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Product Name: Sales page – 9D Breathwork

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Get Access To The Breathwork Breakthrough Leveraging The Latest In Sound Technology That’s Helped Thousands Repattern Limiting Beliefs, Root Out Deep Traumas, And Release Pent Up Emotions Within A Single Session

Have you ever heard a story so powerful you felt noticeably different when it was finished?

One that’s both so painful and so heartwarming at the same time?

A story that fundamentally changed the way you saw everything?

The story I’m about to tell you did exactly that for me. It transformed how I viewed breathwork and pushed me to complete a very important project that I’ll share with you later on.

We’d just finished up an online breathwork session when Cheri sent me a message to have a private conversation about joining the breathwork facilitator training my company offers.

“It all started when I was seventeen years old, I was kidnapped at knifepoint. I was held hostage. I was brought into a room with a door that had many locks, and I was made to do terrible things.” 

Not at all how I was expecting this conversation to go. Instantly I froze, my body locked up, it felt like the air was being sucked out of my chest.

“Fifty years I carried that trauma with me. Every night I’d barricade my bedroom door out of fear my kidnapper would come take me. I tried everything but it got to the point where I thought maybe this is just how life is for me. That I need to learn to accept it.”

Watching her admit this to me broke my heart.

“But then I did your breathwork journey. And at some point, in that experience, my kidnapper came in as if he was right there in the room with me.” 

Dear God, we’ve traumatized this poor woman, this is a nightmare. My body was in a cold sweat, unsure of how to regulate itself. But I couldn’t look away. 

“During the forgiveness part of the journey, I could see my kidnapper in this bright white blinding light. And in that moment I felt myself forgiving him. Not only that, I felt love for him. And that was the moment I knew I was healed.”

Finally, the air came back into my lungs and I could breathe again. 

But she didn’t stop there.

Inspired, Cheri told me she decided to ditch the job she hated to embrace a new calling – becoming a breathwork coach to empower others.

How’s that for taking charge of your life?

Now, not everyone has a story like Cheri but we’ve all felt the pain of walking around and pretending we’re fine when we’re really not, right? 

We’ve all experienced hardships, heartbreak, and hopelessness.

We all know what it means to feel loss. It affects all of us differently, but for the most part, we tend to bury those pains deep down without even realizing it. 

And it’s not because we’re in a mental health crisis like most doctors and psychologists would say, it’s because we’re living through an emotional constipation crisis (more on that later).

Today, we’re going to address those pains, right here, right now. But not through talking about them. 

We’re not going to use our brains, we’re going to use our bodies. 

Today, I’m going to unveil a breakthrough breathwork practice that will change your life.

Feel more alive, positive, upbeat, and excited about life

Attain new direction and clarity

Achieve altered states of consciousness (what some would call “flow state”)

Liberate yourself from old traumas, broken relationships, and deep feelings of fear and sadness

Nowadays, breathwork is the new hot topic that seems to be on everyone’s lips. Chances are you’ve heard all about it or have gone to a session yourself this is something beyond what you’ve experienced.

But before I can even show you the practice that’s been able to help thousands shed deep-rooted traumasincluding people who’ve already done a lot of breathwork before we have to talk about the most fascinating and complex organ in the body is your brain.

This is probably untrue the entirety of the human brain is at work throughout the day; we just don’t really know what it’s doing.

We know a small percentage is focused on cognition, or thinking. Those thoughts that go through your head every moment of every day.

We also know a percentage is dedicated to running the machinery of your body that happens without you thinking about it: breathing, digesting, blinking.

But beyond that, we’re kind of in the dark. Especially our own brains. Recently, scientists have realized just how much we don’t know.

In 2022, leading researchers at The University of Sussex and The Canadian Institute of Advance Research published research indicating we are aware of only about 5% of our cognitive activity.

A paper from experts Anil K. Seth and Tim Bayne in Nature Reviews Neuroscience suggests that the lion’s share of brain activity, up to a staggering 95%,

lives in the shadowy realms of our subconscious and unconscious minds.

These hidden depths hold the key to many of the struggles we face daily.

Our unconscious mind is a vault of information we’ve taken in over the years while the subconscious mind processes experiences beneath the level of our awareness.

And behind that locked door lies heaps of programming that stuck with us since we were little kids.

Basically, our thoughts sitting in the background determine who we are and how we act.

A study conducted by Queen’s University in Canada found that the average person has about 6,200 thoughts per day.

