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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News

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My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Finding out I had chronic kidney disease – CKD – was only the start of it.

Realizing that CKD is really difficult to treat… and that it inevitably gets worse was shocking.

I faced ending up on a dialysis machine. Hoping and praying for a suitable kidney donor.

And losing years off the end of my life because with CKD… there’s no way out.

As my doctor showed me, all this has now changed. CKD is not the life sentence it once was.

And as I found out myself, he was absolutely right. Today chronic kidney disease for me is a distant memory..!

Take a look at this and I’ll explain.

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

I used to believe that once you had chronic kidney disease then that was it… you were pretty much stuck for life.

I thought there was not much you could do – except tweak it as best you can and hope to goodness that it didn’t get worse.

Maybe you’ve heard the same.

I really believed it too.

But I don’t any more. 

Because of something my doctor showed me I now know there’s an awful lot you can do to manage CKD – and what you can do turned out to be literally life-changing.

CKD isn’t a life-sentence

I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease – CKD – just over 2 years ago.

My doctor explained that there is a number of reasons why we get CKD. But it was always caused by something else that was already going wrong in the body.

Diabetes, heart disease, various cardiovascular diseases, being very overweight and so on. They can all cause CKD.

High blood pressure was the cause of my CKD.

Your CKD may have a different cause. But the result is the same.

My doctor told me that chronic kidney disease can’t be tackled directly. Instead, doctors address the diseases that cause it in the first place.

Which, for me, meant tackling my blood pressure problem.

It might be a different fight for you depending on what’s causing your own CKD.

But whatever the cause, the strategy is the same: alleviate the problems of the CKD itself while addressing the underlying disease that is causing the CKD in the first place.

Unfortunately, using standard methods CKD can – and often does – get progressively worse. As it gets worse it becomes a significantly more threatening disease.

There was no way I could just accept that. No way.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to accept it. I did something else instead.

Which has meant that these days I can’t remember what CKD even feels like anymore.

But before I jump ahead of myself, let me make this important point.

My doctor taught me something very worrying about CKD.

The disease has 5 stages. Stage 1 is the mildest.

Stage 5 is as serious as it gets.

Stage 5 can shorten a person’s life by many, many years.

You do not want to reach stage 5. 

My CKD was at stage 3 when it was discovered. Most of us only discover our CKD when it’s already well underway.

The danger here is that CKD gets progressively worse. Doctors find it very difficult to halt CKD’s progress into stages 4 and then 5.

At stage 5 you are plugged into a dialysis machine. You hope and pray for a suitable kidney donor so that you can squeeze some more years out of life… before finally succumbing. 

Dialysis machines and kidney transplants were not for me. 

I didn’t care that other people coped with being strapped to a dialysis machine for hours on end four or five times a week.

That’s them. It’s not me.

And I didn’t care that, for people lucky enough to find kidney donors, better transplant techniques meant that they weren’t dying so quickly afterwards. 

As far as I was concerned… once you reach the kidney dialysis machines and transplant stage your days are numbered.

I had – and still have – many years of life ahead of me.

And I wanted those years to be healthy, happy, enjoyable.

Not ill, diseased… watching my clock run down.

I felt very low, to be honest.

My doctor gave me the standard spiel: we can handle the symptoms, we can try to address underlying causes… with the right meds you could lead a fairly normal life. And so on.

I told him this wasn’t good enough. I didn’t want my life cut short with a disease that – at least officially – had no way of being reversed.

I didn’t want to watch myself deteriorate week by week. I didn’t want to be plugged into a dialysis machine. I didn’t want a transplant.

And I didn’t want to die early.

I was very upset. I didn’t know what to do next.

But I didn’t want to just do nothing.

I’ve known my doctor since college. He’s a trusted friend. He told me to come back at the end of the day and we could go for a coffee and a chat.

He had something important to tell me.

Well, what my doctor told me that afternoon was jaw-dropping.

He described how he’d witnessed five of his own patients treat their chronic kidney disease to the point that they now experienced none of its symptoms.

Here’s the thing: they had first treated the underlying cause – the condition that gave rise to their CKD in the first place. That had led to the melting away of both that condition’s symptoms and their CKD symptoms.

Which was staggering. We’re talking about diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity here…

He wouldn’t claim they no longer had the disease – professionally he’s not allowed to say that yet. Tests are still taking place, official verification is required – that takes years to complete.

But when one of his own patients attempted an alternative health approach to his chronic kidney disease…. and by all measures, succeeded… my doctor couldn’t ignore that.

The effects weren’t temporary – they lasted.

My doctor explained that conventional medicine was still testing these new remedies. But ordinary people had jumped straight in and had been applying them for some years.

No drugs, no hospitals… and the results were fantastic.

I was excited and nervous when I heard this. But everything we discussed that day I went on to prove to myself.

But before I jump ahead of myself let me tell you what else my doctor told me.

We’ve always known that CKD is caused by other conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, too much excess weight and so on.

So it makes sense to tackle those conditions if we’re to address CKD.

Doctors tackle those conditions either by significantly reducing their effect on our bodies… or by successfully reversing them completely.

This much has been well understood for a long time.

We also know another vital element of the story: that the conditions I listed above – diabetes, high blood pressure and so on – are often the result of low-level, ongoing inflammation in the body.

Those conditions are either made worse by this ongoing inflammation – or, more often, are directly caused by it. 

Finally, we’re well aware that the inflammation itself is mostly caused by a faulty immune system.

In other words, our immune system is being triggered way too often.

Which leads to ongoing inflammation… which in turn overwhelms our bodies and creates damage throughout.

So… a faulty immune system… leads to widespread inflammation… which leads to one or more of the diseases mentioned. Which leads to CKD.

This is the pathway to disease.

But what causes the faulty, malfunctioning immune system in the first place?

What’s that initial trigger that sets off the whole thing?

That has always been a mystery. Yet if doctors could find out how to stop the immune system from malfunctioning then the inflammation, the disease and the CKD… all goes away.

In the last few years scientists finally found out.

The immune system malfunction that causes your chronic kidney disease comes from problems in the gut.

We now realize that, incredibly, most of the western world’s major killer diseases begin in our guts.

This one insight has changed forever how scientists now tackle disease.

And this isn’t theory, by the way. It’s not guesswork.

It’s heavily researched, scientific knowledge.

When we’re talking about your gut we’re not talking about bloating or stomach ache or anything like that.

We’re talking about the fascinating environment within your intestinal tract.

That environment – also called the microbiome – contains trillions of fantastically useful bacteria.

We’re used to thinking of bacteria as being harmful. But over 90% of the bacteria in a healthy gut perform functions that keep you alive. 

They do things for you that your body itself simply cannot do.

When healthy gut bacteria dominate our guts – and unhealthy gut bacteria are kept to a minimum – we are at our healthiest and happiest.

When this balance is disturbed we get ill. If it’s disturbed for long enough, we get very ill.

Here are just a few functions gut bacteria carry out for us:

Good bacteria literally keeps us alive. So we need it to be in the best shape possible.

If the number of good bacteria are reducing then bad bacteria gain an upper-hand in your gut.

Given enough time the damage they cause to your body can be bad, then severe – then fatal.

Conditions that are directly linked to poor gut health include:

Recognize anything on this list?

If you have even one of these then your gut health either has a major hand in it or – in most cases – your gut health is the actual cause of it.

Remember the pathway to disease we mentioned a moment ago? We understand that pathway now:

Poor gut health leads to immune system malfunction… which leads to low-level inflammation… which leads to one or more of the above diseases. Which then leads to CKD.

By the way, if you’re a Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) sufferer who has been told that your diabetes is for life because its cause is unknown… that story is currently being rewritten.

Consider this from a 2018 white paper:

Recent evidence shows that altered gut bacterial composition is highly associated with T1D and, thus, targeting gut microbiota may serve as a therapeutic potential for T1D patients.

‘Pathogenesis’ simply means ‘the development of the disease’. The scientists here are suggesting that the therapy for Type 1 Diabetes is to target the state of the sufferer’s gut health.

Or this from a 2019 white paper:

Among the included studies, 24 articles confirmed the association between gut microbiota dysbiosis and T1D.

‘Gut microbiota dysbiosis’ refers to imbalances in the environment of the gut. Here, the researchers have confirmed that the state of the gut is associated with Type 1 Diabetes.

Dozens of heavyweight scientific research papers are reaching the same incredible conclusion.

Researchers aren’t allowed yet to claim that repairing gut health successfully eliminates T1D – even though the evidence points convincingly in that direction.

But gut health is heavily implicated in T1D – in the same way that gut health is now known to often be the only cause of all the other conditions I just mentioned.

It’s this insight that is now leading us into startling – yet very simple – remedies for western society’s most deadly diseases.

Get those gut bacteria healthy and everything that was going wrong – including CKD – starts going right again.

But what causes our guts to become unhealthy?

There’s no doubt at all about the causes: it’s our lifestyle choices.

‘Lifestyle’ simply refers to the usual suspects: stress, sleep, fitness and diet.

Which, at first sight, all seems pretty bland and dull. We’ve heard all this before.

But now it’s very different. Because now scientists understand the direct link between what we do… and how we get disease.

Poor lifestyle habits slowly ruin our gut health. They decimate good bacteria – allowing bad bacteria to thrive and expand their deadly effects.

Our gut environment becomes less helpful to us… and steadily more deadly.

Which makes it inevitable that, in time, we will end up either very ill or fatally ill.

The damage that bad habits do to our gut bacteria is almost the entire reason we are tired, ill, overweight, suffer low moods and struggle as we get older.

We say it’s ‘age’ that causes disease. That’s absolute nonsense.

It’s the slow and steady neglect of our gut health that causes disease. We do it to ourselves. We don’t mean to. But it’s what we do.

Poor lifestyle habits are the primary reason (for millions of us, they’re the only reason) we contract western society’s worst diseases – heart, blood, liver, kidney…

Your basic lifestyle habits directly and dramatically determine whether you’ll be ill at all.

And if you will be ill those habits determine which illnesses you’ll get – and how they will play out over the long-term.

Take heart though. This knowledge is, literally, life-saving.

We’ve now discovered at the deepest level why we get ill.

Which means we can get well again.

Simple, specific changes to some daily habits are now ridding people of a whole array of horrible conditions.

There is a right way of doing this, of course. It’s not simply a matter of ‘eating healthily’ (whatever that means) or ‘getting more exercise’ (which not all CKD sufferers are able to do).

When someone is so ill that their kidneys are starting to fail then correcting specific lifestyle habits can change their life.

Done properly, it can save their life.

Beware though that the standard advice we see in magazines or on popular websites isn’t right for CKD sufferers.

We have a specific condition and that requires new and very specific action. It’s easier than most people believe – but it has to be right.

Correcting these lifestyle factors properly can be literally transforming – more powerful than medications and even more life-improving than surgery.

But diet – what we eat and what we drink – is the kingpin of disease.

It’s the supreme dictator of how we’re going to suffer as we grow older – or even if we’re going to suffer at all.

You can eat your way back to healthy gut bacteria – and, therefore, full vibrant health.

There are many, many foods that you can eat unlimited amounts of.

Including – happily – a number of foods that  ‘fad diets’ tell you not to touch.

Everything you need to eat can be bought at a local supermarket. Half of it is possibly already in your kitchen.

