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The Stockpile Savior

Product Name: The Stockpile Savior

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There is a hidden storm brewing.

The 3 dark signs that prove it are already here.

And in 2024, it is about to destroy everything you hold dear.

I’m talking about a devastating event that hit the US almost 200-years ago, and it’s about to hit
us again.

Back then, it killed 3% of the population, erased approximately 60% of the nation’s wealth, and
left entire states devastated.

Desperate families were left wandering the country fighting for bare survival. Communities turned
inside out. And the infrastructure that held our nation together crumbled.

The scars it left cut deep and affect us even today, generations later.

But come this November, what follows once again, will make that past tragedy seem like child’s
play in comparison.

This is something that will pit brother against brother, town folk against city folk, man against
woman… And there’s little we can do to stop it…

There’s an almost “electric” charge in the atmosphere these days. Like a thunderstorm before the
big lighting strikes.

Something is terribly wrong with our nation. Like it’s reaching some boiling point, a point of no
return… and it seems like it’s about to give.

There’s talk about World War 3 buzzing in the media… But at this point in time, a war against an
external threat would probably unite us.

No.The serious threat to the American way of life and your safety is internal.

And it can obliterate all the basic necessities of modern life.

Unfortunately, this is not fear mongering. I wish it was…

And I’ll prove it without a shadow of a doubt by sharing with you the 3 sure-fire signs that this
could happen as early as this year.

… a world where cities are having a meltdown, and millions of refugees are placed into the

The economy overwhelmed by the sudden internal conflicts shuts down, shifting into a kind of war
economy mode – prioritizing only a select few.

Jobs vanish overnight. Millions of homeless people are hitting the streets. Some running from the
killings, others unknowingly heading for more danger.

People would be left at the mercy of whatever stockpiles they managed to build, if any.

How much food and water you’ve got. What tools and equipment you need to survive and maintain
your home.

Whatever arsenal you’ve got that allows you to protect your home from invaders. From rowing
gangs. And from the chaos that is heading our way…

They either don’t have a stockpile, or worse, they have a completely inadequate one and think
they’re safe, when they’re not.

(In a minute I’ll show you exactly what needs to be in your stockpile, to make sure you last
not just days and weeks, but months or even years, if you have to – with no government, with
no food in the grocery stores, and no one to count on but yourself).

Hi, my name is Mark Anderson, and I am known as the “Stockpile Scientist”.

And in the past few months, I’ve started seeing the writing on the wall.

I believe there are 3 major signs that it’s about to hit the fan… that we will have a civil
war in the US. And it could happen as early as this year.

All civil wars share at least three signs in common, and without disclosing the United States by
name, most experts on civil war would agree and say that the country in question is on the very
brink of civil war.

So how do you spot a civil war months before it explodes into chaos?

The first sign is that most civil wars follow some prior conflict. Where one side feels
crushed, humiliated, taken for a fool, and angry, while the victors gloat and continue to put
the losing side down.

This isn’t just about hurt feelings anymore – it’s about deep-seated resentment that can simmer
and eventually boil over, causing violent conflicts that could tear our society apart.

With the election battle this year so strong, there is bound to be a loser and a winner.

But this time regardless of who wins, the other side is unlikely to take it anymore. And this
could be the spark that ignites the powder keg.

The second big warning sign that trouble is brewing?

Our country is deeply divided. Look around – everywhere you see lines in the sand are drawn like
never before.

It’s rich against poor, working class vs the middle class, town folk vs city folk, blue states vs
red states… It goes even deeper, with gaps between religion, race, genders… and the list goes

It seems only 20 years ago we all still had things in common. But politics and social media have
created a rupture between groups, a gaping hole that many think is impossible to bridge.

And when people start looking at others as “less than human” this is when atrocities start

The third glaring sign. Which is a rise of sect-like behavior.

Across the nation groups are forming into what essentially could be called modern-day

These groups demand that you join them or at the very least, become an ally. Anyone who does not
comply, or questions them is instantly branded as being wrong, evil, or even dangerous..

Take, for instance, the rise of the “woke cult”, or as some call it “Church of the Woke”. This
group is infamous for its relentless push to cancel and silence anyone who dares to speak up
against what they believe.

But it’s not just them.

The fear of backlash is so intense that millions are choosing to keep their opinions to
themselves, because they are afraid of invoking the wrath of these powerful mobs, masked as
various civil rights activists.

With cities like Baltimore being under siege, where tensions were boiling over. That was just a
terrifying preview of what’s to come.

This isn’t just about differing opinions anymore, it’s about fearing for one’s safety over their
beliefs and first amendment rights.

I believe that all of these 3 signs will come together by the end of this year, with a desperate
half of the country losing the elections.

With the division between us getting stronger than ever. And with various “cult leaders” asking
for retribution – not just on social media but in the real world too.

When this happens, it will be game over for America.

You see, if anything we are very prepared for an attack from the outside. All our defenses are
pointed outward.

But what happens if a house is divided upon itself? When brother goes against brother? Countrymen
against countrymen?

Regardless of how long it takes – there will still be a little time to prepare.

But one thing is sure… time is running out.

And food, water, supplies, generators, guns, ammo — you’ll need all this if you want to survive
and thrive when it hits.

Because a civil war would be devastating.

The first 100 days would be especially hard to understand while you’d adjust to the “new

Imagine the widespread collapse that would follow.

Cities in lockdown, communities barricaded, and frequent blackouts as infrastructure fails.

Power station being forced to shut down, or getting critically damaged beyond repair.

Nuclear cores getting close to melt down, or worse. Millions of homes left without power and
heating in the dead or winter, or unable to live in the sweltering heat of summer.

Where on top of having no fridge, no AC, no internet whatsoever… People have to learn to live
without water, because most municipal pumps aren’t working.

Where local and interstate transportation has ground to a halt – making it impossible for all
grocery stores – or pharmacies, or any store for that matter – to resupply.

I’m talking about a complete mayhem on the streets where there is no clear distinction of
the enemy, leaving the unprepared as sitting ducks.

Neighborhoods turn into fortresses, families hunkerdown unsure of when the chaos will end.

Every day… a battle against uncertainty and the basic comforts of home become luxuries.

As I said my name is Mark Anderson, and I am known as the “Stockpile Scientist”. I’ll tell you
why people call me that in a minute because…

I believe that most Americans, including preppers, are seriously underprepared for the
devastating consequences of a full fledged civil war.

Regardless of whether they already have a stockpile, or they’re just starting to build one.

1) A civil war in the US will be unexpected, because people are wilfully blind, claiming that:
“It can never happen here”.

I believe the coming threat is so unlike everything we’ve been preparing for, that the
conventional stockpiling advice simply won’t cut it anymore.

Preppers with serious stashes might have a chance… although most stockpiles are missing key items
that could make them useless (I’ll show you what I mean in a second).

But there are millions of Americans with no stockpile whatsoever. And if you don’t have one, the
time to start it is now – because that might be your only way to survive for a long time.

But not any stockpile will do.

Preppers need to build multifunctional stockpiles with a high “bang for buck” ratio. And
most of all, they need “Stockpile saviors” – some of the most useful (and neglected) items a
prepper could hoard. I’ll show you 7 essential items like this, here on this page. (Missing
item #1 almost cost me my daughter’s life).

2) There will be no way to resupply for months or more

Unlike the other localized crises we had in the past years, this will likely be a continent-wide
catastrophe with no clear leadership.

This means there will be no opportunities to restock for a long time.

Most people, including preppers, will be shocked by how fast their stockpiles are draining. And
the truth is, most people are clueless about how to start a stockpile for 100 days or more –
without making really expensive (and life threatening) mistakes, and without even requiring a
lot of storage space.

That’s why on this page I’ll explain how to build a 100-day stockpile in just 10 days – even when
you’re on a budget, or if you live in a small rented apartment with little space for a survival

But even when people do manage to put together a long-term stockpile, most will fail. Because, in
my experience…

3) Even those with big, expensive stockpiles are probably not going to make it.

I should know. Because before being the “Stockpile Scientist”, I was one of those confident
preppers who thought he knew it all.

Look – I wasn’t born an expert in stockpiling. I became one by making more mistakes than anyone I
know. And since I believe smart people learn from other people’s mistakes, this is your chance
to learn from mine.

It was early 2010, and I was living in Haiti with my family as an expat.

It was a poor country that was constantly battered by hurricanes and earthquakes. So prepping was
something you simply had to do.
I wasn’t too worried. I had 5 figures worth of food, water, medicine, fuel – and all the tools I
thought I’d need to survive in case the big one hit.

It didn’t take long for me to see my stockpile put to the test: on January 12, Haiti was hit by
one of the largest earthquakes in the history of the country. Millions of homes collapsed. The
country was left with no electricity and no water. There were no stores. People had to cram into
tent cities to survive.

But in the middle of all that chaos, we were fine. My trusty generator was chugging along, we had
a fridge going, AC was working, food was plenty. And then it happened.

I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I was in our living room, listening to the radio about the widespread looting. My wife was pacing
the room worried. I wasn’t. I was just telling her that we’re safe, that we’re nothing like
those poor souls outside who failed to prepare.

That’s when the lights went out. But there was no reason to panic: the generator had run out of
gas. I had plenty of gasoline in my stockpile. I picked up a canister from the back of the shed
and filled up. I started the generator.

I thought maybe it was a blown fuse or something. I checked everything. There was nothing wrong
with the generator. But I could feel a sense of dread starting to grow in the pit of my

I could feel my heart sinking, and my confidence was replaced with a deep sense of

And it turns out, I was right to feel that way.

With no fuel, my generator became useless. We lost not just power: but the refrigerator and the
water pump. Soon, our hygiene took a dive. And that’s when Harper, my 6-year-old daughter, got

The previous week, we had felt calm and protected in the warmth of the living room, looking at
the turmoil and feeling confident. Now I was rushing to the nearest UN tent camp, desperate for
the electrolytes that would save my daughter.

I was forced to leave my family at home, unprotected, vulnerable to looters and all sorts of scum
that typically surface after any disaster… to sit in a line of 1000 desperate people who all
needed the same doctor.

And right until the last moment, I didn’t know whether she was going to make it.
Knowing that my stupid mistake could have led to her death was my wake up call.

Because after Harper got better, and we eventually escaped that hell, I didn’t let my mistake

My stockpile had failed me. I thought I was prepared, and that false confidence was my undoing.
What else had I failed to prepare for?

Once back to the US, I started having some deep conversations with people I respected. Not just
preppers. I spoke to veterans with real combat experience. I interviewed supply managers for
large cruise ships, who must spend months at sea and make sure nothing’s missing. And I picked
the brains of people with real survival stories in besieged cities.

As it turns out, my experience was anything but singular. In fact…

Mistake number 1 is overspending on non-essentials

Imagine having a million dollar car that won’t start because you blew a 50 cent ignition fuse.
This is how most stockpiles look like. Preppers are spending thousands of dollars or more on
obvious things like freeze dried food, or water filters, or a generator. But very often they
ignore key items that are often cheap. And because of that, they can’t really make use of their
expensive stockpiles.

Mistake number 2 is packing too much space with useless items

Too many people think you need a huge stockpile that will take a lot of space. But in fact, there
are lots of ways to pack high impact items that don’t require a root cellar or even a

One way to achieve that is to pick foods with high caloric density and long shelf life.
Another great way is to build a multifunctional stockpile – basically with items that serve
multiple purposes. I’ll show you 7 of my favorites below.

In fact, I discovered that there are some items most preppers ignore, that can make or break your
stockpile. I call those items “stockpile saviors” because they literally save your stockpile.
Start incorporating stockpile saviors into your preparedness – and you’ll save thousands of
dollars on your preps, and will need a lot LESS space.

I mentioned the first one in my survival story: Fuel stabilizer. This might not sound
important if you’re planning to survive for a week or so. Or if you have access to fresh fuel.

But for something catastrophic as a civil war event, having a fuel stabilizer will help
keep the power on when the entire country ground to a halt.

You see, fuel isn’t wine—it doesn’t get better with age.

Left alone, it’ll break down over time because of oxygen and moisture. So at most, you can expect
5 months out of gasoline, and up to 12 from diesel and kerosene. Fuel stabilizer can double that
lifespan, which might be invaluable in a longer SHTF situation.

Pro-tip: a Tri Fuel adapter is a good investment – as it will allow your generator to run
on propane. And propane does NOT expire.

Petroleum Jelly. Petroleum Jelly is a must-have for any emergency kit, be it a bug-out-bag
or a bunker stash. It’s one of my favorite multifunctional prepping items.

It’s cheap, versatile, and easy to store, making it perfect for uncertain times.

But it does more than you might think.

Need to start a fire? Coat some cotton balls in Vaseline for an easy-to-light fire starter.

Facing cold weather? It’s a go-to for skin protection and even frostbite prevention.

In first aid, it can help chapped skin and speed up wound healing—just steer clear of using it on

It can also be a lifesaver for shaving without water, rejuvenating old leather, and making candle
wax removal a breeze.

In short, Petroleum Jelly isn’t just goop in a jar; it’s your all-around utility player that
you’ll be glad to have when you need it most.

Our third item might sound boring but it can literally save your stockpile in an emergency: Silica

You might remember those little packets you get in the box whenever you buy a new pair of

You see, moisture is one of the biggest enemies of a long term stockpile.

Silica gel is a powerful desiccant that can absorb up to 37% of its own weight in moisture.

Silica gel safeguards electronics from water damage and prevents condensation on camera equipment
and headphones.

It effectively absorbs water, making it superior to rice for saving wet electronics.

Moreover, silica gel prolongs the freshness of foods, protects metals from rusting, aids in
gardening, and even combats fog and condensation.

In short, it’s a pivotal asset within your preparedness arsenal.

The fourth item is Bay Leaves…

Now these leaves are more than just a crisis-time resource; they should be a regular part of your
daily life.

In tough situations, they offer not only various health benefits but also effective pest

They help manage health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, digestive problems, and

When dried, they hold flammable oils that transform them into exceptional emergency fire

This unique attribute is invaluable during survival situations…

Allowing you to quickly ignite a fire that’s crucial for you and your family’s warmth, cooking,
or signaling for help.

So make bay leaves a staple of your stockpile, not just an emergency option.

That brings me to our fifth Stockpile Savior…

Many preppers imagine that they need the newest and most expensive items. But to me, baking soda
is the definition of “good bang for your buck”. It’s cheap and has tons of uses in a crisis,
more than I can mention:

Mouthwash and teeth whitener; deodorant; kitchen cleaner; weed killer. You can use it to clean a
scorched pot. It helps with heartburn and itchy skin.

And it can help decontaminate radioactivity!

The sixth item you should have in your stockpile is a good tarp.

It’s funny how many preppers don’t have a good basic tarp. It’s one of the most versatile items
you could hope for in a crisis. No water? Unroll your tarp and collect rain or dew water. Broken
window? You can mend it with a tarp. Or you can build a simple shelter until you find something
more solid.

It can act as wet weather clothing so you or your kids don’t get sick. And in an emergency, you
can use it as a stretcher.

The last thing on my list is Oxygen absorbers.

Oxygen shortens the shelf life of some foods.

It makes food go bad faster by causing oxidation of fats…

Letting germs grow, activating enzymes, and causing good food to spoil too fast.

Yet in the absence of oxygen, food can last for more than a decade in storage!

And guess what: it will allow you to prolong the expiration date of medication. This is
invaluable in a crisis, especially with hard to find medicine.

After our narrow escape from Haiti, I conducted over 100 interviews with preppers of all sorts.
It made me realize that, while some people were better prepared than others… everyone was still
sort of “winging it”.

No one had a roadmap for how to properly build a stockpile. And even those who had one were
making dangerous mistakes that could cost them the life of someone they loved.

So I set out to create the ultimate resource for building a 100+ days stockpile from scratch, in
under 10 days.

I called it “The Stockpile Savior”.

This is the ultimate guide to building a bulletproof stockpile…

That takes you from being uncertain about your preps…

To being 100% confident that your family will comfortably survive the first 100 days & beyond
of any disaster.

And you won’t have to waste hours researching what you need…

Visiting stores to compare

Or spending sleepless nights worrying about whether you’ve done your part to protect your

What really sets this apart from anything else in the market is that I’ve done all the heavy
lifting FOR YOU.

See, this isn’t just a simple guide.

It’s actually a step by step blueprint that practically does all the work FOR you.

Think of it like a 10 Day Roadmap to build a bulletproof stockpile.

Every morning, for 10 days, you’ll get a list of items you need to stockpile for that day.

You’ll even get links for where to find the product so you can simply open your guide for each
day and follow the steps to build your stockpile.

It really is as simple as waking up, pressing a few buttons, and waiting for your stockpile to
practically build itself.

Without doing any real work yourself.

You’ll also get options for each budget.

Whether your budget is high enough to afford the high, end Dom Perignon Champagne version of this

Or just enough to afford a bottle of Andre Champagne from a gas station…

Because whatever option you choose will build you a bulletproof stockpile that protects you in
the face of any crisis.

I even asked friends in the US to test it out and within days they sent me these pictures… Check
it out!

Here’s exactly what you get inside The Stockpile Savior…

Part 1: How To Build The Ultimate Food Stockpile

First, you’ll create a food stockpile that will make sure your family never goes hungry in a
disaster. You’ll discover…

Part 2: The Safe & Reliable Way To Ensure Your Family Has Access To Unlimited Water

Next, we’ll ensure that your family has access to safe drinking water & hygiene conditions even
if your area is going through its worst drought. You’ll discover…

Part 3: You’ll Never Experience Another Blackout If You Have These Items

You already saw how having no power can render most of your preps useless. That’s why the next
thing we’ll do is create a stockpile that ensures you have running electricity even if the rest
of your city is living in rolling blackouts.

Part 4: Guns & Ammunition: When Your Family’s Safety Lies In Your Hands… You Can’t Afford To
Be Caught Without These Items

Nothing is more important than your safety. That’s why you’ll discover exactly which security
items you need in your stockpile… and where to find them. Think about it:

Part 5: How To Safeguard Your Health When Hospitals & Pharmacies Shut Down

When the modern healthcare system collapses… Your family only has you to rely on to take care of
their health. That’s why you’ll need to know…

The best part is, this 10 Day Roadmap also comes with a comprehensive guide that takes you
in-depth and explains the purpose behind each of these items.

So you aren’t just blindly collecting items…

But you’re also understanding the importance of each of them and how to put them to use.

It wasn’t easy getting the information that’s inside this program…

It took months of blood, sweat and literal tears to figure out how to create a truly reliable

One that leaves nothing to chance and gives you the confidence to protect your family no matter
what the future holds.

