Surfer AI routinely identifies the correct places to insert additional Surfer-recommended words. Isn’t it great? You don’t should insert them manually—merely evaluation the draft once Surfer has optimized it.

What We Like About Surfer seo

  • Keyword Research: Surfer’s keyword research device helps identify one of the similar keywords to concentrate on and plan a subject matter cluster approach to assemble topical authority.
  • AI-Generated Content material subject matter Ideas: Use AI to generate content material subject matter ideas and outlines by means of examining top-performing pages and understanding content material subject matter gaps.
  • AI-Powered Concepts: Surfer uses AI to provide data-driven optimization concepts for making improvements to content material subject matter development, keyword usage, and basic seo potency.
  • Audit Device: Surfer evaluations present content material subject matter and offers actionable insights to reinforce its seo potency.
  • Content material subject matter Planner: Surfer helps plan content material subject matter strategies by means of understanding content material subject matter gaps and choices to build topical authority.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Lack of Personalization: Surfer is a popular device, because of this many makers use it to generate content material subject matter. If everyone uses the identical device, the output generated is the same, and SERPs transform oversaturated with similar content material subject matter. Surfer lately lacks the personalization choices needed to create unique content material subject matter.

Why We Picked It

Surfer provides a whole seo resolution for corporations that need an fairly priced resolution. It accommodates all the important apparatus for growing, optimizing, and auditing content material subject matter for upper potency.

Who Is Surfer seo Best For

Surfer seo is absolute best for seo and content material subject matter teams to increase herbal visibility. It provides complicated apparatus to look at seo potency.

Community Ratings


Most sensible magnificence plans get began at $89 per month.

Get Surfer search engine optimization

4. Semrush


Semrush is an AI-powered online presence promoting and advertising platform. It provides complicated seo, content material subject matter advent, optimization, keyword research, backlink developing, social media, selling, and PR-building apparatus to help corporations arrange their online presence in one dashboard.

Semrush is on this checklist on account of its difficult integration with AI, which helps you to create and optimize content material subject matter. First, Content material subject matter Shake AI generates content material subject matter after understanding keywords, brainstorming unique ideas (you’ll be capable of moreover add your idea), and examining competitor content material subject matter.

content shake ai

Semrush’s custom designed keyword factor helps you identify the difficulty you need to rank your internet web page. It’s no longer a generalized keyword factor then again explicit on your internet web page, generated after examining your internet web page’s topical authority, DA, and other parts. Semrush moreover provides social media and ad platform apparatus to create content material subject matter and percentage from one dashboard.

Be informed our Semrush evaluate to learn about all the other choices that make it an impressive device.

What We Like About Semrush

  • AI-Powered Rephraser: Semrush has an AI device this is serving to rephrase and rewrite content material subject matter to reinforce clarity, engagement, and area of expertise while maintaining the original message.
  • Content material subject matter Outline Builder: It’s serving to in growing detailed content material subject matter outlines by means of examining the development of top-ranking articles on your function keywords.
  • Internet website online & Content material subject matter Audit: To pass judgement on the potency of your present content material subject matter. It uses AI to suggest improvements in response to engagement metrics and seo perfect practices.
  • Content material subject matter Template: To generate seo ideas in response to the perfect 10 pageant on your function keywords. It suggests semantically identical words, backlinks, readability ranking, and text length on your content material subject matter.
  • Topic Research: An AI-powered serve as that generates content material subject matter ideas by means of examining the most popular articles on a given topic.
  • seo Writing Assistant: Get real-time ideas for content material subject matter optimization in response to top-performing articles. It’s serving to with readability, keyword usage, tone of voice, and originality tests.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Expensive Pricing Plans: Semrush does no longer have a loose plan, and its pricing plans get began at $140/month, which could be pricey for small teams.

Why We Picked It

Semrush is perfect for managing the internet presence of a complete type. Now, integrated with AI, Senrush is even upper at producing similar and custom designed content material subject matter explicit on your type.

Who Is Semrush Best For

Semrush is suitable for business householders and promoting and advertising teams in quest of to build an web presence. In one platform, they get all the important apparatus.

Community Ratings


Most sensible magnificence plans get began at $140 per month.

Get Semrush

Best AI Video Creation Tools

5. Synthesia


Synthesia is an AI video creator that generates prime quality, custom designed motion pictures quickly and effectively in response to text turns on, forms, and web links. Certain, all you need to do is paste your script, and Synthesia will routinely choose an AI avatar and generate a video for you. You’ll be capable of moreover choose your own AI avatars and voices.

ai video generator synthesia

Editing motion pictures the usage of Synthesia works in response to triggers. Selecting explicit text from the script signifies that you’ll be able to add portions and effects like fade-in, zoom, and so forth. Its difficult collaboration choices allow your workforce to artwork on the an identical video in authentic time.

Make a choice from 160+ AI avatars or stand out a lot more by means of creating a custom designed avatar custom designed on your type. You’ll be ready to choose from 130+ languages with female and male voices and a variety of premade video templates to speed up the process.

It’s perfect for corporations with tight budgets that may’t hire content material subject matter creators or acquire pricey video production equipment, as you’ll be ready to make a choice AI avatars that speak like human beings.

Wish to learn additional? Be informed our in-depth Synthesia AI evaluate.

What We Like About Synthesia

  • One-Click on on Translations: Synthesia is helping translations into over 130 languages with just one click on on, making it clean to reach a world target market.
  • Good Updates: You don’t have to transport via expensive and time-consuming reshoots. Synthesia makes it clean to quickly change and create new diversifications of their motion pictures.
  • Show Recorder: With automatic voiceover and show recording improving, you’ll be capable of merely snatch show task and create engaging presentations.
  • Templates and Media Library: Synthesia provides over 300 customizable templates and get right to use to loads of hundreds of royalty-free images, motion pictures, icons, and soundtracks to strengthen motion pictures.
  • Interactive Video Player: Create interactive video evaluations with clickable hotspots, embedded forms, quizzes, and custom designed call-to-actions.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Poor Output Top of the range: Once in a while, Synthesia’s output turns out to incorporate a substantial amount of AI. You’ll to find the AI avatars lack facial expressions.

Why We Picked It

Synthesia is a should have device, specifically in this video-centric world. It simplifies growing video content material subject matter and significantly cuts production costs.

Who Is Synthesia Best For

Synthesia is suitable for small promoting and advertising teams and content material subject matter creators with tight budgets to put money into video production setup or content material subject matter advent. Synthesia provides fairly priced and easy-to-use solutions for video promoting and advertising.

Community Ratings


Synthesia provides a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting at $29 per month.

Get Synthesia

6. Descript


Descript is an AI-powered video and audio editor. It signifies that you’ll be able to edit motion pictures as although that they had been text forms. You’ll be capable of moreover decrease, paste, and delete your audio or video sections by means of simply improving the transcript.

Other unique choices include multi-track improving, show recording, and collaboration apparatus to simplify improving motion pictures for a workforce. Like Synthesia, you’ll be capable of moreover use AI to create your voice. Underlord, Descript’s AI assistant, improves audio by means of taking away background noise and adorning voices to make recordings sound clear {{and professional}}.

descript underlod helping edit videos

Don’t concern about what collection of retakes you do—Underlord will remove the dangerous ones and move away most efficient the best. It would almost certainly convert one video into a couple of temporary clips, perfect for repurposing and sharing them all the way through social media. To generate a short lived clip, make a selection and highlight sections of a transcript.

What We Like About Descript

  • Overdub Edits: Descript’s text-to-speech signifies that you’ll be able to create reasonable voice-over typed text, which makes it clean to correct mistakes or add new content material subject matter without re-recording.
  • Transcription Edits: Automatic transcription of audio and video information with high accuracy so that you’ll be capable of edit content material subject matter very similar to a text report.
  • Multi-track Editing: Descript signifies that you’ll be able to edit a couple of audio and video tracks at once.
  • Collaboration Tools: It is helping collaborative improving, along side real-time updates and shared problem get right to use.
  • Interactive Captions: Decsript creates captions routinely that can be customized and styled to reinforce accessibility and engagement.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • No Ability To Create AI Avatars: Descript signifies that you’ll be able to upload and edit motion pictures, then again you’ll be capable of’t use it to generate new motion pictures as Synthesia does. So, to artwork with Descript, you need to file and upload your content material subject matter.

Why We Picked It

Descript is a perfect content material subject matter repurposing device that converts one video into a couple of temporary clips with different key problems. You’ll be capable of use the ones clips for social media and garner additional attention with one content material subject matter idea.

Who Is Descript Best For

Descript is for content material subject matter creators, video editors, podcasters, and firms that need motion pictures and podcasts with easy-to-use improving choices and transcription services and products.

Community Ratings


Descript provides a loose plan with paid plans starting at $15 per month.

Get Descript

Best AI Tools Pictures

7. Canva

canva to generate images using ai

Canva is a beginner-friendly AI-powered graphic designing device this is serving to you generate stunning designs the usage of 1000’s of pre-designed templates, royalty-free images, portions, and further. More than 170 million other people use Canva on account of its ease of use and sudden designs.

Canva’s Magic Write accommodates apparatus to supply environment friendly content material subject matter, similar to shortening, rewriting, and together with custom designed turns on. You’ll be capable of moreover upload your type tips on Canva to supply on-brand content material subject matter.

canva magic write

On the other hand that’s no longer all! Canva is known for its suite of AI apparatus, similar to Image Enhancer to reinforce image prime quality, Magic Morph to change into words into stunning shapes, Magic Animate so that you can upload animation on your designs, and Resize to resize designs and percentage them all the way through different social media platforms.

Be informed methods to use Canva’s symbol editor to design stunning graphics.

What We Like About Canva

  • Background Remover: You’ll be capable of merely remove background from images in a single click on on and use it on different designs without redesigning from scratch.
  • Computerized Structure Adjustments: You don’t should manually keep an eye on layouts or alignment inside of a design. Canva routinely supplies the finishing touches.
  • Text to Image: Generates images from text turns on to let your creativity come to lifestyles.
  • Design Automation: Canva generates a couple of design variations, allowing you to make a choice the best option or customize further from a formidable place to begin.
  • Sophisticated Image Enhancements: Incorporates apparatus like brightness, difference, and other settings to strengthen the entire image prime quality.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Misguided AI Outputs: The hunt operator doesn’t always give similar results. You’ll have to make a choice a design and tweak it on your liking.

Why We Picked It

Canva makes designing sudden images smooth. You’ll be capable of use AI apparatus to simplify your artwork, and its difficult improving apparatus make guide designing clean.

Who Is Canva Best For

Canva is absolute best for graphic designers, bloggers, marketers, freelancers, and creators who need easy-to-use instrument to design stunning graphics. You’ll be capable of add your type tips to create branded belongings.

Community Ratings


Canva provides a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting at $11.99 per month.

Get Canva

8. Magic Studio

magic studio

Magic Studio signifies that you’ll be able to create stunning images, convert them into art work, strengthen image prime quality, remove backgrounds, blur backgrounds, and much more the usage of AI. You’ll be capable of moreover give AI text-based image instructions to generate images.

Magic Studio’s perfect issue is its ability to remove problems from images—all you need to do is highlight the phase. As an example, if you want to remove the plant from this cat image, highlight the plant and click on on “Erase.”

remove things using magic studio

Other choices include together with portions the usage of AI turns on, converting selfies into respected portfolios, and growing product-feature images. It’s a whole image resolution with smooth apparatus for converting iPhone images to JPG or WEBG to PNG.

What We Like About Magic Studio

  • Magic Translate: You’ll be capable of translate your text into a couple of languages, which is very good must you function a world target market.
  • Magic Switch: You’ll be capable of change into portions inside of their designs, similar to colors, fonts, and layouts, with a single click on on.
  • Magic Media: It signifies that you’ll be able to use AI to crop, edit, and strengthen images and films. It moreover integrates with DALL·E for generating media from text turns on.
  • Magic Morph: This feature can morph shapes and pictures into new forms. As an example, you’ll be capable of combine two pictures or add a brand spanking new phase to an image, similar to together with a purple ribbon to a hat.
  • Magic Grasp: Have you ever ever ever spotted an image and regarded as replicating it on your type? You’ll be capable of do that the usage of Magic Grasp.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Slow Response Time: I professional slower response time and technical device faults while growing an image the usage of Magic Studio. The loose type may be has limited choices.