Essentially though you must eat enough of the right things in the right quantities. Do that and everything else falls beautifully into place.

I thought sleep and stress and fitness and diet were just things that other people paid attention to. I was sensible enough to not eat like a pig.

And I didn’t think I was suffering stress any more than the average person was. All life has some stress, doesn’t it?

But, really, I didn’t give my food – or anything else about my lifestyle habits –  much attention.

In truth, I didn’t really know how to.

I enjoyed life, worked hard… but behind the scenes things were steadily going wrong with my health.

Today, I thank my lucky stars that I found out how to undo what was going wrong.

My health today is like it was 25 years ago. It’s like I’ve not aged a single minute.

Today, we know accurately what we can do to make all the nasty stuff go away.

If we address our health problems today in ways shown to actually work…. then we can reverse the diseases that plague us.

And as we do this, the symptoms of chronic kidney disease melt away to nothing.

That’s an opportunity we’ve not had before. Because only now have scientists finally worked out the full path – all the steps – from good health to disease.

Remember the path: gut health… malfunctioning immune system… widespread inflammation… disease… CKD

And understanding that, we have a simple way of going backwards – of reversing from CKD back to health.

So my doctor is explaining all this over coffee – well, three coffees to be accurate.

It was a heck of a lot to take in.

It all led to one obvious question though: how do I go about applying all this to myself?

How does an ordinary person like me make use of all this powerful stuff?

My doctor told me he knew of a health practitioner who had turned these new insights into a series of steps for CKD sufferers to follow.

The program showed them a way out of their suffering – all described in plain English.

He had already recommended the program to other CKD patients. And those who followed it enjoyed life-changing results.

That’s exactly what I wanted.

I wanted something I could do – something that I knew others had successfully completed.

Something that had successfully addressed their CKD.

The program that does it is called The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution.

It was created by Shelly Manning, a natural health practitioner who already had stunning results in other areas of health.

The patient who had first told my doctor about this program had himself suffered diabetes. If he could successfully address that and his CKD… then I wanted to be doing what he had done.

I ordered it as soon as I got home and it arrived in my inbox a few minutes later.

I started reading it there and then. And that was the moment my life changed forever.

Today I don’t know if I still have chronic kidney disease or not.

Even though he had seen it before, my doctor was delighted by my transformation.

A transformation I was able to feel and he was able to measure…

Today I eat very well, sleep soundly and am super relaxed.

I’m slim, happy, healthy and on top of the world.

I no longer experience any CKD symptoms. Not one. My blood pressure has been normal for over a year now.

I still have routine tests to ensure all is okay. It always is.

Whether I’m officially still a CKD sufferer or not, I doubt I’ve been this healthy since my twenties.

Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution is a straightforward plan for the complete relief of CKD symptoms.

All I had to do was follow Shelly’s instructions. My body naturally took care of the rest.

It was easy work. And some of the pay-offs came quickly – I felt different after just 4 days.

Some of her instructions were so ordinary that I couldn’t see how they would have much effect. But they did.

And given that I’ve swapped high blood pressure, diseased kidneys, tiredness, fatigue and low mood for vibrant health and a very big smile…

…I can safely say that doing what she advised was one of my smarter life decisions.

Let me be bluntly honest with you here. Going from healthy to ill didn’t happen in an instant. Years of unhelpful lifestyle habits led gradually to chronic kidney disease.

We address illness in the same way: step by step.

So Shelly’s program works us back to health through three very specific phases:

Phase 1: Protect from kidney damage

First we stop damaging our kidneys any further and give them the space they need to heal.

It takes some simple alterations to our daily habits to achieve this.

We begin addressing gut health too. Those good bacteria respond quickly and as they recover so does our health.

I felt positive effects of this within days: a little less tired, a little more focused, more cheerful.

Phase 1 also directly focuses on balancing blood glucose levels.

Note this isn’t a portion-control or calorie-control diet. Shelly encourages more eating, not less. It’s knowing what to eat that makes such a profound difference.

Phase 2: Restore kidney function

We continue to establish stable blood sugar levels for life.

Gut health has significantly improved – I was feeling noticeably more energetic, focused and upbeat. And despite eating as much food as I liked I was 12 pounds lighter.

Having released the stresses they were under my damaged kidneys were now slowly regaining their original functioning.

I was sleeping better than I had in years – even though I’ve never had a real sleep problem.

Phase 3: Repair and renew kidney tissue

At Stage 3 blood sugars are naturally stabilized – and they stay that way.

My blood pressure was now comfortably back in the healthy range – which was both a delight and a relief.

Using specific foods and natural supplements I generated new stem cells to repair kidney and heart tissue. The supplements were cheap and I got them from my local supermarket. I only had to use them for a short period – but the benefit was enormous: I was literally creating a new, healthy body.

So much about my health was completely turned around. CKD symptoms were completely gone. Life-threatening blood pressure was normalized.

Shelly’s program is natural, simple and easy to follow. No doctor visits, no drugs, no complications. No bills, no expenses.

Which is why thousands of people are now taking the decision to transform their lives like this – and bring to an end their disease once and for all.

Okay, I’m teasing a little bit.

But I eat plenty yet remain slim. Mentally and emotionally I’m on top of the world.

I’ve not just finally addressed my chronic kidney disease – and the associated conditions that caused it.

I’ve also extended my lifespan. I will live longer.

And I’ll enjoy those extra years in good health – without the endless illnesses, medications and hospital visits that we’re conditioned to expect as we age.

The health effects of doing the right things has a profound effect on every aspect of my wellbeing – even at the smallest details.

I don’t even catch colds anymore!

It’s like I swapped a tired out body for a brand new one.

These aren’t miracle outcomes. Shelly isn’t claiming to be some sort of health genius who discovered something that nobody else noticed.

These life-enhancing changes come from researched, verified, documented science from the US, Europe and across the world.

Outstanding health is simply the inevitable result of making the exact choices that the body needs you to make.

We’re so used to getting ill we forget that your body isn’t meant to be diseased. It’s meant to be healthy.

Illness is caused. And it’s our lifestyle behaviors that cause it.

By undoing lifestyle damage you’re simply restoring yourself to the good health that your body always tries to reach anyway. You’re returning yourself to normal.

Shelly’s lifestyle plan shows us exactly how to do that.

Three years ago I decided not to suffer the deeply unpleasant effects of chronic kidney disease a moment longer.

I didn’t want to end up strapped to a kidney dialysis machine. And I didn’t want to have a transplant.

Today I am completely free of all chronic kidney disease symptoms. My blood pressure is now consistently spot-on. My weight is down, my sugars are stable. My energy is high, my mindset is optimistic and relaxed.

I’ve never felt like this before.

It feels like a miracle. But it isn’t. This is nature at work. This is cause and effect.

Like millions of Americans I’d unknowingly made myself unwell. Now I have knowingly made myself super well.

You deserve this too. I’m guessing that, for you, enough is enough. You want your health back.

Well, you can have it back – just like thousands of us already have. Get Shelly Manning’s The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution right now and you can join us in great health…

Her program works – but in case you’re the cautious type she has a full 60-day money-back guarantee. No questions.

Thousands of us are now fully healthy and happy. Join is now…

Remember: your body strives to be healthy. It does its best.

Lifestyle mistakes – the kind that millions of us make – work against it.

Undo those lifestyle mistakes and your body starts working its way back to its preferred state – which is vibrant health.

Do exactly the right things the right way and it’s impossible to avoid being healthy, energetic and happy.

Shelly Manning shows you exactly what those right things are.

Protect, restore, renew… not just your kidneys but your entire body.

Thousands of us did it – you can too. Start today.

Click here to receive the program…

What you address gets better. What you ignore gets worse.

This is especially true with chronic kidney disease.

Imagine being attached to a kidney machine 3 or 4 hours a day… for 4 or 5 days a week.

No more holidays. No independence. And a life expectancy reduced by 10, 20 or even 30 years.

And if you’re lucky enough to get a kidney transplant? Then the doctors can give you an estimate for your date of death. Because they know the transplant is temporary. It’ll keep you alive for only so long.

Your life is basically on a countdown timer.

Who on earth wants all that?

Not me. Not you. Don’t put yourself through all this.

Act now and make everything right again. Get The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution here…

Click here to get My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

My Chronic Kidney cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Divi vs Beaver Builder: Which Page Builder Should You Use?

wordpress web page developers make designing web sites clean, however with such a lot of choices to be had, selecting the proper one may also be overwhelming. On this submit, we offer a complete comparability of 2 standard web page developers, Divi and Beaver Builder, to assist making a decision which one fits your wishes absolute best.

We can examine Divi and Beaver Builder throughout a number of key elements, together with ease of use, customization options, templates and modules, pricing, and total price. By means of the top of this newsletter, you’ll have a transparent working out of which web page builder is the most efficient are compatible in your web page challenge.

Review of Divi and Beaver Builder

Divi and Beaver Builder are each very popular wordpress web page developers, each and every providing a spread of options designed that can assist you construct skilled web sites with no need to code. Whilst they proportion many similarities, equivalent to drag-and-drop capability and in depth design choices, there also are necessary variations that set them aside. Underneath, we offer an summary of each and every builder’s key options and the way they examine.

What’s Divi

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Divi is our personal wordpress theme and Web page Builder plugin that permits you to create trendy and useful web sites with out coding. Its drag-and-drop builder makes it clean to switch each a part of your website. Whether or not you’re the use of Divi or some other wordpress theme, Divi Builder means that you can edit your website visually.

With over 2000 design layouts, 200+ web page packs, and 200+ content material components, you’ll temporarily create stunning websites with out ranging from scratch. Divi additionally comprises useful gear like Divi Leads, Theme Builder, and plugins like Bloom and Monarch so as to add extra options on your website with no need to put in third-party plugins.

Divi Quick Sites and Divi AI are particular options that make Divi stand out. Divi AI can temporarily create whole web sites the use of templates from Divi Fast Websites. It may possibly additionally generate and edit textual content, pictures, code, and full-page layouts, serving to you design your web page in much less time like a professional.

Key Options of Divi Builder

  • Skilled Design Layouts & website online Packs: Comprises 2000+ responsive design layouts to construct conversion-optimized webpages. You’ll additionally make a choice and regulate a whole web page from over 200 web page packs.
  • Pre-Made Content material Components: Divi comprises 200+ content material components with loads of design settings to construct any form of web page. Want extra? Get unfastened and paid content material components from the Divi Marketplace.
  • International & Customized Theme Builder: Divi has a Theme Builder that permits you to construct world layouts equivalent to headers, footers, weblog submit layouts, and product listings. Theme Builder saves you time and is helping you create a constant emblem.
  • Integrated A/B Break up Checking out Gear: Divi Leads, Divi’s integrated A/B trying out gear assist you to run checks and optimize pages for higher conversion charges.
  • Divi Library to Save & Reuse Components: Use Divi Library to save lots of and reuse layouts, rows, columns, sections, and components throughout other pages. Use Divi Cloud (add-on) to save lots of and reuse components throughout other web sites.
  • Divi Function Editor to Arrange Crew Permissions: Use the Divi Role Editor to successfully set up your staff by means of granting staff participants other get admission to ranges with limited permissions.
  • Divi Layers View for Pace: Use Divi’s Layers to view the hierarchical construction of your content material.
  • Divi Presets for International Design: Optimize your web page for emblem consistency by means of enhancing world settings the use of Divi Presets. You don’t need to manually customise font, colours, and different settings on particular person pages.
  • Divi WooCommerce Integration: Divi integrates with WooCommerce to create a extremely useful on-line retailer. You design each web page with Visible Builder and develop leads with Divi’s advertising and marketing gear.