I’m confident enough to say that…

This is the ONLY program on the market that can truly help you survive the first 100 days &
beyond of any SHTF situation…

Without leaving you to do any of the research yourself or wasting thousands of dollars on
unnecessary products.

But I wanted to go one step further to make sure you’re really covered.

This is why, when you get The Stockpile Savior today…

The first report you’ll get is…

Special Report #1: The Invisible Stockpile

When the Out of Stock signs hit, the mob goes crazy.

They’re willing to do anything it takes to get access to the essentials.

Including stealing from those like you who were smart enough to stockpile what they need.

That’s why, The Invisible Stockpile shows you how to conceal your stockpile from the public

So no one can find your items, even if they manage to break into your home.

The second report you’ll get is…

Special Report #2: How To Stay Safe When Your Rights Are Taken Away

When the very people hired to protect you turn into your enemies, you need a new plan of

That’s why, in this report you’ll discover how to protect your rights, including…

And finally, the third report you’ll get is…

Special Report #3: Riot Survival Tactics From A Hardened Policeman

The mobs don’t just resort to theft when stores go out of stock.

Riots break out on the streets.

Making it unsafe to even step out without risking your life.

That’s why it’s essential to know these riot survival tactics – straight from a hardened

As soon as you have these reports, make sure you open them right away…

…to be sure you don’t miss out.

With these 3 reports you could be one of the few who live in total peace even if there’s a
complete disaster outside your windows.

You won’t have to worry about your family going hungry, thirsty or living for weeks in the

Because when you’ve truly covered all your bases…

You won’t get the dreadful feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop like every other

That’s what these 3 special reports will do for you.

By now you’re probably wondering…

Look, with The Stockpile Savior on your side, you’ll build a reliable stockpile that will help
you survive the first 100 Days of any disaster with absolute ease…

In a matter of just 10 days.

That means you’ll be giving your family the gift of total peace, comfort and safety in a
situation where thousands of people are fighting just to get by.

You’ll be doing your duty to them every time you serve a fresh plate of food cooked
with items from your stockpile…

Every time you hand them a clean glass of water…

And every time you protect them from danger using items in your security stockpile.

Plus, being the person with access to all these items when the rest of the city desperately needs
them puts you at a HUGE strategic advantage.

That’s not all. This stockpiling system also SAVES you from wasting thousands of dollars on
unnecessary items – just like I did.

On the other hand, without The Stockpile Savior…

You’ll always be the one desperately looking for what you need.

In fact, you’ll likely be one item away from endless chaos – like I was.

It almost cost me my daughter’s life – and I wouldn’t want anyone else to face the fear that I

That’s why when you consider everything that The Stockpile Savior can really do for you…

Which I think is extremely fair too…

In fact, just by preventing you from buying some of the unnecessary items…

This program would more than pay for itself.

I had no plans to release anything to the public at all!

This started off as a project to save myself and my family from any more pain.

And my goal has not changed.

My goal here is only to help other families live comfortably no matter what the world throws
their way.

Even if that means only covering the expenses of creating this book with its price tag. And
making no profits.

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…..

And say “YES” to this life-saving program…

And why instead, by taking action today…

You can order The Stockpile Savior…

And the 3 additional reports:

The only way to get it is to click the “Add To Cart” button now.

And you’ll have a proven roadmap to build your stockpile in just 10 days.

So you can thrive not just survive in the face of ANY disaster.

You can only get The Stockpile Savior here if you click the “Add To Cart” button now.

But really, the price doesn’t even matter… because it comes with…

We are absolutely certain that this will help you and your family thrive, not just survive in the
face of any disaster.

But we don’t want you to just take our word for it.

We want you to see what this program can do for you yourself.

That’s why we want to offer you the opportunity to try The Stockpile Savior for yourself for the
next 60 days…

With absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.

Simply click on the big golden button that says “ADD to CART”…

And order your own digital copy of The Stockpile Savior right now.

Then, you’ll have immediate access to the lifesaving information in The Stockpile Savior…

I want you to check out the valuable information inside this system and put it into action.

We are confident that once you do this, you’ll have what you need to know to safeguard your
family from the first 100 days and beyond of ANY disaster…

We’ve made this as newbie-friendly as we could.

But If you’re not blown away by the knowledge revealed in it…

And if you’re not absolutely thrilled with how easy this makes it for you to build your
ultimate survival stockpile…

Then simply send us an email within 60 days, and I’ll send you your money back no questions

The reason I’m offering this guarantee is because I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be
shocked to see how easy it really is to prepare your family with The Stockpile Savior…

Also because we like to do business the “right” way…

And if we’re not providing you with TREMENDOUS value then we don’t deserve your money.

This way you can see for yourself how great this program is without risking a thing.

So go ahead and click the big button below and you’ll enter directly into a secure order

The way I see it, you have 3 options now.

The first option is to do nothing.

And leave your family’s survival up to chance.

Look, I hope that none of these ‘Survival Black Swans’ scenarios become a reality.

I hope that you don’t end up needing any of this in the future.

But you have to remember that hope is not a strategy.

Buying The Stockpile Savior today is like buying insurance for the future.

You don’t do it because you think something bad is going to happen.

You do it because you’ll sleep easier at night knowing that if something does happen, your
family is covered.

That brings me to my second option.

Which is to try to do this yourself.

I did, for years, and you saw where it got me.

Terrified to find out whether my mistake was going to cost me my daughter’s life.

I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone.

Or your third option is to take a chance with The Stockpile Savior today.

Simply follow the instructions you get every morning.

And 10 days from now, you’ll have a bulletproof stockpile ready to help you survive ANY

Without spending hours on research, wasting thousands of dollars or losing any sleep worrying
about what you need to ensure your family’s survival.

I want you to take a moment and think about the disasters that have already been set in motion in
the US.

When they inevitably hit, it’ll be too late to prepare.

Most of the important stuff will be flying off the shelves…

And by the time you realize you need something essential, it will be gone.

That’s why it’s absolutely crucial that you don’t waste any more time.

And that you take action now to ensure your family’s survival.

Press the button below now and I’ll meet you on the other side.


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Spiritual Salt

Product Name: Spiritual Salt

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Manhood Miracle

Product Name: Manhood Miracle

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It was a like pent-up well of erotic energy had
been hiding in her body for years…

Clearly savoring every second of pleasure…

These were the kind of noises I’d always
wanted to hear a woman make…

As I treated her body to a merry-go-round of
spasmic climaxes that made her eyes roll back
in her skull…

…and caused her thighs to shiver like she was

They were for some asshole contractor that was supposed to be putting in a
hot tub in my backyard..

I stood there like a deer in the headlights… my entire field of vision blurred…

You know that feeling you get when something seems unreal?

I couldn’t move, think, or speak for what felt like a stretch of 10 minutes…

Like a teenager fleeing a house party…

The contractor jumped to his feet, grabbed his pants and high-tailed out
through the sliding door…

And my girlfriend Jennifer… the woman I loved and even planned to propose to…

Just sat up and gave me a look I’ll never forget as long as I live…

My hands shook and my voice cracked while a
tidal wave of adrenaline dumped out and
flooded my entire body…

It’s all I could muster, like a simpering animal
pleading with a predator who had it cornered…

Her grey eyes stared into mine with cold,
matter-of-fact precision before she said…

They weren’t words she said to try to hurt me or piss me off…

In fact, she said them as plainly as she would have given me time of day…

But the minute they came out of her mouth… it was like a sledgehammer slammed straight into my gut…

I reeled and felt my legs wobble… trying to catch my breath…

… as she strolled out the kitchen door, got in her car, and zoomed out of my life without
so much as looking back…

I slumped down on the coach, head in hand, as every cell in my body felt bathed
in strong acid.

Jennifer destroyed much more than our relationship…

She destroyed my self-respect and pride in being a man!

It was without a doubt THE MOST humiliating and emasculating thing that ever
happened to me…

But today, I’m actually grateful for it!

Because that horrific moment marked a turning point for me and over 12,200 men
from every liveable continent on the globe…

Allowing any man of any age… to give ANY woman a blizzard of full body
orgasms more potent than she’s ever felt in her whole life!

Go around after hot sweaty round… 2,3, even 4 or more times per night like a
hormone drenched teenager…

Last 30 to 45 minutes and blast big, heavy loads that spray out like the
fountains of Bellagio

The best part… it doesn’t matter if you’re 28 or 88… this solution will work for you!

Because it addresses the true, root cause of male metabolic aging…

A series of microscopic scars shriveling your testicles…[1]

And it’s your testicles more than anything else that make you a man!

The process starts around age 35 for most men…

… and by the time the average guy is 50… this testicle-shrivelling scourge has wreaked havoc on your natural

Drying out your youthful hormones, and holding your male metabolism hostage…

Taking your confidence, your sex drive, and your energy levels down with the whole ship!

You can lift weights, eat clean, even take pills and synthetic hormones…

But unless you address the testicle-shrivelling plague head on… you’re doomed to declining masculinity no matter
what you do!

It turns out that the source of this manhood-destroying scourge is an imbalance
of one, tiny life form.

When you’re young and virile… your body is the perfect host for this friendly little life form.

But as you age… the tables turn and levels of these potent living miracles begin to decline…

Which helps the testicle-shrivelling scourge to gain the upper hand!

Multiplying inside of your body like a microscopic pandemic…

… wreaking havoc on the very cells that power your sex drive, desire, and natural
masculine energy.

If you’ve started to notice stop-and-start erections that shrivel away just when
you need them most…

If you’ve begun to feel like you’ve lost your insatiable sexual drive…

If you feel that “slump” like you’ve lost your purpose and passion in life…

And if you choose to ignore it… to simply let nature take it’s course and “accept your fate”…

You’re doomed to feel your sex drive dull, your energy levels evaporate, and your muscles sag and
wither away…

Even if you think you eat healthy, even if you log 8 hours of sleep, even if you swallow fistfuls of Big
Pharma’s chemical cocktails.

Because this testicular plague can continue to spread like wildfire…

Which means you’ll be fighting an uphill battle the rest of your natural life.

But, by simply eating a delicious ancient superfood, which you can make with everyday ingredients you find
in a local grocery store in just minutes…

You can naturally halt and even reverse the testicle-shrivelling plague from destroying your libido,
energy and drive from the inside out…

Letting you enjoy round after round of body-quivering sex just like in your honeymoon years…

And all without taking a single dangerous drug or needing a painful injection of synthetic hormones from
your doctor.

In fact, this powerful food is so tasty and effective… once you try it you’ll be wondering the same thing I

It turns out… researchers have simply been looking in the wrong direction for nearly 30 years. [2]

See, scientist have known for decades that your testosterone levels decline with age…

Testosterone is your master male molecule and more than anything else…

It’s the “metabolic messenger” your body relies on to fuel your sex drive, keep your muscles strong and

… and give you that dominant surge of manly energy.

The problem is, they didn’t truly understand what caused your body to shut down this supply of testosterone
in the first place.

But today, thanks to breakthrough research out of MIT…

Science has finally discovered the real truth!

And in the next few minutes, I’m not just going to share exactly what they found…

I’m going to tell you how you can protect yourself or a loved one in the claws of the “testicular

And how you can halt and even REVERSE it’s ravaging effects…

So you can restore that glow of youthful masculine power that you’ve been missing all these years.

What you’ll discover today is not an herbal formula…

It’s not a supplement or a drug…

It’s quite unlike anything you’ve ever heard or seen before.

So stick with me for the next few minutes…

I’ll share how I managed to change everything…

Going from a “3 pump chump” whose libido, desire, and energy were in the sewer…

To a man who routinely wears out my much younger girlfriend…

… by simply eating a delicious, all-natural food you can make for pennies in your own kitchen.

My name is Tim Masterson… I’m 54 years old, an engineer, a health researcher,
and most importantly…

I’m a man who knows what it’s like to feel your libido, energy, and drive slip away…

… and feel hopeless to do anything about it.

It started out with me just noticing that my desire was starting to fade.

Despite having gorgeous girlfriend 15 years younger than me…

With a body that could give a pet rock a raging hard-on…

Most nights I was just too tired and didn’t have the energy for sex.

After a long day of work I struggled to keep my eyes open…

Let alone treat a younger woman to a tornado of pleasure that would leave her breathless and sweaty.

Even when we did have sex I often had a hard time getting hard enough…

… or found myself losing my erection just as the action was heating up.

A lot of nights we’d watch steamy porn videos together which did help me get in the mood…

But usually I was only good for a few pumps before I’d climax…

… and unlike my younger years… I rarely had enough firepower for a second or third round.

Jennifer was supportive at first…

I could feel her slipping away… so I started to compensate in other ways…

Like playing her credit card bills and taking her on expensive vacations…

She even talked me into installing a hot tub on my patio in the backyard.

Pressing out her chest and batting her big, pretty eyes at me.

So one Saturday afternoon, I had a couple of contractors come over and give me a bid…

Jennifer was there to explain her vision of what she thought everything should look like…

I personally wanted to go with a guy who had 30 years of experience…

But Jennifer talked me into hiring a well-muscled contractor who looked to be in his early 30s.

“He’s cheaper and you can save money on the installation…” she said…

I should have headed my instinct because…

Since I had work during the day, I put Jennifer in charge of overseeing the project.

I’d come home after work and notice the guy really hadn’t made much progress.

Jennifer always had a good excuse for why there was a delay…

Either there was a mix up at the lumber yard, or one of the subcontractors delivered the wrong kind of

…or the company that made the tub accidentally shipped the wrong heater…

My suspicion should have been at an all-time high but I was busy at work and barely had the energy to
think at the end of my day.

I was so clueless, I even started to feel guilty for working so many late nights and not spending enough
time with her…

So on the way home after a really long night at the office… I picked up a sushi tray, a bottle of her
favorite zinfandel, and a dozen roses…

I was excited to surprise her with a late dinner… but as soon as I got in the door…

I heard the noises coming from the living room…

She was screaming like a wild woman and loving every minute of it!

After she stomped on my self-respect and strolled out of my life…

I was left all alone… feeling like a shadow of the man I used to be.

I was sick and tired of seeing my saggy arms and flabby man boobs in the bathroom mirror every morning…

I was tired of seeing my spare tire spill out over my belt, or having to suck in my gut just to
button slacks that used to fit me like glove.

I had enough with the “blah” that constantly blanketed my mood like an endless string of cloudy days.

Blotting out the passion, drive, and purpose I used to be known for!

And I couldn’t stand feeling like less of a man in the bedroom…

Lacking the drive, desire, or firepower to give a woman the eye-rolling passion she craved.

As painful as it was to have the woman I loved betray me in the worst way imaginable…

As much as it stung for her to point blank tell me what a dud I was between the sheets…

There was one small silver lining to that dark cloud…

And it wasn’t going to suddenly get better on it’s own…

I had to face the fact that unless I did something about it…

I was doomed to be a faded version of the man I was… and the man I wanted to be!

So I did what any man in my situation would do.

I joined a gym, threw all the junk food in my fridge straight in the trash, and vowed to get back in shape
or die trying!

For 8 weeks straight I did 4 brutal gym session a week… spending an hour lifting weights and 30 minutes
on a treadmill to nowhere.

I ate a diet of lean meat, complex carbs, fresh vegetables and nuts…

I even made sure to log at least 8 hours of what I thought was quality sleep every night…

Button line, I did EVERYTHING that all the nutrition and fitness experts told me to do…

But after all that effort… nothing changed!

The scale didn’t budge, my belly still bulged out, and my libido was still in the sewer.

And I was left with nothing but achy joints and exhaustion.

“What the hell am I doing wrong?” I thought to myself…

I even started browsing through clinics that provided Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT in my area…

But after a little research, I quickly started to have second thoughts that synthetic hormones were the
answer for me

First, there was a review in the Harvard Health Review where medical doctors warned that every man should
weigh his options about TRT…

Because the stakes could not be higher when it comes to your health! [3]

A scary study published in the American Journal of Medicine…

Showed that men on TRT are at 21% greater risk of a heart attack. [4]

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association…

Showed that men on TRT had an increased volume of coronary plaque and higher instance of severe

Two of the leading indicators that a deadly heart attack or stroke could be just around the corner! [5]

I wanted to feel that crackling surge of energy coursing through my veins… just like I
did in my younger years…

But I wasn’t willing to trigger a heart attack or stroke just to get it!

I think if you’re really weighing the risks the same way I was…

I have to admit I was feeling pretty low at this point…

“Face it Tim, you’re getting older and it’s all downhill from
here”… I thought to myself…

I didn’t want to believe it… but all the signs pointed in that direction!

Every fiber in my being wanted me to just cry uncle and accept my fate…

Honestly, if it wasn’t for my pig-headed stubborness… I probably would have.

Deep down inside, I just wasn’t ready to give up on getting my mojo back…

Or reclaiming the youthful energy levels and savage sex drive of my younger years.

I’ve always loved science and had a relentless thirst to understand how things worked…

It’s what drove me to pursue electrical engineering as my college major…

And propelled me to spend 25 years designing microchips for some of the most well-known technology
companies in Silicon Valley…

I figured since all the so-called “experts” had failed… and since the only thing the medical community
offered were expensive drugs…

I’d have to rely on my own grit and determination…

I didn’t even know if a natural, safe and highly effective solution to my problem existed…

All I knew was… if there was a way I could restore my youthful masculine prowess…

Without resorting to dangerous synthetic drugs…

So I threw myself into looking for a solution…

I pored over countless published medical studies…

I reviewed all the clinical research on wide-ranging topics like psychology, endocrinology, and even

Most nights, I fell asleep with my head on the keyboard after spending hours reviewing any and every
study I could find…

If it was linked to helping guys like me have a better sex life, look good naked, or surge with all-day
energy… I devoured it!

Finally, after weeks of research, I stumbled on something interesting… a revolutionary scientific study that had gone largely ignored
by the mainstream…

This truly game-changing study was published in the International Review of Cytology [6]…

And it described a kind of runaway scarring attacking your testicles… the very organs that make you a man!

See, as you age, tiny little lesions form on these cells… which attack your testicles and ravage their
ability to function properly.

Now, before you turn age 40 for most men… exercise, diet, and better sleep can still help you keep your
drive and desire roaring.

Because the testicular damage hasn’t gotten bad enough yet.

The problem is… as you age you can start to lose the battle to male decline no matter what you do.

Because the “testicular plague” continues to spread…

… attacking and shriveling more of your healthy, virile cells.

At first, these lesions are microscopic, then they grow and multiply…

By the time you’ve turned 55, the pin-head size lesions can grow to the size of an eraser head…

They can even spread out over the entire surface of your testicles…

Shrivelling the size and potency of the very organs that power your manly drive.