Of the 6,200 you think a day, you have little awareness and near zero control over the 4,700 negative thoughts that are playing over and over in the back of your head.

Imagine somewhere in your house, there was a radio playing a constant loop over and over again.

You’ll never amount to anything.

Severe stress and burnout

Chronic anxiety and panic attacks

Unprocessed grief, loss, and trauma

Identity and self-esteem issues

Unaddressed, all of that can be crushing.

The joy and motivation once found in daily activities seem to vanish, replaced by an overwhelming sense of being swamped by life’s demands.

You feel drained, both physically and emotionally, making it harder to show up for yourself and your loved ones.

Once you became aware of that radio, once you became aware of those thoughts running on a loop, what would you do?

You’d probably go out of your way to find that room, break through that door, and if you couldn’t change the song, at the very least you’d smash the stereo into pieces.

But you don’t, because how could you intentionally correct 4.700 thoughts you didn’t even know were happening in the first place?

Listen, my friend, there is good news on the other side of this.

We’re becoming more aware of the impact our thoughts have on our human experience.

As a society, we’re starting to take care of our emotional well-being. More people are actively seeking help and we’re beginning to see mental health issues for what they really are a serious condition that needs treating.

But even if we’re prioritizing our mental health, we don’t always see healing in the same way we do with physical wounds.

And that’s because our methods for addressing mental health are only interacting with the conscious mind.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

All great in their own right, but they often only scratch the surface, addressing symptoms rather than the source itself—the subconscious mind.

To quote the 90s rock band Harvey Danger:

“Fools and charlatans, they may get wise, but only cream and bastards rise”

The cream and bastards in this case are the unconscious programs, bad habits, and deep-rooted traumas we’ve collected over the years that determine how we act, think, and feel right now.

When we go deep into the recesses of our subconscious, we’re able to bring all of that noise to the top and address it head-on.

In reality, it’s a little more complicated than “simply entering theta brainwave state”.

If you were hooked up to an EEG that monitors your brainwaves, you’d see yourself coming down from beta (your conscious and aware brain activity) and oscillating between alpha, theta, and gamma brainwaves.

For explanation purposes, let’s just talk about theta. When entering theta, we’re in our most suggestive state where our imagination and creativity are heightened.

From the ages of 2 to 8 years old, you were living your entire life in a theta brainwave state (this is before your prefrontal lobe and prefrontal cortex had been fully developed).

You were a sponge soaking up all the feelings and stimuli in your environment. So as that little sponge, if the world around you was full of stress, anger, and negative emotions, that imprinted on you.

Chances are, all of the programming that happened at this stage in life is still installed in your brain.

Which means if you want to repattern your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, one of the most effective ways to do that is get back into theta and reinstall more positive, self-serving ones.

And the best way we know how to do that is with breathwork.

I’m one of the founders of Breath Masters, YogiLab, and now 9D Breathwork.

Since dedicating my life to this work as a breathwork practitioner and teacher, I’ve helped over 10,000 students heal all sorts of debilitating issues; stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, snoring, and sleep apnea, you name it… all through the power of the breath.

But not too long ago that wasn’t the case. I used to be an overworked, stressed-out entrepreneur who had no balance in his life. I was juggling multiple businesses, masking, medicating, crushing a ton of coffee, and trying my best to hold it all together. Truth be told, I was burnt out and lying to myself that I was doing great in life when I was struggling on the inside.

That was until I got invited to my first breathwork journey and it cracked me wide open. It was the biggest flood of all this emotion, pent-up years of stress and baggage that I had been carrying around like an 800-pound gorilla on my back. Finally, I had an outlet and it all came out in just one-hour session.

From then on, it was my mission to spread awareness of breathwork across the globe. To get it into the hands of anyone who wanted it. Just imagine, if it was that effective and impactful for me as a fully formed adult, what kind of power could breathwork provide to kids?

Recently, breathwork has been one of the highest trending modalities out there. In the last year alone, search volume for breathwork has increased 10x on Google.

But breathwork isn’t “new” by any means. It’s been around for thousands of years and can be traced back to Eastern spiritual and meditative practices found in yoga and Buddhism.

Pranayama, a form of breath control, is a significant aspect of yoga and has been practiced in India for over 2,000 years. It involves various techniques of breathing that are believed to influence the flow of prana, (vital life energy) in the body, which promotes physical and mental well-being.

