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Product Name: CarboFix

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Supports healthy blood sugar

Do you know why you should sip a cup of licorice root tea at 1 pm?

Or why some of the world’s most famous celebrities sniff rosemary before bed?

Or why you should have two cups of hot black tea after a long walk?

I didn’t know any of these secrets either.

Until I spent the summer in Ecuador…

Visiting my wife’s 99-year-old grandma…

Who doesn’t look a day over 50.

In a small village called Giron.

I didn’t know what their secret was…

And looked so much younger than their age.

That in just a matter of hours…

I’d stumble upon a breakthrough that could help end the obesity epidemic in America…

Thanks to a new discovery from a team of scientists at the Salk Institute in San Diego…

That can “turn up” your metabolism on command.

Just like turning up the heat in your home…

Or the volume on your TV.

Now you can do the same thing with your metabolism.

Thanks to a little-known enzyme buried deep in your cells…

That stops the production of “new fat”…

And forces your body to burn up the fat you already have.

Anyone can do this in less than 3 seconds a day…

Whether you’re 50 years old…

Whether you’re physically active…

Or sit on the couch all day.

Just like turning on a switch.

So no matter what you eat…

…you can never lose weight.

And if you’ve tried everything…

You name it, if nothing has worked…

Then there’s something going on behind the scenes…

That’s forcing your body to desperately hang onto fat.

So please, stick with me for the next 2 minutes.

Because I’m going to share with you the shocking truth…

Of what’s really going on inside your body after you turn 50.

Along with the sneaky way your body refuses to give up your stored fat…

And what you can do in less than 3 seconds to start burning it off.

Plus, I’m going to show you all the research…

All the scientific studies…

And the words straight from a doctor’s mouth…

So you’ll have everything you need…

By the way, my name is Matt Stirling.

I studied health and fitness at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario…

I owned my own performance fitness and training studio for over 8 years…

And for the past 16 years…

I’ve trained and consulted with tens of thousands of women and men all over the world…

Using my unique yet highly effective fat-burning secrets.

Now I live with my beautiful wife Nubbia and our three lovely children…

Trying to be the best dad I can be…

My clients call me the “metabolism guy” because that’s what I’m obsessed with.

Figuring out why some people have sky high metabolisms that burn fat around the clock…

While others can gain a pound just looking at a slice of pizza.

After stumbling upon this new breakthrough scientific research…

Along with a trip to a tiny village in Ecuador…

…to visit my vibrant and energetic 99 year old grandma-in-law

Is the key to turning on your metabolism whenever you want…

In a matter of seconds…

And it works no matter what your diet is…

How little you exercise…

It’s all based on human biology…

I refer to it as your “metabolism switch”…

But the scientific name for it is AMP-activated protein kinase…

It’s the genetic master switch that controls our metabolism.

And when it’s activated…

It can speed up even the slowest metabolisms…

And help to support cardiovascular health…

According to Dr. Barry Sears, activating AMPk is the secret to a longer and better life[23].

Like air conditioning in the middle of winter…

Most of us have it turned off.

So if you have 15 or more pounds to lose…

If you have more fat around your stomach than you want…

Then it’s a clear sign your AMPk pathway isn’t working right.

All you have to do is figure out how to flick this little switch…

And everything else will fall into place.

You’ll be at the exact weight you want to be at…

You’ll fit into the perfect size jeans…

All your clothes will fit just the way you want them to…

You’ll have more than enough energy…

…to do everything you’ve always wanted to do.

Your libido will be back…

And you’ll no longer think that everyone is staring at you the moment you walk into a room.

You never have to go on a restrictive calorie-counting diet ever again…

You never have to do another second of cardio…

And you don’t have to force yourself to eat more vegetables.

Because none of those things activate AMPk.

Hopefully you can feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders…

Because you don’t have to stress about those things anymore.

Turning on the “metabolism switch” inside your body.

You can let yourself off the hook.

Because I’m going to show you exactly how to do this…

In as little as three seconds.

You can do it in the morning…

You can do it after a big carby breakfast of pancakes and waffles…

Or after your bedtime bowl of ice cream.

The more often you do it…

The better your results will be.

Because it flies in the face of everything you’ve ever known about losing fat.

AMPk is an enzyme found in our cells.

Just waiting to be turned on.

And it plays a critical role in our energy metabolism…

Which is simply the rate at which your body burns fat and calories.

Specifically, AMPk helps convert sugar and fat into energy, while decreasing hunger.

So not only are you burning more fat…

But your hunger goes down as well.

You probably felt hungry all the time.

Which is why crash diets are never sustainable.

You want to burn fat AND decrease your hunger at the same time.

That way you aren’ replying on “willpower” to say no to your favorite foods.

You simply won’t be hungry all the time…

And that’s the power of AMPk.

However, there’s one thing nearly everyone does…

That we’ve been told is “healthy” for years…

And yet, it KILLS AMPk on the spot.

When you stop doing this…

AMPk will soar like an airplane taking off from the runway.

Flooding your body and burning up the fat in its way.

Fructans are polymers of fructose (aka sugar)…

Now, this isn’t just any type of regular sugar…

Fructans are found in many “healthy” fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Fructans are a type of carbohydrate…

Made by a chain of fructose molecules strung together.

Here’s why they can be a problem…

The body is not perfect at breaking down all parts of food.

And not all humans have enough of the essential enzyme necessary to break apart the fructose polymers.

So when you eat foods high in fructans…

Your body struggles to break them down.

You get a big blood sugar spike.

Even if those fructans are found in “healthy” foods like veggies or beans.

As your blood sugar rises…

Your body has to put this sugar somewhere.

And since it’s hard for most people to break down fructans…

The fructose just gets shuttled into your fat cells.

These hidden sugars not only cause your blood sugar to spike…

It also forces your body to release insulin…

Which is your #1 fat-storing hormone.

It’s almost impossible to burn fat in the presence of insulin…

Because insulin BLOCKS AMPk.

So if you’re eating 5-6 small meals a day…

You’re blocking AMPk from being released…

Even if you’re snacking on carrot sticks…

Having a giant salad full of veggies for lunch..

Or a plant-based black bean burger for dinner…

They all BLOCK AMPk from being released, so you’re not burning any fat.

Fructans are made up of fructose polymers.

Fructose is a special type of sugar that has to be processed and stored in the liver.

Which means it can kick you out of fat-burning in seconds.

While you can store hundreds of grams of sugar in your muscles…

You can only store 30-50 grams in your liver.

If you eat more than that…

And just to be clear, the average American eats over 300 grams per day…

Because there’s no more room in your liver…

The rest just “spills over” and ends up in your fat cells.

If you fill your car up with gas…

And you just let it run…

The gas will eventually overflow and spill all over the ground.

It’s the same thing with extra fructose in your body…

Except it spills into your fat cells.

And once the extra fructose is in your fat cells…

It’s extremely difficult to get it out.

Which is why it’s so hard to lose fat as you get older.

And when you consume too much fructose…

You put your liver in an overwhelmed state…

You spike your cholesterol…

And your triglycerides…

Which means you’re going to make a tremendous amount of visceral fat.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat…

Because you can’t see it.

It’s the fat that builds up around your heart and clogs your arteries.

Have you ever gone on a diet…

Maybe you started eating a salad for lunch every day…

You cut out the fast food…

And yet, you still didn’t lose that much weight?

Or maybe you didn’t lose any at all?

Well, it turns out that a handful of “healthy” vegetables are extremely high in fructans.

Now, before I tell you what they are…

I want to be perfectly clear.

I’m not telling you to avoid all vegetables.

If you’re eating these veggies and getting great results…

It’s clearly working for you.

However, if weight loss is always an uphill battle for you…

It might be from these high sugar veggies…

That are stopping your body from burning fat.

When it comes to fructans…

The top sources are onions, cabbage, broccoli and asparagus.

And another plant-based food that tops this list are legumes and beans.

Again, if you’re eating fast food around the clock…

Then switching to these veggies would be a great first step.

But once you’re eating a relatively balanced diet…

And the fat still isn’t coming off…

Fructans and these high-sugar veggies may be to blame.

Because in the presence of fructans…

Which leaves your metabolism slow like a snail all day long.

What’s healthy for one person isn’t always healthy for someone else.

So while you’re loading up on the beets, broccoli, bananas and peas…

It could be what’s stopping you from losing inches as quickly as you’d like.

Which is why your metabolism slows down with every year that passes…

Leading to more fat build-up…

And loss of lean muscle tissue.

Have you realized how most people gain weight and get weaker into their 50’s and beyond?

If you’re consistently gaining weight…

Even if it’s just a pound or two every month…

Your body probably isn’t producing any AMPk.

It’s like trying to drive a car without any gas in the tank.

Now, let’s take this one step further so you really understand this…

Then we can talk about how to fix it.

Your body releases a substance called resistin.

Which is the perfect name…

Because it basically “resists” your body from losing weight.

Resistin blocks AMPk activity [1].

So you eat foods that are high in fructans…

Your body releases insulin and resistin…

Both insulin and resistin block AMPk from being released…

And your metabolism stays slow…

The fructose gets shuttled to your liver

And when there’s too much where the liver can’t store all of it…

It “spills over” into your fat cells.

Leading to a bigger stomach…

And when your fat cells become too large…

Weight gain increases.

But what scientists and doctors are finally starting to realize…

Is if you want to get the fat out of your cells…

It’s really as simple as flipping your AMPk switch…

And keeping it on as often as possible…

Because AMPk determines your body fat composition.

Now, you’re probably wondering…

Well, if you look at the traditional research, you’re going to be disappointed.

Because it’s the same boring advice you’ve heard over and over again.

For example, one way you can do it is through intense exercise.

In studies, rigorous exercise has been shown to activate AMPk.

But here’s the problem…

First, it only stays activated for a short amount of time.

So unless you’re doing intense exercise around the clock…

…which I wouldn’t recommend…

Then it might not make a big difference.

Plus, what I’ve found working with hundreds of women and men 50 and above…

Is that intense exercise usually does more harm than good.

It’s easier to get injured…

And it’s hard to stick with long term.

Honestly, it’s just not worth the risk.

In theory, when you eat less…

Your body is supposed to produce more AMPk.

But here’s the problem…

You can’t restrict calories for the rest of your life.

I mean, you’ve probably tried that dozens of times already…

And how has that worked out for you?

So while it’s technically supposed to help…

We all know that your body can’t survive on only a couple hundred calories a day.

Because when you’re starving every day…

And try to rely on your willpower to avoid the foods you love…

It’s only a matter of time before you crack…

And cave into the foods your body really wants.

After getting married, my wife and I went to visit her grandmother…

…who lived in the tiny village of Giron in Ecuador.

In Giron, there are no paved roads…

There isn’t even a grocery store.

They live off the land…

And make everything by hand.

When we got there, I noticed something strange.

Everyone was not only thin…

They all looked incredibly young.

In a village full of people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s…

Most of them didn’t look a day over 40.

And one morning, I followed Nubbia’s grandma on her morning routine.

And with her straw basket in hand…

She’d pick these tiny plants one by one.

I had no idea what they were.

But when she had a full basket…

We walked back to the village..

Where she’d spend hours separating the plants.

Then she’d grind them down by hand…

Take a small pinch and put it in a cup…

And pour hot water over them.

Like an honest to goodness homemade tea.

“Why are you drinking that?”, I asked.

And who could argue with her.

She’s been drinking it every morning for over 50 years.