As this scar tissue expands… more and more healthy cells die off.

And your sex drive, energy levels, and erections start to droop like overcooked spaghetti.

Now, while synthetic testosterone might help you in the short run…

In the long run it’s nothing more than a “chemical band-aid”…

Because over time, it can shut down your natural testicle function even further [7]…

Making a bad situation worse!

The science was clear… if I could stop the runaway scarring from shriveling my testicles…

I could restore my drive, energy and vitality totally naturally.

There was just one problem… I had no clue how to do this!

So I dug back into the science to see if I could find a hint…

Which kicked off a few more weeks of combing through stacks of medical studies…

Looking for something, anything that might help me stop this “testicular pandemic” dead in its tracks.

And finally discovered what had been holding back my erections and sex drive this whole time.

Oddly enough, it all breaks down to one tiny little life form.

Did you know that lesions can actually be caused by bacterial infections?

Yeah, I know it sounds weird… but it’s true!

In fact, scientists have known this for decades.

It turns out a bacteria called H. Pylori is responsible for ulcers.

Another bacteria called Staphylococcus Epidermidis is responsible for skin acne.

But what’s even weirder… is that scientists have discovered that many so-called “infections”…

Are not even infections at all.

Instead, they’re simply a disruption of the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in your system.

For instance, just in your gut lining… you have more bacterial cells than human cells!

Now, some of these bacterial cells are beneficial… but others can actually be deadly!

The “deadly bugs” produce toxic compounds that inflame and scar your healthy tissues…

But the “good bugs” attack the deadly ones…

Which helps restore your body to health and vitality!

Scientists call these healthy little life-forms “probiotics”.

Now you might have heard of probiotics before…

But trust me, you haven’t heard the half of it!

Because according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

It’s a tiny little life form called Lactobacillus Reuteri or L. Reuteri for short…

It’s a probiotic found in many different kinds of dairy…

And when MIT researchers fed some of these powerful little gut bugs to a group of aging rats…

They had to rub their eyes when they saw the results!

They separated the elderly male rats into two different groups and fed them a diet that mimics a “fast
food” diet that many western men eat…

Loaded up with lots of unhealthy fats, grains, and low in dietary fiber, minerals and vitamin D…

A diet which multiple studies have linked lower testicular volume and weight. [9]

The only difference between the two groups were that half the rats were fed this very special L. Reuteri

Not only did the rats fed L. Reuteri have normal body weight and increased lean mass…

But their average testicular weight and size was over 47% greater!

What’s even more stunning… the older the mice were… the more pronounced the difference!

The older rats showed an even greater improvement compared to their brothers…

… even though they were fed the exact same number of calories and nutrients. [11]

Pretty soon, the rats that got the potent probiotics were “getting busy” with the female rats nearly twice
as often!

And younger female rats were just as likely to show mating cues to the rats fed the mojo boosting bacteria.

Now, you might be thinking… “sure, but I’m not a rat!”

And I thought this way at first myself…

But then I did a little more research.

It turns out, scientists have discovered that when you adjust for body size…

… the reproductive organs of all mammals are pretty much identical. [12]

So I thought… “if it could work for rats… maybe it could work for me?”

And that’s when I went straight to Amazon to order up an L. Reuteri probiotic supplement.

Bupkis, nada, not even the slightest hint of a benefit…

My testicles were still skinny, shriveled versions of the plump little eggs I had in my prime…

My belly spilled over my waistline…

I still had embarrassing man boobs, and the muscles on my shoulders, chest, and arms continued to look stringy and weak.

“What the heck am I doing wrong?” I thought to myself…

I was disappointed, but still not ready to give up.

I went back to the scientific literature and carefully combed through the papers.

I looked at the other research on the benefits of probiotic food to try and find a connection.

I remembered that the literature talked about a purified strain of L. Reuteri derived from milk…

It turns out that milk contains something called “prebiotic fibers” that the tiny little gut bugs need to
survive and flourish.

It’s their fuel source… and taking probiotics without also including these prebiotic fibers…

Looking for a way to get active cultures and prebiotic fibers into my body at the same time!

And that’s when I found something truly groundbreaking…

Since ancient times, civilizations around the world have known the power of using fermented foods to enjoy
superior health.

Not only does fermentation help preserve food and keep it from spoiling…

But scientists now know that the secret to the power of fermented foods are the probiotic gut bugs they

And there is one fermented dairy product that ancient cultures from the Mediterranean to the Yellow Sea
have relied on the centuries…

Yeah, it might sound weird but check this out…

It turns out, Genghis Khan and his army used to carry a form of fermented horse milk called kumis…

To help make his warriors fierce, fearless, and indestructible! [12]

Alexander The Great and his army of Macedonian Hoplites also relied on fermented goat milk as a food

The ancient Aryuvedic texts of India talked about using “curdled milk” to heal intestinal disease and
restore vitality..

“Maybe they were all onto something…” I thought…

The EXACT strain used in the MIT study had been extracted by a special patented process…

And the patent to this technology was owned by a single laboratory.

Big food companies would NEVER use this strain because it costs too much.

Also, I discovered that giant food companies use low-quality, mass-produced dairy…

And that they pack their products with sugar, preservatives, and 17 different known toxic
chemicals. [13]

I knew that those products would just make my shriveled libido and energy levels worse.

It was no simple task to track down the exact strain of L. Reuteri…

And then I actually had to perfect the art of making yogurt.

I was nobody’s idea of a “master chef” so this wasn’t exactly easy.

It took me weeks of trying out different techniques and ingredients…

Carefully documenting how each recipe affected me.

Finally, after about 3 months of trial and error… I stumbled on the perfect recipe…

Within 2 weeks I started to notice big, hard erections greeting me every morning…

My mood lifted and I felt more optimistic and energetic throughout the day…

At the end of just 3 weeks, without making a single change to my diet…

I started to see the outline of my stomach muscles in the bathroom mirror in the morning…

And my pants felt a little looser around my waistline.

At the time, I was travelling back and forth from Asia for my job…

So I couldn’t even get into the gym to lift weights regularly…

I just did a quick 10 minute morning workout routine in my hotel room most days…

And still, each morning I was waking up leaner, more energized, and full of clarity and focus.

In just 12 weeks I dropped 28 pounds of ugly, health destroying belly fat…

… and packed on 7 pounds of dense, savage muscle.

I was running circles around my younger colleagues in the office…

They literally coudln’t keep up with me.

And my boss took notice as well.. giving me a promotion and hefty salary increase.

But that was just the start… soon my youthful body and manly swagger started to earn me a different
kind of attention.

She was a new hire at a bar not far from my place I hit up from time to time…

I was thinking into my phone… tracking scores of the NCAA Basketball Tournament to see how I was faring
in the office pool…

When I heard… “what are you drinking?”

I look up to see this gorgeous woman in tigh-fitting jeans and black tank top…

She couldn’t have been a day over 35 and she’s giving me a lock, I could swear she was being flirtatious.

I brushed it off as wishful thinking at first… “she’s angling for a big tip” I told

But she kept coming back around… big smile on her face… asking if I “needed anything.”

Soon enough, we’re talking a bit and she’s flipping her hair and arching her back to draw my eyes to her
firm butt and big, beautiful breasts…

I half expected it to be an awkward moment… but instead, I see a knowing glare in her eyes…

A look I’d seen before… like she was flattered…

“I get off in 20 minutes… there’s a cool jazz bar nearby that has great music… wanna come
with me and get a drink?”

I just let a smile tug at the corner of my mouth…

“Let’s do it,” I said coyly…

Soon she’s in her bra and panties… on her knees… her lidded eyes staring into mine as she slides my
boxer briefs down past my knee caps…

The minute I sense her wet tongue on me… there’s a pulse of intense sensation I haven’t felt in years.

My manhood is literally ON FIRE with pleasure…

And my erection is so big, film and full.. I can see my heartbeat in it…

I feel her cool fingers cupping me “down there”…

“Wow, you’ve got big balls?” she squealed spontaneously…

It was the first time I’d noticed too… my boys had plumped up a good 50% bigger!

They were fuller and lower hanging than I even remember in my prime years.

That night, we enjoyed a night of passion that can only be described as epic…

Round after hot sweaty round as I pumped her in every position possible…

And when I climaxed… spraying out at least 7 thick, pearl-white ropes and coating her toe stomach…

“Oh wow, that’s a LOT of CUM!”

Even though I just had one of the most intense orgasms of the past 20 years…

Within minutes I’m ready to go again…

I treated her body to a series of
orgasms so powerful… I gave her cramps!

And when she finally had to push me away… after her body literally couldn’t handle anymore intense

She collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

Just before I fell asleep.

I felt a surge of something I hadn’t felt since before I caught my ex getting banged like a drum by that
asshole contractor.

And Amanda wasn’t the only one to notice..

Soon everywhere I went I could just feel people treating me differently…

Guys deferred to me like I was the popular kid in high school…

Women’s eye would follow me as I walked past…

I had a kind of cocky stride as I moved that everyone around me could just feel…

Both inside and outside… I’d never looked or felt better!

I was only doing about 40 minutes of exercise a week and other than eating I cup of creamy. delicious
yogurt each day…

I really hadn’t made any changes to my diet!

Now, I wasn’t stuffing my face with Big Macs… but I was eating big portions and going to bed full and
satisfied every night…

Well, it was around this time one of my old college buddies Ben came to town for a work conference…

Ben was the guy in college all the other guys wanted to be…

He was captain of the Rugby team, tall, lean and athletic…

… and used to date all the most gorgeous girls on campus.

But the minute we met up I could tell that time hadn’t been kind to him…

Not only had he gained weight and lost the “pep in his step” that used to define him…

… he just seemed slouched over by that “over 45 slump” so many guys seem to fall into.

I used to look up to him… so seeing him like that was a big let down.

But we still had a great time catching up and talking about the good old days.

A little later in the night Amanda came to join us for a drink and drive me home since I’d had a little too
much fun.

He told me a story I’ve since heard dozen of times…

How he and his wife weren’t logging much time in the horizontal position…

“Seeing the way your girlfriend looks at you… buddy… you’re definitely doing something

I have to admit I felt a surge of pride when he said that…

After all, 20 years before he was the one that got all the pretty girls…

Since he was an old pal I let him on the “gonad boosting yogurt” I’d discovered…

I told him how I’d dropped nearly 30 pounds, packed on muscle, and found a new surge of sexual energy…

… just by eating 1 delicious cup of creamy yogurt each day…

“Jesus, that’s it? he said in disbelief.

“You’re not on some high tech stem cell therapy or taking any hormones?”

“I mean I do about 45-60 minutes of at-home exercise… but yeah it’s pretty much all the yogurt”
I answered.

So I sent it to him… plus the 10-minute testotsterone boosting exercises I developed…

Honestly, I kind of forgot I even gave it to him because he didn’t get back for 6 weeks…

But one Saturday afternoon I heard my phone buzz and saw his message…

“Buddy, this stuff is incredible! I dropped 11 pounds and my wife can’t keep up with

We’re like newlyweds again!”

But that was just the start… one night I was at a cocktail party with Amanda…

When one of her friends Whitney approached me…

“Alright, spit it out… what gives a man your age so much energy?” she

It seems her and her husband’s life in the bedroom had kind of hit the skids…

And Amanda must have been talking up how good our sex life was…

After a little prodding I finally just wrote down my recipe on a cocktail napkin…

A few weeks later Amanda came into my living room with a weird look on her face…

I don’t know what you did but they have changed!

I honestly thought they were headed for divorce a few weeks ago.”

Whitney told Elizabeth… Elizabeth told Stacey… Stacey told Deborah…

Pretty soon women all over the city were practically stuffing cash into my pants pockets…

… eager to learn the Manhood Boosting Superfood so they could rekindle the passion in their marriages

After a while I started to compile my recipe into a little manual based on all the questions people

See, while the yogurt is easy to make… it does require a very specific process you have to follow to a

You can mess it up pretty easy if you don’t know exactly where you’re doing…

And it got pretty time-consuming having to explain it to people over and over again…

So, instead I just zipped off a little word document with all the instructions and pitfalls to avoid.

I also put together the exercise routines I’d developed and sent those along too…

That way all the guys could get even better result faster… without needing a gym membership.

Guys I didn’t know started friending me on Facebook and raving about the results they were getting!

And as news of this powerful manhood-boosting treat spread…

Eventually, it got a name…

* This image represents a digital
download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

Because that’s what it is for any guy over 40 who’s started to notice his sex drive and erections droop…

It’s the first and only system designed to target the testicle-shrivelling plague destroying your drive, energy, and performance…

With a simple, mouth-watering and incredibly potent Gonad Boosting Yogurt recipe.

By simply eating 1 cup of this tasty, creamy treat loaded up with powerful manhood-boosting microbes…

You’ll get BIGGER, fuller, healthier testicles that pump out a deluge of testotsterone…

So you can once again enjoy round after round of hot sweaty sex…

Effortlessly torch excess pounds of ugly, health-destroying belly fat WITHOUT torturing yourself with

… having to count a single calories… or giving up your favorite foods.

And you can enjoy deeply satisfying 2-minutes long orgasms that make you shudder with pleasure…

… as you blast out big, thick ropes that could put a seasoned male porn star to shame!

So look, I want to level with you here because I think it’s important that you know what’s at stake…

How much better would your life be if you had more sexual firepower than most men half your

Imagine, walking around with that surge of vitality flowing through your veins…

How much anxiety could you avoid if your worries about “stop and start” sexual performances were
nothing more than a faded memory?

How much more confident would you feel to see that glassy-eyed look sexual satisfaction in your lover’s
eyes once again?

To have your friends and colleagues look up to you and respect you.

And at that price… this system is worth every penny.

Because it WILL stop and reverse the testicle-shrivelling plague dead in its tracks…

Give you fuller, healthier, plumper testicles that pump out youthful levels of your master manly

And let you shoot big, thick loads of enjoying shuddering orgasms that last up to 2 full minutes!

You could spend that and more on a single month of risky testotsterone replacement therapy…

And turn yourself into a “testosterone junkie” dependent on Big Pharma’s chemical cocktails just to
function normally.

But the good news is… I’m not going to ask you to invest that much today.

In fact, I’m not even going to ask you to invest half that!

I’m just a regular working class guy who went through the hell of masculine decline

I’ve personally felt what it’s like to look in the bathroom mirror and no longer recognize your body…

To feel weaker with each passing year and feel helpless to do anything about it.

To not remember that last time you felt like tearing your lady’s clothes off and treating her to a night
of passion she’ll never forget…

I shudder to think what my life would be like if I hadn’t discovered this powerful manhood-boosting

And since you’ve taken time out of your life hear me out…

I feel like you and I are brothers locked in the same battle.

That you know at least some of the pain I’ve gone through to make this solution available to you today…

So right now, from this page only….

I’m going to offer you a chance to experience the power of this one-of-a kind system to unleash a swell
of savage swagger…

Which is an incredible deal!

I’m going to do my best impersonation of Don Corleone and “make you an offer you can’t refuse”…

Hit the big button below that says “Start My Order” right here today…

And you’ll get instant digital access to the entire Manhood Miracle™ System…

That’s like getting 62% off just for saying “YES”.

And it’s such a tiny price to pay to enjoy ageless vitality, energy, and drive…

Not to mention brain-melting sexual pleasure like you had in your prime…

It’s almost a no brainer!

* This image represents a digital
download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

Given the incredible feedback I got on this system when it was just spreading by word of mouth…

I knew that I wanted more men to have a chance to experience the results.

But that meant that I had to spend money on advertising this solution.

Which can get very expensive!

There’s just no way a “little guy” like me can compete with that.

Especially at the price I’m offering for this course!

But if I stop all advertising then good, honest, hard-working guys like you will never hear about it!

So if you’ll do me a solid and agree to tell a few other guys about it…

I would hate for you to come back later and find out the price is over twice what I’m offering it for
right now…

But, look… it’s not my choice here!

This is just the reality of being relevant in the digital age!

But I also want to give you some peace of mind…

I Know there’s a lot of “big talkers” out there who don’t deliver on their promises.

Heck I’ve shelled out some of my own hard-earned money and ended up disappointed

I know how it feels… you feel like you got taken and there’s nothing you can do!

Now, I know thatThe Manhood Miracle™ system is everything I say it is and more…

I’ve lived it!

And you’ve also heard from other guys like you… young and old who’ve experienced the powerful benefits.

But I don’t want you to feel like you’ll be left high and dry if it’s not…

So I’m going to give you a full 60 days to give it a spin.

Fill in your details on my ultra-secure encrypted order page…

Which uses the same technology that big companies like use…

Use The Manhood Miracle™ for a full 60 days.

If you’re not blasting off with big, thick, throbbing erections…

If you’re not enjoying the most pleasurable orgasms of your life…

Heck, even if you don’t like the way the Manhood Miracle™ tastes…

Zip me an email and I’ll give you a refund! You get your erections and sexual stamina back or you pay

I’m pretty sure those pharma executives won’t give you your money back if you have a bad reaction to
their pills.

So what do you have to lose except for that bulging belly, fatigue, and loss of sexual desire?

Click The Button Below
Right Now…

And just to sweeten the pot and make it even more of a no-brainer…

* This
image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

First, you’ll be getting…

This is your A-Z guide for manly meals that will make you a savage in the sack…

Best part… you don’t need to be a chef!

If you can turn on the stove (or get the missus to do it for you)…

Grilled Lamb Sliders with Tangy Yogurt Sauce

A tasty take on a bite-sized mid-day meal to kill your
cravings and spark up your sex drive. Rich, flavorful, and incredibly easy to make.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Yogurt Bowl

Bursting with rich chocolate and creamy peanut butter this
breakfast treat will keep you full for the whole day…

Marinated Chicken Quesadilla with Seasoned Yogurt

A mouth-watering meal or snack flowing with ooey-gooey cheese
and topped with a tangy yogurt cream sauce with a kick.

* This image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

I’ve decided to go ahead and include…

This is a series of simple at-home workouts that take as little as 10 minutes a day…

Yet have been shown by research published in the Harvard Health Review [15] to help any
guy burn fat, build muscle and jack his T levels into the stratosphere.

These are challenging but super quick workouts you can do in just a few square feet or space…

To get a physique that your lady will lust for… and other men will respect!

Even if you’re well past your prime… love to eat… and don’t have time to hit the gym.

* This
image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

Finally, you’re going to be getting…

Stopping and reversing the “testicular plague” is your #1 priority…

Because without that… NOTHING else you do will work.