With such a high resurgence of this old practice, studies have been conducted to prove how impactful this practice actually is on the body and mind.

Rapid Reconfiguration In The Mind & Body:

Breathwork helps not only release trauma and trapped emotions but also helps us to let go of old habits and shift belief patterns and structures. It’s the fast track that cuts to the roots of what’s causing lifelong issues of anxiety, stress, bad sleep, lack of energy, self-confidence, self-worth, and really any mental complex that we’re struggling with—whether it’s conscious or unconscious.

Cathartic Emotional Release:

Conscious connected breathing allows for the somatic release of all the repressed and suppressed emotions bottled up and trapped inside the body. In one of our in-person retreats, a woman had a mind-blowing release. She said it was the most powerful thing that she had ever experienced in her life and was able to let go of years worth of struggle bottled up inside of her body.

Creates A Shift In Awareness:

That moment when we realize the problem was never actually the problem. The problem is our relationship to the problem. Our perception around it, the stories that we’ve cast around it, the beliefs that we have about it, using breathwork allows us to let go of the control patterns in our minds that dictate our life experiences. We start to see through a new lens. We start to experience more harmony and inner peace within ourselves. We begin to start taking more radical responsibility in our lives. We feel more energy. We feel more ready to make big changes and self-awareness gives us the power to take action.

Deactivation of The Default Mode Network (DMN):

the default mode network, is a group of brain structures or cells found in the same area of the prefrontal cortex. It connects parts of the brain’s thinking, decision-making, and interpretive functions, which include the ability for self-reflection, mental projection, and past and future thoughts get us into trouble) and the ability to interpret ourselves with more objectivity.

Transient Hypofrontality:

Decreased blood flow and electrical activity in the DMN. When activity slows the ego temporarily vanishes and the usual boundaries we experience between ourselves and the world around us melt away. (Otherwise known as ”Flow State”) Think of it like this: if your brain is a bank, this is like getting access to the key to the locked vault.

We’re spiritual beings having a human experience. But that isn’t necessarily connected to religion, we’re talking about your essence, your “breath” (the Sanskrit word for “spirit”). When doing breathwork, many people report feeling connected to something greater, beyond space and time. It triggers positive emotions like love, joy, bliss, feelings of kindness and oneness, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose.

When you connect with your own spiritual experience, you can have profound intuitions, become more creative, you can start to understand yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. You can develop more trust in yourself, in your life, and others. You can cope with painful loss or accept big changes happening in your life and learn to integrate those experiences faster.

Talk therapy can be great, but sometimes we don’t have the words to express how we feel. We don’t always know how we feel. 

Like I said earlier, sometimes, we can’t even verbalize what’s showing up for us.

Sure, we can talk about it all we want but keep in mind it’s going through filters of limiting beliefs and preconceived notions, ideas, and worldviews.

The beauty of breathwork is we’re getting out of the mind and into the body. And the body doesn’t need to know anything. It doesn’t need to think or talk about it. It doesn’t need to intellectualize anything. 

It simply brings the problems to the surface so we can process them and move forward.

Think of it like this: You could spend five years in therapy digging into your past experiences, analyzing your actions, thoughts, and emotions. And you can discover that you have daddy issues. 

Fantastic, you’re now someone who understands they have daddy issues. But what’s next?

What do you do about that? All of the symptoms of those daddy issues are still there the problems and patterns persist. 

With the absence of a somatic (body) element or release, you’re just someone that understands “why”, but you’re still at the mercy of the pattern.

A pattern that’s been sitting in your body for years.

So it took you 5 years to understand why, imagine how long it would take using that 5% of your cognitive activity and awareness to break those patterns. 

The somatic experience you have while on a breathwork journey allows you to dive deep into the subconscious and rewrite patterns on the spot. 

All of a sudden you’re thinking differently, feeling differently, and that leads to you acting differently breaking those habits that no longer serve you. 

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to skip all the years of analyzing and overthinking about what you do or why you do it?

You can learn the breathing practice and enter that near-magical trancelike state in which you’re most suggestible. 

Moving out of the conscious activity of beta and oscillating between the subconscious alpha, theta, and gamma brainwaves but what happens once you’re in that zone? 

If you don’t know what’s going on in the recesses of your mind, how do you know what to reprogram (or even HOW to reprogram)?

How do you know you’re touching on the right things that will unlock your potential and help root out those traumas and patterns that have been holding you back?