And at 99, she’s as sharp as a tack…

She lives 100% independently on her own…

No one is caring for her…

And she looks like someone half her age.

My curiosity was running wild…

So when I got back home…

I started researching the ingredients in my grandma-in-law’s secret tea…

And I quickly realized why everyone in the village…

The first plant extract my grandma-in-law used is called Berberine.

Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several different plants [7].

It’s been tested in hundreds of different studies…

And it has a long history of being used in traditional Chinese medicine…

But the benefits go much deeper than that.

One of the main actions of berberine is to activate AMPk [8].

In a study published in the journal Diabetes, it states…

That means not only did it help with weight loss by triggering AMPk…

It can also help support blood sugar levels already in normal range.

…without the test subjects changing their diet.

You’re much more likely to stick with it.

Berberine also helps [9, 10]:

In a study of 37 women and men…

The participants took 300 mg. of berberine 3 times a day…

As a result, they dropped their body mass index (BMI) levels from 31.5 to 27.4.

They also lost belly fat…

Their waists got smaller…

They also saw an improvement in fat-regulating hormones.

Without completely overhauling your diet. 

When I came across this one…

I just assumed it was regular cinnamon.

Cinnamon bark is actually known as “true cinnamon”…

Because it’s less common…

And it’s considered to be of superior quality than regular cinnamon.

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry…

The result was a decrease in weight gain to those fed a high-fat diet.

And in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics…

Scientists report that this type of cinnamon helps support healthy insulin levels…

And reduces the accumulation of white fat [13].

This is the type of fat that “pads” your body.

The first one is Alpha lipoic acid, which increases insulin sensitivity by activating AMPk in skeletal muscle [14].

It’s also been shown to reduce body weight and increased fatty acid oxidation (aka fat-burning) [14].

An essential mineral that can increase the amount of AMPk in skeletal muscles…

Which positively impacts glucose metabolism in skeletal and heart muscles [15].

It also helps support blood sugar levels that are already in the normal range[16].

But what I found most interesting is this:

Most people who have tried to lose weight and keep it off…

…fail because of hunger and strong food cravings.

Well, in an 8-week study…

Taking 1,000 mg of chromium daily…

Reduced food intake, hunger and cravings in healthy overweight women [17].

Which is extremely powerful, just think about it…

Or the cravings just got too intense for you to ignore?

And imagine what you could do if that were no longer a problem for you?

Next on the list was Bentotiamine.

Bentotiamine is a B vitamin that can help support a healthy inflammatory response [18]…

While helping activate AMPk in the body.

And last on the list was naringin.

Naringin is really important because it’s a flavonoid that helps activate AMPk [20].

The body burns more fat at rest.

In other words, your fat-burning metabolism increases…

Even if you aren’t dieting or exercising.

Whether you’re 50 years old…

And it remains sky high…

As long as you keep the AMPk pathway open.

By snacking all the time…

Eating oatmeal for breakfast…

Munching on high-sugar veggies…

Or eating bananas, apples, or oranges…

Your body stops burning fat…

And starts shuttling sugar into your fat cells.

After researching all these different plant extracts…

I thought I finally had the recipe to end obesity as we know it. However…

Based on all the research…

If you could activate AMPk…

It would essentially “turn on” your metabolism whenever you want.

Which means your body will burn more calories and fat at rest.

And while most “experts” try to do this through intense exercise or strict diets…

Those aren’t long term solutions because they’re impossible to stick with.

But after my trip to Ecuador…

Seeing the thin youthfulness in my 99 year old grandmother-in-law…

I truly believed we could turn on your metabolism with a flick of a switch…

By using the same formula she had been using for decades.

I wanted to make it so easy and so convenient…

So after spending weeks…

Talking with suppliers and manufacturers…

I was able to source all the plant extract ingredients in bulk…

Because I was SUPER picky.

After all, the ingredients had to be:

It took months to get the formula just right…

And by the end of the year…

I had just enough in my life savings…

To get our first test batch…

That way you could just pop it in your mouth…

Like your morning vitamin…

And move on with your day.

A little over a month later…

A package arrived at my door…

I ripped open the box as fast as I could.

Took one with a big glass of water. And..

I wanted to put these plant extracts to the test…

So while I was taking them on a daily basis…

I was also eating a lot of high-carb meals.

Along with activating AMPk…

That’s the 1-2 punch that makes it so powerful.

Because if you can activate your fat-burning metabolism…

Without having to give up your favorite carbs…

While still losing weight…

So for the next few days…

I went HARD on the carbs.

Spaghetti, lasagna, breads, brownies, ice cream, you name it…

Anything I could think of.

And I didn’t gain a single ounce.

In fact, after the first 24 hours I lost a pound and a half.

And over the next 10 days…

My stomach started flattening out…

My face looked thinner…

In the first month alone…

I was down 12 pounds and two jean sizes.

I felt incredible. However…

Honestly, my results were just icing on the cake.

The true test was with my wife Nubbia…

Who after having three kids…

And twins just a few months ago…

She was determined to get her body back…

But with the twins at home…

She didn’t have time to go to the gym for an hour or two every day…

And after an 8-month pregnancy…

She didn’t want to go on some unhealthy crash diet.

But she didn’t think anything of it.

Until later than night when something amazing happened.

She was emotionally drained after a long day of taking care of the twins.

And after putting them to bed…

She went straight for the emergency ice cream in the freezer.

Every last chocolatey spoonful.

Something crazy happened.

Her stomach was already a bit flatter than it was the night before.

Remember, when AMPk is activated in your body…

It increases your fat-burning metabolism.

And the “true cinnamon” in my grandma-in-laws secret recipe…

Helps block carbs from being stored as fat.

We both looked at each other stunned.

Over the next few days…

Her cravings disappeared…

She wasn’t hungry all the time anymore…

She was consistently losing weight like clockwork…

I thought something happened to the twins…

But it wasn’t a scream of terror…

It was an excited scream of joy.

All of her pregnancy fat had disappeared.

She got all the way back down to her high school weight…

Which seemed impossible just a few months earlier.

When you activate AMPk in your body…

Your cravings and hunger go way down.

And your metabolism shoots up.

Have you ever been around someone who always said no to treats?

Maybe it was a co-worker…

Or one of your annoying “skinny friends”.

You just assume they have a lot of willpower…

Or maybe you think they don’t love food as much as you do.

They simply don’t have the same cravings, urges, and intense hunger as you…

Because when AMPk is turned on…

Those cravings just don’t exist.

You feel satisfied instead of hungry…

You feel content instead of cravings…

And since AMPk is sitting in your cells right now…

And let it do the hard work for you.

That’s what Nubbia and I did…

And we started dropping fat like crazy.

So we started giving it to all our friends and family…

None of them were very health conscious…

But they wouldn’t mind dropping a few pounds IF it was easy.

I made it clear this wasn’t some miracle formula…

Just something that helps your metabolism run like it’s supposed to…

While allowing you to eat more carbs…

…without storing them as fat.

All in their 60’s and beyond…

With more youthful energy…

Without making drastic changes to their diet.

This really could work for anyone.

To get this in the hands of as many people as possible.

I nicknamed it CarboFix…

Because it “fixes” the way your body processes carbs.

Instead of automatically storing them as fat.

Let me be honest with you…

If you want to start losing pounds fast…

If you want your jeans to slide off your hips…

If you want to get rid of the nagging fat on the back of your arms…

And the stubborn fat stuck to your thighs…

It’s the only all-natural 6-ingredient blend in the world that help activate AMPk…

…to target unexplained weight gain, excess belly fat and uncontrollable hunger.

Now you can finally indulge in your favorite carbs guilt-free…

Knowing they won’t be stored as fat.

It’s the only formula in the world that combines:

And to be 100% transparent…

Here’s the exact label on every bottle of CarboFix…

…so you can see that there are no fillers…

There are no hidden sugars…

And there are no dangerous chemicals.

It’s just 100% pure plant extracts that I’ve described in detail here today…

All backed by the latest cutting edge research to get you on track for the healthy body you deserve.

Remember, AMPk is found inside every cell…

And serves as your body’s “master regulating switch.”

It determines your body fat composition…

And how long you’ll live.

Supplementing with Berberine…

Combined with the other plant extracts we discussed today…

It also increases fat oxidation – aka fat-burning…

And decreases fat storage.

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose…

Your #1 priority is activating AMPk…

And the fact that it isn’t activated yet in your own body…

Is one of the main reasons people gain fat as they get older.

Think about how much easier it would be to lose weight…

If you didn’t have any cravings or intense hunger.

You know, the kind where you literally can’t stop yourself from giving in?

You’re standing in front of the pantry…

With a handful of cookies…

And you don’t even remember how you got there…

Or how the cookies got into your hands.

That’s how powerful cravings can be.

Yet when you naturally don’t have those cravings…

And don’t have to try and rely on willpower any longer…

Your energy goes way up…

And the fat starts coming off.

Because now you have AMPk activated…

So your body is naturally burning more fat for energy…

And you’re no longer snacking or falling victim to sweets.

Now can you see why this works so fast?

You’re finally getting out of your own way…

So your body can burn fat naturally like it’s supposed to.

This is where most traditional diets fail.

I mean, how many different low carb diets are you going to try…

…before you realize that giving up carbs simply doesn’t work for you?

But now you can have your carbs as often as you want…

And you can thank chromium for that.

Chromium helps your body metabolize carbs like it did when you were younger.

Think of it like an air traffic controller…

It improves blood sugar levels by directing nutrients where they need to go in your body.

It’s so powerful that in a 4 month trial…

A group of patients lowered insulin levels without changing their diets [21].

And it even helps reduce cholesterol, increase brain health, improve skin, and protect bone health [22].

Most people over 50 years old…

Don’t have AMPk activated in their body.

They also have intense cravings and hunger…

Which leads them to eat lots of carbs…

…that end up getting stored as fat.

This cycle goes on and on for years…

And it’s why obesity has become such a huge problem here in America.

Was because no one took the time to do the research.

On the exact right plant extracts…

And the exact right doses.

And piece this all together.

A trip to a tiny village in Ecuador…

My entire life savings…

Hundreds of sleepless nights…

And more stress, self-doubt, and anxiety than I could have ever imagined.

Yet when I see what it did for my grandma-in-law…

All the people in her village…

And thousands of others across the world…

At this point you’ve heard about my story to Ecuador…

How my grandma-in-law is young, thin, and 100% self-reliant…

And how Nubbia dropped every last bit of pregnancy fat in record time…

Plus how thousands of women and men are raving…

…about a solution that takes less than 3 seconds a day…

And works when nothing else does.

So let me ask you a question…

What will you see in the mirror two weeks from now?

Be honest with yourself…

Because if you don’t take the first step…

Then I fear that nothing will ever change.

With every week that goes by…

You’re losing precious time.

Time that you’ll never get back.

Whatever life has been like for you…

It doesn’t need to stay that way.

If you’re tired of struggling…

Then I want to do something to personally help you.

You see, we went through our initial 5,000 bottle test batch in less than 24 hours.

Once the word spread online…

And once people realized how fast the bottles were going…

They started ordering six or more bottles at a time.

That way they can start burning fat right away…

And keep it going for the rest of the year.

It sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense.

Especially since there’s so much research proving the benefits of AMPk…

And how it can slim down your body and cut back on cravings.

When the first few pounds start coming off…

You’ll feel more motivated than ever…

And you’ll want it to keep going.

