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Hemorrhoids Case Study cb | Blue Heron Health News

Product Name: Hemorrhoids Case Study cb | Blue Heron Health News

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Hemorrhoids Case Study cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


I used to have hemorrhoids.

Swollen, painful, bleeding, hemorrhoids.

People make jokes about the condition. That’s okay… but I didn’t find it funny.

The reality was too painful to ever laugh about.

I spent 2 years trying ointments and treatments for the condition. I had two surgeries.

I wanted more than anything for my hemorrhoids to just go away.

Everything I tried ended in disappointment.

Perhaps it’s the same for you. Many hemorrhoids sufferers spend their lives trying to manage this painful, sometimes distressing, occasionally embarrassing problem.

Just over a year ago I stumbled upon something that pretty much turned my world upside down.

Quite by chance, I found out that the causes of hemorrhoids were better understood than I realized.

And that although conventional medicine was struggling to deal with the condition… some other practitioners were getting near-100% clear-up rates.

They were getting these results within days.

At first, I didn’t believe that my hemorrhoids – which I’d had for so long – could be permanently remedied so quickly.

Here’s what happened…

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Is there an ongoing pain or discomfort that a person can suffer that is worse than hemorrhoids?

But I can’t think of what it might be.

I reckon I have a higher than average pain tolerance. I generally take discomfort quite well. I’m no complainer.

But sometimes the pain after a bowel movement hurt so much it made my eyes water.

And getting relief was next to impossible. Creams and ointments can only cope with so much… when the pain was at its worst, even lying down gave me no relief.

I don’t have hemorrhoids anymore. I got rid of them just over two years ago and they’ve never come back.

They’re not going to either.

Which, I realize, is a bold statement. How can I be so sure?

That’s easy. The method I used worked so quickly that it was clearly the cause of my hemorrhoids disappearing. I had stumbled on something that genuinely tackled those horrible things head-on.

After 3 weeks my hemorrhoids had reduced to almost nothing. Before finally disappearing for good.

There’s no accident here. Something that gets results so quickly has to be doing something right.

So when they finally disappeared I just knew they weren’t coming back.

Believe me, I tried everything you’ve ever tried.

And for 2 long years I tried it.

The creams and ointments…. Forget it. It took me a while to realize what was going on here but in the end I got it: ointments are simply addressing the symptoms.

They don’t stop the hemorrhoids coming back the next day.

I tried eating more fiber. It’s not as easy as it might sound. I got tired of salads and forcing myself to eat more vegetables.

I figured that some veggies would be better for my hemorrhoids than others… but I didn’t know which ones it might be. But despite eating everything in sight I didn’t really notice any change in the way I went to the toilet.

And the pain just went on.

I went to hospital for banding. If you’ve not heard of banding it’s a procedure where they tie bands around each hemorrhoid (I’m not kidding you). The resulting lack of blood flow to the hemorrhoid causes it to wither and fall off.

That worked for a while. It left me with a skin tag but that caused no problems. But over the next 4 months the hemorrhoids came back – with a vengeance. They were actually slightly worse than ever.

So then it was THD – transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization. I was told this would be relatively pain-free.

I believed it. I shouldn’t have.

True, I did suffer some complications – all procedures carry risk – but I had a month of pain beyond description. I preferred the hemorrhoids, to be honest.

THD was my last procedure. When the hemorrhoids returned I more or less gave up on a cure.

So I carried on suffering all the frustrations that you’re probably experiencing now

Discomfort going to the toilet.

Real, sometimes searing pain afterward. For hours on end.

Bleeding. Which always worried me because of the risk of infection. I mean, an open wound in an area like that… I think you get what I mean.

Lack of mobility. I couldn’t walk comfortably or bend down at all when my hemorrhoids were at their worst. Trouble was, their worse became more and more frequent…

Hygiene… let’s not go too much into that. But you know and I know how difficult it can be to properly clean oneself when you’re swollen and in pain. There’s not much dignity to be had, that’s for sure.

Itchiness. I was luckier in that regard. But when it did itch, well… it itches like crazy.

Having to plan toilet visits so the pain afterward didn’t coincide with a social or work event. There’s no discomfort like having to smile at people, be physically active in ways you don’t want to be, be alert and attentive while you’re painfully swollen and, possibly, bleeding at the same time…

Finally, that permanent background fear of going to the toilet. Knowing, as I did, that it wasn’t going to be nice afterward.

If it is then I feel for you. I know what you’re going through.

At one point my doctor told me that I would probably have to live with the condition.

His advice? Readjust your idea of what it means to live ‘pain-free’.

In other words, take the level of pain and misery that your hemorrhoids are giving you… and try to regard that as your new ‘normal’.

I think that was one of the genuine low points in my time with hemorrhoids. That was one of the moments in which I wondered if I could really put up with this for the rest of my life.

I can’t claim I did something clever or insightful.

It was no stroke of genius on my part.

In fact, I only got rid of my hemorrhoids by a stroke of luck really.

After more than 2 years of trying out everything that doctors advised me to try… I’d resigned myself to simply managing the pain. Just like my doctor had suggested.

I stopped hoping for a remedy because frankly… I didn’t believe there was one.

But the one thing I did continue to do – now and again – was read some online health forums.

And that’s where I struck gold.

One old forum I used to like had an entire thread devoted to the problems of hemorrhoids.

It felt comforting at times to read other people’s experience of the condition.

Because I found having hemorrhoids is quite isolating. I was embarrassed about it to some extent.

It’s not a pleasant thing to describe. How do you tell a person who has no experience of it what it’s really like?

For some people it’s a funny condition. Amusing, even.

Which is both infuriating and dispiriting.

Anyway, on one of the few occasions I logged in and read people’s comments I saw they were going on about alternative remedies for hemorrhoids.

I’m not really into all this ‘alternative’ stuff.

After all, doctors train for years. If they can’t cure something then, so far as I am concerned (or, more accurately, so far as I used to be concerned) that means it can’t be cured.

I read the thread and, in truth, I was intrigued by what some of the contributors were saying about the underlying causes of hemorrhoids.

In particular a couple of people mentioned an approach to hemorrhoids they had taken that had made a startling difference to their condition.

There was endless conversation over it in the forum but the nub of the matter was this:

Hemorrhoids is caused. It doesn’t just happen. We get it for a reason.

If you can identify actual causes you have a fighting chance of remedying the condition itself.

I realized there and then the creams and hospital treatments I’d tried were tackling symptoms, not causes.

They addressed the hemorrhoids you’ve actually got rather than the condition that’s making them happen in the first place.

And here’s what this means to every single person currently suffering the pain of hemorrhoids:

Standard creams and treatments leave the causes of your hemorrhoids in place.

And if you leave the causes in place guess what? You get the symptoms again.

Swelling. Itching. Bleeding. Pain.

What they were saying in this forum was that, like many physical conditions, hemorrhoids are caused by some of the simplest activities known to man or woman, namely:

Most of us have some pretty unhelpful habits in these two areas. If we also have a susceptibility to hemorrhoids then these bad habits will ensure we get those hemorrhoids.

Now, at first I was both excited and a bit deflated by that news.

For one thing, I don’t want diet advice – I really can’t stand diets. I’ve tried a couple in the past and they really don’t suit me.

And I certainly don’t want an exercise program. All those silly moves and jumping about. It just isn’t me.

Turns out though that it’s not like that at all.

And that added to my underlying sense of excitement.

I was reading in that forum about people who’d had painful, long-lasting hemorrhoids for years… but who were getting rid of them in weeks.

There were two main contributors to the discussion in this forum: a lady who had successfully got rid of her hemorrhoids using this approach.

And a man who had only been using the approach for a couple of weeks. His hemorrhoids had shrunk to almost nothing – they were nearly gone.

The lady told us that although she had lost 7 pounds in a month she had eaten more food than she had ever eaten before.

So no diet then. Which was good news for me.

Anyway, weight-loss is just a happy side effect. Weight-loss isn’t the point of this approach.

There are two really, really bad habits that are strong contributors to hemorrhoids.

If you acquired hemorrhoids due to heavy lifting or through pregnancy then these two bad habits are going to make it very difficult for you to shift them.

If you already are naturally susceptible to hemorrhoids then these two bad habits make it almost certain you’ll get them. And you may well get them really bad.

The first bad habit is around what we eat.

The second bad habit is around how we move.

And we move too little – or we move enough but not in the right way.

Both are very easy to remedy. Much, much easier than I imagined, actually.

To be honest, I like my food and don’t really want to change my eating habits.

But get this: modern medical science has stated this for decades: food is medicine.

(Ancient medicine has known it for centuries – but that’s a different discussion).

In other words, all the different natural foods have their own protective and healing properties.

Food has known and measurable effects on us.

So although we tend to eat for pleasure the truth is we can direct our eating towards specific, well-defined goals.

Like removing hemorrhoids.

Well, the mechanics of hemorrhoids are well-known: they include unhealthy bowel movements, weak blood vessels and severe inflammation.

At the same time, the properties of different foods are also very well-understood: anti-inflammatory, promote very efficient bowel movements, strengthens blood vessels, reduces swelling, relieve pain, and so on.

Food choices are hemorrhoids choices

When you look at the scientifically evidenced health-giving properties of natural foods you end up realizing…

…that there are many foods that seem to have been almost purposely designed to relieve and remove hemorrhoids.

One of the reasons I suffered my hemorrhoids for so long was that I didn’t know which foods they were.

I wonder if that’s the case for you too?

Because it’s all very well endlessly stuffing fiber down your throat – but if more fiber was the answer nobody would have hemorrhoids, would they?

We have to be smarter than that.

Understanding which foods directly affect hemorrhoids means we can take control of the condition and do something about it.

For example, some types of fiber have much, much better anti-hemorrhoids effects than others.

That’s the fiber we want to be eating.

Other foods contain natural astringents and anthocyanins – both these decrease hemorrhoid swelling and so reduce that awful pain. Again, we’d want to make absolutely certain we’re getting these foods in our diet.

Yet other foods specifically combat coagulation and inflammation within the circulatory system – primary causes of the development of swollen, painful blood vessels.

Combining the very best medicinal and curative foods has an unavoidably positive effect on hemorrhoids. You can’t help but get better if you’re eating the range of foods whose effect is to make you better.

It is intelligent to focus on foods that can end this hemorrhoid misery for us. That’s the approach those people in the online forum were taking.

The second habit is to do with movement.

I thought at first that meant ‘exercise’ but it doesn’t. Not in the sense that you and I understand exercise, anyway.

The basic bad habit here is this:

we sit too much and move too little.

Both of these are significant factors in your hemorrhoids pain.

As a typical westerner I spend way too much time sitting.

Sure, I walk here and there – but that’s usually for minutes at a time.

Whereas I sit – on the sofa, at a desk, in my car, on the bus – for hours.

Sitting too long is very bad for hemorrhoids.

(As a side-note: too much sitting – which two-thirds of Americans are guilty of – also raises your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.)

So we need to move a bit.

But not all movement is equal.

All that weight training stuff… getting all sweaty, straining… doing sit-ups every day… that’s not helping at all.

In fact, certain types of strenuous exercise is shown categorically to make hemorrhoids worse.

Movement that eases the causes of hemorrhoid pain is gentle movement. They’re nurturing.

In fact, you can perform those movements while you’re watching television.

There’s no jumping about. No special equipment.

Perform the right movements and you’re giving your body the healing that it craves.

A lot of this has been known elsewhere for centuries. We just haven’t been making proper use of it.

Now we can. I did. And I’m so so glad that I did…

So these two bad habits around eating the wrong foods and not moving enough (in the right way) are the reason your hemorrhoids continue to have such a miserable – and, possibly, worsening – effect on you.

So address your eating habits and you’ve stopped doing the things that make hemorrhoids possible.

Eat the specific foods that directly tackle the different aspects of hemorrhoids and you’ve taken away hemorrhoids’ ability to exist in the first place.

Perform a couple of gentle movements that help those hemorrhoids fade away.

I maintain these simple but powerful habits to this day. I have not had a single instance of anything even remotely like hemorrhoids for a year.

I honestly don’t expect to experience them ever again.

If you realized you could say ‘goodbye’ forever to hemorrhoids… would you make these basic changes to your daily habits?

Is getting rid of that pain worth it?

Okay, so the key to all of this is, of course: how the heck do we put this all together?

Well, that is a trick question…

Because I already know the answer.

The lady on the chat forum who had successfully got rid of her hemorrhoids – and the gentleman who was in the process of doing the same – happened to both be following the same program.

They told us about the program and how it worked for them.

The program is called the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol and it has been created, tested and proven by Scott Davis.

It turns out that Scott is a well-regarded alternative health practitioner. He concentrates on the causes of various conditions. He then applies non-drug, non-surgery treatments for those causes.

Scott’s approach to remedying unpleasant but persistent conditions is pretty simple, really.

Successfully tackling the causes of a condition means you’ve successfully got rid of the condition. Which makes sense: without the causes there can be no condition, can there?

His Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol is designed to remedy the specific bad habits around food and movement that directly cause the condition in the first place.

A long story cut short: I was so determined to get shot of my miserable condition that I bought Scott’s Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol that morning.

It’s not like me to be so spontaneous. But these damn things had made my life miserable and if there was a chance of making them disappear I was willing to go for it.

I got rid of these awful hemorrhoids of mine in under a month. They’ve never returned.

I have zero swelling, zero bleeding, zero itching… and absolutely zero pain.

It wasn’t an immediate fix. But it was a quick fix.

It took about 3 weeks for things to clear up. Certainly before a month was out I was pretty much a new – and significantly happier – person.

There are some obvious – and understandable – questions you might have about Scott’s protocol.

What do I do to make it work?

Am I going to have to change my life in order to do this?

I’m time-poor and cash-strapped – is this expensive? Does it take long?

Let me just answer these clearly – and bluntly – and let you decide if it’s for you.

Put simply, the protocol addresses those two bad habits I mentioned:

first, not eating foods that are known to directly reduce and remove the causes of hemorrhoids.

And, second, not moving in ways that, basically, ease and then reduce them.

Scott describes the precise foods that act directly on the weaknesses that cause hemorrhoids.

He treats food as medicine – which is what it really is – and shows you the foods that remedy hemorrhoids.

He turns those foods into easy-to-prepare but very tasty recipes. They’re quick to prepare too – Scott realizes that if they take too much prep time people simply won’t do them.

If you aren’t a natural cook – or your culinary skills are only basic – you’ll no doubt be pleased to hear this.

On a personal note, one thing that I was most happy about was that this isn’t a diet!

So I ate as much as I liked. (But if you’re underweight check with your doctor before starting – some people report some fat-loss with this protocol.)

Also, none of these foods are exotic items that you’ve never heard of.

They’re all available in your local supermarket. Some of them you might not previously have tried but they’re widely available.

And because they’re easy to source they’re not at all expensive. You don’t have to go to specialist outlets to acquire them.

So – easy to find foods, simple ways of turning them into delicious meals, inexpensive and tasty. There are no portion restrictions and you can still eat many of your favorite foods.

You’ll be a happy eater.

But you’ll also be a much smarter eater.

Which is what your hemorrhoids desperately need. And it’s why you’ll start to see improvements in your condition more quickly than you might dare to hope…

Scott’s movement plan centers around exercises that nurture healthy bowels and relieve hemorrhoids’ painful symptoms.

They strengthen the anal muscles and reduce swelling and discomfort. They tackle constipation head-on by stimulating the abdomen.

Although, to be honest, they’re not really exercises as you and I might imagine them.

And given that I’m a bit… lazy… I was delighted to see most involve sitting or, even better, lying down.

In fact, there’s a couple you can do and nobody would even know you’re doing them.

I mostly do my exercises whilst watching TV or listening to music. Actually, that’s how I remember to even do them. The moment I decide to watch something it’s my cue to also quickly do my exercises.

It’s really lovely to be doing these movements with such ease. It’s wonderful, actually.

The simple answer? Not much.

The Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol provides a lot of insightful information that, despite my various inquiries, I’d not heard of.

But Scott does one special thing that, for me, is the key to his whole program actually working.

Instead of dumping lots of interesting and inspiring facts on people – and then leaving us to work out how to apply it – he has created a 3-week, step-by-step plan for us to follow.

I didn’t have to think about how I was going to apply Scott’s knowledge. His Protocol did all my thinking for me and showed me exactly what to do.

So I now shop a little differently.

I still go to the same shops… but I choose slightly different foods for some of my meals.

When I watch TV I don’t just sit there idle anymore. For short periods I do some of the healing movements that helped ease my pain and shrink the swelling.

Doing this ensures not just that the hemorrhoids go. It ensures that they stay gone.

A year after using Scott’s program I can confirm that they have gone, they’ve stayed gone – and I absolutely know they aren’t coming back.

Also – as a bonus – he also describes some really useful ways to get instant relief from hemorrhoid symptoms while the main program is taking effect.

And while my symptoms reduced quickly I did use his instant relief advice for a week or two because, to be honest, I was still experiencing some pain.

But once the program started taking effect the improvement I felt was really, really quick.

I mean, one day I went to the toilet, things were over pretty quickly… and there was no swelling.

And with no swelling there was no pain.

It was sort of… weird at first… like something was missing.

But it was a very nice weird!

Just recollecting that first time when everything worked out still makes me smile, even now…

I’ve talked a lot about my experiences here. What about you?

What would not suffering hemorrhoids mean for you?

If they were gone 3 weeks from now… what would that feel like?

What’s the one thing that would make you most happy about not suffering hemorrhoids any more?

For me, saying goodbye to hemorrhoids meant the end of pain. That was the number one thing for me.

And then no uncomfortable swelling.

No embarrassing difficulties keeping myself clean.

And the other thing… that people who don’t suffer hemorrhoids wouldn’t understand:

Not having to think, plan or worry about the next hemorrhoids attack. And how that attack might affect a social or work event.