We’ve led thousands of people through workshops and retreats, allowing them to come out on the other side with so much joy, love, and acceptance for themselves (and those around them.) 

The thing is, not everyone has the resources or time to fly out to Bali and spend a weekend focused purely on breathwork. 

And because we always knew we needed to get this practice into the hands of as many people as possible, an online product was always in the works. 

Unfortunately, proper guidance and environment were holding us at a standstill. 

Being in the room with everyone was so visceral and powerful. 

You could feel the energy increase as we went deeper. Body temperatures would rise

It was undeniable that something was happening in the body.

Physical sensation was such an important piece of the experience and we needed to make sure that you’re able to have that even if you weren’t in the room with us.

So we did some deep research into sound technology. We employed some of the best audio engineers we could find and relentlessly tested all different kinds of frequencies and soundscapes alongside our most powerful guided session. 

Eventually, we came across a combination that not only gave a similar environment to our in-person sessions, but the added sound technology fast-tracked the emotional release. 

At first, I was in disbelief. This couldn’t be BETTER than what we were already doing. But then we integrated it into one of the sessions at our in-person retreat. 

Let me tell you, the results were outstanding.

In fact, the experience was so impactful for the group, we now use this technology at every single retreat because the transformation is that noticeable.

And now, you can have the very same, life-altering experience from the comfort of your own home.

9D Breathwork provides an immersive experience designed to tackle unresolved trauma and a dysregulated nervous system.

This system aims to heal the soma (the body) which is a physical manifestation of the subconscious mind. 

By engaging the body through specific breathing techniques, the practice releases trapped traumas, psychosomatic tension, and initiates a profound healing process.

At the core of the 9D Breathwork experience is its direct engagement with the subconscious mind. Through a combination of breath, sound, and guided visualization, the method eases you into a hypnotic state. 

It slows brainwave frequencies to allow for an inward journey where the subconscious becomes more receptive to change. 

This is achieved with the help of cutting-edge audio technologies such as binaural beats, isochronic tones, and solfeggio frequencies, which guide the brain into alpha, gamma, and theta states.

Binaural beats are an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, with less than a 40 Hz difference between them, are presented to a listener dichotically (one through each ear). For example, if a 530 Hz pure tone is presented to a listener’s right ear, while a 520 Hz tone is presented to the left ear, the listener will perceive the auditory illusion of a third tone, in this case, a 10 Hz binaural beat. This phenomenon is thought to induce various states of relaxation or alertness, depending on the frequency of the binaural beat. The brain synchronizes with this “beat,” potentially influencing brainwave patterns and thereby affecting mood, focus, and stress levels.

Isochronic tones are a form of auditory stimulation where a single tone is turned on and off rapidly, creating sharp, distinctive pulses of sound. Unlike binaural beats, the pulsation is heard as a single tone and doesn’t require two separate tones played into each ear. The tone is typically a pure sine wave, and the speed of its pulsation is modulated to different frequencies. These frequencies are designed to produce specific effects, such as relaxation, improved focus, or deeper states of meditation. The concept is based on the principle of entrainment, where the brainwave patterns align to the frequency of the isochronic tone, leading to various psychological states.

Solfeggio frequencies are specific tones of sound that have been used in various forms of music and chant, particularly in ancient Gregorian chants. These frequencies are believed to have specific spiritual and healing properties. There are six main Solfeggio frequencies, each associated with specific characteristics and said to impart certain spiritual and emotional benefits. For example, 396 Hz is associated with liberating guilt and fear, while 528 Hz is linked to transformation and miracles. The origins of Solfeggio frequencies are tied to ancient music theory, but their modern usage often relates to meditation, healing, and personal growth practices.

The effectiveness of 9D Breathwork is further enhanced by its multidimensional sound experience (the 9D sound technology itself).

This creates a vast and immersive auditory landscape that enriches the somatic journey, fostering deeper mental imagery and emotional engagement.

This auditory landscape is layered with guided vocal coaching, which guides you through the inner workings of the mind, confronting fears and blocks that may otherwise remain hidden.

Additionally, we include neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy techniques into the audio which adds a completely new layer to the process.

By using specific language patterns and suggestions, these techniques work to subtly rewrite limiting beliefs and negative scripts that have been internalized over a lifetime.

The result is not just a temporary relief but a potential long-term transformation of one’s outlook and psychological framework.