What’s Beaver Builder

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Beaver Builder may be standard as a no-code, drag-and-drop page builder plugin for wordpress that may be put in to customise any theme. It additionally has the Beaver Builder Theme, which matches seamlessly with Beaver Builder as an adaptable framework for wordpress tasks. Over a million customers have constructed their web sites the use of Beaver Builder, rated it an easy-to-use and speedy platform.

Beaver Builder is programmed to paintings without problems with maximum wordpress subject matters and plugins, so you’ll upload extra capability on your website with out converting the plugin setup each time. It’s additionally optimized for Search engine optimization and speedy efficiency on other display screen sizes.

You’ll use Beaver Builder’s complicated styling choices, equivalent to including customized backgrounds and shapes, switching between darkish and light-weight modes, saving and duplicating modules or layouts, and inline modifying to temporarily construct an exquisite customized web page.

Key Options of Beaver Builder

  • Pre-Design website online Templates and Components: Beaver Builder comprises 50+ pre-designed website templates and 30 content material modules to construct web sites.
  • Beaver Builder Consumer Function Modifying: Beaver Builder means that you can specify person roles. For instance, when operating with a staff, you’ll classify permission ranges in line with roles for extra granular control.
  • Save & Reuse Rows & Layouts: Beaver Builder means that you can import and export rows and layouts that may be reused in different web page designs or web sites.
  • Beaver Themer for International Designs: Beaver Builder’s add-on Beaver Themer makes constructing customized headers, footers, and 404 pages and enhancing world design settings extraordinarily clean. Its drag-and-drop capability extends design functions past pages.
  • Shopper Editor Mode for Companies: If you wish to proportion required environment choices together with your purchasers to fill in a very powerful knowledge safely, use Shopper Editor Mode to verify they don’t modify different settings. How wonderful is that!
  • Assistant Professional: Get admission to to template market and cloud garage to save lots of and deploy them immediately from the builder.

Divi vs Beaver Builder: Customization Options

Divi and Beaver Builder each be offering robust customization options designed to provide customers most flexibility when constructing their web sites. Right here’s a comparability of what each and every web page builder provides relating to customization.


Divi is understood for its in depth customization choices that assist you to personalize each a part of your web page. With its intuitive drag-and-drop builder, you’ll simply regulate any component by means of soaring over it and getting access to the settings toolbar. Divi supplies more than a few customization gear, equivalent to hover-over results, responsive design modes, form dividers, movement results, and complicated scroll options.

edit toolbar popup divi builder
Divi Plugin Highlight Divi SuperTabs Advanced

Divi Theme Builder means that you can create customized layouts to show globally or on explicit pages. For instance, you’ll create and save customized headers, footers, web page layouts for weblog posts, product pages, and so on., the use of the drag-and-drop builder that will give you the ability to customise your website past pages.

divi theme builder

Along with numerous design choices to be had for customizing each side of your web page, complicated options like Divi AI may also be added for extra streamlined customization. It may possibly auto-generate whole web sites and use AI to create or edit content material at the fly (layouts, textual content, pictures, or even customized code).

Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder additionally supplies tough customization functions with its drag-and-drop interface, taking into account clean changes of components for your website. It includes a easy modifying enjoy with gear for inline modifying, responsive design, customized backgrounds, and extra.

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The benefit of Beaver Builder is that it displays a piece format while you hover over a component. You’ll simply choose and customise rows with out being concerned about settling on the flawed component.

rows and columns layout in beaver builder

Beaver Themer is identical in capability to the Divi Theme Builder. It means that you can create and save customized headers, footers, web page layouts, WooCommerce store, and so on., as templates in drag-and-drop taste so as to simply customise one and mirror adjustments site-wide. Beaver Themer saves internet builders and companies numerous time from making adjustments manually on all pages. They may be able to additionally use the stored templates on different web sites.

beaver themer header editing

In contrast to Divi, Beaver Builder does no longer have integrated advertising and marketing or AI gear, however you’ll simply combine third-party plugins for this objective.

Each Divi and Beaver Builder be offering distinctive customization gear to fit other person personal tastes. Divi excels with its complete integrated gear and in depth characteristic set, whilst Beaver Builder shines with its simplicity and versatile integration functions.

Pre-Made Layouts, Templates & Content material Modules

Each Divi and Beaver Builder be offering various pre-made layouts, templates, and content material modules to simplify the website-building procedure. Those gear are particularly helpful for many who need to steer clear of designing web sites from scratch and like beginning with pre-designed components.

Divi: Templates and Modules

Divi has 2000+ pre-designed page layouts classified by means of niches and format varieties. Whilst you create a brand new web page with Divi, you’ll additionally make a choice from 300+ format packs (design layouts for all essential pages with emblem consistency).

divi layouts

You additionally get 200+ pre-made content elements, equivalent to header templates, touch bureaucracy, CTAs, galleries, login bureaucracy, and extra, as integrated gear, so no longer many plugins are required.

content elements in divi

In the end, flick through Divi Marketplace to search out much more design layouts and content material modules from third-party Divi creators.

divi marketplace

Divi Library may also be useful in case you design many web sites with equivalent components. It means that you can save templates and modules to reuse later. This fashion, you don’t have to revamp components equivalent to testimonials from scratch, you’ll simply save and import them on as many pages as you wish to have.

save to divi library or divi cloud options

Internet designers or companies too can go for Divi Cloud ($6/month) to save lots of and reuse components in cloud area throughout other web sites.

Divi provides many pre-made templates and content material modules that can assist you triumph over the clean white web page. Gear like Divi Library, Divi AI, and Divi Market can help you optimize your procedure much more.

Beaver Builder: Templates & Modules

Beaver Builder additionally will give you 170+ beautiful website templates immediately throughout the builder. Every web page template is optimized for conversion, and even though the choices are restricted, you’ll simply mix’n’match other templates to construct your customized design.

beaver builder templates

You additionally get 35 content modules, equivalent to HTML, listing, heading, separator, and different local components. Beaver Builder provides Assistant Pro as an add-on, beginning at $15 per thirty days, which is rather like Divi Library.

Assistant Professional means that you can retailer templates and content material components in cloud garage. It connects Beaver Builder’s Template market, the place you’ll import extra unfastened and paid templates from different creators. It’s additionally like Divi Market, the place you’ll promote templates.

assistant pro template marketplace

One standout characteristic of Beaver Builder is its row templates, which might be pre-designed so as to get your web page’s construction and customise it accordingly. That is great in case you don’t need to import a whole web page design however desire a fundamental construction to provide your website course.

beaver builder row templates

Like Divi, Beaver Builder additionally means that you can save, export, and import layouts and templates for later use.

Divi vs Beaver Builder: Ease of Use

Each Divi and Beaver Builder be offering complicated customization and developer-friendly gear, however how beginner-friendly are they? What gear do they supply customers to simplify paintings? Let’s to find out.

Divi: Clean Onboarding & Speedy Web page Development Gear

Divi provides many tiny gear to simplify your paintings. Let’s get started with the way to get Divi began. Whenever you turn on the Divi theme for your wordpress dashboard, you should activate the Divi license to obtain theme updates and top class strengthen.

However you don’t need to generate and paste the API key manually. We’ve simplified the onboarding procedure—all you wish to have to do is log in together with your Chic Issues club person main points, and the API key might be activated mechanically.

See the Divi possibility within the wordpress sidebar? Move to Divi > Dashboard. Now, click on “Login to Turn on Your License.”

login to activate your divi license

That’s it. Your License is energetic now. You’ll additionally get admission to Divi Quick Sites—a time-saving device that generates an entire, full-functioning web page in lower than two mins. Divi Fast Websites can create a web page the use of a Starter Site or with Divi AI.

divi license active and assess divi quick sites

Getting access to the drag-and-drop web page builder is similarly clean. Out of your wordpress dashboard, create a brand new web page, and make a choice Use Divi Builder.

use divi builder

You at the moment are the use of the drag-and-drop Divi Builder to construct pages. You’ll import a pre-made format, upload or take away components, make adjustments, and do extra visually.

divi builder options

Whilst you hover over a component, a pop-up seems with the entire essential settings. Divi additionally provides gear like inline modifying, multi-select, replica/paste sections, and so on., to simplify operating on designs.

Let’s no longer overlook Divi AI, which, if you are going to buy, designs the whole thing for you. Whether or not you wish to have to create web page layouts, components, pictures, textual content, and even generate code, Divi AI does it.

Total, Divi supplies many gear to make it beginner-friendly. It lets in bulk variety and modifying and gives complicated gear like inline modifying, keyboard shortcuts, seek capability, and extra.

Beaver Builder: Drag-and-Drop Builder & International Gear

Beaver Builder may be beginner-friendly. Like Divi, when you turn on the plugin and create a web page, you’re requested to select Beaver Builder. From there, you get the entire gear throughout the drag-and-drop web page builder to import web page layouts, upload or take away components, customise sections, and construct your pages.

beaver builder tools

Beaver Builder’s reside front-end modifying displays adjustments as you’re making them, making it extraordinarily clean to make use of. It additionally has responsive design controls to regulate your website’s look on desktops, drugs, and cell gadgets. That’s nice since you don’t need to preview and edit in numerous tabs—the whole thing may also be carried out on one display screen, throughout the web page builder window.

Beaver Builder additionally allows darkish mode, makes use of keyboard shortcuts, critiques historical past and revisions, or even units world kinds in a single position. You gained’t have to modify between a couple of settings. That’s great, appropriate? You’ll seek for components, assessment the information base, and connect to strengthen, all inside of one dashboard.

Compared, each Divi and Beaver Builder be offering sufficient gear to be beginner-friendly for brand new customers. Beaver Builder is also regarded as more straightforward to make use of than Divi as it provides fewer choices, however that makes Divi extra feature-rich.

Pricing Plans of Divi and Beaver Builder

Each Divi and Beaver Builder be offering more than a few pricing plans to deal with other person wishes and budgets. Right here’s a breakdown of the pricing choices for each and every web page builder:

Divi Pricing

divi yearly pricing plans

Divi supplies two major pricing options, each together with every year and lifelong plans. The annual plans come with:

  • Divi – $89/12 months: Comprises get admission to to the Divi theme, Divi Web page Builder plugin, 2000+ web page packs, all content material components, 24/7 top class strengthen, and further subject matters and plugins like Extra, Monarch, and Bloom.
  • Divi Professional – $277/12 months: Divi Professional comprises the whole thing within the $89/12 months plan plus top class services and products equivalent to Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi VIP, and Divi Teams.

For the ones taken with a one-time cost, Divi additionally provides lifetime pricing choices:

  • Divi Lifetime ($249 one-time cost): Grants lifetime get admission to to Divi, Additional, Bloom, and Monarch, together with unfastened updates and top class strengthen.
  • Divi Lifetime + Professional Products and services ($297 one-time + $212 every year): Comprises lifetime get admission to to Divi, plus 12 months of Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi Groups, and Divi VIP, with renewal for those services and products at $212 yearly after the primary 12 months.

Divi doesn’t have a unfastened model however does be offering a 30-day money-back ensure (no questions requested) if you wish to give it a take a look at force.

