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Divi 5 Update: Public Alpha Version 4

The Divi 5 Public Alpha is available to try. If you use Divi 5, you will receive an update notification for Public Alpha Model 4 Nowadays. We make new Divi 5 variants available every two weeks and it will increase every time! If you haven’t tried Divi 5 yet, check it out and tell us what you think.

What’s new in Public Alpha 4?

In the last two weeks, we 71 insects fixed . The massive influx of bugs reported during the preliminary release has been tamed, and new Trojan horse reviews have stalled. We are resolving bugs sooner than they are reported, going through the checklist day after day. The bugs still exist, but the fun of using Divi 5 is starting to look pretty good and we’re the last to hit our stability goals.

After fixing the bugs a bit more, we will start using the features again and early adopters of Divi 5 will be able to enjoy rapid development as the features begin. As soon as the overall push of the Divi construction group starts working with options, expect much more exciting semi-annual updates.

Change log

Here’s a checklist of all the changes made in Public Alpha 4.

  • Advanced modal habits to ensure that any interaction brings the modal to its maximum when a number of modals are open and partly overlapping.
  • Added no results messages in the levels view, in line with Divi 4 habits.
  • Fixed an issue where Mailchimp custom fields were preventing form submissions within the email optimization form.
  • Fixed the FilterableCheckboxes search box to be visual as long as it contains more than 10 items.
  • The dynamic content checklist (menu) now no longer lasts when clicked outdoors.
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic content would display the meta key instead of the custom box identity.
  • Circular Counter and Quantity Counter modules fixed to show the value of the unique textual content at the end of the animation.
  • Fixed scaling constraints for Builder’s Assist mode and the illusion of its scaling.
  • Fix video stretching in background when modules with asynchronous knowledge are loaded.
  • Successfully migrate workforce settings to Closed Toggle stored environments in Divi 5.
  • Save workforce settings in closed switches to prevent them from being unintentionally disabled after saving the web page on Divi 4.
  • Publishing codecs added to the weblog module are missing.
  • Added strengthened alphabetic CSS values ​​in spacing and sizing strategies.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not edit Divi Library pieces after including them.
  • Fixed the modal positioning of the “Loading Module” for correct alignment when zoom is implemented.
  • Scrolling disabled when Insert New Line modal window is open.
  • Fixed incorrect positioning of the Insert new line modal when scrolling the web page.
  • Fixed an issue where shortcode modules were displayed as “Shortcode Module” alternatively in admin labels in Layers view.
  • Fixed sticky strategies are not reflected in VB without a sticky place itself.
  • Fixed vivid/common/permanent color rendering of menu module for developers (frontend, visible, themes).
  • Fixed replacing the tab icon with the app color when its value is changed.
  • Added selector items to manage module order in customCssFields.
  • Fixed the positioning of the editor toolbar in line with the Divi navigation menu and admin bar.
  • Fixed Trojan horse issue with the world stage now not rendering at the start if there is no different content material on the web page.
  • Fixed an issue with preset types now not being used as they should be in the button module when the “Use custom button types” option is not enabled in Presets.
  • Fixed an issue where once-published content material would be deleted when migrating to Divi 5 when WPML was active.
  • Fixed an issue with the location of forms with clean URLs in security components (matching column, segment, or row) that prevented the form’s hyperlink methods from working as they should.
  • Fixed an issue where converting animation pace in the Fullwidth Slider and Slider modules could cause the module to malfunction in VB.
  • Fixed an issue with the left sidebar docking space in Visible Builder being too large if the modal width was larger.
  • Fixed an issue where preset locations with ID _initial were not imported/implemented into content when loading layouts.
  • Fixed an issue where computer formatting of paragraphs once was not implemented at the beginning.
  • Fixed missing characters in world header and footer with “Weblog Flavor Mode” enabled.
  • Improved server react instances when using Theme Builder templates.
  • Enhanced readability and functionality through dynamic resource management refactoring.