Acquiring Scott Davis’ Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol was one of the single best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m so glad I did it.

I do wish I’d done it earlier. I went through some pretty nasty medical procedures – and 2 years of misery.

It simply wasn’t necessary. There was a much better way of tackling it – I just didn’t know what it was.

And it’s the same for you. You don’t have to put up with hemorrhoids either.

They’ve caused you enough suffering. You don’t want this pain anymore.

Which is, I’m guessing, why you’re actually here reading this now. Perhaps you’ve reached that point where enough is more than enough. and you’ve decided today to address the problem once and for all.

Because there’s no risk here. This protocol has now worked for thousands of people.

They once suffered hemorrhoids. And now they don’t.

For them, hemorrhoids is nothing more than a distant memory.

Would you like the same for you?

Results are 100% guaranteed.

Every step in the protocol is based on proven medicine. Scott has drawn together science-based data from hundreds of peer-reviewed studies to create an intelligent remedy for the cause of hemorrhoids.

His program has succeeded for thousands of people. People like me and people like you.

Scott realizes people are worried about committing to the unknown. As sufferers we’ve experienced so many disappointments that it’s only natural that we fear yet another one.

So he completely guarantees the program.

Scott has no doubt it will produce the same results for you as it has for thousands of others.

But so that you’re completely reassured he makes this offer: if you decide at any time within 60 days of purchasing this healing protocol that it isn’t for you then you can get all your money back. No questions asked.

This is going to work for you. It worked for me. There are so many people whose only regret about using Scott’s protocol is… that they didn’t find it sooner.

I’m so glad I got rid of my hemorrhoids so quickly. I wouldn’t wish them on anybody.

I now use the toilet without any worry. I never have painful swelling.

There’s never any blood. Everything is always perfect.

It’s your turn now. Be kind to yourself.

Get Scott’s Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol, follow the laid-out steps… and see why the rest of us swear that it’s the best thing we ever did.

I want to feel good again!

And they don’t have to happen.

They are a problem with specific causes. Cause and effect – it’s a universal law.

The key, then, to permanently ending hemorrhoids pain is to address those identified causes. With the causes removed hemorrhoids simply can’t exist.

It simply doesn’t have to be complicated.

Bad habits cause hemorrhoids. I addressed the bad habits that created my hemorrhoids… and so my hemorrhoids ceased.

It’s really that simple.

One thing I think you know for certain: they won’t go on their own.

But they will go if you make them go.

Scott will show you how to do that. Every single step.

In about 3 weeks I was able to go to the toilet without suffering any swelling. Without pain or bleeding. Without worry.

Just like I used to be able to do.

You want the same. And you can start getting it in about 90 seconds from now. Click below and let’s get this done.

There’s one thing we all know: if we don’t address problems they tend to get worse over time.

There can come a point with hemorrhoids where the problem has become so bad it needs surgery – just for you to function normally.

The after-effects may not be very nice.

Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t let inaction today cause worse things to happen to you tomorrow.

Time is of the essence. Start following the protocol that so many sufferers like me did.

You’ve got a money-back guarantee that it works.

What more do you need to relieve yourself of this misery?

Your hemorrhoids can either get so bad you can barely stand… or get so good you actually no longer have them.

Free of swelling. Easy, pain-free. Happy.

It doesn’t stand still. It gets better or it gets worse.

Testimonial / Case Study Legal Disclaimer: The story, testimonials, and case studies discussed on this page may be unique. You may or may not enjoy similar results from using the methods discussed. We neither make any claims nor offer any guarantees regarding the health improvements or specific results you may enjoy from following our guidance. Always consult your doctor before taking any actions regarding your health.

Click here to get Hemorrhoids Case Study cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Hemorrhoids Case Study cb | Blue Heron Health News is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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14-Day Rapid Soup Diet —

Product Name: 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet —

Click here to get 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet — at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet — is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Women and men over 50 are buzzing about a new wave of weight-loss soups so powerful they take off up to 14 pounds every 14 days…

And a jean size in a single week.

Why do they work so well?

It’s a combination of the right ingredients that kill hunger…

Along with using the latest science to pack this convenient comfort food with nutrients that make belly fat melt faster.

Nutrients that most women and men over 50 aren’t getting nearly enough of.

Penn State University researchers found that the combination of solid foods in liquid tricks the body into feeling full about 400 calories sooner than normal.

If you do the math, that means you would lose about 41 pounds of extra weight this year without strict dieting or exercise.

Think of it like Mother Nature’s appetite suppressant.

Just imagine how your body would look, move and feel being 50 pounds lighter without you doing any real “work”.

However, I must warn you…

Not all soup, or soup diets, are created equal.

In fact, most don’t work because they focus on restricting calories or use the wrong ingredients, which triggers cravings and can lead to weight gain.

And most soups aren’t spiked with key nutrients that optimize fat-burning in the body after 50…

…when your hormones are drastically different than they were just a few years ago.

And she thought eating these new soups would be easiest because of her busy lifestyle.

When she craved comfort food, she had a bowl of soup.

Within days, pounds starting pouring off, motivating Jessica even more.

In the end, she went down from a size 18 to a size 10 without making any other changes to her diet.

Just remember, you can’t eat any old soup to get these kind of jaw-dropping results.

If nothing has ever worked for you before…

Maybe you’ve tried keto and low-carb diets…

Or maybe you’ve tried skipping meals and cutting way back on calories…

Or eating nothing but protein and veggies…

If none of those ever work for you, then you’re in luck…

Because if you can take a spoonful of soup, lift it up to your mouth, swallow it, and then repeat until you’re full…

Then this will work for you.

There’s no way you can fail unless you hate soup.

And no, I’m not talking about canned soup you buy at the grocery store that’s filled with added chemicals, processed foods, and nasty ingredients.

Or certain homemade soups that use ingredients that trigger fat storage in adults over 50…

Even better, the weight loss is so easy to maintain because you can still have dessert (like a big piece of chocolate cake after your soup)…

And the weight will still come off.

These slimming soups have a built-in appetite suppressant…

Thanks to a handful of little-known “super-nutrients” that help kill cravings, eliminate mindless snacking, and all-but end emotional eating.

That’s the real reason why this works so well…

Because if you’re hungry all the time, no matter how healthy you’re eating, it’s just not going to work.

You know yourself better than anyone, and when’s the last time being constantly hungry led to any substantial weight loss?

I have an unusual true story to share about how I saved my own life…

…and lost over 100 pounds eating soup.

So if you’re wondering whether you can burn belly fat every week by simply eating more soup…

But it’s not what you think.

These aren’t soups from a can or a restaurant.

Yet you can make them right at home with just a handful of ingredients.

When I started sharing my recipes online, people from all over the world started slimming down…

They contain a handful of herbs, spices, and minerals that trigger fat-burning, especially around your stomach area.

Don’t worry, I’ll give you the entire list in just a minute and explain WHY each one works in detail.

That way you can use them at home as soon as tonight.

But the real reason they work is because they unclog an overworked detox system in the body that affects 80% of women over 40.

This detox system is a complex network of capillaries and vessels that help the body flush out fat..

And when it’s backed up, it leads to fat piling up on the body.

So it’s not about eating fewer calories…

None of those matter if your internal detox system is slow, sluggish, sludgy.

So today, we’re going to fix it.

What I’m going to share with you today has been overlooked by the top doctors, experts, and dietitians for years.

That’s because they’re all so busy, they don’t have the time to research how the body changes as you get older.

However, researchers from Stanford University discovered that this “slowdown” causes fat storage to double in women…

And it triggers the creation of more fat cells that expand your waistline and make your belly bigger…

Which makes losing weight on ANY diet virtually impossible.

So if you’ve been dieting for years and the pounds never come off…

Or maybe you’ve tried everything and since nothing ever works, you give up because what’s the point?

Or maybe your mom was overweight and you think you’re doomed to the same fate…

Well, today we’re going to change that.

What I’m going to share today flies in the face of traditional medicine and human anatomy…

It’s not about eating more vegetables…

Or going on a crash diet…

Unfortunately, we’ve gotten in wrong for years.

And both you and I have been the ones to suffer…

With growing waistlines, dangerous belly fat, and cellulite in all the wrong places.

That’s why I’m writing to you today.

Because through my own frustrating journey, where I ballooned up to over 300 pounds, I stumbled upon a real-life working miracle that took over 100 pounds off my body…

And literally saved my life.

It left my doctor scratching his head…

And my wife ecstatic that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.

There are plenty of people who want me to keep my mouth shut…

Because if I tell you how easy this is, then millions of dollars could be lost by big companies who prey on the sick…

However, if you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately…

Then what I have for you here today can be life-changing.

First, let me tell you exactly who I am…

And how I stumbled across this weight loss breakthrough.

And I’m not a personal trainer.

I’m just a normal guy from Georgia who married his high-school sweetheart when she was the only friend I ever had.

And after our wedding, where I banned all the photographers because I didn’t want any pictures taken of me…

However, first I want to share something with you that I haven’t told ANYONE…

Not my friends, not my parents, and not even my wife of over 15 years…

So here’s the god’s honest truth…

Up until a few years ago, I spent almost my entire life overweight.

And as hard as it is for me to talk about, I know my story might help you when NO ONE else understands what you’re going through…

So here’s the quick story…

Since I was a kid, I’ve struggled with my weight.

All the way back to elementary school, kids would make fun of me, call me names, and bully me constantly.

As I walked down the bus aisle looking for a seat, I could already hear the other kids laughing at me.

“Look at the pig!”…

“Hope you eat the teachers so we get out of class earlier”…

And of course, no one would let me sit by them.

The verbal abuse was just so hard.

Yet deep down I knew that’d only make things worse.

And even though this was by far the WORST time in my life, where I was so miserable I didn’t even want to go out in public or even stand in front of mirror in the morning…

It was also the start of my journey.

Time passed and things didn’t get any easier…

Never wanted to get out of bed in the morning…

I still remember one day at lunch during high school…

I was looking for a table when one of the “popular” kids walked by, bumped into me on purpose, then shoved me to the ground.

Food went flying everywhere, all over my clothes…

And all I could do was pick up my tray and keep walking to my table.

I was so embarrassed, yet as sad as it is to say…

That was just the beginning.

A few years later, I ended up marrying my high-school sweetheart.

We went to Nashville for our honeymoon…

And one day we went to a bird park.

As we were exploring all these rare and exotic birds, our tour guide asked if I wanted a picture taken.

I said sure and didn’t think much of it. However…

When we finished the tour and got our pictures, I was SHOCKED…

It hit me like a ton of bricks because I wasn’t just a little overweight…

I was easily over 300 pounds!

We went back to the cabin, and I asked my wife if I had really put on that much weight…

And she said, “Well, yeah…but I love you regardless so it doesn’t really matter to me.”

That photo turned my world upside down…

All of a sudden, the same feelings and emotions from high school came rushing back…

Those feelings of being alone…

It only took one picture to bring all of those horrible feelings back.

And it took me days to accept the fact that I was still that same person who got picked on every day back in school.

I just didn’t feel like myself anymore.

I was tired all the time…

I could barely get going in the morning…

And then I couldn’t fall asleep at night.

I felt so rundown that I didn’t even have the energy to go on a walk with my wife after dinner…

Or take our dog to the dog park.

My weight was higher than it had ever been before.

And it led to a host of other conditions like…

If you spent the last few months eating healthier without losing a single pound…

Or maybe your rings fit tight, your knees feel a little creaky, and your body feels more tired than usual…

These signs all point to a congested lymphatic system.

Your lymphatic system is a network of capillaries and vessels that help the body get rid of toxins, excess fluids and fat.

However, the lymph can easily be overloaded with chemicals, pesticides from fruits and veggies, and a variety of other pollutants lurking in the air we breathe.

Plus, everyday stress is also shuts down the lymph.

When this system gets slowed down and congested…

It can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

“When the lymph flow is slow and congested, it leads to an accumulation of body fat”, says Bruno Chikly, M.D., director of the Lymph Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Think of your lymphatic system as a highway…

When there’s cars lined up in rush hour traffic, other cars can’t squeeze in.

The same thing happens with your fat molecules.

“A slow lymphatic system can no longer properly transport fat where it needs to go”, Dr. Chikly explains.

This extra fat piles up around your belly, hips, and thighs.

And according to researchers at Stanford University, lymphatic slowdown causes fat storage to double!

This was a big breakthrough for me in understanding why my body was always storing fat even if I was on a diet.

According to lymph expert Jenna Macciochi, Ph.D., “Carrying around extra pounds triggers inflammation – a problem for both your immune system and your waistline.”

“As part of its role as a superhighway, the lymphatic system carries immune cells through your body to infection-fighting lymph nodes.

However, inflammation thwarts this process by reducing lymph flow.”

And researchers at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital report that this inflammation triggers the creation of more fat cells to store these toxins in…

Which makes losing weight even more difficult.

It’s like those old pair of jeans that you never wear…

And yet you can’t bring yourself to get rid of them because MAYBE you’ll wear them again.

So they sit in your closet, taking up space.

It’s the same with fat when your lymph flow is congested.

Your body just won’t get rid of it like it should.

And that’s how the fat starts piling up in all the wrong places.

Are you starting to notice how your body is stacked up against the 8 ball without you even knowing?

If your lymph isn’t flowing, your tissues aren’t draining excess fluid.

This creates a backlog that results in bloating.

Even worse, this backed-up fluid sticks to fat cells making them bigger.

As your fat cells get bigger, they start to burst through your fascia…

Which is a protective layer of tissue underneath your skin.

When your fat cells start popping through the fascia, it creates a “dimple effect”…

Which leads to cellulite. 

Combine that with the hormonal changes every woman and man goes through as you get older…

Along with being less active, less mobile, and losing precious lean muscle tissue…

It’s easy to see how cellulite can start popping up all over your butt and thighs.

Yet it’s not from eating too many calories…

It all starts with your lymph system slowing down, killing your ability to burn fat.

Do you eat reasonably healthy without ever losing a single pound?

Are your rings sometimes tight on your fingers?

Are your joints more sore now compared to when you were younger?

Are you often tired even when getting plenty of rest?

These signs all point to a congested lymphatic system.

When your lymph fluid isn’t flowing properly, it causes your tissue to swell.

These bloated, inflamed tissues can add up to 15 pounds to your weight and cause you to swell two extra dress sizes.

And it causes your fat-storage to double.

Which is why your stomach may be getting bigger despite eating healthier foods.

Luckily, this NEW “quick fix” is easier than ever.

Especially if you love eating warm meals.

It’s one of the safest things you can do to look 10 years younger while getting the extra weight off quickly…

And it’s the “missing link” most adults overlook when trying to drop pounds.

When you eat more of these specific soups that support your body, it reduces toxin buildup and allows more fluid to be pumped through the body…

Often in as little as 7 days.

Once lymphatic fluid is moving freely, fat can be burned for fuel and excess toxins can be flushed from the body.

Even better, according to Dr. Chikly…

“Greater lymph flow may reduce your risk of plaque buildup in the arteries, high cholesterole, and inflammatory bowel disease.”

Just remember, when your lymphatic system isn’t working properly, because your lymph fluid is too thick from the wear and tear of aging, fat molecules can’t be transported to be burned for fuel.

Instead, they stay stuck to your belly, hips, and waistline…

…causing a buildup of excess pounds.

Now that you know a clogged lymph keeps stubborn pounds on your body…

And the key is thinning out your lymph fluid…

…because when it flows freely, your body can burn fat and flush toxins…

Let’s talk about exactly what you should do to get this fixed.

After my doctor dumped all this new information on me…

I started studying cases where people successfully reversed their clogged lymphs and were losing anywhere from 20 to 55 pounds in a matter of months.

And what kept coming up in study after study were these 3 minerals that most adults are lacking.

So my first recommendation would be to start adding foods rich in these minerals right away.

The most important thing you can do to flush out the extra pounds is…

Reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for energy instead of sugars and carbs.

Don’t worry, it’s a lot easier than you think.

And I’ll explain how in just a minute.

However, in order to do that, you need a lot of potassium.

If you ever go up a flight of stairs and your legs feel really heavy or you don’t have the endurance…

That’s a potassium deficiency.

Now, why it’s really important for fat-burning is…

Potassium helps regulate fluid in the body.

Consuming more potassium helps thin lymph fluid so it can easily flow through the lymphatic tubes, which speeds up slimming.

It also helps reduce high blood pressure, protect against strokes, helps prevent osteoporosis, and may help prevent kidney stones.

Now, most people think of bananas when it comes to potassium, but…

Since they’re high in sugar, you’ll want to avoid them if you want a smaller waistline.

Instead, some great options are mushrooms and zucchini.

Magnesium is a “co-factor”.

That means it’s a helper element that’s involved in the activation of certain enzymes.

One of magnesium’s most important job deals with the mitochondria.

Think of mitochondria as little “energy bubbles” in your cells.

Mitochondria produces energy and the spark plug that activates the enzyme to produce more energy is…

If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, you may suffer from:

**Cramps and muscle spasms

Now, here’s the kicker…

The more extra weight you have on your body, the harder it is for you to absorb magnesium.

Which is why studies show that so many overweight adults are lacking in this powerful mineral.

It also helps speed up the removal of toxins to reverse a sluggish lymph and banish stubborn pounds.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body.

It’s what makes up our bones, muscles, tendons, connective tissues, and even our skin!

Without it, your metabolism slows down…

And your muscles and joints become weaker.

Unfortunately, our body’s collagen production naturally begins to slow down as we get older.

This leads to visible signs of aging…

And joint pains due to weaker cartilage.

Diets high in sugar also deplete collagen levels.

However, when you start adding more collagen to your diet…

It helps increase your fat-burning metabolism…

So you burn more calories and fat throughout the day…

It reduces cellulite and wrinkles…

It makes your skin look younger and more youthful…

And it “tightens up” loose and saggy skin…

Have you ever seen someone lose a lot of weight…

And their stomach has this “pooch” of leftover skin?