Why We Picked It

Magic Studio’s ability so that you can upload or remove portions from images is a superb serve as that saves time. Consider the probabilities it unlocks, all while being a beginner-friendly platform.

Who Is Magic Studio Best For

Magic Studio is an excellent chance for newcomers who need an fairly priced, all-in-one device to design stunning images. Its smooth apparatus, similar to an image record converter, make it suitable for those who artwork with images regularly.

Community Ratings


You get 40 loose creations with peak magnificence plans starting at $14.99 per month.

Get Magic Studio

Best AI Tools for Audio and Voice

9. Murf.AI

murf ai

Murf.AI is an AI voice generator that converts text into reasonable, prime quality voiceovers. It’s perfect for the whole thing from respected presentations to social media content material subject matter.

A key serve as of Murf.AI is its huge collection of human voices. With over 120 voices in different languages, accents, and tones, shoppers can to find the easiest voice for any problem. Whether or not or now not you need a contented voice for a business or a relaxed tone for an educational video, Murf AI has it all.

murf ai human voices

Murf.AI moreover accommodates improving apparatus to keep an eye on pitch, pace, and amount. It integrates merely with in taste video improving instrument, making together with voices to a couple of duties smooth.

What We Like About Murf.AI

  • Voice Cloning: Wish to use a unique voice on your duties? Take a look at cloning your voice the usage of Murf.AI to create custom designed voiceovers.
  • Customization: You might have get right to use to beginner-friendly apparatus to keep an eye on the pitch, tone, and pace of the AI-generated voices to check different moods, characters, and kinds.
  • Multilingual Beef up: Convert voiceovers to different languages and cater to a world target market.
  • Emotion Detection: It would almost certainly moreover recognize speech to place throughout different emotions and add depth and expressiveness to AI-generated voices, which enhances listener engagement and emotional connection.
  • AI Voice Editing: Provides apparatus for reinforcing and fine-tuning AI-generated voices to create prime quality audio output for professional duties.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Voice Top of the range and Naturalness: While Murf.AI provides quite a lot of voices, most of them sound AI-generated. Improving the naturalness of voices would make it additional eye-catching.

Why We Picked It

Murf.AI we could in voice cloning to create new voices. This is great, specifically if you want to use a couple of voices in different duties or have a limited budget.

Who Is Murf.AI Best For

Murf AI is perfect for content material subject matter creators, marketers, educators, and firms who want to create prime quality, customizable audio for motion pictures, presentations, e-learning, and commercials. It streamlines production with reasonable, AI-generated voices.

Community Ratings


Murf.AI has a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting from $29 per month.

Get Murf.AI

10. Podcastle

podcastle ai voice

Podcastle is an all-in-one podcast platform that makes recording, improving, and publishing podcasts clean for newcomers and professionals. It simplifies the technical side of podcasting, letting creators focal point on content material subject matter by means of integrating with web page internet hosting services and products to make publishing and distributing episodes clean.

One in all its standout choices is the AI Voice Enhancer, which improves audio prime quality. It reduces background noise, balances audio levels, and makes voices clear {{and professional}} routinely, even in ‘less-than-ideal’ recording conditions.

editing podcast episodes using podcastle

You’ll be capable of moreover file prime quality audio right away on the platform, solo, or by means of inviting a ways off guests. Use improving apparatus to trim, splice, and add effects, and Podcastle’s transcription services and products to show podcast notes and reinforce accessibility. Moreover, check out other AI audio equipment appropriate right here.

What We Like About Podcastle

  • AI-Generated Voices: Create entire podcasts the usage of AI-generated voices or clone your voice to narrate the script.
  • Magic Dust AI Sound Enhancement: Enhances audio prime quality by means of routinely taking away background noise, optimizing dynamic range, and applying equalization and compression.
  • Auto-Leveling: Adjusts audio levels to verify the volume is continuing throughout the podcast.
  • Automatic Silence Removal: Remove long pauses and awkward silences from your audio information with one click on on.
  • Filler Word Detection: Automatically detects and removes filler words like “ahs,” “uhms,” and “you is acutely aware of” to make your recordings additional polished.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Multi-Practice Editing: Podcastle has few possible choices for multi-track improving, which may also be overwhelming must you do numerous audio artwork.

Why We Picked It

Podcastle routinely identifies and removes filler words to make your recordings additional polished. This feature is very good on account of taking away them manually would take so much time and effort.

Who Is Podcastle Best For

Podcastle is absolute best for podcasters, content material subject matter creators, a ways off teams, and educators. It provides user-friendly apparatus for recording, improving, and adorning audio, making it perfect for growing prime quality audio content material subject matter.

Community Ratings


Podcastle has a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting at $3 per month.

Get Podcastle

Best Social Media AI Tools

11. Buffer

buffer ai assistant

Buffer is a popular social media promoting and advertising platform this is serving to shoppers arrange a couple of social media accounts. It we could in scheduling posts, examining potency, and engaging with audiences on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, and Pinterest.

Buffer AI’s A/B get a divorce checking out helps you create and run tests for quite a lot of publish variations to hunt out top-of-the-line ones. And must you ever run out of content material subject matter ideas, you’ll be capable of always use Buffer’s Generate Ideas to fill up your content material subject matter calendar.

buffer generate ideas using ai

Other AI choices include predictive analytics, sentiment analysis, and trend-based content material subject matter concepts. Buffer AI moreover provides complicated reporting apparatus for deeper insights into target market behavior and advertising marketing campaign just right fortune, making social media keep an eye on more effective.

Maintaining a continuing social media schedule may also be overwhelming, that’s when Buffer helps you simplify content material subject matter repurposing by means of improving and automating scheduling copies for quite a lot of social media platforms. Be informed additional about Buffer and its easiest use circumstances.

What We Like About Buffer

  • Computerized Scheduling: Buffer’s AI suggests optimal posting circumstances in response to engagement knowledge and manages queue adjustments to reach audiences when they’re most full of life.
  • Content material subject matter Concepts: AI analyzes characteristics to suggest similar content material subject matter and offers hashtag ideas for better visibility.
  • Audience All for: Buffer routinely segments audiences in response to engagement patterns and suggests custom designed content material subject matter provide.
  • Engagement and Community Regulate: Uses AI-driven chatbots for not unusual queries, filters inappropriate comments, and responds to not unusual queries.
  • Advertising and marketing marketing campaign Optimization: Analyzes ad potency for budget adjustments and tracks advertising marketing campaign goals with real-time methodology adjustments.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Unfastened Plan Barriers: The loose plan does no longer include analytics and other essential apparatus, similar to workforce collaboration and a notification machine. Together with the ones choices would make it additional accessible to loose shoppers.

Why We Picked It

Buffer’s ability to simplify content material subject matter repurposing makes it a perfect social media keep an eye on platform. AI helps you brainstorm new content material subject matter ideas, create sharing belongings, and convert them to percentage on different platforms.

Who Is Buffer Best For

Buffer is perfect for social media teams, creators, or freelancers to keep an eye on a couple of social media accounts effectively, schedule posts, tune potency, and engage with their target market from a single, user-friendly platform.

Community Ratings


Buffer provides a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting from $5 per month.

Get Buffer

12. Hootsuite

hootsuite owlywriter

Hootsuite is each and every different extensively used social media keep an eye on platform that allows shoppers to keep an eye on a couple of social media accounts from a single dashboard. It provides apparatus for scheduling posts, monitoring social media task, and examining potency all the way through different networks.

OwlyWriter is Hootsuite’s AI that scans trending topics and hashtags to create similar and engaging captions that resonate at the side of your target market. Via the usage of OwlyWriter, you stay ahead of characteristics and make sure your content material subject matter remains nicely timed and engaging.

hootsuite caption generator

OwlyWriter moreover suggests optimal posting circumstances to maximize engagement, identify in taste hashtags to increase visibility, and even recommend content material subject matter ideas in response to your business and target market preferences. It would almost certainly moreover analyze earlier publish potency to refine its concepts that can assist you create more effective social media strategies.

What We Like About Hootsuite

  • Auto-Scheduling: Hootsuite’s AI suggests optimal circumstances for posting content material subject matter in response to historical engagement knowledge to maximize achieve and engagement.
  • Content material subject matter Curation: AI recommends similar content material subject matter in response to particular person interests and engagement patterns for more straightforward discoverability.
  • Social Listening: Hootsuite analyzes conversations all the way through social media to identify characteristics, tune type mentions, and procure insights into target market sentiment and behavior.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Helps the tone of social media mentions and comments, categorizing them as sure, antagonistic, or independent to gauge target market reactions.
  • Image Reputation: Hootsuite’s AI identifies and tags images to organize and search for visual content material subject matter. You’ll be capable of use it to hit upon type emblems and tune visual mentions.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Limited Choices: Hootsuite is a beginner-friendly platform with obstacles, similar to essential choices. As an example, you’ll be capable of’t schedule the main comment on Instagram or arrange links in bio. The ones apparatus are important for environment friendly social media keep an eye on.

Why We Picked It

Hootsuite is a beginner-friendly device with an easy-to-use AI that generates compelling social media replica all the way through the platform. It provides a whole social media keep an eye on resolution.

Who Is Hootsuite Best For

Hootsuite is perfect for corporations, marketers, and social media managers who need a beginner-friendly, all-in-one platform to keep an eye on social media profiles.

Community Ratings


Hootsuite provides a 30-day loose trial with a licensed plan starting at $99 per month.

Get Hootsuite

Best AI Internet website online Generators

13. Divi AI

divi ai

Divi AI is an AI-powered wordpress theme designed to strengthen internet web page advent and keep an eye on. With the Divi AI Internet website online Builder, you’ll be capable of generate a whole internet web page in 2 minutes with on type content material subject matter and design.

It provides many AI choices, similar to AI text, AI images, AI internet web page layouts, and AI code technology, that streamline the design process. Via integrating AI into its platform, Divi promises you quickly and easily create professional-looking internet websites.

Divi AI regularly learns from your web page to recommend on-brand replica that resonates at the side of your target market. Whether or not or now not you need engaging blog posts, compelling product descriptions, or persuasive promoting and advertising replica, Divi Text AI will let you create standout content material subject matter.

divi text ai with many options for customization

Divi AI provides reasonably a large number of helpful apparatus, similar to AI-powered design concepts, automatic structure tweaks, and smart image optimization. The ones artwork together to verify your internet web page seems polished {{and professional}}. With Divi AI, developing and maintaining a top-quality internet web page is simpler than ever. Proper right here’s the whole lot you want to understand to make use of Divi AI to its entire possible.

What We Like About Divi AI

  • Divi Fast Websites permits shoppers to create completely useful internet websites with pre-designed templates and layouts, abruptly lowering the time and effort required to free up a brand spanking new web page.
  • Internet website online Text Generation: Divi Textual content AI writes text on your web page that fits your type and that you simply’ll be capable of use.
  • Top-Top of the range AI Pictures: Generate AI Photographs which might be suitable the design and context of your internet web page.
  • Custom designed Ideas: Supplies custom designed content material subject matter concepts in response to your individual tastes and web page knowledge to generate content material subject matter that aligns at the side of your style and tone.
  • Seamless Integration: Merely integrated with other Divi apparatus and platforms to strengthen shoppers’ basic workflow and productivity.
  • Template Concepts: Supplies template concepts for quite a lot of forms of content material subject matter that can assist you quickly get started with duties.
  • seo Optimization: Incorporates seo apparatus to optimize content material subject matter for search engines like google like google, improving the chances of higher scores and bigger guests.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Steeper Learning Curve: Divi AI has many apparatus, so getting used to them would most likely take some time. On the other hand for those who spend some time, you’ll don’t have any hassle the usage of Divi AI.

Why We Picked It

Divi AI is the only device you need as a beginner to design and arrange an absolutely functioning internet web page. Its built-in split-testing signifies that you’ll be able to keep amassing particular person knowledge and optimizing your web page for upper potency.

Who Is Divi AI Best For

Divi AI is suitable for small business householders, entrepreneurs, freelancers, e-commerce retail outlets, bloggers, content material subject matter creators, and non-profits who shouldn’t have time to hand-craft their internet websites. They can use Divi AI to design stunning internet websites with the help of AI.