  • Updated documentation to remove outdated JS API references and redirect URLs to the brand new JS-Beta API reference.
  • Fixed an issue where including a border in the Weblog module would cause an error due to incorrect handling of the border’s radius attributes.
  • Fixed ACF checkbox compatibility with custom box show situation.
  • Fixed an issue where the slide text content color was more effectively positioned when hovered within the Visible Builder.
  • Fixed WPML migration compatibility factor to fully translate posts in Divi 5.
  • Fixed checkbox stored nearby with its belongings to drain arrays.
  • Fixed an issue that caused VB to crash when classes chosen in the Fullwidth Portfolio module were reset.
  • Fixed the Insert hyperlink textual content button, generated via the dynamic content web page hyperlink, showing HTML tags as an alternative to the undeniable textual content.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling to a module location within the layers view would once be incorrect when fixed navigation was once enabled.
  • Added an academic on the development of a brand new custom dynamic content container for Divi 5.
  • Make sure the mission titles as they should show particular characters by deciphering the HTML entities in the VB modules in the Portfolio.
  • Avoid unnecessary affirmation mode when enhancing an international color within the theme generator.
  • Fixed an issue in Theme Builder where the world color affirmation mode once did not register clicks on the “X” and “Sure” buttons.
  • Fixed conditional common sense for counter value display in the bar counter module when the “display quota” environment is activated.
  • Fixed an issue in the Full Width Slider and Slider module where updating the button hyperlink URL on certain personal slides added an additional tag and reduced the font size.
  • Refactored @divi/modal-library and @divi/right-click-options applications to eliminate code duplication, ensuring alignment with SOLID ideas.
  • Fixed an issue where shortcode modules would appear as “Shortcode Module” alternatively in admin labels in Wireframe mode.
  • Fixed full-width header covers drop-down menu on cellular gadgets.
  • Fixed resident preview of theme builder templates to handle international TB templates as they should be.
  • Fixed the resident preview of theme builder templates to handle the absence of a header or footer template as it should be.
  • Fixed output of international color variables when dynamic properties are disabled in the frontend.
  • Fixed an issue where the Personality Conversation Window within the TinyMCE Editor could be opened a couple of times.
  • Fixed a couple of modules containing children’s forms not being archived.
  • Fixed skew and overlapping issues in full-width phase icons when no modules are provided.
  • Correct spacing factor between dropdown menu parts in Menu and Fullwidth Menu module.
  • Fixed an issue where the layers display would not override the active component when navigating to protection components in Settings modal breadcrumbs.
  • Fixed an issue with missing Undo/Redo strategies in the Visible Builder context menu.
  • Fixed form motion icons now not displaying in Theme Builder if responsive pill or phone view was enabled.
  • Fixed Blurb module icon/symbol placement now not updating as it should for the Pill and Phone breakpoints.
  • Fixed an issue where responsive divider settings for sections would not work on pill and cell breakpoints.
  • Fixed gradient stops so that as soon as the value is not provided, it is considered undefined and a fallback value is assigned.
  • Remove the horizontal scroll bar in the Visible Builder when circling a row’s width at 100%.
  • Improved the clickability of the add column buttons that appear when switching between columns.
  • Fixed fade animation habits within Visible Builder.
  • Undo/redo strategies disabled when there are no movements to undo or redo.
  • The quick save mode of the theme builder cannot be closed.
  • Fixed deletion of internal notes content from documentation.
  • Fixed bold text content now no longer appearing bold in the form text content editor.

Flying in Divi 5 lately

Now it’s time to test Divi 5 and record the bugs. We will proceed with the paintings aggressively to resolve the problems you find. You’ll also enjoy a surprisingly fast building experience, highly advanced frontend performance, and a new contemporary interface!

Tell us what you think so far and stay tuned for a new Divi 5 model every two weeks. From here on out, Divi 5 will continuously support throughout the Alpha, Beta and earlier phases.

The release of the Divi 5: Public Alpha Version 4 update made the first impression on the Elegant Themes Blog.

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