Collagen helps tighten that up…

If you haven’t already…

It’s extremely important to get more high-quality collagen into your diet.

I like to sprinkle some on top of my soups.

After my doctor dumped all this new information on me…

I was on the verge of Type 2 diabetes…

At EXTREME risk for a heart attack before I reached 40…

And my lymph system was so backed up, my body was hanging on to over 30 pounds of dead weight.

Just as I was about to leave…

My doctor reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a thin booklet.

“This is what I give to my most stubborn patients, where the weight just wont’ come off.

It has all the minerals and nutrients we talked about.

And it’s a way to get your body burning fat again without worrying about calories…

Because the liquid in the soup naturally fills up your stomach…

So there’s less room for food.

And it’ll get your lymph fluid flowing again…

So your body will start burning fat.”

That night, I went over the soup detox my doctor gave me.

It seemed simple enough, I had all the ingredients already, and so…

Every night for dinner I had a big bowl of soup and usually had enough leftover for lunch the next day.

However, there was just one problem…

The soups tasted absolutely AWFUL!

And I had to plug my nose just to choke it down.

Desperate to make something happen…

Suddenly, the soups tasted amazing, and since I could eat as much as I wanted…

I felt like I was in heaven.

I had been dieting for over 10 years, I was always cutting calories and worried about eating too much…

Yet now, I was eating as much as I wanted and I felt great.

The next morning, I woke up and my stomach felt a little lighter.

I jumped on the scale and I was already down a pound after just one night.

Within 5 days, things really started to change.

I was down 9 pounds and my size 44 jeans were feeling loose around the waist.

I swear my stomach was shrinking.

Just a week later, I lost another 7 pounds and my energy levels were through the roof.

After just 21 days, I had lost 21 pounds, 6 inches off my stomach, 3 inches off my waist, and 2 inches off my thighs.

And within a month, I looked like a completely different person.

But that wasn’t the best part.

My clothes start fitting better from Day 1…

I finally had the energy to go for walks with my wife and really connect with her…

And I was no longer exhausted and worn out after another 50 hour work week…

By the end of the third month, I finally wore swim trunks in public for the first time…

Without a shirt covering my belly.

I was down about 50 pounds and my confidence was growing fast.

I looked and felt better than I did when I was 20

I was no longer pre-diabetic and my high blood sugar has been gone for months.

Within the first year and a half, I lost a whopping 110 pounds.

Getting a clean bill of health from my doctor just a few months later was one of the most amazing moments in my life…

My wife cried tears of joy knowing that I’d be around to grow old together.

And we got more serious about trying to have kids.

Since the weight was coming off so quickly…

People at work kept asking what I was doing.

And so, I started sharing this simple soup detox with anyone who asked.

Once I saw how quickly this soup detox was working for my friends, family, and co-workers who tried it…

I realized that we were on to something BIG.

Look, if this worked for me…

Someone who’s been overweight my entire life…

Traumatized by bullying, getting beat up because I was the “fat kid”, while failing on every diet I tried…

Then I know it can work for you too.

The only way I was finally able to lose weight was by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what everyone else is doing…

I didn’t eat a single salad…

I only ate broccoli when it was in my thick and creamy broccoli and cheddar soup…

I ate as much as I wanted…

And I never counted calories or tracked my food.

Once I saw how effective this soup diet was…

I realized I had to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.

So you can fight back against age-related weight gain.

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is an all natural nutrition program that contains a done-for-you meal plan, delicious fat-burning soup recipes, and personal accountability to strip away unwanted fat in just 2 weeks.

In fact, most people see and feel a difference in their waistline in the first 48 hours.

I’m so excited to share these slimming soup secrets with more people just like you.

You see, after losing over 100 pounds myself, I made it my mission to help at least 100,000 struggling men and women lose at least 10 pounds…

And the only way to do that was to package up all my secrets into an easy to use follow along system.

This NEW and proven protocol is designed specifically for women and men who love to eat, hate dieting, and want a flatter stomach without killing yourself at the gym or going on another crash diet.

If this sounds like you, then the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the answer you’ve been looking for.

When you start eating these super-healing soups, you can start burning fat in as little as 24 hours.

You’ll start to have more energy so you can get more things done around the house…

Your jeans will start feeling a little loose around the waist…

And your skin will reclaim that youthful glow that only happens when you heal your body from the inside out.

Now, here’s the real magic behind why these soups work so well for weight loss…

When you give your body the right mix of minerals, proteins, and healthy fats…

Your body takes it as a sign that it’s ok to start burning fat for energy.

And so, little by little, your body will start burning up the fat around your stomach, your hips, your love handles, and your thighs..

…using it for energy to get you through your day.

Then, since your fat-burning hormones will be at an all time high, they’ll start working overtime while you sleep.

You see, deep sleep is the most effective time for your body to burn fat…

And so, within the first couple of days, you’re going to wake up feeling lighter and leaner than ever before.

The more soups you eat, the lighter you’ll feel…

Until all the unwanted flab is off your body, revealing the new, sexy you.

I’m sorry if I’m making this sound too easy.

I just know how hard I struggled for years trying to get the weight off and all the complicated diet solutions and exhausting exercise programs never worked.

I tried working out 5 times a week and my knees got so sore I could barely into my car to drive to work in the morning.

I went on a vegetarian diet because plants are supposed to be so healthy, yet after 4 days I was pulling my hair out because I was so hungry…

…and eating salads with radishes and pumpkin seeds didn’t sound fun to me.

I tried Paleo and quickly realized that eating all that meat only left me feeling bloated, heavy, and sluggish.

I tried the “all-fruit” diet and was eating around the clock yet I was always hungry and felt my body getting weaker after the first week.

I tried nothing but shakes and smoothies for a few weeks, but what are you supposed to do, bring your blender to work?

Plus, my wife wanted to eat real food instead of another kale apple smoothie.

I even tried a plant-based diet only to spend all day in the bathroom…

…let’s just say my body didn’t agree with all the raw plants.

Look, I know you’ve probably tried dozens of diets…

And you’re extremely skeptical about anything when it comes to losing weight.

All I can say is this is the first thing that worked for me in over 10 years.

And because burning fat is all about hormones, the weight quickly starts to come off.

Over 15,000 women and men have tried it since 2017 and the results speak for themselves. Like…

As a busy husband who used to work at least 50 hours a week, I know that there simply aren’t enough hours in the day.

That’s why I designed this entire system to quickly melt the fat off without long, exhausting works, hours of meal prep, or dozens of complicated recipes.

As someone who hates to cook, I just wanted something fast that I could squeeze in during my hectic day.

This won’t take any extra time out of your day…

The program is extremely simple to follow with only a few guidelines, so you’ll never be confused.

And even better, most of the soup recipes can last for days, which only saves you time.

After seeing so many women and men in their 60’s and 70’s thrive on this new way of eating…

I’m confident in saying that age is just a number.

You see, as you get older, certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone drop…

Along with testosterone in men.

Which means your body goes into more of a “storage mode”.

When this happens, most try eating less, or they end up eating the wrong foods, which is the absolute worst thing you can do.

Eating less just slows down your metabolism even more because your body thinks it’s starving.

Instead, when you eat the right combinations of minerals, healthy fats, and proteins at the right times throughout the day…

The weight starts coming off and your body burns fat for energy.

Meal timing is especially important as you get older, which why this program works so well.

One of the biggest myths is that you need to exercise to lose weight.

You don’t. The truth is…

You lose by eating foods that keep your insulin levels low.

Insulin is a storage  hormone that gets released every time you eat.

However, the magic in these soups is that they keep your insulin levels lower than normal.

When that happens, your body naturally turns to your stored fat for energy.

Which means you start burning the extra fat around your belly, hips, and thighs for fuel throughout the day.

I’ve personally helped people lose over 30 pounds without exercising at all.

Don’t get me wrong, exercise is great for heart health, building strong bones, and building up your lungs.

But for fat loss, it doesn’t make much of a difference.

The Rapid Soup Diet is an easy-to-follow 14-day protocol designed to melt away the most amount of fat possible without exercise.

Within this protocol, you’ll know exactly what to do for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It’s filled with fat-burning recipes, delicious soups, and mouth-watering meals that take the weight off without leaving you feeling hungry or deprived.

In fact, there are no limits. You can eat as much as you want.

Within the first few days, your body will shift into burning fat for energy and that’s when you’ll really notice a difference in the mirror.

This protocol is extremely easy to follow, it delivers results FAST (usually 3-11 pounds down in the first week), and it can only be found here on this website.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

The ketogenic diet is the most popular diet of 2020 and it’s easy to see why.

All over the world, thousands of women and men in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond are losing weight like crazy.

That’s because when you start burning your stored body fat for energy, the weight comes off extremely fast.

Now, when it comes to soups, most of them are filled with beans, rice and starchy veggies, which STOP fat-burning in the body.

That’s why we put together 30 amazing keto soup recipes that you can use day after day to flatten your midsection while feeling full at the same time.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

I’m a big fan of taking “baby steps” when it comes to burning fat, after all…

Completely overhauling your diet for weeks at a time is a recipe for disaster.

That’s why I like to start with something short because I know the shorter it is, the more likely it is that you stick with it…

And when you stick with something even for just a few days, you’ll see results, and…

You’ll be much more likely to continue your healthy eating habits!

That’s why I put together a brand NEW Weekend Soup Detox, that way…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

All you have to do is commit to a few measly days of eating delicious foods and soups.

My personal clients have lost anywhere from 2-7 pounds on this delicious weekend plan, and…

It’s the PERFECT way to get started, or…

You can bring it out on any weekend where you want to eat yummy soups and drop a few pounds while you’re at it.

This is by FAR one of my most popular programs, and…

I’m including it for FREE when you pick up your copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet here today.

With everything going on these days, one of the most important things is your immunity.

Because the last thing you want to do is get sick.

Now, Step #1 when it comes to your immunity is eating healthier foods that still taste good to you.

After all, if you don’t like what you’re eating, you’re not going to stick with it.

So I went ahead and put together an entire cookbook of immunity soups that will also help you lose weight.

Simply make one for lunch or dinner as often as you can and watch the pounds come off, while you feel better than ever.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

There’s nothing worse than buying a new program only to have NO IDEA how to get started.

You’re confused, you don’t know where to start, and all your excitement quickly vanishes before you ever get started.

Unfortunately, that’s all too common these days…

Which is why I created a specific and detailed Quick Start Guide…

So you know exactly what to do first…

What to buy at the grocery store…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

And when the best time is to eat your meals (aka meal timing).

All of this is laid out for you in step-by-step detail.

And if you are confused or have questions, you can just shoot me an email and I’ll answer them right away.

I’m here to help, I love hearing from those who trust in me enough to invest in one of my programs…

And I won’t stop until you get the results you want.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t always have an hour or two to prep for a full meal…

And then clean up afterwards.

It can be A LOT of work that’s extremely exhausting.

That’s why I included an entire recipe book of Keto Immunity Smoothies.

These “emergency smoothies” an be used as a meal replacement, or…

As a tasty guilt-free snack or dessert.

Each keto smoothie takes less than 5 minutes to make…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

And it doesn’t include all the sugar and carbs that most smoothies do, which always end up adding inches to your waistline.

Instead, you can continue to slim down while enjoying thick, creamy keto smoothies as often as you’d like.

I’ll admit that I was a bit unsure of putting all these free bonuses into the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet system, after all…

You can get amazing results with just the main program.

However, as a religious couple from the South, my wife reminded me…

“Do unto others as you would have them do to you”.

Which is why I’m happy to give away all these bonuses absolutely free as my way of saying thank you for investing in your health today.

What makes this system truly unique is that I’m a normal person just like you.

I wasn’t skinny my whole life (far from it), I don’t have a bunch of fancy medical degrees, and I actually know what it feels like to be overweight and the toll that takes emotionally.

That’s why this program is so different than everything else.

Because I know what works for real people like you and me.

This program was designed by someone that GETS YOU – we’re both busy, we both have a lot going on, and we both have struggled with traditional forms of “dieting.”

I get that, heck I lived that for over 10 years.

That’s why I promise I designed this program to get the extra weight off in a way that you’ve never tried before.

I have to be honest with you…

Even though I’m regularly called a Pollyanna…

I know that I can’t help everyone with this program.

That’s because even this Rapid Soup Diet can work for anyone, it’s definitely NOT for everyone.

For example, if you’re looking for some magical drink you can have before bed to flush away 20 pounds of fat, then…

By now you have to know those “pipe dreams” don’t really work, right?

And while this is a “quick fix” in that most drop a few pounds and start burning fat in the first 48 hours…

You do have to follow the plan.

So if you want someone else to do everything for you, while you keep eating pizza and ice cream, then this program isn’t for you.

This 14-day program is realistic and it’s extremely easy to follow.

And it works 99% of the time when you follow the blueprint.

But if you can’t follow a few simple guidelines, then it’s best we both part ways now, so we don’t waste each other’s time.

This is ONLY for women and men who are ready to STOP wishing and hoping for a new body, and are ready to make it happen NOW.

I’ve made this as easy as it gets…

So if you’re serious about getting the extra weight off while having the flat and firm belly you desire, then…

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the ONLY solution for you.

It took me over 10 years to get my own health back on track…

And when you think of the dozens of diet programs, pre-packaged meals, doctor bills, prescription medications, and visits with a therapist after getting bullied as a kid…

Well, it ended up costing a pretty penny.

That’s not to mention all the gyms I joined (and never went to)…

The emotional stress that took a toll on my childhood and eventually my marriage…

And so, I want you to learn from my mistakes without having to pay a huge price tag.

And since that’s less than two sessions with a personal trainer, I figured it was a fair price.

Especially since this will take the weight off MUCH faster without any of the exhaustive exercise.

Then my wife reminded me why I wanted to do this in the first place.

And that’s to help people who struggled like I did.

And another 60% off of that.

When you pick up your copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet today…

Along with all 5 bonuses…

You’ll get it for a fraction of the normal price.

Being over 300 pounds myself, I understand that it my be difficult for you to see yourself with the flat and firm belly you desire – just like it was for the thousands of women and men who were in the exact same stop you are…

And yet we made believers out of them.

You see, I know how fast and simple this system is, which is why almost anyone who gives it an honest try sees amazing, life-changing results.

That’s why I’m willing to put all the risk on my now-slender shoulders because I know it will work for you.

Which is why you DON’T have to decide right now.

Take advantage of my unconditional “Triple Guarantee” and get results first, then decide.

Experience the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet system for a full 60 days on me, and if you don’t get the results you desire, you pay nothing!

Just let us know if you’re not 100% satisfied and you’ll get a full refund with no questions asked.

I made sure anyone at any age and at any weight get can the extra pounds off with this easy-to-use system.

You don’t have to “be in shape”…

You don’t have to be “self-disciplined” with food…

And you don’t need strong “willpower”.

All those are automatically taken care of when you start eating these delicious soups.

Your need for willpower goes right out the window because you’ll be LOVING the foods you’re eating while the weight is finally coming off.

When that happens, you don’t need willpower anymore.

While the belly-slimming results you’ll see on this detox program will happen FAST…

…usually within the first 48 hours…

It’s not just another “quick fix”.

That means you’ll finally be able to keep the weight off this time.

Keeping the weight off is really just finding slimming foods you love, because when you enjoy your meals, the temptation to go back to your old way of eating disappears.

If you had dozens of recipes that you loved making, that taste absolutely delicious, and that melted the fat off like crazy…

Would you want to go back to the frozen pizza’s, cheap potato chips, or sugar-filled sodas?

You just haven’t found the right foods for you.

That’s why when you start enjoying this delicious way of eating, you’ll be so much LESS likely to fall back into old habits.

Plus, along the way, I’ll be giving you all my secret tricks to keep the weight off, after all…

When I lost over 100 pounds, I’ve successfully kept it off for almost 5 years now.

When you join this Flat Belly family, you’ll never be alone.

My team of coaches and I will always be by your side, ready to help you at a moment’s notice.

If you have specific questions about the program, we’ll be here to guide you…

If you’re not getting the results you want, just let us know and we’ll drop everything to help you…

If you’re confused or frustrated, don’t be a stranger. Reach out to us immediately because we’ve got your back.

You’re part of the team now and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you succeed.

As I mentioned before, my dream is to have the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet as a physical book sitting on bookshelves all across America…

Which is why my team and I are working night and day to make that dream a reality.

However, with that comes high shipping costs, expensive labor, and paying high premiums to the top book manufacturers in the world.

Which is a high price to pay.

That’s why I’m having a fire sale on the digital version so you can get it at a fraction of the cost without having to wait another year while I work through all this red tape.

I want to help the action takers, the women and men who are ready to make a change NOW…

And want to try an out-of-the-box solution that works wonders as soon as you try it.

It’s first come and first serve…

I truly have no idea how long I can keep this discounted fire sale going, so please take advantage of it now, so you can still get the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet at this ridiculously deep discount.

Wouldn’t you rather be out enjoying your slender new body instead of scarfing down more “food” that’s robbing you of the energy and lifestyle you desire?

To activate your discount and get started today, simply click the button below.

Enter in your information into our 256-bit 100% secure order form..

And you’ll receive instant access to the entire Flat Belly system, along with all 5 FREE bonuses.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

I’m not a fan of the word “diet” because it implies eating low-calorie, suffering while you eat foods you don’t enjoy, all in hopes of losing a few pounds…

…which you’ll likely just put back on.

Instead, this is a way of eating that gives your more energy, reprograms your body to burn fat for energy, and greatly decreases your fat-storing hormones like insulin and cortisol…

Because of one unfair advantage…fat-burning soups.

Eating low-calorie or going on another fad diet does NOT give you more energy, in fact it robs you of your energy…

Eating low-calorie does NOT reprogram your body to burn more fat, instead you’re just trying to “starve the fat off” by eating less, which never lasts…

And eating low-calorie does NOT lower your fat-storing hormones.

