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My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

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My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


When I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism my doctor informed me that I would have to take drugs every day for the rest of my life to control it.

That turns out not to be true.

Because hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent.

Its underlying causes are now well understood. And those underlying causes are easy to deal with.

People like me used to have hypothyroidism but don’t anymore.

Our joints no longer ache, our skin and hair is in good condition.

We’re full of energy – and depression or low mood has given way to relief and happiness.

The following video tells my story.

And my story can quite quickly become your story.

Hypothyroidism is a frustrating disease.

You’ll know what I’m talking about.

There’s the symptoms…

It made my hair thin out. I gained weight – even when I was off my food. I got moody and occasionally depressed. Sometimes I was constipated.

I was able to sleep a solid 10 hours and still wake up exhausted. I found it difficult to focus at work and a struggle to really enjoy family and social life.

My low moods and anxious thoughts created one or two relationship difficulties too. People try to be understanding but… my condition wore them down.

Even more frustrating was that doctors simply didn’t believe there’s anything wrong with me.

After several discussions, my doctor looked at my thinning hair, accepted that my dry skin and aching limbs ‘wasn’t normal’…

…but then put my fatigue and anxiety down to me being preoccupied with my thinning hair and aching limbs!

He told me he couldn’t find anything wrong with me. He advised I eat better, exercise more and take up a hobby. 

When he did finally have my blood tested – hypothyroidism was diagnosed.

I was put on a lifetime course of drugs.

They had some positive effect but they mostly reduced symptoms a little – they never got rid of them.

So I was still tired an awful lot – but I could mostly keep my eyes open.

My hair and skin sill thinned and dried – but a little less.

The meds became a problem.

I developed some dosage problems – which is common with hypothyroidism meds.

They’re sensitive drugs. A bit too much or too little can have dramatic effects on a person’s health.

Even taking pills from a new batch can lead to adverse reactions.

My doctor informed me that for many people thyroid problems fluctuate over the course of the year. Which, as I found out, means the dosage had to fluctuate too.

I’ve never been keen to take drugs for illnesses. They’re toxic, unnatural and, over time, can cause as many problems as they solve.

Yet here I was… stuck, basically.

I wasn’t getting better. The drugs’ downsides could hit me between the eyes at any time – but I didn’t know what else to do instead.

Anyway. That’s all done with now.

I no longer have the disease.

So I can look back on those days and smile. It’s all over for me. I’m fully well.

I do still recall it all though. And I feel for others who are ill now the way I was then.

 My recovery is complete. It happened pretty quickly – about 4 weeks, give or take a few days.

And that disease ain’t coming back either.

About 18 months ago a lady called Jodi Knapp was in front of me in a long line at the supermarket. While we waited to be served we started talking.

Long story short, Jodi knew all about hypothyroidism. She was a natural health practitioner and some years previously had helped a close friend – who had it really bad – get over the disease.

Today, Jodi routinely treats hypothyroidism in hundreds of people. She gave me a link to some information about how she approaches the disease and we chatted some more while we waited.

What I eventually learned from Jodi about hypothyroidism was jaw-dropping.

Because I’m the kind of person who trusts doctors unquestioningly. If a doctor can’t beat whatever you’re suffering from then it can’t be beaten. Plain and simple. I realize that can sound dumb but that’s how I am.

When I was finally free of hypothyroidism I changed that view. I had to.

Because the essence of the problem is this: doctors tend to treat only the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

They fully understand that an under-active thyroid isn’t producing the hormones the body needs.

They of course know that these hormones – known as T3 and T4 – regulate our metabolism.

Which means they directly affect how fast your heart beats, how deeply you breathe, your body temperature, cholesterol levels – and whether you’ll gain weight or lose it.

And doctors understand the effects of an under-active thyroid: weight-gain, depression, poor skin and hair quality, disrupted menstrual cycles in women, aching joints, ongoing tiredness and so on.

And so they tackle the hormones problem – insufficient T3 and T4 – with artificial hormones and then, perhaps, tinker with the other effects – tiredness, low moods and so on.

But they leave underlying causes completely untouched.

They say, for example, that hypothyroidism is caused by ‘lack of iodine’. But they don’t explain why there’s a lack of iodine.

Some doctors recognize – correctly – that our immune system is running riot and causing our thyroid problem.

But then fail to ask why is the immune system running out of control? What’s the cause?

Doctors administer drugs for the symptoms – the part of the disease that we can all see – and leave the underlying causes untouched.

What Jodi told me was very, very powerful. She said the primary cause of hypothyroidism was inflammation in the body. Scientists are already closely studying inflammation because it is implicated in many, many diseases.

So if we tackle the inflammation we’ve put paid to the hypothyroidism.

If we trace the story backwards we find that our thyroid is being attacked by our immune system.

It’s what doctors call ‘an autoimmune disease’.

Why is our immune system attacking our thyroid?

This is well understood. It works like this:

One of our immune system’s vital jobs is to attack excess toxins in your body.

Toxins – ‘poisons’, basically –  in the body are natural and normal. A healthy body can handle them.

Toxins come from both the food we eat and from the wider environment – chemicals from household cleaners, for example. Or soaps and deodorants.

But we must get rid of them from our bodies – they are dangerous if left unchecked. Various body systems do this – and our immune systems are one of those systems.

Our immune system releases inflammatory cells to do the job of neutralizing and removing toxins. These inflammatory cells give rise to inflammation.

Inflammation is simply blood, killer cells, liquids and so on that rush to an area of the body to handle a wound or tackle bad bacteria.

You’ll experience inflammation in the redness and swelling of an insect bite, or a bad scratch or a stubbed toe.

Heat, redness, swelling – that’s your immune system working to fix a wound and fight any possible infections.

And when the job is done the system relaxes, recuperates and is ready for the next fight

It’s known that our modern lives bring into our bodies amounts of toxic material that we often just can’t deal with.

24 hours a day modern man and woman is exposed to environmental and food toxins that many of us don’t even realize are there.

Which means the immune system’s work is never-ending. There’s little let-up in the excess toxins it’s forced to deal with. 

And on constant high-alert and always being called into action… it becomes stressed and exhausted.

Which leads to it making some serious mistakes

Most notably it sends inflammatory cells everywhere – and they start to attack healthy body tissue. 

And whatever tissue they attack leads to a specific disease.

This is called an immune system disorder.

In fact, scientists have verified over a hundred immune system disorders. They take different forms, attacking different parts of the body.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system is attacking your joints and connective tissues.

In diabetes, it is attacking your pancreas.

In celiac disease it’s attacking your gut lining.

In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the victims are your thyroid cells.

But what’s frustrating is that we know what causes that ongoing inflammation.

These days there are too many toxins in the average person’s blood and our immune systems are struggling to cope.

Our immune system malfunctions, attacks our thyroid and stops it producing vital hormones.

And so we experience all the typical symptoms of hypothyroidism. 

By the way, the revelation that your body is carrying excess toxins shouldn’t be taken personally.

It’s not your fault at all.

Ongoing, chronic inflammation – caused by excess toxins in the body – is widespread. You’re not alone – it affects millions of Americans.

We do little about it because we don’t really know how to.

We’re exposed to so many toxins – we hardly know about a single one of them. And those that get into our bodies are working our immune systems into exhaustion.

Many of those toxins are unknown to us ordinary folk. But they’re avoidable. Easily avoidable. But only when you know what they are and where they are.

Fortunately, that’s where Jodi Knapp comes to the rescue.

If modern research is revealing that hypothyroidism is caused by inflammation… we should be solving the inflammation problem. Right?

And that’s the key to Jodi’s approach. Hypothyroidism is the symptom. The actual disease is inflammation.

The cause of that inflammation is excessive toxins in our bodies…

…that forces the immune system to work until it’s over-stressed and exhausted.

Whereupon it malfunctions… and attacks healthy body tissue.

In our case, it attacks the thyroid.

It turns out that none of this is revolutionary information.

Jodi certainly takes absolutely no credit for ‘discovering’ any of it.

Medical science and academic research discovered the link between toxins, inflammation and a whole host of apparently incurable diseases years ago.

The trail from toxins to disease is well understood.

But there’s always a substantial time gap between what science finds out – and what the health industry does about it.

So when practitioners like Jodi focus on inflammation in order to remedy disease they are simply following the science.

And when she achieves the outstanding results that she achieves it isn’t because of some weird potions she cooked up, or because of strange rituals or weird incantations…

It’s researched, tested, validated science.

Jodi has taken all the complexity… all the deep learning and the testing and confirming that would have taken years for someone like me to learn…

…and turned it into something that the average Joe can use pretty much without thinking. 

Instead of picking off individual symptoms – hair loss, fatigue, depression – with pills and potions she goes to the heart of the matter… the cause that underlies the whole darned mess.

And since that mess is created by the excesses of normal life…

…it’s normal life that Jodi enlists to rid us of the disease.

Which means that most of it is stupidly easy to do.

And when it’s done the thyroid is no longer under attack from our own immune system.

It switches back on – and once again produces those hormones that are essential to our physical and mental wellbeing.

Like millions of people you have excess toxins in your body

Your immune system uses inflammatory cells to attack the toxins

It never finishes the job because there’s always an excess of toxins

So the immune system never gets to recover. It eventually becomes over-stressed and starts to malfunction.

That malfunctioning immune system begins to attack healthy tissues – which causes hypothyroidism.

Doctors have finally realized the immune system part of the equation. Which is good news in itself.

But they increasingly prescribe immunosuppressors to shut the immune system down.

This might stop the attack on the thyroid.

But, now, without any immune system at all you are wide open to catching other infections and diseases!

That’s hardly a satisfactory outcome, is it?

And that is why Jodi ignores the disease we think we have – hypothyroidism – and goes full-on to tackle the disease we actually have: chronic inflammation.

Get rid of that and the hypothyroidism simply can’t exist.

And that is exactly what I did. Jodi showed me how to hit the inflammation head-on. And after some weeks of doing exactly what she told me it – and my hypothyroidism – were history.

It’s been a year and a half since I last had even a whisper of any symptoms. One thing I know for sure: it’s gone and it’s not coming back.

Jodi doesn’t worry about pills, drugs or any other kind of medication.

Over a couple of years after she helped her friend overcome hypothyroidism Jodi developed, tested and proved a natural, drugs-free approach to reducing dramatically our exposure to food and environmental toxins.

The subject is complex and requires a deep understanding of where toxins really come from. None of it is as obvious as we might think.

But with reference to all the latest research from scientific and university researchers across the world – and the willing participation of a number of human testers! – she has created a fantastically effective Hypothyroidism Solution.

She goes for a powerful, natural attack on the disease’s real, deep-rooted causes. Once her process is underway it’s impossible for the body not to respond.

Jodi’s solution freed my thyroid to do its job again. I have healthy levels of thyroid hormones in my body and zero symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Let me describe exactly what Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution does.

You need to know how to reduce the toxins going into your body. They’re provoking your immune system and leading it to attack your thyroid.

So what we need to understand is

– where most of the toxins we’re carrying actually come from

– how to reduce our exposure to them without disrupting our normal lives

Then, over time, gently transition yourself to the new habits that are going to restore you to wonderful health.

You’re not doing a revolution here, by the way.

There’s no strange foods, weird potions or bizarre rituals.

There’s no expensive supplements, calorie counting or gym workouts. (Thank goodness..!)

In fact, I was just a tiny bit surprised when I saw Jodi’s solution for the first time.

‘Is that it?’ I wondered.

Sure, her explanation of why this solution worked was entirely convincing.

But the actual remedy seemed so… ordinary. I thought maybe I’d missed something.

Some weeks later and with not a single sign of hypothyroidism any more I realized I simply need not have worried.

Have you ever seen one of those dominoes displays on television?

Where they push over one domino and it knocks down the next domino… which knocks down the next… and so on until thousands of them are toppling over?

This is what Jodi’s solution is doing.

The first domino is getting rid of toxins.

Which knocks over the next domino – relaxing the immune system.

Which knocks over the next domino – ending that chronic inflammation.

Which knocks over the final domino – an unharassed thyroid that’s now free to switch back on and release those vital hormones back into the body.

The simplicity of all this was that once I’d toppled the first domino the rest just took care of themselves. Some days later my thyroid was gradually able to resume its good work… and my symptoms started to reduce.

But, first, I had to realize that the toxins in my body that led to inflammation were put there by me. I did it to myself.

Now I was a little offended by this – I don’t do anything that anybody doesn’t do!

But, then, maybe that’s the problem?

Scientists now confirm that a whole range of illnesses – diabetes, Alzheimer’s, fatty liver, kidney disease, heart disease and certain cancers – are simply the result of inflammation.

And all these diseases are on the rise because inflammation itself is on the rise.

Inflammation is increasing because the accumulated toxins in modern life have gone way beyond the safe point. We’re all getting sicker – not just me and you. And it’s not our fault at all.

The logic is inescapable. Toxins don’t just appear. We’re always acquiring toxins. And we get them through two main sources: our food and our environment.

In our modern world the amount of chemicals used in food production and cleaning products is astonishing.

Avoiding them is really difficult if you don’t have some essential knowledge. And most of us don’t.

In fact, a couple of the foods we think of as healthy simply aren’t.

Many others are fantastically good for us.

When we know what’s what… we can make some excellent choices – and experience astounding changes.

Same with household and personal products. Many ingredients are actually deadly in high enough doses. Yet we cover our homes and bodies with them.

And this is how we deliver too many toxins to our stressed immune systems. This is why we get ill.

We pretty much can’t help it because we mostly don’t know we’re doing it.

But once we do know about it we can stop hurting ourselves.

If lifestyle got us into this situation then it’ll be lifestyle – not pharmaceutical drugs – that will reverse us out of it again.

Well, don’t stop eating! And don’t go on some crazy, restrictive diet that saps the joy out of life.

And don’t stop using cleaning agents to clean your home or body.

In truth, there’s actually not that much to avoid. A fairly small number of things cause most of our problems.

And just a small reduction in toxins coming into our bodies can have a huge effect on our immune system’s ability to function properly.

If you know exactly what you’re doing then you can achieve a significant change to your symptoms with only minor tweaks to your shopping list.

So we swap a few items here for some replacement items there… and carry on as before – but this time, without hypothyroidism.

Jodi’s Solution lists everything that is involved in our work to rid ourselves of hypothyroidism.

She shows the short list of items we should use sparingly – or not at all.

This does include a couple of items that are generally considered ‘healthy’ – but which, in fact, are best kept to a minimum.

She shows us the stupidly long list of stuff that’s okay – that we can eat or use as much of as we want.

And that ‘okay to eat’ includes some food items that ‘diets’ and ‘detoxes’ tell us to avoid. Which produces some lovely surprises.

For example, coffee drinkers can breathe a sigh of relief. Coffee is fine.

My favorite drink actually is hot chocolate (I’m still a kid at heart).

Not only is it on the long, long list of foods you can enjoy Jodi even shares a recipe for one of the most delicious hot chocolates I’ve ever tasted…

Like meat? Then eat it. Jodi advises on best practice so you’re eating for optimum health. And you can fry your food, saute or bake it.

Again, she’s not saying ‘no’ – she’s showing how to do it so that we’re stepping closer day by day to eliminating every one of those hypothyroidism symptoms.

And this is the thing: if we ignore online ‘gurus’ and YouTube videos and actually go where the science takes us  then there’s no cause for restrictive, miserable diets that we’re just not going to keep to.

Food should be enjoyed. So enjoy it!

Everything on her list is available at my local supermarket.

A lot of it I already had in my kitchen. I simply needed to be using more of the good stuff and a little less of the bad stuff. But it’s all common items that can be found in any food store.

And why would it be any other way?

After all: ordinary stuff caused this disease. And ordinary stuff will get rid of it.

No need for anything exotic or complicated.

Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution lists everything I needed to know. She lists what needs to be reduced or replaced – and she showed me what to replace it with.

And then she showed me how to put this information into action.

Jodi’ provided a 4-week plan for me to follow that eased me into the new way of doing things.

That new way isn’t dramatically different from the old way. But I found it incredibly useful to be able to take on new habits one at a time.

I also appreciated the hand-holding. I’m not lazy or stupid but I’m not sure I would have put all this together myself and just got on with it. Jodi’s step-by-step plan made it super easy to start.

Continuing after that was a piece of cake.

And Jodi is a very practical person. She knows that we humans don’t much like restrictive lifestyles or strict rules on what we can and can’t do.

Her plan is gentle, gradual and easy to implement.

I developed her lifestyle habits quickly – they’re deceptively ordinary.

But she recognizes that we’ll meet up with friends or go to parties and we’ll almost certainly indulge in unhealthy stuff. And that’s fine.

Do it right for 80% of the time and the body will take care of the other 20%.

And she was right. I was delighted with how things worked out – and I feel absolutely wonderful now.

5 or 6 days into the 4-week plan I started to feel the effects. I felt a lot lighter and I seemed to move in a more relaxed way. It’s hard to describe. It was very nice though.

I slept a heck of a lot better. And I didn’t really have a sleep problem in the first place so that was quite a revelation.

At about the 10 day mark my mood lifted noticeably. I mean, I woke up and felt very different – in a good way.

It might have been at the point that things just ran away with themselves. I suddenly had more energy, more enthusiasm for life….

I weighed myself at the 3-week point and found myself 4 pounds lighter.

I wasn’t actually dieting.

In fact, I followed Jodi’s advice to eat until I was full. No need to tell me twice to do that! That weight loss continued slowly but steadily until I was about 10 pounds lighter.

At the end of the 4 weeks I just carried on doing what was clearly already working. And I’ve never stopped.

The science behind Jodi’s solution is extensive. Some of the research is decades old and is now mainstream.

Other findings are from the last few years and are being proven over and over.

The science, the research, the experiments… it’s all fascinating but I was here to get rid of hypothyroidism. For me, no longer having that disease was all the proof I needed!

At the time of writing this I’ve been healthy and happy for the best part of 18 months.

I haven’t experienced a single hypothyroidism symptom for a year and a half.

Now, my mood is always upbeat. My hair is as healthy as the rest of me. I am never tired (unless I’ve been out all night – but that’s a different story!)

Nothing aches and – for the record – my bowel movements are perfect.

Other symptoms I’d forgotten about – like tingling in the fingers – have disappeared. The dark spots under my eyes cleared up in about 6 weeks.

And the weight I lost using this program has never come back.

Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution is proven over hundreds of cases. I was one of its original success stories.

You can be a success story too.

There is no need to suffer any more. The way in which you acquired your hypothyroidism was pretty straightforward. You’ll get rid of it the same way. And Jodi’s program will make sure you do.