See Divi Pricing

Beaver Builder Pricing

beaver builder pricing plans

Beaver Builder supplies a number of pricing plans to fit more than a few wishes:

  • Same old Plan – $99 yearly: Comprises the web page builder plugin, web page templates, limitless web page designs, and top class strengthen.
  • Professional Plan – $199 yearly: Provides the Beaver Builder theme and multi-site functions on most sensible of the Same old Plan options.
  • Company Plan – $399 yearly: Comprises all Professional Plan options, plus the facility to create and promote white-labeled merchandise.
  • Final Plan – $546 yearly: Gives the whole thing within the Company Plan, together with the Beaver Themer add-on ($147 yearly) and 6 months of Assistant Professional (beginning at $15/month) without spending a dime.

Each Divi and Beaver Builder be offering pricing plans that cater to other customers, whether or not you’re a freelancer, an company, or anyone searching for a complete web page constructing answer. Divi’s plans supply extra flexibility with every year and lifelong choices, whilst Beaver Builder provides tiered plans to deal with various ranges of characteristic wishes.

In contrast to Divi, Beaver Builder does have a free lite version you’ll use with restricted options.

See Beaver Builder Pricing

Which One Gives a Higher Worth for Cash?

If we examine what you get with Divi’s same old plan with Beaver Builder’s same old plan, you do get extra options at a somewhat decrease access value:

  • With its $89/12 months plan, you get the Divi theme, Divi Builder plugin, Additional theme, and top class plugins like Bloom (for e mail optins) and Monarch (for social sharing.) With Beaver Builder’s $99/12 months plan, you gained’t have get admission to to the Beaver Theme, simply the web page builder plugin and also you should improve or acquire top class plugins for related options.
  • Divi provides extra web page templates and content material components than Beaver Builder.
  • Divi’s Theme Builder is incorporated in the usual plan. With Beaver Builder, you’ll want to acquire the Beaver Themer Addon Plugin or improve to their Final plan if you wish to have complete website modifying functions (constructing customized headers and footers, modifying templates, and so on.)

That stated, then again, it actually is an issue of choice as a result of some customers would possibly favor a lighter web page builder that works on many various subject matters reasonably than a powerful builder that works absolute best with its local theme. You additionally need to imagine what form of options you might have considered trying. For example, if you wish to come with AI to your workflow, Divi is healthier fitted to that. If you wish to pay for whitelabeling or multisite functions, Beaver Builder may well be price it.

Which Web page Builder Must You Use?

Each Divi and Beaver Builder are robust wordpress web page developers, each and every providing distinctive strengths to cater to other person wishes.

If you’re searching for a complete all-in-one answer with in depth customization choices, integrated gear, and complicated options like A/B trying out, Divi is a wonderful selection. It supplies quite a lot of templates, components, and gear that let you construct a extremely custom designed {and professional} web page with out depending on third-party plugins.

Then again, if ease of use, velocity, and compatibility are your number one considerations, Beaver Builder is also the simpler possibility. Its streamlined interface and function optimization make it an excellent selection for newbies or those that favor a more practical toolset that integrates seamlessly with different wordpress subject matters.

In the long run, the selection between Divi and Beaver Builder relies on your explicit wishes, price range, and stage of enjoy. Each be offering tough answers for constructing stunning and useful web sites, so imagine what options are maximum necessary to you prior to you decide.

Get Divi Today

For extra choices, take a look at our listing of the best website builders for wordpress.

Steadily Requested Questions About Divi & Beaver Builder

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Which builder is more straightforward for newbies?

Each Divi and Beaver Builder are beginner-friendly. You’ll use each to tug and drop components and design stunning web sites.

Which builder provides extra design flexibility?

Divi provides extra design flexibility with its wide selection of customization choices. Customers can personalize each a part of their web page, from the format to particular person components, taking into account distinctive and inventive designs. Divi’s complicated options, equivalent to hover results and customized shapes, give you the gear to create refined and dynamic web sites.

Can I exploit each developers at the identical website?

Whilst you’ll technically use Beaver Builder and Divi at the identical website, it is not really useful. The usage of a couple of web page developers may end up in conflicts and function problems, like slower load instances and compatibility issues. It is in most cases higher to select one builder to verify your web page works easily and successfully.

Are there unfastened variations to be had?

Beaver Builder provides a unfastened lite model with fundamental options, which is superb for newbies so long as you don’t need to be customized websites. Divi has no unfastened model, and you wish to have to shop for it to get admission to its options. Beaver Builder’s unfastened model lets in customers to take a look at it out prior to paying for extra complicated choices, whilst Divi is to be had most effective with a purchase order.

Which builder is healthier for Search engine optimization?

Each Beaver Builder and Divi are Search engine optimization-friendly. Search engine optimization effectiveness relies on the use of absolute best practices, like correct headings, alt texts for pictures, and speedy loading instances. Each developers supply gear to give a boost to Search engine optimization, however luck relies on how neatly those gear are used.

How ceaselessly are updates launched for those developers?

Each Beaver Builder and Divi obtain common updates to give a boost to efficiency, upload new options, and beef up safety. Those updates additionally repair insects or problems, offering customers with a solid and dependable platform for constructing and keeping up their web sites.

The submit Divi vs Beaver Builder: Which Page Builder Should You Use? gave the impression first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule

Product Name: Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule

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Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From The Desk of: Dr. Marius Bakken 2 Time Olympic Runner and M.D.

You’re taking on the ultimate challenge, the marathon, and that takes a strong level of ambition and desire to compete against others… and yourself.

You train for weeks and weeks — many times by yourself — just to get ready for race day.

After spending so much time and effort, it’s only natural to want to do your best.

Your goal may be as simple as wanting to run faster than a friend. Or perhaps it’s to set a new personal best for the marathon.

That’s why you worry about picking the “right program”. The problem is, there’s so many programs that seem incomplete. Or they aren’t a good fit for your skills or abilities.

Imagine being able to open up the brains of a top marathon training coach… or a 2 time Olympic runner…

Imagine you could pull out every single proven tip, tactic, and technique for slashing your training and race times to the bone. We’re talking about turning ordinary runners into very good marathoners in a relatively short time.

You are about to grab a major competitive edge.

The type of edge that can slash minutes off your best race times. The type of edge that can transform an ordinary runner into a very good marathoner. Best of all, it’s the type of edge that 99.9% of all runners will never discover or even have access to.

Hi, my name is Marius Bakken. I am a two-time Olympic runner who has competed in races throughout the world. Recently, I decided to take a break from competing on an international level and pursue my life-long dream of becoming a physician so I enrolled in medical school which I completed in 2010. (I’ll explain why my decision to become a physician is important to you in just a moment.)

I’m just as proud to say that for two consecutive years I was the second fastest non-African 5k runner in the world with a 13.06.39 personal best.

Now you may not realize it, but getting to the level of international competition wasn’t easy for me. I don’t consider myself to be a naturally gifted runner. I didn’t wake up one day ready to compete on an international — or even national — level either.

In fact, I started out as an ordinary guy who loved to run.

And because I loved to run, it was only a matter of time before I wanted to compete against other runners. In order to become a faster runner, I’ve spent many years training hard to become a faster runner.

That was before I discovered that training hard isn’t enough.

Training hard is okay but it’s even more important to train smart instead.

It was only a matter of time until I made an amazing discovery…

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The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires a more recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.

Fast forward to the summer of 2005. A friend of mine named Martin Samdal asked me for some advice. He had already reserved his spot to compete in the upcoming New York City Marathon.

In fact, it was going to be the first ever marathon that Martin had ever run.

The problem is, he had done little or no training over the summer. Now he was about 12 weeks from having to run in the actual event and was starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

Like many new marathoners, he wasn’t sure how to go about training properly. He was confused about what he needed to do so that he was in peak condition on race day.

In other words, he needed a field-tested and proven plan!

I took some of the best Kenyan and Italian training techniques I knew and quickly wrote up a training schedule for Martin. As I handed the schedule to Martin I thought to myself, “This is better than nothing. At least it gives him a good plan he can follow without hurting himself.”

Honestly, I had some serious doubts about how well Martin would do. After all, he was closer to being a coach potato than a world class Kenyan runner.

You can imagine my surprise as Martin dropped almost 20 pounds during those 12 weeks of training.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Competing in his first ever New York City Marathon, Martin ran a 2:58:52!

In fact, during the last 6 miles of the race — when most marathoners are running out of gas — he passed 252 other runners and grabbed a top 600 finish.

Here’s the official NYC marathon results for Martin

After 12 weeks of
the training program!

All of this as a first-time marathoner.

I use to think this modern marathon training method only worked for the very best runners.

It turns out my Kenyan-Italian hybrid training system works for any type of runner… even an out-of-shape guy who needs help to have his best running experience ever. It works for even brand-new marathoners who want to finish their first ever race in style instead of shame.

In fact here are a few of the early “test subjects” on this program (Some of the names have been partially withheld at the runners request for privacy):

I quickly realized there was a limit to how many runners it was possible to personally train.

First, being in medical school has left me with very little extra time to help others.

Second, not everyone can travel to Norway to train… especially if they live somewhere else in the world.

That’s why after years of testing, refining, and proving it works, I’ve therefore decided to make my ”coaching clients only’ training program available to the general public.

First, let me clear up one common misunderstanding about the program.

I decided to call it the “100 Day Marathon Plan” because the average length of time many experienced marathoners use to train for their next marathon is 100 days. That’s because they want to arrive on race day in peak condition without spending too many weeks doing high-intensity workouts.

That doesn’t mean 100 days is the only option.

In fact there is added a whole section in the program which explains how you can adjust the program to as little as 60 days or up to 150 days from race day and still use the powerful training.

If you want to succeed at the marathon you need two critical pieces. It takes both a well planned training schedule and taking care of your health to run your best race time ever.

I want to share one little fact that could make a huge difference in how you view marathon training…

If you truly want to become more successful in your personal marathon challenge, then you need to start using a complete training system.

system that can make sure you are training correctly… slash your risk
of injury down to the bone… boost your motivation and puts you on the starting line on race
day — ready to roll.

“Marius, I liked how you had alot of rest days built in and that the rest days were truly unloading days in that they were easy and short. I was just listening to a podcast with running coach Bobby McGee (not sure if you have heard of him, but he works alot with running form and coaches some triathletes and track guys on the world class level). He talked about how for most novice runners, that a recovery run is an oxymoron.

They do not have the capacity to recover while still running on that day (too much stress). So I like how the recovery and off days are amply peppered through the program. This will help alot of people who are looking to try their first marathon. I think with your program which is based to a large extent on alot of intensity, you are not shy about plenty of recovery. Your clients will be able to stress->rest>grow!

I liked the workouts. Coming from a slowtwitch type background, it was nice to leg it out a bit. My favorite runs are the progression runs. They provided me with the confidance to move through all of my effort/heart rate gears.

This program will work well for a variety of runners. However, I think two groups will profit the most. The first group is runners who are pressed for time and want to maximize the time that is available with more workouts around marathon effort (as opposed to a high volume Lydiard type program). The second group that will do well with this program is the casual runner who has lots of easy base work and can recover well but cannot figure out how to put together the pieces when it comes to intensity.

The program was well organized, easy to read and use. Again I think you make good use of rest and intensity. It is a time efficient program and I like that. I played around with the Lydiard type approach a few years ago and your workouts were much easier to understand.”