In fact, it only makes them worse while increasing your hunger.

Plus, my team and I do something that barely anyone does.

We help coach you along the way.

Which means, whenever you have a question, or maybe you plateau and the weight just isn’t coming off…

Just send us an email and myself or one of my coaches will jump in to help you right away.

Do you think the guy who created p90x is answering emails from everyone who bought is program?

Or what about the head of Weight Watchers, are they answering every single question that comes across their desk?

Do you think Jillian Michaels is responding to people who aren’t getting results from her DVD’s?

And so you’re left on your own to either figure it out yourself, or struggle until it gets to be too much and you end up quitting.

It’s NOT your fault, it’s just 100 times easier when you have someone guiding you along the way.

Everyone is different, that’s why my team and I are here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We do get a lot of questions and feedback, so please just give us 24 hours to respond.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Look, I know we covered a lot of information today…

However, right now, you’re at a crossroads…

And you only have 3 options.

Option #1 is you can close out of this free presentation and forget everything you learned here today…

You can keep feeling frustrated and upset with your body…

You can keep HOPING things will change.

And you can keep doing the same things over and over again that have lead you to where you’re at right now with a body you’re obviously unhappy with…

However, if you’ve made it this far, then I know you want more.

Option #2 is you can take everything you learned here today and try to apply it yourself…

You can spend weeks researching the ins and outs of insulin resistance and how it may be affecting you…

And you can create your own “instant energy” recipe to kill your craviungs, and burn more belly fat every single day…

And you can figure out how to detox your body from all the toxins and bad belly bugs that EVERYONE has and yet very few know how to get rid of….

You can spend the next few months or even years figuring all of that out on your own…

However, if that’s your plan, wouldn’t you have done it already?

Wouldn’t you have figured this all out a long time ago?

The truth is, soon life will get in the way like it always does and you’ll end up in the same spot a year from now, struggling with your weight and body image issues when it all could have been resolved if you simply took action today.

Or you can take the easy way out, simply apply all the hard work I’ve already done for you…

And in just minutes a day you can start looking and feeling better than you ever imagined possible…

After all, I’ve already done all the heavy lifting to figure this out on my own after years of bullying, being picked on, and ruthless ridicule from so many people in my life…

All you have to do is a few simple tricks throughout the day that I’ve already PROVEN work…

And you can start visibly SEEING a flatter belly that’s more firm to the touch just days from now without much extra effort on your end.

So if you want to take the noble and easy way out, while possibly adding decades onto your life, so your kids and grandkids have even more time to spend with you making memories that’ll last a lifetime…

Then simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and I’ll be there waiting on the inside, ready to personally help you.

How many times have you said, “My diet starts Monday”…

And how many times have you actually followed through with that?

Don’t wait until Monday…

Don’t wait until next week…

Don’t wait until the “time is right” because there is NEVER going to be the perfect time.

Our lives are always chaotic and if you’re waiting for the perfect time when things start slowing down for you then you’re never going to make the healthy changes you need to live a long life.

And while I’m happy to give you such a steep discount…

…because I know how powerful these slimming soups are…

I can’t keep the discount up forever because just like you, I have a family to feed and I want to keep a roof over my head.

So, if you have any desire to lose the extra weight, to shock your friends the next time they see you, to make your family members’ jaws DROP when they barely recognize you..

And grab your copy of this NEW soup detox that’s different than anything else you’ve tried before.

Just click the button below to get it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

To your new healthy and vibrant life,

It has worked wonders for women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to people in their late 70’s and early 80’s.

That’s because the belly slimming movements are low impact and completely optional, so you don’t even have to do them in the beginning to get great results.

And the simple 2-step detox will have you eating MORE of your favorite foods, while flushing away your fat with a miracle “instant energy recipe…

That works for ANYONE at ANY age in ANY type of physical condition to burn more fat while improving your health.

Answer: Congratulations! The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is in sync with your natural fat-burning cycles and you should be proud of  yourself.

On average, we see up to 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week, although we have seen as much as 9 pounds of fat lost.

However, it’s so much more than that. It’s how your clothes fit as the weight starts coming off, how you see yourself in the mirror as the fat starts melting away and your true body begins to show.

Everyone is different, yet at least up to 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week is about average.

Answer: Absolutely not. You do not need a single piece of equipment or any special diet food to get started. All you need is a positive attitude that’s focused on getting the results you desire without letting anything stand in your way.

Answer: Once you click the “Add to Cart” button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page.

Once you enter in your information, you’ll receive instant and immediate access to the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet program, along with the follow along videos and bonus reports.

You can download all the manuals and videos straight to your computer, tablet, or phone so you can use them as often as you like.

This is a one-time only investment in yourself  and you will never be billed again.

Answer: These flat belly secrets have saved people’s lives, rescued marriages, and even freed people from their expensive medications and hospital visits.

Which is why I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try it out. So I took all the risk so you can test it out on me.

If you go through the program and realize that it’s just not for you, send me an email and I’ll be happy to provide you with a full refund with no questions asked.

Answer: I’m so excited and I can’t wait to help you breakthrough and transform your body starting today.

The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access to the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet program.

Plus a Quick Start Guide that will tell you exactly how to get started toward your new slim and sexy body starting right now without any confusion…

And with our 60-day 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.

5. “Stress hormone in the body causes you to put on more weight, makes you insulin resistant and can even destroy your metabolic health.

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ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users’ experience because everyone is unique.  Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it.  The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Also, as with all things you should take the time to do your own research and 

The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis.

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Click here to get 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet — at discounted price while it’s still available…

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14-Day Rapid Soup Diet — is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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How to Create a Stunning Restaurant Website in Under an Hour

Each and every chef is aware of their distinctive contact makes their dishes memorable. Alternatively, simplest skilled eating place homeowners know how a very powerful a web page is for showcasing their culinary id and attracting new shoppers.

Are you protecting your strong point on-line?

If no longer, don’t concern! This information will display you precisely learn how to create a feature-rich, trendy eating place web page in underneath an hour—with none coding. With the proper gear, you’ll exhibit your dishes, draw in unswerving lovers, and switch your eating place right into a emblem folks can’t withstand.

Able to grow to be your eating place into a web-based emblem?

Right here’s what you’ll be told:

  • Why wordpress is the most efficient platform for growing your eating place web page.
  • The six smooth steps to construct and release your distinctive web site in lower than an hour.
  • Professional recommendations on learn how to optimize your eating place web page for optimum have an effect on.

Crucial Gear to Create Your Eating place Web site

To construct a surprising eating place web page, you’ll simplest want a couple of key gear that make the method clean and hassle-free. Right here’s what you want to get began:

  • Divi: A versatile, drag-and-drop wordpress theme highest for eaterie internet sites. It comes with gorgeous pre-made templates and lines like Divi Quick Sites, which lets you generate a fully-functioning web page in mins with none coding.
  • wordpress: The preferred content material control machine (CMS) relied on via tens of millions. Simply arrange your web page’s content material and updates.
  • SiteGround: A top-rated wordpress web hosting supplier that guarantees your eating place web page runs easily with superb pace and safety.
  • Simply Schedule Appointments: Permit guests to guide tables immediately out of your web page the use of a customized Divi Booking Module. A must have for eating places providing on-line reservations.

How you can Create a Eating place Web site in 6 Steps

Development a qualified eating place web page doesn’t should be difficult. With the proper gear, you’ll be able to have a completely purposeful, superbly designed web site up and working very quickly. Practice those six easy steps:

1. Get a Area Identify and wordpress Web hosting

Step one in construction your eating place web page is opting for a site identify and dependable wordpress web hosting. You wish to have this stuff to have a digital house to retailer your web page.

Get a Area Identify

NameCheap is without doubt one of the best possible area registrars for securely registering a site identify at an reasonably priced value (wait slightly bit if you wish to have extra comfort). However what must be the area identify of your eating place web page?

Your eating place already has a reputation—use that. Your eating place identify because the area identify is one of the simplest ways to show it right into a emblem and declare it so nobody else can use it.

Get wordpress

<img decoding=”async” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-265314 size-full” src=”” alt=”A screenshot of’s Homepage” width=”1800″ height=”900″/>
wordpress is the perfect content material control machine (CMS) for construction a cafe web page. With over 40% of internet sites powered via wordpress, it’s safe, versatile, and highest for eaterie homeowners taking a look to regulate their very own content material comfortably. To liberate the actual energy of wordpress to your eating place web page, we’re going to use Divi, the most efficient theme and web page builder for wordpress.

Set Up wordpress Web hosting

<img decoding=”async” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-263908 size-full” src=”” alt=”SiteGround wordpress hosting” width=”1903″ height=”886″/>

SiteGround is a safe, dependable, and devoted internet web hosting. It additionally streamlines the entire procedure. Right here’s the most efficient phase: Whilst you host your web page on SiteGround, you don’t wish to set up wordpress or get a site identify one by one.

If you arrange your SiteGround dashboard, you’ll be able to declare your one-year unfastened area identify and make a selection its wordpress web hosting, which is greater than sufficient to host a cafe web page. You received’t must get into the technical facet, comparable to connecting DNS data or wordpress. SiteGround makes managing your entire web page property in a single dashboard extraordinarily smooth.

Developing your account on SiteGround is modest. Input your area identify, fill for your main points, and join.

Right here’s a extra detailed video on putting in place wordpress web hosting:

Get SiteGround

2. Set up a wordpress Theme

As soon as your wordpress dashboard is about up, the next move is to put in a theme that gives construction, customization choices, and a surprising design. It’s necessary to choose a theme this is versatile, safe, and Search engine marketing-friendly to verify a hassle-free enjoy.

We propose the use of Divi — a multi-purpose wordpress theme that includes pre-made templates designed particularly for eating places, cafes, and meals companies. With Divi, you’ll be able to simply construct a qualified eating place web page in mins, all with no need to code.

You’ll love operating with Divi as a result of its no-code drag-and-drop web page builder functions, which allow you to customise your web site visually. It gives greater than 200 content elements, comparable to Gallery to show your dishes in shocking photographs, Contact Forms to provide customers choices to guide orders, and Map Integration to show eating place places.

Divi Quick Sites and Divi AI simplify your paintings much more. Want a web page designed in 2 mins? Ask Divi Fast Websites to do it for you. Need to create a piece to exhibit the fantastic issues folks say about your dishes? Divi Segment AI will generate a surprising segment in seconds.

Get Divi

Why is Divi Best for Eating place Web pages?

Divi gives superb options to simplify construction a functioning eating place web page. Right here’s why:

  • Eating place Web site Templates: Divi supplies complete web site templates for restaurants, cafes, and food companies. You’ll additionally mix’n’match templates to design a customized web page.
  • Gallery Layouts to Show off Meals Pictures: Divi features a Gallery component to exhibit meals photographs in grid and slider layouts. Need extra choices? Take a look at Divi Gallery Layout Pack and extra in Divi Marketplace.
  • Mega Menu to Show off Meals Pieces: You’ll create mega menus to record your entire dishes. Set up the Divi Restro Menu extension so as to add photographs, value listings, and extra parts.
  • On-line Bookings & Reservations: Take desk bookings out of your web page via putting in the Simply Schedule Appointments plugin. You’ll additionally get Divi Booking Reservation from Divi Market.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: Permit your shoppers to reserve meals on-line immediately out of your web site via configuring WooCommerce. Divi Fast Websites routinely installs and configures WooCommerce, so that you don’t have to fret in regards to the setup. You additionally get pre-designed Divi WooCommerce Modules to arrange pages temporarily.

The most productive phase is that Divi gives a set of time-saving gear, comparable to Divi AI (which looks after your web page content material,) Bloom and Monarch top class plugins for e-mail advertising and social media sharing, Divi Theme Builder, which makes site-wide adjustments to web page branding, and lots of extra.

Divi Pricing (Once a year and Lifetime)

You wish to have the Divi theme club to construct a cafe web page, which prices $89/yr. In case you’d like extra in advance pricing, pay $250 as soon as to get the Divi theme for lifestyles.


Get Divi

If you acquire Divi, putting in it’s smooth. Right here’s a walkthrough of buying, putting in, and activating the Divi theme to your wordpress dashboard.

3. Construct Your Eating place Web site

With Divi Quick Sites, you’ll be able to construct a completely functioning eating place web page in underneath an hour. You’ll have a structured web page waiting in lower than 5 mins, leaving you with a number of time to customise it in your precise wishes.

Divi Fast Websites comes with pre-designed pages like House, About, Products and services, Menu, Touch, and Gallery. It additionally contains Theme Builder templates, world kinds, and branding presets to provide your web site a qualified end.

Get Divi

Right here’s learn how to create your eating place web page the use of Divi Fast Websites. Out of your Divi dashboard, click on Generate a New website within the Divi Fast Websites segment.

Generate a new site with Divi Quick Sites

You’ll be precipitated to make a choice from two choices:

  • Use a Pre-Made Starter website: Make a selection from a pre-designed Starter website that comes with branding, pages, and format. Your web page will likely be waiting to release right away.
  • Generate with Divi AI: Supply Divi AI along with your personal tastes, and it’ll generate a customized web page whole with related pages and capability.

Making a Eating place website The usage of Starter Websites

Let’s cross with the Starter website choice. It gives a professionally designed, ready-to-launch web page that may be simply custom designed in your liking.

Click on Make a selection a Web site Template.

Select Starter Site

Now, make a selection the Eating place template. You’ll preview the template to peer how your eating place web site will glance. To preview, hover over and click on Preview Eating place.

Preview Restaurant Template

The Eating place Starter website contains crucial pages like House, About, Touch, Menu, Reservations, Weblog, and Store.

Preview Restaurant Starter Site Pages

To begin construction, hover over the template and click on Get started with Eating place.

Start with Restaurant Site

Divi Fast Websites will steered you to fill in a couple of main points to personalize your web site:

  • Input your website Identify and website Slogan.
  • Add your website Brand so as to add it to the header throughout all pages.
  • Make a selection the Pages you wish to have to incorporate. In case you test the Store choice, Divi Fast Websites will set up WooCommerce and configure it for on-line meals ordering.
  • Use the Upload A Customized Web page button so as to add any further pages.

Enter Site Info

If you’ve stuffed in the main points, click on Generate & Submit My Web site. Your eating place web site will likely be reside in simply 2-3 mins.

And that’s it! Your eating place web page is waiting, and you’ll be able to get started customizing it instantly.

Divi Restaurant Starter Site

Making a Eating place website The usage of Divi AI

If you want to create a customized web page from scratch, make a selection the Generate Your website with AI choice.

Simply fill within the web site main points and let Divi AI create the very best web page for you. As soon as it’s waiting, click on Generate & Submit My Web site and watch your web site come to lifestyles.

Get Started with Divi

4. Customise Your Eating place Web site

The web page generated is a duplicate of Divi’s Eating place Starter website, which means it must be custom designed along with your content material and branding to replicate your eating place on-line. Let’s get started with customizing your web site’s pages.

Including Content material to Your Eating place website Pages

From Your website is Able display screen, hover over House and click on the pencil icon to change it.

edit home page restaurant site

You’re now customizing your web site’s house web page the use of Divi Builder, which helps you to make adjustments visually via dragging and losing parts. To change any Divi module, hover over it and click on the equipment (settings) icon. This opens a pop-up window with all of the settings.

customize your site with divi builder

Divi helps inline enhancing, so that you don’t must open the settings window to edit textual content. You’ll do it on-screen the use of the keyboard keys. In a similar fashion, to add photographs, hover over the picture and click on the settings choice.

modify images of a restaurant site

Now click on at the settings icon within the Symbol segment. This may occasionally take you to the wordpress media library, from the place you’ll be able to add your photographs.

In a similar fashion, replace hyperlinks, buttons, and different parts via going throughout the settings choice for each and every component. Watch this video on Divi to learn to edit pages with Divi Builder.

Including Logo Fonts to Your Eating place website

The Eating place web site you generated has pre-defined World Fonts (picked from the Starter website) that observe in your web site. You’ll use the present ones or upload your emblem fonts. You’ll simply alter World Fonts the use of Divi Builder.

Click on any textual content component and cross to settings. Transfer to the Design tab, scroll to Textual content, and click on Font.

Edit global fonts from divi builder

You’ll additionally add your fonts or choose between our library, together with Google fonts.

Including Logo Colours to Your Eating place website

So as to add your emblem colours, you want to edit World Colours. Like World Fonts, the present world colours are picked up from the Eating place Starter website.

Click on at the settings of any textual content component and turn to Design. Scroll all the way down to Textual content and cross to Heading Textual content Colour.

switch to global from saved colors

Now transfer to World from Stored. Those are the present World Colours. To change them, click on on each and every colour and make a selection. You’ll additionally upload your colour hex codes.

change global color

In a similar fashion, alter all colours. You’ll upload extra colours via clicking the plus icon subsequent to the final World Colour.

Enhancing Web page Format Templates

Divi Fast Websites routinely creates Theme Builder templates (replicated from the Starter website.) The good thing about the use of Theme Builder templates is that your pages glance the similar, and if you wish to make changes, the adjustments are mirrored site-wide.

For instance, the customized footer you notice to your web site is taken from the Eating place Starter website. It’s going to seem on all pages. In case you alter its Theme Builder template, the adjustments will seem all over.

theme builder template - default footer

To change this footer, you should exchange the default Theme Builder template from the Your website is Able web page. Or cross to Divi > Theme Builder and click on on Default Web site Template.

customize global footer

Click on at the pencil icon subsequent to the World Footer to change it. You’ll be taken to the Divi Builder web page, the place you’ll be able to exchange the World Footer the use of its drag-and-drop capability.

modify footer using drag and drop builder

In a similar fashion, you’ll be able to alter different Divi Theme Builder templates for blogs, product pages, creator pages, and classes. Take a look at extra tough features of Divi Theme Builder.