If you’ve suffered enough then it’s time to be kind to yourself.

Jodi showed hundreds of us how to attack our disease at its core. It’s not an exaggeration to say her solution is life-changing.

Her Hypothyroidism Solution can be in your inbox about 2 minutes from now.

And so it’s no big deal for her to guarantee her results.

Put simply, if within 60 days purchasing this solution you are not completely happy with the changes to your health, your mood and your sense of wellbeing then you can have all your money back. No questions.

Click here and get the solution right now

Remember that it’s the science-backed foundations of Jodi’s Hypothyroidism Solution are what makes it work.

Some aspects of her approach have been adopted by mainstream doctors. One day, they’ll offer what Jodi offers. Big Pharma won’t like it because it doesn’t cost anything to do.

But I loved it. As my symptoms fell away I just got happier and happier.

Her Solution is doing something intelligent here. It’s not picking off individual symptoms with drugs. It’s addressing the underlying problem at its cause – where it all began.

We’re reversing how we got hypothyroidism in the first place. We didn’t get it with pharmaceutical drugs. We won’t lose it with pharmaceutical drugs either.

This approach has had fabulous results for hundreds of people who have completely reversed every single one of their symptoms. There’s no reason why it will be any different for you.

Click here and get started this afternoon…

And remember: what we address changes.

But what we ignore doesn’t remain the same. It deteriorates.

The long-term effects of fatigue, low moods and anxiety are not pleasant.

Family-life suffers. Friendships start to fall away. Life just becomes so much less enjoyable.

Hair and skin starts to suffer. Even if you’re not especially vain… dry skin, marks and thinning hair makes anyone self-conscious.

I halted my own deterioration by stopping it in its tracks. I rid my body of the toxins that had started the whole thing off.

When I did that all those dominos fell… and I was healthy once more.

Take charge of hypothyroidism before its grip on your life becomes total. Jodi’s plan has worked for hundreds of people in your situation. 

If within 60 days of buying Jodi’s Solution it hasn’t delivered the results you want, you can have your money back.

All you really have to lose is everything that’s miserable about your hypothyroidism. I’d say that’s well worth losing.

Let’s start now – click here and you can have the Hypothyroidism Solution in your inbox in about 2 minutes…

Text transcript of video…

Click here to get My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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My Hypothyroidism vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Visible Storytelling: 10 Surprising Examples to Encourage You

Quicker than changing into a marketer, I was a journalist who loved the danger to tell stories about my workforce and proportion perspectives that may otherwise transfer omitted.

Once I left the journalism trade, I thought my storytelling days were over; however, visual storytelling is important throughout the promoting world.

Visual storytelling shall we in producers to connect to audiences on an emotional and personal level by means of sharing stories accompanied by means of sudden imagery.

So, keep finding out to learn how to incorporate visual storytelling into your promoting advertising and marketing marketing campaign. I‘ve integrated a couple of of my favorite examples to help inspire you. Let’s transfer!

Table of Contents

The company, which specializes in temporary—and long-term homestays, posted a video on its YouTube channel telling the story of a displaced family that got a modern get began by means of securing temporary housing by way of Airbnb.

The YouTube video interweaves interviews with the family with b-roll footage of their day-to-day lives, former space, and the natural disaster that changed their lives endlessly.

The story tugs at my heart, and the rich imagery and thoughtful edits make stronger it. All while promoting Airbnb as further than just an alternative choice to hotels; it’s an risk for many who need temporary safe haven.

Why is visual storytelling crucial?

Visual storytelling can assemble an authentic, emotional connection between your emblem and its audience, leading to dependable customers who’re invested on your story, products, and services. Let’s go back to my Airbnb example.

Shoppers would most likely see this heartwarming story of the best way Airbnb helped a family in need and would most likely decide to e ebook their next vacation stick to Airbnb now not merely as a result of its services alternatively on account of they wish to keep the trade thriving so they may be able to help other families.

Visual storytelling can also assemble emblem popularity that can final for years yet to come. My favorite example of lifelong emblem popularity is Morning time Dish Cleansing cleaning soap’s “The Large Symbol” docuseries—which I’m going to find further in-depth later.

Elements of Visual Storytelling

So what elements do you need to flawlessly execute visual storytelling on your advertising and marketing marketing campaign? Well, let’s get began with the obvious —the visuals and story.


Whether or not or no longer you could be telling a story by way of graphics, pictures, or video, compelling imagery is essential to bringing your story to lifestyles. A couple of of my favorite examples of gorgeous visuals come from the Sydney Opera Space.

The world-famous opera house in brief closed its doors all over the COVID-19 pandemic, and for the main time in years, the venue used to be as soon as empty of holiday makers and performers.

During this time, the opera house underwent upkeep and updates, and an area photographer, Daniel Boud, used to be as soon as invited inside of.

Boud took stunning footage of an surprisingly empty Sydney Opera Area, a internet web page the general public would most likely not at all see over again.

The pictures conveyed some way of nostalgia for the a large number of performances that have taken place at the decades-old opera house.

As well as they suggested a story of unease and melancholy, reflecting the wave of uncertainty that swept the world of include residing potency at the start of the pandemic as many venues closed their doors (some for excellent).

Footage of establishing staff updating the opera house moreover reflected a glimmer of hope for the longer term as they spruced up the venue for long run performances despite now not understanding when they’d ever happen.

Empty stairway inside Sydney Opera House

Symbol Supply


In the end, you will have to bring to mind the story you could be taking a look to tell previous to you’ll even get your visuals together.

The Sydney Opera Space wanted Boud to tell the story of the best way some of the an important vigorous and loud places on this planet stood silent and empty alternatively however showed hope for the future of its livelihood and that of the potency paintings trade.

What story do you want to position throughout for your audience? Perhaps you want to proportion how your emblem were given right here to be or how your corporate has made a difference in the local community.

Perhaps your emblem has professional some unhealthy press, and you want to show the best way you‘ve grew to transform problems spherical and hugely stepped ahead your products or services, like Domino’s Pizza.

Years prior to now, the company gained backlash for the usual of its pizza and used to be as soon as the butt of many jokes.

Throughout the video below, Domino’s uses interviews, a b-roll, original consumer reactions, and a peek behind the kitchen to show that the company is using a brand spanking new recipe and that consumers can now revel of their newly stepped ahead delicious pizza.


Your visual story will have to make your audience in point of fact really feel something that generates an emotional connection. As I discussed earlier, the pictures of an empty Sydney Opera Space made target market uneasy.

How would possibly simply this kind of powerhouse transform so desolate? How would possibly simply problems business so suddenly?

The pictures moreover conveyed isolation from artists, the appearing arts workforce, and the world.

The ones feelings fostered an emotional connection with target market on account of they’ve been the equivalent feelings that people felt global since the pandemic stressed many to stay indoors and avoid gatherings with members of the family.

Imagine a topic your audience is experiencing and be capable of tell a story that illustrates their feelings and displays that, above all, you already know them.


Regardless of story you‘re taking a look to tell needs to return again from an actual place. What’s a real drawback that your audience often studies? How can you visually show that your emblem offers a real resolution?

What’s the authentic story of the best way your emblem were given right here to be? Can authentic shoppers offer testimonials of the best way your product or service helped them?

The Sydney Opera Space in point of fact did shut down in brief all over the pandemic, and the pictures taken all over its time of silence were authentic and now not staged. So, for lack of larger words, keep it authentic in the case of visual storytelling.


In spite of everything, what do you want your audience to do after discovering your story? At the end of its articles that comes with Boud’s photos, the Sydney Opera Space integrated a link calling for target market to donate.

The pictures were taken to show target market that the opera house’s doors were closed alternatively would reopen with an entire new look; throughout the meantime, donate to stick the potency arts iconic beacon alive!

Domino‘s Pizza wanted its target audience to take hold of that it gained their feedback and made positive changes to its recipe, in order that they’re able for a 2d chance to impress.

What’s the objective of your story?

Methods to Use Visual Storytelling for Promoting

The examples below will give you belief into the way you’ll use visual storytelling on your marketing strategy, off the best of my head, I know you’ll use the concept that in promoting to:

  • Share your challenge and vision at the side of your audience
  • Reflect on positive changes coming for your emblem
  • Show selection uses to your product and services
  • Show where your emblem stands on crucial issues in the case of your target audience

To inspire you, I‘ve compiled a list of my favorite examples of visual storytelling, each and every earlier and new. Let’s dive in!

Visual Storytelling Examples

1. Morning time Dish Cleansing cleaning soap – “The Large Symbol”

I suggested you I may revisit this example! This advertising and marketing marketing campaign is an oldie alternatively a goodie because it remains a core part of Morning time’s branding to this very day.

In 2013, the dish cleansing cleaning soap company introduced a nine-part documentary known as “The Large Symbol,” which followed rescuers and volunteers using Morning time to wash and care for wildlife.

The main episode famously showed rescuers using Morning time to wash ducks caught throughout the crossfire of oil spills.

More than a decade later, ducklings dubbed “the Morning time Ducks” are pictured on nearly all of Morning time’s products and are however featured in advertisements.

What I in point of fact like: The docuseries choices interviews with authentic rescuers interspersed with a b-roll of oil birds being cleaned using the cleansing cleaning soap.

I moreover love how the documentary cleverly showed how the cleansing cleaning soap is tricky enough to cut by way of oil alternatively subtle on the pores and pores and skin.

2. Dove – The Code | Dove Self-Esteem Challenge

In 2024, Dove introduced a temporary film known as “The Code” as part of the Dove Self-Esteem Challenge. It displays a young girl of color asking AI to generate photos of what shocking, confident girls seem to be.

The more youthful girl is then confirmed AI-generated photos of white, blond-haired girls who’re suitable within very slim, unrealistic beauty necessities. She later types within the equivalent query alternatively instead supplies “in step with Dove Exact Excellent appears Ad.”

From there, she is confirmed further more than a few, existence like photos of confident and lovely girls.

What I in point of fact like: The film drives space Dove‘s point in just one minute, taking pictures the objective target market’s attention without overstaying its welcome.

I moreover love that Dove integrated statistics about AI at the start and hooked up it to the ad‘s objective: to show that Dove isn’t going to make use of AI to create or discord girls’s photos.

This film used to be as soon as an inventive and heartwarming strategy to decide believe and transparency between the company and its audience.

3. Airbnb

I already lined why Airbnb‘s YouTube video about Ula and her family is a superb example of visual storytelling, so I won’t rehash the equivalent details.

As a substitute, I beg you to take into consideration ways your emblem or workforce has confirmed up to your workforce or those in need.

Then, reach out to the people or families who’ve benefited from your services and highlight their testimonials in a visual medium like film or photos.

4. Gemini

Coinciding with the 2024 Olympics, Google introduced an Olympic-themed ad showcasing the a large number of uses of AI, Gemini. The ad features a father telling the story of the best way his daughter is inspired by means of Olympic sprinter Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone.

As the father narrates the ad, target market are confirmed rapid clips of Gemini generating a training routine for his child.

The ad ends with the narrator asking Gemini to help his daughter write a letter to Sydney pronouncing she‘s an inspiration and she or he plans on breaking her file when she’s older.

What I in point of fact like: Google found out a strategy to connect a gift, trending topic (the Olympics) to its product while showcasing Gemini’s many uses.

5. Amazon – “Saving Sawyer”

Amazon’s “Saving Sawyer” ad displays a dog who enjoys spending time along side his family as they lock down all over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alternatively, after the lockdown ends and the family returns to university and art work, the dog briefly becomes stressed out, lonely, and damaging.

The ad displays the family shopping for a dog kennel on Amazon since the dog (and audience) nervously seems on.

Fortunately, it kind of feels the kennel wasn’t for the dog alternatively for a brand spanking new pet that will likely be changing into a member of the family and retaining lonely dog company.

What I in point of fact like: Amazon does an excellent activity of connecting a relatable state of affairs to its provider. During the pandemic, as regards to one in 5 households nationwide adopted a brand spanking new dog.

The ones pets become used to their families being space with they all day, and numerous Americans struggled to adopt their animals to being space alone as folks began returning to university and art work.

Amazon incorporated this truth into its visual storytelling and showed audiences that Amazon carries many products that can be helpful for pits, along side an virtual maintain distributor and a kennel for bringing a brand spanking new pet space to stick your original fur kid company.

I moreover acknowledge how the ad carried out on emotion by means of making the objective target market concern in regards to the dog‘s future (I’m assuming his establish is Sawyer?).

6. Purina Provider Dog Salute

Purina’s shifting documentary follows 3 real-life veterans and their provider dog.

All the way through the documentary, the veterans describe their time throughout the military and their battle to move forward into civilian lifestyles while managing their mental neatly being.

The documentary displays the difference provider dog make in their lives. While telling the stories, target market can see rapid images of the dog eating Purina dog food to have the ability and diet to help their householders.

What I in point of fact like: The documentary choices authentic interviews with authentic veterans, and images of Purina baggage is incorporated into the film in a natural means.

And, since the daughter of two veterans, I was in a position to emotionally connect with the video’s subjects.

7. Gibson – “The Process”

Gibson Inc. wishes its customers to take hold of the guitars they advertise are expertly crafted and of the most efficient high quality.

To energy those problems space, the guitar company started a digital series known as “The Process,” which takes target market behind the scenes of crafting a Gibson guitar.

What I in point of fact like: I have the benefit of the original look into the paintings of crafting a guitar. It‘s a peek behind a curtain that even necessarily essentially the most talented players aren’t all the time granted.

Imagine the process of creating your product and believe ways you’ll take target market behind the scenes.

8. Nike – What Are You Working On?

Each and every episode of Nike’s web series “What Are You Working On?” highlights an athlete as they proportion their unique journeys. The subjects narrate the episodes, which show them taking part in their sport, training, and working to achieve their targets.

What I in point of fact like: Each and every athlete is noticed lacing up their Nike shoes and dressed in Nike gear as they train, showing the objective target market that Nike plays a role in their journey as neatly and is designed with athletes in ideas.

9. Subaru – Subaru Loves Finding out

A large number of the examples I‘ve confirmed you include large, dear productions, extraordinarily stylized footage, and nearly movie-level improving.

On the other hand don’t concern; Subaru‘s short-form video for Subaru Loves Finding out proves that you simply don’t need all that for impactful visual storytelling.

The video choices authentic voice messages from educators thanking Subaru for adopting their study rooms and providing the must haves to their students.

The raw voice messages are accompanied by means of pictures of the college rooms Subaru adopted and the supplies they gained.

What I in point of fact like: Creating a video like Subaru’s is inconspicuous and rapid to make. You most efficient need audio, pictures, and basic improving talents (or an intuitive app to edit the video for you).

10. McDonald’s Anime Industry

I‘m a huge anime fan, so I in fact cherished this McDonald’s anime ad that aired in Japan various years prior to now. The animated ad displays a young girl who gets a job at her local McDonald’s and is mentored by means of her manager.

As time is happening, the girl develops crucial talents that help her mentor the next technology of staff and switch without delay to higher-paying choices in the future.

The ad encourages folks to make use of to their local McDonald’s to comprehend talents for various careers.

What I in point of fact like: I really like that the ad makes use of gorgeous animation to portray McDonald’s as more than a snappy foods consuming position, alternatively as a place more youthful folks can transfer to broaden and increase key talents.

Imagine what your emblem brings to its workforce this is going previous services and products and merchandise.

As you’ll see, visual storytelling can be used in many ways to get folks invested on your emblem. Merely get began with a vision, story, and objective.

Editor’s understand: This publish used to be as soon as to start with published in May 2016 and has been up to the moment for comprehensiveness.


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Heal Your Dog Naturally

Product Name: Heal Your Dog Naturally

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Heal Your Dog Naturally is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


A Canine Naturopath, Research Scientist & Zoologist Reveals The REAL Way Your Dog Can Achieve Incredible Health.

A Solution Based Insight Into How You Can Heal Your Dog Rapidly & Easily & Save Money At The Same Time.

To:      Devoted dog owners who want their pets poor health
           improved once and for all…

From:   Sara Rooney BHSc. ND., DC, DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MATMS, MHATO.

           Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Scientist &

Subject:  A Unique ebook That Provides Solutions So That You Can

               Heal Your Dog Rapidly & Easily & Save Money At The Same


Are you sick and tired of …

Well Don’t Worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I know it may be hard to believe … but after

treating dogs for many years, you could be on the verge of safely and effectively treating your

dog’s health problems for good – like thousands of other pet owners have … so

that they respond more rapidly and more remarkably than they ever have


Imagine:  Feeling a huge sense of achievement that you are treating your dog in the safest way possible, avoiding all toxic drugs (unless they are absolutely necessary) and better still, you are addressing the underlying causes of their health problems – not just giving them drugs to stop their symptoms.

Imagine:  How you will feel when your dog’s health problems have totally gone and they are so much happier and able to live longer, more contented lives without any more pain and suffering.

My name is Sara Rooney and I am a fully qualified Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Zoologist and Research Scientist here in South Australia.  I have helped thousands of pets all around the world through ‘Naturopathic Animal Services’ ( 

From more than 20 years of treating dogs with natural medicines and doing enough scientific research at university to just about make me go cross-eyed …

You see, as a research scientist, I have never just been content to treat dog’s presenting symptoms without identifying the underlying causes.  In other words, working out WHY the dog has the symptoms or the disease in the first place.  And reversing these causes.

That’s why you won’t find another book like mine on the market … because most practitioners don’t have a clue what caused the dog’s health disorders.  They only know what to prescribe to STOP the SYMPTOMS!

Unfortunately, just treating your dog’s symptoms does nothing to actually heal your pet though.  At best … it just suppresses their symptoms.  At worst – it will cause a more serious disease or more severe symptoms than they had before … and cost you a lot of money in the process.

The treatment programs in my book were born from my love of animals and of helping others look after their pets in the best possible way.  My Purpose is to empower you by giving you powerful information so you don’t need to be dependent on others for your dog’s health. 

Something that seems impossible to find out these days.

I set out to systematize the information I gathered.  So now … just about anyone could pop open this ebook and instantly begin to use the sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, professionally experienced and clinically validated treatment programs it contains.  They’ve been proven to work by dog owners all around the world … over and over again.

“I found your wonderful book over the weekend and it has helped me to understand my girl’s problems. I have gained a lot of information from your book and the extra informative booklets – they are excellent about how to help my girls. It is in plain English and extremely helpful. Thank you.”