Dr. William (Bill) Walz
Physican and 3:30 marathoner
Los Angeles

That’s why I believe I can offer you a 1-2 powerful punch that is head and shoulders over any other training program on the market.

First, I have an extensive background in world-class training methods — used for years and proven to work with dozens of other runners besides myself. So what I teach isn’t some ‘extreme’ program that only Olympic marathoners could survive.

Instead, I’ve structured everything so it’s easy to customize for any runner — regardless of their age, gender, speed, or skill.

Add to that my medical background to advise you on things like proper diet, preventing and healing injuries and you’ve got a powerful 1-2 punch working on your behalf.

Even in the best of weather, it’s still a big challenge for most.

There’s a lot more things that could go wrong during a marathon than any other type of race. That’s because there are a lot of miles and a lot of time needed to complete a marathon.

Use the right plan and your next marathon could be a wonderful experience.

Miss something important or you use an incomplete plan and you may not even be able to finish the race!

That’s why properly preparing for the marathon is crucial.

Every week, I get emails from concerned runners and members of Marathon Training Schedule. Many of these emails share the same two worries…

Worry #1: They’re not sure exactly what they should do in terms of day to day training, diet, and injuries…

You can find many programs and tips out there that offer some advice. But not one of them offers a complete detailed plan for both the actual running sessions and the rest of the preparation leading up to and including race day.

Because they are working with incomplete or “half-baked” plans, many runners find themselves feeling anxious and not fully prepared on race day.

They worry about “hitting the wall” around the 20 mile mark…

They get anxious that their training won’t work as advertised …

They’re not sure their diet — before and the day of the race — is the “right one”…

Worry #2: They’re not sure how to find the best training program so they wind up with the fastest possible race time…

Let’s face it: If you want to run the marathon then you are a positively unique person!

It leaves you with a serious problem. A problem that I believe I can solve.

The truth is, I offer this type of training materials because I love this sport. This is a great way for me to give back to the sport that has given me so much over the years even if I can’t personally train each and every person in the world who wants to run their best marathon time ever.

… I want to help you run faster and better than you have ever done before!

I’ve deliberately designed the “100 Day Marathon Plan” with that goal in mind.

There’s eight different training schedules ranging from the pure beginners training plan up to the 2:45 marathoner.

Specifically you have a 2:45 schedule, a 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and a pure beginners plan to pick from !

So you see, it doesn’t matter what level of runner you are. It doesn’t matter how fast you currently run. My “100 Day Marathon Plan” can quickly and easily be customized to your needs and abilities.

It’s easy to customize because I’ve taken the entire program and broken it into easy-to-find sections that clearly explain things.

“Marius Bakken has used his unique experience as a world-class runner to put together one of the most comprehensive marathon products I have seen.  The 100-day Marathon Training program is covering all topics to improve as a runner. 

Marius experience and knowledge of modern training techniques will benefit  runners, from the beginner to the experienced marathoner.” 

Jack Waitz, husband/coach of 9 time NYC marathon winner Grete Waitz

“Most marathon schedules are rigid. The 100 Day Marathon Plan deals with flexibility and gives runners options. I especially enjoyed the marathon race-day tips and how you combine the Italian and Kenyan schools of thought into one program. I like the use of Lydiard-like periodization with a build from the 5K to the marathon itself.

All types of runners would benefit from this type of marathon work. That’s the best thing about this program: It’s for everyone! It builds you up for the marathon, step-by-step instead of getting you to think about the marathon from day one. I’ve never seen anything like this before”

Duncan Larkin, Running Times Magazine writer and 2.32 marathon runner

“To illustrate what Marius’ program did to my shape: During the 12 weeks of training towards New York Marathon I “tested” myself weekly on the SRM race (3.3k). The 10th of August 2005 by the start of the schedule: 12:39, the 7th of September: 12:13, the 12th of September 11:25 and the 12th of October 11:16. That means an improvement of 11%!

On a marathon this is equal to almost 30 minutes improvement on only 12 weeks of training

On the starting line in New York my weight was reduced to 71 kg, 10 kg (20 pounds) lower than it was 12 weeks earlier. The feeling was amazing. Especially the feeling of being extremely strong the last 10 k. For a relatively untrained person just some months before to pass 250 runners (and only getting passed by 3) on the last 10 k and a finishing position of 517 out of 37 000 was an experience of a lifetime.”

Martin Samdal, 2:58:52 NYC Marathon 2005

This is exactly what I’m looking for ! Show me where to claim my copy.

8 different marathon training schedules based on your finishing time goal: From marathon rookie all way to a sub 2:45 race time… I got you covered. Just pick the one that best meets your needs & abilities and you’re ready to roll!

Workouts based on your heart rate and specific running times so you are always training in the optimal zone without risking your health…

15 instructional videos where I walk you step-by-step through the schedules. I even explain the different core principles that most marathon training courses miss!

10 additional videos covering important things like how to pick the right training shoes… improving your running form… how to use strength training to compliment your training… and more!

120 content-packed pages that “walk you through” the whole marathon preparation process…

“Hello Marius this is a letter of thanks to you. On Sunday in the London Marathon I set a new life time best running 2.47.34.

I should point out to anyone reading this that I have been running for 17 years and Marathons for 11 years! I am now 49 years old and going by what many runners say should be slowing down, yet on your program I ran 3 mins 39 sec faster than last year and 1 min 18 sec faster than my old P.B. set way back in 2003 when I was only 42 years old! AMAZING!!!

I felt stronger than ever before in the last 6 miles and overtook runner after runner in my charge for the line, infact I think only one runner went passed me in those last 6 miles!
I have found your 100 day plan enjoyable and challenging, but at the same time because you never train harder than 10k pace I was able to recover quickly and not overtrain and dig myself into a whole I could not get out of! Also because your training plan changes from week to week I found my body kept getting stronger throughout the entire program!

I had no injuries or illness, a very good sign that shows how sensible and clever your program is!
I now intend to follow your training programme up to next years London marathon, where I believe I can continue to improve and run 2.45 or better at the age of 50! I’m happy to recommend your 100 day marathon plan to anybody who is serious about running faster, if I can do it then anyone can!

Thanks again Marius, you have reversed the aging process for me:)”

Rick Bowker, Southport UK. PR at the Liverpool half marathon of 1.18 ‘ 2010 at the age of 49 (1 month later went on to run 2:47 in London) Blogs at

“What I enjoyed most of the plan was the ease of picking a schedule and fixing the workouts to my work schedule. I am a District Chief with the Laredo Fire Dept. and work 24 hours and 48 hours off. Most of my runs were early morning. The plan took out a lot of guess work on how to prepare for my first marathon. When I researched a marathon plan there was a lot of skepticism about how it is almost impossible to run a marathon if you havent had a good base for over a year. Another thing that the plan did was inspire me to RACE my events not merely survive them. Upon completion of your program there was no doubt in my mind that I would not finish my first marathon. The question turned from, will I finish into how fast will I finish ? I could have run it at a lot slower pace and sprint at the end…but I still have that competiveness that makes me compete.. even if it is only competing against my own set times.

My trainings/results improved me by about a minute in a 5k to 3 minutes on 10K. My favorite sessions were the long runs where I would use them to listen to good music and relax.

I would recommend this plan to anyone willing to put in the time it takes to train for a marathon. From novice to advanced runner. I am proof that what seemed as an unattainable goal at times can be attainable taking one day at a time using your plan. Like I’ve mentioned before, this inspired me to try to go faster and qualify for Boston.

Ruben Vegas, District Chief, Laredo Fire. Dept. Ultimate Goal : Boston Marathon Qualification

Simply review the program at your convenience and then start using my training techniques with your next workout. Everything is organized so it’s easy to follow and even easier to put into action.

“It is extremely well organized and informative. I almost feel compelled to run a marathon just to follow your program. Your knowledge on the subject is extremely evident in your writing. I love how you explain the combination of Italian and Kenyan Marathon Training Plans.

I loved it. Very Professional.”

David Tiefenthaler, coach and owner of

But that’s not all of the resources you’ll find inside the “100 Day Marathon Plan” .

I’ve also had 4 automatic calculators created that you must see to believe. You’ll enjoy using them to do things like

… Calculate exactly how much to eat and drink during the marathon based on your goal time, the weather and your body type

… Get your exact “pace” to run in the marathon so you hit your target finish time

… How to quickly pick what training schedule is best for you simply from your 5k/10k/half marathon time

… Discovering what your body mass index (BMI) is and what injuries, if any, you maybe risking because of your BMI.

That’s the types of tools and resources you’ll gain immediate access to when you grab your own copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan”.

Now don’t just take my word on it…

Why old-fashioned marathon training is now obsolete… (Chapter 2)

How to find your maximum heart rate… (Chapter 4)

The one part of every training program where 67% of all injuries occur… Just make a small change in your training and your chances of staying injury-free skyrocket! (Chapter 7)

2 easy ways to choose the right workout schedule for you (Chapter 4)

Need to lose some weight? No problem. I share 3 easy ways to lose weight while marathon training besides doing more running! (Chapter 9)

Why after-marathon training is critical to your success… (Chapter 6)

The best way to control your training intensity and find your optimal training zone without using lactate acid testing… (Chapter 3)

The #1 mistake that runners can make on their easy training days (Chapter 9)

A special tip, based on research from the former (German) DDR Republic, that can help improve your running form dramatically while helping you stay injury-free! (Chapter 5)

3 ways to treat minor injuries… before they turn into major ones! (Chapter 9)

The one training technique used by the Kenyans that helps them build incredible strength… and it’s not weight lifting! (Chapter 2)

What to eat (and not eat) leading up to your race day… (Chapter 10)

I’ve read enough…I’m ready for a complete marathon plan.

We could have stopped there with the amount of content and most marathoners would have been happy. But I couldn’t just “settle” for offering a good product… not when I could turn the “100 Day Marathon Plan” into the marathoner’s must-have training program.

Not a chance. I didn’t become a two-time Olympic runner… or the second fastest non-African 5k runner in the world for two consecutive years by settling for “good enough”.

And that’s why I also included these golden nuggets in the “100 Day Marathon Plan”…

The #1 reason for injuries — besides wearing the wrong shoes. Just turn to chapter 2 for the full scoop…

My secret strategy for running your best time ever… (Chapter 11)

The 7 best courses in the world to run a new P.R.! (Chapter 13)

5 different phases for every marathoner — no matter what skill level or experience they might be! (Chapter 3)

How to avoid sweat rolling into your eyes during your marathon just use this common item found at your local drugstore or supermarket and the problem is solved fast! (Chapter 12)

A stone-cold easy way to change your workout schedule on the fly… just follow the guidelines in Chapter 4 to change the workout intensity instantly!

Why 1/3 of all injuries are due to wearing the wrong footwear! (But don’t worry I’ve dedicated an entire chapter to help you get the exact footwear you need to stay injury-free!) (Chapter 8)

The two things you must do with every hard workout… Skip them and you massively increase the risk of injuring yourself! (Chapter 5)

Like running in beautiful or exotic locations? Me too. That’s why I’m sharing my favorite beautiful marathon locations worldwide! (Chapter 13)

7 easy ways you can customize any of my programs… perfect if you want to “fine-tune” your workouts to exactly meet your needs! (Chapter 7)

How to avoid feeling chilly when doing a cold weather race especially when adding layers of clothes is not an option! (Chapter 12)

A research breakthrough that confirms what runners have always suspected… If you use this tactic… you WILL run faster in your marathon…(Chapter 2)

There’s still even more…

I want to make sure every marathoner who uses my “100 Day Marathon Plan” sees a significant improvement in their training and race times. I want you to succeed just like Martin Samdal and the other “success stories” have done so we’re going to sweeten the pot even more.