Community Ratings


Divi AI costs $16.08 per month.

Get Divi

14. Wix AI

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-267736 size-full” src=”” alt=”wix ai website builder” width=”1800″ height=”885″/>

Wix AI is an AI internet web page builder that makes developing internet websites more straightforward and quicker. It’s serving to shoppers create and design their internet websites with smooth steps, even if they have no revel in in web constructing.

The Wix AI chatbot assistant guides you via setting up your internet web page. It asks questions about the type of web page you need, suggests templates, and helps you add choices like text, images, and make contact with forms.

wix ai chatbot generating websites by asking questions

Besides guiding shoppers, Wix AI can also optimize web page content material subject matter for search engines like google like google, ensure that your web page is mobile responsive, and provide design concepts. It would almost certainly even create emblems and arrange online retail outlets, making it a versatile device for someone buying groceries to establish a solid online presence. Be informed this comparability between Divi and Wix AI to resolve which one is additional suitable for you.

What We Like About Wix AI

  • Custom designed Design Concepts: Wix AI provides custom designed design concepts in response to your individual tastes and business to create a unique internet web page.
  • Computerized Content material subject matter Generation: Wix AI generates content material subject matter for quite a lot of internet web page sections, along side text, images, and code.
  • Responsive Design: Web websites created with Wix AI are completely responsive—they seem great on any instrument, from desktops to smartphones.
  • seo Optimization: Wix AI accommodates built-in seo apparatus to help reinforce the internet web page’s search engine ranking and pressure additional guests to the web page.
  • Integration with Wix Apps: Wix AI integrates with reasonably a large number of Wix apps, making improvements to the internet web page’s capacity with choices like online retail outlets, booking ways, and so forth.

What Would possibly simply Be Advanced

  • Limited Customization: Wix AI is beginner-friendly then again has limited customization choices. You’ll be capable of use Wix AI to generate a internet web page, then again you’ll be capable of’t edit most portions the usage of AI. You wish to have to do it manually.

Why We Picked It

Wix AI is a superb chance for newcomers who need a smooth internet web page and are willing to only settle for an peculiar internet web page. It’s improbable for developing a internet web page with limited choices.

Who Is Wix AI Best For

Wix AI is absolute best for corporations and other people looking for a beginner-friendly device to create respected, customizable internet websites quickly and easily without technical talents.

Community Ratings


Wix provides a loose plan with peak magnificence plans starting from $17 per month.

Get Wix AI

Benefits of AI Content material subject matter Creation Tools

Generating mass content material subject matter isn’t the only get advantages. If used nicely, AI apparatus will let you in many ways:

1. Efficiency and Tempo

It’s been showed over and over that content material subject matter promoting and advertising teams publishing prime quality content material subject matter quickly recuperate results than those who produce a lot much less. On the other hand producing prime quality content material subject matter takes time, in order that you’re left with one variety: compromising on prime quality or quantity.

Using AI apparatus correctly, promoting and advertising teams can achieve pace while maintaining first rate prime quality. AI apparatus help automate ideation, advent, optimization, and plenty of additional tasks so that you’ll be capable of do the overall human check quicker than publishing a piece.

2. Consistency and Top of the range

While you publish additional, ensuring the logo voice, tone, content material subject matter style, and prime quality are consistent all the way through all platforms becomes tricky. That’s whilst you’ll be capable of program AI apparatus to do the logo check each time you create a brand spanking new piece to build imagine at the side of your target market.

3. Price-Effectiveness

Outsourcing content material subject matter advent is costly. And must you’re emerging a couple of platforms at once, costs quickly add up. That’s whilst you’ll be capable of use different AI apparatus to generate content material subject matter effectively.

4. Scalability

Content material subject matter promoting and advertising works most efficient when you percentage prime quality content material subject matter continuously, which takes time. So, at a time, you’ll be capable of most efficient focal point on emerging on the platform.

On the other hand with AI apparatus, you’ll be capable of scale your efforts and broaden a couple of platforms at once. As an example, Canva can resize Instagram posts into Twitter posts and repurpose the identical thought/idea on each and every platforms. Now imagine converting one content material subject matter idea into 30 different shareable belongings in one click on on—that’s AI!

What Should Be Your Expectations For AI apparatus?

Generating prime quality distinctive content material subject matter with AI isn’t really a possibility, a minimum of no longer with a human touch. AI apparatus are professional to artwork on huge language models (LLM), because of this they’re generating content material subject matter in response to present resources.

On account of this, AI will combat so that you can upload the human touch or originality sought after for things like blog posts, podcasts, and films. For perfect results, AI apparatus for content material subject matter advent should be used to help the advent process, no longer change it.

That discussed, AI apparatus can change plenty of the time-consuming tasks involved on your workflow. As an example, AI can a great deal boost up the process of researching, growing outlines, generating ideas, and plenty of other automatic tasks.

The right way to Select The Right kind AI Content material subject matter Creation Tools

Such a large amount of AI content material introduction equipment cater to different needs, so how do you to find the correct ones for your business? Proper right here are a few things to believe while choosing the AI-powered content material subject matter apparatus:

1. Type of Content material subject matter

Determine the correct type of content material subject matter you need to create, similar to text, images, motion pictures, or audio. Different apparatus focus on other content material subject matter varieties, for example, Jasper for text, Canva for images, and Descript for motion pictures, so choose one who aligns at the side of your primary prerequisites.

2. Choices and Capacity

Most AI apparatus offer loose trials or loose plans. So, quicker than investing in peak magnificence services and products, analysis the choices offered by means of each and every device. Seek for options similar to templates, customization possible choices, and integrations with other instrument. Create a listing of belongings you’d like on your device to see if it meets your explicit content material subject matter advent needs.

3. Ease of Use

Remember that you’ll be the usage of the device for a long time, so believe the individual interface and basic usability. A user-friendly platform with intuitive controls and very good reinforce resources can strengthen productivity and scale back the training curve.

4. Top of the range of Output

AI needs numerous enlargement, and regularly, you’ll to find that the output generated by means of the ones apparatus isn’t right kind. So, different apparatus are tested, and the usual of the content material subject matter is classed. Check for samples, demo diversifications, or particular person evaluations to verify the device meets your necessities for professionalism and creativity.

5. Price and Budget

Overview the pricing plans of quite a lot of apparatus. Consider the price offered relative on your budget, along side any available loose trials or demo diversifications that allow you to try the device quicker than committing financially.

6. Integration with Provide Tools

Ensure that the AI content material subject matter advent apparatus seamlessly mix at the side of your provide instrument and workflow. Compatibility at the side of your CMS, social media platforms, or problem keep an eye on apparatus is essential must you don’t want to restructure all your artwork process all over again.

So, far and wide your research, it’s crucial to test a couple of apparatus and read about them in response to your needs to hunt out the correct ones for your business.

Value Comparison: Best AI Content material subject matter Creation Tools

What are the Best AI Tools for Content material subject matter Creation?

AI apparatus strengthen content material subject matter advent by means of supporting tasks similar to ideation, technology, and optimization, then again always keep in mind that they require human evaluation for prime quality, fact-checking, and authenticity.

Jasper writes text successfully, while Canva is perfect for making images. Synthesia is used to create motion pictures, and Murf AI is superb at making audio. Surfer search engine optimization is the best device for making improvements to content material subject matter, and Divi AI is very good for developing internet websites. On the other hand all require a human touch that should in no way be dismissed.

Looking for additional AI apparatus for content material subject matter advent? Check out a couple of of our other articles that incorporates height AI equipment.

Forever Asked Questions

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What are the best AI apparatus for content material subject matter advent?

The most efficient AI apparatus for content material subject matter advent include Jasper for writing, Synthesia for video advent, and Canva for graphic design. Each device provides unique choices that strengthen productivity and creativity, making content material subject matter advent additional setting pleasant and engaging.

How can AI apparatus reinforce my content material subject matter advent process?

AI apparatus can streamline content material subject matter advent by means of generating ideas, drafting content material subject matter, improving, and producing motion pictures and graphics. This saves time and enhances output prime quality, allowing creators to pay attention to strategic sides of content material subject matter constructing.

Are AI content material subject matter advent apparatus expensive?

The cost of AI content material subject matter advent apparatus varies. Some offer loose fundamental diversifications, while others require subscriptions for complicated choices. You will need to to make a choice a tool that fits your budget and effectively meets your needs.

Can AI apparatus change human content material subject matter creators?

AI apparatus lend a hand and strengthen the content material subject matter advent process reasonably than change human creators. They can produce content material subject matter then again will always require a human check. AI apparatus are used perfect to deal with repetitive tasks, provide inspiration, and reinforce efficiency so that creators can focal point on strategic and creative sides of content material subject matter constructing.

The publish Very best AI Gear for Content material Advent in 2024 (Skilled Selections) appeared first on Sublime Topics Weblog.

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Best AI Tools for Content Creation in 2024 (Expert Picks)

Sure, AI gear can simplify content material introduction, however they must no longer be used to generate shareable content material with out human overview.

Depending on AI for publish-ready content material harms your model and is the same as losing its attainable. As an alternative, AI is perfect used as an assistant to beef up human output through automating duties, getting rid of author’s block, and brainstorming efficient concepts.

This publish lists the most productive AI gear for growing various kinds of content material that give a contribution for your workflow. Excited? Let’s start.

AI Equipment for Content material Advent: Fast Review

AI content material introduction gear are AI-powered device packages that streamline the method of making quite a lot of forms of content material (textual content, symbol, video, and audio) the use of synthetic intelligence algorithms and generative AI.

AI gear can assist content material creators and entrepreneurs produce fine quality content material a lot sooner and in better amounts. Content material creators can use those gear to write down weblog posts, produce movies and track, generate podcasts, or build an entire website.

Kinds of AI Content material Advent Equipment (And What They Can Do)

AI gear can be utilized to do many things. To provide you with a greater working out of the way flexible those AI gear can also be for content material introduction, listed here are the most typical varieties:

  • AI Textual content Technology Equipment – AI writing tools use herbal language processing (NLP) to generate textual content comparable to weblog posts, social media replica, emails, and fiction. ChatGPT is a well-liked software, however different gear come with Jasper, Claude, and Frase.
  • AI Symbol and Video Advent Equipment – AI gear additionally assist generate visible content material, comparable to digital art (or pictures) and videos. In line with your instructed, they devise and edit pictures and movies is seconds with shocking effects. For instance, use DALL-E and Canva for pictures and Synthesia for movies.
  • AI Equipment for Content material Optimization –  You’ll additionally use AI gear to optimize or beef up present content material. For instance, there are AI gear for rewriting and proofreading textual content, comparable to Grammarly or Quillbot. Equipment like SurferSEO assist optimize your web site textual content for search engine optimization.
  • AI Voice and Audio Equipment – Those gear generate or edit audio content material, comparable to podcasts, audiobooks, and voiceovers. And strong AI music generators are game-changers for content material creators. Examples come with Descript for audio and video enhancing, Murf.AI for voice technology, and Mubert for AI track.
  • AI Social Media and Advertising and marketing Equipment – AI gear additionally assist in different spaces of industrial and advertising, together with social media, website generation, and sales.

It’s time to get to our checklist of height AI gear for content material introduction. We’ve classified our checklist into various kinds of AI gear that are compatible into other spaces of your business plan.

Highest AI Textual content Technology Equipment

1. Jasper

Jasper is an impressive AI platform that complements content material introduction for companies. It gives many gear to generate fine quality content material in quite a lot of codecs, comparable to weblog posts, social media replica, and advertising content material. It may possibly additionally create pictures the use of AI.

Jasper made it to the highest of this checklist as a result of it may possibly create on-brand content material. To permit on-brand content material, you would have to feed Jasper sufficient wisdom about your model taste, together with weblog posts, inner paperwork, or model pointers.

jasper knowledgebase

Jasper’s Campaigns software is helping groups create advertising campaigns from scratch the use of a unmarried transient. Consider producing on-brand content material property like weblog posts, touchdown web page replica, and press releases temporarily and successfully—Jasper permits you to just do that!