Feeling more alive: rejuvenated and new zeal for life (potentially getting you out of any ruts that you’ve been in)

Attaining new direction and clarity: allowing you to move forward rather than staying stagnant.

Achieving altered states of consciousness: sometimes even psychedelic (creating new perspective and new experiences for you to take in)

Feeling more positive, upbeat, and excited about life (simply making life more fun!)

Liberation from old traumas, broken relationships, and deep feelings of fear and sadness (giving you peace of mind, forgiving your past, and allowing you to finally, truly love on your whole self deeply)

Imagine how your life would change from finally unburdening yourself from old traumas sitting in the body how would that look like for you? 

Would your perspective change when things got difficult? Would you be able to soak in life more fully?

Now imagine if you experienced more than just one of these benefits. If your default setting was feeling more joyous and alive, and you felt clarity about your path and purpose, how would you walk through life?

Once upon a time, Henry David Thoreau said “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation”.

Think about that for a second: as far back as 1854, people have generally accepted that life kind of sucks. That you go through it with a constant state of dissatisfaction what if you could lift that veil? 

I’d imagine things would be pretty damn great. 

Of course, life is full of experiences both good and bad, but when you have the gift of breath and can use it to heal what’s on the inside, it feels like you’re walking around with rose-colored glasses. 

The positive experiences are juicer, more fulfilling, and brighter. 

The negative experiences might still hurt, but you’re able to see them for the life lessons they are. You’re able to manage those emotions and process them instead of burying them deep inside of you.

That’s what 9D Breathwork has to offer.

And as of right now, we have an ever-growing library of sound experiences that you can go through on your own time at home. 

But that begs the question, where do you start?

Remember when I mentioned The Emotional Constipation Crisis we’re going through? 

Well, that’s mainly how society has stifled us.   

For so long we’ve been told to keep our emotions at bay. To “tough it out,” “suck it up,” and “not cause a scene” when we feel deeply.

We’re told that having that visceral full body release, or going spastic, isn’t socially acceptable and only children are allowed to do that.

But the truth is we’re designed to go spastic. We’re supposed to have moments of catharsis because that’s what helps our body regulate. 

The Theory Of Human Catharsis (Heron, 1977, revised 1998) states that our pent-up, blocked needs MUST be purged.

Love (‘The need to love or be loved’)

Understanding (‘the need to understand and be understood’)

Self-Direction (‘the need to be self-directing and to be freely engaged with the directions of a greater whole’ or “autonomy”)

When those needs aren’t met, we experience acute psychosomatic tension (more commonly known as “high stress”). And the only way to move that tension out of the body is through catharsis.

Doing this allows us to move the emotions through the body and self-regulate.

So while it may not be socially acceptable to do out in public, “going spastic” is good for you.

The beauty of these 9D Breathwork practices is that you don’t have to attend an in-person breathwork class if you’re not comfortable releasing these emotions in front of others.

You can get your emotional purging done from the safety and comfort of your own home.

Not only do you have much-needed privacy, but you’re not left completely alone to figure it out on your own.

You’ll have the chance to experience the journey as if I were in the room with you

9D’s “Journey To Letting Go” is our key practice for cracking you wide open.

It’s specifically designed to support people who grapple with the challenge of letting go.

Whether it be difficult events from the past, feelings of resentment, or judgments towards themselves and others.

It provides a nurturing space for those seeking to activate deeper meaning and purpose in their lives offering an opportunity to rediscover and reconnect with their authentic selves.

So many of us like to think letting go is simple, yet we constantly struggle to do it.

We hold on to anger, shame, embarrassment, all of these painful emotions that keep us living in a past version of ourselves. And even though we want to say we’ve worked through it all, in most cases, we bury those emotions and try to forget about them.

But what happens is they get pushed even deeper into our subconscious mind.

They wait to be brought up again.

To grow bigger and badder so the next time it comes up, the pain is still there, festering, eating away at us.

“Understanding” what it means to let go is one thing, that’s all in the head. But conceptually or intellectually getting it isn’t enough to do anything about it.

Because until you embody letting go, until you know what it feels like to release tension that’s been sitting in your body untouched for so many years, you’ll never be free from it.

This at-home breathwork is designed to support you in “The Art of Letting Go.” Really feeling it as that tension leaves your body.

It’s been meticulously engineered to give you a space where you don’t have to understand anything. All you need to do is feel, allow yourself to be held and led through the healing journey.