Faye Wall

Vic. Australia

“Muffy is a purebred Maltese who suffered red tear-stained eyes and repeated occurrences of vomiting, diarrhoea and gastric pain. He had been depressed and tired for a few months culminating in another one of these episodes. Muffy is like a new dog. He is playful, full of energy and very, very happy. Thank you so much Sara. If it weren’t for you, Muffy would not be the new boy he is and be able to play like a puppy with his new brother Sammy.”

Robyn Kay

Mount George, South Australia





Find Out How Sara Rooney Has Healed Dog’s All Around The World Faster Than People Ever Thought Possible – Without Ever Having To Use Drugs

“Sara, I can’t thank you enough for helping Emmy. She continuously suffered from itchy skin and ear infections before using your advice.

The puzzle is finally solved and so are all her problems!

Thank you so much Sara.”

Maureen Collins


Real Solutions for the True Underlying Causes of Your Pet’s Problems!

Remember … I am not some fly by night “guru” offering you a quick-fix, get rich scheme or a stay at home pet owner just trying to get your cash by trying to sell you some ‘magic potion’. 

I have studied hundreds of thousands of hours to get my qualifications (Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Scientist, Zoologist), researched health, naturopathic medicine and the animal sciences for over 20 years and most importantly, treated dogs like yours all around the world, through ‘Naturopathic Animal Services’ and helped them achieve excellent health without the use of potentially toxic drugs.

… written theory is nothing until you have put it into real life practice:  measuring, testing and learning from mistakes that is the true school of life.  AND the best part is you get to reap all the benefits at the click of a button. 

If you want solutions for your pet that don’t take years to figure out … and cost thousands of dollars.  Then, this is the solution for you (because I’ve already been through all that for you!).

“Heal Your Dog Naturally”

For Too Long Now,  I Have Witnessed So Many Sick Pets That Have Only Had Their Symptoms Treated, And I Felt It Was Time To Let People Know About The Real Causes Of Their Pets Problems So They Would Have The Opportunity To Treat Them Completely And Permanently.

Just Prescribing Animals Drugs To Suppress Their Symptoms Does Not Usually Offer Them Any Long-Term Solutions And Can Cause Them Even More Problems.

The Underlying Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Disorders Need To Be Addressed So That Your Pet’s Problems Can Be Treated At Their Very Core – Not Just On The Surface.  After Many Years Of Trial And Error And Finding Out What Works And What Doesn’t, The Most Effective Treatments For Common Health Disorders Have Been Identified And Can Be Found In This eBook.

Through Many Years Of Research And Clinical Experience, I Have Identified The True Causes Of Most Dog’s Health Problems.  It Doesn’t Matter Whether They Are Suffering From Skin Problems, Joint Pain, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Infections, Autoimmune Disorders – Almost All Health Problems Can Be Treated Using An Effective System Of Healing That I Have Established.

Packed With Cutting-Edge And Vitally Useful Information, “Heal Your Dog Naturally” Takes You On A Guided Tour of How to Heal Your Dog In The  Most Rapid and Profound Ways.  It Covers The Real Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems, Nutritional Advice, Herbal Treatments, Nutrient Therapies, and Much, Much More, So That You Are Able To Help Restore Balance To Your Dog’s Health Again.

The Principle Naturopathic Philosophy On Healing Is That The Body Has The Ability To Heal Itself, When It Is In Balance – Even From Major Illnesses Such As Cancer.  This Book Shows You How You Can Easily Help Bring Your Dogs Health Back In To Balance, To Allow It To Repair Itself.

In Fact, Many Scientists Claim That When The Body Is In Balance, It Doesn’t Suffer From Allergies or Skin Conditions, Cancer or Heart Disease, Diabetes or Thyroid Problems or Any Other Diseases – As All Of These Disorders Are Simply Signs That There Is Some Kind Of Imbalance In The Body.  This Book Will Help You Identify The Cause Of Your Dogs Imbalance And Help You To Reverse and Correct It As Quickly As Possible.  Treating Your Dogs Underlying Problems Will Give Your Pet The Best Possible Chance Of A Complete Recovery, Rather Than Just Temporary Relief From Their Symptoms.

If You Are Looking For Clinically-Proven, Safe And Effective Ways To Help Treat Your Pet Quickly And Naturally – Then This Is The Book For You!

“Every Dog Owner In The World Should

Read This Book!”

I’m not exaggerating when I say that this book (& Sara’s advice) has saved Igor’s life! After many months of tests, Igor was diagnosed with SLE (auto-immune disease) and the vets put him on cortisone and told us that’s all they could offer him.

They warned us that he will not see old age and that autoimmune diseases were common in bull mastiffs – not very helpful or positive advice. The vets also didn’t know ‘why’ Igor got the disease – maybe they should read this book then they might learn something!

To look at Igor now – You would never know he had been so ill!

His skin is now excellent and he is 100% symptom-free.

Jim Bower,

Bathurst, NSW. Australia

If You Have Wasted Money On So-Called “Expert” Books On Health For Your Dog – That Simply Didn’t Deliver What You Really Needed To Know…………… Or, You Have Paid Good Money For Books Written Only By Amateur Pet Owners With No Clinical Or Scientific Knowledge ……… Or, You Are Interested In Really Solving Your Pet’s Health Problems Once And For All And You Want To Avoid Huge Vet Bills, Then You Can’t Afford Not To Buy This Book!

This Book Totally Changes The Way I

Look At Disease

Never before have I read a book that offers so much information that can truly help dogs. I have bought many books over the years about natural healing but they all just offer basic advice on treating different disorders. This is entirely different! Sure it offers treatment advice for various problems but more importantly it provides real answers about the actual causes of disease – not just feeble advice on how to treat the symptoms. It will be my “No. 1” reference book from now on! This book totally changes the way I look at disease altogether – I can’t wait for Sara to write more books on health!

Veronica Robertson

Natural animal therapist

Epsom, UK

Imagine How You Will Feel When Your Dog Has All The Health, Wellbeing & Vitality That They Had When They Were Puppies….When They Are Running Around Totally Pain-Free And Blissfully Happy To Be Alive. Your Pet Does Not Need To Suffer From Agonizing Skin Conditions, Joint Pain, Recurrent Infections, Digestive Problems Or Any Other Health Disorders A Minute Longer!

Think Of The Satisfaction You Will Get From Knowing You Have Given Your Pet The Best Chance of Living a Longer, Happier, Healthier and Pain-Free Life!




Please note: This is not a hard copy book. After payment, you will be able to download ‘Heal Your Dog Naturally’ to your computer straight away.

“Heal Your Dog Naturally” Delivered Everything

We Needed to Know and More!

Our 6 yo boxer, Milly, was diagnosed with a candida infection which had ‘No known cause’ – and this book explains exactly how she got it! We then followed the diet and treatment advice given in the book and Milly’s candida is now totally gone! No more itching! Her skin is now beautiful; her energy has returned; and best of all she is happy again. We now understand what we need to feed our dogs; what supplements we need to give them both and how we can prevent a whole host of other problems from developing. “Heal Your Dog Naturally” delivered everything we needed to know and more! Thank You Sooo Much Sara!

Linda Carlton



At Last … Now You Can Help Stop Your Dog’s Pain And Suffering Rapidly and Safely …Without Drugs and Without Leaving Home – And, As A Bonus, You May Help Prevent the Onset Of Future Disease in Your Dog Using The Information In This Book.

“Heal Your Dog Naturally” Reveals The Safest Methods For Treating Pain, Inflammation And Other Distressing Conditions In Your Dog …

This Is Not Just Another Book On How To Treat Skin Conditions, Yeast Infections Or Joint Pain In Your Dog, …….Nor Is it Just A Book on The Correct Diet For Your Dog….It Is ALL of That And Much, Much More!

If you are even remotely interested in learning the truth about the underlying cause of your dog’s health problems and finding out how to reverse these problems once and for all – you owe it to your beloved pet to at least read the information in “Heal Your Dog Naturally”.

Your Dog Deserves To Live A Happy Life,

Free Of Pain.

Our Beautiful Boy Is Happy Again!

Clive was suffering from severe arthritis and his vet had him on pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications and said he needed to be on these for the rest of his life.

NOT GOOD ENOUGH! We wanted other answers.

We wanted to know ‘What’ was causing his arthritis – not just ply him with pain killers for the rest of his days. He’s way too precious for that. This book gave us all the answers and, better still – provided us with a successful treatment plan that DOESN”T cause more problems than what it treats.

We can’t thank Sara enough for what she has done for Clive. No more pain. No more digestive problems and way more energy! Our beautiful boy is happy again!

Barbara Langston,

Dover, Delaware


This Could Be YOUR Dog Soon Too!

More And More Dogs Are Now Suffering From Serious Health Problems Than Ever Before – Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Joint Conditions, Skin Problems, Autoimmune Disorders …And At Much Younger Ages! The Truth Is That Most Conventional Drug Therapies Do Not Treat The Underlying Causes Of Any Of These Problems And In Some Cases They Cause Even Greater Problems Than Your Pet Originally Suffered From – Resulting In Long-Term Damage To Your Pet’s Health.

Fast, Effective And Permanent Relief For Your Pets

“Heal Your Dog Naturally” provides both clinical and scientific advice that may assist you to treat conditions in your dog which may help them to live healthier, longer and happier lives. 

It provides the guardians of animals, not with more theory – but with advice that can be used to treat the real causes of their pet’s health problems as well as provide advice on how to give their pets fast, effective and permanent relief from pain and symptoms. Not only can this significantly increase the quality of life for their dogs but it may also help to extend their life.

Keep These Bonuses To Refer To Forever – Even in the unlikely event you decide to take advantage of our iron-clad, money-back guarantee and return “Heal Your Dog Naturally” for a full refund.

When you are selling a quality product that you feel confident that people will want to recommend to others….. it is the best form of advertising.

P.S. The Free booklets that are currently available with “Heal Your Dog Naturally” may not be available in the future and may change at any time.

Once you place your order on our secure server, you will be directed to the download page where you can download your books and get started IMMEDIATELY. The e-books are in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read them right on your computer screen or you can even print out your own hard copy.

As soon as you have read the book, you can start treating your pet straight away and help to improve their quality of life without delay!

Consider this – The small amount of money you invest in this book is a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of money you’ve probably already wasted on treatments that don’t work or caused more problems than when you first started. The best news is that the cost of this book is absolutely nothing unless you agree that this book provides you with useful information that can help your pets to heal rapidly and effectively because you receive a…..


You Have Nothing to Lose and Everything To Gain To Help Your Much-Loved Pet Achieve Fabulous Health.

Please try the treatment methods found in ‘Heal Your Dog Naturally’ and If you are not thrilled with the results you get for your dog, I want you to simply write and tell me, and I’ll send you a prompt and courteous, no questions asked, 100% refund.

“That’s my personal promise to you”

On the other hand, if “Heal Your Dog Naturally” helps you to treat your precious dog successfully so that they become healthier than they ever were before, then I want you to email me your success story or testimonial to tell me the great results you achieved – and please tell all your friends about it too.

If You’re Finished For Good With All The Hype, Claims and ‘Quick Fix Cures” That Have Failed You In The Past And You Are Fed Up With Reading Books Written By Amateur Pet Owners With No Real Knowledge About Health or Science Or Any Clinical Experience And You Are Sick of Enormous Vet Bills That Do Not Resolve Your Dog’s Problems Permanently, Then This Is The Cutting-Edge, Scientifically-Based, Clinically Effective Information You Have Been Searching For On How To Heal Your Dog And Stop Their Suffering With Safe and Successful Treatment Methods That Have Been Tried and Tested, Time and Time Again on Thousands Of Dogs Around the World. 

You Can’t Afford NOT To Buy This Book!

Click Below To Start Saving Money Today!

Please note: This is not a hard copy book. After payment, you will be able to download ‘Heal Your Dog Naturally’ to your computer straight away.

Get instant access – even if it’s 2 A.M.

When you click the order button, you get instant access to ALL of the information so you can start healing your dog straight away.

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Digital Agency Roadmap Complete MRR Course

Product Name: Digital Agency Roadmap Complete MRR Course

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Digital Agency Roadmap Complete MRR Course

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Digital marketing with resale rights in English and Spanish!

It includes EVERYTHING you need to start a thriving digital marketing business in your spare time with NO EXPERIENCE or even if you want to scale your current business. This course is for absolute beginners and guides you step by step through the entire process of setting up your digital agency or even if you just want to sell this course again.

Step by step how to set up and host your website for FREE on Systeme.IO, how to sell your products or this course for free or with paid advertising.

With just ONE sale of this course you will get your money back.

Sell ​​your services as a Digital Agency by applying your new knowledge. Where do you find clients? Easy! Open FREE accounts on, and List the services you would like to do, for example, Facebook advertising or social media marketing. Maybe creating sales funnels? You don’t have to sell this course 100%, you can apply this knowledge and sell your services.

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You’ll get both the English and Spanish versions of the course and access to the English and Spanish communities, all included in one price!

Over 300 video lessons and growing!

Below is a short introductory video.

Please note that this webinar refers to and demonstrates the previous version Roadmap 2.0, which was updated to Roadmap 3.0 in February 2024 and contains more detailed lessons.

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One initial price and the product is yours.

All future updates are included in this initial price.


The Roadmap is a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Course.

Learn business development, marketing principles, and automation.

Start your successful and prosperous online business!

Learn the basic modules to create a thriving online business

Learn what it means to have your own online business, the benefits and responsibilities

Follow the step-by-step process to set up your own automated business sales system

Understand how you can fine-tune your sales process to get even more conversions

Create automated email marketing sequences to make your marketing available 24/7. 10 emails in one campaign included

Learn how you can differentiate yourself from the rest on the Internet to stand out

Create high-value, high-converting content that attracts buyers to your business.

Learn the high-yield skill of search engine optimization (SEO) and get continuous traffic

Overcoming fear and doubt when building a business by those who have overcome it

Use different online platforms to build a strong online presence and grow your audience.

Find some of the best marketing tools to further enhance your marketing efforts and save time.

Discover how you can build your business around your passions and continue growing at rapid speed.

The pros and cons of master resale rights and what you need to make sure you do it

And the cherry on top…

Free access to Roadmap’s online community with weekly calls, challenges, updates, and more!

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You will learn how to connect your own payment gateways and receive money directly into your accounts!

What will you learn in this course?

Over 300 video lessons and growing!

English Version 3.0 Roadmap

(The Spanish version is similar with 27 modules)

Step 3: Generate traffic

Step 4: Build your offer

Step 5: Escalate with Customer Service

What our community members are saying…

More testimonies as of March 4, 2024

These are all real testimonies, but too many to mention them all…

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I purchased Roadmap 2.0 a month ago and I am BLOWN AWAY by the value this course provides. I have already DOUBLED my Stan store visits and Instagram reach in one day, not to mention I have all my automated systems set up already. I made my first sale yesterday and I feel so inspired to keep going. This guide is truly GOLD 💰 and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me 🔥

Hey guys, this is my first testimonial. I started a month ago and I love the community and support here. My name is Armoni (they call me moni). I made my first sale from the course a few days ago and I’m excited to keep going. If anyone wants to check out my page and follow me, follow me back! Send me a DM!

I have found my way in the online space using what I have learned from the Roadmap. I have tried other programs and courses and was always left with unanswered questions. From the first module I started on the Roadmap, I began to have moments of revelation. All the gaps I had from previous learning were filled and I suddenly began to feel confident about the direction I was headed. You too can have these moments of revelation by purchasing the Roadmap and finally developing the tools you need to succeed.

Hi everyone! I’m so excited about the roadmap! I launched the project less than 3 days ago and I just made my first sale. I can’t explain how excited, happy and grateful I am!

I’m writing my first testimonial, even though I’ve been a part of this community since July 2023! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed The Roadmap course, developed online friendships in this space, and learned SO MUCH! Initially, my goal was to resell this course and grow my social media from there. Over the past few months, after failing to resell a single course, I decided it was best for me to change course. I didn’t create any other products in the make money online niche, because I didn’t know where to start since I hadn’t made any money yet. My niche has changed from “make money online” to “home care and motherhood” content. I’m still learning from this course and just completed 100% of Roadmap 2.0! I can’t wait to see what’s coming with Roadmap 3.0!

Wow! This course is so comprehensive! I wish I had found it much sooner, but better late than never. I can’t believe they don’t teach this in schools and universities. I learned so much and the best thing is that I have access to watch the video over and over again. Oh, and I can resell it and brand it! Wow! 💠🠾💠🠾

Hi everyone! I’m Everly, a nurse from Australia. I started my digital marketing journey six weeks ago. I started with the Roadmap to Riches course and I can say that I implemented all the strategies on my faceless account!

Thank you so much ROADMAP CREATORS!!! This is the ultimate course!

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Marketing Build Pro: ChatGPT Expanded

Product Name: Marketing Build Pro: ChatGPT Expanded

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Marketing Build Pro: ChatGPT Expanded

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Want an expert shortcut? Get 20 easy-to-follow video tutorials and start using ChatGPT 4.0 effectively in your business.

Learn the first steps to use ChatGPT 4.0 in your online business in less than an hour

In this course, watch step-by-step as we show you how to get started with the latest ChatGPT update for your online business.


ChatGPT Extended What are the additional features of ChatGPT and how do we use them?

These are the topics we will cover throughout the videos.

001 – Opening an Account002 – ChatGPT Profile Setup003 – Data Settings and Controls004 – Updating ChatGPT005 – Getting the Mobile App006 – The Mobile Interface007 – Voice Interaction008 – Audio Conversation with ChtGPT009 – Iterating with ChatGPT010 – Chatting Over File Uploads011 – Iterating with Files012 – Iterating with Images013 – Taking Images for Analysis014 – Taking the Image015 – Custom Instructions016 – Custom Instructions from Audio – Part 1017 – Custom Instructions from Audio – Part 2018 – Custom Instructions from Audio – Part 3019 – Limits and GPT020 – GPT Conversations with Audio

How can you start using ChatGPT 4.0 in your business today?

When you consider all the ways we can turn this into profit, this is a fantastic deal.

Click the “Apply Now” button to get this valuable guide today.

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at discounted price while it’s still available…

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New Alpha Nutrition

Product Name: New Alpha Nutrition

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New Alpha Nutrition is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Keep reading so you can keep your Heart Health and Confidence high, with a revolutionary new men’s Cardio Support Formula.

Your heart is the engine of your body! It’s an amazing machine that’s built to last for many decades. But as you grow older, maintaining a healthy cardio system becomes even more important.

In fact, if you are older, you might also be as “sick” as I am …

Sick of hearing your wife and loved ones nag you about your health and diet … “Don’t eat this… You can’t eat that… Watch your cholesterol!”

It seemed others close to me were more concerned about my heart health than I was!