Enhancing Stored Part Settings

Like Theme Builder templates, Divi Fast Websites replicates World Presets from the Starter website. World Presets are pre-configured component settings which can be imported out of your Starter website.

For instance, it’s possible you’ll realize that each and every button component has a sq. border and white background, so should you upload any other button, it’ll have the similar settings—that is highest as you received’t must configure each and every new component you upload.

global presets of a button element

Presets also are site-wide appropriate. So, should you alter one button, the adjustments will likely be mirrored on all of the buttons anywhere they’re to your web site. Right here’s how you’ll be able to modify a Divi Global Preset of a component:

If you’ve reviewed each component of your web site and are positive it’s reflecting your eating place appropriately, do a last test and release it. Right here’s a better instructional on modifying your Starter Site-generated website.

5. Set up Divi Bookings & Reservations to Take Desk Bookings

To permit guests to guide tables out of your web page, set up the Divi Bookings & Reservations extension. As soon as put in and activated the plugin, cross to Divi Reservations out of your wordpress dashboard.

configure divi reservations settings

To turn on the plugin, configure settings comparable to branding, time slots, running days, menu, availability, date structure, and so forth. As soon as performed, cross to the Reservations web page and upload a brand new module, Reservations Shape.

add reservation form

The usage of Divi Builder, optimize the shape’s branding. Alter the colour, upload identify textual content, exchange the background, and fit it in your web site branding.

adding reservation form branding

As soon as performed, save the adjustments. Now, you’ll obtain notifications to your wordpress dashboard every time any person books a desk.

divi reservations analytics

Divi Market has extra extensions so as to add extra capability in your eating place web site. For instance, if you wish to upload a toggle button Menu, take a look at Restaurant Menu with Toggle Button. Need to show meals and eating place photographs in numerous layouts? Use Gallery Layout Pack and lots of extra.

Explore Divi Marketplace

6. Set up Crucial Plugins to Optimize Your website Efficiency

Rather then including capability in your eating place web site, listed below are some essential plugins and services and products that’ll mean you can optimize your web site’s efficiency:

  • WP Rocket: If you wish to have your web page to load temporarily, WP Rocket is a caching plugin that may lend a hand. It’s efficient, however there are other options price taking into account.
  • Rankmath: Nice for enhancing your web page’s Search engine marketing. Rankmath is simple and one of the crucial best seo plugins for wordpress websites.
  • EWWW: EWWW is helping your photographs load sooner with out sacrificing high quality. Making an allowance for you’ll add meals and eating place photographs, EWWW is highest for making sure they’re rapid to load and excellent high quality.
  • Updraft Plus: It is very important to stay backups of your web page, and Updraft Plus does this routinely. This is helping you in eventualities when one thing sudden occurs, and also you don’t understand how to mend it, so that you repair the backup.
  • Cloudflare: A CDN guarantees your web site rather a lot rapid and is protected from unsolicited mail assaults. Cloudflare complements your web page’s pace and safety with CDN and DNS services and products.
  • Cast Safety: Solid security gives complete coverage to safeguard your web page from threats. It’s nice, although different security plugins could be higher, relying to your wishes.
  • Bloom: Upload gorgeous e-mail embed paperwork in your web page pages and gather extra e-mail subscribers. Bloom is a top class e-mail choice plugin this is unfastened along with your Divi club.
  • Monarch: Show branded social media sharing icons to your web page pages to inspire guests to proportion them with others. Monarch is any other Divi plugin that you just get free of charge along with your club.

How you can Make the Maximum Out of Your Eating place Web site in 4 Steps

After your eating place web site is printed, there are a few things you’ll be able to do to make stronger its succeed in and get extra guests.

1. Optimize for Native Search engine marketing to Draw in Native Consumers

Since your major function is to draw native shoppers in your eating place, you must optimize your web site to turn up on native searches. Optimizing for native Search engine marketing is helping within sight folks in finding your eating place once they seek on-line, bringing extra native shoppers via your doorways. Right here are a few things you want to do:

  • Create a Google Industry Profile: Through optimizing your Google My Business profile, you give Google additional knowledge about your small business, comparable to location, deal with, and call quantity, which can seem when any person searches to your eating place on-line.
  • Use Native Key phrases: Write your web page content material the use of location-specific key phrases to turn up on native searches. For instance, in case your eating place is in Brooklyn and your identify dish is Italian pasta, optimize your web site for “Italian pasta in Brooklyn.”
  • Upload Your Eating place Deal with and Location: You’ll want to upload your eating place’s deal with and embedded map in a couple of puts to your web site in order that seek bots can simply get admission to them and upload them to Google’s Wisdom Graph.
  • Optimize Footer with Touch Quantity: For a similar reason why, upload your touch quantity in conjunction with your e-mail deal with and different touch choices in a couple of puts, preferably within the header, menu, touch, about, and footer sections.

2. Get started a Weblog to Draw in Natural Consumers

To turn up for extra key phrases and make stronger your natural visibility, start a blog and submit attractive content material on meals, recipes, and guidelines to draw meals fans. Beginning a weblog with Divi is simple. Your Eating place Starter website already features a weblog web page, so that you simplest wish to create new content material out of your wordpress dashboard.

blog restaurant

You’ll additionally use your weblog to proportion information about your small business. For instance, if your small business is doing nice and you intend to open any other outlet in Boston. With the intention to draw in Boston folks, you’ll be able to proportion the inside track along with your weblog readers. Because you’ve been actively publishing new content material, folks have turn into common readers such a lot of of them display up, providing you with a grand opening evening.

3. Get started Social Sharing to Construct Logo Consciousness

You’ll additionally use social media to construct consciousness about your eating place and recipes and draw in vacationers visiting you, basically as a result of they learn nice evaluations about your dishes on Instagram and wish to check out them themselves.

social media sharing buttons using monarch

The usage of Divi’s Monarch plugin, sharing weblog recipes and different content material is as smooth as one click on. Your web page displays gorgeous social sharing icons readers can click on on and proportion with their community. The most productive phase? You’ll customize social media icons to check your branding.

4. Get started an Electronic mail Listing to Convert Consumers into Logo Advocates

You must additionally construct an e-mail record to be in contact along with your shoppers. Ship them updates, particular gives, and match invites. Common emails can flip occasional guests into unswerving shoppers who regularly go back and inform others about your eating place.

bloom email optin in blog

Divi’s Bloom plugin makes your e-mail automation workflow tremendous manageable. It no longer simplest makes connecting your e-mail advertising carrier smooth but additionally makes embedding e-mail opt-in paperwork easy. For instance, you’ll be able to integrate Mailchimp with Bloom to streamline e-mail advertising.

10X Your Content material Introduction with Divi AI

Developing extra content material is the quickest solution to develop your small business on-line. However no longer simply content material—top quality, compelling content material that individuals prevent scrolling to learn.

It’s no longer a secret that growing such content material takes time. However you’re a chef and feature a cafe trade to run—you don’t have time to create content material. That’s why you want Divi AI to create top-quality content material sooner.

divi ai

Divi AI creates it for you in seconds, whether or not it’s a weblog submit, social media reproduction, e-mail e-newsletter, or anything. How? It reads your web page knowledge within the background to grasp your writing taste, emblem voice, and audience to create content material that calls for fewer edits. So, generate content material with Divi AI, evaluate it for a last test, and proportion it along with your target audience—it’s that simple!

Get Divi AI

FAQs on Making a Eating place Web site

#faqsu-faq-list {
background: #F0F4F8;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 15px;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single {
background: #fff;
padding: 15px 15px 20px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question {
border-bottom: 1px cast #F0F4F8;
padding-bottom: 0.825rem;
margin-bottom: 0.825rem;
place: relative;
padding-right: 40px;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after {
content material: “?”;
place: absolute;
appropriate: 0;
height: 0;
width: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
text-align: middle;
colour: #c6d0db;
background: #F0F4F8;
border-radius: 40px;
font-size: 20px;

What must I come with on my eating place web page?

Your web page must have your menu, location, hours of operation, and choices to guide a desk or order meals on-line. It’s additionally excellent to incorporate photos of your meals and eating place, buyer evaluations, and speak to main points to make it more uncomplicated to your shoppers to achieve out.

How can I make my web page paintings smartly on telephones?

Use a theme like Divi that routinely adjusts to other display screen sizes. Make certain textual content and pictures are smooth to learn and cargo temporarily. Whilst each web page of your Divi web site will likely be routinely optimized for different monitors, you must nonetheless check how your web site appears to be like on different gadgets.

What gear can I take advantage of to construct my eating place web page?

The easiest way to construct a cafe web site is with Divi and wordpress. This mixture gives easy-to-customize templates and lines like on-line menus, reservation techniques, and running a blog functions for long-term enlargement. That mentioned, there are many great website builders to be had price trying out.

How do I ensure that my web page displays up in search engines like google?

Use key phrases comparable in your eating place and placement on each web page. Use an Search engine marketing plugin like RankMath for on web page Search engine marketing. Stay your content material up to date, like including new dishes or weblog posts, and inspire shoppers to depart evaluations on-line. This is helping your web site seem upper in seek effects.

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The right way to Create a Surprising Eating place Web site in Below an Hour

Every chef is conscious about their unique touch makes their dishes memorable. However, most simple professional consuming position householders understand how the most important a website is for showcasing their culinary identity and attracting new shoppers.

Are you keeping your distinctiveness online?

If no longer, don’t worry! This knowledge will show you exactly learn the way to create a feature-rich, stylish consuming position website in under an hour—without any coding. With the appropriate apparatus, you’ll blow their own horns your dishes, attract unswerving enthusiasts, and turn your consuming position appropriate right into a logo other folks can’t resist.

Ready to transform your consuming position into an web logo?

Proper right here’s what you’ll be told:

  • Why wordpress is the most productive platform for rising your consuming position website.
  • The six easy steps to build and liberate your unique web site in less than an hour.
  • Skilled tips about learn the way to optimize your consuming position website for optimum impact.

Essential Tools to Create Your Consuming position Internet web site

To build a shocking consuming position website, you’ll most simple need a few key apparatus that make the process blank and hassle-free. Proper right here’s what you wish to have to get started:

  • Divi: A flexible, drag-and-drop wordpress theme highest imaginable for restaurant internet pages. It comes with shocking pre-made templates and lines like Divi Fast Websites, which helps you to generate a fully-functioning website in minutes without any coding.
  • wordpress: The most well liked content material subject matter keep watch over instrument (CMS) relied on by the use of tens of millions. Merely prepare your website’s content material subject matter and updates.
  • SiteGround: A top-rated wordpress web site webhosting provider that promises your consuming position website runs simply with superb tempo and protection.
  • Merely Agenda Appointments: Allow visitors to book tables directly from your website using a custom designed Divi Reserving Module. Essential for consuming puts offering online reservations.

Methods to Create a Consuming position Internet web site in 6 Steps

Building a professional consuming position website doesn’t will have to be refined. With the appropriate apparatus, you’ll be capable of have a unconditionally functional, superbly designed web site up and working in no time. Follow the ones six smooth steps:

1. Get a Space Identify and wordpress Web webhosting

The first step in building your consuming position website is choosing a web site identify and loyal wordpress web site webhosting. You wish to have this stuff to have a virtual space to store your website.

Get a Space Identify

NameCheap is likely one of the absolute best space registrars for securely registering a web site identify at an moderately priced value (wait a little bit if you wish to have additional convenience). Then again what should be the realm identify of your consuming position website?

Your consuming position already has a name—use that. Your consuming position identify since the space identify is the best way to turn it appropriate right into a logo and claim it so no one else can use it.

Get wordpress

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-265314 size-full” src=”” alt=”A screenshot of’s Homepage” width=”1800″ height=”900″/>
wordpress is the very best content material subject matter keep watch over instrument (CMS) for building a restaurant website. With over 40% of internet pages powered by the use of wordpress, it’s secure, flexible, and highest imaginable for restaurant householders looking to keep watch over their own content material subject matter very easily. To liberate the real power of wordpress on your consuming position website, we’re going to make use of Divi, the most productive theme and website builder for wordpress.

Set Up wordpress Web webhosting

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”with-border aligncenter wp-image-263908 size-full” src=”” alt=”SiteGround wordpress hosting” width=”1903″ height=”886″/>

SiteGround is a secure, unswerving, and devoted web web site webhosting. It moreover streamlines all of the process. Proper right here’s the most productive segment: When you host your website on SiteGround, you don’t wish to arrange wordpress or get a web site identify separately.

For those who prepare your SiteGround dashboard, you’ll be capable of claim your one-year free space identify and select its wordpress web site webhosting, which is bigger than enough to host a restaurant website. You gained’t should get into the technical side, similar to connecting DNS data or wordpress. SiteGround makes managing all your website assets in one dashboard extremely easy.

Creating your account on SiteGround is unassuming. Enter your space identify, fill in your details, and join.

Proper right here’s a additional detailed video on putting in place wordpress web site webhosting:

Get SiteGround

2. Arrange a wordpress Theme

Once your wordpress dashboard is waiting up, the next move is to position in a theme that provides building, customization alternatives, and a shocking design. It’s very important to select a theme that is flexible, secure, and seo-friendly to make sure a hassle-free experience.

We suggest using Divi — a multi-purpose wordpress theme that incorporates pre-made templates designed in particular for consuming puts, cafes, and foods corporations. With Divi, you’ll be capable of merely assemble a professional consuming position website in minutes, all with no need to code.

You’ll love working with Divi as a result of its no-code drag-and-drop internet web page builder purposes, which let you customize your web site visually. It supplies more than 200 content material components, similar to Gallery to turn your dishes in sudden pictures, Touch Paperwork to supply shoppers alternatives to book orders, and Map Integration to turn consuming position puts.

Divi Fast Websites and Divi AI simplify your art work a lot more. Need a website designed in 2 minutes? Ask Divi Speedy Internet sites to do it for you. Want to create a little to blow their own horns the unbelievable problems other folks say about your dishes? Divi Section AI will generate a shocking phase in seconds.

Get Divi

Why is Divi Easiest for Consuming position Internet pages?

Divi supplies superb choices to simplify building a functioning consuming position website. Proper right here’s why:

  • Consuming position Internet web site Templates: Divi provides entire web site templates for eating places, cafes, and meals corporations. You’ll moreover combine ‘n fit templates to design a custom designed website.
  • Gallery Layouts to Sing their own praises Foods Footage: Divi includes a Gallery phase to blow their own horns foods pictures in grid and slider layouts. Want additional alternatives? Check out Divi Gallery Format Pack and additional in Divi Market.
  • Mega Menu to Sing their own praises Foods Items: You’ll create mega menus to tick list all your dishes. Arrange the Divi Restro Menu extension in an effort to upload pictures, value listings, and additional elements.
  • Online Bookings & Reservations: Take table bookings from your website by the use of putting in place the Merely Agenda Appointments plugin. You’ll moreover get Divi Reserving Reservation from Divi Marketplace.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: Allow your shoppers to order foods online directly from your web site by the use of configuring WooCommerce. Divi Speedy Internet sites routinely installs and configures WooCommerce, in order that you don’t have to worry regarding the setup. You moreover get pre-designed Divi WooCommerce Modules to organize pages in short.

The best segment is that Divi supplies a collection of time-saving apparatus, similar to Divi AI (which takes care of your website content material subject matter,) Bloom and Monarch peak fee plugins for email promoting and social media sharing, Divi Theme Builder, which makes site-wide changes to website branding, and quite a lot of additional.

Divi Pricing (Annually and Lifetime)

You wish to have the Divi theme membership to build a restaurant website, which costs $89/twelve months. For those who occur to’d like additional upfront pricing, pay $250 once to get the Divi theme for existence.


Get Divi

For those who gain Divi, putting in place it’s easy. Proper right here’s a walkthrough of shopping for, putting in place, and activating the Divi theme on your wordpress dashboard.

3. Assemble Your Consuming position Internet web site

With Divi Fast Websites, you’ll be capable of assemble a unconditionally functioning consuming position website in under an hour. You’ll have a structured website ready in less than 5 minutes, leaving you with quite a lot of time to customize it on your exact needs.

Divi Speedy Internet sites comes with pre-designed pages like Space, About, Services and products and merchandise, Menu, Contact, and Gallery. It moreover accommodates Theme Builder templates, global sorts, and branding presets to supply your web site a professional finish.

Get Divi

Proper right here’s learn the way to create your consuming position website using Divi Speedy Internet sites. From your Divi dashboard, click on on Generate a New Internet web page inside the Divi Speedy Internet sites phase.

Generate a new site with Divi Quick Sites

You’ll be brought on to choose between two alternatives:

  • Use a Pre-Made Starter Internet web page: Choose from a pre-designed Starter Internet web page that incorporates branding, pages, and construction. Your website might be ready to liberate straight away.
  • Generate with Divi AI: Provide Divi AI together with your own tastes, and it’s going to generate a custom designed website whole with comparable pages and capacity.

Creating a Consuming position Internet web page The use of Starter Internet sites

Let’s move with the Starter Internet web page risk. It supplies a professionally designed, ready-to-launch website that can be merely customized on your liking.

Click on on Select a Internet web site Template.

Select Starter Site

Now, select the Consuming position template. You’ll preview the template to see how your consuming position web site will look. To preview, hover over and click on on Preview Consuming position.

Preview Restaurant Template

The Consuming position Starter Internet web page accommodates an important pages like Space, About, Contact, Menu, Reservations, Blog, and Retailer.

Preview Restaurant Starter Site Pages

To start building, hover over the template and click on on Get began with Consuming position.

Start with Restaurant Site

Divi Speedy Internet sites will instructed you to fill in a few details to personalize your web site:

  • Enter your Internet web page Identify and Internet web page Slogan.
  • Upload your Internet web page Logo in an effort to upload it to the header right through all pages.
  • Select the Pages you wish to have to include. For those who occur to try the Retailer risk, Divi Speedy Internet sites will arrange WooCommerce and configure it for online foods ordering.
  • Use the Add A Custom designed Internet web page button in an effort to upload any longer pages.