You’ll additionally invite crew contributors to collaborate on initiatives. It’s to be had in 80+ languages and as Chrome and Edge extensions, so you’ll use it anytime, anyplace. Wish to discover ways to use it to get the most productive effects? Learn our in-depth Jasper review.

What We Like About Jasper

  • 50+ AI Templates: Jasper has over 50 templates and a instructed library that will help you create other content material varieties, like weblog posts and social media updates.
  • Jasper Artwork: Jasper additionally generates fine quality pictures, so that you don’t need to put money into different gear.
  • Jasper Chat: Jasper features a pleasant chatbot assistant that is helping you brainstorm and refine content material in genuine time.
  • Surfer search engine optimization Integration: Jasper works with Surfer search engine optimization that will help you create optimized content material for serps.
  • Flexible Optimization: Jasper can also be custom designed for industries and explicit wishes, which makes it helpful for advertising, gross sales, buyer improve, and extra.

What May Be Progressed

  • Erroneous Output: Jasper every so often generates fallacious effects. So, at all times have a human to study AI content material.

Why We Picked It

Jasper gives a whole resolution for advertising groups. It is helping you intend and generate the whole thing from scratch for a whole advertising marketing campaign, together with weblog posts, white papers, social media replica, bulletins, and so on. That is nice because it is helping you strategize and create efficient content material.

Who Is Jasper Highest For

Jasper is easiest for companies that put money into advertising. With Jasper, they get a strategic spouse and a content material writer.

Neighborhood Scores


Jasper gives a loose trial with costs beginning at $39 per 30 days.

Get Jasper


copy ai is a go-to-market (GTM) AI designed to assist advertising groups create efficient content material successfully. is exclusive as it combines all facets of a GTM technique, comparable to social media advertising, gross sales enablement, outreach, prospecting, e mail, search engine optimization, and so on., in a single dashboard. It makes monitoring and automating duties smooth.

However how does simplify content material introduction? And what about advertising or gross sales technique? has pre-defined workflows or even permits you to create your personal. For instance, its Repurpose Weblog Content material workflow plays a number of duties while you paste a weblog publish URL, so you find yourself with many content material property for repurposing.

repurposing blog content with copy ai

Like Jasper, you’ll add your model wisdom base to permit to supply on-brand content material. And its Infobase is the place you’ll save merchandise, target market, and different corporate main points to reuse later. Be informed extra about and how to use it.

What We Like About

  • Versatile Integration: works with many AI fashions, comparable to GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, and extra, so it may possibly adapt and combine into other tech setups.
  • Idea Management Content material: is helping generate fine quality content material for blogs, social media, and so on., that will help you place your model executives as idea leaders.
  • Gross sales Automation: The AI Gross sales OS supplies gear for personalised prospecting, monitoring process adjustments, and competitor research to make gross sales processes extra environment friendly.
  • Chat: You’ll additionally use as a chatbot assistant to get fast solutions and create content material sooner.
  • Workflow Templates: gives a workflow library and AI instructed templates to automate duties and streamline content material introduction.

What May Be Progressed

  • Content material High quality: Generated replica would possibly require further enhancing, particularly when you’re the use of it for gross sales outreach, so that you would have to watch out concerning the knowledge’s credibility.

Why We Picked It gives custom designed answers for gross sales and advertising groups one by one. You’ll use one dashboard for gross sales control and advertising methods whilst protecting the whole thing well-organized in workflows.

Who Is Highest For is perfect for small groups or startups with tight budgets. They may be able to use for gross sales in addition to advertising.

Neighborhood Scores

Pricing gives a loose plan with top class plans beginning at $36 per 30 days.


Highest AI Equipment for search engine optimization

3. Surfer search engine optimization

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-267733 size-full” src=”” alt=”surfer ai seo” width=”1800″ height=”885″/>

Surfer seo is an AI-powered seo software that is helping you produce rankworthy content material to force natural visitors. Its tough AI creates conversion-optimized pillar content material technique, generates optimized content material, or even humanizes AI-generated content material.

Surfer search engine optimization no longer handiest generates key phrase tips, however it may write and optimize your content material all on its own with Surfer AI. It additionally avoids growing fluff content material through combing NLP and Surfer records to spot content material gaps and fill within the required knowledge to complement your content material.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-267734 size-full” src=”” alt=”surfer ai seo content optimization” width=”1800″ height=”834″/>

However what about optimizing human-written content material? Whenever you paste your content material into Surfer, use the Insert Phrases characteristic in order that Surfer AI mechanically identifies the appropriate puts to insert extra Surfer-recommended phrases. Isn’t it nice? You don’t need to insert them manually—simply overview the draft as soon as Surfer has optimized it.

What We Like About Surfer search engine optimization

  • Key phrase Analysis: Surfer’s key phrase analysis software is helping determine essentially the most related key phrases to focus on and plan a subject cluster solution to construct topical authority.
  • AI-Generated Content material Concepts: Use AI to generate content material concepts and descriptions through examining top-performing pages and figuring out content material gaps.
  • AI-Powered Tips: Surfer makes use of AI to offer data-driven optimization tips for making improvements to content material construction, key phrase utilization, and general search engine optimization efficiency.
  • Audit Device: Surfer critiques present content material and gives actionable insights to beef up its search engine optimization efficiency.
  • Content material Planner: Surfer is helping plan content material methods through figuring out content material gaps and alternatives to construct topical authority.

What May Be Progressed

  • Loss of Personalization: Surfer is a well-liked software, this means that many manufacturers use it to generate content material. If everybody makes use of the similar software, the output generated is similar, and SERPs grow to be oversaturated with identical content material. Surfer recently lacks the personalization options had to create distinctive content material.

Why We Picked It

Surfer gives a whole search engine optimization resolution for companies that want an reasonably priced resolution. It comprises all of the essential gear for growing, optimizing, and auditing content material for higher efficiency.

Who Is Surfer search engine optimization Highest For

Surfer search engine optimization is perfect for search engine optimization and content material groups to extend natural visibility. It gives complicated gear to observe search engine optimization efficiency.

Neighborhood Scores


Top rate plans get started at $89 per 30 days.

Get Surfer seo

4. Semrush


Semrush is an AI-powered on-line presence advertising platform. It gives complicated search engine optimization, content material introduction, optimization, key phrase analysis, inbound link constructing, social media, promoting, and PR-building gear to assist companies organize their on-line presence in a single dashboard.

Semrush is in this checklist on account of its tough integration with AI, which lets you create and optimize content material. First, Content material Shake AI generates content material after figuring out key phrases, brainstorming distinctive concepts (you’ll additionally upload your thought), and examining competitor content material.

content shake ai

Semrush’s personalised key phrase problem is helping you determine the hassle you wish to have to rank your web site. It’s no longer a generalized key phrase problem however explicit for your web site, generated after examining your web site’s topical authority, DA, and different components. Semrush additionally supplies social media and advert platform gear to create content material and percentage from one dashboard.

Learn our Semrush review to be told about all of the different options that make it an impressive software.

What We Like About Semrush

  • AI-Powered Rephraser: Semrush has an AI software that is helping rephrase and rewrite content material to beef up readability, engagement, and distinctiveness whilst keeping up the unique message.
  • Content material Define Builder: It is helping in growing detailed content material outlines through examining the construction of top-ranking articles in your goal key phrases.
  • Site & Content material Audit: To guage the efficiency of your present content material. It makes use of AI to indicate enhancements in keeping with engagement metrics and search engine optimization perfect practices.
  • Content material Template: To generate search engine optimization suggestions in keeping with the highest 10 competition in your goal key phrases. It suggests semantically comparable phrases, back links, clarity ranking, and textual content duration in your content material.
  • Matter Analysis: An AI-powered characteristic that generates content material concepts through examining the most well liked articles on a given subject.
  • search engine optimization Writing Assistant: Get real-time suggestions for content material optimization in keeping with top-performing articles. It is helping with clarity, key phrase utilization, tone of voice, and originality assessments.

What May Be Progressed

  • Pricey Pricing Plans: Semrush does no longer have a loose plan, and its pricing plans get started at $140/month, which might be expensive for small groups.

Why We Picked It

Semrush is easiest for managing the web presence of a complete model. Now, built-in with AI, Senrush is even higher at generating related and personalised content material explicit for your model.

Who Is Semrush Highest For

Semrush is acceptable for industry house owners and advertising groups looking to construct a web based presence. In a single platform, they get all of the essential gear.

Neighborhood Scores


Top rate plans get started at $140 per 30 days.

Get Semrush

Highest AI Video Advent Equipment

5. Synthesia


Synthesia is an AI video writer that generates fine quality, personalised movies temporarily and successfully in keeping with textual content activates, paperwork, and internet hyperlinks. Sure, all you wish to have to do is paste your script, and Synthesia will mechanically select an AI avatar and generate a video for you. You’ll additionally select your personal AI avatars and voices.

ai video generator synthesia

Enhancing movies the use of Synthesia works in keeping with triggers. Settling on explicit textual content from the script lets you upload components and results like fade-in, zoom, and so on. Its tough collaboration options permit your crew to paintings at the identical video in genuine time.

Make a choice from 160+ AI avatars or stand out much more through making a customized avatar personalised in your model. You’ll choose between 130+ languages with male and female voices and masses of premade video templates to hurry up the method.

It’s easiest for companies with tight budgets that can not rent content material creators or purchase expensive video manufacturing apparatus, as you’ll select AI avatars that talk like human beings.

Wish to be told extra? Learn our in-depth Synthesia AI review.

What We Like About Synthesia

  • One-Click on Translations: Synthesia helps translations into over 130 languages with only one click on, making it smooth to succeed in an international target market.
  • Sensible Updates: You don’t have to head via pricey and time-consuming reshoots. Synthesia makes it smooth to temporarily replace and create new variations in their movies.
  • Display screen Recorder: With computerized voiceover and display recording enhancing, you’ll simply seize display job and create enticing displays.
  • Templates and Media Library: Synthesia gives over 300 customizable templates and get entry to to thousands and thousands of royalty-free pictures, movies, icons, and soundtracks to beef up movies.
  • Interactive Video Participant: Create interactive video reviews with clickable hotspots, embedded paperwork, quizzes, and personalised call-to-actions.

What May Be Progressed

  • Deficient Output High quality: Every so often, Synthesia’s output seems to include an excessive amount of AI. You’ll to find the AI avatars lack facial expressions.

Why We Picked It

Synthesia is a must have software, particularly on this video-centric international. It simplifies growing video content material and considerably cuts manufacturing prices.

Who Is Synthesia Highest For

Synthesia is acceptable for small advertising groups and content material creators with tight budgets to put money into video manufacturing setup or content material introduction. Synthesia gives reasonably priced and easy-to-use answers for video advertising.

Neighborhood Scores


Synthesia gives a loose plan with top class plans beginning at $29 per 30 days.

Get Synthesia

6. Descript


Descript is an AI-powered video and audio editor. It permits you to edit movies as though they had been textual content paperwork. You’ll additionally reduce, paste, and delete your audio or video sections through merely enhancing the transcript.

Different distinctive options come with multi-track enhancing, display recording, and collaboration gear to simplify enhancing movies for a crew. Like Synthesia, you’ll additionally use AI to create your voice. Underlord, Descript’s AI assistant, improves audio through getting rid of background noise and embellishing voices to make recordings sound transparent {and professional}.

descript underlod helping edit videos

Don’t fear about what number of retakes you do—Underlord will take away the unhealthy ones and depart handiest the most productive. It may possibly convert one video into more than one brief clips, easiest for repurposing and sharing them throughout social media. To generate a brief clip, make a selection and spotlight sections of a transcript.

What We Like About Descript

  • Overdub Edits: Descript’s text-to-speech lets you create sensible voice-over typed textual content, which makes it smooth to right kind errors or upload new content material with out re-recording.
  • Transcription Edits: Computerized transcription of audio and video information with top accuracy so you’ll edit content material identical to a textual content record.
  • Multi-track Enhancing: Descript permits you to edit more than one audio and video tracks without delay.
  • Collaboration Equipment: It helps collaborative enhancing, together with real-time updates and shared mission get entry to.
  • Interactive Captions: Decsript creates captions mechanically that may be custom designed and styled to beef up accessibility and engagement.