I’ll also include 3 introductory and 3 post-marathon training weeks (perfect for off-peak training periods!)

As I discover new training breakthroughs and techniques, I may update this program. Rest assured, you’ll get any product updates free of charge… forever!

Just image this… Not only will you get to access to the very best world-class marathon training but you will discover first hand how (and why) these powerful training methods really work!

But, you won’t have to pay anywhere near that to get the same information. Best of all, you’ll get to learn it from the comfort of your own home.

No travel, no expenses, no uncomfortable hotel beds, or the usual traveling hassles.

Best of all, you don’t risk a single penny either because I’m prepared to offer you

I am completely confident that you will be pleased with my “100 Day Marathon Plan” because I know there isn’t anything else available on the market like it.

In fact, that’s why I am not afraid to offer you a 60 day, 100% unconditional, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.

Take up to two full months to review the entire “100 Day Marathon Plan” and make an honest, fair effort at improving your own race times.

If the 100 Day Marathon Plan” doesn’t help you slash your race times and help you become fitter and trimmer then email me and I’ll promptly refund your money. I want you to be completely satisfied with my Program or I don’t want you to keep it.

No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings. I take this very seriously.

8 different training schedules based on your finishing time goal: It doesn’t matter if you’re a marathon rookie or a sub 2:45 racer… it’s covered.

Just pick the one that best meets your needs and you’re ready to roll!

Workouts based on your heart rate and specific running times so you are always training in the optimal zone without risking your health…

15 instructional videos where I walk you step-by-step through the schedules. I even explain the different core principles that most marathon training courses miss!

10 additional videos covering important things like how to pick the right training shoes… improving your running form… how to use strength training to compliment your training… and more!

120 content-packed pages that “walk you through” the whole marathon preparation process…

6 Bonus Weeks of Training Workouts

FREE Lifetime Product Updates!

Right now you are standing at a crossroads.

You can ignore this letter and pretend you are happy with your current training methods. Six months from now, things will probably still be the same.

You will keep dealing with the constant aches and pains that always seem to follow your training. Worse, you’ll feel even more frustrated by the lack of improvement in your conditioning or race times — even after training countless hours for days and days.

Or you can make the choice today to start training smarter and training better. You’ll choose to tap into field-tested and proven to work modern marathon methods to transform any runner — even the casual jogger — into a significantly better runner. You’ll feel more confident as any unwanted pounds melt away and you see your training times get faster and faster.

In other words, your life will be different based on the choice you make today.

Here’s my suggestion: Try the “100 Day Marathon Plan” system for 60 days. Follow it step-by-step and make a real effort to create a positive change. Focus on reaching your goal of becoming a faster marathoner.

When your friends see the drastic changes, they’re going to ask you how much you paid for the personal trainer… because most people think working with a personal trainer is the only way to produce results that quickly. You’ll just smile because you’ll know that you paid less than 5% of what a personal trainer or coach would charge every month — and still achieved amazing results!

Because as a registered member of the “100 Day Marathon Plan”, if you’re not 100% satisfied during the first 60 days of your membership, simply send us an email. We’ll cancel your access to the full “100 Day Marathon Plan” system and return your money, no questions asked. It’s really that hassle-free.

Don’t wait Take charge and make a change. Now is the time to take your running to the next level. Order now!

I Want To Use Your “100 Day Marathon Plan” To Slash My Race Times and Leave My Competition Far Behind! Please give me INSTANT Access!

If I decide the “100 Day Marathon Plan” contains more world-class training secrets than I can handle, then I can cancel and owe nothing.

Click Here or Above to Download

Don’t Wait… Grab Your Copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” Right Now!

P.S. You can spend countless amounts of time, trying to find the latest tips for running faster or better… maybe you’ll find them in online runners forums… or runners magazine… or talking to other marathoners that you meet. Maybe you’ll find a golden nugget of training advice that you can put into action that will truly make a difference.

Or you can grab your own copy of my field-tested and proven to work system. You’ll save yourself countless hours of “research”. Even better, instead of trying to patch together your own training system… you can just follow any of my eight training schedules — easily customizable to your needs and abilities — and get back to doing what you truly love… running!

P.P.S. Have you ever thought of hiring a top-notch personal running coach in your area? I have and it’s not as easy as it might sound. For starters, you will need to fit into their schedule and pay them hundreds or even thousands of dollars for their professional guidance.

Or you can grab your own copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” and start using it whenever you want. It’s easier than you think to get started, so why wait any longer… grab your copy of the “100 Day Marathon Plan” right now.

Are still unsure if this is the right marathon program for you…

“I’m a 2:20 marathoner that had become very curious about the Italian Periodisation (negative taper) since Stephano Baldini won the 2004 Olympic Marathon. I immediately went searching for his approach.

Quickly, I was mind-boggled by how much of a consistent performer he was. The Italians must have discovered a format for marathon success.

For years I’ve studied but not until buying the 100 Day Marathon Plan approach did I truly understand the simplicity of it.

Marius has broken it down and made it easy to understand and to take anywhere. The addition of the heart rate monitor parameters (at Kenyan Intensity) make it doable by anyone, anywhere. I honestly have enjoyed all of it. I know Marius was able to get the best out of himself and his running and medical knowledge should be followed.

Wonderful program. I personally loved the heart rate effort zones. I live in a place that has rare ideal weather and to be able to run without becoming a slave to the watch has given me a bounce in my step! Every runner would benefit from this program!”

Marty Dalton
2.20 marathoner

“Hi Marius,

How I went from 3:34:45 (Chicago 08) to 3:15 (Grand Rapids 09) with the 100 day plan :

The fact is, I already speak of your program to athletes, even in other sports, because I’ve been so satisfied with learning new things and improving significantly again. I ran in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on 18 October 2009 with a 20 minute personal best following your plan.

I trained hard for Chicago in ’08, targeting the 3:20 Boston time, running up to 60 miles a week, even doing hard intervals in the rain on the track in the dark by myself. But despite orthotics and ice baths after hard/long runs, I kept getting knee problems thanks to poor choices of workout distances and pacing: in 2008, I ran a great abundance of 7-11 mile runs, all in zone 2. (I didn’t know it was zone 2; I was just following what I downloaded for free from Runner’s World. And I got what I paid for!) So I was hurt, and burned out. I peaked way too early. I couldn’t imagine running as slow as a 9-minute mile. I thought hard effort was what I needed. I listened to some of the guys from the local running group who believed: “the only way to run faster is to run faster.”

With your program, I feel like I finally found exactly what I need: a scientific approach that combines zone 1 slow runs with high intensity tailored interval work. Of critical importance to me–since I need exercise to manage my fibromyalgia pain–I’ve avoided injury completely. (If injured, I struggle to exercise with the intensity required to manage my pain syndrome.)

I started eating vegetables for breakfast sometimes, to be like the Kenyans, and attained my targeted weight loss (from 168 down to 155) over four months’ time. I never bought the lipoic acid, but I considered it, based on your recommendation. I took magnesium once a night, at least after long runs, to replace this electrolyte, and never had any muscle cramps. All these were ideas from your 100 day plan.

My biggest progress in this training has to be the change in my half-marathon times. Last year, and even early this year, I was running 1:38-1:41, depending on the course condition (hills, heat, etc.). A month before the marathon and well into the 100 day plan, on rolling hills, but perfect weather, I ran 1:28:13. This was the first time I’d gotten a running percentile score over 70 since college.

Presently, I’d like to get a percentile score of 70 at all the distances. The 5K (upper 18’s) and 10K (about 39:00) seem quite attainable, either this fall or next spring. But a marathon of 3:03 presents a different sort of challenge. Since marathon training is quite demanding, and failing to make a goal is so disappointing, I want to be really thoughtful about setting a marathon target for 2010. The 3-hour mark is particularly monumental, (thanks, Lance Armstrong!) but a fair stretch from where I’m at.

Running the 1:28 half this year I felt that a 3-hour marathon was possible for me. I’m prepared to pay for your next e-product, if it comes out, on moving the next 15 minutes on the marathon!”

I am a 69 year old marathon runner who has run 186 marathons including 3:14:45 as a 55 year old. In the fall of 2009 I purchased the 100 day marathon plan and this is my experience :

I noticed already in the three introductory weeks of the program how my legs got lighter and the times pr km started to go down. For example the Zone 1 easy runs to my job was at that time 6.15-6.25 pr km. Now, ten weeks later, that same effort is down to 5.20 pr km. Because I write a daily training diary and have done so since 1978 I can clearly see how my training times are radically faster then they have been in many, many years since starting the 100 day marathon plan.

What has struck me as considerably different with the 100 day marathon plan then any other program I have used is the great variation in the training, for example in week nr 7 the type sessions where you run for 60 minutes with variation between Effort 2 and 4. In addition to that I’ve had great benefits from your “Special Strides”.

Today, only 6 days after a marathon where I did a 30 minute year best following the plan, I feel fully recovered. I would recommend the program to anyone, when the results for me are so dramatic – who is not a top athlete, I suspect it will have even greater effect on better runners. In addition to that, I believe most joggers will benefit from this kind of structured program.

Per Oscar Holm-Olsen, 186 time marathoner and 4.06 marathon (30 minute year best) as a 69 year old following the 100 day plan.

“I started running 3 years ago for fun. Since then I have finished 3 marathons and also run shorter road races. My personal records are 10k 36:50 Half 1:22:10 Marathon 3:01:07

The 100 Day Marathon Plan is clearly explained and makes following the plan very simple. It takes the guesswork out which makes it harder to overthink the training and just go out and run.

I especially liked the self massage part, I had not seen it in any program/book and I think it could certainly help to recover faster.

Who would benefit from this type of plan ? The program seems written for people that have little background in running terminology and how the body responds to different stimuli in training.”

Francisco Rosa
3:01 marathon runner

“It is extremely well organized and informative. I almost feel compelled to run a marathon just to follow your program. Your knowledge on the subject is extremely evident in your writing. I love how you explain the combination of Italian and Kenyan Marathon Training Plans.

I loved it. Very Professional.”

David Tiefenthaler, coach and owner of

“I just run Marine Corpse Marathon in 3:03 – 11 min off my previous PR following the 100 day marathon plan! I want to run Palm Beach Marathon Dec 6 and would like to break 3hr.”

….five weeks weeks later :

“Hi Marius, soo excited as I said on 25th of October I did a 3:03 in Marine Corp. I just did Sunday Dec.6 a 2:57 PR in the Palm Beach Marathon, Thanks!!!! Took off 7 min in  weeks and broke that sub 3hrs and feel great! Thanks!”

Carrie Pustilnik
3:03 Marine Corpse Marathon October 09, 2:57 Palm Beach December 09.

I find the 100 day plan very useful. Especially the combination of a running schedule and tutorials of the basic training ideas and other elements which provides insights on how and why the schedule build up the way it is. I also like the emphasis on the flexibility of the schedule and on the positive tone throughout the plan.