Enter Site Info

For those who’ve filled in the details, click on on Generate & Publish My Internet web site. Your consuming position web site might be live in merely 2-3 minutes.

And that’s it! Your consuming position website is ready, and also you’ll be capable of get began customizing it immediately.

Divi Restaurant Starter Site

Creating a Consuming position Internet web page The use of Divi AI

If you would like to create a custom designed website from scratch, select the Generate Your Internet web page with AI risk.

Merely fill inside the web site details and let Divi AI create the very best website for you. As quickly because it’s ready, click on on Generate & Publish My Internet web site and watch your web site come to existence.

Get Began with Divi

4. Customize Your Consuming position Internet web site

The website generated is a reproduction of Divi’s Consuming position Starter Internet web page, this means that it should be customized together with your content material subject matter and branding to reflect your consuming position online. Let’s get began with customizing your web site’s pages.

Together with Content material subject matter to Your Consuming position Internet web page Pages

From Your Internet web page is Ready show, hover over Space and click on at the pencil icon to modify it.

edit home page restaurant site

You’re now customizing your web site’s space internet web page using Divi Builder, which lets you make changes visually by the use of dragging and dropping elements. To modify any Divi module, hover over it and click on at the apparatus (settings) icon. This opens a pop-up window with all of the settings.

customize your site with divi builder

Divi is helping inline editing, in order that you don’t should open the settings window to edit text. You’ll do it on-screen using the keyboard keys. Similarly, so as to add pictures, hover over the image and click on at the settings risk.

modify images of a restaurant site

Now click on on on the settings icon right through the Image phase. This will likely an increasing number of take you to the wordpress media library, from where you’ll be capable of upload your pictures.

Similarly, change links, buttons, and other elements by the use of going right through the settings risk for every phase. Watch this video on Divi to learn how to edit pages with Divi Builder.

Together with Logo Fonts to Your Consuming position Internet web page

The Consuming position web site you generated has pre-defined International Fonts (picked from the Starter Internet web page) that apply on your web site. You’ll use the existing ones or add your logo fonts. You’ll merely regulate International Fonts using Divi Builder.

Click on on any text phase and move to settings. Switch to the Design tab, scroll to Text, and click on on Font.

Edit global fonts from divi builder

You’ll moreover upload your fonts or choose from our library, in conjunction with Google fonts.

Together with Logo Colors to Your Consuming position Internet web page

As a way to upload your logo colors, you wish to have to edit International Colors. Like International Fonts, the existing global colors are picked up from the Consuming position Starter Internet web page.

Click on on on the settings of any text phase and switch to Design. Scroll all of the manner right down to Text and move to Heading Text Color.

switch to global from saved colors

Now switch to International from Saved. The ones are the existing International Colors. To modify them, click on on on every color and select. You’ll moreover add your color hex codes.

change global color

Similarly, keep an eye on all colors. You’ll add additional colors by the use of clicking the plus icon next to the general International Color.

Bettering Internet web page Layout Templates

Divi Speedy Internet sites routinely creates Theme Builder templates (replicated from the Starter Internet web page.) The benefit of using Theme Builder templates is that your pages look the an identical, and if you want to make adjustments, the changes are reflected site-wide.

As an example, the custom designed footer you see on your web site is taken from the Consuming position Starter Internet web page. It’s going to appear on all pages. For those who occur to regulate its Theme Builder template, the changes will appear all over the place.

theme builder template - default footer

To modify this footer, you will have to industry the default Theme Builder template from the Your Internet web page is Ready internet web page. Or move to Divi > Theme Builder and click on on on Default Internet web site Template.

customize global footer

Click on on on the pencil icon next to the International Footer to modify it. You’ll be taken to the Divi Builder internet web page, where you’ll be capable of industry the International Footer using its drag-and-drop capacity.

modify footer using drag and drop builder

Similarly, you’ll be capable of regulate other Divi Theme Builder templates for blogs, product pages, author pages, and categories. Check out additional difficult options of Divi Theme Builder.

Bettering Saved Element Settings

Like Theme Builder templates, Divi Speedy Internet sites replicates International Presets from the Starter Internet web page. International Presets are pre-configured phase settings which could be imported from your Starter Internet web page.

As an example, chances are high that you’ll understand that every button phase has a sq. border and white background, so if you add another button, it’ll have the an identical settings—this is highest imaginable as you gained’t should configure every new phase you add.

global presets of a button element

Presets are also site-wide suitable. So, if you regulate one button, the changes might be reflected on all of the buttons any place they’re on your web site. Proper right here’s the way you’ll be capable of adjust a Divi World Preset of an element:

For those who’ve reviewed every a part of your web site and are certain it’s reflecting your consuming position appropriately, do a final check out and liberate it. Proper right here’s a greater educational on enhancing your Starter Web page-generated website online.

5. Arrange Divi Bookings & Reservations to Take Table Bookings

To allow visitors to book tables from your website, arrange the Divi Bookings & Reservations extension. Once installed and activated the plugin, move to Divi Reservations from your wordpress dashboard.

configure divi reservations settings

To show at the plugin, configure settings similar to branding, time slots, working days, menu, availability, date structure, and plenty of others. Once completed, move to the Reservations internet web page and add a brand spanking new module, Reservations Form.

add reservation form

The use of Divi Builder, optimize the form’s branding. Keep watch over the color, add identify text, industry the background, and are compatible it on your web site branding.

adding reservation form branding

Once completed, save the changes. Now, you’ll download notifications on your wordpress dashboard each time anyone books a table.

divi reservations analytics

Divi Marketplace has additional extensions in an effort to upload additional capacity on your consuming position web site. As an example, if you want to add a toggle button Menu, check out Eating place Menu with Toggle Button. Want to display foods and consuming position pictures in a large number of layouts? Use Gallery Format Pack and quite a lot of additional.

Discover Divi Market

6. Arrange Essential Plugins to Optimize Your Internet web page Potency

Somewhat than together with capacity on your consuming position web site, listed here are some crucial plugins and services and products that’ll imply you’ll be able to optimize your web site’s potency:

  • WP Rocket: If you wish to have your website to load in short, WP Rocket is a caching plugin that can help. It’s environment friendly, on the other hand there are different choices price allowing for.
  • Rankmath: Great for boosting your website’s seo. Rankmath is unassuming and one of the crucial perfect Search engine marketing plugins for wordpress internet sites.
  • EWWW: EWWW helps your pictures load sooner without sacrificing prime quality. Taking into account you’ll upload foods and consuming position pictures, EWWW is highest imaginable for ensuring they’re rapid to load and good prime quality.
  • Updraft Plus: You will need to to stick backups of your website, and Updraft Plus does this routinely. That is serving to you in eventualities when something unexpected happens, and likewise you don’t understand how to fix it, in order that you restore the backup.
  • Cloudflare: A CDN promises your web site relatively a little rapid and is secure from unsolicited mail attacks. Cloudflare enhances your website’s tempo and protection with CDN and DNS services and products.
  • Cast Protection: Forged Safety supplies entire protection to safeguard your website from threats. It’s great, despite the fact that other safety plugins may well be upper, depending on your needs.
  • Bloom: Add shocking email embed bureaucracy on your website pages and obtain additional email subscribers. Bloom is a peak fee email risk plugin that is free together with your Divi membership.
  • Monarch: Display branded social media sharing icons on your website pages to encourage visitors to proportion them with others. Monarch is another Divi plugin that you simply get without charge together with your membership.

Methods to Make the Most Out of Your Consuming position Internet web site in 4 Steps

After your consuming position web site is published, there are some things you’ll be capable of do to improve its reach and get additional visitors.

1. Optimize for Local seo to Attract Local Customers

Since your main aim is to attract local shoppers on your consuming position, you should optimize your web site to show up on local searches. Optimizing for local seo helps inside of achieve other folks to seek out your consuming position when they search online, bringing additional local shoppers by means of your doors. Proper right here are some things you wish to have to do:

  • Create a Google Trade Profile: By means of optimizing your Google My Industry profile, you give Google additional wisdom about your online business, similar to location, maintain, and phone amount, which is in a position to appear when anyone searches on your consuming position online.
  • Use Local Keywords: Write your website content material subject matter using location-specific keywords to show up on local searches. As an example, if your consuming position is in Brooklyn and your identify dish is Italian pasta, optimize your web site for “Italian pasta in Brooklyn.”
  • Add Your Consuming position Maintain and Location: Be mindful to add your consuming position’s maintain and embedded map in a couple of places on your web site so that search bots can merely get right to use them and add them to Google’s Knowledge Graph.
  • Optimize Footer with Contact Amount: For the same reasons why, add your contact amount together with your email maintain and other contact alternatives in a couple of places, ideally inside the header, menu, contact, about, and footer sections.

2. Get began a Blog to Attract Herbal Customers

To show up for additonal keywords and improve your herbal visibility, get started a weblog and post engaging content material subject matter on foods, recipes, and tips to attract foods enthusiasts. Starting a blog with Divi is unassuming. Your Consuming position Starter Internet web page already includes a blog internet web page, in order that you most simple wish to create new content material subject matter from your wordpress dashboard.

blog restaurant

You’ll moreover use your blog to proportion details about your online business. As an example, if your online business is doing great and you plan to open another outlet in Boston. In an effort to attract Boston other folks, you’ll be capable of proportion the inside track together with your blog readers. Since you’ve been actively publishing new content material subject matter, other folks have turn out to be not unusual readers such a large amount of of them show up, providing you with a grand opening night time time.

3. Get began Social Sharing to Assemble Logo Awareness

You’ll moreover use social media to build awareness about your consuming position and recipes and attract travelers visiting you, principally on account of they be informed great critiques about your dishes on Instagram and wish to try them themselves.

social media sharing buttons using monarch

The use of Divi’s Monarch plugin, sharing blog recipes and other content material subject matter is as easy as one click on on. Your internet web page shows shocking social sharing icons readers can click on on on and proportion with their neighborhood. The best segment? You’ll customise social media icons to match your branding.

4. Get began an Email correspondence Checklist to Convert Customers into Logo Advocates

You should moreover assemble an email tick list to be in contact together with your shoppers. Send them updates, specific supplies, and event invitations. Commonplace emails can turn occasional visitors into unswerving shoppers who often return and tell others about your consuming position.

bloom email optin in blog

Divi’s Bloom plugin makes your email automation workflow super manageable. It no longer most simple makes connecting your email promoting supplier easy however moreover makes embedding email opt-in bureaucracy smooth. As an example, you’ll be capable of combine Mailchimp with Bloom to streamline email promoting.

10X Your Content material subject matter Introduction with Divi AI

Creating additional content material subject matter is the fastest technique to expand your online business online. Then again no longer merely content material subject matter—prime quality, compelling content material subject matter that individuals stop scrolling to be informed.

It’s no longer a secret that rising such content material subject matter takes time. Then again you’re a chef and have a restaurant business to run—you don’t have time to create content material subject matter. That’s why you wish to have Divi AI to create top-quality content material subject matter sooner.

divi ai

Divi AI creates it for you in seconds, whether or not or no longer it’s a blog post, social media copy, email publication, or the remaining. How? It reads your website wisdom inside the background to snatch your writing style, logo voice, and audience to create content material subject matter that requires fewer edits. So, generate content material subject matter with Divi AI, analysis it for a final check out, and proportion it together with your audience—it’s that easy!

Get Divi AI

FAQs on Creating a Consuming position Internet web site

#faqsu-faq-list {
background: #F0F4F8;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 15px;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single {
background: #fff;
padding: 15px 15px 20px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question {
border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F4F8;
padding-bottom: 0.825rem;
margin-bottom: 0.825rem;
position: relative;
padding-right: 40px;
#faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after {
content material subject matter: “?”;
position: absolute;
right kind: 0;
top: 0;
width: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
text-align: heart;
color: #c6d0db;
background: #F0F4F8;
border-radius: 40px;
font-size: 20px;

What should I include on my consuming position website?

Your website should have your menu, location, hours of operation, and alternatives to book a table or order foods online. It’s moreover good to include pictures of your foods and consuming position, purchaser critiques, and contact details to make it more uncomplicated on your shoppers to reach out.

How can I make my website art work neatly on phones?

Use a theme like Divi that routinely adjusts to different show sizes. Ensure text and photographs are easy to be informed and load in short. While every internet web page of your Divi web site might be routinely optimized for various displays, you should however check out how your web site turns out on other devices.

What apparatus can I make the most of to build my consuming position website?

One of the most most simple tactics to build a restaurant web site is with Divi and wordpress. This combination supplies easy-to-customize templates and lines like online menus, reservation techniques, and working a weblog purposes for long-term expansion. That mentioned, there are many nice website online developers available price testing.

How do I ensure that my website shows up in search engines like google like google and yahoo?

Use keywords an identical on your consuming position and site on every internet web page. Use an seo plugin like RankMath for on internet web page seo. Keep your content material subject matter up-to-the-minute, like together with new dishes or blog posts, and encourage shoppers to depart critiques online. That is serving to your web site appear higher in search results.

The post The right way to Create a Surprising Eating place Web site in Below an Hour appeared first on Chic Issues Weblog.

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The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

Product Name: The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

Click here to get The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“Starting this diet was so easy and the results were so fast. After just one week of following the Shake Diet, I weighed myself and realized I had lost 8 pounds. I feel better and more confident than I have in a long time. I no longer have to suck in my stomach to button my pants and I still have to stop and look twice every time I look in the mirror.”

“I have never seen weight loss happen this way before. I truly LOVE this ‘diet’! It’s more like a life changer! I have more energy than I have had in years and my skin is truly glowing! This is the perfect ‘mommy makeover’ I have been looking for. I have not been hungry at all over the past few weeks and it is the perfect complement to my busy lifestyle. I know I am losing weight in a healthy way! My husband has started asking me more frequently if I can make him a smoothie which is wonderful! Thank you so much!”

“I’ve always been trying to lose the last 5-7 kilos and tone my body, and that’s exactly what’s happened, so I’m really happy. I feel really good about myself, I don’t have a tummy anymore and I feel confident about myself, and people have noticed it too… and my love handles are gone! I couldn’t be happier with this whole program and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to lose a little or a lot of weight.”

THE SMOOTHIE DIET is a revolutionary new life-transforming system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight and feel better than you have in years, but it also promises to shed more body fat, faster than anything you’ve ever tried before.

This is NOT just a big smoothie recipe book. You’ll get the same proven 3-week weight loss and health improvement program that I share with my private clients. The secret that makes the Smoothie Diet so effective is the 3-Week Customized Weight Loss Program. All of the shakes are given in a very specific sequence and frequency to maximize your results. For example, the nutrient and ingredient ratios vary week to week to ensure the weight keeps coming off and staying off.

I have used my knowledge as a Health Coach and what I have learned from all of my clients to ensure that this program delivers fast results. I have meticulously researched specific ingredients and nutritional properties to maximize the effectiveness of this program. All you have to do is replace certain meals with the shake recipes I provide and then watch as the pounds effortlessly melt away from your body and your energy levels soar.

In just a few minutes you will have access to all the tools you need to lose weight and get healthy as quickly as possible. I have left nothing to chance, everything is explained step by step so you can start today and lose weight tomorrow.

If you are looking for a complete transformation of your life in the next 3 weeks, you are in the right place! Whether you need to lose the last 5-10 kilos or want to get rid of 40 kilos or more, this will work for you. This diet is extremely flexible, so even though this program lasts 21 days, you can continue using it for as long as you want to lose as much weight as you want and I explain exactly how.

Dramatic weight loss is just one of the many benefits you’ll reap from this diet. Would you like to have more energy, clearer skin, better sleep, sharper thinking, stable blood sugar levels, and much more? You’re only 21 days away…

This detox program is easily worth the price of the full program. It is something you can do before you begin the 21-day program to help clear out the “cobwebs” and prepare your body for optimal results. It can also be used anytime you want to lose a few pounds quickly or “reset” your health after you’ve gotten off track (like during vacation). The best part is that you will see almost instant weight loss results. One of my clients lost 3 pounds in 3 days on this detox program*. The program includes 3 days of 3 specially designed meal replacement detox shake recipes, a complete shopping list with everything you need, as well as the option of 2 recipe options.

If you’re like me, you’ll want to get straight to the good stuff. I designed this guide to be an easy reference that you can print out and start using right away without needing to read the longer main guide. It’s a condensed version of the main guide that contains the 3-week timeline, shopping lists, prep guide, and smoothie recipes. This is a quick “to do” list that will help you start enjoying the benefits of the program from the very first moment you download it.

You are covered for a full 60 days. If for any reason you decide this program is not for you, just email me and let me know and I will refund every penny, no questions asked, no hassle. This is a completely risk-free offer.

“I just completed the Smoothie Diet… which in one word is GREAT! The diet is so easy to follow, after just a few days I felt great, full of energy. The smoothies are so tasty, filling and never boring. I will continue to drink smoothies every day because they have now become a way of life for me! If you are looking to lose weight and make a healthy lifestyle change, give this a try. I couldn’t have asked for more! Thank you for everything!”

*Amanda has used everything she has learned to continue losing weight for several months. Results may vary.

The best part about the Smoothie Diet is that you can use it for as long as you need to lose as much weight as you want. I make it super simple to continue using everything you learn in the first 3 weeks to extend the program over the next few weeks or even months. And each additional week will be just as enjoyable as the first three! My goal is to give you all the tools you need to continue losing weight and getting healthy for as long as you need.

Unlike other diets, this is not a “quick fix.” 21 days is just the beginning of a lifetime of better health and a leaner body. The number one comment I get about the Shake Diet is that after a few weeks, cravings for sweets and junk food are virtually gone. This makes it very easy to keep the weight off. I also show you exactly how to get back to your regular eating patterns after the 21 days while still incorporating shakes into your diet to keep the weight off. In fact, most people love the shakes so much that they don’t want to give them up after the 21 days. As some of my clients have said, this is a complete life transformation program.