What May Be Progressed

  • No Skill To Create AI Avatars: Descript permits you to add and edit movies, however you’ll’t use it to generate new movies as Synthesia does. So, to paintings with Descript, you wish to have to document and add your content material.

Why We Picked It

Descript is an ideal content material repurposing software that converts one video into more than one brief clips with other key issues. You’ll use those clips for social media and garner extra consideration with one content material thought.

Who Is Descript Highest For

Descript is for content material creators, video editors, podcasters, and companies that want movies and podcasts with easy-to-use enhancing options and transcription products and services.

Neighborhood Scores


Descript gives a loose plan with paid plans beginning at $15 per 30 days.

Get Descript

Highest AI Equipment Photographs

7. Canva

canva to generate images using ai

Canva is a beginner-friendly AI-powered graphic designing software that is helping you generate gorgeous designs the use of 1000’s of pre-designed templates, royalty-free pictures, components, and extra. Greater than 170 million other people use Canva on account of its ease of use and shocking designs.

Canva’s Magic Write comprises gear to supply efficient content material, comparable to shortening, rewriting, and including customized activates. You’ll additionally add your model pointers on Canva to supply on-brand content material.

canva magic write

However that’s no longer all! Canva is known for its suite of AI gear, comparable to Symbol Enhancer to beef up symbol high quality, Magic Morph to change into phrases into gorgeous shapes, Magic Animate so as to add animation for your designs, and Resize to resize designs and percentage them throughout other social media platforms.

Be informed how to use Canva’s image editor to design gorgeous graphics.

What We Like About Canva

  • Background Remover: You’ll simply take away background from pictures in one click on and apply it to other designs with out redesigning from scratch.
  • Automatic Format Changes: You don’t need to manually regulate layouts or alignment inside of a design. Canva mechanically provides the completing touches.
  • Textual content to Symbol: Generates pictures from textual content activates to let your creativity come to existence.
  • Design Automation: Canva generates more than one design diversifications, permitting you to make a choice the most suitable option or customise farther from a robust start line.
  • Complicated Symbol Improvements: Comprises gear like brightness, distinction, and different settings to beef up the entire symbol high quality.

What May Be Progressed

  • Erroneous AI Outputs: The quest operator doesn’t at all times give related effects. You’ll have to make a choice a design and tweak it for your liking.

Why We Picked It

Canva makes designing shocking pictures easy. You’ll use AI gear to simplify your paintings, and its tough enhancing gear make handbook designing smooth.

Who Is Canva Highest For

Canva is perfect for graphic designers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and creators who want easy-to-use device to design gorgeous graphics. You’ll upload your model pointers to create branded property.

Neighborhood Scores


Canva gives a loose plan with top class plans beginning at $11.99 per 30 days.

Get Canva

8. Magic Studio

magic studio

Magic Studio permits you to create gorgeous pictures, convert them into artwork, beef up symbol high quality, take away backgrounds, blur backgrounds, and a lot more the use of AI. You’ll additionally give AI text-based symbol directions to generate pictures.

Magic Studio’s perfect factor is its skill to take away issues from pictures—all you wish to have to do is spotlight the phase. For instance, if you wish to take away the plant from this cat symbol, spotlight the plant and click on “Erase.”

remove things using magic studio

Different options come with including components the use of AI activates, changing selfies into legitimate portfolios, and growing product-feature pictures. It’s a whole symbol resolution with easy gear for changing iPhone pictures to JPG or WEBG to PNG.

What We Like About Magic Studio

  • Magic Translate: You’ll translate your textual content into more than one languages, which is excellent when you goal an international target market.
  • Magic Transfer: You’ll change into components inside of their designs, comparable to colours, fonts, and layouts, with a unmarried click on.
  • Magic Media: It permits you to use AI to crop, edit, and beef up pictures and movies. It additionally integrates with DALL·E for producing media from textual content activates.
  • Magic Morph: This option can morph shapes and photographs into new paperwork. For instance, you’ll mix two photos or upload a brand new component to a picture, comparable to including a pink ribbon to a hat.
  • Magic Grasp: Have you ever ever noticed a picture and thought of replicating it in your model? You’ll do this the use of Magic Grasp.

What May Be Progressed

  • Sluggish Reaction Time: I skilled slower reaction time and technical system defects whilst growing a picture the use of Magic Studio. The loose model may be has restricted options.

Why We Picked It

Magic Studio’s skill so as to add or take away components from pictures is a wonderful characteristic that saves time. Consider the probabilities it unlocks, all whilst being a beginner-friendly platform.

Who Is Magic Studio Highest For

Magic Studio is a great choice for newcomers who want an reasonably priced, all-in-one software to design gorgeous pictures. Its easy gear, comparable to a picture document converter, make it appropriate for individuals who paintings with pictures incessantly.

Neighborhood Scores


You get 40 loose creations with top class plans beginning at $14.99 per 30 days.

Get Magic Studio

Highest AI Equipment for Audio and Voice

9. Murf.AI

murf ai

Murf.AI is an AI voice generator that converts textual content into sensible, fine quality voiceovers. It’s easiest for the whole thing from legitimate displays to social media content material.

A key characteristic of Murf.AI is its huge selection of human voices. With over 120 voices in numerous languages, accents, and tones, customers can to find the perfect voice for any mission. Whether or not you wish to have a happy voice for a industrial or a relaxed tone for an academic video, Murf AI has all of it.

murf ai human voices

Murf.AI additionally comprises enhancing gear to regulate pitch, velocity, and quantity. It integrates simply with standard video enhancing device, making including voices to more than one initiatives easy.

What We Like About Murf.AI

  • Voice Cloning: Wish to use a novel voice in your initiatives? Take a look at cloning your voice the use of Murf.AI to create personalised voiceovers.
  • Customization: You have got get entry to to beginner-friendly gear to regulate the pitch, tone, and velocity of the AI-generated voices to check other moods, characters, and kinds.
  • Multilingual Give a boost to: Convert voiceovers to other languages and cater to an international target market.
  • Emotion Detection: It may possibly additionally acknowledge speech to put across other feelings and upload intensity and expressiveness to AI-generated voices, which boosts listener engagement and emotional connection.
  • AI Voice Enhancing: Supplies gear for enhancing and fine-tuning AI-generated voices to create fine quality audio output for pro initiatives.

What May Be Progressed

  • Voice High quality and Naturalness: Whilst Murf.AI supplies a lot of voices, maximum of them sound AI-generated. Improving the naturalness of voices would make it extra fascinating.

Why We Picked It

Murf.AI permits voice cloning to create new voices. That is nice, particularly if you wish to use more than one voices in numerous initiatives or have a restricted funds.

Who Is Murf.AI Highest For

Murf AI is perfect for content material creators, entrepreneurs, educators, and companies who wish to create fine quality, customizable audio for movies, displays, e-learning, and commercials. It streamlines manufacturing with sensible, AI-generated voices.

Neighborhood Scores


Murf.AI has a loose plan with top class plans ranging from $29 per 30 days.

Get Murf.AI

10. Podcastle

podcastle ai voice

Podcastle is an all-in-one podcast platform that makes recording, enhancing, and publishing podcasts smooth for newcomers and execs. It simplifies the technical aspect of podcasting, letting creators focal point on content material through integrating with website hosting products and services to make publishing and distributing episodes smooth.

One among its standout options is the AI Voice Enhancer, which improves audio high quality. It reduces background noise, balances audio ranges, and makes voices transparent {and professional} mechanically, even in ‘less-than-ideal’ recording prerequisites.

editing podcast episodes using podcastle

You’ll additionally document fine quality audio immediately at the platform, solo, or through inviting far off visitors. Use enhancing gear to trim, splice, and upload results, and Podcastle’s transcription products and services to turn podcast notes and beef up accessibility. Additionally, take a look at different AI audio tools right here.

What We Like About Podcastle

  • AI-Generated Voices: Create complete podcasts the use of AI-generated voices or clone your voice to relate the script.
  • Magic Mud AI Sound Enhancement: Complements audio high quality through mechanically getting rid of background noise, optimizing dynamic vary, and making use of equalization and compression.
  • Auto-Leveling: Adjusts audio ranges to ensure the quantity is constant all the way through the podcast.
  • Computerized Silence Removing: Take away lengthy pauses and awkward silences out of your audio information with one click on.
  • Filler Phrase Detection: Routinely detects and eliminates filler phrases like “ahs,” “uhms,” and “you is aware of” to make your recordings extra polished.

What May Be Progressed

  • Multi-Monitor Enhancing: Podcastle has few choices for multi-track enhancing, which can also be overwhelming when you do a large number of audio paintings.

Why We Picked It

Podcastle mechanically identifies and eliminates filler phrases to make your recordings extra polished. This option is very good as a result of getting rid of them manually would take a lot effort and time.

Who Is Podcastle Highest For

Podcastle is perfect for podcasters, content material creators, far off groups, and educators. It gives user-friendly gear for recording, enhancing, and embellishing audio, making it easiest for growing fine quality audio content material.

Neighborhood Scores


Podcastle has a loose plan with top class plans beginning at $3 per 30 days.

Get Podcastle

Highest Social Media AI Equipment

11. Buffer

buffer ai assistant

Buffer is a well-liked social media advertising platform that is helping customers organize more than one social media accounts. It permits scheduling posts, examining efficiency, and tasty with audiences on platforms like Fb, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, and Pinterest.

Buffer AI’s A/B cut up checking out is helping you create and run checks for various publish diversifications to search out among the best ones. And when you ever run out of content material concepts, you’ll at all times use Buffer’s Generate Concepts to refill your content material calendar.

buffer generate ideas using ai

Different AI options come with predictive analytics, sentiment research, and trend-based content material tips. Buffer AI additionally gives complicated reporting gear for deeper insights into target market conduct and marketing campaign luck, making social media control simpler.

Keeping up a constant social media agenda can also be overwhelming, that’s when Buffer is helping you simplify content material repurposing through editing and automating scheduling copies for various social media platforms. Be informed extra about Buffer and its best use cases.

What We Like About Buffer

  • Automatic Scheduling: Buffer’s AI suggests optimum posting occasions in keeping with engagement records and manages queue changes to succeed in audiences after they’re maximum energetic.
  • Content material Tips: AI analyzes developments to indicate related content material and gives hashtag suggestions for higher visibility.
  • Target audience Focused on: Buffer mechanically segments audiences in keeping with engagement patterns and suggests personalised content material supply.
  • Engagement and Neighborhood Control: Makes use of AI-driven chatbots for commonplace queries, filters beside the point feedback, and responds to commonplace queries.
  • Marketing campaign Optimization: Analyzes advert efficiency for funds changes and tracks marketing campaign targets with real-time technique changes.

What May Be Progressed

  • Loose Plan Barriers: The loose plan does no longer come with analytics and different crucial gear, comparable to crew collaboration and a notification machine. Including those options would make it extra out there to loose shoppers.

Why We Picked It

Buffer’s skill to simplify content material repurposing makes it a perfect social media control platform. AI is helping you brainstorm new content material concepts, create sharing property, and convert them to percentage on other platforms.

Who Is Buffer Highest For

Buffer is perfect for social media groups, creators, or freelancers to control more than one social media accounts successfully, agenda posts, song efficiency, and have interaction with their target market from a unmarried, user-friendly platform.

Neighborhood Scores


Buffer gives a loose plan with top class plans ranging from $5 per 30 days.

Get Buffer

12. Hootsuite

hootsuite owlywriter

Hootsuite is some other broadly used social media control platform that permits customers to control more than one social media accounts from a unmarried dashboard. It gives gear for scheduling posts, tracking social media job, and examining efficiency throughout other networks.

OwlyWriter is Hootsuite’s AI that scans trending subjects and hashtags to create related and tasty captions that resonate along with your target market. Via the use of OwlyWriter, you keep forward of developments and ensure your content material stays well timed and tasty.

hootsuite caption generator

OwlyWriter additionally suggests optimum posting occasions to maximise engagement, determine standard hashtags to extend visibility, or even suggest content material concepts in keeping with your trade and target market personal tastes. It may possibly additionally analyze previous publish efficiency to refine its tips that will help you create simpler social media methods.

