When did you 1st recognize your spouse (or your partner in an unmarried relationship) was a narcissist? When did you begin to realize any lack of empathy, without compassion, or a huge ego, that liked to promote, to focus, on self, with a tendency to ignore others, apart from self recognition? Whether you’ve already been through that experience or are currently going through this experience, with any doubts or anxiety, about what’s next? How can you survive, get through this, or even live from day to day?
What if there’s any depression, or need for a healing touch, desire to hear a voice from an expert, who’s already been through this, or a similar experience? If that’s you, or sounds familiar, then One Mom’s Battle is here for you. http://onemomsbattle.com/
See http://onemomsbattle.com/ to help you today, as you take your next steps for your healing, of relief. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes, Relax. Yes, take a deep breath. Give yourself a hug (daily). We are here for you. http://onemomsbattle.com/
“One Mom’s Battle is the battle of many (whether married, or not). This is an isolating experience, but it doesn’t have to be.
I have pulled together the resources I yearned for during my own family court journey (when she felt like she was the only 1 going through this type experience) – you will find them ALL here on our website. http://onemomsbattle.com/
Whether you need to create a documentation system to protect your children or, you are in need of a divorce coach (trained by me personally), you will find everything you need.” http://onemomsbattle.com/
In addition to recovery or relief needed, as well as assistance for you, your children, or custody, what can you get from this, One Mom’s Battle? http://onemomsbattle.com/
“One Mom’s Battle is the intersection of narcissistic abuse and child custody issues.
The mission at One Mom’s Battle is to raise awareness and educate family court professionals on post separation abuse as it relates to co-parenting and the family court system (divorce, paternity and child custody battles). http://onemomsbattle.com/
Education on high-conflict individuals and post separation abuse will allow family court professionals (Judges, Commissioners, Magistrates, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys) to recognize the abusive dynamics that play out in the family court system so they can make decisions that are in the best interest of children.” If any of this sounds familiar (and you’ve read THIS far), then this is for you. Get yours today, to help you, and your children.