It really helps the newcomer to be confident that it is possible run a marathon without running mile after mile day after day. I of course like the 100 day plan because it most importantly provides results. Follow the plan and be sure to have the best possibilities to have a great run.Compared to other plans I have followed (Stockholm 21K program by Anders Szalkai) the 100 day plan aren’t that complex with a lot of different element in each training session.

I have completed 6 half marathons and has a PB of 1:39. My long time goal is to qualify and run Boston marathon before 2013, which will require a marathon under 3:20 some time in 2012.

One of the best part of the 100-day plan was the FAQ part. This gave the opportunity to interact with a coach and other runners on different elements of the plan. This made some of the runs easier to understand and also provided with additional information from runners in the same training level and situation as yourself.

Geir Engen, NATO officer and 1:39 Half Marathon Runner

With over 120 content-packed pages, 25 instructional & training videos, 4 online training calculators, a members-only area, and more… it’s no big surprise that the “100 Day Marathon Plan” is quickly becoming the top training program for new or struggling marathoners on the market today.

Click Here or Above to Download

The button above will take you to your download page and gives you instant access… grab your copy today and you too can break away from the rest of the pack!


Please note: This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank, the most trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to a thank you form where you enter information to receive a receipt, and to download the entire program. If you have a high speed internet connection, the downloads usually take less than a minute. Are you still reading the fine print? According to FDA one has to claim that “results are not typical” – however, the testimonials on this page are 100 % accurate. Having said that, if you do not put down the work and do the actual marathon training planned you cannot expect fast marathon times. Enjoy and I look forward to working with you. Kind regards, Marius

Click here to get Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Marathon Training Plan – 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken’s Marathon Schedule is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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6 Best Construction WordPress Themes for Builders in 2024

When opting for a wordpress theme on your structure corporate web page, cautious research and analysis are required.

Sure, it will have to be Search engine marketing-friendly, speed-optimized, and extremely safe to rank upper and force higher visitors, nevertheless it will have to additionally come with the vital structure web page options. As an example, it will have to have challenge galleries, show consumer testimonials, and show off products and services in a contemporary and interesting means to draw extra shoppers.

This submit lists the most efficient structure wordpress issues that will help you make a selection the suitable one for your small business. We additionally listing the crucial options to believe when reviewing quite a lot of choices.

What to Glance For in a Building wordpress Theme?

You need to construct an exquisite web page to spotlight your products and services, consumer good fortune tales, and previous tasks whilst additionally ensuring it’s appearing properly on serps and using new shoppers. Listed below are the options you wish to have to search for to your structure wordpress theme:

  • Venture Galleries and Portfolio Showcases: Show previous tasks and portfolios with effects accomplished to spotlight experience and high quality of labor and draw in new shoppers. Search for portfolio parts in numerous layouts: grid, masonry, horizontal, and so on.
  • Provider Listings: Test if the demo theme features a products and services web page and sections to obviously define the products and services you supply and tell attainable purchasers about what you’ll be able to do for them.
  • Consumer Testimonials: Search for testimonials pages or embed parts to function comments and testimonials in stunning showcases from previous purchasers to construct consider and credibility.
  • Touch Bureaucracy and Quote Requests: Come with embed bureaucracy for attainable purchasers to touch you or request quotes on your products and services. Your theme will have to combine with e-mail advertising and marketing platforms to create touch shape embeds.
  • Integration with Mapping Gear: To draw native shoppers, it’s a good suggestion to show off a map for your web page. Test in case your theme lets you upload a map.
  • Running a blog Functions: See if the theme lets you create a weblog to proportion trade insights, updates, and information to interact guests and determine authority to your box.

To make a choice the suitable structure theme, you first determine your particular wishes and finances. Then, learn person opinions on websites like G2 and TrustPilot and take a look at demo variations to verify compatibility and delight prior to committing.

6 Perfect Building wordpress Issues

After you have created your variety standards the usage of the standards we mentioned above, let’s overview our listing of the most efficient structure wordpress issues:

1. Divi

Perfect for Customization and Flexibility

Divi is a extremely customizable wordpress theme and web page builder that features a powerful web page builder and all of the equipment you wish to have to construct and develop your structure corporate web page simply. The Divi Builder contains get entry to to 350+ website packs, together with:

Those format packs come with premade web page designs on your web page’s house, about, touch, weblog, challenge, testimonials, and different pages. You can get entry to any of those layouts at no cost inside the Divi Builder.

mix and match templates by importing many site templates

Along with premade format packs, Divi lets you generate all of your web page in mins the usage of certainly one of our Divi Starter Websites, which you’ll be able to simply alter to check your emblem.

You’ll be able to even make a selection to generate your website with Divi AI, which can lead to an absolutely personalised website with pictures and textual content content material you’ll be able to in reality use. Simply give Divi AI directions and watch it design your structure website in mins.

Divi supplies 200+ content elements for showing portfolios, galleries, carrier listings, testimonials, consumer tasks, and a lot more. Whether or not you wish to have a filterable portfolio of your tasks or a customizable interactive Google map on your touch web page, Divi permits you to do it.

construction specific custom widgets in divi

The usage of its integrated equipment, you’ll be able to embed touch bureaucracy, create sliders, translate your website into your target market’s most popular language, lazy-load pictures, and habits A/B cut up assessments.

Divi additionally has a marketplace the place you’ll be able to prolong the capability of your structure website with extra layouts, plugins, or this Divi Construction Child Theme.

What We Like About Divi

  • Auto Web page Era & AI Gear: Construct a complete structure web page the usage of a starter website or ask Divi AI to do it in not up to 5 mins the usage of Divi Quick Sites.
  • Shocking format packs for Building Web sites – Jumpstart your website design with premade layouts which are simply custom designed to suit your emblem.
  • Visible Builder: No wish to backward and forward between editor and preview home windows, you customise your website by way of viewing adjustments are living.
  • Plugin Compatibility & Integration: Even if all of the equipment are provide as integrated Divi options, Divi is suitable with most wordpress plugins and common products and services if you wish to have so as to add additional options.
  • Divi + WooCommerce: Set up WooCommerce and create an exquisite retailer the usage of Divi builder and e-commerce-specific customized widgets.
  • Responsive Enhancing: Divi builder permits you to edit your website’s desktop, cellular, and tab variations on one display whilst viewing adjustments seem right away.
  • International Components & Presets: You’ll be able to create and save global elements and presets within the Divi library for later use.
  • Time-Saving Enhancing Gear: To hurry up the modifying procedure, use many equipment, comparable to inline modifying, multi-select, keyboard shortcuts, replica/paste, and extra.

What May just Be Advanced

  • Takes Time To Be told: Divi comes with many options and choices that require a while to grasp. You should spend sufficient time to learn to use all of Divi’s options successfully.

Why We Picked It

Divi gives prime customization with its robust, drag-and-drop, no-code web page builder, making development a feature-rich structure web page easy. You get all of the options as integrated equipment, so that you don’t have to fret about bloating your website with further plugins.

Who Is Divi Perfect For

Divi is best possible for person contractors, freelancers, and businesses running with structure companies and small industry house owners who wish to construct a feature-rich structure web page with out the restrictions of extra area of interest issues. Its prime customization and no-code web page builder are an ideal mixture.

Group Rankings


Divi memberships get started at $89 in line with 12 months.

Get Divi

2. BuildWall

Perfect Multipurpose Theme for Building Area of interest

buildwall construction theme demo
BuildWall is a flexible wordpress theme designed deliberately for structure corporations. It gives 32 distinctive skins adapted for quite a lot of construction-related web page wishes, comparable to structure, eco-house development, house renovation, and extra.

32 construction specific demo sites of buildwall

The theme is extremely customizable with Elementor integration, Search engine marketing-optimized pages, and a responsive design. Key options come with a multifunctional mega menu, workforce member sections, testimonials, good counters, and an built-in Google Maps block.

It helps WooCommerce, enabling the advent of an internet retailer for promoting construction-related merchandise. BuildWall guarantees a quick, user-friendly revel in with detailed documentation and fortify.

What We Like About BuildWall

  • Multifunctional Mega Menu: You’ll be able to design a customizable mega menu that permits for simple navigation and show of more than one classes and pages.
  • More than a few Weblog Layouts: BuildWall gives other weblog layouts, together with list, grid, and masonry types, offering many choices to show your paintings.
  • Complicated Customization Choices: You get in depth customization choices for headers, footers, and web page parts to design a singular and personalised web page look.
  • Testimonial and Group Member Sections: Contains specialised sections for showing buyer testimonials and introducing workforce participants, bettering credibility and personalization.
  • Integrated Google Maps and Touch Bureaucracy: Options Google Maps integration and customizable touch bureaucracy, making it simple for guests to seek out the industry location and get in contact.

What May just Be Advanced

  • Complexity and Studying Curve: You could in finding the theme tricky to navigate, particularly should you’re a novice. It may be exhausting to find and alter particular settings, once in a while requiring adjustments in more than one spaces.

Why We Picked It

BuildWall contains essentially the most in depth number of construction-specific demo websites, which you get with the theme acquire. That is nice as you’ll be able to simply optimize your website for various designs.

Who Is BuildWall Perfect For

BuildWall is best possible for businesses that design internet sites for structure corporations. Its complete dashboard with centralized challenge monitoring, useful resource allocation, and verbal exchange options, make it in particular helpful for managing more than one tasks.

Group Rankings


BuildWall prices $85 (one-time price) for one website license.

Get BuildWall

2. Astra

Perfect for Search engine marketing Friendliness & Optimized Efficiency

astra construction demo site
Astra is a well-liked wordpress theme identified for being Search engine marketing-friendly, light-weight, and handing over optimized functionality in serps. It has an exquisite construction starter site with vital pages comparable to house, touch, products and services, tasks, and so on.

Astra is supplied with, because of this your web page will seem with additional data in SERPs (Google Wisdom Graph.)
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It has default AMP compatibility, which permits it to load temporarily in SERPs. Like Divi, it additionally confirmed 100/100 on PageInsights and a document length of 53 KB in GTMetrix—a majority of these options make it light-weight and instant.

Astra permits you to customise your website in drag-and-drop taste with a separate header and footer builder. You’ll be able to upload international fonts, create presets, upload international colours, and use customized layouts to construct your website.
choose global presets in astra

Even if no longer up to Divi, Astra contains weblog layouts like masonry, grids, and columns to show off portfolios, create galleries, and listing consumer tasks. The nice factor is that Astra is suitable with maximum plugins, so you’ll be able to set up the wordpress Portfolio plugin to get additional layouts.

So as to add additional options, you need to set up plugins, comparable to WooCommerce for beginning an internet store, Contact Form 7 for taking consumer queries, and Elementor for added options comparable to sliders, carousels, testimonials, carrier listings, and so on.

What We Like About Astra

  • Responsive Design: Your website seems nice on cellular, desktop, and pill monitors. Astra’s web page builder additionally makes it simple to optimize for responsiveness.
  • WooCommerce Integration: In case you plan to promote construction-related merchandise or products and services on-line, Astra’s WooCommerce integration makes it simple to arrange an internet retailer.
  • Search engine marketing Pleasant: Astra is constructed the usage of Search engine marketing very best practices, so relaxation confident that your website will rank upper in seek effects and draw in leads.
  • Web page Builder Compatibility: It’s suitable with Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Gutenberg as a way to create customized layouts and designs with out coding.
  • Customized Layouts: Astra has customized layouts for rows, sections, and person pages to show off your structure tasks and products and services uniquely and successfully.