What We Like About Hootsuite

  • Auto-Scheduling: Hootsuite’s AI suggests optimum occasions for posting content material in keeping with historic engagement records to maximise succeed in and engagement.
  • Content material Curation: AI recommends related content material in keeping with person pursuits and engagement patterns for more straightforward discoverability.
  • Social Listening: Hootsuite analyzes conversations throughout social media to spot developments, observe model mentions, and achieve insights into target market sentiment and behaviour.
  • Sentiment Research: Is helping you already know the tone of social media mentions and feedback, categorizing them as certain, destructive, or impartial to gauge target market reactions.
  • Symbol Reputation: Hootsuite’s AI identifies and tags pictures to prepare and seek for visible content material. You’ll use it to stumble on model emblems and observe visible mentions.

What May Be Progressed

  • Restricted Options: Hootsuite is a beginner-friendly platform with boundaries, comparable to crucial options. For instance, you’ll’t agenda the primary touch upon Instagram or organize hyperlinks in bio. Those gear are essential for efficient social media control.

Why We Picked It

Hootsuite is a beginner-friendly software with an easy-to-use AI that generates compelling social media replica throughout the platform. It gives a whole social media control resolution.

Who Is Hootsuite Highest For

Hootsuite is perfect for companies, entrepreneurs, and social media managers who need a beginner-friendly, all-in-one platform to control social media profiles.

Neighborhood Scores


Hootsuite gives a 30-day loose trial with a certified plan beginning at $99 per 30 days.

Get Hootsuite

Highest AI Site Turbines

13. Divi AI

divi ai

Divi AI is an AI-powered wordpress theme designed to beef up web site introduction and control. With the Divi AI Site Builder, you’ll generate an whole web site in 2 mins with on model content material and design.

It gives many AI options, comparable to AI textual content, AI pictures, AI web page layouts, and AI code technology, that streamline the design procedure. Via integrating AI into its platform, Divi guarantees you temporarily and simply create professional-looking web sites.

Divi AI steadily learns out of your web site to suggest on-brand replica that resonates along with your target market. Whether or not you wish to have enticing weblog posts, compelling product descriptions, or persuasive advertising replica, Divi Textual content AI permit you to create standout content material.

divi text ai with many options for customization

Divi AI gives quite a lot of useful gear, comparable to AI-powered design tips, computerized structure tweaks, and good symbol optimization. Those paintings in combination to verify your web site appears to be like polished {and professional}. With Divi AI, constructing and keeping up a top-quality web site is more effective than ever. Right here’s everything you need to know to use Divi AI to its complete attainable.

What We Like About Divi AI

  • Divi Quick Sites permits customers to create absolutely purposeful web sites with pre-designed templates and layouts, unexpectedly lowering the effort and time required to release a brand new web site.
  • Site Textual content Technology: Divi Text AI writes textual content in your web site that matches your model and that you’ll use.
  • Top-High quality AI Photographs: Generate AI Images that are compatible the design and context of your web page.
  • Customized Suggestions: Provides personalised content material tips in keeping with your personal tastes and web site records to generate content material that aligns along with your taste and tone.
  • Seamless Integration: Simply built-in with different Divi gear and platforms to beef up customers’ general workflow and productiveness.
  • Template Tips: Provides template tips for various kinds of content material that will help you temporarily get began with initiatives.
  • search engine optimization Optimization: Comprises search engine optimization gear to optimize content material for serps, bettering the possibilities of upper ratings and higher visitors.

What May Be Progressed

  • Steeper Finding out Curve: Divi AI has many gear, so being used to them would possibly take a little time. However while you spend a while, you’ll don’t have any hassle the use of Divi AI.

Why We Picked It

Divi AI is the one software you wish to have as a newbie to design and organize an absolutely functioning web site. Its integrated split-testing lets you stay gathering person records and optimizing your web site for higher efficiency.

Who Is Divi AI Highest For

Divi AI is acceptable for small industry house owners, marketers, freelancers, e-commerce shops, bloggers, content material creators, and non-profits who shouldn’t have time to hand-craft their web sites. They may be able to use Divi AI to design gorgeous web sites with the assistance of AI.

Neighborhood Scores


Divi AI prices $16.08 per 30 days.

Get Divi

14. Wix AI

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-267736 size-full” src=”” alt=”wix ai website builder” width=”1800″ height=”885″/>

Wix AI is an AI web site builder that makes constructing web sites more straightforward and sooner. It is helping customers create and design their web sites with easy steps, even though they’ve no revel in in internet construction.

The Wix AI chatbot assistant guides you via putting in your web site. It asks questions on the kind of web site you need, suggests templates, and is helping you upload options like textual content, pictures, and make contact with paperwork.

wix ai chatbot generating websites by asking questions

But even so guiding customers, Wix AI too can optimize web site content material for serps, be sure that your web site is cellular responsive, and supply design tips. It may possibly even create emblems and organize on-line shops, making it a flexible software for somebody searching to ascertain a forged on-line presence. Learn this comparison between Divi and Wix AI to determine which one is extra appropriate for you.

What We Like About Wix AI

  • Customized Design Tips: Wix AI supplies personalised design tips in keeping with your personal tastes and trade to create a novel web site.
  • Automatic Content material Technology: Wix AI generates content material for various web site sections, together with textual content, pictures, and code.
  • Responsive Design: Web pages created with Wix AI are absolutely responsive—they give the impression of being nice on any tool, from desktops to smartphones.
  • search engine optimization Optimization: Wix AI comprises integrated search engine optimization gear to assist beef up the web site’s seek engine rating and force extra visitors to the web site.
  • Integration with Wix Apps: Wix AI integrates with quite a lot of Wix apps, bettering the web site’s capability with options like on-line shops, reserving programs, and so on.

What May Be Progressed

  • Restricted Customization: Wix AI is beginner-friendly however has restricted customization options. You’ll use Wix AI to generate a web site, however you’ll’t edit maximum components the use of AI. It’s important to do it manually.

Why We Picked It

Wix AI is a wonderful choice for newcomers who need a easy web site and are keen to simply accept an atypical web site. It’s improbable for constructing a web site with restricted options.

Who Is Wix AI Highest For

Wix AI is perfect for companies and people searching for a beginner-friendly software to create legitimate, customizable web sites temporarily and simply with out technical talents.

Neighborhood Scores


Wix gives a loose plan with top class plans ranging from $17 per 30 days.

Get Wix AI

Advantages of AI Content material Advent Equipment

Producing mass content material isn’t the one get advantages. If used neatly, AI gear permit you to in some ways:

1. Potency and Velocity

It’s been confirmed time and again that content material advertising groups publishing fine quality content material temporarily get well effects than those that produce much less. However generating fine quality content material takes time, so that you’re left with one selection: compromising on high quality or amount.

The use of AI gear appropriately, advertising groups can succeed in velocity whilst keeping up respectable high quality. AI gear assist automate ideation, introduction, optimization, and lots of extra duties so you’ll do the general human take a look at ahead of publishing a work.

2. Consistency and High quality

Whilst you put up extra, making sure the logo voice, tone, content material taste, and high quality are constant throughout all platforms turns into difficult. That’s when you’ll program AI gear to do the logo take a look at each and every time you create a brand new piece to construct consider along with your target market.

3. Value-Effectiveness

Outsourcing content material introduction is expensive. And when you’re rising more than one platforms without delay, prices temporarily upload up. That’s when you’ll use other AI gear to generate content material successfully.

4. Scalability

Content material advertising works handiest while you percentage fine quality content material constantly, which takes time. So, at a time, you’ll handiest focal point on rising at the platform.

However with AI gear, you’ll scale your efforts and develop more than one platforms without delay. For instance, Canva can resize Instagram posts into Twitter posts and repurpose the similar thought/thought on each platforms. Now believe changing one content material thought into 30 other shareable property in a single click on—that’s AI!

What Will have to Be Your Expectancies For AI gear?

Producing fine quality unique content material with AI isn’t in reality an opportunity, a minimum of no longer with a human contact. AI gear are skilled to paintings on huge language fashions (LLM), this means that they’re producing content material in keeping with present sources.

In consequence, AI will battle so as to add the human contact or originality wanted for such things as weblog posts, podcasts, and movies. For perfect effects, AI gear for content material introduction must be used to assist the introduction procedure, no longer change it.

That stated, AI gear can change lots of the time-consuming duties concerned to your workflow. For instance, AI can enormously accelerate the method of researching, growing outlines, producing concepts, and lots of different automatic duties.

Easy methods to Make a selection The Proper AI Content material Advent Equipment

Such a lot of AI content creation tools cater to other wishes, so how do you to find the appropriate ones for your corporation? Right here are some things to imagine whilst opting for the AI-powered content material gear:

1. Form of Content material

Establish the precise form of content material you wish to have to create, comparable to textual content, pictures, movies, or audio. Other gear focus on different content material varieties, as an example, Jasper for textual content, Canva for pictures, and Descript for movies, so select one who aligns along with your number one necessities.

2. Options and Capability

Maximum AI gear be offering loose trials or loose plans. So, ahead of making an investment in top class products and services, overview the options presented through every software. Search for functions comparable to templates, customization choices, and integrations with different device. Create a listing of belongings you’d like to your software to look if it meets your explicit content material introduction wishes.

3. Ease of Use

Understand that you’ll be the use of the software for a very long time, so imagine the person interface and general usability. A user-friendly platform with intuitive controls and excellent improve sources can beef up productiveness and cut back the training curve.

4. High quality of Output

AI wishes a large number of development, and steadily, you’ll to find that the output generated through those gear isn’t correct. So, other gear are examined, and the standard of the content material is classified. Test for samples, demo variations, or person critiques to verify the software meets your requirements for professionalism and creativity.

5. Value and Finances

Evaluate the pricing plans of various gear. Imagine the worth presented relative for your funds, together with any to be had loose trials or demo variations that will let you take a look at the software ahead of committing financially.

6. Integration with Current Equipment

Ensure that the AI content material introduction gear seamlessly combine along with your present device and workflow. Compatibility along with your CMS, social media platforms, or mission control gear is very important when you don’t wish to restructure your whole paintings procedure once more.

So, all over your analysis, it’s an important to check more than one gear and evaluate them in keeping with your wishes to search out the appropriate ones for your corporation.

Value Comparability: Highest AI Content material Advent Equipment

What are the Highest AI Equipment for Content material Advent?

AI gear beef up content material introduction through supporting duties comparable to ideation, technology, and optimization, however at all times needless to say they require human overview for high quality, fact-checking, and authenticity.

Jasper writes textual content nicely, whilst Canva is easiest for making pictures. Synthesia is used to create movies, and Murf AI is excellent at making audio. Surfer seo is the most productive software for making improvements to content material, and Divi AI is very good for constructing web sites. However all require a human contact that are supposed to by no means be not noted.

Searching for extra AI gear for content material introduction? Take a look at a few of our different articles that includes top AI tools.

Continuously Requested Questions

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What are the most productive AI gear for content material introduction?

The most productive AI gear for content material introduction come with Jasper for writing, Synthesia for video introduction, and Canva for graphic design. Each and every software gives distinctive options that beef up productiveness and creativity, making content material introduction extra environment friendly and tasty.

How can AI gear beef up my content material introduction procedure?

AI gear can streamline content material introduction through producing concepts, drafting content material, enhancing, and generating movies and graphics. This protects time and complements output high quality, permitting creators to concentrate on strategic facets of content material construction.

Are AI content material introduction gear pricey?

The price of AI content material introduction gear varies. Some be offering loose elementary variations, whilst others require subscriptions for complicated options. It is very important to make a choice a device that matches your funds and successfully meets your wishes.

Can AI gear change human content material creators?

AI gear help and beef up the content material introduction procedure quite than change human creators. They may be able to produce content material however will at all times require a human take a look at. AI gear are used perfect to care for repetitive duties, supply inspiration, and beef up potency in order that creators can focal point on strategic and artistic facets of content material construction.

The publish Best AI Tools for Content Creation in 2024 (Expert Picks) seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Product Name: Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method

Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Because Your Woman’s Happiness Lies In YOUR Authority, Leadership And Dominance

And No Matter If You Want To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You Or To Fix A Failing Relationship Or Marriage – Shogun Method Will Show You How

More than 17,000+ Shogun Method clients since 2015!