So I felt guilty — because when I ate food I really enjoyed, like a nice big steak or a burger… I felt I was hurting my heart… and letting my family down.

And I came across a fascinating man and health expert named Dr Weston Price.

As a scientist, he conducted research all around the world, focusing his work on remote, indigenous tribes. And what he discovered shocked him …

You see, he documented that the tribes that ate a very natural diet were also very healthy (even though they were poor and had none of the material riches we have today in the west).

Now, here’s what I found really interesting …

Most of these tribes ate a substantial amount of meat.

In fact, some of these tribes, like the Eskimo Inuits, ate nothing but meat! A 100% carnivore diet.

And yet, their Blood Pressure and Cholesterol counts were much lower than people eating a standard western diet.

This went against everything we hear in modern-day America!

That puzzle led me to do more research into this controversial issue …

And that’s when I stumbled across the research into something called Nitric Oxide.

This life-changing breakthrough for men came in 1998 when 3 scientists won the Nobel Prize for proving that Nitric Oxide — which, up until then, they thought was just a simple gas — was the key to solving this puzzle.

You see, what they discovered is that Nitric Oxide signals the smooth muscle cells in your blood vessels to relax, so that your vessels dilate and your blood flows more freely. This helps you to maintain optimal blood flow and arterial health

And when I went back and did more research on Weston Price, I also discovered that there were certain animal foods the indigenous tribes particularly loved, because they contained nutrients that helped support their:

And also…Boosted theirNitric Oxide levels

This all happened despite their diet high in animal meat… Because it was also high in B vitamins like Niacin. Which helped me realize that, rather than focusing on a low fat/low cholesterol diet like so many people recommend today…

In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, and to support good cardiovascular health, the real key to maintaining good cardiovascular and overall health is:

So you see, your heart can remain healthy for many decades, IF you take good care of it – and support it – with the right nutrient blend!

That ALSO means supporting your arterial health … so the blood supply to your heart stays constant and uninterrupted.

This gives you energy… stamina… easy breathing… sound sleep… and focused mental clarity.

The fact is, your heart is simply an automatic pump! As long as it stays strong, gets a signal from your brain to beat, and gets the nutrients it needs, your heart will beat billions of times over your life time.

BUT… Proper arterial health, blood pressure within normal ranges, and optimal blood flow are ALSO key contributors to maintaining cardiovascular health.

Hi, my name is Adam Armstrong.

And many people refer to me as: “The Health Guy.” Why? Because I’m a huge proponent of men’s health.

Let’s face it, as men, many of us are terrible when it comes to our health, having regular health check ups, and doing everything we can to stay healthy and active.

Part of my enthusiasm today was born out of concern for men who don’t do enough to stop their own health decline, while they are much too young.

So you see, I am doing what I can now to help men stay healthy, active and strong as they age! I want to empower them with trusted formulas they can rely on to support this.

And when it comes to ultimate heart health, Alpha Strength is our “best foot forward” to help you thrive!

When you see more about how it can help, and the strong science behind it, I think you’ll agree that it is a simple, yet enormous step in supporting your heart.

The 9 ingredients in Alpha Strength are the best of the best! The best artery dilators to maintain your arteries at full capacity. The best nitric oxide boosters, to support healthy blood flow. And the best support nutrients to
help keep your entire cardio system in tip top shape.

These are nutrients your body needs to keep you and healthy, but may not get enough of anymore. Keeping an abundant supply of them in your body is the best way to help maintain robust cardio health so you can always feel your best.

Let me quickly tell you about them …

L-Citrulline is a natural amino acid, which means it’s a building block of protein.

The body converts L-citrulline to L-arginine, another type of amino acid. L-arginine improves blood flow.

In your body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). And nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax, and improves circulation. Evidence shows that arginine can help improve
blood flow in your arteries.

Which makes this “heart health” gold for you!

It’s the best, most proven, most natural way to increase circulation-boosting Nitric Oxide, both immediately, and long-term with continued use.

A lot of foods have L-Arginine, but your digestive system also has a harder time converting the L-Arginine you get from food into Nitric Oxide (especially once you hit age 40 or 45). So you
can eat all the high Arginine foods you want and still not see a difference.

So while it does occur naturally in food, here’s the point:

You’ll never get anything close to a strong enough dose to be effective. It’s found in watermelon for example, but you’d have to eat several pounds of watermelon a day to get what you need. That’s A LOT of watermelon. An impossible amount
in fact, even if you love it.

Because L-Citrulline travels through different pathways in your body, it’s used more efficiently by your body than L-Arginine to produce Nitric Oxide. It does so faster and more easily than
L-Arginine does – especially if you’re in your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or beyond.

So, having looked at all the studies, and experimented on myself and my clients, 1000mg per dose, per day, is the perfect amount. Any less, and it’s much less likely to be effective.

And of course, there’s scientific evidence for L-Citrulline boosting circulation and blood vessel dilation …

For example, they did a double blind study where they gave 24 men L-Citrulline for a month. For most of them, it boosted their blood flow considerably. That was all they needed …

That’s a pretty remarkable result from just ONE amino acid!

Every year, 1 in 4 Americans die from poor heart health,making it a leading cause of death in the U.S.

Which means ALL men need to pay close attention to these important factors:

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels

Being aware of family heart health history

Practicing anactive lifestyle

Weight management

Managing day-to-day stress

Taking Alpha Strength, along with a healthy diet, and regular activity can positively benefit all these cardio health factors!

But the sum of ALL of the ingredients put together, in very specific quantities and ratios, is far greater than any one ingredient, or even if you took all of them separately.

Before we move on to talk about the other parts of the formula, it’s probably worth noting that L-Citrulline has other benefits, such as the fact that it:

Supports Heart Health and Boosts your Energy

Promotes Sharper Memory and Clearer Thinking

Research also showed that L-Citrulline can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels already within normal ranges.

Researchers looked at L-Citrulline’s effects on men in their 50s with blood pressure concerns. And after measuring their blood pressure levels, they gave each of them either L-Citrulline, or a placebo,
to take daily.

Six weeks later the researchers measured everyone’s blood pressure again. Amazingly, they found that ALL the men taking L-Citrulline saw their blood pressure levels drop!

That’s right, the study found it worked. For everyone!

Another study found a similar result: Men taking L-Citrulline saw a dramatic improvement in both their Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.

And, yet another study found this powerful Amino Acid helped promoted artery flexibility and supported their heart health after exercise.

And, many people who workout, including athletes, often take L-Citrulline to aid their performance — both aerobic capacity and strength.

A 100% success rate — that’s even more impressive!

The truth is, once you get beyond a certain age, with heart health becoming more important every day, taking L-Citrulline is a “No-Brainer” for any man, because there’s so much to gain.

Niacin, in it’s Nicotinic Acid form. This is important, as most of the Niacin sold is in the Niacinamide form, which isn’t much use. Niacin is basically Vitamin B3.

It’s found naturally in many foods, but it’s easy to get deficient in it, because it’s water soluble, meaning: it only lasts in your body for a few hours after you eat it, and then it gets flushed away.

Now, the particular form of Niacin I was telling you about – Nicotinic Acid – is very interesting as it does a similar job to nitric oxide: it’s a vasodilator, meaning it expands the blood vessels and capillaries, allowing
more blood to get into your capillaries.

It’s so powerful, that if you take too much of it, it has a ‘flushing’ effect… where you go red, and feel a ‘prickly heat’ kind of feeling.

It’s commonly used to support cholesterol and blood pressure levels already within normal ranges. It’s a nutrient found in foods and many supplements. It also supercharges the effects of the L-Citrulline.

Along with the L-Citrulline and the other ingredients I’m going to tell you about, it’s just enough to help create a very noticeable effect in your arteries where you need it most …

A double blind placebo controlled study in 2011, of 80 men, showed that they all had some improvement in blood flow after taking Niacin daily … while the 80 men having a placebo didn’t notice any changes.

Wow! Of course you won’t hear much about this, because Niacin is a simple nutrient that’s not patentable, so Big Pharma can’t make a fortune selling it to you.

So, this ingredient is very important for maintaining cardiovascular health.

Eurycoma Longifolia Root, also known as Tongkat Ali.

This is an herb from Southeast Asia. It’s very rare, because it only grows in one country – Malaysia.

And, it’s also one of the most powerful herbs in the world for boosting healthy Nitric Oxide levels by supporting healthy circulation. And improved circulation is associated with easy flow of blood and delivery of oxygen, nutrients, proteins
throughout the body.

Optimal circulation plays a key role in keeping your heart strong! So anything we could add to help keep arteries clear and blood moving freely is your friend.

Plus, this also may be of interest to you as a man who wants to stay strong and active…

Tongkat Ali is the most powerful herb in the world for naturally supporting testosterone levels, and supporting prostate health!

So along with maintaining cardiovascular health, it can also support your performance in the bedroom!

Now… here’s another ingredient that has to be in there:

A high quality Fenugreek extract.

Fenugreek can help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range. This may be because fenugreek seeds contain roughly 48% dietary fiber — which is great for your arteries.

Fenugreek can also have a positive effect on blood lipid levels to maintain optimal blood flow and arterial health.

It has also been shown to support cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels in normal, healthy ranges, while promoting healthy HDL levels. Which also helps maintain optimal blood flow and arterial health.

And fenugreek contains key antioxidants that help protect you from free radicals. This is an important cardio benefit that can help support a strong body.

Plus, in a study on sexual health using Fenugreek, researchers found the men enjoyed:

Once again, we see that heart health and improved sexual function often go hand-in-hand. Which is great news! And an amazing bonus!

These essential nutrients: Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6, are all nutrients naturally found in foods. The problem is, as we become older and less healthy, our body may not get enough of these nutrients from the foods we eat.

Then there’s the problem that many of the foods we eat are not nearly as nutritious as they used to be, because of factory farming, industrial fertilizers, over-farming the land, and so on.

And, most importantly, as we age, it’s hard for many U.S. men to get enough of these 3 key nutrients from their daily diet.

However, your doctor won’t always tell you about this. But the truth is, having enough of these key nutrients can greatly improve the quality of your life.

Even worse, day-to-day stress — which too many men simply cope with, but never actually deal with– can deplete the body of Magnesium and Vitamin B6. And once it’s depleted, especially in the case of Magnesium,
it’s very difficult for your body to get enough from a food source, and even most supplements.

That’s why for Magnesium, I always recommend a high quality version, like Magnesium Bisglycinate, that your body is actually able to utilize and absorb.

Many men don’t realize there’s a crucial mineral they often don’t get enough of, which is …

Studies show a direct link between proper zinc levels and good cardio health. In fact, healthy levels of zinc in your body can also promote the health of your heart itself. So when oxidative stress occurs,
it may be due to not enough zinc.

Then we have one of the most important ingredients of all..

We included Vitamin D because strong research suggests that Vitamin D can play an essential, yet often overlooked, role in promoting heart health.

In fact, a number of Vitamin D studies have shown that healthy levels of Vitamin D can help promote good heart health.

However, research has shown, that many people over age 60, may not get enough vitamin D from their diet or lifestyle alone.

This is important to know because getting enough vitamin D has been linked to proper arterial health.

You see, your arteries are like rubber tubes …

Your arteries are meant to expand and be soft and pliable. They need to maintain their “stretchiness” for optimal heart health.

Vitamin D also helps to promote a healthy inflammatory response and support healthy cholesterol levels already within normal ranges. Plus, a new study on the correlation between vitamin D and heart health
was conducted by researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital …

They reviewed data from studies of more than 10,000 Danes and compared those with the lowest levels of vitamin D to those with the highest levels.

Wow! What an eye opener! The study showed the important role Vitamin D plays in optimal hearth health.

A balanced diet, active lifestyle, and time for de-stressing can contribute to ideal heart health. And having healthy levels of vitamin D can help with this.

The bottom line is: Your heart needs Vitamin D, and you almost certainly don’t get enough of it. Alpha Strength gives you a full, heart-helping dose!

The thing to really understand about this formula is that it’s synergistic, so the sum is far greater than its parts!

One of these nutrients alone is good … but together they are amazing at helping you stay “heart strong!”

Every year more and more men are choosing to be safe instead of sorry… and maintain their heart health with all natural Alpha Strength.

They’re choosing to put their health and longevity first, so they can be around for life’s important moments.

Alpha Strength is truly an amazing all-natural combination of 9 powerful nutrients, herbs, vitamins and minerals that help you maintain strong heart health (and everything related to having a healthy heart, including high
energy levels, good fitness, and strong libido and performance).

Remember, Alpha Strength’s unique “Male Heart Health Formula” is made with ingredients specifically shown to support arterial health for men!

That’s why many men experience remarkable results — and feel better — in just a matter of days! And you’ll always know it’s working in the background of your life to help and support you. Alpha Strength also
comes with an
unconditional 90-Day Guarantee.

If you don’t see and feel remarkable differences in your health, you don’t pay.

Whether you want to run a marathon, compete in an Iron man, continue to play golf or tennis, or spend time running around the yard with your grandkids… your heart health will determine how active you are. How able you are
to live to the max.

Good heart health means high energy, easy breathing, full activity, and full mobility and independence. A strong heart means the sky’s the limit! You can be “that guy” that everyone looks to and says, “man, that guy is a stud for his age!”

So go ahead, line it all up and plan it out! Your travel plans, your hobbies, your favorite activities … and do it all with no care, no concern and no risk with Alpha Strength.

Alpha Strength is like the ultimate support system for your heart! Your heart is a masterpiece of engineering, and it was absolutely built to last … IF you take care of it!

Yes, it will serve you well for many years if you do your part to maintain it! Alpha Strength is here to nourish and support your heart and arteries. And if you are one of those who loves the peace of mind from an Extended
Warranty, Alpha Strength will serve as a great protection and “Extended Warranty” on your most vital organ.

I haven’t talked about his much, because I really want to stay focused on your healthy heart …

But it’s worth mentioning …

The powerful nutrients in Alpha Strength, besides supporting heart healthy, have ALSO been shown to

Supercharge your Confidence (inside and outside of the bedroom)

Blow up your Energy Levels – supporting you to last much longer in bed (and get more done in your day-to-day life)

Along with a healthy diet and exercise, you may achieve your ideal body weight (and gain some muscle and strength if you want to) – without giving up all your favorite foods

So you see, Alpha Strength has so much to offer you! You can feel like a new man inside and out!

The fact is: Alpha Strength is easily absorbed, thoroughly studied, and carefully produced. We would never put only a small amount of poor quality, ineffective ingredients into
our product.

As the owner of the company, Alpha Strength has my personal stamp of approval. I know it is made with the maximum dose of pure, premium, effective ingredients that WILL have a positive effect in your body Guaranteed.

I know you’re putting your trust in us to strengthen and support your heart and arteries. And we don’t take that job lightly. That’s why only the very best, most effective ingredients go into our circulation-boosting heart health formula.

Every bottle of Alpha Strength contains the highest quality ingredients, mixed in very specific ratios, and has been through 19 different safety and quality checks before it gets to you …

Even though we source the ingredients in Alpha Strength from the most trusted sources, every batch of each ingredient that comes through the door goes immediately into “quarantine”, until it’s tested by the lab for any contaminants.

Each ingredient is then analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy—an expensive process that guarantees the material is exactly what it’s supposed to be. Then the ingredients are tested for microbials and pathogens.

Sometimes, if anything is less than perfect, we have to throw out an entire batch – but it’s better than the alternative: an unsafe and lousy product.

Also, after the capsules are manufactured, our quality control goes further and tests random samples of the blended ingredients, to make sure the final product contains the exact amounts of each ingredient that it should.

Well, when you consume Alpha Strength, you know for certain that:

To experience all the benefits, all you have to do is build up to taking:

4 Capsules of Alpha Strength each day, with a little water.

You don’t have to change your entire lifestyle …. However, if you want to optimize the benefits of our product it’s recommended to eat a well-rounded diet and exercise regularly.

To boost your Nitric Oxide Levels and boost your blood flow – just knock back 4 capsules of Alpha Strength each day and watch what happens!

The other nice thing about working with our large, U.S. based manufacturer is that they have the contacts and the buying power to source these ingredients inexpensively.

So I’m happy to tell you that I’ve been able to keep the price of Alpha Strength extremely low. Take Advantage and ORDER NOW

Order now with No Risk …

Because your order is covered by my no quibble 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

“YES” – that’s right … you can try Alpha Strength, see if you like it, and get a refund up to 90 days after purchase, for ANY reason.

If you really don’t like Alpha Strength – which is highly unlikely because it’s so powerful and effective — simply call or email our friendly English speaking, industry best support team, and they’ll refund you in full…
every penny.

They’re available 20 hours a day, 363 days a year, from 5am to 1am EST.

Now. I doubt very much that you’ll be asking for a refund – because Alpha Strength contains 9 nutrients scientifically proven to support cardiovascular health.

However, I’m offering you this 90 Day Guarantee so you can take advantage of the special offer prices on this page, and order today, with no risk and total peace-of-mind.

After all, the only companies who can offer a guarantee this long and robust are companies who have something they know truly works! Because, if you offered a 90 Day Guarantee on a lousy product, you’d soon go out of business!

And, in case you’re wondering – I’m not a Risk-Taker. I’m actually a cautious guy when it comes to business (because I have a wife, 2 kids, and, like most people… a mortgage, bills to pay, and so on).

So, hopefully that eases any skepticism you might have. I’m backing your order for 90 days because I know Alpha Strength works.

Order a bottle of Alpha Strength today – to improve your cardio health. This is a “No-Brainer” because of the no quibble 90-Day Money- Back Guarantee, and the excellent savings, available only
for a limited time only.

Every smart, intelligent man who reads this page makes the same decision … They ALL opt to give Alpha Strength a try (which explains why you really should take advantage right now,
because the demand is so high, stock is running low)…

Let Alpha Strength help fill in any nutritional gaps so your heart can thrive.

You really have no alternative: You need to get serious and support your heart now. And there’s no better or easier way than with Alpha Strength!

Do it for yourself AND your family. Make sure you are doing everything you can to live strong!

Don’t leave your heart health to chance. Do what you can to live your life to the fullest with confidence and peace of mind.

Give your heart the help it needs to run smoother, longer, and healthier.

Plus, don’t forget Alpha Strength can also help you with strong bedroom performance… A healthy Sex-Drive… Consistent “Morning Wood” and Unbreakable Confidence, along with higher Testosterone Levels.

Try Alpha Strength and prepare to be impressed with how your body feels for months and years down the road!