However, since so many people are ordering three to six bottles at a time…

I mean, I’m just a former trainer from Canada…

I’m not some rich business tycoon with deep pockets…

So keeping inventory on hand and ready to go…

Has been one of my biggest challenges.

You’ll have to wait up to 3 months on average…

Because we’re not going to cut corners.

Each bottle of CarboFix is:

This process is critical for producing the best plant extract on the market today…

And that takes time and resources.

Because we’re not willing to cut corners…

Or compromise on quality…

We can only produce a certain number of bottles at a time.

The more pounds you can see melt away…

The more your hunger naturally decreases…

The more your cravings fade away…

…especially at bedtime…

And the more fat your metabolism will burn…

It’s easy to see why so many frustrated dieters are ordering several bottles at a time.

So they can remain stocked up…

And even give some to their family and friends…

…after they ask you what in the world you’ve been doing to get so thin.

Start with one capsule about 30 minutes before your first meal…

And another one 30 minutes before dinner.

That way if you’re going to have a higher-carb breakfast like pancakes or waffles…

Or maybe some pizza or spaghetti for dinner…

You’ll give the plant extracts plenty of time to work their magic.

Here’s what I’ve found works really well…

…especially for women who’ve been stalled for a two weeks or more.

Take one 30 minutes before lunch….

Let’s say you want to buy a lottery ticket.

Are your chances to win better buying just one ticket…

Of course your chances of winning go up the more tickets you buy.

It’s the same thing here…

The more you take, the faster it works.

Now, don’t go overboard…

You don’t need to take 20 a day.

But start taking them 30 minutes before each meal and snack…

No matter how many bottles you choose…

Your shipment will be on it’s way as soon as you place your order.

Depending on where you live, it usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive.

When the package gets dropped off at your door…

I’m sure you’ll want to rip it open and try some right away.

So go ahead and take one with a glass of water.

Then do the same thing at night before dinner…

Most people notice a difference within the first 24 hours.

Your hunger before bed will start to fade away…

You’ll be satisfied after dinner without having to go back for seconds…

You won’t be starving from the minute you wake up…

And while you can definitely still enjoy your sweets and treats…

You won’t feel like they’re controlling you.

People will ask if there’s “something different” about you…

They’ll probably ask what diet you’re on…

Or if you’ve been exercising more…

Because you just look so good.

After 3 months, it’ll be hard to even recognize you…

Especially for your friends and family who haven’t seen you in a while.

They won’t think you’re the same person…

They’ll do a “double take” when you walk in the room…

And after 6 months, you’ll look like a completely different person.

With a glow that follows you everywhere you go.

Just like taking a multivitamin…

It’s not going to do much if you take one a month…

But if you take one every morning…

It can really help bulletproof your body.

Think of this as your new daily defense…

Your shield against uncontrollable cravings, intense hunger, and sudden weight gain.

That’s why I always recommend choosing at least 3 bottles to get started…

And 6 bottles if you’re really serious about getting the weight off in record time.

A single bottle will get you started in activating AMPk in your body…

…probably for the first time since you were a kid.

That’s your metabolism “burning up” your body fat.

And continuing to use it for three months gives you the momentum you need…

To help reverse years of damage to your metabolism.

And when you commit for a full 6 months…

Something special happens.

You have control over your appetite…

Your body is firing on all cylinders…

Your cravings fade away and don’t control you anymore…

Your stomach flattens out…

You feel better than you have in months…

Because your body and your metabolism are finally running like they’re supposed to.

And because our multiple bottle packages are our best sellers…

We set it up so that the more you buy, the more you save.

Because as a new small business owner…

I want you to save as much money as possible…

In hopes that you’ll tell your friends if, and ONLY if, CarboFix works wonders for you.

That’s why, if you choose the 6 bottle discounted package…

Plus, we worked out a deal with our supplier…

So you’ll get a big “new customer” discount on a three-month supply as well.

The savings aren’t as big as the six-bottle discount…

But they’re still significant.

Whatever package you choose…

You will not be billed again unless you make another order.

I hate companies that keep sending you bottles when you didn’t order them.

But you have to act fast…

Because our supply is running low.

And I can guarantee these discounts will not be available forever.

Once you complete your order…

It will arrive at your doorstep within just a few short days.

You’ll also receive an email confirmation from us…

Along with information on how to get in contact with our support team…

…just in case you have any questions or want to track your order.

We’re not one of those companies that runs and hides after you make a purchase.

We’re here to help you every step of the way.

I don’t know about you, but I hate paying for something that doesn’t work.

And it’s even worse when you have to spend hours on the phone…

Just to get your money back.

That’s why, when you try CarboFix today…

And you start using it in the morning before breakfast…

And again before dinner…

And any time you’d like in between…

If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results…

If for whatever reason CarboFix doesn’t work for you…

Then all you have to do is contact our support team…

And we’ll refund your entire order with no questions asked.

And, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve used.

Our team will take care of you and simply thank you for giving us a try.

Making CarboFix a part of your daily routine is the first step to getting your body back.

However, I want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need to get the extra weight off…

That’s why I’m including the following 3 bonuses absolutely free…

…when you pick up your supply of CarboFix today.

However, these bonuses won’t be available for long.

I can’t even guarantee they’ll be here tomorrow…

So make sure you grab them up now or risk missing out forever.

While you don’t have to change your diet in order for CarboFix to work…

As a personal nutrition coach, I always recommend it.

That’s because I don’t just want you to lose a bunch of weight.

I want you to have a strong, healthy heart…

I want you to have healthy cholesterol levels…

And healthy blood pressure…

I want you to have lots of energy…

So you can be around well into your 70’s, 80’s even your 90’s…

To watch your kids and your grandkids blossom.

And nutrition can play a big role in that.

I don’t want you to starve yourself…

I don’t want you skipping meals…

And I don’t want you to count calories.

You don’t have to go keto…

Over the years, I’ve come up with the most powerful flat-blly protocol…

…to get rid of the nagging fat in the shortest amount of time possible.

This isn’t some low-carb or low-calorie diet plan.

But it is something doable that you can stick with long term…

So you don’t just lose a bunch of weight, only to regain it a few weeks later.

This puts an end to rebound weight gain.

And in our test groups, the average weight loss has been 8.5 pounds.

With the record being 16 pounds.

I don’t know about you…

But I’m obsessed with getting FAST results.

Because after struggling for 5, 10 even 15 or more years…

They were willing to pay a pretty penny to get the fat off NOW.

Especially if they’re older…

And their life is literally on the line.

So whenever I personally coach someone new…

We ALWAYS start with this 24-hour protocol.

Because once you prove to yourself that you can do this…

And that this WILL work for you…

Then there’s nothing that can slow you down.

Getting started is always the hardest part…

Which is why if you commit to just 24 hours…

You won’t feel overwhelmed…

And when the results start coming in…

You’ll have the momentum and motivation to stick with it.

One of the secrets my wife Nubbia used to get rid of the extra baby fat was…

Combining her morning CarboFix capsule with a delicious smoothie.

You see, with two baby twins at home…

She didn’t have time to make a gourmet breakfast in the morning.

Heck, she didn’t even have time to sit down and have some eggs.

So one morning, after changing dirty diapers…

And feeding the babies…

She was already exhausted…

So she started throwing whatever we had in the fridge into the blender.

At first, it tasted pretty nasty.

I mean, she was severely sleep deprived after all.

However, over the next few weeks…

That helps the body burn more fat…

…while giving her the energy she needed to make it through the day.

And we found a few common household ingredients…

That made the smoothies taste absolutely delicious.

Because if you’re just drinking blended up veggies…

It can taste pretty gross.

So we took the absolute BEST 50 belly blasting smoothie recipes…

That you can make in less than 3 minutes…

With clean ingredients you probably have in your fridge right now…

And put it into a full-color smoothie recipe book…

That you can get free of charge when you try CarboFix today.

Unfortunately our time here together is almost over…

And going forward, you really only have two options.

Option #1 is you can take everything you learned here today…

And try to apply it yourself.

You can spend weeks trying to find the exact plant extracts…

In the exact right quantities…

You can go to all your local grocery stores…

You can spend hours searching for them online…

And if you do find them, you can figure out how to mix them together in a way that actually works.

That’s going to take A LOT of time…

Plus, life will get in the way like it always does…

And in a month, you’ll probably be in the same exact place you are now.

That’s not what I want for you.

Option #2 is you can take the easy way out…

Take advantage of all the hard work I’ve already done…

And see how powerful these plant extracts are…

Once you get them in your hands.

All you need is a few seconds in the morning to start seeing the amazing benefits…

And with all the free bonuses…

Your pants sliding off your waist…

You’ll probably start making more trips to Goodwill…

…donating all the clothes that are way too big and way too loose on your body.

Look, if you can clean up your diet on your own…

And start exercising every single day…

While sticking with it long enough to actually see results…

Then you clearly don’t need my help.

However, if you want a helping hand…

If you want me to help guide you along the way…

So you don’t have to do this alone…

While finally getting the missing link…

…the unique plant extracts that can make all the difference in the world…

Then the choice seems pretty clear.

Plus, if for some reason it doesn’t work out…

You can just let us know…

And we’ll refund your entire investment.

So you have nothing to lose…

And an exciting, youthful life to gain.

Matt Stirling
Personal Nutrition Coach
Gold Vida

P.S. After our initial test batch of 5,000 bottles sold out so fast…

We started getting questions from all over the world…

Which I’ve answered below.

CarboFix is the breakthrough carb control supplement featuring true cinnamon and other powerful ingredients to prevent weight gain, increase fat loss, and help activate AMPk in the body.

AMPk helps increase metabolism and reduce abdominal fat.

CarboFix is comprised of five unique plant extracts that help activate AMPk, which includes Berberine, True Cinnamon, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Naringin, Benfotiamine, and Chromium.

Everyone’s body is different, so it’s hard to say exactly when you’ll see results. On average, most women and men see positive results within the first 72 hours.

Whether that’s losing those first few pounds, noticing your jeans fitting looser around your waist, having more energy, or just feeling lighter overall.

As with anything, the longer you do it, the better results you’ll receive. When you stick with it for 30 days, you’ll start looking and feeling like a whole new person.

Within 3 months, your friends may not even recognize you.

And within 6 months, people talk about being a whole new person, who looks, feels and moves like someone half their age.

That’s a great question because CarboFix is definitely not for everyone.

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose and your body seems resistant to diet and exercise…

And if your metabolism seems really slow because you can never lose weight even though you eat pretty healthy…

Then CarboFix is for you.

The odds are, AMPk is not activated inside your body.

That’s because it can be blocked by certain carbs, fruits, and even high-sugar vegetables that most people wouldn’t suspect.

Luckily, you can turn that around in just a few seconds a day.

Simply choose the package you’d like below. Once you’ve done that, click the Add to Order button.

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form. Once you’ve filled that out, your shipment will be on it’s way.

It usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive, depending on your location.

And you’ll receive instant access to all the free bonuses, including the 10-Day Fat Flush, the Fat Blasting Smoothie Recipes, and the 24-Hour Fix protocol.

You’ll also receive an email with our customer service contact information. That way you can track your order. And you can reach out to us if you have any questions at all.

Remember, I’m here to help you. So please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Yes. Gluten free. Soy free. Dairy Free. GMO free. No MSG either.

One serving of CarboFix is two capsules.

If for whatever reason you’re unsatisfied with CarboFix and all the free bonuses…

Simply contact our customer service team and we’ll give you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked, once you’ve returned the bottles. Our Customer service team will direct you on how to do so to make it easy for you.