However, once you’ve got the testicle shriveling under control…

And you’ve made your boys big, full and productive once again…

I’ve discovered a few little-known but powerful herbs that will help you fuel the furnace of manly mojo…

… and get you firing on all cylinders faster than you ever thought possible.

And no… I’m not just talking about tongkat ali or pine pollen…

I’ll really dig deep and show you how to identify and design your own all-natural stacks…

Of potent, all-natural compounds that will help you surge with ageless swagger for the rest of your days.

It’s a proven system to help you choose the right herbal stacks to get your swagger back…

* This
image represents a digital download (PDF) that can be read on any device.

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form protected by 256-bit encryption…the same technology used by companies like Amazon and Apple.

There you can fill in your details using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

Our state-of-the-art technology will make sure you remain is same and COMPLETELY confidential

To further protect your privacy, nothing about “Manhood Miracle™” will appear on your credit card or bank statement.

Instead, the only thing that will show up is a charge from “CLICKBANK,” which is the secure payment processor we use.

As soon as you fill in your details, you’ll be taken to a member’s only page where you’ll get instant digital access to the whole Manhood Miracle™ system…

And you’ll be well on your way to being the man you deserve to be.

How your woman looks at you with that love sick, puppy-dog devotion she had for you when you first met…

How she squeals with delight when you surge with thick, powerful erections that give both you and her hours
of delight…

How your confidence and natural masculine pride returns and people start to just sense that “something is
different about you…”

Okay… it’s time to take ACTION…

Click The Button Below
Right Now…

Is like cutting your way through thick jungle canopy…

It’s exhausting, difficult, and uncomfortable..

It’s the same road you’ve been on for a while… maybe even years…

And it leads back to the lackluster bedroom if you have right now.

The surge of heat burning your cheeks with shame…

The knots of anxiety in your gut when you fear you’ll get dumped, divorced or cheated on…

Or simply, just not being the man you used to be!

I know what it’s like to stare up at the ceiling late into the night in a cold, empty bed…

With the weight of loneliness crushing your chest…

It’s a risky road to travel when the stakes are so high…

You’re literally risking the extinction of your sex life!

Which is why you should make things easier on yourself and take…

The easy, smooth, well-paved road I’ve laid out in front of you.

The road where all of the hard work has already been done…

The road where I’ve already suffered the pain and uncertainly for you!

Choose this road and you’ll make any woman you want howl with ecstasy…

Watch her eye roll back in her head as she demands that you give her all the dirty, raunchy, brain-melting
pleasure she can handle.

Feel the tension in your relationship fade away and watch it become new again…

Like it did in your honeymoon years!

You know you deserve the magic back in your life.

With my Ironclad 60 Day Guarantee there’s no risk to you.

You don’t want to end up an old man filled with regret and bitterness only because you couldn’t bring
yourself to take a small action…

Remember… I’m not even asking you to say “yes” right NOW… I’m just asking you to say “maybe”.

You’ll have 60 full days to prove to yourself that I can deliver the goods.

I’ve staked my reputation on it.

So give me just 1 ounce of your trust and I’ll make sure to take you the rest of the way.

My name is Tim Masterson…

And I look forward to seeing your success story soon.

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

C Wang, A Leung, et al. Reproductive aging in the male brown-Norway rat: a model for the human.
Endocrinology.1993 Dec;133(6):2773-81.doi: 10.1210/endo.133.6.8243304.

Men’s Health Is testosterone therapy safe? Take a breath before you take the plunge

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can increase men’s risk of
stroke and heart attack

Matthew J. MD, Susan S. Ellenberg, PhD; et al. Testosterone Treatment and Coronary Artery Plaque
Volume in Older Men With Low Testosterone. JAMA. 2017;317(7):708-716. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.21043

Syed G. Haider, Cell Biology Of Leydig Cells In The Testis. Institute Of Anatomy II, Heinrich
Heine University, D-40225, Düsseldorf, Germany

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

Mah PM, Wittert GA (2010) Obesity and testicular function. Mol Cell Endocrinol 316: 180–186

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

Poutahidis T, Springer Alex, et al. Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and
Testicular Size in Aging Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1): e84877.

C Wang, A Leung, et al. Reproductive aging in the male brown-Norway rat: a model for the human.
Endocrinology.1993 Dec;133(6):2773-81.doi: 10.1210/endo.133.6.8243304.

Patrick J. Sullivan, James JJ Clark, et al. Toxic Legacy. Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc.

Chyn Boon Wong, Yodai Kobayashi, and Jin-zhong Xiao, Probiotics For Preventing Cognitive Impairment
in Alzheimer’s Disease. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79088

Mikiko Shimizu, Masayuki Hashiguchi, et al. Meta-Analysis: Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on
Lipid Profiles in Normal to Mildly Hypercholesterolemic Individuals. PLoS

Interval training for a stronger heart

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Some names and personal identifying information on this site have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, video, images & other material, contained on this website is for educational & entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Regardless of your current state of health, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your current health condition, a medical condition or treatment, and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Results May Vary: the results and testimonials on this site are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual results, including amount and time, will vary. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Tim Masterson is a pen name used for marketing purposes and to protect the author’s identity. Any likeness to a real Tim Masterson living or dead is entirely coincidental.

© The Manhood Miracle™ All Rights Reserved.

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Manhood Miracle is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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About LunarPhase Pro… | LunarPhase Pro

Product Name: About LunarPhase Pro… | LunarPhase Pro

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at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

About LunarPhase Pro… | LunarPhase Pro

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Learn about Earth’s closest neighbor: the Moon

Moon phase prediction software used by amateur astronomers, teachers, military, photographers, gardeners, fishermen, hunters, hikers, researchers, psychologists, astrologers, stockbrokers, Wiccans, New Age, religious groups and more!

LunarPhase Pro (for Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11 tablets) is not just an interactive lunar atlas; it is a lunar observing software toolkit designed to help you discover more about the Moon and make your lunar observing sessions more productive.

I’m so glad to hear that you’ve updated your excellent program, Gary. One of my all-time favorites!

It remains the best Earth-based program on the Moon.

The Moon has experienced a resurgence of interest in recent years, both in space exploration and among amateur astronomers.

Of course, it has always been of interest to military personnel, hunters, fishermen and gardeners, as well as to those for whom the Moon plays an important role in their religion.

Telescope sales have skyrocketed over the past five years as the cost of a decent instrument has fallen so low that very good telescopes now cost only a couple hundred dollars.

This has opened the skies to a whole new generation of sky watchers.

As our cities have grown ever larger, the amount of lighting has also increased and many city dwellers find it difficult to see anything other than the brightest stars in their neon-lit skies.

But the Moon, being the second brightest object in the sky (after the Sun), does not suffer such indignity.

It crosses the sky serenely, always visible (as long as the clouds allow it!) regardless of the amount of light pollution.

More news about the Moon in this blog

Get these and many other news and podcasts with LunarPhase Pro

Thank you for creating LunarPhase Pro. It is an incredible blessing for my children and really the entire family.

Gary! Great job! I love the very high resolution maps!… Very nice. The straight wall and surrounding area are gorgeous at first glance. Well done! I love it!

Excellent software package! There is more information about the moon than I can grasp or understand.

LunarPhase Pro produces a moon phase calendar (a moon phase or lunar calendar) among many other functions.

By using the built-in observing planning tools and general lunar data presented on-screen, you can easily plan an observing session and be productive while observing.

Do you want to know when the next full moon or lunar phase will occur today, when the moon will be visible tonight, or when the full moon is this (or any) month?

LunarPhase Pro answers these questions and includes a wide range of features, all integrated into a low-cost solution.

No other lunar astronomy software package matches the range of tools included.

Described by one reviewer as the Swiss Army Knife of lunar software, LunarPhase Pro has been written with you, the observer, in mind and is very easy to master and use.

Its simple yet powerful features will give you the information you need to make your Moon observing sessions more fun!

If you are into astronomy for kids, then the software is an excellent teaching tool and many teachers have purchased it to educate their students about the Moon and its motions.

If you are a beginner in the world of astronomy and new to amateur astronomy, then there is no better object to start your astronomical journey than the Moon.

No matter how light-polluted the area where you live is (or not), the Moon can always be observed, except when clouds interfere.

And the Moon is much more than just an orb moving across the sky.

With LunarPhase Pro, you’ll discover the phases of the moon, lunar libration, and where and what features are on its surface.

And the software has a telescope simulator especially for those cloudy nights when they occur!

While the phase of the Moon is constantly changing, there are four well-known lunar phases: full moon, last quarter, new moon, and first quarter.

Between these four main phases, the moon goes through additional phases, which change slightly each day: waning gibbous moon, waning crescent moon, waxing crescent moon, and waxing gibbous moon. All of these make up the 8 phases of the moon.

With LunarPhase Pro, you can see these phases occur at an accelerated rate (animating the moon over a month) and see how the phase change, combined with lunar libration, changes the appearance of the moon from day to day.

LunarPhase Pro has been developed largely from user suggestions and feedback. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, just email me.

Below are some screenshots of the software showing what it can do (this is just a selection, not a complete set)…

Let me add that Gary’s excellent program is one of the few… the two or three… that I use day after day, month after month after month.

I have had LunarPhase Pro and Jupsat Pro on my desktop for about a year now and use them a lot. I love them!

I’ve been working with computers since the days of CP/M, and you provide the best support I’ve seen in almost thirty years!

I really love LunarPhase Pro. Of all the lunar software programs I have, it’s the one I’ve learned the most to use. There’s a lot to learn in LPP and I’m just getting started.

Thanks Gary. Excellent technical support. You have set a high standard.

You provide the best technical support for your product. Have you ever thought about working as a consultant for Bill Gates? 😉

The CD arrived today and from what I’ve seen so far, it’s fantastic! Thank you so much! I can’t imagine how I ever managed without it!

I have been exploring LunarPhase Pro carefully and I must say that it is a really good software that is worth the money. I can only give it an enthusiastic “thumbs up”. It is very good and I am sure that I will find it very useful in all my lunar explorations.

I am in Iraq, stationed north of Baghdad, and I watched your show and really liked it. I fly Apache helicopters for the US Army and the phase of the moon has a lot to do with our night missions. The Apache does not need moonlight to fly at night because our night system is infrared imaging, but we support ground troops who use night vision goggles that do require moonlight. This show will help me keep up with the moon phases without having to check our weather reports.

Just a quick note to let you know that I received the LunarPhase Pro CD you sent me and everything is working like a charm. Although I’m just getting started with backyard astronomy, I hope it will encourage me and my family to learn more about the moon. I’ll be happy to promote your software to other astronomy enthusiasts we know.

I am very pleased with your product. It is more than I thought it would be. I spent hours studying the moon on my first day with the Lunar Phase Pro. I learned more tonight than I have in the past few years reading and observing the moon through my telescope. And the weather did not bother me in the slightest! Thank you, Gary, for helping me with the installation process. Your customer service is excellent. I am very pleased.

For detailed descriptions of LunarPhase Pro features, click here

Let me be the first to say I am OVERWHELMED!!! The program is simply OUTSTANDING!!!

I am completely blown away by what you have produced. When my LX200 arrives at the end of October, I can assure you that I will be making good use of the Rukl map, both from the book and definitely the LunarPhase Pro version as well. Good work Cobber, keep up the good work.

Humanity will also be returning to the Moon in the coming years. Many countries have lunar programs underway, either in the planning stages, as exploratory space probes, or as fully operational projects to return humans to the Moon.

It’s been 55 years since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon and 52 years since Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the Moon, took his foot off in 1972.

It’s been too long!

LunarPhase Pro will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of the moon and discover lunar phases and other phenomena. Meet our closest neighbor!

LunarPhase Pro will work on Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11 tablets.

The purchase price also includes 12 months of software updates. Updates are released every 1-2 months.

I’m proud of the reputation I’ve built among LunarPhase Pro users for timely technical support, so you can rest assured that if you have any issues, you won’t be left in the dark.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions for improving LunarPhase Pro. The software has been improved over the years with feedback from people like you.

Don’t forget, you’ll also receive the Moonwatching eBook as a gift when you place your order.

For product support, please contact the seller HERE. For order support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

Please note that the software is a 127Mb download.

PS: Feel free to contact me with feedback and suggestions – LunarPhase Pro was created based on feedback from people just like you.

PPS LunarPhase Pro is now used in these countries around the world: USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Bahamas, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Canary Islands, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, South Africa, Greece, Mauritius, Israel, Cyprus, Indonesia, Thailand, Bahrain, Brunei, Kuwait, UAE, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand.

While the software was originally written with astronomy in mind, it is now used by an eclectic mix of people: amateur astronomers, teachers, fishermen, gardeners, military personnel, photographers, stockbrokers, astrologers, and Wiccans.

Home Page | Detailed Feature List | Testimonials | Reviews | Contact

Associated Sites: LunarPhase Lite | Night Sky Observer | Telescope Sales | Jupsat Pro | Internet Marketing Strategies | Top Design Blogs | Email List Building Techniques | How to Create a Passive Income Business

About | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Contact | Affiliate Program

Click here to get About LunarPhase Pro… | LunarPhase Pro

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

About LunarPhase Pro… | LunarPhase Pro

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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New Alpha Nutrition

Product Name: New Alpha Nutrition

Click here to get New Alpha Nutrition at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

New Alpha Nutrition is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Keep reading so you can keep your Heart Health and Confidence high, with a revolutionary new men’s Cardio Support Formula.

Your heart is the engine of your body! It’s an amazing machine that’s built to last for many decades. But as you grow older, maintaining a healthy cardio system becomes even more important.

In fact, if you are older, you might also be as “sick” as I am …

Sick of hearing your wife and loved ones nag you about your health and diet … “Don’t eat this… You can’t eat that… Watch your cholesterol!”

It seemed others close to me were more concerned about my heart health than I was!

So I felt guilty — because when I ate food I really enjoyed, like a nice big steak or a burger… I felt I was hurting my heart… and letting my family down.

And I came across a fascinating man and health expert named Dr Weston Price.

As a scientist, he conducted research all around the world, focusing his work on remote, indigenous tribes. And what he discovered shocked him …

You see, he documented that the tribes that ate a very natural diet were also very healthy (even though they were poor and had none of the material riches we have today in the west).

Now, here’s what I found really interesting …

Most of these tribes ate a substantial amount of meat.

In fact, some of these tribes, like the Eskimo Inuits, ate nothing but meat! A 100% carnivore diet.

And yet, their Blood Pressure and Cholesterol counts were much lower than people eating a standard western diet.

This went against everything we hear in modern-day America!

That puzzle led me to do more research into this controversial issue …

And that’s when I stumbled across the research into something called Nitric Oxide.

This life-changing breakthrough for men came in 1998 when 3 scientists won the Nobel Prize for proving that Nitric Oxide — which, up until then, they thought was just a simple gas — was the key to solving this puzzle.

You see, what they discovered is that Nitric Oxide signals the smooth muscle cells in your blood vessels to relax, so that your vessels dilate and your blood flows more freely. This helps you to maintain optimal blood flow and arterial health

And when I went back and did more research on Weston Price, I also discovered that there were certain animal foods the indigenous tribes particularly loved, because they contained nutrients that helped support their:

And also…Boosted theirNitric Oxide levels

This all happened despite their diet high in animal meat… Because it was also high in B vitamins like Niacin. Which helped me realize that, rather than focusing on a low fat/low cholesterol diet like so many people recommend today…

In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, and to support good cardiovascular health, the real key to maintaining good cardiovascular and overall health is:

So you see, your heart can remain healthy for many decades, IF you take good care of it – and support it – with the right nutrient blend!

That ALSO means supporting your arterial health … so the blood supply to your heart stays constant and uninterrupted.

This gives you energy… stamina… easy breathing… sound sleep… and focused mental clarity.

The fact is, your heart is simply an automatic pump! As long as it stays strong, gets a signal from your brain to beat, and gets the nutrients it needs, your heart will beat billions of times over your life time.

BUT… Proper arterial health, blood pressure within normal ranges, and optimal blood flow are ALSO key contributors to maintaining cardiovascular health.

Hi, my name is Adam Armstrong.

And many people refer to me as: “The Health Guy.” Why? Because I’m a huge proponent of men’s health.

Let’s face it, as men, many of us are terrible when it comes to our health, having regular health check ups, and doing everything we can to stay healthy and active.

Part of my enthusiasm today was born out of concern for men who don’t do enough to stop their own health decline, while they are much too young.

So you see, I am doing what I can now to help men stay healthy, active and strong as they age! I want to empower them with trusted formulas they can rely on to support this.

And when it comes to ultimate heart health, Alpha Strength is our “best foot forward” to help you thrive!

When you see more about how it can help, and the strong science behind it, I think you’ll agree that it is a simple, yet enormous step in supporting your heart.

The 9 ingredients in Alpha Strength are the best of the best! The best artery dilators to maintain your arteries at full capacity. The best nitric oxide boosters, to support healthy blood flow. And the best support nutrients to
help keep your entire cardio system in tip top shape.

These are nutrients your body needs to keep you and healthy, but may not get enough of anymore. Keeping an abundant supply of them in your body is the best way to help maintain robust cardio health so you can always feel your best.

Let me quickly tell you about them …

L-Citrulline is a natural amino acid, which means it’s a building block of protein.

The body converts L-citrulline to L-arginine, another type of amino acid. L-arginine improves blood flow.

In your body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). And nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax, and improves circulation. Evidence shows that arginine can help improve
blood flow in your arteries.

Which makes this “heart health” gold for you!

It’s the best, most proven, most natural way to increase circulation-boosting Nitric Oxide, both immediately, and long-term with continued use.

A lot of foods have L-Arginine, but your digestive system also has a harder time converting the L-Arginine you get from food into Nitric Oxide (especially once you hit age 40 or 45). So you
can eat all the high Arginine foods you want and still not see a difference.

So while it does occur naturally in food, here’s the point:

You’ll never get anything close to a strong enough dose to be effective. It’s found in watermelon for example, but you’d have to eat several pounds of watermelon a day to get what you need. That’s A LOT of watermelon. An impossible amount
in fact, even if you love it.

Because L-Citrulline travels through different pathways in your body, it’s used more efficiently by your body than L-Arginine to produce Nitric Oxide. It does so faster and more easily than
L-Arginine does – especially if you’re in your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or beyond.

So, having looked at all the studies, and experimented on myself and my clients, 1000mg per dose, per day, is the perfect amount. Any less, and it’s much less likely to be effective.

And of course, there’s scientific evidence for L-Citrulline boosting circulation and blood vessel dilation …

For example, they did a double blind study where they gave 24 men L-Citrulline for a month. For most of them, it boosted their blood flow considerably. That was all they needed …

That’s a pretty remarkable result from just ONE amino acid!