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This could well be the fastest Method for a man to wield the ultimate control and dominance in his love life, bar none…

… and yet very few even know of its existence.

Even the leading gurus and “Pickup Artists” have no idea.

I knew this only because I had stumbled upon this Method by accident.

Close to ten years ago, being completely wrecked emotionally from a horrible breakup (and sick of getting rejected repeatedly after trying to “get back into the dating scene”)… I went on a “do-or-die” mission to seek out the quickest, most effective way to control and dominate my relationships with women ever known to humankind.

My year-long quest led me to an ultra-secretive group known as the MKDELTA. This was where forbidden knowledge on Mind Control was being shared freely behind iron walls closed to the outside world.

Members of MKDELTA dissected insidious Mind Control techniques that put their victims into a cult-like trance and turning them into emotional serfs, in body and in mind. I was, however, interested only in one very specific thing…

The ability to make any woman fall in love with me.

During the three years I was in the group I completely immersed myself in Mind Control techniques, and I ended up formulating a step-by-step Method on how to use stealthy Mind Control techniques on women to generate raw, almost animalistic attraction to me.

This Method is built around this one very fundamental (and yet little-known) truth about women –

The Mind Has A Natural Flaw That Can Be Easily Exploited

Humans have a flaw embedded deep inside their minds which make them vulnerable to those who know how to exploit that flaw.

The existence of this flaw in the mind had been scientifically established by famous psychologists like Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud. However, given how controversial it is, you can understand why this important finding has been covered up over the years by the politically correct mass media…

… and yet once you know what this flaw is, it will change how you view love and attraction forever, and it is this:

A woman has absolutely NO CONTROL over who to fall in love with.

Think about it for a minute. What could this mean?

Pretty simple, actually. It means that women don’t get attracted to men just because they consciously DECIDE to feel it. In other words, it naturally happens.

Try asking your female friends what made them attracted to the last guys they were with, and they will tell you the same thing…

… that it just ‘happened’.

Of course, you already know that nothing ‘just happens’ without reason!

Now since a woman can’t control who to feel attracted to, we can subtly compel her to feel attraction… as long as we have the ability to push every single ‘Attraction Button’ that is hard-wired into her mind.

Interestingly, guys are also hard-wired with these Attraction Buttons.

For example, our attraction to a blonde, luscious Playboy model is automatic and instantaneous. Why? Simple really… it’s because she pushes every Attraction Button which is hard-wired into our male brains.

Let’s try a fun thought experiment, okay? First, look at this picture:-

Imagine this woman stepping into your room, smiling, sitting your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck.

Picture this in your mind for a couple of seconds. I’ll wait. How do you feel?

Next, imagine this woman shown in the picture below coming into your room and sitting on your lap…

Of course, if you are a healthy, red-blooded male, then you’ll be turned on more by that sexy lingerie model than that old woman.

Here’s the explanation…

For us guys, our Attraction Buttons are pushed when we see specific physical qualities in a woman like body and facial symmetry, breast size and shape, and waist to hip ratio for example.

For a woman, however, it’s completely different because she is driven only by her emotions.

This means that if you have the ability to evoke a certain ‘hot’ emotion inside a woman, then she will feel immediate attraction for you. And this happens without the need for her to consciously think about it.

Therefore, with the right approach, you can exploit this flaw inside a woman’s mind to your advantage…

In particular, with Mind Control tactics, you will have the power to hack into her mind, push her Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you. (And if she was someone who had fallen out of love with you, she will fall in love again.)

My name is Derek Rake, and I am the creator of Shogun Method.

Unlike other relationship, “get your ex back” or “Pickup Artist” programs, Shogun Method is the world’s first and only relationship strategy system built on military-grade Mind Control technology.

If you want the ability to make any woman emotionally addicted to you, then this is the only place where you will get it, period.

With Shogun Method, you will be using cutting-edge Mind Control techniques to directly access her mind, push those red-hot Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you as quickly as possible.

At the same time, you will covertly bypass her emotional defense mechanism, making it exceedingly difficult for her to reject you. You’ll always be on her mind no matter how hard she tries to forget you.

And here’s the best thing about Shogun Method – it works no matter if you want to meet new women or to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back.

Sounds good? And it gets better, I promise you.

Now before I tell you more about Shogun Method, I’d like to explain to you what it’s not.

Shogun Method is ideal for…

Now before we go any further, I need to come clean with you…

If you’re looking for yet another “Pickup Artist” fad or magical “Dating Guru” tricks then I’m telling you right now that you won’t find any of that junk here.

You know what I mean, and c’mon, let’s be honest.

“Dating Guru” and “Pickup Artist” stuff are not real solutions, and deep down in your gut you already know that they don’t work.

Unlike “Pickup Artist” ebooks, Shogun Method is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense. It’s the real deal, and it’s only for guys who are serious about wanting unlimited power and dominance over women.

What I have done is to make it as easy as humanly possible for any guy to have the love life that he wants. And so, while love and relationships are certainly no walk in the park as you have already known, Shogun Method makes it more of a snap.

I use Shogun Method to create long-lasting relationships. Shogun Method also strengthens your masculinity, and this goes beyond dating and love. I could only wish I have this knowledge years ago! I’m an advanced hypnotist and NLP practitioner, and so I can tell you this–Shogun Method is legit. Emotional enslavement may sound negative, but it’s all about loving, not harming, a woman.

Here’s a Shogun fact. When I sit at the bar alone and a woman approaches me (happens every time), within the first 10 minutes of good conversation I tell her, “** *** *** ****** sex *******”. I love to see the surprise, shock and confusion in their faces. I have done that 12 times and 10 times I had a happy ending. Just saying.

Click Here For More Testimonials

“Seduction” is a fool’s game. If you want a woman to stick with you forever, you must make her emotionally addicted to you. Want a happy, long-lasting relationship or marriage? Then EMOTIONAL ADDICTION is key.

Pickup Artist (“PUA”) tricks and mainstream “Dating Guru” advice are too generic or just plain useless. It’s time to get serious and learn what truly works – Mind Control tactics leading to emotional addiction.

Shogun Method builds healthy, long-term relationships that last a lifetime. Those looking for flimsy one-night stand “tricks” and short-term flings should go elsewhere.

Shogun Method is effective because unlike mainstream dating advice, it is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as robust, decades-old hypnosis principles.

Shogun Method is not limited by boundaries, cultures and languages. As long as she can understand you then Shogun Method will work on her. Women are wired the same way psychologically – no matter where she’s from or what language she speaks.

The beauty of Shogun Method is that you are entirely in control. Want fast results? Use Fractionation on her (which you can learn in minutes). At the same time, make her yours forever by applying the IRAE Model on her.

Shogun Method has worked for more than 17,000 men around the world, and it WILL work for you. We will arm you with real-life skills that will give you the power to navigate through the maze of love and relationships with ease and confidence.

You’ll be joining the brotherhood of Shogun Method practitioners sworn to protect the sanctity of this precious knowledge. Get all the help and support you need from your fellow Shoguns as you embark on this exciting journey!

…Make A Woman Fall In Love With You

“I want to be good with women and have my pick on who to date”

“I want to get a woman fall in love with me”

“I want to make a woman my girlfriend”

Shogun Method’s proprietary IRAE Model gives you the complete roadmap to take a woman you just met from intrigue to emotional addiction. You’ll learn advanced Mind Control techniques like Fractionation, Implanted Commands and ENTICE/REPEL cycles to generate intense sexual attraction that lasts as long as you want.

With Shogun Method in your back pocket, making a woman fall in love with you is like taking candy from a toddler. You’ll never struggle with women again, ever.

…Fix A Failing Relationship

“I want to get my ex-girlfriend or wife back and not leave me again, ever”

“I want to stop a breakup or divorce”

“I want to fix a broken relationship or marriage”

Shogun Method works tremendously well with girlfriends and wives because it relies on shared experiences that you have with a woman. Using Shogun Sequences, you’ll be hypnotizing her into remembering the good times that she has had with you, making her fearful of living a life without you.

With Shogun Method, rekindling a lost love is easy because it works on a woman’s innate need for nostalgia and romance. Make her willingly come back to you by making her realizing that you’re the better deal.

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You’ll get lifetime access to videos, audios and study guides (all in digital, downloadable format) as well as free program upgrades (through the Derek Rake Insider’s Labs) for the next THREE (3) years

This is the only complete guide on Fractionation you’ll find anywhere in the world, period

The grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion methods, Fractionation is what the pro’s use to make a woman fall in love in the shortest time possible. Shogun Method contains the most comprehensive guide to Fractionation ever developed – with chock full of examples of scripts that you can use immediately on the woman you want to attract today. Using Fractionation in love is said to be like bringing a nuclear bomb to a gunfight, and for good reason!

The Fractionation module comes with a downloadable Companion Guide on the ‘Rollercoaster’ storytelling technique. Combining Fractionation with the Rollercoaster technique is like injecting a good dose of steroids into your game – there’s nothing else quite like it!

Module 2 contains the three Preconditions which you must agree to for the Shogun Method to work its magic

Shogun Method only work for you if you obey the Three Preconditions described in this module. Find out what the Preconditions are, and why they are absolutely crucial to your success. If you have not been getting the results that you wanted with women, the chances are that you’ve been (unknowingly) violating one (or all!) of these Preconditions.

Caution: The content inside this module may be offensive to some because it exposes the truth about human flaws that some may not want to accept. Keeping an open mind is absolutely necessary as you digest this material.

In Module 3, you will learn the flaws of the mind which makes one vulnerable to Mind Control

Shogun Method™ can be seen as “manipulative” because it exploits the psychological flaws which are naturally found inside the human mind. The truth is that everyone’s a “manipulator” to some degree, and using these techniques is not wrong – as long as your intentions are good.

In this module, you’ll learn what the flaws in the female mind are, and how to “manipulate” them to your benefit.

The IRAE Model is the blueprint to the female mind: know it and you’ll understand how and what she thinks

Welcome to the heart of the Shogun Method action! The IRAE Model is the “gut” of the Shogun Method – it is the definitive, 4-stage roadmap you can use to seduce any woman from start to finish: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional addiction (“IRAE”).

The IRAE Model greatly simplifies the process because with it, you’ll only need to do just one thing at one time. It will give you a clear head on what to exactly do and say without feeling overwhelmed.

By mastering the art of generating Intrigue, you will be able to control any woman’s attention span, and captivate her

Generating Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE Model. If you’re choosing to obtain just one attraction superpower inside Shogun Method – then it should be the ability to capture a woman’s attention with Intrigue. This module will show you how to do exactly that.

Trying to build attraction without first establishing rapport is a classic newbie mistake. This module gives you all the essentials in creating rock-hard rapport with a woman you’ve just met, or have known for ages

Trying to attract a woman without first building rapport is a classic newbie mistake. In the “Rapport” stage of the IRAE Model, you’ll get industrial strength Mind Control rapport building tactics that will make a woman eat out of your hands absolutely in no time at all.

Inside the Shogun Method, you’ll only need two (yes, two) to get a woman attracted to you. Inside this Module, you’ll get armed to the teeth with these two techniques

Once you’ve laid the foundations of Intrigue and Rapport, it’s time to kick into high gear and start to Attract her. Inside Shogun Method, you’ll need two (yes, only two) techniques to make a woman attracted to you. Learn what these two techniques are, and how you can use them in a simple, step-by-step roadmap inside the Attraction Development Model (ADM).

T he first three stages of the IRAE Model (Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction) are about making a woman fall in love. The fourth stage, Emotional Addiction, is about making a woman stay in love. If you want to dominate and control your relationship with her, then these one-of-a-kind covert techniques are what you need. As these tactics may sometimes make the target behave irrationally, we must ask you ONLY TO USE IF NECESSARY. We shall not be held responsible if anything goes wrong (i.e. if she turns into a stalker). Thank you for understanding.

The Black Rose Sequence is the single most powerful hypnotic pattern ever developed, and is the heart of the Shogun Method’s Emotional Addiction module. This is the only place in the world where the real Black Rose Sequence can be found. If you’ve seen an alleged copy of it elsewhere, you’ve seen a fake. Don’t get duped!

CAUTION: If you are the kind who is easily offended by straight talk about human manipulation then you may not want to learn the tactics inside this module.