It’s our way of saying thank you for giving CarboFix an honest try.

Yes, CarboFix has worked for women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s…

And it works especially well for women in their 70’s and 80’s.

That’s because your cells are craving these plant extracts that can’t be found in our current food supply.

You can’t get Berberine from any fruit or vegetable…

Which is the main activator of AMPk.

In fact, the older you are, the faster it seems to work.

Honestly, the discounts aren’t guaranteed past today.

As we roll out our first large batch of CarboFix, we want to give you the absolute best deal possible.

But we won’t be able to do this forever.

Especially with our suppliers and inventory specialists breathing down my neck.

So please take advantage of the discounted rates while you still can.

Because I can’t promise they’ll be available if you close out of this page and try to come back later.

Simply choose the option that best fits you…

And I’ll be waiting on the inside to help you the best I can…

…while your first shipment of CarboFix is on the way.

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Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Gold Vida, LLC products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription or over-the-counter medication, are under the age of 18 or have, or suspect you may have a medical condition. Consult your physician before using these, or any other, dietary supplements. Keep out of the reach of children or pets.

+For maximum results, combine CarboFix with a healthy calorie reduced diet and regular exercise to help manage weight and avoid storing body fat.

We’re confident that you’ll love CarboFix but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened bottle(s). Then, in order to obtain a refund, you must return unopened bottles (including any “bonus” or “free” bottles as part of your order) back to our fulfillment facility within sixty (60) days of the date you originally ordered the product along with your original packing slip. Missing or used bottles that were not sent back, that you may be requesting a refund for, must match the time the product was used. Each bottle is a 1 month supply, please keep this in mind. This for a full refund minus shipping and handling. 

Failure to clearly state your order details so that our fulfillment staff can clearly read and allocate your return will result in our inability to refund you. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Once our fulfillment facility has received the package and relayed the correct information to us, you will be issued a refund. Your refund will be credited back to your bank account and may take up to 3-5 business days to show in your statement, depending on the speed of the processing bank.

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Click here to get CarboFix at discounted price while it’s still available…

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CarboFix is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News

Click here to get The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The TMJ Solution vsl cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


TMJ misery can feel like a life sentence. But be warned:

Want text version instead of video? Here is simplified transcript…

If you’re suffering from it yourself, you’ll already know this.

TMJ can be a long-lasting and thoroughly miserable condition. It often begins mildly, but it rarely stays that way.

I know – I’ve been there.

At its worst, the pain affected every aspect of my sleeping and waking life.

I’m not ashamed to admit that at times it made me cry.

When I read that some sufferers become so distressed by the condition that they fall into depression, I wasn’t even slightly surprised.

When I was first diagnosed, I did not realize how badly TMJ disrupts people’s lives. Over time, I found out.

You may already be aware that finding a remedy for your own TMJ misery is likely to be a difficult – and possibly frustrating – task.

If you’ve suffered TMJ for a while, then you are already on that road… and you truly wonder where – or, even, if – it ever ends.

That’s exactly where I found myself.

And as I searched for answers, I discovered that not only was I not alone but that the outlook was often not a happy one.

But I increasingly came to one terrifying conclusion:

Specialists didn’t really have a handle on what was causing my pain.

In fact, it was worse than this.

The treatments they recommended actually feel like experiments.

Each specialist recommended his own specialism as a likely cure for my TMJ.

But each specialist turned out to be wrong.

GP, dentist, neurologist, orofacial surgeon to name a few…

All well-meaning, but all restricted to their own area of expertise.

I doubt they really understand the root causes of TMJ.

I, of course, knew even less. So I had to try it all.

Nerve and muscle pain relief. Splints, mouthguards, botox. Teeth filing, vagus nerve stimulation, surgery….

As each one failed, I moved on to the next.

And the results of all these efforts?

Either small, short-lived improvements – or no improvements at all.

Hours of my time in specialists’ offices and thousands of my hard-earned dollars later… there was little to show but disappointment and lost hope.

I almost got used to the process of meeting a new specialist, discussing my symptoms, listening to him or her give their professional opinion…

…then me paying substantial sums of money, hoping and praying that this time it would be different. Only to realize in the end that… it wasn’t different.

…It was exactly the same.

Well, the same except I was financially poorer than I had been before.

But the TMJ hadn’t gone away. Or, even, improved.

Before eventually stumbling onto the remedy that cured my TMJ I had come to a major realization about the condition.

And the real horror of TMJ is that it isn’t stationary.

Instead, it deteriorates.

Which leads us to the truly horrible realization that…

Wherever you are with your TMJ right now isn’t where you’ll be in the near future.

It’s almost certainly going to become more painful over time.

It did for me. And it did for almost every case study I read.

My symptoms became dramatically worse.

It wasn’t just the pain that worsened – although it definitely did.

What I found deeply distressing was the way my face became distorted. People remarked that I physically looked different.

The TMJ was pulling on the muscles in my face while also wearing away at the joints on one side of my jaw.

And so my jaw shifted to the left, making my face lopsided.

After a while a new symptom: whenever I open my mouth there was a loud pop.

It started as the occasional one-off.

And by ‘loud’ I mean that a person 5 feet away could hear it.

I quickly learned to not open my mouth all the way.

Because twice it almost dislocated when I yawned. Which really scared the life out of me.

So I had to make sure I didn’t open it more than halfway.

And then I developed the sensation of clicking, popping and scraping whenever I moved my mouth.

It was especially disturbing when I was eating – and provided a constant reminder to me that things were gradually getting worse.

My own research found that none of this was unusual.

This wasn’t ‘special’ TMJ. This was ‘normal’ TMJ.

This is how TMJ gets worse.

Pain disturbed my sleep – often making sleep impossible.

I awoke already exhausted.

Some days I swear I sleepwalked through the day.

Only the pain in my head and face kept me awake.

But, as I say, TMJ doesn’t sit still.

Over time the pain spread so that it covered my entire head, all over my face, across both shoulders and down my neck.

My TMJ started to affect my hearing. Which I personally found terrifying. I love music, I love talking with friends, I enjoy movies… I needed my hearing.

I was scared out of my mind that I was going deaf.

It began with earaches. And then ringing in the ears.

But it progressed to a kind of ‘thickening’ of my ears where sound became distorted and quieter.

All this slow build-up of pain and misery wore away at me, my health, my happiness, and my life.

I’m clear of all TMJ symptoms now. But I remember so clearly how frightening it all was back then.

I visited TMJ forums and what I read scared the life out of me.

Many, many people had suffered from TMJ for decades.

I learned from their comments there was plenty more misery to come.

Worst of all were the people who said their vision was becoming distorted.

I was already scared that my hearing was going. To lose my sight too was beyond thinking.

I could feel my happiness slipping away from me.

I became sullen and quiet.

I was moody with friends and family.

I knew I was like this, but I couldn’t stop it.

And this isn’t uncommon – it’s expected.

The medical profession is already well aware that any type of chronic pain can cause deeply felt mental health problems.

These are normal and accepted consequences of ongoing discomfort and pain.

TMJ is a typical cause of ongoing discomfort and pain – and we sufferers will eventually recognize both the physical and mental anguish listed above.

Some TMJ sufferers take mild antidepressants to deal with the emotional damage caused by unrelenting pain, popping, numbness, ear ringing, and facial distortion.

I felt very low with my TMJ and had many moments of bad mood and even, I suspect, mild depression.

It didn’t help my relationship with my spouse – or with anyone else, to be honest.

When I read the account of a young TMJ sufferer who had decided that if he didn’t cure his suffering within a month… that he’d end his own life… I could understand exactly where he was coming from.

Some nights the pain made me cry. Other times, the helplessness made me feel very low.

I was running out of options. I was quite literally running out of things to try.

And money was becoming a problem.

My insurance didn’t cover this kind of condition. The treatments aren’t cheap – they’re not very pleasant either. And the costs add up alarmingly fast.

And, more and more, I had to face up to the possibility that I might be stuck with this misery for the rest of my life.

And that, I can tell you hand on heart, was an awful prospect.

Here are some of the different specialists that can get involved in trying to uncover the cause – and cure – for your TMJ:

Which specialist is right for you?

If the diagnosis is tricky and the source of the pain is difficult – or impossible – to pin down then… you may as well roll a dice.

What was shocking to me – and it took me quite a while to realize this – was that the experts I was seeing didn’t actually know how to remedy TMJ.

To their credit, most of them didn’t pretend that they did.

But it was so incredibly frustrating…

On the one hand, they were honest enough to admit the causes were varied and not properly understood.

Yet, on the other hand, they’d recommend a fix that they could do…

…but which would cost so many dollars…

while admitting they couldn’t offer any assurance they’d work!

I still remember my initial horror at the realization that, effectively…

Because each specialist was limited as to what he or she could offer me.

They could only recommend something they were capable of doing – not necessarily something that would definitely work.

So that’s what they would offer me.

I was the piggy in the middle being pushed here and there.

I just had to cross my fingers and do as I was told.

Will filing down my teeth work? It’s a standard remedy for jaw and tooth pain caused by TMJ…

But it only occasionally helps. If it doesn’t work for me then what?

Perhaps a vagus nerve stimulator will do the trick.

But maybe I need decompression surgery?

Who knows? The short answer it seems is… almost nobody.

The problem is that some of these treatments change you – your teeth or your bite for example. And you can’t reverse that.

And then he asks if I want to go ahead with it.

How do I know whether I should go ahead with it? If he’s not sure it will work, how do I decide?

On the one hand, I am in pain, my health is falling apart. And with it, my life is slipping away.

On the other hand, I was nearly out of money. My savings had dwindled very quickly.

And I was scared I would finish up with no emergency fund… no spare cash for something expected later on in life. I had to give up here.

Again, this isn’t an unusual situation for sufferers.

Many health insurances simply don’t cover this type of work – mine didn’t – so TMJ sufferers like me gamble a thousand dollars on, for example, a mouth splint that in the end may make no difference at all.

Days after I realized I could no longer continue with the various treatments – the ‘experiments’ as I called them – the depression set in.

Now without hope, I went back to painkillers – the very pain killers that I had avoided before in case I became addicted.

But now they were all I could afford.

Because one day, everything changed

I met Christian Goodman in a long line at a drugstore.

He was buying toothpaste; I was buying more painkillers.

We got talking. And I told him about my TMJ.

He instantly recognized my story. It was nothing new to him.

He started to tell me a truly fascinating story.

This sounds really odd at first – but there’s a fantastic punchline.

Christian had worked for a long time with people who snored a lot. Which was interesting but irrelevant. Or so I thought.

He had developed a set of simple exercises that tackled the root causes of snoring.

The exercises worked well and, as a result, many people experienced significant improvements in their sleep.

Their snoring reduced or ended, they stopped disturbing their own sleep. And they were very happy.

But something unexpected happened.

Something that wasn’t meant to happen.

Christian received a truly odd email from a lady who was using his snoring exercises.

In the email, the lady told Christian that the exercises had not only cured her snoring…

…they’d cured her TMJ too.

At that time Christian was only vaguely aware of TMJ.

But a brief conversation with the lady in question – and a longer chat with a TMJ specialist – helped him quickly work out why this would be possible.

Snoring is partly due to tension and muscle tightness in the throat and neck region.

TMJ is partly – and I emphasize the word ‘partly’ – due to very similar causes.

It’s not hard to see there could be an overlap between the two conditions.