This immersive experience liberates you from the grip of the past, shedding physical and psychological burdens that caused you discomfort.

To reap the benefits of that type of therapy, you’d need to see that therapist at least once a week for months at a time (maybe even years depending on your situation). 

This elevated version of breathwork will help break through past barriers you might not have even known you had.

It’ll allow you to come face to face with traumas and blockages that have been sitting there for years.

Now it’s important to note that this breathwork isn’t a one-to-one replacement for therapy, but it’ll surely help you create the space to deal with your demons (something therapy is meant to do).

It’ll give you the safety needed to release all of those pent-up emotions without you needing to think about why those emotions exist.

Liberation from the past: Experience profound freedom as you release the grip of the past, letting go of burdens that have held you back.

Release of physical and psychological discomfort: Shed the weight of physical and psychological burdens, leading to a sense of lightness and relief.

Cultivation of forgiveness, self-love, and acceptance: Foster a compassionate and nurturing relationship with yourself and others, embracing forgiveness and acceptance as transformative forces.

Resilience and emotional stability: Develope inner strength and resilience, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and emotional stability.

Tranquility and restored balance: Experience a deep sense of tranquility and inner equilibrium, restoring harmony in your life and relationships.

Empowered self-transformation: Embrace personal growth and empowerment as you let go and evolve, opening yourself up to new possibilities and a more fulfilling life journey.

This transformative journey is a stepping stone to ongoing growth and healing, empowering the evolution of your true self.

Listen, breathwork isn’t hard to find right now. You can walk into any yoga studio and chances are the last 10 minutes of a class incorporates some sort of breathing technique.

I’m sure there are also plenty of breathwork classes available in your area so if you want to go do that, by all means.

While those may be helpful to create some mindfulness or simply get you into the practice, this isn’t just another class you go to on Tuesdays and Thursdays and this isn’t just about the breath.

9D Breathwork journeys are not just about clearing your mind after a good stretch or feeling into a euphoric experience: it’s about moving the mountains of trauma that are clogging your system.

It’s about creating a safe space for you to release pent-up energy that NEEDS to leave your body.

It’s about leveraging the soundscape technology to put you in your most suggestive state, helping you repattern thought loops that no longer serve you (and replacing them with ones that empower you.)

It’s about facing difficult traumas and emotions so you can unburden yourself and live a happier, emotionally healthier, and more purpose-driven life.

If that all sounds good to you, then right now you have a decision to make:

Continue living life carrying around the pain of all your past traumas, relationships, and patterns that haven’t served you well at all. Keep ruminating on the negative thoughts and feelings that you’ve been pushing down for years. Go on as if everything’s alright even when you know on the inside it’s not.

…do something different.

Download the “Journey To Letting Go” onto your phone, take a seat on the sofa, pop in your headphones, and get ready to breathe like you never have before. 

Even if you’re not totally bought in, try it out just once. 

“Journey To Letting Go” is 75 minutes. Keep in mind, this is a long one and it will take work. These breathwork practices are not for the faint of heart. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. I know you can do it. Everyone can tap into the power of breath. So while it won’t be easy, it will be impactful. You will notice that you’re feeling very differently at the end of the practice.

You should feel noticeably different. Some might describe that as feeling “lighter”. Some might feel relief, peace, serenity, etc.

Others feel the absence of dread or frantic energy. Regardless, when you feel something, (particularly something positive) you know it’s working.

As many times as you need to. You will notice a measurable difference in how you feel after but that doesn’t mean the work is done. If you really want to remove the blocks sitting in your body, you should aim to make this a regular part of your life.

It all depends on the results you’re looking to get.

Does that mean you do this journey once a day? No. Does it mean you should be aiming to use breathwork more than once a week? Absolutely.

No, 9D Breathwork is not a replacement for therapy. If you are already in therapy, this can help you gain more out of your sessions but this is in no way something to do INSTEAD of therapy.

We strongly recommend that you don’t do breathwork while you are pregnant.

Theoretically, yes, you can. However, we strongly recommend that you take it easy and really keep in mind what you’re capable of. If you’re starting to feel lightheaded or your heartrate seriously elevates, please stop, drink some water, and proceed to take care of yourself.

If you’re not satisfied, we’re not satisfied. That’s why we’ll happily give you a 60-day money back guarantee on any electronic purchase from 9D Breathwork. You will lose lifetime access to the journey and any bonuses that come with it.

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