Fresh, whole fruits, as well as blended green smoothies, not only offer diabetics a healthy way to get more fruits and vegetables into their diet, but they can also help reverse some of the diet and lifestyle issues that exacerbate diabetes or contribute to its progression. The beauty of the Smoothie Diet is that it sets off a chain reaction of lifestyle changes that reduce or eliminate factors that exacerbate the disease and reverse the condition in some people. Please note that while I am a nutrition expert, I am not a doctor. If you have diabetes or ANY other health condition, you should always check with your doctor first before making any dietary changes.

If you don’t have a lot of time during the day, this program is PERFECT for you. My ideal client is a busy mom who works, goes to school, has errands to run, kids to drop off or pick up, etc. I designed this program to be super simple and take you just a few minutes a day. I even provide tips on how to save a few valuable minutes on your smoothie prep. The recipes are quick to make and you can enjoy them right after you make them or take them with you. You’ll always have a delicious, filling meal with you. And if you can push a button on your blender, then you can follow this program 🙂

This is a completely digital product. You will not receive anything in the mail. The great thing about this is that you will have access to it within minutes. You don’t have to wait for anything to arrive at your door. I want to take advantage of the excitement you are feeling right now and get you started right away. You can even do your Week 1 shopping today and start tomorrow…or start today! The files are in PDF format. After you make payment, you will automatically be directed to a page where you can download and view everything on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. For those of you who prefer a printed book, the Quick Start Bonus is designed for this. It is a 20-page abbreviated version of the main guide that can be printed out and followed along like a printed book.

If for any reason this program doesn’t work for you, even though you followed it exactly as I’ve explained it to you, I have no problem giving you a full refund. I’ll even cover you for a full 60 days, so if you’re not satisfied for any reason during the next 2 months, you’ll get your money back. If you’re not happy with the program, I don’t want you to have to pay for it. I believe in building relationships with my clients and your satisfaction is my number one priority.

Yes, Drew, I’m tired of being overweight, having no energy, and worrying about my health. I’m ready to make a change! I understand that my order is fully guaranteed for 60 days and I will have instant access to the program after ordering so I can start burning fat today!

*Disclaimer: Due to recent FTC laws, all companies are required to identify what a “typical” result is. The truth is, most people never do anything with the products they buy, so more often than not, they get no results at all. In other words, if you want results, you need to take action. All testimonials are real, and all of the people pictured transformed their bodies by using The Smoothie Diet. However, these results are meant as a sample of what the best, most motivated customers have done, and should not be taken as average or typical results. They followed the diet to the letter. In other words, they took action. If you want results, you should do this too. Drew is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutrition program. Please see our full FTC Legal Disclaimer for full details. Do you have questions about The Smoothie Diet? Wondering if the program will work for you? Send us an email! You can contact us at [email protected].

ClickBank is the retailer of the products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Click here to get The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Smoothie Diet™ 21-Day Weight Loss Program

is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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How you can Upload a ‘Leap to Recipe’ Button in WordPress (2 Simple Tactics)

Many visitors to foods blogs are looking for the recipe instructions briefly, and a Jump to Recipe button can be in agreement them get there in just one click on on.

This is a great option to enhance the patron experience on your wordpress web site.

Proper right here at WPBeginner, we’ve came upon 2 easy tactics to achieve this, and we’re excited to share them with you.

In this article, we will be able to show you the best way to merely add a Jump to Recipe button in wordpress.

wordpress” class=”wp-image-283311″/>

Why Add a Jump to Recipe Button in Foods Blog Posts?

A Jump to Recipe button isn’t crucial for every recipe post. On the other hand it can be a huge receive advantages for blogs with a lot of content material subject material faster than the actual recipe instructions.

Many recipe websites include a story regarding the recipe’s starting, personal anecdotes, or helpful cooking tips faster than diving into the steps. This will also be great for building a connection along side your readers.

That said, it’s vital to imagine that many purchasers might be one-time visitors simply looking for the recipe itself. They is probably not throughout the backstory and easily want to get cooking.

Together with a Jump to Recipe button supplies the ones visitors a to hand information a coarse and easy option to skip right away to what they’re looking for. This may increasingly enhance shopper experience on your web site and most probably keep visitors engaged for longer, expanding your pageviews and lowering jump charges.

With that all over ideas, we will be able to show you 2 easy tactics in an effort to upload a Jump to Recipe button: using a plugin and custom designed code. You’ll use the quick links underneath to skip to your most popular manner:

The easiest way in an effort to upload a Jump to Recipe button in wordpress is to use WP Tasty. This recipe card plugin is a go-to for various foods bloggers because it provides tons of choices to fortify your foods blog.

Besides together with a Jump to Recipe button, it moreover has choices to make your recipes printable and easy to grow to be into the reader’s most popular unit of measurement. Plus, you’ll add information like dietary information, cook dinner meal time, serving size, and shopper ratings in a clear and organized manner.

Is WP Tasty the right suite of food, recipe and blogging plugins for you?

One drawback of WP Tasty is it doesn’t come with a free fashion, nevertheless it indubitably’s a really perfect investment for critical meals bloggers who want to generate source of revenue online.

Now, to use WP Tasty, you first wish to achieve a paid plan. You’ll each transfer with the WP Tasty All Get admission to Package deal or the standalone WP Tasty Tasty Recipes plugin.

After you have made a purchase order order, you’ll download the plugin and arrange it on your wordpress web site. You’ll be told our data on methods to set up a wordpress plugin for more information.

After that, transfer to WP Tasty » Dashboard from your wordpress admin and click on on on ‘Enter License.’

enter license

Next, insert your plugin’s license key, which WP Tasty will have to have sent you to your email after you made a purchase order order.

Then, select each ‘All Plugins’ or ‘Tasty Recipes’ throughout the Plugin(s) to show at the dropdown menu. Click on on ‘Save License.’

Save license

With that completed, transfer to the WP Tasty » Tasty Recipes internet web page from your wordpress dashboard and switch to the ‘Settings’ tab.

By means of default, the selections for the Jump to Recipe and Print Recipe buttons could be checked, so that you’ll go away them as they’re.

The Jump Recipe button settings in WP Tasty

One thing you’ll business regarding the buttons is the Speedy Links Style.

WP Tasty can also display the Jump to Recipe chance as a regular text link as an alternative of buttons. If you happen to occur to make a choice, you’ll select ‘Links’.

Jump to Recipe link made with WP Tasty

On the other hand actually, you’ll moreover merely choose the Buttons chance if that’s your selection.

The Buttons chance moreover turns out additional eye-catching, making it easy for readers to spot it.

Jump to Recipe button made with WP Tasty

There are in fact a lot more settings to debris round with proper right here, like enabling checkboxes for the side list and recipe scaling. Make sure to check off the selections that easiest suit your blog.

Once completed, merely scroll down the internet web page and click on on ‘Save Changes.’

Saving changes in WP Tasty

Now, on each and every instance you use WP Tasty’s recipe card, the Jump to Recipe and Print Recipe buttons at the top will show up.

To use the recipe card, you’ll create a brand spanking new recipe post or edit an present one using the Gutenberg block editor. Then, you’ll follow this step-by-step data on methods to upload a recipe card block in wordpress for more information.

One benefit of using WP Tasty in an effort to upload the bounce link is the graceful scroll affect. This way, readers can navigate directly to the recipe instructions without any jarring jumps on the internet web page. Using custom designed code to achieve this affect is somewhat additional tricky, in particular for green individuals.

WP Tasty's Jump to Recipe button with smooth scroll effect

That being said, if you want to add a Jump to Recipe button totally free, then you definitely’ll do that next manner.

Manner 2: Use Custom designed Code to Add a Jump to Recipe Button (Free)

Together with a Jump to Recipe button manually would in all probability sound intimidating for complete green individuals, then again don’t concern, as we will be able to walk you by way of every step carefully.

If this is your first time including customized code to wordpress, then we propose using a code snippet plugin like WPCode. This plugin makes it protected and easy to insert code snippets into wordpress without directly bettering your theme data.

This way, it minimizes the chance of unintentionally breaking your web site’s construction or capacity.

WPCode moreover has a unfastened model, which is superb for those who’re at the reasonable. That said, we propose upgrading to the paid fashion if you want to use difficult choices like trying out your code faster than it’s going are living.

To use WPCode, transfer ahead and arrange the plugin on your wordpress admin dashboard. You’ll be told our step-by-step data on methods to set up a wordpress plugin for additonal details.

Next, transfer to Code Snippets » + Add Snippet. Proper right here, select ‘Add Your Custom designed Code (New Snippet)’ and click on on ‘Use snippet.’

Adding custom code in WPCode

There are two code snippets you need in an effort to upload one by one into WPCode. Let’s go through them one after the other:

Add a Code to Automatically Insert the Jump to Recipe Button in All Recipe Posts

The main code snippet will automatically add the Jump to Recipe button in all blog posts containing a recipe section. For this, you’ll name your snippet ‘Add Jump to Recipe Button Automatically.’

Then, select ‘PHP Snippet’ throughout the Code Kind drop-down menu.

Creating a code snippet to automatically add Jump to Recipe buttons

Inside the Code Preview box, transfer ahead and insert the following strains of code:

 * Check if the post content material subject material accommodates a heading with the #recipe anchor
function has_recipe_anchor($content material subject material) {
  $building = '/]*>/i';
  return preg_match($building, $content material subject material) === 1;

 * Add "Jump to Recipe" button to posts
function add_jump_to_recipe_button($content material subject material) {
  if (has_recipe_anchor($content material subject material)) {
    $jump_button = '';
    $content material subject material = $jump_button . $content material subject material;
  return $content material subject material;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_jump_to_recipe_button');

Let’s go through how this code works.

The main part of the code, the function named has_recipe_anchor, checks if there’s a heading tag (H1 by way of H6) on your blog post that has an anchor set to ‘recipe.’ The preg_match function searches by way of your text for this actual building.

The second segment, the function named add_jump_to_recipe_button, is answerable for together with the actual button to your post.

If the has_recipe_anchor function from the previous step came upon a heading with the recipe anchor, it creates the HTML code for the bounce button. Then, it inserts this code right kind faster than the content material subject material of your blog post.

The ultimate line of code, add_filter('the_content', 'add_jump_to_recipe_button');, essentially tells wordpress to run the add_jump_to_recipe_button function on each and every instance it retrieves the content material subject material for a blog post.

This way, the code can automatically check for the recipe heading and add the button if sought after.

With that being said, you’ll must add a #recipe anchor to the recipe section of your blog post. Don’t concern, we will be able to show you the best way to do that shortly.

Now, scroll the entire means all the way down to the ‘Insertion’ section and make sure the ‘Auto Insert’ manner is selected. As for the Location, you’ll choose ‘Frontend Absolute best’ so that the code best runs on the front-facing part of your wordpress website online.

Then, toggle the button at the top right kind corner to make the code ‘Vigorous’ and click on on ‘Save Snippet.’

Choosing Frontend Only as the code insertion location in WPCode

Add a Code to Style the Jump to Recipe Button

We will now add customized CSS code to style your call-to-action button. Transfer ahead and repeat the steps to create a brand spanking new custom designed code snippet in WPCode and offers it a simple name, like ‘Style Jump to Recipe Button.’

As for the Code Kind, select ‘CSS Snippet.’

Creating a code snippet to style Jump to Recipe buttons

Now, we’ve were given created a CSS code that can make our button green and the text in it white. Like so:

.jump-to-recipe-button {
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    background-color: #4CAF50;
    color: #ffffff;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-radius: 5px;

.jump-to-recipe-button:hover {
    background-color: #45a049;

If you want to use different colors, then you definitely’ll merely alternate the hex codes in background-color (for the button color), coloration (for the textual content), and background-color underneath .jump-to-recipe-button:hover (for the button color when the cursor hovers over the button).

After you have inserted the code, scroll the entire means all the way down to the Insertion section and select ‘Auto Insert’ since the Insert Manner. Then, choose ‘Web page Massive Footer’ since the Location.

All you need to do next is flip at the code snippet and click on on ‘Save Snippet.’

Choosing Site Wide Footer location in WPCode

Add the #recipe Anchor to Your Recipe Blog Posts

Even though you’ve activated the two code snippets, the bounce button gained’t appear till you add a #recipe anchor to the recipe section of your wordpress blog posts. So that’s what we’re going to do now.

First, create a brand spanking new recipe blog post or open an present one throughout the block editor.

Now, in our example, we’re using a heading tag (H2) to signal the recipe section of our blog post. We propose you do the identical merely so that it’s easier for purchasers to go looking out it when they be told your post. Search engines like google moreover respect when your blog content material subject material has an organized building.

Adding heading tags to a recipe title

Transfer ahead and click on at the Heading block of your recipe section. Then, throughout the Block settings sidebar, open the ‘Complicated’ menu and kind ‘recipe’ into the HTML Anchor field.

This will likely from time to time serve as an anchor hyperlink for the bounce button.

Adding an anchor link to the recipe section

With that completed, click on on ‘Post’ or ‘Substitute.’

If you happen to occur to preview your website online on cellular or desktop, you will have to now see a Jump to Recipe button on top of your blog content material subject material after the post identify.

Jump to Recipe button made with WPCode

Bonus Tips to Beef up Your Foods Blog’s Individual Experience

Reasonably than a Jump to Recipe button, there are other design parts that you just’ll use to fortify the patron experience on your foods blog.

For example, highlighting textual content on your posts will also be a good way to draw attention to vital information or cooking tips. This might be specific components, cooking events, or variety substitutions.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”385″ src=”” alt=”Demo of highlighting text in wordpress” class=”wp-image-186263″/>

Footnotes are every other great tool. They will let you elaborate on a decided on recipe step or side without interrupting the go with the flow of your number one instructions.

Many shoppers could be browsing your recipes from their phones or capsules. A mobile-friendly design promises your content material subject material is formatted as it should be and easy to be informed on slightly a large number of show sizes.

After all, breadcrumb navigation hyperlinks can enhance web site navigation. The ones small links at the top of the internet web page show consumers their provide location within your web site’s hierarchy. This makes it easier for them to go looking out their way back to previous sections or browse related recipes.

<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”680″ height=”322″ src=”” alt=”Breadcrumb links in Pinch of Yum website” class=”wp-image-283315″/>

We hope this tutorial helped you discover ways to add a Jump to Recipe button in wordpress. You may also want to check out our a professional pick of the absolute best wordpress drag-and-drop web page developers to design your foods web site and methods to arrange on-line meals ordering in wordpress.

If you happen to occur to most popular this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for wordpress video tutorials. You’ll moreover to find us on Twitter and Fb.

The post How you can Upload a ‘Leap to Recipe’ Button in wordpress (2 Simple Tactics) first seemed on WPBeginner.

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14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method

Product Name: 14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method

Click here to get 14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

14 Day Diet Detox – The Youth Method is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


49 y/o Erin Nielsen – Health Coach, Physical Therapist,
and Author of The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox.

  …With Results in Just One day As It Melts Away 1 Pound Of Belly Fat In The First 24 Hours

Do you think wrinkled skin and belly fat are a normal part of aging?

If so, you’ve been lied to.

…And you’re not alone, because 87 % of people believe that myth.

I’m in my 40’s and I used to believe that too.

Did you know that EVERYONE carries “good genes” and “bad genes” in their DNA?

And if you’ve ever struggled to lose even just a few pounds or bought countless creams to try to look younger…

But NOTHING ever works…

You’re probably suffering from a hidden chemical build-up inside your body that that turns ON your BAD Genes and makes it virtually impossible to lose belly fat and have a youthful lean body…

And it gets worse once you reach 35.

Your body packs on belly fat and rapidly accelerates aging and wrinkles.

The first thing you need to know is that your failed weight-loss attempts in the past are NOT YOUR FAULT. Almost everything you’ve been told by the media and big food companies in order to look younger and lose belly fat is a misleading lie.

Have you noticed: the more you diet – the worse you feel, the older you look, and the more you pile on belly fat?

The reasons you have failed before are because will power and counting calories don’t help – you can’t sustain those stringent rules for the long term…

It’s too difficult and produces more hidden inflammation inside your body that turns ON your Bad Genes.

So the ONLY reason you don’t have the lean youthful body you desire, is because everything you tried before actually turns ON your bad genes – and you were never told about this working AGAINST your body and forcing it to store fat and age you faster…

Starvation diets and cover ups like the one revealed in this article in the New York Times – “How the sugar industry shifted blame to fat,” are the the very things that Turn ON Your Bad Genes to pile on belly fat and age you faster.

The article revealed that SUGAR promoters paid researchers in the 1960s to downplay the dangers of sugar.

As a result, it  played a key role in vilifying fat and glamorizing sugar – adding to the epidemic of hidden inflammation that turns ON your bad genes making it impossible to have the tight toned belly and youthful lean body you desire…

So after decades of being taught starvation dieting and being led astray by the media, we have more inflammation, more fat around our belly, and feel and look older than we’ve ever been.

You’re about to discover a brand new “Genetic Reset Secret” to STOP the INFLAMMATION that’s turning ON your bad genes – helping women like you Visibly SEE the youthful lean body and tight flat belly you want in a way that is all natural and FASTER than you thought possible.

With This Genetic Reset Secret You Can FINALLY Turn OFF Your Bad Genes and Turn ON your Your Good Genes to restore a more youthful lean body and tight flat belly …

And the only way to use this Genetic Reset Secret is to Reactivate a simple yet unique Youth Method Switch  that I’m going to share with you today…

When it comes to the genes you’re born with, you CAN CHANGE which ones control your health if you understand how to work with them.

And believe me – This Youth Method Switch helps ANYONE see a tight belly and turn back the clock 10 years at ANY age – EVEN IF:

Foods like Package and Processed foods that are filled with unhealthy carbs and hidden sugars in the form of energy bars, whole wheat bread and many so called  “diet foods”.