And Christian’s snoring remedy had accidentally started curing TMJ too.

Christian went on to interview a number of TMJ sufferers.

He asked them how the pain began. He asked them where they felt it. How they felt it. When they felt it.

He asked about how it progressed. Which parts of the face hurt most. How it affected their necks and shoulders. When the ringing in the ears began. How it was worsening their eyesight.

He asked and he listened – really carefully – to what they told him.

And he realized that TMJ didn’t just exist in the jaw and neck area – it existed in the upper body.

There were what doctors refer to as ‘multifactor causes of pain.’

In other words, the shoulders, the back, your posture, even the way you breathe… are all causing, contributing to and then worsening the miserable experience of the average TMJ sufferer.

It’s in the jaw and neck area that the problems manifest – that’s where the pains are often actually felt.

We complain of jaw pain, sore teeth, headaches…

And that’s why so many specialists focus on these areas – because that’s what the patient complains about.

But they’re trying to fix the symptoms. Fixing symptoms leaves the causes in place.

Without addressing the causes, you’re left forever with the symptoms.

The cause is more complex, more interconnected, more subtle.

Christian interviewed more and more TMJ sufferers.

He listened to what they told him. And he asked specific, direct questions.

He started to uncover things that a dentist or a neurologist simply would never have thought to ask about.

He collected, customized and developed more exercises to properly address the root causes of TMJ.

He paid attention to the different areas of the body that could contribute to the overall condition of TMJ and created a simple exercise program that tackled each one of them.

He tested the program with dozens of TMJ sufferers.

He used their feedback to improve it until he knew that he had the real deal…

And, yet – like specialists everywhere – Christian admits:

“I don’t know the exact causes of TMJ.”

But the combination of potential causes is better known.

And if you’re tackling them all, then it no longer matters which specific one is doing the damage.

Get them all and you’ve got whichever combination of causes is hurting you.

Was this the breakthrough I was searching for?

It had lots going for it.

Just for starters, Christian Goodman’s remedy involves

Instead, I would practice a simple set of exercises that I could do while watching tv. Or reading a book.

Exercises so simple that other people won’t even know I’m doing them.

And they’d take about 3 minutes a day.

To be brutally frank, I had nothing to lose.

I’d already wasted so much time – and so many dollars – chasing cures that I was prepared to try anything.

This one looked too easy to be true.

But after all I had already been through… I just had to go for it.

It’s hard to describe how I felt.

For one thing, I was so shocked that I just couldn’t believe the pain relief would last.

But I continued to do the exercises – 3 minutes a day – and the pain has never returned.

TMJ exercises aren’t totally new. After speaking to Christian, I searched online and – guess what?

I found several amateurs online who know an exercise or two.

They didn’t have anything remotely like Christian’s fully thought-out program. But they had something.

Here’s where it all goes badly wrong though:

After some searching I found someone who showed me a single movement – but what I already knew from my conversation with Christian is that to get rid of that pain you need at least 4 subtly different movements. 4 – 6 or more is best.

When the ones I tried didn’t work Christian reminded me that the muscle and bone structure in your face and jaw area is intricate.

It needs targeted work in order to affect it.

Too often a person tries the movement in the video, it doesn’t work – because on its own it pretty much can’t – and then they give it up.

Along with all the other remedies they’ve tried.

And this is where the real disasters occur.

Again, this is something that I now understood: TMJ is a body problem. Its source is not entirely at the jaw but around it and below it.

It’s the tackling of TMJ at the level of the upper body – and not just the jaw – that is transforming endless pain into relief.

Which is pretty much why my TMJ reduced and then disappeared so quickly once I started Christian’s program.

This was frustrating too.

Not only could I not determine whose exercises were actually effective…. I had to do endless Google searches in order to try to piece enough information together that I could make sense of any of it.

I pretty much failed in the end.

Because I am not able to judge which information is helpful, which is useless – and which might actually cause me more pain.

Really, I wanted this all worked out for me.

I didn’t want to have to think about it.

I wanted to be told what to do. I’d do it and then see what happened.

What Christian’s program gave me was everything I needed, all in one place, all tried and tested – and all ready to go to end my pain.

No searching, no trial and error and no risks of making my condition worse than it already was.

And that, I can tell you, is all I wanted.

Now you may be asking yourself:

“Isn’t this all too simple and low-tech?”

Surely the medical profession could have worked this out by now? That does make sense except….

The thing I noticed when I went through my own TMJ hell was this: each expert recommended only the fix that he himself specialized in.

No dentist ever told me, ‘Oh, I can’t help you – you need an osteopath.’

And no osteopath ever told me, ‘Ah – not me. You should see a neurologist.’

Nobody had any interest in recommending anything that they themselves couldn’t provide.

I don’t think anyone wanted to consider a set of exercises, that were easy to do, don’t need a specialist, implants or meds – and generates no medical bill at the end of it.

Here’s your first big surprise:

There’s not a great deal to it. It’s pretty simple.

And because there’s no drugs, no splints, no implants – no interference with your body in any way at all – it’s easy, can be done literally anywhere and has no side effects.

Except for the one where the TMJ disappears.

But you can live with that, I’m sure!

Christian’s program is described and explained in ‘The TMJ Solution.’

He explains – in beginner language – the basics of TMJ.

He tells you how the exercises are going to help you.

Then he shows you the exercises.

I actually describe them as ‘movements’ because I’m not a very active person and they don’t feel like exercise to me at all.

Finally, he puts the exercises together to create a simple program.

The simplicity of it is part of its beauty.

Because there is no secret to all this – just common sense

Remember that – as Christian explained to me – while TMJ is not fully understood there are 4 different ways that your body gives you the condition. His exercises address those 4 different ways.

Meaning that one way or another we hit at least one of its causes.

Which also means that I don’t have to be drugged, prodded, examined or opened up by a surgeon anymore.

I looked at a number of testimonials before trying Christian’s program. I wanted to see other people who had suffered like I was.

Like me, they thought they were stuck with chronic TMJ pain forever.

Like me, they were wrong.

There are thousands of people who have found relief from horrible TMJ pain by practicing these simple movements for a few minutes a day.

I recall that first, full pain-free day when my TMJ was finally gone. It makes me smile just thinking about it..!

If you’re at the start of your TMJ suffering, you might want to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.

I know what it’s like when it gets worse – it’s just awful.

Christian’s remedy is drug-free, surgery-free, takes 3 – 5 minutes a day and there’s no medical bill at the end of it.

For a start, although this program is short, it’s comprehensive.

It leaves nothing to chance.

As I mentioned earlier, the program tackles all possible areas that might be causing your TMJ.

I never fully found out how my TMJ came about. But by performing exercises that tackled all possible areas, I clearly got at the one that was causing the problem.

At first, the exercise program looked quite a lot to me.

But you don’t do them all at once. In fact, you do many of the exercises only 3 or 4 times per week.

So altogether on any given day, you exercise for about 3 – 5 minutes.

I’m a little slow at these things and like to take my time. Even so, I rarely exceeded 5 minutes.

In fact, they’re less ‘exercises’ and more like ‘movements’.

I call them exercises – and Christian does too – but I always imagine that exercises involve effort and sweat.

These certainly don’t; they’re very easy – and deliberately relaxing.

The majority of these movements I did either while sitting watching television or standing in the kitchen cooking. The exercises are not intense. You just need to do a little every day.

And they focus on different areas:

The beauty of these exercises isn’t just the simplicity of them. It’s that you can leave out ones that you prefer not to do.

Just do the ones you prefer.

There are four exercises concentrating on the jaw.

TMJ caused my jaw to become stiff and painful; the jaw structure came out of line, so it distorted my face a little.

The jaw exercises tackle the various jaw area pains directly and help correct the distortion.

A number of others focus on loosening and relaxing the throat and tongue.

I had never heard of throat or tongue exercises before. But the throat is closely connected to the jaw and should be exercised regularly. While the tongue is one of the main muscles inside your head.

Between them, the exercises not only loosen and relax throat and tongue they have the side effect of loosening up your shoulders and neck – and even opening your sinuses.

They’re stupidly easy. But also quite pleasant.

Then there are body movements.

These ones mainly target the shoulders and neck area.

Tension here is directly related to the jaw. These movements reduce tightness and stress – prime candidates to be causing your TMJ.

Something I didn’t realize was that breathing movements not only reduce physical tension; they reduce emotional tension too.

Emotional tension causes physical tension – and physical tension leads back to emotional tension.

They’re so closely connected.

And when your TMJ is causing mild depression, then anything that addresses emotional pain is very welcome indeed.

Followed by relaxation exercises…

The easiest of them all – which is saying something given how straightforward they all are – are relaxation exercises.

They were really nice to do. And I could see that the benefits of these would go beyond just relieving me of my TMJ symptoms.

The last two types of exercise were quite surprising to me. Until that is, they went and cured my TMJ…

This was an unexpected – but really eye-opening – surprise.

These exercises are just ways of thinking about your problems, your opinion of yourself and your opinions of others.

I don’t usually go in for this type of thing. But Christian’s ‘1 – 2 rule’ for example was particularly effective – and it had the side-effect of improving a couple of the difficult relationships I had at that time.

Perhaps the most unexpected exercises for me were the communication exercises.

You can do this with a partner or a willing friend – doesn’t matter.

It’s not just jabbering on though. Christian explains the set-up and he gave me some guidelines for this.

It worked really well. So easy – and enjoyable with it.

All the exercises/movements were easy, relaxing and, often, really very pleasant to do.

Given the pain – and the state of mind – I was in at the time I was glad the program was so gentle.

And if there’s a type of exercise you’d prefer not to do – then you don’t have to do it. There are plenty of others to choose from.

I made my own program after a few days – Christian explains a simple method for taking exercises from each category so that you don’t miss anything out.

But you can just follow Christian’s plan if you prefer.

I don’t know which stage you’re at with your TMJ.

Hopefully, you’ve not developed some of the worst symptoms yet.

But we may as well face the fact that as time progresses so does your TMJ.

Worse symptoms are inevitable.

For me, I simply realized one day that I could no longer bear the pain anymore.

The headaches, neck aches, jaw aches… the clicking and scraping of my jaw bones…. my facial distortion, the loss of hearing, the low moods…

I was fast losing my love of life. I was losing my sense of ease. My comfort.

As my TMJ worsened, I lost my peace of mind, my ability to enjoy any of life’s pleasures.

And, in the end, my willingness to socialize.

The pain became an embarrassment… having to explain it to people… fielding questions about how to cure it when I didn’t know the answers. When nobody seemed to know the answers.

And I knew full well my TMJ would get worse – that’s what it had already been doing. Enough really was enough.

I often thank my lucky stars for that chance meeting with Christian Goodman.

I do not know where I’d be right now if that hadn’t happened. I was lucky.

If you’ve spent thousands of dollars on treatments already… or if you’re going to be spending that kind of money soon then Christian’s program is a must-have.

If you’ve already paid for a month of painkillers you’ve probably spent more than the cost of this program.

Leave things as they are and you’re condemned to more hours and hours of waiting around in doctors’ waiting rooms, hours of explaining and then re-explaining your symptoms to various specialists…

…then spending hundreds of dollars – but quite likely many thousands of dollars – at a time on procedures, measurements, fittings, and surgery.

Don’t do this to yourself.

Everyone deserves better – and that includes you.

Bypass all that pain, discomfort, expense and frustration.

Tackle your TMJ now while it’s this bad – rather than waiting for your health to get past the point of repair.