Wishing you a long, healthy, active life …

Co-Creator of Alpha Strength

P.S. If you’re worried about your heart … you need to know 3 key things …

1. You can improve your situation (it’s not simply something a man has to risk just because he’s 40+). 2. Increasing your Nitric Oxide Levels is the key to free, easy blood flow to keep your arteries clear.
3. Taking Alpha Strength is the quickest and easiest way to improve your cardio health.

Alpha Strength is a unique capsule based formula, designed by world-renowned health expert Elwin Robinson (co-founder of The New Alpha and Taoist Health Master).

It contains 9 unique ingredients, mixed in very specific quantities, manufactured in a state-of-the-art GMP Certified Facility.

On their own, each of the ingredients in Alpha Strength have been shown, in numerous scientific studies, to have beneficial affects on blood flow, Nitric Oxide, artery health and cardio wellness.

However, when mixed together, they work synergistically, and become even more powerful – much more powerful than they are if taken individually. Yet still 100% totally natural.

Save up to 55% OFF the usual price (click the “ORDER NOW” button below to see all the order options). And, be sure to take advantage of the monthly or quarterly subscription offers, if you want to ensure you never have to go even a single
day without Alpha Strength in your system

P.P.P.S. You can order Alpha Strength today, with NO RISK. Because your order is covered by my no quibble 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

QHow will Alpha Strength make me feel?

ASince Alpha Strength can help promote healthy circulation … And when blood flows normally throughout your body, oxygen and other vital nutrients flow through the arteries as was intended. You may also experience:

QWhat sets Alpha Strength apart from other cardio products?

AAlpha Strength contains 1000 mg of L-Citrulline, which is hundreds of milligrams more than other leading brands! In addition, we added other key nutrients to help make Alpha Strength the most effective cardio
health supplement on the market.

QHow long should I take Alpha Strength?

AAlpha Strength will continue to support your cardio health by supporting your heart and circulation for as long as you take it. And since your arteries are your lifeline, supporting them is a lifetime commitment.
So one bottle of Alpha Strength is a great start to see how well it works. But if you really want to promote healthy arteries, we recommend you request at least a 6 month supply.

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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition,
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Copyright (c) 2021 onwards. Lion Heart Intelligent Solutions LTD and The New Alpha.All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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New Alpha Nutrition is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds…

Product Name: Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds…

Click here to get Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


You’re about to discover an ancient “Virility Tonic”…

That our ancient male ancestors drank daily…

To stay strong and powerful during the day…

And charged with passion at night… (1)

And inside this controversial new report I’m going to…

That could be a new male performance breakthrough…

That upgrades life almost overnight.

It quickly boosts natural T-production… *

And sets up a “support system” that reinforces healthy hormone balance… *

Regardless of age or what kind of shape someone might be in.

Indian cultures named it “smell of horse”. Because legend has it…

It’s even a star player in Kama Sutra…

An ancient guide to amazing sex.

Inside… couples were told to share this tonic to help ramp up libido… *

And enjoy maximum vitality and excitement between the sheets. (3)*

So if any guy wants to feel like a young buck…

And enjoy support for better male performance, libido and energy… *

Then lean in and read every word of this special report…

Because minutes from now…

I’ll reveal shocking research from Georgetown University Medical Center suggesting…

Common household products most men use everyday… may make it difficult to maintain optimal hormonal balance… (4)

But the exciting thing is…

Despite what society may say…

Guys can maintain high and healthy T-levels well into their 50s, 60s and 70s… *

And continue shedding body fat like they could years ago… *

And the powerful solution on this page — backed by the latest science — is safe, easy and may help support healthy T-levels so any guy can feel he’s in the good old days — but much better.

What I’m about to share has pissed off a lot guys…

Because for the first time, they realize there are powers at be that want to convert alpha men into girly boys…

But make sure to read all the way through…

Because research groups from Mumbai, India have recently discovered a tonic given to a “seer of the gods” 6000+ years ago… (7)

That supports male hormones… *

But before I reveal it to you…

Let me introduce myself…

Then reveal how nearly any guy can unlock this same kind of vitality, drive and health… *

Using a very simple yet powerful trick that goes to work rapidly.

Hi. My name is Chad Howse…

Author of The Man Diet — a best-selling book that gives men the formula to help boost T-levels naturally.

And over the past 7 years, I’ve helped thousands of men boost their performance, energy and virility… *

Enjoy playful libido on command…

And discover their purpose in life.

See — maintaining healthy T-levels is crucial for male performance…

And the male body is hard-wired to have A LOT of it…

Even as men get older, that doesn’t have to change. And I’ll share why in just a minute.

But first, now that you know who I am…

And how guys can use it to boost energy and support focus… *

Get an extra edge to help reshape a stubborn physique… *

And become the best version of themselves starting just days from now.

See — a few years ago I was waking up every morning dog-tired…

With little motivation and a LOT of stress…

Dragging myself to the gym 6 days a week…

But having nothing to show for it…

Actually — my body got flabbier the more I trained.

I tried new dieting fads that promised to boost my energy levels…

But I struggled to get going in the morning.

And it felt like every day ended on a low note.

I’d fall into bed… wishing my life was different…

After months of my body and life tumbling down a steep decline…

I buried myself in research to get to the bottom of what was happening…

And came across a large study from Baylor University Medical Center that nudged me to look into my hormone levels… (8)

So I went to the doctor to find out what was going on…

Because the blood work showed my male hormones weren’t thriving as much as they could have been…

And my cortisol levels weren’t where they needed to be either… at only 27 years old.

Let me explain what cortisol is really quickly…

Cortisol is a stress hormone that comes in handy during short, pressure situations…

Like sports competitions… or getting caught up in a fight…

And a study from the University of Chicago shows…

Gallup’s Annual Study Of Global Emotions found people today have a harder time managing stress now more than ever before in history… (10)

Which could make it challenging to keep T-levels and cortisol balanced.

Because the strategy I’m about to share has been shown by a study from Lucknow, India to support normal cortisol levels…

But higher-stress isn’t the only factor guys should be aware of…

Studies suggest that there are common household products that may disrupt optimal hormone balance.

According to studies from well respected universities — here’s what to watch out for…

Air fresheners…
Body spray…
bagd water…
Cash register receipts…
Canned foods or drinks…
Cell phone…
Chewing gum…
Chicken soup…
Dairy products…
Laundry detergent…
Non-organic fruit…
Non-organic meat…
Non-organic vegetables…
Plastic bags…
Plastic bags…
Plastic wrap…
Shaving cream or gel…
Sleep aids…
Soy products…
Toilet paper…
Vegetable oil…
Vinyl shower curtains and flooring…
And more… (12) (13) (14) (15)

Avoiding the products above may help support optimal T-levels…

So any guy can enjoy more energy instead of feeling tired in the afternoon…

And stay at the top of their game most days.

But the truth is just one look at this list and anyone can see…

A 6,092 year old herb… recorded by a “mystical seer” in ancient India…

That provides a “support system” for male hormones… *

And helps balance estrogen in a healthy way. *

We actually NEED estrogen in our bodies to function optimally. However…

Nowadays — men are exposed to more estrogen than ever before.

But the strategy on this page helps keep estrogen in check. *

While supporting optimal T-levels… *

So any guy can enjoy teenage-like energy… support sniper-like focus at all hours of the day… and feel like an animal in the gym and the bedroom… *

While their buddies slouch around on the couch like lazy sacks of potatoes.

But before I get there…

Let me share what happened after my doctor said my hormones were slightly “off”…

I tried to address it on my own.

And read one way to boost T and support stable hormonal balance is to get more micronutrients into my diet.

So I tried eating more vegetables… mainly green ones.

The reason is because green vegetables contain a chemical called indole-3…

And a study from North Shore-Long Island Jewish Research Institute found Indole-3…

It’s commonly found inside spinach, kale and bok choy…

An average serving of greens doesn’t have enough indole-3 to make a noticeable effect on the body… *

It would take MORE greens…

But read carefully. Because…

Eating more greens for the indole-3 is not the answer. In fact…

The reason is because vegetables are high in fiber…

And high levels of fiber may disrupt male hormone production.

This news was so shocking to the medical community that Los Angeles Medical Center ran a test to see if it could be replicated

And found the exact same result. (18)

Now don’t get me wrong…

Eating some greens isn’t a problem. But too many can be…

Never in a million years would I have thought to avoid plastic bags, mint toothpaste, and body wash to support an optimal hormone balance…

And if someone told me a while ago that eating too many vegetables might shift my T-levels in the wrong direction…

So I searched for ways to increase my greens intake without eating too many vegetables.

And the most common answer I found was to drink “greens powder” shakes… that are packed with vitamins and nutrients to maintain healthy T-levels — without all the fiber…

So I put down a large chunk of money on a popular greens supplement made for men and women.

But after chugging chalky, tasteless greens powders each morning for a month straight…

Trying to predict my mood was almost as hard as predicting lotto numbers…

Instead of feeling energized when I woke up in the morning…

I felt exhausted — like a battery that can’t hold a charge no matter how long it’s plugged into a power outlet.

So I took a closer look at the ingredients on the back of the greens powder bag…

And found out the main ingredients inside…

Were counter-productive to what I was trying desperately to achieve…

Because these ingredients could potentially increase estrogen…

For months I’d been plugging my nose, forcing down a nasty greens shake…

It was actually making me feel like LESS of the man I wanted to be.

So I scrambled through website after website — trying to find a greens powder that didn’t contain estrogenic ingredients…

But I couldn’t find ANY.

There wasn’t a single greens powder I could take in good conscience…

And certainly nothing that would help boost my T-levels.

For the first time in life…

But in the midst of it all…

To do something no one had ever done before…

And create my own greens solution for men.

That’s when I stumbled across a recipe inside an ancient ayurvedic text.

It was written down more than 6,000 years ago…

And contains herbal remedies for just about anything imaginable…

Even how to achieve optimal male hormones at practically every age. *

It’s called Ashwagandha…

And it contains a powerful alkaloid called withaferin A.

Which has androgenic properties… *

Androgens are hormones that take part in every man’s DNA.

And it’s the main ingredient inside Ashwagandha. (19)

When one consumes Ashwagandha…

It provides a nature-based dose of man-boosting hormone support… *

And it gets more exciting…

Because a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found Ashwagandha…

Because as men get older…it can be challenging to produce male hormones as quickly as in their early 20s…

But with a small “nudge” from Ashwagandha, it’s possible that any guy’s hormones may “fire on all cylinders” at any age. *

Here’s how it works — A study from the National College of Natural Medicine discovered Ashwagandha helps quickly convert “infant male hormones” into “mature male hormones”. (21)

Think of it like a time-lapse video of plants growing in nature…

Even though those videos are shot over the course of several months…

When you watch a time lapse video of a plant growing — it looks like it only takes seconds…

Ashwagandha helps convert infant male hormones into mature male hormones at something like “time lapse” speed… *

Meaning it goes faster…

Another study from Gujarat, India tested the effects of Ashwagandha on patients with higher estrogen levels… (22)

And found Ashwagandha helps support balanced estrogen activity for men…

Remember how I said higher stress hormone activity can impact hormonal balance?

Well Ashwagandha helps with that, too.

Because studies show Ashwagandha is an “adaptogen”…

Which is a fancy way of saying it supports hormonal balance in times of stress. (23) *

Even better — ashwagandha has been shown in MULTIPLE studies to help boost healthy fertility, maintain healthy cortisol, balance estrogen and uphold optimal T-levels in men… (24) (25) (26) *

It’s got true life-changing potential…

To keep guys running at “full speed” into his 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond…

With crystal clear focus and drive… fresh “get up and go” each morning… and “Superman”-like energy to run around the yard with the kids after a day of work. Plus… *

Ashwagandha keeps men “looking on the bright side”…

By supporting hormonal balance virtually that helps keep guys “cool calm and collected”… *

May help them from getting bogged down by long days at the office and things out of their control…

And helps maintain a positive attitude even in the toughest situations.*

It also supports a healthy libido and healthy libido may help keep one’s “manhood” from shrinking like a frightened turtle in the bedroom…

And while their partner’s girlfriends are talking about how their men are a “sad sack” in the bedroom…

Guys who use this ingredient can have added support to help keep the romance kindled as the years pass by. *

Guys can add support to help achieve all of this in one amazingly simple swoop with Ashwagandha. *

But as impressive as it is…

Ashwagandha is only a small piece of the huge masculinity puzzle.

There’s a handful of other nature-based ingredients…

That are almost unheard of, that are…

I’ll list all of them by the end of this letter…

But it was Ashwagandha and 8 other ingredients I’ll reveal soon…

That I ordered off Amazon or picked up at a local supplement shop…

And mixed together to see if they would really make a difference with my T-count, energy and libido…

And give me that “killer instinct” in life again.

After a few weeks of using these 9 herbs together…

I only felt a little better…

My energy levels were slightly higher…

I could go a little longer during my workouts without feeling gassed and unmotivated to be there…

I still woke up feeling tired many mornings…

Even after a full 8-hours of sleep…

I was worn out at work by early afternoon…

And I didn’t notice any real improvements in my sex drive…

So I wrote out everything I was taking on a scratch piece of paper and brought it to my doctor to see what the deal was…

And why an herb like Ashwagandha with all the studies — and the other science-backed ingredients — weren’t working for me.

He said I was going about it all wrong…

I was using cheapo store bought supplements…

And large bags of herbs online…

That weren’t potent enough to get the job done…

Because like most supplements…

There are diluted forms of ingredients… or they’re grown in mass farms with pesticides and often GMOs…

And aren’t the REAL stuff that actually makes a difference in your body.

So my doctor told me to ditch the stuff I was using at home…

And recommended a few trusted manufacturers I could go to… and get these 9 herbs in their highest quality.

At first I was pissed about it…

But I needed this to work…

So I got in touch with my doctor’s recommended manufacturers…

Hoping I could get the most out of each ingredient…

And actually experience the hormonal balance I hoped for.

It wasn’t easy to get ahold of these guys…

And even then I had to do some testing on my own to figure out the right formula for reinforcing healthy T-levels and feeling like “the man” again… *

And the only reason you’re reading this today…

Is because after almost a year of trial and error…

And battle testing these ingredients in the trenches of my own life…

And gave me the T-boost I needed… *

Helped balance my cortisol and estrogen levels… *

Dialed in my drive and supported focus… *

And helped me feel fully charged when I’d wake up in the morning…*

And virtually all day long.

The longer I took this combination of high potency ingredients…

The BETTER I felt as the months went on.

I was more productive at work…

Because my energy levels never quit on me… *

I was so driven… and had sniper-like focus that when I set out to do something… *

I even turned my side business… into a full-fledged career…

And now I get to do what I love for a living. Plus…

With this combination of herbs…

I was getting maximum results from my workouts…

Fat was falling off my body faster than ever as part of my training and exercise regimen… *

And I was building muscle easier, too. *

My sex drive boomed back to life… *

And I occasionally started waking up with “morning wood”… *

Which is a sign of optimal male hormone health. *

Going for long hikes with my dog…

Fishing… hunting… weight training…

Like nothing could stop me from getting what I wanted in life.

And that’s what I want for every guy…

And starting right now, today…

Anyone can use this simple 8-second trick…

Supported by real science…

And used by thousands of other men already…

To support a boost in T-levels… help maintain healthy hormonal balance… enjoy youthful libido… and have enough energy to run circles around most guys.*

Myself and my team have left no stone unturned…

The first and only greens supplement formulated for men…

Featuring research-backed ingredients to support a boost in T-levels, sustain hormone balance, and become the most masculine version of oneself. *

Man Greens features only the highest quality ingredients in their scientifically based dosages to promote an increase in the master male hormone and support the energy and healthy libido every guy wants and needs. *

Every swig is a delicious blend of earth grown superfoods and herbs — with a natural orange zest flavor that excites the taste buds.

Every guy will love how quickly these ingredients go to work.

I already talked about ashwagandha…

And why it’s a “jack of all trades” herb that’ll help guys maintain high and healthy T-levels at any age… *

And reinforces anabolic energy and power that keeps one at their best. However… *

Don’t stop with ashwagandha…

Because there’s another ingredient that…

It’s called Tongkat Ali and studies suggest it helps boost energy and support optimal T-levels in most men…

Which translates to an improved quality of life, sexual health, and more passion inside and outside the bedroom.

A 2012 study from Malaysia tested the effects of Tongkat Ali or placebo on 109 men ages 30-55 years old…

They used a Quality of Life questionnaire and Sexual Well-Being tests to determine the effectiveness…

And at the end of the study…

The Tongkat Ali group had higher scores in the overall Erectile Function…

Sexual performance increased 14%, sperm motility increased 44.4%, and semen volume increased 18.2%…

All of which are markers of optimal T-levels and sexual health.

The results were so impressive that another research team tested Tongkat Ali on men ages 40-65 years old.

They were given questionnaires to evaluate erectile function, satisfaction, sexual performance, hardness, mood, and quality of life…

The results showed those who were given Tongkat Ali saw significant improvements in their desire to initiate sex, improved blood flow and feeling overall happier and healthier.

There are a few other herbs I added into the mix that’ll help increase the effect of Man Greens…

One of them is called Maca.

It was recently re-discovered after disappearing with the collapse of the Incan Empire…

And doubles up on all the benefits I’ve mentioned so far from Ashwagandha and Horny Goat Weed. For example…

One study from Forli, Italy found…

An aphrodisiac is a food or herb that helps increase sexual desire… *

And that’s exactly what Maca does.

Like Ashwagandha… a 2012 study revealed Maca is also an adaptogen…

It helps combat occasional stress… maintains healthy cortisol levels… and sustains optimal T-levels into one’s later years. *

Plus — it’s been suggested to promote an impressive boost in sexual desire and overall mood. (31) *

On top of that — to keep energy levels consistent and reliable and boost muscle growth from workouts… multiple professional bodybuilding champions have gone to Maca for help to chisel world-class physiques… (32) *

Basically — Maca helps keep guys running like a man on fire… with plenty of gas in the gym and romantic spark in the bedroom. But… *

Just to give even more of an edge in the bedroom… *

And to help bulletproof sex drive and performance… *

I also added Beet Root Powder.

Beet Root Powder helps stimulate blood flow in the body by creating nitric oxide — which opens up the blood vessels so blood, oxygen and nutrients travel with ease… *

Much like Horny Goat Weed. (33)

And with Maca… Beet Root Powder… and Horny Goat Weed combined together…

Those 4 ingredients alone are enough to support and help preserve T-levels… energy… healthy libido… and more… while keeping other hormones locked-in to the right balance.*

I want Man Greens to be like a military base for male hormones…

Stuffed full of ingredients that reinforce T-levels…*

That’s why I added MORE ingredients to Man Greens.