What May just Be Advanced

  • Restricted Integrated Gear: Astra gives restricted integrated capability in comparison to Divi, so that you’ll must depend on third-party plugins for extra options. This is able to build up prices and reduce website pace.
  • Price tag-Based totally Toughen Device: To achieve Astra fortify, you need to create a price ticket and watch for the workforce to reply. This takes time, so that you’ll must seek for solutions your self.

Why We Picked It

Astra is an unbelievable theme for Search engine marketing options and optimized functionality. It permits you to create easy websites optimized to rank upper in SERPs, so that you gained’t have to fret about complicated caching answers.

Who Is Astra Perfect For

Astra is best possible in case your purpose isn’t to create a complicated website however to listing products and services with a minimum web page design. It provides you with all of the vital equipment to create portfolios, show products and services, and get started an internet store. In case you’d like complicated options, set up Elementor.

Group Rankings


Astra has a unfastened model. The paid model begins at $59 in line with 12 months.

Get Astra

3. OceanWP

oceanwp construction site demo
OceanWP is an Search engine marketing-friendly wordpress theme full of distinctive customization options, comparable to content material loop developers, customized header menu templates, sticky headers, WooCommerce parts, and web page layouts to create stunning internet sites of any kind.

Whilst you set up the OceanWP Additional plugin with the theme, you get 200+ unfastened and top rate web page templates, together with the construction demo theme. The theme will also be custom designed the usage of Elementor or Beaver Builder by way of dragging and losing parts.
editing oceanwp theme with elementor

Customized widgets come with more than one designs for portfolios, sliders, galleries, and call bureaucracy, letting you show off tasks fantastically and hook up with purchasers. You’ll be able to additionally set up a cost calculator plugin to make it simple for purchasers to estimate prices. OceanWP has additionally partnered with Freepik and Flatocon, because of this you’ll be able to use royalty-free top rate pictures and icons at no cost.
oceanwp freepik included custom demo sites

OceanWP is up to date regularly, with PageSpeed Insights appearing a 96/100 for the desktop website. It contains many equipment to optimize functionality. As an example, it permits you to flip Javascript and CSS parts on/off to scale back web page length and integrated options to verify it ranks temporarily. Take a look at a extra detailed comparison of Divi and OceanWP themes.

What We Like About OceanWP

  • Complicated Typography: You could have many typography choices to select fonts that fit your emblem’s identification and reinforce clarity.
  • Responsive Design: OceanWP makes positive your web page seems nice on all units, together with desktops, drugs, and smartphones. It’s additionally retina-ready.
  • Top class Extensions: OceanWP contains top rate extensions so as to add capability comparable to further widgets, complicated customizations, and integration choices.
  • Top class Toughen: Neatly-documented assist sources, YouTube tutorials, and ticket-based fortify are provide at no cost and paid participants. You’ll be able to additionally acquire a top rate fortify club for personalised assist.
  • E-commerce Integration: OceanWP integrates with WooCommerce to simplify the setup of an internet retailer for promoting structure merchandise. It additionally contains customized WooCommerce widgets.

What May just Be Advanced

  • Restricted Loose Model: OceanWP’s unfastened model contains fewer customized widgets, templates, and different options. It additionally presentations means too many advertisements to inspire customers to improve to the top rate model.

Who Is OceanWP Perfect For

It’s a excellent possibility for contractors, architects, developers, and structure corporations getting began. OceanWP gives a unfastened model with customizable layouts and responsive designs. Its integration with Freepik lets you get unfastened pictures, making it simple to create skilled internet sites at no cost.

Group Rankings


OceanWP gives a unfastened model with the top rate theme, costing $35 once a year.

Get OceanWP

4. Qi Theme

qi theme construction demo site

Qi Theme is a light-weight, performance-optimized theme constructed with blank code and decreased document length in thoughts. It displays a 99 rating on each GTMetrix and PageSpeed Insights reviews. It’s Search engine marketing-friendly, mobile-responsive, and generates schema markups robotically, so relaxation confident, your website will load instant.

Qi Theme contains 150 pre-designed templates with stunning architecture and construction websites. The premium version of the theme provides you with get entry to to all templates plus extra options.

qode essential plugin for qi theme for free demo sites

Every template contains vital pages, comparable to house, about, portfolio, and call. You additionally get devoted portfolio pages for various consumer tasks. Qi contains many customized widgets, and you’ll be able to use Elementor to customise the theme. In case you’re the usage of the top rate model, you additionally get the Qi Addons for Elementor so as to add extra customized widgets.

Its buyer fortify is understood for being useful and simple to succeed in. They provide a lot of helpful data, like an in depth wisdom base and video guides, and are to be had 24*7 to assist shoppers repair problems.

What We Like About Qi Theme

  • Consumer Testimonials and Critiques: Demo websites additionally come with sections for showcasing consumer testimonials and opinions to construct consider and credibility.
  • Integration with Well-liked Plugins: Qi Theme is suitable with common wordpress plugins comparable to WPBakery Web page Builder, Elementor, and WooCommerce for complicated customization choices.
  • Venture Show off: Qi Theme contains devoted sections and layouts for showing tasks, whole with symbol galleries, challenge descriptions, and consumer testimonials.
  • Pre-designed Inside Pages: It has many designs for structure companies, together with challenge showcases, products and services, about us, and call pages.
  • Complicated Typography Choices: It gives in depth typography settings, together with fonts, font sizes, and types, to create a certified glance.

What May just Be Advanced

  • Faces Technical System defects: The unfastened model of the Qi Theme turns into unresponsive. Now and again, the builder will get caught, or the brand turns into invisible.

Why We Picked It

Qi Theme comes with many pre-designed starter websites with well-designed interior pages. You’ll be able to upload extra options by way of buying add-ons for particular use instances, comparable to Qi Blocks & Qi Templates for Gutenberg and Qi Addon for Elementor.

Who Is Qi Theme Perfect For

Qi Theme is perfect for development structure websites because of its flexibility, powerful design choices, and user-friendly interface. The unfastened model is best possible for freshmen beginning.

Group Rankings


Qi Theme is unfastened, however top rate plans get started at $79 in line with 12 months.

Get Qi Theme

5. Blocksy

blocksy construction demo site

Blocksy is a well-liked wordpress theme designed by way of Inventive Issues with an exquisite Renovation demo website. It contains all of the vital pages, however the Products and services web page sticks out essentially the most—it lets you lay out your procedure to construct authority.

You’ll be able to customise it the usage of a web page builder like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Gutenberg. To simplify customization, Blocksy contains many tiny equipment, comparable to darkish mode, GDPR compliance, international settings, and header and footer parts. You additionally get many customized parts to show your paintings, together with Elementor widgets.

Blocksy has a collection of plugins that permit you to upload complicated options in your website. As an example, Stackable so as to add Gutenberg blocks, TranslatePress to permit language translation, WPForms so as to add touch bureaucracy, and the Modula plugin to create stunning galleries.

modula gallery plugin for creating galleries

Blocksy is an Search engine marketing-friendly, instant, and light-weight theme with a 100% GTMetrix and 99 PageSpeed Insights rating. It additionally gives complicated options like loading code best when vital to verify your website so much instant.

What We Like About Blocksy

  • Complicated Header Builder: Blocksy permits you to customise headers with drag-and-drop parts to construct a singular, standout design.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Blocksy integrates with WooCommerce to create an internet store and promote structure merchandise temporarily.
  • Complicated Weblog Layouts: You get more than one web page layouts and submit codecs to draw new purchasers throughout the weblog.
  • Integrated Mega Menu: Blocksy contains mega menus, which let you prepare complicated navigation menus for simple get entry to to website content material.
  • Customized Widgets and Sidebars: Blocksy contains widgets and sidebar choices to reinforce website capability.

What May just Be Advanced

  • No Rapid Toughen Possibility: The fortify mentions a 24-hour wait time, which isn’t quick, making an allowance for you’ll want assist virtually right away whilst customizing your theme.

Why We Picked It

Blocksy contains many pre-made starter websites and customized widgets, which, when blended with Gutenberg and Elementor, upload much more choices to construct customized websites. Blocksy contains its suite of plugins, which assist upload extra capability in your website.

Who Is Blocksy Perfect For

Blocksy is very best for contractors, architects, and developers in the hunt for a strong, responsive, customizable wordpress theme for structure website portfolios, challenge showcases, and corporate internet sites. Its unfastened plugin compatibility makes it versatile.

Group Rankings


You’ll be able to obtain the unfastened Blocksy theme or acquire the top rate theme for $69 in line with 12 months.

Get Blocksy

Worth Comparability: Perfect Building wordpress Issues

What are the Perfect Building wordpress Issues?

When opting for between Divi and Astra for a structure wordpress website, believe necessary options and your wishes. Every theme at the listing has its qualities.

As an example, Divi gives in depth customization and a strong web page builder—best possible if you wish to have complete keep an eye on over your designs with out losing money and time on design. You’ll be able to generate a web page in seconds, make a choice from other structure web page format packs, and edit the whole thing at the entrance finish to make it your personal.

If you wish to have a distinct segment structure theme with many nice options and designs inbuilt and waiting to head, BuildWall is a great selection.

Astra is light-weight and Search engine marketing-friendly. If you wish to have a fast-loading website, it really works nice with web page developers like Elementor. Have a look at what you wish to have after which make a selection.

On the lookout for extra? Take a look at those most sensible business wordpress themes and our best theme picks total.wordpress Issues total.

FAQs at the Perfect Building wordpress Issues

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What Options Must I Search for in a Building wordpress Theme?

Make a selection a structure wordpress theme with responsive design, Search engine marketing-friendliness, plugin compatibility (e.g., WooCommerce), and integrated challenge templates. Search for options like a drag-and-drop web page builder, customized widgets (e.g., portfolio, gallery, touch shape, consumer testimonials, carrier listings, and so on.), and demo content material for speedy setup.

How Do I Make a selection the Perfect Building wordpress Theme?

Choose a theme that meets your structure industry wishes, is Search engine marketing-friendly, and provides customization options and customized widgets. Make certain it’s up to date steadily and provides dependable buyer fortify. Test person opinions and scores to be told from the revel in of different theme customers.

Is It Vital for the Theme to Be Appropriate with Web page Developers?

Sure, compatibility with web page developers like Elementor or WPBakery simplifies customization. However this is not vital with issues like Divi, that have integrated web page developers. With Divi, you get a theme and a web page builder that works on different wordpress issues.

How Vital Is Search engine marketing Optimization in a Building Theme?

Search engine marketing optimization is the most important because it improves your website’s seek engine score and draws extra purchasers. That is why you will have to make a selection issues coded with Search engine marketing very best practices and suitable with Search engine marketing plugins like Yoast Search engine marketing, which will assist spice up your on-line presence.

Can I Use Loose Issues for My Building Web page?

Loose issues are a excellent place to begin however incessantly lack complicated options and fortify. Top class issues usually be offering extra options, common updates, and higher fortify, that are crucial for a certified structure web page. Then again, if you are a novice, getting began with a unfastened theme and upgrading later is a good suggestion.

The submit 6 Best Construction wordpress Themes for Builders in 2024 seemed first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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