Click now and receive your copy of Christian’s ‘ The TMJ Solution’…

I signed up for Christian’s program because I realized that…

after hundreds of dollars spent on tests, x-rays, fittings, and meds…

and then thousands of dollars spent on implants…

that for me there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

TMJ was a deteriorating condition, getting steadily worse, dragging my life into a place that I just didn’t want to be.

I didn’t want to let my life slip into more misery than I was already suffering.

What I was really scared of was damage that was nearly impossible to cure.

But most of all I wanted to avoid at any cost jaw, ears or eyes damage that was irreversible.

A set of exercises, 3 minutes a day, for the cost of this month’s daily newspaper… What sensible reason did I have for not doing this?

He pointed me to his order form (link below) and I signed up.

Christian offered me something my dentist never offered me.

He offered me something my osteopath didn’t offer me.

In fact, Christian offers all his clients something that not a single professional out there will offer you.

He offers you your money back.

His promise to people like you and me is simple:

“If my program doesn’t deliver the results you want then you get your money back. Trying it will have cost you nothing at all. Not a penny. You’ll be no worse off than you were before you tried it.”

But you might – like me – be so fantastically better off that you will forever thank your lucky stars that you took some action to get a copy for yourself.

Because the exercises that make up his program have helped thousands of TMJ sufferers all over the world.

These exercises aren’t an experiment. Or a gimmick. Or a bit of esoteric mystical wisdom allegedly handed down by soothsayers from the dawn of time.

I’m really skeptical about that kind of thing.

They’re solid, easy to perform proven movements that address TMJ pain at its sources – and which so many TMJ sufferers absolutely swear by.

So Christian can afford to offer you a 60 days, 100% cast-iron, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Because he knows that recoveries like mine aren’t the exception. They happen all the time. Thousands of ex TMJ sufferers are witness to that.

Remember how things went for me:

After three days of practising the exercises the ache in my jaw noticeably subsided.

The neck and shoulder aches? That pain just fell away.

And because of that, so did the pain in my face and head…

That clicking in my jaw joints? It disappeared…

Mercifully, my hearing came back too. I had been sick with worry that I might go completely deaf…

But just imagine it… Imagine feeling normal again.

I can tell you, it’s like coming out from underneath a crushing weight… something that just holds you down in pain and unhappiness.

I was back to my old self and I felt absolutely wonderful!

And that’s why Christian receives so many testimonials from grateful, happy people.

Testimonials like these ones received in the last 10 days:

After the first couple of days, I could feel a noticeable change. The clicking, popping, and tension were 90% gone. Each day things continued to improve. I’m now 100% again!

Mary Stuart– New Jersey

I have done all the exercises for the past 2 nights and you know that my jaws have not hurt at all when I wake up in the morning. Thank you so very much and I will e-mail you from time to time to let you know how I am doing.

Alie Vanhoy– Dallas, Texas

Just to let you know that my condition is improving each day since I started using your product. The pain is diminishing each day and hopefully it will be completely gone in the near future.

Thomas Young– Orlando Florida

After reviewing the information about your program and understanding the concepts behind it, I realized just how amazing and effective it really is. It totally cured me! I’d highly recommend your program to anybody who suffers from TMJ.

Ann Smith– San Diego, California

Just like I was you’re probably at a crossroads now. Which way to turn?

I hope you haven’t been through the dreadful experience that many TMJ sufferers go through…

But if you have then there are two simple options:.

Stick with the medical profession and spend your way through the various implants, filings, cuttings and manipulations.

Genuinely, they do sometimes work.

And when they do work, they’re worth every penny of the thousands of dollars that they cost.

Because the relief from pain is almost priceless.

But if you’ve already traveled that road and it’s all failed…or if you’ve made the smart decision that you’re simply not prepared to travel that road in the first place… then your second option is equally simple.

Attack the causes rather than symptoms.

My TMJ was cured – quickly – because instead of hacking away at the symptoms I addressed the causes.

Instead of focusing on the pain itself I remedied what was causing that pain in the first place.

And Christian’s program tackles the causes from every direction.

It makes no sense to carry on suffering.

And, for me, it made even less sense to carry on spending money on unreliable – and, ultimately, disappointing – procedures.

If you can do something about this misery now then now must be the time to act.

Because if not now to properly address your TMJ… when?

The program that ended all my TMJ misery is just a mouse-click away.

Click now and get your copy of the program…

It’s not just that this program costs less than the price of a daily newspaper for a month.

Or that it’s less than a couple of weeks of the cost of your meds.

Or that you’ll spend more this month on your daily coffee than you would on this program.

What really hurts is that if I’d bought Christian’s program instead of paying for all the treatments I’ve had so far, I would have saved more than 99% of my money.

I wasted thousands of dollars following the conventional route, the ‘safe’ route… the sensible route of doctors and specialists.

I plundered our savings. We sacrificed holidays in order to have the cash to spend.

I really wish I hadn’t. It’s just that, at the time, I didn’t know better.

I wish I’d met Christian in that queue at the chemist 12 months earlier.

I’d have gotten better a year sooner – and at a 99% discount!

If you’ve had TMJ a while and are finding out that TMJ is a curse, then I’m genuinely sorry for you.

I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there.

If you’ve only recently been diagnosed, then you’ve possibly already realized that TMJ is just ugly.

You’ve possibly discovered that many, many sufferers have it for years.

Too many never get rid of it.

They run out of money – and they run out of hope.

And then they just put up with increasing discomfort, pain and misery.

That could be you. But it doesn’t have to be.

You’re reading this letter today because you’ve decided to do something about your TMJ.

So you’re probably not one of those passive sufferers.

You’ve either grown tired of being disappointed by treatments that cost money but don’t deliver…

…or you haven’t yet been down that route – but realize that’s the fate that awaits you.

And you’ve decided to take matters into your own hands.

So make today the beginning of the end for your TMJ.

Get the same program I got. Do the same things I did.

Get the same results I got. Or get your money back.

All you have to lose from Christian’s program is… pain.

If that’s what you want then [Get the program in just 90 seconds – click here]

Don’t forget – as your TMJ progresses you will spend time, energy and money on drugs, tests, and procedures.

You’ll have to – TMJ can become unbearable. These expensive remedies may not work in any way at all.

And while they’re failing – at considerable expense to you – your TMJ just gets worse.

If you’ve decided to rid yourself of TMJ pain then if not now, when?

Christian’s program costs less than a month of coffee.

And this offer ensures you win. Because if you don’t think the program was worth that money then get a full, 100% refund.

Do you know how many specialists will offer you a full, no questions asked, 100% guarantee on the work that they charge thousands of dollars for?

None of them. Not a single one of them.

If a loved one was in the pain you’re in – or facing the possibility of it – would you want them to try a quick, pain-free, proven and super-cheap method to making them happy again?

If you’d do it for someone else then for goodness’ sake do it for yourself.

By all means, spend your savings with the medical profession. But first of all, be kind to yourself and try Christian’s program for yourself.

Your program awaits you here…

Remember that TMJ often gets worse. And when it does, it can cause real damage to bones and joints. Some of that damage can never be reversed.

Leaving it to do its ugly work makes no sense.

Thousands of us decided to act rather than suffer… and we’re pain-free as a result!

Not acting now is a decision – but it’s a poor one.

The 100% money-back, no questions guarantee means you’re doing this without any risk at all.

Make the decision, get the program. All you can possibly lose is doctors visits, medical bills, pain, fear and misery.

I’m glad I did it; you’ll be glad you did too.

Your program awaits you here…

Testimonial / Case Study Legal Disclaimer: The story, testimonials, and case studies discussed on this page may be unique. You may or may not enjoy similar results from using the methods discussed. We neither make any claims nor offer any guarantees regarding the health improvements or specific results you may enjoy from following our guidance. Always consult your doctor before taking any actions regarding your health.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Disclaimer: The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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Product Name: Woodwork101

Click here to get Woodwork101 at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Woodwork101 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Congratulations! You’ve struck Woodworking Gold!

You’re just seconds away from a staggering library of over 1000 hours of detailed videos and blueprints in crystal clear, mouth-watering HD that will take you by the hand so you’ll be able to build everything radically easy, almost on “auto-pilot”, with no offcuts and waste, leaving only sawdust on the floor.

You’ll be turning dreams into reality in a heart-beat, without ever worrying about imperfect measurements, shabby incomplete plans, or lousy instructions…

You’ll be making everything from chopsticks to baby cribs, from a dismantled old chair to a unique work of art, to creative presents for your family and friends out of plain wood.

In fact, everything you’ll make will be so good and jaw-dropping amazing that the whole family will think you’ve become a master craftsman overnight.

And you’ll be doing all that without expensive tools! You won’t need them. In fact, I’m going to share with you something later that makes not having to pay for expensive tools a walk in the park.

And here’s the best part… Anyone at any level can use this library! It’s perfect for beginners (who’ve never hammered a nail in their life) and master craftsmen alike, because you’ll have instant access to everything that you need, to turn whatever project you want to build into a wholesome, happy and fulfilling experience.

And I know we’ve all been there. When you follow a plan from start to finish, doing all the measurements and cuts just like it says, but in the end everything comes out slanted to the right, one leg comes up short or the top doesn’t fit right.

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault! Those failures are NOT yours!

It’s those awful, useless blueprints, that magazines and lazy editors put up just to fill more pages with nothing but unusable filth. That’s who’s to blame!

I’ve never seen a blueprint that I could follow top to bottom to finish my build. It just never happens. Everything for me has been trial and error and improving.

But since you got here on this page today, I’m going to give you the key to turn your dreams into reality without ever going through that ever again. You’ll completely erase any infuriating experiences you might have had, and feel only pride and satisfaction when you finish your projects.

It’s called Woodwork101. A database of detailed videos and blueprints in crystal clear, mouth-watering HD that will take you by the hand and show you that DIY home projects done the right way are easy, fun, and always of top quality… turning dream into reality in a heart-beat. Getting you that perfect build each and every time.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You’ll be getting over 1000 hours of step-by-step HD videos (covering all angles) that will take you by the hand from start to finish, turning even a beginner in a master craftsman starting with the first build.

And you’ll never have to worry about imperfect measurements, bad plans, or lousy instructions ever again!

We know great schematics are as important as seeing someone actually build it, so each project comes with detailed 3D and 2D schematics and blueprints, so you’ll be able to build everything almost on “auto-pilot” with no offcuts and waste, leaving only sawdust on the floor.

Experienced woodworkers and beginners alike share the same enemies: Overbuying materials they don’t really need, and that awful second trip to the store.

With Woodwork101 you’ll get everything you need on the first run because at the beginning of each project you’ll get a complete list of the parts, tools and materials you’ll be using.

But keep in mind that what you’ll watch and read about below is still just the tip of the iceberg of what we’ve bundled up inside “Woodwork101”.