The next one is Forskolin.

Forskolin is found in an Indian plant called forskohlii…

And it’s making waves in the men’s health industry…

Because a study from Berlin, Germany found Forskolin supports increased cyclic AMP in cells and tissues… (34) *

Cyclic AMP is a messenger that transports biological signals between male hormones and cells in the body…

Which naturally helps support the sensitivity and amount of anabolic hormones the body produces… and preserves T health.*

A study from Baylor College of Medicine found Forskolin increases androgen receptors in the body… (35) *

Meaning male hormones may have better success attaching to those receptors… *

So one can support an increase in male hormones and boost health and vitality.*

With all the ingredients I mentioned above…

Maintaining healthy hormonal balance… and boosting T-levels… is simple… *

But just to make this formula as bulletproof as possible… I added…

Spirulina — which is the “top dog” of superfoods because it contains vital nutrients… (36)

White Button Mushrooms — Organic White Button Mushrooms are an impressive superfood that help block aromatase (the conversion of testosterone to estrogen), while being filled with nutrients like vitamin D, which increases free T levels (the form of the hormone that actually works), and B12, which is rarely found in foods outside of animals.

And vitamin E and nitrates which supports nitric oxide release… (40) *

And finally, Moringa Oleifera — an ingredient from an Indian tree that has so many nutrients inside…

To support a Boost in T-levels… help maintain optimal hormonal harmony… *

And experience the support for energy and a healthy libido that makes it easy to keep up with the kids or grandkids on the playground… and her energy in the bedroom… Plus… *

With the extra boost in master male hormones — guys can feel like younger men in the gym… *

With power and drive to go longer and harder than guys younger. Plus… *

It helps guys have an easier time losing stubborn upper body fat when combined with the right training regimen and diet… *

While fitting into clothes better… and feeling confident when they strip their shirt off at the beach or in the bedroom.

With Man Greens, any guys can enjoy streamlined energy support that makes it easy to jump out of bed each morning… and doesn’t quit throughout the day…*

And because these ingredients help maintain hormonal balance… *

Any guy can prolong sniper-like focus support… unstoppable drive… and run circles around the younger guys at the office… *

With energy most guys can only dream of.

This combination of ingredients helps guys stay in charge of their life and health. I’m totally convinced…

Because every sip gives support for a natural T-boost, helps regulate hormonal balance, maintains consistent energy and a healthy libido… plus a boatload of bio-nutrients and greens all in one… and it tastes amazing. *

Normally you’d have to spend hundreds of dollars on separate supplements each month to get all that value…

But today you can get it all at once in Man Greens…

Without filling your stomach with too much fiber or other ingredients that potentially disrupt the harmony between T-levels, cortisol, estrogen, and other important hormones… *

Which adds up to HUGE savings…

And I’ll share more about how you can save big today in a moment.

You may be wondering how to get your hands on Man Greens… and how much you should take a day for maximum effect.

Take one scoop of Man Greens once per day…

To help boost T-levels, maintain healthy hormone balance, enjoy youthful libido and sustain consistent energy in seconds. *

And it’s best to get started as soon as possible today…

Because like I mentioned earlier…

With how quickly Man Greens is going viral…

And because it’s the ONLY T-boosting greens powder for men…

I couldn’t be any more excited about that…

Because it means men are taking hormone health back into their hands again…

And are refusing to let chemicals inside toothpaste, bodywash, deodorant (and dozens of other places) throw their hormones out of balance.

They’re tired of being a part of a system that praises weak men…

And are taking a stand by boosting T-levels and managing their health and life with Man Greens.

That’s why I suggest acting now before it’s too late. See…

Because we’re a small facility…

And the herbs and superfoods inside Man Greens are research-backed and the highest potency…

It isn’t cheap or easy to get our hands on these ingredients.

So keeping up with the demand is a real issue.

It’s for that reason…

And when that happens…

We could be backed up for 6 weeks or longer.

And I would hate for you to come back to this site later to see we’re out of stock.

Which is why you will want to read carefully…

And have them delivered right to your front door in the next couple of days… at a price I know you’ll appreciate.

See — my personal mission is to help as many men as I can preserve their hormone health and take control of their T-levels… so they never have to worry about their male hormones “falling off the map”…

By creating an energizing nature-based T-boosting formula that really works… and with ingredients that have the research to back it up… *

So any guy can experience streamlined vitality and excitement for life.

I wouldn’t have created Man Greens if I didn’t see a HUGE need for it…

Which is why I’m committed to bringing you the highest quality formula at its most affordable price.

Because I want to give an even bigger discount right now to guys who are serious about getting the most out of Man Greens. See…

Studies suggest that the ingredients in Man Greens work better the longer one uses them… *

And I’ve found that to be true with the hundreds of guys who’ve been using Man Greens for several months already.

Men who take Man Greens for 30 days see amazing results…

They feel energized, in a positive mood… they even occasionally wake up with “morning wood” which is a good sign for T-levels… *

It’s the men who are taking Man Greens every day for 60, 90 or 180 days straight…

That are experiencing the greatest thrill from it…

Like support for high and healthy T-levels…*

Unbreakable drive and mental clarity support…*

And energy that doesn’t quit on them at the office or when they get home and spend time with their families. *

Some guys have told me they finally feel like the man they were always meant to be after taking Man Greens for a couple months.

Myself and my team have made it a priority…

And when guys truly decide to take control of their hormonal health like never before… and take advantage of the compounding benefits of Man Greens… *

By bundling up on the 6 bag option of this cutting-edge formula…

When you order your 6 bag supply of Man Greens today…

I’ll take care of the shipping cost for you.

So the wisest decision makers…

Who want to experience the kind of T-boost that’s truly life-changing… and can help them feel like their younger selves — but better…

Will want to stock up on more.

Especially while supplies last and we’re giving away Man Greens for a BIG discount.

So don’t wait any longer…

Claim the most appealing discounted supply of Man Greens below while supplies last…

I’m serious about getting Man Greens into your hands at the most affordable price possible…

That’s because I’m passionate about helping guys help bulletproof their masculinity with support for more T, and reliable energy and a healthy libido that keeps them at their best virtually all day long… *

And I refuse to let something like money stand in the way.

But that’s not the only reason I’ll do whatever it takes for you to get your bags of Man Greens today. See…

For the last decade, I’ve taken a stand against the feminist agenda that’s making men feel like they can’t be real men anymore…

And I can’t do it on my own.

But if hundreds of thousands of guys like you join me…

And start by maintaining high T-levels and preserving optimal health with Man Greens… *

Then I know we can turn this thing around together. And society will learn to value men again.

So it’s not just about taking Man Greens and experiencing amazing results, man…

It’s also about being part of a brotherhood of men who are willing to stand up against pressure from society. And act like men again.

So here’s what to do next…

Anyone who is serious about maintaining healthy T-levels and promoting “horse power” energy and a healthy libido… *

Should choose the 3 or 6 month discounted supply of Man Greens below…

Or whatever option works best…

Just Click the “Add To Cart” button…

You’ll then be taken to a secure order form that takes just seconds to fill out…

And we will ship your order right away… and your bags of Man Greens will arrive in the next 2-5 business days.

I know making the decision to spend hard-earned money is never an easy one…

Which is why I want to take the edge off…

And back you up with my Ironclad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So anyone can take the plunge with complete peace of mind and without risking a single penny.

Let me say this as simply as I can…

I don’t believe any guy should pay a single cent unless they’re thrilled with the results.

That’s why every purchase of Man Greens is backed with my Ironclad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning you have a full year to try out Man Greens RISK-FREE.

If it doesn’t meet expectations for whatever reason…

We’ll send you the address to ship the bags…

And I will personally refund every penny. No questions asked.

You can even send the bags back if they’re completely empty…

Which means if you order the 6 bag supply today, yet aren’t satisfied after 6 months of using Man Greens…

You have a whole extra 6 months to send the bags back and get a refund.

So there really is no risk and no hassle whatsoever.

I’m confident that any guy who takes Man Greens will have an amazing experience. Just like my pals and growing tribe of thousands of Man Greens users have.

So here’s what to do right now before supplies run out…

And while this special discount and free shipping (on the 6 bag option) is still available…

Choose the supply of Man Greens that’s most appealing below to help boost T-levels and lock in “horse power” libido and energy support… *

Then click “Add To Cart”… complete the secure form on the next page…

And I’ll rush your bags of Man Greens straight to your door.

There’s nothing to lose and high-powered masculinity to gain. *

Still not sure what bundle to choose today?

Let me give one more option that’ll save time and money…

To avoid the out of stock problem I mentioned earlier.

So if you’re someone who wants to guarantee you never run out of Man Greens…

And want to save yourself time, money and have complete peace of mind that a bag of Man Greens will arrive at your door each month like clockwork…

So you never go a day without these ingredients…

When you go to our single bag option above…

And check the “subscribe and save” box…

We’ll automatically ship a bag of Man Greens every month…

And if for whatever reason you want to cancel your monthly “subscribe and save” discount…

Simply send us an email and we will cancel your order immediately… and you will not be charged another month. It’s that simple.

So if you’re still wondering if Man Greens is for you…

Option #1 is to forget all the information on this page…

Ignore the latest research on how combining this ancient tonic with other special earth grown superfoods…

Provides support for a natural T-boost, more energy, voracious libido… *

And an easy way to help “man up” and live with passion…

And choose to do nothing…

When the power to support and maintain healthy hormonal balance is here for the taking. *

Choosing this option means going through the same struggles as many other men… where T-levels become unreliable… *

Because they lack a “support system” for their hormones… that’s supposed to keep everything running as it should.*

With the formula I’m offering today, no guy has to worry about facing the natural decline in T-levels that happens every year after turning 30… *

That makes them feel like less of a man with every passing year…

But without it — I can’t make any promises.

Again the problem doesn’t have to do with working out…

It has to do with a natural hormonal decline that happens with age and by other environmental factors.

As a result fun things like beach vacations and sex will be less exciting…

Some guys even dread them…

Because that stuff’s no fun if their body isn’t as hard as they want it to be.

And I hate to think of this. But…

It’s possible their ladies will find them less attractive when all of these changes happen…

But can anyone blame her? After all — most guys wouldn’t be thrilled if their partner “let herself go” either.

She may be a good woman who tries to be supportive…

But sex becomes less frequent… and she doesn’t have the same excitement she used to…

No man ever thinks it’ll happen to him…

But it’s happening now more than ever.

C’mon, man… no guy wants that.

Because with all that going on…

And of everything one could go through… this could be the worst part…

Because there’s nothing worse for a man than feeling like he’s lost his way… and is a shell of his former self.

And these guys who pass on Man Greens will look back and kick themselves for not taking advantage of the amazing opportunity available right here and now.

I’d hate for guys to get to the end of their rope before purchasing bags of Man Greens…

I’ve seen too many guys take this option. It’s not a path to go down.

Instead… go with the next option.

Option #2 is to help boost T-levels, support increased energy and maintain youthful libido right now, today… *

Using a man-boosting supplement that’s in a league of its own — Man Greens.

Starting with the very first delicious sip of Man Greens, many men love how powerful they feel…

Because the natural androgen supporting ingredients in this herbal superfood formula… *

Accelerate the speed one’s body makes crucial male hormones on its own… *

While balancing other important hormones like cortisol and estrogen to stay at the top of their game.

Just a few sips can help any guy begin to fuel up on energy and strength… *

That makes him confident to take on any challenge. Plus…

Strut into work with a whole new air of confidence…

Because the ingredients in Man Greens support drive, motivation and unshakeable grit… *

To help tackle every task with ease… Whether it’s a huge project that’ll set one up for the next big promotion…

Or making an important decision for the future…

All doubts will be cast aside so any guy can perform at the highest level… simply because they fueled up with Man Greens when they woke up…

Plus, while everyone at the office is suffering from afternoon crash, guys who swig Man Greens in the morning will still be going strong…*

And will crank out work faster than ever before… *

Just a few sips of Man Greens unlocks an “unfair” edge over every guy at the office…

And instead enjoy the kind of clarity support every man needs to succeed.

And that’s not all… because with the natural T-boost from Man Greens, guys will get bigger and better results in the gym. *

And build muscle faster than other guys their age… *

It’s possible that even the younger guys won’t be able to keep up. Plus…

It’ll be so much easier to support losing body fat when combined with the right diet and exercise program…

Because studies show the higher T-levels a guy has… the easier it is to lose weight. (43) *

When guys who take Man Greens get home from work and the gym…

They’ll walk through the door in a great mood…

Proud of all they’ve accomplished…

And will have a clear mind… to give their partner the attention she wants… *

And she’s so impressed by his energy, positive mood and confidence that she won’t be able to help herself…

And will lead him to the bedroom to thank him for all he’s done.

And with the help of the ingredients in Man Greens — he’ll have the energy to make sure she’s satisfied.

When it’s time for lights out, he’ll sleep like a baby…

He’ll enjoy top-notch hormonal balance to stay cool, calm and collected at virtually every hour. *

When he clunks out only moments after his head hits the pillow, he’ll have support to help fall into a deep, restful sleep… *

And while he’s dreaming, his body is churning out male hormones quickly for the next day… *

When he wakes, he’ll feel excited to take on the day… and will have tons of energy to get the job done…

And he’ll chug some Man Greens and get back to it.

Isn’t that so much better than the first option?

All of this and more is available right here and now…

Completely risk-free…

Because when you buy Man Greens today, you’re backed with my 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So don’t wait any longer. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for…

All that’s left to do is…

You’ll be glad you did,

P.S. To help boost T-levels, streamline energy and reinforce a healthy libido click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with the help of higher T-levels and healthy hormonal balance. So don’t wait any longer. Select the most appealing amount of bags above and I’ll get Man Greens delivered right away. *

P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when one purchases Man Greens today. Because every purchase is backed up by my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If Man Greens doesn’t make a significant difference with your T-levels, energy and confidence, I’ll refund every penny. Just send the unopened bags back and I’ll make it right. *

What’s the difference between Man Greens and other greens supplements?

The first thing you should know is the only reason I went through the process of creating Man Greens is because there’s nothing else like it out there. If there was, I would have gladly saved myself the time and money that it took to produce it.

But Man Greens delivers what other greens powders can’t. Because it’s the first greens powder I know of that’s formulated specifically to boost men’s T-levels, and maintain optimal health. *

In all my research on greens powders, I’ve found 99% of greens powders aren’t doing any favors for your T-levels because they aren’t specifically for men—and they may contain estrogenic ingredients, low quality blends and… they taste like crap.

But Man Greens is made for men who want more. And I’m super picky on taste. So if I like the natural zesty orange flavor, I have no doubt everyone else will, too. There’s no other greens powder out there like this.

When will my order arrive?

For all Canadian orders:

1. Shipping will be through Canada Post.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped the next business day.

3. Delivery will be 1-3 business days.

1. Shipping will be through USPS.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped within 24 hours of your order being placed, Monday through Friday.

3. Delivery will be 2-8 days.

What is the refund policy?

Every order of Man Greens is backed by my 60-day 100% money back guarantee.

Meaning if there aren’t noticeable improvements to T- levels, muscle and energy… I’ll refund every penny. Even if the bag is empty.

Just contact my customer service team and ask for a refund. Then send the rest of the unopened bags back to our fulfillment company. Once they’ve received the return, I’ll promptly issue a full refund.

Note: Customers will be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping, unless the product is defective.

I see plenty of greens powders cheaper than Man Greens. Why I should I pay more for Man Greens?

Man Greens isn’t an average greens supplement that uses weak blends and estrogenic ingredients.

Not only does Man Greens skyrocket provide support to help T-levels naturally, but it also helps guys maintain hormonal balance and enjoy streamlined energy. *

Because of this, the price isn’t an issue for Man Greens. But don’t just take my word for it—compare my formula with any other greens powder on the market. I guarantee, at the time of my writing this, Man Greens is the only nature-based T-boosting greens powder available. *

Are there any hidden ingredients in Man Greens?

Lots of supplement companies hide their doses and ingredients under a “proprietary blend” which is basically just a cop-out for giving full disclosure of what’s in their greens powder. But I’m doing things differently. Because I truly believe honesty is the best policy…

Here’s exactly what’s inside every serving of Man Greens:

Ashwagandha (600mg)
Forskolin (250mg)
Maca (1.5g)
Spirulina (5g)
Beet Root Powder (1g)
White Button Mushrooms (1000mg)
Moringa Oleifera (1g)
Natural Orange Zest for flavor

Can I take Man Greens every day?

Yes. Take a dose every morning. There’s no risk. No unknown ingredients. No having to plug the nose to drink it, it tastes so good. Just chug it and enjoy an impressive T-boost in seconds.

How do I order Man Greens?

To order the finest anabolic greens formula… hit “Add To Cart”, complete the secure checkout form on the following page, and Man Greens will arrive in just a few days.

You’ll be glad you did,

P.S. To help boost T-levels, streamline energy and reinforce a healthy libido click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this greens formula for men who want to thrive in every area of life with the help of higher T-levels and healthy hormonal balance. So don’t wait any longer. Select the most appealing amount of bags above and I’ll get Man Greens delivered right away. *

P.P.S. Don’t forget. There’s nothing to lose when one purchases Man Greens today. Because every purchase is backed up by my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If Man Greens doesn’t make a significant difference with your T-levels, energy and confidence, I’ll refund every penny. Just send the unopened bags back and I’ll make it right. *

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Click here to get Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Ancient Tonic Discovered 6,092 Years Ago By “Seer Of The Gods”… Boosts T — Restores “Horse Power” Libido And Energy In Just 8 Seconds… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Volca Burn

Product Name: Volca Burn

Click here to get Volca Burn

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Volca Burn

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Are you looking to maintain a healthy weight as you age? If shedding those extra pounds and achieving lasting results has been a challenge for you, we have a solution that can help. Introducing Volca Burn, a supplement that supports metabolism and can help you in your efforts to manage your weight.

The role of UCP-1 in weight control

As we age, a crucial protein known as UCP-1 naturally becomes less active in our bodies. This protein plays an important role in regulating our metabolism and promoting fat burning. Recent research, including a 2019 study conducted by the University of Verona, Italy1, has shown that UCP-1 activation significantly declines after age 30.

Imagine if the mechanic responsible for keeping your metabolism running smoothly suddenly started taking random vacations. During those breaks, your body tends to hold on to the food you eat and store it as fat in your white fat cells, rather than using it for energy.

Consistent with these findings, renowned institutions such as the University of Rio Grande in Brazil and studies published in the Journal of Lipid Research have observed a similar pattern. Overweight individuals have been found to have significantly lower levels of UCP-1 activity compared to those of normal weight, with a decrease of up to 50%2.