Every year, 1 in 4 Americans die from poor heart health,making it a leading cause of death in the U.S.

Which means ALL men need to pay close attention to these important factors:

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels

Being aware of family heart health history

Practicing anactive lifestyle

Weight management

Managing day-to-day stress

Taking Alpha Strength, along with a healthy diet, and regular activity can positively benefit all these cardio health factors!

But the sum of ALL of the ingredients put together, in very specific quantities and ratios, is far greater than any one ingredient, or even if you took all of them separately.

Before we move on to talk about the other parts of the formula, it’s probably worth noting that L-Citrulline has other benefits, such as the fact that it:

Supports Heart Health and Boosts your Energy

Promotes Sharper Memory and Clearer Thinking

Research also showed that L-Citrulline can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels already within normal ranges.

Researchers looked at L-Citrulline’s effects on men in their 50s with blood pressure concerns. And after measuring their blood pressure levels, they gave each of them either L-Citrulline, or a placebo,
to take daily.

Six weeks later the researchers measured everyone’s blood pressure again. Amazingly, they found that ALL the men taking L-Citrulline saw their blood pressure levels drop!

That’s right, the study found it worked. For everyone!

Another study found a similar result: Men taking L-Citrulline saw a dramatic improvement in both their Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.

And, yet another study found this powerful Amino Acid helped promoted artery flexibility and supported their heart health after exercise.

And, many people who workout, including athletes, often take L-Citrulline to aid their performance — both aerobic capacity and strength.

A 100% success rate — that’s even more impressive!

The truth is, once you get beyond a certain age, with heart health becoming more important every day, taking L-Citrulline is a “No-Brainer” for any man, because there’s so much to gain.

Niacin, in it’s Nicotinic Acid form. This is important, as most of the Niacin sold is in the Niacinamide form, which isn’t much use. Niacin is basically Vitamin B3.

It’s found naturally in many foods, but it’s easy to get deficient in it, because it’s water soluble, meaning: it only lasts in your body for a few hours after you eat it, and then it gets flushed away.

Now, the particular form of Niacin I was telling you about – Nicotinic Acid – is very interesting as it does a similar job to nitric oxide: it’s a vasodilator, meaning it expands the blood vessels and capillaries, allowing
more blood to get into your capillaries.

It’s so powerful, that if you take too much of it, it has a ‘flushing’ effect… where you go red, and feel a ‘prickly heat’ kind of feeling.

It’s commonly used to support cholesterol and blood pressure levels already within normal ranges. It’s a nutrient found in foods and many supplements. It also supercharges the effects of the L-Citrulline.

Along with the L-Citrulline and the other ingredients I’m going to tell you about, it’s just enough to help create a very noticeable effect in your arteries where you need it most …

A double blind placebo controlled study in 2011, of 80 men, showed that they all had some improvement in blood flow after taking Niacin daily … while the 80 men having a placebo didn’t notice any changes.

Wow! Of course you won’t hear much about this, because Niacin is a simple nutrient that’s not patentable, so Big Pharma can’t make a fortune selling it to you.

So, this ingredient is very important for maintaining cardiovascular health.

Eurycoma Longifolia Root, also known as Tongkat Ali.

This is an herb from Southeast Asia. It’s very rare, because it only grows in one country – Malaysia.

And, it’s also one of the most powerful herbs in the world for boosting healthy Nitric Oxide levels by supporting healthy circulation. And improved circulation is associated with easy flow of blood and delivery of oxygen, nutrients, proteins
throughout the body.

Optimal circulation plays a key role in keeping your heart strong! So anything we could add to help keep arteries clear and blood moving freely is your friend.

Plus, this also may be of interest to you as a man who wants to stay strong and active…

Tongkat Ali is the most powerful herb in the world for naturally supporting testosterone levels, and supporting prostate health!

So along with maintaining cardiovascular health, it can also support your performance in the bedroom!

Now… here’s another ingredient that has to be in there:

A high quality Fenugreek extract.

Fenugreek can help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range. This may be because fenugreek seeds contain roughly 48% dietary fiber — which is great for your arteries.

Fenugreek can also have a positive effect on blood lipid levels to maintain optimal blood flow and arterial health.

It has also been shown to support cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels in normal, healthy ranges, while promoting healthy HDL levels. Which also helps maintain optimal blood flow and arterial health.

And fenugreek contains key antioxidants that help protect you from free radicals. This is an important cardio benefit that can help support a strong body.

Plus, in a study on sexual health using Fenugreek, researchers found the men enjoyed:

Once again, we see that heart health and improved sexual function often go hand-in-hand. Which is great news! And an amazing bonus!

These essential nutrients: Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6, are all nutrients naturally found in foods. The problem is, as we become older and less healthy, our body may not get enough of these nutrients from the foods we eat.

Then there’s the problem that many of the foods we eat are not nearly as nutritious as they used to be, because of factory farming, industrial fertilizers, over-farming the land, and so on.

And, most importantly, as we age, it’s hard for many U.S. men to get enough of these 3 key nutrients from their daily diet.

However, your doctor won’t always tell you about this. But the truth is, having enough of these key nutrients can greatly improve the quality of your life.

Even worse, day-to-day stress — which too many men simply cope with, but never actually deal with– can deplete the body of Magnesium and Vitamin B6. And once it’s depleted, especially in the case of Magnesium,
it’s very difficult for your body to get enough from a food source, and even most supplements.

That’s why for Magnesium, I always recommend a high quality version, like Magnesium Bisglycinate, that your body is actually able to utilize and absorb.

Many men don’t realize there’s a crucial mineral they often don’t get enough of, which is …

Studies show a direct link between proper zinc levels and good cardio health. In fact, healthy levels of zinc in your body can also promote the health of your heart itself. So when oxidative stress occurs,
it may be due to not enough zinc.

Then we have one of the most important ingredients of all..

We included Vitamin D because strong research suggests that Vitamin D can play an essential, yet often overlooked, role in promoting heart health.

In fact, a number of Vitamin D studies have shown that healthy levels of Vitamin D can help promote good heart health.

However, research has shown, that many people over age 60, may not get enough vitamin D from their diet or lifestyle alone.

This is important to know because getting enough vitamin D has been linked to proper arterial health.

You see, your arteries are like rubber tubes …

Your arteries are meant to expand and be soft and pliable. They need to maintain their “stretchiness” for optimal heart health.

Vitamin D also helps to promote a healthy inflammatory response and support healthy cholesterol levels already within normal ranges. Plus, a new study on the correlation between vitamin D and heart health
was conducted by researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital …

They reviewed data from studies of more than 10,000 Danes and compared those with the lowest levels of vitamin D to those with the highest levels.

Wow! What an eye opener! The study showed the important role Vitamin D plays in optimal hearth health.

A balanced diet, active lifestyle, and time for de-stressing can contribute to ideal heart health. And having healthy levels of vitamin D can help with this.

The bottom line is: Your heart needs Vitamin D, and you almost certainly don’t get enough of it. Alpha Strength gives you a full, heart-helping dose!

The thing to really understand about this formula is that it’s synergistic, so the sum is far greater than its parts!

One of these nutrients alone is good … but together they are amazing at helping you stay “heart strong!”

Every year more and more men are choosing to be safe instead of sorry… and maintain their heart health with all natural Alpha Strength.

They’re choosing to put their health and longevity first, so they can be around for life’s important moments.

Alpha Strength is truly an amazing all-natural combination of 9 powerful nutrients, herbs, vitamins and minerals that help you maintain strong heart health (and everything related to having a healthy heart, including high
energy levels, good fitness, and strong libido and performance).

Remember, Alpha Strength’s unique “Male Heart Health Formula” is made with ingredients specifically shown to support arterial health for men!

That’s why many men experience remarkable results — and feel better — in just a matter of days! And you’ll always know it’s working in the background of your life to help and support you. Alpha Strength also
comes with an
unconditional 90-Day Guarantee.

If you don’t see and feel remarkable differences in your health, you don’t pay.

Whether you want to run a marathon, compete in an Iron man, continue to play golf or tennis, or spend time running around the yard with your grandkids… your heart health will determine how active you are. How able you are
to live to the max.

Good heart health means high energy, easy breathing, full activity, and full mobility and independence. A strong heart means the sky’s the limit! You can be “that guy” that everyone looks to and says, “man, that guy is a stud for his age!”

So go ahead, line it all up and plan it out! Your travel plans, your hobbies, your favorite activities … and do it all with no care, no concern and no risk with Alpha Strength.

Alpha Strength is like the ultimate support system for your heart! Your heart is a masterpiece of engineering, and it was absolutely built to last … IF you take care of it!

Yes, it will serve you well for many years if you do your part to maintain it! Alpha Strength is here to nourish and support your heart and arteries. And if you are one of those who loves the peace of mind from an Extended
Warranty, Alpha Strength will serve as a great protection and “Extended Warranty” on your most vital organ.

I haven’t talked about his much, because I really want to stay focused on your healthy heart …

But it’s worth mentioning …

The powerful nutrients in Alpha Strength, besides supporting heart healthy, have ALSO been shown to

Supercharge your Confidence (inside and outside of the bedroom)

Blow up your Energy Levels – supporting you to last much longer in bed (and get more done in your day-to-day life)

Along with a healthy diet and exercise, you may achieve your ideal body weight (and gain some muscle and strength if you want to) – without giving up all your favorite foods

So you see, Alpha Strength has so much to offer you! You can feel like a new man inside and out!

The fact is: Alpha Strength is easily absorbed, thoroughly studied, and carefully produced. We would never put only a small amount of poor quality, ineffective ingredients into
our product.

As the owner of the company, Alpha Strength has my personal stamp of approval. I know it is made with the maximum dose of pure, premium, effective ingredients that WILL have a positive effect in your body Guaranteed.

I know you’re putting your trust in us to strengthen and support your heart and arteries. And we don’t take that job lightly. That’s why only the very best, most effective ingredients go into our circulation-boosting heart health formula.

Every bottle of Alpha Strength contains the highest quality ingredients, mixed in very specific ratios, and has been through 19 different safety and quality checks before it gets to you …

Even though we source the ingredients in Alpha Strength from the most trusted sources, every batch of each ingredient that comes through the door goes immediately into “quarantine”, until it’s tested by the lab for any contaminants.

Each ingredient is then analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy—an expensive process that guarantees the material is exactly what it’s supposed to be. Then the ingredients are tested for microbials and pathogens.

Sometimes, if anything is less than perfect, we have to throw out an entire batch – but it’s better than the alternative: an unsafe and lousy product.

Also, after the capsules are manufactured, our quality control goes further and tests random samples of the blended ingredients, to make sure the final product contains the exact amounts of each ingredient that it should.

Well, when you consume Alpha Strength, you know for certain that:

To experience all the benefits, all you have to do is build up to taking:

4 Capsules of Alpha Strength each day, with a little water.

You don’t have to change your entire lifestyle …. However, if you want to optimize the benefits of our product it’s recommended to eat a well-rounded diet and exercise regularly.

To boost your Nitric Oxide Levels and boost your blood flow – just knock back 4 capsules of Alpha Strength each day and watch what happens!

The other nice thing about working with our large, U.S. based manufacturer is that they have the contacts and the buying power to source these ingredients inexpensively.

So I’m happy to tell you that I’ve been able to keep the price of Alpha Strength extremely low. Take Advantage and ORDER NOW

Order now with No Risk …

Because your order is covered by my no quibble 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

“YES” – that’s right … you can try Alpha Strength, see if you like it, and get a refund up to 90 days after purchase, for ANY reason.

If you really don’t like Alpha Strength – which is highly unlikely because it’s so powerful and effective — simply call or email our friendly English speaking, industry best support team, and they’ll refund you in full…
every penny.

They’re available 20 hours a day, 363 days a year, from 5am to 1am EST.

Now. I doubt very much that you’ll be asking for a refund – because Alpha Strength contains 9 nutrients scientifically proven to support cardiovascular health.

However, I’m offering you this 90 Day Guarantee so you can take advantage of the special offer prices on this page, and order today, with no risk and total peace-of-mind.

After all, the only companies who can offer a guarantee this long and robust are companies who have something they know truly works! Because, if you offered a 90 Day Guarantee on a lousy product, you’d soon go out of business!

And, in case you’re wondering – I’m not a Risk-Taker. I’m actually a cautious guy when it comes to business (because I have a wife, 2 kids, and, like most people… a mortgage, bills to pay, and so on).

So, hopefully that eases any skepticism you might have. I’m backing your order for 90 days because I know Alpha Strength works.

Order a bottle of Alpha Strength today – to improve your cardio health. This is a “No-Brainer” because of the no quibble 90-Day Money- Back Guarantee, and the excellent savings, available only
for a limited time only.

Every smart, intelligent man who reads this page makes the same decision … They ALL opt to give Alpha Strength a try (which explains why you really should take advantage right now,
because the demand is so high, stock is running low)…

Let Alpha Strength help fill in any nutritional gaps so your heart can thrive.

You really have no alternative: You need to get serious and support your heart now. And there’s no better or easier way than with Alpha Strength!

Do it for yourself AND your family. Make sure you are doing everything you can to live strong!

Don’t leave your heart health to chance. Do what you can to live your life to the fullest with confidence and peace of mind.

Give your heart the help it needs to run smoother, longer, and healthier.

Plus, don’t forget Alpha Strength can also help you with strong bedroom performance… A healthy Sex-Drive… Consistent “Morning Wood” and Unbreakable Confidence, along with higher Testosterone Levels.

Try Alpha Strength and prepare to be impressed with how your body feels for months and years down the road!

Wishing you a long, healthy, active life …

Co-Creator of Alpha Strength

P.S. If you’re worried about your heart … you need to know 3 key things …

1. You can improve your situation (it’s not simply something a man has to risk just because he’s 40+). 2. Increasing your Nitric Oxide Levels is the key to free, easy blood flow to keep your arteries clear.
3. Taking Alpha Strength is the quickest and easiest way to improve your cardio health.

Alpha Strength is a unique capsule based formula, designed by world-renowned health expert Elwin Robinson (co-founder of The New Alpha and Taoist Health Master).

It contains 9 unique ingredients, mixed in very specific quantities, manufactured in a state-of-the-art GMP Certified Facility.

On their own, each of the ingredients in Alpha Strength have been shown, in numerous scientific studies, to have beneficial affects on blood flow, Nitric Oxide, artery health and cardio wellness.

However, when mixed together, they work synergistically, and become even more powerful – much more powerful than they are if taken individually. Yet still 100% totally natural.

Save up to 55% OFF the usual price (click the “ORDER NOW” button below to see all the order options). And, be sure to take advantage of the monthly or quarterly subscription offers, if you want to ensure you never have to go even a single
day without Alpha Strength in your system

P.P.P.S. You can order Alpha Strength today, with NO RISK. Because your order is covered by my no quibble 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

QHow will Alpha Strength make me feel?

ASince Alpha Strength can help promote healthy circulation … And when blood flows normally throughout your body, oxygen and other vital nutrients flow through the arteries as was intended. You may also experience:

QWhat sets Alpha Strength apart from other cardio products?

AAlpha Strength contains 1000 mg of L-Citrulline, which is hundreds of milligrams more than other leading brands! In addition, we added other key nutrients to help make Alpha Strength the most effective cardio
health supplement on the market.

QHow long should I take Alpha Strength?

AAlpha Strength will continue to support your cardio health by supporting your heart and circulation for as long as you take it. And since your arteries are your lifeline, supporting them is a lifetime commitment.
So one bottle of Alpha Strength is a great start to see how well it works. But if you really want to promote healthy arteries, we recommend you request at least a 6 month supply.

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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition,
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Copyright (c) 2021 onwards. Lion Heart Intelligent Solutions LTD and The New Alpha.All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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New Alpha Nutrition is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Product Name: Garage, House, Cabin, Shed, Playhouse, Greenhouse & Barn Plans

Click here to get Garage, House, Cabin, Shed, Playhouse, Greenhouse & Barn Plans at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Garage, House, Cabin, Shed, Playhouse, Greenhouse & Barn Plans is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Read the entire page to see how to save on our bonus package


Anyone Serious About

building a house, cabin, garage or workshop but not willing to pay hundreds of

dollars for the plans.

But if you are like most people

and just need a set of plans to build your garage and can find one

of our stock plans that will work for your needs. We have

developed a great package for you. 33 complete  plan

construction drawing sets for a fraction of their individual


If you are serious about

building and you need a set of plans we have a great offer for

you. These are complete construction drawings used to build these


Read below for 3 offers available today and a Special Bonus

at the bottom of the page

 you have arrived

at the right place

This is a limited

offer, don’t miss out on amazing savings

18 Complete sets

of Building Plans for the following buildings

#’s relate to our

individual website listings


28×44 Ranch House


28×30 Cape Cod


20×30 Aspen Cabin

#34  24×32 Cabin with Loft


24×36 Gambrel Cabin


– 28′ x 28′ 1 1/2 Story


36′ x 46′ RV Garage

#41 24′ x 24′


28×30 Garage

36′ x 50′  – 12′ Workshop

#37 26′ x

36′  1 1/2 Story Garage

#65 20′ x

24′ Barn w/Loft


18′ x 24′ Barn w/loft


– 24′ x 40′ 2 Story Barn

#51 – 30′ x 40′ Pole Barn

#32 24×36 Barn w/loft


48×36 Barn w/loft

Our most popular

Plans – 18 plans total – a Package deal

18 Complete sets of building plans over

300 Pages of drawings, details and notes

This offer is for the PDF files so you can print the

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or take the files to a local printer for printing.

Download the sample below





Immediate access to the PDF download locations

7+ pages of drawings details and specs for each garage

more than 70 pages total in PDF Formats

You can

print them on your own printer or take them to a copy center to have



original plans are designed on 11 x 17 size pages.


contain: Section Views, Elevations, Foundation Plans, Electrical Details Framing Plans

Roof Layouts and Details,Computer

generated materials lists

Products to be

made available as 

Downloadable PDF (Adobe Acrobat) Files

After Payment you

will be directed to the download location for the plans

All 5 home plans were built and sold as spec homes

Take them to a local printer for printing.

1/8″ scale if printed on 11 x 17 or 1/4″ scale if printed on 22 x 34

This is a great way to get plans for a starter home or to build a house as

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11+ pages

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more than

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+ PDF files

so you can make changes or print more copies

+ Immediate

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Details, Section Views, Elevations, Foundation Plans,

Stair Details

and Electrical Details Framing Plans

Roof Layouts

and Details

Also Complete Materials Lists



contain the following:

Floor Plans, 

Elevation Plans, Wall Framing Plans,

Roof Framing

Plans,  Wall section Details,


Building Materials Lists.