Adjustable Desks

Bar Stools

Square Coffee Table

Cubicle Coffee Table

Round Coffee Table

Kitchen Islands

Oak Bench

Bedside Cabinets

Book Cases


Sofa End Table

Triptych Mirror

Wooden Chest

Coat Racks

Cabinet Door Handles

Kitchen Cabinets

Living Room Cabinets

Mirror Frames

Lowback chair

Rocking Chair

Adjustable Bar Stool

Plant Pot Stand

Jeweler’s Work Bench

Heater Covers

Louvered Doors

Photo Frames

Photo Frame Press

Photo Frame Collage

Book Holder

Burger Trays

Tool Boxes

Rotating Spices Stand

Essential Oils Display

Endgrain Butcher Block

Cutting Boards

Desk Organizer

Jewelry Boxes

Mail Boxes

Picnic Beer Carrier

Rustic Wood Bucket

Appetizers Serving Tray

Wine Bottle Holder

Bread Box

Toilet Paper Holder

Garden Drinking Fountain

Adjustable Sunbeds

Kids Library

Kids Furniture

Baby Rattle Toy

Baby Cribs

Busy Board

Rocket Toy

Toy Sets

Toy Cars

Rocking Horse

Bird Houses

Dog House

Hexagon Cat House

Kitty Play Modules

Puppy Bowl Holders

Adjustable Wood Sawhorse

Cross-Cut Sled

Built-in Router

Drill-Press Sanding Station

Woodworking Joinery

Plexiglas Safety Guard

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Anything from bar stools, to coffee tables, benches, shop signs, cigar boxes, picnic tables, racks, TV cabinets,
desks, rocking chairs, cot racks, mail boxes, even kitchen islands, and a standing drinking fountain for your backyard.

Inside “Woodwork101” you’ll discover all of them backed by complete HD step-by-step video instructions and detailed pictures that will take you by the hand to your perfect build.

None of these unique designs need special tools or a lot of money to make. And most of them, are a walk in the park even for beginners.

The Wine Bottle Holder is just one of the décor items you’ll find inside.

In Woodwork101 you’ll also have HD videos on how to build personalized picture and mirror frames,
cutting boards, decorative bowls, triptych mirrors, and even high-end jewelry boxes for that special someone,
and a lot more.

All of the projects are easy to build, and so perfectly detailed on video that you don’t even have to rewind to get each one done right.

The ingenious and straightforward rocking horse design that Rich demonstrated for you in the video, makes this the perfect “retro” toy that will keep your kids or grandkids busy for hours on end.

You’ll give them the reason to finally put away that phone or tablet… And you’ll keep giving them reasons, because in “Woodwork101” you’ll also discover other toy designs, both old and modern to keep them busy. Toys like wooden cars, play sets and baby rattles… really there are too many to mention here! All with complete step-by-step video instructions.

Whether you’re a cat or dog… or bird lover, Woodwork101 has got you covered.

Inside you’ll find everything from food bowls, dog houses, cat houses, play areas and even bird cages and outdoor birdhouses. Whatever you decide to build, your little friend is gonna love it.

All woodworkers have that ‘leftovers corner’… Or how Rich calls it, ‘unused wood’. And every piece of wood is just sitting there, waiting to become something dull… like a table leg riser, or doorstop, or splinters for when you start the barbecue.

But inside Woodwork101 you’ll find out that those forgotten pieces of wood can become so much more. And not just the big ones from 2 inches and up. You’ll use EVERYTHING. From the smallest speck of sawdust to the whole pile of ‘unused wood’.

Every grain of wood can add up to become something beautiful if you follow the right plan. And you’ll find those plans inside Woodwork101..

If you’re thinking… “OK, but what will I do when I finish all the projects?”

Here’s our answer: We’re adding 10 new videos each month. That’s 120 videos each year. We’re looking to keep even the most hardcore of woodworkers busy as bees around the clock with our designs. Plus you can always make suggestions on what videos you’d like next, inside the member’s area.

Skilled or not, experienced woodworkers and beginners alike share the same enemy: That second trip to the store. Some even have to deal with the third or even the fourth trip.

With Woodwork101, fourth, third, and even second trips are a thing of the past. You’ll get everything on the first run because at the beginning of each project you’ll get a complete list of the tools and materials you’ll be using.

This will save you a lot of time and money starting with your very first build.

And believe it or not, if you get Woodwork101 right now, you’ll also receive Three Exclusive Bonuses that will be off the table soon.

There is an old saying:
“He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”
So, the first bonus you’ll get is:

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

It’s a special video guide I put together that shows you exactly how to sharpen every tool in your garage or workshop. So you won’t be spending your blood, sweat, and tears the next time the chisels, saws, or knives go dull.

This unique video bonus is your guarantee that all your cutting tools will always be brand new. Plus, your wife will never complain about the kitchen knives being dull all the time.

I’m also pretty sure that you are familiar with this Arthur Miller saying that
“Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.”
So the second video bonus you’ll get is:

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

This radical set of step-by-step videos will show you how to create your own tools at home, helping you save even more money in your building process.

You’ll find out the best methods to do so, plus how and when exactly you’ll need them for your projects (two of them go for jaw-dropping prices at local hardware stores).

And best of all, you’ll learn how to make most of them from scraps laying around your house, or in some cases, forgotten in your garage.

Another old saying people used is:
“A carpenter is known by his chips.”
So the third bonus you’ll get is:

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

This special report lists the absolute essential types of wood you should use… some of which many so-called DIY and woodworking enthusiasts never even consider.

To see all your dream projects become reality just by pressing play and watching a video?

If this step-by-step tutorial helps you satisfy your family’s deepest dreams and desires by giving them all the things they’ve always wanted… If you’ll own unique pieces of furniture that aren’t available in any shops…

How much would that be worth to you?

Think about it… You could just drive off and buy everything from IKEA, have everything shipped to you and then still have to put it all together by yourself without instructions designed specifically for you.

Or you could spend years trying to develop your carpentry skills, wasting away money and precious time just so eventually you’ll learn how to make the perfect cut-out.

We’ve put together Woodwork101, so people will build whatever they want and not have to cough up a fortune or spend years doing trial and error to no avail.

Needless to say… This one-of-a-kind program should be something everyone can afford.

But the only way to secure your spot in the program is to click the Order button now!

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Remember when a man’s word was his bond?

When you made an agreement and you just shook on it?

You didn’t need anything more.

Frankly, I would like to do things the old-fashioned way: on a HANDSHAKE.

So click on the button below, go through Woodwork101, and when you’re done, you have to be 100% thrilled and happy with this deal.

If for any reason at all you want to get your money back, you will get it within 24 hours from the moment you send us the request.
You don’t even have to answer any questions.

Simply send us a quick email to the address located in the member’s area in the next 60 days and ask for a refund.

That’s right: You have TWO MONTHS to test drive Woodwork101 and the bonuses. That’s our handshake guarantee!

…So is it a deal? I hope so!

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Click Here To Read The Text Presentation!!

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Copyright 2021 – Woodwork101 – All Rights Reserved

Click here to get Woodwork101 at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Woodwork101 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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The Woodworker's Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict

Product Name: The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict

Click here to get The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Works if You are Just Starting, a Weekend Warrior or An Experienced Woodworker

Wednesday 07 August, 2024

You may be wondering what this damaged VHS tape from 2003 has to do with Woodworking!

But in reality, it was the catalyst that drove me develop a one-of-a-kind woodworking system, that made Woodworking one of the most rewarding pastimes of my life. How?

I will fill you in on the details shortly, but if you keep reading, you will share with you how by using this same system, within just days, you too can…

I am also going to reveal a Subtle Lie that most woodworkers fall for, that prevents them from achieving amazing results! You need to be sure that you avoid this like the plague!

And this will surprise you…

First, let me explain how I accidentally stumbled upon the formula that lead to this System

Hello, my name is Crispin Thomas, Creator and Owner of, but I was not always this pumped up about woodworking.

As a matter of fact, even though I loved the dream of woodworking, I almost ditched this rewarding pastime out of sheer frustration, because my results were so demoralizing, and my years of determination yielded not much more than just, sawdust!

Even though I worked for many years as an Engineer in a small TV station, I was always captivated by the idea of transforming rough lumber into beautiful furniture or other functional items. However, probably like you, time was always in short supply and my workspace was never big enough!

My Worst Woodworking Nightmare

Allow me to share with you a quick story about one of my early attempts at woodworking that almost ended up ruining my marriage!

This was around 2003, my wife and I were married for about 10 years and we needed to replace the vanity in the bedroom. Of course, my wife wanted to just go out and purchase one, but I volunteered to build one!

After all, how difficult could that be!

Now while I had tried to build small items in wood before, this was going to be an item that would be used every day and should have been a kind of show piece, something we could both be proud about!

It goes without saying, she was very skeptical about my woodworking talents, and did not like the idea one bit. But I insisted.

So, I looked up some plans online, and came up with a design that I liked. I got the materials together and set aside a weekend for my grand project and got started.

The results were… well it was just terrible!

I remember saying to myself “What was I thinking?”

I had made some really poor choices in materials, and I realize now looking back, that my joinery techniques were still at “infancy” stage.

As you can imagine, this led to some, let’s call them “disputes” with my wife, and for a long time afterwards, she did not let me forget how much time and money we wasted on that experiment…

…and of course, my confidence in my own woodworking abilities was at rock bottom!

So you see, I was allot like you, or actually I was worse off than you, but it was this very experience, this journey through all the embarrassment and pain, that led me to discover the number one problem that we all face as woodworkers…

… and it may surprise you!

It was this frustrating journey that led me to discover and perfect a system that allowed me to conquer my low woodworking self-esteem and approach all my woodworking projects with confidence.

I am sure you too will have the same results, but without going through the pain and embarrassment I had to endure.

And it all started the day I realized that the main problem that we face as woodworkers isn’t what we think it is…

The fact is that we have been led to believe a lie! But How?

Norm was an extraordinary teacher.

When building a project, he would give the most comprehensive treatment to each project, including the history, the thinking behind its use… the art and the science of the piece.

He would explain in detail why he chose the materials he did, the type of joinery he used, material preparation, assembly, and final finishing.

In order to fit Norm into my schedule, I would set my VHS VCR to record the 30-minute episodes when I was not at home, and watch them over and over during my spare time during the week.

In order to fit Norm into my schedule, I would set my VHS VCR to record the 30-minute episodes when I was not at home, and watch them over and over during my spare time during the week.

The impact on my woodworking was nothing short of revolutionary! Without even realizing it, Norm became my virtual trainer and mentor!

Almost overnight, I finally started having results I could be proud of. Even my wife would jokingly accuse me of secretly buying expensive furniture and pretending to build it myself! 😊

What had changed, is that I was now following a methodical step by step system, instead of my lame haphazard approach from before. It sounds so simple but it’s the honest truth.

For example, if I started working on something but did not plan properly, it was extremely frustrating to have to stop to leave and go to the hardware store, because I forgot to pick up a simple but important item, like the proper length of screws or a drill-bit or something like that.

And when you are a weekend warrior and short on time, it’s the worse feeling to have squandered an extra hour or more that you could have spent on your woodworking project, on something that was totally unnecessary.

So the lie, was not a deliberate “conspiracy”, but the truth is that you do not need to have the latest and greatest tools and the most tricked out workshop to get amazing results. And simply having woodworking plans or watching YouTube videos alone is just not enough.

Free plans cannot give you all the details and they just assume that you already have all the skills you need.

In the case of YouTube videos, there simply isn’t enough time to show you everything you need to know in a short video that compresses days of work into just a few minutes!

As a result, your projects will never give you the joy and satisfaction you worked so hard to achieve.

What we all need is a consistent and reliable coach and mentor rooting for and guiding us, even if it’s not someone standing next to us!

The good news is that once you recognize the truth, you open yourself to the real solution. That way you can regain your confidence and the respect of those around you who really matter.

Everything was going well for me until this happened!

So, with my VCR now broken, it was clear that I would need a much more bullet proof system, that was more reliable and comprehensive than just my growing collection of VHS tapes, to sustain the momentum I now had…

Something that I could even share with other woodworkers like us, and that would put the latest online technology to work for us.