This revelation highlights the importance of addressing the diminished activity of “mechanical protein” and finding a solution to reactivate its potential. That’s why we’re excited to introduce Volca Burn, a cutting-edge metabolic supplement designed to activate UCP-1 and help you achieve your weight loss goals.

At Volca Burn, we understand the frustration of battling weight gain and the challenges of shedding those extra pounds. Our product stands out from ordinary weight loss supplements thanks to its unique mechanism of action.

It is important to note that individual results may vary and weight loss is influenced by a variety of factors, including diet and exercise. However, by harnessing the power of UCP-1, Volca Burn aims to enhance the body’s ability to burn fat and support sustainable weight loss.

Unlocking the potential of UCP-1 for weight control

Volca Burn is not your average weight loss supplement. It stands out for its unique approach. Our product is specifically formulated to support the activity of the “mechanical protein” UCP-1, which may have the potential to positively influence your weight management process. With its 3-in-1 effect, Volca Burn offers a solution that can contribute to your goals.

Imagine being able to enjoy your favorite foods without constantly worrying about their impact on your waistline. With Volca Burn, this can become a reality. Our advanced formula targets specific cells involved in fat storage and aims to support their transformation. Through a process called adipocyte browning, white adipose tissue can be converted into metabolically active beige or brown fat. This transformation can enhance your body’s ability to burn fat while allowing you to indulge in your favorite foods guilt-free and potentially achieve a slimmer waistline.

Scientific research suggests that UCP-1 activation may promote the browning of white adipose tissue, which could result in a reduction in body weight and fat mass3. By supporting UCP-1 activity, Volca Burn may help transform fat-storing cells, which could support sustainable weight management.

Dealing with stubborn fat can be frustrating on your path to weight management. By potentially supporting UCP-1 activity, our supplement can contribute to increasing your body’s internal core temperature, which can trigger a process known as thermogenesis.

Thermogenesis refers to the production of heat within the body, which potentially triggers the burning of stored fat. Through this mechanism, Volca Burn can help target stubborn, deep-seated fat from various parts of your body. Scientific studies have indicated that the activation of UCP-1 can promote thermogenesis and enhance fat burning4. By potentially harnessing the power of thermogenesis, Volca Burn can assist your body’s natural fat-burning processes.

Maintaining weight loss and avoiding rebound effects can be a challenge. However, with Volca Burn, you can give your metabolism a boost, which could lead to long-lasting weight management results. By potentially speeding up your metabolism, Volca Burn can help you burn calories more efficiently, which could make it easier for you to maintain a healthy weight without the risk of rebound effects.

Choose a sustainable approach to weight management

Avoid settling for temporary solutions or ineffective methods. Consider Volca Burn as a possible tool to support your weight management process. It is important to note that individual results may vary and Volca Burn should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise for optimal benefits.

Experience the potential of Volca Burn and discover how it can help you on your path to a healthier weight and improved well-being. Remember that it is essential to prioritize your overall well-being and take a holistic approach to weight management.

Don’t wait any longer to take control of your weight management goals. Try Volca Burn and unleash the potential of your body’s natural processes. Start your journey to a healthier life today.

Here’s the trick: the more you buy, the more you save! So, if you’re looking to optimize your weight loss process and keep losing weight, go for the 3 or 6 bottle option.

But wait, there’s more! Volca Burn is not your average daily supplement. To truly see maximum results, it is recommended to take one serving before each high to moderate carbohydrate meal or snack.

So, stock up on your bottles of Volca Burn today to ensure you are on the path to sustainable, long-term weight loss success.

To ensure maximum quality and potency, Volca Burn is manufactured in small batches. Therefore, Volca Burn is not sold in stores and must be purchased directly from us.

We are so confident in the effectiveness of Volca Burn that we offer a full money back guarantee. If you do not experience weight loss, reduced appetite and improved emotional well-being within 365 days, simply return the product for a full refund, no questions asked. Don’t wait any longer to achieve your weight loss goals, try Volca Burn today!

To get started, simply select how many bottles you want below, then on the next page, enter your email address and the address you’d like us to ship Volca Burn to, followed by your payment information. Your information is protected by 256-bit encryption, so you don’t have to worry. We’ll send you a confirmation email to let you know when your order has shipped, and we’ll be here for you every step of the way if you have any questions or concerns, before and after you’ve received Volca Burn. And don’t forget about our ironclad 180-day money-back guarantee. Simply select how many bottles you’d like to get started.

We know you’re going to love it!

Here’s to you and your happy and healthy future!

For product support, please contact the supplier HERE.

For assistance with your orders, please contact ClickBank HERE.

© copyright . all rights reserved.

The testimonials, case studies and examples found on this page are results sent to us by users of Volca Burn products and related products and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician before using our products.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered company of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Click here to get Volca Burn

at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Volca Burn

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

Product Name: Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

Click here to get Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Designed to help maintain healthy body function, it promotes proper functioning of the pineal gland and supports energy levels.

A recent Harvard University study linked fluoride in drinking water to lower IQs in children1, and so did 19 other studies, but this is just the beginning… Fluoride and other toxic chemicals in our drinking water, our food, and even the air are linked to all sorts of other problems with our bodies and can cause damage to our internal organs.

It turns out that these toxins are strongly attracted to the pineal gland, also known as the third eye, and many people believe that if this organ is damaged, its ability to manifest will not be possible.

Awaken XT is unlike anything you’ve ever tried before… it’s based on a closely guarded formula that is said to be able to boost your pineal gland, potentially helping you open up to the possibility of connecting with the Universe and potentially creating unlimited wealth and abundance. With its unique combination of extremely hard-to-find ingredients, Awaken XT helps maintain the healthy functioning of your pineal gland, as well as the other organs in your body. Once you try Awaken XT, your life will never be the same as you experience all the blessings the Universe has to offer you.

A unique and rare blend of ingredients mentioned by the ancients to stimulate the pineal gland and open you to manifestation.

A powerful extract that has been used by ancient healers for millennia due to its extraordinary benefits…

Chlorella comes from one of the most spiritually active water sources on the planet!

A sacred fruit that is like a booster of your manifestation abilities… and promotes melanin production…

Designed to harmonize the energy waves around your body.

Old World turmeric is the wonder spice that has a healing lineage dating back to 900 BC.

Burdock has been notably used for centuries in traditional medicine for its ability to help the body naturally dissipate toxins…

It helps regulate sleep and also conducts, absorbs and dissipates EMF radiation from the body.

This audio is designed to stimulate the pineal gland and help you awaken the psychic gifts that reside within you. Enhanced intuition, lucid dreaming, and much more are within your reach.

You will be mesmerized by the tranquil soundscape as you listen to positive affirmations designed to program your subconscious to eliminate your self-limiting negative beliefs.

Your order today is covered by our 365-day 100% money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results, write to us at any time during the next 365 days and we will refund every last cent.

Awaken XT contains nine powerful natural ingredients that have been perfectly combined to support a healthy pineal gland, well into old age, resisting any external threat or attack that may compromise its normal functioning.

If you had asked me this question 10 years ago, I would have said for people who are already interested in manifestation and spirituality. But now, with more and more people seeking greater meaning, purpose, and abundance in their lives, I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their manifestation powers, regardless of their spiritual background.

All ingredients within Awaken XT have been constantly tested to ensure purity and ensure they are free of toxins and contaminants.

With over 160,000 customers, we have not observed any noticeable side effects. Therefore, we can safely say that Awaken XT is one of the purest pineal gland support formulas you will find on the market.

As always, if you currently have a medical condition or are taking other prescription medication, we recommend showing a bottle of Awaken XT to your doctor before taking it, just for peace of mind.

We recommend taking two capsules a day, preferably in the morning. You can take each capsule straight or with tea, coffee, juice, or any other beverage you like. Just make sure to shake the bottle well first, so the ingredients combine into an extra-potent blend.

The more results we see, the more convinced we are that Awaken XT has the power to fully support pineal gland health and help open you up to manifestation. However, it is true that nothing works for 100% of people who try it, as every body works in its own way.

That’s why every bottle of Awaken XT comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with the results, you can return any unused product and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

It’s easy! Simply click the button below and you’ll be taken to our secure payment page. Enter your information and we’ll begin shipping Awaken XT straight to your doorstep.

For technical support on the product, please contact the supplier here

For order assistance, please contact ClickBank here

Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician about any lifestyle changes you make and discuss them with him or her. If you have questions or concerns about any medical condition you may have, please contact your physician.

The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician before using our products.

The content of the website and the product for sale are based on the opinion of the author and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should conduct your own research and confirm information with other sources when seeking information on health topics and always review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or the product sold here.

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 South Entertainment Ave, Suite 410, Boise, Idaho, 83709, USA and is used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*For international shipments (outside the United States), shipping charges will apply. Read more here.

Click here to get Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Awaken XT – Happiness and Abundance

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command

Product Name: Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command

Click here to get Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Ejaculation By Command By Lloyd Lester – Ejaculation By Command is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Is a small, stucco-coated two-story Spanish style mansion…Situated on an oversized lot, it doesn’t look like much on the outside… But this particular mansion holds a secret that you would never suspect just by looking at it.Because once a month dozens of the most beautiful, sultry, and desirable women from all over Southern California flock to its front doors…For a private, invitation-only gathering that none of the participants would ever admit to attending outside of its walls…And these women are NOT coming in search of fortune or fame either… they’re coming for a dose of mind-warping pleasure so intense…It leaves them shaking, breathless and convulsing… barely able to walk or move… addicted to a rare kind of orgasmic release they never even knew was possible.Because the men who host these hush-hush soirees are not just rich and powerful… they have a secret.A secret that gives them the power to enjoy controlled, lasting pleasure and the ability to climax on command…

So they can last as long as they want, whenever they want… even though most of them are well into their 50s.

…Even the coldest, most conservative, or stubborn woman can be converted into a rabid nymphomaniac on the spot.And today, right here on this page you’re going to discover their secret for yourself.By the time you’re finished reading this, you’re going to have the power to control exactly how long you last every single time you have sex…You’ll have such precision control over both your pleasure and hers that whether you want to last 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or even well over an hour…You’ll have the power to do it…Every time…On commandAnd the best part is… you’ll be able to accomplish all of this…Without ever needing pills, pumps, delay creams or special numbing condoms…Or relying on so-called “porn star tricks” that only work for genetically gifted guys in their sexual prime.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

And before you assume that what I’m about to share involves thinking about your naked grandma, or spending hours exercising your PC muscles or Pelvic Floor muscles…Think again.Because this is completely different from anything you’ve ever seen or heard…It allows any guy to tap into a natural reflex right inside of your own brain to throttle your arousal up and down almost like turning a knob…So whenever you feel like you can’t hold back… you can simply dial back your arousal and keep going.Gifting your woman with such incredible, eye-rolling pleasure…

It can make her chemically addicted to having sex with you.And completely ruin her for any other man she’s ever been with… or ever could be with.I’ll share this technique with you and the crazy story about how I discovered it in just a minute…But before I do that…I think that a proper introduction is in order.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

I’ve personally helped over 23,405 men get raging-hard erections, have wild, wall-quaking sex for hours, and give women body-seizing orgasms night after hot, sweaty night…My sought-after advice has been featured by other popular sex education websites like LoveAndSexAnswers.comAnd my content and training are trusted by experts in the sexual wellness space – such as Susan Bratton, Alex Allman, Gabrielle Moore, Adam Armstrong, Jack Grave and many more.And really that’s just for starters.But I’m not here to brag about my connections and tell you how many world-class experts endorse my training…In fact, just a few years ago I was the LAST GUY you would have thought would have made a website like this.I was so bad at sex that my wife actually laughed in my face on our anniversary night…Things were so bad she was in talks with a divorce attorney and had one foot out the door in our marriage.If you looked up “limp dicked sexual loser” in the dictionary… you would have seen my picture.It probably sounds odd that I would admit something like this to a total stranger and to be honest…

It’s not exactly a story I’m proud to tell.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and bare my soul to the world because I haven’t just seen my own sex life and marriage resurrected from the dead…I’ve seen it happen for 1,000s of guys from practically every continent on the planet.Now, I realize that’s a big promise… and I’m sure you’ve heard promises like this before and been disappointed…So I want to introduce you to a couple of other budding studs who’ve already used this secret to gain almost supernatural sexual stamina and gift their women with body-quaking orgasms.

“I’m a natural skeptic so when I first heard about this ‘Hollywood Sex Secret’ I thought it would be another scam with no substance. But my curiosity was burning so I decided to try it. Trying just one part of your method I was able to satisfy my woman all night. Thanks for this.”

Blair C. wrote and told me:

“Normally I’m skeptical about endorsement letters that praise a product or service too highly, but I can honestly say to you that your advice has saved my marriage, and has led to the best sex we’ve ever had (including the four extra times during the remainder of that evening!)”

Finally Wayne wrote in and said:

“I’m seeing a massive improvement already. I can’t believe how quickly things have started to change. I always thought this was a problem I’m going to be stuck with. I feel a lot more confident now. Thanks again for the quick cure!”

Now these are just a few of the 1,000s of guys that send me testimonials just like this every single day…They didn’t want their faces or full names to be shared for obvious reasons but I personally verify every testimonial and keep a copy in my office according to FTC guideline CFR 255.Just so you know I’m not blowing smoke up your “you know what…”Now you might be wondering how I went from being so bad in the sack that my wife was in talks with a divorce attorney…To gaining almost supernatural sexual staying power and lighting up my woman’s world with legendary orgasms that make her see stars on a nightly basis.

And it all started on the night of my 7th wedding anniversary when…

Like most couples past the Honeymoon phase of the relationship… The passion between my wife and I had started to fade.Slowly at first… then faster and faster until we were barely getting it on at all…I thought at the time it was the normal stuff – work, stress, and hectic schedules… the kind of excuses that everyone uses to justify their less-than-satisfying sex life.But little did I know it was actually my own performance that was to blame.It’s a bit embarrassing for me to admit this now but I was never exactly a “marathon man” in the bedroom.It was easy for me to get overly aroused and let any kind of friction from straight sex to oral set me off in less than a minute.For a while I was able to recover and come back for a second round but after a while that started to become a problem for me too.Now, the worst part of giving a woman a less-than-standing-ovation performance in the sack…Is that she will almost NEVER tell you.Women are instinctively programmed to avoid confrontation about this sort of thing.The last thing a woman wants to do is awkwardly tell you how lame you are in bed and then deal with your wounded ego afterwards…So the pattern continued and pretty soon… It went from my wife “feeling tired” or “having a headache” most nights of the week…To the point where we were only doing the deed on special occasions…Which brings me to the night of our 7th wedding anniversary.After a romantic dinner for two at an upscale seafood restaurant downtown and a few glasses of bubbly we were both in the mood.Back in our bedroom my wife and I started making out as the passion began to heat up…Just then she stopped me to sneak into the bathroom and “slip into something more comfortable.”As she fiddled around in the bathroom I downed another glass of champagne and geared up for a night of hot loving.Just as I was finishing the last gulp of champagne I saw her…Arched underneath the doorway of our bedroom in a red teddy that left very little to the imagination.Her hip jutted out just slightly, drawing attention to her sumptuous curves and seductive sinews…

She crawled into bed and we started to kiss each other passionately as I tore off her lingerie.

But after less than a minute of action… it was all over.I got so excited that despite my best efforts to slow down and keep things going… I just couldn’t “keep the wolves at bay” so to speak.I felt myself reaching that point of no return as my body wanted to release the pressure that had been building up…So I started to think about my favorite football team and even made a move to change positions to something I read that would make me feel less sensation.But I think we both know, those things never work.And after about 2 minutes…I just couldn’t help myself…I sputtered out a quick orgasm and rolled over.And that’s when it happened.I actually heard my wife laugh.

It wasn’t a howling kind of laughter, but it was audible… the sort of thing that seemed to come out of her accidentally.“What’s so funny?” I said.“Nothing…” she said back.She rolled over and poured herself a glass of bubbly that was still on ice on the nightstand and started chugging away so she could avoid having to say more about it…And I felt a red current of embarrassment rush up my body and into my face…I just left the conversation alone because I was too embarrassed and proud to confront her about it.But I knew that her snickering had something to do with my “two-pump chump” effort. And after that night…

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

Not only did we barely touch each other… We barely spoke.I started to realize that what happened on our anniversary night was a build-up of some feelings my wife had been having for some time.And as bad as that was… things were about to get even worse.Just a few short months after the embarrassing “anniversary night” disaster…A slow day at the office brought me home about an hour early.My wife was out in the garden and left her smartphone on the kitchen table…As I poured myself a glass of iced-tea I heard her phone buzzing over and over again.My wife had given me the PIN to her phone just in case there was ever an emergency…I know I shouldn’t have been prying… but her withdrawn behavior started to make me suspicious.I guess I justified it to myself by thinking “this could be an emergency or something.”When I got into her phone I noticed that her text app was BLOWING UP!Her sister and her had a long thread going on… sending messages back and forth to each other.What I read made me feel like I got kicked so hard in the groin my testicles were forced up into my throat.She was talking to her sister about my embarrassing stamina problems in the bedroom…How this was affecting our sex life and our marriage.

And how she felt totally neglected and abandoned because of it…I honestly was shocked.

But the worst part was what my wife had said last:

“I even talked to a divorce attorney last week… just to review how things would go if I did decide to separate…Basically it seems straightforward… since we don’t have kids yet it wouldn’t be too messy, and he even thinks I would get the house.I don’t want to go this route, I still care about Lloyd but a girl has needs and I still have lots of good years left in me…”

I put the phone down in shock…My stomach turned and I felt the blood draining from my face as I slumped onto the living room sofa.I had already started to suspect that my performance in the bedroom wasn’t leaving my wife satisfied… but I had no idea just how bad it had gotten.That night I tossed and turned… barely sleeping a wink.A million scenarios whirled in my mind and I couldn’t help but return over and over to one single thought…

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur to be honest…I was so depressed at the thought that my marriage was falling apart that I started to wander into random bars after work instead of going home.Because of the hurt, anger and shame I felt… I didn’t think I’d be able to face my wife without unloading on her about the text conversation I saw…Then one Friday afternoon…I ended up wandering into an upscale cocktail lounge in a luxury boutique hotel…At the time… it just seemed like a classy place to drown my sorrows.I sat down in a comfy leather armchair and gave my drink order to a very sexy cocktail waitress…After my 3rd drink in a row I was pretty buzzed and some of the pain was blunted enough for me to survey the room…It was pretty typical of what you’d see on a Friday night at a high-end lounge.The place was packed with attractive women, all wearing different colors of slinky cocktail dresses and carrying around designer purses…Some looked like sexy, well-kept divorcees sculpted by plastic surgery and bronzed with artificial tans…And some were beautiful, young women who looked to be trolling for rich husbands and boyfriends…Most of the men were impeccably dressed in designer suits that cost more than my car…

But out of the corner of my eye… I caught something that seemed out of place.A guy in his late 40s wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt, tattered jeans, and box-store sandals standing just outside the patio door of the lounge…He looked more like the kind of guy that slept at a homeless shelter than belonged in a high-end cocktail lounge like this.But he was talking with two gorgeous-looking women who giggled at everything he said.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

He leaned into a pretty brunette and whispered something in her ear slipping what looked to be a room key into her purse…The other girl, a sumptuous blonde that looked like a fashion model pinched him on the butt and leaned into him to whisper something in his ear.