Hi John,

Just attached a pic of my completed garage that i built myself from your

plans… i did not put windows on the sides, instead my wife wanted them

in the front – future flower boxes will go under them… also i doubled up

in the 2×12’s at the stair opening and used joist hangers – this avoided

having the interior wall down stairs….

thanx again everything went great and feel free to use my pic…

Jeff C

Pictures of the

20′ x 20′ Gable Workshop

– Thanks Jeff


Thank you for the plans, I just love my new garage, I finally have a

place to park my boat in out of the weather, everything went great, my

contractor said it was the most complete set of plans he had ever worked

with and wanted to know your contact information so he could have you draw

more plans for him. I will recommend you to all my friends who need to

have a house or garage built. Check out this picture my shop is the envy

of all of my neighbors who wish they had some place to park their toys. 

Matt Utah

Matt’s 26 x 36 plan with storage loft from SDSCAD



I had purchased a customized plan from you back in March. They worked

great! Our city planning/permitting really liked them and it helped the

process go smoothly. Attached is a picture of the little shop we built

with your plans. Thanks Kathy



love woodworking and now have a garage in my back yard that is just full

of every woodworking tool you could imagine. I love having a place to go

out and work on fun projects. I just finished some new chairs on my front

deck and it was nice to have a place to build them. I watch Norm on TV and

these chairs I built from his plans. JD Wyoming

Offer #1 – 18 Plan Special – 6 Garages 6 Barns and 6 Cabins

Offer #2 – 10 Complete

Garage RV and Workshop Plans


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 100 % money back guarantee if not satisfied


100 % money back guarantee if not satisfied

Pictures of garages built from SDSCAD plans by Honorbuilt


Plan sets contain the following:

Floor Plans, Foundation Plans,

Electrical Plans, Elevation Plans, Wall Framing Plans,

Roof Framing Plans, Cabinet

Details, Foundation Details, Wall section Details,

Structural and General Notes, and

Complete Building Materials Lists.

everything needed

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Does our older child need a little more liberty? Your work from home or
maybe you just feel that you need another room for a special project
that you want to start? Then the solution is to construct a
new addition to your garage.

By making an addition to your garage you can add to the living space in
your house, no matter what type of garage you own: detached or
attached to the house. The space above the garage can be converted into
a private living space for your older child, guests or a live-in parent.
You can convert your garage into your home office. You could very well
find here the peace and quiet needed for your work. Also, the new addition
can be converted into a music studio if you put some simple sound
proofing measures into place.

In order to start planning for your garage addition, first prepare
a budget and then hire a professional because this is a complex
project. Also, you may need to hire an architect to help you with
the construction plans.

You park your car in the driveway and you still have to work on your
projects in the back yard. If you don’t use your garage for
its designed purpose, why not turn it into a tidy workshop?
Here are five steps to turn your garage in a perfect small home

1) Create your own workbench from an old door,s ome
sawhorses or scrap wood.

2) Mount a pegboard on the wall to store your tools. It would be
a great idea to mount it above your workbench. Strategically
place pegs according to the type of tools you will be placing on
the board. After hanging your tools, trace around them with a
marker so you will know where each one goes.

3) Use old jars for holding nails, nuts, bolts and screws.

4) Make a storage box for the rags because they tend to accumulate
in the working area.

5) Use a small tackle box for transporting items such as screws and
nails as you move around the shop.

If you spend a lot of your time at home in your garage or if
you want a clean and organized garage you need a few
gadgets. Garage gadgets come in many forms and for different

For example a stop light for parking may come in handy for
someone who has a problem with depth perception or for
someone who comes home late from work and is very tired. If you
have such problems, you need this tool. It is easy to install
and use and it helps you to park the car in the same spot
every time when the motion sensors are triggered.

If you need space on the walls next to the door, you can
mount a garage door opener on the ceiling above the door
to eliminate chains.

Bike storage is ideal in a garage for “hanging” your bike on a
wall so you have easy access to it with the advantage of having
more clear space in the garage.

If you have a lot more items in your garage than you really have
Room for or the walls are full of shelves and cabinets, you
definitely need additional storage devices like an overhead
storage system mounted directly on the ceiling.

There are four basic types of garage doors and three types of
materials commonly used to construct these doors.

If a traditional look is desired for the garage, then the side
hung garage door is the usual solution. Side-hung doors can
be fitted directly on a wood frame or on bricks.

Another type of garage door is the sectional garage door.
These doors are perfect where the space in front of the garage
is limited because they open vertically. They are perfect
for a new garage that is intended to have an aesthetic appeal.

Similar to sectional garage doors are the roller doors. The
door rolls up inside a drum above the opening of the garage
door. Also there is no need to allow any room inside or out to
operate the door so it would be well suited for limited space
in front of the garage.

The last type of door is the most common one, up and over
garage door. This is the most popular type. They can be
manufactured from timber, steel and GPR materials. They
can also be manual or automatic and they are relatively easy
to install.

You would probably ask yourself why do you need a facelift for
your garage. It is only a garage! But what if you have a
two or more cars garage? The garage doors take up a
significant portion of the front of the house. What is the use in
having a great design for your house but having only generic
garage doors?

Nowadays the garage door trends are to incorporate the doors
into the design of the house. For example you could choose
carriage-style doors(look like they open like old-fashioned
doors in carriage houses, but they open like normal garage
doors) or you could choose wood carriage doors. These wood
carriage doors are reminiscences of the horse-drawn carriage days
and they are very popular. You don’t need to go as far as to
order custom made garage doors because you can find more
appealing garage doors at most home improvement stores.

In addition to the doors, the floor of a garage gives style and can
integrate to the overall aesthetics of your house. You could try
interlocking garage floor tiles that come in multiple colors and
patterns. They are made of polypropylene and are easy to
install and clean. Another interesting and practical flooring is the
coin shaped G-flooring.

Why do you need a heater for your remodeled garage?
The answer for this question is pretty obvious: one of the
major disadvantages of using your garage as a workshop
or a home office is that it wasn’t meant for that. The
garage is the special place reserved for your car, the
garage is the room where you keep your lawn and garden

If you start using this space for other projects that you
have, you need to deal with one of the major
inconveniences, that is warmth. During the summer you
don’t have to worry too much about this but during cold
seasons you might find some difficulties in continuing
your project because of the very low temperature.

You can find many ways to warm up your workshop-
garage. You can try one of the porcelain heaters; they
work great and can warm up a good area but they are not
meant to warm a large space for a long time.

Another solution for you would be to use a kerosene
heater. These heaters are easy to turn on, most of them
have an electric starter. It should have a thermostat to be
able to regulate the temperature also they have a specific
scent, they do function on kerosene! So if you think you
cannot handle this smell, a kerosene heater wouldn’t be a
good choice for you. They are quite dangerous for your
children, if they have access to the garage and you would
definitely want to ventilate very well the garage!

A very good and popular choice nowadays is a gas heater.
Of course you have to hire a professional to install it. You
can find a gas heater suited to your budget for remodeling
the garage. There are many models and almost all of them
are fairly inexpensive. The main advantage of a gas
heater is that it gives you a consistently warm
environment. They are available in both manual and
thermostatic control types. You would probably prefer a
model that has a thermostat, even though its price is a
little higher than the price of a manual temperature
control model. The only thing that you have to do is to set
it on a desired temperature and leave it to do its job.

There are two types of gas heaters: vented and vent less.
The vent less unit uses air from the room and the vented
model has a system that vents directly out of the garage.
The disadvantage of the vent less model is that you have
to keep the room vented at all times because the unit uses
the air from the room where it has been installed. The
main advantage for the both types of gas heaters is that
they have a pretty low running cost compared to the
kerosene and electric heaters.

Remember that if you choose to install a more advanced
heating system like a gas heater, you must ask for a
professional’s help.

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Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds…

Product Name: Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds…

Click here to get Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


You’re about to discover an ancient “Virility Tonic”…

That our ancient male ancestors drank daily…

To stay strong and powerful during the day…

And charged with passion at night… (1)

And inside this controversial new report I’m going to…

That could be a new male performance breakthrough…

That upgrades life almost overnight.

It quickly boosts natural T-production… *

And sets up a “support system” that reinforces healthy hormone balance… *

Regardless of age or what kind of shape someone might be in.

Indian cultures named it “smell of horse”. Because legend has it…

It’s even a star player in Kama Sutra…

An ancient guide to amazing sex.

Inside… couples were told to share this tonic to help ramp up libido… *

And enjoy maximum vitality and excitement between the sheets. (3)*

So if any guy wants to feel like a young buck…

And enjoy support for better male performance, libido and energy… *

Then lean in and read every word of this special report…

Because minutes from now…

I’ll reveal shocking research from Georgetown University Medical Center suggesting…

Common household products most men use everyday… may make it difficult to maintain optimal hormonal balance… (4)

But the exciting thing is…

Despite what society may say…

Guys can maintain high and healthy T-levels well into their 50s, 60s and 70s… *

And continue shedding body fat like they could years ago… *

And the powerful solution on this page — backed by the latest science — is safe, easy and may help support healthy T-levels so any guy can feel he’s in the good old days — but much better.

What I’m about to share has pissed off a lot guys…

Because for the first time, they realize there are powers at be that want to convert alpha men into girly boys…

But make sure to read all the way through…

Because research groups from Mumbai, India have recently discovered a tonic given to a “seer of the gods” 6000+ years ago… (7)

That supports male hormones… *

But before I reveal it to you…

Let me introduce myself…

Then reveal how nearly any guy can unlock this same kind of vitality, drive and health… *

Using a very simple yet powerful trick that goes to work rapidly.

Hi. My name is Chad Howse…

Author of The Man Diet — a best-selling book that gives men the formula to help boost T-levels naturally.

And over the past 7 years, I’ve helped thousands of men boost their performance, energy and virility… *

Enjoy playful libido on command…

And discover their purpose in life.

See — maintaining healthy T-levels is crucial for male performance…

And the male body is hard-wired to have A LOT of it…

Even as men get older, that doesn’t have to change. And I’ll share why in just a minute.

But first, now that you know who I am…

And how guys can use it to boost energy and support focus… *

Get an extra edge to help reshape a stubborn physique… *

And become the best version of themselves starting just days from now.

See — a few years ago I was waking up every morning dog-tired…

With little motivation and a LOT of stress…

Dragging myself to the gym 6 days a week…

But having nothing to show for it…

Actually — my body got flabbier the more I trained.

I tried new dieting fads that promised to boost my energy levels…

But I struggled to get going in the morning.

And it felt like every day ended on a low note.

I’d fall into bed… wishing my life was different…

After months of my body and life tumbling down a steep decline…

I buried myself in research to get to the bottom of what was happening…

And came across a large study from Baylor University Medical Center that nudged me to look into my hormone levels… (8)

So I went to the doctor to find out what was going on…

Because the blood work showed my male hormones weren’t thriving as much as they could have been…

And my cortisol levels weren’t where they needed to be either… at only 27 years old.

Let me explain what cortisol is really quickly…

Cortisol is a stress hormone that comes in handy during short, pressure situations…

Like sports competitions… or getting caught up in a fight…

And a study from the University of Chicago shows…

Gallup’s Annual Study Of Global Emotions found people today have a harder time managing stress now more than ever before in history… (10)

Which could make it challenging to keep T-levels and cortisol balanced.

Because the strategy I’m about to share has been shown by a study from Lucknow, India to support normal cortisol levels…

But higher-stress isn’t the only factor guys should be aware of…

Studies suggest that there are common household products that may disrupt optimal hormone balance.

According to studies from well respected universities — here’s what to watch out for…

Air fresheners…
Body spray…
bagd water…
Cash register receipts…
Canned foods or drinks…
Cell phone…
Chewing gum…
Chicken soup…
Dairy products…
Laundry detergent…
Non-organic fruit…
Non-organic meat…
Non-organic vegetables…
Plastic bags…
Plastic bags…
Plastic wrap…
Shaving cream or gel…
Sleep aids…
Soy products…
Toilet paper…
Vegetable oil…
Vinyl shower curtains and flooring…
And more… (12) (13) (14) (15)

Avoiding the products above may help support optimal T-levels…

So any guy can enjoy more energy instead of feeling tired in the afternoon…

And stay at the top of their game most days.

But the truth is just one look at this list and anyone can see…

A 6,092 year old herb… recorded by a “mystical seer” in ancient India…

That provides a “support system” for male hormones… *

And helps balance estrogen in a healthy way. *

We actually NEED estrogen in our bodies to function optimally. However…

Nowadays — men are exposed to more estrogen than ever before.

But the strategy on this page helps keep estrogen in check. *

While supporting optimal T-levels… *

So any guy can enjoy teenage-like energy… support sniper-like focus at all hours of the day… and feel like an animal in the gym and the bedroom… *

While their buddies slouch around on the couch like lazy sacks of potatoes.

But before I get there…

Let me share what happened after my doctor said my hormones were slightly “off”…

I tried to address it on my own.

And read one way to boost T and support stable hormonal balance is to get more micronutrients into my diet.

So I tried eating more vegetables… mainly green ones.

The reason is because green vegetables contain a chemical called indole-3…

And a study from North Shore-Long Island Jewish Research Institute found Indole-3…

It’s commonly found inside spinach, kale and bok choy…

An average serving of greens doesn’t have enough indole-3 to make a noticeable effect on the body… *

It would take MORE greens…

But read carefully. Because…

Eating more greens for the indole-3 is not the answer. In fact…

The reason is because vegetables are high in fiber…

And high levels of fiber may disrupt male hormone production.

This news was so shocking to the medical community that Los Angeles Medical Center ran a test to see if it could be replicated

And found the exact same result. (18)

Now don’t get me wrong…

Eating some greens isn’t a problem. But too many can be…

Never in a million years would I have thought to avoid plastic bags, mint toothpaste, and body wash to support an optimal hormone balance…

And if someone told me a while ago that eating too many vegetables might shift my T-levels in the wrong direction…

So I searched for ways to increase my greens intake without eating too many vegetables.

And the most common answer I found was to drink “greens powder” shakes… that are packed with vitamins and nutrients to maintain healthy T-levels — without all the fiber…

So I put down a large chunk of money on a popular greens supplement made for men and women.

But after chugging chalky, tasteless greens powders each morning for a month straight…

Trying to predict my mood was almost as hard as predicting lotto numbers…

Instead of feeling energized when I woke up in the morning…

I felt exhausted — like a battery that can’t hold a charge no matter how long it’s plugged into a power outlet.

So I took a closer look at the ingredients on the back of the greens powder bag…

And found out the main ingredients inside…

Were counter-productive to what I was trying desperately to achieve…

Because these ingredients could potentially increase estrogen…

For months I’d been plugging my nose, forcing down a nasty greens shake…

It was actually making me feel like LESS of the man I wanted to be.

So I scrambled through website after website — trying to find a greens powder that didn’t contain estrogenic ingredients…

But I couldn’t find ANY.

There wasn’t a single greens powder I could take in good conscience…

And certainly nothing that would help boost my T-levels.

For the first time in life…

But in the midst of it all…

To do something no one had ever done before…

And create my own greens solution for men.

That’s when I stumbled across a recipe inside an ancient ayurvedic text.

It was written down more than 6,000 years ago…

And contains herbal remedies for just about anything imaginable…

Even how to achieve optimal male hormones at practically every age. *

It’s called Ashwagandha…

And it contains a powerful alkaloid called withaferin A.

Which has androgenic properties… *

Androgens are hormones that take part in every man’s DNA.

And it’s the main ingredient inside Ashwagandha. (19)

When one consumes Ashwagandha…

It provides a nature-based dose of man-boosting hormone support… *

And it gets more exciting…

Because a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found Ashwagandha…

Because as men get older…it can be challenging to produce male hormones as quickly as in their early 20s…

But with a small “nudge” from Ashwagandha, it’s possible that any guy’s hormones may “fire on all cylinders” at any age. *

Here’s how it works — A study from the National College of Natural Medicine discovered Ashwagandha helps quickly convert “infant male hormones” into “mature male hormones”. (21)

Think of it like a time-lapse video of plants growing in nature…

Even though those videos are shot over the course of several months…

When you watch a time lapse video of a plant growing — it looks like it only takes seconds…

Ashwagandha helps convert infant male hormones into mature male hormones at something like “time lapse” speed… *

Meaning it goes faster…

Another study from Gujarat, India tested the effects of Ashwagandha on patients with higher estrogen levels… (22)

And found Ashwagandha helps support balanced estrogen activity for men…

Remember how I said higher stress hormone activity can impact hormonal balance?

Well Ashwagandha helps with that, too.

Because studies show Ashwagandha is an “adaptogen”…

Which is a fancy way of saying it supports hormonal balance in times of stress. (23) *

Even better — ashwagandha has been shown in MULTIPLE studies to help boost healthy fertility, maintain healthy cortisol, balance estrogen and uphold optimal T-levels in men… (24) (25) (26) *

It’s got true life-changing potential…

To keep guys running at “full speed” into his 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond…

With crystal clear focus and drive… fresh “get up and go” each morning… and “Superman”-like energy to run around the yard with the kids after a day of work. Plus… *

Ashwagandha keeps men “looking on the bright side”…

By supporting hormonal balance virtually that helps keep guys “cool calm and collected”… *

May help them from getting bogged down by long days at the office and things out of their control…

And helps maintain a positive attitude even in the toughest situations.*

It also supports a healthy libido and healthy libido may help keep one’s “manhood” from shrinking like a frightened turtle in the bedroom…

And while their partner’s girlfriends are talking about how their men are a “sad sack” in the bedroom…

Guys who use this ingredient can have added support to help keep the romance kindled as the years pass by. *

Guys can add support to help achieve all of this in one amazingly simple swoop with Ashwagandha. *

But as impressive as it is…

Ashwagandha is only a small piece of the huge masculinity puzzle.

There’s a handful of other nature-based ingredients…

That are almost unheard of, that are…

I’ll list all of them by the end of this letter…

But it was Ashwagandha and 8 other ingredients I’ll reveal soon…

That I ordered off Amazon or picked up at a local supplement shop…

And mixed together to see if they would really make a difference with my T-count, energy and libido…

And give me that “killer instinct” in life again.

After a few weeks of using these 9 herbs together…

I only felt a little better…

My energy levels were slightly higher…

I could go a little longer during my workouts without feeling gassed and unmotivated to be there…

I still woke up feeling tired many mornings…

Even after a full 8-hours of sleep…

I was worn out at work by early afternoon…

And I didn’t notice any real improvements in my sex drive…

So I wrote out everything I was taking on a scratch piece of paper and brought it to my doctor to see what the deal was…

And why an herb like Ashwagandha with all the studies — and the other science-backed ingredients — weren’t working for me.