The first thing you need to understand is that it is not your fault you’re eating these foods.  You have been misled for years about what foods are healthy and….

Your brain is programmed to crave sugar.

And Sugar addiction is very real…

According to brain scans,
Sugar is as addictive as cocaine.

So why is sugar so bad for you?

It’s about what sugar does internally to the cells of your body, it turns ON you bad genes on and good genes off – causing disease and accelerated aging of your skin, joints and organs.

Here the biggest reason that hidden sugar is aging you faster…

Excess blood sugar in your body causes Glycation inside your cells, it literally damages each cell causing widespread inflammation that turns off your good genes. And when you turn ON your bad genes you:

If you still believe you have to eat less to lose fat you have been lied to.

Will power and counting calories, carbs or fat doesn’t help – you can’t sustain those stringent rules for the long term…It’s not realistic…

Eating too little causes your body stress and stress increases inflammation in your body that turns ON your BAD genes.

That’s why over 90% of diets fail…

Your body needs to be fueled with food or it thinks it’s starving and will hold onto belly fat no matter how little you eat.

Any pounds shed during a liquid cleanse are mostly water weight, and will likely be gained back once you start eating normal again.

Most juice fasts don’t have any protein at all and you need a daily supply of protein to fuel your body and muscles…

Even worse, most people will have side effects like headaches, fatigue, moodiness, and stomach pain.

This causes extreme stress to your body that increases inflammation and turns ON your bad genes.

They turn ON your BAD genes that results in belly fat, wrinkles, and energy slumps – they age you faster…

And that’s exactly why it’s not your fault those other programs NEVER gave you results:

Instead, you need a NEW approach…

One that combines the latest research on Anti-Aging and Fat Loss down to the very level of your DNA by Activating Your “Youth Method Switch” to reset your body to “Turn ON your Good Genes” so you effortlessly burn belly fat, erase wrinkles, and reclaim your energy.

You NEED a New Method that Turns Your GOOD GENES ON and Your BAD GENES OFF so it:

So, What Is This New “Youth Method Switch” That’s Helping Women Over 35 “Turn ON Their Good Genes” To Visibly SEE Younger Skin And A Tight Flat Belly? I’d Like To Introduce You To…

Why is Genetic Reset Eating the easiest and fastest way to a tight firm belly and youthful lean body?

The REAL “Magic” Happens AFTER Your 1st Day!

This Proven Method Helps ANYONE Visibly SEE a Youthful Lean Body and Tight Flat Belly – At ANY Age.

The reason my Trademarked Method is so beautifully effective at banishing your belly fat and wrinkles is that it uses very specific and unique “Youth Method Foods” that genetically reset your body to burn belly fat and smooth wrinkles.

When you follow my plan, something extraordinary happens:

Your “Youth Method Switch” Is Activated to finally turn OFF your Bad Genes which will FORCE Your Body To INSTANTLY Start Melting Belly Fat and your Wrinkles In Less Than 24 Hours.

You TURN ON your Good Genes and this is where you’ll really SEE Your Body, Belly, and Skin Tighten More Week After Week.

You’ll Completely RESET your Metabolism to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Every Last Ounce Belly Fat and turn the clock back 10 years for your most youthful lean body that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

The problem with today’s most popular nutrition programs is they only focus on calories in and calories out.

Yet, what I discovered after working with 1,000’s of women just like you is that NONE of them focus on the most important thing – How to genetically reset your body for fat loss and this allows for the added bonus of a youthful lean body too!

Does This Sound Familiar?

Believe me, I understand what you’re going through.

As a young girl and teenager- I was pretty healthy! However, as I got older – especially in my late 30’s, something started to change in my body…

I felt tired all the time, had skin issues and gained weight unexpectedly and I knew that something just wasn’t right. The scariest part was no one seemed to have an answer for me.

I went to my primary doctor, dermatologist, and a few other specialists but no one could figure out what was going on. The more I searched for an answer, the more I was left disappointed.

As a few months turned into 6, then into 8 and my body felt worse than ever – I was so frustrated and sad. I was newly diagnosed with rosacea,  had persistent fatigue, new joint pain, and I was unable to lose the weight I had gained!

If you’ve ever been in this place in your life, where you avoided looking in the mirror and feel old, ugly, and out of shape – then you should know you aren’t the only one…

I felt like time was slipping by, like my pretty skin days were already behind me. When I actually did look in the mirror there was always a new red bump on my face, a new wrinkle, and an overall really unhealthy look.

My skin had lost it’s glow, it’s light. People would constantly ask me if I was tired or sick and I began to feel very hopeless that I would ever lose the weight or feel like myself again.

Deep down – I knew there had to be a better way. And since I wasn’t getting the answers I needed from my Dr’s – I decided I would have to figure this out on my own.

As a Physical Therapist – I love research so I researched and read hundreds of books and realized everything I had been taught about health, nutrition, and fitness was completely wrong.

I found amazing new scientific evidence to help heal my body and turn back the clock naturally – all by learning how to Activate My Very Own Youth Method Switch to “Turn ON My Good Genes” for amazing FLAT BELLY and ANTI-AGING results.

Once I discovered these secrets – I came up with a new lifestyle plan.

And once I started putting my findings into practice…

The first thing I noticed was that I was sleeping better and woke up with energy.

Then I noticed the glow in my skin starting to return. The red blotchy bumps became less and less frequent. Instead of people asking if I was tired or sick, people started asking me what my secret was for such beautiful skin. Some even wondered if I had some sort of procedure like Botox or injections.

Last but not least – I started to lose weight and it was happening rapidly. I wasn’t counting calories, carbs or fat.

It was so wonderful not to obsess about all of that and I was never hungry.

My stomach was getting flatter, my legs leaner, and new people I met thought I was 10 to 15 years younger than my actual age!

For the first time in a long time I felt a sense of much needed hope. 🙂

I want to share with you the same life changing discovery…

I’m so excited and happy to share this 14 Day Blueprint to Look 15 Pounds Leaner, Lose 3 to 4 inches From Your Belly, and Erase Your Wrinkles in Just 14 Short Days

The Youth Method is a 14 day rapid results system that uses Secret Youth Method Ingredients and antioxidants to smooth wrinkles, fight aging, and flatten your belly no matter your age or if you’ve failed before.

I’ve designed it uniquely so that ANYONE at ANY Age especially those over the age of 35 – can use it.

Thanks to my special 3 Step Genetic Reset Formula the Real MAGIC happens after The First Day…

And After 3 Days – You’ll Completely RESET your Genes and Metabolism to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Belly Fat and Your Wrinkles that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

As a woman in her 40’s, I know the struggles of aging while trying to juggle family, work, and everything thing else life throws at you.

Over the past few years I made some surprising discoveries about what really works for women over for 35 to be leaner, look younger, and have more energy.

It all comes down to a simple genetic reset secret to Turn on Your Youth Method Switch so your good genes can thrive to see the youthful lean body and tight flat belly you desire.

87 % of people believe that feeling old and trapped belly fat are a normal part of aging and it couldn’t be farther from the truth – so I knew I had change that and share my Youth Method Secrets with you.

No matter if you’re in your 40’s, 50, 60’s and even 70’s you CAN have younger skin, leaner body and a flat tight belly with my Youth Method Secrets.

So along with my learning and discoveries from working with thousands of women as a Physical Therapist, Certified Health Coach, and my own nutrition trial and error –

My true passion is to share what I have learned and experienced with anyone that wants to love their life with my Youthful Body and Flat Belly Method.

You can turn on your very own Youth Method Switch to reset your body to Visibly SEE a younger leaner you FASTER than you thought possible.

Imagine erasing wrinkles and waking up and loving the person looking back at you in the mirror.

Imagine finally losing your stubborn belly fat.

Imagine looking at men and women with a confidence about the way you look like you’ve never experienced before.

Imagine looking younger… and shattering your own limiting beliefs about aging – as your skin becomes softer and more radiant.

Imagine what it would feel like to have a flat belly and look up to 10 or even 15 years younger.

Imagine enjoying youthful energy and feeling rested when you wake in the morning.

Imagine reduced risk of disease – some even no longer need medications they were on.

A Flat Belly AND Youthful Body Blueprint to Drop up to 15 Pounds and 3 to 4 inches from Your Belly – In Just 14 Days.

You’re going to get my best meal plans, recipes and tips for preparing Youth Method meals that are tasty, fast, and easy to make… without the cravings.

These done for you meal plans and recipes replace high inflammatory foods with healing anti-inflammatory foods to fight aging and banish belly fat.

You’ll know exactly what foods to enjoy WITHOUT ever counting a single calorie whether you want to lose 5, 10 or even 15 pounds in your first 14 days …

All while reducing harmful inflammation, reprogramming your metabolism to a faster rate, banishing belly fat, and erasing wrinkles no matter your age in just two weeks.

And there is no liquid cleanse here – you will enjoy real wholesome delicious food each and everyday. NO counting calories, carbs, and fat grams. NO crazy diet foods or starvation.

Just results you can feel and see as you switch your good genes on and turn back your clock NATURALLY.

My Secret 24 hour Rapid Results Skin, Body, and Belly Tightening Blueprint – will give you rapid results for a tighter body, belly and  younger looking skin in just 24 hours.

This builds the momentum you need to push your body into optimization mode to quickly flush out fat and toxins to tighten up your body even FASTER by aligning your natural fat burning and skin tightening systems together.

The key here is not just losing weight but tightening the skin around your weight loss areas so you don’t have saggy loose skin.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. This 24 hour blueprint can be done by ANYONE at ANY age to peel years off your skin and melt away 1 pound of belly fat in just 24 hours.

This is the key to your success. It includes:

With my Transformation Guide, you will learn  without a doubt…

With My Transformation Guide – your transformation will last a lifetime!

No other program is designed to genetically reset your metabolism and turn ON your good genes to rev up your youth hormones and metabolism for younger looking skin, a lean body, and tight flat belly.

You’ll learn how to make and combine delicious, nutritious, and mouth-watering meals that Turn ON your “Good Genes” to not only satisfy your appetite (which STOPS dangerous cravings), but also Burn stomach fat and FIGHT aging. Its more than just the a detox – its delicious recipes, meals plans, and anti-aging ingredients.

And it was created by me, someone in her 40’s that has struggled like you and worked with 1000’s of women like you.

The truth is this no easier or more effective way to look younger and lose belly fat – and this has nothing to do with tasteless diets and the calorie in calorie out rollercoaster.

Those diets don’t use my Youth Method Secrets to “turn ON your good genes” for a youthful lean body and and tight flat belly.

I know that the Youth Method can help you but in all honesty, The Youth Method is not for everyone.

If you want a “quick fix” like a quick liquid detox or starving yourself for a few days, then the Youth Method is not for you.

But if you want to reset your body down to the very level of your DNA for rapid and forever results you are in the right place.

You may believe that this never before seen before Method for youthful lean body and flat belly would cost a fortune…

But for the first time ever, you can receive my proven skin, body and belly tightening system at a fraction of the cost of meeting with me one on one.

Even better, there is NO risk on you because:

You see, I can relate that it may be hard to believe that you can have a more youthful lean body and tight flat belly after so many programs have failed you in the past.

But I know from personal experience just how powerful this system is because it is the only one to genetically reset your body and turn ON your good genes.

That’s why I am ready to take all the risk on me.

You don’t have to decide now.

Enjoy our RISK-FREE Test-Drive For a Full 60 Days and if for any reason you’re not absolutely loving the quality of the Youth Method system – simply email me and I’ll refund your entire investment… no hassles or hard feelings.

I am 100% committed to your health and happiness!

You have a full 60 days to see the effects for yourself, and I’m confident you will LOVE the proof you see in mirror!

I know what it feels like to buy a nutrition program and to later feel unhappy with what I purchased. If you feel anything like that, I encourage you to ask for your money back. No Hassles at all.

Try It Now – Risk-Free!

There really is nothing like this available right now and none of the programs available address these hidden DNA issues you may not even know you had…

Instead, The Youth Method is a one-time purchase you will keep reaping benefits from year after year.

So in order to finally get the permanent Flat Belly and Youthful Body solution that’s extremely easy to use to get you the tight skin, body, and  belly you deserve at over 95 % off – all you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below.

My goal with The Youth Method is to have as many skin and health transformation stories as possible.

I also have a genuine passion to help change the way the world looks at food, exercise, and mindset – especially for our children.

I’ve been talking a lot about how we can turn ON our good genes and turn off our bad genes for ourselves – but did you know we can pass personality traits down to our children?

Even our eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle choices can be passed down to our children. Yet… I’d love if we could rewrite history for your family’s sake. Because I have good news for your children too!

While you cannot undo your child’s genetics, you can influence their daily decisions…

And as I explained above – that has a significant impact on how genes express themselves for good or bad.

So even if you or your children were given some bad genes – you can suppress or turn those off and instead turn on good genes for their optimal health.

I want that for my kids, nieces, nephews, and family and for your children and family too!

I have noticed that once our customers turn on “Their Youth Method Switch” to turn off their bad genes and rev up their good genes, their children often take on healthier habits and notice amazing health improvements too.

Customers report that their kids feel more confident… pay attention more in school… excel at sports and hobbies..and are overall just more happy.

It’s quite remarkable. So give The Youth Method a try on me for the next 60 days without any chance of losing a single cent…

For your health, and the health of our kids.

Let’s create a better future now by creating a healthier you!

You’ll go back to living your same life that’s left you searching for answers and feeling frustrated with your skin, belly fat, and energy. You’ll still be trying to hide under your baggy clothes and unable to look in the mirror.

And the truth is, if you do nothing…nothing will ever change.

And you can spend hundreds of hours online researching the exact secrets I talked about today…

However, if you plan on doing this all on your own, then the question is…

Why hasn’t that worked before?

Stress, life, and worries will get in the way like they always do…

Nothing will have changed…

Here’s one of my favorite quotes when I am having a hard time making a decision. “Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.”

Remember there is no risk to you here and if you don’t try – you will miss out on the opportunity to change your life.

Jump ahead 2 weeks from now.

You’ve re-programmed your DNA to turn OFF your bad genes and turn ON your good genes for a forever flat belly, youthful lean body, and vibrant health.

You sleep like a baby at night, knowing that you’ve just given yourself a new path to a longer, healthier life… not just for yourself, but for your your kids and our future.

…and most important, you’re in awe of yourself.

In the past 14 days, you’ve done far more than lose weight and tighten your skin:

You’ve recreated a life you can love…

Down to your very DNA, you are a new you: a new metabolism, a flatter belly, amazing energy, younger skin, and a lean body.

And it all started with the decision you’ll make today. All you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below for your exclusive VIP discount.

In Love, Health, and Happiness,

Erin Nielsen, PT, CHC, CPI

P.S. – The Youth Method 14 Day Diet Detox is a whole foods program designed to rid your body of it’s addiction to sugar, carbs, processed and packaged foods and replace it with wholesome, nourishing anti-aging ingredients to turn on your barely known Youth Method Switch. You will look younger, feel younger and prevent accelerated aging to your skin, joints and organs – You will fight aging, win, and finally feel better in your body!

P.P.S. – The anti-aging foods you will be eating will turn ON your good genes to reset your fat burning and anti-aging systems for your most youthful lean body and flat belly results.

P.P.P.S – You don’t have to decide right now. TAKE A FULL 60 DAYS TO PUT US TO THE TEST WITH OUR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you don’t see results – you pay nothing.

Q. Does this work for someone older?

A. Yes! The Youth Method works so well because it turns OFF your bad genes that start taking over your body more and more in your late 30’s and especially once you reach 35. It also “Turns ON Your Good Genes” to align your natural fat-burning and anti-aging systems together, which is why it works so well for women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s!

Q. How Does The Youth Method 14-Day Diet Detox Work?

A. Step #1 – Turns OFF Your Bad Genes

Step #2 – Turns On Your Good Genes

Step #3 – You’ll Completely RESET your Genes and Metabolism to perfectly align your anti-aging and fat burning cycles for your most youthful lean body and tight flat belly.

No other system out there reprograms your genes to finally align your fat burning and anti-aging systems together.  Which is why you haven’t been able to burn belly fat and lose weight consistently. You simply didn’t have this breakthrough information until now.

Q. What kinds of foods will I be eating on The 14-Day Diet Detox?

A. You will be eating wholesome real foods, and will not need to buy supplements. Once you start using The Youth Method Program you’ll begin turning off your bad genes which has BLOCKED your anti-aging and fat-burning systems in your body for years. And you’ll also be turning ON your good genes to IMMEDIATELY Force Your Body To Banish Belly Fat and Aging that will only increase over the rest of the 14 days.

Q. When Will I See Results?

A. You will see results as early as 24 hours.  Some have lost 1 pound of belly fat in 24 hours and 15 lbs in 14 days, the average is 7-13 pounds of fat lost in the first 10-14 days.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox appropriate if I follow a strictly gluten-free diet?

A. Yes! This program is 100% gluten-free. It’s also soy-free, corn-free, peanut-free and overall very allergen-free friendly.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox appropriate if I follow a Paleo or Primal diet?

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox family-friendly/safe for children and teens?

A. Yes! Families can absolutely complete the program together with wholesome real food – it’s absolutely family-friendly.

Q. Is The 14-Day Diet Detox safe for diabetics?

A. Yes! The The 14-Day Diet Detox is a whole-foods based program, and is safe for anyone. That said, if you are under the care of a medical professional, are insulin dependent, or are taking blood sugar regulating medications, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before beginning any new nutritional program. You may find that your medications need to be adjusted with your new way of eating, and enlisting the support of your doctor will be important.

Q. I want to get started right away!

A. I’ve got you covered! Not only are you going to save money on shipping fees, you’re also going to get my entire system instantly downloaded right after your purchase.

Q. What if it doesn’t work for me?

A. This is an easy one. If for some reason it doesn’t work for you…then it’s free because you have a full 60 day guarantee. No questions asked.

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