After that they both strolled in catwalk fashion, trying hard to seize his attention with their swaying hips, and sat down at the bar in his eye-line like they were waiting on him.I even saw my sexy cocktail waitress bring him free drinks while she flirted with him shamelessly…

It was like nothing I had ever seen.When my waitress came over to refresh my drink I asked her “say, who is that guy over there on the patio?”She looked over and then back at me and said “oh, that’s just Ted…”“He comes in here from time to time…”Then she paused as her eyes glazed over for a while like she was recalling something magical.“He’s…well, he’s really something else.”As she was telling me this… …Her cheeks got flush, her pupils swelled to the size of dinner plates and I could see the skin around her neck and chest turn crimson red…There was something about this guy that had a POWERFUL affect on women.

So after the free gin and tonic had caught up to him and he headed to the men’s room…

I seized the opportunity and followed.

I crept up to the stall next to him… trying to figure out how to start a conversation.

Finally I just blurted out “hey, ahhh Ted?”“Yeah,” he answered… “How do you know my name?”“Ummmm… well I was… ahhh…”

He interrupted “Look, if you’re from Playboy magazine I’m going to tell you what I told the last guy…”“I’m not interested in giving any interviews… even anonymous ones.”“No, I’m not a reporter and I’m not here from any magazine…” I responded.He looked me in the eyes intensely like he wanted to punch me in the face but let up because I think he saw the desperation in my eyes.It gave me a window of opportunity to explain myself… I gave him the elevator speech version of my story… how my sex life with my wife had gone frigid and how she had one foot out the door in our marriage.I admit it was a little weird laying all of this on a guy I had just met 5 minutes before but to my surprise… Ted actually listened to me.

Because Ted was about to share something with me that completely changed my sex life forever…

And it will do the same thing for you too.

“Look Lloyd, I’m gonna be honest… tonight isn’t a good night for me. I’ve got plans but if you’re willing to meet tomorrow around 4 PM…I’ll make sure that you can make your wife orgasm so hard she forgets her first name.”

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

See, this unassuming guy Ted I’d just met had actually had a pretty successful career working for a Movie Studio in Hollywood.He started out doing menial, administration work for one of the senior executives that he just called “Mr. Mogul.”In his 18-year career… Ted worked his way up from administrative intern all the way to Junior Executive.

It turns out that Mr. Mogul and an inner circle of a dozen Hollywood elite hosted hush-hush soirees once per month at a reclusive mansion in Santa Monica…Ted recalled the first time he went to one of their events…A private car picked him up and brought him to the gates of a Spanish-style mansion that looked a little run-down from the outside.But once inside… the character of the site changed quickly.High ceilings and grey marble floors stretched out to a set of oversized French doors where a patio gave way to a heated pool and a breathtaking view of the mountains…And every direction you looked… some of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen were circling about and mingling with the Hollywood elites.The next thing Ted saw, however, really blew his mind…Mr. Mogul ascending the staircase with 3 beautiful women on his arm all eagerly pawing at him and giggling with anticipation…He then noticed another older gentleman in a tuxedo do the same with two other partygoers.The pattern continued… as each of the men paired off with no fewer than two of the women.Finally a lovely blonde and a pretty red-head approached Ted and introduced themselves… Just then Ted heard a deep voice behind him say…“Sorry ladies, this one’s new and isn’t ready yet.”Ted turned around to see a tall man who appeared to be in his mid 50s who introduced himself simply as “The Professor.”And that’s when he discovered…

You see The Professor Ted met was just that…A professor and researcher in the field of neuroscience at a local southern California university…As Ted explained, all the guys in the “secret society” first had to get training from The Professor before they could “reap the benefits” of membership.It turns out The Professor specialized in something that scientists call “Neurochemical feedback.”Basically, it’s a way to train your body and your nervous system to respond to stimulation in novel ways.See, all the sexy women that came to these orgiastic parties weren’t just coming to hob nob with Hollywood power brokers…They came because once these men were trained in The Professor’s cutting-edge science of Neurochemical Feedback methods…

They had the ability to tap directly into their brain’s own pleasure networks, lasting as long as they wanted and delaying orgasm by up to 60 minutes…Plus their training gave them certain simple techniques they could use on their partners and lower what’s known as the “pleasure threshold.”Look, men and women aren’t wired the same when it comes to sex…Men are wired to become aroused more easily so it’s naturally harder for us guys to hold back when we’re really turned on.Women, on the other hand, have a much higher threshold for arousal, which means it takes them longer to reach an orgasm…So if you’re struggling right now to last long enough to “deliver the goods” to your lady…

It’s 100% Not Your Fault…

But as Ted was about to find out…

Once a guy was trained in The Professor’s techniques, he gains the power to not only lower the pleasure barrier for any lady he chooses…But to raise it in himself all totally on command…

To not just naturally last longer and even recover faster after orgasm…But cause women to orgasm faster and for a much longer time than normal.

Ted was able to see the power of these methods with his own eyes… Watching these guys in their 50s and 60s satisfy multiple women decades younger than themselves at the same time… In fact the women experienced such incredible sexual pleasure that they actually became chemically addicted to it…And while most of them originally came to these parties for the promise of advancing their careers…

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

After he shared his story with me… Ted started teaching me the first and most basic technique called “The Marathon Man Method.”This technique lets you tap into a powerful chemical your brain produces naturally called serotonin with a simple exercise you can learn in just minutes…Serotonin is the master chemical in your brain that controls how long you last before you finally climax.Learning to throttle your serotonin up and down is a powerful way to add extra staying power… So I practiced the technique Ted taught me for just a few days and then came the night that changed everything for me…My wife was looking real cute in a pair of jean shorts and a white top and some kind of unnatural hunger sprung up inside of me.I was feeling really powerful and confident because of the new technique I’d learned so getting my wife in the mood was way easier than normal…And after making out for a few minutes we didn’t even make it to the bedroom… I took her right then and there on the living room sofa.As soon as she was naked and underneath me I started noticing the familiar feeling of “over arousal” that I had before…

But I just applied the “Marathon Man Method” and felt myself instantly throttling back the arousal…The sex wasn’t less pleasurable… I was just more easily able to control how excited I got…So I could turn down my arousal to a slightly less intense level and keep enjoying myself without going too far.The best feeling was when I felt my wife seize beneath me as a thunderous orgasm rocked her body…She looked back at me with glazed eyes and said something I had never heard her say after we were done making love.

As great as it felt to please my wife so completely, that was just the beginning of what I learned from Ted.We continued to meet over the next few weeks and he would share some more of the techniques just as The Professor taught him…One technique he called The Pleasure Multiplier, which was a simple way that I could use the neurochemical feedback training to tap into my wife’s arousal mechanism…It gave me the power to ratchet up her arousal so high… She would orgasm before I could even enter her…Another technique he called The Boomerang let me recover within 30 seconds of orgasm so I could immediately go another round…It even let me do this as many times in a row as my body can handle.At first I was like a kid in the candy store, going again and again up to a half-dozen times in a single night.And I was giving my wife such intense orgasms that she couldn’t contain herself.One night, I heard the doorbell ring and saw a police officer standing at the door…Apparently, one of the neighbors heard my wife’s orgasmic screams and thought someone was in trouble.I still remember the look on his face when my wife came to the door in her bathrobe, her hair wildly strewn about, and her face red as a ripe apple…Telling him she was fine and to give a woman and her husband some privacy in their own home…Then dragging me back to the bedroom so I could finish what I started.

Over the course of the next few weeks my sex life continued to get better and better.Not only did I completely eliminate my premature ejaculation, and give myself the ability to go round after round…My wife totally loved the way I was able to rev her into overdrive on command using the simple neurochemical feedback  tricks that I discovered.And everything was going great until one of my coworkers, Jim confided something to me over lunch.See, Jim had gone through a divorce a few years back and had finally met a girl that he really liked…The only problem was she was 10 years younger than him and he was nervous he wouldn’t have the stamina to keep up.Now, a big part of me wanted to point him to Ted so he could teach him the neurochemical feedback techniques he taught me…But I remembered about the second of his “non-negotiable demands” when he agreed to share the secrets with me…“You must promise not to share my identity with anyone.”And since Ted basically saved my sex life and marriage, the last thing I wanted to do was betray him.So I shot him a text and asked him if we could meet for a drink because I needed to ask him something important.He agreed and when we met up I asked him…“Hey, so there’s a guy that I work with that’s having a tough time with a younger lady he met…”“This guy has really been through the ringer and I was hoping you’d give the okay for me to give him your number so you can help him like you helped me.”He looked at me straight in the eyes and said:“Lloyd, I’ve been teaching guys like you for nearly a decade… And in all that time I’ve only shared these secrets in private… with guys like you 1-on-1 who’ve paid me 4 figures to reveal them.I’ve been asked by editors of mainstream magazines like Maxim and Playboy to do interviews and share my story…But I’ve always felt a responsibility to only share them with guys who are truly deserving…”“But…” he continued, “I’ve decided to retire.”“I’m ready to spend the rest of my days living the beach life in Colombia…”“So Lloyd, you’re my last client.”“But if you think this friend of yours needs the neurochemical feedback tricks… you have my blessing to share them.”Ted left the next day and I never saw him again.But three days later I went and taught Jim what he had shared with me…And Jim of course got the same results that I did and ended up spilling the beans to a neighbor in his condo complex when his new girlfriend kept him up all night with her primal screams of orgasmic release.So this other guy came to me asking for the tricks too…Well, after this… word started to spread fast and one thing led to another and pretty soon…

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

“Lloyd I can’t thank you enough for the techniques you shared with me. You probably just saved my and relationship of over 7 years with my fiancée. I was really leery of paying your fees but I was willing to do anything to prove that I’m still the man she fell in love with because she meant so much to me.Now, I’m so glad I discovered these techniques because we’re like horny teenagers again and she’s tapped into a new level of sexual pleasure she never knew possible. Thanks a million.”

That came in from Ben, he’s a guy I trained who was from Dayton, Ohio.

Then there was this one that came in from Donny…He says:

“After only 2 sessions the results are astonishing. First session I went over 15 minutes. Second session I lasted 30 minutes. Even after I ejaculated I was still rock hard! Thanks for this.”

And I can’t wait to tell you about Regan who said this:

“After just one week my stamina has gone through the roof. Absolutely no problem lasting as long as my girlfriend. Also, sex has always been associated with anxiety for me and with your techniques, I find it’s gone down a ton. It’s so much easier to stay in the moment and I can now enjoy my beautiful girlfriend. Thanks Lloyd!”

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

It was after that I started to realize the true impact of these techniques…And I could see that not letting as many guys as possible discover and use them for themselves was selfish.So I decided to sit down, organize all of the neurochemical feedback techniques together …And boil them down into one easy-to-use system explained in plain simple language that any guy could learn right in the privacy of his own home.After great effort and lots of sleepless nights of tinkering with my magnum opus to get everything just right…I finally put together something I felt good enough about to put my name on…

If you want to be a sexual god among mere mortals…Today is your day to make it happen.Ejaculation By Command is the only sexual stamina method available that leverages the power of “neurochemical feedback”…So you are in total control of your body’s pleasure response… and can go for as long as you want, every single time.Most guys who do this report being able to last a MINIMUM of 20 minutes longer the first time they try it out.It won’t just give you epic staying power and light-speed recovery time…It will automatically allow you to naturally tap into the very pleasure network both in your brain…And hers…Letting both of you enjoy sheet-tearing, transcendent sexual pleasure for as long as you want, whenever you want, for as many times as you want.And just before you start to think this is just another typical “downloadable e-book…”Think again…It’s a full-fledged, multimedia powerhouse designed to be so simple, natural and powerful…It’s nearly “done-for-you.”Ejaculation By Command is so unique… that I couldn’t deliver it in a single componentI had to create 6 different components of the system to ensure that everything you need to know is delivered in the right way…At just the right time…

Now, in the first component, which I call…

You’ll get a step-by-step way to tap into your body’s natural “neurochemical feedback” mechanism…Installing a “virtual throttle” that will give you COMPLETE control over your pleasure response…So you can naturally last as long as you want, whenever you want without ever sacrificing one morsel of pleasure for you or your partner.Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover:

And much, much more…But we’re just getting started because you’ll also be getting…

You’ll be able to listen to every, white-hot morsel of the core protocol without reading a single word.Whether you’re commuting to the office…Working out at the gym…Or if you just learn better by listening…This downloadable companion of 14 jam-packed audios in MP3 format will let you install the power of Ejaculation By Command right into your brain.

Is your ticket to instant firepower you can use TONIGHT!Use it to give your woman a sexual experience she hasn’t had since your Honeymoon phase.This is where I pull back the curtains and reveal 15 tried-and-tested tactics to give a lights-out performance in the sack and send her into a wild sexual frenzy the first night you take it for a spin.Here’s just a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

Now we’re really rolling but I really felt the need to give my clients a surefire way to hit the ground running…Which is why I’ve included…

This is a handy guide that accumulates all of the breakthrough neurochemical feedback techniques in the core system plus the key emergency tactics in one place…So all you need to do is print it out, follow along, and you can rock her world as soon as tonight.

Gives you premium lifetime updates to the program at no extra charge. I’m always improving and making both myself and my trainings the best they can possibly be.Which means that I regularly update my trainings with new research, new discoveries and new techniques as they become available…And you’ll get to benefit from that constant improvement with lifetime updates to your Ejaculation By Command training completely on the house.

Now, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone to make this program as simple and as easy-to-follow as I possibly can…But there are always people who have additional questions about how to apply the techniques or even questions about other topics related to their sex lives…Believe me, I know how difficult it can be to get good advice, so in order to go the extra mile and give you the 1-to-1 attention you need when you join the Ejaculation By Command movement today…You’ll automatically be upgraded to priority status which gives you access to a private e-mail address where you can get any and all questions answered, completely free of charge.No BS support tickets or waiting around for days in a queue… you’ll get direct, same day access to yours truly…So you’ll never be in the dark about how to apply the powerful techniques you’ll discover inside this truly unique system.

Now, if I were to stop right now… You would already possess the most powerful system on the planet to ensure that you never felt the anxiety of not lasting long enough to please your woman EVER AGAIN…In fact, Ejaculation By Command isn’t just about boosting your sexual endurance or ending your premature ejaculation…

But because you’ve given me a little bit of your valuable time, I want to reward you.So I’m going to flat out give you access to…

Your 1st gift is a nifty little training that I call:

Raunchy Sex Secrets: Transforming Your Sex Life In Wickedly Sensuous Ways

Go from dud to stud at the speed of light by supercharging your love life with these done-for-you erotic escalation techniques…Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

Female Orgasm Secrets: How To Give Women Insanely Powerful Orgasms

Discover powerful, insider secrets to give your woman the kind of orgasms that make her touch the heavens…In this meaty guide packed with high-level intel you’ll unlock:

And so much more that I don’t have time to tell you about.Because I haven’t gotten to…

Your 3rd gift, which is called:

G-Spot Orgasm Secrets: How to Stimulate Her G-Spot And Give Any Woman Intense, Full-Body Squirting Orgasms

This is a special training from my good friend, Jason Julius who’s a highly respected figure in the field of female sexuality…Inside you’ll discover:

And that’s not even scratching the surface on the value this program will deliver into your life.There’s so much more that I didn’t have time to tell you about.But since you’ve read this far…I think it’s fair to say that you’re more than just a little interested in becoming a man who can last as long as he wants.So I have to ask you…

(You’ll probably have to buy a new wardrobe because of all the clothes she’s going to tear off your body on a nightly basis.)

Buy I’ve run the numbers and with all the demand and with the huge surge of traffic we’re guaranteed to get once the word gets out on this…There’s no way I can hold the price this low past the first 500 guys.

Fill in your details using a credit or debit card on the next page.Our payment server uses the same technology as Amazon so your information is totally secure.Reserve your spot right now and get immediate access to this life-changing system at a truly special price…Give yourself 60 days to convince yourself that this unique technology will help you have the best sex of your life.Take it for a spin with that special woman in your life… If you don’t last as long as you want while still enjoying the most passionate sex you can remember…If she’s not breathless and sweaty with satisfaction…Then just e-mail me at any time within 60 days of purchase…And I will promptly and courteously refund your purchase.I’ll even let you keep the program and the life-changing bonuses just for taking them for a spin.

Either you last as long as you need and give her insane pleasure that makes her sexually addicted to you…Or you won’t pay one thin dime for this program.It’s truly a situation where you RISK NOTHING.So go ahead and take advantage right now…

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along …

You’re standing at a crossroads right now and from here on out, there are only two different paths you could travel along…

Is the path of least resistance…The path that leads you to click away from this page and ignore what you’ve just discovered.Now, if you take this path you won’t have to burden yourself with the yoke of change…But you’ll also rob both you and your lady of some of the most gratifying pleasure either of you have ever felt.And I doubt I have to tell you that continuing to disappoint your girl in bed puts your relationship at serious risk…I think we both know that you really deserve better than that.

Which I’m sure you’ll agree is the only path that makes sense…So, go ahead and reserve your spot right now in Ejaculation By Command…

Discover the power of Neurochemical Feedback to last as long as you want without sacrificing pleasure…Make your lady howl with sexual delight.Make her see the man you CAN be… the man you truly ARE deep down.The powerful, confident, masterful man that women pine for… that they secretly fantasize about when they’re alone.In just two minutes time you could be in the private member’s area giving yourself this power.So go ahead, click the order button below and get started RIGHT NOW…Lock in your bonuses before someone else snatches them up before your very eyes…Feel secure in knowing that you’re automatically covered by my iron-clad guarantee…I know you’ll make the right decision…Go ahead click the order button below and get started today!

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