He said I was going about it all wrong…

I was using cheapo store bought supplements…

And large bags of herbs online…

That weren’t potent enough to get the job done…

Because like most supplements…

There are diluted forms of ingredients… or they’re grown in mass farms with pesticides and often GMOs…

And aren’t the REAL stuff that actually makes a difference in your body.

So my doctor told me to ditch the stuff I was using at home…

And recommended a few trusted manufacturers I could go to… and get these 9 herbs in their highest quality.

At first I was pissed about it…

But I needed this to work…

So I got in touch with my doctor’s recommended manufacturers…

Hoping I could get the most out of each ingredient…

And actually experience the hormonal balance I hoped for.

It wasn’t easy to get ahold of these guys…

And even then I had to do some testing on my own to figure out the right formula for reinforcing healthy T-levels and feeling like “the man” again… *

And the only reason you’re reading this today…

Is because after almost a year of trial and error…

And battle testing these ingredients in the trenches of my own life…

And gave me the T-boost I needed… *

Helped balance my cortisol and estrogen levels… *

Dialed in my drive and supported focus… *

And helped me feel fully charged when I’d wake up in the morning…*

And virtually all day long.

The longer I took this combination of high potency ingredients…

The BETTER I felt as the months went on.

I was more productive at work…

Because my energy levels never quit on me… *

I was so driven… and had sniper-like focus that when I set out to do something… *

I even turned my side business… into a full-fledged career…

And now I get to do what I love for a living. Plus…

With this combination of herbs…

I was getting maximum results from my workouts…

Fat was falling off my body faster than ever as part of my training and exercise regimen… *

And I was building muscle easier, too. *

My sex drive boomed back to life… *

And I occasionally started waking up with “morning wood”… *

Which is a sign of optimal male hormone health. *

Going for long hikes with my dog…

Fishing… hunting… weight training…

Like nothing could stop me from getting what I wanted in life.

And that’s what I want for every guy…

And starting right now, today…

Anyone can use this simple 8-second trick…

Supported by real science…

And used by thousands of other men already…

To support a boost in T-levels… help maintain healthy hormonal balance… enjoy youthful libido… and have enough energy to run circles around most guys.*

Myself and my team have left no stone unturned…

The first and only greens supplement formulated for men…

Featuring research-backed ingredients to support a boost in T-levels, sustain hormone balance, and become the most masculine version of oneself. *

Man Greens features only the highest quality ingredients in their scientifically based dosages to promote an increase in the master male hormone and support the energy and healthy libido every guy wants and needs. *

Every swig is a delicious blend of earth grown superfoods and herbs — with a natural orange zest flavor that excites the taste buds.

Every guy will love how quickly these ingredients go to work.

I already talked about ashwagandha…

And why it’s a “jack of all trades” herb that’ll help guys maintain high and healthy T-levels at any age… *

And reinforces anabolic energy and power that keeps one at their best. However… *

Don’t stop with ashwagandha…

Because there’s another ingredient that…

It’s called Tongkat Ali and studies suggest it helps boost energy and support optimal T-levels in most men…

Which translates to an improved quality of life, sexual health, and more passion inside and outside the bedroom.

A 2012 study from Malaysia tested the effects of Tongkat Ali or placebo on 109 men ages 30-55 years old…

They used a Quality of Life questionnaire and Sexual Well-Being tests to determine the effectiveness…

And at the end of the study…

The Tongkat Ali group had higher scores in the overall Erectile Function…

Sexual performance increased 14%, sperm motility increased 44.4%, and semen volume increased 18.2%…

All of which are markers of optimal T-levels and sexual health.

The results were so impressive that another research team tested Tongkat Ali on men ages 40-65 years old.

They were given questionnaires to evaluate erectile function, satisfaction, sexual performance, hardness, mood, and quality of life…

The results showed those who were given Tongkat Ali saw significant improvements in their desire to initiate sex, improved blood flow and feeling overall happier and healthier.

There are a few other herbs I added into the mix that’ll help increase the effect of Man Greens…

One of them is called Maca.

It was recently re-discovered after disappearing with the collapse of the Incan Empire…

And doubles up on all the benefits I’ve mentioned so far from Ashwagandha and Horny Goat Weed. For example…

One study from Forli, Italy found…

An aphrodisiac is a food or herb that helps increase sexual desire… *

And that’s exactly what Maca does.

Like Ashwagandha… a 2012 study revealed Maca is also an adaptogen…

It helps combat occasional stress… maintains healthy cortisol levels… and sustains optimal T-levels into one’s later years. *

Plus — it’s been suggested to promote an impressive boost in sexual desire and overall mood. (31) *

On top of that — to keep energy levels consistent and reliable and boost muscle growth from workouts… multiple professional bodybuilding champions have gone to Maca for help to chisel world-class physiques… (32) *

Basically — Maca helps keep guys running like a man on fire… with plenty of gas in the gym and romantic spark in the bedroom. But… *

Just to give even more of an edge in the bedroom… *

And to help bulletproof sex drive and performance… *

I also added Beet Root Powder.

Beet Root Powder helps stimulate blood flow in the body by creating nitric oxide — which opens up the blood vessels so blood, oxygen and nutrients travel with ease… *

Much like Horny Goat Weed. (33)

And with Maca… Beet Root Powder… and Horny Goat Weed combined together…

Those 4 ingredients alone are enough to support and help preserve T-levels… energy… healthy libido… and more… while keeping other hormones locked-in to the right balance.*

I want Man Greens to be like a military base for male hormones…

Stuffed full of ingredients that reinforce T-levels…*

That’s why I added MORE ingredients to Man Greens.

The next one is Forskolin.

Forskolin is found in an Indian plant called forskohlii…

And it’s making waves in the men’s health industry…

Because a study from Berlin, Germany found Forskolin supports increased cyclic AMP in cells and tissues… (34) *

Cyclic AMP is a messenger that transports biological signals between male hormones and cells in the body…

Which naturally helps support the sensitivity and amount of anabolic hormones the body produces… and preserves T health.*

A study from Baylor College of Medicine found Forskolin increases androgen receptors in the body… (35) *

Meaning male hormones may have better success attaching to those receptors… *

So one can support an increase in male hormones and boost health and vitality.*

With all the ingredients I mentioned above…

Maintaining healthy hormonal balance… and boosting T-levels… is simple… *

But just to make this formula as bulletproof as possible… I added…

Spirulina — which is the “top dog” of superfoods because it contains vital nutrients… (36)

White Button Mushrooms — Organic White Button Mushrooms are an impressive superfood that help block aromatase (the conversion of testosterone to estrogen), while being filled with nutrients like vitamin D, which increases free T levels (the form of the hormone that actually works), and B12, which is rarely found in foods outside of animals.

And vitamin E and nitrates which supports nitric oxide release… (40) *

And finally, Moringa Oleifera — an ingredient from an Indian tree that has so many nutrients inside…

To support a Boost in T-levels… help maintain optimal hormonal harmony… *

And experience the support for energy and a healthy libido that makes it easy to keep up with the kids or grandkids on the playground… and her energy in the bedroom… Plus… *

With the extra boost in master male hormones — guys can feel like younger men in the gym… *

With power and drive to go longer and harder than guys younger. Plus… *

It helps guys have an easier time losing stubborn upper body fat when combined with the right training regimen and diet… *

While fitting into clothes better… and feeling confident when they strip their shirt off at the beach or in the bedroom.

With Man Greens, any guys can enjoy streamlined energy support that makes it easy to jump out of bed each morning… and doesn’t quit throughout the day…*

And because these ingredients help maintain hormonal balance… *

Any guy can prolong sniper-like focus support… unstoppable drive… and run circles around the younger guys at the office… *

With energy most guys can only dream of.

This combination of ingredients helps guys stay in charge of their life and health. I’m totally convinced…

Because every sip gives support for a natural T-boost, helps regulate hormonal balance, maintains consistent energy and a healthy libido… plus a boatload of bio-nutrients and greens all in one… and it tastes amazing. *

Normally you’d have to spend hundreds of dollars on separate supplements each month to get all that value…

But today you can get it all at once in Man Greens…

Without filling your stomach with too much fiber or other ingredients that potentially disrupt the harmony between T-levels, cortisol, estrogen, and other important hormones… *

Which adds up to HUGE savings…

And I’ll share more about how you can save big today in a moment.

You may be wondering how to get your hands on Man Greens… and how much you should take a day for maximum effect.

Take one scoop of Man Greens once per day…

To help boost T-levels, maintain healthy hormone balance, enjoy youthful libido and sustain consistent energy in seconds. *

And it’s best to get started as soon as possible today…

Because like I mentioned earlier…

With how quickly Man Greens is going viral…

And because it’s the ONLY T-boosting greens powder for men…

I couldn’t be any more excited about that…

Because it means men are taking hormone health back into their hands again…

And are refusing to let chemicals inside toothpaste, bodywash, deodorant (and dozens of other places) throw their hormones out of balance.

They’re tired of being a part of a system that praises weak men…

And are taking a stand by boosting T-levels and managing their health and life with Man Greens.

That’s why I suggest acting now before it’s too late. See…

Because we’re a small facility…

And the herbs and superfoods inside Man Greens are research-backed and the highest potency…

It isn’t cheap or easy to get our hands on these ingredients.

So keeping up with the demand is a real issue.

It’s for that reason…

And when that happens…

We could be backed up for 6 weeks or longer.

And I would hate for you to come back to this site later to see we’re out of stock.

Which is why you will want to read carefully…

And have them delivered right to your front door in the next couple of days… at a price I know you’ll appreciate.

See — my personal mission is to help as many men as I can preserve their hormone health and take control of their T-levels… so they never have to worry about their male hormones “falling off the map”…

By creating an energizing nature-based T-boosting formula that really works… and with ingredients that have the research to back it up… *

So any guy can experience streamlined vitality and excitement for life.

I wouldn’t have created Man Greens if I didn’t see a HUGE need for it…

Which is why I’m committed to bringing you the highest quality formula at its most affordable price.

Because I want to give an even bigger discount right now to guys who are serious about getting the most out of Man Greens. See…

Studies suggest that the ingredients in Man Greens work better the longer one uses them… *

And I’ve found that to be true with the hundreds of guys who’ve been using Man Greens for several months already.

Men who take Man Greens for 30 days see amazing results…

They feel energized, in a positive mood… they even occasionally wake up with “morning wood” which is a good sign for T-levels… *

It’s the men who are taking Man Greens every day for 60, 90 or 180 days straight…

That are experiencing the greatest thrill from it…

Like support for high and healthy T-levels…*

Unbreakable drive and mental clarity support…*

And energy that doesn’t quit on them at the office or when they get home and spend time with their families. *

Some guys have told me they finally feel like the man they were always meant to be after taking Man Greens for a couple months.

Myself and my team have made it a priority…

And when guys truly decide to take control of their hormonal health like never before… and take advantage of the compounding benefits of Man Greens… *

By bundling up on the 6 bag option of this cutting-edge formula…

When you order your 6 bag supply of Man Greens today…

I’ll take care of the shipping cost for you.

So the wisest decision makers…

Who want to experience the kind of T-boost that’s truly life-changing… and can help them feel like their younger selves — but better…

Will want to stock up on more.

Especially while supplies last and we’re giving away Man Greens for a BIG discount.

So don’t wait any longer…

Claim the most appealing discounted supply of Man Greens below while supplies last…

I’m serious about getting Man Greens into your hands at the most affordable price possible…

That’s because I’m passionate about helping guys help bulletproof their masculinity with support for more T, and reliable energy and a healthy libido that keeps them at their best virtually all day long… *

And I refuse to let something like money stand in the way.

But that’s not the only reason I’ll do whatever it takes for you to get your bags of Man Greens today. See…

For the last decade, I’ve taken a stand against the feminist agenda that’s making men feel like they can’t be real men anymore…

And I can’t do it on my own.

But if hundreds of thousands of guys like you join me…

And start by maintaining high T-levels and preserving optimal health with Man Greens… *

Then I know we can turn this thing around together. And society will learn to value men again.

So it’s not just about taking Man Greens and experiencing amazing results, man…

It’s also about being part of a brotherhood of men who are willing to stand up against pressure from society. And act like men again.

So here’s what to do next…

Anyone who is serious about maintaining healthy T-levels and promoting “horse power” energy and a healthy libido… *

Should choose the 3 or 6 month discounted supply of Man Greens below…

Or whatever option works best…

Just Click the “Add To Cart” button…

You’ll then be taken to a secure order form that takes just seconds to fill out…

And we will ship your order right away… and your bags of Man Greens will arrive in the next 2-5 business days.

I know making the decision to spend hard-earned money is never an easy one…

Which is why I want to take the edge off…

And back you up with my Ironclad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So anyone can take the plunge with complete peace of mind and without risking a single penny.

Let me say this as simply as I can…

I don’t believe any guy should pay a single cent unless they’re thrilled with the results.

That’s why every purchase of Man Greens is backed with my Ironclad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning you have a full year to try out Man Greens RISK-FREE.

If it doesn’t meet expectations for whatever reason…

We’ll send you the address to ship the bags…

And I will personally refund every penny. No questions asked.

You can even send the bags back if they’re completely empty…

Which means if you order the 6 bag supply today, yet aren’t satisfied after 6 months of using Man Greens…

You have a whole extra 6 months to send the bags back and get a refund.

So there really is no risk and no hassle whatsoever.

I’m confident that any guy who takes Man Greens will have an amazing experience. Just like my pals and growing tribe of thousands of Man Greens users have.

So here’s what to do right now before supplies run out…

And while this special discount and free shipping (on the 6 bag option) is still available…

Choose the supply of Man Greens that’s most appealing below to help boost T-levels and lock in “horse power” libido and energy support… *

Then click “Add To Cart”… complete the secure form on the next page…

And I’ll rush your bags of Man Greens straight to your door.

There’s nothing to lose and high-powered masculinity to gain. *

Still not sure what bundle to choose today?

Let me give one more option that’ll save time and money…

To avoid the out of stock problem I mentioned earlier.

So if you’re someone who wants to guarantee you never run out of Man Greens…

And want to save yourself time, money and have complete peace of mind that a bag of Man Greens will arrive at your door each month like clockwork…

So you never go a day without these ingredients…

When you go to our single bag option above…

And check the “subscribe and save” box…

We’ll automatically ship a bag of Man Greens every month…

And if for whatever reason you want to cancel your monthly “subscribe and save” discount…

Simply send us an email and we will cancel your order immediately… and you will not be charged another month. It’s that simple.

So if you’re still wondering if Man Greens is for you…

Option #1 is to forget all the information on this page…

Ignore the latest research on how combining this ancient tonic with other special earth grown superfoods…

Provides support for a natural T-boost, more energy, voracious libido… *

And an easy way to help “man up” and live with passion…

And choose to do nothing…

When the power to support and maintain healthy hormonal balance is here for the taking. *

Choosing this option means going through the same struggles as many other men… where T-levels become unreliable… *

Because they lack a “support system” for their hormones… that’s supposed to keep everything running as it should.*

With the formula I’m offering today, no guy has to worry about facing the natural decline in T-levels that happens every year after turning 30… *

That makes them feel like less of a man with every passing year…

But without it — I can’t make any promises.

Again the problem doesn’t have to do with working out…

It has to do with a natural hormonal decline that happens with age and by other environmental factors.

As a result fun things like beach vacations and sex will be less exciting…

Some guys even dread them…

Because that stuff’s no fun if their body isn’t as hard as they want it to be.

And I hate to think of this. But…

It’s possible their ladies will find them less attractive when all of these changes happen…

But can anyone blame her? After all — most guys wouldn’t be thrilled if their partner “let herself go” either.

She may be a good woman who tries to be supportive…

But sex becomes less frequent… and she doesn’t have the same excitement she used to…

No man ever thinks it’ll happen to him…

But it’s happening now more than ever.

C’mon, man… no guy wants that.

Because with all that going on…

And of everything one could go through… this could be the worst part…

Because there’s nothing worse for a man than feeling like he’s lost his way… and is a shell of his former self.

And these guys who pass on Man Greens will look back and kick themselves for not taking advantage of the amazing opportunity available right here and now.

I’d hate for guys to get to the end of their rope before purchasing bags of Man Greens…

I’ve seen too many guys take this option. It’s not a path to go down.

Instead… go with the next option.

Option #2 is to help boost T-levels, support increased energy and maintain youthful libido right now, today… *

Using a man-boosting supplement that’s in a league of its own — Man Greens.

Starting with the very first delicious sip of Man Greens, many men love how powerful they feel…

Because the natural androgen supporting ingredients in this herbal superfood formula… *

Accelerate the speed one’s body makes crucial male hormones on its own… *

While balancing other important hormones like cortisol and estrogen to stay at the top of their game.

Just a few sips can help any guy begin to fuel up on energy and strength… *

That makes him confident to take on any challenge. Plus…

Strut into work with a whole new air of confidence…

Because the ingredients in Man Greens support drive, motivation and unshakeable grit… *

To help tackle every task with ease… Whether it’s a huge project that’ll set one up for the next big promotion…

Or making an important decision for the future…

All doubts will be cast aside so any guy can perform at the highest level… simply because they fueled up with Man Greens when they woke up…

Plus, while everyone at the office is suffering from afternoon crash, guys who swig Man Greens in the morning will still be going strong…*

And will crank out work faster than ever before… *

Just a few sips of Man Greens unlocks an “unfair” edge over every guy at the office…

And instead enjoy the kind of clarity support every man needs to succeed.

And that’s not all… because with the natural T-boost from Man Greens, guys will get bigger and better results in the gym. *

And build muscle faster than other guys their age… *

It’s possible that even the younger guys won’t be able to keep up. Plus…

It’ll be so much easier to support losing body fat when combined with the right diet and exercise program…

Because studies show the higher T-levels a guy has… the easier it is to lose weight. (43) *

When guys who take Man Greens get home from work and the gym…

They’ll walk through the door in a great mood…

Proud of all they’ve accomplished…

And will have a clear mind… to give their partner the attention she wants… *

And she’s so impressed by his energy, positive mood and confidence that she won’t be able to help herself…

And will lead him to the bedroom to thank him for all he’s done.

And with the help of the ingredients in Man Greens — he’ll have the energy to make sure she’s satisfied.