For example, let me share with you just 3 simple but powerful tips that that I discovered along the way.

Don’t be a Hero, Get a Helping Hand.

What do I mean by that? Well, even though you and I thoroughly enjoy working alone on most aspects of our woodworking projects, there are times when fatigue and other factors can rob you of your joy.

If you do find yourself in a frustrated situation where you are single handedly performing all sorts of woodworking tasks ranging from lifting heavy lumber to cutting and sanding, getting a partner or a workshop jig to help with some tasks is the sensible and safe thing to do.

Finally, and this is the most important step because if you do not do this, then the other tips we have covered so far will not work well.

This is your absolute need for accountability and for a proven system that you can rely on.

One that has taken all the hard work off your plate, taken all the doubt and questions and lack of confidence all out of the way, giving you a step-by-step blueprint to take you from where you are to exactly where you want to go, and then further.

So literally after years of development and marrying my woodworking and professional skills, this is what I want to share with you now.

This is a Digital Product. Images Shown Are For Visualization Only

More than just plans, Woodworkers Treasure Chest (WTC) is a Unique Woodworking System that Quickly Guides You Through All Aspects of Your Woodworking Projects, thus helping you to avoid missing important steps in your projects or costly and time-consuming mistakes.

When you join, you will have access to all the resources and features needed to get you the Woodworking results you work so hard to achieve.

Woodworkers Treasure Chest is extremely user-friendly and makes it super easy to research, plan and execute your projects, giving you all the resources you need from start to finish.

(Blindly Fast Search Fetches Your Results in just milliseconds!)

For starters here’s what you’ll get inside:

Woodworkers Treasure Chest features high-quality indoor & outdoor plans, interactive 3D models, workshop plans, craft plans, exotic designs and so much more!

And because you have lifetime access to all the “done-for-you” plans you can always access them anytime, anywhere and save yourself from the blunders those “other” woodworkers make.

There’re absolutely NO hidden charges, no monthly fees.

In fact, our members are using these plans to:

While it’s just impractical to list all of the plans and projects in our database, here is a list of some available categories that you will have lifetime access to.

Now this is where it gets interesting…

See, other veteran Woodworkers offer you basic plans and wish you good luck.

While this may work for some for some people, most woodworkers feel like being thrown into the troubled waters without a lifejacket.

So I went a step further to ensure that you enjoy completing your projects quickly and smoothly….

(Works on all your devices!)

This is your personal “secret weapon” to finish one project after another quickly, without any frustration.

To my knowledge this is the first program in the world – which combines ‘Project management’ techniques with woodworking.

It gives you the momentum you need… my estimation is you’ll save half the time to allow you more free time for your family, so you can still have a life outside the workshop.

What’s the point of slaving away at something if you can’t enjoy it?

So here’s how it basically works.

Project Wizard holds your hand like a personal mentor and guides you every step of the way until you finish projects – no matter your skills, your budget or the tools you have.

This simply ensures you complete each project successfully, and at the same time quickly gain the experience to build bigger, better, and GRANDER projects.

Moreover, thanks to Project Wizard you don’t need to wade through millions of pages before finding what you need.

In a nutshell, Project Wizard is the nerve center of Woodworker’s Treasure Chest that links to all the other features and ties them altogether..

Project Wizard Screen Shots

Deciding on Types of Joinery

Deciding on Type of Finish

Finishing Tools and Materials

Then at the end of each Project Plan, you are able to save all your decisions for later use on your own workspace, in a PDF file or even print out a hardcopy summary if you need to have a paper document to refer to.

See Sample Project Report below.

In fact, look at some unique project that our members have built for themselves:

Metric to Imperial Linear Converter and Calculator

Mitered Door Calculator – Generate Cut-lists

The quickest, easiest way to improve your woodworking is to watch a master at work, and then apply what you’ve learned in your own projects.

Now with step-by-step video demonstrations by grizzled veterans with decades of woodworking experience, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more enjoyable learning experience that will transform you into a master woodworker in no time!

Here, we cover everything you need to know to get started–

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

You can finally stop searching online for information because everything you need to know is right here in Woodworkers Treasure Chest.

When you combine these video tutorials in conjunction with the Project Wizard.

And to top it off, we’re constantly updating the member’s area with the latest tips, tricks and techniques so you’re always on the cutting-edge of what’s working right now.

Before I get to your investment today, think about the cost of inaction, the cost of wasted time and wasted materials. And most of all the cost of frustration and dissatisfaction if you fail to act today!

First, you will also gain access, completely free of charge to the following 5 Premium Bonuses to further Boost Your Woodworking Knowledge and Skills.

And there is more to come…

Over 80 Full Color Illustrated Pages on subjects such as:

Over 80 Full Color Illustrated Pages on subjects such as:

Designing and Building Cabinets contains 148 pages of fully illustrated articles that present the basics of design and construction in easy-to-understand, accessible terms. Subjects include: Making big cabinets manageable, Working with modern materials, Fitting flush mounted doors and drawers, Glazing cabinet doors, and much more…This is the ultimate visual reference for any woodworker.

Making furniture is one of the most satisfying ways to pass time:

The schiiick of a plane iron on wood; the dizzying aroma of freshly sawn sugar pine or East Indian rosewood; the endless array of color, texture, and feel of woods from around the world; the tense but joyful final assembly, when all work and toil come together in a conclusive burst of completion.

What excitement! This is the fine and fun art of woodworking. The reward is beautiful furniture.

In this Finishing and Refinishing download, you’ll find valuable finishing tips and techniques from the pros.

You’ll learn how to assemble your finishing toolkit, strip a piece of furniture back to the bare wood, and then apply a professional-quality finish.

You’ll find tips on how to sand new or unfinished furniture, and then get help picking the right finish that will bring out the beauty in the wood and give your project lasting protection

I’m naturally curious and a tinkerer by nature, I also have dabbled and played with wood for a few years, but never felt that I had the skills necessary to handle pieces that could be displayed. I don’t have a lot of woodworking tools just a mixture of some basic power and hand tools. I have worked at learning how to use them for basic operations, but I am always looking to improve my skill set.

I found the Woodworkers treasure chest site to be easy to navigate and the information available very useful to someone such as myself. For example, I found the calculator converting metric to English units easy to use and it makes laying out a project that has metric units very easy to do. In addition, the most valuable tool to me are the tutorials and the search function it has. You can very quickly find useful information on tool usage, joints, glues, jigs to make repetitive cuts or cutting wood joints easier and even on finishing techniques. The plans that are available to use can be downloaded or printed, are easy to follow, have good instructions and well dimensioned, and, if nothing else the plans can give you ideas on how they can be modified to meet your own ideas.

If you, like me, are willing to work at improving your skill using the tools given, then I think the Woodworkers Treasure Chest can only help as I’m still learning every day as My wife is constantly coming up with projects for me.

This is an outstanding service for the small cost involved. I would recommend it to any woodworker or woodworker want to be…

I retired from education in June of 2017. I needed an outlet for myself to remain active and productive. I have always enjoyed woodworking and have tried my hand at various projects. Most have been workable but not very good.

I have expanded my projects to some much better finished projects. Wood projects just tend to of a better quality that what are purchased at the store.

Since I live in a subdivision governed by a homeowners association. They have some very strict regulations in regard to the design and construction. This is making the shed a challenging project to meet the guidelines while keeping the cost at a level I can afford.

This Treasure Chest is providing me wind the tools to plan and put a workable plan together. Thanks for including me in this elite group.

Hi, from Down Under. Thank-you Crispin for inviting me to join. I live in Port Huon, Tasmania, Australia. I retired here from Alice Springs.

I’m a supervisor at the local Men’s Shed(call the Dog House) in Geeveston. I enjoy making thinks with my hands.

Since being down here, I’ve gotten into wood, in a big way. I like small thinks: jogs, a folding table, jigsaw, hat rack, coast rack(for home), hand doors for friends; I’ll put together some pics to post on a couple of days.

The Woodworkers Treasure Chest is bound to be a valuable asset for me. One of my quirks is, I do my project in sketchup before I touch any timber! It gives me time to look at it, modify before starting.

From what I’ve looked at so far this is quite impressive. I intent to continue using the Woodworkers Treasure Chest well into the future.

Now, I am going to do something, and you will probably call me crazy!

I am going to include Not One but Two other Woodworking Modules that normally sell on their own, and include them with Woodworkers Treasure Chest.

The best part is that you get all of this for same ridiculously low price. No kidding!

Now, I am going to do something, and you will probably think I am insane! But I really want this amazing tool to be in the hands of more woodworkers like you.

And if you think about it, this is a miniscule price to pay to save yourself so much more in terms of your wasted time and effort, disappointing results and ruined materials!

Just Click on the Large Add to Cart Button below to take action.

When you click on this button, you will be taken to a secure order page, where you can safely enter your payment details.

As soon as you enter the Members Area, you will be invited to Join our Exclusive Facebook Group, where you will have the privilege of exchanging ideas, projects and pictures with fellow passionate woodworkers like you, so you never have to feel that you are in this alone whenever you need a helping hand.

You will also be automatically enrolled in our Free Monthly Tool Giveaway

Woodworkers Treasure Chest can be instantly accessed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

There is NO software to download.

Everything works directly from your browser! Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Android.

WTC is fully online, so whether you’re on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, or whether it’s 2 A.M. or 2 P.M., or whether you’re in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia or anywhere else, you can instantly start understanding and creating your projects from the privacy of your home or workshop.

This is extremely important, so take advantage of this special offer now.

Don’t overthink this zero-risk opportunity… because I’m not sure how long I can keep the price this low!

So, act now and Click the ‘LARGE ORANGE’ button… do it before it’s too late.

So why not start that journey now, because you really have no reason for not taking action today?

Going forward you can just continue working the way you have done before and keep getting the same results or your can take the EASY path and join the WTC Community today!

So why not Go ahead and try WTC for yourself completely RISK FREE.

I look forward to you joining and trading success stories with your fellow woodworkers in the FaceBook Group.

Click the Add to Cart Button Now

Woodworkers Treasure Chest is built to work on any Internet Browser, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Android devices. Consequently, it will work on any Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile device. To get the best experience though, we recommend the use of devices with larger screens like tablets and higher.

Yes absolutely! Just login to the members area with your username and password.

All PDF plans are readable directly online without needing to download. If you do need to download just look for the download icon in the PDF menu and download to your preferred location on your computer. You can also print the plans or specific pages directly from within WTC.

If you forget your password just click on “Lost your password” in the login screen along with your username, and your password will be sent to the email address we have on file. If you really get stuck, just send an email to [email protected] and we will sort you out.

We are currently offering only lifetime membership. Even if we change to another system in the future, you continued membership is guaranteed without any further payment. (This is why it’s a good idea to get in now!)

In the unlikely event that you need to be refunded with 60 days of your purchase, just send an email to [email protected] and ask for your payment to be refunded within one business day. No questions asked!

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


SPECIAL OFFER! If you are willing to act now, I am including two additional woodworking modules, which would normally be sold separately. So here is what you will now get…

However this 70% discount special is only available on this page, and expires when the countdown timer above reaches 00:00:00:00.

Listen! You Don’t even have to make a final decision now! Just grab this offer now while it lasts, and you can always ask for a full refund within 60days if you are dissatisfied for any reason.

Click here to get The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest | Sawdust Addict is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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