The Emotional Addiction techniques I teach here come from the real world, and they powerful and effective. If you don’t think you can handle the straight talk about the darker side of psychology, then don’t look.

Here’s a short, 5-minute tour (produced by Frederick, a veteran Shogun) of what’s inside the platform. Here’s where you’ll get to access your products, get VIP coaching, receive program updates, and more!

In addition to everything I’ve described so far, you will also get a lifetime membership to our very own MKDELTA mastermind group.

In this private community, we share and discuss possibly the four most explosive Mind Control techniques ever discovered, namely:-

With your purchase of Shogun Method today, you’ll also get access to our private lab, the Derek Rake Insider. This is where we regularly release new techniques, tools and strategies to our clients.

And because this area is protected from the public and away from prying eyes, we can feel safe enough to share the most controversial mind control tricks that work like gangbusters.

I don’t usually want to talk about these strategies in public because as you know, I don’t like to court controversy, and yet everything is freely disclosed in the Derek Rake Insider Labs, no holds barred.

Here are some hints of what’s inside this private area:

This means that you will get fresh-off-the-oven techniques piped into your private client’s area regularly, forever.

Obey these five Rake Rules and make her surrender to your authority immediately.

The Rake Rules premium product comes free with every purchase of Shogun Method (until further notice). Buy Shogun Method today to secure your copy of this valuable program!

Get one key insight from the Shogun Method knowledge base emailed to you every morning for the next 100 days. Here’s what’s inside the Daily Shogun program:

Here’s the #1 reason why Shogun Method works so well compared to conventional dating guru or “Pickup Artist” techniques:

Shogun Method is backed by science.

This report presents to you the scientific proof behind Shogun Method – and how it’s backed by years of theoretical and empirical research in the science of human psychology, advanced persuasion and social exchange theory.

Not sold anywhere else, the Scientific Proof premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus.

Married? Then this premium report is exactly what you need to iron-clad your marriage and enjoy mutual respect and devotion between you and your wife.

Married Game 101 is not for sale at any price, but is free when you buy Shogun Method today. Not to be missed!

The single biggest reason why most relationships fail: the lack of emotional investment.

In “Emotional Investment 101”, you’ll learn:

Not sold anywhere else, the “Emotional Investment 101” premium report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus. You’ll also be entitled to receive full, unlimited updates for one year.

Here’s a little-known fact about Shogun Method: it can be used beyond improving your skills with women. With some tweaks, you can use Shogun Method on yourself – and use Mind Control to “hack” your inner game.

In “Self Mind Control 101”, you’ll discover:

You’ll already know how to “hack” into a woman’s mind with Shogun Method. Learn how to “hack” into your own mind with “Self Mind Control 101”. This program is not for sale, but it comes free as a bonus when you buy the Shogun Method package today.

Warning. This report contains mature themes and profanity that may be upsetting to some people. Those who are easily disturbed by the use of profane language and/or the description of human nature should stay away.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

We are limiting the public access to this program because of its controversial (and inflammatory!) nature. The only way to download this report is by purchasing the Shogun Method package today while it’s still online.

Different from “Pickup Artist” products, Shogun Method is not only for meeting new women. In fact, it can be devastatingly effective in rekindling fading love and recovering relationships from breakups. This premium report shows you how to use Mind Control to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back in your arms.

“How To Use Mind Control On Your Ex” is not for sale. It is, however, available for free when you buy Shogun Method today.

The truth is that your girlfriend or wife will almost never say anything that you should take at face value. In fact, she won’t mean what she says most of the time!

It takes a specialized set of skills to listen and interpret what your woman says to you. Learning how to understand what a woman REALLY means is extremely TRICKY to most men.

CovertTalk will give you the skills to “decode” what a woman REALLY means when she says something.

In this premium program, you’ll learn:

CovertTalk is not available for sale to the public. However, access is free for all Shogun Method clients for a lifetime.

The key to understanding a woman is to know what she really wants: so that you can tap into her desires and make her believe that only YOU can give her what she wants.

The Female Psychology 101 program digs deep into the psyche of a woman and unearths surprising truths about what she really wants in a man. Combine these incredible insights together with your Shogun Method tactics and you’ll have in your hands the tremendous ability to make any woman want to be with you.

In this premium program, you’ll discover:

Female Psychology 101 is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

The “Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” program details a new Shogun Method technique called the “Shogun Roast” – which is an “intense” version of (usually light-hearted) Intrigue Pings.

With Shogun Roasts, you will challenge her, make her laugh and make her qualify herself to you. Think of the technique as a “combo attack” which intrigues her, builds rapport with her and makes her attracted in a single routine.

“Q.A.T: Quick Attraction Trigger” is free with the purchase of Shogun Method. And because this program is designed to work with Shogun Method, it is not available as a separate product.

Not getting the results you want with women? Chances are that you’re committing these Three Deadly Sins. Know what they are so that you can avoid them – and see your success with women skyrocket to greater heights!

According to billionaire Charlie Munger, “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.” Most guys fail with women simply because they shoot themselves in the foot without knowing it.

The Three Deadly Sins program will let you bulletproof your seduction game – by avoiding the three biggest pitfalls that destroy attraction.

Inside Three Deadly Sins, you’ll discover…

The Thought Implanter is a Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence. Use it to take a woman’s boyfriend out of the picture… so that she can be where she belongs – with you.

The Thought Implanter Sequence makes a woman leave her boyfriend for you by planting the thought inside her subconscious mind. It’s remarkably simple, too – all you need to do is to ask these five Leading Questions… and you’re done.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

IMPORTANT. Never use the Thought Implanter on a woman who is happy with her man. Like any other tool, you can use it for good, or for evil. Never ruin healthy relationships for your own gratification – that’s not the Shogun’s way.

However, if she’s stuck in a bad relationship she couldn’t quit, or if she’ll be better off with you, then you must help her. Use the Thought Implanter and the job’s done!

With Shogun Method, you’ll get almost any woman you want. Imagine finally having the power to choose who gets to be with you. Why waste it on the unworthy, the mediocre, or the crazy?

Arm yourself with this checklist of 27 Red Flags–so you can pre-qualify any woman before you get serious with her.

Inside this premium program, you’ll learn…

Use this program to screen a woman before you use Shogun Method on her.

The Thought Leaker is a simple, four-step conversational game that leaks a woman’s thoughts, letting you roam freely inside her mind.

Get her to play this (seemingly!) harmless game and her thoughts will become transparent to you. All you need is to follow these four steps and you’ll know what lurks inside her mind. What does she really think of you? Is she ready for you to escalate? Is she hiding anything from you? Get all these questions answered… and more.

In addition to the Thought Leaker game, you’ll also learn…

Get the definitive answers to all your burning questions from Shogun Method Master Coach Derek Rake

Your Very Own Client Happiness Manager, Available On Call, 7 Days A Week

Hello! My name is Kathy, and I am the Head of Client Support for Derek Rake.

When you are enrolled as a Derek Rake client, you will be assigned your personal Client Happiness Manager who will be on standby in case you need help with your Shogun Method purchase.

It’s my goal to ensure that you get the best experience out of Shogun Method! My team and I are always reachable via email or through the client portal (which you will have access to once you buy Shogun Method).

Unlimited Access To Derek Rake’s Premium VIP Coaching Platform, the DerekRakeHQ

Shogun Method modules are accessed through our proprietary online training system, DerekRakeHQ. At the end of each module, you will get the opportunity to post questions that will be answered by Derek Rake himself as well as other designated coaches and students.

With more than 17,000+ clients already successfully completed Shogun Method, you will have an entire army of peers and advisers rooting for your success, helping you every step of the way.

Already more than 17,000 men like you have enjoyed better success with women using the techniques and strategies inside Shogun Method

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Q: How Much Is Shogun Method?

Q: Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

Our money back guarantee is valid for 60 days from the time of purchase. If you are unhappy with Shogun Method, simply contact us within 60 days and we will refund you in full.

Q: I’m A Single Guy Looking For Love. Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Shogun Method is chock-full of techniques on how to create powerful, long-lasting impression with women. You’ll learn how to do this with our patented Intrigue Ping methodology.

Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation and you’ll find just how easy it is to make a woman attracted to you – even if she has rejected (or friend-zoned) you before.

The problem with “Pickup Artist” tricks is that the attraction will wane after the initial thrill of the pickup. Shogun Method will sustain her interest in you beyond the pickup – by making her emotionally addicted to you.

Q: I’m Already In A Relationship (Or Marriage). Is Shogun Method Suitable For Me?

Yes. In fact, a large number of Shogun Method clients use the system to work on their existing relationships and marriages.

Shogun Method is tremendously effective in rekindling lost love and reigniting the feelings of passion in long-term relationships and marriages. Many of our clients have successfully used our system to fix and “bulletproof” broken relationships.

The key to long-lasting relationships is EMOTIONAL ADDICTION. Remember: Shogun Method is the only system which shows you how to make a woman emotionally attached to you – so that she sticks with you through thick and thin.

Q: Does Shogun Method Work On Every Woman?

Yes, because every woman is by nature wired the same way psychologically. (And of course, this is true also for men!)

Despite this, however, it’s important to set your expectations right. Shogun Method is NOT a magic bullet system. It won’t give you “seduction superpowers” overnight if that’s what you’re looking for.

The truth is that most guys are lazy, unmotivated and expect to be successful without having to lift a finger. Shogun Method is not for these people.

n the other hand, if you’re willing to diligently go through all eight modules and importantly, PRACTICE what you have learned, then Shogun Method will solve all your relationship and marriage problems once and for all. That’s my promise to you.

Q: Is Derek Rake Really Going To Answer All My Questions Personally?

Yes. Personal coaching (valid for one full year from the date of purchase) is included as part of the Shogun Method package.

Our clients have repeatedly told us that the personal coaching feature is the most helpful component of our program. Shogun Method is not your off-the-mill “Pickup Artist” ebook – it’s important to us that you succeed.

Because of time constraints and a hectic traveling schedule, Derek is unable to entertain questions via phone calls and emails. Questions must be posted at to get an answer. You may use a pseudonym if you wish.

Q: Does The Shogun Method Work On A Woman I Already Know? Or Does It Only Work On New Women?

You can use the Shogun Method on to approach women, or to attract a woman you already know. It works effectively well in both situations.

A large portion of our customer base use the Shogun Method on women who are already in their lives (i.e. women they are already seeing, or girlfriends or wives who are threatening to leave them). To them, the Rapport, Attract and Emotional Attachment modules are most useful.

Alternatively, if meeting new women is your goal, then you should focus more on the Intrigue modules as well as the Fractionation technique. Combine Intrigue Pings with Fractionation for jaw-dropping results – I’ll show you how in detail inside the program.

Q: Do I Need To Know Mind Control Or Hypnosis For This To Work?

You don’t have to have any prior knowledge of Mind Control or hypnosis to understand how the Shogun Method works.

In fact, not having a background in Mind Control, hypnosis and “seduction” may even work to your advantage since there will be no bad habits and techniques to unlearn.

Q: Will Shogun Method Work On My Device?

Shogun Method works on virtually all modern devices:-

If you have a device which is not listed above, contact us.

Q: What Happens After I Make The Payment?

After clicking on the “Add To Cart” button, you will be transferred to our secure checkout page. Here, enter your personal and credit card (or Paypal) details, and when your payment is successfully processed, you will receive your login instructions over email immediately.

The entire course is delivered online through our proprietary DerekRakeHQ platform, and nothing is ever sent to you via mail.

If you have not received your login details upon successful checkout, contact us. We reply within a few hours the most (often immediately).

Q: What Appears On My Credit Card Bill?

There is no mention of Shogun Method or Derek Rake or anything related to the company or product.

Clickbank currently handles all our credit card and Paypal payments. In your credit card bill, you will see a charge from CLKBANK*.

Q: What If I Have More Questions To Ask You?

Then get in touch with us! We’d love to hear from you. 🙂

For questions on the product, contact us by clicking here. For order support, please contact ClickBank here.

Payment is one-time, and access is forever. Your investment is protected by our 60-day money back guarantee.

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Click here to get Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Shogun Method by Derek Rake. Emotional Addiction, Not Seduction. + 17 Bonuses — Shogun Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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