When it’s time for lights out, he’ll sleep like a baby…

He’ll enjoy top-notch hormonal balance to stay cool, calm and collected at virtually every hour. *

When he clunks out only moments after his head hits the pillow, he’ll have support to help fall into a deep, restful sleep… *

And while he’s dreaming, his body is churning out male hormones quickly for the next day… *

When he wakes, he’ll feel excited to take on the day… and will have tons of energy to get the job done…

And he’ll chug some Man Greens and get back to it.

Isn’t that so much better than the first option?

All of this and more is available right here and now…

Completely risk-free…

Because when you buy Man Greens today, you’re backed with my 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So don’t wait any longer. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for…

All that’s left to do is…

You’ll be glad you did,

P.S. To help boost T-levels, streamline energy and reinforce a healthy libido click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with the help of higher T-levels and healthy hormonal balance. So don’t wait any longer. Select the most appealing amount of bags above and I’ll get Man Greens delivered right away. *

P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when one purchases Man Greens today. Because every purchase is backed up by my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If Man Greens doesn’t make a significant difference with your T-levels, energy and confidence, I’ll refund every penny. Just send the unopened bags back and I’ll make it right. *

What’s the difference between Man Greens and other greens supplements?

The first thing you should know is the only reason I went through the process of creating Man Greens is because there’s nothing else like it out there. If there was, I would have gladly saved myself the time and money that it took to produce it.

But Man Greens delivers what other greens powders can’t. Because it’s the first greens powder I know of that’s formulated specifically to boost men’s T-levels, and maintain optimal health. *

In all my research on greens powders, I’ve found 99% of greens powders aren’t doing any favors for your T-levels because they aren’t specifically for men—and they may contain estrogenic ingredients, low quality blends and… they taste like crap.

But Man Greens is made for men who want more. And I’m super picky on taste. So if I like the natural zesty orange flavor, I have no doubt everyone else will, too. There’s no other greens powder out there like this.

When will my order arrive?

For all Canadian orders:

1. Shipping will be through Canada Post.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped the next business day.

3. Delivery will be 1-3 business days.

1. Shipping will be through USPS.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped within 24 hours of your order being placed, Monday through Friday.

3. Delivery will be 2-8 days.

What is the refund policy?

Every order of Man Greens is backed by my 60-day 100% money back guarantee.

Meaning if there aren’t noticeable improvements to T- levels, muscle and energy… I’ll refund every penny. Even if the bag is empty.

Just contact my customer service team and ask for a refund. Then send the rest of the unopened bags back to our fulfillment company. Once they’ve received the return, I’ll promptly issue a full refund.

Note: Customers will be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping, unless the product is defective.

I see plenty of greens powders cheaper than Man Greens. Why I should I pay more for Man Greens?

Man Greens isn’t an average greens supplement that uses weak blends and estrogenic ingredients.

Not only does Man Greens skyrocket provide support to help T-levels naturally, but it also helps guys maintain hormonal balance and enjoy streamlined energy. *

Because of this, the price isn’t an issue for Man Greens. But don’t just take my word for it—compare my formula with any other greens powder on the market. I guarantee, at the time of my writing this, Man Greens is the only nature-based T-boosting greens powder available. *

Are there any hidden ingredients in Man Greens?

Lots of supplement companies hide their doses and ingredients under a “proprietary blend” which is basically just a cop-out for giving full disclosure of what’s in their greens powder. But I’m doing things differently. Because I truly believe honesty is the best policy…

Here’s exactly what’s inside every serving of Man Greens:

Ashwagandha (600mg)
Forskolin (250mg)
Maca (1.5g)
Spirulina (5g)
Beet Root Powder (1g)
White Button Mushrooms (1000mg)
Moringa Oleifera (1g)
Natural Orange Zest for flavor

Can I take Man Greens every day?

Yes. Take a dose every morning. There’s no risk. No unknown ingredients. No having to plug the nose to drink it, it tastes so good. Just chug it and enjoy an impressive T-boost in seconds.

How do I order Man Greens?

To order the finest anabolic greens formula… hit “Add To Cart”, complete the secure checkout form on the following page, and Man Greens will arrive in just a few days.

You’ll be glad you did,

P.S. To help boost T-levels, streamline energy and reinforce a healthy libido click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with the help of higher T-levels and healthy hormonal balance. So don’t wait any longer. Select the most appealing amount of bags above and I’ll get Man Greens delivered right away. *

P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when one purchases Man Greens today. Because every purchase is backed up by my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If Man Greens doesn’t make a significant difference with your T-levels, energy and confidence, I’ll refund every penny. Just send the unopened bags back and I’ll make it right. *

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Click here to get Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Congratulations! You’ve struck Woodworking Gold!

You’re just seconds away from a staggering library of over 1000 hours of detailed videos and blueprints in crystal clear, mouth-watering HD that will take you by the hand so you’ll be able to build everything radically easy, almost on “auto-pilot”, with no offcuts and waste, leaving only sawdust on the floor.

You’ll be turning dreams into reality in a heart-beat, without ever worrying about imperfect measurements, shabby incomplete plans, or lousy instructions…

You’ll be making everything from chopsticks to baby cribs, from a dismantled old chair to a unique work of art, to creative presents for your family and friends out of plain wood.

In fact, everything you’ll make will be so good and jaw-dropping amazing that the whole family will think you’ve become a master craftsman overnight.

And you’ll be doing all that without expensive tools! You won’t need them. In fact, I’m going to share with you something later that makes not having to pay for expensive tools a walk in the park.

And here’s the best part… Anyone at any level can use this library! It’s perfect for beginners (who’ve never hammered a nail in their life) and master craftsmen alike, because you’ll have instant access to everything that you need, to turn whatever project you want to build into a wholesome, happy and fulfilling experience.

And I know we’ve all been there. When you follow a plan from start to finish, doing all the measurements and cuts just like it says, but in the end everything comes out slanted to the right, one leg comes up short or the top doesn’t fit right.

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault! Those failures are NOT yours!

It’s those awful, useless blueprints, that magazines and lazy editors put up just to fill more pages with nothing but unusable filth. That’s who’s to blame!

I’ve never seen a blueprint that I could follow top to bottom to finish my build. It just never happens. Everything for me has been trial and error and improving.

But since you got here on this page today, I’m going to give you the key to turn your dreams into reality without ever going through that ever again. You’ll completely erase any infuriating experiences you might have had, and feel only pride and satisfaction when you finish your projects.

It’s called Woodwork101. A database of detailed videos and blueprints in crystal clear, mouth-watering HD that will take you by the hand and show you that DIY home projects done the right way are easy, fun, and always of top quality… turning dream into reality in a heart-beat. Getting you that perfect build each and every time.

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60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You’ll be getting over 1000 hours of step-by-step HD videos (covering all angles) that will take you by the hand from start to finish, turning even a beginner in a master craftsman starting with the first build.

And you’ll never have to worry about imperfect measurements, bad plans, or lousy instructions ever again!

We know great schematics are as important as seeing someone actually build it, so each project comes with detailed 3D and 2D schematics and blueprints, so you’ll be able to build everything almost on “auto-pilot” with no offcuts and waste, leaving only sawdust on the floor.

Experienced woodworkers and beginners alike share the same enemies: Overbuying materials they don’t really need, and that awful second trip to the store.

With Woodwork101 you’ll get everything you need on the first run because at the beginning of each project you’ll get a complete list of the parts, tools and materials you’ll be using.

But keep in mind that what you’ll watch and read about below is still just the tip of the iceberg of what we’ve bundled up inside “Woodwork101”.

Adjustable Desks

Bar Stools

Square Coffee Table

Cubicle Coffee Table

Round Coffee Table

Kitchen Islands

Oak Bench

Bedside Cabinets

Book Cases


Sofa End Table

Triptych Mirror

Wooden Chest

Coat Racks

Cabinet Door Handles

Kitchen Cabinets

Living Room Cabinets

Mirror Frames

Lowback chair

Rocking Chair

Adjustable Bar Stool

Plant Pot Stand

Jeweler’s Work Bench

Heater Covers

Louvered Doors

Photo Frames

Photo Frame Press

Photo Frame Collage

Book Holder

Burger Trays

Tool Boxes

Rotating Spices Stand

Essential Oils Display

Endgrain Butcher Block

Cutting Boards

Desk Organizer

Jewelry Boxes

Mail Boxes

Picnic Beer Carrier

Rustic Wood Bucket

Appetizers Serving Tray

Wine Bottle Holder

Bread Box

Toilet Paper Holder

Garden Drinking Fountain

Adjustable Sunbeds

Kids Library

Kids Furniture

Baby Rattle Toy

Baby Cribs

Busy Board

Rocket Toy

Toy Sets

Toy Cars

Rocking Horse

Bird Houses

Dog House

Hexagon Cat House

Kitty Play Modules

Puppy Bowl Holders

Adjustable Wood Sawhorse

Cross-Cut Sled

Built-in Router

Drill-Press Sanding Station

Woodworking Joinery

Plexiglas Safety Guard

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Anything from bar stools, to coffee tables, benches, shop signs, cigar boxes, picnic tables, racks, TV cabinets,
desks, rocking chairs, cot racks, mail boxes, even kitchen islands, and a standing drinking fountain for your backyard.

Inside “Woodwork101” you’ll discover all of them backed by complete HD step-by-step video instructions and detailed pictures that will take you by the hand to your perfect build.

None of these unique designs need special tools or a lot of money to make. And most of them, are a walk in the park even for beginners.

The Wine Bottle Holder is just one of the décor items you’ll find inside.

In Woodwork101 you’ll also have HD videos on how to build personalized picture and mirror frames,
cutting boards, decorative bowls, triptych mirrors, and even high-end jewelry boxes for that special someone,
and a lot more.

All of the projects are easy to build, and so perfectly detailed on video that you don’t even have to rewind to get each one done right.

The ingenious and straightforward rocking horse design that Rich demonstrated for you in the video, makes this the perfect “retro” toy that will keep your kids or grandkids busy for hours on end.

You’ll give them the reason to finally put away that phone or tablet… And you’ll keep giving them reasons, because in “Woodwork101” you’ll also discover other toy designs, both old and modern to keep them busy. Toys like wooden cars, play sets and baby rattles… really there are too many to mention here! All with complete step-by-step video instructions.

Whether you’re a cat or dog… or bird lover, Woodwork101 has got you covered.

Inside you’ll find everything from food bowls, dog houses, cat houses, play areas and even bird cages and outdoor birdhouses. Whatever you decide to build, your little friend is gonna love it.

All woodworkers have that ‘leftovers corner’… Or how Rich calls it, ‘unused wood’. And every piece of wood is just sitting there, waiting to become something dull… like a table leg riser, or doorstop, or splinters for when you start the barbecue.

But inside Woodwork101 you’ll find out that those forgotten pieces of wood can become so much more. And not just the big ones from 2 inches and up. You’ll use EVERYTHING. From the smallest speck of sawdust to the whole pile of ‘unused wood’.

Every grain of wood can add up to become something beautiful if you follow the right plan. And you’ll find those plans inside Woodwork101..

If you’re thinking… “OK, but what will I do when I finish all the projects?”

Here’s our answer: We’re adding 10 new videos each month. That’s 120 videos each year. We’re looking to keep even the most hardcore of woodworkers busy as bees around the clock with our designs. Plus you can always make suggestions on what videos you’d like next, inside the member’s area.

Skilled or not, experienced woodworkers and beginners alike share the same enemy: That second trip to the store. Some even have to deal with the third or even the fourth trip.

With Woodwork101, fourth, third, and even second trips are a thing of the past. You’ll get everything on the first run because at the beginning of each project you’ll get a complete list of the tools and materials you’ll be using.

This will save you a lot of time and money starting with your very first build.

And believe it or not, if you get Woodwork101 right now, you’ll also receive Three Exclusive Bonuses that will be off the table soon.

There is an old saying:
“He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”
So, the first bonus you’ll get is:

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

It’s a special video guide I put together that shows you exactly how to sharpen every tool in your garage or workshop. So you won’t be spending your blood, sweat, and tears the next time the chisels, saws, or knives go dull.

This unique video bonus is your guarantee that all your cutting tools will always be brand new. Plus, your wife will never complain about the kitchen knives being dull all the time.

I’m also pretty sure that you are familiar with this Arthur Miller saying that
“Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.”
So the second video bonus you’ll get is:

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

This radical set of step-by-step videos will show you how to create your own tools at home, helping you save even more money in your building process.

You’ll find out the best methods to do so, plus how and when exactly you’ll need them for your projects (two of them go for jaw-dropping prices at local hardware stores).

And best of all, you’ll learn how to make most of them from scraps laying around your house, or in some cases, forgotten in your garage.

Another old saying people used is:
“A carpenter is known by his chips.”
So the third bonus you’ll get is:

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

This special report lists the absolute essential types of wood you should use… some of which many so-called DIY and woodworking enthusiasts never even consider.

To see all your dream projects become reality just by pressing play and watching a video?

If this step-by-step tutorial helps you satisfy your family’s deepest dreams and desires by giving them all the things they’ve always wanted… If you’ll own unique pieces of furniture that aren’t available in any shops…

How much would that be worth to you?

Think about it… You could just drive off and buy everything from IKEA, have everything shipped to you and then still have to put it all together by yourself without instructions designed specifically for you.

Or you could spend years trying to develop your carpentry skills, wasting away money and precious time just so eventually you’ll learn how to make the perfect cut-out.

We’ve put together Woodwork101, so people will build whatever they want and not have to cough up a fortune or spend years doing trial and error to no avail.

Needless to say… This one-of-a-kind program should be something everyone can afford.

But the only way to secure your spot in the program is to click the Order button now!

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Remember when a man’s word was his bond?

When you made an agreement and you just shook on it?

You didn’t need anything more.

Frankly, I would like to do things the old-fashioned way: on a HANDSHAKE.

So click on the button below, go through Woodwork101, and when you’re done, you have to be 100% thrilled and happy with this deal.

If for any reason at all you want to get your money back, you will get it within 24 hours from the moment you send us the request.
You don’t even have to answer any questions.

Simply send us a quick email to the address located in the member’s area in the next 60 days and ask for a refund.

That’s right: You have TWO MONTHS to test drive Woodwork101 and the bonuses. That’s our handshake guarantee!

…So is it a deal? I hope so!

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Click Here To Read The Text Presentation!!

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Copyright 2021 – Woodwork101 – All Rights Reserved

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Woodwork101 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

Product Name: Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

Click here to get Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you make in your life. Learn how to do it at!

Building a chicken coop doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

Making the decision and finding out how to build backyard chicken coops will be one of the best decisions of your life.

Say hello to free fresh organic eggs every day!

Now welcome that high-quality fertilizer to your garden!

Show off your master craftsman side with easy-to-follow chicken coop plans so you can build the perfect chicken coop in your backyard.

It’s a matter of simple logic. You’ll spend a lot of money each year on eggs and fertilizer, but what if you can save yourself the extra money? Not to mention the headaches and hassles of setting up prefabricated chicken coops.

You don’t need a Harvard degree in “Chicken Coop Construction” to realize that you already have to put together pre-made chicken coops, fitting this piece to that, so why not start from scratch?

Save time, money, and the stress of reading instructions on how to build a chicken coop when starting from scratch by using affordable and easy backyard chicken coop plans.

Plus, pre-made chicken coops that force you to assemble them anyway are very expensive, forcing you to pay incredibly inflated prices for low-quality materials. Find the right plan here and start building your own chicken coop today!

I understand that building a chicken coop can seem like a difficult project. Figuring out dimensions, materials, insulation, ventilation, lighting, placement, nesting boxes, perches, waste collection, and protection from the elements and other predators can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

Luckily for you, I use my extensive experience in the poultry industry to develop, create and build absolutely amazing and extremely affordable chicken coops, based on easy to follow chicken coop plans and guides.

I’ve created an easy-to-follow guide to building your own backyard chicken coop. It’s designed for beginners, so you don’t need any carpentry skills. Gather your materials, plan, and tools to start building a chicken coop now!

“It doesn’t matter if you want a big or small chicken coop, or if you have a big or small budget.”

Plan #1: Bill’s Chicken Coop

Bob Franklin built this red beauty using my “Bill’s Coop” plan (okay… I’m biased).

Plan #2: Chicken Coop

Lucas Tremblay made a perfect placement and used my “Chicken Barn” plan.

Plan #3: Two-story chicken ark

Les Garcia did an amazing job using my “Two Story Chicken Ark” plans.

Plan #4: Big house

Debbie Jenkins put her own spin on my “Big House” plans…I love it!!

Plan #5: Medium size

Noah Perry loved this in his mountain home and used my “medium size” plans.

Plan #6: Portable Ark

Amy Richardson loves the mobility of the chicken coop and used my “Portable Ark” plans.

Plan #7: Premium Large

Mark Nguyen applied a beautiful natural stain to my “Premium Large” plans.

Design #1: Bill’s Chicken Coop. For obvious reasons, this is one of my favorites. This chicken coop has a suspended upper house with a full stove underneath and a ramp for easy access to the upper level. This design has my personal touches and some customers put wheels on it after it was built to make it easier to transport.

Design #2: All-Terrain Chicken Coop. Sizes: Medium to Large Chicken Coop Plans. Easy to clean nest box saves time, two encloseable areas with built-in perches. Versatile with many options for all your poultry needs.

Design #3: Two Story Chicken Ark – If Noah had this on his boat…he could have had a lot more than just two chickens! This is a fantastic plan that stacks a roof that opens and closes for easy access. The construction is sturdy and is great for areas where space is at a premium. Perfect for small areas.

Design #4: Big House – The name says it all! This design gives your chickens true indoor coop life. A large open space leaves plenty of room for your creative touch. With a few adjustments, the Big House can be aesthetically modified to look like a real house, which is quite common. Add a picket fence to round it out and create a large outdoor run. An extraordinary design that is hard to beat!

Design #5: The Mid-Size Sedan – While this design can house more chickens, it won’t take up as much space as the larger version. A simple design with a variety of options is a step up from the smaller ones as they usually fit two feeders, increasing the functionality of the chickens’ environment. Almost everyone can be satisfied with this design.

Design #6: On the Go Ark Portable Chicken Coop – Portability meets cost effectiveness with a sophisticated design. This small yet extremely effective chicken coop offers less maintenance and a surprising amount of space for superior comfort and maximum portability. Transport has never been easier than with this chicken coop design.

Design #7: Premium Large Chicken Coop – Do you have a large number of birds and need an efficient farrowing area for them? Maybe you are selling eggs to distributors. If that is the case, the Premium Large Chicken Coop is the perfect choice. A beautiful design takes ventilation into account and has easy access points. This coop is optimal for those with ten or more chickens. Wonderful for farms and large open areas.

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Click here to get Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Building a Chicken Coop – Building your own chicken coop will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Learn how to do it at!

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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